Performance Area > Injury, Prehab, & Rehab talk for the brittlebros

Squatting and Back Flexibility


I'm 17 yrs old and currently squatting 235lbs. I'm a bit worried that my spine may get injured. I feel a little pain in the joints of my spine when I arch my back extensively. May be the pain is normal and all of the things I feel are all in my head. I need your opinion. I see to it that my form in squatting is good.

Or may be it's because of my bed? I just slept last night on the floor but my back feels the same way.

How is your (true) hip mobility?

Do some google search for "joint by joint approach"


--- Quote from: Damien on December 24, 2010, 06:50:05 am ---How is your (true) hip mobility?

Do some google search for "joint by joint approach"

--- End quote ---

Thanks! It helped alot!


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