Members Area => Progress Journals & Experimental Routines => Topic started by: Dreyth on April 01, 2014, 02:27:43 pm

Title: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 01, 2014, 02:27:43 pm
Time to get back on track. Lifts are slightly down. Haven't improved in like 6 months lol. My physique still looks pretty good though.

Time for slow but sure improvements. I've upped the volume on upper body as well. This week's lifts will be base lifts. Any improvement at all will be counted as a PR, even if it's not an all-time PR. This will keep me encouraged to keep improving.

Let's go!

Week 1
Monday - 03/31/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 5
205 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 8

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 5
+50lbs x 4
+50lbs x 3

Pull Ups
BW x 6                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 8
30's x 6
25's x 8
25's x 6

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 12
20 x 6
20 x 5

Also, my squat is about 335lbs max right now. But last week I threw down a two handed dunk off two feet and I play basketball only like once a month now. Weird.

Currently not seeing any females. Time to go out and meet new girls.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 02, 2014, 06:59:38 pm
Week 1
Tuesday - 04/01/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
BW x 10                     >> Xmin rests. Just went when I felt ready. 5-10min.
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10

Just did them for the hell of it. I got way better at pull ups! Chin ups are still my thing though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 02, 2014, 07:03:33 pm
Week 1
Wednesday - 03/31/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 5                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
275 x 5
275 x 5
275 x 3

Sitting Leg Curls
140 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
140 x 12
140 x 12

S/L Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 12                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 12                          >> Gotta find out how much the machine weighs with no weights on it.
BW x 12
BW x 12
BW x 10

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.

DB Shrugs
70's x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
70's x 12
70's x 12
70's x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 06, 2014, 08:11:12 pm
Week 1
Friday - 04/04/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 5
205 x 5 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 9 PR

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 5
+50lbs x 5 PR
+50lbs x 4 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 6                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 9 PR
30's x 7 PR
25's x 9 PR
25's x 7 PR

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 10
20 x 6
20 x 5
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 06, 2014, 08:13:21 pm
Week 1
Sunday - 04/06/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5                         >> Need wrist straps.
155 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 3
245 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1

Sitting Leg Curls
150 x 12 PR                         >> 60sec rests.
150 x 12 PR
150 x 8 PR

S/L Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 12                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 12                          >> Gotta find out how much the machine weighs with no weights on it.
BW x 12
BW x 12
BW x 12 PR

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.
10 PR

DB Shrugs
70's x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
70's x 12
70's x 12
70's x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 07, 2014, 04:36:23 pm
Week 2
Monday - 04/07/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 6 PR
205 x 5 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 10 PR

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 6 PR
+50lbs x 5 PR
+50lbs x 5 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 7 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 10 PR
30's x 8 PR
25's x 10 PR
25's x 8 PR

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 10
20 x 6
20 x 6 PR

Feelin good. Lookin pretty good too. Feel like I've induced a bit of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy with the high rep back up sets of incline DB bench.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 08, 2014, 12:21:28 am
Can't wait to lift Wednesday. Shit. This is awesome. I haven't had that feeling of "can't wait for my next workout" in like half a year!!!

Usually when I get this feeling, I hit PR's regularly. Hell yeah.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2014, 02:39:12 am

maybe it'll be followed by a return of spontaneous boners.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 13, 2014, 05:42:05 pm
Week 2
Wednesday - 04/09/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                         >> Rear delt cramped on last two sets. Couldn't do 5 reps.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
275 x 5
275 x 4
275 x 4

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 13, 2014, 05:47:23 pm
Week 2
Friday - 04/13/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 6 PR
205 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 12 PR

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 5 PR
+50lbs x 5 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 7 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 4

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
40's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12 PR
30's x 8 PR
25's x 10 PR
25's x 8 PR

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 10
20 x 8 PR
20 x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 13, 2014, 05:55:12 pm
Week 2
Sunday - 04/13/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
155 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 1
245 x 1
285 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 5

Sitting Leg Curls
150 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
150 x 12
150 x 12 PR

S/L Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 15 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 15 PR                          >> Gotta find out how much the machine weighs with no weights on it.
BW x 12
BW x 12
BW x 10 PR

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.
10 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2014, 09:47:40 am
why do you need to figure out how much the hack squat machine weighs? you're just measuring improvement from a baseline. it's not like "hack squat calf raises" something you can compete in.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 15, 2014, 12:13:09 pm
Week 3
Monday - 04/14/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10                    >> Felt a TON of tension on my right pic. Felt as though it could have ripped if I was maxing out.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 6
205 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 12 PR

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 5
+50lbs x 4

Pull Ups
BW x 7                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12 PR
30's x 8
25's x 8
25's x 8

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 10
20 x 8 PR
20 x 8 PR

Got worse at chin ups dammit. Everything else improved. Will move up bench to 210lbs for next workout. DB's will stay at 50's for now.

why do you need to figure out how much the hack squat machine weighs? you're just measuring improvement from a baseline. it's not like "hack squat calf raises" something you can compete in.

just curious, you're right though it really doesn't matter
would only matter if I also decide to lift at a different gym with another hack squat. I might start doing this on deadlift day since my current gym doesnt have round plates  >:(

also, was extremely horny yesterday. fuck that felt good. too bad i dont have any girls in my rotation right now (one moved away, the other got fed up with me)... gotta go out more. i havent improved my lifts since like fucking october. on top of that my appetite has been shot since then, but its slowly coming back. i feel like my hormones are balancing themselves or something. lifts coming back, appetite coming back, libido coming back. this is good.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 16, 2014, 06:21:00 pm
I really miss full body workouts. And supposedly they help stimulate hormones n stuff.

Thinking of doing push/pull instead of upper/lower. Would look something like:

Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
DB Incline Bench 2x12
Lateral Raises 5x12
DB Shoulder Press 3x8
Calf Raises 3x12

Deadlift 1x5
Leg curls 3x12
Chin ups 3x5
Pull ups 2x12
Pendlay rows 3x5
Seated cable rows 3x12
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10

Not to mention I'd be squatting and deadlifting twice a week almost...this would be an every-other-day split. 1 on 1 off, to avoid squatting and then deadlifting the next day.

I'll probably test this out after the summer.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on April 16, 2014, 07:37:40 pm
i've found that with rows, once i get to a weight where i can't do more than five-rep sets, my form has long since gone to shit. body english for days. ymmv, of course, but i do better with at least eight-rep sets.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 21, 2014, 01:21:46 pm
Week 3
Wednesday - 03/16/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
275 x 5
275 x 5
275 x 5 PR

Sitting Leg Curls
155 x 12 PR                         >> 60sec rests.
155 x 12 PR                         >> Hamstrings cramped on last set. Had to sotp.
155 x 4

S/L Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 15                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 15                          >> Gotta find out how much the machine weighs with no weights on it.
BW x 15 PR
BW x 12 PR
BW x 12 PR

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 21, 2014, 01:26:58 pm
Week 3
Friday - 04/18/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10                    >> Felt a TON of tension on my right pic. Felt as though it could have ripped if I was maxing out.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
210 x 6 PR
210 x 6 PR
210 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 12 PR

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                    >> 60sec rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
40s x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12 PR
25's x 8
25's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5                        >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
BW x 12
BW x 10
BW x 4

Pull Ups
BW x 7                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 10
20 x 10 PR
20 x 10 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 24, 2014, 05:00:22 pm
Week 4
Monday - 04/21/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5              >> Was kinda easy.
155 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 1
245 x 1
285 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 6 PR

Sitting Leg Curls
155 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
155 x 12
155 x 8 PR

Hack Squat Calf Raises
+90lbs x 15                            >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 15                            >> Will do both legs once a week, single leg once a week.
+90lbs x 15
+90lbs x 15
+90lbs x 15

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.

Couldn't lift Sunday so lifted Monday. I'll be on track by next week. Not skipping a workout.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 24, 2014, 05:04:06 pm
Week 4
Wednesday - 04/23/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10                    >> Moving up to 215lbs next workout woohoo.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
210 x 6
210 x 6
210 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 12

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+25lbs x 3               >> Friggin stuck here what the heck.
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 5
+50lbs x 4

Pull Ups
BW x 8 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 4

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2                       >> Keeping 30's for all work sets now!
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 6
30's x 4

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 12 PR
20 x 10 PR
20 x 10 PR

Going to squat Thursday (which is today at the time that I'm writing this) and doing upper body again Friday.

That way I'll be on track to deadlift on Sunday.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 24, 2014, 10:31:04 pm
Week 4
Thursday - 03/24/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
275 x 6 PR
275 x 6 PR
275 x 6 PR

Sitting Leg Curls
155 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
155 x 12                         >> Hamstrings cramped AGAIN. I could get 3x12 for sure. More water next time.
155 x 6

S/L Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 15                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 15                          >> Decreaesd, but it's cuz I wasnt wearing chucks. Was weird to do these in new balances..
BW x 15
BW x 10
BW x 10

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.

I feel refreshed after this workout. My squat form feels amazing: since I've been doing pull ups i've noticed I can actually flex my lats now. I engage my lats in the squat now; a good cue is to pretend im squeezing a tennis ball between my armpits and that tightens them up. Keeps my upper torso RIGID.

Can't wait to lift upperbody tomorrow. That'll be 3 workouts in a row but I feel fine.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 26, 2014, 01:38:43 pm
Week 4
Friday - 04/25/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
215 x 5 PR
215 x 5 PR
215 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 13 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 12

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 1
205 x 1
215 x 5 PR
215 x 5 PR
215 x 5 PR

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 7 PR
30's x 5 PR

Forgot to do chin ups, da heck. And external rotations.

If I could get to 225 for 3x5 on the bench before I go on vacation June 1st, that would be friggen awesome! The way my bench is progressing right now makes me believe I will.

Also, I now randomly get boners when touching myself even when not trying to masturbate. Like I'll be sitting on the computer, reading shit, hand in my pants, and it'll get me hard. This hasn't happened in like 7 months. Pretty sure I could have sex without viagra now. Met this colombian exchange student and i get super horny when we text and shit. cant fuck her yet because our schedules just dont line up :/

These sex updates will stop once i'm back to normal. then I'll get my test levels checked again to see if that was the culprit. I was at 520 ng/dl i think, which is in the "normal" range. But i dont think it's normal FOR ME to be at that level, know what i mean?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on April 27, 2014, 11:14:29 pm
when it rains, it gets hard.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 30, 2014, 04:52:56 pm
Week 4
Sunday - 04/27/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5              >> Was kinda easy again.
155 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 1
245 x 1
285 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1
320 x 6 PR

Sitting Leg Curls
155 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
155 x 12
155 x 12 PR

Hack Squat Calf Raises
+110lbs x 15 PR                            >> 60sec rests.
+110lbs x 15 PR
+110lbs x 15 PR
+110lbs x 15 PR
+110lbs x 15 PR

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 30, 2014, 04:54:30 pm
Week 5
Monday - 04/29/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
215 x 6 PR
215 x 6 PR
215 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 13                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 13 PR

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 5

Pull Ups
BW x 8                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5 PR

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 10 PR
30's x 6 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 01, 2014, 05:23:40 pm
Week 5
Wednesday - 04/31/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
280 x 6 PR
280 x 6 PR
280 x 5

Sitting Leg Curls
160 x 12 PR                     >> 60sec rests.
160 x 10
160 x 8

S/L Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 15                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 15
BW x 15
BW x 12
BW x 12

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                               >> 90sec rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3
175 x 8
175 x 8
175 x 8

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 12
20 x 12
20 x 12

Fuckkkkk my squats feel AMAZING.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 01, 2014, 05:51:46 pm
High bar?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 02, 2014, 01:12:49 pm
High bar?

High bar, atg, narrow stance.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 02, 2014, 08:32:40 pm
Week 5
Friday - 05/02/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
215 x 6
215 x 6
215 x 5 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 13                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 13

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 8                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 4

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 10
30's x 8 PR

Wasn't excited at all to lift today like I have been on those other days. Still PR'd in 3 lifts though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 04, 2014, 06:25:50 pm
Week 5
Sunday - 05/04/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
155 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 1
245 x 1
285 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1
325 x 5 PR

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.

Hack Squat Calf Raises
+140lbs x 15 PR                            >> 60sec rests.
+140lbs x 15 PR
+140lbs x 15 PR
+140lbs x 13
+140lbs x 10

Sitting Leg Curls
160 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12 PR
160 x 6

Cant friggen wait to be on the beaches of barcelona, ibiza, mykonos, varna, and various places in macedonia. fuck.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 05, 2014, 03:52:38 pm
Week 6
Monday - 05/05/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10                    >> Will attempt 220lbs next workout!
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
215 x 6
215 x 6
215 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 15 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 8

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+30lbs x 2               >> Still stuck...
+55lbs x 5
+55lbs x 5
+55lbs x 3

Pull Ups
BW x 9 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 10
30's x 8 PR

For the last two workouts I didn't really have that "I can't wait to lift feeling" but I'm still hitting PR's. I hope the feeling comes back. Because when I have it, I always PR for a while.

Goal is to hit 225 on bench for 3x5 before I leave for Europe on June 1st. I got a month to get there.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 06, 2014, 02:32:32 pm
Week 6
Tuesday - 05/06/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
280 x 6
280 x 6
280 x 6 PR

Sitting Leg Curls
160 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12
160 x 12 PR

S/L Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 15                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 15
BW x 15
BW x 12
BW x 12

Hanging Leg Raises
10                                >> 60sec rests.

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                               >> 90sec rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 8 PR
195 x 8 PR
195 x 8 PR

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 12
20 x 12
20 x 12

Squatted today instead of tomorrow since I won't have time tomorrow. That makes this three workouts in a row. Next workout is Friday. This rest will feel good, especially since Thursday the bulk of my final projects and exams are due. ALMOST DONE WITH COLLEGE.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 08, 2014, 02:30:32 am
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on May 08, 2014, 09:18:43 am

I see the pattern here. You start with your fingers on [A] and [;] and do : type right - type left , move both fingers one key inside, 4 iterations.

Code: [Select]
left_finger_pos = [A]-key
right_finger_pos = [;]-key

for( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ){
    pressKeyAtPos( right_finger_pos);
    pressKeyAtPos( left_finger_pos);
    moveFingerPosOnePlaceToTheRight( &left_finger_pos );
    moveFingerPosOnePlaceToTheLeft( &right_finger_pos );

:wowthatwasnutswtf:  :almostascoolasnyancat:  :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2014, 10:09:57 am
you never do that when you're frustrated, vag?

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 08, 2014, 10:16:30 am
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on May 08, 2014, 11:26:02 am
you never do that when you're frustrated, vag?


No, never heard of that.
It's not like i am in the internetz for 20 years now ( literally, i was using it when web browsers didn't even exist ).
It's not like we are both in this forum for almost 5 years now so you've seen endless posts of mine with it.
It's not even like we have a rant icon that is self explanatory about @#$@#$%.

I genuinely thought that it was an encrypted coding riddle so i solved it.

Oh wait.

:trollface:  :P  :-*
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2014, 11:32:37 am
u r 2 smart 4 me
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 08, 2014, 01:47:05 pm
wait wait wait


i didnt even realize the pattern that i typed that it

i literally just typed that in randomly. my fingers were placed on those keys and i typed whatever and bam

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on May 08, 2014, 02:12:12 pm
I know, it was a coding-geek joke in the first place, hence the  :uhhhfacepalm:.
LBSS knows too.
We are just fucking around.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 08, 2014, 03:00:07 pm
no no i know you guys knew, i just didnt realize i did that lol

hardest part of my finals is over.
just an exam tomorrow, a project, 2 homeworks, a take home final due monday, and another final on monday.

aint nothin tho.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 09, 2014, 10:44:32 pm
Week 6
Friday - 05/09/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                      >> Didn't expect to be able to get 220x6.
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 1
220 x 6 PR
220 x 5
220 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 15                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 12 PR

Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3
+55lbs x 1
BW x 12
BW x 8 PR
BW x 6 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 3               >> 60sec rests.
BW x 3               >> Uhhh yeah these are pretty tough after high rep chins.

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2                       >> Keeping 30's for all work sets now!
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 10
30's x 8

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
25 x 12              >> 60sec rests.
25 x 12
25 x 12

I'm pretty sure I'll hit my goal of 225 for 3x5 on bench before I leave for Europe.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 12, 2014, 12:36:53 pm
Did not know my new gym closes at 7:45pm on weekends. Missed my deadlift workout yesterday. I'm supposed to bench today though.

For this week:

monday - deadlift
tuesday - bench
thursday - squat
friday - bench
sunday - deadlift

then im back on my normal schedule
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 12, 2014, 10:30:14 pm
Week 7
Sunday - 04/11/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 5
155 x 3
245 x 3
285 x 1
335 x 1
325 x 6 PR

S/L Hack Squat Calf Raises (right side only)
BW x 15                         >> 60sec rests.
BW x 15
BW x 15
BW x 15
BW x 10

Sitting Leg Curls
165 x 12 PR                         >> 60sec rests.
165 x 10
165 x 6

Hanging Leg Raises
10                              >> 60sec rests.

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                        >> 90sec rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
200 x 8 PR
200 x 8 PR
200 x 8 PR

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 14, 2014, 06:28:35 pm
Week 8
Tuesday - 05/13/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 1
220 x 6
220 x 5
220 x 4 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 5
+55lbs x 4

Pull Ups
BW x 8               >> 60sec rests.
BW x 4

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12 PR
30's x 10 PR

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
25 x 12              >> 60sec rests.
25 x 12
25 x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 20, 2014, 02:40:42 pm
Week 8
Wednesday - 05/14/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
285 x 5 PR

Sitting Leg Curls
165 x 12                   >> 60sec rests.

S/L Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 15                          >> 60sec rests.

Hanging Leg Raises
10                                >> 60sec rests.

Just wasn't feelin it today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 20, 2014, 02:44:05 pm
Week 8
Sunday - 05/18/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 5
155 x 3
245 x 3
285 x 1
335 x 1
330 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+200lbs x 15 PR
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 10
+200lbs x 10

Sitting Leg Curls
165 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12 PR
165 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises
10                              >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 20, 2014, 07:14:10 pm
Week 9
Tuesday - 05/20/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                      >> My arms just somehow gave up on last set.
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 1
220 x 6
220 x 5
220 x 1

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 6 PR
+55lbs x 4 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 8               >> 60sec rests.
BW x 4

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2                       >> Holy shit I hit 5x12. Time to raise the weight!
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 22, 2014, 01:35:48 pm
Week 9
Wednesday - 05/21/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                              >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
285 x 6 PR
285 x 6 PR
285 x 6 PR

Sitting Leg Curls
165 x 12 PR                   >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12 PR
165 x 12 PR

S/L Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 15                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 15
BW x 15
BW x 15
BW x 15 PR

Hanging Leg Raises
10                                >> 60sec rests.

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 8 PR
205 x 6

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
25 x 12 PR


i dont know what it is. maybe its cuz i met this new girl and she turns me the fuck on for whatever reason... but now i also pitch a tent in my pants from other girls too. she seemed to spark it somehow. motherfucking perfect titties must be the reason.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2014, 02:38:52 pm
aw, boo, i'm so happy for you!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 25, 2014, 03:29:07 pm
Week 9
Saturday - 05/24/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests
45 x 10
95 x 8                     
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 1
220 x 6
220 x 4
220 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+35lbs x 3
+55lbs x 1
+70lbs x 1
+85lbs x 1
BW x 12
BW x 7
BW x 4

Pull Ups
BW x 5               >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2                       >> Holy shit I hit 5x12. Time to raise the weight!
35's x 1
30's x 8 PR
30's x 8 PR
30's x 8 PR
30's x 6
30's x 5

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 12
20 x 12
20 x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on May 25, 2014, 03:32:31 pm
can't scroll through Dreyth's logs without seeing PR everywhere.. ;f


I see the pattern here. You start with your fingers on [A] and [;] and do : type right - type left , move both fingers one key inside, 4 iterations.

Code: [Select]
left_finger_pos = [A]-key
right_finger_pos = [;]-key

for( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ){
    pressKeyAtPos( right_finger_pos);
    pressKeyAtPos( left_finger_pos);
    moveFingerPosOnePlaceToTheRight( &left_finger_pos );
    moveFingerPosOnePlaceToTheLeft( &right_finger_pos );

:wowthatwasnutswtf:  :almostascoolasnyancat:  :uhhhfacepalm:


 :headbang: :ninja:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 25, 2014, 08:49:48 pm
Week 9
Sunday - 05/18/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 5
155 x 3
245 x 3
285 x 1
335 x 1
335 x 5 PR

Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+200lbs x 15
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 10
+200lbs x 8
+200lbs x 8

Sitting Leg Curls
170 x 12 PR                         >> 60sec rests.
170 x 8
170 x 6

Hanging Leg Raises
10                              >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 15, 2014, 11:04:13 pm
gotta figure out what week im on... bench dropped by like 30 pounds. lifted 2 or 3 times in the past 6 weeks. fuck.

had a sick summer though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 05, 2014, 09:39:40 pm
Week 19
Monday - 08/04/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
195 x 6
195 x 5
195 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 10                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 8

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+15lbs x 3
+30lbs x 2
+45lbs x 1
+60lbs x 1
+30lbs x 6
+30lbs x 6
+30lbs x 5

Pull Ups
BW x 6                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 10
30's x 6

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 8                       >> 60sec rests.
45 x 8

I'll be able to go up about 5lbs a week. I'll be back to repping 225lbs in no time in the bench.

Yet again, regress instead of progress :/

could have been a beast by now if this hasn't happened so many times. For god's sake i was benching 195x6 in high school im pretty sure at one point. I graduated college already.

Whatever. Gonna look and perform crazy good by next summer, that's for sure ;)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 06, 2014, 10:53:59 pm
Week 19
Wednesday - 08/06/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                    >> Squatted on extremely tired legs from work today. 3x6 next week for sure.
185 x 5                    >> Form is top fucking notch.
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
275 x 6
275 x 3
275 x 3

Seated Leg Curls
160 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12
160 x 8

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
+140lbs x 12
+140lbs x 12
+140lbs x 12
+140lbs x 12
+140lbs x 12

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.
8                    >> Quad and hip cramp up a bit...

Seated Cable Rows
100 x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
120 x 12                    >> Wow these feel great!
120 x 12
120 x 12

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
25 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
25 x 8
25 x 8

Sundays I deadlift, Mondays I do upper body, so I do my rows on Wednesday. This way I dont have to row a day after deadlifting and I do my back 3x a week. Works out!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 09, 2014, 06:43:54 pm
Week 19
Saturday - 08/09/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
195 x 6
195 x 6
195 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 10

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 3
195 x 6
195 x 6
195 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
120 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
120 x 12

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 8
30's x 6

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 10                    >> 60sec rests.
45 x 10

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+15lbs x 3
+30lbs x 2
+45lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 6
BW x 4
BW x 4
BW x 3

Cable External Rotations
20 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
20 x 12
20 x 12

Was supposed to lift yesterday but didn't have time. I'll lift tomorrow as scheduled. Might push monday's workout back to tuesday. Other than that, everything's on track.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 10, 2014, 10:55:34 pm
Week 19
Sunday - 05/18/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
175 x 3
205 x 3
245 x 1
265 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1
345 x 1
325 x 5

Sitting Leg Curls
160 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12
160 x 10

Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 10
+160lbs x 8

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                              >> 60sec rests.

Can't believe I've been stuck at around these numbers for YEARSSSSSSS.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 10, 2014, 11:03:14 pm
GOALS by 1 June 2015

ATG Squat 325 x 5
Bench 245 x 5
Deadlift 385 x 5
At under 200lbs bw
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 12, 2014, 08:54:43 pm
Week 20
Monday - 08/12/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
220 x 1
195 x 6
195 x 6
195 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 8

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 4                    >> 2min rests.
+15lbs x 3
+30lbs x 2
+45lbs x 1
+60lbs x 1
+30lbs x 6
+30lbs x 6
+30lbs x 6 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 6                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 8

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 10 PR                       >> 60sec rests.
45 x 7

Looking great again. Squatting tomorrow. Will eat big tonight so that I can hit 3x6 at 275lbs tomorrow, or at least close to it. Haven't been getting much sleep.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 14, 2014, 09:00:29 pm
Week 20
Wednesday - 08/13/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                    >> Tired legs again from work, but at least I improved.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
275 x 6
275 x 5
275 x 4

Seated Leg Curls
160 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12
160 x 12

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 10

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.

Seated Cable Rows
100 x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
140 x 12                    >> Wow these feel great!
140 x 8
140 x 8

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
25 x 8                    >> 60sec rests.
25 x 8
25 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 15, 2014, 04:03:07 pm
Week 20
Friday - 08/15/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10
95 x 8
95 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
200 x 6
200 x 5
200 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 12

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3
175 x 3
195 x 2
225 x 1
215 x 6
215 x 6
215 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
140 x 8

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 8
30's x 6

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
45 x 10

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+15lbs x 3
+30lbs x 2
+45lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 7 PR
BW x 5 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 3 PR

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
25 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
25 x 8
25 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 18, 2014, 11:44:16 pm
Week 20
Sunday - 08/17/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
175 x 3
205 x 3
245 x 1
265 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1
345 x 1
325 x 6

Sitting Leg Curls
165 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12
165 x 12

Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 12
+160lbs x 12

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                              >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: aiir on August 19, 2014, 12:13:08 am
Do you ever feel like you lose strength / are held back on your working sets because of your warmup sets? They seem just slightly excessive in relation to what I do.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 19, 2014, 05:11:49 pm
Do you ever feel like you lose strength / are held back on your working sets because of your warmup sets? They seem just slightly excessive in relation to what I do.

For me, definitely not. Take the bench for example. 135x5 wont tire me at all. The rest is just ramping up weights with very low reps.

Then that one last rep at over my working set weight actually makes the working set feel lighter and it gives me an extra rep.

I have found that a lot of warm up sets with very low reps while ramping up weight helps me a ton.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 20, 2014, 08:56:01 pm
Week 21
Monday - 08/18/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
220 x 1
200 x 6
200 x 6
200 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 8

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
+35lbs x 6 PR
+35lbs x 5
+35lbs x 4

Pull Ups
BW x 7                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 10
30's x 8

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
45 x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 20, 2014, 08:59:20 pm
Week 21
Wednesday - 08/20/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                    >> Can move up to 280lbs now.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
275 x 6
275 x 6
275 x 6

Seated Leg Curls
170 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
170 x 10
170 x 8

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 8
+180lbs x 8
+180lbs x 8
+180lbs x 8
+180lbs x 8

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.

Seated Cable Rows       
140 x 12                        >> 60sec rests.
140 x 12
140 x 10

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
25 x 10                    >> 60sec rests.
25 x 10
25 x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 23, 2014, 09:15:04 pm
Week 21
Friday - 08/22/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 4
205 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 10                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 8

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 5                      >> Form was a bit off. Will repeat this weight next time.
135 x 5
155 x 3
175 x 3
195 x 2
225 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 6
225 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
140 x 12 PR

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 8

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
45 x 6

Pull Ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 7
BW x 5
BW x 4
BW x 3

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
25 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
25 x 12
25 x 12

Good to see bench increasing steadily. Those DB incline's are really bringing out my upper chest!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 24, 2014, 10:18:03 pm
Week 21
Sunday - 08/24/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 1
205 x 3
245 x 1
245 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
330 x 5

Sitting Leg Curls
170 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
170 x 10
170 x 8

Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+200lbs x 10 PR
+200lbs x 10 PR
+200lbs x 10 PR
+200lbs x 8 PR
+200lbs x 8 PR

Too lazy to do hanging leg raises. Will do them during tomorrow's workout instead.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 26, 2014, 03:47:58 pm
Week 22
Monday - 08/26/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 5
205 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 10

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 5
+35lbs x 5 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 7                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 8

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
45 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises
10                       >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 27, 2014, 11:04:28 pm
Week 22
Wednesday - 08/27/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
280 x 6
280 x 3
280 x 3

Seated Leg Curls
170 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
170 x 12 PR
170 x 10 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+200lbs x 10
+200lbs x 10
+200lbs x 10
+200lbs x 10 PR
+200lbs x 10 PR

Ab Wheel Rollouts
6.5ft x 10                    >> 60sec rests.
6.5ft x 10
6.5ft x 10

Seated Cable Rows       
140 x 12                        >> 60sec rests.
140 x 12
140 x 15 PR

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
25 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
25 x 12
25 x 12

I have an ab wheel again fuck yeah.
Also, in terms of form, my squat feels better than it ever has in my entire life.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 29, 2014, 01:33:08 pm
Week 22
Friday - 08/29/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 6
205 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 8

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
155 x 3
175 x 1
205 x 1
245 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 6
225 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
140 x 15 PR

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 10

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
45 x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 7
BW x 6 PR
BW x 3
BW x 4 PR

Should hit 3x6 on bench in 2 workouts.

Week 22
Sunday - 08/31/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 1
205 x 3
245 x 1
245 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
330 x 6

Sitting Leg Curls
170 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
170 x 12
170 x 10

Hack Squat Calf Raises
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+200lbs x 12 PR
+200lbs x 12 PR
+200lbs x 10
+200lbs x 10
+200lbs x 8

Hanging Leg Raises
10                            >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 01, 2014, 02:01:35 pm
Week 23 (De-load)
Monday - 09/01/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10
45 x 10
95 x 8
95 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
+35lbs x 6
BW x 8

Lateral Raises
25's x 3
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12

Was planning a de-load this week, but was thinking to de-load on friday and skip sunday's deadlift workout. Mini de-load. Then I'm changing my workout up. Instead of upper/lower, it'll be push/pull. So Monday will be Bench and Squat... that's why I would skip deadlifting on fridays.

But I woke up pretty sick, so I'm de-loading today instead and also this wednesday's Squat workout for sure. Probably friday too, depending on how i feel.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 02, 2014, 12:23:25 am
Damn... had a workshift... feeling like absolute ass right now (not because of work but).

going to stuff my face so i dont weight. i have a fever.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2014, 09:41:04 am
Damn... had a workshift... feeling like absolute ass right now (not because of work but).

going to stuff my face so i dont weight. i have a fever.

you drunk brah?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 02, 2014, 12:45:57 pm
what no

feeling a little better today. i should be able to squat fine tomorrow, im still de-loading though

edit: OHH.. i mean im sick and im going to stuff my face with food so i dont lose weight.
left a few words out there...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: seifullaah73 on September 02, 2014, 03:43:39 pm
what no

feeling a little better today. i should be able to squat fine tomorrow, im still de-loading though

edit: OHH.. i mean im sick and im going to stuff my face with food so i dont lose weight.
left a few words out there...

I was a bit confused there also but i realized that since you said you were sick and you are stuffing your face you probably meant you stuffing your face as you don't want to lose weight you would get from the sickness and fever.

get better mate
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on September 03, 2014, 05:25:33 am
This explanation sounds even more drunk!!!  :P
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 07, 2014, 12:55:14 am
Week 23
Friday - 09/05/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
45 x 10
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 4
205 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 10

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 6
BW x 4
BW x 3

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
45 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 11, 2014, 03:03:25 pm
Week 24
Monday - 09/08/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
280 x 6
280 x 3
280 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 4
205 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 10                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 8

Lateral Raises
25's x 3
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 11, 2014, 03:11:41 pm
Week 24
Wednesday - 09/10/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
205 x 5
245 x 3
265 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1
365 x 1
335 x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 6 PR
+35lbs x 3
BW x 7
BW x 4

Seated Leg Curls
160 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
170 x 12                    >> Was supposed to do 170lbs first set but messed up.
170 x 10

Seated Cable Rows
100 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
150 x 12 PR
150 x 10
150 x 8

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 8                    >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 8
7ft x 8

Damn this workout felt good.

I'm a fan of push/pull instead of my usual upper/lower so far. Only draw back is I have more warm up sets to do in total since I'm doing so many different body parts.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 16, 2014, 04:53:59 pm
fuck. forgot to update my last two workouts and now i dont remember them

lifting today. shoulda lifted yesterday but whatever ill get back on track by next week.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 16, 2014, 09:35:41 pm
Week 24
Tuesday - 09/16/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
280 x 6
280 x 6 PR
280 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 6 PR
205 x 2

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 6

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5
+90lbs x 3
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 10
+200lbs x 10 PR

Lateral Raises
25's x 3
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12

DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
45 x 6

Went up in the squat and bench. lateral raises also felt easier. either its the extra day off, or the fact that im using creatine now. been forgetting to take it though.

we'll see as the week goes on. will be sure to get 5-7g a day this whole week.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 20, 2014, 04:06:28 pm
Week 25
Thursday - 09/26/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
205 x 5
245 x 3
265 x 1
295 x 1
340 x 1
365 x 1
335 x 5

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 3
BW x 7
BW x 4

Seated Leg Curls
175 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
175 x 10                    >> Was supposed to do 170lbs first set but messed up.
175 x 8

Seated Cable Rows
100 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
150 x 12
150 x 12 PR
150 x 10 PR

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 8                    >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 5
7ft x 2

Deadlifts were much harder than usual. I screwed up the form on the 365x1 a little so it was a real grind to get it up. That made me pretty tired.

Form was great on the 335x5 though! Here's a vid:

(there's a 10lb bumper plate in there)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on September 20, 2014, 04:34:49 pm
The only thing I would do would be to keep the bar closer to the body, grazing the shins. Also, your eccentric form is different from the concentric one.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 20, 2014, 04:48:38 pm

Eccentric is more of a RDL. I dont remember where I was reading this, but it was recommended to do this on the way down as it keeps less stress on the lower back

will try to keep bar against shins more
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 22, 2014, 11:06:35 pm
Week 26
Monday - 09/22/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                    >> I can finally move up to 285lbs... that took a while.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
280 x 6
280 x 6 PR
280 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5
+90lbs x 3
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 10 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 6
205 x 5 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 6

Lateral Raises
25's x 3
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 24, 2014, 11:34:43 pm
Week 26
Wednesday - 09/23/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
155 x 3
205 x 5
245 x 3
265 x 1
305 x 1
340 x 1
365 x 1
335 x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 4
BW x 7
BW x 4

Seated Leg Curls
175 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
175 x 12 PR                    >> Was supposed to do 170lbs first set but messed up.
175 x 8 PR

Seated Cable Rows
100 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
150 x 12
150 x 12
150 x 12

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 10                    >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 4
7ft x 4

Can move up to 340lbs for the deadlift now :)
I'll be at 365x5 in a few months probably.
My back is getting pretty strong. Rows and deads are consistently improving. Pullups not so much... but that could be cuz I'm 5lbs heavier.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 27, 2014, 12:13:20 am
Week 26
Friday - 09/27/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
285 x 6 PR
280 x 4
280 x 3

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 12
+200lbs x 12 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 6
205 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 8
30's x 8

DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 8
45 x 8

I dont get it. Bench, squat, dead, rows, all increasing.
Shoulders and pull ups have stalled or decreased.

I look pretty damn good though. Friends have said they noticed a difference out of nowhere. I do to. It must be the creatine. That must also be why my main lifts aren't stalling anymore :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 28, 2014, 11:55:55 pm
Week 26
Saturday - 09/28/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5                                >> Form was sloppy, yikes.
155 x 3
175 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 6
225 x 3

Seated Cable Rows
150 x 12                          >> 60sec rests.
150 x 12

Seated Leg Curls
100 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
150 x 3                    >> Idn what happened here. Something felt off. Couldn't get the set up right. Couldn't tell why.
175 x 12
175 x 8
175 x 6

Pull ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 1
+60lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 7
BW x 4
BW x 4
BW x 4

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 29, 2014, 07:50:11 pm
Week 27
Monday - 09/29/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
285 x 6
285 x 5 PR
285 x 3 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                             >> 60sec rests
+90lbs x 3
+180lbs x 1
+220lbs x 8 PR
+220lbs x 8 PR
+220lbs x 8 PR
+220lbs x 8 PR
+220lbs x 8 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
210 x 6 PR
210 x 5 PR
210 x 4 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 8 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 7
30's x 6

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 10                            >> 60sec rests.
45 x 8

From now on I'm doing absolutely zero cheating on lateral raises. This will let me know if I'm actually improving and not just cheating more, or vice versa. Maybe that's why it was stuck for a while.

Also, recent pic. No gym pump here. This was at work:

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2014, 11:35:44 pm
you took off your shirt at work? where do you work?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 30, 2014, 03:40:09 am
That was changing into regular clothes after my shift, in the locker room.

Raptor must be too busy masturbating to comment.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on September 30, 2014, 07:17:18 am
Well thanks for making my keyboard sticky.

Thanks a lot man!

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 30, 2014, 02:37:28 pm
Extra grip strength for deadlifts!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 01, 2014, 09:00:36 pm
Week 27
Wednesday - 10/01/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
155 x 3
205 x 5
245 x 3
285 x 1
335 x 1
365 x 1
340 x 5 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 5 PR
BW x 7 PR
BW x 4 PR

Seated Leg Curls
175 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
175 x 10                    >> Went down :/
175 x 8

Seated Cable Rows
120 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12 PR
160 x 8 PR
160 x 7 PR

So pissed I forgot my ab wheel at home. I'll do them Friday.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 04, 2014, 02:38:18 pm
Week 27
Friday - 10/04/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                    >> I'll prob get 285 for 3x6 on Monday.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
285 x 6
285 x 6 PR
285 x 4 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+220lbs x 10 PR
+220lbs x 10 PR
+220lbs x 10 PR
+220lbs x 8 PR
+220lbs x 6

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
210 x 6
210 x 6 PR
210 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 6

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 7
30's x 5

DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 8
45 x 8

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 10
7ft x 8 PR
7ft x 5 PR

PR'in like a mofo.

Note: Hitting a PR in the bench press but then hitting the same reps in the Incline DB right after is still a PR for the Incline DB... it's much harder to incline 55'sx12 after benching 210/3x6 instead of 210/3x5

I rest only 60sec between my last bench set and first incline DB set
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 06, 2014, 05:14:18 pm
Week 27
Saturday - 10/05/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5                                >> Form was much better. I'll move up to 230lbs next week.
155 x 3
175 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 6
225 x 6 PR

Seated Cable Rows
160 x 12 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
160 x 8

Seated Leg Curls
100 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
150 x 3
175 x 12
175 x 10
175 x 8

Pull ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests, but 3min rest for final set
+20lbs x 3               >> If i rest 3-5min per set I can definitely hit 5x10 on the pullups.
+40lbs x 1               >> Going to add this extra back off set for good measure from now on.
+60lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 7
BW x 5 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 7

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 07, 2014, 04:25:39 pm
Week 28
Monday - 10/07/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
285 x 6
285 x 6
285 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                             >> 60sec rests
+90lbs x 3
+180lbs x 1
+220lbs x 10
+220lbs x 10
+220lbs x 10
+220lbs x 9 PR
+220lbs x 6 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                    >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
215 x 6 PR
215 x 6 PR
215 x 4 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 8 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 8 PR
30's x 6 PR

Standing DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 10 PR                            >> 60sec rests.
45 x 10 PR

PR's across the board.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 07, 2014, 04:28:28 pm
Its tuesday, and I really feel like going in to deadlift today. I squatted yesterday though so I'll hold off on working out a day early. But man i feel great.

Took in nap in a weird position though, and my lower back is hurting a ton right now.

Super happy that I'm consistently improving now. Really hoping to get through old plateaus which were more or less:

bench 225x5
atg squat 315x5
deadlift 365x5
row 235x5
espeically that bench one. that's the one i always get close to and then just get stuck. FOR YEARS.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on October 07, 2014, 04:34:49 pm
285x6 PR?

Um... what?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 07, 2014, 06:59:11 pm
285x6 PR?

Um... what?

my all time atg squat PR is 315x5. but after my squat plummeted a while back (when i had tendonitis and switched from parallel to ATG and also dropped 20lbs of bw) my squat dropped to tag 315x5, then slowly over time (i forget how this happened, i think cuz i switched to squatting only 1x a week) my squat hit rock bottom at 275x3.

Even though 285x5 isn't technically a PR... its more of a "local" PR. i put it there to keep myself from feeling down because I'm STILL under a 315x5 atg squat.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on October 07, 2014, 07:21:56 pm
Well, at least you're not squatting 70x6x5 like me at the moment.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 08, 2014, 03:05:50 pm
what the hell why what happened
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on October 08, 2014, 06:05:50 pm
I restarted high bar squatting, and started conservatively. But I'm getting close to it being difficult, so I'm not that far away. I will probably stall at ~100 kg just like 8 years ago.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 09, 2014, 08:52:11 pm
Week 28
Wednesday - 10/08/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
340 x 1
365 x 1
340 x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 6 PR
BW x 6
BW x 4
BW x 7

Seated Leg Curls
175 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
175 x 12 PR                    >> Went down :/
175 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
120 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12
160 x 12 PR
160 x 8 PR

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 10                         >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 10 PR
7ft x 7 PR


So pissed I forgot my ab wheel at home. I'll do them Friday.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 12, 2014, 01:19:00 am
Week 28
Friday - 10/10/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
290 x 6 PR
290 x 5
290 x 4

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+220lbs x 10
+220lbs x 10
+220lbs x 10
+220lbs x 9 PR
+220lbs x 7 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 2
205 x 1
225 x 1
215 x 6
215 x 6
215 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 6

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 8 PR
30's x 6 PR

DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 10 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 12, 2014, 01:28:29 am
Week 28
Saturday - 10/11/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
155 x 3
175 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
230 x 6 PR
230 x 6 PR
230 x 6 PR

Seated Cable Rows
160 x 12                          >> 60sec rests.
160 x 10 PR

Seated Leg Curls
100 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
150 x 3
175 x 12
175 x 12 PR
175 x 8 PR

Pull ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests, but 3min rest for final set
+20lbs x 3               >>
+40lbs x 1
+60lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 8 PR
BW x 5 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 7 PR

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.
10                    >> Not sure why I dropped on these. Maybe because I do them while focusing a lot on flexion now.
6                      >> It really made my abs pop... work them with flexion, not just isometrically while the hip flexors do all the work.

I have to find something else to do instead of the seated leg curls. It makes my left lumbar flex a shitload. And just the left side. Idn how so. I'll probably try the prone leg raises.

I would do GHR's if we had that machine. Or back extensions if the machine wasn't stupid as fuck and made it extremely difficult to do them while holding heavy weights, but I'll try it again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 12, 2014, 01:33:33 am
I'm hitting PR's all over the place. But I just realized something interesting: Usually when I PR like this, I know it will happen beforehand because I'll consistently have that motivation to get to the next workout. I'll look forward to it and can't wait to do it.

Right now I don't have that. I'm just going through the motions.

I definitely credit these PR's to creatine monohydrate. I was stalling for months... until about a week after I started taking creatine mono again. Even before that, I took a de-load and that didn't help. So I think it's the creatine. Not to mention I have a much bigger pump while lifting weights. I'm bigger AND more cut somehow.

Also after doing my hanging leg raises today, I had an 8 pack in good lighting. I usually only get that in the summer when I'm weighing in at sub 190lbs in the morning after my piss. Then I went to measure myself on the scale in my chucks, shorts, and tank top (this is how i measured my weight in every log i made; its because I wanted my squat:bw ratio to be measured in the attire that I jump in). However, this wasn't a morning measurement.

For years I thought I would reach my goal physique at this point. First it was 175... then 185.. then 190... then i was like ok 200lbs with a six pack and that'll be it. Now I'm here. Still not satisfied... but actually getting close! Would like my shoulders to be bigger, calves too, and lats a bit more.

But those are just physique goals. My stregth goals are still a 2.5xbw squat and a 40" vertical heheheh.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on October 12, 2014, 02:09:06 am
I highly recommend sliding leg curls or swiss ball leg curls to you... I'm currently doing lots of them and my hamstrings are definitely getting a lot stronger.. plus it's a really joint friendly exercise.

Here is a article by ben bruno about sliding leg curls describing some possible progression/variations.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 12, 2014, 02:58:55 am
Ive never heard of those before! I like the glute involvement.i feel like it would give me insane hamstring cramps though. I think ill stick with back extensions because i really want to hammer my lower back too.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 14, 2014, 03:06:21 am
Week 29
Monday - 10/13/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
285 x 1
315 x 1
295 x 6
295 x 6 PR
295 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+180lbs x 1
+220lbs x 12 PR
+220lbs x 12 PR
+220lbs x 10 PR
+220lbs x 9 PR
+220lbs x 7 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 2
235 x 1
220 x 6 PR
220 x 5
220 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 8 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 10 PR
30's x 7 PR

DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 8                                  >> 60sec rest.
45 x 8

Still seeing a linear progression on everything... Wow.

Matched my ALL TIME bench PR of 220x6. I think I did 220x6x4x4 before i went on vacation. So the 220x6x5x3 i did actually beats that!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on October 14, 2014, 08:25:04 am
do you think you maybe just started this block a little too conservatively? i mean, i've squatted 315x5,5,5 and benched 225x5,5,4 at 20-25 pounds lighter than you are right now and we all know you're leaner and more athletic than i am.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 14, 2014, 02:42:33 pm
do you think you maybe just started this block a little too conservatively? i mean, i've squatted 315x5,5,5 and benched 225x5,5,4 at 20-25 pounds lighter than you are right now and we all know you're leaner and more athletic than i am.

I started with as much as I could do. I lose a ton of strength when I take any time off from lifting. Each workout I'm not stopping short... I'm going until near failure. If I actually started conservatively I would have progressed the way I am now since the very beginning, and the weights would have felt light to me the whole way through. But they feel heavy every workout!

Look back:

Mon 18 Aug    200 x 6, 6, 6
Fri 22 Aug       205 x 6, 4, 3
Mon 26 Aug    205 x 6, 5, 5
Fri 29 Aug       205 x 6, 6, 3
Mon 01 Sep    205 x 5 (de-load, all of my lifts were stalling)
Fri 05 Sep       205 x 6, 4, 3
Mon 07 Sep    205 x 6, 4, 3
Fri 11 Sep       ??? forgot to write my workout in
Tue 16 Sep     205 x 6, 6, 2
Mon 22 Sep    205 x 6, 6, 5 << at this point i start taking creatine
Fri 27 Sep       205 x 6, 6, 6

Look at that! It took me TEN workouts to move up just 5lbs on the bench press. Even with a de-load thrown in there.
Now lets review my recent gains:

Mon 29 Sep     210 x 6, 5, 4
Fri 04 Oct        210 x 6, 6, 6
Mon 07 Oct     215 x 6, 6, 4
Fri 10 Oct        215 x 6, 6, 6
Mon 13 Oct     220 x 6, 5, 3

Does not take me more than 2 workouts to throw on another 5lbs. Maybe my next workout I'll slow down and not 220 x 6, 6, 6, but I defintely will it it after that.

Now this is just the bench press; my other lifts saw a similar change, especially my squat.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 14, 2014, 02:57:21 pm
Also it kills me that I had a video of me deadlifting 335x5 at a bw of 175lbs back in high school.

Also this vid of 315x5 ATG squats on 19 Nov 2012
I was 195lbs that day. I found my log post in here:'s-comeback-journal/90/
(week 11, monday)

How the fuck has my squat not improved in 2 years... this shit kills me
stuff just keeps popping up. getting sick, injuries, vacation, ramadan, no gym, finals week over and over...

checked back in my logs. after i did that, i took like 3 weeks off from lifting for some reason, and my squat plummeted to 275x5
then i slowly worked it back up, squatting 1x a week, and on 19 Oct 2013 i tied my ATG 315x5 PR.
then that's when i started stalling, and somehow my squat dropped to 295x5 or so, and then i hit that rough patch of no sex drive, and my lifts stalled for 6 months or so
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on October 14, 2014, 04:34:11 pm
hm, yeah, interesting to look back. lots of setbacks. my training history is similar, tbh.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Kingfish on October 14, 2014, 07:33:00 pm
Also it kills me that I had a video of me deadlifting 335x5 at a bw of 175lbs back in high school.

Also this vid of 315x5 ATG squats on 19 Nov 2012
I was 195lbs that day. I found my log post in here:'s-comeback-journal/90/
(week 11, monday)

How the fuck has my squat not improved in 2 years... this shit kills me
stuff just keeps popping up. getting sick, injuries, vacation, ramadan, no gym, finals week over and over...

checked back in my logs. after i did that, i took like 3 weeks off from lifting for some reason, and my squat plummeted to 275x5
then i slowly worked it back up, squatting 1x a week, and on 19 Oct 2013 i tied my ATG 315x5 PR.
then that's when i started stalling, and somehow my squat dropped to 295x5 or so, and then i hit that rough patch of no sex drive, and my lifts stalled for 6 months or so

what were you eating / how much sleep did you get when you were strongest?

at peak i was sleeping most of the time. got tired of too much sleep. can't even daily a 200kg now. i used to call it a weak day when i put 440 instead of 455.

creatine is not instant. takes weeks to bloat from it. add caffeine too. thats all u can do without juicing.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 16, 2014, 03:40:23 pm
Also it kills me that I had a video of me deadlifting 335x5 at a bw of 175lbs back in high school.

Also this vid of 315x5 ATG squats on 19 Nov 2012
I was 195lbs that day. I found my log post in here:'s-comeback-journal/90/
(week 11, monday)

How the fuck has my squat not improved in 2 years... this shit kills me
stuff just keeps popping up. getting sick, injuries, vacation, ramadan, no gym, finals week over and over...

checked back in my logs. after i did that, i took like 3 weeks off from lifting for some reason, and my squat plummeted to 275x5
then i slowly worked it back up, squatting 1x a week, and on 19 Oct 2013 i tied my ATG 315x5 PR.
then that's when i started stalling, and somehow my squat dropped to 295x5 or so, and then i hit that rough patch of no sex drive, and my lifts stalled for 6 months or so

what were you eating / how much sleep did you get when you were strongest?

at peak i was sleeping most of the time. got tired of too much sleep. can't even daily a 200kg now. i used to call it a weak day when i put 440 instead of 455.

creatine is not instant. takes weeks to bloat from it. add caffeine too. thats all u can do without juicing.

my bodyweight shot up about 5lbs a week after i started taking it daily, so i think its the creatine.
since then it hasnt gone up more, so i believe it was the creatine.
if its not... then thats even better, means i made these gains without creatine, and now maybe the creatine will kick in and help even more  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

i dont know how much i was sleeping when i was the strongest, but i do know i was squatting 3x or 4x a week which i dont want to do anymore.

also i looked back at my log and although i was benching 220x6 before this summer, last year i managed 230x6 so THATS my all time PR bench... i'll get there soon too!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 16, 2014, 03:45:27 pm
Week 29
Wednesday - 10/15/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
205 x 3
245 x 3
295 x 2
335 x 1
375 x 1
345 x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+40lbs x 6 PR
+40lbs x 5
+40lbs x 4
BW x 7 PR
BW x 4
BW x 7

Back Extensions
BW x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
45 x 10           >> This and then the seated cable rows just kill my lower back. Idn if I want to do these.
45 x 10           >> I might just move them to my Mon squat day instead. That should be better. We'll see how it affects my Wed deadlift sessions.

Seated Cable Rows
120 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12
160 x 12
160 x 10 PR

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 10                         >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 10
7ft x 8 PR

All time deadlift PR is 360x6. I'm inching closer...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 17, 2014, 10:36:30 pm
Week 29
Friday - 10/17/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
295 x 6 PR
295 x 3
295 x 3

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+180lbs x 1
+220lbs x 12
+220lbs x 12
+220lbs x 12 PR
+220lbs x 10 PR
+220lbs x 7 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
165 x 3
205 x 2
235 x 1
220 x 6
220 x 5
220 x 5 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 6

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12 PR
30's x 6

DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 10 PR                                  >> 60sec rest.
45 x 6

PR'd on everything, although the progress has slowed by a tiny bit. I felt it.
Squatting felt like it did back when I was stalling, the same with the bench press. The weight literally felt heavier than last week, even at the same warm up weights. And I felt pretty stiff, not limber at all. And almost like when you are low on sleep, yet i slept fine.

I really hope I don't start stalling now. I most likely will though either this month or next :/
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 18, 2014, 08:46:39 pm
Week 29
Saturday - 10/18/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
195 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 6 PR
235 x 6 PR
235 x 6 PR

Seated Cable Rows
160 x 12 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
160 x 10 PR

Pull ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests, but 3min rest for final set
+20lbs x 3               >>
+40lbs x 1
+60lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 9 PR
BW x 6 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 7 PR

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.
10  PR

Hamstrings still crazy sore from back extensions on wednesday so I didnt work them out today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 21, 2014, 02:54:45 am

Dat form. 335x1, which is about 90% 1RM.

Heres a pic of 315x1 from a slightly different, but bad, angle:

Ill post the vid tomorrow. It LOOKS like i have a butt wink in the vid, but thats because my back goes from arched to straight. It never actually rounds. The screenshot ^ shows me at the very bottom of the hole, where my back is straight. From this angle it looks like my knees may be caving in but they are actually tracking slightly outside my toes.

Ill update my workout tomorrow.

PS - I can barely touch my toes. I really dont think getting to ATG with a straight back is about the hamstrings.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on October 21, 2014, 04:20:55 am
It's not about the hamstrings at all. You lengthen them at the hip and shorten them at the knee. They stay pretty much the same length.

It's all in the ankle dorsiflexion. Look at how far your knees have traveled.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 21, 2014, 05:09:39 am
It's not about the hamstrings at all. You lengthen them at the hip and shorten them at the knee. They stay pretty much the same length.

It's all in the ankle dorsiflexion. Look at how far your knees have traveled.

It aint just all about dorsiflexion either! Thats the most i can dorsiflex. I cant physically go more. Not because of tight calves, but thats just all the joints allow me to go. And its been like that for years. So what was left was stretching and foam rolling my glutes. I had the dorsiflexion, but not the glute flexibility. Now i have both!

Actually, i still have crap flexibility. I cant even come close to smelling my own foot. Im about 50cm away no joke.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on October 21, 2014, 05:56:46 am
Yeah that hip external rotation is very important for depth as well, because you can sink in between your legs much better and keep the knee out much better if you have the right amount of it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on October 21, 2014, 09:46:12 am
your dorsiflexion is kingfish-esque. nice-lookin' squat you got there.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 21, 2014, 06:19:33 pm
Week 30
Monday - 10/20/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
295 x 6
295 x 5 PR
295 x 4 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+180lbs x 1
+220lbs x 12
+220lbs x 12
+220lbs x 12
+220lbs x 12 PR
+220lbs x 10 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
165 x 3
205 x 2
235 x 1
220 x 6
220 x 6 PR
220 x 5 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 7 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 6

DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 10                                  >> 60sec rest.
45 x 8 PR

Here's the vid of the squat

The narrow stance feels just so comfortable to me. ^^ Yes pretty similar to kingfish's form, i agree
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 23, 2014, 10:07:34 pm
Week 30
Wednesday - 10/22/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
205 x 3
245 x 3
295 x 2
335 x 1
385 x 1
355 x 5 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
+40lbs x 6 PR
+40lbs x 6 PR
+40lbs x 4 PR
BW x 7 PR
BW x 5 PR
BW x 7

Back Extensions
BW x 5                       >> 2min rests.
45 x 10
45 x 10

Seated Cable Rows
120 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12
160 x 12
160 x 12 PR

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 10                         >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 10                         >> These were harder than last time. Gym floor isn't perfectly straight. I have to find the exact same spot as before.
7ft x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 23, 2014, 10:21:58 pm
Back shots:



Pullups are making me wide for sure. I wasnt like this before.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 28, 2014, 03:42:57 pm
Week 30
Friday - 10/24/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
295 x 6
295 x 6 PR
295 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+180lbs x 1
+220lbs x 12
+220lbs x 12
+220lbs x 12
+220lbs x 12
+220lbs x 12 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
165 x 3
205 x 2
235 x 1
220 x 6
220 x 6
220 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 8 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 8 PR

DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 10                                  >> 60sec rest.
45 x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 28, 2014, 03:43:09 pm
Skipped saturday's pull workout :/
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 28, 2014, 03:46:48 pm
Week 31
Monday - 10/27/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
300 x 6 PR
300 x 5 PR
300 x 4 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 3
+180lbs x 2
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 10 PR
+250lbs x 8 PR
+250lbs x 8 PR
+250lbs x 8 PR
+250lbs x 8 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
165 x 3
205 x 2
235 x 1
225 x 6 PR
225 x 4 PR
225 x 3 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
55's x 12 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 10 PR

DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 10 PR                                  >> 60sec rest.
45 x 8 PR

Squat's goin up good. I think i'll hit 3x6 next time if i push myself.
Getting 3x6 on the bench at 225lbs will take another 2 or 3 workouts.

1RM calculator on puts 300x6 at a 348lb max. Bullshit. I can definitely hit 365lbs on my squat!
Bodyweight at gym was 197lbs in shorts, sneakers, and tanktop. That's a 1.85x bw squat. Highest I've been at was 2.05x bw, but I was going to parallel back then. Now I'm going ATG. But I'm sure I'll get back to a 2.05x bw squat even at ATG :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Kingfish on October 28, 2014, 06:53:12 pm
good job getting comfortable with the full squat. narrow stance and some good bracing technique really solidifies your core and lets you squat very heavy weights even at full range of motion.

whenever you get fatigued and burned out, the form will breakdown. just keep in mind how it worked on a strong day - narrow stance, bar travels straight path down, chest facing forward.. etc.. see you at 400+

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 28, 2014, 09:32:49 pm
I'll be back there again!

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 30, 2014, 01:14:57 am
Week 31
Wednesday - 10/29/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
205 x 3
245 x 3
295 x 2
335 x 1
385 x 1
355 x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 5 PR
BW x 7 PR
BW x 4
BW x 9 PR

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
185 x 1
165 x 12 PR
165 x 8 PR
165 x 6 PR

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 10                         >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 10                         >> Damn these are killer.
7ft x 8

Oh wow, attempting 360x6 on deadlifts next week! That would tie my all-time PR. 365 comes after that... Love the way 365 looks on the bar. Though on deads it looks different on my gym since i use two 10lb bumper plates; the regular plates are octagonal dammit.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 01, 2014, 10:11:25 pm
Week 31
Friday - 10/31/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                    >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
300 x 6
300 x 6 PR
300 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 10
+250lbs x 10 PR
+250lbs x 10 PR
+250lbs x 10 PR
+250lbs x 10 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
165 x 3
205 x 2
235 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 5 PR
225 x 3 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 10 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
60's x 8 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12
30's x 12 PR

DB Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 8 PR                                  >> 60sec rest.
45 x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 01, 2014, 10:15:45 pm
Week 31
Saturday - 11/01/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
195 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
240 x 6 PR
240 x 6 PR
240 x 6 PR

Seated Cable Rows
160 x 12 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
160 x 15 PR

Pull ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 1
+60lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10 PR
BW x 5 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 4 PR

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.

Still trying to figure out what hamstring/lowerback exercise to do in my damn gym. The back ext sucks the way its built, makes it insanely difficult to add weight. The seated leg curls make the left side of my lower back cramp up, so I stopped doing those. The prone leg curl machine sucks cuz the pad where i put my feet is tilted. I would be working out my legs unequally.

Maybe goodmornings then?

Also, starting monday, I'll be tracking my bodyweight.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2014, 09:09:51 am
i like RDLs better than GMs because i feel like i can engage my glutes more easily throughout the movement. both hit lower back pretty well, and obviously hamstrings. YMMV.

that said, you're already doing DLs so if you want a curl instead of an extension movement, maybe try swiss ball hamstring curls? or natural GHR? and then swiss ball or bench hypers for your lower back?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 02, 2014, 03:01:45 pm
i like RDLs better than GMs because i feel like i can engage my glutes more easily throughout the movement. both hit lower back pretty well, and obviously hamstrings. YMMV.

that said, you're already doing DLs so if you want a curl instead of an extension movement, maybe try swiss ball hamstring curls? or natural GHR? and then swiss ball or bench hypers for your lower back?

I used to love doing RDLs (moreso than regular deadlifts actually) but they just got so damn impractical. After a certain weight its a pain in the ass to unrack the weight and take a step back, and also to re-rack it.

I'll look for a spot to do natural GHR's. At reverse hypers too, i completely forgot those existed! Never done them before actually.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 03, 2014, 12:25:41 am
for RDLs, if you're doing them for volume, you could just use a light weight and DL it before doing the partial reps from the top.

and yeah bench reverse hypers can be good. belly on the bench, holding onto the uprights, DB between the ankles if you want to add weight. the fact that you can't do full ROM doesn't really matter that much, you can still definitely get a good pump.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 03, 2014, 11:37:33 pm
Week 32
Monday - 11/03/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 1
365 x 1
385 x 1 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 12 PR
+250lbs x 12 PR
+250lbs x 8
+250lbs x 8
+250lbs x 8

Bench Press
45 x 10
95 x 8
135 x 5
165 x 3
205 x 2
245 x 1
215 x 8 PR
185 x 4
185 x 4 (paused)
205 x 2 (paused)
215 x 6

Super Strict Lateral Raises
25's x 3                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
40's x 1
35's x 8 PR
35's x 6 PR
35's x 5 PR

My squat was just... wow. 315 felt light as a feather. So I loaded up 345 instead of 335, planning to go down to 305 and do my usually 3x6. However, 345 felt light too! I said fuck it, loaded up 365. The speed in which I squatted that motherfucker was great, and it didnt feel heavy, so I loaded up 385. Got super pumped up. Unracked it, still didnt feel heavy on my back. It felt as heavy as 315 did last week. I repped it. Holy mother of shit, I bounced out of the hole so fast I couldnt believe how easy i made it look. Might have had 405 in me. But I really want to stress out that the SPEED in which I lifted 385 was incredible. There was absolutely no grind in this lift, and I felt as though if I tested my TRUE max, whatever it was today, there wouldnt have been a grind there either. It would either be a miss or a hit.

I have no idea how this happened. Maybe once a year i feel SUPER SUPER good and i just go for it and crush PR's. Funny because I was tired as hell from walking for over an hour before I got to the gym. Planned on repping out 315 afterwards, but didnt want to burn out.

Then I had a powerlifter help me with my bench. The guy is 60 years old and still benches 3 plates. Used to do 385 for 10 reps back in the day he tells me. I definitely believe it.
This guy really helped me with my form. I dont hitch anymore with my ass. In addition, i keep my elbows tucked in and drive out off the chest much better.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 03, 2014, 11:40:36 pm
Also, I was 194lbs bodyweight without clothes on after this. I'm back to a 2x bw squat. And this time, it's ATG. Havent been at this level, relative wise, in 3 years.

 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

Well it's not official, but I wish I got the 385 on video or maybe did 395 instead. 194x2 is 388lbs. Also when I used to measure my weight I would do it with sneakers and basketball clothes on (since that's what I would be jumping in). If I want to make a fair comparison, I was 197lbs today in basketball clothes today. But then again, I used to measure myself fasted. I wasn't fasted today.

Whatever, I'll get an official 2x bw ATG squat in maybe 3-4 months. I don't want to spend another workout maxing out in the future. I'll do it when its more of a 90-95% single and I wont burn out doing it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2014, 02:31:06 am
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 04, 2014, 11:20:05 am

I just remembered i did some PNF stretches for my hip flexors right before squatting. Next squat workout i will do those same stretches after my first set of 305x6 and see if it gets much easier. Maybe thats what it was.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 05, 2014, 08:55:45 pm
Week 32
Wednesday - 11/05/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
205 x 3
245 x 3
245 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1
360 x 1
395 x 1
360 x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6 PR
BW x 7 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 8

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
185 x 1
165 x 12
165 x 10 PR
165 x 8 PR

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 10                         >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 10
7ft x 7

395 wasnt too bad. I'l be sure to get 405 on video in a couple of weeks. ExRx puts 360x6 at a 418 1RM.
360x6 matches my ALL TIME PR by the way.

Thu 29 Sept - 335 x 5
Wed 05 Nov - 360 x 6

That's a 25lb increase in 6 weeks!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 07, 2014, 04:21:05 am
Pissed as fuck that a year ago i benched 215x7 yet this week 215x8

Why why why do i keep spinning my wheels
Well at least my atg squat and deadlift are at all time highs

Cant wait to squat tomorrow. And bench with better form. My poundage might drop but its worth it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 07, 2014, 10:02:36 pm
Week 32
Friday - 11/07/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 1
305 x 6 PR
305 x 6 PR
305 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 10 PR
+250lbs x 10 PR
+250lbs x 10 PR

Bench Press
45 x 10                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
165 x 3
205 x 2
245 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 5
225 x 4 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12 PR                     >> 60sec rests.
60's x 8 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3                                  >> 60sec rests.
35's x 1
40's x 1
35's x 10 PR
35's x 7 PR
35's x 5 PR

Standing Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12 PR
45 x 10 PR

Squat was damn solid. Figured out how I managed 385 the other day. I could have done it again today.
It was a change in my form... now I break at the knees and go directly down. Before, when I would take a breath before my rep, I would hitch up a tiny bit and break at the hips a little too early and push my ass a tiny bit back too much.
View here:

Now I break strictly at the knees first (by an instant) and got rid of the hitch ever so slightly. I did a few reps both ways, and it was DEFINITELY easier with this breaking at the knees way. My lower back also stays straighter this way:

It's a very subtle change. Easy to feel the difference, hard to see it in video. And it lets me add poundages and keep my lower back straighter (the angles aren't the same in the two vids though).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 08, 2014, 10:24:09 pm
Week 32
Saturday - 11/08/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5                              >> I'm going to stick with 245 for a few weeks and get my form better. Used too much back.
155 x 5
175 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
265 x 1
245 x 6 PR
245 x 6 PR
245 x 6 PR

Seated Cable Rows
165 x 12 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
165 x 10 PR

Pull ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests, but 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 6 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 8

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 08, 2014, 10:55:22 pm
Found this from 2 years ago. I was 197 pounds bw:

Date is end 26 Nov '12. That's two years ago. Man, this is so de-motivating to me to see myself spin my wheels for years and years and years.
Although after that it dropped to 315x3 and then 315x1. Then I hit a hard finals week and didnt lift for three weeks. Came back and squat was at 275x5 lol.

Finally worked back up to a 310x5 ATG squat at 188lbs bw on 15 Aug '13. Hmmm... so it took 9 months to get back there. holy fucking shit. Then by 12 Oct '13 I was stuck at 315x5 for weeks and weeks and droped to 295x5 for no reason at 193lbs bw.

Then I didnt update my log until March of 2014 and was back at a 275x5 squat. idn wtf.

Also disappointing how I benched 230x5 on 10 Nov '13 at a bodyweight of 193lbs.
A whole year ago I was benching what I'm benching today, yet I was a few pounds lighter.
In a whole year i couldn't progress on my bench. Instead, I went backwards a bit.

I really can't wait to be hitting all time PR's on ALLLLLL of my lifts so that i can stop fucking looking back and only look forward from now on.

Also, I'm 200lbs bw at the gym now. I think I will cut after this month. I want to get back to my 190lb self, but I thikn that's too light. I have more muscle now. 193 sounds right.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 10, 2014, 11:39:18 pm
Week 33
Monday - 11/10/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                         >> 365 is a bit too much of a struggle, defeating the purpose of the warm up. 355 next time.
185 x 5                         >> Man I was feelin it today. Went for 315 instead of 310.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
315 x 6 PR
315 x 5 PR
315 x 4 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12 PR
+250lbs x 10 PR
+250lbs x 10 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> Need to change the warm up scheme next time.
135 x 5
165 x 3
205 x 2
245 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 5
225 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 8 PR                     >> 60sec rests.
65's x 6 PR                      >> The 60's were taken so I stepped it up.

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3                                  >> 60sec rests.
35's x 1
40's x 1
35's x 10
35's x 7
35's x 5

Standing Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12
45 x 10

Bench press and lateral raises stalled. Really pissed the bench press is stalling. Right where I always fucking stall. Year after year after year.

I think I have to switch up the rep scheme. Mondays will be 5 sets of 3 from now on. Fridays will be working up to a 3RM and then doing higher rep work. May throw in a light day on Wednesdays in between.

Also I need to buy a reliable scale and track my weight every morning from now on.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 11, 2014, 07:20:23 am
switching rep scheme is a good idea. also, have you considered emphasizing more accessory work? what do you think is holding you back? maybe it's time to try some dedicated tricep work, for example.

because yeah, you're significantly bigger than i am but i got my bench to 225 x 5,5,4 earlier this year without trying that hard. something's amiss there for you.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 11, 2014, 12:26:52 pm
switching rep scheme is a good idea. also, have you considered emphasizing more accessory work? what do you think is holding you back? maybe it's time to try some dedicated tricep work, for example.

because yeah, you're significantly bigger than i am but i got my bench to 225 x 5,5,4 earlier this year without trying that hard. something's amiss there for you.

I'm a big believer in "if you have have more energy, do more compound lifts then." But the reason I dont do much accessory work for triceps is because they get friggen huge without me working them out at all. All of my bench presses are wide grip. I use to have the shittiest chest ever, now it's awesome. Same with me not doing shoulder presses heavy; my triceps would take over and my shoulders would never grow. So i stopped doing them and did lateral raises, and now i actually have delts lol.

but if switching the rep scheme doesnt work, then i'll have to change my ways.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 11, 2014, 12:45:28 pm
or try adjusting your grip? if you're doing really wide grip, then maybe narrow a bit to a more conventional grip? or do a bit of fiddling around with technique? maybe you're not pressing through the floor enough with your feet?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 11, 2014, 01:15:56 pm
or try adjusting your grip? if you're doing really wide grip, then maybe narrow a bit to a more conventional grip? or do a bit of fiddling around with technique? maybe you're not pressing through the floor enough with your feet?

That was the other thing I forgot to mention. I worked with a powerlifter last week. He understands why I dont want to make my grip more narrow, though I really should make it narrow in order to put up big numbers. But he really did help me with where the bar touches my chest and getting rid of my little cheating motion. Also putting much less pressure on my rotator cuffs.

So my form really improved and I cheat less. It may take me a week or two to get used to the new form, it feels way different; it's not just a little "tweak" like I find in my squat. I forgot about that. I'll give it another 3 workouts before I try to change the rep scheme.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 11, 2014, 05:51:47 pm
Damn i want to lift today, and i would, but im supposed to deadlift. Wont deadlift after squatting. Would do just upper back and deadlift tomorrow but it may interfere with my deads tomorrow.

attempting 365x6 on deads tomorrow!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 12, 2014, 11:56:32 pm
Week 33
Wednesday - 11/12/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
205 x 5
245 x 3
295 x 2
335 x 1
365 x 1
395 x 1
365 x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6
BW x 8 PR
BW x 3
BW x 9 PR

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
185 x 1
165 x 12
165 x 11 PR
165 x 5

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 10                         >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 10                         >> Not sure what happened here :/
7ft x 5

Deadlifts were tough. At least I got 6 reps though. Ahead of schedule. I usually aim for 5 one week, then 6 the next before moving up 5lbs. But for the past 6 or so workouts I've been hitting all 6 reps. Next week may be a different story.

Progress is slowing.

Just got a new job. Takes a lot out of me. I work full time now. Getting less sleep. I'm also probably going to lose a little weight. So this will be a test of mental strength these coming weeks until my body adjusts.

Regardless, my relative strength will be going up because of it :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 12, 2014, 11:59:17 pm
Also, I might shift all my workout days back by a day. This way two of my workouts will fall on the weekend. It's a long commute to work and also a long commute to the gym. I have no time to myself on those days.

tue - push
thu - pull
sat - push
sun - pull (no deadlift)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 16, 2014, 07:52:51 pm
Week 33
Friday - 11/14/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
315 x 6
315 x 6 PR
315 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12 PR
+250lbs x 10 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
165 x 3
205 x 2
245 x 1
225 x 6

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 15

Standing Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12
45 x 10

Had no time to finish. My bench definitely would have dropped. Fuck man. Squat is good though. Let out a few war cries to get it though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 16, 2014, 07:54:43 pm
Week 33
Sunday - 11/16/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5                                >> Still sticking with 245. Need to perfect form.
155 x 5
175 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
265 x 1
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 8 PR

Seated Cable Rows
165 x 12                          >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12 PR

Pull ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests, but 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 6
BW x 3
BW x 3
BW x 10 PR

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.

Moved my workouts back by a day. My next workout will be Tuesday. It will be a push day.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2014, 11:44:27 pm
congrats on getting the three plates x6,6,6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 17, 2014, 09:29:12 am
congrats on getting the three plates x6,6,6

Thanks! Sure feels good.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 17, 2014, 06:31:39 pm
Thinking of switching to a fullbody routine 3x a week. tue/thu/sun would be best.

Basically just gotta split up one of my pull days (the non deadlift one) and move the lifts over to the two push days. That's about it, basically. It's just rows and pull ups really.

I'll have so much more time in my week if I do so.

I'll draw up a routine later.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 18, 2014, 11:34:11 am
Might look like this:

Squat 3x6
Calf Raises 5x12
Bench 3x6, Incline DB bench 2x12
Lateral Raises 3x8
Weighted Pull ups 3x6
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10

Deadlift 1x6
Calf Raise 5x12
Pendlay Rows 3x6, Seated cable rows 2x12
BW pull ups 5x10
Lateral Raises 5x12

Squat 3x6
Back extentions 3x12 (i'll deal with these, gotta stop complaining)
Bench 3x10, Incline DB bench 2x12
Seated Cable Rows 3x12
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10
AB Wheel Rollouts 3x10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 18, 2014, 11:45:07 am
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 19, 2014, 10:37:53 am
Week 34
Tuesday - 11/18/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
320 x 6 PR
320 x 5 PR
320 x 4 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> Bench dropped... fuck
135 x 5                     >> Adding a back up set from now on.
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 4
225 x 3
185 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 10 PR
65's x 8 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5                              >> I can move up in weight now!
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12 PR
35's x 10 PR
35's x 8 PR

Standing Shoulder Press (left side only)
45 x 12 PR
45 x 10 PR

Reasons for adding a back up set to my benches:
 - 6, 4, 3 is not enough reps. I need more reps.
 - Maybe it will spur some growth.
 - The improvements will be more granular. It's hard to go up a rep on a 5RM, but not so hard to go up a rep on a 10RM, for example. So if my back up set is improving every so slowly, it will keep me from getting discouraged. Which I already am because I was at 6, 6, 5 four weeks ago. FOUR WEEKS ago... 8 bench press workouts later, and no improvement yet???

Everything else is still improving though. I literally always stall on my bench at around this poundage.
Interesting to note that my incline DB benches aren't stalling.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 20, 2014, 11:32:09 pm
Week 34
Thursday - 11/20/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5                            >> Wow even the 395 was super tough. What happened today?
205 x 5
245 x 3
295 x 2
335 x 1
365 x 1
395 x 1
370 x 5 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6
BW x 8
BW x 4 PR
BW x 10 PR

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
185 x 1
165 x 12
165 x 12 PR
165 x 7 PR

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 10                         >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 10
7ft x 10 PR

Bummed about the deadlifts. Its still a PR lol, but i think 365x6 is tougher than 370x5 anyway.

I will definitely get 370x6 next time though!


i had abs without flexing today (in good lighting)

i actually look built now, for the first time in my life. not just skinny and ripped.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on November 21, 2014, 02:51:08 am
You remind me of Dom Mazetti a bit.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 21, 2014, 09:30:53 am

how?? never been told that before
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2014, 02:51:04 pm
bro are you gelling your hair up, bro?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 21, 2014, 03:38:24 pm
bro are you gelling your hair up, bro?

just water. and it stays like that when it dries somehow.

but yea it looks pretty douchebaggy there i guess. i hate the guido look.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on November 21, 2014, 04:44:42 pm
bro are you gelling your hair up, bro?

just water. and it stays like that when it dries somehow.

but yea it looks pretty douchebaggy there i guess. i hate the guido look.

I do the same sometimes. Like here:


All water. No gel.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2014, 06:06:42 pm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 22, 2014, 10:49:22 pm
Week 34
Saturday - 11/22/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
320 x 6
320 x 6
320 x 3 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> Bench dropped... fuck
135 x 5                     >> Adding a back up set from now on.
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 4
225 x 3
185 x 10 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 8
65's x 6

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 8 PR
+270lbs x 8 PR
+270lbs x 8 PR
+270lbs x 8 PR
+270lbs x 8 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 10
35's x 8

worked out kinda early today and was still very stiff. next workout i think ill squat 3x6 at 320lbs.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 25, 2014, 09:50:27 am
Week 35
Monday - 11/24/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5                                >> I'll stick with this until I can hit 3x8. I'm using too much back.
155 x 5
175 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
265 x 1
250 x 6 PR
250 x 6 PR
250 x 6 PR

Seated Cable Rows
170 x 12 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
170 x 8 PR

Pull ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests, but 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3              >> Don't know what happened here. Shoulda gotten 7+ for the third set.
+50lbs x 1
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 5
BW x 4
BW x 4
BW x 10

This workout should have been done Sunday but I missed it. Didn't do the hanging leg raises because I want fresh abs for squats later today (Tuesday at time of writing). I'll do them today after my workout. Still on track, no other adjustments need to be made.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 26, 2014, 09:18:22 am
Week 35
Tuesday - 11/25/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
320 x 6
320 x 6
320 x 4 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 3 PR
185 x 12 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 10 PR
65's x 6

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
BW x 5                                    >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 10 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 7
35's x 7

Wasn't really feeling it this workout. Squats were tough. I used a different squat rack and the floor seems fucked up there. I felt like the floor was sloping down towards me, meaning my heels were lower than they should be. Squatting felt a little weird and like I was going super deep than usual, which should be impossible since I go ATG every time anyway. Still managed a small PR though.

I will add a set of 235x3 on the bench once a week until I get to 5 sets. The backup set will increase by 5lbs once I hit 12 reps.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2014, 10:19:58 am
i like the bench plan. good luck with it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 26, 2014, 04:25:54 pm
i like the bench plan. good luck with it.

yea i bench twice a week. i figure just one set of 3 for now is like a de-load and ill slowly work up
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 29, 2014, 03:21:42 pm
Week 35
Thursday - 11/27/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5
205 x 5
245 x 3
295 x 2
335 x 1
365 x 1
395 x 1
370 x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+45lbs x 6 PR
+45lbs x 6 PR
+45lbs x 4 PR

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
185 x 1
165 x 12
165 x 12
165 x 10 PR

Gym closed early on me. But I got the important stuff done and hit PR's in all of em.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 30, 2014, 02:09:31 pm
Week 35
Saturday - 11/29/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
320 x 6
320 x 6
320 x 6 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 3
190 x 12 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 8
65's x 4

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 12 PR
+270lbs x 12 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 7
35's x 7
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 01, 2014, 09:26:12 am
Week 35
Sunday - 11/30/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5                                >> Still sticking with 245. Need to perfect form.
155 x 5
175 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
170 x 12 PR                          >> 60sec rests.
170 x 12 PR

Pull ups
BW x 3                    >> 60sec rests, but 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 7 PR
BW x 3
BW x 4 PR
BW x 11 PR

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.

Thinking of cutting and dropping maybe 4-5 pounds. Was 196lbs in no clothes right before lifting.

I need to buy myself a good scale and weigh myself every morning after a piss/shit.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 01, 2014, 09:53:02 am
Just ordered this scale for $30:

Measures bodyfat% as well! I think that's pretty cool. I doubt it's accurate in that department, but the reviews show that its very accurate on bodyweight. So that's why I went for it. And $30 aint bad either.

I think I'll measure bf% every day in addition to my weight, out of curiosity. It'd be nice to see a trend over time.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 01, 2014, 01:26:24 pm
I can definitely hit a 405lb atg squat right now.
^ puts me at a 34" vertical at 405lbs/199lbs (my current weight in bball gear).
that calculator... havent seen it in a while! used to correctly guess my vertical within an inch, and that's back when i was squatting parallel not ATG.

By the summer I hope to be squatting 440-455 max at a bodyweight of 195-200 in basketball gear. 2.25x bw atg squat.
I think it's a feasible goal. Just have to stay healthy and be consistent with my workouts.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 02, 2014, 10:00:10 pm
Week 36
Tuesday - 12/02/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 1
365 x 1
325 x 6 PR
325 x 5 PR
325 x 3 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 15 PR
+270lbs x 13 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR
+270lbs x 8 PR
+270lbs x 8 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> Was supposed to do 195lbs not 200lbs, but that's okay.
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 1
235 x 3
235 x 3 PR
200 x 9 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 9 PR
65's x 5 PR

I'll do my lateral raises on Thursday.

Threw down a couple of easy dunks in the middle of my workout. Missed a two hander. I can definitely do it with some practice.

Weighed 201lbs in basketball gear... fuck man. Time to cut to 195.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 04, 2014, 09:27:54 am
My scale came in. Idn if its been calibrated or not. Amazon reviews state its 4lbs heavy the first time you use it. Used it last night, 206lbs. then next reading and the rest were 202lbs. Used it this morning, got 202lbs on the first reading. the rest were 198lbs. Seems like theyre right about the 4lb difference.

But many people say its 4lbs off all the time. I'm usually 196lbs at the gym (naked) and thats in the afternoon. This was after my morning piss and i was 198lbs. It's probably still off. I need to find something heavy that i know the weight of to test this out. Maybe a few gallons of water.

But I weighed 198.2lbs this morning at 15.9% bodyfat and 61% hydration.
I'll keep track of all of these cuz its cool. Don't care about the muscle% and bone mass it measures.
Bodyfat i'll keep track of for obvious reasons. Hydration as well, so i know how much my weight can fluctuate based on water. Going to test that out though by drinking like half a gallon and weighing myself right after, and than an hour after (maybe it needs to be in your system to measure it?)

I wont look so far into this stuff though. Bodyweight and what the mirror shows me are most important, but its nice to have some kind of quantitative measurements on fat over time.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on December 04, 2014, 01:26:34 pm
Yup, can't trust it, fluctuations are crazy. What you can do ( what i do too ) is:
-Be aware of the offset between the home scale and the gym scale. Weigh yourself right before gym at home and then right when you go at the gym. That way the differences won't confuse you.
-Don't take the bf/hydration readings to the letter. But use them exactly as you said, quantitative. What i do is always measure under the -relatively- same conditions, morning, before breakfast, after toilet. Take the scale readings, also the waist/height bf measurements. If you have calipers, even better. Put the numbers in an excel file, make xy graphs of them. Those combined with the mirror test can give you a very accurate 'where am I going' feel.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 04, 2014, 03:45:00 pm
Yup, can't trust it, fluctuations are crazy. What you can do ( what i do too ) is:
-Be aware of the offset between the home scale and the gym scale. Weigh yourself right before gym at home and then right when you go at the gym. That way the differences won't confuse you.
-Don't take the bf/hydration readings to the letter. But use them exactly as you said, quantitative. What i do is always measure under the -relatively- same conditions, morning, before breakfast, after toilet. Take the scale readings, also the waist/height bf measurements. If you have calipers, even better. Put the numbers in an excel file, make xy graphs of them. Those combined with the mirror test can give you a very accurate 'where am I going' feel.

If my gym has calipers, i'll get my bodyfat tested monthly and see how it compares to the scale measurements.

Still want a very accurate bodyweight measurement on that scale though. thats most important. i need to find a balance scale to compare myself to, and then calibrate my scale to it. my gym currently uses a spring scale but i know they have a balance scale stashed away somewhere....

bodyweight will be taken at home completely naked right after my morning piss every time.

edit: it appears that after reading online, digital spring scales like i have offer the most accurate measurements! it's true that i got 198.2lbs about 4-5 times in a row. so yes its consistent. just have to know if its calibrated right.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 04, 2014, 04:02:14 pm
fuck it im getting to the bottom of this.

bringing my scale to the gym and putting a bunch of dumbells on it today. yep.

also asking for a bf% test if they have calipers.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2014, 06:01:11 pm
the floor the scale is on also makes a difference. my bathroom scale gives different readings in the middle of the floor vs against the wall.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 04, 2014, 11:01:32 pm
the floor the scale is on also makes a difference. my bathroom scale gives different readings in the middle of the floor vs against the wall.

tested it out on various areas and this one is dead accurate every time somehow.

went to the gym. measured a 45lb plate, two 45lb plates, myself, and myself + two 45lbs plates

accurate within 0.2 pounds. nice!

also, the gym scale weighed me at 199lbs. this new scale i bought weighed me a 199.2lbs. So its nice to know that they match up.

i forgot to ask for calipers and stuff. another time.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 04, 2014, 11:07:00 pm
Week 36
Thursday - 12/04/14
198.2lbs | 15.8% bf | 61.1% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5                     >> 405 went a lot smoother than expected. Max is 440-455.
205 x 5                     >> The pockets on my new sweatpants are kinda in front.
245 x 3                     >> My elbow rested on the phone in my pocket, kinda threw me off.
295 x 2                     >> Need to remember not to wear these sweats on deadlift day.
335 x 1
375 x 1
405 x 1
375 x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+45lbs x 6
+45lbs x 6
+45lbs x 5 PR
BW x 7
BW x 5
BW x 10

Hanging Leg Raises
10                         >> 60sec rests.
10                         >> Forgot my ab wheel today so I did these instead.

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
185 x 1                    >> Dropped by two reps. Maybe it's because I did all my pull ups this workout unlike last time.
165 x 12                 >> Also from doing hanging leg raises beforehand which destroy my forearms.
165 x 12
165 x 8

Lateral Raises
30's x 3
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8 PR
35's x 5

Great workout overall. I want to cut soon. But I don't want to stop gaining strength so consistently.
I'll maintain until new years and then decide what I want to do.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2014, 09:16:35 am
or you could, uh, take your phone out of your pocket when you dead lift.  :pokerface:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 05, 2014, 09:21:16 am
or you could, uh, take your phone out of your pocket when you dead lift.  :pokerface:

need to listen to music on my phone tho

....they play r&b and top 40 at my gym :(
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2014, 04:10:42 pm
wuss. you're not a real lifter until you've PR'd to maroon 5.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 06, 2014, 10:25:05 pm
Week 36
Saturday - 12/06/14
196.0lbs | 15.5% bf | 61.6% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                         >> I think i'll hit 3x6 next time.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 1
365 x 1
325 x 6
325 x 6 PR
325 x 4 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> Bench was tough :/
135 x 5                     >> Starting next week I'm benching on deadlift day as well. Just up to a 235 single.
155 x 3                     >> I need to get my CNS used to the heavy weight.
195 x 1                     >> Adding a set of 235x3 next week.
235 x 3
235 x 3
200 x 10 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 8
65's x 5

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 15 PR
+270lbs x 15 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR
+270lbs x 8 PR
+270lbs x 8 PR

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                     >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8
35's x 6 PR

Single Arm DB Presses (left side only)
45 x 12 PR                 >> 60sec rests.
45 x 12 PR

Weighed 2lbs less so i expected my water weight to be lower... scale said it was higher and lowered my bf instead.
we'll see how accurate this thing is over the span of months. i'm at least hoping it will show a TREND.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 07, 2014, 09:12:49 pm
Week 36
Sunday - 12/07/14
195.6lbs | 15.3% bf | 61.7% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 1
250 x 6
250 x 6
250 x 7 PR

Seated Cable Rows
175 x 12 PR                          >> 90sec rests.
180 x 10 PR                          >> Some guy did a set in between mine, so I rested more but raised the weight.

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests, but 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 7
BW x 5 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 11 PR

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
10                    >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 10, 2014, 09:29:25 am
Week 37
Tuesday - 12/09/14
195.4lbs | 15.3% bf | 61.6% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                         >> I don't feel I improved. I think I hit 3x6 today simply because I pushed myself to the limit.
185 x 5                         >> If I tried just as hard last workout, I would have gotten it then too.
185 x 3                         >> 330 for 3x6 may take more than 3 attempts... my gains are slowing down.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
325 x 6
325 x 6
325 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3                                 >> Hit the same number of reps as last time but my calves were destroyed this time.
+270lbs x 1                                 >> I made sure to pause at the top and bottom of every single rep this time around.
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 10
+270lbs x 8
+270lbs x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> After 2x3, I felt as though I wouldn't be able to get a third set.
135 x 5                     >> Surprisingly the first two reps of the 3rd set were the easiest of all. Third rep was tough.
155 x 3                     >> Pretty sure I'll hit 200x12 next time.
195 x 1
235 x 3
235 x 3
235 x 3
200 x 11 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 6
65's x 5

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                     >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 9 PR
35's x 7 PR

Single Arm DB Presses (left side only)
45 x 12 PR

Seems like I'm stabalized at 196lbs morning weight now. When you start cutting you lose a couple of pounds quick to due water weight and glycogen.

So this is my baseline. I think I'll go down to 190lbs. Then when I get back to maintenance calories I'll hover at around 192 or 193lbs probably.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2014, 09:35:30 am
killing it, man, great to see so much progress! :highfive:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 10, 2014, 10:23:02 am
killing it, man, great to see so much progress! :highfive:

Thanks man!

Going to read the vertical jump bible again.
Version 2.0 this time.

Its a really interesting read and I probably forgot a lot of the things i learned from the first VJB.
Will re-reading it change how I train? Maybe; i need to eventually incorporate shock plyos and not just for peaking purposes either. I'm talking about a long-term implementation.

it aint all about the squat:bw ratio, but I DO want to get that ratio to 2.25 for sure. Currently at 2.xx.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 10, 2014, 09:13:17 pm
Did a bunch of reading. After I get to a 2.25x bodyweight squat, I want to be able to maintain that while squatting just once a week. That may be tough to do but... I have to make room for shock plyos, more hip extension work (GHR's and back extensions in addition to my deadlifts) and single leg work like lunges. At that point, that's what will be most beneficial to my vert.

Weightlifting wise, something like this:

monday - squats, GHR's, calves
thursday - deadlifts, lunges, calves

then plyos 3 days a week with varying intensity.

on second thought, I can squat 3x a week but keep the other two days light. just work up to a 90% single and thats it
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 12, 2014, 09:23:09 am
Week 37
Thursday - 12/11/14
195.8lbs | 15.3% bf | 61.6% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5                     >> The extra single at 245lbs seemed to help a lot...
205 x 5
245 x 3
245 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1
370 x 1
405 x 1
380 x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                   >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3              >> Didn't hit 3x6 last time. Thought I did so I went up to 50lbs. I'll stay here though!
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+50lbs x 6 PR
+50lbs x 5 PR
+50lbs x 4 PR
BW x 8 PR
BW x 3
BW x 8

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                     >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12                  >> I've seemed to have stalled on my 3x12 on these. This ties my PR.
165 x 12                  >> On my 2x12 days when I do these directly after pendlay rows, I'm still going up and up!
165 x 10

Ab Wheel Rollouts
7ft x 10                    >> 60sec rests.
7ft x 10                    >> Haven't dont these in a while. Finally hit 3x10. Increasing distance next time.
7ft x 10 PR

Wanted to bench but ran out of time.

I was feeling like shit and lightheaded for this workout. On top of all that, my headphones broke. Man, it's so hard to lift weights without headphones... still PR'd in almost everything though. Even the deadlift, which I wasn't feeling at all. But hey, I'll take it.

I've stabilized at 196lbs morning weight at this point. Hope to be down about 1 pound per week from this point on. I'm not tracking my calories, I'm just consciously eating less than usual and walking a bit more. I hate having to keep track. Though if my weight loss stagnates, I'll start counting calories again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 13, 2014, 08:22:18 pm
Week 37
Saturday - 12/13/14
195.4lbs | 15.3% bf | 61.6% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                         >> Rushed my warm up. Squats felt very shitty. Lots of stiffness, aching, and knee clicking!
185 x 5                         >> Honestly surprised I hit 6,5,3 especially with no headphones and a crap warm up.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 1
330 x 6 PR
330 x 5 PR
330 x 3 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> Improved my form with a simple change. Kept my glutes squeezed throughout the set.
135 x 5                     >> This eliminates the problem where my ass comes off the bench, so I don't hitch now.
155 x 3                     >> I'm much more stable now. Rushed the warm up though so I didn't PR.
195 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 3
235 x 3
235 x 3
200 x 11

Overslept an afternoon nap today, ran out of time at the gym.

I have to be more serious about getting to the gym on time. I can do my calf raises and lateral raises tomorrow though, since Monday is a rest day anyway. I'll be on track still.

But man I feel really refreshed after this workout!!!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 14, 2014, 11:12:17 pm
Week 37
Sunday - 12/14/14
195.4lbs | 15.2% bf | 61.7% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3
205 x 2
245 x 1
275 x 1
255 x 6 PR
255 x 6 PR
255 x 6 PR

Seated Cable Rows
175 x 12                          >> 90sec rests.
175 x 12 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3                          >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 10 PR
30's x 8 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests, but 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 7
BW x 5
BW x 5 PR
BW x 10

Did my lateral raises that I missed out on yesterday but not the calf raises. Didn't do abs; they're still really sore from the rollouts on wednesday.

Did some jumping today! I can hang on the rim with one hand from a complete standstill pretty easily.

I threw down some two handers and it wasn't all that hard. Attempted a two hand tomahawk and screwed it up. It's within reach for sure. Just a week of more jumping practice and I can definitely throw one down again (for the first time in 5 years  :o)

I have a lot of jumping potential right now if I were to focus on it a lot. My jumps are not utilizing a lot of speed as they used to. I'm relying on brute strength a lot right now since I don't have the coordination to run up to the rim and seemingly just pop off the ground with minimal effort. Example of how i used to jump at 0:24 here

Today my GCT's were pretty long. Knee bend is deeper.

However, my strength has been going up consistently so I'm not going to do anything to screw that up right now. I'll focus on practicing my jumps in a few months from now maybe. I'm 196lbs morning weight and squatting 330x6. If i can get down to 193lbs and do 345x6... I'll be killin it after some jump practice.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2014, 09:17:45 am
i'm mostly impressed that you're getting that high off two with no arm swing.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 15, 2014, 11:52:03 am
i'm mostly impressed that you're getting that high off two with no arm swing.

That's the last time i tomahawked. The only time actually. Or maybe I did it a few times? Can't really remember. But yea since that month in april 2014 i haven't done it. almost 5 years ago.

I dont have an arm swing there but i figured out some technique with the ball where i kinda swing it down hard and i guess that overloads my jump in the way that swinging your arms down hard does.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on December 15, 2014, 12:06:02 pm
You look damn... "big" :))
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2014, 02:10:09 pm
i'm mostly impressed that you're getting that high off two with no arm swing.

That's the last time i tomahawked. The only time actually. Or maybe I did it a few times? Can't really remember. But yea since that month in april 2014 i haven't done it. almost 5 years ago.

I dont have an arm swing there but i figured out some technique with the ball where i kinda swing it down hard and i guess that overloads my jump in the way that swinging your arms down hard does.

that's the thing, though: swinging the ball down hard is a boost but can't come close to a full-amplitude arm swing. if you practiced a bit (t0ddday technique, see my or scooby's journals for an explanation) i bet you'd be at 40".
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 15, 2014, 02:23:41 pm
i'm mostly impressed that you're getting that high off two with no arm swing.

That's the last time i tomahawked. The only time actually. Or maybe I did it a few times? Can't really remember. But yea since that month in april 2014 i haven't done it. almost 5 years ago.

I dont have an arm swing there but i figured out some technique with the ball where i kinda swing it down hard and i guess that overloads my jump in the way that swinging your arms down hard does.

that's the thing, though: swinging the ball down hard is a boost but can't come close to a full-amplitude arm swing. if you practiced a bit (t0ddday technique, see my or scooby's journals for an explanation) i bet you'd be at 40".

Yea a ball swing (ayyy lmao) wont work as well as an arm swing, but it does explain how i can get up pretty okay with a ball in my hands. when i learned that little trick i did notice i got higher with the ball.

I'll be checking out those journals to see what u mean. I think i can hit 40" running as well with a lot of practice for general movement efficiency (which i dont have rigth now), and then ACTUAL TECHNIQUE WORK!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 15, 2014, 04:30:13 pm
could u link me to t0ddday's technique or whichever posts u were referencing in those journals? did some looking but dont see anything yet.

also i completely forgot that i used to be a one legged jumper. didnt even dunk off two feet until senior year of high school. then after the season i threw down that tomahawk. wow. me and raptor used to have very similar stats and everything, and i just went in one direction and he went in another.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on December 15, 2014, 05:03:01 pm
Yeah. You got stronger, I didn't.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 15, 2014, 05:06:25 pm
Yeah. You got stronger, I didn't.

I went squat crazy with smolov jr and my own 3x/wk squat routine
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2014, 06:24:52 pm
yeah sorry, i meant cowed, not scooby. the post is here:

1. do a standing jump.
2. walk back and do a one-step jump. if it's higher than your SVJ, then proceed to 3. if not, continue doing one-step jumps, messing with your approach, trying different amounts of knee bend, different distances, etc., until one-step is higher than SVJ.
3. walk back a little farther and do a two-step jump. if this is higher than your one-step, proceed to 4. if not, repeat the second part of 2.
4. walk back a little farther and do a three-step jump. proceed as above.
5. etc., until the extra step no longer gets you any higher.

you are not allowed to add a step until that step consistently gives you more height over previous steps. this isn't that specific to basketball, because it grooves a very specific pattern. but if you're just trying to dunk anything at all under perfect circumstances (join the club!), then it's a good method.

one thing to add is that it's also useful as a day-to-day AREG thing. for example, i always jump higher off a step than from standing (obviously). but on days when i'm not super bouncy or smooth for whatever reason i might get no more benefit off three steps than two. so that day i only do two step jumps.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 15, 2014, 08:54:08 pm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 17, 2014, 09:33:19 am
Week 38
Tuesday - 12/16/14
196.5lbs | 15.3% bf | 61.6% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                         >> Oh boy this was tough. Really hope I hit 3x6 next workout but it may be a stretch.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 1
330 x 6
330 x 6 PR
330 x 4 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3                                 >> 15 reps put my calves on fireeeeeeeeee.
+270lbs x 1
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 12 PR
+270lbs x 12 PR
+270lbs x 8 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> No spotter, didn't want to risk a 3rd rep on that last set of 235.
135 x 5                     >> Still technically a PR though heheh.
155 x 3
195 x 1
235 x 3
235 x 3
235 x 3
235 x 2 PR
200 x 9

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 6
65's x 5

I left the workout feeling very refreshed. I may permanantly move lateral raises to my back day. My shoulders feel awesome doing them on that day (maybe because I hit rear delts too on that day) and it also allows my squat workouts to not destroy me. I feel like my cortisol levels really rise when I do those lateral raises at the end (I get irritable, I can't even bother to listen to music so I stop it on my phone, and I don't feel like finishing the workout which is probably the biggest one).

Pissed I'm not under 195lbs yet. Been under 196 all of last week pretty much. Ate a ton of food yesterday though so I probably just gained water weight for today. But I do remember that in the past I while cutting I would stay the same weight for a long ass time and then drop 3lbs out of nowhere and maintain that 3lb loss. It's strange. So I'll be patient.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 17, 2014, 09:36:55 am
 My 365x1 top warm up set from last workout:

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 19, 2014, 09:41:01 am
Week 38
Thursday - 12/18/14
196.0lbs | 15.3% bf | 61.5% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5                     >> Was feelin it and went for a 425lb deadlift.
205 x 5                     >> Was not as hyped up for the 385 since I was happy about the 425, so I only got 5 reps not 6.
245 x 3                     >> Still a PR though!
245 x 1
295 x 1
335 x 1
385 x 1
425 x 1 PR
385 x 5 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                       >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6 PR
+50lbs x 4 PR
BW x 7
BW x 4
BW x 7

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                     >> 60sec rests.
175 x 12                  >> I was like wtf? 7 reps on second set? Why am I getting so weak?
175 x 7                    >> Wasn't until about 5 seconds ago while writing this log that I realized I was supposed to do sets of 165lbs.
160 x 12

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3                          >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 10
30's x 8

Standing Cable Crunches
70 x 15                              >> 60sec rests.
70 x 15                              >> Wanted to try these out. Not sure how I feel yet. Need more weight but it's hard to stay balanced with more weight.
70 x 15

Deadlift 425x1

Exact frame in which the plates come off the ground:

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 19, 2014, 10:32:20 am
super solid, good job.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 19, 2014, 11:03:53 am
super solid, good job.

Thanks. For some reason I feel it in my quads a ton, and not so much in my glutes and hamstrings. Any idea why this could be?

Not VMOs, but the center of the quads. Right in the middle of the hip flexors and knees.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on December 19, 2014, 11:54:08 am
You're becoming quite a badass lately.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 19, 2014, 12:42:40 pm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Kingfish on December 20, 2014, 06:14:21 am

you might do a homer simpson if u fail and throw the bar forward.. bar hits the extended pins and bounces back at you..

good form. good weight. get those support bars out next time. fail safely.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 20, 2014, 03:33:09 pm
^^ I'd rather drop the bar off behind me tbh

but the main reason I step so far back is because the damn gym floor isn't straight! where I'm standing its nice and level
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 22, 2014, 12:38:50 am
Week 38
Saturday - 12/20/14
195.2lbs | 15.2% bf | 61.7% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat (de-load)
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                         >> This felt super heavy. Was thinking of powering through, probably getting 6,6,4 again... maybe.... maybe not, it was tough, i wasn't feeling it at all
185 x 5                         >> But my right rear delt cramped on the 4th rep so I racked the bar and decided to back off of legs today.
185 x 3                         >> But still. The squats have finally caught up to me. Or so it seems?
225 x 3                         >> I rememeber a while back I thought I was going to stall at like 305x6 but still plowed through and here I am.
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 1
330 x 4
330 x 3
330 x 2

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises (de-load)
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> Loaded up 245 thinking it was 235. Was so pissed to only get 1 rep, thinking I'm starting to REGRESS AGAIN.
135 x 5                     >> After two singles, realized it was 245. Whew. I've had a bad history of REGRESS in my weightlifting.
155 x 3                     >> Did a third single anyway. Felt good. Form was solid. Will go back to four triples of 235 and a back up set next week.
195 x 1
225 x 1
245 x 1
245 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 3
200 x 9

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 8                       >> 60sec rests.
65's x 5

Hopefully this mini de-load will help me crush 330 for 3x6 soon. Next week is christmas as well, so I may have to restructure some workouts. It'll throw me off, so I'll probably turn it into a de-load. It's been a while since I de-loaded anyway.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 22, 2014, 12:46:25 am
Week 38
Sunday - 12/21/14
193.6lbs | 14.8% bf | 63.0% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 3
205 x 2
245 x 1
275 x 1
255 x 6
255 x 6
255 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
175 x 12                          >> 90sec rests.
175 x 8                            >> Fuck. These went down.

Pull ups (de-load)
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests, but 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3                          >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 11 PR
30's x 7

Hanging Leg Raise Plus
10                                      >> 60sec rests.
10                                      >> This "Plus" version I'm doing just means I'm going way up and inverting myself a bit.
6                                        >> Hits the actual rectus abdominis a ton and not just the hip flexors.

My weight is under 194lbs now. Also my bf is under 15%. Weird how my water weight is now apparently 63% of my weight. Never been that high before.

My strength took a little dip. It may be just because of less glycogen in my system. Whatever it is, if it becomes a trend, I have to stop cutting.
We'll see how it plays out over next week (probably some de-load days in there as well).

From my years of weightlifting experience, I know what de-loads DON'T work for me, and I know which kinds kinda do work. If I lower the weight, it sucks. If I skip a day or two completely, it fucking sucks. I lose strength doing that (exception, I lift 4x a week so two days in a row, if I skip that second day where I'm not doing a major life like bench/squat/deadlift then my strength goes up a bit from the recovery). what also works for me is just shifting all my workouts back by a day. So i'm not skipping a day completely, but pausing my lifting for an extra day. Those seem to work best. What seems to work only okay is when I keep the same weight but just lower either the reps or sets.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 24, 2014, 09:44:07 am
Week 39
Tuesday - 12/23/14
196.0lbs | 15.4% bf | 61.6% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                         >> Third set was extremely difficult. The normal me would have racked it after 4 and saved it for the next workout.
185 x 5                         >> I was determined to hit this so I can move up to a more even 335lbs next workout!
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 1
330 x 6
330 x 6
330 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3                                 >> Went down a bit but form is getting stricter so that's fine.
+270lbs x 1
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 10
+270lbs x 8
+270lbs x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 3
235 x 3
235 x 3
235 x 3 PR
200 x 10 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 6                       >> 60sec rests.
65's x 5

Weight was high today due to eating a crapton of carbs and sodium the previous day. It'll drop again to ~194 by next workout I'm sure.

Also, I think it's time my linear progressions on the squat comes to an end. I'll attempt 3x6 with 335lbs next workout and see how many I get. I've been moving up 5lbs every 3 workouts lately and I squat twice a week. So that's pretty fast. I usually get 6,5,3 then 6,6,4 then 6,6,6. I should change the scheme up and aim for a 5lb PR on 3x6 every 3 weeks maybe. Still squatting 2x per week (mostly):

wave 1:
tue - squat 3, 8, 8, 8
sat - squat 6, 6, 6 (@ -5lbs of current PR)

wave 2:
tue - squat 3, 3, 3, 8
sat - squat 6, 6, 6 (@ current PR)

wave 3:
tue - squat 3
thu - squat 1
sat - squat 6, 6, 6 (@ +5lbs current PR)

Of course a PR in either workout of each wave is fine. A little variety will be helpful because if I don't PR in one thing, maybe I'll still PR in another and that will keep me motivated.
A little mini de-load before the PR attempt is a nice refresher. I added a middle light day of squatting in that third wave because I know how my body reacts to TOO much of a deload. Well, every week I'll be attempting a PR actually, but I care more about the 3x6 PR.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 26, 2014, 09:13:33 pm
Week 39
Friday - 12/26/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
BW x 5                       >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 4
BW x 8 PR
BW x 5 PR
BW x 8 PR

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                     >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12                  >> Funny I'm stalling on 3x12 but not 2x12 on the other day of the week where I use heavier weight too.
165 x 12
165 x 8

Gym was closed yesterday, so I had to workout today. Didn't deadlift or do abs because I have to squat tomorrow.
Didn't do shoulders because I have to bench tomorrow.

In the end, this acts like a nice little de-load.

Forgot to weigh myself this morning, but I was 193 at the gym!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 28, 2014, 12:10:34 am
Week 39
Saturday - 12/27/14
195.2lbs | 15.2% bf | 61.7% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                         >> Added a set of 135x8 since I was so stiff. Made a HUGE difference.
185 x 5                         >> Stopped at two sets. Time to change up my routine.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 1
335 x 6 PR
335 x 3 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3                                 >> Form is stricter yet again. This was tough.
+270lbs x 1
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 10
+270lbs x 10
+270lbs x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> This was extremely difficult. I don't know what's going on. My bench has been stalling for over 4 months now.
135 x 5                     >> Clearly this isn't working, even after de-loading my bench.
155 x 3                     >> Switching to a high-rep routine starting next week.
195 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 3
235 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
65's x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 29, 2014, 06:21:07 pm
Skipped yesterday's workout. This will mark the end of my de-load. Thursday is new year's though, gym will be closed...but I can't miss another deadlift workout... I'll move it to wednesday. Yea I'm squatting on tuesday but what can i do?

Squat workouts will be changed to what I mentioned earlier:

wave 1:
tue - squat 3, 8, 8, 8
sat - squat 6, 6, 6 (@ -5lbs of current PR)

wave 2:
tue - squat 3, 3, 3, 8
sat - squat 6, 6, 6 (@ current PR)

wave 3:
tue - squat 3
thu - squat 1
sat - squat 6, 6, 6 (@ +5lbs current PR)

Benching will be changed to 3x10, twice a week. Time to try something new again. If even this stalls for a month, I'll try paused reps.

