Members Area => Progress Journals & Experimental Routines => Topic started by: LBSS on September 10, 2009, 04:54:40 pm

Title: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2009, 04:54:40 pm
July 3, 2013
Time to suck it up and use the progress tracker.

October 10, 2012

So, looking back to the first post here for the first time in a long time, seems I've been at this for over three years. I've added 80+ pounds to my squat and 5" to my vertical in that time. Not nothing but not all that great, either. Life has gotten in the way, and indecisiveness and my lack of ability/willingness to go as balls-out as I should. More sacrifice is needed, more consistency is needed. But I'm still at it and I'm not quitting.

After all this wanking about acole14's template, I think I'm just going to go back to the template that adarq wrote out below, last year. It's in the same spirit as acole14's but it's simpler and there's no sprinting day, which I think is probably good. And I had my best gains on it -- first time grabbing rim and hanging on, first batch of sessions where I could get 32" consistently. I haven't really progressed since then in my jumping or anything else, except bodyweight. And I guess I'm a little stronger. Yeah, it's time to jump more. Only differences from the template: CORE is not optional unless I'm late for something, and CORE circuits will include glute bridges/RDLs.


edited by adarq dont delete plz!!

real quick synopsis, as im being bit by mosquitos..

volume-strength:power:deload-reactive = 1:2:1

session 1:
- warmup
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
- SQUAT: 3 x 3, 3 x 8 (no long pauses between reps, try to get the reps done non stop, last rep should be hard)
- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e

session 2:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 4 (90-95%), 30s or more between singles, bar speed from onset of transition to lockout is essential
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
- C1-info: if it makes it easier, to db jump squats, jump squats come nearly immediately after a set of MSEM.. so: MSEM, jump squat, rest 2min, jump squat, rest 3min, repeat..... 2 rotations
- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

session 3:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 8 (80-85%), 15-30s between singles, bar speed from onset of transition to lockout is essential
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
- C1-info: if it makes it easier, to db jump squats, jump squats come nearly immediately after a set of MSEM.. so: MSEM, jump squat, rest 2min, jump squat, rest 3min, repeat..... 2 rotations
- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

session 4:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- ME MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 5 x 5


Day 1: session 1 volume strength
Day 2: recovery
Day 3: recovery
Day 4: session 2 power
Day 5: recovery
Day 6: session 3 power
Day 7: recovery
Day 8: reactive "deload", still max intensity but no lifting
Day 9: recovery and or session 1

so 9-10 day rotation.. in that schedule, day 6, 8, and when you rotate back to day 1 should be the best jumping.. jumping will suffer a bit after session 1 volume.

what you think?

peace man!@$!@

Hi everybody. Sorry for the wordiness in advance; I'm a giant dork and A) overthink everything, and B) don't know how to shut myself up once I get going.

I'm looking to improve my very sad and pathetic vertical. Also to get stronger and faster and in better shape, but the number one concern is vert and I obviously can't do everything at once. Currently I've got a 27" CMJ (25" consistently, 27" is my most recent test max) and ~30" running jump. Never measured that but I can graze the rim at a height of 71", reach of 90", so that makes sense. Basically I am the least reactive person on Earth. I can go forever at slow speeds without any training at all but for whatever reason have decided to play an intermittent-sprint sport (ultimate Frisbee). I'd like to get to 35" standing, 38" running. That would allow me to dunk a soccer/volley ball and sky a bunch of people that I currently can't on the ultimate field.

The ultimate season will be over in about a month, so currently I have practice three times a week and do plyos/lift twice a week, except tournament weeks when we have just one practice but 8 hours of ultimate on Saturday and 6 on Sunday. Two of those left before the end of the season. I've never really lifted before this year, and I've had some trouble sticking with a plan. Maybe if I put it up here I'll be better about that. Oh yes, I'm 5-11, 169#, about 9-10% bodyfat. My best dead lift is 335#, front squat 245#, OHP 125#, bench 185#. Want 400/300/165/250 but I'm not pressed about those numbers as much. I'm going to keep muddling along in the gym until Frisbee is done (currently it's plyos plus DL/squat plus some assistance and upper body stuff, but no real consistent plan) but then turn it up a few notches and try to make some improvements. I'm thinking along the lines of Kelly Baggett's ultimate split:

Sunday: low-intensity steady-state cardio 30-40 minutes, Feldenkrais class (trying to move better, too...look it up if you're curious)
Monday: agility ladder drills, donkey ankle bounces, 20-yard sprints, running verticals, dead lifts, OHP/pullups, Bulgarian split squat, core, cool down w/10-15 minutes LISS cardio, strech
Tuesday: LISS cardio 30-40 minutes, stretch, Feldenkrais on my own
Wednesday: agility ladder drills, intervals/high-intensity conditioning
Thursday: completely off (have class from 6-9 at night so this is the natural day to rest)
Friday: agility ladder drills, donkey ankle bounces, 40-yard sprints, depth jumps, front squats, bench/rows, step-ups, core, cool down w/10-15 minutes LISS cardio, stretch
Saturday: ultimate Fall league (medium intensity, a lot more chill than club...will be a decent workout and I just need to play)

Main lifts (DL, FS, bench, OHP) will be 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps. Assistance lifts will be 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps. Sprint/plyo exercises will be done until time/height drops. 1-5 minutes rest between sets, depending. LISS cardio will be either rowing machine or stationary bike on heavy days, probably jogging on off days with possible rowing/biking if I feel like making it to the gym. Heart rate in the 130-140 range. Intervals will Informed Performance-style, above anaerobic threshold. Also I'll be throwing as much as possible to keep my skills up and pick up some new ones. Don't expect that there are too many ultimate players on here, so I'll keep that part to myself.

Diet-wise (this forum doesn't seem to have a lot about diet on it, but it's damn important, so I'm throwing it out there), I'm going to eat at LEAST 170g of protein every day, hopefully more like 200. Other than that a pretty even split of carbs and fat without concerning myself too much with either. I'll try to get ~2800-3500 calories per day, depending on activity level, but I'm not trying to beef up and I've never lost weight in my life, so again, not too much concern about the diet except getting enough protein.

Not sure this will end up being a real day-to-day log because I'm already keeping a journal of my training on my own and spending too much time in forums* as it is without having to babble on to the world every day. As you can see, I'm long-winded. But it's helpful to write everything down and I'm just curious to hear what people think about the plan.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading.

*Mostly Lyle McDonald's at, which are (the main one and the hidden one) the best by far** for nutrition and most exercise-related stuff (but not vertical stuff; this place is clearly better for that).
**By. Far.***
***NB: No one else is even close.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 10, 2009, 05:43:58 pm
hey welcome man.. real nice first post.

i don't think your "bounce" is that bad.. i mean, if you're getting 25" consistently on standing and 30" on running, a 5" difference is well within the realms of "good" reactivity.. most people aren't going to have 10+ inch differences.

your lifting numbers seem pretty good.. do you know your back squat numbers? i'd assume it would have to be around 305 or so at least, which would be pretty good.. this makes me wonder if "cardio" is constantly "re-programming" you to produce force at a slightly slower rate, which would benefit cardio but negatively impact jumping.. if you're at all like me, a middle distance build, then cardio will always stimulate your body to adapt to what it's best - producing force slower & for alot longer.

how long have you gone without cardio? it seems like you don't neglect it, so i would assume you don't go long without doing it.. it would be interesting how you would react to something I call "overshoot training".. where week 1 would consist of a routine such as you've listed, followed by week 2 consisting of no cardio, all power/strength work with FULL recovery.. week 1 would always cause a tug of war between "high RFD" and "moderate RFD".. week 2 would then only focus on "high RFD", not allowing much interference to cause "moderate RFD" adaptations.. this would by no means negatively impact your cardio either, in fact, week 1 could be intensified.. i originally termed this "overshoot training" because of the idea that week 1 would cause a shift towards type IIa fibers, while week 2 would allow them to re-express to IIx in even greater number, but RFD should also dip during week 1 and then recover/supercompensate by week 2..

and yes i agree, diet/nutrition is huge.. in 2007 and 2008 i ran strength/conditioning camps for baseball players mostly, and the one's who made the most gains definitely adhered to proper protein intake/post workout nutrition/cleaning up their diet... i've also had people set PR's when overloading on spinach - heh..

peace man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2009, 12:17:26 am
I'm not sure I've ever really back squatted. I mean, I messed around a little in high school but have no memory of how much I lifted or if I was doing it properly (probably not) and that was a while ago now anyway. Front squatting is just what I learned when I finally did learn properly, and I have an easier time getting to proper depth with it. The cardio stuff I mean to be more along the lines of active recovery, not even really breathing all that hard, just getting my blood pumping a bit. I have very little supplemental cardio (jogging, fartlek runs, tennis, whatever once a week) going on right now because ultimate is pretty demanding in that regard. Especially tournaments, which are obviously brutal (and awesome ;D). Interesting thought about kind of wave loading the weeks. I was planning three weeks as listed, one week of cutting out the intervals and cutting way back on volume, and then possibly mixing up the speed and plyo exercises, as suggested in Kelly's article. But it might make more sense to fluctuate like that. Maybe combine 'em, so week 1 I do all the LISS and the interval/conditioning stuff and week two I do all the LISS (again, this is REALLY low-intensity) but no intervals/metcon. So no intense non-power day in between the power days. Actually, I like that a lot. Part of my reason for the high frequency is that I know I'll be more consistent about working out if I do it more often, even if not pushing myself (or rather, pushing myself to do less, because running 10-minute miles for 30 minutes or whatever is just so much less fun than a fartlek) during the workout.

Again, overthinking. Too many possibilities and I read too damn much. I think for the moment I've got to just stick with what I've got for at least two months and then reevaluate.

Thanks for the response.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2009, 09:55:56 pm
Workout today:

foam roll

jump rope, dynamic mobility for hips, shoulders and thoracic spine

agility ladder
1-in x 2
2-in-1-out shuffle x 2
2-in-2-out lateral x 4
1-in-2-split x 8 (4 each foot)

donkey ankle bounce x3x20
depth jumps 18" x3x5

A Front Squat x1x10x45; x1x5x135; x3x5x195
B1 step-up to 12" box x3x16x135 (8 each foot)
B2 plank complex x3x90 seconds
C1 bench x3x5x135
C2 bent row x 3x5x115

cool down
row x10 minutes (~2300m), HR ~115


Good workout. Kept the intensity pretty low across the board but that's fine until ultimate is over and I can really start kicking into gear. Meanwhile, I'll add weight next week but not a huge amount.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 11, 2009, 11:32:57 pm
Workout today:

foam roll

jump rope, dynamic mobility for hips, shoulders and thoracic spine

agility ladder
1-in x 2
2-in-1-out shuffle x 2
2-in-2-out lateral x 4
1-in-2-split x 8 (4 each foot)
  • this one I got from adarqui's channel...first time I'd done it so it was a bit slow and ugly at first but picked up by the 3rd time through on each leg

donkey ankle bounce x3x20
depth jumps 18" x3x5
  • box jumps felt really springy and good

A Front Squat x1x10x45; x1x5x135; x3x5x195
B1 step-up to 12" box x3x16x135 (8 each foot)
B2 plank complex x3x90 seconds
C1 bench x3x5x135
C2 bent row x 3x5x115

cool down
row x10 minutes (~2300m), HR ~115


Good workout. Kept the intensity pretty low across the board but that's fine until ultimate is over and I can really start kicking into gear. Meanwhile, I'll add weight next week but not a huge amount.

do you only do depth jumps by jumping onto a box? or do you also do depth jumps for max height (reaching overhead)?

there are slight differences.. the former being more advantageous for sprinting, the later for svj/rvj.. best to do both.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 12, 2009, 10:05:38 am
like this (ish, i like to think mine aren't quite this ugly): ( never tried doing it up onto another box or over a hurdle or anything. i think i'll stick with the current way for a 6-8 weeks and then change up if necessary. also, no sprinting yesterday because it was nasty outside and the basketball court was occupied.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 12, 2009, 03:37:22 pm
like this (ish, i like to think mine aren't quite this ugly): ( never tried doing it up onto another box or over a hurdle or anything. i think i'll stick with the current way for a 6-8 weeks and then change up if necessary. also, no sprinting yesterday because it was nasty outside and the basketball court was occupied.

ya i wouldnt do it up onto a box or over a hurdle either..

its best to have something to reach for overhead though, for sure.. most all studies confirm this.

peace man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2009, 03:16:49 pm
so have been sick with H1N1 (just kidding, it's the regular flu...I think) the past several days. felt it coming on over the weekend but just chalked it up to lack of sleep. got hit full-force monday night when fever was up over 101. took the day off from work yesterday and am somewhat better today. still, going home early today and nothing even resembling training will occur between now and the tournament this weekend, except feldenkrais on sunday which was wonderful as usual. the new-agey crap and cultishness are definitely annoying (not as bad as yoga, though, IME), but you can't argue with results and the truth is i feel fantastic every time i finish a lesson. any long-term effects are TBD, obviously, but in the short term it's awesome.

on a related note, the place where i have the most pain due to this whole flu thing has been shoulders and neck. this morning i did an abbreviated version (~10 minutes) of the "rotational use of the arms" lesson from the Open ATM Project ( You don't do anything specifically with your neck in it --it's all about the shoulder blades-- but as it has in the past it went a ways towards freeing up my neck.

hopefully will feel better tomorrow and 100% by saturday.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 17, 2009, 04:50:13 am
so have been sick with H1N1 (just kidding, it's the regular flu...I think) the past several days. felt it coming on over the weekend but just chalked it up to lack of sleep. got hit full-force monday night when fever was up over 101. took the day off from work yesterday and am somewhat better today. still, going home early today and nothing even resembling training will occur between now and the tournament this weekend, except feldenkrais on sunday which was wonderful as usual. the new-agey crap and cultishness are definitely annoying (not as bad as yoga, though, IME), but you can't argue with results and the truth is i feel fantastic every time i finish a lesson. any long-term effects are TBD, obviously, but in the short term it's awesome.

on a related note, the place where i have the most pain due to this whole flu thing has been shoulders and neck. this morning i did an abbreviated version (~10 minutes) of the "rotational use of the arms" lesson from the Open ATM Project ( You don't do anything specifically with your neck in it --it's all about the shoulder blades-- but as it has in the past it went a ways towards freeing up my neck.

hopefully will feel better tomorrow and 100% by saturday.

sux about the flu.. seems like its going around, worldwide.. rip got it (USA) and joe got it around the same time also (UK)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2009, 03:45:08 pm
Club Sectionals for ultimate were this weekend so instead of working out I played 14 hours of ultimate over two days. I turned the same ankle I sprained the shit out of last year >:(, so I didn't play nearly as much on Sunday as I could have due to us qualifying for Regionals pretty early on --rendering the rest of our games more or less meaningless-- and me not wanting to risk injuring the damn thing worse. At least I did it while making a cool play (came out of nowhere to D a deep throw against the best team on the East Coast). And the ankle's not that bad. I'm walking normally and will do some active recovery and mobility stuff today to get the blood pumping to the ankle and my sore muscles. I played really well, even with the messed-up ankle. Should be jumping rope and doing some low-impact plyos to get the connective tissue as strong as possible before Regionals in two weeks. After that, the real fun starts.

Well, I said I wouldn't talk about ultimate but I guess I've got it on the brain. Whatever.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 22, 2009, 06:11:54 am
Club Sectionals for ultimate were this weekend so instead of working out I played 14 hours of ultimate over two days. I turned the same ankle I sprained the shit out of last year >:(, so I didn't play nearly as much on Sunday as I could have due to us qualifying for Regionals pretty early on --rendering the rest of our games more or less meaningless-- and me not wanting to risk injuring the damn thing worse. At least I did it while making a cool play (came out of nowhere to D a deep throw against the best team on the East Coast). And the ankle's not that bad. I'm walking normally and will do some active recovery and mobility stuff today to get the blood pumping to the ankle and my sore muscles. I played really well, even with the messed-up ankle. Should be jumping rope and doing some low-impact plyos to get the connective tissue as strong as possible before Regionals in two weeks. After that, the real fun starts.

Well, I said I wouldn't talk about ultimate but I guess I've got it on the brain. Whatever.

14 hours of ultimate in two days.. thats insane.

sux about your ankle, heal up.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 22, 2009, 11:01:05 am
Recovery workout yesterday felt easy and awesome. I think I'm going to switch to trap bar DLs for the time being; they just feel safer.

Took ~45-60s between exercises in the circuit. Ankle felt totally fine throughout but is still feeling a bit janky today; more NSAIDs and ice when I get home tonight should be good. If I workout on Wednesday (i.e. if we don't have practice), I'll stay off it and stick to upper body stuff.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2009, 09:22:11 pm
Workout today:

bike x10 minutes @easy pace
mobility drills x10 minutes
A1 front squat x5x135
A2 bench x5x105
A3 SLRDL x10x50 (5 each leg)
A4 bent row x5x105
row on C2 x11 minutes @moderate-high pace (2800m)
stretch x10 minutes

The strength part of this workout was super easy by design, although I think it might have been a little TOO easy. The rowing was a bit tougher and just reinforced to me that my work capacity and aerobic capacity are garbage. Those are pretty far down on the ladder in terms of priorities right now but something that I do need to keep improving. Still no work on vert, gonna wait probably two more weeks (giving myself one week after the last frisbee tournament) to get real serious about that. Ankle feels good, Monday will start jumping rope and doing some light plyos.

Also, whey protein came in the mail, finally, and my protein intake has pretty much skyrocketed. It's higher than it needs to be (240g today), actually, so I'm going to cut back to ~180-200g per day.

Awesome link of the day: (
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2009, 11:38:16 am
Last tournament of the year is this weekend, so I'm still taking it easy with the workouts. I actually intended to do front squats and bench/rows today but the gym was overrun with Crossfitters and the one bar not being used by them was being used by my friend Robin in an endless bench workout. He's about twice as strong as I am, so needless to say the weights were inappropriate for my skinny ass. Oh well, it was cool in the end because I probably shouldn't be going too hard this week despite my gung-ho-ness. Here's what I did:

Bike x5 mins @easy pace
Search for jump rope because they're not where they're supposed to be x5 mins (fucking Crossfit)
Jump rope w/shitty, too-long rope x5x60/60 (60s on, 60s rest)
mobility drills x5 mins
line hops x6x10s (3 sets each foot, about 40-42 ground contacts each set)
uphill sprints x4x30m (felt slow as hell but I'm glad I did these--good to run at least a little bit before this weekend)
A1 SLRDL 2x10x80#
A2 KTE 2x10
A3 back extensions x2x10, 5s pause on last rep
row x15 mins @2:09/500m pace

Note to self: Do not go to the gym on Tuesday nights. There are a couple of hot Crossfit girls but it's not worth having to go outside to jump rope because there's no room in the gym. Almost got clocked by a bar two or three times. Also, I'm bringing my own jump rope from now on.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 05, 2009, 12:03:25 am
Soooo...ultimate's officially over for the year. I'll still play with my fall league team, kind of, but club's done until the spring. I'm sore as &*$! today, so I'm going to take the next week easy and then kick it off. Also, I'm thinking about changing my plan to basically Starting Strength, just with depth jumps instead of power cleans in workout B, done before the squats. I'll still do less-intense plyos and sprinting before lifting every day, but I think it makes sense to try a totally proven plan before getting cute and making shit up on my own. Also, front squats instead of back squats, still. This weekend's workouts:

Sprint x a lot
Walk around x a lot
Shout x a lot
Get drunk x very

Bedtime now. Gym tomorrow w/little brother (in age anyway, he's 4 inches taller than I am, the bastard). Should be fun.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2009, 05:06:12 pm
Light workout again last night.

Shoot hoops w/little brother x20 minutes. God I wish I was 6'3"...

Row x5 minutes @2:12 pace
Hip/t-spine/shoulder drills...I need to get back to doing a routine of these; at the moment I'm just kind of making it up as I go along. Bad discipline
Jump rope x100 2 feet, x100 LRLR, x100 LLRRLLRR...I am shitty and out of practice at jumping rope. This will be a part of the routine from now on.

A1 trap-bar DL x5x225#
A2 pushups x15
A3 walking lunge x16x50# (2x25# db)
A4 inverted rows x10

jog on treadmill x20 minutes @10min/mile pace, HR ~125...this was basically not work, just hadn't jogged in a while and the prospect of 20 minutes on the C2 made me want to die. I really need to find my iPod so that the LISS stuff isn't so freaking boring. Or I need to get some running shoes and run outside. Actually that's a nicer option given that the weather is cooling off. (In the gym I wear Vibram FiveFingers and I've run with them on concrete before. Not fun.)

Normal stretches x8 minutes

Wednesday I'll go to Feldenkrais, Friday another light workout, then Sunday Feldenkrais and then SS Luke-style begins. Luke-style because I can't do power cleans so I'm doing depth jumps as my explosive exercise in Workout B, before the weight part. And I'm adding weighted chin-ups for a pull in place of the PCs. This will be the template (weights listed are work sets for the first two workouts; warm-up sets not included; I'm starting with 90% of my 1RMs for reference weights, i.e. conservatively):

Workout A

Sprints x4-5 x10-15m

Workout B

Warm up same
Sprints x4-5 x20-25m...I need to see if I can find a bigger space for these cause I'd like to do 40s

This will be MWF. LISS cardio will follow strength as a cool-down, in the 10-15 minute range at low intensity (HR~125). Then stretching and done. The SS novice template is 24 workouts, or 8 weeks. So next week through the first week of December. Any comments/suggestions are welcome, other than, "Dude, why the fuck do you change your mind all the time?"
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 06, 2009, 05:42:29 pm
looks good.. but will you be doing front squats 3 days a week? if so, why not sub something else in for one of the days.. ?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 07, 2009, 05:11:17 pm
looks good.. but will you be doing front squats 3 days a week? if so, why not sub something else in for one of the days.. ?

Because I think too damn much and Starting Strength has three days a week of squatting. I'm already messing with it because I can't back squat to full depth and I can't power clean so I'm depth-jumping instead. If I try to modify it any more what I'll end up with is nothing like the original. Instead, it will be my own BS again. I figure, leave the rest the way it is and see how it goes for two months. It does seem like a lot of squatting, but then again, I'm still relatively a newb so lots of volume will probably help with technique/neural adaptations/whatever. After 2.5 months (program is 8 weeks, plus two weeks for deload...2.5 months) or so I'll probably mix it up.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: piR on October 07, 2009, 05:58:00 pm
Let me give some advice..
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
One ab movement

Squat 3x5
OHP 3x5
Row 3x5
One ab movement

Don't put a set date on SS; just keep going untill you stall. Keep workouts short, but keep them intense.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 07, 2009, 06:55:22 pm
looks good.. but will you be doing front squats 3 days a week? if so, why not sub something else in for one of the days.. ?

Because I think too damn much and Starting Strength has three days a week of squatting. I'm already messing with it because I can't back squat to full depth and I can't power clean so I'm depth-jumping instead. If I try to modify it any more what I'll end up with is nothing like the original. Instead, it will be my own BS again. I figure, leave the rest the way it is and see how it goes for two months. It does seem like a lot of squatting, but then again, I'm still relatively a newb so lots of volume will probably help with technique/neural adaptations/whatever. After 2.5 months (program is 8 weeks, plus two weeks for deload...2.5 months) or so I'll probably mix it up.

if you cant back squat deep, why not just go above parallel, close stance.. pushes the hips back real good, lots of hamstrings and glute.

could go 2x/week front, 1x/week back(above parallel).

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2009, 11:29:15 am
Now that I think about it, I should take some video and see what my low back is doing on front and back squats at depth. My self-awareness isn't too hot in the hips (part of what the Feldenkrais is for). Anyhow, if it looks like I'm not rounding too much with back squats, I may just switch to those. On the other hand, why not front squat 3x/week?

Speaking of Feldenkrais, holy crap, it's awesome. The new-agey aspect is annoying but I just feel myself clicking with myself (make sense?) as each class goes on. The lesson we did wasn't as mind-blowing as some of the others I've done but still...pretty cool.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 09, 2009, 04:59:13 am
Now that I think about it, I should take some video and see what my low back is doing on front and back squats at depth. My self-awareness isn't too hot in the hips (part of what the Feldenkrais is for). Anyhow, if it looks like I'm not rounding too much with back squats, I may just switch to those. On the other hand, why not front squat 3x/week?

Speaking of Feldenkrais, holy crap, it's awesome. The new-agey aspect is annoying but I just feel myself clicking with myself (make sense?) as each class goes on. The lesson we did wasn't as mind-blowing as some of the others I've done but still...pretty cool.

ya definitely get some vid..

as for why not front squat 3x/week, well, just from a motivation/avoiding staleness standpoint i'd do it.. as for as the CNS is concerned, motor learning is a bit better with interference, such as in adding the back squat day.. for example, from a basketball perspective, when perfecting your jump shot, you dont just shoot from the same spot every day, you mix it up.. now im not saying you'd need to mix it up and be all over the place, but, just a small bit of variety can improve your motor learning since they are such similar lifts, and keep you from getting stale.. staleness is definitely affected greatly by lack of variety, even a small bit of variety will keep you from getting stale.. 3x/week front squat is fine, but, i'd think mon/fri FS and wed BS would be much better..


Title: Form comments, please
Post by: LBSS on October 10, 2009, 06:45:20 pm
Hey, here are a few videos. Any comments regarding form would be appreciated. The vertical was taken after I lifted and I know at least the first swing there is wack. I'm mostly looking for help on the jump itself. Thanks!

Front squat: (

Back squat: (

Dead lift: (

Standing vertical: (
Title: Re: Form comments, please
Post by: adarqui on October 11, 2009, 01:38:58 am
Hey, here are a few videos. Any comments regarding form would be appreciated. The vertical was taken after I lifted and I know at least the first swing there is wack. I'm mostly looking for help on the jump itself. Thanks!

Front squat: (

Back squat: (

Dead lift: (

Standing vertical: (

man form looks rock solid on everything.. one day i would get oly shoes for the back squatting.. just so much more comfortable than plates under heels, and distributes the weight better from what ive noticed.

what you get on that vert?

im predicting 27 or so.. forgive me if im wrong ! heh

as far as jump form, ive never made people jump different.. REA squats/plyos seem to change the technique automatically.. such as dipping faster or not dipping as low etc, REA squats/plyos seem to take care of that.

the form itself looks fine on your vert.. definitely looks like you're "squatting" your vj..

i've seen so many different styles of jumps, that i just say work on the strength and power exercises, and it should change favorbly by itself.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2009, 10:31:29 am
Haha, not quite 27, more like 25.5. I got ~27 before lifting, though. Felt like a max. I've thought about get lifting shoes, maybe I should just suck it up and do it. Thanks for the feedback, man.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2009, 01:30:02 pm
Like a dumbass, I had some friends in town and got blackout drunk Saturday and Sunday nights (no work yesterday, thanks to this dick: ( I was peachy on Sunday but yesterday could barely move, so gym was not happening. Again, I am dumb. Wednesday will be my official First Day of the new plan.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 13, 2009, 06:56:15 pm
hah @ dickipedia, never heard of it..

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 15, 2009, 08:19:50 am
Was rushed last night for several reasons, so basically warmed up and then did weights, no plyos or cardio. Realized that maybe I should let my work capacity build a little before I try to add other crap. I'll see how Friday goes with the DOMS and whatnot, and hopefully I'll be less rushed then. Anyway, here's what I did (work sets only for weights):



Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 15, 2009, 12:22:18 pm
DOMS today, particularly left quad. If history is any indicator, tomorrow will suck tremendously. Also, I think I should switch to back squats. Not sure why I thought I could outsmart the program, maybe because this one time I read Mike Robertson only uses front squats and blah blah some dumb shit like that. Everyone else and their mother uses back squats as the foundation. I'm going to keep the weights the same to start off, though, because I have a lot less practice with them than FS. Need to take some more video to make sure I'm getting deep enough.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 15, 2009, 12:56:24 pm
Also, I love that the "related videos" are all of babies.  ???
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: nba8340 on October 15, 2009, 12:56:46 pm
DOMS today, particularly left quad. If history is any indicator, tomorrow will suck tremendously. Also, I think I should switch to back squats. Not sure why I thought I could outsmart the program, maybe because this one time I read Mike Robertson only uses front squats and blah blah some dumb shit like that. Everyone else and their mother uses back squats as the foundation. I'm going to keep the weights the same to start off, though, because I have a lot less practice with them than FS. Need to take some more video to make sure I'm getting deep enough.

mike boyle only does front squats with all of his guys
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on October 15, 2009, 01:19:53 pm
Also, I love that the "related videos" are all of babies.  ???

its because of your tags.
when you dont enter tags youtube puts the name of the video as tags, so related videos are all the vids from people who did the same and happen to have the same camera brand ( so same initial filename ).
Seems there are more silly dads than VJ trainees doing that! LOL ;)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 15, 2009, 11:52:28 pm
Also, I love that the "related videos" are all of babies.  ???

its because of your tags.
when you dont enter tags youtube puts the name of the video as tags, so related videos are all the vids from people who did the same and happen to have the same camera brand ( so same initial filename ).
Seems there are more silly dads than VJ trainees doing that! LOL ;)

Haha, I thought it must be something like this. Thanks for the explanation.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2009, 08:31:28 pm
This weather absolutely sucks. Cold drizzle. Ugh. Anyways, after a loooong week at work I could not wait to get to the gym. I haven't been sleeping well the past few days and I was pretty sore from Wednesday (although not as much as I thought I'd be), but my energy was pretty good. Here's what I did:
warm up x5

Note: Liked this warm up.


Also through in various chin-ups and pull-ups during rest periods and after the OHPs.

Strech x10mins

This whole thing felt great, I'm in a fantastic mood right now despite work, the weather, the fact that I have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn tomorrow. Have a great weekend people.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 19, 2009, 11:27:38 pm
Workout today:

Warm up circuit xa bunch



I've mentioned before that I'm stupid. This held true today as I did the same weight for squats as last Friday, despite having the correct weight written down beforehand. It wasn't super hard, though, so I'll try upping by 10# on Wednesday. Dead lifts need to be more careful; 5x280 is pretty easy and I can lift it with shitty form. If that makes sense. Didn't feel bad, exactly, but I know they were ugly. I need some straps, too. Adjusted my position a tiny bit on the bench and it felt better than last week. Less wobbling with the bar on the way up, straighter path.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 20, 2009, 03:53:20 am
Workout today:

Warm up circuit xa bunch
  • Jump rope xa bunch
  • Mobility drills

  • Front squat 3x5x200
  • Bench press 3x5x155
  • Dead lift 1x5x280

  • row x12 mins @2:08 pace, ~150 bpm
  • stretch

I've mentioned before that I'm stupid. This held true today as I did the same weight for squats as last Friday, despite having the correct weight written down beforehand. It wasn't super hard, though, so I'll try upping by 10# on Wednesday. Dead lifts need to be more careful; 5x280 is pretty easy and I can lift it with shitty form. If that makes sense. Didn't feel bad, exactly, but I know they were ugly. I need some straps, too. Adjusted my position a tiny bit on the bench and it felt better than last week. Less wobbling with the bar on the way up, straighter path.

i've done that about 2 times.. sucks doesn't it?

you ever try any pause benching? one of the best ways to get the bench up IMO.. this kid, russel, 150 lb, came in with 185 x 3 for bench, regular reps... got him on pause benching, could hit 185 x 6 pause bench (5 second pauses) after about 2 months.. hit 185 x 15 or so i forget.. shit works good.. started him at 145 for max reps on pause.. just a good technique if you ever want to mix it up  <-- pause bench at the end of the vid
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 21, 2009, 02:42:54 pm
Dude the color scheme for the new domain name is wack, black on dark gray makes it hard to see stuff, and there's so much white on the page anyway because of the text entry box. Maybe it's just my screen or something. Anyway, I've never tried pause rep benching cause I only started benching last week. Seems like a good method; takes the stretch reflex out of the rep which is supposed to be good. I'll try it in warm-ups on Friday.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on October 21, 2009, 03:20:20 pm
Dude the color scheme for the new domain name is wack, black on dark gray makes it hard to see stuff, and there's so much white on the page anyway because of the text entry box. Maybe it's just my screen or something.

I agree , previous scheme was sooo much better.
But then again , its your forum , you choose the schemes! :D
Maybe its a new cutting-edge eye-training shit? LOL
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 21, 2009, 05:45:00 pm
Dude the color scheme for the new domain name is wack, black on dark gray makes it hard to see stuff, and there's so much white on the page anyway because of the text entry box. Maybe it's just my screen or something. Anyway, I've never tried pause rep benching cause I only started benching last week. Seems like a good method; takes the stretch reflex out of the rep which is supposed to be good. I'll try it in warm-ups on Friday.

ya im playing around with it.. I'm probably going to just download a nice theme instead of doing it by hand.. im getting ready to add a bunch of content to the site.

ya well not only does it take the stretch reflex out, it also builds strength much faster IMO, due to longer time under tension in that weak joint angle.. very rapid eccentric contractions..

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 21, 2009, 09:54:55 pm
Workout SSSUUUCCKKKKEEEDDD tonight. Got some shit going on that is way in my head today and everything suffered as a result. Fuck it. I didn't get to the gym until 8ish, which was actually great because it meant people were leaving and I had space. At 6:30 the place is a madhouse. Anyway, here was the work out:

Warm up as before


Cool down

Switching to back squats for Friday, that spot on my back is freaking me out.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 21, 2009, 10:01:17 pm
i've gotten "that spot" from front squats also.. wouldn't bug me much at all during back squats.

my upper back would just get hammered.. i tweaked a little erector spinae muscle, took a month or so for it to go away.. the upper back just gets taxed so hard, especially since breathing is somewhat 'impaired'..

hope everything is ok with you.. cya
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 22, 2009, 12:09:34 pm
Yeah this feels like it's between my ribs. Doesn't "hurt" today but I definitely feel it. Front squats are okay as long as they're light but once they get heavy I feel my scapulae start to slide out to the sides, I lose tension and then it can be bad news. 200 felt totally fine but 210 not so much.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2009, 12:47:27 am
Awesome workout today. I repeated the last "A" workout because of my back and the switch to back squats. Back squats felt really good; I took my time with the eccentric movement, kept my torso vertical and went deep. And I absolutely rocked the dead lifts. They just felt solid and I didn't have to mix my grip, which just makes things so much easier. Anyway, here's what I did:

Warm up as usual


Cool down static stretch

One issue is that there's something wrong with the way I'm holding the bar on the squats because my wrists end up getting a little sore by the end of a set. I should be supporting more of the weight across my shoulders and not on my arms but don't know exactly what I'm doing wrong. Not a big deal now but one of those things I could see turning into a problem if I do it wrong for a while.

Feldenkrais tomorrow.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 25, 2009, 03:32:43 am
if its low bar, it can be stressful on shoulders/wrists.. or it could be that you just dont back squat often..i think you'll be fine, just inhale some big breathes, hold it, while the bar is on the 'shelf' and you should be fine.. if you're doing that you should adapt to it, if thats all it is.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2009, 10:03:38 am
I definitely do low bar, so it's probably just a question of finding the right position w/r/t wrists, elbows, shoulders, etc. Yesterday did a bunch of stretching, which felt great. I slept through Feldenkrais class, which is fine. I needed the sleep more than anything else.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2009, 12:03:26 am
Warm up as usual

Jumping two-step runup


Cool down

Hips felt really tight. It's remarkable how much less explosiveness and power I have in my left leg than my right. Lots of little box jumps and one-leg box jumps sprinkled throughout rest periods. Weights were good and depth jumps felt good after I realized that I need to make a conscious effort not to look down while I'm leaving the ground. If I look up, I go higher (duh).
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2009, 10:21:13 pm
Another good workout today. Went later so the gym wasn't as crowded, which was nice. No jumps, though, because I was worried about finishing before the gym closed.

Warm up


Cool down

Squats felt great. Grip wasn't quite as awesome as Monday on the DL. But the bench went up super easy, especially (!) on the last set. Neural grooving FTW.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 30, 2009, 09:48:17 pm
Messed up one of the OHP sets, otherwise this was strong. Bit of a different warm-up: I was shooting around a little when I got to the gym and this guy challenged me to 21. I lost both games but it was fun to play a little. Hadn't played any kind of basketball in a looong time.

Warm up
21 x2 FAIL
mobility stuff

Work -- sets of 5 chins and pullups mixed in between squats and OHP warm up sets
Depth jump 3x5
Squat 3x5x220
OHP 5x110, 4x110 (shifted grip, failed last rep, dumb), 5x110

Cool down
bike x10mins
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2009, 06:33:53 pm
Lack of sleep finally caught up with me and I actually feel nauseous, I'm so tired. Could make it to the gym but I don't even think I could squat the bar at the moment so what's the point? Schedule is fucked for this week anyway as I have plans on Wednesday. Guess I'll do Tuesday-Friday and get back onto MWF next week.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 03, 2009, 08:13:10 pm
Workout felt great today. No jumps because I was trying to get it in before the Crossfitters took over the gym. Stupid Crossfit. Anyway, here goes:

Warm up as usual, adarq, you're right when you say jumping rope wears out the shoulders. I did some higher speed stuff today and was definitely feeling it.


Cool down stretch

Considering that the first time I ever tested a dead lift 1RM, last December, I could lift 275, 5 reps of 300 going up easy feels pretty good. Progress continues to be week to week, although some of that is probably still the fact that I scaled back a little from my 1RMs when estimating the progression. Some is probably neural. Also I've gained a little bit of weight (~5lbs) since then. Not sure I like that, I have no interest in being much more muscular than I am, but it's not a big deal.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on November 04, 2009, 03:16:47 am
very nice work on 300 x 5..

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2009, 09:41:38 am
very nice work on 300 x 5..

Thanks. I'll be happy when that number is high enough for me to throw down. Forgot to mention the other day, when I was shooting around before getting into my warm up, I got a full knuckle on the rim for the first time. Kind of surprised myself, in a good way. I've been able to touch 120 before, but I mean barely, so I'd guess I hit around 121, which would mean a 31-32" running vert without really thinking about the jump. Seven more inches to go.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2009, 06:57:37 pm
Workout today:

Run 28 minutes, easy pace, covered a bit over 3 miles but spent around 3-4 minutes waiting for lights to change. Screw running downtown at rush hour. HR ~156 at the end due to the second 1/2 being entirely uphill, average HR for the run was closer to 140

Cool down
Foam roll

I'd almost forgotten how much I love running. Gonna start doing it a little more, mixing in the Frees and FiveFingers depending on temperature and how fast I feel like going. Frees are a necessity for fartleks and such because decelerating from a sprint in FiveFingers on cement is a recipe for disaster.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on November 05, 2009, 02:10:23 am
very nice work on 300 x 5..

Thanks. I'll be happy when that number is high enough for me to throw down. Forgot to mention the other day, when I was shooting around before getting into my warm up, I got a full knuckle on the rim for the first time. Kind of surprised myself, in a good way. I've been able to touch 120 before, but I mean barely, so I'd guess I hit around 121, which would mean a 31-32" running vert without really thinking about the jump. Seven more inches to go.

ya thats worth mentioning.. congrats on that too..

the "not thinking about it" aspect is interesting.. when I was jumping my highest, the last 3-4 months or so, I would wreck my running jumps if I wasn't going for a dunk.. they just didn't feel right, and I'd lose 2-3 inches..

then when i'd do the self lobs, wouldn't think about anything, just go up and get the ball and slam it.. thats why most of my best jumps came off self lobs where the ball bounced a bit too high.. its interesting that your body can give you more..

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on November 05, 2009, 04:12:51 am

Thanks. I'll be happy when that number is high enough for me to throw down. Forgot to mention the other day, when I was shooting around before getting into my warm up, I got a full knuckle on the rim for the first time. Kind of surprised myself, in a good way. I've been able to touch 120 before, but I mean barely, so I'd guess I hit around 121, which would mean a 31-32" running vert without really thinking about the jump. Seven more inches to go.

ya thats worth mentioning.. congrats on that too..

the "not thinking about it" aspect is interesting.. when I was jumping my highest, the last 3-4 months or so, I would wreck my running jumps if I wasn't going for a dunk.. they just didn't feel right, and I'd lose 2-3 inches..

then when i'd do the self lobs, wouldn't think about anything, just go up and get the ball and slam it.. thats why most of my best jumps came off self lobs where the ball bounced a bit too high.. its interesting that your body can give you more..


I agree 100%.
Watching my dunk sessions videos i noticed that when trying to catch the ball in the air i jumped 2-3'' higher than my best rim jump, especially when the ball was a little higher than it should be, best recorded jumps are all missed dunks! :D
Personaly i have never achieved a lob dunk , i am talking about off the backboard dunks , more or less the same.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2009, 12:23:11 am
Yeah I need to find something I can reach to, it definitely seems to help. I figured out after a couple of weeks of box jumps that my natural tendency after I land is to look down, which is not conducive to jumping high. So for the time being my big improvement is just to remind myself to look up. Anyway, speaking of depth jumps, they fucking sucked today for some reason. See first part of log title. Workout:
Warm up
Shoot around, bricks everywhere, ball was too bouncy
The usual
Depth jump 3x5
Squat 3x5x230
OHP 3x5x115
bunch of random sets of 5-6 pullups/chinups
Cool down

Also I was fidgety as shit, barely could keep still between sets, just kind of wandered around, did some bridging, jumped onto and off of stuff, etc. Lots of energy for some reason. And now I'm tired as fuck and going to bed at 12:30 on Friday. Frisbee game tomorrow for the first time in weeks.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2009, 04:36:02 pm
Frisbee was fun. It's just fall rec but I'd been busy with club or other shit for the past month and a half so it was only my second game with this team. We won despite trying very hard to lose towards the end of the game. I was running and cutting okay but will definitely need to do some more specific stuff as next spring approaches. For the time being legs felt good, throws were still there, and winning is fun.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on November 08, 2009, 05:43:50 am
ya looking down is a big nono.. on my DJ's i noticed a huge difference if i looked down.. looking straight ahead upon landing = a few extra inches.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 08, 2009, 04:26:50 pm
Yeah and it wasn't even on landing that I was looking down, it was the whole damn time. Easy enough to fix, just need to focus on it until it becomes natural. Training today: Feldenkrais class. Continues to be awesome.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2009, 10:04:23 pm
Warm up
jog to gym x10' sloooowwww
mobility shit

Squat 3x5x235
Bench 3x5x170
Dead lift 5x310

Cool down
shoot hoops x5'
jog home x10' sloooowwww

Found an absolutely awesome resource on soccer training via Charlie Francis' forums (saw your name somewhere on there, adarqui). Tons of great info but loooots of crap to wade through over there, and this guy duxx (Mladin Jovanovic is his real name) put together a sick PowerPoint of his soup-to-nuts training philosophy. I know everyone here is pretty much focused on vert (well, except adarq), but if anyone's interested I'd be happy to email it around.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 10, 2009, 09:40:08 pm
Run 40-45 mins @ easy pace, HR ~140-150
Cool down
Mini core/pushup workout

Felt nice, beautiful night.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 11, 2009, 08:16:26 pm
Warm up
Shot hoops
The usual

Depth jump 3x5
Squat 3x5x240
OHP 3x5x120
Bunch of chins and pullups thrown in

Cool down

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2009, 03:32:46 pm
Warm up
as usual

Squat 3x5x245
Bench 3x5x175
Dead lift 3x320 FAIL: did these as singles and could not get the fourth rep off the floor without form going to shit
Pallof press 2x10/sidex60
Bunch of pullups, rows, inverted rows scattered throughout

Cool down

These all felt hard, except the second set of bench presses. Time for a deload after pretty much a month straight of linear gains. Starting Monday I'm dropping back down to the weights I started with, then I'll test standing vert before ramping back up the following week.

EDIT: I finally sucked it up and ordered straps, so my DL can keep going up without me having to worry about grip.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on November 14, 2009, 04:36:10 pm
nice, hope you get some goods gains on vert during this upcoming deload!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 15, 2009, 02:52:39 pm
nice, hope you get some goods gains on vert during this upcoming deload!

Thanks man. I'm hoping for 30" but we'll see. Workout today:

Warm up
abbreviated varsity warm-up
leg swings

Tempo run (1=100yards, 2=200y, +=40s rest, pace 20s/100y)

Core circuit x3
pushups x15
crunches x30
side crunches x15 each
supermans x15


Tempo run was niiiice and easy, 20s/100y is a leisurely pace even for the likes of me. But it felt great, got the heart rate up and the blood pumping.

EDIT: the total volume for the tempo run was 2200m.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2009, 10:04:06 pm

Warm up
as usual

Squat 3x5x195
OHP 3x5x105
Pull ups 3x5
Chin ups x5

Cool down

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2009, 09:53:03 pm
Workout -- cardio and core

Warm up

Row x15' (~3200m)
Stationary bike x10'
Row x5' (~1250m)

Core x3
T push-up x10 (5/side)
Russian twist x15 (30 touches)
Pallof press x10/sidex50#
Chin-ups x5 (need to start doing more of these because I've gotten worse at them in the past couple of months)

Cool down
foam roll legs and low back (hooooooooly shit I need to get back into doing this regularly cause it hurt like a mother, especially my right IT band and quad)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2009, 12:35:30 am
Warm up
stationary bike x10'

squat 3x5x195
bench 3x5x155
DL 5x270

Cool down
stretch but definitely bs'd it, not sure why. now i'm up way too late and gotta go to bed.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2009, 10:49:43 am
Workout last night:

Foam roll upper legs x20 minutes

Yes, this counts as a workout. At least, it was harder than the rest of my workouts have been this week. It's really interesting to notice the difference between pain and tightness when I roll my right (dominant) leg versus my left (weaker) leg. The right one hurts so much more; I actually can barely roll out the VMO (teardrop muscle). I have to take some weight off it or it hurts too much. But it feels awesome afterwards and if I keep it up the tension should go down a lot.

Also, this morning I woke up and had a strange urge to try a one-armed pushup. Never done one before, but I got it! Right arm only, left was a fail. Still, was kind of a nice surprise.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2009, 05:46:47 pm
Workout was a bit weird today. I was drunk as hell last night (my birthday) and then Ohio State ruined my god damn birthday for the sixth year in a row. So I was kind of depressed and low-energy. Forced myself to go to the gym anyway, didn't really do much of a warm-up, and then, well...went off script a bit.

squats 3x5x195
OHP 5x95 (about here is where I said screw this)
jump squat 4x4x95 supersetted with
pull ups 4x5xbw (third set I climbed a 15' rope w/o legs instead)

Russian twist 3x30 (60 touches), 30" rest

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on November 21, 2009, 09:06:28 pm
tell me about it, i pretty much stopped watching UM games..

the dolphins have a nice team though, i love NFL alot more than NCAA FB too so.. but ya ohio ST and UM fell off.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2009, 10:10:06 pm
Yeah but I fucking WENT to Michigan, so I still have to watch the games. Painful. Just painful. And my NFL team is the Skins, so basically this year sucks.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on November 23, 2009, 06:32:59 am
Yeah but I fucking WENT to Michigan, so I still have to watch the games. Painful. Just painful. And my NFL team is the Skins, so basically this year sucks.

hahaha you are an OSU fan and went to michigan? wow thats nuts.

i have a few friends who went to OSU, they say its WAR over there come rivalry week/game day etc.. and well all the time..

best rivalry in sports i'd say.

why'd you end up going to michigan?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2009, 11:47:46 am
Ohio State ruined my god damn birthday for the sixth year in a row.

I freaking hate Ohio State. They have won six straight games against Michigan, always within 2 days of my birthday. What makes you think I'm a fan?!?!?!? I went to Michigan because I wanted to get the hell out of Maryland for a while (lived my whole life there). Plus it's a great school and everything. Good choice, I loved it there, even with the cold.

And yeah, the UM-Ohio State rivalry is just awesome. People go nuts for a whole week beforehand and then it pretty much dictates the mood on campus for weeks afterward. Although I have to say, the best rivalry in American sports is UNC-Duke basketball. My mom went to Duke and my dad went to UNC, so I got in on that one as a baby and nothing else gets me fired up like my Blue Devils whupping on the Heels (yeah, yeah, mama's boy, whatever ;D). And nothing crushes me like Carolina winning. In other words, it's been a really, really bad year for me as a sports fan.

I think I should take up stamp collecting or something.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2009, 07:05:59 pm
Tried to test vert today but forgot shorts at home. Gave it a shot anyway but I wasn't focused at all. Warmed up, took the recommendation of a paper I read recently and did two sets of five CMJ's with 7.5# dbs in each hand, ample rest. Then I stepped on the mat and my best effort was...28.5". Weak. A PR, but still I feel like I should/could be jumping so much higher. I just peaced out after that and will try again tomorrow with a proper workout afterward.

Any tips on warming up for the jump attempts? I know the iso stim thing works but my gym doesn't have one of those machines. A regular GHR might work, though.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2009, 07:07:07 pm
Ohio State ruined my god damn birthday for the sixth year in a row.

I freaking hate Ohio State. They have won six straight games against Michigan, always within 2 days of my birthday. What makes you think I'm a fan?!?!?!? I went to Michigan because I wanted to get the hell out of Maryland for a while (lived my whole life there). Plus it's a great school and everything. Good choice, I loved it there, even with the cold.

And yeah, the UM-Ohio State rivalry is just awesome. People go nuts for a whole week beforehand and then it pretty much dictates the mood on campus for weeks afterward. Although I have to say, the best rivalry in American sports is UNC-Duke basketball. My mom went to Duke and my dad went to UNC, so I got in on that one as a baby and nothing else gets me fired up like my Blue Devils whupping on the Heels (yeah, yeah, mama's boy, whatever ;D). And nothing crushes me like Carolina winning. In other words, it's been a really, really bad year for me as a sports fan.

  • Duke getting blown out in the NCAA tourney
  • UNC winning the title
  • Michigan losing to OSU for the sixth year in a row
  • Michigan missing out on a bowl for the second year in a row for the first time since like 1963
  • Redskins sucking ass
  • Dan Snyder still the owner of the Skins
  • Wizards one of the worst teams in the NBA in 08-09
  • Wizards still mediocre despite getting semi-healthy again
  • At least we have the Caps, but then again, Pittsburgh won the title last year so F that

I think I should take up stamp collecting or something.

EDIT: That might sound a lil bit harsh. Not intentional. I just get a bit hyped about my teams, you see.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on November 25, 2009, 02:24:44 am
Tried to test vert today but forgot shorts at home. Gave it a shot anyway but I wasn't focused at all. Warmed up, took the recommendation of a paper I read recently and did two sets of five CMJ's with 7.5# dbs in each hand, ample rest. Then I stepped on the mat and my best effort was...28.5". Weak. A PR, but still I feel like I should/could be jumping so much higher. I just peaced out after that and will try again tomorrow with a proper workout afterward.

Any tips on warming up for the jump attempts? I know the iso stim thing works but my gym doesn't have one of those machines. A regular GHR might work, though.

well, the iso stim stuff works ya, but, i'd go with just amping up on some caffeine.. ;0

caffeine works so damn good, i would use it once a week to make sure certain jump sessions were never stale..

pre jump workouts ive seen these things work good (after a really good warmup):
- caffeine
- iso ext stim
- heavy db swings for ~3 reps
- med ball scoop tosses
- 18" dj's

the med ball/iso/db swings i would complex with the VJ's.. i dont think you should complex the DJ's with the VJ's..

so any of those, ive seen vj get boosted up..

peace man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on November 25, 2009, 02:25:35 am
EDIT: That might sound a lil bit harsh. Not intentional. I just get a bit hyped about my teams, you see.

nah, it was fine.. i misread you, you should have been more harsh.. ;)

im a duke fan, and i always root for OSU to own MICH..

i worked with a guy who played 4 years at mich, he would get SO heated prior to that game.. (after he had graduated etc).. people f'd with him non stop.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 25, 2009, 11:24:04 pm
Tried to test vert today but forgot shorts at home. Gave it a shot anyway but I wasn't focused at all. Warmed up, took the recommendation of a paper I read recently and did two sets of five CMJ's with 7.5# dbs in each hand, ample rest. Then I stepped on the mat and my best effort was...28.5". Weak. A PR, but still I feel like I should/could be jumping so much higher. I just peaced out after that and will try again tomorrow with a proper workout afterward.

Any tips on warming up for the jump attempts? I know the iso stim thing works but my gym doesn't have one of those machines. A regular GHR might work, though.

well, the iso stim stuff works ya, but, i'd go with just amping up on some caffeine.. ;0

caffeine works so damn good, i would use it once a week to make sure certain jump sessions were never stale..

pre jump workouts ive seen these things work good (after a really good warmup):
- caffeine
- iso ext stim
- heavy db swings for ~3 reps
- med ball scoop tosses
- 18" dj's

the med ball/iso/db swings i would complex with the VJ's.. i dont think you should complex the DJ's with the VJ's..

so any of those, ive seen vj get boosted up..

peace man

Good advice, I'll give that stuff a try. Maybe the heavy DB/KB swings. Also this trainer at my gym has a vertimax thing, which could also work. Kind of a pain to set up, though, and I can only do it when there's no one playing basketball. Whatever.

Fuck Ohio State.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2009, 11:38:47 pm
Alright, after a too-long break for Thanksgiving, family, overeating like crazy (gained four pounds at dinner alone on Thanksgiving day, not including hors d'oeuvres or dessert), etc., tomorrow it's back to work.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on November 30, 2009, 03:03:01 am
nice, good eatin' ;)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on November 30, 2009, 09:21:45 pm
Warm up
the usual

Squat 3x5x235
Bench 3x5x170
DL 4x320...son of a BITCH! These all sucked and while I got the fourth rep up, it barely counts because I forced it up through sheer pissed-offness

Cool down
stretch x10'

Squats felt great, bench felt meh, DL still feels like crap. I was trying straps for the first time, but I don't think that was it. Well, I'm just gonna keep progressing on the others and leave the DL at 320 until I can get five reps.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2009, 09:37:11 pm
Check that, low back feels wonky as shit today. Might re-start DLs at 300 while moving everything else up. Also, gonna do higher depth jumps. Workout today:

Run x32' @ easy pace, ~3.4 miles, HR ~150

Rest x10'

plank circuit 3x90", 60" rest (left 30" middle 60" right 30")

Cool down
foam roller
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2009, 09:07:15 pm
Schedule got all fucked up this week. I'm mad at myself about it but there's nothing to do but get back to work tomorrow. I did manage to run today.

Run @ easy-ish pace x~33', 3.9miles, HR ~160-165 by the end, which is too high, mostly because I was pissed at myself

Cool down
a few pushups

Weak sauce
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2009, 09:32:31 pm
Fell off the wagon a bit recently, in case you couldn't tell. Felt like my form had gone completely to hell on everything, despite dropping the weights a lot. Oh well, no sense being upset about it, just gotta get back to work.

Warm up
shoot around x10'
mobility stuff (ish...I still need to sit down and write out a warm-up routine to use consistently)

Squat 3x5x225
Bench 3x5x165
DL 5x300
Pallof press 3x20x60 (10 each side)

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on December 08, 2009, 11:59:35 pm
ya your last tough w/o was on the 30th, maybe you just had to recharge a bit.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2009, 10:23:10 pm
Stupid life got in the way again today...cousin is in town who's headed out to Iraq in January, last chance to see him. There are priorities and then there are priorities. Anyway still got an abbreviated workout in. Form felt like garbage again but the weight wasn't hard. Also I got stuck in a rack that's right in front of a mirror, which I absolutely hate.

Warm up
quick jog to gym
USATF foot warmup

Squat 3x5x235

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 13, 2009, 08:52:23 pm
Did this workout yesterday then had no time to post it. Squats felt better, OHP felt okay. Back on the regular schedule starting Tuesday.

Warm up
recliner bike (hated this, will not do again)

Squat 3x5x245
OHP 3x5x105

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2009, 07:59:46 am
The holidays are a great time for many reasons, but they sure make it harder to get to the gym  :P Anyway, yesterday I just had time for squats, but I finally felt like the form was back and I started progressing again.

Warm up

Squat 3x5x250

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on December 16, 2009, 02:24:46 pm
The holidays are a great time for many reasons, but they sure make it harder to get to the gym  :P Anyway, yesterday I just had time for squats, but I finally felt like the form was back and I started progressing again.

Warm up

Squat 3x5x250

Cool down

why is it harder to get to the gym?

thats why i liked having the key to MSC.. we'd go do workouts on x-mas & other holidays ;0
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2009, 06:47:17 pm
Getting to the gym is harder just cause there's so much other shit going on, and then I'll be visiting family for Christmas, which is like a blitzkrieg because my mom's family is so big and spread out. I should be able to get a run in or some hill sprints or something and MAYBE get to a gym. And to be perfectly honest, it's easier to blur the line between legit reasons for missing workouts and excuses. Anyway, full-on workout tomorrow for sure, then Sunday if I'm lucky (gonna be on the road) and next Tuesday, then five days without gym access. Oh well, just gonna get some road workout ideas from Ross Enamait and stay active when possible.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2009, 11:46:51 am
Yesterday's workout = money.

Warm up
the usual, but did it right for the first time in a couple of weeks

Squat 3x5x255
Bench 3x5x175 (the second set felt a little wobbly and I didn't hold my shoulder blades together the whole time, but the weight was moving)
Pull-ups 4x5xbw (in between bench warm-up sets)
DL 5x310

Cool down

DLs felt great. Also I totaled up the weights for the work sets I did and it came to 11,400#. Not including the pull ups it's an even 8000#. Feels cool to put it that way. I moved almost six tons of weight in an hour of lifting.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on December 19, 2009, 11:29:30 pm
Getting to the gym is harder just cause there's so much other shit going on, and then I'll be visiting family for Christmas, which is like a blitzkrieg because my mom's family is so big and spread out. I should be able to get a run in or some hill sprints or something and MAYBE get to a gym. And to be perfectly honest, it's easier to blur the line between legit reasons for missing workouts and excuses. Anyway, full-on workout tomorrow for sure, then Sunday if I'm lucky (gonna be on the road) and next Tuesday, then five days without gym access. Oh well, just gonna get some road workout ideas from Ross Enamait and stay active when possible.

ya man just throw in some sprints, bodyweight stuff, and jumps.. that'd be fine during your time off from the gym.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2009, 07:24:02 pm
Last workout before Xmas blitz. Went swimmingly. Shot around first, then did mobility, then went back out and tried a few running jumps at the rim. Almost seriously grabbed the rim, got top two knuckled on my middle finger over top and one on index and ring...nice! Probably ~32", which would be a PR.

UPDATE: measured my middle finger and looks like I would have had to get more like 32.5" on that jump. Even better! On the other hand, that just means that I really have to hit 38" in order to dunk. Still, progress is progress. Also meant to add that I only did about 6 jumps total, with 20-30s between each. My form during the runup is definitely ugly, so I think I'm gonna add 5 or 6 near-max efforts before each workout, after the warm up, with loads of rest.

Warm up
shoot around


depth jump 2x5x24"
squat 3x5x260
OHP 3x5x125

Cool down

shoot around a bit more
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on December 21, 2009, 10:37:53 pm
Probably ~32", which would be a PR.

very nice!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 29, 2009, 10:01:28 pm
Not even gonna talk about vacation, no serious workout worth mentioning, just a bunch of long walks and some random jumping here and there, mostly onto walls and stuff. However, despite that and eating like shit today, and feeling like crap at the gym, I set a PR in each working set (well, except bench, kind of).

the usual, kind of half-assed

squat 3x5x265 PR
bench 5x185, 4x185, 5x185 (lost focus in middle set; this was hard)
==>interspersed with bench warm-up sets: pullups 4x5xbw
dead lift 5x320 (fuck yes this felt hard but great)

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on December 30, 2009, 12:51:12 pm
nice PR mang!

spreading the holiday cheer to your back squat.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: cowed77 on December 30, 2009, 02:35:29 pm
nice stuff... how heavy are u?
post a pic!

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 30, 2009, 02:46:24 pm
nice PR mang!

spreading the holiday cheer to your back squat.

Thanks man! I guess this starting strength thing is popular for a reason.

cowed77: I weigh 168-172 pounds or 76-78 kg.

Signed in to report that I am sore as hell today. I think it has to do with my food intake yesterday. Thinking about a gym trip later for some hoops, light cardio (32 degrees with a windchill of 24 is too cold to run outside), foam rolling and stretching. At the moment, time to eat and take a nap. Having a paid week off of work is just the best.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2009, 03:16:38 pm
Last workout of the first decade of the 21st century. Cut upper-body work today because my biceps feel like they're about to get strained. I mean, like I strained them a little bit the other day and probably shouldn't push my luck. Anyway, apart from that it was some high-quality work.

Warm up
shoot hoops
varsity warm-up

heavy kb swings x5 supersetted with
max RVJ x3, x6
depth jumps 3x3x24"
lots of rest
squat 3x5x270 (hard)

Cool down
shoot some more hoops

Got some good height on a few of the RVJs, maybe 31-32." Hips and hamstrings were pretty sore so I feel okay about that. But the whole thing still doesn't feel very smooth and some of the jumps were just awful. More practice will help.

*UPDATE* Noticed that in my post about the last workout, I listed my DL as 5x265. That would have been some weak sauce. It was 5x320. Also, forgot to post yesterday that I did indeed go to the gym, get some light mixed cardio in (shot hoops, a little elliptical, a little running, a little jump rope) plus foam rolling and a good long full-body stretch. Wise choice.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on December 31, 2009, 05:13:56 pm
closing in on 35" rvj man keep it going!

*UPDATE* Noticed that in my post about the last workout, I listed my DL as 5x265. That would have been some weak sauce. It was 5x320.

ya i was wondering that myself..
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 04, 2010, 10:21:07 pm
Well I worked out on Saturday and then the rest of the weekend was jammed, so I'm just posting this workout now. I need to drop back to 320 on the DL this weekend, then switch to five lb increases. Ten is just too much. Frustrating, but oh well.

Warm up
shoot hoops

Squat 3x5x275 (might have cheated for depth on a few of these but mostly they were good and solid)
Bench 3x5x185 (again, because of the fail last time)
DL 2x330

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2010, 08:34:32 pm
Felt a bit out of it today because I started a new job. Information overload = me tired. Anyway I bucked up and did squats and started OHPs, but during the first work set something started clicking in my shoulder and, well, it's not the first time. I'm going to try to figure out something to do instead of OHPs.

Warm up

Squat 3x5x280
OHP 5x120
==>supersetted with OHP warm ups: inverted row 3x10

Cool down
stretch (halfassed)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on January 06, 2010, 01:46:04 am
what's your new job about?

im not a big fan of ohp's either. in my working with baseball players/other baseball coaches/trainers, hardly any of them would use any OHP movements. they'd do light overhead prehab-type movements, but never OHP.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on January 06, 2010, 06:14:10 am
Squat 3x5x280

Thats some serious lifting man , awesome...
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2010, 09:36:22 pm
Thanks vag. Hit 285 today!  ;D And CRUSHED the 5x320 DL. Absolutely flew off the floor. Anyway, new job is doing proposal development and program oversight for health and disaster relief programs at an NGO called the Aga Khan Foundation. if anyone's curious about that stuff. First week was nuts; I didn't leave work until 8:15 last night and tonight just barely squeaked out of there at 6:35. Workout yesterday got delayed to today because I was just wiped out and a bit overwhelmed. It's been totally great so far, though, other than the long hours (11 on Thursday!).

Warm up
usual, took it seriously for once

Squat 3x5x285 (very hard)
Bench 4x190, 2x5x190, 1x190 (first set wasn't a weight problem: I got distracted and the bar got out of track; these felt lighter than 185)
DL 5x320 KILLED it

Cool down

I'm going to switch to 5 pound jumps in the DL to see if I can keep getting linear progress that way. Squats I'm getting towards the end of straight linear progress, I think. 285 was hard as balls and I definitely didn't get below parallel on a rep or two. At least hit it for all, though. I'm going to try longer rests (only doing 3-3:30 at the moment) to see if that helps. Also the bball court was set up for volleyball tonight so I couldn't shoot or try rim grabs.

There's a dude at the gym who's starting out powerlifting who keeps harping on me to gain some weight because I'm reasonably strong for my bw at this point (168# measured at the gym today with shoes off). His point is that if I bulk up to like 190 over a few months and can DL 400+ for reps, then cut whatever fat I've gained, I'll be way more athletic than I am right now. Still not sure I want that much lean muscle as a base, though. Right now my LBM is about 151-153# at about 10% body fat. If I bulk to 190 and 15% body fat, I'd end up with ~161# of LBM and then I could cut back to 10% bf for a total weight of ~178#. I don't know, I'll think about it. My lifts would go through the roof if I started bulking, I think.

Sorry if that was boring, just kind of thinking out loud (well, the typing was out loud). It's mostly a vanity thing that I haven't started to consciously bulk already; I like the way I look now and would take a lot of crap from my friends (NONE of whom gives shit about working out and look upon me as a weirdo already for it). I gain muscle easily and have done so unconsciously over the past few months, maybe about 5# or so, pretty lean. The people on Lyle McDonald's boards would absolutely eat me alive if I posted a question like this there and I know it's stupid but whatever. I quit those boards because I was spending like 4 hours a day in them and caring what people on them thought about what I posted and oh my god fuck that. Addictive, they are. Still, his articles rule.

Now it's time for dinner.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2010, 12:34:25 pm
Slept like a baby last night, woke up so refreshed this morning I could barely stop smiling. Falling asleep when you're tired and waking when you're done sleeping is one of the greatest things ever. Read the paper this morning, made a little breakfast, did an errand, then went to the gym for a nice easy workout.

Circuit x15mins (HR ~150, changed exercise each time through)
JR x30-60s
lower body mobility exercise
upper body mobility exercise

Jog @9:13 mile pace x20 mins (HR ~160, felt easy but a bit slow for my HR to be that high...need to get back to work on easy cardio)

Cool down

stretch (niiiice and long)
foam roll

Mood today:  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on January 09, 2010, 12:56:53 pm
Slept like a baby last night, woke up so refreshed this morning I could barely stop smiling. Falling asleep when you're tired and waking when you're done sleeping is one of the greatest things ever. Read the paper this morning, made a little breakfast, did an errand, then went to the gym for a nice easy workout.

Circuit x15mins (HR ~150, changed exercise each time through)
JR x30-60s
lower body mobility exercise
upper body mobility exercise

Jog @9:13 mile pace x20 mins (HR ~160, felt easy but a bit slow for my HR to be that high...need to get back to work on easy cardio)

Cool down

stretch (niiiice and long)
foam roll

Mood today:  ;D ;D ;D ;D

hah nice.. that's one of the best feeling's ever. - pretty cool man, looks like they are doing good things.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on January 09, 2010, 03:40:06 pm
About your bulking or not:
I remember i left a reply for you once about that , but i couldnt find it in your journal...
Finally , i found it , it was in my journal because thats where it came up, LOL!
Not sure if you read it there so im pasting it here too , if you allready read it just ignore this... :D

Somehow missed this before. I think I just got screwed on the elasticity gene. It's funny, I haven't been jumping hardly at all, which is probably dumb. I'm focusing instead on just building my strength up as much as I can at my current bw (don't want to bulk, even though I know I'd get stronger, because I honestly don't want to be any bigger than I am right now after eventually cutting). I figure I'll keep going on starting strength until I get to 3x5x315 in the squat, 5x370 in the dead lift, and then back way off on weight volume and start focusing on jumps, plyos and sprinting.

Still, I should probably be jumping a little bit now outside the depth jumps on non-DL days.

Well , i think that if your main goal is to improve jumping you should quite often practice jumping.
As for bulking etc , i was thinking 100% like you, but after 2,5 years of training i think i was wrong
Take a look at this , it's exactly about that theme:
I tried that on me , gained ~25lbs from August , bodyfat went from ~13% to ~19%.
Still , my running vert is the same ( and feels easier to get it ) and i PR'ed 1'' on standing vert, feeling easier again.
Currently trying to lean back to the middle ( -12 from now , +12 from August ) , i expect huge gains!
Just saying though , each one of us is different , you know better...

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2010, 11:29:22 pm
Yo thanks for the link to that article. Kelly's always got interesting things to say. I don't know, I guess I'll just say that I'm thinking about it as a possibility for the first time.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 12, 2010, 09:12:57 pm
Okay workout today. Maths iz hard n stuff.

Warm up
jog @ easy pace x6mins

depth jumps 24" x3, 3, 4
squats 5x280 (dumbass can't count) 2x5x290 (felt good, making it all the more frustrating that I'm a fucktard and wasted the first set)
superset of:
pushups x20, 25, 25
neutral-grip chinups x6, 8, 10

Cool down
foam roll left IT band

Resting a ton between sets seems to help. Go figure. Gonna stick with 5 minutes for the heavy stuff from now on.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2010, 09:06:12 pm
Workout today sucked ass. Just wasn't feeling good, got stuck with a bar I hate, motherfuckers were being themselves and throwing me off my concentration, whatever. Gonna go hard on Saturday with the same weights as I planned for today then deload for a week and re-test.

Warm up
shoot hoops (way off, problems may have started with this)

squat 5x295, 1x295, 2x5x225
bench warmed up supersetted with pullups 3x6 and called it quits
exercise bike at easy pace x30mins

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2010, 03:40:17 pm
Another shitty workout. This one I can chalk up to getting a horrible night's sleep last night. Also, I've lots weight in the past week, down back at 166 this morning. Time to get my diet back on track, gain a few pounds, and make sure to get decent sleep. And deload for a week. My left elbow was protesting loudly during the bench and the DL warmups. At least a couple of the jumps were okay, but even most of those sucked. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Warm up
shoot hoops
Informed Performance-inspired warm-up that I liked

superset of:
heavy kb swing x5
RVJ on basketball court x3
Squat 2x5x295, 4x295
Bench 5x195, 4x190

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Oh well.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on January 17, 2010, 01:31:08 am
damn sux, how has your diet differed than usual?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 17, 2010, 11:55:14 pm
I don't know, mostly just not eating enough I think. Fixed that today, though  ;D
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 18, 2010, 04:13:28 pm
Workout today

Run @easy pace x30mins, ~3.4 miles

Core circuit x2
Russian twist x20
bird dog x20 (10 each side)


Foam roll

Knees felt awesome during the run but are protesting a little bit right now.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2010, 09:57:32 pm
Knees peachy today. Deload is nice. DL still feels meh. Discovered and started reading "Trigger Point Therapy Workbook." Sick book.

Warm up
jog @easy pace x9mins
usual but with more purpose than usual; finally found a routine I like. Actually here it is:
JR x30s
reverse lunge x20
scap pull ups
v roll-ups
bird dogs
PVC OHP squats
PVC dislocates
JR x30s

squat 3x5x225
bench 3x5x135
DL 5x275

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2010, 05:49:53 pm
After deload week (1RM testing on Sunday!) thinking about a switch to 5/3/1. Will go back to Starting Strength probably next winter, if frisbee season goes well and I'm not hurt. Either way, I want to add in some (3-6) max-effort RVJs or SVJs before each workout after the warm-up, depending on space constraints, i.e. if anyone's using the court, SVJs; if court is free, RVJs. Plus box jumps or paused box jumps as assistance exercises on the bench/OHP days. Off days I need to start making sure I stretch and foam roll and stuff and do some light cardio just to get the blood flowing and aid recovery.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2010, 08:03:18 pm
Especially lazy today.

Warm up
shoot hoops Could not make a damn thing.

Work (if you could call it that)
squat 3x5x245

Cool down
shoot some more hoops
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on January 22, 2010, 02:14:14 am
shoot hoops Could not make a damn thing.

hah sux
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2010, 03:13:41 pm
shoot hoops Could not make a damn thing.

hah sux

haha yup. it was embarrassing. at least the other people on the court were crosstards and were too focused on being hardcore and flipping the tires and such to notice much. i don't know what was happening i would hit like three buckets in a row and then miss six. and not even kind of miss...really miss. whatever.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2010, 03:44:32 pm
Testing today. Vert mat is at the other branch of my gym. Coming back tomorrow. So...incomplete test. Will do DL and VJ on Tuesday.

Squat x1x275, 295, 305, 320 fail, 320 WIN

Bench x1x185, 195, 205, 215

Hit my targets in both, so that's cool. I feel like I could bench more but there's something up with my form cause my left elbow just isn't feeling it.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on January 24, 2010, 04:21:59 pm
Testing today. Vert mat is at the other branch of my gym. Coming back tomorrow. So...incomplete test. Will do DL and VJ on Tuesday.

Squat x1x275, 295, 305, 320 fail, 320 WIN

Bench x1x185, 195, 205, 215

Hit my targets in both, so that's cool. I feel like I could bench more but there's something up with my form cause my left elbow just isn't feeling it.

nice man!

some pop from that max should carry over well to tuesday.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on January 25, 2010, 04:46:19 pm
Squat x1x275, 295, 305, 320 fail, 320 WIN

Bench x1x185, 195, 205, 215

Epic lifting!!!
Very curious to see how high you will jump!!!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2010, 09:32:17 pm
Weird day. They still hadn't brought the vertimax back from the other branch, so I borrowed a dude's bike, rode over nice and easy, warmed up, tested, then rode back to test DL. VJ was a big disappointment. DL was okay. Hit my target but no further. BW was 170 on the nose post workout.

VJ 26.2, 27.6, 26.2

DL ... 360 365
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 29, 2010, 03:35:41 pm
First workout of "5/3/1 PLUS" is today. That is what I am calling my new plan. The plus is because at the end of every warm-up, I will do 6-10 maximum-effort RVJs. And because, as assistance exercises on upper body days (OHP and bench) I will do depth jumps and paused box jumps (squat to a box, sit down, then jump onto a higher box from the dead stop), to help work on my very poor explosiveness. The PBJs may eventually be done with a weight vest, but I'll start with bw only.

In other news, I'm procrastinating like a motherfucker and need to get back to work  ;D
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2010, 02:17:18 am
Warm up

OHP 5x100, 5x105, 7x110
superset of:
core circuit x3 (Russian twist, plank, OH med ball wall throws, hypers)

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2010, 10:20:43 pm
Warm up
was getting around 30-31" in the RVJs (reeeally rough estimate), which isn't bad by my standards

Squat 5x240, 5x260, 8x270
superset x3
core circuit x3 (low back was feeling it after SLRDL's, so scrapped hypers)

Cool down
shoot hoops xsuck
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on February 02, 2010, 05:02:51 am

was getting around 30-31" in the RVJs (reeeally rough estimate), which isn't bad by my standards

I dont get it.
You can squat 305 , DL 360 , your bodyweight is ~170 and bodyfat ~10%, you stretch, you train constantly...
WTF?!?!?! You should jumping much higher , there's a missing link somewhere.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on February 02, 2010, 05:42:08 am

was getting around 30-31" in the RVJs (reeeally rough estimate), which isn't bad by my standards

I dont get it.
You can squat 305 , DL 360 , your bodyweight is ~170 and bodyfat ~10%, you stretch, you train constantly...
WTF?!?!?! You should jumping much higher , there's a missing link somewhere.

well i have a few hunches on it based on what we see in the log..

1) he was around 31-32" RVJ on dec 31, which was a PR, so his recent jumping might just be disguised in some fatigue.. he has PR'd what - DL and squat since then right? when you're PR'n in lifts, you're going to have alot of 'oscillations' in jumping, due to the supercompensation/fatigue "cycle" created by PR'n lifts.

2) he's been operating in the 5 rep range for too long.. this is what I really think is happening.. him going into a 5/3/1 setup might cause some new jump PR's to show up.. regardless of 5/3/1, i'm in favor of him (and everyone) not spending too much time at a certain rep range.. i find singles to be the most effective way of getting rid of any fatigue or MAL-ADAPTATIONS from successive rep lifting, ie, negative adaptations in starting strength/RFD.. successive rep lifts (ie 5 reps) are good for muscle/strength gain, but they can produce negative adaptations in starting strength (slowly it down significantly, though it may seem small).

as far as singles go, im talking like 5x1, 8x1, etc, with anywhere from 85-95% 1RM..

you could do 4 weeks of lifting with 5's, then transition into 2 weeks of singles.. or do singles every 3rd-4th workout and try and PR 2 days following the singles.. stuff like that.

weightlifting is a battle between negative adaptations and positive adaptations.. positive adaptations in max strength can lead to negative adaptations in RFD.. the stimuli have to be balanced out so not to wreck RFD, imo.

so him planning to do 5/3/1 might be a good idea.. at least it will spread the spectrum around a bit.

peace man

edit: you could also incorporate light jump squats (not rebounding, ~20-30%) / REA singles-triples before your heavy squat sessions etc.. in order to keep providing that stimulus.

edit #2: oh, if you're referring to his jumping in general, it's an rfd issue.. i'd tackle that by making sure to include some explosive overloaded movement prior to squatting, say, every other session... and then making use of singles in blocks while trying to PR, after spending time in a strength block.. so that goes back to my 4 week strength / 2 week singles comment earlier.

gn im out :)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on February 02, 2010, 06:03:24 am
That was a damn good article man , take it outta here and post it on the site! LOL
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on February 02, 2010, 06:09:29 am
That was a damn good article man , take it outta here and post it on the site! LOL

lol, nah.. i'll leave the "gems" (hah) in the forum, for the cool people to read :) hm, maybe i should put a training blog inside the forum.. honestly i dont like writing articles, thought I would, but i'd rather converse with people than just write an article which has no direct correspondence, if that makes sense?

i'll find some quotes from Prof. Verkhoshansky on singles and 'rest between reps' sets tomorrow.. you'll like those.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on February 02, 2010, 06:16:34 am
That was a damn good article man , take it outta here and post it on the site! LOL

lol, nah.. i'll leave the "gems" (hah) in the forum, for the cool people to read :) hm, maybe i should put a training blog inside the forum.. honestly i dont like writing articles, thought I would, but i'd rather converse with people than just write an article which has no direct correspondence, if that makes sense?


Yup... makes perfect sense, it was just what i was thinking too , the article comment was to emphasize how good that thing was! :D
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2010, 03:19:05 pm
@ both of you guys:

My RFD/explosiveness is garbage, as you've both pointed out. I think Andrew's right: I got some sweet gains in strength from SS (vag: my squat is 320, thankyouverymuch) but definitely got stuck in a rut and mixing things up should be good. I'm going to try 5/3/1 for five or six weeks (one full cycle plus deload), retest and then try a couple of weeks of singles, per Andrew's suggestion. Then test again. Then probably switch to maintenance on the strength part and start working more heavily on sprinting and plyo-type activities, as well as conditioning, because by then it'll be the beginning of April and the ultimate season will be just around the bend.

The paused box jumps and depth jumps are meant to improve RFD and explosiveness/reactivity. Just to be clear, Andrew, you're suggesting that I add jump squats or some similar overloaded explosive movement (suggestions?) before heavy lower leg days, or before upper body days? I wasn't quite clear on what/when you were suggesting with those.

Thanks for the feedback.

Oh, one more thing, actually: The great thing I've discovered in my first two 5/3/1 workouts is that they're SO MUCH FASTER than SS. When you're doing a full warm-up and heavy sets across for two lifts, plus warm up and cool down, that shit takes forever, drains you and doesn't leave much time for anything else. With the new setup I can do core stuff, RFD stuff, etc. without spending 2+ hours in the gym.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on February 02, 2010, 07:25:49 pm
@ both of you guys:

My RFD/explosiveness is garbage, as you've both pointed out. I think Andrew's right: I got some sweet gains in strength from SS (vag: my squat is 320, thankyouverymuch) but definitely got stuck in a rut and mixing things up should be good. I'm going to try 5/3/1 for five or six weeks (one full cycle plus deload), retest and then try a couple of weeks of singles, per Andrew's suggestion. Then test again. Then probably switch to maintenance on the strength part and start working more heavily on sprinting and plyo-type activities, as well as conditioning, because by then it'll be the beginning of April and the ultimate season will be just around the bend.

The paused box jumps and depth jumps are meant to improve RFD and explosiveness/reactivity. Just to be clear, Andrew, you're suggesting that I add jump squats or some similar overloaded explosive movement (suggestions?) before heavy lower leg days, or before upper body days? I wasn't quite clear on what/when you were suggesting with those.

Thanks for the feedback.

before heavy lower leg days.. some good exercises are, from most simple to advanced:
- paused jumping clean pulls from hang : sets of 3-5
- jump squats for singles (rest between reps of ~30s, like you would when testing vert) (barbell or vest, preferably barbell, 20-30% 1RM)
- REA squat : work up to ~50% initially, 3-5x3.
- depth jumps from at or above SVJ: 3-4x5

np man

Oh, one more thing, actually: The great thing I've discovered in my first two 5/3/1 workouts is that they're SO MUCH FASTER than SS. When you're doing a full warm-up and heavy sets across for two lifts, plus warm up and cool down, that shit takes forever, drains you and doesn't leave much time for anything else. With the new setup I can do core stuff, RFD stuff, etc. without spending 2+ hours in the gym.

ya man....... that's not a good thing when it comes to peaking your performance.. it can be fine in short blocks, but people tend to spend way too much time in a fatigue state, when it's so easy to jump out using low volume/high intensity training - get in get out type training.

pc man hope this new stuff goes good for you.

if you need links of the clean pulls or whatever tell me, i have them on my youtube.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2010, 10:37:02 pm
Thanks man. What's an REA squat? Workout tonight consisted of two hours of indoor ultimate. My hamstrings and glutes were sore already from the SLRDLs but my whole legs are gonna be dead tomorrow, I predict. Still, it was good to shake out the rust a little and run around. Might postpone the next workout until Thursday to give some recovery time.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on February 03, 2010, 03:36:03 am
Thanks man. What's an REA squat? Workout tonight consisted of two hours of indoor ultimate. My hamstrings and glutes were sore already from the SLRDLs but my whole legs are gonna be dead tomorrow, I predict. Still, it was good to shake out the rust a little and run around. Might postpone the next workout until Thursday to give some recovery time.

it's a brief freefall, followed by ballistic reversal + concentric.

can be done above parallel, no need to go deep.. much safer this way too.. just have to stay tight during the entire lift.. ie, inhale/hold breathe until almost all the way back up.

this exercise targets the isometric mainly, that brief transition period between ECC and CON... this is very important, yet often overlooked detail in SVJ/RVJ.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2010, 10:00:17 pm
Warm up
bike @easy pace x10mins

Bench 5x160, 5x170, 8x180
superset x3
core circuit

Cool down
bike @easy pace x5mins

Shins hurt. Otherwise this was good.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2010, 10:23:48 pm
Well, the rest of last week was a bust because of getting completely drained at work and then getting trapped in Baltimore during yet another epic snowfall. I'm starting to think that my going to Baltimore increases the chances of getting 20+" of snow. In this case it was 26" (officially, seemed like way more in places), good for the largest two-day snowfall in Baltimore history. Got back to DC tonight and went to the gym for the DL workout, was feeling great and then just sucked it up on DLs. Lower back fatigue was rapid. Then the gym was closing, so I just cut my losses and peaced out. Weak :(

Warm up
RVJs ~30-31"

DL 5x270, 5x290, 3x310 aaaand... fuck it.

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 09, 2010, 11:20:22 pm
Went to the gym today cause we got out of work early and I didn't really finish last night.

Warm up

run 25 mins @easy pace, hill workout on treadmill
core circuit

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: cowed77 on February 10, 2010, 02:12:57 am
haha, damn u work out nearly every other day!

how old are you? ur ht/wt, and other stuff? basically, a quick bio?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2010, 01:38:41 pm
I'm 23 years old, 5'11", about 170#, bodyfat roughly 10%. And about as explosive as a 12-year-old girl. My athletic history is a little unusual: I played normal sports when I was little (soccer and baseball), then fenced all through middle and high school, got to Junior Olympics a few years, then in college switched to ultimate frisbee but not as seriously. Fencing is super fun but really expensive and my body is just now, six years after I stopped, starting to become balanced right-left (I'm right-handed and left-footed for soccer, but my right leg has been MUCH stronger and bigger than my left because my posture in fencing was technically wrong) I decided a year and a half ago or so that I really, really wanted to dunk and kind of trained half-assedly for a while until ultimate club season started. Then practice and tournaments took over, so I'd say I really started training with focus since about October.

And yeah, I try to work out every other day.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2010, 12:04:29 pm
Workout last night:

Warm up
RVJs x6 or 7, started kind of shitty but got up to ~32"! One full knuckle of my ring finger on the rim. Still pretty sad but I'm getting there. Gotta keep these up, they help (yes, yes, no shit, Sherlock). Did some later on after the main workout, but they weren't as good. Also, while I was shooting around a little kid (maybe 10 years old?) challenged me to one-on-one. I might be a poor basketball player, but I think I could have taken him, haha. Plus he wasn't all that great  ;D

OHP 3x105, 3x110, 5x115
superset x3
core circuit

Cool down

shoot some hoops, started to get a groove, felt nice
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2010, 06:42:37 pm
Sucks for the Olympics that all the snow in the Western Hemisphere fell on the mid-Atlantic. There is still so much freaking snow here. I went out to visit my parents in Maryland last night and there's at least 3 feet there. More like 2.5 down here.

Warm up
RVJs ~I have no fucking idea"

jump squats 2x3x105 (did the first set with a slow descent into a half squat and then an explosion up; the second set like jumps, just with a bar on my back)
squat 3x240, 3x260, 8x270
superset x3
core circuit

Cool down
spin on stationary bike x5"
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on February 13, 2010, 08:50:15 pm
Workout last night:

Warm up
RVJs x6 or 7, started kind of shitty but got up to ~32"! One full knuckle of my ring finger on the rim. Still pretty sad but I'm getting there. Gotta keep these up, they help (yes, yes, no shit, Sherlock). Did some later on after the main workout, but they weren't as good. Also, while I was shooting around a little kid (maybe 10 years old?) challenged me to one-on-one. I might be a poor basketball player, but I think I could have taken him, haha. Plus he wasn't all that great  ;D

OHP 3x105, 3x110, 5x115
superset x3
  • paused box jumps w/5# DB in each hand x5
  • inverted rows x10
core circuit

Cool down

shoot some hoops, started to get a groove, felt nice

nice, missed that you got 32"..

sucks about the weather man..
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2010, 01:10:52 am
Yeah, the snow was really cool when it happened cause I had like 3.5 days off work and, well, I like snow. But now there are five-foot-high mounds of dirty plowed snow on every street corner and once it starts to melt... yikes. Anyway, okay workout today. Hamstrings have been a bit sore from the SLRDLs.

Warm up
spin on bike x10 mins
usual (jump rope felt smoother than usual for some reason)

bench 3x170, 3x180, 5x190
depth jump 4x3, lots of rest

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2010, 03:12:16 pm
Something I thought about right after the last DL workout: Rippetoe and Kilgore say that you shouldn't really do more than one heavy set of 5 DLs at a time to protect your lower back. My lower back is telling me that I should agree with that, plus it feels weird to only be squatting once a week and squatting seems more important, anyway. Add to that the fact that indoor ultimate is starting up on Thursday and will involve 1-2 hours of ultimate twice a week through mid-March, and I'm thinking about cutting DLs back a bit. Main lifts would still be on 5/3/1. Maybe something like this (unilateral lower leg would be SLRDLs, step-ups, or BSS):

workout A:
squat + assistance (weighted jumps before squats, upper body pull, unilateral lower leg)

workout B:
bench + depth jumps

workout C:
squat (trying to get more on final set than workout A) + assistance (weighted jumps before squats, heavy DL x1 set of 5, upper body pull)

workout D:
OHP + assistance (paused box jumps, reactive jumps [e.g. single-leg bounds], sprints once it starts getting nice)

seem workable? Also, for jump squats, which way is right? Slow eccentric and then explode up, or just jumps with a weight on your back (quick descent into quarter squat, explode up)?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on February 16, 2010, 07:23:41 pm
Something I thought about right after the last DL workout: Rippetoe and Kilgore say that you shouldn't really do more than one heavy set of 5 DLs at a time to protect your lower back. My lower back is telling me that I should agree with that, plus it feels weird to only be squatting once a week and squatting seems more important, anyway. Add to that the fact that indoor ultimate is starting up on Thursday and will involve 1-2 hours of ultimate twice a week through mid-March, and I'm thinking about cutting DLs back a bit. Main lifts would still be on 5/3/1. Maybe something like this (unilateral lower leg would be SLRDLs, step-ups, or BSS):

workout A:
squat + assistance (weighted jumps before squats, upper body pull, unilateral lower leg)

workout B:
bench + depth jumps

workout C:
squat (trying to get more on final set than workout A) + assistance (weighted jumps before squats, heavy DL x1 set of 5, upper body pull)

workout D:
OHP + assistance (paused box jumps, reactive jumps [e.g. single-leg bounds], sprints once it starts getting nice)

when will you do normal jumps? is it just not listed?

ya that looks better than your previous setup.. i would let some of those sessions carry over into two days rest if you feel you need it, looks like sometimes you are going to need an extra day of rest.

i like jump squats or REA squats before squatting, really has an effect on your squat.

seem workable? Also, for jump squats, which way is right? Slow eccentric and then explode up, or just jumps with a weight on your back (quick descent into quarter squat, explode up)?

weighted jumps = jump squats? i like to keep them specific to how svj is performed, try to mimic the depth/speed.. the most important aspects of that exercise are the transition from ECC to CON and exploding all the way through the toes, complete triple-extension.. pause/slow is fine, and that's what you might want to do the first few sessions, but eventually i'd go with being specific to SVJ.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2010, 10:43:09 am
Normal jumps will continue to be done after warm-ups and before anything else. Probably start to mix some SVJs in with the RVJs. I'm not going to plan for two days' rest because it'll happen against my will given how hectic my life is at the moment  ;D The SVJ-mimicking jump squats (as opposed to slow eccentric) were plenty comfortable the other day, so I'm just going to go that route. Thanks again for the feedback.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2010, 08:51:59 pm
I turned my motherfucking ankle on the motherfucking pack ice. On the way to the gym. It's not that bad but enough that it tweaks when I walk and now I'm doing hot/cold and I got an ace bandage, too.

Workout today (such as it was):

foam roll legs (thoroughly)
spin on bike x10mins
stretch a bunch

Was too pissed to do core or anything.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on February 18, 2010, 01:39:42 pm
I turned my motherfucking ankle on the motherfucking pack ice. On the way to the gym. It's not that bad but enough that it tweaks when I walk and now I'm doing hot/cold and I got an ace bandage, too.

Workout today (such as it was):

foam roll legs (thoroughly)
spin on bike x10mins
stretch a bunch

Was too pissed to do core or anything.

wtf how did that happen??????????

god damn.. ive done dumb shit like that, that's the worst.

i completely dislocated my little toe once doing some training barefoot, thing went sideways.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2010, 03:04:58 pm
wtf how did that happen??????????

god damn.. ive done dumb shit like that, that's the worst.

i completely dislocated my little toe once doing some training barefoot, thing went sideways.

After nearly two years of getting better, with only one minor setback, which I wasn't so mad about because it happened during the last ultimate tournament of last year, I just stepped off a curb without looking, my foot landed on a little hump of pack ice (snow that's been beaten down so much that now it's ice, for you warm-weather types) and just snapped to the outside. It's not that serious but I'm definitely not playing ultimate tonight. Which reminds me, I should email my captain.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 22, 2010, 09:30:01 pm
So I basically got no sleep this past weekend and my ankle still isn't 100%. If either one of those things weren't true, I would work out today. Instead, I'm going to bed. Gonna get some sleep and then try to test the ankle out tomorrow night.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2010, 09:24:09 pm
Ankle held up okay during frisbee but I was ssllloooowwwwwwwwwww. And my team got housed. But that's okay. Gonna ice it a little now and back in the gym tomorrow. Thank god. The lack of exercise was driving me nuts.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 24, 2010, 09:29:51 pm
Warm up

jump squat 2x3x95
squat 5x240 5x260 7x270 (felt meh)
superset x3
DL 5x305 (felt great)
7 day vertical jump cure exercises instead of core circuit

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: cowed77 on February 25, 2010, 10:22:40 pm
hey dude, has doing the 7 day cure helped u at all in your opinion? in terms of ur vert, or otherwise..
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 26, 2010, 12:34:51 am
No idea yet, I just did it for the first time yesterday. Today, definitely not because I had back-to-back frisbee games, which went okay although my ankle was a bit, not sore, but more just kind of tired by the end. I'm going to rest tomorrow except maybe 7DVJC. Honestly I don't think it'll help my vert that much but it's something to try in place of the core circuit I'd been doing. I just read Andrew's article about SLRVJ, it was tight. After I finish 5/3/1 I'm going to switch to the movement efficiency focus with a strength component type scheme for a while and see how that pans out. Strength work would be maintenance for the big lifts and probably walking lunges alternating with step ups. My movement efficiency is just god-awful, as my jumping ability would suggest. So that makes sense.

Back to frisbee, we split our games today. I always forget how frustrating rec league is. We should have won our second game but many, many of my teammates think that they are god's gift to ultimate and have all the throws in the world, when in fact they are fat and slow and incompetent. I am the best player on my team (we have a 6-5 guy who can jump, which is just great, but he throws a lot of shit away), which is never a good sign to begin with, but at least I know my limitations. None of you would know what the hell I was talking about if I continued this rant, so I'm going to stop. At the end of the day, it's just rec, and it's indoor so I should care even less, but we had the second game in our grasp and pissed it away and I couldn't do shit about it because nobody would sub out even though they were gassed (indoor ultimate has wrestling tap-out style substitutions). Fucking retards. Okay, NOW I'll stop.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on February 26, 2010, 02:51:43 am

nice rant. :)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 26, 2010, 09:12:18 pm
Warm up
shoot hoops
bunch of SLRVJs -- these felt awkward with a full run-up, my form must just be awful. I'm going to try to get some video soon.

bench 5x185, 3x195, 2x205
pullups 6xbw, 3xbw+25, 4xbw+25, 5xbw+25

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2010, 05:27:14 pm
Stupid ankle. Was looking forward to this workout (first 5/3/1 for squats with the last set at 305) but after warming up and trying some RVJs (which were terrible, I was overthinking like hell and got mad at myself, which just made me think more) my ankle just didn't feel like it would support full heavy squats.

Warm up
shoot hoops
usual -- getting better at double-unders

jump squat 2x3x95

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2010, 11:50:01 pm
Warm up
jog x10mins
jump rope xa little

jump squat 2x3x95
squat 5x275, 3x285, 2x305
superset x3
core circuit (old one, not 7DVJS)

Cool down


My legs are gonna be sore tomorrow from the lunges. But I'm happy to have gotten 305x2. That felt sweet. Ankle still feeling a bit wack so no real jumps today.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 02, 2010, 10:03:11 pm
Warm up
no jumps

OHP 5x105, 3x115, 3x120
DB row 5x50, 5x55, 8x55
box jumps 2x5x30" - not intense or anything, just wanted to do them

Cool down

Sore, as expected, but I sucked it up and did the whole thing and feel good about it.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2010, 09:27:24 pm
Too wiped out today. Brain just wasn't having it.

Warm up

jump squat 2x3x95
squat 3x5x225

Cool down


That's it.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2010, 02:08:10 pm
This post is going to be a little long.

At this point I think I really need to get into a jumping-dominant focus because my explosiveness and movement efficiency suck ass. My strength could be better, too, but I've been working on it as a primary focus for the past, what, six months. Some okay gains in that time. I'm going to retest everything this weekend and then start the next phase. Basically looking at 4-6 weeks. Will still do max strength work once a week just to maintain (and maybe gain, who knows?).

Here's what I'm thinking for the next month, starting next week based on the power block from the MSEM article. Your thoughts are appreciated if you can make it through the whole thing:

Week 1
Monday upper body
warm up
SLRVJs x6-8
footwork (e.g. agility ladder)
bench 5x165, 5x175, ?x185
weighted pullups 4x3
SS1 clapping pushups 3x10
SS2 fast rope climb x3


Wednesday lower body
warm up
SS1 KB swing 3xheavy
SS2 max-effort DLRVJ x4-6
LLLRRR bounds x5x20y
jump squats 3x3x95, max effort each rep
squat 5x245, 5x265, ?x275
DL 5x310


total rest

Saturday lower body
warm up
max effort DLRVJ xdropoff
sprints xdropoffx40y
lots of rest (walk to gym)
squat 3x255, 3x275, ?x285
walking lunge 3x10x110

warm up
low-intensity cardio (REALLY low, like a long walk or something)

Week 2
same as W1 except
bench 3x175, 3x185, ?x195


same as W1 except
squat 3x265, 3x275, ?x295


total rest

same as W1 except
squat 5x255, 3x285, ?x315

same as W1

Week 3
same as W1 except
bench 3x5x165
bw pullups 3x3


same as W1 except
squat jumps 1x3x95
squat MSEM 2x3

Warm up
Steady-state cardio x30-40 mins

total rest

same as W1 except
cut jumping/sprinting volume in half
squat MSEM 2x3

same as W1

Week 4
test bench and weighted pull ups


same as W1 except
squat MSEM 2x3

warm up
footwork, maybe some low-intensity hops and stuff

total rest

Test RVJ, SVJ, squat, DL

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2010, 04:13:54 pm
Oh and I should add that based on vag's thread I'll practice faster runups. Unlike him, I do better with more than two steps, but I kind of float into the RVJs rather than accelerate into them. Not to mention that in the end, running full-tilt and then jumping is way more applicable to my sport.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2010, 09:43:17 pm
Also, more depth jumps instead of squats.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 04, 2010, 10:25:48 pm
i edited your post by accident but it's fixed! heh

This post is going to be a little long.

At this point I think I really need to get into a jumping-dominant focus because my explosiveness and movement efficiency suck ass. My strength could be better, too, but I've been working on it as a primary focus for the past, what, six months. Some okay gains in that time. I'm going to retest everything this weekend and then start the next phase. Basically looking at 4-6 weeks. Will still do max strength work once a week just to maintain (and maybe gain, who knows?).

well with the routine you posted, i don't think you really have a 'strength maintenance' portion in it.. instead, you're basically reducing fatigue & pushing those singles, so I'd assume you will experience some strength gains in those singles. you're coming off months of strength work and then doing MSEM stuff for two weeks, so that's more like a transition into 'peaking' than a maintenance stage.

most people are surprised how strong they get doing MSEM, the weight just starts flying up.

expect some gains.

Here's what I'm thinking for the next month, starting next week based on the power block from the MSEM article. Your thoughts are appreciated if you can make it through the whole thing:

Week 1
Monday upper body
warm up
SLRVJs x6-8
footwork (e.g. agility ladder)
bench 5x165, 5x175, ?x185
weighted pullups 4x3
SS1 clapping pushups 3x10
SS2 fast rope climb x3


Wednesday lower body
warm up
SS1 KB swing 3xheavy
SS2 max-effort DLRVJ x4-6
LLLRRR bounds x5x20y
jump squats 3x3x95, max effort each rep
squat 5x245, 5x265, ?x275
DL 5x310

love the KB swing + ME DLRVJ complex.. i've always had good success with swing + jump complex.

the only thing I would be "wary" of in that session is the combined squat + DL.


total rest

Saturday lower body
warm up
max effort DLRVJ xdropoff
sprints xdropoffx40y
lots of rest (walk to gym)
squat 3x255, 3x275, ?x285
walking lunge 3x10x110

one of the best ways to monitor dropoff on those two exercises, would be to rotate them... ie, after a good warmup on both:

DLRVJ's x 3

that way you aren't training _in dropoff_ during your sprints, and then experience a further dropoff... if you get what I mean.. say you dropoff 3% on dlrvj's, then goto sprint and dropoff another 3%.. well then you're probably dropped off 6%.

with a rotation, you'll be sure you're dropping off at 3%.

that rotation is doable because 40 yard sprints aren't really going to wreck your CNS like a 100 would... so 4-5 minutes rest following the 40, would give you about 3-4 rotations, ie, 9-12 jumps, and 3-4 40's.. which is pretty optimal, especially since the sprints would be done fresh.

warm up
low-intensity cardio (REALLY low, like a long walk or something)

Week 2
same as W1 except
bench 3x175, 3x185, ?x195


same as W1 except
squat 3x265, 3x275, ?x295


total rest

same as W1 except
squat 5x255, 3x285, ?x315

same as W1

Week 3
same as W1 except
bench 3x5x165
bw pullups 3x3


same as W1 except
squat jumps 1x3x95
squat MSEM 2x3

Warm up
Steady-state cardio x30-40 mins

total rest

same as W1 except
cut jumping/sprinting volume in half
squat MSEM 2x3

same as W1

Week 4
test bench and weighted pull ups


same as W1 except
squat MSEM 2x3

warm up
footwork, maybe some low-intensity hops and stuff

total rest

Test RVJ, SVJ, squat, DL

I think it looks pretty good... the 2 weeks of MSEM at the end prior to re-testing should work very well with how that routine is going..

even though the singles are heavy in MSEM, push them with speed, maximal acceleration.. i don't really give a guideline on the eccentric phase, as people have different preference there, but if I did it would be moderate tempo down and right before transition just blast the hell up :)

peace man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2010, 11:46:48 pm
Thanks for the feedback. Any thoughts on adding in depth jumps, maybe replacing a squat day with moderate-intensity depth jumps? Or am I just overthinking it.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 04, 2010, 11:58:02 pm
Thanks for the feedback. Any thoughts on adding in depth jumps, maybe replacing a squat day with moderate-intensity depth jumps? Or am I just overthinking it.

i think trying to fit them in at this point is going to make it all cluttered.. instead, you mentioned this routine might go on for "4-6 weeks", well i'd introduce low box dj's (~18") in at week 4, and intensify them through week 6.. combining MSEM + dj's, svj/rvj/sprints could be done prior (in low volume) or during other sessions.. for example:

week 4: DJ's, 2x/week: 2x5 + MSEM
week 5: DJ's, 2x/week: 3x5 + MSEM
week 6: DJ's, 2x/week: 4x5 + MSEM
week 7: test
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 08, 2010, 01:03:53 pm
In Baltimore over the weekend but I managed to squeeze in a run and a light workout in anticipation of the new routine, starting today. About that, I forgot that I have a one-day ultimate tournament this coming Saturday, which will obviously prevent me from working out that day as well as compromise me for the following couple of days (should be a good 4.5-6 hours of ultimate).


run @moderate pace x20mins (in VFF)

I was in a huge rush and didn't have time to stretch or anything. Bad planning. Also this was my first extended run in a while in my VFF's, and I haven't been in barefoot-style shoes in over a month, so my calves and soleus muscles have been crying the past couple of days. Going down stairs is a bitch. Should have been smarter about this. Barefoot running is tops, but I thought I could jump right back into it after a layoff and I was clearly wrong about that.


warm up
bike @easy pace x10mins

bench 3x5x170
pullups 4x4xbw+25

nice walk back from the gym to my girlfriend's apartment, then

7DVJS (except the hip flexor raises and glute bridge... girlfriends can be distracting...)

cool down

Like I said, my calves are hurtin' from the run on Saturday and discipline on Sunday was bad. But that's okay, I can't beat myself up as bad about that as about what happened at work this morning: I had edited this research paper and it was really a godawful mess, so I made all kinds of comments (in Word) to myself like "WTF?" and "this makes my head want to explode." Then I took them all out and just left in the constructive comments. Or so I thought, because I got the response back from the person who wrote it and apparently I left in "this makes my head want to explode." Oh and that comment was selected to apply to like three entire paragraphs. In my defense, they were, and still are, totally incoherent.

Still, how fucking embarrassing is that for everyone involved. Oof.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 08, 2010, 06:24:36 pm

Like I said, my calves are hurtin' from the run on Saturday and discipline on Sunday was bad. But that's okay, I can't beat myself up as bad about that as about what happened at work this morning: I had edited this research paper and it was really a godawful mess, so I made all kinds of comments (in Word) to myself like "WTF?" and "this makes my head want to explode." Then I took them all out and just left in the constructive comments. Or so I thought, because I got the response back from the person who wrote it and apparently I left in "this makes my head want to explode." Oh and that comment was selected to apply to like three entire paragraphs. In my defense, they were, and still are, totally incoherent.

Still, how fucking embarrassing is that for everyone involved. Oof.

wow, that's like a bad dream... that completely sucks.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 08, 2010, 10:11:01 pm
UPDATE: Forgot that I did an extra rep (TF) on the last set of pull ups.

Well, mishaps of the day aside, I had a ballin' workout today. Everything felt good except my lower legs (still), but even with that the SLRVJs (well, three-step approach, not really running) were decent, maybe 121-122" touch although it's hard to tell. For me, that would be awesome. My elbows hurt, though, lot of load to bear throughout. On the plus side, I really focused on warm up and stretching and that makes a big difference. I need to start doing that more consistently.

Warm up
jog @ easy pace x7 mins
bike @ easy pace x5 mins
glute march x20
glute bridge x15x3s hold at the top

SL 3-step VJs x8
bench 5x165, 5x175, 7x185
pull ups 3x3, 1x4 xbw+25+chain (however much it weighs, maybe 5#?)
SS x3
core x3 (10# MB)

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2010, 11:24:14 pm
Workout today:

Warm up
not really

frisbee game x2x60mins

Cool down

Gassed. Played inconsistent but made some sick plays, skied a lot of fools. Even if my vertical still sucks, I feel more confident and so I've been playing more aggressive, which is really good. And a dude I had been matched up against in the second game came up to me after and paid me a nice complement, basically called me a great player (which I'm not, but still, was nice) and said I was way better than him, then gave a little bit of constructive criticism. And my team won both our games. First in a walk (by like 30 points) and the second by 6 but it got real chippy in there for a while. The dudes-who-suck-but-think-they're-good got all huffy. Oh well, fun times.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 10, 2010, 10:20:38 pm
Knees protesting after the ultimate last night. Sore all day. Still, halfway decent workout even though I forgot to add the extra five pounds to the DL. Oops.

Warm up
bike x5mins
usual, working a little bit on double-unders
glute march and bridging

SS x2
jump squat 3x3x95 -- tried to go deeper on these before exploding up
squat 5x245, 5x265, 6x275 -- hard, not below parallel on some reps I am sure
DL 5x305 -- felt decent

Cool down

Gym was closing so I skipped core. Also, my knees are feeling it. I might take tomorrow off ultimate and just bike or row or some combo of the two and stretch/roll a bunch. The tournament this weekend is purely for fun, I don't really care how I play, but taking the next two days a little easy still seems smart from an injury standpoint, given my knees and ankle.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2010, 03:35:04 pm
Knees felt janky in the morning but no pain or soreness now, so that's good. Plus the DOMS is finally gone from my calves/soleus. Still undecided whether I'll play ultimate or hit the gym tonight. Leaning gym so I can get some LISS cardio and make up for the core work I skipped yesterday. And foam roll.

Also I scheduled a massage for next week  ;D. Place seems super legit: ( Gonna ask about my toe, trigger-point and ART in particular. And my lack of foot flexibility. Here's to having kick-ass health insurance that will pay for that shit without even a prescription from a doctor. I might not make bank working for a nonprofit, but I sure do have good benefits.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 11, 2010, 08:25:00 pm
Knees felt janky in the morning but no pain or soreness now, so that's good. Plus the DOMS is finally gone from my calves/soleus. Still undecided whether I'll play ultimate or hit the gym tonight. Leaning gym so I can get some LISS cardio and make up for the core work I skipped yesterday. And foam roll.

Also I scheduled a massage for next week  ;D. Place seems super legit: ( Gonna ask about my toe, trigger-point and ART in particular. And my lack of foot flexibility. Here's to having kick-ass health insurance that will pay for that shit without even a prescription from a doctor. I might not make bank working for a nonprofit, but I sure do have good benefits.

nice.. how often could you get massage/corrective tissue work? would be sick if you could get it 1-2x/week.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2010, 10:23:11 pm
I don't know, I guess I'll find out next week. Today, instead of working out, I got drunk with coworkers. Good night everybody.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 11, 2010, 11:03:57 pm
Today, instead of working out, I got drunk with coworkers. Good night everybody.


just funny as hell how you phrased it.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 12, 2010, 09:22:58 pm
Given that I had no workout yesterday, I figured I'd go get one in tonight.

Warm up

jog @ easy pace x5mins
row @easy-to-moderate pace x10 mins
jog @easy pace x18mins
core circuit x3

Cool down

Also, I figured out what's wrong with my toes. I mean, I have a name for it now. Hallux limitus. Basically my big toes have been super stiff ever since at least high school. Not sure why but it sucks, I can't do lunges or anything without shoes on and even then I have to land on the point of the shoe. I'm sure it changes my gait and how much push I can get off my toes at the end of a stride or jump. The left one hurts sometimes when I walk. And apparently it can get worse and become arthritis and even require surgery eventually. Definitely gonna bring that up with the massage therapist next week. And maybe start thinking about a podiatrist visit.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 12, 2010, 09:39:30 pm
Given that I had no workout yesterday, I figured I'd go get one in tonight.

Warm up

jog @ easy pace x5mins
row @easy-to-moderate pace x10 mins
jog @easy pace x18mins
core circuit x3
  • MB OH slam x10x14# ball
  • hyper x5
  • Pallof press x20x60# (10 ea side)

Cool down

Also, I figured out what's wrong with my toes. I mean, I have a name for it now. Hallux limitus. Basically my big toes have been super stiff ever since at least high school. Not sure why but it sucks, I can't do lunges or anything without shoes on and even then I have to land on the point of the shoe. I'm sure it changes my gait and how much push I can get off my toes at the end of a stride or jump. The left one hurts sometimes when I walk. And apparently it can get worse and become arthritis and even require surgery eventually. Definitely gonna bring that up with the massage therapist next week. And maybe start thinking about a podiatrist visit.

"Hallux limitus describes a condition where the hallux (great toe) is limited in its' range of motion. This limited range of motion results in jamming of the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint (1st mpj or great toe joint). Over time, repetitive jamming will contribute to arthritis of the great toe joint. The most characteristic sign of hallux limitus is a bump (exostosis) on top of the head of the 1st metatarsal. In fact, many doctors also refer to hallux limitus as a dorsal bunion.

Hallux_limtus_x-rayHallux limitus is caused by four contributing factors. These factors include the following;

1. A long 1st metatarsal.
2. An elevated 1st metatarsal (metatarsus primus elevatus).hallux_limitus_x-ray_post-op
3. An impaction injury of the 1st mpj resulting in an osteochondral defect (OCD) of the joint.
4. Systemic diseases that cause injury to the joint such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or gout."

damn that sucks..

i need to see the podiatrist also, the bottom of my foot is jacked up.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2010, 12:24:16 pm
Occurred to me today that it could be the fact that my toes were in a weird position for years while I fenced, especially the left one.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2010, 02:31:56 pm
Was in high spirits, lots of energy going into the gym today. But then I warmed up and did my jumps and it felt non-explosive as shit. No sprints as planned (or tournament today, for that matter) because of the rain. Just didn't feel explosive at all, even on the jump squats.

Warm up

SS x2
squat jump 3x3x95
squat 3x265, 3x275, 4x285 -- I feel like these have regressed. Was definitely below parallel on each rep, for whatever that's worth.
step up 20x135, 20x155, 20x175 -- definitely gonna go with 175 at least in the future and raise the box. Too easy.
core circuit x3

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 15, 2010, 09:15:25 pm
Only one decent thing to report about the workout today: bench press!

Warm up
jog x7mins
pogos 3x5-8
stiff leg ankle hops x10

SLRVJ xa bunch -- not so hot, or at least a couple of the jumps off my right foot were okay but left all sucked and most of right sucked
bench 3x175, 3s185, 7x195  :o
chinups x10, 6 -- elbow and upper left arm fail

Cool down

crunches x100
back extensions x60

According to the timinvermont one-rep max calculator, that's a one-rep max of 235 for the bench, or 20 pounds heavier than I've ever actually lifted. And my elbow was not having a happy day. Part of me thinks I should cut back on weight (i.e. intensity) for all exercises and focus on higher reps, get back to basics with technique and make sure my tendons and ligaments are up to speed with my musklez.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 15, 2010, 09:26:11 pm
Only one decent thing to report about the workout today: bench press!

Warm up
jog x7mins
pogos 3x5-8
stiff leg ankle hops x10

SLRVJ xa bunch -- not so hot, or at least a couple of the jumps off my right foot were okay but left all sucked and most of right sucked
bench 3x175, 3s185, 7x195  :o
chinups x10, 6 -- elbow and upper left arm fail

Cool down

crunches x100
back extensions x60

According to the timinvermont one-rep max calculator, that's a one-rep max of 235 for the bench, or 20 pounds heavier than I've ever actually lifted. And my elbow was not having a happy day. Part of me thinks I should cut back on weight (i.e. intensity) for all exercises and focus on higher reps, get back to basics with technique and make sure my tendons and ligaments are up to speed with my musklez.

nice on the benching.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 17, 2010, 08:25:57 am
Last night, another double header. We lost the first game by one fucking point because several of my teammates, as I've said before, are fucking morons with a completely distorted sense of reality. We had like a nine-point lead with five minutes to go in the game and just started throwing shit away. AND we beat this team last week. The second game was against the best team in the league -- they're undefeated and blowing everyone out. We lost that game by I don't know how much but they said it was the closest anyone has come. Would have been good to go 1-1 for seeding purposes in the tournament next week, but what are you gonna do.

