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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7425 on: October 18, 2017, 01:40:34 pm »

bw = 140
- :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:
- stomach felt really empty though
bw before bed = ?
soreness = none, quads dead, calves dead
aches/injuries = none
cramping = stomach feels a little wrecked but no cramping
morning quad flexibility = tight
morning hamstring flexibility = tight
feel = dead

wakeup = 5:30 AM

06:00 AM: black tea, grapefruit
07:00 AM: workout: light running
- too late! shit!
08:30 AM: 2 x 2% milk, water w/ lemon
09:30 AM: 2 x sweet potato saute in olive oil / salt / black pepper / some water / cane sugar, 2% milk, water w/ lemon
- really good but way too much food. stomach blew up.
12:00 PM: 2% milk, 2 x water
02:00 PM: workout: bw
- 3-sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 10
-- good set
- full dips: BW x 10
- standing single, straight leg lifts: x 20
- standing single, straight leg abductions: x 20
- standing single leg calf raises: x 10
- leg lifts on dip bars: x 10
04:45 PM: whole foods: a bunch of orange chicken, mac & cheese, coconut water
- needed something quick/asap, was good AF.
08:00 PM: 2% milk, coconut water, avocado, some spent grain hearth bread
- between all of these meals today, stomach feels ready to explode... need to get it out of there.

01:30 PM: some light quad/calf stretches
08:45 PM: soleus during dishes

leg drain:
09:30 PM: 20 min, instead of stretch

05:30: 1 hour .. knocked out.

workout: morning: very light 8 miles ~8:50mm-10:40mm, legs dead, stomach empty, no looking at watch

feel pretty dead.. it's a good thing today is light.


138 after run.. crazy.  :ibrunning:

TODO: more light stuff later probably


Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143),(15,143),(16,141),(17,142),(18,140)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02),(15,19:08,19:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"left vmo barely, quads slightly, calves slightly"),(17,"none"),(18,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight"),(15,"left calf slightly tight"),(16,"left calf barely"),(17,"right hip slightly"),(18,"none, quads dead, calves dead")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"during cooldown of morning workout - stomach cramps"),(18,"stomach feels a little wrecked but didnt cramp")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8),(15,05:00AM,7),(16,07:30AM,8),(17,06:00AM,8)(18,06:00 AM,7.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7426 on: October 18, 2017, 07:27:32 pm »
What do you think about weightlifting gloves to help with the grip issue as well as for comfort/protection from calluses, primarily for deadlifting heavy weight. If so would any glove do or are leather the best ones to have.

Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7427 on: October 18, 2017, 08:47:43 pm »
What do you think about weightlifting gloves to help with the grip issue as well as for comfort/protection from calluses, primarily for deadlifting heavy weight.

ya gloves can definitely help. I personally don't use them, but, I have in the past on occasion, definitely help. Also, some people who talk sh*t on gloves, use tons of chalk .. chalk can also help.

I'd try to avoid using them when you can, ie for most lifts.. and only use them for certain lifts. You don't really need to lift with your bare hands, I mean there's no reason for it really, but it's still probably better to only use gloves when you need them, not for everything.

If so would any glove do or are leather the best ones to have.


not sure about the actual type of gloves.. i'd look and see what kind of gloves PL'rs are using, or crossfit people etc, or what the "rogue fitness" site sells, they usually have good equipment, just to get an idea of what kind of "top notch" gloves/equipment people are buying. I imagine leather gloves made for lifting will be the best.

my 2cents!



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7428 on: October 19, 2017, 02:27:29 pm »
speed day! right calf pulled SLIGHTLY during my very last 200m in my track workout. stopped immediately, which probably saved it. got up on my toes quite a bit during the first ~10m of accell, then felt it pulling/cramping in one spot in my lateral gastroc.

could mess my plan up for saturday's 5k but: I DO NOT CARE. rest/walking works out fine too, race money goes to a good cause so, win/win.


bw = 142
bw before bed = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = none, after morning track: minor right calf pull/tight
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
feel = ok

wakeup = 06:00 AM

06:00 AM: black coffee, cup of coconut water, grapefruit
07:30 AM: sipping on sweet green tea
08:30 AM: workout, track
10:00 AM: finished sweet green tea
10:15 AM: whole foods: berry smoothie + whey
11:00 AM: coconut water
01:00 PM: sweet green tea
05:00 PM: avocado, coconut water, piece of bread
06:15 PM: coconut water
06:30 PM: workout: bw + light miles
- 3-sec dead hang ng pullups: BW x 8
-- weak
- full dips: BW x 8
-- weak
08:30 PM: coconut water, 2% milk
09:30 PM: VARIETY MEAL: chicken skewer, water melon chunks, sour dough bread, 2 x grapefruit, 4 x pickles, kefir, beet juice, water, hmm.. i think that's it

10:00 AM+: calf stretching because of the pull and i'm a weirdo - loaded calf stretches
05:00 PM: loaded calf stretches