Deadlifts seem to still be going up. Maybe I lost a bit of strength in them since I missed my last deadlift workout (and only deadlift once a week). That means when I deadlift on wednesday it'll be 13 days since i've deadlifted, plus i'll be beat up from the squats the day before.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 31, 2014, 10:00:05 am
Week 40
Tuesday - 12/30/14
195.4lbs | 15.2% bf | 61.7% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                         >> Damn... I feel like I have 355x5 in me. Wtf?
135 x 5                         >> These 8 reps are killing me. I have no tolerance for high reps and short rests AT ALL.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 3 PR
315 x 8 PR
315 x 5
315 x 3

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 12
+270lbs x 10
+270lbs x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 1
225 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 8
200 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 4                       >> 60sec rests.
65's x 4                       >> Yeah I'm going to have to drop to 60's since the high rep benches take a lot out of me.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2014, 11:18:48 am
so, longer?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 31, 2014, 11:37:25 am
so, longer?

My workouts take long enough already!
Whether I rest 2min or 4min... as long as i improve every week i'm ok with it
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 31, 2014, 01:02:32 pm
good news, gym will be open tomorrow. i dont have to deadlift today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 02, 2015, 09:45:09 am
Week 40
Thursday - 01/01/14
193.0lbs | 14.8% bf | 62.0% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5                     >> Well... I got 425x1 pretty easily and 385x5 last time....
205 x 5                     >> This is what happens when I miss a single deadlift session.
245 x 3                     >> I'll get it back quick though. I'm going to add back up reps, and also add a light day on Sundays.
245 x 1                     >> Considering I've never deadlifted twice a week before in my life, I'll get it back really fast and then some.
295 x 1
335 x 1
385 x 1
425 x 0
385 x 3
335 x 2
335 x 1

Pull ups
BW x 5                       >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 5 PR
BW x 8 PR
BW x 5 PR
BW x 9 PR

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3                          >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 10
30's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                     >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12            >> Tied my PR. I'm sure I'll PR next time.
165 x 12
165 x 10

Standing Cable Crunches
75 x 15 PR                              >> 60sec rests.
85 x 15 PR                              >> I may like these better than ab wheel rolllouts...
85 x 12 PR

193 morning weight... I'm looking pretty damn cut. Aiming for 190, then I'd like to maintain that for a good month or so before I let myself fluctuate between 195 and 190.

Also, it's new years, so I won't be having any sugary drinks until the summer. Absolutely not a single sip of anything other than water and milk. And maybe sugar free redbull at times.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2015, 10:33:16 am
milk. shake.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 02, 2015, 11:00:31 am
^^ Optimum Nutrition's extreme chocolate milk flavor... blended with peanut butter.... omfg so good

its the best chocolate flavor they have for sure. double rich chocolate doesnt come close. chocolate malt is pretty good though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on January 02, 2015, 03:49:53 pm
I like Vanilla, except for in sex.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 02, 2015, 03:54:36 pm
I like Vanilla, except for in sex.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on January 03, 2015, 01:01:57 pm
Jesus dreyth you're making me feel like a pussy, i have like 100lbs on you and our lifts are pretty close.  If you can, try to stay around 190-200, my biggest regret was falling into the i gotta get heavier to get stronger mentality when i was at my strongest at 210 lbs.   Keep up the good progress.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 03, 2015, 04:36:13 pm
Jesus dreyth you're making me feel like a pussy, i have like 100lbs on you and our lifts are pretty close.  If you can, try to stay around 190-200, my biggest regret was falling into the i gotta get heavier to get stronger mentality when i was at my strongest at 210 lbs.   Keep up the good progress.

haha thanks man! Yea i went up to 200lbs and i cut down to about 193. i was 194 this morning. I'm looking to get to 190. I really dont want to go above 200lbs, not to mention clothes wont fit!

190-200 is my exact target range!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 03, 2015, 04:39:29 pm
Week 40
Saturday - 01/03/14
194.6lbs | 15.1% bf | 61.8% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                         >> Still figuring out the weights to use here.
135 x 5                         >> I'll do 3x3 at 345lbs next time. 315 back up set, aiming for 8 reps.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 3
355 x 3  PR
345 x 3
315 x 6

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 13 PR
+270lbs x 11 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 1
225 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 9 PR
200 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 7                       >> 60sec rests.
65's x 5

I might stop the cut at 192 actually.... actually it depends on when i start losing strength. It's just that i realized 190 today is not the same as 190 last year; i have more muscle on me now. 190 last year coulda put me at 10% bf, but it will put me at 9% or something this year.

Plan is to do very short cut/bulk cycles from 190-196 or something. Once I hit 190 and start lean bulking, i'll shoot up to like 193 quick just from the glycogen. Then 3lbs of "actual" weight gain to 196 and I'll cut down again. I hate long cuts, this will avoid that.

Also, this video is great:

Pretty knowledgeable guy. He makes some EXCELLENT points I never thought of before. Next workout I'll write em out here and remember them.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on January 03, 2015, 07:55:12 pm
I really like his channel in general. There are some other very good videos too. I think he is a very intelligent and knowledgeable guy and he can break down all the concepts concerning weight training. Besides... he has some impressive strength feats to show for.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on January 04, 2015, 11:36:00 am
Yeah stick with that, my two biggest mistakes were crossfit and prohormones lol. Im hoping to get to where youre at (body weight n body fat%) someday.  Also i ordered a 5lb jug of optimum milk chocolate and its ballin as hell.  I make a 300 gram shake n sip on it when i get hungry between meals for a few days.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 04, 2015, 09:49:46 pm
I really like his channel in general. There are some other very good videos too. I think he is a very intelligent and knowledgeable guy and he can break down all the concepts concerning weight training. Besides... he has some impressive strength feats to show for.

i agree. and i do like how his talk is backed up by his very impressive lifts. the only minor disagreement i have with candito is his push for recomp phases... i think its so much easier to just cut for 3 weeks and lose a quick 3lbs of fat without losing any strength. net progress can be quicker that way.

as for the bulking... long, slow bulks are definitely the way to go as a natural lifter! 2lbs a month at the most.

after years and years of weightlifting i've just learned what has worked for me. and personally, its extremely hard for me to gain strength without gaining weight.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on January 05, 2015, 09:25:03 am
Yeah exactly. I really struggle with gaining strength while more or less in a constant caloric deficit. I recently tried out to cut down from 92kg (205lbs) to 86kg (190lbs) but after two weeks I just had to realize that my body just doesn't handle dieting and training hard 3-4 times a week. So basically right now I'm just trying to stay at around the same weight while improving my body composition. I think that way I can be at a lean 205lbs by the end of the year without the need of a real cutting phase. It worked pretty well so far. This last month I stayed at 204-205lbs morning weight while my waist measurements went down and all other measurements went up a bit. So his concept of recomposition is actually working for me.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 05, 2015, 10:09:17 am
Yeah exactly. I really struggle with gaining strength while more or less in a constant caloric deficit. I recently tried out to cut down from 92kg (205lbs) to 86kg (190lbs) but after two weeks I just had to realize that my body just doesn't handle dieting and training hard 3-4 times a week. So basically right now I'm just trying to stay at around the same weight while improving my body composition. I think that way I can be at a lean 205lbs by the end of the year without the need of a real cutting phase. It worked pretty well so far. This last month I stayed at 204-205lbs morning weight while my waist measurements went down and all other measurements went up a bit. So his concept of recomposition is actually working for me.

That's great for you! So I take it that your lifts have been getting stronger?,
15lbs is kind of a long cut to be keeping all of your strength in.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on January 05, 2015, 06:16:14 pm
They have. But progress has been slowing down a bit lately especially my benchpress numbers haven't gone up for a couple of workouts and it's kinda pissing me off.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 06, 2015, 09:32:06 am
Week 41
Monday - 01/05/14
193.6lbs | 14.8% bf | 62.0% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5                                        >> Form was damn sloppy. Staying at this weight till it gets better.
155 x 5
175 x 3
205 x 2
245 x 1
265 x 1
255 x 6                                         
255 x 6
255 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
175 x 12                                        >> 60sec rests.
175 x 8

Srict Lateral Raises
30's x 3                                         >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 11 PR
35's x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5                                           >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5

Workout shoulda been done yesterday. Didnt do abs since i'm squatting tomorrow. I'll do them tomorrow and I'm still on track.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 06, 2015, 12:23:24 pm
They have. But progress has been slowing down a bit lately especially my benchpress numbers haven't gone up for a couple of workouts and it's kinda pissing me off.

My bench has stalled for like 4 months now.... :'(
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on January 06, 2015, 04:53:13 pm
 I just really don't know what's the reason... I mean as in your case my other lifts have been steadily going up (squat, military press, rows etc.) my bench is the only "problematic" exercise in terms of progression.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on January 06, 2015, 05:39:50 pm
Leon, what does your current chest workout look like?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on January 06, 2015, 06:02:15 pm
I don't have a "chest workout" I do a upper/lower split, training 4 times a week

day 1:

Benchpress 3x6 (same weight) - heavy
cable rows 3x6 (same weight) - heavy

db militarypress 3-4x8
chinups (BW) 3-4xmax

arms, shoulder prehab

day 2:

militarypress 3x6
wide grip pullups (weighted) 3x6

db benchpress 3-4x8
db rows 3-4x8

arms, shoulder prehab

sorry dreyth for posting all this in your log... that's it from my part back to you. ;)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 06, 2015, 06:21:33 pm
^ no no, keep going. i was doing a similar bench workout and stalled. 3x6 bb bench twice a week. shot up from work sets of 195lbs to 225lbs doing this, but couldnt quite manage 225 for 3x6. got 6, 6, 4 i think. so if either of us breaks through the plateau, we should study from each other. i need to look at your lifting history though to see how similar we are in terms of benching.

de-loaded, then did 5 weeks of 3 rep work plus a back off set. didnt work.

semi de-loaded, now doing 3x10 twice a week. we'll see how this works.

chest shot:


that was last week i think, at 193lbs in the gym. dont remember if i had a pump or not. ill just take another today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on January 06, 2015, 06:35:08 pm
Maybe you both just need more volume, after listening to layne norton? i think thats his name, I increased the number of sets from a warm up set then 3-4 working sets ex. 135, 225, 275, 315, 325 to multiple sets.  Ex.  135,185,205,225,250,275,300,315, 325 etc etc etc.  I've had a 440lb bench before so if you guys need advice on it then lemme know, sadly enough the best thing I know how to do is increase my bench.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on January 06, 2015, 06:46:41 pm
bench workout from today:

95kg (210lbs) 3x6, this is the 2nd week I'm doing this 3x6 workout. Previously I worked up to a "money set" of 5 reps. I progressed really well but eventually stalled at 100kg x 6 so I figured I need some more volume with heavy weights instead of just one heavy, all out effort. I also added a push exercise (horizontal accessory with vertical main, vertical accessory with horizontal main) to work a bit more on my pressing strength in general. Rows, pullups etc. always have been considerably stronger in comparison. Maybe I would benefit from some chest isolation work as my narrow grip benchpress is a lot stronger than my wide grip benchpress. We'll see how I do over the course of the next few weeks. Will keep you updated and I'll continue to read your trainingslog. ;)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2015, 08:07:33 pm
Maybe you both just need more volume, after listening to layne norton? i think thats his name, I increased the number of sets from a warm up set then 3-4 working sets ex. 135, 225, 275, 315, 325 to multiple sets.  Ex.  135,185,205,225,250,275,300,315, 325 etc etc etc.  I've had a 440lb bench before so if you guys need advice on it then lemme know, sadly enough the best thing I know how to do is increase my bench.

seconded. moar volume.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 07, 2015, 10:05:03 am
Week 41
Tuesday - 01/06/14
193.0lbs | 14.7% bf | 62.1% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                         >> Used a different squat rack. Floor isn't straight there. It made this so much harder, and kinda hurts my left hip.
135 x 5                         >> Definitely going to be waiting on the one good squat rack from now on, screw that shit.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 3
315 x 8
315 x 5
315 x 4 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 13 PR
+270lbs x 10
+270lbs x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 1
225 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 9
200 x 6 PR

Standing Cable Crunches
85 x 15                               >> 60sec rests.
85 x 12
85 x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 8 PR                       >> 60sec rests.
65's x 5 PR

I'm really liking the standing cable crunches. Idn where to fit in the ab wheel rollouts and hanging leg raises, though I love em both. I think I'll do all three. I'll rotate. Still do abs 2x a week though.
Or maybe I'll just do a set of standing cable crunches after my regular 3x10 rollouts/legraises. Yea I'll probably do that.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 07, 2015, 10:14:39 am
GOALS by 1 June 2015

ATG Squat 325 x 5
Bench 245 x 5
Deadlift 385 x 5
At under 200lbs bw

Just realized I've already ATG squatted 335x6, deadlifted 385x5, but still only benched 225x6.
It's nice to kill those two goals already, but man that bench is pissing me off. I'm certain I will get it in under 6 months though!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 07, 2015, 02:15:04 pm
Working till 630pm today. Get home at 7pm. I work an overnight shift tonight 11pm to 7am. then no sleep, working 830 am till 530pm... then off to some market research study till 730pm. Won't have time to go home and nap after that before deadlifting tomorrow.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2015, 04:13:14 pm
where are you doing shift work? are you still in NYC?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 07, 2015, 04:33:04 pm
where are you doing shift work? are you still in NYC?

Yep still here. i have a fulltime job 9:30am - 6:30pm 5x a week. Then I have a side job, just doorman/porter. Shit pays well though, and it's super easy, so I kept it. Also the tenants are super rich in the building I work at, so you never know. Connections n stuff.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 11, 2015, 02:48:53 pm
Week 41
Friday - 01/09/14
194.0lbs | 14.9% bf | 61.9% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 5                               >> Almost back up to 385x5. I'll definitely get it next week.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
385 x 4

Pull ups
BW x 5                       >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6 PR
BW x 7
BW x 4
BW x 9

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3                          >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 11
30's x 7 PR

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                     >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12                   >> WTF is going on here. Why am I dropping on these...
165 x 10
165 x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 11, 2015, 09:43:48 pm
Week 41
Sunday - 01/11/14
191.6lbs | 14.5% bf | 62.2% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                         >> Felt pretty good. May aim for 10 reps on the back up instead of increasing weight after 8 reps.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
350 x 3
350 x 3
350 x 3
315 x 8 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 5                                 >> I was looking in the mirror and... my calves actually exist now.
+270lbs x 3
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 14 PR
+270lbs x 12 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 1
225 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 10 PR
200 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 9 PR                       >> 60sec rests.
65's x 5 PR

Pull day tomorrow. Then push day again right after that, so that I can be back on track.

I'm down to 191.6 today. Must have lost some water weight. Or maybe not. I did notice that my scale says I'm a higher H20% as I get lighter and lighter. I guess that's true, considering I've been losing fat?

Anyway, I felt great at the gym today even though I was so light and still cutting. Must have been due to that extra day of rest. Once I get under 190lbs consistently for a week straight, I'll switch to maintenance.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 11, 2015, 09:50:04 pm
This happened at the gym today. Never heard more horrifying screams of pain in my life. His foot is completely in his shoe, btw. It looks like he barely has his shoe on, with his heel sticking out or something... but nope.


Careful out there guys.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 11, 2015, 10:03:01 pm
poor guy.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on January 11, 2015, 11:16:22 pm
Oh wow that's horrible.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 12, 2015, 12:52:24 pm
Can't wait to squat again. Damn. I've got that "feeling" back where I can't wait to hit more PR's.

That's always a good sign! Today I'll do my pull day (non deadlift) and then push day again tomorrow so that I can be back on schedule.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 12, 2015, 01:38:32 pm
405lb squat at 195bw puts me at a 34-35in standing vertical:

I'll def be there. i think my estimated max is 405lbs as it is right now, and i'm down to 192bw.
Perhaps i'm capable of a 35in standing vertical (and who knows, maybe even 40in running) if i put in a lot of practice?

I should start playing a few pick up games. From what i remember, my movement efficiency in my jumps shoots up fast after about 2 weeks of playing 3-4 times a week. but i would like to put more emphasis on my standing vertical than i used to this time around.

I'll do that when I finish my cut.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 14, 2015, 09:38:54 am
Week 42
Tuesday - 01/13/14
195.6lbs | 15.2% bf | 61.7% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
360 x 3 PR
315 x 8 PR
315 x 5 PR
315 x 4 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 5
+270lbs x 3
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 14
+270lbs x 11
+270lbs x 10

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> My chest felt like it was going to rip. It's because I benched just two days ago.
135 x 5                     >> Did not have adequate recovery, so I won't be myself over dropping a little this workout.
155 x 3                     >> Skipped the incline dumbell as well. I'm sure I'll PR next bench session.
195 x 1
225 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 9
200 x 5

Standing Cable Crunches
90 x 12 PR                     >> 2min rests.
90 x 10 PR
90 x 10 PR

I ate a ton the day before this since I had to workout 3 days in a row. Needed recovery. It made me shoot up 4lbs right away! I know it's water weight but its a bit discouraging to think that once I get to sub 190 like I'm aiming for, once I eat at maintenance I'll shoot up to about 193 or so :/ I'd like to stay at a consistent 190 for several weeks and get that tested 405lb squat at that weight.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 16, 2015, 09:34:51 am
Week 42
Thursday - 01/15/14

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5                            >> The 425, which wasnt so hard last month before I missed my deadlift session and lost so much strength, was a MAX.
155 x 5                            >> It took a ton out of me. Plus I have no headphones (again). Even the 385x1 after that was tough.
205 x 3                            >> I need to add an extra deadlift day to get the strength back quicker. Just working up to a few singles at 385.
245 x 3
295 x 2
335 x 1
385 x 1
425 x 1
385 x 1

Pull ups
BW x 5                       >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3                  >> Forgot to rest 3min for final set, did 60sec by accident.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+55lbs x 6 PR
+55lbs x 5 PR
+55lbs x 3 PR
BW x 9
BW x 5
BW x 4

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3                          >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 12 PR
30's x 5

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                     >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12                   >> Dropped again. Got pissed. Didn't do a 3rd set.
165 x 8

Didn't weigh myself this morning. I didn't want to see that I was heavy again because it would discourage me, especially since my deadlift is down right now as well as my seated cable rows. I'd be thinking "wtf... im trying to cut, but im a bit heaver than before AND my lifts are lower?"
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 17, 2015, 10:22:17 pm
Week 42
Saturday - 01/17/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                         >> 315x10... boy that was tough! Feels great though!
135 x 5                         >> I'll move up to 355lbs next time.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
350 x 3
350 x 3
350 x 3
315 x 10 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 5
+270lbs x 3
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 14
+270lbs x 12 PR
+270lbs x 10 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> Failed the 6th rep on the last set. Just barely.
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 1
235 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 10
200 x 5

Incline DB Press
65's x 7                     >> 60sec rests.
65's x 4                     >> Went down since I failed on the bench. Made this tougher.

I think that by the time I can do 365 for 3x3, I'll be able to max out at 405lbs without too much stress. I'll give it 2 months.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on January 18, 2015, 01:07:58 am
This happened at the gym today. Never heard more horrifying screams of pain in my life. His foot is completely in his shoe, btw. It looks like he barely has his shoe on, with his heel sticking out or something... but nope.

Careful out there guys.

damn that image is brutal.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2015, 07:05:22 pm
sick on the 315x10.  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 20, 2015, 12:37:57 pm
Week 43
Monday - 01/19/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
155 x 5
205 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
255 x 6                                         
255 x 6
255 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
175 x 12                                        >> 60sec rests.
175 x 8

I'll make up the rest of the workout tomorrow. Squats, calf raises, benches, pull ups, lateral raises, abs. It's not so much really.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 20, 2015, 12:40:08 pm
Woke up with horrible wrist pain today. Left one. Its killing me! It's a little better now. Hopefully it doesnt stop me from benching later today. I think I slept with my hand in a weird position maybe.

Also, god damn my hip flexors are veryyyy uncomfortable. After those 315x10 squats, for the first time in my life i felt hip flexor pain after squatting. Always wondered how it happens to people and now I have it.

Did some research. It's caused by overactive hamstrings. When you squat and your hammies take over the glutes, it shifts your femur bone (i think thats the one) slightly out of alignment and makes it grind up against the hip socket. So the discomfort is actually in the hip socket cartilage itself, but since the hip flexor crosses over it, it feels like its in the hip flexors.

What everybody else does: stretch hip flexors.
What the actual solution is: foam roll hammies, activate glutes.

Edit: on second thought, stretching the hip flexors can help activate the glutes. antagonist inhibition.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 21, 2015, 10:36:09 am
Week 43
Tuesday - 01/20/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                         >> Damn that 365x3 was tough.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 3 PR
315 x 8 PR
315 x 2
315 x 2

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 5                                 >> How the hell did I drop so much here???
+270lbs x 3
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 11
+270lbs x 11
+270lbs x 10
+270lbs x 10

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> Was not feeling it.
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 1
235 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 10
200 x 3

Incline DB Press
65's x 8                     >> 60sec rests.
65's x 4

Pull ups
BW x 5                     >> 60sec rests, except 3min rest for final set.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 6
BW x 4
BW x 4
BW x 6

I think I'm due for a de-load. Maybe next week I'll just shave off one set on the big lifts like squats, benches, etc. Cut volume by 30-50%.
I need to get more protein in, and MORE SLEEP. That's the problem.

Didn't do lateral raises or abs. I'll just add them in next time.

Form felt very shaky on first rep. You cant really see it much, but I felt it for sure. Took a lot out of me.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on January 21, 2015, 11:26:38 am
Beautiful, solid, heavy and badass squat is beautiful, solid, heavy and badass.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 21, 2015, 11:32:16 am
Beautiful, solid, heavy and badass squat is beautiful, solid, heavy and badass.

Thanks! I'd like more bar speed on it though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on January 21, 2015, 11:38:54 am
I don't understand how can you squat with that narrow stance. My femurs would hit my hips like crazy plus I'd run out of the dorsiflexion after the first 1/4 squat portion.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 21, 2015, 01:38:41 pm
I don't understand how can you squat with that narrow stance. My femurs would hit my hips like crazy plus I'd run out of the dorsiflexion after the first 1/4 squat portion.

I used to squat with a wider stance and my feet pointed out 45 degrees. I NEVER understood how people used a narrow stance, and the most awkward thing of all: toes pointed forwards. That shit was so uncomfortable to me.

However, over the years, as I got stronger and stronger, I somehow gravitated towards a narrow stance. I never even noticed the transition happening. Just happened on its own. Same thing with the toes starting to point forward, but I think that foam rolling my IT bands and gluten facilitated that transition.

Btw, it really helps to force the knees out a lot. Makes the stance feel wider.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on January 21, 2015, 05:33:09 pm
I laughed at "foam rolling gluten" :P

Yeah... it's just... I think a lot of it is in your body structure... femur lengths and all that. I just hate to do mobility work, I just don't "believe" in it. I'm like "yeah yeah... I'm stretching this for 5-10 minutes so what? maybe I'll see a 1% increase in mobility in like 5 years of doing this".
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 21, 2015, 08:26:59 pm
I laughed at "foam rolling gluten" :P

Yeah... it's just... I think a lot of it is in your body structure... femur lengths and all that. I just hate to do mobility work, I just don't "believe" in it. I'm like "yeah yeah... I'm stretching this for 5-10 minutes so what? maybe I'll see a 1% increase in mobility in like 5 years of doing this".

da heck?! the s is nowhere near the n... how did i write gluten instead of glutes?!

mobility work is boring as hell... if its stretching. foam rolling my IT bands and glutes takes just 2 minutes though and its not as boring as stretching!
i dont think ive stretched in months...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on January 21, 2015, 08:46:02 pm
I might do some core and mobility work during my off days. I'll still go to the gym because at home I can't stop being lazy.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 23, 2015, 10:08:19 am
Week 43
Thursday - 01/22/14
193.8lbs | 15.0% bf | 61.9% H20

-= Workout Log =-

155 x 5                            >> Rests went by feel.
155 x 5                            >> Surprised I got 385x4.
205 x 3                            >> WHY DO I FEEL IT SO MUCH MORE IN MY QUADS THAN MY P-CHAIN?!
245 x 3                            >> Added back up sets this time.
295 x 2
335 x 1
385 x 1
405 x 1
385 x 4
355 x 3
335 x 5

Pull ups
BW x 5                       >> 2min rests, then 60sec rests for BW pullups, 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3                  >> Forgot to rest 3min for final set, did 60sec by accident.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 5
+55lbs x 4 PR
BW x 8
BW x 5
BW x 8

Gym closed on me. I thought I was there an hour earlier than I really was. I could use the de-load anyway.

What's pissing me off is that I'm not down to a consistent 192lbs or so. Wtf man.

I did have lower ab veins today though... not sure how.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: maxent on January 23, 2015, 10:21:53 am
Lower ab veins to me just mean a pump i think. I get them at the end of the day of lifting or towards the end of a 24hr long fast; even when obese. Not sure it means anything. Btw wonder what you look at 192?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 23, 2015, 11:26:55 am
Lower ab veins to me just mean a pump i think. I get them at the end of the day of lifting or towards the end of a 24hr long fast; even when obese. Not sure it means anything. Btw wonder what you look at 192?

Didn't do abs today, no ab pump!
I have a pic of me at 192 earlier in this thread, around page... 10 i think? No idea. I'll find it later.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: maxent on January 23, 2015, 11:28:11 am
Pullups are an ab exercise, or any other compound but yeah haha.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 23, 2015, 11:30:21 am
^^ I dont get a pump from them. And if they caused my ab veins to come out, I would have noticed by now, especially from direct ab exercises! My bicep veins were coming out a lot too. Has something to do with hydration and blood vessel dilation... and low bodyfat too.

Here's me at 190:

That was on November 10th, 2013. My old log actually. Not this one.

Lifts at the time were:'s-no-more-fucking-excuses-journal/255/
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: maxent on January 23, 2015, 11:33:12 am
^^ I dont get a pump from them. And if they caused my ab veins to come out, I would have noticed by now, especially from direct ab exercises! My bicep veins were coming out a lot too. Has something to do with hydration and blood vessel dilation... and low bodyfat too.

Here's me at 190:


Fair. Looking lean there brah. Good job.  :headbang:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 24, 2015, 07:48:10 pm
Week 43
Saturday - 01/24/14
191.4lbs | 14.5% bf | 62.2% H20

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
345 x 1
375 x 1
405 x 20sec unrack
455 x 20sec unrack
405 x 1 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                                   >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> Was too dead after squatting. Don't care much that I dopped; it's expected.
135 x 5
155 x 3
195 x 2
235 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 6
200 x 5

So let me explain. I get to the gym and I'm in a pretty good mood. Then I start squatting, and the weights feel pretty light. Reps are explosive. I think to myself, "today might be the day."
The 345 was harder than expected. I said whatever, I'll push through. The 375 was pretty tough. I was doubting myself, but then I realized with music and getting hyped up, I can definitely get 405lbs.

I listened to music and got EXTREMELY hyped up. In fact, I had an adrenaline rush. After unracking the bar, I stood for like 15 seconds straight (the vid doesn't show it all). My legs were shaking from the adrenaline. Pretty crazy. I felt a little unstable. I knew that I had the strength to lift 405, however, I didn't feel stable enough to do it. I was about to back out. I didn't want to get injured.

Then, as I'm standing there, the bar literally starts to feel lighter on my back, mid set. That has never happened to me before in my life! It was pretty damn cool to ACTUALLY FEEL the effects of adrenaline AS it's happening! So the weight feels light and then I get my confidence to squat even though my legs feel very shaky.

Personally I felt like I could have gotten an inch lower and really mash my hams to my calves like I usually do, but whatever. It' still ATG. I also feel like I could have hit 425lbs to be honest. I'll take the 405 though.

Last workout I squatted 360x3. So knowing that, my max is 405. That's a 45lb difference. I'll use my 3RM to gauge my max from now on. eg, 385x3 will give me a 435lb max. Actually a little more than that, but I like to take conservative figures for maxes. Not that it matters anyway; I'm not competing. I don't have to TEST my max. I just need to GET STRONGER so i can jump higher. But it's just cool to know my max.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: ChrisM on January 24, 2015, 08:33:43 pm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 24, 2015, 10:01:41 pm

Thank you!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on January 25, 2015, 09:52:46 am
Then, as I'm standing there, the bar literally starts to feel lighter on my back, mid set. That has never happened to me before in my life! It was pretty damn cool to ACTUALLY FEEL the effects of adrenaline AS it's happening! So the weight feels light and then I get my confidence to squat even though my legs feel very shaky.

damn.. interesting.

edit: Reminds me of how Kingfish squats. Waits quite a bit before his first rep.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on January 25, 2015, 10:34:01 am
Did you always had that much available dorsiflexion or...? That's pretty crazy.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: taco on January 25, 2015, 01:22:27 pm
Last workout I squatted 360x3. So knowing that, my max is 405. That's a 45lb difference. I'll use my 3RM to gauge my max from now on. eg, 385x3 will give me a 435lb max. Actually a little more than that, but I like to take conservative figures for maxes. Not that it matters anyway; I'm not competing. I don't have to TEST my max. I just need to GET STRONGER so i can jump higher. But it's just cool to know my max.

Woordd! I saw your r/fitness post, great form + lift!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 26, 2015, 09:37:11 am
Did you always had that much available dorsiflexion or...? That's pretty crazy.

I'm pretty sure I did. When I used to squat parallel and/or with a wider stance and toes pointed out more, i didnt dorsiflex as much. Thats because mechanically it wasnt necessary. but i COULD have had the same dorsiflexion had i went atg and narrow.

my dorsiflexion isnt limited by my calf flexibility at all. its limited by.... my foot?
analogy: how much can you flex your elbow? why cant you go any further, is it because the tricep is tight? no, its because your bicep is in the way.

same thing with my ankles. i cant dorsiflex more than i already do unless i change the structure of my feet and ankles.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 26, 2015, 09:41:37 am
Week 43
Sunday - 01/25/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
155 x 5
205 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 1
255 x 6                                         
255 x 6
255 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
175 x 12                                        >> 60sec rests.
175 x 8

Super Strict Lateral Raises
30's x 3                                        >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2                                        >> Man I haven't done these in a while!
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 10
35's x 5

Pull ups
BW x 5                                        >> 60sec rests, except 3min rest for final set.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 6
BW x 6
BW x 4
BW x 10

Hanging Leg Raises
10                                        >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on January 26, 2015, 12:58:13 pm
Did you always had that much available dorsiflexion or...? That's pretty crazy.

I'm pretty sure I did. When I used to squat parallel and/or with a wider stance and toes pointed out more, i didnt dorsiflex as much. Thats because mechanically it wasnt necessary. but i COULD have had the same dorsiflexion had i went atg and narrow.

my dorsiflexion isnt limited by my calf flexibility at all. its limited by.... my foot?
analogy: how much can you flex your elbow? why cant you go any further, is it because the tricep is tight? no, its because your bicep is in the way.

same thing with my ankles. i cant dorsiflex more than i already do unless i change the structure of my feet and ankles.

Hm... yeah but in my case, the difference of dorsiflexion between my left and right ankles is tremendous.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 26, 2015, 02:47:32 pm
^ interesting. whats causing it? structure, or calf/achilles tightness?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2015, 02:49:37 pm
wrong analogy, dreyth. ankle isn't like your elbow, it's like your wrist. dorsiflexion can definitely be limited by stiffness on the back side of your leg, and while your foot gets in the way of extreme end-ROM, the limiting factor for most people is soft tissue. the classic illustration of this is people from places where chairs are not common, who spend their whole lives moving in and out of deep squats and are capable of a lot of dorsiflexion with minimal effort. e.g., this guy


similarly, wrist dorsiflexion can be limited (and often is) by forearm muscle/tendon tightness and immobility.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on January 26, 2015, 05:18:41 pm
Yeah I have the same issues with my wrist.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 26, 2015, 06:19:27 pm
wrong analogy, dreyth. ankle isn't like your elbow, it's like your wrist. dorsiflexion can definitely be limited by stiffness on the back side of your leg, and while your foot gets in the way of extreme end-ROM, the limiting factor for most people is soft tissue. the classic illustration of this is people from places where chairs are not common, who spend their whole lives moving in and out of deep squats and are capable of a lot of dorsiflexion with minimal effort. e.g., this guy


similarly, wrist dorsiflexion can be limited (and often is) by forearm muscle/tendon tightness and immobility.

I was talking about my own ankles. The back sides of my legs arent stiff. I can "stretch" my calves on the edge of a block and go as far as possible and not feel a stretch like I used to.

Whats limiting me there? What are the ways to continue increasing my dorsiflexion at this point?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2015, 06:39:48 pm
oh, fair enough. nah, your dorsiflexion is great. don't worry about it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 26, 2015, 07:08:13 pm
oh, fair enough. nah, your dorsiflexion is great. don't worry about it.

I do vaguely remember reading somewhere that stretching the front of your ankle will help loosen up that tissue or something and allow even greater dorsiflexion than before.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: AGC on January 26, 2015, 09:59:46 pm
Man, that squat made my day. Just gorgeous. SVJs soon? Would be interested to see where it's at. Keep it up!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on January 26, 2015, 10:45:03 pm
Great squat but the best part of the video has to go to the "fuck yes" at the end.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 27, 2015, 01:55:49 am
I didnt expect the fuck yes when i watched the vid lol. That was the guy recording.

Ill be working on some SVJ's soon. Probably more seriously when I get to a 2.25x bodyweights squat. Im just chasing relative strength for now.

I barely ever jump (maybe once a month) but i can hang on the rim from a stand still right now. Yesterday i threw down a few two handers pretty easily. I can definitely tomahawl after 2-3 weeks of basketball. I feel very uncoordinated right now.

Summer time i should be hitting all-time PR's in my jump... For the first time in 5 years :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 28, 2015, 12:44:59 pm
Gym was closed yesterday due to the storm. I maxed out 3 days ago. So i've been inactive and recovered.

I'll test out my vertical today and see what I'll be jumping... cant do running jumps tho, its volleyball day at the gym. they take up the whole court.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 29, 2015, 03:45:18 pm
Accidentally slept after work yesterday so I missed out on the gym. Again.

Haven't squatted since saturday. Havent lifted since sunday. It's now thursday.

My squat and deadlift will undoubtedly drop because its been too long of a hiatus... but my jumps will probably be high as hell today, with what little movement efficiency i have.

we'll see!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 30, 2015, 01:26:13 pm
Week 44
Thursday - 01/29/14
190.2lbs | 14.5% bf | 62.5% H20

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                         >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                         >> Back up sets will be 3x5, 3x6, 3x7, then 3x8.
135 x 5                         >> I prefer steady improvements rather than aiming for as many reps as possible and getting 8,5,2 or something.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 3
315 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 5

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 5
+270lbs x 3
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 10
+270lbs x 10
+270lbs x 10

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                       >> Damn I dropped a lot.
135 x 5                     >> I'm aiming for 3x10. I've decided to keep doing sets till I hit 30 reps total.
155 x 3
195 x 1
235 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 7
200 x 6
200 x 4
200 x 2

Incline DB Press
65's x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
65's x 6

Standing Ab Crunches
90 x 15 PR
90 x 12 PR
90 x 10 PR

Did some jumping beforehand. Didn't get as high as I wanted off run ups to be honest. Almost two-hand tomahawked a women's ball though. I got high enough for it but kept missing.

As for standing jumps... I can touch the rim with two hands. With one hand, I surprised myself and got the bottom of my palm on the rim. After two weeks of practicing standing jumps, I should really be able to get my wrist to the rim.

This calculator (405max, 190bw) puts my standing vert at >35" and I'm nowhere near that. I have shitty movement efficiency. I have barely jumped in the past year. But that's good -- it means I can potentially jump much higher with practice! On top of that I was pretty bad with my arm swings and stuff.

I think I hit a 30" standing vert today. I need to measure my reach accurately though.

On another note, I finished my cut. I'm at 190lbs. I will probably bounce between 189-193 though. I know that going to maintenance cals right now will immediately bump me up to 193 or so from the water weight and glycogen storage. I would like to stay at ~190 for a good two months or so at this point. I want to regain the little strength I've lost in the last two months.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2015, 01:30:34 pm
uh, aren't you the same height as me? your reach is probably a little higher because i've got shortish arms but not THAT much higher. i touch 7'6 standing still, which means bottom of palm at rim is about 35-36".
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 30, 2015, 02:08:54 pm
uh, aren't you the same height as me? your reach is probably a little higher because i've got shortish arms but not THAT much higher. i touch 7'6 standing still, which means bottom of palm at rim is about 35-36".

I'm 6 or 6'1. I remember having slightly short arms for my height when I was in high school at least. I think my reach IS 7'6 actually.... I'll measure anyway.
if I have a 35" vert already then i can probably hit 37" with some practice. I've always been more plyometrically efficient (remember when i used to be a weak ass 1 leg jumper but still dunked easily) so i benefit a lot from relative strength gains.

wait wait wait. 37"? thats so close to 40. that cant be. Thats nuts! I may have a 7'8 or 7'9 reach.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2015, 03:09:48 pm
if you're a couple inches taller (i'm 5'11 in the morning, lol) and have normal arms then yeah your reach is probably ~7'8-9.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: gukl on January 30, 2015, 03:11:59 pm
Damn T. Rex arms

I'm 6' with an 7'11/8' reach lol.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 30, 2015, 03:22:21 pm
Damn T. Rex arms

I'm 6' with an 7'11/8' reach lol.

t rex arms, and i still cant bench for shit

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 30, 2015, 08:11:29 pm
Just measured my reach at 92" so lets call it 93" in converse sneakers.

Rim touch - 27"
Bottom of palm - 33"
Palm over rim - 35"

Pretty sure I can get my palm over the rim from a standstill. Just need more practice. Ill be trying twice a week from now on.
And from what I remember, my running vert was about 6" higher than my standing. I could potentially be at a 40" running vert after lots of practice!!!

Im still focusing on gaining some more relative strength though. Im a bit addicted to it.
Currently: Squat 365x3, 405x1 @190lbs
Short term goal: Squat 385x3 @ 195lbs or less.
Hope to get there by June. Im 100% certain I could jump 40" running at that point.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 02, 2015, 12:15:14 pm
Havent lifted since Thursday. Skipped my deadlift day.

Muscles are recovered, but I've been sleeping like complete crap. I'll still test out some jumps today though and see what happens.

I'm switching to full body workouts today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 03, 2015, 03:50:13 pm
Week 45
Monday - 02/03/14
190.2lbs | 14.2% bf | 62.5%

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                       >> 3min rests.
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
355 x 3
355 x 3
355 x 1
315 x 6

Bench Press
45 x 15                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 2
225 x 1
200 x 8
200 x 6
200 x 6
200 x 5
200 x 5

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                           >> 60sec rest.
+180lbs x 3
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 7

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 3
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8
35's x 6

What a horrible workout. Couldnt even do all my calf raises. My upper body strength has really dropped. Squats not so much. My deadlift has probably dropped a good amount by now too.

No way I could do full body workouts right now. I'm sleep deprived and dropped to 188lbs!!! My 190.2lbs morning weight was before taking a shit. Later at the gym I was 188lbs.

I do look cut as a mother fucker though  :trolldance:

I'm switching to an upper/lower split as my schedule is a little erratic. Upper/lower gives me more flexibility than push/pull. I can do more days in a row of upper/lower because it wont make me squat and dead day after day. I'll have rest in between.

Officially starting maintenance now. I want to stay at 190-192 for a few months and slowly build my strength back up to where it was before I lost any.

Going to have to figure out how to change my squats and deads though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2015, 04:35:03 pm
Going to have to figure out how to change my squats and deads though.

end of caloric restriction = MOAR VOLUME.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 03, 2015, 05:23:30 pm
Going to have to figure out how to change my squats and deads though.

end of caloric restriction = MOAR VOLUME.

Thinking of this:

Lower A
Squat - 3 3 3 10
Deadlift 1x5
Back Extensions 3x12
Calf Raises 5x8-15

Lower B
Squat 3 8 8 8
Deadlift  1x5
Back Extensions 3x12
Calf Raises 5x8-15

Of course my deadlift will suffer from doing them after tough squats... but I'll be deadlifting twice a week this time around. So that should make up for it. Doing lower body only twice a week will leave a day in between for lots of jump practice.

Havent hit my hammies hard in months. Still didnt find a substitute for leg curls or back extensions but I'll have to figure that out.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2015, 05:57:30 pm
yeah that could work. what's the progression like? would the 3 set be the same both days?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 03, 2015, 07:56:37 pm
yeah that could work. what's the progression like? would the 3 set be the same both days?

Im allowing for a little buit of autoreg. 3x3 is same weight across. Same with 3x8. But i can choose whether i want to increase weight on the top sets or on the back up sets based on how im feeling that day.

Ill aim for something like this the first week

Squat 365x3, 315x8, 315x8, 315x8
Squat 355x3, 355x3, 355x3, 315x8

I wont get all 3x8 with 3 plates at first but im aiming for it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 06, 2015, 09:43:12 am
Week 45
Thursday - 02/06/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1

Pull ups
BW x 5
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> These went up a bit so that's nice.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 7
200 x 7
200 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12
165 x 12
165 x 8

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 3
40's x 1
35's x 12

Transitioning into an upper/lower split.

Today (Friday) I work 9:30am - 6:30pm. Then I work a double doorman shift, from 11:00pm to 3:00pm into Saturday afternoon. I may be lucky to get 2 hours of sleep in between.
I'll be dead Saturday. So if I lift saturday, it'll be a light upper body day. But I'm planning on lifting lower body on Sunday. I don't need this second job at all but I'm kind of addicted to paychecks.

Anyway, pretty sure this is the best my physique has looked in its life. But I feel like I'm losing my sex drive again. I don't have that giant appetite like I used to either (my appetite and sex drive seem to go hand in hand). I really don't hope I get the problem that I had last year!!!

But I also haven't been getting good sleep at all. So that's partially to blame. Time to up the protein intake, the creatine intake (been getting like 15g/week lately), and the amount of sleep I get.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2015, 11:35:32 am
low sleep DEFINITELY affects sex drive for me. even just a couple of days in a row. can't hate on wanting the extra cash but weird hours mess you up in all kinds of ways.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 06, 2015, 12:45:05 pm
low sleep DEFINITELY affects sex drive for me. even just a couple of days in a row. can't hate on wanting the extra cash but weird hours mess you up in all kinds of ways.

i'll try to get good sleep up through valentine's day. im buying some vitamin d3 too today, it'll help my mood.
but man i just cant say no to easy money :/
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 08, 2015, 11:18:23 pm
Week 45
Sunday - 02/08/14
189.6lbs | 14.1% bf | 62.6%

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                       >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                       >> The 365x3 was shaky. Took tons of grunting to get it out.
135 x 5                       >> The back up sets felt soooooo solid. Nice to PR in squats again finally!
185 x 5                       >> I noticed that my squats actually work my calves a lot!
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 3
315 x 8
315 x 4 PR
315 x 3 PR

225 x 3                           >> Okay I have to figure something out here.
275 x 2
335 x 1
385 x 0

Back Extensions
BW x 5                                >> 60sec rests.
45 x 12                       >> Damn this hits my p-chain harder than deadlifts ever do anymore.
45 x 12
45 x 8

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                           >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3                         >> I'll only be doing three sets of these. Squats already work them a good amount.
+320lbs x 1
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 15
+270lbs x 8

Hanging Leg Raises
10                              >> 60sec rests.
7                                >> Didn't feel like killing myself.

Feeling great today!!! Been taking 15g creatine a day and got plenty of sleep after my crazy 24 out of 28 hour work shift. No longer cutting either, so that's nice. Upping the protein intake tomorrow.

This is the first workout in months where I feel refreshed afterward. I'm glad I stopped the ab work short so I don't feel the stress levels going up. I notice that when I dread finishing the workout, I feel more stressed (like right there at the gym) and I can't bear to listen to music on my headphones anymore. I get more irritable. Pretty sure that's a sign of cortisol levels rising.

I have to figure something out with my deadlifts. I'm too dead to do them straight after squats. Right now I'm doing an upper/lower split... but I wonder if I put bench presses in between squats and deads so I have more time after squats to recover... and then just move my abs to my upper body day? Alternatively I could just wait like 15min after squats to deadlift but I don't want my workouts taking so long.

I'll see how the next few workouts go and then I'll make a decision.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 09, 2015, 09:36:07 am
Had absolute shit sleep. Sucks cuz I felt amazing yesterday. Woke up in the mdidle of the night to go vomit. Diarrhea too. Also had diarrhea twice this morning.

I'm better now, but still feeling ever so slightly nauseous. Damn. I was so excited to get my sleep schedule down and feel good this whole week... tomorrow will be better!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 10, 2015, 09:41:23 am
Could barely eat yesterday. No appetite from being sick. I did get a ton of sleep though and I feel soooo much better today.

I weighed 187.2lbs this morning and that was before even taking my morning shit. So probably 186. I can't remember the last time I was this light. I'm going to force feed myself today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 11, 2015, 09:30:50 am
Week 46
Tuesday - 02/10/14
187.2lbs | 13.6% bf | 62.9% H2O

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                       >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                         >> Increased by just a tiny bit.
95 x 8
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2
235 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 8
200 x 7
200 x 5

Incline DB Bench
65's x 6                            >> 60sec rest.
65's x 4

Pull ups
BW x 5                                >> 3min rests for weighted sets, 60sec rests for backup sets except 3min rest for final set
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 4 PR
BW x 8
BW x 4
BW x 7

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                           >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 10
35's x 6

Cable Rows
140 x 5                              >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12                   >> Again cut out the final set of my workout. I didn't want to get beat down.
165 x 12

Well, considering I weighed 186 at the gym today... this workout wasn't so bad. I'm really impatient about getting my strength back:

Bench 10, 10, 8
Lateral raise 12, 12, 9
Cable Row 12, 12, 10

I think those were my PR's at the weights i attempted today. I'm not far off by any means, but i've been below those numbers for weeks now and it's annoying!

On a positive note, I am the most ripped I have ever been in my life.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2015, 03:29:08 pm
once i can dunk i think i'm going to make getting jacked my next goal. would be fun to be shredded and 10 pounds heavier than i currently am.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 11, 2015, 05:50:13 pm
once i can dunk i think i'm going to make getting jacked my next goal. would be fun to be shredded and 10 pounds heavier than i currently am.

lowering bodyfat is also a good way to increase relative strength!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 17, 2015, 03:38:46 pm
didnt type up my last 3 workouts.

so pissed.

weighed 191 my last workout yet was weaker than ever

makes me feel like im wasting so much time

i'm going to come up with a 12 week recovery plan and build back up to my PR's without gaining bodyweight. i think i just have to scale back the weights on everything. the first weeks will feel easy as fuck and i'll probably feel like i'm wasting my time. however, i think it's necessary. and i'll probably feel great, leaving the gym feeling refreshed. i've been getting really good sleep lately too.

i looked back at my log and i already beat all the PR's i wanted to hit by July 1st and I did it at 192lbs instead of <200 like original planned. so i'm way ahead in a long-term scope. i have to focus on THAT. so i'll be taking it easy.

the weights may feel too light, so i'll make sure to give it 100% on every rep.

i'll draw it up later.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on February 17, 2015, 07:34:12 pm
On a positive note, I am the most ripped I have ever been in my life.

nice. you've been pretty ripped before. sounds like you're shredded now.

once i can dunk i think i'm going to make getting jacked my next goal. would be fun to be shredded and 10 pounds heavier than i currently am.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 23, 2015, 12:01:15 pm
Dreyth's 10 Week 10% Reset

Format: upper/lower, lift 4x a week

Squat 1x3, 3x8
Bench 3x10
Deadlift 1x5
Back Ext 3x12
Calf 3x15

Pendlay Row 3x8
Cable Row 2x12
Lateral Raise 3x12
BW Pull Ups 5x10
Ab Wheel 3x10

Squat 3x3, 1x10
Bench 3x10
Deadlift 1x5
Back Ext 3x12
Calf 3x15

Pull up 3x6 weighted, 3xMax BW
Lateral Raise 3x12
Cable Rows 3x12
Hanging Leg Raise 3x10

Lowering all my lifts by 10% and then working back up to my PR's within 10 weeks. I think this should be good:

Week 1 - 90%
Week 2 - 91%
Week 3 - 92%
Week 10 - 99%

I want to be at 192lbs max by week 10.

Deadlifts will definitely have to be lowered though. I'll adjust the spreadsheet.

After that I'm back at re-attempting my PR's. Actually even week 9 and 10 i may be hitting PR's, since I'm doing them at weights where I never actually hit my prescribed reps before. I may hit them this time around.

If you look, lateral raises are at 30lbs for first 5 weeks and then 35lbs for the next five. So I will adjust my reps and gradually improve them.

Bodyweight pull ups will be done in sets until I can hit my prescribed TOTAL reps. Sets will be capped at 10 reps each.

On the days I do weighted pull ups, I also do bodyweight pull ups after them. Not sure how to cap those on the easy days. Maybe 3x5 at the start?

The important thing is to not chase numbers at all. The first few weeks will be easy as hell. This doesn't mean I rep out on all my lifts. The point is to GRADUALLY get back to where I was. If I rep out, then I'll stay burned out. It'll be a max effort workout instead of a light one.

However, I WILL perform all reps with 100% intensity and get my body used to doing that.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2015, 02:40:19 pm
i like it, looks solid.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 24, 2015, 09:34:18 am
Week 48
Monday - 02/23/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                       >> 2min rests.
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
325 x 3
280 x 8
280 x 8
280 x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                        >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
180 x 10
180 x 10
180 x 10

245 x 5
295 x 3
335 x 5

My hamstrings were sore for TWO WEEKS after those back extensions. And I haven't deadlifted since then. So I took it easy on the hams today. Didn't have time for calf raises but I'll just throw them into my next workout, no biggie.

So I thought these workouts would be easy since I scaled back the weight... well... since I only lifted upper/lower only one time each last week, my strength has dropped of course.

I could not have managed a single extra rep of squats or benches. Damn. But it's just that my CNS sucks from not practicing the lifts. The strength should increase quickly.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 25, 2015, 09:46:25 am
Week 48
Tuesday - 02/24/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 15                       >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
175 x 3
205 x 1
220 x 6
220 x 6
220 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
155 x 12                       >> 60sec rest.
155 x 12

Lateral Raises
25 x 3                        >> 60sec rests.
30 x 2
35 x 1
30 x 8
30 x 8
30 x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10

Calf Raises
+0lbs x 5                                  >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5
+180lbs x 3
+240lbs x 15
+240lbs x 15
+240lbs x 15

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
8                           >> 60sec rests.

Slightly easy workout... which is what I want. I want to work back up to my PR's from weights that actually feel easy. Both rows were a little tough though.

These workouts better get easier, fast. Because if they don't, and I'm using all these lighter weights, that just means I lost a lot of strength. On top of that it means I'm not really resetting at all. It would mean im still grinding and it will lead to more stalling. I hope my CNS re-gains kick in fast and make the weights feel as light as they should be!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 27, 2015, 09:57:04 am
Week 48
Thursday - 02/26/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                       >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                       >> Wow wtf. The triples were hard. How the hell did I ever do 365x3 before?! Fuck man...
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 2
310 x 3
310 x 3
310 x 3
280 x 10

Bench Press
45 x 15                        >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                          >> These got just a tiny bit easier. Could have managed one more rep on last set (as opposed to zero more reps last workout).
135 x 5                        >> However, the first few weeks of the reset are supposed to be EASY.
185 x 3                        >> I'm scheduled for another 4 workouts at 180lbs though.
225 x 1                        >> So what I'll do is drop to 170lbs for a workout, then 175lbs, then back to 180lbs and continue as planned.
180 x 10                     >> I want to be absolutely certain that my bench won't stall because I'll be way too pissed if it does.
180 x 10
180 x 10

335 x 5                >> This was noticeably easier than last time, even without warm up sets.

Back Extensions
BW x 12                          >> Took it easy since this made my hams sore for two weeks last time I did them heavy. 3x12 next time.

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+0lbs x 5                              >> 60sec rests.
+90lbs x 5                            >> These are pretty damn tough. I'm going to scale back.
+180lbs x 3
+240lbs x 15
+240lbs x 15
+240lbs x 15

Will edit my spreadsheet to adjust the weights.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 27, 2015, 10:27:51 am
Spreadsheet updated. Changes:

 - Lowered weight on squats by 5lbs across the board
 - Lowered weight on deadlifts by 10lbs across the board
 - Lowered weight on calf raises by 20lbs across the board
 - Lowered weight on pendlay rows by 10lbs across the board
 - Lowered weight on cable rows by 5lbs across the board
 - My gym has 32.5lb dumbells, so I made a more gradual progression for lateral raises
 - Made a steeper progression for weighted pull ups by lowering weights at the start and middle but keeping the end the same
 - Made a steeper progression for bench presses by lowering weights at the start and middle but keeping the end the same

It wasn't a true 10% reduction on squats and bench presses... Reason being I never actually hit 365x3 and then 315 x 8, 8, 8 on my squats! I got like 8, 6, 2 on the back up sets.
Same with my bench presses. I never actually hit 3x10 with 200lbs... so I should have taken 90% of 195, not 90% of 200.
Not to mention, my deadlift PR is 385x5. But how could I work back up to that when now I deadlift in the same session that I squat in? So I lowered the weights on deads.
Calf raises felt too heavy too. This is a reset. I need some headroom to get back into my weights again. It's supposed to feel a bit easy in the first few weeks.
Pull ups were lowered too. It's not a true 10% reduction if I lower the working weight from 55lbs to 50lbs or something... what about my whole bodyweight?

I will stick to the progression I laid out no matter if it feels to easy/I'm progressing faster than expected. But once I finish all 10 weeks, I'll go by feel again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 02, 2015, 09:29:14 am
Week 48
Friday - 02/27/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pull Ups
BW x 5                        >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sec rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3                    >> For the back up sets, I knock them out quick non-stop and stop myself what feels like 2-3 reps shy of failure.
+50lbs x 2                    >> That's why the reps are so low. Usually I knock them out quick, rest a few sec, knock out more, etc
+75lbs x 1                     
+30lbs x 6
+30lbs x 6
+30lbs x 6
BW x 6
BW x 4
BW x 4

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2                >> Nice and easy. Increasing slowly on purpose. I could easily hit 3x12 on these right now.
35's x 1
30's x 10
30's x 9
30's x 8

Cable Rows
120 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
145 x 12                >> Harder than I wanted them to be, but it's probably because my form is excellent on them.
145 x 12
145 x 12

Hanging Leg Raises
8                >> 60sec rests.
7                >> Forgot my ab wheel so I did these again. Increased reps by very little on purpose.

Nice workout feel great. And now I have the weekend off!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 02, 2015, 05:06:09 pm
I work 9:30 - 6:30 5x a week.
I took an overnight 11pm-7am shift for my second job tonight. I'm going to lift weights after work and before that shift anyway though... last time i squatted and benched was thursday...

I'll probably push tomorrow's workout back a day. thats fine. im still lifting 4x a week!

Hopefully I can get 1-2 hours of sleep during this overnight shift and then an hour at home after that.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 03, 2015, 10:22:42 am
Week 49
Monday - 03/02/14

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8                       >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                       >> Shit. Did the wrong rep scheme. Was supposed to do 325x3, and then 3x8 at 280.
135 x 5                       >> It's okay though. No biggie. Next workout is 310 at 3x3, then 280x10 lol. So this was tougher but still easy-ish. That's good.
185 x 5                       >> I'll just switch the rep schemes for this week.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
325 x 3
325 x 3
325 x 3
280 x 10

Bench Press
45 x 15                        >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                           >> Why the hell was this kinda tough...
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
170 x 10
170 x 10
170 x 10

245 x 3                    >> Was supposed to do only 340lbs... whoops. This got easy though. Deadlifting 2x a week makes a huge difference.
295 x 1
345 x 5

Back Extensions
BW x 12                     >> 60sec rest.
BW x 12

Didn't have time for calf raises. Had to leave for work. I'll just do them on my upper body day.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 05, 2015, 09:53:17 am
Week 49
Wednesday - 03/04/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 15                       >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3
210 x 6
210 x 6
210 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
150 x 12                       >> 60sec rest.
150 x 12

Lateral Raises
25 x 3                        >> 60sec rests.
30 x 2
35 x 1
30 x 12
30 x 10
30 x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 2

Calf Raises
+225lbs x 15                       >> 60sec rests.
+225lbs x 15
+225lbs x 15

Super Strict Hanging Leg Raises
8                           >> 60sec rests.

Damn I've been eating a lot of junk lately and jumped up in water weight and maybe a pound of fat too. Time to scale it back.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 05, 2015, 11:58:06 am
Another overnight shift tonight. I'm not lifting today after work anyway.

Hope to get 2 hours of sleep before the overnight... then 2 hours during... then 1 hour after the overnight and before my morning job.

I should be good and have enough energy to lift tomorrow and stay on schedule!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 10, 2015, 10:24:04 am
did my next workout but didnt log it. i need to make the squat x3 x8 x8 x8 a little lighter... the back up sets are too heavy.

in additino i missed my next workout after that one^ that i didnt log. also im behind by a day on top of that. i got really sick. stomache problems. slight fever.

this fukking sucks man. not sure if I want to start the 10 week reset over again. i'll see how my workout feels today. god damn i was making solid progress for months and now i suck again. this always happens to me.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on March 10, 2015, 10:29:51 am
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 13, 2015, 09:48:15 am
Week 50
Tuesday - 03/11/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                      >> Holy fuck 260x8 was a cardio workout. What is going on with me.
135 x 5                      >> Was too lazy to finish the sets.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 3
260 x 8
260 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
175 x 10
175 x 10
175 x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 13, 2015, 09:52:08 am
Week 50
Wednesday - 03/11/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
175 x 2
210 x 6
210 x 6
210 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
150 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
150 x 12

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 10
30's x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 4

Hanging Leg Raises
10                           >> 60sec rests.

Not a bad workout. Cable rows got way easier, thank goodness.

Dropped to 185lbs from my stomach sickness. Havent been this like in 4 years. Wow.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 17, 2015, 09:35:24 am
Week 51
Monday - 03/16/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                      >> Wasn't so bad. I did 325lbs and 260lbs last workout and it was real tough.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
330 x 3
265 x 8
265 x 8
265 x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Hope I don't stall here. It's a little discouraging since I've done 10, 10, 6 with 200lbs before.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
180 x 10
180 x 10
180 x 6
180 x 4

245 x 3                   >> Wow these are pretty easy. I can't believe what a difference deadlifting twice a week makes!
300 x 1                   >> I can easily see myself repping 4 plates this summer.
345 x 5

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+230lbs x 15
+230lbs x 15
+230lbs x 12

Back Extensions
BW x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
BW x 12                         >> Time to add 5lbs next workout.
BW x 12

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12                               >> 60sec rest.
60's x 8                                 >> Haven't done these in a while and I was soooo unstable. This should definitely help my bench press.

Felt great after this workout! I am no longer really pissed and down n out about being weaker than I was.

Instead, I'm looking forward to my next workout and can't wait to get to it. Every time I get that feeling of not being able to wait, I actually end up hitting PR's after PR's. And since the workouts are still kinda easy, I'm sure I won't be stalling soon. Perfect.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 18, 2015, 09:37:32 am
Week 51
Tuesday - 03/17/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
185 x 2
235 x 1
215 x 6
215 x 6
215 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
155 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
155 x 12

Lateral Raises
27.5's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
32.5's x 2
37.5's x 1
32.5's x 8
32.5's x 8
32.5's x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 6

Hanging Leg Raises
10                           >> 60sec rests.

Felt great after this one. Can't wait to lift again! Bodyweight is stable under 190lbs. Thats where I want to stay.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 20, 2015, 10:09:33 am
Week 51
Thursday - 03/19/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 3min rests.
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
315 x 3
315 x 3
315 x 3
285 x 10

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> My chest was still sore and makes a huge difference in benching for me.
135 x 5                      >> Should get 3x10 in two workouts.
185 x 3
225 x 1
180 x 10
180 x 10
180 x 7
180 x 3

245 x 3                   >> These were harder than last time. Sat/Sun im resting, so maybe that's why it's easier on Mon.
305 x 1                   >> Or it could just be that these are harder to do after doing 3x3 squats. Neural intensive.
345 x 5

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                         >> 3min rests.
+180lbs x 3                       >> Had to work in with someone else.
+270lbs x 1                       >> Strange thing is, it was barely any easier than 60sec rests. Weird.
+230lbs x 15
+230lbs x 15
+230lbs x 15

Back Extensions
5 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
5 x 12                         >> Upping the weight very slowly on these. 5lbs every two workouts.
5 x 12

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12                               >> 60sec rest.
60's x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 24, 2015, 10:07:58 am
Week 51
Friday - 03/20/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sec rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 6
+35lbs x 4
BW x 5
BW x 4
BW x 4

Lateral Raises
27.5's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
32.5's x 2
37.5's x 1
32.5's x 10
32.5's x 10
32.5's x 10

Seated Cable Rows
125 x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
145 x 3
180 x 3
145 x 12
145 x 12
145 x 12

Hanging Leg Raises
10                           >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 24, 2015, 10:09:26 am
Week 52
Monday - 03/23/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Nice! Didn't expect to hit 3x10.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
180 x 10
180 x 10
180 x 10

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 3
270 x 8
270 x 8
270 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12                               >> 60sec rest.
60's x 8                                 >> Went down 2 reps. I think it's cuz this incline was higher.

245 x 3                   >> These are getting a little tough :/
305 x 1
350 x 5

Back Extensions
5 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
5 x 12
5 x 12

Started with bench since the racks were taken. Didnt have time for calf raises, so i'll do them tomorrow.

edit: looked at the chart and saw that i was supposed to bench 185 today. whatever its not a big deal.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on March 24, 2015, 10:12:27 am
double posted.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 24, 2015, 10:14:10 am
double posted.

Realized I didnt enter my friday (last week's) workout, so i copied and pasted my monday workout (yesterday's) so that its at the end... the first of the double posts was just a placeholder to type up my friday (last week) workout.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 30, 2015, 01:13:47 pm
got sick again last week and missed two workouts

lifting again today. will probably repeat last week's weights.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 31, 2015, 10:11:14 am
Week 53
Monday - 03/31/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
340 x 3
270 x 8
270 x 8
270 x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
185 x 10
185 x 5
185 x 3

Was just unmotivated to do the rest. That usually happens when i miss a few workout days. I get thrown off rhythm by a lot...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 03, 2015, 10:41:22 am
Week 53
Thursday - 04/02/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                      >> The 3x3 wasn't bad. 290x10 was damn hard though. I love em though!
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 3
325 x 3
325 x 3
290 x 10

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Slow steady improvements here :)
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
185 x 10
185 x 8
185 x 6
185 x 4

245 x 3
305 x 1
355 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12                               >> 60sec rest.
60's x 8

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 12
+235lbs x 10

Back Extensions
10 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
10 x 12
10 x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 04, 2015, 08:14:44 pm
Week 53
Saturday - 04/04/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3                >> Shit, I was supposed to do my weighted pull ups today. Not the BW ones.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 6
BW x 6
BW x 4

Lateral Raises
27.5's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
32.5's x 2
37.5's x 1
32.5's x 12
32.5's x 10
32.5's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
160 x 3
180 x 1
150 x 12
150 x 12
150 x 12

Cable Crunches
100 x 10                  >> 60sec rests.
100 x 10
100 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 07, 2015, 05:16:55 pm
Week 54
Monday - 04/06/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                      >> Back up sets got hard. Will stay at this weight next week instead of increasing.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 3
275 x 8
275 x 8
275 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
185 x 10
185 x 10
185 x 6
185 x 4

245 x 3
305 x 1
355 x 5

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 13
+235lbs x 11

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
60's x 10

Back Extensions
10 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
10 x 12
10 x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 14, 2015, 09:44:12 am
Week 55
Monday - 04/13/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 3
275 x 8
275 x 8
275 x 6

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
185 x 10
185 x 8
185 x 6
185 x 8

245 x 3
305 x 1
355 x 5

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 10
+235lbs x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
60's x 4

Back Extensions
15 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
15 x 12

cant believe i only lifted once last week. Strength didnt go down as much as i think it would. actually my squats went up a rep.

im 185lbs somehow. not sure how. just a few days ago my dad said i gained weight. i had been eating a lot of those chicken platters from 53rd and 6th which have 2k calories and i really did look chubbier in the face. must have just been temporary water weight from a temporary surplus of calories and sodium.

but now im down to 185lbs... could it also be because i havent lifted in a week so im holding less muscle glycogen? if thats the case i should bounce back up to 190 by monday
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 14, 2015, 03:02:58 pm
Joined a mens league. Will be playing competitive ball once a week.

Can't wait to get back to a 365x3 squat (im at 345x3 tight now) and plus get my movement efficiency back. I'll be throwing down two handers like nothing again by mid-June.

Picked up a pair of these for $80:


Low tops, breatheable, comfortable, and good traction. A little tight on my pinky toes. Too much cushioning in the insole imo. So I'll put a thinner one and that'll also give my pink toe a little more space.

I also hate how theres more cushioning in the heel and how the toe of the shoe curves up. I dont like when they try to shape my feet for me or improve "heel-to-to transition" and stuff. Screw that crap. I stay on my toes all the time, I'm trying to be forefoot dominant and almost all basketball sneakers push you away from that. They ruin your gait. They get you to run with a heel strike. Oh well. If anyone knows of a better shoe, let me know!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 15, 2015, 10:09:11 am
Week 55
Tuesday - 03/14/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
195 x 2
245 x 1
215 x 6
215 x 6
215 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
160 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
32.5's x 12
32.5's x 10
32.5's x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 5
BW x 4
BW x 3

Cable Crunches
100 x 10                         >> 60sec rests.
100 x 10
100 x 10 PR

Felt good after this one.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 17, 2015, 11:25:43 am
Week 55
Thursday - 04/16/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
185 x 10
185 x 10
185 x 8
185 x 4

ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1

245 x 3
305 x 1
375 x 1

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
60's x 8

Cable Crunches
100 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
100 x 10
100 x 8

Really sore legs from yesterday's basketball. So I took it easy on legs today. Added abs today instead of doing them tomorrow. This way I can really focus on back and shoulders tomorrow.

I'll prob throw in another light squat and deadlift day on saturday too.

My bodyweight is consistently under 190lbs. That's awesome.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 20, 2015, 11:15:51 am
Week 55
Saturday - 03/18/14

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sece rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6
BW x 7
BW x 4
BW x 3

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
32.5's x 12
32.5's x 11
32.5's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
150 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
150 x 12
150 x 12

Cable Crunches
100 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
100 x 12
100 x 12 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 21, 2015, 09:36:22 am
Week 56
Monday - 04/20/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 3
275 x 8
275 x 8
275 x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
185 x 10
185 x 10
185 x 8
185 x 4

245 x 3
305 x 1
360 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
60's x 8

Back Extensions
20 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
20 x 12
20 x 12

Shot up to 191lbs somehow. Probably water weight.

Moving calf raises to my pull days. My push days are pretty long.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2015, 11:18:25 am
345x3 is pretty good, bro.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 21, 2015, 04:17:04 pm
345x3 is pretty good, bro.

Working back up to the 365x3 that I was at before I stalled and then got sick twice  :pissed:

Taking it slow though. Hope to be there in June. at 190lbs bw, it's enough to give mea  40" running vert with tons of jump practice and maybe some potentiation. I'm shooting for 385x3 at 190lbs though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 22, 2015, 10:21:59 am
Week 56
Tuesday - 04/21/14

-= Workout Log =-

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 13
+235lbs x 10

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
32.5's x 12
32.5's x 12
32.5's x 7

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
195 x 2
245 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 6
225 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
160 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12

Deficit Cable Crunches
100 x 12                                   >> 60sec rests.
100 x 12                                   >> These are insane. And my fav ab exercise ever. Holy shit after a year of these my abs will be ridic even at higher bodyfats.
100 x 6

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 7
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5

Gym was full so I did my workout out of order. I feel like it made the lateral raises harder... usually i do my rows beforehand and I feel like that warms up my shoulders nicely. This also made my rows harder since my forearms were shot from the lateral raises. And for whatever reason, my pull ups dropped.

I played a game of full court basketball beforehand. Easilyyy threw down a two hander after it. I'm playing more often now. Can't wait to see how my vertical will react with some more movement efficiency. CAN NOT WAIT to be squatting 365x3 again and then slowly push to 385x3!!!

on the cable crunches... something thats bothering me.

idn if i should go elbows straight down to floor (i feel that more in my abs) or really "crunch" and go elbows to knees, which i feel like involves my hip flexors more.
I usually go elbows straight down to floor, which is why i added the deficit to increase ROM. but now i realize i may be bending at my hips when i do this and not the waist. my goal is ab hypertrophy.

i think i'll try elbows to knees again next workout and really focus on bending at the waist and not hips. maybe i wasnt doing it right and thats why i was feeling my hips being targeted a lot more.

maybe i should also try them like this:

butt on heels at all times. that should take away the hips and make me use my waist.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on April 22, 2015, 06:42:52 pm
I must be the opposite because i can feel them like a mofo when I try to crunch them in.  I would just stick to doing them the way that feels the best.  Your mobility and posture could dictate the best way to do them, my buddy and I do them different from each other and our postures are completely different.

Also cant go wrong with an ab wheel!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: gukl on April 22, 2015, 07:33:02 pm
I like to cue kind of sternum to navel when cable crunching.

Also  breath out during concentric

+ do you do the, facing stack or facing away? I find doing them facing away so much better
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 23, 2015, 09:28:41 am
^^ I face the stack. And yeah posture, limb lengths, all that stuff would change how they feel.

Had an intramural game yesterday. Played the whole game. During the last 5 minutes I was pretty damn tired, but an opportunity came. I ran out for the break, caught the outlet pass and fucking dunked it.


 :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping:

Been dunking since I was 16. I'm 22 now. Damn that took long! After the game I threw down another two hander pretty easily. I'd say my running vert is about 36" right now. I'm two handing it after just a little bit of warming up. Actually, before the game I was able to take maybe 4 steps and thrown down a two hander, but its cuz the rim was a litttttle soft and gave way a bit.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 24, 2015, 09:36:20 am
Week 56
Thursday - 04/23/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Might stick with 185 for another week before I move up.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
185 x 10
185 x 10
185 x 10

ATG Squat
135 x 8                           >> 3min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
325 x 3
325 x 3
325 x 3
295 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
60's x 8

245 x 3
305 x 1
360 x 5

Back Extensions
20 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
20 x 12
20 x 12

I squat/dead on mondays and thursdays. but i play intramural basketball on wednesdays. this makes my thursday squats really hard. was supposed to get 10 reps on the back up set today. got 3. i'm going to have to switch my upper and lower days. so i can squat tue, play ball wed, and squat fri. its just that i do rows on my upper body days, and i feel like it'll effect my squats and deads the next day.. we'll see how it plays out next week.

Shot up to 192lbs. Definitely the sodium from the chicken platter i ate. also caloric surplus the past few days putting in more muscle glycogen in me. I looked nice and full at the gym. I'd like to stay under 190lbs until I get back to my 365x3 squat though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 27, 2015, 09:28:11 am
Week 56
Saturday - 04/25/14

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sece rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 6
BW x 6
BW x 4
BW x 3

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
32.5's x 12
32.5's x 12
32.5's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
150 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
150 x 12
150 x 12

Cable Crunches
105 x 12 PR                      >> 60sec rests.
105 x 12 PR
105 x 6 PR

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 27, 2015, 11:58:26 am
196lbs this mornning. What the heck? 10 days ago I was 186lbs.

I know that I've been eating some salty foods lately so a good portion of it is water weight. I've also definitely been in a caloric surplus so I have increased glycogen weight.

But 10 pounds? Damn. I really want to stay under 190 consistently again. I think i've gained like 2 pounds of fat in 10 days, which is pretty bad. maybe 3 pounds. Time to get my diet under control again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 28, 2015, 09:32:36 am
Week 57
Monday - 04/21/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 3
280 x 8
280 x 6
280 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
190 x 10
190 x 8
190 x 7
190 x 5

245 x 3
315 x 1
360 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
65's x 12

Back Extensions
25 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
25 x 12
25 x 12

This workout felt tough. The 345x3 squats were a struggle. I thought that my legs would have been well rested since I didn't work them out (or even play basketball) since Thursday. Also I figured the increased weight gain would make things easier. Guess not. It did help my bench though.

I was 196lbs this morning yet 193 at the gym... even though I ate before going to the gym. I'm thinking my scale at home is off. I did get a low battery message a few days ago...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2015, 12:06:28 pm
you sure it was legs and not core fatigue that made the squats hard? my core fails before my legs do most of the time. did a couple of triples at 300 last night and they felt stronger than my squat has in a while, mostly because my core felt so stable.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 28, 2015, 02:39:42 pm
you sure it was legs and not core fatigue that made the squats hard? my core fails before my legs do most of the time. did a couple of triples at 300 last night and they felt stronger than my squat has in a while, mostly because my core felt so stable.

did legs thursday. no bball.
did upper body + core friday. no bball
rested saturday
rested sunday

i think thats enough leg and core rest. regardless, it felt much easier last week and ive basically been doing the same routine. i did get slightly less sleep than i usually do though. also way less protein actually. ok i think i found the problem.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 28, 2015, 02:41:05 pm
Did you dunk off one or two feet?

And by the way... how the heck are you only 22?! I thought you're 27 or so, you've been training for a ton of time.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 28, 2015, 02:45:34 pm
Did you dunk off one or two feet?

And by the way... how the heck are you only 22?! I thought you're 27 or so, you've been training for a ton of time.

I dunk exclusively off two feet now. made the switch at 17-18 years old.

i started training at 14. considering that, i should be wayyyyyyy ahead of where i am now. i keep running into set backs tho. like my bench has increase by maybe 5lbs this entire year. what in the fuck. i get so pissed off when i think about that stuff. in high school i wouldnt train during bball season or during my long summer vacations, so that explains a bit. then first year of college i was depressed and gained a ton of weight, then did a crap job of losing it too fast --> losing strength. then random sicknesses and stuff over the next few years. and randomly unexplained strength losses where my lifts plummeted and i couldnt get them back up to par for a while. that shit happened like 4 times to me.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2015, 02:56:39 pm
it depresses me when i think of how much better shape i could be in if i'd started training seriously when i was young and had all the time in the world. like i would still be slow and unexplosive but my HS time would have been better spent doing cross country in the fall and the 400/800 in the spring. and more ultimate. fencing was fun and i got okay at it, but man there is no athletic carryover.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 28, 2015, 04:47:57 pm
I feel like where I'm at today, I would have been at anyway had i started lifting at 18 when i entered college almost 5 years ago.

so i feel your pain kinda. varsity bball was fun tho.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 28, 2015, 06:17:52 pm
Lel you're saying all that? What if you were me training for 8 years consistently now struggling to high bar squat 95x5x5 kg?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 29, 2015, 10:02:37 am
Lel you're saying all that? What if you were me training for 8 years consistently now struggling to high bar squat 95x5x5 kg?

ohhhh damn
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 29, 2015, 10:08:15 am
Week 57
Tuesday - 04/28/14

-= Workout Log =-

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 10

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 10
35's x 8
35's x 6

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
195 x 2
245 x 1
225 x 6
225 x 6
225 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
160 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12

Cable Crunches
105 x 12                                   >> 60sec rests.
105 x 12
105 x 12 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 6
BW x 4
BW x 6

Down to 192lbs finally. Really loving the cable crunches. Can't imagine what my abs will look like when I'm doing them with ~200lbs and stuff. My weight stack only goes up to 95lbs though. Then I add these lighter weights made for the weight stack on top, but I only have 25lbs of those. Will have to figure out how to add regular plates to it. I think I can put a pin through a hole on the plate and then into the weightstack like this:

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 29, 2015, 11:12:08 am
Had a dream last night that i was able to touch the top of the backboard. But I mean like put my palm on the actual top of it and grab it. Felt crazy.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on April 29, 2015, 11:54:04 am
Had a dream last night that i was able to touch the top of the backboard. But I mean like put my palm on the actual top of it and grab it. Felt crazy.


lol i have dreams where i can dunk weakly  off a lob. maybe once i can i'll dream of touching the top of the backboard.  ::)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 29, 2015, 12:25:02 pm
Had a dream last night that i was able to touch the top of the backboard. But I mean like put my palm on the actual top of it and grab it. Felt crazy.


lol i have dreams where i can dunk weakly  off a lob. maybe once i can i'll dream of touching the top of the backboard.  ::)

weird that i cuold touch it. usually when i do anything athletic in my dreams, i move in slow motion and i suck. ever thrown a punch in your dreams? ever shot a ball? its so difficult
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 30, 2015, 09:39:02 am
played intramural ball yesterday. going to push my workouts back a day this week. lower body tomorrow so i'll have more rest. upper after that.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 30, 2015, 10:15:01 pm
Im dying to make a lot of money already. I dont want to work a 9-5 for decades. Hell no. I want to work for myself and on my own time.

I should start keeping some kind of success journal, similar to... was it Taylor Horton? The kid who was offered a D1 scholarship but turned it down? He went to focus on finances and stocks and stuff. I should contact him or something.

Current plan:
 - Living with parents. I have absolutely no bills. I make crap pay. About $34k a year before taxes. I'm putting $20k a year in the bank though.
 - Currently studying for certifications (A+, Net+, Sec+) and want to get a job in IT, my field. Already accepted into a Master of Cyber Security program at Fordham University. May push it back another semester since it costs $35k or so. One year program though! And I get def get a job starting at a minimum of $60k with it.
 - Waiting to put money together with a friend to buy a property. Said friend has a renovations company. We can get a loan for a property, renovate the hell out of it, driving its value way up. Then we rent it out to tenants. Those tenants will pay us rent higher than the mortgage payments we owe.
 - We want to pay off that mortgage as fast as possible with the tenant's rent + our combined salaries. Then we just profit off of it, while using the property as collateral for a mortgage on a second property... REPEAT.
- In the meantime I hope to drive my salary higher and higher with more experience, certifications, and a master's degree.

I'm a little torn though.
OPTION A: Don't get my master's yet. Keep working at 34k a year to save money to buy a property asap. Build experience in real estate (I'm a property manager). Then worry about masters or perhaps venture into higher paying real estate jobs.
OPTION B: Get master's early. Sure i'll be spending all my savings for it, but then my salary can double. But then I'll have to wait an extra year or two to buy a property.
OPTION C: get a job in IT that may pay for part of my masters. In addition it may pay more than what I'm making now.

I think option C is best. That's what I'm working towards right now.

At the same time, I'm learning a ton about stocks and options and what not. I have leisure money on the side. Instead of spending that money on bullshit like going out with friends and unnecessary clothes... why not play the stock market?

Live off of passive income. Or as close to passive as possible.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2015, 09:56:00 am
taylor horton's dad was a private investor of some kind who gave his kid seed capital and lots of handholding, one-on-one training. not a good path for everyone. helps to start out rich and have some cushion to fall back on. that kid claimed to not be rich but LOLOLOLOLOLOL lack of self-awareness. dad bought him a bmw for his birthday. QED.


1. why do you need a master's degree to advance in IT? what is that $35K really buying you? do professionals in the cyber security field respect the credential or are they more interested in practical experience? does the master's really open doors that would otherwise not open? does the master's afford really excellent opportunities for networking and internships that could turn into well-paying employment? how strong is the job market there?
2. do you have to stay in NYC? or would you move elsewhere?
3. where are you planning to do this real estate investment? in NYC? even saving $20K/year you can't afford the down payment unless you're buying in like far rockaway or some shit. or elsewhere? managing a rental property is hard work, as you obviously know (although i thought you were a doorman?), so you either need to hire someone to take care of it or it has to be close enough to you that you can take care of it yourself. manhattan is out, most of brooklyn is out, probably even big swaths of queens are too expensive. my brother just moved from ocean hill to new haven, and there were houses going for over a million by the time he left. that's like the far side of bed-stuy!

my GF just bought a house in baltimore from a couple of amateurs who did what you're planning: bought a fixer-upper in a nice neighborhood, threw a bunch of money into it, and sold it. but they didn't make that much money, and the only reason they did better than break even is because they found a buyer (my GF) who was on a tight time schedule and couldn't afford to wait them out, so she overpaid for the place.

OTOH i have a buddy who's a carpenter and general contractor, also in baltimore, who bought a place really cheap a couple years ago and is fixing it up himself, and because it's in a slightly cheaper neighborhood that will turn into a more expensive neighborhood as it gentrifies, he's going to make a tidy profit whenever he sells it. but he bought it to live in, not to flip, so he's not in any kind of rush to do that and can wait for real appreciation in value.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 01, 2015, 10:58:30 am
taylor horton's dad was a private investor of some kind who gave his kid seed capital and lots of handholding, one-on-one training. not a good path for everyone. helps to start out rich and have some cushion to fall back on. that kid claimed to not be rich but LOLOLOLOLOLOL lack of self-awareness. dad bought him a bmw for his birthday. QED.


1. why do you need a master's degree to advance in IT? what is that $35K really buying you? do professionals in the cyber security field respect the credential or are they more interested in practical experience? does the master's really open doors that would otherwise not open? does the master's afford really excellent opportunities for networking and internships that could turn into well-paying employment? how strong is the job market there?
2. do you have to stay in NYC? or would you move elsewhere?
3. where are you planning to do this real estate investment? in NYC? even saving $20K/year you can't afford the down payment unless you're buying in like far rockaway or some shit. or elsewhere? managing a rental property is hard work, as you obviously know (although i thought you were a doorman?), so you either need to hire someone to take care of it or it has to be close enough to you that you can take care of it yourself. manhattan is out, most of brooklyn is out, probably even big swaths of queens are too expensive. my brother just moved from ocean hill to new haven, and there were houses going for over a million by the time he left. that's like the far side of bed-stuy!

my GF just bought a house in baltimore from a couple of amateurs who did what you're planning: bought a fixer-upper in a nice neighborhood, threw a bunch of money into it, and sold it. but they didn't make that much money, and the only reason they did better than break even is because they found a buyer (my GF) who was on a tight time schedule and couldn't afford to wait them out, so she overpaid for the place.

OTOH i have a buddy who's a carpenter and general contractor, also in baltimore, who bought a place really cheap a couple years ago and is fixing it up himself, and because it's in a slightly cheaper neighborhood that will turn into a more expensive neighborhood as it gentrifies, he's going to make a tidy profit whenever he sells it. but he bought it to live in, not to flip, so he's not in any kind of rush to do that and can wait for real appreciation in value.

1. I want it. Job market is very strong for it. Also one of the required classes is an internship they hook you up with. I need internship experience too. They are definitely more interested in the practical experience, but god damn I don't even know where to start. This is a starting point. Internship plus master's degree.

2. I would like to stay in NYC. But if I find a job in New Jersey, that's not bad either. I have family that lives there. I could live rent-free there and work, and not be far from my home in NYC. I would have to spend money on a car/gas/insurance though.

3. I'm planning to do the real estate investment in NYC (probably Queens), NJ, or CT. My friend makes a lot more money than me. In addition my dad owns a penthouse in Europe that we will probably sell for around $90k and can use that money to invest over here and turn profits. My full time job is a property manager, I manage 4 buildings with 63 apartments in total... and it's not as hard as people say at all. My boss does jack shit, I do almost everything for him and I'm learning a ton. My part time job is a doorman, 10 minute walk from my apartment and its $175 a shift so I kept it on the side while I got my full time job.

I just want a higher damn salary at I job I enjoy at least slightly more, but I also want real estate investments that I can collect rent from. I won't be "pouring money" into a place... I'll be doing it for pennies since my friend does renovations. In addition, I'm not sure I want to flip houses yet. I'm thinking a lot more long term. I want to collect rent for years. As the value of a place goes up, so will the rent!

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2015, 01:04:00 pm
Right on, all sounds pretty good. The only thing I'd still question is the master's. If you think it's going to open a job to a career you really want to be in but can't find another way into, then okay. But just wanting it...not good enough in my book. I know too many people with master's they don't want or need, who are burdened by the debt. Not everyone, some people are glad to have the extra degree, whether for networking (most often) or the skills they learned (less often). But $35K is real money, that's all.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 01, 2015, 06:44:42 pm
^^ I agree with everything you just said. I forgot to mention the networking. 7 of the 10 courses are taught by professionals in the industry... only 3 are taught by professors.

Anyway, I will hold off on the master's. I'll take it one step at a time. I'll keep saving money while studying for IT certs and applying for IT jobs. then i'll see which direction to head. Maybe go for a CCNA or something.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 04, 2015, 12:19:31 pm
Week 57
Friday - 05/08/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
190 x 10
190 x 10
190 x 10

ATG Squat
135 x 8                           >> 3min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
325 x 3
325 x 3
325 x 3
295 x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
60's x 8

245 x 3
305 x 1
360 x 5

Back Extensions
20 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
20 x 12
20 x 12

Bench went up, squat went up. Was able to bang out 10 reps on the back up set of squats today since I took a rest day after my wednesday basketball.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 04, 2015, 12:47:09 pm
Week 57
Saturday - 04/09/14

-= Workout Log =-

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 13
+235lbs x 11

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 6
35's x 5

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sece rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 5
+50lbs x 4
BW x 6
BW x 5
BW x 4

Seated Cable Rows
155 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
155 x 12
155 x 12

Cable Crunches
110 x 12 PR                      >> 60sec rests.
110 x 10 PR
110 x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 05, 2015, 09:45:10 am
Week 58
Monday - 04/04/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
350 x 3
280 x 8
280 x 7
280 x 6

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 8
195 x 7
190 x 5

245 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 12 PR                       >> 60sec rests.
70's x 8 PR

Back Extensions
30 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
30 x 12
30 x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 06, 2015, 09:49:48 am
Week 58
Tuesday - 05/05/14

-= Workout Log =-

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 11

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 7
35's x 5

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
195 x 2
245 x 1
230 x 6
230 x 6
230 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
165 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 7 PR
BW x 6 PR
BW x 5 PR

Cable Crunches
110 x 12                                   >> 60sec rests.
110 x 10
110 x 8

Great workout. Played basketball beforehand. Was jumping pretty damn high.

- One handed slam off a drop step!
- Two handed slam off a step + gather!

I haven't been able to do that SINCE HIGH SCHOOL!!!!

Woooooo I can't wait to keep increasing my squat and surpass my all time bests. I tried a two handed tomahawk but missed. I'm pretty sure I can get them, but they're harder than it looks. I'm actually kind of bad at timing when to flick my wrist to dunk actually. I don't have much room for error since I don't get THAT high over the rim. So it may take a bunch of tries.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 08, 2015, 01:08:38 am
Had a game today. During warm ups i did another step + gather twohander. And i got up pretty high on it, almost like i had a full run up for it.

After the game i ran up for a TWO HANDED TOMAHAWK... AND GOT IT TWICE IN A ROW!!!!

I havent landed one of those in 5 years... I cant believe it. The first one wasnt cocked back so far. The second was was further. Still didnt touch my back but i threw it down with authority. It was convincing. I can definitely do one with the ball touching my back.

Time to start getting dunks on vid :D
And man... Im getting closer and closer to a 40 inch running vert. Squatting 350x3 right now. Cant wait to be at 385x3 heheh.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 11, 2015, 09:40:37 am
Missed my last two workouts due to some retarded scheduling with things.

Lifting hard today. Squat bench dead. Hope they didnt drop.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 12, 2015, 12:28:28 pm
Week 59
Monday - 04/11/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
350 x 3
280 x 8
280 x 8
280 x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 8
195 x 6
195 x 6
195 x 6
195 x 6

245 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
70's x 5

Back Extensions
30 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
30 x 12
30 x 12

Bench dropped a bit but my squat went up at least.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 15, 2015, 09:27:40 am
Week 59
Thursday - 05/14/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                           >> 3min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
330 x 3
330 x 3
330 x 3
300 x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 8
195 x 7
195 x 5

245 x 3
305 x 1
365 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
70's x 8

Back Extensions
35 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
35 x 12

Up to 194lbs again... Really want to get below 190lbs but my appetite has been crazy this month.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 15, 2015, 05:31:29 pm
girl told me i had stretch marks on my ass. i never knew i had any, anywhere on my body. i wonder when i got them
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 18, 2015, 11:53:37 am
Week 59
Friday - 04/15/14

-= Workout Log =-

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 12

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8
35's x 5

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sece rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 4
BW x 7
BW x 6
BW x 4

Seated Cable Rows
160 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
160 x 12
160 x 12

Cable Crunches
110 x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
110 x 12 PR
110 x 12 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on May 18, 2015, 08:10:56 pm
girl told me i had stretch marks on my ass. i never knew i had any, anywhere on my body. i wonder when i got them

Maybe all those ATG squats have got you growin'  :o
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 19, 2015, 11:29:18 am
girl told me i had stretch marks on my ass. i never knew i had any, anywhere on my body. i wonder when i got them

Maybe all those ATG squats have got you growin'  :o

could be! ive had a high squat for years tho... ill ask her if they look new. then she'll moisturize em for me.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 19, 2015, 11:32:27 am
Week 60
Monday - 05/11/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 3
280 x 6

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 10
195 x 6
195 x 4

245 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
70's x 12 PR

Back Extensions
45 x 8                       >> 60sec rests.
45 x 8
45 x 8

Had to use the shitty squat rack today where the floor is slanted. It basically negated the effects of the heel life on my oly shoes. It was tough to squat there. Didn't feel like griding out a bunch of back up sets far off from my target 3x8 and having that demotivate me so... i cut it short at one back up set of 6. The 355x3 is close to my PR of 365x3 though!

In addition, my bench press is close to my PR of 200 x 10, 10, 8. So good to be entering PR territory again. Incline DB's are at a PR though :)

My deadlift has stalled for a while. They're tough. I'll worry about bringing up the back extensions first though, maybe it'll transfer over soon.

Also down to 193lbs now. Doing strict IF for the rest of this month. Not eating before 7pm on weekdays, no exceptions. It'll help curb my hunger.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 19, 2015, 02:46:13 pm
re: DLs, have you considered adding more high-rep grip/upper back work? like kroc rows, which matt krocapolish swears correlate directly to his pull.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 19, 2015, 03:05:33 pm
re: DLs, have you considered adding more high-rep grip/upper back work? like kroc rows, which matt krocapolish swears correlate directly to his pull.

have not thought of it. I use straps so i dont think grip training will help, though it'd be nice to have a stronger grip.
i dont think my upper back is whats limiting my deadlifts though. actually, how would i be able to assess that? maybe it is my upper back, who knows. Though my pendlay rows, cable rows, and back extensions have been improving.

It could also be that as my squat improves, it makes my deadlifts (later that same workout) harder since I squatted more weight.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on May 19, 2015, 08:41:09 pm
Also down to 193lbs now. Doing strict IF for the rest of this month. Not eating before 7pm on weekdays, no exceptions. It'll help curb my hunger.

What time do you train? Do you find that IF impacts on your strength levels at all?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 20, 2015, 09:33:00 am
Also down to 193lbs now. Doing strict IF for the rest of this month. Not eating before 7pm on weekdays, no exceptions. It'll help curb my hunger.

What time do you train? Do you find that IF impacts on your strength levels at all?

I usually start my training at about 9 or 10 at night. I then eat again at 11 or 12 when I get home. So I'll have two meals a day. The second meal is heavier. This has no negative impact on my training.

HOWEVER, when I used to get out at 3-5pm from work (or class) when I was in college, I would train at 5pm or so and then eat at 6 or 7pm. This was amazing. Once I got over the mental hurdle of "I haven't eaten, I definitely am going to lift less" I realized that I lift HARDER when I'm fasted. It feels great!!! Another benefit was that I was never lightheaded when I lifted. Sometimes if I'm not IF'ing, I'll be lightheaded or tired or groggy when I lift, because my eating schedule isn't structured. Neither is the amount of carbs and sugar I get throughout the day. However, with IF, if I end up training before I eat, then all variables are thrown out the window.

IF supposedly has benefits for letting you pack on more muscle with less fat than otherwise (and/or lettign you cut weigth while sparing more muscle than otherwise), but i'm not sure if that is conclusive. Regardless, the other benefits (appetite control + never lightheaded when I lift weights + i lift weights harder) are enough to make me do it.

Also I live at home with my parents, so instead of spending $10 a day for lunch, I pocket that money and wait till i'm home to eat for free. I end up with an extra $50 at the end of the workweek. That's an extra $200 a month! I'm basically pulling a new pair of sneakers and a pair of shorts or something out of my ass.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 20, 2015, 09:38:30 am
Week 60
Tuesday - 05/19/14

-= Workout Log =-

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8
35's x 6

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 13

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
195 x 2
245 x 1
235 x 6
235 x 6
235 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
170 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
170 x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 10                        >> 60sec rests.
BW x 10                        >> I skipped my warm up sets where I work up to +75lbs x 1. I definitely could have PR'd even harder if I did them.
BW x 8 PR
BW x 3
BW x 3

Cable Crunches
115 x 12 PR                >> 60sec rests.
115 x 12 PR
115 x 12 PR

Barely ate the day before and already dropped to 190lbs. Water weight and glycogen, of course. Already see a difference in my abs (after my workout i had an 8 pack in good lighting) but also my face! When I'm at like 187lbs there is a clear difference in my face fat versus 193lbs. Cheekbones stick out more and jaw is more defined... going to cut to there :p

Fucking love cable crunches. It's the only ab exercise that ever gave me a legit PUMP in my abs. I dont mean a burn, i've had that before in my abs.. i mean a PUMP like you just did a set of 15 dumbell bench presses and your chest is pumped!

I can't wait to see what my abs would look like once I'm crunching 200lbs or something. Once I'm at 9% bf or whatever, there's only so much leaner I could get to make my abs pop more... so hypertrophy is the key :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 22, 2015, 09:31:42 am
Week 60
Thursday - 05/21/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> So close to 3x10... then I can work on tackling my PR of 200 x 10, 10, 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 10
195 x 8
195 x 4

ATG Squat
135 x 8                           >> 3min rests.
135 x 5                           >> Went from 8 reps to 10 reps on back up set. Not sure if I'll increase the weight on anything next workout.
185 x 5                           >> Probably not actually. I'll have a bball game on Wednesday most likely.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
330 x 3
330 x 3
330 x 3
300 x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
70's x 6

245 x 3
305 x 1
365 x 5

Back Extensions
45 x 10                       >> 60sec rests.
45 x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 26, 2015, 09:40:57 am
Week 60
Friday - 05/22/14

-= Workout Log =-

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                                 >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 15
+235lbs x 15

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8
35's x 6

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sece rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6
BW x 8
BW x 6
BW x 4

Cable Crunches
120 x 12 PR                    >> 60sec rests.
120 x 12 PR
120 x 12 PR

Seated Cable Rows
145 x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
165 x 3
185 x 1
165 x 12
165 x 12
165 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 27, 2015, 09:33:30 am
Week 61
Tueday - 05/26/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                      >> Probably could have pushed for 3x8 on back up sets but I felt like saving it for next time.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 3
280 x 8
280 x 6
280 x 6

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> These dropped by a bit god damit.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 10
195 x 5
195 x 5

245 x 3                          >> Legs were feeling good so I moved up to 370lbs finally.
315 x 1                          >> PR is 385x5, but that was back when I used to squat and dead on separate days.
370 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
70's x 10

Back Extensions
45 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
45 x 12

Great workout. I feel like I have a tiny bit of water weight or excess skin or something like that over my abs. I want to drop to 188lbs or so. Going to look amazing. Also it makes my face look better too. It's like there's a threshhold... as soon as I get under 190lbs, people notice it in my face!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2015, 10:58:35 am
haha the only time people have noticed weight loss in my face is after i was in afghanistan for three weeks a few years ago and i lost 8-10 pounds from nonstop diarrhea. only time i've had hemorrhoids, too, from all the shitting and wiping. sucked. i think i was 166 when i got home. even my NECK was skinnier, and it's not like a carry a lot of fat there as it is.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 27, 2015, 11:41:36 am
haha the only time people have noticed weight loss in my face is after i was in afghanistan for three weeks a few years ago and i lost 8-10 pounds from nonstop diarrhea. only time i've had hemorrhoids, too, from all the shitting and wiping. sucked. i think i was 166 when i got home. even my NECK was skinnier, and it's not like a carry a lot of fat there as it is.

damn thats crazy. what caused all the diarrhea? i usually get the worst diarrhea when i go away.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2015, 01:01:37 pm
a parasite in something i ate or drank. no idea what. i usually end up with what one of my colleagues calls "loose movements" over there but that was the worst full-blown diarrhea.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 27, 2015, 01:09:47 pm
a parasite in something i ate or drank. no idea what. i usually end up with what one of my colleagues calls "loose movements" over there but that was the worst full-blown diarrhea.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 27, 2015, 01:22:44 pm
Very excited to figure this out. I lift four days a week during the work week, so I rarely have time to myself. Once I get home at 11:00pm (sometimes 11:30pm) I have to rush to shower, eat, get my things ready for the next day, make my bed, and fall asleep by 12:20am to get my 8 hours. Rarely happens.

I'm planning on buying a bike and going to work with it. The commute will be shorter, plus I can go straight to the gym after work since I can do that quickly with a bike. I won't feel the need to relax at home. In addition I'll save money not taking the train all the time.

Current schedule:

9:00am - leave for work (walking and training it)
9:30am - start work
6:30pm - end work, leave for home (training and walking it)
7:00pm - get home, eat my first meal, relax, etc
8:00pm - leave for gym (walk)
8:45pm - Get to gym. Start warming up and lifting.
10:15pm - workout usually ends by now, I walk home
11:00pm - get home
Total commute: 2.5 hours (30min to work, 30min to home, 45min to gym, 45min to home)  :o

New schedule will hopefully be:

9:10am - leave for work (bike)
9:30am - start work
6:30pm - leave for the gym (bike)
6:50pm - get to gym, start warming up and lifting
8:20pm - leave gym and go home (bike)
8:40pm - get home
Total commute: 1 hour (20min to work, 20min to gym, 20min to home).

That's an ideal scenario though. It'll take me a while to get into the swing of things. I used google maps to figure out the fastest bike paths to work/gym/home. They're more like 17-18min and not 20min, but I gave myself the extra time. However, I think I'll be riding fast as fuck since I love riding bikes. So maybe that ideal scenario is quite realistic. But hey, even if I get home at 9:00pm every day, that's far better than 11:00pm or later like I'm used to!

I'll also have to bring a protein shake with me so that I can eat before lifting. Or maybe wait until after lifting and eat fasted. I'll see how it goes. This is going to make such a huge difference. I'm going to feel far less stressed and pressed for time in my daily life. I'll enjoy the hell out of riding a bike (I hope... its NYC after all) and I'll save money on trains. YES!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 28, 2015, 12:47:03 pm
Had a bball game yesterday. Haven't played ball in two weeks. So my movement efficiency dropped a bit. Did not expect to be able to two-hand it off a step+gather (3 steps).

Attempted 4 two handed tomahawks after my game. Missed all of them, but definitely got high enough to dunk them. A I can't wait until it's time for a nice dunk video. I can get a two hand tomahawk, a 180, a pump, an up-and-under maybe, a self alley where i catch it under the rim cocked back... little minimix for instagram or something lol. those self alleys take a lot of practice though!

For the record after my last game two weeks ago, I had been playing ball consistently for two weeks and didnt squat&deadlift the day before... was getting up a few inches higher and got two very clean and HARD tomahawks in a row :)

Yesterday's attempt:


Seriously cannot wait to put another 20lbs on my squat, drop to 188lbs bw or so, and stay coordinated. Maybe I'll do a little mini-peak phase where I'll skip a squat workout, rest a day, do three 30yd dashes and then the next day go out and jump after stretching my hip flexors. That's what I did when i dunked for the first time :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 28, 2015, 01:16:44 pm
damn son.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 28, 2015, 01:35:15 pm
damn son.

love the quote in your sig
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 28, 2015, 03:22:53 pm
I was expecting a one-leg jump judging by the speed of your approach. I'll never understand how people can deal with such high speeds when going off two without getting completely overloaded in the plant. My knees and quad tendons would blow out after such a tremendous "stop" off two.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 28, 2015, 03:29:19 pm
I was expecting a one-leg jump judging by the speed of your approach. I'll never understand how people can deal with such high speeds when going off two without getting completely overloaded in the plant. My knees and quad tendons would blow out after such a tremendous "stop" off two.

could it have something to do with the fact that i used to be a one legged jumper? i switched 5 years ago, at around the same time that i was able to tomahawk for the first time.

i wonder how high i would get off of one leg actually. maybe i'll try it out sometime. I bet it'll feel really awkward at first though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: ChrisM on May 28, 2015, 04:06:19 pm
Awesome!!! You've definitely got a tomahawk in you easy. For some reason thats one dunk I struggle to bit consistently. :/
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 28, 2015, 04:49:33 pm
Awesome!!! You've definitely got a tomahawk in you easy. For some reason thats one dunk I struggle to bit consistently. :/

i landed two very clean and thunderous ones two weeks ago. i find that tomahawks are pretty hard to make at times... even though you can get high enough to do em, its a little hard timing the cockback and actual slam itself.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: ChrisM on May 28, 2015, 08:13:54 pm
Yup...I always wait to long and end up trying dunking on the way down :/ sucks.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2015, 12:31:35 am
i'll kill you both.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 29, 2015, 07:01:39 am
I was expecting a one-leg jump judging by the speed of your approach. I'll never understand how people can deal with such high speeds when going off two without getting completely overloaded in the plant. My knees and quad tendons would blow out after such a tremendous "stop" off two.

could it have something to do with the fact that i used to be a one legged jumper? i switched 5 years ago, at around the same time that i was able to tomahawk for the first time.

i wonder how high i would get off of one leg actually. maybe i'll try it out sometime. I bet it'll feel really awkward at first though.

No, because if that was the case I would jump off two at high speeds. But I don't. I think it has more to do with quad strength and quad tendon ability to load a ton of tension without feeling it will break and signaling the CNS an overload has occured and that it must shut down the jump.

Think about it - I collapse even when I do consecutive high hurdles. If there's something quick when I can't load the quads slowly and under control I stiffen up and shut down. So it must be something about the quad tendons in my opinion.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 29, 2015, 09:31:15 am
^^ Well I definitely have strong quads. Particularly VMO's too, thanks to ATG squats. Aren't the VMO's are activated mostly at near full flexion and near full extension of the knees?

Now that I think about it, when I was a one legged jumper, I went through a period of one or two years where whenever I would drive hard to the basket, my knees would collapse as well! Back then I was only squatting to parallel. There could be some connection here.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 29, 2015, 12:32:28 pm
Well I can barely squat 105x5 in the high bar squat while weighing 90 kg. Squatted 150x1 a week ago in the low bar squat. People say I shouldn't worry about a few cm position of the bar on the back. Maybe they'd like to explain this difference then.

It seems that the same mobility and lack of foot dorsiflexion issues that prevent me from bending my knees well and stable in a one leg jump also prevent me from squatting well in a high bar squat, even with Olympic lifting shoes on.

Also, in the high bar squat I break at the knees first whereas in the low bar squat I initiate the descent going back with the hips. So it's not just the bar position, it's a whole different movement.

Funny thing is that when I did low bar squats a week ago I got pretty severe VMO soreness. So weird.

By the way - how difficult are half squats for you? For me they're maybe more difficult than full squats. That reversal point for me is hell and I feel a huge knee overload.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 29, 2015, 01:18:11 pm
Well I can barely squat 105x5 in the high bar squat while weighing 90 kg. Squatted 150x1 a week ago in the low bar squat. People say I shouldn't worry about a few cm position of the bar on the back. Maybe they'd like to explain this difference then.

It seems that the same mobility and lack of foot dorsiflexion issues that prevent me from bending my knees well and stable in a one leg jump also prevent me from squatting well in a high bar squat, even with Olympic lifting shoes on.

Also, in the high bar squat I break at the knees first whereas in the low bar squat I initiate the descent going back with the hips. So it's not just the bar position, it's a whole different movement.

Funny thing is that when I did low bar squats a week ago I got pretty severe VMO soreness. So weird.

By the way - how difficult are half squats for you? For me they're maybe more difficult than full squats. That reversal point for me is hell and I feel a huge knee overload.

yea break at the knees in a high bar squat. its definitely a different movement... for us at least.
half squats are easier for me. i haven't tried them in ages so if i were to try repping 355lb half squats i would probably have trouble, but im sure if i switched over for a month i could rep 385 half squats once my CNS gets used to em.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 29, 2015, 02:28:15 pm
What if you low bar squat, just for the heck of it? What happens?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 29, 2015, 03:39:03 pm
What if you low bar squat, just for the heck of it? What happens?

I squat heavier. I used to low bar squat a while back for like a year. My squat went up by around 30lbs i think. Increased my squat for a while. Switched back and it dropped by 30lbs. Both times I was squatting to parallel.

This was way back early high school i think. My journal where i was low bar squatting was on TheJump101. Remember that place? I found out about from there.

Edit: ummm.... (NSFW, WTF?)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 29, 2015, 05:59:09 pm
I'm liking that site much better the way it is now!

I didn't get terminal vertical, but I was on the vertical summit.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2015, 12:55:29 am
hahaha that's so weird.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 30, 2015, 01:27:05 am
I'm liking that site much better the way it is now!

I didn't get terminal vertical, but I was on the vertical summit.

The vertical summit. THATS the one.
TheJump101 was before TVS. My log with low bar squats wouldve been on there if TVS was still up.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 02, 2015, 10:54:52 am
Week 62
Monday - 05/01/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                      >> The triple felt great. If I screamed I could have gotten 5 reps should I chose to!
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 3
280 x 8
280 x 8
280 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Just lazy and also weaker than last week.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 5
195 x 5

I missed two workouts last week. Legs felt stronger, but bench suffered as usual.
Was too lazy to do the rest.

I'm happy about the squat though. I should be back to 365x3 in a month or so; not rushing it.

I coulda been jumping high as a motherfuck today if i practiced more last week plus decided to jump today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 02, 2015, 02:11:11 pm
I can't wait to squat again and again. This is good. Whenever I'm really excited and looking forward to my next workouts, I make decent gains. I'm more excited to increase the weight on the bar rather than jumping higher right now lol.

I also want to start recording my squats for the hell of it. Mainly my Monday top set of 3.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 03, 2015, 12:49:19 am
I squatted yesterday. But today i was flying.... Holy shit guys...

Perhaps its because i missed a leg day last week (which means i havent done legs since last tuesday) and im deloaded. Yesterday i squatted but didnt deadlift or do back extensions. Hmm... I still did squat heavy though, so am i really that deloaded?

Heres a tomahawk from today. Cannot believe how easily i hammered this shit. Sorry for the crap angle, not sure why the retard didnt back up.

Thursday i do legs again. Friday upper. I want to jump out the gym Saturday and get some awesome footage. Cant wait...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: ChrisM on June 03, 2015, 01:07:02 am
Too easy!!!! Hell yea!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 03, 2015, 08:27:32 am
I just really hope that i get just as high this saturday. I hope yesterday wasnt just some supercompensated explosiveness. The fact that i squatted heavy the day before it makes me think it wasnt.

Ahhhhh i cant wait!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2015, 09:42:55 am
god damn.  :highfive:

wonder how high you could get up with a full arm swing.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: ChrisM on June 03, 2015, 09:52:01 am
I was wondering that as well!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 03, 2015, 10:13:45 am
I could probably get 38" at my best.

I really think I could close in on 40" by September if I stay healthy and I dont regress on my squats like I do every now and then. For God's sake, I squatting that 405 back in JANUARY and then stalled and got sick twice. At the time I was doing 360x3, did the 405 1RM, and then 365x3. Right now I'm doing 355x3 still... could get 360x3 though. I'm STILLLLL not back at my JANUARY strength levels. I honestly cannot believe how many times over my training career I've stalled and regressed and taken forever to get back to where I was.

