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Messages - PoPe

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one thing i noticed since starting long distance running again, is that i am sleeping less every night.. but i feel alert/rested when i wake up.. i've been requiring 9 hours or so sleep for months, now i keep waking up with 7-8 feeling pretty good.

peace man, thanks for this post

no problems mayn,

one thing i noticed since startin this jump program is i half wake up in the middle of the night and get sum cereal xD

i tried this, its only rubbish for the 1st few weeks when your body adapts to the sleeping pattern. probably not recommended for peak performace workin out, but if u wanna research dream land, then its perfect. i did 20min naps every 4hours, it was intense the 1st few days, overnappin and feelin real tired. after a few weeks, the naps started feelin different, sumtimes id fall asleep str8 away and the second i fell asleep i heard the 20min alarm go off, that freaked me out a few times. other times id wake up at the alarm and it would feel like iv been asleep for hours. the best times were wat is called hypnogogia, inbtween sleep. id feel my body go sleep, but my mind wanders, and wat i was thinkin about turned into a semi dream, real quick flashes of lucidity, and sumtimes wen i kept focus i could b lucid for a few mintues.

polyphasic is pretty cool if you hav an empty schedule, and you wana amillion more minutes in your day. i was learnin spanish, and studyin freeman law xD i cudnt keep it up kuz it was messin wiv the relationship, i like fallen asleep wiv my lady and wakin up next to her, i started missin it too much to carry on xD learnt alot about my body through this, that switchover between wake/sleep is an interesting phaze.
The main goal for at all is REM sleep, and from some stuff i read thats when most of the tissue rebuilding happens, so with enough time your body can adapt to hit rem every 20 min nap, givin u 2hours of dream/rebuid time throughout the day. sounds good in theory, u jus gotta giv urself enough time to adapt. 

pieca peace

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: August 20, 2010, 04:16:54 am »

man my glutes are weak as shit right now.. stopping those walking lunges = worst decision ever.. i had some turf-toe though, so i kind of had too, but, i'm getting back on them.. those walking lunges are much more important than squatting imo.


yes yes y'all, lunges stick it to ur glutes like no other, my medius gets torn apart with the lateral lunges. i never heard of turftoe, jus looked it up, sounds similar to the symptoms of trigger points in adductor hallucis/flexor hallucis brevis  :-\ sorry 4u if you hav them, doesnt feel good hittin them ones xD
epsom foot bath will work nicely


Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: August 17, 2010, 01:21:18 pm »
aight cool, sorry to dble up the info xD

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: August 17, 2010, 12:16:28 pm »
i use a barbell (noweights) for trigger points, the weight of it alone is enough pressure. sittin down rollin it over the quads, it really goes deep.

kneelin down i roll it over the calfs, found sum deep soleus ones that i hadnt found before with that. soleus is an importnat one kuz of its role in circulating teh blood back up the body

the one tool that everyone should have is a golf ball, its good for the whole body, head to toe, especially the feet, and tension in the feet can lead all the way up the leg. its good for the piriformis, deep in ur butt, another important one kuz if thats tight it can compress the sciatic nerve causing tightness in hamstrings.


i hav this in pdf if any1 is interested, i can hook u up

Introduce Yourself / WHADUP frm pope
« on: August 16, 2010, 06:36:04 am »
wassup peoples

im pope
i do all types of sheet, bboyin,, freerunnin, martials arts and basketball
joined this site to keep a journal of my vertical jump improvement, havnt done anything to increase b4, jus settled with wat i had xD


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