11:00 AM: right calf icing
02:00 PM: right calf icing

man this icing really helped.. I have these very hard ice packs which just dig right into the muscle, feels like i'm rolling on PVC + icing.

workout: relaxed speed, track, no watch: warmup mile (7:17 wtf, felt 10+), 450m(82/5:00), 200m(35.8/4:47), 450m(83), 200m(37), 450m(84), 2 x 210m (34.5/4:35, 35.2/4:25), 450m(86), 200m(35.2), 450m(86.8), 4 x 200m (35.6, 35.2, 34.7, 36.1), last 200 = abort/calf

right calf tightened up on the last 200, ~10m in, during the short sprint phase to get my speed up where i'm on my toes - then I transition into maintaining the speed using my normal running form .. stopped immediately.. walked it out for a bit, then cooled down with 2 miles nice and light. This slight "pull" might ruin my plans for saturday, which is fine, not going to push it if I have a small tear in my gastroc.. Hopefully it's fine though. I've had a few small tears in my soleus/gastrocs over the years, this doesn't seem major. Worst tear I had was ~15 years ago when someone kneed my calf during a basketball game, split my left gastroc, crutches for a month. So sometimes I have things flare up in my calves, scar tissue in both of them. This was my right calf, lateral gastroc.

200m rest between each interval. Felt pretty good. Had no idea what I was running, until I got home and checked the data. That's pretty fun.

Since I was doing so much work, I probably should have stayed off my toes on those 200's during the initial acceleration phase, just too much fatigue I guess. I felt completely fine though, no signs of that happening.

workout:light mile repeats: 7 x 1 mile @ 7:XX, ~400m walking recovery, breaking in my new Saucony Carrera XC 3's!

btw, right calf was good .. made sure not to do anything moderate/hard, felt fine. But can definitely feel it if i stretch it manually. Hit potholes etc, all kinds of uneven surfaces, and it held up good.. so optimistic about Saturday.

saucony carrera xc 3's might be a little big, ordered 12.5's just like my saucony shay xc 4's. i'm a size 12, but those shay's run small. So, was unsure whether or not to break these Carrera's in or return them. I just said F it and went and ran in them.

They felt amazing while walking in them, and even better running in them. Very stiff & light, just like how I like my shoes. I felt crazy fast in them and I was going light on everything, stride freq/cadence was easy to maintain.

They are definitely lighter than my shay's, by ~1 oz probably. My extremely broken in Shay's were probably just as light though.

I might run in them on Sat ... they felt that good. I'd normally never even consider that, but they are REALLY STIFF shoes and very light, so not much to break in .. Perhaps the best shoes i've purchased so far, in regards to wanting to wear them for important runs, right away. My Saucony Shay XC4's take months to break in & I race in very "beat up" pair, because those feel the best. So kind of a great sign to consider racing in the carrera's right away.

Another example is my NB MRC5000v2's .. Those actually feel AMAZING when you put them on initially, but really need to be broken in as well.

Optimistic about these Carrera's.. might order another pair, size 12 just to see, and if they are too small, get another 12.5. A different color though, for fun :D

Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4
- 10/17
- 10/19

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143),(15,143),(16,141),(17,142),(18,140),(19,142)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02),(15,19:08,19:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"left vmo barely, quads slightly, calves slightly"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight"),(15,"left calf slightly tight"),(16,"left calf barely"),(17,"right hip slightly"),(18,"none, quads dead, calves dead"),(19,"none, after morning track: minor right calf pull/tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"during cooldown of morning workout - stomach cramps"),(18,"stomach feels a little wrecked but didnt cramp"),(19,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8),(15,05:00AM,7),(16,07:30AM,8),(17,06:00AM,8)(18,06:00 AM,7.5),(19,06:00AM,8)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7429 on: October 19, 2017, 02:51:02 pm »
So quick story.. TLDR: scolded some college kids (like 40 of em`).

At the track this morning, where it seems every Thursday they have several "physical education/exercise" classes going on, in succession. So say like, 6-7 AM, 7-8 AM, 8-9 AM, 9-10 AM etc.

Anyway, over the last few weeks, i've just been astonished at how OBLIVIOUS these kids are.. when i'm on a track, I look both ways before entering/exiting, I don't want to get hit or hit someone, or cause someone to have to move etc.. just common courtesy. When i'm done doing an interval, I step off the track to the inside, or walk/trot off to lane 8 or so, and get out of everyone's way.

This is just common track etiquette.

Anyway, these college kids, of varying fitness levels, so not athletes, just students, have absolutely no etiquette. They are completely oblivious to anything going on around them, or they don't care.

I've had to cut sprints short because they are just standing in a big group, blocking ALL 8 LANES (doing nothing or drinking water etc), are you kidding me? I had to do that several times, and they never seem to learn or care. They just stand there like a flock of docks shitting all over the track, straight up disrespect.