I'll try to measure the height of the backboard cushion this weekend. The rim too; it's a side rim and feels a little bit low tbh.
Also going to measure my height in my two pairs of bball sneakers.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on June 03, 2015, 09:24:52 pm
Just watched that vid like 5 times. Sweet dunk that looked super easy.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 04, 2015, 09:30:56 am
Week 62
Tuesday - 06/04/14

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
195 x 2
245 x 1
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 10
35's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
170 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
170 x 12

Pull Ups
BW x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 5 PR
BW x 5 PR

Cable Crunches
125 x 12                >> 60sec rests.
125 x 12 PR
125 x 12 PR

Hitting PR's in pull ups... soon to be matching my PR's in pendlay rows, cable rows, and lateral raises... its been a long time since I was in PR territory.

This workout was the day of the tomahawk vid I posted, i just forgot to update. I lifted first and then did the tomahawk.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 05, 2015, 09:27:35 am
Week 62
Thursday - 06/05/14

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Lots of focus on form from now on. I can finally move up to 200lbs now and aim to match my PR of 10, 10, 8!
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 10
195 x 10

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                      >> For some reason on the days that I do 3 triples, they are pretty slow and less explosive than my 365x1.
185 x 5                      >> I need to stay focused on the triples.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
335 x 3
335 x 3
335 x 3
305 x 8

Incline DB Press
70's x 12                             >> 60sec rest.
70's x 10

245 x 3                     >> God damn this was tough. Probably because I missed my last deadlift workout.
315 x 1
370 x 5

Back Extensions
45 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
45 x 12
45 x 8

Great workout overall. Can't wait to be in PR territory on all of my lifts in a month or so.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 05, 2015, 11:39:49 am
Went through my log and searched up my workset PR's, almost all of which are from January before I stalled AND THEN ALSO got sick.... sick TWICE. Motherfucker.


PR's in bold
Current levels in plain text

365 x 3                >> 2min rests.
315 x 8
315 x 4
315 x 3

355 x 3
280 x 8
280 x 8
280 x 5

350 x 3                >> 3min rests.
350 x 3
350 x 3
315 x 10

335 x 3
335 x 3
335 x 3
305 x 8

Deadlift (back then I didn't squat and deadlift on the same day)
385 x 5
370 x 5

Bench Press
200 x 10                   >> 2min rests.
200 x 10
200 x 5

195 x 10
195 x 10
195 x 10

Lateral Raise
35's x 12               >> 60sec rests.
35's x 11
35's x 6

35's x 12
35's x 10
35's x 8

Pendlay Row
255 x 6                  >> 60sec rests.
255 x 6
255 x 6

245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6

Cable Row
175 x 12                 >> 60sec rests.
175 x 8
170 x 12
170 x 12

Cable Row
165 x 12                   >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12
165 x 10

165 x 12
165 x 12
165 x 8

Weighted Pull Ups
+55lbs x 6                 >> 2min rests.
+55lbs x 5
+55lbs x 4

+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6
+50lbs x 6

BW Pull Ups (I have surpassed my previous PR here aka this is a current PR)
BW x 10                 >> 60sec rests.
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 5
BW x 5

Calf Raises
270 x 15                      >> 60sec rests.
270 x 15
270 x 14
270 x 12
270 x 10

235 x 15
235 x 15
235 x 15

- Squats have a lot of catching up to do on the back up sets... but I feel like I could match my top set of 365x3... weird.
- Deadlifts are only 15lbs short... but back then I would deadlift on its own day. Now I deadlift after squats. I'd say it's the same.
- I'll be closing in on my bench PR soon
- Lateral raises I'm right there. Nice.
- Pendlay rows I'm pretty close as well. Taking it slowly on these.
- Cable rows I'm almost there.
- Weighted pull ups I'm almost there.]
- BW pull ups I'm stronger then ever!
- Calf raises I'm wayyyyyy behind... god damn did I have some strong calves back then.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 09, 2015, 09:26:48 am
Week 63
Monday - 06/09/14

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5                      >> Jumped up to 360x3. Felt great. Def have 365x3 in me, which is my PR heheh.
185 x 5                      >> Also jumped up the back up sets from 280 to 315 because I felt like it. Much easier to load up on the bar.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
360 x 3
315 x 5
315 x 3
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Fuck yeah getting close to my PR of 200 x 10, 10, 8.
135 x 5                      >> I'll be sure to hit it after next workout probably.
185 x 3
225 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 8
200 x 7
200 x 5

245 x 3                      >> Moved up to 375lbs because I felt good this time. Maybe it's because my back up squats sets were heavier but less reps?
335 x 1
375 x 5

Incline DB Bench
70's x 12                      >> 60sec rest.
70's x 8

Back Extensions
45 x 12
45 x 12
45 x 12

What an awesome workout. Getting close to PR's in all of my lifts. Fuck yeah.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 09, 2015, 10:07:09 am
Oh and I didn't get to go to the gym this weeeknd and record some dunk vids. My membership expired, but the front desk guy is cool with me, he lets me in all the time. But he only works mon-fri. so no weekend dunking from me.

I did legs yesterday and i have a game today. Maybe after the game i'll catch a tomahawk or two. If i can, then that's pretty impressive. In the past i've only been able to tomahawk when im very well rested and warmed up after a short pick up game... not after intense full court a day after legs!

edit: cant make it to the game so i'll go to the gym and warm up myself with a few pick ups and get a vid or two :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 10, 2015, 10:06:30 am
Week 63
Tuesday - 06/09/14

-= Workout Log =-

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                        >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 10
+250lbs x 8
+250lbs x 6

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                      >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 12 PR
35's x 6 PR

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
205 x 1
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
175 x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
175 x 9 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 5                          >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3                    >> Dropped on these dammit.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 5
BW x 4

Cable Crunches
130 x 12 PR                >> 60sec rests.
130 x 8 PR
130 x 6 PR

Pretty good workout. I tried to dunk before lifting. Was not getting nearly as high as I did the other week, which tells me I was deloaded that other week.
I couldn't manage a single two hander, wtf man. I'll try doing some dunks on thursday (my next leg day) and see how high I can get.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 22, 2015, 06:15:53 pm
Fell off a little bit here. did two workouts since my last post. one was a half assed upper body plus squats. the other was a full body done this past friday.

im switching to full body 2x a week. workotus take like 3 hours lmao. but i eat in between. also im fasting for ramadan. i do more or less my upper body workout, break my fast, chill for a little, then lower body.

feels so much friggen better only having to commute to the gym twice a week. i have so much more time to myself during the week this way.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 23, 2015, 10:29:26 am
Week 65
Monday - 06/22/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                      >> Omfg the 360x3 was so difficult. This is the first time I've squatted in months where I've had to grunt.
185 x 5                      >> Crazy hamstring soreness that was giving me a sharp pain so I cut the back up sets short.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
360 x 3
315 x 5
315 x 2

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Still some bad pec soreness. Felt like my pecs were going to rip. Had to stop.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 2

235 x 3                    >> Strength dropped a little here. I've gotten 5 reps at this before.
305 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 3

Incline DB Bench
70's x 12                     >> 60sec rest.
70's x 9

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                         >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 3
205 x 1
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6

Lateral Raise
30's x 3
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 10
35's x 8
35's x 6

Cable Row
175 x 12                 >> 60sec rests.
175 x 9 PR

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 10
+250lbs x 10
+250lbs x 8

BW Pull Ups
BW x 5
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 7 PR
BW x 5 PR

Did not do abs. I don't know what to do for them. I can't do cable crunches anymore because I snapped the cable going heavy. In addition, hanging leg raises hits the psoas wayyyy more than the rectus abdominus. I want something that hits the actual abs HARD and DIRECTLY. Gotta do some looking up on exrx then...

Didn't do back extensions since my hams were crazy sore.

Workout took like 2hr 40min, including a meal after squats.

How the fuck did I drop to 184lbs. Maybe I dropped to like 190lbs recently, and then ramadan started and i lost water weight plus muscle glycogen? I stopped weighing myself every workout. I should have continued.

I need to friggen stuff myself more at night. And I'm not getting nearly enough protein either. Time to indulge on some high calorie foods non stop.... MCDONALDS
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2015, 10:56:50 am
decline situps with a bar across your shoulders. brutal, easy to progress (add weight, add reps). if your gym has sub-45 bars i'd recommend starting with those. like a combo of these: and these:

windshield wipers are good for lower RA. also they look badass if you can do them right.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 23, 2015, 11:04:45 am
decline situps with a bar across your shoulders. brutal, easy to progress (add weight, add reps). if your gym has sub-45 bars i'd recommend starting with those. like a combo of these: and these:

windshield wipers are good for lower RA. also they look badass if you can do them right.

Oh shit. I used to do these: on a decline sit up. the limiting factor became my arm and shoulder strength, so i stopped them. why the hell did i never think of holding the bar across my chest?

im sure weighted decline sit ups will hit the psoas hard too, but it shouldnt take away from the abs since the abs will be the prime movers in this movement. it just means i can add more weight than otherwise :) i just loved the cable crunches so much because there was barely any hip flexion ever.

edit: i feel like there's a ton of hip flexion in decline sit ups though
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2015, 12:02:39 pm
there is hip flexion, for sure. and isometric work for your quads. still hits the RA pretty good. also, if you are a real man, you won't hold the bar across your chest. you'll hold it across your shoulders. MUCH harder.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 23, 2015, 01:39:16 pm
I'll see what hits my RA better.

I was starting to have a problem with the cable crunches though. There was nothing for me to hook my ankles under, so if i went up another 10-20lbs, it'd be almost impossible for me to perform them. So I needed an alternative anyway.

Swissball cable crunches are another option. They may get impractical to do though. But I think I can hook my feet under something when I do them. Im sure I can go damn heavy on those with minimal hip flexor work.

I just want to hypertrophy the shit out of my abs and I feel like there is, at the moment, no solution in terms of an exercise I can do long term (years) to constantly progress on that has the RA as the PRIMARY movers. Cable crunches were the only ab exercise to give me a pump in my RA. I mean an actual pump. When I would bend over to tie my shoes, my fridge abs would get in the way. Sure i've fell a burn in my "lower abs" from hanging leg raises, but those are hip flexors you're feeling:

The combination of the local muscular fatigue, or a burning sensation from the isometrically contracted abdominal muscles, and from the working hip flexors produces fatigue in the pelvis area which we mistakenly interpret as the lower portion of the Rectus Abdominis being exercised.

They mostly work the RA isometrically (unless you flex your waist hard at the top) but I still never had an RA pump from them. Abs get enough isometric work done in the form of squats, deads, pull ups, etc. I want to directly hypertrophy them  :raging:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 23, 2015, 01:48:15 pm
Wait what about dragon flags? Where is the point of rotation exactly? To me it looks like its waist flexion (yay) with a ton of isometric hip flexion. Maybe this is the answer... and it's a bodyweight exercise too.

Inb4 a year from now i complain about how i can't add enough weight to them.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 23, 2015, 02:09:00 pm
wait... what is this... is this the holy grail? Never seen this before:

The legs are under the pad so i can go heavy as hell. It'll invoke hips of course, but they will be isometrically contracting. actually the snugger the fit of your thighs under the pad, the less hips you'll have to use! And its the RA that is DEFINITELY the prime movers here. YES.

gotta try these out.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 26, 2015, 11:38:59 am
Week 65
Thursday - 06/25/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                     
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
335 x 3
335 x 3
335 x 3
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
200 x 8
200 x 5
200 x 5
200 x 5
200 x 4
200 x 3

235 x 3
305 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 4

Incline DB Bench
70's x 12                     >> 60sec rest.
70's x 6

Back Extensions
45 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
45 x 12
45 x 12

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                            >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sec rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 3
+55lbs x 3
BW x 6
BW x 5
BW x 5

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 10
+250lbs x 8

Lateral Raise
30's x 3                         >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 10
35's x 8
35's x 6

Cable Row
165 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
165 x 10
165 x 8

Didn't do abs. Lat machine pulldown crunches suck. I'll try it on another machine. I'll try some shit.

Started lifting at 8:00pm. Finished squatting and broke my fast at 8:32pm with water. Forgot to bring my meal with me to the gym... finished lifting at 10:15pm or so. Damn! Wasn't even so bad. It's mostly mental tbh :)

Did not get enough calories though. Definitely going to eat up this weekend!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 30, 2015, 09:44:06 am
Week 66
Monday - 06/29/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                      >> Felt like going for a PR on these and I nailed it. A little bit of hype and a lot of grunt.
185 x 5                      >> I don't like hyping myself up for any lift anymore though. I feel like I'll burn out faster.
185 x 3                      >> I feel as though I can hit more sustained gains for longer if I lift without a hype up.
225 x 3                      >> I mean... I'll just progress from 360 to 365 to 370 like that....
275 x 1                      >> Why get crazy and progress from 370 to 375 to 380 etc?
315 x 1                      >> I know if I can get 360x3 without a hype up, I can get 370 with one... so what's the difference? I'll spare my CNS for now.
335 x 1                      >> Anyway... when I maxed 405lbs, I weighed 190lbs and was squatting 360x3. Now I'm 184lbs squatting 370x3 woo hoo.
370 x 3 PR                 >> I'm going to drop to 360x3 and focus on the 315 back ups.
315 x 5
315 x 3
315 x 2

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
200 x 10
200 x 5
200 x 5
200 x 5
200 x 5

235 x 3                    >> Woo hoo 375x5!
305 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 5

Incline DB Bench
70's x 12                     >> 60sec rest.
70's x 10

Back Extensions
45 x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
45 x 12
45 x 12

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                         >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                           >> These were way harder than usual.
135 x 3
205 x 1
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 13
+250lbs x 10
+250lbs x 8

Lateral Raise
30's x 3
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 10
35's x 8

Cable Row
175 x 12                 >> 60sec rests.
175 x 10 PR

Ab Pulldowns
115 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
115 x 8                       >> They fixed the machine. Haven't done these in a while so the strength dropped on them.
115 x 6

BW Pull Ups
BW x 3                   >> 60sec rests.
BW x 10                 >> Was running out of time and didn't have time for the 3-2-1 heavy warm up sets so I performed worse. Oh well.
BW x 8
BW x 6
BW x 5
BW x 5
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2015, 09:51:29 am
jesus christ how long did that take? three hours?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 30, 2015, 10:35:23 am
jesus christ how long did that take? three hours?

started at 8:00pm, finished at 10:45pm

Includes a half hour break to eat and relax from 8:30pm to 9:00pm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on June 30, 2015, 04:02:02 pm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 30, 2015, 06:27:56 pm
yep. i get home at 7pm from work. id much rather do two full body workouts a week rather than commute all the way to the gym and back 4x a week. now i can actually have weekday evenings to myself

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 07, 2015, 10:42:38 am
Week 66
Thursday - 07/02/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                     
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
335 x 3
335 x 3
335 x 3
315 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 10 PR
205 x 6 PR
205 x 5 PR
205 x 5 PR
205 x 4 PR

235 x 3
305 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 5

Incline DB Bench
70's x 12                     >> 60sec rest.
70's x 6

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                            >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sec rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 6 PR
+55lbs x 3 PR
BW x 8 PR
BW x 5 PR
BW x 4 PR

Back Extensions
45 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
45 x 12
45 x 12

Lateral Raise
30's x 3                         >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 6
35's x 6

Calf Raises
Did some random shit, standing and seated

Cable Row
170 x 12 PR                     >> 60sec rests.
170 x 8 PR
170 x 6 PR

Didn't even realize I hit so many PR's until I typed this up!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 07, 2015, 10:47:30 am
Week 67
Monday - 06/29/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                      >> Dropped to 360x3 purposely. Going to focusing on getting 3x8 with 315.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
360 x 3
315 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Dropped here. Oh Well. I'll go back up quickly.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 10
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 3

235 x 3
305 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 5

Incline DB Bench
70's x 2                     >> My arms were fried or something. I have no explanation for this.

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                         >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 3
205 x 1
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 15
+250lbs x 10
+250lbs x 8

Lateral Raise
30's x 3                          >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 6
35's x 6

Cable Row
175 x 12                 >> 60sec rests.
175 x 10

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 3                     >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3               >> Not sure why I'm stalling/dropping on these. I've been doing BW pull ups for months.
+50lbs x 2               >> What the fuck. I'm so frustrated. I can't believe I still can't do 3x10 with 60sec rests yet.
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 5
BW x 4
BW x 3

Ab Pulldowns
115 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
115 x 6
115 x 6

Didn't have time for back extensions.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 09, 2015, 11:06:29 pm
Week 67
Thursday - 07/09/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                      >> Increased by one rep on back up set.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
335 x 3
335 x 3
335 x 3
315 x 6

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Why did I drop on these? WTF.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 9
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 4

Incline DB Bench
70's x 12                     >> 60sec rest.
70's x 8

235 x 3
335 x 1
375 x 5

Back Extensions
50 x 12                         >> 60sec rests.
50 x 8
50 x 6

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                            >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sec rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 4 PR
BW x 7
BW x 5
BW x 4

Lateral Raise
30's x 3                         >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 7
35's x 7

Calf Raises
+180lbs x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 15
+250lbs x 10
+250lbs x 8

Cable Row
165 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
165 x 12                      >> Crap was supposed to go up to 170lbs on these. It's fine.
165 x 8

Cable Crunches
115 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
115 x 8
115 x 6

I'm about two thirds of the way through Ramadan. I missed three days of fasting though. I'll make them up next month.

I don't expect to make any PR's really until Ramadan has been over for a week or so. Still, they come to me every now and then :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 17, 2015, 09:44:32 am
Week 68
Monday - 07/13/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> Pulled a lower back muscle on that last rep of 275.
135 x 8
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 2

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Dropped here. Oh Well. I'll go back up quickly.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 8
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 3

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270 x 1
+250lbs x 15
+250lbs x 13
+250lbs x 10

I was so pissed. Like 6 weeks ago I slightly pulled something in my lower back towards the right side while jumping. I was going up for a 360 rim grab. It wasn't bad though. This day while squatting, I went ATG on 275 (warm up set) but lost tightness at the bottom and went way too low due to butt wink. Stretches out the lumbar... pulled a lower back muscle. I was able to squat the weight back up. But man it hurt. Then I tried squatting 135... nope. I was so pissed. I thought I'd be done squatting for a month. The next day in the morning I couldn't even put my socks on. My dad did it for me. Wow.

Week 68
Tuesday - 07/14/15

-= Workout Log =-

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                            >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 3
205 x 1
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6

Lateral Raise
30's x 3                 >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8
35's x 8

Cable Row
175 x 12                 >> 60sec rests.
175 x 10

Hanging Bent Leg Raises
10                 >> 60sec rests.

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 3                     >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 5
BW x 4
BW x 3

Finished up yesterday's workout.

Back felt better by the time I lifted. Pendlay rows were pain free but slightly uncomfortable. Couldn't do cable crunches pain free so I said screw that. Did bent leg raises instead.

Foam rolled my glutes and IT bands. Gave me immediate pain relief (not 100% relief but it made a difference). I realized I haven't foam rolled them in months.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 17, 2015, 09:49:48 am
Week 68
Thursday - 07/16/15

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Slightly increased on these. Not PR yet like I did last week, but I'm coming back.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 9
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 3

ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 8
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                          >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 9
35's x 6
30's x 12

Will finish up workout tomorrow.

Glad I could squat today!!! It was pain free, but slightly uncomfortable and I didn't even foam roll glutes or IT bands. I am recovering wayyy faster than I thought I would, considering how painful it was when I got injured. Especially the morning after when I couldn't put my socks on. I couldn't even wash my face in the bathroom because I couldn't bend over towards the sink.

Ramadan's over. I'm going to make up my 4 days of fasting that I missed though. I'll do it mon-thu next week. After that I'll be taking creatine again. I haven't taken creatine in a few months. I hope to bust through my plateau soon!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2015, 10:02:57 am
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2015, 10:03:52 am

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 17, 2015, 11:05:09 am
thanks lmao
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 21, 2015, 11:16:55 am
Week 69
Monday - 07/20/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                      >> Back to normal.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
360 x 3
315 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> This ties my PR.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 10
205 x 6
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 4

235 x 3                      >> This was horrible. I have no idea how I pulled it off. Wtf. So difficult and shit form too.
305 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 5

Incline DB Bench
70's x 12                     >> 60sec rest.
70's x 6

Back Extensions
50 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
50 x 12 PR
50 x 8 PR

Pendlay Row
45 x 10                         >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 3
205 x 1
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270 x 1
+250lbs x 15
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 10

Lateral Raise
30's x 3                         >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 9
35's x 6

Cable Row
175 x 12                 >> 60sec rests.
175 x 10

BW Pull Ups
BW x 3                     >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3               >> Finally back to 2x10... I can't believe I've been lifting for so long and can't do 3x10 with 60sec rests yet.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 4
BW x 4
BW x 3

Ab Pulldowns
115 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
115 x 8
115 x 8

Will fast tuesday, wednesday, friday, and tuesday the week after. that'll be all of my make up days. not fasting on workout days or weekends.

After that, i'll be back on creatine and i'll be sure to get 150g of protein or more per day. ive been skimping on that a lot.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 03, 2015, 05:36:07 pm
holy fuck time to get back on track. the guy who lets me into the Y for free was out for a while. starting today:

- 150g protein a day, minimum
- 5g creatine a day, minimum
- take my fish oil daily
- time to force myself to get 8hrs of sleep or more
- no more sugary drinks. only milk, water, or unsweetened tea

probably going to stick with the 2 day a week full body routine. might switch it up and go 4 day upper/lower every now and then. all depends on how im feeling and what my schedules like.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on August 03, 2015, 06:07:12 pm
of those, sleep is probably the most important. sleep sleep sleep sleep is everything.

and don't sleep on chocolate milk.  ;)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 04, 2015, 09:39:39 am
Week 71
Monday - 08/03/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                      >> Wow I could only get up a single rep at 355. My max is probably 365 lol.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 3
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Crap I counted wrong in my head. Did 27 total reps instead of 30.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 7
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 4
205 x 4

235 x 3                      >> Forgot my straps. Stopped here.
305 x 1
335 x 1

Incline DB Bench
70's x 12                     >> 60sec rest.
70's x 8

Back Extensions
50 x 8                     >> 60sec rests.
50 x 8
50 x 8

Doing upper/lower this week and the next. I'll probably squat and bench 4x a week to get the CNS gains back quick. 2 heavy days and 2 light days working up to a single at 90%. May even do more on my last day of squats before resting up for the weekend, like 5x3 at 85% or something. I respond very well to high frequency. I should get my gains back quickly in these two lifts.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 06, 2015, 09:54:02 am
Week 71
Tuesday - 08/04/15

-= Workout Log =-

Lateral Raise
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8
35's x 6

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270 x 1
+250lbs x 15
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 10

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                                  >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sec rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+55lbs x 5
+55lbs x 4
+55lbs x 3
BW x 8
BW x 6
BW x 5

Ab Pulldowns
115 x 10                     >> 60sec rests.
115 x 8
115 x 6

Cable Row
175 x 10                 >> 60sec rests.
175 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 06, 2015, 09:57:02 am
I can't wait to get back to my PR levels. My BW was only 186lbs on Tuesday even though I wasn't fasted. I must be down to 183lbs. Damn. Then again I took some time off from lifting and I am less cut, so I'm missing the muscle glycogen. I bet my weight will shoot back up in a week after some more workouts.

I was pretty demotivated on my last two workouts because I'm so behind, but now I'm excited. Getting good sleep, good protein, fish oil and creatine. In addition, no more sugary drinks for me until New Year's. No BS snacks either, like donuts and stuff. Pizza and burgers are okay. It's more the sugar I want to avoid for a while.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2015, 10:00:17 am


Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 06, 2015, 11:04:47 am
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 06, 2015, 11:03:37 pm
Week 71
Thursday - 08/06/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8                      >> Slight improvement.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 x 2
315 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Pecs still sore. Felt like they would tear if I continued. Will do these again tomorrow.
135 x 5
185 x 3

235 x 3                      >> Had 3 reps in me. I'll be back to 375x5 pretty quickly I feel.
305 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 2

Back Extensions
50 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
50 x 8
50 x 8

Ab Pulldowns
115 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
115 x 8
115 x 8

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 15
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 12

Already up to 188lbs. Washed my face after a shower before and noticed I'm bigger already. Yep, the pump is back. Theres a pump you get DURING lifting (micro) and a pump you get during a lifting WEEK (macro). I'm sure of this.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 11, 2015, 10:15:18 am
Week 71
Friday - 08/07/15

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Still pretty sore in my pecs. The strength will be back soon though.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 5
205 x 4
205 x 3
185 x 6
185 x 6

Pendlay Rows
45 x 10                              >> 2min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3
245 x 5
245 x 5
245 x 5

Incline DB Bench
70's x 10                         >> 60sec rest.
70's x 5

Cable Row
175 x 12                 >> 60sec rests.
175 x 10

Lateral Raise
30's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 9
35's x 6

BW Pull Ups
BW x 10                           >> 60sec rests.
BW x 8                             >> Not doing weighted warm up sets for BW pull ups anymore. I should be able to bang these out without potentiation.
BW x 4                             >> Also it shortens my workout by like 4 minutes... that's the real reason lol. Lazy.
BW x 3
BW x 3

Ab Pulldowns
115 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
115 x 10
115 x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 11, 2015, 10:18:18 am
Week 72
Monday - 08/10/15

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Didn't expect to get 8 reps on first set. Nice!
135 x 5                          >> I think in a couple workouts I should be getting 10 reps on the first set.
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 8
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 x 2
315 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 3

Incline DB Bench
70's x 10                     >> 60sec rest.
70's x 6

235 x 3                   >> Whoa that was hard. Can't wait to be back at 375x5.
305 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 3

Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 15
+250lbs x 13
+250lbs x 12

Back Extensions
50 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
50 x 12
50 x 12 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 13, 2015, 09:41:48 am
Week 72
Wednesday - 08/12/15

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                                  >> 2min rests for weighted sets, 60sec rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3                            >> I'm doing pretty well on the back up sets. But the top sets suck. Weird.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+55lbs x 6
+55lbs x 3
+55lbs x 3
BW x 10
BW x 6
BW x 5

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                     >> 60sec rests.
115 x 12
115 x 12
115 x 6

Cable Row
175 x 12                 >> 60sec rests.
175 x 10
175 x 8 PR

Lateral Raise
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 10
35's x 6
30's x 8
30's x 6

Weight shot back up to 192lbs. Creatine and glycogen loaded now. I want to hover at just under 190 though. Then again, this isn't a fasted weight like I used to take it.

I went to the gym Tuesday but the security guard who lets me in for free wasn't there. So I came back Wednesday. I'm still going to do lowerbody thursday and upperbody on friday anyway. I want to stay on track. I can't lift on weekends either, because the guard only works mon-fri. fuck paying $200 for a 3 month summer membership. I should get my student membership back starting september 1st. $75 for the semester. Even though I'm not a student anymore heheheh.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 13, 2015, 01:02:01 pm
I want to switch to a 6 day/wk workout routine, but it'll take up too much time and i know ill miss a lot of workouts.
something like push/legs/pull. i mean i do upper/lower right now... i would just be splitting upper body day into push upper and pull upper. this way i could add a little bit more volume.

i think i need more volume to really progress in my upper body. especially my delts. but my workouts will simply start to take way too long. id love to do like 10 work sets of bench presses. a bunch of different back exercises. and hit shoulders more often than i do right now. also train my calves more.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 25, 2015, 09:40:40 am
Week 74
Monday - 08/24/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 x 2
315 x 3
315 x 3
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Purposely stopped short before 30 total reps.
135 x 5                          >> This way I won't get crazy sore before next bench workout so I can go all out.
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 1

235 x 3                   >> Uh oh lol. I used to be at 5 reps. Didn't expect this to drop this much considering the squat and bench didn't do so badly.

Back Extensions
50 x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
50 x 12
50 x 12

Kept having stuff get in the way. I'd show up to the gym and my guy who lets me in free wasn't there. Then other obligations popping up and not letting me lift. Anyway I should be back on track from this point moving forward... September 1st I should have my regular membership back and not have to rely on this guy letting me in free. So I may miss a workout or two until then if he's not there dammit. He has a steady schedule but sometimes is pulled away from the front desk randomly for other duties.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 25, 2015, 09:42:08 am
Can't wait for this new damn iPhone to come out. My 5c is starting to crap out. New iPhone rumored to have 2GB RAM, and it's DDR4 this time. I played around with an LG G4 and a Galaxy S5 but cot damn I hate android now. I used to love it, weird.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 26, 2015, 09:36:12 am
Week 74
Tuesday - 08/25/15

-= Workout Log =-

Did a workout with a friend of mine. Went to his gym. Haven't seen him in a while so I said whatever fuck it. Hit back and shoulders very hard. Used machines too... which I hated... but I learned something. The lateral pulldown machine is damn good at ironing out discrepancies between my right and left sides! I've stuck to pull ups on a bar for forever, but my arms were all over the place with this thing. I may incorporate them into my regular workout every now and then.

I also did shoulder presses with the machine. I haven't done any kind of shoulder presses in ages since my tris would take over the movement, but I felt them only in my delts this time. Mostly front delts. I think I may throw some DB shoulder presses back into my workouts if I can maintain most of the tension on my shoulders.

I also did some rear delt flyes. I haven't done these in years. Man they feel good. I should throw these in too!

The workout had a lot of reps with short rest periods and some supersets too. I like working out upperbody this way sometimes. I may start to change my routine.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 31, 2015, 09:27:10 am
Week 74
Friday - 08/28/15

-= Workout Log =-

Worked out with my friend again. Squatted 355x3, 315x7. Benched 225x5. Some other shit too.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 01, 2015, 09:59:43 am
Week 75
Monday - 09/01/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 8
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 x 2
315 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Crap I counted wrong and did 27 total reps instead of 30.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 7
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 4
205 x 4
205 x 2

235 x 3
335 x 1
375 x 2

Incline DB Bench
70's x 12                               >> 60sec rest.
70's x 5

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+90lbs x 5
+180lbs x 3
+270lbs x 1
+250lbs x 12
+250lbs x 10
+250lbs x 8

Back Extensions
50 x 12                     >> 2min rest, after first set, 60sec rest after second set.
50 x 15
50 x 12

I just realized I'm weaker than I was back in January.  :highfive:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 15, 2015, 09:47:41 am
Week 77
Monday - 09/14/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 2
315 x 3
315 x 3
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Crap I counted wrong and did 27 total reps instead of 30.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5

235 x 3
335 x 1
375 x 2

I know I had other workouts before this that I didn't write down, but I've been slacking lately. Haven't lifted in like 10 days so I took it easy today, otherwise I'll get too sore to do my next workout.

I'm in gym limbo right now. My uni can't get a deal with my current gym to give us a cheap membership. I'm relying on this cool security guard to be there everytime I go to get in for free. Sometimes he isn't there. I have to start looking for cheap gyms in the area probably.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 17, 2015, 09:31:08 am
Week 77
Tuesday - 09/15/15

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5                                     >> 90sec rests for weighted sets, 60sec rests for BW sets.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 5
+50lbs x 4
+50lbs x 3
BW x 7
BW x 4
BW x 3

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2                            >> These are done in non-stop fashion now.
40's x 1                            >> The last two sets have a little external rotation thrown in.
35's x 10
35's x 8
35's x 6
30's x 8
30's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
180 x 8
180 x 8
180 x 8
160 x 10
140 x 10

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                          > 60sec rests.
115 x 12
115 x 6
115 x 5

Cable Lateral Pulldowns
160 x 5                        >> 60sec rests.
140 x 6                        >> These feel weird at my gym. Don't like them at all.
120 x 8

Rear Delt Incline DB Y-Flyes
15's x 10                                >> 60sec rests.
15's x 10
15's x 10

Lateral Raises
25's x 15              >> Just a finisher. Non stop reps.

Changing up my back/shoulder workout. I want more volume and less rest. Maybe this will help put on some size. I'm fiending for a ripped back and capped delts now. My delts are lagging, I need to bring them up.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 18, 2015, 09:45:41 am
Week 77
Thursday - 09/17/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                      >> 2min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 2
315 x 4
315 x 4
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                          >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                            >> Not sure what happened on 2nd set.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 1
205 x 5

235 x 3                          >> Almost failed. This was harder than last week's.
335 x 1
375 x 2

DB Incline Bench Press
70's x 12                       >> 60sec rests.
70's x 5                         >> I have no idea why the first set was so easy.

Back Extensions
50 x 15                       >> 60sec rests.
50 x 8
50 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 21, 2015, 11:18:15 am
Week 78
Tuesday - 09/22/15

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
140 x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3
200 x 3
180 x 12 PR
180 x 10 PR
180 x 8 PR
160 x 8 PR
140 x 12 PR

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 10
35's x 8
35's x 6
30's x 8
30's x 6

BW Pull Ups
BW x 10                         >> 60sec rests.
BW x 4                           >> I should do more sets.
BW x 4
BW x 4
BW x 4

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                          >> 60sec rests.
115 x 12
115 x 8
115 x 6

Rope Face Pulls
? x 12                     >> 60sec rests.
? x 12                     >> Can't remember what weight I used.
? x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2015, 01:43:42 pm
i bet that if you add an extra minute to your squat rests you'd get to 3x5 quicker.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 21, 2015, 01:53:50 pm
i bet that if you add an extra minute to your squat rests you'd get to 3x5 quicker.

Definitely, but those backup sets are supposed to be sets of 8-10. i was at like 8 8 6 before i went down. im too hardheaded to lower the weight though. It'll just kill my motivation tbh
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2015, 03:15:26 pm
so don't lower the weight, add rest. get to 8-10 quicker.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 21, 2015, 08:31:49 pm
so don't lower the weight, add rest. get to 8-10 quicker.

yeah i should probably do that for a while until i can get 3x8.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 22, 2015, 01:43:56 pm
Found a Blink Fitness a 10min walk from my job. $283 for the entire year if I pay up front. That's less than a dollar a day. And I get access to all locations in NYC. I can go lift on my lunch break and after work... thank goodness. This will shorten my days and I won't have to rely on the security guard at the YMCA being there. I might get a new job soon, but that's fine. There's another location about a 10min bike ride away from my home.

There's no basketball court there but whatever. I barely play anymore anyway. Maybe in the future I'll re-sign for a gym with a court if I really want to play. Or I can sign up for the NYC Parks rec centers for like $150 a YEAR or whatever it is, they have courts across the city


Now I can finally be as consistent as possible again!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 24, 2015, 02:43:19 pm
Week 78
Thursday - 09/24/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 3min rests.
185 x 5                                >> This felt easier than I thought it would.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 2
315 x 5
315 x 3
315 x 3

Lunch break workout. I'll finish up after work.

Hate this damn gym. Only two squat racks... and that's where we're also supposed to bench! It should be quiet after work though.

Also it's all octagonal plates. Deadlifting will be a pain I'm sure. It's freezing in there too. Time to buy some long sleeve shirts for lifting.

But you know what, I got used to every gym I hated in the beginning. This is a convenient spot for me and cheap, so I'll get over it and enjoy it  :derp:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 25, 2015, 09:29:26 pm
Fucking quit that gym

brb only two squat racks
brb no bench presses wtf?
brb no free barbells lying round
brb only two barbells in the gym are in the squat rack
brb squatters, deadlifters, benchers, curlers, and shoulder pressers all have to share the same two racks

getting my $283 back. found another gym near my home. 15min walk away for $40 a month. can't believe i found that price in my expensive neighborhood. no basketball but its a garage looking gym and has two benches and two squat racks. doesnt look crowded. its also not a chain gym, looks like all the lifters are pretty serious there and know each other. ive never lifted in an environment like this before and i'm sure i'll like it. i have a 4 day pass that ill be using starting monday and ill check it out. oh, and the plates are all round too. good for deadlifting.

last thing: i can't wait to start lifting. damn, everytime i get this feeling where i cant wait for my next workout, i make consistent gains for a few months. i'll be playing a little catch up to get back to where i was but thats fine!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 29, 2015, 10:17:56 am
Week 79
Monday - 09/28/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
315 x 3
315 x 3
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Could have done many more sets, but would have gotten too sore and miss out on my next bench session.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 3

225 x 3                           >> 45sec rests.
275 x 1                           >> Planning to do cluster sets like this.
335 x 1
375 x 1
375 x 1

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 8                    >> Stopped here. Don't want to get sore.

Back Extensions
45 x 10                             >> 60sec rest.
45 x 10

Standing Calf Raise Machine
215 x 5                              >> 60sec rests.
270 x 15
270 x 15
270 x 12

Stopped short on a few lifts. I haven't been consistent so it will make me too sore to do any real work for the next workout. I know this because it's happened multiple times recently. I could bench 8x3 today and then 1x1 next workout... or do 5,3,3 today and then 8x3 next workout.

Worked out at a new gym. I have a 4 day free pass right now. membership is 40 a month.

- Gym is a 15min walk from my house. Also it's not a huge gym... I walk in and I can start immediately. No need to check in for a min at the front desk, just swipe and go. No need to wait to take an elevator up to the 4th floor. No need to walk across to the other side of the building to get to the locker room. And then do all the same in reverse when I leave. This saves me time!
- Music isn't too loud. And it's music I like. Trance, some techno and house. But non of that cheesy big room EDM shit.
- Seems like most people who go there are no BS and know what theyre doing. It's not the pilates crowd.
- I've been there twice, once to visit and once to lift. Both times I wouldn't have needed to wait for a squat rack or bench to free up. Not crowded.
- It's warm in the gym and humid. I hate cold gyms that make me brittle between sets. This gym is perfect. I stay warmed up and limber.
- They have a standing calf raise machine. It's no longer a pain in the ass loading up the hack squat. I just move the pin into a heavier weight and I'm done. It makes drop sets very easy too!
- Two squat racks and two bench presses. Also two smith machines which will hopefully keep some people away from the racks and benches if needed.
- Top room is cardio and stretching plus some machines, bottom room is mostly weights and a few machines. I like being away from all the cardio and machine people.

- One of the squat racks has non-adjustable catches that are too high. I can't squat ATG there. I could move further back but there's lumps on the floor there. Thankfully theres another power cage and nobody seems to use it. So I can only squat at one spot. At least when I come to lift I can start with benching instead of squatting if it's taken.
- The power cage where I squat at is not stable. The whole thing moves when i rack 3 plates or more.
- I don't like the floors. It's not flat at the squat racks either.
- There's almost no room to deadlift. And the spot where I can deadlift is a pain in the ass to deadlift because the floor is slightlyyy lumpy and I don't have much room.
- I hate the plates. They are round, but they wobble a lot.
- The lighting isn't very flattering when checking yourself out in the mirrors  >:(

Overall I'm happy I found this gym. Can't wait to stay consistent and make gains again!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 02, 2015, 09:45:43 am
Week 79
Thursday - 10/01/15

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Stopped at 24 total reps. Pecs felt like they were going to rip since I'm still sore from last workout.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 3
315 x 3

225 x 3                           >> 75sec rests.
275 x 1                           >> Slowly improving. Will be back to 375x5 (regular, non-clustered set) in 5 sessions probably.
335 x 1
375 x 2
375 x 1
375 x 1

Back Extensions
45 x 15                             >> 60sec rest.
45 x 10
45 x 8

Standing Calf Raise Machine
215 x 5                              >> 60sec rests.
270 x 15                           >> Final set was a drop set. Feels good!
270 x 15                           >> I think that drop sets on calf raises will go a long way into making mine stronger.
270 x 15
 240 x 5
  210 x 5
   180 x 5
    150 x 5

This workout felt awesome. Woohoo. Will probably hit 205x8 on the bench next workout. Squat 315x6 for sure.

It's October 1st. From now until January 24th I want to beat my previous PR's that I had last January. My squat was 365x3 and 405x1 at that time. I've done 375x3 on a different occasion though. Deadlift better be 385x5 or better. I want to bench 215x10 by then too.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 05, 2015, 01:22:11 pm
Week 79
Friday - 10/02/15

-= Workout Log =-

Pull Ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 8
+25lbs x 5
+25lbs x 4
+25lbs x 3
+25lbs x 3

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2                            >> Last two sets had more external rotation.
40's x 1
35's x 10
35's x 8
35's x 6
30's x 8
30's x 6

Cable Rows
140 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
180 x 10
180 x 6
180 x 5
160 x 8
140 x 10

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
105 x 15
105 x 12
105 x 10

Incline DB W Flyes
15's x 15                   >> 60sec rests.
15's x 10
15's x 8

Cable Pulldowns
180 x 8                   >> 60sec rests.
160 x 6
140 x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 06, 2015, 09:43:41 am
Week 80
Monday - 10/05/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 2
315 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 7
205 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 1
205 x 1
205 x 3
205 x 2
205 x 2

225 x 3
275 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 1

Just too lazy to finish and it was getting late. At least I improved on my squats and bench. Should be back to 365x3 in a few weeks, which is great. 360x3 put me at a tested 405 max back then, so I can definitely claim a 405 squat with 365x3.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 07, 2015, 09:48:52 am
Week 80
Tuesday - 10/06/15

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
140 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3
220 x 1
180 x 12
180 x 8
180 x 6
160 x 10
140 x 10

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2                            >> Last two sets had more external rotation.
40's x 1
35's x 11
35's x 8
35's x 6
30's x 8
30's x 6

Pull Ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
BW x 10
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 4
BW x 4

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
105 x 15
105 x 12
105 x 10

Face Pulls
40 x 12                   >> 60sec rests.
40 x 12
40 x 12

Bilateral Cable Pulldowns
180 x 8                   >> 60sec rests.
160 x 8
140 x 10

This felt awesome. I wanted to do even more. Some rear delt flyes maybe. Doing more volume with short rests allows me to workout for longer. Well this workout didn't take too long anyway, since the rest periods were short.

Been hitting my external rotators/rear delts pretty good lately. I already see their size increased. Of course it's just a sarcoplasmic fluid response from working out, but hey it gives me motivation!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 07, 2015, 11:55:14 pm
Holy crap i want to squat 405x3 so badly. 360x3 gave me a tested 405 max. So 405x3 should put me at 445lbs. I want to get there at a bodyweight of 195lbs. Thatll be a 2.25x bw squat. I hope to be there in a year.

I should get my bw down to 187 currently. Havent weighed myself in a while. Here's where i want to be:

January - 360x3 at 187lbs
June - 385x3 at 190lbs
January - 405x3 at 195lbs

I may hit my goals much earlier... But i always guess that yet ive been stalling for years lol.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on October 08, 2015, 02:37:04 pm
Holy crap i want to squat 405x3 so badly. 360x3 gave me a tested 405 max. So 405x3 should put me at 445lbs. I want to get there at a bodyweight of 195lbs. Thatll be a 2.25x bw squat. I hope to be there in a year.

I should get my bw down to 187 currently. Havent weighed myself in a while. Here's where i want to be:

January - 360x3 at 187lbs
June - 385x3 at 190lbs
January - 405x3 at 195lbs

I may hit my goals much earlier... But i always guess that yet ive been stalling for years lol.


january 2017, 405x3 @ 195?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 08, 2015, 07:44:19 pm
Holy crap i want to squat 405x3 so badly. 360x3 gave me a tested 405 max. So 405x3 should put me at 445lbs. I want to get there at a bodyweight of 195lbs. Thatll be a 2.25x bw squat. I hope to be there in a year.

I should get my bw down to 187 currently. Havent weighed myself in a while. Here's where i want to be:

January - 360x3 at 187lbs
June - 385x3 at 190lbs
January - 405x3 at 195lbs

I may hit my goals much earlier... But i always guess that yet ive been stalling for years lol.


january 2017, 405x3 @ 195?

Yep! I feel I may hit it earlier than that, but I can always re-adjust my goals.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 09, 2015, 12:09:32 am
Week 80
Thursday - 10/08/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 2
315 x 6
315 x 4
315 x 2

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> 30 total reps woohoo.
135 x 5                      >> Hope to get 8, 6, 5 next time.
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 8
205 x 5
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 2

225 x 3                 >> 60sec rests.
275 x 1                 >> Failed 2nd rep on 1st rep. Failed next set.
335 x 1
375 x 1
370 x 0

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 8              >> 60sec rests.
70's x 4

Back Extensions
45 x 15                        >> 60sec rests.
45 x 15                        >> I just realized I never really went close to failure on these in my life.
45 x 10                        >> I always stopped what felt like 2-3 reps short, but is really 5-7 reps short of failure!

Standing Calf Raise Machine
225 x 5
285 x 15 PR
285 x 12 PR
285 x 10 PR
 245 x 5 PR
  215 x 5 PR
   185 x 5 PR
    155 x 5 PR

Wtf happened to my deadlift? I think I need more sleep. Also I need to go HARD on back extensions. I've been skimping on protein too.

I think I'll lower to 335 next workout and work up from there each session.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 09, 2015, 10:55:11 pm
Week 80
Friday - 10/9/15

-= Workout Log =-

Pull Ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 9 PR
+25lbs x 5 PR
+25lbs x 4 PR
+25lbs x 3 PR
+25lbs x 3 PR

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2                            >> Last two sets had more external rotation.
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 6
35's x 5
30's x 6
30's x 5

Cable Rows
140 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
180 x 12
180 x 8
180 x 6
160 x 8
140 x 10

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
110 x 12
110 x 12
110 x 10

Cable Pulldowns
160 x 10 PR                   >> 60sec rests.
160 x 6 PR
160 x 5 PR

Incline DB W Flyes
15's x 15                   >> 60sec rests.
15's x 12 PR
15's x 10 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 14, 2015, 09:29:41 am
Week 81
Tuesday - 10/15/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> Inching closer to sets of 8.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 2
315 x 6
315 x 5
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> 30 total reps woohoo.
135 x 5                      >> Hope to get 8, 6, 5 next time.
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 5
205 x 3

Was supposed to lift Monday but missed it. Shortened the workout today so I don't get sore for when i squat and bench again on Thursday.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 28, 2015, 11:25:45 am
Worked out only twice last week. But did two workouts this week, so im on track again. too lazy to type them up right now.

I really want to get a full body diagnostic in terms of structure, posture, etc. I wonder where I can find a good and affordable person in NYC who is knowledgable about myofascial release, deep tissue massage, posture, the CNS, all that stuff. I just want my entire body assessed, then i want a painful ass massage one time to release everything, and then i want to be told whats tight, short, long, loose, overactive, dormant, and then be told what stretches and exercises i should do at home to keep myself fixed.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on October 28, 2015, 06:14:13 pm
I really want to get a full body diagnostic in terms of structure, posture, etc. I wonder where I can find a good and affordable person in NYC who is knowledgable about myofascial release, deep tissue massage, posture, the CNS, all that stuff. I just want my entire body assessed, then i want a painful ass massage one time to release everything, and then i want to be told whats tight, short, long, loose, overactive, dormant, and then be told what stretches and exercises i should do at home to keep myself fixed.

This ^^^

I always feel like I need someone to press the reset button for my body and tell me how to progress from there to keep it in check. Unfortunately, as I'm finding out now, getting everything diagnosed by the one person is a long shot as they always invariably miss something that you need a second person to pick up.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 29, 2015, 02:09:20 pm
I really want to get a full body diagnostic in terms of structure, posture, etc. I wonder where I can find a good and affordable person in NYC who is knowledgable about myofascial release, deep tissue massage, posture, the CNS, all that stuff. I just want my entire body assessed, then i want a painful ass massage one time to release everything, and then i want to be told whats tight, short, long, loose, overactive, dormant, and then be told what stretches and exercises i should do at home to keep myself fixed.

This ^^^

I always feel like I need someone to press the reset button for my body and tell me how to progress from there to keep it in check. Unfortunately, as I'm finding out now, getting everything diagnosed by the one person is a long shot as they always invariably miss something that you need a second person to pick up.

That's a good point. I'm thinking I could call ahead and scope the guy out, ask him if he's familiar with things, and let him know im more knowledgeable than the average person about this stuff. Then maybe 6mo from now or a year, instead of going back to him i'll go back to someone else.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 29, 2015, 02:21:59 pm
Week 83
Monday - 10/26/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> Movin up! Should be able to hit 365x3 in a few weeks.
225 x 3                                >> I can probably do it a week from now if I practice some triples at 345.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 2
315 x 7
315 x 5
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Moved down to 195lbs, will work back up.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 5
195 x 3

225 x 3                >> Can't believe how much these have dropped wtf.
275 x 1
335 x 1
355 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 8              >> 60sec rests.
70's x 5

Back Extensions
45 x 12                        >> 60sec rests.
45 x 12
45 x 6

Standing Calf Raise Machine
225 x 5
300 x 12 PR
300 x 12 PR
300 x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 29, 2015, 02:24:38 pm
Week 83
Tuesday - 10/27/15

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
140 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3
220 x 1
180 x 12
180 x 8
180 x 5
160 x 12
140 x 12

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2                            >> Last two sets had more external rotation.
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 5
35's x 4
30's x 8
30's x 6

Pull Ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
BW x 10
BW x 7
BW x 5
BW x 3
BW x 4

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
105 x 12
105 x 12
105 x 12

Face Pulls
40 x 15 PR                   >> 45sec rests.
40 x 15 PR
40 x 15 PR

Bilateral Cable Pulldowns
140 x 12                   >> 45sec rests.
140 x 12
140 x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 29, 2015, 05:56:23 pm
Just saw this vid again:

God damn I want a 40 inch standing vertical. I'm going to get there one day! My best is 33" but I never really practiced the standing jump much, so maybe I could have hit 34.

Squatting 455lbs at a bodyweight of 190lbs (including jumping gear) should get me there. I'm at about 405lbs at 193lbs bw in gear right now. One of my other life goals is a 2.5x bw squat. Squatting 500 at 200lbs bw will give me that. That should put me at 40" standing as well.

But first, 40" running vert!!! It was on the horizon a few times. Squatting 375x3 at this weight would definitely get me there after much jumping practice.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 30, 2015, 12:12:49 am
Week 83
Thursday - 10/29/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> God damn those 8 reps killed me! Panting a lot. I should do some cardio.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 2
315 x 8
315 x 4
315 x 4

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 7
195 x 5

225 x 3                 >> 2min rests.
275 x 1                 >> Can't believe how much these have dropped wtf.
335 x 1
355 x 3
355 x 2

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 10              >> 60sec rests.
70's x 5

Back Extensions
45 x 12                        >> 60sec rests.
45 x 12
45 x 12

Standing Calf Raise Machine
225 x 5
300 x 15 PR
300 x 12 PR
300 x 10 PR

Awesome workout.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on October 30, 2015, 12:16:15 am
those would be some solid numbers, nice.

ya that yang SVJ is nuts. If SVJ is an eventual goal, i'd definitely start mixing in SVJ's as soon as possible, even if it's just a few jumps 1-2x/week. They also serve as nice warmups for squatting. You can mix them up too; squat jump, cmj, paused cmj etc. Don't want to be primarily making movement efficiency gains when you're nearing your goal squat numbers, you know? Better to integrate that as your squat is going up, IMHO.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 30, 2015, 09:49:01 am
Hmm yeah I should be incorporating some standing verticals twice a week before squatting. Good idea. Thing is, I jump much higher when warmed up great after a basketball game (current gym doesnt have a basketball gym). Maybe I'll do some jump rope or something before hand.
What's a counter movement jump? Does that just mean SV? I never knew.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on October 30, 2015, 02:19:18 pm
countermovement jump is just a full-speed SVJ. as opposed to a paused jump or a squat jump (with your hands on your head or otherwise not moving).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 02, 2015, 10:33:50 am
Week 83
Friday - 10/30/15

-= Workout Log =-

Pull Ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 10 PR
+25lbs x 7 PR
+25lbs x 4 PR
+25lbs x 3 PR
+25lbs x 3 PR

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 10
35's x 8
30's x 7
30's x 5

Cable Rows
140 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
180 x 12
180 x 10
180 x 8
160 x 12
140 x 6

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
115 x 12
115 x 12
115 x 12

Cable Lateral Pulldowns
160 x 10                   >> 60sec rests.
160 x 10
160 x 10 PR

Incline DB W Flyes
15's x 15                   >> 60sec rests.
15's x 15 PR
15's x 12 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2015, 10:46:08 am
today is friday?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 02, 2015, 12:45:30 pm
today is friday?

oops, forgot to change the date. that was friday's workout. was too lazy to type it up.

will lift again later today
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 03, 2015, 10:29:15 am
Week 84
Monday - 11/02/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> Holy shit I died. I improved though!
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 2
315 x 8
315 x 5
315 x 2

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 5
195 x 3

Had terrible sleep all weekend. Maybe 3 hours for two days in a row. Then I also napped for too long before my workout. Threw in the towel.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 06, 2015, 11:49:20 am
Week 84
Thursday - 11/05/15

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> This felt a lot easier!
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 8
195 x 6
195 x 5

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> 365x3 wasn't that bad! Woohoo!
225 x 3                                >> 360x3 put me at a 405lb max that time I recorded it... so this is nice
275 x 1                                >> Pretty sure I've done 375x3 once though.
315 x 1
365 x 3
315 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 11              >> 60sec rests.
70's x 5

Standing Calf Raise Machine
255 x 5
315 x 15 PR
315 x 12 PR
315 x 10 PR

Fucking hate deadlifting at my gym. It's such a pain in the ass to set up. And the plates all lean to one side. I also dread back extensions.

I think I'm just going to start doing RDL's from now on. 3x8 should suffice :)

Otherwise, awesome workout! I skipped my last workout (upperbody plus abs) and rested up, and I came back pretty strong today. Really happy about my squat. Can't wait to get to 385x3... that will definitely put me at a 40" running vert.

It's also time to start adding in SVJ's to my warm ups. Anyone have any idea how I should structure it? My ideas:

Mon - Squat/RDL/Calf Raise
Tue - upper body + abs
Wed - off
Thu - Squat/RDL/Calf Raise
Fri - upper body + abs
Sat - off
Sun - off

I'm thinking on monday before squats I can do like 5x1 max effort SVJ, rest up 10 min, then start my leg workout. Then I can do a shit ton of SVJ's on Friday. Yeah it's a day after  squatting, but I can go all out with like 10x3 jumps and not let it affect my workout.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 09, 2015, 09:51:32 am
Week 84
Friday - 11/06/15

-= Workout Log =-

Pull Ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 10
+25lbs x 7
+25lbs x 5
+25lbs x 4 PR
+25lbs x 4 PR

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 10
35's x 6
35's x 5
30's x 7
30's x 5

Cable Rows
140 x 5
180 x 12

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
115 x 12
115 x 12
115 x 12

Just too lazy to do the whole workout.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 10, 2015, 01:48:24 pm
Week 85
Monday - 11/09/15

-= Workout Log =-

5 x 1                    >> 1min rests.

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> The warm ups felt veryyyy light. Surprised I couldn't beat my last session.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
195 x 10
195 x 8
195 x 6
195 x 4

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> Holy fuck this felt so much easier! 370x3 is on the horizon.
225 x 3                                >> I think I'll wait till I hit 3x8 on the back up sets before increasing the top set.
275 x 1                                >> Actually I'll probably get impatient and do it earlier...
315 x 1
365 x 3
315 x 6
315 x 6
315 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 10                          >> 60sec rests.
70's x 5

Standing Calf Raise Machine
255 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
330 x 15 PR
330 x 12 PR
 300 x 5 PR
  270 x 5 PR

Wish I had a vertec at my gym so that I could quantify the SVJs. I'd love to set it up like:

35" PR

That would be cool. Or maybe I can record them on my phone and count the frames. My iPhone 6s can record 720p at 240fps, and 1080p at 60fps. It would be a pain in the ass to load up at home and count every time though. Wish I could just find an app (or jailbreak tweak) where I can put a start and end time in a video, and it will tell me how many frames lapse in between. Actually, i may request this on /r/jailbreak.

Squats felt wayyy easier than usual. I'm not sure if I'm just rested lately, or if it was the SVJs beforehand that helped me. The bench felt much lighter as well, yet when it got to the work sets I didn't do any better.

I'm pretty damn sure I've squatted 375x3 at some time in the past, but I can't find it in my log. I physically remember being under the bar and going all out, and I remember the guy who was watching/spotting me. Guess my official PR is 370x3.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on November 11, 2015, 06:25:55 am
You would still never know the exact vert you achieved because:
a) hangtime depends on knee-bend at ground contact.
b) hangtime-vert calculation is not that accurate, see this ancient thread where i studied it :

However, even if we accept my study was right and you don't know the exact hangtime to vert formula, bigger hangtime means bigger vert. So if you get over the small error that the knee-bend causes ( assuming the knee bend will be more or less the same ) , if you also don't care if a jump was 33 or 36, hangtime is a very accurate progress tracker. Because you will track the 0.5'' improvement, you will just not know the exact base on which you improved.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 11, 2015, 09:38:50 am
You would still never know the exact vert you achieved because:
a) hangtime depends on knee-bend at ground contact.
b) hangtime-vert calculation is not that accurate, see this ancient thread where i studied it :

However, even if we accept my study was right and you don't know the exact hangtime to vert formula, bigger hangtime means bigger vert. So if you get over the small error that the knee-bend causes ( assuming the knee bend will be more or less the same ) , if you also don't care if a jump was 33 or 36, hangtime is a very accurate progress tracker. Because you will track the 0.5'' improvement, you will just not know the exact base on which you improved.

100% true! I figure I would try to keep the same knee bend on the landings, and assume a margin of error. However, it may just be that the margin of error is big enough to the point where it's pointless to measure hangtime at all :/ what do you think? Could the margin be bigger than 2 inches?

I have to look for objects around the gym to reach up too. Maybe I can't measure their heights, but it's good for tracking progress at least.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 11, 2015, 09:42:16 am
Week 85
Tuesday - 11/10/15

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
140 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3
220 x 1
180 x 12
180 x 10
180 x 8
160 x 7
140 x 12

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 6
35's x 5
30's x 7
30's x 5

Pull Ups
BW x 10                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 5
BW x 4
BW x 4

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
120 x 12
120 x 8
120 x 5

Face Pulls
45 x 12 PR                   >> 45sec rests.
45 x 12 PR                   >> I don't feel these much anymore. The weight is heavy to the point where I'm angled back with my body a lot.
45 x 12 PR                   >> As a result, the pulling angle is much different. I'll figure it out.

Bilateral Cable Pulldowns
140 x 12                   >> 45sec rests.
140 x 12
140 x 9 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on November 11, 2015, 01:17:57 pm
I figure I would try to keep the same knee bend on the landings, and assume a margin of error. However, it may just be that the margin of error is big enough to the point where it's pointless to measure hangtime at all :/ what do you think? Could the margin be bigger than 2 inches?

I think that especially for SVJ the error is much smaller. It is a repeated movement, very limited variation, no takeoff angle, no plant variation, no horizontal component, nothing.
Your body will tend to do the same things every time. Even if you don't watch your landing at all, i would bet it would be almost the same. Small differences in knee bend can't make serious differences in hangtime anyway.

I have to look for objects around the gym to reach up too. Maybe I can't measure their heights, but it's good for tracking progress at least.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 12, 2015, 09:58:28 am
Can't wait to squat today. 365x3, 315x3x6 definitely within reach.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 13, 2015, 03:47:08 pm
Week 85
Thursday - 11/12/15

-= Workout Log =-

5 x 1                    >> 1min rests.

Bench Press
45 x 15                      >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                        >> Made the top warmup set a heavy triple. I realize adding some heavy benches should help.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
195 x 8
195 x 6
195 x 4

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> Wow this was unbearably difficult... didn't feel good going into it.
225 x 3                                >> Earlier in the day I was so psyched to go lift but once I got there, I was tired and the weights felt heavy.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 3
315 x 6
315 x 6
315 x 4

Romanian Deadlifts
225 x 5                                            >> 2min rests.
275 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
70's x 8                          >> 60sec rests.
70's x 5

Standing Calf Raise Machine
255 x 5                         >> 45sec rests.
330 x 15
330 x 15 PR
330 x 12 PR
 300 x 5 PR
  270 x 5 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 24, 2015, 06:12:52 pm
Haven't updated. I finished off the last week's Friday workout and it went well.

Took a week off after that. Been getting terrible sleep and stuff. Also lost motivation.

Shoulda lifted yesterday (monday) but i'll lift today. maybe full body, maybe not. idn. will get shit in gear next week. hopefully holidays and stuff dont cut into my lifting.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on November 24, 2015, 10:22:46 pm
you lost motivation "out of nowhere" or due to some other factors? curious, sorry!

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 25, 2015, 10:12:26 am
you lost motivation "out of nowhere" or due to some other factors? curious, sorry!


i got horrible sleep the weekend leading into my workout week that i skipped. i went to the gym and left right after entering. went back the next day and left just before entering. then i was thrown out of my rhythm and when that happens, its so hard for me to get back in it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 01, 2015, 02:23:10 pm
Week 88
Monday - 11/30/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 2
275 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
185 x 6

Romanian Deadlift
135 x 5
225 x 1
275 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 10

Standing Calf Raise Machine
285 x 10

Haven't lifted since 17 days before this, so I took it easy. Didn't want to get so sore that I can't get be productive next workout (I learned this the hard way from coming back from short breaks).

The squat was a 3RM lol, down from 365 (edit: now I remember I only did 2 reps. wouldnt have gotten the 3rd). The bench was a 6RM, down from 225. I'll get it back quickly though. It's mostly CNS strength.

Also from now on I'm going to plan de-loads into my workouts. Every third week, for the first half of the week I may just work up to a top set on every exercise and that's it. One work set. I lift mon/tue/thu/fri so that should be good.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 02, 2015, 10:25:56 am
Week 88
Tuesday - 12/01/15

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
BW x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 5
+25lbs x 5
+25lbs x 5

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 8
35's x 6
35's x 6

Cable Rows
180 x 10                         >> 60sec rests.
180 x 8
180 x 6

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 15

Rear Delt W Flyes
15's x 15
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 04, 2015, 09:42:26 am
Week 88
Thursday - 12/03/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
185 x 5                                >> Didn't expect 315x5 to be within reach already. Nice!
225 x 3                                >> I should definitely be able to increase 5lbs a week on the triples until I'm back at 365x3.
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 3
315 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 15                                >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
185 x 8
185 x 6

Romanian Deadlift
135 x 5
225 x 1
315 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
65's x 12

Standing Calf Raise Machine
285 x 5                           >> 45sec rest.
330 x 12
330 x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 07, 2015, 09:34:44 am
Week 88
Friday - 12/07/15

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
140 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3
220 x 1
180 x 12
180 x 8
180 x 6

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 10
35's x 7
35's x 5

Pull ups
BW x 10                       >> 60sec rests.
BW x 6
BW x 5

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
115 x 12
115 x 12
115 x 6

Rear Delt W Flyes
20's x 8 PR                     >> 45sec rests.
20's x 8 PR
20's x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 08, 2015, 09:34:35 am
Week 89
Monday - 12/07/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
340 x 3
315 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
185 x 8
185 x 6

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                                >> 2min rest.
275 x 1
315 x 6
315 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
70s x 10

Standing Calf Raise Machine
285 x 5                               >> 45sec rests.
330 x 15
330 x 12
330 x 10

Slowly adding more. After next week I'll be full force in terms of volume.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 08, 2015, 02:30:40 pm
Holy fuck i just want to jump 40" already. definitely getting there this summer. is it so hard?!?!? all i need is a 385x3 squat and weigh less than 195lbs. just gotta stay consistent.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on December 08, 2015, 03:51:46 pm
Holy fuck i just want to jump 40" already. definitely getting there this summer. is it so hard?!?!? all i need is a 385x3 squat and weigh less than 195lbs. just gotta stay consistent.

do it.

 :ibsquatting: :ibjumping:

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 09, 2015, 09:41:23 am
Week 89
Tuesday - 12/08/15

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
BW x 5                             >> 90sec rests.
+25lbs x 8
+25lbs x 5
+25lbs x 5

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8
35's x 6

Cable Rows
140 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3
220 x 1
180 x 12
180 x 8
180 x 5

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
115 x 12
115 x 12
115 x 12

Rear Delt W Flyes
20's x 12                             >> 45sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2015, 10:03:37 am

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of short rest intervals normally associated with hypertrophy-type training versus long rest intervals traditionally used in strength-type training on muscular adaptations in a cohort of young, experienced lifters. Twenty-one young resistance-trained men were randomly assigned to either a group that performed a resistance training (RT) program with 1-minute rest intervals (SHORT) or a group that employed 3-minute rest intervals (LONG). All other RT variables were held constant. The study period lasted 8 weeks with subjects performing 3 total body workouts a week comprised of 3 sets of 8-12 repetition maximum (RM) of 7 different exercises per session. Testing was carried out pre- and post-study for muscle strength (1RM bench press and back squat), muscle endurance (50% 1RM bench press to failure), and muscle thickness of the elbow flexors, triceps brachii, and quadriceps femoris via ultrasound imaging. Maximal strength was significantly greater for both 1RM squat and bench press for LONG compared to SHORT. Muscle thickness was significantly greater for LONG compared to SHORT in the anterior thigh and a trend for greater increases was noted in the triceps brachii,(p = 0.06) as well. Both groups saw significant increases in local upper body muscle endurance with no significant differences noted between groups. The present study provides evidence that longer rest periods promote greater increases in muscle strength and hypertrophy in young resistance-trained men.

food for thought.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 09, 2015, 10:25:56 am
^^ I definitely prefer 3min rests over 1min rests. I used to do them all the time. The thing is, my workouts just take too damn long that way. Also I stalled for a while, so I switched it up. I still work up to a top heavy set (3-5 reps) in the squat and bench though.

I'll switch back to 3min rests at some point.

Edit: Perhaps I can get the best of both worlds and superset exercises... Pull ups with lateral raises. Rows with ab pulldowns. And use 3min rests. Shit I gotta try that soon. It'll be pretty annoying with people jumping in between my exercises though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 10, 2015, 10:29:09 pm
Week 89
Thursday - 12/10/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 3
315 x 5
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
185 x 10
185 x 6

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                                >> 2min rest.
275 x 1
315 x 6
315 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
75s x 8

Standing Calf Raise Machine
285 x 5                               >> 45sec rests.
330 x 15
330 x 15
330 x 12 PR
 300 x 5 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 11, 2015, 09:58:43 am
Going to try a new de-loading scheme. This should keep me fresh for a long time. It'll keep me from burning out. Rather than deload for a whole week every 4th week, I'll do a rotating de-load. Example:

Week 1
Mon - A de-load
Tue - B
Thu - A
Fri - B

Week 2
Mon - A
Tue - B de-load
Thu - A
Fri - B

Week 3
Mon - A
Tue - B
Thu - A de-load
Fri - B

Week 4
Mon - A
Tue - B
Thu - A
Fri - B de-load

If you follow just Workout A, this gives the pattern of 4 on, 1 de-load, 2 on, 1 de-load, and repeat.

At the end of the cycle, I'll have a de-load on my last workout of the week (friday), then the weekend off, and then a de-load on the first workout of the week (monday). that should definitely be enough to recoup on a larger macrocycle level.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 14, 2015, 09:45:23 am
Week 89
Friday - 12/11/15

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
140 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3
220 x 1
180 x 12
180 x 10
180 x 7

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8
35's x 5

Pull ups
BW x 10                       >> 60sec rests.
BW x 7
BW x 6

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
120 x 12             >> These are getting nearly impossible to do. The weight is so high that sometimes my knees lift up off the ground.
120 x 12
120 x 8

Rear Delt W Flyes
20's x 15 PR                        >> 45sec rests.
20's x 15 PR
20's x 12 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 15, 2015, 10:09:54 am
Week 90
Monday - 12/07/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
350 x 3
315 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
185 x 8

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
75s x 8

Standing Calf Raise Machine
285 x 5                               >> 45sec rest.
345 x 15 PR

This week I'm back in full force. Starting with a de-load day though. As I posted earlier, I'm doing a rotating de-load where I cut down on the volume of a workout. I think this will help.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on December 16, 2015, 09:26:36 am
This week I'm back in full force.


Starting with a de-load day though. As I posted earlier, I'm doing a rotating de-load where I cut down on the volume of a workout. I think this will help.

ya I like it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 16, 2015, 09:52:08 am
Week 90
Tuesday - 12/15/15

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
BW x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 8
+25lbs x 7
+25lbs x 5
+25lbs x 4
+25lbs x 4

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 10
35's x 8
30's x 8
30's x 5

Cable Rows
140 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3
220 x 1
180 x 12
180 x 10
180 x 8
160 x 8
160 x 8

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
120 x 12
120 x 12
120 x 12

Rear Delt W Flyes
20's x 15                             >> 45sec rests.
20's x 15
20's x 15 PR

Damn I'm starting to look good again. I look more cut because I have my pump back from lifting. I don't mean the pump during the workout. I mean the week-long pump you get when you lift consistently. I have a vein on my lower abs showing again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 18, 2015, 09:14:25 pm
Week 90
Thursday - 12/17/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> Had to grunt for the 355x3 a lot. I'll keep the same weight next workout.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 3
315 x 5
315 x 3
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> Back up sets are done in non-stop fashion.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 3
185 x 8
185 x 6
185 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                                >> 2min rests.
275 x 1
315 x 8 PR
315 x 6
315 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
75s x 8                       >> 60sec rest.
75s x 5

Standing Calf Raise Machine
300 x 5                               >> 45sec rests.
345 x 15
345 x 12 PR
345 x 10 PR
 315 x 5 PR
  285 x 5 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 18, 2015, 09:18:11 pm
Week 90
Friday - 12/18/15

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
140 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3
220 x 1
180 x 12
180 x 10
180 x 7
160 x 12
140 x 10

Lateral Raises
30's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 8
35's x 5
30's x 8
30's x 6

Pull ups
BW x 10                       >> 60sec rests.
BW x 10
BW x 4
BW x 4
BW x 4

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
125 x 12        >> These aren't getting impossible yet actually.
125 x 12        >> The extra weight I've been putting on the stack was causing friction on the poles but I fixed that.
125 x 12

Rear Delt W Flyes
20's x 15                        >> 45sec rests.
20's x 15
20's x 15
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 22, 2015, 10:53:50 am
Week 91
Monday - 12/22/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> The bar was a little skinny. May have been 5-10lbs lighter, couldn't tell.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 3
315 x 5
315 x 3
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> Back up sets are done in non-stop fashion.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 4
225 x 3
185 x 10
185 x 7
185 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                               >> 2min rests.
275 x 1
315 x 8
315 x 8 PR
315 x 8 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75s x 10                         >> 60sec rest.
75s x 3                           >> Arms gave out for no reason.

Standing Calf Raise Machine
285 x 5                               >> 45sec rests.
345 x 15
345 x 15 PR
345 x 12 PR

Had an excellent workout! My muscles were looking pretty full too. The weights all felt lighter (not just on the squats). However, I think it's because I ate a tonnnn of carbs this weekend. So that kind of annoys me; I feel like I didn't really get stronger, but rather I'm just performing at my potential now dammit.

Good to be back at a 365x3 squat. Well I'll see Thursday if I'm really there with a bar I know is 45lbs and without being crazy carbed up.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 22, 2015, 11:58:02 am
I want to add that the last time I squatted 365x3 was on 11/12. That was 40 days ago. On 11/30 I squatted again. 3 weeks later on 12/21 I hit 365x3 again.

So I took 14 days off of lifting, but it took 39-14=25 days after that to get back to where I was. Actually, I was doing 365x3, 315x6,6,4  back then so I'm really still not back to where I used to be.

That's how destructive taking time off is to my progress. It takes longer for me to get my squat back than the hiatus alone lasted.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 22, 2015, 12:22:34 pm
Here's a visualization:


From the last 365x3 on 12-Nov before the 2 weeks off until the next one on 21-Dec  there are 39 days. Those "2 weeks off" caused me to get back to zero net progress in nearly 6 weeks. Not to mention, my back up sets still arent as strong as before.

Another thing to remember when taking days off... If I take "a week off" from the last training thursday to the next training monday is 10 days. That's a lot of time to not be squatting. Hell, even me taking just a single thursday off leads to waiting 7 days to squat again.

And the most important thing for me, again, is that the time i take off is actually shorter than the time needed to get back to where I was  :'(
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 23, 2015, 09:34:37 am
Week 91
Tuesday - 12/22/15

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
BW x 5                             >> 60sec rest.
+25lbs x 9
+25lbs x 6

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rest.
40's x 2
45's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 10

Cable Rows
140 x 5                         >> 60sec rest.
180 x 12
180 x 10

Ab Pulldowns
125 x 12

Rear Delt W Flyes
15's x 8                             >> 45sec rests.
25's x 8 PR

De-loaded today. Feels great! I'll be fresh for my next two workouts.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 23, 2015, 09:36:01 am
I'm 196lbs this morning after shit. Damn that's a lot. I miss being 187lbs. Last year during Ramadan I squatted 365x3 at a bodyweight of 184lbs lol. How...

I'm probably just carbed up and have water so I can get down to 193lbs in just a few days probably. But Maybe I'll stay carbed up, I can lift and recover better that way. I think I'll make 197lbs my upper limit though.

Need to figure out the holiday schedule at my gym. I don't want shit screwing up my workouts!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on December 23, 2015, 12:21:32 pm
I'm 196lbs this morning after shit. Damn that's a lot. I miss being 187lbs. Last year during Ramadan I squatted 365x3 at a bodyweight of 184lbs lol. How...

I'm probably just carbed up and have water so I can get down to 193lbs in just a few days probably. But Maybe I'll stay carbed up, I can lift and recover better that way. I think I'll make 197lbs my upper limit though.

Need to figure out the holiday schedule at my gym. I don't want shit screwing up my workouts!

do you have more muscle now or more fat (or both)? historically, you've always maintained a low body fat %. I also remember you having some great squat/jump sessions after Ramadan. Smooth also had great sessions after Ramadan.

we need some solid fasting/dehydration protocols for vert.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 23, 2015, 01:03:48 pm
^^ I have a bit more fat now, and extra water weight too. One thing not to forget: depending on if you're carbed up or not, your water weight and glycogen can fluctuate by 5lbs or so.

So I can actually just eat less for two days, and then stay at maintenance calories and maintain 192lbs. Or I can continue eat the same amount and maintain my carbed up state, and maintain 196lbs with some extra water and glycogen in me. What I used to do is maintain that lower weight... but it makes more sense recovery wise to maintain that higher weight. The amount of fat you have in both examples is the same! So why not have full glycogen stores while you maintain your weight???

Anyway, as for dropping water weight before testing vert, that's probably pretty easy to do. Just cut weight the same way wrestlers and boxers do. Maybe not as drastically though.

Here's a question: is it worth it to drop an extra 2 pounds on top of that by being glycogen depleted? Well, for a single max vertical jump, perhaps! But for a long intense jumping session... nope, better to have fuller glycogen stores.

Another thing to note is that I feel like I can work out harder when I'm fasted. I feel like I can jump higher in a fasted state. This can be "stacked" with a water cut. Drop 5lbs of water weight, fast the day you want to jump, and stretch those hip flexors before hand. It's surely a nice way to peak your vertical jump... and that's not even adding in any potentiation techniques from the current training microcycle you're in.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: gukl on December 23, 2015, 09:05:35 pm
fasting = higher circulating catecholamines/cortisol so improved performance via that pathway/more mental focus as well as being physically lighter. i remember doing some 36/48h fasting experiments and my appetite completely dropped off after a day without food and it was really hard to sleep not because of hunger but because of being 'wired' without touching a stimulant. also any stims might have a greater effect when fasted? (don't forget caffeine for peaking!) i've been intermittent fasting for a few years now and do the majority of studying fasted, focus is so much better.

in regards to stretching hip flexors before jumping - surely you cannot avoid stretching the rec fem which is a 'quad' and a 'hip flexor' and if static stretching reduces peak power output, is it wise to stretch 'hip flexors' (of which one is a knee extensor) before attempting maximal vj?
perhaps a period of time between stretching and jumping sufficient to still have the greater hip extension from the stretching but not the reduced power output? i have no idea what kind of time this would be.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 24, 2015, 09:34:48 am
fasting = higher circulating catecholamines/cortisol so improved performance via that pathway/more mental focus as well as being physically lighter. i remember doing some 36/48h fasting experiments and my appetite completely dropped off after a day without food and it was really hard to sleep not because of hunger but because of being 'wired' without touching a stimulant. also any stims might have a greater effect when fasted? (don't forget caffeine for peaking!) i've been intermittent fasting for a few years now and do the majority of studying fasted, focus is so much better.

in regards to stretching hip flexors before jumping - surely you cannot avoid stretching the rec fem which is a 'quad' and a 'hip flexor' and if static stretching reduces peak power output, is it wise to stretch 'hip flexors' (of which one is a knee extensor) before attempting maximal vj?
perhaps a period of time between stretching and jumping sufficient to still have the greater hip extension from the stretching but not the reduced power output? i have no idea what kind of time this would be.

Interesting about the fasting part. I too feel more mentally alert when food-fasted. If I also don't drink water then I'm not as alert (ramadan). But I used to do intermittent fasting where I would still drink water throughout the day, and it was amazing. Lots of energy to lift, and lots of mental clarity.

However, when I did IF, my eating window was always later in the day. I can skip breakfast and lunch and eat from ~7pm to 12am. I could never do the opposite. If I skipped breakfast and lunch, my appetite wasn't triggered so it was fine. Then I would pig out and go to bed never hungry.

But if my eating window is from 9am to 5pm or some shit... I'm going to die after 5pm lol. I'll starve and I'll get light headed afterward.

As for the hip flexor stretching: I've done it before and I did notice an inch or two gain in my running vert. It's definitely possible to stretch them without stretching the quads much at all. Just have to feel out the right position to do it. I can stretch my hip flexors standing even:


What really intensifies it is squeezing the right glute hard and pushing that hip out. It can be a very intense stretch without even looking like you're stretching at all. I do it at work a lot when I sit for too long.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: T0ddday on December 25, 2015, 03:19:30 am
^^ I have a bit more fat now, and extra water weight too. One thing not to forget: depending on if you're carbed up or not, your water weight and glycogen can fluctuate by 5lbs or so.

By 5lbs or if you carry a little more muscle by close to 20lbs.  I've been 202 before a thanksgiving meal and woken up the next day at 225 (some of this is food and added fat - but it's mostly just glycogen refill). 
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: T0ddday on December 25, 2015, 03:24:10 am
in regards to stretching hip flexors before jumping - surely you cannot avoid stretching the rec fem which is a 'quad' and a 'hip flexor' and if static stretching reduces peak power output, is it wise to stretch 'hip flexors' (of which one is a knee extensor) before attempting maximal vj?
perhaps a period of time between stretching and jumping sufficient to still have the greater hip extension from the stretching but not the reduced power output? i have no idea what kind of time this would be.

Interesting point about the rectus femoris.  Might depend how one jumps.  A hip-dominant jumper doesn't use much knee extension to jump but can definitely be hurt by tight hip flexors.   A few tricks are to do a non-rectus hip flexor release (it's a massage technique called psoas release) and to stretch the hip flexors dynamically (foot toes down and elevated on a box and deep single leg weightless squats will stretch hip flexors while toes of rear foot on higher box and high squats with front leg push with put you into hip hyperextension and really get your hips loose).  Two of the best ways to prep for a jump.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 28, 2015, 09:29:18 am
By 5lbs or if you carry a little more muscle by close to 20lbs.  I've been 202 before a thanksgiving meal and woken up the next day at 225 (some of this is food and added fat - but it's mostly just glycogen refill).

Well shit, that's a lot more than I thought.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 28, 2015, 09:30:13 am
Missed my last workout due to holidays and crap. Won't need a de-load this week probably. Will lift later today. New years might also screw up my workout schedule... I have to check the gym times for this week.

Starting next week I'll be consistent as a mother fukker. I've been consistently lately too up until this past week.

edit: added thursdays workout after this post, it was just fridays workout that i missed
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 28, 2015, 09:43:12 pm
Week 91
Thursday - 12/24/15

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 3
315 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> Back up sets are done in non-stop fashion.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5
225 x 3
185 x 10
185 x 8
185 x 7

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                                >> 2min rests.
275 x 1
325 x 8 PR
325 x 6 PR
325 x 5 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75s x 10                       >> 60sec rest.
75s x 5

Standing Calf Raise Machine
300 x 5                               >> 45sec rests.
345 x 15
345 x 15
345 x 15 PR
 315 x 5 PR
  285 x 5 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 28, 2015, 10:10:30 pm
Week 92
Monday - 12/28/15

-= Workout Log =-

3 x 1

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> I'm pretty damn sure I've hit 375x3 before but I don't see it in my log
225 x 3                                >> But I coulda sworn i hit 375x3 before! I remember doing it. I probably did it during when I wasn't logging much.
285 x 1                                >> I think the SVJ's before hand primed me up for it. The squats also took a little emotional arousal.
335 x 1                                >> I feel like my squat didn't show a "real" improvement, and it was just a good warm up rather w/SVJ's.
375 x 3 PR                           >> I'll try to hit 375x3 without SVJ's beforehand next workout.
315 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 4

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> Back up sets are done in non-stop fashion.
135 x 5                               >> All-time PR is 230x6 so I'm creeping back!
185 x 3
225 x 5
225 x 4
185 x 8
185 x 6
185 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                                >> 2min rests.
275 x 1                                >> Hate the idea of doing these for 3x8 so I jumped up in weight.
335 x 8 PR
335 x 6 PR
335 x 3 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 10                            >> 60sec rest.
75's x 5

Standing Calf Raise Machine
300 x 5                               >> 45sec rests.
360 x 15 PR
360 x 12 PR
360 x 10 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 29, 2015, 10:48:45 am
Hopefully I can be squatting 385x3 pretty soon... I weighed 194lbs this morning though. I'd like to squat 385x3 at a bw of 190lbs. Maybe I'll get there in 2-3 months. I should be able to hit a 40" running vert with that relative strength. Only thing is I don't really play basketball anymore. My current gym doesn't have a court. I'll have to go to the rec center or something but it's pretty far from my house. And where am I going to make time for that dammit.

I guess I'll just focus on hitting a 35" SVJ for the time being. I just need to find a way to measure it at my current gym.

Also I'll probably switch to DJ's instead of SVJ's before squatting to see the effect.

God damn I KNOW I'm capable of a 42" running vert eventually. I'll get there inshallah! I've been at 38" before with a 2.05x bw squat and no shock plyometrics. With a 2.25x bw squat and then months of depth jumps I'm sure I can get there!!! I just keep stalling and at times regressing every now and then, and the net progress over the past 5 or so years has been zero basically.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 30, 2015, 09:39:21 am
Week 92
Tuesday - 12/29/15

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
BW x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 10
+25lbs x 6
+25lbs x 4
+25lbs x 3
+25lbs x 4

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 7
35's x 5
30's x 7
30's x 5

Cable Rows
220 x 1                         >> 60sec rests.
180 x 12
180 x 10
180 x 5
160 x 6
140 x 9

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
130 x 12 PR
130 x 8 PR
130 x 6 PR

Rear Delt W Flyes
15's x 8                             >> 45sec rests.
25's x 8
25's x 8 PR
25's x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 30, 2015, 06:00:31 pm
can't wait to squat tomorrow!!!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 04, 2016, 10:27:52 am
Week 92
Thursday - 12/31/15

-= Workout Log =-

3 x 1                                >> Tried a 12" depth jump after SVJ's and it was miserable lol. I have no movement skills atm.

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> Holy crap I nearly failed the 375x3. Might go back to 365x3 next week and work on back ups.
225 x 3
285 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 3
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5
185 x 10

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 1
340 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 10

Standing Calf Raise Machine
360 x 15

Feels good to de-load. Needed it on the squats too.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 04, 2016, 11:38:00 pm
Week 93
Monday - 01/04/16
196.4lbs or 194.6lbs... can't remember

-= Workout Log =-

3 x 1

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> 135, 185, and 225 were flyinggg so I knew I would attempt 385x3
225 x 3                                >> Wasn't that difficult! Easier than the two 375x3's I did last week.
295 x 1                                >> However, I did have a bit of adrenaline in me.
345 x 1                                >> Well technically the back up sets are PR's now since I've never done them after 385x3.
385 x 3 PR
315 x 6 PR
315 x 4 PR
315 x 3 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> 225x6!!! Getting closer to all-time PR of 230x6 woohoo.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 6
225 x 3
185 x 9
185 x 7
185 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                                >> 2min rests.
275 x 1
340 x 8 PR
340 x 4 PR
340 x 3 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 8                            >> 60sec rest.
75's x 5

Standing Calf Raise Machine
315 x 5                               >> 45sec rests.
375 x 15 PR
375 x 12 PR
375 x 10 PR


The bench might as well be a PR too. I haven't been at 225x6 in over a year I think. Fuck yeah.

And wtf, I already hit my goal of 385x3 on the squats?! I wanted to take it steady and just get there by June haha. Well, I wanted to get there at 190lbs bw. Maybe I'll slowly start cutting down now... nah, I think it's better to maintain weight for a few months and gain strength instead. We'll see.

When I squatted 365x3 I maxed at 405lbs. Now I'm doing 385x3 so my max is probably 425lbs. However, the 365x3 was done without adrenaline, unlike the 385x3 I did.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 06, 2016, 09:43:46 am
Week 93
Tuesday - 01/06/16

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
BW x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 10
+25lbs x 7
+25lbs x 4
+25lbs x 3
+25lbs x 3

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2                             >> Finally matched my all-time PR in these, nice.
45's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 12
35's x 6
30's x 8
30's x 6

Cable Rows
180 x 3                         >> 60sec rests.
220 x 1                         >> Got tired of being at the same weight so I moved up.
200 x 8 PR
200 x 5 PR
200 x 3 PR
180 x 8 PR
180 x 5 PR

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
130 x 12
130 x 10 PR
130 x 10 PR

Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 15  PR                         >> 45sec rests.
25's x 10 PR
25's x 6 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 06, 2016, 04:33:53 pm
Starting my MS in Cyber Security program this Friday. Very excited. It's a 1 year program and I hope I learn a ton. I'll also be learning stuff on my own on the side.


Just looking for guidance on what I should learn on the side. Maybe get super familiar with programs like WireShark or Forensic ToolKit. Maybe I should learn a programming language like Python or Perl. Maybe I should get familiar with Unix systems. Maybe aim for some certs like Network+, Security+, and CCNA Security. I don't know yet. But I want to do a lot! I'll speak to some professors and professionals this weekend.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 07, 2016, 10:40:00 am
Opened a Roth IRA. I'm 23 years old, now's the time. Put 3k into VTSMX for now. This is for long term (40+ years) gains, so index funds are the way to go. Maybe in the near future I'll open up a brokerage account to play with. I'm allowed to contribute 5.5k a year to my Roth IRA and the returns are tax-free if I take them out after I'm 59.5 years old. Contributions until then I can also pull out tax free.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2016, 11:45:14 am
smart. smart smart smart. i have a 401k through work (have since i was 21) but only really started feeding into it a few years ago. i only put in $4800/year but i'm about to get a huge raise* and will both bump my contribution to the 401k (or i may roll it into a roth IRA, need to talk to someone about that) and start contributing to a non-retirement index fund portfolio.

*got promoted, and think i'll get promoted again and then be working overseas and not paying federal income taxes...heyooooo.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 07, 2016, 12:08:23 pm
smart. smart smart smart. i have a 401k through work (have since i was 21) but only really started feeding into it a few years ago. i only put in $4800/year but i'm about to get a huge raise* and will both bump my contribution to the 401k (or i may roll it into a roth IRA, need to talk to someone about that) and start contributing to a non-retirement index fund portfolio.

*got promoted, and think i'll get promoted again and then be working overseas and not paying federal income taxes...heyooooo.

wonderful! What do you do for a living? Also I think i read somewhere that you can still owe federal income tax even if your taxed overseas, so check up on that.

If your 401k is company matched you BETTER be maximizing that before thinking about a Roth IRA. If they match everything up to 5% of your income, then put in a minimum of 5%. It's literally free money. Even if by the time you retire your returns are 0% overall, you will still have double in your 401k compared to what you contributed. Hell, even a catastrophic -25% return will net you more money in the end with that employer match.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2016, 02:19:56 pm
my employer matches to 8%. only reason i'd roll over is if i left my current employer.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 08, 2016, 09:59:08 am
Week 93
Thursday - 01/08/16

-= Workout Log =-

3 x 1

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> Changed the warm up scheme a little. Not as good but I'll keep it anyway.
225 x 3                                >> I tried getting adrenalized for the triple but couldn't really. It was tough as hell.
275 x 1                                >> I had to scream mid-lift a little to get it.
315 x 1                                >> But hey looks like I can get it even at a lighter bw and no adrenaline!
355 x 1
385 x 3
315 x 8 PR
315 x 5 PR
315 x 3 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> This is a 4 rep PR. I don't think it tops 230x6 but a PR nonetheless.
135 x 5                               >> When I can get the top sets for 6 reps, I'll jump up 10lbs.
185 x 3                               >> I like the idea. It makes my top sets vary in reps more.
235 x 4 PR                 >> Sometimes they'll be up to 6 reps. Sometimes only 3 reps.
225 x 2 PR
185 x 10 PR
185 x 10 PR
185 x 5 PR

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                                >> 2min rests.
275 x 1                                >> Randomly jumped up a shitload on these. Pushed myself and got it!
355 x 8 PR
355 x 5 PR
355 x 3 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 10 PR                            >> 60sec rest.
75's x 5 PR                              >> Just realized these are PR's. At some point I moved up from 70's but kept writing 70's in my log.

Standing Calf Raise Machine
315 x 5                               >> 60sec rests because I had to work in with someone.
375 x 15                    >> Did extra reps to make up for it.
375 x 18 PR
375 x 12 PR
 345 x 5 PR
  315 x 3 PR

PR'd in every lift. I can't remember the last time this happened. Well I care more about the top set in the squats but I still PR'd after that ;)

What I've been doing lately is focusing on giving maximum effort on every lift. Lots of times I catch myself not doing that. On my bench presses for example, even though they are back up sets and I was getting a pump, I still gave 100% CNS effort. It also felt like I should have stopped at 8 reps, but I remember reading in Supertraining (or was it the Zatsiorsky book?) that your fast twitch fibers won't necessarily be fatigued until you go up just before or reach failure. Stopped two reps short won't cut it.

This also made me realize I can do more reps than I thought. I was going to stop at 5 for the RDL's but managed 8!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 08, 2016, 10:41:08 am
Here we go, it was from Zatsiorsky:


So because of that, I'm trying to go as close to failure as possible without actually failing on my back up sets (I don't have a spotter usually). For calf raises, DB bench presses, RDL's, lateral raises, pull ups, that stuff is fine to fail on. Squats and bench presses, not so much. I squat far out from the rack because the set catches are too high and won't let me go ATG.

What's confusing to me however is this... I was initially under the impression that training with light loads for speed (30-50% 1RM) did a good job of training the CNS and improving explosive strength via rate coding, muscle fiber recruitment, etc. However, according to that chart, only the smaller and slower muscle fibers are recruited with lighter loads and lower reps. It appears that it doesn't take into account effort...

I'm pretty sure if you bench an empty bar with maximum speed, youre recruiting more fast twitch/large MU than lifting the bar slowly. I know it won't stimulate hypertrophy in those larger MU's, but nonetheless aren't they recruited? But now that makes me wonder. What if I lift my 12RM just 9 times, but I do it with 100% effort each time? Would that second column in the chart still be accurate?

Regardless, the best rate coding and recruitment gains come from squatting 1-3RM and plyos anyway, according to Zatsiorsky and Verkhoshansky. So I actually see absolutely no benefit in training for RoFD by lifting lighter loads. Leave that to the heaviest sets and to plyometrics.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 09, 2016, 09:30:14 pm
Week 93
Friday - 01/08/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
180 x 3                         >> 60sec rests.
200 x 2
220 x 1
200 x 10 PR
200 x 6 PR
200 x 5 PR
180 x 9 PR
180 x 7 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 12
35's x 8 PR
30's x 8 PR
30's x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 10                       >> 60sec rests.
BW x 10
BW x 5 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 4 PR

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
130 x 15 PR
130 x 10 PR
130 x 10 PR

Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 15                        >> 45sec rests.
25's x 11 PR
25's x 6 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 11, 2016, 08:30:06 pm
Just squatted 395x3

Will update with rest of workout later. Still liftin.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 11, 2016, 11:07:23 pm
At this point, on TVS, you're Dreyth on
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 12, 2016, 10:35:52 am
Week 94
Monday - 01/11/16

-= Workout Log =-

3 x 1

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
185 x 5                                >> Today at work I had a feeling I could squat 395x3. I just felt good.
225 x 3                                >> Warm ups were feeling light. 315 hasn't felt this light on my back in years.
275 x 1                                >> 355 wasn't a struggle at all. That's it, decided to aim for 395x3.
315 x 1                                >> I was adrenalized; shaking under the weight and a little fearful.
355 x 1                                >> Almost failed my last rep.
395 x 3 PR                           >> This isn't sustainable. I'm scaling back to 375x3 and increasing 5lbs/2wks
315 x 6                                >> Time to focus more on the back up sets.

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
195 x 2
235 x 4
185 x 12 PR

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3
275 x 1                                >> Didn't expect to get this.
315 x 1
365 x 8 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 10

Standing Calf Raise Machine
390 x 15 PR

Training hasn't went this well for me in the longest time. Hopefully I don't get injured or sick soon.
This was a de-load but I went pretty hard on the squat and RDL. These mini rotating de-loads every week feel amazing. It doesn't throw me off my rhythm and I feel like they keep me from burning out. And if it's ever not enough, I can throw in two de-load sessions in a week.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 12, 2016, 10:38:24 am
At this point, on TVS, you're Dreyth on

Wow, that reminds me of how obsessed I used to be with the Lakers.

What happened to the members of that site? I know many jumped on here. I remember some troll named Fr0zen. Also that volleyball player, Adam. with a period. He was an admin I'm pretty sure. What about those really high jumpers like b0ka and Mikah?

I liked the system they had with the icons in your sig that proved you had certain milestones, like 1.5x bw squat, 35" standing vert, etc.

I wonder what my username used to be on TheJump101
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 12, 2016, 10:59:32 am
you should change your signature, was my point.  :lololol:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 12, 2016, 11:39:07 am
Ha, I know; I'm keeping it as a remnant of the past.

I remember WAY back I used to go to And1 forums for jumping higher... air alert 2 was all the rage back then. I think that's where I started with this. There was another site after that... Terminal Vertical.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 12, 2016, 10:55:32 pm
Week 94
Tuesday - 01/12/16

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
BW x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 10 PR
+30lbs x 6 PR
+30lbs x 5 PR
+25lbs x 5 PR
+25lbs x 4 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
35's x 12
35's x 12
35's x 10 PR
30's x 6
30's x 5

Cable Rows
180 x 3                         >> 60sec rests.
200 x 2
220 x 1
200 x 12 PR
200 x 6
200 x 5
180 x 6
180 x 5

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
135 x 15 PR
135 x 8 PR
135 x 6 PR

Rear Delt W Flyes
20's x 5                             >> 45sec rests.
25's x 15
25's x 15 PR
25's x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Merrick on January 13, 2016, 12:42:28 am
I don't get why you hit a PR of 395x3 and you're going to scale back 20 lbs and plan to get back to the PR you just hit in EIGHT weeks? 

You hit a PR, and plan to get back to it 8 weeks later?

What's the rationale for this?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 13, 2016, 10:00:46 am
I don't get why you hit a PR of 395x3 and you're going to scale back 20 lbs and plan to get back to the PR you just hit in EIGHT weeks? 

You hit a PR, and plan to get back to it 8 weeks later?

What's the rationale for this?

8 weeks is long... I forgot that I squat 2x a week. I wanted to hit 375 twice before moving up 5lbs, and repeat. So actually it should take me 4 weeks by the time I get back to 395x3.

Long story short: I can lift 385x3 right now without getting hyped up. I'm scaling back to 375x3 and working back up from there because my CNS feels a little beat right now. Hope to get to 395x3 in 4 weeks without having to get hyped up.

Long rationale:

From years of training and logging my training, I have found that whenever I make crazy fast gains (for example I just went from 365x3 to 395x3 in under 3 weeks after stalling for months) and continue them, I tend to burn out inexplicably and drop in strength by a considerable amount. In addition, it usually then takes me a few months spinning my wheels to break through that plateau, and then a little more time to get back to my PRs. Because of this being repeated over and over in my training career, I have learned that it's better for me to think very long term with my goals and adjust my training accordingly. I would have better net progress that way.

Additionally, 3RM's are pretty intensive. I've been able to get to a 395x3 squat by adrenalizing myself before my 3RM's lately. I like to NOT adrenalize myself before 3RM's and still be able to put maximum effort into it and be able to lift it. There's actually a difference. The difference is I will burn out farrr slower than otherwise and be able to continue to make gains. CURRENTLY without emotional arousal before my 3RM, I can manage 385x3. 375 is only 10lbs away from there. In 4 weeks I want to be at 395x3 without having to hype myself up before the lift.

My goal was to get to a 385x3 squat by June 1st and a bodyweight of 190lbs. I'm changing that, and hope to get to a 405x3 squat by June 1st at a bodyweight of 195lbs or less. It looks like I'll clearly get there, but you never know. So many times it's happened to me that I've set what looks like an easy goal, but stuff just comes up and I miss it :( If I get to 405x3 super early, then I'll probably put strength on a lower priority and start working on plyometrics, that's all.

That being said, I'll still be making PR's -- just not in the top sets for a few weeks.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Merrick on January 13, 2016, 12:54:24 pm
What a great anti-ego lifter you are.  I don't care how many times I made a mistake.  If I were you, I'd probably go for 400x3 next workout and end up getting 400x1 and burn out my CNS and cuss myself out for being so stupid
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 13, 2016, 01:51:53 pm
What a great anti-ego lifter you are.  I don't care how many times I made a mistake.  If I were you, I'd probably go for 400x3 next workout and end up getting 400x1 and burn out my CNS and cuss myself out for being so stupid

Well hey, maybe for you going for 400x3 would work! For me it hasn't in the past. Perhaps I could manage to get to 415x3 and then scale back to 395x3 or something... who knows... but since i reached my goal of 385x3 way before June 1st which is what I planned, I'm scaling back now and taking it slow.  :lololol:

On the other hand, my bench press is finally improving linearly. I'm going to ride that gains wave for as long as I can. Been stuck at around the same max for literally 5 years.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on January 13, 2016, 06:39:38 pm
What a great anti-ego lifter you are.


I don't care how many times I made a mistake.  If I were you, I'd probably go for 400x3 next workout and end up getting 400x1 and burn out my CNS and cuss myself out for being so stupid

for the most part, same here.. hehe!

"adrenalizing" (psyching up) too frequently has wrecked me plenty of times. We all learn the hard way :) .. or some people just can't deal with that and get on "the juice" or various stimulants.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 15, 2016, 10:01:28 am
Week 94
Thursday - 01/14/16

-= Workout Log =-

2 x 1

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                      >> The weight just felt so light. Went for 405 and wasn't even a big struggle really.
185 x 5                                      >> Had two reps in me. Three if adrenalized.
225 x 3                                      >> Max is probably 435lbs without adrenaline!
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
315 x 6

Bench Press
135 x 5                              >> Loaded up 255 thinking it was 245 because I was feeling good.
135 x 5                              >> Nearly hit 3 reps! 3rd rep had some help from him. Woulda failed otherwise (barely).
185 x 3                              >> The 245x3 I can definitely hit without a spotter next workout probably.
225 x 1                              >> Then I did some drop sets. 205x10 though? Wow I haven't been there in a while.
255 x 2.5
245 x 2.5
205 x 10
 185 x 5
  135 x 6
205 x 8
 135 x 5

Cable Work For Chest
Random standing chest flyes and shit.
I hate this crap.
I feel dumb doing it.

RDLs (deadlift to RDL)
225 x 5                     >> This reminded me of how I actually hate regular deadlifts.
275 x 3                     >> Pulling from the floor makes me feel it more in my quads and it's just annoying to set up.
315 x 1                     >> I may just stick with RDL's indefinitely. I think they're more specific anyway.
375 x 4          >> RDLs feel like I'm doing a broad jump and it's all hip action. I love them.

Walking Lunges
135 x 8/leg              >> Wow I haven't done lunges in ages. Man they made my glutes fire like nothing else.
                                           >> I should probably add lunges into my routine at some point...
Calf Work
Drop set on the hack squat machine.
Then seated calf raises.
Another drop set on the hack squat machine.

Worked out at a friends gym with him. I forgot that I promised him I would today... randomly calls me at work and says "be ready" and I'm like crap I can't say no. So naturally it screws up my rest times and he makes me do some other shit with him. On the plus side I liked the bench workout a lot. This was a semi-deload for my legs by the way. 405 is like 93% of my max. Usually I like to work up to 90% of my max as a top warm up set but I reached for 405 because I felt good and just felt like doing it.

I haven't squatted 405 since last january:
You can't see it in the vid, but I was completely adrenalized there (remember my post about how I was standing under the bar for 10sec and physically felt the weight get lighter on my back?). It went up just as easy looking today without adrenaline.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 15, 2016, 10:10:54 am
Side note:

A) Lifting with no emotional arousal, but still max effort.
B) Lifting with emotional arousal; angry and serious.
C) Lifting with adrenaline; I'm shaking a bit and the weight feels lighter. I feel lighter. I'm fearful.

I like to do A. That's what I want all my triples to be so I don't burn out. They lead me to sustained gains in my opinion. I'm not even doing B! I'm not angry when I squat really. I used to be like that all the time in high school though. They were really good workouts. Yesterday's 405x1 warm up was an A.

But C? That's on another level. The 405 vid from last year that i put in my previous post was like that. I have never had more adrenaline in me my entire life than in that lift. I thought I was going to faint after I racked that lift.

But you know what's crazy? I've been able to trigger C almost on command lately! When I jumped to 375x3 the first time I was adrenalized. It was a C lift. 385x3 was a B the first time I got it. 395x3 was a C. I was shaking under the weight a bit. I didn't know I had this ability to trigger adrenaline in me. Pretty crazy. It starts off with me getting angry and serious (B) and whatnot, but then I somehow elevate it to a C. I have no idea how I do it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 18, 2016, 09:44:44 am
Week 94
Friday - 01/15/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
180 x 3                         >> 60sec rests.
200 x 2
220 x 1
200 x 12 PR
200 x 8 PR
200 x 6 PR
180 x 8 PR
180 x 6 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2                             >> Decided to move up instead of struggling for 3x12.
45's x 1
40's x 8 PR
40's x 8 PR
40's x 4 PR
35's x 8 PR
35's x 5 PR

Pull ups
BW x 10                       >> 60sec rests.
BW x 10
BW x 8 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 4 PR

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
140 x 8 PR                  >> These are getting impractical now.
140 x 8 PR                  >> I'm starting to lift up off the ground a bit.
140 x 4 PR                  >> There's nothing around to hook my legs under.
 130 x 4 PR 
  120 x 2 PR 

Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 15                        >> 45sec rests.
25's x 15
25's x 10 PR

More and more PR's. Fucking yes.

Pic of weight stack for ab pulldowns:


I need to find another solution. I can't add weight to this stack  indefinitely. There's no heavier stack I can use at my gym either. Even if there was, this weight starting to lift me off the ground.

I need to find another ab exercise that targets the rectus abdominus directly like ab pulldowns do. One that I can add weight to pretty much indefinitely.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 18, 2016, 05:35:28 pm

This vid here, I squatted 355x3 at 192lbs bw the day before:

I was jumping unusually high that day though. Even though I lifted the day before, I missed my leg workout before that one. That probably had something to do with it.

Curious to see what I will do at 405x3 @ 195lbs in the coming months. I need to start playing pick up games again. This better better be the year I hit 40" running!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 18, 2016, 11:23:48 pm
Week 95
Monday - 01/18/16

-= Workout Log =-

3 x 1

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> 375x3 was tough as shit man. No emotional arousal though.
225 x 3                                >> Could not have done even 380x3 today. Wow. Wtf happened? Even warm ups felt heavy.
295 x 1                                >> Did not expect 315x10. Was going to cut it at 6 but kept pushing.
345 x 1                                >> Moving up to 325lb back up sets next workout.
375 x 3
315 x 10 PR
315 x 4 PR
315 x 3 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> The weight felt extra heavy here. Unracked 185lbs and failed immediately onto the rack!
135 x 5                               >> Not sure how I managed 245x3 but I did it heh.
195 x 2                               >> Fuck it, moving up to 205lbs on backup sets. Screw 185lbs.
245 x 3 PR
235 x 2
205 x 7
205 x 6
205 x 4

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                               >> 2min rests.
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 6 PR
375 x 4 PR
375 x 3 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 12 PR                               >> 60sec rest.
75's x 6

Standing Calf Raise Machine
330 x 5                           >> 45sec rests.
390 x 15
390 x 15 PR
390 x 12 PR

What a terrible workout. I felt great at work today and couldn't wait to lift. But once I got to the gym, I felt like crap. And man, it felt like I was stalling. The weight felt heavy on my back and in my hands. And I had that all-too-familiar feeling of what my body feels like when my lifts stall. This weird achiness. I don't know what it is.

I have no idea how I squatted 395x3. Or how I jumped from 365x3 to 375x3 to 385x3 to 395x3 out of nowhere. It's not like I just had a crazy workout... But I was hitting those numbers consistently. I hit them all twice in the same week (except for 395x3).

If I wasn't originally planning to scale back to 375x3 like in my earlier posts, I would be extremely pissed off right now. I would have been talking about how I burned out again. Regardless, I expected 375x3 to be much easier today. Hmm... maybe it's because I'm not fully recovered from the light lunges I did on Thursday? My glutes are still a little sore from those!

In the end I hit a lot of PR's somehow... so looking back it wasn't such a bad workout. Also it's good to know that even on my shittiest days, I can hit 375x3 and I did it without grunting. It did take max effort though. But I hope this stalling feeling goes away... I had my eyes on 405x3 in the near future (2 months).

I'm due for a de-load tomorrow. I hope that'll fix some things.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: ChrisM on January 19, 2016, 01:17:18 am
That vid looks damn close to 40" RVJ man. Arent you like 6'0 even or so? You have great approach speed on that run up. Take away the loss of a few inches from jumping with a ball in hand and Id put money that you're over 40" RVJ!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 19, 2016, 08:51:27 am
That vid looks damn close to 40" RVJ man. Arent you like 6'0 even or so? You have great approach speed on that run up. Take away the loss of a few inches from jumping with a ball in hand and Id put money that you're over 40" RVJ!

Yep im 6'1. I always had a pretty violent approach to my RVJ. I still cant hit my head on the backboard though. At 6'2 in shoes i believe head to backboard gives me 40" if i calculated right.

Well that day i didnt try to. I probably could have. That was the highest i was jumping in my life!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2016, 01:26:43 pm
that dunk is filthy, nice job.  :highfive:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 19, 2016, 01:40:33 pm
I don't think I specified, but that dunk is from last January.

WOW time flew. But yeah since then I have been stalling and getting sick and fasting for ramadan and hit a bunch of other road blocks. I'm finally stronger than I was back then.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 20, 2016, 09:45:07 am
Week 95
Tuesday - 01/19/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
150 x 5
170 x 5
210 x 12 PR
210 x 6 PR
170 x 10
170 x 6
170 x 5

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
40's x 8
40's x 8

Pull ups
BW x 15 PR
BW x 10

Hanging Leg Raises

Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 15

Was supposed to do pull ups first (weighted, actually), then lateral raises, then rows. Not a big deal though.

Worked out with my little cousin and his friend so stuff didn't go exactly as planned (leg raises, rest times were just by feel) but that's okay. It's a de-load anyway.

I'm getting heavy. Starting to cut back on the food today. Need to get back down to a consistent 195 or better.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on January 20, 2016, 03:17:31 pm

This vid here, I squatted 355x3 at 192lbs bw the day before:

I was jumping unusually high that day though. Even though I lifted the day before, I missed my leg workout before that one. That probably had something to do with it.

