Author Topic: FP's log  (Read 414106 times)

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Re: FP's log
« Reply #660 on: February 08, 2018, 12:13:45 am »
i don't know about that but you're an animal right now. broken/repaired wrist, still doing weighted single leg hops and all kinds of crazy shit. respect.

 ;D I was feeling kinda down and this really brought me up when I read it. On further analysis this is a successful compliment because it acknowledges my perseverance in the face of adversity and approval for unconventional exercise selection, both things I take lots of pride in.

Unfortunately I have developed some kind of back problem which I strongly suspect might be a slipped disc or spondylolisthesis and has not gone away with rest. Pretty much takes away the remaining exercises I could do after my wrist injury. Will see doc asap


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #661 on: February 17, 2018, 02:24:25 am »
wow it's been 2 weeks holy shit. back is feeling better, wrist is feeling really bad from drawing constantly. I'll see what the doc says monday

40 mins cycling - 12 resistance, avg 60rpm
12 mins cycling intervals - 20 resistance:  45 secs max effort, 45 secs easy, repeat


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #662 on: February 19, 2018, 05:38:53 pm »
45 deg leg press:
up to 450 *8
500*4 (-50lbs, -4 reps)

ham curl:

20 mins cycling - 14 resistance, avg 53rpm, 3:20 pace


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #663 on: February 23, 2018, 10:39:37 am »
pins out on monday. feels so freeee. doc said im good to sprint

pretty much been hitting 3*week practices and throwing lefty for 30-60 mins each time


alternating cable knee drives from plank
42.5's 3*16

alternating step-up hops w/ front racked weight
66lbs 3*16

20m slight incline sprints *12

skater hops + stick 3*8

light dynamic stretches
20m sprints *8

ghr machine circuit *3:
-side bends *8 /side
-db palloff press 20 lbs *6 /side

circuit *3:
-bicycles *16
-banded palloff press *8 /side
-ecc deadbugs *16

lefty throws looking a lot cleaner during practice


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #664 on: February 25, 2018, 09:02:16 pm »

sb squat 285 4*5
-SI joint still bothering me

decline situps 3*15

sprint treadmill intervals
-max resistance 5*40 steps, 45 second jog rests
-5 min rest
-max resistance 3*40 steps, 45 second jog rests

its been 30 mins - i threw up a few times and still not through feeling completely terrible. ughhhhhh. it will pass


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #665 on: March 02, 2018, 10:19:01 pm »

so the si joint really took a beating during the last session
its still a little fucked up. im beginning to think ive had this problem a long time only the bigger symptoms were dormant - ive always had issues with my left leg: chronic groin pains, weird immobility and naturally asymmetrical posture that came and went and no matter what my left leg was always a little weaker. will see physio asap

on the other hand my hand is improving constantly!


alternating sb step up hops:
105 4*16

good mornings:
 125 *8
145 2*8

captains chair:
4*15 full reps+ 15 kneeups

leg press:
450*8 (pause)
500*8 (pause)

ss *3:
-russian twists w/ med ball:15lbs *15
-bicycles * 15,15,10
-deadbugs *15, 11+4, 10
--feeling it in the si during deadbugs


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #666 on: March 04, 2018, 12:43:55 pm »

30 min easy jog - ran with some teammates, their heart rates were 160 and 175 on fitbits

core circuit:
30s side planks
bicycles *12
deadbugs *16

core circuit:
crunches *20
russian twists *16
v-ups *8,10, 9+4


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #667 on: March 04, 2018, 08:11:24 pm »

sb squat 285 4*5
-SI joint still bothering me

decline situps 3*15

sprint treadmill intervals
-max resistance 5*40 steps, 45 second jog rests
-5 min rest
-max resistance 3*40 steps, 45 second jog rests

its been 30 mins - i threw up a few times and still not through feeling completely terrible. ughhhhhh. it will pass

you threw up a few times from the sprints? damn

one of those max-V treadmills?

also how's the drawing and such now that the pins are out?


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #668 on: March 04, 2018, 11:34:34 pm »

sb squat 285 4*5
-SI joint still bothering me

decline situps 3*15

sprint treadmill intervals
-max resistance 5*40 steps, 45 second jog rests
-5 min rest
-max resistance 3*40 steps, 45 second jog rests

its been 30 mins - i threw up a few times and still not through feeling completely terrible. ughhhhhh. it will pass

you threw up a few times from the sprints? damn

one of those max-V treadmills?

also how's the drawing and such now that the pins are out?

yep. oddly enough i think the throwing up is more of a mental thing, because i had eaten like 3-4 hours before. i knew i was going to feel really shitty if i went for the second set but decided to do it anyway.

it is a max-v treadmill, but cranking up the resistance all the way makes it sort of like a really high resistance push sled.

the drawing is going great, thanks for asking. planning on making an instagram for some of my works so be on the lookout for that  :D


contrast set *3 (long rests):
-safety bar jump BSS 105 *7 /ea side
-1-step SLRVJ *3 /ea leg

various jumps *~15
-both SLRVJ's over 31", R-SLRVJ might have been as high as 33.5" which is PR level
-1-step DLRVJ took a big drop-off, around 31-32". 3-step is around 34"
-SVJ and 1-step both irritate the SI Joint

cable ham hyper (slow ecc):
35 3*7 /ea side

back extension:
290 3*8

sprint treadmill intervals
-max resistance 5*40 steps, 45 second jog rests
-5 min rest
-max resistance 4*40 steps, 1*50 steps 45 second jog rests

Didn't throw up this time! Also happy that my SIJ isn't fucking with my jumps too much.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #669 on: March 06, 2018, 01:37:44 am »

20 min workout - trying out the hill at the gym. I would say the incline is about 25-30 degrees.
hill ME sprints with jog recovery 2 sets of 6*20m  30-40s jog rests

30 min jog with teammates
mile 1: 11 mins
mile 2: 11:30
-not sure this is gonna help me at all but eh can't hurt. teammates are definitely starved for aerobic training so i programmed the first block of the team pod workouts to focus on aerobics.