To make things worse, there's a teacher there (coach/teacher) who is running the class, who seems to allow it to happen.

So anyway, on a 200m sprint, I just kind of "snapped" but in a smiling + "shocked laughing" kind of way. As I was coming in fast from a 200m sprint, I coasted through a small gap of the "massive blockage" of all 8 lanes, and just turned around and said:

"You kids are completely oblivious. It's incredible. I'm just shocked, you have absolutely no track etiquette or you simply do not care, either way, you're disrespecting the track."

So the coach/teacher, who is like a jacked s&c guy begins to "flip out on me", but it wasn't really a flip out .. I assumed it was from the start. So anyway, as he yells at me to "calm down, you aren't even supposed to be here", I say:

"Listen I know this is a class, I know you can tell me to leave at any time, but i'm just shocked that these kids seem to have absolutely no respect for the track. It's absolutely mind blowing."

So the coach goes: "Look dude just calm down. Consider this a PE class, you have to work around the students & be careful", something like that..

And I go:

"I completely understand that, and I do. I always stay out of your way. I just think that, if you see someone else putting in work on the track, as just general courtesy and track etiquette, you move off to the side instead of taking up all 8 lanes.

Look it's no problem, i'm fine, i'll stay out of your way."

So I walk off.. You can tell the coach/teacher was heated, but, more so from just like, an adrenaline rush. I think he understood what I was getting at perfectly, but it was just the reflex reaction to protect his students .. I probably came off pretty amp'd up and very direct. But I also shouldn't have just scolded those kids like that in front of him, should have gone up to him directly first. But in my mind, I guess I just wanted those kids (COLLEGE KIDS, LIKE 18-25 YEARS OLD) to feel some scathe, so that it really sinks in, and that in the future, they will be more aware AND also tell their friends to be aware, and spread some damn courtesy.

Anyway, like not even a minute afterwards, after he had sent those kids off to do a mile run .. I ran up to him and apologized. I introduced myself, he introduced himself, we shook hands, and we talked for a minute. Then at the end as i'm walking off & give him a nod, he's like "it was great meeting you Andrew!", & I basically said the same.

Furthermore, after that moment, those kids were much more conscious of me on the track & they didn't block it. He also brought them off of the track to talk to them, which seemed like an adjustment on his part.

So just a quick story.. in the end I think everyone learned something :D

But really, the moral of the story is just, be courteous and aware, it's really so simple.

Also really have to point out how cool/level headed the coach/teacher is.. I think most people would have kicked me off for interrupting a class like that.

FWIW, i'm an FAU alum with an exercise science degree.. so i'm not completely out of place by being there.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7430 on: October 20, 2017, 10:34:34 am »
^^ maybe that is a glimpse into me being an "old  man" now, all these students just standing there listening, like i'm an adult.. or just an aggressive individual making a solid point. lulz.

REST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:


bw = 141
bw before bed last night = 145
soreness = quads slightly
aches/injuries = minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull, right hip slightly
- right hip exacerbated by loaded calf stretches .. have some really nice stretch i've figured out when trying to target my calf pull.
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = EXTREMELY loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good

wakeup = 06:30 AM

08:00 AM: one big saute'd sweet potato in olive oil/salt/light black pepper, 2% milk, 1/2 black tea, 2 x pickles
11:00 AM: workout: moderate walk
01:00 PM: 2% milk, coconut water
02:30 PM: chicken skewer, one huge saute'd sweet potato in olive oil/salt/light black pepper, kefir, water w/ lemon, 2 x pickle, piece of bread
06:45 PM: small cup of 2% milk
08:20 PM: avocado, 2 x grapefruit, few pieces of watermelon, cup of 2% milk, cup of coconut water

07:30 AM: some loaded calf stretches
02:00 PM: soleus stretching
06:00 PM: everything light, hamstrings/quads mostly
- quads insanely flexible, literally no resistance when grabbing heel towards butt.. damn...
:wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:
06:50 PM: soleus (in shoes) doing dishes
- ankles/calves are crazy flexible right now.. ridiculous.

body feels like a rubber band.

10:00 AM: right calf icing
03:00 PM: right calf icing
09:00 PM: right calf, left heel

leg drain:
04:00 PM: ~30 minutes
- legs needed it, they felt really beat up after that walk .. felt great after drain

workout: moderate intensity recovery walk: 6.x miles @ 13:XX, crazy fast in these carrera's, lots of wind, right calf felt fine

man that's a pretty impressive walking session for me.. legs felt really good. makes me hopeful for tomorrow, should have lots of power.

walking usually hits my heels hard, compared to running which doesn't hit my heels at all .. these carrera's are definitely less supportive in the sole, heel felt it earlier on than normal, but my pace was also consistently fast so..

