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hello, i've always wanted to dunk ever since i was in the 5th grade. i'm 6 foot, but i don't have the best standing reach, only 7'9 in shoes. i'm 20 right now, and i haven't stopped growing since highschool ended when i was 18, so i'm hoping that i can maybe squeeze out an inch in height and wingspan. i'm a double leg jumper and just today i barely got some dunks off on my 9'5 foot hoop in my backyard, so if i don't grow anymore, that will be like 7 or 8 inches in vertical before i start dunking comfortably on 10 foot. my 2 legged jumping training has been pretty straight forward so far, all i do is squat twice a week, deadlift once a week, and just jump, and it has been working. i haven't been training my single leg jump as hard, but i recently read a lot of articles though on insane athletics on single leg jumping. i also post on their forums, and have learned more, and now i'm hooked on single leg jumping. i also think that it'd be cool to be able to get up both ways, so i have a lot of catchup to do with my single leg. anyway, thanks all for reading this, hope i can get some feedback.

Com'on man, don't mess my site's name! :P

ahaha sorry coach, fixed it :P.




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