Curious to see what I will do at 405x3 @ 195lbs in the coming months. I need to start playing pick up games again. This better better be the year I hit 40" running!

that tomahawk was disgusting.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 20, 2016, 03:52:39 pm
^ Thanks! I wish the kid who recorded backed away more so we could see my feet. Oh well.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 21, 2016, 11:57:19 am
So I have an idea of maybe why I hit a wall and dropped to 375x3 after 395x3... I planned to do that anyway, but I had assumed I would still be capable of 395x3. I'll test out the theory over the course of 6 weeks or so.

One theory is Vitamin D. I had forgotten to take it on the days leading up to my workout where I dropped to 375x3 and just felt like crap. It's winter and I'm probably not getting enough. Other than that there's only one other factor that has changed.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 22, 2016, 10:18:40 am
Week 95
Thursday - 01/21/16

-= Workout Log =-

3 x 1

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 3
325 x 5 PR
325 x 3 PR
325 x 3 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
195 x 2
245 x 3
235 x 3 PR
205 x 6
205 x 5
205 x 4

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                               >> 2min rests.
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 8 PR
375 x 4 PR
375 x 1 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 12                               >> 60sec rest.
75's x 0                                 >> Wtf lol, couldn't even get 1 rep on second set.

Leg Press Calf Raises
+405lbs x 20                       >> 45sec rests.
+405lbs x 15
+405lbs x 12

Workout was pretty good. 375x3 was easier than last time (usually Thursdays it's harder to hit my squat weight than on Mondays). I have it on video, will upload soon. Couldn't do my calf raises how I usually do because I worked out at a different gym today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 22, 2016, 10:42:25 am

i recorded at 1080p but youtube always uploads my shit at 720p for some reason and that really annoys me

I really want to start recording my squats weekly again. going to have to find a spot to set my phone down at my regular gym.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2016, 01:52:18 pm
squats look fantastic.  :highfive:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on January 22, 2016, 03:04:24 pm
squats look fantastic.  :highfive:

ya, looked really strong. i've never seen less than fantastic squats from Dreyth.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 22, 2016, 04:03:28 pm
Thanks guys, feels great to hear that!  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on January 22, 2016, 08:54:57 pm
squats look very solid! and damn 375lbs x 8 on RDL's that's some strong stuff. I did conventional deadlifts with the same weight for sets of 5 yesterday. haha
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 25, 2016, 10:41:26 am
Week 95
Friday - 01/22/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
180 x 3                         >> 60sec rests.
200 x 2                         >> Dropped on these dammit.
220 x 1
200 x 12
200 x 6
200 x 5
180 x 6
180 x 5

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
40's x 9 PR
40's x 4
40's x 4
35's x 9
35's x 4

Pull ups
BW x 10                       >> 60sec rests.
BW x 10
BW x 9 PR
BW x 4 PR
BW x 4 PR

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
140 x 12 PR                  >> These are getting impractical now.
140 x 10 PR                  >> I'm starting to lift up off the ground a bit.
140 x 8 PR                  >> There's nothing around to hook my legs under.
 130 x 4 PR   

Rear Delt W Flyes
20's x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 6 PR
30's x 6 PR
30's x 6 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on January 25, 2016, 11:12:16 pm
Want to spread the word about my older bro. He's coming up in the EDM world very slowly. Artist name is Alastor:

He makes more cheesy stuff with Gareth, and more trancey and deeper stuff with Jerome. Armin van Buuren and Above & Beyond play his tracks on their radio shows sometimes.

damn really nice. second track is REALLY HYPE; had to put my headphones on for that one & really turn it up.

should put that in the music subforum too.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 26, 2016, 09:49:18 am
Week 96
Monday - 01/25/16

-= Workout Log =-

Tuck Jumps      2 x 8                >> 60sec rest.
SVJ's              3 x 1                >> 60sec rests.

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rests.
185 x 5                                >> 3rd rep was tough... let out some noise.
225 x 3
295 x 1
345 x 1
380 x 3
325 x 6 PR
325 x 4 PR
325 x 2 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> I think I should make both top sets with 235lbs and leave 245lbs for the future.
135 x 5
195 x 2
245 x 3
235 x 3
205 x 6

Standing Calf Raise Machine
405 x 12 PR                           >> 45sec rest.
405 x 10 PR

Just had no motivation. I'm due for a de-load. Can't wait to take it on Thursday (squat/bench day).

I should have at least done one heavy set of RDL's. I know I'm going to regret not doing it. I'll probably throw it in in my next workout. Not RDL-ing or doing ANY lift for a whole week kills my strength in that lift pretty quickly.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 26, 2016, 11:50:17 pm
Week 96
Tuesday - 01/26/16

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
+30lbs x 10                       >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 7 PR
+30lbs x 5 PR
+30lbs x 4
+30lbs x 3

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
40's x 10 PR
40's x 5 PR
40's x 5 PR
35's x 10 PR
35's x 6 PR

Cable Rows
180 x 3                         >> 60sec rests.
200 x 2                         >> Got tired of 200 so jumped up to 220.
220 x 5 PR               >> This will take a while lol.
220 x 5 PR
220 x 4 PR
200 x 5 PR
200 x 3 PR

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
140 x 12                  >> Did not PR but I did these with better form. Felt the stretch.
140 x 8
140 x 8
 130 x 3 
  120 x 3 
   95 x 8 

Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 8 PR
30's x 8 PR
30's x 8 PR

Felt really crappy and unmotivated going in. Felt amazing and refreshed when i finished. Thursday is a de-load. Then I have Friday's workout (which isn't so stressful) and the weekend off. I should recover nicely for next week :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 27, 2016, 01:07:57 pm
Going to fix my resume tonight and email it out to a few people. One of the deans at my college its good friends with a professor at my college who works at Deloitte in cyber security. That dean told me to email him my resume and it will be forwarded to that professor. Actually Im taking a class with that professor next semester I think. Or after that. Last semester he gave internships to 6 kids in his class. I just want to get in early, though.

I met up with a former student of my school (with a BS in Comp Sci) who works at Ernst & Young in their cyber security division. They started him at $68k/yr and he doesn't have a master's, and minimal experience. I'm in a similar boat but I'll have a master's. He told me about this professor at our college works at Ernst & Young in their security dept and that I should get into contact with him... I will email that professor with my resume and some direction. Who knows, maybe I can get a job there with this connection plus a master's. I mean if that other kid can do it without a masters and no connections... why can't i?!

Hopefully I can land some kind of internship soon and quit my current full time job (property management). I graduate with my master's in December. I better have a full time job lined up for then. It's time to make real money, keep saving while living with my parents, and invest into real estate instead of managing someone elses real estate right now.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 28, 2016, 11:00:50 am
My friend set up an LLC to flip properties with. I may do it too. We are getting serious about making money in real estate.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 29, 2016, 09:52:59 am
Week 96
Thursday - 01/28/16

-= Workout Log =-

Tuck Jumps      2 x 10                >> 60sec rest.
SVJ's              3 x 1                >> 60sec rests.

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
185 x 5                                >> Almost failed 3rd rep. Didn't scream though.
225 x 3
295 x 1
345 x 1
380 x 3
325 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                                 >> Not sure if I've ever done 235x5 before. I've done 230x6 though.
135 x 5
195 x 2
235 x 5 PR
205 x 4

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 3                             >> Had my oly shoes on for these. Felt weird and unnatural.
335 x 1                             >> I also didn't do them last workout so of course my strength drops instantly.
385 x 2

Calf Raise Machine
405 x 15 PR

I was feeling great throughout the day and couldn't wait to lift. Before I got there I started feeling crappy though. Then I realized it was a de-load day... thank goodness. I don't know if I'll be able to squat 385x3 next workout. But you know what... I felt like absolute crap and I was able to squat 380x3 without a hype up. Last workout I had no motivation and did it too. So I can do 380x3 consistently even when not in the mood for lifting... that means something :)

I think I will throw in an extra lifting day on Saturday where I just work up to a 385x1 squat, and 245x1 bench. Also throw in some RDL's because I missed them last workout. The extra frequency has always helped me in the past. I especially need it for the RDL's.

I also recorded my third SVJ. I'll upload a vid of it soon.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 29, 2016, 10:07:36 am

Download this so you can play frame by frame: I counted 24 frames. First frame was heel leaving the ground. Last frame was toes touching ground. That's how it's counted, right? 24 / 30 = 0.8sec in the air. That's 30-31 inches according to this chart: The vid is 60fps though on my phone. I'll try to get a more accurate read frame skipping on my computer. Edit: counted 48 frames at 60fps, giving me 0.8sec again.

According to the VJB calculator, at a weight of 195 and squat of 420 I should be jumping 36" standing. Damn I'm pretty short on that. The calculator has been very accurate for me in the past though, when I was consistently playing basketball. Makes me realize that movement efficiency helps SVJ's a ton, not just RVJ's.

BTW, I didn't know I used so little knee bend!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 29, 2016, 03:15:58 pm
wow you have very little dip compared to me and kf. i wonder if you could jump higher if you spent some time working on a deeper countermovement. there is some experimental evidence to support a correlation between countermovement amplitude and SVJ height.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 29, 2016, 03:59:24 pm
Its VERY shallow! Especially for a SVJ. Can you send me some info about this correlation? Id like to read about it.

I'll try getting deeper next workout. If it doesnt help then maybe i just need to get used to it. If it still doesnt help, then maybe lookint at it from the opposite direction would improve my vert: Quarter squats during a peaking phase would probably help me a ton.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 29, 2016, 11:41:59 pm
this is the paper i was thinking of: "Effect of different knee starting angles on intersegmental coordination and performance in vertical jumps"

also if anyone has journal access, this one looks really interesting: "Understanding Vertical Jump Potentiation: A Deterministic Model"
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 30, 2016, 09:48:37 am
this is the paper i was thinking of: "Effect of different knee starting angles on intersegmental coordination and performance in vertical jumps"

also if anyone has journal access, this one looks really interesting: "Understanding Vertical Jump Potentiation: A Deterministic Model"

Nice! Makes me think I'll put another 2 inches on my SVJ's with a little knee bend. I may play basketball today (for the first time in many months) and I'll record some SVJ's.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on January 30, 2016, 09:57:01 am
Check out my bend here:

It looks like I barely bend at all, lol.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Kingfish on January 30, 2016, 10:09:39 am

I was feeling great throughout the day and couldn't wait to lift. Before I got there I started feeling crappy though. Then I realized it was a de-load day... thank goodness. I don't know if I'll be able to squat 385x3 next workout. But you know what... I felt like absolute crap and I was able to squat 380x3 without a hype up. Last workout I had no motivation and did it too. So I can do 380x3 consistently even when not in the mood for lifting... that means something :)

good job. the heaviest 4+reps volumes i did was at 385lbx6-8reps, 20-40reps/workout.  i cannot recover fast enough after this weight.
spend time with that 385lb. the 405+ for volumes burn you out so fast. 

use mid-high 300s for volumes and you will eventually be thick enough to go 425-440-455 without really pushing for heavy singles.

remember, the point of being able to lift the heavy 425+ singles is to make your volume sets with 300s a lot easier/more effective. the 300s build you thick legs.. which make you jump better  :headbang:

your svj sucks :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 30, 2016, 11:31:08 am
good job. the heaviest 4+reps volumes i did was at 385lbx6-8reps, 20-40reps/workout.  i cannot recover fast enough after this weight.
spend time with that 385lb. the 405+ for volumes burn you out so fast.

I am only doing a single top set of 3 reps, twice a week. Do you still think that'll burn me out fast? My volume sets are at 325 right now.

your svj sucks :uhhhfacepalm:


now lets see your damn RVJ already  :uhcomeon:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on January 30, 2016, 12:23:40 pm
About the hangtime-vert calculation, i have studied it a bit at some time. With experimental data too ( measured jumps filmed at 120fps ).
My conclusion is that you need to add the flatfoot vs on-tip-of-toes measurement, which would be around 5''.
That brings your specific SVJ to around 35'' , which agrees to the VJB SVJ calculator AND to the heels height that i see.

PS1 : That has nothing to do with the knee bend though, listen to the pros, you could make it even higher.
PS2 : Here is the link to that 'study' i did :
I think i reposted it here? or was it another journal? Sorry if i am repeating myself, i think it will ease your 'low' SVJ frustration.
PS3 : Nothing beats the 'highest touch - standing reach' measurement, obviously.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 30, 2016, 12:39:16 pm
^^ Really? Damn! I don't think I have a 35" SVJ yet though, that's pretty high. I think I have to try touching a measured object to see if I should be including the flatfooted part. I'll see how high I can get up to the rim today. I may be disappointed though; my squat:bw ratio is the highest it's ever been, but I have very little movement efficiency right now so I'm not sure how high i'll jump. I also have no clue how much movement efficiency affects my SVJ. It DOES affect my RVJ a ton though.

As for the knee bend, I'll try different things and see what happens. But this is important, and it drives me nuts and I have to say it. It's slightly relevant:

High vert is not a function of low GCT per se. Do not try to consciously lower your GCT.
High vert is a function of GCT is a function of POWER.

Your GCT's are lowered by increasing POWER, not by physically trying to stay on the ground less by means of anything else, like lessening knee bend.

A deep knee bend means you have more time to apply force to the ground and therefore jump higher right?
Well what if a deep knee bend is a function of not enough power? you're still ammortizing in a sense...
Perhaps shallow knee bend is a function of higher power, because the legs are able to reverse the countermovement instantly! This must be the case for the 50" jumpers that barely bend their knees.

Somewhere in between the two will be the optimal knee bend for everyone. But the question is: should we consciously try to change knee bend amount? Or should we just do what happens naturally, and assume that knee bend amount is a function of power?

Well hey, maybe if knee bend amount IS a function of power, is that still optimal? (I find it crazy how people can snatch more if the beginning of the movement isn't as fast as possible, but rather, the second part of it is).

edit; @vag, from your post:

What seemed to work was use the hangtime calculator measuring the toes-off-to-touchdown hangtime, and then add the 'reach on toes - reach flatfoo
I measured 30-31" from heels off to toe touchdown. if i measure from toes off to toe touchdown, then I take away 4 frames. Instead of 48 frames, I now have 44 frames / 60FPS = 0.733sec or.... 25-26" vertical. Add the 5" correction and I'm back at 30-31" dammit.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2016, 12:53:41 pm
Irritating comment re: English writing: "P.S." stands for "postscript." So if you want to add another after your initial P.S., you'd go to P.P.S. (post-postscript), then P.P.P.S. (post-post-postscript), and so on.

Sorry vag, especially if you knew that already. Couldn't help myself.  :-*

W/r/t trying to change the amount of knee bend: SVJ is a learned skill like any other movement, if a fairly simple one. Everyone will have a different optimal amount of knee bend, forward lean, etc., based on their structure. But that doesn't mean you can't try to add depth to your technique with submax practice and then draw on it when you max out.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 30, 2016, 01:13:35 pm
W/r/t trying to change the amount of knee bend: SVJ is a learned skill like any other movement, if a fairly simple one. Everyone will have a different optimal amount of knee bend, forward lean, etc., based on their structure. But that doesn't mean you can't try to add depth to your technique with submax practice and then draw on it when you max out.

Agreed! I'll be experimenting today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: T0ddday on January 30, 2016, 05:44:48 pm
Wow. Very interesting convo.  Im on my phone in between training clients so i cant add much now... but this is a cool topic.  Ill just say a few things...

1) trying to change knee bend consciously will not work for you in the short term.  That is if you test again trying for knee bend you will jump lower.  This is true for all but extreme beginners.  You have skill in your current movement pattern... LBSS is right that you could possibly fool w it and practice a lot and get gains over a longer time scale.  This may work but isnt necessary... there is an article about andrew wiggins who has a 40 inch SVJ w zero knee bend - so there is more than one way to skin this cat...

2) Vag is right about hangtime calculators.  In general these underestimate.  But also realize we all have exaggerated verticals...  Even if you measure reach by fully dislocating shoulder  (which isnt how they test in the nba) your dynamic reach in the air can allow you to stretch an extra inch or two... so even if you only raise your center of mass by 30 inches you can reach 31 or 32 with a full dynamic stretch of the arm.  This is legit because you ARE reaching 32" inches above your standing reach... which is all that matters. 

Additionally I dont understand why people use hangtime from a full jump for video estimates... your just adding error by doing the whole jump rather than the fall...  an easy estimate can be done by either counting frames or just downloading v1golf or another app that adds timing to the video.  Simply do this.  Film a jump where you try to touch a max height target.  Go to the frame where you are highest (touching the target) now time the distance it takes for your butt to go back down to its resting height.  Now take the time and multiply it like so: t×t×4.9.  Thats your height in meters. 

Ps. Basically a .5 second fall is a 48 inch jump.  A 0.4 second fall is a 30 inch jump.  Your somewhere between those two.

Pps. IMO the jump you posted looks better than 30. I dont know about 35 but i would say your estimate seems like an underestimate.  Def not an overestimate.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on January 31, 2016, 05:09:11 am
LBSS: Never knew that, interesting. I knew it meant post script, it means the same here, but here we use counting for more than one. Classic error, translating your language to another one directly, it doesn't work like that.

T0ddday: Great point about the shoulder hyperextension. Something similar happens to spine. ESPN dealed with it at some time at this sports science series IIRC. It differs from person to person too. But even at the same person, each part of the body hyperextends/lengthens differently during the violent act of jumping, giving different maximum vertical displacements. Scientifically speaking, the 'true' vertical displacement your legs are able to provide should be measured at a point below the spine, probably in the pelvis.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 31, 2016, 09:57:26 am
Lackluster update: ended up cancelling plans with friends to play basketball lol. I'll do more SVJ's on monday before lifting. I'll try deeper knee bends.

About the reaching up thing that T0ddday mentioned:
Another factor is that if I jump high and reach with my right arm, my body shifts to the left a little so my shoulder/elbow/wrist/fingertips are lined up "north/south" moreso than before. Sure when you do a standing reach this happens to some extent, but not completely as both of your feet have to be flatfooted.

A real vertical jump height is measured by how much you move your center of mass. But what if we have two people who both have a reach of 96", but one of them has size 9 feet and the other size 14? If they both have a highest touch of 120", is the one with way bigger feet really jumping as high as the other? Sure the difference is minimal, maybe 1.5" but... it bothers me dammit. I guess "vertical leap" isn't clearly defined is it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 01, 2016, 12:24:57 am
Ate a TON this weekend and spent way too much money on food :(
Pooped tnite and then weighed myself at 203.8lbs!!! Havent been this heavy since January 2011 five years ago when i was 210lbs... Took another poop and brought it down to 202.8lbs. I know i still have food in me plus a bunch of glycogen stored from increased food/caeb intake. Also a lot of water weight, i can even feel it in my face.

Cutting down to 193lbs by March 1st. I'll probably be down to 196-197 in the morning a few days from dropping glycogen and water, so this wont be too difficult.

I know i'll crush 385x3 on the squats tomorrow though ;)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 01, 2016, 09:37:38 am
Week 96
Friday - 02/05/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows

Lateral Raises

Pull ups

Ab Pulldowns

Rear Delt W Flyes

Worked out at my friends gym. Did random shit in addition to the usual, but even the usual was screwed up with rest times and a bunch of stuff. Don't feel like typing it and don't remember it either. Damn i hate working out with other people. Fucks everything up. No I don't want to do your workout. I'll do mine and you do yours.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Merrick on February 01, 2016, 11:55:33 am
Week 96
Friday - 02/05/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows

Lateral Raises

Pull ups

Ab Pulldowns

Rear Delt W Flyes

Worked out at my friends gym. Did random shit in addition to the usual, but even the usual was screwed up with rest times and a bunch of stuff. Don't feel like typing it and don't remember it either. Damn i hate working out with other people. Fucks everything up. No I don't want to do your workout. I'll do mine and you do yours.

Yeah I hate it too lol.  Most people don't understand keeping to the routine you have planned out perfectly with set rest times and everything. 

"Try this exercise man, just try it, it's great!"

I don't give a shit about your exercise! lolll
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2016, 12:11:31 pm
people can come work out with me if they are willing to do exactly what i was planning to do anyway. it would actually be great to have a workout partner who was down to do the same routine as me.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Merrick on February 01, 2016, 12:20:10 pm
people can come work out with me if they are willing to do exactly what i was planning to do anyway. it would actually be great to have a workout partner who was down to do the same routine as me.

Well that's different.  I would love that too lol
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on February 01, 2016, 12:42:30 pm
Yeah when I used to train with Nightfly we would pretty much do the same thing, except for the weights used. But even these were pretty close.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 01, 2016, 01:48:29 pm
people can come work out with me if they are willing to do exactly what i was planning to do anyway. it would actually be great to have a workout partner who was down to do the same routine as me.

That would be really nice. I don't know if I'll ever enjoy that lol.

I've done my routine with him and he still got in the way. Others too. I do a lot of warm up sets and rest an okay amount between them. They don't like to do all that. Even then, if I want to rest 2min between my squats, they'll want to go again before me and then by the time I have to squat they'll still be squatting.

Even worse is yep, doing their exercises and shit. And worse yet, is messing up the order. I'll do all your lifts when I'm done with mine. No I don't want to do cable chest flyes before benching. I'll do them after benching, maybe, for a little. And no I don't want to do close grip bench press. Just regular. Maybe I'll do close grip after my regular benches.

And wtf is this? Why am I doing pyramid set?!?! They don't make sense! I'm tired as fuck for my 3RM now. We should do REVERSE pyramid sets if anything. :raging:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 01, 2016, 08:21:05 pm
Will update later. Did a normal SVJ. Then did two more with deeper knee bend. Felt very awkward and took me like 10sec to do it lol. Immediate 2" increase on vert! Didnt even bend to parallel level. I'll try deeper next time.

Got vids of them and a vid of 385x3 squat.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 01, 2016, 11:57:24 pm
Week 97
Monday - 01/28/16

-= Workout Log =-

Jump Rope       2 x 200             >> 60sec rest.
Tuck Jumps      2 x 10               >> 60sec rest.
SVJ's              3 x 1                >> 60sec rests.

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
185 x 5                                >> 3rd rep was really tough. Grunted loudly.
225 x 3                                >> No adrenaline but I was a little angry.
295 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 3
325 x 6 PR
325 x 3 PR
325 x 3 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                                 >> I'll stay with 235lbs again this week and move up to 245lbs next week.
135 x 5
195 x 2
235 x 6 PR
235 x 3 PR
205 x 6 PR
205 x 6 PR
205 x 4 PR

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5                              >> 2min rest.
315 x 1                              >> Just too tired and annoyed to try hard on 2nd set and to do a 3rd set.
355 x 1
385 x 5 PR
385 x 1

Calf Raise Machine
360 x 5                             >> 45sec rests.
420 x 15 PR                      >> Seems like my calves don't stop improving.
420 x 15 PR
420 x 12 PR

Didn't do incline DB benches. Just didn't feel like it. Here's my squat vid:

SVJ, probably 33" here: (edit: counted 49 frames at 60FPS, heel off to toes down, so its 31-32")


Feels awkward jumping like this. Which means I have the potential to jump a little higher once the movement is ironed out. I'll try doing even more knee bend in the future. Like to parallel. This can't be just 32" though... I need to measure my reach and measure an object to touch dammit.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on February 02, 2016, 12:47:04 am
Who needs DB incline bench when you're PR'ing everything in sight.

Squat looks solid.

Btw, may look a little odd but why not take a take measure to the gym and measure the point you jumped to?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 02, 2016, 08:33:55 am
Who needs DB incline bench when you're PR'ing everything in sight.

Squat looks solid.

Btw, may look a little odd but why not take a take measure to the gym and measure the point you jumped to?

Theres this pipe running below the ceiling that i am for. I only touched it using deeper knee bend. Thats what i want to measure, but dont know how to get up there with a string or something. I'll figure something out.

Its so much easier having a bball court and just seeing how far down your wrist you can hit the rim!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2016, 08:50:02 am
1. get stiff measuring tape, bring to gym
2. position plyo box under pipe
3. stand on plyo box
4. extend measuring tape overhead until it reaches pipe
5. take reading
6. add to your reach height and height of box
7. profit
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 02, 2016, 08:56:37 am
1. get stiff measuring tape, bring to gym
2. position plyo box under pipe
3. stand on plyo box
4. extend measuring tape overhead until it reaches pipe
5. take reading
6. add to your reach height and height of box
7. profit

Oh yeah... I kept thinking i needed a fishing pole thing to hold a string up to the pipe and let it drop to the floor. Then measure string. Forgot about adding my own reach. I'll have to measure my reach up to my thumb/how i hold the tape
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2016, 09:50:06 am
oh my god please do the fishing pole thing. but only if you have a camera secretly recording a wide shot so you can see the reactions of everyone else in the gym.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on February 02, 2016, 12:44:06 pm
I used one but at the track. Left it there, never found it back :D
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 03, 2016, 09:42:20 am
Week 97
Tuesday - 02/02/16

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
+30lbs x 12 PR                       >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 6                             >> Did not expect to hit 12 reps. Will up weight next time.
+30lbs x 5
BW x 6
BW x 4

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2                             >> Realllly didn't expect to get 12 reps here either. Nice!
45's x 1
40's x 12 PR
40's x 5 PR
40's x 4
35's x 10
35's x 5

Cable Rows
180 x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
200 x 2
220 x 6 PR
220 x 5 PR
220 x 4 PR
200 x 5 PR
200 x 4 PR

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                           >> 60sec rests.
145 x 15 PR                  >> Did not expect 15 reps for the first time at this weight. Nice.
145 x 8 PR                    >> Can't exactly remember weights on last two drop sets. May be inaccurate.
145 x 6 PR
 120 x 3 PR 
  115 x 6 PR   

Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 12 PR
30's x 10 PR
30's x 10 PR

Excellent workout. Starting to look pretty big in the mirror. I've never though of myself as big before. It'll be time for some pics soon. Maybe when I cut to 195 or so.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 03, 2016, 09:46:12 am
Woke up at 196.8lbs today. As I suspected, I would drop from 200 to 197 in just a couple days.
Aiming for 193 by March 1st. Might get there earlier. Hopefully strength doesn't suffer. But I'm chasing that 2.25xbw squat... 405x3 at 195lbs by June would be ideal. That's my target.

Another note: I've been taking lots of vitamin D lately. I thought that's what had caused my crazy 30lb squat gain in 3 weeks. Also my 20lb bench gain. I'll keep it up for another week. I don't think that's what caused it, but I'll try another week. If there's no luck, I'll do the other thing I though was making my gains skyrocket. I'll say what it is after it works lol.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on February 03, 2016, 01:58:17 pm
I'll keep it up for another week. I don't think that's what caused it, but I'll try another week. If there's no luck, I'll do the other thing I though was making my gains skyrocket. I'll say what it is after it works lol.

hah, suspense.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on February 03, 2016, 06:26:01 pm
Another note: I've been taking lots of vitamin D lately.

How much are you taking a day?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 03, 2016, 06:51:52 pm
Another note: I've been taking lots of vitamin D lately.

How much are you taking a day?

5,000iu sometimes double that
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on February 03, 2016, 07:27:50 pm
Wowee!!! How long do you generally keep it up for?

I generally take 2,000 a day...when I remember to.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 03, 2016, 08:47:38 pm
Wowee!!! How long do you generally keep it up for?

I generally take 2,000 a day...when I remember to.

Sometimes I'll take it every other day. I found it for really cheap. They're "Vitamin D Dots" or something. Each dot is 5000iu and tastes pretty good. Turns out the ones that hvae 1000, 2000, and 5000iu per dot all cost the same, so i just went with the 5000 per dot.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2016, 09:51:17 am
you are pissing most of that out, lol.

i am a moron and was thinking of something else. 5000IU/day is within the max your body can process and you live in NYC, where it's winter and there's not enough sun. carry on.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 04, 2016, 09:56:56 am
you are pissing most of that out, lol.
I'll take 5000iu every other day then? What should be my upper limit per day? the 5000/dot costed the same as the 1000/dot
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2016, 10:11:42 am
^^^edited previous post.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: T0ddday on February 04, 2016, 02:35:19 pm
you are pissing most of that out, lol.

i am a moron and was thinking of something else. 5000IU/day is within the max your body can process and you live in NYC, where it's winter and there's not enough sun. carry on.

Also, vitamin d is fat soluble so unlikely he is excreting much in his urine...

Vitamin d is crazy because its a hormone and basically does everything - a lot of the new research on it shows benefits at megadoses (10k-15k IU daily).  However, guidelines still put the maximum recommended levels at 40000 iu so I couldn't responsibly tell you to raise your dose...

However if you do... bump is up slowly and if you get constipated thats a good sign you need to dial back...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 04, 2016, 02:55:24 pm
you are pissing most of that out, lol.

i am a moron and was thinking of something else. 5000IU/day is within the max your body can process and you live in NYC, where it's winter and there's not enough sun. carry on.

Also, vitamin d is fat soluble so unlikely he is excreting much in his urine...

Vitamin d is crazy because its a hormone and basically does everything - a lot of the new research on it shows benefits at megadoses (10k-15k IU daily).  However, guidelines still put the maximum recommended levels at 40000 iu so I couldn't responsibly tell you to raise your dose...

However if you do... bump is up slowly and if you get constipated thats a good sign you need to dial back...

From what I've read, you'll only notice a difference from vitamin D dosage if you were deficient in it. I haven't read so much though. I'll bump it up to 20,000iu per day and see what happens. Its cheap as shit anyway.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on February 04, 2016, 06:35:42 pm
Nice discussion. The D is something that might require some experimentation I think.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 04, 2016, 06:53:08 pm
The D is something that might require some experimentation I think.

So are you going to switch teams?

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on February 04, 2016, 08:05:14 pm
The D is something that might require some experimentation I think.

So are you going to switch teams?


lol...that was just too easy wasn't it
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2016, 11:07:46 pm
The D is something that might require some experimentation I think.

So are you going to switch teams?


lol...that was just too easy wasn't it

yeah he's gotta get that low-hanging fruit. or maybe it's you that needs to get that low-hanging fruit, if you're gonna experiment with the D.  :P
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 05, 2016, 12:24:57 am
Week 97
Thursday - 02/04/16

-= Workout Log =-

Jump Rope       2 x 200             >> 60sec rest.
Tuck Jumps      2 x 10               >> 60sec rest.
SVJ's              3 x 1                >> 60sec rests.

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
185 x 5                                >> Was very tired going into this. After 355x1, thought I had 2 maybe 1 rep in me for 385.
225 x 3                                >> Turns out I hit 385x3 while feeling crappy AGAIN and PR on back up set?!
295 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 3
325 x 8 PR
325 x 4 PR
325 x 3 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                                 >> Was supposed to do 235x6,3, but wasn't feeling it.
135 x 5                               >> I was scared of being disappointed and not hitting it so I just went back to 235x3.
195 x 2                               >> Turns out I PR in that. Ha.
245 x 3
235 x 4 PR
205 x 8 PR
205 x 6 PR
205 x 4 PR

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5                              >> 2min rest.
315 x 1                              >> Thought I had maybe 5 reps in me. Hit 8?!
355 x 1                              >> Running out of time and really didn't feel like doing 2 more sets anyway.
385 x 8 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 11                     >> 60sec rest.
75's x 4

Calf Raise Machine
375 x 5                             >> 45sec rests.
435 x 15 PR                      >> Moar PR's.
435 x 8 PR
435 x 8 PR
 405 x 4 PR
  375 x 4 PR
   345 x 4 PR

I was feeling great at work and couldn't wait to go lift. But by the time I got to the gym I was feeling sluggish. Why does this keep happening? However, I PR anyway. So that's good. Good to know I can hit 385x3 twice in the same week AND while I feel like it's going to be a bad workout. I'll look on the bright side.

So I've learned something about my training. I no longer really like the idea of "hit X sets of Y reps across before moving up in weight." Instead of waiting until I hit 3x12 in lateral raises for example, I'll move up when I can do 12, 10, 7 or something like that. My strength improves quicker that way.

You know why? Well, I think of it this way. I hate the fact that people do pyramid sets: by the time I get to my 3RM I'm already fatigued! So what's the point? Sure I'm training the muscle, but I could have lifted more if I did a reverse pyramid. Similarly, if I can hit 12, 12, 10 in a lift but can't seem to get 12 reps on that last set... well... I'm already fatigued by that last set! The sets before it weren't so bad though. The first set couldn't have been crazy hard especially considering I could repeat that set in just 60sec of rest. So why not just move up in weight already? And what is that first set doing for my strength if it's not that hard anyway???

Another way to look at it: I'd rather have 3 sets to near failure rather than just my last set be like that. Now that I think about it... I improve pretty quickly when aiming for 3x10 but I'm still in the 4-6 rep range for that lift. But once I get pretty close to 3x10 (like 10, 9, 7) it takes way longer to finally hit 3x10.

However, for things like 3-5 rep work: longer rest times means it's fine to wait until you get 3 sets across because chances are you are nearly fully recovered between sets. Sometimes, in fact, a 5th or 6th set of 3 can be easier than the 2nd and 3rd (I learned this while running smolov jr a couple times).

Lol'd at low hanging fruit btw hahahah
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Merrick on February 05, 2016, 01:48:18 am
I agree, for quicker STRENGTH gains, doing the same weight across sucks and using a money set scheme with back off sets for additional volume is easily the way to go.  And yes again, traditional pyramid schemes are as stupid as they get.  It "sounds" cool to newbies though.  I actually haven't even heard anyone say 'pyramid' in regards to training in years though.  Maybe it's dying out lol
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 05, 2016, 08:28:12 am
I agree, for quicker STRENGTH gains, doing the same weight across sucks and using a money set scheme with back off sets for additional volume is easily the way to go.  And yes again, traditional pyramid schemes are as stupid as they get.  It "sounds" cool to newbies though.  I actually haven't even heard anyone say 'pyramid' in regards to training in years though.  Maybe it's dying out lol

Im still using the same weight across! Its the reps across that isnt a necessity.
Alternatively, you can do the same reps across but lower the weight as desired to keep reps the same as long as your first set will be near failure. That way all 3 of your sets will be near failure.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 05, 2016, 11:33:08 am
Forgot to mention my last two jumps were 50 frames each so ~33" vertical. Slight improvement! I'm also recording from the back now so I can more clearly see when my heels start to lift up. Still measuring from when heels start to rise until toe-down.

Will start recording at 120FPS if I can remember to. Will have a vacation soon and I plan to play some basketball. I'll see how far up the rim I can get my wrist. I'll get it on vid too so we can see how the frame counts compare to touching the rim.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: T0ddday on February 05, 2016, 10:12:57 pm
Forgot to mention my last two jumps were 50 frames each so ~33" vertical. Slight improvement! I'm also recording from the back now so I can more clearly see when my heels start to lift up. Still measuring from when heels start to rise until toe-down.

Will start recording at 120FPS if I can remember to. Will have a vacation soon and I plan to play some basketball. I'll see how far up the rim I can get my wrist. I'll get it on vid too so we can see how the frame counts compare to touching the rim.

Measuring from heel rise to tow down cam be innacurate depending on how you jump... heels can be off the ground despite a lowered center of mass...  takeoffs are tricky, this is why you should use the frames from the fall (frame at top or max touch to frame when com of mass returns to normal).   Part of the reason you might measure a "better" vertical w a greater knee bend is the change in positioning of com, this is not something you want to train for...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 05, 2016, 10:50:25 pm
^^ to be more clear, my heels are off the ground during nearly the entire countermovement. Once they are off the ground while im still descending, they never touch the ground again. Then i start ascending, and THEN do the heels start coming up. Thats when i start the timer.

However with this deeper knee bend i notice i can touch a higher object than before so i know for sure its making me jump higher.

Also its hard to measure from the second portion of the jump because i cant exactly tell when ive stopped ascending. Ahhhh i just need a rim already...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 06, 2016, 03:46:08 pm
Week 97
Friday - 02/05/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
160 x 5                >> 60sec rest.
180 x 3
200 x 1
220 x 8 PR
200 x 8

Lateral Raises
25's x 5                    >> 60sec rest.
30's x 3
35's x 2
40's x 1
45's x 1
40's x 13 PR
35's x 12

Pull ups
BW x 17 PR                >> 60sec rest.
BW x 8

Ab Pulldowns
150 x 5               >> Not a PR: the weights on this stack feel CRAZY light compared to my gym.
175 x 20

Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 15 PR

PR'd on everything pretty much except for the ab pulldowns. The stack only went up to 150lbs and all i could fit on top of that is a 25lb plate. It was a NYSC and at the three that i've been to all feel way too light. As in 80lbs or so too light.

Today's a de-load and so is Monday. And I'm resting over the weekend. This should be good. Hopefully Monday I can squat 390x3! If I can do it at 195lbs or do 395 at 196lbs, then thats 2xbw for a triple :D
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 08, 2016, 08:48:33 am
194.8lbs this morning. That was quick!

Edit: i start off every morning excited to lift later in the day. But as the day goes on i start to get groggy and now i feel like i'll have a crappy workout again. Has to do with my food intake. Gotta figure out how much food and when will leave me feeling good for my workout at 7pm. Also crabs vs protein etc


Just discovered my gym has a location 10min from my job. I can go lift at lunch time. Get my light plyos and squats out of the way. Then lift after work all refreshed. Or i can do my bench pressing there. Cool!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 08, 2016, 09:29:43 pm
Week 98
Monday - 02/08/16

-= Workout Log =-

Tuck Jumps      2 x 10               >> 60sec rest.
SVJ's              3 x 1                >> 60sec rests.

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
135 x 5                                >> Woohoo! Was nervous aka tiny bit of adrenaline. Not so angry though.
185 x 5                                >> This was more a product of being rested and feeling awesome in the gym.
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 3 PR
325 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 3
205 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 8

Calf Raise Machine
405 x 10        >> Felt heavy as hell, this was at a different gym so that's why.

Well... I already hit my goal of 405x3 at 195lbs bw. WTF? I guess I can continue until my 405x3 is my bread n butter. Until I can do it even when I'm feeling absolutely crappy, twice in a week, like the way I do 385x3.

I need to play basketball soon. My squat:bw ratio is a little above 2.25 now. I am definitely cracking a 40" running vertical if i keep this relative strength and improve my movement efficiency.

recorded the 3 SVJ's before this at 120fps. it wont play properly on my computer. i'll try my laptop. they didnt feel so good though, probably 30" only.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2016, 09:40:23 pm
gnarly.  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on February 08, 2016, 09:58:27 pm
gnarly.  :ibsquatting:



Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on February 09, 2016, 12:30:02 am
gnarly.  :ibsquatting:





This should go into Entropy's Maxent's beautiful squatting category.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 09, 2016, 12:32:53 am
Thanks guys. Its been several hours and im feeling a little fried from it. Should have stuck to the planned 390x3 but i was feeling it and just wanted to get the milestone on video already...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 10, 2016, 11:09:12 am
Week 98
Tuesday - 02/09/16

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
+35lbs x 8 PR                       >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 6 PR
+30lbs x 4
+25lbs x 6
BW x 6

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
40's x 13
40's x 6 PR
40's x 6 PR
35's x 8
35's x 6

Cable Rows
180 x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
200 x 2                            >> Blahh. I should try dropping to 210lbs and 190lbs.
220 x 7
220 x 3
220 x 1
200 x 6
200 x 6

Ab Pulldowns
Won't write it down. All of a sudden this got extremey difficult. I think the cable needs to be lubed up or something. I checked out the usual source of friction and it was okay. Just did a single drop set, 15-20 reps in total.

Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 15
30's x 8 PR
30's x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 10, 2016, 06:14:06 pm
Went to a career fair at my university today. Dropped off my resume with ~15 companies. Most of them are accounting and finance companies. Never really realized how many different places I could work at with a BS in Computer Science, not even programming related. The degree requires great analytical and problem-solving skills, which many companies want in their workers.

MANY people impressed that I was mastering in cyber security (especially the accounting and finance companies). Some wanted my resume right after hearing that. Most weren't hiring for my set of skills though. The Big 4 accounting companies were there, but are not hiring for my skill set until September. Which is fine, I graduate in December so that would line up nicely.

Had a blast. I was very much myself and had many recruiters laughing a ton. They forgot they were even there to recruit! I looked like I was already friends with them. It's nice to have these people view me face to face so I can really get a chance to set myself apart from the rest since I don't have much relevant work experience.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Merrick on February 10, 2016, 07:15:19 pm
Did you include your vert on your resume?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 10, 2016, 07:34:34 pm
Did you include your vert on your resume?

Hmmm... I DO have a section labeled interests & skills...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on February 10, 2016, 10:01:08 pm
Went to a career fair at my university today. Dropped off my resume with ~15 companies. Most of them are accounting and finance companies. Never really realized how many different places I could work at with a BS in Computer Science, not even programming related. The degree requires great analytical and problem-solving skills, which many companies want in their workers.

MANY people impressed that I was mastering in cyber security (especially the accounting and finance companies). Some wanted my resume right after hearing that. Most weren't hiring for my set of skills though. The Big 4 accounting companies were there, but are not hiring for my skill set until September. Which is fine, I graduate in December so that would line up nicely.

Had a blast. I was very much myself and had many recruiters laughing a ton. They forgot they were even there to recruit! I looked like I was already friends with them. It's nice to have these people view me face to face so I can really get a chance to set myself apart from the rest since I don't have much relevant work experience.

pretty cool.

what are your set of skills briefly, if you don't mind me asking?

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 10, 2016, 11:42:32 pm
Not very technical. And by skill set i should really just say schooling lol.

Comp sci
Good at computational theory and algorithm optomization

Cyber sec
Forensic ToolKit
FTK Imager

Theres a huge not-so-technical skills component to cyber security though. I'd like to get into that. Im taking an Information Security & Ethics course. The professor is an IT Auditor for the UN and every class is a case study. Shits awesome. Makes bank. Management stuff. Thats what a masters really helps with. For technical skills i'll have some basic certifications to show for, like Network+ and Security+.

Just gotta grt my foot in the door and get that first job in the field...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 11, 2016, 11:17:12 pm
Week 98
Thursday - 02/11/16

-= Workout Log =-

Jump Rope       2 x 100            >> 60sec rest.
Tuck Jumps      2 x 10               >> 60sec rest.
SVJ's              3 x 1                >> 60sec rests.

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
135 x 5                                >> Pretty damn hard. No hype up though. Felt kinda good going into it too.
185 x 5                                >> 395x3 next workout will be tough as shit based on how hard this was.
185 x 3                                 >> Probably only doable since i dont squat for another 3 days.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
390 x 3
325 x 8 PR
325 x 5 PR
325 x 3 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                                 >> Dropped from 235x4 to 235x2. The 205x10 was a consilation heh.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 3
235 x 2
205 x 10 PR
205 x 6 PR
205 x 4 PR

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5                               >> Forgot my straps. Fuck! Been skimping on these lately.
                                          >> I'll do them tomorrow and a little after tomorrow too.
                                          >> The high frequency should help get me back up to par quickly.

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 12                       >> 60sec rest.
75's x 2                         >> Hit a wall on the 3rd rep.

Calf Raise Machine
405 x 5                               >> 45sec rests.
450 x 15 PR
450 x 8 PR
450 x 7 PR
 420 x 4 PR
  390 x 4 PR

The SVJ's felt terrible. 30" MAX on those, probably 29". The weights on the squats felt a little heavy too, but i was feeling good overall and was able to power through it. I wasnt groggy or demotivated or anything. Perhaps my CNS is not fully recovered but my muscles are!

Found a spot where i can rest my phone to record. So i'll definitely be recording squats consistently from now on. I flipped over a trashcan lol. This is my regular gym btw.

Guess my goal is to creep up to a consistent 405x3. At that point i want to really bring up my backup sets to cement my gains. Dont want to chase crazy numbers with 3RM's past that. 405x5 would be cool but not going for 425x3 or anything like that.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 12, 2016, 10:05:53 am
Woke up at 197.8lbs dammit. Really want to get under 195 like last week, but stay there. Goal is to get to a consistent 405x3 at 195lbs or less. Then bring up my RDL and do a lot more jumping.

I have all next week off so I'll have plenty of time to play basketball. My RVJ will probably suck at first lol, even with this new strength I have. I have to try not to be disappointed and get demotivated. I'll probably play 2 or 3 times... not much time at all to get all the movement efficiency back but whatever. Ideally I need 3-4x a week for 3 weeks straight.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 13, 2016, 09:43:55 am
Week 98
Friday - 02/12/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
160 x 5                >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3
200 x 1
210 x 8
210 x 7
190 x 6
190 x 6
190 x 5

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2                    >> Got 40's x 13 two workouts in a row so I said screw it and moved up in weight.
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 6 PR
45's x 6 PR
40's x 7 PR
40's x 7 PR
40's x 5 PR

Pull ups
BW x 15                >> 60sec rests.
BW x 7                  >> Non-stop reps for all of them.
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
145 x 12
145 x 9 PR
145 x 4 PR
 125 x 4 PR
  115 x 4 PR
   95 x 4 PR

Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 5                                   >> 60sec rests.
30's x 15
30's x 11 PR
30's x 8 PR

Nice workout. Tried a few dragon flags. 5 Negatives. Dear god. I flopped after getting past a 45 degree angle. How are these even possible?! It did my hip flexors as much as abs though. I want to hit the ABS directly, hip flexors secondarily. Gonna need to learn to do these once I can't add weight to my ab pulldowns.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 13, 2016, 09:45:27 pm
Week 98
Saturday - 02/13/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> Easy, felt good. Was wearing two pairs of sweats though, makes it easier somehow.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> Banged this out in like 2min.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                              >> 2min rests.
275 x 3                              >> This should get my cns used to these again.
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1 PR
405 x 1 PR
405 x 1 PR

I may not be able to lift this Monday. So I did this light workout today to bridge the gap between Thursday's squat/bench/RDL session and Tuesday's. Tuesday i'll lift twice so that i'm on schedule.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on February 14, 2016, 02:52:38 pm
Week 98
Saturday - 02/13/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> Easy, felt good. Was wearing two pairs of sweats though, makes it easier somehow.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> Banged this out in like 2min.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                              >> 2min rests.
275 x 3                              >> This should get my cns used to these again.
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1 PR
405 x 1 PR
405 x 1 PR

I may not be able to lift this Monday. So I did this light workout today to bridge the gap between Thursday's squat/bench/RDL session and Tuesday's. Tuesday i'll lift twice so that i'm on schedule.

So I did this light workout today   :gtfo:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 14, 2016, 06:27:37 pm
Light for me means not tiring and nothing i need to recover from  :lololol:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on February 15, 2016, 12:19:24 am
Perfect form is perfect
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 16, 2016, 04:30:12 pm
Lifted saturday. Will not lift today (tuesday) most likely. Will do full body workout tomorrow (wednesday) to stay on track. Then either full body friday or split into fri/sat

Hope this didnt screw up my flow, really want to be able to squat 395x3 tomorrow. If anything i know ill be jumping pretty high at least.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2016, 04:33:41 pm
yeah man that 405 is sweet. your form is second only to kf.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: undoubtable on February 16, 2016, 07:26:53 pm
yeah man that 405 is sweet. your form is second only to kf.

Man I dunno, I can argue Dreyth is the most naturally talented squatter. Form is on point and leverages are nearly ideal. Aren't you 6ft+ too Dreyth? Back doesn't bend at all and bar path is a straight line. Of course kf is class and no one has worked on it as much as he has. I just wanted to throw in the argument. Both are super nice
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 16, 2016, 07:51:17 pm
Idn but its definitely a joy watching KF squat, especially at the weights he uses. I'm 6'1, yes. Verily inflexible as well. Cannot touch my toes. I know hamstring flexibility actually has very little to do with oly squats, but EVERYTHING of mine is inflexible.

My ankle dorsiflexion and my long torso are what helps me squat like that. Also foam rolling my glutes to some extent.

Btw i ended up lifting today. Squatted 395x3 but didnt have my oly shoes. Wore converses and put my heels on 2.5lb plates which ive never done before. Lifted at a different gym, and didnt take a video. Will update later.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 18, 2016, 11:30:41 pm
Week 99
Tuesday - 02/16/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
135 x 5                                >> Didn't have my oly shoes. Squatted in chucks with plates under heels.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
395 x 3
325 x 8 PR
325 x 5 PR
325 x 3 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                                 >> Kinda stalling on these. We'll see how next workout goes. Might have to switch it up.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 3
235 x 3
205 x 8
205 x 6
205 x 4

Back Extensions
BW x 5                >> 60sec rests.
45 x 15                >> Didn't have my deadlift straps so did these instead of RDL's.
45 x 15
45 x 15

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 10                       >> 60sec rest.
75's x 4

Calf Raise Machine
Weights were different here than my regular gym.                   >> 60sec rests.
3 sets of 6-8  plus 2 drop sets of ~4.


Pull ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rest.
+40lbs x 8 PR
+40lbs x 4 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
40's x 12
40's x 8 PR

Cable Rows
160 x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3                            >> This was a nice smooth machine at this gym. Felt amazing.
200 x 1
220 x 10 PR
220 x 8 PR

Ab Pulldowns
100 x 5                >> Inaccurate, but it went something like that.
140 x 4
 130 x 3
  120 x 4

Bent over Rear Delt W Flyes
30's x 15             >> The benches were too low to do this face down on an incline. Did them bent over.

Have another full body workout this Friday. Hope to record my 395x3 squat, if I hit it. I think I'm at like 200lbs again. Damn I'm really slacking with the diet. Not such a big deal though. Immediate goal is to get to a consistent 405x3. Then focus on back up sets and holding a 195lb bw.

Thank goodness the second half of this workout was a de-load because I was getting beat down lol.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 20, 2016, 01:07:51 am
Week 99
Friday - 02/20/16

-= Workout Log =-

Jump Rope      1 x 100
Tuck Jumps     1 x 10
SVJs               3 x 1              >> 60sec rests.

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
135 x 5                                >> Man this was tough. Hardest 3rd rep in months.
185 x 5                                >> Whenever I watch the vids it looks way easier than it felt somehow.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
395 x 3
325 x 7
325 x 5
325 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                                 >> Just not feeling it. Lost strength, and don't have the motivation to do all sets anyway.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 2
205 x 5
205 x 3

Cable Rows
160 x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
180 x 2
210 x 8
210 x 6

Pull ups
BW x 10                      >> 60sec rest.
BW x 7

Lateral Raises
30's x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2
40's x 1
45's x 6
40's x 8

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                >> 60sec rests.
145 x 15 PR                >> The cables were lubed up. This went nicely!
145 x 8 PR
145 x 6 PR
 120 x 4 PR
  95 x 6 PR

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 5                  >> 60sec rest.
30's x 1
35's x 8 PR
35's x 6 PR

Workout went horribly. I think I'm going to stick with 395x3 until I can hit 325x10 for the first back up set. Bench press was crap. Lost strength and also wasn't feeling it to continue. Didn't do hams since the back extensions still have my hamstrings crazy sore from last workout. Actually, that may be why my squat was so difficult. Calf raise machine out of service at the moment.

This has to be due to a week of getting terrible sleep and diet. Next week should be better, and the week after that I'm sure I'll be picked up and be back to speed.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 23, 2016, 10:39:51 am
Week 100
Monday - 02/22/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
135 x 5                                >> 395x3 wasn't too hard. Decent bar speed.
185 x 5                                >> Had another rep in me on the first back up set but didn't go for it.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
395 x 3
325 x 8
325 x 5
325 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                                 >> Finally hit two triples at 245!
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 3
245 x 3 PR
205 x 6
205 x 5
205 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 10                       >> 60sec rest.
75's x 4

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                           
275 x 3                           >> Hamstrings still sore from last week so this is all I did. Really gotta get em back.

Calf Raise Machine
420 x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
465 x 15 PR                       >> These felt pretty easy. Machine was broken last week but fixed now.
465 x 8 PR                          >> I'm wondering if they lubed it up or something.
465 x 8 PR                          >> I'm close to maxing out this machine dammit. Will switch to smith machine soon.

I think I went an inch wider than usual. Makes my squat look a little more shallow... or is it just me? Bar speed was pretty good, especially on the back up sets. Even though it's an 8 rep set (high-ish reps), I still try to put 100% effort into lifting it as if its a 3RM. Intended bar speed is key. That last rep absolutely destroyed me. Doesn't look like it at all though. I usually experience a very sharp drop off in strength. Watching the vid make it look like I had another 4 reps in me. Really I had 1.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2016, 11:17:28 am
it's just you, depth still looks really good.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: gukl on February 23, 2016, 01:28:34 pm
hey man, am i correct in thinking you had some problems with quad tenodnitis?

how did you get around it in the end?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 23, 2016, 02:21:40 pm
hey man, am i correct in thinking you had some problems with quad tenodnitis?

how did you get around it in the end?

I had patellar tendonitis. I'll try to make this as simple as possible.

The problem:
- Patellar maltracking. Aka my knee cap was shifted over laterally a bit.
- This was caused by too much tension on the lateral side, and too litte tension on the medial side to counter it.
- The effect of this is that the top of the tibia scrapes the cartilage under the knee cap since the tibia it's not fitting in the "under socket" of the kneecap perfectly.

The solution:
- Relieve tension on the lateral side by foam rolling the IT band
- Increase tension on the medial side by activating VMO and strengthening it

Longer explanation:
Relieving the tension on one side is simple. However, increasing tension on the other side was pretty cool to do. During the time I had tendonitis, I was squatting to parallel. As you know, this doesn't activate the VMO very much. What does activate it, however, is either extreme of the range of motion. So this means things like peterson step ups ( and ATG squats.

Unfortunately, peterson step ups caused some pain in my knee. To mitigate this, I would foam roll my IT bands a ton before performing them. This made them nearly pain free. I also switched from parallel to ATG squats to further strengthen my VMOs. After this switch I noticed my VMO's getting crazy sore for the first few workouts, but nothing from the peterson step ups. I ditched the peterson step ups since I found them not effective enough.

But this part was damn interesting... I needed to ACTIVATE my VMO first! Take a look at this vid of my quads. My LEFT knee was the painful one. My right knee was okay. Notice how the left quad flexes all at once, but in the right quad, the VMO flexes just before the rest of the quad!

On the RIGHT quad (the okay one) the VMO contracts first, stabalizing the knee, and then the rest of the quad contracts.

This tells me the VMO on the left quad was a bit under active. Anyway, I learned (forgot where I read this) that the best way to change movement patterns are using NEGATIVE lifts. So what I would do before I played basketball was foam roll the IT band, and then perform negative knee extensions beforehand on my left quad. Then I could play pain free, temporarily (for as long as the effect lasted).

Over time, as I continued to foam roll the IT band, the effect became permanent. Also, my VMO's got strong as hell from the ATG squats. Finally.... see the vid I just posted? Well, once my pain was all gone, and still to this day, when I flex my left quad now, the VMO will contract just before the rest of the quad, just like my right quad!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: gukl on February 23, 2016, 04:48:26 pm
hey man, am i correct in thinking you had some problems with quad tenodnitis?

how did you get around it in the end?

I had patellar tendonitis. I'll try to make this as simple as possible.

The problem:
- Patellar maltracking. Aka my knee cap was shifted over laterally a bit.
- This was caused by too much tension on the lateral side, and too litte tension on the medial side to counter it.
- The effect of this is that the top of the tibia scrapes the cartilage under the knee cap since the tibia it's not fitting in the "under socket" of the kneecap perfectly.

The solution:
- Relieve tension on the lateral side by foam rolling the IT band
- Increase tension on the medial side by activating VMO and strengthening it

Longer explanation:
Relieving the tension on one side is simple. However, increasing tension on the other side was pretty cool to do. During the time I had tendonitis, I was squatting to parallel. As you know, this doesn't activate the VMO very much. What does activate it, however, is either extreme of the range of motion. So this means things like peterson step ups ( and ATG squats.

Unfortunately, peterson step ups caused some pain in my knee. To mitigate this, I would foam roll my IT bands a ton before performing them. This made them nearly pain free. I also switched from parallel to ATG squats to further strengthen my VMOs. After this switch I noticed my VMO's getting crazy sore for the first few workouts, but nothing from the peterson step ups. I ditched the peterson step ups since I found them not effective enough.

But this part was damn interesting... I needed to ACTIVATE my VMO first! Take a look at this vid of my quads. My LEFT knee was the painful one. My right knee was okay. Notice how the left quad flexes all at once, but in the right quad, the VMO flexes just before the rest of the quad!

On the RIGHT quad (the okay one) the VMO contracts first, stabalizing the knee, and then the rest of the quad contracts.

This tells me the VMO on the left quad was a bit under active. Anyway, I learned (forgot where I read this) that the best way to change movement patterns are using NEGATIVE lifts. So what I would do before I played basketball was foam roll the IT band, and then perform negative knee extensions beforehand on my left quad. Then I could play pain free, temporarily (for as long as the effect lasted).

Over time, as I continued to foam roll the IT band, the effect became permanent. Also, my VMO's got strong as hell from the ATG squats. Finally.... see the vid I just posted? Well, once my pain was all gone, and still to this day, when I flex my left quad now, the VMO will contract just before the rest of the quad, just like my right quad!

Awesome, thank's for taking the time to post that, really helpful. I definitely have a VMO that doesn't particularly do 'anything' if there's pain. It seems that pain = vmo inhibition + tightening of lateral structures, which makes the pain worse and you enter a vicious cycle. I may have to take a simliar vid and see what's going on in that respect, although my quads aren't so well developed as yours haha. Annoyingly with quad tendon pain it's the deep squat position that aggravates it most so i guess any VMO focus will have to come from petersons/TKE.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 23, 2016, 05:09:53 pm
^^ I should mention that I felt my pain at the very bottom of my kneecap.

Also, it could be that your patellar tendonitis isn't caused by maltracking like mine was, but by something else instead. You'll have to find out what it is.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 24, 2016, 09:54:26 am
Week 100
Tuesday - 02/23/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+20lbs x 3
+40lbs x 10 PR
+40lbs x 3 PR
+35lbs x 4 PR
+30lbs x 4 PR
+25lbs x 4 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 3                             >> 60sec rests.
35's x 2                             >> Can't exactly remember how all the weights and reps went, but the first 3 sets are correct for sure.
40's x 1
45's x 8 PR
45's x 6 PR
40's x 8 PR
40's x 5 PR
35's x 5 PR

Cable Rows
170 x 5                          >> 60sec rests.
190 x 1                          >> I can't remember and I'm too lazy to go back and see what my PR's here are (at my gym not others).
210 x 10               >> So from this point forth, anything that beats this will be labeled as a PR.
210 x 6
190 x 8
190 x 6
190 x 5

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                >> 60sec rests.
150 x 15 PR
150 x 8 PR
150 x 8 PR

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 5                  >> 60sec rests.
30's x 1
35's x 10 PR
35's x 6 PR
35's x 5 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 25, 2016, 08:56:22 pm
Week 100
Thursday - 02/25/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
135 x 5                                >> No emotional arousal but still...knees caved on last TWO repts of 395 this time.
185 x 5                                >> Probably had only 5-6 of the 325 in me today.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
395 x 3
325 x 3

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                 >> Hamstrings still sore when I do these... forgot to log it but I did this Tuesday too.

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 3
205 x 8

Calf Raise Machine
465 x 15

I needed this de-load. Maybe I'm weak because I'm glycogen depleted? Already dropped about 3lbs in just a couple days from restricting calories and carbs. I don't consciously restrict carbs -- i just try to get a lot more protein when i'm cutting, so it happens by itself.

Eyes on the goal I set earlier this year: June 1st, 405x3 consistent, 195lbs bw or less.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 26, 2016, 10:36:00 am
196.0lbs this morning, saving for later cuz i'll forget
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: ChrisM on February 26, 2016, 09:07:23 pm
Damn dude, awesome post on the knee up top and strong as hell squats! Started following your youtube channel....beast.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 26, 2016, 10:26:57 pm
Week 100
Friday - 02/26/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
160 x 5                          >> 60sec rests.
180 x 3                          >> Eh...
200 x 10
200 x 8
180 x 8
180 x 6
180 x 3

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2                             >> Woohoo!
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 9 PR
45's x 5
40's x 8 PR
40's x 6 PR
35's x 5 PR

Pull ups
BW x 15                   >> 60sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 3
BW x 4
BW x 4

Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5                >> 60sec rests.
155 x 12 PR
155 x 8 PR
155 x 4 PR
 130 x 4 PR
  105 x 4 PR

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 5                  >> 60sec rests.
30's x 1
35's x 11 PR
35's x 6 PR
35's x 5 PR

Great workout overall. Progress has been very slow lately. I still have no explanation for how my squat exploded from 365x3 to 395x3 in just a couple weeks (this happened like 6 weeks ago?). I'm still PR'ing inch by inch since then. It's also harder now since I'm cutting. Not logging my food though; it's just a ~5lb cut.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 26, 2016, 10:27:56 pm
Damn dude, awesome post on the knee up top and strong as hell squats! Started following your youtube channel....beast.

Thanks! I want to record my squat workouts from now on since I've started hitting PR's recently. They may slow to a stop soon. May also record RDL's but from the angle I usually record at, you'll just see a whole lot of my ass and not much else. I'll see what else I can record. I feel like there isn't many spots to put my phone down.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 29, 2016, 09:21:17 pm
Week 101
Monday - 02/29/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 2min rest.
135 x 8                                >> The de-load last Thursday served me well! Scheduled for 400x3 but did 405x3 instead.
185 x 5                                >> I don't think I'll be able to repeat this on Thursday. We'll see. I was nervous today = adrenaline.
185 x 3                                >> I've done 325x8 before, but since an even heavier set came before it it's a PR this time too.
225 x 3                                >> Slightly cutting back on the volume of these.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 3
325 x 8 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 3min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> Switched to good ol' 3x5 with 3min rests since I was stalling.
135 x 5                               >> Did not expect 5 reps, let alone two sets of it. Nice.
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 5 PR
235 x 5 PR
235 x 4 PR

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                           
275 x 3                 >> Previous PR was 385x8 on these. Working back up slowly.
315 x 1                 >> Hope I don't get crazy sore from these, so I can do them again Thursday.
365 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 12                     >> 2min rest.
75's x 8                       >> Upped the rest on these. May also add in a set later on. Not sure yet.

Calf Raise Machine
420 x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
480 x 12 PR                       >> Machine maxes out at 495, which is one pin away from 480!
480 x 10 PR
480 x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on March 01, 2016, 03:56:40 am
Beautiful squats once again! I don't know if I'll ever be able to go that deep safely with my squats.

 :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 01, 2016, 08:31:22 am
Beautiful squats once again! I don't know if I'll ever be able to go that deep safely with my squats.

 :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting:

Do you have any issues?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on March 01, 2016, 09:49:13 am
"Hip impingement" which is not really an issue but it doesn't feel comfortable with ATG style squats (I still go below parallel though) and my ankle mobility is lacking eventhough I've been working on it for months now and it has gotten definitely a lot better already.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Kingfish on March 01, 2016, 10:07:23 am


good form.  ;D

eat more and lift 200kg.  :strong:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 01, 2016, 11:23:47 am
"Hip impingement" which is not really an issue but it doesn't feel comfortable with ATG style squats (I still go below parallel though) and my ankle mobility is lacking eventhough I've been working on it for months now and it has gotten definitely a lot better already.

Interesting, you've probably already tried a bunch of different things but you can: vary stance width, vary outward angle of feet, vary outward angle of knees.

you can squat with a narrow stance, toes pointed forward, but knees tracking way outside. who knows. maybe something will work.


good form.  ;D

eat more and lift 200kg.  :strong:

Projected max is ~440lbs already! And i'm looking to cut to 195lbs to put me at 2.25xbw  :P

Back when i squatted 365x3, i maxed at 405lbs the next session. My 3RM seems to be 90% of my max.
405x3 puts me at 450lbs but that seems out of reach even if the planets align.

440lbs sounds about right on a rested and hyped up day.


Woke up at 196.6lbs this morning
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 02, 2016, 12:01:33 am
Week 101
Tuesday - 03/01/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+45lbs x 10 PR
+40lbs x 4 PR
+35lbs x 5 PR
+30lbs x 4 PR
+25lbs x 4 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 2
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 10 PR
45's x 4
40's x 10
40's x 4
35's x 4

Cable Rows
180 x 5                          >> 2min rests.
200 x 1                          >> Switched to 2min rests and will do about 6-8 reps per set.
220 x 1                          >> Hopefully this will push me through my plateau.
240 x 1                          >> A little less volume as well, for the time being.
220 x 6 PR
220 x 6 PR
220 x 6 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5                >> 60sec rests.
5                >> Cant figure out how to add more weight to ab pulldowns. Lets do this!

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
25's x 5                  >> 60sec rests.
30's x 3                  >> Too lazy to go on.
35's x 1
40's x 6 PR

Kinda sick today. Was afraid i'd do really shitty and get worse, and lose strength. Turns out walking to the gym made me feel better, and lifting even more. Now that my workouts done i feel slightly worse. Tomorrow may be the hump.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on March 02, 2016, 04:15:28 am
Yeah tried a lot of different things (stance etc.) but I think I'll just gonna stick with my below parallel squats for now. I don't think that I'll miss out on anything that way. Tried back squats last time and eventhough it felt a bit awkward (only did front squats for the last 4-5 months, haven't done back squats in almost 2 years) my hip did not bother me at all. :high five:
So I'll start to incorporate them back into my training regimen again. Thank you for your suggestions though! :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 02, 2016, 10:59:02 am
196.4lbs this morning

thinking about switching to 3x5 squats, 3min rests. 405x3 should put me at 380x5 or so. I could start with 365x3x5 to be safe and move up 5lbs each workout.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 04, 2016, 09:58:05 am
Week 101
Thursday - 03/04/16

-= Workout Log =-
De-load (unscheduled: got sick so I'm taking one)

ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 8                                >> Damn even the 405x1 was tough.
185 x 5                                >> Could not have done 405x2.
185 x 3                                >> I should have been able to do 385x5 really, but I'll work back up to that.
225 x 3                                >> Also, never did 5 reps at this weight before so technically a PR.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
365 x 5 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8                               >> Could not have done 235x4.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 3

Romanian Deadlift
0                   >> Didn't do these. Too dead. I'm really skimping on these.
0                   >> Keeping these zeros here to remind myself I'm a little bitch.

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 8 PR                      >> Maxed out the machine.

Great, another fucking roadblock in my training. I really hope that my strength comes back quick and that this was just a fluke. I was sick on Tuesday too, but lifted upperbody just fine. Even hit PRs. I felt only slightly sicker today. Gotta be the CNS reserving its power and immune system in full power right now or something.

Putting my cutting on hold. Stuffed myself with food today, and will continue to do so over the weekend. Gotta retain as much strength as possible!

On another note, I found a nice angle to record my squats from. Makes them look pretty shallow though. They are still true ATGs though; I CAN get lower but its due to my lower back rounding, not due to truly increasing ROM.

Goals for June 1st:
- Weigh 195lbs or less
- Squat projected max 440lbs
- Bench 255x5
- RDL 405x8 (already hit 385x8 a month or two ago)

Edit: Just got very pissed off. Went back in my log, saw that A YEAR ago I was benching 200x10 at 192lbs bw. A year later and I'm doing 205x8 at 197lbs bw and stuff. How is it possible that I have been stalling for so long??? There's no way I'm near my genetic limit, right?!

I'm oozing with anger/motivation now and can't wait to fuck shit up on my Monday squat/bench/RDL workout. Sickness better be away by then.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2016, 11:12:01 am
for bench: more volume.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 04, 2016, 11:19:54 am
for bench: more volume.

Tried that for a few months and stalled. Scaling back volume for now and seeing what happens. If I stall again, I think I'll increase the volume by throwing in some variations after the 3x5, like paused benches.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on March 04, 2016, 11:50:49 am
I think bench works best with higher volume/higher frequency and moderate-high intensity. I think when you really wanna improve your benchpress you have to work on it 3 times a week. You could do a daily undulating periodization kind of approach. Like on day 1 go  with 4x5 on day two really go in to the lower rep ranges like get around 10 hard reps in (3x3, 5x2 or even 8 singles at 90% +) on this day you could also incorporate some paused singles/doubles which are a bit lightwr but allow you to get more volume in. Day three then is hypertrophy oriented and you could go with something like 4x8-12 reps. You can do the same variation on all days or go with a closer grip benchpress on day 1, normal grip bench on 2 two and low incline benching on day three. So it looks like something along the lines of:

Monday: Close grip benchpress 4x5 (pyramid down, starting with the heaviest set)

Wednesday: regular benchpress 5x2, take 10% off and do another 5 paused singles

Friday: Low incline benchpress 4x8

I think you get the idea. In my case, frequency is king when it comes to benching.., when I haven't done it for a while and I still have been getting stronger across the board in my upperbody lifts, my benchpress performance still suffers, especially because my setup feels super awkward and unnatural and I can't generate enough tightness in my upperback etc.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 04, 2016, 01:26:22 pm
^^ Frequency has always been king for my big lifts. I think benching 3x a week would help a ton as you say. I can't fit that into my schedule right now though... unless I throw in some light benching the day after my regular bench days. I plan to do this for my RDLs to get them back up to par through neural re-gains.

Instead of doing daily undulating, I like to mix rep ranges into the same workout. If I go heavy only once a week, it'll feel heavy by the next week again :/ And if I go high reps only once a week, I feel like I never develop the lactate resistance to keep it up if I only do it once a week. Twice a week is good though. There's also research showing that mixing rep ranges int he same workout is optimal for both strength and hypertrophy. Considering I can only bench heavy twice a week I'll probably keep mixed rep ranges.

If I stall too much on this 3x5 thing... I'm going to raise volume by keeping the 3x5 but then doing some crazy random shit like 2x12 after one day, or paused reps 5x3 another day, whatever the hell i think of. Anything at all.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 07, 2016, 09:51:14 am
Week 101
Friday - 03/01/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
180 x 5
200 x 1
220 x 1
220 x 8 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rest.
40's x 2
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 10
45's x 5PR

Pull ups
BW x 15                        >> 60sec rest.
BW x 5

Negative Dragon Flags
6                >> 2min rest.
3                >> I feel these got a touch easier.

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
30's x 5
35's x 3
40's x 8 PR

Feeling a little better. My de-loads were scheduled to be today and Monday. But I was sick, so I de-loaded yesterday and today instead.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 07, 2016, 09:52:09 am
Woke up 196.6lbs again today. And didn't even poop.

I rested up nicely over the weekend. Don't feel as sick. I highlllly doubt I could do 405x3 again, probably not even 395x3 yet. But whatever. Switching to 5 rep work. Aiming for 370 for 3x5 later today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 08, 2016, 09:55:24 am
Week 102
Monday - 02/29/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 3min rest.
135 x 8                                >> Man I'm so disappointed... 5th rep was so difficult.
185 x 5                                >> Plus then I waited 3min and could only hit 6 reps with 325?!
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
370 x 5 PR
325 x 6

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 3min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> Moving up to 240lbs next session.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 6 PR
235 x 5 PR
235 x 4 PR

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                              >> 2min rests.                           
275 x 2                              >> Moving up to 370lbs next session.
315 x 1   
365 x 8
365 x 2
365 x 1

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 8                     >> 2min rest.
75's x 5                     >> Dropped dammit.

Calf Raise Machine
420 x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
495 x 10 PR
495 x 10 PR
495 x 8 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on March 08, 2016, 10:00:19 am
You look fucking huge lately.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Kingfish on March 08, 2016, 10:09:10 am
You look fucking huge lately.

you get what you put in..

look at that log.. damn tonnage everywhere
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 08, 2016, 10:13:37 am
I'm 5lbs heavier than I usually am (197 vs 192) but also, my upper body has definitely gotten bigger. In the vid I just posted, the clothes make me look kinda fat or saggy skin or something around the midsection lol. Pear-shaped. The low angle doesn't help. Still have a six pack btw. Not as defined as I could be, but that's only a short 5lbs cut away to be turning heads with it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: T0ddday on March 08, 2016, 04:49:48 pm
I'm 5lbs heavier than I usually am (197 vs 192) but also, my upper body has definitely gotten bigger. In the vid I just posted, the clothes make me look kinda fat or saggy skin or something around the midsection lol. Pear-shaped. The low angle doesn't help. Still have a six pack btw. Not as defined as I could be, but that's only a short 5lbs cut away to be turning heads with it.

Lol. Same body type.  Fat guy six pack.  Im just you plus 20lbs and minus a few inches.  Do envy your squat form though.... mine was a lil worse to say the least.  What happens when you fatigue...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 08, 2016, 05:02:42 pm
When I fatigue on my squats I just fail with good form. It's not like my upper back starts caving or something. I guess I have a pretty strong back and abs? My performance drops off very quickly on my squats. As soon as a rep gets hard, the next one gets VERY hard, and the one after that is a fail. It never looks like it on video though. My 5th rep on my latest squat vid felt like a near fail...

But yea, fat guy abs are the best. Its especially fun when I'm around 10% bodyfat, and i had a bunch of food/water leading to a food baby. Don't flex and it looks like i have a turtle shell for a stomach.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 09, 2016, 09:40:00 am
Week 102
Tuesday - 03/08/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 8 PR
+45lbs x 4 PR
+35lbs x 4 PR
+30lbs x 4 PR
+20lbs x 4 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 3
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 11 PR
45's x 5 PR
40's x 5
40's x 5
40's x 4

Cable Rows
180 x 5                          >> 2min rests.
200 x 3
220 x 1
240 x 1
220 x 10 PR
220 x 6 PR
220 x 4 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
8                >> 60sec rests.
3                >> I'll never understand how it's possible to do even one of these concentrically.

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
35's x 3                  >> 60sec rests.
40's x 8 PR
40's x 5 PR
40's x 3 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2016, 09:56:06 am
re: dragon flags: was confused why you would find them so challenging so i looked up a couple of videos. i have been doing them wrong, lol. if you curl your torso instead of keeping it straight they are not terribly hard. gonna try to do real ones tonight.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 09, 2016, 10:30:52 am
re: dragon flags: was confused why you would find them so challenging so i looked up a couple of videos. i have been doing them wrong, lol. if you curl your torso instead of keeping it straight they are not terribly hard. gonna try to do real ones tonight.

curl your torso? what do you mean? i feel like the torso is exactly where you have to curl, and everything from the naval and down stays in a straight line
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2016, 11:53:54 am
by torso i meant waist. legs straight but i bend at the waist. pretty sure that's wrong, or at least just an easier variant. will get vid today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on March 09, 2016, 12:55:39 pm
Here's me doing them, comment on form:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 09, 2016, 02:10:57 pm
^ Looks excellent to me! I'm no expert on dragon flags but that mimics the form I see on all the instructional videos.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on March 09, 2016, 03:21:39 pm
Yeah that's what I thought... granted my legs feel soooo heavy with my big quads and all that... I can lower them under control but I wouldn't be able to recover back up.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 09, 2016, 03:54:55 pm
^ Have you tried them with knees bent? Reduces the distance from your torso to your feet, so it makes it easier... I still can't even do just one like that though
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on March 09, 2016, 04:11:18 pm
You can't? How's that possible? I mean my abs and core are weak as fuck, lol
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 09, 2016, 05:19:04 pm
Gotta try again. I cant do a single full rep, only negatives. Not even with knees bent. Maybe its a skill thing
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: T0ddday on March 09, 2016, 06:03:30 pm
Once you let your body go concave (the opposite bend of waist that you are trying to avoid) your putting load on low back and wont be able to get back up.  Negatives are ok, personally i prefer the on floor rather than bench with arms on a ladder or a bar above the head so your much more vertical.   Just go down as far as you can to go back up.  I look at dragon flags as more of a test than an exercise.  Would rather the bulk of training come from heavy leg lifts or crunches.  If you can knock out straight leg lifts on slant bench w a 30-50lb dumbell your abs are strong imo. 
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 09, 2016, 06:25:00 pm
Once you let your body go concave (the opposite bend of waist that you are trying to avoid) your putting load on low back and wont be able to get back up.  Negatives are ok, personally i prefer the on floor rather than bench with arms on a ladder or a bar above the head so your much more vertical.   Just go down as far as you can to go back up.  I look at dragon flags as more of a test than an exercise.  Would rather the bulk of training come from heavy leg lifts or crunches.  If you can knock out straight leg lifts on slant bench w a 30-50lb dumbell your abs are strong imo.

That'll work my hip flexors primarily and abs secondarily. I want to do the opposite of possible. It's one reason why i loved the ab pulldowns so much... it's the only time i've ever gotten an ab pump in my life. A freaking pump. im my ABS. not a burn! a PUMP. i sat down to take off my shoes after the workout and my stomach was in the way!!!

i also liked them because i could increase resistance on them consistently until the weight stack is maxed out, or i started lifting off the ground (at which point i would need to hook my ankles under something).

if only the ab pulldown went up to 200lbs and was facing another machine that i could hook my ankles under...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2016, 08:38:16 pm
here's a couple of ugly ones:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 09, 2016, 11:09:11 pm
^ if youre not able to do strict ones yet, thats perfectly fine for progressing into strict ones! People usually bend at the knees instead of hips for progressing though. This has the advantage that you can bend your knees all the way every time, thereby making the resistance consistent (no need to wonder if youre getting stronger or just cheating more). Another advantage is that it will make sure your abs are being targeted directly and not as dynamic stabilizers since the abs are being flexed/extended and not the hip flexors which stay statically flexed.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 10, 2016, 11:41:46 am
196.6lbs this morning. Pretty excited to lift today. I've been getting good sleep and the weather has gotten much better here in NYC. I'm sure I'll hit 375x5 on squats today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on March 10, 2016, 11:45:06 am
yeah i hadn't even considered bending my knees, which is dumb because obviously that's the progression for leg raises, which i have been making my parents do.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 11, 2016, 02:10:36 am
Week 102
Thursday - 03/10/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 3min rest.
135 x 8                                >> This went nicely.
185 x 5                                >> 325x8 was done with way less of a pause between each rep.
185 x 3                                >> It had me breathing heavy! I'll do them that way from now on.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
375 x 5 PR
325 x 8 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 3min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> Was supposed to do 240lbs but I was feeling good.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 4 PR
245 x 3 PR
245 x 2 PR

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                              >> 2min rests.                           
275 x 2                              >> Can't remember the warm up weights. I used some other guys bar.
315 x 1                              >> It had bumper plates and stuff and they weren't 45's.
365 x 4                       >> Each rep was preceded by a regular deadlift. Worked out at a friends gym.
335 x 8                       >> Had to pull from the floor initially.

Calf Raise Machine
3 sets to failure
Friend's gym, so whatever

Bar speed looks good on squats! Well of course itll be faster than the 3RMs i was doing. But i notice improvement on todays 375x5 vs last sessions 370x3. Today felt easier than last session too.

I've been getting some pretty good sleep lately. I DEFINITELY feel a difference in my day to day life! I didn't even realize my eyes have been dry for months before this... like yeah they're dry when you get 5 hours of sleep or whatever. Then you get a consistent 7 hours and think theyre not dry anymore. Nope, wait till you get a consistent 8 hours of sleep. THEN you realize.... "wait, THIS is how i'm supposed to feel as a human?!" It's crazy!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on March 11, 2016, 02:38:59 am
Will update later but, here's 2 PRs:

Bar speed looks good on squats! Well of course itll be faster than the 3RMs i was doing. But i notice improvement on todays 375x5 vs last sessions 370x3. Today felt easier than last session too.

side angle is nice too. makes them look even deeper than normal.

nice pr's!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 11, 2016, 10:51:03 am
Yea the angle is great. But also shows how my mid/upper back kind of rounds, doesnt it?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 13, 2016, 10:49:06 pm
Missed day of lifting.

I played ball today for the first time in almost a year.
Got 4hrs of sleep going into saturday. Same into sunday.

Today (sunday) i was almost falling asleep in class. At home i was contemplating not playing at all, i was so tired.

Whatever, it was a league game and i was filling in for someone just one game. Didnt even take a jumpshot in the warm ups. Grabbed rim with two hands easily off two steps. Took a really high rim touching layup.

Play the game, im feeling good. Missed my first shot, a three, but sank the next 3 or 4 threes. Killing it driving in and stuff. Had ~20pts and my team scored only 36. Could have had way more but they werent feeding me the ball. Nobody can stay in front of me with my first step. I expected to play way worse, skill wise, but i was wet.

Anyway, at half time i dunked 2 hands 2 feet on my first try!!! Then right after that i threw down a clean 2 hand tomahawk on first try! Wtf!

Last year i was squatting 365x3 and i could barely tomahawk after 3 weekly games. But i ended up getting a monster one just a few weeks later after getting movement efficiency up.

This year i squat 375x5 and i get a clean tomahwak my first bball day back. The only jump work ive done is like 6 SVJ reps a week lol. Some tuck jumps and jump roping too. I dont have much movement efficiency yet. Sometimes i dont even do them. Got up 36-37" today. Even if i dont increase my squat or cut weight, i am 100% sure i would hit 40" after just 3 weeks of playing ball twice a week at my current relative strength levels.

My squat workout will probably suck tomorrow since i played all 40min but thats okay. I cant wait to see how high i could get up with a 385x5 squat at 195lbs. And after a few weeks of bball.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 14, 2016, 02:19:54 pm
Going to Europe this Friday. Good to be able to see my family again since I didn't get to ago away last summer. I'll be gone for 9 days woohoo. I'll be lifting over there. My grandma has stage 5 breast cancer apparently. Or something like that. I don't know, everybody is telling me something different. Very annoying. In either case I'll be very greatful to see my grandparents, my aunts/uncles, my cousins, and my best friends over there for a bit. Who knows when I'll have time to go back again.


Woke up at 195.2lbs today.
Lifting later today. Pretty sore. I'll probably only get 380x3 lol. But that's okay.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 15, 2016, 09:54:27 am
Week 103
Monday - 02/10/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 3min rest.
135 x 8                                >> Played ball yesterday so I'm not recovered to squat today.
185 x 5                                >> Still... 380x3 is disappointing.
185 x 3                                >> I actually can't fathom how I did a triple 25lbs over this before.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
380 x 3
325 x 8

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 3min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> I have no idea but I nearly failed on last two sets. Weird!
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
240 x 5 PR
240 x 2
240 x 2

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                              >> Legs sore from bball. These are painful.

Calf Raise Machine
450 x 5                          >> 60sec rests.
495 x 13 PR
495 x 8 PR
495 x 8 PR

Haven't been getting good sleep lately. I did pretty good last week and felt a huge difference... need to get back on that!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 15, 2016, 11:39:48 am
I can't stop thinking about jumping. How the hell did i throw down a clean, powerful 2 handed tomahawk on my first day back to basketball??? Another 20lbs on my squat, maybe drop a couple more lbs of bw, and a lot of dunk practice and I'm sure i'll be surprising myself with what I can do!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on March 15, 2016, 05:25:08 pm
Week 102
Thursday - 03/10/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 3min rest.
135 x 8                                >> This went nicely.
185 x 5                                >> 325x8 was done with way less of a pause between each rep.
185 x 3                                >> It had me breathing heavy! I'll do them that way from now on.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
375 x 5 PR
325 x 8 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15                               >> 3min rests.
95 x 8                                 >> Was supposed to do 240lbs but I was feeling good.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 4 PR
245 x 3 PR
245 x 2 PR

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                              >> 2min rests.                           
275 x 2                              >> Can't remember the warm up weights. I used some other guys bar.
315 x 1                              >> It had bumper plates and stuff and they weren't 45's.
365 x 4                       >> Each rep was preceded by a regular deadlift. Worked out at a friends gym.
335 x 8                       >> Had to pull from the floor initially.

Calf Raise Machine
3 sets to failure
Friend's gym, so whatever

Bar speed looks good on squats! Well of course itll be faster than the 3RMs i was doing. But i notice improvement on todays 375x5 vs last sessions 370x3. Today felt easier than last session too.

I've been getting some pretty good sleep lately. I DEFINITELY feel a difference in my day to day life! I didn't even realize my eyes have been dry for months before this... like yeah they're dry when you get 5 hours of sleep or whatever. Then you get a consistent 7 hours and think theyre not dry anymore. Nope, wait till you get a consistent 8 hours of sleep. THEN you realize.... "wait, THIS is how i'm supposed to feel as a human?!" It's crazy!

If you work on your set up, not even just doing a full powerlifting set up just squeezing your shoulder blades together and bringing in your elbows slightly in more and flaring them a little later in the the lift you could bust out a few more reps.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 15, 2016, 05:50:13 pm
^^ Thanks I'll try that out. I go wide so that I could hit my chest more and I don't even do direct tricep work, and haven't in years (I can elaborate on why I do that if you care to know). It makes it hard to keep my elbows tucked in more, but i do try to remember to do so.

Any cues on keeping elbows in? My shoulder blades are always squeezed.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on March 15, 2016, 06:21:12 pm
Ooh ok if you have some kind of injury or whatever that makes it hard then the best thing to do when you unrack would be to flex your lats.  If you flex them with your arms out your shoulders drop and elbows turn in slightly.  I would just focus on it with the lighter sets and work on it until it becomes second nature.  I used to bench wide with my elbows out and I tore my shoulder up like nothing and still have pain to this day. 
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 16, 2016, 09:56:45 am
Week 103
Tuesday - 03/15/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 9 PR
+45lbs x 4 PR
+40lbs x 3 PR
+35lbs x 3 PR
+30lbs x 4 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 3
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 12 PR
45's x 5 PR
40's x 6 PR
40's x 5 PR
40's x 5 PR

Cable Rows
180 x 5                          >> 2min rests.
200 x 3
220 x 1
240 x 1
220 x 10
220 x 4
220 x 4

Negative Dragon Flags
8                >> 60sec rests.
6                >> I peppered in a couple of half reps with bent knees and slightly bent hips in the 2nd set.

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
35's x 3                  >> 60sec rests.
40's x 5 PR             >> These were tough. I'm also slacking on them so that's my fault.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on March 16, 2016, 10:38:01 am
strong pull ups, damn.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 16, 2016, 11:37:19 am
^ My elbows go forward a lot, they're not always to the sides. Makes it easier. Not sure how much it changes in terms of muscle recruitment though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 17, 2016, 09:39:32 am
Ate a ton of food last night. 198.0lbs this morning.

Will edit with workout later.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 18, 2016, 09:59:47 am
Week 103
Thursday - 03/17/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 8                                >> Didn't record this since I only expected to get 3 or 4.
185 x 5                                >> Had to get angry to pull it off, but not adrenalized at all!
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
380 x 5 PR

Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8                                 >> I have no idea but I nearly failed on last two sets. Weird!
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
240 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 1
385 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 12

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 15 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 18, 2016, 10:09:27 am
Week 103
Friday - 03/18/16

-= Workout Log =-

BW Pull ups
BW x 12                      >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 3
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 9
45's x 5
40's x 6
40's x 5
40's x 5

Cable Rows
180 x 5                          >> 2min rests.
200 x 3
220 x 1
240 x 1
220 x 10
220 x 8 PR
220 x 6 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5                >> 60sec rests.
8                >> First set was actually 5 terrible half reps. But I've improved!

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
30's x 5                  >> 60sec rests.
35's x 3
40's x 10 PR
40's x 6 PR
30's x 15 PR

Worked out at 7:30am today. I didn't feel SO tired like I thought I would. But the strength was just not there... except for the rows really but I really put my mind to it a ton.

Not going to have time to lift after work since I have a flight to catch. Off to Macedonia again! I'll be lifting over there too, and I'm sure I'll stay on schedule.

I was supposed to do rows first today, then lateral raises, then pull ups, but I forgot. It's okay though, no biggie.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 28, 2016, 09:39:52 am
Week 105
Monday - 03/28/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> Rested as much as I felt like it.
135 x 8                                >> Didn't have my oly shoes. Squatted in beat up converses with torn heels.
185 x 5                                >> Also squatted on 2.5lb plates.
185 x 3                                >> Didn't expect to drop this much since I only missed one squat workout but oh well.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
385 x 1
335 x 5
335 x 4
335 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                                >> Rested as much as I felt like it.
95 x 8                                  >> This didn't drop as much. Makes me think it's my shoes that made me squat so little.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
240 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 3

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 12

Worked out at 7:30am.

I'll get all my strength back in under a month for sure. I don't even care so much anymore. I went away on vacation and lifted just once. But man I miss Macedonia like nothing else. I just love Europe in general. I really want to move there. I want to move so badly it's not even funny. I love the way of life there and everything... if only there was a job market in Macedonia, I would live there RIGHT NOW. I already have an apartment there and cost of living is extremely cheap otherwise.

After I get my master's degree I might just say fuck it and if I get a job offer in Germany, Switzerland, Norway, or whatever, I may just accept it for a year or so. I want to change my life and I don't want to live in USA anymore. (LA may be the only exception. I'll be looking for work there too.) This happens every time I come back from Europe, until I finally REALLY settle into the NYC lifestyle and become complacent.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 28, 2016, 09:41:04 am
I played some indoor ball and had some nice dunks on the low rims over there. I think they're like 9'4. I landed a windmill on my second try. I didn't get any makes on video though. I'll upload them soon. I'll also upload some pics of my travels, why not.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 28, 2016, 11:05:04 am

Cities shown are Struga, Ohrid, Manastir/Bitola, Tetovo, and Skopje. Swiss alps at the end. I have wayyy more and way better pics but too lazy to compile them all now. Too lazy to get the Gevena, Switzerland pics on here.





















btw that is the best drink ive ever had. it's called salep. omfg. best winter drink ever. fuck hot chocolate.

also that's the best pizza i've had in my life. not just because of the toppings, but that pizza restaurant in general makes the best pizza ever... the toppings just make it even better. smoked beef, mushrooms, sour cream. yum
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on March 28, 2016, 06:36:19 pm
That pizza looks (
And that road looks like it'd be fun to just hammer on it(of course if the road was clear)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on March 28, 2016, 07:22:23 pm
I will never understand people that take pictures of food/food they're eating. I just can't.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on March 28, 2016, 07:32:34 pm
I will never understand people that take pictures of food/food they're eating. I just can't.

What about all the artists who used to paint pictures of food? The more things change the more they stay the same.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: ghettoracer on March 28, 2016, 07:37:18 pm
Macedonia looks beautify.  Thanks for sharing the pictures.  When you say it is cheap there, give us some references.  How much is rent?  Food and drinks?  My sister just got back from visiting Morocco and that place sounds dirt cheap.  For a party of 6 adults a one 3 years old kid they had some kind of street vender beef dish and it was less than $3 to feed them all.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 29, 2016, 09:56:40 am
I will never understand people that take pictures of food/food they're eating. I just can't.

To show people back in the states maybe? I do find it annoying when I see every girl taking photos of their coffee at lunch but this was food I don't have in NYC and it's banging so.

Macedonia looks beautify.  Thanks for sharing the pictures.  When you say it is cheap there, give us some references.  How much is rent?  Food and drinks?  My sister just got back from visiting Morocco and that place sounds dirt cheap.  For a party of 6 adults a one 3 years old kid they had some kind of street vender beef dish and it was less than $3 to feed them all.

well THAT is cheap! Like crazy cheap. $3 to feed em all? Damn.

Here's some stuff I bought that cost less than $13 total (not shown in pic is a second big bag of tortilla chips) just ONE pack of those ciggs alone would be $13 in NYC:


- big plastic box of chocolate cigars
- two packs winston ciggarettes
- two big bags of tortilla chips (one isn't pictured)
- big pack of vanilla wafers
- one big chocolate stuffed croissant
- one huge bag of like 13 mini stuffed croissants (cut off on the right)
- big bottle of mexican sauce in the back
- total was 695 denars ($12.66)

Here are some cold cut chicken burger thingies for 20 denars each (comes out to like $0.36 each lol):


Some chocolate covered jelly filled pastry thing for 30 denars ($0.54):


Some things are "regularly priced" though. Like a can of coke is 50 denars, or about $0.95. It used to be 25 denars years ago, and back then the dollar was stronger so a can of coke was basically $0.38 back then (like 10 years ago I think).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on March 29, 2016, 10:03:43 am
Well yeah, sure, I mean, if you're passionate about food, then go for it. It's just that I can't understand, that's all.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 29, 2016, 10:12:26 am
Well yeah, sure, I mean, if you're passionate about food, then go for it. It's just that I can't understand, that's all.

If you have the image of retarded annoying middle school girls in your head taking pics of food to put on instagram to show that theyre out and about, i get you

i took pics of this stuff to show my friends back home what its like being over here. i also took pics of what the cafes look like. is that weird too?!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on March 29, 2016, 01:45:23 pm
For me, it is. But that's just because I HATE food. I absolutely, genuinely do. If I had an option of not eating at all and living my life like that, I would take it. Eating is tiring, takes a lot of time, it's too much of an effort, and it sucks. Nothing exciting about eating, for me. Just a necessity of life that I didn't ask for.

So for me, it's very weird to glorify that in any way.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on March 29, 2016, 04:26:16 pm
I will never understand people that take pictures of food/food they're eating. I just can't.

To show people back in the states maybe? I do find it annoying when I see every girl taking photos of their coffee at lunch but this was food I don't have in NYC and it's banging so.

Macedonia looks beautify.  Thanks for sharing the pictures.  When you say it is cheap there, give us some references.  How much is rent?  Food and drinks?  My sister just got back from visiting Morocco and that place sounds dirt cheap.  For a party of 6 adults a one 3 years old kid they had some kind of street vender beef dish and it was less than $3 to feed them all.

well THAT is cheap! Like crazy cheap. $3 to feed em all? Damn.

Here's some stuff I bought that cost less than $13 total (not shown in pic is a second big bag of tortilla chips) just ONE pack of those ciggs alone would be $13 in NYC:


- big plastic box of chocolate cigars
- two packs winston ciggarettes
- two big bags of tortilla chips (one isn't pictured)
- big pack of vanilla wafers
- one big chocolate stuffed croissant
- one huge bag of like 13 mini stuffed croissants (cut off on the right)
- big bottle of mexican sauce in the back
- total was 695 denars ($12.66)

Here are some cold cut chicken burger thingies for 20 denars each (comes out to like $0.36 each lol):


Some chocolate covered jelly filled pastry thing for 30 denars ($0.54):


Some things are "regularly priced" though. Like a can of coke is 50 denars, or about $0.95. It used to be 25 denars years ago, and back then the dollar was stronger so a can of coke was basically $0.38 back then (like 10 years ago I think).

That's one reason why I'm glad I live in Central NY haha I've heard that a lot of things down there food and drink wise are expensive AF..and of course everything else like housing and all that but I think my cousin spend like 10 bucks or more on 1 bottle of beer.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2016, 06:36:58 pm
why were you eating a chocolate dildo.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 30, 2016, 09:38:33 am
Week 105
Tuesday - 03/29/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3                  >> Haven't done pullups since 11 days ago. Weighted ones 14 days ago.
+50lbs x 9              >> Surprised I barely lost strength here.
+45lbs x 3
+40lbs x 3
+35lbs x 3
+30lbs x 4

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 3                             >> I got stronger here?!
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 12
45's x 5
40's x 10 PR
40's x 8 PR
40's x 5 PR

Cable Rows
180 x 5                          >> 2min rests.
200 x 3
220 x 1
240 x 1
220 x 10
220 x 6
220 x 4

Short ROM Dragon Flags
5                >> 60sec rests.
5                >> As I failed I switched to negatives. First set was all short ROM reps though.

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
35's x 3                  >> 60sec rests.
40's x 8
40's x 5
35's x 10

I haven't worked out my back shoulders and abs since 11 days ago. Turns out I kept a lot of the strength. I noticed this pattern whenever it's higher rep work that I've slacked on. If it's lower rep work, I tend to lose a bunch of strength quickly (CNS for sure). For example, Yesterday I squatted for the first time in 7 days (not 11) yet I dropped from 380x5 to 335x5. Interestingly my bench press (low rep) stayed strong though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 30, 2016, 09:40:14 am
Woke up at 196.2lbs today.

Been taking 3 scoops of protein to work with me since yesterday. 2 cups of milk in there. Knocks out ~90g of protein for the day just like that. That's all I eat until I work out. I leave my money at home so I don't spend it on food. I go to the gym straight after work. Basically, this means I'm doing carb back-loading without realizing it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on March 30, 2016, 11:17:41 am
 Damn I also have to try this with the protein shake. I think I really would be able to save up some money this way and maybe lose a bit of weight in the process.. I spend way too much money on food. Food is so expensive here in switzerland, it's crazy. When you eat in a restaurant for example you pay around 20-25 dollars for a regular sized pizza plus something to drink (0.5l) for 8 dollars or so. Pizza + Icea Tea for around 30 dollars.  :o That's just insanity compared with other countries like Spain, Italy, Germany or even the US, not starting to talk about countries like Croatia, Bulgaria, Brasil, Morocco etc.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on March 30, 2016, 11:25:25 am
You live in Switzerland? I had (my dad, actually) a chance to get there as a political asylum refugee back in 1986. Who knows how my life would've been now if that were to happen.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on March 30, 2016, 12:54:52 pm
Yes I live in switzerland it's a beautiful country but everything is so expensive. But then again the average wage is around 5000 dollars a month which is very high compared to other countries in europe.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on March 30, 2016, 01:40:01 pm
Yeah and the rent is crazy, not to mention buying a house there. I have a friend who works there and he uses the currency there as he would here, except he's earning more there than here, even if we had to use the same coin. So...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 01, 2016, 09:48:36 am
Week 105
Thursday - 04/01/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                                >> Decided to do plenty of sets to get my neural re-gains.
185 x 5                                >> Gotta get 385x5 in the next three workouts probably.
185 x 3                                >> Current PRs are 405x3 and 380x5.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
385 x 3
385 x 1
365 x 3
355 x 3
345 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                                >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                  >> More sets here as well for neural gains.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 2
235 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 3

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                  >> Had to take it easy since these get me very sore when I'm inconsistent.
275 x 3                  >> It's better to do this and not get sore for next workout.
315 x 1                  >> That way I can do a lot more next workout.
365 x 1

Calf Raise Machine
450 x 5                      >> 45sec rests.
495 x 13
495 x 8
495 x 8

Too lazy to do incline DB benches.

Thinking of adding in some mornings where I'll work up to 405x1 squats, 245x1 bench, and 405x1 RDLs. This higher frequency lifting while not getting fatigued will really help me get my strength levels back up to where they were before I started slacking, and before I went on vaca. It's all neural gains. You can't possibly lose so much muscle after just a week, especially considering I gained weight during that time.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 01, 2016, 09:49:18 am
Week 105
Friday - 04/01/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
180 x 5                          >> 2min rests.
200 x 3
220 x 1
240 x 1
225 x 10 PR
225 x 6 PR
225 x 5 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 3                             >> I got stronger here?!
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 12
45's x 9 PR
40's x 10 PR
40's x 5
40's x 5

Pull ups
BW x 15              >> 60sec rests.
BW x 6
BW x 5
BW x 4
BW x 4

Short ROM Dragon Flags
5                >> 60sec rests.
5                >> First set of 5 was half ROM but with straight legs! No sneakers though.

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
35's x 3                  >> 60sec rests.
40's x 10
40's x 5
35's x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 02, 2016, 09:43:10 am
196.2lbs today, pre poop
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 04, 2016, 10:54:06 am
Week 105
Sunday - 04/03/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 8
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1

Romanian Deadlift
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1

Just did a light day. I want to be able to do 2 of these every week. The increased frequency on my big three lifts will drive them up. The very low volume will not tire me out at all.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 04, 2016, 10:54:45 am
Woke up at 196.4lbs today. It's the weekend that I'm slacking on, in terms of cutting cals. I still haven't had a single week of consistently staying under 195lbs.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 05, 2016, 09:51:45 am
Week 106
Monday - 04/04/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                                >> Increased over last week. But still only 385x3.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
385 x 3
385 x 2
375 x 3
365 x 3
365 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                                >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                  >> PR is 245x4x3x2.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 4
245 x 2
225 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 3

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                  >> Next workout I can go all out and do 3 sets of these.
275 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 8                     >> 2min rest.
75's x 8

Calf Raise Machine
450 x 5                        >> 45sec rests.
495 x 13                   >> Dropped a little.
495 x 8
495 x 6

Really not sure I'll hit my goal of 405x3 or 390x5 at a bw of 195lbs or less by June 1st. Man back when I shot up to 405x3 at 197lbs bw out of nowhere, I was sure I would hit it. I pushed the goal way back just to be safe and what do you know, I may not even reach it.

I'm doing one more workout of 5x3 for squats. It doesn't seem to help my improve to 385x5 though... we'll see. Oh another thing is I've been forgetting to de-load. I'll do my first de-load day next week.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 06, 2016, 09:37:33 am
Week 106
Tuesday - 04/05/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3                  >> Was supposed to do 35lbs not 40lbs, but the DBs were taken.
+55lbs x 8 PR
+45lbs x 4 PR
+40lbs x 3 PR
+25lbs x 5 PR
+15lbs x 6 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 3                             >> I started with 50's because I was afraid to not match my PR on 45's.
45's x 1
50's x 1
50's x 3 PR
45's x 8
40's x 6
40's x 5
40's x 5

Cable Rows
180 x 5                          >> 2min rests.
200 x 3
220 x 1
240 x 1
225 x 10 PR
220 x 6 PR
220 x 4 PR

Short ROM Dragon Flags
6                >> 60sec rests.
6                >> First rep had good ROM! Freakin hard though.

Back Extension Rear Delt W Flyes
30's x 15            >> Too lazy. Also all inclines were taken for a while.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on April 06, 2016, 12:58:27 pm
I think trying to go heavier and heavier on lateral raises is pretty dumb. I would rather work with 8-12 or even up to 15 reps here. I don't see the benefit of being able to do lateral raises with 50-60lbs or even more for sets of 3 and I don't think it's a good idea for long term shoulder health to go as heavy as possible here. Lateral raises are meant to be an accessory exercise. Leave the heavy shoulder work to overhead presses, close grip bench, pushpresses etc. But that's just my opinion. Btw is there a particular reason that I have barely ever seen you doing any heavy overhead presses and stuff like that? Because I personally see a great carryover from overhead presses to my benchpress. Haven't been benching much lately but I've focused on my overhead pressing and my bench has still steadily gone up.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 06, 2016, 01:31:11 pm
^^ I'm able to do 12 reps of lateral raises at 45lbs. I was supposed to stick with it, but wasn't feeling it that day so jumped up to 50lbs to technically hit a PR. Just a mental thing  :trollface:

Anyway, I don't do overhead presses but was going to post a thread asking what kind of lateral delt exercises I could do that would allow me to progress indefinitely. Doing laterals with 80lbs is retarded because at a certain point, no matter how strong you are, the DBs are just impractical.

I could be doing overhead pressing, but my triceps completely take over and leave my delts unworked. This is the main reason I switched to lateral raises. My tris used to be bigger than my delts (and my pecs -- the reason I switched to wide grip bench). Once I switched to wide grip bench, my pecs finally grew. Once I dropped the OHP and stuck with lateral raises, my delts finally grew. Now my delts are bigger than my arms from a side view.

A good solution is if there were two cables coming out of the ground and I could do lateral raises with those. That would allow me to progress indefinitely. My gym doesn't have that though.

I could be doing these indefinitely:
But I hear they are bad (shoulder impingement causing).

I could do front raises but I'm trying to hit my lateral delts.

I'm all out of ideas.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 06, 2016, 06:18:30 pm
Certs I want to get within 5 months:

Certified Advanced Security Practitioner

Hopefully I'll have a job by the time I graduate in December. Depending on where I'm working, I'll see what track I'll go down. Maybe it's IT Auditing (in which case I'll go for my Certified Information System Auditor), maybe its penetration testing (I'll go for Certified Ethical hacker) or maybe something else (go for Certified Information System Security Professional). The CISA and CISSP are very highly revered as far as IT security certs go. Experience is king, yes, but I aint got that yet. So that's what I'm left with. More degrees and certs.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 07, 2016, 02:35:43 am
Yeah I think I have the tuts on them all. Never bothered to get deep into them, though, even with me finishing Cisco CCNA back in 2002.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 07, 2016, 09:31:02 am
Week 106
Wednesday - 04/01/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 8
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1

Another light day. I squat squat/bench/RDL tomorrow. I'll try throwing in another one of these days on saturday. That will mean I would have squatted/benched/RDL'd on Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu,Sat, then Monday again. Hopefully by that Monday I'll see some effects of high frequency work, even if it's light.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 07, 2016, 12:13:49 pm
Started officially studying for Network+ today. Reading one chapter a day of this book:

It's 20 chapters. Found a free pdf of it. Already took all of the quiz questions in the book and made flashcards out of them and put them on Quizlet. From there I download into my phone into my Flashcards Deluxe app. That app makes use of spaced repetition to learn better, as in faster and with less effort and time ( It'll automatically notify me when I need to study old cards again. Automatically asks me questions that I get correct and less often, and vice versa. I used this app for a huge Cyber Security Essentials midterm I had and I got the highest grade in the class. This was last month. Learned about 165 flashcards in just a week. And some of those flashcards were HUGE. Not one word answers. About 40% of them were  3 to 7 sentence answers. Spaced repetition is the truth!

So I plan to read this whole book in 3 weeks and at the same time know the answer to every quiz question (200+) in those 3 weeks. Then a 4th week of taking practice exams wherever I find them online and reviewing stuff I have trouble with. Then take the official cert exam.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on April 07, 2016, 01:58:37 pm
Started officially studying for Network+ today. Reading one chapter a day of this book:

It's 20 chapters. Found a free pdf of it. Already took all of the quiz questions in the book and made flashcards out of them and put them on Quizlet. From there I download into my phone into my Flashcards Deluxe app. That app makes use of spaced repetition to learn better, as in faster and with less effort and time ( It'll automatically notify me when I need to study old cards again. Automatically asks me questions that I get correct and less often, and vice versa. I used this app for a huge Cyber Security Essentials midterm I had and I got the highest grade in the class. This was last month. Learned about 165 flashcards in just a week. And some of those flashcards were HUGE. Not one word answers. About 40% of them were  3 to 7 sentence answers. Spaced repetition is the truth!


ya.. i'm a HUGE fan of spaced repetition/flash cards. Most effective and efficient way to drill stuff into a brain IMHO.

So I plan to read this whole book in 3 weeks and at the same time know the answer to every quiz question (200+) in those 3 weeks. Then a 4th week of taking practice exams wherever I find them online and reviewing stuff I have trouble with. Then take the official cert exam.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 07, 2016, 02:20:59 pm

ya.. i'm a HUGE fan of spaced repetition/flash cards. Most effective and efficient way to drill stuff into a brain IMHO.

Can't believe I didn't learn about it way back when. If i were a professor, I would have digital flash cards and stuff already set up for my students to study from, and tell them about spaced repetition apps. People criticize flash cards for studying saying it only helps with memorization and not learning. Well you know what? Mark the card correct if you learned it then. Not just if you could spit the info back. That's what I did for my cyber security essentials midterm. A "correct" answer to a flash card was an entire comprehensive explanation.

Forgot to add: I'll be taking notes while reading the book of course! I'll turn the notes into flashcards. There is no "wrong answer" for these. Rather, I will read through each note 3 times (takes 5min total) before its spaced further and further apart. This will help me still remember say, chapter 4 stuff while I'm currently reading chapter 17. In essence I'm always learning new material but reviewing at the same time.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 07, 2016, 02:38:42 pm
Started officially studying for Network+ today. Reading one chapter a day of this book:

It's 20 chapters. Found a free pdf of it. Already took all of the quiz questions in the book and made flashcards out of them and put them on Quizlet. From there I download into my phone into my Flashcards Deluxe app. That app makes use of spaced repetition to learn better, as in faster and with less effort and time ( It'll automatically notify me when I need to study old cards again. Automatically asks me questions that I get correct and less often, and vice versa. I used this app for a huge Cyber Security Essentials midterm I had and I got the highest grade in the class. This was last month. Learned about 165 flashcards in just a week. And some of those flashcards were HUGE. Not one word answers. About 40% of them were  3 to 7 sentence answers. Spaced repetition is the truth!

