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Messages - CoolColJ

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Given that heavy loads (1–5RM) cause hypertrophy without the need for fatigue, it seems likely that the final five reps of a set to failure can be defined as stimulating. The true number might be slightly smaller or slightly larger, and it might differ between individuals and muscles. In fact, it is likely to be quite a bit larger in completely untrained lifters, because they have far more motor units with muscle fibers that have not yet reached a plateau in size. Nevertheless, the final five reps of a set to failure is likely a fair benchmark, and we can therefore deduct reps when using RIR to identify the real training volume in each set. Training with 1RIR on each set involves four stimulating reps, training with 2RIR involves three stimulating reps, and so on.

For example, when training with 5 sets of 10 reps with the same weight with the squat or bench press, taking 5 minutes rest between sets, and aiming to reach failure only on the final set, the proximity to failure is 7RIR on the first set, 4–5RIR on the second set, 3RIR on the third set, 2RIR on the fourth set, and 0RIR on the final set. The total number of stimulating reps is 10 or 11, which is smaller than you would achieve by doing 3 sets of 5 reps to failure.

Friday 25th October 2019

still a bit sore, especially my shoulders

quick soft tissue work at home


BBall practice session - 83 mins

dribble, shooting practice, intense dribbles and layups etc
backward, sideway walks and dribble layup intervals at the end

hot day, so decided not to dryfast, and just did regular water fast



70 mins walking, with rests
right ankle impingement made it tough but it felt better after a few mins

a few more stretches


first day of 2 day fast
3700-3800 calorie burn - 0.5kg of fat burned today  ;D

Thursday 25th October 2019

60 mins walking, with rests

38 min walk later in the day

a little drained and sore all over, but less than before
right ankle flared up again :/


18 hour dry fast
2900 calorie burn

ate 1500 calories

Wednesday 23rd October 2019

just released my feet today

bodyweight without shoes - 90.8kg


BBall practice session - 48 mins
dribble, shooting practice, intense moves and layups
A few jumps

jumps back up to current best but no higher... feels like I need another day of recovery though.
Posterior chain still sore from either weights, BBall or both.

resistance at the outdoor courts

single leg calf raise - 10 sec ISO at middle and bottom, explode up - BW x6

alternating sets - 1 mins rest
pushups - feet elevated 24 inches - BW x8, x8, x6
inverted row on stair railing - undergrip - BW x6, x6, x6

may start doing these at home as I can extend the ROM of the pushups with bumper plates etc

back at home

facing down garage slope, in oly shoes

rotating sets between the squats
front squat 40kg x3 , 60kg x2
controlled down, paused, explode up - 75kg x3

High-mid bar squat 40kg x2 hold at bottom for 10 deep breaths each rep, 60kg x5
controlled down, paused, explode up - 75kg 2x5
regular reps - 90kg x 5 - last rep hard

clean grip deadlift + RDL combo - deadlift, lowered to knee, RDL back up, then lowered under control RDL style back to floor 75kg x 8 combos -  4 reps normal, 4 reps hooked grip

split leg deadlift 50kg x8 each side, with a minutes rest

front squat support 100kg x30 secs, 90kg x 30 secs

high angle single arm row, elbow out
24kg kettlebell - 15 secs rest - x14 +3+3+3+3

One arm loaded carries 24kg kettlebell x 40-45secs walk around front yards, each side

released upper traps on loaded bar
banded elbow wall walk 2 x 40 secs 


Squats felt solid
Added the deep breathing long paused squats in my warmup, will build them up over time. Really loosens up the hips and fires up the core.
The clean deadlift RDL combo is a killer - my posterior chain feels smoked right now!
Tried out the single arm carries and it's a keeper, hammers the core, grip and shoulders/traps


3400 calorie burn for today, not including weights
ate 1500 calories

I did a full on 3 day dry fast a 2 weeks back playing BBall and walking a lot on each day - felt super weak on day 3, but good to know I can survive for 3 days without food or water  :derp:

you are a stronger man than me  :uhcomeon:

There was a youtube vid i cant find right now about a study done where participants had severly restricted calories and basically just ate like 800cal of carbs per day or something, and they compared the results of that to various people who lost weight through straight fasting. And it turned out straight fasting was a far superior way to lose weight in just about every metric. total weight lost, energy levels, hunger levels, muscle spared, etc.  Apparently it also helps retain the skin's elasticity more so people who drop 200+ pounds or whatever dont have as much hanging skin afterward

so its nice to see more people fasting for weight loss  :highfive:

From what I know dry fasting also eats up the loose skin

But since I am also training and being quite active, I feel I need to stick to intermittent fasting most of the time. as your tearing down your body you need nutrients to rebuild it back up.
1-2 meals a day at night I have works well for now. I don't have major hunger issues and it lets me sleep well.
But I do straight fast on days where I am just walking.

yeah 800 calories a day, spread out, especially where it spikes your insulin constantly would be quite similar to the way anorexic's eat - they just lose a lot of muscle, since their GH never gets high enough to spare protein and use fat instead for energy

Main thing for me was resetting my insulin sensitivity. It was pretty bad before, getting the carb crashes and sleepiness after a meal.
I don't get that anymore even with carb heavy meals.

Tuesday 22nd October 2019

soft tissue work at home


BBall practice session - 53 mins

dribble, shooting practice, and few easy layups etc
A few jumps

I thought I felt better today, but BBall felt worse.
Had no ommph to do approach jumps and the few I did were lower than my current bests

Thought about weight training today, but will do it tomorrow if my hops come back.



