Performance Area > Injury, Prehab, & Rehab talk for the brittlebros

Rehab my left leg

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have a look at this playlist

also you may find fixing up your adductors might help out your knee as well, as they do exert a pull on the patella

The VMO, some of the muscle fibres of which shares the same insertion site as the adductor magnus and when the adductor magnus is tight it can have a knock on effect of pulling the VMO into a stretched position.

That area for me is always super sore when releasing it with a ball on the ground

Knee is getting better, pain is not as sharp.

But I ordered some massage balls to help with the hip flexor. But I think I may have hip impingement in both legs, not really sure. But left is more worse than the right and the left leg when doing 1 legged squats, the hip clicks going down and then up but not with the right leg.

But I feel the right leg hip has slight impingement because when lying down on my back and bringing my knee to my chest and if I do some adduction by pushing the knee inwards while near the chest (bring knee up to chest and then push inwards), it is slightly painful whereas with my left leg it is quite painful, both are pinching sensations.

Hip band distractions is maybe helping but don't see any immediate effects. may have to do it every day.

Also found an impingement on my right leg, which is in a strange position, if I stand and raise my leg 45 degrees not straight in front and rotate the leg internally I feel pinch in front of hip but when leg straight in front then pain in rotating internally. By internally I mean moving legs inwards. Who knows what other positions I have pain.

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