tomorrow the plan is to warmup light, progressively pick up my intensity on some short intervals, see if i can hit a relaxed sub 5 pace without any issue in my calf, and if all of that checks out, i'll push the first mile then shut it down & coast the next 2.1. If that stuff doesn't check out though, i'll just coast the entire 3.1 and just enjoy myself.

felt crazy fast during my walk today, took a photo of the carrera's:

Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4
- 10/17
- 10/19

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143),(15,143),(16,141),(17,142),(18,140),(19,142),(20,141)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02),(15,19:08,19:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"left vmo barely, quads slightly, calves slightly"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"quads slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight"),(15,"left calf slightly tight"),(16,"left calf barely"),(17,"right hip slightly"),(18,"none, quads dead, calves dead"),(19,"none, after morning track: minor right calf pull/tight"),(20,"minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull, right hip slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"loose"),(20,"EXTREMELY loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"during cooldown of morning workout - stomach cramps"),(18,"stomach feels a little wrecked but didnt cramp"),(19,"none"),(20,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8),(15,05:00AM,7),(16,07:30AM,8),(17,06:00AM,8)(18,06:00 AM,7.5),(19,06:00AM,8)(20,06:30AM,7.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7431 on: October 20, 2017, 08:15:00 pm »
regarding the race tomorrow, whether should be rainy, humid, not too hot, and crazy windy - but the initial ~1.5 mi might be a tail wind  :headbang:

some stuff from last year's race:'s-journal/msg125952/#msg125952

very similar to my last race actually ... except 9 seconds slower for the first mile.

feel pretty good right now, calf feels fine unless i manually stretch it .. so tomorrow it'll probably be good. if it gives me any signs of not being good, will just trot it out.

it's funny, if I were to hit these splits:
1. 5:00
2. 6:30
3. 6:30

that'd be 18 over 3, plus ~30-40s over 0.1 .. so an 18:30-18:40 5k, if I run a 5k like a "1 mile test" + "2 mile cooldown".. lmfao.

if I hit these splits:
1. 5:00
2. 6:15
3. 6:15

that's 17:30 over 3, close to sub 18.

if I hit these splits:
1. 5:00
2. 6:00
3. 6:00

that's 17:00 over 3...

that's pretty funny..

imagine hitting like:
1. 4:30
2. 6:00
3. 6:00

16:30 over 3, probably sub 17 for 5k.


1 mile hard, 2 mile cooldown could be a winning strategy locally. that's hilarious.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7432 on: October 21, 2017, 03:46:12 am »
regarding the race tomorrow, whether should be rainy, humid, not too hot, and crazy windy - but the initial ~1.5 mi might be a tail wind  :headbang:

some stuff from last year's race:'s-journal/msg125952/#msg125952

very similar to my last race actually ... except 9 seconds slower for the first mile.

feel pretty good right now, calf feels fine unless i manually stretch it .. so tomorrow it'll probably be good. if it gives me any signs of not being good, will just trot it out.

it's funny, if I were to hit these splits:
1. 5:00
2. 6:30
3. 6:30

that'd be 18 over 3, plus ~30-40s over 0.1 .. so an 18:30-18:40 5k, if I run a 5k like a "1 mile test" + "2 mile cooldown".. lmfao.

if I hit these splits:
1. 5:00
2. 6:15
3. 6:15

that's 17:30 over 3, close to sub 18.

if I hit these splits:
1. 5:00
2. 6:00
3. 6:00

that's 17:00 over 3...

that's pretty funny..

imagine hitting like:
1. 4:30
2. 6:00
3. 6:00

16:30 over 3, probably sub 17 for 5k.


1 mile hard, 2 mile cooldown could be a winning strategy locally. that's hilarious.


I'm excited to see how you go!

PR NATION!!!  :personal-record:
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7433 on: October 21, 2017, 06:18:13 am »
regarding the race tomorrow, whether should be rainy, humid, not too hot, and crazy windy - but the initial ~1.5 mi might be a tail wind  :headbang:

some stuff from last year's race:'s-journal/msg125952/#msg125952

very similar to my last race actually ... except 9 seconds slower for the first mile.

feel pretty good right now, calf feels fine unless i manually stretch it .. so tomorrow it'll probably be good. if it gives me any signs of not being good, will just trot it out.

it's funny, if I were to hit these splits:
1. 5:00
2. 6:30
3. 6:30

that'd be 18 over 3, plus ~30-40s over 0.1 .. so an 18:30-18:40 5k, if I run a 5k like a "1 mile test" + "2 mile cooldown".. lmfao.

if I hit these splits:
1. 5:00
2. 6:15
3. 6:15

that's 17:30 over 3, close to sub 18.

if I hit these splits:
1. 5:00
2. 6:00
3. 6:00

that's 17:00 over 3...

that's pretty funny..

imagine hitting like:
1. 4:30
2. 6:00
3. 6:00

16:30 over 3, probably sub 17 for 5k.


1 mile hard, 2 mile cooldown could be a winning strategy locally. that's hilarious.


