Sport Specific Training Discussion > Boxing

Lomachenko vs Rigondeux

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Rigondeaux hitting the mitts

Look at the sharp laser concentration

Lomachenko - don't see much hitting the mitts.

thanks for the vids! man rigo is looking SHARP. damn................................................

good quote from my boxer friend:

11:42 < cubanpaw> rigo wont beat loma even if he beats loma unfortunately

some truth to that perhaps.. Loma is the money man. Rigo needs to beat Loma decisively.

Rigo v Loma stare down was epic. That's how you do a stare down, no talking/yapping/smiling, just surgical.

Rigo looks pretty thick.. everyone keeps talking about his weight but, he always looks massive at his weight.


--- Quote ---I’m not out there to waste energy. I’m out there to punch you in the face. That way it hurts every time.”
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---“I also think the biggest issue we have as Latinos in boxing is that we talk poorly about each other. American-born fighters may put on the show in the prefight, but there is a real respect there. American-born fighters have always been very respectful and even supportive of me. The Latino fighters who aren’t Cuban? They’re like, ‘Oh, that guy can go to hell.’ The Mexican fighters hate the Cuban fighters. They keep coming at you in the ring to show how brave they are. You know, Mexican-style. That’s why I’ve knocked all their heads off.
--- End quote ---


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