Also, this morning, the outside of my right knee feels super tight. My dumb ass has got to get better about the roller/trigger point stuff. Hopefully I can learn a thing or two in my massage today.  ;D

Finally, I'm kind of beating myself up right now because instead of coming straight home, eating, and going to sleep last night I met up with some people for dinner and then went to a bar. Spent too much money when I didn't need to and got to bed an hour and a half later than I should have.  So I ended up getting ~5.5 hours of sleep because I had to get up early for work this morning. Not enough. Dumb.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2010, 02:22:41 pm
No workouts last two days. GF is on spring break and free during the week so I have made some decisions this week guided by, um, not my brain. Bad discipline. No use beating myself up about it, just gotta get back on the horse tonight and next week and so on.

Massage on Wednesday was amazing. It was all feet and my left shin. The dude kept talking about how many adhesions I have on my plantar flexors and being like, "I know why you hurt, man." And then he moved on to my shin and said, "I could play your tibials like a bass guitar." Even started counting out the adhesions along my shin and plantar. Lots. It hurt like a bitch but felt great after and I had more ROM (for a couple minutes, it faded eventually) in my left big toe than I've had in at least five or six years. Gonna go back next week for a proper PT evaluation and hopefully diagnosis of some kind, although the bone-on-bone all-cartilage-gone thing makes a lot of sense to me.

Last 5/3/1 bench workout tonight, gonna push it hard. One-day tournament tomorrow, weather's supposed to be awesome so I will enjoy the outdoors and try not to get sunburned and/or injured. Final 5/3/1 squat workout on Monday, indoor playoffs on Tuesday, then it's all workouts, all the time until club starts at the beginning of May.

Speaking of which, too much of my volume is still focused on strength stuff. I need to up the amount of work I devote to jumps and sprinting and reeeeeally cut back on weights. Which sucks, because I like lifting and am less discouraged by it than I am by jumps. But that's exactly the point. Now that it's light out after work, I think I can do jumps at a park near my gym and then do a really short full-body workout (like one top set for squats, one top set for bench, plus one LB assistance and one UB pull, plus core...maybe 30 mins tops).
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2010, 05:44:53 pm

Warm up

DLRVJ x a bunch -- started out really crappy but then realized that I wasn't running up fast enough; I was kind of loping. Got higher once I started actually RUNNING up.
Bench 5x185, 3x195, 3x205
Pullups 3x4xbw+25

Cool down


Hat tournament (teams randomly assigned for the day). Absolutely perfect weather, fun people, low-key ultimate. We lost all our games but I don't care. It was great. But my right knee is super tight. God I'm injury prone.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 20, 2010, 05:48:47 pm
what do you think your DLRVJ is at right now?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2010, 06:39:25 pm
32, maybe 33 at the way outside? Really hard to tell. Will be easier once I can start jumping to a rim.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 21, 2010, 10:04:54 pm
Workout today:

Cut down tree with chainsaw x2
Cut trees up into pieces x a lot

So much fun. Something wrong with my knee. It was worse this morning but it's still wigging out a little bit. I will not be doing any jumps or heavy lower body stuff for the next little while. And DEFINITELY no frisbee on Tuesday, unfortunately. But this thing just demands rest.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 21, 2010, 10:06:36 pm
Workout today:

Cut down tree with chainsaw x2
Cut trees up into pieces x a lot

So much fun. Something wrong with my knee. It was worse this morning but it's still wigging out a little bit. I will not be doing any jumps or heavy lower body stuff for the next little while. And DEFINITELY no frisbee on Tuesday, unfortunately. But this thing just demands rest.

damn that sucks man, the knee issue. have you tried icing/foam rolling ITB/light stretching?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 22, 2010, 02:34:37 pm

damn that sucks man, the knee issue. have you tried icing/foam rolling ITB/light stretching?

Yeah, I've been icing and doing light stretching as well as some self-massage/my haphazard attempts at trigger point release. Some NSAIDs, too. No foam-rolling, thought, because it means flexing those muscles to keep the knee straight (i.e. untwisted) and I'm not really feeling that at the moment. It feels a little better today. Full-on PT session tomorrow. Will hopefully get some decent answers about the toes and now this.

Also, I was talking with my mom yesterday during a break from all the chainsawing ( ;D) and she suggested that I talk to an orthopedic surgeon that one of her coworkers goes to. Starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad idea. But we'll see what the PT says tomorrow.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2010, 03:43:30 pm
PT was really interesting today. Learned some things, wish I'd been taking notes or recording it because they guy covered a lot of ground. Seemed to know his shit. Got confirmation that the level of extension in my big toes is RIDICULOUSLY low. The guy literally said, "Wow," a bunch of times while he was moving them around with his hands. :(

He also told me that basically my problem is beyond physical therapy. I should be stretching twice a day for 60 seconds even if I don't feel a stretch, just to improve the ROM. No one knows whether that will decrease my pain, though. And the manual therapy can deal with some of the adhesion issues in the bottoms of my feet, on my shins, etc. Beyond that, he said I should see a podiatrist, so I made an appointment for Friday with a guy that the PT recommended. X-rays for sure and we'll go from there. I'm kind of looking forward to seeing the insides of my feet. I still have the X-rays from when I dislocated my collarbone a few years back.

Lastly, and most shittily, the guy told me I'll probably have to get surgery. The toe doesn't hurt when I wear cleats and he said it probably won't get any better or worse over the summer so I should play out my season and then get it operated on in the fall. I'm inclined to believe him because he's not a surgeon so he has no personal interest in that route. But we'll see what the podiatrist says.

In the meantime, he gave me the go-ahead to start biking and doing some exercises for my knee. I've said it before, but my cardio/work capacity could be WAY better. So for the next week, I'm not going to do any loaded shit on my legs, just focus on upper body stuff and then hit the bike for ~30 mins at an extensive aerobic pace (HR ~160). I need to start building some capacity. Won't be jumping or doing heavy squats for a little bit anyhow, may as well start to work hard* at something else. If my jumping/strength/speed go down, well, what can I do, I need healthy legs before I do anything with them. Thinking:

Warm up
spin x5-10mins
usual (minus lunges and other standing leg stuff)
hamstring leg curls w/physioball 2-3x a fuck ton (PT basically said, "smoke 'em")

bench 3-4x6-8
pullups 3-4x6-8

spin @low-moderate pace x30mins

Cool down
spin @easy pace x5mins
foam roll/tennis ball/super ball

Once my knee is feeling 90% or so I'll throw some unilateral shit in there and once it's back to normal I'll go back to jumps, squats, jump squats, DLs, etc.

*To be honest, I'm not sure how "hard" I can work at aerobic stuff right now. That's how much I suck. But I've got to start somewhere.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 23, 2010, 04:46:26 pm
sux about the toe/knee, you still going to play ultimate?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2010, 05:26:05 pm
you still going to play ultimate?

No effing way.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2010, 11:10:52 pm
Workout tonight:

Warm up
bike x5mins
usual (ish)

bench 3x8x145 easy as balls
pull-ups 3x8xbw not as easy
       -during rest periods: bike or elliptical x2mins @easy-moderate pace
elliptical x10mins @moderate pace

Cool down

Ran out of time on the elliptical there cause the gym was closing.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 24, 2010, 03:55:47 pm
Gah so I just checked out a Q&A this podiatrist that I'm seeing on Friday did a while back in the Washington Post and the guy is all about orthotics and extra-supportive shoes and so on even for toddlers! The (dominant) side of me that loves being barefoot or wearing as little shoe as possible is reeeeally skeptical right now. If/when I have kids those little fuckers are gonna wear shoes as infrequently as possible. I kind of wish my appointment was RIGHT NOW, I'm really antsy about it for some reason.

Gotta be open minded, gotta be open minded, gotta be open minded.......
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 24, 2010, 04:21:40 pm
Gah so I just checked out a Q&A this podiatrist that I'm seeing on Friday did a while back in the Washington Post and the guy is all about orthotics and extra-supportive shoes and so on even for toddlers! The (dominant) side of me that loves being barefoot or wearing as little shoe as possible is reeeeally skeptical right now. If/when I have kids those little fuckers are gonna wear shoes as infrequently as possible. I kind of wish my appointment was RIGHT NOW, I'm really antsy about it for some reason.

Gotta be open minded, gotta be open minded, gotta be open minded.......

ya im with you man.. orthotics (&strengthening) for kids in extreme situations with huge deviations, otherwise, strengthen those fuckers up.. It's kind of similar with the ADHD shit now too. Man, I was hyper as fuck as a kid, but that's because I am very imaginative/creative, the mind is always racing between tons of ideas. I'm so glad kids weren't put on that shit as often, probably would have lost a huge amount of creative development.

the over-prescription of america pisses me off pretty bad.

I don't even like taking medicine when I'm sick, yet most americans are pill popping daily for god knows how many "ailments".

so ya, don't rush to a decision on the orthotics, think it through.. those people like to put you on the spot :)

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 24, 2010, 05:21:53 pm
Gah so I just checked out a Q&A this podiatrist that I'm seeing on Friday did a while back in the Washington Post and the guy is all about orthotics and extra-supportive shoes and so on even for toddlers! The (dominant) side of me that loves being barefoot or wearing as little shoe as possible is reeeeally skeptical right now. If/when I have kids those little fuckers are gonna wear shoes as infrequently as possible. I kind of wish my appointment was RIGHT NOW, I'm really antsy about it for some reason.

Gotta be open minded, gotta be open minded, gotta be open minded.......

ya im with you man.. orthotics (&strengthening) for kids in extreme situations with huge deviations, otherwise, strengthen those fuckers up.. It's kind of similar with the ADHD shit now too. Man, I was hyper as fuck as a kid, but that's because I am very imaginative/creative, the mind is always racing between tons of ideas. I'm so glad kids weren't put on that shit as often, probably would have lost a huge amount of creative development.

the over-prescription of america pisses me off pretty bad.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2010, 07:35:16 am
Last night:

Warm up
usual (minus lunges)
hamstring curls on physioball 3x30ish

elliptical x32mins @moderate pace, HR ~158
stretch legs, ~5mins rest
core circuit

Cool down

The elliptical sucks. If I didn't hate the stationary bike so much, I would definitely have done that instead. Going to see about running this weekend, test the ol' knee out a bit. Beautiful day predicted for Saturday + cherry blossom festival = perfect running conditions. But we'll see.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2010, 09:52:57 pm
Got lazy tonight for some reason. Fuck it.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2010, 01:12:33 pm
Well it's been a couple of days of near-complete rest. Today will continue that and then tomorrow it's back on the horse to see how weak I've gotten since last week.

Podiatry update: X-rays taken, temporary orthotics made, stretching prescribed. Talk about surgery and alternatives and will follow up on Wednesday now that the X-rays are in.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2010, 09:00:37 pm
In good news (rare lately when it comes to my body), my knee felt okay today. Nothing too strenuous, just wanted to get back in the gym and get the muscles working a little bit. No jumps yet cause of the knee but I'll try some on Thursday

Warm up

jump squat 3x3x95 -- knees were coming in a little on some of these, had to adjust
squat 3x8x225
SS x3
core circuit x3 (MB 14#)

Cool down
spin x5mins
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2010, 06:25:47 pm
Saw podiatrist today. Upshot: Gonna get some custom orthotics to wear pretty much all the time. Gonna keep going to MT. And gonna get surgery in October.

Also, looking at x-rays of yourself is cool.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on March 31, 2010, 06:42:10 pm
Saw podiatrist today. Upshot: Gonna get some custom orthotics to wear pretty much all the time. Gonna keep going to MT. And gonna get surgery in October.

Also, looking at x-rays of yourself is cool.

Surgery!!! damn...
hope its for the best and that it doenst draw you back too much...
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 31, 2010, 06:47:11 pm
Saw podiatrist today. Upshot: Gonna get some custom orthotics to wear pretty much all the time. Gonna keep going to MT. And gonna get surgery in October.

what kind of issues are the orthotics supposed to help? just the toe or pronation issues etc?

Also, looking at x-rays of yourself is cool.

especially modern x-ray technology.. instantly shows up on bigscreens, excellent detail, etc.

pc man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2010, 08:54:31 pm
Orthotics will be custom made (got some plaster casts today; they'll be ready in three weeks). They're supposed to change the way I toe-off, basically not allowing my big toes to extend so much and transferring the movement to the middle of my foot. Or something along those lines. I'll still get push off my toes, they just won't come up as much. On the x-ray you could clearly see that the joint there is not normally shaped. It's supposed to be a ball and socket, but mine is much more like two flat bones running past each other. And the joint space isn't big enough. All that has led to a nice bone spur on top of my foot. My metatarsal rubbing up against the spur is what's making me hurt. Also, I'm to get stiffer-soled shoes. Balls.

Anyway, had a nice easy workout today. It's so beautiful outside I can hardly believe it.

Warm up
shoot hoops -- not bad considering I haven't touched a basketball in at least a month

stiff ankle hops 3x20s, ~30s rest
quick line hops 3x10s, ~30s rest
hamstring curls on physioball 2x35, 40 -- hard but not killing myself
run @easy pace x25mins, 3 miles -- 8:20 pace. HR was around 151. Something about running outside makes me able to go a lot faster than I could on a treadmill with lower HR and MUCH lower perceived effort. This run felt easy. Fuck treadmills.
core circuit w/MB

Cool down
foam roll -- hurt like a mother. Keep saying this but I really do need to get more consistent with soft tissue work.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on March 31, 2010, 09:11:47 pm
Orthotics will be custom made (got some plaster casts today; they'll be ready in three weeks). They're supposed to change the way I toe-off, basically not allowing my big toes to extend so much and transferring the movement to the middle of my foot. Or something along those lines. I'll still get push off my toes, they just won't come up as much. On the x-ray you could clearly see that the joint there is not normally shaped. It's supposed to be a ball and socket, but mine is much more like two flat bones running past each other. And the joint space isn't big enough. All that has led to a nice bone spur on top of my foot. My metatarsal rubbing up against the spur is what's making me hurt. Also, I'm to get stiffer-soled shoes. Balls.

ah ok.

Anyway, had a nice easy workout today. It's so beautiful outside I can hardly believe it.

was here today also..

run @easy pace x25mins, 3 miles -- 8:20 pace. HR was around 151. Something about running outside makes me able to go a lot faster than I could on a treadmill with lower HR and MUCH lower perceived effort. This run felt easy. Fuck treadmills.

ya i can't stand running on treadmills, i need changing scenery.

nice man how's the knee?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 01, 2010, 10:16:04 am
Yeah but you live in Florida so it's not as special for it to be nice  ;)

Knee feels great, I'd say 95%. Still feel it a bit when I flex all the way back but for the most part it's normal.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 01, 2010, 10:56:30 pm
Workout today sucked ass. Also I gained a few pounds, which makes sense because I've been inactive an eating a lot. Funny how simple math works out like that. ANYway, today sucked. I was sore, mostly DOMS from the squatting, which didn't help.

Warm up
some bullshit
glute raises w/ 3s hold at the top

DLRVJ x15-20, not sure how many, most around 29", a couple 30" (see? told you today sucked)
jump squat 3x3x95
OHP 10x95
said fuck it

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2010, 08:59:56 pm
Well, I've been lazy. But the workout tonight was great.

Warm up
glute march
glute bridges w/iso hold

stiff ankle hops 2x20
DLRVJ x~20
SLRVJ x8 (4 ea)
squat 3x3x275

Cool down
roll feet

Jumps felt good. Went easy on the squat intensity again but it felt nice so I'll bump it to 285 next time. I like 3x3.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2010, 12:00:23 am
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on April 06, 2010, 01:33:42 am

GO DUKE!!!!!!!

ive always been a lifelong hardcore duke fan this is why im so happy!

ok im kidding i wish that halfcourt shot would have went in, FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2010, 09:14:33 am

GO DUKE!!!!!!!

ive always been a lifelong hardcore duke fan this is why im so happy!

ok im kidding i wish that halfcourt shot would have went in, FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!


fuck all you ho's, get a grip
this album is dedicated to all the teachers
that helped kyle singler pass freshman english
to all the girls that lived on duke's campus and sucked john scheyer's dick after a tough loss
and all the dukies in the struggle
it's all good baby-baby

it was all a dream
i used to love hill and bob hurley
christian laettner and jj redick were heroes to me
hangin pictures on my wall
every saturday duke at home
mr magic basketball
was dyed blue up top
till they're on top
smokin fools like BU, abusin fools like the cops
way back, when i had my blue and white lumberjack
with the hat to match
remember elton brand?
the hard the hard
you never thought that duke u would take it this far
now we won the champ'ship
cause we don't take shit
time to get paid
my pool's like the everglades
born winners
the opposite of a sinner
'member when i used to eat bulldogs for dinner


Point is, GO DUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on April 06, 2010, 05:37:08 pm
ahahah wtf

did u make that up or is that actually some song..

fucking dukies.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2010, 08:22:31 pm
made up the lyrics. this is the song:
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on April 06, 2010, 08:39:36 pm
ya i knew it was biggie, didn't know if someone did those duke lyrics before.

damn lbss u should go do a few rap battles.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2010, 09:05:20 pm
Haha you should hear my mom. Best freestyle rhymes I've ever heard. Not exactly rap content, though, if you know what I mean.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2010, 10:11:07 pm
Warm up
glute march
glute bridges w/iso hold
stiff leg ankle hops 3x20
KB swing 2x5

DLRVJ x~15 -- drop-off happened way quicker than Monday. Left quad felt tight.
bench 2x3x185, 6x185
BB row 8x135 -- felt wack
DB row 2x8x55
core circuit x4 (crunch x25, side crunch x10ea, superman x10)

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2010, 12:05:26 pm
Reading a paper I found on Charlie Francis's forum about p-chain development. Thinking about adding GHR as a lower-body assistance exercise.

Here's my idea for the next few weeks, would appreciate anyone's thoughts. Club season starts May 1, so I'll have to adjust my schedule based on that. Saturdays will be draining and we'll probably start having some track work during the week. Also I'm going to Afghanistan for two weeks in mid-May, so that will fuck with training quite a bit. Time to go really hard until then cause I'm not going to have a whole lot of time to do anything but work while I'm out there. For the time being, ABA BAB split, 3x/week.

Workout A
warm up, incl. glute activation
DLRVJ x dropoff
stiff-leg ankle hops 2-3x20
jump squats 3x3 (need to get that jump mat back so I can see any improvement on this)
squats 3-5x3-5
GHR 2-3x5-8
lower body single leg exercise (e.g. step-ups, BSS) 2-3x8-10

Workout B

warm up, incl. glute activation
DLRVJ x dropoff
stiff-leg ankle hops 2-3x20
bench/OHP 3-5x3-5
row//chinups/pullups 3-4x6-10
core work (e.g. med ball throws, crunches, planks, woodchoppers, etc.)

At least two off days per week I'll do either LISS or a tempo run a la Charlie Francis (1.5-2.5km total distance. Or, once ultimate starts, a fartlek-style run with the team. Also, the guy who manages my gym said he'd buy a vertec for the gym if I can find 10 people to join up. Anyone in the DC area want to join a great gym?  ;D
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2010, 07:56:06 pm
Tempo run today but A) forgot to bring water and B) forgot that 120yds is longer than 100m, so ended up running harder than I meant to. Still, I'm pretty out of shape. Anyway.

Warm up
jog .5mi @ easy pace
varsity warm up


1200yds total = ~1100m

17-21s per 120yds (steady wind in one direction)
+ = 40s rest

Cool down
jog .5mi @ easy pace
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 09, 2010, 09:04:44 pm
Did not eat enough today + tempo run was too hard + I am a pussy = workout was a complete waste of time.

Warm up
shoot hoops (badly)
KB swings

DLRVJ xsuck
jump squat 3x3x95
squat xsuck

Cool down

Fuck that.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on April 09, 2010, 09:06:21 pm
Did not eat enough today + tempo run was too hard + I am a pussy = workout was a complete waste of time.

Warm up
shoot hoops (badly)
KB swings

DLRVJ xsuck
jump squat 3x3x95
squat xsuck

Cool down

Fuck that.

u need to hit a tree with an axe, for a workout.

get that anger out.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2010, 09:30:40 pm
run @ easy pace x~3.1mi
about 25 minutes


really easy. felt great. needed it.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2010, 09:30:00 pm
Felt great tonight. Except for a lone zit (first I've had in a good while) RIGHT where the bar rests on my right shoulder. So that kind of sucked.

Warm up
glute activation

low-box ankle hops x10
DLRVJ xa lot -- kind of inconsistent but the best 8 or 10 jumps were very good
jump squat 3x3x100 (50#db x2)
squat 5x1x295 -- 10-15 breaths between reps
GHR 3x5

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2010, 10:07:54 pm
Warm up
tried a few double-unders but I suck at them. Oh well, not exactly a priority.

low-box ankle hops 3x10 (minimizing ground know what I mean)
bench 185x3, 195x3, 200x6  :o
DB row 60x5, 60x2x8
core circuit that I made up on the spot and don't like

Cool down

As you can see, kind of unfocused/no plan going into tonight. Not a good way to do things but it's okay. Felt pretty good and 200x6 is a PR for sure.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on April 15, 2010, 04:04:43 pm
Warm up
tried a few double-unders but I suck at them. Oh well, not exactly a priority.

low-box ankle hops 3x10 (minimizing ground know what I mean)
bench 185x3, 195x3, 200x6  :o
DB row 60x5, 60x2x8
core circuit that I made up on the spot and don't like

Cool down

As you can see, kind of unfocused/no plan going into tonight. Not a good way to do things but it's okay. Felt pretty good and 200x6 is a PR for sure.

ya well thats a nice PR.. under your current situation, trying to come up with a "performance enhancement program" is just not needed, who knows how the knee will react etc.. playing it by ear, having fun, and progressing safely is just as effective.

injuries really derail programs.. then we try and stick to the program with the injury, and make everything worse.. heh.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2010, 10:03:46 pm
Saturday was first club ultimate event, just a casual scrimmage for returners and a couple of great pickups before tryouts start next week. It was windy as hell so just a goofy game. Lot of fun. Except one of our great pickups separated his shoulder trying to D me on a swing pass... Fuck. AND he doesn't have insurance so he couldn't go to the hospital. Gotta love this fucking country.

Anyway, today jumps felt terrible. Oh well. I need a new plan now, the knee is feeling pretty solid and I'm frustrated again.

Warm up
jog to gym

DLRVJ (more R this time cause there weren't many people in the gym) x some
jump squat x3x3x100 (trap bar)
squat 2x3x280, 4x280
GHR 3x5xbw -- I'm doing these wrong somehow

Cool down

I'm kind of thinking a sprint plus jumps day, a high-volume jump plus explosive weights day and a low-volume jump plus full body heavy weights day. Some easy tempo or LISS one or two off days. Even a brisk walk would count. Just to get the blood flowing a little. So like

Monday - depth jumps, heavy squats (1 or 2 top sets), heavy lower leg assistance (BSS, DL, step-ups), bench, DB row
Tuesday - LISS/easy tempo
Wednesday - ankle hops, DLRVJs, hurdle jumps, box jumps, SVJs, tuck jumps, etc. (pick three), jump squats, clapping pushups, inverted rows
Thursday - LISS/easy tempo
Friday - rest
Saturday - practice
Sunday - sprints, DLRVJs, core (good that this is on a weekend cause I can do them even if I'm in Baltimore, which I am a lot these days)

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on April 20, 2010, 05:09:59 am
Saturday was first club ultimate event, just a casual scrimmage for returners and a couple of great pickups before tryouts start next week. It was windy as hell so just a goofy game. Lot of fun. Except one of our great pickups separated his shoulder trying to D me on a swing pass... Fuck. AND he doesn't have insurance so he couldn't go to the hospital. Gotta love this fucking country.

Anyway, today jumps felt terrible. Oh well. I need a new plan now, the knee is feeling pretty solid and I'm frustrated again.

Warm up
jog to gym

DLRVJ (more R this time cause there weren't many people in the gym) x some
jump squat x3x3x100 (trap bar)
squat 2x3x280, 4x280
GHR 3x5xbw -- I'm doing these wrong somehow

Cool down

I'm kind of thinking a sprint plus jumps day, a high-volume jump plus explosive weights day and a low-volume jump plus full body heavy weights day. Some easy tempo or LISS one or two off days. Even a brisk walk would count. Just to get the blood flowing a little. So like

Monday - depth jumps, heavy squats (1 or 2 top sets), heavy lower leg assistance (BSS, DL, step-ups), bench, DB row
Tuesday - LISS/easy tempo
Wednesday - ankle hops, DLRVJs, hurdle jumps, box jumps, SVJs, tuck jumps, etc. (pick three), jump squats, clapping pushups, inverted rows
Thursday - LISS/easy tempo
Friday - rest
Saturday - practice
Sunday - sprints, DLRVJs, core (good that this is on a weekend cause I can do them even if I'm in Baltimore, which I am a lot these days)


i dno.. i personally would go something like:

Monday - DLRVJ, sprints, heavy squats (1 or 2 top sets), heavy lower leg assistance (BSS OR DL OR step-ups), bodyweight pullups/pushups(or dips) superset, jump-rope

Tuesday - LISS/easy tempo/jump rope

Wednesday - rest

Thursday - ankle hops (however many), DLRVJ, jump squats, heavy upper (seated row/bench whatever, or weighted chins/bench etc, 2-4 exercises with equal push/pull), bodyweight glute stuff, jump-rope or LISS

Friday -  rest

Saturday - practice

Sunday - ankle hops (2x5), SVJ, box jumps, core

so, using your ideas with this setup, you get:
- two rest days
- the same amount of conditioning, but 2 of the conditioning sessions could be at the end of the lifting days (mon/thurs)
- an rested sprint day on monday, before lower body, which ive never seen effect it negatively, instead its usually the opposite
- two lifting sessions instead of one (lower heavy = monday, upper heavy = thurs), but both of those days still have lower/upper work, such as bodyweight exercises for what is not being emphasized

i dno, took me a little bit of time to come up with that because of what you said about sunday, seems like you can't make it to the gym easily on that day so ..

i dno, that's what i'd do.. with your setup i'd want more lifting to maintain that cns stimulus, and less emphasis on a reactive session considering how your knee is.. you still get in reactive work with this but i just cut out dj's for now, could easily put them back in.

hehe peace
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2010, 10:19:40 am
Thanks dude! I think that actually looks pretty good, although it's going to mean a big fluctuation in workout duration. But that's not a big deal at all, now that I think of it. My thought with cutting back on strength stuff was that it comes so much more easily to me than the explosive/reactive stuff that I have a tendency to over-focus on it. It's more encouraging or I feel like I'm really working hard or something. Whereas with jumps I just see where I'm touching and cringe.

Your way looks better, though. I'm gonna give that a try starting tonight with some LISS.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on April 20, 2010, 04:56:32 pm
Thanks dude! I think that actually looks pretty good, although it's going to mean a big fluctuation in workout duration. But that's not a big deal at all, now that I think of it. My thought with cutting back on strength stuff was that it comes so much more easily to me than the explosive/reactive stuff that I have a tendency to over-focus on it. It's more encouraging or I feel like I'm really working hard or something. Whereas with jumps I just see where I'm touching and cringe.

Your way looks better, though. I'm gonna give that a try starting tonight with some LISS.

np man.. glad you liked it.

ya the workout duration will increase, but with that extra rest day, it works perfect.. plus those bodyweight circuits at the end can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes.. it's the conditioning at the end that will take the extra time but it's light stuff so it'll be fine.

i feel you on the jumps thing, but somehow you have to kill that "cringe" reaction.. just jump hard, get intense, fuck those negative thoughts.. sometimes it's hard to do that, for sure, can't always stay 100% focused, but if it's happening nearly every time that's not good.. think of it more of like lifting instead of jumping.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2010, 08:56:12 pm
jog @easy-moderate pace x3.5 miles, ~27-28 minutes

Cool down

quick foam roll of IT bands and VMO

Trying to find the right pace after years and years of not running consistently is hard. This run felt pretty good although my pace was a little inconsistent. I think I'll stick to doing one run like this a week, adding a half mile every three or four weeks. See how that goes for a while.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2010, 10:28:37 pm
Warm up
jump rope 30/30 x5mins
glute bridge 2x15x3s

low-box ankle hops 3x20
DLRVJ x30ish -- very inconsistent but a couple of the jumps were decent
jump squat 2x95, 95, 95, 95, 2x95 -- 30s rest between sets
bench 3x5x185
DB rows 3x10x60
GHR x5 -- I'm doing these wrong

row 30/30 x10, setting 7, avg. 1:38/500m -- hard

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2010, 06:41:49 pm
Workout today: Tryouts. Two hours of drills and scrimmaging. Really fun.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2010, 06:21:11 pm
After tryouts on Saturday, a couple of the guys and I got in a big triangle (40-80 yards on a side...we were running around) and just practiced hucks for half an hour. Completing a big huck (aka a deep throw to a receiver cutting away from you towards the end zone) is pretty much the best feeling ever in ultimate, other than skying somebody or laying out past somebody for a big D. But my form is garbage after the winter so my throws were all over the place and my elbow hurt like shit yesterday. Haha, oh well, worth it. I'll get my groove back by summer, elbow shouldn't be a problem.

Couldn't work out yesterday so I'm gonna just push everything back a day for this week.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2010, 10:56:11 pm
Warm up
air squats

ankle hops 3x10
glute bridge 2x15x3s
SVJ 2x5
core circuit xouch

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 27, 2010, 10:05:27 pm
Work ran long today (and will the rest of the week...and weekend...oof). So didn't get to sprint as I'd planned with one of my teammates. Pissed about that. Also, felt super unreactive.

Warm up

ankle hops to low box 3x10
DLRVJ x~15 -- maybe one or two of these were okay; the rest felt like shit. Worth noting that the only one I can remember being good is one where I got pissed and just attacked the thingy I jump up to.
squat jump 3x3x95 -- yikes
squat 6x1x295 w/20-30s rest -- felt great
BSS 3x8/legx110 -- ouch
superset x3

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: lamp on April 27, 2010, 10:53:15 pm
you are strong :)

when you do vert in training do you measure it?

If not, I suggest starting, it makes it easier to track progress and at least for me sets a clear goal as an incentive.

Are you in college?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2010, 08:29:40 am
you are strong :)

Thanks mang. I think I'm one of the stronger people on the forum at the moment just in terms of weight, but that's small comfort cause pretty much everyone can jump, or at least reach, higher than I can. Oh well...

when you do vert in training do you measure it?

If not, I suggest starting, it makes it easier to track progress and at least for me sets a clear goal as an incentive.

Sort of, but we don't have a vertec at my gym and it's hard to measure running or approach jumps with a vert mat. Plus the manager keeps forgetting to bring the mat back from the other branch of my (small) gym. There's a strap hanging down from the ceiling with a kind of buckle on the end that's around rim height, although I'm not sure exactly how high. I jump to that, so I see how I'm doing mostly by how much above the buckle I can get my fingers. But you're right, it would be awesome to be able to measure every time. If anyone knows of a gym or place in DC that has a vertec, let me know.

Are you in college?

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 29, 2010, 11:28:08 am
Food poisoning yesterday = no workout yesterday or probably today.  >:( Diarrhea started around 6:30, puking around 8:30. In all I think I made 12-15 trips to the porcelain throne including six or seven times getting up in the night. I'm sort of okay now, but very dehydrated. And all I've eaten and kept down in the past 22 hours is a piece and a half of toast and some orange juice. Oh and a couple of saltines.

Also, I have epic DOMS in my glutes. From the BSS, I'm pretty sure. I think the food poisoning probably didn't help with this.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on April 29, 2010, 11:36:48 am
Food poisoning yesterday = no workout yesterday or probably today.  >:( Diarrhea started around 6:30, puking around 8:30. In all I think I made 12-15 trips to the porcelain throne including six or seven times getting up in the night. I'm sort of okay now, but very dehydrated. And all I've eaten and kept down in the past 22 hours is a piece and a half of toast and some orange juice. Oh and a couple of saltines.

Also, I have epic DOMS in my glutes. From the BSS, I'm pretty sure. I think the food poisoning probably didn't help with this.

Damn , sux! Heal soon man...
Had it earlier this year , couldn't believe my dehydration level!
If its any encouraging , i had an amazing workout 2 days after it! LOL
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on April 29, 2010, 01:34:30 pm
Food poisoning yesterday = no workout yesterday or probably today.  >:( Diarrhea started around 6:30, puking around 8:30. In all I think I made 12-15 trips to the porcelain throne including six or seven times getting up in the night. I'm sort of okay now, but very dehydrated. And all I've eaten and kept down in the past 22 hours is a piece and a half of toast and some orange juice. Oh and a couple of saltines.

Also, I have epic DOMS in my glutes. From the BSS, I'm pretty sure. I think the food poisoning probably didn't help with this.

damn that sucks.. what gave you the poisoning, any idea?

btw when you are feeling better check pm hehe!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on April 29, 2010, 02:36:19 pm
Food poisoning yesterday = no workout yesterday or probably today.  >:( Diarrhea started around 6:30, puking around 8:30. In all I think I made 12-15 trips to the porcelain throne including six or seven times getting up in the night. I'm sort of okay now, but very dehydrated. And all I've eaten and kept down in the past 22 hours is a piece and a half of toast and some orange juice. Oh and a couple of saltines.

Also, I have epic DOMS in my glutes. From the BSS, I'm pretty sure. I think the food poisoning probably didn't help with this.

damn that sucks.. what gave you the poisoning, any idea?

btw when you are feeling better check pm hehe!

pesto at this restaurant near my office. my coworker and i both ate it, we both got sick. the other person we were with had something else and is fine. gonna go try to get our money back tomorrow.

saw your pm but what little brainpower i have at the moment is devoted to work. :P i'll give it a good look later on. thanks.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2010, 08:13:45 pm
Worked late on Friday and all day Saturday, so no workouts cause I was freaking tired.  :-[


jog @easy-moderate pace x 30-32 mins, bit more than 4 miles
supersets x2 of
pushups x25, crunches x50
arm raises x15, rear leg raises x10

Cool down

It's humid as shit here today, and by accident I ended up running up a pretty long and steep hill at one point, so my HR was not as low as it should have been. But that's okay. Felt good to get out and get some exercise. I hadn't since I got sick last week!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2010, 09:28:20 pm
Well, shit. I just got home from work. It's 9:25 and the gym closes at 10. It sucks because I have energy and WANT to work out but can't really do it right now without completely fucking my sleep up. On the plus side, my life is gonna get easier when I get back from my trip and my boss gave me permission today to take it a little easy this week because I worked both days over the weekend and have put in a bunch of 12+ hour days. So gym every day for the rest of the week (until I leave on Friday)...yes.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on May 03, 2010, 10:52:21 pm
Well, shit. I just got home from work. It's 9:25 and the gym closes at 10. It sucks because I have energy and WANT to work out but can't really do it right now without completely fucking my sleep up. On the plus side, my life is gonna get easier when I get back from my trip and my boss gave me permission today to take it a little easy this week because I worked both days over the weekend and have put in a bunch of 12+ hour days. So gym every day for the rest of the week (until I leave on Friday)...yes.

sux about gym tonight but cool about rest of the week..

god you are going to see some hardcore people in AFG, rugged cia/special forces peeps.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: bball2020 on May 03, 2010, 11:37:11 pm
what type of business are you in?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 04, 2010, 10:42:20 am
what type of business are you in?

International humanitarian assistance and health. (Other development work, too, but I don't care as much about that. But I'm young so I have to do whatever my bosses want). Still trying to figure out if I'm in this field for the long haul but for the time being I love my job despite the long hours and shitty pay. And any way you slice it, it's great experience. ( (
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 04, 2010, 09:20:01 pm
Finally had a good, full workout tonight. Gym was jammed and basketball courts all taken outdoors, so I found a tree on a side street with some leaves hanging down around 9'8" or something and jumped to those. Pretty ghetto, haha. Also the sidewalk wasn't exactly flat. Whatever.

DLRVJ x~35
ankle hops to low box 2x10 - felt pretty dead
REA squat 4x3x95
MSEM squat 2x2x300
BSS 3x5x70 (2x35#), jumping on each rep
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on May 04, 2010, 09:26:31 pm
Finally had a good, full workout tonight. Gym was jammed and basketball courts all taken outdoors, so I found a tree on a side street with some leaves hanging down around 9'8" or something and jumped to those. Pretty ghetto, haha. Also the sidewalk wasn't exactly flat. Whatever.

DLRVJ x~35
ankle hops to low box 2x10 - felt pretty dead
REA squat 4x3x95
MSEM squat 2x2x300
BSS 3x5x70 (2x35#), jumping on each rep

haha nice, i remember some and1 dude doing jumps to a tree branch and pullups on a branch, in an and1 streetball episode.. 'spider' im pretty sure it was.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2010, 08:41:22 pm
Such a beautiful day, and I got out of work early  ;D ;D ;D

Warm up
10m sprints @50% x4
varsity warm up
20 m sprints

tempo run, 16-17s/100m pace
superset x3

Cool down

Then played catch for half an hour with a couple of folks who happened to be finishing up their run about the same time I was. Nothing fancy at all, just backhands and forehands. My backhand felt weird, like there was a hitch in it that wasn't there before. Could have been cause I was wearing FiveFingers and planting/pivoting on the left toe is, um, harder than in cleats. Still, was good to throw around.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 07, 2010, 10:00:15 am
Last night, with a teammate:

Warm up
varsity warm up

falling starts 4x10y
pushup starts 4x20y
seated reverse starts 2x20y
4x20y @90-95%
4x40y @90-95%
20-40-60 ladder started cause my friend wanted to, then he pulled his hamstring, so we stopped. My motivation kind of died after that, I felt so bad for him. He's had so many problems with that leg (two knee surgeries...he's got a piece of cadaver in there for a tendon!). Now it's gonna be another 3-4 weeks before he can start playing again. Shit.

Cool down


Not likely to work out today cause I have a bunch of work and haven't even started packing yet :o
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2010, 01:13:15 pm
Back from Afghanistan, that is. Wasn't exactly able to exercise with much regularity, but did get a few things in here and there. See below:

 Exercise while in Afghanistan
Monday, 5/10

    * morning
          o a few squats, pushups, SVJs
            mobility stuff
          o joint circles

Tuesday, 5/11

    * morning
          o 21-15-9 of bw squats, pushups, crunches (x2): 3:13
          o stretch
    *  evening
          o warm up: jog x a bit + mobility
          o SVJ 2x5
          o jump squats 3x3x88
          o squats 3x10x198
          o superset x3: pushups x15, pullups x7
          o jog x30 mins
          o stretch


May 12-14 (Faizabad and Ishkashim)


Joint circles, some mobility, stretching, morning and evening. Oh, and climbing a few hills here and there at 8250-10,000 feet, which does get the heart going a bit, but none of them was long enough to be considered any kind of work. Climbing hills was about the only time I noticed the altitude.


May 15 (Faizabad)


Joint circles and stretching in the morning. Then, in the afternoon:


Jump-rope hops 30/30x5

Glute activation x4”

Superset x4

    * Squat x25
    * Dive bomber pushup x10

Jumping jacks 60/30x4

Stretch x10”


Jump rope hops are just imitating jumping rope, without the rope. This was just to get my heart rate up for a little bit (~20” plus the 10” of stretching). The ceiling in my room is way too low to do any kind of actual jumps. I’ve hit my head enough on the door to the bathroom, which is like five feet high, enough for one trip.


May 16 (Faizabad and Kabul)


Joint circles and stretching in the morning. Need to go find 7-day vertical jump cure, can’t freaking log on to adarq to get the info…

May 17 (Kabul)


Did nothing in the morning. Too rushed cause I was talking with my parents for the first time since I got here. Need to do some work (including upper body!) tonight.


May 18


Jumping jacks 60/30 x3



SVJ 2x5

Jump squat 3x3x88

Pushups 4x20

Plate rows 4x10x44

Squats 2x10x198


Jumping jacks 60/30 x10

Stretch x10”
May 19
Morning: joint circles, a few squats, CMJs 3x5, stretching
incline walk/jog x10min
CMJ 2x4
jump squat 2x3x88
triset x3 of
leg press x10
pushups x20
chinups/pullups x6
upper body is weeeeak. I'm going to need to spend some time when I get home just building work capacity up.
Jog x10 mins
superset x2 of
squat x10x185
inv row x10
jog x20 mins
Jog x20 mins
core circuit x3
Russian twists x10,
leg lowers x10
prone leg raises x10
stretch a bit more
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2010, 01:23:02 pm
Anyway, I'm jet lagged as balls today and don't sleep well on planes, so I'm going to take a couple of days to readjust, then probably do a couple of weeks of pretty submax stuff just to get my work capacity back up. More cardio than before, too, preferably in the form of extensive tempo runs and jumping rope. Then I'll start back in with the jumps/sprints + MSEM + some upper body, a la adarq.

BTW, Afghanistan was freaking awesome. I almost died last weekend. (Not joking. One of my colleagues was killed and the brother of another colleague was also killed.) Other than that, though, it was great and I would totally work there.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on May 24, 2010, 02:02:10 pm
Anyway, I'm jet lagged as balls today and don't sleep well on planes, so I'm going to take a couple of days to readjust, then probably do a couple of weeks of pretty submax stuff just to get my work capacity back up. More cardio than before, too, preferably in the form of extensive tempo runs and jumping rope. Then I'll start back in with the jumps/sprints + MSEM + some upper body, a la adarq.

nice that you got some workouts in man but.....

BTW, Afghanistan was freaking awesome. I almost died last weekend. (Not joking. One of my colleagues was killed and the brother of another colleague was also killed.) Other than that, though, it was great and I would totally work there.


damn man.. that's one of the craziest paragraphs ive ever seen on a forum.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on May 24, 2010, 02:15:08 pm

BTW, Afghanistan was freaking awesome. I almost died last weekend. (Not joking. One of my colleagues was killed and the brother of another colleague was also killed.) Other than that, though, it was great and I would totally work there.


damn man.. that's one of the craziest paragraphs ive ever seen on a forum.

WHAT THE FUCK?????? x 2 !!!

What part of being in high risk of getting killed is awesome?
Oh , unless you went balling in a court surrounded by talibans & snipers so you got some Level-7 50'' jumps! :D :P
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2010, 02:23:40 pm
Yeah, not cool. I was on this plane: ( 18 hours before it became a smoldering pile of twisted metal in the mountains north of Kabul. Not the same kind of plane, not the same airline, the same physical aircraft that is now in pieces. And I flew over the same spot where it crashed, in the same shitty weather (foggy as crap, couldn't see anything out the window), with the same pilot.

My colleagues, that pilot, and the 41 other people on the plane the next morning, weren't so lucky. They still haven't found any bodies but funerals were held last Friday as soon as they spotted the wreckage from the air (too mountainous/weather too bad to do a proper ground search yet, last I checked).

@vag: The high risk of getting killed part wasn't awesome, but most of the time I felt totally safe. The awesome part was the people out there and the work that we do. It's good fucking work and I'm really proud to be part of it. Also, the place I was flying to/from is absolutely, stunningly beautiful.

Closest I came to a level 7 was some explosions when I was up in the mountains, but it was just people blasting rock to use for construction. Still, I was ready to make like Usain Bolt for about two seconds until I figured out what was going on. The guys I was with (both Afghans) made so much fun of me for getting spooked. Afghanistan is a crazy place but 99.99% of the people are just trying to live their life and get by. Most of the people carrying AK-47s, even, and they are everywhere, are just trying to do their job, not hurt anybody.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on May 24, 2010, 02:25:39 pm

BTW, Afghanistan was freaking awesome. I almost died last weekend. (Not joking. One of my colleagues was killed and the brother of another colleague was also killed.) Other than that, though, it was great and I would totally work there.


damn man.. that's one of the craziest paragraphs ive ever seen on a forum.

WHAT THE FUCK?????? x 2 !!!

What part of being in high risk of getting killed is awesome?
Oh , unless you went balling in a court surrounded by talibans & snipers so you got some Level-7 50'' jumps! :D :P



that just sounds crazy though i mean fuck afghanistan is a dangerous place.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on May 24, 2010, 02:29:43 pm
Yeah, not cool. I was on this plane: ( 18 hours before it became a smoldering pile of twisted metal in the mountains north of Kabul. Not the same kind of plane, not the same airline, the same physical aircraft that is now in pieces. And I flew over the same spot where it crashed, in the same shitty weather (foggy as crap, couldn't see anything out the window), with the same pilot.

My colleagues, that pilot, and the 41 other people on the plane the next morning, weren't so lucky. They still haven't found any bodies but funerals were held last Friday as soon as they spotted the wreckage from the air (too mountainous/weather too bad to do a proper ground search yet, last I checked).

damn :/

@vag: The high risk of getting killed part wasn't awesome, but most of the time I felt totally safe. The awesome part was the people out there and the work that we do. It's good fucking work and I'm really proud to be part of it. Also, the place I was flying to/from is absolutely, stunningly beautiful.

Closest I came to a level 7 was some explosions when I was up in the mountains, but it was just people blasting rock to use for construction. Still, I was ready to make like Usain Bolt for about two seconds until I figured out what was going on. The guys I was with (both Afghans) made so much fun of me for getting spooked. Afghanistan is a crazy place but 99.99% of the people are just trying to live their life and get by. Most of the people carrying AK-47s, even, and they are everywhere, are just trying to do their job, not hurt anybody.

should have done some SVJ's :)

cool man glad everything else went well.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2010, 03:58:35 pm
Okay, here's my rough plan for work days for the next couple of weeks. 3x/week, starting the weights real light and trying to take pretty big jumps from workout to workout, just to get back in the groove. Will start with low volume on the jumps/sprints, too, and add as I go. Should take me through the first week of June. One outside day per week, two inside days. Off days will be either rest or light cardio + stretching. Oh, and practices on Saturday, as before.

warm up
low-box ankle hops OR skips if I'm outside
DLRVJ x a few, building as I go OR 20-40 yard sprints x a few if I'm outside
jump squat 3x3 OR hurdle hops if I'm outside
squats 3-5x3-5 OR a few more sprints if I'm outside
superset of bench 3-5x3-5 and rows 3-5x8-10 IF I'm inside
jump rope intervals OR tempo run if I'm outside
core circuit of some kind

My work capacity is garbage right now, time to get it up to a reasonable place.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Natho on May 24, 2010, 05:17:08 pm
good your back vag.........crazy what happened in long was the flight?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on May 24, 2010, 05:19:09 pm
good your back vag.........crazy what happened in long was the flight?

Here i am , who called me?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Natho on May 24, 2010, 05:22:04 pm
shhit fuckity shit...............LBSS my bad, my bad  ::)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 25, 2010, 10:41:30 am
Haha, here I was thinking you were calling me a vag  ;D

The flight was 13 hours to/from Dubai and 2.5 hours each way between Dubai and Kabul. Too god damn long to be on a plane.

Also, how did I miss that you touched 11-3? That's nuts!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Natho on May 25, 2010, 05:14:29 pm
Haha, here I was thinking you were calling me a vag 

The flight was 13 hours to/from Dubai and 2.5 hours each way between Dubai and Kabul. Too god damn long to be on a plane.

Also, how did I miss that you touched 11-3? That's nuts!

I cant imagine a flight that long, longest ive been on was a ~2 hour flight, and i got pretty sick, cant imagine how you feel.

Today im going to have off/dynamic and ill hopefully pr onn camera........
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2010, 11:57:52 am
Just signed up for summer league ultimate. Enough of the participants are regionals/nationals level (and even a worlds player here and there) to make things interesting, but my schedule for the summer changes a little bit. I can still make progress on my vert with the 1-2 games plus practice per week because the games are not super intense and usually there are plenty of subs so they shouldn't be too draining. Thinking medium-term, if I end up getting surgery in the fall (end of October?), that'll push me back even farther. But coming back from that I will focus on nothing other than rehab and then regaining whatever I have by then, then building from there. No ultimate for at least five or six months.

It's funny, I love ultimate but it's definitely postponing achieving my goal, which is kind of discouraging. Life, she is a bitch.

Here's what I think my weeks ought to look like starting the third week of June and going through the first week of August:

Sunday lower body: sprints + jumps + jump squats/heavy squats/light unilaterals + light conditioning (e.g. jump rope)
Monday upper body: bench/press/rows/pull-ups + core + light conditioning (e.g. jump rope)
Tuesday game
Wednesday lower body: jumps + jump squats/moderate squats
Thursday game
Friday rest
Saturday practice

A couple of those weeks will have tournaments on the weekend; in the case I'll just drop the Sunday workout, obviously. Starting today with the plan I set up the other day, I'll build my strength back up to a reasonable place and then the second week of August I'll do week of MSEM squats. And the third week of August will be spent at the beach, so that will be a rest week. Probably jog some, kayak some, play a bit of tennis, but nothing intense at all. When I get back, re-test.

Heavy will be 2-3x2-3; moderate will be 3-5x3-5 just to keep the groove, not pushing weights too much; light will be 2-3x8-10. Foam rolling most days, too, and joint circles in the morning. They feel good.

Also, I just got Lyle's new book Applied Nutrition for Mixed Sports. Super sweet. Time to renew my diet tracking to make sure I'm getting enough protein and veggies. Calories usually take care of themselves, but I need to make sure I'm up over 170g of protein per day.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on May 26, 2010, 06:26:10 pm
Just signed up for summer league ultimate. Enough of the participants are regionals/nationals level (and even a worlds player here and there) to make things interesting, but my schedule for the summer changes a little bit. I can still make progress on my vert with the 1-2 games plus practice per week because the games are not super intense and usually there are plenty of subs so they shouldn't be too draining. Thinking medium-term, if I end up getting surgery in the fall (end of October?), that'll push me back even farther. But coming back from that I will focus on nothing other than rehab and then regaining whatever I have by then, then building from there. No ultimate for at least five or six months.

It's funny, I love ultimate but it's definitely postponing achieving my goal, which is kind of discouraging. Life, she is a bitch.

Here's what I think my weeks ought to look like starting the third week of June and going through the first week of August:

Sunday lower body: sprints + jumps + jump squats/heavy squats/light unilaterals + light conditioning (e.g. jump rope)
Monday upper body: bench/press/rows/pull-ups + core + light conditioning (e.g. jump rope)
Tuesday game
Wednesday lower body: jumps + jump squats/moderate squats
Thursday game
Friday rest
Saturday practice

A couple of those weeks will have tournaments on the weekend; in the case I'll just drop the Sunday workout, obviously. Starting today with the plan I set up the other day, I'll build my strength back up to a reasonable place and then the second week of August I'll do week of MSEM squats. And the third week of August will be spent at the beach, so that will be a rest week. Probably jog some, kayak some, play a bit of tennis, but nothing intense at all. When I get back, re-test.

Heavy will be 2-3x2-3; moderate will be 3-5x3-5 just to keep the groove, not pushing weights too much; light will be 2-3x8-10. Foam rolling most days, too, and joint circles in the morning. They feel good.

Also, I just got Lyle's new book Applied Nutrition for Mixed Sports. Super sweet. Time to renew my diet tracking to make sure I'm getting enough protein and veggies. Calories usually take care of themselves, but I need to make sure I'm up over 170g of protein per day.

cool man.. since the games aren't crazy intense, factoring in the subbing etc, would it be possible to do a workout after them? you could get some work done after the game, maybe an upper body workout or some unilateral lower body etc, which would allow you to get another rest day in on monday or wednesday..

just a thought...

an idea:

Sunday lower body: sprints + jumps + jump squats/heavy squats/light unilaterals + light conditioning (e.g. jump rope)
Monday rest
Tuesday game, upper body: bench/press/rows/pull-ups + core + light conditioning (e.g. jump rope)
Wednesday rest
Thursday game, lower body: jumps + jump squats/moderate squats
Friday rest
Saturday practice

don't know if thats feasible, just an idea, as you can tell I always like to advise you more rest given the knee issue, plus it's good for the cns.. those rest days could always consist of core/dynamic flexibility/prehab etc, even some very light conditioning.

peace man!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2010, 08:53:29 pm
Thanks for the thoughts. The problem with working out after games is that they're at night and not always conveniently located. It's definitely a thought, though. I'm a bit wary of not getting enough rest, too, although the knee has mostly felt very strong and did today. On thinking about it a bit more later today, I think another thing I'll do is just cut the lifting volume even more. So 2x3, 1x5, that kind of thing for squats, going heavy but not pushing super hard. Pretty much give up on big strength gains. All the volume on high-intensity days will be in sprints and jumps, and even that will be relatively low. I could do something like this, though, now that I think about it:

Sunday lower body: jumps + jump squats/heavy squats/light unilaterals + light conditioning (e.g. jump rope)
Monday upper body: bench/press/rows/pull-ups + core + light conditioning (e.g. jump rope)
Tuesday game
Wednesday rest
Thursday sprints + jumps + game
Friday rest
Saturday practice

Might have to involve me dipping out of work a little bit early on Thursdays but I think that can be arranged. Adds an extra rest day there.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2010, 08:56:34 pm
Also, made it to the gym today. Kept everything super easy, felt decent. Tried to record my squats but the idiot at the gym who volunteered to push record pushed it twice and the beginning and then again at the end. So I have footage of my getting under the bar and taking one step out, and then walking back to the camera after re-racking the bar. Haha.

Warm up
JR 30/30 x3

low box ankle hops 2x10
DLRVJ 2x5, 20s between reps, 3 mins between sets -- only the last two or three of these felt halfway decent
squat 3x5x225

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2010, 09:40:02 pm
Oh yeah, and here's my foot. The money shot is on the right, third bone down from the top.


Pre-arthritis FTW!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on May 26, 2010, 11:17:29 pm
Thanks for the thoughts. The problem with working out after games is that they're at night and not always conveniently located.


It's definitely a thought, though. I'm a bit wary of not getting enough rest, too, although the knee has mostly felt very strong and did today. On thinking about it a bit more later today, I think another thing I'll do is just cut the lifting volume even more. So 2x3, 1x5, that kind of thing for squats, going heavy but not pushing super hard. Pretty much give up on big strength gains. All the volume on high-intensity days will be in sprints and jumps, and even that will be relatively low. I could do something like this, though, now that I think about it:

Sunday lower body: jumps + jump squats/heavy squats/light unilaterals + light conditioning (e.g. jump rope)
Monday upper body: bench/press/rows/pull-ups + core + light conditioning (e.g. jump rope)
Tuesday game
Wednesday rest
Thursday sprints + jumps + game
Friday rest
Saturday practice

Might have to involve me dipping out of work a little bit early on Thursdays but I think that can be arranged. Adds an extra rest day there.

ya at least 2 rest days, that's better, i like it, only thing that sucks it's not 2x/week lower body lifting anymore, at least it's replaced by sprints/jumps though.

cool man, I like it better now.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2010, 09:19:29 am
adarq, I was looking at the plants thread again and noticed your comment about having the best plants when you were mixing in more plyo type work. What would you recommend throwing in in my case? For jumps I've really just been doing the low-box ankle hops and DLRVJ. Low depth jumps? DJ-to-box-jumps? Bounds of some kind?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2010, 09:04:56 pm
It was hot and humid today. Like July or August. Blech.

jog 30mins @ easy pace, HR ~148-152

Hips felt super tight at the beginning, took a while to get loose.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on May 27, 2010, 10:56:51 pm
adarq, I was looking at the plants thread again and noticed your comment about having the best plants when you were mixing in more plyo type work. What would you recommend throwing in in my case? For jumps I've really just been doing the low-box ankle hops and DLRVJ. Low depth jumps? DJ-to-box-jumps? Bounds of some kind?

well, for you, I would progress slowly on REA squats, that's one of my favorite exercises for vert/power etc.. can't go all out for a while on it, just have to make sure your knee is fine etc, so i'd start off at like 25-30% 1RM for 4x3-5.

low box dj's, 18", I don't even see the need to go above 18 right now, so i'd stick with that height for 3x5 and 2x10.

jump squats, at about 25% originally, working up to 35% over a period of weeks/months.. again, 4x3-5.

so say you're doing:

- DJ @ 2x10
- REA @ 4x3

- DJ @ 3x5
- JUMP SQUAT @ 4x3

something like that..

other than that, just staying consistent, avoiding injury, improving fitness, general strength work, and jumping/general movement (ultimate) will be fine... biggest key is avoiding injury and improving "fitness", you seem to get thrown off with some of these issues that arise, which I completely understand, I had plenty of setbacks (injuries) in my 2 year vert training.

I attribute most of that "reactiveness" to the REA's/dj's/jump squats I was doing during that period, for that vid you saw.. I was REALLY focusing on those 3 exercises, bigtime.. I remember everyone going "damn your plants look way different than previous videos of recent", and it really did.. I was transitioning very well from ecc to con, and my ankles felt so strong.

One other exercise I was doing then, which I don't really recommend, it's more of an experiment, is barbell stiff leg ankle hops for high volume. For example, I was doing 50-100 reps just bouncing nice and easy stiff legged, reflexive pop, seemed to be helping with the ankles for sure but it definitely was bugging my shoulders/back a little.

peace mang
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 28, 2010, 11:35:52 am
Word. So comparatively low-volume DLRVJs (three or four step approach), just to practice the movement, plus DJs and then REA squats and jump squats, alternating. See how it works for a couple of months and then adjust from there. Schedule will change once summer league ends, anyway.

Sunday would roughly be:

Warm up
sprints x 200-250 total yards
DLRVJ x 15-30 total reps (alternate with sprints; if they feel good, do more, if they feel sluggish, do fewer)
walk to gym
DJ ~2x10
REA squat ~4x3
squat (heavy) 5-6 total reps
BSS/step up (light) 20-25 total reps
jump rope x10-15 mins (start simple and add complexity as I get less shitty at it)

Monday would roughly be:

warm up
shoulder prehab
bench 3x5 OR press 3x5
rows 3x5-8 OR weighted pullups 3x5
jump rope x15-20 mins

If the Thursday game is at 7, the workout would roughly be:

warm up
sprints x100-200 total yards
DLRVJ x10-15 total reps
DJ 3x5

If the Thursday game is at 8:30, I can usually make it to the gym beforehand, so the workout would roughly be:

warm up
DLRVJ x15-30 total reps
DJ 3x5
jump squat ~4x3
light stretch
rest/travel to game/eat something

Tuesday's still just the game. Wednesday and Friday are still full rest or really light cardio days (like a long walk or easy jog), with one being a real full rest. We may end up doing team runs on Wednesdays. Saturday is still just practice. Of course, life gets in the way but, given my tendency to jump all over the place, the most important thing is to try to be as consistent as possible and just stick with the plan. In case you couldn't tell I like making plans, I just have a hard time sticking to them sometimes. I wonder how it was just my brother and not me that got diagnosed with ADD when we were little  ;)

Also, just found out that all our games this summer will be on turf fields. High five!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on May 28, 2010, 02:16:05 pm
Word. So comparatively low-volume DLRVJs (three or four step approach), just to practice the movement, plus DJs and then REA squats and jump squats, alternating. See how it works for a couple of months and then adjust from there. Schedule will change once summer league ends, anyway.

Sunday would roughly be:

Warm up
sprints x 200-250 total yards
DLRVJ x 15-30 total reps (alternate with sprints; if they feel good, do more, if they feel sluggish, do fewer)
walk to gym
DJ ~2x10
REA squat ~4x3
squat (heavy) 5-6 total reps
BSS/step up (light) 20-25 total reps
jump rope x10-15 mins (start simple and add complexity as I get less shitty at it)

Monday would roughly be:

warm up
shoulder prehab
bench 3x5 OR press 3x5
rows 3x5-8 OR weighted pullups 3x5
jump rope x15-20 mins

If the Thursday game is at 7, the workout would roughly be:

warm up
sprints x100-200 total yards
DLRVJ x10-15 total reps
DJ 3x5

If the Thursday game is at 8:30, I can usually make it to the gym beforehand, so the workout would roughly be:

warm up
DLRVJ x15-30 total reps
DJ 3x5
jump squat ~4x3
light stretch
rest/travel to game/eat something

Tuesday's still just the game. Wednesday and Friday are still full rest or really light cardio days (like a long walk or easy jog), with one being a real full rest. We may end up doing team runs on Wednesdays. Saturday is still just practice. Of course, life gets in the way but, given my tendency to jump all over the place, the most important thing is to try to be as consistent as possible and just stick with the plan. In case you couldn't tell I like making plans, I just have a hard time sticking to them sometimes. I wonder how it was just my brother and not me that got diagnosed with ADD when we were little  ;)

Also, just found out that all our games this summer will be on turf fields. High five!


"In case you couldn't tell I like making plans, I just have a hard time sticking to them sometimes. I wonder how it was just my brother and not me that got diagnosed with ADD when we were little  ;)"

true :F
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2010, 01:13:52 pm
Yesterday kept it really low volume. Still trying to get back in shape and considering that I've definitely made a couple of stupid pushing-the-weight-too-fast mistakes in the past, taking it slow now seems like a good idea.

Warm up

sprints x5x10m superset x2 with
depth jump x10
squat x5x255
BSS x10x80
JR 30/30 x5mins

foam roll x10mins
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on May 31, 2010, 05:20:42 pm
Took it niiiice and easy again today, then went to the pool :)

warm up
shoulder prehab

bench x5x155
BOR x8x135
JR 30/30 x6

foam roll
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 01, 2010, 09:28:18 pm
Hot as shit again today. Plus a long day at work. Still, energy was great and it took them cutting the lights at the field where I do tempo runs for me to stop. Coincidentally, the timing was awesome and they cut the lights just at the end of what I'd planned to do (like 20 seconds after I finished).

warm up
jog x.5mi
butt kickers, high knees, shuffles, carioca

2x5x100m @16-18s pace -- felt awesome, nice and easy

cool down

jog x.5mi
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 01, 2010, 09:47:17 pm
Hot as shit again today. Plus a long day at work. Still, energy was great and it took them cutting the lights at the field where I do tempo runs for me to stop. Coincidentally, the timing was awesome and they cut the lights just at the end of what I'd planned to do (like 20 seconds after I finished).

warm up
jog x.5mi
butt kickers, high knees, shuffles, carioca

2x5x100m @16-18s pace -- felt awesome, nice and easy

cool down

jog x.5mi

what time does the park close? most parks around here close at 10pm.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 01, 2010, 11:31:41 pm
It's a high school athletic field, so they only keep the lights on as long as someone or other has it booked (and pays for it). Tuesday nights (and Thursdays, I think) it's a local rugby club team that finishes practice around 8. Other nights there are adult-league soccer games and the lights are on longer.

EDIT: It's super convenient and really nice (turf), so I'm not in a hurry to find someplace else to do the tempos. If I'm ever out of work too late to run there, I can just do an easy fartlek or something.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2010, 09:08:03 pm
Slowly starting to pick things up. Soleuses (solei?) were a bit sore from yesterday.

warm up

low box ankle hops 2x10
two-step VJ x16, varying amounts of rest 10-60s
depth jump 2x5
jump squat 2x3x95
squat 5x265 -- sucked, will stick at this weight next time around to get form back in line. It wasn't even that heavy my form was just awful

cool down
foam roll
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2010, 12:28:59 am
Just got back from my brother's college graduation. He went to art school. Some craaaaazy kids up there. Instead of cap and gown, some guy my brother knows dressed up as a lucha libre wrestler. FUll on, serious costume, nothing half-assed about it. During the point when all the kids were getting their diplomas, instead of shaking the president's hand as he walked across the stage, this guy tackled him. Literally took the president down in front of hundreds of people.

Didn't really exercise much, ate some awesome food, drank a lot. Good weekend.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 07, 2010, 02:17:44 am
Just got back from my brother's college graduation. He went to art school. Some craaaaazy kids up there. Instead of cap and gown, some guy my brother knows dressed up as a lucha libre wrestler. FUll on, serious costume, nothing half-assed about it. During the point when all the kids were getting their diplomas, instead of shaking the president's hand as he walked across the stage, this guy tackled him. Literally took the president down in front of hundreds of people.

what the fuck? that could should have been tarred and feathered.

Didn't really exercise much, ate some awesome food, drank a lot. Good weekend.

nice :D
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2010, 10:12:41 am

what the fuck? that could should have been tarred and feathered.
Nah, it was awesome. The president is a giant douche bag and it's not like he got hurt. A+ for the lucha libre guy.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2010, 06:23:49 pm
Just got my club tournament calendar for the rest of the year:

June 26: One-day round-robin with DC area teams (8 of 'em). Informal, kind of just to see where everyone is at.

July 31-August 1: Full tournament in eastern Maryland. Still pretty informal but some teams from around the mid-Atlantic.

August 28-29: Chesapeake Open. Serious tournament, teams from all over the country. Seattle, Bay Area, Boston, Texas, Chicago, Montana, Atlanta, etc. We will get annihilated by a lot of the teams here but it's a good test.

September ??-?? (probably 18-19): Capitol Sectionals. I will light myself on fire if we don't make it out of our section (top X number of teams advance from Sectionals to Regionals; X varies from year to year). In fact, we should finish second or third in this tournament at worst. Our section was LOADED at the top last year but two of the top teams (including last year's national champs*) aren't gonna be there this year so it's a bit more open.

October ??-?? (probably 9-10): Mid-Atlantic Regionals. Goal is to place well (top 5), or, if we get decimated by injuries like last year, say fuck it, drink a lot and heckle teams we don't like. We're not good enough to make Nationals but that's not the point of the team, so no big deal. And if we catch fire and somehow beat teams that are built to easily handle fun-oriented teams like mine, well, we'll need new shorts and plane tickets.

Basically, one tournament a month between now and October. That's pretty good, not as many as I was expecting which means more useful training time. Tournaments are draining and always require at least a couple of days of pure recovery.

*Highlights of my season last year were two sick plays I made in our quick defeat to these guys at Sectionals. I'm an okay player and make good plays from time to time. But it feels so much better to do it against the best competition, even if you're getting blown out in the game.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 07, 2010, 08:36:25 pm
nice man sounds fun, if you light yourself on fire though make sure a fire extinguisher is nearby and you record it in high def.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2010, 08:45:09 pm
nice man sounds fun, if you light yourself on fire though make sure a fire extinguisher is nearby and you record it in high def.


It was too nice out to go to the gym today. Just a perfect evening. So I ran instead. Easy pace, little more than 4 miles, bout half an hour. Now I'm going to hydrate, stretch and foam roll. And eat.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2010, 11:07:24 pm
Damn, getting to be a lot of journals on here. Today:

Warm up
kind of quick cause I got to the gym before anyone was using the court and I wanted to take advantage

DLRVJ from 3+ steps, not so great. Need more practice on a rim. 3 step approaches were better than run-ups.
low-box ankle hops 2x10
jump squat 2x3x95
squat 5x265 -- felt way better than last time
superset x3 of pullups x5 and pushups x20

Cool down
foam roll
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2010, 12:28:20 am
Also, I finally got some vids. My reach is about 90", so I got around 30.5" on the two approach jumps. Pretty sad but what are you gonna do.

First a couple of three-step approaches (the full runups are embarrassingly awkward looking, I think I'll focus on three-step until it gets better, then worry about full speed) (

Then some ankle hops (

Then some jump squats (

Then, just for zginphil, some squats (yes, I know I'm good-morning-ing the last couple of reps) (

Thoughts would be appreciated.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 09, 2010, 01:58:00 am
Also, I finally got some vids. My reach is about 90", so I got around 30.5" on the two approach jumps. Pretty sad but what are you gonna do.

First a couple of three-step approaches (the full runups are embarrassingly awkward looking, I think I'll focus on three-step until it gets better, then worry about full speed) (

the biggest problem i see is that you are 'maintaining speed into the plant'.. you build most of your speed right in the beginning then coast into the plant.. it's got to be a smooth acceleration right into the plant.. the plant itself looks a bit interesting, your left ankle is really plantar flexed significantly, don't know if you should try staying back a little more as you plant to keep more of the weight on the mid-foot, not on the very end of the toe..

Then some ankle hops (

i don't really like those kind of ankle hops because it's hard to complete triple extension on each rep.. i mean if you look closely you are cutting it short, because you are flexing at the hip to bring the knees up.. i like stiff leg ankle hops in place where you really land completely locked out and then explode through the toes, stiff, so it becomes a true rebound.

Then some jump squats (

i'd drop the weight a little bit, the transition from ECC to CON (EIC) is mega-slow.. i always say 'go as low as you're going to go on your SVJ', which is actually what you're doing since you do go pretty low on your svj's... so the weight is just a bit too much at that depth.. basically the transitions from hips back into that double knee bend is just not happening fast at all, i'd drop weight on the jump squats and start also doing REA squats..

every time you do jump squats, warmup with some REA sets, that'll help wake everything up and give you some more pop at the bottom.. REA's don't even have to be heavy at this point either, that ADA is enough to kickstart the CNS.. try REA's before JS's and see how it effects the transition.

Then, just for zginphil, some squats (yes, I know I'm good-morning-ing the last couple of reps) (

Thoughts would be appreciated.

squats looked good!

peace man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2010, 09:10:12 am
Thanks adarq, good advice as usual.

Couple ?s:

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 09, 2010, 04:15:56 pm
Thanks adarq, good advice as usual.

Couple ?s:

  • I get that plantar flexion is less than ideal w/r/t the plant, but what do you mean by "staying back a little more"?
  • Makes sense about the ankle hops. I'll lose the box. Do you have a preference/recommendation for true stiff-leg hops vs. pogos or even tuck jumps?

as far as staying back, check this thread:

maybe it's just the angle of your jump but to me it seems like you're landing basically completely centered over your feet, like say how you would on a depth jump.. that's cool and all but if you were to stay back a bit, which would be an indication of more run up speed (since you're breaking yourself hardcore), you'd load up the quads alot more.

i mean that's just what it looks like to me.. it's hard for me to even screenshot the plant from that camera angle though.


basically, you're trying to squat the jump up it seems to me.. which is ok but you are not taking advantage of that forceful deceleration of the run up, which should give you a few more inches..

stiff leg ankle hops are my favorite of the three, for sure.. pogos & tuck jumps are on the same level for me, they both serve different purposes..

stiff leg ankle hops, depending on the intensity, can be done for:
- high intensity: sets of 5-8
- moderate intensity: sets of ~15-20
- low intensity: sets of ~20+

high intensity would be MAX effort while still staying completely stiff.. these are definitely hardcore.. low intensity would be just staying completely stiff and popping off the toes nice and smooth.

as far as pogos/tuck jumps, same kind of recommendations honestly.. pogos would be more of a jumping assistance while tuck jumps would be more of a sprinting assistance (hip flexor power).. i like both of those though too, in fact when i do like 40 MR tuck jumps in a row i am gasses as hell, tough exercise.

hope that helps! if you need more info be sure to ask!

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2010, 05:14:24 pm
thanks again, that does help. the bit in there about side planting (vs. straight squat planting, like i do) is good to keep in mind, but i guess there's no real way to practice it other than to get more explosive/reactive and just do it.

it might help me to come in more from the side and then try to jump facing the backboard, now that i think about it. if that makes sense.

also, overthinking kills me in so many ways. the one day, whenever it was, that i got a couple of knuckles above the rim (~32" jump), i was just attacking for those couple of jumps. the rest sucked as usual.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 09, 2010, 07:16:45 pm
thanks again, that does help. the bit in there about side planting (vs. straight squat planting, like i do) is good to keep in mind, but i guess there's no real way to practice it other than to get more explosive/reactive and just do it.


it might help me to come in more from the side and then try to jump facing the backboard, now that i think about it. if that makes sense.

definitely, the angle you come in at will have a major effect on the plant.. if you do come in from the side a bit more, i would imagine you would learn to turn into your jumps (which would have you really decelerating well).. so just throw a few in each jump session from 2-3 step run ups and see how you feel.. you want to accelerate all the way into the plant though.. look at your vid, you are decelerating into the plant.

also, overthinking kills me in so many ways. the one day, whenever it was, that i got a couple of knuckles above the rim (~32" jump), i was just attacking for those couple of jumps. the rest sucked as usual.

ya man that's killed me plenty of times.. it's hard to overcome when it's in your head, it can kill your entire jump session.. if i jump too frequently that stuff gets in my head.. i also jump with an ipod, it really helps.. when i was jumping very low a few months ago, like barely 10'2 touches etc, it was getting into my head, so to get it out i would focus mostly on practicing my jump shot/dribbling, then throwing in a few jumps every 5 minutes, it really helped..

letting doubt/negative thoughts creep in really is a killer, it can completely shut you down, i know 100% how you feel as it has happened to me alot, but you have to find some "workaround" in order to get those thoughts out of your head.. for me, that is:
- jumping less frequently (say every other day or every 4th day)
- doing alot more activity in between jumps, such as bball dribbling/shooting.. maybe for you it would be short sprints etc
- having alot of goals instead of just jumping, such as sprints/other movements, takes alot of the weight off of just improving vert

peace man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 09, 2010, 07:46:04 pm

also, overthinking kills me in so many ways. the one day, whenever it was, that i got a couple of knuckles above the rim (~32" jump), i was just attacking for those couple of jumps. the rest sucked as usual.

that attacking mindset is what you need, it probably had you accelerating more into your plant too etc.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2010, 09:42:36 pm
word. i need to get a hockey goal or something set up in the gym so i can practice throws in between jumps and whatever else. two birds, one stone.


warm up

ankle hops 2x10 (i'll post a vid in a couple of minutes)
bench 3x5x165
BOR 3x8x135 -- my back is going to be sore tomorrow
core circuit x3 of
front plank x30s
side plank L x30s
side plank R x30s
advanced glute bridge x10x3s hold

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2010, 10:42:11 pm
ankle hops: (

bench: (
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 09, 2010, 11:29:01 pm
ankle hops: (

bench: (

you were getting some nice bounce on those ankle hops, looked good! just always remember the cues before doing them:
- prior to landing, glutes and quads locked, toes up

eventually you can add some arm swing, but those ankle hops looked good.. make sure you're not leaning back when you get tired, happened on the 2nd half of the vid.

bench was great form.

peace man!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2010, 09:33:17 pm
So beautiful out today, not nearly as hot as it was supposed to be.

Warm up
feet drills
10m sprints
walking mobility stuff

3x4x100m @16-18s/35-45s with 75-85s between sets
core circuit x4 of
crunches x25
L crunches x15, 3x10
R crunches x15, 3x10
hypers x10

Cool down

Then there were some dudes from the top men's club team in the area doing a track workout. They finished right around the same time I did, so we ended up throwing around for about half an hour. Was originally just short-to-medium throws, but then the field emptied out so we ended up doing some longer stuff. Lots more sprinting and jumping. Not too much, but still, more intensity than I meant to do today. Whatever, it was worth it to throw around.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2010, 05:26:29 pm
Couldn't make it to the gym today and practice got moved to Sunday cause of the WC tomorrow :D so had to do a little quickie at home.

No warm up ( :-X don't tell anyone)

ankle hops 2x10
CMJ 2x5
BSS iso hold x60s each leg

foam roll
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2010, 05:40:49 pm
Yesterday (Saturday): rest/watch World Cup/drink


practice for a couple hours

Yay! It was hot as shit, though. But I played well and our team is looking a little more coherent since I last made it to a practice.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 14, 2010, 09:20:46 pm
Gonna be at a conference all week and ultimate starts tomorrow, so schedule might be a little weird.

Warm up
couple extra things for shoulders/torso

bench 3x5x175
DB row 3x8/armx60

Cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 15, 2010, 11:54:49 pm
Workout today

Summer league game 1:

Team seems really cool. Game was fun although pretty disorganized because everyone was still getting to know each other and whatnot. Plus the twin brother of the guy who runs the league is on my team and he sucks, just has horrible instincts and clogs the offense a lot. I played meh D, decent O. Need to improve my mark and also ability to lay out for D's. Scored a bunch of times (5?) on fast breaks which was pretty sweet. They turned the lights off on us with the game tied 15-15, next point wins  >:(

Also I turned my ankle juuuust a little bit so I sat out the last few points. Iced a bit, gonna take some acetaminophen and do nothing tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be okay on Thursday cause we don't have a game and I'd like to do some jumping.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 16, 2010, 12:18:11 am
They turned the lights off on us with the game tied 15-15, next point wins  >:(

lol that sux....

Also I turned my ankle juuuust a little bit so I sat out the last few points. Iced a bit, gonna take some acetaminophen and do nothing tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be okay on Thursday cause we don't have a game and I'd like to do some jumping.

that sux too!

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2010, 12:01:33 am
Yup and yup. Ankle felt a bit off this morning but is 95% now. Of course, I couldn't get off scot-free, so now my right knee is acting up. Hamstring insertion on the back/outside (posterior lateral?), same place as before but it's been okay for a while now. FML. More NSAIDs tonight and hopefully it'll be strong tomorrow.

Oh yeah, my workout today was...resting.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2010, 05:26:41 pm
Ankle feels okay although it gets stiff if it's still for too long. Hurt a bit this morning but was okay as soon as I started moving around.

Knee feels okay relaxed or in extension but flexing against resistance from about 30 degrees to about 90 degrees is still a bit uncomfortable. Not really pain, just doesn't feel like the left one does. Either way, gonna try a few jumps later and see how it does. Worse comes to worst I'll just jump rope and do upper body/core.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 19, 2010, 04:53:44 pm
It felt great going in, but I rolled my ankle at practice. Not serious but it hurts on flexion and eversion and is not normal. Now it's ice/NSAIDs/wrapping/rest.

Fuck. My. Life.

That is all.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 20, 2010, 01:55:30 am
It felt great going in, but I rolled my ankle at practice. Not serious but it hurts on flexion and eversion and is not normal. Now it's ice/NSAIDs/wrapping/rest.

Fuck. My. Life.

That is all.

dammit !

you might need to add in single leg RFI's when you're healthy, and do them 2-3x/week, those are pretty great for ankle stability.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 20, 2010, 06:44:32 pm
What are those?

Ankle is worse than I thought btw. Bit of swelling and still painful even 24+ hours later. I've been good about the treatment stuff, too. Shiiiiiiiit.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 20, 2010, 07:07:33 pm
What are those?

Ankle is worse than I thought btw. Bit of swelling and still painful even 24+ hours later. I've been good about the treatment stuff, too. Shiiiiiiiit.

the speed line hops, side to side or forward to back.

damn man that sucks :/ keep icing :/
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2010, 01:46:31 pm
Word, thanks man.

After taking a few days off, it's time to figure out how I'm going to work around this thing. It's still uncomfortable, but no pain except on extreme dorsiflexion/eversion and plantar flexion/inversion. Any recommendations for lower body exercises that don't involve the ankles?

In the meantime, I will continue to do upper body work and increase the focus on core strengthening. Once the ankle feels normal again: balancing, mobility/stretching, maybe some BSS iso holds, GHR, working in more compound/weighted stuff as it gets stronger. I will probably take a month off from ultimate.

Here we go again...
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 21, 2010, 06:39:38 pm
Word, thanks man.

After taking a few days off, it's time to figure out how I'm going to work around this thing. It's still uncomfortable, but no pain except on extreme dorsiflexion/eversion and plantar flexion/inversion. Any recommendations for lower body exercises that don't involve the ankles?

In the meantime, I will continue to do upper body work and increase the focus on core strengthening. Once the ankle feels normal again: balancing, mobility/stretching, maybe some BSS iso holds, GHR, working in more compound/weighted stuff as it gets stronger. I will probably take a month off from ultimate.

Here we go again...

gah.. what if you did half squat off pins/rdl/deadlift off pins or something like that? obviously not going max but just using a moderate load to keep your strength? that would allow you to avoid those extreme angles while still recruiting some considerable mass..

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2010, 08:03:38 pm
I'm gonna take a while to re-introduce loading but half squats/RDL's would probably be a good place to start once it feels okay again. Good tips though, wouldn't have thought to just reduce ROM. In other words, I'm dumb.   :D


warm up

circuit x3 of
pushups x20
crunches x40
L plank x30s
R plank x30s
leg lowers x10

cool down
full body stretch
foam roll upper legs
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 21, 2010, 08:09:48 pm
I'm gonna take a while to re-introduce loading but half squats/RDL's would probably be a good place to start once it feels okay again. Good tips though, wouldn't have thought to just reduce ROM. In other words, I'm dumb.   :D


i'll try to video tape you this double leg hamstring iso that you could probably do, it actually kills me it's good shit..

- lying down supine, put a small bend in both knees (very small), dorsi flex, squeeze glutes to extend hips off the ground a little..
- you'll be on your heels
- should really feel it in hamstrings, a small bit in low back but it goes away after, never had problems for it
- iso it for time.

You can do that same kind of thing with feet on say an 18" surface (chair) but legs completely locked, that's more of a double leg - stiff leg hip extension.. could rep those or iso it.

I'd imagine single/double leg glute bridges wouldn't feel to bad on the ankle..

And finally you have prone 90 degree glute..

So there you have 5 things:
- double leg hamstring iso
- double stiff leg hip extension (iso or rep out)
- double leg glute bridges (iso or rep out)
- single leg glute bridges (iso or rep out)
- prone glute (rep out)

hope that helps.. it's better than nothing.. could also probably do hamstring curls at the gym but i dno.



warm up

circuit x3 of
pushups x20
crunches x40
L plank x30s
R plank x30s
leg lowers x10

cool down
full body stretch
foam roll upper legs
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 24, 2010, 09:23:09 pm
warm up
foot warm up
mobility, shoulder focus

bench 2x5x180, 8x180
inv row 3x10

leg circuit x3 of
swiss ball hamstring curls x10
1/4 squat iso hold x60s
adv glute bridge x15x3s hold

core circuit x3 of
kneeling ab rollouts x10
leg lowers x10
side plank x30s/each

cool down
foam roll

Ankle feeling better but it's got a ways to go.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2010, 02:08:11 pm
warm up

jump rope ( ;D - felt okay!)
mobility stuff


bench 185 x5,5,6
inv row 3x12
BSS iso x60s/each

superset x2 of
calf raise x15 (this was pushing it a bit, will not do these next workout)
adv glute bridge x15x3s hold

cool down

foam roll
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2010, 05:37:12 pm
Gonna try to up the ante a bit with lower body stuff today, despite hamstring/knee acting up and ankle still not being all the way there. The BSS iso holds were too easy yesterday (amazingly, they've never been that easy before), so I'm going to try to add 10 pounds and see how that goes. Plus maybe try some GHRs and pull-throughs. Basically mess around and see what is hard but doesn't hurt.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2010, 07:52:06 pm
On second thought, warmed up a bit and tried some glute bridges and the hamstring whatever whatever was acting up even during that  ???  :(

So I wussed out and stopped. I'm gonna make a PT appointment tomorrow. I'm a mess. Fuck this shit.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 29, 2010, 12:21:21 am
On second thought, warmed up a bit and tried some glute bridges and the hamstring whatever whatever was acting up even during that  ???  :(

So I wussed out and stopped. I'm gonna make a PT appointment tomorrow. I'm a mess. Fuck this shit.

damn wtf?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2010, 10:33:59 am
like your user title hahaha. you like rosie o'donnell at a bisexual bridal showa.

that video is so funny.

yeah, i don't know what's going on with my legs, they're just a damn mess. left big toe will need surgery eventually, right ankle mildly sprained (again), right hamstring strained or irritated or whatever the hell it is... i'm debating for the first time whether to just take a break from ultimate. not just until my ankle is kind of healed but for a year or something. really focus on getting my legs healthy, getting my vert up, and getting fit. no decision one way or the other yet but the thought had not occurred to me before.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2010, 09:20:15 pm
It's 9:15 and I've been at work for 12 hours now. Looking like no workout today. Hamstring is feeling better, though, and I contacted the PT (although no appointment set yet).

All together now:

Every cloud has a
silver lining, a
silver lining, a
silver lining...
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on June 29, 2010, 10:08:42 pm
like your user title hahaha. you like rosie o'donnell at a bisexual bridal showa.

that video is so funny.

ya that vid is on GOAT status..

yeah, i don't know what's going on with my legs, they're just a damn mess. left big toe will need surgery eventually, right ankle mildly sprained (again), right hamstring strained or irritated or whatever the hell it is... i'm debating for the first time whether to just take a break from ultimate. not just until my ankle is kind of healed but for a year or something. really focus on getting my legs healthy, getting my vert up, and getting fit. no decision one way or the other yet but the thought had not occurred to me before.

ya man, dno, you definitely seem to really be getting injured alot lately.. taking a break from ultimate might be necessary.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2010, 10:37:05 pm
warm up
shot hoops for a bit (barefoot, but for some reason I was in a groove and couldn't miss)

bench 3x5x190 (last rep was shaky on second and third sets, will stay at this weight next workout)
DB row 3x8x60/ea
core circuit x3 of
ab wheel roll out x10
leg lower x10
hamstring curl on swiss ball x10

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2010, 04:42:11 pm
cont'd from vag's log

...Anyway, thinking about fencing practice, it's basically 90% technique work/drills and 10% bouts. There is no other conditioning, except some running. You get all the conditioning from some of the technique stuff (imagine iso-holding in a half squat while moving forwards and backwards while not moving your torso at all -- for 20 minutes), and they could care less if you do a pushup or lift a weight.*

Thinking about that now, I don't really know how it transfers to the way I train today. I definitely have no problem taking rest days; I get that they're important. And I love the weight room, probably a little too much. Honestly I should probably get back closer to the way I trained in middle school and high school: more technique, more frequently.

*At my MT session this morning, the lady started on my left leg and basically went top to bottom. And as soon as she moved from my left leg to my right  she commented that there's a lot more definition there and it's a log bigger than my left. After all these years, I'm still noticeably asymmetrical because of my fencing posture. The MT was awesome though, I made an appointment for next week. But shiiiiiiiiiiit it hurt. I think I'm gonna have a bruise on my left calf.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2010, 06:26:05 pm
Oh yeah, workout today: Getting fuuuuucked up by my manual therapist this morning. Might do some core work later and back to the gym tomorrow but my


warm up
some mobility stuff

core circuit x3 of
crunches x40
leg lowers x10
side plank x30s/ea
hypers x10,15,10

cool down
balancing with eyes closed x2x60s/ea
stretch, especially calves
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2010, 04:28:51 pm
Sick  >:( >:( >:( >:(. Good lord, next thing you know I'm gonna get hit by a car.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 03, 2010, 04:30:50 pm
Sick  >:( >:( >:( >:(. Good lord, next thing you know I'm gonna get hit by a car.


(sed syntax, string replacement)

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2010, 10:08:27 pm
Weak effort over the weekend by yours truly. Plus I tried to run on my ankle (not on purpose, to catch the fireworks!) and that didn't work out so well. It's okay but was buggin' a bit yesterday.


warm up
walked to gym, it was hot as balls outside
foam rolling x30-35 minutes -- oooouuuuuuuuch
shoulder mobility

bench 3x5x190 -- felt great
DB row 3x8x65/ea

core circuit x3 of
ab wheel rollouts x10
leg lowers x10
side plank x30s/ea

cool down

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2010, 11:55:11 am
Just cause I want to have access to it later, here's a tight thread on Charlie Francis' forum about training for soccer: ( Link is to page 7 cause it was about then that I realized that I'm gonna want to go back to this.

If anyone happens to read it, I corresponded briefly with duxx a few months back. He passed along an updated version of the paper he wrote on his soccer training philosophy. He seemed happy to share them freely, so I can pass them if anyone wants.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 07, 2010, 03:50:20 pm
Just cause I want to have access to it later, here's a tight thread on Charlie Francis' forum about training for soccer: ( Link is to page 7 cause it was about then that I realized that I'm gonna want to go back to this.

If anyone happens to read it, I corresponded briefly with duxx a few months back. He passed along an updated version of the paper he wrote on his soccer training philosophy. He seemed happy to share them freely, so I can pass them if anyone wants.

i'd love to check out his soccer paper, though i've never fully read that thread.. i've read bits and pieces. if you feel like passing it along! :D

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2010, 08:55:51 pm

warm up
foam roll x20-25 mins
joint circles


cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2010, 03:41:34 pm
More trigger point therapy tomorrow morning and also just made an appointment for conventional PT for next week on the recommendation of a teammate of mine who also has chronic ankle stuff. Apparently this dude is really good, so we'll see how that goes.

God damn it, I'll get healthy yet...
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2010, 02:22:09 pm
The therapist said I was tighter today than last week.  :(  I've been good all week about foam rolling and such, too.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 09, 2010, 04:51:04 pm
The therapist said I was tighter today than last week.  :(  I've been good all week about foam rolling and such, too.

wtf? heh..
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2010, 08:26:20 pm
I think it might just be that I was more, um, vocal today. Also she worked on my quads (VMO in particular), which is an especially bad area for me. Didn't hit those last week. Anyway...

warm up
shoulder/thoracic spine mobility

bench 3x5x195 (4th rep of each set sucked -- wobbly and lost focus and had to re-do on the final set)
DB row 3x8x70ea

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 10, 2010, 07:13:55 pm
warm up
shot hoops, went well
foam roll x20-25 mins
LB mobility

DL line hops forward and back x40, x10s (35)
trap bar DL 3x8x225
BSS x10xbw
BSS iso hold x60s

cool down

Lower back was pretty tired after DLs so I hedged my bets and just did the iso holds instead of loading up a bar for reps. This was pretty damn weak all the way around. So begins the long, Sisyphean climb back up the hill...

Oh yeah, and for the line hops, the first set I just did 20 over-and-back. The second set I did 10 seconds for touches. Got 35.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 11, 2010, 10:48:33 pm
yo lbss, this is just the general idea so far, no sets/reps yet because of course we'll probably have to tweak it.. but the idea will be to really focus more on the movement sessions than lifting, but we're still getting our strength work in.. there will actually be much more drills included, in the movement sessions, not per session, but over the course of multiple sessions to throw in lots of variety, you know?

if we started to implement this rather soon, then all of the drills in the movement sessions could be done submax etc.. those sessions are not intended to be max effort anyway, UNLESS you are feeling great and of course are 100% healthy.. initially they are to be performed at say 70-80%, to just get the work in and adapt slowly.. so for 5-10-5, initially it's not done at 100%, we'd focus on 70-80% and make sure that you are using better mechanics during say, the line touches and change of direction.. this way we'll get the body ready for those kinds of cuts, using position and submax work.

we'd phase in volume etc and all that, so ya keep in mind this is just very general outline of how it would look.. ideally you'd be able to eventually get in 4 movement sessions per week and 2 lifting, beast mode :D at that point you'd be able to handle ultimate or any sport a hell of alot better than you currently can, so that's what we're shooting for.. 2-3 months of this massive GPP.

- Get in shape/strong dynamically using a variety of movements, to help prevent future injury & improve work capacity.
- Primarily improve work capacity and ability to withstand a variety of dynamic movements. Secondary, improve strength.

- MOVEMENT TRAINING can precede STRENGTH TRAINING, or they can be done on separate days.

- Monday: movement-training=session-1=45min, strength-training=session-1=45min
- Tuesday: rest
- Wednesday: movement-training=session-2=45min, strength-training=session-2=45min
- Thursday: rest
- Friday: repeat with monday or another rest day etc..

- Sunday: movement-training=session-1
- Monday: strength-training=session-1
- Tuesday: rest
- Wednesday: movement-training=session-2
- Thursday: rest
- Friday: strength-training=session-2
- Saturday: rest

I'd go with the first example, trying to fit in 3 movement-training days per week and 2 strength days, so, something like this:
- Sunday: movement-training=session-1=45min, strength-training=session-1=45min
- Monday: rest
- Tuesday: movement-training-session-2
- Wednesday: rest
- Thursday: Movement-training=session-1=45min, strength-training=session-2=45min
- Friday: rest
- Saturday: Movement-training=session-2
- ...


Session 1: sprint emphasis, lateral emphasis
-- C1: 5-10-5:

Session 2: jump emphasis (to be done in that basketball gym you train in)
- JUMPS: as many as wanted


Session 1: weighted upper body + full bodyweight circuit
- WARMUP (if not done directly after session 1)
-- C1: bodyweight reverse lunge (or if toe is messed, BSS/elevated stepup thing, ill vid you)
-- C1: pullups or chinups
-- C1: single leg buck (hamstrings)
-- C1: pushups
-- C1: double leg hip extension
-- C1-rest= C1-sets=

Session 2: weighted lower body + full bodyweight circuit
- WARMUP (if not done directly after session 1)
- BSS:
-- C1: pullups or chinups
-- C1: single leg buck (hamstrings)
-- C1: pushups
-- C1: double leg hip extension
-- C1-rest= C1-sets=

Don't freak out about those circuits, they will be tough but won't take so long.. pretty much a finisher to really just target alot of muscle groups.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2010, 09:45:27 am
Looks excellent. Couple of questions:

What's a single leg buck?
Would light cardio (e.g. brisk walking, C2, stationary bike at first, longer extensive tempo/light jogging as ankle improves) be okay on some, not all, rest days?
Also, what are all of these:

-- C1: 5-10-5:

Thanks again.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2010, 12:23:25 pm
Strong DOMS today in hamstrings and somewhat in low back (only when I extend past normal posture). Thank you, trap bar. Good sign, though.

Diet over the weekend sucked, especially yesterday. On a related but ultimately boring and whiny note, sometimes I hate having a roommate.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2010, 07:08:16 pm
Another question: What about specific core work?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 12, 2010, 07:18:57 pm
Looks excellent. Couple of questions:

What's a single leg buck?

i'll make you vids of all this stuff.. it's basically a hamstring isolation exercise.. picture a single leg glute bridge, except, ur mid-foot is on some 18" box (edge), so it's like an elevated glute bridge.. it's a very nice exercise.

Would light cardio (e.g. brisk walking, C2, stationary bike at first, longer extensive tempo/light jogging as ankle improves) be okay on some, not all, rest days?

yup, it definitely would.. i'd pick walking over most anything right now.. it would allow you to recover alot more on those rest days.. put some classical on your ipod and just walk 4mph for 1-2 hours lool :D so relaxing.

Also, what are all of these:

-- C1: 5-10-5:

Thanks again.

i'll drop you a vid on wednesday, can't film tomorrow.. if it's not raining i'll do a quick vid of basically everything in the complexes for those movement days, and the single leg buck/glute/hip extension stuff.


Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2010, 10:19:38 pm
Today sucked, I'm pretty sure because:
Diet over the weekend sucked, especially yesterday.

Anyway, blah blah blah I barely want to write this down but:

warm up
foam roll x10 mins (ITB, VMO, peroneals)

bench 3x195 SHIT, 2x5x185
DB row 3x8x70

cool down

Better luck next time.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2010, 02:39:09 pm
Saw real PT this morning. He said 3-6 weeks before I can play again, depending on how recovery progresses. Prohibited from doing any jumps or hops, even linear DL RFIs. This sucks. But the guy really, really seems to know his shit and I'm sick of getting hurt so I'm gonna stick with it for a while. The last time I sprained it badly (two years back) the PT's I saw sucked so I stopped going. That probably wasn't such a great idea in the long run.

Good news is, anything that doesn't hurt or compromise stability too much (no BB step ups) is basically alright. So trap bar DL, iso holds of all sorts, etc. can be done.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 14, 2010, 03:15:08 pm
Saw real PT this morning. He said 3-6 weeks before I can play again, depending on how recovery progresses. Prohibited from doing any jumps or hops, even linear DL RFIs. This sucks. But the guy really, really seems to know his shit and I'm sick of getting hurt so I'm gonna stick with it for a while. The last time I sprained it badly (two years back) the PT's I saw sucked so I stopped going. That probably wasn't such a great idea in the long run.

Good news is, anything that doesn't hurt or compromise stability too much (no BB step ups) is basically alright. So trap bar DL, iso holds of all sorts, etc. can be done.

ok cool! once you get this issue sorted then some fun training will begin :)

can you do anything in a pool in the meantime? could do some sprints in there/high knee cardio/swimming?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2010, 09:10:37 pm
Word. Can't do pool stuff, cause no regular pool access. I'll see what the PT says next week about movement. Tonight:

warm up
foam roll x20 mins
incline walk x7 mins @ 7.0 degree slope and 4.0 mph

trap bar DL 3x8x238
BSS iso hold x60s/ea
bw circuit x3
--neutral chin up x10, 10, 6 FAIL
--push up x20
--adv glute thrust x10x3s hold
--leg lower x10 (I am getting beast at these, legs almost straight and almost to the ground and no back movement)

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: zgin on July 14, 2010, 09:18:43 pm
u wud save so much energy if u just put lyle mcd and aragon links into ur sig.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2010, 11:13:43 pm
u wud save so much energy if u just put lyle mcd and aragon links into ur sig.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2010, 10:50:04 am
Last night: aimless shit.

foam roll x20mins
ankle rehab:
--calf raise on box 2x15x5s hold at the top
--calf stretch 2x15s/ea
--soleus stretch 2x15s/ea
--plantar flexors stretch x15s/ea

row x5mins @easy pace
incline walking x10mins @ easy pace (how can walking not be easy?) 9.0 incline, 4.2 mph
christ indoor cardio is boring

shoot hoops x15-20mins, was on fire for a while and even made a half court shot, first try.  ;D No glass, nothing but net (well, and back rim).


I'm gonna bring a book next time for the incline walking to see if I can push it a little bit longer. It's boring as crap but my HR did get up to 131 or so, which is just at the bottom of needing to breathe above normal for me. Plus my ankle felt okay on the rows, so that's good news. Mostly I was just looking at different ways to get my HR up a bit without running. Meant to do core but got lazy
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2010, 09:59:52 pm
Tonight. Major DOMS in lats.

warm up
shoot hoops

calf raises on box 2x15x5s hold at top
bench 5x135, 5x155, 9x175 -- could have done at least one or two more reps but no spotter
BB BOR 3x8x135
bw circuit x3
--swiss ball ham curl x15, 20, 20
--ab wheel rollouts x10, 10, 10
--leg lowers x10, 10, 10
--BSS iso hold x60s/ea -- OW

cool down

shoot hoops
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 16, 2010, 10:04:28 pm
Tonight. Major DOMS in lats.

warm up
shoot hoops

calf raises on box 2x15x5s hold at top
bench 5x135, 5x155, 9x175 -- could have done at least one or two more reps but no spotter
BB BOR 3x8x135
bw circuit x3
--swiss ball ham curl x15, 20, 20
--ab wheel rollouts x10, 10, 10
--leg lowers x10, 10, 10
--BSS iso hold x60s/ea -- OW

cool down

shoot hoops

nice workout, how'd that bw circuit go?

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2010, 01:53:32 am
Thanks dude, it felt nice. Can turn everything up a notch on those except the BSS isos. Holy shit man, I was breathing so hard by the end of that shit. My legs were on fiiiiiiiire.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2010, 02:14:18 pm
Yesterday: Walked around a whole bunch.

Today: ankle rehab circuit* plus a bunch more walking around and PIGGING THE FUCK OUT on delicious food.  ;D

*For the record, the ankle rehab circuit goes like this (x2):
--calf raises x15x5s hold at top
--soleus stretch x15s/ea
--calf stretch x15s/ea

then toe/plantar flexor stretch x60s/ea
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2010, 09:39:41 am
Ahem, ahem. Ladies and gentlemen (well, gentlemen), I would like to take this occasion to bring y'all's attention to the fact that I am now a Hero Member.

A thank ya, a thankyaverymuzh.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 19, 2010, 05:11:27 pm
Ahem, ahem. Ladies and gentlemen (well, gentlemen), I would like to take this occasion to bring y'all's attention to the fact that I am now a Hero Member.

A thank ya, a thankyaverymuzh.

how do i downgrade your status? been trying to find out for hours but i can't fig it out! dammit.

you have been a hero in our hearts since day one, fyi.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2010, 09:43:03 pm
warm up
shoot hoops -- had the stroke, everything was falling
foam roll x15-20mins

ankle rehab circuit

trap bar DL 3x8x250
BSS 2x10x50 -- too easy
circuit x3
--chin ups x10, pull ups x5, chin ups x5 -- pussy
--pull throughs x10x70, 100, 100
--push ups x20
--sit ups x50
side plank x30s/ea

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 19, 2010, 10:19:27 pm
warm up
shoot hoops -- had the stroke, everything was falling
foam roll x15-20mins

ankle rehab circuit

trap bar DL 3x8x250
BSS 2x10x50 -- too easy
circuit x3
--chin ups x10, pull ups x5, chin ups x5 -- pussy
--pull throughs x10x70, 100, 100
--push ups x20
--sit ups x50
side plank x30s/ea

cool down

damn gotta get those chinups up!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2010, 10:26:53 pm
I had no energy and high-rep chins were the most taxing part of the workout in terms of mental focus. Gotta just make sure I get something else to eat in the afternoon so I'm not dying after the main part of the workout.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: zgin on July 19, 2010, 10:33:26 pm
come on lyle. i mean alan, er i mean lbss  ;)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2010, 03:52:06 pm
LOL, thanks zgin.

Meant to post this yesterday so I can reference it later.

Report on first full session of PT: Got there, they threw a heat pack around my ankle and let it sit for about ten minutes. Then the PT did some massage and manipulation of the foot and knee. Then she took me through some assisted stretches for each leg. She's a student (main guy was working with other patients but had an eye on, like last time) so I'm not sure she was doing the stretches exactly right. Then she had me do band-resisted exercises for dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion and eversion. Then sitting up and picking up little stones with my toes and putting them in a bucket. Then moving a rolled towel across the floor by grabbing with my toes and moving them in without shifting my heel -- not sure I was doing this right and, again, not sure she knew enough to correct me. But that's okay.

Then bosu squats while shaking a Body Blade, set of 20. Then throwing a heavy ball against the angled trampoline while standing on each foot, 20 normal then 20 taking the ball back over my shoulder before throwing it. Then band around the upper part of the knees, spreading knees out while keeping feet together. Sets of 20 with a 5 second hold, first on my back and then on each side. These sucked, particularly lying on my left side, i.e. using my right glute. Then sideways band walks, 2 sets of down-and-back. Then prone hamstring curls, which I've been doing on my own.

Then 15 minutes of electrostim with my foot wrapped in an ice pack.

Then done.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2010, 09:30:55 pm
warm up
shoot hoops -- sucked ass, like whoa nitro
foam roll x15-20mins
ankle rehab circuit

bench 3x165, 3x175, 10x185 -- woot
BOR 3x8x145
circuit x3
--hip-up, foot on ground x15/ea
--ab wheel rollouts x10
--pull ups x5
--leg lowers x10
side plank x45s/ea

cool down

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 22, 2010, 12:12:10 am
warm up
shoot hoops -- sucked ass, like whoa nitro
foam roll x15-20mins
ankle rehab circuit

bench 3x165, 3x175, 10x185 -- woot
BOR 3x8x145
circuit x3
--hip-up, foot on ground x15/ea
--ab wheel rollouts x10
--pull ups x5
--leg lowers x10
side plank x45s/ea

cool down


nice on bench, what's whoa nitro?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2010, 07:33:45 am
nice on bench, what's whoa nitro?

Thanks! I was pleased. Not sure but I think that's some kind of PR. "Like whoa nitro" is something my little something my brothers and I used to say to make something extreme. So, "That chick is hot like whoa nitro," or, "Holy shit, I sucked at basketball today like whoa nitro." Goofy, don't have any idea where it came from, but we used to say it all the time and we still do when we're around each other.

EDIT According to the Tim In Vermont ORM calculator (, that gives me a max of 247, or almost 1.5xBW! Those things are pretty inaccurate but still that's nice. Closing in on the standard there. Can't wait for the first 5/3/1 workout (Saturday, I think) to see how many times I can rep out 195.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 22, 2010, 03:29:18 pm
nice on bench, what's whoa nitro?

Thanks! I was pleased. Not sure but I think that's some kind of PR. "Like whoa nitro" is something my little something my brothers and I used to say to make something extreme. So, "That chick is hot like whoa nitro," or, "Holy shit, I sucked at basketball today like whoa nitro." Goofy, don't have any idea where it came from, but we used to say it all the time and we still do when we're around each other.

ah.. i remember "like whoa" used to be pretty badass after that rap song, appending "nitro" to it adds a level of geekness. good work.

EDIT According to the Tim In Vermont ORM calculator (, that gives me a max of 247, or almost 1.5xBW! Those things are pretty inaccurate but still that's nice. Closing in on the standard there. Can't wait for the first 5/3/1 workout (Saturday, I think) to see how many times I can rep out 195.

nice man.. ya 1.5xBW bench is strong stuff, good job keep it up.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2010, 12:18:20 pm
Thursday: Rehab + lazy
Yesterday: Lazy
Today: full body workout + punishing myself for being lazy
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on July 24, 2010, 12:21:02 pm
LBSS's girl's log will be entitled "no jiggle, need jiggle"
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: cowed77 on July 24, 2010, 02:28:29 pm
1.5 bench is solid! u go dude!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2010, 06:17:12 pm
Haha joe you're funny. My girlfriend jiggles just the right amount, though  ;D  And thanks cowed! Some bench frustration today but I think I'll have the 1.5xbw soon.

warm up
shoot hoops -- mixed bag
ankle rehab

trap bar DL 3x8x255 -- all reps felt fine but low back is feeling it a bit now. Got a vid, will post later.
bench 5x175, 3x185, 3x195 -- had more in me but the fucking spotter just grabbed the bar after three and re-racked it! WTF!
DB row 3x8x75 -- low back was feeling it so no BOR
circuit x4
--lunge x50 -- felt okay in stiff sneakers but I'll never be able to do these loaded cause I'm not stable enough when my left foot is back
--ab wheel rollout x10
--leg lower x10
side plank x45s/ea

cool down

EDIT Just looked at trap bar DL vid and I did 9 reps in the first set because I apparently have the counting skills of a 2-year-old.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 24, 2010, 06:34:20 pm
bench 5x175, 3x185, 3x195 -- had more in me but the fucking spotter just grabbed the bar after three and re-racked it! WTF!

i did that once to someone, I felt so bad..

when you have a less than optimal bench session, why don't you finish with some bench assistance? such as paused db bench/paused bb bench sets, etc?

peace man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2010, 10:11:45 am
You're right, I should have. I even thought about it at the time but I was kind of thrown off by it and confused, so I ended up moving on. Oh well.

Glutes and low back were sore all day yesterday from the lunges and DL. No pain, though, which is good. Just soreness.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: steven-miller on July 26, 2010, 11:48:01 am
bench 5x175, 3x185, 3x195 -- had more in me but the fucking spotter just grabbed the bar after three and re-racked it! WTF!

Oh man, I feel ya, that sucks big time. Good job on the 185 lbs x 10, that's pretty strong for your weight!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2010, 11:53:47 am
Thanks stevenhyphenmiller!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2010, 10:08:34 pm
warm up
row x5mins @easy pace (~1100m)
ankle rehab

bench 5x165, 5x175, 9x185 -- no spotter for last set so stopped a bit early
BOR 3x165, 2x8x155, 8x135 -- form on these sucks so I dropped weight
core circuit x3
--ab wheel roll outs x12
--Pallof press x10x70/ea

cool down

Three things about today: didn't get enough sleep last night, got a sweet new TV (split with roommate), blueberries were cheaper than I have ever seen them at the grocery store.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 27, 2010, 12:26:24 am
Trap bar DL from Saturday.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: zgin on July 27, 2010, 12:51:35 am
nice tbdead  make sure to breath...
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 27, 2010, 01:55:57 am
warm up
row x5mins @easy pace (~1100m)
ankle rehab

bench 5x165, 5x175, 9x185 -- no spotter for last set so stopped a bit early
BOR 3x165, 2x8x155, 8x135 -- form on these sucks so I dropped weight
core circuit x3
--ab wheel roll outs x12
--Pallof press x10x70/ea

cool down

Three things about today: didn't get enough sleep last night, got a sweet new TV (split with roommate), blueberries were cheaper than I have ever seen them at the grocery store.

there's alot of win in this post, especially the cheap blueberries part.

trap bar dead's looked great.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2010, 12:09:00 am
More win in this post. No ankle rehab cause I had PT this morning. Some new exercises, more intense than before. Actually challenging.

warm up
row @easy pace x5mins (~1150m)

trap bar DL 3x8x265
step up 2x10x135 -- will add weight next time, just getting used to the movement
circuit x3
--pull ups x6
--leg lowers x12
--push ups x20
--physio ball hamstring curls x20

cool down

Also, tonight I saw "The Secret in Their Eyes." It won the best foreign film Oscar this year. Argentine movie (my roommate is Argentine and found out it was playing near here so...). It was absolutely fucking awesome and you should all see it.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on July 28, 2010, 04:54:19 am
Your lifts are becoming beasty...
Great stuff, keep it up!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2010, 09:55:40 am
Thanks vag! Still can't jump, though. Gonna ask the PT about it tomorrow. Soon enough we'll see whether my lifting improvements will mean that I can grab rim net  :D
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2010, 09:57:29 am
Also, update: Low back was definitely getting involved on the last 5 or 6 reps of the third set. But I held it together and form was actually better on the last 2 or 3 reps. And no soreness today at all. Fuck yeah.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on July 28, 2010, 10:09:57 am
Thanks vag! Still can't jump, though. Gonna ask the PT about it tomorrow. Soon enough we'll see whether my lifting improvements will mean that I can grab rim net  :D

I had a bad ankle sprain on December 2008. I could walk normally even the next day but whenever i tried to push ( jump or sprint ) it would hurt like hell , maybe re-injuring!
I had to be really patient , in the beginning i wasnt , i would want to try to jump to see where i am and that would throw recovery back. After 1 month like that i decided to stop , i never jumped again , i was lifting normally , doing some self PT at home etc.
Finally , i went on a jumping session at end of April 2009 ( 4 months after the sprain ) and BAM , i was better than before.
It wasnt at 100% yet , but every week it was improving. So what im trying to say sharing my experience is be patient , dont push it until its ready , keep PT and lifts and when the ankle heals the vert gains will be there! :D
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 29, 2010, 06:20:19 pm
Thanks again for the words of encouragement, vag! PT said today that we're gonna start jumping next week and running the week after that, hallelujah!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 29, 2010, 10:55:03 pm
warm up
foam roll x25 mins
row x5 mins, ~1150m

bench 3x165, 3x185, 10x195
BOR 3x10x135
--a bunch of other crap that I forget but I took it from a Dan Pfaff circuit. Took about 15 minutes.

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 30, 2010, 05:41:29 am
warm up
foam roll x25 mins
row x5 mins, ~1150m

bench 3x165, 3x185, 10x195
BOR 3x10x135
--a bunch of other crap that I forget but I took it from a Dan Pfaff circuit. Took about 15 minutes.

cool down

that bench is beast homie!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2010, 10:10:05 am
Thanks dude.  ;D

Using the same calculator I get an estimated 1RM of 260, or a bit over 1.5xbw. Gonna have a couple of days for real testing soon. Probably should pick a day to work toward so I'm gonna go with August 16 and 18. That's 18 and 20 days from today. First day for jumping and main lifts, second day for endurance/work capacity tests. Assuming I get the go-ahead from the PT for full-on jumping. I want to know maxes for:

--DLRVJ (and maybe SLRVJ on each leg if I'm feeling like I need a humility check haha)
--20m and 40m dash
--trap bar DL
--max pull ups
--max push ups in 60s
--max inv rows in 60s
--beep test score (got 11/3 the last time I took this, which is "very good" according to but "very not good enough" according to

Work going forward will obviously still be focused on vert but I'd like to know all those things.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on July 30, 2010, 10:30:13 am
Can you sprint right now, or is all high impact foot stuff off the table?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2010, 11:33:36 am
Can you sprint right now, or is all high impact foot stuff off the table?

All off the table until at least next week. My ankle feels strong enough to sprint but I'm trying to actually do what the PT says this time around, instead of trusting my own obviously untrustworthy self-perception. That means nothing high-impact until at least next week and maybe the week after.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on July 30, 2010, 01:02:09 pm
Can you sprint right now, or is all high impact foot stuff off the table?

All off the table until at least next week. My ankle feels strong enough to sprint but I'm trying to actually do what the PT says this time around, instead of trusting my own obviously untrustworthy self-perception. That means nothing high-impact until at least next week and maybe the week after.

Oh, well I hope you recover quickly.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on July 30, 2010, 03:09:59 pm
Thanks dude.  ;D

Using the same calculator I get an estimated 1RM of 260, or a bit over 1.5xbw. Gonna have a couple of days for real testing soon. Probably should pick a day to work toward so I'm gonna go with August 16 and 18. That's 18 and 20 days from today. First day for jumping and main lifts, second day for endurance/work capacity tests. Assuming I get the go-ahead from the PT for full-on jumping. I want to know maxes for:

--DLRVJ (and maybe SLRVJ on each leg if I'm feeling like I need a humility check haha)
--20m and 40m dash
--trap bar DL
--max pull ups
--max push ups in 60s
--max inv rows in 60s
--beep test score (got 11/3 the last time I took this, which is "very good" according to but "very not good enough" according to

Work going forward will obviously still be focused on vert but I'd like to know all those things.

nice.. alot of those are intertwined so, results in one will have some effect in the other.. it's a good performance profile for this next phase you'll be in.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 03, 2010, 01:21:28 pm
Was out of town all weekend, so no exercise other than lots of walking around. But it was fun as crap. Rehab this morning, gonna work out tonight. Still no jumping :(
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 03, 2010, 11:29:51 pm
Low back was tweaking so bagged DL's after second warm-up set and added lunges to the circuit. Next time.

warm up
row x5mins

step up 3x10x165/ea
circuit x4
--lunge x50
--pull up x6
--leg lower x12
--push up x22

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2010, 09:50:24 pm
warm up
row x3mins

bench 5x165, 5x175, 8x185
row 3x8x135,135,140
Pallof press 2x10x80

cool down


Short and sweet even though 8x185 is meh.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2010, 12:00:13 am
warm up
shoot hoops
foam roll
row x5mins (~1215m)

ankle rehab
trap bar DL 3x8x275 -- last few reps were singles on the last set, gonna keep the weight here next workout

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: zgin on August 06, 2010, 07:26:41 am
this log is so boring and depressing to read.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2010, 07:54:17 am
this log is so boring and depressing to read.

