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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1380 on: March 07, 2024, 08:06:31 am »
welcome back! and congrats on the third (and final, lol) kid. my wife and i are starting to try to have our first and i'm trying to pack in some races and other stuff this year before that takes and we've got a little whippersnapper around to take care of.

it is amazing that this place is still going. adarq hasn't signed in since august 2023. as vag once put it, it seems like he's "loved up" and living his dream life on his little farmstead in florida. although, i stopped using instagram and facebook a while ago so i'm not even sure how he's doing. should check in, come to think of it. anyway, huge shoutout to him for letting us keep coming here.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1381 on: March 09, 2024, 09:14:58 pm »
welcome back! and congrats on the third (and final, lol) kid. my wife and i are starting to try to have our first and i'm trying to pack in some races and other stuff this year before that takes and we've got a little whippersnapper around to take care of.

it is amazing that this place is still going. adarq hasn't signed in since august 2023. as vag once put it, it seems like he's "loved up" and living his dream life on his little farmstead in florida. although, i stopped using instagram and facebook a while ago so i'm not even sure how he's doing. should check in, come to think of it. anyway, huge shoutout to him for letting us keep coming here.

Thanks, good luck with it. I love being a dad and my kids are great but yeah, it definitely keeps you so busy that exercise usually gets squeezed out of the weekly schedule often. So that's wise to fit in a few bucket-list athletic achievements before it happens for you!


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1382 on: May 29, 2024, 12:59:16 am »
Training update: I've stoped running as much because the weather is shifting (not winter yet, but a bit wetter), and I also joined a gym after a ~5 year gap. One of the parents I know owns a small chain of 24h places and offered me a decent price, so it just felt like a sign to get back to weight lifting a bit.

Over the past few weeks I've been doing a pretty easy program:

Day1: Cardio warmup (5 mins on step machine and 1000m row machine), 4x10 squat / 45 deg back ext 3x10 / single leg on the leg ext machine, ham machine / SL calf raise w/KB and core exercises

Day2: Cardio, BSS 3x10/leg / 45 deg back ext 3x10 / calf and core exercises

Day3: Cardio, 5x5 squat / 45 deg back ext 3x10 / single leg on the leg ext machine, ham machine / SL calf raise w/KB and core exercises

I'm sticking with the squat and 45 deg back extension as primary exercises. I'm not messing around with deadlifts, or much upper body really. BSS is mostly a mid-week break from squatting. I actually feel pretty good and not too weak: I'm at about 80kgs for 4x10 and ~90kgs for 5x5 - a fair way off my best but I think I can get back to ~130-140kg 1rm with a few months of work. I'm keen to try a bit of jumping once my strength is back.  :ninja:


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1383 on: May 30, 2024, 08:29:11 am »
just be careful to ease back into jumping, tendinopathy tends to flare up bad after a long break. Body doesn't like sudden spikes in loading rate.
Patella and achilles in particular


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1384 on: June 03, 2024, 12:25:13 am »
just be careful to ease back into jumping, tendinopathy tends to flare up bad after a long break. Body doesn't like sudden spikes in loading rate.
Patella and achilles in particular

Thanks, I've been around the block a few times with this stuff so I'm certainly not going to be too aggressive at this stage.


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1385 on: June 04, 2024, 07:40:10 pm »
Training last week:

Day 1: Squat 3x10 @ 80kgs, 1 x 10@60kgs --> this is pretty challenging, had to drop the last set down to maintain good form and not overdoing it. I'm going to stay here for a few more sessions.

Day 2: BSS 3x8-10/leg @ 16kgs --> pretty easy

Day 3: Squat 5x5@90kgs --> pretty good, I could probably do 95kgs but not 100kg yet.

Every session:
Back ext 3xF @ 10kgs --> usually getting 12-14 reps here. Nothing new but this such a good exercise for isolating the hams. It's hard to load much more than 20kgs but I think reps to ~20 at that weight will be good.

SL calf raise 3x~20-25/leg @ 12kgs --> same as above.

Abs and some KOT stuff with a slant board as a cooldown.

I'm going to try to test my SVJ this weekend just for fun. I'm thinking of doing this routine really consistently until I hit 4x10 @ 100kgs, 5x5 @ 120kgs, then test again.


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1386 on: June 06, 2024, 12:19:54 pm »
On back extensions, hold a barbell in your hands with a snatch grip.
Also putting a weight on your head makes it much harder, due to the longer moment arm

I do that with my ghetto back extensions  :)


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1387 on: June 08, 2024, 08:51:15 pm »
On back extensions, hold a barbell in your hands with a snatch grip.
Also putting a weight on your head makes it much harder, due to the longer moment arm

I do that with my ghetto back extensions  :)

Thanks, I actually read that in your journal and gave it a go, unfortunately the frame of the back extension at my gym gets in the way of the bar about halfway down. The bench is also wedged in next to some other machines so the bar knocks them a bit at the sides, so it's a bit awkward. I like the idea though.


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1388 on: June 09, 2024, 01:08:50 pm »
Try put the weight on your forehead then, makes it so much harder.
I found a 10kg plate there challenging, whereas 30+kg with the bar is needed for the same.
Even more if you do them with the weight held in an overhead press position.... probably only need 5kg at most :)

You could even do it at head level on the way up and then overhead press it on the way down to overload the eccentric

Or put the bar on you shoulders like a good morning, although tricky if your training solo.
Dual dumbbells, with straps is probably the next best, but you may have to row the weight up for a decent range of motion

single leg style for even more loading
« Last Edit: June 09, 2024, 01:28:17 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1389 on: June 13, 2024, 12:17:47 am »
Thanks for the tips CoolColJ.

