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Messages - LBSS

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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: August 31, 2010, 08:52:27 am »

how bad was the pain ? :/

Not sharp, stabbing pains. More like the kind of deep ache where the muscle feels really weak, almost like when someone gives you a deadarm. All the way up the outside of my calf to the back/outside of my knee. Needless to say, not the most stable feeling in the world, so I didn't push it. Got to make another PT appointment to get it checked up on.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: August 30, 2010, 09:38:12 pm »
K so my ankle is not better. Was getting some pains up and down the outside of my calf during my warm up so I scrapped my planned workout (lower body) and did ankle rehab plus core.

warm up

ankle circuit x2
--calf raises x10, 10 w/5s pause at the top
--balancing on cushion x60s/ea
--stretch calf and soleus x10-15s
--double unders + other jump rope x a bunch
core circuit x3x40# DB
--weighted crunches x15
--leg lowers x10 (unweighted)
--side bend x10/ea
--GM w/DB behind head x10

cool down
row x500m

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Protein powder
« on: August 30, 2010, 02:59:37 pm »
That's interesting. Those "recommended max" estimates tend to be super conservative. If you're worried stay away from EAS and MuscleMilk, but you should be doing that anyway because both of those are a huge ripoff.

FWIW, I get my WPC from TrueProtein, which you mentioned. No sweetener, just vanilla flavoring (you can customize it). Cheap as I've seen (although I haven't checked out CEL) and mixes very well. Might be chock-full of cadmium, for all I know, but it has been highly recommended by people I trust on this kind of thing (see signature). I wouldn't freak out too much.

Track & Field / Re: Gerd Kanter, Throwers are strooooonnnngggg
« on: August 30, 2010, 12:18:29 pm »
That guy is a beast. The throws are awesome. In fact, all track and field is awesome. I wish it were on TV more.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: August 30, 2010, 10:09:30 am »
Alright, let's do this again:

AGE: 23

HEIGHT: 5-11 (reach 7-6)

WEIGHT: 169-173

SLEEP SCHEDULE: pretty regular, ~7 hours/night

BODY TYPE: borderline ecto/meso (i.e. "athletic")

GOALS: dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk. Be faster. Be in better shape.

CURRENT ABILITY: can't do it, can't do it, can't do it, can't do it. Am pretty "game-fast" in my sport of choice because I'm smart. But my pure acceleration and straight-line speed leave a lot to be desired. Am in "good shape" relative to the general population but not so much relative to where I want to be.

INJURY HISTORY: right ankle sprain x4, right collarbone dislocation x1, lots of nagging shit here and there over the years

more or less regular training for two years now. Beyond simple strength improvements, I haven't achieved much of anything

CURRENT ACTIVITY LEVEL AND/OR TRAINING PROGRAM: I work at a desk, so my activity from 9-6 is mainly just however much fidgeting I do, which is a lot. Walk to and from work and the gym, it's a triangle about a mile on each side. So 2-4 miles of walking per day. Work out in the gym three days per week plus ultimate frisbee practice on Saturdays. Tournament September 11-12 will require several days of recovery and, insh'allah, similar thing will happen on October 2-3.


Work can be erratic. Usually out by 6-6:15 but sometimes have to be here until 7:30 or 8. Can cause stress, which undoubtedly affects workouts. Ultimate on Saturdays.

So, what do you think, adarq? What's the plan?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: THE DREAM JOURNAL
« on: August 30, 2010, 09:36:52 am »
Actually, adarq, I might have to qualify what I said earlier about your violent dreams not being an issue  :ninja: (theeeeere are those nice colons).

URL tells it all:

Basketball / Re: Your legs provide strength for yoru shot?
« on: August 30, 2010, 08:21:47 am »

Well, About the power for shooting. I meant set shots. there was one nba match where I saw dwight howard shooting free throws.  He  goes through his normal routine and stuff. But as his arms move up to his set point, his legs would straighten. But his legs would straighten first and then only he shoots the ball. I'm definite he didnt use much legs at all.

I'm far from an expert on this stuff, but are you really looking to Dwight Howard, one of the worst free throw shooters in the history of the NBA, for set shot shooting tips? Really?

News, Announcements, & Suggestions / Re: Emoticon Suggestions
« on: August 29, 2010, 11:07:32 pm »
colon-enclosed emoticons ftw. annoying for any sentence ending in "...8)" to show up as a smiley face when what I want is the number eight and then a close paren.


Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: August 29, 2010, 11:05:47 pm »
I was confused about what Kadima was...I knew it was a political party in Israel, but I figured that you were not playing that, so I googled it. Up comes the political party. In Israel, which is the only country I have ever seen that game played, it is called matkot.

Thought you would like to know that.

Good to know. Knew the game was Israeli but just assumed Kadima was what they called it there, too. I'm still calling it Kadima, though.

Anyway, back home after a record-setting drive (6.5 hours, usually takes eight). Beach was so awesome, I really needed the break. Dreading work tomorrow morning a little bit, though. I'll probably spend the entire day going through emails and I'm afraid my boss is going to be pissed that I didn't check email at all last week. Oh well. Worth it. Going to try to work out tomorrow, too. Foot was feeling a little wack about midway through the week but it's gotten better. Played tennis today with my dad after we got home and everything felt great. Time to start really training.

Olympic Weightlifting / Re: Up And Comers
« on: August 24, 2010, 11:56:12 pm »
the chick walking by the camera at the end of the second video looks kind of hot.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: August 24, 2010, 01:45:18 am »
Emerald Isle, NC.

Since I'm online anyway, here's what I did yesterday and today (in addition to walking on the beach and swimming in the ocean):

Sunday 8/22 -- biked x6 miles, played tennis x45 minutes, low intensity

Monday 8/23 -- played tennis x60 minutes, low intensity, played kadima x20 minutes, very low intensity.

Forgot my !(*#&$(*& jump rope at home. Oops.

Also, adarq,  :highfive: for the new emoticons.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: August 21, 2010, 03:43:00 pm »
When I get back from the beach  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Leaving tomorrow, going for a week. Will jump rope, do some bw stuff and some really beginner-level power and reactive stuff (think line hops, SVJ, etc.). Then it's back in action for realz.

News, Announcements, & Suggestions / Re: Emoticon Suggestions
« on: August 21, 2010, 03:24:43 pm »

Bodybuilding / Re: Ridiculously Ripped "Dunker"
« on: August 20, 2010, 03:30:07 pm »
Yeah, I could dunk on a 9' rim, too...

You could learn a thing or three about editing techniques from that guy, though  ;)

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Videos from today:
« on: August 20, 2010, 10:19:26 am »
I think the major difference between me and her is the fact that I don't pull my shoulders back (and the whole back, back) so to speak. So therefore hip extension doesn't occur. I need to focus on letting myself on my back a little more in the pull I GUESS.

EDIT: Listen to LanceSTS, not me. He's smarter than me about this stuff. I still think you're using your arms too much.

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