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Negative heeled shoes (track shoes) to jump higher

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Well I don't think I could ever play ball with track shoes, but they certainly helped me hit PRs on running vertical jumps.


--- Quote from: ChrisM on July 10, 2015, 12:21:50 pm ---I'll go the other way...I cant hoop in ANYTHING but a basketball shoe for reasons Raptor mentioned. Everything else deforms horribly. Not just on defense but on offense to...crossovers, spin moves, stepbacks...ive tried them all in running shoes and cant even go half speed without feeling like im rolling an ankle.

For the jumping aspect...i think 2 foot jumpers NEED ball shoes because our plants are almost never straight forward, our feet are usually 30-45 degrees off from center. One legged jumpers I can see jumping higher in running shoes as their normally lighter and the forces arent so much lateral as they are fore and aft. Ive been meaning to try some SLRVJs in my Nike Frees....hmmm.

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Completely agree with everything.

I can "afford" to play in running shoes because I don't play "desperate basketball". As in - I just go straight forward or do a crossover at best, the rest of the time I pass the ball a lot and play "slow and thoughtful".

But if I were to go crazy in terms of speed and quickness (read - out of control) - then yeah, I'll probably have to play in GOOD basketball shoes. And the only good basketball shoe I have ever played in was the Kobe 6. I have Kobe 7s - impossible to play in. Kobe 8 - impossible (and have them half a number too small, so they're awful).

2-foot jumper here. i can't even imagine jumping in basketball shoes. way too heavy, way too stiff.

Youre one of the few who dont plant 'sideways' as well. :/

I never get why people plant sideways... honestly, if you're a strength jumper you should plant forward as in a squat more or less, or deadlift.

I think people plant sideways to load a leg more than the other (the first planted leg loads a lot more, and the 2nd leg "blocks" the jump).


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