Performance Area > Injury, Prehab, & Rehab talk for the brittlebros

Help me find a good PT/physio/chiro/anything

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Sounds like I need an MRI!

Dr John Bergman has an excellent video on healing inner meniscus damage and yep - it centers around getting blood flow into that area:

Was thinking of flying to his clinic in LA but I'm looking at local alternatives first to save money

Yeah cartilage likes compression and relaxation cycles.

So start walking more, which has helped me a couple of years ago, along with the backwards walking up a slope.

I think I have some cartilage chip off the back of my left knee cap, which the MRI I had never showed....
I originally got my MRI for a possible meniscus surgery, but the knee specialist surgeon said mine was fine with even some fat inside it for lubrication - even after years of hard jumping on concrete.
But I had clicking/pops and pain in that knee from the cartiledge catching in there once in a while... which one of the female assistants pointed that there might be damage there but the doctor ignored it...

Soft tissue work and stretching did eventually fix the patella mistracking that caused it, and then that period of walking and backwards walking did the rest.
But it was originally hurt on one jump I took after a multi year break from BBall, where I was fat, poor mobility tight and weak muscles, and years of sitting on my ass.
It still clicks and pops when I do quick unweighted leg extensions, but no pain, and not every time.
And I can feel a "bump" when doing it slowly

Lesson - don't jump when your out of shape! And ease back into it.
Body does not like valleys and peaks, keep to a steady upward slope of stress increase.


--- Quote ---Soft tissue work and stretching did eventually fix the patella mistracking that caused it
--- End quote ---

What exactly did you stretch and release in your case?

Long walks will make my knees swell up a bit. But walking backwards (up stairs, or on a treadmill turned off) feels great

walks do not need to be long, I'm thinking like 15-20 mins, but I would wait till your knees settle down first

Every area of my quads, outer, inner, top , bottom,
glutes and adductors
calves and tibs
foam roller wasn't enough I had to use harder balls and rolls

couch stretch, hamstrings, calves/ankles, glutes, piriformis, internal hip rotation

like the above video showed, you need to fix every area

It was a lot of work, but how much do you want it?

Another great knee vid by dj John bergman

And yeah, I need to go on a serious stretching routine and log it


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