I'm excited to see how you go!

PR NATION!!!  :personal-record:

thanks alot man!!

right calf is better than yesterday, so the sleep & icing/food did it some good. We'll see though once I start warming up, but i'm optimistic.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7434 on: October 21, 2017, 01:44:06 pm »

love how this came out, photo is ~5 minutes after teh race:

quick recap of race related stuff.
- official results
- nice typo on their results: "5K Raceesults"  :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm:

19:21 for 5k official, I think? 2nd overall.

Schott Communities 5k Race: 2nd overall, 19:21 official I think? mile-1 (hard, by myself, 5:27), miles-2/3 ("cooldown" lmao, 6:23, 6:37) ::: no watch, rain, puddles.

the "really fast guys" (16:XX) weren't there, so felt good and decided to just hit a hard first mile, not knowing if anyone could keep up. Ended up hitting 5:27 for that mile, happy about it, definitely not a max effort, but was really hoping to stay shoulder to shoulder w/ someone crazy fast. The guy who normally wins was there, but not running unfortunately. I went up and talked to him after, he said he hurt his knee 3 weeks ago, so that sucks.

got a really nice "trophy" - a painting by someone from the "schott community", which is a community dedicated to helping people with disabilities.. the painting is really sick.

at ~1 mile, someone at a water station was like, "yeaaah first place keep it up!!" and i was like, "thanks, not for long though.." lmfao. Around ~1.5+ the guy who won first overall caught me and just kept his ~6:00 min/mi pace, and he went on to win.

I had a solid 2nd it seemed like, so just kept trying to relax and coast it out.. these 2 "cooldown miles" felt better than last week, but I think alot of that has to do with mindset: I wasn't disappointed in trying to keep up with #1 etc, my goal was completely different (hard 1, 2 relax), so it actually felt better mentally. It also turned out to be better splits for mile #2 & #3 than last week.

I didn't feel amazing when warming up, felt a bit dead.. which sucks considering how good I felt yesterday. So I knew my "bounce" wasn't there like I was expecting.

regardless, happy about it.

not going to race next week, going to just relax and get more 1-mile focus training in.

I need to get my "idle pace" (that pace I hit in my "cooldown miles") to 6:00 min/mi ... .. i was definitely feeling it after that mile, but, since i stopped at a mile and didn't keep it going, I was way more relaxed/comfortable than last race.. so if I could have gotten my last 2 miles to be relaxed 6:00 min/mi's, i'd still have sub 6 average over 3.1 basically.. and i'd be able to relax still in the last two.[/b]

 :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

post race meal, provided by the event:

this photo has a funny story to it:

Quick story.. #tldr, this is Gene #Witkowski.. if you do #running races in #florida, this is the guy who most likely certified that course for #usatf... 💪 saw the bumper stickers on this van, made me lol, snapped a few #photos, then I hear this voice say "that's my car you're taking photos of", so i start cracking up and ask him about some of them.. so we started talking #politics, lots of head shaking on both our parts, basically we agreed that everything is a mess... 😎 anyway he told me all about the usatf certification process and a little about his time in the #military #okinawa #veteran #war #marines #ww2. If you see a van driving around at 4am on the wrong side of the road, that's probably Gene... lmfao. #gooddude #runningstories

he had "blue lives matter" and "4 died hillary lied" bumper stickers.. he also had some more normal ones. anyway, i didn't mention it in there but, I asked him about Trump.. he just kept shaking his head looking down, and i started laughing, and he just kept shaking his head, until finally he said "it's just a mess". lmfao :/

also, at the end of our convo, he said he had to go, he had another race to attend. i'm like, can i get a photo of you, and he kind of was like "nah", but i literally said, "dude. you're the guy behind all of these course certifications, and no one knows it. i'd love to put up a photo and let people know." .. then he basically lit up, put his trunk down so the bumper stickers would be in the photo, and posed like he did in that photo, with a big smile on his face. hehe.



some stats from endomondo, "best distances", love this feature:

12 minute test: 2.02 mi
- 10.01 mph / 5:57 min/mi

1 km: 3:17
- 11.37 mph, 5:18 min/mi

1 mi: 5:26, 11.03 mph


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7435 on: October 21, 2017, 10:23:49 pm »
race day.

quick log, might miss some stuff. tired and want to sleep.