So I plan to read this whole book in 3 weeks and at the same time know the answer to every quiz question (200+) in those 3 weeks. Then a 4th week of taking practice exams wherever I find them online and reviewing stuff I have trouble with. Then take the official cert exam.

There's a ton of info on this on - the best IT tracker in the world. You need an invite though and it's hard to obtain :D
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 07, 2016, 02:57:59 pm
Started officially studying for Network+ today. Reading one chapter a day of this book:

It's 20 chapters. Found a free pdf of it. Already took all of the quiz questions in the book and made flashcards out of them and put them on Quizlet. From there I download into my phone into my Flashcards Deluxe app. That app makes use of spaced repetition to learn better, as in faster and with less effort and time ( It'll automatically notify me when I need to study old cards again. Automatically asks me questions that I get correct and less often, and vice versa. I used this app for a huge Cyber Security Essentials midterm I had and I got the highest grade in the class. This was last month. Learned about 165 flashcards in just a week. And some of those flashcards were HUGE. Not one word answers. About 40% of them were  3 to 7 sentence answers. Spaced repetition is the truth!

So I plan to read this whole book in 3 weeks and at the same time know the answer to every quiz question (200+) in those 3 weeks. Then a 4th week of taking practice exams wherever I find them online and reviewing stuff I have trouble with. Then take the official cert exam.

There's a ton of info on this on - the best IT tracker in the world. You need an invite though and it's hard to obtain :D

Interesting! I haven't even used IRC in over 10 years. Who knows how long till I get an invite lol. The network+ study materials can be found just googling. is a great (free) tool as well. But I can read much faster than he can explain things to me. I tried the vids for a while but went back to reading.

I may need that site for future certs though! can someone get me an invite  :ninja:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 07, 2016, 03:04:01 pm
I can give you an invite but... I don't know how well you seed your torrents and I don't want to get banned :D
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 07, 2016, 03:09:13 pm
I can give you an invite but... I don't know how well you seed your torrents and I don't want to get banned :D

Oh god I haven't done that whole thing in ages. I don't even know how to use torrents anymore. Or what's safe (in terms of viruses and also in terms of the law) and what isn't. I'll get back to you by next year lol. Till then, my certs will have easily google-able resources  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 08, 2016, 09:47:54 am
Week 106
Thursday - 04/07/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 3min rests.
135 x 8                                >> ~10x3 fuck it.
185 x 5                                >> Hit 385x4 at least. That's not as good as 380x5 imo but close.
185 x 3                                >> Hope to squeeze in another easy squat day on Saturday, then reap the benefits Monday!
225 x 3                                >> Monday I'm going to add in higher rep squats again.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
385 x 4 PR
385 x 2
375 x 3
365 x 3
365 x 3
365 x 3
365 x 3
365 x 3
365 x 3
365 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 15                                >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                                  >> Think I've hit 265x1 a long time ago. Max is probably 270.
135 x 5                                >> Screwed up my breathing on 2nd set BAD, weight went straight down to my chest lol.
185 x 3                                >> Had to do a paused rep to get it back up. Nearly failed!
225 x 1
265 x 1
245 x 3
235 x 1 (paused)

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                  >> 2min rests.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 6
365 x 4
365 x 2

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 8
75's x 8

Calf Raise Machine
450 x 5                        >> 45sec rests.
495 x 15                   >> Dropped a little.
495 x 10
495 x 7

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 2 of 21                            >> Just reading the book, about 600 pages.

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 2 notes done (17 cards)                           >> Taking important notes, reading through them daily based on spaced repetition.

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 21 of 213 cards                           >> Took a bunch of practice questions from the book and online. Learning them all.
Added 70 cards (new total: 283)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 08, 2016, 09:17:14 pm
Week 106
Friday - 04/08/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
180 x 5
200 x 3
220 x 1
240 x 1
225 x 10

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rest.
40's x 3
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 12
45's x 6 PR

Pull ups
BW x 18 PR              60sec rest.
BW x 7 PR

Short ROM Dragon Flags

Back Extension Rear Delt W Flyes
35's x 3
40's x 10

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 3 of 21
Finished Chapter 4 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 3 notes done (17 cards)
Chapter 4 notes done (31 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 33 of 283 cards

Awesome workout. It's nice to PR on a deload day. Leave the workout feeling very refreshed.

Also doubled up on my chapter reading. I have a lot of cards to go over now since it's still in the beginning of the spaced repetition and they've started to pile up!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 09, 2016, 11:51:58 am
Week 106
Saturday - 04/08/16

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 5 of 21
Finished Chapter 6 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 5 notes done (26 cards)
Chapter 6 notes done (43 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 33 of 283 cards

Planning to study 3 chapters today. And learn about 20 more quiz questions.
Might cut it to 2 chapters. Feeling slightly burnt out.

May get a really light squat/bench/RDL session in.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 11, 2016, 09:41:41 am
Week 107
Monday - 04/11/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8                                >> 3min rest.
135 x 8                                >> Hit my goal of 385x5! That's about equivalent to 405x3.
185 x 5                                >> I was hyped up from music though (but no adrenaline, just anger).
185 x 3                                >> Also I was nearly 200lbs. So maybe that's why I could get that extra rep in.
225 x 3                                >> Next immediate goal is 385x5 with no hype up, and at under 195lbs.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
385 x 5 PR
335 x 8 PR

Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 3

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 10

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 7 of 21
Finished Chapter 8 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 7 notes done (31 cards)
Chapter 8 notes done (37 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 33 of 283 cards

Edit: Just realized my backup sets used to be with 325lbs, not 335lbs. That makes 335x8 a PR! I feel I'll even get to 335x10 later this month, awesome.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 12, 2016, 03:37:25 pm
Week 107
Tuesday - 04/12/16

-= Workout Log =

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                      >> 60sec rests.
+35lbs x 3
+60lbs x 7 PR
+50lbs x 5 PR
+40lbs x 4 PR
+30lbs x 4 PR
+20lbs x 5 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rests.
40's x 3
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 13 PR
45's x 7 PR
45's x 5 PR
40's x 7
40's x 5

Cable Rows
180 x 5                          >> 2min rests.
200 x 3
220 x 1
240 x 1
230 x 6 PR
220 x 5 PR
230 x 4 PR

Short ROM Dragon Flags
6                >> 60sec rests.
5                >> I can do reps with bent knees, feet touching the bench now!
5                >> But don't forget, bent knees = shorter ROM since feet are closer to bench.

Back Extension Rear Delt W Flyes
35's x 5                >> 60sec rests.
40's x 10
40's x 6 PR
40's x 5 PR

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 9 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 9 notes done (33 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 65 of 283 cards

Great workout! I'm on the heavy side right now, but it's like all the carbs went straight to my muscles. I was looking cut as shit at the gym for my weight.

Doubled the quiz questions that I know. It was pretty damn easy because I have been reading more chapters, and many of the quiz questions pertained to them. I found another resource with an extra ~100 quiz questions to add. I'll probably add them once I've finished the entire book already. I plan to finish the book in ~10 days. After that I'll spend a week reviewing and studying the stuff I don't know well, and doing a shit ton of quiz questions (which are all taken from practice tests online).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 13, 2016, 11:53:21 am
Week 107
Wednesday - 04/13/16

-= Study Log =-

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 119 of 283 cards

Will read another chapter later today and update. Learned a bunch more practice questions. I got ahead of myself now; the practice questions I know the answers to, I haven't even read about those sections yet in the book.

Thinking of adding more practice questions if I can find some more (free) practice tests online. I want to get up to 500 questions. Chances are maybe 2% of those will be on the actual exam, but hey the exam is only 90 questions! That's a free 10 questions I get correct.

Maybe that site raptor linked me to has braindumps?! I just found out what braindumps were.

Edit: ended up not reading a chapter. did go back over my quiz questions though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 13, 2016, 01:04:37 pm
Haha... what, exam questions revealed?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 13, 2016, 01:41:57 pm
Haha... what, exam questions revealed?

Yea, exam questions from previous exams. Many are re-used. Even if zero were re-used, it would still help me with the types of questions being asked. This god damn book is 700+ pages!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 13, 2016, 05:05:03 pm
I have a Java book with 11000+ pages.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 13, 2016, 05:24:55 pm
wtf man
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 13, 2016, 06:26:49 pm
I stated earlier that i would have liked to do upright rows because i felt like i could progress on them indefinitely (and db shoulder presses just workout my tris too much), but i wouldnt do them due to them wrecking people's shoulders apparently

i found this vid though! I'll give these a shot:

basically do a DB upright row with some external rotation
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on April 14, 2016, 04:16:50 am
FWIW , I did upright rows for quite some time the last years. The reason i did them was because they supposedly target the lateral deltoids as opposed to typical OHP that targets the anterior deltoids.
Loved them, no problems at all with shoudlers and/or back. Not particularly strong though, doing sets of 10-12 with 40-45kg, so maybe the load was too light to cause damage, weakness saved me. Also, and maybe that made a difference, i was using the EZ bar.
Also great exercise for big shoulders without wrecking them or back, KFs recommendation, seated neutral grip DB OHP.
1c ( n=1 experience and no theory back-up , so not even worth 2 cents :D )
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 14, 2016, 09:50:29 am
^ Hey thanks I'll try em out! I never tried neutral grip DB shoulder press before. Only standard grip, which works out my tris way too much to the point where my delts never grew but my tris would overtake them. Same with bench presses, chest never grew. So for the past few years i've taken the tris out of the equation as much as I could: no OHP, just lateral raises, and wide grip benches. I finally have pecs and delts now. Tris are still growing anyway lol.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on April 14, 2016, 02:15:32 pm
I got chills too. Incredible performance. I definitely won't be forgetting that exit, what a way to go out.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 14, 2016, 04:32:42 pm
Week 107
Thursday - 04/14/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12
135 x 8                                  >> Was nervous/slight adrenaline for 435. Felt like I had 455 in me.
185 x 5                                  >> No hype up for it.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
435 x 1 PR
385 x 5 PR

Bench Press
135 x 8
185 x 5                             >> 275x1 (PR) the spotter helped a tiny bit, fucking retard. I told him hands off.
225 x 3                             >> Would have gotten it alone for sure.
245 x 1
275 x 1
245 x 5 PR
225 x 6
185 x 5 (paused)

Incline DB Bench
75's x 8
75's x 8
75's x 8

Hack Squat Calf Raise
Some warm up sets
Some heavy weight to failure for 3 sets

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 10 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 10 notes done (58 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 119 of 283 cards

435 wasnt a true max at all. Didnt hype up for it. I was nervous though and therefore a bit adrenalized but i could have it it without adrenaline as well. It was very little.

Both PRs. I hit 385x5 on monday as well, but it knees were caving in on last rep of it. This is more solid for sure. On my phone so ill update this post with the full workout tmrw
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on April 15, 2016, 12:37:33 am
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 15, 2016, 02:33:39 am
You should do them in the squat rack, you won't be hitting the safeties.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on April 15, 2016, 03:27:48 am
Damn that looked very fast/easy for a 1RM I think you had that 455lbs in you for sure!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Kingfish on April 15, 2016, 03:44:18 am
Damn that looked very fast/easy for a 1RM I think you had that 455lbs in you for sure!


the force is strong in this one.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 15, 2016, 09:39:08 am
You should do them in the squat rack, you won't be hitting the safeties.

Oh I think youre right! I usually hit the safeties at other gyms but probably won't there.

I weigh 200lbs in the morning after poop n pee though. No longer 196ish. It's just glycogen storage though.
I think starting May I'll go on an official cut and keep a calorie log. Want to get down to under 195. Hopefully I can keep this strength.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 15, 2016, 11:44:36 am
Will probably join a basketball league in a few weeks! Fuck yeah I'll finally start playing ball weekly. Going to be extremely fun and not only that, I'll get to see how high I can jump now that my strength ratio is the highest it's ever been! Oh and increased movement efficiency (of which I'm probably at my baseline/zero) will help too. Def hitting 40" this summer assuming no injuries.

Schedule will be:

Mon - lower body
Tue - upper body
Wed - bball
Thu - lower body
Fri - upper body
Sat - off
Sun - off

That means I play bball on wed and then squat/RDL on thu. That may be a problem, not sure yet. If anything i'll just swap my upper days with my lower days.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 16, 2016, 09:17:04 am
Week 107
Friday - 04/15/16

-= Workout Log =-

Cable Rows
190 x 5
210 x 3
230 x 1
250 x 1
230 x 10
230 x 4

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                             >> 60sec rest.
40's x 3
45's x 1
50's x 1
45's x 14 PR
45's x 4
45's x 4

Pull ups
BW x 18              60sec rest.
BW x 4

Short ROM Dragon Flags
5                >> 60sec rests.

Incline Rear Delt W FLyes
35's x 5
40's x 12 PR
40's x 8 PR

-= Study Log =-

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 119 of 283 cards

I think yesterday's workout took a lot out of me. I cut out some sets on today's workout. Not exactly a de-load but still. I felt like ending the workout early... but instead of doing that and missing exercises completely, I decide to just lower the number of sets and go through every exercise. I think that's important!

Studied some of the book but not much. What I never skimp out on, though, is reviewing quiz questions and notes.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 16, 2016, 10:32:25 am
Man, you make me wanna do dragon flags again, with my blown-out back lel.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 16, 2016, 02:59:08 pm
Week 107
Saturday - 04/16/16

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 11 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 11 notes done (60 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 119 of 283 cards

Damn it's getting tough trying to retain all this information. I'm going to have finals coming up too, and they will get in the way. Good thing theres a little bit of overlap!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 19, 2016, 12:00:30 am
Week 107
Sunday - 04/17/16

-= Study Log =-

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 119 of 283 cards

^ Even if I don't read a new chapter, I still go over my quiz questions and chapter notes daily.

Week 108
Monday - 04/19/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12
135 x 8                                  >>3min rest.
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
390 x 5 PR
335 x 10 PR

Bench Press
135 x 8                                 >> 2min rest.
195 x 3
225 x 1
250 x 5 PR
225 x 8 PR

Incline DB Bench
80's x 6 PR                        >> 2min rests.
80's x 4 PR
80's x 3 PR

Romanian Deadlift
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 1
365 x 5

Hack Squat Calf Raise
Some heavy weight to failure for 3 sets                 >> 45sec rests.

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 12 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 12 notes done (52 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 119 of 283 cards

Edit: my projected max is 455. At 200lbs morning weight even 450 puts me at 2.25x bw. I planned to hit that goal june 1st. Guess im there already. Planning to start cutting weight may 1st (5ish pounds) hopefully i keep all my strength too. Cant wait to fly. This summer will be the summer i hit 40" inshallah!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on April 19, 2016, 02:18:13 am
this summer going to be nuts for you.. HEH.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 19, 2016, 02:46:59 am
I "like" the guy that you see half squatting in the mirror, next to you.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 19, 2016, 03:59:13 pm
Week 108
Tuesday - 04/19/16

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 13 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 13 notes done (22 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 129 of 283 cards

Will lift and update later. De-load today.

Edit: didn't lift. too lazy. it was a de-load anyway so not so bad. i regret it though. also feeling sick.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 20, 2016, 05:53:03 pm
Week 108
Wednesday - 04/12/16

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 145 of 283 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Brain Dump
Created deck (306 cards)

I plan to read two chapters since I'm not lifting today. Completed turning a couple of brain dumps into flash cards on my phone. I plan to take the exam on May 7th. Should be done with readings in a week, then I have a week of re-reading notes, studying what I know the least, watching vids on what I know the least, and memorizing the brain dumps.

edit: didn't finish the chapter but i will tomorrow morning
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 21, 2016, 11:55:30 am
Week 108
Thursday - 04/21/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12
135 x 8
185 x 3                                  >> Wasn't feelin it really. Bad sleep lately and too much brain fatigue.
225 x 3                                  >> At least it's nice to know I can squat 425 on my shittiest day.
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 1
425 x 1
395 x 2
345 x 6

Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 2

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 14 of 21
Finished Chapter 15 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 14 notes done (51 cards)
Chapter 15 notes done (66 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 145 of 283 cards

Finished yesterday's chapter. Plan to read a second chapter today. Will lift later. Have to squat 395x5. I'll probably only hit 3 or 4 but ya never know. I seem to squat and bench heavier at my friend's gym, but i'm going to my gym today.

Edit: read another chapter. had a shitty workout 395x2 squats... recorded it. oh well. brain fatigue, slightly sick, bad sleep lately... bad combo for lifting.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on April 21, 2016, 05:06:02 pm
A 5lb weight cut shouldn't really poop on your strength.  Back in the olden days when I was around your weight, I wouldn't notice a drop in strength until i lost around 10-15lbs.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 22, 2016, 11:06:26 am
A 5lb weight cut shouldn't really poop on your strength.  Back in the olden days when I was around your weight, I wouldn't notice a drop in strength until i lost around 10-15lbs.

Yeah true. I think I was saying that more because sometimes I feel like I'm stalling hard on my lifts for a while (last week was an exception) so I felt like if I cut down, I would drop strength. It would be cool to keep my theoretical squat max of 455 at a bodyweight of 195. I'd be okay with dropping down even to a 440 max though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: John Stamos on April 22, 2016, 03:05:35 pm
I mean at your weight, you could temporarily if its a caloric deficit but once you got used to the weight it'd go right back up.  You're not going to have to change your form and you're not losing any kind of advantages such as a an old school powerlifter with a big belly loses a lot of weight and doesn't have that advantage anymore.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 23, 2016, 10:49:25 pm
will update into proper format another time

read chapter 16 (27 cards)
read chapter 17 (33 cards)
283 quiz questions learned

ead chapter 18 (20 cards)
read chapter 19 (53 cards)
283 quiz questions learned

Read chapter 20 (22 cards)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 25, 2016, 04:41:03 pm
Week 108
Friday - 04/22/16

-= Workout Log =-

Pull ups
BW x 13                       >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5                         >> Was supposed to start with cable rows but someone was on them.
BW x 4

Lateral Raises
40's x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 13
45's x 5
45's x 4

Seated Cable Rows
210 x 3
230 x 10
230 x 4

Negative Dragon Flags

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
35's x 3
40's x 12

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 16 of 21
Finished Chapter 17 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 16 notes done (27 cards)
Chapter 17 notes done (33 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 145 of 283 cards

Saturday - 04/23/16

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 18 of 21
Finished Chapter 19 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 18 notes done (20 cards)
Chapter 19 notes done (53 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 173 of 283 cards

Sunday - 04/24/16

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 20 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 20 notes done (22 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 173 of 283 cards
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 25, 2016, 04:46:10 pm
Week 109
Monday - 04/25/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                         >> True max attempt. Nearly failed.
135 x 8                           >> What really surprises me though, is the speed on the 225's. It's freaky!
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
455 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 20                            >> 2min rest.
95 x 12                            >> Fried.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 3
225 x 3

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 8

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 21 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 21 notes done (33 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 217 of 217 cards

Finally finished this book. Can't tell you how much my reading comprehension has dropped lately. Unreal how much brain fatigue I was having last week. The past few days I haven't had much at all, though. But I constantly have to re-read things over and over and over again.

Anyway I plan to take my exam Saturday May 7th. Till then I'll be memorizing the rest of the quiz questions I gathered (although at this point its less memorizing and more understanding since I've read the entire book). Then I'll start on the 306 real exam questions I bought online as a last measure to solidify the fact that I'll pass this certification because it costs $285 to take it each time. In the meantime, I'm reviewing all the notes I took on the chapters daily and also doing random practice tests online.

Will lift and edit later.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on April 25, 2016, 04:56:39 pm
Pull ups
BW x 13                       >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5                         >> Was supposed to start with cable rows but someone was on them.
BW x 4

Damn that's a quick drop-off .... haha.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Kingfish on April 25, 2016, 05:15:28 pm
A 5lb weight cut shouldn't really poop on your strength.  Back in the olden days when I was around your weight, I wouldn't notice a drop in strength until i lost around 10-15lbs.

Yeah true. I think I was saying that more because sometimes I feel like I'm stalling hard on my lifts for a while (last week was an exception) so I felt like if I cut down, I would drop strength. It would be cool to keep my theoretical squat max of 455 at a bodyweight of 195. I'd be okay with dropping down even to a 440 max though.

go for 455 and vid it.

the 440 looks like 4 plates and a bunch of little things.

the 25lb on top of the 4plates is so much better. take off a 45 and its still a heavy 365lb :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on April 25, 2016, 05:18:36 pm
Week 109
Monday - 04/25/16

-= Study Log =-

Mike Myers Network+ Exam Guide
Finished Chapter 21 of 21

FlashCards Deluxe - Chapter Notes
Chapter 21 notes done (33 cards)

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 145 of 283 cards

Finally finished this fucking book. Can't tell you how much my reading comprehension has gone to shit lately. Unreal how much brain fatigue I was having last week. The past few days I haven't had much at all, though. But I constantly have to re-read things over and over and over again.

Anyway I plan to take my exam Saturday May 7th. Till then I'll be memorizing the rest of the quiz questions I gathered (although at this point its less memorizing and more understanding since I've read the entire book). Then I'll start on the 306 real exam questions I bought online as a last measure to solidify the fact that I'll pass this certification because it costs $285 to take it each time. In the meantime, I'm reviewing all the notes I took on the chapters daily and also doing random practice tests online.

Will lift and edit later.

nice man!

how many flash cards do you have total, for this book/project?

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 25, 2016, 10:18:24 pm
A 5lb weight cut shouldn't really poop on your strength.  Back in the olden days when I was around your weight, I wouldn't notice a drop in strength until i lost around 10-15lbs.

Yeah true. I think I was saying that more because sometimes I feel like I'm stalling hard on my lifts for a while (last week was an exception) so I felt like if I cut down, I would drop strength. It would be cool to keep my theoretical squat max of 455 at a bodyweight of 195. I'd be okay with dropping down even to a 440 max though.

go for 455 and vid it.

the 440 looks like 4 plates and a bunch of little things.

the 25lb on top of the 4plates is so much better. take off a 45 and its still a heavy 365lb :)

Maxed at 455 today. Phone ran out of storage mid recording so the vid cut before the lift. God dammit!!! I'm serious btw lol. Didnt plan on it but the weights were feeling super light so i said fuck it aiming for 455 today, screw 395x5. I come back to see this comment now haha. I nearly failed; it was a true max attempt.

Ill answer the rest of you tmrw, on my phone and too lazy to get on computer.

Edit: i dont think ill attempt 455 again unless i can do 405x5 instead of 390x5. I want to do it comfortably. Safety first! Though with my cutting starting may 1st, and then basketball league, i dont think i'll be getting 405x5 for quite some time.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on April 25, 2016, 10:54:16 pm
A 5lb weight cut shouldn't really poop on your strength.  Back in the olden days when I was around your weight, I wouldn't notice a drop in strength until i lost around 10-15lbs.

Yeah true. I think I was saying that more because sometimes I feel like I'm stalling hard on my lifts for a while (last week was an exception) so I felt like if I cut down, I would drop strength. It would be cool to keep my theoretical squat max of 455 at a bodyweight of 195. I'd be okay with dropping down even to a 440 max though.

go for 455 and vid it.

the 440 looks like 4 plates and a bunch of little things.

the 25lb on top of the 4plates is so much better. take off a 45 and its still a heavy 365lb :)

Maxed at 455 today. Phone ran out of storage mid recording so the vid cut before the lift. God dammit!!! I'm serious btw lol.

damn that SUCKS.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on April 26, 2016, 03:07:44 am
Put a picture with you with a 455 bar on your back and say that you don't do vids and that we need to respect your privacy #squatDr #ACBarch :P
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 26, 2016, 09:50:15 am
Damn that's a quick drop-off .... haha.

Yeah my strength drops off extremely fast when I use short rest breaks. It's pretty annoying actually.

nice man!

how many flash cards do you have total, for this book/project?


"Quiz Questions" (217 cards) refer to the quizzes in the textbook I read. I know them all with over 95% accuracy now. Spaced repetition is the shit. I had 283 of them total at first (I pulled some extra quiz questions I found for free on various websites online and added them) but I removed those from the deck. By the way, the questions were originally multiple choice. But on my flash cards I don't show myself the choices. I removed them, and I just answer the question from memory/understanding rather than looking at choices and "recognizing" the answer.

"Chapter Notes" (730 cards) refers to notes I took while reading the chapters. These are also re-read with a spaced repetition format. Each chapter note deck is kept separate. I only re-read chapter notes when it's time to, a whole chapter at a time, based on the spaced repetition timing. I fucked up the timing though and made it so that I have to re-read things way too often. So I often have to read 400 note cards or so, and I'm just too lazy. It's also boring as fuck re-reading the same notes over and over. Many times I don't read them over... it's 20-60 cards per chapter.

"Test Questions" (306 cards) refers to a pack of supposedly real test questions that are used on the cert exam. There are about 10 more "simulation" type questions that I can't make flashcards out of; I practice these on the computer. Even though these are also originally multiple choice, I'm learning these without looking at the answer choices.

Put a picture with you with a 455 bar on your back and say that you don't do vids and that we need to respect your privacy #squatDr #ACBarch :P

Yea and maybe my penis could be flipped up in the pic too  :trolldance:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 27, 2016, 09:43:32 am
Week 109
Tuesday - 04/26/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3                      >> The 75lb rep didn't feel so heavy actually. 100lbs may be my max.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+65lbs x 7 PR
+55lbs x 3
+45lbs x 4

Lateral Raises
40's x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 2                    >> Talk about drop off lol.
50's x 1                    >> Form broke down a lot after ~11 reps like usual, but still a PR.
45's x 15 PR
45's x 4
45's x 4

Seated Cable Rows
210 x 3                        >> 2min rests.
230 x 3
260 x 1
240 x 6 PR
240 x 5 PR
240 x 4 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rest.

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
35's x 3                    >> 60sec rest.
40's x 12
40's x 8

-= Study Log =-

FlashCards Deluxe - Exam Dump
Learned 148 of 306 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 217 of 217 cards
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 28, 2016, 09:36:47 am
Week 109
Wednesday - 04/28/16

-= Study Log =-

FlashCards Deluxe - Exam Dump
Learned 286 of 306 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 217 of 217 cards

Learned a ton of exam questions today. An extra ~100 or so. Spaced repetition is the truth... They were originally multiple choice but I've removed the choices. Will finish them up tomorrow. Then learn another 907 over the week, but multiple choice this time. 100 a day shouldn't be too bad. Why take BS practice questions when I can study from real exam questions that may be re-used? I don't want to be caught with BS curve balls or be tested on reading comprehension rather than my actual knowledge from reading a 700+ page book and taking/reviewing notes daily...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 29, 2016, 09:39:04 am
Week 109
Thursday - 04/28/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                         >> Just wasn't feelin it. Needed to rest my legs.
135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
335 x 1
385 x 1
425 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 20                            >> 2min rest.
95 x 12                            >> Well, this makes a PR at my gym at least.
135 x 5                            >> I somehow always bench more at my friend's gym.
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 4
245 x 4

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 8

-= Study Log =-

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 217 of 217 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Exam Dump
Learned 306 of 306 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Old Exam Dump
Learned 306 of 907 cards

Wasn't feelin it at all today.

Taking 900+ multiple choice questions from real past exams to test myself. Even if none of these will appear on my actual exam, I'm kicking ass on them getting 85-90% of them correct. This means I'm already prepared enough for the exam to pass! I'm still going to go over all 907 and iron out the incorrect ones though. Should be able to do 100 to 150 a day. It's multiple choice so it's not that tough.

edit: updated the squats. i copy/pasted the 455x1 workout but forgot to update the numbers
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 30, 2016, 11:04:48 am
Week 109
Friday - 04/29/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
220 x 5                        >> 2min rest.
240 x 3
260 x 1
240 x 5
220 x 4

Pull ups
BW x 13               >> 60sec rest.
BW x 8                 >> Had more in me but was too lazy.

Lateral Raises
40's x 3                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 2                    >> Better form than last time, so it's an improvement.
50's x 1
45's x 15
45's x 4

Negative Dragon Flags

-= Study Log =-

FlashCards Deluxe - Exam Dump
Learned 306 of 306 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Old Exam Dump
Learned 285 of 907 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 217 of 217 cards

Just not feelin it during the workout. Again. Something's up with me. Hopefully a good rest this weekend will fix things.

I'm taking this network+ exam next weekend. Just looking for a testing center and a discount on the exam voucher.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 01, 2016, 11:18:15 am
Week 109
Saturday - 04/30/16

-= Study Log =-

FlashCards Deluxe - Exam Dump
Learned 306 of 306 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Old Exam Dump
Learned 306 of 907 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 217 of 217 cards
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 02, 2016, 09:43:41 am
Week 109
Sunday - 05/02/16

-= Study Log =-

FlashCards Deluxe - Exam Dump
Learned 306 of 306 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Old Exam Dump
Learned 416 of 907 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 217 of 217 cards

Damn I have a lot to learn until next week. Gotta finish up these cards, learn the exam simulations, and prepare for a huge final that same day. At the same time work just got very busy. I'm really stressed.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 02, 2016, 05:14:55 pm
possibly getting a cy sec internship at my uni. it would mean a big pay cut for me though since its less pay and less hours than my current non-related job. hopefully my current boss can move me down to part time instead of me having to quit completely, to mitigate that.

i have a big career fair at my school in september. a bachelors, a pending masters (in dec), 2 or 3 certifications, and an internship will look damn good on my resume.

we'll see how this pans out. nothing is set yet.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 03, 2016, 09:58:04 am
Week 110
Monday - 05/03/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                   
135 x 8                               >> Well, at least I hit 395x3 and not 395x2 again...
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
395 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 20                            >> 2min rest.
95 x 12
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 4
245 x 1

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 8

-= Study Log =-

FlashCards Deluxe - Exam Dump
Learned 306 of 306 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Old Exam Dump
Learned 471 of 907 cards

FlashCards Deluxe - Quiz Questions
Learned 217 of 217 cards

Pissed off at my squat. I was doing 405x3 earlier at a bw of 195. Now I'm doing 395x3 at a bw of 200. I know it's just temporary fatigue or something, since about 10 days ago I did 395x2 yet maxed out at 455 the next workout lol.

Today I got hit with IMMENSE brain fatigue. I wasn't right at all. Physically couldn't study. It is definitely the reason I haven't been feeling it during any workout lately. Even when I hit PR's, going INTO the gym I still feel like shit.

When I was at the gym I had a retard moment. I lock my stuff up in a locker and go downstairs to warm up. I wonder hmmm.. where's my lock... Then I went "shit! I forgot it on my locker!" I frantically go back upstairs and get to my locker to find my lock on my locker.

Okay? That's where it's supposed to be. Wow.

Anyway, instead of taking the exam for $285 and having to pay that again if I fail, i found a bundle for $372 that includes a retake. I'm just going to go with that. I'm tired of studying. I'm taking the cert exam this saturday. If I fail, that's okay; they will tell me which areas I'm weakest in so I can zero in on my studying and definitely pass the retake.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 04, 2016, 07:25:00 pm
Week 110
Tuesday - 04/03/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 8 PR
+50lbs x 3
+40lbs x 4

Lateral Raises
40's x 3                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 2
50's x 5 PR
45's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                        >> 2min rests.
220 x 3
240 x 4
220 x 6

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rest.

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
35's x 3                    >> 60sec rest.
40's x 15 PR
40's x 8

Still not feeling it. I have my cert exam this Friday and a giant final exam on Saturday. After this weekend, I should be feeling a lot better in the gym and stuff. Hopefully I pass the cert though. If I don't, I'm going to be studying even harder lol.

Too lazy to keep a study log now. It's also not very necessary. There's no "progress" as in I was X more intelligent than last time or something. I guess gains is the word I'm looking for. There's studying progress (reading more chapters) but no study "gains" that you can log. Additionally, I originally made the log to stop myself from procrastination and to stay on track. It looks like I'm able to do that on my own now. Yay!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 05, 2016, 12:17:49 pm
This should be interesting for you:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 05, 2016, 02:32:58 pm
I've read about the second link and the vid before, awesome stuff. will look into the first more
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 06, 2016, 10:27:08 am
squatted yesterday 395x3 and that was it. I was just too stressed and pressed for time because of an impromptu visit by someone.

this morning i passed the network+ exam that i have been studying for  :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

time to study for this final exam tomorrow, and then prepare study materials for my next certification: security+
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 08, 2016, 09:27:32 pm
too lazy to update log but

thursday i squatted as i said
friday i finished thursdays workout (bench, rdl incline bench, calf raises)
saturday i did the usual rows, lateral raises, pull ups, didnt do abs or rear delts -- too demotivated

saturday night though i went out to cielo nyc to see markus schulz dj. i dont like him much. the opening dj was this girl Nifra though. she was great while playing anjunadeep stuff. then she plays TWO of my brothers songs! they were Opium and Smoke & Mirrors. here's a vid i took of smoke n mirrors:

edit: Aced that final exam. I was one of 4 to earn an A on the midterm, and i'm the only one to earn an A on the final exam. this gives me a lot of motivation to succeed.

i've found a pdf textbook for the security+ certification that i want to get. i start studying tomorrow. i'll keep a chapter log but not a comprehensive study log.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 09, 2016, 03:04:42 am
Ah, the good ol' epilepsy.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 10, 2016, 12:15:37 am
Friend called me for an impromptu league game. Played all 40min. Tired after the game, still able to land a clean 2 handed tomahawk! Then i got out my camera and recorded this miss unfortunately:

Good to know i could tomahawk without crazy effort, without any movement efficiency work in the past weeks, or a proper warm up. I can *safely* say i was getting up 36" today. If i had a good warm up (like after 10min of full court instead of 40min), probably 38". You can see that my approach isnt as violent as it usually is when my movement efficiency is better.

As usual, as my movement efficiency comes back my vertical will increase another 3 inches or so. Definitely hitting 40" in a couple months if i stay healthy!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 10, 2016, 03:01:24 am
I'm wondering - how much do you feel you load up on your left leg (the first leg you plant) and how much on "both"?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 10, 2016, 08:29:34 am
I'm wondering - how much do you feel you load up on your left leg (the first leg you plant) and how much on "both"?

A lot more load on the left leg. I do remember a while back though, i accidentally figured out this approach where i do more of a hop instead of a 1-2 into my plant, and it loaded the legs more equally. It made me get up higher too (at the time). I have to experiment with that again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 11, 2016, 09:44:25 am
Week 111
Monday - 05/09/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                            >> Played 40min of a league game on a big court before this.                   
135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
395 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 20                            >> 2min rest.
95 x 12
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
225 x 5
225 x 1

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 11, 2016, 09:46:05 am
Week 111
Tuesday - 05/10/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+75lbs x 5 PR
+75lbs x 3
+75lbs x 1
 BW x 10

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 3
45's x 8
30's x 15

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                      >> 2min rests.
220 x 3
240 x 7
220 x 6
200 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rest.

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
35's x 3                    >> 60sec rest.
40's x 15
40's x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 13, 2016, 11:35:00 am
Week 111
Thursday - 05/12/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                            >> This is only 10lbs under my PR. So I'm not so far behind, actually.               
135 x 5                              >> Not to mention I weighed 195 this morning, not 200 like usual.
185 x 5                              >> So really I'm at my goal of 2.25x bw squat anyway!
225 x 3                              >> Now I don't feel so shitty.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
380 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 20                            >> 2min rest.
95 x 12                            >> Don't know what happened here. Going to have to scale back the weight.
135 x 5                            >> I'll work back up over time.
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 3
225 x 1

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 10

Not feeling it today either. I don't know what's going on.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 15, 2016, 04:44:59 pm
Week 111
Friday - 05/13/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 3                            >> 60sec rests.
220 x 8                   >> Dropped a lot on these...
220 x 6
200 x 8

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 5
45's x 8
40's x 12

Saturday - 05/14/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3                       >> On these higher rep days, once I can hit 12 reps on the top set, I'll move up in weight.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+20lbs x 12 PR
+20lbs x 4 PR
+20lbs x 5 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rests.

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
35's x 5                    >> 60sec rest.
40's x 3
45's x 8 PR
45's x 8 PR

Split the workout up into two days.

What's stalling: squats, rows, bench
what's improving: lateral raises, pull ups, rear delt flyes
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 17, 2016, 09:40:39 am
Week 112
Monday - 05/17/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                            >> Kind of disappointed I could only hit 4. Damn man.               
135 x 5                              >> 5lbs and 1 rep short of my PR.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
385 x 4

Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 12                            >> Just so lazy man.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
225 x 5

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 8

I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I haven't felt good going into the gym in over a month. That's a lot of workouts in a row where I feel shitty. The only exception is when I SOMEHOW maxed my squat at 455lbs.

This is really starting to get to me. I don't understand. On my walk home from the gym I realized I'm not getting enough protein, haven't taken creatine or fish oil in the past 2 weeks, and not getting enough sleep. So I'm going to change all of that. But I still can't help but feel like it's not enough. How does my bench drop from 250x5 to 225x5?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 17, 2016, 09:46:42 am
Do you take any pre-workout supplements such as NO Explode? If not, you should try it, see what happens.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 17, 2016, 10:56:20 am
Do you take any pre-workout supplements such as NO Explode? If not, you should try it, see what happens.

I don't, and I tend to shy away from those for various reasons. I don't want to become dependent on them to have a good workout. Also, I feel like it's an "artifical" boost that will lead to me burning out faster, because I'm performing better than I could have otherwise.

What I need is something to fix my mental feeling. My muscular system seems fine when I lift. But mentally I feel tired. But hey, I'll give that pre-workout stuff a try! Or maybe I should experiment with just caffeine first?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 17, 2016, 02:36:06 pm
No idea. I mean, caffeine is just an adenosin-inhibitor, and that's pretty much it. As long as you don't take it every time, you shouldn't adapt to it too much having the adenosin receptor numbers decrease or anything crazy like that. You would probably need to overdose on it quite a bit.

I just took 3 bottles of NO Explode because they were at a reduced price :D

If I'll kill myself eventually, maybe I should drink all three of them at once. That amounts to ~100 doses of NO Explode giving you YES Explode as an effect.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on May 17, 2016, 02:41:12 pm
Do you take any pre-workout supplements such as NO Explode? If not, you should try it, see what happens.

I don't, and I tend to shy away from those for various reasons. I don't want to become dependent on them to have a good workout. Also, I feel like it's an "artifical" boost that will lead to me burning out faster, because I'm performing better than I could have otherwise.

What I need is something to fix my mental feeling. My muscular system seems fine when I lift. But mentally I feel tired. But hey, I'll give that pre-workout stuff a try! Or maybe I should experiment with just caffeine first?

caffeine is enough for me.. it's always been enough to fix that "mental fatigue", from my experience. I used to add bustello cappuccino mix to milk etc, but that's overdoing it. Simply getting caffeine from something like pure green tea can be a difference maker. I'd try it from a "healthy source" like green tea first, to see if that alone gives you a kick.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 17, 2016, 06:16:55 pm
On another note:

my uni officially (i think -- they sent me payroll forms to fill out lol) offered me a part time cyber security summer internship thanks to my friend. its lower pay than my current job plus less hours. However, it's necessary in order to build experience to land an entry level job upon graduation in december. the good news is my friend said i can extend the internship past the summer up until my december graduation if i dont find work elsewhere when the internship ends in september. nice. also - he may get promoted soon, and he will recommend me for his current position where he started at 60k/yr. he says its an easy ass job but boring, which is fine by me. i'll keep myself occupied with studying to further my career. or maybe by then i'll figure out how to make a little cash online.

on the other hand, OTC Market had a phone interview with me for an information security summer internship. its 40 hours a week. not sure what the pay is -- they had to check with HR on that and didn't get back to me. this ends at the end of august. if it pays better than my uni, i'll take this internship instead. but i haven't been offered it yet.

also yesterday i started working on my Security+ certification. hope to take the exam for this one june 21st.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 18, 2016, 02:45:54 am
On another note:

my uni officially (i think -- they sent me payroll forms to fill out lol) offered me a part time cyber security summer internship thanks to my friend. its lower pay than my current job plus less hours. However, it's necessary in order to build experience to land an entry level job upon graduation in december. the good news is my friend said i can extend the internship past the summer up until my december graduation if i dont find work elsewhere when the internship ends in september. nice. also - he may get promoted soon, and he will recommend me for his current position where he started at 60k/yr. he says its an easy ass job but boring, which is fine by me. i'll keep myself occupied with studying to further my career. or maybe by then i'll figure out how to make a little cash online.

Sounds like the perfect situation for me: not too many hours, promotion possibility, already having friends in. Definitely go for it. You'll also have time to train and learn.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 18, 2016, 09:34:26 am
On another note:

my uni officially (i think -- they sent me payroll forms to fill out lol) offered me a part time cyber security summer internship thanks to my friend. its lower pay than my current job plus less hours. However, it's necessary in order to build experience to land an entry level job upon graduation in december. the good news is my friend said i can extend the internship past the summer up until my december graduation if i dont find work elsewhere when the internship ends in september. nice. also - he may get promoted soon, and he will recommend me for his current position where he started at 60k/yr. he says its an easy ass job but boring, which is fine by me. i'll keep myself occupied with studying to further my career. or maybe by then i'll figure out how to make a little cash online.

Sounds like the perfect situation for me: not too many hours, promotion possibility, already having friends in. Definitely go for it. You'll also have time to train and learn.

I agree. I called that other place again today and nobody picked up. I left a message 2 days ago as well. I'll be asking my friend when I can officially hand in my payroll papers and such this week.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 18, 2016, 10:03:49 am
Week 112
Tuesday - 05/17/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+75lbs x 6 PR
+55lbs x 4
+35lbs x 5
+15lbs x 5
+5lbs x 6

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 6 PR
45's x 8 PR
45's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                          >> 2min rests.
220 x 3                          >> PR is 240x7 so I'm not so far off.
240 x 5
240 x 3
220 x 3

Negative Dragon Flags
3                  >> Abs still very sore from last workout. This was painful.

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 3                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 10 PR
45's x 6

Just a couple of days of good protein, fish oil, taking creatine again, and better sleep, and I hit a few PRs! Well I was already PRing on pull ups, lateral raises, and rear delts. But I'm almost back up to par on cable rows, which I was stalling on. That's the important part (as well as squats and bench next workout). We'll see how that goes.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on May 18, 2016, 11:24:36 am
I'm not really informed about taking creatine to be honest but I thought about trying it out myself, because I've heard a lot of positive things about it. Are there times you would especially suggest creatine supplementation like for example during a strength block or are you just constantly taking it? My only fear is that I will blow up even more and store a lot of water weight as I've heard of some people that have gained quite a bit of weight while being on creatine.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 18, 2016, 12:55:41 pm
I'm not really informed about taking creatine to be honest but I thought about trying it out myself, because I've heard a lot of positive things about it. Are there times you would especially suggest creatine supplementation like for example during a strength block or are you just constantly taking it? My only fear is that I will blow up even more and store a lot of water weight as I've heard of some people that have gained quite a bit of weight while being on creatine.

I suggest taking it non stop. I used to hold water weight from it, until i switched to a non-flavored version that had much finer powder. This one seems to have no effect on my water weight. Try it out for a while.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 19, 2016, 03:31:42 am
Have you ever took ZMA?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on May 19, 2016, 03:43:29 am
If you are asking me raptor, no I haven't I don't even know what that is. ^^
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 19, 2016, 03:57:08 am
I'm asking both. "Studies" done by the companies that sell the product claim it increases testosterone mildly. But ignoring that marketing, it helps have very interesting dreams, so it improves sleep.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 19, 2016, 09:30:31 am
Have you ever took ZMA?

Yep! I don't remember if I had better sleep quality from it, but I do remember having more vivid and weird dreams on it. Nothing crazy like I've read online, but definitely an effect that I couldn't deny. Also it made me bust huge loads. That part is true too.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on May 19, 2016, 09:35:50 am
Thanks. I'll take a bottle a day from now on.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 19, 2016, 09:46:32 am

Internship with my school: I declined. found out it was at a different campus, 1 hour 20 min away, and in a TERRIBLE neighborhood. not just 45min away in a great neighborhood. I am going to be depressed making that commute. and for what? a huge pay cut?

i did the math and taking the internship means i'll make $2k less per month versus my current job, and i already dont make much by NYC standards where i live. its like a 70% pay cut. Yes internships are integral to landing full time jobs, and i dont have a single internship yet but... i cant justify the huge pay cut for a horrible commute. i'm better off taking my chances looking for internships (and full time jobs) elsewhere. even if it takes me 4 months to find a different one, it will have been worth it!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 20, 2016, 03:24:51 pm
Week 112
Thursday - 05/19/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                            >> Too dead. Tired. Weak. Unmotivated.           
135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 12
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
225 x 5

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 8

Okay. Obviously these de-load workouts aren't helping. I think what I have to do is ALSO take it easier on the days where I do pull ups and stuff like that, where I'm still progressing. And I need more volume but less intensity and need to build back up slowly. I need to get back into the swing of a full workout.

I'll start with probably:
Squat 345x5, 315x8
Bench 185x5
RDL 345x5
lateral raise 35'sx12
pull ups +30lbsx8

But I'll do the usual 3-5 sets of them. And I'll go up little by little each workout.

Also I'm going to start tracking calories.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 20, 2016, 06:34:34 pm
Holy shit. I never realized how many security-oriented things i do and have done at my job that i could put on my resume. god damn what a realization! and not only that, ive made policies based on what i know, and a little bit on what i've learned. mostly simple things, but theres a ton of them

so i'm a property manager right... password management for my coworkers, locking up the keys to all the apartments we manage, LABELING the god damn keys, keeping a copy in the management office, labeling a copy of the keys at the superintendents location differently (so if theyre stolen its not clear which key is for which apt), getting cipher locks for the back doors of the apartment, suggesting to my boss where to put the security cameras, getting the cameras set up so we can view them remotely, getting motion activated lights that will deter people from pissing on our doors, and more

its not all technical, but it provides a great background. what may seem impressive to employers is the fact that i suggested and "designed" (lol) and ultimately implemented these controls myself! I'm not just FOLLOWING controls, I'm actively MAKING them and getting OTHERS to follow them. i can also bullshit some ones that i didnt do, like acting as though i white listed devices that could access our wifi, turned off SSID broadcasting, made digital back ups of our tenant records to increase availability, encrypted them to increase confidentiality, user awareness training, etc

i want to eventually be in management in IT security, not so much on the technical side anyway, so this stuff should definitely help me if i put it down on my resume.

i am also going to type up a report of EVERYTHING security related i did at my job. i'll make it as though it was a report i submitted to my boss that he approved. sometimes when you apply to jobs it gives you an option to upload an attachment of whatever you want to add (like side projects), and i'll attach this report. i'll also bring it with me to interviews.

this is much better than saying "yeah i supervise the super and handyman and manage buildings and stuff"

btw i realized all this stuff while studying for my Security+ certification. a ton of the stuff on there is not technical at all.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 23, 2016, 09:49:29 am
Week 112
Friday - 05/20/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
180 x 8                 >> 2min rests.
180 x 8                 >> Scaled back the weight a ton since I'm stalling on these.
180 x 8

Lateral Raises
45's x 8                 >> 60sec rests.
45's x 8                 >> I'm not stalling on these, but wanted to take an easy workout.
45's x 8

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 12 PR
+25lbs x 5 PR
+25lbs x 5 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5                 >> 60sec rests.
5                 >> Can do about 3 full reps with bent hips after getting to the bottom.

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 3                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 12 PR
45's x 6 PR
45's x 5 PR

So I've reduced the weight considerably on the cable rows. Will work back up slowly by adding 5lbs per week or per workout. Hope this works. My previous PR was 240x7 I believe.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 23, 2016, 09:53:37 am
Week 113
Monday - 05/23/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                            >> Damn, the 405 was a max today.       
135 x 8                              >> Couldn't have gotten an extra rep on the 345x5.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
345 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 20                        >> 60sec rests.
95 x 12                        >> Nice and easy. Will increase again slowly. Previous PR is 250x5.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                     >> Took it easy on these since I don't want them to get me too sore.
275 x 3
315 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 10               >> 2min rest.
75's x 8

Calf Raise Machine
450 x 5                          >> 60sec rests.
495 x 12
495 x 8
495 x 6

WOW on the squats. I planned to do 345x5, but I was expecting it to be easy peasy. This was an AM workout before work so that could probably explain why it was so damn difficult. Hopefully 350x5 next workout will feel very easy. I hope to get back up to 390x5 by the end of next month.

On another note: may have an internship hookup at Deloitte for cyber security. Sending the guy (some manager there) my resume today after I fix it up. He told my gf "I have a chip on my shoulder for recruiting, send me his resume and i'll definitely get him an internship." Well, we'll see!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on May 23, 2016, 12:01:20 pm
on point w/r/t policies you designed and implemented. as someone who's recently done a fair bit of hiring and recruiting, seeing that on someone's CV is a major check mark. hardly matters what the policy is, the point is that it shows initiative and creativity, as well as ability to get buy-in from higher-ups.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 23, 2016, 05:00:50 pm
on point w/r/t policies you designed and implemented. as someone who's recently done a fair bit of hiring and recruiting, seeing that on someone's CV is a major check mark. hardly matters what the policy is, the point is that it shows initiative and creativity, as well as ability to get buy-in from higher-ups.

thanks, huge light bulb went off in my head when i realized that. stressing it in my cover letter as well.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 25, 2016, 10:16:49 am
Week 113
Tuesday - 05/25/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 1
+75lbs x 7 PR
+55lbs x 3
+35lbs x 5
+15lbs x 5
BW x 6

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 7 PR
45's x 9 PR
45's x 4

Seated Cable Rows
180 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
200 x 3
185 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rests.
5                  >> Did 90% of a full rep with 90% strict form!

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 3                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 13 PR
45's x 6
45's x 4
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on May 25, 2016, 10:35:54 am
Your pull-ups are getting very strong... that drop off though. ;)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 25, 2016, 12:03:10 pm
Your pull-ups are getting very strong... that drop off though. ;)

my drop off is nuts!!! happens for a lot of my lifts, especially as the rest times get shorter.

woke up 196.2lbs today. very close to my 195lb goal. however, if i get down to 195 and then eat at maintenance, my glycogen stores and whatnot will put me at 198. So i'm looking to get closer to 190 during this cut.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on May 25, 2016, 06:18:13 pm
Your pull-ups are getting very strong... that drop off though. ;)


bw+75 lb x 7 = beast.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 25, 2016, 07:15:51 pm
maybe i should vid my pull ups?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on May 25, 2016, 07:18:59 pm
maybe i should vid my pull ups?

dooo eet.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 26, 2016, 09:39:58 am
Week 113
Thursday - 05/26/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                            >> 3min rest.
185 x 5                              >> Damn my max was probably 415 today.
225 x 3                              >> The back up set should help me get back to 390x5 slowly.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
350 x 5
315 x 10

Bench Press
45 x 20                        >> 2min rests.
95 x 12                        >> These were easy. But they better be if they're 40lbs under my PR.
135 x 5                        >> Focusing on absolute max effort on each rep.
185 x 3
225 x 1
210 x 5
210 x 5
210 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                     >> Not adding sets to these until I feel I'm stalling.
275 x 3
320 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 15 PR               >> 2min rest.
75's x 5                 >> I don't know what happened here but I just kept going and hit 15!

Seated Calf Raises
90 x 8                 >>45sec rests.
90 x 8                 >> Just getting a feel for these. Will raise weight and go max reps next time.
90 x 8

Calf Raise Machine                 
495 x 13                   >> 45sec rests.
495 x 8                     >> The seated calf raises didn't seem to affect my performance here.
495 x 6

Okay... this is the first workout in months where I feel great after lifting! Holy crap! Usually that's a sign that my slump will end in a few weeks. Perhaps I needed this extended break of sorts of where I scale back the weight on my S/B/D for a while.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 27, 2016, 08:43:55 am
Week 113
Friday - 05/27/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
180 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
200 x 3
190 x 8
190 x 8
190 x 8

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 7 PR
45's x 9 PR
45's x 4

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 12 PR                  >> Dat drop off...
+30lbs x 4 PR
+30lbs x 4 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rests.
5                  >> Did 90% of a full rep with 90% strict form!

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 3                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 15 PR
45's x 6 PR
45's x 4 PR

Workout felt great! I left the gym feeling good again instead of defeated.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 31, 2016, 10:12:25 am
197.2lbs this morning. overate this weekend but whatever that's okay. at least now I know my upper range of morning weight is under 198 instead of 200 like usual! I would like my upper range to be strictly 195.0 or less, so I'm kinda close.

enjoyed the memorial day extended weekend and my birthday. was supposed to lift yesterday but I didn't, that's okay though. will lift later today and update
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on May 31, 2016, 03:07:18 pm
197.2lbs this morning. overate this weekend but whatever that's okay. at least now I know my upper range of morning weight is under 198 instead of 200 like usual! I would like my upper range to be strictly 195.0 or less, so I'm kinda close.

enjoyed the memorial day extended weekend and my birthday. was supposed to lift yesterday but I didn't, that's okay though. will lift later today and update

ooo nice, getting closer to consistent 195.

weather was amazing yesterday here for memorial day.. today it's nonstop rain.

happy birthday man@!#
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on May 31, 2016, 07:40:04 pm
Happy birthday mate!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 01, 2016, 09:33:14 am
Week 114
Tuesday - 05/31/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                            >> 3min rest.
185 x 5                              >> Max was probably 415 again. That aint good...
225 x 3                              >> The 320x10 killed my. My 10 rep PR is 325 though, i'm sure. So I'm close to that at least.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
355 x 5
320 x 10

Bench Press
45 x 20                        >> 2min rests.
95 x 12                        >> These feel great.
135 x 5                        >> Yeah I'm way under my PR, but I'm still focusing on 100% max effort on each rep.
185 x 3
225 x 1
215 x 5
215 x 5
215 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                     >> Not adding sets to these until I feel I'm stalling.
275 x 3
325 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 8 PR               >> 2min rest.
85's x 3                 >> The 80's were missing so I stepped up to 85's. Didn't expect 8 reps!

Seated Calf Raise Machine
90 x 5                 >>45sec rests.
100 x 12 PR                      >> I expect to hit nonstop PRs on these (CNS gains).
100 x 7 PR
100 x 4 PR

Standing Calf Raise Machine                 
495 x 16 PR                   >> 45sec rests.
495 x 7
495 x 4

Felt great after this workout again!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 01, 2016, 09:50:27 am
Week 114
Wednesday - 06/01/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3                       >> Not quite at 8 reps yet. This will be tough.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 7                  >> Dat drop off...
+55lbs x 5 PR
+35lbs x 5 PR

Seated Cable Rows
185 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
210 x 3                      >> Pretty easy still. But they better be...
195 x 8               >> PRs are 230x10 and 240x7.
195 x 8
195 x 8

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3                       >> Arms and shoulders gave up on me on that last set lol.
50's x 7
45's x 10 PR
45's x 1

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rests.

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
45's x 10

Felt pretty good after this workout too. I did this in the AM before work. After work I start my league game. Let's see how high I'll jump. Wish my squat was still at 455 level but... 415 will do for now. I have a feelign weekly basketball may bring it back up quickly. I mean, sprinting and max effort jumps are pretty plyometric. There's no way I lost muscle so fast to drop from 455 to 415. It's gotta be the CNS.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Kingfish on June 01, 2016, 10:52:18 am
Felt pretty good after this workout too. I did this in the AM before work. After work I start my league game. Let's see how high I'll jump. Wish my squat was still at 455 level but... 415 will do for now. I have a feelign weekly basketball may bring it back up quickly. I mean, sprinting and max effort jumps are pretty plyometric. There's no way I lost muscle so fast to drop from 455 to 415. It's gotta be the CNS.

league games + squat fatigue = no more 455 until you get into another squat centric routine.

you did it'll do it again. :strong:

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 01, 2016, 01:34:30 pm
Felt pretty good after this workout too. I did this in the AM before work. After work I start my league game. Let's see how high I'll jump. Wish my squat was still at 455 level but... 415 will do for now. I have a feelign weekly basketball may bring it back up quickly. I mean, sprinting and max effort jumps are pretty plyometric. There's no way I lost muscle so fast to drop from 455 to 415. It's gotta be the CNS.

league games + squat fatigue = no more 455 until you get into another squat centric routine.

you did it'll do it again. :strong:

Shhh... Give me hope man :(

On the other hand, its bball only once a week! i would be happy with 440 though. whatever puts me at 2.25x bw
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 02, 2016, 02:04:07 am
Lost the game by about 6. Played excellent at the start, 10pts in 10min. Finished with 14 though. Damn. Played all 40min but still threw down a clean 2 handed tommy, which is the best dunk i could do back during my previous vert peaks... But only on a good day

Factors against me:
- bad movement efficiency (havent played bball in a year kinda)
- Did legs the day before, so not a good jumping day
- jumped after 40min of intense full court
This tells me i have some untapped potential!

It took 2 tries. Missed the first because of bad timing, but i got high enough. I want to say that i certainly forgot what it feels like to load up on a DLRVJ... Man my left glute and quad really feel it on the ammorzation phase.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 03, 2016, 09:32:15 am
ate a ton of bar food last night. woke up at 198.0 today dammit. couldn't poop though, so i'm sure i'd be 197 otherwise haha.

lifting later and will update. still have a bunch of water in my left knee somehow. did i mention i had that? it started the morning after my bball game.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on June 03, 2016, 11:39:30 am
ate a ton of bar food last night. woke up at 198.0 today dammit. couldn't poop though, so i'm sure i'd be 197 otherwise haha.

lifting later and will update. still have a bunch of water in my left knee somehow. did i mention i had that? it started the morning after my bball game.

that "can't poop bodyweight estimate" hah.. ya it's usually good for ~1 lb (at least). :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 03, 2016, 11:10:29 pm
Week 114
Friday - 06/03/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                            >> 3min rest.
185 x 5                              >> My max was 405 unhyped today. What happened to me...
225 x 3                              >> Should be fine soon though, still sore from bball.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
360 x 5
325 x 8

Bench Press
45 x 20                        >> 2min rests.
95 x 12                        >> Starting to feel pretty heavy now, and not great like 215 and below did.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
220 x 5
220 x 5
220 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
245 x 5                     >> Not adding sets to these until I feel I'm stalling.
295 x 3
330 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10 PR               >> 2min rest.
80's x 8 PR

Seated Calf Raise Machine
90 x 5                 >>45sec rests.
110 x 10 PR
110 x 7 PR
110 x 6 PR

Standing Calf Raise Machine                 
495 x 13               >> 45sec rests.
495 x 8
495 x 6

Felt kinda crappy during the workout, and slightly okay afterward. Nothing like how great I felt last week after lifting.

I chalk it up to me starting a very condensed summer semester tomorrow morning. 4 weeks of class, gotta finish 3 courses in that time, and I'm still studying for the security+ certification. Just haven't been logging it. Finished 8 of 11 chapters already. It's going to be tough figuring all this out while working full time and lifting too. But i'll pull through!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 05, 2016, 08:08:34 am
Had no idea ramadan was tomorrow. This will be the toughest month ive had in a long time! Three classes, a cert, full time job, lifting, and ramadan.

195.4lbs this morning. Will probably maintain weight instead of cut during ramadan so my workouts dont suffer too much.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 07, 2016, 09:29:03 am
Week 114
Saturday - 06/04/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
180 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
200 x 3
220 x 1
200 x 8
200 x 8
200 x 8

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 8 PR
45's x 8 PR
45's x 4

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+35lbs x 12 PR
+35lbs x 3 PR
+35lbs x 4 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rests.
5                  >> Did 90% of a full rep with 90% strict form!

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 3                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 07, 2016, 09:32:00 am
Week 115
Monday - 06/06/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                            >> 3min rest.
185 x 5                              >> Wow 405 was my true non-hyped max today.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
365 x 2

Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5

Seated Calf Raise Machine
90 x 5                 >>45sec rests.
110 x 12 PR

Romanian Deadlift
335 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10

Standing Calf Raise Machine                 
495 x 10               >> 45sec rests.

Man this workout did not go well at all. I don't think I should lift first and then break my fast afterward. I'm going to try breaking my fast first with a good amount of sugar and carbs, and then go lift. Then load up on protein afterward.

I won't even talk about my squat. Just thinking that I've done 405x3 before at a bw of 195 makes me......

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 07, 2016, 12:15:09 pm
Almost done with this book for the Security+ exam:
He's an incredible author. Much better than Mike Meyers, who I used for the Network+ exam. Very easy to read and clear explanations. A high schooler could get through this book. I have also found it very helpful to print out the sheets and read them, rather then read off a screen for a couple hours every day. Other changes this time around include making questions instead of taking notes. It was boring as hell rereading notes every day based on spaced repetition. This time I turned them all into questions. Why take practice questions online when I can create my own questions based no the stuff I don't know so well? (I am not using real test answers to study from this time).

This provides many advantages. First of all, active recall > note reading. Always. You are more likely to remember information if you test yourself on it X times versus reading over it X times.

Second of all, if you only read notes... how are you going to know if you will know it on an exam when you're asked about it? You won't! But if you are able to answer questions on the subject because you're testing yourself, then you will know if you're ready! So instead of possibly wasting time re-reading notes you didn't know you are ready for, and probably under-reading notes you are NOT ready for... just turn them all into questions. The shit you get right all the time is what you know. The shit you get wrong all the time is what you don't know. You will simply test yourself on the ones you get wrong more often. You can't do this with note reading.

I haven't used any real exam answers yet. I've just made up questions for each chapter along the way. I have one chapter left to read, which I will finish tomorrow probably:

Total questions: 442
I've been answering them with >90% accuracy daily when reviewing them. Spaced repetition is an incredible technique. Since I walk for several miles every day, it gives me plenty of time to review the questions on my phone.

Hope to take and pass this exam next week after doing some practice questions online after I finish the book tomorrow.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 08, 2016, 09:43:53 am
Week 115
Tuesday - 06/08/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 8 PR
+50lbs x 5
+25lbs x 5

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3                       >> Arms and shoulders gave up on me on that last set lol.
50's x 8
45's x 10 PR
45's x 5 PR

Seated Cable Rows
185 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
210 x 3                      >> Felt like 200 did last workout. In other words, didn't get harder.
205 x 8
205 x 8
205 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rests.

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 5

Felt amazing lifting today. I've figured out my schedule now and how to keep diet consistent this month. Here's what I did.

lift at 7:30ish
Finish and eat at 8:30ish

Sleep from 8:00 to 8:30ish
Eat a very carb heavy meal at 8:30 and take creatine
Lift at 9:30ish
Eat two very high protein meals afterward
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2016, 10:30:57 am
are you eating before sunrise, too, or sleeping through?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 08, 2016, 11:01:28 am
are you eating before sunrise, too, or sleeping through?

I wake up before sunrise to drink water. i dont feel much of a need to snack then. Maybe I should?

Preworkout: carbs
Postworkout: whey/eggs
Presunrise: casein

that sounds like a good setup. I don't get very hungry throughout the day though - its the thirst that's the tough part
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 09, 2016, 09:47:04 am
197.4lbs this morning. I've been eating at a deficit lately, so this must be due to the chinese food I had last night. Even though I pooped in the morning it probably made me hold a ton of water weight.

will lift and edit later

edit: finished my security+ textbook. still need to retain the information from the final chapter in my head. going to do the final chapter practice quiz, and two practice tests from the textbook.

then i'll look over about 100-200 real test questions. if i seem to breeze through them, i'll take the exam this saturday. if not, i'll give myself a week to memorize around 500 of them.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 09, 2016, 03:35:25 pm
Played phone tag with this company for two weeks now for a technology advisory intern position. glad they kept so long to contact me, makes it seem like they really want me. finally spoke to them, they have an open position for monday, so they want someone ASAP (doesn't mean they can start monday but that's ideal). seems like they're desperate and i have a high chance of getting it. they'll get back to me with an in person interview time/date.

it's an 8 month internship (ends in august) at 20% more $ than what i make right now, and its a 10min walk from my current job. they like to convert people from intern to associate upon graduation (end of dec for me) so thats nice. lots of client facing stuff, big focus on cyber security. this is great!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on June 11, 2016, 01:37:18 am
Played phone tag with this company for two weeks now for a technology advisory intern position. glad they kept so long to contact me, makes it seem like they really want me. finally spoke to them, they have an open position for monday, so they want someone ASAP (doesn't mean they can start monday but that's ideal). seems like they're desperate and i have a high chance of getting it. they'll get back to me with an in person interview time/date.

it's an 8 month internship (ends in august) at 20% more $ than what i make right now, and its a 10min walk from my current job. they like to convert people from intern to associate upon graduation (end of dec for me) so thats nice. lots of client facing stuff, big focus on cyber security. this is great!

whoa nice.

you interview yet?

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 11, 2016, 09:00:44 am
Played phone tag with this company for two weeks now for a technology advisory intern position. glad they kept so long to contact me, makes it seem like they really want me. finally spoke to them, they have an open position for monday, so they want someone ASAP (doesn't mean they can start monday but that's ideal). seems like they're desperate and i have a high chance of getting it. they'll get back to me with an in person interview time/date.

it's an 8 month internship (ends in august) at 20% more $ than what i make right now, and its a 10min walk from my current job. they like to convert people from intern to associate upon graduation (end of dec for me) so thats nice. lots of client facing stuff, big focus on cyber security. this is great!
whoa nice.

you interview yet?


Phone interview was Thursday. I was expected an email/call Monday with an update on a time/date for an in person interview. I'll email them back Monday with a follow up. Really hope I get this. Chances are probably slimmer than I think, but man this would be a perfect opportunity to finally break into cyber security.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 11, 2016, 09:06:35 am
Week 115
Thursday - 06/09/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                            >> 3min rest.
185 x 5                              >> 405 was slightly easier today. Max was probably 415.
225 x 3                              >> Will stick to 365x5 until 325 gets up to 10 reps.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
365 x 5
325 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 15             >> 2min rest.
95 x 8               >> This got really hard, which pisses me off, since my PR is 250x5.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5
225 x 5

Seated Calf Raise Machine
90 x 5                 >>45sec rests.
100 x 15 PR
100 x 7 PR
100 x 5 PR

Romanian Deadlift
340 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 12  PR            >> 2min rest.
80's x 12  PR

Standing Calf Raise Machine                 
495 x 15               >> 45sec rests.
495 x 8
495 x 6

Pretty good workout. Happy to hit 365x5. PR is 390x5.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 11, 2016, 09:13:50 am
Week 115
Friday - 06/10/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
185 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
210 x 3                      >> Not difficult.
210 x 8
210 x 8
210 x 8

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 9 PR
45's x 10 PR
45's x 6 PR

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+40lbs x 9 PR        >> If I can do 75x8, why can't I do 40x10...
+40lbs x 3
+40lbs x 3

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rests.

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 5
45's x 10
45's x 5
45's x 5
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on June 11, 2016, 11:21:48 am
Played phone tag with this company for two weeks now for a technology advisory intern position. glad they kept so long to contact me, makes it seem like they really want me. finally spoke to them, they have an open position for monday, so they want someone ASAP (doesn't mean they can start monday but that's ideal). seems like they're desperate and i have a high chance of getting it. they'll get back to me with an in person interview time/date.

it's an 8 month internship (ends in august) at 20% more $ than what i make right now, and its a 10min walk from my current job. they like to convert people from intern to associate upon graduation (end of dec for me) so thats nice. lots of client facing stuff, big focus on cyber security. this is great!
whoa nice.

you interview yet?


Phone interview was Thursday. I was expected an email/call Monday with an update on a time/date for an in person interview. I'll email them back Monday with a follow up. Really hope I get this. Chances are probably slimmer than I think, but man this would be a perfect opportunity to finally break into cyber security.

really nice man!! hope you get it too.

your first real sec job will probably be ridiculously fun.. i developed "political views" (anti sec side of things) that made the field more of an annoyance to me, but i'm a nutbag.. before I developed those views, I was having quite a bit of fun. loved it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 12, 2016, 10:04:27 am
Got a ton of assignments coming up for my MS degree, so i better take this cert exam next week. shhhhhh i'm going to be stressed.... but my semester ends june 26th

the end of my class today marks the half way point of my MS in cyber security so thats cool  :personal-record:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 13, 2016, 09:56:03 am
194.4lbs this morning

game later, then lifting. will be having my water and food throughout the game. wondering what to prepare myself. gatorade is a no brainer. prob some chicken nuggets too haha.

edit: damn gotta watch the NBA finals too though... how do i figure all this out.

game while eating food i brought with me.
finals while eating at a bar? which bar...
eat at home

ok got it lol
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 14, 2016, 09:46:29 am
monday - game was okay. lost by about 15. I dropped 16. My team doesn't utilize me enough. i'm definitely more efficient than the other players. I got off to a hot start. i was ehh for the rest of the game though. a few missed open layups where i blew past defenders and dodged one in the air with a pump fake.

before the game i landed my first ever RLR dunk! It's freakin awkward jumping that way, but i had a feeling i would be able to do it. i definitely have to practice it more. i can get way more distance on my dunks verses LRR this way. somehow its tougher to palm the ball RLR for me.

tuesday - didn't lift in the AM like i wanted to. was way too tired in the morning. went back to bed and then woke up for work. my left knee is pretty swollen. this happend after last game too... no way i can squat like this. its not painful at all! it just has water in it or something.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 15, 2016, 09:37:54 am
knee got seriously full of fluid last night. couldn't even bend down all the way

today its still pretty swollen, wouldnt be able to squat today. i squat tomorrow though, hopefully its fine by then

i think i have to start foam rolling my IT band and glutes again
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 16, 2016, 10:34:11 am
Got my Security+ certification today  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

Now time to focus on finishing this semester in two weeks, i have a ton of work to do.

then i'll go for some other certs. not sure which ones yet. ITILv3 Foundation, Maybe CEH, and then CASP or SSCP if i dont need work experience requirements for it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on June 16, 2016, 12:38:39 pm
Got my Security+ certification today  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

Now time to focus on finishing this semester in two weeks, i have a ton of work to do.

then i'll go for some other certs. not sure which ones yet. ITILv3 Foundation, Maybe CEH, and then CASP or SSCP if i dont need work experience requirements for it.

congrats man!!! that's good stuff.


As for others certs, I remember people being high on CISSP/GIAC.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 16, 2016, 03:33:16 pm
Got my Security+ certification today  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

Now time to focus on finishing this semester in two weeks, i have a ton of work to do.

then i'll go for some other certs. not sure which ones yet. ITILv3 Foundation, Maybe CEH, and then CASP or SSCP if i dont need work experience requirements for it.

congrats man!!! that's good stuff.


As for others certs, I remember people being high on CISSP/GIAC.

CISSP i'll definitely be getting at some point. thing is, they wont certify you until you meet the requirements of having 5 years work experience. so i'm trying to bridge the gap between now and then. A BS counts as a year, and an MS counts as another, so at least that speeds up the process for me. but it's nice to have other certs in the mean time.

As for GIAC there's like almost no study materials available for them. And i dont have the time or desire to pay big money for their training courses.

I'm thinking of ITILv3 Foundations right now, but im not even exactly sure what that is. Certified Ethical Hacker is another one I would like.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 17, 2016, 09:52:24 am
Week 116
Thursday - 06/09/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 4
225 x 4
225 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10            >> 2min rest.
80's x 5

Bench PR is 250x5 and this makes me angry. I lose strength pretty quickly if I miss a workout.

Knee is still messed up. I think it may be okay for monday. foam rolled quads and IT bands and it seemed to help a little bit. i probably can't play basketball anymore... i'll do a week or two of heavy foam rolling, and then play lightly, and see what happens to it.

i plan on squatting 7 times a week when my knee is better. tired of stalling and regressing when i could have been at a 40" RVJ in a couple of months. Every morning monday through friday I want to squat/bench/RDL, working up to a 90% single. then later in the day, do my regular workout after work, 4x a week upper/lower.

That won't heal my knee, but it'll get my strength back up to a consistent 2.25x bw i hope. really annoyed that even after i get my strength back up, my knee still might not be good. i feel slight pain around the MCL area.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on June 18, 2016, 12:36:02 am
with 7 days a week though you're going to have to REALLY listen to your body. high freq squatting worked wonders for me, but i also didn't do much else other than jump/dunk and some plate swings/bodyweight upper etc. got to be careful especially early on, not to overdo it.

also you have to make sure to squash the ego always.. if you squat every day, it can be a roller coaster. every day your "training max" changes, based on fatigue/supercompensation etc.. so you just need to make sure you don't force yourself into lifts that are too heavy for that specific day.

sucks about your knee though.. F playing basketball :f I didn't play because I knew i'd get hurt & it'd kill my progress.. even though it would have been fun, I personally just always end up breaking or spraining something; wasn't worth it unfortunately :(

don't brute force your way through it, give it some more rest!

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 19, 2016, 12:06:15 pm
Week 116
Saturday - 06/18/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
180 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
200 x 3                      >> Screwed up the weight. Was supposed to do 215 but didn't notice.
220 x 1
240 x 1
235 x 6

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 6

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rest.
+35lbs x 10
BW x 6

Negative Dragon Flags

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 10

Really bummed about my knee. Did lots of foam rolling today and felt just 1% better. I mean, even when my knee is well enough to squat again (which never caused it pain -- good), that doesn't necessarily mean I can play ball again.

And the bad thing about playing ball is... how can I tell when I'm ready to play? 2 games ago I played ball and my knee felt fine. The next day it swelled and went away the day after, and I could squat before it was totally gone even. Last game my knee felt fine again, hadn't been swollen for a few days. But this time it got VERY swollen and it's still not great, 6 days later.

I have to actually play and wait until the next day to see if it's okay. Guess I should see a physical therapist. Maybe I can find some promotion and get a free xray of it too, can't hurt right. Like how I got free xrays of my spine that other time.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 19, 2016, 12:07:14 pm
Knee felt much better this morning. Walked to class but even walking makes it get restricted a bit. Damn, maybe I need an entire day off of no walking? I wonder what the actual underlying cause of the fluid is though. And maybe it's not fluid, but its swelling of tissue. I have to figure this out.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on June 20, 2016, 05:20:36 pm
Knee felt much better this morning. Walked to class but even walking makes it get restricted a bit. Damn, maybe I need an entire day off of no walking? I wonder what the actual underlying cause of the fluid is though. And maybe it's not fluid, but its swelling of tissue. I have to figure this out.

see a doc?

ya try a few days of barely any movement, just hang out at home nerding it up.. and ice the hell out of it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 21, 2016, 09:32:05 am
Knee felt much better this morning. Walked to class but even walking makes it get restricted a bit. Damn, maybe I need an entire day off of no walking? I wonder what the actual underlying cause of the fluid is though. And maybe it's not fluid, but its swelling of tissue. I have to figure this out.

see a doc?

ya try a few days of barely any movement, just hang out at home nerding it up.. and ice the hell out of it.

yea scheduling an appointment today. havent tried ice, but hot baths reallllly help it out. im a bit against ice, in fact. rather have good blood flow to flush out whatever needs to get out, and to bring in more nutrients
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 21, 2016, 09:37:26 am
Week 117
Tuesday - 06/21/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                >> Failed 2nd rep of last set. Good thing I didn't use weight clips. Really would have been stuck.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 1

Seated Calf Raises
90 x 5                  >> 45sec rests.
115 x 10 PR
115 x 7 PR
115 x 7 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 11            >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 12                 >> 45sec rests.
495 x 8
495 x 7

Lifted before work. Still not okay to squat, even RDLs felt weird with just the bar so I didn't risk it. Foam rolled the legs a bunch. Quads, IT bands, calves, glutes. Getting pretty cut. Bicep veins finally came out today. I'll cut till I get the lower ab veins. Halfway through ramadan and it went by pretty quick.

Also finishing up my summer semester this weekend, I got myself a head start on a lot of the work and I'm happy I did that. No pressure at all. Decided by next two certs will be ITILv3 Foundations and (ICS)2 SSCP. I'll put them both on my resume right now with a little (in progress) thingie there to show I'm still striving for stuff.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 23, 2016, 09:46:16 am
Week 117
Wednesday - 06/22/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3                      >> Missed my last 75lb pullup workout.
+50lbs x 1                      >> So of course my strength immediately drops from x8 to x5.
+75lbs x 5
+75lbs x 2
+75lbs x 2
+75lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 6
BW x 6

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 8
45's x 8
45's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
185 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
210 x 3                      >> Getting pretty tough. PR is 240x8.
215 x 8
215 x 3
215 x 8

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 5                     >> 60sec rests.
45's x 8
45's x 5
45's x 3

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rests.

So out of rhythm from missing my first two workouts last week. Came into the gym and didn't feel like lifting at all. But not because I'm demotivated! I just... didn't feel like it. No interest. As if I wasn't a lifter lol. Anyone else experience that when they miss a couple workouts in a row?

BW before breaking my fast is 192.6lbs. Pretty good! I think it's around 194.5lbs in the mornings.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2016, 10:19:20 am
100% yes on the lack of interest after missing a few workouts. look at my log for this week and last week. motivation was back this morning.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 25, 2016, 08:58:27 am
Week 117
Friday - 06/25/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                >> This felt good!
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 4

Seated Calf Raises
90 x 5                  >> 45sec rests.
115 x 12 PR
115 x 7 PR
115 x 7 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10            >> 2min rest.
80's x 5

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 16                 >> 45sec rests.
495 x 8
495 x 7

I miss squatting :(
Went to a doc. Knee effusion in the joint and behind the patella. Concerns him that my knee swelled up the next day after playing, rather then pretty quickly. He says it's probably a slight meniscus tear, which is what i suspected. Tells me to ice it and take ibuprofen to get the swelling down. Ok but that's not my main concern. My main concern is that next time I play basketball, how do I know it won't swell up the next day again? Got referred to some sports medicine doctors. They better be able to answer that. But I have a bunch of crap going on with my insurance right now and it's extremely annoying getting it all sorted out.

Got X-rays taken as well. Smooth bones he said, or something. Basically no jagged edges that may be cutting into things.

I still can't squat. My knee is way better than before, but when I bend down all the way there's some pain on the medial side. Maybe by Mon or Thu I can squat and RDL.

I was 193.6lbs this morning, but I feel that it's because I don't have much glycogen in my quads n gluten from no squats/RDLs. Either way, I'm cutting until I get veins on my lower abs.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 27, 2016, 09:35:38 am
Week 117
Saturday - 06/25/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
180 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
200 x 3                      >> These were very hard.
220 x 1
240 x 1
220 x 8
220 x 8

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 6
45's x 6
40's x 6

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rest.
+40lbs x 6
+40lbs x 5

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 5                     >> 60sec rest.
45's x 8
45's x 6

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rest.

Lifted before breaking my fast, so my strength was terrible. Did 2 sets of everything instead of 3, like a mini deload. Did 3 sets of lateral raises since they sucked and I wanted more stimulation in them.

I weigh almost 190 before breaking my fast now! Not the usual ~193. I got pretty cut. Starting to get more vascular as well.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 28, 2016, 09:29:49 am
Week 118
Monday - 06/27/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                >> Couldn't have done another rep.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                        >> Very happy that I left off at 340x8, and picked right back up at 345x8.
275 x 3                        >> Not bad for not RDLing for almost 3 weeks! I usually drop instantly.
315 x 1                        >> PR is 385x8.
345 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10            >> 2min rest.
80's x 5

Seated Calf Raises
90 x 5                  >> 45sec rests.
125 x 12 PR
125 x 7 PR
125 x 7 PR

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 16                 >> 45sec rests.
495 x 10
495 x 8

Still can't squat. I have my ROM back in my knee. At the bottom I still feel a slight pressure from the fluid, but at least my full ROM is back. However, I get a sharp pain on the medial side of my knee at that ROM.

In addition, my knee still feels weird if I half squat or even RDL. It's due to the fluid in there.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 29, 2016, 09:36:48 am
Week 118
Tuesday - 06/28/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 3                      >> Slight improvement over last week.
+50lbs x 1                      >> PR is 75x8.
+75lbs x 5
+75lbs x 3
+75lbs x 2
+50lbs x 5
+25lbs x 5

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 6
45's x 8
45's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
185 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
210 x 3                      >> Pretty tough. From this point forward I'm going for three sets of max reps.
220 x 8                    >> Once I can hit 10 reps for a given weight, I'll move up 5lbs.
220 x 8
220 x 8

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 5                     >> 60sec rests.
45's x 9
45's x 5
45's x 3

Negative Dragon Flags
5                  >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 29, 2016, 02:00:02 pm
how is it that we look so good in car window reflections dammit
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2016, 02:27:45 pm
how is it that we look so good in car window reflections dammit


Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 29, 2016, 04:22:17 pm
how is it that we look so good in car window reflections dammit



i knew i wasnt the only one:


I'm kinda cut right now, but the way i look in a car window reflection is absurd. like a bodybuilder or something. just a let down when you see yourself in a normal mirror lol
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 30, 2016, 10:02:14 am
Think I may want to switch to an RL plant... officially. just so much more versatility with dunk that you could do. Not to mention it'll make it way easier to dunk in game.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: T0ddday on June 30, 2016, 11:03:23 am
Think I may want to switch to an RL plant... officially. just so much more versatility with dunk that you could do. Not to mention it'll make it way easier to dunk in game.

Good luck.  I tried it.  I can do it but it's fake - it's just a jumpstop.   If you are profiicient in LR I think it's easier to start doing more in game dunks w your left - it's how I dunk on fast breaks.

Then again Russell Westbrook came into the league w RL and has since added a great LR plant.  But he is the only such example...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 30, 2016, 02:23:42 pm
Hmm... My movement efficiency is absolutely terrible going RL. Im very uncoordinated when i do it, but i get up higher than i feel i should be. Makes me think i can match my LR jump height if i practice it enough.

It doesnt turn into a jumpstop for me at all, though who knows, that might change as i get better at it. Also that reminds me i have to experiment with hopping into an LR plant. Ive done it a few times in the past and it worked really well.

Still not jumping for around a month though. This monday i should be able to squat again. Probably dropped to a 365 max lol. My knee is feeling a lot better.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 01, 2016, 09:37:21 am
Week 118
Thursday - 07/01/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                >> Moving up 5lbs once I can hit 6-5 at any weight.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 6
225 x 5
225 x 2

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
350 x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10            >> 2min rest.
80's x 3

Seated Calf Raises
90 x 5                  >> 45sec rests.
135 x 10 PR
135 x 7 PR
135 x 6 PR

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 16                 >> 45sec rests.
495 x 10
495 x 8

My calves are noticeably bigger already. I definitely think the seated calf raises are helping with that.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 01, 2016, 02:21:12 pm
Starting studying for my next cert today: ITILv3 Foundations. Should get it in 2-3 weeks. Apparently it's pretty damn easy and mostly logic and vocab based. Good, because I hate how the CompTIA exams are worded.

Videos here -
Review questions here -
Practice test here -

It's only about 3 hours of total video. I think I'll finish all of that this weekend. Over 300 review questions... maybe I'll memorize about 40 a day. After that's memorized, I'll see what I score on the practice test. The real test needs a 65% or better, so if I get around an 80% on the practice test I'll sit for the real one.

In addition, I've been getting frantic applying to jobs and internships. Hit up a lot of people I know (9 or 10) that are currently working or not working, and sent them my resume. They'll ask their companies for a position, and they'll also ask other people they know for me. Let's see what happens.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 04, 2016, 06:14:24 pm
Week 118
Friday - 07/04/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
180 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
200 x 3                      >> These were very hard.
220 x 1
240 x 1
225 x 8
225 x 5

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 7
45's x 6
40's x 6

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rest.
+40lbs x 8
+40lbs x 4

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 5                     >> 60sec rests.
45's x 9
45's x 6
45's x 4

Negative Dragon Flags
8                  >> 60sec rest.

Kind of a de-load today. Lifted before breaking my fast so i took it slightly easier.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 05, 2016, 11:08:59 am
Week 119
Monday - 07/04/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15             >> Didn't expect to hit 5.
95 x 8               
135 x 5
185 x 3
230 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                        >> Could only hit 5 dammit.
275 x 3
315 x 1
355 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10          >> Didn't expect to hit this either.

Seated Calf Raises
90 x 5
135 x 8 PR

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 18 PR

Lifted before breaking fast. Plus I was a little sick today. Decided to de-load.
Everything was stronger than I thought except RDLs.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 05, 2016, 11:14:21 am
Even sicker today (tuesday). Will de-load again.

Going to the doctor again for my knee. I alread went to a walk in clinic 1-2 weeks ago and got xrays. in and out in 20min. no bone issues. all i had was a probably slight meniscus tear which is why i had some knee effusion. caused by what, we don't know.

They referred me to a few sports docs... but since I'm HMO i can only take a referral from my PCP. so im seeing my PCP today and then going to a sports doc. hate this process. 1-2 weeks ago i called up and couldnt find an appointment until today. and when i go today, i'll be on time but ill prob be waiting for an extra half hour, then another 15min for the nurse, and then another 20 for the actual PCP to check me out. what a waste. walk in clinics are the shit, on the other hand. City MD is where i went.

hopefully my insurance will cover all of whatever physical therapy i may be assigned. in either case, i'll be picking apart their brains to learn for myself!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 06, 2016, 09:41:16 am
Week 119
Tuesday - 07/05/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rest.
+30lbs x 3                      >> Kind of stuck at this weight for 5 reps...
+50lbs x 1
+75lbs x 5
+75lbs x 3

Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 8
45's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
185 x 5                     >> Very difficult since the cables werent going smooth.
210 x 3                     
225 x 10

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 5
45's x 12

Negative Dragon Flags

Still sick, de-loaded.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2016, 10:20:53 am
eid mubarak, hope you're not too sick to feast today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 06, 2016, 10:27:57 am
eid mubarak, hope you're not too sick to feast today.

Thanks man, i'm feeling pretty good today. only slightly sick but highly sleep deprived (have been for about 5 weeks now). hitting up a turkish restaurant tonight <3

good news: found out my insurance fully covers physical therapy for up to 20 sessions a year. cant wait to be assessed and find out what the cause and solution to my knee problem is. im curious and want to learn! just need to find a good PT who accepts my insurance and see when theyre available for me. hopefully i can start in a week or two and also not have to do sessions during my work hours so i dont miss out on money.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 08, 2016, 09:42:46 am
Week 119
Thursday - 07/07/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15             >> 2min, 4min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
230 x 7 PR
230 x 4
230 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10          >> 2min rest.
80's x 10

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                        >> Picked up the bar from the floor for these. Tack on an extra deadlift rep.
275 x 3
315 x 1
355 x 6

S/L Seated Calf Raises
45 x 8               >> 2min rests.
45 x 8
45 x 6

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
630 x 12               >> 60sec rests.
630 x 12
630 x 12

Worked out at my friends gym. Of course it means I PR in my bench press. I've done 250x5 before which is more impressive imo, but that's a 7 rep PR today. I'm pretty damn sure the weights at his gym are a tad bit lighter. It's a NYSC. I ALWAYS bench and squat better there than anywhere else.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 08, 2016, 09:45:04 am
192.6lbs this morning. Been consistently under 195lbs for a little while now. I think I'll aim for 190 and maintain that for a long time. Like a year. If I catch myself creeping up, I'll definitely stop if I get to 195 and cut back down.

edit: officially starting physical therapy next friday. thank goodness. cant wait to hear the evaluation.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 11, 2016, 09:42:09 am
Week 119
Friday - 07/08/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
195 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
225 x 3                     >> The machine was so freakin smooth at this gym!
255 x 1
235 x 8
235 x 5
235 x 3

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3                    >> Dumbells were weird here and it was hard to do these right.
50's x 6
45's x 8
45's x 6

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+50lbs x 10 PR
+50lbs x 4 PR
+50lbs x 3 PR

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
Incline here was weird, DBs hitting the floor, etc.
Switched to back extention machine and did 45's x 15.

Negative Dragon Flags
Tried 5 reps on bench press, couldn't hold on.
Tried 5 reps on some sit up thing, better but still can't hold on.
Did 10 hanging leg raises and holy crap I felt these good!

I was looking extra cut today. I'm nearly at the weight I want to be and I saw the slightest veins on my lower abs. Almost there. I definitely want to maintain this for a long time.

I also notice that sometimes when I cut, I actually feel better in the gym. It's a different feeling than when I'm not cutting but feel good in the gym. I'm not sure what it is. Even if I'm cutting but I'm still at 200ish pounds and not 190ish I get that good feeling.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 11, 2016, 09:43:11 am
Pigged out this weekend... 192.4lbs this morning anyway! Will lift and update later. I'll try squatting too. Brought my oly shoes with me to work (I lift straight after work). Last time I squatted was June 9th and I did 365x5 at about 197 bw.

Also have to make an effort to stop spending so much money on crap I don't really need. I've been eating out too much.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on July 11, 2016, 09:49:34 am
At least you're not 220 lbs, like me :D

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 11, 2016, 10:58:50 am
you're 220?! damn!
i remember being 210, but this was when i was much less muscular. never going back there again

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 12, 2016, 09:36:01 am
Week 120
Monday - 07/12/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 5                 >> Feel some knee pain at the very bottom.
135 x 2                 >> I guess I could do parallel squats instead but I'd rather wait until full ATG is okay.

Bench Press
45 x 10             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8               >> Felt strong! Big dropoff though. Sticking with this weight next workout again.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 6
235 x 1
235 x 2

DB Lunges
50's x 8/leg             >> Keeping these! Forgot how important S/L work was. And glute activation.

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                    >> 2min rest.
80's x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 1
355 x 8

Seated Calf Raises
115 x 5              >> 45sec rests.
135 x 12 PR
135 x 7 PR
135 x 6 PR

S/L Machine Calf Raises
105 x 12/leg               >> 45sec rests.
180 x 8/leg
180 x 7/leg

Been neglecting single leg work for way too long. This is important: bottom of squats felt some pain. I could stop 2 inches before the hole and squat, but I don't want to. My ego wont let me do less than ATG. So I did lunges, and they hit my glutes hard. Made me miss doing lunges! After my session I foam rolled with a PVC pipe. Then I had almost no pain at all in the hole of the squat. I've foam rolled before and it wasn't as effective as today. I think it's due to the lunges. I remember reading that single leg work is great for the knees. So is glute activation. In addition I want to be forefoot dominant when I play basketball. So I'll be keeping lunges in for a long time.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 12, 2016, 01:57:20 pm
Should add that I'm doing IF now. i have a pre workout meal at about 6pm, lift at about 730pm, then eat until about 11pm. 5 hour eating window.

my preworkout consists of a protein shake made with milk and ice cream :) tastes great! I need to buy vanilla flavor whey though. and fat free ice cream, so it'll have more sugar/carbs (they add it to make up for the taste lost by removing fat).

going for something like 30g protein and 70g carbs. should i do more carbs? 100g?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 12, 2016, 06:21:57 pm
interview on thursday for a sizeable bank in NYC. junior information security analyst position.
have no idea what to ask for. my friend says ask for $65k. seems high to me since i have no relevant work exp, but it may just be right. my other friend got $60k starting for the same position at our university. my life will really change if i land this job... we'll see how it goes! at the very least i'll get some great interview experience.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on July 12, 2016, 07:07:33 pm
interview on thursday for a sizeable bank in NYC. junior information security analyst position.
have no idea what to ask for. my friend says ask for $65k. seems high to me since i have no relevant work exp, but it may just be right. my other friend got $60k starting for the same position at our university. my life will really change if i land this job... we'll see how it goes! at the very least i'll get some great interview experience.

Good luck. Do they give you a salary range in the position description? In Aus it's mandatory to advertise the salary range when advertising a job.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2016, 07:54:57 pm

that gives the range for information security analysts in NYC as $61-105K. so $65 seems eminently reasonable.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 13, 2016, 09:40:44 am
Week 120
Tuesday - 07/12/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 4                         >> Slight improvement. PR is 75x8.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 6
+75lbs x 2
+50lbs x 5
+25lbs x 5

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 6
45's x 10
45's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
195 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
225 x 3                     >> Tons of friction on the machine making this almost impossible today.
255 x 1
235 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 3

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
45's x 15
45's x 5
45's x 5

Negative Dragon Flags
5                    >> 60sec rests.
5                    >> Wow I got way better at these. Should record them again soon!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 13, 2016, 09:45:54 am
^^ the job posting did not have a salary range. which i freakin hate.

so it seems $65k is reasonable. My hunch is that some of the other people applying will have some related experience (like being network engineers), maybe i should ask for $60k. in any case, i shouldnt be too pushy; i cant risk it. I need to get into the field.

so what i think i'll do is ask for 60-62k. and if i get the job, i'll still be on the job hunt lol. I can be pushy at the other jobs and i'll ask for 70k fuck it. that will give me the best of both worlds; not being risky and securing ~60k, and then I can be risky at my other interviews when i get them (of course i wont put this current job down on my resume for those interviews until i've worked at least a year).

in addition my friend is helping me fake some internship experience at his company, so getting interviews and calls from here on out should be much easier with a 6mo internship under my belt doing information security. meeting with him today to figure out the perfect times and dates that i "worked at his company with him as my direct supervisor" as well as all the duties i performed. It has to be stuff i can fake and am already familiar with.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on July 13, 2016, 12:23:19 pm
eh, i think you should ask for $65K. if they want you but don't want to pay you that much they'll counteroffer. if they don't want you, it doesn't matter how much you ask for.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 13, 2016, 04:36:21 pm
eh, i think you should ask for $65K. if they want you but don't want to pay you that much they'll counteroffer. if they don't want you, it doesn't matter how much you ask for.

that's a good point. i noticed the job posting was taken down, which means they've already narrowed down their candidates to me and some others. I asked the HR guy for the job posting and he sent me one that seems to be for a senior info sec analyst position by accident. emailed them back to confirm but nothing... the job duties are a ton, and they required 3+ years infosec exp... fake it till ya make it!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on July 13, 2016, 05:22:07 pm
eh, i think you should ask for $65K. if they want you but don't want to pay you that much they'll counteroffer. if they don't want you, it doesn't matter how much you ask for.

that's a good point. i noticed the job posting was taken down, which means they've already narrowed down their candidates to me and some others. I asked the HR guy for the job posting and he sent me one that seems to be for a senior info sec analyst position by accident. emailed them back to confirm but nothing... the job duties are a ton, and they required 3+ years infosec exp... fake it till ya make it!

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on July 13, 2016, 07:43:45 pm
eh, i think you should ask for $65K. if they want you but don't want to pay you that much they'll counteroffer. if they don't want you, it doesn't matter how much you ask for.

that's a good point. i noticed the job posting was taken down, which means they've already narrowed down their candidates to me and some others. I asked the HR guy for the job posting and he sent me one that seems to be for a senior info sec analyst position by accident. emailed them back to confirm but nothing... the job duties are a ton, and they required 3+ years infosec exp... fake it till ya make it!

Good luck with the interview!!!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 14, 2016, 11:53:19 am
Took a big shit this morning and then weighed 190.6lbs


time to maintain! I'll probably bounce between 190 and 193 depending on water weight.

interview in a bit then lifting after work. looked up the company on glass door and reading terrible crap about it. it makes me not want to work there, which means i'll be relaxed and kill the interview. same thing happened where i work at now (it was easily my best interviews ever). i'll still take the job though. it's just that the job hunt will continue.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 14, 2016, 02:30:48 pm
interview went great actually. certain i'll get a call back. but i dont think the CISO will hire me after he reviews my qualifications simply because i'm sure the other candidates have way more experience than me. the people that interviewed me are the 2 that i would be working with closely. they liked my personality a lot and whatnot, and that matters since we'll be working together daily. knocked the technical questions out of the ballpark except for a couple where I wasn't taught that stuff yet, but i thought out loud and they liked my thought process. the security+ cert gave me the knowledge to answer the tech questions. woo! i knew it would pay off!

what really helped me is the way i edited my resume to show all the security related stuff that i'm doing at my job. i also brought in 2 assignments to the interview (a pentest on a virtual machine, and a case study on the sony breach) and they ate it up. Especially the case study. the assistant VP was looking over it saying "yep, this is exactly what we are going to have to be doing pretty soon."

on the other hand, the CISO won't be working closely with me, so he'll probably care more about "does this guy have the experience or not?"

overall, great interview experience and I know how to highlight my skills for my next ones.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2016, 02:59:07 pm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on July 14, 2016, 07:17:46 pm
x2 :goodjobbro:

"the (singular)" sony breach? lulz.. :) they have been hacked so much it's ridiculous.. to be fair, they are also huge targets.

how's the office there? high-rise office space? those are nice settings.. especially if you ever work night shifts. i dno why but staring out of high rise buildings that overlook a city, at 4 AM and such is kind of fun.

job sounds fun, happy 4 u mayne! hope you get it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on July 15, 2016, 02:05:08 am
i dno why but staring out of high rise buildings that overlook a city, at 4 AM and such is kind of fun.

^^^ this

Used to have Friday night work drinks every week on the 30th floor of a CBD building in Melbourne overlooking the city.  Absolutely stunning.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 15, 2016, 10:35:07 am
office isn't a high rise or anything... but the whole inside of the bank looks like a mansion. it's crazy.
well actually im not sure how tall the building is. i dont remember. i only went up to like the 3rd floor or something, but it goes to.... 30?

ever been to tiffany's on 5th ave, and gone up to the higher floors with all the million dollar watches and stuff? its exactly like that. it's a bank for only very wealthy clients. nobody that even works FOR the bank would be a client there, except for the CEO himself. i didn't see any room with a computer in it, other than the ground floor (tellers).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 15, 2016, 11:09:11 am
Week 120
Thursday - 07/14/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8               >> Wtf happened here? I hit 235x6 comfortably last time.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 3

DB Step ups
50's x 5/leg             >> These are tougher than lunges. Left leg is weaker than right?!

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 12                    >> 2min rest.
80's x 5                   >> These are always strong even if bench is weak.

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 1
360 x 8

Seated Calf Raises
115 x 5              >> 45sec rests.
145 x 10 PR
145 x 5 PR
145 x 5 PR

S/L Machine Calf Raises
180 x 8/leg               >> 45sec rests.
180 x 8/leg PR
180 x 8/leg PR

Workout was good, except that I was very annoyed my bench was weak. No clue why. It just felt so heavy.
Interesting how my left leg was weaker on step ups than my right. It's always been the opposite


went to physical therapy today (friday morning) and YES! the cure to my knee is: stretch hamstrings and rectus femoris, activate glutes and abductors. was pretty much 99% pain free after my session. i asked the pt WHY this is working, and he didn't really answer my question. I'll ask him again next time. I really would like to learn what the mechanism behind this stuff is by which it takes my pain away.

remember when i said lunges made my knee feel better afterward? it adds up with what worked today.

i also learned that i have dynamic valgus something. have to ask again. in addition, even if there is only a tiny bit of fluid in the knee, it has been shown in studies that it leads to an inhibition of the quad on that leg. that adds up with my left leg being weaker on step ups.

i should be back to squatting after next weak finally. I'll try some light basketball as well.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 16, 2016, 01:38:18 pm
Week 120
Friday - 07/15/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
195 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
225 x 3                     >> Machine was much smoother this time, so went up.
255 x 1
235 x 8
235 x 5
235 x 3

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3                    >> Been stalling on these.
50's x 6
45's x 10
45's x 6

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+50lbs x 10              >> That dropoff!
+50lbs x 2
+50lbs x 3

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 3                   >> 60sec rests.
45's x 15
45's x 6
45's x 5

Negative Dragon Flags
5               >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 17, 2016, 04:27:57 pm
damn, my quads have atrophied. and my left quad is smaller than my right! its even SOFT when i flex it and push down on it with a finger! they used to be rock hard wtf!!!

def have to try squatting again tomorrow. even if i cant go atg i have to do something...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 18, 2016, 08:19:43 pm
Squatted 315x1 just now... Max was prob 315x3. Damn guys.
Will update after im done lifting.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Kingfish on July 18, 2016, 11:27:06 pm
damn, my quads have atrophied. and my left quad is smaller than my right! its even SOFT when i flex it and push down on it with a finger! they used to be rock hard wtf!!!

def have to try squatting again tomorrow. even if i cant go atg i have to do something...

you're off the juice bro?  :trollface:

goodluck on the comeback.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 19, 2016, 09:32:04 am
^ ha

cant tell if my knee is ever so slightly more swollen today from squatting yesterday. its masked by some VMO soreness right now. well, time will tell!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 19, 2016, 09:34:25 am
Week 121
Monday - 07/18/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                      >> Did a ton of PT exercises before this (glute max and glute med activation).
135 x 8                        >> Sets through 275 were done with a band around my knees.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 10             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 5
235 x 2
235 x 1

DB Lunges
50's x 5/leg

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 8                    >> 2min rest.
80's x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 6

Seated Calf Raises
115 x 5              >> 45sec rests.
145 x 12 PR
145 x 7 PR
145 x 5 PR

S/L Machine Calf Raises
180 x 12/leg PR               >> 45sec rests.
180 x 10/leg PR
180 x 5/leg PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 19, 2016, 09:43:21 am
sitting for my ITIL-Foundation exam this Friday morning.

After that, was thinking of doing either CEH or SSCP. But during my interview with that bank, they asked my how my SSCP studying was going (it's considered the little brother to CISSP). i said great. they asked why i dont just go for the CISSP. i said i dont have the work experience. they said thats fine, just get the CISSP and you'll be put down as a "CISSP associate" and you get a 5 year span to get your required years of experience to be certified." i knew that already, but i didnt know that in the real world its still a great idea to pass the CISSP exam even if you are years of required experience away from being certified for it!

So i've decided to study for my CISSP next, the "gold standard" cert of information security! it's a 6hr, 250 multiple choice question exam. and i've decided to get it done before my school's career fair in october. yes im crazy. yes this means 3-4 hrs studying daily for 70 days in a row. yes im going to do it, fuck everything.


And the best part is, the guy who wrote the sec+ book i read (which was a GREAT book) co-authored one of the CISSP books, so i'll be reading that one while making questions for myself.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 19, 2016, 01:47:35 pm
Study Schedule

Total Time to study: 70 days

- Textbook #1
21 chapters averaging 40 pages each

- Textbook #2
About 600 pages total

-Cybrary Videos
About 13 hours total

Not sure how I'll study yet. Part of me was thinking read a chapter every other day. Now I want to read one every single day for the first textbook just to get it out of the way. I'll take notes on each chapter, and turn them into questions that i will answer and review continuously a la spaced repetition.

There's never up to date brain dumps for the CISSP, but thats fine. I'll probably learn one (none of the questions will be on the exam) anyway just to get used to the type of questions the exam asks. Plus, it's still studying! Each questions will require thought and analysis which will better burn the info into my head. I just hope the dumps arent from a previous version of the exam, with different objectives. Gotta figure that out all this weekend.

I start monday!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on July 19, 2016, 03:21:10 pm
Damn I admire your discipline with all this learning and getting these certificates. Really makes me wanna start making some life gains too.. but then again I don't know of any certificates you can get in psychology/marketing/consulting before I have the masters degree which I will start next semester.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 19, 2016, 03:34:08 pm
Damn I admire your discipline with all this learning and getting these certificates. Really makes me wanna start making some life gains too.. but then again I don't know of any certificates you can get in psychology/marketing/consulting before I have the masters degree which I will start next semester.

thanks man. certs are just a really easy way to boost your marketability and salary too! you can't fast forward years of experience, but you can fast forward your knowledge and skills.

maybe some kind of project management certs would benefit you? PMP is a big one. Theres also some marketing certs ( but i dont know if those are highly valued or not in the marketing industry. I never heard of marketing certs before. However... PMP is revered by many different industries.

I think PMP and PCM (in the link) would be excellent complements to your master's degree. CISSP is def a great complement to mine! In addition, studying for these certs has made the material i'm learning in school much easier to grasp. A lot of the topics overlap, so i have a head start over everyone else. Many times the certs are even more in depth than what i learn in my MS degree (even though net+ and sec+ are just entry level certs).

i would suggest looking up some great marketing certs, and getting a couple before your master's so you have a leg up. here's a list:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 20, 2016, 09:30:09 am
Week 121
Tuesday - 07/19/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
195 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
225 x 3                     >> Finally PR'd in these again! Previous was 230x10 and 240x7.
255 x 1
235 x 10 PR
235 x 5 PR
235 x 3 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 8
45's x 10
45's x 6

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+75lbs x 8              >> Tied my PR of 75x8 in these!
+75lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
BW x 10

Negative Dragon Flags
5               >> 60sec rests.

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
45's x 3
50's x 6

Nice workout. Finally PR'd in something other than a new exercise like seated calf raises. The dragon flags are getting better still! I should be able to do a single full, strict rep in a month or so.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on July 20, 2016, 11:46:59 am
thanks mate.. will definitely look into that. my dream job at the moment would be to be able to combine my passion for fitness/sports with psychology/marketing. sportpsychology would also be very interesting. we'll see...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 21, 2016, 09:37:47 am
walked about 15 or 16 miles yesterday. very sore today. don't know if i can do legs :/
my lower back is sore too, but in a way that feels like i pulled it maybe
we'll see how i feel later tonight
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 22, 2016, 11:53:45 am
Week 121
Thursday - 07/22/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 6

Seated Calf Raises
115 x 5
150 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 12

Machine Calf Raises
495 x 12

De loaded. Didn't do legs, I'll do them lightly tomorrow. Lower back feels pulled, legs are achy and everything.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 22, 2016, 11:55:16 am
failed my ITIL-Foundation cert exam this morning by a single question


if i had finished watching the last 40min video of studying for the exam, i would have passed. or if i just checked over my questions, i probably would have passed. the exam seemed very easy. i knew i got several things wrong, but thought i had more than enough correct answers to just continue (passing = 65%, or 26/40 questions)

ah whatever, taking it again tuesday morning. just annoyed that i spent $223 to learn a lesson about not taking exams so lightly. also annoyed because i wanted to get a head start on my CISSP studying this weekend. instead i have to study ITIL-Foundatino more

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 22, 2016, 06:25:45 pm
Week 121
Friday - 07/22/16

-= Workout Log =-

DB Lunges
50's x 8/leg                     >> 2min rest.
50's x 8/leg

Back Extensions
BW x 5             >> Didn't have my straps for RDLs so did these instead.
45 x 8              >> Didn't do much... trying to avoid soreness since I barely do these.

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 8
45's x 10
45's x 6

--- 7 hours later ---

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                 >> Didn't expect to hit 8 reps since I did legs earlier.
275 x 3                 >> PR is 385x8. Not so far off from that anymore.
315 x 1
365 x 5

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 1
260 x 1
240 x 5

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 10

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
45's x 3
50's x 6

Negative Dragon Flags
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 26, 2016, 09:33:20 am
Week 122
Monday - 07/26/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12
135 x 8
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 10             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 4

My squat form changed. Now that my quads have gotten weaker, my glutes got relatively stronger. In addition, I've been doing lots of glute activation work plus lunges. So that increases the strength ratio of glutes:quads even more.

End result: i naturally squat with a wider stance, with knees way out as well. Can go full ATG this way with zero pain in knee! I've wanted to become glute dominant for a while now but never really put work for it, so at least now I'm forced to.

