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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1365 on: April 21, 2018, 08:45:22 pm »
Just sqautted for the 2nd time. Feeling better slowly. Staying at 225 for paused reps and a 315 paused top single. Still very light on accessory work. Feeling much more explosive tho. Deadlifts on Monday were great. Same rep scheme as squats for now. Just a lot of lighter volume to try and build up some endurance and base strength. Couple of SVJs pre lift today we're almost to pre injury numbers which is mind boggling considering the light weight I'm moving + the 10lb BW increase + the long layoff.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1366 on: April 23, 2018, 03:30:12 am »
Late night chest "day" lol! First week of upper body 5x5. Did 225 for barbell rows and 145 for ohp earlier in the week. Rows were a little easy and ohp was spot on for starting... I think. Starting bench at 255. Goal is to add 30lbs to each 5x5 over 8 weeks. I feel like my rows will add more, bench around that and ohp will probably only add maybe 15-20lbs but I'm optimistic. Tomorrow is deadlifts so excited for that of course. BW was a 192 tonight but I've ate like crap this weekend so must tighten up some this week.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1367 on: May 17, 2018, 10:48:59 am »
Ok. Long overdue update but some big/good news and it seems everytime I share good news...I get hurt 😂 but here goes.

General update: BW is hovering around 192lbs. Best guess at BF% is 8-9. Meniscus seems healed although very rarely on certain pivot it feels unstable. I do still have a loose piece of cartilage between my femur and patella that needs removed via a scope but as of now it's not causing much swelling or pain, especially after thorough warming up. So training; I've moved to a 5x5 upper body with about 4 weeks left. Current lifts at this rep range: bench 255, ohp 155, row 255. Did PR OHP 1RM at 195lbs yesterday VERY strict. Accessory work for upper days is 3x7 circuits one week and 3x12 the next. Lower body, I've swapped squat and deadlift days (Monday dead now, Thur squat) to allow an extra day of recovery post squats as they bother my knee occasionally. Have kept a paused 315 squat for top single and 225 x10-12. 315 is explosive. Plan to try 365 today and 275 for reps. Current plan is i rep until my knee feels ehh or I hit my 12. Deadlifts have been good. 365 top single for 2 weeks now feels effortless. 275 4x12 is fun grip wise but managed. No straps or belt yet on any lift. Really emphasizing core stability and grip. Have re introduced see plyos the last 3 weeks. Depth jumps, line hops, some SL box jumps and "half" pistols depending on knee feel. Have rededicated myself to stretching in hopes to stage off further injury.

Now, the good stuff....

I decided to play in the pro am this summer. (Provided everyone pays up 😑). So I have played a few times in the last 2 weeks. Day one (2 Wednesdays ago) felt foreign jumper and handle wise. Couple light jumps and weak one hand dunks. Timing was horrible so no lobs/oops but still a pleasant surprise. The next afternoon, handle and jumper 100x better and managed a few lob dunks. Cut both sessions short even tho I felt good (trying to be smart). Real test was Saturday. Played a 5v5 tourney. Missed game 1. Played all 40 in game 2 and 3 and played 37 mins in game 4. Thorough warmup and cooldown each game and no knee issues. Played ok. Not well by my standard but to be expected. Spot up shooting was good. Off the dribble I can tell I'm much stronger so I'll need some adjustments there, everything was long. Moves and handle were robotic feeling instead of instinctual and reactive but not sloppy. Overall. I'll take it. Did manage to block a dunk attempt and have some nice behind the back bounce passes on the break (sometimes I forget and I'm flashy for no damn reason lol).

Played again last night. Warmed up. Lazy game of 21. Light 3v3 game. Went to go stretch and one of the guys who was playing starts dunking (he's 6'8", just normal life stuff tho) so I said WTH. Bounce isn't back yet but I'd say it's hovering around 42" easily. Two hander off the dribble. Couple light lobs. Timing is off so I just missed a reverse off glass and a off dribble windmill. Definitely had the height but poor timing/execution for sure. Went for 1 ME jump and was shocked. FELT like 44-45" but the landing was EASY. The littlest one and the wife were with me watching as we'd just doesn't shoulders at the gym before hand so I asked her to video (stupid me should have been the entire time!). Well, the first jump on video  wasn't AS nice as the one I managed previously and it got video bombed 😒🙄😂 but it was ok. Legs were gone after but I tried one more and it was definitely not as high. She's sending me the vids so I'll post them in a few!

