back on it. aiming for 20+ miles total today.
10/23/2017bw = 144
- stuff in me.
bw before bed last night = 147
soreness = none
aches/injuries = right shin slightly
cramping = during cooldown of workout #1
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = tired
wakeup = 05:30 AM
diet:05:30 AM: milky coffee espresso drink lmao, coconut water, grapefruit
06:30 AM: workout: running + bw (at park)
- 3-sec dead hang ng pullups: BW x 6
- full dips: BW x 6
- 3-sec dead hang ng chinups: BW x 6
- pushups on parallel bars: BW x 10
- 3-sec dead hang pullups: BW x 3
- front bar dips: BW x 6
09:00 AM: 2% milk, coconut water
10:00 AM: rxbar
11:00 AM: big saute'd yam, chicken skewer, 3 x pickles, sweet green tea
01:00 AM: coconut water
04:30 PM: avocado, watermelon
05:00 PM: water w/ lemon
05:30 PM: protein + water
06:30 PM: workout: light running mixed with fast speed
- amazing session
08:30 PM: protein + water, coconut water
09:30 PM: 2 x instant high fiber oatmeal, water w/ lemon, brie by itself
- brie tasted exceptional, must be very hungry
ran out of food basically..- all i have is a yam, pickles, grapefruit, avocado, oatmeal, cereal, and protein powder left.. lol
- i guess that's alot
- no milk/chicken/etc though
stretch:05:15 PM: soleus during dishes
icing:self massage:leg drain:workout: morning mile repeats: ~2 mi mixed w/u, 4 x 1-mi w/ 0.5 mi recovery {5:50, 5:52, 5:59, 6:22}, 2 x 260m {5:01 mm, 4:51 mm}, cooldown (cramp lol)- session. wanted all four of those miles to be sub 6, but 4th one i just wimped out.
tonight will be some light work.
probably going to do km repeats wednesday evening at the track, at a much faster pace.
one observation:
mile 1: 5:50, stride freq = 186, stride length = 1.48
mile 2: 5:52, stride freq = 185, stride length = 1.48
mile 3: 5:59, stride freq = 188, stride length = 1.43
mile 4: 6:22, stride freq = 181, stride length = 1.39
stride length really disappearing in miles 3 & 4, that early power just vanishes.
one thing about my running, i feel way different initially .. i have way more "pop" early on, then it just disappears. To me that seems like how i'm built AND my fitness. Need to do more mile repeats & longer runs.
looking to put in near 100 miles this week, on 4 days training, with some very light/short workouts on off days, just to loosen up my legs.
workout: evening fast speed & soft running in between: 1km path, carved out sections of 420m x 4 (wu-85.5/5:24, 76.9/4:54, 76.8/4:52, 77.7/4:55), 355m x 2 (64.8/4:50, 64.9/4:43) :: lots of "best paces" in 4:2X - nice- in between those intervals, ran really soft/slow, like 12:XX min/mi slow, and so soft I could rarely hear my feet.
going from that to speed, felt really good.
safe acceleration due to my right calf - which feels fine.. just being careful, no sprinting out of the start.
avg moving paces of everything was lower, 4:2X-4:4X .. nice. really felt like i was moving.

man .. didn't feel too fast warming up, then pulled that speed out.. wtf? that's pretty decent.
good sign!
Monthly Tracker: October 2017October (10) 2017TODO:- 10/3
- 10/4
- 10/17
- 10/19
Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143),(15,143),(16,141),(17,142),(18,140),(19,142),(20,141),(21,143),(22,143),(23,144)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)
Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190
Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")
Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5
Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s
Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m
Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)
Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:
Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:
Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)
PR's: []
Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02),(15,19:08,19:18),(21,19:21,19:10)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)
Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"left vmo barely, quads slightly, calves slightly"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"quads slightly"),(21,"none"),(22,"none"),(23,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)
Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight"),(15,"left calf slightly tight"),(16,"left calf barely"),(17,"right hip slightly"),(18,"none, quads dead, calves dead"),(19,"none, after morning track: minor right calf pull/tight"),(20,"minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull, right hip slightly"),(21,"minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull"),(22,"minor right calf pull"),(23,"right shin slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)
Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"loose"),(20,"EXTREMELY loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)
Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"tight"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)
Morning Calf Flexibility: [(21,"moderately tight"),(22,"very tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)
Self Massage: [(22,"calves"),(23,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, area)
Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"during cooldown of morning workout - stomach cramps"),(18,"stomach feels a little wrecked but didnt cramp"),(19,"none"),(20,"none"),(21,"none"),(22,"none"),(23,"cooldown of workout #1")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)
Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8),(15,05:00AM,7),(16,07:30AM,8),(17,06:00AM,8)(18,06:00 AM,7.5),(19,06:00AM,8)(20,06:30AM,7.5),(21,05:30AM,7),(22,07:30AM,9),(23,05:30AM,7.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)