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Messages - D4

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Today, on a jump I hyperextended my right knee..  There is discomfort and pain on the back side and I believe this was due to me neglecting my hamstrings.  I don't think it's severe though, no swelling or pain except in certain positions.

Anyone have any experience with this?

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Depth Jumps
« on: May 12, 2012, 06:23:34 am »
In the grassy area at my school rec center where I do my plyo workout, there's only a bench I can do depth jumps on.  It's only like 15~18"...  There's nothing higher there.

I was thinking, when this bench gets too easy, can I do something like where I kind of jump off the bench like 6", mimicking a 21~24" depth jump?  Or is there something else going on that it changes the dynamics and it's not really a depth jump?

Well from a basketball player's perspective, how long is a full court?  30 yd?  No point in training farther than that.  If you have other goals and sports, (football, track) than of course you should train other distances.  Sprint work should have an emphasis on accelerating as fast as possible within ~20-30yds for basketball players.  This emphasis also helps with your vertical goals.

When I said you should lift heavy on a cut, of course I was assuming lower frequency than 3x a week.  I lifted only once a week during my cut, which allowed me to go heavy each time and maintain my strength.  But you said you don't wanna go under 3x a week so that's that.  Heavy doesn't always mean 3 rep maxes on each set.  It can mean work up to a 5 rep max and then have 3 more sets at a lower weight for a little extra volume.  It can mean 3 sets of 4 at a 6 rep max...  Heavy is ~80%+ 1RM I believe.

Yes, conditioning/fitness is athleticism as well.  But when you watch the NBA, do you look at Rip Hamilton (one of the most conditioned players) and say "DAMN HE ATHLETIC"?  Or do you look at Lebron James get his head on the rim and say "DAMN HE ATHLETIC".  Most of the time it's the latter because that's what most people associate athleticism with in regards to basketball players.  So, that's what I thought you meant.   I still think you should put your vert goals ahead of your conditioning goals because getting well conditioned for basketball games, you can do any time in a short amount of time.  You just basically show up to ball frequently and play hard and up goes your conditioning.   Up to you though.  If you feel you're too fat right now, then yeah get that weight off first.

Good luck.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: May 09, 2012, 10:22:40 pm »
Please stop saying yolu will keep other peoples advices in mind, cause you never follow them, instead you do retarded stuff over and over and over

Of course I can't say for sure, cause I don't know you and I don't train with you, but it seems like you're not going that heavy on your squats.  6 reps being 20kg lighter than 3 reps is a lot, unless you're purposely trying to go lighter.  Lifting heavy is important when dieting.

If your really frequency sensitive with squats, at least make Friday a light day (~60% 1RM).  If you believe you really can recover with your current routine, and it's the basketball that's messing you up, reduce that. 

You gotta reduce one or the other, or you'll keep on being chronically fatigued and not progress your squats.  You said your squat stagnated for 3 weeks.  At your strength levels, this should not happen, ESPECIALLY considering your doing pretty high frequency.  So obviously something is wrong, and most likely overtraining/ lack of recovery so up to you.  Take something out, if you want to keep progressing.  Gotta sacrifice some things for the bigger goal.  I know the feeling, I hate giving up basketball time, but if "CHASING ATHLETICISM" is your primary goal at this point, gotta make the necessary changes.

Sprinting/ Max effort jumping/ and other plyo's should be done with the same mentality as how us athletes treat heavy lifting days.  Quality over quantity, and train at your peak.

Sprint BEFORE you lift, so you will train your body for sprinting at it's best.  The reason it doesn't work the other way around is, lifting will hinder sprint performance for the day, but sprints (OBVIOUSLY GO FOR QUALITY AND NOT MUCH VOLUME) will not hinder your lifting, in fact it is a good warm up for max lifting.  How much plyometric volume one can handle before risking lifting performance varies by individual but play it safe and go for low volume first and keep adding until you know your limits.  More volume on sprints/plyo's/jumps is not worth it to risk lifting performance.

