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Messages - PointerRyan

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lol i dotn have to answer it all fairly obvious i suck at most xD.
Definitely a double leg jumper. not explosive at all so single leg stuff is weak as heck.
hamstrings lacking behind .
but meh been long time since i trained for jumping. Been only doing sprints nowadays. warm up to 90percent, do a 100percent, then back to 90percent and i'm done for legs lol. I Do it more for potentation for my workouts  and soem work for legs so that it don't go rusty.

so if i'm adding dumbbells i'll onyly be able to do  a straight leg variation :/

I still find it hard keeping torso vertical during chin ups. Well i guess it's alright seeing frank yang's torso aint vertical too. pullups much easier though

Hey just wondering, i've been doign weighted pull ups for a while now, and was wondering if i should do weighted chin ups instead or something. I'm doing it 2x a week currently. will be changing my routine from 3x a week to 2x a week, probably getting bench press and pullups on one workout and then shoulder press and chinups/pullups on another.



Well i have been doign this for close to 2months.
My workouts are on Sunday,Wed and Fri.
Workout A is done on sun and wed.
workout b is done on fri.

Workout A::
Bench press 3to4sets of 5-7reps.
at least 2minutes rest
weighted pullups 3sets of 6-6-7

incline dumbbell press 3sets of 8-10reps

Superset: dumbbell bicep curls and weighted close grip dips .
Both 3setx of 10-12reps with about a minute30second rest.

Then, lateral raises 3setx of 10-12

lastly weighted planks
dumbbel shoulder press 3x8-10reps

back rows 3x8-9reps

rear delts 3x 8-10reps

ab work, weighted planks or weighted hanging leg raises.

My bench has gone up only recently when I lowered don the weight and did proper form, arching my back which really helped.
Looking to gain size overall , especially my shoulders, and get my arms up too as it's lacking behind the rest big time.
looking to improve my bench to

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: bench press
« on: October 27, 2012, 07:56:02 am »
thanks man helped alot!

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / bench press
« on: October 07, 2012, 09:37:46 am »
Hey was wondering about the proper form for a bench press.
About slightly wider than shoulder width grip yes? and do you bring the bar to your lower chest(like below your nipple line at the line intersecting between the chest and ribs) or middle chest?


Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: powerlifting in prison
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:16:45 am »
One of the most motivational vids ever. here is their deadlifts int he middle somewhere. this is fucking awesome.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
damn nice. too bad I'm in the place where motivation doesn't quite help me.

Sorta losing a good purpose man. It's like if i  were to ask myself whether am I enjoying the entire training process, and more importantly why am I doing all this?
One thing i really not so keen of is squats. hate it man to be frank. I could be lazy , but if i had a good purpose or mindset , Laziness is something I wouldn't allow to compromise my training. Lack passion i guess?
Thought of temporary doign full deadlifts, subbing for squats till god knows when, until i'm fine with doing squats. Though some guy at the gym realyl encouraged me to continue squats, as it's still the best compound exercise for what i'm trying to  accomplish.
but damn not sure if i'm hesitating cause i'm not willing to let go my past 6months of hardwork,  or I'm thinking i'm giving myself bad excuses.

anyone had  a smiliar problem like this?maybe time to set osme new goals?


 Why do you have 1 million fucking threads about exercises and exercise technique and not ONE DAMNED VIDEO OF YOU DOING A LIFT?

I would, if i have the accessories needed. but ill try to get a friend who has a camera or any phoen with camera to upload it online.

If i'dh ave a cam or something i"d have posted a dozen videos by now.

well noted about that will do my best .

 man thought i had a problem since  my leg press sucks this bad. But well then i guess question answer. Squat's the shit. Thanks for the answer guys.gonna continue my 3x8reps squat. Better form and  a much better bar speed compared to 5 reps squating hate 5 man. Btw am i suppose to be really feeling it at the back during rdl? Gotta feeling my glutes isn't getting as much as it should from rdl.

You ask even more retarded questions (and more frequently) than I did when I was new to training.

3xBW leg press = 1.5xBW squat?  WTF, erase that BS out of your mind right now.  Also, just take leg presses out of your training routine.  I'm serious, take it out.  You do squats and RDL's for legs?  Perfect combination, no need for leg presses at all.

You think your legs are weak cause of your leg press numbers and it's holding your squat back?  How about, strengthen your legs with squats?  Whatever the weak link is, your squat will work it... 

Leg presses are leg dominant?  You don't say?!

Relation between squat and deadlift?  What are you even asking?  How much higher should one be than the other?  It'll be different for everyone.  Usually DL is higher though.

Don't get offended by my jackassness, but seriously this was retarded.  Take out leg press, be consistent with the depth of your squats and keep squatting.  Keep doing RDL's.  Simple.  Stop over-analyzing and get your rdl and squat numbers up, BY SQUATTING AND RDLing.  NOT BY leg pressing.

