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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: October 08, 2009, 11:29:15 am »
Now that I think about it, I should take some video and see what my low back is doing on front and back squats at depth. My self-awareness isn't too hot in the hips (part of what the Feldenkrais is for). Anyhow, if it looks like I'm not rounding too much with back squats, I may just switch to those. On the other hand, why not front squat 3x/week?

Speaking of Feldenkrais, holy crap, it's awesome. The new-agey aspect is annoying but I just feel myself clicking with myself (make sense?) as each class goes on. The lesson we did wasn't as mind-blowing as some of the others I've done but still...pretty cool.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: October 07, 2009, 05:11:17 pm »
looks good.. but will you be doing front squats 3 days a week? if so, why not sub something else in for one of the days.. ?

Because I think too damn much and Starting Strength has three days a week of squatting. I'm already messing with it because I can't back squat to full depth and I can't power clean so I'm depth-jumping instead. If I try to modify it any more what I'll end up with is nothing like the original. Instead, it will be my own BS again. I figure, leave the rest the way it is and see how it goes for two months. It does seem like a lot of squatting, but then again, I'm still relatively a newb so lots of volume will probably help with technique/neural adaptations/whatever. After 2.5 months (program is 8 weeks, plus two weeks for deload...2.5 months) or so I'll probably mix it up.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: October 06, 2009, 05:06:12 pm »
Light workout again last night.

Shoot hoops w/little brother x20 minutes. God I wish I was 6'3"...

Row x5 minutes @2:12 pace
Hip/t-spine/shoulder drills...I need to get back to doing a routine of these; at the moment I'm just kind of making it up as I go along. Bad discipline
Jump rope x100 2 feet, x100 LRLR, x100 LLRRLLRR...I am shitty and out of practice at jumping rope. This will be a part of the routine from now on.

A1 trap-bar DL x5x225#
A2 pushups x15
A3 walking lunge x16x50# (2x25# db)
A4 inverted rows x10

jog on treadmill x20 minutes @10min/mile pace, HR ~125...this was basically not work, just hadn't jogged in a while and the prospect of 20 minutes on the C2 made me want to die. I really need to find my iPod so that the LISS stuff isn't so freaking boring. Or I need to get some running shoes and run outside. Actually that's a nicer option given that the weather is cooling off. (In the gym I wear Vibram FiveFingers and I've run with them on concrete before. Not fun.)

Normal stretches x8 minutes

Wednesday I'll go to Feldenkrais, Friday another light workout, then Sunday Feldenkrais and then SS Luke-style begins. Luke-style because I can't do power cleans so I'm doing depth jumps as my explosive exercise in Workout B, before the weight part. And I'm adding weighted chin-ups for a pull in place of the PCs. This will be the template (weights listed are work sets for the first two workouts; warm-up sets not included; I'm starting with 90% of my 1RMs for reference weights, i.e. conservatively):

Workout A

  • light cardio
  • mobility
Sprints x4-5 x10-15m
  • line hops front-back or side-side x3 x10s
  • 1-2-3 jumps for height x2 x8 (two-footed...this will basically just be greasing the jumping groove
  • Front squat x3x5x195#
  • Bench press x3x5x150#
  • Dead lift x1x5x270#

Workout B

Warm up same
Sprints x4-5 x20-25m...I need to see if I can find a bigger space for these cause I'd like to do 40s
  • single-leg on-box jumps x2x8 (4 each leg)
  • depth jumps x3x5, starting @ 18" and getting 6" higher every 3 weeks
  • Front squat x3x5x200#
  • Overhead press x3x5x100#
  • Chin-ups x3x5x25#

This will be MWF. LISS cardio will follow strength as a cool-down, in the 10-15 minute range at low intensity (HR~125). Then stretching and done. The SS novice template is 24 workouts, or 8 weeks. So next week through the first week of December. Any comments/suggestions are welcome, other than, "Dude, why the fuck do you change your mind all the time?"

