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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8715 on: March 09, 2019, 09:40:15 pm »
yesterday: very light run and beautiful progression :ninja:


2019 spinach salads: 6

- ate real good

- glutes: left achy/slight strain - getting better tho
- shoulders pretty sore (from jump rope)

08:30 AM: very light micro progression: 1h30m @ {10:07 to 8:33} ::: (grass/dirt/rocks, left low back/glute achy) /// love these runs the most
- basically, gently shifting each mile faster by ~10s, starting at 10:0X.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8716 on: March 09, 2019, 09:42:14 pm »
today: rest

signed up for a 5k tmw. if left glute is sketchy at all, i'll just jog it.

legs felt pretty good all day.


- ate light but good. chicken wings for early dinner.

- glutes: didn't feel left glute issue today.
- low back/sacral spine a bit achy at times.
- shoulders a bit sore, not bad tho. really quick recovery from jump rope.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8717 on: March 09, 2019, 09:43:55 pm »
If you really want to set your glutes on fire, get on a treadmill on the fastest settings on the highest incline and while holding just run on it for at least 20 seconds - 1 minute (if you can last that long).

My glutes are sore like crazy when running on it for about 30 seconds.

nice but sounds scary, lol.

there's a park around here with a "hill" that takes ~50 seconds to sprint up, that's fun. hill sprint repeats are great.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8718 on: March 10, 2019, 09:36:28 pm »
race day but, aborted it.

Need to back off this week. Got some “ischial bursitis” going on (left leg). I’ve had this before quite a few times. This one seems a bit more significant than most though sooo… need to be careful. I was flying easy when I tweaked it on Wednesday, felt great. fu*k. I’ll probably still do jump rope (feels fine) and some crazy slow running (as long as there’s 0 sign of pain etc).

Have two big races the next 2 weeks: 10 miler saturday, half marathon 2 the following saturday. As of right now, looks like I might have to miss the 10 miler. I’ll try really hard to heal up for the half, somehow. Would really suck to miss that race. If i’m not near 100% though I won’t force anything, being injured isn’t worth it.


- ate great/light

07:30 AM: Hearts at Work 5k: abort 0.5 mi in (left glute/hamstring still tweaked) ::: feel really good today too. sucks.
- 2nd AG @ 26:13 (hehe)
- small race. got a cool shirt.

might not be healthy for some big races coming up. that'd suck. the glute tweak i did this weak was dumb - dumb - dumb. i shut it down immediately. it actually felt pretty bad while jogging it out, so i def re-tweaked it somewhat. left hamstring/glute/low back feel lame.

whatever. going to just cross train & run light. if healthy i'll race.

09:00 AM: speed rope: 1h15m
- first mess up: 16:37!

seems like a safe cross training tool. i imagine i'll figure out how to overdo it tho. need to be safe.


footer stats:

top3 finishes:
2019: 6/9/1
2018: 30/45
2017: 6/12
2016: 4/10
2015: 0/2
2006: 0/1
format: top3-finishes/races/abort

sub5 mi's, sub3 1k's:
2019: 0, 0
2018: 12, 15
2017: 1, 1
2016: 0, 0
2015: 0, 0


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8719 on: March 10, 2019, 11:28:29 pm »
i imagine i'll figure out how to overdo it tho.

no doubt. why do we do that? i figured out how to overdo carefully and gradually adding weekly mileage: go for a hike! smh.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8720 on: March 13, 2019, 01:08:44 am »
yesterday: quick log


- ate great/light

07:30 AM: bodyweight

45 deg back extension: BW x 30
3-5 sec dead hang ng pullups: BW x 7
full dips: BW x 7
45 deg back extension: BW x 30, 20, 40


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8721 on: March 13, 2019, 01:12:57 am »
today: quick log


so fast.


- ate good/light

09:00 AM: moderate: 45 min @ {speed rope: 30 min, mod} + {walking lunges: 15 min} /// my new speed rope is insanely fast wow: bullet comp rope mijo.

lunges felt so damn good. god damn. crazy. glutes felt fine.

however later in the day.. glutes sore as fuck.

i'll conquer these lunges. they are the truth.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8722 on: March 13, 2019, 01:21:57 am »
i imagine i'll figure out how to overdo it tho.

no doubt. why do we do that? i figured out how to overdo carefully and gradually adding weekly mileage: go for a hike! smh.

a few theories:
1. we get obsessed with things that aren't "natural" (like most athletic obsessed humans)
2. our bodies are more brittle than our brains
3. regardless of what it is, we slowly drift towards "excess"

tbh i think it has to do more with #1.