I'm really bad at taking good advice so help me out here - how would you change my program

weds: squat, bp 3x6, dl 1x5, bball match

friday: squat, bp 3x5, dl 1x5, bball, jumping, sprints

sunday: squat, bp 3x3, dl 1x5, bball/sprints

oh yeh and i do chins (and weighted ones) but lets not worry about them for now

if having two meaningful squat sessions, would I keep the 5s and 6s and skip the 3s? Or keep 3s and drop one of 6s or 5s? Must confess I love 6s, so i'm reluctant to drop them :P Dont care much for 5s except they're heavier than 6s and I find them challenging. 3s im neither here nor there.. dunno.

Just to another piece of info - i have no problem hitting the 6s and 5s, usually only struggle with the 3s on sunday cos i'm not well recovered from fridays death by hours of pickup ball..

You have a basketball match AFTER heavy lifting?  You can still play like that?

Anyways, my advice is, take out your squats and dead lifts on Friday.  Just do upper body and basketball/sprint/jump, but don't go too crazy with the volume on these.  You should be fresher on each squat session and therefore, more likely to progress your strength. 

Sunday you do sprints BEFORE squats right?  If not, do so.

Squatting 3x a week is not better than 2x a week or 1x a week, if your 3x a week is not progressing into any strength gains.  I may be wrong, but I believe when your cutting calories, it is better to reduce frequency of workouts.  Try 2x a week squatting.  When I cut calories, I lifted heavy one day and light the other day and that was it, but I was at least fresh for each heavy session, allowing me to progress my squat most of the time.

You're on a diet...  It will make it that much harder to recover.  3x a week is already a lot for non dieters unless they are well adapted, but you obviously are not.

How often are you squatting?

If your squat is stagnating, it can be that you are over-trained/not fully recovered.  Make sure your squatting days, the day before you get enough sleep/eat well/ and rest or just light stuff for your lower body.  Nothing CNS intensive the day before, unless you are well adapted.  For me personally, I COMPLETELY rest before my lower body day, cuz without a fresh CNS, I can't squat for shit.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:07:38 pm »
Scooby, what is wrong with you? You've been training for 6 years, haven't you learnt something?

I mean, changing everything after a net meeting with "168cm CNS trainer" and "young kid that grabs rim"???


:uhhhfacepalm:  :pissed:

To Vag:
Thanks to visiting my journal on and off, Vag.  Last vert training meet was mainly trying to learn from that dunker form Canada, he is like a super charged scooby; LR plant, small hand, double leg jumper.  And he showed me some tips about jumping and suggested me to try boinvert.
Actually, through out my training, I always complete my routine from start to end; VJB, Squat Routine, Jumpsole (with the exception of AirAlert where I give up on due to injury).  As of 2012, I re-entered the weight room and squat my way up to 2x BW, then I took out the jumpsole trying for plyometric purpose.  For the last 3 month or so, I had regained all I had lost (due to new born Baby) and even earned an inch or so.

However, I am feeling the effect of Jumpsole is wearing off after, in-fact the max effort jump practice during my de-load 2 weeks session did wonder for me.  (I admit I was lazy and lack of jump practice in my previous training plan).  So the change the routine is not just because of the meet, it was sort of planned, and meeting the vert trainer is part of the plan...

Reason I give BoinV a try is I notice a lot of bodyweight small muscle balancing as well as Core exercise is included (at least in the first phs).  I never train this area.. With a weak core, I think I can benefit from it.  (it also mention foam roll and stretches on a daily basic along with some Stretch Dotor youtuber style stretching exercise.

Side note:  looking at the dunker from Canada, I can tell he can relax and flex the whole body in ultra fast speed...the whole body is Flexed right before lift off.  Which remind me of that  1980 China O-lift gold medalist coach once told me during lifting class, he said: bulky stiff muscle are useless in sport, soft and relaxed muscle is what give u power...

Seriously, I am siding with Vag.  Honestly scooby, I haven't been around here as long as you or Vag or many other people, but I have followed many people's progress and training routines, and you are the ONE person who consistently never fails to ANNOY ME with your training.  

Just because the "Canada Dunker" is athletic and jumps high, you just switch off to whatever the hell he says.  I can go to my school rec center and find all these athletic dunkers all the time and ask them "what do I do to jump like you".  100% guarantee, 99% of them will not completely know wtf they are talking about.