Then why are you reading it?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 06, 2010, 07:08:13 pm
this log is so boring and depressing to read.

Then why are you reading it?

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 07, 2010, 06:20:45 pm
Went to practice today. Threw around some, ran a couple drills. Didn't cleat up. At the end did a little light sprinting + pushups and situps workout with a few of my teammates. Ankle felt okay.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 07, 2010, 08:51:22 pm
Went to practice today. Threw around some, ran a couple drills. Didn't cleat up. At the end did a little light sprinting + pushups and situps workout with a few of my teammates. Ankle felt okay.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 07, 2010, 08:53:29 pm
Went to practice today. Threw around some, ran a couple drills. Didn't cleat up. At the end did a little light sprinting + pushups and situps workout with a few of my teammates. Ankle felt okay.


Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2010, 09:25:52 pm
warm up
shoot hoops -- on fucking fire (for me), at least 80% going in from mid-range out to three point range
foam roll x40 mins (not a typo, this was intense)
mobility + jump rope

ankle rehab

trap bar DL 3x8x280 -- breezy (touch and go on second and third sets, but still)
BSS 5x120/ea, 2x5x100/ea (DBs)
Pallof press 3x10x70

cool down

Dicked around with the jump rope towards the end, felt great, no tweaking in the ankle and even got a good double-under roll going.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 10, 2010, 03:19:20 am
warm up
shoot hoops -- on fucking fire (for me), at least 80% going in from mid-range out to three point range
foam roll x40 mins (not a typo, this was intense)
mobility + jump rope

ankle rehab

trap bar DL 3x8x280 -- breezy (touch and go on second and third sets, but still)
BSS 5x120/ea, 2x5x100/ea (DBs)
Pallof press 3x10x70

cool down

Dicked around with the jump rope towards the end, felt great, no tweaking in the ankle and even got a good double-under roll going.

nice session man, what's up with that foam rolling ??? lol.. did you feel good after? that's a pretty ELITE warmup :)

nice about the ankle too mang
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2010, 09:37:03 am
With respect to the foam rolling, my legs (IT bands, parts of quads, calves, peroneals, parts of hamstrings, soleus, etc.) are a mess. I basically just reeeeally took my time yesterday, doing long pauses on painful spots, of which I have lots. They feel fine most of the time but as soon as I start applying pressure the fun begins.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 10, 2010, 10:23:10 am
With respect to the foam rolling, my legs (IT bands, parts of quads, calves, peroneals, parts of hamstrings, soleus, etc.) are a mess. I basically just reeeeally took my time yesterday, doing long pauses on painful spots, of which I have lots. They feel fine most of the time but as soon as I start applying pressure the fun begins.

Get a deep tissue massage?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2010, 02:12:21 pm
With respect to the foam rolling, my legs (IT bands, parts of quads, calves, peroneals, parts of hamstrings, soleus, etc.) are a mess. I basically just reeeeally took my time yesterday, doing long pauses on painful spots, of which I have lots. They feel fine most of the time but as soon as I start applying pressure the fun begins.

Get a deep tissue massage?

Been there, done that. See my log a few pages back, all that trigger point therapy stuff is basically targeted deep tissue. It hurts like a motherfucker but once I'm done with conventional PT I'll probably start doing the manual therapy again like once a month or so.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 10, 2010, 02:18:58 pm
With respect to the foam rolling, my legs (IT bands, parts of quads, calves, peroneals, parts of hamstrings, soleus, etc.) are a mess. I basically just reeeeally took my time yesterday, doing long pauses on painful spots, of which I have lots. They feel fine most of the time but as soon as I start applying pressure the fun begins.

Get a deep tissue massage?

Been there, done that. See my log a few pages back, all that trigger point therapy stuff is basically targeted deep tissue. It hurts like a motherfucker but once I'm done with conventional PT I'll probably start doing the manual therapy again like once a month or so.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2010, 02:51:56 pm
With respect to the foam rolling, my legs (IT bands, parts of quads, calves, peroneals, parts of hamstrings, soleus, etc.) are a mess. I basically just reeeeally took my time yesterday, doing long pauses on painful spots, of which I have lots. They feel fine most of the time but as soon as I start applying pressure the fun begins.

Get a deep tissue massage?

Been there, done that. See my log a few pages back, all that trigger point therapy stuff is basically targeted deep tissue. It hurts like a motherfucker but once I'm done with conventional PT I'll probably start doing the manual therapy again like once a month or so.


BTW, I couldn't recommend deep tissue/TPT more highly. It feels great. Afterward.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 10, 2010, 04:03:53 pm
With respect to the foam rolling, my legs (IT bands, parts of quads, calves, peroneals, parts of hamstrings, soleus, etc.) are a mess. I basically just reeeeally took my time yesterday, doing long pauses on painful spots, of which I have lots. They feel fine most of the time but as soon as I start applying pressure the fun begins.

Get a deep tissue massage?

Been there, done that. See my log a few pages back, all that trigger point therapy stuff is basically targeted deep tissue. It hurts like a motherfucker but once I'm done with conventional PT I'll probably start doing the manual therapy again like once a month or so.


BTW, I couldn't recommend deep tissue/TPT more highly. It feels great. Afterward.

Yeah, I plan to get a/some deep tissue massage(s) done when I get back to London. The guy I am going to has brought grown men to tears.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2010, 04:08:41 pm
Ending that quote tree right there. I recommended my place to this weird guy at my gym who has unbelievably impinged shoulders (like when he tries to put his arms over his head, he can't go past his eyes). Apparently the last time he was there the lady turned the music up because she "didn't want everyone else to hear the screaming."
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 10, 2010, 04:17:46 pm
Ending that quote tree right there. I recommended my place to this weird guy at my gym who has unbelievably impinged shoulders (like when he tries to put his arms over his head, he can't go past his eyes). Apparently the last time he was there the lady turned the music up because she "didn't want everyone else to hear the screaming."

Awesome. I am looking forward to it. I will put on my Patrick Bateman face that day.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 10, 2010, 04:21:20 pm

I thought this was pertinent.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 10, 2010, 07:03:54 pm

I thought this was pertinent.


i have a massage schedule with the "Happy Ending Swedish Massage Clinic" next week.. wish me luck.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2010, 09:21:30 pm
i have a massage schedule with the "Happy Ending Swedish Massage Clinic" next week.. wish me luck.

As long as this is the reason it's "Swedish," that's cool (really NSFW): (
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2010, 09:23:23 pm
warm up
foam roll x25 mins
jump rope a little bit

bench 3x175, 3x185, 9x195
BOR 8x135, 2x8x155
row x1000m, 4:12
incline walk 4.2mph @11 degree incline x10 mins

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2010, 05:08:26 pm
Okay, here's the plan for the next week.

Today: ankle rehab, trap bar DL, BSS, jump rope, metcon/core
Friday: rest
Saturday: ankle rehab, bench, BOR, jump rope, metcon/core; practice
Sunday: rest
Monday: test SVJ, DLRVJ, 20yd and 40yd dash, trap bar DL, bench
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: beep test, max pullups, max inv rows in 60s, max pushups in 60s

Between now and then, I need to get my hands on a beep test (someone at my gym has it) and figure out how I'm going to time the dashes. If I can't do the beep test, I'm going to do a 2000m rowing test. Fast as possible. Either way, it will suck.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 12, 2010, 06:00:26 pm
Damn right the beep test and 2k row suck.

Perhaps you should do the pullups, rows and pushups before the endurance test?

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 12, 2010, 06:19:06 pm
Okay, here's the plan for the next week.

Today: ankle rehab, trap bar DL, BSS, jump rope, metcon/core
Friday: rest
Saturday: ankle rehab, bench, BOR, jump rope, metcon/core; practice
Sunday: rest
Monday: test SVJ, DLRVJ, 20yd and 40yd dash, trap bar DL, bench
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: beep test, max pullups, max inv rows in 60s, max pushups in 60s

Between now and then, I need to get my hands on a beep test (someone at my gym has it) and figure out how I'm going to time the dashes. If I can't do the beep test, I'm going to do a 2000m rowing test. Fast as possible. Either way, it will suck.

niceeee! sounds fun.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2010, 06:29:28 pm

Perhaps you should do the pullups, rows and pushups before the endurance test?

Yeah I meant for it to come last. Good point.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 12, 2010, 06:32:42 pm

Perhaps you should do the pullups, rows and pushups before the endurance test?

Yeah I meant for it to come last. Good point.

Ah, cool.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2010, 11:23:08 pm
warm up
perfunctory foam roll
played catch (baseball)
jump rope

ankle rehab

trap bar DL 3x8x290
BSS 3x12x80 -- like the high reps
row x500m to cool legs down
core x2
--front plank x60s
--side plan x30s/ea

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 13, 2010, 02:16:01 am
warm up
perfunctory foam roll
played catch (baseball)
jump rope

ankle rehab

trap bar DL 3x8x290
BSS 3x12x80 -- like the high reps
row x500m to cool legs down
core x2
--front plank x60s
--side plan x30s/ea

cool down

damn, 12 rep bss is no joke.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: nba8340 on August 13, 2010, 02:43:09 am
ye areal good stuff man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2010, 11:54:51 am
Thanks fellas.

In other news, I used a "Tiger Tail" last night for the first time. Gonna have to get me one of those at some point. For the time being foam roller + lacrosse ball works great but the roller is, um, kind of hard to carry around. I continue to love my gym. Cool people all around. (
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 13, 2010, 12:09:40 pm
How does the tiger tail compare to the foam roller in terms of efficacy?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2010, 01:57:41 pm
How does the tiger tail compare to the foam roller in terms of efficacy?

From my ten minutes or so messing with the thing, it has pluses and minuses.

Pluses: you can really control where you're applying pressure and how much pressure you're applying; it's portable
Minuses: it's awkward to reach and apply enough pressure to some places (hamstrings, for example) because of the angle you have to work with

The upshot is that it seems like a really useful tool with some limitations.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 13, 2010, 02:22:20 pm
Thanks. Looks promising for travel.

For home use, do you prefer the foam roller or the tiger tail, or is each tool superior to the other for certain areas?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2010, 02:48:59 pm
Thanks. Looks promising for travel.

For home use, do you prefer the foam roller or the tiger tail, or is each tool superior to the other for certain areas?

Foam roller superior for hamstrings, ITB, glutes and back. Tiger tail superior for quads and lower legs. Sitting or lying with the foam roller close to COG is easy, sitting or lying with it farther away is harder. Quads are probably a wash, actually, now that I think about it. But for lower legs, Tiger Tail ftw.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 13, 2010, 03:07:16 pm
Thanks. I may just look into one.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 14, 2010, 06:53:17 pm

Practice x2 hours. Ran all drills, was throwing pretty well, ankle felt solid. Didn't scrimmage at the end until the very end when people were leaving and I just went in in sneakers and jogged. Warm body. Upshot: I'm slow as crap and out of shape but I can do this.  :)


warm up
shoot hoops x10 mins

bench 5x185, 3x195, 5x205 -- should have gotten more but after practice... I'm not too pissed
DB row 3x10x60/ea

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 15, 2010, 05:55:12 pm
Foam roll upper legs x25 minutes.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 16, 2010, 01:54:31 pm
Soreness in quads (I think from foam rolling), hamstrings and shins/ankles/feet (I think from practice).
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 16, 2010, 09:58:41 pm
Testing today after work:

The good:

trap bar DL 370

The bad:

everything else. Among other things:

bench 235 -- fuck that noise that is pathetic
fucked my hip up doing sprints and it wasn't even over a measured distance, just one I can go back to later (marked on sidewalk)
couldn't jump cause no mat and forgot camera

In other words, other than the DL, which was okay, EPIC MOTHERFUCKING FAIL.

How's that for depressing, zgin? I fucking suck.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 17, 2010, 02:12:44 am
Testing today after work:

The good:

trap bar DL 370

The bad:

everything else. Among other things:

bench 235 -- fuck that noise that is pathetic
fucked my hip up doing sprints and it wasn't even over a measured distance, just one I can go back to later (marked on sidewalk)
couldn't jump cause no mat and forgot camera

In other words, other than the DL, which was okay, EPIC MOTHERFUCKING FAIL.

How's that for depressing, zgin? I fucking suck.

damn :/

sucks man.. everythang gon` be alright tho.

is your hip actually hurt or was it just some temporary tweak ? :/

look on the bright side, trap bar is nice tho mang :)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 17, 2010, 09:13:40 am
Thanks adarq. On reflecting this morning, I think I was probably a bit too hard on myself. Work was stressful yesterday and I was there late and I should have been more patient with stuff. All I really had yesterday were trap bar and bench. So I should have stuck with that and saved the other stuff for Wednesday. Hip is just tweaked: still feeling it this morning but it was loosening up and feeling better with each step on the walk to work. So that's good.

And hey, 370 is pretty nice considering I was a full-on gimp two months ago.  :)
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: PoPe on August 17, 2010, 12:16:28 pm
i use a barbell (noweights) for trigger points, the weight of it alone is enough pressure. sittin down rollin it over the quads, it really goes deep.

kneelin down i roll it over the calfs, found sum deep soleus ones that i hadnt found before with that. soleus is an importnat one kuz of its role in circulating teh blood back up the body

the one tool that everyone should have is a golf ball, its good for the whole body, head to toe, especially the feet, and tension in the feet can lead all the way up the leg. its good for the piriformis, deep in ur butt, another important one kuz if thats tight it can compress the sciatic nerve causing tightness in hamstrings.


i hav this in pdf if any1 is interested, i can hook u up
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 17, 2010, 12:38:13 pm
PoPe, LBSS has posted in his log numerous times about trigger point therapy and similar self massage methods.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: PoPe on August 17, 2010, 01:21:18 pm
aight cool, sorry to dble up the info xD
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 17, 2010, 02:42:13 pm
aight cool, sorry to dble up the info xD

No worries, man. For what it's worth, I prefer a lacrosse ball to a golf ball. Smooth rolling over the floor > bumpy rolling over the floor. But that's just personal preference.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 18, 2010, 08:57:41 pm
Today was better.

warm up
jump rope incl. some double unders

ankle rehab

row x2000m = 7:19 -- Pleased with this considering how out of shape I am.
push ups in 60s = 43
inv rows in 60s = 28 -- cheated on two of these (chest not quite touching bar), so could call it 26

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 19, 2010, 04:54:47 am
Today was better.

warm up
jump rope incl. some double unders

ankle rehab

row x2000m = 7:19 -- Pleased with this considering how out of shape I am.
push ups in 60s = 43
inv rows in 60s = 28 -- cheated on two of these (chest not quite touching bar), so could call it 26

cool down

nice, when you going to test vert etc?

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 21, 2010, 03:43:00 pm
When I get back from the beach  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Leaving tomorrow, going for a week. Will jump rope, do some bw stuff and some really beginner-level power and reactive stuff (think line hops, SVJ, etc.). Then it's back in action for realz.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 21, 2010, 04:32:24 pm
When I get back from the beach  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Leaving tomorrow, going for a week. Will jump rope, do some bw stuff and some really beginner-level power and reactive stuff (think line hops, SVJ, etc.). Then it's back in action for realz.

nice, which beach you going to ?

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 24, 2010, 01:45:18 am
Emerald Isle, NC.

Since I'm online anyway, here's what I did yesterday and today (in addition to walking on the beach and swimming in the ocean):

Sunday 8/22 -- biked x6 miles, played tennis x45 minutes, low intensity

Monday 8/23 -- played tennis x60 minutes, low intensity, played kadima x20 minutes, very low intensity.

Forgot my !(*#&$(*& jump rope at home. Oops.

Also, adarq,  :highfive: for the new emoticons.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 24, 2010, 01:57:36 am
Emerald Isle, NC.

Since I'm online anyway, here's what I did yesterday and today (in addition to walking on the beach and swimming in the ocean):

Sunday 8/22 -- biked x6 miles, played tennis x45 minutes, low intensity

Monday 8/23 -- played tennis x60 minutes, low intensity, played kadima x20 minutes, very low intensity.

Forgot my !(*#&$(*& jump rope at home. Oops.

Also, adarq,  :highfive: for the new emoticons.

jump rope without a rope like alex maroko, just mimic the movement.. lolsjk.

nice man, i like the workouts.. having fun & getting back in shape :D

np about the emoticons :)

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 24, 2010, 08:19:29 am
I was confused about what Kadima was...I knew it was a political party in Israel, but I figured that you were not playing that, so I googled it. Up comes the political party. In Israel, which is the only country I have ever seen that game played, it is called matkot.

Thought you would like to know that.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2010, 11:05:47 pm
I was confused about what Kadima was...I knew it was a political party in Israel, but I figured that you were not playing that, so I googled it. Up comes the political party. In Israel, which is the only country I have ever seen that game played, it is called matkot.

Thought you would like to know that.

Good to know. Knew the game was Israeli but just assumed Kadima was what they called it there, too. I'm still calling it Kadima, though.

Anyway, back home after a record-setting drive (6.5 hours, usually takes eight). Beach was so awesome, I really needed the break. Dreading work tomorrow morning a little bit, though. I'll probably spend the entire day going through emails and I'm afraid my boss is going to be pissed that I didn't check email at all last week. Oh well. Worth it. Going to try to work out tomorrow, too. Foot was feeling a little wack about midway through the week but it's gotten better. Played tennis today with my dad after we got home and everything felt great. Time to start really training.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2010, 10:09:30 am
Alright, let's do this again:

AGE: 23

HEIGHT: 5-11 (reach 7-6)

WEIGHT: 169-173

SLEEP SCHEDULE: pretty regular, ~7 hours/night

BODY TYPE: borderline ecto/meso (i.e. "athletic")

GOALS: dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk. Be faster. Be in better shape.

CURRENT ABILITY: can't do it, can't do it, can't do it, can't do it. Am pretty "game-fast" in my sport of choice because I'm smart. But my pure acceleration and straight-line speed leave a lot to be desired. Am in "good shape" relative to the general population but not so much relative to where I want to be.

INJURY HISTORY: right ankle sprain x4, right collarbone dislocation x1, lots of nagging shit here and there over the years

more or less regular training for two years now. Beyond simple strength improvements, I haven't achieved much of anything

CURRENT ACTIVITY LEVEL AND/OR TRAINING PROGRAM: I work at a desk, so my activity from 9-6 is mainly just however much fidgeting I do, which is a lot. Walk to and from work and the gym, it's a triangle about a mile on each side. So 2-4 miles of walking per day. Work out in the gym three days per week plus ultimate frisbee practice on Saturdays. Tournament September 11-12 will require several days of recovery and, insh'allah, similar thing will happen on October 2-3.


Work can be erratic. Usually out by 6-6:15 but sometimes have to be here until 7:30 or 8. Can cause stress, which undoubtedly affects workouts. Ultimate on Saturdays.

So, what do you think, adarq? What's the plan?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2010, 09:38:12 pm
K so my ankle is not better. Was getting some pains up and down the outside of my calf during my warm up so I scrapped my planned workout (lower body) and did ankle rehab plus core.

warm up

ankle circuit x2
--calf raises x10, 10 w/5s pause at the top
--balancing on cushion x60s/ea
--stretch calf and soleus x10-15s
--double unders + other jump rope x a bunch
core circuit x3x40# DB
--weighted crunches x15
--leg lowers x10 (unweighted)
--side bend x10/ea
--GM w/DB behind head x10

cool down
row x500m
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on August 31, 2010, 05:03:36 am
K so my ankle is not better. Was getting some pains up and down the outside of my calf during my warm up so I scrapped my planned workout (lower body) and did ankle rehab plus core.

warm up

ankle circuit x2
--calf raises x10, 10 w/5s pause at the top
--balancing on cushion x60s/ea
--stretch calf and soleus x10-15s
--double unders + other jump rope x a bunch
core circuit x3x40# DB
--weighted crunches x15
--leg lowers x10 (unweighted)
--side bend x10/ea

cool down
row x500m

how bad was the pain ? :/
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2010, 08:52:27 am

how bad was the pain ? :/

Not sharp, stabbing pains. More like the kind of deep ache where the muscle feels really weak, almost like when someone gives you a deadarm. All the way up the outside of my calf to the back/outside of my knee. Needless to say, not the most stable feeling in the world, so I didn't push it. Got to make another PT appointment to get it checked up on.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2010, 01:23:52 pm
News flash: Weighted core exercises make your core sore.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on August 31, 2010, 02:04:23 pm
News flash: Weighted core exercises make your core sore.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2010, 09:52:15 am
Quote from: Glenn Pendlay
But, I think more important is the fact that you are going right up to failure every time you do this exercise, and are so emotionally hung up on your reps. Everyone has an exercise that they are prone to get too emotional about. One exercise that they base some of their "self image" on, or base an inapropriate amount of their feelings of going forward or backward in training on.

You have to fight that shit, and fight it hard. The more you can divorce emotion from the training process, the better. Training is a process of loading the body a certain amount that causes an adaptation to that load. It is not a process of coming to the gym and proving how strong you are or proving that you have not lost strength or muscle, etc.

I don't have a problem with this when I lift because for me lifting is just fun. But jumping is another story. I hate not being able to jump as well as I want and that's bad news. Need to remind myself of this quote when I start jumping again in earnest. I get so pissed at myself for jumping poorly and that is such a stupid cycle to be in. Training is about getting better a little bit at a time.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 01, 2010, 04:29:35 pm
Quote from: Glenn Pendlay
But, I think more important is the fact that you are going right up to failure every time you do this exercise, and are so emotionally hung up on your reps. Everyone has an exercise that they are prone to get too emotional about. One exercise that they base some of their "self image" on, or base an inapropriate amount of their feelings of going forward or backward in training on.

You have to fight that shit, and fight it hard. The more you can divorce emotion from the training process, the better. Training is a process of loading the body a certain amount that causes an adaptation to that load. It is not a process of coming to the gym and proving how strong you are or proving that you have not lost strength or muscle, etc.

I don't have a problem with this when I lift because for me lifting is just fun. But jumping is another story. I hate not being able to jump as well as I want and that's bad news. Need to remind myself of this quote when I start jumping again in earnest. I get so pissed at myself for jumping poorly and that is such a stupid cycle to be in. Training is about getting better a little bit at a time.

definitely.. when i get too into jumping i always get pissed at my performance, but the last few months whenever that happens, i just focus on distance running/sprints/something else to get that shit out of my mind.. it's annoying and stupid to get all bent out of shape over jumps or any exercise, because instead of helping it actually makes you perform worse.. but at the same time, there still needs to be some progress, but that can come from many factors, such as getting stronger in trap bar dl/squat etc.. if you're improving hollistically, then eventually you have more ability to improve your main goal, but you don't beat yourself into the ground as much, that's for sure.

if anyone gets depressed over 'jumping' or 'performance' it's me.. breaking out of that was hard, i'm a training addict.. that's why having tons of goals instead of just one, makes everything alot better for me. such as yesterday, i jumped shitty, then ran 7 miles, and felt great because of that distance work, feel even better today :)

peace man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2010, 08:52:12 pm
My ankle/foot/leg is officially schizo. Everything felt great today from jump rope on through. I mean,  :) but WTF.

warm up
jump rope, incl a bunch of double unders (these keep getting better)

ankle rehab circuit (standard)

squat 3x10x205 -- fast and strong, very encouraging after 2+ months of not squatting even if it was a toy weight
superset x4
--pull ups x5
--push ups x15

cool down
lie on the floor trying not to puke

I'm not sure I'd ever done ten-rep squat sets as work sets before. That's definitely what made me nauseous after I was done working.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: zgin on September 01, 2010, 11:40:16 pm
I'm not sure I'd ever done ten-rep squat sets as work sets before. That's definitely what made me nauseous after I was done working.

10 rep squats are tough man. i hate those. gets you strong though.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 02, 2010, 04:31:25 am
My ankle/foot/leg is officially schizo. Everything felt great today from jump rope on through. I mean,  :) but WTF.

warm up
jump rope, incl a bunch of double unders (these keep getting better)

ankle rehab circuit (standard)

squat 3x10x205 -- fast and strong, very encouraging after 2+ months of not squatting even if it was a toy weight
superset x4
--pull ups x5
--push ups x15

cool down
lie on the floor trying not to puke

I'm not sure I'd ever done ten-rep squat sets as work sets before. That's definitely what made me nauseous after I was done working.

u got rabb'd brah! crossfit ftw!

btw, how can we got all kinds of sprints done etc before your workouts? that was gonna be a staple of the upcoming training.. I noticed you didn't do the sprints so you probably couldn't find a spot, no room etc.


Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2010, 10:47:20 am

u got rabb'd brah! crossfit ftw!

btw, how can we got all kinds of sprints done etc before your workouts? that was gonna be a staple of the upcoming training.. I noticed you didn't do the sprints so you probably couldn't find a spot, no room etc.



LOL, at least it was just nausea and I didn't feel like I was going to shit my intestines out.

I'm trying to figure out what to do about sprints and jumps. One possible solution would be to get a bike, thus cutting down on the time it takes to get from a field/track to basketball courts to the gym. Another would be to split sprints/jumps and weights into morning and evening workouts. Would require a major schedule shift, though. A third possibility would be to try to find a really flat section of road near the gym and sprint there. My gym's neighborhood is mostly residential -- lots of embassies and the like -- so not much traffic. But running on concrete/asphalt is, um, not optimal.

Speaking of my gym's neighborhood, I was watching Top Chef DC last night and realized that the house the contestants lived in during shooting is half a block from the gym. Saw them shooting once or twice but didn't think much of it. Funny.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 02, 2010, 02:19:55 pm

u got rabb'd brah! crossfit ftw!

btw, how can we got all kinds of sprints done etc before your workouts? that was gonna be a staple of the upcoming training.. I noticed you didn't do the sprints so you probably couldn't find a spot, no room etc.



LOL, at least it was just nausea and I didn't feel like I was going to shit my intestines out.

lol, ya man i don't squat when i feel like i have to shit.. i've seen that vid.

I'm trying to figure out what to do about sprints and jumps. One possible solution would be to get a bike, thus cutting down on the time it takes to get from a field/track to basketball courts to the gym. Another would be to split sprints/jumps and weights into morning and evening workouts. Would require a major schedule shift, though. A third possibility would be to try to find a really flat section of road near the gym and sprint there. My gym's neighborhood is mostly residential -- lots of embassies and the like -- so not much traffic. But running on concrete/asphalt is, um, not optimal.

bike solution sounds best.. dno, morning/evening and asphalt don't sound too good.. i mean, if you are used to doing stuff on asphalt/hard surfaces then i'd say go for it but i doubt you are.. i grew up playing on hard street courts every day for hours and hours so i really have no problem doing plyos/sprints/whatever on pavement etc.. heh

bike sounds like best option, and it'll be a nice warmup.

morning/evening is cool but it's too much of a PITA (pain in the ass) and a drastic shift in schedule.

Speaking of my gym's neighborhood, I was watching Top Chef DC last night and realized that the house the contestants lived in during shooting is half a block from the gym. Saw them shooting once or twice but didn't think much of it. Funny.

hah nice.. shoulda went over and asked for a sampler.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2010, 03:06:29 pm
I was just re-reading the ratio technique article and the other thing that occurs to me is that I could do sprint/jump days completely lift-free. Have strength-hypertrophy and strength-power be done in the gym and something like "reactivity-power" done at the track and on the court. Would simplify logistics a lot.


strength-hypertrophy : strength-power : reactivity-power : stim

phase 1, neutral = 2:2:2:0 x2
phase 2, power = 1:2:2:0 x2
phase 3, reactivity/peaking = 0:1:3:1 x1

Pulled those numbers completely out of my ass, but something like that.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2010, 10:06:17 pm
warm up
shoot hoops

10 yard sprint @90% x5
DLRVJ @90% x10
double unders x25 (plus other jump rope)

bench 3x5x185 -- nice and fast
BOR 3x8x135 -- same

cool down

Jumps were quite low (~28-29") but considering the fact that tonight was the first time I've jumped at all in over two months, I feel okay about that. Legs were reasonably sore, too.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: cowed77 on September 03, 2010, 10:43:35 pm
i hate not jumping as high as i think i can, seeing how all my lifts are going up.

just gotta believe that what im doing is working and keep at it though.

people keep telling me to do plyos, and while i also see the need to incorporate that, they were saying that i should do plyos exclusively. they dun understand that what got me those inches was the weight room, and when i did some air alert shit in the past, while it got me to barely the rim, it also gave me pretty bad knees.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2010, 07:31:59 pm
warm up
light stretches

practice x1.5 hours, mostly drills and then some 3-on-3 and 4-on-4 at the end

cool down

Ankle felt solid.  ;D ;D :highfive:
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2010, 07:34:33 pm
Also, (

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 05, 2010, 03:18:58 am
Also, (


Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 06, 2010, 01:14:00 pm


Yesterday, went hiking/trail running/bouldering with my brother and a couple other kids. Culminated with jumping into the Potomac River off a 40-50 foot cliff. Some kayaker passing by filmed us and then filmed me spelling out my email address (lol) so hopefully we'll have some footage soon! We got a $75 ticket (each) for "entering the Potomac" which is apparently illegal because mad people have drowned in it this year, but whatever. Fucking worth it.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 06, 2010, 08:12:26 pm
Yesterday, went hiking/trail running/bouldering with my brother and a couple other kids. Culminated with jumping into the Potomac River off a 40-50 foot cliff. Some kayaker passing by filmed us and then filmed me spelling out my email address (lol) so hopefully we'll have some footage soon!

hah sounds fun.. jumping into canals around here is scary shit, i used to do it alot though it's fun as hell.

how'd you spell out your email address?

We got a $75 ticket (each) for "entering the Potomac" which is apparently illegal because mad people have drowned in it this year, but whatever. Fucking worth it.

wtf? that is whack
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 07, 2010, 12:20:21 am

how'd you spell out your email address?

Guy paddled over and pointed his camera at me, and I spelled it out to the camera.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 07, 2010, 04:26:03 am

how'd you spell out your email address?

Guy paddled over and pointed his camera at me, and I spelled it out to the camera.

imagine if he was like some psychopathic serial killer and now he's going to hunt you down, because in his twisted mind he thinks you pooped in the canal and destroyed some wildlife.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 07, 2010, 09:18:58 am

how'd you spell out your email address?

Guy paddled over and pointed his camera at me, and I spelled it out to the camera.

imagine if he was like some psychopathic serial killer and now he's going to hunt you down, because in his twisted mind he thinks you pooped in the canal and destroyed some wildlife.


In your dreams, adarq.

No, really, I mean that.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 07, 2010, 10:49:16 pm

how'd you spell out your email address?

Guy paddled over and pointed his camera at me, and I spelled it out to the camera.

imagine if he was like some psychopathic serial killer and now he's going to hunt you down, because in his twisted mind he thinks you pooped in the canal and destroyed some wildlife.


In your dreams, adarq.

No, really, I mean that.

ya, sounds like something i'd dream about.. hehe
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2010, 06:25:06 pm
Not enough sleep last night + Feel a cold coming on + Tournament this weekend = I will not feel guilty about not working out.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Flander on September 09, 2010, 12:26:24 am
Basket tournament?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 09, 2010, 05:13:31 am
Basket tournament?

probably ultimate frisbee, didn't know he was ready to do tournaments though either.

get better lbss brosef.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2010, 10:05:08 am
Basket tournament?

probably ultimate frisbee, didn't know he was ready to do tournaments though either.

get better lbss brosef.

Correctamundo. Yeah, practice has gone well the last two times ankle-wise, feeling strong, and this is basically my last chance to play this year before the season ends and I plow into training with no athletic distractions. So I'm playing, but the slightest tweak will end my weekend. Hopefully there will be no tweak, and hopefully if the tweak comes it's just that.

EDIT: Vitamin C superdosing + placebo effect = feeling better.  :highfive:
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2010, 08:43:54 pm
Just did a little running today to loosen my legs up. Everything was barefoot on turf except the warm up jog

warm up
jog x.5 mi
sprint drills (high knees, butt kickers, etc.)
10 yard build-ups

20 yard sprint x5
tempo run 1000m -- 11111 11111 -- 16-19s pace, 40s between reps, 80s between sets

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Chris Hickson on September 09, 2010, 10:40:33 pm
Just did a little running today to loosen my legs up. Everything was barefoot on turf except the warm up jog

warm up
jog x.5 mi
sprint drills (high knees, butt kickers, etc.)
10 yard build-ups

20 yard sprint x5
tempo run 1000m -- 11111 11111 -- 16-19s pace, 40s between reps, 80s between sets

cool down

40 time?
100m time?
mile time?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2010, 11:12:29 pm
Assuming you meant mine...

40 time?

Good question

100m time?

Good question

mile time?

Good question

Haha. I'm still out of shape at the moment, so my guess for each would be suck, suck and suck. I'm booked this weekend but my last attempt at testing was a complete wash, so I'm going to do some real baseline, with proper planning, probably the weekend after this (will take me at least a week to recover from my tournament this weekend).

I'm not especially concerned with any of the things you asked about, but the fact of your asking makes me want to know. So either thanks for motivating me or fuck you for complicating things, I'm not sure which, lol.  ;D
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 10, 2010, 03:36:20 am
I'm not especially concerned with any of the things you asked about, but the fact of your asking makes me want to know. So either thanks for motivating me or fuck you for complicating things, I'm not sure which, lol.  [/quote]


don't test 100m off the bat though, if anything test 40yd soon, then eventually 60m/100m (later on when you feel beast).

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2010, 07:49:30 am
Word, I would want to work my way up to that and the mile, too, considering I haven't run more than 100m in a straight line at any speed since...June?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 11, 2010, 01:04:47 am
Word, I would want to work my way up to that and the mile, too, considering I haven't run more than 100m in a straight line at any speed since...June?

ya that'll improve your overall fitness and won't have any detrimental effect on vert/speed/power, it'll in fact have a positive effect imo..

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2010, 07:24:46 pm
Well the tournament was a complete fucking wash. Our captains are nice guys but they suck. One of them got us disqualified for violating the roster rules. So we played three games but needless to say they're all forfeit and we don't get to play tomorrow. I played unevenly but not horribly and my ankle felt 100% throughout. So that was a win.

Also a win: (
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2010, 07:25:22 pm
With respect to that last point above:

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Chris Hickson on September 11, 2010, 07:34:23 pm
With respect to that last point above:

I remember my first energy drink lmao
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2010, 09:26:57 pm
No energy drink needed, brah. Just a close-as-hell Michigan victory over our second-most-hated rival. GO BLUE.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 11, 2010, 10:54:55 pm
Well the tournament was a complete fucking wash. Our captains are nice guys but they suck. One of them got us disqualified for violating the roster rules. So we played three games but needless to say they're all forfeit and we don't get to play tomorrow. I played unevenly but not horribly and my ankle felt 100% throughout. So that was a win.

Also a win: (

nice to hear about the ankle man! wordd!!!!!

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Chris Hickson on September 12, 2010, 12:43:04 am
No energy drink needed, brah. Just a close-as-hell Michigan victory over our second-most-hated rival. GO BLUE.
oo i gotcha....
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2010, 12:10:03 am
Today I foam rolled and went to town on my thighs and calves (left in particular felt tight as hell) with the theracane. Felt good and feels even better now. Woot.

Also, started reading Stretch to Win on the recommendation of many. So far, so good.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2010, 10:13:04 am
Soreness shockingly low today, although not gone altogether.  :highfive:

No more ultimate until next year and I'm not hurt at the end of the season, for the first time in three years (!).  :highfive:

Now, no distractions and no reason not to make gains.  :highfive:

Yes, that's three high fives.

adarq, you got any thoughts in terms of approach/ratio of workouts? I can't find the PM I sent you, so I have the sessions I made up (strength-hypertrophy, strength-power, speed-reactivity) but not the setup, which was pulled completely out of my ass anyway.

EDIT: Also, it's a bit early but you got any ideas for me for stim? I realize I didn't include that before.

EDIT 2: Think I will take it relatively easy this week and then test on Friday and Saturday.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Flander on September 13, 2010, 10:16:34 am
Sucks about the tournament man. But good thing with your ankle.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 13, 2010, 02:25:02 pm
Soreness shockingly low today, although not gone altogether.  :highfive:

No more ultimate until next year and I'm not hurt at the end of the season, for the first time in three years (!).  :highfive:

Now, no distractions and no reason not to make gains.  :highfive:

Yes, that's three high fives.

adarq, you got any thoughts in terms of approach/ratio of workouts? I can't find the PM I sent you, so I have the sessions I made up (strength-hypertrophy, strength-power, speed-reactivity) but not the setup, which was pulled completely out of my ass anyway.

EDIT: Also, it's a bit early but you got any ideas for me for stim? I realize I didn't include that before.

EDIT 2: Think I will take it relatively easy this week and then test on Friday and Saturday.

i wouldn't worry about stim just yet, it'll consist of reactive/power work and singles though.

you might want to actually change phase 1 and extend it a bit:

phase 1, neutral = 1:1:1:0 x4

instead of:

phase 1, neutral = 2:2:2:0 x2

that would allow you to get in a nice 3 workouts per week for the month, consisting of strength/hyp, strength/power, reactive/power.

in these blocks, just don't do anything crazy that'll cause a setback, keep it simple/safe.. we want a real good consistent 3 phase block.

here's your plan, wasn't a pm, it was a post in your journal.. this is solid:

I was just re-reading the ratio technique article and the other thing that occurs to me is that I could do sprint/jump days completely lift-free. Have strength-hypertrophy and strength-power be done in the gym and something like "reactivity-power" done at the track and on the court. Would simplify logistics a lot.


strength-hypertrophy : strength-power : reactivity-power : stim

phase 1, neutral = 2:2:2:0 x2
phase 2, power = 1:2:2:0 x2
phase 3, reactivity/peaking = 0:1:3:1 x1

Pulled those numbers completely out of my ass, but something like that.


peace mang
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2010, 02:59:24 pm
LOL, no wonder I couldn't find it in my PMs. Okay, so we're looking at:

Phase 1, neutral = 1:1:1:0 x4
Phase 2, power = 1:2:2:0 x2
Phase 3, reactivity = 0:1:3:1 x1


That gives a month of neutral, about a month of power and two weeks of reactivity before re-testing, based on three workouts per week. Seems like a reasonable set up, if not very long.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 13, 2010, 05:47:19 pm
LOL, no wonder I couldn't find it in my PMs. Okay, so we're looking at:

Phase 1, neutral = 1:1:1:0 x4
Phase 2, power = 1:2:2:0 x2
Phase 3, reactivity = 0:1:3:1 x1


That gives a month of neutral, about a month of power and two weeks of reactivity before re-testing, based on three workouts per week. Seems like a reasonable set up, if not very long.

yup looks good
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2010, 06:53:27 pm
Alright then, here we go.  :strong:
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2010, 09:13:08 pm
So at some point today I developed a gigantic knot in the middle of my back, on the left side. Thought it would go away with rolling, a good warm up and stretching. I was wrong. Legs still sore, too, foam rolling at the gym on the harder roller was paaaaainful.

warm up
foam roll x30 minutes
jump rope, mobility, stationary bike, stretching

jump squat 3x3x65
fucked around with a bunch of other squatting, BSS, etc., but nothing heavy or worth noting thanks to my big fat knot. It's okay, it'll be gone tomorrow or Wednesday.

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on September 14, 2010, 03:55:05 am
LOL, no wonder I couldn't find it in my PMs. Okay, so we're looking at:

Phase 1, neutral = 1:1:1:0 x4
Phase 2, power = 1:2:2:0 x2
Phase 3, reactivity = 0:1:3:1 x1


That gives a month of neutral, about a month of power and two weeks of reactivity before re-testing, based on three workouts per week. Seems like a reasonable set up, if not very long.

Ratios FTW!
I like too how you planned it , less emphasis on limit strength as you're already very good there, more emphasis on getting that bounce.
Nice , cant wait to see how it will go...
As for the length , i did a ~13-week thing last year , liked it so much that this year it will take like 6-7 months!
You don't have to worry about the length at all IMO , because every cycle ends with power/stim workouts so you create mini-peaks pretty often. And keep the "official testing" / major peaks for every phase end.

### End hijacking / coach-pretending ###

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2010, 08:29:07 am
lol, thanks for the words of wisdom, vag. Feel free to offer coaching whenever you please; I do it all the time from my amateur seat over here   ;)

With respect to the length, I was more worried that it was too short, rather than too long. But I don't think that's going to be such a big deal, now that I think about it. I can give it a go, see where it takes me, and then reevaluate.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 14, 2010, 04:09:35 pm
lol, thanks for the words of wisdom, vag. Feel free to offer coaching whenever you please; I do it all the time from my amateur seat over here   ;)

With respect to the length, I was more worried that it was too short, rather than too long. But I don't think that's going to be such a big deal, now that I think about it. I can give it a go, see where it takes me, and then reevaluate.

short blocks are great though from a stagnation standpoint, especially for that reason you listed.. you can really get a good idea of what this block is 'doing to your body/physiology' without dedicating a crazy long time to finding that out.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 15, 2010, 08:30:53 pm
So it turns out that not squatting for a while means that you lose the form somewhat. In my case, apparently because I can't probably abduct my thighs anymore on the way up. So I'll start light.

warm up
shoot hoops
jump rope

SVJ 2x5
ice skater 2x10
pogo 2x10
jump squat 2x3x75
squat 2x5x255, 4x255 -- fail cause I was focusing too hard on abducting...oops
SS x3
--dips x10
--chin up x5

cool down

Nice and easy...
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 16, 2010, 01:14:39 am
it'll come back quick don't worry..

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2010, 04:18:08 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
shoot hoops
EDIT: ankle rehab, but cut it a bit short because I realized it was dumb to be working my calves before I do anything else; will move these to the end of future workouts
sprinter warm ups

10y sprint x5
DLRVJ x2x5, hit about 30" consistently on these, to my surprise  :)
ice skaters x2x10

squat 3x5x235
DL x5x285
bench 3x5x185
BOR 3x8x135
circuit x3, ~2 mins between circuits
--BSS x12x80
--sit up x15x35
--chin up x5
--dip x10

gassed, circuit was brutal

cool down
chill for a bit and drink lots of water
walk home
drink more water
lie on my bed
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 19, 2010, 04:26:57 pm
warm up
shoot hoops
sprinter warm ups

10y sprint x5
DLRVJ x2x5, hit about 30" consistently on these, to my surprise  :)
ice skaters x2x10

squat 3x5x235
DL x5x285
bench 3x5x185
BOR 3x8x135
circuit x3, ~2 mins between circuits
--BSS x12x80
--sit up x15x35
--chin up x5
--dip x10

gassed, circuit was brutal

cool down
chill for a bit and drink lots of water
walk home
drink more water
lie on my bed

nice about the jumps man! nice workout too
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2010, 04:42:02 pm
Thanks adarq!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2010, 02:07:48 pm
Bizarrely, I could not get to sleep last night until like 5:30. Woke up at 7:30 (normal time) and emailed my boss to say I'd be late to work, then slept until 10. WTF.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 20, 2010, 03:13:44 pm
Bizarrely, I could not get to sleep last night until like 5:30. Woke up at 7:30 (normal time) and emailed my boss to say I'd be late to work, then slept until 10. WTF.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2010, 11:26:53 pm
Ran ~2 miles, very easy pace, just to get blood circulating a bit. Stretched a bit.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2010, 09:49:28 am
Journal edit: A la vag, I'm going to stick to the ratio set up. Green means a completed workout. SH=strength/hypertrophy, SP=strength/power, SR=speed/reactivity.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: vag on September 21, 2010, 10:05:10 am
Journal edit: A la vag, I'm going to stick to the ratio set up. Green means a completed workout. SH=strength/hypertrophy, SP=strength/power, SR=speed/reactivity.

Yup ,  that workout-by workout thing is great!
Unfortunately cant keep with it this year because it's too extended ( 4 phases , 10 total cycles , 35 total workouts ) so im loging it by "phase". The 2-letters thing is a great idea though!  :highfive:
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2010, 09:38:42 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

pain: none
soreness: hamstrings, glutes, shoulders

warm up
jump rope
foam roll hips and upper legs
core stretches from Stretch to Win, done and slow-fast pace
sprinter's warm ups

10y sprint x5, uphill
DSVJ RL x15 or so -- my dominant plant is LR, so I figured I'd get some practice going the other way
ice skater x2x5 -- balance was off
tuck jump x2x5 -- um, slow

REA squat x2x3x95 -- too heavy
jump squat x3x3x75 -- better
core circuit x3
--ab wheel x12
--leg lower x10
--side plank x30s/ea

cool down

Soreness definitely played a role in all the work today. This will all feel better once I've gotten into a groove.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2010, 10:00:55 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

My mood right now:  :D

warm up
jog a lap
STW core stretches, fast tempo
sprinter's warm ups

superset until dropoff (ended up being 4 sets)
--20y sprint x3
--DLRVJ x5
plank circuit x3x90s

cool down
jog 2 laps
STW core stretches, slow tempo
ab and calf stretches

No soreness going in. Was getting up okay on a few of the jumps. I was jumping to a crossbar on a HS football field (sneakers on grass). If it was regulation, then I definitely had a couple 31" jumps, maybe even a bit more. But I don't know, so suffice it to say I was jumping okay. Sprints felt fine, I guess, although I don't have too much to compare them to. I forgot that I lost my stopwatch. Will need to be replacing that. Also, I can't sprint in Nike Frees anymore. Toes too fucked up. Need stiffer soles or shoes I can fit my orthotics in. Some club rugby team was practicing on the field (they pay for the lights to be on after dark, hurray) and a guy came over to me at one point and asked if I was interested in playing rugby, that they can always use speedy athletic guys. So I guess I looked fast, anyway ;D. Anyway, energy is high right now in case the word vomit didn't clue you in. This felt nice.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 24, 2010, 05:40:27 am
My mood right now:  :D

warm up
jog a lap
STW core stretches, fast tempo
sprinter's warm ups

superset until dropoff (ended up being 4 sets)
--20y sprint x3
--DLRVJ x5
plank circuit x3x90s

cool down
jog 2 laps
STW core stretches, slow tempo
ab and calf stretches

No soreness going in. Was getting up okay on a few of the jumps. I was jumping to a crossbar on a HS football field (sneakers on grass). If it was regulation, then I definitely had a couple 31" jumps, maybe even a bit more. But I don't know, so suffice it to say I was jumping okay. Sprints felt fine, I guess, although I don't have too much to compare them to. I forgot that I lost my stopwatch. Will need to be replacing that. Also, I can't sprint in Nike Frees anymore. Toes too fucked up. Need stiffer soles or shoes I can fit my orthotics in. Some club rugby team was practicing on the field (they pay for the lights to be on after dark, hurray) and a guy came over to me at one point and asked if I was interested in playing rugby, that they can always use speedy athletic guys. So I guess I looked fast, anyway ;D. Anyway, energy is high right now in case the word vomit didn't clue you in. This felt nice.

hah nice man.. good stuff on the jumps & getting props for being a chris johnson.

keep this going, don't do anything too far beyond threshold and get a set back, just a reminder :F
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2010, 09:12:14 am

hah nice man.. good stuff on the jumps & getting props for being a chris johnson.

keep this going, don't do anything too far beyond threshold and get a set back, just a reminder :F

Yeah thanks for the reminder. I did manage to stop myself as soon as I felt the sprints getting a little slower and the jumps a little lower and even that felt good. Like, Yeah, I have self-control! Low volume is okay if quality is good and there's no point in beating yourself up for not doing more, if you've done what you can.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2010, 05:46:01 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Having internet issues at home. Annoying. Anyway, yesterday:

warm up
jump rope/double unders
STW core stretches

5 yd sprint x a few
DLRVJ x a few
tuck jumps x10
ice skaters x10

squat 3x5x245
DL 5x295
bench 2x5x195, 4x195 (no spotter and lost focus, should have had last rep)
BOR 3x8x145
circuit x3
--BSS x12x95
--pull up x5
--dip x10

cool down


Felt good, squat was much better than last weekend. Gym is better on Sunday because there's basketball all day on Saturdays, but didn't have a choice because I had to go up to Pennsylvania today to see my brother.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2010, 11:26:05 pm
The internet, she has returned. That was weird.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 27, 2010, 05:39:13 am
The internet, she has returned. That was weird.

big brother is watching u.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 27, 2010, 05:05:21 pm
The internet, she has returned. That was weird.

big brother is watching u.

God damn, I knew it!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2010, 09:14:21 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
double unders
core stretches
sprinter's warm up

10y sprints uphill x3 -- my toes are fuuuucked up. Time to actually make an appt with an ortho. Ugh.
DLRVJ x10 -- inconsistent but okay
ice skaters 2x10
tuck jumps 2x10

REA squat 2x3x75
jump squat 3x3x75
circuit x3
--push up x25
--leg lower x12
--chin up x8
--crunch +40x15

cool down
core stretches, slow
other stretches
rolled butt and ITB
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 29, 2010, 03:43:42 am
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
double unders
core stretches
sprinter's warm up

10y sprints uphill x3 -- my toes are fuuuucked up. Time to actually make an appt with an ortho. Ugh.
DLRVJ x10 -- inconsistent but okay
ice skaters 2x10
tuck jumps 2x10

REA squat 2x3x75
jump squat 3x3x75
circuit x3
--push up x25
--leg lower x12
--chin up x8
--crunch +40x15

cool down
core stretches, slow
other stretches
rolled butt and ITB

how are toes messed up? from jamming into the shoe?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2010, 09:26:06 am
No, same problem I've been having for months with the left toe. My avatar is an x-ray of my left foot, showing the bone spur and malformed metacarpophalangeal joints. (Fun word, isn't it?) Problem is, now the pain has spread to the right big toe, and for whatever reason -- I haven't adapted or figured out how to compensate yet, maybe -- the right one hurts a lot more. They feel normal most of the time, but anything where my toes have to be in serious extension is hard. Sprinting, for example. I cut off the sprints because the starts hurt too much.

Larger photo is somewhere back in the recesses of this journal. Let me see if I can find it.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2010, 09:31:23 am
Found the x-ray:

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2010, 08:24:53 pm
jog x20-25 minutes, easy pace

STW core stretches

felt nice, beautiful night
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on September 30, 2010, 04:13:14 am
Found the x-ray:


daayum.. bigger xray is big, and scary.. that looks "sharp".
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2010, 05:30:47 pm
I must beat Joe to 1000 posts.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2010, 05:30:55 pm
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2010, 07:58:52 pm
Stupid fucking tropical rainstorm Nicole. Was supposed to do sprints and jumps today but everything is soaking wet. Oh well. I wish I were still in college...
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2010, 08:00:32 pm
On the plus side, I finally got a new pair of running shoes today. Ladies, I give you the Brooks Racer ST 4:

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Flander on October 01, 2010, 01:04:53 am
Looks nice. Ive considered a brooks shoe. Just dont have the money right now.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on October 01, 2010, 03:33:26 am
I must beat Joe to 1000 posts.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 01, 2010, 04:45:44 am

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 01, 2010, 04:46:10 am
On the plus side, I finally got a new pair of running shoes today. Ladies, I give you the Brooks Racer ST 4:


ooooh nice... those will look good with a yellow unitard.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2010, 09:10:06 am

ooooh nice... those will look good with a yellow unitard.

When/if I am ever actually able to dunk, I'll make a video dunking while wearing this:


And you will know...THE POWER OF YELLOW.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 01, 2010, 03:33:56 pm

ooooh nice... those will look good with a yellow unitard.

When/if I am ever actually able to dunk, I'll make a video dunking while wearing this:


And you will know...THE POWER OF YELLOW.


btw i already know the power of yellow, bananas mang!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2010, 08:13:13 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus


Workout tonight was frustrating because it's Friday, so my normal track was occupied by a football game. Had to run a bit farther to the track at Howard, which is fine except there's nothing to jump to. So my jumps were definitely submax and kind of hard to judge. On the bright side, new shoes felt awesome. So. Light. Weight.

warm up
jog x1 mile
1st set of core stretches
sprinter's warm ups

SS x3
--sprint 20y x3
--various jumps x10-15

cool down
jog x1 mile

Sprints were okay. A couple felt excellent, a couple not. Right calf starting getting wonky at the start of the fourth set so I called it a night
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 02, 2010, 06:55:51 pm
bet you shat your pants a little during the mich/indiana game.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 03, 2010, 01:12:36 am
bet you shat your pants a little during the mich/indiana game.

You have no idea. Agony.

Today: walked a lot, bunch of miles, not sure how many. Beautiful day.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: bedouindunker on October 03, 2010, 02:36:56 am

hey LBSS... what should i do about this pain in my waist area (i dont know if its hip flexor, groin, core)... it hurts when i do lunges or just by bending over... its more the right area... 
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 03, 2010, 02:59:50 pm

hey LBSS... what should i do about this pain in my waist area (i dont know if its hip flexor, groin, core)... it hurts when i do lunges or just by bending over... its more the right area... 

sent you a pm.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 03, 2010, 06:30:26 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
shoot hoops -- lot of bricks
core stretches, fast
sprinter's warm ups

10y sprint x5
DLRVJ x10 -- mostly ~30, one ~31

squat 3x5x250
DL 5x305
bench 3x5x195
BOR 3x8x145
circuit x3, 2 min rest between circuits
--BSS 12x100
--crunch 20x40
--chin up x7
--dip x12

cool down
core stretches slow
other stretches

Got some video of sprints and a couple of 30" jumps. Will upload in a bit. I'm not being aggressive enough on the run-up for the DLRVJs. Same problem I've had. The best jump I had was the one where I took a couple of seconds to visualize and then really attacked. Need to get more consistent with that.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 03, 2010, 10:21:44 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
shoot hoops -- lot of bricks
core stretches, fast
sprinter's warm ups

10y sprint x5
DLRVJ x10 -- mostly ~30, one ~31

squat 3x5x250
DL 5x305
bench 3x5x195
BOR 3x8x145
circuit x3, 2 min rest between circuits
--BSS 12x100
--crunch 20x40
--chin up x7
--dip x12

cool down
core stretches slow
other stretches

Got some video of sprints and a couple of 30" jumps. Will upload in a bit. I'm not being aggressive enough on the run-up for the DLRVJs. Same problem I've had. The best jump I had was the one where I took a couple of seconds to visualize and then really attacked. Need to get more consistent with that.

nice man, ya i do that visualize/self talk stuff when i do my big sessions.. it really helps.. i can't remember the last time i didn't jump insane high after i say to myself: "this is the only jump that matters, everything else is in the past".. works every time, got it from that olympic triple jumper interview vid haha..

but ya, once you go at this for a while, then you can start incorporating more reactive work (id say no dj's, more like pogos/tucks/etc), then your RVJ should feel way different.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2010, 12:51:22 pm

nice man, ya i do that visualize/self talk stuff when i do my big sessions.. it really helps.. i can't remember the last time i didn't jump insane high after i say to myself: "this is the only jump that matters, everything else is in the past".. works every time, got it from that olympic triple jumper interview vid haha..

but ya, once you go at this for a while, then you can start incorporating more reactive work (id say no dj's, more like pogos/tucks/etc), then your RVJ should feel way different.


Word. It's not so much a psyching up thing for me at this point, mostly just visualizing what it should look like as I approach the hoop: aggressive acceleration, big step into the jump and rotate whole body as right foot plants and I launch off the ground. Psyching myself up for real tends to just make me tight, I try too hard.

With respect to adding more reactive stuff, I'm going to wait until I've actually followed through on the current set up. Or would you recommend adding more reactive stuff to SR sessions starting in the next phase? The one thing I've thought seriously about adding was a couple of heavy squat singles or doubles on the power day, just to keep advancing strength as much as possible. My technique is back in an okay place: no knee collapse or wobble and good depth. Thoughts?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 04, 2010, 04:46:11 pm

nice man, ya i do that visualize/self talk stuff when i do my big sessions.. it really helps.. i can't remember the last time i didn't jump insane high after i say to myself: "this is the only jump that matters, everything else is in the past".. works every time, got it from that olympic triple jumper interview vid haha..

but ya, once you go at this for a while, then you can start incorporating more reactive work (id say no dj's, more like pogos/tucks/etc), then your RVJ should feel way different.


Word. It's not so much a psyching up thing for me at this point, mostly just visualizing what it should look like as I approach the hoop: aggressive acceleration, big step into the jump and rotate whole body as right foot plants and I launch off the ground. Psyching myself up for real tends to just make me tight, I try too hard.

ya, if i get tight im screwed too, i psyche up while trying to stay relaxed, which sounds pretty odd.. my psyching up = self talk, deeper breathing, visualization.

With respect to adding more reactive stuff, I'm going to wait until I've actually followed through on the current set up. Or would you recommend adding more reactive stuff to SR sessions starting in the next phase? The one thing I've thought seriously about adding was a couple of heavy squat singles or doubles on the power day, just to keep advancing strength as much as possible. My technique is back in an okay place: no knee collapse or wobble and good depth. Thoughts?

Phase 1, neutral = 1:1:1:0 x4
Phase 2, power = 1:2:2:0 x2
Phase 3, reactivity = 0:1:3:1 x1

what do you plan on doing for the strength-rective sessions? sure you could definitely incorporate some heavy singles into the strength-power sessions.. a few singles isn't going to cause any excess fatigue unless they are done psyched up/1RM.. if you hit singles at anything under 1RM while 'staying relaxed', there's really 0 fatigue.. volume has to be really low though, like a nice low volume work up to 1-3 singles.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2010, 06:01:23 pm
SR sessions are planned as max 20 yard sprints and max DLRVJs, although given the limitations of the facilities I have available, that might have to change (e.g. there isn't always something to jump to, sometimes it's raining outside so the track is out, etc.). Might be helpful to have a menu of activities, actually. Thoughts on that?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 04, 2010, 06:29:29 pm
SR sessions are planned as max 20 yard sprints and max DLRVJs, although given the limitations of the facilities I have available, that might have to change (e.g. there isn't always something to jump to, sometimes it's raining outside so the track is out, etc.). Might be helpful to have a menu of activities, actually. Thoughts on that?

i thought sprints were bugging your toe?

you can sub sprints with mr tucks, mr pogos, high speed jump rope (100 turns), stair sprints etc

pretty hard to sub for DLRVJ, but if i had to, i'd pick MR DL (double leg) BOUNDS for distance, not max distance/deep landings though.. so using no deeper than a half squat landing, bound for distance, around 5 bounds, keeping note of where you landed, maybe putting a marker, and trying to beat that each set.. you could go on for 10-15 total sets.

i have vid in exercise index and other vid on my youtube (over hurdles), over hurdles gives pretty much the optimal trajectory, so if you don't have hurdles, you want to mimic that style of dl bound vs those deep dl bounds you see strength dominant throws/other athletes doing.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2010, 07:44:11 pm
Sprints in Nike Frees were bugging. New kicks still not ideal but definitely improve things enough that I can set up okay. Should try push-up starts. Thanks for the other suggestions.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2010, 08:36:03 pm
warm up
foam roll legs x10 mins

easy jog x30 mins, ~3.4 miles

cool down
walk some

HR was around 130-135, just about perfect for a recovery run. Felt extremely easy, could have kept going at that pace for a long time.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2010, 08:51:47 pm
Inspired by zgin:

The Luke Smoothie

est. cost: no idea

one banana
half cup of frozen strawberries
quarter to half cup of frozen blueberries
scoop of protein powder
three spoonfulls of plain nonfat yogurt

place strawberries in blender first, followed by blueberries
add scoop of protein powder, then yogurt
slice up banana on top
add cold water until it's filled in the gaps below and just reached the bottom of the banana
scrape sides of blender
blend some more
enjoy the greatest smoothie ever created by man or beast.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2010, 11:56:38 pm
Vid from yesterday:

Sprint is full of problems, I know. No triple extension on the first step, for one thing. First jump is awful, the second and third not so bad. Didn't record the best jump of the day, which was about 31" or maybe a bit more.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2010, 08:43:13 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Time was a factor tonight, got to work early and left late for the second day in a row. Tomorrow, back to work at 8.  >:(

warm up
walk fast as shit to the gym
core stretches, fast
couple of jumps, arm circles, YTW

MR tuck jumps 2x10
MR pogos 2x10

REA squat 2x3x85
jump squat 3x3x85

cool down

Low back felt a little iffy on the REA squats, will stay at this weight next time through.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: ssr7 on October 06, 2010, 09:04:22 pm
Vid from yesterday:

Sprint is full of problems, I know. No triple extension on the first step, for one thing. First jump is awful, the second and third not so bad. Didn't record the best jump of the day, which was about 31" or maybe a bit more.

yo, looks like you got rim on the last one man! worrrrddd
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 07, 2010, 07:16:58 am
Psh, I touched rim on all of them. Last one was the highest, though.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: cowed77 on October 07, 2010, 11:17:30 am
ur runup looks like it would benefit from a little more speed dude...

and wat fucking gym is that? theres a big ass tyre for flippin there? on the courts? wont it mess up the place quick?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: cowed77 on October 07, 2010, 11:19:00 am
that shake looks like it would taste weird, i mean, so many different fruits...

i dun like the blender, gives shakes a frothy and bubbly texture... :/
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 07, 2010, 11:34:30 am
ur runup looks like it would benefit from a little more speed dude...

and wat fucking gym is that? theres a big ass tyre for flippin there? on the courts? wont it mess up the place quick?

That's my gym, dude. Balance Gym, in good old Kalorama, Washington, DC. People flip the tires all the time, lot of "functional" training around. We have basically no lifting machines except a cable tower, but three squat racks, an olympic lifting platform, benches, jump ropes, med balls of various types and sizes, DBs up to 125 or something like that, etc. It gets cramped at times cause of the classes (especially Crossfit), but otherwise it's a great gym. I gotta admit, flipping tires is super fun. Don't think it really messes up the floors, although the court is getting a bit old and there are some dead spots. Not from the tires, though.

You're totally right about my run-up. It's kind of "mushy" at the moment, as adarq said the other day.

that shake looks like it would taste weird, i mean, so many different fruits...

i dun like the blender, gives shakes a frothy and bubbly texture... :/

Tastes so good, you have no idea. If you don't like the blender, how do you make shakes?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: cowed77 on October 07, 2010, 11:48:25 am
i mix my whey with milk when im at home, or water if im at work. i try not to shake it too much, and sorta swirl it till it mixes...

and wow, u own a gym, and one which sounds like the kinda gym i'd like to be a member of. totally BADASS status!!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 07, 2010, 01:17:43 pm
LOL, I don't own the gym. I'm just a member. Feel like I own the place, sometimes, though.  ;D

I'd settle for owning a home gym, but that's off the table at the moment because I don't even own a home.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2010, 01:41:49 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

I'm coming down with the cold that my GF had last week. So just felt a bit sluggish. Some tightness in my left calf, too.

warm up
easy jog
core stretches

20 yard sprints and various jumps (DLRVJ on grass, SVJ, stair jumps, DSVJ) x a bunch
core circuit x3
--crunches x50
--side plank x30s ea
--reverse hyper on ground x20

cool down
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 09, 2010, 06:43:59 pm
lbss is a sad panda.. edit: even worse, OSU is #1 now..

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2010, 07:08:42 pm
That shit does not even begin to describe my sadness right now. I'm a happy guy, and I haven't smiled in like two hours.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 09, 2010, 09:07:38 pm
That shit does not even begin to describe my sadness right now. I'm a happy guy, and I haven't smiled in like two hours.


miami (my team) vs fsu right now, going to go train though. i don't get sad anymore though, my allegiences are dying, fau never had a good football team either so.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2010, 10:59:02 am
Yesterday, played frisbee golf with my brothers for ~2 hours. Lots of walking around and some running to make sure we didn't lose discs in the woods. Hadn't ever played a full course of disc golf before. It was fun but man do disc golf discs fly different than ultimate ones. Still hadn't gotten the hang of it by the end.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: Joe on October 11, 2010, 11:03:43 am
Yesterday, played frisbee golf with my brothers for ~2 hours. Lots of walking around and some running to make sure we didn't lose discs in the woods. Hadn't ever played a full course of disc golf before. It was fun but man do disc golf discs fly different than ultimate ones. Still hadn't gotten the hang of it by the end.

No scratch handicap?
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2010, 09:24:21 pm
Went to the gym today just to move around some, roll a lot and stretch a lot.

Shoot hoops x 20-25 mins -- money in the bank, shorty whatcha drank. Could not miss.
EDIT: Interspersed were ~15 DLRVJs -- best was about 30.5", most 29.5-30, pretty weak, was thinking about the runup too much
jump rope incl double unders practice -- totaled about 50 double unders and a bunch more stuff
row x 2000m, easy if inconsistent pace, ~8:30

SMR x25-30 mins
stretch x15 mins

Felt nice.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 12, 2010, 06:29:22 am
Went to the gym today just to move around some, roll a lot and stretch a lot.

Shoot hoops x 20-25 mins -- money in the bank, shorty whatcha drank. Could not miss.
EDIT: Interspersed were ~15 DLRVJs -- best was about 30.5", most 29.5-30, pretty weak, was thinking about the runup too much
jump rope incl double unders practice -- totaled about 50 double unders and a bunch more stuff
row x 2000m, easy if inconsistent pace, ~8:30

SMR x25-30 mins
stretch x15 mins

Felt nice.

hahaha lol'd.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 12, 2010, 07:11:09 am
Yesterday, played frisbee golf with my brothers for ~2 hours. Lots of walking around and some running to make sure we didn't lose discs in the woods. Hadn't ever played a full course of disc golf before. It was fun but man do disc golf discs fly different than ultimate ones. Still hadn't gotten the hang of it by the end.

No scratch handicap?

No pars listed so we just decided everything should be par 4, haha.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 12, 2010, 08:32:49 pm
Temperature: 99.5

Workout: foam roll and stretch

I feel very weak and my joints hurt. Bit reminiscent of last year's flu. Fuck.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 13, 2010, 04:39:51 am
Temperature: 99.5

Workout: foam roll and stretch

I feel very weak and my joints hurt. Bit reminiscent of last year's flu. Fuck.

you're getting sick ?? flu??

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2010, 10:13:21 am
Temperature: 99.5

Workout: foam roll and stretch

I feel very weak and my joints hurt. Bit reminiscent of last year's flu. Fuck.

you're getting sick ?? flu??


Feels like flu, yeah. Been sick the past few days but just was like a chest cold, lots of coughing but otherwise felt fine. Shit hit the fan last night but I'm feeling progressively better today. Aches are subsiding, no more fever, head only hurts when I cough. Hopefully will be back to normal by tonight.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: ssr7 on October 13, 2010, 10:54:47 am
dang man! feel better!
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 14, 2010, 11:24:57 am
Thanks dude. I actually feel worse today, bad headache on the right side. No fever though, which is good. The other weird thing about whatever it is I have at the moment: the phlegm or mucus or whatever that comes up when I cough tastes absolutely nasty. I can't remember having a cough where that happened.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 14, 2010, 04:57:01 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Still felt like shit this morning/early afternoon but managed to get up and make myself some breakfast. Started feeling better so went to the gym. Workout was a bit of a wash but it's okay, I'm still glad I went. Didn't finish all my stuff so I'll throw some extra on after the next workout (SP).

warm up
shoot hoops x a while -- not bad but not as good as the other day
core stretches
glute bridges

DLRVJ x15-20 -- pretty consistently around 29.5-30, nothing bad just nothing great
two-step VJ x7-8 thrown in -- got 30 on a couple of these, maybe should switch to two-step for a while before trying full run ups again

squat 3x5x255
DL 5x315 -- back to three plates, baby!
bench 5x185, 2x175 -- fail, this just felt wrong for some reason
DB row 8x60/ea, 2x10x60/ea

cool down
shoot some more hoops
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 14, 2010, 06:18:18 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Still felt like shit this morning/early afternoon but managed to get up and make myself some breakfast. Started feeling better so went to the gym. Workout was a bit of a wash but it's okay, I'm still glad I went. Didn't finish all my stuff so I'll throw some extra on after the next workout (SP).

warm up
shoot hoops x a while -- not bad but not as good as the other day
core stretches
glute bridges

DLRVJ x15-20 -- pretty consistently around 29.5-30, nothing bad just nothing great
two-step VJ x7-8 thrown in -- got 30 on a couple of these, maybe should switch to two-step for a while before trying full run ups again

squat 3x5x255
DL 5x315 -- back to three plates, baby!
bench 5x185, 2x175 -- fail, this just felt wrong for some reason
DB row 8x60/ea, 2x10x60/ea

cool down
shoot some more hoops

on the DLRVJ's, just hit 2-step lead in, and 3-step lead in.. that two step was good considering you're sick/missing training lately because of it, add one more step after you hit some 2-step leads, see how that goes.. ya avoid full run up for a while, see what you can do with 2&3-step-lead DLRVJ.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2010, 06:16:46 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
shoot around -- pretty good
core stretches
adv glute bridge x15

1 step jumps x~20 -- mostly around 29", bit weak/slow
2 step jumps x~8 -- mostly around 30", same

REA squat 2x3x85
jump squat 3x3x85
bench 3x5x185 -- went a bit light given my epic fail last time
BOR 3x8x145 -- best BOR sets yet, I think; will up weight next time
circuit x3, rest as needed between exercises, 90s rest between circuits
--BSS 12x110 (ow)
--crunch 15x45
--chin up x8 -- form sucked on these
--push up x20

cool down
walk home
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2010, 02:31:47 pm
Glutes are sore today. No surprise there.

In other news, I think I'm going to keep bench, BOR and some other work in there on SP days just because the frequency (1/3 workouts) doesn't seem like enough to progress on those exercises and I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be. Progressing, I mean. Nothing grindy or too draining, obviously. The main focus of the workout won't change, I'll just add some upper body and core stuff after the jumps, REA squats and jump squats.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2010, 08:12:46 pm
jog x3.6 miles at easy pace, about 30 mins


Such a perfect night for running. I feel great.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 18, 2010, 11:15:19 pm
jog x3.6 miles at easy pace, about 30 mins


Such a perfect night for running. I feel great.

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 19, 2010, 09:49:20 am
jog x3.6 miles at easy pace, about 30 mins


Such a perfect night for running. I feel great.


Yeah, dude. Nothing feels quite like falling into a smooth cadence at an easy pace. There's something hypnotic and relaxing about it. Plus my second-day DOMS from the BSS is better than it would have been thanks to the running and the nice stretch I did afterward.

Supposed to rain tonight, so I may have to sub some gym exercises in for the sprints and running jumps. Gotta give some thought to that today, want to have adequate volume so the workout is kind of comparable to what I would do outside.

Something like
jump rope x whatever, mix in double unders
RFIs 3x10s/ea (count contacts)
ice skaters 2x10
pogos 3x10
tuck jumps 3x10
drop step jumps x15-20

core circuit

Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 19, 2010, 03:25:33 pm
jog x3.6 miles at easy pace, about 30 mins


Such a perfect night for running. I feel great.


Yeah, dude. Nothing feels quite like falling into a smooth cadence at an easy pace. There's something hypnotic and relaxing about it. Plus my second-day DOMS from the BSS is better than it would have been thanks to the running and the nice stretch I did afterward.

Supposed to rain tonight, so I may have to sub some gym exercises in for the sprints and running jumps. Gotta give some thought to that today, want to have adequate volume so the workout is kind of comparable to what I would do outside.

Something like
jump rope x whatever, mix in double unders
RFIs 3x10s/ea (count contacts)
ice skaters 2x10
pogos 3x10
tuck jumps 3x10
drop step jumps x15-20

core circuit


i'd change it to:

jump rope x whatever, mix in double unders
tuck jumps 3x10
pogos 3x10
drop step jumps x15-20
RFIs 3x10s/ea (count contacts)
ice skaters 2x10

core circuit

rfi for 10s before that stuff usually isn't a good idea, too fatiguing on calfs.

peace man
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 19, 2010, 08:36:29 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
shoot hoops -- solid until people started showing up, lol
basketball court was open but the volleyball people were starting to gather, so I just went straight into:
1-step VJ x~12-15, more consistently ~30" than the other day, felt better
2-step VJ x~5, no improvement over the 1-step, except one or two; still felt better than the other day


warm up cont'd
foam roll

work (60s between sets, 120s between exercises)
tuck jump 3x10
pogo 3x10
ice skate 2x10
RFI 3x10s (L 42, 42, 40; R 42, 44, 40)

cool down

On to the "power" phase...
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 21, 2010, 09:06:00 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

soleus sore/dead on both sides. energy was low because i didn't eat enough today. dumbass. gonna go eat a bunch right now.

warm up
shoot hoops -- rough start but then money
core stretches
random KB swings

1-step x15ish -- mostly shitty, 29-29.5" dude who was also using the court pointed out that I was stepping out with my right foot rather than straight forward. corrected it and gained an inch automatically on the next jump. then back to meh.
2-step x5ish -- meh
tuck jumps 2x10
pogos 2x10

squat 3x5x265
DL 5x325 -- I think this ties a rep PR
bench 3x5x195 -- easy
BOR 3x8x155 -- not easy
circuit x3, bit more rest than usual so quality was higher. smart move.
--BSS 12x110, better depth than the other day
--DB OHP x8x40/ea
--crunch x15x45
--chin up x8, much better than the other day

cool down
lie still
stretch some more
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2010, 07:37:05 pm
In Atlanta for work. Thought I was gonna have time to work out down here but they've got us planned down to the god damn minute. Oh well.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 23, 2010, 07:56:00 pm
In Atlanta for work. Thought I was gonna have time to work out down here but they've got us planned down to the god damn minute. Oh well.

that sucks, the day of the business trip vacation is over.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2010, 11:09:07 pm
In Atlanta for work. Thought I was gonna have time to work out down here but they've got us planned down to the god damn minute. Oh well.

that sucks, the day of the business trip vacation is over.

Haha, it's not over, I hope. But this particular trip was packed and exhausting. Back to work (the gym, I mean) tomorrow.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2010, 09:33:28 pm
Yes. Right hip is buggin and left knee tweaked during the jump squats but this workout felt very good.

neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
shoot hoops -- hot and cold
core stretches fast

tuck jumps x10
pogos 2x10
15y sprint x4
1-step jump x15*

REA squat 2x3x95
jump squat 3x3x95
squat 3x2x285 -- first rep was awful but rest were pretty good
OHP 3x5x95 -- super light but hadn't done these in a while, so
chin 3x10
core circuit x3, no rest between exercises, 60s between sets
--Pallof press x10x80/ea
--crunch x18x45
--leg lower x12

cool down -- took about 35 minutes, felt great
foam roll

*These felt as good as jumps have felt for me. Was consistently hitting 30-30.5, when last workout I think I might have hit 30 once. I was just amped for them at the beginning and got a knuckle on the rim on my first jump. I think the sprints helped with that. Dropoff was pretty clear after about the 12th jump, but that's okay. Will get better as work capacity improves.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: adarqui on October 26, 2010, 06:28:37 am
Yes. Right hip is buggin and left knee tweaked during the jump squats but this workout felt very good.

neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
shoot hoops -- hot and cold
core stretches fast

tuck jumps x10
pogos 2x10
15y sprint x4
1-step jump x15*

REA squat 2x3x95
jump squat 3x3x95
squat 3x2x285 -- first rep was awful but rest were pretty good
OHP 3x5x95 -- super light but hadn't done these in a while, so
chin 3x10
core circuit x3, no rest between exercises, 60s between sets
--Pallof press x10x80/ea
--crunch x18x45
--leg lower x12

cool down -- took about 35 minutes, felt great
foam roll

*These felt as good as jumps have felt for me. Was consistently hitting 30-30.5, when last workout I think I might have hit 30 once. I was just amped for them at the beginning and got a knuckle on the rim on my first jump. I think the sprints helped with that. Dropoff was pretty clear after about the 12th jump, but that's okay. Will get better as work capacity improves.

nice jumping man! good stuff

hope nothing is up with your hip/knee.
Title: Re: no bounce, need bounce
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2010, 09:27:19 am
Yeah, I have a bit of hypermobility in my knees: they go back a bit too far when I extend them fully, as in, you know, an explosive triple extension. The extra poundage just got to me last night, I think. SI joint is hypermobile, too. I can put my palms flat on the ground with my legs straight. That doesn't seem to affect anything, though, just saying.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2010, 12:14:59 pm
Nota bene: Journal log changed to "a fast and explosive donkey!" Inspired by the introduction to the paper "Effects of Strength Training on Muscle Fiber Types and Size: consequences for athletes training for high-intensity sport," by JL Andersen and P Aagaard, which states, "Thus, both coaches and scientists know that it is not possible to turn a donkey into a racehorse by means of exercise and training. Hard work will, at the most, turn the donkey into a fast and explosive donkey!"

My friends, I may not be a racehorse. But I will be god damned if I can't turn myself into a fast and explosive donkey. HEE HAW!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: zgin on October 27, 2010, 02:26:02 pm

Inspired by the introduction to the paper "Effects of Strength Training on Muscle Fiber Types and Size: consequences for athletes training for high-intensity sport," by JL Andersen and P Aagaard,

you actually read those?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2010, 03:00:46 pm

Inspired by the introduction to the paper "Effects of Strength Training on Muscle Fiber Types and Size: consequences for athletes training for high-intensity sport," by JL Andersen and P Aagaard,

you actually read those?

Yes, zgin. Yes, I do. All the time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on October 27, 2010, 03:07:26 pm

Inspired by the introduction to the paper "Effects of Strength Training on Muscle Fiber Types and Size: consequences for athletes training for high-intensity sport," by JL Andersen and P Aagaard,

you actually read those?

Yes, zgin. Yes, I do. All the time.

The names look danish.

I love that idea. Were are not racehorses bro. We are fast and explosive barnyard animals. You, a donkey. Me, a baboon.  :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on October 27, 2010, 03:18:38 pm

Inspired by the introduction to the paper "Effects of Strength Training on Muscle Fiber Types and Size: consequences for athletes training for high-intensity sport," by JL Andersen and P Aagaard,

you actually read those?

Yes, zgin. Yes, I do. All the time.

The names look danish.

I love that idea. Were are not racehorses bro. We are fast and explosive barnyard animals. You, a donkey. Me, a baboon.  :ninja:

Baboon. Barnyard animal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2010, 05:12:21 pm

Inspired by the introduction to the paper "Effects of Strength Training on Muscle Fiber Types and Size: consequences for athletes training for high-intensity sport," by JL Andersen and P Aagaard,

you actually read those?

Yes, zgin. Yes, I do. All the time.

The names look danish.

I love that idea. Were are not racehorses bro. We are fast and explosive barnyard animals. You, a donkey. Me, a baboon.  :ninja:

Baboon. Barnyard animal.

In Mozambique. Duh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2010, 08:40:11 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up

shoot hoops -- not good
core stretches

tucks x10
pogos x10
sprint x4
1-step x17 -- getting better, omg, all at least 30 except 2 or 3, 1 or 2 might even have been 31

REA 2x3x95
jump squat 3x3x95
squat 3x2x285 -- way better than Monday
OHP worked up to top set of 5x125
chins worked up to top set of 5xbw+25 -- too easy

crunched for time so called it there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on October 28, 2010, 12:29:40 am

Inspired by the introduction to the paper "Effects of Strength Training on Muscle Fiber Types and Size: consequences for athletes training for high-intensity sport," by JL Andersen and P Aagaard,

you actually read those?

Yes, zgin. Yes, I do. All the time.

The names look danish.

I love that idea. Were are not racehorses bro. We are fast and explosive barnyard animals. You, a donkey. Me, a baboon.  :ninja:

Baboon. Barnyard animal.

In Mozambique. Duh.

Clearly Joe has never been to a barn or a yard.  :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on October 28, 2010, 12:44:04 am
Nota bene: Journal log changed to "a fast and explosive donkey!" Inspired by the introduction to the paper "Effects of Strength Training on Muscle Fiber Types and Size: consequences for athletes training for high-intensity sport," by JL Andersen and P Aagaard, which states, "Thus, both coaches and scientists know that it is not possible to turn a donkey into a racehorse by means of exercise and training. Hard work will, at the most, turn the donkey into a fast and explosive donkey!"

My friends, I may not be a racehorse. But I will be god damned if I can't turn myself into a fast and explosive donkey. HEE HAW!

Damn, that logic is brilliant.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe-Y on October 28, 2010, 12:51:11 am
sup man what are those SH,SP,SR??
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 28, 2010, 01:13:28 am
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up

shoot hoops -- not good
core stretches

tucks x10
pogos x10
sprint x4
1-step x17 -- getting better, omg, all at least 30 except 2 or 3, 1 or 2 might even have been 31

REA 2x3x95
jump squat 3x3x95
squat 3x2x285 -- way better than Monday
OHP worked up to top set of 5x125
chins worked up to top set of 5xbw+25 -- too easy

crunched for time so called it there.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 28, 2010, 01:14:42 am
sup man what are those SH,SP,SR??

strength hypertrophy, strength power, strength reactive..

those are types of sessions (or blocks) that he's doing..

peace man
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe-Y on October 28, 2010, 01:18:08 am
sup man what are those SH,SP,SR??

strength hypertrophy, strength power, strength reactive..

those are types of sessions (or blocks) that he's doing..

peace man

cheers man
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 30, 2010, 10:41:03 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Didn't get a chance to post yesterday. Bit of a bust cause the gym, unannounced, had shut down the basketball court. I didn't have a backup plan so ended up doing some random shit. Closed today and tomorrow, too.

warm up
foam roll

jump rope x a bunch, about 35 total double unders
tuck jump x10
pogos x10

Then realized that I could use the court as long as I didn't bring any equipment on it, e.g. a basketball.

sprint x3
1-step x5 -- sucked, nothing over 29
repeat, but wasn't jumping well at all, so I cut myself off

More tuck jumps and pogos, some random broad jumps...mostly a waste of time cause I didn't have a backup plan. Oops.

cool down

adarq, any ideas for the SR sessions, especially now that it's getting cold and sprints are gonna get harder to do? I know we talked about this before but I'm evidently incapable of putting something reasonable together on my own.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 31, 2010, 03:57:06 am
Didn't get a chance to post yesterday. Bit of a bust cause the gym, unannounced, had shut down the basketball court. I didn't have a backup plan so ended up doing some random shit. Closed today and tomorrow, too.

that shit pisses me off.. i feel your pain, happens to me all the time now, with the courts around here... i'll have only 30-45 min to dunk and i get there and the lights are off, never used to be like that.. FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU$!@

warm up
foam roll

jump rope x a bunch, about 35 total double unders
tuck jump x10
pogos x10

Then realized that I could use the court as long as I didn't bring any equipment on it, e.g. a basketball.

sprint x3
1-step x5 -- sucked, nothing over 29
repeat, but wasn't jumping well at all, so I cut myself off

More tuck jumps and pogos, some random broad jumps...mostly a waste of time cause I didn't have a backup plan. Oops.

cool down

adarq, any ideas for the SR sessions, especially now that it's getting cold and sprints are gonna get harder to do? I know we talked about this before but I'm evidently incapable of putting something reasonable together on my own.

ya, higher rep tuck jumps, jump rope speed intervals, more volume on the pogos.

for example, a SR session that mimics more of a sprinting session would look something like:

- TUCK JUMPS: 4 x 20-30 initially, near max effort on each rebound but not absolute max effort
- POGOS: 4-5 x 5
- ICE SKATERS: 3 x 5-10
- OPTIONAL: BALLISTIC JUMP ROPE INTERVAL: 3-5 x 50 max speed (OR) SL RFI LINE HOPS (OR) REBOUNDING QUICK LUNGES (you can't do those koz of your toe)
the take home point is, increase the tuck jump reps per set, you can eventually even work up towards 50, i wouldn't go more than 50.. you'll be completely spent like you just ran a 200m.. keep pogo volume lower so you can really work on getting that stiff reactive bounce, not just submax reps.

there's some single leg tuck jump stuff you can do in place but i don't think that's necessary.

so gradually improve that tuck jump volume.

peace man
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2010, 06:18:55 pm
Word, will start doing this. When the court is open, would it be alright to basically do the same thing but just throw the 1-step (and eventually 2-step, 3-step, etc.) jumps beforehand?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2010, 09:06:59 pm
warm up
foam roll
core stretches

jog x35:50 @ easy pace, 4.2 miles, 8:32/mile

cool down

Seven things:
1. Knees are buggin' a little, not sharp just kind of dull. Don't bother me at all during the run. Not a new feeling by any means, but thought I'd note it tonight anyway.
2. Perfect night, mid-50s and no wind.
3. Happy Halloween.
4. Fuck DC taxi drivers.
5. I finally got a stopwatch again so I'm going to start tracking my runs a little bit better.
6. Got some video of the decent jumps from the other day, including the ~31.5" one that was halfway down my second knuckle. Will post later.
7. Michigan AND Skins lost this weekend to inferior teams. FML.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2010, 10:40:23 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 01, 2010, 12:39:20 am

runups/plants are looking better, that jump at 15s was very nice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on November 01, 2010, 02:57:02 am

So thats how an explosive donkey looks like.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2010, 01:10:07 pm

So thats how an explosive donkey looks like.

No, that's how a slow and unexplosive donkey looks. But I will become fast. I will become explosive. And then, I will dunk on lazy racehorses until the cows come home (and the baboons :D).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2010, 03:35:54 pm
Update on toes after orthopedic surgeon visit this morning:

Both big toes are arthritic, although the left is more pronounced. The joints are malformed and cartilege has worn away, although it's not completely gone. But my stride is pretty normal-looking, even barefoot. Eventually, I'll need surgery, with the preference being for joint replacement ( :o ) over fusing the bones together. But the doctor said that because the state of replacements for toes is not as advanced as those for knees or hips (which each have about a 95% success rate), it'd be best to wait a while to see if procedures improve over the next 10-15 years. In the meantime, he told me to take Aleve for 10 days or so (3-4 times the max amount on the bottle, confirming my suspicion that dose recommendations on OTC painkillers are a complete joke) and see if that improves the inflammation or pain any. He also told me to get some more arch support, to prevent overpronation (okay, will think about it, although I'm worried about my feet getting even weaker than they already are), and to get a shoe with a rocker bottom (over my dead body).

Glass half-empty: I will need surgery and in the meantime am stuck with overly stiff, occasionally painful big toes.
Glass half-full: I can hold off on the surgery for a while and can continue to go about my business until then without worrying that this will get any worse.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2010, 03:36:11 pm
Also, I got a bunch more x-rays   :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on November 01, 2010, 03:40:03 pm

So thats how an explosive donkey looks like.

No, that's how a slow and unexplosive donkey looks. But I will become fast. I will become explosive. And then, I will dunk on lazy racehorses until the cows come home (and the baboons :D).

Yeah!!  :headbang: :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 01, 2010, 07:42:43 pm
Update on toes after orthopedic surgeon visit this morning:

Both big toes are arthritic, although the left is more pronounced. The joints are malformed and cartilege has worn away, although it's not completely gone. But my stride is pretty normal-looking, even barefoot. Eventually, I'll need surgery, with the preference being for joint replacement ( :o ) over fusing the bones together. But the doctor said that because the state of replacements for toes is not as advanced as those for knees or hips (which each have about a 95% success rate), it'd be best to wait a while to see if procedures improve over the next 10-15 years. In the meantime, he told me to take Aleve for 10 days or so (3-4 times the max amount on the bottle, confirming my suspicion that dose recommendations on OTC painkillers are a complete joke) and see if that improves the inflammation or pain any. He also told me to get some more arch support, to prevent overpronation (okay, will think about it, although I'm worried about my feet getting even weaker than they already are), and to get a shoe with a rocker bottom (over my dead body).

Glass half-empty: I will need surgery and in the meantime am stuck with overly stiff, occasionally painful big toes.
Glass half-full: I can hold off on the surgery for a while and can continue to go about my business until then without worrying that this will get any worse.

damn that sucks ass, how did that arthritis even happen, it's just because of how the joints formed as you grew up? are you prone to having more of your joints becoming arthritic? i mean, is there an increased risk because of this toe shit?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2010, 09:57:25 pm
Not sure how it happened. Probably a combination of things. I don't think it means other joints are at risk, because the main problem seems to be that A) the joints are the wrong shape and B) the cartilage has worn away and so the toe bone is too close to the foot bone. The rest of the toes are fine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2010, 10:01:16 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
jump rope x some
foam roll
core stretches

tuck jumps 4x20 -- harder than I expected
pogos 4x5
ice skater 3x10
RFI 3x10s -- (L/R) 42/40, 40/39, 40/42 -- wtf super slow

bench 5x195
realized my form needs work, left shoulder is obviously less stable than the right as it slips out on the first rep of any kind of weight
bench 2x5x135, solid form
BOR 3x8x135, very solid form

cool down

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 01, 2010, 10:06:56 pm
tuck jumps 4x20 -- harder than I expected

yup, high rep tuck jumps are brutal.. very effective though.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2010, 12:17:16 am
12:15 AM and I'm still awake because of the stupid girls pics threads.

I am a fucking idiot. Good night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 02, 2010, 06:34:37 am
12:15 AM and I'm still awake because of the stupid girls pics threads.

I am a fucking idiot. Good night.

6:34 am and i'm still awake because of the IRC's.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2010, 10:00:41 am
12:15 AM and I'm still awake because of the stupid girls pics threads.

I am a fucking idiot. Good night.

6:34 am and i'm still awake because of the IRC's.


Yeah but you don't have to wake up at 7:30 for work.  :(

Also, I'd never tried to use the hangtime calculator before but I see what people mean when they say it's a rough guess at best. If my best jump the other day was 23 frames, it was ~28.59". If it was 24 frames, ~30.87". Not sure which, but based on where my finger got to I'm going to go with 30.5".
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2010, 05:54:40 pm
My soleuseseseseses are sore.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2010, 07:02:03 pm
Life/work has gotten in the way of training this week. Way not enough sleep + high stress = worthless training session today. Had to be at work at 7 AM today so last night was even less sleep than the rest of the week (~5 hours).

warm up
shoot hoops -- awful, couldn't focus, form sucked, blah
foam roll
core stretches -- even more tightness than usual in hip flexors

sprints x4 -- slow
1-step jumps x6-8 -- one 30, one 29.5, everything else ~29, just felt really shitty

Canned it there because there was no way I was putting any kind of weight on my back. Gonna eat, veg out for a little bit, go to bed super early and go get it tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 05, 2010, 11:35:35 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

bit of a mixed bag today. jumps were meh, but I think the DL is a PR for a set of 5. scaled bench and rows way back to focus on form.

warm up
shoot around -- mixed, mostly bad. I think having my glasses on complicates things.
core stretches
tuck jumps x10
pogos x5

sprint x4x15y
1-step jumps x10
2-step jumps x a few

squat 3x5x260 -- last rep on first and last sets was a little good-morninged
DL 5x325
bench 2x8x135
BOR 2x8x115
ab wheel roll outs 2x20
side plank x45s/ea

cool down
walk home
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 08, 2010, 09:32:26 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Starting to think I'm going to come out of this little stretch without much improvement at all. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I did something extra idiotic during tonight's workout. Bonus points to anyone who can figure out what it was.

warm up
jump rope
foam roll
core stretches
more jump rope

tuck jump 2x15
pogo 2x5
REA squat 2x3x95
jump squat 3x3x95 -- last two sets felt pretty good
squat 5x275
OHP 3x5x95
chin up 3x5xbw+35
crunches 3x20+45
side plank x45s/ea

cool down
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on November 08, 2010, 11:51:15 pm
nice workout mayne! decide against training at SSPT?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 09, 2010, 03:38:52 am
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Starting to think I'm going to come out of this little stretch without much improvement at all. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I did something extra idiotic during tonight's workout. Bonus points to anyone who can figure out what it was.

not throw in some ME jumps??? last jump session = nov 5, get it in!@#!@

as long as everything is feeling good, you might want to start throwing in some depth drops and progress over the next few sessions (18, 24, 24, 30, 30, possibly go higher than 30, ie, around 34 tops .. ).. 3x5.

warm up
jump rope
foam roll
core stretches
more jump rope

tuck jump 2x15
pogo 2x5
REA squat 2x3x95
jump squat 3x3x95 -- last two sets felt pretty good
squat 5x275
OHP 3x5x95
chin up 3x5xbw+35
crunches 3x20+45
side plank x45s/ea

cool down

nice w/o.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2010, 07:31:45 am
nice workout mayne! decide against training at SSPT?

Thanks man. Yeah, for now I think it's just too far away. My gym is getting crowded as hell most weeknights, which is annoying. But the location just can't be beat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2010, 07:40:17 am
@adarq: This is gonna sound like whining, but there was literally no space to do ME jumps until like 8:15, IOW until I was over an hour into the workout and had done my squats and everything. ME would have been, ahem, weak. I can usually get there either early or late, but yesterday the timing just sucked.

So, you might call that stupid, but it wasn't the stupid thing I was talking about.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2010, 11:22:43 am
Greedy, greedy, greedy.

Because this has been nagging at me for a while, here is a list of material things I want:

1) Risto or Do-Win lifting shoes
2) Bloodlands, by Timothy Snyder
3) 1491, by Charles Mann
4) A meal at Komi, Minibar, Citronelle, CityZen, etc. (That is, a fucking awesome fancy-ass meal.)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2010, 11:45:45 am
Also, some hilarious news came the other day. My club ultimate team, which fizzled out absolutely at the end of last season and which everyone thought had died a quiet death, may be coming back. The reason: We're named Orange Joose, after the caffeinated malt beverage. Equivalent of eight cups of coffee and three beers in every .5L can. The makers of Joose were doing some trademark research and when you Google "orange joose," 5 of the first 6 links are to our team.

Instead of suing us, they've offered to sponsor us: buy us jerseys, discs, probably a big banner to hold up at tournaments and, assumedly, lots of Joose.

God, I hope this happens. If it does,  :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 09, 2010, 11:50:28 am
bla bla bla , nice list , bla bla bla great news about the sponsorship bla bla bla...

Now tell us the extra-idiotic thing you did!  ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on November 09, 2010, 11:59:47 am
That Joose sponsorship is fucking awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2010, 03:20:52 pm
OK vag, you win.  :D

OHP 3x5x95

Should have been 3x5x125. I warmed up and ended up with 25# on each side of the bar. "Aha!" I thought to myself. "Now it's time for the work sets."

They felt super light and I thought to myself, "Holy crap, I'm stronger than I thought! Alright!" Not until I was replacing the plates did I realize my mistake.  :-[
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on November 09, 2010, 05:27:30 pm
Also, some hilarious news came the other day. My club ultimate team, which fizzled out absolutely at the end of last season and which everyone thought had died a quiet death, may be coming back. The reason: We're named Orange Joose, after the caffeinated malt beverage. Equivalent of eight cups of coffee and three beers in every .5L can. The makers of Joose were doing some trademark research and when you Google "orange joose," 5 of the first 6 links are to our team.

Instead of suing us, they've offered to sponsor us: buy us jerseys, discs, probably a big banner to hold up at tournaments and, assumedly, lots of Joose.

God, I hope this happens. If it does,  :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Sounds awesome. Hope you get it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 09, 2010, 06:50:40 pm
@adarq: This is gonna sound like whining, but there was literally no space to do ME jumps until like 8:15, IOW until I was over an hour into the workout and had done my squats and everything. ME would have been, ahem, weak. I can usually get there either early or late, but yesterday the timing just sucked.

So, you might call that stupid, but it wasn't the stupid thing I was talking about.

definitely not taken as whining.. sucks when we can't get our jumps in.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2010, 10:01:39 pm
It's 9:59. Leaving work now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 10, 2010, 03:23:27 am
OK vag, you win.  :D

OHP 3x5x95

Should have been 3x5x125. I warmed up and ended up with 25# on each side of the bar. "Aha!" I thought to myself. "Now it's time for the work sets."

They felt super light and I thought to myself, "Holy crap, I'm stronger than I thought! Alright!" Not until I was replacing the plates did I realize my mistake.  :-[

LOL , yes , it happens all the time to me , especially when i do my upper body split that has 7 exercises.
This week i had the exact opposite thing happen , i started 11lbs heavier than i wanted to. And i was "WTF , why am i so weak?". Turns out i benched 3x8 with a weight i was only able to do 6 reps for 1 set last time.  ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 10, 2010, 03:35:38 am
It's 9:59. Leaving work now.

he's the first to show up & the last to leave, that LBSS is a hard worker.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 10, 2010, 10:10:26 am
It's 9:59. Leaving work now.

he's the first to show up & the last to leave, that LBSS is a hard worker.

My boss certainly thinks so  ;D.

This will all be worth it if A) I get a decent raise at the end of the year and B) I get an ass-kicking recommendation from my boss for whatever job and/or grad school I apply to next.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 10, 2010, 10:12:04 am
LOL , yes , it happens all the time to me , especially when i do my upper body split that has 7 exercises.
This week i had the exact opposite thing happen , i started 11lbs heavier than i wanted to. And i was "WTF , why am i so weak?". Turns out i benched 3x8 with a weight i was only able to do 6 reps for 1 set last time.  ;D

Haha, that's awesome! Guess you're not as weak as you thought.  :strong:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on November 10, 2010, 10:46:48 am
It's 9:59. Leaving work now.

he's the first to show up & the last to leave, that LBSS is a hard worker.

My boss certainly thinks so  ;D.

This will all be worth it if A) I get a decent raise at the end of the year and B) I get an ass-kicking recommendation from my boss for whatever job and/or grad school I apply to next.

What do you want to study at grad school?

You should see the hours my brother works, it is ridiculous.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 10, 2010, 11:03:35 am
It's 9:59. Leaving work now.

he's the first to show up & the last to leave, that LBSS is a hard worker.

My boss certainly thinks so  ;D.

This will all be worth it if A) I get a decent raise at the end of the year and B) I get an ass-kicking recommendation from my boss for whatever job and/or grad school I apply to next.

What do you want to study at grad school?

You should see the hours my brother works, it is ridiculous.

Don't know. Just know that I'll end up there at some point and that it won't be for a useless degree like an MA. What does your brother do?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on November 10, 2010, 12:04:51 pm
It's 9:59. Leaving work now.

he's the first to show up & the last to leave, that LBSS is a hard worker.

My boss certainly thinks so  ;D.

This will all be worth it if A) I get a decent raise at the end of the year and B) I get an ass-kicking recommendation from my boss for whatever job and/or grad school I apply to next.

What do you want to study at grad school?

You should see the hours my brother works, it is ridiculous.

Don't know. Just know that I'll end up there at some point and that it won't be for a useless degree like an MA. What does your brother do?

He works in finance in New York. He is usually at the office until about 11pm, sometimes until 2am on crazy days.

Also, don't be dissin' the MA.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 12, 2010, 09:05:13 am
Yesterday I worked from 8 AM to 11 PM.

Gym closes at 10 PM.

You figure out whether I worked out or not.

This will all be over today and then I can actually start working out again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 12, 2010, 09:01:05 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

First workout since Monday, I was so excited. Wasn't an awesome workout, but whatever.

warm up
shoot hoops -- cold then hot
sprinter's warm ups
10y sprints x4 -- pretty light intensity


1-step x10-12 -- mostly shitty but a couple I actually got low and hit 30"
tuck jumps 2x10
pogos 2x5

REA squat 2x3x75
jump squat 3x3x75
squat 5x255
OHP 3x5x105 -- figured I might as well progress from 95
chin up 3x5x44 (chain weighs 8.5, so weight from the other day should be 41.5)

cool down
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on November 13, 2010, 12:48:36 am
Welcome to my world. This week I skipped a couple workouts because I literally didn't have time in the day to eat. Ironically my Sunday journal entry was about how much more I've been eating lately. Musical rehearsals at school shot that down. I'm hardly home right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 13, 2010, 05:09:42 pm
Up at my parents' watching the dogs cause family is out of town. Took advantage by going over to the middle school to dunk on their sub-10-feet baskets. Unforunately, the only ball in the whole house that isn't a tennis ball is...a softball. So I had to use that. Still, felt nice to actually put something through a basket for once, instead of trying just to get a knuckle above the rim. Not sure of the height but I'll go back and measure at some point. Got some video, too, which I'll upload when I get back to my house.

warm up
medium-speed down-and-backs on the basketball court
mobility drills, leg swings, etc.
15y sprints x2 @80-85%

1-step jumps x8-10 -- some with ball some without
full run-up jumps x8-10 -- same

cool down


Again, not sure how high I was getting but the video plus a measuring tape will help with that. Felt nice. Full run-ups were good, I was actually starting gradually and then accelerating into the plant somewhat. Need to focus on getting low cause I'm damn sure not reactive enough to jump high otherwise.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 13, 2010, 05:11:00 pm
Welcome to my world. This week I skipped a couple workouts because I literally didn't have time in the day to eat. Ironically my Sunday journal entry was about how much more I've been eating lately. Musical rehearsals at school shot that down. I'm hardly home right now.

That's rough, man. Makes me think of that old Checkers commercial:

You gotta eat.
What are you do-in'?
Said who do you think you are?
You won't get far.
You gotta eat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 14, 2010, 05:38:24 am
Welcome to my world. This week I skipped a couple workouts because I literally didn't have time in the day to eat. Ironically my Sunday journal entry was about how much more I've been eating lately. Musical rehearsals at school shot that down. I'm hardly home right now.

That's rough, man. Makes me think of that old Checkers commercial:

You gotta eat.
What are you do-in'?
Said who do you think you are?
You won't get far.
You gotta eat.

i just lol'd, loud.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2010, 05:47:25 pm
Today I jumped out of a plane at 13,500 feet. No workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on November 14, 2010, 05:58:13 pm
Today I jumped out of a plane at 13,500 feet. No workout.

I take it your parachute worked.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 14, 2010, 06:57:47 pm
Today I jumped out of a plane at 13,500 feet. No workout.

what??????????????? details??????????????

sick dude.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2010, 10:31:05 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on November 15, 2010, 12:19:27 am
Nice jumps man. What is this Takoma?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on November 15, 2010, 02:02:41 am
Today I jumped out of a plane at 13,500 feet. No workout.

You bastard... I'm so jealous. >:(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 15, 2010, 04:38:13 am
Nice dunks man , i like the court too!

Today I jumped out of a plane at 13,500 feet. No workout. WR Depth Drop  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on November 15, 2010, 04:44:55 am
Nice dunks man , i like the court too!

Today I jumped out of a plane at 13,500 feet. No workout. WR Depth Drop  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:

Hahaha. GOod one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 15, 2010, 05:25:36 am
nice jumps in there at the end man, wonder how high it is..

Nice dunks man , i like the court too!

Today I jumped out of a plane at 13,500 feet. No workout. WR Depth Drop  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on November 16, 2010, 01:11:01 am
sick dunks man! is that takoma in dc or takoma park in md? did you go to hs in moco?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2010, 09:38:31 am
sick dunks man! is that takoma in dc or takoma park in md? did you go to hs in moco?

Thanks man! It's the Takoma Middle School in MD (i.e. Takoma Park). I went to Blair for HS. Takoma is about 2.5 blocks from where I grew up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on November 16, 2010, 02:00:46 pm
That's tight dude. My cousin went to Blair and graduated in 08'; her name is Jaya Kannan...sound familiar? Were you in the science & math magnet?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2010, 03:20:33 pm
That's tight dude. My cousin went to Blair and graduated in 08'; her name is Jaya Kannan...sound familiar? Were you in the science & math magnet?

Nah, I'm too old.  :D

Was in the other magnet, CAP. Lots of friends in math/sci magnet, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2010, 11:18:56 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

I think I missed a SP workout. Will have to go back and double-check. EDIT: Nope, didn't. Anyway, this week hasn't really provided the relief I'd been hoping for work-wise, but at least volleyball was canceled at the gym tonight, so I got to jump at the rim. Jumps weren't extraordinarily high, but they felt smooth and I was consistently getting 30", nothing lower, and maybe 2 30.5".

warm up
shoot hoops
sprinter's warm ups
few tuck jumps

15y sprint x4, then
superset x5 -- ended up with about 15 1-step jumps and 8 full run-up jumps
1-step x4, alternate with full run-up x4
15y sprint x1
couple more 1-step jumps
tuck jump 2x20
pogo 2x5
bench 3x5x155 -- form was tight
BOR 3x8x135 -- form tight on 1st and 3rd sets, kind of weak in 2nd
core x3
--ab rollouts x20
--side plank x30s/ea
--poor man's reverse hyper x10

cool down
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 17, 2010, 04:27:56 am
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

I think I missed a SP workout. Will have to go back and double-check. Anyway, this week hasn't really provided the relief I'd been hoping for work-wise, but at least volleyball was canceled at the gym tonight, so I got to jump at the rim. Jumps weren't extraordinarily high, but they felt smooth and I was consistently getting 30", nothing lower, and maybe 2 30.5".

nice, you still working on getting lower in the jump? I recall that was getting you up a bit higher..

regardless, that's good, usually I see some 29's in here.. you hit like 12+ 30's? if so, real nice.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2010, 09:33:08 am
Yeah something like 12-13 30's, 2 30.5's and maybe 1 or 2 29-29.5's when I was goofing around at the end and not resting long enough. I was thinking about getting lower, but mostly (especially on the full run-ups) about starting slow and then accelerating at the end. If you look at the vid from the other day, my approach is a lot better than it had been. Still ugly and my plants still suck, but getting better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on November 17, 2010, 10:46:22 am
ur runups looking better than the last time!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2010, 08:27:57 pm
warm up
shoot around -- okay

jump rope 20/40x16

cool down

nice and easy
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 18, 2010, 11:41:10 am
Also have noticed that my hamstrings are not as flexible as they used to be. The core stretches from STW feel great and I've been doing calves, pecs and delts consistently, but I have to remember to do hamstrings and upper back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 18, 2010, 05:48:05 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Thought I was gonna get the court today but some random JV basketball team was practicing.  :pissed:

warm up
foam roll
jump rope x a bit

depth drops 2x5x18"
tucks 3x20
pogos 2x5

Having a big pre-Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of my friends tonight, so had to hustle out after that to get ready and shit. Makin' some green beans with mint and jalapenos...mmmm.........

EDIT: Just realized this is the end of phase 2. Still don't really think I'm gonna see a big gain at the end of this, but not much longer before I find out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 19, 2010, 03:40:57 am
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Thought I was gonna get the court today but some random JV basketball team was practicing.  :pissed:

warm up
foam roll
jump rope x a bit

depth drops 2x5x18"
tucks 3x20
pogos 2x5

Having a big pre-Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of my friends tonight, so had to hustle out after that to get ready and shit. Makin' some green beans with mint and jalapenos...mmmm.........

sheeeiiitt.. nice

shoulda took pics of the feast.

EDIT: Just realized this is the end of phase 2. Still don't really think I'm gonna see a big gain at the end of this, but not much longer before I find out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2010, 09:31:17 am
I think somebody was taking pictures, but past a certain point I was too full and too drunk to notice. So much food. Our kitchen is a complete disaster right now. Great success. ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2010, 11:56:31 am
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Not counting the first SP workout as done cause this was a half workout at best. Messed up my back somehow on the first set of tuck jumps, soldiered through the REA and jump squats but when I tried to load more weight on the bar it was just not happening. Fuck. How did I tweak my back doing tuck jumps? I guess this is what I get for trying to work out in the morning, or something.

warm up
jump rope x a bit
core stretches

tuck jumps x20 -- balls
t-spine mobility exercises
REA squat 2x3x85
jump squat 3x3x85
squat warm ups

cool down


On the bright side, I'm 24 today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: PoPe on November 20, 2010, 12:01:56 pm
happy 24th time around the sun, i hope all ur wishes are fullfilled in ur 25th xD
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on November 20, 2010, 12:51:46 pm
happy birthday man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 20, 2010, 07:14:44 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Not counting the first SP workout as done cause this was a half workout at best. Messed up my back somehow on the first set of tuck jumps, soldiered through the REA and jump squats but when I tried to load more weight on the bar it was just not happening. Fuck. How did I tweak my back doing tuck jumps? I guess this is what I get for trying to work out in the morning, or something.

warm up
jump rope x a bit
core stretches

tuck jumps x20 -- balls
t-spine mobility exercises
REA squat 2x3x85
jump squat 3x3x85
squat warm ups

cool down


On the bright side, I'm 24 today.

damn how good was your warmup? that's so weird wtf..

extra shitty happening on your birthday, happy bday but damn..
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2010, 10:51:12 am
Warm up was standard. I really think it might be because it was the morning and my spine was still loose from sleep. But what about the tucking movement stressed it out, I don't know.

Anyway, thanks for the happy birthdays guys!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on November 21, 2010, 02:08:28 pm
Happy bday twin.  :highfive: Im 24 today as well then.  ;D Damn I feel old. Maybe thats why you wrecked your back. Because of your extreme age.  :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 21, 2010, 02:12:25 pm
Happy bday twin.  :highfive: Im 24 today as well then.  ;D Damn I feel old. Maybe thats why you wrecked your back. Because of your extreme age.  :ninja:

LBSS happy birthday !!!

Flander are you trying to depress me?  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 22, 2010, 03:50:10 am
Happy bday twin.  :highfive: Im 24 today as well then.  ;D Damn I feel old. Maybe thats why you wrecked your back. Because of your extreme age.  :ninja:

LBSS happy birthday !!!

Flander are you trying to depress me?  :P


LBSS, the explosive hip flexion could have aggravated your back, the hip flexor origin or just some really intense posterior tilt.. so combine that with morning instead of at night, that definitely could have been the cause.. the back is especially vulnerable in the morning, but i would have imagined by the time you got the the gym & warmed up that woulda been a non issue.

sucks, how's it feeling now? hope its getting better.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 22, 2010, 08:50:21 am
Happy bday twin.  :highfive: Im 24 today as well then.  ;D Damn I feel old. Maybe thats why you wrecked your back. Because of your extreme age.  :ninja:

LBSS happy birthday !!!

Flander are you trying to depress me?  :P

Mid-20's baby! I'm getting on in years, for sure. Vag, you should pretty much hang 'em up at this point.  ;D

@adarq: I think you're right, combo of hip flexion/extreme posterior tilt did it. It was already feeling better throughout yesterday and I did some stretches and stuff. About 95% today, I'd say. Good enough to get back under the bar.  :strong:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: dmarrone39 on November 22, 2010, 11:13:40 am
yea I did the same doing tuck jumps the other day. Hurt like hell but just adjusted how high I brought my knees.

lol im 24 also, happy birthday
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 22, 2010, 12:27:33 pm
yea I did the same doing tuck jumps the other day. Hurt like hell but just adjusted how high I brought my knees.

That's interesting. I'll try less flexion the next time I do them, see how it goes.

lol im 24 also, happy birthday

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 22, 2010, 09:32:11 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
foam roll
jump rope

tuck jump 4x15
pogo 4x5 -- neither of these felt especially bouncy, even by my standards
jump squat 3x3x85 -- pretty good
squat 5x275 -- best squat set I've had in a while, after a bunch in a row with shit form
OHP 3x5x115
chin 3x5x53.5
core x3
--crunch x50
--side crunch x25/ea
--superman x25

cool down
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on November 23, 2010, 04:32:28 am
Happy bday twin.  :highfive: Im 24 today as well then.  ;D Damn I feel old. Maybe thats why you wrecked your back. Because of your extreme age.  :ninja:

LBSS happy birthday !!!

Flander are you trying to depress me?  :P


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 23, 2010, 06:02:24 am
yea I did the same doing tuck jumps the other day. Hurt like hell but just adjusted how high I brought my knees.

That's interesting. I'll try less flexion the next time I do them, see how it goes.

lol im 24 also, happy birthday


i think i need to make sure to remind people not to OVER-HIP FLEX.. seems like people are starting to force hip flexion way too hard.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: kbm12345 on November 23, 2010, 07:43:23 am
Do tuck jumps always hurt your back? Thats like the only exercise that slightly aggravates my back for some reason, dont know why though?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2010, 07:46:46 am
Do tuck jumps always hurt your back? Thats like the only exercise that slightly aggravates my back for some reason, dont know why though?

Nope, never had a problem with them before. And didn't yesterday when I did them again. I think it was just some overenthusiastic hip flexion.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 23, 2010, 05:34:14 pm
Do tuck jumps always hurt your back? Thats like the only exercise that slightly aggravates my back for some reason, dont know why though?

try to focus more on getting higher than on hip flexing.. i think alot of people are confused, i'm just now realizing that.. the exercise is more of an emphasis on: getting as high as possible with a very short ground contact.. when focusing slightly on hip flexion (such as with mr tucks), ground contacts will be less, than for example, compared to MR "jumps" (ie very fast repeated svj's), but mr tucks are less intense than pogos due to trying not to lock out the landing.. so MR tucks become more of a submax exercise because of the hip flexion component, BUT, the emphasis definitely isn't on hip flexion.. trying to REALLY hip flex is not the focus of this exercise..

i should probably start referring to them as something else, fuuuuckkk.. this is a debacle.. lol

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2010, 06:02:24 pm
Yeah man when I think "tuck" I think "knees to chest." Realized belatedly that that's not right. I might scrap them altogether because I find it hard to be sure I'm getting triple extension when I do them. Okay to add another set or two of pogos in lieu of tuck jumps?

