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Smolov Tips?

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--- Quote from: Harvey M. on December 21, 2011, 05:39:24 am ---
--- Quote from: Fat And Furious on December 21, 2011, 04:35:16 am ---If you're that keen on smolov why not jnr?

--- End quote ---

Go big or go home. :) Why tone it down?

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 This is the thing man, if you use the higher intensity stuff now when its not necessary at all, then later on when you NEED it to progress, you dont have nearly the same options.  You can only improve so fast and then its overkill, the key is staying in that range of constant progress, no more than it takes to get there and no less.

edit: lbss, read your  last two sentences just now lol.

Honestly, Smolov sure looks impossible to do for me.

Well, the way I see it is that Smolov was designed to give big gains in a small time frame. Yeah, so was starting strength and whatnot, but I'm up for a real challenge. It's more of a mental test for me as it is a physical test. When I'm done? Maybe I'll do it again? Maybe I'll do something more jump-related.

If by me completing Smolov will be detramental to my training. Speak now. Otherwise, I don't see why you're not encouraging me.


--- Quote from: Harvey M. on December 21, 2011, 07:12:19 pm ---Well, the way I see it is that Smolov was designed to give big gains in a small time frame. Yeah, so was starting strength and whatnot, but I'm up for a real challenge. It's more of a mental test for me as it is a physical test. When I'm done? Maybe I'll do it again? Maybe I'll do something more jump-related.

If by me completing Smolov will be detramental to my training. Speak now. Otherwise, I don't see why you're not encouraging me.

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that's exactly what lance and i just said. if you want it spelled out: it will be detrimental to your training.

up for a real challenge? do three sets of five squats three days a week, adding weight as often as you can while maintaining strong form.

By detrimental, I mean it's either going to injure me or not make me improve. If it's going to make me improve, what's the issue? There's no way it could be detrimental if I'm looking for some quick strength. And I honestly don't see 3x5 that challenging at all.


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