Sat Mar 9, 2013
Bodyweight at 179lbs (morning), 181lbs pre workout
Good energy, no injuries or fatigue.
Banded Squats:
185x5 225x5 275x3; 325x3 x3 x3; 345x1 365x1(depth wasn't great, failed IMO) 325x5 (1/4 squats for speed). The bands are definitely helping force me to finish lifts out. the quarter squats at the end really hit the quads hard, hoping they'll translate to rvj decently.
Banded RDLs (deficit/off 4" box):
225x5 x5 245x3; 265x1 x1 x1; 295x1 (fail, I got the weight halfway up but couldn't power through the bands to lockout, tweaked my low back slightly as well so i dropped it, try again next week)
Jump squats:
5 w/50lbs, 5 w/ 80lbs, 5 at BW
Depth jumps/Bounds in series into box jump (18" boxes, 40" box jump to end):
6 circuits
calf raises on leg press machine:
6x3 at 550lbs
ham curls:
6x3 at 120lbs
KB swings:
Finished with core work and tried a few jumps but my back was already tightening up so I skipped jumping as well. Ice, ibuprofen and rest, got to get healed up for Tuesdays game. I'm a little sore/tight this Morning (Sunday) but I'm full ROM and no sharp pains so I'm hoping I just pulled it a little. Had a great workout going up until then, these banded squats kick my ass. Good stuff.