Suggested alternative name: MR half-tuck jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 23, 2010, 06:26:22 pm
Yeah man when I think "tuck" I think "knees to chest." Realized belatedly that that's not right. I might scrap them altogether because I find it hard to be sure I'm getting triple extension when I do them. Okay to add another set or two of pogos in lieu of tuck jumps?

Suggested alternative name: MR half-tuck jumps.

MR half tuck jumps.

you get triple extension, it just happens very fast, and you don't "feel it happening".. if you ever check my slowmo tuck vids i had put up, you'll see it.

i'd still do something similar to tucks, like double leg bound, don't need to go max distance, just focus on max height, similar to tucks but you're moving forward.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2010, 10:39:22 pm
warm up
foam roll legs and back
core stretches

run @ easy pace x ~41:20, 4.45 miles

cool down

Felt like absolute shit, like my legs were filled with concrete. Form felt awful and inconsistent, breathing was easy but HR was too high. Bizarre run. Didn't help that it was pretty windy. Had to stop about 1/2 mile in cause my tibia was starting to tweak. Massaged it for a bit and it was fine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on November 24, 2010, 03:42:18 am
On the bright side, I'm 24 today.

Happy belated man!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 24, 2010, 04:27:44 am
warm up
foam roll legs and back
core stretches

run @ easy pace x ~41:20, 4.45 miles

cool down

Felt like absolute shit, like my legs were filled with concrete. Form felt awful and inconsistent, breathing was easy but HR was too high. Bizarre run. Didn't help that it was pretty windy. Had to stop about 1/2 mile in cause my tibia was starting to tweak. Massaged it for a bit and it was fine.

nice, why did you decide to run? 4.45 is alot to run just out of nowhere.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 24, 2010, 09:03:08 am

nice, why did you decide to run? 4.45 is alot to run just out of nowhere.


Because I'm still very out of shape and therefore should be getting more light cardio, because I told myself I was going to yesterday and didn't want to back out like a bitch, because I like to run. 4.45 isn't that much more than I ran the last time out, and that felt great.

Mostly the bolded part, though, tbh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 24, 2010, 11:09:47 am
For Tam, if you read this, because I'm not allowed to post in the Q&A section: There's a reason they call him Loliquin. That article didn't make any sense. Looooot of broscience and voodoo comes out of that guy these days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2010, 07:20:00 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Wednesday = Anniversary with GF = no workout
Yesterday = Thanksgiving = no workout
Today, went a did this sick ropes course with my family, supposedly the biggest and most badass in the US, only one of its kind here. It was really fun. Then I went to the gym and tied (maybe beat) an absolute PR in DLRVJ and did it 3 or 4 times, to boot. CNS was blazing. My phone display was broken earlier today but I got home, plugged it in just now and it started working again, I started shouting in celebration, heard a door slam elsewhere in the apartment, walked into the living room, saw a pair of wine glasses and heard some soft music on and saw my roommate's door closed and laughed at myself for crushing the mood.

warm up
shoot around -- inconsistent as hell
various stretches

sprint x4x15y
1-step x4 -- terrible, 29.5 at best
sprint x1x15y
1-step x4 -- better, 29.5-30
sprint x1x15y
full run-up x4 -- meh
sprint x1x15y

From then on just a bunch more full run-ups, maybe 10 or 12, hitting 31.5 at least twice more and 30.5 several other times. Was super inconsistent, though, CNS was so fired up that at least 4 of the jumps were a complete waste as I got way out of control on the run up and just blew the plant. Got 30 on a couple of those and barely went vertical at all on a couple of others (lol). The whole time I was shaking my head and saying, "It's short, it's so fucking short," to myself over and over.

MR half tucks 3x15
pogos 4x5 -- felt better than any other pogos I've done

I'm starving now. Time for food.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 27, 2010, 02:06:15 am
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Wednesday = Anniversary with GF = no workout
Yesterday = Thanksgiving = no workout
Today, went a did this sick ropes course with my family, supposedly the biggest and most badass in the US, only one of its kind here. It was really fun. Then I went to the gym and tied (maybe beat) an absolute PR in DLRVJ and did it 3 or 4 times, to boot. CNS was blazing. My phone display was broken earlier today but I got home, plugged it in just now and it started working again, I started shouting in celebration, heard a door slam elsewhere in the apartment, walked into the living room, saw a pair of wine glasses and heard some soft music on and saw my roommate's door closed and laughed at myself for crushing the mood.

warm up
shoot around -- inconsistent as hell
various stretches

sprint x4x15y
1-step x4 -- terrible, 29.5 at best
sprint x1x15y
1-step x4 -- better, 29.5-30
sprint x1x15y
full run-up x4 -- meh
sprint x1x15y

From then on just a bunch more full run-ups, maybe 10 or 12, hitting 31.5 at least twice more and 30.5 several other times. Was super inconsistent, though, CNS was so fired up that at least 4 of the jumps were a complete waste as I got way out of control on the run up and just blew the plant. Got 30 on a couple of those and barely went vertical at all on a couple of others (lol). The whole time I was shaking my head and saying, "It's short, it's so fucking short," to myself over and over.

MR half tucks 3x15
pogos 4x5 -- felt better than any other pogos I've done

I'm starving now. Time for food.


sick man! that's great news about the jumps & pogos.. hopefully some new pr's coming..

that ropes course sounds really fun too.. u got an url ?

happy anniversary broooo.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on November 27, 2010, 02:14:40 am
Congrats man. Great job.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 28, 2010, 11:12:49 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
shoot around -- pretty good
mobility, sprinter's warm ups

sprint x4x15y
1-step x4
sprint x15y
full run up x4
sprint x15y
full run up x16
tuck jump x20, 20, 15
pogo 4x5

...much later...

foam roll

More good jumping. A couple of 31.5, a few more 31, a few more 30.5 and the rest 30. One or two felt like PRs but I don't want to say they were any higher than 31.5. Tucks were okay, pogos were mostly okay, although last set was better than the others. Occurred to me to try dunking a tennis ball at the end, but I was tired at that point and need more height before I get that much of my fingers over the rim anyway. Getting stuffed by the rim with a tennis ball in hand = epic fail. At least there was no one else in the gym. Too happy that last workout's improvement wasn't a fluke to care.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 29, 2010, 05:15:44 am
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

warm up
shoot around -- pretty good
mobility, sprinter's warm ups

sprint x4x15y
1-step x4
sprint x15y
full run up x4
sprint x15y
full run up x16
tuck jump x20, 20, 15
pogo 4x5

...much later...

foam roll

More good jumping. A couple of 31.5, a few more 31, a few more 30.5 and the rest 30. One or two felt like PRs but I don't want to say they were any higher than 31.5. Tucks were okay, pogos were mostly okay, although last set was better than the others. Occurred to me to try dunking a tennis ball at the end, but I was tired at that point and need more height before I get that much of my fingers over the rim anyway. Getting stuffed by the rim with a tennis ball in hand = epic fail. At least there was no one else in the gym. Too happy that last workout's improvement wasn't a fluke to care.

good sign, teh power is coming.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 29, 2010, 05:48:50 am
More good jumping. A couple of 31.5, a few more 31, a few more 30.5 and the rest 30. One or two felt like PRs but I don't want to say they were any higher than 31.5.

Pretty awesome , consistent PR level sessions = no joke!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2010, 02:53:11 pm
Quads are sore, particularly left quad. More so than after last jumping session. Failure to stretch after workout = idiotic. SMR + stretching + cardio + stretching today should help.

adarq, question about stim: how should I do it?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2010, 09:06:49 pm
SMR x45 mins
stretching x45 mins

Didn't end up doing any cardio, but 90 minutes of soft-tissue work has me feeling like it was time well spent anyway.

EDIT: Also, weighed myself at the gym and was 166.4, which is about 4 pounds lighter than usual. Not eating enough.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: nba8340 on November 29, 2010, 09:34:54 pm
yea man congrats on the pr sessions, keep it going
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2010, 10:31:53 pm
yea man congrats on the pr sessions, keep it going

thanks man.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 30, 2010, 04:03:17 am
Quads are sore, particularly left quad. More so than after last jumping session. Failure to stretch after workout = idiotic. SMR + stretching + cardio + stretching today should help.

adarq, question about stim: how should I do it?

real quick synopsis, as im being bit by mosquitos..

volume-strength:power:deload-reactive = 1:2:1

session 1:
- warmup
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
- SQUAT: 3 x 3, 3 x 8 (no long pauses between reps, try to get the reps done non stop, last rep should be hard)
- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e

session 2:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 4 (90-95%), 30s or more between singles, bar speed from onset of transition to lockout is essential
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
- C1-info: if it makes it easier, to db jump squats, jump squats come nearly immediately after a set of MSEM.. so: MSEM, jump squat, rest 2min, jump squat, rest 3min, repeat..... 2 rotations
- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

session 3:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 8 (80-85%), 15-30s between singles, bar speed from onset of transition to lockout is essential
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
- C1-info: if it makes it easier, to db jump squats, jump squats come nearly immediately after a set of MSEM.. so: MSEM, jump squat, rest 2min, jump squat, rest 3min, repeat..... 2 rotations
- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

session 4:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- ME MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 5 x 5


Day 1: session 1 volume strength
Day 2: recovery
Day 3: recovery
Day 4: session 2 power
Day 5: recovery
Day 6: session 3 power
Day 7: recovery
Day 8: reactive "deload", still max intensity but no lifting
Day 9: recovery and or session 1

so 9-10 day rotation.. in that schedule, day 6, 8, and when you rotate back to day 1 should be the best jumping.. jumping will suffer a bit after session 1 volume.

what you think?

peace man!@$!@
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 30, 2010, 09:55:42 am
Looks tight, thanks man! Couple of questions, if you don't mind:

Quads are sore, particularly left quad. More so than after last jumping session. Failure to stretch after workout = idiotic. SMR + stretching + cardio + stretching today should help.

adarq, question about stim: how should I do it?

real quick synopsis, as im being bit by mosquitos..

Do you not have functioning windows or window screens? Benefits of living where it's not warm anymore...

volume-strength:power:deload-reactive = 1:2:1

session 1:
- warmup
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
- SQUAT: 3 x 3, 3 x 8 (no long pauses between reps, try to get the reps done non stop, last rep should be hard)
- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e

For SQUAT: both? i.e. 3x3, then 3x8?
For UNILATERAL: What do you mean to go here? What's an explosive (that's what the "e" is, right?) upper body unilateral exercise? Could I do, say, DB bench and then DB rows?

session 2:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 4 (90-95%), 30s or more between singles, bar speed from onset of transition to lockout is essential
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
- C1-info: if it makes it easier, to db jump squats, jump squats come nearly immediately after a set of MSEM.. so: MSEM, jump squat, rest 2min, jump squat, rest 3min, repeat..... 2 rotations
- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

2 rotations = MSEM, JSx2, MSEM, JSx2?

session 3:

session 4:


so 9-10 day rotation.. in that schedule, day 6, 8, and when you rotate back to day 1 should be the best jumping.. jumping will suffer a bit after session 1 volume.

what you think?

peace man!@$!@

Think that looks great. I will try to get some light cardio in a couple of times a week, but I mean REALLY light. Incline walking, easy rowing, maybe stationary bike. No running for a while.

Okay to do some beach/bro work, as discussed in Flander's journal? When would you throw it in?

Also, FWIW, I think I'll use ~90% of my all-time squat max as a 1RM estimate to start with and go from there. That is, 290.

EDIT: One last very important question. There will be times when I can't do ME jumps at all, because I've been held late at work and the court's in use. Substitution on those days? Depth drops?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 30, 2010, 06:41:49 pm
Looks tight, thanks man! Couple of questions, if you don't mind:

Quads are sore, particularly left quad. More so than after last jumping session. Failure to stretch after workout = idiotic. SMR + stretching + cardio + stretching today should help.

adarq, question about stim: how should I do it?

real quick synopsis, as im being bit by mosquitos..

Do you not have functioning windows or window screens? Benefits of living where it's not warm anymore...

no i was outside squatting when i wrote the post.. lol

volume-strength:power:deload-reactive = 1:2:1

session 1:
- warmup
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
- SQUAT: 3 x 3, 3 x 8 (no long pauses between reps, try to get the reps done non stop, last rep should be hard)
- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e

For SQUAT: both? i.e. 3x3, then 3x8?
For UNILATERAL: What do you mean to go here? What's an explosive (that's what the "e" is, right?) upper body unilateral exercise? Could I do, say, DB bench and then DB rows?

for squat ya, 3x3 heavy, then 3x8 same weight for some extra volume.

unilateral = walking lunges or stepups, e = each.. so 4 x 3 each leg

upper body is whatever, bench/db row etc.

session 2:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 4 (90-95%), 30s or more between singles, bar speed from onset of transition to lockout is essential
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
- C1-info: if it makes it easier, to db jump squats, jump squats come nearly immediately after a set of MSEM.. so: MSEM, jump squat, rest 2min, jump squat, rest 3min, repeat..... 2 rotations
- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

2 rotations = MSEM, JSx2, MSEM, JSx2?

ya exactly..

MSEM 1 x 4
rest ~1min
jump squat 1 x 3
rest 2min
jump squat 1 x 3
rest 2-3min
MSEM 1 x 4
rest ~1min
jump squat 1 x 3
rest 2min
jump squat 1 x 3


session 3:

session 4:


so 9-10 day rotation.. in that schedule, day 6, 8, and when you rotate back to day 1 should be the best jumping.. jumping will suffer a bit after session 1 volume.

what you think?

peace man!@$!@

Think that looks great. I will try to get some light cardio in a couple of times a week, but I mean REALLY light. Incline walking, easy rowing, maybe stationary bike. No running for a while.

Okay to do some beach/bro work, as discussed in Flander's journal? When would you throw it in?

Also, FWIW, I think I'll use ~90% of my all-time squat max as a 1RM estimate to start with and go from there. That is, 290.

EDIT: One last very important question. There will be times when I can't do ME jumps at all, because I've been held late at work and the court's in use. Substitution on those days? Depth drops?

you can drop in some beach work on any of the recovery days, just stay away from straining.. that stuff is fine during recovery days, so is light cardio too (light interval sprints/walk etc).. other than that, feel free to throw in extra beach work during the volume session 1.

3 x 5 dj from 18" (~15s rest between resp, 3-4min rest between sets).. then 4 x 3 depth drops from 30" or slightly higher (2min rest between sets).

peace mang
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 30, 2010, 07:09:49 pm
Sweet, thanks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2010, 12:07:47 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

Forgot to post this last night. Was crunched for time. Legs felt pretty dead.

warm up
shoot hoops -- what's cooler than being cool?
stretches/mobility stuff

depth jump 3x5@18" -- pretty bad, I think, but I've never been good at these
depth drop 4x3@30" -- not as bad, although I did lose my balance on a couple

cool down
shoot hoops more -- not as bad, I remembered to bend my #$@I!# knees on each shot and, lo and behold, they started falling
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2010, 02:10:46 pm
Just sacked up and bought some lifting shoes. Now I can finally get the most out of chin-ups!  :strong:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on December 01, 2010, 02:42:54 pm
Just sacked up and bought some lifting shoes. Now I can finally get the most out of chin-ups!  :strong:

Yeah. Lifting shoes are a must for any upper body exercise.  :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 02, 2010, 07:02:31 pm
Just sacked up and bought some lifting shoes. Now I can finally get the most out of chin-ups!  :strong:

nice, those shoes should really help you get a few more reps on chinups..................................................................................
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 02, 2010, 09:53:12 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus

The old farts had taken over the court tonight. Plus I got blood drawn for some tests earlier in the day. Not a lot, but still kept it on the short side at the gym.

warm up
jump rope
light foam roll
boo LeBron

depth jump 2x5x18" -- figured out why I suck so much at these...
depth drop 2x3x30" -- harder barefoot (as I did them tonight) than with shoes
squat STIM 2x285, 2x295 -- easy

cool down
boo LeBron
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on December 04, 2010, 10:57:58 am
Just sacked up and bought some lifting shoes. Now I can finally get the most out of chin-ups!  :strong:

Yeah. Lifting shoes are a must for any upper body exercise.  :headbang:

wait wait wait... am i missing somethin here? weightlifting shoes are those high cut boots type things, with a little heel right?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2010, 06:27:28 pm
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus


warm up
shoot hoops -- nice
sprinter's warm ups
submax 1-step jump x2 -- got 30 easily on the first one and knew this was going to be a good day

sprint x4x15y
full run up x3x5 -- first jump was a PR, definitely 32 and maybe a bit more, everything was over 30.5 and a bunch were 31.5, might have gotten another 32 or two, as well
MR half tuck 3x10 -- legs/CNS dead
SS x3 (couple reps shy of TF/AF)
--dips x10
--pullups x8,7,7

cool down
foam roll x30 mins
stretch x30 mins

Helped an older guy who was trying to learn how to roll. Like helping people with stuff.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: zgin on December 05, 2010, 07:02:05 pm
60 min of foam roll and stretch= :o    nice pr man! considering it was on your first jump, you probably have more in you too! 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 06, 2010, 03:29:13 am
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus


warm up
shoot hoops -- nice
sprinter's warm ups
submax 1-step jump x2 -- got 30 easily on the first one and knew this was going to be a good day

sprint x4x15y
full run up x3x5 -- first jump was a PR, definitely 32 and maybe a bit more, everything was over 30.5 and a bunch were 31.5, might have gotten another 32 or two, as well
MR half tuck 3x10 -- legs/CNS dead
SS x3 (couple reps shy of TF/AF)
--dips x10
--pullups x8,7,7

cool down
foam roll x30 mins
stretch x30 mins

Helped an older guy who was trying to learn how to roll. Like helping people with stuff.


fucking awesome dude, wish i would have known this while you were on IRC tonight, i would have high five'd the fuck out of you..

props, and ya CNS dies quick after pr's.

awesome man@!$!@
 :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 06, 2010, 03:35:58 am
 :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2010, 12:59:21 pm
:headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:

Thanks for the props, guys!

Tomorrow begins adarq plan numba 1, with my new shoes that just came. Sweet.

EDIT: This is a bit silly, but the shoes have me absolutely champing at the bit to go work out. I can't wait to see what squats are like with real shoes on instead of elevating my heels on little plates.

COB tomorrow cannot come soon enough. Might even try to dip out of work a little bit early (boss is in Egypt).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2010, 01:43:26 pm
60 min of foam roll and stretch= :o    nice pr man! considering it was on your first jump, you probably have more in you too! 

Thanks zgin. Yeah, foam rolling tends to take a while for me cause I got trigger points and tightness all over the place. When I have time I like to spend a while on it. Stretching, too. It's not always a full hour but I always feel much better after a good soft tissue session.

NOTE TO SELF: I need to expand the STW-style stretching a bit. I already do the core stretches plus calves and pecs and am getting somewhat prolific at those. Will add hamstrings and low back next, I think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 06, 2010, 08:20:30 pm
:headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:  :headbang:  :strong:

Thanks for the props, guys!

Tomorrow begins adarq plan numba 1, with my new shoes that just came. Sweet.

EDIT: This is a bit silly, but the shoes have me absolutely champing at the bit to go work out. I can't wait to see what squats are like with real shoes on instead of elevating my heels on little plates.

COB tomorrow cannot come soon enough. Might even try to dip out of work a little bit early (boss is in Egypt).

what kind of shoes you get again? which brand?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2010, 09:16:21 pm
Do-Wins. Grey. I'll get a vid up soon cause I got my new DROID! Sweet.

Tonight, soreness in pecs and lats. Kept it nice and easy, feel pretty good now. If experience is any guide, will be more sore tomorrow. Oh well.

warm up
light foam roll, 5-6 mins
light stretching

jump rope x100,100,100,50,50
row x15 mins, easy pace
jump rope x50,50,50,50

cool down
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on December 07, 2010, 01:32:17 am
neutral focus
power focus
speed/reactivity focus


warm up
shoot hoops -- nice
sprinter's warm ups
submax 1-step jump x2 -- got 30 easily on the first one and knew this was going to be a good day

sprint x4x15y
full run up x3x5 -- first jump was a PR, definitely 32 and maybe a bit more, everything was over 30.5 and a bunch were 31.5, might have gotten another 32 or two, as well
MR half tuck 3x10 -- legs/CNS dead
SS x3 (couple reps shy of TF/AF)
--dips x10
--pullups x8,7,7

cool down
foam roll x30 mins
stretch x30 mins

Helped an older guy who was trying to learn how to roll. Like helping people with stuff.


fucking awesome dude, wish i would have known this while you were on IRC tonight, i would have high five'd the fuck out of you..

props, and ya CNS dies quick after pr's.

awesome man@!$!@
 headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang

Major props man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Ice-O on December 07, 2010, 01:47:33 am
hey lbss, wats with the foot xray? you fractured your 5th metatarsal tuberosity?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2010, 09:28:08 am
hey lbss, wats with the foot xray? you fractured your 5th metatarsal tuberosity?

Nope, arthritis in the metacarpophalangeal joint of the great toe. AKA hallux rigidus. Plus a bone spur up top there, which you can see. Used to just be the left foot, now it's both.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Chris Hickson on December 07, 2010, 10:40:32 am
sup breh  :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on December 07, 2010, 12:42:48 pm
you tha beastman  :strong: :strong: :strong:

Good job on the jumps bro.  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2010, 09:35:33 am
Didn't get a chance to post last night. FIRST DAY OF ADARQ PLAN NUMBA ONE.

s1: volume-strength
- RATING (7/10)
soreness in abs, pecs and lats, felt a bit flat overall but not bad

- warmup

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)

30-31, not great but not worried about it given how high I was getting on Sunday

- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
Forgot to do these.

- SQUAT: 3 x 3
255, 255, 255

-SQUAT 3x8
225, 225, 225 == harder than expected

OHP: 3x5
110, 110, 110 == easier than expected
DB row: 3x8
50, 50, 50 == likewise

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e (BSS)

135, 135, 135




Not well enough but was crunched for time at the end. Stretched later.

First day wearing new Do-Wins. It's gonna be an adjustment, feels really different than barefoot on plates. Not as good, honestly, which was disappointing. The shoes also make my feet want to pronate, which I'm not sure is good. Maybe I'm just not used to them yet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2010, 09:39:17 am
sup breh  :ninja:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on December 08, 2010, 10:37:49 am
I can do 4x5 on DB press with 60's. If 50's aren't easy for you something is very wrong...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2010, 11:47:44 am
I can do 4x5 on DB press with 60's. If 50's aren't easy for you something is very wrong...

They were rows. And yes, they were very, very easy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2010, 01:41:48 pm
Likely none of your will care about this, but it's rocking my industry's world right now: (

Quote from: USAID

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) suspended the Academy for Educational Development (AED) from receiving new U.S. Government awards pending an ongoing investigation by the USAID Office of Inspector General (OIG). Initial findings by USAID's OIG reveal evidence of serious corporate misconduct, mismanagement, and a lack of internal controls, and raise serious concerns of corporate integrity.

The investigation was initiated in the spring of 2009 and OIG informed USAID of its findings this summer.

USAID took this suspension action in response to substantiated evidence of misconduct by AED. The Agency takes seriously any allegations involving the mismanagement of U.S. Government funds. USAID is conducting a review of every program associated with AED. The review will determine the best steps forward for ensuring the protection of U.S. taxpayer funds and the continuity of the United States' development goals. USAID will continue to work closely with OIG during its investigation.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on December 08, 2010, 09:51:01 pm
I can do 4x5 on DB press with 60's. If 50's aren't easy for you something is very wrong...

They were rows. And yes, they were very, very easy.

Yeah... rows. That's what I meant. Damn. I really need more sleep time between rehearsals and school.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 08, 2010, 10:11:41 pm
Didn't get a chance to post last night. FIRST DAY OF ADARQ PLAN NUMBA ONE.

s1: volume-strength
- RATING (7/10)
soreness in abs, pecs and lats, felt a bit flat overall but not bad

- warmup

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)

30-31, not great but not worried about it given how high I was getting on Sunday

- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
Forgot to do these.

- SQUAT: 3 x 3
255, 255, 255

-SQUAT 3x8
225, 225, 225 == harder than expected

OHP: 3x5
110, 110, 110 == easier than expected
DB row: 3x8
50, 50, 50 == likewise

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e (BSS)

135, 135, 135




Not well enough but was crunched for time at the end. Stretched later.

nice session man..

First day wearing new Do-Wins. It's gonna be an adjustment, feels really different than barefoot on plates. Not as good, honestly, which was disappointing. The shoes also make my feet want to pronate, which I'm not sure is good. Maybe I'm just not used to them yet.

get some vid in them :/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2010, 11:41:38 pm
Had kind of a shitty day. Ended up kind of angry by the time I left work for the gym. Not a good set up for a workout. Plus the old fucks took over the court by the time I got warmed up, so no jumps at the rim, had to settle for some dangling shit in the weight room. I hate those old motherfuckers, they suck so bad and they rent the court so you can't even shoot around on the opposite end while they play their slow-ass game.

s2: power

- RATING (5/10)
Shit mood, sore/dead feeling glutes, fuck the old guys, got pissed at my gf, which rarely happens. Glad I ground this one out, better luck next time.

- warmup
shoot -- okay for about two minutes, then for some reason the switch flipped off and I went like 3 for my next 30. Bizzare.
mobility/sprinter's warm ups

- 10 yard dashes x 5
Slow, tweaked right toe

-ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
Horrible, no pop at all

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
see above

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 4 (90-95%), 30s or more between singles
285 -- a little grindy on a couple of reps but actually not bad; shoes still make me feel weird/pronatey, but not as bad as Tues

- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)

- C1-info: 2 rotations

- S1: dips @ 3 x TF
20, 11, 9 -- could have pushed a little harder but didn't
- S1: pullups @ 3 x TF
10, 6, 4 -- same

- OPTIONAL: CORE (Y/N?) superset x3
crunch +40 x20
leg lower x12
Pallof press x10x80e

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 10, 2010, 06:05:05 am
Had kind of a shitty day. Ended up kind of angry by the time I left work for the gym. Not a good set up for a workout. Plus the old fucks took over the court by the time I got warmed up, so no jumps at the rim, had to settle for some dangling shit in the weight room. I hate those old motherfuckers, they suck so bad and they rent the court so you can't even shoot around on the opposite end while they play their slow-ass game.

fucking lol..

s2: power

- RATING (5/10)
Shit mood, sore/dead feeling glutes, fuck the old guys, got pissed at my gf, which rarely happens. Glad I ground this one out, better luck next time.

- warmup
shoot -- okay for about two minutes, then for some reason the switch flipped off and I went like 3 for my next 30. Bizzare.
mobility/sprinter's warm ups

- 10 yard dashes x 5
Slow, tweaked right toe

-ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
Horrible, no pop at all

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
see above

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 4 (90-95%), 30s or more between singles
285 -- a little grindy on a couple of reps but actually not bad; shoes still make me feel weird/pronatey, but not as bad as Tues

- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)

- C1-info: 2 rotations

- S1: dips @ 3 x TF
20, 11, 9 -- could have pushed a little harder but didn't
- S1: pullups @ 3 x TF
10, 6, 4 -- same

- OPTIONAL: CORE (Y/N?) superset x3
crunch +40 x20
leg lower x12
Pallof press x10x80e


damn shitty session but you'll be better for the next one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2010, 09:53:13 am
Forgot to mention: Right ankle (the one I've sprained repeatedly) was tweaking a little after the first set of MSEM squats. Went away very quickly though and no trouble on the second set.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 12, 2010, 06:23:02 pm
s3: power

- RATING (8/10)

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5

-ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
not great, 30-31, one about 31.5. Just off, which was surprising because I felt good and sprints were not bad.

- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
same, just felt a bit off; jumps were noisier than usual

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 8 (80-85%), 15-30s between singles
265 == felt good, pretty fast

- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
85 == I think my transitions are still pretty slow but I was getting decent height

- C1-info: 2 rotations

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
15, 15, 15 (last set AF)

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF
8, 8, 6 (last set AF)

bicep curls 10x20e

two-hand DB OH tricep extension 10x40

crunch x60
side crunch x25e
cut it off because I thought I was going to be late for something but then shit got canceled...w/e


felt nice
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2010, 10:57:40 pm
s4: deload-reactive

- RATING (6/10)
felt good but got like 4.5 hours of sleep last night, so...

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
7, 5 == damn, mostly 30-30.5, maybe 1 31 and 1 31.5

- ME MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
best set was third set, first time doing these so nothing else to compare it to

- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
meh, meh, meh, okay, okay

- ME MR pogo: 5 x 5
meh, meh, meh, okay, okay


All in all, kind of disappointed. Work got in the way of sleep, unfortunately. And with that, time for bed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 15, 2010, 12:30:46 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2010, 09:31:43 am
I think my approaches regressed somehow. Like I'm overthinking it or something and that's translating into weak run ups, poor acceleration into the plant. On the ones where my approach doesn't suck, I was getting up okay. Not great but okay. Frustrating but I'm not too worried about it for the time being.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2010, 09:35:43 pm
took the ol' gf to the gym today.

warm up
foam roll

teach gf squat, dl, ohp and chin up
row x10 mins @easy pace
incline walk @14 incline x15 mins

cool down
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 16, 2010, 12:05:02 am
took the ol' gf to the gym today.

warm up
foam roll

teach gf squat, dl, ohp and chin up
row x10 mins @easy pace
incline walk @14 incline x15 mins

cool down

hot. pics.

ya man make sure your mindset is solid when jumping, think about those aggressive runups and getting a little deeper into the plant, since that helps you.. FUCKING GET UP THERE THOUGH, BEFORE YOU JUMP, SMACK URSELF IN THE FACE AND IMAGINE IT'S ME SMACKING YOU.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2010, 09:37:00 am
took the ol' gf to the gym today.

warm up
foam roll

teach gf squat, dl, ohp and chin up
row x10 mins @easy pace
incline walk @14 incline x15 mins

cool down

hot. pics.

ya man make sure your mindset is solid when jumping, think about those aggressive runups and getting a little deeper into the plant, since that helps you.. FUCKING GET UP THERE THOUGH, BEFORE YOU JUMP, SMACK URSELF IN THE FACE AND IMAGINE IT'S ME SMACKING YOU.

Haha, I think she would have smacked me if I'd tried to take a picture. She's a dancer, had never seen the inside of a weight room before, was not comfortable in there. Stronger than she expected, though, lol. Better at chin up (negatives) than what's-his-face who does two and quits.

Anyway, got decent sleep last night and the night before, looking forward to jumps today. I think the real key is just focusing and getting really fired up. That's much easier for me when there's no one else around, but whatever. Gotta do it anyway.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on December 16, 2010, 10:01:52 am
Hey LBSS, have you read Alan Aragons book? His articles are good and the reviews say its a great book. I think I'm going to buy it soon :strong:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2010, 10:17:02 am
Hey LBSS, have you read Alan Aragons book? His articles are good and the reviews say its a great book. I think I'm going to buy it soon :strong:

Girth Control? No, haven't read it. Have heard nothing but good things, though, and believe them because what I've read of his elsewhere has always been spot-on. He's tight, I subscribe to his research review.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on December 16, 2010, 10:42:21 am
Hey LBSS, have you read Alan Aragons book? His articles are good and the reviews say its a great book. I think I'm going to buy it soon :strong:

Girth Control? No, haven't read it. Have heard nothing but good things, though, and believe them because what I've read of his elsewhere has always been spot-on. He's tight, I subscribe to his research review.
Nice, I'm going to subscribe to the research review as soon as i got more money... :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2010, 11:27:20 pm
s1: volume-strength
- RATING (7/10)

- warmup

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
Shite. 30-31.

- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
Okay, better than last time.

- SQUAT: 3 x 3
260, 260, 260 == tweaked something in my right hip. TFL plus something else just on the medial side of the hip flexor. Sharp pain, happens during the concentric portion just before I get back to standing. Tried stretching it out and working it with thumbs/theracane a bit in between sets. Got through all these sets, weight felt light and form felt good otherwise. But...

-SQUAT 3x8
Got one rep and realized the hip was just not having it. Frustrated. Hip still feels wonky when I move it around but doesn't hurt at all. Just like something is a bit loose or off or something.

- OHP: 3x5
115, 115, 115

- DB row: 3x8
55, 55, 55

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e (BSS)
No. Was done with legs at that point.

crunch x50
side crunch x25e

foam rolled good first, then stretched

Frustrated. One-step jumps were again better than full run-ups. WTF happened.

Also, I need to start eating more. Nutrition is not on point and that's stupid because I know better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 17, 2010, 05:11:02 am
s1: volume-strength
- RATING (7/10)

- warmup

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
Shite. 30-31.

- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
Okay, better than last time.

- SQUAT: 3 x 3
260, 260, 260 == tweaked something in my right hip. TFL plus something else just on the medial side of the hip flexor. Sharp pain, happens during the concentric portion just before I get back to standing. Tried stretching it out and working it with thumbs/theracane a bit in between sets. Got through all these sets, weight felt light and form felt good otherwise. But...

dammit wtf...

-SQUAT 3x8
Got one rep and realized the hip was just not having it. Frustrated. Hip still feels wonky when I move it around but doesn't hurt at all. Just like something is a bit loose or off or something.

- OHP: 3x5
115, 115, 115

- DB row: 3x8
55, 55, 55

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e (BSS)
No. Was done with legs at that point.

crunch x50
side crunch x25e

foam rolled good first, then stretched

Frustrated. One-step jumps were again better than full run-ups. WTF happened.

Also, I need to start eating more. Nutrition is not on point and that's stupid because I know better.

fuck this hip shit is not good, hope its nothing bleh.

if it's bugging we shouldnt do session 2 etc.. thats not something to work through.. could this have anything to do with the squat shoes, changing your form?


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 17, 2010, 06:33:02 am
Maybe a problem with the ITB? Foam rolling?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2010, 08:08:32 am
@adarq: Yeah, I think it might be the shoes. Never had a problem like this when I was using plates.

@raptor: I think for the time being I just need to up my prehab/mobility work and not stress it out too much. So yeah, more foam rolling and other stuff. Don't think it has anything to do with the IT band.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on December 17, 2010, 04:38:08 pm (

thought you might like that...

ah, and that: (
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2010, 05:58:14 pm (

thought you might like that...

ah, and that: (

As Alan himself would say: Broscience. Looks cool, sounds cool...but it's still a crock of bullshit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on December 17, 2010, 06:15:39 pm (

thought you might like that...

ah, and that: (

As Alan himself would say: Broscience. Looks cool, sounds cool...but it's still a crock of bullshit.

??? could you please elaborate on that?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2010, 11:55:52 am
The article is just as paleotarded as can be. Paleo is a branch of broscience. There you have it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on December 18, 2010, 12:15:56 pm
However, the best study is the one you do on YOURSELF. Change a variable, monitor the result and then decide how it worked for YOU, because in the end, you are the only research result that matters.

That's probably the only part I can agree with 100%.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on December 18, 2010, 12:32:08 pm
The article is just as paleotarded as can be. Paleo is a branch of broscience. There you have it.

So you are talking about the "grains article"... I don't think Paleo is pure broscience! Sure there are some people that overexaggerate  it, but we know that grains aren't the best thing for us to eat, even Alan Aragon says that these are empty calories in the audio interview with Mike Robertson. (
It's been long since i read this, but there should be a section about bioavailability of "all those good nutrients" in grains.

What do you think about Kecks answer to my question?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2010, 01:56:04 pm
I'm with Zetz. The only good thing I can say about any of that is that you should find out what works for YOU. "Paleo" is a bullshit term with no meaning other than ridiculously fluid and arbitrary limitations. The article you sent, just like pretty much all "paleo" literature, is based on pure speculation and talking around the point.

Do "we" really know that grains aren't good to eat? Some of the only studies actually done on varying levels of grain consumption have shown a positive correlation between increased whole grain intake and improved cardiovascular indicators. Recent archaeological evidence (ignored by Cordain, or else he's unaware of it) has indicated that humans may have been eating grain for more than 100,000 years. And as Cordain allows, the concentrated and systematic cultivation of grain is what enabled the rise of civilization and eventually the computers and internet you and I are using to interact. Without grain-based agriculture, we would still be hunter-gatherers. We can debate whether that's a good thing or not on balance, but we should probably first strip to our leather underpants and return to the African savannah from whence we came. Furthermore, there is evidence that the advent of agriculture actually caused an acceleration in human evolution. People who live in areas with historically greater grain consumption show greater numbers of alleles adapted to help us process grain. The idea that we're genetically the same as our distant ancestors is wrong.

Cordain talks about everything in black and white: Either you are EATING ALL GRAINS ALL THE TIME AND SHUTTING OFF HEALTHY FOODS or you are PALEO AND VIRTUOUS IN LINE WITH OUR EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY AS DEFINED BY LOREN CORDAIN. Garbage. It's entirely possible to include whole grains as part of a perfectly healthy, balanced diet. Same goes for the satanic HFCS. If all you eat is bread, then yeah, you're in trouble. But that would either indicate stupidity on your part or an utter lack of options. For example, see the plight of starving people in India or sub-Saharan Africa.

If you have Celiac disease, then by all means, stay away from gluten. If you do well on a low-carb diet, by all means, stick with it. But I'll stick with my toast, pasta, and occasional cookie or milk shake, thank you very much. I also eat lean meat, fatty meat, greens, fruit, dairy, eggs, nuts, etc.

If you want Aragon's fully-realized take on "paleo," I'm happy to send you the issue of AARR from a year ago in which the feature article is "An Objective Look at the Paleo Diet." PM me your email address if you're interested.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on December 18, 2010, 02:33:12 pm
It really has a lot to do with your own body. I can't remember who it was (I think it was my dad's uncle... or maybe his dad), but people in my ancestry, at least within their tiny communities, were known for being very strong but not particularly large. If I remember right, I've been told my body type is much like my dad's uncle Pepe's was. (Yes, Pepe.) I never knew him, but my aunt says my torso in particular is a lot like his was. Somewhat small, with narrow slanting shoulders. Yet one of the most common stories I hear about him was his ability to carry large posts over each shoulder. He would carry two at a time, patiently, while other people working with him struggled to pick up one. What did he eat? Oh right, a whole lot of grains. Beans, rice, beef and pork that was as organic as it gets, and the occasional fruit.

Even now, you can't say to everyone, "eat this because it will help you with such and such." People's genetics vary greatly and not everyone reacts to different foods equally. I will admit right now, my diet has a lot of fats and a lot of carbs in it, because I mostly eat my mom's cooking. The amount of fats and carbs in my diet (despite being fairly balanced and healthy on both sides) would probably make most Anglo-Americans fat quickly. What I've been eating is fairly similar to what my grandparents ate and it works for me, but I doubt it would work for someone in Eastern Europe.

That's why I the only part I can agree with is experimenting on yourself. I've always hated beans, and unlike the rest of my extended family, I don't eat very many tortillas, but I can almost guarantee they would only benefit me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on December 18, 2010, 03:41:59 pm
I'm with Zetz. The only good thing I can say about any of that is that you should find out what works for YOU. "Paleo" is a bullshit term with no meaning other than ridiculously fluid and arbitrary limitations. The article you sent, just like pretty much all "paleo" literature, is based on pure speculation and talking around the point.

Do "we" really know that grains aren't good to eat? Some of the only studies actually done on varying levels of grain consumption have shown a positive correlation between increased whole grain intake and improved cardiovascular indicators. Recent archaeological evidence (ignored by Cordain, or else he's unaware of it) has indicated that humans may have been eating grain for more than 100,000 years. And as Cordain allows, the concentrated and systematic cultivation of grain is what enabled the rise of civilization and eventually the computers and internet you and I are using to interact. Without grain-based agriculture, we would still be hunter-gatherers. We can debate whether that's a good thing or not on balance, but we should probably first strip to our leather underpants and return to the African savannah from whence we came. Furthermore, there is evidence that the advent of agriculture actually caused an acceleration in human evolution. People who live in areas with historically greater grain consumption show greater numbers of alleles adapted to help us process grain. The idea that we're genetically the same as our distant ancestors is wrong.

Cordain talks about everything in black and white: Either you are EATING ALL GRAINS ALL THE TIME AND SHUTTING OFF HEALTHY FOODS or you are PALEO AND VIRTUOUS IN LINE WITH OUR EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY AS DEFINED BY LOREN CORDAIN. Garbage. It's entirely possible to include whole grains as part of a perfectly healthy, balanced diet. Same goes for the satanic HFCS. If all you eat is bread, then yeah, you're in trouble. But that would either indicate stupidity on your part or an utter lack of options. For example, see the plight of starving people in India or sub-Saharan Africa.

If you have Celiac disease, then by all means, stay away from gluten. If you do well on a low-carb diet, by all means, stick with it. But I'll stick with my toast, pasta, and occasional cookie or milk shake, thank you very much. I also eat lean meat, fatty meat, greens, fruit, dairy, eggs, nuts, etc.

If you want Aragon's fully-realized take on "paleo," I'm happy to send you the issue of AARR from a year ago in which the feature article is "An Objective Look at the Paleo Diet." PM me your email address if you're interested.

Thx for the clarification, and yeah, i agree that it depends from person to person!
As you might know, it's just really confusing with all that "information" out there, to distinguish between what's right and what's wrong...

You like Lyle McDonald but not John Berardi, right? How do you know that one of them is "right" and the other "wrong"?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 20, 2010, 04:48:32 pm
Did nothing this weekend except some walking, rolling and stretching. And secksing. Hip feels fine and ready to try more squatting but I got up this morning and my god damn motherfucking right ankle hurt. Has been off and on all day, when I twist on it or step on it in certain ways. Nothing too serious but what the fuck? I can't think of anything that would cause it to spontaneously start hurting again. Plus the pain is behind the ankle bone, on the outside, rather than in front of the bone (where the sprains were focused). I repeat: What. The. Fuck.

Gonna go work out today, try to get some footage of squats and jumps and insh'allah not fuck myself up any worse. Gah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 21, 2010, 06:01:33 am
Did nothing this weekend except some walking, rolling and stretching. And secksing. Hip feels fine and ready to try more squatting but I got up this morning and my god damn motherfucking right ankle hurt. Has been off and on all day, when I twist on it or step on it in certain ways. Nothing too serious but what the fuck? I can't think of anything that would cause it to spontaneously start hurting again. Plus the pain is behind the ankle bone, on the outside, rather than in front of the bone (where the sprains were focused). I repeat: What. The. Fuck.

Gonna go work out today, try to get some footage of squats and jumps and insh'allah not fuck myself up any worse. Gah.

the ankle will be fine, insh'allah.

maybe it's just the cold weather? ur gettin` old tho, like me, shit like that just kicks in mang.. remember, pain is just weakness leaving the body! or some lame quote like that.


secksing ftw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2010, 12:20:14 pm
Did nothing this weekend except some walking, rolling and stretching. And secksing. Hip feels fine and ready to try more squatting but I got up this morning and my god damn motherfucking right ankle hurt. Has been off and on all day, when I twist on it or step on it in certain ways. Nothing too serious but what the fuck? I can't think of anything that would cause it to spontaneously start hurting again. Plus the pain is behind the ankle bone, on the outside, rather than in front of the bone (where the sprains were focused). I repeat: What. The. Fuck.

Gonna go work out today, try to get some footage of squats and jumps and insh'allah not fuck myself up any worse. Gah.

the ankle will be fine, insh'allah.

maybe it's just the cold weather? ur gettin` old tho, like me, shit like that just kicks in mang.. remember, pain is just weakness leaving the body! or some lame quote like that.


secksing ftw.

Yup. I get some good cardio in that way.

Ankle is feeling fine again today.

Last night, went to do a modified power workout, basically thinking to do all the jumps as prescribed but then just do 3x5 squats, super light, to mess with form and see what's what. But on the second ME RVJ hip was just protesting too much. Legs were out of the question. So I did dips and pull ups and stretched and called it a night.

On the plus side, the two jumps I had were 31 or so and the run-ups felt way better than they had.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 21, 2010, 09:47:58 pm
Did nothing this weekend except some walking, rolling and stretching. And secksing. Hip feels fine and ready to try more squatting but I got up this morning and my god damn motherfucking right ankle hurt. Has been off and on all day, when I twist on it or step on it in certain ways. Nothing too serious but what the fuck? I can't think of anything that would cause it to spontaneously start hurting again. Plus the pain is behind the ankle bone, on the outside, rather than in front of the bone (where the sprains were focused). I repeat: What. The. Fuck.

Gonna go work out today, try to get some footage of squats and jumps and insh'allah not fuck myself up any worse. Gah.

the ankle will be fine, insh'allah.

maybe it's just the cold weather? ur gettin` old tho, like me, shit like that just kicks in mang.. remember, pain is just weakness leaving the body! or some lame quote like that.


secksing ftw.

Yup. I get some good cardio in that way.

Ankle is feeling fine again today.

Last night, went to do a modified power workout, basically thinking to do all the jumps as prescribed but then just do 3x5 squats, super light, to mess with form and see what's what. But on the second ME RVJ hip was just protesting too much. Legs were out of the question. So I did dips and pull ups and stretched and called it a night.

On the plus side, the two jumps I had were 31 or so and the run-ups felt way better than they had.

good about the jumps but damn that hip shitt.... eeeehhhhhhh.. ;/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 22, 2010, 12:34:35 pm
Vacation starts tomorrow. Gonna be in NYC, then Connecticut and upstate(ish) NY, where my mom's family is. Home on the 27th. While gone it's gonna be nonstop visiting, but I'm going to try to get some workouts in for general conditioning. E.g. Ross Enamait's deck of cards. Possibly even jumping rope if my uncle's basement ceiling is high enough. At least, gonna get some good stretching in. Hopefully by next Tuesday my hip will be back in working order and I can get back to the real business of trying to put a leather-and-rubber ball through a metal hoop ten feet off the ground.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 23, 2010, 06:27:33 pm
Vacation starts tomorrow. Gonna be in NYC, then Connecticut and upstate(ish) NY, where my mom's family is. Home on the 27th. While gone it's gonna be nonstop visiting, but I'm going to try to get some workouts in for general conditioning. E.g. Ross Enamait's deck of cards. Possibly even jumping rope if my uncle's basement ceiling is high enough. At least, gonna get some good stretching in. Hopefully by next Tuesday my hip will be back in working order and I can get back to the real business of trying to put a leather-and-rubber ball through a metal hoop ten feet off the ground.

squat your GF for reps, deadlift your GF for reps, curl your GF for reps, floor press your GF for reps.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on December 23, 2010, 11:04:19 pm
Vacation starts tomorrow. Gonna be in NYC, then Connecticut and upstate(ish) NY, where my mom's family is. Home on the 27th. While gone it's gonna be nonstop visiting, but I'm going to try to get some workouts in for general conditioning. E.g. Ross Enamait's deck of cards. Possibly even jumping rope if my uncle's basement ceiling is high enough. At least, gonna get some good stretching in. Hopefully by next Tuesday my hip will be back in working order and I can get back to the real business of trying to put a leather-and-rubber ball through a metal hoop ten feet off the ground.

squat your GF for reps, deadlift your GF for reps, curl your GF for reps, floor press your GF for reps.


The logic in that is so far beyond brilliant that I can't even begin to describe how genius that is.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 24, 2010, 06:01:30 am
Vacation starts tomorrow. Gonna be in NYC, then Connecticut and upstate(ish) NY, where my mom's family is. Home on the 27th. While gone it's gonna be nonstop visiting, but I'm going to try to get some workouts in for general conditioning. E.g. Ross Enamait's deck of cards. Possibly even jumping rope if my uncle's basement ceiling is high enough. At least, gonna get some good stretching in. Hopefully by next Tuesday my hip will be back in working order and I can get back to the real business of trying to put a leather-and-rubber ball through a metal hoop ten feet off the ground.

squat your GF for reps, deadlift your GF for reps, curl your GF for reps, floor press your GF for reps.


The logic in that is so far beyond brilliant that I can't even begin to describe how genius that is.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 28, 2010, 11:36:33 pm
What up fools. Back from vacation a day later than expected due to a snowstorm and ridiculous winds that left parts of my aunt and uncle's property with six foot drifts and other parts with exposed grass. Only got in one dedicated "workout," but plenty of long hilly walks, shoveling, and carrying, throwing and dragging my little cousins around got me plenty of exercise.

warm up

Circuit x2
--Ladder squats/push ups x10,9,8...1
--Tarzan chin ups on I-beam x5e


Various other days
walking x a bunch
shoveling x a bunch more
tossing around my cousins x even more than that, little fuckers are inexhaustible
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on December 29, 2010, 01:12:05 am
What up fools. Back from vacation a day later than expected due to a snowstorm and ridiculous winds that left parts of my aunt and uncle's property with six foot drifts and other parts with exposed grass. Only got in one dedicated "workout," but plenty of long hilly walks, shoveling, and carrying, throwing and dragging my little cousins around got me plenty of exercise.

warm up

Circuit x2
--Ladder squats/push ups x10,9,8...1
--Tarzan chin ups on I-beam x5e


Various other days
walking x a bunch
shoveling x a bunch more
tossing around my cousins x even more than that, little fuckers are inexhaustible

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 29, 2010, 05:54:56 am
What up fools. Back from vacation a day later than expected due to a snowstorm and ridiculous winds that left parts of my aunt and uncle's property with six foot drifts and other parts with exposed grass. Only got in one dedicated "workout," but plenty of long hilly walks, shoveling, and carrying, throwing and dragging my little cousins around got me plenty of exercise.

warm up

Circuit x2
--Ladder squats/push ups x10,9,8...1
--Tarzan chin ups on I-beam x5e


Various other days
walking x a bunch
shoveling x a bunch more
tossing around my cousins x even more than that, little fuckers are inexhaustible


double LOL
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 29, 2010, 05:59:33 pm
today, a splitting headache and modified volume-strength workout. on the plus side, no hip pain to speak of.

- RATING (4/10)

- warmup

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)

shite, 30-30.5

- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5

- SQUAT: 3 x 3

-SQUAT 3x8

superset == meant to do 3 but my headache just kept getting worse so bagged it after 2
- OHP: 3x5
125, 115
- DB row: 3x8

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e (BSS)


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 30, 2010, 01:17:12 am
today, a splitting headache and modified volume-strength workout. on the plus side, no hip pain to speak of.

that's good, very good to hear.. hope it stays gone.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2010, 05:03:37 pm
s2: power
- RATING (9/10)
plenty of sleep over last couple of days, good meal, CNS fired up

- warmup
haven't mentioned this recently, but my shooting touch has returned. not missing much.  :highfive:

- 10 yard dashes x 5
very quiet, felt light

-ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
ended up doing about 8 true ME jumps, very quick dropoff but highest 3-4 jumps tied PR. so everything was about 31-32, maybe a twinge more on one jump. go me.

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 4 (90-95%), 30s or more between singles
subbed 3x8x165, got vid, will try to post later

- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)

- C1-info: 2 rotations

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
15,15,9 -- all bw+8lbs chain

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

med ball circuit x3
--OH wall throw x10
--rotating wall throw x10e

and foam roll

Very, very nice session. Feeling spiffy.

Happy New Year, mudderfukkers.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2010, 05:35:35 pm
Also, I found the best psyche-up music. Gwar.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 01, 2011, 05:23:28 pm
s2: power
- RATING (9/10)
plenty of sleep over last couple of days, good meal, CNS fired up

- warmup
haven't mentioned this recently, but my shooting touch has returned. not missing much.  :highfive:

- 10 yard dashes x 5
very quiet, felt light

-ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
ended up doing about 8 true ME jumps, very quick dropoff but highest 3-4 jumps tied PR. so everything was about 31-32, maybe a twinge more on one jump. go me.

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 4 (90-95%), 30s or more between singles
subbed 3x8x165, got vid, will try to post later

- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)

- C1-info: 2 rotations

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
15,15,9 -- all bw+8lbs chain

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

med ball circuit x3
--OH wall throw x10
--rotating wall throw x10e

and foam roll

Very, very nice session. Feeling spiffy.

lol nice session what teh hell.


you perform alot better when you get a good sleep. good job on everything, jumps especially.

Happy New Year, mudderfukkers.

same 2 u mudderfukkr... oh when are we going to do a TOUGH MUDDER <-- lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 01, 2011, 05:24:41 pm
Also, I found the best psyche-up music. Gwar.

hahahaha what.......
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2011, 07:23:01 pm
The fucking gym closes at 7 despite saying on the website that it closes at 9. Got there in time for a couple of ME jumps without much of a warm up and hit 31 on one of them, so whatever. Then that was it. Better luck next time, and hopefully they'll change the #()$I@ website.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on January 02, 2011, 07:26:01 pm
I hate that. Gyms suck at giving people information.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 03, 2011, 06:02:04 am
The fucking gym closes at 7 despite saying on the website that it closes at 9. Got there in time for a couple of ME jumps without much of a warm up and hit 31 on one of them, so whatever. Then that was it. Better luck next time, and hopefully they'll change the #()$I@ website.


similar to when i goto a court and it's only 8pm and the lights are off, like wtf.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 03, 2011, 05:59:33 pm
new year's resolutions:

eat more veggies
get more sleep
train harder
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 03, 2011, 06:09:38 pm
Mine's should be "have sex with someone/something else than own hand". Whatever. :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on January 03, 2011, 08:47:33 pm
Mine's should be "have sex with someone/something else than own hand". Whatever. :ninja:


But I should get more sleep like LBSS wants....
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 04, 2011, 04:21:53 am
Mine's should be "have sex with someone/something else than own hand". Whatever. :ninja:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 04, 2011, 10:59:22 am
Mine's should be "have sex with someone/something else than own hand". Whatever. :ninja:


it's a good resolution. all power to the vagina hand, but actual vaginas are more fun.  :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 04, 2011, 11:16:28 am
Quote from: adarq
BW =



gonna start using the adarq format. want to keep better track of that other stuff. and having to write down diet, even if it's just like, "adequate today," or whatever, will help.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 04, 2011, 11:39:58 pm
BW = idk
FATIGUE = not terrible but i didn't get enough sleep last night either, more like not very focused
DIET = should have eaten something in the afternoon, otherwise good

s2: power
- RATING (6/10)
not enough sleep, bad food timing

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5

-ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
slipped on the first one. tried to move to the other hoop but wasn't having it. fucking bitches need to clean that floor more often. substituted:

-depth jumps 3x5

-depth drops 4x3

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
was feeling sluggish so skipped. i'm so retarded. i know the solution but i don't do it.

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5

- JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)

- SQUAT 3x8x175
felt fantastic, oddly

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
+8 x15,15,10 -- one more than last time, it's okay

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF



Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2011, 08:20:08 pm
foam roll

40/30/20/10 squat/crunch/push up(/2) ladder -- short and easy, just to get blood flowing a little bit

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 06, 2011, 02:16:02 am
foam roll

40/30/20/10 squat/crunch/push up(/2) ladder -- short and easy, just to get blood flowing a little bit


where's the ADARQ (TM) format wtf?????
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 06, 2011, 07:33:16 am
Why are you squatting so light lately? An injury i missed or getting back from xmas off?
Checked fast a few pages back but didn't find anything...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2011, 09:24:34 am
foam roll

40/30/20/10 squat/crunch/push up(/2) ladder -- short and easy, just to get blood flowing a little bit


where's the ADARQ (TM) format wtf?????

Wasn't planning to use it for random SMR/stretching/cardio days, but maybe I should...

Why are you squatting so light lately? An injury i missed or getting back from xmas off?
Checked fast a few pages back but didn't find anything...

Injured hip mildly after I got my new squatting shoes, so I rested a bit, backed way off and went back to higher reps to try to get the tissues conditioned properly before I get back into heavier stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2011, 10:20:45 pm
BW = idk
FATIGUE = none
DIET = fine, more veggies than usual because half the people made salad for the staff meeting/pot luck at work today

Gym was a complete waste. I was at work til 8:20 so didn't get to the gym until 9, then realized that the worthless, snivelling old fucks were having their weekly game so I couldn't use the court. I am terrible at improvising in the gym, once thrown from my planned workout I'm lost. So I did some SMR, shot the shit with a guy I'm gonna take snatch lessons from sometime soon, who has all the SMR toys imaginable. Then once the fucks stopped playing, I did some sprinter's warm ups and did 5 sprints. They felt great, light and fast. Then I tried one jump and slipped, got pissed and at that point it was 9:45, the gym was closing in 15 minutes and I called it a night.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2011, 10:21:46 pm
I want/need:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on January 07, 2011, 02:22:01 am
What is it you do for a living?

I want/need:
  • a scale
  • a tiger tail
  • a different place to do jumps

Tiger tail like from vinnie the pooh?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2011, 09:34:22 am
What is it you do for a living?

I work in international development. The programs I manage deal primarily with disaster risk reduction and humanitarian assistance, so, for example, responding comprehensively to the flooding in Pakistan. Although if you ask adarq, I'm a spy for the CIA.

I want/need:
  • a scale
  • a tiger tail
  • a different place to do jumps

Tiger tail like from vinnie the pooh?

Tiger tail like this:


Also, lol @ "vinnie" the pooh. You Europeans...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on January 07, 2011, 03:20:06 pm
I want a tiger tail too! It was on my xmas wish-list, but I never ended up getting one:/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2011, 06:40:25 pm
BW = idk but I'm about to buy a scale
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe was bugging a little but nothing major
FATIGUE = none, which is odd because I didn't sleep well
DIET = ok, sipped protein shake starting halfway through workout, which I don't normally do. Liked that.

s1: volume-strength
- RATING (7/10)

- warmup

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
basketball games going on, so subbed in
- depth jump 3x3
- depth drop 3x3

- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
shot hoops during rest periods, couldn't miss

- SQUAT: 3 x 8

- trap bar DL 3x5
275,275,275 == first time doing these in forever, super light

- OHP: 3x5
120,120,120 == hard

- DB row: 3x8

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 8e (BSS)
140,140,140 (2x70# db) == hard

full sit up 3x15+25# plate

- curlzzz

- tricep extension

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2011, 06:42:17 pm
I feel totally awesome right now, btw. It was a good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 08, 2011, 08:12:00 pm
lol @ vinnie the pooh.

I feel totally awesome right now, btw. It was a good workout.

awesome, trap bar was beastin`.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2011, 10:19:17 pm
BW = idk but I'm about to buy a scale
SORENESS =  glutes, hamstrings, traps
FATIGUE = none
DIET = solid, bout to get more solid

s2: power
- RATING (7/10)

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5: so sore...

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins: game going so subbed:
depth jumps 3x3
depth drops 3x3

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5: I am just not a reactive dude

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5: these were better, actually

- SQUAT: 3x8: 195,195,195

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF: (+8) 15,15,15 PR -- add weight next time

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF: 8,8,8 -- first two sets to 9 next time

- OPTIONAL: CORE (Y/N?): med ball throws x3
OH x20
side x10e


Still trying to figure out the best way to fill in the form, so it's easiest to read.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2011, 09:21:14 am
didn't log last night because i actually kept discipline and WENT TO SLEEP.  :highfive:

BW = idk but I'm about to buy a scale finally bought a scale, it's shipping
SORENESS =  none
FATIGUE = a bit, gf slept over and she had to get up at 6, which fucked my shit up a little
DIET = solid

s3: power
- RATING (7/10)
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes x 5
i shudder to think what the feedback would be on the CF forum w/r/t my form, but felt fast anyway  :P

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins: game going so subbed:
depth jumps 3x3
depth drops 3x3
felt better than the other day

- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5

- SQUAT 3 x 8

- OHP: 3x5
125, 135 PR

- DB row: 3x8
- UNILATERAL: 3 x 8e (BSS)


Got off work super late, so got to gym super late, so ran out of time to finish this workout. Got pissed and decided that instead of rushing through OHP, DB rows, BSS and stretching with the 15 minutes I had left after my first OHP set, I would try to PR with 135 and call it a night. Nailed it, and RPE wasn't even that high, maybe a 7. Totally irrelevant to vert, but whatever. Still felt okay about it afterward.

I will save the  :personal-record: gif for jump or MAYBE squat related PRs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 14, 2011, 03:17:06 am
your use of the strikethrough formatting is cracking me up.. hahafsuhaah

congrats on that PR and finally getting some good sleep ;d

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2011, 10:37:30 am
your use of the strikethrough formatting is cracking me up.. hahafsuhaah

congrats on that PR and finally getting some good sleep ;d


Haha yeah well I figure it's best to hold myself accountable and note when I've skipped or subbed something. Plus tbh I don't really like your format, so I'm just gonna stick with this.


BW = idk but I finally bought a scale, it's shipping
SORENESS =  none
ACHES/INJURIES = right quad was bugging off and on all day
FATIGUE = none
DIET = solid

SMR x over an hour

Quad was flipping out for some reason and I've been bad about SMR, so I did a real thorough job, bottoms of feet all the way up to traps. Feet especially were tough. I really like the SMR exercise I found for them, though: Take two tennis balls, find something to hold onto for balance, and just step on the balls, alternating feet and moving them back and forth to hit different spots. Intense and my left foot was a bit pissed right afterward, but feet felt better after that.

Also, I got plenty sleep last night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2011, 06:43:42 pm
Wanted to go do ME jumps tonight but there's ball going on so no court. Fuck more depth jumps, I need to go at the rim. I suck at depth jumps. Will sleep well tonight and go tomorrow afternoon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 14, 2011, 06:51:20 pm
Film a depth jump.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 15, 2011, 07:21:42 pm
good point, should do that.

BW = idk but I finally bought a scale, it's shipping
SORENESS =  none
FATIGUE = none
DIET = wack, went to tea with my grandmother and it was sugar city

s4: deload-reactive

- RATING (8/10)
- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
good news: no one on the court, no slipping. bad news: jumps blew, best was 31 at most, nothing else above 30.5, most around 30. crap.

- ME MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5

- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5

- ME MR pogo: 5 x 5

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF


gym closed before I could get to the dips and pullups.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 16, 2011, 06:23:37 am
I used to suck at depth jumps when I was doing them in basketball shoes... and I was doing much better in barefeet or running shoes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2011, 10:54:36 am
I only have running shoes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 16, 2011, 11:55:44 am
Do them barefooted :D

If you suck even more and get injured, we'll know you weren't using proper landing mechanics. Bad, but heck, at least we know something.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2011, 03:51:45 pm
Do them barefooted :D

If you suck even more and get injured, we'll know you weren't using proper landing mechanics. Bad, but heck, at least we know something.

Haha, maybe I'll give that a try.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 16, 2011, 03:56:32 pm
No but really, you're probably either landing weird, using too much quad (break a lot at the knees and very little at the hips) and/or use too high of a box.

You should learn to land first, doing depth drops, and then put in the jump part.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 17, 2011, 07:13:55 pm
No but really, you're probably either landing weird, using too much quad (break a lot at the knees and very little at the hips) and/or use too high of a box.

You should learn to land first, doing depth drops, and then put in the jump part.

Actually I think this is probably right. I'm heading to the gym in a second, will try a couple of these to see where I break. Hm.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 17, 2011, 10:29:25 pm
BW = idk but you know the drill
SORENESS =  none
ACHES/INJURIES = something was but i forget now lol
FATIGUE = none
DIET = solid

s1: volume-strength

- RATING (8/10)

- warmup

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) game going so subbed:
depth jumps 3x3
depth drops 3x3
Raptor is today's winner. Focused on keeping hips back on the landing and also used a lower box. Result = better jumps = profit.

- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5 no space to subbed:
MR half tucks 5x5 == last three sets felt very good

- SQUAT: 3 x 8

- trap bar DL 3x5

- OHP: 3x5

- DB row: 3x8

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 8e (BSS)



Nice workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 18, 2011, 03:25:12 am
I thought so. You should probably watch what happens to your upperbody and where your shoulders are positioned. If they are too far forward as in a good morning you're probably loading the quads since the center of gravity is moved too much forward.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 18, 2011, 05:46:36 am
good work lbss & raptor  :highfive: :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 18, 2011, 12:21:08 pm
Thanks adarq and raptor  :D

Also, just posted this in the goals index thread, but here's a table of what I'm hoping to accomplish in the next 12 months:

trap bar dead lift360#420#
running vertical jump32"38"
overhead press5x135#5x165#
pull ups1310xbw+25
10-yard dash?1.67s
20-yard dash?2.77s
40-yard dash?4.80s
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 18, 2011, 11:14:26 pm
BW = blah blah blah
SORENESS =  glutes
FATIGUE = none
DIET = solid

warm up
shot around, money inside three but form was breaking down badly outside. as with jumping, i'm much better if no one else is around.
jump rope, mobility

circuit x10
--30/30 jump rope
--30/30 KB swing (24kg)

cool down
foam roll

I turn my whole forearms when I jump rope, seems pretty inefficient. There was a guy there today jumping rope with a rope that was much too short for him, but he was just turning his wrists so he got it around. Ross Enamait's the same way in his videos. Need to work on that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2011, 09:51:14 pm
BW = blah blah blah
SORENESS =  glutes, hamstrings, traps
ACHES/INJURIES = the tip of my right index finger, posterior delts
FATIGUE = none
DIET = solid but I had this really nasty soup at lunch...won't make that mistake again

s2: power

- RATING (7/10)

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
lots of people shooting around, could not concentrate, got about 3 or 4 meh jumps and the rest meh but less so. Probably 8 jumps total.

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
first two sets meh, 3-5 not so bad

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
first set meh, second set good, last set some asshole walked right in front of me and I lost my balance.

- SQUAT: 3x8
225,225,225 == all pretty easy

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
bw+18 x10,10,10

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF
9,9,4  :-[

circuit x3
--crunch +25x25
--side plank x30s/e

and foam roll
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2011, 07:44:59 pm
BW = blah blah blah
SORENESS =  none
FATIGUE = moderate to high, haven't slept well in days and my gf woke up at like 9 this morning, wtf. i tried to sleep more but no dice.
DIET = meh, gonna get better in a minute. didn't eat enough lunch.

s3: power
- RATING (6/10)

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5

-ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
12 jumps total, better than they've been but no PR's. 1-2 at 31.5, 1-2 at 31, the rest 30-30.5

- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
i really just suck at these

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
i don't suck quite as bad at these

- SQUAT 3 x 8
235,235,235 == last set was hard

- OHP: 3x5
130,130,130x2 (fail), 125x1, 115x0 (fail LOL, I was done)

- DB row: 3x8 2x12

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 8e (BSS) gym was closing, so no



Considering my shit diet the last 24 hours (breakfast this morning was good but I was drunk as hell last night and didn't eat lunch, really), I'm actually not too blown about this workout. Try again with 130 next time on OHP and I'm glad my jumps finally stopped sucking so bad. It really makes a difference for me for no one else to be in the gym.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2011, 07:49:30 pm
Oh, yeah, and the back of my neck hurts like a bitch right now. Not 100% sure how that happened.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 24, 2011, 12:58:48 am
Oh, yeah, and the back of my neck hurts like a bitch right now. Not 100% sure how that happened.

bro. fuck is going on???????????!?!!?

maybe you did some crazy shit with your head when you were drunk.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2011, 09:40:58 am
Oh, yeah, and the back of my neck hurts like a bitch right now. Not 100% sure how that happened.

bro. fuck is going on???????????!?!!?

maybe you did some crazy shit with your head when you were drunk.

Nah I doubt that. My suspicion is that I was straining it somehow during the squats or the OHPs. Felt totally fine by the next morning.

In other news, I did a deeply stupid thing last night and finished watching season 4 of The Wire, despite the fact that it was 12:15 by the time I started the last episode. So suffice it to say, I didn't get a huge amount of sleep last night. Probably 5.5-6 hours. On the other hand, good god what a show.

Screw you, gutts, if you read this.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2011, 12:55:24 pm
Also, I've been doing all basketball shit and haven't picked up a frisbee in months. I think that instead of shooting around I'm gonna start throwing for my warm up. I know more about throwing than shooting or dribbling, anyway. It's hard when there's no space in the gym and no one to throw to, but when I've got the place to myself I should be able to set up a goal or net as a "receiver". When it gets warmer out, I can do the same thing in the park near my gym, or at the field where I do interval sprints. I've left ultimate to the side while I'm trying to get this dunking thing down, but that's no reason to abandon throwing.

EDIT: On a completely unrelated note, I'm pretty sure I've gained some weight (won't know how much until scale arrives) and I think a little bit of size, too: thighs and hips up 0.5", biceps up 0.25", waist up 1" (lol). Of course I'm an amateur self-measurer at best, so other than the waist, which is definitely bigger than it's ever been, those could be BS. Anyway, gaining weight obviously entails a bit of concentrated over-eating and now I'm finding my body in full-on "wtf" mode. In other words, I'm not hungry at 1 PM despite having had only a smoothie for breakfast. Sounds like body is saying, "We had enough calories over the weekend, thank you very much. Now please, lay off for a day."

When thin people think they eat a lot, or their friends think they do (my case), I suspect that what's really happening is that they eat a lot at a time, some of the time, but their body is good at then compensating later by having them eat less. People who are fat have, I suspect, a less high-strung shut-off mechanism.

If I weren't still planning to go to the gym tonight, I would say, "Okay, body, have it your way." As it is, I'm about to go eat some Chipotle. Fuck you, body, I want to be stronger.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2011, 10:06:52 pm
BW = 172.7 PR
SORENESS =  none
FATIGUE = high
DIET = good

Was originally planning to do a real workout today but fatigue was high by the end of work. So I just did some good foam rollering, plantar flexor stuff, incline walking and stretching. Now I'm watching Roger Federer be a god damn genius and then I'm going to sleep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on January 25, 2011, 12:40:48 am
glad to see you got a scale and are hitting some  :personal-record:

+1 on the chipotle. That can de-rail a workout
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Sean0013 on January 25, 2011, 03:51:03 am

To make a very long story short, scientists are starting to think that our bodies more or less have a set point for bf% and weight that our bodies really don't vary from that much. One of the things scientists are trying to figure out is why people's weight doesn't vary alot from the post-puberty stages until much later in life. The reasons would seem to be along the lines of what you're saying. People have differential tendencies in the low energy and high energy state. Theres a bunch of different ways to look at that last sentence I suppose but an easy example would be that in a high energy state alot of skinny people tend to be very jittery and move about alot. It's not just as simple as that though - fat people tend to have faulty mechanisms in determining what is a high energy state/low energy state eg leptin gene mutations, etc. To fully account for it you'd have to talk about ecology, psychology, genetics, biochemistry and physiology but to answer your question I'd say - you can manipulate your body weight (obviously) but it's an uphill battle and your body may resist you!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2011, 02:30:23 pm
glad to see you got a scale and are hitting some  :personal-record:

+1 on the chipotle. That can de-rail a workout

De-rail? I know no better fuel (for the money) than Chipotle. If they didn't treat their employees so badly, I would probably say Chipotle is around the level of St. John the Baptist or at the VERY least St. Theresa of Avila on a scale from Stalin to Holy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 25, 2011, 03:24:19 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2011, 03:27:51 pm

To make a very long story short, scientists are starting to think that our bodies more or less have a set point for bf% and weight that our bodies really don't vary from that much. One of the things scientists are trying to figure out is why people's weight doesn't vary alot from the post-puberty stages until much later in life. The reasons would seem to be along the lines of what you're saying. People have differential tendencies in the low energy and high energy state. Theres a bunch of different ways to look at that last sentence I suppose but an easy example would be that in a high energy state alot of skinny people tend to be very jittery and move about alot. It's not just as simple as that though - fat people tend to have faulty mechanisms in determining what is a high energy state/low energy state eg leptin gene mutations, etc. To fully account for it you'd have to talk about ecology, psychology, genetics, biochemistry and physiology but to answer your question I'd say - you can manipulate your body weight (obviously) but it's an uphill battle and your body may resist you!

Yes yes yes yes yes yes. Set point, weight at end of puberty, high NEAT vs. low NEAT, etc. etc. etc.

I'm asking about the bold part. What do we know about why some people know when to stop eating and others don't? Biochemically, environmentally, whatever.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Sean0013 on January 25, 2011, 03:52:19 pm
Different people have different reactions to food. Some people simply have food addiction - which could be a product of environment (eg eating as a reaction to stress) or they may be victims of faulty genes which cause their neural "award systems" to over activate when they eat. I've only studied this a little bit to be honest so I can't give you exact example of which genes. I'm not that well read on brain neurology. Some people also have faulty versions of genes whose products function to tell you when you're full (eg, ob gene mutations - , leptin receptor mutations, mutations to the ghrelin gene).

Essentially, if the genes of biochemical messengers which control satiety are malfunctioning (or their receptors) you will see people over-eat or potentially under-eat aswell I suppose. Other examples are: orexin, and PYY 3-36, cholecystokinin, any of the hunger/satiety hormones.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2011, 04:01:15 pm
Cool. I know this is a ways off yet for you but if you find out more as you start your studies, I'd love to hear about it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Sean0013 on January 25, 2011, 04:15:30 pm
I don't even think I will but I could dig up notes for you from my undergraduate degree (except now that I remember the lecturer who gave us that course had terrrible notes and I pretty much learnt everything from books/internet). Being honest they've figured out an awful lot about what can go wrong on the biochemical side of the equation. If you wanted to learn a little bit more start by doing searches on those hormones/signalling molecules and their receptors either on PubMed or google/google scholar. As for as the psychological aspect - it's alot more complicated - the biochemical side of things obviously has somewhat of on impact on it but you're talking about a complex interaction of environment, neurology and genetics to fully explain it on the "food addiction/stress eating" side of things.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2011, 09:41:30 pm
BW = 172
SORENESS =  none
ACHES/INJURIES = left hip tweaking a little bit and left toe is bugging
DIET = good

s4: deload-reactive

- RATING (7/10)
no focus

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5 volleyball  :pissed: no space

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
depth jumps x5,3,3 -- last set was ok

- ME MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
ME SVJ 2x5 -- kind of hard, hadn't done these in a whiiiiile

- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5

- ME MR pogo: 5 x 5

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
+23 x10,10,F(10)

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF


Kind of a shitty workout. No focus. Fuck Crossfit and volleyball.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2011, 09:08:06 pm
BW = 173.3
SORENESS =  none
ACHES/INJURIES = left hip tweaking a little bit and left toe is bugging
DIET = good

First day of learning the snatch. Lots and lots of drills for 1.5 hours, one-on-one with coach. Hands hurt. But had made solid progress by the end, was doing a passable power snatch with 50-55 lbs (lolololol).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on January 26, 2011, 11:31:50 pm
yo drive at all today? A 1.5 trip home from the rec center took me nearly five hours...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Clarence on January 26, 2011, 11:43:12 pm

First day of learning the snatch. Lots and lots of drills for 1.5 hours, one-on-one with coach. Hands hurt. But had made solid progress by the end, was doing a passable power snatch with 50-55 lbs (lolololol).

Don't be surprised if your glutes/hamstrings are sore for a couple days... I did some technique work with a coach a few months back...the weight was light, but damn I was sore for a week after that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 27, 2011, 08:07:21 am
ssr7: I don't have a car, but it took my roommate 2 hours to get from Gaithersburg, where he works, to our apartment near U Street. That's the reverse commute, mind you. He said Connecticut outbound was a parking lot from Van Ness to the Beltway. Suckers.

Clarence: You're right, my hamstrings are sore. I was gonna guess traps, from all the shrugging. But nope, hamstrings it is.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2011, 09:57:12 am
Didn't get a chance to record yesterday, so:

BW = 171.3 (from 1/28, forgot to measure yesterday)
SORENESS =  hamstrings, low back
ACHES/INJURIES = left hip just felt a little stuck. and low back.
DIET = good

s1: volume-strength

- RATING (8/10)

- warmup

- sprint: 10y x 4

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
x3 == fuck my gym, the floor is a ridiculous joke. was so hyped up, ready to go, and slipped a little on the first attempt. still got 30.5 or so, but subsequent jumps just weren't happening. god fucking damn it.

- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
first four sets felt really nice. like i said, i was hyped. last set drop off was impressive, though.

- SQUAT: 3 x 8
245,245,245 == sort of hard, low back really feeling it. need to be better about bracing core to maintain neutral position instead of over-arching my back.

- trap bar DL 3x5
skipped because of lower back fatigue.

- OHP: 3x5
130,130,130 PR

- DB row: 3x8

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 8e (BSS)


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 30, 2011, 01:31:58 am

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
x3 == fuck my gym, the floor is a ridiculous joke. was so hyped up, ready to go, and slipped a little on the first attempt. still got 30.5 or so, but subsequent jumps just weren't happening. god fucking damn it.

damn, that seems to happen alot.. sucks :/ that's the worst, when ur amp'd and that happens.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 30, 2011, 06:30:11 am
If I'm on a slippery floor, I'm completely shut down. I jump, if anything, with 10% intensity or so. My brain just stops me from doing silly stuff (like I told ya in the beast thread ;D ). So...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2011, 07:50:17 pm
BW = 171.3
FATIGUE = none
DIET = okay, waited too long between breakfast and workout, should have had a snack

s2: power

- RATING (9/10)

- warmup
included a bunch of OH squats w/PVC pipe, focusing on keeping torso very upright, eyes forward

- 10 yard dashes x 5
ankle-biting little soccer players had taken over the gym, so I did 10x5y sprints in the weight room

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
mostly shitty, a couple very good, 31-31.5

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5

- SQUAT: 3x8

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
+28 10,10,9

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF



Ran out of steam toward the end because schedule prevented proper eating. Saw "The Fighter" with my gf right before workout. Dope movie, all should see it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 01, 2011, 04:52:40 pm
dope movie & more so - dope acting.

bale = epic.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2011, 04:57:49 pm
dope movie & more so - dope acting.

bale = epic.

agreed on both points.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2011, 09:50:38 pm
BW = 171.1 wtf I suck at gaining weight. sack up, luke.
DIET = good

s3: power

- RATING (7/10)
wasn't focused for some reason.

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5

-ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
mostly bad, ~30 and one or two below :uhhhfacepalm:, but a couple 31 so not a complete waste

- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5

- SQUAT 3 x 8
255,255,255 == form was total shit on most of the first and second set. much better on the third. should have dropped weight but i got pissed. sort of happy with this.

- OHP: 3x5
135,135,135 PR, although lotta lean

- DB row: 3x8 5
85,85,85 == gym doesn't have 80 lb db's, so skipped to 85 and dropped reps

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 8e (BSS)
back said no

crunch +35 x25,25,25


back hurts. dumbass.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2011, 11:38:09 pm
BW = 172.8
DIET = crap, too much sugar cause people brought muffins, cake and cookies to the office for different meetings

s4: deload-reactive

- RATING (8/10)

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
subbed depth jumps and drops cause of geezerball, which felt as good as they ever have, especially the depth jumps

- ME MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
no space

- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
total shit, legs dead from the drops, esp quads

- ME MR pogo: 5 x 5
not as bad, only did 3 sets

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF

snatch drills and practice

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2011, 09:56:06 am

1. Like I mentioned, depth jumps felt quick and coordinated, where they usually feel slow and plodding. Depth drops absolutely killed my upper legs, as tucks were a freaking joke. However, pogos felt okay, not great but okay, so perhaps some kind of ankle stiffness is finally creeping in down there. Or not.

2a. I've got some mobility issues in my shoulders that's making it harder for me to snatch/OHS properly. For years I've had a shoulder click (anterior delt) when OHPing or doing dislocates. My coach gave me a couple of great stretches to do for that and told me to foam roll my scaps (posterior delts) and it actually helped within the workout to do that. Trigger points are crazy. No wonder acupuncture works for some people.

2b. I say this every month or so, but I really do need to redouble my efforts to get extra mobility work in for hips, ankles, t-spine and shoulders. I posted a new thread in the brittlebros thread with Eric Cressey's shoulder saver series from T-Nation. Will be doing DeFranco's agile 8 + external rotation exercises for hips, ankle and calf stretching, and some combo of exercises from that series, at least four days per week.

2c. On that note, I'm also gonna get back into the habit of standing up and walking around regularly. Sitting at a desk all day absolutely blows, and if I'm not careful I can end up sitting for 2 hours at a stretch.  That's bad.

4. I'm going to switch squats to 4x5. Enough of 8 reps, hip is adapted, no pain, time to get strong.

5. Given how grindy OHPs have gotten, I'm going to slow down on increases there. Stick with 135 until it's a bit easier, then add 5 lbs. If that takes 3-4 workouts, then okay. backcycle to 120 and build back up again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on February 04, 2011, 11:54:41 am
5. Given how grindy OHPs have gotten, I'm going to slow down on increases there. Stick with 135 until it's a bit easier, then add 5 lbs. If that takes 3-4 workouts, then okay. backcycle to 120 and build back up again.

lol, i know exactly why u changed that :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2011, 12:59:34 pm
5. Given how grindy OHPs have gotten, I'm going to slow down on increases there. Stick with 135 until it's a bit easier, then add 5 lbs. If that takes 3-4 workouts, then okay. backcycle to 120 and build back up again.

lol, i know exactly why u changed that :ninja:

 :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: tychver on February 04, 2011, 04:42:56 pm
2a. I've got some mobility issues in my shoulders that's making it harder for me to snatch/OHS properly. For years I've had a shoulder click (anterior delt) when OHPing or doing dislocates. My coach gave me a couple of great stretches to do for that and told me to foam roll my scaps (posterior delts) and it actually helped within the workout to do that. Trigger points are crazy. No wonder acupuncture works for some people.

Yeah my brothers struggling with a similar issue at the moment. You've just gotta work at it slowly and try not to make anything angry by forcing the stretching and foam rolling. Watch the elbows in the shoulder dislocates too, if you push against them too hard trying to stretch the shoulders you can over stretch the biceps and/or hyperextend the elbow without noticing and piss that off too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2011, 05:27:37 pm
BW = 174.3
DIET = good

s1: volume-strength

- RATING (9/10)

- warmup

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
depth jumps 3x3
depth drops 3x3

- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
MR pogo 5x5

- SQUAT: 4 x 5

- trap bar DL 3x5

- OHP: 3x5
120,120,120 == pause at bottom, very strict

- DB row: 3x8
70,70,70 == pause at bottom, very strict

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e (BSS)
BSS hold x60s/e



Whatever. Super Bowl. What.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 08, 2011, 06:41:25 am
green and yellow.

man, sitting down for extended periods is hell.. i actually have a 'podium' i made for my laptop, so when i'm in the house, i'm either standing up while using the laptop or lying down.. hehe

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2011, 10:17:22 am
Worked 11.5 hours yesterday and 11 on Friday, plus I started getting a headache last night, slept like shit and the headache is still there this morning (although not as bad). But I got my shit done when I said I would, and it's not as much of a piece of shit as it was when it came across my desk from Pakistan. Plus props from my boss (and her boss) for the work. Plus I just got off the phone with Afghanistan, which (at least from the point of view of my job) is a shining beacon of clarity, transparency and good work compared to the shitshow that is Pakistan. Always nice to talk to my people in Kabul and Pul-i-Khumri. So now I'm in a good mood, apparent cold be damned.

Gonna see if I can leave work a little early today, get to the gym with plenty of time to warm up and jump without anyone else around. Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 08, 2011, 12:43:05 pm
WTF are you just saying? :o :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on February 08, 2011, 08:15:07 pm
Worked 11.5 hours yesterday and 11 on Friday, plus I started getting a headache last night, slept like shit and the headache is still there this morning (although not as bad). But I got my shit done when I said I would, and it's not as much of a piece of shit as it was when it came across my desk from Pakistan. Plus props from my boss (and her boss) for the work. Plus I just got off the phone with Afghanistan, which (at least from the point of view of my job) is a shining beacon of clarity, transparency and good work compared to the shitshow that is Pakistan. Always nice to talk to my people in Kabul and Pul-i-Khumri. So now I'm in a good mood, apparent cold be damned.

Gonna see if I can leave work a little early today, get to the gym with plenty of time to warm up and jump without anyone else around. Fingers crossed.

What is it that you do for a living?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2011, 08:19:27 pm
fucking fuck. have felt like crap all day, was feeling better by the time i went to the gym but apparently not with it enough to bring my lifting shoes. tried to work out but it just wasn't happening so i'm going to try again tomorrow.

did end up warming up. shot around a little bit, which should have been the first warning sign: everything was short. driving me nuts. then did sprints and tried a few jumps. after one good one-step, everything else blew and once the crossfit class started taking over the gym i was done. mobility and stretching and home. early bedtime tonight.

Zetz: I work in international development, particularly on humanitarian aid and disaster risk reduction.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on February 08, 2011, 11:26:14 pm
Sounds awesome. I don't think I'd mind going into something like that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 09, 2011, 02:29:56 am
I'd trust a humanitarian guy that starts his journal log with "fucking fuck" ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2011, 09:51:39 am
didn't get to log last night, so here's what i did. pressed for time, shortened it a bit.

BW = 171.5
DIET = good

s2: power
- RATING (7/10)

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5
did 'em yesterday, so skipped

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5

depth jumps 4x3 == first two sets were good, third set awful, fourth set okay

- SQUAT: 4 x 5
275,275,275,275 == one of the trainers at the gym gave me some props on my progress on these. i don't think he has any idea what i'm talking about. 4x5x305 will be okay. this is not.

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
+33 X10,10,11(F)

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF
9,6,4 == WTF?!?!? regressing on these. also i noticed much more than i have before the asymmetry in the way my shoulders rotate on the way up. gonna have to concentrate on that a bit, next time. didn't help that i took a break in the middle to mess around with some partner balancing stuff with jimmy (this guy: ( got a double planche, which was cool.




duke 79
unc 73
suck it, bitches.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Sean0013 on February 10, 2011, 10:17:24 am
I'm going to Chapel Hill next month for the game. I'm not a UNC or a Duke fan but let's be real. Duke ain't looking that hot right now. Singler has gone to shiiiit. The only player that really stands out on that team to me right now is Nolan Smith. UNC are gonna take it next a feeling!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2011, 11:43:58 am
I'm going to Chapel Hill next month for the game. I'm not a UNC or a Duke fan but let's be real. Duke ain't looking that hot right now. Singler has gone to shiiiit. The only player that really stands out on that team to me right now is Nolan Smith. UNC are gonna take it next a feeling!

Duke ain't lookin' as hot as they did before Irving went down, I will grant you that. But coming back from 16 down to win a rivalry game against a ranked team, while most of the team is playing like garbage, has got me feeling pretty good. Singler's too good to keep struggling like he has, Curry is coming along, the front line is underrated (and underperforming, but still, underrated).

And yeah, Smith is awesome. Maryland native, too.

We're not a great team and probably won't repeat, but anything less than Final Four would be a disappointment this year.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Sean0013 on February 10, 2011, 12:50:27 pm
Don't get me wrong. It's not impossible for Duke to repeat - not with Coach.K at the helms. I think UNC are really starting to come together though and let's face it, playing away against Duke ain't easy. Those fans are rabid! My money is on UNC to sneak a win in against Duke in March tho!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2011, 05:44:21 pm
Have been getting a crucial ache in my knee (ITB, maybe plantaris), calf, Achilles, heel and top of my foot just before the third and fourth toes. There's a dirty trigger point (or 12) in there somewhere. I haven't had an ache like this in a while so I'm gonna get to the gym early tonight and do a shit ton of SMR and stretching and shit.

Plan for tomorrow is to walk a whole lot with my dad (he's doing a 60 mile hike over 4 days for his 60th birthday, I'm joining for day 3), so it would be nice to be free of lingering leg pain before I get into that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on February 10, 2011, 07:18:12 pm
Didn't notice Jimmy had updated his page. Nice.

Sucks about the pushups and aches in your legs though...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 11, 2011, 04:10:25 am
Have been getting a crucial ache in my knee (ITB, maybe plantaris), calf, Achilles, heel and top of my foot just before the third and fourth toes. There's a dirty trigger point (or 12) in there somewhere. I haven't had an ache like this in a while so I'm gonna get to the gym early tonight and do a shit ton of SMR and stretching and shit.

Plan for tomorrow is to walk a whole lot with my dad (he's doing a 60 mile hike over 4 days for his 60th birthday, I'm joining for day 3), so it would be nice to be free of lingering leg pain before I get into that.

damn your dad is beast.. sounds fun, hope you're health for it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Clarence on February 11, 2011, 05:19:59 am
I'm going to Chapel Hill next month for the game. I'm not a UNC or a Duke fan but let's be real. Duke ain't looking that hot right now. Singler has gone to shiiiit. The only player that really stands out on that team to me right now is Nolan Smith. UNC are gonna take it next a feeling!

Duke ain't lookin' as hot as they did before Irving went down, I will grant you that. But coming back from 16 down to win a rivalry game against a ranked team, while most of the team is playing like garbage, has got me feeling pretty good. Singler's too good to keep struggling like he has, Curry is coming along, the front line is underrated (and underperforming, but still, underrated).

And yeah, Smith is awesome. Maryland native, too.

We're not a great team and probably won't repeat, but anything less than Final Four would be a disappointment this year.

Go Blue!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2011, 10:40:01 am
Have been getting a crucial ache in my knee (ITB, maybe plantaris), calf, Achilles, heel and top of my foot just before the third and fourth toes. There's a dirty trigger point (or 12) in there somewhere. I haven't had an ache like this in a while so I'm gonna get to the gym early tonight and do a shit ton of SMR and stretching and shit.

Plan for tomorrow is to walk a whole lot with my dad (he's doing a 60 mile hike over 4 days for his 60th birthday, I'm joining for day 3), so it would be nice to be free of lingering leg pain before I get into that.

damn your dad is beast.. sounds fun, hope you're health for it.

Great walk. I ended up joining my dad for the last 13 of his 16 miles yesterday. Beautiful day and I love spending time with him, so it was really nice. My lower left leg (same as the other day) started acting up really bad sometime soon after lunch, much worse than Friday, but it had gotten better-ish with some stretching and, oddly, more walking. Feels totally normal this morning. No workout today, gonna help my mom with a bunch of errands and shit leading up to the party/grand finale of my dad's hike. Tomorrow, though, I'm going to head over to the middle school court near my parents' house and see what I can do. Also, try to measure that hoop. Glad we're getting a few nice days for once.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 13, 2011, 05:36:43 am
Have been getting a crucial ache in my knee (ITB, maybe plantaris), calf, Achilles, heel and top of my foot just before the third and fourth toes. There's a dirty trigger point (or 12) in there somewhere. I haven't had an ache like this in a while so I'm gonna get to the gym early tonight and do a shit ton of SMR and stretching and shit.

Plan for tomorrow is to walk a whole lot with my dad (he's doing a 60 mile hike over 4 days for his 60th birthday, I'm joining for day 3), so it would be nice to be free of lingering leg pain before I get into that.

damn your dad is beast.. sounds fun, hope you're health for it.

Great walk. I ended up joining my dad for the last 13 of his 16 miles yesterday. Beautiful day and I love spending time with him, so it was really nice.

 :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

really cool man
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 14, 2011, 11:02:44 am
Lower leg felt totally fine yesterday and feels fine again today. It was a birthday extravaganza this weekend: Saturday I spent the whole day helping my mom prepare for my dad's birthday party while he did the rest of his hike, then we had the party, then I was too tired to do much but play cards and go to sleep. Yesterday was my mom's birthday (my parents' birthdays are 5 days apart), so we did some family shit.

I should go to the gym today, but I'm conflicted because A) it's Valentine's Day and B) Tuesdays and Thursdays are generally better because the court doesn't get taken over until 8, rather than 7:15.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 14, 2011, 03:14:43 pm
UPDATE: Watson takes on Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter tonight. All other plans have been put on hold.

Google it, you lazy fucks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 14, 2011, 11:30:46 pm
Lower leg felt totally fine yesterday and feels fine again today. It was a birthday extravaganza this weekend: Saturday I spent the whole day helping my mom prepare for my dad's birthday party while he did the rest of his hike, then we had the party, then I was too tired to do much but play cards and go to sleep. Yesterday was my mom's birthday (my parents' birthdays are 5 days apart), so we did some family shit.

I should go to the gym today, but I'm conflicted because A) it's Valentine's Day and B) Tuesdays and Thursdays are generally better because the court doesn't get taken over until 8, rather than 7:15.

what the hell does valentine's day have to do with anything wtf?

word u coulda gone sunday/tuesday/thursday wt.f

happy BDAY to the LBSS-clan.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 15, 2011, 01:32:29 pm
Lower leg felt totally fine yesterday and feels fine again today. It was a birthday extravaganza this weekend: Saturday I spent the whole day helping my mom prepare for my dad's birthday party while he did the rest of his hike, then we had the party, then I was too tired to do much but play cards and go to sleep. Yesterday was my mom's birthday (my parents' birthdays are 5 days apart), so we did some family shit.

I should go to the gym today, but I'm conflicted because A) it's Valentine's Day and B) Tuesdays and Thursdays are generally better because the court doesn't get taken over until 8, rather than 7:15.

what the hell does valentine's day have to do with anything wtf?

word u coulda gone sunday/tuesday/thursday wt.f

happy BDAY to the LBSS-clan.


strong question. the answer is nothing. i had a reason for bringing it up but it's not worth getting into now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 15, 2011, 09:33:35 pm
BW = 171.3
ACHES/INJURIES = outside left hip tweaking a little EDIT and left calf, but not where it was hurting last week
DIET = probably not enough protein or vegetables

s1: volume-strength

- RATING (6/10)

- warmup

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2)
weak, mostly ~30

- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
first set was best but all okay and better than the last time I did these

- SQUAT: 4 x 5

- trap bar DL 1x5

- OHP: 3x5

- DB row: 3x5

- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e (BSS)
still too retarded to remember everything I'm supposed to do in a single workout, even when I write it down, which is always

circuit x3
--Pallof press x10ex80
--leg lower x12

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on February 16, 2011, 04:09:13 am
Yo are you gonna be training at balance this weekend? I may come down to test my standing and dropstep vert on the jumpmat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2011, 09:24:40 am
Yo are you gonna be training at balance this weekend? I may come down to test my standing and dropstep vert on the jumpmat.

The jumpmat has been missing for months. Ori, the manager, kept promising me he'd bring it back from the Thomas Circle location but he's a LYING LIAR. But yeah, I'll be there. Actually, I'll ask him again tonight to bring it back if he's around.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2011, 10:27:45 pm
BW = ? forgot to measure this morning
SORENESS = none until after workout, now upper legs and glutes are sore
DIET = solid

foam/lacrosse ball rolling x35 mins
PVC pipe dislocates, OH squats and BTN presses

snatch drills x40 minutes, got up to 75 lb power snatch, form still super inconsistent/shitty but that's okay. had a couple of really good pulls, just a matter of practice.


EDIT Quad soreness is pretty bad. Weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2011, 10:19:13 pm
BW = 172.0
SORENESS = a little bit in quads, low back
DIET = solid

s2: power

- RATING (X/10)

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes x 5

- ME jumps (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
did a few warm-up jumps at like 80-85%, helped a lot. then did ME jumps x10-12 and only got 30.5-31 but it was consistent and felt good. happier. there were people in the gym, too, which usually kills me.

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5

fuck halftucks

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5 10

- SQUAT: 4 x 5
285,285,285,285 == hip tweaking a bit, depth not as consistent as usual but felt pretty good.

- S1: dips @ 3 x AF
+38 x 10,10,10

- S1: pullups @ 3 x AF 6 x 5


and roll
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2011, 10:10:10 am
I go forward on my pogos but when I try to stay in one place I end up losing my balance. Gotta work on that.

Also, once I dunk, I think the next goal will be competence at C&J and snatch.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2011, 11:02:30 am
Gonna start the ARowe plan on Sunday. Here will be the approximate layout

Sunday = session 1
Monday = active rest
Tuesday = session 2
Wednesday = active rest
Thursday = session 3
Friday = total rest
Saturday = active rest
Sunday = session 4

Rinse, repeat. Active rest might even just be foam rollering and mobility/activation, or it might be light cardio, e.g. a long walk or jump rope or stationary bike or something like that. I want to be in the gym more often, basically. Highest jumps should (insh'allah) be on Sunday, which is good cause that's the surest time to have the gym to myself.

Also, I think I'm gonna try to switch to high bar squats. Less forward lean, easier to get deep. Screw half/quarter squats. If there's a drop in my squat numbers in the near future, that's why. Will probably start by doing my warm ups as high bar and then keeping work sets as low bar, then transition.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on February 19, 2011, 12:51:02 am
Hey man, I think I'm gonna train at balance on the Thursday, 3/3 and Sunday, 3/6. Do you think we could train together those days? I'm doing a Wendler 5/3/1 split with each lifting workout preceded by jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 20, 2011, 02:59:25 am
Gonna start the ARowe plan on Sunday. Here will be the approximate layout

Sunday = session 1
Monday = active rest
Tuesday = session 2
Wednesday = active rest
Thursday = session 3
Friday = total rest
Saturday = active rest
Sunday = session 4

Rinse, repeat. Active rest might even just be foam rollering and mobility/activation, or it might be light cardio, e.g. a long walk or jump rope or stationary bike or something like that. I want to be in the gym more often, basically. Highest jumps should (insh'allah) be on Sunday, which is good cause that's the surest time to have the gym to myself.

Also, I think I'm gonna try to switch to high bar squats. Less forward lean, easier to get deep. Screw half/quarter squats.

screw you

If there's a drop in my squat numbers in the near future, that's why. Will probably start by doing my warm ups as high bar and then keeping work sets as low bar, then transition.

kill it mayne, hope this template works out good for you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Clarence on February 20, 2011, 03:28:27 am

Also, I think I'm gonna try to switch to high bar squats. Less forward lean, easier to get deep. Screw half/quarter squats.

screw you

hahahaha...that was good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2011, 08:54:00 pm
Gonna start the ARowe plan on Sunday. Here will be the approximate layout

Sunday = session 1
Monday = active rest
Tuesday = session 2
Wednesday = active rest
Thursday = session 3
Friday = total rest
Saturday = active rest
Sunday = session 4

Rinse, repeat. Active rest might even just be foam rollering and mobility/activation, or it might be light cardio, e.g. a long walk or jump rope or stationary bike or something like that. I want to be in the gym more often, basically. Highest jumps should (insh'allah) be on Sunday, which is good cause that's the surest time to have the gym to myself.

Also, I think I'm gonna try to switch to high bar squats. Less forward lean, easier to get deep. Screw half/quarter squats.

screw you

EDIT: Screw them for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2011, 08:58:27 pm

BW = ?
DIET = solid

session 1: volume

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20's
15y x4

- dj (18-24") : 4 x 8 (18")
hip tweaking immediately. fml. tried to massage/stretch it out but fix was temporary, tweak always came back.

- squat : 3 x 5
started warm up but hip kept tweaking.

- BSS : 3 x 5 each
tweaky tweak tweak

- light calf raise: 4 x 5
was discombobulated and pissed off and had been at the gym for 90 minutes thanks to all the stretching and massaging and long rests, so i just left

- core

- stretch

ARowe plan day 1, abject failure.  :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 20, 2011, 09:40:25 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 21, 2011, 01:53:01 am
Damn, that sucks
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on February 21, 2011, 01:20:58 pm
What exactly did you do for a warmup? It might be that you didn't get adequate motion or flexibility going in your hips. Used to happen to me once in a while too on similar lifts when I didn't warmup properly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on February 22, 2011, 06:49:00 am
I hate tweaky hips. When I get that at the start of a workout I know I'm not gonna have a great day.

What I do is I take my time warming up. When im on the treadmill for a really short run to warm myself up, i  do somee pseudo lunges type things, just big steps, opening up my strides. Leg swings both front/back and left/right helps too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 22, 2011, 10:34:58 pm
BW = i keep forgetting to measure
ACHES/INJURIES = blisters on my heels from new shoes that fit in the store and then FFFFUUUUUUU on the way to work
FATIGUE = moderate-high
DIET = shite

modified Agile 8
shoulder stretching on rings
calf stretching

circuit x10
--pull up x1-2
--glute march x5e
--push up x2
--glute bridge x20s


Felt nice.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2011, 09:08:44 pm
BW = i keep forgetting to measure
ACHES/INJURIES = hip tweak has radiated around deep into my ass muscles...yeah...sit with that image
FATIGUE = low-moderate
DIET = not enough veggies, otherwise solid

session 2 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up

- jumps : 2 step & vert 
:personal-record: tied @32" after one of the gym owners told me I should be getting more knee flexion on the plant. Jumped high, tweaked hip.

- MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT

forgot, i'm so retarded i'm not even sure where my nose is

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)
125,125,125 == hip tweak bad

- MSEM squat: 2 x 4 (~90%)
285,285,285,285 == weight flew, hip tweak rotating deep into piriformis etc. but not as bad on sets 2 and 4

- BSS : 3 x 3

- core
circuit x3
--MB OH throw x20
--KTE x5

- stretch
and roll

My coach/PT told me basically to just chill for a few days, roll all the way around the hip, avoid stretching, and do ice massage. So that's what I'll do. No sense letting this turn chronic.

VERY pleased about the jump, even if the rest of the workout had sucked (and it didn't, pain or not it was good) I'd be happy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2011, 09:10:14 pm
What exactly did you do for a warmup? It might be that you didn't get adequate motion or flexibility going in your hips. Used to happen to me once in a while too on similar lifts when I didn't warmup properly.

I warm up pretty well although I'm obviously starting to do more for my hips. I think it's partially just the long, long term imbalance between right and left. PT also told me to try doing like one extra rep for left leg on unilateral stuff, and to stretch/roll it a little more. Seems reasonable.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on February 24, 2011, 01:11:36 am
congrats on the tied PR man! you seeing patrick lally?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 24, 2011, 05:11:40 am

- jumps : 2 step & vert 
:personal-record: tied @32" after one of the gym owners told me I should be getting more knee flexion on the plant. Jumped high, tweaked hip.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 24, 2011, 09:22:04 am
congrats on the tied PR man! you seeing patrick lally?

Nah, my oly lifting coach (if I can call him that at this point...) also does PT. And he doesn't charge for answering questions. BTW I will most likely be in the gym on the 3rd and 6th. The 3rd I might actually have to be at work very late, but hoping not. Thursdays I'm typically in the gym by 6:45 or 7 and Sundays it varies, although I prefer to go mid-late afternoon, when basically no one else is there. Anyway, just PM me if you're gonna come down and we can coordinate.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 24, 2011, 09:23:23 am

- jumps : 2 step & vert  
:personal-record: tied @32" after one of the gym owners told me I should be getting more knee flexion on the plant. Jumped high, tweaked hip.


Thanks vag! I felt like all of a sudden I could do a lot more, the earlier jumps had been okay but that one was like a full inch higher and not even more pumped up or anything, just, "Flex knees, get lower." If I can get this hip thing figured out I might actually be able to jump higher next time!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 24, 2011, 08:45:15 pm
BW = i keep forgetting to measure
ACHES/INJURIES = hip tweak has radiated around deep into my ass muscles...yeah...sit with that image
FATIGUE = low-moderate
DIET = not enough veggies, otherwise solid

session 2 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up

- jumps : 2 step & vert 
:personal-record: tied @32" after one of the gym owners told me I should be getting more knee flexion on the plant. Jumped high, tweaked hip.

- MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT

forgot, i'm so retarded i'm not even sure where my nose is

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)
125,125,125 == hip tweak bad

- MSEM squat: 2 x 4 (~90%)
285,285,285,285 == weight flew, hip tweak rotating deep into piriformis etc. but not as bad on sets 2 and 4

- BSS : 3 x 3

- core
circuit x3
--MB OH throw x20
--KTE x5

- stretch
and roll

My coach/PT told me basically to just chill for a few days, roll all the way around the hip, avoid stretching, and do ice massage. So that's what I'll do. No sense letting this turn chronic.

VERY pleased about the jump, even if the rest of the workout had sucked (and it didn't, pain or not it was good) I'd be happy.

 :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

congrats on the jumping & good thing the squat was flying up.. really sucks about that damn hip shit though.. that's why i ended up squatting above parallel, chronic hip issue.. i was actually squatting below parallel 2+ years ago believe it or not.. hip issue made me go above, then i got even more vert gains when i switched to half squat.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ARowe on February 24, 2011, 10:20:01 pm
Congrats on tying pr. That is exactly what happened to me, vert was low, started this phase, tied pr's pretty quick then passed them up.

For the sprints I kept them to 10 yards and only did a few. Like 2 submax then 2-4 100%. For the bounding I would go until I was tired each set, so a few of them were with fatigue. Usually got 12-14 each set. Really powerful arm swing and pushing off the ground as hard as I could.

My vert would usually go down a little bit each session and then a few days after session 3 msem it would supercompensate and that's when I set most of my pr's.

You are definitely gonna pr soon. 32 is gonna be old news soon!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cp3 on February 24, 2011, 11:31:25 pm

- jumps : 2 step & vert 
:personal-record: tied @32" after one of the gym owners told me I should be getting more knee flexion on the plant. Jumped high, tweaked hip.


Solid PR breh  :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Divad on February 24, 2011, 11:44:23 pm
- jumps : 2 step & vert 
 tied @32" after one of the gym owners told me I should be getting more knee flexion on the plant. Jumped high, tweaked hip.

Great! I feel it's really a matter of body structure and individual preference, some people would fuck up their jumps by flexing more, if it worked better for you, then you know where your at!

congrats on the jumping & good thing the squat was flying up.. really sucks about that damn hip shit though.. that's why i ended up squatting above parallel, chronic hip issue.. i was actually squatting below parallel 2+ years ago believe it or not.. hip issue made me go above, then i got even more vert gains when i switched to half squat.

@Darqui, everybody: I'm unsure about that, but i bet that if you get sore in the hamstrings and glutes, it's probably a sign that going deeper is not ne cessary and that a half squat is enough? Right?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2011, 09:35:39 am
Thanks brosephines.

@Divad: soreness is no reason at all to change depth, IMO.

Andrew disagrees with me on this, but I think you should squat to the fullest extent allowed by your structure and mobility. If you're really tall or have shitty hip mobility, you shouldn't be going deep. But if you're normal sized then increasing ROM can only help over time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2011, 09:37:22 am
Congrats on tying pr. That is exactly what happened to me, vert was low, started this phase, tied pr's pretty quick then passed them up.

For the sprints I kept them to 10 yards and only did a few. Like 2 submax then 2-4 100%. For the bounding I would go until I was tired each set, so a few of them were with fatigue. Usually got 12-14 each set. Really powerful arm swing and pushing off the ground as hard as I could.

My vert would usually go down a little bit each session and then a few days after session 3 msem it would supercompensate and that's when I set most of my pr's.

You are definitely gonna pr soon. 32 is gonna be old news soon!

Thanks man. What rest did you take between sets and movements? E.g. during bounds?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2011, 09:46:54 am
last night:

Rolled entire hips with a partially deflated soccer ball, taking my time (maybe 30 minutes). Started from hamstring and worked around the inside until spiraled into the glute. Then rolled hamstrings, ITB, adductors, quads, calves, soleus, QL, upper back, scaps and traps. Did some posterior rocking and light stretching.

this morning:

Just rolled the hips, posterior rocking and light stretching.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ARowe on February 25, 2011, 02:24:19 pm
Congrats on tying pr. That is exactly what happened to me, vert was low, started this phase, tied pr's pretty quick then passed them up.

For the sprints I kept them to 10 yards and only did a few. Like 2 submax then 2-4 100%. For the bounding I would go until I was tired each set, so a few of them were with fatigue. Usually got 12-14 each set. Really powerful arm swing and pushing off the ground as hard as I could.

My vert would usually go down a little bit each session and then a few days after session 3 msem it would supercompensate and that's when I set most of my pr's.

You are definitely gonna pr soon. 32 is gonna be old news soon!

Thanks man. What rest did you take between sets and movements? E.g. during bounds?

I take a lot of rest time in between sets when I workout so my sessions are usually pretty long. But I like to be well recovered so I can give each set 100%. 2 mins minimum for everything, longer for squatting, more like 4-6mins.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2011, 11:34:56 pm

One brief rolling session, just hips

today, morning:

brief rolling session, just left (affected) hip

today, evening:

long rolling session, hips + ITB, adductors, hamstrings, quads, calves, peroneals, QL, upper back, lats, feet
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 28, 2011, 04:17:57 am
- jumps : 2 step & vert 
 tied @32" after one of the gym owners told me I should be getting more knee flexion on the plant. Jumped high, tweaked hip.

Great! I feel it's really a matter of body structure and individual preference, some people would fuck up their jumps by flexing more, if it worked better for you, then you know where your at!

congrats on the jumping & good thing the squat was flying up.. really sucks about that damn hip shit though.. that's why i ended up squatting above parallel, chronic hip issue.. i was actually squatting below parallel 2+ years ago believe it or not.. hip issue made me go above, then i got even more vert gains when i switched to half squat.

@Darqui, everybody: I'm unsure about that, but i bet that if you get sore in the hamstrings and glutes, it's probably a sign that going deeper is not ne cessary and that a half squat is enough? Right?

well soreness shouldn't be the indicator.. half squat being enough is mostly based around build, leg to torso ratio.. bottom line, if you're long and lanky, and have problems hitting deep depth without heels elevated + tons of mobility/flexibility work, half squat can be very effective.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on February 28, 2011, 06:37:26 pm
Thanks brosephines.

@Divad: soreness is no reason at all to change depth, IMO.

Andrew disagrees with me on this, but I think you should squat to the fullest extent allowed by your structure and mobility. If you're really tall or have shitty hip mobility, you shouldn't be going deep. But if you're normal sized then increasing ROM can only help over time.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2011, 09:45:49 pm
BW = i keep forgetting to measure
FATIGUE = very high
DIET = shite, not nearly enough food and what i got was not the best.

kept it nice and easy today because high stress at work, long hours, shit sleep and shit diet (today, yesterday was good) meant no energy or focus going in

-warm up

-jump rope x5 mins
mixing in double unders here and there

-squat 3 x 5
225,225,225 == NO HIP TWEAK
:D :ibsquatting:

-BSS 3 x 5
80,80,80 == NO HIP TWEAK  
:D :highfive:

-C1: push up x10
-C2: leg lower x10
-C3: pull up x4
-C4: MB OH throw x15
-info: 5 rounds


now time to redeem my diet a little bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2011, 09:47:55 pm
Thanks brosephines.

@Divad: soreness is no reason at all to change depth, IMO.

Andrew disagrees with me on this, but I think you should squat to the fullest extent allowed by your structure and mobility. If you're really tall or have shitty hip mobility, you shouldn't be going deep. But if you're normal sized then increasing ROM can only help over time.


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 02, 2011, 04:03:33 am
Thanks brosephines.

@Divad: soreness is no reason at all to change depth, IMO.

Andrew disagrees with me on this, but I think you should squat to the fullest extent allowed by your structure and mobility. If you're really tall or have shitty hip mobility, you shouldn't be going deep. But if you're normal sized then increasing ROM can only help over time.


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on March 02, 2011, 05:14:44 am
Thanks brosephines.

@Divad: soreness is no reason at all to change depth, IMO.

Andrew disagrees with me on this, but I think you should squat to the fullest extent allowed by your structure and mobility. If you're really tall or have shitty hip mobility, you shouldn't be going deep. But if you're normal sized then increasing ROM can only help over time.



Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on March 02, 2011, 10:37:31 am
Thanks brosephines.

@Divad: soreness is no reason at all to change depth, IMO.

Andrew disagrees with me on this, but I think you should squat to the fullest extent allowed by your structure and mobility. If you're really tall or have shitty hip mobility, you shouldn't be going deep. But if you're normal sized then increasing ROM can only help over time.




Please make that an official smiley for the forum....
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on March 02, 2011, 05:00:45 pm
Quote from: ssr7 on February 23, 2011, 11:11:36 PM
congrats on the tied PR man! you seeing patrick lally?

Nah, my oly lifting coach (if I can call him that at this point...) also does PT. And he doesn't charge for answering questions. BTW I will most likely be in the gym on the 3rd and 6th. The 3rd I might actually have to be at work very late, but hoping not. Thursdays I'm typically in the gym by 6:45 or 7 and Sundays it varies, although I prefer to go mid-late afternoon, when basically no one else is there. Anyway, just PM me if you're gonna come down and we can coordinate.

