Author Topic: New year new me  (Read 303256 times)

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Re: New year new me
« Reply #390 on: December 31, 2021, 02:22:51 am »
Finally in New Zealand! Arrived yesterday (7hr + 18.5hr flight across 13 timezones) now for 10 days of isolation in a hotel. Day 0/1 covid test was negative so hopefully tomorrow we will be allowed out for a period (no heavy exercise allowed though). Had a spin bike delivered today so that will keep me mostly occupied for now.

Yoga ~40m Meditation 1hr + 20m
Spin bike 1hr (no idea how fast or far, very basic equipment! but got a decent sweat on)
Push up 50, 40, 40

Goals whilst I'm here will be to do an Ultra +/- Marathon, At least one mountaineering trip (hopefully Mt Cook but looks like I'll need to develop some technical proficiency).


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #391 on: January 01, 2022, 03:48:33 pm »

Yoga 40m Meditation 1hr20 + 20
Spin bike 30m
Walk 20m (2km)
BW squata 34 33 33
Yoga mat SLRDL 2 x 25
Feet up push up 15 15 20
Some random things tryna get some upper back work without any equipment lol


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #392 on: January 02, 2022, 02:53:43 am »
Yoga 35m Meditation 1hr + 30m
Spin bike 45min
Push ups 34, 33, 33
SL Knee dips 34,33,50


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #393 on: January 02, 2022, 10:46:39 am »

Some random things tryna get some upper back work without any equipment lol

you could get a band and do pull-aparts. that barely counts as equipment. otherwise, inverted rows under a table or desk?
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #394 on: January 03, 2022, 03:51:06 pm »

Some random things tryna get some upper back work without any equipment lol

you could get a band and do pull-aparts. that barely counts as equipment. otherwise, inverted rows under a table or desk?

unfortunately difficult to order anything like that in, and the table isn't sturdy enough! Did some single arm rear felt flyes and straight arm pullovers with my yoga mat!

Yoga 40m Meditation 1hr
Push ups 50 40 30
rear delt flye into straight arm pullover 2 x 25 ea with yoga mat
HIIT on bike - 30sec on 90 sec off x 8

Had some god awful palpitations most of the day yesterday, big skipped beats, probably ectopic. Probably stress/anxiety related but really need an echocardiogram to be able to not he more stressed by them lol. Gonna take an easy day today.


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #395 on: January 04, 2022, 04:05:05 am »
I also had problems with inverted rows, so Im doing those silly 'back-widows'. They are prescribed to be done on the floor or standing at a wall, but i do them at the doorway for a greater ROM.
It is not the best or most compound exercise in the world but it does get difficult with controlled high rep scheme and gives you some real lat soreness (and bruises at the spots under the elbows that you push lol ).
Also, i am using a power bag, you can't order it but can't you build one? Any pullable object that weighs  over 15kg can make a great one-arm-bent-row workout.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #396 on: January 07, 2022, 01:37:55 am »
I also had problems with inverted rows, so Im doing those silly 'back-widows'. They are prescribed to be done on the floor or standing at a wall, but i do them at the doorway for a greater ROM.
It is not the best or most compound exercise in the world but it does get difficult with controlled high rep scheme and gives you some real lat soreness (and bruises at the spots under the elbows that you push lol ).
Also, i am using a power bag, you can't order it but can't you build one? Any pullable object that weighs  over 15kg can make a great one-arm-bent-row workout.

I tried some row type stuff with bags but couldn't get a decent ROM and for doorway we're not allowed yo open the door other than for collecting food etc and our bathroom doorway isn't suitable for anything... but almost done now anyway and I'm sure years of training isn't lost in the 10 days ive been here haha.

1 day to go, released upon nx tomorrow after days and 4 negative PCRs!

2 days ago was rest letting my funky heart settle down
+ yoga 30m + 20m meditation 1hr 30 + 30

yoga 30m + meditation 1hr + 30m
Spin bike 30m
Push up total 100
Bw squat 100
SL good morning with 5k ish bag 2 x 20

yoga 25m + meditation 1hr + 30m
Spin bike 30m
Push up total 100

may have missed a day out idk they've all merged into one. this will be 34 days 9f isolation over the lsst 18 months ha

been doing some yoga with adrienne routines on YT as was getting bored of repeating my routine over and over. highly reccomend to anyone looking to give yoga a go. plus her and her dog are pretty cute ha

Meditation been doing a morning sit of basically vipassana/breath/concentration meditation and evening sits been trying out some loving kindness meditation which sounds kinda soft but think it's had a positive effect on my mood, leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy. def gonna stick with it.