humans do weird stuff.

i mean training for vert is pretty ridiculous.. what we want, we cannot have, unless we work really hard/smart for it - for a very long time, then we can potentially get a small taste of victory.. then it could be gone in an instant. and throughout that process, there's a high probability of substantial ups & downs, especially due to injury. i think that's just "normal" when things don't make sense. lots of people don't get hurt who just train very "gentle" lol. but they also don't usually make massive transformations in performance - but they are fine with that. so that's cool.

that's one of the problems of having "lofty" athleticism goals.

tbh i'm fine with just running to enjoy it. it'd suck if i couldn't race, but i'd hate to not be able to run slow. this is a major shift from how my basketball/boxing/dunk obsessed days were. i think that's mental progress finally.

it's why i can back off much more easily now when i tweak shit/feel stuff coming on etc. but even with that, racing makes me run harder than i should, which can lead to breakdown.

and now i'm doing crazy high volume lunge shit again, wrecking my glutes/ischial tuberosity's. lmfao. :ninja:

pc!! :highfive:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8723 on: March 16, 2019, 10:59:23 pm »
been crazy busy with work and also slightly injured. not logging like i should.

left leg hamstring origin becomes a problem when i run. doesn't bug me at all during jump rope. also doesn't bug me with lunges believe it or not.. but have to cut them out now until i'm healed up.

missed a big race today (03/16). just slept in and rested all day.

i feel pretty good today tho. feel better today than yesterday, and that's after 1.5 hr of jump rope. so i think jump rope is safe while i'm recovering.


10:15 AM: 48 min @ {speed rope: 40 min} + {5 sec paused walking lunges: 8 min} /// paused was *rough*


10:00 AM: very light progression: 1h23m @ {10:XX}

felt mostly ok during this. injury-issue started bugging a bit towards the end. then i felt awful the rest of the day and the next.


09:00 AM: speed rope: 1.5 hr



felt pretty good today, so that's a good sign for jump rope.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8724 on: March 16, 2019, 11:44:12 pm »
bummer. you seem to be taking the AERS route though, which is good. heal quick my dude.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8725 on: March 17, 2019, 12:35:40 am »
bummer. you seem to be taking the AERS route though, which is good. heal quick my dude.

thanks alot man. :highfive:

ya, definitely. can't mess with this. could get really bad if i do.

huge race this saturday.. seriously doubt i get healthy enough to do it. i've felt fine all day but, i imagine if i ran it'd resurface quick. dno tho. would be great if i'm good to go by sat - but not counting on it. will try and keep my fitness up without stressing it.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8726 on: March 17, 2019, 11:07:20 pm »
feel so good today.. no sign of injury. that's most likely not the case, but the illusion of feeling healthy, is great.

turn sound on if you want to hear how fast my speed rope spins.. it's crazy.

after my 2 hour jump rope session, other than right ankle being a little achy felt amazing all day. got sunburned tho.

- lots of icing, hamstring/glute and back.

- ate light but good
- a whole half gallon of grape fruit juice after the jump rope session....... HEH

10:55 AM: speed rope: 2hr ::: 120 min x ~140 SPM = ~17,000 turns /// last 20 minutes was brutal
- longest i've ever jump roped! :personal-record: (+30min?)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8727 on: March 19, 2019, 10:42:25 pm »
- morning: felt great
- evening: DOMS / calves (gastrocs) very sore

09:00 AM: very light progression: 30min ::: (dirt, felt great, hamstring improving)

- soreness: calves improving but still sore
- rained all day too. made it easy to rest.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8728 on: March 20, 2019, 11:10:47 pm »


- feel kinda lame, but also feel like im healing up a bit more
- sacral spine/low back achy

09:30 AM: very light: 1h02m ::: (dirt/rocks, hamstring felt ok but no idea if it can handle more speed, low back achy)

good sign that my hamstring held up. felt it barely a few times throughout the day afterwards. hopefully this just triggers some extra strength/healing for saturday. still have no idea how i'm going to run a hard half on saturday.. i mean if it doesnt bug me i should be able to. if it bugs me i'll have to trot it out.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8729 on: March 21, 2019, 10:22:02 pm »
damn i'm 157 lb. lool.


- sacral spine tender/achy

09:15 AM: speed rope: 40 min /// high tempo, tough

cranked up the rope speed kinda hard. lots of really fast blocks in there. so fast that i'd hope i'd mess up, but didn't, and just kept going. was funny.