Nice's really convenient to have a coach who's also a PT. I PM'd you regarding coming down tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on March 03, 2011, 12:15:36 pm

*i made that*
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on March 03, 2011, 04:18:41 pm
yo, i'm not gonna be able to come down today...i'm getting sick again:/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2011, 10:26:27 pm
BW = 171.3
SORENESS = hip flexors a little bit
FATIGUE = moderate
DIET = fine

session 3 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up

- jumps : 3 step
30.5-31.5, not bad, felt okay considering how low my motivation/focus was

-  MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing
13,13,10,10 == liked these

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT
didn't write these down for some reason

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)
or this

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 6 (~80%)
- C1: jump squat : 2 x 2 (30%)
- C1-stuff: 2 rotations (so 2 sets of msem squat, 4 sets of jump squats)

- lunge : 3 x 3
herp derp

- core x4
toes to bar x6
MB OH throw x20

- stretch

deep retardation w/r/t forgetting to write shit down that's IN FRONT OF MY FUCKING FACE. i'm okay with it, chalk it up to a long week at work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on March 04, 2011, 02:26:50 am
You beasting?  :strong:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 04, 2011, 10:19:00 am
sucks that ssr7 is getting sick, wanted to hear how the "swoletraining went in the mancave -- mandler marchman".

feel better ssr7

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ssr7 on March 06, 2011, 12:54:58 am
Hey when are you training tomorrow? SSPT is closed and I've missed to many training sessions...I'm definitely training at balance tomorrow, but dunno when...I'll check in the AM man...I'll send you a PM as well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 08, 2011, 09:51:09 pm
last few days: some rolling, esp. of hips

BW = 172
SORENESS = left quad, oddly
FATIGUE = mild
DIET = good

session 1: volume

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20's

- dj (18-24") : 4 x 5 (24") or 4 x 8 (18")

- squat : 3 x 5

- BSS : 3 x 5 each

- light calf raise: 4 x 5

- core circuit x4
--leg lower x15,15,15,15
--pushups x15,15,15,25
--pull ups x5,5,5,5

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2011, 03:25:08 pm
Lol, I just realized the 40 pound jump from my last volume session. Meant to do less than that, but it felt okay so whatever.

Also, I don't like not doing upper body, or relegating it to circuit-type stuff. Going to add an upper day at least once per week and will probably do some light cardio or whatnot on that day. Maybe right after volume day. Tonight, going to do snatch practice (last session) and, I guess, some OHP and DB rows.

Also, I'll be out of the country from 3/18-4/3. Hotel is fancy as shit (chairman of our board owns it so we get discounts), so I hope the gym is adequate. The place is down the street from the national sports complex, so may try to figure that out. Probably won't have time, though.

Need to be sure I have a solid plan before I leave, just making note of it now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2011, 07:34:40 pm
Crossfitter at my gym just popped his achilles. That is some ugly shit. :o
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: $ick3nin.vend3tta on March 09, 2011, 07:36:45 pm
Crossfitter at my gym just popped his achilles. That is some ugly shit. :o

How did he do that?.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2011, 11:32:17 pm
Crossfitter at my gym just popped his achilles. That is some ugly shit. :o

How did he do that?.

low box jumps, done crossfit style where you're bouncing up and down onto the box for very high reps. saw him fall and he yelled a bit and that was it. there was like .5-.75 inches of separation between the tendon and the bone, you could see it. yeesh. wtf is happening at my gym. dude tore his pec last week bench pressing and he's not even a crossfitter i.e. injury-seeker, he's actually a pretty experienced power lifter.


BW = 171.7
SORENESS = glutes and hams
FATIGUE = mild
DIET = good

Snatch practice, went really well. Mike asked if I'd been practicing and when I said no, he said well, something must have just clicked. I'm still the noobiest of noobs, obviously, but I finally felt like I had something I could build on with it. Worked up to hang snatches with OH squats at 84 lbs/38.2 kg.

Primary thing to work on: Shoulder mobility/stability. I can't do a BTN sots press with anything heavier than PVC. I can do a BTN press standing up, no problem, but not when I'm in the bottom of the squat. And I'm a bit wobbly in the OHS.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 10, 2011, 09:15:18 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = hamstrings pretty bad, traps
FATIGUE = moderate to heavy, which is weird because I've been sleeping better/more than usual the past three nights
DIET = good

session 2 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up

- jumps : 2 step & vert
shiiiiitttttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, 30-30.5, thankfully didn't miss the rim at any point :uhhhfacepalm:

- MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT
first two sets sucked, third okay, last pretty good; i need the extra bounce before i start the pogos

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)
125,125,125,125 == okay

- MSEM squat: 2 x 4 (~90%)
290,290,290,290 == 6th and 7th reps mediocre, others good

- BSS : 3 x 3 (4L, 3R)

- core
leg lower hold 3x20s

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2011, 08:33:22 pm
BW = ??? but low, spent Saturday puking and not eating very much
FATIGUE = mild
DIET = better than Saturday but not enough food before workout, got hungry as I started lifting

session 3 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up
x2@80%, x3@90-95%

- jumps : 3 step
x4@80%, x12 @95% == total shit with one or two exceptions, approach was horrendous, wtf

-  MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing
10,10,10,10 == running out of steam after about 8

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT
moving forward too much

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)
125,125,125,125 == second and fourth sets were the best I've done of these

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 6 (~80%)

- C1: jump squat : 2 x 2 (30%)

- C1-stuff: 2 rotations (so 2 sets of msem squat, 4 sets of jump squats)

- lunge : 3 x 3
it wouldn't be an LBSS workout (TM) if i didn't forget something

- core
TTB 3x10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2011, 11:14:10 am
My left shin and calf muscles feel weak/ennervated. Very weird.

Also, now left hip and left knee are tweaking when I walk. Tonight's gonna be some serious SMR+stretching.

I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
I must be better about SMR and stretching
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on March 14, 2011, 01:54:27 pm
BW = ??? but low, spent Saturday puking and not eating very much
FATIGUE = mild
DIET = better than Saturday but not enough food before workout, got hungry as I started lifting

session 3 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up
x2@80%, x3@90-95%

- jumps : 3 step
x4@80%, x12 @95% == total shit with one or two exceptions, approach was horrendous, wtf

-  MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing
10,10,10,10 == running out of steam after about 8

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT
moving forward too much

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)
125,125,125,125 == second and fourth sets were the best I've done of these

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 6 (~80%)

- C1: jump squat : 2 x 2 (30%)

- C1-stuff: 2 rotations (so 2 sets of msem squat, 4 sets of jump squats)

- lunge : 3 x 3
it wouldn't be an LBSS workout (TM) if i didn't forget something

- core
TTB 3x10

- stretch


what's up with your diet??? You know it but you don't really apply it, right?

Just like the doctor from my village... he is fat and horribly out of shape, but he's a nutritionist and sports doctor, lol!

How is Alan Aragon's research review lately? I wanted to subscribe to it, but Paypal wants a credit card (don't have one) and i can't afford to pay one year in advance atm :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2011, 03:22:19 pm
My diet is fine, it just sucked this weekend because I puked like 7 times on Saturday, which threw my appetite off for the whole weekend. I couldn't get anything down until 5 PM.

BTW fuck you for calling me fat and out of shape.  :P

Do you have a check/debit card? Impossible to have a checking account in the States without a debit card. Cause that'll work, too, for PayPal. He's been slow with the AARR recently, nothing since the January issue, which was not memorable, although his site says the new one will be posted today. I'll let you know how it looks when I see it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on March 14, 2011, 03:39:35 pm
My diet is fine, it just sucked this weekend because I puked like 7 times on Saturday, which threw my appetite off for the whole weekend. I couldn't get anything down until 5 PM.

BTW fuck you for calling me fat and out of shape.  :P

Do you have a check/debit card? Impossible to have a checking account in the States without a debit card. Cause that'll work, too, for PayPal. He's been slow with the AARR recently, nothing since the January issue, which was not memorable, although his site says the new one will be posted today. I'll let you know how it looks when I see it.

Sorry man, didn't mean it like that! i looked up some older posts and saw "DIET = good", so i was a bit too fast, lol!
And i also didn't call you fat and out of shape :P

I don't even know what a check/debit card is xD Paypal usually takes the money directly from my bank-account...
I had some back-and-forth emails with him and it looks like i need a credit card or i could buy the one year package.

There was an automatic email reply that said that he's busy finishing the AARR.

Perhaps i'll talk to my parents if they could subscribe to it and i'll give them the money...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2011, 04:10:08 pm
Weird, don't know why PayPal would demand a credit card when they can just access your bank account.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on March 14, 2011, 05:12:34 pm
Weird, don't know why PayPal would demand a credit card when they can just access your bank account.

It says that the seller only accepts instant payment, or something like that...

I'll get it somehow :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 15, 2011, 10:05:02 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = left shin
FATIGUE = mild
DIET = good

session 4: rvj session & vert

-warm up
-a few sprints to fire up
-a few submax 1-step jumps
-a few submax full run-up jumps
-ME DLRVJ x10-14 == one or maybe two good jumps, the rest total shit because my approach is terrible and inconsistent


-foam roller whole body

-OHP 3x5
125,125,125 == harder than it should have been, and form not great

-DB row 3x5
70,70,70 == easier than I expected

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 17, 2011, 11:13:52 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = none
DIET = good

session 1: volume

- warmup
shot around a bunch, was tinkering with my form the other day and it was throwing me off big time, but today i was on fire, hit probably 80-85%

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20's
6x15 yards

- dj (18-24") : 4 x 8 (18")

- squat : 3 x 5

- BSS : 3 x 5 each

- light calf raise: 4 x 5
70,70,70,70 == ate shit pretty badly during the second set, banged my knee up pretty good; bit confused still as to what happened

- core circuit x 4
--KTE x8,8,8,8
--OH throw x15,15,15,15

- stretch

Then played catch for about half an hour, which was really nice. It had been quite a while. Now I have to ice my knee, eat some more, and pack.

EDIT: Also, my right calf has been feeling tight/mildly cramped since the end of the workout. Been stretching it a bunch off and on.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 18, 2011, 09:57:17 am
Knee still a bit still and sore, but not as bad as I expected. Unfortunately, I'm about to spend 12.5 hours on a plane. Will try to keep it limber throughout the day. Calf is still tight/cramped but also not as bad as last night. Nothing serious at all, just #&*!^@ annoying.

Leaving for Pakistan at just before 11 PM and will be gone for two weeks. Should have internet access most of the time, so I'll try to keep posting. The hotel in Islamabad has a gym but I doubt the other places I stay will have one. Very much doubt there'll be barbells and/or a squat rack. At the very least, I want to try to start to get back into some semblance of shape -- my fitness is struggling right now and that needs to change.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 18, 2011, 11:13:40 am
Sucks , you were on a great progress train lately , lift-wise and jump-wise.
Oh well , do whatever you can there , 2 weeks is not too much.
Also try not to almost-get-killed this time , will you?  ;)
Bon voyage...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2011, 12:46:56 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right calf wtf, right knee but only when i kneel on it
FATIGUE = none
DIET = good

-warm up

-leg press 10 x 418

-DB bench 10 x 57e

-DB row 10 x 57e

-BSS 10 x 106

-leg raise x 10

-stretch x a lot

Notes: Didn't list warm up sets. Weights are converted to pounds from kilos. The gym will do, although the ceiling is really low so I'm not sure what I'm going to do about jumping. I am in terrible shape and cardio will definitely play a role during this trip and after.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 21, 2011, 10:07:17 pm
on treadmill:

walk x 4 mins
jog x 30 mins
walk x 4 mins

stretch x 30 mins

kept it nice and light, worked up a bit of a sweat. a sign of how out of shape i am is that my HR was around 166 even though my breathing was easy and i could have kept going for hours. got to get that back down into the 150 range for a similar jog.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2011, 03:11:32 am
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right calf wtf, worse than yesterday, right knee but only when i kneel on it
FATIGUE = moderate
DIET = good

-warm up
jog x 6 mins
mobility stuff

-jump squat 4 x 3
97,97,97,97 == right calf tweaking badly during first set, did a bunch of very light stretching between sets

-leg press, rest pause, ~30s between sets
418 x 15,5,5,5,5

-DB bench, rp, ~30s between sets
53e x 10,7,5,3

-DB row, rp, ~20-30s between sets, diarrhea between arms
53 x 10,7,5,3


i was wondering when the diarrhea would hit. i feel totally fine otherwise. just gotta make sure i hydrate well. took it really easy on upper body stuff, more in the tank across the board. wish i could do more weight on leg press but that's the stack.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Clarence on March 23, 2011, 03:17:02 am
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right calf wtf, worse than yesterday, right knee but only when i kneel on it
FATIGUE = moderate
DIET = good

-warm up
jog x 6 mins
mobility stuff

-jump squat 4 x 3
97,97,97,97 == right calf tweaking badly during first set, did a bunch of very light stretching between sets

-leg press, rest pause, ~30s between sets
418 x 15,5,5,5,5

-DB bench, rp, ~30s between sets
53e x 10,7,5,3

-DB row, rp, ~20-30s between sets, diarrhea between arms
53 x 10,7,5,3


i was wondering when the diarrhea would hit. i feel totally fine otherwise. just gotta make sure i hydrate well. took it really easy on upper body stuff, more in the tank across the board. wish i could do more weight on leg press but that's the stack.

wow...that's some seriously explosive diarrhea for it to get all the way btwn the arms. :o
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2011, 05:07:19 am
you must not have read my whole journal. i addressed my anal placement issue a few months back, can't remember exactly when. long story short, having my anus right in the middle of my chest is a pain and kind of embarrassing sometimes, but it's something i'm used to. never known what it's like to have a normally-placed anus.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2011, 01:36:56 pm
No workout yesterday or today. Too much traveling. I'm in Karachi. Spent all day yesterday in transit or in meetings and spent all day today either in a car or walking around tiny-ass villages in Interior Sindh. Back to Islamabad tomorrow. More rest-pause, I think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2011, 10:04:43 am
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right calf but not as bad as it's been
FATIGUE = moderate
DIET = good

-warm up
jog x 7-8 mins, enough to break a light sweat
mobility stuff

-ME pogos 4 x 5
5,5 ME == I move too far forward on these
17,20 submax, minimal arm swing == better

-jump squat 4 x 3

-leg press
418 x 10,5,5,3,3 == put the seat closer to the feet placement thingy, made it harder, still left a few reps in the tank i think

-pull ups
10,3,3,3 == lol pathetic

15,5,5 == left some in the tank

-BSS ISO hold x 60s/e
30s rest between legs, second leg (right) hurt

woodchopper 3 x 10e x 44 lb plate

-cool down
walk x 5:30


Notes: Ended up doing nothing while I was in Karachi. Submax pogos are more appropriate for me, I think, until I get a little better at staying in place while I do them. Otherwise they're de facto forward bounds with a large vert emphasis. The best I can do on ME still has me moving forward by over a yard. Left hip was looser than I can remember during stretching. Not sure what that's about. Gotta get some cardio in tomorrow and more stretching.

EDIT: BONUS a few physique pics for the ladies

front unflexed:

front flexed:

thigh flexed:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 27, 2011, 11:23:24 am
Dang, pretty big/cut. Big VMOs... :o
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: DamienZ on March 27, 2011, 11:57:05 am
looks sexy :-*
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 27, 2011, 12:29:53 pm
 :o , no homo!
Looking strong/big/cut , respect!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2011, 12:46:40 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = chest, lats, midback, glutes and quads a little bit
ACHES/INJURIES = right calf but not as bad as it's been
FATIGUE = none
DIET = good

-jog @ easy pace x ~30 mins w/2:30 walks to warm up and cool down
much more uncomfortable than the last run

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on March 28, 2011, 02:16:43 pm
yea man, looking thick and strong all round. nice stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2011, 11:29:59 pm
looks sexy :-*

:o , no homo!
Looking strong/big/cut , respect!

yea man, looking thick and strong all round. nice stuff.

thanks dudes.  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on March 28, 2011, 11:42:43 pm
looks sexy :-*

:o , no homo!
Looking strong/big/cut , respect!

yea man, looking thick and strong all round. nice stuff.

thanks dudes.  :highfive:

What every one of them just said x2.

Front flexed looks ripped
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on March 29, 2011, 02:43:52 am
Oh my. An invitation to the gunshow.  :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on March 29, 2011, 09:00:09 am
The abs aren't as cut as can be, but those little 'capt america' things besides the top two abs are nice.
That's wat I used to call them, at least before I learnt tt they're the serratus or sth lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2011, 12:15:18 pm
no motivation tonight at all, mentally tired, physically tired, need to get more sleep tonight. forced myself to go to the gym and was planning to just do some light pogos and leg press and call it a day. but...

-warm up
jog x 5 mins
mobility stuff and some stretching

-leg press
serious tweak in right groin/hip flexor on the first warm up rep. tried a few more reps to see if it would work out, but no luck. fml. called it. more stretching and some smr later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2011, 11:00:38 am
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right calf but almost better, right hip/groin
FATIGUE = none
DIET = good

-warm up
jump rope 30/30 x 5
mobility stuff

-pogos submax 4 x 20

-leg press x 10+5,5,5,5
hip/groin felt fine on first two warm up sets but when i went to 150 kg the tweak came back. messed around a bit but it was no use.

-BSS 3 x 3
123,123,123 == kept it nice and easy, felt hip but didn't hurt

-lat pull down 3 x 8
110,110,110 == wide grip

-DB OHP 3 x 8e

-ab wheel roll outs 3 x 10

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2011, 12:07:37 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right calf but almost better
FATIGUE = none
DIET = good

-jump rope 30/30 x 15


Just wanted to break a little sweat and get my HR up a bit. Kept it nice and relaxed but still managed to get the rope caught a few times. Frustrated and would have been embarrassed had there been anyone else around.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 01, 2011, 12:44:56 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right calf but almost better
FATIGUE = none
DIET = good

-warm up

-pogo submax 4 x 20
got a little arm swing on the last set

-leg press RP
418 x 12,10,10 == what?

-Pallof press 3 x 10e x 33

-C1: dip x 5
-C1: pull up x 3
-C1 info: 5 rotations


nice and easy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2011, 12:59:35 pm
No time for anything Saturday and Sunday I was traveling all day. Tonight I'm just going to roll, stretch and do some mobility whatnot. Gym starts again tomorrow. Hurray!

 :strong: :highfive: :headbang: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :strong: :highfive: :wowthatwasnutswtf:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2011, 11:05:44 pm
BW = 169.3
ACHES/INJURIES = right calf but almost better
FATIGUE = high
DIET = shite, there was no food in my house until I went grocery shopping after the gym

session 1: volume

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20's
4 x 15y

did a few relaxed one-step and RVJs, actually weren't bad

- dj (18-24") : 4 x 5 (24") or 4 x 8 (18")
4 x 5 x 18"

- squat : 3 x 5

- BSS : 3 x 5 each

- light calf raise: 4 x 5

- core

- stretch

Literally the worst workout of my life in which I didn't end up injured. I meant to take it easy, first time doing any of this stuff plus my history of tweaking this and that made me want to be cautious. But the sprints were slow in every way, the depth jumps were slow and completely without power. I had no energy so just went through the motions to get the workout over with. Still recovering from the trip, I guess. Hopefully better diet + continued good sleep will mean better workouts the rest of the week and beyond. Sheesh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2011, 09:59:39 am
I'm sick. Woozy, achey, sore throat, deaf in my left ear, headache, serious shits. FML. Gonna try to work out tonight but probably will not push anything too hard.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2011, 08:39:09 pm
Went to the gym but motivation was zero, energy was zero, CNS fried. Shot around for an hour, bunch of layups, was pretty good, then foam rollered, then called it a night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 09, 2011, 01:49:46 pm
BW = 168.5
FATIGUE = low to moderate
DIET = good

-foam roll x 20 mins

-jog x 20 mins

-stretch x a lot

Not sick anymore. Just wanted to get my heart rate up a bit and stretch a bunch. Mission accomplished.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2011, 09:55:11 pm
BW = 169
DIET = good

-foam roll x 20 mins

-stretch x 20 mins

-pogos submax 3 x 20

-squat 1RM max attempt
275,320(PR tie),340(fail),340(fail)

-bunch of chin ups

Pissed. All kinds of reasons. Don't want to talk about it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2011, 09:04:27 pm
BW = 169
SORENESS = lower back
ACHES/INJURIES = right big toe, flaring up today for some reason, arthritis is a bitch
DIET = good

-warm up
shoot around x 30 mins
a few jumps at the rim, WAY submax
foam roll x 10 mins
stretch x 10 mins

-BSS 3 x 5
50,50,50 (goblet squat position)

-squat a bunch x a bunch
95 for all sets, switched between low bar, mid bar, high bar and front squat, just pumping up and down (pause).

-S1: chin up 2 x 5
-S1: OHP 2 x 5

-jump rope x a bunch but FUCK MY TOE

-incline walk x a few minutes

-the end

Realized that I was having no fun at the gym. Putting too much pressure on every workout and getting pissed at myself for regressing after my work trip/being sick last week. That leads to me doing retarded shit like failing twice on 340 yesterday for NO FUCKING REASON. So tonight I just went with no plan and just dicked around, kept it REALLY light, enjoyed myself. Or at least had nothing to be pissed or disappointed about. I've decided that I need to jump every workout and nearly every day if possible, even if the workout doesn't call for it or if it's an "off" day. If I'm feeling super springy that day, jump more. Off days I'd obviously still keep volume low. If need be, jump a ton and cut back on everything else. I'm trying to get better at jumping. That should be the priority, always. Kind of a "duh" moment, I guess.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 12, 2011, 04:17:54 am
Yes , i still can't get why you're not jumping way higher. 320@169, WTF , that should have you in the 35 area.
You're very strong relatively and absolutely , lean , you do your plyos , you jump often , don't get it!  :pissed:
Then again you had many derails, those are major bitches.

High-freq jumping sounds nice , be sure not to wear yourself out though. When i was jumping almost every day last year , i would label most of those sessions as 'submax'. Psychology trick , just like you described about gym session : no expectations , no disappointments , just adaptation and technique improvements. So i would go like , e.g. , Monday submax , Wed submax , Saturday caff-up + ME. Worked nice.
Just saying... :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2011, 10:54:50 am
Yes , i still can't get why you're not jumping way higher. 320@169, WTF , that should have you in the 35 area.
You're very strong relatively and absolutely , lean , you do your plyos , you jump often , don't get it!  :pissed:
Then again you had many derails, those are major bitches.

High-freq jumping sounds nice , be sure not to wear yourself out though. When i was jumping almost every day last year , i would label most of those sessions as 'submax'. Psychology trick , just like you described about gym session : no expectations , no disappointments , just adaptation and technique improvements. So i would go like , e.g. , Monday submax , Wed submax , Saturday caff-up + ME. Worked nice.
Just saying... :D

yeah this is pretty much what i was thinking. jump more, care just enough to try to do it properly but not enough to get down on myself when i'm not jumping well, keep getting stronger. in other words, back on the arowe plan but with more or less DLRVJ depending on how i'm feeling that day.

also, i wouldn't say i'm very strong either relatively or absolutely. especially compared to some of the other dudes on here. but all that means is there's nowhere to go but up.  ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2011, 10:18:54 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = lower back
ACHES/INJURIES = right big toe, flaring up today for some reason, arthritis is a bitch
DIET = good

-warm up

-some jumps
mostly shitty, one okay, okay with it

-depth jump 4 x 5
inconsistent but pretty good

-squat 3 x 5

-BSS 3 x 5

-core x 4
--chin up x 7
--plank x 30s +25#
--leg lower x 10


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2011, 10:20:26 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = cruuuuucial soreness in glutes and adductors
ACHES/INJURIES = left big toe, mid back (?)
DIET = good

session 2 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up

- jumps : 2 step & vert
pretty low but got better as i went. jumped at a new hoop, outside on asphalt. slippery but at least no one was around. it helps to look at the point where i want my last step to start.

- MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing
mid-back tweaking like a mother, only did 2 sets

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT 4 x 20 submax
continuing to go submax until i'm less shitty at these

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)

- MSEM squat: 2 x 4 (~90%)

- BSS : 3 x 3
150,150,150 == ouch

- core

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2011, 04:52:58 pm


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TheSituation on April 15, 2011, 05:56:24 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 18, 2011, 09:31:00 am
friday night drove up to nyc to see my cousin's play. chilled with my brother up there on saturday night then came home sunday ready for jumping. then i found out that my friend from elementary and high school was shot and killed yesterday morning. no one really knows why or what happened yet. he wasn't a close friend or anything but it's still shocking and motivation to train kind of plummeted after that. gonna get back in the gym today, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on April 18, 2011, 11:00:07 am
Sucks about your friend man.

Go get training again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Sean0013 on April 18, 2011, 03:42:11 pm
Sorry for your loss. Hope you're doing ok man.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 18, 2011, 11:32:28 pm
Thanks guys. Like I said, not someone I was really tight with but I'd known him since we were 5. Did get back in the gym tonight but it was a weird workout.

BW = ???
SORENESS = low back (possibly from long bus ride yesterday)
DIET = good

session 3 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up
2 of 'em

- jumps : 3 step
weird, got off to a good start with some strong (for me) submax jumps. but then i started thinking too much and almost all of the ~20 jumps i took after that sucked. some really badly. one 31" jump.

-  MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing
felt kind of shitty and slow

- Pogos: 4 x 20 submax
also felt slow and unreactive

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)
125,125,125,125 == felt okay

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 6 (~80%)
255,255 == had good bar speed for most reps

- C1: jump squat : 2 x 2 (30%)

- C1-stuff: 2 rotations (so 2 sets of msem squat, 4 sets of jump squats)

- lunge : 3 x 3
150,150,150 == felt very strong, good ROM, bumping weight to 160 next time

- core x 3
chin up x 8,8,8
leg lower x 15,15,15
push up x 15,15,15
crunch x 33,33,34

- stretch

I don't think I warmed up enough but I get paranoid at the gym that if I take too long to warm up, people are gonna take over the court. Dumb, but there it is. Stretched again just now. Got shit to do on Wednesday so I'm actually gonna try to get the sprint/RVJ session in tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2011, 09:43:29 am
from last night:

BW = 169.9
FATIGUE = moderate
DIET = good

RVJ session

-warm up

-jump x a bunch x 20-25 minutes
i fought gravity and gravity won. couple good jumps, mostly shit. the problem is unquestionably my slow-as-molasses approach.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on April 21, 2011, 11:34:51 pm
from last night:

BW = 169.9
FATIGUE = moderate
DIET = good

RVJ session

-warm up

-jump x a bunch x 20-25 minutes
i fought gravity and gravity won. couple good jumps, mostly shit. the problem is unquestionably my slow-as-molasses approach.

That's my problem with any vertical attempts and some long jumps. Sucks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 21, 2011, 11:38:30 pm
from last night:

BW = 169.9
FATIGUE = moderate
DIET = good

RVJ session

-warm up

-jump x a bunch x 20-25 minutes
i fought gravity and gravity won. couple good jumps, mostly shit. the problem is unquestionably my slow-as-molasses approach.

god dammit
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 22, 2011, 04:09:55 am

i fought gravity and gravity won. couple good jumps, mostly shit. the problem is unquestionably my slow-as-molasses approach.

god dammit

x2 , #$%#$%#$%#   :pissed:

Have you tried a caffed-up ME jump session? It makes huge difference. 3 teaspoons of instant coffee + 1 redbull offers an awesome CNS boost ( plus some placebo effect ).
Other stim tricks? Try one of those combo KellyB suggests:


Depth jump x 5 from 24 inch box rest 3 minutes running jump x 3

Jump with weighted vest x 3 rest 5 minutes regular jump x 3

*45 degree back extension Iso hold with toes pointed x 7 seconds - rest 3 minutes - jump variation

* This one is the brainchild of Coach Andrew Darqui who had excellent results with it.


Also try a lower rim , not too low though , something like 9'10''. It builds up confidence because it still looks high but you touch higher and get pumped up. That's a bit tricky though , if it's lower like 9'8'' or so, i lose the pump , rim looks childish...

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 22, 2011, 05:41:46 am
My approach speed increases at lower rims, because at higher rims I have the tendency to take an even longer last step and go slower so I have more time to apply force, but this is while using an one-leg jump. Not sure what kind of jumping you use.

But on lower rims I can go quicker since the rim is lower and my approach becomes better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2011, 02:09:19 pm

i fought gravity and gravity won. couple good jumps, mostly shit. the problem is unquestionably my slow-as-molasses approach.

god dammit

x2 , #$%#$%#$%#   :pissed:

Have you tried a caffed-up ME jump session? It makes huge difference. 3 teaspoons of instant coffee + 1 redbull offers an awesome CNS boost ( plus some placebo effect ).
Other stim tricks? Try one of those combo KellyB suggests:


Depth jump x 5 from 24 inch box rest 3 minutes running jump x 3

Jump with weighted vest x 3 rest 5 minutes regular jump x 3

*45 degree back extension Iso hold with toes pointed x 7 seconds - rest 3 minutes - jump variation

* This one is the brainchild of Coach Andrew Darqui who had excellent results with it.


Also try a lower rim , not too low though , something like 9'10''. It builds up confidence because it still looks high but you touch higher and get pumped up. That's a bit tricky though , if it's lower like 9'8'' or so, i lose the pump , rim looks childish...

Yeah I wish I had easy access to a lower rim. There are some behind the middle school near my parents' house but I don't know of any in my neighborhood. I'm gonna be out there on Sunday for Easter so I will try to make a trek over to the courts if it's not raining. I want to measure the rims there, at least. I could definitely get pumped for 9'8" if I had a ball with me and could actually try to dunk.

Never caff'd up for dunking specifically because I almost always work out at night, and caffeine keeps me awake for hours. Actually, if I can swing a workout before Easter dinner on Sunday, that might be a good plan. Just drink a ton more coffee than usual, head to the short rims (sounds like short bus) and go for it.

My approach speed increases at lower rims, because at higher rims I have the tendency to take an even longer last step and go slower so I have more time to apply force, but this is while using an one-leg jump. Not sure what kind of jumping you use.

But on lower rims I can go quicker since the rim is lower and my approach becomes better.

This actually rings true for me. I jump DL but I think I slow down because I'm worried about having enough time to actually apply force. Really, overthinking has always been a problem for me. It's easier to flow on lower rims, too, because I don't have it in mind that I have to try as hard just to touch the damn thing. When I do get good approaches (once in a while) I get PR's or near PR's.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2011, 02:10:14 pm
TO DO for this weekend

volume workout

stretch a lot

caff up, go to courts near parents' house WITH A BALL, jump a lot
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2011, 06:36:33 pm
last night:

BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = big toes, right ankle/heel (?)
DIET = not good, slept late so not much breakfast

-warm up

-sprints 4 x 15y

-RVJ x a bunch
mostly meh but felt a LOT better than the other day, much smoother acceleration

-squat 3 x 5
275,275,265 == form okay but not great, depth good, lowered weight to get better form. relax the ego...

-BSS 3 x 5e

--chin ups x a bunch
--prone toe touches x a bunch
--dips (full stop at bottom) x a bunch


right peroneal and right ankle started hurting a bit. could be because the top two eyelets in my right shoe just ripped through, so i couldn't lace them all the way up. wtf. need new shoes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2011, 11:32:07 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = low to moderate
DIET = awesome

-warm up

-RVJ x 20-25


Went to the courts behind the middle school near my parents' house. Only had about 30 minutes so I did a quick warm up, a couple of sprints and then started jumping on a couple of different hoops. Two are really low, about 9'2" and one is more like 9'7" or 9'8". Jumps were okay, approaches generally felt much better, as expected. Got 0.5-1" below wrist on one jump on the higher rim, which would be ~32-33" or around PR-level, possibly PR. So that's good. Easy double hand grabs, most jumps around base of palm or ~31". Asphalt was a bit slippery, too. Got some on film, will try to figure out how to get them off my camera.

Then I went home and ate a metric ton of delicious food.

Happy Easter!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 25, 2011, 04:15:29 pm
WTF , it worked , you got a  :personal-record: too  ;D  ;D  ;D

 :highfive:  :headbang:  :wowthatwasnutswtf:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2011, 09:27:51 pm
just bought me some nike zoom waffle racers. let's see what the hype is all about.  :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Cloud3205 on April 26, 2011, 02:58:49 am
just bought me some nike zoom waffle racers. let's see what the hype is all about.  :D

Hey man, I just got nike zoom waffle racers as well.  I have the version VII.  Which one did you get?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2011, 07:41:28 am
just bought me some nike zoom waffle racers. let's see what the hype is all about.  :D

Hey man, I just got nike zoom waffle racers as well.  I have the version VII.  Which one did you get?

same, the red and grey ones. they're butt-ugly but i don't care as long as they feel right when i jump. :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2011, 11:13:27 pm
BW = 172, fat
DIET = good but should have had a snack in late afternoon

session 2 : power

- warmup
took my sweet time, lots of rollering and stretching...been a tense couple of days

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up

- jumps : 2 step & vert

no space, subbed DL 4 x 5 x 18" -- mostly pretty unexplosive but a few good reps

- MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing

no space, subbed ME broad jump x 10 -- max 9' PR! (lol, first time I'd done these in forever)

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT
toes hurt like shit, didn't do these

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)

- MSEM squat: 2 x 4 (~90%)
285,285 -- kept same weight to work on form, feel good about it

- BSS : 3 x 3

- core
ran out of time

- stretch

So pretty much didn't adhere to the plan at all, still feel okay about this workout. Better luck on Thursday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on April 26, 2011, 11:57:11 pm
Haha. Good luck on Thursday. That's a lot of crossing out today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 27, 2011, 09:11:23 am
Haha. Good luck on Thursday. That's a lot of crossing out today.

haha thanks dude. whatever, got a fake  :personal-record: so i'm still happy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2011, 10:53:18 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = low back, right shin
FATIGUE = low, which is odd because i slept terribly last night, too hot/sticky
DIET = didn't eat breakfast but made up for it just now  :highfive:

session 3 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up

- jumps : 3 step

-  MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing
did not bring sneakers to gym... oops

- Pogos: 4 x 20
felt okay, wasn't getting high but good GCT and started to get a little arm swing in without moving forward too much

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)
125,125,125,125 == okay

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 6 (~80%)
265,265 == good, pretty fast, weight was coming off my shoulders a bit at the top

- C1: jump squat : 2 x 2 (30%)
95,95,95,95 == first set was incredible, second not so much, third and fourth pretty good

- C1-stuff: 2 rotations (so 2 sets of msem squat, 4 sets of jump squats)

- BSS : 3 x 3

- core x 3
-- hanging leg raise x 10
-- ab pull down x 10

- upper x 3
-- DB OHP 6 x 45 LOL
-- DB row 6 x 60

- stretch

can't wait for new shoes...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on April 30, 2011, 06:56:22 pm
Nice on the PR man.

But how's your jumping been, in terms of the runup and stuff?
I rember watchin some old vid, and I tot u needed/would benefit alot frm a smoother runup or transition into the jump.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2011, 10:12:22 am
Nice on the PR man.

But how's your jumping been, in terms of the runup and stuff?
I rember watchin some old vid, and I tot u needed/would benefit alot frm a smoother runup or transition into the jump.

thanks cowed. i tied (or maybe set a new) PR recently jumping at a low rim, so that's good.

but jumping has been off for a week or so because my shoes broke.  :pissed:  

i have some new ones on the way and as soon as they arrive i should be back in business.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2011, 09:54:12 pm
BW = 170.2
SORENESS = none before, low back gonna be tomorrow

session 1: volume

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20's
4 x 15

- one-step jumps
a few easy ones @ 30"  :highfive:

- dj (18-24") : 4 x 5 (24") or 4 x 8 (18")
first set really nice, rest okay

- squat : 3 x 5
270,270,270 == nice

- BSS : 3 x 5 each
170,170,170 == hard

- light calf raise: 4 x 5

- core
--ab wheel 3 x 15

- upper x 2
-chin up x 6
-dip x 12
-chin up x 6

- stretch

good workout. i do not like the zoom waffle racers. even if i go up half a size (to a full size higher than normal) they'll still be too narrow. oh well, was worth a shot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2011, 09:25:55 pm

stretch and SMR x a lot
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2011, 10:15:30 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate

session 2 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up
4 x 15y

- jumps : 2 step & vert
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitty. shitty.

- MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)
135,135,135 == heaviest weight i've used for this, was not bad

- MSEM squat: 2 x 4 (~90%)
290,290,290,290 == strong

- BSS : 3 x 3
180,180,180 == strong but hard

- core
toe touch 3 x 25

- upper
chin x 10+3,3,3
dip x 10+3,3,3 +25

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2011, 09:23:44 am
Saturday was my great-uncle's 90th birthday party, so I drove out to the Eastern shore with my family and spent all day out in the farmland eating good food and horsing around with my brothers and cousins. Yesterday was mother's day so we went out to our favorite crab place - mother's day tradition - and then when I got home I played tennis with my brother. No formal workout. Gonna stretch a bunch throughout the day today and then see how I do at the gym tonight.

BW = ???


- played tennis x 45 minutes
had been a while, just shaking the rust off and building up a good sweat. my brother, who i can usually beat although we're closely matched, wiped the court with me. oof.


- lot of low intensity moving around outside. nothing resembling exercise, but worth logging that i was at least active.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2011, 11:28:39 pm

BW = ???
SORENESS = right bicep from tennis, lol
ACHES/INJURIES = right hip flexor (?)
FATIGUE = low to moderate, shitty sleep last night, woke myself up with a bloody nose, first time in a while that's happened

session 3 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up

- jumps : 3 step

-  MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT

forgot all my gym clothes at home so had to go get them after work instead of going straight to gym. plus had to pick up some groceries on the way home. didn't get to the gym in time to get any space for sprints or jumps.

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 6 (~80%)

- C1: jump squat : 2 x 2 (30%)

- C1-stuff: 2 rotations (so 2 sets of msem squat, 4 sets of jump squats)

- BSS : 3 x 3
50,50,50 == jumping

- core
ab pulldowns

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2011, 08:53:22 am
last night

BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate

- shoot around x 25 mins
went harder than usual, chasing down rebounds fast instead of lackadaisical, some ME layups, etc. worked up a good sweat

- foam roller x 30 mins

- stretch x 30 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2011, 09:08:11 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = none

session 1: volume

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20's
2 @ 80%, 4 @ 90%

- dj (18-24") : 4 x 5 (24") or 4 x 8 (18")

subbed jumps. good idea cause... :personal-record: :ibjumping: :personal-record: :ibjumping: :personal-record: :highfive: :headbang: :strong:

- DLRVJ x ~15
mostly very good, one ~33" PR! right after a friend of mine said i was slowing down on the penultimate step. got hyped and loose, accelerated all the way to the plant, jumped high, grabbed rim hard. laughed out loud on the way down.

- squat : 3 x 5
275,275,275 == good

- BSS : 3 x 5 each
170,170,170 == hard

- light calf raise: 4 x 5
skipped, don't care

- core
Pallof press 3 x 10e x 80,50(paused),50(paused)

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on May 11, 2011, 10:50:34 pm
Woot. Nice PR's.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 12, 2011, 04:34:03 am
 :highfive:  :headbang:  :wowthatwasnutswtf:  :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 12, 2011, 10:18:24 am
Woot. Nice PR's.

:highfive:  :headbang:  :wowthatwasnutswtf:  :ibjumping:

Thanks! Nice to make some progress after a few shitty workouts in a row. The key: sleep. It's a "duh" point but even when I don't feel tired, I'm usually underslept. There is a wide gulf between low fatigue and no fatigue.

Also, as adarq, pointed out in the PR thread, someone talking to me about my jumping and giving me some cue or other usually means I PR or close to it on the next jump. No idea why that would be. But I AM getting better at concentrating and jumping with other people around, as long as they're not also using the basket.

On the down side, I found out I'm going back to Afghanistan and Pakistan for a few weeks starting around mid-June. Should be cool trips but I'm not happy about three more weeks without normal gym facilities. Oh well, will try to make the best of it. In Pakistan I'll at least have access to the nice gym. Not sure about Afghanistan. Might try to finagle some nights at the nice hotel in Kabul, which has an okay gym. At the very least the ceilings are high enough there to make ME jumps/depth jumps a possibility. The fancy hotels are lonely as shit, though. Much prefer guest houses.

Just means I have to squeeze as much as possible out of the next month.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2011, 01:53:21 pm

BW = ???
FATIGUE = none

session 2 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up

- jumps : 2 step & vert

Court in use and crunched for time, so skipped right to these

- MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing
10,10,10,10 == in weight room, was FLYING on the second set especially but all sets were good

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT
15,15,10,10 == added some arm swing, not ME but harder than I'd been doing them

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)

- MSEM squat: 2 x 4 (~90%)
290,290 == strong

- BSS : 3 x 3

- core

- stretch

ran out of time, still a good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2011, 07:45:14 am

BW = ???

wanted to do tempo run but by the time i left my house it was starting to rain and looked bad, so bailed on that plan. instead messed around at gym for 30-35 minutes. shot around, jumped rope, rode exercise bike, a few chin ups and dips. just to get moving, get HR up and break a sweat. then stretched.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2011, 11:22:21 pm
BW = 169
FATIGUE = none

session 1: volume

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20's
2 @ 80%, 4 @ 90-95%

- dj (18-24") : 4 x 5
one really good rep, right after someone talked to me (lol, not kidding), the rest unexplosive as hell

- squat : 3 x 5
280,280,280 == felt kind of shitty, but all good reps

- BSS : 3 x 5 each
150,150,150 == was feeling kind of weak so dropped back

- light calf raise: 4 x 5
135,135,135,135 == arthritis is a bitch

- core
ab wheel roll out 3 x 15

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 18, 2011, 10:35:20 pm

BW = ???
SORENESS = hip flexors (?)
FATIGUE = moderate

session 2 : power

- warmup
lot of stretching before normal warm up

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up
x 6 == pretty fast

- jumps : 2 step & vert
shitty. even got a little advice from a dude who was throwing down HARD (nightfly status, dude was like 6-4 or so) but it didn't help. was good advice but too many people using the court.

- MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing
in the parking lot, not bad

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT medium effort, arm swing

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)

- MSEM squat: 2 x 4 (~90%)
295,295 == strong but lower back is feeling it

- BSS : 3 x 3

- core

- stretch

ran out of time, stretched at home.

ran out of time, still a good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2011, 09:54:00 pm

BW = ???
FATIGUE = low-moderate

- warm up

- sprints
6 x 10y

bad but not horrible, then slipped

- MR DL bounds
one set of ten, then some dudes were gonna play knockout and that sounded like fun. and it was. but then i was gassed -- only four of us, pretty intense games, and i'm in laughably bad shape.

- REA squat 4 x 3

then started with MSEM squats at 265, light weight, but my legs just didn't want to bend. i don't know, whatever, it was worth it to play knockout. fun game. said fuck it, walked home and stretched.


- volleyball x 45 mins

- catch x 20 mins

beautiful day, worked up a sweat, felt great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 23, 2011, 10:36:49 pm
BW = 170
FATIGUE = none

session 1: volume

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20's
2 @ 60%, 2 @ 90% == had to do outside in alley, uneven ground

- dj (18-24") : 4 x 5
all mediocre, only three reps on last set because these guys would not stop talking about paleo dieting and i literally had to leave the area. could not concentrate, was about to lose my mind.

- squat : 3 x 5
280,280,280 == strong

- BSS : 3 x 5 each
135,135,135 == light weight cause i switched to BB. gonna max out the DBs sometime soon so I figured I might as well switch.

- light calf raise: 4 x 5
135,135,135,135 == right ankle started tweaking mildly, wtf?

- core
ab wheel roll out 3 x 18

- stretch



Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2011, 08:17:32 pm
BW = 170
ACHES/INJURIES = anterior right knee

- tempo sprint
2 x 4 x 110y @ 70%

- stretch

barefoot on turf, nice and easy, felt good. some semblance of good shape, here i come.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 25, 2011, 10:24:22 pm
BW = 170
SORENESS = very tiny amount in hamstrings, barely worth mentioning
ACHES/INJURIES = anterior right knee, but it was gone by the end of the workout

- warm up

- MSEM squat 1 x 4

had a work thing that went really late so didn't get to the gym until, well, really late. that's all i had time/motivation for. i also found out on my way to work out my brother relapsed last weekend, so, yeah. that kind of killed whatever energy i had. the 295 was incredibly easy, fwiw. bouncing off my back.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 01, 2011, 08:24:13 pm
Was in San Francisco visiting friends from Thursday-Tuesday. Absolutely amazing. Didn't work out but did get in plenty of catch, hiking and stretching and mostly just relaxing and being around people that I miss a lot and wish I could see more often, but they live 3,000 miles away.

Got back late last night and DC is now basically the Amazon but with less biodiversity. Didn't sleep well and hadn't worked out in days so was planning to just get in the gym, warm up, sprint a bit, jump a bit, do some random other shit, stretch and call it a day. Mission accomplished, plus a pleasant surprise.

BW = 170.2 and lean as fuck, you jokers who said I didn't have abs in those pics a while back should see me now. I got abzzzz, kids.  8)
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up
shot around, lacrosse balled the buhjesus out of my shoulders and hips

- sprints x 15y
2 x 70%, 2 x 90%

- drop step VJ
a few submax, maybe 10

a few submax, maybe 8, but 4 or 5 were 30.5+ with a couple of 31-31.5's and a possible 32. wowthatwasnutswtf.

- pull ups and chin ups x some

- push ups and chest-tap push ups x some

- KB swings 3 x 8 x one of the big ones

- stretch

it's brutal outside. window A/C unit is going in right the fuck now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2011, 12:34:55 am
jet lag caught up with me

BW = ???
SORENESS = hamstrings a tiny bit, not really noticeable
FATIGUE = moderate to high

session 1: volume

- warm up

- sprints : 10-20's
2 x 60%, 4 X 90%

x 15-20 == started with some drop steps, then second full run-up was very good considering how tired I was today, probably legit 32, grabbed rim easily. downhill from there, though, most other jumps in the 30.5 range. oh well, still felt pretty good.

- squat 3 x 5

- BSS 3 x 5
skipped because i think these are causing some knee pain, gotta get that figured out

- light calf raise: 4 x 5

- core
--chin up x 10+3+3 lol
--dip + 43 x 3, +33 x5,5 lol
--ab wheel roll out 3 x 20

- stretch

upper body is weeeeeak. fml.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 06, 2011, 10:09:48 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = none

session 2 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up
5 x 10-15y @85% == uphill on asphalt

- jumps : 2 step & vert
court in use so subbed DJ 4 x 5 == meh, okay

- MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing
5,5,5,5 == did on asphalt so knees were not happy, kept reps low as a result

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT
10,5,5,5 == ME, felt not bad for the first time

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)
135,135,135,135 == pretty good

- MSEM squat: 2 x 4 (~90%)
300,300 == strong

- BSS : 3 x 3

- core
ab roll out 3 x 20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2011, 09:48:10 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = traps

session 3 : power

- warmup

- sprint warmup

- sprints : 10-20 yards - to fire up
really short

- jumps : 3 step

-  MR DL BOUND (vertical emphasis): 4 x 10-20 MAX EFFORT, ridiculously powerful armswing

- Pogos: 4 x 5 MAX EFFORT

- REA squat : 4 x 3 (40%)

- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 6 (~80%)

- C1: jump squat : 2 x 2 (30%)

- C1-stuff: 2 rotations (so 2 sets of msem squat, 4 sets of jump squats)

- BSS : 3 x 3

- core
chin x 10+3,3,3,3
dip +23 x 10,3,3,3,3

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2011, 01:53:28 pm
heading to afghanistan and pakistan today. back in three weeks. knock on some wood for me. will keep updating log as possible and will be working out as much as possible. probably little to no strength work so i'll focus on low-level plyos and conditioning.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 10, 2011, 07:06:18 pm
heading to afghanistan and pakistan today. back in three weeks. knock on some wood for me. will keep updating log as possible and will be working out as much as possible. probably little to no strength work so i'll focus on low-level plyos and conditioning.


Fuck those afghanistan and pakistan derails!!!
Work is work though , keep at it as much as you can and stay safe!
*knocks wood*
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 10, 2011, 07:47:15 pm
Derails? Boy they have some old trains out there don't they?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2011, 02:22:36 pm
heading to afghanistan and pakistan today. back in three weeks. knock on some wood for me. will keep updating log as possible and will be working out as much as possible. probably little to no strength work so i'll focus on low-level plyos and conditioning.


Fuck those afghanistan and pakistan derails!!!
Work is work though , keep at it as much as you can and stay safe!
*knocks wood*

thanks vag. it is frustrating, especially this trip because it's so long. but hey, it's not like progress was soaring before. maybe a few weeks of pogos, drop steps, conditioning and soft tissue work will do me good.

ac-cen-tu-ate the positive...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2011, 04:30:52 am
this morning

BW = ???
FATIGUE = no idea, jet lag is weird

- warm up
jumping jacks 30/30 x 5
joint circles, leg swings

- C1: bw squat x 20
- C1: push up x 5
- C1 info: 20 rounds, starting on the minute, work/rest ended up being about 25s/35s

- stretch
legs twice through

pretty easy, just good to get the blood flowing. missed game six even though i was awake at the right time because ESPN was showing fucking BMX trick riding. what the hell.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2011, 04:34:15 am
Derails? Boy they have some old trains out there don't they?

i've never even seen a hint of a train track out here or heard anyone talk about trains. same thing with pakistan, which is funny because india is all about trains.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 13, 2011, 05:42:16 am
Derails? Boy they have some old trains out there don't they?

i've never even seen a hint of a train track out here or heard anyone talk about trains. same thing with pakistan, which is funny because india is all about trains.

You mean - all about riding ON trains (on the roof of trains).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 15, 2011, 12:12:46 pm
today i woke up at 3:30, then spent 9 hours in a car. now it's 8:40 PM and all i've eaten are a bowl and a half of mueslix, some lemon-flavored cookies and soda. i'm not even hungry. it's so fucking hot. i'm tired as hell.


no workout today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2011, 06:33:58 am
BW = ???

- warm up
lacrosse ball rolling hips and shoulders
joint circles
SL glute bridges
hip and t-spine mobility stuff
more SL glute bridges

- 30/30 x 20
combo of jumping jacks, air squats, push ups == HR around 135-140

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on June 18, 2011, 06:39:06 am
Good dedication man.
Heat and humidity just kills me, which is unfortunate since I'm in Singapore.

Hope u can come back soon and get back into the shape of things.

Meanwhile why dun u work on ur sprinting? I mean from tt one old vid u post I felt u could do with some speed/explosiveness!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2011, 07:03:38 am
Good dedication man.
Heat and humidity just kills me, which is unfortunate since I'm in Singapore.

Hope u can come back soon and get back into the shape of things.

thanks man. hard to stay dedicated out here and i'm ashamed to say that i haven't been as consistent as i should over the past few days. i'll be back in the states on june 30 and back in the gym on july 1, so from there on out i'll hopefully be moving on up.

Meanwhile why dun u work on ur sprinting? I mean from tt one old vid u post I felt u could do with some speed/explosiveness!

you're right about my speed/explosiveness, although i was making a little bit of progress on that before i left. sprinting and jumping are out, though because i'm staying in a guest house surrounded by a high wall topped with concertina wire and i can't exactly go to the park or anything. there's no space. there actually is a park here, but i'm not allowed to go to it. security is a lot worse here than kabul.

i'm out in the sticks now, in a provincial capital called pul-i-khumri. when i'm back in kabul i'll at least have higher ceilings to work with and can do some drop steps and stuff. and once i get to islamabad i'll have an actual gym to work with.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2011, 10:55:56 pm
last few days have been exhausting, working at least 12 hours every day. have still managed to get in some mobility and stretching in the mornings but no workout until today. oof. it's also really hard to stay fully hydrated here. the baseline sweat level is super high so i've been downing like 3L of water a day, plus coffee and tea (and the occasional glass of coke).

BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate, which is weird because i slept for 8 hours last night and the night before: benefit of being completely wiped out

- warm up
joint circles x 10/each direction
glute bridge 3 x 15s/e
posterior rocking x a bunch
bird dogs x 10/e

- BSS ISO hold x 60s/e
LR, surprisingly easy with the left

- stiff leg ankle hop 4 x 20

- push up w/2s hold at bottom 3 x 10

- scap wall slides 3 x 10

- plank 2 x 30s

- stretch

30-60s rests between pretty much everything. very easy but got heart rate up for 35 minutes or so and it's better than nothing. gotta pack up then i'm making the drive back to kabul. keeping my fingers crossed that i'll get to ride in the land cruiser and not the hilux, but we'll see. there was a suicide attack in one of the towns we have to drive through (motherfucker killed a little girl and himself. fuck you, asshole, i hope there's a hell so that you can spend the rest of eternity dipped upside-down in battery acid while a rabid dog rips your balls off over and over again), so the big fear is that i either won't get to leave, or i'll have to drive north to mazar-i-sharif and catch a plane down to kabul. either option would suck.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 24, 2011, 01:31:08 am
BW = ???
FATIGUE = none

- mobility + stretching x 1 hour

- general messing around x 1 hour
-- handstand practice x a bunch
-- various pogos, stiff leg ankle hops, SVJ, etc. x a bunch

nice and easy, kept it fun. i'm a little embarrassed that i can't do a credible handstand, so i'm gonna start working on that here and there.

edit: last day in afghanistan. islamabad tomorrow, and a real gym. less than a week until home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2011, 10:42:19 am
At the fancy hotel now. I gotta say, nothing against the guest houses I stayed in over in Afghanistan, but there's something to be said for great coffee and temperature control. Also, I just got a real shave for the first time, which has me feeling manly as shit. Gonna go work out now and try not to spontaneously impregnate any of the foreign chicks in the gym.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2011, 12:22:43 pm
Luckily for the collective female guests at the hotel, the only other people in the gym were a couple of middle-aged dudes. One of whom was actually pretty jacked, like maybe former rugby player type.

BW = ???
FATIGUE = none

- warm up
jump rope x 5 mins off and on
joint circles
hip and shoulder stuff

- pogos 2 x 10

- depth jumps 2 x 5 x 18"
awful, ceiling is low and gym cramped so hard to concentrate on max effort

- SS1: leg press x 10 x stack
- SS1: CMJ x 3
- SS1 info: 2 rounds, see note for depth jumps about CMJ

- SS2: calf raise x 10 x half stack
- SS2: straight leg raise x 10
- SS2 info: 2 rounds

- SS3: pull up x 5
- SS3: dip x 5
- SS3 info: 2 rounds, lol, just wanted to do something

- stretch

Felt good to be in a real live gym again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on June 25, 2011, 07:38:48 pm
Cool stuff. Apparently I just liked your post... somehow this is tied to facebook now? Weird...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2011, 07:57:43 am
BW = 75.5 kg, 166.5 lbs  :o
FATIGUE = none

- warm up
jump rope 30/30 x 5
joint circles, leg swings, hips and shoulders

- pogos
moderate effort x 10
max effort 2 x 5
low effort x 20

- jump squat 3 x 3 x 27.5 kg, 60.6 lbs

- SS1: leg press x 3 x stack, going for fastest concentric possible
- SS1: CMJ x 3
- SS1 info: 2 rotations, jumps were better than yesterday

- SS2: pull up x 7
- SS2: dip x 7
- SS2 info: 3 rotations

- shrugs 3 x 5 x (2x24kg DBs)

- some other stuff that i forgot

Going to go back in a couple of hours and do some light cardio, stretching and core stuff.

EDIT: Later:

- jog/walk x 45 minutes, very easy pace

- leg raise 4 x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2011, 01:37:51 am

BW = ???
FATIGUE = none

wiped out, 11 hour work day, pussied out. did a bunch of stretching so as not to be a complete waste. damienz is making me want to do smolov when i get home. that will require a much greater commitment to sticking to particular days in the gym. god damn it, i need to do that anyway.

question for the knowledgeable bros (lancests and adarq but also anyone who's done smolov before). i know there was a thread about this somewhere but i'm too lazy to find it: jumping + smolov, thoughts? according to pavel it's recommended during the intro microcycle, then no mention during the base mesocycle, then basically required during switching, then no mention during intense mesocycle.

so, unreasonable to do low-volume jumps, maybe some light pogos/bounding before squats? i think probably not, as long as the intensity and volume aren't too high. so something like:

- warm up (incl. glute activation and 2-4 short sprints)
- DLRVJ/DSVJ/CMJ x 8-12 (submax unless CNS is blazing, in which case a few ME)
- pogos 2 x 15 submax
- snatch warm up (smolov-recommended: long pull, wide grip btn ohp, squat)
- smolov workout of the day
- upper push + pull, maybe handstands or other gymnastic stuff
- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2011, 11:02:48 pm

BW = ???
SORENESS = traps
ACHES/INJURIES = left pinky finger, kind of badly (?)
FATIGUE = none

- warm up

- pogos 2 x 10

- SS1: leg press x 3 x stack, max speed
- SS1: CMJ x 3
- SS1 info: 2 rotations

- leg press x 15 x stack

- SS2: lat pull down x 10 x 55kg
- SS2: dip x 10
- SS2 info: 2 rotations

- ab wheel roll out 2 x 10
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2011, 08:05:24 pm
BW = 163.4  :o  :pissed: :'( :huh: :uhhhfacepalm:
FATIGUE = moderate

well, kids, it's worse than i even thought. after three weeks in afghanistan and pakistan and one day in the bathroom exploding diarrhea out my butt (yesterday), i've lost almost ten pounds. and i'm not leaner now than i was when i left. by which i mean, i'm fatter. not fat still but closer to 12% bf than my usual ~10%. have gotten a lot of comments about the weight loss, evidently it's really obvious. face is gaunter, arms are skinnier. abs much blurrier.

fuck. my. life.

but there's nothing to do but get back on the horse and gain that muscle back. and then some. so to that end, here was today. tried the first day of the smolov base microcycle for the squats, using my most recent 1RM of 320:

- warm up
shot around, form shite but most shots were falling. weird. then sprinter's warm ups

- sprints x 10y
2 @ 60%
4 @ 85%

- DSVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 5-7
legitimately not as bad as i feared. all around 31", nothing higher, but then again they can't really be called ME given the shape i'm in.

- squat
3 x 8 x 210
1 x 5 x 225
2 x 2 x 240
1 x 1 x 255

- SS1: chin up x 8
- SS1: dip x 8 + 18
- SS1 info: 3 rounds

- stretch

felt like puking. dehydrated still from the diarrhea and just out of shape. rough. but very pleased to have gotten some work in and not jumped like absolute garbage.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on July 02, 2011, 11:02:14 pm
I know the feeling (to a different degree though). Also, when it happens to me I'm actually really weak and not just weaker than usual.

After track was over I was trying to let my hamstring recover. Literally the day right after state, I got a really bad cold. In only a couple weeks of doing minimal stuff I went down to 132.... even on my lightest track days this year I was 138 or 139. After starting workouts again I'm only at 133.7

The feeling frustrates me and makes me angry more than anything...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2011, 10:02:29 am

For me this means I need to start paying attention to my diet again. 

My target now is to return to a lean 170. Eventually I'd like to be bigger but baby steps. Modest target = moderated progress = not ending up like GOMAD boy. I'm at 165 this morning and guessing 12% bf. I think the scale at the gym was a little low, tbh, but thinking I'm skinner than I am is good motivation. That's ~145 lbs of lbm. 170 at 10% bf is 153 lbs of lbm. So that's about 8 lbs of muscle to gain and 3 lbs of fat to lose.

Once I get there I'll see about setting a new target.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on July 03, 2011, 05:20:54 pm
That's a pretty sweet goal. Haha! GOMAD boy is why I stopped doing that after about a week... the whole thing made me feel slow. I hate feeling slow. I'd rather be crazy bouncy, strong for my weight, and grow slowly than feel like a slug. I actually remembered I have a pretty hefty nutrition book from Men's health. Not much of a fan of Men's Health, but the information in the book is pretty solid and it has diet plans laid out for pretty much any goal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 04, 2011, 03:39:32 pm
Starting Strength is a good book to follow for what it says it is -- a book about starting to build strength. You don't have to take the diet advice along with it. Anyway, screw Men's Health, too. Click on the bodyrecomposition link in my signature.

yesterday and today:

BW = ???     
SORENESS = quads, glutes, hamstrings -- serious soreness/stiffness today (monday)
FATIGUE = moderate

- tennis x 60-75 minutes with my dad, also walked a few miles

- stretch

gym closed so didn't follow up on smolov, but not broken up about it. will start over again tomorrow with the same workout as saturday.

happy fourth of july to the US Americans.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on July 04, 2011, 06:51:50 pm
Well... I was reading Dinosaur Training by Brooks Kubik. Haha. It's more about the mindset that you should have. He makes fun of pretty boys and how it's somehow become attractive to be skinny fat. There's a base workout for starting and a 3 week rotation thing but the rest of the book is more about motivation and mindset.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 05, 2011, 10:06:16 pm
forgot that i had a family thing tonight at 7:30. i was at work until 7:10 and just got home, so guess whether i went to the gym today.

whoops. better luck tomorrow, but this week is going to absolutely suck work-wise. like really, really badly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on July 06, 2011, 01:37:59 am
Remind me again what you do for work...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2011, 08:15:34 am
Remind me again what you do for work...

I do resource development and manage programs at the DC office of a Geneva-based international development and humanitarian assistance organization.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2011, 08:23:45 am
adarq had another good idea:





Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2011, 12:06:26 am





BW = ???     
SORENESS = quads, glutes, hamstrings -- not bad but still sore from last saturday, whoa
ACHES/INJURIES = left trap jacked up for some reason
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprints x 10y
2 @ 60%
4 @ 90%

- DSVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 5-7

- squat
3 x 8 x 210
1 x 5 x 225
2 x 2 x 240
1 x 1 x 255

- SS1: chin up x 8
- SS1: dip x 8 + 18
- SS1 info: 3 rounds

ran out of time, gym was closing

- stretch

worked a 12-hour day today with a lot of stress. there are 12-hour days and then there are 12-hour days. this was of the second type. did the same squat workout as last saturday and it felt much more like a squat workout with those weights should feel. i'm jacked up all over the place. was good about stretching today and did my rolling before the workout. i need to just get a tiger tail so i can do shit while i'm watching tv or dicking around online. ITBs, hams, calves and quads are so full of knots that i really just need to start with a LOT of low-intensity stuff. foam rolling can be too intense/painful to be worthwhile.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on July 07, 2011, 05:37:24 pm
I like the note you keep in your posts about what to remember.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2011, 11:32:23 pm





BW = 165    
SORENESS = adductors, hamstrings, quads, pretty minor
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- warm up

- sprint x 10y
2 @ 60%
4 @ 90%
felt okay, sort of fast, but none of the unconscious twitching, hand clenching or anything else that happens during recovery when these really fire me up.

- DSVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 7
really terrible, worst in a long time

- squat
4 x 5 x 225
1 x 3 x 240
2 x 2 x 255
1 x 1 x 290
all felt pretty good, although i was shooting my hips/dropping my chest on a few reps i didn't struggle with any of it

- SS1: chin up x 9
- SS1: dip x 9 + 18
- SS1 info: 3 rounds
gonna keep going until i can get 12 reps for each round, then add 5-10 pounds and start over at 8. if i go any heavier my form goes to shit, especially on chin ups. maybe when i'm stronger.

- lacrosse ball of pain
focused on glutes, jacked up beyond belief. everything is jacked up.

- stretch

i've been okay about my reminders except the sweets part. office celebrations kind of kill that -- free cake and even the fat people are eating it...i'd feel like a freak for turning it down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2011, 11:35:27 pm
also, i can't stop laughing about this picture:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: J-DUB on July 07, 2011, 11:40:57 pm
also, i can't stop laughing about this picture:

i fail to see the humor in that pic... are you races?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: horton on July 07, 2011, 11:42:35 pm
dude, please tell me youre not....races
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: D-Rose Jr on July 07, 2011, 11:48:00 pm
OH GOD we have a RACES
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on July 08, 2011, 12:10:40 am
A RACES?! I considered you my friend, you races douche!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2011, 08:52:59 am
also, i can't stop laughing about this picture:

i fail to see the humor in that pic... are you races?

get off my lawn you damn kids, it has nothing to do with the guy. that shit would be funny on anyone, my wasp self included. in fact, it would be funnier on adarq than almost anyone else i can think of.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2011, 02:09:18 pm





BW = ???   
SORENESS = hamstrings, glutes
FATIGUE = moderate, CNS felt shut down, though

- warm up
lots of foam rolling. ow.

- bunch of layups, i.e. submax SLRVJ

- BSS 3 x 8 x 60
focused on getting deep stretch in rear leg. Rx calls for lunges but, well, I can't do lunges.

- ab wheel roll out 3 x 20

- handstand practice x 10 minutes

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2011, 07:31:42 pm
btw, last post was yesterday. this was today.





BW = ???  
FATIGUE = high, hung over

- warm up

- bunch of layups, i.e. submax SLRVJ

- BSS 3 x 8 x 80
focused on getting deep stretch in rear leg. Rx calls for lunges but, well, I can't do lunges.

- stretch

hung over, pressed for time cause i had to make some shit for my friend's birthday party. gonna do that right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 11, 2011, 12:23:09 am
had family obligations this afternoon that went later than i expected, so couldn't get to the gym before it closed





BW = ??? 

- warm up
yeah, didn't really do a formal warm up. walked a mile, was plenty warm if not all that loose

- CMJ and DSVJ x a bunch
ok, kind of hard to tell in my living room how high i was getting. i was going to speculate about how high i got but i really have no idea.

- BSS 3 x 8
bw but with a mini hold at the bottom of each rep, got a nice stretch in the thighs and good glute involvement

- hand stand practice x some

- L-sits 3 x 10s

- stretch

not much, better than nothing. oh, earlier in the day did the recent mobilitywod foam roller/lacrosse ball thing for lower legs. and watched the us women fight like beasts against brazil. i turned it off before the OT was over though cause i was pissed that they got jobbed and assumed they'd lose. fuck!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 11, 2011, 02:21:46 pm
i slept like absolute shit last night, was so stressed out about this week at work. kind of glad about it, because it means i won't go to the gym tonight. i wanted to start finish the base microcycle tonight, a day ahead of Rx, but there's no chance of getting anything out of the gym tonight. instead i will do some rolling and some stretching and go to bed at 10 and stay on-schedule for smolov.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on July 11, 2011, 03:29:56 pm
also, i can't stop laughing about this picture:

i fail to see the humor in that pic... are you races?

get off my lawn you damn kids, it has nothing to do with the guy. that shit would be funny on anyone, my wasp self included. in fact, it would be funnier on adarq than almost anyone else i can think of.

Hahahahaha, thats some funny shit.

This one cracks me up.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 13, 2011, 08:01:19 am
last night. i guess work stress and lack of sleep builds up. i slept well the night before last so i guess monday was still catching up with me.

EDIT: also, haha flander. that guy probably isn't even THAT obese for parts of this country, though. like he's probably not the fattest person he knows.





BW = ???
SORENESS = calves
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprints x 10y
2 @ 60%
4 @ 90%

- DSVJ x a bunch submax

- DLRVJ x 10-12
truly shitty, got a couple that weren't quite as bad toward the end but oh my goodness. :uhhhfacepalm:

- pogos submax 3 x 20

- squat 2 x 2 x 270
some of the warm ups i did as jump squats. main sets felt surprisingly weak.

- OHP 3 x 5 x 95
extremely easy

- BOR 2 x 5 x 95, 10 x 95
full pause at the top

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 13, 2011, 11:23:03 am
When you log jumps as shity , what do you mean? absolutely or relatively? And what are your thresholds?
I judge mine relatively and consider them shity when they are 1'' or more below what i expected from that session.
e.g. yesterday i was getting 30-31 , which is awful as absolute number , but relatively ( considering injuries , fatigue , stim etc ) it was good , was expecting 29-30.
Curious how you rate/evaluate yours...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 13, 2011, 12:04:47 pm
When you log jumps as shity , what do you mean? absolutely or relatively? And what are your thresholds?
I judge mine relatively and consider them shity when they are 1'' or more below what i expected from that session.
e.g. yesterday i was getting 30-31 , which is awful as absolute number , but relatively ( considering injuries , fatigue , stim etc ) it was good , was expecting 29-30.
Curious how you rate/evaluate yours...

good question. i pretty much mean that they were lower than what i expect should be my minimum at this point, which is 30.5-31 -- basically i feel like i should always be able to touch rim easily. when jumps are below that level i'm disappointed. when they're that level or above, i feel okay about them. i got there a few times last night but at least a few of the jumps were in the 29" range. midway through the session i realized i was having nice smooth slow starts that never got fast (lol). had a few slightly-less-shitty jumps after that, ~30".

usually it also means that the jumps just "felt" slow or unexplosive or both.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2011, 11:24:46 pm





BW = 166.5
ACHES/INJURIES = toes bugging, especially left one
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- sprints

- depth jumps 2 x 5
not very good, no stiffness

- broad jump x a few
8'10.5" longest, pretty bad

- squat 3 x 275

- SS1: chin up x 9
- SS1: dip x 9 + 23
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, adding a rep next time

- core
GHR sit up x 15
ab wheel roll outs 2 x 15-20, dead stop at bottom of a few of the reps

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2011, 06:40:15 pm





BW = 166.0 FFFFFUUU but the eyeball test is getting a little better. more abs. gotta keep protein up and cals, too, esp on workout days.

- yoga x 75 minutes
went with my gf. felt great, sweated a bunch, opened up hips and chest a bunch. it had been probably a year and a half or maybe even two years since i did a yoga class.

walked to the gym, then

- warm up

- depth drop 2 x 5

- depth jump x 3,5,5
mostly pretty low

- squat 5 x 270
good not great, need to focus on eccentric a little better.

- OHP 3 x 5 x 105

- BOR 3 x 5 x 105

such a beautiful day. smolov starts for real on tuesday. will probably get some kind of light exercise tomorrow and maybe some jumping if i feel like it. and then, the pain. i can't wait.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2011, 12:26:36 pm
from yesterday. slept like absolute shit last night and i don't know why.





BW = 166.0
ACHES/INJURIES = spot of tightness in right quad during sprints but it went away; also hip flexors

- warm up

- sprints
2 @ 60%
2 @ 95%

- DSVJ submax x 5-7

- DLRVJ x ~15
started off bad but got better, ended up jumping pretty well. didn't get that high, mostly 31 range, but felt smooth and reactive in a way i hadn't in a while. CNS was definitely higher than it'd been.

- squat 4 x 9 x 225
easy-peasy, 4-minute rests.

- SS1: chin up x 10,8,7
- SS1: dip x 10,8,7 + 23
- SS1 info: active shoulder but full extension, chest-to-bar on all chin up reps (as i always do them). not even close to 10,10,10. matched dip reps to chin up reps, even though i could have done more. would rather keep them in sync because i think that's nice. fuck you. better luck next time.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2011, 01:49:19 pm
also, about chin ups, i've started to adjust to keeping the backs of my legs tight so that my bodyweight doesn't shift under the bar. still feels a little weird but i'm able to get a lot better back/arm ratio in terms of effort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2011, 10:40:44 pm





BW = ???
SORENESS = mild in quads, glutes, hamstrings

- warm up

- sprint
2 @ 60%
1 @ 80%
1 @ 90%
all felt sluggish

- depth jump 2 x 5
way more coordinated and explosive than last time, seemed to be getting higher

- pogos 2 x 5

- squat 5 x 7 x 240
still pretty easy

- OHP 2 x 115
was going for 3 x 5 x 115, lol. skipped BOR, too. not important.

- hanging leg raise 3 x 10
legs straight on most reps but a few i lost concentration and they bent a little

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2011, 06:12:06 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = hips a little tight but they loosened up over the course of the workout
FATIGUE = low to moderate, but mostly related to the heat

- warm up

- DSVJ x a few

- depth jump 2 x 5

- pogos x a few

- ankle hops x a few

- squat 7 x 5 x 255
starting to get a little harder but still pretty easy. form wasn't great throughout but seventh set was the best set, so not a fatigue issue. just a concentration issue.

- SS1: chin up x 9,9,7 damn it
- SS1: dip + 23 x 9,9,7
- SS1 info: three rounds

- stretch

note to self: basketball ends at 5 on saturdays.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2011, 06:29:40 pm





BW = ???
SORENESS = everything around hips but mild

- warm up

- CMJ x a couple

- squat 10 x 3 x 270
not bad

- handstand practice x 10-15 mins

- GHR sit ups x 25, +5kg x 20,20

- more handstand practice, getting a little better

- stretch

Was a little nervous about the volume and the lack of rest from yesterday, so I kind of bitched out on jumping. In retrospect, wouldn't have been a problem. I squat better if I set up and stand up properly out of the rack. There was a fantastic basketball game going on for the first half of the workout. White team down 20, came back to win on a 3-pointer with 2.5 seconds on the clock. Red team had a dude who threw down a legit tomahawk on a breakaway at one point. Really, really nasty hops, guy was probably 6-5, 6-6 or so but threw down very hard, head near rim. Cool to watch. But they choked like bitches, lol.

Week one of Smolov base mesocycle complete.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on July 25, 2011, 03:35:55 am
You write set x reps right?

Is it a new goal to be able to handstand? How long can you hold it?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on July 25, 2011, 03:42:02 am

EDIT: also, haha flander. that guy probably isn't even THAT obese for parts of this country, though. like he's probably not the fattest person he knows.

Probably not. Ive seen some tv shows about fat guys in the US. Crazy shit. On guy ate 1 familysized pizza for breakfast with 2l. coke. For lunch he had 1½ family sized pizzas and 2l. coke. For afternoon snack he had the last ½ family pizza and of course a little coke. Then for dinner he had 64 piece bucket of chicken (or whatever huge size they come in) from KFC with mash and gravy, with coke. And his wife was this normally sized person, just feeding him.

Crazy shit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2011, 09:40:56 am
You write set x reps right?

Is it a new goal to be able to handstand? How long can you hold it?

EDIT: yeah, set x reps. so 10 x 3 is 10 sets of 3 reps.

handstand is a goal, but tertiary at most. just something to work on when i don't feel like doing normal upper body work, or maybe on off days. i can't hold one for more than a second or two at best without the wall, so far. haven't bothered to time a hold against the wall but i'm sure it would be laughable. i'll get there. i always liked gymnastic stuff. would love to be able to do a flag and a planche and all that but i figure it's probably best to learn how to crawl before i try to walk. on my hands.

EDIT: also, haha flander. that guy probably isn't even THAT obese for parts of this country, though. like he's probably not the fattest person he knows.

Probably not. Ive seen some tv shows about fat guys in the US. Crazy shit. On guy ate 1 familysized pizza for breakfast with 2l. coke. For lunch he had 1½ family sized pizzas and 2l. coke. For afternoon snack he had the last ½ family pizza and of course a little coke. Then for dinner he had 64 piece bucket of chicken (or whatever huge size they come in) from KFC with mash and gravy, with coke. And his wife was this normally sized person, just feeding him.

Crazy shit.

that's nothing: (

To achieve her goal, Donna says she will need to eat up to 12,000 calories a day (the average woman should consume only 2,000.)

To fund the massive $750 weekly food shop, she runs a website where men pay her to watch her eat fast food.

U-S-A! U-S-A!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2011, 09:19:21 pm





BW = ???
SORENESS = hip flexors
ACHES/INJURIES = left toe bugging
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprints
2 @ 60%
2 @ 85-90%

- DSVJ x a few

- DLRVJ x 10-12
shitty, was moving okay but everything just felt soft and plodding

- squat 4 x 9 x 240
harder than last week but still not that bad

- OHP 5 x 115

- shoot around x 10-15 mins
taylorhorton status on free throws, missed nothing, everything else pretty bad

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on July 28, 2011, 04:49:40 am
You write set x reps right?

Is it a new goal to be able to handstand? How long can you hold it?

EDIT: yeah, set x reps. so 10 x 3 is 10 sets of 3 reps.

handstand is a goal, but tertiary at most. just something to work on when i don't feel like doing normal upper body work, or maybe on off days. i can't hold one for more than a second or two at best without the wall, so far. haven't bothered to time a hold against the wall but i'm sure it would be laughable. i'll get there. i always liked gymnastic stuff. would love to be able to do a flag and a planche and all that but i figure it's probably best to learn how to crawl before i try to walk. on my hands.

EDIT: also, haha flander. that guy probably isn't even THAT obese for parts of this country, though. like he's probably not the fattest person he knows.

Probably not. Ive seen some tv shows about fat guys in the US. Crazy shit. On guy ate 1 familysized pizza for breakfast with 2l. coke. For lunch he had 1½ family sized pizzas and 2l. coke. For afternoon snack he had the last ½ family pizza and of course a little coke. Then for dinner he had 64 piece bucket of chicken (or whatever huge size they come in) from KFC with mash and gravy, with coke. And his wife was this normally sized person, just feeding him.

Crazy shit.

that's nothing: (

To achieve her goal, Donna says she will need to eat up to 12,000 calories a day (the average woman should consume only 2,000.)

To fund the massive $750 weekly food shop, she runs a website where men pay her to watch her eat fast food.

U-S-A! U-S-A!

I can hold a handstand maybe 5 seconds but Ive been able to do a flag for long. So dont let that stop you.

USA is the land of dreams. Earning money by eating fast food on video. Thats amazing and idiotic at the same time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 29, 2011, 11:14:52 am
last night:





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left toe bugging
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- sprints x 10y
2 @ 60%
2 @ 90-95% == felt pretty fast

- DSVJ x 5-6

- DLRVJ x ~14-15
grabbed rim (weakly) on a bunch, strained my forearm on one because i was surprised and held on too long, lol. approaches felt pretty good, wasn't getting all that high (~31-31.5) but that's okay given that i did pretty high volume squats two days ago.

- ME pogos 3 x 5
getting a little better at these

- squat 2 x 3
275,275 == felt heavier than it should, weird

- stretch x 30 minutes
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 29, 2011, 11:20:56 am
and now, some commentary:

my one ultimate tournament of the summer is this weekend ( (, so i decided to take it easy on the squats today. it's a very, very low-pressure tournament but i still want to be relatively fresh. really looking forward to it even though i'm not in great shape cardio-wise.

i'll be on the beach all weekend running around, so no real workout until next week. my plan, pending how wrecked i am after the tournament, is just to start over with week 2 of smolov. 4 x 9 x 240 wasn't that hard, so i think i should be okay. schedule for the next few weeks ends up being:

july 31------------------------------------------ aug 6
tournament, rest, 4 x 9, rest, 5 x 7, rest, 7 x 5

aug 7 ------------------------------------------ aug 13
10 x 3, rest, 4 x 9, rest, 5 x 7, rest, 7 x 5

aug 14 ------------------------------------------ aug 20

10 x 3, rest, 2 x 2, rest, rest, TEST, leave for beach

aug 21 ------------------------------------------ aug 27
beach, beach, beach, beach, beach, beach, beach

beach will include lots of low-intensity exercise and probably some ME jumping and light plyos. will reevaluate whether to continue smolov based on how well my 1RM test goes, as well as how well i'm jumping throughout. so far it hasn't killed my jumping as much as i feared, so that's good, but i'm still at the easy end. i'll be shooting for a 345 squat, which would put me just over 2xbw.

rest days may include light exercise like tennis or interval sprints, upper will be sprinkled throughout as it has been.

now that i'm finished prognosticating and planning, i will commence furiously knocking on wood and throwing salt over my left shoulder.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2011, 12:14:15 pm
from the weekend:





BW = ???
SORENESS = biceps, obliques, abs, traps, hip flexors, adductors, quads
ACHES/INJURIES = persistent cramp in middle of left foot, both toes bugging, right toe hurt like an absolute bitch yesterday, missing most of the skin on my knees and left elbow
FATIGUE = none

best. weekend. ever.

1. team went 3-3, should have beaten at least two of the teams we lost to but who cares, we were on the beach!
2. with very few exceptions all our opponents were cool, spirit was really strong.
3. i love the team i went with.
4. i played really well and made some insane plays, the kind you make and both sidelines blow up and people are still talking about them the next day.
5. i'm not in as bad shape as i thought i'd be.
6. the weather was perfect, could not have been better. and the water was perfect, too, nice and cold.
7. the parties were awesome.
8. i'm sore but not cripplingly so, burned but not too badly. walking a little gingerly today but i've experienced much worse after tournaments before. the one thing i'm worried about with working out tomorrow are my knees: bending them is kind of hard and the skin is very raw. i still have sand embedded under my skin there, lol.

i already can't wait for next year.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2011, 09:43:11 am
no gym yesterday because my friend had box seats at the legg mason tennis tournament and i've been wanting to go for YEARS. it was great, got to see james blake smoke the shit out of david nalbandian from like 15 feet away!





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = feet still a bit swollen/achey, knees scabbing over but still painful
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- stiff leg ankle hop 2 x 30

- squat 2 x 5

- chin up x 7

- dip x 7

- stretch

used this workout mainly to do some serious SMR, get the blood flowing a little, re-grease the squatting groove, and stretch a lot. today i'll try to see if i can pretend like the last week never happened and do 5 x 7 x 260. should suck but hopefully i won't fail. gonna eat a bit extra throughout the day to make sure i'm fueled up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2011, 12:42:16 pm
quick side note: my youngest brother is in the hospital again. checked himself in on monday after an apparent heroin and cocaine bender (he likes to freebase) that started on friday. he didn't OD but i assume felt like shit as he was coming down, so he rode the bus to the hospital and got himself into a bed. not the first time this has happened, he's been addicted to drugs for years and he's seriously mentally ill, so normally this would be nothing new and i wouldn't post about it.

but my parents are at the end of their ropes: they had NEVER asked me to do anything until yesterday, when my dad asked me to do them a favor through a connection i have. that, more than anything else, is freaking me out right now. i went to talk to my boss about it, basically to say that i'm gonna take a bit longer lunch break than usual so i can do this favor -- not important what it is -- and i realized i'd been trembling a bit. still am.

i love my brother and have been worried about him dying suddenly for many years but that worry doesn't often surface. i'm exuberant but very emotionally controlled and independent, so when that quality breaks even a little bit it's very distracting. i'll go to the gym tonight and put in as much work as i can but it might not be my best work.

not fishing for pity or sympathy, just noting it down because it's having a pretty big impact on my ability to focus.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 04, 2011, 03:27:29 pm
Damn, that sucks, hope everything is OK. There's really no hope of getting your brother on the straight path?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2011, 03:37:59 pm
Damn, that sucks, hope everything is OK. There's really no hope of getting your brother on the straight path?

thanks dude. there's hope but it's completely outside everyone's hands but his. and he doesn't really seem to want to get better, so until he changes on that point there's really no hope.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 04, 2011, 03:50:37 pm
So if you get him into a rehab center? A good one for that matter.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2011, 04:26:29 pm
So if you get him into a rehab center? A good one for that matter.

he's been in and out of rehab centers since he was 14. suggestions not really likely to be helpful, but i appreciate the thought.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2011, 09:09:34 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe bugging badly, have to concentrate to not limp
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- tuck jump 2 x 10

- sprint x 15y
2 @ 60% == standing start because of toe, toe hurt anyway, stopped

- DSVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 10
felt technically pretty good but wasn't getting very high, maybe 30.5, maybe 31 at most.

- squat 5 x 7 x 260
felt great, lost focus on the last couple of reps of the last two sets but not a big deal. squatting yesterday was smart.

- chin up x 10 + 3,3,3,3

- dip + 8 lbs x 10 + 3,3,3,3
real RP

- stretch

felt pretty good. talked to my other brother on the way home, helped to just check in about our little brother. i do much, much better in the gym when there's no one else around, or almost no one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2011, 08:47:57 pm





BW = 169
SORENESS = mild glutes and hams
ACHES/INJURIES = right hip flexor a tiny bit, upper left calf (???)

- warm up

- sprints x 10y
2 @ 60%
2 @ 90% == slow

- depth jumps 2 x 5
not bad

- squat 7 x 5 x 275
strong, form good, depth good, yay

- ab wheel 2 x 20

- stretch

pleased. no workout tomorrow cause i'm gonna be out of town the whole day but i'll just push it back to monday. nbd.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on August 06, 2011, 08:59:08 pm
Nice I realized again you're in DC ( been seeing the signs for the tournaments all over the place on the metro). I work in DC at Bally's.

Anyway why do you foam roll before and not after a workout?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 08, 2011, 10:55:23 pm
Nice I realized again you're in DC ( been seeing the signs for the tournaments all over the place on the metro). I work in DC at Bally's.

Anyway why do you foam roll before and not after a workout?

which bally's? i foam roll before because it makes the workout feel better. i do SMR on off days, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 08, 2011, 10:59:45 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = both toes

- warm up

- sprints



- pogos 4 x 5
toes, toes + forgot my sneakers  :uhhhfacepalm:

- SS1: jump squat 3 x 95
- SS1: CMJ x 3
- SS1 info: 2 rounds

- squat 10 x 3 x 290
a few reps grindy but strong all the way through, last rep was best rep

- SS2: OHP 5 x 115
- SS2: BOR 5 x 135
- SS2 info: 2 rounds

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on August 08, 2011, 11:21:04 pm
Nice I realized again you're in DC ( been seeing the signs for the tournaments all over the place on the metro). I work in DC at Bally's.

Anyway why do you foam roll before and not after a workout?

which bally's? i foam roll before because it makes the workout feel better. i do SMR on off days, too.

L street, and 21st. There aren't too many Bally's in DC. So what is SMR? I've neglected recovery techniques most of my life
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2011, 09:47:56 am
Nice I realized again you're in DC ( been seeing the signs for the tournaments all over the place on the metro). I work in DC at Bally's.

Anyway why do you foam roll before and not after a workout?

which bally's? i foam roll before because it makes the workout feel better. i do SMR on off days, too.

L street, and 21st. There aren't too many Bally's in DC. So what is SMR? I've neglected recovery techniques most of my life

haha, no way, that's around the corner from my office. gonna meet up with a former boss at bourbon coffee in about half an hour. maybe i'll come heckle you while you work.  :P

EDIT: SMR = self myofascial release. basically targeted self-massage to improve fascial tissue quality. foam rolling is a common method of SMR.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on August 09, 2011, 11:00:31 pm
Nice, it's 20th street NW btw, I realized today there is NE, SW, and SE, bu tof course only one Bally's

Yeah well there is a court on the way to Whole Foods on P street, about 1600 P street, I may go do some jump testing/ shoot some hoops since I got a client at 7AM, then no one till 430

I'll PM u my number
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2011, 11:22:37 pm
word, yeah unlikely to be a bally's in ne or se (well, excpet maybe capitol hill) and sw doesn't have a 20th st as far as i know. too small, lol.





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = both toes, especially right toe, god damn it i did something to it at the beach. need rest and ice

- warm up

- sprints
4 @ 90%

- DSVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 7
bad but not awful considering i squatted 290 30 times yesterday

- squat 4 x 9 x 255
ouch, hard

- lie on the ground, some feldenkrais for shoulders and neck

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2011, 09:19:05 am





BW = ???
SORENESS = low back a tiny bit
FATIGUE = low but i'm coming down with a cold, so there's that

- warm up

- depth jump x 5

- DLRVJ x 6-7
pretty awful

- squat 5 x 7 x 270

- SS1: chin up x 9
- SS1: dip +30 x 9
- SS1 info: 2 rounds would be laughing if that weren't so sad

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 14, 2011, 09:36:54 am
yesterday afternoon. no workout today because i have to go to baltimore. will push to tomorrow, then three days' rest, then test on friday.





BW = ???
SORENESS = low back/upper glute area
ACHES/INJURIES = toes but not as bad  :highfive:
FATIGUE = low but mild cold

- warm up

- sprint x 10y
2 @ 60%
4 @ 90-95%

- DLRVJ x 15-16
still pretty bad but not nearly as bad as the last few workouts, a couple of halfway decent jumps. got some video, still not attacking well. will try to post later.

- squat 7 x 5 x 285
hard, best set was 6th set

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 15, 2011, 10:05:47 pm





BW = ???
SORENESS = a little bit inside hips
ACHES/INJURIES = left elbow and shoulder once i started squatting, right big toe
FATIGUE = low but mild cold

- warm up
extra rollering

- DSVJ submax x ~20
focus on boom-boom landing, rather than flat landing

- squat 10 x 3 x 300
went like this: 3,3,3,1+F+2,3,3,3,3,3 == failed after first rep of fourth set because i lost concentration because of the god damn elbow/shoulder pain. finished my sets, though, so a nice even 3000 lbs lifted.  :D

- stretch

was planning to do chin ups and dips but decided to take it easy on my left arm. now it's rest, rest, rest, test. come on, 345.

also, it looks like i'll be going to mozambique right after i get back from the beach, but only for like a week total, including travel. kinda wack, but hey, i've never been to africa. so that'll be cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 16, 2011, 11:34:37 pm
too embarrassed to post jumping videos. GOD is that shit ugly. here is me squatting 5 x 285 on saturday. fun starts around 0:28

also i'm too dumb to figure out why it's not showing the right title. whatever.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 17, 2011, 05:39:05 am
Looking strong and good form ^^^ :strong:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 17, 2011, 06:08:35 am
Looking strong and good form ^^^ :strong:


Great speed too , 285x5 looks like light weight for you!  :highfive:  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 17, 2011, 06:08:27 pm
thanks fellas.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Clarence on August 18, 2011, 05:36:32 am
Squats looking strong LBSS.  What's your primary goal at the moment?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 18, 2011, 11:00:05 am
Squats looking strong LBSS.  What's your primary goal at the moment?

thanks clarence! primary goal at the moment is squat at least 345 tomorrow. that would be just over 2x the heaviest i've ever been (~172).

then i'll be gone for two weeks. beach with family next week, then home for less than a day, then mozambique for a week-ish (it's really 4 days of travel and 4 days on the ground) for work.

then, back to greater emphasis on jumping, with the hope that i can convert my new strength into a little more power. this will mean a lot more jumping and jumping assistance type stuff, plus some power snatching. smolov has been fun (srs) but i want to be able to dunk. that means not beating myself up with crazy squat volume.

now that you've got me rolling, here's a potential plan (borrowing heavily from ARowe's). comments welcome:

workout 1: strength/volume
- warm up
- sprints x 3-5
- DSVJ submax x 8-10
- DLRVJ x 8-10
- ME pogos 4 x 5
- squat 3 x 5
- BSS 2 x 10/e
- upper/core
- stretch

workout 2: power
- warm up
- sprints x 3-5
- DSVJ x 5-6
- depth jump 3 x 5
- ME bounds, vertical emphasis 4 x 8-10
- ankle hops 2 x 20
- power snatch 5 x 2
- MSEM squat 2 x 3
- upper/core
- stretch

workout 3: power
- warm up
- sprints x 3-5
- DSVJ x 5-6
- DLRVJ x 15-20
- MR half tucks 3 x 10-15
- power snatch 5 x 2
- MSEM squat 2 x 3
- upper/core
- stretch

workout 4: jumping
- warm up
- sprint x 3-5
- DSVJ x 5-10
- DLRVJ x until tired

workouts to be 3x/week with a day of conditioning in there somewhere. conditioning could be easy tempo sprints, biking, jump rope intervals, whatever. low intensity, moderate volume. plus stretching and SMR.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 18, 2011, 11:00:02 pm





BW = ???, so fat

- warm up
lots of foam rollering

- hand stand practice x a few minutes

- squat 2 x 3 x 225

- hand stand practice x a few more minutes

just greasing the groove a bit before test day tomorrow. ate a lot today despite low energy burn, feel like a glutton. i am disgusting and fat.

just kidding.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 19, 2011, 08:48:19 pm





BW = 171.4
ACHES/INJURIES = left arm, tricep/shoulder

- warm up

- sprints x 15y
2 @ 60%
3 @ 90%

- DLRVJ x 8-10
mostly bad but a few i actually managed to get some speed and aggressiveness on the approach.

- squat x TEST
325 :personal-record:
345 :personal-record:
355 fail
345  :personal-record:

Left arm hurts. Thought I was doing 350 on fourth attempt but forgot to put a five on the left. FML. Instead, two legit reps with 345. Depth very solid, there is video evidence. I can now honestly lay claim to an honest 2x bw squat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: k6mi on August 20, 2011, 02:33:34 am
Dam nice man!
I want to have 2x bw squat before october 1st also. Right now I am like 20-30 lbs away from that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 20, 2011, 05:48:34 am

BW = 171.4

- squat x TEST
325 :personal-record:
345 :personal-record:
355 fail
345  :personal-record:


Awesome stuff man , 2xBW is amazing , you totally earned it!!!  :highfive:  :headbang:  :strong:  :ibsquatting:

Big PRs coming with the power block...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Clarence on August 20, 2011, 06:14:08 am
 :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 20, 2011, 07:41:58 am
What's your vert right now? You could probably focus more on reactive stuff since you were complaining that your jumping was sucky a few days ago...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 23, 2011, 11:01:59 am
thanks peoples! raptor: my plan is definitely to cut way back on squat volume now and focus on reactivity and power for the next couple of months, at least. maybe once winter hits i'll try to add some more strength + weight, but that's a ways off yet.

at the beach, so no formal workouts, but i've played tennis for at least an hour every day and did a few DLRVJ today at the court that's next to the tennis courts. have biked around a bit, too. will continue to play tennis at least once a day and i'm hoping to go kayaking tomorrow or thursday. we'll see about the weather.

i love the beach.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 23, 2011, 11:08:22 am
I always focus on adding strength in the winter since I have no place to play. It's better to enjoy the strength you gained in the winter during the summer.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2011, 02:03:52 am
last night





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe
FATIGUE = high

- warm up

- MR half tucks 3 x 15
slow and unexplosive

- BSS 3 x 10 x 44kg
super easy

- messed around with some upper body stuff in between BSS and then after
pull ups, bench, db ohp, db row, etc.

- stretch

better than nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2011, 04:56:49 pm





BW = ???
SORENESS = glutes, hamstrings, traps
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- MR half tucks 3 x 15
not as bad as yesterday

- pogos 3 x 5
pretty bad

- BSS 3 x 5 x 52 kg

- upper
same as yesterday

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2011, 04:27:12 pm
gym was closed, so:





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe, although i'm starting to learn to compensate for it as well as i do for the left; general tightness
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- sprint (push up bottom start) 4 x 20m @ 90-95%

- sprint (regular start) 2 x 20m @ 90-95%

- MR half tuck 3 x 15,22,21

- pogo 3 x 5
legs jelly on last set

- cool down

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 07, 2011, 09:45:38 pm





BW = ???
SORENESS = hamstrings, traps a bit
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe, hands (wtf?)
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up
took my sweet time

- sprints

- jumps

gym was full, it is pouring rain, and they would have been the ugliest and slowest sprints and jumps in months, which is saying something

- MR half tuck 4 x 15
sluggggggish, legs felt dead throughout workout

- snatch drills x 5-6

- squat 3 x 5 x 275
way harder than it should have been, still not hard -- surprise! two weeks without squatting detrains the squat a bit

- chin ups 2 x 5, pull ups x 5

- stretch

no energy, whole body felt kind of dead, legs especially. weird because i've gotten a lot of sleep the past two nights. even woke up before my alarm this morning. chalk it up to sprinting hard for the first time in who knows how long, plus two weeks of make-do workouts or none at all, plus two 17-18-hour flights within a week. better luck next time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2011, 02:42:19 pm
okay, reached intermediate goal of 2x/bw squat in mid-august and then was out of commission for three weeks. spent a week playing tennis, swimming and bike riding, then a week either in a plane or working my balls off in mozambique, with a few random-ish workouts thrown in, then most of a week recovering from the trip. now, having spent two months adding 25 pounds (should have been 30, god damn it) to my squat without putting on any weight, but also not putting any noticeable inches on my vert, it's time to focus on turning that new strength into better jumps.

so. here is my new plan. i posted a version of it on page 74 but have revised it somewhat. big h/t to adarq and arowe, this borrows pretty heavily from the plan that arowe used with a lot of success.

also, my diet has sucked the past few weeks but because i am blessed with awesome staying-lean genes, i've not gained an appreciable amount of weight or fat. going forward, i will focus a lot more heavily on meeting my protein quota, getting enough vegetables and staying away from refined sugars. in part because i'm so lean and generally like the way i look, i have a hard time being any more anal than that.

comments welcome from anybody who feels like it. i'm also posting this in a new thread.

relevant recent maxes:
squat: 345
DLRVJ: 32-32.5"

workout 1: strength/volume
- warm up
- sprints x 3-5
- DSVJ submax x 8-10
(- if feeling explosive, DLRVJ)
- depth jump 3 x 5
- ME pogos 4 x 5
- squat 3 x 5
- BSS 2 x 10/e
- OHP x 5,5,F
- chin up x 8,8,F
- core
- stretch

workout 2: power
- warm up
- sprints x 3-5
- DSVJ submax x 5-6
- DLRVJ x 15-20
- MR half tucks 3 x 15-20
- ankle hops 2 x 20
- jump squat 3 x 2 OR power snatch x 5-6
- MSEM squat 2 x 3
- OHP x 3,3,F
- chin up x 8,8,F
- core
- stretch

workout 3: power
- warm up
- sprints x 3-5
- speed line hops 3 x 10s/e
- DSVJ submax x 5-6
- DLRVJ x 15-20
- MR half tucks 3 x 15-20
- jump squat 3 x 2 OR power snatch x 5-6
- MSEM squat 2 x 3
- OHP x 5,3,1(F)
- chin up x 8,8,F
- core
- stretch

workout 4: jumping
- warm up
- sprint x 3-5
- DSVJ submax x 5-10
- DLRVJ x until tired
- dips + # x 8,8,F
- DB row x 8,8,F/e
- core
- stretch

ad hoc off days
- foam roll
- light conditioning (tempo sprints OR long walks OR messing about in the gym, e.g. TGUs, handstand practice, farmers' walks, etc.)
- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on September 09, 2011, 05:07:33 pm
How's your standing vertical? I wonder why you're not jumping higher even though we have similar body structure & weight and you have a stronger squat also. Has your previous RVJ max been higher after a power/speed cycle?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2011, 09:32:21 pm
How's your standing vertical? I wonder why you're not jumping higher even though we have similar body structure & weight and you have a stronger squat also. Has your previous RVJ max been higher after a power/speed cycle?

standing vertical is in the 27-28" range, i would guess. don't know why my jump sucks so much, especially as i'm generally pretty coordinated and not bad at sports. not especially reactive, obviously. for some reason i have a hard time coordinating a powerful jump. often a very "soft" or slow run-up is at least partially the culprit. i don't do very well transforming horizontal movement into vertical movement.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2011, 09:38:48 pm





BW = ???
SORENESS = quads a little bit
ACHES/INJURIES = none, everything pretty much okay
FATIGUE = low but felt like shit in the early part of the day, bad headache

- warm up

- DSVJ x 6-7

slipped a good foot on the first plant, that was it :uhhhfacepalm:

- ME sprints 4 x 10-15y

- played 21, scored 14 but know these two things: i suck at basketball and the other two guys were 2" and 4" taller than me. made at least 6 free three pointers in a row at one point  :highfive:

- OHP x 5,5,F
85 (bad at counting, should have been 75)
95 x 10

- chin up x 8,8,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2011, 07:52:20 pm
empty gym. holler.





BW = 170.0
FATIGUE = moderate, didn't get to sleep until really late last night because of the michigan-notre dame game

- warm up
just shot around, some ME layups

- DSVJ x 6-8
getting up pretty well, decided to go for DLRVJ

- DLRVJ x 12-15
 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
out of absolutely nowhere, was jumping very well. several easily at 32, one at 32.5, one possible 33. but i've never had that much consistency at that height. so call it a volume PR if nothing else.

- squat 3 x 5 x 275
much better

- BSS 2 x 10e x 120
hip was feeling wonky and the gym was closing

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 12, 2011, 03:39:07 am

- DLRVJ x 12-15
 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
out of absolutely nowhere, was jumping very well. several easily at 32, one at 32.5, one possible 33. but i've never had that much consistency at that height. so call it a volume PR if nothing else.

 :highfive:  :headbang:

I am absolutely sure you will have many sessions like that from now on.
If no major derails happen I expect you to be at 36'' or so before xmas, no BS!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 12, 2011, 11:46:29 am
i just realized that two days ago was the two-year anniversary of this log.

downside: i'm still far from achieving my goal
upside: i'm still dedicated and i'm still working

work. work. work. work. work. work.

i will fucking get there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 12, 2011, 09:17:14 pm





BW = ???
SORENESS = a tiny bit in upper legs
ACHES/INJURIES = right big toe
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- SMR x 50-60 minutes

- handstand practice x a bit

basically wanted to roll the ever-loving shit out of my legs. mission accomplished.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2011, 09:50:27 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left hip, right big toe
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- sprints 4 x 15y
felt pretty fast, actually

- DSVJ submax x 8

- DLRVJ x ~15
low, 30-31, but i'm not too pissed about it

- MR half tuck x 20,15,15

- jump squat 3 x 3 x 95
(was supposed to do 3 x 2, oops)

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 285
speedy and strong

- OHP x 3,3,F
85, 95, 8 x 105

- chin up x 8,8,8
weak last set

- stretch

not a bad workout, all in all. more sleep tonight than past two nights.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2011, 12:24:25 am
not enough veggies today or in general. otherwise diet has been pretty good.





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left hip, right big toe

- warm up

- sprint 4 x 10y
not as fast as the other day, toe was bugging

- DSVJ x 5-6

- DLRVJ x 10-12
not great but not awful. left hip started hurting so i stopped. the hip pain is familiar, i had similar pain like four months ago. i think it's from planting. need to figure out what to do about that because i'm not gonna start planting RL.

- speed line hops 3 x 10s/e

- MR half tucks 3 x 20

- power snatch 6 x 1 x 40kg
very light, form still sucks. did a lot of reps with much lighter weight, as well. i like snatching, it's fun. gonna keep doing this and progress weights slowly over time. in the long run i think it'll be better than jump squatting although i'll probably keep doing some of that, too.

- squat MSEM 2 x 3
295, 2 x 300 == left hip bugging, did not do third rep although these were even easier than the first set at 295

- OHP x 5/3/F
95, 105, 6 x 115 == had another in the tank

- chin up x 8,8,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 18, 2011, 09:47:58 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left hip, right upper back
FATIGUE = none

- tennis x 45 minutes
smoked my little brother

drive to basketball court

- warm up

- DSVJ x 7-8

- DLRVJ x 25-30
pretty good, some 32ish, maybe a little more on the 9'7 rim. thought there would be a pump at my parents' house for my basketball but no dice, so no lobs. ball is flaaaat.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2011, 11:10:21 pm
was wiped out, long and stressful day at work. had to force my feet to keep walking to the gym instead of turning home. very happy with i did, even though i abbreviated everything.





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left hip, knees during squats
FATIGUE = high

- warm up

- DSVJ x 6-7

- DLRVJ x 16-17
considering how tired i was and how little i wanted to be there, surprisingly good. consistently 31-32. approach was strong.

- squat 5 x 275

- BSS 10e x 120

- OHP 5 x 95, 2 x 125

- chin up x 5
said "fuck it" at this point

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on September 20, 2011, 11:42:22 pm
I feel u man.

But it's always workouts like these, when u dun even feel like it, that makes u feel tt u've grown slightly, innit?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2011, 11:57:31 pm
I feel u man.

But it's always workouts like these, when u dun even feel like it, that makes u feel tt u've grown slightly, innit?

for sure. i dunno about grown but i'm damn sure happy i fought through the malaise and got something done. i would be feeling mighty shitty about myself right now if i hadn't done that, even though at the time my whole body was saying "go home, there's always tomorrow, take it easy."
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 21, 2011, 04:09:46 am
Props for pushing yourself , one of the major goals this year for me is to win those lazy/worn out from work days , which are a lot.
Gonna use that reminder on every post to see it everyday too, so double props!!!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 22, 2011, 10:48:55 pm





BW = ???
SORENESS = glutes and hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES = left butt something or other, hip a tiny bit
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- warm up
extra time

- sprint 2 x 10y
fucked up right toe, not worth pushing through the other planned sprints

- DSVJ x 6-7

- DLRVJ x 6
first jump not bad, slipped on second jump, fml

- MR half tuck 3 x 20

- squat MSEM 3 x 295, x 305, 2 x 310
nice, but some sharp mild pain in deep in left buttcheek, as mentioned above

- OHP 5 x 85, 5 x 95, 6 x 105
a few reps left in the tank

- chin up x 9,8,5

- stretch

This week just sucks at work. Work outs have suffered as a result but I'm okay with it. Will get back on a normal schedule the week after next and can keep making progress from there.  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2011, 05:58:21 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left butt something or other, hip a tiny bit, right toe
FATIGUE = none

- warm up

- DSVJ x 6

- DLRVJ x 18-20
mostly pretty bad, switched hoops right toward the end and immediately started jumping better. that end of the gym was better lit, maybe that had something to do with it? no idea. then hip flared up and that was it. no sense pushing something nagging like that.

- jump squat 3 x 2 x 95

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 315
pretty strong, stick with this next time

- handstand futzing about, weighted sit ups

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 24, 2011, 06:08:25 pm
Bad light majorly affects me , adarq too.
Doesn't even have to be dark , just less light is enough to cause 2-3'' loss.
Weird thing is everything feels normal , runup , speed , plant , power... but the jump is lower.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2011, 11:30:58 pm
Bad light majorly affects me , adarq too.
Doesn't even have to be dark , just less light is enough to cause 2-3'' loss.
Weird thing is everything feels normal , runup , speed , plant , power... but the jump is lower.

so weird. it's exactly the same for me, everything felt good but i just wasn't getting very high. i wonder what causes that?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2011, 11:33:55 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = none really, right toe a bit
FATIGUE = none

- tennis w/dad x an hour or so
something fucked up with my backhand, was hitting unforced errors all over the place. started to correct it toward the end but i don't really know what i was doing wrong, felt pretty normal. whatever, nice to play.

- stretch

- some tennis ball rolling
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on September 25, 2011, 11:40:15 pm
I think I am fieldmarshal too. When we can both dunk we'll have great mixes. Still there is no excuse we should get in some jump days relatively soon, before 2012. GOod work
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on September 26, 2011, 01:09:37 am
Whats up Serena?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 26, 2011, 04:54:39 am
Bad light majorly affects me , adarq too.
Doesn't even have to be dark , just less light is enough to cause 2-3'' loss.
Weird thing is everything feels normal , runup , speed , plant , power... but the jump is lower.

so weird. it's exactly the same for me, everything felt good but i just wasn't getting very high. i wonder what causes that?

Adarqui says it's CNS.
Its a good speculation , otherwise we just have to admit we are pussys  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 27, 2011, 10:17:54 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = none really
FATIGUE = high

- warm up

- 2-foot line hops 3 x 10s

- depth jumps 2 x 5

- squat 3 x 5
warmed up, hip tweaking a tiny bit. could have kept going but not this week. just called it

- BSS 2 x 10 x 90

- chin x some

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2011, 10:29:58 pm
Thought I was gonna be at work until midnight, but a deadline got pushed back to NEXT Friday, so I hit up the gym. Forgot it was old dude basketball night so no court available and the weight room was surprisingly full for the time I got there. Decided to just roll the shit out of myself, maybe move around a bit and give myself another day. This week has sucked.





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = none really
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- SMR x one hour

- SS1: jump rope 30/30 x 3-5
- SS1: some combination of mobility stuff
- SS1 info: 4 rounds
on leg swings, none of the normal hip popping. chalk it up to digging the lacrosse ball in there nice and good.

- shoot around x 15 minutes
bend your knees, bend your knees, bend your knees

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on September 29, 2011, 11:03:04 pm
Light increases alertness, you're normal.

That article is about something else but in the abstract it does say this
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2011, 12:04:47 am
Light increases alertness, you're normal.

That article is about something else but in the abstract it does say this

thanks for the link. would be interested to see some kind of cognitive study on that. pubmed search coming up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2011, 07:07:53 pm
first real workout in a week at least. holla.





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = none really
FATIGUE = none

- warm up

- DSVJ x 4

- DLRVJ x ~30
major consistency prize, nothing below 31 until the very end and most 32. stopped when i had two jumps in a row around 30.5. best jumping ever with people around.

- MR 1/2 tucks 3 x 15

- jump squat 3 x 2

- MSEM squat 2 x 3

- OHP 5 x 105, 3 x 115, F(3) x 125
another in the tank

- chin 5 x 5

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 03, 2011, 10:52:00 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left acromion process tweaking during setup for
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- line hops 3 x 10s


awful, bagged it after one jump. not worth it when my legs feel that heavy

- depth jump 3 x 5

- squat x 5,5,10 x 265
felt good, lost focus on the last couple reps of the last set but it was still easy

- chin x 5,5,5,5,8

- dip x 10,10,8

- stretch

meh. shitty workout. whatever.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2011, 11:49:23 am
yay, site's back. whiny assholes of the world unite!

last week blew because of work, so






BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = shoulders and neck, too much sitting and too much stress
FATIGUE = very high

at work until really late, didn't get to the gym until 9

- warm up

- foam roller x a million years
felt awesome, by the time i was done it was 10 until 10 and i had to leave

BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left acromion process tweaking during setup for squats... not as bad as that one time
FATIGUE = very high
- warm up

- sprints 4 x 10y

- DSVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x ~20
started out awesome, was totally in the mindset of, "fuck yes, i'm gonna PR right now." then went to get my phone so i could do some filming and couldn't find it. freaked out a little bit, eventually found it but by that point CNS excitement was down. jumped meh, ~31, by i was getting easy 32+ on my first couple of jumps so i'm pretty pissed. better luck today.

- jump squat 3 x 2 x 95

- MSEM squat 2 x 3 x 315
not great, not bad. will cut down to 305 next time and see how that does. more important to be solid and fast than to have those extra ten pounds.

- OHP 3 x 105, 3 x 115, 4 x 125
possible PR on the last set?

- chin ups 5 x 5

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 12, 2011, 12:06:22 am
diet and sleep sucked this weekend, through lunchtime today. was violently sick on monday morning. kind of confused about it, as this is the second weekend in a row that i've had bizarre severe-hangover-like symptoms despite moderate drinking. it's not really like a hangover, either, the headache and nausea just feel different and last weekend was different from this. very weird. discipline has been poor in general, time to refocus. can't blame work anymore, that beast of a proposal is behind me and i have control of evenings and stress levels again for the most part. more foam rollering, more sleep, more veggies, fewer sweets, more sleep, more stretching, fewer sweets, more protein.





BW = ???
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- sprints 2 x 10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x ~20
didn't feel great but it seems as though my baseline "meh" day has gone up 1-1.5" from where it was even a month ago. so that's good. was around 31-31.5 for most jumps.

- MR half tuck x 20,15,15

- jump squat 3 x 2 x 95

- MSEM squat 2 x 3 x 315
felt good so went for the third plate, do not regret it. strong except for the last rep, when i lost focus. must work on focus. shooting free throws is a good way to do that.

- OHP 5 x 115, 3 x 125, 1 x 135

- shoot around to cool down a bit
meh, ended with 38/50 FTs, which sucks even by my standards. oh well.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on October 12, 2011, 12:23:36 pm
doesnt matter, my FTs suck more than yours.

havent tried shooting 50 in a row, but i bet its highly possible its less than 38/50  :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 14, 2011, 10:10:10 am
last night. i always forget that thursday is old man basketball night. except now there's these three young dudes, including one who has to have been a D1 athlete of some sort. 6-2 or 6-3, probably 215-220, long legs, jacked if not super lean, can dunk without trying. he's not much better than i am at basketball, which is kind of funny.

anyway, it worked out because volume day is supposed to be depth jumps, anyway. gym was too fucking crowded.





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left forearm and elbow  :highfive:
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- MR half tucks 3 x 15

- depth jumps 3 x 5
meh, too many people around, hard to jump when at the back of my mind i'm worried i'm going to run into someone

- squat 3 x 5 x 275

- fat bar BOR 3 x 8 x 125
felt like mixing it up, forearm bugging so didn't want to do chin ups

- stretch

- shoot around x 10 minutes
handles are a little better, almost by accident. still laughable, but not AS laughable.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2011, 08:07:48 pm
basketball league has started up again, so no court access. damn it.





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left elbow

- warm up

- depth jumps 3 x 5
meh, third set best

- MR half tuck 3 x 15

- jump squat 3 x 2 x 95

- MSEM squat 2 x 3

- stretch

- shoot around a bit

- DLRVJ x a few
considering it was end of the workout, pretty okay, easily getting a knuckle over the rim.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2011, 11:33:56 pm
crossfitters taking up the whole motherfucking gym until 8 PM, nearly lost my shit when i realized the class was too big to leave even a little space for me to jump at one of the rims. i need to relax. warmed up, realized i wasn't gonna get to do anything, hung out for a bit, warmed up again starting at like 7:45 and went from there.





BW = ???
SORENESS = left glute
ACHES/INJURIES = left tricep post workout

- warm up

- sprints 2 x 10y
uphill, outside

- DSVJ x 5-6

- DLRVJ x 12-15
a few very good jumps, mostly ok to good, split the skin on the back of my pinky finger grabbing the rim. not exactly sure how that happened. just looked down and there was blood there. 31.5-32 consistently for a stretch of 5-6 jumps.

- ME pogos 3 x 5

- squat MSEM 2 x 3
form pretty tight on all reps, first three were hard, second three were not.

- shoot around x 20 minutes
was hearing who's inside the three point line, was hearing clangs outside the three point line. it's like a switch goes off in my brain when i cross the stripe.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2011, 08:44:25 pm





BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 10y

- DSVJ x 4

- DLRVJ x 15-20
started off okay, drop steps were pretty good, too. then everything went to shit and i lost an inch plus, couldn't figure out why. bah.

