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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2011, 03:50:23 am »

Dynamic warmup

Tuck jumps: 3x7-8

50m Sprints (100%) x 4

Depth jumps from 20'': 4x5


Stiff-legged deadlift: 3x9-10@ 143lbs

Bench press: 3x6@176lbs

REA squat: 3x8@152lbs

Gonna bench every day and also military press every other day to keep my UB strength up

Was playing ball indoors yesterday at the local uni courts and did a few SVJs - for one was able to get a good inch or two over the ring! (could pull down on it) which is prob a PR (around 31'' from standing reach calc)  :D. All these squats are slowly paying off! Now I just need to work on improving my RVJ in a similar way


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2011, 01:55:15 am »
Track/gym session


Dynamic warmup focusing on hams

100% 60-70m sprints x 4

Tuck jumps: 3x8

Depth drop (38''): 4x4


Squat: 1x8@165lbs, 1x6@275lbs, 2x6@319lbs

 :personal-record: attempt! 1x5@340lbs--->failed lol, only got three out before my knee started to wobble a bit and I called it quits. Safety first!

Bench: 3x6 @187lbs

Double calf raise holding two 33lb weights: 3x15


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2011, 03:15:07 am »

Focused on quads today, hammys were a bit too sore

Squat: 5x8@231lbs

Leg Press: 4x10@484lbs

Calf raise holding 50lb weight: 2x20

Kept squat weight lighter today cos my right knee was feeling a bit sore. Did six test SVJs before starting, was able to touch rim pretty well every time, definitely getting more consistent in that regard.  :D


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2011, 01:34:47 am »
Ouch, injury. Got a hard knee to my left calf playing ball yesterday. woke up and it's bruised, pretty much impossible to run, jump or squat down, so postponing today's training to tomoro or Wed to avoid risking anything. Is anything more frustrating than injury stopping you improving???


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2011, 01:14:54 am »
Gym (no track due to calf bruise)

5min stretching

glute activation - glute bridge 30sec hold x5

Bench: 4x6@187lbs

Squat: 2x8@253, 3x7-8@275lbs

Shoulder press: 3x8@33lb dumbell

Shoulder fly: 3x8@33lb dumbell

GHR: 3x6-8 holding 22lb

Lowered my squat weight a bit today to try and get form perfect. Not that it's terrible, but today I wanted to get 5 sets of 8 with feet perfect width apart, hips/knees parallel, not too low to avoid rounding back (that happens to me a lot), and really squeezing and lifting with the quads. I did this mainly because my lower back has been feeling a bit sore after squatting lately and I know it must be because there's a few flaws in my form. Gonna try and get a video up at some point so I can get a bit of critique from all the awesome squatters here  ;D


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2011, 02:08:07 am »
Had it rough over last week, first calf bruise then I got sick! Came down with a few cold-like symptoms so had a couple of days off to recover. Was kinda good though, had a chance to read up on some stuff on the site and think about how my trainings going in terms of progress etc. Might try some new things and see how they go. Anyway:


Dynamic w/u

Accel sprints: 4x60m (100%)

Single-leg bounding: 4x8/leg

Tucks: 3x8

Depth jumps from 24'': 3x4


Squat: 2x10@253, 3x8@290lbs

Romanian DL: 3x10@143lbs

EDIT: I just remembered I didn't do tucks, had it written down but didn't end up doing them
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 02:53:56 am by acole14 »


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2011, 02:52:11 am »

4x50m accelerations to 100%

4x6-8 single leg bounds

3x10 tuck jumps (trying to minimise ground time)


Pause bench press: 3x6(slow)@187lbs

Squat: 4x8@220lbs (good depth though)

Kept it light today (especially squat), still recovering a bit from a cold and my energy levels are way down...also I've got a grading game tomoro night for bball season, because my team sat out last season we have to re-qualify and it's a must-win game!!    :headbang:


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2011, 04:01:27 am »
Well we won our grading game by 25 pts, good result as we should get back into a decent division. Been about 5 months since we were in the competition last, feels like forever. Was pretty happy with my line: 8pts, 3-4 FG, 1-2ft, 1-1 3pt, couple of boards, couple of assists, steal and a sweet block that I directly attribute to my vert training!  ;D

Gym - upper body and squat

Reverse hyper: 2x12 bw

Squat: 4x8@231lbs

Bench: 3x8@205lbs

Chest fly: 3x8@88lbs

Incline bench: 3x10-12@100lbs


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2011, 03:05:06 am »

Dynamic warm-up

4x50-60m: 100% sprints (all-out)

4x20-30m: DL bounding

Pogos: 4x10-15


Deadlift: 3x8@210lbs, 1x8@253lbs

Chin-ups (wide-grip): 4x to fatigue (15,12,12,10) drop set to assisted chinups for last set

Row: 4x10@80lbs

DL Calf raise: 3x15-17 holding 88lbs


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2011, 04:09:28 am »


4x20-30m DL bounds

3x5 tuck jumps

5 max SVJ attempts

3x8 depth jumps from 24''


Squat: 1x8@165lbs (warm-up), 4x8@231lbs (lower weight due to lower back soreness)

Gonna be going for some PRs next week over Easter, hopefully get some proper videos, been trying to for ages but all I've got are some phone videos that I can't reformat  >:( very annoying but soon I'll finally have a decent camera to use


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2011, 02:39:56 am »
Gym - upper body
(lower body rest day)

Incline bench press: 4x8@121lbs

Incline dumbbell press: 4x8@66lbs

Preacher curl: 4x8-10@77lbs

Tricep pulley: 5x12@88lbs

Dips: 4x10


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2011, 12:38:14 pm »
Jumps/sprint test

Jumps test: 6xSVJs, 2-3xDLRVJs, 4-5xSLRVJs, 1-2x2step DLVJ
(Video to come after i've got some new software)

Track: 2x100m (12.5, 12.3) <----crap but i'll get my conditioning back after a few more track sessions, felt so slow in the last 50m


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE - finally video!
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2011, 11:22:01 pm »
Here's a vid of some stuff I did two days ago, the first dunk was on a rim which had been bent forward a bit, dunked on it just for fun. Second one at the end got cut off a bit but it went in. I measured the ring at 3.02m or ~9'11'', still fun to do some (very soft) dunks on it though, also I let a bit of air out of my ball to make it easier to grip, gotta work on palming it better   ;D


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2011, 03:12:42 am »

Dynamic warm-up/stretch

5x8 tucks

4x6-7/leg single leg bounds

3x15 pogo bounces

6x40-50m accel sprints


Squat: 1x8@165lbs, 1x8@231lbs, 2x8@275lbs

Lat pull-down: 3x6@176lbs drop to 132lbsx7

Bent-over rows: 3x10@121lbs

Preacher curl: 3x7-8@50lbs

Hammer curl: 3x6@33lb (dumbbells)


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2011, 02:29:51 am »

Back extension holding 22lb plate: 3x10-12

Single leg calf raise holding 35lb plate: 2x12

Bench press: 3x8@185lbs

Squat: 1x8@165lbs, 2x8@275lbs, 1x8@300lbs

BSS: 3x10/leg holding 22lb kettleball in each hand

(No running today because of basketball tonight, don't wanna have nothing left because I'll prob play PG)