Performance Area > Injury, Prehab, & Rehab talk for the brittlebros

Help me find a good PT/physio/chiro/anything

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So it wasnt a single jump, but you’re right that it happened after a long layoff.

I didnt play bball for about a year but kept lifting. Squat got up to the 400’s. Came back and played a high intensity full court game. Next day left knee was swollen, but painless. Didnt think much of it. Next week played another full court (swelling had subsided already). Painless. Day after that both my knees swelled up like crazy and i could barely bend them halfway

Today my right one seems worse than my left

patella and quad tendon injuries definitely hurt a lot on the end parts of the tendon

Jumper's Knee can cause swelling in the knee though

Do you get pain when doing a leg extension? Under the kneecap or on the tendons?
tendon injuries do feel better and reduce in pain after ISOs like Wall sits and Leg extension holds at 60 degrees knee angle for 30-50secs
Whereas other types of knee pain just hurt no matter what when loaded

Pain isnt in the tendons. 10 years ago it was, strengthening VMO and foam rolling IT/hips took care of it 100%

Now the pain seems to be inside my knee or something. Like at the bottom of the femer, below the kneecap? Top of shin bone? Its tough to pinpoint

Ill have to try leg extensions tnite to see if i get pain

Just tried knee extensions. Very uncomfortable in my right (worse) knee. A very weird feeling too.

My but knees are swollen right now from 5 full courts a few days ago. When not this swollen, i think the knee exts are painless

Edit: my knee fees a bit better after the exts so i did a few more sets.
It feels more lubed/mobile.

usually tendinopathy takes more than just release work and stretching to fix, since the tendon itself gets damaged, and takes many months of gradually higher, long duration loading from ISOs and slow tempo quad work to fix. Shallow angles to start so the tendon doesn't get compressed against the patella as it will be swollen from the injury.
And stop loading it while you do the rehab

This is a sound progression, but you can use other exercises like leg extensions which isolate the problem area

Sounds more like patella tracking issue you fixed.

If the pain is below the knee cap then it's most likely a meniscus damage or the cartilage on the bottom surface of the knee cap.
Need an MRI to see which.

Meniscus damage on the outer side can heal naturally , but inner damage won't, due to no blood flow


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