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: October 05, 2009, 12:03:25 am »
Soooo...ultimate's officially over for the year. I'll still play with my fall league team, kind of, but club's done until the spring. I'm sore as &*$! today, so I'm going to take the next week easy and then kick it off. Also, I'm thinking about changing my plan to basically Starting Strength, just with depth jumps instead of power cleans in workout B, done before the squats. I'll still do less-intense plyos and sprinting before lifting every day, but I think it makes sense to try a totally proven plan before getting cute and making shit up on my own. Also, front squats instead of back squats, still. This weekend's workouts:

Sprint x a lot
Walk around x a lot
Shout x a lot
Get drunk x very

Bedtime now. Gym tomorrow w/little brother (in age anyway, he's 4 inches taller than I am, the bastard). Should be fun.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: September 30, 2009, 11:38:16 am »
Last tournament of the year is this weekend, so I'm still taking it easy with the workouts. I actually intended to do front squats and bench/rows today but the gym was overrun with Crossfitters and the one bar not being used by them was being used by my friend Robin in an endless bench workout. He's about twice as strong as I am, so needless to say the weights were inappropriate for my skinny ass. Oh well, it was cool in the end because I probably shouldn't be going too hard this week despite my gung-ho-ness. Here's what I did:

Bike x5 mins @easy pace
Search for jump rope because they're not where they're supposed to be x5 mins (fucking Crossfit)
Jump rope w/shitty, too-long rope x5x60/60 (60s on, 60s rest)
mobility drills x5 mins
line hops x6x10s (3 sets each foot, about 40-42 ground contacts each set)
uphill sprints x4x30m (felt slow as hell but I'm glad I did these--good to run at least a little bit before this weekend)
A1 SLRDL 2x10x80#
A2 KTE 2x10
A3 back extensions x2x10, 5s pause on last rep
row x15 mins @2:09/500m pace

Note to self: Do not go to the gym on Tuesday nights. There are a couple of hot Crossfit girls but it's not worth having to go outside to jump rope because there's no room in the gym. Almost got clocked by a bar two or three times. Also, I'm bringing my own jump rope from now on.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: September 25, 2009, 09:22:11 pm »
Workout today:

bike x10 minutes @easy pace
mobility drills x10 minutes
A1 front squat x5x135
A2 bench x5x105
A3 SLRDL x10x50 (5 each leg)
A4 bent row x5x105
row on C2 x11 minutes @moderate-high pace (2800m)
stretch x10 minutes

The strength part of this workout was super easy by design, although I think it might have been a little TOO easy. The rowing was a bit tougher and just reinforced to me that my work capacity and aerobic capacity are garbage. Those are pretty far down on the ladder in terms of priorities right now but something that I do need to keep improving. Still no work on vert, gonna wait probably two more weeks (giving myself one week after the last frisbee tournament) to get real serious about that. Ankle feels good, Monday will start jumping rope and doing some light plyos.

Also, whey protein came in the mail, finally, and my protein intake has pretty much skyrocketed. It's higher than it needs to be (240g today), actually, so I'm going to cut back to ~180-200g per day.

Awesome link of the day:

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: September 22, 2009, 11:01:05 am »
Recovery workout yesterday felt easy and awesome. I think I'm going to switch to trap bar DLs for the time being; they just feel safer.

  • Stationary bike x10 mins @ easy pace
  • Foam roll legs and back -- ouch!
  • Mobility drills for hips and t-spine x ~15 mins
  • A1 trap bar DL x3x10x176#
  • A2 pullups x3x6xbw
  • A3 DB step ups x3x20x50# (25# in each hand)
  • A4 BB OHP x3x5x86#
  • row x10 mins @ moderate pace (~2:05/500m)
  • stretch

