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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5055 on: October 07, 2020, 06:03:17 pm »
clean them to your shoulders and then sit?
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5056 on: October 08, 2020, 07:42:47 am »
lol, i'll post a video on insta and see if you can check my form for the setup
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5057 on: October 09, 2020, 03:07:45 am »
Thu 8/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training:
BW: 92.1kg

BS 6x5x90

Forced myself to do a squat session .. wasnt feeling up to it. not sure what happened but now that first couple of reps above 70kg, really feel rough on my knees, they wobble around. i wonder if that's a sign i should just stop squatting.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5058 on: October 11, 2020, 12:51:26 am »
Sat 10/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training:
BW: 92.1kg

OHP 6x50, 5x56, 5x56.5, 5x57, 5x56, 5x56, 7x56
DB OHP 9x25, 9x25, 8x25
Chinup 6x5xBW

If im using 55kg ish for barbell ohp, it doesn't make sense to jump to 27.5kg db ohps even though i know i can use it for at least one set of 6 reps .. i will stay with 25kg for now.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5059 on: October 15, 2020, 03:02:07 am »
Wed 14/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training:
BW: 93.1kg

BP 6x5x80
Incline DB BP 6Fx27.5, 6x27.5, 6x27.5, 6x27.5
Dips 11Fx5kg, 9x3.75kg
Getting quite plump .. need to spend a month or so cutting but im no-man's land on strength goals, still ways away from the 60/90kg worksets on OHP and BP. Story of my life
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5060 on: October 17, 2020, 03:23:12 am »
Fri 16/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training:
BW: 93.1kg

BS 6x6x90
Horizontal Leg press  4 sets

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5061 on: October 18, 2020, 08:09:36 am »
ive gained some muscle which im happy with but a ton of fat. starting a new thing tmr
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5062 on: October 19, 2020, 05:38:21 am »
Sun (18/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training:
BW: 94.1kg

OHP 6x50, 5x57, 5x57.5, 5x58.0, 5x57.5, 5x57, 6x57
DBOHP 10x25, 8x22.5
Chinups 2x5xBW, LPD 3 sets

That's the last workout of the unplanned 'bulk' which was about 3 months long. i went from 85kg to 95kg bodyweight with some modest increase in strength (5kg on ohp, 10kg on bench) .. for health reasons im going to stop gaining weight now.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5063 on: October 19, 2020, 09:42:16 am »
Mon (19/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training:
BW: 93.6kg

Bike 20 mins, Row 5 mins,
Recovery KB squats (2 sets),  Split squats (2 sets, Back Extension (2 sets), Bench (2 sets) etc

I didn't realise how much i have dreaded barbell squats .. it's fine when it's heavy because the thrill of pushing hard makes up for it but otherwise i despise them. KB squats are quite pleasant and i enjoy how much nicer the form is automatically without even doing anything special (mobility, stretching etc). The hardest stumbling block was giving up on the idea of daily squatting as if that's anything good .. now im enjoying not doing them having skipped 2 days of them in the last 6 months of daily training (!).
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5064 on: October 21, 2020, 04:11:30 am »
Tue (20/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training:
BW: 93.0kg

Bike 20 mins, Row 5 mins,
Recovery/Deload BS 6x2x90
T-bar DL 6x100, 8x110
T-bar Row 10x40, 8x50, 8x45
Cable Row 3x12x60kg

Not super satisfied with this back day, the t-bar DLs handles are too high and if i dont use them it's a bit too low, but will max it out (can take upto 120kg i think) then probably start over with a variant that doesn't use handles .. or switch to another exercise
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5065 on: October 23, 2020, 02:48:40 am »
Thu (22/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training:
BW: 94.5kg

BP 6x6x80
Incline DBBP 3x8x30

Cycle with 80kg is over, next session will go 5x5x82.5kg and then start a new one.. (with 85kg or 87.5kg if i am being ambitious!).
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5066 on: October 23, 2020, 03:24:31 am »
Just wanted to make a note that i did some basic google searching and found that the optimal angle for incline bench is around 15-30 degrees. I thought bigger angle == better but it actually puts more stress on shoulders than chest which wasn't the goal. last night used the lowest angle on the bench before it's flat (i think it's around 20-30?) and today my chest is sore, even tho i skipped dips .. so i think something's clicked. The next improvement i can make is with ROM - i need to touch my chest on each rep, then i'll get more out of the exercise .. i can see it training the zeroth rep on heavier dbs ..
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5067 on: October 25, 2020, 02:00:04 am »
Sat (24/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training:
BW: 94.4kg

BS 5x5x100
Leg Press 3 sets, Smith Calf 3 sets

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5068 on: October 27, 2020, 03:13:20 am »
Mon (26/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training: 0/0
BW: 95.2kg

OHP 6x50, 5x57.5, 5x58.5, 5x57.5, 5x57.5, 5x58, 6x57.5
DB  OHP 3x6x27.5
Chinups 5,5,5,4,3,3
bar speed on ohp was very good .. 60kg seems closer now. But the downside is my protruding stomach  .. so another attempt at eating clean etc started. im pretty sure i've been compromising because i want to avoid getting stalled but that's just laziness, if i sleep and eat better, it should be possible to continue making progress without the extra fat. right
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #5069 on: October 29, 2020, 10:43:00 am »
Wed (28/10/2020)
Daily Activity:   
Daily Training: 0/0
BW: 94.4kg

BS 6x2x105
T-bar DL 8x120kg, Row 3x8x40
Cable Row 12x65, 10x65, 12x65

couldn't fit +5kg on the bar for T-bar from last time so went up 10kg instead to 120kg, maxing it out. Probably the first time i felt my erector work, which i think suggests that T-bar DL is a very poor man's DL. I wish my gym had a Trap bar, it may be what i need to work my back without dealing with setup issues on conventional deadlift.
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.