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Messages - LBSS

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makes sense. same for us regarding priorities, with the addition that (1) we like being kind of in the geographical middle of our friends, (2) being close to the metro is critical because when we do commute, that's how, and (3) we are trying to have a kid, so it'd be nice to be near a good pre-k/elementary school. although, given that we lasted less than two years in this place before getting kicked out, (3) is a relatively low priority.

- run 56:19, 11.33 km; 4 indiv km @ 4:24, 4:11, 4:14, 4:22
first interval was entirely uphill, middle two were mostly downhill, last one was mixed.

a few hours later

- run/hike/scramble x 1:29, 6.00 km
went out to billy goat trail with wife, ran the out on the towpath and then hiked/scrambled back.

in the same boat re: having to move, although in our case it's because our landlady is selling our house. sad because we've loved this place but we are starting to get excited, too. good luck! where are y'all looking to live?


- run 41:47, 6.41 km
wife feeling sick, this was extra slow. toe felt normal.


- run 52:55, 8.46 km
wife still under the weather, ran the last km without her at more like my normal solo easy pace.

my guess is, get ready for a whoosh, especially if the last couple hundred kcal you cut now are from carbs.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Loopie's Log
« on: March 12, 2024, 09:32:36 am »


- climb mt. washington, ~8.5 miles round-trip with 4000+ feet of gain. we got "good conditions," once we were above the treeline winds were 40-50 mph (65-80 kph) and gusting to 70 mph (112 kph), air temp in the low-to-mid 20s (~-4 c) and windchill low single digits fahrenheit (~-16 c). very fun, but sprained my toe on the upper part of the descent, when we were still in crampons. it didn't start hurting badly until the next morning but it's still bothering me a little now on tuesday morning. obviously haven't run since, hopefully will be back in shape to do so by tomorrow.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: AGC's journal
« on: March 07, 2024, 08:06:31 am »
welcome back! and congrats on the third (and final, lol) kid. my wife and i are starting to try to have our first and i'm trying to pack in some races and other stuff this year before that takes and we've got a little whippersnapper around to take care of.

it is amazing that this place is still going. adarq hasn't signed in since august 2023. as vag once put it, it seems like he's "loved up" and living his dream life on his little farmstead in florida. although, i stopped using instagram and facebook a while ago so i'm not even sure how he's doing. should check in, come to think of it. anyway, huge shoutout to him for letting us keep coming here.


- run ~5.5 km
very easy pace


- tempo
-- warm up
-- 5 x 800m @ 5k pace
-- cool down
did not have watch so used wife's, which doesn't have any workouts pre-loaded. so i was just guessing on pace and checking the watch as i went. eventually i'll get some lap estimates from her.


- run 34:15, 4.96 km

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« on: March 04, 2024, 08:19:42 am »
one thing to try, in terms of pushing yourself and also learning better pacing, is to try to hit the intervals with descending times. you want to have a negative split in any race over like a mile, from everything i've read, so it's best to practice that way. instead of 4:55, 5:01, 5:05, try to do 5:05, 5:01, 4:55. or better yet, 5:01, 4:55, 4:51.

- long run 1:34:13, 17.00 km; 5 individual kms at 4:23, 4:16, 4:16, 4:28, 4:15
gonna start using the weekly long run to surge to race pace throughout. started out sore and legs were cooked by the fourth surge, as you can see from the time. rested a little longer before the last one and pushed a bit harder. also it was all downhill.

- hike/scramble x 4 hours, 14.8 km, ~710m/2300 feet of elevation gain over the first 5.5 km.
climbed old rag mountain for the first time since i was a teenager. there's some class 3 scrambling at the top, which was fun. we went with our packs and trekking poles as a kind of warm up climb for the mount washington attempt next weekend.

- run 45:22, 7.32 km

signed up for a 5k race on 23 march and a 10k on 14 april. i think one of the problems with my training last summer was a lack of races to practice really pushing myself. the latter is two weeks out from the 10-miler that's my main target race at the moment, so i will not absolutely kill myself in it, but it'll be good to at least shoot for a pace that's under my target 10-mile pace.

the 5k will be a good gauge of how fit i actually am, as well. based on that, i'll see how realistic my imagined target time of <1:10 is for the 10-miler. we'll see if i'm still in sub-20:00 shape.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« on: March 01, 2024, 09:04:52 am »
SAID principle, man. gotta stress your body. add distance or add speed or both. pick a race and a goal time that seem slightly out of reach. hell, i had a race and a goal time last year and barely improved from march to september, in large part because i didn't adjust my training enough. (suboptimal conditions did play a role, in fairness to myself.) you know this already, of course. but do it!

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