Had a really tough day and just couldn't bring myself to lift more.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 26, 2016, 09:33:56 am
Pass ITIL-Foundation cert this morning after failing on friday

Now i can focus my studies on CISSP. i wanted to read a chapter yesterday and do some practice questions but was way too busy. Friday will be crazy busy too. I'll play catch up over the weekend instead so i have 7 chapters read by Sunday night.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on July 26, 2016, 04:07:19 pm
Pass ITIL-Foundation cert this morning after failing on friday


Now i can focus my studies on CISSP. i wanted to read a chapter yesterday and do some practice questions but was way too busy. Friday will be crazy busy too. I'll play catch up over the weekend instead so i have 7 chapters read by Sunday night.

nice x2.. that cert life. cissp is a "big" one. good stuff man.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 26, 2016, 11:20:52 pm
Week 122
Tuesday - 07/26/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+25lbs x 4                         >> Just felt like trying this out lol... I'll stick with it actually...
+50lbs x 2
+90lbs x 3 PR
+90lbs x 1 PR
+90lbs x 1 PR

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 8
45's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
220 x 5
240 x 1
260 x 1
240 x 5

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
45's x 3
50's x 6

Negative Dragon Flags

Another de-load. Feeling overworked right now and behind on sleep. Gotta read a chapter tonight. I'm typing this at 11:20pm, going to read for about an hour, and wake up at 6:40 for physical therapy :/

Will have a crazy busy weekend too. Can't wait for next week to get here so I can relax and study properly.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 27, 2016, 11:50:41 am
the bank called me back for an interview with the CISO  :headbang:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 27, 2016, 04:06:09 pm
Week 122
Wednesday - 07/27/16

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Finished chapter 1 of 21
Finished chapter 2 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 1 (44 cards) (
Chapter 2 (34 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 20 cards (20/2,300)

Plan to finish chapter 2 today as well.  Making review questions for myself at the end of every chapter. I review these continuosly every day based on spaced repetition. Also learning real test questions from a selection of over 2k. I plan to learn over 2k over the next 70 days. I'll be ramping up the number on cards learned per day from 20 to 50+ after i finish the textbook.

Review questions on chapters only include things I wasn't already comfortable with already. Some of it seems obvious, like the question "what is data privacy?" But it's not so obvious if you knew that there are also the concepts of data concealment, seclusion, confidentiality, in addition to privacy... it's more because I don't know how to specifically differentiate between them.

I will also start writing down how many of the test questions I get correct on first try as I'm learning them. It'll be nice to see an upward trend as I learn more from the textbook. Passing on the real exam is 70%. Hopefully I'll be getting consistent 85% and up on these after I finish the textbook.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 28, 2016, 10:49:07 am
Week 122
Thursday - 07/28/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12
135 x 8
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1

Bench Press
45 x 10             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                >> Bench is stalling again.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 5
225 x 4
225 x 2

DB Lunges
55's x 8/leg PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                    >> 2min rest.
80's x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 1
375 x 5

Seated Calf Raises
115 x 5              >> 45sec rests.
150 x 6
140 x 6
140 x 5

Machine Calf Raises Non-Stop
495 x 15               >> 45sec rests.
495 x 10
495 x 10

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 3 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 3 (24 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 20 cards (40/2,300)

Will lift and update later.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 29, 2016, 11:13:45 am
Had the interview...

Killed it. They'l have an answer for me next week.

Lifted yesterday but too lazy to update right now.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 30, 2016, 10:03:02 am
didn't get the job :(

was told the department had an excellent response from me but they decided to go with someone who fits the job better

well shit, at least it means i can fake my way to a job with 3+ years experience and i have zero... i've learned enough from my MS degree and these certs that I appear to have a ton of knowledge from experience as well.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 01, 2016, 09:47:35 am
Week 122
Friday - 07/29/16

-= Study Log =-

Real Test Questions
Learned 20 cards (60/2,300)

Week 122
Saturday - 07/30/16

-= Study Log =-

Real Test Questions
Learned 20 cards (80/2,300)

Week 122
Sunday - 07/31/16

-= Study Log =-

Real Test Questions
Learned 20 cards (100/2,300)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 01, 2016, 09:48:50 am
So behind on everything. Missed a workout, and I'm 4 chapters behind on my studying. Terrible sleep lately too.

Today I have a game, and it'll be the first time i've played in about... 6 weeks? Going to test out the knee. Only playing 10 of the 40min. PT has been going well so we'll see how my knee reacts.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on August 01, 2016, 07:38:27 pm
Good luck with the game mate.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on August 01, 2016, 10:30:32 pm
didn't get the job :(

was told the department had an excellent response from me but they decided to go with someone who fits the job better

well shit, at least it means i can fake my way to a job with 3+ years experience and i have zero... i've learned enough from my MS degree and these certs that I appear to have a ton of knowledge from experience as well.

damn!! that's unfortunate.

all good though, sounds like you'll land something solid fairly soon.. especially if you keep certing up.. :f

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 02, 2016, 10:02:07 pm
Week 123
Monday - 08/01/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                >> Bench dropped dammit.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
225 x 5
225 x 3
225 x 1

ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 8                    >> 2min rest.
80's x 8

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 1
385 x 3

Seated Calf Raises
135 x 5              >> 45sec rests.
150 x 6
150 x 5
150 x 4

Machine Calf Raises Non-Stop
495 x 20 PR               >> 45sec rests.
495 x 15 PR
495 x 10 PR

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 4 of 21

Real Test Questions
Learned 30 cards (130/2,300)

Played ball. Playoff game. Went for 25min instead of the 10min I planned since we needed to win. Other team only had 4 players. We still lost lmao, even though we beat them in the regular season and led for the whole game. I kinda played like crap. Fell and banged both my knees on the floor twice. Was too tired to lift properly afterward. Terrible charlie horse in my hamstring later that night... was dehydrated and didn't realize.

Read a chapter but didn't make cards for it yet dammit. Bumping up the test questions learned per day from 20 to 30. It's manageable.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 02, 2016, 10:12:23 pm
Week 123
Tuesday - 07/02/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> Long rests between maxes, then 60sec rest.
+25lbs x 3                         >> Just felt like trying this out lol... I'll stick with it actually...
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+100lbs x 1 PR
+125lbs x 0 (just nose over bar)
+75lbs x 5
+75lbs x 1

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 6
45's x 10
45's x 8
45's x 3

Seated Cable Rows
220 x 5             >> 2min rests.
240 x 1
260 x 1
240 x 4
220 x 4
200 x 8
200 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags
5             >> 60sec rests.

Back Extension Rear Delt W Flyes
45's x 15

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 5 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 5 (28 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 30 cards (160/2,300)

Nice workout. Pull ups felt strong so tried maxing out lol.

Still need to make and learn cards for chapter 4 dammit. I'll try to do it tomorrow, and read and learn cards for two chapters tomorrow to catch up a bit. By this weekend I want 14 chapters completed!

My left knee has some more fluid in it now after playing yesterday. Also kinda hurts but that's probably because I banged it twice, not because of the underlying issue I've been going to PT for. I have PT tomorrow morning again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 03, 2016, 10:12:55 am
Week 123
Wednesday - 07/02/16

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 6 of 21
Read chapter 7 of 21

Review Questions

Real Test Questions
Learned 40 cards (200/2,300)

Will update as i study. Plan for today:

do chapter 4 cards
read chapter 6, do chapter 6 cards
read chapter 7, do chapter 7 cards
do 30 more test questions

edit: only have time to make and learn the cards for chapters 4 and 6. Not 7. Will make and learn the cards for chapter 7 tomorrow. Then read chapter 8 and do the same.
re-edit: couldn't learn even one batch of cards today. damn i'm behind.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on August 03, 2016, 10:39:30 am
Week 123
Tuesday - 07/02/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> Long rests between maxes, then 60sec rest.
+25lbs x 3                         >> Just felt like trying this out lol... I'll stick with it actually...
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+100lbs x 1 PR
+125lbs x 0 (just nose over bar)
+75lbs x 5
+75lbs x 1

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 6
45's x 10
45's x 8
45's x 3

Seated Cable Rows
220 x 5             >> 2min rests.
240 x 1
260 x 1
240 x 4
220 x 4
200 x 8
200 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags
5             >> 60sec rests.

Back Extension Rear Delt W Flyes
45's x 15

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 5 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 5 (28 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 30 cards (160/2,300)

Nice workout. Pull ups felt strong so tried maxing out lol.

Still need to make and learn cards for chapter 4 dammit. I'll try to do it tomorrow, and read and learn cards for two chapters tomorrow to catch up a bit. By this weekend I want 14 chapters completed!

My left knee has some more fluid in it now after playing yesterday. Also kinda hurts but that's probably because I banged it twice, not because of the underlying issue I've been going to PT for. I have PT tomorrow morning again.

that pullup rep looked strong-as-fuq.

unrelated but, saw this yesterday on github and it's actually a decent little security checklist (mostly for web-dev):

curious to see how that grows.. had like 9k stars yesterday, now 11k .. so i imagine lots of people will end up contributing to it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 03, 2016, 04:33:35 pm
^^ ill check out the github. i have some topics on the CISSP covering software security. only dipped into to it a bit so far. but i learned about architecture diagrams... pretty cool... do a reduction analysis of a system or program (break it down logically to see how data reacts with everything) and draw up an architecture diagram of a small network. label all systems (after their reduction analyses) with version numbers, OSs, apps installed, all that crap, label all connections between them, all protocols used.... and then come up with a list off all threats and vulnerabilities in all systems, applications, and connections.

i'll have a whole couple chapters on application security and i can't wait to get to it. it's towards the end of my textbook though. i suck at programming but i find app security very interesting.

adarqui what do you do for a living? secure coders make a ton of freaking money... i would do that if i were a software engineer. i mean A LOT of money! (ICS)2 CSSLP is a good cert. So is GIAC GSSP.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 04, 2016, 09:19:38 am
might get fired from work today. wanted to quit ealier this week, this will be even better. Can't take these idiots. i'll make more money working dinner shifts at the restaurant my uncle manages, and it'll leave up day times freed up for interviews.

oh and its off the books so i'll get unemployment on top of that and make more than i do now.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2016, 10:18:05 am
not sure how it is in NY but in maryland you don't get unemployment if you're fired. only if laid off.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 04, 2016, 02:57:58 pm
Fired! Not even mad. Yea i think i might not get unemployment actually, not sure. Ill find out.

Now i can focus on this CISSP exam and apply to jobs like mad. I feel so behind on everything. I'll be waking up at 8:30am every day to go to school and study, apply for jobs, and talk to professors and stuff.

Wish i had taken that internship with my school a couple months ago... But hey maybe something else will come up anyway!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 04, 2016, 06:49:25 pm
Week 123
Wednesday - 07/02/16

-= Study Log =-

Review Questions
Chapter 4 (39 cards) (
Chapter 6 (37 cards) (
Chapter 7 (46 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 40 cards (240/2,300)

Won't lift today. I'll lift tomorrow and saturday.
Chapter 4 was fucking annoying to learn. Bunch of laws and stuff to memorize. Still suck at it, i'll probably bomb the reviews when they come up. Chapter 6 included lots of memorization for bit lengths of encryption keys and block ciphers... i'll memorize that minutiae another time. Chapter 7 I like a lot. I'm about to memorize it and I know it won't be hard.

I'll finish chapter 8 tomorrow...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 05, 2016, 12:49:05 pm
Week 123
Friday - 08/05/16

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 8 of 21
Read chapter 10 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 8 (29 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 20 cards (260/2,300)

will study more, lift, and update later. skipped chapter 9 for today, i'll do it tomorrow. it's way too long!
edit: didn't lift
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 06, 2016, 12:00:10 pm
Week 123
Saturday - 08/06/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                 >> 2min rests.
220 x 3
240 x 5
230 x 5
220 x 5

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 8
45's x 8
40's x 12

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                         >> Long rests between maxes, then 60sec rest.
+25lbs x 3                   >> Lol.
+50lbs x 10
+50lbs x 1
+50lbs x 3
BW x 7

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
45's x 1                          >> Getting tired of these. Looking to find a replacement soon.
50's x 5

Weighted Captain's Chair Knee Raises
50 x 8                   >> 60sec rests.
50 x 8                   >> Biceps kept cramping on my dragon flags so I did these.
50 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags
5                       >> Managed to do a set without my biceps turning into eggs.

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 9 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 10 (38 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 30 cards (290/2,300)

Finished chapter 9 today (did 10 yesterday). So I'm about halfway through the textbook:


I'll be damn proud of myself when I pass this exam. Spaced repetition is saving my ass too. I can't believe I can still recall the answers to the questions I made even from the first five chapters with over 85% accuracy. The real test questions I'm able to answer with about 98% accuracy when reviewing them. What really matters is how accurately I answer them my first time around though (which has been about 70%). I'll start measuring that once I complete the textbook. But hey, I'm planning to learn over 2,000 test questions so there's a good chance some of them will show up on my exam, so that 98% review accuracy will still come in handy!

Regardless, taking practice tests is not just an assessment. And it's not just for memorization incase the questions show up on my exam.
Practice tests = analyzing the question to figure out the answer = reinforcement of concepts = learning method.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 07, 2016, 10:07:17 pm
Week 123
Sunday - 08/07/16

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 13 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 9 (75 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 20 cards (310/2,300)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 08, 2016, 02:59:27 pm
Week 124
Monday - 08/08/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                >> Man this sucks. 5 reps next workout, then increasing 5lbs per workout.
135 x 8
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 3

Bench Press
45 x 10             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8               >> Guess I have to drop down and work back up huh? Next working going with 200lbs.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 2
225 x 2
225 x 2

DB Lunges
60's x 6/leg PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 8                    >> 2min rest.
80's x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                 >> Close to my PR of 385x8
315 x 1
385 x 5

Seated Calf Raises
115 x 3              >> 45sec rests.
150 x 7 PR
150 x 5
150 x 4

Machine Calf Raises Non-Stop
495 x 25 PR               >> 45sec rests.
495 x 15 PR
495 x 10 PR

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 11 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 13 (51 cards) (
Chapter 11 (128 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 20 cards (330/2,300)

Got through the two longest chapters in the book already. Today's chapter had 128 freakin cards I have to memorize! So much info!

Also, I see online that there are starting to offer cyber security internships... going to add an internship "i did" at a company my friend works for on my resume and i'll get cracking tomorrow with applications.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 09, 2016, 03:59:42 pm
Added this method to my studying:
very effective for me so far. spaced repetition is still king, but this is a nice add-on to keep me on track
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 09, 2016, 04:31:24 pm
Week 124
Tuesday - 08/09/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                         >> 2min rests.
+25lbs x 4                    >> Going to stick with this weight for a while. Goal is a strict 100x5 in 6mo or so.
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+90lbs x 4 PR
+90lbs x 2
+90lbs x 1
 BW x 7

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 9
45's x 10
40's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                 >> 2min rests.
220 x 3
240 x 5
230 x 5
220 x 5

Negative Dragon Flags

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 12 of 21
Read chapter 15 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 12 (52 cards) (
Chapter 15 (19 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 20 cards (350/2,300)

Pretty good sleep last night. I feel very stress-free being unemployed. I have also re-gained my focus. I used to not be able to read for long at all while studying for these certs. I wrote about terrible brain fatigue I had a while back while getting my net+... I'm learning twice as much now and I don't have that brain fatigue/fogginess.

Edit: Got pretty tired by the time I lifted. I noticed I get dead tired at around 6 or 7pm. It's when all the studying catches up to me, plus I leave to walk home 2.5mi away from school.

Putting the real test questions on hold until I complete the textbook, which I plan to do on Sunday. After that I'll shoot for 100 to 200 test question a day and track my scores.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 10, 2016, 12:08:23 pm
Week 124
Wednesday - 08/10/16

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 14 of 21
Read chapter 16 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 14 (31 cards) (

Day off from lifting. Will update after more studying.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 10, 2016, 07:19:44 pm
This job would be perfect for me:

I'm definitely applying. One of my older professors knows people there. He's writing me a letter of recommendation for it. Hope it goes well.

Definitely going to do a crash SQL course after passing my CISSP.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 11, 2016, 03:04:13 pm
Week 124
Thursday - 08/11/16

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 17 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 16 (31 cards) (
Chapter 17 (53 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 0 cards (350/2,300)

Will learn cards for chapter 17 in a bit. Nice to only have to read a single chapter today. Tomorrow's will be shorter, too. Feels great because I was getting overloaded yesterday.

Going to lift and update later.

Edit: finished studying. Didnt lift though, i fell asleep and woke up too tired at 9pm to lift. Ill lift tmrw and saturday so i dont miss a workout this week.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on August 12, 2016, 01:06:57 am
late reply

^^ ill check out the github. i have some topics on the CISSP covering software security. only dipped into to it a bit so far. but i learned about architecture diagrams... pretty cool... do a reduction analysis of a system or program (break it down logically to see how data reacts with everything) and draw up an architecture diagram of a small network. label all systems (after their reduction analyses) with version numbers, OSs, apps installed, all that crap, label all connections between them, all protocols used.... and then come up with a list off all threats and vulnerabilities in all systems, applications, and connections.

ya that stuff is fun.

I personally don't like making diagrams though. I've experimented with generating diagrams from "graph data structures" using graphviz, that was dope. Generate the entire security/architecture diagram from local linux commands (firewall rules, open ports, network connections, users, running processes etc) and communication links between services. I just hate the idea that, if something changes, we have to manually update our architecture diagrams. I think there are plenty of tools to do that now though.

i'll have a whole couple chapters on application security and i can't wait to get to it. it's towards the end of my textbook though. i suck at programming but i find app security very interesting.

adarqui what do you do for a living? secure coders make a ton of freaking money... i would do that if i were a software engineer. i mean A LOT of money! (ICS)2 CSSLP is a good cert. So is GIAC GSSP.

ya they do. well right now i'm not doing anything, i'm "temporarily retired" lmao. I've done junior network/system security analyst @ a security-as-a-service company. my previous job was infrastructure engineer, software engineer, and directory of DevOps at a fairly large local startup. So i'm kind of all over the place.

ya one thing people were always confused about me is, that I have no certs and have no desire to get certs. It would have been a great investment though. My skills can usually land me something decent though if I just commit to looking and getting my resume out there. In ~3-4 months i'll probably get back into normal life. I'd like to do some infrastructure engineering but, working from home. I really like remote work & absolutely dread office distractions. I'd rather zone out with my earplugs in etc. ;f

enjoying reading your progress on studying and trying to get these bigger certs. spaced repetition ftw. I've always used it for learning too. I was so surprised when I was in university, that hardly anyone I knew used it. Such a simple & effective technique. People just reading their notes in order, in some outline fashion.. wtf? I want to make that "unknown stack" smaller and randomly learn each piece.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 12, 2016, 03:00:46 pm
^ ah man working from home would be awesome. that would be my dream. not sure how i could work from home in cyber security without having programming skils, but oh well.

consulting is my goal. i'd like to go on my own after having several years of experience and credentials (masters degree, CISSP, CISM, CISA, CGEIT, CRISC). Theres a ton of certs I want lol. I would like SANS GIAC certs too, but they cost a ton... i would only do those if my company paid for it. There isnt much learning material for them out there either, it's mostly just bootcamps that i wont pay for myself.

Also, spaced repetition is just ridiculous. Wish i knew about it in undergrad, it just puts learning on easy mode. There are so many reasons spaced repetition works it's not even funny. Here's what i like explaining to people:

1) if you're just reading your outlines, how do you know if you know something? Only if i take your outline from you and ask you a question! The stuff you know, you'll answer. The stuff you don't, you won't answer. You want to study stuff you dont know as well. By only reading notes, you lack a good way to measure what you don't know. Sure, when you read certain things the answers will jump out at you and you'll be like "yeah i know this stuff." But maybe they jumped out at you because you read over it and recognized the answer, rather than arrived at the answer in your head and THEN reading it on paper

2) if you turn all of your notes into questions, then you will know if you know something. The stuff you can't answer, just study those more. The stuff you can answer, put them aside for later. it identifies your weak areas more accurately than reading over notes. this leads to efficiency because you will fill in a lot more blanks (leading to higher scores) focusing on your weak areas.

3) the mere act of answering questions instead of reading notes helps you retain information better! Active recall ftw. so not only are you more often studying the stuff you dont know (which is more efficient than studying everything equally) but you are learning it at an increased rate, regardless of how much studying you put into it.

4) the kicker is to take all these questions and put them into a spaced repetition software for long term memory retention. this will automatically make you more often study the stuff you dont know as well, so theres no math to be done. Just answer the questions that come up at you.

however, i like to add in techniques to the above. the above is just a structure or something. what about... HOW should i structure my questions in my flash cards? which is better to ask:
(A) Q: What color is the sky? A: Blue
(B) Q: What is the blue thing above called? A: The sky
You can reverse questions like that. I guess i could just include both in my flash cards, but then i'll have a ton. i wonder which is more efficient for learning.

I also like to include images in the flash cards. some questions i will make for myself will ask me to draw something, or to write out an outline.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 12, 2016, 03:16:42 pm
Week 124
Friday - 08/12/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8               >> I think it's time I added volume to these from now on.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 6
225 x 2
205 x 3

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3
315 x 1
385 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 6                    >> 2min rest.
70's x 8                    >> No idea what happened here. Should be getting 10-12.

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 18 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 18 (47 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 0 cards (350/2,300)

Will lift later for sure.

adarqui i responded to u on the previous page

edit: didn't squat. legs were shot. forced myself to RDL though. I'll add calves to my workout tomorrow, it's all good.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 13, 2016, 03:39:29 pm
Week 124
Saturday - 08/13/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Calf Raises
90 x 5              >> 45sec rests.
150 x 8 PR
150 x 5 PR
150 x 4 PR

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                 >> 2min rests.
220 x 3
240 x 5
230 x 5
220 x 5

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                   >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 9
45's x 10
45's x 8
40's x 8

Machine Calf Raises Non-Stop
520 x 15 PR                 >> 45sec rests.
520 x 10 PR                 >> Machine maxes out at 495lbs but i held a dumbbell too.
495 x 10 PR

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 4                    >> 9 rep PR. I've done +75lbs x 8 before though. Why was this so hard?!
+60lbs x 9 PR
+60lbs x 2
+60lbs x 1
BW x 7

Negative Dragon Flags
5            >> 60sec rests.

Back Extension Machine Rear Delt W Flyes
40's x 15

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 19 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 19 (22 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 0 cards (350/2,300)

Read a chapter. May get a head start on chapter 20 today. Made the cards for chapter 19 but haven't memorized them yet. Too lazy right now. Entire textbook will be completed tomorrow (chapters 20 and 21) thank goodness. Going to the beach the day after that :)

About to go lift so I'll update in a couple hours.

Edit: lifted and updated

Last two chapters: Software Development Security and finally Malicious Code and Application Attacks
Going to get a headstart on that first one today so that I don't have too much to read tomorrow.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 14, 2016, 02:36:57 pm
Week 124
Sunday - 08/14/16

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 20 of 21
Read chapter 21 of 21

Review Questions
Chapter 20 (72 cards) (

Real Test Questions
Learned 0 cards (350/2,300)

Time to finish this textbook. Read a chapter today, one more to go. Then memorize both.

There's just so many cards that pop up for review now since they've accumulated ~20 chapters! It's nuts. Maybe 300 per day that I'm reviewing lol. But I can burn through them very quick since they've been embedded in my long term memory now. Memorizing new cards takes very long though, and I'll have a lot of those to do today :'(

Edit: finished the book. still need to memorize my cards for the last chapter, but i'm calling it a day. i'll do that at the beach tomorrow on my phone.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on August 14, 2016, 03:25:51 pm
Week 124
Sunday - 08/14/16

-= Study Log =-

Textbook #1
Read chapter 20 of 21

Review Questions

Real Test Questions
Learned 0 cards (350/2,300)

Time to finish this textbook. Read a chapter today, one more to go. Then memorize both.

There's just so many cards that pop up for review now since they've accumulated ~20 chapters! It's nuts. Maybe 300 per day that I'm reviewing lol. But I can burn through them very quick since they've been embedded in my long term memory now. Memorizing new cards takes very long though, and I'll have a lot of those to do today :'(

it would be cool if we could get before/after footage of the dendrites and such in our brain  after learning all of those cards and "permanently storing them in memory".

I'd love to see an image of your brain 6 months ago compared to now for example.. lmao.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 14, 2016, 11:10:35 pm
^ ha that would be cool. i would have lost a lot of stuff from my net+ and ITIL-F certs... the Sec+ cert stuff is still fresh in my head as the CISSP just expands on it. I haven't been keeping up with my net+ or ITIL-F cards. screw that, especially net+, i hated that one. hated the networking topics in the CISSP textbook as well, though it wasn't nearly as deep.

However i plan to continuously review my CISSP cards long after i pass the exam until I get a good job. Reason being is that I'm learning all this stuff not just to have the credential, but to actually LEARN. I will kill it at interviews for entry level positions with my breadth of knowledge. that job i almost got at the bank? Half of the stuff they asked me i learned from sec+, the rest from my master's degree!

In total I've made over 900 cards for this CISSP textbook lol. also this cert covers lots of information that my courses in my final semester this september will cover (lots of stuff on risk management, incident response, intrusion detection)

Next steps:

- memorize the final chapter tomorrow
- do ~200 real test questions a day and score myself
- put all the questions i get wrong in a deck and memorize them
- After about 5 days of this, complete the cybrary CISSP video course. 2hrs a day for 7 days.
- Sit the exam at the start of september if i feel ready. if i don't, i'll read a whole other textbook and take the exam at the start of october.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 16, 2016, 10:12:24 am
Week 124
Monday - 08/15/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 6
225 x 4
225 x 2
185 x 10
185 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 8                    >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

-= Study Log =-

Review Questions

Real Practice Test
250 Questions (~75%)

Going to do a bigger workout tomorrow... was just too tired to continue.

Did a practice test from a set of 250 questions. Passing on the real exam is about 70%. Got around 75% right, messed up my count along the way. Aiming for consistent 82% or higher. All the questions I get wrong (or I had to guess on to get correct) I am adding to my spaced repetition app and committing to memory in case they show up on my exam.

Going to do about 1,000 more questions and then start watching the training videos.

Still too lazy to memorize the cards of the last chapter of my book.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 17, 2016, 12:42:59 am
Week 124
Tuesday - 08/16/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12         >> Had 315x5 in me but too lazy.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 3

Lateral Raises
40's x 5               >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 8
45's x 12
45's x 8

DB Lunges
65's x 6/leg PR

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 2
+75lbs x 1
+90lbs x 3

Romanian Deadlifts
225 x 5
315 x 1
395 x 5 PR

Seated Calf Raises
135 x 5
150 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 5

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 5
545 x 8 PR

Negative Dragon Flags

Back Extension Rear Delt W Flyes
45's x 8

-= Study Log =-

Review Questions

Real Practice Test
Today: 351/500 Correct (70.2%)
Total: 351/500 Correct (70.2%)

Did just a couple sets of everything in this workout. No way I was going to do 3 sets of everything lol.

Studying... did a 250 question test and then I realize the test was a bit outdated. Got 79%.

Then did a 500 question test with up to date questions... 71.8%. Not good, really. ~70% is passing (can't really tell since some questions are weighted more). Some sections I SUCKED in. Seems like the book barely covered them at all. Book literally even said at times "but that's beyond the scope of the exam" and what do you know, it was on the exam. This is why everyone says you can't rely on a single source of information for this exam.

I have 1,570 updated questions more to do. Turning the ones I get wrong into notecards and committing them to memory starting Friday... looking to bang out all 1,570 in these next two days. Then have a nice weekend at the beach. Then watch videos starting on Monday while constantly reviewing hundreds of cards lmao.

I've already scheduled the exam for September 1st!

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on August 17, 2016, 09:48:46 am
how's your knee?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 17, 2016, 06:30:21 pm
how's your knee?

played ball like 2 weeks ago. swelled up just a little the next 2 days, but no pain. far less swelling then the other time i played ball and decided to do PT.

still haven't played since then. i'll just give it several more months off from ball, while continuing to activate and strengthen my glutes. then when i get back into ball i'll have to come in slowly at first.

i should get an mri though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 17, 2016, 06:35:18 pm
Week 124
Wednesday - 08/17/16

-= Study Log =-

Review Questions

Real Practice Tests
Today: 839/1,170 Correct (71.7%)
Total: 1,190/1,670 Correct (71.2%)

Whew. That's a lot. New test questions were posted so I wanted to go overboard today and still not have as much to do tomorrow. Now I "only" have 545 questions to do tomorrow! It'll seem like cake in comparison to the 1,170 I did today. Literally studied for 10+ hours today. That also includes the cards that are coming up for review on myspaced repetition app lol. I still have to memorize the cards for the last chapter of my book, btw. I'll do it next week... got no time for that right now.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on August 18, 2016, 02:41:40 am
Week 124
Wednesday - 08/17/16

-= Study Log =-

Review Questions

Real Practice Tests
Today: 839/1,170 Correct (71.7%)
Total: 1,190/1,670 Correct (71.2%)

Whew. That's a lot. New test questions were posted so I wanted to go overboard today and still not have as much to do tomorrow. Now I "only" have 545 questions to do tomorrow! It'll seem like cake in comparison to the 1,170 I did today. Literally studied for 10+ hours today. That also includes the cards that are coming up for review on myspaced repetition app lol. I still have to memorize the cards for the last chapter of my book, btw. I'll do it next week... got no time for that right now.

beastmode. :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 18, 2016, 02:24:10 pm
Week 124
Thursday - 08/18/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 10             >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 6
225 x 4
225 x 3
205 x 6
205 x 4

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                  >> Oh shit a PR! Haven't PR'd in this in a while!
220 x 3
240 x 8 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                    >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

-= Study Log =-

Real Practice Tests
Today: 368/543 Correct (67.7%)
Total: 1,558/2,213 Correct (70.4%)

Cybrary Video Course
CISSP Introduction Module ( finished

Real Test Questions
Learned 13 cards (363/1,314)

Ok done taking these tests. Time to start committing all the wrong ones to memory. Should be done with that by Monday night. In addition, these tests have really highlighted my weak areas, and I know where I need to focus for some easy points. Monday I'll also start watching training videos so I hope that clears up a ton too.

weak areas:
Common Criteria evaluative crap
TCSEC evaluative crap
Kerberos (need to find a good source on this, everything's confusing)
red book/orange book/etc book (easy to learn quick)
All the annoying laws to remember (HATE this)
different types of tape back ups
all the different cable categories (lengths, speeds, etc, HATE this)

lifting later

edit: did another 143 questions and im done with that now.

Edit: lifted. updated. too lazy to do more, will do the rest with my other workout tomorrow. also started committing wrong test questions to memory. Going for about 200 per day starting tomorrow. Also watching the training vids now.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 19, 2016, 09:58:07 pm
Week 124
Friday - 08/19/16

-= Workout Log =-

Weighted Pull Ups
BW x 5
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 10 PR

Lateral Raises
40's x 5               >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 8
45's x 12
45's x 8

one hour break

ATG Squat
135 x 12         >> Will go for x6, then go up 5lbs per week I guess.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 5

DB Lunges
65's x 8/leg PR

Romanian Deadlifts
225 x 5           >> Felt like loading up 4 plates, why not?
315 x 1
405 x 3 PR

Seated Calf Raises
135 x 5               >> 45sec rests.
150 x 8 PR
150 x 5
135 x 8

Calf Raise Machine
495 x 5             >> 45sec rests.
545 x 10 PR
545 x 8 PR
545 x 5 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5            >> 60sec rests.
5            >> Still getting better at these. Should record them again.
5            >> I can now do a couple reps after resting at the bottom and slight cheating.

Bent over DB Rear Delt Flyes
30's x 15              >> Should have used 40's.

-= Study Log =-

Cybrary Video Course
CISSP Module 1 of 9 ( finished

Real Test Questions
Learned 237 cards (600/1,314)

Workout felt pretty good.

Also feels good to have a much lightened study load. Just watching vids and making a final deck of notecards that I'll learn when I finish the video series (around Thursday). It'll have notes from the vids plus all the other areas I'm weak in that I listed in my previous post. I'll have like 5 days to study it all, which is more than enough.

So right now I'm just memorizing the test questions that I got wrong (or got right by guessing). Can do this pretty quickly with the phone app.

Oh and that job that I wanted at Stroz Friedberg? Turns out my professor who's writing me a letter of recommendation published a paper with friedberg himself lmao. Hope I get it. Won't know for a couple months though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 21, 2016, 11:16:09 pm
Week 124
Sunday - 08/21/16

-= Study Log =-

Cybrary Video Course
CISSP Module 2 of 9 ( finished
CISSP Module 3 of 9 ( started

Real Test Questions
Learned 100 cards (700/1,314)

Really fell behind on my studies this weekend :/ Didn't even study on saturday (other than reviewed cards).

I'll catch up though. Should be done with the training vids by Friday. Same with learning all the test questions.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 22, 2016, 01:08:11 pm
Week 125
Monday - 08/22/16

-= Workout Log =-

-= Study Log =-

Cybrary Video Course
CISSP Module 3 of 9 ( finished

Real Test Questions
Learned 173 cards (441 remain)

Will lift and update later.

edit: didn't lift :( will have to make it up
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 23, 2016, 08:54:11 pm
Week 125
Tuesday - 08/23/16

-= Study Log =-

Cybrary Video Course
CISSP Module 4 of 9 ( finished
CISSP Module 5 of 9 ( finished

Real Test Questions
Learned 138 cards (300 remain)

Didn't lift today either. Just too tired man. Fell asleep while studying at my uni library. I need to get myself on a good sleep schedule.

Will study some more tonight and get a little ahead.

I did play beach volleyball though. Three 2 on 2's up to 21, won all 3. I was pretty okay. Nobody doing crazy spiking or anything. Noticed my glutes getting tired by the end... good! Looks like I'm really naturally shifting to being flute dominant.

Will do a ton of volume thursday and friday.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 24, 2016, 10:03:41 pm
Week 125
Wednesday - 08/24/16

-= Study Log =-

Cybrary Video Course
CISSP Module 6 of 9 ( finished
CISSP Module 7 of 9 ( started

Real Test Questions
Learned 225 cards (75 remain)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 25, 2016, 11:43:42 am
Week 125
Thursday - 08/25/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12                >> These felt great!
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 5

Bench Press
135 x 8             >> 2-3min rests, depending on when my friend was done with his sets.
185 x 5              >> Did more volume, plus ended with a drop set.
225 x 1
275 x 1 (negative only)
225 x 6
225 x 5
225 x 4
205 x 6
225 x 2
 205 x 2
  185 x 2
   135 x 5 (paused)

DB Lunges
70's x 6/leg PR

Incline DB Bench Press
75's x 8                    >> 2-3min rests.
75's x 6
70's x 5
70's x 6
70's x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 3                 >> Went for 4 plates because I was feeling good. Hit 5 reps!
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 5 PR

Seated Calf Raises
5 sets, don't remember what, wasn't at my gym anyway

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
5 sets, don't remember what, wasn't at my gym anyway

-= Study Log =-

Cybrary Video Course
CISSP Module 7 of 9 ( finished
CISSP Module 8 of 9 ( finished
CISSP Module 9 of 9 ([/url) finished

Real Test Questions
Learned 75 cards (0 remain)

Lifting later FOR SURE.

edit: finished all video material.
Edit: finished memorizing all test questions
Also lifted and had an excellent workout, will update tmrw

had a large coffee before lifting... i'm not a coffee drinker at all, but i was feeling really tired and i can't believe how much it helped. i wasn't hyper or anything. but it woke me up, and it didn't let me get tired from lifting. i wish every workout felt this way!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 28, 2016, 06:12:01 pm
Week 125
Friday - 08/26/16

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Cable Rows
195 x 5                     >> 2min rests.
225 x 3
255 x 1
240 x 8
240 x 5
220 x 8
220 x 5
220 x 4

Lateral Raises
35's x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3                    >> This may be inaccurate, don't remember it all.
50's x 10
45's x 12
45's x 8
40's x 6
40's x 10

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3              >> I've done 75x8 before so idk what happened here.
+50lbs x 2               >> I think I'll just stick to really heavy 90lb sets twice a week.
+70lbs x 5

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
40's x 3                   >> 60sec rests.
45's x 12              >> This may be inaccurate too.
45's x 6
45's x 5
40's x 8
40's x 6

Negative Dragon Flags
8               >> 60sec rests.
6                 >> Got even better at these still.

Not keeping a strict study log from here on out. Ended up memorizing the cards from the last two chapters of my textbook.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 28, 2016, 06:12:57 pm
Saturday barely studied, just reviewed

Sunday i finalized my final decks of cards i have to memorize/learn on topics i wasn't so sure on. totals 191 cards. I'll learn like 35 today and the rest tomorrow (monday). exam is thursday. then i have a three day music festival the day after. much deserved (if i pass, if not -- much needed pick me up).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on August 28, 2016, 08:47:18 pm
flute dominant?

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 29, 2016, 11:15:57 am

Man i hate typing from my phone on forums
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on August 29, 2016, 01:01:26 pm
flute dominant?




Man i hate typing from my phone on forums

ya i need to turn off auto correct. so annoying.

lmfoa @ flute dominant.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on August 29, 2016, 02:35:48 pm
haha that cracked me up... actually my auto correct always corrects glute activation into flute activation .. that makes me smile every time... good old fluteus maximus.  :lololol:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on August 29, 2016, 04:26:04 pm
haha that cracked me up... actually my auto correct always corrects glute activation into flute activation .. that makes me smile every time... good old fluteus maximus.  :lololol:

haha @ fluteus maximus.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 31, 2016, 09:51:49 am
Fluteus maximus lol

I have auto correct off actually, just typo'd :(
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 01, 2016, 12:04:20 pm

Took 150-200hrs of studying spread over 5 weeks...

Have to update with my last workout. Will lift later today too. Been slacking lately.

Also my unemployment benefits kicked in.

Been slacking on lifting and eating right lately, but now i can focus with a clear mind. And apply for jobs like mad.

Next up is CEH... Plan to get that before new years. I can take it slow now though. Maybe i should get a CCNA too, idn yet, we will see how the job interviews pan out over the next few weeks, if any.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on September 01, 2016, 10:06:20 pm
Congrats man.

200 hours of study time in 5 weeks sounds nuts. Once you get in the zone you got to roll with it.

Certified Ethical Hacker? I had no idea.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 06, 2016, 11:05:23 am
Week 127
Monday - 09/05/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 5

Lateral Raises
35's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 8

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 2

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
45's x 8

Think I only lifted once last week. Forgot to update a workout or two as well. Can't remember at all. Easing back in Mon/Tue, then back to normal Thu/Sat.

Switching to a true upper/lower split.

Had a great labor day weekend after passing my CISSP exam. Went to a music festival, and though I don't like Porter Robinson too much, I got to witness this:

Really like the japanese sounding strings and of course the chorus itself!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on September 06, 2016, 11:51:31 am

o sh*t!!!!

:highfive: :goodjobbro: :almostascoolasnyancat: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

congrats man.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 07, 2016, 10:34:25 am
Week 127
Tuesday - 09/06/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 12
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 3

DB Lunges
70's x 5/leg

Seated Calf Raises
can't remember, got a new machine at the gym that includes the starting weight

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 1
405 x 2

Negative Dragon Flags

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
495 x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 08, 2016, 04:47:05 pm
Will lift upperbody later. Have been having a huge unsatiable appetite lately and I don't know what's causing it. It made me bounce back up to 197lbs but I'm around 193 right now. LOVED the way I felt at 188-190 so working back towards that now and plan to keep it year round.

Excited to start my final semester of my MS degree this weekend.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on September 08, 2016, 09:49:51 pm
Will lift upperbody later. Have been having a huge unsatiable appetite lately and I don't know what's causing it. It made me bounce back up to 197lbs but I'm around 193 right now. LOVED the way I felt at 188-190 so working back towards that now and plan to keep it year round.

Excited to start my final semester of my MS degree this weekend.


then it's $$$
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 09, 2016, 10:00:29 am
Week 127
Thursday - 09/08/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5
225 x 3
225 x 2

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 5
240 x 5
240 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 6
80's x 5

Weighted Pull ups
BW x 5                            >> 2min rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 3
+90lbs x 2
+90lbs x 2

Lateral Raises
35's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 8
45's x 8
45's x 6

Rear Delt Incline W Flyes
45's x 8

Got really motivated to get back to 400+ squats at the gym. Starting Monday I plan to squat 5x per week in the AM, working up to a 90% single. Then in the PM do my regular workout for the day.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on September 09, 2016, 12:54:01 pm
Do you think it is a good idea to squat 5 times a week considering your recent knee issues.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2016, 01:20:47 pm
Do you think it is a good idea to squat 5 times a week considering your recent knee issues.

strong question. seems like a lot of frequency to jump into.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 10, 2016, 09:04:43 am
Thanks for looking out, my knee feels 100% when squatting. I forgot I even had issues with it! I'll try it out to see how it goes.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 10, 2016, 09:19:38 am
Week 127
Friday - 09/09/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 5

DB Lunges
70's x 6/leg

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                     >> 45sec rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 5
255 x 5
235 x 8

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 1
405 x 3

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
495 x 12                  >> 45sec rests.
495 x 10
495 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags
6                   >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 12, 2016, 10:39:24 am
Week 128
Monday - 09/12/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat warm up to 315 x 1
Bench Press warm up to 225 x 1
Romanian Deadlift warm up to 405 x 1


Bench Press
45 x 12                 >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 6
225 x 3
225 x 2

Pull Ups
BW x 3                   >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 3
+90lbs x 2
+90lbs x 1
BW x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 8              >> 2min rests.
80's x 6
75's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5              >> 2min rests.
220 x 3
240 x 6
240 x 5
240 x 4

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5           >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 8
50's x 4
45's x 8
45's x 4
40's x 8

Bent Over DB Rear Delt Flyes
40's x 15
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 15, 2016, 08:09:49 pm
Week 128
Tuesday - 09/13/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Legs too sore
Bench Press Chest too sore
Romanian Deadlift Legs too sore


ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 4

DB Lunges
70's x 8/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                     >> 45sec rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 5
255 x 5
235 x 8

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5               >> 6 reps in me next time probably!
315 x 1
405 x 5

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
Machine was broken dammit.

Negative Dragon Flags
6                   >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 15, 2016, 08:10:45 pm
Week 128
Wednesday - 09/14/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Warm up to 315 x 1
Bench Press Warm up to 225 x 1
Romanian Deadlift Warm up to 405 x 1
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 15, 2016, 08:22:15 pm
Week 128
Thursday - 09/15/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Legs too sore
Bench Press warm up to 225 x 1
Romanian Deadlift Legs too sore


Bench Press
45 x 12                 >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 6
225 x 3
225 x 2

Pull Ups
BW x 3                   >> 2min rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 5 PR
+90lbs x 3 PR
+90lbs x 1
+45lbs x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 8              >> 2min rests.
80's x 5

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5           >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 8
45's x 10
45's x 6
40's x 10
40's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5              >> 2min rests.
220 x 3
240 x 6
240 x 6
240 x 6

Chest Supported Unilateral DB Rows
50's x 8/arm             >> 90sec rests.       
50's x 8/arm             >> These feel awesome and I am definitely continuing them.

Bent Over DB Rear Delt Flyes
40's x 8

I thought of doing this for the DB rows:


Works great to stop me from cheating, and it allows me to get full ROM as well! Plus I don't have to lean on something with one arm. This way I can do alternate arms during my set.

my legs get pretty sore from biking a lot. i ride my bike now instead of walking everywhere because i found a safe bike rack at my school. i should adapt sooner or later.


Got a phone interview tomorrow morning with a big real estate company for a senior systems analyst position. wtf? senior?! Got the interview because this very helpful woman in my class has been trying to hook me up with a job since i help the class a lot and im a great student. her husband used to work at this company. they took her recommendation and looked at my experience (limited) and are calling me anyway.

Looked them up on glass door and theres 2 sen sys analyst positions and they each make 6 figures. i dont expect to get this job at all but ya never know!

on another note, met up with a recruiter at EY and she will send my resume to the technology recruiter. career fair is next week. i want to polish my resume for it. she already gave me a ton of good advice that will really help. my professor who works at deloitte will also fix my resume and send it to a recruiter. both companys pay pretty decent for entry level cyber security work. deloitte will be at the career fair next week as well.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 16, 2016, 09:35:47 pm
Week 128
Friday - 09/16/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Legs too sore
Bench Press Chest too sore
Romanian Deadlift Legs too sore


ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 5

DB Lunges
75's x 6/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                     >> 45sec rests.
185 x 5
235 x 8
235 x 5
235 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5               >> PR'd... should I aim for 8 reps or move up in weight?
315 x 1
405 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
520 x 10               >> 45sec rests.
520 x 8
520 x 6

Negative Dragon Flags
6                   >> 60sec rests.

Let's see how my legs recover from no bike riding this weekend, and no daily-ish squats.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on September 17, 2016, 11:31:54 am
Week 128
Friday - 09/16/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Legs too sore
Bench Press Chest too sore
Romanian Deadlift Legs too sore


ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 5

DB Lunges
75's x 6/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                     >> 45sec rests.
185 x 5
235 x 8
235 x 5
235 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5               >> PR'd... should I aim for 8 reps or move up in weight?
315 x 1
405 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
520 x 10               >> 45sec rests.
520 x 8
520 x 6

Negative Dragon Flags
6                   >> 60sec rests.

Let's see how my legs recover from no bike riding this weekend, and no daily-ish squats.

damn. beast af RDL ..  :ibsquatting:

also as far as senior level stuff goes.. I still don't even feel good applying to things like that.. i dno why. I have some decent experience now. When I didn't have any experience, I wouldn't even attempt to apply for something senior level. My self-confidence is perhaps a bit wrecked lmao. I guess it always has been. I've always had this voice in my head that doubts everything I want to do ... It's a constant battle... lmao. /raptor-moment.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 19, 2016, 05:16:15 pm
^ Turns out their "senior system analyst" is just a catch-all term for anyone that works at their IT help desk. They have one help desk for the company. So really it's just a help desk position, but I told them I'm looking for around 75k per year base salary. they will interview me tomorrow

on the other hand i met a senior manager at deloitte at school today who does cyber security for them. we hit it off and he gave me his card, told me to email him my resume and that he'll give me input. he will also find out who the recruiter is for deloitte at the career fair this wednesday and have them expect me and make sure my resume makes it higher up. what an awesome guy. hes actually an adjunct professor at my school and teaches a cyber security class i didn't know my school offered. it's not part of the master's degree. kind of wish i could take it though. he also told me he could see me doing consulting (i told him thats what i wanted to do) since i seemed polished and engaging. nice to hear that after being told i'm shy my whole life pretty much.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 19, 2016, 05:18:47 pm
Week 129
Monday - 09/19/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Warm up to 315 x 1
Bench Press Warm up to 225 x 1
Romanian Deadlift Warm up to 405 x 1
>> Seemed really stiff this morning. This was harder than the warm ups last week.


Bench Press
45 x 20                       >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 6
225 x 3
225 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 8                 >> 2min rest.
80's x 4                 >> The dumbells at this gym were awkard, making this tougher.

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 8
50's x 5
45's x 8
45's x 5
40's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                        >> 2min rests.
220 x 3
240 x 10 PR
240 x 5 PR
240 x 4 PR

Pull ups
BW x 5
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 4
+90lbs x 2
+90lbs x 1

Unilateral Chest Supported DB Rows
50's x 12/arm PR

adarqui i responded on the prev page
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 20, 2016, 01:53:58 pm
Week 129
Tuesday - 09/19/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Warm up to 335 x 1
Bench Press Warm up to 235 x 1
Romanian Deadlift Warm up to 405 x 1
>> Felt great... much easier than yesterday.


ATG Squat
135 x 8               >> Could have hit 4 maybe 5, but am saving it for next time.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
330 x 3

DB Lunges
80's x 5/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5
185 x 5
235 x 10

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 1
415 x 3 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
520 x 10

Negative Dragon Flags

Was pressed for time so I didn't do many sets of anything.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 21, 2016, 11:46:34 pm

did not lift in the AM. absolutely hectic and stressful day.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on September 21, 2016, 11:59:08 pm

did not lift in the AM. absolutely hectic and stressful day.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 22, 2016, 01:45:16 pm

did not lift in the AM. absolutely hectic and stressful day.


i cant even remember right now exactly, but it was a combination of homework, traveling to meet with recruiters, a career fair, and the biggest issue was that my school is screwing up their job application process for other companies. My schools a portal where i can apply to many entry level positions to other companies based on what those companies are looking for. I was getting issues like "you do not qualify for this job because your major isn't one of the listed accepted majors for this position" meanwhile you scroll down and it's like "Accepted majors: computer science, information systems, management of information systems, cybersecurity" WTF.

so it wasn't letting me apply to EY and Deloitte which I really want to give a shot at. so i was drafting up screenshots and emails to my school and to the companies and asking for alternate means of applying and all that.

as of today (thursday) some of the issues have been solved though, so that's nice.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on September 22, 2016, 02:11:36 pm
^ Turns out their "senior system analyst" is just a catch-all term for anyone that works at their IT help desk. They have one help desk for the company. So really it's just a help desk position,

wtf? lmao!!

but I told them I'm looking for around 75k per year base salary. they will interview me tomorrow

on the other hand i met a senior manager at deloitte at school today who does cyber security for them. we hit it off and he gave me his card, told me to email him my resume and that he'll give me input. he will also find out who the recruiter is for deloitte at the career fair this wednesday and have them expect me and make sure my resume makes it higher up. what an awesome guy. hes actually an adjunct professor at my school and teaches a cyber security class i didn't know my school offered. it's not part of the master's degree. kind of wish i could take it though. he also told me he could see me doing consulting (i told him thats what i wanted to do) since i seemed polished and engaging. nice to hear that after being told i'm shy my whole life pretty much.

pretty cool. man u got lots of connections now it seems - good stuff.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on September 22, 2016, 07:50:46 pm

did not lift in the AM. absolutely hectic and stressful day.


i cant even remember right now exactly, but it was a combination of homework, traveling to meet with recruiters, a career fair, and the biggest issue was that my school is screwing up their job application process for other companies. My schools a portal where i can apply to many entry level positions to other companies based on what those companies are looking for. I was getting issues like "you do not qualify for this job because your major isn't one of the listed accepted majors for this position" meanwhile you scroll down and it's like "Accepted majors: computer science, information systems, management of information systems, cybersecurity" WTF.

so it wasn't letting me apply to EY and Deloitte which I really want to give a shot at. so i was drafting up screenshots and emails to my school and to the companies and asking for alternate means of applying and all that.

as of today (thursday) some of the issues have been solved though, so that's nice.

Yeah it's a stressful period trying to find your first graduate job. I graduated in 2012 and it took me until 2014 to get my first professional job (spent 2013 working in a factory).The only advice I can give is stay positive and don't let any rejections dent your confidence. Use every interview as a learning experience and always ask for feedback if you don't secure the position (I never used to follow-up and ask for feedback until recently :uhhhfacepalm:).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 23, 2016, 10:53:27 am
I graduated with my 4 year degree in May 2014 and still haven't found a related position... this master's degree and certifications better change that. worked as a property manager for almost 2 years in that time.

i like to follow up and ask why i wasn't hired, but i've never gotten a response yet ha
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 23, 2016, 10:57:01 am
Week 129
Thursday - 09/22/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Giving legs a rest
Bench Press Warm up to 235 x 1
Romanian Deadlift Giving legs a rest


Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
235 x 4 (lots of spotter help)

Pull ups
BW x 5
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 9 PR                 >> 2min rest.
80's x 6 PR                 >> Probably PR'd in these since I didn't burn out on the bench.

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 6 PR

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 10

Unilateral Chest Supported DB Rows
55's x 8/arm PR

Incline Rear Delt DB W Flyes
45's x 8

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
130 x 15

Too tired. Just did a few sets of different things.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2016, 12:11:38 pm
i like to follow up and ask why i wasn't hired, but i've never gotten a response yet ha

can i ask how you're asking the question? as a hiring manager i try to respond to people when they ask, if they're polite and open about it. if someone just writes "why wasn't i hired?" i might just think "cause you weren't good enough, dumbass" and delete the email. but if they write to say, "disappointed that i didn't get the job, but good luck with whomever you did hire. could you tell me what, if anything, i could do better in my next interview?" then i don't mind taking a few minutes to give feedback.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 23, 2016, 05:48:34 pm
^ That's very similar to what I write. I always try to appear professional when it comes to employer contacting. I also try to keep the follow up short and sweet so they don't just say "ah you werent hired and i'm not reading all that goodbye" and delete the email.

Btw, my top 3 job choices I'm gunning for right now:

1. Deloitte - Cyber Risk Services - Consultant
2. Stroz Friedberg - Cyber Associate
3. EY - Technology Advisory Program - Consultant (here I get placed into different engagements, not just cybersecurity. probably no cybersecurity for a year or more, depends on how I can network - EY recruiter told me i had a very impressive resume)

here's the description for #1, an actual entry level position with no 3+ years of experience required oh thank god:

Work You’ll Do
As a Consultant in Cyber Risk, you will partner with our clients to design and implement solutions that integrate security into their processes, and improve their ability to detect and respond to cyber attacks, so they can achieve business growth and manage reputational risks. You’ll build on your foundations in Information Technology and Business to design and implement business-aligned cyber risk management programs, processes, and systems that help clients focus their investments on key information technology risks. Specific areas of work could include:
•   Deploying various technologies to establish data privacy and security controls
•   Helping to improve application security
•   Managing system and software vulnerabilities
•   Establishing methods for securing “smart” devices
•   Developing advanced cyber monitoring and security analytics solutions
•   Establishing cyber crisis management capabilities
•   Providing cyber forensics and incident response support

The Team
At Deloitte we view cyber risk as primarily a business challenge. Understanding that even the most well-secured clients will occasionally experience serious cyber incidents, we developed the Secure.Vigilant.Resilient.™ framework to help them take a more comprehensive approach so they can thrive, even in the face of escalating threats. It takes advanced technologies to address cyber risk, but it also takes strong threat awareness and analytic capabilities, solid preparedness to respond to a crisis, and strong leadership and governance processes to keep things focused on what really matters to the organization. Deloitte stands out as one of the few firms that can offer our clients the full range of capabilities needed to build comprehensive cyber risk programs. Every year we serve hundreds of clients across every major industry sector. Our Cyber Risk Services teams work at both the C-suite level, and the technology operations level. This broad vantage point enables us to offer the most informed, innovative advisory services. By joining our team, you’ll be part of developing the future state of cyber risk solutions. Learn more about our Cyber Risk Services practice.

•   Bachelor or Master of Science/Business Administration with a concentration in computer science, information systems, information security, math, decision sciences, risk management, engineering (mechanical, electrical, industrial) or other business/technology disciplines
•   Relevant work experience (e.g. internships, summer positions, school jobs)
•   Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects/assignments/responsibilities in a fast-paced environment
•   Demonstrated leadership and strong verbal and written communication skills
•   Demonstrated problem solving and critical thinking skills
•   Travel up to 80% may be required, dependent on role and location
•   Strong academic track record (minimum GPA of 3.2)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on September 23, 2016, 09:51:45 pm
i like to follow up and ask why i wasn't hired, but i've never gotten a response yet ha

can i ask how you're asking the question? as a hiring manager i try to respond to people when they ask, if they're polite and open about it. if someone just writes "why wasn't i hired?" i might just think "cause you weren't good enough, dumbass" and delete the email. but if they write to say, "disappointed that i didn't get the job, but good luck with whomever you did hire. could you tell me what, if anything, i could do better in my next interview?" then i don't mind taking a few minutes to give feedback.

nice. i've also responded in similar situations.. because man it does suck to be on the other end of that and never get a response.. can feel like a void (which is just much better filled - even if just a little). I remember one time absolutely killing an interview (they were already prepping me for the next interview) and never hearing back .. to this day I still think they found a youtube video of mine and thought I was insane. That's my only explanation - lmao.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 23, 2016, 11:49:37 pm
Week 129
Friday - 09/23/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


ATG Squat
135 x 8               >> Felt good. Moving up to 335 next workout.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
330 x 5

DB Lunges
80's x 7/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                 >> 45sec rests
185 x 5
235 x 10
235 x 8
235 x 6

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                 >> Whoa didn't expect to hit 6!
315 x 1
415 x 6 PR

Standing Calf Raise Machine
520 x 12             >> 45sec rests.
520 x 10
520 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags
10                >> 60sec rest.

Felt great today. Also notice I've been PRing in various things lately -- this started happening RIGHT AFTER i upped my protein to 100g or more per day. That night I had 100g, the next day I've been hitting PRs non stop. Not in all lifts, but still a decent amount. My squat also started increasing consinstently since then. I was getting like 50g protein max a day before then. Ordered some whey and boom.

to this day I still think they found a youtube video of mine and thought I was insane. That's my only explanation - lmao.

lol'd irl hahah
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 26, 2016, 12:35:25 pm
Week 130
Monday - 09/26/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Warmed up to 245 x 1.
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                  >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 4
235 x 2
235 x 1

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5              >> 2min rests.
225 x 3
245 x 7 PR
245 x 5 PR
245 x 4 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10 PR                 >> 2min rest.
80's x 4

Pull ups
BW x 5                 >> 2min rests.
+30lbs x 3                 >> Wtf happened here. Should be hitting 5 reps again by now.
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 3
+90lbs x 1
+45lbs x 6
BW x 8

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                 >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3                 >> Switching to strict lateral raises soon with my back against a wall.
50's x 10
50's x 2
45's x 8
45's x 6
45's x 4

Unilateral Chest Supported DB Rows
55's x 10/arm PR           >> 60sec rest.
55's x 5/arm PR

Incline Rear Delt DB W Flyes
45's x 8

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
140 x 15 PR

Excited about lifting this week. Benched 245x1 this morning and it was easy. I think I'll be able to max at 275x1 in a week or so. This extra protein I have been getting is making a real difference.

Not excited about my weekly binge eating. 196.8lbs this morning, probably 195-196 post poop.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 27, 2016, 11:56:04 am
Week 130
Tuesday - 09/27/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat
135 x 8               >> Had 5 in me but didn't feel like going for it.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 4

DB Lunges
80's x 8/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                 >> 45sec rests
185 x 5
235 x 10
235 x 6
235 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5                 >> Screamed on last two reps.
365 x 1
405 x 8 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
520 x 12             >> 45sec rests.
520 x 10
520 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags

Excellent workout. Have an extremely busy day, so I may pop in late at night to get some quick benching in in the PM instead of AM.

My professor, who works at EY and teaches one of my current classes, says I can put him down as a reference and he'll put in a good word for me. So that's 1 reference for EY and 2 for Deloitte I have now. Also 1 for Stroz Friedberg (my older professor who published a damn paper with Mr. Friedberg himself lmao).

Also been getting calls from recruiters lately about security jobs. I rarely really qualify for them, but there's a couple of companies that may call me in for an interview. I also get a few emails every week about security positions from general staffing recruiters that require like 5+ years experience dammit. But man, changing up my resume under the direction of a KPMG recruiter, EY recruiter, and my school's career counselors is making a HUGE difference!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 29, 2016, 11:26:35 pm
Week 130
Thursday - 09/29/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Warmed up to 225 x 1.
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                  >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                     >> One rep away from tying my PR.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 5
235 x 1
235 x 2

Pull ups
BW x 5                 >> 2min rest.
+30lbs x 3                 >> I think the reason I can't hit 4-5 reps anymore is because my ROM is increasing.
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 3
+90lbs x 3 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 8 PR

Strict DB Lateral Raises
30's x 10     >> Did these with my back and head against a wall. Don't know how I feel about them yet.

Wasn't feeling good (car sick and low sleep) so I cut my workout short. Still managed to increase on some lifts.

Very disappointed in my inability to resist overeating. I should be at like 188lbs by now. Recently I've also been procrastinating with my schoolwork like crazy... the complete opposite of doing something crazy like passing my CISSP in 5 weeks. Been doing some reading and there could be an underlying issue that is causing both. Has to do with reward pathways to the brain and stuff... low dopamine causes procrastination by way of lowering motivation. Low motivation makes it harder to resist food as well when cutting (think low will power!).

Low dopamine could be caused by lack of sleep and other things.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 30, 2016, 05:40:15 pm
Another study hack. Breezing through my dense readings with this:

Not only can I read faster that way in terms of words per minute, but my comprehension increases. Wow. And on top of that I dont have to keep re-reading paragraphs.

Higher speeds and an explanation of how it works here:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on October 01, 2016, 02:05:56 pm
Week 130
Thursday - 09/29/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Warmed up to 225 x 1.
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                  >> 2min rests.
95 x 5                     >> One rep away from tying my PR.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 5
235 x 1
235 x 2

Pull ups
BW x 5                 >> 2min rest.
+30lbs x 3                 >> I think the reason I can't hit 4-5 reps anymore is because my ROM is increasing.
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 3
+90lbs x 3 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 8 PR

Strict DB Lateral Raises
30's x 10     >> Did these with my back and head against a wall. Don't know how I feel about them yet.

Wasn't feeling good (car sick and low sleep) so I cut my workout short. Still managed to increase on some lifts.

Very disappointed in my inability to resist overeating. I should be at like 188lbs by now. Recently I've also been procrastinating with my schoolwork like crazy... the complete opposite of doing something crazy like passing my CISSP in 5 weeks. Been doing some reading and there could be an underlying issue that is causing both. Has to do with reward pathways to the brain and stuff... low dopamine causes procrastination by way of lowering motivation. Low motivation makes it harder to resist food as well when cutting (think low will power!).

Low dopamine could be caused by lack of sleep and other things.

i'm always going up & down like that.. it absolutely sucks.

maybe u need some long walks again? zone out for several hours and empty your mind a bit.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 01, 2016, 02:57:10 pm
Week 130
Friday - 09/30/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Warmed up to 245 x 1.
Romanian Deadlift Rested


ATG Squat
135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 6

DB Lunges
85's x 5/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                 >> 45sec rests
185 x 5
235 x 10
235 x 8
235 x 6

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5
365 x 1
425 x 6 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
520 x 15             >> 45sec rests.
520 x 8
520 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags
8              >> 60sec rests.

Squat still increasing steadily. About 5lbs per week or something. Jumping up to 345 next week. Basically what I do now is aim for 6 reps, then go up 10lbs so my next workout is 3-4 reps. It's a form of wave-loading on a macro level, actually.

RDL was good. Damn. I jump between aiming for 6 reps and 8 reps depending on what I'm in the mood for.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 01, 2016, 02:58:52 pm

i'm always going up & down like that.. it absolutely sucks.

maybe u need some long walks again? zone out for several hours and empty your mind a bit.

I've been starting to walk 5-8 miles a day again. Helps keep the calorie balance down. Hopefully it'll help with concentration too. I like to review my CISSP note cards while doing it so that I keep all that material fresh in my head. It's not a lot of cards to review every day (spaced repetition) since I'm not adding new material. But man, I have to read some textbooks for class and I can't bring myself to do it :/
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 03, 2016, 05:02:22 pm
Week 131
Monday - 10/03/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Warmed up to 225 x 1.
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                   >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                     >> Improved after first set here. Might be a while until I hit 6-7 reps on first set.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 5
235 x 3
235 x 2

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 9                    >> 2min rest.
80's x 3                    >> Dammit.

Strict DB Lateral Raises
25's x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 3                       >> Doing these standing up with my back against the wall.
35's x 6                      >> Don't like them too much really... I'll figure something out.
35's x 5
30's x 8
30's x 6
30's x 5

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                    >> 2min rests.
225 x 3
245 x 8
245 x 5
245 x 4

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+30lbs x 3                >> ROM has improved a lot on these. Now it's chin over bar on almost all of first set.
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 4
+90lbs x 2
+90lbs x 1

Unilateral Chest Supported DB Rows
60's x 10 PR                 >> 60sec rest.
60's x 5 PR

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
45's x 8

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
150 x 12 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 04, 2016, 06:55:06 pm
had an interview today for an info sec compliance position for a union. i asked for 62k. i'm not looking to work there, the commute is too damn far for my tastes! went great though and they want me back for another interview. just did it for resume experience and to leverage a potential offer against other offers. on the other hand... their benefits cant be beat. 100% covered insurance and 10% 401k matching. these guys even have their own clinic in their building, and the day ends at 4:30pm no matter what (union job). i should ask about overtime opportunities actually, as well as vacation.

EY also emailed me telling me they will interview me. Great! That's next thursday.

still waiting to hear from deloitte and stroz friedberg. I'm pretty sure deloitte will email me as well. stroz friedberg, not so sure. when i first applied my resume sucked. i did update it with a new one by emailing them and them confirming my application has been updated, but i dont trust it so much. theres no other way to update it on their site though :/

another school career fair tomorrow.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 05, 2016, 01:20:09 am
Week 131
Tuesday - 10/03/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


ATG Squat
135 x 10
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
345 x 4

DB Lunges
85's x 6/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                 >> 45sec rests
185 x 5
235 x 10
235 x 8
235 x 6

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5
365 x 1
415 x 8 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
530 x 12 PR             >> 45sec rests.
530 x 10 PR
530 x 8 PR

Negative Dragon Flags

I'm glad to start nearing more respectable weights on my squats again. If i could be at 375x5 by new years i will be very happy. It's a very reachable goal too. Have a ton of bounce coming out of the hole again too. For a while my bar speed wasn't up to par on my <6RM work.

^ check out the improvement on those :D
Reps arent strict of course. Im stopping and resting at the bottom which mames it way easier. But at least on the way back up i'm somewhat strict. Helps to jerk a little and then straighten out. But i know with time ill be able to do these a la bruce lee

Also cool: 415x8 puts me over a 5 plate max!!!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 07, 2016, 11:44:05 am
Week 131
Thursday - 10/06/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                   >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 5
235 x 3
235 x 2

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+30lbs x 3                >> Just too tired.
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 4
+45lbs x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 9                    >> 2min rest.
80's x 3                    >> Dammit.

Strict DB Lateral Raises
25's x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 3                       >> Doing these strict seems to target my front delts more than my lateral delts.
35's x 10 PR
35's x 6 PR
30's x 10 PR
30's x 8 PR
30's x 6 PR

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                    >> 2min rests.
225 x 3
245 x 9 PR
245 x 3
245 x 3

Unilateral Chest Supported DB Rows
60's x 10 PR                            >> 60sec rest.
60's x 5 PR

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
40's x 8

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
160 x 12 PR

Felt like a crappy workout, but upon writing this log entry I realized I hit a few PR's. I guess it's just the pull ups I wasn't happy about.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: seifullaah73 on October 08, 2016, 08:05:25 am
I see the PR's are coming nicely.

I agree that dragon flag is very difficult, I think I managed to do it but my bw was around under 60kg, I used to do it on the floor holding the underside of my bed lol, it is really difficult. But I can see you're making good progress towards it.

keep it up.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 09, 2016, 09:13:56 am
Week 131
Friday - 10/07/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


ATG Squat
135 x 10                 >> Man this was tough.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
345 x 5

DB Lunges
85's x 7/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                 >> 45sec rests
185 x 5
235 x 12 PR
235 x 8 PR
235 x 6 PR

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5
365 x 1
435 x 6 PR

Smith Machine Calf Raises
225 x 5             >> 45sec rests.
315 x 12
315 x 10
315 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 12, 2016, 06:24:53 pm
Week 132
Monday - 10/10/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                   >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                     >> Tied my PR!
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 6
235 x 2
235 x 2

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                    >> 2min rests.
225 x 3
245 x 10 PR
245 x 4 PR
245 x 3 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 4                    >> 2min rest.
85's x 2                    >> Uh oh... noticed some pain in my right shoulder... keeping an eye on this.

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3                >> Haven't been improving on these.
+60lbs x 1                >> May switch to a cluster set of 1 rep every minute for 10 minutes.
+90lbs x 3
+90lbs x 1
+90lbs x 1

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 12 PR
50's x 6 PR
50's x 4 PR

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
160 x 15 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 12, 2016, 06:32:21 pm
Week 132
Tuesday - 10/11/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


ATG Squat
135 x 10                   >> Screamed a little on last rep.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
345 x 6

DB Lunges
85's x 8/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                 >> 45sec rests
185 x 5               >> Will move up 10lbs next workout.
235 x 14 PR
235 x 9 PR
235 x 6 PR

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5            >> I just can't stop improving on these!
365 x 1
425 x 8 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
550 x 10 PR             >> 45sec rests.
550 x 8 PR
550 x 6 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
10                   >> 60sec rests.

Awesome workout! Squats just got very tough by the way.

Haven't been lifting in the mornings because I've been so busy with... INTERVIEWS! Already did a second interview for union infosec position, but it's far from my house. Did a 2nd interview for a company i don't want to work with (just doing it for interview experience) but they called me back for a final round this Friday. Tomorrow I do the first interview with EY. last night i went to a reception hosted by EY and met my interviewer. Cool guy, my age, we hit it off, spoke for about 40min so I'm damn sure i'll get passed the first round. deloitte interview on monday. An NYC job fair on tuesday.

Things are looking up :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 14, 2016, 01:20:46 pm
Week 132
Thursday - 10/13/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                   >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                     >> What the hell I dropped by 3 reps! Hit 6 last time.
135 x 5                   >> Maybe it's because I don't bench in the mornings anymore...
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 3
235 x 2
235 x 1

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 5
+90lbs x 3 PR
+90lbs x 2 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 5                    >> 2min rest.
85's x 4

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                    >> 2min rests.
225 x 3                    >> Just too tired to do more.
245 x 7

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 12
50's x 8 PR
50's x 5 PR

Incline DB Rear Delt W Flyes
40's x 8

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 10 PR

Crap workout. Wasn't really feeling it. Somehow did great on pullups and delts though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 15, 2016, 03:19:34 pm
Week 132
Friday - 10/14/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


ATG Squat
135 x 10                   >> These have gotten crazy hard now.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 4

DB Lunges
90's x 4/leg PR      >> Shit it's like I hit a wall on these.

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5
185 x 5
245 x 10 PR

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5            >> Ah man this was hard.
365 x 1
445 x 3 PR

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
550 x 12 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 17, 2016, 03:58:01 pm
Interviewed for Deloitte Cyber Risk Services - Consultant position today. Did very well. It's not official yet, but a little birdie told me I would be moving onto the 2nd/final round.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 18, 2016, 08:01:50 pm
Week 133
Monday - 10/17/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                   >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                     >> Stuck here again. Going to bench slightly more narrow now to protect my shoulder.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
235 x 3
235 x 2
235 x 1

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                    >> 2min rests.
225 x 3
245 x 10
245 x 5 PR
245 x 4 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 60sec rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 5
+90lbs x 1
+90lbs x 2

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 6 PR                    >> 2min rest.
85's x 4

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 12
50's x 8
50's x 5

Incline DB Rear Delt W Flyes
40's x 10

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 18, 2016, 08:10:43 pm
Week 133
Tuesday - 10/18/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


ATG Squat
135 x 10                   >> Very upset I dropped from 4 to 3 reps. Added some back up sets.
135 x 5                     >> I did most of the warm up sets with a band around my knees.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 3
315 x 4
225 x 3 (paused)

Barbell Lunges
15 x 5/leg

Single Leg Leg Presses
Random weights for 3 sets

135 x 5              >> Couldn't RDL at this gym, so did these.
225 x 3              >> As expected, I have no strength off the ground.
315 x 1
405 x 0
365 x 1

Prone Single Leg Leg Curls
3 sets of 6-10 reps/leg

Calf Complex
Man I hate lifting someone else's routine

Weird ab crunch machine thing
4 x 25 of idn wtf weight

Yeah I'm putting an end to lifting with friends at their gym. I can't stand it. Sometimes I just can't say no to their workout, but even if I do, I can't even do my own workout properly. Couldn't RDL anywhere. Can't deadlift it up to an RDL either since my RDL > Dead by a lot.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 18, 2016, 08:14:46 pm
Got a job offer for information security in queens. starting salary is pretty good, and they pay back my FICA taxes too. health benefits cant be beat. 10% 401k whether i contribute or not. 35hr work week. pension. OT is paid at time and a half, if needed (which is rare). it's a union position! so job security is excellent.

i come from a low income family and my family income is very low. so this is big news to me. it's a bit surreal in fact. this changes a lot for my family. only reason we aren't homeless is because we don't pay rent and utilities (father's a super). with a job like this, my parents can move back overseas where its dirt cheap and i can support them with a little stipend. they have no retirement savings. hopefully some SS income though. no clue exactly. at least they have homes and families back there though.

but do i want it? no actually. its a 90min commute away. I'm not looking to throw away 3 hours of daily on NYC buses and trains. HOWEVER, deloitte officially called me for a final round interview... and i may have a spot in queens to live (subletting from a friend i know). much better than living in some random area of queens and being depressed because i have no friends around. i wouldnt accept this job if it werent for that.

so my ideal scenario is:
next friday: deloitte interview
next saturday: sublet my friend's apt in queens (40min commute from work) and move in
monday after: start my new job (hoping i can push it back this far)
june 2017: quit and travel europe for 3 months
sept 2017: start new job with deloitte

still waiting to hear back from EY though. pretty sure i'm making it to the final round there too. have no clue when the interview is though. it may conflict with my new job, but thats okay. ill take a day off.

but man, i can't tell you how good it feels to have been busting my ass this year with a condensed 1 year masters degree + 4 certifications AND i worked fulltime for the first 7 months of it, and have it finally start paying off. didnt want to bore all of you guys with how my interviews went in stuff, but i have been knocking them out of the park.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: seifullaah73 on October 19, 2016, 11:38:19 am
It's not a bore, we all wish everyone on here succeeds wether in his sport or in life and it's good to see its finally paying off. Good luck with the job. Have you planned out how you would juggle between your work and lifting.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 19, 2016, 09:02:00 pm
It's not a bore, we all wish everyone on here succeeds wether in his sport or in life and it's good to see its finally paying off. Good luck with the job. Have you planned out how you would juggle between your work and lifting.

Thanks, its nice to hear that. My new place has a gym across the street from me and its $10 a month. It kinda sucks though and i havent been there in a while, but im pretty sure it has all i need! No its not planet fitness lol.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: ChrisM on October 19, 2016, 09:23:45 pm
Agreed with seifullaah73, we're a pretty tight group on here for most of us having never met. Its motivational seeing you guys reach goals in the gym, on the court AND in life. Good work man!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 19, 2016, 11:29:18 pm
Thanks, I love this board

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 21, 2016, 01:22:20 pm
Didnt lift yesterday so I'll lift today and tomorrow and be on track.

i think i'll study for the CISA exam next. Not sure yet. Maybe CRISC. Depends on what my job will entail, and if deloitte/EY hire me, depending on what they would most likely have me doing for work. But definitely not going to study for anything until i finish my MS though. Which is only about 8 weeks away!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on October 21, 2016, 04:36:10 pm
x2 @ seifullaah73 & chrisM

I didn't know you would be helping out your family so much once you get a high paying job.. that's awesome stuff. Makes everything you've been doing to prepare for your career even more special. It's going to feel amazing when you can help them out the way you want to.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 22, 2016, 09:13:32 am
Week 133
Friday - 10/21/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                   >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                     >> Going ever so slightly narrower on the grip. Still wide though.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
255 x 1
235 x 3
235 x 2
235 x 2

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                    >> 2min rests.
225 x 3
245 x 5

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 4
+90lbs x 2
+90lbs x 1
+90lbs x 1
+90lbs x 1

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 4

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 12

Just too tired.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 25, 2016, 10:36:42 am
Week 134
Tuesday - 10/25/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                   >> 2min rests.
95 x 8                     >> Slight improvement. Still getting used to the narrower grip.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
255 x 1
235 x 4
235 x 2
235 x 1
235 x 1
235 x 1

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                    >> 2min rests.
225 x 3
245 x 10
245 x 6 PR
245 x 5 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 4                >> 2min rest.
80's x 6                >> I should be stronger than this.

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 5
+90lbs x 2
+90lbs x 1
+90lbs x 1
+90lbs x 1

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3                       >> Have to find a new delt exercise. Maybe I'll try DB presses again.
50's x 15 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 28, 2016, 03:38:00 pm
Week 134
Thursday - 10/27/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


ATG Squat
135 x 10                   >> Could have hit 4 but went easy.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 3

DB Lunges
90's x 6/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5
185 x 5
245 x 10

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5            >> Ah man this was hard.
365 x 1
425 x 5

Standing Calf Raise Machine
555 x 8 PR

Negative Dragon Flags

My lifts were a little low on squat and RDL but that's because I haven't done legs in a while. But I can feel it:  they're going to consistently improve for a little while longer. Probably because I've been eating like shit and gained weight lol. But hey, I wasn't making progress at ~190lbs so I'll stick around 195-197 and then cut to 190 when it's VJ time.

Had my final interview with Deloitte this morning. Lots of competition there. 2 interviews back to back. Did not seem to make a single mistake. It felt very conversational. I'm hoping my master's and CISSP pull me through. Nobody else I spoke passed the CISSP already, and only a couple of other people I'm competing against have a master's (and only one of them in security - mostly info systems).

I have a good feeling. Should get an answer next week or the week after :D
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 30, 2016, 04:59:26 pm
Week 134
Friday - 10/28/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                   >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
255 x 1
235 x 4
235 x 2
235 x 1
235 x 1
235 x 1
205 x 6
185 x 4

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 4
+90lbs x 2
+90lbs x 1
+90lbs x 1
+90lbs x 1
+75lbs x 5
+50lbs x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 4                >> 2min rest.
80's x 6                >> Stuck here dammit.

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                    >> 2min rests.
225 x 3
245 x 6

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                       >> 60sec rests.
45's x 3
50's x 15
50's x 8 PR

Incline DB Rear Delt W Flyes
40's x 10

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 12 PR
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 30, 2016, 05:01:20 pm
deloitte has completely consumed my thoughts. i want that job so fucking badly. i've studied my ass off getting a 3.9 GPA so far, got 4 certifications, read about security on my own time, went on a bunch of interviews for jobs I didn't want just for interview experience, got a new suit for the interviews and always look crisp, attended all the information sessions and receptions to make connections, searched up common Big 4 interview questions and had answers/scenarios prepared in my head numerous days in advance, went to various career fairs, visited my schools career services office for interview advice and resume advice, met up with various recruiters for resume advice.... everything

should get an answer this coming week. going to email deloitte's head recruiter and let her know i have a couple of other offers. that should speed up the process and play in my favor (higher chance of getting an offer + higher pay)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on October 31, 2016, 04:48:40 pm
deloitte has completely consumed my thoughts. i want that job so fucking badly. i've studied my ass off getting a 3.9 GPA so far, got 4 certifications, read about security on my own time, went on a bunch of interviews for jobs I didn't want just for interview experience, got a new suit for the interviews and always look crisp, attended all the information sessions and receptions to make connections, searched up common Big 4 interview questions and had answers/scenarios prepared in my head numerous days in advance, went to various career fairs, visited my schools career services office for interview advice and resume advice, met up with various recruiters for resume advice.... everything

should get an answer this coming week.

damn man i know the feeling.. really hope you get it.

going to email deloitte's head recruiter and let her know i have a couple of other offers. that should speed up the process and play in my favor (higher chance of getting an offer + higher pay)

that's an interesting move.. I did something similar in my previous job, had some legit offers and let them know.. so they hooked me up with a ridiculous raise. was fun. felt great at the time.. hah.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 01, 2016, 11:30:07 am
Week 135
Monday - 10/31/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
255 x 1
235 x 3

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 12 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 3

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 4

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 15

Was just not feeling it today. I have no idea where the PR in seated cable rows came from though.

going to email deloitte's head recruiter and let her know i have a couple of other offers. that should speed up the process and play in my favor (higher chance of getting an offer + higher pay)

that's an interesting move.. I did something similar in my previous job, had some legit offers and let them know.. so they hooked me up with a ridiculous raise. was fun. felt great at the time.. hah.

The recruiter told us after our interviews to let her know of any competing offers. Regardless, I would have done it anyway ha. Just trying to figure out how to play it...

my other offer looks ehhhh at first, but they pay back my FICA taxes (add 7.5%) and contribute 10% of my pay to my 401k whether or not i contribute myself (so add 10% to my salary), and pay my health premiums. based on a 35hr workweek, the pay per hour is excellent, so is the OT (which deloitte doesnt give). gotta love unions lmao. the only reasons im not taking this job is 1) it's a 90min commute and 2) almost no room to grow.

i'm just going to send the offer letter as is. then if i get an offer, I'm going to play hard to get lmao and run the numbers for them so they see I truly understand how my my competing offer is REALLY giving me ;)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 03, 2016, 12:28:59 pm
Week 135
Wednesday - 11/02/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


ATG Squat
135 x 10                   >> Could have hit 4 but went easy.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 1

DB Lunges
90's x 6/leg              >> Better form than last time.

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                     >> 45sec rests.
185 x 5
245 x 10
245 x 6 PR
245 x 5 PR

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 3
365 x 1

Standing Calf Raise Machine
555 x 10 PR                     >> 45sec rests.
555 x 8 PR
555 x 6 PR

I was too unmotivated, so I stopped early and didn't finish my RDL's or abs. Planned on coming back later, but decided to watch the world series so no time to lift.

I have to do something about my constant stalling. Man I've been doing like crap lately, lifting wise. Squatted only 355x1 today? I think I might run smolov jr for a few weeks to kick start this squat draught. Some quick CNS re-gains would do me well.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 04, 2016, 01:38:25 pm
Week 135
Friday - 11/04/16

-= Workout Log =-


Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
255 x 1
225 x 5

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                    >> How in the hell did I hit 12 reps of this last time?!
225 x 3
245 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> ROM has really improved on these!
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 4

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 15


ATG Squat
135 x 10
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 3

DB Lunges
90's x 8/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
95 x 5                     >> 45sec rests.
185 x 5
235 x 12
235 x 8
235 x 8

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 3                    >> PR is 8 reps. Sticking with this weight until I'm back to it.
365 x 1
425 x 6

Standing Calf Raise Machine
560 x 10 PR                     >> 45sec rests.
560 x 8 PR
560 x 6 PR

Going to hit lower body later today. It's unfathomable to me how I'm still stuck on the bench. Went down to 225lbs. No matter how many times I get to this weight, i can't seem to do better than 235x6. Been stuck here for years lol.

Going to buy creatine and get back on track with gains. Been stalling for too long. Also haven't been eating enough protein lately.

edit: Updated. felt an immediate improvement from the creatine. Or was it just placebo? Either way, I'll be consistent with it from now on.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 07, 2016, 11:43:46 pm
Week 136
Monday - 11/07/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


Bench Press
45 x 20                     >> 2min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
265 x 1
235 x 2
235 x 2
225 x 2

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> ROM increasing yet again.
+30lbs x 3               >> Opted for a drop set this time.
+60lbs x 1
+90lbs x 3
 +45lbs x 3
  BW x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 8               >> 2min rest.
85's x 5

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                 >> Still baffled by how I managed to hit 12 reps a couple weeks ago wtf!
225 x 3
245 x 5
 235 x 2
  205 x 3

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 15

Getting a bit depressed as to how I'm stalling. My knees also felt a little brittle (played some light outdoor bball yesterday) and my squat is nowhere near where it used to be. Plus  I weigh more. I feel like I'll never hit a 40 inch vert, never bench 315, and a few other things.

Good news: EY called me back for a final round interview this Friday. I'll be at their offices from 12:30pm to 4:00pm the lastest... wtf that's long. Behavioral interviews again. It's for forensic technology. Deloitte still hasn't gotten back to me with a decision. Probably won't tomorrow either (election day). Fingers crossed. The job in queens should get back to me this week and we will work out a start date.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 09, 2016, 12:23:39 am
Week 136
Tuesday - 11/09/16

-= Workout Log =-


ATG Squat Rested
Bench Press Rested
Romanian Deadlift Rested


ATG Squat
135 x 10                   >> 3min rest.
135 x 5                     >> Adding a back up set now. Looking to increase to 10 reps, then add weight.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 3
315 x 5

DB Lunges
90's x 8/leg PR

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5                   >> 45sec rests.
245 x 12 PR
245 x 5 PR
245 x 5 PR

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5              >> Dropping to 405 on these. Form isn't solid.
365 x 1
425 x 6

Standing Calf Raise Machine
560 x 8 PR               >> 45sec and 2min rests.
560 x 6 PR
560 x 5 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 11, 2016, 08:27:48 pm
Had my final round interviews for EY. Killed it. Also, what a beautiful office.
Still haven't heard back from Deloitte. Will probably take another 2 weeks.
Finished the background check for that other job in Queens (infosec compliance tech). Will be starting near the end of the month :)

Fingers crossed For Big 4!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 15, 2016, 07:15:45 pm
Week 137
Monday - 11/14/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 6

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 5                    >> Going to stick with 60lbs full ROM and work my way back to 90lbs.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 5

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 15

Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 10

Just noticed I forgot to update with last week's thursday workout. I missed the friday workout.

Just a quick workout today. Felt nice and refreshing.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 15, 2016, 07:22:49 pm
Got offers from both EY and Deloitte
 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

My hard work has paid off.


Both offered me the same salary.
EY Forensic Technology & eDiscovery Services
Deloitte Cyber Risk Services

Leaning towards deloitte since the projects and jobs seem closer to what I want to be doing. I will negotiate the offers with both of them though! Crazy how I'll be making literally double what I made at my last job. I didn't even get sick days. Just 2 weeks vacation, and I couldn't even take them at the same time. No health benefits before either.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on November 15, 2016, 07:38:49 pm
Very cool man. Congratulations.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on November 15, 2016, 09:06:07 pm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 15, 2016, 10:45:13 pm
fuck a gif, this calls for kool and the gang

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 15, 2016, 11:23:20 pm
Week 137
Tuesday - 11/15/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10                   >> 3min rest.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 3
315 x 6

DB Lunges
90's x 8/leg

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5                   >> 45sec rests.
255 x 10
255 x 6
255 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5              >> May drop to 385. Form still isn't where I want it to be.
365 x 1
405 x 6

Standing Calf Raise Machine
565 x 10 PR               >> 45sec and 2min rests.
565 x 6 PR
565 x 6 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5                   >> 60sec rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 19, 2016, 07:44:37 pm
Week 137
Thursday - 11/17/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5

Pull Ups
BW x 5
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 10

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 6

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 15

Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 19, 2016, 07:46:10 pm
Week 137
Friday - 11/18/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 3

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5
255 x 10

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5           >> Now the form is where I want it to be. Feels great.
315 x 3
405 x 1
365 x 10 PR

Standing Calf Raise Machine
570 x 10 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 21, 2016, 04:18:04 pm
Week 138
Monday - 11/21/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> Pretty sure I had 9 in me, which would have been a PR.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 8

Seated Cable Rows
195 x 5
225 x 3
255 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 10

Pull Ups
BW x 5
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 6

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 15

Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 12

Worked out at my gym's other location. Don't know what it is, but the equipment just felt better here. The weights didn't feel lighter, it's more that I sunk into the bench and felt very stable so I can push better. The grips on the pull up bars were better so I could pull better. Stuff like that. That's why I lifted more.

I wish this location was closer to my home!


On another note, I have finished all of my assignments for my MS degree ahead of time to let myself focuson on these two 5,000 word papers I have to write, IEEE style. Man I hate this shit. We got a new chair of the dept and he is teaching this "projects & internships" class which has nothing to do with internships at all. It's just paper writings and presentations. This guy wants to make the MS degree less hands on and more research based. WTF. The whole point of my uni's MS degree was to target it towards working professionals: it has weekend only classes, and the majority of the professors are in the industry, NOT phd's. So its more hands on work. Nobody in the industry is coming to this MS program to do research... they can go to NSA-accredited schools for that crap.

let me not even get into the fact that part of our grade is dependent on how "publishable" the papers are. the papers must talk about something *new* in the field, some type of advancement, and be worth something. and if it's really good, he'll help you edit it and put his name second on the paper and get you published.... yeah.... big red flag there..... all this fucker cares about is getting published. reminds me of those professors that assign their own textbooks as the required text.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 23, 2016, 01:35:50 pm
Week 138
Tuesday - 11/22/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> 3min rest.
135 x 5               >> Had 355x4 in me, but saved it for the backup set instead.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 3
315 x 7

DB Lunges
90's x 8/leg     >> Form is better yet. May increase to 9 reps next week.

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5            >> 45sec rests.
255 x 10
255 x 6 PR
255 x 5 PR

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
370 x 10 PR

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 3            >> 45sec rests.
570 x 10
570 x 6 PR
570 x 5 PR

Negative Dragon Flags

Pretty good workout. Start my new job next week, and I'll be taking creatine and a lot of whey daily. I expect some decent squat gains soon.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on November 23, 2016, 09:24:01 pm
Week 137
Monday - 11/21/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> Pretty sure I had 9 in me, which would have been a PR.
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 8

Seated Cable Rows
195 x 5
225 x 3
255 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
85's x 10

Pull Ups
BW x 5
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 6

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 15

Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 12

Worked out at my gym's other location. Don't know what it is, but the equipment just felt better here. The weights didn't feel lighter, it's more that I sunk into the bench and felt very stable so I can push better. The grips on the pull up bars were better so I could pull better. Stuff like that. That's why I lifted more.

I wish this location was closer to my home!


On another note, I have finished all of my assignments for my MS degree ahead of time to let myself focuson on these two 5,000 word papers I have to write, IEEE style. Man I hate this shit. We got a new chair of the dept and he is teaching this "projects & internships" class which has nothing to do with internships at all. It's just paper writings and presentations. This guy wants to make the MS degree less hands on and more research based. WTF. The whole point of my uni's MS degree was to target it towards working professionals: it has weekend only classes, and the majority of the professors are in the industry, NOT phd's. So its more hands on work. Nobody in the industry is coming to this MS program to do research... they can go to NSA-accredited schools for that crap.

let me not even get into the fact that part of our grade is dependent on how "publishable" the papers are. the papers must talk about something *new* in the field, some type of advancement, and be worth something. and if it's really good, he'll help you edit it and put his name second on the paper and get you published.... yeah.... big red flag there..... all this fucker cares about is getting published. reminds me of those professors that assign their own textbooks as the required text.


cringed while reading that.

fuck that life.

Pretty good workout. Start my new job next week, and I'll be taking creatine and a lot of whey daily. I expect some decent squat gains soon.

sick (to both job and coming soon squat gains)!!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on November 24, 2016, 12:36:19 am
Are you working at Deloitte or EY?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 24, 2016, 04:22:09 pm
^ picking deloitte for sure! I start that job summer/fall 2017 though, in line with people graduating in May. Heres what i could do at either:

EY Forensic Technology & eDiscovery Services:
- forensic data acquisition (cool!)
- data analytics (no thanks)
- eDiscovery (god no)

Deloitte Cyber Risk Services - Vigilant:
- forensic data acquisition
- secure software enablment
- managed services
- cyber threat intelligence
- security operations center (SOC) services
- SIEM services

So basically at deloitte i could do what i would have liked to do at EY plus more things!

But the really good thing is that i got into deloitte vigilant. Deloitte is broken down into secure-vigilant-resilient which is like a before-during-after security approach, and they also have a strategy/governance team on top. Vigilant is hardest to get into: its the most technical, a relatively small team (only about 8 vigilant entry level offers in NYC this year), and has the more down to earth people to boot. Everyone wants to be in vigilant.

But the kicker is, if i want, i can work on projects with the other teams too. You can read about them here:

Really its a no brainer to join deloitte. The pros to EY were that the FTDS team is small and doubling every 2 years, so i would be nearly guaranteed a promotion every 2 years till i got to manager level. Also EY's people are extremely friendly and supportive, you wont feel as much "corporate competition" there. If i had the chance to apply to their real cyber threat management team (they didnt recruit at my school) then i might have picked EY. It would be an easier commute for me too.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 27, 2016, 12:25:15 pm
missed my last 2 workouts this week

that's okay, starting my job tomorrow and sticking to my stuff hard. will probably go easy mon/tue so i dont get too sore to go much harder on thu/fri

time to cut as well. i probably weigh 200-205 right now... still have abs though? should take a pic. they seem to show even at higher bf%
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 28, 2016, 09:33:28 pm
Week 139
Monday - 11/28/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 5
185 x 10

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                      >> 2min rest.
225 x 3
245 x 5
200 x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 3

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 5
BW x 10

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                      >> 2min rest.
45's x 3
50's x 15
50's x 8

Unilateral Incline DB Rows
65's x 5/arm

Incline DB Rear Delt W Flyes
40's x 8

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 10

Sticking with mainly 2 work sets. I think this will work great for me. On the bigger lifts, I'm doing 5 reps then 10 reps. Mixed rep ranges have worked very well for me in the past.

Damn work was pretty boring. I would be so depressed working here if I didn't have deloitte at the end of the tunnel. The commute is long, and there's zero room for growth. Would be the perfect job to have (assuming the commute was short) once I'm in my 30's though, if I could land some higher level (well paying) position and want a good work/life balance and job security.

But i can't complain! I've finally stopped collecting unemployment benefits and can support myself  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 29, 2016, 12:24:55 pm
Should mention that im back to intermittent fasting. My weight will probably stay the same for the next few months, then i'll do a quick cut before the summer.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 30, 2016, 10:37:58 am
Week 139
Tuesday - 11/29/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10               >> Accidentally had unequal weight on the bar on the 380x1. Thought it was 375.
135 x 5                 >> Could only manage one rep at 355. I was too achy.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
335 x 1
380 x 1
355 x 1

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5
255 x 8

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                >> Should def hit 10 by next week when I'm not sick.
315 x 3
405 x 1
375 x 8

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 12

Negative Dragon Flags

Terrible workout. Felt pretty sick. Everything was painful. Can't wait to get over this.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 02, 2016, 08:39:07 am
Week 139
Thursday - 12/02/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                 >> I focused hard on bringing my scaps back and down. Stable!
135 x 5                >> Made the benching a little easier.
185 x 3
230 x 5
190 x 10

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+30lbs x 3                  >> Excellent form now.
+60lbs x 5
+5lbs x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 5

Seated Cable Rows
210 x 5                      >> 2min rest.
230 x 3
250 x 3
205 x 10

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                      >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 15
50's x 0
 45's x 8

Unilateral Incline DB Rows
65's x 8/arm PR

Incline DB Rear Delt W Flyes
40's x 8              >> I think I should drop to 30's and really focus on form. Activate the scaps and ext rots.

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 04, 2016, 11:27:57 am
Week 139
Saturday - 12/03/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10               >> Just too sleep deprived to do that back up set.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 3
315 x 1

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5                >> 45sec rests.
255 x 10
255 x 6
255 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 3
380 x 10 PR

Was supposed to lift Friday, but I was so sleep deprived I just didn't feel good at all.
Lifted Saturday instead, still pretty sleep deprived so I skipped my backup set of squats and skipped lunges completely. On Sunday I'll do my standing calf raises and abs to finish the week.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 04, 2016, 08:06:32 pm
Week 139
Sunday - 12/04/16

-= Workout Log =-

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 5
570 x 10
570 x 6 PR
570 x 5 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 06, 2016, 08:28:27 am
Week 140
Monday - 12/05/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8               >> I hate benching at this gym. I feel like I'm not entirely stable on the bench.
135 x 5              >> My gym's other location has a wider, more solid bench. I always bench more there.
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 5
195 x 10

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                      >> 2min rest.
225 x 3
255 x 5 PR
210 x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 5

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35bs x 3               >> ROM is crazy on these. Maybe only first 3 reps of +65lbs were to the very top though.
+65lbs x 5
+15lbs x 10

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                      >> 2min rest.
45's x 3
50's x 16 PR
50's x 5

Unilateral Incline DB Rows
65's x 8/arm

Incline DB Rear Delt W Flyes
30's x 8            >> Feels much better doing these with 30's and really activating the scaps.

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 12 PR

What a great workout. Seems like 2 work sets is the sweet spot for me! Also getting in a mix of high and low reps. I'll keep this up for a while and see how it works out.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 06, 2016, 09:12:37 pm
Week 140
Tuesday - 12/06/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> 3min rest.
135 x 5               >> Finally hit 4 reps! Moving up to 360lbs next.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
335 x 1
375 x 1
355 x 4
315 x 8

DB Lunges
90's x 6/leg     >> Haven't done these in a while so of course I dropped by 2 reps.

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5            >> 45sec rests.
255 x 9
255 x 5
255 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                     >> Should be able to hit 10 reps next time.
315 x 3
405 x 1
385 x 8

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 3            >> 45sec rests.
570 x 10
570 x 6
570 x 6 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5           >> Abs still very sore from Sunday so I cut it to 5.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 08, 2016, 09:33:39 pm
Week 140
Thursday - 12/08/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8               >> Wish I got 4 reps dammit!
135 x 5             >> I think my 10 rep PR is 210lbs but I'm not sure. It was easy today.
185 x 3
225 x 1
240 x 3
200 x 10

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35bs x 3               >> Got only 3 reps with the ROM I wanted on the heavy set.
+65lbs x 5
+15lbs x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                      >> 2min rest.
225 x 3                       >> Could have hit 6 and 12 it felt like.
250 x 5
210 x 10

That's all I did today. Just too lazy. Will do shoulders during tomorrows leg workout. And if I'm lazy tomorrow, I'll push calves and abs to Saturday.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 11, 2016, 01:09:14 pm
Week 140
Saturday - 12/10/16

-= Workout Log =-

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5        >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 16
50's x 6

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> The 385x1 was actually not too hard!
135 x 5               >> It feels so good to finally make gains in the squat.
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
360 x 3

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 2
385 x 10 PR

Ran out of time, that's all I could do. Feels amazing to go hard for one set on a few lifts and then that's it. I mean the physical feeling of how I feel afterward is great.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on December 12, 2016, 12:26:58 am
Week 140
Saturday - 12/10/16

-= Workout Log =-

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5        >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 16
50's x 6

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> The 385x1 was actually not too hard!
135 x 5               >> It feels so good to finally make gains in the squat.
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
360 x 3

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 2
385 x 10 PR

Ran out of time, that's all I could do. Feels amazing to go hard for one set on a few lifts and then that's it. I mean the physical feeling of how I feel afterward is great.

ya one top set is awesome.. your body holds back less, mind is less drained. it's a good feeling.

multiple sets is just so much more mentally draining.. too bad it's mostly required.. hah.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on December 12, 2016, 05:17:26 am
Damn how can you do 50's on the lateral raises for 16 reps I struggle with the 30's for sets of 12 yet besides that we have.pretty similar upperbody strength levels..just curious because I always thought that my shoulders are strong.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 12, 2016, 02:48:41 pm
Damn how can you do 50's on the lateral raises for 16 reps I struggle with the 30's for sets of 12 yet besides that we have.pretty similar upperbody strength levels..just curious because I always thought that my shoulders are strong.

A ton of cheating. Thing is, I used to do sets of 12 with 35's very strict, but doing it strict with 40's was completely impossible. There's just too much leverage to overcome. So I said screw it I'll just cheat from this point forward. Ended up at 50's now.

Funny how I can't do a strict set with 35's anymore though, but that's just a matter of movement efficiency. I could if I practiced it for just a couple of weeks.

I do them again today, I'll try recording them.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 12, 2016, 10:35:36 pm
Week 141
Monday - 12/12/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8               >> I might have hit 5 reps, can't remember. And that might be a bench PR, at my gym at least.
135 x 5             >> Either 205x10 or 210x10 is my PR. Can't remember right now. Too lazy to dig in my log.
185 x 3
225 x 1
240 x 4
205 x 10

Seated Cable Rows
210 x 5                      >> 2min rest.
225 x 3                       >> I've hit about 230x10 before, but not after a heavy set! So that's a PR.
255 x 5 PR
215 x 10 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35bs x 3               >> Got only 3 reps with the ROM I wanted on the heavy set (again).
+65lbs x 5
+20lbs x 8

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 16
50's x 5

Unilateral Chest Supported DB Rows
65's x 8/arm

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
30's x 12

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 12           >> Going to drop set these from now on.
 120 x 8

Workout felt great! Good to PR in rows! Hopefully I finally break through my bench plateau as well and get to 255x5 or something :)

Those are my lateral raises with 50's.
With 45's I can do no swinging, full ROM, arms bent.
WIth 40's I can do a bunch of the above ^
With 35's I can do the above but with locked elbows as well.

As you all probably know, I'm not a fan of bullshit ROM and form. But I don't really see any other way to progress on shoulders with lateral raises! I think I will start doing bb overhead presses again. The reason I avoided them for years is because my triceps would always take over the movement and my delts never grew. Now that my delts have caught up, and if I be sure to use proper form, I can do them and target my delts directly!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on December 13, 2016, 05:52:33 am
Okay I see... yes I'm sure it's pretty hard to progress on lateral raises with strict form I just recently started doing some because I want to pack some muscles on my shoulders... we'll see.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on December 13, 2016, 06:06:16 am
all other things being equal, more weight is better. i remember some of the trainers from lyle's mean forum talking years ago about how adhering to strict press is dumb, even for mass gain, because with push press you can use more weight. much harder to cheat on the eccentric.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on December 13, 2016, 07:38:59 am
all other things being equal, more weight is better. i remember some of the trainers from lyle's mean forum talking years ago about how adhering to strict press is dumb, even for mass gain, because with push press you can use more weight. much harder to cheat on the eccentric.

It makes sense. Watch bodybuilders like Branch Warren train and their form is hardly 'textbook', but they use heavy weights and go hard with intensity and you can't argue with their results.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 13, 2016, 08:54:18 am
all other things being equal, more weight is better. i remember some of the trainers from lyle's mean forum talking years ago about how adhering to strict press is dumb, even for mass gain, because with push press you can use more weight. much harder to cheat on the eccentric.

holy shit. i never realized that. even doing bad form but going heavy, the eccentric is still "not as bad form" and so you're gaining muscle from that too!

personally i like going full ROM and strict reps so that I know if i'm actually progressing vs just cheating more. but now i'm not so against cheating in certain cases...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 14, 2016, 08:33:47 am
Week 141
Tuesday - 12/13/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> 3min rest.
135 x 5               >> Hopefully I can get 9-10 reps on back up set on Friday.
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
360 x 3
315 x 8

DB Lunges
90's x 8/leg     >> Tied my PR.

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5            >> 45sec rests.
255 x 9
255 x 6
255 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5                     >> Thinking I should do a heavy set before these, like 435x1.
315 x 2
390 x 8

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 3            >> 45sec rests.
570 x 10
570 x 7 PR
570 x 6 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5                 >> 60sec rest.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 16, 2016, 08:32:13 am
Week 141
Thursday - 12/16/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
240 x 4
215 x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35bs x 3               >> Got only 4 reps with the ROM I wanted on the heavy set.
+65lbs x 5
+20lbs x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 11                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 4                        >> Finally hit 11 reps here.

Seated Cable Rows
215 x 5                      >> 2min rest.
235 x 3
255 x 6 PR
215 x 11 PR

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                       >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 16
50's x 5

Unilateral Chest Supported DB Rows
65's x 8/arm

Incline Rear Delt W Flyes
30's x 12

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 12
 120 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 16, 2016, 04:27:09 pm
Finishing up an 8,000 word paper over the next few days, IEEE style. Man, this has been a journey.

Already finished a 5,000 word paper IEEE style a couple of weeks ago and my professor wants to submit it for publication, so that's cool. I don't want to though. I don't think it's my best work at all, and being that it is a tutorial paper (I pull recent relevant research to talk about a topic - no experimenting or new ideas of my own) I feel like its too similar to the articles I pulled information from and I'll get flagged for plagiarizing or something once humans read it over and not bots. I certainly used another article for most of my... inspiration.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 17, 2016, 11:00:20 am
Week 141
Friday - 12/16/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> 3min rest.
135 x 5               >> Hit 10 reps! Moving up to 320lbs next.
185 x 5               >> Should be able to hit 360x4 in 3 workouts max.
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
360 x 3
315 x 10

DB Lunges
90's x 8/leg     >> Sloppy form this tmie.

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5            >> 45sec rests.
255 x 8
235 x 10
235 x 8

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 2
405 x 1
390 x 10 PR

Got caught up with some good conversation with other lifters in the gym, so I didn't do my standing calf raises and abs. I'll do them tomorrow. The end result is I left the gym feeling refreshed and wanting to lift more. The same will probably happen tomorrow with my short workout :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 18, 2016, 09:26:50 am
Week 141
Saturday - 12/17/16

-= Workout Log =-

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 3            >> 45sec rests.
570 x 10
570 x 8 PR
570 x 6 PR

Negative Dragon Flags
5                 >> 60sec rest.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 20, 2016, 02:38:58 pm
Week 142
Monday - 12/19/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                 >> Both of these are PRs. But I did them at my friend's gym, where I always lift more.
135 x 5               >> 225x10 is pretty sick! Can't believe I'm able to do that now!
185 x 3
225 x 1
240 x 6
225 x 10

Seated Cable Rows
215 x 5                      >> 2min rest.
235 x 3
250 x 6
225 x 10

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35bs x 3               >> Got only 3 reps with the ROM I wanted on the heavy set.
+65lbs x 5
BW x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 16
50's x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 20, 2016, 02:46:58 pm
 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
Finished my master's degree
 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

I had my last classes on sat and sun. submitted my final assignment last night.

then i went thru to check to see if any new grades came in... got an A in 2 of my classes this semester. waiting to hear from my 3rd class.

Went through some of my assignments because some grades came in, and i was curious to see what i got. Then i looked at the assignments i submitted, 2 powerpoints, and got very sad that it's all over. I really appreciated how this particular professor made us do a lot of presentations, and they were on topics that there were no "real" answers on, at all. He got us to realize that cybersecurity is a constantly evolving field, and that we have to be on the forefront. this means a lot of us are just making it up as we go along. i also really appreciated the simulations we did in class, under pressure. playing out scenarios. it gave us a real slap in the face about how wrong some things can go, and especially if you're not prepared. wonderful professor. he was making probably 200k a year at his fulltime job, yet comes to my uni to teach. clearly he likes doing it, and it certainly has had a very positive effect on us.

then i thought about my other professors and man, so many of them were just great. i would love to come back as a TA and eventually teach a class in this degree. that is definitely one of my goals.

All in all, this year I've been quite successful. started off at a job i really wanted to leave, making shit money. And then:

- started off at a job i really wanted to leave, making shit money
- got my network+
- got my security+
- got my ITIL-F
- had a nice period of unemployment where i got to enjoy life again and escape the 9-6 grind
- passed the CISSP exam
- learned excellent interview skills - this i am sure will help me in life
- got my driver's license
- got 4 job offers. one i'm working at now, and i'm leaving it for deloitte. deloitte is virtually doubling the salary of my property management job
- got my master's in cybersecurity with a 3.96GPA

I laid in bed and teared up a bit. I'm really going to miss going to class and even doing the assignments. My class was the shit too. Diverse, great group of classmates. We were a cohort, which meant we took all 10 classes together (well i had the 1st one waved). Sometimes we had some other people in our class, and at one point we had the choice of an elective so some of us split for just one class. We'll be meeting up for drinks next month at some point.

i'm going to miss this year. my ultimate goal was to get a well paying cybersec job, and i got just that. but forget about the goal... i think i enjoyed the journey more than i'll ever enjoy this goal. i'm very sad that my degree is over.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on December 21, 2016, 12:46:44 am
:personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
Finished my master's degree
 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

I had my last classes on sat and sun. submitted my final assignment last night.

then i went thru to check to see if any new grades came in... got an A in 2 of my classes this semester. waiting to hear from my 3rd class.

Went through some of my assignments because some grades came in, and i was curious to see what i got. Then i looked at the assignments i submitted, 2 powerpoints, and got very sad that it's all over. I really appreciated how this particular professor made us do a lot of presentations, and they were on topics that there were no "real" answers on, at all. He got us to realize that cybersecurity is a constantly evolving field, and that we have to be on the forefront. this means a lot of us are just making it up as we go along. i also really appreciated the simulations we did in class, under pressure. playing out scenarios. it gave us a real slap in the face about how wrong some things can go, and especially if you're not prepared. wonderful professor. he was making probably 200k a year at his fulltime job, yet comes to my uni to teach. clearly he likes doing it, and it certainly has had a very positive effect on us.

then i thought about my other professors and man, so many of them were just great. i would love to come back as a TA and eventually teach a class in this degree. that is definitely one of my goals.

