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Messages - Joe

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 96

BW - 71.6

DB Incline Bench
30 x 13

DB Flye
15 x 12, 10, 8

30 x 15, 12, 10, 9

Lying Lateral
10 x 7, 6 + 7.5x9
7.5 x 11, 8


Limited time this morning and legs still sore, so will do leg stuff tmrw.


BW - 71.3

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-22.5 x 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

A - DB Preacher
12.5 x 10, 8, 7, 6

B - DB Finger Curl
22.5 x 9+6, 6+5
20 x 7+6, 5+5


Going to reduce other back work in favour of more volume on OAC stuff for the next few weeks.


BW - 72

A - Deficit RDL
125 x 6, 6, 6

B - DB Incline
30 x 12, 11, 10

A - Reverse Nordic
+15 x 7, 6, 5 + BW x 8

B - DB Flye
15 x 10, 9, 8

A - Lying Lateral
10 x 6, 5
7.5 x 12, 11

B - Pushdown
27.5 x 18, 16, 14, 12

C - Finger Curl
22.5 x  7+4, 6+4


Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-20 x 2, 2

OA Row
55 x 9, 7

Rear Delt
10 x 14, 11

Finger Curl
22.5 x 8+5, 6+4
20 x 10+5

120 x 15+7+5

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 18+8+5

DB Preacher
12.5 x 10, 8


BW yesterday was 73.3, today 72.5. We'll see where it settles with normal eating, but basically gained 2kg of fat in a week. Was an awful/stressful week for various reasons I won't go into, and which have gladly mostly resolved, but annoying to be left with this after-effect. Was feeling like I was a week or two away from being done, but now it's back on the diet grind for like 2+ months I guess. Pretty upset with myself and feeling gross, even if I get why the binge happened. Was looking forward to being done and back to maintaining/lean gaining, but I'm not going to step away from the goal now.

Had a terrible week for various reasons and stress led to a pretty extended binge-eating episode. Back to normal today, though, but frustrating. Onwards.


OAC Negatives 3 x 2 each arm
Chinup 1 max set
T-Bar Row 2 sets
DB Pullover 2 sets
DB Finger Curl 3 sets
BB Curl 3 sets
DB Preacher 2 sets



Squat 1 set
Reverse Nord 2 sets
Good Morning 3 sets
OHP 1 set
Incline Bench 1 set
Bench 1 set
Dips myo
Lying Laterals


30 min spin + 20 min cooldown ride


cba to track weights for things where I am since I'm just doing semi-random stuff to get reps in.


45 min spin class

fun lol


BW - 70.6

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-15 x 1, 1

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1
50 x 8s, 7s
45 x 12s

17.5 x 1
20 x 1
21.25 x 1 [easy]
18.75 x 13s
17.5 x 13s

45 x 12+7

Rear Delt Cable
10 x 12, 11

Finger Curl
22.25 x 7+5, 6+5

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 16+7+5

120 x 12+7+5

DB Preacher
12.5 x 9, 7



Cold basically completely gone now, thank god. Great work out, despite still being a little fatigued/sore in back/bis from Sunday. Traps surprisingly sore from the RDLs too.

Away Wed-Fri so did this today rather than tomorrow.

Pinch training is so annoying, since for me it is _so_ variable, even within a session. Depends so much on tiny factors of set-up, humidity, amount of chalk etc, so tracking it is really hard. I guess hard work is hard work so it'll add up even if it's nominally a "low" number on the sheet.

Hyped to see you on the bouldering train! I think it pairs really well with running. Hopefully in the future you can do some cool combined trail running/climbing trips!


BW - 70.6

A - Defecit RDL
120 x 8, 8

B - Incline DB Bench
30 x 12, 11

A - Reverse Nordic
+15 x 8, 7 + BW x 9

B - DB Flye
15 x 13, 11

A - Lying Lateral
7.5 x 15
10 x 6
7.5 x 12+6

B - Pushdown
27.5 x 17, 15, 12+6



Cold still lingering, so this was very tiring. Long rests between sets.

Switching up my hinge movement. RDLs feel more natural -- easier to focus on getting a hamstring stretch, and with the deficit I can go very deep, past where the plates would be hitting the ground if I did the lift from the floor.

Starting to get legit lean. Have a six pack without flexing even in bad lighting now. Cold aside, energy levels, libido etc remaining good! I'm still eating 2000-2200 kcal a day, and have dessert after dinner basically every day, so this cut has been very easy overall diet-wise. Gives me optimism that I'm actually still above, or at worst just approaching, my "lower settling point", and so should be able to gain with a very minor surplus straight away, rather than having to gain fat to get back into a good enviroment for muscle-building.


BW - 70.5

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1, 1
-20 x 4  :personal-record:

Finger Curl
25 x 5+3
22.5 x 7+6, 5+6

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 18+8+6+5


Still have some pretty bad cold symptoms, so kept intensity high but volume low for this session.


BW - 70.8

Good Morning
100 x 11

Reverse Nordic
+10 x 12 + BWx8

Incline DB Bench
30 x 12

15 x 14

27.5 x 16+7+5

Lying Lateral
7.5 x 14+6 + BWx10


Have a cold so did a lower volume session at home rather than infecting people at the gym.


BW - 70.2

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-20 x 3

20mm Grip
50 x 1
55 x 1, 1
50 x 8s
45 x 15s

17.5 x 1
20 x 1
21.25 x 1
18.75 x 8s
17.5 x 14s

OA Row
55 x 8, 6

Rear Delt Cable Flye
10 x 13+7

Finger Curl
22.5 x 7+5, 5+5

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 17+8+5

15x6 + 12.5x8 + 10x11+8

100 x 20+10+5



New low weight by a huge margin. Slightly anomalous b/c yesterday was very hectic and had weird meal timings and such like, but still, nice to see.


BW - 71.0

Good Morning
100 x 10, 9, 8

Incline DB Bench
30 x 11, 10, 9

Reverse Nordic
+10 x 11, 9, 7 + BWx10

DB Flye
15 x 11, 9

27.5 x 13, 12, 11, 10 + 20 x 8

Lying Lateral
7.5 x 13, 12, 11, 10 + 5x7



Ties lowest weight, feel like this will be the week I settle sub 71, then we're almost there.

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