Took ~45-60s between exercises in the circuit. Ankle felt totally fine throughout but is still feeling a bit janky today; more NSAIDs and ice when I get home tonight should be good. If I workout on Wednesday (i.e. if we don't have practice), I'll stay off it and stick to upper body stuff.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: September 21, 2009, 03:45:08 pm »
Club Sectionals for ultimate were this weekend so instead of working out I played 14 hours of ultimate over two days. I turned the same ankle I sprained the shit out of last year >:(, so I didn't play nearly as much on Sunday as I could have due to us qualifying for Regionals pretty early on --rendering the rest of our games more or less meaningless-- and me not wanting to risk injuring the damn thing worse. At least I did it while making a cool play (came out of nowhere to D a deep throw against the best team on the East Coast). And the ankle's not that bad. I'm walking normally and will do some active recovery and mobility stuff today to get the blood pumping to the ankle and my sore muscles. I played really well, even with the messed-up ankle. Should be jumping rope and doing some low-impact plyos to get the connective tissue as strong as possible before Regionals in two weeks. After that, the real fun starts.

Well, I said I wouldn't talk about ultimate but I guess I've got it on the brain. Whatever.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: September 16, 2009, 03:16:49 pm »
so have been sick with H1N1 (just kidding, it's the regular flu...I think) the past several days. felt it coming on over the weekend but just chalked it up to lack of sleep. got hit full-force monday night when fever was up over 101. took the day off from work yesterday and am somewhat better today. still, going home early today and nothing even resembling training will occur between now and the tournament this weekend, except feldenkrais on sunday which was wonderful as usual. the new-agey crap and cultishness are definitely annoying (not as bad as yoga, though, IME), but you can't argue with results and the truth is i feel fantastic every time i finish a lesson. any long-term effects are TBD, obviously, but in the short term it's awesome.

on a related note, the place where i have the most pain due to this whole flu thing has been shoulders and neck. this morning i did an abbreviated version (~10 minutes) of the "rotational use of the arms" lesson from the Open ATM Project You don't do anything specifically with your neck in it --it's all about the shoulder blades-- but as it has in the past it went a ways towards freeing up my neck.

hopefully will feel better tomorrow and 100% by saturday.

Nutrition & Supplementation / Best nutrition resources on teh interwebz
« on: September 13, 2009, 06:03:16 pm »

The first one just has a buttload of fantastic free articles, as well as a bunch of books and a truly great forum for all things diet-related. The second one is the home of the Alan Aragon Research Review, which is an amazing one-man show of scientific analysis. Costs $10/month. Beyond worth it.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: September 12, 2009, 10:05:38 am »
like this (ish, i like to think mine aren't quite this ugly): never tried doing it up onto another box or over a hurdle or anything. i think i'll stick with the current way for a 6-8 weeks and then change up if necessary. also, no sprinting yesterday because it was nasty outside and the basketball court was occupied.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: September 11, 2009, 09:55:56 pm »
Workout today:

foam roll

jump rope, dynamic mobility for hips, shoulders and thoracic spine

agility ladder
1-in x 2
2-in-1-out shuffle x 2
2-in-2-out lateral x 4
1-in-2-split x 8 (4 each foot)
  • this one I got from adarqui's channel...first time I'd done it so it was a bit slow and ugly at first but picked up by the 3rd time through on each leg

donkey ankle bounce x3x20
depth jumps 18" x3x5
  • box jumps felt really springy and good

A Front Squat x1x10x45; x1x5x135; x3x5x195
B1 step-up to 12" box x3x16x135 (8 each foot)
B2 plank complex x3x90 seconds
C1 bench x3x5x135
C2 bent row x 3x5x115

