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Messages - Rix

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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: June 06, 2012, 08:45:38 am »
PS.  I appreciate those who check out my journal and give feedback, but please be constructive if possible.
I read around about Shawn Myszka... and that is about the only reason why i want to give boing a try.

I am not promoting anything by any means but here is an interview with Shawn which might be interested to some people:

If you can show me a vertical jump program not endorsed by some industry guru I'll show you a program that isn't selling. A majority of programs out there have some reputable face on their product. You're falling for their marketing garbage. Some programs are still decent despite all the BS around them but that doesn't change the fact that you don't have to pay for a good routine.

The whole "official jump program of TFB" just screams marketing crap. Those guys were flying way before that program came out. I guarantee you they were either paid a large lump some or are making commissions on all sales for endorsing BoingVert.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:23:27 am »
Adidas Recovery Long Tight arrived.  Wore it to sleep tonight, but next morning still feel like both leg are sore, especially the glute (probably due to thai kicking)

 :uhhhfacepalm: You're supposed to wear them while exercising...Even then I doubt they have a significant effect. It's not like you put them on and magically your muscles recover faster. What do I know though, keep wearing them to sleep every night and see how that works out for you.

You sure?
It's not typical compression shorts, it's a 'special' product , recovery shorts to wear AFTER training:
Or am i wrong and it is just a gimmick marketing trick for just another pair of compression shorts?

Nah I'm not sure, just my initial reaction. You're right, it looks like you're supposed to wear them after.
Definitely sounds gimmicky though. I don't know how a pair of compression shorts could have much effect. Can't trust reviews like that either, there's a link to the product in the article. They're just trying to sell it.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Kingfush
« on: May 28, 2012, 06:59:52 pm »
do you use the foam padding?


That squat is really impressive. Keep it up man.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: May 28, 2012, 06:38:46 pm »
Adidas Recovery Long Tight arrived.  Wore it to sleep tonight, but next morning still feel like both leg are sore, especially the glute (probably due to thai kicking)

 :uhhhfacepalm: You're supposed to wear them while exercising...Even then I doubt they have a significant effect. It's not like you put them on and magically your muscles recover faster. What do I know though, keep wearing them to sleep every night and see how that works out for you.

Do you foam roll and stretch at all? If not it sounds like you could benefit quite a bit by starting.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:06:26 am »
i actually didn't know about java/javascript either really, until i started building this site.. on that note, java is by far the ugliest language i've ever read/code ripped.. i absolutely hate reading java code. hideous


Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: April 28, 2012, 07:59:00 am »
Yeah man I realized the same thing the other day.
I always thought the harder I kick off the ground the higher I'll go but that's not the case. The translation of horizontal to vertical should be pretty smooth. You've got the idea now. Congrats, sound like you're real close to a lob dunk now  :highfive:

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Eric's Journal
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:02:53 am »
Back/Bi day


did some cable 1 arm rows(like db rows) mixed with 1 set of pull ups but there was a gay guy behind the cable crossover with 0 weight on the hammer lat pulldown doing like 50 reps waiting for me to do my sets then hed stop so it was pretty fucking awkward....btw he had a pink bunny sweatshirt on.  

Lmfao...well it was a bi day for you.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: April 24, 2012, 07:29:28 am »
question: if we don't challenge our brains, are we using them at 100%?

let's say i watch jersey shore all day long, then go to a club, then come back home and do some pushups.

am i utilizing my brain at 100%?

if i know one language and am capable of learning 8-10, am i using my brain at 100%?

if i can't control my dreams, ie, lucid, am i using my brain at 100%?

if all i do is walk, am i using my body at 100% of what it is capable? so if i am capable of running 22mph, yet, i never surpass 8mph on a slow jog, what percent of my body "am i using"?

if all i do is eat 1 cheese doodle, yet im still hungry, have i used my intestines at 100% of their capability? perhaps, 100% of being empty?

then i think you are correct lbss, if we are only using ~10% of our brains, then we can say we are not using 90% of our brains, which still classifies itself as "using".

so, if you add the 10% use of my brain, to the 90% NOT use of my brain, then I am actually using 100% of my brain.

lbss good point ;f

Your brain is split up into different areas that handle different functions. It's not like any section can be used to learn a new language for example.

If you're not in pain, the sub-section of your brain that controls pain isn't active but it can't be used to learn calculus. It is however being used. If you get kicked in the nuts you'll feel it immediately (hopefully). Other areas are responsible for things like memory and cognitive function among other things. They are solely responsible for those tasks.

You are capable of learning an infinite number of languages if you had the time. Knowing them doesn't use your brain so much as learning them does. If you're fluent in a language you don't have to think much at all when speaking it. In the moment, whether you know 1 language or 50, all sections of your brain are firing and being used (hopefully).

That cheese doodle example...really? What do your intestines have to do with hunger? Ignoring that, they are either being used or they aren't. You could argue that only the sections with food in them are being used but the truth is it's an organ that functions as a whole. If some section were inactive the food would get stuck there. Also, comparing your brain to your intestines is retarded.

Oh man your knees in that vid make me push them in so much!
Try lowering the weight and "rip the the floor apart" with you feet to keep the knees out. That will keep the knees tracking over the toes and get more glute involved.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:54:19 pm »
It is?

Never found anything more boring.

Boring because it makes no sense, agreed.

These programming posts should stay in your private journal man...I don't really see the point of sharing them here.
What's the objective of this bot anyway (besides you learning comp sci theory)?

That bench looked pretty crazy, was that 185?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: March 15, 2012, 07:36:30 am »
Thanks to all who reply,
Regarding to the Jumpsole, I just want to give it a try, and it is within reach... so no harm for testing it.

Testing =  a workout or 2, at most a couple weeks. You dedicated (and wasted) 8 weeks doing workouts with them.
D4 said it right: if you ask for advice be prepared to listen and act on it. People give their input and you keep doing your own thing. Many people on this forum know what they're doing. There are also plenty of resources here and online in general that you can use to build an effective training plan for yourself. You just have to actually do it.
I would say the first place to start is cutting down on BF. Dropping down to below 15% should increase your vert at least an inch. You asked Raptor for "some quick effective method". Are you serious?! Do cardio for some extended period of time and make sure you're consuming less calories than you burn.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: March 13, 2012, 07:57:58 am »
My 2 cents: Bail on the jump soles. I'm not even sure why you started with them in the first place. I am guessing it was convenient and you read a ton of positive (and possibly fake) reviews about them?
I think intense plyo sessions without the jump soles would be more effective. Like if you had done all those workout without the jump soles for example. Also keep lifting weights if that's an option.

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