So, takeaways: trying to work my way back carefully both playing and weight room. Completely shocked I maintained this much vert considering the lack of jumps/leg work and then 10lb mass gain. Also amazed my body is absorbing the landings so easily considering the two above factors as well. You can see on the video it looks effortless (landing wise) so that bodes well for improvements soon!

Very excited!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1368 on: May 17, 2018, 10:51:55 am »
Sorry that was really long thanks for reading guys!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1369 on: May 18, 2018, 09:47:45 am »
The two said jumps complete with a princess style video bombed 😂

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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1370 on: May 18, 2018, 01:29:57 pm »
Ok. Long overdue update but some big/good news and it seems everytime I share good news...I get hurt 😂 but here goes.

General update: BW is hovering around 192lbs. Best guess at BF% is 8-9. Meniscus seems healed although very rarely on certain pivot it feels unstable. I do still have a loose piece of cartilage between my femur and patella that needs removed via a scope but as of now it's not causing much swelling or pain, especially after thorough warming up. So training; I've moved to a 5x5 upper body with about 4 weeks left. Current lifts at this rep range: bench 255, ohp 155, row 255. Did PR OHP 1RM at 195lbs yesterday VERY strict. Accessory work for upper days is 3x7 circuits one week and 3x12 the next. Lower body, I've swapped squat and deadlift days (Monday dead now, Thur squat) to allow an extra day of recovery post squats as they bother my knee occasionally. Have kept a paused 315 squat for top single and 225 x10-12. 315 is explosive. Plan to try 365 today and 275 for reps. Current plan is i rep until my knee feels ehh or I hit my 12. Deadlifts have been good. 365 top single for 2 weeks now feels effortless. 275 4x12 is fun grip wise but managed. No straps or belt yet on any lift. Really emphasizing core stability and grip. Have re introduced see plyos the last 3 weeks. Depth jumps, line hops, some SL box jumps and "half" pistols depending on knee feel. Have rededicated myself to stretching in hopes to stage off further injury.

Now, the good stuff....

I decided to play in the pro am this summer. (Provided everyone pays up 😑). So I have played a few times in the last 2 weeks. Day one (2 Wednesdays ago) felt foreign jumper and handle wise. Couple light jumps and weak one hand dunks. Timing was horrible so no lobs/oops but still a pleasant surprise. The next afternoon, handle and jumper 100x better and managed a few lob dunks. Cut both sessions short even tho I felt good (trying to be smart). Real test was Saturday. Played a 5v5 tourney. Missed game 1. Played all 40 in game 2 and 3 and played 37 mins in game 4. Thorough warmup and cooldown each game and no knee issues. Played ok. Not well by my standard but to be expected. Spot up shooting was good. Off the dribble I can tell I'm much stronger so I'll need some adjustments there, everything was long. Moves and handle were robotic feeling instead of instinctual and reactive but not sloppy. Overall. I'll take it. Did manage to block a dunk attempt and have some nice behind the back bounce passes on the break (sometimes I forget and I'm flashy for no damn reason lol).

Played again last night. Warmed up. Lazy game of 21. Light 3v3 game. Went to go stretch and one of the guys who was playing starts dunking (he's 6'8", just normal life stuff tho) so I said WTH. Bounce isn't back yet but I'd say it's hovering around 42" easily. Two hander off the dribble. Couple light lobs. Timing is off so I just missed a reverse off glass and a off dribble windmill. Definitely had the height but poor timing/execution for sure. Went for 1 ME jump and was shocked. FELT like 44-45" but the landing was EASY. The littlest one and the wife were with me watching as we'd just doesn't shoulders at the gym before hand so I asked her to video (stupid me should have been the entire time!). Well, the first jump on video  wasn't AS nice as the one I managed previously and it got video bombed 😒🙄😂 but it was ok. Legs were gone after but I tried one more and it was definitely not as high. She's sending me the vids so I'll post them in a few!