SS *3:
30s side planks
bicycles *12
deadbugs *16

core circuit:
crunches *20
russian twists *16
v-ups *8,10, 9+4

drills *20 mins
Ultimate *45 mins playing exclusively lefty and not using right hand for defense

-feeling really woke today and tried to be super aware of peoples footwork during 1v1 drills, as well as my own. Definitely the one area that can elevate my game - footwork and body control. have a somewhat hazy idea of what i need to work on but will definitely get this figured out.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #670 on: March 08, 2018, 03:19:05 pm »
15 mins throws
20 mins ultimate


trx rows 3*8

KB waiter carry 44lbs 3*45s left arm only

20m sprints *4

ss *5 (30s rests):
-alternating battle rope chops *50
-battle rope slams *25

handicap flys machine:
168 3*8

- figured something important out in relation to my sprint technique. i think i use my traps as prime movers when swinging my arms forward instead of my anterior delts. this somehow relates to forward head tucking during acceleration as well as unstable shoulder movement. there is definitely something to fix there, not sure whether its mobility or motor reprogramming +strengthening.


30 min jog , 9:45 pace with teammate

core circuit

1hr 15mins Ultimate: finally some serious playing but still only lefty. SIJ giving me some grief but my speed is promising. playing a little bit lazy defense with my back to the cutter most of the time, however commanding defensive poach pressure.

gonna take a few more rest days, maybe work through some agility ladder stuff and try to figure out the imbalance in my upper body.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 12:51:23 am by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #671 on: March 08, 2018, 04:01:15 pm »

sb squat 285 4*5
-SI joint still bothering me

decline situps 3*15

sprint treadmill intervals
-max resistance 5*40 steps, 45 second jog rests
-5 min rest
-max resistance 3*40 steps, 45 second jog rests

its been 30 mins - i threw up a few times and still not through feeling completely terrible. ughhhhhh. it will pass

you threw up a few times from the sprints? damn

one of those max-V treadmills?

also how's the drawing and such now that the pins are out?

yep. oddly enough i think the throwing up is more of a mental thing, because i had eaten like 3-4 hours before. i knew i was going to feel really shitty if i went for the second set but decided to do it anyway.

it is a max-v treadmill, but cranking up the resistance all the way makes it sort of like a really high resistance push sled.

the drawing is going great, thanks for asking. planning on making an instagram for some of my works so be on the lookout for that  :D

dope!!$!@$! do it!!

when you do, let us know!


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #672 on: March 12, 2018, 12:03:15 am »

1.5 hr scrimmage with another college
-we were pretty much playing savage (no subs). was not going too well against zone 13-5. dunno i cant do much going only lefty and my team wasnt able to huck it to me a whole lot

2 hrs pickup
-pretty low level, no organization at all. my speed and endurance were ok but didnt want to be overbearing and just chilled a bit.

few notes to self:
- im bad at crashing the cup as a cutter playing against zone defense
- i start my deep cuts too early, anticipating unrealistically perfectly executed hucks from my teammates
- i need to practice accelerating out of 135 degree hip turns
- i need to stay more grounded in neutral defensive positioning because i get beat mid-stride when taking too long strides


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #673 on: March 13, 2018, 02:11:35 am »

30 mins throws
typical team bullshit, practice cancelled because of some light snow
ran down a few hucks out of 135 degree cuts

core circuit *3:
- ghr machine side bends *8
- ghr machine db palloff press 10lbs *6 (3s holds)
-ghr rfd extensions 10lbs *8

20y ME sprints:
6 reps, jog back recoveries
4 mins rest
6 reps, jog back recoveries

very significant sprint strength dropoff for later reps. definitely wanna be cranking out more of these


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #674 on: March 17, 2018, 01:49:06 am »

40 min jog with teammate:
miles 1,2 @ 8:30 pace, then had to slow down for teammate


agility ladder stuff *45 mins
--actually pretty decent. I am noticing issues with my body control in some of the newer drills I am doing which is good because I can fix them.
SLRVJ's *~25
--nothing too hot, mostly just working through weaker plants, some curved routes and going up with off-arm


SS *3:
safety bar RFD jump BSS: 105 3*6/side
RFD captains chair: 3*15

safety bar BSS:
195 *6/ea side
175 *6/side
--I don't like using bar for high intensity BSS: kind of dangerous. also the weight distribution is janky. left leg almost failed rep 6 of 195

Alt. Cable knee drives from plank:
52.5 *6/side
46.5 *8,8,4 /side

Ham cable hyper (0:1:3):

stretches *10 mins