All in all, this year I've been quite successful. started off at a job i really wanted to leave, making shit money. And then:

- started off at a job i really wanted to leave, making shit money
- got my network+
- got my security+
- got my ITIL-F
- had a nice period of unemployment where i got to enjoy life again and escape the 9-6 grind
- passed the CISSP exam
- learned excellent interview skills - this i am sure will help me in life
- got my driver's license
- got 4 job offers. one i'm working at now, and i'm leaving it for deloitte. deloitte is virtually doubling the salary of my property management job
- got my master's in cybersecurity with a 3.96GPA

I laid in bed and teared up a bit. I'm really going to miss going to class and even doing the assignments. My class was the shit too. Diverse, great group of classmates. We were a cohort, which meant we took all 10 classes together (well i had the 1st one waved). Sometimes we had some other people in our class, and at one point we had the choice of an elective so some of us split for just one class. We'll be meeting up for drinks next month at some point.

i'm going to miss this year. my ultimate goal was to get a well paying cybersec job, and i got just that. but forget about the goal... i think i enjoyed the journey more than i'll ever enjoy this goal. i'm very sad that my degree is over.

epic post...  :highfive: :headbang: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :o :personal-record: :goodjobbro:

really proud of you man.. you literally did everything you set your mind too.. we basically saw you plan things out, tackle them, and achieve them ... just like you do with performance training. hah!

really fun watching you share this with us over the years/months.

fwiw, I am surprised it took you so long to get your driver's license.. :trollface:

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 21, 2016, 12:50:52 am
Thanks a ton!

Well, i was born and raised in NYC. I never needed a license ha! But EY required i get one to even apply for the job. I already had my permit for a while. I never even practiced parallel parking or K turns but i happily passed them on the test. Ive been wanting to have one for a while because why not, but thats really the reason i finally went for it.

And yep, the planning and execution was just like i do with my performance goals. It also really helps to post it publicly and have people check up on you.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 23, 2016, 08:46:54 am
Week 142
Thursday - 12/22/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                 >> Holy shit, finally a real bench PR! It's been so long!
135 x 5               >> No clue why the backup set was so hard lol.
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 5 PR
215 x 6

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                      >> 2min rest.
225 x 3
250 x 6
225 x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35bs x 3               >> 4 reps with good ROM this time.
+65lbs x 5
+15lbs x 9

Skipped tuesday's leg workout. Sleep deprived.

Skipped lateral raises today, will do them tomorrow (Friday).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 27, 2016, 09:27:25 am
Week 142
Friday - 12/23/16

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> 3min rest.
135 x 5               >> Wasn't even that bad! Moving up to 365lbs next workout.
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
360 x 4

Romanian Deadlift
225 x 5
315 x 2
395 x 10 PR

Negative Dragon Flags

Didn't have much time... well, I did, but I got caught up in great conversation with a gym mate and didn't have time to do much ha. Also a little lazy.

Strength is going up!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 27, 2016, 09:29:47 am
Week 143
Monday - 12/26/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                 >> I may be able to hit 245x6 next week based on how this felt!
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 5
215 x 8 PR

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5                      >> 2min rest.
225 x 3
255 x 6
225 x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> 2min rest.

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35bs x 3               >> Hit all 5 reps with full ROM!
+65lbs x 5

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                  >> These got even easier.
45's x 3
50's x 16

I was pretty damn lazy and a little sick, so I shortened the workout, yet I have been hitting PRs. This is great.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 28, 2016, 09:22:22 am
skipped lower body yesterday. utterly exhausted from not enough sleep. barely got out of bed after i came home from work. i have to be more disciplined with my sleep

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on December 29, 2016, 02:27:11 am
skipped lower body yesterday. utterly exhausted from not enough sleep. barely got out of bed after i came home from work. i have to be more disciplined with my sleep


me2. my sleep is wrecked lately.. but mostly just the time i fall asleep and wakeup, not the amount of hours total.. sub-optimal total sleep is the worst.

sleep is so damn important, don't neglect it! I made the mistake of getting too obsessed with work etc a few times and sacrificing sleep, worst mistake i've ever made.. The turning point was when my heart started 'racing' every time i'd try and go to sleep.. Scared the shit out of me. I was getting 4-5 hours many nights, even some sleepless nights.. Man it was horrible.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 30, 2016, 08:34:00 am
Week 143
Thursday - 12/30/16

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                 >> Whatttttt.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 6 PR
215 x 5

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35bs x 3               >> Only 3 rep with full ROM dammit

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> This was really hard for some reason.

Seated Cable Rows
205 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 1
260 x 4 PR

Really happy about my bench going up again. Estimated max is 285lbs, wow! I feel like a 315lb bench is finally going to be within reach one day. But we'll see lol.

I was very lazy this workout (yet PR'd) so I didn't do much. Throwing in lateral raises with lower body tomorrow.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 03, 2017, 08:26:20 am
Week 144
Monday - 01/03/17

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
250 x 4 PR
215 x 8 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35bs x 3
+65lbs x 4
BW x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 9                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 3

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                    >> 2min rest.
220 x 3
240 x 1
260 x 5 PR
220 x 5

Been so lazy lately to lift. Missed 2 lower body workouts in a row :(
At least my bench is increasing. Planned to do lateral raises with legs tomorrow


woke up today (tue) and weighed in at 206lbs. whoaaaaaaa.
time to do intermittent fasting and start cutting slowly! not tracking calories until i really have to. goal is 195lbs. I don't think I have to get to 190lbs anymore. I should have more muscle on me at this point, but we'll see!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 04, 2017, 08:43:21 am
Week 144
Tuesday - 01/04/17

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> Did not expect to hit 3 reps with 365. Haven't squatting in like 10 days.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
365 x 3

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5
255 x 8

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5               >> I would have expected my low rep squats to drop, not my high rep deads!
365 x 1
400 x 5

Standing Calf Raise Machine
570 x 8

Negative Dragon Flags

Took it easy today.

And dammit I skipped friday's leg workout ahhh.


it's wednesday and my legs arent sore at all, so i cant really try the leg drain thing. well i might try it anyway out of curiosity
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 05, 2017, 10:14:12 am
My character has been a lot better lately. strange. makes me happier too. way less argumentative, even when i dont get enough sleep. i dont curse as much either
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 06, 2017, 08:38:28 am
Week 144
Thursday - 01/06/17

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                >> Wow the 275 wasn't even that bad! Max might even be 285...
135 x 5              >> Backup set was damn hard!
185 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1 PR
250 x 5 PR
215 x 4

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                     >> 2min rest.
220 x 3
240 x 1
260 x 5
220 x 10 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35bs x 3
+65lbs x 4
+20lbs x 8

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5             >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 12
50's x 3

Chest Supported DB Rows
65's x 6/arm

Incline DB Rear Delt W Flyes
35's x 10

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 8
 120 x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on January 06, 2017, 08:54:29 am
250 x 5 and then 215 x 4 .... damn and I thought my work capacity sucks.  :trolldance:
Congrats on the PR's tough... that 3 plate bench isn't too far away.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 06, 2017, 10:40:47 am
250 x 5 and then 215 x 4 .... damn and I thought my work capacity sucks.  :trolldance:
Congrats on the PR's tough... that 3 plate bench isn't too far away.

Yea and I even rested 2min after the 250x5  :ninja:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on January 06, 2017, 01:45:44 pm
250 x 5 and then 215 x 4 .... damn and I thought my work capacity sucks.  :trolldance:
Congrats on the PR's tough... that 3 plate bench isn't too far away.

250 x 5 and then 215 x 4 .... damn and I thought my work capacity sucks.  :trolldance:
Congrats on the PR's tough... that 3 plate bench isn't too far away.

Yea and I even rested 2min after the 250x5  :ninja:

lol! :d

seems to happen easier with upper body push based exercises IMHO .. they can create some significant mental drain.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 06, 2017, 03:30:13 pm
Heh, you should see my squats sometimes

i'll do something like 365x3, rest 3min, 315x3

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 09, 2017, 08:51:55 am
Week 144
Friday - 01/09/17

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> Did not expect to hit 3 reps with 365. Haven't squatting in like 10 days.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
365 x 3

DB Step Ups
65's x 6/leg          >> Got sick of lunges and don't always have room to do them.

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
255 x 10
255 x 6
255 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5
365 x 1
405 x 6

Standing Calf Raise Machine
570 x 10             >> 60sec rests.
570 x 6
570 x 5

Negative Dragon Flags
5              >> 60sec rest.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Leonel on January 09, 2017, 09:27:29 am
250 x 5 and then 215 x 4 .... damn and I thought my work capacity sucks.  :trolldance:
Congrats on the PR's tough... that 3 plate bench isn't too far away.

250 x 5 and then 215 x 4 .... damn and I thought my work capacity sucks.  :trolldance:
Congrats on the PR's tough... that 3 plate bench isn't too far away.

Yea and I even rested 2min after the 250x5  :ninja:

lol! :d

seems to happen easier with upper body push based exercises IMHO .. they can create some significant mental drain.

pull-ups are the worst for me... no endurance there. First set I can do 13-15 reps without too much of a struggle, second set I'm down to 9 on the 4th set or so I'm often lucky to get 5
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 10, 2017, 08:38:23 am
Week 145
Monday - 01/10/17

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                >> ExRx puts my max at 290. What...
135 x 5              >> ExRx estimates my max at 294!
185 x 3
225 x 2
275 x 1
250 x 6 PR
215 x 4

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5               >> 2min rest.
220 x 3
240 x 1
260 x 6 PR
260 x 10 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10             >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

Pull Ups
BW x 5             >> 2min rest.
+35lbs x 3
+65lbs x 4
+20lbs x 8

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5               >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 16
50's x 3

Chest Supported DB Rows
65's x 8/arm

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
30's x 10

Machine Rear Delt Flyes
170 x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 11, 2017, 08:42:02 am
Week 145
Tuesday - 01/10/17

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> Yay I can move up to 370 now.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
365 x 4

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
255 x 10
255 x 6
255 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5
315 x 2
365 x 1
405 x 8

Standing Calf Raise Machine
570 x 10             >> 60sec rests.
570 x 8
570 x 6

Negative Dragon Flags
5              >> 60sec rest.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 13, 2017, 09:08:23 am
Week 145
Thursday - 01/13/17

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20              >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                >> I wonder how much I would bench at other gyms where I'm usually stronger...
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
275 x 1
255 x 4 PR
215 x 8 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 5                      >> 2min rest.
+35lbs x 3                 >> Only 3 with full ROM dammit.
+65lbs x 4
+20lbs x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10                      >> 2min rest.
80's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 1
265 x 3 PR
220 x 12 PR

Very lazy. Planning to do lateral raises with legs tomorrow.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 13, 2017, 09:08:45 am
207.8lbs today after my morning piss.

yep, time to count calories starting monday.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on January 13, 2017, 07:26:04 pm
207.8lbs today after my morning piss.

yep, time to count calories starting monday.

you and I "blew up" the last few weeks.  :ninja:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 16, 2017, 01:34:54 pm
Week 145
Friday - 01/13/17

-= Workout Log =-

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                 >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 16
50's x 3

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> Pretty tough.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
370 x 3

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
255 x 10
255 x 6
255 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5
315 x 2
365 x 1
405 x 10 PR

Standing Calf Raise Machine
570 x 10             >> 60sec rests.
570 x 8
570 x 6

Negative Dragon Flags
5              >> 60sec rest.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 17, 2017, 08:33:28 am
Week 146
Monday - 01/16/17

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 8                >> Thought I loaded up 255, but realized it was 245 mid set.
135 x 5              >> ExRx estimates my max at 294!
185 x 3
225 x 2
275 x 1
245 x 7 PR

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 1
260 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 12

Pull Ups
BW x 5
+35lbs x 3
+65lbs x 4
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 23, 2017, 03:59:25 pm
Week 146
Friday - 01/20/17

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
255 x 4

Pull Ups
BW x 5
+35lbs x 3           >> Hit all 5 reps with full ROM.
+65lbs x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 1
265 x 5 PR

DB Lateral Raises
35's x 5
40's x 5
45's x 3
50's x 12

Was a little sick this week and sleep deprived. Missed two lower body days... ah man I know I'm going to dread getting back up to 405x10 RDL and 370x3 squats...

Cut everything to one set because i felt like ass and very sore/achy. Surprised myself matching my bench PR, pull up PR, and hitting a new PR in seated cable rows.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 24, 2017, 09:50:08 am
Week 147
Monday - 01/23/17

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 8                 >> The 275x1 was a lot easier than I anticipated.
135 x 5               >> The bench gains just won't stop!
185 x 3
225 x 2
275 x 1
255 x 5 PR

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 1
265 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 6             >> Cut it to 6 since this was a little painful for me. Too achy.

Pull Ups
BW x 5
+35lbs x 3           >> Hit all 5 reps with full ROM, again!
+65lbs x 5

Was too tired. Firgured I'd throw in lateral raises with legs the next day.

Really happy about my bench still improving nearly every single week! Still in a bit of disbelief that I'll probably have a 300lb max in a couple of weeks. 315 would be sick though, but I won't bank on it for fear of disappointment ha.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 01, 2017, 01:47:30 pm
Been so lazy to update my log. I missed 2 or 3 leg days, and mostly just did deloads for upperbody. Combination of being tired, lazy, no time at the gym, etc.

It's all good though, no major strength losses or anything :)

But it's feb 1st and I'm officially starting my cut today and tracking calories! See next post

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 01, 2017, 01:53:50 pm
Week 149
Wednesday - 02/01/17

-= Calorie Log =-

2 cups whole milk                  +300
2 scoops whey                      +250
Total in                                       +550

BMR                                  -2,000
Walked 4 miles                     -400
Thermic Effect of Food            -200
Total out                                   -2,600   

Balance                                    -2,050

Will update later.

Doing intermittent fasting to help with appetite control. If the touted other benefits of it happen to be true, then that's cool too.

Also going to try eating while sitting on the floor like many cultures do. Apparently it helps you feel full earlier/on less food. I see some articles claiming this, but can't find a damn source for it. But it doesn't hurt to try.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 13, 2017, 09:29:18 am
Week 151
Monday - 02/13/17

-= Calorie Log =-

2 cups whole milk                  +300
2 scoops whey                      +200
Total in                                       +500

BMR                                  -2,000
Walked 2 miles                     -200
Worked Out                          -200
Thermic Effect of Food            -200
Total out                                   -2,600   

Balance                                     -2,100

Well... been too lazy to update. And I didn't keep up with my cut. Hopefully I stay consistent this time!

Is there an easy way to line up my calorie table perfectly?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on February 13, 2017, 03:32:26 pm
using code tags maybe :( i suck.

Code: [Select]
c1    c2   c3       poop
hi    yo   sup      hey!!

even that looks a little weird though, when entering it in.. because we don't use a monospaced font.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 21, 2017, 08:36:36 am
Week 152
Tuesday - 02/21/17

-= Calorie Log =-

Large banana                        +200
Chicken salad                        +700
Gjell                                   +300
Cheeseburger                        +500
Fish oil                                +200
Honey                                 +50
Huge orange                         +100
Total in                                       +2,050

BMR                                  -2,000
Walked 3 miles                     -300
Worked Out                          -200
Thermic Effect of Food            -200
Total out                                   -2,700   

Balance                                       -650

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20               >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                 >> Not sure what happened on the 255x2 lol.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
275 x 1
255 x 2
215 x 8 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 5             >> 2min rest.
+30lbs x 3
+60lbs x 5
+25lbs x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10             >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5             >> 2min rest.
220 x 3
240 x 1
265 x 5
230 x 8

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 12
50's x 5

Bent Over DB Rear Delt L Flyes
30's x 12

Bent Over DB Rear Delt Flyes
25's x 5

Heheheh.... been way too lazy to update. Missing workouts here and there. I know I keep saying "starting today I'm cutting" but... to make sure of it, I'm fasting today, ramadan style. I have a day to make up since I missed a day due to sickness last year. So I know for sure I won't cave in and eat before sundown - I never caved in before for ramadan, i've only caved in for general IF.
Had a banana and water at about 5am. Also I like to write out my burned calories ahead of time based on what I plan to do. Weighed 207lbs yesterday morning after a morning pee. I hope to take a few before pictures today at the gym.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 22, 2017, 09:01:27 am
Those two long papers I wrote for my MS? My professor wants to try publishing both of them :) Currently in the process of improving them with him.

This will help me become a professor in the future!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 23, 2017, 08:23:33 am
Week 152
Wednesday - 02/22/17

-= Calorie Log =-

Chicken shawarma platter       +1,200           
Chicken something                 +700
Fish oil                                +100
Honey                                 +100
Total in                                       +2,100

BMR                                  -2,000
Walked 3 miles                     -300
Worked Out                          -200
Thermic Effect of Food            -200
Total out                                   -2,700   

Balance                                       -600

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> 3min rest.
135 x 5               >> Da heck I can only do 370x1 and not x3 now...
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
370 x 1
315 x 5

DB Walking Lunges
80's x 5

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5                         >> 60sec rests.
255 x 8
255 x 6
255 x 5

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5                         >> PR is 410x8.
315 x 2
365 x 1
410 x 5

Standing calf raises and dragon flags to be done tomorrow. I'm already feeling the effects of cutting - limited work capacity.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 24, 2017, 08:29:27 am
Week 152
Thursday - 02/23/17

-= Calorie Log =-

Chicken kebab platter            +1,200           
Aaryan                                +250
Omelette                             +550
1 cup whole milk                   +150
Fish oil                                +100
Honey                                 +100
Total in                                       +2,350

BMR                                   -2,000
Walked 5 miles                      -500
Worked Out                           -100
Thermic Effect of Food             -200
Total out                                     -2,900   

Balance                                        -550

-= Workout Log =-

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 5           >> 45sec rests.
570 x 10
570 x 6
570 x 5

Dragon Flags
5                   >> 60sec rest.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 24, 2017, 01:28:17 pm
Week 152
Friday - 02/24/17

-= Calorie Log =-

Chicken & salad                      +750       
Aaryan                                 +250
Beef pizza slice                      +350
French fries                           +200
Fish oil                                +100
Honey                                 +100
Total in                                       +1,750

BMR                                   -2,000
Walked 5 miles                      -500
Worked Out                           -200
Thermic Effect of Food             -200
Total out                                     -3,000   

Balance                                       -1,250

-= Workout Log =-

Upper body later today. More to eat as well.

Glad to be cutting consistently now.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 28, 2017, 08:33:58 am
Week 153
Monday - 02/27/17

-= Calorie Log =-

Chicken cheese steak               +800
1 bottle aayran                       +250
1 slice pizza                           +300
Juice                                    +100
Honey                                  +50
Burrata salad                         +600
Chicken with salad                  +500
Total in                                       +2,600

BMR                                   -2,000
Walked 4 miles                      -400
Worked Out                           -200
Thermic Effect of Food             -200
Total out                                    -2,800   

Balance                                        -200

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20                  >> 2min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
275 x 1
255 x 3
215 x 8 PR

Pull Ups
BW x 5                 >> 2min rest.
+30lbs x 3             >> 4 reps with full ROM
+60lbs x 5
BW x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10              >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                 >> 2min rest.
220 x 3
240 x 1
270 x 3
230 x 10 PR

Crap man, I haven't been updating as much. Overate the last two days. But I came across of a pic of me looking pretty cut from last August and it gave me a lot of motivation to get back there. Hopefully I don't lose too much muscle on the way back there.

Thinking I'll do shoulders with legs tomorrow, and tomorrow leave abs and calves for the next day
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 28, 2017, 02:36:18 pm
Week 153
Tuesday - 02/28/17

-= Calorie Log =-

Protein shake                         +550
Chicken shawarma platter         +800
Honey                                  +50
Baklava                                +600
Chicken breast                       +250
Total in                                       +2,250

BMR                                   -2,000
Walked 4 miles                      -400
Worked Out                           -200
Thermic Effect of Food             -200
Total out                                    -2,800   

Balance                                        -550

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> 3min rest.
135 x 5               >> Increased by 1 rep on backup set.
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
370 x 1
315 x 6

DB Walking Lunges
80's x 6            >> Went up by 1 rep.

Romanian Deadlift
275 x 5                         >> Went up by 1 rep.
315 x 2
365 x 1
410 x 6

DB Lateral Raises
40's x 5                    >> 60sec rest.
45's x 3
50's x 12
50's x 6

Bent Over Rear Delt W Flyes
30's x 12

Bent Over Rear Delt Flyes
20's x 8

Abs and calves tomorrow. I like splitting it up like this sometimes.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on March 01, 2017, 11:38:13 pm
I had to google what 'Thermic effect of food' was. I've never heard of it before but the results were interesting. From my quick search it seems you can burn 5-10% of your calories just from TEF with higher protein diets leading to a higher amount of TEF. Could this also be another reason why bodybuilders typically advocate for people to eat more frequently- e.g. 6 meals a day :-\
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on March 02, 2017, 01:06:16 am

Since it’s usually impractical to sit and figure out the individual TEFs for each nutrient, the normal estimate used is 10% of total caloric intake. So if you consume 3000 calories per day of a relatively ‘normal’ mixed diet, you can assume that your TEF is about 300 calories per day or so. You also generally find that, with the exception of extreme diets (such as all protein), shuffling macronutrients has a pretty minimal overall impact on metabolic rate via TEF.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 02, 2017, 08:58:12 am
^ Yep, I just take 10% to stay on the safe side. Actually, even if I eat 2,900 calories, I count it as 200 calories burned. I bump it up every 1,000 calories.

That 200cal of thermic effect and a few miles of walking burns an extra 500 calories a day. Really makes a difference when I can shove an extra shackburger down my throat and not worry about it  :derp:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 02, 2017, 09:13:27 am
Week 153
Wednesday - 03/01/17

-= Calorie Log =-

Chicken parm hero                  +800
Baklava                                +300
Chicken korma                       +800
Rose lassi                             +250
Rasmalai                              +100
Mochi ice cream                     +500
Total in                                       +2,750

BMR                                   -2,000
Walked 4 miles                      -400
Worked Out                           -200
Thermic Effect of Food             -200
Total out                                    -2,800   

Balance                                         -50

-= Workout Log =-

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5             >> 60sec rest.
255 x 6
205 x 12

Standing Calf Raises
495 x 5               >> 60sec rest.
570 x 8
495 x 12

Negative Dragon Flags
5               >> 60sec rest.

Ate a bit too much dammit. Did not plan on (some awesome) Indian food nor desert, but hey I guess it counts as a refeed.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 02, 2017, 10:55:26 am

Might be the best bakllava i've ever had. There's this afghan spot by my job where i eat lunch most of the time. That's where i get my chicken schawarma, too, with that crack sauce.

Turns out their pizza is surprisingly good as well. Best chicken rolls ive ever had, also. And the chicken parm hero i had yesterday was banging. The burgers tastes VERY weird at first, until i got to the buns+veggies+condiments part of it (the patty sticks out past the buns), where altogether it tastes great

god dammit i love that spot. prices are nice, too!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 02, 2017, 11:16:56 am


Don't know what it is about these pics that makes the plate look small, but that's a 10" plate.

$6.53 after tax  :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 03, 2017, 08:29:44 am
Week 153
Thursday - 03/02/17

-= Calorie Log =-

Chicken burger                       +600
1 slice of pizza                       +300
1 laziza                                +150
2 garlic knots                        +200
Fish oil                                +100
Honey                                 +50
Chicken breast thing               +500
Otmeal                                +350
Chocolate                             +100
Total in                                       +2,350

BMR                                   -2,000
Walked 4 miles                      -400
Worked Out                           -200
Thermic Effect of Food             -200
Total out                                    -2,800   

Balance                                        -450

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20                  >> 2min rest.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
275 x 1
255 x 3
215 x 8

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                 >> 2min rest.
220 x 3
240 x 1
270 x 3
240 x 6 PR

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10              >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

Pull Ups
BW x 5                 >> 2min rest.
+30lbs x 3             >> 3 reps with full ROM
+60lbs x 4
BW x 7
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 07, 2017, 09:10:21 am
Week 154
Monday - 03/06/17

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20                  >> 2min rest.
95 x 8                    >> This felt very light, but I rested way too long between warm ups.
135 x 5                  >> I was not stable during the worksets as a result.
185 x 3
225 x 2
255 x 3
215 x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 5                 >> 2min rest.
+30lbs x 3             >> 4 reps with full ROM
+60lbs x 5
BW x 8

Incline DB Bench Press
80's x 10              >> 2min rest.
80's x 6

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5                 >> 2min rest.
220 x 3
240 x 1
270 x 3
240 x 6

Too lazy to update food log lately. I'm looking cutter though!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 10, 2017, 08:37:38 am
Week 154
Wednesday - 03/10/17

-= Workout Log =-

ATG Squat
135 x 10             >> 3min rest.
135 x 5               >> Increased by 1 rep on backup set.
185 x 5
225 x 3
285 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1
370 x 2

DB Walking Lunges
80's x 6

Back Extensions
BW x 5
45 x 10

Seated Calf Raises
can't remember

Dragon Flags
5               >> 60sec rest.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 16, 2017, 08:51:02 pm
Been so lazy to post. Haven't made real lifting progress - just been cutting extra slowly. Enjoying a nice ramadan right now. Getting kinda cut. Not as cut as last time (yet) but I clearly have more muscle so the potential is there.

Oh and I'm in Europe for ~3 months so maybe I'll update with some nice pics at some point.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 27, 2017, 03:56:06 pm
Vacation's almost over. Got some seriously beautiful photos to show you guys. Still lifting, but not taking it as serious. Just enjoying life. Im dying to move out of USA.

Later ill post a few beautiful pics i took from my phone. I plan on making a dropbox album of everything eventually, which ill post as well.

Here's a few for now:



Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on August 27, 2017, 06:54:28 pm
Vacation's almost over. Got some seriously beautiful photos to show you guys. Still lifting, but not taking it as serious. Just enjoying life. Im dying to move out of USA.

Later ill post a few beautiful pics i took from my phone. I plan on making a dropbox album of everything eventually, which ill post as well.

Here's a few for now:




damn................................. :wowthatwasnutswtf: people are enjoying life out there, that's for sure.

you post any of these on IG or anything? if so, link to IG?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 28, 2017, 04:51:11 am
Enjoying life with the little money they have, unfortunately. Then again so many complain about low salaries yet they don't realize they live in 2-4 story houses!

I haven't posted these on any social media. I was thinking of dumping all of them into a new IG, maybe I'll do that (i deleted my IG a while ago).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 08, 2018, 07:54:37 pm
Just so lazy to post

When my left knee screwed up, it kinda healed, then right knee screwed up once my squat was getting back to 405 max. It screwed up in the same way as the left, so im doing what my PT had me do for my other knee. I notice relief right away. Glute med activation basicaly

Currently RDLing 445x6, kinda deep too, at like 200lbs bw
Dropped barbell benching completely. Just felt like trying incline dumbell only. Stuck with it for like two months. Tried out a 2 plate bench for fun... oh God the strain on the shoulders! I might still with DBs only for a while. Currently at 100’s x6 at a low incline, followed by 90’s x8 at mid incline

Pull ups - 5 clean reps with 80lbs attached

Played light bball to see how my knees feel tomorrow. Only jumped hard once - touched rim from standstill
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on January 09, 2018, 04:32:18 pm
Members have wondered where you've been, so thanks for stopping by and giving us the recap!

Solid numbers for everything you listed, as expected .. but sux about the knees .. don't wreck them, just be careful, health #1. :highfive:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on October 29, 2018, 08:21:47 am
I miss Dreyth!!!

Hope you're doing well and update us on your progress / career soon.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 30, 2018, 11:55:11 pm
I miss Dreyth!!!

Hope you're doing well and update us on your progress / career soon.

Still around

I dont take weights as seriously anymore. Lately my body has somehow been letting go and ive been stalling. Knees are still kinda messed up from that injury a few years ago. Squatting 275x5 now. Would like to just get to 315x5 and maintain that at least. Hit like a 455x6 RDL or something like that a year ago, and then i stalled and regressed again :/ story of my life

My legs are way smaller than before even if my upper body isnt. I noticed my face is fatter! I guess the big muscular legs lowered my bf% to the point where it even had an effect on my face! I hate having a soft face, and i justttt came across a pic of how ripped i used to be a few years ago and now inwant that back. I actually just came to this site now to see what my numbers were in march 2015 because i had a decent body then and chiseled face. And by chance you guys left me a comment here haha

Lifes been good. Never better actually. Praying 5x/day now in fact. No more partying, much more respect for my parents, never ever have anxiety or depression anymore, my irritability is gone, patience is through the roof, i dont care at all who’s ahead of me in the corporate world at all i just care about myself. I cant believe what a difference *actually practicing* my religion has made on me. Wish i started sooner. I had no clue what i was missing out on. Such tranquility in my heart. Still working for deloitte cyber security consulting. Stilll trying to make moving to Macedonia a reality. Really want a wife. And to be extra ripped again (by my standards - i still look great compared to the average population)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on October 31, 2018, 04:24:56 am
I miss Dreyth!!!

Hope you're doing well and update us on your progress / career soon.

Still around

I dont take weights as seriously anymore. Lately my body has somehow been letting go and ive been stalling. Knees are still kinda messed up from that injury a few years ago. Squatting 275x5 now. Would like to just get to 315x5 and maintain that at least. Hit like a 455x6 RDL or something like that a year ago, and then i stalled and regressed again :/ story of my life

My legs are way smaller than before even if my upper body isnt. I noticed my face is fatter! I guess the big muscular legs lowered my bf% to the point where it even had an effect on my face! I hate having a soft face, and i justttt came across a pic of how ripped i used to be a few years ago and now inwant that back. I actually just came to this site now to see what my numbers were in march 2015 because i had a decent body then and chiseled face. And by chance you guys left me a comment here haha

Lifes been good. Never better actually. Praying 5x/day now in fact. No more partying, much more respect for my parents, never ever have anxiety or depression anymore, my irritability is gone, patience is through the roof, i dont care at all who’s ahead of me in the corporate world at all i just care about myself. I cant believe what a difference *actually practicing* my religion has made on me. Wish i started sooner. I had no clue what i was missing out on. Such tranquility in my heart. Still working for deloitte cyber security consulting. Stilll trying to make moving to Macedonia a reality. Really want a wife. And to be extra ripped again (by my standards - i still look great compared to the average population)

It's harder to take gym/sport seriously when you're working full time but I'm really happy that you got your dream job doing cyber security at deloitte after all those years studying!

I'm pretty much in the same boat body and strength wise. I was at my leanest when I was doing a factory job before I started working professionally 5 years ago.  I made some good strength gains (PR bench & squat) at the beginning of the year before I had an injury plagued rugby league season, which shattered my training and motivation. You've been at that state before so if you get your motivation back and can be willing to diet you'll get your leanness back.

Awesome that you're in a great state mentally. Thanks for the update. It was weird how you started thinking of your training at around the same time I posted in your journal- telepathic communication haha.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 31, 2018, 12:47:11 pm
It's harder to take gym/sport seriously when you're working full time but I'm really happy that you got your dream job doing cyber security at deloitte after all those years studying!

Man, i forgot about how desparate i was for work and that crazy year i had of studying! Even though i'm working full time, i really have no excuse not to take the gym seriously lol. I wake up at dawn to pray so i have plenty of time to lift before work, and on top of that im wide awake after making ablution and praying. Its awesome. Before, even if i slept 8 hours and woke up at 5am, i would still be tired for several hours. Even if i slept from like 12am to 9am. Wouldn't really "wake up" until about 11:30am. Now i'm fully wide awake before sunrise. My day is so freakin long and i can get so much done, and with less fatigue.

I'm pretty much in the same boat body and strength wise. I was at my leanest when I was doing a factory job before I started working professionally 5 years ago.  I made some good strength gains (PR bench & squat) at the beginning of the year before I had an injury plagued rugby league season, which shattered my training and motivation. You've been at that state before so if you get your motivation back and can be willing to diet you'll get your leanness back.

Yeah i know the feeling of no motivation. Looking at old pics of myself really gave me some motivatinon back though! I look at them and I'm like "that was ME? how?" It's funny because when we are AT that stage, we don't think anything of it. It's only when i have huge set backs and put on fat am i impressed with my former physique.[/quote]

Awesome that you're in a great state mentally. Thanks for the update. It was weird how you started thinking of your training at around the same time I posted in your journal- telepathic communication haha.
Yeah i noticed that as well lol. I felt a little ESP there...

I should probably start logging my training again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on October 31, 2018, 08:48:41 pm
I miss Dreyth!!!

Hope you're doing well and update us on your progress / career soon.

Still around

I dont take weights as seriously anymore. Lately my body has somehow been letting go and ive been stalling. Knees are still kinda messed up from that injury a few years ago. Squatting 275x5 now. Would like to just get to 315x5 and maintain that at least. Hit like a 455x6 RDL or something like that a year ago, and then i stalled and regressed again :/ story of my life

My legs are way smaller than before even if my upper body isnt. I noticed my face is fatter! I guess the big muscular legs lowered my bf% to the point where it even had an effect on my face! I hate having a soft face, and i justttt came across a pic of how ripped i used to be a few years ago and now inwant that back. I actually just came to this site now to see what my numbers were in march 2015 because i had a decent body then and chiseled face. And by chance you guys left me a comment here haha

Lifes been good. Never better actually. Praying 5x/day now in fact. No more partying, much more respect for my parents, never ever have anxiety or depression anymore, my irritability is gone, patience is through the roof, i dont care at all who’s ahead of me in the corporate world at all i just care about myself. I cant believe what a difference *actually practicing* my religion has made on me. Wish i started sooner. I had no clue what i was missing out on. Such tranquility in my heart. Still working for deloitte cyber security consulting. Stilll trying to make moving to Macedonia a reality. Really want a wife. And to be extra ripped again (by my standards - i still look great compared to the average population)

awesome post, especially the latter part of it. happy for you man!

in the context of finding peace/tranquility, the same applies to training IMHO. it sucks about the knees so be safe, health is #1. with strength/athleticism, it's impossible not to progress, stall, regress, repeat. don't worry so much about the numbers as you do the consistency. i'm sure if your squat is "down", then most likely you don't lift as frequently/consistently. You definitely know how to get it back up there.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 06, 2018, 09:21:43 am
So here are my current goals. Low incline DB bench 100's x 10, pull up +100lbs x 5, seated cable row 270 x 15, squat 315 x 5, RDL 455 x 5. I want to be really cut again. My body weight is like high 180's yet i'm less cut than i used to be at low 190's. It's due to my legs shirking since i can barely even max 315 on my squat at the moment. Even my face looks fatter yet I haven't been this light since high school. This is crazy! I lowered my estimated BMR to 1800 instead of 1900 or 2000 since i definitely have noticeably less muscle.

My PRs are DB bench 100x6, pull up +85lbs x 7 i think, seated cable row 270 x 12 i think, Squat 455 x 1 (and my phone ran out of memory while recording lol, i do have a clean and easy 435 on camera though), RDL about 455 x 6 im pretty sure

Diet plan is to try getting >150g protein per day, while cutting some weight. I want to lean out before putting on some muscle. It shouldn't negatively affect my strength gains too much consindering I've been stronger before, so I can probably still make neural gains while cutting a few pounds.

Lifting 2 upper 2 lower. But i travel a lot for work and that may screw up. Thinking of breaking even on lifting days and -500 on off days? I don't know. -500 every day was tough for me -- been suffering from a lot of binge eating lately. However, this will put me at only -1,500 per week, but that should be fine with my intermittent fasting. Should allow for decent strength gains while losing a few pounds. Aiming to lose maybe 5 more MAX.

Monday - 11/05/18

-= Calorie Log =-

FOOD / ACTIVITY                CALORIES          PROTEIN
4 scoops protein                +480               96g
3 cups milk                     +450               24g
6 deglet noor dates             +150               0g
5 huge medjool dates            +350               0g
Some feta cheese                +200               10g
4 eggs                          +350               24g
1 cup greek yogurt              +250               22g
1 tablespoon honey              +75                0g
Piece of bread                  +150               0g
Total in                        +2,455             154g

BMR                             -1,800
Walked 6 miles                  -600
Worked Out                      -300
Thermic Effect of Food          -200
Total out                       -2,800   

Balance                         -245

-= Workout Log =-

Low Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 10
60's x 5
70's x 3
80's x 1
90's x 5  >> 3min rest.
90's x 3  >> 3min rest.
75's x 8  >> 60sec rest.
75's x 6  >> 60sec rest.
75's x 5

Pull ups
BW x 5
+35lbs x 3
+60lbs x 5  >> 3min rest.
+60lbs x 5  >> 3min rest.
BW x 8  >> 60sec rest.
BW x 7  >> 90sec rest.
BW x 6

DB Lateral Raises
35's x 8
45's x 3
50's x 12  >> 60sec rest.
50's x 8  >> 2min rest.
45's x 15

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 6  >> 3min rest.
240 x 5  >> 60sec rest.
200 x 10  >> 60sec rest.
200 x 6  >> 60sec rest.
200 x 5

DB W Rear Delt Flyes
25'x 15  >> 60sec rest.
25's x 12  >> 60sec rest.

DB Rear Delt Flyes
25'x 15  >> 60sec rest.
25's x 12

Lateral Raises
45's x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 06, 2018, 09:28:44 am
Man getting this protein is tough! I have huge cravings for junk food. And sometimes my family will just serve me carb heavy stuff.

And what's the best way to line up my calorie log? It's such a pain lol. In the text field where i enter the text, it looks out of whack, but i made it line up perfectly when viewing the actual post. Yet that's probably only for my screen and not everyone else's?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 06, 2018, 01:36:28 pm
Tuesday - 11/06/18

-= Calorie Log =-

FOOD / ACTIVITY                CALORIES          PROTEIN
3 scoops protein                +360               72g
0 cups milk                     +000               
5 cups greek yogurt             +1,150             110g
half a bottle of honey          +720
1 tblsp blueberry jam           +50
1 cup ice cream                 +200               3g
coffee and buscuits             +300
grapes                          +100
3 fun size twix bars            +240               3g
tea                             +100
3 tblsp peanut butter           +300               16g
Total in                        +3,470             204g

BMR                             -1,800
Walked 4 miles                  -400
Worked Out                      -300
Thermic Effect of Food          -300
Total out                       -2,800   

Balance                         +670

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 5  >> 3min rest.
275 x 4  >> 3min rest.
275 x 3

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 5
315 x 12
315 x 8  >> 60sec rest.
275 x 12  >> 60sec rest.
275 x 8  >> 60sec rest.
275 x 8  >> 60sec rest.

Prone Leg Curls
90 x 5
125 x 12  >> 2min rest.
125 x 8

Back Extensions
+65lbs x 15

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises
315 x 5
495 x 15
495 x 15  >> 60sec rest.
495 x 12  >> 60sec rest.
495 x 12  >> 60sec rest.
495 x 10  >> 60sec rest.

Cable Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5
125 x 12  >> 90sec rest.
125 x 8  >> 90sec rest.
115 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises
10 >> 90sec rest.

Just updated my log.

Ate those chocolates at the end, and drank lots of tea with sugar... maybe I shouldnt have :/

Want to do more sets of hamstring stuff but I kept it low to avoid huge soreness (I haven't done leg curls in ages).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on November 06, 2018, 08:52:23 pm
calorie log lines up perfectly on my screen fwiw.

welcome back.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: FP on November 07, 2018, 12:30:50 am
Hey, nice ##'s! I want my pullup strength to be around yours at the end of my strength cycle, are those dead hang? Definitely think those higher intensity weighted pullup 3's and 5's are great, any more assistance you do for them? Notice you did your rows and pullups on the same day, i usually split mine up on different days but tried your scheme today. Worked decent but since i'm supersetting stuff the rest intervals didn't really work out.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on November 07, 2018, 05:13:53 am
Table is perfectly lined up here too, Windows 10 + firefox FWIW.
Getting enough protein in a normal grown up daily life is the biggest pain in the ass IMHO. One solution is cook massively when you find the time and frost it, microwave the portions you need when you need them. Other is find the junk foods stores/dishes that suit you well and are the least... damaging. Final solution, always have easy/fast sources in your house, to complement the normal lunch/dinner when needed. Boiled eggs (in 12s), peanuts, 1kg low fat yogurt pack, low fat chocolate milk, tuna cans, whole grain rusks. I guess you know already but sometimes its useful to share our... secret weapons haha!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 07, 2018, 10:15:33 am
Hey, nice ##'s! I want my pullup strength to be around yours at the end of my strength cycle, are those dead hang? Definitely think those higher intensity weighted pullup 3's and 5's are great, any more assistance you do for them? Notice you did your rows and pullups on the same day, i usually split mine up on different days but tried your scheme today. Worked decent but since i'm supersetting stuff the rest intervals didn't really work out.

Yes the pull ups are dead hang. Pause at the bottom. Maybe I'm just kind of built for them, but what always worked for me was 5 sets, 2-3 of them weighted low reps, 2-3 of them BW for max reps. And I hit them twice a week. Mixing the rep ranges in the same workout works wonders for me, along with minimum 2x a week frequency. Back in the day, this kind of stuff made my squat explode 90lbs in 8 weeks or something crazy like that lol. It's in one of my older logs on here. But I was squatting 3x a week (2 days heavy/light mixed reps, and 1 back-off day low reps at like 70% max).

I do an upper/lower split, so i put pull ups and rows on the same day. I alternate which ones I do first.

Table is perfectly lined up here too, Windows 10 + firefox FWIW.
Getting enough protein in a normal grown up daily life is the biggest pain in the ass IMHO. One solution is cook massively when you find the time and frost it, microwave the portions you need when you need them. Other is find the junk foods stores/dishes that suit you well and are the least... damaging. Final solution, always have easy/fast sources in your house, to complement the normal lunch/dinner when needed. Boiled eggs (in 12s), peanuts, 1kg low fat yogurt pack, low fat chocolate milk, tuna cans, whole grain rusks. I guess you know already but sometimes its useful to share our... secret weapons haha!

Yeah having the food ready is a huge plus! I didn't think of the boiled eggs idea, thank you! I usually just drink more protein but food > supps. Greek yogurt is an easy think to stock up on too. I wish they sold gallon buckets of that stuff. Just drizzle honey on it, or some jam, and I'm good to go.

My friend gave me the idea of storing protein sludge (protein powder + peanut butter + little bit of water/milk) in the freezer as ice cream. Going to have to give that a shot...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 07, 2018, 10:53:19 am
Wednesday - 11/07/18
185.6lbs - Morning post-pee

-= Calorie Log =-

FOOD / ACTIVITY                CALORIES          PROTEIN
1 scoop creatine
3 scoops protein                +360              72g
2 cups milk                     +300              16g
1 cup ice cream                 +200              6g
1 fun size twix bars            +80               1g
3 mini size twix bars           +240              2g
3 cups of kheer                  ???
Total in                        +???            97g

BMR                             -1,800
Walked 1.5 miles                -150
Thermic Effect of Food          -200
Total out                       -2,150   

Balance                         ???

Really don't know if I should cut, recomp, or slow bulk. I'm skinnier, people notice it, yet I'm weaker. At the same time even though I'm skinnier I feel like I should cut until I'm ripped like I used to be (albeit at a smaller size) and then slow bulk? I figure cut until the strength gains stop, then recomp, then slow bulk.

 Or maybe now's a good time for body recomp + IF considering lots of my strength loss is neural? What do you guys think. I'm freakin 185lbs fasted right now. I'm usually 193-195 and cut to 189 for the summer where I could see veins on lower abs.

Who am I kidding - I keep binge eating whenever I try to cut lol. I should just body recomp by going +500 on lifting days and -500 on off days + IF. 150g protein on cut days and 200g protein on bulk days.

Updating later after more walking and food. Maybe some incline treadmill fast past walking will be good. Can burn 500cal like that easily and fit more protein in to hit my 150g for the day.

Edit: Ended up not walking. Had 3 cups of kheer. It's so freakin good and couldn't resist. I have no idea what the calorie count is. Google searches keep showing wildly different estimations. I probably broke even in my calorie count for the day
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 08, 2018, 08:47:54 am
Thursday - 11/09/18
185.6lbs - morning post pee but gotta poop. sweats and t shirt

-= Calorie Log =-

FOOD / ACTIVITY                CALORIES          PROTEIN
10g creatine
3 scoops protein                +360              72g
2 cups milk                     +315              8g
1 tblsp honey                   +60
3 deglet noor dates             +60
Lots of greek yogurt            +650              70g
8 Kebabs                        +540              48g
Half a fat pleskavica           +400              45g
2 cups drinkable yogurt         +300              16g
Sour cream                      +100
Ajvar                           +150
Pita bread                      +300
8 mantija                       +500              25g
1 tres leches                   +300
2 baklavas                      +500
Shopska salad                   +150
Total in                        +4,685            284g

BMR                             -1,800
Walked 2 miles                  -200
Worked Out                      -400
Thermic Effect of Food          -400
Total out                       -2,800   

Balance                         +1,885

-= Workout Log =-

Low Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 10  >> Improved by 1 rep on my two heavy sets. Lowered the rest time to 60sec after the second heavy set. Makes it really tough.
60's x 5
70's x 3
80's x 1
90's x 6  >> 3min rest.
90's x 4  >> 60sec rest.
75's x 8  >> 60sec rest.
75's x 4  >> 60sec rest.
75's x 4

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 8  >> 3min rest.
240 x 6  >> 60sec rest.
200 x 12  >> 60sec rest.
200 x 8  >> 60sec rest.
200 x 8

DB Lateral Raises
35's x 5
35's x 5
40's x 3
45's x 1
50's x 12  >> 60sec rest.
50's x 8  >> 60sec rest.
45's x 8

Pull ups
BW x 5
+35lbs x 2
+60lbs x 6  >>3min rest.
+60lbs x 5  >> 60sec rest.
BW x 8  >> 60sec rest.
BW x 5  >> 60sec rest.
BW x 5  >> 60sec rest.

DB W Rear Delt Flyes
30'x 12  >> 60sec rest.
30's x 8  >> 60sec rest.

DB Rear Delt Flyes
30'x 8  >> 60sec rest.
22.5's x 8  >> 60sec rest.

Lateral Raises
40's x 15

Ate a bunch of food that I don't even know how to count the calories for. There's a ton of estimates in there. I found a realllllly tasty balkan cuisine spot and I just had to go. I had the best pleskavica of my life, couldn't believe it. Better than even any I've had back home overseas. Couldn't stop eating lol. I ate about 1.2k calories more than I should have. I guess the next 2 bulk days I'll break even instead of being at +500 and that should balance it out. Cut days remain -500 as usual.

Already noticing a difference with small strength increases since i've started really upping my protein intake and adding more volume to my workouts (I was only doing 2 work sets for a while). In fact, I even look cutter in my arms somehow. Probably from the higher calorie intake so my glygocen and sarco fluids are up.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on November 09, 2018, 09:30:49 am
Ate a bunch of food that I don't even know how to count the calories for. There's a ton of estimates in there. I found a realllllly tasty balkan cuisine spot and I just had to go. I had the best pleskavica of my life, couldn't believe it. Better than even any I've had back home overseas. Couldn't stop eating lol. I ate about 1.2k calories more than I should have. I guess the next 2 bulk days I'll break even instead of being at +500 and that should balance it out. Cut days remain -500 as usual.

lmao nice. when you find a spot like that, bulk day :ninja:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 09, 2018, 05:46:07 pm
^^ yep, i call it “caloric autoreg”  :ninja:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 09, 2018, 07:14:46 pm
Friday - 11/09/18

-= Calorie Log =-

FOOD / ACTIVITY                CALORIES          PROTEIN
5g creatine
3 scoops protein                +360              72g
1 cup milk                      +150              16g
4 cups nf greek yogurt          +500              92g
7 tblsp honey                   +450
Chocolate                       +150
3 deglet noor dates             +60
Total in                        +1,670            180g

BMR                             -1,800
Walked 2 miles                  -200
Thermic Effect of Food          -200
Total out                       -2,200   

Balance                         -530

Man the days where I don't lift and don't a lot of walking just suck. If it weren't for the high protein I would be starving! Greek yogurt + honey helps a lot and tastes amazing.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 13, 2018, 11:09:37 am
Saturday - 11/10/18

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 7  >> 3min rest.
365 x 5  >> 3min rest.
365 x 4

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 5
315 x 13
315 x 10  >> 60sec rest.
275 x 12  >> 60sec rest.
275 x 10  >> 60sec rest.
275 x 8  >> 60sec rest.

DB Step ups
50's x 8/leg

Seated Calf Raises
185 x 5
205 x 8  >> 60sec rest.
185 x 12  >> 60sec rest.
185 x 10

Standing Calf Raise Machine
495 x 15  >> 60sec rest.
495 x 8  >> 60sec rest.
495 x 8  >> 60sec rest.

Cable Ab Pulldowns
95 x 5
138 x 8  >> 60sec rest.
125 x 8  >> 60sec rest.
115 x 10 >> 60sec rest.

Hanging Leg Raises
8 >> 60sec rest.

This higher than usual volume and extra protein has finally put the fluids back in my muscles and I actually look more cut than before even though I weigh a little more!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 13, 2018, 11:15:25 am
Tueday - 11/13/18
191.4lbs - Morning fasted after peeing.

-= Calorie Log =-

FOOD / ACTIVITY                CALORIES          PROTEIN
5g creatine
3 scoops protein                +360              72g
1 cup milk                      +150              8g
18 deglet noor dates            +400
4 cookies                       +280
Protein bar                     +150              10g
Protein bar                     +230              20g
4 cups greek yogurt             +880              88g
A ton of honey                  +600
Total in                        +3,050            198g

BMR                             -1,800
Walked 2 miles                  -200
Worked out                      -300
Thermic Effect of Food          -300
Total out                       -2,600   

Balance                         +450

-= Workout Log =-

Low Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 10
60's x 5
70's x 3
80's x 1
90's x 7  >> 3min rest.
90's x 5  >> 90sec rest.
70's x 10  >> 60sec rest.
70's x 4  >> 60sec rest.
70's x 4

Pull ups
BW x 5
+35lbs x 2
+60lbs x 5  >>3min rest.
+60lbs x 4  >> 60sec rest.
BW x 10  >> 60sec rest.
BW x 5  >> 60sec rest.
BW x 5  >> 60sec rest.

DB Lateral Raises
35's x 5
35's x 5
40's x 3
45's x 1
50's x 12  >> 60sec rest.
50's x 8  >> 60sec rest.
45's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
200 x 5
220 x 3
240 x 6  >> 3min rest.
240 x 5  >> 60sec rest.
200 x 10  >> 60sec rest.
200 x 6  >> 60sec rest.
200 x 5

DB W Rear Delt Flyes
30'x 8  >> 60sec rest.
30's x 8  >> 60sec rest.

DB Rear Delt Flyes
30'x 8  >> 60sec rest.
22.5's x 12  >> 60sec rest.

Lateral Raises
40's x 12

Lol i gained 6 pounds of water weight + glycogen storage from pigging out the last few days. Didn't even feel like updating my log.

But I think this is a good thing. I'd rather do a body recomp while my glycogen stores are full at ~190 rather than empty at ~185. I can literally feel the bloating in my face, fingers, toes lol. I will probably stabilize at 188lbs or so, which I'm good with. Hopefully having full glycogen stores will stop me from binge eating and also allow me to lift harder? I have a feeling it may. I was supposed to do upper body yesterday though.

Lifting upper body later. Didn't eat yet - the calories logged are planned ahead of time. Aiming for +500 surplus since it's a lifting day.

Edit; Gained strength in some lifts, dropped in others.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 20, 2018, 09:16:58 am
Been binge eating and slacking in my workouts. Somehow i shot up to 196 pounds one morning!!!  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

I guess it's time to cut for 1 or 2 weeks and try stabalizing at right under 190lbs. Man, i cant control myself when it comes to food in this friggen country

gotta lift later today. too lazy to update food log right now
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 27, 2018, 10:35:33 am
Alright I may be too lazy to update everything, so maybe just my daily weight and my workouts for now. i can track calories and protein on my phone

194lbs this morning
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on November 28, 2018, 11:18:25 pm
Alright I may be too lazy to update everything, so maybe just my daily weight and my workouts for now. i can track calories and protein on my phone

194lbs this morning

ya tracking all of that in different places is hard. lol.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 28, 2019, 10:57:51 am
figure i should post something in here every now and then

finished a cut very nicely, bottomed out at 182.0lbs which i haven't been since high school! I was also very dry (as in, did a full water fast the day before, and then a dry fast on the day of my weigh-in). next week i binged. cutting a little this week to re-do that, and doing a slow lean bulk. currently at like 188lbs ish. Hard to really gauge my weight since i do a lot of fasting, both water fasting and dry fasting. freakin love fasting.

love using full day fasts for cutting. the benefits are amazing. i even did a ~65hour fast to finish off my cut with a couple of ~14hr dry fasts included in there. you don't even get that hungry. helps me sleep very well, too. it's amazing. minimal strength loss and i love not having to cut for months at a time.

lifts are like... squat 295x5, RDL 385x5, incline db bench 90x8 (pr is 100x6, goal is 100x10),
i miss playing basketball. i gotta find a qualified PT near me, get some MRIs of my knees, and take this SERIOUSLY. my cardio sucks man. i'm 26 now and i should start caring about cardio.

Whats my goal now? why do i lift? tbh, i just want to stay looking good and be healthy. i also hate having a fat face. after a certain bodyweight it's like boom my face is fat and bloated and it's a huge difference.

 my target strength levels squat 405x1, db incline bench 100x10, rdl 495x1, chin up maybe +100x5. if my knees seriously heal up, maybe ill go kingfish and just work back up to a 455 squat like i used to have and work on that 40" standing vert. but it's not so important to me anymore. would be cool as hell though.

thinking of doing some kind of martial arts in the future, God willing. men are the protectors and maintainers of women, and i need to get on that. i have the job part down (not a crazy salary but enough for me) and the physique, but i've never been in a fight in my life lol

work has been real good to me. been having a lot of work from home projects. got hotspot on my phone, i work on my laptop while driving with my friend, or local dunking donuts, sometimes i log in to check my mail while at the gym eating my preworkout clif bar at the table, etc. not having to commute saves so much time, and wakign up at 5:30am daily on top if that is just amazing. i wake up and have a few hours to kill before i have to sign on. can even take a mid-day nap as part of my lunch break without anyone knowing.

been really slacking on learning my arabic, but i'm picking it up here and there very slowly. very cool to listen to the dawn prayer recitation and understand some things here and there. what a sick language (at least the standardized Arabic is). i could go on and on about the very basics of the root system and how even individual letters have characteristics, so beast. i think i posted before about how when i started to pray 5x a day, all of a sudden i didn't need as much sleep. wide awake by 7am -- not just awake, but like fully functioning awake on 6hrs of sleep (unusual for me). i was guessing that the change was due to entering a deep sleep much quicker. i got a sleep study done for suspected sleep apnea and they discovered that within three minutes of falling asleep i was entering REM. They want to test me for narcolepsy now lol. kind of confirms my guess of falling into deep sleep very quickly, but to be fair i dont have this data on me from before praying 5x/day

some meals i've been having recently, home cooked:

some beef patties with olive oil, spinach, mushrooms, onions, salt pepper paprika cayenne, then i threw in some eggs on top and melted provolone and gouda in:



home made halal guys, thats cauliflower rice in there (tastes amazing) with some veggies and idn what spices. got the sauce from halal guys, this thing tasted incredible, probably better than the famous cart itself:


Then my other friend came over and melted some cheese on top and seasoned it more... the cheese melted even more afterward (not pictured):


meatballs stuffed with cheese, aka meatbombs. also some zuchini salad, tastes so freaking good:


steak with provolone and parm crust, cauliflower rice and avocado:


i don't eat like this every day. usually its a protein shake, some greek yogurt combos: fig preserves + crushed cashews, honey + granola + banana, strawberry preserves + black seeds, and some eggs with a bunch of random stuff thrown in

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 03, 2019, 09:40:58 am
Incline DB press back up to 95 x 5
PR was 95 x 8 (or was it 10?) and 100 x 6

switched to chin ups from doing pull ups for years. Ever since i started training i was doing chin ups. switched to pull ups thinking it would help my posture more. but you know what, i keep cheating on my form anyway by making my elbows point forward instead of the sides. so i switched back to chin ups for consistency. and they feel much better anyway. currently at 70x4 ish

RDL at 375x5. now that i'm bulking and eating a lot of carbs (but more healthy ones, oats, dates, honey, not too much junk food) i'm having crazy fast recovery. i do an upper lower split and i'm thinking of working out 3 days in a row lol. i've never done an actual proper bulk before - usually i get more protein on a cut than a bulk lol because i eat like a fool when "bulking" in the past. this time i'm trying to bulk with 200g protein per day minimum, and be at a 500cal surplus on lifting days but 0cal on rest days.

kind of want to start focusing on incline BB bench. reasons: eventually DB is just going to get very inconvenient. the first rep gets near impossible to do without a spotter. and the dumbells can very so much from gym to gym that sometimes i have to use DB's 10lbs lighter than at another gym to get all my reps in. problem with BB incline is that i prefer a lower incline than what most gyms already have set up - and they're usually set up on non adjustable benches like my local gym. whatever, i'll aim for the 100x10 first before worrying too much about what to do

might start RDLing twice a week. right now i squat on on day and RDL on the other. but i may add RDLs after squats on squat day instead of doing back extensions. then i can do prone leg curls, abs, calves
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on April 03, 2019, 12:05:50 pm
omg at some of that food pron. i'm starving.

nice info about the fasts. I don't really fast, but I do try to eat less once I find myself becoming "overly addicted to food", ie when i become hungry too often/eat way too much/spend way too much on food. always feels great lightening up the diet, going longer without food etc.

work has been real good to me. been having a lot of work from home projects. got hotspot on my phone, i work on my laptop while driving with my friend, or local dunking donuts,

lol'd. can't escape the dunk game.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 03, 2019, 11:40:36 pm
Lol damn i make a lot of typos. Lots of times they are grammar errors and really just make me look like i dont know english! Especially while texting. So eg the d is next to the s, so at times ill accidentally change the tense of a word. “He has saves the game” instead of “he has saved the game,” etc.

I have more food porn on my phone. Keto pizzza, lots of different greek yogurt combos. Greek yogurt with fig preserves and crushed cashews is heavenly. In the fridge i have greek yogurt with toasted oats n black seed, and honey right now. Greek yogurt with honey, banana, and granola is another tasty combo. Oh and also greek yogurt, strawberry preserves, and black seed
Just freakin love greek yogurt. Good casein before bed
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 05, 2019, 11:45:53 am
some more food pr0n for adarqui:

greek yogurt, dates, black seed, honey:

Greek yogurt, toasted oats, black seed, honey:

panini made with a roll, chicken salami, bulgarian kashkaval (cheese), provolone, spinach, mushroom, vegeta seasoning, and some ajvar on the side:

keto pizza with ground beef and spinach:

cauliflower rice with veggies:

balkan desserts:

the greek yogurt and oats combo is unreal for appetite suppression. dat fiber, dat casien protein... and tastes great! easy to toast the oats in the oven
the cauliflower rice is like 250cal for that full piece of tupperware. also great for being full on less cals.
could have gotten a much cheesier  :o pic of the panini but whatever
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on April 07, 2019, 02:54:57 pm

i'm mirin` that greek yogurt & panini.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 18, 2019, 05:38:37 pm
Guys how do i stop binge eating
This is ridiculous
Pretty much un-did my cut
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: gukl on April 22, 2019, 06:25:27 am
Guys how do i stop binge eating
This is ridiculous
Pretty much un-did my cut

Do you IF?

Kind of allows me to enjoy binges and still stay lean lol. I do always feel not so great after a junk binge though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2019, 07:07:44 am
Guys how do i stop binge eating
This is ridiculous
Pretty much un-did my cut

missed this. when did you start binge-eating? you don't have a history of it that i recall.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: seifullaah73 on April 22, 2019, 08:12:29 am
Ramadan is coming soon. That should help with that soon. Unless you start binge eating once you break your fast.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on April 22, 2019, 09:27:11 pm
Guys how do i stop binge eating
This is ridiculous
Pretty much un-did my cut

Do you IF?

Kind of allows me to enjoy binges and still stay lean lol. I do always feel not so great after a junk binge though.

I do IF a lot of the time and find this can lead to binge eating. If I eat breakfast and throughout the day I'm much less likely to binge at night.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 24, 2019, 11:00:28 am
Guys how do i stop binge eating
This is ridiculous
Pretty much un-did my cut

missed this. when did you start binge-eating? you don't have a history of it that i recall.

I never posted about it before but lots of times when cutting i’ll give in for a day and go all out on processed carbs. This time indid it for like a week straight, maybe more? Jumped up to 200lbs FAST but that includes glyogen and watee weight. I was a dry fasted, glycogen depleted 182lbs at the end of my cut a few weeks ago.

Quote from: gukl link=topic=5988.msg147680#msg147680

Do you IF?

Kind of allows me to enjoy binges and still stay lean lol. I do always feel not so great after a junk binge though.

Yeah i do IF. Without IF i would never be able to cut lol

Ramadan is coming soon. That should help with that soon. Unless you start binge eating once you break your fast.

I already do nafl fasts here and there. Also helps that we eat 3 dates and then go into magrib prayer - gives the dates some time to settle in the stomach before having the real meal so you end up eating less overall. Also eating the sunnah way when possible seems to help: sitting on floor, using three fingers to eat instead of silverware, and eating small morsels at a time
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: seifullaah73 on April 24, 2019, 12:58:06 pm
Ramadan is coming soon. That should help with that soon. Unless you start binge eating once you break your fast.

I already do nafl fasts here and there. Also helps that we eat 3 dates and then go into magrib prayer - gives the dates some time to settle in the stomach before having the real meal so you end up eating less overall. Also eating the sunnah way when possible seems to help: sitting on floor, using three fingers to eat instead of silverware, and eating small morsels at a time

Good Job Man. You are more consistent then me.
Man. I am unable to do all that. But it's good to see that it's helping.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 25, 2019, 05:55:43 am
Good Job Man. You are more consistent then me.
Man. I am unable to do all that. But it's good to see that it's helping.

Which part looks tough for you? Are you referring to having just a small iftar before maghreb and you just go all out on the food or what lol

Weighed in at a dry fasted 192lbs yesterday, or maybe 193lbs i forget
Crazy how much water weight one can actually hold
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: seifullaah73 on April 25, 2019, 06:54:58 am
Good Job Man. You are more consistent then me.
Man. I am unable to do all that. But it's good to see that it's helping.

Which part looks tough for you? Are you referring to having just a small iftar before maghreb and you just go all out on the food or what lol

Weighed in at a dry fasted 192lbs yesterday, or maybe 193lbs i forget
Crazy how much water weight one can actually hold

I def go all out then regret it after I can't breath lol. Strange how fasting effects your stomach and makes you feel fuller quicker than normal.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 26, 2019, 03:30:47 pm
Fasting probably shrinks your stomach or something. But yeah man just eat 3 dates drink water and pray maghrib in congregation, make dhikr, and then 2 sunnah rakats. Should be like ~12min time total. Enough for the dates to settle in a bit and so it should curb going all out after that for the main meal lol
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 06, 2019, 02:34:19 am
Incline DB benched 100x6!!! That ties my all-time PR. I think i weigh heavier than the last time i did it though

Binged today again. Freakin halal guys...

Squatted 315x5 as well. Been about... a year since i was at that weight? Also RDL’d 405x5 earlier this week. PR is 445x6 i think, somewhere around there

I cant believe squat singles of 405 used to be my bread and butter. What the heck. Thats so unreal to me. Not trying to say its impressive, but rather just the fact that it feels so out of reach for me right now yet i used to be at that level. It feels unreal that i used to do it.

Got some more food pics   :ibjumping: lazy to upload and post now. 2:34am, time for an hour or so of sleep. Had too much tea.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 11, 2019, 12:55:18 pm
Inclined 100x7 last upper bodynworkout
Today is upper body again, I dont know if ill hit 8 but i better because i havent been able to hold back on the sweets  :uhhhfacepalm:

Edit: wasnt feeling too good, still hit 7 though!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on May 12, 2019, 01:11:34 am
Incline DB benched 100x6!!! That ties my all-time PR. I think i weigh heavier than the last time i did it though

Binged today again. Freakin halal guys...

Squatted 315x5 as well. Been about... a year since i was at that weight? Also RDL’d 405x5 earlier this week. PR is 445x6 i think, somewhere around there

I cant believe squat singles of 405 used to be my bread and butter. What the heck. Thats so unreal to me. Not trying to say its impressive, but rather just the fact that it feels so out of reach for me right now yet i used to be at that level. It feels unreal that i used to do it.

Got some more food pics   :ibjumping: lazy to upload and post now. 2:34am, time for an hour or so of sleep. Had too much tea.

ya it's ridiculous how fast we lose strength. it's one thing with strength & vert training that bothers me.

anyway. might be out of reach for you now but, you always making big progress when you really focus. but also no need to rush it either.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 16, 2019, 02:06:56 am
^ Oh yeah if I go back to my squatting 3x a week no doubt i can get back up to 4 plates quick. I'm just thinking long term. Don't want my hamstrings to fall behind and cause any imbalances. I remember this program being the most effective for me for squats:

monday - squat x4, x7, x7, 90sec rests
wednesday - squat x2
Friday - squat x4, x7, x7, 90sec rests

if i hit 4 reps, increase by 5lbs. So that was about 90% of my max. Same with the 7 rep work. If i hit both sets of 7, increase. The wednesday squatting for 2 reps was the same weight as the Friday following it.

The combo of high frequency, intensity, low volume but still some metabolic adaptation from the short rest period seriously boosted me
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 19, 2019, 12:32:32 am
RDL at 405x7 now. Did not expect to be gaining strength tbis ramadan. Not even getting much protein. Weight is around 194lbs fasted. Looking to cut afterward. Hard cut, get down to a fasted 187 or so and go back to my clean bulk
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 29, 2019, 03:24:38 pm
Incline db has dropped to 100x5 for a few workouts now. Rdl went up to 405x8 after a day of pigging out. Those glycogen stores really make a difference
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 29, 2019, 09:49:57 am
Completed my hajj   :personal-record:

Barely lifted, also got sick during it. And there was TONS of walking in intense heat, and barely any sleep was had. I didnt expect it to be so difficult.

Dropped to 182lbs and not even fasted. Lost a lot of strength and muscle. Im supposed to be crazy cut at 182 but nope! incline db dropped to 85x5. Wow. Just benched today and managed 185x5. But to be fair, i never bench anymore

Despicable numbers lol. Should start logging every workout again
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: seifullaah73 on August 29, 2019, 07:45:38 pm
Completed my hajj   :personal-record:

Barely lifted, also got sick during it. And there was TONS of walking in intense heat, and barely any sleep was had. I didnt expect it to be so difficult.

Dropped to 182lbs and not even fasted. Lost a lot of strength and muscle. Im supposed to be crazy cut at 182 but nope! incline db dropped to 85x5. Wow. Just benched today and managed 185x5. But to be fair, i never bench anymore

Despicable numbers lol. Should start logging every workout again

Damn Man. Congrats.

Now you can start try maintaining that weight while improving your strength.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on August 29, 2019, 11:26:50 pm
Completed my hajj   :personal-record:

awesome man! :wowthatwasnutswtf:

i imagine that was an incredible experience.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2019, 09:36:16 am
if there's one thing i learned from three years in pakistan, it's that everyone gets sick during hajj.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 10, 2019, 02:18:09 pm
Benched 7x5 yesterday... felt good. It was at 185lbs but I think i can get back to repping 2 plates quickly. I need to work on increasing my GPP. Maybe cardio can help with that a bit.

I moved and joined a rec center that has a bball court, but a really run down weight room. Can't even find all the dumbells but I'm trying to make it work. Tempted to just buy a power cage, bench, and some dumbells and put it in my living room if my roommates cool with it...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 12, 2019, 12:40:41 pm
Benched 8x4 @ 195lbs. Felt great. Nearly failed on the final rep of the last set. Then inclined DB 60x15, 12.

Smolov jr inspired benching. My plan is to bench 3x/week: one day of 7x5, another of 8x4, and then a light day working up to a 90% single or so. I want to get back to repping 2 plates again!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 12, 2019, 12:50:29 pm
Monday - 09/16/19

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press

Incline DB Bench Press

Setting this up in advance so I'm not too lazy to fill it out. I need to start logging workouts again!


bench 7x5
incline db 2-3x10-15

rear delt DB flyes 4x8-12
lateral raises 3x8-12
rows 3x6-10
chin ups 3x5-7
shrugs 3-4x8-12
extra back and delt stuff as i feel like it

squat 1x5
RDL 3x5-8
calf raises 4x8-15
ab pulldowns 3x8-15

bench 8x4
incline DB bench 2-3x10-15

rear delt DB flyes 4x8-12
lateral raises 3x8-12
chin ups 3x5-7
rows 3x6-10
shrugs 3-4x8-12
extra back and delt stuff as i feel like it

squat 3x5
RDL 1-2x5-8
calf raises 4x8-15
ab pulldowns 3x8-15
bench 1x90%
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on September 13, 2019, 01:10:07 am
^^ looks like it'll do the job.

no dips on push day? don't like them or they bug you?

i personally love dips. if i could do just dips & neutral grip pullups i'd be happy.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 13, 2019, 08:39:42 am
Cant seem to figure out how to do dips without discomfort where my pecs meet my delts
I used to love them though!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 16, 2019, 08:25:16 am
Monday - 09/16/19

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15 >> 3min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 2
225 x 1
190 x 5
190 x 5
190 x 5
190 x 5
190 x 5
190 x 5
190 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
60’s x 15
60’s x 10

Good workout. I need to work on bench form a bit. The pump from the high rep inclines felt great!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 18, 2019, 11:15:24 am
Wednesday - 09/16/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 2
275 x 1
260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5

135 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
295 x 8
295 x 5

Leg Press Calf Raises Superset A
+450 x 15
+450 x 13
+450 x 12
+450 x 12
+450 x 12

Barbell Shrugs Superset A
295 x 10
295 x 8
295 x 8
295 x 8

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+105 x 3
+105 x 10
+105 x 8
+105 x 6

Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1

was supposed to do back and shoulders yesterday but i got hoem very late the night before. slept through the morning and had to work instead.
I can't wait to be pumping out 3 plates on the squats again. It's been a while
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 19, 2019, 11:08:15 am
Thursday - 09/19/19

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15 >> 3min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 2
225 x 1
200 x 4
200 x 4
200 x 4
200 x 4
200 x 4
200 x 4
200 x 4
200 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
60’s x 15
60’s x 10

From the warmups, I thought I was going to have a bad workout. Turns out I hit all my prescribed reps and sets.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 20, 2019, 10:13:47 am
Friday - 09/20/19

-= Workout Log =-

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 10
20's x 8
20's x 6

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15
20's x 15
20's x 12

Seated Strict Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 8
15's x 15
15's x 12

Bent Over Barbell Rows
135 x 3
185 x 1
195 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5

Chin Ups
+40 x 6
+40 x 5
+40 x 4

T-Bar Rows
+115 x 6
+115 x 6

Chin Ups
BW x 9
BW x 7

Workout felt great! Already seeing a difference in size/definition in my upper body from this higher volume. Could just be the pump that lasts a few days, but it's still providing me nice motivation. I didn't feel dead by the end of this workout either.

I've been hitting shoulders before back now (instead of after), and starting them with the rear delts. I've been doing this for about a year now and definitely noticed a big difference in shoulder size. They use to be lagging quite a lot, but they've caught up a bit now.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 20, 2019, 08:25:54 pm
Feel myself getting sick possibly.... nooooooooo
just when i start making gains again and am excited to lift
we'll see if i get sick or not!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on September 20, 2019, 09:43:45 pm
Feel myself getting sick possibly.... nooooooooo
just when i start making gains again and am excited to lift
we'll see if i get sick or not!

daaamn sux!! hope not. rest up!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 21, 2019, 12:51:18 pm
Saturday - 09/21/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 2
275 x 1
265 x 5

135 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
305 x 8
305 x 6
305 x 4

Leg Press Calf Raises Superset A
+500 x 13
+500 x 12
+500 x 11
+500 x 10
+500 x 10

Barbell Shrugs Superset A
295 x 12
295 x 8
295 x 8
295 x 6

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+105 x 3
+105 x 12
+105 x 6
+105 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 2
235 x 1

The sick feeling was a false alarm (but it's been accurate before lol).

Had a great workout. The 235 at the end felt easy, might have been a 35lb bar not sure.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 23, 2019, 11:49:02 am
Monday - 09/23/19

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15 >> 3min rests.
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 2
235 x 1
195 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press
70’s x 10 >>3min rest.
70’s x 8

I think I'm capable of 195x7. The weight feels a little light at first but by the last set it gets tough. I tried to focus on 100% effort for that reason throughout to reap the benefits as much as possible. Lost count - might have done 6 sets and not 7.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 24, 2019, 11:04:47 am
Tuesday - 09/24/19

-= Workout Log =-

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 12 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 6

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 14 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 13
20's x 12

Seated Strict Lateral Raises
20's x 12 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 5
20's x 4

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+40 x 7
+40 x 5
+40 x 4

Bent Over Barbell Rows
135 x 3 >> 3min rests.
185 x 1
200 x 5
200 x 5
200 x 5

Chin Ups
BW x 10
BW x 5

T-Bar Rows
+115 x 6 >>45 sec rest.
+115 x 4
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 24, 2019, 11:54:16 pm
Just so lazy to post

When my left knee screwed up, it kinda healed, then right knee screwed up once my squat was getting back to 405 max. It screwed up in the same way as the left, so im doing what my PT had me do for my other knee. I notice relief right away. Glute med activation basicaly

Currently RDLing 445x6, kinda deep too, at like 200lbs bw
Dropped barbell benching completely. Just felt like trying incline dumbell only. Stuck with it for like two months. Tried out a 2 plate bench for fun... oh God the strain on the shoulders! I might still with DBs only for a while. Currently at 100’s x6 at a low incline, followed by 90’s x8 at mid incline

Pull ups - 5 clean reps with 80lbs attached

Played light bball to see how my knees feel tomorrow. Only jumped hard once - touched rim from standstill

This is unfathomable to me lol. I think consistency has been my biggest issue the past couple of years.

I need to weigh myself now and make sure i dont get too fat while putting on this strength. Now i really want my 4 plate squat back. And bench 2 plates for reps easy

Looking at my old posts is providing me some good motivation
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 25, 2019, 12:38:07 pm
Wednesday - 09/25/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
135 x 5 >> Was supposed to do sets of 265 but I was feeling good, so I pushed myself.
185 x 5 >> I think that's what I've been lacking a lot of. I've forgotten how much I used to push myself in the past!
225 x 2
275 x 1
295 x 1
275 x 5
275 x 5
275 x 5

135 x 5 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3 >> Pushed myself here as well. Was scheduled for 305... went to 315 and thought maybe 4-5 reps. Hit 8!
275 x 1
315 x 8
315 x 4

Barbell Shrugs Superset A
315 x 8
315 x 8
315 x 8
315 x 6

Cable Ab Pull Downs Superset A
+105 x 3
+115 x 10
+115 x 6
+115 x 5

Was running out of time so I left calves for tomorrow's benching day.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 26, 2019, 09:52:00 am
Thursday - 09/26/19

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 15 >> 3min rests.
95 x 8  >> I think i’m capable of 205x6, maybeee x7
135 x 5 >> The 245x1 was easier than expected
185 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
205 x 4
205 x 4
205 x 4
205 x 4
205 x 4
205 x 4
205 x 4
205 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press Plus
70’s x 12 >>3min rest
70’s x 10

Leg Press Calf Raises
+500 x 15 >> 60sec rests.
+500 x 12
+500 x 10
+500 x 12
+500 x 10

Incline DB Bench Press Plus
70’s x 10

Thinking of dropping to 3 sets of heavy benches with higher weight because the first few sets feel pretty light. Would also be easier on my shoulders. And i think i regained an okay amount of neural strength in my bench at this point, so there probably isnt much need for 7-8 sets of benches anymore unless i'm trying to bust through a plateau

btw, incline db bench press "plus" refers to push the shoulders forward at the top for some serratus activation
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 27, 2019, 10:25:59 am
Friday - 09/27/19

-= Workout Log =-

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 12 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 8

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 13 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 8

Seated Strict Lateral Raises
20's x 13 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 6
20's x 5
20's x 4

Bent Over Barbell Rows
135 x 5 >> 3min rests.
185 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 5
205 x 5

Chin Ups
+40 x 8 >> 3min rests.
+40 x 5
+40 x 4

T-Bar Rows
+115 x 10 >>60sec rest.
+115 x 6

Chin Ups
BW x 10 >> 60sec rest.
BW x 5

Nice steady progress continues. I plan to start IF on monday and maintain my weight. My face is getting soft!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 29, 2019, 10:07:46 am
Saturday - 09/29/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8 >> 315 felt was easy, so I thought I’d go for 295 instead of 280.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 2
275 x 1
315 x 1
295 x 5

135 x 5 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3 >> Pushed myself again and went up a bunch of weight.
315 x 1
365 x 1
335 x 7
335 x 4
335 x 4

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises Superset A
+500 x 15
+500 x 12
+500 x 10
+500 x 10
+500 x 10

Barbell Shrugs Superset A
315 x 10
315 x 8
315 x 6
315 x 5

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+115 x 3 >> 2min rests.
+105 x 15
+105 x 8
+105 x 6

Bench Press
45 x 20 >> Just a few weeks ago i couldnt bench 225x1!
95 x 12
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
255 x 1

Strength is going up crazy fast! Of course these are just regains and i’m bulking but still, it feels nice
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 30, 2019, 11:17:28 am
Monday - 09/30/19

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20 >> 5min rests.
95 x 12  >> The bench press gains are coming in fast! Re*gains.
135 x 5 >> The 255 felt like a max today (but like 95% two days ago).
185 x 2 >> Almost failed on the first two work sets.
225 x 1
255 x 1
225 x 5
225 x 4
225 x 3

Incline DB Bench Press Plus
70’s x 15 >>90sec rests.
70’s x 7
70's x 6
70's x 5
70's x 4
60's x 9

Leg Press Calf Raises
+500 x 15 >> 60sec rests.
+500 x 12
+500 x 10
+500 x 12
+500 x 10

So glad to be doing sets of 225 on the bench again! Plan is to stick with this weight until I can hit 7 reps on the first set, then move up in weight. Incline DB's for that pump afterward. Gotta combine the neural gains + myofibrillar hypertrophy + sarcoplasmic hypertropy!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 01, 2019, 04:54:22 pm
So dead tired today since I slept late. Doesn't matter that I woke up late as well - night sleep is so much better than day sleep

may lift at night tnite, or double up tomorrow (but with less sets)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 02, 2019, 11:58:30 am
Wednesday - 10/02/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 4
185 x 2
225 x 2
275 x 1
325 x 1
295 x 5
295 x 4
295 x 3

135 x 5 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3
315 x 10
315 x 5

Barbell Shrugs Superset A
315 x 62
315 x 6
315 x 6
315 x 4

Cable Ab Pull Downs Superset A
+105 x 12
+105 x 6
+105 x 6

Was not feeling too strong today. Might be because I've been slacking on protein this week, but also because I jumped up in weight very fast the past week or so and now I'm at my "real" maxes. The gains are no doubt slowing down now!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 03, 2019, 12:11:12 pm
Thursday - 10/03/19

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20 >> 5min rests.
95 x 12 >> Almost failed final rep on final set.
135 x 5
185 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
225 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5

Incline DB Bench Press Plus
70’s x 13 >>90sec rests.
70’s x 7
60's x 9
60's x 8
70's x 7

Leg Press Calf Raises
+430 x 20 >> 60sec rests.
+430 x 15
+430 x 12
+430 x 12
+430 x 12

Close to stalling on the bench... kinda tempted to go back to my 7x5 mondays and 8x4 thursdays.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 04, 2019, 01:06:57 pm
Friday - 10/04/19

-= Workout Log =-

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 12 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 6

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8

Seated Strict Lateral Raises
20's x 12 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 6
20's x 4
20's x 3

Chin Ups
BW x 5
+40 x 8 >> 3min rests.
+40 x 4
+40 x 4

Pendlay Rows
135 x 5 >> 3min rests.
185 x 3
225 x 6
225 x 6
225 x 5

Chin Ups
BW x 11 >> 60sec rest.
BW x 5

T-Bar Rows
+115 x 10 >>60sec rest.
+115 x 5

Lost a tiny bit of strength in the shoulder workouts, probably because i missed my last back/shoulder workout.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 05, 2019, 05:28:37 pm
Saturday - 10/05/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 4
185 x 2
225 x 2
275 x 1
325 x 1
305 x 5

135 x 5 >> 3min rests.
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
325 x 8
325 x 4
325 x 4

Barbell Shrugs Superset A
315 x 10
315 x 8
315 x 8
315 x 6

Cable Ab Pull Downs Superset A
+105 x 3
+105 x 12
+105 x 8
+105 x 8

Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 12
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1

Inching closer and closer to a 315x5 squat!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 05, 2019, 05:33:03 pm
Here is the gym I am lifting at. I hated it at first but had to make do, especially since a ton of the dumbells are missing. And the A/C doesn't work most days I'm there, so it's pretty hot in there.

But every day I love it more and more:


Squat/RDL rack and chin up bar:

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on October 06, 2019, 02:25:37 am
looks pretty nice! i'd rather go to a gym like that than some globo commercial gym.

the AC not working could be a good thing. Some boxing gym i used to go to way back actually turned the heat on some days etc, (even when it was hot as fu*k out), hardcore gym. training in there was epic.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 06, 2019, 09:45:52 am
Yeah im really liking the hot temp while lifting, probably moreso than room temp now. Freezing commercial gyms are the worst!
The more i think about it, the more i realize my only real issue with the gym is a missing 25lb dumbell, 30lb, 40lb, and then sets of 35’s, 45’s, 50’s, 55’s

Looking to build my home gym soon anyway with a DIY platform. Any ideas on a decent power cage? My company has a 50% fitness subsidy that caps at $500/year. Rather use that for equipment every year instead of a gym membership!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on October 06, 2019, 09:56:51 pm
Yeah im really liking the hot temp while lifting, probably moreso than room temp now. Freezing commercial gyms are the worst!
The more i think about it, the more i realize my only real issue with the gym is a missing 25lb dumbell, 30lb, 40lb, and then sets of 35’s, 45’s, 50’s, 55’s

Looking to build my home gym soon anyway with a DIY platform. Any ideas on a decent power cage? My company has a 50% fitness subsidy that caps at $500/year. Rather use that for equipment every year instead of a gym membership!

ah that's cool, the 50% subsidy.

i got my powertec rack for ~550 way back. thing has been through several hurricanes and been outside for like 12 years. still in great conditions.

just need a heavy duty steel rack. don't need to go crazy though. i'd def get one w/ pullup/dip attachments.

ive seen some @ local sporting goods store, even cheaper now, and with more features. seem solid. if you have any places nearby, go check some out in person.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 07, 2019, 10:39:29 am
Monday - 10/07/19

-= Workout Log =-

Bench Press
45 x 20
95 x 12
135 x 5
185 x 2
225 x 1
205 x 5
205 x 3

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises
+360 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
450 x 20
450 x 12
450 x 12
450 x 12
450 x 12

Wanted to switch back to 7x5 mondays and 8x4 thursday for the bench. but alas, my right shoulder is bothering me so i cut it short today. last time this happened to me i was lifting 6x a week (like now) so my shoulder girdle is getting worked 4x a week (two push and two pull days), plus high intensity and volume on the bb bench. No good. pain went away last time with some rest.

so I think it's time i switch to body recomp and throw in a lot of fasting while lowering the volume on bench work. really want to just switch 100% to dumbells, but my gym is missing so many of them. don't have 80's, 95's, etc.

thinking of maybe doing an upper/rest/lower/rest split, with a ton of fasting on rest days.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 08, 2019, 11:12:57 am
Tuesday - 10/08/19

-= Workout Log =-

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 12 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 8

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8

Pendlay Rows
135 x 5 >> 3min rests.
185 x 3
230 x 5
230 x 5
230 x 5

Chin Ups
+40 x 8 >> 3min rests.
+40 x 5
+40 x 5

T-Bar Rows
+115 x 12 >>60sec rest.
+115 x 6

Chin Ups
BW x 10 >> 60sec rest.
BW x 5

I felt the tiniest bit of something, don't even want to call it discomfort, in my shoulder during seated lateral raises. So I skipped them for today
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 10, 2019, 12:32:03 pm
Saturday - 10/10/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 2
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 1
315 x 1

135 x 7 >> 3min rests.
225 x 3
315 x 10
315 x 5
315 x 5

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises Superset A
+480 x 18
+480 x 15
+480 x 13
+480 x 15
+480 x 12

Barbell Shrugs Superset A
315 x 13
315 x 8
315 x 8
315 x 8

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+105 x 3 >> 2min rests.
+105 x 15
+105 x 6
+105 x 8

Happy to be squatting 3 plates for 5 reps again! From prior experience I believe this puts me at a 365 1RM
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 14, 2019, 12:24:07 pm
Monday - 10/14/19

-= Workout Log =-

DB 30° Incline DB Press
40's x 12
60's x 4
90's x 1
100's x 3 >> 3min rests.
100's x 2
100's x 2
60's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
60's x 12
60's x 10

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 12 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 5

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 12 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 8

Strict Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 8

Standing Neutral Grip DB Shoulder Press
40's x 10 >> 90sec rests.
40's x 10

Chin Ups
+45 x 6 >> 3min rests.
+45 x 5
+45 x 5

Pendlay Rows
135 x 5 >> 3min rests.
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 5
235 x 3
235 x 3

Switched to an upper/lower split. I want to say I'm doing a body recomp now with a lot of fasting... but I keep eating a lot. Weigh 195.6lbs dry fasted.

Was running out of time before work, so I skipped the extra BW chin ups and T-bar rows

The dumbell situation is very annoying. 100's are too heavy for me right now. There are no 95's. One out of the two 90's is bent, and a different shaped dumbell altogether. I'm also missing a 70, an 80 I think, etc, so I have to drop to 60's after the 100's lol.
Don't want to go back to barbell benching. DB's feel SO much better on my shoulders, even with the too-heavy 100's!

Tried out neutral grip db shoulder presses. Didn't like them at all. They target my front delts a ton, but i want to target my lateral delts

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on October 14, 2019, 12:24:47 pm
that was a pretty quick return to 315s!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 14, 2019, 04:34:55 pm
that was a pretty quick return to 315s!

Oh yeah, re-gains are a real thing! neural efficiency comes back quicker if you had it before, i guess.
getting to a 405 single might take quite a while though... i can do it fast if i get fat and squat 3x/week, but i dont want to get fat and don't want to spend too much time in the gym. or maybe i should smolov jr my way back up there quick and maintain? hmmm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: LBSS on October 14, 2019, 06:51:36 pm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on October 14, 2019, 09:10:03 pm

lold. read it as a chant, on first glance.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: seifullaah73 on October 15, 2019, 05:24:59 pm

lold. read it as a chant, on first glance.

Lol, same.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 16, 2019, 05:12:40 pm
Saturday - 10/16/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 12 >> Almost failed on that 6th rep.
135 x 5  >> The 345 felt a little tough, but good.
185 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 1
315 x 6

135 x 8 >> Pushed myself and hit 8 reps instead of 5.
225 x 5
315 x 1
345 x 8

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+105 x 3 >> 2min rests.
+115 x 12
+115 x 6
+115 x 6

Pressed for time. Barely did any worksets, and left off shrugs and calves.

I think smolov jr is just a huge time commitment right now for me. What I can do, though, is add a 3rd day of squatting up to a 90% 1RM which is in addition to my two days of 1-3 sets of 3-6 reps at 80-87% max.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 18, 2019, 12:53:03 pm
Friday - 10/18/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 12
60's x 8
60's x 5
90's x 1
100's x 4 >> 3min rests.
100's x 0
60's x 15 (paused)>> 90sec rests.
60's x 8 (paused)
60's x 6 (paused)

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 12 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 8

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 10

55° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 12 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8

Standing DB Shoulder Press
40's x 12 >> 90sec rest.
40's x 10

T-Bar Rows
105 x 15 >> 90sec rest.
105 x 5

Chin Ups
+50 x 5 >> 90sec rest.
+50 x 3
    BW x 3 (drop set)

Hoping to get back to db benching 7 reps with 100's. The 100lb dumbells here are clunky so it's a little tougher.
The backup sets of high reps are done paused now so that I can more easily get the 100's off my chest for the first rep of every set. Thinking of also attaching some ankle weights to my elbows so that there's more resistance on my chest without adding resistance to my triceps. Should help with those first rep blast-offs. It's also a nice way to target my chest more without my tris taking over like usual!

Low on time, didnt do my pendlay rows or as many chin ups as I wanted
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 21, 2019, 11:25:15 am
Saturday - 10/19/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 12 >> 3min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 2
315 x 2

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
225 x 3
325 x 10
325 x 6
325 x 6

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises Superset A
+500 x 16
+500 x 15
+500 x 15
+500 x 15

Barbell Shrugs Superset A
315 x 15
315 x 8
315 x 8

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+125 x 3 >> 2min rests.
+115 x 8
+115 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 22, 2019, 11:23:32 am
Friday - 10/22/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15
40's x 8
60's x 8
60's x 5
90's x 1
100's x 3 >> 3min rest.
100's x 0 >> 90sec rests.
60's x 12 (paused + 6lb elbow weights)
60's x 8 (paused + 6lb elbow weights)
60's x 8 (paused + 6lb elbow weights)
60's x 8 (paused + 6lb elbow weights)
60's x 8 (paused + 6lb elbow weights)

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 13 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 15
20's x 10

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 13 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 9
20's x 7

Standing DB Shoulder Press
40's x 12 >> 90sec rest.
40's x 12

Chin Ups
+50 x 5 >> 90sec rests.
+50 x 4
+50 x 4

Pendlay Rows
135 x 5 >> 90sec rests.
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 5
235 x 3
235 x 3

Chin Ups
BW x 10 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 7
BW x 7

T-Bar Rows
105 x 12 >> 90sec rests.
105 x 8
105 x 8

Upped the volume a little. The db benches with the ankleweights on my biceps/elbows were weird because they were too bulky. Didn't feel natural. Pretty annoying I don't have decent 90lb or 95lb dumbells, because clearly 100's are too heavy for me to make decent use of right now. Maybe I'll have to make do with the 90's until I can manage 5 solid reps with the 100's?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 24, 2019, 11:13:12 am
Thursday - 10/24/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 12 >> 3min rest.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 3

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
225 x 3
315 x 1
355 x 6
355 x 4
355 x 3

DB Lunges
60's x 8/leg
60's x 5/leg

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises Superset A
+500 x 18
+500 x 17
+500 x 13
+500 x 14
+500 x 13

Barbell Shrugs Superset A
315 x 15
315 x 10
315 x 10
315 x 8

Cable Ab Pull Downs Superset B
+125 x 3 >> 2min rests.
+115 x 10
+115 x 6
+115 x

30° Incline DB Press Superset B
60's x 8
60's x 5
90's x 2
100's x 1

Here are the 90's at my gym. When you pick them up, the bent one rolls in your hand lol. They are slightly different shapes, too:


Here are the 100's. Clunky and tough to get off my chest for the first rep:


I think I'll just have to suck it up and use the 90's for work sets until I am strong enough to consistently hit 5 reps with the 100's for sets.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 27, 2019, 12:26:17 pm
Saturday - 10/26/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15
60's x 8
60's x 5
90's x 1
100's x 3 >> 3min rest.
90's x 7 >> 90sec rests.
90's x 7
90's x 5
60's x 12

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 14 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 12 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 10

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 12 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 8

Standing DB Shoulder Press
40's x 15 >> 90sec rest.
40's x 18

I used the weird 90lbs dumbells for back up sets... it'll do. Strange to lift with them but hopefully when I can knock out 12+ reps with them, I can be consistent with sets of 5+ on the 100's.

Ran out of time. My gym's closed sundays so i dont know if i'll be able to do back. Maybe i can lift with my friend at his gym
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 28, 2019, 11:09:57 am
Monday - 10/28/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 12 >> 3min rests.
135 x 5 >> Slowly adding more volume to the squats.
185 x 3 >> Surely had 6, maybe 7 reps in me on the first set.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
355 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 3

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
335 x 10
335 x 4

Good Mornings
135 x 15 >> 90sec rest.
135 x 12

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+105 x 3 >> 3min rests.
+120 x 10
+120 x 6
+120 x 5

Chin ups
BW x 5 >> 90sec rests.
+60 x 3
    BW x 6

BW x 8
BW x 6

T-Bar Rows
130 x 8 >> 90sec rests.
130 x 8
130 x 8

Didn't have time to do my back on my last upper body day, so I threw in a little back work today since I don't plan on doing upper body tomorrow.
Saved shrugs and calves for tomorrow - short on time today since I threw in back work.

Man I need to get to the gym earlier. Always short on time!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 30, 2019, 11:07:01 am
Wednesday - 10/30/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15 >> 3min rests.
60's x 6
60's x 4
90's x 1
100's x 3
90's x 8
90's x 5
90's x 5

30° Incline DB Pinch Press
60's x 4 >> 90sec rests.
40's x 12
40's x 12

Overhead Cable Pushaway
55 x 12 >> 90sec rests.
55 x 12

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline (Close to chest)
40's x 12 >> 90sec rests.
40's x 12
40's x 10

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 8

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 12 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8

Standing DB Shoulder Press
60's x 5 >> 90sec rest.
60's x 3 >> 40's too light, but I don't have any DBs between 40's and 60's lol.

Pendlay Rows
135 x 5 >> 90sec rests.
185 x 3 >> Surprised I improved so much on these since the last time I did them.
225 x 1 >> Plus I'm using 90sec rests for them instead of 3min rests now.
235 x 8
235 x 5
235 x 5

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+50 x 6
+50 x 4
+50 x 4

T-Bar Rows
115 x 8 >> 90sec rests.
115 x 8
115 x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 8 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Upped the volume some more. Bulking is nice.
Been slacking on protein lately though and just eating a bunch of carbs
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 01, 2019, 04:21:23 pm
Friday - 11/01/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rests.
135 x 5 >> 365x1 wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Max is probably 375.
185 x 3 >> Had 7, maybe 8 reps in me on the first set. But I didn't feel like burning out before RDLs.
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
315 x 6
315 x 3

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
365 x 6
335 x 3
365 x 3

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises (Superset A)
+520 x 20
+520 x 18
+520 x 15
+520 x 12
+520 x 12

Barbell Shrugs (Superset A)
315 x 20
315 x 12
315 x 10
315 x 10

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+105 x 3 >> These were way tougher than last time. I think the cable needs to be oiled up.
+120 x 10
+110 x 6
+110 x 5

Good Mornings
155 x 15 >> 90sec rest.
155 x 12

Would like more volume overall considering the low rep counts on my main lifts. But happy I can comfortably single 365 on the squats, really want to get back to a comfy 405
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 04, 2019, 12:47:56 pm
Monday - 11/04/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8
60's x 5
60's x 5
90's x 1
100's x 3
90's x 10
90's x 4
90's x 4
60's x 15

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline (Close to chest)
40's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
40's x 10
40's x 10

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 8

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 13 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 9
20's x 8

Standing DB Shoulder Press
60's x 5 >> 90sec rests.
60's x 3 >> 40's too light, but I don't have any DBs between 40's and 60's lol.
40's x 10

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+60 x 5
+60 x 3
BW x 10
BW x 8

T-Bar Rows
135 x 8 >> 90sec rests.
135 x 7
135 x 6
135 x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 07, 2019, 12:42:28 pm
Thursday - 11/07/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rests.
135 x 5 >> Pushed myself and hit 8 reps! Or what is 7? I think 8.
185 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
315 x 8
315 x 3
315 x 3

135 x 8 >> Forgot my straps at home. Used a mixed grip but couldn't hold onto the bar.
225 x 3 >> Felt like I had 8 reps in me but oh well!
315 x 1
345 x 5

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+105 x 3 >> 3min rests.
+120 x 10 >> Looks like the machine is smooth again, so I was able to do 120.
+110 x 8
+110 x 5

DB Lunges
60's x 8 >> 2min rests.
60's x 6
60's x 6

Good Mornings
165 x 11 >> 2min rests.
165 x 9
165 x 9

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises
+540 x 16 >> 60sec rests.
+540 x 10
+540 x 12
+540 x 12
+540 x 10

Awesome to see my lifts keep going up! Hoping to squat 315x10 soon after which I think I should cut. Abs, though looking softer, are still visible. My main issue is putting on weight on my face which I hate

Added some volume with more lunges and goodmornings since I couldn't deadlift much without my straps
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 08, 2019, 10:37:57 am
yep im feeling those lunges right now

i hope i can hit upperbody tonight and not have to wait until tomorrow
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on November 08, 2019, 10:57:34 pm
yep im feeling those lunges right now

i hope i can hit upperbody tonight and not have to wait until tomorrow

lunges ftw.

man they crush you when you're not adapted yet.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 09, 2019, 03:48:35 pm
Saturday - 11/09/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 1
100's x 3
90's x 10
90's x 6
90's x 4

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline (Close to chest)
40's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
40's x 12
40's x 10

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 10

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8

Standing DB Shoulder Press
60's x 5 >> 90sec rests.
60's x 3
40's x 15

Pendlay Rows
135 x 8 >> 90sec rests.
185 x 3
225 x 1
235 x 8
235 x 5
235 x 5

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+55 x 6
+55 x 5
+55 x 5

T-Bar Rows
135 x 10 >> 90sec rests.
135 x 6
135 x 5

Chin Ups
BW x 10 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 5
BW x 5

Improved slightly on basically every single lift!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 11, 2019, 11:26:29 am
Monday - 11/11/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> The 365 felt very difficult. My knees caved in. I should lower the weight.
135 x 5 >> Was hoping to hit 325x5. Not even close.
185 x 3
185 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
325 x 3

135 x 8 >> I don't think I'm too far away from getting back to 405x5 and above!
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 8

Barbell Shrugs
315 x 15

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+105 x 3 >> 3min rests.
+130 x 5
   +105 x 8 (drop set)

So I thought I was running out of time, but it turns out I left the gym an hour early... pretty annoying, but maybe this little "de-load" will turn out to be beneficial.
Squats felt weaker, RDLs got stronger.

In other news, I got my first cat.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 12, 2019, 01:03:42 pm
Tueday - 11/12/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8
60's x 6
60's x 3
90's x 1
100's x 4
90's x 6
90's x 6

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline (Close to chest)
40's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
40's x 15

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 15

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 7
20's x 7

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+55 x 7
+55 x 4
+55 x 3

T-Bar Rows
135 x 12 >> 90sec rests.
135 x 6
125 x 5

Improved on nearly everything by a tiny bit. Had a shorter workout because I.... ran out of time. Have to stop sleeping in.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on November 12, 2019, 10:40:24 pm
What type of cat did you get?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 13, 2019, 11:24:31 am




adopted him at 4mo old! He's very chill. i can hold his paws and he wont pull them away, it feels really nice pressing into his "palm" and feeling his toes spread out and claws protract.
kinda trained him not to playbite and grab human hands. he still does it every now and then, but much less so, and is extremely gentle with his play biting with my hands now if it does it.

and yes, he purrs like a motor  ;D
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on November 14, 2019, 11:42:29 pm




adopted him at 4mo old! He's very chill. i can hold his paws and he wont pull them away, it feels really nice pressing into his "palm" and feeling his toes spread out and claws protract.
kinda trained him not to playbite and grab human hands. he still does it every now and then, but much less so, and is extremely gentle with his play biting with my hands now if it does it.

and yes, he purrs like a motor  ;D

Very cute. My cat play bites every now and then. He also walks up and bites my hand in the middle of the night too. Nearly shit my pants the first time it happened. I now sleep with the door closed haha
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: vag on November 15, 2019, 05:13:56 am
Funny related story:
I had a cat when i was a university student. He liked that bite your hand when you sleep thing. Full commando style, he would go under the bed and do sudden attacks, then retreat to the middle of the bed where he was unreachable. Long story short we started sleeping with doors closed ( was living with my brother ). One of my brother's doors was a rolling one though, which wouldn't lock. But it seemed too heavy for a few months old kitten to open. The little bastard figured it out. He would lie parallel to the door, but both of his front legs in the few milimeters opening ( his claws actually ), pull with all he got until he created a couple of centimeters opening, then stand up go stick his face in there and widen it moving his head, then the same with his body, boom, he was in. And he was doing it mechanically, routine style, like "i got this, 3 steps to open it, 1,2,3, done"
Dreyth this one has an awesome face.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 15, 2019, 06:54:12 am
^ha, oh man. I dont get any sleep attacks (yet...). He likes to sleep by my feet. Sometimes he’ll plop onto my actual pillow above my head and share the pillow with me. Lately he has been sleeping in other parts of the house and now i miss it lol.

And he is definitely handsome!


Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 18, 2019, 01:30:48 pm
Friday - 11/15/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> Even the 335x1 felt tough. Don't think I had 365 in me.
135 x 5 >> Stinks to drop down to 315x5 from 315x8.
185 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 5

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
225 x 3 >> Improved here, so that's nice.
315 x 1
365 x 1
345 x 10
345 x 3
345 x 3

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+100 x 5 >> 2min rest.
+120 x 5
   +90 x 10 (drop set)
+100 x 8

Low on time again.
Need more protein, been slacking lately, and more volume on squats.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 18, 2019, 01:34:18 pm
Saturday - 11/16/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8 >> Increased to 8 reps on back up set... nice. 100x5 still feels so far away though.
60's x 8
60's x 3
90's x 1
100's x 4
90's x 8
90's x 5

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline (Close to chest)
40's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
40's x 15
40's x 15

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 15
20's x 15

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 90sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 6

Standing DB Shoulder Press
60's x 2
40's x 15

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+30 x 3
+60 x 5
+60 x 5
+60 x 4

T-Bar Rows
145 x 10 >> 90sec rests.
135 x 6
125 x 6

Chin Ups
BW x 8 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 6
BW x 5

Got slightly stronger on pretty much every lift... noice.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 21, 2019, 01:18:54 pm
been missing a lot of workouts lately.
weighed myself at.... 201.8lbs dry fasted. WHAT! That was fast weight gain lol.

Planning on starting my cut this Sunday with a full day fast and hiking that morning
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 22, 2019, 12:51:17 pm
Thursday - 11/21/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15 >> 3min rests.
40's x 5 >> Top set suffered probably due to not lifting for a week. Back ups remained the same.
60's x 5
90's x 1
100's x 3
90's x 10
90's x 6

37.5° Incline DB Pinch Press
60's x 7

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline (Close to chest)
40's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
40's x 15

DB Rear Delt W Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 15
20's x 12

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 12 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 6

Standing DB Shoulder Press
40's x 12 >> 60sec rest.
40's x 6

Overhead Cable Tricep Extension
60 x 12 >> 2min rests.
60 x 10
60 x 8

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises (again)
20's x 8 >> 60sec rest.
20's x 6

Pendlay Rows
135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
135 x 3
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 5
245 x 5
245 x 5

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+60 x 6
+60 x 4
+60 x 4

T-Bar Rows
145 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
135 x 8
135 x 5

Chin Ups (again)
BW x 5 >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5
BW x 5

Lots of volume today. Lowered the rest times on shoulder work from 90sec to 60sec since it's getting easy and I'm missing a lot of dumbells at my gym.

Cut starts Friday (today at the time of writing this). Planning an all day fast. Afraid my squat will suffer tomorrow due to not squatting since last week plus cutting, but oh well.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 24, 2019, 09:22:52 pm
Saturday - 11/23/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 2

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
385 x 5
385 x 2

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises (Supeset A)
+540 x 15
+540 x 11
+540 x 11

Barbell Shrugs (Superset A)
335 x 12
335 x 8
335 x 6

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+100 x 3 >> 3min rests.
+115 x 6 >> Not sure if I got weaker here or if the machine just isn't oiled up again.
90 s x8
09 x 6

Slight decreases in strength. RDL went from 365x8 to 385x3, but I think th 365x8 corresponds to a higher max, especially since I couldn't imagine pumping out 8 reps of it today.

We'll see how much strength I can keep on this cut. Of course I'm low on muscle glycogen and all that stuff from all-day fasts so my strength noticeably dropped almost immediately, but hopefully it doesn't drop much further.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 25, 2019, 12:39:11 pm
Monday - 11/25/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15 >> 3min rests.
40's x 5 >> The 100x3 was way too hard.
60's x 5 >> Might add in an extra day of these per week working up to 100x1 for that neural efficiency.
90's x 1
100's x 3
90's x 8
90's x 6
90's x 6

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 10 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10

DB Rear Delt External Rotation Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 15

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 12 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+60 x 5
+60 x 5
+60 x 3

T-Bar Rows
135 x 10 >> 2min rests.
135 x 8
135 x 6

Lowered the volume since I'm cutting hard. Highly doubt I could have done one of my higher volume workouts today.
Again, strength is down probably due to way lower muscle glycogen levels. Basically I'm working out every other day and doing and all-day fast on my rest days.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 25, 2019, 12:43:10 pm

Ideally i want to workout every other day and fast on the rest days, but that can't work since my gym is closed sundays.
So i'll probably do just 2 completely fasted days per week and eyeball a maintenance eating day on workout days. Workout days consist of pre workout meal 8am (usually some whey, oatmeal, banana and coffee), post workout meal 11am (more whey, some fruits, cottage cheese, etc) and then dinner 6pm or later (varies, an actual meal and more protein)

Trying to avoid processed sugars and get in complex carbs and casein.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 26, 2019, 04:52:33 pm

Edit: wanted to not eat today, but my friend invited me for dinner and i didnt want to turn down the offer
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on November 27, 2019, 08:19:56 pm
hah nice @ the graph.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 28, 2019, 03:43:36 pm
Wednesday - 11/27/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
345 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 2

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
225 x 3 >> I love how I can always count on my RDLs to improve.
315 x 1
365 x 1
385 x 6 or 7
385 x 2

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+115 x 3 >> 2min rests.
130 x 6
120 x 8
115 x 8

Barbell Shrugs
335 x 12
335 x 8
335 x 6

Looks like my strength may have stabilized now after losing the glycogen.

hah nice @ the graph.

Haha yeah, i think it's nice to see numbers visualized for easy trend spotting. I'm guessing after the sharp drop in muscle glycogen and water weight, the weight loss should more or less slow down at about a pound every 4-5 days.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 29, 2019, 07:49:57 am

Ate again at night since I was invited to have some food... slowing down the progress but maybe it's for the better so i don't drop too quick

pretty sure my weight is "stabilized" now meaning any further weight loss is “real” and not just continued water and glycogen weight loss
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 30, 2019, 03:30:35 pm
Saturday - 11/30/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
50's x 12 >> 3min rests.
50's x 5 >> Worked out at a different gym with nice dumbbells.
65's x 5 >> Finally was able to do a proper warm up and non-clunky 100's.
80's x 3
95's x 1
100's x 5
90's x 6
90's x 5

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+30 x 3
+60 x 6
+60 x 4
+60 x 4

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 8
20's x 8

Pendlay Rows
135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 6
245 x 3
245 x 3

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10

DB Rear Delt External Rotation Flyes on Incline
25's x 8 >> 60sec rests.
25's x 8

Worked out at a different gym. Also had to work out while fasted (usually those are my rest days), yet I was still able to increase from 100x3 to 100x5 on the incline db bench. Goes to show how much it helps to have proper dumbbells to lift with, and a proper warm up scheme (lots of dumbbells missing at my usual gym).

Makes me wonder if, when I was at 100x5 at my current less than decent gym, would I have hit 100x8 at this gym?


Did not expect to drop another 2lbs. Probably due to lifting while fasting today - dryer than usual.

Had a bit of a re-feed after that 194.0 weigh in. Not sure if ill continue the re-feed the next day or what
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 02, 2019, 05:20:19 pm

Re-fed the same day of the 194.0lb reading (after weighing myself), and the following day.
Currently doing an all-day fast again, and should hit lower body tomorrow.