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = 147
soreness = none
aches/injuries = minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = moderately tight
feel = good

wakeup = 05:30 AM

05:45 AM: black coffee, grapefruit, avocado, coconut water
07:15 AM: warmup for race, light and progressively more intense .. felt good but not crazy bouncy
08:00 AM: 5k race
08:30 AM: breakfast at the race: 2 x hash browns, sausage, pancakes + syrup, banana, quarter orange, eggs
10:00 AM: whole foods: fruit smoothie + whey, mac/cheese + meatballs
12:00 PM: coconut water, 2% milk, rxbar
05:00 PM: 2% milk, bread, coconut water
06:00 PM: workout: light long run
08:40 PM: 2 x 2% milk, coconut water
09:15 PM: 2% milk, natalie's lemonade, avocado, tons of pita chips + humus

08:00 PM: mid workout


leg drain:


everything there, previous post.

workout: light long run hybrid: 0.5 w/u, 11.5 mi light (8 @ 8:3X+, 3 @ 9:XX), bathroom, light stretch (hips/quads), 2 miles @ (7:51,7:49), cooldown


rest tomorrow. nice! felt great at the end (last 2 miles). bathroom break killed my rhythm a bit, that's why I finished with the two faster light miles. good light session, enjoyed it.

an hour after my second session, my right foot started hurting.. weird. :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4
- 10/17
- 10/19

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143),(15,143),(16,141),(17,142),(18,140),(19,142),(20,141),(21,143)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02),(15,19:08,19:18),(21,19:21,19:21)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"left vmo barely, quads slightly, calves slightly"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"quads slightly"),(21,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight"),(15,"left calf slightly tight"),(16,"left calf barely"),(17,"right hip slightly"),(18,"none, quads dead, calves dead"),(19,"none, after morning track: minor right calf pull/tight"),(20,"minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull, right hip slightly"),(21,"minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"loose"),(20,"EXTREMELY loose"),(21,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"loose"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Calf Flexibility: [(21,"moderately tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"during cooldown of morning workout - stomach cramps"),(18,"stomach feels a little wrecked but didnt cramp"),(19,"none"),(20,"none"),(21,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8),(15,05:00AM,7),(16,07:30AM,8),(17,06:00AM,8)(18,06:00 AM,7.5),(19,06:00AM,8)(20,06:30AM,7.5),(21,05:30AM,7)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7436 on: October 22, 2017, 12:36:39 pm »
rest day.


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = 147
soreness = none
aches/injuries = minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull
- my foot that started hurting last night, feels fine today.
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = tight
morning calf flexibility = very tight
feel = tired

wakeup = 07:30 AM
- slept in

10:00 AM: saute'd big yam, chicken skewer, 4 pickles, sweet green tea, finished off the sea salt pita chips and hummus
- came out perfect
01:15 PM: bw workout + stretch
- 3-sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 8
- full dips: BW x 8
- standing single leg raises: x 30
- standing single leg abductions: x 30
- calf raises: BW x 30
- dorsiflex walks: x ~30 each
- standing hip flexion partials: x 25
- good light stretch, everything, calves/quads/hamstrings/hips more
02:00 PM: cup of 2% milk
04:00 PM: brie, bread, 2% milk
06:00 PM: coconut water
08:00 PM: big bowl of cheerios + tons of honey, 2% milk, avocado

- 01:30 PM: good light stretch, everything, calves/quads/hamstrings/hips more
- 08:30 PM: soleus during dishes


self massage:
09:15 PM: ~15 minutes of trying to loosen up my rock hard calves

leg drain:
05:00 PM: ~25 minutes

Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4
- 10/17
- 10/19

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143),(15,143),(16,141),(17,142),(18,140),(19,142),(20,141),(21,143),(22,143)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02),(15,19:08,19:18),(21,19:21,19:10)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"left vmo barely, quads slightly, calves slightly"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"quads slightly"),(21,"none"),(22,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight"),(15,"left calf slightly tight"),(16,"left calf barely"),(17,"right hip slightly"),(18,"none, quads dead, calves dead"),(19,"none, after morning track: minor right calf pull/tight"),(20,"minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull, right hip slightly"),(21,"minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull"),(22,"minor right calf pull")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"loose"),(20,"EXTREMELY loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"tight"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Calf Flexibility: [(21,"moderately tight"),(22,"very tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Self Massage: [(22,"calves")]
- FORMAT: (day, area)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"during cooldown of morning workout - stomach cramps"),(18,"stomach feels a little wrecked but didnt cramp"),(19,"none"),(20,"none"),(21,"none"),(22,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8),(15,05:00AM,7),(16,07:30AM,8),(17,06:00AM,8)(18,06:00 AM,7.5),(19,06:00AM,8)(20,06:30AM,7.5),(21,05:30AM,7),(22,07:30AM,9)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7437 on: October 22, 2017, 06:07:35 pm »
2017 future race run down:
- four 5k's in November
- three mile races, one 5k in December

10/21/2017: Schott 5k
- ~16:XX-18:XX top 3
- 2016:
- 2016 splits: 5:20, 6:20, 6:42, 5:34
- 2017:
- 2017 splits: 5:26, 6:25, 6:39, 6:00

11/04/2017: SOS 5k
- ~18:XX-19:XX top 3

11/18/2017: *rescheduled* Remembrance 5k
- ~18:XX-19:XX top 3
- 2016:
- 2016 splits: 6:03, 6:18, 6:37, 06:51