60 mins walking, with rests

a few more stretches


20 hour fast
3400 calorie burn

plan to eat 1400 calories

regarding training to failure

so keeping a few reps in the tank can allow you to do more volume

Whats up man!
I remember your username from a while back.

What are your current stats and goals? I want to tag along with watching your weight loss, especially since ive done a lot of dry fasting myself. i prefer 0 calorie days (with like 12+hours of that day being a dry fast) over days where i only eat like 800 calories. Every try that? experiences?

Look further up the page for my current stats :)

But as of this morning

Age 48
Height - 5'8.5"
weight - 90.6kg 202lbs
waist - 37 5/8

Goals - just get super shredded, leaner than I have ever been before, sub 29 inch waist, and then get my hops up

I have been doing a 44 hour fast once a week - usually 30 hours dry and then turns into water fast as I can't sleep on dry fast so far.
I did a full on 3 day dry fast a 2 weeks back playing BBall and walking a lot on each day - felt super weak on day 3, but good to know I can survive for 3 days without food or water  :derp:

Awesome work. Your shedding fat like a furnace.

Although each week seems to pass by a lot slower when you work this hard to shed the fat  :huh:

But I don't want to spend a year getting down to my goal...
At least the eating plan has been a relative breeze, no major hunger issues yet

Monday 21st October 2019

Mild drained feeling, and achey all over, but  not too much
Lost another 0.25 inch off the waist since yesterday  :o

bodyweight without shoes - 91.2kg

dry fasted

BBall practice session - 58 mins

dribble, shooting practice, and few easy layups etc

Easy session, mostly shooting jumpers and floaters, and some slow ass moves
Sweated a lot, and didn't drink a drop of water, no issues.
Despite achey and tight shoulders, after I warmed my shooting was pretty good.

Took top off, to even my tan up :)



48 mins walking, with  rests

a few more stretches

weight was around 89kg before hitting the shower

19 hour dryfast
3250 calorie burn

plan to eat 1200-1300 calories

Basically, learn the lifts, pile on as much muscle as your genetics allow for, then practise and drive neural efficiency

So if strength helps athletes, and strength is largely due to muscle mass increase after proficiency is gained, then neural efficiency in the lifts can be largely ignored to a point.
So just get your prime movers large

Sunday 20th October 2019

Tissue/release work at home

bodyweight without shoes - 91.5kg


BBall practice session - 64 mins
dribble, shooting practice, intense moves and layups
20 mins worth of a few jumps of al types and lots of lob dunk attempts on 8 feet netball rim.

Sigh hops still the same, but I didn't exactly feel all that great today.
Once I get another 6 inches I'll move over to another outdoor court that has 8.5 feet full size rims on the back of each basket.
And practise lobs on there
Netball rims, being much smaller, make it way harder to land trick dunks...

resistance at the outdoor courts

single leg calf raise - 10 sec ISO at middle and bottom, explode up - BW x5

pushups - feet elevated 20-24 inches
45 secs rest x13/x1/x2/x3/x3

inverted row on stair railing - undergrip
x9 +2+2+2+2 (15 secs rest between each cluster)

pushups felt hard, push muscle felt tired from all the shooting.
Finally got that 9th rep on rows.

back at home

facing down garage slope, in oly shoes

rotating sets between the squats
front squat 40kg x3 , 60kg x1
controlled down, paused, explode up - 72.5kg x3

High bar squat 40kg x5, 60kg x3
controlled down, paused, explode up - 72.5kg 2x5
regular reps - 92.5kg 2x2
50kg x 10

clean grip deadlift - lowered under control RDL style 72.5kg x 8 -  4 reps normal, 4 reps hooked grip

split leg deadlift 50kg x6 each side, with a minutes rest

high angle single arm row, elbow out
24kg kettlebell - 15 secs rest - x13 +2+2+2+2+2

front squat support 100kg x25 secs

released upper traps on loaded bar - painful..
banded elbow wall walk 1 x 40 secs 

Average session, started to drag towards the end.
Got carried away on squats, trying some things and tweaking my form
Doubt I would be able to do a third rep with 92.5kg today...

100kg front squat support felt way harder than last session, and i failed before getting to 30 secs, shaking and all.
Doing them after the rows was a bad idea....

The kettlebell rows gained 2 reps since the last time I did them normally, so those short rest ladder clusters worked pretty
Trying myo-reps now


3400 calorie burn for today, not including weights
ate 1600 calories

Pics, Videos, & Links / 5'7" Asian guy with hops, pretty strong too
« on: October 19, 2019, 06:16:37 pm »
dude is ripped, with an over 3xBW 230kg low bar squat  :ibsquatting:
with an almost 10 feet broad jump

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Sunday 20th October 2019

Week 9
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 90.8kg (-1.8 ) 202.2lbs
waist - 37.75 inches (-0.75)
hip = 42 1/8 (-0.5)
upper thigh = 26 3/8(-0.5)

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 25.6 (-1.1%)

Total loss so far - weight  12.7kg 28lbs  Waist 5 1/8 inches  BF% Tanita 7.9%

Sweet, lost pretty much as I expected this week.
Looking forward to getting under 90kg by the end of this week, and maybe get my waist into the 36 inches!
Maybe make an extra effort to lose 2kg this week, just an extra 200 calorie deficit each day needed


Slept like baby last night, solid 8+ hours sleep

Sore in my glute hammie tie in area... I think it's from when I do low dribbles with legs split wide...

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