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Runner's Knee thread

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Hi, I have self-diagnosed Chondromalacia (Runner's Knee: ) on and off for over a year now. It mostly comes back after high impact activities like jogging/sprinting/basketball etc. Even low pace activity like shooting around with on the basketball court, catching rebounds would bring it up.

The symptoms would be knee pain getting out of seat after sittng for a while, walking down the first few steps down a flight of stairs, walking up stairs, basically, anything that would involve putting most of my body weight on one leg in a slightly bent position.

Here are some of the things I'm going to try to rehab this injury. IT band foam rolling. IT Band tightness can cause patellar tracking issues. This guy explains it better:

Peterson stepups , this is to strengthen the VMO, because VMO weakness can cause patellar tracking issues.

More peterson stepups. Watch all 5 parts of these

Also, I might get one of these:

It's called a cho-pat strap (chomomalacia patellar strap)

nice self diagnosis, hope you get that issue solved soon :/

still suffering from runner's knee on my left knee, and for the first time, im feeling tendinitis on the inner side of my right knee  (bottom of patellae) for some weird reason. I didn't even work out yesterday. This pain feels different than what I have on my left side. It's very easy to tell its below the patellae in the front part of the knee, whereas the left side feels like it could actually be 'inside' the knee, so now I'm wondering if I even have runner's knee on my left side, if my right side is runner's knee.  

I didn't get a chance to get that PVC pipe for foam rolling... I'll get that tomorrow, but I did a bunch of Peterson step ups, and they hurt every single rep now on my left knee. It feels fine on my right knee. Right knee only bugs when I walk... so weird.

Peterson step ups, did like 3x20 on like a 6-8 inch platform. Leftside hurts every rep at a certain point of the ROM. Rightside feels fine during stepups, but bugs me when I walk.

Perform static Stretches groins/hamstrings/glutes for like 30 seconds each side

I also did lunges, and it feels fine... it's just walking up/downstairs, and doing peterson stepups where it hurts. Right side hurts from walking now.

All I did was some abs/hyperextension, and incline walking on the treadmill today.

A few days without doing any activities with impact, and it seems to be feeling a little better. Although it still hurts waking up and walking downstairs, or putting alot of weight on left side. I got a 1.5 inch thick pvc pipe today, and I'm going to start foam rolling on IT band on it. I'll let you guys know if this helps.


--- Quote from: brucelee on June 08, 2010, 06:33:07 am ---6/7/2010
All I did was some abs/hyperextension, and incline walking on the treadmill today.

A few days without doing any activities with impact, and it seems to be feeling a little better. Although it still hurts waking up and walking downstairs, or putting alot of weight on left side. I got a 1.5 inch thick pvc pipe today, and I'm going to start foam rolling on IT band on it. I'll let you guys know if this helps.

--- End quote ---

really dig into that left it band hard, hold the spots until the muscle turns into mush (you'll feel it relax).. give it 45 seconds or so, just try and relax/calm breaths etc.



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