Also been keeping a mood/day/thought/gratitude journal which again i always thought was a bit soft but found it nice to empty some of my brain on paper each day.

lots of mental stuff coming up here but u guess mind and body are one and all. for sure any of yoga, exercise or meditation can generally kick me out of a bad mood pretty quick and writing about that really makes ut obvious.

damn I'm becoming soff, need to find a squat rack and some barbells ASAP  ;D


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #397 on: March 21, 2022, 03:58:38 am »
ahh still alive

signed up to a 54k ultra in May -

so my training has been gaining focus and direction. I've also started to add some strength work back in as i was having a niggling IT band issue and it seems to have fixed it. Hit a 70km week last week so that's where im at right now.


Run 5k slow recovery after 37ker Saturday

squats 85kg 3 x 5
rdl 75kg 2 x 8


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #398 on: March 22, 2022, 04:40:32 am »
run 10k 5.15 pace easy legs still fried from weekend + squats yesterday

played basketball (21) for the first time in like 2 years! my gym is a YMCA so has a court. took a while for shooting to come back. can still grab the rim with 2 hands.... a bit more strength work and some jumping work + fresh legs and think i could still dunk! (felt like 10ft but who knows).

my new goal in hybrid athleticism may be to run an ultra whilst being able to dunk.

also weighed in at like 86kg today, too heavy!

chins 3 x 10
db ohp 24kg x 6 20kg x
db bp 30kg 10, 12
seated row 57kg 2 x 12
tri pdown 20kg x 12
bi curl conc 16kg x 12
Lateral raise 8kg


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #399 on: March 23, 2022, 05:56:15 am »
run 16km - middle 5 x 1km efforts around 3.46-3.55m/km pace for each


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #400 on: March 24, 2022, 04:16:14 am »
run 8km easy pace

squats 90kg 3 x 3
sl rdl 22kg 2 x 10
bss 10kg dbs 2 x 8
leg curl 35kg 2 x 10

didn't have 3x5 in me legs too tired and no focus, knees tweak and si joint been playing up so kept the lower volume. did some core stuff mixed in the last sets.

the more i exercise the more prehab/stretching etc i need but the less time gaah


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #401 on: March 26, 2022, 04:41:30 am »
nil yesterday as was at work from 8am til midnight  :uhcomeon:

run 34km in 3hr 15 ish - legs totally fried from lifting and increasing volume


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #402 on: March 28, 2022, 03:31:28 am »
run 5k super easy recovery


pull up 3 x 10
inc db bp34kg x 8 30kg x 12
face pull 17.5kg 2 x 12
db pull over 22kg 2 x 12
db curl 22kg x 9
tri oh 17.5kg x 12 
ysl 5kg x 10

also did some yoga
now some core/hip work


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #403 on: March 29, 2022, 04:12:31 am »
run 12k semi easy pace ~5min/km

clean to front squats 60kg 5 x 3 - cleans were great fun, front squats = no si joint pain
rdl 75kg 2 x 10
step up 20kg 2 x 10
leg curl 35kg 2 x 10

some core stuff. think i sussed my SI joint. i have no control. doing deadbugs lowering my left leg my si joint pops each time (painless) but it feels like i have no control. so i really simplified it and did like bent leg raises with the other leg straight really focusing on keeping my pelvis stable and got quite a decent Burn in my lower ab... if i straightened my leg anymore to make it more difficult.. pop goes si joint. so i feel my work is in getting my pelvis stabilised with a simple progression of single leg raises gradually straightening the leg out until i can do dead bugs without the clunk. i think this may also fix my life long battle with APT too.

also did a 20m yoga


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #404 on: April 05, 2022, 03:59:38 am »
missed a few logs

big weekend of running with an easy 16k Saturday then 28k ans 1500m of elevation in the mountains on Sunday.

this was followed by 25k or so of cycling and then a couple of hours walking to boot!!

rested yesterday

easy 3k on the mill
squats 85kg 3 x 5
rdl 80kg 2 x 8

on nights this week with 88ks to run fuark