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Messages - FP

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what do you mean by rounding? heavy DLs pull your shoulders forward and that's not necessarily bad.
lower back rounding

I would also suggest the SL-RDL volume be much greater than the squat volume.  Why are you doing them paused though?

I thought taking out the stretch reflex would be better for max strength. Also, I did them with no pause today and my grip was fried since I was doing double the volume of a regular rdl because I had to do it for 2 legs, plus occasionally losing my balance and having to reset made it so I was holding on to the weight much longer.

Paused can help with explosive strength but it doesnt necessarily improve max strength more otherwise everyone would be doing paused everything.

Yeah i dont like the idea of sl rdl as ur main lift. If u did, you should use heavy dumbbells and use one hand to hold onto something for balance. You cant let non important factors such as grip and balance get in the way of maximally inducing strength gains. I would either go with the db sl rdl holding onto something for balance or just use anothet exercise like reg rdl or reverse hyper.

I have no way of loading up dumbbells to match the maximal hamstring loading that SL-RDL gives me. The problem with regular RDL is it becomes more of a back exercise for me: my back rounds slightly at 285, and pretty badly at 315. With SL-RDL I was able to do my 175x5 set with no back rounding and without losing my balance. My hamstrings are loaded up much more. My gym has no reverse hyper machine, and I don't think I can get much out of using the ghetto/diy variation of reverse hyper.

If grip becomes a big enough problem, I will use straps. Another option is to do the right and left legs as separate exercises with SL-RDL instead of supersetting them, which will cut the grip volume in half.

The balance factor isn't really dependent on weight (I lost balance with 135, but I was able to do 175 without losing balance). Keep in mind this is only my second session with SL-RDL in a really long time. Presumably my balance will improve in future sessions, and better SL balance is good for Ultimate frisbee anyway.

Sorry for the rant. I will admit that the SL-RDL has its weaknesses and if you can suggest other alternatives I would be happy to consider them.

I would also suggest the SL-RDL volume be much greater than the squat volume.  Why are you doing them paused though?

I thought taking out the stretch reflex would be better for max strength. Also, I did them with no pause today and my grip was fried since I was doing double the volume of a regular rdl because I had to do it for 2 legs, plus occasionally losing my balance and having to reset made it so I was holding on to the weight much longer.

that's a good mix of exercises but whether it's a good plan or not depends on what you're trying to get out of it. did you make up your mind about that? for just general GPP/getting better at all those activities, it looks solid to me, although i would reverse the order of workouts so you go fastest-->slowest instead of the other way around.

Well my primary goal would be hip power. Squat for maintenance, jump squat because my DLJ is strength>reactivity. Plyo's would be for change of direction, all running jump variations, layouts. I think this plan will give me a good foundation so i can focus more on sport-specific stuff in season.

The biggest thing I'm unsure about is calf work. The exercise I have listed seems more like volume, I have never heard of people doing heavy/low rep calf work for developing max strength, I dunno if that's a thing. But that's the sort of result I would like. I know you have pretty strong calves, anything you would recommend?

I would take out the KB swings/step ups.  Step ups can turn into a pushing/quad dominant exercise.  Even if you're good at dominating the movement with glutes, power cleans already take care of that more efficiently IMO.  IDK why you put power cleans for ham power.  They are glute + ham, but glute dominant so you're getting full glute + ham hip extension power from those.  Probably take out the volume you planned on doing for KB swings/step ups and just add more ovolume to the cleans IMO

Also why not add at least a little jumping prior to any of the 3 days?  It's not energy costly if you just do it til performance drop off and serves as the necessary warm up before those workouts anyways. 

Should I do hang power cleans or power cleans?

I kind of assumed that power cleans were hamstring dominant because I see them as the power version of deadlifts and EMG activity in deadlifts is higher in the hams than the glutes. Just looked over the source for that and there's a lot of glute in the deadlift too, but not on the same level as other variations.

I agree with you about stepups/kb swings being a poor choice, I just don't know very much glute dominant power exercises.