So I went from a 201.8lb dry fasted weight (after being carbed up) to a 196.6lbs dry fasted weight (after being carbed up).
That's a 4.2lb drop in 12 days. Pretty good. Haven't lost much of any strength yet either. In fact, my RDL increased.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 03, 2019, 11:48:46 am
Tuesday - 12/03/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 2

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
385 x 6
385 x 3

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises (Superset A)
+540 x 15
+540 x 12
+540 x 12

Barbell Shrugs (Superset A)
335 x 12
335 x 8
335 x 6

Cable Ab Pull Downs
+105 x 3 >> 2min rests.
130 x 8 (cheating)
120 x 6
115 x 6

30º Incline DB Bench Press
60's x 8
60's x 5
100's x 3
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 04, 2019, 12:49:46 pm
Ate a ton of food yesterday. Stinks because I had 0 calories the day before.
Another 0 calorie day today. Don't even want to weigh myself today incase I way more than 2 days ago lol


Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 05, 2019, 11:30:26 am
Thursday - 12/05/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15 >> 3min rests.
40's x 5 >> Beginning to think the 100's at my gym are around 102lbs each.
60's x 5 >> Increased to 10 reps on back up sets. Re-feed worked nice it seems.
90's x 2
100's x 3
90's x 10
90's x 4

T-Bar Rows
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
135 x 3
160 x 8
160 x 6
160 x 6

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 6
20's x 6

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+30 x 3
+55 x 6
+55 x 5
+55 x 4

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 14 >> 60sec rests.

DB Rear Delt External Rotation Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.

I feel so much better eating less. I can't stress this enough. Much less laziness throughout the day, I don't sleep through entire mornings, etc. Of course it makes weightlifting progress stagnate, but I think this should provide me motivation to only do very slow lean bulks moving forward if anything. I don't want to lose this feeling of being light and awake.

The mornings after which I don't fast I am just wide awake. Even if I wake up in the middle of the night, like 2-3am and go pee... I'm very alert and aware. Not dragging myself back to bed like a zombie.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 06, 2019, 04:39:02 pm
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 08, 2019, 11:47:08 am
Saturday - 12/07/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 2

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
390 x 5
390 x 2

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises (Superset A)
+540 x 15
+540 x 15
+540 x 15

Barbell Shrugs (Superset A)
335 x 15
335 x 8
335 x 8

Cable Ab Pull Downs (Superset B)
100 x 8 >> This got crazy tough again. Machine wasn’t moving smoothly today.
95 x 8 (cheating)
95 x 6

30º Incline DB Bench Press (Superset B)
60's x 8 >> The 90’s felt light, not sure how I failed on the 100’s.
60's x 5
90’s x 1
100's x 0

Felt a little sick today, just slightly. Surprised i still hit 5 reps on squat.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 09, 2019, 11:25:04 am

Ended up eating a lot of desi food after this :(
couldn't resist. approaching the 190 mark so its getting tougher to resist food now
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 09, 2019, 11:31:49 am
Monday - 12/09/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 2
100's x 3
90's x 9
90's x 5
90's x 5

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+30 x 3
+60 x 6
+60 x 5
+60 x 4

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 9
20's x 7
20's x 5

T-Bar Rows
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
135 x 3
150 x 8
150 x 8
150 x 8

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.

DB Rear Delt External Rotation Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.

DB Bench dropped by a rep on the backup rep. Sucks especially after being carbed up from last night. However, the rest of my lifts were strong, so I chalk it up to not enough volume. Added in another backup set this workout.

Didn't want to eat last night but did anyway. So having only about 1200cal today and then fasting till after tomorrow morning's pre-workout meal. Hopefully I don't get invited to another dinner to mess this up lol
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 10, 2019, 05:27:26 pm

No change in weight. Probably due to eating all that desi food on 12/8 after my weigh in. chicken korma, garlic n cheese naan, rice pudding, mango lassi... couldnt resist

doing well today though. hopefully i go to bed without eating at all today

edit: just turned down a dinner invitation at a friend of a friend's pizza shop. all that free cheesy goodness....
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 11, 2019, 12:42:45 pm
Wednesday - 12/11/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
135 x 10 >> The 315x5 was very tough. Surprised I got it today.
185 x 5
225 x 1
275 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 2

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3 >> My glgutes felt zapped from the squats, happy to hit 385x6 anyway.
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
385 x 6
385 x 2

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises (Superset A)
+540 x 17
+540 x 12
+540 x 12

Barbell Shrugs (Superset A)
335 x 15
335 x 8
335 x 8

Cable Ab Pull Downs (Superset B)
100 x 5 >> Machine felt smooth again.
125 x 8
120 x 8 (last 2 reps cheating)
120 x 10 (last 6 reps cheating

30º Incline DB Bench Press (Superset B)
60's x 8
60's x 5
90’s x 5

Not sure how much longer I can keep up the 315x5 squat and 385x6 RDL on this cut, but we'll see. I've lost a decent amount of weight so far without strength loss so i should still be happy with a slight decline in strength even as I head towards 190lb bw and below (dry fasted weight)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 12, 2019, 04:38:58 pm

Already reached my goal weight of 190lbs earlier than I thought I would. Nice. Maybe I'll drop a few more pounds - I'd like to be 190 carbed up. And I think I'll be carbed up with a week off from work coming up soon plus guests at my house!

Best part is barely any decrease in strength. RDL went up, in fact.

I think I should slow down the weight loss now. Maintenance on workout days, and eat only 1200cal max on fasting days (after my fast is done, of course).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 13, 2019, 12:35:35 pm
Friday - 12/13/19

-= Workout Log =-

30° Incline DB Press
40's x 15 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 2
100's x 3
90's x 8
90's x 6
90's x 5

T-Bar Rows
90 x 6 >> 2min rests.
135 x 3
150 x 8
150 x 8
150 x 8

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8
20's x 5

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+30 x 3
+55 x 7
+55 x 5
+55 x 4
   BW x 5 (drop set)

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.

DB Rear Delt External Rotation Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.

Back up set on DB bench droped from 90x10 to x9 to x8. The cut may be getting to me. The other lifts are strong though. I also haven't been taking creatine in a while, however. That could also be to blame. Time to load up again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Too_Old on December 13, 2019, 05:32:37 pm

135 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 2
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 6
205 x 5
205 x 4

Incline DB Bench Press
50's x 12                    >> 60sec rests.
50's x 8

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 5                    >> 2min rests.
+25lbs x 3
+50lbs x 5
+50lbs x 4
+50lbs x 3

Pull Ups
BW x 6                          >> 60sec rests.
BW x 5

Lateral Raises
25's x 3                       >> 60sec rests.
30's x 2
35's x 1
30's x 12
30's x 8
30's x 6
25's x 8
25's x 6

Cable External Rotations (left side only)
20 x 12
20 x 6
20 x 5

Also, my squat is about 335lbs max right now. But last week I threw down a two handed dunk off two feet and I play basketball only like once a month now. Weird.

I'm new on this forum. Just wondering how tall you are and your vertical? If you rather not answer, no problem. It's not possible to go through so many pages of journals to see how others are faring. Thanks. Russ
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 13, 2019, 06:32:58 pm
late 20's now
vertical... i have no idea. i stopped jumping. but at my best i was at ~37" running. could easily 2 handed tomahawk off 3 steps at my peak. height was 6'1
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Too_Old on December 13, 2019, 07:06:55 pm
Post changed.

I estimate my best running vert was maybe 33" back when I was in my early 20's in the early 1980's. Could dunk on 9' 11" rim, but not 10'.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 14, 2019, 07:46:17 pm

Ate a ton of junk food last night. So I had a bunch of water weight today.

On the positive side, at least I know I'm under 194lbs even when carrying a lot of water weight! I think I'd like to be 190lbs with water weight. Got invited to desi food again tomorrow night though, so we'll see...

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 15, 2019, 01:23:37 pm
Wednesday - 12/15/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
135 x 5 >> The 315x5 was very tough. Surprised I got it today.
185 x 5
225 x 1
275 x 1
345 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 2

135 x 8 >> Forgot to do a 2nd set.
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
385 x 6

Standing Machine Calf Raises (Superset A)
+100 x 5
+205 x 12
+205 x 12
+205 x 12

Barbell Shrugs (Superset A)
335 x 12
335 x 8
335 x 8

Dragon Flags (Superset B)
6 >> Form way better than expected! Haven't done these in a long time.

45º Incline DB Bench Press (Superset B)
65's x 5
80's x 3

Ok whoa, the 45 degreen incline DB press felt real nice on my pecs. Usually I go with a lower incline because otherwise I get too much front delt activation. But maybe after doinga low incline for like a year now, my upper pecs have caught up and so they can be activated with a higher incline. I think I'll try going for 37.5 degree incline next workout to see how it goes.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 16, 2019, 05:31:59 pm

Tough not to over-eat as I near my goal.
Might be able to hit 184 on Dec 22nd if I stay strict with 0 calories on fasting days, and don't eat above maintenance on lifting days.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 17, 2019, 11:39:18 am
Tuesday - 12/17/19

-= Workout Log =-

37.5° Incline DB Press
40's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8 >> Switched to a slightly higher incline. Feels really nice! Doesn't overload my front delts anymore.
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 8
90's x 5
90's x 3
60's x 12

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+30 x 3 >> Slight increase in chin up strength.
+60 x 7
+60 x 5
+60 x 5

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8 >> Surprised to hit 8 reps on 4th set.
20's x 8
20's x 8

T-Bar Rows
90 x 6 >> 2min rests.
135 x 3
160 x 8
160 x 8
160 x 6

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15

DB Rear Delt External Rotation Flyes on Incline
20's x 15

Like half of my lifts were slightly up today! Could be after loading back up on creatine, sleeping well last night, and the slight refeed I had this week.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 18, 2019, 05:20:33 pm

Lost basically no weight these last 6 days. Pretty annoying. I probably ate like 4k calories 2 days ago, so that's probably why I'm stagnant since last weigh in. It wasn't a lot of food, it was just super high in fat. Also salt. Maybe I'm still holding a decent amount of water weight.

Hopefully I'll drop a pound or two by after tomorrow. So far I'm fasted today, and I better not overeat tomorrow!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 18, 2019, 05:23:04 pm
Wait why am I annoyed. I lost 12lbs in 4 weeks (both starting and ending weight dry fasted). That's 3 pounds a week and didn't lose any strength!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Too_Old on December 18, 2019, 05:50:41 pm
Wait why am I annoyed. I lost 12lbs in 4 weeks (both starting and ending weight dry fasted). That's 3 pounds a week and didn't lose any strength!
I drink at least 1.5 gallons of water per day. It is not unusual for me to lose 7 to 10 lbs. of water weight overnight. I have to get up frequently overnight to urinate. I don't sleep well in the first place, so interrupted sleep doesn't seem to bother me.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 18, 2019, 06:40:39 pm
That's a ton of water to lose in just a night. I know I've lost ~8lbs of water weight before, but that's after eating a ton of food and being carbed up + salted up, so I was retaining a lot of water. Special case. I also get up once or twice a night to pee.

That's one reason why I weigh myself when dry fasted. It's a more consistent measurement. My starting weight non dry fasted may have been around 206lbs, but i weighed in at 201.8lbs dry fasted.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Too_Old on December 18, 2019, 07:11:32 pm
That's a ton of water to lose in just a night. I know I've lost ~8lbs of water weight before, but that's after eating a ton of food and being carbed up + salted up, so I was retaining a lot of water. Special case. I also get up once or twice a night to pee.

That's one reason why I weigh myself when dry fasted. It's a more consistent measurement. My starting weight non dry fasted may have been around 206lbs, but i weighed in at 201.8lbs dry fasted.
Part of overnight water weight loss is due to the moisture lost in your breathing overnight.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on December 18, 2019, 11:11:13 pm
That's a ton of water to lose in just a night. I know I've lost ~8lbs of water weight before, but that's after eating a ton of food and being carbed up + salted up, so I was retaining a lot of water. Special case. I also get up once or twice a night to pee.

That's one reason why I weigh myself when dry fasted. It's a more consistent measurement. My starting weight non dry fasted may have been around 206lbs, but i weighed in at 201.8lbs dry fasted.
Part of overnight water weight loss is due to the moisture lost in your breathing overnight.

LMFAO. inhalation/exhalation for fat loss. that's actually an interesting way of looking at it.

"im going to go for an hour run" -> "im going to go inhale & exhale considerably more for an hour"
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 19, 2019, 10:12:14 am
I remember learning that most weight loss occurs through breathing, i just didn't know it was from moisture loss. Perhaps that's a separate, additional weightloss to the loss from cellular respiration (and thus breathing out CO2 and whatnot)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 19, 2019, 10:17:21 am
Thursday - 12/19/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
135 x 5 >> The 315x5 was very tough. Surprised I got it today.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 3

135 x 8 >> Forgot to do a 2nd set.
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 5
365 x 1

Barbell Shrugs (Superset A)
135 x 8
225 x 5
335 x 15
335 x 8
335 x 8

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises (Superset B)
+360 x 5
+450 x 5
+540 x 18
+540 x 12
+540 x 11

Cable Ab Pulldowns (Superset B)
90 x 5
125 x 8
115 x 10
115 x 8

37.5° Incline DB Press
40’s x 10
60’s x 5
60’s x 3
90’s x 5

I don't know what led to this extra strength today. Added a rep to my second set of squats, and my RDL shot up from 385x6 to 405x5. This is nuts considering how fast I've been losing weight lately.

Might have to do with:
-  my creatine loading these past 3-4 days.
- good sleep last night (but I've had that before some other workouts too),
- very high fat meal 2 days ago (not sure if that has any effect)
- the re-feed this past week, but last time I had a re-feed (shown on my weight progress charts) I didn't experience this burst of strength.

Conclusion: it's the creatine? Can't wait to hit upper body after tomorrow to see what happens.

But yeah the muscle retention brought about by fasting is insane! increasing strength while losing 3lbs of bw per week?!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 21, 2019, 07:11:25 am

Messing up my cut towards the end here. Fasted all day yesterday, then got invited for some tea by my neighbor... binged on close to like 3k calories!

Tomorrow (today at the time of writing this) i have upper body. Planning to have 3 scoops protein post workout and thats it for the whole day. then fast the whole next day.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 21, 2019, 03:14:09 pm
Saturday - 12/21/19

-= Workout Log =-

37.5° Incline DB Press
40's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8 >> Increased a decent amount on second and third sets.
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 8
90's x 6
90's x 6
60's x 12

T-Bar Rows
90 x 6 >> 2min rests.
135 x 3
170 x 8 PR
170 x 8 PR
170 x 6 PR

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10 >> Increased on second set.
20's x 8
20's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+30 x 3 >> Increase in strength again.
+70 x 5
+70 x 5
+70 x 3

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15

DB Rear Delt External Rotation Flyes on Incline
20's x 16

Overhead Cable Tricep Extension (Superset A)
45 x 5
65 x 10
60 x 10

65° Incline Seated DB Curls (Superset A)
20's x 5
40's x 4
   60's x 6
60's x 10

Strength went up in various lifts. T bar rows are a PR since I never used to do them much. I've hit 80x7 on pullups before, so i guess 85xX would be a PR for chins. PR on db bench at 37.5 degree incline, not sure what it was. But 30 degrees is 100x7 I think.

Added some accessory work since I felt I had energy after binging on food last night. Ended up eating a decent amount today too, perhaps a tiny bit above maintenance... I guess my cut is done or something. Very hard for me to resist food now. I've stabilized in weight. Ideally I'd like to cut down another 3-4lbs and then gain 3-4 pounds from being carbed up (not from bulking) and then maintain that. Hopefully I don't eat tomorrow.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on December 23, 2019, 01:19:59 pm


Monday - 12/23/19

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
135 x 5 >> Went up to 6 reps!
185 x 5
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 6
315 x 3

135 x 8 >> Up from 5 reps!
225 x 3
315 x 2
365 x 1
405 x 6

Cable Ab Pulldowns (Superset A)
90 x 5
125 x 15
115 x 10
115 x 8

Barbell Shrugs (Superset A)
335 x 15
335 x 12
335 x 8

Noice. Slight strength gains still coming in. Probably due to binging last night after the 189,0lb weigh in.

Weight loss has tapered. It's getting real tough to resist food now. This may be my baseline. I'm 194lbs carbed up, which isn't so bad. Perhaps I'll stick with this and keep IF daily (not full day 0cal fasts though) to squeeze out as many gains as I can before having to lean bulk

But I mean I lost 12lbs in just over a month and increased strength by a bit while doing it. Fasting is such a hack!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 07, 2020, 08:34:20 am
???day - ??/??/??

-= Workout Log =-

37.5° Incline DB Press
40's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 12 >> Did extra sets to get the neural efficiency back in this lift.
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 6
90's x 5
90's x 3
60's x 12
60's x 12
60's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+25 x 3 >> Extra sets again.
+50 x 8
+50 x 5
+50 x 4
+50 x 3
+50 x 3
+50 x 3

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8
20's x 6
20's x 5
20's x 5
20's x 4

T-Bar Rows
160 x 6 >> 60sec rests.
145 x 6
145 x 6

???day - ??/??/??

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10
135 x 5
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 5 >> Leaned too far forward on 5th rep, so I was too burnt for a 6th rep.
315 x 3 >> Right rear delt started to cramp. Probably had a 4th rep in me otherwise.
315 x 3 >> Almost fell forward on last rep. I gotta be careful!

135 x 5 >> Sweats had a hold in them, and I have a scab. Too painful to RDL today.

Barbell Shrugs (Superset A)
315 x 5
335 x 15
335 x 8
335 x 8
335 x 8
335 x 8
335 x 8

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises (Superset A)
+290 x 5
+290 x 12
+290 x 12
+290 x 10
+290 x 10
+290 x 10
+290 x 12

Dragon Flags
6 >> 2min rests.
5 >> The ab pulldowns at this gym I went to today were too light.
5 >> Didn't expect to be this strong at these! Haven't done them in forever.
5 >> I think with a little practice I can hit a shaky set of 10. Just need the movement efficiency.

???day - ??/??/??

-= Workout Log =-

37.5° Incline DB Press
40's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 7
90's x 5
60's x 15

T-Bar Rows
45 x 5 >> 3min rests.
90 x 3
135 x 1
170 x 8
170 x 6
170 x 6
170 x 6

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 8
20's x 8
20's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> Didn't have my belt to tie the weights - dumbell dropped and I had to switch to the machine.
+25 x 3
+40 x 1
+50 x 8
+50 x 4
+50 x 3

Friday - 01/03/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> Writing down the last few sets from memory. Pretty sure I hit 315x6.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 6

Saturday - 01/04/20

-= Workout Log =-

Barbell Shrugs
225 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
315 x 3
335 x 15
335 x 12
335 x 8
335 x 8
335 x 6

Cable Ab Pulldowns
100 x 5 >> Either 2min or 3min rests, can't remember.
125 x 8
125 x 8
100 x 12
100 x 10
100 x 8

Leg Press Machine Calf Raises
+450 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
+540 x 20
+540 x 15
+540 x 12
+540 x 12
+540 x 10

Monday - 01/06/20

-= Workout Log =-

37.5° Incline DB Press
40's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8 >> Back up to 90's x 8 on this slightly higher incline, that's good!
60's x 6
60's x 3
90's x 8
90's x 4
60's x 12

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> Didn't have my belt to tie the weights - dumbell dropped and I had to switch to the machine.
+25 x 3
+40 x 1
+60 x 3
   BW x 4 (Drop set)

Supine Grip Lateral Pulldowns
180 x 8 >> Either 2min or 3min rests.
180 x 8

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 10
20's x 8

T-Bar Rows
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
135 x 3
160 x 8
160 x 8
160 x 8

Been too lazy to post, but had the workouts written in my phone.

Skipped a lot of workouts at the end of december, so you'll see me doing a lot more sets for a few workouts to get my neural strength back. Also gained weight. My plan was to go high sets to get strength back while maintaining weight, and now I'm back to cutting while maintaining strength.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 09, 2020, 12:05:04 pm
Wednesday - 01/09/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
135 x 5 >> Went up to 7 reps whatttt.
185 x 5
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
345 x 1
315 x 7
315 x 3

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3 >> Dropped in this no doubt to not having RDL'd in like 2 weeks or so.
315 x 2
365 x 1
405 x 3
405 x 2

Leg Press Machine Calf Riases
+450 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
+540 x 20
+540 x 12
+540 x 12

Barbell Shrugs
315 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
335 x 15
335 x 12
335 x 8

Cable Ab Pulldowns
90 x 5 >> 3min rests.
115 x 10
115 x 8
115 x 6

Really happy my squat is up to 315x7. I dropped my bw back down to 190 fasted (after bouncing up to about 196 recently, not shown in weight charts yet) yet increased in my squat.

Part of me thinks the increase came from wearing 2 pairs of sweatpants... I feel like I get extra bounce out of the hole this way. Maybe from the tension on the fabric? Does anyone else experience this?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on January 09, 2020, 10:14:05 pm
Nice job!

I've never tried wearing 2 pairs of sweatpants before.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 10, 2020, 01:53:10 pm
Nice job!

I've never tried wearing 2 pairs of sweatpants before.

One of my pairs was really ripped up, plus it was cold outside and not too warm in the gym. A skin tight pair plus a loose pair
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 11, 2020, 04:51:45 am
Friday - 01/11/20

-= Workout Log =-

37.5° Incline DB Press
40's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8 >> Back up to 90's x 8 on this slightly higher incline, that's good!
60's x 7
60's x 3
90's x 8
90's x 5
60's x 15

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+30 x 2
+40 x 1
+60 x 5
+60 x 5
+60 x 4

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rest.
20's x 15 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 6
20's x 8

T-Bar Rows
135 x 5 >> 3min rests.
160 x 12
160 x 6
160 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 13, 2020, 12:01:57 pm
Sunday - 01/12/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
135 x 5 >> Really thought I might have 8 reps in me, but disappointed to only get 6.
185 x 5 >> I think the 365x1 burned me out. 345x1 would be more appropriate.
225 x 3
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
315 x 6
315 x 3
315 x 2

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3 >> Might need to drop the weight so I can do higher reps and work back to 405x6.
315 x 2
365 x 1
405 x 3
405 x 2

Barbell Shrugs
315 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
335 x 20
335 x 10
335 x 8

Dragon Flags
6 >> 2min rests.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Mikey on January 13, 2020, 06:50:49 pm
Did 365 feel heavy?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 13, 2020, 07:35:50 pm
Did 365 feel heavy?

Felt like a near max! Max was probably 375. That puts 92% of my max at 345lbs which sounds like a good top set
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 15, 2020, 11:10:19 am
Tuesday - 01/14/20

-= Workout Log =-

37.5° Incline DB Press
40's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8 >> Added another set of 90's, don't want to get stuck at 90x8.
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 8
90's x 5
90's x 3
60's x 12

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 12 (T-style) >> 60sec rest.
20's x 15 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10
20's x 8
20's x 6

T-Bar Rows
90 x 4 >> 3min rests.
135 x 2
170 x 12
170 x 6
170 x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 3min rests.
+25 x 2
+50 x 5
+50 x 5
+50 x 4

135 x 8 >> If there's one thing I learned in my decade+ of lifting...
225 x 3 >> ... it's that I respond very well to high frequency, even if low volume.
315 x 2
365 x 1
405 x 1

Barbell Shrugs
315 x 25
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 18, 2020, 08:26:36 am
Thursday - 01/16/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rest.
135 x 5 >> Warm ups felt so good. All of a sudden I felt very weak in my legs.
185 x 5 >> It could be because my pre-workout meal wasn't as how it usual is. Didn't have enough oats, and didn't drink whey.
185 x 3 >> And the pre-workout makes a big difference considering I'm fasted the day before lifting.
225 x 3
225 x 1
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
345 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 2

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3 >> As I thought, the RDL would go back up quickly after adding in a day where I work up to a single.
315 x 2 >> High frequency = king
365 x 1
405 x 5

Barbell Shrugs
315 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
335 x 20
335 x 12
335 x 8

Hack Squat Machine Calf Raises
+450 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
+590 x 15
+590 x 10
+590 x 10

Cable Ab Pull Downs
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
115 x 12
115 x 6
115 x 4
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 18, 2020, 01:14:41 pm
Saturday - 01/18/20

-= Workout Log =-

37.5° Incline DB Press
40's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8 >> Increased to 9 reps, but the back ups suffered from it lol
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 9
90's x 3
90's x 3
60's x 12

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rest.
20's x 15 (W-style) >> Back up to 15 reps on first set.

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8 >> Sets may have suffered here after increased on the rear delt work.
20's x 6
20's x 6

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+40 x 2
+50 x 8
+50 x 5
+50 x 4

T-Bar Rows
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
135 x 2
170 x 8
170 x 6
160 x 5

Barbell Shrugs
335 x 12 >> These didn't feel good at all... stopped short. Should add a warm up set first.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 25, 2020, 05:09:19 pm
Monday - 01/20/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 4
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 2
315 x 1

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
225 x 3
315 x 2
365 x 1
405 x 5
405 x 1

Standing Machine Calf Raises
180 x 8
270 x 17
270 x 12
270 x 12
270 x 12

Barbell Shrugs
315 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
335 x 20
335 x 12
335 x 8

Cable Ab Pull Downs
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
115 x 12
115 x 6
115 x 4

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 25, 2020, 05:14:51 pm
Wednesday - 01/22/20

-= Workout Log =-

37.5° Incline DB Press
40's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8 >> Back up set went from 3 to 5.
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 9
90's x 5
90's x 3
60's x 12

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rest.
20's x 15 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 8
20's x 8

T-Bar Rows
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
135 x 2
180 x 8 PR
180 x 6 PR
180 x 5 PR

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+40 x 2
+50 x 8
+50 x 4
+50 x 4

Cable Ab Pulldowns
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
115 x 10
115 x 6
115 x 5

Barbell Shrugs
135 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
225 x 5
315 x 25
315 x 12
315 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 25, 2020, 05:16:09 pm

shot around a lot. been forever since i played basektball. built up a sweat. couldn't dunk, my movement efficiency is garbage. squat ratio is at about 1.8 so i should be up there in a couple of weeks with some light pickup games
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 25, 2020, 05:26:25 pm
Friday - 01/24/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10 >> 3min rests.
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
295 x 8
295 x 5
295 x 5

135 x 8
225 x 3
315 x 2
365 x 1
405 x 5

Lying Leg Curls
110 x 10 >> 2min rest.
110 x 8

Hack Squat Machine Calf Riases
450 x 8
590 x 15 PR
590 x 15 PR
590 x 12 PR
590 x 10 PR

Cable Ab Pull Downs
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
115 x 12
115 x 8
115 x 6

Alright, so,
my knees felt kind of brittle after having a heavy shot around by myself yesterday. THe 315 and 335 squat didn't feel too good. So I decided to lower the weight and hit 8 reps. It was definitely an 8RM for me. It felt alot better, on the 2 back up sets of 295x5, I didn't feel any discomfort in my knees whatsoever.

I think I'll stick with these slightly higher reps on the squats. I have to think long term and do what's best for my joints.

It made my glutes pretty tired, so I donly did one set of RDLs and threw in some ham work after that.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 25, 2020, 05:27:44 pm
Shot around today again. Got a little closer to dunking.
Played this guy 1 on 1 twice, i lost the first one 17-9, won the second 16-8. My 3 was on fire. But this guy was super quick. And he had a nasty step back 3.

It's been so long since I've played pick up that seeing people hit step back 3's is like what... i remember years ago everyone was chucking up deep 3's (thanks curry) but now with harden killing it, they've added a step back to that lol.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 27, 2020, 11:04:04 am
Sunday - 01/26/20

-= Workout Log =-

45° Incline DB Press
50's x 8 >> 3min rests.
60's x 5 >> Higher incline. This was pretty tough.
70's x 3
80's x 2
90's x 5
70's x 10
70's x 8
60's x 12

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 15 (T-style)
20's x 15 (W-style)
20's x 15 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 10
20's x 10
15's x 12

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+35 x 2
+65 x 1
+50 x 8
+50 x 5
+50 x 5

Bent Over T-Bar Rows
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
135 x 2 >> This different gym I went to today didn't have a chest rest for these. Much tougher this way.
170 x 6
135 x 10
135 x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 31, 2020, 02:56:02 pm
Did a little traveling visiting people and took a few days off from lifting. Full day fast today since my hosts fed me like a king lol. Back to weights tomorrow hopefully
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 01, 2020, 03:00:05 pm
Saturday - 02/01/20

-= Workout Log =-

45° Incline DB Press
45's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8 >> I think I'll stick with a 45 degree incline, not 37.5.
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 6
60's x 12
60's x 12
60's x 12

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12 (T-style)
20's x 15 (W-style)
20's x 12 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8
20's x 8
15's x 12

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+25 x 3 >> Strange I ddin't improve based on how light the bw warm ups felt.
+50 x 8
+50 x 5
+50 x 4

T-Bar Rows
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
135 x 2
170 x 8
170 x 5
170 x 5

Barbell Shrugs
135 x 10 >> 60sec rests.
225 x 5
315 x 25
315 x 12
315 x 12

Cable Ab Pulldowns
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
115 x 8
115 x 6
115 x 5

Hanging Leg Raises

My knees are wrecked lol. Did upper body today instead of lower body since i can't even bend my knees all the way. This is what playing basketball led to the few times last week. Really need to get an MRI and do PT.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 04, 2020, 12:02:53 pm
Monday - 02/03/20

-= Workout Log =-

45° Incline DB Press
45's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8 >> This 45 degree incline is feeling great! Already see more separation between pecs and clavicles.
60's x 5 >> Increased from 90x6 to 90x7, but my back up sets certainly suffered from it.
60's x 3
90's x 7
60's x 10
60's x 8
60's x 8

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12 (T-style)
20's x 10 (T-style)
20's x 12 (W-style)
20's x 10 (W-style)
20's x 8 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8
20's x 8
15's x 15
15's x 15

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+25 x 3 >> Strange I ddin't improve based on how light the bw warm ups felt.
+50 x 8
+50 x 5
+50 x 4

DB Shoulder Press
40's x 10 >> 60sec rests.
40's x 6
40's x 5

Overhead Cable Tricep Extension
45 x 5
65 x 8
55 x 8

T-Bar Rows
45 x 5 >> 2min rests.
90 x 2
135 x 1
170 x 8
170 x 6
170 x 5

Barbell Shrugs
135 x 10 >> 60sec rests.
225 x 5
335 x 20
335 x 12
335 x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 6
+30 x 2
+50 x 6
+50 x 4
+50 x 4

Cable Ab Pulldowns
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
115 x 8
115 x 6
115 x 5

Knees still no good. Perhaps I could have deadlifted, but played it safe. I hit upperbody again and did a ton of volume. My lifst were weak towards the end (like chin ups dropping from 50x8 to 50x6) and I was cramping up throughout the day, so I was probably very low on carbs... especially on having a full day fast the night before minus a single spoon of honey.

I need to read kelly baggets "bullet proof knees" and change my lowerbody training. I also need to get an MRI done and get a proper diagnosis and physical therapy routine for my knees. Gotta start thinking long term. I can't even perform my 5 daily prayers properly since I can't bend my knees all the way without discomfort.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: CoolColJ on February 04, 2020, 07:57:54 pm
You jumped into the deep end too quickly and too soon.... That's how all my previous knee issues happened - when getting back into BBall
Knee tracking is the big one
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 05, 2020, 06:19:27 pm
Yep! I remember the first time these knee issues came up where they would swell the next day and last for a week or more. I hadnt played ball in a year. Then i put like 100lbs on my squat and gained 15lbs of bw... signed up for a bball league and after the first game it happened. After the second game (the next week) i was finished lol

Physical therapist had me doing tons of glute medius work, and it helped. I have valgus collapse

Years ago i had jumpers knee, but IT band rolling and VMO activation fixed that
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: CoolColJ on February 06, 2020, 02:33:24 am
also check out your adductors, stretching and release work - normally neglected in 95% of people
Mine are always super sore. Adductor magnus is also the second largest muscle and the main hip driver, so it's very important...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 06, 2020, 08:08:22 am
Thanks for the tips! I have a foam roller at home that i barely use. Time to dust it off
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 06, 2020, 05:17:36 pm
Foam rolled my groin to near the knee. Immediate relief by like a 20% reduction in discomfort. Awesome! I assume the fact that my knees have fluid in them makes it mechanically impossible to feel a drastic relief right away (unlike foam rolling my IT band when i had jumper’s knee, that was like a miracle).

But this is great. Thanks a ton for the tips! I need to do this daily, especially before longer walks. I notice my knees swell up after getting back from doing upper body since it involves 2-3 miles of walking
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: CoolColJ on February 07, 2020, 06:08:19 am
foam rolling is ok to start, but it's too big.

try use your fingers on the VMO and long adductor area
Then get 10cm sized ball and lie down on it, wedged on the inner thigh and roll up the long adductor, super painful for me.
You can also wedge the ball between the legs while you lie on your side, the weight of both legs will put a lot of pressure.

and then the short adductor up near the groin - use a bigger hard ball around the 12-15cm size, and sit on it, on a chair not the floor, wedge it between the glute and groin and then move down lower etc

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 07, 2020, 07:59:06 am
Foam rolling is already quite painful, so perhaps adductor release is exactly what i need. I should definitely move to a ball at some point like you said. I don’t want these knee issues anymore. I think i have a lacrosse ball somewhere.

Im having trouble visualizing the last part on the chair. Can you help me out?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: CoolColJ on February 07, 2020, 08:48:22 am
also an oly barbell works well, but it gets super deep, so more for later  :-*
The smallness and weight of the barbell makes it super effective

I do these on my wooden coffee table, of about 20 inches tall, and it's big and square unlike a bench, so plenty of room to position the body
With the second one, I found my larger 12mm Supernova ball does it better than smaller balls, since the inner , upper part of the groin is hard to reach with small balls, and your thigh just swallows them up
A medicine ball or similar can work

edit - also kettle bell handle...

You can sit on a ball while your on the computer for a few minutes as well :)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 08, 2020, 11:26:36 pm
Ok the barbell HURTS. But im seeing good results with it!

Did 2 upper body workouts that ive been too lazy to update with. Maybe tmrw
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 10, 2020, 09:00:01 am
Wedesday - 02/05/20

-= Workout Log =-

45° Incline DB Press
45's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 8
60's x 10
60's x 8

T-Bar Rows
45 x 5 >> 2min rests.
90 x 3
135 x 2
180 x 9 PR
160 x 8
160 x 6

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 12 (T-style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 15 (W-style)
20's x 12 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8
20's x 8
20's x 8

Barbell Shrugs
135 x 10 >> 60sec rest.
225 x 5
315 x 1
365 x 12
315 x 12

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+25 x 3 >>
+50 x 8
+50 x 5
+50 x 4

DB Shoulder Press
40's x 10 >> 60sec rests.
40's x 6
40's x 5

Hanging Leg Raises
12 >> Haven't done this in a long time.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 10, 2020, 09:03:53 am
Friday - 02/07/20

-= Workout Log =-

45° Incline DB Press
45's x 12 >> 3min rests.
40's x 8
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 5
60's x 8

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rest.
20's x 15 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12
15's x 20

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+25 x 3 >>
+50 x 8

T-Bar Rows
45 x 5
135 x 1
180 x 5

Barbell Shrugs
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 15

De-loaded today. It's tough going hard on upper body every other day. Knees still pretty bad.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 10, 2020, 09:10:16 am
Sunday - 02/10/20

-= Workout Log =-

45° Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15 >> 3min rests.
95 x 8 >> Worked out at a different gym today and decided to barbell incline this time.
135 x 5 >> I'm pretty weak at these. I don't have the movement efficiency for them.
185 x 5
165 x 7
135 x 12

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rest.
20's x 12 (T-style)
20's x 15 (W-style)
20's x 12 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 8
15's x 12
15's x 10

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+25 x 3 >> I've been stalling on these for a long time now. Added a back up BW set.
+50 x 8
+50 x 5
+50 x 4
BW x 8

Barbell Shrugs
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 1
365 x 12
315 x 12

T-Bar Rows
45 x 5
135 x 1
180 x 5

135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 6
365 x 2
315 x 5

Dragon Flags
8 >> 60sec rests.

Towards the end of my workout I realized that my knees are solid enough to RDL. Dropped from 405x6 to 365x6 lol. Crazy.

Happy to get a pump in my legs again though. My friend said I looked fat, even though I weighed like 186. I noticed it too. I weighed less because I lost the pump in my legs, and I notice when that happens, my face looks more bloated somehow. Maybe having the pump in my legs stretches my skin and fat more? I have no clue.

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 14, 2020, 10:43:22 am
had to do some traveling for a few days. bad diet, no lifting.
today (friday) doing a full day fast and planning to hit full body hard tomorrow

knees still not good enough to squat, but i can do a bunch of deads. maybe by tomorrow, lunges too? not sure yet
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 15, 2020, 02:20:31 pm
Saturday - 02/15/20

-= Workout Log =-

45° Incline DB Press
40's x 12 >> 2min rests.
40's x 8 >> Dropped to 90x5 no doubt due to not lifting for too long.
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 5
60's x 12
60's x 7
60's x 6

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rest.
20's x 12 (T-style)
20's x 15 (W-style)
20's x 12 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 8
20's x 8
20's x 8

135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
185 x 3 >> Increased from 6 to 8 reps.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 8
365 x 2
365 x 2

Barbell Shrugs
365 x 12 >> 60sec rests.
315 x 15
315 x 8

T-Bar Rows
45 x 5
90 x 3
135 x 1
190 x 5 PR
135 x 10
135 x 8

Cable Ab Pulldowns
90 x 5
115 x 8
115 x 5
115 x 3
   90 x 3

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+30 x 3 >> Got weak on these.
+50 x 6 >> It's a combo of a long workout after a day of fasting, plus I didn't lift all week.
+50 x 3
+50 x 3

knees still feel a little off as far as step ups go. after tomorrow should be good though
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 19, 2020, 04:47:20 pm
Tuesday - 02/18/20

-= Workout Log =-

45° Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15 >> 3min rests.
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 4
175 x 5
175 x 4

45° DB Bench Press
70's x 10 >> 3min rest.
70's x 8

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rest.
20's x 12 (T-style)
20's x 15 (W-style)
20's x 12 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12
20's x 8
20's x 8
20's x 8

Seated Cable Rows
5 >> 2min rests.
? x 8 >> The plates didn't have numbers on them. Just picked something heavy and went for it.
? x 8
? x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+40 x 2 >> I've been stalling on these for a long time now. Added a back up BW set.
+60 x 5
+60 x 4
+60 x 4
BW x 8

Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions
130 x 15 >> 60sec rest.
130 x 10

Seated Incline DB Curls
30's x 8 >> 60sec rest.
30's x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 19, 2020, 04:57:40 pm
Wednesday - 02/19/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
185 x 5 >> Increased from 6 to 8 reps.
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 8
365 x 3
365 x 3

Barbell Shrugs
365 x 15 >> 60sec rests.
365 x 5
315 x 15
315 x 10

Good Mornings
135 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
185 x 15 >> My ROM on these is so limited it's hilarious (due to inflexibility, not knee issues).
185 x 10
185 x 10

Cable Ab Pulldowns
90 x 5 >> 2min rests.
115 x 8
115 x 8
115 x 5
   90 x 5 (drop set)

30° Machine Leg Press
450 x 15 >> 60sec rests.
540 x 12
540 x 12
540 x 12
540 x 12

Tried doing step ups... knees still not okay with it. But I needed to hit quads, theyve shrunk! To my surprise, I could leg press with limited ROM and it was fine. Finally have some decent quad work done. Even cooler - I think it helped my knees! My ROM increased by the 5th set. Maybe it was nice to lube up my knees with high rep leg presses.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 26, 2020, 02:28:19 pm
Friday - 02/21/20

-= Workout Log =-

45° Incline DB Bench
45's x 12 >> 2min rest.
45's x 8
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 6
60's x 12
60's x 8
60's x 10

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rest.s
20's x 12 (T-style)
20's x 10 (T-style)
20's x 15 (W-style)
20's x 15 (W-style)
20's x 12 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8
20's x 10
20's x 8
20's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+40 x 2 >> I've been stalling on these for a long time now. Added a back up BW set.
+50 x 8
+50 x 5
+50 x 4

T-Bar Rows
90 x 3 >> 2min rests.
135 x 1
190 x 8
135 x 12
135 x 8

Barbell Strict Shrugs
275 x 20 >> WHOA i feel this much more in my traps when doing them strict!
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 26, 2020, 02:32:24 pm
Sunday - 02/23/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
185 x 5 >> UP to 10 reps!
225 x 3 >> Very sharp drop off after the first set. Wondering if I should rest 3min instead of just 2min.
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 10
365 x 3
365 x 2

Barbell Strict Shrugs
315 x 13 >> 60sec rests.
315 x 8
315 x 6

Leg Press
270 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
450 x 15
450 x 10
450 x 8
450 x 8
450 x 8

Good Mornings
135 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
185 x 15
185 x 8
185 x 6

Dragon Flags
8 >> 2min rests.

Hanging Leg Raises
12 >> 2min rests.
8 >> Haven't done these in forever. They are much easier than I remember.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 26, 2020, 02:41:26 pm
Monday - 02/24/20

-= Workout Log =-

45° Incline DB Bench
45's x 10 >> 2min rests.
45's x 8 >> Big improvement on this. Probably due to weight gain.
60's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 8
60's x 12
60's x 10
60's x 7

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline
20's x 15 (T-style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10 (T-style)
20's x 10 (T-style)
20's x 15 (W-style)
20's x 10 (W-style)
20's x 12 (W-style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
45 x 8 >> 2min rests.
95 x 5  >> I'm so weak at these. Wrist started hurting after the 4th work set, so I didn't do a 5th.
105 x 8
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5

Standing DB Shoulder Press
40's x 12 >> These feel MUCH more natural than doing it with a BB.

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 10

T-Bar Rows
45 x 5 >> 2min rests.
90 x 3
135 x 1
190 x 8
190 x 6
190 x 5

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
+20 x 12 >> I've been stalling on these for too long. Decided to lower the weight.
+20 x 8
+20 x 5
BW x 6

65° Incline Seated DB Curls (Bilateral)
20's x 12 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 9
20's x 8

Overhead Cable Tricep Extension
45 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
65 x 12
65 x 8
55 x 10

Love how I can hit high volume without an issue when I'm gaining weight.

Haven't updated in a while - i had cut down to 184lbs ish. Was looking pretty skinny, but strength still there. Doing a mini-bulk of sorts for a month or so before I hard cut back down for a week or 2.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 26, 2020, 02:46:11 pm
Tuesday - 02/25/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
225 x 5 >> That drop-off...
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
370 x 10
370 x 2
370 x 1

Barbell Strict Shrugs
315 x 15 >> 60sec rests.
315 x 7
315 x 7

18" DB Step Ups
60's x 8
60's x 7
60's x 6

Good Mornings
135 x 5 >> 60sec rests.
185 x 15
185 x 8
185 x 8

Leg Press
360 x 5 >> 90sec rests.
500 x 10 >> Raised the rest time and the weight on these.
500 x 10
500 x 8
500 x 8

Cable Ab Pulldowns
80 x 8 >> 2min rests.
90 x 5
115 x 10
115 x 7
115 x 6

Hanging Leg Raises
12 >> 2min rests.

There's nothing like squats. I try adding in step ups, good mornings, leg presses... but I feel that nothing hits my legs like good old ATG squats. My knees are still messed up though. Better than before, but definitely can't hit ATG. Even the step ups didn't feel good at all.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 27, 2020, 03:10:33 pm
Thursday - 02/27/20

-= Workout Log =-

Standing DB Shoulder Press
20’s x 10
40’s x 5
60’s x 6
60’s x 5
60’s x 5
60’s x 4

45° Incline DB Bench
45's x 8 >> 2min rests.
45's x 5 >> Surprised to hit 8 reps again even though i started with shoulders.
60's x 5 >> Cheated a ton on the 7-8th reps though...
90's x 8
90’s x 2
60's x 12
60's x 8

Bent Over Rear Delt Flyes (T-Style)
20’s x 15 >>60sec rests.
20’s x 12 >> Incline bench was taken, so i did them bent over.
20’s x 10 >> I think I prefer them this way actually!

DB Rear Delt Flyes on Incline (W-Style)
20's x 15 (W-style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12 (W-style)
20's x 10 (W-style)

65° Incline Seated Lateral Raises
20's x 12
20’s x 10
20’s x 8
20’s x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 90sec rests.
+20 x 12
+20 x 6
+20 x 6
BW x 5

T-Bar Rows
90 x 3 >> 2min rests
135 x 1
190 x 8
190 x 6
135 x 10
135 x 8

65° Incline Seated DB Curls (Bilateral)
20's x 15 >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12

Overhead Cable Tricep Extension
65 x 8
60 x 8

Really want to make my shoulders a lot bigger. My upper chest has come in nicely with the higher inclines. And my upper traps have responded well to barbell shrugs, especially since I barely ever used to hit them. Need more shoulders though.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: CoolColJ on February 28, 2020, 08:23:59 pm
I recommend high angle rows to sternum/rib cage.
Blows up my side and rear delts - getting that Dwight Howard/David Robinson look....

It's kind a like a safer upright row, or slow clean pull  :trollface:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 02, 2020, 07:52:15 am
Saturday - 02/29/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
135 x 8 >> Surprised I hit 10 reps.
225 x 4
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
405 x 1
375 x 10
375 x 2
375 x 1

Barbell Strict Shrugs
315 x 16 >> 60sec rests.
315 x 6
315 x 7

24" DB Step Ups
60's x 6 >> 90sec rests.
60's x 5 >> Knees finally feel good enough for these.
60's x 4

Leg Press
450 x 5 >> 2min rests.
540 x 8 >> Raised the rest time yet again. They feel better this way.
540 x 8
540 x 8
540 x 8

Cable Ab Pulldowns
90 x 5 >> 2min rests, except last set was longer.
115 x 12
115 x 5
15 x 5
90 x 15
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 02, 2020, 07:53:14 am
I recommend high angle rows to sternum/rib cage.
Blows up my side and rear delts - getting that Dwight Howard/David Robinson look....

It's kind a like a safer upright row, or slow clean pull  :trollface:

gotta try these... thanks!

My knees have been feeling a lot better. Except i went on a ~8mile hike yesterday which set me back a lot again. The hike was nice though, worth it I think.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 03, 2020, 08:26:37 am
Monday - 03/03/20

-= Workout Log =-

Decline Explosive Push Ups
5 >> 90sec rests.

Chin ups
5 >> 90sec rests.

AirBnB workout. Have a busy few days traveling, i doubt i’ll get to a gym. The push ups were surprisingly effective for my tris, only a little for my pecs. Couldnt do dragon flags under the bed - bed was too light.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 15, 2020, 08:43:50 am

Had 3 upper body workouts i didnt put in yet

Knees got worse, havent been doing my barbell rolling and foam rolling

Got married  :personal-record:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: adarqui on March 15, 2020, 12:00:27 pm

Had 3 upper body workouts i didnt put in yet

Knees got worse, havent been doing my barbell rolling and foam rolling

Got married  :personal-record:

damn dude!!!!! congrats! :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 17, 2020, 10:21:45 am
Gym's closed for 2 weeks due to the corona virus
not sure what other gyms are open

orderd a chin up bar for at home, also 20lb dumbells for my delt work. lateral raises adn bent over rear delt flyes.
explosive incline push ups are surprisingly difficult. they target my tris a lot more than my chest, but should be enough for now. maybe ill find another gym to go to once or twice with a friend during this time
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 01, 2020, 03:53:09 pm
Still here. Neighbors made a gym in their basement, its still crappy and we’re still waiting on more plates. My legs havent been this skinny since probably high school though. Maybe 13 years ago? Yeah
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 16, 2020, 06:42:26 pm
Monday - 07/13/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 10
290 x 3
[b[290 x 3[/b]

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
12 x 12 >> 2min rests.
12 x 8
12 x 8
   BW x 4

Trap Bar Shrugs
180 x 5
200 x 15
200 x 12
200 x 10

Time to start logging again.

Knees still screwed. Just too lazy to do the stretching and foam rolling for them. I think I also need to work my shins out - i read somewhere that some knee problems can come from imbalances involving the dorsiflexors. I don't have the right dumbells for it. I can do seated toe lifts with a plate on my feet but it's awkward.

Wednesday - 07/15/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
165 x 10 >> 2min rests.
165 x 10
165 x 10

Rear Delt Incline Bench Dumbell Flyes
20's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8 (T-Style)
30's x 8 (W-Style)
20's x 12 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
105 x 8 >> 2min rests.
105 x 5
105 x 4

Lateral Raises
30's x 8
20's x 12

Chin Ups
BW x 4
20 x 8 >> 90sec rests.
20 x 5
20 x 5

Inverted Rows
BW x 12
BW x 10
BW x 8

Seated Incline DB Bilateral Curls
20's x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: CoolColJ on July 16, 2020, 11:58:57 pm
take a look at the vids in this trhead - they will sort your knee out!
Towards the bottom
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 22, 2020, 08:05:53 pm
Friday - 07/17/20

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg, BW
10 forward/leg, back/leg, 6lb ankle weights

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 10
290 x 4
290 x 4

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
12 x 13 >> 2min rests.
12 x 8
12 x 8

Trap Bar Shrugs
180 x 5
200 x 20 >> 90sec rests.
200 x 8
200 x 8

Monday - 07/20/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
170 x 10 >> 3min rests.
170 x 8
170 x 6

Rear Delt Incline Bench Dumbell Flyes
20's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10 (T-Style)
30's x 10 (W-Style)
20's x 15 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
105 x 8 >> 2min rests.
105 x 5
105 x 5

Lateral Raises
30's x 10 >> 2min rest.
20's x 15

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Chin Ups
20 x 8 >> 90sec rests.
20 x 5
20 x 5

Seated Incline DB Bilateral Curls
20's x 12

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
6's x 15

take a look at the vids in this trhead - they will sort your knee out!
Towards the bottom

Ah, yes, that's the link I was thinking of! Thanks for bringing it up again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 29, 2020, 06:39:43 pm
Wednesday - 07/22/20

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 11
290 x 4
290 x 4

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
16 x 8 >> 2min rests.
16 x 8
16 x 8

Trap Bar Shrugs
180 x 5
230 x 12 >> 90sec rests.
230 x 8
230 x 8

Friday - 07/24/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
170 x 8 >> 3min rests.
170 x 4
170 x 4

Rear Delt Incline Bench Dumbell Flyes
20's x ? (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x ? (T-Style) >> Forgot to write it down.
30's x ? (W-Style)
20's x ? (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
105 x ? >> 2min rests.
105 x ?
105 x ?

Lateral Raises
30's x ? >> 2min rest.
20's x ?

Saturday - 07/25/20

-= Workout Log =-

Chin Ups
BW x 4
20 x 10 >> 90sec rests.
20 x 6
20 x 5

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on July 29, 2020, 06:44:32 pm
Sunday - 07/26/20

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg, BW
10 forward/leg, back/leg, 8lb ankle weights

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 12
290 x 5
290 x 3

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
16 x 10 >> 2min rests.
16 x 8
16 x 8

Trap Bar Shrugs
180 x 5
200 x ? >> 90sec rests.
200 x ? >> Didn't write down what I did, can't remember either.
200 x ?

Tuesday - 07/28/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
170 x 9 >> 3min rests.
170 x 6
170 x 3

Rear Delt Incline Bench Dumbell Flyes
30's x 6 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12 (T-Style)
30's x 12 (W-Style)
20's x 15 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
105 x 9 >> 2min rests.
105 x 5 >> Been taking me a while to hit 10 reps with this weight!
105 x 4

Lateral Raises
30's x 10 >> 2min rest.
20's x 15

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
16 x 10

Barbell Shrugs
255 x 15
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 11, 2020, 03:05:21 pm
Wednesday - 07/29/20

-= Workout Log =-

Chin Ups
BW x 5
30 x ? >> 2min rests.
30 x ? >> Forgot how many I did.
30 x ?

Inverted Rows
BW x 12
BW x 10
BW x 8

Incline Bilateral DB Curls
30's x 6

Saturday - 07/28/20

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
10 forward/leg, 10 back/leg

135 x 8
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 12 >> 3min rests.
290 x 5
290 x 5

Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck
BW x 5
8lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 8 >> 2min rests.
8lb ankle weights x 8
8lb ankle weights x 8

Alternating DB Split Squats
20's x 6 >> 2min rest.
20's x 1
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 11, 2020, 03:41:34 pm
Monday - 08/03/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
170 x 8 >> 3min rests.
170 x 5
170 x 4

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
25's x 9 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
25's x 6 (T-Style) >> Forgot to write it down.
30's x 10 (W-Style)
30's x 8 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
105 x 8 >> 2min rests.
105 x 5
105 x 4

Lateral Raises
25's x 15 >> 2min rest.
25's x 10

Inverted Rows
BW x 13 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Chin Ups
35 x 6 >> 90sec rests.
35 x 4
35 x 3
   BW x 4 (drop set)

Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck
8lb ankle weights x 12

Seated Incline DB Bilateral Curls
25's x 10

Wednesday - 08/05/20

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg

135 x 8 >> 3min rest.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 12
290 x 6
290 x 4

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
8lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 6 >> 2min rests.
   8lbs ankle weights x 6 (drop set)
8lb ankle weights x 8
8lb ankle weights x 8

Trap Bar Shrugs
230 x 17 >> 90sec rests.
230 x 8
230 x 5

Alternating DB Split Squats
20's x 8

Standing Shoulder Press
105 x 8

Friday - 08/07/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
170 x 8 >> 2min rests.
170 x 6
170 x 5

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
25's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
25's x 8 (T-Style) >> Forgot to write it down.
25's x 10 (W-Style)
25's x 8 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
105 x 10 >> 2min rests.
105 x 4 >> Finally hit 10 reps on these!
105 x 4

Lateral Raises
25's x 10 >> 2min rest.
25's x 10

Chin Ups
35 x 8 >> 2min rests.
35 x 4
35 x 4

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck
8lb ankle weights x 12

Barbell Shrugs
205 x 20

Seated Incline DB Bilateral Curls
25's x 10

Sunday - 08/09/20

-= Workout Log =-

Reverse Calf Raises On Stairs
BW x 10 >> 60 sec rests.
45 x 15 >> Doing this for knee rehab.
45 x 15
45 x 15

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg
10 forward/leg, back/leg, 8lb ankle weights

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 13 >> 3min rests.
290 x 5
290 x 4

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
8lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 10 >> 2min rests.
   8lbs ankle weights x 2 (drop set)
8lb ankle weights x 8
8lb ankle weights x 8

Standing Shoulder Press
105 x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 11, 2020, 03:46:34 pm
Tuesday - 08/11/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
170 x 9 >> 2min rests.
170 x 5 >> Seems real tough for me to hit 10 reps on these.
170 x 4

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
25's x 13 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
25's x 8 (T-Style) >> Forgot to write it down.
25's x 12 (W-Style)
25's x 8 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
110 x 7 >> 2min rests.
110 x 5 >> Just a 5lb increase results in 3 less reps than last time.
110 x 4

Lateral Raises
25's x 15 >> 2min rest.
25's x 10

Chin Ups
35 x 8 >> 2min rests.
35 x 5
35 x 4

Inverted Rows
BW x 15 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 10
BW x 8

Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck
BW x 10 (straight leg negatives)

Barbell Shrugs
255 x 15

Seated Incline DB Bilateral Curls
25's x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 17, 2020, 10:47:54 am
Thursday - 08/13/20

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg
10 forward/leg, back/leg with 10lb ankle weights

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 13
290 x 7
290 x 4?

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
10lb ankle weights x 10 >> 2min rests.
10lb ankle weights x 6
10lb ankle weights x 5

Trap Bar Shrugs
250 x 10 >> 90sec rests.
230 x 8
230 x 8

Standing Shoulder Press
115 x 7 >> Goinga little heavier on these days to make my other days easier.

Alternating DB Split Squats
25's x 8

Saturday - 08/15/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 2
185 x 7 >> 3min rests.
170 x 6 >> Decided to start with a heavier first set.
170 x 5

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
25's x 15 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
25's x 8 (T-Style) >> Forgot to write it down.
25's x 10 (W-Style)
25's x 8 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
110 x 8 >> 2min rests.
110 x 4 >> Finally hit 10 reps on these!
110 x 4

Lateral Raises
25's x 12 >> 2min rest.
25's x 12

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Chin Ups
35 x 8 >> 90sec rests.
35 x 4
35 x 4

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 15

Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck
BW x 8 (straight-legegd negatives)

Seated Incline DB Bilateral Curls
30's x 7

Sunday - 08/09/20

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg
10 forward/leg, back/leg, 10lb ankle weights

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 13 >> 3min rests.
290 x 8 >> I think we need to buy more plates. I don't like going above 10 reps on RDLs.
290 x 5

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
10lb ankle weights x 12
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 6

Standing Shoulder Press
45 x 8
125 x 7

Trap Bar Shrugs
250 x 15 >> 90sec rests.
250 x 8
250 x 8

Forgot to do some splits squats today
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 05, 2020, 11:13:59 am

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg
10 forward/leg, back/leg with 10lb ankle weights

135 x 8 >> 3min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 13
290 x 8
290 x 5

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
10lb ankle weights x 10 >> 2min rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 6

Standing Shoulder Press
45 x 7
135 x 7

Trap Bar Shrugs
250 x 15 >> 90sec rests.
250 x 8
250 x 8


-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 2
185 x 8 >> 3min rests.
185 x 4
185 x 4

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
25's x 15 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
25's x 8 (T-Style) >> Forgot to write it down.
25's x 12 (W-Style)
25's x 8 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
110 x 8 >> 2min rests.
110 x 5
110 x 3

Inverted Rows
BW x 15 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 9
BW x 6

Chin Ups
50 x 7 >> 90sec rests.
50 x 4
   BW x 4
BW x 5

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 15

Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck
BW x 8 (straight-legged negatives)

Friday - 08/21/20

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg
10 forward/leg, back/leg, 10lb ankle weights

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 15 >> 3min rests.
290 x 3
290 x 3

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
10lb ankle weights x 12
10lb ankle weights x 10
10lb ankle weights x 8

Standing Shoulder Press
45 x 8
125 x 7

Trap Bar Shrugs
250 x 15 >> 90sec rests.
250 x 8
250 x 8

Alternating DB Split Squats
30's x 8

Sunday - 08/23/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 2
185 x 8 >> 3min rests.
185 x 5
185 x 3

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 8 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 5 (T-Style) >> Forgot to write it down.
30's x 10 (W-Style)
30's x 6 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
110 x 9 >> 2min rests.
110 x 5
110 x 3

Lateral Raises
30's x 8 >> 2min.
30's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5 >> 2min rests.
35 x 7
35 x 4
35 x 3
   BW x 4

Inverted Rows
BW x 13 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Decline DB Bilateral Curls
20's x 13

Tuesday - 08/25/20

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg
10 forward/leg, back/leg with 10lb ankle weights

135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
185 x 5 >> Reduced rest periods to 2min.
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 15
290 x 5
290 x 5

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 4
   BW x 5

Alternating DB Split Squats
30's x 8 >> 2min rest.
30's x 5

Barbell Shrugs
290 x 12 >> 60sec rests.
275 x 8
275 x 6
275 x 6

Good Mornings
135 x 15

Thursday - 08/27/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 2
185 x 7 >> 3min rest.
155 x 7 >> 2min rest.
155 x 6

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 9 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 6 (T-Style)
30's x 4 (T-Style)
30's x 10 (W-Style)
30's x 6 (W-Style)
30's x 6 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
95 x 3
135 x 4 >> 2min rests.
105 x 6
105 x 3
105 x 3

Lateral Raises
30's x 10 >> 2min.
30's x 10

Inverted Rows
BW x 15 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 12
BW x 10
BW x 8

Chin Ups
50 x 6 >> 3min rest.
50 x 3 >> 2min rests.
BW x 6
BW x 6

Barbell Shrugs
290 x 18 >> 60sec rests.
290 x 8
290 x 6
290 x 5
290 x 5

Decline DB Bilateral Curls
30's x 8

Saturday - 08/29/20

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg
10 forward/leg, back/leg with 10lb ankle weights

135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 15
290 x 6
290 x 6

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 6

Barbell Shrugs
290 x 20 >> 60sec rests.
275 x 6
275 x 6

Standing Shoulder Press
135 x 5

Good Mornings
155 x 12
155 x 8

Alternating DB Split Squats
30's x 8

Monday - 08/31/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 2
185 x 7 >> 3min rest.
185 x 4
155 x 8
155 x 6

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 10 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 6 (T-Style)
30's x 5 (T-Style)
30's x 10 (W-Style)
30's x 7 (W-Style)
30's x 7 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
135 x 5 >> 2min rests.
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5

Lateral Raises
30's x 10 >> 2min.
30's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 5
50 x 6 >> 3min rest.
50 x 6 >> 2min rests.
50 x 4

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck
BW x 8 (straight legged negatives)
   BW x 4

Decline DB Bilateral Curls
30's x 6

Wednesday - 09/02/20

-= Workout Log =-

Lying Side Leg Circles
15 forward/leg, back/leg
10 forward/leg, back/leg with 10lb ankle weights

135 x 8 >> 2min rests.
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
290 x 15
290 x 8
290 x 3

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 10
10lb ankle weights x 6
BW x 8

Standing Shoulder Press
135 x 5

Alternating DB Split Squats
30's x 10 >> 90sec rest.
30's x 5

Barbell Shrugs
290 x 16 >> 60sec rests.
290 x 8
290 x 8
290 x 6
290 x 6

Good Mornings
205 x 12

Friday - 09/04/20

-= Workout Log =-

Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
155 x 2
205 x 1
185 x 7 >> 3min rest.
185 x 4 >> I've stalled on these. Probably since I've been cutting weight.
155 x 8
155 x 6

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 11 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 7 (T-Style)
30's x 5 (T-Style)
30's x 10 (W-Style)
30's x 7 (W-Style)
30's x 7 (W-Style)

Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses
115 x 5 PR >> 2min rests.
115 x 5
115 x 5

Lateral Raises
30's x 10 >> 2min.
30's x 10

Inverted Rows
10 x 11 >> 90sec rests.
11 x 9
BW x 7
BW x 7

Chin Ups
BW x 5
50 x 6 >> 90sec rests.
50 x 4
BW x 8
BW x 5

Barbell Shrugs
290 x 15
   40 x 10

Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck
BW x 10

Decline DB Bilateral Curls
30's x 7
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 06, 2021, 08:54:26 am
woookayyy i need to stop being lazy in updating. when i'm lazy to update, i'm also lazy to workout.

been spinning my wheels forever. at least i still have a basement gym i can use during this time.

Current split is upper/rest/lower/rest. On rest days i have 0 calories. Doing a snake diet type thing to cut hard. worked excellent for me before (can scroll back to my weight graph and see the fast progress and barely any strength loss).

on lower day i do some light upper lifting and vice versa because from personal experience i improve very quickly that way. i benefit greatly from high frequency.

Tuesday 01/06/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
305 x 1
345 x 5 >> 3min rests.
345 x 5
345 x 5
345 x 5
345 x 5

DB Split Squats
30's x 8 >> 2min rests.
30's x 5
30's x 5

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 6
325 x 5
325 x 5
255 x 12

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 8 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 6
10lb ankle weights x 5
BW x 8
BW x 8

High Incline DB Bench 45's x 15
Rear Delt T Flyes 20's x 10
Should DB Presses 45's x 8
Chin Ups BW x 8

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on January 06, 2021, 06:28:55 pm
Snake diet? Is that the fasting one with the snake juice? If so would love to hear more on your experience with it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 07, 2021, 08:51:04 pm
Snake diet? Is that the fasting one with the snake juice? If so would love to hear more on your experience with it.

Personally I just eat about 2,500-3,500cal on lifting days depending on how many calories I burned, and then 0-100 calories on the in between days. No crazy shakes or snake juice thing on fasting days. I kept it simple. Check out my progress at Reply #1372 on: December 23, 2019, 01:19:59 pm on page 92 of this journal:'s-new-journal/1365/

In about 1 month I achieved:
- Cut 12-13 lbs (started at 201.8lbs dry fasted, ended at 189.0lbs dry fasted)
- Squat increased from 315x5 to 315x6
- Felt amazing - not groggy and lazy all day. Probably due to lower insulin levels when fasting.

That was BY FAR the most successful cut i've ever had in terms of how fast I progressed. Some people cut for 12 weeks to achieve that! I just don't want to ever cut in any other way again. This is the way to go for me.

The other cool thing is that i see visual progress within just a few days. And when I wake up at 6am, I don't feel the need to go back to sleep. I'm awake, alert, and clear headed. I love the feeling.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 07, 2021, 08:59:46 pm
Thursday 01/07/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 3
165 x 6 >> 2min rests.
165 x 5
165 x 5

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 13 >> 2min rests.
45's x 12

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
20's x 11 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 9 (T-Style)
20's x 12 (W-Style)
20's x 10 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 8 >> 2min rests.
45's x 7
45's x 5
45's x 4

DB Lateral Raises
20's x 13 >> 2min rest.
20's x 12

Chin Ups
BW x 4
20 x 6 >> 2min rests.
20 x 5
20 x 4
BW x 4
BW x 4

Inverted Rows
BW x 8 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 5

Barbell Shrugs 275 x 15
Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck BW x 10
DB Split Squats 45's x 5
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 08, 2021, 08:40:28 pm
Bought dr berg's electrolyte powder. figure its something good to drink on the 0 calorie days
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 10, 2021, 03:59:40 pm
Saturday 01/09/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
305 x 1
355 x 6 >> 3min rests.
355 x 5
355 x 5
355 x 3

DB Split Squats
30's x 8 >> 2min rests.
30's x 5
30's x 5

Barbell Shrugs
355 x 6 >> 60sec rests.
355 x 5
325 x 8
325 x 8
255 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 10 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 5
10lb ankle weights x 4
BW x 10
BW x 6

High Incline DB Bench 45's x 15
Rear Delt T Flyes 20's x 10
Should DB Presses 45's x 8
Chin Ups BW x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 11, 2021, 03:53:20 pm
Monday 01/11/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 3
165 x 8 >> 2min rests.
165 x 5
165 x 4

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 15 >> 2min rests.
45's x 10

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
20's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10 (T-Style)
20's x 12 (W-Style)
20's x 10 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 9 >> 2min rests.
45's x 6
45's x 6
45's x 4

DB Lateral Raises
20's x 12 >> 2min rest.
20's x 12

Inverted Rows
BW x 8 >> 2min rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 4
20 x 7 >> 2min rests.
20 x 4
20 x 4
BW x 7
BW x 5

Barbell Shrugs 275 x 15
Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck BW x 10
DB Split Squats 45's x 5
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 13, 2021, 04:40:00 pm
Saturday 01/13/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
305 x 1
355 x 7 >> 3min rests.
355 x 5
355 x 3
355 x 3
355 x 2

DB Split Squats
45's x 10 >> 2min rests.
45's x 5
45's x 3

Barbell Shrugs
355 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
355 x 6
325 x 8
325 x 6
255 x 6

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 10 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 5
BW x 10
BW x 8

High Incline DB Bench 45's x 15
Rear Delt T Flyes 20's x 10
Should DB Presses 45's x 10
Chin Ups BW x 10

Strength increasing ever so slowly while i cut
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 17, 2021, 01:07:13 pm
Friday 01/15/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 3
165 x 8 >> 2min rests.
165 x 6
165 x 6

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 15 >> 2min rests.
45's x 10

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
20's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 10 (T-Style)
20's x 13 (W-Style)
20's x 10 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 10 >> 2min rests.
45's x 6
45's x 6
45's x 4

DB Lateral Raises
20's x 13 >> 2min rest.
20's x 10

Chin Ups
BW x 4
20 x 7 >> 2min rests.
20 x 5
20 x 5
BW x 7
BW x 5

Inverted Rows
BW x 8 >> 2min rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Barbell Shrugs 275 x 15
Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck BW x 12
DB Split Squats 45's x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 17, 2021, 01:16:08 pm
Sunday 01/17/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
305 x 1
355 x 8 >> 3min rests.
355 x 4
355 x 4
355 x 4

DB Split Squats
45's x 10 >> 2min rests.
45's x 6
45's x 4

Barbell Shrugs
355 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
355 x 6
325 x 8
325 x 8
285 x 10

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 10 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 5
BW x 10
BW x 8

High Incline DB Bench 45's x 15
Rear Delt T Flyes 20's x 10
Should DB Presses 45's x 10
Chin Ups BW x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 19, 2021, 10:08:09 am
Tueday 01/19/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 3
165 x 1
185 x 5 >> 2min rests.
185 x 4 >> Jumped from 165x8 to 185x5.
185 x 4 >> Hurts my wrists a bit though, I don't like the feeling.

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 15 >> 2min rests.
45's x 10

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
20's x 15 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 8 (T-Style)
20's x 12 (W-Style)
20's x 8 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 10 >> 2min rests.
45's x 8
45's x 6
45's x 5

DB Lateral Raises On Incline Bench
20's x 9 >> 2min rest.
20's x 9 >> I don't like how these feel on an incline bench even though it's tougher this way.

Inverted Rows
BW x 10 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 4
30 x 7 >> 2min rests.
30 x 5 >> Went from 20lbs to 30lbs.
30 x 4
BW x 8
BW x 5

Barbell Shrugs 275 x 20
Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck BW x 12
DB Split Squats 45's x 6

Had a re-feed. Numbers went up quite a bit for single workout. Plan is to go back to 0 calorie rest days tomorrow again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 23, 2021, 10:28:25 am
Thursday 01/24/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 1
365 x 5 >> 3min rests.
365 x 5 >> Moved up to a solid weight even if low reps.
365 x 5

DB Split Squats
45's x 10 >> 2min rests.
45's x 6
45's x 6

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 10 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 7
275 x 10
275 x 8
275 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 11 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 6
10lb ankle weights x 6
BW x 10
BW x 8

High Incline DB Bench 45's x 15
Rear Delt T Flyes 20's x 10
Should DB Presses 45's x 10
Chin Ups 30 x 7
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 23, 2021, 10:34:03 am
Saturday 01/23/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 3
165 x 1
185 x 5 >> 2min rests.
185 x 4 >> This may have been tougher than last week.
185 x 4

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 15 >> 2min rests.
45's x 12

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
20's x 15 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12 (T-Style)
20's x 12 (W-Style)
20's x 10 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 10 >> 2min rests.
45's x 8
45's x 6
45's x 5

DB Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 2min rest.
20's x 12

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 4
30 x 8 >> 2min rests.
30 x 5 >> Went from 7 reps to 8 reps.
30 x 4 >> Did not do the 2 back up sets at BW.

Barbell Shrugs 295 x 15
Hanging Knee Raises With Tuck BW x 12
DB Split Squats 45's x 6

I feel the cut getting to me now. Btw I've been doing my workouts mostly fasted save some water + electrolytes. So that means I'll do about a ~36hr fast and then lift at around 7-9am. I think I may have to change this and having a pre-workout meal to continue gaining strength on my cut. Maybe delay my first meal until about 6pm, then workout at 8pm and have a 2nd meal after that and that's it.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 26, 2021, 09:38:30 am
Monday 01/25/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 1
365 x 8 >> 3min rests.
365 x 3 >> Woah did not expect to hit 8 reps.
365 x 3
365 x 3

DB Split Squats
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 6
45's x 6

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 12 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 7
275 x 12
275 x 8
275 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 6
10lb ankle weights x 6
BW x 12
BW x 8

Bit of a re-feed again and so we see my lifts jump up again in a single workout.

Skipped the light upperbody work since I plan to hit it tomorrow (Tuesday), then go back to fasting on rest days.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 26, 2021, 06:18:45 pm
Tuesday 01/26/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 3
165 x 1
185 x 6 >> 2min rests.
185 x 5
185 x 3

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 15 >> 2min rests.
45's x 13

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
20's x 15 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12 (T-Style)
20's x 15 (W-Style)
20's x 12 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 10 >> 2min rests.
45's x 8
45's x 6
45's x 5

DB Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 2min rest.
20's x 15

Chin Ups
BW x 4
30 x 8 >> 2min rests.
30 x 5
30 x 5

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8
BW x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 29, 2021, 08:15:40 pm
Friday 01/29/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 1
375 x 5 >> 3min rests.
375 x 4 >> Harder than I thought. Should probably go back down to 365.
375 x 3

DB Split Squats
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 7
45's x 5

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 12 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 8
275 x 12
275 x 8
275 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 6
BW x 12
BW x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 02, 2021, 09:12:34 am
Sunday 01/31/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 3
165 x 1
185 x 6 >> 2min rests.
185 x 4
185 x 3

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 15 >> 2min rests.
45's x 13

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
20's x 15 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
20's x 12 (T-Style)
20's x 15 (W-Style)
20's x 12 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 11 >> 2min rests.
45's x 8
45's x 6
45's x 5

DB Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 2min rest.
20's x 15

Chin Ups
BW x 4
30 x 8 >> 2min rests.
30 x 6
30 x 4
BW x 8
BW x 6

Inverted Rows
BW x 10 >> 90sec rests.

Got too tired by the end of my workout so I skipped the last 2 sets of rows.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 02, 2021, 09:15:39 am
Monday 02/01/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 1
370 x 8 >> 3min rests.
370 x 3 >> Didn't expect to hit 8 reps here.
370 x 3

DB Split Squats
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 8
45's x 5

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 12 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 8
275 x 12
275 x 8
275 x 10

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 6
BW x 12
BW x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 05, 2021, 11:47:13 am
Wednesday 02/05/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 3
165 x 1
185 x 6 >> 2min rests.
185 x 4
185 x 3

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 15 >> 2min rests.
45's x 13

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 8 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 4 (T-Style)
30's x 8 (W-Style)
30's x 5 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 6
45's x 6
45's x 6

DB Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 2min rest.
20's x 15

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests
BW x 10
BW x 8

Chin Ups
30 x 8 >> 2min rests.
30 x 4
30 x 4

Leg Raises with Tuck - BW x 12
Barbell Shrugs 325 x 10
DB Split Squats 45's x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 09, 2021, 02:53:35 pm
Saturday 02/06/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
395 x 1
345 x 1
375 x 6 >> 3min rests.
375 x 3
375 x 3

DB Split Squats
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 5
45's x 5

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 13 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 5
275 x 10
275 x 10
275 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 6
BW x 12
BW x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 09, 2021, 02:58:04 pm
Sunday 02/09/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 3
165 x 1
185 x 6 >> 2min rests.
185 x 4
185 x 3

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 16 >> 2min rests.
45's x 13

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 8 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 6 (T-Style)
30's x 8 (W-Style)
30's x 6 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 8
45's x 6
45's x 5

DB Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 2min rest.
20's x 15

Chin Ups
BW x 4
50 x 5 >> 2min rests.
50 x 4
50 x 3
BW x 6
BW x 5

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests
BW x 10
BW x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 16, 2021, 11:51:23 am
Thursday 02/11/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
305 x 1
345 x 1
375 x 6 >> 3min rests.
375 x 4
375 x 3

DB Split Squats
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 6
45's x 5

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 13 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 6
275 x 10
275 x 10
275 x 10

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 6
BW x 12
BW x 8

Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 16, 2021, 11:56:57 am
Saturday 02/14/21

-= Workout Log =-

Bunch of different upperbody stuff at my cousin's gym.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 16, 2021, 12:02:51 pm
Friday 02/19/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
255 x 3
275 x 1
305 x 1
345 x 1
375 x 8 >> 3min rests.
375 x 3
375 x 3

DB Split Squats
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 6
45's x 6

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 12 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 6
275 x 10

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
10lb ankle weights x 6
   BW x 3 (drop set)
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 22, 2021, 04:08:44 pm
Wednesday 02/17/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 3
165 x 1
185 x 7 >> 2min rests.
185 x 3
185 x 3

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 16 >> 2min rests.
45's x 15

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 8 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 7 (T-Style)
30's x 8 (W-Style)
30's x 7 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 8
45's x 7
45's x 6

DB Lateral Raises
20's x 15 >> 2min rest.
20's x 15

Chin Ups
BW x 4
50 x 6 >> 2min rests.
50 x 3
50 x 3

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests
BW x 10
BW x 8

Hanging Knee Raises with Tuck BW x 12
Barbell Shrugs 275 x 15
DB Split Squats 45's x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 22, 2021, 04:19:01 pm
Friday 02/19/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
255 x 3
325 x 1
345 x 1
375 x 8 >> 3min rests.
375 x 4
375 x 4

DB Split Squats
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 6
45's x 6

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 12 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 8
275 x 12

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
BW x 12
BW x 12

High Incline DB Bench 45's x 15
Rear Delt T's 20's x 10
DB Shoulder Press 45's x 10
Chin ups 45 x 4
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 22, 2021, 04:21:02 pm
Sunday 02/23/21

-= Workout Log =-

Medium Incline Barbell Bench Press
45 x 15
95 x 8
135 x 5
165 x 1
185 x 6 >> 2min rests.
185 x 4 >> Been stalling on these. Hard to hit 8 reps.
185 x 3

High Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 16 >> 2min rests.
45's x 15

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 9 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 6 (T-Style)
30's x 9 (W-Style)
30's x 7 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 8
45's x 7
45's x 7

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 8 >> 2min rest.
230s x 8

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests
BW x 10
BW x 8

Chin Ups
50 x 6 >> 2min rests.
50 x 4
50 x 4

Hanging Knee Raises with Tuck BW x 12
Barbell Shrugs 275 x 15
DB Split Squats 45's x 6
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on February 23, 2021, 11:15:32 am
Tuesday 02/23/2021

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
185 x 5
255 x 3
345 x 1
375 x 8 >> 3min rests.
375 x 5
375 x 5

DB Split Squats
45's x 12 >> 2min rests.
45's x 7
45's x 6

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 12 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 8
275 x 12

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights x 12 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
BW x 12
BW x 8

High Incline DB Bench 45's x 20
Rear Delt T's 30's x 8
DB Shoulder Press 45's x 12
Chin ups 45 x 5
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 10, 2021, 10:41:08 am
??? 03/??/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 5
60's x 15 (med incline) >> 2min rests.
60's x 12 (med incline)
60's x 8 (med incline)
45's x 15 (high incline)
45's x 10(high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 10 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 7 (T-Style)
30's x 12 (W-Style)
30's x 8 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 3
60's x 5 >> 2min rests.
45's x 10
45's x 9

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 12 >> 2min rest.
30's x 8

Inverted Rows
BW x 13 >> 90sec rests
BW x 8
BW x 8

Chin Ups
50 x 5 >> 2min rests.
50 x 3
50 x 3
BW x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 10, 2021, 10:43:49 am
Tuesday 03/09/21

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
205 x 5
275 x 3
345 x 1
375 x 10 >> 3min rests.
375 x 4 >> Starting to feel these hit my hamstrings more.
375 x 4

DB Split Squats
60's x 8 >> 2min rests.
60's x 5
60's x 3

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 15 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 8
275 x 15

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 6 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 5
10lb ankle weights x 10
BW x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 16, 2021, 08:55:56 am
??? 03/??/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 5
45's x 10
60's x 3
90's x 3 (med incline) >> 3min rests.
90's x 3 (med incline) >> Man these feel heavy. Feel weird to think a set of 8 with these used to be no problem at all.
90's x 3] (med incline)
90's x 3 (med incline)
90's x 3 (med incline)
60's x 10 (high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 11 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 7 (T-Style)
30's x 12 (W-Style)
30's x 8 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 3
60's x 6 >> 2min rests.
45's x 10
45's x 9

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 10 >> 2min rest.
30's x 8

Chin Ups
BW x 4
50 x 6 >> 2min rests.
50 x 4
50 x 4

Inverted Rows
BW x 13 >> 90sec rests
BW x 10
BW x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 16, 2021, 08:58:32 am
Tuesday 03/15/21

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10
205 x 5
275 x 3
345 x 1
395 x 5 >> 3min rests.
395 x 3 >> Looks like I'm close to 405x5 again!
375 x 2

DB Split Squats
60's x 8 >> 2min rests.
60's x 6
60's x 3

Barbell Shrugs
345 x 15 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 10
275 x 15

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 7 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 6
10lb ankle weights x 10
10lb ankle weights x 6

Med Incline DB Bench 60's x 5, 90's x 3
Rear Delt T Flyes 30's x 8
Dhoulder DB Press 60's x 3
Chin ups 45 x 5
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 19, 2021, 09:19:32 am
Wednesday 03/17/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 10
45's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 5 (med incline) >> 3min rests.
90's x 3 (med incline) >> Can hit a set of 5 with 90's now. Hope to do sets of 8 soon.
90's x 3 (med incline)
60's x 10 (high incline)
60's x 8 (high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 6 (T-Style)
30's x 12 (W-Style)
30's x 8 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 3
60's x 6 >> 2min rests.
60's x 3
45's x 10
45's x 8

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 8 >> 2min rest.
30's x 8

Ran out of time for chins and rows.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 22, 2021, 09:13:45 pm
Friday 03/19/21

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10
205 x 5
275 x 3
345 x 1
395 x 6 >> 3min rests.
395 x 4
395 x 3

DB Split Squats
60's x 10 >> 2min rests.
60's x 4
60's x 5

Barbell Shrugs
395 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
395 x 6
395 x 4
275 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 8 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 5
10lb ankle weights x 10
10lb ankle weights x 6

Med Incline DB Bench 60's x 5, 90's x 3
Rear Delt T Flyes 30's x 10
Dhoulder DB Press 60's x 3
Chin ups 45 x 5
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on March 22, 2021, 09:28:56 pm
Sunday 03/21/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 10
45's x 5
60's x 3
90's x 6 (med incline) >> 3min rests.
90's x 3 (med incline) >> Can hit a set of 5 with 90's now. Hope to do sets of 8 soon.
90's x 3 (med incline)
60's x 10 (high incline) >> 2min rests.
60's x 8 (high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 8 (T-Style)
30's x 12 (W-Style)
30's x 8 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 3
60's x 7 >> 2min rests.
60's x 3
45's x 10

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 10 >> 2min rest.
30's x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 07, 2021, 12:55:40 pm
Monday 04/05/21

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10
205 x 5
275 x 3
345 x 1
395 x 8 >> 3min rests.
395 x 3
395 x 3

DB Split Squats
60's x 11 >> 2min rests.
60's x 6
60's x 3

Barbell Shrugs
395 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
395 x 3
275 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 10 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 6
10lb ankle weights x 10
10lb ankle weights x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 07, 2021, 12:58:28 pm
Tuesday 04/06/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 10
45's x 10
60's x 3
90's x 7 (med incline) >> 3min rests.
90's x 4 (med incline)
90's x 3 (med incline)
60's x 13 (high incline) >> 2min rests.
60's x 10 (high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 10 (T-Style)
30's x 12 (W-Style)
30's x 10 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 3
60's x 6 >> 2min rests.
60's x 3
60's x 3
45's x 10

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 12 >> 2min rest.
30's x 12

Chin ups
BW x 4
50 x 6 >> 2min rests.
50 x 3
50 x 3

Inverted Rows
BW x 15 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 12
BW x 10

Been too lazy to update but I'm still hitting my workouts. Need to cut some weight again.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 12, 2021, 10:04:43 am
Thursday 04/08/21

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10
205 x 5
275 x 3
345 x 1
395 x 1 >> 3min rests.
395 x 1

DB Split Squats
60's x 8 >> 2min rests.

Barbell Shrugs
395 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
275 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 10 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights x 12

Bit of a deload today.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 12, 2021, 10:07:18 am
Tuesday 04/10/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 10
45's x 5
60's x 4
90's x 7 (med incline) >> 3min rests.
90's x 5 (med incline)
90's x 4 (med incline) >> 2min rests.
60's x 12 (high incline)
60's x 10 (high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rests.
30's x 10 (T-Style)
30's x 12 (W-Style)
30's x 10 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
45's x 3
60's x 6 >> 2min rests.
60's x 4
60's x 3
45's x 10

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 12 >> 2min rest.
30's x 12

Inverted Rows
BW x 15 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 12
BW x 10

Chin ups
50 x 6 >> 2min rests.
50 x 3
50 x 3

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck BW x 12
DB Split Squats 60's x 5

Seems hard to get to 90's x 8 on the incline bench but i gotta crack it soon.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 13, 2021, 02:27:39 pm
Monday 04/12/21

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10
205 x 5
275 x 3
345 x 1
395 x 8 >> 3min rests.
395 x 4
395 x 1

DB Split Squats
60's x 10 >> 2min rests.
60's x 7
60's x 4

Barbell Shrugs
395 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
395 x 5
275 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 10 >> 90sec rests.
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 4
10lb ankle weights x 10
10lb ankle weights x 8

Med incline DB's 60's x 3, 90's x 3
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on April 25, 2021, 04:25:54 pm
Been lazy to update. Workouts have been all over. It's ramadan and so sometimes im too tired to lift so i push it back a day or 2, but strength is still going up ever so slowly anyway. Haven't really lost weight though

latest top lifts are RDL 415x6 and db incline bench 90'sx8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 20, 2021, 12:02:07 pm
Thurday 05/20/21

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 10
135 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 3
345 x 1
395 x 1
415 x 6 >> 3min rests.
415 x 1

DB Split Squats
60's x 10 >> 2min rests.
60's x 4

Barbell Shrugs
395 x 10 >> 60sec rests.
395 x 6
275 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 5
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 10 >> 2min rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
BW x 8

Med incline DB's 60's x 5, 90's x 5
Rear Delt Incline DB T-Flyes 30's x 12

Need to start logging again. Cutting again, planning to eat 0-100 cal every other day. On eating days I alternate between upper and lower body.

I should track my weight as well
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 22, 2021, 11:05:46 am
Friday 05/21/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 8
45's x 5
60's x 5
60's x 2
90's x 6 (med incline) >> 3min rests.
90's x 3 (med incline)
60's x 10 (high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rest.
30's x 12 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
60's x 5 >> 2min rests.
60's x 3
45's x 10

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 12

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 90sec rests.
BW x 8

Chin ups
50 x 5 >> 2min rests.
50 x 4

Barbell Shrugs 275 x 10
DB Split Squats 60's x 3
Hanging Leg Raises BW x 10
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 24, 2021, 09:18:56 am
Sunday 05/23/21

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
135 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 3
345 x 1
395 x 1
435 x 1
415 x 6 >> 3min rests.
415 x 1

DB Split Squats
60's x 9 >> 2min rests.
60's x 5

Barbell Shrugs
395 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
395 x 4
275 x 8

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 8 >> 2min rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
BW x 10

Med incline DB's 60's x 5, 90's x 5
Rear Delt Incline DB T-Flyes 30's x 12
Chin ups BW x 5

Got a little bit weaker. Might have to drop to 395lbs on the deadlifts and shrugs.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 26, 2021, 09:26:30 am
Tuesday 05/25/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 8
45's x 5
60's x 5
60's x 2
90's x 7 (med incline) >> 3min rests.
90's x 5 (med incline)
60's x 10 (high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rest.
30's x 12 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
60's x 6 >> 2min rests.
60's x 4
45's x 8

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 12

Chin ups
BW x 3
50 x 5 >> 2min rest.
50 x 5

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 2min rest.
BW x 8

DB Split Squats 60's x 4
Hanging Leg Raises +10lbs x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on May 28, 2021, 11:13:08 am
Thursday 05/27/21

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
135 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 3
345 x 1
395 x 1
430 x 1
405 x 8 >> 3min rests.

DB Split Squats
60's x 10 >> 2min rests.
60's x 2

Barbell Shrugs
395 x 8 >> 60sec rests.
395 x 4
275 x 10

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 8 >> 2min rests.
10lb ankle weights x 10
BW x 8

Med incline DB's 60's x 5, 90's x 3
DB Standing Shoulder Press 60's x 3
Bent Over Rear Delt DB Flyes 20's x 12
Chin ups 45 x 3

Tweaked my lower back a bit on the RDLs. Didn't do a 2nd set. I felt it rounding a bit.

I think I need to stretch my glutes and foam roll my T spine to help prevent this.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 01, 2021, 04:13:43 pm
Saturday 05/29/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 8
45's x 5
60's x 1
60's x 2
90's x 7 (med incline) >> 3min rests.
90's x 5 (med incline)
60's x 10 (high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rest.
30's x 12 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
60's x 5 >> 2min rests.
60's x 3
45's x 10

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 10

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 2min rest.
BW x 10

Chin ups
BW x 3
50 x 5 >> 2min rest.
50 x 5

Hanging Leg Raises +20lbs x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 01, 2021, 04:15:34 pm
Monday 05/31/21

-= Workout Log =-

135 x 8
135 x 5
205 x 5

DB Split Squats
60's x 10 >> 2min rests.
60's x 4
60's x 3

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 5
345 x 10 >> 60sec rests.
345 x 6
345 x 6
345 x 6

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 10 >> 2min rests.
10lb ankle weights x 8
BW x 10

Med incline DB's 60's x 5, 90's x 3
DB Standing Shoulder Press 60's x 3
Bent Over Rear Delt DB Flyes 20's x 12
Chin ups 45 x 3

Lower back still not feeling good. Had to cut the RDLs short.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 08, 2021, 01:53:40 pm
Wednesday 06/02/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 8
45's x 5
60's x 3
60's x 1
90's x 7 (med incline) >> 3min rests.
90's x 5 (med incline)
60's x 10 (high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rest.
30's x 12 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
60's x 5 >> 2min rests.
60's x 3
45's x 8

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 10

Inverted Rows
BW x 12 >> 2min rest.
BW x 10

Chin ups
BW x 3
50 x 5 >> 2min rest.
50 x 5

Hanging Leg Raises +20lbs x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 08, 2021, 01:59:26 pm
Friday 06/04/21

-= Workout Log =-

Backward Treadmill Walking
1.5mph for a few min, 2.0mph for the rest

Tibialis Raise

Flexor Hallucis Longus Calf Raise

Tibialis Raise

Knees Over Toes Calf Raise

Patrick Step

Knees Over Toes Squat
5 x 5 >> 30sec rests.

Elephant Walk

L-Sit (Leaning Back)
5 x 12sec/leg >> No rests.

135 x 8
135 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 1
345 x 1
410 x 3

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 8 >> 2min rests.
10lb ankle weights x 10
BW x 10

Starting the Knees Over Toes Guy program. The Zero program which is all bodyweight for now. Need to get some equipment so I can really load up the tib exercises, natural GHRs, and load the soleus
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 08, 2021, 02:05:08 pm
Sunday 06/06/21

-= Workout Log =-

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 10
45's x 5
60's x 4
60's x 1
90's x 7 (med incline) >> 3min rests.
90's x 5 (med incline)
60's x 10 (high incline)

Incline Bench Rear Delt Dumbell Flyes
30's x 12 (T-Style) >> 60sec rest.
30's x 12 (W-Style)

Standing DB Shoulder Presses
60's x 5 >> 2min rests.
60's x 3
45's x 10

DB Lateral Raises
30's x 12
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 08, 2021, 02:09:53 pm
Monday 06/07/21

-= Workout Log =-

Backward Treadmill Walking
1.5mph for a few min, 2.0mph for the rest

Tibialis Raise

Flexor Hallucis Longus Calf Raise

Tibialis Raise

Knees Over Toes Calf Raise

Patrick Step

Knees Over Toes Squat
5 x 5 >> 30sec rests.

Elephant Walk

L-Sit (Back Flat on Wall)
Alternating leg lifts x 60sec

135 x 8
135 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 3
345 x 1
405 x 6

Hanging Leg Raises with Tuck
BW x 4
10lb ankle weights + 20lb dumbell x 8
10lb ankle weights x 10
BW x 10

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 8
275 x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Rix on October 15, 2021, 07:23:17 pm
I just started the KOTG program. How are you liking it?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 19, 2021, 04:05:49 pm
I just started the KOTG program. How are you liking it?

saw some improvement for a little, and then not much else. been too lazy to keep up with it.

i need to start back up again. my main gripe about the program is that there is barely ANYTHING to target glute med weakness in there. lots of knee problems stem from a weak glute med.

im planning on finding a decent physical therapist in my area for a full assessment. it's just hard finding one who is very competent and isnt working at a money machine mill full of old people doing cookie cutter exercises

likewise i didnt notice a single TFL stretch in the program. tight/overactive TFLs is another cause of knee pain. i feel knee pain relief immediately after doing a decent TFL stretch, but only by about 50%. still great though
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: FP on November 19, 2021, 10:06:16 pm
I just started the KOTG program. How are you liking it?

saw some improvement for a little, and then not much else. been too lazy to keep up with it.

i need to start back up again. my main gripe about the program is that there is barely ANYTHING to target glute med weakness in there. lots of knee problems stem from a weak glute med.

im planning on finding a decent physical therapist in my area for a full assessment. it's just hard finding one who is very competent and isnt working at a money machine mill full of old people doing cookie cutter exercises

likewise i didnt notice a single TFL stretch in the program. tight/overactive TFLs is another cause of knee pain. i feel knee pain relief immediately after doing a decent TFL stretch, but only by about 50%. still great though

It's cool that this came up in your log, I just today realized that my glute medius wasn't activating on my sprints in my left leg. I have had some injuries on that leg for years prior - a groin strain that may have been a labrum tear that i never quite recovered from as well as a pretty severe PCL tear that all may have to do with bad motor patterns.
I've been figuring out all this stuff over time in my log but my squatting pattern had some kind of dysfunction between knee and ankle where they were moving in different planes: ankles collapsing outwards and weight not distributed across my entire foot (but only on the anterior ball), also causing some arch dysfunction in my foot.The glute med when squatting I'm pretty sure pulls the tibia (*femur) so its moving in one plane of motion (and groin flexibility is required to maintain that movement into a deep squat), so all these years when i was squatting i built up bad patterns where for part of the movement the glute med was inactive, and that carried over to sprinting.
Hmm on further consideration I have also historically been unable to get full dorsiflexion in my ankle on that leg, that probably has something to do with it as well. Sorry this was kind of ranty and personal to me but felt on topic

Edit: i just figured it out ! Apparently i have more dorsiflexion ROM in the ankle when i evert the foot, and i thought i needed this extra ROM to deep squat. But doing that throws it out of alignment with the rest of the leg and might be what is disconnecting the glute med and causing it not to fire.

Yo and that also could be why louie simmons teaches wide stance box squat, because its impossible for your foot to evert and glute med/min have to fire to maintain wide stance throughout

Nvm glute med and min pull the femur mostly up not to the side  :derp: might change as you move deeper into a squat or whatever movement though
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on November 26, 2021, 05:59:05 pm
Another thing to keep in mind:

Sometimes a muscle will be overactive NOT due to another muscle being overstretched, but due to stability issues instead. If you don't have decent hip stability you may experience mobility/flexibility restriction. Why?

The CNS/proprioception basically prevents you from reaching a certain ROM (though your muscles are flexible enough for it) because it will put you deep into instability. As a result you'll have other muscles being hypertonal (overractive) because they are working overtime to keep you stable. To fix this, work on your stability where it' slacking, and the ROM immediately improves after that.

Dean Somerset has some good info on this.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: FP on November 27, 2021, 11:49:20 pm
Yeah dude totally, i have found this true for hips, i had this period where i would stretch my hams pnf every day multiple times a day but my flexibility only improved a little bit. It was at least partially because my hip/core area i never took steps to stabilize when sitting, walking and doing all that stuff. And in team sports we would always do these dumb stretches like frankensteins, turtle herders and toe touches which all cue lower back flexibility in addition to hamstrings and dont reflect good motor patterns. And if the hips arent being kept stable by forces then its dangerous to put hamstrings in compromising stretched positions. But now that i have been addressing hip stability by not allowing lower back collapse when sitting or allowing too much sway in the hips when walking my hams are at their most flexible even though i only stretch them maybe like once a week. Probably is true for hip flexors as well but thats a little harder to measure

I do think that with shoulders (maybe because of the extent of my previous upper cross) i still have to do a lot of rolling and some stretching to get them into a position where they can even have the capacity to be stable. Im still not quite there, i can get into that position during athletic movement or by consciously activating ext rotators and rhomboids but my shoulders arent at the point where they are in those positions without active correction which is where i think they hopefully will be eventually. Also maybe i havent been addressing the neck enough and its pulling the shoulders back into bad positions
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: FP on November 28, 2021, 10:48:03 pm
Yo i just had a pretty big breakthrough and you were entirely right man. I pulled my neck back into a stable position and my shoulders just kind of went with it. I had been putting so much work in trying to pull them back and was making small gradual progress, but as soon as i pulled the neck back (although the position the neck is in right now is a little stiff, im not used to it) the shoulders just naturally readjusted with no effort on my part. Needed to deal with the stability first.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 10, 2022, 06:15:00 pm
Very late reply here but that's good to hear! Any more updates?
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: FP on June 17, 2022, 09:11:44 pm
Very late reply here but that's good to hear! Any more updates?

Yeah! I've made some strides in terms of balance, efficiency of change of direction mechanics, breathing mechanics, body awareness. My APT and especially upper cross have improved. I've had a lot of breakthroughs in my understanding of the body. Still though, my body reverts to previous mechanics habits.

I think one issue is I'm still applying the concepts as if I can have perfect mechanics, but because of my torn PCL I actually have to make manual adjustments and arrive at a modified posture that addresses this glaring instability. I can't keep shooting for the "perfect" mechanics because this instability will not be addressed in that case. Just how much adjustments have to be made and what the end result might look like remains to be seen.

I want to post some details but will hold off until I feel like I've addressed all the main parts and my mechanics cease to degenerate back to apt and upper cross and I think the result is sustainable. I'm pretty optimistic that it's possible but so far knowledge has come easily and the progression of knowledge has felt linear. I might arrive at mechanical issues I don't understand and theories I come up with won't address. My opinion is kinetic chains may get pretty complex, especially when one leg has one set of optimal mechanics and the other leg has a different set. And in the end some of the stuff I come up with might only be true for me personally, because of my particular history with bad posture and "weight room athleticism". But hopefully some helpful stuff comes out of this process because I have put a lot of time into it.

But yeah i also don't have any formal training in this stuff so who the hell even knows.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on June 22, 2022, 11:18:14 am
 Sometimes things seem to work for no rhyme or reason. Of course there is certainly an underlying reason, but due to our ignorance, “it doesnt make sense.”

As an example, i starting stretching my rectus femoris and psoas a few days ago and felt immediate relief (though not 100%) in my knee pain. What?! I tried this out like 6 months ago and didnt experience this relief. Why now? Things are looking up for my knees for now
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 09, 2022, 11:05:11 am
Monday 09/05/22

-= Workout Log =-

Wall Angels 1 x 15
V Spread 1 x 12

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 8
60's x 3
90's x 6 >> 2min rest.
60's x 9

Rear Delt DB Flyes
30's x 7 (T-Style) >> 2min rest.
30's x 10 (W-Style)

Seated DB Shoulder Press
60's x 6 >> 2 min rest.
45's x 8

Weighted Inverted Rows
BW x 4
50 x 7 >> 2min rest.
50 x 6

Weighted Chin Ups
50 x 5 >> 2min rest.
50 x 5

Lateral Raises
30's x 12

Wall Angels x 15
V Spreads x 15

Tuesday 09/06/22

-= Workout Log =-

Banded Side Walks 1 x 20 Steps left/right >> Dat were glute med firing.

135 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 1
345 x 1
365 x 10

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 3
30 x 8 >> 2min rest.
30 x 8

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 12 >> 2 min rest.
275 x 8

Raised Heel 1/8 Squats
275 x 12 >> Targeting the VMOs with this one.

Natural GHRs
BW x 8 >> 2min rest.
BW x 8

Banded Side Walks 2 x 20 Steps left/right

Wednesday 09/09/22

-= Workout Log =-

Wall Angels 1 x 15
V Spread 1 x 12

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 6
60's x 3
90's x 6 >> 2min rest.
60's x 10 +1

Rear Delt DB Flyes
30's x 8 (T-Style) +1 >> 2min rest.
30's x 11 (W-Style) +1

Seated DB Shoulder Press
60's x 6 >> 2 min rest.
45's x 9 +1

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 3
50 x 5 >> 2 min rest.
50 x 5

Weighted Inverted Rows
50 x 5 >> 2 min rest.
50 x 5

Lateral Raises
30's x 12

Wall Angels 1 x 15
V Spreads 1 x 15

Thursday 09/08/22

-= Workout Log =-

Banded Side Walks 1 x 20 Steps left/right

135 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 1
345 x 1
375 x 7

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 3
30 x 9 +1 >> 2min rest.
30 x 8

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 12 +3 >> 2 min rest.
275 x 8 +4

Raised Heel 1/8 Squats
275 x 15 +3

Banded Side Walks 2 x 20 Steps left/right

Natural GHRs
BW x 8 >> 2min rest.
BW x 8
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 09, 2022, 11:10:17 am
Alright here's the new plan

I dropped the volume per session and upped the frequency. planning on an upper/lower split but hitting each 3x per week, taking one rest day per week (maybe Fridays). I just know that from experience I respond very well to high frequency for squats, so why not do my whole workouts like that?

trying to fix my posture and knee problems, so im doing target glute med work, VMO work, upper back stuff

have been kinda cutting lately, then binge a day or two and cut again. have been making progress slowly in terms of strength while my weight fluctuates, so overall progress is there
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on September 12, 2022, 02:29:33 pm
Saturday 09/10/22

-= Workout Log =-

Wall Angels 1 x 15
V Spread 1 x 12

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 6
60's x 3
90's x 6 >> 2min rest.
60's x 12 +2

Rear Delt DB Flyes
30's x 8 (T-Style)  >> 2min rest.
30's x 12 (W-Style) +1

Seated DB Shoulder Press
60's x 6 >> 2 min rest.
45's x 10 +1

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 3
50 x 6 +1>> 2 min rest.
50 x 4

Weighted Inverted Rows
50 x 8 +2>> 2 min rest.
50 x 7 +1

Lateral Raises
30's x 13+1

Wall Angels 1 x 15
V Spreads 1 x 15

Sunday 09/11/22

-= Workout Log =-

Banded Side Walks 1 x 20 Steps left/right

135 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 1
345 x 1
375 x 8 >> 3min rest. +1
375 x 1

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 3
30 x 10 +1 >> 2min rest.
30 x 7
BW x 8

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 15 +3 >> 2 min rest.
275 x 12 +4

Raised Heel 1/8 Squats
295 x 15 >> 2min rests.
295 x 15
295 x 15

Banded Side Walks 2 x 20 Steps left/right

Natural GHRs
BW x 7 >> Felt my hamstrings cramping so I had to cut these short.
BW x 0
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 08, 2023, 07:09:26 am
monday - game was okay. lost by about 15. I dropped 16. My team doesn't utilize me enough. i'm definitely more efficient than the other players. I got off to a hot start. i was ehh for the rest of the game though. a few missed open layups where i blew past defenders and dodged one in the air with a pump fake.

before the game i landed my first ever RLR dunk! It's freakin awkward jumping that way, but i had a feeling i would be able to do it. i definitely have to practice it more. i can get way more distance on my dunks verses LRR this way. somehow its tougher to palm the ball RLR for me.

tuesday - didn't lift in the AM like i wanted to. was way too tired in the morning. went back to bed and then woke up for work. my left knee is pretty swollen. this happend after last game too... no way i can squat like this. its not painful at all! it just has water in it or something.

Went back to my log to track down where my knee issue started. 7 years ago! It still sucks and i can barely touch rim now. Stretching rectus femoris helps a lot but if i play bball i cant try touching rim. It wrecks me. I can play 1-2 days a week if i avoid near max effort jumps

Man I dont know if ill ever dunk again. That was my recent goal. My knee felt great the other day so i decided to touch rim a few times and now its so swollen ill probably not play ball for a few weeks. That made me think i cant dunk ever again unless i seriously figure something out

On another note: did not know i was able to dunk RL in the past

My squats at about 225x7 right now. RDL 275x6. Cutting some weight, then want to add serious strength 

Oh yeah my wife’s pregnant with our first

Hope everyones doing well
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: FP on August 08, 2023, 08:38:38 pm
Dude congrats on the kid!

Sucks that nothing is helping the knee. Wish I could be of some help. I know you tried KOTG and diving into the theoretical side.

Probably a last option scenario kind of thing, and not even sure it would help but something I have been thinking about is getting one of those fancy $1000 DonJoy braces they prescribed me when I tore my PCL. Then my mechanics made it to a reasonable level, i stowed it away, and then my mom threw it out. After delving deeper into how the body works and realizing just how much compensation mechanics have happened because of the PCL tear, really wish I still had that brace. I'm not entirely sure what injury you have, but it might be something to consider, maybe a professional could recommend you something.

I think it's kind of interesting that playing bball doesn't irritate it but jumping does. I'm sure you've tried some stuff like this but maybe some specific sessions where you do some athletic movements and try to figure out what specifically puts extra stress on the knee and how you can try to alter mechanics to adjust for that? examples - jumping DL with a more frontal jump plant vs a more side plant , or jumping SL with more hip extension vs knee flexion? And then maybe, if one jump technique doesn't seem to generate a lot of power but is ok on your knee, maybe that would be more trainable than a technique that hurts your knee? Might not work at all but just thought I would throw it out there.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 11, 2023, 10:42:16 pm
Playing bball does irritate it, i can only play 1-2 times per week and they get sore. But i definitely cant jump

The issue is i cant tell how bad my knees will feel until the next day. So if i play around with jumping mechanics i might be wrecking myself and not know until the next day lol

I did go to a chiropractor a year ago (in addition to the physical therapist years ago) and he tested my patellar tracking i believe. His tests didnt cause any pain. He basically concluded i was getting old… yeah i didnt go back to him

I need an MRI and to find some more specialists
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on October 18, 2023, 10:33:43 am
I also have issues with my right knee, pretty bad. It sometimes feels like a "beam" will exit my skin on the lateral side of the knee. I've been to a bunch of doctors and they don't know what it is - I have to do MRI which I'm not doing (yet) because it doesn't matter what it is - whether I know what it is or not doesn't really matter, it's still going to be there.

I took some "Genacol", a medicine for cartilages and stuff and it surprisingly seems to be better.

My squat is close to yours right now but it's low bar and a bit weaker than yours (I can squat 100x5, probably 100x7 if I really push it). Vert off one leg is about 60-65 cm at best, off two it's 50 cm or so but I'm not attempting that because it will aggravate my right knee - I'd rather continue doing strength work and jump off one (although I'm also jumping very little since I'm too heavy for jumping anyway).

How heavy are you now, by the way? I'm trying to get lighter (under 85 kg would be ideal).
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on October 19, 2023, 03:10:48 am
I might be about 195lbs fasted right now. I still RDL, i can do around 365x5 i think. It doesnt bother my knee

Didnt update but i played basketball a few weeks ago and my knee the next day was the worst its been in years. The swelling has now subsided but there is still pain if i kneel on the floor. Usually theres no pain after the swelling subsides. This time there was a considerable amount. In other words, im regressing

On a plane right now headed towards macedonia again. First time in about 5 years. Looking to get an MRI there since itll be much cheaper than USA. Maybe i should see a PT there as well now that i think about it

At this rate i’ll never dunk again. But if i can heal my knees, im probably 6mo away from dunking
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on October 19, 2023, 03:26:59 am
I'm in a similar situation, actually both my knees were complaining at some point. The left one seems to be fine now, I can do pistols on it, but the right one...
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 17, 2024, 10:55:25 am
Became a dad  :personal-record:
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Raptor on January 18, 2024, 10:40:23 am
Became a dad  :personal-record:

Congratulations! Crazy.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on January 18, 2024, 03:20:13 pm
Yeah man we’ve been through lots of life changes on this forum. I wonder how ChrisM is
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Coges on January 22, 2024, 12:21:08 am
Became a dad  :personal-record:

Congratulations mate! Absolutely brilliant news.
Title: Re: Dreyth's New Journal
Post by: Dreyth on August 12, 2024, 10:37:36 am
I may have figured out the last piece of the puzzle to my knee pain. I need to stretch my tibs!!!