So, takeaways: trying to work my way back carefully both playing and weight room. Completely shocked I maintained this much vert considering the lack of jumps/leg work and then 10lb mass gain. Also amazed my body is absorbing the landings so easily considering the two above factors as well. You can see on the video it looks effortless (landing wise) so that bodes well for improvements soon!

Very excited!

Yea you seem to always come back so strong from layoffs/injury. The trick is how to avoid future injury. Hard/impossible if doing a contact sport, but probably can help yourself alot by making sure to take planned time off, avoid getting "too greedy" with training, just a more relaxed approach. If you get this beast after layoffs, maybe back off a bit more in training & try to extend out the consistency for longer periods and also hope not to get any injuries in sport - which isn't really up to us.

Good move on swapping the squat/DL days, the less pain the better.

great stuff!

The two said jumps complete with a princess style video bombed 😂

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getting up. and: she could have ruined PR jump footage, unacceptable! lmfao.


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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1371 on: May 18, 2018, 04:13:23 pm »
Lol! Her momma told.her it was unacceptable as well 😂

And I agree. Actually had that convo the other day, more to my self but also with a lifting buddy. I think my "issue" is that I don't get tired often in training. Maybe I'll have one off day but the next day I'm usually right back to feeling great. Definitely trying to adopt a "less is more" approach on the weight lifting side right now. Great advice.

As for ruining PRs 😋 I doubt it although the guys there said the previous off camera jump was definitely higher I don't think I'll be PRing in the next few days or even weeks.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1372 on: May 20, 2018, 01:25:24 pm »
Squatted Friday at 190.6lbs BW. Felt good so I went up in some weight.

Warmups+couple jumps+stretches

bar x12, 135 x10 (mix of pause and not), 185 x6 (same mix), 225 x3, 275 x1 (paused), 315 x1 (paused), 365 x1 paused... Felt strong. Definitely had 385 even pausing it but stayed in "schedule" and stopped at 365.

4x8 at 275. Pausing last 2-3 reps of each set.

Ham curls, calf raises, and leg extensions to finish. All light and high volume.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1373 on: May 20, 2018, 09:49:18 pm »
Chest work today. Worked up to a 295 bench. Then 5x5 at 255. Paused last rep. Some light accessory work and stretching. Obviously slacked today on the eating... 193.2lbs eek.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1374 on: May 22, 2018, 10:04:16 am »
193.6lbs last night. Deadlift day!

Semi tired due to late time (started at 1130pm) and being out all day in the sun. Warmup got some blood going tho and I came around some. Not as explosive as I expected but I'm blaming the above. Still quite decent.

135 x12, 185 x7, 225 x3, 275 x1, 315 x1, 365 x1.

4x12 at 275. Got first 3 sets without a reset. Set 4 rep 8 I had to reset for grip. No belt. No straps. Not bad.

Assy work or ham curls, leg extensions, glute kicks, calf raises for volume.

Finished with hang cleans 135 x5, 185 x3. Good lift overall!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1375 on: May 29, 2018, 05:18:56 pm »
Missed updating squat day lol! Managed a 365 paused single and 275 for 4x8 again pretty easily. Will do same numbers this week and if it feels smooth will consider moving up to 405/315.

Deadlifts yesterday at 191.2lbs. 365 top single and 4x12 at 275. Set 4 lost grip finally at rep 10. Quick reset and got the last 2. Warmups are beginning to feel springier. Have been doing light jogging/dynamic warmup followed by a few box jumps and 3-4 depth jumps. Going to increase volume a little in warmups and add some rope work/dot drills.

Played some half court 4v4 Sunday. Jumper was off the first 2 games (1-4, 2-5 respectively) but I wasn't forcing the action much just playing D, moving the ball and getting in a rhythm hopefully. Played a little better the 3rd game and then in the last pickup game... I decided to shoot a little more. Hit my first 2 jumpers off some ball movement and got a layup on a bad close out by a defender. He happened to say something stupid and I just zoned out. Scored the next 11 points for our team and had a steal and 2 blocks. Idk what happened lol but it felt like the old me that I could just turn on and off. Guess I just needed a kick in the motivational ass. Curious to see if it carries over, doubtful as I don't think I have the reps in right now to be consistent to my liking but fun overall.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1376 on: June 01, 2018, 02:59:42 am »

BW: 192.2lbs.