- ME pogo 4 x 5

- MR half tuck x 15,20,20

- OHP 3 x 8 x 95

- chin up 3 x 8

- ab wheel 3 x 20

- stretch

meh. been neglecting upper a bit. what i did today wasn't especially hard, though, so i don't seem to have lost too much.

also, i think i'm going to try another month or two on the current volume-MSEM-MSEM-reactive cycle i've been on, then re-test, then start smolov junior, eat a ton and see if gaining a little bit of weight doesn't help boost my squat a bit. winter is the time to do that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2011, 12:06:37 pm





BW = ???
SORENESS = traps a little
FATIGUE = oddly high

- tennis with dad x ~an hour
awful. just awful. i was all over the damn place until about 40 minutes in. to gym...

shit, forgot that sundays have basketball all the way up to closing time now.

- warm up

- DL line hops 4 x 10s

- depth drops 2 x 5 x ~36"
have vid, will post asap

- REA squat 3 x 135

- jump squat 3 x 135

felt like crap and it was getting late so i just called it. gonna go again tonight and do what i actually meant to do (volume day).

EDIT: modifying reminder to remove foam rolling from before workout. i don't think it actually helps and it takes up a lot of time. better off leaving until the end of the workout or off days. still need to be more consistent about it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2011, 09:41:28 am
last night:





BW = ???
SORENESS = traps a little
ACHES/INJURIES = right wrist
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- sprint 4 x 10y
felt pretty fast, lighter on my feet than usual

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x ~15
first jump was best, all downhill from there. kind of a shitty day. could be that i slipped on the second jump but it wasn't a bad slip so i don't know whether that's it. still, my shitty days now are significantly better than my shitty days three months ago. progress! :highfive:

- squat 4 x 5 x 285
meant to do three sets. third set sucked, got pissed, fourth set was solid and fast.

- OHP 5 x 100,110,120

- DB row 3 x 5e x 85

- shoot around x 10-15 mins

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2011, 11:51:54 pm

last few days:






- lacrosse ball feet, butt, shoulders

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x ~15
inconsistent but flew on a couple. also, did something i'd never done before: hung on the rim after grabbing it. usually i release right away or i'm not quite high enough to get a good grab. but i actually hung there for a couple of seconds. yeah, that felt good.

- MR half tuck x 20,20,16
ankles bugging

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 320
solid but not great, will not go heavier on these for a while

- OHP RP x 8,3,3,3,3

- chin up RP x 8,3,3,3,3

- stretch


- warm up

- depth jumps 3 x 5

- MR half tuck 3 x 20

- squat MSEM 3 x 315,320

- SS1: BSS 10 x 110
- SS1: DB bench 10 x 110
- SS1: DB row 10 x 55/e
- SS1 info: 2 rounds, no rest between exercises, 2 mins between sets

- foam roll



soreness: butt, quads, back

- touch football x an hour or so
weird dead feeling in elbow/upper arm that i started getting while squatting, and previously had only gotten while squatting, came and went throughout.


BW = ???
SORENESS = glutes, quads, back, obliques
ACHES/INJURIES = toes, left elbow, radiating up and down, right wrist

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 12-15
a few really good, hung (dangled) on rim a couple of times, some other good ones, some okay ones. surprised given how sore i was.

- MR half tuck x 15,15,18
legs dead for some reason

- squat 3 x 5 x 285

- roll left arm on lacrosse ball x a bunch

- pull down 10 x 40,50
trying to get to where i can do a true full ROM pull up. can do a true chin up now but pull ups get stuck. will work on pull downs for the time being.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2011, 10:16:37 am





- PT session w/dry needling x 1 hour
went to see a guy in rockville who was recommended by a couple of my friends at the gym. he did an assessment and then decided to focus on my elbow, which is the thing that's been the most acutely problematic recently (during squatting -- all the sessions where it's been a problem were lost with the forum data). dry needling is weird, unlike anything else i've ever felt. we'll see tomorrow how much of a difference it made; today my elbow is just sore. i hope it works.

the guy also gave me some proactive things to do for my toes, to improve tracking, which is great. even if they don't work, it's nice to be told to do something i've never tried before. the other PT's and doctors i've seen haven't done that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 07, 2011, 02:03:39 pm


- DLRVJ x ~15
inconsistent but flew on a couple. also, did something i'd never done before: hung on the rim after grabbing it. usually i release right away or i'm not quite high enough to get a good grab. but i actually hung there for a couple of seconds. yeah, that felt good.


- DLRVJ x 12-15
a few really good, hung (dangled) on rim a couple of times, some other good ones, some okay ones. surprised given how sore i was.

Constant jumping progress , awesome!!!  :headbang:  :highfive:  :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2011, 12:10:32 pm
thanks vag  :D

last night:





BW = ???

- warm up

- sprint x 10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 18-20
worst jumping in a few weeks. the bright rim was occupied by a couple of dudes who had chosen the area right under it to do power-clean-to-overhead-press-to-burpee-with-hands-on-the-bar. once they finished i switched over there and jumped a bit better -- amazing what difference it makes, i almost wonder if it's lower but the rims are both straight and it's a regulation gym, so who knows. but anyway, mostly kind of bad but still not as bad as a few months ago. progress is a slow process.

- MR half tuck 3 x 15

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 145(kg)
used kilo plates because i was on the platform -- the racks were being used. weight was flying, felt light as shit.

- squat 2 x 4 x 125(kg)
same deal

- SS1: db bench 10 x 110
- SS1: db row 10e x 55
- SS1 info: 2 roudns

- pull downs 2 x 10 x 60

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 12, 2011, 09:02:28 am
slept like shit friday night, fell asleep in the afternoon instead of going to the gym and when i finally got around to it, place was closed.  >:( (i was up at my gf's in baltimore all weekend, so was relying on her school's gym). went sunday midday instead. also, my diet sucked this weekend. poor quality food, not enough protein, too many sweets. this is a problem when i go stay with her. need to think about a solution.





BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 10
these sucked, not sure if it was the strange setting or dim light or the fact that my legs felt heavy and dead. got one jump around 31-31.5 and the rest barely 30. ouch.

- DL bounds 2 x 10

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 315
standard, very good depth (stupid gym had mirrors everywhere so i was staring right at myself)

- lat pull downs 10 x 60,60,75

- stretch

also slept like garbage last night and had to get to work at 7:30, so i will try to work out tonight but don't have high hopes for much in the way of good performance. oh well. kind of a lost weekend training-wise.   :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2011, 10:07:54 am
last night:





BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x ~15
terrible, legs felt completely dead. dribbling around to rest at one point, i went to make a lay up and my left leg just kind of buckled. i wasn't even trying to jump high. still better than my bad days a few months ago but sheesh. pretty bad.

- MR half tuck 3 x 15
dead legs said, "nuh-uh," so i did ankle hops 3 x 10

- squat 3 x 5 x 295
harder than it should have been, which was not surprising given how ugly the first part of the workout was


- stretch

we had people coming over last night so i had to cut it off before upper body stuff. gonna get my rest tonight and hopefully have a bit more luck tomorrow.

the long weekend over christmas will be a natural break, so i think i will push until then and then retest and reevaluate on the 29th. test will be, in order of importance:

2. squat 1RM
3-10. vacant
11. OHP 1RM
12. chin up 3RM
13. dead lift
14. broad jump

reevaluation will include a look back at the year, which i haven't done yet in any kind of concentrated way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2011, 09:47:31 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left ankle (?), left toe badly after workout
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- sprint x 10y
felt pretty fast

- DSVJ x 5
low, 30-30.5

- DLRVJ x ~20
not good, best around 32 but it was just the once, most around 31. just had no bounce somehow, or was getting approach wrong, or something.

- MR half tuck 3 x 20
no bounce until third set, which was a bit better. i think i was just uncoordinated today

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 320
first set very strong, 4th and 5th reps only okay but last rep very strong. saved the workout from being a complete mess.

- lat pull down 3 x 10 x 70
pause at bottom, short rests

- dips 3 x 10
just to do 'em

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2011, 07:43:13 pm





BW = ???

- touch football/messing around x 1.5 hours

- rest x 1.5 hours
ate a cheeseburger and shake and some fries in this window

- warm up

- depth jump 2 x 3 x 30"
higher than i'm used to, a couple of the jumps were good and the rest not so much

- MR half tuck x 20,10(ME),20

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 320
easy-peasy except my elbow started hurting again. fffffffuuuu....

- lacrosse ball SMR

- stretch

gym was closing so didn't get to any upper body stuff. happy about the squats, might go up to 325 next time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on December 18, 2011, 04:17:31 am
Remind me how tall you are and what you usually weigh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Harvey on December 18, 2011, 04:52:11 am
It's definitely progress if you're hanging on the rim. There is actually quite a large difference between grabbing the ring and hanging on it. You can't hang on it if you only have the upper half of your fingers around the rim. You need the whole finger - well done on achieving this.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 19, 2011, 11:47:08 am
Remind me how tall you are and what you usually weigh.

height almost exactly 180cm (5-10.875, fucking doctor wouldn't give me the extra eighth of an inch to be a round 5-11), weight around 77 kg/170 lbs, give or take a kilo.

in the early summer i was down to 73-74 kg, after i got back from afghanistan.

It's definitely progress if you're hanging on the rim. There is actually quite a large difference between grabbing the ring and hanging on it. You can't hang on it if you only have the upper half of your fingers around the rim. You need the whole finger - well done on achieving this.

thanks man! hanging on the rim pretty much means 3.5" of clearance, which with my 80" reach means about a 33.5" vertical. to dunk weakly i probably need to touch 10-7 (someone correct me if i'm wrong here), so that means another 3.5" to go.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on December 19, 2011, 01:58:08 pm
What were you doing in Afghanistan?

You are around a 2xBW squat then?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 19, 2011, 02:49:52 pm
What were you doing in Afghanistan?

You are around a 2xBW squat then?

I work for an NGO and one of my projects is in northern Afghanistan, so I'm over there for 2-3 weeks a year. Might end up being more next year but we'll see.

Most recent actual 1RM was 345, or just over 2xbw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Harvey on December 19, 2011, 08:40:49 pm
So long as you've got the palming down pat, you shouldn't need too much clearance over the rim at all. When you're just starting, palming is by far the most difficult part. I get a foot over the rim and I'm constantly losing my grip on the ball right as I'm about to dunk.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on December 20, 2011, 02:04:10 am
What were you doing in Afghanistan?

You are around a 2xBW squat then?

I work for an NGO and one of my projects is in northern Afghanistan, so I'm over there for 2-3 weeks a year. Might end up being more next year but we'll see.

Most recent actual 1RM was 345, or just over 2xbw.

Nice on both accounts.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 20, 2011, 10:06:28 am
thanks my pine-tree worshiping friend.

last night. court was occupied by a make-up game. also i didn't sleep much on sunday night; i actually ended up taking an ambien around 1:15, which i never do. anyway:





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left toe like a motherfucker, left hip tweaked during warm up but no trouble during work sets
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- depth jump x 5,5,5
seemed like every third rep was great and 2/3 sucked. inconsistent coordination.

- MR half tuck x 25,25,25

- squat 5 x 295,295,295
easy, no elbow pain. after the second set one of the oly lifters looked at me, shook his head and said, "that is a perfect squat."  :highfive:

- lat pull down 10 x 70,80,80

- OHP 5 x 95,95,95
lazy, doing it just to do it

- stretch

left hip is creaky today. i feel like an old person.  :(

gonna go to the gym tonight, get warm and do some serious SMR and stretching and maybe a little upper body and core work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on December 20, 2011, 11:44:38 am
You always seem to use very high rep half tucks, is there a reason for that?? It seems to be endurance work.

You're squats are very nice btw...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 20, 2011, 01:51:59 pm
You always seem to use very high rep half tucks, is there a reason for that?? It seems to be endurance work.

You're squats are very nice btw...

25/set is the most i've ever done. but yeah, they're for connective tissue conditioning, a la adarq. if you go back a year or two in his log or his youtube channel, you can find videos of him doing hundreds of MR half tucks. i do them way submax, focusing on minimal ground contact time rather than height. it's a way to get in some reactive work without taxing myself as much as with big exercises like RVJ, depth jumps, bounds, etc.

it's funny, i never thought about it before but i'm doing them that way on faith. adarq knows what he's talking about.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 23, 2011, 07:12:39 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe, left forearm after jumps

- warm up

- sprints x 10y,10y

- DSVJ x 4

- DLRVJ x ~15
shit, a couple 32 but mostly 31 and i'm pissed because i felt really good. just couldn't get it together to get good jumps.  >:(

- squat MSEM 6 x 285

- unrack x 365,385

- pull downs 10 x 90,90,90

- DB floor press 10 x 110,110,110

- GHR sit ups 3 x 10

- stretch

so now it's a few days of relaxing and then test next thursday. i'll probably get some kind of activity in and i will stretch but mostly i'm gonna be hanging out with family.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 30, 2011, 02:07:21 pm





BW = 171.6
ACHES/INJURIES = left toe, worst in a long time
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint x 10y,10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 15
best jumps in a month, most around 32, hung on rim more than ever, had a couple where i got at least part of my palm over the rim. didn't wrap around on those so i'm not 100% sure how high they were but at the very least they're PR ties, so i'm gonna go ahead and say 34" :personal-record: :ibjumping: :personal-record: :ibjumping: :ibjumping:

- squat x 345,345(PR tie),350 :personal-record:
failed so hard on the first set: i psyched myself up too much, breathed too hard and ended up seeing double after i put the weight down. got video of that fail and of the 350, and of my weight. 5 pounds ain't much but i've been doing maintenance work at best for months now, so i'm still pretty pleased. 350/171.6=2.04xbw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on December 31, 2011, 01:53:50 am
Nice work son. finishing 2011 like a beast!

350 squat and 34" is next level IMHO. Keep it up :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2011, 01:33:22 pm
THANKS LOOPIE!  :highfive: :D

2011 was an okay year. progress has been pretty damn slow although it picked up over the last few months of the year. traveling doesn't help because of the detraining but it wasn't so much after all -- maybe two months total. i'm still at least 2.5-3 inches away from being able to dunk off a lob. but i set some PR's and i'm stronger and can jump higher now than ever in my life.

i'm a bit fat at the moment, probably 11-12% where i've usually been around 9-10%. i can still see my abs but only in the right light. obviously, i'm still not actually fat by any means. when i look at the other people on here with more or less my profile -- not super athletic naturally but dedicated and patient -- it seems like my best course of action is just to get stronger. that means building my squat while continuing to jump frequently to maintain and improve movement efficiency. it also probably means sucking it up and gaining a bit of weight on purpose. if i got up to 180 over the course of the next 2-3 months while pushing my squat on a relatively high-volume routine like smolov junior (hey dreyth!), then cut 5-6 pounds of fat and was walking around at 175 at 10% bf, instead of 170-172 at 11-12%, i could see a big jump, no pun intended.

TLDR version: here's what i'm thinking for the next two months

Monday: jump + squat 3x5 + upper push 2x8
Wednesday: jump + squat 3x5 + upper pull 2x8
Friday/Saturday jump + squat 3x5 + upper push/pull 2x8

Monday: jump + squat MSEM x6, squat 2x8 + upper push 2x8
Wednesday: jump + squat MSEM 2x3 + upper pull 2x8
Friday/Saturday: jump + upper push/pull

WEEK 5-7
MWFS: jump (low intensity OR low volume) + Smolov Junior + upper push OR pull 2x8

Monday: rest
Wednesday: jump test + squat test
Friday/Saturday: jump + squat easy 3x5 + upper push/pull

weeks 1-3 would start easy (squat's gonna be 3x5x260 today) and i'd try to add as steadily as possible throughout. same obviously goes for smolov junior. jumping will probably take a hit, but that's okay if in the long run it's higher. after week 8 i would reevaluate, especially w/r/t any weight/fat gain.

thoughts, anybody? lance? vag? kingflush? dreyth?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2011, 06:48:43 pm
last workout of 2011





BW = ???

- warm up

- sprint x 10y,10y

- DSVJ x 5

- 2-step VJ submax x 5

- DLRVJ x ~20
started off really shitty but got progressively better, ended up with most over 31.5, hung on rim a bunch of times. surprised and pleased given that i PR'd two days ago.

- squat 3 x 5 x 260
building back up...

- SS1: RDL 8 x 135
- SS1: pull down 10 x 90
- SS1: OHP 8 x 85
- SS1: decline sit up 10 x bw,bw+10
- SS1 info: 2 rounds

- stretch

i really don't need the RDL or GHR in there, after all.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2012, 10:33:36 pm
first workout of 2012. happy new year, y'all.





BW = 172
SORENESS = hamstrings

- warm up

- one-on-one knockout x12
played to 10 against a friend, got my ass beat. doesn't help that he actually, you know, plays basketball

- jumps x 15
mixed some SLRVJ in there because same friend came out and jumped a bit. he's a single-leg jumper and was amazed at how much higher i get off of two. jumped okay considering legs felt pretty lifeless, mostly around 32.

- MR half tuck x 10(ME),20,20

- squat 5 x 275,275,275

- OHP 8 x 95,85

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 03, 2012, 05:36:25 am
Happy new year and late congrats for the awesome 34'' PR !  :headbang:  :ibjumping:

As for the training plan,  looks good and solid for sure. Whatever includes much squatting and jumping will work anyway.
IMO you should give power drills a better chance. Being above 2*BW and rather lean ( fuck you for calling 11% 'fat' ) is strong enough.
On the first phase i would turn one day to 'power day' , better be day 2 , consisting of power cleans/snatches and heavy explosive box squats. That would help your ( lacking? 34 RVJ is low for 2*BW ) RFD and also leave some room for better recovery, resulting awesome jumps at day 3. You would still have 2 more days/week of ME squatting so you could keep driving it up.
Same for 2nd phase. You could do the 2x3 MSEM normally ( full ROM , ME ) and change the 1x6 to 1x8 in a power variation ( speed squats , box squats , explosive halfs , whatever ). Also i would give that 2nd phase some more time, like 2 or 3 weeks.
So after those 2 phases you would have been doing that scheme for 6 or 7 weeks and have a clear idea of how it went. If it worked repeat , if not curse me and proceed to smolov :D

TLDR version :  i mainly want to see how you will respond to power cleans/snatches and explosive box squats.

Just my 2 broscience cents.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 03, 2012, 11:37:01 am
Happy new year and late congrats for the awesome 34'' PR !  :headbang:  :ibjumping:

As for the training plan,  looks good and solid for sure. Whatever includes much squatting and jumping will work anyway.
IMO you should give power drills a better chance. Being above 2*BW and rather lean ( fuck you for calling 11% 'fat' ) is strong enough.
On the first phase i would turn one day to 'power day' , better be day 2 , consisting of power cleans/snatches and heavy explosive box squats. That would help your ( lacking? 34 RVJ is low for 2*BW ) RFD and also leave some room for better recovery, resulting awesome jumps at day 3. You would still have 2 more days/week of ME squatting so you could keep driving it up.
Same for 2nd phase. You could do the 2x3 MSEM normally ( full ROM , ME ) and change the 1x6 to 1x8 in a power variation ( speed squats , box squats , explosive halfs , whatever ). Also i would give that 2nd phase some more time, like 2 or 3 weeks.
So after those 2 phases you would have been doing that scheme for 6 or 7 weeks and have a clear idea of how it went. If it worked repeat , if not curse me and proceed to smolov :D

TLDR version :  i mainly want to see how you will respond to power cleans/snatches and explosive box squats.

Just my 2 broscience cents.

thanks vag! i appreciate the thoughts. the friend i was jumping with the other day had a similar suggestion, as have a bunch of people at the gym over the months and years. maybe i should go for that -- what could be the harm? day 2 (wednesday) is actually a good day to do power snatching because that's when i overlap with the oly lifters at my gym. my power snatch is still a hilarious joke, so there's nowhere to go but up, i suppose.


WEEKS 1-4 (power)
Monday: jump + squat 3x5 + upper push/pull 2x8
Wednesday: jump + power snatch + box squat ?x?+ upper push/pull 2x8
Friday/Saturday jump + squat MSEM 2x3 + upper push/pull 2x8

WEEK 5 (deload and test)
Monday: jump + squat easy 3x5 + upper push/pull 2x8
Wednesday: jump + power snatch + speed squat x8 upper push/pull 2x8
Friday: test

never done any box squatting. any recommendations for sets/reps/loading?

for the record, i wasn't calling 11% "fat." i just meant it relatively. maybe i should have said, "slightly less lean than normal."  :D i may not have good jumping genes, but i do have good leanness genes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 04, 2012, 05:46:05 am
Typical explosive box squats setup would be:
~60-70% 1RM , ~parallel height box , eccentric normal , sit for 1-2 seconds , explode up , 6-8sets*2reps , ~1 to 1:30 min breaks , bands/chains optional.
1RM percentage is shady though , might be too easy or too hard, pick a challenging weight for start and see how it goes and regulate load/break/sets. e.g. i would be ready for next set at 1 minute break , i liked to start with a weight ( ~185 ) and add 11lbs every 2 sets , stop adding when the start of the concentric was not explosive.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2012, 09:57:22 pm
still kind of trying to figure out what to do. some conflicting messages. so tonight ended up being a bit random. also i slept like shit the last three nights, so badly two nights ago that i postponed yesterday's workout until today. also i just had a really fucking terrible day yesterday. also, i need to change my reminder thing because it's not working.





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee super stiff
FATIGUE = high

- warm up

- sprint x10y

-DSVJ x3
terrible, barely 30

- DLRVJ x 10-12
pretty good, 32-32.5

- MR half tuck x 25,25,25

- SS1: squat MSEM x 295
- SS1: ME SVJ x 1
- SS1 info: 6 rounds

- SS2: bench 8 x 133
- SS2: pulldown 8 x 90,100
- SS2 info: 2 rounds

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2012, 09:58:49 am




BW = ???
FATIGUE = high

- warm up

- squat 2 x 315,315,315,315

- stretch

had a brutal headache, no way was jumping in the cards. also, i'm up in baltimore this weekend so no access to balance and also, i slept poorly. gf's room is burning hot and there's nothing to be done about it. the hopkins gym is weird, i guess much more like a normal gym than balance. makes me appreciate balance.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2012, 10:33:19 pm





BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee stiff

- warm up

- DSVJ X 3

too crowded. apparently there's rugby on mondays and tuesdays now.  >:(

- depth jump x 5,5,5,5

- MR half tuck x 25,20,20

- explosive parallel box squat 2 x 275,275,275,275,275
lol, i have no idea what i'm doing. these felt cool, i guess. speedy. (?)

- SS1: DB bench 10 x 90
- SS1: pull down 10 x 90
- SS1 info: 2 rounds

- incline situp +35 x 10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 11, 2012, 09:51:39 pm




BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee stiff, toes a little
FATIGUE = moderate, just felt a little burned out, long day at work

- warm up

- sprint x 10y,10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x ~20
 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
dunked a tennis ball repeatedly, probably 8-10 times. i've been able to jump high enough before but didn't have one on hand. anyway it's the first time i've ever actually put something through the rim. it felt awesome, i was giddy afterward. and i think i actually PR'd for height, too. true 34, for sure. sweet.

- squat 5 x 285,285,285
easing in, knee felt fine, good thing

- SS1: pull down 10 x 90
- SS1: DB bench 10 x 110
- SS1 info: 2 rounds

- stretch

so awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on January 11, 2012, 11:26:49 pm

- DLRVJ x ~20
 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
dunked a tennis ball repeatedly, probably 8-10 times. i've been able to jump high enough before but didn't have one on hand. anyway it's the first time i've ever actually put something through the rim. it felt awesome, i was giddy afterward. and i think i actually PR'd for height, too. true 34, for sure. sweet.


rock and roll man!

I vote if you can get a tennis ball down you need to buy a mini b-ball and dunk that too!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 12, 2012, 04:50:40 am
On the first phase i would turn one day to 'power day' , better be day 2 , consisting of power cleans/snatches and heavy explosive box squats. That would help your ( lacking? 34 RVJ is low for 2*BW ) RFD and also leave some room for better recovery, resulting awesome jumps at day 3.

- explosive parallel box squat 2 x 275,275,275,275,275
lol, i have no idea what i'm doing. these felt cool, i guess. speedy. (?)

- DLRVJ x ~20
 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
dunked a tennis ball repeatedly, probably 8-10 times. i've been able to jump high enough before but didn't have one on hand. anyway it's the first time i've ever actually put something through the rim. it felt awesome, i was giddy afterward. and i think i actually PR'd for height, too. true 34, for sure. sweet.

:headbang:  :wowthatwasnutswtf:  :personal-record:  :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 12, 2012, 10:17:21 am
^^^ lol, yeah, i thought about that. alright vag, i'll listen to your crazy advice.  ;D

maybe something a little texas-methody...

Day 1
squat 5 x 5 @ 80-85%
upper push/pull 3 x 5

Day 2
explosive box squat 8 x 2 @ 45-65%
upper push/pull 2 x 10

Day 3
squat MSEM 2 x 3 @ 90-95%
upper push/pull 2 x 10

okay, glad to have something to go on. here we go!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 12, 2012, 10:19:22 am


rock and roll man!

I vote if you can get a tennis ball down you need to buy a mini b-ball and dunk that too!

thanks loopie! i'm gonna try a soccer ball the next time i'm jumping that well. there were too many people around yesterday, didn't want to get owned in front of all the crossfitters.  :-[ plus if the ball had bounced off weird it'd have hit someone doing kettlebell snatches or double unders or something, and for all my hatred of crossfit i like all those people and i'm not an asshole.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 12, 2012, 11:08:26 am
LOL , was just kidding though , you were on a PR train already , you would have had the same results yesterday even if you did avishek RVJ deadlifts the other day!  :P

On a serious note , i really like that last template you wrote. Simple and zeroing in all the jumping essentials.
Maybe add a p-chain assistance exercise somewhere?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2012, 02:21:50 pm






BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee stiff

- warm up

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x ~15
meh, pretty bad

- MR half tuck x 25,20,20

- explosive box squat 8 x 2 x 225

- SS1: pull down 10 x 90
- SS1: DB bench 10 x 110
- SS1 info: 2 rounds

- stretch


- warm up

- DSVJ x 4
possibly PR, probably the highest DSVJ i've ever done, ~31.5

- DLRVJ x ~25
just wasn't getting up well, approach was all off. did a few tennis ball dunks but not that well.

the gym was closing soon so i decided to cut my losses, will go work out again today.


- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 18, 2012, 11:57:22 am
rolled into gym on monday having forgotten shorts at home. could find none in lost and found (they wash the clothes and then leave 'em in a pile in a back room), although i did find a t-shirt i'd lost. knee has been bugging consistently for a couple of weeks now, anyway, so it probably wasn't a terrible thing to rest a bit. foam rolling IT bands hurts but i've actually been doing it, so that's good. need to set realistic goals in order to have any chance of follow-through. full-body SMR every day is not realistic for me.

went to dinner at parents' house last night so no workout. tonight, hopefully will make rim make loud banging sound over and over.

forgot to mention that on sunday i tried to dunk with a soccer ball and it threw off my approach so much that i felt like a complete tard. holding a tennis ball is weird enough. oh well, just got to suck it up and get used to it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 18, 2012, 11:00:11 pm





BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint starts x 2
gym was too full to do 10y so just did a couple of bursts

- DSVJ x 5
awful, awful, awful, awful, okay

- DLRVJ x ~20
a bunch of tennis ball dunks, a few of which were good and a few of which i missed (lol). not as high as the first day i did them. got in my own head after about 13 or 14 jumps and started jumping lower. frustrating.

- MR half tuck x 25,25,25
springy! yes!

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 275
missed a squat day and was feeling tired so didn't want to push it. back to volume on friday.

- stretch

stretched just now, at home. gotta get up at the asscrack of dawn tomorrow for a call with pakistan, so i didn't want to be at the gym too late.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2012, 09:54:36 pm
went to gym with my little brother today, taught him a bit o' benching.





BW = 172
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- warm up

- bench 3 x 5 x 155
easy but not as easy as it should have been, lol. that's what i get for not benching for at least a year.

- bent over row 3 x 5 x 155

- SS1: ab roll out x 20
- SS1: lift 25 DB by head 2 x 5s each hand
- SS1 info: 3 rounds

- foam roll legs x 45 minutes
mother of god

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2012, 07:10:11 pm
this week at work absolutely kicked my ass. i'm not even sure why it was so bad -- i've worked longer hours and dealt with harsher deadlines before but for some reason i was just a complete mess at the end of the day on friday. woke up sick on saturday and was just out of it most of the day. had recovered somewhat by the evening and i slept pretty well last night. gonna get some more good sleep tonight, insh'allah, and try to get back on it tomorrow.






BW = 172
FATIGUE = extremely high

- warm up

- sprints x 10y,10y

- DSVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 12-15
bad, nothing over 31.5 and just felt slow and uncoordinated. i was jump-stopping, for crying out loud.

- squat 3 x 275,275,275
lol, weak as shit. ugh.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 23, 2012, 10:54:47 pm
i slept like 3-4 hours last night. no idea why. i was so tired at the end of the day that i got irritable, and i NEVER get irritable. i was snapping at people and shit. fully expected the workout to suck ass.





BW = ???
FATIGUE = high

- warm up
working on being able to do a criss-cross (or whatever it's called) while jumping rope. making progress.

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 18-20
really good out of absolutely nowhere. best since the first day of tennis ball dunks, i think. one definite 33.5

- MR half tuck x 20,20,15
did with a bit more intensity than usual, felt it in the knees. will revert to well submax for higher reps next time

- squat 5 x 275,285,295
last set best

- OHP 5 x 105,105,115
lol, at least it was easy

- hanging leg raise x 10

- L-sit x 10s,10s,10s,10s

- stretch

gonna do bar rollouts next time. core work good. gonna sleep now, hopefully for at least seven freaking hours.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2012, 11:44:14 pm





BW = 174, odd, must be getting fat ::)
SORENESS = hamstrings, left tibialis anterior, lower back
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- depth jump 5,5,5
awful, legs dead

- MR half tuck x 25,25,25
same deal, just slow

- speed box squat 10 x 2 x 225
one minute rests. box a little too high with 20kg plate, should use 35lb plate next time

- pull down 10 x 90,90,90

- bar roll out 10 x 45,55,55,55

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2012, 12:25:34 am





BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint 1 x 10y
didn't do second cause i was worried about losing my space under the hoop, people were trying to encroach

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x ~12
shite, best couple were 32. i should look back but it seems like i'm on a shitty:shitty:good cycle with my jumping.

- MR half tuck x 20,20,20
no endurance, usually 25 is easy but calves were getting super tight. weird

- squat MSEM 3 x 295,315

- OHP 3 x 5 x 115

- stretch

disappointed, although i wasn't surprised, even though i got a GREAT night's sleep last night. second stressful week in a row at work. hopefully next week will be a little more chill.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on January 28, 2012, 12:30:55 am
btw, jumping every workout won't help you much if your legs are dead. I don't think u need to add that note anymore to your log. imho.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2012, 01:02:13 pm
btw, jumping every workout won't help you much if your legs are dead. I don't think u need to add that note anymore to your log. imho.

lol, that's actually an interesting point. hm. the reminder thingy doesn't work anyway.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on January 28, 2012, 03:12:24 pm
i won't elaborate too much, but you do have to sacrifice RFD for strength and max strength for RFD sometimes so once you realize that, you see how jumping all the time isn't necessary, it will come in the end. It may even be detrimental in too high of a quantity in you're on a strength phase but your note probably is just to enforce that motor pattern. I've came upon this b/c I think RFD competes for strength so if you try to do both at the same time, it's just really hard fr the nervous system to pick which one to adapt to.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 29, 2012, 06:03:53 pm
^^^ motor pattern reinforcement was the right answer.

yesterday played in a dodgeball tournament to raise money for pediatric cancer or something. arm and shoulder are SORE.

today played touch football for an hour and a half or so. fun, chill, it was nice out. good to run around a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2012, 11:29:39 pm
right arm and shoulder still very sore from dodgeball tournament. high volume, high intensity throwing will do that. also i slept really poorly last night. need to keep weekend sleep a bit more consistent with the rest of the week. otherwise everything gets thrown off. did not get a chance to jump tonight because i worked until 7:45 and by the time i got to the gym a rugby team had taken over the court to do some exercises.

BW = ???
SORENESS = right arm, shoulder and lat; hip flexors
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- warm up
spent extra time skipping rope, good idea, getting better at it

- depth jump 2 x 5
surprisingly good

- squat 5 x 280,290,300
legs very strong but elbow bugging a bit. scary given last fall's persistent elbow pain. i think it was just the lingering fatigue, though.

- decline situps x10, +25 x 10,10,10
arm too much of a mess to do bar roll outs

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2012, 11:30:05 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right elbow, outside of left knee

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x ~15

- MR half tuck 3 x 25

- explosive box squat 10 x 2 x 235

- decline situp + 35 x 10,10,10

- stretch

disappointed. elbow was really bugging on squat set up. at first the pain went away after i unracked the bar but by the end it was bothering me during the sets. hoping that it's all better by friday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 05, 2012, 11:31:17 pm
yesterday (saturday):

BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee but not as bad

- warm up

- depth jump 3 x 5

- MR half tuck 3 x 25
higher than usual but didn't feel light. endurance good.

- squat MSEM 3 x 315, 3 x 325
strong, no elbow pain but a tiny bit of discomfort. should be better by next workout.

- SS1: pull down 5 x 120,110
- SS1: OHP 5 x 115,155
- SS1 info: 2 rounds

- bar rollouts 3 x 115

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2012, 09:25:45 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe, right elbow after the start of the workout

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x ~8
started pretty well, got the tennis ball out, got a couple of decent jumps with it and then landed awkwardly on my right toe. lots of pain, total CNS shutdown, i could barely get a knuckle over the rim. cut it off. also got really pissed about it and whipped the tennis ball against the wall. elbow, which had been fine, was not pleased. dumbass.

- MR half tuck 3 x 30
was gonna try to up the reps a bit on these but cut them out because of toe.

- squat 5 x 300,300,300
easy and strong except last two reps. i was pissed off, which helped.

- DB row 2 x 10e x 75
too heavy

- decline sit up + 35 x 3 x 10
one more workout at this weight and then bump to 45. second set was done as explosively as possible.

- a few random bar roll outs and two standing ab wheel rollouts
a friend was trying to figure out what core exercise to add to his routine so i suggested bar roll outs. he didn't get it so i demonstrated. he couldn't do them at all, even with 65, so out came the ab wheel. had to show off. :D

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2012, 09:20:49 pm
BW = 174.6 (fatttttty fat fat  ::))
SORENESS = abs, right tricep (?)

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x ~15-17
best in a while, consistent 32.5-33.5 in the middle but got owned a couple of times with the tennis ball.  :-[

- MR half tuck 3 x 30

- explosive box squat 10 x 2 x 245

- OHP 2 x 5 x 120, 3 x 120 + 2 x 115
failed last set, dropped five pounds and got the last two reps right away. sticking with 120 next workout.

- bar roll outs
spared abs

- jump rope x 10 minutes

- foam roller x 15 minutes

- stretch

- SMR quads with tiger tail

nice workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 09, 2012, 12:44:11 pm
considering doing a tough mudder in september. seems like a ton of fun and not that much additional training would be necessary. probably a bit more cardio but i should be doing that anyway. and some gymnastics stuff, which i want to be doing anyway, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2012, 09:44:26 am
last night, just wanted to get my HR up a bit.

BW = ???
SORENESS = abs a tiny bit

- warm up

- jump rope x 20-25 minutes
threw in some mobility stuff every once in a while. need my own rope that doesn't blow.

- bunch of random crap, handstands, whatever x 20 minutes
more mobility stuff and stretching thrown in

- shoot around x 15 minutes

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: chrisbro1 on February 11, 2012, 10:35:25 am
considering doing a tough mudder in september.

I've been talked into doing the one in Wisconsin this September. I'm not looking forward to the extra cardio & strength loss that will come with training for it but I enjoy a good challenge and it looks like this will be one. 

Good luck if you decide to do it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2012, 06:52:55 pm
considering doing a tough mudder in september.

I've been talked into doing the one in Wisconsin this September. I'm not looking forward to the extra cardio & strength loss that will come with training for it but I enjoy a good challenge and it looks like this will be one. 

Good luck if you decide to do it.

oh man i'm not gonna train for it. not much, anyway. i'll do some extra cardio over the next few months if i decide to go for it, but not so much that it'll detract from regular training. if i feel like it's slowing or taking away gains, i'll stop training and run the thing cold. doesn't look very hard.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2012, 08:54:19 pm

BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 10y

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 8-10
actually took avishek's advice and stopped because these were just awful. no explosion, really slow. wack. avoided throwing my arm out in frustration, though. so there's that.

- MR half tuck 3 x 30
didn't seem worth it given how slow i was

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 320

- ab roll out 3 x 10 x 115

- stretch

- messed around a bit with jimmy on some bodyweight stuff


- helped brother move a bunch of furniture, including my parents' old iron fold-out couch. grip shot, lol.

- touch football x ~90 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2012, 11:32:53 pm
BW = 174
SORENESS = forearms, left bicep a tiny bit
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up
played knockout with a buddy, worked much better than sprinting. i think i usually don't warm up hard enough and my CNS doesn't really get going. reminds me of something kingfish said once about jumping better after a few games of pickup. first to ten knockout, one-on-one, did the trick tonight.

- DSVJ x 3
i think the first was a PR or at least a PR tie, around 31.5

- DLRVJ x ~10
would have done more but everything fell off after  :personal-record: tie, and PR for reps: at least two jumps at 34+ and a few more 33-34.

- MR half tuck 3 x 30

- squat 3 x 5 x 305
also a PR, despite the fact that my warmups felt heavy as shit. pleased that i sucked it up and went with the heavier weight anyway. ended up being hard but not killer.

- OHP 3 x 5 x 115
more weight next time

- DB row 5 x 60, 2 x 5 x 75
lol, weak. grip was shot due to arm soreness. should use straps next time.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on February 14, 2012, 01:25:10 am
- DSVJ x 3
i think the first was a PR or at least a PR tie, around 31.5

- DLRVJ x ~10
would have done more but everything fell off after  :personal-record: tie, and PR for reps: at least two jumps at 34+ and a few more 33-34.

Nice work son. Super impressed with the 31.5" SVJ.

Multiple 34"+ jumps!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 14, 2012, 05:07:01 am
 :highfive:  :headbang:  :ibjumping:

Taking a recent PR to repeatable status is awesome!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 14, 2012, 10:08:00 am
thanks fellas!  :D

loopie: it was a drop step jump. my standing vert is still lol-worthy, but mostly because i never practice it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on February 14, 2012, 11:16:53 am
Very nice job man...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 15, 2012, 09:48:40 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe, outside middle of right foot, calves super stiff, something weird in my lower left back, no big deal it's just there
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 4
didn't have it, jumps were slow/low, stopped. and my calves new experiment: when jumps are garbage, just stop. the motor pattern is there now.

- jump rope x a bit
calves, bro. calves. they were dead.

- speed box squat 10 x 2 x 250
too heavy for speed work. dialing back to 240 next week.

- OHP 3 x 5 x 120

- paused lat pull down 3 x 10 x 90

- MB OH slam 3 x 10 x 14
so much fun.

- stretch

kind of a shitty workout but that's okay. happens. i'm going to do some horizontal pushing and pulling for upper next time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on February 20, 2012, 08:29:10 pm
The motor pattern is there now... Meanin Ur jumps are alot more fluid?
Nice, repeatable 34 just means a 35 is imminent!

I rember I once said ur jumps were quite slow, good to hear its nice now. Take a vid!

Now I'm the one who can't go into my jumps fast ahahah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 21, 2012, 02:57:26 pm
haha thanks cowed, i hope 35 is coming up. although i dunno about today. was in NYC over the weekend visiting my brother and some friends so didn't get a work out in. walked around a bunch, which was good until it wasn't -- i can hike for weeks but stand my on a hard, flat surface and my legs get unhappy after a few hours. hamstrings feeling a bit beat up. also, on saturday night i got a crucial knot/spasm in the bottom of my left foot, just behind the ball. had to limp for a while. sucked. worked it out later that night and the next day with a tennis ball and my fingers and it's okay now. i'm used to foot pain but this was different.

anyway, i did work out on friday:

BW = ???
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

-  DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 8-10
one 32, rest shite, stopped

- MR half tuck 3 x 20
calves still a little beat up feeling, reduced volume accordingly

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 325

- dead lift worked up to a single of 365 --  :personal-record:, lol. tried 405 after that but it wouldn't budge and i didn't care enough to try harder and risk back issues. just goofing off.

- bench 2 x 5 x 145 (?)
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak. could have done more but still, do not like how weak this has gotten.

- DB row 10e x (?)

- some core something or other, i forget

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 21, 2012, 09:44:27 pm
BW = 174
ACHES/INJURIES = left hamstring, right toe
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up
tried to get some knock out going but no takers among the assembled crossfitters.

- DSVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 2
shitty, plus then crossfit took over the entire gym

- depth jump 4 x 3 x 18"
pretty good, i think. need to figure out where the jump mat is.

- MR half tuck 3 x 20
okay, arm swings timed really well somehow. better than usual.

- squat 2 x 310 (drop, 3 x 305), 3 x 305 (F), 5 x 295
just awful. felt totally unstable, lower back was just not there. didn't help that i failed in the middle of the second set. 3 x 5 x 305 was solid last week.

- bench 2 x 5 x 135, 12 x 135
starting 5/3/1 for this now, gonna get respectable again before summertime.

- Pendlay row 3 x 8 x 135

- hanging leg raise 2 x 10
messed around with some curls and tricep kickbacks.

- foam roll

- stretch

just terrible overall. the extensive concrete walking and standing yesterday without a break, followed by 5.5 hours in the car, didn't help.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 24, 2012, 11:58:41 pm
odd week. didn't work out yesterday because the three guys i lived with in college all converged on baltimore. we all live in different places now so the opportunities to chill together are pretty rare. couldn't pass it up.

BW = 174
ACHES/INJURIES = none :highfive:
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 8-10
meh, 31-32. not very good but felt better than the last couple of workouts. smoother. just no pop.

- MR half tuck 3 x 30

- speed box squat 10 x 2 x 240

- bench 2 x 3 x 145, 13 x 145

- chin up x 10,7,8

- ab roll out 3 x 10 x 120
too easy. did a few standing roll outs, too. had to show up a doubter.

- OH MB slams 3 x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2012, 09:23:47 am

- touch football x ~60 mins

fun times. played pretty well, had two TD passes and a catch and a bunch of key PBUs, including one with my head, lol. i have to cover the quickest guy on the field, so i did get juked out of my boots a couple of times. blame it on the mud and not wearing cleats ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 27, 2012, 03:27:15 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2012, 10:48:46 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe, ball of right foot
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 12-15
bad, 31-31.5, one 32

- MR half tuck 3 x 30
sharp pain immediately after starting on the lateral side of the ball of my right foot. stopped. wtf.

- REA squat 3 x 3 x 135
subbed (ish) for the half tucks

- squat MSEM 3 x 325, 3 x 330
325 strong as heck, 330 slow

- bench 5 x 135, 3 x 145, 12 x 155

- DB row 3 x 10e x 60

- MB OH slam 3 x 10 x 12

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on February 28, 2012, 06:12:30 am

Soccer is soo gay and this is coming from a non-american!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 28, 2012, 09:54:34 am
But it's still "foot" and "ball". Not sure where "soccer" is coming from. That's like me saying "basketball" to freesby and the reverse.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2012, 12:30:34 pm
But it's still "foot" and "ball". Not sure where "soccer" is coming from. That's like me saying "basketball" to freesby and the reverse.

"soccer" is english. it was originally an abbreviation and adaptation of "association football," which is what soccer is still technically called in england.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on February 28, 2012, 12:59:06 pm
Just cos u dun play football/soccer doesn't mean it's gay mutumbo, hv u seen some YouTube highlights before?

Hahahaah raptor u try too hard sometimes...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2012, 10:04:41 pm
BW = ???

- jog x 22 mins, 2.4 miles, 9:10 pace

- stretch

just felt like running a little bit. kept it super slow, breathing nice and easy. should do something lower-impact, like jumping rope, but it's not feasible at home and i couldn't make it to the gym tonight cause it's my bro's birthday and i didn't get home and get my shit together in time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on February 28, 2012, 10:11:34 pm

I, too, find it funny why the English called it soccer as well.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2012, 11:21:46 pm
i've suddenly started gaining a little weight. was steady at ~169-172 for a long time -- couple of years and in the last couple of weeks that's picked up to a consistent 175-176. no cause for concern but i gotta get my diet back on track. more discipline is needed. not gonna start counting calories yet or anything like that. just less sugary shit. too bad i just bought a bunch of cinnamon rolls at the store the other day.

might could crush those and some of the other nasty shit i have in my house and then start mild carb cycling next week: more on workout days, low on non-workout days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2012, 11:08:27 am
last night:

BW = ???

- warm up

- realize, "there is no fucking space to properly warm up or do even 5-yard sprints right now"

- get pissed off, then deflated

- decide, "fuck it, i'm gonna squat a tiny bit then come back tomorrow"

- squat 1 x 315

- foam roller

- stretch

fuck crossfit, fuck boot camp, fuck rugby.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 02, 2012, 10:02:02 am
BW = 172
ACHES/INJURIES = that weird spot next to the ball of my right foot, right toe
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~20
best jumps in a little while but that says more about how shitty i've been jumping. a few 32.5-33, some easy rim hangs. but form/fluidity was really inconsistent. sucks cause i felt pretty good.

- MR half tuck 3 x 30
thought foot would be a problem but it didn't get worse after a couple of tests so i went for it. went to a height that usually ends up giving me knee pain but not this time. guess that's a good thing.

- squat 2 x 5 x 305, 2 x 305, 3 x 295
weak, didn't fail on third set but could not have gotten to five reps, so i dropped weight and finished. maybe i should stop weighing myself.

- bench 2 x 5 x 145, 13 x 145
rep or two in the tank but no spotter

- DB row 3 x 10 x 75

- bar roll out 3 x 10 x 135

- stretch

okay workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2012, 05:11:16 pm
BW = 172

- touch football x 2 hours

was gonna do gym afterward but game went longer than expected -- partially cause it's muddy and wet as shit so no one could score -- and now i have to go the grocery store before duke-unc. gym tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 05, 2012, 10:18:51 am
BW = 173.5
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up
major crossover breakthrough, got at least 8 or 9 in a row at one point

- depth jump 3 x 3
no explosion at all

- speed box squat 10 x 2 x 245

- bench 2 x 3 x 155, 10 x 155

- DB row 3 x 10 x 75

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on March 06, 2012, 12:49:06 am
Congrats on the PRs.
1. Definitely upload a video sometime soon. 34 is no joke. 31.5svj is also no joke. COngrats.
2. Sounds like depth jumps may be a good idea to focus on. Last time you did them was 2/21 I noticed. Maybe substitute it in for something else because if it really sucked today, that means there is a lot of room for improvement. So it's always a good thing imo when something "sucks," because it means it needs to be trained.

-one more perversion of thought: if your depth jumps suck, maybe also work on squat jumps (1/2 squat position - so fairly deep) to help yourself absorb force better in the eccentric. Do you have a slow eccentric in your SVJ? I would guess that you do if you cannot perform as well as your rvjs and svjs in a depth jump. It would also make since since you've been squatting for a while which results in slow eccentrics during svjs unless you're training fast eccentrics concurrently through a lot of jumping or if you are frank yang (who also trained very fast, and has the fastest SVJ i've ever seen in my life).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2012, 10:21:57 am
thanks avishek. i'll try to take some video the next time i'm jumping at all well.

i do tend to do depth jumps only as a replacement when the court is unavailable for DLRVJs. i shy away from them in part because there's no easy way to get feedback other than the mirror and my own feeling: it's totally possible that i was jumping as high yesterday as on days where i feel great but there's no real way to know.

what would really help is the jump mat, which my gym has at another location, where it's never used. need to just go get the damn thing myself.

also yes, my eccentric is probably pretty slow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on March 06, 2012, 10:56:16 pm
also yes, my eccentric is probably pretty slow.

THen you have no excuse. You can still track some improvements such as awkwardness of exercise, ground contact time, muscle involvement, hangtime sorta. You don't really need a jumpmat to train for jumping...modern day excuses ftw
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2012, 11:59:34 pm
meh, you're not wrong.

BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = low back a tiny bit post-training, left knee but only in certain movements/positions

- warm up

- DSVJ x 3
30.5-31, very good

- DLRVJ x 13-15
better than the other day, best in a while. hanging on rim easily. 32.5-33. dropoff was pretty steep, did a few approaches with no jump after that.

- MR half tuck 3 x 30
third set best, right calf got a little tight

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 325
strong except first rep of second set

- bench 5 x 145, 3 x 155, 10(11?) x 165
lost count on last set, lol

- DB row 3 x 10 x 75
no 80 lb DBs in gym, will stick with 75 one more workout and then try 85

- ab roll out 3 x 10 x 145

- SMR x 30 minutes

- stretch x 40 minutes

took some extra time at the end to really dig in a few places. felt good. nice workout

EDIT: diet for the last two days:

protein 174g
calories 2495

protein 208g
calories 2687
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 08, 2012, 09:34:37 pm
BW = 172.8
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee worse, right toe
FATIGUE = total CNS shutdown

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 5-6
barely touching rim, worst in a long time. ~30. combo of whatever's making me lethargic plus worries about knee, even though it doesn't hurt while jumping, equaled some terrible freaking jumps.

- practiced some approaches and submax DSVJ x ~18-20 total

- SMR for left ITB, hamstrings

- bench 2 x 5 x 155, 10 x 155
no spotter, had another 2 reps probably

everything else scrapped, no idea what happened. maybe i'm getting sick?

- SMR and stretch

awful.  :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 12, 2012, 10:25:23 am

BW = 173
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee much improved but still a twinge when i pull against resistance or internally rotate thigh with knee bent
FATIGUE = moderate

- tennis x 2 hours
shaking off the rust. had some good rallies and some derp moments. fun and good to get the HR up.

- overhead mobility work x 10-15 minutes

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2012, 11:19:48 pm
BW = 173
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee best in weeks

- warm up


- DSVJ x 5-6
near-PR on one of 'em, feeling peachy

- DLRVJ x 5
see above note about crossfit. it's hard to jump when you're weaving through two dozen people doing double unders, badly. every single jump was awful, despite my feeling springy and good.

- depth jump 3 x 5

- squat 335 x 1, 350 x 0
my squat routine has not been working, time to try something else.

- bench 2 x 3 x 165, 10 x 165
at least one rep in the tank

- pull up 5 x 173, 3 x 5 x 198

- MB OH slams 3 x 10 x 16

- stretch

weak sauce. squatting was rough after the too-long layoff. squat routine has not been working, as noted about. suggestions welcome, meanwhile i'm going to think about it more tomorrow. also, i have a week off at the end of the month. vacation. maybe i'll do the smolov intro microcycle, with low volume jump squats before the full squats.

plus eat more cows, as kingish says. yes...yes.....
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2012, 11:38:56 pm
also, it looks like i'll be back in pakistan soon, and maybe afghanistan, too. sucks from a training POV but i'm looking forward to it otherwise. will basically plan to jump rope and do a lot of metabolic stuff during those trips. ross enamait-style, probably. i'm out of shape, god knows i could use a good conditioning block.

in related news, i need a new jump rope. anyone have a good speed rope to recommend that:
1. turns smoothly, without snagging;
2. won't break within two weeks of regular use; or
3. is so cheap that i can buy 5 and not care when they break?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 15, 2012, 10:36:05 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee but very mild

- warm up

- DSVJ x 4-5
very good

- DLRVJ x 7-8
got a couple tennis ball dunks and a great jump without, 33.5. then a dude came over and started talking to me and by the time he was done i could not coordinate worth shit. it was ugly. stopped. i'm too nice.

- jump rope x a bit

- MR half tuck x 25,20,20

- squat 8 x 230,230,230 || 5 x 245 || 2 x 265,265 || 1 x 280
fast, easy

- bench 5 x 155 || 3 x 165 || 10 x 175
last rep ugly but got it, rest good

- pull up 4 x 5 +10

- ab roll out 3 x 10 x 185
boring, need to do something harder for core

- stretch

great workout, feel awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 18, 2012, 10:38:57 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee but very mild

- warm up

- ME broad jumps x 2

- MR half tuck x 21,20,20

- squat 8 x 230,230,230 || 5 x 245 || 2 x 265,265 || 1 x 280

- bench 5 x 165,165 || 10 x 165
no spotter, had one or two more for sure

- pull up 4 x 5 +15

- decline situp 3 x 10 + 45

- stretch

basketball game going on on the court, so no jumping. gonna work every day this week, per the smolov intro microcycle, then i'll be on vacation for a week. no planned workouts for the trip although i might play some basketball and i'll be doing some hiking. when i get back i'll probably do the intro microcycle again and get into things properly. likely pakistan/afghanistan trip will change my schedule around but there's no point planning for it now because i don't know the timing yet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2012, 09:05:29 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = upper hamstrings, quads
ACHES/INJURIES = left knee but very mild, right calf kind of tight
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- squat 8 x 230,230,230 || 5 x 245 || 2 x 265,265 || 1 x 280

- hanging leg raise 3 x 10

- stretch

tomorrow is gonna bloooow. i have to get to work by 5:45 or so to get something ready for people in almaty. will try to at least either get out early or take a nap in the afternoon. so inadequate rest is pre-ordained. still will try to do the last intro microcycle squat workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2012, 08:06:50 pm
BW = 172 (lightest in a while)
SORENESS = quads but very mild
ACHES/INJURIES = massive trigger point in right calf for much of the day but i worked the shit out of it and seems to be okay
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- warm up
three games of knockout, got my ass beat

- squat 8 x 265,265,265 || 3 x 285 || 2 x 280,280 || 1 x 315
so it turns out that after waking up at 4:45 and working from 5 AM to 5 PM, i can't count. progression should have been 245,265,280,315. but i did it heavier so i ain't even mad.

- bench 2 x 3 x 175, 11 x 175
with spotter (not touching the bar but psychologically it helps)

- pull ups 4 x 5 +20

- walk home

- stretch

so fucking beat. i was sleepy throughout most of the workout but only during rest periods. all sets of squat were excellent, good speed and very solid form. no jumps but that's okay on the third day in a row of squats. got some props on my squats today, too. all in all, a great workout. now it's time to eat and sleep like the dead.


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2012, 11:28:25 pm
check that, whatever's going on in my right calf/peroneal is back. apparently warming up makes it go away enough to ignore but now, several hours later, things are a mess.

i'm going into work late tomorrow so i'll do some SMR and stretching in the morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 22, 2012, 09:29:46 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- warm up

- MR half tuck 3 x 20

- BSS 3 x 8e
each rep paused to accentuate stretch in elevated leg

- bench 5 x 165 || 3 x 175 || 9 x 185

- pull up 5 + 25 || 3 x 5 +20

- hanging leg raise 3 x 10

- stretch

starting to get a little tweak in my left lat, under my arm. i did a couple of DSVJs during the warm up but there was just no explosiveness in there. better luck tomorrow if i can get out of work early enough to go to the gym. MR half tucks pretty solid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2012, 07:48:22 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 10-12
awful, all around 31

- lunge 3 x 8e

- GHR sit up x 10 || x 10 + 25 || 3 x 10 + 45

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on March 23, 2012, 07:50:31 pm
Have you ever tried using ibuprofen(or even aspirin) with caffeine, to help with any unusual pain? All through high school I never had shin splints, but my senior year I had interior shin splints. Hurt like hell, to the point where I was making no progress the first couple meets. Took some before warmups and I felt fantastic. Old coach actually recommended. Obviously you might not want to make that an every day thing, but you might want to try it before harder stuff if you have any pain that's really bugging you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 29, 2012, 04:39:04 pm
Is everything ok?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2012, 09:46:29 am
Is everything ok?

everything is grand vag, thanks for asking! i went on vacation to california and now i'm back. nine days completely off from training and, much more importantly, from work. i barely even looked at a computer. got to hang out with my best friend (and other very close friends), see some amazing sights and spend a ton of unbroken time with my girlfriend (it was her spring break from med school).

now, obviously, i'm sick with my first genuine head cold in a very long time. plane rides are a bitch.

no training today because i got home late-ish last night and didn't have time to unpack or go to the grocery store (my roommate apparently subsists on orange juice, beer, and hope while i'm out of town). also, see previous paragraph about being sick: i'd rather spend a day with a headache and congestion like this spreading germs all over the produce section than spreading them on the squat rack. back at it tomorrow.

also, it looks like i'll be headed to pakistan the last weekend in april, probably for two weeks. means i need to kick ass between now and then. as planned, that'll mean re-doing the smolov intro microcycle, the switching week and the first however much of smolov i can get through before i take off for islamabad. jumping before squatting, as usual, and bench and pull-ups after.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 02, 2012, 11:46:16 am
^awesome!   :highfive:

As for training , that's what we do , we build up and then we detrain for various reasons ( work/life )  , that's why we are stuck in low/mid 30's. Your plan sounds solid , go get it!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2012, 03:42:10 pm
^awesome!   :highfive:

As for training , that's what we do , we build up and then we detrain for various reasons ( work/life )  , that's why we are stuck in low/mid 30's. Your plan sounds solid , go get it!

it's depressing to admit that you're right. i'm stuck in the low 30's because i let work and life get in the way of training too often. i'm pretty consistent and i work hard when i go to the gym but i'm not consistent enough. as long as i'm in my current line of work the travel isn't going to stop anytime soon, but i can redouble my efforts to be consistent in the gym while i'm home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2012, 10:32:22 pm
BW = 170.8  >:(
ACHES/INJURIES = neck extremely stiff all day but loosened up a little during workout, left knee, right wrist during bench warm ups but not work sets, left VMO a tiny bit
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- SVJ x 10-12
atrocious. some of the jumps were just ugly, knees and feet all over the place. jesus christ. used padding on side of backboard and actually found gym's tape measure. highest mark put jump at ~25.5.

- DLRVJ x 6-7
submax/relaxed, still awful. coming back from vacation is a bitch

- depth jump 3 x 5
first two sets actually okay, used a really low box (~12)

- squat 3 x 8 x 230 || 5 x 245 || 2 x 2 x 260 || 1 x 280
not bad, actually. at least this is still light weight

- bench 2 x 5 x 165 || 13 x 165

- pull up 2 x 5 + bw || 11 + bw

- ab pull down 3 x 10 x medium band

- stretch

time to EAT
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2012, 09:25:14 pm
BW = 170.8
SORENESS = upper hamstrings, quads, VMO, glutes, lower back a little
ACHES/INJURIES = neck stiff but not as bad, left knee but not as bad
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 3-4
terrible again but no surprise. actually a tiny bit better than yesterday.

- DL line hop 3 x 20
one rep is over and back, gonna start timing these and will try to get below 8 seconds

- MR half tuck 2 x 20

- squat 3 x 8 x 230 || 5 x 245 || 2 x 2 x 260 || 1 x 280
second and third sets easy, all others hard. ouch.

- ab pull down 5 x 10 x medium band
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2012, 12:30:23 am
BW = ???
SORENESS = upper hamstrings, quads, VMO, glutes, lower back a little
ACHES/INJURIES = none really, normal little things but not bad
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up
soreness pretty bad, took a longer warm up than usual and included more static stretches

- line hop 3 x 20
all between 9 and 10 seconds

- squat 3 x 8 x 245 || 5 x 265 || 2 x 2 x 280 || 1 x 315
easier than yesterday by a lot. 315 a bit grindy, though. weak.

- bench 2 x 3 x 175 || 8 x 175

- pull up 2 x 3 +5 || 1 x 11 +5

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 09, 2012, 10:26:10 am
BW = ???
FATIGUE = low to moderate on saturday, very high on sunday

went out to a cabin  on the shenandoah with a big group of friends for my roommate's birthday. drugs were taken and/or smoked, large quantities of alcohol were drunk, excellent food was cooked and eaten. the weather was absolutely perfect and the location was unreal -- we had 15 acres of riverfront property to ourselves. and i was never more than mildly hungover thanks to massive water consumption.

 :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:


- BSS 3 x 8
using lunges to stretch thighs


- touch football x 60-75 minutes
made best two defensive plays of my touch football career. clutch.

- BSS 1 x 8


- tennis x 45 minutes

- BSS 1 x 8

today is more rest, per smolov, then back in the gym tomorrow.

also, listen to this song: (
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2012, 02:19:46 pm
BW = 173

- warm up

- MR half tuck 2 x 20
second set higher-effort

- squat 2 x 2 x 300

- hanging leg raise 3 x 10

- stretch

worked out before work this morning because i didn't have to start until 10, and i have an obligation tonight that i'd forgotten about. as such, kept things short and sweet. squats were very fast, bar popped easily off my shoulders at the top of each rep. will do some jumping and my upper-body stuff tomorrow, then back to normal schedule on thursday.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2012, 10:23:12 am
last night:

BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = little tweak on back of right shoulder

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~10
just bad. had a couple of good DSVJ during the warm-up, immediately after sprints. but then crossfit was using the exact area i needed, despite there being lots of open court space elsewhere. have i mentioned, fuck crossfit? more jumping tonight

- bench 5 x 165 || 3 x 175 || 9 x 185

- pull up 5 + bw || 3 + 5 || 9 + 10

- ab pull down 4 x 12

- stretch

- jump rope practice x 10-15 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2012, 09:06:47 am
last night:

BW = 172.5
ACHES/INJURIES = little tweak on back of right shoulder
FATIGUE = moderate to high: i've been sleeping well but i'm still dipping in and out of this fucking cold. felt bad last night.

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 8-10
awful, completely awful. absolutely no better than the DSVJ during warm ups. 30-30.5. i could have fucking cried, i was so frustrated. but i cut myself off instead.

- MR half tuck x 30,30,20

- squat 5 x 300
last rep grindy but no form breakdown

- mucho SMR

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2012, 09:29:08 pm
BW = 171
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- depth jump 2 x 4

- line hop 2 x 20
8.66, 8.62

- squat 4 x 9 x 245

- ab pull down 4 x 12

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on April 15, 2012, 10:17:40 pm
time to try that turmeric root?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 16, 2012, 09:25:24 am
time to try that turmeric root?

yes, thanks for reminding me. while i'm at it i'll pick up some rhus toxicodendron and make an appointment to get my subluxations checked out. oh, and to see what the tarot cards hold for my future. wouldn't want anything unexpected coming down the pike.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 16, 2012, 10:25:06 pm
BW = 172
SORENESS = a little in legs but barely noticeable

- warm up
included hip dips.

- tried a few jumps, had a couple of good DSVJ but on second or third DLRVJ i slipped. tried some more but it was ugly. CNS done with that.

- bench 5,5,7 x 185
should have had 8th rep but it was very grindy and spotter gave early assistance. doesn't count.

- pull up 5,5,9 + 10

- SS1: OHP 10 x 55
- SS1: BOR 10 x 55
- SS1 info: 2 rounds
i've been meaning to do some overhead pushing and horizontal pulling. will throw a couple of light sets in at least once a week.

- L-sit x 10s,20s,20s
i'm a pussy, could have done more on all sets.

- stretch

pleased overall. if only i could say that after a jump workout...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LanceSTS on April 17, 2012, 03:25:15 am
time to try that turmeric root?

yes, thanks for reminding me. while i'm at it i'll pick up some rhus toxicodendron and make an appointment to get my subluxations checked out. oh, and to see what the tarot cards hold for my future. wouldn't want anything unexpected coming down the pike.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 18, 2012, 01:00:52 pm
last night:

BW = 172
SORENESS = very mild all over

- warm up

best since vacation. still not very high, 31.5-32, but so much smoother and less clumsy than what i've done over the last three weeks. reasonably pleased.

- line hops 4 x 20
all 8.9x

- squat 5 x 7 x 265

- L-sit x F (40,20,30)
during first set a girl was like, "damn, luke, i didn't know you could hold an L-sit like that!"  :highfive:

- stretch

good workout. also, VERY IMPORTANT NEWS. i seem to have found a couple of gyms in islamabad with proper lifting equipment. if i can get even three real squat workouts in during the ~1.5 weeks i'm over there, i'll be overjoyed.

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :strong: :strong: :strong: :strong: :strong: :strong: :strong: :strong:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 18, 2012, 01:42:59 pm
- L-sit x F (40,20,30)
during first set a girl was like, "damn, luke, i didn't know you could hold an L-sit like that!"  :highfive:

L from LBSS decoded.  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2012, 09:41:59 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 10-12
meh, weaker than the other day. fuck.

- line hops 4 x 20
8.15 PR-like-substance, others all sucked

- squat 7 x 5 x 280
harder than it should have been but not hard

- bench 3,3,5 x 195

- pull up 3,3,7 + 15

- ab pull down 4 x 12
used wider grip, controlled speed. made it harder. nice. also, did a 17-18 foot L-sit rope climb up and down cause someone asked if i could do it. the answer is yes, easily.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2012, 06:31:12 pm

BW = ???
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- squat 3 x 3 x 300, 1 x 300

- stretch

nagging elbow pain from last fall, which had gone away entirely, came back. plus i was just not feeling this. could certainly have finished the fourth set, speed was still fine, but going ten sets just seemed like a terrible idea even if i could have gotten there. pissed because this should not have been a super hard workout. but elbow pain + insufficient recovery = fuck it. i rested yesterday (as rx'd) and today (though i was supposed to work out).

now that i think about it, trying to do smolov again is retarded unless i'm prepared to eat like a 16-year-old and sacrifice jumping. and i don't want to sacrifice jumping, jumping is the whole goddamn point. someday i would like to have a truly decent squat, but that does not have to be right now. i should be focused on jumping, speed, and explosiveness. also, fuck this stupid elbow pain, my whole arm felt like someone had punched me in the tricep all evening on friday and most of yesterday. been digging into some trigger points and stretching but it has not gone all the way away.

going to regroup and come up with a better plan. i love squatting to the point where it's gotten in the way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2012, 10:17:10 pm
trying to figure out what's next

BW = ???
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- DSVJ/DLRVJ x ~15-18
awful, just truly awful. so frustrated.

- sprint 4 x 10y

- skip for height 3 x 8

- foam roller ITB, hamstrings, calves

- front squats x a bunch with very little weight

- power snatch 8-10 x 65, 4-5 x 75, 4-5 x 95
guessing on the reps, didn't really count. failed on a couple of the 95's cause i was thinking too hard. technique still bad, not getting enough pop in my hips. on the bright side, 95 is super easy. also on the bright side, it's my first time power snatching in many moons.

- squat 5 x 245
so, so weak. oh well, build from here. might go back to my old MSEM 2 x 3 one day, MSEM 1 x 6 the other day. liked that. why did i ever switch off that block. idiot.

- foam roller quads
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow

- stretch
focus on rectus femoris and calves

i've rarely been more discouraged than i was while jumping today. it just felt so slow and i couldn't muster up anything better. no difference between DSJV and DLRVJ in terms of height.

basically, i need to think about my vacation like an injury, and the last month or so like time spent coming off an injury. shit happens and the only thing to do is regroup, come up with a decent plan, and keep grinding.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2012, 06:05:53 pm

:personal-record: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :highfive: :headbang: 8)  :D :personal-record: :highfive: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :o 8) :P :D :personal-record: :highfive: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :P :D :personal-record:

that is all. workout tonight will be upper and core only.

fuck yeah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on April 25, 2012, 06:09:01 pm
congrats man. 20%?

what are u doin again? and hahahaha, wats the pay package like now if u dont mind my asking?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2012, 06:55:32 pm
congrats man. 20%?

what are u doin again? and hahahaha, wats the pay package like now if u dont mind my asking?


25% man! more than i would have asked for if i'd been asked!

i make $40k now (but with very good benefits) and will make $50k as of tuesday.

i work for a large international NGO.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2012, 08:09:30 am
last night:

BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = area surrounding lateral side of left elbow
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- bench 5 x 185, 3 x 195, 3 x 205

- pull ups 5 + 10, 3 + 15, 6 + 20

- SS1: OHP 10 x 65
- SS1: BOW 10 x 65
- SS1: x 3

- SS2: MB slam 10 x 14
- SS2: L-sit x 20s
- SS2: x 2

- stretch

the elbow pain/discomfort was back last night after not being a problem at all the day before. did some digging around in there and it feels alright this morning. hopefully it's not going to turn into some nagging bullshit like it did last fall.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on April 26, 2012, 01:06:15 pm
Damn! I thought I was being optimistic when I said 20%, hardly anyone gets that much where I'm, but u one upped that.

U must hv been a key performer or some top kickass dude at work.

Great job!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2012, 11:48:38 pm
Damn! I thought I was being optimistic when I said 20%, hardly anyone gets that much where I'm, but u one upped that.

U must hv been a key performer or some top kickass dude at work.

Great job!

yeah i would not have even thought to ask for that much, but obviously i wasn't gonna turn it down!  :P

thanks cowed.


BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = area surrounding lateral side of left elbow

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 10y

- DLRVJ x ~15
for once not bad. first tennis ball dunk in over a month. also got owned a bunch of times on tennis ball dunks. but better than i've been. ugh. also, elbow started bothering me in the middle of these.

- skips for height 3 x 8

- MR half tuck x 20,20,15

- power snatch 2 x 40kg || 4 x 2 x 60kg

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 295
elbow was most displeased at this point. lots of lacrosse ball/thumb SMR. helped but i'm still feeling it a tiny bit.

- random core shit
elbow bothering me too much to do anything interesting so i did some decline situps and a few other things.

- stretch
focus on RF and calves again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2012, 06:58:07 pm
BW = ???

- girlfriend squat x 10,20,20
gym closed before i had a chance to get there, so i threw my gf over my shoulders (110-115 pounds) and squatted her a bunch of times.

- stretch

will do full workout tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 30, 2012, 10:44:51 am
new routine will be as follows. usually will have one day of rest between workouts, occasionally two. some days off will include light activity, e.g., tennis, touch football, hiking, easy running, intervals, circuit training, whatever.

a buddy pointed out the other day that my SLRVJ isn't just slow, it looks incredibly awkward. he said he thought i was going to roll my ankle or something when i did a right-footed jump. i'm a right-footed jumper, to whatever extent i'm a single-leg jumper at all. that needs fixin'. hence the SL skips and bounds. layups or other submax SL jumps will become part of my warm up.

Day 1
- warm up
- lateral line hop for time x (3 each foot)
- sprint 4-6 x 10-15 yards (if court occupied, sprint on hill outside)
- DLRVJ x (until dropoff) OR low depth jump 3 x 5
- skips for max height 3 x (4-6 each foot)
- power snatch/clean 6 x 2
- squat 2 x 5
- SS1: bench 3 x 5
- SS1: pull up 3 x 5
- SS2: calf raise 3 x 10
- SS2: core 3 x F

Day 2
- warm up
- lateral line hop for time x (3 each foot)
- sprint 4-6 x 10 yards (if court occupied, sprint on hill outside)
- DLRVJ x (until dropoff) OR low depth jump 3 x 5
- submax LRLR bounds 3 x (6-8 each foot)
- power snatch/clean 6 x 2
- squat 3 x 10
- SS1: OHP 3 x 5
- SS1: bent over row 3 x 5
- SS2: calf raise 3 x 10
- SS2: core 3 x F
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2012, 07:38:35 am
last night (plyo bits done with a buddy)

- warm up

- sprint 6 x 15y
it's nice to have someone to race.

- DLRVJ x ~15

- skips for height 4 x 6

- depth jump 4 x 6 @ 12"

- power snatch 4 x 40kg, 5 x 50kg
moar humility is needed. i still suck at these. stick with 40kg until i suck less, even though getting 50kg overhead is not hard.

- squat 2 x 5 x 275

- bench 3 x 5 x 180

- pull ups 3 x 5 + 15

- SS1: calf raise 3 x 10 x 50

- SS1: L-sit 3 x 30s,10s,20s

- stretch

legs were done by the end of this. GPP, commence! i know this didn't conform exactly with the plan but i'm not terribly worried about that. i felt good so the higher-volume depth jumps were fine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2012, 10:47:49 pm
didn't get out of work until 8 so ran out of time at the gym.

BW = ???

- warm up

- sprint 4 x 12y

- submax LRLR bounds 5 x 6
hilariously awkward and shitty. practice practice practice. i'm not nearly good enough for these to be hard; could have done 12 sets.

- depth jump 3 x 5
first two sets good, third set not as good but not bad

- power snatch 35kg x a bunch of complexes and reps

- squat 3 x 10 x 205

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2012, 06:15:34 pm
BW = ???

- warm up

- line hop 3 x 20
one rep is over and back. 9.1x, 8.9x, 8.7x

- sprint 6 x 5 yards

- depth jump 3 x 5

- skip for height 3 x 6

- power snatch
was running short on time, so subbed jump squat 2 x 3 x 95

- squat 2 x 280

- SS1: OHP 5 x 115
- SS1: pull up x 10,8,5
- SS1: ab pull down x 15
- SS1 info: three rounds, start each exercise on the top of the minute, plus one extra minute between rounds

** walk to field **

- touch football x 75 minutes

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 07, 2012, 11:36:38 am
this morning, i took one of the greatest shits of my life. epic in size, perfect in consistency. definitely a  :personal-record: over the past couple of years.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 07, 2012, 11:39:51 am
also, i've decided that upper body and core should be done as circuits like i did yesterday. much more efficient, keeps things fun, and i don't give that much of a shit about my bench. doing them the way i'd laid out just takes way too long. i don't mind working out for two hours but i don't always have that much time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 07, 2012, 07:36:19 pm
another  :personal-record: in my family today, a serious one this time: my dad just graduated with a master of arts in religious studies (with honors). eight years of busting his butt in night classes while working full time to put two kids through college and help another stay alive through serious medical issues; at 53 years old he found a new passion and at 61 he's turned it into a truly meaningful accomplishment that will shape the rest of his life. he's an inspiration to me.

 :D :highfive: :headbang: :strong: :) 8) :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2012, 09:47:11 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint 4 x 15 yards

- DLRVJ x ~10
horrendous. muscles sluggish.

- bounds 4 x 8

- line hop 3 x 20
8.4x, 8.8x, 9.1x

- power snatch/drills x a bunch x 34kg

- squat 3 x 10 x 210

- SS1: dip x 10
- SS1: bent over row 10 x 95
- SS1: ab pull down x 15
- SS1 info: 3 rounds

- calf raise 3 x 10 x 80

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on May 09, 2012, 01:10:04 am
another  :personal-record: in my family today, a serious one this time: my dad just graduated with a master of arts in religious studies (with honors). eight years of busting his butt in night classes while working full time to put two kids through college and help another stay alive through serious medical issues; at 53 years old he found a new passion and at 61 he's turned it into a truly meaningful accomplishment that will shape the rest of his life. he's an inspiration to me.

 :D :highfive: :headbang: :strong: :) 8) :highfive:

Truely inspirational story, much respect to your father for his accomplishment. Religous studies would be a super interesting degree to pursue.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on May 09, 2012, 06:03:34 am
^+1, congrats to your family LBBS.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 10, 2012, 09:52:37 am
thanks y'all.

last night:

BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe
FATIGUE = moderate

- rock climb/boulder x 1.5 hours

did not do much during that time as it's been ten years since i climbed anything above a 5.6 (went out and did some really easy outdoor top rope climbing about 5 years ago but it barely counts). but a buddy of mine invited me to go along to the largest indoor climbing gym in north america, which is coincidentally in rockville. so i said why not and it was a blast. my fingers hurt a little today and my forearms were burning like shit last night -- veins were popping out even 20 minutes after i stopped climbing. today most of the soreness is in my lats of all places. EDIT: and lower traps.

on my second climb i did a 5.10 -- not bad for my first day in 10 years! it was all downhill from there, though. bouldering was terrible because my technique is hilariously bad, although at one point i managed to finish an easy bouldering course without using my feet.  ;D got some street cred for that. once i started top-roping again my forearms were too tired for me to fight my way through stuff and i flamed out on a 5.8.  :-[

if it wasn't so expensive i'd seriously consider going once a week or something. great workout, incredibly fun, not likely to interfere with my main goals.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TheWoppity on May 10, 2012, 10:57:20 am
Is that the new EarthTrekks in Rockville?  (I climbed there 2 years ago b4 they renovated) 5.10 first time out in awhile is solid; unfortunately stamina becomes a problem really quickly in that sport if you don't train regularly
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 10, 2012, 01:26:44 pm
Is that the new EarthTrekks in Rockville?  (I climbed there 2 years ago b4 they renovated) 5.10 first time out in awhile is solid; unfortunately stamina becomes a problem really quickly in that sport if you don't train regularly

yup, that's the place. it's freaking amazing in there. huge, tons of ropes, they apparently change the courses all the time. but expensive if you don't have your own gear and aren't a member.

i'd say stamina became a problem within 15 minutes, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 10, 2012, 11:47:23 pm
BW = 172
SORENESS = traps
ACHES/INJURIES = persistent pain in left planter flexor throughout the day
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 5 yards
no space, needed to protect turf from crossfitters.

- DLRVJ x ~15
mostly pretty bad but one or two okay and one clean 33, a post-vacation  :personal-record:

- skips for height 4 x 6

- line hop 3 x 20
8.2x, 8.4x 8.8x

- power snatch/drills x a bunch x 34kg, a bunch more x 40kg
about 30 mins total, got a technique  :personal-record: on the last snatch of the day

- squat 2 x 5 x 285

- SS1: OHP 5 x 120
- SS1: inverted row x 20
- SS1: ab pull down x 18
- SS1 info: 3 rounds

- stretch


mostly kind of meh, but the one really good jump made it all worth it. such a relief.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2012, 10:05:01 am

- hike x 5-5.5 miles


BW = 171
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 15y

- DLRVJ x ~15
most solid session since vacation ("injury"). all 31+, a couple 32-32.5. nothing as high as the one jump last week but not as horrible as it's been.

- power snatch
gym was closing soon, subbed:
- REA squat 2 x 3 x 135
second set much better than first. focused on driving up as i was falling, if that makes sense.

- squat 3 x 10 x 215
super fast

- SS1: feet-elevated pushup x 15,15,25
- SS1: pull up x 5,5,8
- SS1: pull down x 12,12,30

- stretch

set up pull downs with the band higher up. much harder. tonight will try to get back in the gym for some recovery work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2012, 09:55:15 am
last night:

- foam roller/stretch x 20 mins
IT bands, hamstrings, soleus, quads, VMO
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2012, 09:38:58 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = hamstrings a tiny bit
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint 6 x 5 yards
only had half the court

- depth jump 3 x 5

- knock out x 10 mins

- DLRVJ x 10-12
bad, all ~31. tried a few SLRVJ, too. collapse.

- skips 3 x 6

- line hop 3 x 20
8.3x, 8.9x, 8.6x

- power snatch/drills x 15-20 mins

- squat 2 x 5 x 290
warm up sets sucked, surprised at how strong these were.

- SS1: DB bench 10,10,18 x 40e
- SS1: chin up x 8,8,9
- SS1: pull down x 12,12,23
- SS1 info: each exercise started at the top of the minute. chin ups really bad. used a thicker band on the pull downs.
followed immediately by
- jump rope 20/40 x 5

- SS2: calf raise 10 x 90
- SS2: curl 10 x 25e
- SS2 info: 2 rounds

- stretch

i'd tried a few DLRVJ before the depth jumps but they were really terrible. even though i ended up jumping badly, i'm glad i went back and did some more after the knockout, which was just opportunistic. part of my problem is still just technique: i'm jump-stopping most of the time. more reps can't hurt, really.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 17, 2012, 12:26:41 am
BW = ???

- jog x 7-8 mins
real easy

- stretch x 18 mins

- tempo run 12 x 35y
6s on, 24s off. very easy, obviously.

- skips, mobility drills x 5 mins

- jog x 6-7 mins

- stretch

got home from work and felt an overwhelming urge to get out and do something. don't want it to interfere with tomorrow so i just moved around a bunch. total time of "workout" was about 45 minutes and i felt awesome afterward. tempo runs are awesome, first time doing 'em in forever. also good to know that i can get to the field in under 7 minutes even at a VERY slow jog (took longer cause the entrance i normally use was locked, so i had to go all the way around). i still want to start playing tennis during the week. gotta get on my pops about that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 17, 2012, 08:17:36 pm
self-loathing and frustration peaking at the moment. went to the gym, warmed up, felt good, had some good DSVJ (~31) during warm up, good sprints. on first DLRVJ, heel slipped. then, total CNS shut down. i tried to take a break but could barely move my legs to shoot baskets. it was bizarre. also, it was enraging. warmed up again and did some bounds -- i'm so bad at them that they don't really require much effort. but then i just felt done. sat around for five minutes trying to will myself to get on with the rest of my workout, failed, and decided, fuck it, i'll get up at dawn tomorrow and go to the gym before work.

fuck it.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 18, 2012, 09:16:57 am
followed through this morning. self-loathing dissipated. actually had fun. way more people at the gym than i was expecting, including a basketball game.

BW = ???

- warm up
included lancests hip-ups 2 x 10e, focus on squeezing glute all the way through full extension

- depth jump 3 x 5

- line hop 3 x 20
8.3x, 8.6x, 9.3x (lol)

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 315
warm-ups flew, had to stop myself from clearing the ground on 185.

- SS1: OHP 10 x 95
- SS1: DB row 10 x 55e
- SS1: pull down x 15
- SS1 info: 3 rounds. all reps very fast, had to push press last 5 reps of OHP.

- stretch

i realized i'm leaving in basically a week, so i will switch to MSEM in hopes of having a couple of good sessions next week. west virginia a week from today for family reunion, then pakistan and afghanistan for three weeks. going to renew my search for a decent gym in islamabad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 20, 2012, 06:39:10 pm
BW = 171

- warm up

- sprint 2 x 15y

- DLRVJ x ~15
much better than it's been. also, sort-of  :personal-record:: dunked a dodgeball. PR for size of object dunked. got owned with it a couple of times and got one other jump where it went in but kind of off the backboard. so yay. would have needed at least 33 for each of those. the rest all 32-32.5.

- power snatch/drills x 15 mins

- squat MSEM 1 x 6 x 305

- DL 1 x 365  :personal-record:
lol. goofing off.

- SS1: suicide x 1
- SS1: tire flip x 2
- SS1: clapping push up x 10
- SS1: hanging leg raise x 10
- SS1 info: AMRAP in 10 mins. raced my friend henry. got 5.75 rounds.

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on May 21, 2012, 01:30:38 am
- DL 1 x 365  :personal-record:
lol. goofing off.

Nicely done.  :)

Has your deadlift gone up with your squat?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 21, 2012, 08:24:15 am
- DL 1 x 365  :personal-record:
lol. goofing off.

Nicely done.  :)

Has your deadlift gone up with your squat?

haha thanks man.

would have to check but i don't think i've trained DL in more than two years. so yeah, any gains i've made have been from squatting and whatever else.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2012, 09:07:45 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = lower back, lats
FATIGUE = high

- warm up

- sprint
on first 60% sprint my right lat was like, nope.

- bounds LLLL, RRRR x 2

- SL MR tuck jumps 2 x 10

- DL bounds 2 x 5

- MR half tucks 2 x 15

- depth jump
nothing firing. did some drops.

- jump squat 2 x 3 x 95
lat and lower back were not about to support snatching

- squat
low back, CNS

- stretch

have not been sleeping well, so very tired/low motivation. low back sore and fatigued from DLs, lats sore from leg raises. stupid but there you go. will try again tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2012, 10:12:05 am
BW = ???
SORENESS = lower back a little bit
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- sprint 4 x 10y

- DLRVJ x ~15
best since before vacation. at least two jumps at 33-33.5, all above 31.5, most around 32. of course, now i'm leaving for three weeks. well, here's hoping the gym in islamabad pans out.

- LL/RR bounds 3 x 8e
pause and reset between legs

- power snatch/drills
technique PR, starting to feel a little better. still using negligible weights. had to workout next to the basketball court (there are platforms out there) because the weight room was jammed. hot and humid. sweated all over the place, almost slipped on the platform a couple of times.

- squat MSEM 2 x 3 x 325

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2012, 11:25:16 pm
helloooooo pakistan. arrived in islamabad ~2:00 this morning. managed to get a lot of exercise in over the family reunion weekend out in wv but nothing like a real workout. will try to remedy that situation today but i likely won't be able to get to this gym i found until tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2012, 01:57:51 pm
BW = ???

- warm up
lots o' jump rope, made some kind of breakthrough on crossovers. effortless today for some reason. hurray.

- SS1: leg press stack x 10
- SS1: ME SVJ x 4
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, 90-120s between exercises/rounds

- MR half tuck 3 x 20

- SS2: pull up x 5
- SS2: dip x 10
- SS2: leg raise x 10
- SS2 info: 3 rounds, 30-45s between exercises/rounds

- stretch

good to get the blood flowing a bit. hopefully tomorrow will end reasonably on time and i'll be able to get over to this real gym and squat. knock wood.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 01, 2012, 01:33:27 pm
yesterday, i was more catastrophically tired than i can ever remember being. could barely function by 3:30 PM. no gym.


BW = ???

- warm up
trying a new jump rope move: crossover while running in place.

- SS1: leg press stack x 10
- SS1: ME SVJ x 4
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, 90-120s between exercises/rounds. put the seat closer to the platform, so the leg press was a bit harder.

- SS2: jump rope x 30s
- SS2: pull up x 5
- SS2: BSS x 10e
- SS2: dip x 8
- SS2: TTB x 5
- SS2 info: 3 rounds, start each exercise at top of minute. nice and easy. will go to outside gym tomorrow, hopefully squatting will happen. they say they have free weights, we'll see...

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2012, 10:52:48 am
went to "trims fitness fort" today, in the jinnah sports complex, which has a 49,000-seat stadium and what seem like some (former?) national facilities for squash and gymnastics. there was a football (communist) going on in the stadium but only about 15 spectators, including my driver. local teams, i guess.

the gym itself was more ghetto than i was expecting given what i'd found online but whatever, it had a squat rack. not sure how heavy the bar was but best guess is 10kg. it was a bit awkward at first cause nobody spoke much english and the place was mixed-gender, which threw me for a complete loop. anyway, on with the show:

BW = ???
SORENESS = moderate glutes, chest
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- jump squat 2 x 3 x 50(?)kg

- squat 3 x 10 x 110(?)kg

- SS1: DB OHP 10 x 13.5kg/e
- SS1: pull up x 5
- SS1: decline situp x 10
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, minimal rest between exercises and rounds
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2012, 11:41:28 pm
trip up north got cancelled so i'm still in islamabad.  :(

this morning:

BW = ???

- jump rope + stretch x 20 mins
slow improvements on trickery. got up to a few turns in a row with arms crossed, and something like 6-7 running in place and criss-crossing.

this evening (weights in kg as usual over here, 45s between RP sets):

BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- depth jump 3 x 5

- MR half tuck 3 x 40

- leg press RP 20+15+10 x 190 (stack)
not heavy enough but there's no more weight available

- DB bench RP 10+8+8 x 26e

- lat pull down RP 11+6+3 x 60 (+3x55 immediately)
too heavy

- ab roll out 2 x 10

- curlzzzzzzz 10 x 12e,10e

- lie down for a while because slightly nauseous

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 06, 2012, 11:17:43 am
had the worst/weirdest night's sleep last night. was super tired by early evening so fell asleep at 7:30. woke up at 8:30, no problem. but was still tired, so lay back down for a little bit. woke up at 1:20 AM. god damn it. took some benadryl, fell asleep again at 2:30, woke up at 9 with a headache from the benadryl. at least i slept through, today would have sucked to the utmost if i hadn't been able to go back to sleep. so 11 disjointed hours of partially drug-induced sleep. and a headache all day today as a reminder. ugh. also i had diarrhea from some fruit (i think) over the weekend and through monday and yesterday i had a freaking hemorrhoid. never had one of those before. it's a treat, let me tell you.

anyway, head hurt too much/was too foggy to do a real workout today. still made it up there, which i'm pleased about. better something than nothing.
BW = ???
FATIGUE = high

- jump rope/stretch/calisthenics x 30 mins

better something than nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2012, 11:14:45 am
BW = ???

- warm up

- depth jump 2 x 3
much higher depth than before.

- BSS left RP 12+12+9 x 44kg

- BSS right RP 12+12+9 x 44kg

- pull down RP 15+10+7 x 50kg

- dip RP 15+10+7

- stretch

short and sweet as it's getting late
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2012, 11:39:36 am
haven't worked out the last three days. on friday there was too much to do before leaving, then barely slept, was in transit (islamabad to kabul), then spent the day completely wiped out. slept well last night but was kept late at work because the driver had left and i had to wait for him to come back before i could get back to the hostel. now it's 8:15 and dinner ends in 15 minutes -- who the fuck ends dinner at 8:30? so it's work out or eat an as much as i want to do it i can't not eat dinner.

damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2012, 11:55:39 am
so instead of getting a good workout in today, i have been up since 4:30 with diarrhea, a headache and all over joint aching -- flu-like symptoms. But I'm sure it's just food poisoning. Felt well enough after work to get a little bit of exercise in but not much better than a warm up. Better than nothing.

BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = all over ache
FATIGUE = high

- jump rope + stretching + mobility

- jump squat 3 x 3 x 40kg (?)

- SS1: BSS 10 x 26kg
- SS1: DB OHP 10 x 13kg/e
- SS1: DB row 10 x 13kg/e
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, minimal rest

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2012, 01:03:57 am
ended up having a work dinner last night and then doing more work after i got home.  :uhhhfacepalm:

i've been thinking about what to do when i get back. there will obviously need to be a couple of weeks to get things back up to a reasonable level -- i hope the drop-off will not be as severe as my last couple of trips. at least i know i haven't lost ten pounds like i did in afghanistan last year. that was bad.

at any rate, i really like acole14's setup so i think i will steal/modify it for myself. once my strength is back up to a reasonable level, i need to increase my focus on speed, power, and reactiveness. strength is okay but i remain slooooow, SVJ is no better than 26" even though my DLRVJ got as high as 34+ and 32+ consistently for a while in there. and SLRVJ is, as discussed with raptor in the knee collapse thread, a joke. i think improving bounding, leaping and sprinting will give me a boost. literally. without further ado, draft plan for the summer:

warm ups will always include glute activation, e.g., lancests wall poses, and submax jumps of various kinds, including SLRVJ's, skips for height, tuck jumps, etc.

transition weeks will be (TF=technical failure, i.e., until it gets worse than normal):

- DLRVJ/depth jump x TF
- MR half tuck 3 x TF
- power snatch/drills
- squat 2-3x5-8
- Core, UB superset/circuit as I've been doing them

then once i've got the squat back up to ~2x5x285 again i'll start in on the fun stuff, as follows:

MON: Gym - heavy legs (mainly quads, glutes)
- DLRVJ x5-15 depending on feeling
- Squats 3x3 @85% OR 2x3 MSEM @ 90-95%
- BSS 3x8
- Calf raise 3x20
- Hip thrust 3x10
- Core, UB superset/circuit as I've been doing them

TUES: Track
- ME sprints 3-6x20-50m
- DL bounds 3x8
- LRLR bounds very submax 5x8-10 (i am so bad at these that i literally can't go ME)
- low-volume interval sprints

WED: Rest OR optional Cardio
- light jump rope/foam roll/stretch
- medium-volume interval sprints/foam roll/stretch

THURS: Gym (explosive exercises/hamstrings)
- DLRVJ x5-15 depending on feeling
- power snatches x10-15, doubles or singles
- RDL/GHR 3x8 (start really light, this is going to murder me at first)
- Jump squats 2x3
- Depth jumps 4x4
- Core, UB superset/circuit as I've been doing them

FRI: Jumps
- 6+ of each jump (DLRVJ, SLRVJ, SVJ)

SAT: Rest OR optional Cardio
- light jump rope/foam roll/stretch
- medium-volume interval sprints/foam roll/stretch

SUN: Jumps
- 6+ of each jump (more effort than Fri)

once again, all love to acole14 for the template. any thoughts? might try to do tuesdays and fridays in the morning, as those workouts will be shorter and that'll allow more rest before the next pair of workouts, unless people think that's dumb.

i'll follow acole's ON/ON/OFF schedule week-wise, keeping volume the same but dropping load in the third week, unless there is a planned off week that i can't help, in which case i'll go with on weeks until then. for example, going to two out-of-town weddings this summer. so those weekends will be off whether i like it or not. hopefully the combination of booze/rest those bring will lead to big jumps the week after.  :highfive:

i really need to get my brother's bike back in action and start using it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2012, 09:24:00 am
a side note: my libido is lower than i can ever remember it being since i had a libido. it's not gone, but i haven't jacked off (or had sex, obviously) in probably five days. unheard of.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 13, 2012, 10:06:30 am
a side note: my libido is lower than i can ever remember it being since i had a libido. it's not gone, but i haven't jacked off (or had sex, obviously) in probably five days. unheard of.

Be careful when it ends!!!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on June 13, 2012, 10:26:45 am
Is it coz you've been sick? Add more fat to your diet and it should solve the problem.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2012, 12:30:23 pm
lol vag. that's nasty.

Is it coz you've been sick? Add more fat to your diet and it should solve the problem.

being sick is part of it, for sure. don't think my diet has been especially low-fat recently, although i have been shitting out a good portion of what i eat so maybe i'm not absorbing enough? avishek would probably know about this.

anyway i suspect it's a combination of illness, stress, decreased movement (exercise and general movement -- i barely even walk here), and lack of stimulus. seriously, i haven't seen a woman's arms in two weeks, let alone legs or ass or boobs. shit you can barely see most women's necks here. there were a couple of western women in bathing suits at the pool in islamabad, but none especially attractive.

also, for the record, i did jack off just now on general principle. it did not feel especially great despite such a long layoff, which is also weird. if i go two days at home the next time i cum is fucking awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on June 13, 2012, 01:52:44 pm
what did i just read.. lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 19, 2012, 10:39:19 am
mother of god, that was the trip home from hell. 60 hours of murphy's law. flight from dubai to dulles cancelled, couldn't get my bags for 24 hours, then the flight i got put on the next day was diverted to london. had to go through immigration in london and then get on a later flight to dulles. so, standardized to eastern time, i left kabul at 5:15 AM on friday and got to my parents' house at 5 PM on sunday. but it was in time to celebrate father's day with my dad -- steak! -- and fuck the buhjesus out of my girlfriend. spent most of yesterday with her, too, which was nice (didn't go to work).

also, yesterday, i went to the gym.

BW = 167, was pissed about this then remembered that i've been sick for three weeks. only a five-pound loss, could have been worse.
FATIGUE = confused, jet lag

- warm up

- depth jump 4 x 4
very low box, first couple of reps of each set felt decent

- MR half tuck 2 x 20

- squat 3 x 5 x 185
something tight/wonky in my hip, going to take my time to readjust

- OHP x 10+7+4+4 x 65

- BOR x 10+7+4+4 x 95

- hanging leg raise 5 x 5

- calf raise 3 x 10 x 90

- stretch

kept it extremely easy. i'm jet lagged, tired, still recovering from being sick, and five pounds lighter (not all good pounds).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 20, 2012, 09:36:13 pm
BW = 168
SORENESS = hamstrings
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- warm up

- DSVJ x 10
pretty bad

- DLRVJ x 5

- MR half tuck x 30,23,35

- jump squat 2 x 3 x 95

- squat 3 x 5 x 225
no wonkiness. yay.

- OHP 10+3+3+3+3 x 85

- chin up 10+3+3+3+3 x bw

- ab pull down 3 x 15

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 24, 2012, 12:55:57 pm

BW = 167
ACHES/INJURIES = left Achilles tendon

- warm up

- SL box jump 3 x 3e

- depth jump 3 x 3

- pogo 3 x 5

- jump squat 2 x 3 x 95

- squat 3 x 8 x 245

- calf raise 2 x 15 x 135

- DB push-up-to-row 2 x 8e x 25e
harder on core than i expected

- stretch

*** break ***

- tennis x 30 minutes
perpetually shakin' off the rust...

there was some kind of event going on on the basketball court so i subbed in some other things for the normal jumps. have video, will post. squats were easy. calf raises surprisingly hard. kept the UB stuff easy because i'd been there forever already and wanted to go play tennis with my dad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2012, 10:04:13 pm
BW = 168.5
SORENESS = low back, glutes, hamstrings
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up
included a few SLRVJ, DSVJ and DLRVJ. DSVJ were just over 30, DLRVJ 31-31.5. pretty bad but not as catastrophically shitty as last week. progress. SLRVJ were lol-worthy, as usual. have video, will post later.

- jump squat 2 x 3 x 95

- squat 3 x 5 x 265

- SS1: jump rope x 30s
- SS1: DB OHP 10e x 30
- SS1: DB row 10e x 50
- SS1 info: 5 rounds, 30 sec between exercises. worked out to 30/30 work/rest.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2012, 11:46:33 am
BW = ???
SORENESS = traps (?)

- warm up
incl 3-step SLRVJ x 8, got second set of 4 on camera but obviously it was the shittier set. also incl DSVJ.

- DLRVJ x 10
shite, just pure unadulterated shite

- jump squat 2 x 3 x 95

- squat 3 x 5 x 275

- dip 10+3+3+2 x +25

- pull up 10+3+3 x bw

- ab pull down 3 x 15

- stretch

- bit o' jump rope

taking the day off work as a comp day for my trip. have a ton of errands to do and suchlike so i figured i'd go in the morning. jumping was awful although i think i PR'd on the SLRVJ. turns out limiting myself to a 3-step approach is good. will post compilation video later. i know i keep saying that. but DLRVJ was just awful, slow, unexplosive, barely above 30.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2012, 02:23:42 pm
it is hot.

BW = 169
SORENESS = chest, lats a tiny bit
ACHES/INJURIES = left achilles

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~12
pretty terrible but not as catastrophic as the other day. topped out at 32 but most 31-31.5.

- pogo 2 x 5

- stiff leg ankle hop x 40

- jump squat 2 x 3 x 95

- squat 3 x 5 x 285

- dip x 10+3+3+3 x +25
i forget whether i did a fourth backoff set

- pull up x 10+3+3+3+1 x bw

- ab pull down 5 x 15
choke the band more next time

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2012, 05:52:40 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = head, left elbow right after the end of the workout but only for a few minutes

- SS1: jump rope skill work
- SS1: stretching/mobility
- SS1 info: 30 minutes. alternate between skill work (crossovers, transition between double-unders and single-unders) and stretching/mobility.

- OH throw 2 x 3 x 30

weird about the elbow. it's the same discomfort i had last fall and again a few months ago from squatting, but all i did today with my arms was turn the rope and do a few band pull-aparts and dislocates. whatever, it's fine now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2012, 10:33:27 pm
wanted to work out yesterday but schedule was pushed back because of late night saturday leading to late start sunday, plus gf's return from vacation. all i'm saying is,

1. make simple syrup with a bit of lemon juice
2. pour over ice in a cocktail shaker
3. add cucumber vodka
4. cover and shake
5. pour into a glass
6. add a little tonic water
7. add a couple basil leaves
8. profit
9. drink bourbon and sweet vermouth over ice
10. profit
11. drink water
12. avoid severe hangover
13. profit

anyway, tonight:

BW = 169
ACHES/INJURIES = left calf tweaked a tiny bit, had a charley horse after saturday's workout
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

mostly garbage but remembered to relax about 2/3 of the way through. got a couple of relaxed 31-31.5 jumps. low but best technique in a while. it's like reinventing the goddamn wheel.

- SS1: jump squat 3 x 95
- SS1: SVJ x 3
- SS1 info: 2 rounds, ~30s between exercises, 3 min between rounds

- squat 3 x 5 x 285
better than last time, still grinding later reps. low back is limiting me.

- dip 10+3+3+3 x +30

- pull up 10+3+3+3
will do these first next time, see if it makes a difference

- SS2: ab pull down x 15
- SS2: hyperextension x 10
trying this because back is limiting me. started way easy, no pause or added weight. choked up on the pull downs so they were a bit harder.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 05, 2012, 11:43:37 pm
BW = ??? feel fat-ish
ACHES/INJURIES = right knee very mild but did not bother me on squats
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- depth jump 4 x 3
sloooow and bad. old fart basketball happening tonight and they're bitches about the court so no RVJ.

- pogo 2 x 5

- MR half tuck 3 x 20
oddly felt very reactive. oddly given that the first two exercises today felt like garbage

- SS1: jump squat 3 x 95
- SS1: SVJ x 3
- SS1 info: 2 rounds, ~30s between exercises, 3 min between rounds

squat 3 x 5 x 290
stronger than last workout. 10th, 14th and 15th reps were meh but all made at legit depth.

- pull up x 10+3+3+2 x +8
used a chain around my neck

- DB bench x 10+4+3+3 x 45e
a chick was squatting with all kinds of silly chains and a safety bar in the only rack where you can set up dips. this weight was too light, whatever.

- SS2: ab pull down x 15
- SS2: hyperextension x 10
- SS2 info: 3 rounds, same as last time

- stretch

found out a buddy of mine at the gym clerked for clarence thomas about 7-8 years ago. wack. also kind of badass, clerking for a supreme court justice means you are smart and/or well-connected as fuck.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2012, 09:42:23 am
went to BFE new york for a wedding over the weekend. it was fun but obviously no real workouts. did manage to get in some jump roping and stretching, so not a complete loss. back in the gym tonight. my right pinky finger, last knuckle, is stiff and sore. no idea why that would be.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2012, 10:19:07 pm
BW = 170.5 getting there...
ACHES/INJURIES = right big toe, right pinky finger (?)
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 10-12
best in a while, topped out around 33 and everything else 31.5-32.5. felt smoother than they have since may.

- MR half tuck 3 x 20

- squat 295 x 5,5,F(4)
damn it, got halfway up on the last rep and leg caved in. moar glute activation. first two sets were excellent, though. good news.

- pull up +10 x 10+3+3+1

- dip +35 x 10+3+3+3

- SS1: ab pull down x 20
- SS1: hyper x 15
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, minimal rest between exercises, about 60s between rounds

- stretch

good workout. pleased. slept like shit last night, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 11, 2012, 09:59:37 pm
BW = 171.5
SORENESS = hamstrings a tiny bit, traps a tiny bit
ACHES/INJURIES = left elbow squatting thingy flared up a bit

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~10
not as good as monday but still felt smooth. best was 32, most 31. did not expect better.

- MR half tuck x 20,20,20

- squat 295 x 5,5,5

- pull up x 10+3+3+3
dropped weight, still hard to get all these.

- dip +40 x 10+3+3+3

- SS1:ab pull down x 15
- SS1: hyper +10 x 10
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, minimal rest between exercises and between rounds

- glute bridge 2 x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2012, 12:21:40 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left toe, brain

- warm up

- depth jump 2 x 3
higher box, ~20"

- squat 300 x 5,5,4
could have gotten last rep but it would have been grindy and my brain felt like it was going to explode. made reps were pretty easy. will go to 305 next workout. if i keep eating right i should be at 3 plates by the end of this coming week. that'd be a PR.

- stretch

going to eat lunch now and then spend the afternoon chainsawing and chopping up some trees with my dad. left off upper body and core stuff for that reason.


- chainsaw and ax work x 3 hours

fuck yeah. my hands are sore today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2012, 10:14:50 pm
BW = 171.5  :uhhhfacepalm:
SORENESS = hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES = left side of head (during squats), left elbow (after squats)
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- depth jump 3 x 3
high, good. last set in sock feet.

- MR half tuck 3 x 25

- squat 305 x 5,3,0
motherfucker. i should not try to set PR's on mondays. i don't eat enough on weekends. first set of 5 was challenging but i got all the reps without much grinding, even on the fifth. but my head started to hurt even during warm ups. my friend suggested it might be a trigger point in my shoulder that the bar was pressing on. she dug her elbow into my shoulder and, yep, seems that's it. did not rest long enough before the second set, failed on fourth rep. was too psyched out by the third set, despite extra rest, so i unracked, tried to start a rep, gave up, and reracked. better luck next time.

- pull up x 10+3+3+3

- lacrosse ball and PVC pipe work around shoulders and neck. elbow uncomfortable, dips not worth it.

- SS1: pull down x 15,10,10
- SS1: hyperextension +5 x 10,10,10
- SS1 info: switched to black band for second and third set of pull downs. it's too thick, i don't even think i'm heavy enough to keep it down. will try blue band next time. green is easy now.

- stretch

i'm actually not that pissed. i have something concrete to work on for the squats -- loosening that trigger point in my left shoulder -- and the 305 x 5 either ties or exceeds my 5-rep PR. now to eat.

think i'm gonna get some creatine and see whether it helps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2012, 12:10:56 am
you should do what people have been telling you to do. do 3 x 5 with a very manageable amount of weight. patiently add to the amount you use on your work sets over a period of weeks and months. eventually, if you lift well, eat right, get enough sleep, etc., you will reach and pass PRs.

you can use 3 x 5 for other lifts, too. it's not a magic number, it's just a nice, basic starting point for big compound lifts.

10+3+3+3 refers to a rest-pause set. that means i took a weight i could do for a set of maybe 12 or 13 on a good day. i did 10 reps with it, then unracked the weight. then i took 5-7 breaths, picked the weight up again, and did a set of 3. repeated the "unrack, breathe, new set" two more times. so i did a total of 19 reps. obviously, with pull ups, unracking the weight means letting go of the bar.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2012, 10:28:58 pm
BW = ???

- warm up

awful, 30.5, stopped. they didn't feel plodding but i was just not getting any lift.

- depth jump x 3,3,3,3

- squat 275 x 5,5,5
missed badly on 305, dropped back but will add weight as quickly as possible.

- pull up +5 x 10+3+3+3

- dip +45 x 10+3+3+3

- SS1: pull down x 15
- SS1: hyper +5 x 10
- SS1: feet-elevated bridge x 20s
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, minimal rest

- curls and tricep push downs

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 20, 2012, 04:06:19 am
- squat 275 x 5,5,5
missed badly on 305, dropped back but will add weight as quickly as possible.

But one session before the 305 miss you have succeeded 300. Maybe you had a bad day, you should have given yourself at least another try before deloading.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2012, 10:01:08 am
true, but the week has also been kind of shit-tastic on a couple of important fronts -- i.e., sleep and diet -- and, while 275 was easy, i could not have gotten 305 yesterday. i will build back up quickly, in 10 lb/workout jumps. that'll have me skipping 300 and going straight back to 305 next week.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2012, 07:20:58 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left hip wonky (glute med, hip flexor)

- jump rope + SMR + stretching x 40 mins

- MB OH throw 30 x 3,3 | 40 x 3

just wanted to get HR up and work on ITB and left shoulder in particular. during OH throws, left hip started tweaking, so i rolled and did some extra stuff for that, too. wanted to do a full workout but got stuck in traffic for an hour -- fucking AIDS parade was blocking everything downtown -- so didn't get to the gym until 45 minutes before closing time. back tomorrow for the full workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2012, 09:04:26 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- warm up

- DSVJ x 5-6

fucking classes took over the court

- depth jump 3 x 4

- squat 305 x 4(F) | 285 x 5,F | 225 x 5
god fucking damn it. i was supposed to do 3 x 5 x 285 today but i was feeling good so i skipped right up to 305. did not happen, failed halfway up 5th rep. second set was too hard despite extra rest, walked out third set but did not attempt. did 5 x 225 just to get the reps in. more food, more sleep. i blame vag.

- dip +50 x 10+3+3+2

- pull up +7.5 x 10+3+2

- shoot around x a bit

- stretch

awful workout. fuck it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 24, 2012, 05:06:46 am
i blame vag Mark Rippetoe.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2012, 08:05:55 am
i blame vag Mark Rippetoe.


LOL in real life.  :highfive:  :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2012, 12:04:47 am
BW = 172.5
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- slight uphill sprint 4 x 15y @90-95%

- SS1: miniband-resisted jump x 3
- SS1: SVJ x 2,3
- SS1 info: 2 rounds. looped a yellow miniband around each foot and over each shoulder. minimal rest between resisted and free jumps. would take more next time, the potentiation feeling was cool.

- squat 285 x 5,5,5
easy. ego swallowed. progress resumed.

- pull up +8 x 10+3+3+3

- dip +50 x 10+3+3+3

- SS2: pull down x 15
- SS2: back extension +10 x 10
- SS2 info: 3 rounds.

- curlzzzz 25 x 10e

- unilateral tricep pushdown 40 x 10e

- USATF foot/ankle drills

- stretch

basketball took over the court so no jumps. i wish there were an actual calendar on the gym's website so i could plan around that shit. hopefully i'll get friday off work and be able to go during the day when there are fewer people. it's important to do some kind of cool down and loosening up after the back extensions. otherwise the pump in my lower back gets in the way of stretching my hips. i just ate a lot of food. finally cracked 172 again. here we go.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 27, 2012, 12:31:31 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left achilles a little bit, right toe even stiffer than normal but not painful
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~15
terrible, topped out at 31.5. the DSVJ's during warm ups were very good, around 31-31.5, so i thought it'd be a good day. CNS seemed awake. but i gained absolutely fucking nothing from the approach. on the plus side, i finally got something like a calendar for the court, so i can start to plan workouts around when no one will be on it. i need more specific practice.

- MR half tuck x 20,20
slow and unreactive. wack.

- squat 295 x 5,5,5
last couple reps on second and third sets were a little good-morning-y, but zero knee wobble and good depth. will try 305 again on monday.

- pull up +10 x 10+3+2

- dip +55 x 10+3+2

- SS1: pull down x 15
- SS1: hyper +10 x 10
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, minimal rest. blue band.

- jump rope x a few minutes

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2012, 07:51:46 am
last night:

BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = knees during jumping
FATIGUE = very high

- warm up

- DSVJ x ~8

- DLRVJ x ~5
just terrible on both counts. worst in a long time.

- SS1: jump rope x a while
- SS1: KB swing 20kg x 10
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, about 30s rest between exercises

- some more jump rope

- stretching

i got very little sleep on sunday night, due to work, and then monday was a pretty stressful day at work. by the time i got to the gym i was completely wiped out. was supposed to do a real workout but it just wasn't happening. on the plus side, i went to sleep early enough last night that i woke up before my alarm. hopefully that bodes well for today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2012, 10:13:33 pm
BW = 172.8
ACHES/INJURIES = right toe

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~10
meh, 31-32, but at least it wasn't horrible. approaches started to feel okay, unlike the last couple of sessions. keep grinding.

- triple broad jump

- DL bound x 3,3
not as far as triple broad jump, although i'm sure that's because i'm pretty good at pulling my feet forward and stabilizing if i don't have to rebound.

- jump rope x a bit

- squat 305 x 5,5,5

- pull up +10 x 10+3+3+2
almost got last rep

- dip +50 x 10+3+3+3

- SS1: ab pull down x 15
- SS1: back extension +10 x 10
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, minimal rest between exercises except longer rest to fix the shit-tastic GHR my gym has.

- SS2: curls 25e x 10
- SS2: cable tricep pulldown x 90,110
- SS1 info: two rounds

- jump rope x a bit

- stretch

pleased about squats.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 01, 2012, 08:54:58 am

- squat 305 x 5,5,5

:headbang: :highfive:  :strong:  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on August 01, 2012, 01:40:02 pm

- triple broad jump

- DL bound x 3,3
not as far as triple broad jump, although i'm sure that's because i'm pretty good at pulling my feet forward and stabilizing if i don't have to rebound.

Do you know the measurements and differences between the two? 

Your RDLVJ is much greater than your standing right? 

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2012, 03:42:26 pm

- triple broad jump

- DL bound x 3,3
not as far as triple broad jump, although i'm sure that's because i'm pretty good at pulling my feet forward and stabilizing if i don't have to rebound.

Do you know the measurements and differences between the two?  

Your RDLVJ is much greater than your standing right?  

not exactly. it was the first time i'd tried it and kind of a whim. the difference between the first set of bounds and the second was pretty dramatic, too, for what that's worth. if i had to guess, i'd say the 3 x broad jump was about 26.5 feet, and the second set of bounds was about 24.5 feet. will actually measure next time. also, my single broad jump PR is something like 9'2.

DLRVJ is 5-8 inches higher than SVJ. DLRVJ is more variable. i think SVJ is about 25 unless i'm extremely amped or extremely tired, but recent DLRVJ varies from 30-33 workout to workout. when i'm in a better groove with it, as i was in may, it's more like 32-35. all-time PR is about 35.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on August 01, 2012, 03:58:08 pm

- triple broad jump

- DL bound x 3,3
not as far as triple broad jump, although i'm sure that's because i'm pretty good at pulling my feet forward and stabilizing if i don't have to rebound.

Do you know the measurements and differences between the two?  

Your RDLVJ is much greater than your standing right?  

not exactly. it was the first time i'd tried it and kind of a whim. the difference between the first set of bounds and the second was pretty dramatic, too, for what that's worth. if i had to guess, i'd say the 3 x broad jump was about 26.5 feet, and the second set of bounds was about 24.5 feet. will actually measure next time. also, my single broad jump PR is something like 9'2.

DLRVJ is 5-8 inches higher than SVJ. DLRVJ is more variable. i think SVJ is about 25 unless i'm extremely amped or extremely tired, but recent DLRVJ varies from 30-33 workout to workout. when i'm in a better groove with it, as i was in may, it's more like 32-35. all-time PR is about 35.

