Introduction Area > Introduce Yourself

hello all

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thanks all. can't wait to start dunking with ease

So how long have you been doing that 2xsquat/1xdeadlift week thing, what were your start numbers ( max squat / mas deadlift / max jump ) and what are they now?
Also what is was your bodyweight and bodtfat then and now?
All that info would help people get a much better view on your case..

hello, i don't have any exact numbers, but i've been able to touch the rim since i was in gr.10(16 yrs old). i started squatting in gr.11(17 yrs old). when i started squatting, i remember i was easily able to go to 135 even though i was pretty skinny. i've been lifting on and off since than. my PR for the squat is 245x5 which i did a few months back. my PR for the deadlift is 315x5 which i also did a few months back. i recently started getting back into lifting, so i hope i can attain those numbers soon. my first dunk one hand dribble dunk off two legs was a few months ago too, but it was in between half court pickup games and i had a lot of adrenaline. i wouldn't have been able to do it normally. currently am 165 lbs and am around 15% bodyfat. thanks a lot


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