11/23/2017: Turkey Trot 5k
- ~16:XX-17:XX top 3
- 2016:
- 2016 splits: 5:21, 6:04, 6:22, 5:58

11/25/2017: Bull Run 5k
- ~16:XX-17:XX top 3
- 2016:
- 2016 splits: 5:19, 6:04, 6:19, 5:56

12/02/2017: Miami 1-mile
- ~4:4X-4:5X top 3

12/06/2017: Boca 1-mile
- 4:3X top 3
- 2016:
- 2016 splits: 5:19

12/13/2017: CS 1-mile
- ~4:4X-4:5X top 3
- 2016:
- 2016 splits: 5:08

12/17/2017: Jingle Bell Jog 5k
- ~16:XX-18:XX top 3
- ~15:XX for #1 in 2015
- 2016:
- 2016 splits:

12/18/2017 to 12/31/2017:
- major deload until Jan 1


01/27/2018: Tropical 5k
- ~15:XX-16:XX top 3

11/11/2017: Lights 5k
- not doing this one again
- 2016:
- splits: 5:33, 5:57, 6:16, 5:24

put this in here: just to show that was my best overall 5k from a consistency standpoint, still like 3rd best 5k .. was in the lead the whole time and just ran my own race .. so didn't blow myself out early in the first mile: also ran at night.. the only 5k i've ever run at night.. that probably has alot to do with it actually heh. that race is too dark for me without my glasses though, that's why i won't do it again.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7438 on: October 23, 2017, 01:36:11 pm »
back on it. aiming for 20+ miles total today.


bw = 144
- stuff in me.
bw before bed last night = 147
soreness = none
aches/injuries = right shin slightly
cramping = during cooldown of workout #1
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = tired

wakeup = 05:30 AM

05:30 AM: milky coffee espresso drink lmao, coconut water, grapefruit
06:30 AM: workout: running + bw (at park)
- 3-sec dead hang ng pullups: BW x 6
- full dips: BW x 6
- 3-sec dead hang ng chinups: BW x 6
- pushups on parallel bars: BW x 10
- 3-sec dead hang pullups: BW x 3
- front bar dips: BW x 6
09:00 AM: 2% milk, coconut water
10:00 AM: rxbar
11:00 AM: big saute'd yam, chicken skewer, 3 x pickles, sweet green tea
01:00 AM: coconut water
04:30 PM: avocado, watermelon
05:00 PM: water w/ lemon
05:30 PM: protein + water
06:30 PM: workout: light running mixed with fast speed
- amazing session
08:30 PM: protein + water, coconut water
09:30 PM: 2 x instant high fiber oatmeal, water w/ lemon, brie by itself
- brie tasted exceptional, must be very hungry
- ran out of food basically..
- all i have is a yam, pickles, grapefruit, avocado, oatmeal, cereal, and protein powder left.. lol
- i guess that's alot
- no milk/chicken/etc though

05:15 PM: soleus during dishes


self massage:

leg drain:

workout: morning mile repeats: ~2 mi mixed w/u, 4 x 1-mi w/ 0.5 mi recovery {5:50, 5:52, 5:59, 6:22}, 2 x 260m {5:01 mm, 4:51 mm}, cooldown (cramp lol)

decent session. wanted all four of those miles to be sub 6, but 4th one i just wimped out.

tonight will be some light work.

probably going to do km repeats wednesday evening at the track, at a much faster pace.

one observation:

mile 1: 5:50, stride freq = 186, stride length = 1.48
mile 2: 5:52, stride freq = 185, stride length = 1.48
mile 3: 5:59, stride freq = 188, stride length = 1.43
mile 4: 6:22, stride freq = 181, stride length = 1.39

stride length really disappearing in miles 3 & 4, that early power just vanishes.

one thing about my running, i feel way different initially .. i have way more "pop" early on, then it just disappears. To me that seems like how i'm built AND my fitness. Need to do more mile repeats & longer runs.

looking to put in near 100 miles this week, on 4 days training, with some very light/short workouts on off days, just to loosen up my legs.

workout: evening fast speed & soft running in between: 1km path, carved out sections of 420m x 4 (wu-85.5/5:24, 76.9/4:54, 76.8/4:52, 77.7/4:55), 355m x 2 (64.8/4:50, 64.9/4:43) :: lots of "best paces" in 4:2X - nice

so in between those intervals, ran really soft/slow, like 12:XX min/mi slow, and so soft I could rarely hear my feet.

going from that to speed, felt really good.

safe acceleration due to my right calf - which feels fine.. just being careful, no sprinting out of the start.

avg moving paces of everything was lower, 4:2X-4:4X .. nice. really felt like i was moving.

man .. didn't feel too fast warming up, then pulled that speed out.. wtf? that's pretty decent.

good sign!