If you are squatting 2xBW, I doubt your core is weak.  You seem to love trying to programs/routines and "trick"/"convince" yourself to switch to a new one by giving yourself a new reason, even though on in the inside, you know it's bullshit.  Your mentality and training tendencies mirror that of 90% of noobs who have a goal, but never achieve it, because they unfortunately have never come across sites like or anything and are only presented with the ineffective training protocols the mainstream displays.  Which sucks, cause, you've been training for 6 years, AND with the knowledge of  I can accept this kind of shit with random people, but you have been on this forum, and have been properly advised MANY TIMES OVER AND OVER.  Yet, you continue to do stuff like this.  BoingVert, seriously?

I sound like a jackass I know, and who am I to talk?  I can't dunk yet neither.  But still, your journal annoys me.

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Force Vector Test/ SVJ
« on: May 04, 2012, 05:05:28 pm »
When I said I landed 8 inches behind the line, that was only from 1 try, but regardless, lately I have been attempting to do all my lifts and etc.. more hip dominant and doing more glute activation exercises and such.  And now, I tried this test again today with more breaking at the hips and I landed on the line on one of them lol.

Edit:  I just tried 5 more, and each of them, I landed either on the line, or 1" behind or in front.  I guess I'm equally using hips and quads now?

Good idea on not weighing yourself every day. 

And yeah, sounds like you're not confident when you play real games if you lock up like that and miss easy shots/lay ups.  Basketball is all mental.  One thing though, the more athletic you get, the more confident you'll get

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: May 02, 2012, 01:50:20 pm »
5'10", 150.  Unless you're really skinny fat, don't go on a cut.  If you're fairly lean, since 150 is light for a 5'10" guy, especially since you're a double leg jumper, just eat a lot (esp. protein) and do squats.  In addition to squats, do 1 p-chain dominant exercise such as dead lifts, GHR, BSS, etc...  In addition to that, go play basketball and practice jumping at least twice a week.  You got a short reach like me

Basketball / Re: new name, same animal
« on: April 27, 2012, 07:00:02 pm »
LOL, never mind everything I have said. 

Basketball / Re: new name, same animal
« on: April 27, 2012, 06:26:08 pm »
Why did James Harden had to get in front of World Piss like that?

He didn't exactly get in his way like that, he was trying to go around world peace to get the ball from inbounder.  Look at the full motion.

Are you being serious?

He's left handed, do you play bball?  when you're left handed you floated towards your left to get inbound pass, hence he didn't go right.  Plus even if he did purposely cross paths or rub shoulders with meta, that is allowed.  Theres so many times when player scores on fast break and cross paths with other players while getting back on d.  So yeah I'm dead serious.

I play ball.  I meant "ARE YOU SERIOUS" in that you can't tell Raptor was being sarcastic...  His statement was a clear and obvious joke and you didn't catch that and responded with a serious reply lol.  It's all good though.

raptor was serious lol, look at his 1st comments.  the guy seriously hates harden, duncan, etc etc

WOW LOLLL...  Sure Raptor doesn't like harden and duncan... but he has said he doesn't like World Piss neither so your reasoning is wrong.

Why did James Harden had to get in front of World Piss like that?

You think Raptor, despite not liking Harden, can't tell that the whole incident is 100% World Piss's fault and that Harden didn't do anything but try to get the inbounds pass?  

 :uhhhfacepalm: Some people seriously can't catch sarcasm.  Even one so blatant and obvious, it wasn't even intended to be tricky.

Basketball / Re: new name, same animal
« on: April 27, 2012, 04:28:01 pm »
Why did James Harden had to get in front of World Piss like that?

He didn't exactly get in his way like that, he was trying to go around world peace to get the ball from inbounder.  Look at the full motion.

Are you being serious?

He's left handed, do you play bball?  when you're left handed you floated towards your left to get inbound pass, hence he didn't go right.  Plus even if he did purposely cross paths or rub shoulders with meta, that is allowed.  Theres so many times when player scores on fast break and cross paths with other players while getting back on d.  So yeah I'm dead serious.

I play ball.  I meant "ARE YOU SERIOUS" in that you can't tell Raptor was being sarcastic...  His statement was a clear and obvious joke and you didn't catch that and responded with a serious reply lol.  It's all good though.

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