Training last week:

I've felt pretty good overall, definitely getting some "beginner's" gains so I'm dropping the BSS-only session and changing it to 4x10 and 5x5 + BSS across three sessions/week:

Day 1: Squat 5x5@90kg, 100x3, 90 // BSS 3x10/leg@16kgs
Day 2: Squat 4x10 @80kgs (this was pretty easy so going up next time)
Day 3: Squat 5x5@100kgs // BSS 3x10/leg@16kgs (also felt pretty easy, I feel like 5x5@105kgs is doable.)

Each session:
- 3xF back ext. @ 10kgs, working towards 20+ reps for 3 sets.
- SL calf raise 3xF/leg @ 12kgs, getting about 30/25/20 reps here.
- some anti-rotation and leg raising ab exercises.

BW: ~78kgs

I'm mostly getting volume up, 4x10 and 5x5 are great for this. Eventually it'd be nice to hit 4x10@100kgs - I think that's the most I've done for 4x10, and ~125kgs 5x5.

An essay on vertical measurement:

I missed testing my SVJ on the weekend, aiming for this weekend. I've been thinking a lot over the last few years about the well-worn topic of the best way to measure vertical. It's something so fundamental but also very difficult to accurately measure compared to a horizontal jump.

Hang time based calcs with video are more popular now but are still hit-and-miss. The variance is always going to be high - even with 120fps+ footage minimum there's too much uncertainty about when exactly to start and end the jump (foot up/down, toes touching etc.). These have been discussed a lot here. (Vag had some good corrections in this thread.)

Never used jump mats, but regardless of their accuracy, they are prohibitively expensive.

[Head touch height - height] removes the standing reach error, but if you don't actually hit your head on the object, you need film to see how close you got.

I'd say the most common is [highest touch height - standing reach] (provided the jumper is accurately reporting their std reach). It is probably the most consistently accurate measurement. The major practical issue with this is getting access to a training space that allows you to jump at an object of known height.

Gyms can be OK if there's a jump target, but often space is an issue.

Indoor bball courts are great, but they usually cost money to access and aren't always clear enough to jump.

Outdoor bball courts are feasible but the ring height is usually variable and sometimes surface is an issue. If you have a good spot with a measured ring and not too slippery, then that's ideal.

Additionally, similar to head touch, when jumping at a ring or something of fixed height, you also need to know how much of your hand you get over the ring - usually not a huge issue but knowing exactly how high you touched is better. Vertecs are obviously awesome for this but are also awesomely expensive. Home-mades are doable (I've done two) but they are very labourious.

Thus (and don't laugh), I am considering buying this:

which I found by searching amazon for 'vertical jump tester' just for fun. Super cheap, has a small but sufficient range of 25cm, plus suction cups. I have a spot outside I could put this for jumping at. Could be a bit of fun to track SVJ vs squat again, maybe not as serious as in the past but I do enjoy this type of training while the weather is cold. (It's also a very time-efficient training. I simply can't fit in >1hr long runs etc. yet.)


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1390 on: June 21, 2024, 10:39:36 pm »
I got the kid's vertec ^ and it's great! I wish this had been around years ago, would have made my homemades a lot easier. I have a spot in my backyard I can use to jump at, but I'm not planning on starting that yet.

I jumped at an outdoor bball ring playing with kid #1 and was just grazing the rim on SVJ. Just. Missed the rim a lot of times  :huh:. So probably in the 29-30'' range atm.

Squats last week:
4x10@85kgs --> aiming for 90kgs this week.
5x5@100, 110, 110, 105, 100 --> bumped up the weight a bit in middle sets but was pretty challenging. I also threw in a 60kgs x 20 reps set at the end, not quite MEBM intensity level but just for more reps.
Aiming for 110kgs for all sets next time.


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1391 on: June 25, 2024, 10:35:07 am »
dude i wish that thing had been around earlier, too! vertecs are so expensive and unwieldy. a suction-cup-mounted thing seems perfect.
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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1392 on: July 01, 2024, 09:12:18 pm »
^ Yup. You could easily stick it onto a basketball backboard, for instance.

Training last week+:
Day 1: 4x10@90kgs--> good

Day 2: 5x5@100, 110, 110, 110, 110 / 1x20@60kgs --> I started the first set at 100kgs just to get a sense of where I was. 5x5@110kgs is a good level for next session, not rushing this one.

Day 3: 4x10@90kgs--> kept the weight the same as last session but it felt comfortable.

Having 2-3 days off between sessions so I'm getting enough recovery time. At this intensity, I don't really need a deload yet. I'm predicting 4x10@100kgs and 5x5@120kgs maybe by the end of the month, but not going to rush it.


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1393 on: July 10, 2024, 09:33:05 pm »
Training last week+:
Day 1: 5x5@100, 115, 115, 115, 115/ 1x20@60kgs --> I was planning 110kgs, but 100kg felt light so upped the weight.

Day 2: I was planning a 4x10 here but I had a bit of a messy day, and I didn't feel quite ready for it, so punted it to next session. Just did everything else but squats.

Day 3: 4x10@90, 95, 95, 95--> again, planned a bit lighter but felt stronger during the set - pretty challenging.

Next sessions' goals are 5x5@117.5, 4x10@97.5 or 100kgs if feeling good.


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1394 on: July 22, 2024, 11:07:49 pm »
Missing going to the gym for about ~12 days  :huh:. We went away for a few days and one kid caught pneumonia for ~1 week. I wasn't too affected - as a parent you almost always get a mild version of whatever the kids have - but everything gets a bit harder when kids are waking up in the night and you aren't sleeping right. (This is why I'm not scheduling in deloading - this will happen sporadically.)

I went a couple of days ago and just did everything as normal, just replaced squats with light DB goblet squats. Getting back to routine next session, but will drop the weight a bit.