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sup everyone
« on: October 13, 2010, 12:57:15 am »
Sup everyone, my name is Martin (some friends call me guga). Ive been surfing the forum for over a month reading the journals and the funny theards (sexy pics, off topic and some of the hilarious crap that adarqui posts) but I was too lazy and too weak to register ( I wanted to increase my numbers a little bit first lol). Why I train, because my dream has always been being able to dunk hahaha.

So I guess that Im gonna add my stats and training background here and also on a journal.

Current stats.

Age: 26 (fuk)
Height: 5'11
BW: 150-152lbs
Squat (oct-2-2010): did 85kg x 6 reps (190lbs) (left 2, maybe 3 on the tank) so I guess my max is around 105kg (230lbs.. yeah it sucks badly).
Current VJ/CMJ: 24"
Current 2 leg running VJ: 26"

Squat around the same number maybe 5kg+
VJ: 26"
2 leg running VJ: 28" (crappy explosiveness even when at that time I was feeling smooth on my jumps)

Training background.

Ive been training (if you can call that training) for 5 years. Yes, only 1.5xbw crappy. Used to do only ATG Squats (I mean going downnnnn, not breaking parallel). At the beginning I was making quick gains, but at a certain poin, the lack of quality food (im skinny) didnt let me improve anymore, in short resume I was getting strong, then loosing weight (muscle mass ofc). so I got stuck.

At the beginning of 2010 I stopped lifting since I lost my motivation and I didnt lift for 4-5 months, then I bitch slapped me to stop being a pussy and started to lift again now taking more notice about my diet and adding supplements since a was lacking on proteins (using whey now). Still not as motivated as before but lifting. Now Im squatting parallel since I think it helps more with the force absorption, that is something that I always lacked when I was jumping (I just can jump at my max tacking 2-3 relaxed steps, not from a run).

Since there isnt a single decent gym at my city I bought my own stuff to train at home (I havent found a gym with a squat rack) and I only have pins so I cant squat till failure.

I rarely train my upper body, well I do pull ups and push ups two times a week, sometimes some tricep/bicep.

I guess is too much shit for an intro.


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Re: sup everyone
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2010, 04:27:53 am »
Sup everyone, my name is Martin (some friends call me guga). Ive been surfing the forum for over a month reading the journals and the funny theards (sexy pics, off topic and some of the hilarious crap that adarqui posts) but I was too lazy and too weak to register ( I wanted to increase my numbers a little bit first lol). Why I train, because my dream has always been being able to dunk hahaha.

welcome man!!!

So I guess that Im gonna add my stats and training background here and also on a journal.

Current stats.

Age: 26 (fuk)
Height: 5'11
BW: 150-152lbs
Squat (oct-2-2010): did 85kg x 6 reps (190lbs) (left 2, maybe 3 on the tank) so I guess my max is around 105kg (230lbs.. yeah it sucks badly).
Current VJ/CMJ: 24"
Current 2 leg running VJ: 26"

Squat around the same number maybe 5kg+
VJ: 26"
2 leg running VJ: 28" (crappy explosiveness even when at that time I was feeling smooth on my jumps)

well, you're not too far off your pr's, so make a good push & stay consistent, improving your strength / getting in max jumps, you'll get past those in no time.

Training background.

Ive been training (if you can call that training) for 5 years. Yes, only 1.5xbw crappy. Used to do only ATG Squats (I mean going downnnnn, not breaking parallel). At the beginning I was making quick gains, but at a certain poin, the lack of quality food (im skinny) didnt let me improve anymore, in short resume I was getting strong, then loosing weight (muscle mass ofc). so I got stuck.

At the beginning of 2010 I stopped lifting since I lost my motivation and I didnt lift for 4-5 months, then I bitch slapped me to stop being a pussy and started to lift again now taking more notice about my diet and adding supplements since a was lacking on proteins (using whey now). Still not as motivated as before but lifting. Now Im squatting parallel since I think it helps more with the force absorption, that is something that I always lacked when I was jumping (I just can jump at my max tacking 2-3 relaxed steps, not from a run).

have you ever done anything like MR tuck jumps/pogos/depth drops for improving your force absorption?

Since there isnt a single decent gym at my city I bought my own stuff to train at home (I havent found a gym with a squat rack) and I only have pins so I cant squat till failure.

I rarely train my upper body, well I do pull ups and push ups two times a week, sometimes some tricep/bicep.

I guess is too much shit for an intro.

it's alright man just look forward, forget the past.. btw, still improve strength on upper, even if it's just weighted pushups/dips/chins/pullups, it helps.

peace man


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Re: sup everyone
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2010, 12:19:15 pm »
thanks man.

have you ever done anything like MR tuck jumps/pogos/depth drops for improving your force absorption?

I used to do 2 strenght days and then 1 jump/depth drops day and my vert went up and it was according to my strenght level but the 2" diference between my cmj and running was still there and then I lost some strenght lol and my vert went down. The funny thing is that 2 months later, after a night of alcohol (to clean my body and spirit) and only 4 hours of sleep, I went to the court and I was explosive as never before. I hitted my PRs and maybe 0.5-1" higher.


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Re: sup everyone
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2010, 04:08:27 pm »
thanks man.

have you ever done anything like MR tuck jumps/pogos/depth drops for improving your force absorption?

I used to do 2 strenght days and then 1 jump/depth drops day and my vert went up and it was according to my strenght level but the 2" diference between my cmj and running was still there and then I lost some strenght lol and my vert went down.

ya well, that gap might increase a little, but it'll be nowhere near a "naturally reactive jumper's" gap.. i mean we have people on here with 10+" gaps between SVJ/RVJ, so, if you got 2-4" more inches of gap between SVJ/RVJ you'd be maxed out there.. it's doable with adding more reactive work, not only drops etc, but things like tuck jumps, pogos, low box dj's, sprints, etc.. the idea is to get the reactive work in with a higher frequency than you normally would, so, each training session you do (say you do 4 a week) would have reactive work in it.. this will help you achieve & maintain more "bounce" (reactive ability).

The funny thing is that 2 months later, after a night of alcohol (to clean my body and spirit) and only 4 hours of sleep, I went to the court and I was explosive as never before. I hitted my PRs and maybe 0.5-1" higher.

that is odd........ heh!

could have been some dehydration, not sure.. you weren't training leading up to that right, in those 2 months? if you weren't training, then that is odd.. if you were, then it makes more sense.



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Re: sup everyone
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2010, 09:55:27 pm »
could have been some dehydration, not sure.. you weren't training leading up to that right, in those 2 months? if you weren't training, then that is odd.. if you were, then it makes more sense

dunno, well that day was very hot and I doubt it was from training since I never hitted that again. Maybe the cns was kinda chocked due to the lack of sleep since I didnt even feel tired.

check my journal, I need some advice with a hams/glute issue.