Please critique my workout plan:

Every Day (supersetting all these takes ~40 mins):
-SI Resets
-Bird Dog Plank (SI stability)
-Glute Bridges or Hip Thrusts (Glute strength/activation)
-Banded Clams (Glute med/min activation)
-Adductor Rehab

day1: Strength (2-3min rest)
-Paused SL-RDL (Ham strength)
-Parallel Back Squat (Quad strength)
-DL concentric, SL eccentric smith machine calf work (Calf strength)

day2: Power (full recovery)
-Power Cleans or Hang Power Cleans (Ham power)
-Jump Squats (Quad power)
-KB swings or Step-ups (Glute power)

day3: Plyos (short recovery for low level plyo's, long recovery for depth jumps/bounds)
-30 mins various low-level plyos: leg-tuck jumps, DL or SL pogos, alternating lunge jumps, skater hops, possibly dot drill
-Depth jumps
-Bounding: DL, Alternating, SL progression

It would be cool to throw in jumping but I dunno if I will have the motivation to even keep this much work up.


BW: 175.2
injury: Back: almost perfect, Groin: Not great, didn't react well to wide stance box squats, SI joint feeling overly mobile

~35 mins freestyle swimming

SL-RDL: Left: 135x5,155x5,165x5,175x5 Right: 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 185x5 (CNS not feeling great today)

Parallel squat: warmed up to 225, played it safe with SI joint overmobility

DL concentric, SL eccentric smith machine calf raises: 135x10(L),10(R), 155x10(L)10(R), 175x10(L)10(R), 185x10(L)10(R)

yeah but i'm trying to lose a decent amount of fat in just two weeks and then go back to normal. i tried to eat way under maintenance yesterday and failed. new respect for dieters, especially long-term dieters. it's funny, i've been interested by and reading about this stuff for years now but trying it for myself is a different story. no shit, i guess.

if i can ask, why are you going on a diet? you're pretty lean.

I think for the time and effort that I use it has a really good carryover to a lot of skills in Ultimate, since it's a non-contact game (as long as there's not too much atrophy). I wish you luck with your diet, it will be a brutal 2 weeks.

1/8 (cont.)

Hit some SL-RDL's, working up to 175x5 on both sides. Right side a bit stronger than left. I think the SL-RDL is a really great exercise because once I get the balance down I can hit the hamstrings harder because I'm not limited by my back strength.

injury: everything feeling better, but neither back nor groin are optimal.

freestyle swimming: ~35 mins, rest intervals getting shorter. Day 2 of swimming, I had 1 minute rest intervals between lap sets, now I'm down to 10 secs (day 7 of swimming). Beginner gains I guess.

BP: 135x5, 145x5, 135x5x3

Wide stance Westside-style Box squats: worked up to 225x5 with bands (10 sets of 5), then finished with 185, banded 5x5, dynamic effort (

notes: trying to decide how to use my remaining 16 days before the season starts. Most important thing is full recovery from groin injury, after that maybe try to hit a SL-RVJ PR, which is the safest PR option, or begin to focus on conditioning...

just felt very dead. also i think i either am undercounting calories or overestimated how much i burn in a typical day. never really tried to diet before, i kind of thought it'd be a cinch but it looks like if i really do want to lose weight i'll have to make some actual changes other than cutting out sweets. this should come as a surprise to no one, myself included. new target is 1700kcal/day, including 180g of protein. that leaves roughly 1000kcal from fats and carbs. okay.

Wow this is cool, you started dieting just after I did. It's a first for me too. I counted my calories for a while and found the average ratio of carb:fat:protein ratio I got was like 3:1:1, and I generally got around 3k calories on days when I trained a moderate amount  before I started dieting. Haven't counted since I started dieting, that might be helpful..

You might have a really different metabolism but 1.7k seems like a really small amount. I dunno if you ever counted the calories of your days before dieting, but if it's anything close to mine, then it would probably be better to have a gradual lowering to 1.7k to give your body more time to adapt.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: January 09, 2016, 02:06:34 am »
What do you think are the major advantages that aerobic training offers over intervals? The articles I have seen comparing intervals to aerobic exercise are generally heavily in favor of intervals. Do you training aerobically because you think it will have more carryover to tennis or another goal you have?

injury: overdid it with the intervals yesterday, groin feeling considerably worse. Have to take it real easy if I want to be good for the season. back feeling almost recovered.