Added a handful more jumps to warmups. Paused warm-up squats to a 365 single. 4x8 at 275 for work sets.

Shot around for about 25 mins after lifting. Legs slightly fatigued muscular wise but felt bouncy. Easy 2 handers off 2 steps. Attempted maybe 8-10 total dunks. Nothing real ME.

Vid of top warmup squat:

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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1377 on: June 05, 2018, 02:34:20 pm »
Hammered PC last night at 192lbs BW.

Extensive warmup/stretch. AC went out at the gym. I was pouring sweat 😂


135 x10, 185 x7, 225 x3, 275 x1, 315x1, 365 x1. All no belt or straps. Tried 405 and my grip failed (double overhand) just above my knees. Strapped and got it easily.

4x8 at 315. Went no belt no straps first 3 sets got 6/2, 6/2, 4/4 (reps before and after a quick grip reset). Strapped for the last set and got 8 with plenty left in the tank.

Circuit trained high rep low weight ham curls, leg extensions, calf raises and glute kickbacks. Minimal core and a few jumps to finish. Not bad. Kinda upset about failing 405 completely raw. Oh well.

Shoot around this am for 30mins before work. Ok results. Couple buddies came in as I was supposed to be leaving that I haven't seen in a min (one moved to Florida, the other plays overseas) so we got a 10 min low effort dunk session in. I think the only thing holding me back right now (besides sheer strength) is I am SLOOOOW on my dribble run up ( and my lobs but very noticeable on dribble drive). I assume this is a reps problem and overthinking right now. In game I expect to zone out and let my body react but as of now I'm definitely missing the speed into my plant I had before.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1378 on: June 26, 2018, 10:25:58 pm »
Missed a few updates and took a week off when someone stepped on my foot while cutting. Foot was a little sore. Squats stayed at 356/275 and deadlift at 405 and 315 although my grip improved.

Decided I'm ok on "strength" so I'm moving to more of a "power" block for the next 4-6 weeks. So more of a 5x5 and heavy triple scheme on legs. Still going ULTRA light on assistance work but may throw in some front squat and BSS now. Plan to move to a 2-4 week explosive block after this.

Monday: deadlift at 190.6 lbs.

Lots of jumps/etc on warmups. Same warmup pyramid on deadlifts. Used straps for the 405 single. Moved top single to 455. Didn't feel as heavy as expected. Decided to 5x5 at 365 with straps, no belt. First 4 sets were no issue. Ony 5th I decided to test myself some and aimed for 8 reps. I did 10 and had 2-3 more in me easily but I stopped. Good thing too. Spinal erectors are SORE. Not broke but definitely DOMs.

Spent the evening with the wife for our anniversary. Ate way too much.

Weighed in at 193.4 today for back day but looked shredded.

Shot around tonight and ran through some drills. Managed some half heated max effort stuff but my back was shutting down some explosive capability I think. Got some short video of the ending dunk attempts and ME jumps. Only one other guy there and my brain just wasn't wanting to JUMP. Will edit down the film and post later. Maybe 42ish inch max. Goal was at 10'1" I found out lat the end. Meh.

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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1379 on: July 12, 2018, 12:14:06 pm »
Dangit. Apparently it didn't post my last post 😂 Anyway since then, quick recap: still at 190-192lbs BW. Have lifted 1 rep max at 385 paused squat. Reps are 4x3 at 345. No belt. Deads at 455. 405 for 4x3. Did 5 no problem but stopped. No belt just straps. No accessory BSS, FS, etc etc. Just high rep low weight machine work. Started a bodyweight lunge type movement. Well see if it helps knee stability. Cut back on upper stuff to a 3x6/7 rep style to cut mass and keep some strength. Anyways....

Lifted deads Monday. Had a impromptu 30 min junk session Wednesday night. Something clicked. Idk. Surprised as hell. Snagged a buddies GoPro and put the footage on the laptop but my graphics card apparently sucks so it's grainy af. But highlights are...I dunked off 1 foot at a PR BW 😂. I'm going on on the way I'm going to try and DL the GoPro software on to her MacBook. See if it does better. Either way I'm going to figure the editing out naively and post some shit. Timing was a wee bit off or I'd kill some stuff  :o
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