Yeah I thought I remember you gaining huge out of an approach.  8 inches in amazing.

Since it's the first time trying bounding... you might improve a lot with practice then and you will soon bound farther than muli broad jump.  Last time I tested on the vertec I was stuck at 35 SVJ, 36 RVJ, still really frustrating.  I do 4xbroad jump and go just over 40 feet, but when I bound I always get 2 feet farther, or 3 feet farther if I depth drop into the first bound.  For some reason I seem to score reactive on multiple jumping tests but can't seem to get what you can out of a running vertical jump...  Maybe I just hate the carpet where the vertect is and the results would be different if I could test on grass or track! 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2012, 06:46:58 pm

- triple broad jump

- DL bound x 3,3
not as far as triple broad jump, although i'm sure that's because i'm pretty good at pulling my feet forward and stabilizing if i don't have to rebound.

Do you know the measurements and differences between the two?  

Your RDLVJ is much greater than your standing right?  

not exactly. it was the first time i'd tried it and kind of a whim. the difference between the first set of bounds and the second was pretty dramatic, too, for what that's worth. if i had to guess, i'd say the 3 x broad jump was about 26.5 feet, and the second set of bounds was about 24.5 feet. will actually measure next time. also, my single broad jump PR is something like 9'2.

DLRVJ is 5-8 inches higher than SVJ. DLRVJ is more variable. i think SVJ is about 25 unless i'm extremely amped or extremely tired, but recent DLRVJ varies from 30-33 workout to workout. when i'm in a better groove with it, as i was in may, it's more like 32-35. all-time PR is about 35.

Yeah I thought I remember you gaining huge out of an approach.  8 inches in amazing.

Since it's the first time trying bounding... you might improve a lot with practice then and you will soon bound farther than muli broad jump.  Last time I tested on the vertec I was stuck at 35 SVJ, 36 RVJ, still really frustrating.  I do 4xbroad jump and go just over 40 feet, but when I bound I always get 2 feet farther, or 3 feet farther if I depth drop into the first bound.  For some reason I seem to score reactive on multiple jumping tests but can't seem to get what you can out of a running vertical jump...  Maybe I just hate the carpet where the vertect is and the results would be different if I could test on grass or track! 

bizarre. for the record, the broad jumps and bounding were performed on a hardwood basketball court. all the jumps i do are, except when i do tuck jumps or pogos; those are on the rubber matting in the weight room. it's odd to me that i get so much out of the DLRVJ -- 5 inches at a minimum, on a terrible day -- but otherwise would consider myself relatively slow, un-powerful, and un-reactive.

so your single broad jump is well over 10 feet? strange to me that your DLRVJ would be so close to mine, given how much more powerful and springy you are.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on August 01, 2012, 10:14:13 pm

so your single broad jump is well over 10 feet? strange to me that your DLRVJ would be so close to mine, given how much more powerful and springy you are.

- No, my best standing broad jump is barely over 10 feet. When I do four consecutive I am essentially cheating, because I start with my toes behind the line, and then jump and stick the landing.  The I reset and I jump again without bringing my toes back to where my heels are on the ground.   If I actually measured out a broad jump toes to heal and repeated it four times it would have to be an amazing day for me to hit 40 feet.   I measure them the way I do because it provides a better way to compare to 4 double leg bounds, cause obviously you have to take off where you land when bounding. 

- Yeah, I don't why I can't get any height from my approach jump.  I'll try and get some videos up soon of some approach jumps and maybe you can tell me what I am doing wrong.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on August 02, 2012, 01:57:29 am

- triple broad jump

- DL bound x 3,3
not as far as triple broad jump, although i'm sure that's because i'm pretty good at pulling my feet forward and stabilizing if i don't have to rebound.

Do you know the measurements and differences between the two?  

Your RDLVJ is much greater than your standing right?  

not exactly. it was the first time i'd tried it and kind of a whim. the difference between the first set of bounds and the second was pretty dramatic, too, for what that's worth. if i had to guess, i'd say the 3 x broad jump was about 26.5 feet, and the second set of bounds was about 24.5 feet. will actually measure next time. also, my single broad jump PR is something like 9'2.

DLRVJ is 5-8 inches higher than SVJ. DLRVJ is more variable. i think SVJ is about 25 unless i'm extremely amped or extremely tired, but recent DLRVJ varies from 30-33 workout to workout. when i'm in a better groove with it, as i was in may, it's more like 32-35. all-time PR is about 35.

Yeah I thought I remember you gaining huge out of an approach.  8 inches in amazing.

Since it's the first time trying bounding... you might improve a lot with practice then and you will soon bound farther than muli broad jump.  Last time I tested on the vertec I was stuck at 35 SVJ, 36 RVJ, still really frustrating.  I do 4xbroad jump and go just over 40 feet, but when I bound I always get 2 feet farther, or 3 feet farther if I depth drop into the first bound.  For some reason I seem to score reactive on multiple jumping tests but can't seem to get what you can out of a running vertical jump...  Maybe I just hate the carpet where the vertect is and the results would be different if I could test on grass or track!  

Yeah i'm same as LBSS. I can always touch rim from SVJ, which gives me at least 26 inches of SVJ. With 1 step off 2 feet (drop step or whatever it's called) I can grab rim with 2 hands, which gives me at least 30 inches. Than with SLRVJ i get another 4 inches more than my drop step except it fuks up my left knee when i do SLRVJ.
It's crazy that you can only jump 1 more inch than your SVJ but your SVJ is heaps high so it's not that big a deal. If i had your SVJ I would be getting 40+ easy though.

Edit- I don't know I'm just guessing I'd get 40 but maybe as your SVJ gets higher the difference between SVJ and RVJ gets lower coz I used to have a 8-10 inch difference but now it's only 6-8 inches.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 02, 2012, 09:37:43 am
^^^not quite the same, my SLRVJ is a horror show  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 02, 2012, 10:19:35 pm
BW = ???
FATIGUE = very high

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 4
nothing. CNS d-e-d dead.

- squat 310 x 1
not happening.

- pause squat 225 x 3,3

- futzed around a bit with inverted rows and bench

was utterly dead. i could barely get myself to descend with 225 on my back. this week has been rough at work and i haven't gotten enough sleep. also, today was the day my body decided that i've been eating to much. i haven't been hungry all day, despite not eating lunch. going to force some food down now and try to figure out how to make these days come on days when i'm not supposed to train. fuck it. i'm away this weekend (again) and will hopefully get plenty of sleep and be back on monday. this summer has been rough from a training standpoint, recent PR notwithstanding.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2012, 10:22:40 pm
BW = 171.8 motherfucker
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~10
32-32.5, hanging on rim easily but not comfortably.

- MR half tuck x 40,25

- squat 310 x 2, 305 x 3+1+1+1
fuck me. it's at least partially mental, i'm just afraid of the weight or something and psych myself out. would help to have a training partner. i think once i get 315 x 3 x 5 i'll switch to an MSEM-based block. gotta eat and sleep.

- stretch

i didn't sleep enough last night because of work (again). that plus not eating at a surplus over the weekend meant failure on the squats. i'll do upper tomorrow and try squatting again on wednesday. out of town against this weekend.

on the other hand, i was super active this weekend: swimming, hiking/climbing, tennis. family reunion at a resort up in new york on the occasion of my step-grandmother's birthday. such a great time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 07, 2012, 08:15:15 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = traps (?)

- warm up
extra attention to shoulders

- pull up +10 x 10+3+3+2
got halfway up on the last rep. damn.

- dip +50 x 10+3+3+3

- KB swing 24kg x 10,10 | 32kg x 10

- stretch

included a bunch of SMR on shoulders throughout. lots of jump roping, too. had something of a breakthrough on running-in-place crossovers. i'm still slow but getting better. side-to-sides are better, too. and starting to be able to string a couple of double unders together and still get out of it. used to be if i did three in a row and tried to go right back into single unders i'd kick the rope every time. now it's 50/50. time to eat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2012, 09:21:11 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = lats, abs
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up
incl a bunch of layups

- broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4
both ~35'2"

- squat 310 x 5,3,3
might have had four on second and third sets but they would have been very grindy, not worth it. first set is a PR.

- SS1: ring push up x 10
- SS1: DB row 75 x 10e
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, ~90s rest between exercises/rounds

- hanging leg raise x 10,10,10

- stretch

There you go, T0ddday, jumped just under 36' on the broad jumps and a few inches short of that on the DL bounds.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: steven-miller on August 10, 2012, 08:50:48 am
Congrats to the PRs at 305 and 310! You are having a bit of a rough time with the training because of external circumstances and I know as well that this can be hard to deal with.

But in regards to what you can do right now: focus your energy toward the goal of making those 5 lbs jumps in the squat every time. If resources are rare you have to prioritize. In your situation jumping/plyos before squatting will kill your PR. That is just the way it is. Under optimum circumstances they might not, they might even help, but not here. If you want to get the jumping volume in, do them afterwards. You will jump lower probably. But you know what? You want the squat to help your athletic events, not the other way round. So you might as well have the priorities of your training reflected in the order of exercises with the most important thing done at first.

Regarding recovery, I know that in some jobs you cannot just go and eat something when you should (from a training perspective). But that is not an excuse for failure to gain weight. You might have had your fun making fun of it, but lots of whole milk could save your training right now. I don't care how much protein you get and how high quality your nutrition is, the matter of the fact is that your body lacks a sufficient surplus of fuel. You can have access to the best food in the world, you still won't grow if the quantity is too low. Believe it or not, people like you profit the most from GOMAD and your situation demonstrates perfectly why it is legitimate nourishment for certain kinds of athletes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2012, 11:02:04 am
^^^ you learned where the hard-return button is on the keyboard! i'm proud of you, steven-miller, i really am.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on August 14, 2012, 09:51:08 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = lats, abs
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up
incl a bunch of layups

- broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4
both ~35'2"

- squat 310 x 5,3,3
might have had four on second and third sets but they would have been very grindy, not worth it. first set is a PR.

- SS1: ring push up x 10
- SS1: DB row 75 x 10e
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, ~90s rest between exercises/rounds

- hanging leg raise x 10,10,10

- stretch

There you go, T0ddday, jumped just under 36' on the broad jumps and a few inches short of that on the DL bounds.

Nice job.  I knew your reactive ability would bring those numbers closer together.  I finally got a video up of broad jumping, bounding, and my terrible running vertical jump, any advice is appreciated:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 14, 2012, 10:54:50 pm
BW = 174.5
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up
included a couple of rounds of knockout. nothing gets me quite as hyped for jumping as that.

- DLRVJ x 8-10
best 33.5, a few 32.5-33, rest 31-32. the 33.5 was the highest jump i've had since may. every other jump felt good.

- squat 310 x 5,5,3
rep PR, obviously. last rep on second set was grindy but not terrible. might have had one more on the third set but it would have been ugly. also, i was a little worried about depth but had one of my oly lifting friends watch the second set and she confirmed that i'm going way below parallel. no problems.

- pull up +10 x 10+3+2
damn it

- dip +50 x 10+3+3

- SS1: hyperextension x 10
- SS1: GHR situp x 10
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, no rest between exercises, one minute between rounds.

- calf raise 135 x 16
arthritis makes it hard to keep balance when plantar flexed. still, this was harder than it should have been.

- curlzzzzzz 20 x 10e

- tricep cable pull down 100 x 10

- stretch

good workout. pleased. 174.5 is the most i've weighed this year, i'm pretty sure. that's surprising because i was away last weekend at a wedding and was puking up my guts all saturday morning. i have a weird reaction to alcohol sometimes; i wasn't especially drunk on friday but as soon as we got back to the hotel i threw up and then i was terribly hung over the next morning. every once in a while that just seems to happen but other times i'm totally fine. i can't figure out what makes the difference there. anyway, guess the milkshakes have helped. also, i found a gym very near the beach that has a squat rack, so i will get in a workout or two next week while on vacation.

also, my pants felt a little tight today and my vanity is kicking in and telling me my belly fat is spilling over more. this is absurd, as i'm not more than ~11% bf and i can still see my abs and veins in my lower abs. i'm not going to let that stop me from chowing down over the next two days, just noting it.

three plates on thursday. come on now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 16, 2012, 11:55:48 pm
BW = 173.5
SORENESS = low back
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- tried a few jumps but they were bad so stopped

- depth jump x 4

- squat 315 x 5,4,1 | 225 x 4
PR despite low back soreness. will stick with this weight for the next workout. pleased to get three plates for a set of five.

- one arm cable row 10e x 100,100

- dips x 18
pretty pathetic, why can i do 10 +50 but only 18 at bw?

- hanging leg raise x 10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on August 17, 2012, 12:13:32 am
With the dips you've got the strength you just need the endurance, which is only a matter of practicing doing bodyweight dips more often.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on August 17, 2012, 05:47:12 am
Congrats on squat PR.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 21, 2012, 12:16:22 am
at beach in NC now. been getting in lots of low-to-moderate intensity exercise (swimming, tennis, walking, driving range, etc.) eating, and relaxing. been trying to keep calories up but it's fucking vacation so i'm not tracking. so far, so awesome.

gym tomorrow, will see about hitting 3x5x315. at least one brother might come with, which would be fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 22, 2012, 02:13:53 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = right rear shoulder, bicep, and wrist extensors
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- squat 315 x 5,5,2

- hanging leg raise x 10

- stretch

had to make it a quick run to the gym in part because i had trouble finding the place. damn google maps. no idea about bw but based on ab definition i'd guess i'm a little bit lighter than last week. kind of mad about the squatting but whatever, i'm on vacation. hitting all five reps on the second set is an improvement, and i think i'm closer to 170 than 175, so there's that.

brothers didn't end up coming, hoping to go again with one or both tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on August 23, 2012, 11:41:16 am
Good job squatting 315x5 and still having visible abs!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 24, 2012, 01:11:04 pm
haha thanks man.

BW = ???
SORENESS = mild legs

- warm up

- bench 175 x 8,8,8

- BOR 135 x 8,8,8

- leg press 478 x 8,8 | 568 x 5

- curls 25e x 10,10

- tricep kickback 25e x 10,10

- hanging leg raise x some, i forget

- stretch

went with bro and head hurt pretty badly so i ended up doing a beach workout day. it was fun. also, tennis this morning. smoked my dad 6-0. if the rain holds off i'll play beach volleyball this afternoon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 27, 2012, 09:33:30 pm
BW = 175 -- surprised
FATIGUE = moderate to high

- warm up

- depth jump x 4,4

- MR half tuck x 30,30

- squat 315 x 3,1 | 295 x 5,5
god fucking damn it motherfucker shit bitch fuck damn it fuck god damn it. weak.

- OHP 115 x 5,5,5

- BOR 155 x 5,5,5

- hanging leg raise x 10,10,10

- stretch

 :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on August 27, 2012, 11:07:09 pm
Bad luck man, was it just fatigue? Going for a heavy 3x5 would be pretty mentally draining for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 27, 2012, 11:55:44 pm
Bad luck man, was it just fatigue? Going for a heavy 3x5 would be pretty mentally draining for me.

yes, fatigue probably a major factor. i've been really tired the past two days, don't know why. vacation hangover? dunno. speaking of which, it's time for bed...

will go for 305 on wednesday and then 315 again this weekend. i've finally switched to whole milk, too. not sure what took me so long. let the eating continue.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2012, 10:21:54 pm
BW = 176  :personal-record:
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a few
not good, not bad

- jump squat 45 x 3,3

- squat 305 x 5,5,5

- BOR 165 x 5,5,5

- dip x 15,10,10
one minute between sets

- chin up x 10,10

- BSS x 10e,10e
just to get a little more blood flowing in the legs

- stretch

milkshakes, bros. milkshakes. come on, 315 x 5,5,5.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2012, 05:28:14 pm
BW = 178 PR
ACHES/INJURIES = right wrist (?)
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up
tied all-time PR on DSVJ, 32.5

- DLRVJ x 6
peaked at 34, a recent PR, hit ~33 on most other jumps. yes. got high enough to dunk a dodgeball but failed to hold on.  :uhhhfacepalm:

- squat 315 x 5,5,5

- ab pull down x 20

- OHP 95 x 10+3+3+3

- chin up x 10+3+3+3

- walk home

- stretch

ETA: can still see abs blurrily, more or less the same as they've been for a long while now. that's kind of surprising to me but maybe it shouldn't be. i've only gained like 5 pounds over my previous equilibrium point. weight is hard to compare with other measurements because i took it at a different time of day, different meal schedule, etc. still, that's the highest i've ever measured.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on September 01, 2012, 11:01:57 pm
Congrats on the PR!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 02, 2012, 12:44:24 am
BW = 178 PR
ACHES/INJURIES = right wrist (?)
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up
tied all-time PR on DSVJ, 32.5

- DLRVJ x 6
peaked at 34, a recent PR, hit ~33 on most other jumps. yes. got high enough to dunk a dodgeball but failed to hold on.  :uhhhfacepalm:

- squat 315 x 5,5,5

- ab pull down x 20

- OHP 95 x 10+3+3+3

- chin up x 10+3+3+3

- walk home

- stretch

ETA: can still see abs blurrily, more or less the same as they've been for a long while now. that's kind of surprising to me but maybe it shouldn't be. i've only gained like 5 pounds over my previous equilibrium point. weight is hard to compare with other measurements because i took it at a different time of day, different meal schedule, etc. still, that's the highest i've ever measured.


35 gonna feel nice.

diesel squatting too.

good stuff
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 03, 2012, 05:39:57 am
Loyal to 3x5 , consuming whole fat milk , heavier than ever , squat PR , jumping PRs...

Coach rip would be so proud !!!  ;)  :P  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2012, 08:37:36 pm
Loyal to 3x5 , consuming whole fat milk , heavier than ever , squat PR , jumping PRs...

Coach rip would be so proud !!!  ;)  :P  :highfive:

lol, i keep expecting steven-miller to pop in and say, "i told you so!"
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2012, 10:24:38 pm
a few of the jumps from saturday:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2012, 11:44:44 pm
also, i played tennis today. half an hour in the morning with my dad, 45 minutes in the afternoon with my brother. morning session was stronger; my dad is a steadier partner than my brother.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on September 04, 2012, 12:36:56 am
nice to see a jump vid! looks good. can't wait to get to 315 squat nice job
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2012, 10:03:08 am
nice to see a jump vid! looks good. can't wait to get to 315 squat nice job

thanks man. wish i looked as bouncy as you did in your last vid, though. i'm still muscling myself up there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2012, 09:40:22 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = tender/painful spot in left calf, right toe
FATIGUE = high

- warm up


- squat
started warm up but calf was not feeling it. weird. hope this just goes away tomorrow. did extra rolling and stretching during warm ups but still wasn't okay.

- DB row 75 x 10e,10e,10e

- dip x 10,10,10

- band pull aparts of various kinds

everything just kind of felt off today. don't know why.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on September 05, 2012, 12:26:27 am
Very nice!! :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on September 06, 2012, 02:16:44 am
Very nice!! :highfive:

X2 Good shit man keep it up!

I like that your gym has dodgeballs! Do they have a summer league or something?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 06, 2012, 08:37:32 pm
thanks loopie. no league but they have had a couple of dodgeball tournaments. i played in one a few months ago, it was fun.

also, i'm going to afghanistan tomorrow and have been at work way later today than i thought i'd be, doing preparations. will "work from home" tomorrow so i can pack and go to the gym. will get to the gym in kabul (staying at the nice hotel this time) and hopefully even in dubai (where i have a 12-hour layover on the way there). luckily it's a really, really short trip. i'll be back next thursday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2012, 04:00:16 am
saturday, 8 september, dubai international airport:

BW = ???

- warm up

- depth jump 3 x 4

- DB bench 50e x 10,10,10

- DB BSS 50e x 10e,10e,10e

- DB row 50 x 10e,10e,10e

- dip-position L-sit x 10,10,10

- stretch

felt good to get something done. this took about an hour. did not end up having time on friday to go to the gym. right now i'm super tired -- i just took a 1.5-hour nap and i think it's the longest continuous sleep i've gotten since thursday night. time to go have lunch (breakfast?) and some coffee and try to power my way through the rest of this day. if i can make it to 9 PM tonight without passing the fuck out in the middle of a sentence, i'll consider the day a success.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2012, 12:07:39 pm
BW = ???
SORENESS = gluticles
ACHES/INJURIES = back spasms (???)
FATIGUE = very high

- warm up
back spasmed about 5-6 minutes into jumping rope. hasn't happened since i was a teenager. fuck that shit.

- some releasing techniques
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2012, 11:12:06 am
did not get any workouts in the rest of the trip. back was still tender the day after the spasms and then the rest of the time was either too work-heavy or spent on the plane. got back this morning accompanied by dull pain in my right leg, from the upper gastroc/peroneus down to the arch of my foot. it's similar to pain i had briefly last week or maybe two weeks ago now. occurs to me that it might be related to a new pair of shoes i got.

i am going to crash really hard in about four hours, but will drag myself to the gym for, at the very least, a good amount of light cardio and SMR/stretching. will take tomorrow off work (plane got in at 6:20 this morning and i'm in the office now) and if i've managed to get a good night's sleep i'll start back in with the jumping and the squatting.

not working out for nearly a week really sucks.

ETA: checked out some charts and i think the origin of the pain might be up in my glute minimus. the pain is concentrated around the lower red area in the third drawing from the left, below (lateral aspect of the gastroc). if the pain is causing a trigger point there, that would explain the further spread of the pain down the outside of my leg and into my foot. would also explain odd feeling of weakness in right hamstring. will attack today with ball/roller and see what i can do.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2012, 06:40:47 pm
revision of plans. my brother relapsed again tonight so i'm gonna get some quick SMR and stretching done at home and then go out and chill with my parents. rough.

ETA: calf was feeling better but i foam rollered anyway. feels much worse now. lower leg and foot feel weak/enervated. damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2012, 07:49:45 pm
lol yeah i was mad.


BW = 174

- warm up

- DSVJ x 6

- DLRVJ x 6
way better than i expected, most around 32-32.5. nothing higher but that's not a disaster. hurray.

- MR half tuck x 10,10,10
going for more height than usual, so lower reps

- squat MSEM 315 x 6

- neutral chin up x 5,5,5

- dip x 5,5,5

- stretch

kept volume and intensity way down so as not to kill myself post-trip. could have been a lot worse. the squats were harder than they should have been, but that's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 15, 2012, 03:46:57 am
So back spasms and leg pain are history?
Nice comeback workout too!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 15, 2012, 10:20:26 am
So back spasms and leg pain are history?
Nice comeback workout too!  :highfive:

thanks vag.

the leg felt a little weird but i was paying really close attention to it and there was no pain. weirdness might have just been me projecting onto it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 17, 2012, 11:59:02 am
went to the gym yesterday but it was closed at 5:15! >:(  usually doesn't close until 7 or 7:30 on sundays. don't know what happened. went to HS track near my house, which was open because of the latino dudes playing soccer, but then they all started to leave and i was afraid i'd get locked in, so i stopped.  jogged and stretched before that.

also, i found out my gym is closing for good at the end of november. apparently they couldn't renegotiate their lease and so the whole branch is shutting down. my guess is the landlord wants to put some townhouses or condos in place of the gym building. it's a VERY high-rent, high-property-value area.

anyway, this makes me legitimately sad. kind of ruined my day yesterday.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 17, 2012, 10:00:03 pm
BW = 175
SORENESS = quads
ACHES/INJURIES = mid/upper back
FATIGUE = high (?)

- warm up

- squat 275 x 5 | 285 x 5,5

- OHP 105 x 5,5,5

- chin up x 8,8,8

- ab pull down x 20,20

- stretch

shit workout. no idea why i was so wiped out to begin with. tried a couple of DLRVJ during warm up but they were so bad i decided to just bag it and go straight to squats. kept those light so as to stroke my own self-confidence. reps were all strong and solid, which you'd expect at those weights. OHP and chins were weak, in part i think because of the back tightness.

whatever, better luck next time. time to eat some food and go to sleep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 18, 2012, 03:58:31 pm


goal: dunk a basketball

intermediate result 1: improve strength
intermediate result 2: improve leaping ability/reactivity
intermediate result 3: get/stay sexy*

IR 1
activity: squat 3x/week, adding weight as frequently as possible
activity: supplementary exercises for core
activity: exercises for upper body
activity: explosive strength exercises
activity: supplementary exercises for lower body

IR 2
activity: double-leg vertical jumps
activity: depth jumps
activity: supplementary exercises for movement efficiency (MR half tucks, bounds, line hops)
activity: short sprints
activity: jump rope

workout composition:
- warm up (incl jump rope)
- low volume, high-intensity DLRVJ/depth jump, depending on court availability
- (optional depending on CNS level) moderate volume, low-intensity supplementary movement efficiency work
- explosive exercise low volume
- squat low-to-moderate volume
- upper push moderate volume
- upper pull moderate-to-high volume
- upper supplementary (GUNZ)
- anterior core high volume
- posterior core high volume
- (optional depending on day's squat volume) lower body supplementary exercises

indicator 1: DLRVJ height
indicator 2: squat weight
indicator 3: week-to-week trend in other exercises
indicator 4: CNS "feel"
indicator 5: bodyweight
indicator 6: mirror test

this is essentially what i've been doing for quite a while. i just wanted to write it down to see if it still made sense. also, i feel like it'll help me plan the day-to-day. the track thing was a pipe dream -- with no reliable track nearby and no way to reasonably get to ones farther away, i'm gym-bound. that's okay.

* 8)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 19, 2012, 05:09:19 am
Ah, how nice, a whole page with fancy styling and a lot of smartass talking to tell us that you have the same goals and that you are going to do exactly what you were doing so far.

Jokes aside , i think it is very solid and i also think you like doing that scheme. Whatever else you tried, you tended to stop it after a few sessions, this one 'fits' you well. Its proven to work too since you had great progress, both in the weightroom and on the wooden court.
So keep it up, you don't change a team that's winning!  :highfive:

PS: How much time does it take you to complete that workout? Looks really long!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2012, 09:52:55 am
dislike gay slurs and the use of "gay" as an insult. please to be using them elsewhere but not here.

otherwise, true, true. still, helped to write it all down, as i said. just reinforcing what i already knew. if i had a coach i'd follow what he said, but as it is you're right, this seems to be the routine that i find easiest to follow consistently. it takes me about 2 hours all told, give or take depending on how much time i spend jumping and how much time i spend talking with people. i like being in the gym and have no other obligations on most days i work out, so that's not a problem.

will spend some time at work today procrastinating by making a spreadsheet so i can track shit a la The Bearded Statistician. i love his weight chart.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 19, 2012, 10:13:27 am
dislike gay slurs and the use of "gay" as an insult. please to be using them elsewhere but not here.

That's hypocritical and too politicaly correct. Ive got nothing against gays. It is the same like calling someone a pussy, it does not make you a mysoginist and does not mean you inimidate women etc etc etc. Of all people i thought you would be more open minded. I do understand how you see it, i just believe that some expressions lose their etymological origin, just like the pussy example i mentioned! We could argue about how clear that borderline is though, i'll give you that.
Anyway it's your journal and i will respect your personal sensitvity on the subject, not being sarcastic or mocking here, true talk.

will spend some time at work today procrastinating by making a spreadsheet so i can track shit a la The Bearded Statistician. i love his weight chart.

The australian front squatter ain't got shit on me, this is how you do it ( 2,5 years ago ) :

 :P  :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 19, 2012, 12:06:45 pm
Doesn't gay means "happy"? I was watching a documentary film about WW2 and there was an American army song going "and they were gay that they come home" or something like that :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2012, 05:09:11 pm
dislike gay slurs and the use of "gay" as an insult. please to be using them elsewhere but not here.

That's hypocritical and too politicaly correct. Ive got nothing against gays. It is the same like calling someone a pussy, it does not make you a mysoginist and does not mean you inimidate women etc etc etc. Of all people i thought you would be more open minded. I do understand how you see it, i just believe that some expressions lose their etymological origin, just like the pussy example i mentioned! We could argue about how clear that borderline is though, i'll give you that.
Anyway it's your journal and i will respect your personal sensitvity on the subject, not being sarcastic or mocking here, true talk.

no, you are wrong on this. you are right that some expressions lose their etymological origins and become inoffensive. for example, i guess, "suck" or maybe to a lesser extent "bitch." some do not. for example, nigger. but the word "gay" in american english (can't speak for the brits) is still used as a term FOR GAY PEOPLE. calling something gay in a pejorative context associates things you think suck with gay people. therefore, it implicitly denigrates gay people. i'd guess that "gay" as an insult is probably moving in the direction you're talking about, away from its origin and toward a generic insult like "stupid." but, for the time being, but it hasn't lost the etymology yet. calling something "gay" or calling someone a "faggot" to put it/them down contributes toward making the world a more difficult place for gay people to live. do not like.

calling someone a "pussy" is the same. you suck, therefore you are like a person with a pussy, therefore you are a pussy. we all know who has pussies.

Quote from: aside
full disclosure of my own guilt: sometimes i call things "retarded." i never did that growing up, nor all the way through college. only picked it up in the last couple of years, probably from spending too much time on the internet. but it's in the same category as "gay," in that using it as an insult makes the world a worse place for people with mental or psychological disabilities. so i decided to stop doing it.

also, fuck putting me or anyone down for being "politically correct." that's a term used by bigoted people who don't like to be made to feel uncomfortable in their bigotry, so they invented a term to invalidate the viewpoint of anyone more compassionate than they are. you can't say anything after someone has called you "PC." they've taken you out of the conversation. everything you say from that point on can just be cast aside as "oversensitive."

there is such a thing as being oversensitive, but i draw the line at casually insulting, as a straight white male, members of oppressed groups. even indirectly.

also, as a point of clarification, you don't have to have anything against gays or even be homophobic for your use of the word "gay" to be offensive.

in the end, if you disagree with me, that's fine. i appreciate your respecting my personal sensitivity.

will spend some time at work today procrastinating by making a spreadsheet so i can track shit a la The Bearded Statistician. i love his weight chart.

The australian front squatter ain't got shit on me, this is how you do it ( 2,5 years ago ) :

 :P  :headbang:

true, true. forgot about that chart. will use it as a model.  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2012, 05:10:14 pm
Doesn't gay means "happy"? I was watching a documentary film about WW2 and there was an American army song going "and they were gay that they come home" or something like that :D

archaic usage. no one uses "gay" to mean happy anymore. vag is right, word meanings change. he's just wrong about the current state of that particular word.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 19, 2012, 05:20:23 pm
Yeah, we don't really disagree. I had 'nigger' in my mind as the extreme example that proves me wrong. In the end it's all about what i said, where you put the borderline.  Imho, the borderline of symbolic or direct translation of the insult is defined by the racism the society shows to the specific people group. You could see the 'gay' calling with different perspective , legalizing it's use shows an acceptance to them. They are not a minority or a racism subject, so it's innocent and safe to use it. It's all grey there as i said , noone can really say when you are beyond the border. It is a matter of personal sensitivity. In some cases it is more adjective and in other it is more subjective. Wether gay and their current acceptance in the community is adjective or not , i am unsure. To make my point clear , i don't understand why calling someone gay makes the world worse for gays while calling someone a pussy does not make the world worse for women.
Meh , too much debate about something we actually agree and is also very much off-topic.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2012, 06:14:06 pm
gay people aren't a minority? what planet do you live on? is greece like 70% gay or something? can gay people get married there? can they adopt children? is there absolutely no discrimination against them, in the workplace or elsewhere? do they, in fact, enjoy the advantages of being the group in power? and yes, one can say when you're over the border. it's when the group you are denigrating is an oppressed group, and you are in a group of power relative to that group. you and i are straight white men. we are ALWAYS in a group of power.

also, i think you misunderstood me. calling something gay makes the world worse for gays. calling someone a pussy makes the world worse for women. it's the same principle. pussy is worse.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 19, 2012, 07:41:39 pm
I remember when some black basketball player came here in Romania, being the only black guy in town, everybody was calling him "nigger".

In fact, even the REFEREE IN THE GAME said "foul, nigger". Sounds like Dave Chappelle doesn't it?

Nobody thought that was an insult, they thought that's the proper way to address a black guy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2012, 10:05:03 pm
BW = 175
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- tried some jumps
fuck crossfit. that's all.

- depth jump 2 x 3
very low box

- squat 295 x 5,5,5
harder than it should have been

- OHP 110 x 5,5,5

- SS1: ab pull down x 20
- SS1: floor reverse hyper x 20
- SS1 info: 3 rounds

- stretch

will pull for UB next time. should go back to circuits, those were better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 20, 2012, 04:58:57 am
gay people aren't a minority? what planet do you live on? is greece like 70% gay or something? can gay people get married there? can they adopt children? is there absolutely no discrimination against them, in the workplace or elsewhere? do they, in fact, enjoy the advantages of being the group in power? and yes, one can say when you're over the border. it's when the group you are denigrating is an oppressed group, and you are in a group of power relative to that group. you and i are straight white men. we are ALWAYS in a group of power.

What i meant was that in my mind they are undiscriminated. But i am wrong, because indeed the discriminations are adjective so the point is not what I think and treat them, but how the society and ( even worse ) the law does. So i was totally wrong here and the above paragraph is right on target.

also, i think you misunderstood me. calling something gay makes the world worse for gays. calling someone a pussy makes the world worse for women. it's the same principle. pussy is worse.

On the contrary , i wanted to make sure i got you right because i had this in mind:

good work on the @home PR's vag, jumping looks good lately.

don't let the fear hold you back, vag. your cervical vertebrae can take it.

my cns shuts me down with that stuff too, very hard for me to hit my head on my 8' ceiling.. body won't let me.

you gaping vaginas.

of course, while playing catch today i got spooked jumping up for a disc that was kind of near the net. just let it go by.

so, um, i guess it takes one to know one.


Gotcha! Although i must admit it was pretty gay of me to trap you into that!  :-*

I still believe that calling something gay is not connected to the gay community anymore, i believe it has lost the etymological origin. I was, and i still am NOT trying to prove you wrong, i wanted to share some thoughts about it because i truly believe it is grey area. I am surprised a bit from your persistance to put it out of the grey, although you do see my point. You say "gay" moves towards that direction, i say its there allready. Why do i have to be wrong? Again , i am not saying i am not wrong , i am saying i think its not adjectively determinable. Maybe your agression/persistance in the issue derives from your sensitivity which i said i will respect, and so will i. I stop now. Sorry if i took it too long.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2012, 09:39:11 am
yes, internet has coarsened me. thanks for the reminder. :-[

but that's like my use of "retarded" -- i'm just not going to do it anymore. never did before starting on this and lyle's forums, won't again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 20, 2012, 12:59:16 pm
You people are so gay...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2012, 05:43:37 pm
You people are so gay...

fuck you raptor, get out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 20, 2012, 05:45:02 pm
Haha... seriously, you american guys take things way too seriously.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2012, 05:49:25 pm
Haha... seriously, you american guys take things way too seriously.

Haha... seriously, get the fuck out of here with that shit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 20, 2012, 06:19:45 pm
"Shit". I feel offended. First "gay", now "shit". Seriously, stop it!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2012, 12:39:18 pm
"Shit". I feel offended. First "gay", now "shit". Seriously, stop it!

in your attempts at humor, you have failed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 21, 2012, 01:22:43 pm
Humor?! I'd never do that with such important, meaningful words.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2012, 09:47:09 pm
BW = 176.5

- warm up
too much, waiting for crossfit to finish

- DLRVJ x 8
balls. i felt awesome going into this workout, great visions on the walk to the gym, but had crested by the time the bastards had finished their cross training. nothing over 32.

- MR half tuck x 20

- squat 300 x 5,5,5
solid, last rep a little grindy but not awful

- pull up x 8,8,6+2

- walk home

- stretch

apparently the gym closes at 9 on fridays now, so i got kicked out before i could get to core or stretching. gonna do that now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on September 21, 2012, 10:50:00 pm
On the metro tonight:

Two black men, one married, two children, the other, 31 years young, begin talking about the younger generation. The 31year old laments: "damn dees mothafuckas like, e'erbody be lesbians now, e'erbody be fags."

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2012, 11:41:55 pm
spent 45 minutes or so tonight foam rollering and then alternating bodyweight BSS for ~20 reps with stretching. also did some calf raises. did not do enough this weekend in general to get the juices flowing. need to be better about getting some exercise and stretching in on off days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 24, 2012, 12:25:18 am
On the metro tonight:

Two black men, one married, two children, the other, 31 years young, begin talking about the younger generation. The 31year old laments: "damn dees mothafuckas like, e'erbody be lesbians now, e'erbody be fags."

jaj what.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on September 24, 2012, 09:05:40 am
On the metro tonight:

Two black men, one married, two children, the other, 31 years young, begin talking about the younger generation. The 31year old laments: "damn dees mothafuckas like, e'erbody be lesbians now, e'erbody be fags."

jaj what.


serious. not paraphrased. he also talked about skinny jeans in relation to this problem, and then the economy and something about how mothafuckas in this country who can't count to 10 in english should not be working here. said "mothafuckas" a lot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2012, 09:32:27 am
On the metro tonight:

Two black men, one married, two children, the other, 31 years young, begin talking about the younger generation. The 31year old laments: "damn dees mothafuckas like, e'erbody be lesbians now, e'erbody be fags."

jaj what.


serious. not paraphrased. he also talked about skinny jeans in relation to this problem, and then the economy and something about how mothafuckas in this country who can't count to 10 in english should not be working here. said "mothafuckas" a lot.

get this man a cable news show.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2012, 11:49:06 am
last night:

BW = 177
ACHES/INJURIES = head, low back (?)
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 8
fast but no power. all around 31.5-32, which sucks. but it's good to feel fast even when my head hurts. not sure where the headache came from.

- MR half tuck x 20,20

- squat 305 x 5,5,5
have video, will post later. last reps on second and third sets were slow but not good-morninged, i managed to keep hips from shooting too badly.

- stretch

stopped there because i'm going to check out one of the new gyms tonight that i'm thinking about joining, and so i'll just do upper and core stuff there. no lower back work, though, gotta save that for 310 x 5,5,5 tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2012, 11:28:32 pm
checked out the fancy new gym tonight. in the gym store (they have a store in the gym) they sell...wait for this is fucking strange. basically, it's a completely different aesthetic and feel from what i'm used to, and not for the better. still, the court looked super nice. occupied, but nice. and they would give me a cheaper rate than the one quoted online, and i think i could finagle my way out of paying a full penalty if i end up not liking it after 3 months or if the Y opens up near my house and is a better option.

also, i didn't watch any tv tonight. that was not by choice but because my roommate argued with me. but i'm kind of glad he did.

anyway, did get some business done.

BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = head (very low-grade but there)

- warm up

- bench 155 x 10+3+3+3

- DB row 65 x 10e,10e,10e

- SS1: curl 27.5 x 10e
- SS1: toes to bar x 10
- SS1: tricep kickback 27.5 x 10e
- SS1 info: 2 rounds, 60s between exercises, an extra set of TTB at the end.

- cool down

- stretch while looking at a badonk on the treadmill that would have made raptor cum faster than a new adistar workout video.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2012, 07:04:36 pm
headache persists and i just generally feel bad. slept in and was late to work but doesn't seem to have helped. debated whether to go to the gym but 48-hour headaches are weird for me. gonna see if it doesn't go away after a night off. will still do some foam rollering/stretching and some light exercise but otherwise will just wait 'til tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 27, 2012, 01:48:38 pm
feel even worse today than yesterday. headache is still there, and general "blech" feeling but since last night i've also had terrible stiffness/soreness in my neck. this sucks.

 :pissed: :'( :pissed: :'( :-[ >:( :'( :-[ :pissed:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 27, 2012, 07:16:46 pm
so it appears that i'm legitimately sick. i feel okay for the most part -- not well enough to have a good workout but well enough to go to the gym -- except my neck is incredibly stiff and in quite a bit of pain. because stiff neck is a hallmark of meningitis, i figured i'd call the doctor. turns out i probably don't have the really bad kind of meningitis (bacterial) because light doesn't bother my eyes. but i might have viral meningitis or west nile virus. sooooo i'm taking another day off, much as i want to go work out. having neck pain (and headache) like this precludes any hard exercise anyway -- can't swing arms, can't do valsalva, can't support anything on shoulders.

will find out more tomorrow, have an appointment to see the doctor at 11:30 just to make sure it's not something serious.

this blows, i'm rarely actually sick -- fatigued sure, food poisoning sure (afghanistan!), headache once in a while sure. but i haven't been sick enough to go to the doctor since i had whooping cough in college.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 27, 2012, 09:21:04 pm
Good luck with your recovery, man.

Do you speak Arabic?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2012, 03:43:50 pm
Good luck with your recovery, man.

thanks man. quick update on that: i went to the doctor this morning. threw up about ten minutes after getting to the office, which was new. no nausea the previous few days. she did some tests and i got blood drawn -- won't have the labs back until tomorrow so unsure about that. but she was concerned enough to send me for an immediate CAT scan. ever had one of those? it's kind of cool, very sci-fi. much more fun than an MRI. i realized that i've now had all the main types of medical imaging except a PET scan. fun times.

anyway, the CAT scan was negative. so that's good because:


but i still don't know what's wrong with me.

Do you speak Arabic?

beyond the arabic phrases that are universal in the muslim world (as salaam u alaykum/u alaykum as salaam, insh'allah, mash'allah, etc.), and a few other greeting-type phrases (ahlan wa sahlan/ahlan bik), nope.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 28, 2012, 04:28:49 pm
I haven't had any major medical procedures like that.

Thanks to that gif I'm imagining your CAT scan went something like Total Recall.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2012, 02:03:33 pm
BW = 177
ACHES/INJURIES = neck, head but more mild
FATIGUE = zero

- warm up

- squat 265 x 8,8,8

- SS1: dip x 10
- SS1: inverted row x 10
- SS1 info: 5 rounds, 30s between exercises

- stretch

euphoria. still felt like shit this morning but took some ibuprofen and went to the gym anyway. and at the end of the workout, as i was walking out, i felt totally elated. not being able to work out sucks, being able to work out brings joy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 29, 2012, 05:02:37 pm
Any more word from the doc? Seems like a good sign that you felt solid after this workout and that the headache is reduced.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2012, 10:17:47 pm
doc called again this afternoon, just to check in. i feel fine now. i actually felt fucking spectacular this morning but unfortunately it had worn off by the time i got to the gym tonight. still no word on the west nile, i'm supposed to call back on thursday if i haven't heard from them. my roommate is now sick, presumably with the same virus.   :-X

BW = 176
ACHES/INJURIES = right wrist feels like i jammed it (?)
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 7
bad, mostly 31-32, one 32.5

- squat 275 x 8,8,8

- SS1: dip x 10
- SS1: inverted row x 10
- SS1 info: 5 rounds, minimal rest between exercises, ~30s between rounds. will up reps and decrease sets next time.

- hanging leg raise x 10,10,10

- ab pull down x 30

- stretch

pissed about the jumps, i felt pretty good but the explosiveness was just not there. oh well. squats were very solid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ahotzo on October 01, 2012, 11:17:15 pm
Nice squat numbers man.  Hope everything works out with the doctor.  Feel better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 02, 2012, 09:41:22 am
doc called again this afternoon, just to check in. i feel fine now. i actually felt fucking spectacular this morning but unfortunately it had worn off by the time i got to the gym tonight. still no word on the west nile,

i'm supposed to call back on thursday if i haven't heard from them.

that waiting game sucks especially when you might have something like west nile.

my roommate is now sick, presumably with the same virus.   :-X

damn.. west nile can spread like that though? from person to person? or are you all getting bit by mosquitos around there.

florida has hardly seen any mosquitos this year, it's unbelievable.. yet cases of west nile/malaria are up, especially in texas, so i hear.

hope it's def not west nile.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 02, 2012, 01:36:07 pm
i don't think west nile is person-to-person contagious, either, and it's been cool here the last couple of weeks so mosquitos are way down. so my guess is it's some other kind of virus.

anyway, i feel better now so whatever, we'll see what they say when the blood work comes back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 03, 2012, 09:40:49 pm
BW = 177
ACHES/INJURIES = right wrist a little but barely noticeable
FATIGUE = low to moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 5
fuck crossfit. was all set to jump at my normal rim and then they decided they needed the area RIGHT UNDER THE FUCKING RIM to do their shitty power snatches. went to other rim but it's harder for me to jump there for some reason. maybe it's higher but that'd be weird as it's a regulation high school gym.

- MR half tuck x 15
- SL bound x 7e -- just for fun
- MR half tuck x 30

- squat 280 x 8,8,8
still solid but need to concentrate better at end of sets

- SS1: dip x 10
- SS1: inverted row x 10
- SS1 info: 5 rounds. did inverted rows on rings and very close to parallel. later sets were hard.

- ab pull down x 30,30,30

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2012, 09:49:36 am

BW = 177
FATIGUE = moderate

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 6-7
meh, bad. left forearm whacked out by grabbing the rim but not well enough.

- depth jumps 3 x 2

- squat 285 x 8,8,5
the limitation is my ability to maintain a tight core later on. back is not giving it, it's the valsalva part -- i'm breathing too hard to do it properly or something. last night i dreamed about jumping rope all the damn time.

- SS1: dip x 12,12,10,10,6
- SS1: ring inverted row x 10,10,10,10,10
- SS1 info: 5 rounds (obviously). was trying to go for 15,15,10,10 on the dips but i'm not there yet.

- ab pull down x 30,30,30

- stretch


- hike x 8-8.5 miles with gf
perfect day, really nice hike up near thurmont, catoctin mountain park.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on October 08, 2012, 09:52:19 am
Fuk walking that far lol.
You've probably answered this before but what's the reason why you're always going over to the Middle East?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2012, 09:54:02 am
Fuk walking that far lol.
You've probably answered this before but what's the reason why you're always going over to the Middle East?

you're missing out, man. i wish i could hike more but i usually don't have time on weekends.

i travel for work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on October 08, 2012, 09:57:18 am
Oh true so you're like in the army or something.
I used to walk a lot but than I got a car so since than i've been lazy and just drive everywhere.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2012, 11:27:06 am
Oh true so you're like in the army or something.
I used to walk a lot but than I got a car so since than i've been lazy and just drive everywhere.

nope, not army.

i'm glad i don't have a car. rather spend that money on other things. plus, what do i need a car for? i'm almost never in such a hurry that a car is a huge advantage over walking or public transportation. if i need to go a long distance i just borrow. if i had a car i'd be sorely tempted to drive to the gym right now but i really don't need the 15 minutes it'd save me. if i did i could have left 15 minutes ago. slowing down is good.

really what it comes down to is i live in a city where everything is accessible without a car. if i lived in the suburbs or in a different kind of city i'd surely need one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 08, 2012, 11:31:01 am
i wish there were places to hike around here.. instead i have to just walk 8 miles on a sidewalk.

hiking must be fun.

(especially with gf.)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2012, 01:42:43 pm
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left hamstring at outside of knee, left VMO

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 7
fuck. no speed except one or two and even those sucked.

- squat 355 x 1, 365 x 0
did not have the volume in me today, not enough food this weekend or wrong time of day or something. left quad was bugging but not bothering me during squats so i decided to try for a PR. i think 355 is a PR tie. annoyed to fail on 365, i feel like i should be able to get it just based on weight gain, but i plain didn't have it. still, for a day when i felt kind of shitty, a PR tie isn't bad.

- stretch


got my tickets a couple of weeks ago. cannot wait.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 08, 2012, 01:50:08 pm
Good shit, how much you weigh nowadays?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on October 09, 2012, 12:56:09 am
BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = left hamstring at outside of knee, left VMO

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 7
fuck. no speed except one or two and even those sucked.

- squat 355 x 1, 365 x 0
did not have the volume in me today, not enough food this weekend or wrong time of day or something. left quad was bugging but not bothering me during squats so i decided to try for a PR. i think 355 is a PR tie. annoyed to fail on 365, i feel like i should be able to get it just based on weight gain, but i plain didn't have it. still, for a day when i felt kind of shitty, a PR tie isn't bad.

- stretch


got my tickets a couple of weeks ago. cannot wait.

If the site had upvotes still I would have voted this post up, nice squat. Did you ever decide to try the program I was doing for awhile, or the one T0ddday suggested for you? I remember you saying you wanted to get your squat up before changing, is it high enough yet? You're basically at 2xBW with that effort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 09, 2012, 05:14:56 am
Good shit, how much you weigh nowadays?

Will you ever just look up a few posts? It's in the same page for fuck's sake!


BW = 177
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2012, 10:13:15 am
yeah that's a 2xbw squat on a kind of off day, which is good and all. but i want it to be stronger. i'm frustrated to have gained 5 pounds on my baseline weight (172-177) and not be able to squat with relative ease above my old PR. but that's probably dumb, and i should probably suck it up and keep working.

problem is, my gym closes for good in a bit more than a month and after that i will need to adjust to a new gym, new court, new rims, probably new workout times, etc. i'm thinking that i might abandon the bulking+volume plan for the next month and focus instead on speed and stim methods -- more sprinting, more jumping, lower volume on squats. the last few weeks' worth of DLRVJ's have felt slow, for whatever combination of reasons. i need to take advantage of my gym's uniqueness while it's around. i can squat 3x8 anywhere.

so maybe it's time for the acole block, or some variation thereof. i'll revisit that thread today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 09, 2012, 10:31:46 am
I was thinking of your case earlier today. I still don't get it. 2*BW squat, low bf%, very often jumping , stretching and all, WTF!!! I know you think you dont have good jumping genes and i accept that, but at least your SVJ should be above 30 and then dropstep/RVJ a couples inches higher. 35'' SVJ / 37'' RVJ would be very realistic for your qualities.
SO , i'm gonna go raptor-style (  :uhhhfacepalm: ) because i can't explain your phenomenon othrwise:
Maybe you are too quad dominant and that restricts you from expressing your strength on the court? I don't rememver you doing much assistance stuff so you may have tried it already, if not maybe you should consider shifting to low-volume-high-intensity squat for maintenance and push a bit more on pchain work such as BSS / RDLs / GHRs, see what happens.

Just a couple of genuine broscience cents.  8)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 09, 2012, 11:43:44 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2012, 11:50:08 am

yeah vag, i think you're right (raptor, too). at the very least i know i need to be doing more glute activation work. ok.

ETA: thanks to raptor for that link -- the 40 commandments for vertical jump training are a good wake-up call. i love squatting but, at the end of the day, it's not what i care most about. time to refocus.

ETA2: but god damn it, someone needs to edit his KJV english, it's driving me crazy that he gets the "thou"s and "thy"s wrong and never uses "thee." i'm tempted to edit it myself and send it to him for re-publishing. where is joe, he will understand me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2012, 12:15:00 pm
mmmmmmkay so here goes. based on earlier with some modifications to keep exercises in order from faster-->slower. my only doubt is about the speed-ish day being right after the heavy legs day. but that's more or less how acole had it set up. thoughts?

DAY 1: Gym - heavy legs (mainly quads, glutes)
- DLRVJ x5-15 depending on feeling
- Squats 3x3 @85% OR 2x3 MSEM @ 90-95%
- BSS 3x8
- Hip thrust 3x10
- Calf raise 3x20
- Core, UB superset/circuit as I've been doing them

DAY 2: Speed-ish
- ME sprints 3-6x30-50m (OR 6-10x10-15m if done indoors)
- DL bounds 3x8
- LL/RR bounds very submax 5x8-10
- low-volume interval sprints (OR jump rope if done indoors)

DAY 3: Rest OR optional Cardio
- light jump rope/foam roll/stretch
- medium-volume interval sprints/foam roll/stretch

DAY 4: Gym (explosive exercises/hamstrings)
- DLRVJ x5-15 depending on feeling
- Depth jumps 3-4x4-6
- Jump squats 2x3 @ 20-30%
- squat MSEM 1 x 6 @ 80-85%, strong focus on speed
- RDL/GHR 3x8 (start really light, this is going to murder me at first)
- Core, UB superset/circuit as I've been doing them

DAY 5: Jumps
- 6+ of each jump (DLRVJ, SLRVJ, SVJ)

DAY 6: Rest OR optional Cardio
- light jump rope/foam roll/stretch
- medium-volume interval sprints/foam roll/stretch

DAY 7: Jumps
- 6+ of each jump (more effort than Fri)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on October 09, 2012, 12:30:34 pm
Wondering what you think about staying the course and following Kingfisher's advice of chasing 4 plates?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2012, 01:07:04 pm
Wondering what you think about staying the course and following Kingfisher's advice of chasing 4 plates?

see previous posts:

Quote from: me
problem is, my gym closes for good in a bit more than a month and after that i will need to adjust to a new gym, new court, new rims, probably new workout times, etc. i'm thinking that i might abandon the bulking+volume plan for the next month and focus instead on speed and stim methods -- more sprinting, more jumping, lower volume on squats. the last few weeks' worth of DLRVJ's have felt slow, for whatever combination of reasons. i need to take advantage of my gym's uniqueness while it's around. i can squat 3x8 anywhere.

so maybe it's time for the acole block, or some variation thereof.

Quote from: vag
I was thinking of your case earlier today. I still don't get it. 2*BW squat, low bf%, very often jumping , stretching and all, WTF!!! I know you think you dont have good jumping genes and i accept that, but at least your SVJ should be above 30 and then dropstep/RVJ a couples inches higher. 35'' SVJ / 37'' RVJ would be very realistic for your qualities.
SO , i'm gonna go raptor-style (  :uhhhfacepalm: ) because i can't explain your phenomenon othrwise:
Maybe you are too quad dominant and that restricts you from expressing your strength on the court? I don't rememver you doing much assistance stuff so you may have tried it already, if not maybe you should consider shifting to low-volume-high-intensity squat for maintenance and push a bit more on pchain work such as BSS / RDLs / GHRs, see what happens.

Quote from: me
yeah vag, i think you're right (raptor, too). at the very least i know i need to be doing more glute activation work. ok.

in other words, i'll come back to shooting for 4 plates. for the time being, i've been doing general strength for months and i need to switch things up before my gym closes. had been meaning to post about that anyway but vag/raptor galvanized me to do it now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 09, 2012, 04:43:45 pm
Take a look at the program I made for Nightfly in his log, you don't need to read through all that post (although it might be interesting), look at the program at the end. You should be focusing on the glutes more if you really think you need it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on October 09, 2012, 04:57:39 pm
I like that one of the first posts I see in your log says fuck cross fitters. Lol. I see why you dislike them. Its the same way I hate soccer players.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 09, 2012, 05:02:46 pm
Why do you hate soccer players?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on October 09, 2012, 06:28:06 pm
mmmmmmkay so here goes. based on earlier with some modifications to keep exercises in order from faster-->slower. my only doubt is about the speed-ish day being right after the heavy legs day. but that's more or less how acole had it set up. thoughts?

DAY 1: Gym - heavy legs (mainly quads, glutes)
- DLRVJ x5-15 depending on feeling
- Squats 3x3 @85% OR 2x3 MSEM @ 90-95%
- BSS 3x8
- Hip thrust 3x10
- Calf raise 3x20
- Core, UB superset/circuit as I've been doing them

DAY 2: Speed-ish
- ME sprints 3-6x30-50m (OR 6-10x10-15m if done indoors)
- DL bounds 3x8
- LL/RR bounds very submax 5x8-10
- low-volume interval sprints (OR jump rope if done indoors)

DAY 3: Rest OR optional Cardio
- light jump rope/foam roll/stretch
- medium-volume interval sprints/foam roll/stretch

DAY 4: Gym (explosive exercises/hamstrings)
- DLRVJ x5-15 depending on feeling
- Depth jumps 3-4x4-6
- Jump squats 2x3 @ 20-30%
- squat MSEM 1 x 6 @ 80-85%, strong focus on speed
- RDL/GHR 3x8 (start really light, this is going to murder me at first)
- Core, UB superset/circuit as I've been doing them

DAY 5: Jumps
- 6+ of each jump (DLRVJ, SLRVJ, SVJ)

DAY 6: Rest OR optional Cardio
- light jump rope/foam roll/stretch
- medium-volume interval sprints/foam roll/stretch

DAY 7: Jumps
- 6+ of each jump (more effort than Fri)

Yeah, I mean, the way I was doing it wasn't perfect by any means. Maybe next time when my strength base has built up more I will change it around to a more optimal setup. You probably could switch the speed-heavy legs Mon Tues around as you say. The only real reason I put it that way was that I had basketball on Tuesday nights, and rather than be fatigued from heavy weights a few hours before, I thought it might be better to have a night's recovery from weights, then do the light speed stuff the next morning before work, eat relatively big after and be prepped for ball later that night.

I also kind of liked the alternating jumps-weight-jumps/speed (Sun-Mon-Tues) aspect; I don't know why. Just felt like a intense, varied series of exercises, all of which got my brain/CNS screaming at my body (in lots of different voices): YOU MUST JUMP HIGHER! Again, no real training theory behind it (at least, not that I've read before, maybe I did a few good things by accident but it was more experimental than anything).

For the structure I basically just listed all my weakness and the exercises I needed to improve them, then tried to sort them into sessions, and fitted the sessions around my working week and court availability as best as I could. You could probably do the same, keep the exercises you listed but just fiddle around with the exact timings and rest periods.

The key for me I think was just devoting two days to just jumps practice, and putting them one after another. I was always buzzing for the second session because the previous sessions was fresh in my mind, and I could more actively reinforce the technique cues I was working on.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2012, 06:31:51 pm
^^^ OUTSTANDING POST IS OUTSTANDING. reconsideration will occur. good day to you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2012, 06:43:17 pm

1. strength. i am pretty strong in the weight room. not very strong, but pretty strong. comfortably at 2xbw squat.
2. technique. i've practiced jumping a lot and am pretty comfortable with my approach and plant in DLRVJ. this is evidenced by the large gap between my SVJ and my DLRVJ. SLRVJ technique has been improving from submaximal jumps during layup practice.
3. doggedness. i've been at this a long time and show no signs of giving up.


1. speed. i am relatively slow.
2. explosiveness. i am very unexplosive. SVJ is terrible relative to my squat.
3. CNS-recruitment-ability. what i mean is that i more often than not can't really get myself hyped enough for even near-maximal performance. it helps to do something competitive before i work out but barring that i'm at the mercy of my own inscrutable CNS cycles. by this i don't mean i think i should be PR'ing every time i'm in the gym, but there are days when i "feel" fast and springy and light and strong and days when i don't. the latter are more common than the former. i'd like to reverse that, if possible.
4. fitness. i'm fitter than the average joe but less fit than i've been in the past. this comes from focusing exclusively on jumping and weights. heavy 8-rep squats drove this home for me last week -- i cut off my last set of 290x8 because i couldn't valsalva enough to keep a tight core. breathing was wrong.

more to follow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on October 10, 2012, 02:31:42 am
Why do you hate soccer players?

We share our stadium with the local soccer club. We win 10+ national titles a year. Sonetimes even an international one. Were in the best league of the country.

The soccer team is in the second best league and has won nothing. They only play at the stadium once every two weeks.

Still they decide everything and act as though theyre the best athletes imaginable. When they play were not allowed near the stadium. They can change and decide everything on the stadium, despite the fact that were there every day and heyre here once per teo weeks.

Its all because soccer is our national sport. 90% of all danes has played soccer within the last 5 years. So its the biggest sport. T&f is one of the smallest.

But seriously. Ive seen their test results. They have a keeper with a 30cm svj. And hes as cocky as anyone on that team. Generally their test results are horrible.

So I hate them. Not all of them. But all those acting like theyre the greatest athletes and people the world has ever seen.

Sorry for highjack.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: D4 on October 10, 2012, 03:02:43 am
LBSS, what's your current SVJ, and SVJ PR? 

Curious to know, since your max squat is basically at the 2xBW mark
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 10, 2012, 09:05:58 am
Why do you hate soccer players?

We share our stadium with the local soccer club. We win 10+ national titles a year. Sonetimes even an international one. Were in the best league of the country.

The soccer team is in the second best league and has won nothing. They only play at the stadium once every two weeks.

Still they decide everything and act as though theyre the best athletes imaginable. When they play were not allowed near the stadium. They can change and decide everything on the stadium, despite the fact that were there every day and heyre here once per teo weeks.

Its all because soccer is our national sport. 90% of all danes has played soccer within the last 5 years. So its the biggest sport. T&f is one of the smallest.

But seriously. Ive seen their test results. They have a keeper with a 30cm svj. And hes as cocky as anyone on that team. Generally their test results are horrible.

So I hate them. Not all of them. But all those acting like theyre the greatest athletes and people the world has ever seen.

Sorry for highjack.

sounds awfully familiar. fuck 'em!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 10, 2012, 09:08:42 am
LBSS, what's your current SVJ, and SVJ PR? 

Curious to know, since your max squat is basically at the 2xBW mark

all-time PR on a jump mat (in socks) was 28" but that was just once. my gym's jump mat grew legs after that so i haven't had a comparable test in two years. chalking my hand and jumping to touch the padding on the backboard put me at like 26".

this is what i mean by lack of explosiveness. to be fair, though, i basically never practice SVJ. i'd improve after a month of just doing it regularly, i think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 10, 2012, 09:13:13 am
last night:

my post to pelham inspired me to do a card deck workout. went with (half) squats, push-ups with hands on the seat of the couch, quick feet, and those crunches where you pull your knees and head to the middle at the same time. idea was not to challenge myself, just to build up a light sweat and get HR moving a little. took 15 minutes, then did did some glute bridges, clams, and paused BSS for glute activation. then stretched for 15 minutes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 10, 2012, 10:48:23 am
i think too much. so, after all that wanking about my modification of acole14's template, i'm going to go back to the program adarq wrote out for me last year. i made good gains on it. probably my best gains ever. then, once gym closes and i am adrift, i'll get back into trying to pack pounds on the bar and myself. i've spent nearly 10 months mostly spinning my wheels on that part but i know what it takes now to get to where i want to be. reading joel smith's article the other day reminded me that i'm not in this to squat big. i'm in it to jump high. i've got three more inches to go to be able to put the ball in off a lob. let's roll.

of course, this template still allows me to start with high-volume squatting. gotta wean myself off a bit, i guess.  :P

session 1:
- warmup
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
- SQUAT: 3 x 3, 3 x 8 (no long pauses between reps, try to get the reps done non stop, last rep should be hard)
- UNILATERAL: 3 x 3e
- CORE (abs + glute bridges/RDLs/GHR)

session 2:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 4 (90-95%), 30s or more between singles, bar speed from onset of transition to lockout is essential
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
- C1-info: if it makes it easier, to db jump squats, jump squats come nearly immediately after a set of MSEM.. so: MSEM, jump squat, rest 2min, jump squat, rest 3min, repeat..... 2 rotations
- S1: dips @ 50 total
- S1: inverted rows @ 50 total
- CORE (abs + glute bridges/RDLs/GHR)

session 3:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2)
- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
- C1: MSEM squat: 1 x 8 (80-85%), 15-30s between singles, bar speed from onset of transition to lockout is essential
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 (30%)
- C1-info: if it makes it easier, to db jump squats, jump squats come nearly immediately after a set of MSEM.. so: MSEM, jump squat, rest 2min, jump squat, rest 3min, repeat..... 2 rotations
- S1: dips @ 50 total
- S1: inverted rows @ 50 total
- CORE (abs + glute bridges/RDLs/GHR)

session 4:
- warmup
- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5
- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2) (replaced by depth jumps if court is unavailable)
- ME MR double leg bounds: 5 x 5
- ME MR tuck: 5 x 5
- ME MR pogo: 5 x 5


Day 1: session 1 volume strength
Day 2: recovery
Day 3: recovery
Day 4: session 2 power
Day 5: recovery
Day 6: session 3 power
Day 7: recovery
Day 8: reactive "deload", still max intensity but no lifting
Day 9: recovery and or session 1
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on October 10, 2012, 02:22:35 pm
Why do you hate soccer players?

We share our stadium with the local soccer club. We win 10+ national titles a year. Sonetimes even an international one. Were in the best league of the country.

The soccer team is in the second best league and has won nothing. They only play at the stadium once every two weeks.

Still they decide everything and act as though theyre the best athletes imaginable. When they play were not allowed near the stadium. They can change and decide everything on the stadium, despite the fact that were there every day and heyre here once per teo weeks.

Its all because soccer is our national sport. 90% of all danes has played soccer within the last 5 years. So its the biggest sport. T&f is one of the smallest.

But seriously. Ive seen their test results. They have a keeper with a 30cm svj. And hes as cocky as anyone on that team. Generally their test results are horrible.

So I hate them. Not all of them. But all those acting like theyre the greatest athletes and people the world has ever seen.

Sorry for highjack.

sounds awfully familiar. fuck 'em!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: D4 on October 11, 2012, 04:01:16 am
LBSS, what's your current SVJ, and SVJ PR? 

Curious to know, since your max squat is basically at the 2xBW mark

all-time PR on a jump mat (in socks) was 28" but that was just once. my gym's jump mat grew legs after that so i haven't had a comparable test in two years. chalking my hand and jumping to touch the padding on the backboard put me at like 26".

this is what i mean by lack of explosiveness. to be fair, though, i basically never practice SVJ. i'd improve after a month of just doing it regularly, i think.

According to vertical jump calculator (not saying it' accurate), you should be ~33".  Are you going to work on explosive strength?  Or you think it'll just come down to practicing it only

Also, I'm just like you with what you said about your CNS.  I seriously can't understand how everyone else on here can go out and have multiple jump sessions a week.  Unless I get lucky, I always feel like I'm doing my jump sessions for no reason.  Just jump after jump of forced effort resulting in low vertical heights. 

I get lucky like maybe 1-2x a month where I'm playing competitive ball, and my body is recovered and I'm just feeling it.  Over the years, have you found different strategies or whatever on helping with this issue?  The only part of my training I'm not being consistent with is jump sessions.  They always feel so forced, shitty, energy draining.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 11, 2012, 04:53:42 am
Yeah you could switch to an explosive regime for a month or so and then get back to squatting heavy again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 11, 2012, 06:48:17 am
^IMHO an explosive setup seems ideal according to his data , but he has done it a few times and it failed. That's why i say i don't get it. He SHOULD be jumping higher.
Quad dominance is my last card trying to explain his strength/jump disanalogy. But that's just my guess/estimation, i can't back it up except from the total pchain work absence in his templates.
As for SVJs , i am absolutely sure that if he practiced them he would be at 30'' in no time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 11, 2012, 07:19:03 am
Here's an idea:

Two explosive workouts per week:

Workout A:

Depth jump 3x5 from medium box
Jump squat with reset after each rep: 3x5 with 30% of your 1RM
1/4 rhythmic jump squat: 3x10 with an empty barbell
Squat 6x1 with 90%

Workout B:

DJ 3x5 from high box
1-2 jump squats 3x5 with 30% 1RM
Explosive squat 6x2 with 60% 1RM

There ya go. Try that for a month or so and see what happens.

EDIT: Oh, and one more thing: when you go to jump and jump a few times and think "this sucks, I'm giving up - don't. Continue to GO GET IT". There's been a handful of times I saw you write that and DO that which makes me think you're missing a ton of possible jump practice because you just don't like how you move and just quit and go strength train again and get worse and worse plyometrically.

You have to ask yourself "what's wrong with my jump as far as movement goes". It could be that you're so quad dominant or something, but honestly you don't look bad (in fact you look much better than me) off two feet. Very quick and snappy. It could actually help if you would "load" more in the plant and benefit from your strenght more instead of bouncing so quick off the ground like you do now. I don't know.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2012, 01:43:16 pm
hurray, upvoting is back. upvotes for everyone!

@D4: the only thing that seems to help is to do something competitive beforehand. playing knockout is perfect because it doesn't have to be long enough to tire me out, can just play to 5 or 7 or whatever and it gets the juices flowing. but i rarely have a partner.

@vag: i'm not sure i've ever done a real explosive setup. the plan adarq laid out is more explosive than what i've been doing for the past 9 months or so

@raptor: thanks, i appreciate the advice. i do think i'm quite quad dominant. going to start adding in more p-chain work to try to shift that balance a bit. the workouts you suggested are pretty close to adarq's template, so i'm going to go with his for now, but those do look good. i'll sub in depth jumps when the court isn't open.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2012, 01:50:01 pm
last night:

BW: ???
FATIGUE: low to medium

- warm up
included sprints and glute activation

- SLRVJ x 8-10
i'm still terrible at these although i did put together a couple of PR-ish jumps. probably around 27" off the right leg and 26" off the left.

- MR double leg bounds 5 x 5
best were second and third sets, got about a yard past half court, so about 44-45 feet, i think. that's pretty good, actually. need to remeasure the court to make sure i'm not fooling myself.

- squat: 305 x 3,3,3 | 275 x 8,8,8

- push press 115 x 5,5,5

- pull up x 5,5,5

- BSS 100 x 3e,3e,3e

- C1: calf raise x 20
- C1: glute bridge 45 x 10 (back elevated on bench at top of movement)
- C1: ab pull down x 30
- C1 info: 3 rounds, minimal rest

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 11, 2012, 04:11:30 pm
Either post voting is fucked up or i will never guess who negged your above posts and why...

As for explosive, i remember i talked you into doing explosive box squats some months ago , initially you had some PRish jump sessions but then you stalled.
You didn't stick with them for a long time to make conclusions anyway , it must have been when steven-miller convinced you to go SS/bulk style.
FWIW I like adarq's program a lot, it covers everything. Rapror's program would be very interesting to follow too if you feel like experimenting, a purely explosive block right after bulking and building limit strength should work damn well.
Also i totally agree a with raptor's point of view about short jump sessions, i try to always get 25-30 quality jumps. Usually i go with 2 sets of 3-4 SVJs , another 3-4 dropsteps and then sets of 3-4 DLRVJs. You never know when the good jumps gonna kick in, sometimes they appear in the beginning  , sometimes in the end.
But yeah, adarq's program is a keeper , you can go with it forever, good luck with it!
Just some thoughts material...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2012, 05:26:27 pm
huh, weird. 3 people negged the upvoting post? who are you people?

unless it's you, vag, trying to diminish my rep power and therefore my dominion over all forum members except lance and adarq. you sly fox, you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2012, 09:41:40 pm
BW: ???
SORENESS: edit: tib anterior
ACHES/INJURIES: something wonky in my right anterior hip but only in a very limited ROM, not worried about it
FATIGUE: low to medium

- C1: jump rope x a bit
- C1: stretching/mobility x a bit
- C1 info: switch back and forth, worked on some JR moves.

- C2: 45 pound plate push half court up-and-back
- C2: 3x as many pushups as plate pushes
- C2 info: partner workout because one of the crossfit guys that i actually like a lot needed a partner. 5,4,3,2,1 trips per round, rest was whatever you could get after you finished your plate pushes and pushups and the other guy was doing his plate pushes. no idea how long we took. wasn't especially hard although i was slower at the end than the beginning and my legs were all jacked up afterward. i'm out of shape for that kind of thing but was just planning to jump rope/mob/stretch today anyway so i figured why not. crossfit didn't invent workouts like that.  :P

- more mob, glute activation, and stretching
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2012, 05:31:47 pm
BW: ???
SORENESS: edit: tib anterior but very light
ACHES/INJURIES: something wonky in my right anterior hip but only in a very limited ROM, not worried about it

- warmup

- 10 yard dashes to fire up: 10 yards x 5

- low volume max effort jumps after warmup (~5-7 x 2) - if feel very stale, 1-step lead ins
court in use, subbed

- depth jump @18" x 4,4,4
not bad, there's nothing to reach for in the gym but most were easily 25+

- ME MR halftuck: 5 x 5
weak and slow

- ME MR pogo: 3 x 5
last set best

- C1: MSEM squat: 4 x 320
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 x 95
- C1-info: two rounds

- S1: dips x 15,15,10,10
- S1: inverted rows x 15,15,10,10
- S1 info: minimal rest between exercises

- S2: ab pull down x 30
- S2: glute bridge x 15
- S2 info: 3 rounds

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 13, 2012, 05:35:37 pm
nice on the msem squats, how explosive were the 320's ?

also, you found out any info on a new gym yet?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2012, 05:40:36 pm
nice on the msem squats, how explosive were the 320's ?

also, you found out any info on a new gym yet?


they felt slower and heavier than i feel like they should have, but not slow enough to be grindy at all. more like i just couldn't maintain form, concentration was off somehow. suffice it to say i won't add weight next time and will hopefully be in a better state of mind.

as far as new gym, i'm leaning toward the really expensive place because i think it's got the best chance of court availability. will try to get on a month-to-month setup there so i can leave if i hate it. either way i'm holding out at my gym as long as possible.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ahotzo on October 13, 2012, 06:34:40 pm
Really like the routines adarq & raptor made for you.  I'm going to watch your journal closely; when I feel like my squat strength has come along enough, I definitely will try something more explosive like this.  I hope they work out for you.  Good luck.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2012, 03:57:34 pm
i was at work until 12:15 last night (this morning), so did not get to the gym. spent the whole day, from 9 AM - 12:15AM, working on a proposal. spent hours on it over the weekend, as well. on the plus side, i'll get a comp day out of it. session 3 tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2012, 08:47:16 pm
SORENESS: edit: tib anterior but very light
ACHES/INJURIES: left anterior hip, squatting elbow on left side is BACK but not as bad as last year

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 5,5
horrendous, the worst in a long time.

- ME MR half tuck 5 x 5
barefoot, slow

- ME pogo 3 x 5

- C1: MSEM squat 8 x 290
- C1: 2 x 3 x 90
- C1 info: 2 rounds, squats were excellent.

- S1: dip x 15,15,10,10
- S1: inverted row x 15,15,10,10
- S1 info: add reps to first set next time

- S2: calf raise x 20
- S2: GHR sit up x 10
- S2: glute bridge x 15
- S2 info: 3 rounds, minimal rest

- foam roll ITB and hip flexors

- stretch

hip flexors were very tight, had trouble getting glutes activated during warm up or on bridges. the 15 hours i spent at my desk yesterday didn't help, i'm sure. i've been starting to move around more during the day but completely fell off yesterday. it was a really stressful day and i didn't sleep enough afterward. that probably affected my jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2012, 11:05:13 pm
SORENESS: edit: none
ACHES/INJURIES: left elbow during KB swings

- warm up

- jumps with bands 2 x 3

- SLRVJ x 6

- two-step RVJ x 6

- depth jump 4 @ 22" | 4 @ 18"

- SVJ x 5

- random core shit

wanted to do real jumps but the fucking old guy game was taking up the whole court even though they were short handed. painful to watch those dudes play. they're so, so bad except for two somewhat younger guys, who are slumming in the game: both are skilled and could hold their own in regular pickup but i guess they're lazy. was supposed to do bounds and shit today but forgot until afterward. bah.

the jumps weren't bad, though, so that's a positive.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 22, 2012, 09:54:06 am
was gf's birthday this past weekend so couldn't work out until sunday night.

SORENESS: edit: none
FATIGUE: moderate

- tossing football around, some 3-on-2, 45 minutes

- warm up

- depth jump 2 x 3 @ 18"
court was in use

- DL bound 5 x 5

- squat 305 x 0
warmed up normally but felt very weak, hip tweaking, unstable, no good. this was at least partially due to my not eating enough before the workout.

- stretch

gym was closing soon anyway so i cut off the rest of the workout after i walked out 305 and it felt like 405. i had a kind of crisis of confidence during the jumps -- "why the hell am i doing this? i jumped well on august 31 and haven't come close to that since. what am i doing wrong? what makes me think i can do this? i should just forget about it and move on to something else." i'm not quitting but it was a pretty low moment. i need some kind of kick in the ass -- what i really need is a training partner. avishek, you feel like changing gyms? i'll be at balance kalorama until it closes but then i'm a free agent. want that indoor court, though.

anyway, because i cut the workout off i'm going to go back tonight and try again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on October 22, 2012, 10:43:31 am
Looking back at your August 31 journal post where you jumped the highest you squatted 315 for 3x5 but today you failed 305 for a single. I guess the good news for you is that your vertical seems to be correlated fairly well to your squat so you know that if you're not squatting well you're probably not going to be jumping well. Even though I'm not really into vertical that much I've personally noticed that the highest jumps I've ever gotten were when my squat was at it's peak as well. Before i got knee issues I used to do dunks on low rims (9-9'10) like 50x in a day a couple times a week and just doing that didn't improve my max vertical much but it made my vertical consistent so I didn't have to put in much efffort to dunk on those rings. So maybe another option for you is just finding low rims and doing dozens of dunks on them until it's easy and than doing the same on regular rings just dunking a tennis ball until dunking a tennis ball is easy and than moving up to a bigger ball etc.

I can empathize with you as far as the frustration goes though. Nothings worse than training hard for months and months and watching your lifts and jumps stagnate and even sometimes getting worse. You just got to look back and remember what you achieved when you're feeling down and than eventually you start getting the motivation back coz you know if you've done something once you're capable of doing it again and surpassing it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 22, 2012, 11:20:53 am
^^^ thanks for the post. that's true, and i just read through the last couple of months of entries. here's what i see:

1. hit recent PR in jumps and all-time rep PR in squat
2. normal
3. went to afghanistan
4. came back, reset squats
5. got talked into upping volume on squats by kingfish
6. found out gym was closing, freaked out
7. talked myself into doing an explosive regime and not worrying about pushing strength any further
8. court is unavailable for jumps
9. struggle when it is available
10. got sick
11. came back and was filled with joy just by being able to work out again
12. repeat 8-9
13. crisis of confidence

so what's up? i was cruising at the end of august/beginning of september, before i left for kabul. that's when i was drinking milkshakes and working 3x5. i haven't weighed myself in a couple of weeks but i've probably lost a couple of pounds. i've been abroad, i've been sick. both of those things have effects past the actual event. yesterday i freaked out because my mom asked me to help her with something but wouldn't tell me what it was until i showed up -- long story but that sets up some easy and not illogical leaps into dark territory with respect to my little brother. i got wound up and then was kind of spent after that. probably played some role in my shitty attempt at a workout last night. life happens, in other words. it's not an excuse, it's a fact for an amateur with a sick family member and a full-time job that requires regular long-haul travel.

perhaps i should take a deep breath, keep pushing my squat and my weight, but refocus warm ups and supplementary work on glutes. and every once in a while, take an extra day off and try to PR on jumps the next day in the gym. maybe what was working over the summer was consistency and good health and lots of eating, and my brother being healthy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on October 22, 2012, 11:37:30 am
^^^ thanks for the post. that's true, and i just read through the last couple of months of entries. here's what i see:

1. hit recent PR in jumps and all-time rep PR in squat
2. normal
3. went to afghanistan
4. came back, reset squats
5. got talked into upping volume on squats by kingfish
6. found out gym was closing, freaked out
7. talked myself into doing an explosive regime and not worrying about pushing strength any further
8. court is unavailable for jumps
9. struggle when it is available
10. got sick
11. came back and was filled with joy just by being able to work out again
12. repeat 8-9
13. crisis of confidence

so what's up? i was cruising at the end of august/beginning of september, before i left for kabul. that's when i was drinking milkshakes and working 3x5. i haven't weighed myself in a couple of weeks but i've probably lost a couple of pounds. i've been abroad, i've been sick. both of those things have effects past the actual event. yesterday i freaked out because my mom asked me to help her with something but wouldn't tell me what it was until i showed up -- long story but that sets up some easy and not illogical leaps into dark territory with respect to my little brother. i got wound up and then was kind of spent after that. probably played some role in my shitty attempt at a workout last night. life happens, in other words. it's not an excuse, it's a fact for an amateur with a sick family member and a full-time job that requires regular long-haul travel.

perhaps i should take a deep breath, keep pushing my squat and my weight, but refocus warm ups and supplementary work on glutes. and every once in a while, take an extra day off and try to PR on jumps the next day in the gym. maybe what was working over the summer was consistency and good health and lots of eating, and my brother being healthy.

True that (minus the long-haul travel/sick family member)!
I peaked in mid September and since than my strength has been down a bit as well and I imagine if I timed my sprints my speed would probably be down a bit as well especially my acceleration. For me it was just getting sick, than I had a break up, than I was sick again and dealing with other daily shit but I'm finally starting to get over it again and head back to where I want to be.

Also I think you got it spot on with what you got to do :)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on October 22, 2012, 07:17:29 pm
You'll be OK man. You're too well-informed and too far into this thing to quit. Being basically the same dimensions as you I know how you feel when you hit a plateau and you're still a few crucial inches away from the required height to throw down.

I really don't think you need to change course too much apart from slowly adding in more sprinting and DL bounding sessions. I really think they'd help you a lot in terms of increasing the amount you get from your run-up and general movement efficiency. And of course, I like max effort jumping sessions where it's just you and the ring for 30 minutes working on all the different styles, but that's just me. I know how annoying it is to try and get a court to do that consistently.

I read a good article from Joel Smith's website today talking about general sprinting advice, but I think it's relevant to running jumps as well, you might find it helpful:

P.S. love the idea of you and Avishek working out together
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2012, 09:55:46 am
^^^ thanks for the words and the link. i am bad at bounds and REALLY bad at SL bounds, as that video i posted a while back shows. not good at expressing strength off of one leg, for sure.

as it happens, i had a good workout last night. go figure.

WEIGHT: 175.5
SORENESS: right posterior delt
ACHES/INJURIES: left lateral delt, posterior head was bugging all day, no idea why

- warm up

- sprint 10-12y x 5

- DLRVJ x ~10
hit 33 for the first time since august, i think. a few other jumps around 32, hanging on rim easily (i.e., without straining my elbow/shoulder). much better.

- ME MR half tuck 5 x 5
pretty good

- ME pogo 3 x 5
pretty good, and i'm usually awful at these

- squat 305 x 3,3,3 || 275 x 8,4 || 265 x 4,8
the second set of 275 was not happening, body was rocking all over the place. so i dropped to 265 to finish that set and then blasted through the last set with great speed. my friend said afterward that it was a "perfect squat."  :highfive:

- SS1: dip x 15,10,10,10,5
- SS1: chin up x 10 || inverted row x 10,10,10,10
- info: 5 rounds, ~30s between exercises

- glute bridge x 10 @3s holds

- SS2: reverse hyper x 10
- SS2: ab pull down x 30
- info: 3 rounds, minimal rest. never done reverse hypers before, liked them a lot. choked way up on the pull downs, shit was hard.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 23, 2012, 10:07:17 am
Yup , don't think those "what the fuck am i doing? It ain't happening!" voices will stop. It gets worse. Work becomes more demanding, life gets more complicated, social responsibilities/obligations keep poping up, injuries start packing, recovery changes ( to worse ) , food partitioning changes ( to worse ), every previous year is better, if i continue writing i will be tempted to quit again!
You just need to... and i hate that word with passion... compromise! This is what we like doing , this is what fills us with that content joyful feeling, so this is what will keep doing.
What is that , trying to get from tomahawk to windmill OR trying to get from mid-palm to base-palm rim touch, it doesnt really matter.
Don't look back , don't look too forward , just make the most out of what you can and remember to enjoy it, we voluntarely chose to do this for fun!!!
Good job 33''  :highfive:  :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2012, 10:11:55 am
Yup , don't think those "what the fuck am i doing? It ain't happening!" voices will stop. It gets worse. Work becomes more demanding, life gets more complicated, social responsibilities/obligations keep poping up, injuries start packing, recovery changes ( to worse ) , food partitioning changes ( to worse ), every previous year is better, if i continue writing i will be tempted to quit again!
You just need to... and i hate that word with passion... compromise! This is what we like doing , this is what fills us with that content joyful feeling, so this is what will keep doing.
What is that , trying to get from tomahawk to windmill OR trying to get from mid-palm to base-palm rim touch, it doesnt really matter.
Don't look back , don't look too forward , just make the most out of what you can and remember to enjoy it, we voluntarely chose to do this for fun!!!
Good job 33''  :highfive:  :ibjumping:

 :D :-* :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2012, 12:04:31 pm
SORENESS: hams, glutes, hams
FATIGUE: moderate

- warm up

- sprint 10y x 5

- DLRVJ 5-7 x 2
did a couple, wasn't feeling it. hamstrings and glutes sore enough to limit me on these and the sprints. reverse hyper are to blame. decided to play ball instead. plenty of submax jumps there and some movement efficiency work, right?

- basketball 2v2, 2's and 3's to 16
scored 11 of my team's 16, including a nice lefty layup through contact and the winning 3. also lost a couple of dribbles out of bounds and had one spectacular airball. also, i'm very out of shape. only reason i took that last three is because i was too tired to drive. basketball is fun.

- C1: MSEM squat: 4 x 320
- C1: JUMP SQUAT: 2 x 3 x 100
- C1-info: two rounds, squats stronger than last time at this weight.

- S1: dip x 20,12,12,6
- S1: inverted row x 15,15,15,5
- S1 info: ~30s rest between exercises. getting closer to 3 rounds.

- core

- stretch

don't know why i didn't stretch. i just didn't feel like it. shot around a bit more instead.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2012, 05:16:42 pm
yesterday (friday):

WEIGHT: 175.5
ACHES/INJURIES: elbows and triceps, during squatting

- warm up

- DLRVJ 5 x 2

- ME MR half tuck 5 x 5

- ME pogo 3 x 5
second and third sets better

- C1: MSEM squat 8 x 285
- C1: jump squat 2 x 3 x 100
- C1 info: 2 rounds

- S1: dip x 20,15,15
- S1: inverted row x 20,15,15
- S1 info: ~30s between rounds

- S2: ab pull down x 30
- S2: reverse hyper x 10
- S2 info: 2 rounds, minimal rest

- stretch

dunno what's wrong with my elbows on the squat. this started to bother me earlier in the week but i forgot to note it. something off about the form, maybe. could just be a passing thing.

also, i'm thinking about buying a barbell and some weights from the gym. don't have anywhere to put them for the time being but there's a chance i could get a fantastic deal. and i can just throw the stuff in my parents' basement for the time being.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ahotzo on October 28, 2012, 03:41:03 pm
LBSS, how do you like the squats being alternated with the jump squats?  I have never tried them together that way and was wondering how your experience is with them so far.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2012, 08:00:54 pm
LBSS, how do you like the squats being alternated with the jump squats?  I have never tried them together that way and was wondering how your experience is with them so far.

meh, i'm kind of ambivalent about them. haven't done them long enough yet to see about any kind of adaptations from them. it occurred to me that i should mix in unloaded standing jumps but this is the way adarq wrote it up, so i'm going to stick with it for a while.

ACHES/INJURIES: toes a little

- warm up

- depth jump x 5,5 @ 18"
the church had used the court for something and the hoops were still up. que se a vaya a la chucha nuestra senora de las americas.

- DL bound 5 x 5
just about half court each time, which is pretty terrible. unsure why.

- ME MR half tuck 5 x 5

- ME pogo 3 x 5

- walk home

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2012, 05:41:20 pm
no work today so went before lunch, but workout cut off by FRANKENSTORM.  :ffffffuuuuuu:

ACHES/INJURIES: elbows during squatting again, but not as bad, but still weird

- warm up

- depth jump 2 x 5

- ME MR half tuck 3 x 5

- ME pogo 1 x 5

- squat 310 x 3,3,3

- that's it

this storm is getting crazier but still not at WTF levels. we'll see what happens. fingers crossed and wood knocked against the power going out. come on, neighborhood trees. hold your shit together.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2012, 10:40:08 am
whoa i just realized this journal is at 100 pages.  :personal-record:

last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: elbows during squatting again, but not as bad, but still weird

- warm up

- 10y sprints to fire up x 5

- DLRVJ x 6, 1
five straight at ~32 after the first jump at 31. felt good despite tiredness, drop-steps during warm up were very good, but could not get past 32 for some reason. tried to do adarq's prescribed thing of two sets of 5-7, but i can't rest that long ever between jumps. i lose the momentum, brain cools off. will not repeat that experiment, jumps will continue to be done continuously with consistent 20-30s rest between each.

- ME MR half tuck 5 x 5

- ME pogo 3 x 5

- C1: MSEM squat 4 x 325 | 1 x 325, 3 x 315
- C1: jump squat 2 x 3 x 80
- C1 info: two rounds. first set was good but 325 felt too slow on the first rep of the second set so i dropped to 315. felt better but still too slow. that kind of day.

- stretch

gym was closing soon and i needed to stretch more than anything else. my hips were oddly loose, maybe because i stretched right after squatting and not after doing all my upper/core mumbo-jumbo. i hadn't slept well since saturday night, just difficulty falling asleep. did sleep well last night, though, which is good. will do upper/core and some jump rope/light conditioning tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on November 01, 2012, 10:50:08 am
What do you think the sore elbows are from?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2012, 01:17:34 pm
What do you think the sore elbows are from?

dunno. it's not soreness, it's more of an ache during/after squatting. goes away pretty quickly after i'm done. my two best guesses:

1. i'm not elevating my elbows enough when i get under the bar, so they're supporting too much weight.
2. this is just one of those random things that pops up in my body from time to time, lasts a while, then goes away.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2012, 10:40:11 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a tiny bit
ACHES/INJURIES: right calf (?)
FATIGUE: moderate

- jump rope x 20 minutes
added in some light stretching and mobility

- S1: dip x 20,15,15
- S1: inverted row x 20,20,10
- S1: ~30s between rounds.

- some core shit

- lacrosse ball work on elbows and shoulders

- stretch

talking with some friends at the gym, i might have a third hypothesis for the elbow thing: i've been using rings for the inverted rows and that makes my grip really narrow. gonna switch back to bar inverted rows and have my hands farther apart. i also have pretty tight pecs and bad internal rotation of the shoulders, especially on the right side. will add some chin up holds to stretch that whole system out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 05, 2012, 10:24:19 am
gym was closed this weekend so no workout. it occurred to me today that i could see if it's possible for me to continue using the basketball court even after the gym is closed. they're not ripping up the court, the old man game that's been going on since 1979 is continuing because they have a separate agreement with the church that owns the building. need to find out who to talk to in the church. that would be ideal: continue working out at same gym with mostly same people, but have court for jump. it'd necessitate a revision to my schedule but that would be worth it to continue to have court access.

fingers crossed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 05, 2012, 04:08:56 pm
man my adherence has really sucked lately. must step it up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 06, 2012, 09:52:19 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right elbow a tiny bit during squatting, not as bad as before

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 8
meh, pretty bad, mostly around 31.5, a couple higher a couple lower.

- ME MR half tuck 5 x 5

- ME pogo 3 x 5
mixed in shoulder internal rotation work between sets of these and the half tucks. lacrosse ball to pec, targeting stretching, 1st rib stuff.

- squat 310 x 3,3,3 | 285 x 8,6 | 275 x 4
i have no wind. legs were fine but i couldn't keep form because i got out of breath.  :-[ on the plus side, the 310 sets were the strongest i've felt on squat in a good while. fast and smooth.

- OHP 95 x 8,8

- pull up x 8,8

- some leg raises and glute bridges

- stretch

ETA: nutrition intake yesterday.
P    168   
C    208
F    109
cal  3,184

too low on the protein, too high on the fact. also, not enough veggies. but not terribly far off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2012, 11:35:09 am
yesterday's nutrition:

P   190
C   427
F    75
cal 3139

walked about 5.5 miles total yesterday, plus a good amount of milling around, some jumping and skipping, and some light tree climbing to get this shot in front of the white house:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2012, 10:33:56 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes, calves a bit
ACHES/INJURIES: squat elbows back, esp on right, tweaked right toe badly during jumps

- warm up

- 3-on-3 basketball, 2 games to 21 by 2's and 3's
i'm out of shape, got winded during both games. it was fun, though.

- more warm up stuff
mostly to rest legs post-bball.

- depth jump x 4,1
good height although a bit all over the place. no warm up like a competitive warm up. tweaked toe on first jump of second set and that was it. it's still bothering me.

- ME MR half tuck 5 x 5

- ME pogo 3 x 5

toe said no, did not want to push the issue.

- SS1: squat MSEM 4 x 320
- SS1: jump squat 2 x 3 x 90
- SS1 info: two rounds. squat was strong but elbow problem is back. need to keep working on shoulder IR. toe was okay on JS because of stiff soles/consciously avoiding it.

- stretch

gym was closing in 20 minutes and i wanted to stretch more than i wanted to OHP or do pull ups. kind of a meh work out but i'm pleased with the squats. on the reps where i concentrated extra hard on the amortization they were really good.

nutrition today:

P   219
C   330
F   103
cal 3121

going to ann arbor for a little mini college reunion this weekend so i'll be active but won't get in a formal work out. might play some basketball or squash, might do some mild lifting but probably not. back in the gym for real on monday. i'm actually not that upset about it, it will probably be good for my elbows to get a forced break from squatting while i work on shoulders.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on November 08, 2012, 01:25:24 am
I like the effort you put into the white house shot. Were you alone in the tree?

Being from about as far away from DC as possible while still living in the continental US, I have got to think there was some serious energy in the air that night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 08, 2012, 12:04:37 pm
yeah i was alone up there but there were people in most of the trees on the south side of lafayette park. the energy was great but nothing like 2008. that was just on another level, we shut down 16th street for at least a mile north of the white house, and my whole neighborhood, too. people's cars got stuck so they just got out and joined the party. the cops weren't doing anything or messing with anyone, a lot of them were dancing, too. people on top of the bus shelters, people drumming and playing instruments, people crying. it was crazy.

this year people were happy but it wasn't the same kind of euphoria. which makes sense.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 13, 2012, 12:33:54 pm
weekend was awesome. spent tons of quality time with friends, ate extremely well, watched michigan win a nail-biter from the student section, lost my voice from all the shouting, drank a bunch. good times. i was very active this weekend at low intensity levels, lots of standing, walking, bowling, playing catch, etc. no workout but i did stretch and foam roll at my friend's house and i played pretty intense 1-on-1 with my best friend yesterday morning for 45 minutes. we're very evenly matched -- he has much better ball skills (low bar) but i'm stronger and a better shooter. some good jumping, although when i tried DLRVJ after the game it was bad news. knees not having it. that usually means i'm tired and dehydrated, i think.

also, i fucked the fuck out of my right big toe. like bad. i think it started with the bowling. felt okay during bball yesterday but afterwards it was painful enough that i was limping for a while and then had to focus hard to not limp later. ibuprofen and several rounds of ice yesterday helped and it's better this morning but i got a shooting pain during a meeting and it's still sensitive. i will squat tonight but not jump even if i feel good, no sense in aggravating it. holiday season is approaching, going to be harder to be consistent in the gym. must maintain focus.

gym closes in two weeks. i think for the time being i will stay with my gym but shift to the 14th street location and just do CMJ, jump squats depth jumps and short-distance or stationary MR stuff. i called the church today to see about using the court even after my gym moves out. they guy i spoke to didn't know who's in charge of it but he's going to call me back. fingers crossed. if that doesn't work and i can't stand not doing DLRVJ every workout, i'll suck it up and pay the $146 for sports clubs LA as soon as they have another no-joining-fee deal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 13, 2012, 10:50:46 pm
SORENESS: right lat, right bicep and pec a bit
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe fuxored, not as bad as yesterday
FATIGUE: low to moderate

- warm up

- squat MSEM 295 x 8,8
weight was flying, FLYING i say. very strong, excellent form. 15-20s rests

- OHP 100 x 8,8

- pull up x 2,2
right lat was past soreness, felt wonky. decided to wait until thursday.

- shoulder mob stuff x 10 mins

- glute bridge x 10,10,10
paused reps

- hip mob stuff x 5 mins

- stretching

successfully avoided jumping. i did try a higher-intensity jump (than jumping rope, which i did to warm up) and the toe just said, no, go fuck yourself. more ibuprofen and some ice tonight and hopefully i'll be shipshape, relatively, by thursday. now time to go eat some food.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2012, 12:53:05 am
FATIGUE: low until the end of the workout, then suddenly high

- warm up

i wasn't warmed up enough because i was rushing in advance of old man basketball. fuckers. but jumps would have sucked anyway despite the good sleep the night before. legs were just heavy.

- MR half tuck x 15,15,15

- MR ME pogo x 5,5,5

- ME SVJ x 3,3
got video, will post later. judging by where my heels got relative to my thighs while standing, i'd guess these were in the 26-28 range.

- squat 315 x 3,3,3 | 265 x 8,8,8
super strong except last set of 8. got fatigued and form started to break down, ended up with a lower back pump that hadn't been there before. will bump weight next time anyway.

- OHP 105 x 8,8

- pull up x 8,8
too easy

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 16, 2012, 04:12:05 am
- squat MSEM 295 x 8,8

i wasn't warmed up enough because i was rushing in advance of old man basketball. fuckers. but jumps would have sucked anyway despite the good sleep the night before. legs were just heavy.

You can't expect good jumps 2 days after doing 16 singles @ ~90%. I guess you know that already.
I tried last year with 8 singles@80% 2 days before and was still unrecovered  :uhhhfacepalm:
Awesome squatting lately, it SHOULD have some impact on jumping when you jump rested/recovered...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2012, 09:59:44 am
haha you're probably right. oh well. btw here is the vid of SVJ x 3,3:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 18, 2012, 07:34:55 pm
WEIGHT: 179.5 PR
FATIGUE: low to moderate

- warm up

- sprint 10y x 5
have vid, will post later.

- DLRVJ x ~10
terrible, terrible, terrible. it sucks because i felt really good, legs felt springy, sprints felt quick. but could get absolutely nothing on the jumps.

- C1: squat MSEM 4 x 325
- C1: jump squat 2 x 3 x 90
- C1 info: 2 rounds. pretty strong.

- OHP 110 x 8,8

- pull up +5 x 8,8

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on November 19, 2012, 04:11:35 am
Ever thought of just working on SVJ for a month or so? SVJ calc says with your squat and weight you could be getting 34''  :o . If you're getting stuck in the 31-32'' range for your RVJs at the moment, increasing your SVJ to 34'' might help lift your RVJ floor. It's pretty rare to find someone who has a 34'' SVJ and does a good amount of reactive work to not at least get as high in a running jump.

Just a thought, it would be a good psychological boost at the very least to make some gains even if it's not in your desired measurable. I know I got one when I went from 34-35'' to 36-37'' RVJ; it reminds you that your body is capable of meaningful athletic improvements.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2012, 09:49:08 am
Ever thought of just working on SVJ for a month or so? SVJ calc says with your squat and weight you could be getting 34''  :o . If you're getting stuck in the 31-32'' range for your RVJs at the moment, increasing your SVJ to 34'' might help lift your RVJ floor. It's pretty rare to find someone who has a 34'' SVJ and does a good amount of reactive work to not at least get as high in a running jump.

Just a thought, it would be a good psychological boost at the very least to make some gains even if it's not in your desired measurable. I know I got one when I went from 34-35'' to 36-37'' RVJ; it reminds you that your body is capable of meaningful athletic improvements.

you know, that's not a bad idea and also might be inevitable for a bit after my gym closes and i search for a new home court for DLRVJ.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2012, 10:11:13 am
today, i am 26. that's an age  :personal-record:

in other news, my mental calendar had today as a gym day, but it inconveniently forgot that my parents are taking me out for some kind of surprise tonight. so no workout today. here's hoping the extra day of rest sets me up for good jumping tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 20, 2012, 10:15:45 am
today, i am 26. that's an age  :personal-record:

in other news, my mental calendar had today as a gym day, but it inconveniently forgot that my parents are taking me out for some kind of surprise tonight. so no workout today. here's hoping the extra day of rest sets me up for good jumping tomorrow.

extra day of rest recently helped me bigtime, it shall for you too brethren.

happy birthday man@!$!@$!@

 :highfive: here's to another year of beastmode.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on November 20, 2012, 11:38:55 am
today, i am 26. that's an age  :personal-record:

in other news, my mental calendar had today as a gym day, but it inconveniently forgot that my parents are taking me out for some kind of surprise tonight. so no workout today. here's hoping the extra day of rest sets me up for good jumping tomorrow.

Happy birthday man

A new beginning of a chapter
CHAPTER 26 'The Year I Flew Over the Rim'

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on November 20, 2012, 11:40:56 am
Happy birthday!!!!

Nice video. Looks like you use your hips a lot in the svj.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 20, 2012, 12:26:18 pm
Damn... 26... I'm two months away from 28 :P

Nicely done. You worked hard to get those 26...

Oh wait :trollface:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ahotzo on November 20, 2012, 01:48:46 pm
Happy birthday man :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 20, 2012, 02:26:13 pm
Happy birthday , as we say here "may you make it 100, with health and happiness"
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on November 20, 2012, 05:16:18 pm
Happy b day man. I wish I was 26.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on November 20, 2012, 05:41:57 pm
Happy birthday mate.

Ah the mid to late 20's. They were the days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Nightfly on November 20, 2012, 05:44:32 pm
Happy birthday!  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 20, 2012, 06:34:35 pm
today, i am 26. that's an age  :personal-record:

in other news, my mental calendar had today as a gym day, but it inconveniently forgot that my parents are taking me out for some kind of surprise tonight. so no workout today. here's hoping the extra day of rest sets me up for good jumping tomorrow.

If I neg your post, does your age decrease by one? :derp:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on November 20, 2012, 10:12:19 pm
today, i am 26. that's an age  :personal-record:

in other news, my mental calendar had today as a gym day, but it inconveniently forgot that my parents are taking me out for some kind of surprise tonight. so no workout today. here's hoping the extra day of rest sets me up for good jumping tomorrow.

extra day of rest recently helped me bigtime, it shall for you too brethren.

happy birthday man@!$!@$!@

 :highfive: here's to another year of beastmode.

damn son 26, you are not even in your prime yet.

beastmode this year for sure!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on November 20, 2012, 11:37:51 pm

Time to grow a beard? :)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on November 21, 2012, 12:09:32 am
Happy Bday!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2012, 09:48:36 am
thanks bros!  :lololol:

hoping for a beastmode year, for sure. first thing's first, have a good workout tonight.

beard is TBD, i do think about it from time to time. i had a beard for a while in college. long hair, too. but that's not coming back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ahotzo on November 21, 2012, 04:49:48 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2012, 09:22:05 pm

- warm up

- sprint 10y x 5

- DLRVJ x ~10
mostly ~32. better than before but still, god.

- MR half tuck 5 x 5

- pogo 3 x 5

- C1: squat MSEM 8 x 290
- C1: jump squat 2 x 3 x 80
- C1 info: like using 80 pounds. squats outstanding.

- OHP 115 x 8,8

- pull up +10 x 8,8

- ab fall outs x 10,10

- leg raise x 10

- calf raise x 20,20
bodyweight only, still got a decent pump. had a genius idea: add weight with the weight belt. then i can still use my hands to balance. limits me a bit but it's not like i'm doing 585 for sets of 40 anytime soon.

- stretch

good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2012, 07:26:21 pm
the word of the day is "float." i watched some of my jumping videos before i went to the gym today and the biggest difference from the good ones to the bad ones was the degree to which i look to myself like i'm floating across the court until the penultimate step. more float = more speed without forcing things. or something.

WEIGHT: ??? bit bloated from awesome thanksgiving
SORENESS: upper traps, abs

- warm up

- 10y sprints x 5
pretty bad, left toe bugging

- DLRVJ x ~12-13
meh, 31-32

- SLRVJ x 3e
i think i PR'd on my right leg. after a really awful jump i told myself to get lower on the approach and that seemed to work. something like 28.

- ME DL bound 5 x 5
fourth set was really bad, otherwise okay, ~half court.

- ME MR half tuck 5 x 5

- ME pogo 5 x 5
not as bad, focused on plantar flexion on takeoff

- OHP warm up

- DB row 30 x 18e

- stretch

30 minutes later

- touch football x 2 hours
fucking fantastic. so much fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 23, 2012, 07:27:38 pm
You probably maintain a lower center of gravity during the run-up in the successful ones.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2012, 07:28:40 pm
You probably maintain a lower center of gravity during the run-up in the successful ones.

you're probably right.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 23, 2012, 07:30:08 pm
I know because I suck off two feet, and I tend to have this bad high center of gravity run-ups that when I actually plant I "crash" into the ground and never recover. So I'm actually doing a depth drop, stabilizing the landing, and then do a standing vertical jump. Except instead of that I have a "momentum" SVJ which results in a HORRIBLE jump.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2012, 09:44:09 am

SORENESS: upper quads, hamstrings, low back
ACHES/INJURIES: mid-back spazzing

- warm up

- sprint 10y x 5

- DLRVJ/DSVJ x 10-12
just unbelievably bad. back was freaking out and i couldn't even hit 30" on DLRVJ, so i decided to just stop and stretch.

- stretch x a fuckton

- knockout 1-on-1, first to 25

- a bunch more DLRVJ and SLRVJ

my buddy showed up as i was finishing up stretching and i felt like a failure for cutting the workout off, so we played knockout for a while. then i was feeling looser so he and i did a bunch of jumps. he's the opposite from me: can almost dunk off one leg (he's 6-1, 210 and pretty powerful, played high-D1 baseball) but can barely touch rim off two. my jumps still sucked but not quite as epically as before, and it wasn't enough to be really fatiguing. better luck tonight.

side note: oddly, i seem to be better off of my left leg on SLRVJ. my right leg has been stronger for as long as i can remember, but i can't get the timing right off of it, compared to left. i end up not taking powerful-enough strides at the end and my leg kind of farts out. with more practice i think i could hit 30 off of each.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2012, 10:46:26 pm
SORENESS: upper quads, hamstrings, low back but all mild
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder (wtf?)
MENTAL STATE: good, pretty focused for jumps, then gone after squat fail

- warm up

- sprint 10y x 5

- DLRVJ x 10
somewhat good, mostly 31.5-32 but felt faster, lighter

- ME MR half tuck 5 x 5

- ME pogo 3 x 5

- squat 325 x 3,1(F)

- pause squat 225 x 3,3,3,3
could not even begin eccentric with 315 so after resting for longer than i thought i dropped way down and did these. first reps were hard to begin despite light (even for my weak ass) weight.

***realize the gym is closing soon, what the hell happened to all that time?***

- OHP 115 x 8,8
left shoulder no pain during reps but wonky afterward. no idea what that's about.

- fin.

weird workout, kind of a waste but the jumps were not awful so there's that. i'm pretty sure i lost weight and/or muscle over the weekend; my diet sucked. must needs get back on good eatin' horse. starts now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 27, 2012, 02:18:05 pm
i've known this for a while but it was good to have it articulated: gonna start working on 2-3 mobility things at a time. i think that will help me do it in a concentrated way every day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2012, 12:19:06 am
WEIGHT: 176.5
MENTAL STATE: indifferent

- warm up

- depth jump x 4,4
got vid, will post soon

- ME MR half tuck 5 x 5

- ME pogo 3 x 5
all OVER the place, forward, back, left, right. video is fugly. will post for commentary purposes.

- C1: squat MSEM 325 x 4
- C1: jump squat 80 x 3,3
- C1 info: 2 rounds. second set of squats blew except last rep, when i really focused. mind wandered during the set because the gym closes on friday and everyone is just being real social, talking about what's next, reminiscing, etc. but got my mind right for the last rep and nailed it.

- pull up +12.5 x 8,8

- stretch

later, at home


- t-spine extensions over foam roller x 2-3 mins

- arm sweeps 2 x 5e

- couch stretch x 4 mins each

- seated hamstring stretch x 30s

for december, i will work on hip extension, shoulder external rotation, and thoracic extension. every day, 10 minutes minimum. and i will log it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2012, 06:34:48 pm

MENTAL STATE: pretty good, kept having an impulse to do pull ups all morning when i was hanging out with my friend

- warm up

- ME SVJ x 5
jump mat nowhere to be found, but i found out who knows where it is. next time, insh'allah.

- squat 315 x 5

- hyper x 10

- glute bridge 115 x 10,10; 135 x 10

- calf raise bw x 20, 95 x 20,20
balance is an issue but i can work around it i think

- OHP 120 x 8,8

- chin up +20 x 8,8
huge that i can do these pretty much discomfort-free. felt strongly in biceps.

- roman chair leg raises x 10,10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 01, 2012, 06:45:19 pm
Glute bridge meaning this?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2012, 06:48:34 pm
yeah but with my back supported on the end of a bench.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 01, 2012, 06:54:55 pm
yeah but with my back supported on the end of a bench.

That's a hip thrust. Very nice that you started doing them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 02, 2012, 11:48:15 pm

early afternoon:
- lower leg stretching, focus on anterior hip and quad
- shoulder extension x ~5 minutes
- thoracic extension/rollering x ~3 minutes
- hip extension/quad stretching x ~5-6 minutes

before bed:
- lower leg stretching, focus on anterior hip and quad
- shoulder extension
- lower leg stretching, other stuff
- thoracic extension/rollering

let's see if i can actually be consistent about this.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 03, 2012, 06:19:38 am
let's see if i can actually be consistent about this.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 03, 2012, 09:43:05 am
- lower leg stretching, focus on anterior hip and quad

What is the set of stretches you use for quads? I ask because i have a hard time applying efficient quad stretches, they all feel like i am stretching the knee and not the quad (:uhhhfacepalm:).
The only one that really feels awesome for me is that 'kellyb stretch'.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 03, 2012, 10:05:57 am
- lower leg stretching, focus on anterior hip and quad

What is the set of stretches you use for quads? I ask because i have a hard time applying efficient quad stretches, they all feel like i am stretching the knee and not the quad ( :uhhhfacepalm: ).
The only one that really feels awesome for me is that 'kellyb stretch'.

yup it's all about the couch/kellyb stretch. for anterior hips and quads i have been doing:

- lunge stretch x 2-3 minutes/side
- couch stretch x ~4 minutes/side (torso down for first half, then upright for second half)
- other leg stretches

for all, i try to focus on squeezing my glute and rotating through different parts of the joint -- kelly starrett calls them "corners." what i'm going to start doing* is the stretch from this video, followed by the couch stretch. the rotation really makes a big difference, i end up hitting parts of the muscle that i never could before.

*thought i was doing it already but my memory ain't as great as i imagined. i was only doing the first little part, and that not even "correctly."
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 03, 2012, 01:41:12 pm
I have been doing that squat sequence as a part of my squat warmup lately after raptor posted it in my thread. Feels likes it works great, not sure if it is placebo or real though.
4 minutes per side? Is that 4 continues minutes or sets of less? I do 2 sets of 45-60 seconds.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 03, 2012, 02:31:21 pm
I have been doing that squat sequence as a part of my squat warmup lately after raptor posted it in my thread. Feels likes it works great, not sure if it is placebo or real though.
4 minutes per side? Is that 4 continues minutes or sets of less? I do 2 sets of 45-60 seconds.

4 minutes total. continuous sets, but i oscillate through as i go, so there are periods of more or less tension.

also, if your squat form improves after doing the squat sequence, then it's real. not even sure what "placebo" would be in that situation. there's probably a combo of muscular and neural effects from the stretching, but it's definitely real.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 03, 2012, 02:33:49 pm
^^Ah , makes sense , i oscillate too. Tried 90 seconds instead of 45-60 today already , felt nice. Ok , thanks for the tips!  :highfive:

Edit : re placebo : form does improve, especially reaching good depth without forcing it. I am still not sure if it is due to the stretch or adapting to lifting shoes or healing my quad.
All 3 factors happen together so i am not sure what percentage corresponds to each. But yeah , it works so i keep it!
Cheers!  :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 03, 2012, 06:53:44 pm
Definitely oscillate. If you don't your squat will suffer, you will probably shut down your glutes. I swear whenever I really stretch using this stretch before squatting I suck so hard in terms of strength... basically I static stretch the glutes and putting them asleep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 03, 2012, 10:48:30 pm

WEIGHT: 179 -- new scale, new frame of reference
MENTAL STATE: okay, better as workout went on. new gym is still an adjustment

- warm up

- SVJ x 5

- squat MSEM 330 x 4
amazing, strongest i've ever felt at this weight

- RDL 155 x 8,8,8
figured i'd start light for technique purposes. only really started to feel right in the third set

- BSS 110 x 8,8,8/e

- OHP 125 x 7,7
i feel like these compress my back in a maybe not-good way. need to swallow ego and make sure form is right.

- chin up +25 x 8,2; pull up x 7
right bicep wonky, need more shoulder work before i can do straight bar chin ups

- ab pull down 80 x 10,10,10

- stretch

prediction: hamstrings, glutes, and low back will be sore tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 04, 2012, 03:21:22 am
RDLs and BSSs in the same workout? :trollface:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 04, 2012, 04:37:44 am
RDLs and BSSs in the same workout? :trollface:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2012, 10:40:35 am
vag has guessed my name. Lift Bulgarian Split Squat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 04, 2012, 11:35:55 am

It's "Lazy Big Shitting Stallion"
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2012, 06:29:00 pm
Posted this in the Gerald Greene thread, which became the why LBSS sucks at jumping thread (sorry Joel): Just signed up for indoor ultimate this winter. Starts in January, games twice a week. Indoor ultimate is fun, it's like a cross between basketball, regular ultimate, and hockey. Played on a court so the chances of an ankle roll are much reduced. I'm out of shape and some extracurricular, fun GPP for a couple of months can only help, along with the opportunity to sprint and jump in a relaxed, competitive setting. Relaxed because there's no internal pressure to hit a particular height target. Competitive because, hey, it's competition. Who knows, I might come out the other side with improved movement efficiency and speed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2012, 09:47:05 am
last night:

- t-spine soft tissue work (made a peanut from two tennis balls, also used foam roller)
- anterior hip stretch
- shoulder external rotation mobility
- misc leg stretching
- anterior hip/quad stretching
- misc upper body stretching

this morning:

- shoulder external rotation mobility
- misc leg stretching

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2012, 04:11:26 pm

 :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2012, 09:17:38 pm

WEIGHT: 179.5
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes pretty bad
MENTAL STATE: good mood, happy, CNS not too amped up, though.

