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Messages - John Stamos

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yeah there were about 6 left but i only took 2, it was hard but had to do it...i like the 1s with sour cream n onion

anyway tho, today

had 1 egg, piece of toast, probably a lil over a serving of peanut butter and glass of milk

went to the gym.

rack cleans 135lbsx3x8
hang snatch- 135lbsx3x5
power pulls- 135lbsx3x5

cardio time- set the incline on 3 and went for 10 mins, set it at 5.5 and last minute n a half went to 10.5 to make the mile
                   Bike- 50 mins, hit 11 miles, considering the effort i put in for the last 8 mins, i could have easily done way more than 11 miles

got on the scale.  No shirt, shorts, equals -14lbs

after tonights workout i hope to get -16lbs, granted its the after workout weight but itll still be about 15lbs when i wake up in the morning hopefully

lunch- serving of total cereal and serving of milk, cream of wheat oatmeal crap...the kind that tastes bad with 2/3rds cup of milk.

later tonight ill have a tuna fish sandwich probs

HOLY FUCK cardio blows

so today went in aaand

did 30 mins on the treadmill- hit 3 miles(1 minute walk in the beginning) ranged from 5.5-7.5 and at the end 10.5mph and 1 incline

      30 mins on the elliptical- idk these things take forever to get good distance i think it was maybe 2 miles

      30 mins on the bike- hit i think 4 miles or 5 miles not sure

      30 mins on the arch trainer- idk like over a mile a lil bit, this thing is weird as fuck

most boring 2 hours of my life

sweated my nut sack off, hopped on the scale in socks, shorts, and under armour shirt, and hit 232...which was where i was originally at but i had a fat ass feast due to thanksgiving and this past weekend.(mainly last friday n saturday)

what i had to eat

woke up at 8, got ready went to the gym around 9, did a leg workout went home.

1 bowl of Total cereal(1 serving) with 1 serving of milk before workout.  hour after workout i had a turky sandwhich, 2 thin slices, 2 pickles, serving of mustard and 2 slices of white bread.  stretched and watched the simpsons.  went to the gym, did my gay cardio session got back and had half a pork chop and 2 perogies (sp?) and hot chocolate with 2 lil scoops of ice cream and whip cream

warm up

squats- 135x10
all close stance(i am usually a wider stance squatter) but when i was dunking off 2 feet i got my close stance over 400lbs so thats my goal

good mornings- 135x3x10
DB swings- 50lbsx3x10
leg press- 400lbsx3x10
leg extension- 200lbsx3x10
leg curls- 150lbsx3x10

later today ill do about an hour of cardio and also play some ball

2nd workout today, i did some bent over rows, just with 135, normal and reverse grip, going slow in the reps

3x10( each grip )
lat pulldown- 200lbs 3x10
then i got interrupted cuz my friend got there n we got to talkin to much
curls- 135lbs 4x8(straight bar)

then 20 mins nice n easy keepin it at 10 min miles
20 mins on the bike
20 mins on the elliptical

did a timed interval thing today.

30 seconds 135 on the benchx4
30 seconds high pull to clean n press 135lbsx4
30 seconds pull upsx4 (which didnt really get to far)

then i did 20 minutes on the treadmill at 5.5mph, last minute i put the incline to 15 which killed my legs
10 mins on the bike
10 mins on the arch trainer
20 minutes on the elliptical

just to switch things up.

all together i did 5.5 miles

plan on doing another hour of cardio later tonight, and some back n arm work

forgot to post yesterdays workout. i dont remember the rep schemes but yeah

warm up- some sprints in the weight room
                power skips

hang snatch- 3x3(i think) 135lbs
REA squats- 3x?
weighted jumping split lunge thing
back raise- 100lbs db hold
3x leg machines with 3 sets of jumps

prolly summer of 2012  ill start competing, im going to be doing 6 months of 10th planet JJ then a few months of judo during the winter time, judo starts late january..but yeah  i might start at grapplers quest or NAGA

Program Review / Re: Squat flex and jump manual or the gym?
« on: December 03, 2010, 12:09:33 pm »
you can find a rack or cage for 200 dollars and dicks sells a 300lbs set for 170 dollars or something

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: funny / horrible training videos
« on: December 03, 2010, 10:39:51 am »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

hez gotz bunnyz

yeah, it looked kinda awkward my senior year, i had to do the mile one time and i was 195lbs...pretty lean i might add haha and i was running against kids 130-140lbs, i beat 1 of them and i ran a least the girls didnt beat me

but yeah today i just worked out.

grappling last night was good and bad, i hate wrestlers and i hate grappling noobs cuz they get in 1 position and keep that position no matter what cuz they dont know what else to do.

but first 2 minute match- 30 seconds in he turned his back i got a rear naked choke
                            another 20 seconds or so later we him in a knee bar.
                            last seconds of the round i got another choke

second 2 minute match- not a whole lot went on, he got offered a chance to wrestle with the olympic team back in the day so he just wrestled since he doesnt know jitsu, its hard doing stuff to dead weight pretty much

third 2 minute match- got the key lock in half guard, sweep into electric chair..tapped him out
                                   second submission, took his back...cowboy armbar
                                   last submission- wicked Gogoplata (normal gogoplata but move your free leg opposite side of opponents head, lock it in, u have gogoplata+armbar

Todays workout

bench- 135x6
            325x1( really easy single but i have a habbit of going to heavy and tearing my shoulder )

Incline DB flyes- 40lbsx10

Pec dec superset with chest press for 3 sets, the chest press was 150lbs and the pec dec was 125lbs(goes up to 150lbs)

i have to go back at 5:00 to give an orientation on the machines since they r "oh so hard" to use

so ill do my cardio and shit then

just to change things up, i usually just do a slow 2 miles or something but i wanted to see where i was at since in my smaller days i was in the 5s for the mile

gonna go out to do some jumpin, still have 2 hours till work

not worth filming tho, rim only goes to 8, 9 sometimes if i can get it to stay, i broke the bolt that goes through and holds the adjustable arm thing in place

today my cousin woke me up so went to the gym at 9ish.

did little shit since today was gonna be a day off but oh well.

jump rope- 2x100 count

pull ups( wide grip )- x5
            ( Medium Grip )-x6
            ( Close grip )- x10

push ups- 3x30

dips- 3x10

plate front raisex10 into "truck driver" or whatever u wanna call it

then tried to run a decent mile.

put it at 9.6mph which is like a 6:40 mile.  Felt good but my right glute started cramping up about 3 mins in so had to slow it down to 6.5mph for a lil bit, then just kept raising it for the last .15 miles i did it at 10.5mph soo overall it was a 7:16 mile at 235lbs which i cant really complain but if my ass didnt cramp up it woulda been a lot better.

tonight ill be working then at 7 ill be grappling for about an hour or so.

plan on going over some submissions and sweeps with them, then just have 1 group do a 4 min round and the other group go on the treadmills and keep switching back and forth

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: funny / horrible training videos
« on: December 02, 2010, 06:11:18 am »
dudes an innovator.....

today i started off doing front squats then i remembered i hate them, so i did narrow stance back squats which i havent done in awhile, worked up to 315x5

then did

hang snatch- 150x3
hang clean- 225x3
power pulls- 135x8

and someother shit idk im tired n cant think

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