It's a good thing to ask questions, but this one, I seriously had to .

hey sorry but just in case u got it wrong, I Don't do leg presses, except for tht one day when  i was trying jsut to see how much weights i can press. Not planning on incorporating it into my workout, but about the 3xbw =1.5 thing, i remember reading somewhere about how if so happen you CANT get access to or do squats for some legit reason, but can do leg presses, it should be 3xbw to be safe to say ur squats is 1.5bw ( as recommended to be that strong before doing plyos) . thats the whole reason i brought it up.

a nd not saying weak leg presses is holding back my squat, rather was thinking of using it to possibly see your weaknesses and do the assistance exercise that could help strengthen the weakness. like my quads could be really weak, intead of doing RDL only, i could do lunges which would involve more quad work but not neglecting glutes, and do RDL too or eliminate it.

thats my point.
soryr if my question sounds retarded but if it could even be considerde as a nalternating t o a 1.5bw squat when  there is no choice and people can still get result , then whats wrong with it? besides, a two leg jumper could be quad dominant and jump as high those glute dominant, and thats wht  got be me wondering if this works

Hey people. Well after monday's workout, which consisted of squat, rdl and leg press, i was wondering what is the relation between squats and deadlifts. I remember how a 1.5xsquat can be replaced with 3x leg press. So the depth i did on the leg press, was lesser than my not consistent parallel squat, but even so i could only do 120kg twice , could've probably done 130kg for once but failed on 140kg anyways. Now since the leg press weight used standard is twice of squats,  with my squats being 90kg  for 6plus reps, my leg press is only at most 130kg. Seeing how  my quads dont as much work as my back and glute,and my leg press, which is a leg dominant(probably quad), is much lower refering to my legpress to squat ratio, and feeling the quads while doing legpress, was thinking maybe my weaknesses or strength can be evaluated.  Looking at my legs itself, it's neither big or sticklike thin, and not that muscular, i was thinking my legs are weak enough that it's holding my squats back? Thoughts on this.

Also im not sure what i said is correct, re arms/legs/toro lengths.
I remember Lance saying that long legs and short torso harm the squat form , create forward lean etc , making it harder in other words. But for deadlift it was just a chat in here , about mutumbo's huge deadlift.
As for RDL/DL , i was the only one that voted RDL and i am changing it too. I did 1x286 after not regular DLing for 3 years and with my left quad injured, while the 8x253 RDL PR was achieved after a couple of months of weekly progressive overloading.

My explanation about hands/torso lengths:
In regular deadlifts, for a given back position , the longer hands and shorter torso you have, the higher 'squat position' your legs will be in the deadlift start, it's like turning the DL to 'half' DL ( in an analogy with squats/half squats ). It is the same ROM but the starting body setup is more advantageous to produce strength.
For RDLs, longer hands reduce the ROM since the end of the movement is standard ( below knee ) while the starting point is lower with long hands.
Nothing to back those thoughts up though, just pulling them out of my hairy ass! :D
yeah makes sense, but how about leg length? i'm guessing long legs dont help u in deadlifts or squats yeah?

A regular deadlift is easier than a RDL because you also get quad power in a regular deadlift, whereas in the RDL you don't. Even though the RDL has a shorter ROM and also has a eccentric period of amortization (that should potentiate you a bit). At least that's how I feel.

gosh that weird. i have problem with deadlifts. it's easier when i push my hips up first making it more like a RDL, or i cant lift the weight.

Parallel squat PR : 5x236.5
RDL PR : 8x253
Regular DL : unknown , havent tried for ages.

Did regular deadlifts today after 3 years.
PR back then was 4x268
Did 3x264 and 1x286 today, rather easy, no straps , not even gloves.
Long legs + short torso + long hands = shitty full squat / good DL/RDL.

ah long legs really? hmm people with logn femur have trouble lifting more in squats , didnt thought deadlift too was like that.
 weird though since the back angle for ppl with long femur will be more compared to ppl with short femur/long torso, whose back would be more upright. so confusing. I guess my body is proportional

Also seeing u did 253x8 for RDL and 1x286for deadlift, i assume ppl can lift more in RDL than deadlift yeah? ROM is less thats my guess.

Also, many people say that as long your knees bend a little it's coutned a deadlift, and romanian deadlift is legs straight. Thats not how i see it though. A deadlift is like a 90degree knee bend right? rom at most a quarter squat knee bend?

Deadlift starts from the floor, romanian does not.

hmm i start from the floor first rep but the rest i o down to a fe w inches below knee level.
and i read some where about how u start from a deep squat position in deadlift? gosh so many statements hard to tell what is a regular deadlift. i always thought it was frmo the floor, a deep squat position. where as a back angle closer to parallel to the ground is a romanian, as well as with little to no knee bend and weights doesnt touch the floor.

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