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Messages - Flander

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Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: funny / horrible training videos
« on: May 04, 2013, 05:11:01 pm »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Whats that? Like a half squat?

Edit/  ::) should remember to put smiley.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: May 03, 2013, 03:19:53 am »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

P clean and jerked 115kg today. After diet  :personal-record: and closing in on all time pr.

Front squat 135kg. After diet  :personal-record: close to being he best Ive done in terms of relative strength.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

lol i actually could do 2sets of 15diamond push usp all the way down. thansk again man:)

No problemo.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: April 25, 2013, 03:00:05 pm »

Im that fast.

I have a hard time understanding rutgersdunker. How can anyone be this good at squatting? Crazy.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: April 25, 2013, 01:59:48 am »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

You dont log anymore?

hey i do jsut that i've been busy the past few days. The routine's been awesome so far haha. with that, i just remembered i have a problem with doing dumbbell work . my workout begins with warmups and stuff, stretching, and then i'll drive to the gym nearby and have like a30minutes boxing and kicking practice sing a punchingbag.

while i may feel both my thumbs sometimes in punches when i throw a hook punch too hard for my knuckles to handle. that's still alright. just that I have injured my right thumb a couple of times when i was playing basketball 10months ago or so. As far as i can remember, i normally injure it when trying to steal or catch a bad pass, with my thumb poking the basketball.
 That has really made my right thumb a tonne weaker compared to my left. about 2 weeks ago before you gave me the new routine. i was doing back squats, shoulder presses, and tried supersetting back rows + dumbbell chest presses, which started about 15-30minutes after i trained in a 1hour personal training session for mma which consisted of lots of punches that wore my right thumb down.
When it came to dumbbell chest press, after getting the dumbbel up in the air and going down for my first rep,  bam, my right thumb couldnt take the load and i had to drop the weight. could've broken my thumb if i pushed longer.
I only notice this right thumb problem after starting mma training, particularly boxing. Of course, that day ti was 1hour of personal training, but i was training with lots of pad work.
Now, i train with a punching bag, heavier , but it also restricts the amount of force i can put into a punch since my knuckles arent that strong yet unlike training with pads, where i can go all out since the pads are light as shit.
Now that my knuckles and my punching techniques are getting better, i'm afraid that 30minutes could do the job of wearing down my right thumb enough for me to not be able to db chest press. Would some sort of push ups variation be alright?


You can do bb work no problem?

Sure, pushup variables are great.depending how strong you are this is how I would go about it.

Pushups 2max sets. If you can get 2x20 chest to tennisball stricts, do next exercise.
Diamond pushups 2 max sets. If you can do 2x20 stricts chest to tennisball/back of hands, do next.
Uneven pushups 2 max sets each side. Off hand on basketball. If you get 2x20 each side shoulder to basketball, do next.
1/2 one arm pushups 2 max sets each side. Basketball under chest. If you get 2x20 each side chest to ball, go next.
Lever pushups 2 max sets each side. Off hand on ball, roll ball out while keeping off hand arm straight. If you get 2x20 chest to tennisball each side, go next.
One arm pushups 2 max sets each side. Chest to tennisball.

On unilateral pushups, keep feet as close together as possible, to really challenge stability and core.

edit/ on all exercises keep feet close together.

yes barbell no proble mat all.

hmm i dont have ab asketball at gym gues i'll use the medicine ball or something.

man that sure is challenging. how long to rest between sets for those? i couldo do 12inch elevated pushups shoulder width for 12 all the way down. diamons woul be challenging though since my arms are the weak link. thanks again:)

Stick to he short rest cycles. 1-2min max. If you can do less than 5 diamonds, narrow the normal pushup a bit, so you do a wide diamond/narrow pushup.

Med ball is fine. Thats what I use.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: April 24, 2013, 01:55:37 pm »
anybody know what happened to him at euro juniors? seems he finished tied for fifth in the snatch but didn't complete the C&J.

I read in the comments to his vid of he event what happened. I think I remember him saying he tweaked his shoulder on the snatch, so he couldnt jerk.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: April 24, 2013, 02:50:25 am »
This thread brought to you by Clarence.


So true.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

You dont log anymore?

hey i do jsut that i've been busy the past few days. The routine's been awesome so far haha. with that, i just remembered i have a problem with doing dumbbell work . my workout begins with warmups and stuff, stretching, and then i'll drive to the gym nearby and have like a30minutes boxing and kicking practice sing a punchingbag.

while i may feel both my thumbs sometimes in punches when i throw a hook punch too hard for my knuckles to handle. that's still alright. just that I have injured my right thumb a couple of times when i was playing basketball 10months ago or so. As far as i can remember, i normally injure it when trying to steal or catch a bad pass, with my thumb poking the basketball.
 That has really made my right thumb a tonne weaker compared to my left. about 2 weeks ago before you gave me the new routine. i was doing back squats, shoulder presses, and tried supersetting back rows + dumbbell chest presses, which started about 15-30minutes after i trained in a 1hour personal training session for mma which consisted of lots of punches that wore my right thumb down.
When it came to dumbbell chest press, after getting the dumbbel up in the air and going down for my first rep,  bam, my right thumb couldnt take the load and i had to drop the weight. could've broken my thumb if i pushed longer.
I only notice this right thumb problem after starting mma training, particularly boxing. Of course, that day ti was 1hour of personal training, but i was training with lots of pad work.
Now, i train with a punching bag, heavier , but it also restricts the amount of force i can put into a punch since my knuckles arent that strong yet unlike training with pads, where i can go all out since the pads are light as shit.
Now that my knuckles and my punching techniques are getting better, i'm afraid that 30minutes could do the job of wearing down my right thumb enough for me to not be able to db chest press. Would some sort of push ups variation be alright?


You can do bb work no problem?

Sure, pushup variables are great.depending how strong you are this is how I would go about it.

Pushups 2max sets. If you can get 2x20 chest to tennisball stricts, do next exercise.
Diamond pushups 2 max sets. If you can do 2x20 stricts chest to tennisball/back of hands, do next.
Uneven pushups 2 max sets each side. Off hand on basketball. If you get 2x20 each side shoulder to basketball, do next.
1/2 one arm pushups 2 max sets each side. Basketball under chest. If you get 2x20 each side chest to ball, go next.
Lever pushups 2 max sets each side. Off hand on ball, roll ball out while keeping off hand arm straight. If you get 2x20 chest to tennisball each side, go next.
One arm pushups 2 max sets each side. Chest to tennisball.

On unilateral pushups, keep feet as close together as possible, to really challenge stability and core.

edit/ on all exercises keep feet close together.

You dont log anymore?

P cleaned and jerked 112,5kg. After diet  :personal-record: vid in my log.

nice thanks alot man. but a question, 1minute rest? isnt that a little too short? will 2minutes be okay?

EDIT:i do back squats twice a week two. would ths be okay:
day1:back squat

back squat
shoulder press
back rows

assistwork being dumbbell work

Squatting is cool. Always squat.  ;D  :ibsquatting:

Routine looks good. Maybe add some extra upperback work. Fx facepulls, wide grip pullups, narrow grip pullups, bw rows, db rows, bor, you name it.

1min rest because you want to stress your muscles. You want them to be pumped and fried. Longer rest on routines with neural gains as a focus.

Now go try it out, instead of overthinking. Then evaluate after youve completed a cycle.  :strong:

awesome. so one back exercisei s not enough? haha back squats and the shoulder/bench press pretty intense.
my corework involves :

and ab crunches. that takes some back too haha

thanks again


Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: April 16, 2013, 03:23:19 am »
Clarence lives in this thread.

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