cool down
row x10 minutes (~2300m), HR ~115


Good workout. Kept the intensity pretty low across the board but that's fine until ultimate is over and I can really start kicking into gear. Meanwhile, I'll add weight next week but not a huge amount.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: September 11, 2009, 12:17:26 am »
I'm not sure I've ever really back squatted. I mean, I messed around a little in high school but have no memory of how much I lifted or if I was doing it properly (probably not) and that was a while ago now anyway. Front squatting is just what I learned when I finally did learn properly, and I have an easier time getting to proper depth with it. The cardio stuff I mean to be more along the lines of active recovery, not even really breathing all that hard, just getting my blood pumping a bit. I have very little supplemental cardio (jogging, fartlek runs, tennis, whatever once a week) going on right now because ultimate is pretty demanding in that regard. Especially tournaments, which are obviously brutal (and awesome ;D). Interesting thought about kind of wave loading the weeks. I was planning three weeks as listed, one week of cutting out the intervals and cutting way back on volume, and then possibly mixing up the speed and plyo exercises, as suggested in Kelly's article. But it might make more sense to fluctuate like that. Maybe combine 'em, so week 1 I do all the LISS and the interval/conditioning stuff and week two I do all the LISS (again, this is REALLY low-intensity) but no intervals/metcon. So no intense non-power day in between the power days. Actually, I like that a lot. Part of my reason for the high frequency is that I know I'll be more consistent about working out if I do it more often, even if not pushing myself (or rather, pushing myself to do less, because running 10-minute miles for 30 minutes or whatever is just so much less fun than a fartlek) during the workout.

Again, overthinking. Too many possibilities and I read too damn much. I think for the moment I've got to just stick with what I've got for at least two months and then reevaluate.

Thanks for the response.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / a fast and explosive donkey!
« on: September 10, 2009, 04:54:40 pm »
July 3, 2013
Time to suck it up and use the progress tracker.

October 10, 2012

So, looking back to the first post here for the first time in a long time, seems I've been at this for over three years. I've added 80+ pounds to my squat and 5" to my vertical in that time. Not nothing but not all that great, either. Life has gotten in the way, and indecisiveness and my lack of ability/willingness to go as balls-out as I should. More sacrifice is needed, more consistency is needed. But I'm still at it and I'm not quitting.

After all this wanking about acole14's template, I think I'm just going to go back to the template that adarq wrote out below, last year. It's in the same spirit as acole14's but it's simpler and there's no sprinting day, which I think is probably good. And I had my best gains on it -- first time grabbing rim and hanging on, first batch of sessions where I could get 32" consistently. I haven't really progressed since then in my jumping or anything else, except bodyweight. And I guess I'm a little stronger. Yeah, it's time to jump more. Only differences from the template: CORE is not optional unless I'm late for something, and CORE circuits will include glute bridges/RDLs.


edited by adarq dont delete plz!!

real quick synopsis, as im being bit by mosquitos..

volume-strength:power:deload-reactive = 1:2:1

session 1:
- warmup
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
- SQUAT: 3 x 3, 3 x 8 (no long pauses between reps, try to get the reps done non stop, last rep should be hard)
- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e

session 2:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 4 (90-95%), 30s or more between singles, bar speed from onset of transition to lockout is essential
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
- C1-info: if it makes it easier, to db jump squats, jump squats come nearly immediately after a set of MSEM.. so: MSEM, jump squat, rest 2min, jump squat, rest 3min, repeat..... 2 rotations
- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

session 3:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 8 (80-85%), 15-30s between singles, bar speed from onset of transition to lockout is essential
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
- C1-info: if it makes it easier, to db jump squats, jump squats come nearly immediately after a set of MSEM.. so: MSEM, jump squat, rest 2min, jump squat, rest 3min, repeat..... 2 rotations
- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

session 4:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- ME MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 5 x 5


Day 1: session 1 volume strength
Day 2: recovery
Day 3: recovery
Day 4: session 2 power
Day 5: recovery
Day 6: session 3 power
Day 7: recovery
Day 8: reactive "deload", still max intensity but no lifting
Day 9: recovery and or session 1

so 9-10 day rotation.. in that schedule, day 6, 8, and when you rotate back to day 1 should be the best jumping.. jumping will suffer a bit after session 1 volume.

what you think?

peace man!@$!@

Hi everybody. Sorry for the wordiness in advance; I'm a giant dork and A) overthink everything, and B) don't know how to shut myself up once I get going.