Monthly Tracker: October 2017

October (10) 2017

- 10/3
- 10/4
- 10/17
- 10/19

Bodyweight: [(01,147),(02,146),(03,146),(04,145),(05,146),(06,145),(07,143),(08,142),(09,146),(10,145),(11,145),(12,144),(13,144),(14,143),(15,143),(16,141),(17,142),(18,140),(19,142),(20,141),(21,143),(22,143),(23,144)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total: 190

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total miles walked: [(2,5.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, miles walked)
- total: 5.5

Total walk time: [(2,01h:30m:00s]
- FORMAT: (day, total walking time in hh:mm:ss)
- total: 01h:30m:00s

Total speed interval distance: [(05,4000m),(05,8400m),(08,1480m),(10,4827m),(10,4000m)]
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total: 19107m

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(05,11.9,5:03),(05,11.9,5:05),(08,14.0,4:18),(13,14.0,4:18)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Total jump rope time: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes)
- total:

Total jump rope messups: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of mess ups)
- total:

Resting HR: [(2,20,40,35)]
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(08,500m,20:14,20:02),(15,19:08,19:18),(21,19:21,19:10)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(1,"slightly","calfs slightly - left more so"),(2,"slightly","calfs moderate, quads slightly"),(05,"none"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"none"),(09,"none - calves tight slightly)"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"left vmo barely, quads slightly, calves slightly"),(17,"none"),(18,"none"),(19,"none"),(20,"quads slightly"),(21,"none"),(22,"none"),(23,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(1,"left calf a bit tight"),(2,"none"),(05,"none"),(06,"left calf a little tight"),(07,"right ankle slightly - medial side"),(08,"none"),(09,"none"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right hip slightly, left heel slightly, calves tight"),(14,"calves modertely tight"),(15,"left calf slightly tight"),(16,"left calf barely"),(17,"right hip slightly"),(18,"none, quads dead, calves dead"),(19,"none, after morning track: minor right calf pull/tight"),(20,"minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull, right hip slightly"),(21,"minor right calf/lateral gastroc pull"),(22,"minor right calf pull"),(23,"right shin slightly")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"loose"),(20,"EXTREMELY loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(1,"stiff"),(2,"loose),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"loose"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose"),(18,"tight"),(19,"tight"),(20,"loose"),(21,"loose"),(22,"loose"),(23,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Calf Flexibility: [(21,"moderately tight"),(22,"very tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Self Massage: [(22,"calves"),(23,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, area)

Cramping: [(06,"bloated up at night, messed up my running"),(07,"still lightly bloated from previous night, until I got it out after a long walk"),(08,"right stomach cramp during 5k race"),(09,"right abdominal/stomach area feels bloated/weird"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"none"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"during cooldown of morning workout - stomach cramps"),(18,"stomach feels a little wrecked but didnt cramp"),(19,"none"),(20,"none"),(21,"none"),(22,"none"),(23,"cooldown of workout #1")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(1,6:15AM,7), (2,10:00AM,9),(05,9:00AM,10),(06,6:00AM,7),(07,7:30AM,8.5),(08,5:00AM,6),(09,08:30AM,8.5),(10,06:30AM,8),(11,06:15 AM,7.5),(12,06:15 AM, 7.5),(13,05:40AM,7.5),(14,06:00AM,8),(15,05:00AM,7),(16,07:30AM,8),(17,06:00AM,8)(18,06:00 AM,7.5),(19,06:00AM,8)(20,06:30AM,7.5),(21,05:30AM,7),(22,07:30AM,9),(23,05:30AM,7.5)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7439 on: October 24, 2017, 06:22:47 am »
didn't mention this yesterday, so doing so in a post by itself.

yesterday morning, on my way to run, felt a slight feeling in my throat .. after my morning session, felt my throat a little bit sore, but it went away. At night, after my evening run, started feeling it a little more. Anyway, woke up at 4:30 AM with it very sore.

just mentioning here because, prior to yesterday, I had a rest day .. so it wasn't like I was pushing myself hard the day before. Two major dietary change I made, was: eating a huge bowl of cereal, adding tons of honey. Beyond that, I did bite my fingernails that day (like pretty much every day). Finally, though it was hot yesterday, the morning & night were a bit cooler than normal, which had me feeling a bit of a change.

i'm not sure if i'm actually getting sick or not, no other symptoms yet. Usually when I get just a sore throat, I blame my fingernail biting .. it also often turns into a real cold/sickness.

had some black tea + cane sugar, and a lozenge.. might need to get some throat spray.

hoping it doesn't get worse though, hate sore throats. Always fearful of it turning into strep, which I had alot of in middle school. man strep sucks.

edit: oh also, i've made my throat sore from running too btw.. just from the hard breathing & water loss I imagine. I didn't mention that first though, because on the way to my morning run, I felt it.. so no hard breathing yet. But that's always a possible culprit, that air intake with water loss can really hit the throat hard, make it more susceptible to something. I've had minor sore throats a few months ago, that disappear quick, those seemed more related to that.