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Messages - creativelyric

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Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm just tryna jump high
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:17:02 am »
Welcome, bruh.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: [x] 5 x 255 x 3
« on: July 30, 2012, 02:21:22 am »
I don't like the way you bend. Seems like you bend at the knees and let the hips followthrough. I could be wrong though; get somebody else to analyze like steven-miller or Lance. P:

Edit: Just saw the other thread and it looks like Lance has the same opinion.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: July 27, 2012, 07:29:07 am »
This is the last thing I'll say in this journal because you're ignoring everything, but if you're having pain in your knee and ankle, it's time to look at your program and switch things up.

You should never have to push through the pain.

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Pushup form
« on: July 26, 2012, 02:22:03 am »
It helped a lot. Instantly felt the difference when I started out trying to pull the floor apart. Thanks, Lance.

In all honesty, neither is what you prescribed, hyper. Intense b-ball games won't help this dude as much as an actual program set around max effort jumping and sprinting and squats.

At any rate, thunder, you say you've been working out, both lifting and plyometrics. What exactly have you been doing?

lol at chrisbro1's caveman/air alert work out.  That is a good recipe for bad knees/joints in the future.  Thats for ppl trying to be somewhat athletic

or you can start your journey on being an elite athlete= powerlifting + intense bball games + great food/nutrition

when you get real strong and bball skills real nice, then you focus on the intense plyo's / explosiveness bball drills like resistance band stuff and full contact drills

Actually a decent program, and OP would probably experience gains from it. There's no reason why he can't add weights to it, though.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: July 25, 2012, 10:24:01 pm »
The key is how fast and how powerful u can get urself down and up in the fraction of a sec.  It is no longer the matter of how much you can squat any more.  Of cause, how much u can absorb and rebound might largely related to your squat power, but in terms of rate of force development and reactivity, Squat might be overrated.

Boin also uses exaggerated downward arm swing with a gay pose in nearly all their exercise, I guess what the author is doing is trying to get the trainer to engage in depth drop like movement during every landing.  So instead jump and land, every landing becomes a depth drop practice.

... What. |:

Rate of force development I can understand, but reactivity? Unless you're bouncing around in the gym with 10 pounds on your barbell doing pogo jumps, reactivity is not something the squat will improve. That's why you combine squatting with plyos.

... I don't even know anymore. P:

Congrats, bro.

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Weighted pistols
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:14:17 am »

'Sup Lance.

I've started doing 7 Weeks to 100 Pushups and 7 Weeks to 50 Pullups for my upper body.

To make the former program harder I do my pushups weighted with 45 lbs. on my back, but I don't really know what proper form is besides being shoulder width and... y'know, pushing. I know with pullups you focus on your elbows doing the pulling (which helped a lot, by the way); is there something similar for pushups?

The reason I ask is because I experience shoulder pain now and then, and I can only guess that I'm doing them wrong sometimes.

That link of Russell Westbrook was his stats at the NBA combine. It's a different atmosphere there, so he might not have jumped as high as he normally would in a game situation. Plus, again, it was at the combine, which was a couple of years ago. I think he's become more explosive since then.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: July 10, 2012, 11:30:40 pm »
120710 Boing Phs4 W1 Offday1

Mostly Lower back core exercise.  Which is likely my weakest link.
I did part of it in phs 1...but skipped a week and moved to phs 2.

now it is coming back to hunt me.

Plank 2 x 2 min  Ultra hard for me...   (Am i below average weak?)
Superman and Cobra and heel push feel alright

side plank 2x1 min is ultra hard again....

Walking plank 2 x 15(basically is starting with push up stance, extend fwd with ur arm step by step and then back to orgiinal)
Extreme tough... i am so tire and sweated in the A/C room already.

At the end, I felt that my eyes is wet... not sure it is tears or sweat...
But I did it...every additional sec is so hard & every sec count....

Baby is 8 month old, I have 4 month left to accomplish my goal

Calves are your weak link as well, imo, and you're doing no direct work for them.

I got 2.02 or something as my lowest time. Think I can get lower if I didn't get bored of the test.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: July 04, 2012, 11:54:00 pm »
120627 Phs3 W2D2 Keep increasing Drop
1 leg altitude Drop at 11 plate (26")
Manual Clam with 30lbs dumbbell

120629 Phs3 W2D3 Keep increasing Drop
Depth Drop
at 14 plate 1x8
at 16 plate 1x8
at 17 plate 2x8 (38")
Manual Clam with 30lbs dumbbell

Video of Depth Drop at 17 plate (38")

I don't think you're absorbing well enough. You're stopping the descent decently, but you're too noisy (over this broadcast, too, lol), and that indicates some of the landing not being absorbed efficiently. I'd go with a lower box height, imo.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: June 28, 2012, 03:54:24 am »
Record your depth drop form. I'm curious how well you're absorbing.

okay, compare the text book

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

where there the elbow snaps violently upwards ending in an almost vertical arm

and durant at 01:29s

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

he does not snap his elbow.. he straightens his arm but it ends up being somewhere between horizontal and vertical to his body.

my footage from yesterday below

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Consider the difference of leverages. Stephen Curry needs that shot to be released very quick and high so that his shot isn't bothered by more athletic, longer guards/forwards on him. Durant is basically 7 feet and has a very long wingspan, so his shot is very fluid and more natural-- following through towards the basket.

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