Front Squat: worked up to 185x5, 190x5, 200 5x5, great depth, almost atg. 2 min rest intervals. not too bad.

Daily SI circuit:
-SI joint reset cycle x3
Superset x3:
--Bird Dog Plank x35secs each side
--Banded Clams x10 each side
--Glute Bridge 255,255,275 x10

-Eccentric adductor raises 90secs x3

~25 minutes freestyle swimming. biggest improvement is learning to breathe using the diaphragm, not running out of breath as fast.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: THE DREAM JOURNAL
« on: January 08, 2016, 12:29:31 am »
I had a dream last night where I was playing ultimate frisbee on defense and I was covering this guy who was less athletic than me but something about his cutting pattern made it impossible to cover him. He made this strange rectangular cut twice in a row and easily got open both times despite the fact that I didn't really make a mistake on defense.. I don't remember the particulars of it, but I remember thinking in the dream that it had to do with him making the cut directly at me in order to force me to make 180 degree hip turns, but there was more to it. In theory, if you have a really good understanding of your opponent's weaknesses and cutting patterns this could be possible in real life.

Dreams that have some sort of creative idea/practical application hidden in them are the best. Too bad I can't remember the details of the cut.

BW: 175

RDL: worked up to 315x3 in 10 pound increments (10 sets of 5), back started rounding so i stopped. sets after 265 were with straps
ATG squat:135x5, 225x5, 245x5, 255x3 (lower back reinjury: these sets felt pretty easy, I didn't think I was being careless... doing them after rdl was a bad decision)

+6 hours
Eccentric Adductor Raises: 90secsx 3
Glute Bridge: couldn't do these with back injury
Front ATG squat: 135x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 185x5, 135x5, 135x5 (only parallel for last set)
I can't do these fast... Even with 135 I'm really slow out of the hole. Back doesn't seem affected by these

injury: back still off, can't hyperextend without pain. Better than yesterday

Intervals: -2 min jog, 8-15 sec sprint x~10
                -100m sprint, 150m jog, 100m sprint, 3 minute walk x4
groin a little worse after intervals

Eccentric Adductor Raises: 90secsx2

what's an eccentric adductor raise? that seems like an oxymoron.

Yeah, you're right, I don't do the raise, my partner does. I resist the abducting motion my partner makes with my leg.

BW: 174.5 PR
Sorness: LCL in right leg, ITB in left leg. Left knee swollen an additional 2-3" from laying out. Groin slightly worse but waaay better than 5 days ago.

Daily SI circuit:
-SI joint resets x3
Superset x3:
--Bird Dog Plank x35secs each side
--Banded Clams x10 each side
--Glute Bridge 245,265,285 x10

-SI reset x1
-Eccentric adductor raises 90secs x3

Doing additional research and focusing hard on my SI joint has caused my chronic groin pain to have a very significant decrease. I've also been doing regular RDL's and have started swimming.


Swimming freestyle intervals:
1 min swimming, 45 secs rest x10 (goggles broke)

high KB swings: 45lbs x25, 30, 20, 15, 20

Daily SI circuit:
-SI joint resets x3
-Eccentric adductor raises 90secs x3
Superset x3:
--Bird Dog Plank x30secs each side
--Banded Clams x10 each side
--Glute Bridge 225,225,245 x10

I played Ultimate at indoor pickup for the first time in months, feeling very fast linearly, pretty fast on change of direction, decent endurance. Doing a good job recognizing layout D opportunities. Biggest problem is throwaways as always - need more practice throwing to cutters rather than people standing still, as well as a more clearly defined decision making flowchart.

Sensing PR's in DLRVJ, SLRVJ and 100m but going to try to play it safe.

bump, what up final phenom?
Just throwing mostly, doing plyos a couple times a week, upper body and core work maybe 3x a week. Daily stretching, eccentric adductor raises, clams for my groin, backwards bear walks for my overly mobile si joint. The only leg exercises I can do are natural ham curls, depth jumps and calf raises, almost everything else increases my groin  or back pain. Even sustained jogging weakens my adductors. This is a really dull period in my training, but I'm really trying to recover by spring.

Hit 34.5" on dlrvj a week ago which was my old PR. I've been jumping around 31.5 on average so that was a nice surprise.

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