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groundhog day


I just came across a video about groundhog day and decided to find out what it was about and there was short summary, that they trust a rodent
to predict the weather i.e. predict when sprint will come.

lmao what the heck is this all about.
 :motherofgod:   :uhcomeon:

funny video about history of groundhog day

Have you seen the movie Groundhog Day?  It's a Bill Murray classic..

No, i haven't
is it the one with the guy from ghostbusters in it, or is that different movie.

yeah same guy, but ground hog day is just a superstition that became an American tradition kind of. On ground hog day, every weather forecaster will make a corny joke about the ground hog and it's shadow and it's relation to the actual weather coming up. just something for fun no one actually beleives this unless their in 1st grade.

what is up with the people wearing the tuxedo's, called the inner circle.  :ninja:


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