I'm looking to improve my very sad and pathetic vertical. Also to get stronger and faster and in better shape, but the number one concern is vert and I obviously can't do everything at once. Currently I've got a 27" CMJ (25" consistently, 27" is my most recent test max) and ~30" running jump. Never measured that but I can graze the rim at a height of 71", reach of 90", so that makes sense. Basically I am the least reactive person on Earth. I can go forever at slow speeds without any training at all but for whatever reason have decided to play an intermittent-sprint sport (ultimate Frisbee). I'd like to get to 35" standing, 38" running. That would allow me to dunk a soccer/volley ball and sky a bunch of people that I currently can't on the ultimate field.

The ultimate season will be over in about a month, so currently I have practice three times a week and do plyos/lift twice a week, except tournament weeks when we have just one practice but 8 hours of ultimate on Saturday and 6 on Sunday. Two of those left before the end of the season. I've never really lifted before this year, and I've had some trouble sticking with a plan. Maybe if I put it up here I'll be better about that. Oh yes, I'm 5-11, 169#, about 9-10% bodyfat. My best dead lift is 335#, front squat 245#, OHP 125#, bench 185#. Want 400/300/165/250 but I'm not pressed about those numbers as much. I'm going to keep muddling along in the gym until Frisbee is done (currently it's plyos plus DL/squat plus some assistance and upper body stuff, but no real consistent plan) but then turn it up a few notches and try to make some improvements. I'm thinking along the lines of Kelly Baggett's ultimate split:

Sunday: low-intensity steady-state cardio 30-40 minutes, Feldenkrais class (trying to move better, too...look it up if you're curious)
Monday: agility ladder drills, donkey ankle bounces, 20-yard sprints, running verticals, dead lifts, OHP/pullups, Bulgarian split squat, core, cool down w/10-15 minutes LISS cardio, strech
Tuesday: LISS cardio 30-40 minutes, stretch, Feldenkrais on my own
Wednesday: agility ladder drills, intervals/high-intensity conditioning
Thursday: completely off (have class from 6-9 at night so this is the natural day to rest)
Friday: agility ladder drills, donkey ankle bounces, 40-yard sprints, depth jumps, front squats, bench/rows, step-ups, core, cool down w/10-15 minutes LISS cardio, stretch
Saturday: ultimate Fall league (medium intensity, a lot more chill than club...will be a decent workout and I just need to play)

Main lifts (DL, FS, bench, OHP) will be 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps. Assistance lifts will be 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps. Sprint/plyo exercises will be done until time/height drops. 1-5 minutes rest between sets, depending. LISS cardio will be either rowing machine or stationary bike on heavy days, probably jogging on off days with possible rowing/biking if I feel like making it to the gym. Heart rate in the 130-140 range. Intervals will Informed Performance-style, above anaerobic threshold. Also I'll be throwing as much as possible to keep my skills up and pick up some new ones. Don't expect that there are too many ultimate players on here, so I'll keep that part to myself.

Diet-wise (this forum doesn't seem to have a lot about diet on it, but it's damn important, so I'm throwing it out there), I'm going to eat at LEAST 170g of protein every day, hopefully more like 200. Other than that a pretty even split of carbs and fat without concerning myself too much with either. I'll try to get ~2800-3500 calories per day, depending on activity level, but I'm not trying to beef up and I've never lost weight in my life, so again, not too much concern about the diet except getting enough protein.

Not sure this will end up being a real day-to-day log because I'm already keeping a journal of my training on my own and spending too much time in forums* as it is without having to babble on to the world every day. As you can see, I'm long-winded. But it's helpful to write everything down and I'm just curious to hear what people think about the plan.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading.

*Mostly Lyle McDonald's at, which are (the main one and the hidden one) the best by far** for nutrition and most exercise-related stuff (but not vertical stuff; this place is clearly better for that).
**By. Far.***
***NB: No one else is even close.

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