- warm up

- SVJ x 6

- depth jump @18" x 4,4,4
pretty bad, i think, although i wasn't near a mirror so no frame of reference other than feeling

- KB swing 28kg x 10,10,10
focus on explosive transition and glutes firing all the way through full hip extension

- calf raise 135 x 20,20,20
did these with a barbell before noticing that there is a leg press machine. problem solved. adequate calf strength, here i come.

- dip x 10,10

- low cable row 130 x 10,10/e

- decline sit ups, touch knee with opposite elbow x 20,20,20

- beach work

- stretch

soreness dissipated by the end of the workout. it's still there but not as bad. hindered SVJ and depth jumps. i'm a bit apprehensive to see what happens with the old bball court (see above post). if i could even get on there an hour a week, that'd be awesome. we'll see.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2012, 02:35:38 pm
this morning:

- shoulder external rotation mobility
- general leg stretching

calves are sore, hamstrings and glutes still sore but not as bad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2012, 06:22:43 pm
MENTAL STATE: was brutally hung over most of the day but recovered to a bare minimum to make working out possible

- warm up

- ME SVJ x 5,5
first few and last couple felt high but no frame of reference other than feeling

- assorted pull ups, chin ups, assisted muscle ups, and push ups

am in baltimore and didn't recover from hangover in time to make it to the gym i want to check out as a weekend possibility in the future. next time. still managed not to wuss out and skip this workout or postpone it. happy about that, even though it wasn't ideal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 11, 2012, 09:33:51 am
office holiday party was yesterday so no gym. had forgotten about that over the weekend. oh well. did some mobility stuff over the weekend including wrecking my back on the peanut. i'm not sure i've ever before been sore the next day from soft tissue work. got gf to push down on my shoulder so i could do some IR stuff, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 11, 2012, 09:48:20 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left hip something wonky
MENTAL STATE: motivation really low as i was walking to the gym but things picked up once i warmed up

- warm up

- SVJ x 7
felt good, i guess

- squat 320 x 5
light fucking weight. fast until last rep.

- hip thrust 135 x 10; 185 x 10,10

- leg press machine calf raise 135 x 20; 225 x 20,20

- SS1: DB OHP 40 x 8e; 50 x 8e
- SS1: low cable row 150 x 8e,8e
- SS1 info: 2 rounds, 30-45s rest between exercises

- hanging leg raise x 10,10,10

- stretch

so happy about 320 x 5 flying up like that.  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ahotzo on December 12, 2012, 01:13:41 am
- squat 320 x 5
light fucking weight. fast until last rep.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on December 12, 2012, 02:49:21 am
- squat 320 x 5
light fucking weight. fast until last rep.


X2 Good S man.

When I hit 320 once it will probably be the accomplishment of my life + it will be extra slow. :)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 12, 2012, 05:32:54 am

Since when is doing 320x5 lightweight? :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 12, 2012, 08:23:28 am
i dunno, i got paranoid that the bar was somehow less than 45 pounds but i checked with one of the staff and sure enough, the full-length bars are all standard weight. yay.

also, no soreness this morning.  :goodjobbro:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on December 12, 2012, 10:10:21 am
So you squatted 320lbs x 5 and you weigh 179.5lbs, which brings your standing vertical jump 33 inches.
is this estimate close to your actual jump and your running jump should be about 34-36 inches depending on power dispacement

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 12, 2012, 11:36:31 am
So you squatted 320lbs x 5 and you weigh 179.5lbs, which brings your standing vertical jump 33 inches.
is this estimate close to your actual jump and your running jump should be about 34-36 inches depending on power dispacement


oh man, if only it were that simple. i'm pretty sure my standing vert is still under 30. it'll go up with some practice and hopefully that'll carry over to running jumps. i have a big gap right now between running and standing, like at least 5".

court update: my buddy made a big donation to the church so it's now available monday, wednesday and friday mornings from 6-8. they'll be playing basketball on it but he said i can use it for jumping if the game isn't full-court. this would require some planning.

also, some friends and i are talking about making a donation to the church and setting up an informal lifting coop in the old gym space. that would be so fucking cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on December 12, 2012, 03:08:50 pm
So you squatted 320lbs x 5 and you weigh 179.5lbs, which brings your standing vertical jump 33 inches.
is this estimate close to your actual jump and your running jump should be about 34-36 inches depending on power dispacement


oh man, if only it were that simple. i'm pretty sure my standing vert is still under 30. it'll go up with some practice and hopefully that'll carry over to running jumps. i have a big gap right now between running and standing, like at least 5".

court update: my buddy made a big donation to the church so it's now available monday, wednesday and friday mornings from 6-8. they'll be playing basketball on it but he said i can use it for jumping if the game isn't full-court. this would require some planning.

also, some friends and i are talking about making a donation to the church and setting up an informal lifting coop in the old gym space. that would be so fucking cool.

So, im guessing that it's your standing jump you need to improve on. Since you squat a decent amount im guessing you need to transfer that strength over by doing an explosive oriented program and practicing the standing jump with your workout should help.

when i think about standing jump, i think about newton's law of action equals opposite reaction so put a lot of force into the ground so swing down pushing into the ground the amount i want to be resulted in my upward jump, that should help develop the mental aspect of the jump. think the amount of jump you want is determined by the amount of force you transfer into the static ground or something like this.

good luck with it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 13, 2012, 01:54:14 pm
my brother got arrested for robbery last night and is in jail.  :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 13, 2012, 02:07:13 pm
my brother got arrested for robbery last night and is in jail.  :(

How old , what kind of robbery , why would he do that?
Not being indiscreet , don't answer if its personal...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 13, 2012, 03:03:26 pm
my brother got arrested for robbery last night and is in jail.  :(

How old , what kind of robbery , why would he do that?
Not being indiscreet , don't answer if its personal...

don't know particulars but he was surely stealing whatever it was to buy drugs. my youngest brother is mentally ill and a hardcore drug addict. it's a very sad state of affairs when i'm relieved that he's in jail. deeply sad, too, obviously. but that's a general feeling, not specific to him being in jail.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 13, 2012, 03:20:21 pm
Your point of view / how you see it is, again, correct in any angle you approach it, i totally agree. Tough situation bro, all i can do is wish your bro finds his way...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 13, 2012, 04:33:49 pm
my brother got arrested for robbery last night and is in jail.  :(

How old , what kind of robbery , why would he do that?
Not being indiscreet , don't answer if its personal...

don't know particulars but he was surely stealing whatever it was to buy drugs. my youngest brother is mentally ill and a hardcore drug addict. it's a very sad state of affairs when i'm relieved that he's in jail. deeply sad, too, obviously. but that's a general feeling, not specific to him being in jail.

There is no problem that is too big to be solved.  I know what he is going through.  And he needs to find somethign in life that he is passionate about that will fill the void that he has, and drugs obviously is not the answer.

You just lost a neg.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2012, 10:06:01 am
my brother got arrested for robbery last night and is in jail.  :(

How old , what kind of robbery , why would he do that?
Not being indiscreet , don't answer if its personal...

don't know particulars but he was surely stealing whatever it was to buy drugs. my youngest brother is mentally ill and a hardcore drug addict. it's a very sad state of affairs when i'm relieved that he's in jail. deeply sad, too, obviously. but that's a general feeling, not specific to him being in jail.

There is no problem that is too big to be solved.  I know what he is going through.  And he needs to find somethign in life that he is passionate about that will fill the void that he has, and drugs obviously is not the answer.

finding something he's passionate about would help, but he's powerfully mentally ill, so that's not really going to be enough. thanks for the words, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2012, 10:10:45 am
WEIGHT: 177.5
MENTAL STATE: distracted for obvious reasons

- warm up

- SVJ x 7
didn't feel very explosive

- squat MSEM 330 x 4
there must be something in the water over here, this was great.

- RDL 225 x 10,10,10
i'm probably doing these wrong, nevertheless felt primarily in glutes and hams

- BSS 110 x 8,8,8
knees felt bad after doing them. ???

- SS1: OHP 55 x 8,8
- SS1: low cable row 160 x 8,8
- SS1 info: no rest between sides, about 30 seconds between exercises

- ab pull down x 25,25,25

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on December 14, 2012, 11:15:53 am
my brother got arrested for robbery last night and is in jail.  :(

How old , what kind of robbery , why would he do that?
Not being indiscreet , don't answer if its personal...

don't know particulars but he was surely stealing whatever it was to buy drugs. my youngest brother is mentally ill and a hardcore drug addict. it's a very sad state of affairs when i'm relieved that he's in jail. deeply sad, too, obviously. but that's a general feeling, not specific to him being in jail.

There is no problem that is too big to be solved.  I know what he is going through.  And he needs to find somethign in life that he is passionate about that will fill the void that he has, and drugs obviously is not the answer.

finding something he's passionate about would help, but he's powerfully mentally ill, so that's not really going to be enough. thanks for the words, though.

then probably some time to ponder over his life, does he really want continue to do crimes that could end him in prison, think about the people who are affected by it, relatives i.e. you parents, etc, would be good for him.
how long is he in for?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2012, 08:06:57 am
SORENESS: hamstrings and glutes a tiny bit
MENTAL STATE: good, jittery

- warm up

- SVJ x 7

- depth jump x 4,4,4
pretty bad. on the plus side, i found something in the gym i can reach for and touch to get a sense of how high i'm jumping. only works if the gym is uncrowded.

- KB swing 70.5 x 10,10,10

- DB OHP 60 x 4; 50 x 8
60 was really heavy, much more than i'd have expected

- DB row 65 x 8,8

- SS1: curlzzzz 30 x 10
- SS1: tricep pull down 130(?) x 10
- SS1 info: 2 rounds

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 17, 2012, 08:26:35 am
How did the 32 kg KB swings felt like?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on December 17, 2012, 08:30:45 am
That's a pretty strong standing DB OHP. I'd be struggling to do that much seated.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2012, 09:32:17 am
How did the 32 kg KB swings felt like?

felt easy but like, "why am i doing this?"
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2012, 09:33:03 am

I mean, the root of most mental illnesses is a problem with the heart and mind.  Some physical aspects of it can be genetics, but after all we all inherit something inevitable; human traits/characteristics/flaws.  Obviously there is a GREAT mind and body connection, and mental illnesses do cause some chemical imbalances in the brain and vice versa, and there are meds that help chemical imbalances, BUT that won't fix the core problem that all humans have, which is this need to feel good, content, happy, joy, etc.  It's just that most people look for those things in the wrong areas of life. 

Source: life experiences and words from the wise...

thanks for the words, man. i disagree with you but appreciate the sentiment all the same.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2012, 09:47:21 pm
MENTAL STATE: awake but kind of blah, not very amped

- warm up

- SVJ x 10
went for PR's, as prescribed. best was about 1.5 knuckles over the vent. no idea how high that is, i'll try to remember to bring a measuring tape the next time i'm at the gym. right knee tweaked on the third jump but i shook it out and stretched a bit and it was okay.

- pull ups x 13
went for a PR, strict form. weak

- push ups x 32
as above. weak. my posterior delts fatigued first. what's up with that?

- GHR sit up, elbow to opposite knee x 60
max reps in 120s. not as horrible as the above. didn't have a spotter so i used GHR, think i could get close to 79 with a spotter on the ground.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 20, 2012, 08:34:10 pm
SORENESS: hip flexors, abs
ACHES/INJURIES: left hamstring not painful but i feel it
MENTAL STATE: motivated but rushed

- warm up

- SVJ x 7-8
better than the other day, most jumps were a full knuckle or more over the vent.

- squat 325 x 5
this is a PR, i think, but it was not a great set. knees caved too much on fourth and fifth reps. otherwise fine. i blame my sore abs and hip flexors.

- OHP 45 x 13
went to F on left arm, right arm followed

- various chin ups and pull ups

- stretch

a good friend of mine is in town for like one day and i don't get a lot of chances to see him because he lives in california. so i cut this workout short. time to go chill. depending on how i feel on saturday i might try for a PR in the squat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 21, 2012, 06:19:43 am
325x5 is pretty good... you need to keep that up. When is the last time you've hit your calves with a huge volume (for example, my volume for the calf day is around 30,000 lbs)?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2012, 09:56:04 am
was supposed to do calves last night but ran out of time. volume would have been 3 x 20 x 255 in the leg press. my calves are pretty weak, as you and others have pointed out. i mean to work on them twice a week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 21, 2012, 10:28:34 am
Meh... try doing barbell calf raises... there will be some balance issues but if I can manage them, you can too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2012, 12:10:02 pm
Meh... try doing barbell calf raises... there will be some balance issues but if I can manage them, you can too.

no. i've addressed this already. my arthritis prevents this from being a really viable option, the risk of stabbing pain as i'm trying to stabilize myself is too high.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 21, 2012, 12:45:03 pm

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 22, 2012, 07:53:54 pm
WEIGHT: 179.5
MENTAL STATE: angry, frustrated. had a headache earlier in the day. got lightheaded during warm up. bah.

- warm up

- SVJ x 6
pretty bad, touching but no knuckle over the vent

- squat 335 x 1; 355 x 1; 365 x F
motherfucker. should have had the 365. the 355 was very solid, a better rep than any at 325 on thursday. it's a PR tie but i'm 6-7 pounds heavier than when i last hit it. ugh.

- hip thrust 185 x 10,10,10

- RDL 185 x 10,10,10
getting better at these

- SS1: DB OHP 50 x 8
- SS1: leg press machine calf raise 275 x 20
- SS1: DB row 80 x 8
- SS1 info: three rounds. first two were OHP, last plus one set were row.

- stretch

mad about missing the PR. i'm going out of town for christmas and will try to get some exercise and mobility work in other than the inevitable long walks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 23, 2012, 05:00:50 am
Hip thrust and RDL eh? Good to see.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 28, 2012, 10:44:10 am
back from my trip up north to see my mom's family for christmas. it was a great trip. as far as exercise goes, other than the predicted walks/hikes and a little bit of mobility stuff there wasn't much. i'll get back in the gym later today and probably work up to a moderate set of 3x5 or so in the squat just to get back in the groove. plan re-evaluation is coming, might try texas method for a while. get that volume and speed work without having to think for myself. still pissed about missing that PR.

i wonder how much i weigh, will check later. vacations usually lead to me losing weight but i might not have this time. we'll see.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 28, 2012, 09:48:39 pm
MENTAL STATE: sleepy, had to take some extra time to warm up

- warm up
fuck this fucking jump rope. i need a new one. took forever to break a sweat, the gym was kind of cool. also, here's some evidence of conditioning being easy-come, easy-go, but mostly easy-go: my hands, forearms and posterior shoulders were tired after less than 60 seconds of jumping rope. oof.

- SVJ x 8
finally measured, the vent is 24" higher than my reach. that's good to know. jumps today were mostly ~25, but two were ~26, which is higher than i've been getting.

- squat 275 x 5,5,5
first set hard, second and third easy

- RDL 225 x 10
too much back involvement

- hip thrust 225 x 10
as above. wicked back pump. wack.

- calf raise 275 x 20

- paused bench 135 x 8

- DB row 80 x 8

- TRX strap fall out x 10

- stretch

time to get my squat big. yes. i have to go to afghanistan in two weeks, for a week or so, which kind of sucks. might actually be a lot of travel the first 4 or 5 months of this year. but anyway than that i'm going to start texas method for squats, with RDLs and hip thrusts as accessory. moderate-intensity, moderate-voume days will be 5x5. low-intensity, low-volume days will be 2x5 at 80% of 5RM. high-intensity, low-volume days will be MSEM 2x3. warm ups will continue to include half tucks, line hops, and so on. SVJ before squatting, every workout. push ups and pull ups for upper body. also, indoor ultimate starts january 15, so when i'm in the country i'll be running around for an hour on most tuesdays and thursdays. that'll suck for two weeks but then i'll get used to it and it'll be beneficial in the long run. i'll do the texas method low intensity, low volume day on wednesday.

eating will continue to be more or less ad lib, but i'll keep monitoring my weight once or twice a week. seems my metabolism is slowing down. i'm up to 12% bf or so, can only really see abs in certain light. that's fine as long as strength and explosiveness continue to improve, just need to pay attention.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 29, 2012, 06:50:55 am
I'd use depth jumps (I actually do that) before squats to get in some calf stimuli too. Also I'd really get the weight down on the hip thrusts and do them very slow tempo (think 3-3-3 or something) with your mind connected to your glutes so to speak. Same with the RDLs - lower the weight if there's too much back involvement and focus on the hip hinge. Try to never let the glutes relax and force that posterior pelvic tilt (at the end of the movement) to really get the hips into hyperextension and the glutes firing.

I'd also do the calf raises in another day, an upperbody day. You need to FOCUS on them, not do them as an afterthought.

For example I do my calf raises, in humongous volumes, after chinups, as the 2nd exercise of that particular day. Then I do dips and some ab work and call it a day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2012, 02:22:10 pm
I'd use depth jumps (I actually do that) before squats to get in some calf stimuli too. Also I'd really get the weight down on the hip thrusts and do them very slow tempo (think 3-3-3 or something) with your mind connected to your glutes so to speak. Same with the RDLs - lower the weight if there's too much back involvement and focus on the hip hinge. Try to never let the glutes relax and force that posterior pelvic tilt (at the end of the movement) to really get the hips into hyperextension and the glutes firing.

I'd also do the calf raises in another day, an upperbody day. You need to FOCUS on them, not do them as an afterthought.

For example I do my calf raises, in humongous volumes, after chinups, as the 2nd exercise of that particular day. Then I do dips and some ab work and call it a day.

this is good advice. oddly, my left leg has been sorer than my right over the past two days. time to join AELS and focus on getting the right muscles involved.

i don't think i'm prepared to dedicate a day to calf work, although high volume and strict pauses, yes. i don't/won't do upper/lower split days. i realistically have three gym days per week and i want to be able to do legs in all of them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2012, 06:48:10 pm
SORENESS: upper legs a tiny bit but went away with warm up
ACHES/INJURIES: left hip sticky in socket
MENTAL STATE: glad to be working out

- warm up

- SVJ x 7
2-3 at 26, rest 25

- squat 295 x 5,5,5,5,5
not especially challenging. 305 next week.

- pull up x 8,7,6,7,4(F)
supposed to do 8 on last set, could not.

- calf raise with strict pause 225 x 20,20
oh man. the pause. ow. okay, now i know how to do these properly.

- DP OHP 60 x 4,4

gym had been closed and the last other dude there was leaving so i dipped. 30 mins later, at home:

- SS1: glute bridge x 10,10,10
3s pause at top, focus on squeezing glutes throughout
- SS1: push up x 15,15,15

- leg lowers x 10,10,10,10,10

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 31, 2012, 07:17:24 pm
- calf raise with strict pause 225 x 20,20
oh man. the pause. ow. okay, now i know how to do these properly.

= awesomeness
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2013, 09:27:03 pm
SORENESS: upper hamstrings pretty bad, rest of hamstrings, quads, glutes a little. and teres major/minor and lats.
MENTAL STATE: neutral, kind of whatever

- warm up

- KB swing 70.5 x 5,5,5
just for some activation

- SVJ x 5
shitty, 24.5 ish on all

- squat 260 x 5,5
light day is fun! upper hamstrings were feeling it on these, though.

- pull up x 40 (8,7,6,5,6,5,3)
going to try to get down to where i can do this in four sets. see how that goes.

- SS1: calf raise paused 245 x 20,20,20
- SS1: DB OHP 50 x 8,6,6
- SS1 info: about a minute between exercises

- roman chair crunch x 10,10,10,10

- stretch

psyched to hit it hard this weekend, hopefully no residual soreness and i can get 2x3x335 MSEM-style.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ahotzo on January 02, 2013, 10:52:36 pm
Nice work on the texas-method man.  I love the choice to switch; I think the texas-method is awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 03, 2013, 07:19:31 am
Maybe you should try some low weight snatch grip deadlifts, see how they feel. If you do them right they should do pretty well in glute development, especially if you prestretched the hip flexors before and you exaggerate that posterior pelvic tilt.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 03, 2013, 09:47:36 am
Maybe you should try some low weight snatch grip deadlifts, see how they feel. If you do them right they should do pretty well in glute development, especially if you prestretched the hip flexors before and you exaggerate that posterior pelvic tilt.

no. thanks for the input, but no. too many exercises, not enough focus.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 04, 2013, 10:29:33 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left hip tweaking, TFL maybe?
MENTAL STATE: stressed out and in a bad mood

- warm up

- SVJ x 6
meh, mostly ~25

- squat MSEM 330 x 3,3
all solid except last rep, which i bizarrely almost lost. first set better.

- stretch

was in a rush so i had to cut it off there. will finish tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2013, 10:09:52 pm

ACHES/INJURIES: left hip tweaking, TFL maybe?
MENTAL STATE: fine but still kinda stressed, irritated about the hip

- warm up

- SVJ x 6

- RDL 155 x 10,10,10

- calf raise 315 x 25 (11,7,7)

- various pull ups and chin ups

was rushed again because i had to spend most of the afternoon with my grandmother for a little post-christmas christmas.


went to fedex field with my brother for the first redskins home playoff game since 1999. sad that we lost but more just so happy to have gotten to go.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 07, 2013, 12:59:27 am
I don't mean to be too indiscrete, but... wasn't your brother arrested or something?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on January 07, 2013, 02:33:35 am

went to fedex field with my brother for the first redskins home playoff game since 1999. sad that we lost but more just so happy to have gotten to go.

sorry about the redskins loss. The looks on all the redskins fans faces near the end was pure disbelief.

I thought the hawks were going to choke after that goal-line fumble.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2013, 09:29:17 am
I don't mean to be too indiscrete, but... wasn't your brother arrested or something?

why would that be indiscreet? i brought it up. but what the hell does it have to do with anything in here? just felt like pointing it out, did we? i haven't negged that post raptor, but see? you're just begging for it there.


went to fedex field with my brother for the first redskins home playoff game since 1999. sad that we lost but more just so happy to have gotten to go.

sorry about the redskins loss. The looks on all the redskins fans faces near the end was pure disbelief.

I thought the hawks were going to choke after that goal-line fumble.

yeah, so did i. after the fumble the whole stadium freaked out, i ended up hugging some random dude on my row. it was awesome to be there regardless, sing the fight song with 85,000 other people, watch RGIII in person, hobbled though he was. we'll be back, things are looking up for the first time in a long time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 07, 2013, 09:31:16 am
No, it wasn't that, but from what you wrote I thought that maybe he's in big trouble or something, so when I saw you write that you were to a game with him it was nice to see that he isn't in as much of trouble as I initially thought. Cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2013, 09:36:28 am
No, it wasn't that, but from what you wrote I thought that maybe he's in big trouble or something, so when I saw you write that you were to a game with him it was nice to see that he isn't in as much of trouble as I initially thought. Cool.

ah, touche sir. touche. i have two younger brothers. the youngest one is now in a locked-door residential treatment program. i went to the game with the other (middle) brother.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 07, 2013, 10:37:28 am
Ah, damn. Sorry about that. I hope it works out for you. And yes, I know it's none of my business.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2013, 10:51:00 am
Ah, damn. Sorry about that. I hope it works out for you. And yes, I know it's none of my business.

it's alright. better than jail, which was the alternative.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2013, 10:01:46 pm
WEIGHT: 179 (how did I lose weight?)
SORENESS: hamstrings a tiny bit
ACHES/INJURIES: none really
MENTAL STATE: good, alert, roll tide

- warm up

- SVJ x 6
four ~26, last two ~25-25.5. pretty good.

- squat 305 x 5,5,5,5,5
good, no good morning at all. knees a little wobbly on a few reps but not worrisome.

- calf raise 365 x 20,20 (10+7+3)

- paused hip thrust 135 x 10,10,10

- pull up x 30 (8+7+6+6+3)

- dip x 30 (10+10+10)

- cable ab pull down 210 x 10,10,10,10

now home and gonna eat and then do a good long stretch. good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 08, 2013, 12:58:37 am
Looks like the perfect workout to me^^^

Did you feel the paused hip thrusts in the glutes or did the spinal erectors got a pump?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2013, 09:27:04 am
all glutes, baby. would be more perfect if i could do running jumps. but yeah, in general i like this template so far.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2013, 10:12:42 am
last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: none really
MENTAL STATE: happy, tired but not exhausted

- lacrosse ball peanut SMR and mobility/stretching x 50 minutes
focus on t-spine, shoulder external rotation, hip flexor/groin, and quads

gonna start logging these like workouts, complete with W/S/A/M listing, to help keep myself honest.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2013, 09:14:56 pm
SORENESS: none. was more sore in my right calf yesterday than my left. i blame wonky toes.
ACHES/INJURIES: left pinky finger started hurting partway through, no earthly idea why
MENTAL STATE: happy, good day, ready to work out but not raring to go

- warm up

- SVJ x 5
meh, 25s mostly maybe one or two a little higher

- squat 270 x 5,5

- paused calf raise 365 x 30 (13,10,7); 405 x 20 (12,8)

- pull up x 30 (8,6,7,6,3)

- DB OHP 50 x 10,8

- roman chair leg raise x 10,10,10,10

will eat and then stretch.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2013, 11:13:41 pm
MENTAL STATE: background anxiety pretty high but otherwise okay. my plane leaves in 11 hours and i'm still not packed, so there's that.

- stretch x 20 minutes

that's it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 12, 2013, 11:42:01 am
ACHES/INJURIES: left plantar fascia started seizing up in dubai
MENTAL STATE: tired and tired

- jump rope and stretch x 15-20 mins
just to get the juices flowing, muscles warm and relaxed a bit from the long travel.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2013, 11:58:27 am
ACHES/INJURIES: left foot making its presence known but not uncomfortable. mid-back tender and feeling like it wants to seize up but i did some stretching and such and i think it's okay. had the same problem last time i was in kabul but the spasm went full-blast then. must be a consequence of the travel.

- jump rope, stretch, chin ups, BSS, DB OHP, ME SVJ, etc. x 20 mins
worked 8:30-8:30 today. ate only breakfast and dinner, no lunch. gym was 25 mins from close by the time i got down there. very tired.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 15, 2013, 11:55:25 am
ACHES/INJURIES: none, back announcing itself but not painful or dangerous

- jump rope and stretching and mobility x 25 mins
last few days have been 14 hours apiece without a break. well, i did get 15 minutes to myself this afternoon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2013, 07:06:38 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right bicep unhappy during chin ups, damn i have shitty IR
MENTAL STATE: jet lagged, little crisis of confidence before showing up but glad i went

- warm up

- SVJ x 10
bad, one 25 and everything else ~24

- squat 275 x 5,5,5

- RDL 135 x 10,10

- DB bench 50s x 12+8+6

- chin/pull up x 10,6,5,3,2

- stretch

first workout back always blows. i need to get back on a basketball court, like soon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2013, 10:12:33 pm
WEIGHT: 179.5
ACHES/INJURIES: bigass knot in left upper back, just inside my shoulder blade about level with the point of my scap
MENTAL STATE: tired, kind of out of it. i got sick on sunday and am still a bit under the weather. took longer than usual to get over the jet lag, too.

- warm up

- depth jump x 2,2,2

- SVJ x 8
yyyyyikes. last jump best at about 25", but these just felt very slow.

- squat 255 x 5,5
easy, but not as easy as it should have been

- OHP 95 x 10+3+3+3+3

- pull up x 10+3+3+3 (+3)
couldn't remember whether i'd done all four drop sets so i did a set of 3 later just in case

- SS1: ab roll out x 10/band pull down x 20
- SS1: paused leg press calf raise 345 x 20,15,15
- SS1 info: 3.5 rounds, 30-90s between exercises

- stretch
not a full session: a friend rolled in who i haven't seen in a while and who might be moving away soon so we chatted for a bit and then i had to go to the grocery store before it closed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2013, 02:52:37 pm
MENTAL STATE: sick sick sick


- hip, shoulder, t-spine mob x 30 mins


- sick. stayed home from work. doubt i will feel well enough to go to the gym later but playing it by ear. god i hate being sick.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2013, 05:06:33 pm
WEIGHT: 176 (from being sick, i guess)
ACHES/INJURIES: outside right foot in lifting shoes
MENTAL STATE: so fucking happy to be working out

- warm up
took some extra time to work on hips

- pogo x 5,5,5
need to get back into these

- sprint 5y x 4

- drop step and SVJ x 8
no idea. god i need to get back on a court.

- squat MSEM 315 x 3,3
weight was flying. first couple of reps especially the bar popped way off my shoulders.

- dimel DL 185 x 10,10,10

- OHP 105 x 10+3+3+3

- pull up x 10+3+3+3
harder at the end, the first set was easy

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2013, 10:24:01 pm

- warm up

- SVJ x 6
~25, ugh

- pogo x 5

- squat 305 x 5,5,5
tough, definite knee caving on later reps. repeat or add 5 lbs next week at most.

- OHP 110 x 7,3
back, hm.

- DB row 90 x 7,3

- paused leg press calf raise 365 x 20(14,6),20(12,8)

- toes to bar x 10,10

- stretch

kind of a weird workout. nothing felt great, felt kind of weak. calibrated the scale on my gf's suggestion. she pointed out that if you move the weights over to zero and then fiddle with them you find out what the scale's actual zero point is. turns out this is 4 lbs, i.e., it over-weighs things by 4 lbs. so subtract 4 from my weights over the past couple of months. except today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 29, 2013, 10:52:50 pm
SORENESS: calves
ACHES/INJURIES: left knee announcing itself but no pain or even discomfort
MENTAL STATE: excited, nervous

- warm up

- indoor ultimate x 60 mins

sweet baby god i'm out of shape. i played okay my first couple of shifts in (indoor is hockey-style w/r/t subs) but after that i couldn't do jack shit. got my lungs back alright each spell on the sideline but once my legs got tired they did not recover. then the rust really showed. i was in the wrong place at the wrong time a lot, i got beat under and deep, my cuts were shit. i had one incredibly boneheaded sub-out where i left my mark open. oof. at least i can still throw a bit. and i did have one good deep D after i was gassed. but mostly, i sucked.

anyway, nothing i didn't expect, really. it was a little embarrassing. also, we lost. 25-21, i think. the game was sloppy on both sides, lots of throwaways and drops. kind of akin to a basketball game that ends 75-68 with both teams shooting 38% from the floor and turning the ball over 20 times.

all that said, it was fun and i was glad to be playing again.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2013, 09:37:38 pm
SORENESS: calves holy shit ow
MENTAL STATE: feeling virtuous, also irritated at how sore my calves are

- warm up

- depth drops x 5

- pogosLOLNO
calves would absolutely not allow this. full explosive contraction was not happening no way no how.

- squat 265 x 5,5

- stretch

kept it short. another game tomorrow, rest friday, full body workout again on saturday and hopefully next week i won't be quite such a wreck.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 31, 2013, 05:05:47 am
Damn, the paused leg press calf raises were that bad in terms of generating soreness? Or was it that + the basketball game?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2013, 08:39:47 am
Damn, the paused leg press calf raises were that bad in terms of generating soreness? Or was it that + the basketball game?

the former. although my shins are sore today and that's unquestionably from the game.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2013, 10:59:45 pm
SORENESS: shins, calves a bit. man i wrecked 'em on monday. like whoa.
MENTAL STATE: happy, good mood, excited to play again

- warm up

- indoor ultimate x 60 mins
so much better than tuesday. getting my legs back a bit. still got gassed but we were better with subbing today so i was never on for too long (well, maybe once). and i didn't suck so outrageously after i got tired. plus we blew the other team out of the water; it was close at halftime but i think we outscored them 21-2 in the second half. so that's always fun.

saturday, squat MSEM @ 335. yeehaw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2013, 07:54:04 pm
WEIGHT: 178.5
SORENESS: shins a bit

- warm up

- SVJ x 7
terrible, 24-24.5

- low box depth jump x 4,3

- squat MSEM 335 x 3,3

- dip +45 x 10+3+3+3

- pull up +10 x 7+3+2; chin up x 3; inverted row x a bunch

- ab pull down x 25,25,25

- stretch

good workout, despite poor jumps and difficulty of squats. will keep weight same next week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 03, 2013, 11:45:28 am
I don't expect an answer, i just don't get it , just yelling in true frustration and anger!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 03, 2013, 12:16:18 pm
He should film it. In the past I used to do SVJ using my quads (staying with my back pretty straight vertical) and my SVJ wasn't that high. Then I thought about jumping using my hips so I started to push the hips back and also let the chest drop forward and down, and then I jumped much higher.

You'd expect to choose your best form automatically but in my case I had to experiment to find it. Since my quads suck anyway I could get higher using a posterior-chain dominated form on my SVJs.

So he might want to play around with that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2013, 04:46:07 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: inside left ankle, below bone, tweaking mildly
MENTAL STATE: happy, carefree

- 4-on-4 touch football x an hour and a half or so
once ankle started bothering me i switched to qb/qb defender. it's not hurt it was just weird so i figured to play it safe. pecs sore from the dips.

@vag, yeah i don't get it, either. it's very frustrating. on the plus side a low depth jump makes me jump higher, so at least i'm not a complete defective with respect to the stretch-shortening cycle.

but yes,  :raging: is right.

@raptor, i will film it soon. hadn't thought about pushing my hips back and bending over vs. keeping torso upright. i kind of feel like that would throw the jump forward but it's worth a shot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 03, 2013, 05:42:17 pm

Check out at the middle of the article

Quad dominated jump:


Hip dominated jump:


What's yours?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2013, 10:07:16 pm
SORENESS: lower traps, hip flexors
ACHES/INJURIES: left ankle medially and laterally, below and behind the malleoli. top of left foot just posterior to the third and fourth toes.
MENTAL STATE: lightheaded, out of sorts

- warm up

- a few jumps

felt wack so called it. i'm going to take the day off work tomorrow so i'll do today's workout during the day and then play my frisbee game at night. not ideal but i'll just go extra light on wednesday. this keeps more or less on track.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 05, 2013, 10:32:21 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a tiny bit, hip flexors a tiny bit
ACHES/INJURIES: left ankle not a problem (yay!) but fucked up the same set of toes that was hurting yesterday during the second game. also, tweaks in right hip flexor and glute
MENTAL STATE: rested, possibly too relaxed early. then pumped in the evening.

12:00 PM

- SMR and mobility

2:30 PM

- warm up

- SVJ x 7

- depth jump x 5
not good, jumping too forward

- squat 310 x 5,5,5

- DB row 90 x 8,8

- dip +45 x 8,8

- some core shit

- walk home via grocery store

- stretch

6:45 PM

- indoor ultimate x 120 mins
we had a double header. blew the doors off the other team in the first one, lost a squeaker in the second because the other team went on a run at the end.

- stretch

going to stretch again before bed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2013, 11:56:17 pm
SORENESS: quads a bit, hamstrings a bit
ACHES/INJURIES: fourth toe on the right foot and surrounding area, various shit was wigging out deep in my hips while i was stretching during warm up

- warm up

- REA squat 135 x 4,4
first time doing these in a while.

- squat 265 x 5,5
second set much stronger after a buddy pointed out that i was coming forward a bit. got hips more involved. losing focus is bad, maintaining focus is good.

- calf raise 405 x 10,10
fuck high reps, time to add weight. will try smith machine next time. i think i said that before but i mean it. tryna get that kingfish iso core strenf.

- sundry upper body pulls and pushes and back extensions

- stretch

really just did this to stay on schedule with my squats. first time working out two days in a row in a long while. not as bad as i expected. need to be gentler with hips and remember to do my SMR.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: pelham32 on February 07, 2013, 11:26:38 am
I don't expect an answer, i just don't get it , just yelling in true frustration and anger!!!

LBSS do you think it is maybe that your not really in a competitive or adrenalized state? I mean with your strength to BW ratio it seems like you could 30 standing easy. Do you lack rate of force development? I guess I wanna see somebody with that strength be at least up to par with their projected jump.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 07, 2013, 12:35:39 pm
I don't expect an answer, i just don't get it , just yelling in true frustration and anger!!!

LBSS do you think it is maybe that your not really in a competitive or adrenalized state? I mean with your strength to BW ratio it seems like you could 30 standing easy. Do you lack rate of force development? I guess I wanna see somebody with that strength be at least up to par with their projected jump.

it's both, i think.

on mental state: i have a hard time pysching myself up in the gym, and when i do it tends to backfire -- i get too psyched and get all uncoordinated and shit. that was especially true when i was still doing RVJ regularly: unless i was stimulated by something competitive or just for some reason "on" that day, any attempt to get myself amped would have ugly results. basically i have trouble finding a happy medium -- left to my own devices i'm either unstimulated or overstimulated. rarely am i in the sweet spot and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of consistency to when i find myself there. getting to bed early enough helps and frankly i've been bad about that during the week recently. it would probably help to have a workout partner (or coach) but i don't.

on RFD: honestly i don't know what my issue is. i probably focus too much on strength and not enough on speed, but i've done speed work in the past and my SVJ is basically the same as it was when i squatted 80 pounds less than i do now (weighing ~12 pounds less). i haven't done a measured RVJ in months and i suspect it'd be garbage right now, but unlike my SVJ it has gone up in the past three years and it'd come back if i switched to practicing it again.

another thought: going back over my videos i'm heavier than i was a year ago with not much more strength to show for it. basically, i've spun my wheels for a year. i had my all-time PR jumps at the end of december 2011, and squatted just 5 pounds less than my most recent PR attempt*. that sucks. it suuuuuucks. fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. part of it is hard to avoid: even one-week trips for work force me to reset when i get back, and if the trip is longer and i get sick, the reset is worse.

i'm open to any and all ideas.

*which was, to be fair to myself, not in the most favorable conditions.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: pelham32 on February 07, 2013, 07:57:39 pm
I don't expect an answer, i just don't get it , just yelling in true frustration and anger!!!

LBSS do you think it is maybe that your not really in a competitive or adrenalized state? I mean with your strength to BW ratio it seems like you could 30 standing easy. Do you lack rate of force development? I guess I wanna see somebody with that strength be at least up to par with their projected jump.

it's both, i think.

on mental state: i have a hard time pysching myself up in the gym, and when i do it tends to backfire -- i get too psyched and get all uncoordinated and shit. that was especially true when i was still doing RVJ regularly: unless i was stimulated by something competitive or just for some reason "on" that day, any attempt to get myself amped would have ugly results. basically i have trouble finding a happy medium -- left to my own devices i'm either unstimulated or overstimulated. rarely am i in the sweet spot and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of consistency to when i find myself there. getting to bed early enough helps and frankly i've been bad about that during the week recently. it would probably help to have a workout partner (or coach) but i don't.

on RFD: honestly i don't know what my issue is. i probably focus too much on strength and not enough on speed, but i've done speed work in the past and my SVJ is basically the same as it was when i squatted 80 pounds less than i do now (weighing ~12 pounds less). i haven't done a measured RVJ in months and i suspect it'd be garbage right now, but unlike my SVJ it has gone up in the past three years and it'd come back if i switched to practicing it again.

another thought: going back over my videos i'm heavier than i was a year ago with not much more strength to show for it. basically, i've spun my wheels for a year. i had my all-time PR jumps at the end of december 2011, and squatted just 5 pounds less than my most recent PR attempt*. that sucks. it suuuuuucks. fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. part of it is hard to avoid: even one-week trips for work force me to reset when i get back, and if the trip is longer and i get sick, the reset is worse.

i'm open to any and all ideas.

*which was, to be fair to myself, not in the most favorable conditions.

I know what you mean about psyching up backfiring. Nothing really gets me psyched to jump except full court basketball. When I got my nike + shoes that measures vert, it took me 37 standing vertical jumps to get to 31 inches. So for me, it is really hard to get psyched up to jump unless it's after a game of full court basketball or during it.

if I had any suggestions it would be to try to get your self into competitive situations or some kind of sport that would allow you to easily get warmed up playing and just do your jumps then and still progress your squat up. If you have not done so in awhile, I think you would be surprised about how much easier you jump. In my case, last wednesday, went to play full court, before playing I felt tired and didn't feel like running or really playing hard. Eventually legs and CNS got warmed up and could jump easy. I actually had two hand put back off the rim and after the games dunking around with other guys while dead tired was still able to land a windmill.

imo, it just seems like adrenalized situations for jumping and getting that squat up should be enough.. as for you having to keep taking a week off and reset.. I have no idea, your squat is higher than mine I should be taking lessons from you in that category
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2013, 12:18:18 am
you're absolutely right, but situations like that don't present themselves too me that conveniently. now that i've started playing frisbee again i'm getting into some more situations where the juices are flowing naturally, but that doesn't help me in the gym (not in that way, at least; there are other benefits).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on February 08, 2013, 12:34:08 am
If I were you, i'd first do whatever you usually do to get into PR territory.

Then once there, transition into a 5/3/1 like program where you PR only very infrequently and do the lifts infrequently too. This will probably be sustainable even when life gets in the way. But if you're trying to keep your gains from 3x a week squatting in the face of intermittent week long breaks it will always be a case of spinning ones wheels.

In 5/3/1 squatting 1x a week will probably hold your lifts thru breaks better since they're not predicated on high freq/volume as much as say 5/3/1 or whatever traditional PL program you use.

But I am just theorising never actually put this into practice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2013, 12:39:46 am
revisiting the "stole acole14's template" thread, here is what t0ddday originally prescribed. goal is to get two of each type in per week. avishek, where you at? you want to do these track workouts when it gets warm? banneker high school? or cardozo? t0ddday, how much rest between each workout? 4 a week means at least one day with no rest. unless i do 2-a-days.

on that note, i also got in touch with my buddy who has the old gym booked for bball in the mornings. that would lend itself to 2-a-days.

either way, will not shift gears until indoor ultimate season is over, at which point i'll be in better shape and also once again have rest days in the middle of the week.

*** Track Workout ***

1) Dynamic Warmup, Leg swings, Fast leg, Skips, Strides
2) 10 Measured overhead backward shot tosses (16lbs, aim to get better at these every workout, do these on a field where you can measure your throw, more than 13 yards is required, getting close to 15 yards is good, close to 17 is very very good).

- Bounding/ Jumping ( choose about 3 of them and also include the running SL vertical jump and REALLY focus on improvement) -

1) 3-6 standing broad jumps
2) 3-6 Depth broad jumps (should go a lot farther on these)
3) 2-3 4 double leg bounds, 8 DL leg bounds (again measure these, hopefully you 4 DL bound is better than 4X standing broad jump)
4) Measured Single leg bounds** (ie LLLL or RRRR)
5) Measured Standing Triple jumps**
6) Running SL vertical jump (3 step, 6 step)
- Running -

1) 3-4 Full effort measured 60m sprints (Hand time will suffice as long as you have a buddy who can provide somewhat repeatable times)
2) Tempo Work (If necessary for fat loss, skip if you do weights following track work)

** Either do these full intensity and try to progress OR if you don't feel like you have the hang of it (ie you go less than 10 yards, or you don't get a full cycle in each leg or can't coordinate the arm swing... Then include them as part of the warmup and drill the form until you have it)

**** Weights/Gym Workout ****

1) Warmup
2) Powerclean or Powersnatch -> work up to a challenging weight for a couple triples
3) Squat.   Work up to a challenging but not max single.  Do 2-3 sets of 3-5 with 80% of this.
4) Standing Push Press
5) Deadlifts (Optional)
6) Circuit (Here is where you can do RDLs, Calves, Pullups, etc.  This stuff is important but your mindset when you come into the gym should be in order of preference:  Squat more, Snatch\clean more, push press more/deadlift more.  Thinking about much more than this will cause you to lose focus. )
7) Standing vertical jumps/Running vertical jumps [10 each]
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2013, 09:46:38 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left hip impingey-type feeling
MENTAL STATE: okay, ready to go but not especially fired up

- warm up

- SVJ x 6
first 3 were 24, then did a couple of jump squats with an empty bar and the last three were all 25-25.5. file that one away for future reference.

- low box depth jump x 5

- squat MSEM 330 x 3,2
not sure why i didn't do the last one. i took a longer rest after the second rep than i meant to and then when i went to unrack the bar i was just like, nope. first set was solid, second set not as much.

- S1: feet elevated inverted row x 10
- S1: paused push up x 10
- S1: back extension x 10
- S1: hanging leg raise x 10
- S1 info: 2 rounds, minimal rest between exercises

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on February 09, 2013, 12:21:55 am
revisiting the "stole acole14's template" thread, here is what t0ddday originally prescribed. goal is to get two of each type in per week. avishek, where you at? you want to do these track workouts when it gets warm? banneker high school? or cardozo? t0ddday, how much rest between each workout? 4 a week means at least one day with no rest. unless i do 2-a-days.

on that note, i also got in touch with my buddy who has the old gym booked for bball in the mornings. that would lend itself to 2-a-days.

either way, will not shift gears until indoor ultimate season is over, at which point i'll be in better shape and also once again have rest days in the middle of the week.

*** Track Workout ***

1) Dynamic Warmup, Leg swings, Fast leg, Skips, Strides
2) 10 Measured overhead backward shot tosses (16lbs, aim to get better at these every workout, do these on a field where you can measure your throw, more than 13 yards is required, getting close to 15 yards is good, close to 17 is very very good).

- Bounding/ Jumping ( choose about 3 of them and also include the running SL vertical jump and REALLY focus on improvement) -

1) 3-6 standing broad jumps
2) 3-6 Depth broad jumps (should go a lot farther on these)
3) 2-3 4 double leg bounds, 8 DL leg bounds (again measure these, hopefully you 4 DL bound is better than 4X standing broad jump)
4) Measured Single leg bounds** (ie LLLL or RRRR)
5) Measured Standing Triple jumps**
6) Running SL vertical jump (3 step, 6 step)
- Running -

1) 3-4 Full effort measured 60m sprints (Hand time will suffice as long as you have a buddy who can provide somewhat repeatable times)
2) Tempo Work (If necessary for fat loss, skip if you do weights following track work)

** Either do these full intensity and try to progress OR if you don't feel like you have the hang of it (ie you go less than 10 yards, or you don't get a full cycle in each leg or can't coordinate the arm swing... Then include them as part of the warmup and drill the form until you have it)

**** Weights/Gym Workout ****

1) Warmup
2) Powerclean or Powersnatch -> work up to a challenging weight for a couple triples
3) Squat.   Work up to a challenging but not max single.  Do 2-3 sets of 3-5 with 80% of this.
4) Standing Push Press
5) Deadlifts (Optional)
6) Circuit (Here is where you can do RDLs, Calves, Pullups, etc.  This stuff is important but your mindset when you come into the gym should be in order of preference:  Squat more, Snatch\clean more, push press more/deadlift more.  Thinking about much more than this will cause you to lose focus. )
7) Standing vertical jumps/Running vertical jumps [10 each]

IMO, whatever you do, you need to have a change from your current training approach which seems to be something like 3x gym a week doing squats and tucks/SVJs/depth jumps together in the same session. I heard a great quote from some S&C podcast I listened to lately that made me think of your current problem:

"Everything works, but nothing works forever".

Should your current training approach give you consistent vertical jump gains? Yes. But is it working at the moment? Seemingly not. I think you could possibly benefit from a change of mindset from a strength-based approach to an speed/explosiveness-based approach for awhile. You could probably do any of the following:

- Todday's program which has more of a track slant;

- Joel Smith's 1-legged jump program (mix of strength work different to your current lifting, and bounding sessions);

- Mini-periodisation setup where you alternate between short explosiveness/speed blocks and have a deload/rest week every few cycles to go for PRs;

- Train with Avishek (I REALLY like this idea as he's basically your polar opposite, would be very interesting).

Up to you, I know in the past you've gotten gains when your squat numbers have been near PR levels so you might not want to decrease the strength emphasis. I guess my thinking lately is that leg strength measures are very important for vertical jump up until a certain relative level (each individual's number is probably different depending on style, structure etc., but let's say say 2xBW for squat or 2.5xBW for DL). Beyond this point though, unless you are really committed to gaining freakish relative strength like Kingfish or those Broz lifters (fairly long-term effort/impossible for some), then eventually I think you'll have to incorporate more speed/strength expression work if you wanna get higher.

Just my $0.02, whatever you do I'm really hoping you get some good results. I know it can be fucking demoralising when you start plateau-ing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 09, 2013, 02:09:14 am
By the way LBSS - did you do any cleans/snatches as of yet?

When I was doing my broad jumps/2-leg bounds as plyos (I have a ~10m area in the gym where I can do these) - I played around with doing snatches (or shall I call them "standing power hip thrusts" at that time) and I had a 90cm increase in my 3 2-leg bounds or something like that.

It really potentiated the posterior chain and I used that potentiation immediately in the jumps (so I was alternating snatches with 2-leg bounds or broad jumps).

You could also probably complex heavy very low volume half squats with depth jumps etc
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on February 09, 2013, 12:09:11 pm
revisiting the "stole acole14's template" thread, here is what t0ddday originally prescribed. goal is to get two of each type in per week. avishek, where you at? you want to do these track workouts when it gets warm? banneker high school? or cardozo? t0ddday, how much rest between each workout? 4 a week means at least one day with no rest. unless i do 2-a-days.

on that note, i also got in touch with my buddy who has the old gym booked for bball in the mornings. that would lend itself to 2-a-days.

either way, will not shift gears until indoor ultimate season is over, at which point i'll be in better shape and also once again have rest days in the middle of the week.

*** Track Workout ***

1) Dynamic Warmup, Leg swings, Fast leg, Skips, Strides
2) 10 Measured overhead backward shot tosses (16lbs, aim to get better at these every workout, do these on a field where you can measure your throw, more than 13 yards is required, getting close to 15 yards is good, close to 17 is very very good).

- Bounding/ Jumping ( choose about 3 of them and also include the running SL vertical jump and REALLY focus on improvement) -

1) 3-6 standing broad jumps
2) 3-6 Depth broad jumps (should go a lot farther on these)
3) 2-3 4 double leg bounds, 8 DL leg bounds (again measure these, hopefully you 4 DL bound is better than 4X standing broad jump)
4) Measured Single leg bounds** (ie LLLL or RRRR)
5) Measured Standing Triple jumps**
6) Running SL vertical jump (3 step, 6 step)
- Running -

1) 3-4 Full effort measured 60m sprints (Hand time will suffice as long as you have a buddy who can provide somewhat repeatable times)
2) Tempo Work (If necessary for fat loss, skip if you do weights following track work)

** Either do these full intensity and try to progress OR if you don't feel like you have the hang of it (ie you go less than 10 yards, or you don't get a full cycle in each leg or can't coordinate the arm swing... Then include them as part of the warmup and drill the form until you have it)

**** Weights/Gym Workout ****

1) Warmup
2) Powerclean or Powersnatch -> work up to a challenging weight for a couple triples
3) Squat.   Work up to a challenging but not max single.  Do 2-3 sets of 3-5 with 80% of this.
4) Standing Push Press
5) Deadlifts (Optional)
6) Circuit (Here is where you can do RDLs, Calves, Pullups, etc.  This stuff is important but your mindset when you come into the gym should be in order of preference:  Squat more, Snatch\clean more, push press more/deadlift more.  Thinking about much more than this will cause you to lose focus. )
7) Standing vertical jumps/Running vertical jumps [10 each]

IMO, whatever you do, you need to have a change from your current training approach which seems to be something like 3x gym a week doing squats and tucks/SVJs/depth jumps together in the same session. I heard a great quote from some S&C podcast I listened to lately that made me think of your current problem:

"Everything works, but nothing works forever".

Should your current training approach give you consistent vertical jump gains? Yes. But is it working at the moment? Seemingly not. I think you could possibly benefit from a change of mindset from a strength-based approach to an speed/explosiveness-based approach for awhile. You could probably do any of the following:

- Todday's program which has more of a track slant;

- Joel Smith's 1-legged jump program (mix of strength work different to your current lifting, and bounding sessions);

- Mini-periodisation setup where you alternate between short explosiveness/speed blocks and have a deload/rest week every few cycles to go for PRs;

- Train with Avishek (I REALLY like this idea as he's basically your polar opposite, would be very interesting).

Up to you, I know in the past you've gotten gains when your squat numbers have been near PR levels so you might not want to decrease the strength emphasis. I guess my thinking lately is that leg strength measures are very important for vertical jump up until a certain relative level (each individual's number is probably different depending on style, structure etc., but let's say say 2xBW for squat or 2.5xBW for DL). Beyond this point though, unless you are really committed to gaining freakish relative strength like Kingfish or those Broz lifters (fairly long-term effort/impossible for some), then eventually I think you'll have to incorporate more speed/strength expression work if you wanna get higher.

Just my $0.02, whatever you do I'm really hoping you get some good results. I know it can be fucking demoralising when you start plateau-ing.

You ask some great Q's.  Got a track meet and a bunch of work but I will get back more in depth when I have the time.  Have what I think is some good advice for both you and Entropy but don't want to write it twice...

For now I will just say that I agree with acole about the need to switch up your training.  Switching to more speed/strength expression in general might be more important than which template you choose   (though I favor mine over the pure 1 legged one because your videos pegged you as someone whose best ability is as a reactive DL jumper).   And, also I STRONGLY agree with idea of Avishek.   He's benefited extremely from the board (came in with zany off the wall wrong ideas that didn't work and now has zany off the wall ideas that seem to work), has low limit strength but is more reactive especially off 1 leg, and could probably push you pretty well.  Additionally track work is absolutely horrible without a training partner, almost impossible to do.   I'll get you some more detailed stuff soon, until then hope the weather on your coast actually allows outdoors (it's sunny every day here and I have access to world class facilities... I know everyone isn't so lucky).

PS I will be in Baltimore in a few months for a couple weeks.  Will be looking for some track/workout facilities.  Is that near you?  Any recommendations?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 09, 2013, 01:19:19 pm
thanks guys for the responses. you're all right, i need to mix things up. i have more detailed thoughts but gotta roll at the moment.

t0ddday, baltimore is close and i'm there a lot because my gf lives there (and some other friends). i'll pm you later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Kingfish on February 09, 2013, 07:02:43 pm
Up to you, I know in the past you've gotten gains when your squat numbers have been near PR levels so you might not want to decrease the strength emphasis. I guess my thinking lately is that leg strength measures are very important for vertical jump up until a certain relative level (each individual's number is probably different depending on style, structure etc., but let's say say 2xBW for squat or 2.5xBW for DL). Beyond this point though, unless you are really committed to gaining freakish relative strength like Kingfish or those Broz lifters (fairly long-term effort/impossible for some), then eventually I think you'll have to incorporate more speed/strength expression work if you wanna get higher.

the stronger i get, the better my SVJs get. you cannot express the strength that you do not have. my jumps continually improve IMO because i believe that i will jump higher - there is nowhere this new +lbs in  my squat is going to go.

the problem could be that you expect things to happen quick. i'e, squatted 350 today.. let me test my jump in a few days and see how many inches i've gained. i could wait 2-3 weeks doing squat maintenance and a lot more SVJ reps until i see myself adapt to the SVJ stimulus.

also, when you reach a squat PR.. do not use that as a basis of strength. it's the repeatable poundage (with very little STIM) that matters. IMO.  ;D

good luck buddy.

edit: these SVJ drills worked really well for me. i go for max reps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 09, 2013, 07:30:04 pm
Definitely the repeatable poundage. I mean the PR does indicate something good is happening, but if you can only pull that off when the stars align and under psyche-out conditions then you won't really "use" that strength on the field.

So I'm with Kingfish on this one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on February 11, 2013, 11:05:57 am
Agree somewhat with what the other guys say.  Often best gains come when squat is in maintenance which probably further proves their point of repeatable strength being important. 

As far as my template goes rest between workouts depends on you.  Basically, bound before weights, weights can be before SVJ.   You want rest from high-intensity bounding and top speed/accels.  Weights depends on your work capacity, if you currently squat 2x a week you don't want to increase it on this program obviously. 

A good split would be:

Monday: Warmup, Shot Throws, Intense Bounding (go for PRs), 4x60m sprints, 1x100m, weight room: Psnatch/clean, front squat, push press.
Tuesday: Warmup/Bounding Warmup, work on trail leg cycle and go a fixed distance, shot throws, tempo track (3x3 200m (30sec recovery between reps,3 min between sets) - easy pace (PR+ ~10sec, dont fall off).  Weight room.

Repeat Thurs/Friday.

Basically, tempo is viewed almost as recovery.  This might seem weird because as you start out tempo runs will probably make you more sore and they will hurt much more than speed work.  BUT, as you get into shape you will recover well from tempo work.  Recovery from multiple hi-intensity sprints will actually get worse as you get faster.  That's why you stick with a program like this for awhile.  Will transform you.  One thing we like to add in season is putting that full squat or front squat on maintenance and adding in some dynamic band work.  A bit easier to recover from with the lighter pounds but keeps squat volume high enough to make maintenance easy.  Will try and get a demo for you.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2013, 03:25:02 pm
right so thanks again to everyone for the feedback. except kingfish, who just wanted a chance to show off his standing two-handed dunks again.  :trollface:

but also, @kingfish: i don't expect things to happen quick. i'm conditioned, in fact, to seeing gains come slowly and sporadically. but since i started doing SVJ instead of RVJ, two months ago, i have seen no real gains. squat strength has also not moved significantly since a year ago. so yes, you're absolutely right in that squatting more will not instantly transform into jumping gains or vice versa. i'd say, though, that there are a bunch of dudes on here whose squat is weaker than mine, relative to bw or absolutely, but who jump a lot higher than i do. raptor is one, vag is another, i'm sure there are others. not saying i'm strong, just that strength under the bar isn't everything, and it seems to me that my strength under the bar is out of proportion to my ability to jump high. and who knows, with a shift to speed and explosiveness for a while my squat could go up.

EDIT: the new dude whose username i forget at the momentis another good example of someone who is weaker than i am (barely DL's 300 pounds!) but who jumps a LOT higher than i do. dunking from a standstill with two hands is undoubtedly badass. but it's not actually my goal. my goal is to dunk off a run-up.

acole's quote stuck out: it's obvious that i need to try something different for a while. not going to abandon my modified texas method QUITE yet -- i'd like to have a week where 330 is going up strong on all reps on the MSEM day. talked to my buddy who's running the morning pickup basketball at the old gym and he said that i could probably have it to myself from 7:40-8, maybe even past that if i work out something separate with the manager guy. my thought is to show up around 7:15, warm up a bit, play a game of pick up to get the juices flowing, and then do a modified version of the T0ddday explosive/reactive workout. [broad jumps - bounds - sprints - running jumps]. sprints longer than ~15m aren't possible because there's not enough room to decelerate. and i don't have a shot yet. then in the evening do [snatch - squat - push press - assistance circuit - SVJ].


monday AM: explosive/speed
monday PM: RFD/strength

tuesday PM: ultimate or tempo or conditioning (e.g. fan bike, jump rope) or rest

wednesday AM: explosive/speed
wednesday PM: RFD/strength

thursday PM: ultimate or tempo or conditioning or rest

friday AM: explosive/speed

saturday: RFD/strength

sunday: tempo or conditioning or rest

given work and life, one or two of those tempo/conditioning sessions is likely to be rest. ultimate is not draining anymore. could do short fartleks or something until the tracks are open again. i'm going to try to get back into snatching but i'm not sure about OH mobility so will be careful about those until i'm comfortable. squat will be as t0ddday suggested: work up to a heavy but not grinding single, then do 2-3 x 3-4 at 80% of that.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on February 11, 2013, 08:17:31 pm
I say this with caution because I don't want to start this debate all over again.  But KF's experience with his squat bringing up his vertical jump comes with a high-bar squat.   You have increased your low-bar squat.  I don't want to bring back age old arguments with Steven Miller (if I recall that guy had some ridiculously high squat numbers paired with a comparatively poor vertical leap...)  or have someone start quoting Rippetoe.... but the lifts are not identical.  IMO Greg Everetts book makes a good case for the better utility of high-bar squatting... but even if you are a low-bar disciple you have to realize the lifts are simply different and are one more reason you can't assume KF's experience will mirror yours.   

KF increased his high-bar olympic squat without sacrificing much speed whilst putting in a lot of practice in the standing full-squat vertical jump, and coming out with a net weight loss.  I don't believe he is the genetic outlier.  Most people could get somewhat comparable improvements using the same method.   However, you won't necessarily bring up your speed (something that's important for frisbee?) or increase your running DL vertical jump or SL vertical jump;  All goals you seem to have.   

I'm obviously a believer in the high-bar squat; in fact in some cases, I'd rather have athletes squat high-bar above parallel than low-bar squat.  The form for which you can squeeze out the most poundage (see kipping pullups) is often the form which will translate the least other movements.  While I am sure there are lifting coaches who know more than me who advocate the low-bar squat; all I know is I have seen a whole lot more people with big low-bar squats and poor vertical jumps, poor speed, poor pulls, poor dead lifts, poor front squats, etc than I have with the high-bar squat.  I don't come across people too often who have added 100lbs to their high-bar squat and have stayed really stagnant in everything else.   Just anecdotal, though!

My biases aside, you might consider switching up your squat form just to have a break from squatting.  Some front squats or pause squats might be good to incorporate. 

Additionally, you said you only had 15m to bound?  I hope that doesn't mean you plan to do bounding on a basketball court or concrete.  I strongly advise you to do maximal effort bounding on a basketball court for a long duration of time and will just flat out ask you to stay away from concrete.  Bounding looks easy but it is hard.   
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Kingfish on February 11, 2013, 11:06:27 pm
I say this with caution because I don't want to start this debate all over again.  But KF's experience with his squat bringing up his vertical jump comes with a high-bar squat.   You have increased your low-bar squat.  I don't want to bring back age old arguments with Steven Miller (if I recall that guy had some ridiculously high squat numbers paired with a comparatively poor vertical leap...)  or have someone start quoting Rippetoe.... but the lifts are not identical. IMO Greg Everetts book makes a good case for the better utility of high-bar squatting... but even if you are a low-bar disciple you have to realize the lifts are simply different and are one more reason you can't assume KF's experience will mirror yours.   

KF increased his high-bar olympic squat without sacrificing much speed whilst putting in a lot of practice in the standing full-squat vertical jump, and coming out with a net weight loss.  I don't believe he is the genetic outlier.  Most people could get somewhat comparable improvements using the same method.   However, you won't necessarily bring up your speed (something that's important for frisbee?) or increase your running DL vertical jump or SL vertical jump;  All goals you seem to have.   

I'm obviously a believer in the high-bar squat; in fact in some cases, I'd rather have athletes squat high-bar above parallel than low-bar squat.  The form for which you can squeeze out the most poundage (see kipping pullups) is often the form which will translate the least other movements.  While I am sure there are lifting coaches who know more than me who advocate the low-bar squat; all I know is I have seen a whole lot more people with big low-bar squats and poor vertical jumps, poor speed, poor pulls, poor dead lifts, poor front squats, etc than I have with the high-bar squat. I don't come across people too often who have added 100lbs to their high-bar squat and have stayed really stagnant in everything else.   Just anecdotal, though!

My biases aside, you might consider switching up your squat form just to have a break from squatting.  Some front squats or pause squats might be good to incorporate. 

Additionally, you said you only had 15m to bound?  I hope that doesn't mean you plan to do bounding on a basketball court or concrete.  I strongly advise you to do maximal effort bounding on a basketball court for a long duration of time and will just flat out ask you to stay away from concrete.  Bounding looks easy but it is hard.


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2013, 11:41:03 pm
interesting points which require more thought when i am fed. initial thoughts: the kipping pull ups comparison has the tempting ring of verisimilitude but i'm not sure i buy it. again, will consider more later.

i had thought to bound on a bball court (it's hardwood, fwiw) but will stay away if you say so.

MENTAL STATE: a bit down, distracted going into the workout but fine once i started warming up

- warm up

- ME broad jump x 4

- SVJ x 7

- squat 315 x 5,5,5
PR tie, i'm pretty sure. whatever.

- push press 95 x 5,5

- S1: DB RDL 140 x 8
- S1: DB row 70 x 8
- S1 info: 2 rounds, 30s rest or less

- stretch

it was humid as shit in the warm up room. the walls were wet. got some vid of OH squat, which i did before starting my normal squat warm ups. ugly but just wanted to try it out. i'm mobility-deficient all over the place and i have some ideas about where specifically to work on based on this vid and how the squats felt, but input's appreciated as always.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 12, 2013, 03:30:04 am
What about people with no choice but to squat low bar, like me, that have knee issues? Even attempting 2 reps of high bar squats is a ticket to go home with knee pain (but I have whatever stuff moving in my right knee).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on February 12, 2013, 02:25:45 pm
interesting points which require more thought when i am fed. initial thoughts: the kipping pull ups comparison has the tempting ring of verisimilitude but i'm not sure i buy it. again, will consider more later.

i had thought to bound on a bball court (it's hardwood, fwiw) but will stay away if you say so.

It depends a lot on your joint health, but for sure grass/turf >> hardwood.  You don't have access to any tracks?  What is up with the DC metro area!?!   On hardwood you can still get away with standing vertical jumps and can do low intensity single leg stuff if your body allows you....  but a soft surface is both 1) safer and 2) will give you better results because of the stiffness you will build up on the soft surface.   Jamaicans train almost exclusively on grass for a part of the year and then move to mondo and run ridiculous times.   You could do a low intensity day once on hardwood and then find a patch of grass somewhere and measure out distance and do 1 day where you put everything into your bounding.  Full effort is really important, for both learning efficiency and making gains.  Three of us in our training group got our triple depth-DL-bounding past 32 feet last year, unfortunately along the way things like this happen.  It's funny on a soft surface but might not end well on hardwood.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on February 12, 2013, 02:29:03 pm

it was humid as shit in the warm up room. the walls were wet. got some vid of OH squat, which i did before starting my normal squat warm ups. ugly but just wanted to try it out. i'm mobility-deficient all over the place and i have some ideas about where specifically to work on based on this vid and how the squats felt, but input's appreciated as always.

Overhead squats good to incorporate into your workout.  Try to spend more time at the bottom.  Widen your feet and try and get your body between your legs more so than sticking your butt back.  I'm not as mobile as this guy but I do a warmup that looks somewhat like this before I squat and you can really increase mobility by spending lots of time sorta playing around at the bottom of your squat (weight to one side, forward, 1 leg, etc):

(he starts the squat warmup about 15 secs into the video)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on February 12, 2013, 02:36:48 pm
What about people with no choice but to squat low bar, like me, that have knee issues? Even attempting 2 reps of high bar squats is a ticket to go home with knee pain (but I have whatever stuff moving in my right knee).

You have a loose body in your knee?  This injury prohibits high bar squatting but doesn't affect low-bar squatting or playing basketball, or repeated vertical jumping? 

Might want to invest in some Rehband Knee sleeves and some olympic lifting shoes and see exactly what you can and can't do.  Can you front squat?  Can you high-bar squat above parallel?   

I'm not trying to make the case that low-bar squatting is useless, just that the diminishing gains to athleticism seem to kick at much lower poundages than back squatting.   If I had an athlete who could do anything but high-bar squat there are things I would have him doing before low bar squatting, that's all.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 12, 2013, 03:00:00 pm
Yup. I'm actually waiting for a call to go pick up my AdiStars right now as I'm typing this. I also wear an "artizanal" knee sleeve when I squat and jump and pretty much do anything "athletic".

I'll have to see if I can front squat with the o-lifting shoes. I can't maintain the bar on my shoulders because I can't keep the elbows high, only pointing down. I probably have the tendency to rotate forward too, but maybe with the o-lifting shoes that's less of an issue.

But why do you say the ceiling for the low bar squat is lower in terms of carryover than the high bar squat? I think defining a style of squat just by low and high bar is way too simple... you can still do leg-driven low bar squats like a high bar squat and get plenty of carryover IMO, unless you squatmorning it like some of the Rippetoe folks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2013, 03:40:11 pm
i do the "hang out and move around at the bottom of the squat" as part of my squat warm up. but i don't try to work my butt forward the way that guy does. must add that in.

i will continue to do OH squats with the empty bar until they get comfortable. the ones in the vid were from before i started my normal warm up, fwiw. ankle mobility is an issue, and thoracic spine mobility. those and hip capsule stuff are my main targets.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 12, 2013, 03:56:21 pm
but a soft surface is both 1) safer and 2) will give you better results because of the stiffness you will build up on the soft surface.

I read on, a site that doesn't work anymore, that training on soft surfaces promotes systemic stiffness, while training on hard surfaces promotes systemic compliance. I don't remember exactly what the text/observations were.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2013, 04:53:38 pm
i'm not sure what that means.

in other news, my brother disappeared again a couple of days ago and turned up today at the ER with a ripped tendon and punctured artery in his arm. he'd bandaged it himself and apparently tied it tight enough that he didn't bleed out, so that's good. but he bled all over the ER nurse. guess she's seen worse. on the plus side, he's alive. on the down side, i now have a new way in which i can imagine him dying. bleeding to death was not on the list before.

also, it's my mom's birthday, so i'm going out to dinner with her. i was planning to work out afterward but under the circumstances that might not happen.

EDIT: yeah, no way i was getting to the gym today. tomorrow's out too so it'll have to be friday. oh well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on February 14, 2013, 12:03:53 am
Glad to hear your brothers OK.

preface...... I know almost nothing about addiction (except what I have seen on intervention)

Hopefully an awful experience like that can be the trigger to began to fight his disease. (rock bottom)

I wish your family all the best.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 14, 2013, 12:52:45 am
thanks man. i wish i knew less about addiction than i did. he's alive and we can't really ask for more than that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2013, 11:57:32 am
WEIGHT: 177 uh oh
MENTAL STATE: stressed

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
i think i PR'd but the gym has no measuring tape.

- depth broad jump x 5
all around the distance of my "PR" jump, some longer some shorter.

- squat MSEM 330 x F; 315 x 3
what. the fuck. 330 was just not happening. probably a combination of poor diet, poor sleep and high stress but this weight should be handlable even in bad circumstances. i had to dump it because i was squatting outside safeties. guh.

- engage pansy mode. bail on rest of workout.

worst workout ever, despite excellent broad jumps. they just felt super explosive (for me).

also, i can't do high bar. holding the bar on my traps is intensely uncomfortable, even with an empty bar. it doesn't feel hard to describe but now that i'm typing it is. the pressure is just painful. make all the jokes you want about my puny traps, fact is that the one time i managed to get my gf in the gym she did high bar with no problems. it's not a matter of the muscles being too small.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on February 16, 2013, 11:07:08 pm

also, i can't do high bar. holding the bar on my traps is intensely uncomfortable, even with an empty bar. it doesn't feel hard to describe but now that i'm typing it is. the pressure is just painful. make all the jokes you want about my puny traps, fact is that the one time i managed to get my gf in the gym she did high bar with no problems. it's not a matter of the muscles being too small.

Don't let that stop you though. When I first started squatting the spot where the bar sits got pretty sore, but you do get used to it. You can pull your shoulder blades together to give it more of a base on your shoulders.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on February 17, 2013, 01:09:56 pm
^Agreed, also remember in general my advice is to switch up the way your are squatting.  You have added a bunch of weight to your LBS without VJ carryover (not uncommon) so now try something else.   Olympic squats.  If the bar is that painful on your traps you might have to try front squatting.   You can also invest in one of those blue manta ray things.   We are trying to switch up what you are doing with your legs... don't let trap pain get in the way of that. 

Interesting though that the pain is so severe, maybe some kind of muscle impingement going on?  Or nerve damage?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 17, 2013, 01:11:33 pm
^Agreed, also remember in general my advice is to switch up the way your are squatting.  You have added a bunch of weight to your LBS without VJ carryover (not uncommon) so now try something else.   Olympic squats.  If the bar is that painful on your traps you might have to try front squatting.   You can also invest in one of those blue manta ray things.   We are trying to switch up what you are doing with your legs... don't let trap pain get in the way of that. 

Interesting though that the pain is so severe, maybe some kind of muscle impingement going on?  Or nerve damage?

This^^^ x 100
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2013, 10:20:02 pm
it's not nerve pain or impingement -- i know what those feel like. this is completely different in kind. anyway, more below. pushing my shoulder blades together increases the discomfort.

WEIGHT: 175  :o
ACHES/INJURIES: right elbow/tricep ???
MENTAL STATE: kind of sleepy, otherwise relaxed, good

- warm up

- SVJ x 6
three at 26, all 25+, awesome

- low box depth jump x 4
26-27 although these are still uncoordinated w/r/t distance from my target vent. once i get that nailed down i think they'll be higher.

- squat 315 x 1; 325 x 1; 255 x 4,4
played it conservative, 325 went up fast but i decided not to push it too hard.

- C1: dimel DL 135 x 8
- C1: DB push press 45 x 8
- C1: Pendlay row 135 x 8
- C1: strict hanging leg raise x 10
- C1 info: 2 rounds, ~30s between exercises

- stretch

super pleased with this workout. did OH squat and then high bar squat up to 185 during warm up. spent extra time trying to find a position that was tolerable with high bar. it's still uncomfortable -- very uncomfortable with 185 -- but i'm going to keep warming up this way with the idea of eventually being able to do my work sets high bar. then going to try t0ddday's suggestion of working up to a heavy but strong single and then backing off for 2-3 sets with 80%.

also, 175 is the lightest i've been in months. not sure what that's about. i was pissing like a racehorse all weekend but it's not like i cut carbs or anything.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on February 19, 2013, 10:12:17 am
^^warmup is a great way to learn new tricks.   When I was a bit more mobile I was successfully completing triples up to 135,225,315,405 with pistols, overhead squats, front squats, back squats.   Probably the best maintenance workout ever.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2013, 10:46:27 am
a 135 pistol is impressive. i've never tried it with a bar...front rack position? ankle mobility is my limiting factor on pistols. in oly shoes i can do BW pistols all day but i still have to throw my weight forward. not sure if i could manage a bar. might try tonight, just for funsies.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2013, 09:37:34 pm
SORENESS: right bicep (went bowling with my bro yesterday. not the one with issues, the other one. i have two.)
ACHES/INJURIES: left calf kinda tight (?)

- warm up

- mobility stuff for ankles, hips, and shoulders

- Pendlay sequence snatch practice with empty bar
my feet land all wonky when i jump. have pic, will post. tried to fix that. also knurling was worn all the way down on the bar so my hands kept slipping inward.

- HB squat warm up
lots of paused reps up to 185 x 5. mixed in some very fast reps, as well.

- C1: strict hanging leg raise x 10
- C1: push up x 15
- C1 info: 3 rounds, ~30s between rounds
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2013, 10:19:10 pm
SORENESS: right bicep
ACHES/INJURIES: right elbow issues like late 2011. i'm not doing dips now though so unsure about origin of this.
MENTAL STATE: happy, good

- warm up

- rudimentary hops a la raptor

- SVJ x 6
25-25.5, not as good as monday

- squat 335 x 1; 345 x 1; 275 x 4,4
holy crap. i had 355 for sure, which would have been a PR tie. 345 went up fast. decided not to push it, though. no point in grinding. warmed up with HB until 135.

- push press 115 x 4,4
technique better than when i've done them before. will add weight to these quickly, i think.

- C1: dimel DL 155 x 8
- C1: strict hanging leg raise x 10
- C1: BB row 155 x 8
- C1 info: 2 rounds, ~30s rest between exercises

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on February 21, 2013, 09:02:00 am

- squat 335 x 1; 345 x 1; 275 x 4,4
holy crap. i had 355 for sure, which would have been a PR tie. 345 went up fast. decided not to push it, though. no point in grinding. warmed up with HB until 135.

Just a few sessions of high-bar squatting and your already PRing in the low-bar.  Carryover!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 21, 2013, 09:03:30 am

- squat 335 x 1; 345 x 1; 275 x 4,4
holy crap. i had 355 for sure, which would have been a PR tie. 345 went up fast. decided not to push it, though. no point in grinding. warmed up with HB until 135.

Just a few sessions of high-bar squatting and your already PRing in the low-bar.  Carryover!

lol. i wonder if the causation is actually there. either way, pleased.  :goodjobbro:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 21, 2013, 11:22:41 am

- squat 335 x 1; 345 x 1; 275 x 4,4
holy crap. i had 355 for sure, which would have been a PR tie. 345 went up fast. decided not to push it, though. no point in grinding. warmed up with HB until 135.

Just a few sessions of high-bar squatting and your already PRing in the low-bar.  Carryover!

That's what I said to him too. It appears LBSS has very strong hips but is lacking in quad and calf strength/efficiency/power. If he gets that up then... you know...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 22, 2013, 08:27:31 am
last night:

- mobility work x 30 mins

this morning:

- basketball x 30 mins
shit warmed over. i was 0-5 with three missed layups. that's what i get for not even being on a basketball court in almost three months.

- a few submax jumps
oof, bout as bad as i expected.

i'm not sure this is going to be a viable way to train running jumps, light bounds, etc. i'm going to try again the week after next. three ultimate games next week in three days (two tues, one thurs).

anyway, good job luke. in any event i'm glad to have forced myself out of bed this morning. discipline > *.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on February 23, 2013, 02:03:46 am

anyway, good job luke. in any event i'm glad to have forced myself out of bed this morning. discipline > *.

I feel your pain tonight.

Keep plugging son, keep plugging.  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 24, 2013, 10:20:46 pm
limited time to work out today but got the essential in anyway.

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder wonky, not sure what happened there.
MENTAL STATE: fine, hornier than usual

- warm up

- squat 335 x 1; 355 x 1 (PR tie); 285 x 4
PR tie with no psyche up at all. rep was solid. i have more in me, for sure. just the one back up set because i had to leave. did some box jumps in between sets.

will work out again tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 25, 2013, 05:03:04 am
Any explanations for the recent squat PRs? The high bar squat effect?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2013, 08:15:53 am
Any explanations for the recent squat PRs? The high bar squat effect?

could be that. really have no idea.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 26, 2013, 12:36:25 am
MENTAL STATE: stressed, a little sleepy but calmed down and woke up during warm ups

- warm up

- rudimentary hops

- SVJ x 5
all ~26, good stuff

- depth jump x 4
first one was at least 27, rest 26-27, will switch to higher box next time

- squat 315 x 1; 255 x 4,4
315 was messy, decided not to push it given the fact that i PR'd yesterday. first back off set also messy, second very fast and solid.

- C1: dimel DL 135 x 8
- C1: DB row 90 x 5
- C1: strict hanging leg raise x 10
- C1 info: 3 rounds, 30-60s between exercises. forgot hanging leg raises during the second round, not sure what happened there. grip very challenged by this circuit.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 26, 2013, 09:21:04 am
new kicks. these are even more garish than my last pair. ugly sneaks ftw.  :headbang:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2013, 09:56:51 pm
MENTAL STATE: fine, kind of blah

- warm up

- rudimentary hops

- depth jump x 4,4
low box +35 lb plate. my normal vent was taken so unsure how high these were. they didn't feel very explosive.

- squat 335 x 1; 345 x 1; 275 x 4,4
should have stuck with 335, which went up great. 345 was fine but a bit too grindy; i did not have 355 today. but hey, 2x bw.

- push press 135 x 4,4

- C1: hyper x 10,10; GHR x 3
- C1: strict hanging leg raise x10
- C1: DB row 75 x 10
- C1 info: 3 rounds, ~30s between exercises.
i've been a pansy with these circuits, time to start actually doing work on them.

- stretch

hungry. 2x bw squat again, this time legit, not 1.98 or some shit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 01, 2013, 07:22:36 am
You should really go with an explosive schedule for the next few weeks...

To give you examples:

1) You could try the JackM explosive schedule:


Depth jump 6x3
Jump squat with 40 kg 4x5
Jump squat with 20 kg (empty bar) 4x5 (go back and forth between these 2 weights or wave-load)
Regular squat 3x3 with your 5RM

Friday: PR Day - maximal standing jumps, RVJ, sprints, one-leg jumps, broad jumps etc - measured stuff.

IMO getting away from regular slow squatting for quite some time (even in its MSEM form) could make a difference to you.

Repeat that until the measurements don't improve for 2 or 3 consecutive weeks, then you can go back to strength work.

There's also another choice, but I'd go with this ^^^ first one.

2) The other choice is this:

Reactive/Plyo workout:

Session A:

DJ 4x5 from high box (power)
Jump squat 2x5 with empty bar
Half squat 6x3 with 85% of max half squat

Session B:

4x5 DJ from medium box

Session C:

4x5 DJ from high box
Jump squat 2x5 with empty bar
Squat 3x3 with 5RM

This is cool too but I'd do with the first option of actually jumping on the field, sprinting etc. Sure we've had these discussions before but you never did anything like this... it would be interesting to see what you'd gain out of it.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2013, 08:14:58 am
really interesting suggestions. i might have a hard time with the first one due to court/track access issues: even when i can get on a court it's early in the morning (very sub-optimal for me) and there are a bunch of dudes playing basketball on it until 20 minutes before it closes. my SVJ actually seems to be progressing now, and so is my squat, so i might stick with this current split for a little while longer, maybe until i can do my whole squat warm up high-bar without much discomfort.

if the basketball court starts being available on sunday afternoons, then i could do this for a while:

- SVJ low volume
- depth jump low volume
- squat up to heavy single + back-off sets at 80%
- push press
- circuit

- SVJ low volume
- jump squat
- squat up to heavy single + back-off sets at 80%
- push press
- circuit

sunday (ME - go for PR's):
- sprint
- broad jump
- DL bounds

and once squat stalled to, switch to the JackM split. is it really only twice a week?

thanks for the input.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 01, 2013, 10:36:55 am
Yeah it sounds good, what you've layed out. Obviously if you feel like you're improving right now then maybe it's not a good idea to change anything.

The JackM is 2 times per week (the explosive part) and 3 times the strength part.

In the strength part of it is 2 times plyos + strength and one time, in the middle, just plyos. You should be able to find it around.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2013, 10:35:42 pm
yesterday felt sick so did not gym.


MENTAL STATE: loose, good mood, but not especially bouncy

- warm up

- rudimentary hops (barefoot)

- SVJ x 5

- depth jump 20" x 5
mostly 26 or ?, one 27. next time will use box between low and low-mid.

- SVJ x 2
27, 25. first one clearly benefited from the depth jump priming.

- squat 335 x 1, 275 x 4,4
will open with 345 soon. 335 went up well but i pushed it last time and regretted it. warming up high-bar messes up my positioning for the work sets, need to be careful about that.

- push press 145 x 4,4

- C1: back extension x 10,10,10; +15 x 10
- C1: decline sit up +30 x 10
- C1: pull up x 7,7,7; inverted row x 10
- C1 info: 4 rounds. last round used a little bar for the back extensions.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 05, 2013, 10:41:01 pm
MENTAL STATE: tired but excited

- warm up

- indoor ultimate x one hour
strained my right hip, TFL/glute med area although i can't tell exactly what. lateral side. right at the end of our first game, which we won in a blowout. i tried to play the first point in the next game but had to come out. jogged a bit, did some backwards running and skipping, but this is rec league indoor. i'm not trying to push myself for that. team won the second game, too, in an awesome comeback in the final 3-4 minutes. i played badly, although not as badly as in my first game of the season.



damn it.

injuries are why i stopped playing ultimate in the first place, but i have no idea what happened to my hip today. don't remember landing awkwardly or cutting awkwardly or anything, it just started hurting all of a sudden. time for 600mg of ibuprofen and some ice and some sleep.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2013, 08:38:52 am
hip feels pretty normal this morning and we got a snow day from work.  :derp:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2013, 09:11:04 am
last night

ACHES/INJURIES: right hip wonky, esp. during running/walking fast; right ankle sharp but not terrible pain during push presses; ankles both a little off, maybe because of new shoes
MENTAL STATE: happy, strong sense of accomplishment because i busted my ass on some work on my day off and got it done

- warm up

- rudimentary hops

- easy short sprints to test hip
hip failed test.

- squat warm up to 185

- jump squats 40(2x20 DB) x 3,3,3

- push press 145 x 4; 115 x 4,4,4

- C1: hyper +25 x 10
- C1: DB row 80 x 10
- C1: thick band pull down x 10
- C1 info: 3 rounds, 20-30s between exercises

- stretch

decided to play it safe with the hip. no sense at all in aggravating anything. hip felt okay again this morning but i was walking extra fast to work and it started announcing itself so i slowed down. discomfort has spread around to the front and medial side of my hip flexor and seems to set in on hip extension during locomotion. the hypers did not bother it at all, nor did the jump squats. it felt fine during squatting but i didn't feel like risking any kind of load. gonna take some more ibuprofen.

no idea what was up with my right ankle during the push presses, that's not a problem i've had before and it wasn't bothering me otherwise.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2013, 10:25:29 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none, although i haven't tested my hip at all today since my walk to work this morning
MENTAL STATE: tired, satisfied, had a really productive day but long (11 hours) day at work and i'm going to NYC tomorrow to visit my bro so just pretty content

- foam roll and mobility x 45 mins

gym in the morning tomorrow, will see how it goes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 08, 2013, 05:42:35 am
I think i have asked you again but oh well, too bored to check, how much do you foal roll each part? In terms of sets/reps/style?
I go like 3 sets of 5-10 rolls , each roll takes about 10-20 seconds ( 5-10 back 5-10 forth ), not stoping at any point , just rolling slow and steady.
Also what muscles do you foam roll? Most of the time i only do the IT band, when i want a 'complete' session i also do quads and hamstrings.

TLDR version: I am aware you know your shit about mobility/SMR so I am asking for a good foam rolling sequence, with exercises, sets, reps, duration.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2013, 02:07:08 pm
i don't roll for reps, i roll for time and reduced discomfort. start with a few slow rolls back and forth to find especially sensitive spots, then roll very slowly from end to end, stopping on the sticky bits. when stopped i'll sometimes move around on them, roll a bit in front and behind or on either side, move the corresponding joints around (so, e.g., when on a stick spot in ITB, i'll bend and extend my knee slowly -- this hurts). i try to move when i feel the spot getting less uncomfortable, although sometimes i get impatient and don't last that long. regular stuff is ITB, adductors, and thoracic spine with the foam roller, and t-spine, shoulders (at least traps and sometimes also a whole bunch of other shit including pecs, teres major/minor, delts, etc.), and hips with the peanut and/or lacrosse ball.

if i'm doing a "complete" or standalone SMR/mobility session that i plan to do for more than 30 minutes, i do all of those plus hamstrings, calves/peroneals, quads, and lats. i should be better about quads but that shit just hurts a lot and i'm a wuss.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 11, 2013, 04:22:02 pm
^Thanks , i will experiment with that technique too!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2013, 04:38:02 pm
np. also, meant to mention, i use the lacrosse ball and sometimes a golf ball for heels/plantar flexors.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on March 11, 2013, 06:33:13 pm
Foam rolling the IT band especially in the middle is the most sorest thing, that i have to stop because the pain is unbearable.
Man is this normal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2013, 06:50:24 pm
Foam rolling the IT band especially in the middle is the most sorest thing, that i have to stop because the pain is unbearable.
Man is this normal.

dunno if it's normal but yeah ITB can hurt. mine is not as bad as it used to be, if that's any comfort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2013, 10:04:07 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left wrist (?)
MENTAL STATE: fine, okay, but something a little off due to wacky weekend sleep schedule

- warm up

- rudimentary hops

- jump squat 40 x 2,2,2

- SVJ x 4
first 26+, rest ~25-26

- depth jump x 4
first 27+, rest 25.5-26.5

- SVJ x 3
i fatigue so fast on these.

- squat 345 x 1; 275 x 4,4
was not focused enough for heavy rep. second backoff set was very strong.

- push press 145 x 3,3
man i don't know what happened to these. a couple of weeks ago i felt like things were clicking and now it's a hot mess. will get some vid next time, i'm sure i'm doing stuff wrong.

- C1: back extension +25 x 10
- C1: pull down x 20
- C1: inverted row x 12
- C1 info: 3 rounds, minimal rest. need to find a better way to mount the back extensions, when the weight gets heavier i'm going to have a hard time bringing it to my shoulders. even with the little bar.

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2013, 11:48:11 pm
i warm up squats like so:

- bar x 45-60s in bottom position, moving around and bouncing and rocking back and forth
- 95 x 5 with long pause at bottom
- 135 x 5 with long pause at bottom
- 185 x 5 with pause at bottom
- 225 x 3-5 with pause at bottom
- 275 x 2-3 no pause
- 315 x 1

then work sets. why on earth would you max out AFTER doing other work sets? that'd be like running a few 400s and then trying to max out your 40.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 12, 2013, 11:41:42 pm
that makes no sense.


- foam roll x 35-40 mins
really hit adductors hard.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2013, 10:08:45 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left wrist, left knee a little during squat warm up but otherwise okay
MENTAL STATE: fine, unremarkable, felt a little stupid cause i made it all the way to the gym from my office without realizing i was carrying the wrong bag. had to turn around and go back.

- warm up

- rudimentary hops

- SVJ x 4
25.5, meh

- depth jump 20" x 4; 12" x 4
20" is too high, i got one jump at 26 but the rest were clumsy. 12" is easier to get coordinated, hit several 26 and one 27, but i'm still clumsy with these. lots of room for improvement.

- squat 345 x 1; 355 x 1; 280 x 4,4
355 went up strong. should get 360 soon.

- S1: back extension +35 x 10
- S1: pull up x 7,7,4+2+1
- S1 info: 3 rounds, 30s rest.
jesus christ, weak on the pull ups. time to get back into these, did horribly today. back extensions get a good light pump.

- S2: DB bench 60s x 7
- S2: roman chair leg raise x 15
- S2 info: 3 rounds, 30s rest

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2013, 10:18:33 pm
yeah man, i pretty much suck at jumping relative to my strenf. no idea where rvj is at right now but i'm sure it's terrible.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2013, 10:13:13 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: something in my right foot, will write more later.

- warm up

- jump squat 30 x 3

- SVJ x 3

- squat warm up to 315

- S1: squat 225 x 8
- S1: pull up x 10,8+2
- S1 info: 2 rounds, 60s rest between exercises


- stretch

was on vacation in NYC with gf last several days. it was fantastic, but i got no exercise in other than some mobility/stretching stuff and lots of walking. played it conservative and quick today: she's about to be busting her ass 5.5 days a week so i won't have as much time with her. workouts the rest of the week will be quick. back into the regular swing next week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on March 20, 2013, 12:06:24 am
NYC? nice. whatd u do?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 20, 2013, 02:20:13 am
It's been my lifetime fantasy to get to New York at some point
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on March 20, 2013, 03:28:59 am
I actually thought you lived in NYC, LBSS.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2013, 10:34:27 am
NYC? nice. whatd u do?

hung out with friends, drank a bunch, went to the brooklyn museum and dia:beacon, shopped for vintage clothes/books/misc., relaxed.

It's been my lifetime fantasy to get to New York at some point

good fantasy, new york is awesome. i've been going a couple of times a year, at least, since birth. my mom's family is mostly in the city or the metro area (dutchess county and fairfield county, ct). would love to live there at some point but it'd very likely require a career change. not something i'm against, just not happening imminently.

I actually thought you lived in NYC, LBSS.

nope, i live in washington, DC.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on March 20, 2013, 12:54:16 pm
Ok nice.

What do you do, that you cant do in NYC?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2013, 01:21:05 pm
international development.

last night:

WEIGHT: 177.5
ACHES/INJURIES: did something weird to my right knee during workout, see below
MENTAL STATE: happy, relaxed

- warm up

- rudimentary hops

- jump squat 30 x 3,3

- SVJ x 6
consistently 26", good.

- squat 335 x 1; 275 x 4,4
335 was easy but was not in the cage and resisted adding more. AELS in the house.

- OHP 135 x 2+2,3,4
got some vid of this, will post later.

- C1: hyper 80 x 10
- C1: band pull down x 20
- C1: pull up x 6
- C1 info: 3 rounds, 10-30s rest between exercises.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2013, 10:27:40 pm
WEIGHT: 176 damn it
MENTAL STATE: stressed, underslept, distracted

- warm up

- rudimentary hops
focus on relaxed body

- jump squat 30 x 3,3

- SVJ x 8
3rd and 4th reps markedly better than the rest. felt different, i was pulling myself down with the arm swing better or something. more relaxed?

- squat 335 x 1; 345 x 1; 280 x 4,4
warm ups sucked, 335 easy, 345 solid. first backoff set was all over the place, wtf.

- push press 135 x 4,4
changed up the bottom position and felt better.

- pull up x 6,6,6,6

indoor playoffs start tomorrow so i didn't want to do any more to tucker out the ol' legs. we tanked last week and ended up seeded 8th of 20, instead of 4th, where we should have been. sucks for us as our prize for (knock wood) winning the first round game tomorrow will be a matchup against the undefeated #1 overall seed on thursday. i'm looking forward to tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 26, 2013, 10:52:43 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: fucked up right hip during first game
MENTAL STATE: tired, happy

- warm up

- indoor ultimate x 2 hours
playoff time. we blew the first team out -- they'd beaten us earlier in the year so that felt good. then second game the other team just had more subs and we got gassed. they went on a big run at one point and then just held us off. fifth place game on thursday. did same thing to my hip that i did the last time i played. no proximate cause, it just started aching at some point. played through it because, you know, playoffs and we were short-staffed. and actually, i played pretty well. had a couple of really sick assists and was not a complete waste of space as a cutter. d was mediocre but not terrible -- i don't think i gave up more than 3-4 deep scores, which is not bad.

will not gym tomorrow, ibuprofen and lots of fluids and stretching instead.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 27, 2013, 06:20:55 am
Too bored to search, does ibuprofen help healing? I mean does it actively act against the inflammation or does it just reduce the pain? Are you happy with it's action?
I am asking because here the most 'popular' and 'proven' nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug is Voltaren ( whose action from what i see is based on Diclofenac ). But everyone seems to swear to ibuprofen on the net so i was wondering if i should give it a chance. Also, pills or gel? Gel massage is what i use, but i've read its nonsence because the gel cant penetrate more than a couple of inches (shut up raptor!), so it can never reach the muscles.
Sooo off topic!  :derp:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 27, 2013, 06:50:55 am
It's =/= Its

Its action is good
It's (it is) cold in here.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 27, 2013, 06:56:37 am
It's =/= Its

Its action is good
It's (it is) cold in here.

Too bored to search, does ibuprofen help healing? I mean does it actively act against the inflammation or does it just reduce the pain? Are you happy with it's action?
I am asking because here the most 'popular' and 'proven' nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug is Voltaren ( whose action from what i see is based on Diclofenac ). But everyone seems to swear to ibuprofen on the net so i was wondering if i should give it a chance. Also, pills or gel? Gel massage is what i use, but i've read its nonsence because the gel cant penetrate more than a couple of inches (shut up raptor!), so it can never reach the muscles.
Sooo off topic!  :derp:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 27, 2013, 08:30:19 am
Your funn'y
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2013, 09:45:54 am
Too bored to search, does ibuprofen help healing? I mean does it actively act against the inflammation or does it just reduce the pain? Are you happy with it's action?
I am asking because here the most 'popular' and 'proven' nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug is Voltaren ( whose action from what i see is based on Diclofenac ). But everyone seems to swear to ibuprofen on the net so i was wondering if i should give it a chance. Also, pills or gel? Gel massage is what i use, but i've read its nonsence because the gel cant penetrate more than a couple of inches (shut up raptor!), so it can never reach the muscles.
Sooo off topic!  :derp:

no guarantees that it's not placebo or some other psychosomatic thing, but for me ibuprofen is the most effective NSAID, for inflammation and pain both, although with an internal injury like the hip one (i have a gnarly burn on my leg, too, from hitting the deck on a defensive play) it's hard to say what the inflammation is like. i'm just going based on discomfort.

naproxen, in my experience, is useless. aspirin is hit-or-miss. don't know anything about diclofenac.

incidentally, ibuprofen is also best for hangovers, in combination with coffee.

always pills. never heard of gel NSAID.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on March 27, 2013, 09:51:32 am
Too bored to search, does ibuprofen help healing? I mean does it actively act against the inflammation or does it just reduce the pain? Are you happy with it's action?
I am asking because here the most 'popular' and 'proven' nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug is Voltaren ( whose action from what i see is based on Diclofenac ). But everyone seems to swear to ibuprofen on the net so i was wondering if i should give it a chance. Also, pills or gel? Gel massage is what i use, but i've read its nonsence because the gel cant penetrate more than a couple of inches (shut up raptor!), so it can never reach the muscles.
Sooo off topic!  :derp:

Both are anti-inflammatory.   None actually helps healing.  Voltaren is just a brand name for drug Diclofenac.   Like Advil and Ibuprofen.   Try to avoid all NSAIDs if you can for regular use.   I don't want to get into the details but all have some drawbacks, not the least of which is hepatic toxicity (bad for you liver).  For those who don't care about their health... there is also evidence that they interfere with muscle gains (that should make you avoid them!) when used chronically.   Personally, I favor athletes use Naproxen rather than Ibuprofen (brand name Aleve, celebrex is similar).   

In general Diclofenac is available in the widely available Eastern Part of Europe (Turkey, Bulgaria, etc) and Ibuprofen in America.   If anything I would argue for Diclofenac, there are better studies for diclofenac and arthritis relief than ibuprofen.  Additionally dicofenac gel is much safer... if it works for you by all means use it!   In general everyone on the net seems to use ibuprofen cause that's whats available in America  and "everyone on the net" is probably from America.  IMO not worth the effort for you to get it if you can't pick it up OTC.   If you find Diclofenac doesn't work at all, I would try Naproxen.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 27, 2013, 10:15:10 am
You've read your shit man! Voltaren ( Diclofenac ) is indeed the most popular NSAID here ( Greece ), and  mostly famous for arthritic pain relieving. I used to ignore the continous ibuprofen references, thinking it is just more popular in the US, but i think the Australian guys mentioned it too lately so i wanted to ask and get some feedback. I am happy with Diclofenac's action ( being as uncertain as LBSS is about the placebo effect ) so i am keeping it. Interesting info about hepar and muscle growth impacts.

Thanks both!  :highfive:

PS : Just saw the hangover part, you might want to try 1000mg paracetamol. No idea if they are popular/available overseas, but they work wonders for everyday aspirin-like usage. Most popular brand names here are Depon/Panadol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2013, 10:21:51 am
re: t0ddday -

i know chronic NSAID use is bad, especially for the liver, and that acutely it doesn't actually speed healing. however, a little bit here, a little bit there does seem to help me with pain/discomfort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 27, 2013, 12:14:42 pm
vag is from Greece? wtf
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 27, 2013, 12:20:24 pm
Didn't you know? I've mentioned it quite a few times and it's also stated in my profile here. Where did you think i am?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 27, 2013, 02:13:43 pm
I figured USA. I actually work for a Greek company and since it's in bets... we're lucky we are on the same time zone or else it would've been a pain to convert the time zone difference :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2013, 11:56:15 pm
SORENESS: peroneals, tib anterior, soleus, calves...everything around the ankles
ACHES/INJURIES: right hip but not terrible

- foam roll and stretch x 60 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2013, 12:15:31 am
SORENESS: peroneals, tib anterior, soleus, calves...everything around the ankles
ACHES/INJURIES: right hip but not terrible
MENTAL STATE: loose, happy

- warm up

- indoor ultimate x 60 mins
blew the other team off the court, won by like 30. got really sloppy and goofy by the end, just having fun. so for the season we finished 5th of 20 teams, with two of our captains and a couple of other players going down with injuries. not too shabby. it was fun but i'm looking forward to renewed focus on the gym. now that the season is over i'm going to see what's up with this wednesday night basketball game at GW. if the court is free after they're done that could become my substitute for the old gym. would be great to have a consistent place to do running jumps again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2013, 07:13:54 pm
WEIGHT: 177.5
SORENESS: none (surprisingly)
ACHES/INJURIES: still noticing right hip but barely  :highfive:
MENTAL STATE: kind of groggy, low energy

- warm up

- rudimentary hops

- S1: SVJ x 3,3,3
- S1: jump squat 30 x 3,3
- S1 info: ~2 mins rest between exercises. jumps were all bad.

- squat 345 x 1; 280 x 4,4
got stuck halfway up on the single but was never in real danger of losing the rep. form solid despite having to force my way through the middle of the rep.

- push press 140 x 4,4
second set better

- C1: pull up x 7,6,6,6
- C1: ab pull down x 20
- C1: GHR x 3
- C1 info: 4 rounds, ~30-60s rest

- stretch

sooooo unexplosive today. better luck on monday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 30, 2013, 08:24:00 pm
How is the high bar going?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 01, 2013, 10:34:32 pm
well i'm still just using it to warm up. some days i can get under 225, other days not.

SORENESS: calves, soleus
ACHES/INJURIES: right ITB, near outside of knee. knee around medial head of the tibia.
MENTAL STATE: stressed out, angry, had a frustrating day at work. uncoordinated -- dropped a clip twice while loading/unloading weights.

- warm up

- ankle hops x 30,30

- rudimentary hops

- jump squat 30 x 3,3

- SVJ x 3,3,3
trying to chunk it up a little more. these were bad, ~25 but felt more unexplosive than usual.

- squat 335 x 1; 360 x 1 PR; 290 x 4,4
well, how about that. i didn't feel great, not sure why i decided to go for it. but a buddy confirmed that depth was well below parallel. it was a touch slow but never got stuck. cool.

- push press 115 x 4,4; 140 x 4
need to work on form. start from the rack. lighter weights until i figure it out. another dude was doing picture-perfect push presses and i was just like, well, i should at least TRY to do them better. AELS4LYFE.

- C1: pull up x 7,7,6,6
- C1a: GHR x 4
- C1b: hyper 60 x 10
- C1: ab pull down x 20
- C1 info: 4 rounds, ~30s between exercises. alternated a/b.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 02, 2013, 04:51:47 am

- squat 335 x 1; 360 x 1 PR; 290 x 4,4
well, how about that. i didn't feel great, not sure why i decided to go for it. but a buddy confirmed that depth was well below parallel. it was a touch slow but never got stuck. cool.

:highfive:  :headbang:  :ibsquatting:


- SVJ x 3,3,3
trying to chunk it up a little more. these were bad, ~25 but felt more unexplosive than usual.

- squat 335 x 1; 360 x 1 PR; 290 x 4,4


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on April 02, 2013, 05:02:32 am
Too bored to search, does ibuprofen help healing? I mean does it actively act against the inflammation or does it just reduce the pain? Are you happy with it's action?
I am asking because here the most 'popular' and 'proven' nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug is Voltaren ( whose action from what i see is based on Diclofenac ). But everyone seems to swear to ibuprofen on the net so i was wondering if i should give it a chance. Also, pills or gel? Gel massage is what i use, but i've read its nonsence because the gel cant penetrate more than a couple of inches (shut up raptor!), so it can never reach the muscles.
Sooo off topic!  :derp:

Both are anti-inflammatory.   None actually helps healing.  Voltaren is just a brand name for drug Diclofenac.   Like Advil and Ibuprofen.   Try to avoid all NSAIDs if you can for regular use.   I don't want to get into the details but all have some drawbacks, not the least of which is hepatic toxicity (bad for you liver).  For those who don't care about their health... there is also evidence that they interfere with muscle gains (that should make you avoid them!) when used chronically.   Personally, I favor athletes use Naproxen rather than Ibuprofen (brand name Aleve, celebrex is similar).   

In general Diclofenac is available in the widely available Eastern Part of Europe (Turkey, Bulgaria, etc) and Ibuprofen in America.   If anything I would argue for Diclofenac, there are better studies for diclofenac and arthritis relief than ibuprofen.  Additionally dicofenac gel is much safer... if it works for you by all means use it!   In general everyone on the net seems to use ibuprofen cause that's whats available in America  and "everyone on the net" is probably from America.  IMO not worth the effort for you to get it if you can't pick it up OTC.   If you find Diclofenac doesn't work at all, I would try Naproxen.

word, celebrex is the shit. i found it much gentler. you need a script here to get it though which sucks, so most of the time you end up getting ibuprofen because it's otc. but i dont like ibuprofen, it works a treat though. gary who posted here before swore by voltaren as a revelation for treating his localised knee problems after years of using the other stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 02, 2013, 07:16:18 am
I think sometimes the body is good at producing long-time tension (like what would happen in a PR) but sucks at producing very intense, short bursts of tension. You can say it's lacking in coordinating all these motor neurons to fire all at once in that short time-frame (to get that very intense, short burst of tension that would occur in a jump) but they are able to fire when TUT becomes long (like in a 1RM squat).

Other than that... I can't think of another explanation.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2013, 10:14:01 am
@entropy: gary had the most amazing clean grip overhead squats. blew my mind.

@vag: yeah, i don't get it either.

@raptor: that has the ring of verisimilitude.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on April 02, 2013, 10:44:05 am
Do you have any vids of your SVJ? Maybe its a mechanics issue? You should definitely be jumping higher!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2013, 11:11:01 am
yep, took vid yesterday as a matter of fact. there are some earlier ones, too.

last night:

last november:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2013, 10:39:31 am
no comments on the jump videos?

last night:

SORENESS: calves, soleus
ACHES/INJURIES: back not aching or hurting but feels a little weak
MENTAL STATE: very tired, otherwise okay

- SMR/stretch x 45 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 03, 2013, 11:14:01 am
Nice shoes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 03, 2013, 03:01:48 pm
Actually, the front squat is not a bad idea.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2013, 04:40:07 pm
it is certainly a good idea.  and calves.  since he is posterior chain dominant jumper...

question- do leg extensions help the quads?

lol'd in real life.

also, true about front squats. although it's funny, my quads certainly don't lack size. maybe i just don't activate them very well, or something?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2013, 09:55:25 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, wrist, and elbow, lower back/sacrum
MENTAL STATE: trying hard to focus but not quite all there

- warm up

- rudimentary hops

- jump squat 30 x 3,3

- SVJ x 9
ugh, super unexplosive. all ~25 or a bit below. poor. funny, though, days when i feel good are only an inch or 1.5 higher.

- squat 345 x 0; 250 x 4,4
warm ups felt good but only went halfway down on the 345, i would surely have failed it. did the 250s as paused reps.

- OHP x 0
left shoulder wigging out and i need someone to show me how to do these. i don't get it.

- DB OHP 40s x 4
shoulder still not happy

- paused DB bench 50s x 5
whatever, but i did it so logging it

- S1: band resisted reverse crunch x 10
- S1: pull up x 7,7,6,6
- S1 info: 4 rounds, 30s between exercises

- stretch

what the hell, why am i so broken. the low back thing i think is fallout from the PR on monday, think it took a little more out of me than i wanted to believe at the time. oh well.

going on a short vacation on friday that will probably include some basketball and definitely some hiking.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 04, 2013, 01:38:38 am
- OHP x 0
left shoulder wigging out and i need someone to show me how to do these. i don't get it.

What's your grip width like on the OHP? I remember every video/tutorial I watched advocated a shoulder width (false) grip on these things with using the lats as a shelf and all that jazz.
I used to get massive right shoulder impingement with these and also with bench. I moved my grip width out by about 2-3 inches and it made the world of difference. That and some dedicated upper back work (band pullaparts, etc).

This may have no bearing on your shoulder as you also experience the pain with the DB but either way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on April 04, 2013, 01:49:00 am

@vag: yeah, i don't get it either.

What's not to get? You're unexplosive, do something about it!  :wowthatwasnutswtf:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 04, 2013, 04:50:57 am
I don't know guys. Ok, RFD is very important, quad/hip dominance too but i feel there is something more weird/uncommon here.
It is not just a 2*BW squat in the equation. LBSS is almost 6', healthy, fit, lean, practicing a competitive sport, doing his plyos and jumps ordinary...
RFD or quad/hip dominance should be the reason why his SVJ is, say, 32'' and not 37''.
25'' just doesn't make sense!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on April 04, 2013, 06:55:26 am
I don't know guys. Ok, RFD is very important, quad/hip dominance too but i feel there is something more weird/uncommon here.
It is not just a 2*BW squat in the equation. LBSS is almost 6', healthy, fit, lean, practicing a competitive sport, doing his plyos and jumps ordinary...
RFD or quad/hip dominance should be the reason why his SVJ is, say, 32'' and not 37''.
25'' just doesn't make sense!

IMO, he's got to try something else. Clearly squat strength just isn't correlating with his jumping right now. It's always the same thing though...everyone suggests a million different ways he can get back on track in regards to jumping high enough to dunk (which is totally achievable for him - he's not trying to join TFB) but nothing actually changes. Here's just a small selection:

My biases aside, you might consider switching up your squat form just to have a break from squatting.  Some front squats or pause squats might be good to incorporate. 

That's what I said to him too. It appears LBSS has very strong hips but is lacking in quad and calf strength/efficiency/power. If he gets that up then... you know...

I agree with acole , you always neglect p-chain if i am not wrong. Put some RDL/BSS somwehere in there and stick with them , progress until pchain is strong.
Edit: I also agree with raptor on the other thread , you also neglect calves.

Just my 2 cents.

My advice would be to focus on basic strength work and a form of max effort jumps. Squats, deadlifts and one(!) explosive lift (preferably powerclean) should be that basic strength work and max effort jumps can be done in addition. If you have to, keep the BSS if you are interested in single leg jumps as well. If you squat heavy on Monday, you might do them on Wednesday, so that Friday can be squats again. You have to treat them as a main exercise for them to be of any worth IMO.

You should really go with an explosive schedule for the next few weeks...

Sure we've had these discussions before but you never did anything like this... it would be interesting to see what you'd gain out of it.

And even from the man himself:

someday i would like to have a truly decent squat, but that does not have to be right now. i should be focused on jumping, speed, and explosiveness.
going to regroup and come up with a better plan. i love squatting to the point where it's gotten in the way.

I don't want to sound like I'm having a go at LBSS, I really want to see him dunk probably more than any other member with that goal, it's just frustrating to see that he essentially keeps doing the same thing with no change in results. I would love to see him really change up his training for a sustained period of time and just see what happens. I know how changing up my training from random squat/sprint sessions to a more regimented periodisation routine helped me break through some plateaus last year. Will the same thing work for LBSS? Maybe, maybe not, but at least by trying something else we'd know more about what does and doesn't work for him, because, as Vag said, he's an unusual type of athlete to say the least. IMO, whatever it is, JackM split, track training with Avishek, Joel Smith 1-legged program, at least it's trying to challenge the current situation of big squat, low jump in some way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 04, 2013, 07:27:22 am
I'll write an article these days about how similar your body is with a car and how similar jumping is with driving that car... if you think with that perspective, with the engine power being the posterior chain, the brakes being the quads, the suspensions&tires being the calves and shoes, and you driving the car fast being jumping then it's easier to think what you're lacking IMO.

Obviously the biggest difference would be the quads since you can use the quads as both breaks and power generators (calves too, but to a much lesser extent).

So basically LBSS has to ask himself if he's missing the horsepower to get there or if he doesn't drive often enough/efficient enough to finish the race faster with the engine that he already has.

I still maintain that he'd be better off RIGHT NOW doing an explosive FOCUSED template for a few weeks and see what happens. Like what I'm currently doing right now, basically very little strength work at all. Just jump squats + depth jumps in kind of a big volume, and some very explosive squats with 60-70% of 1RM (high bar). I mean what can you lose, seriously?

If not that, then a ton of jumps at the rim trying to get smoother/faster/more coordinated/more elastic/more relaxed etc etc etc and finally, more explosive. Some people build their car all their lives but never actually drive it fast.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2013, 12:53:34 pm
thanks to you guys, especially acole. you're right, and i was just thinking that last night, that i basically need to get away from squatting as my central exercise for a while. it isn't working. part of the problem for the last few months has been unavailability of basketball courts. i haven't practiced DLRVJ in literally months. now that the weather is back to being reasonable it's time to find a way to get back on that horse. it's the whole point, after all.

raptor, i like the race car analogy. you made that on fb the other day, right? i saw it somewhere recently.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 04, 2013, 01:07:00 pm
Yeah I did it to Jordan Kilganon in that dunk facebook thread... I plan on writing a complex article with that in mind because obviously some things are NOT the same so... it's easier to think about stuff when you put it into perspective IMO.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2013, 03:08:51 pm
it seems like your descent on the SVJs are too tense.  it should be more of a natural descent that kind of correlates to the best depth jump u can do.  like if it's too tense or fast or too soft and relax you won't get the most out of it.  that's why the best jumps are always done when you are not trying to jump your highest... when you are just in the moment...

probably true. that's certainly subjectively true, my best jumps feel "looser" than average.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on April 04, 2013, 09:45:35 pm
thanks to you guys, especially acole. you're right, and i was just thinking that last night, that i basically need to get away from squatting as my central exercise for a while. it isn't working. part of the problem for the last few months has been unavailability of basketball courts. i haven't practiced DLRVJ in literally months. now that the weather is back to being reasonable it's time to find a way to get back on that horse. it's the whole point, after all.

No worries at all mate, and like I said, I don't want to sound like I'm calling you out because you've been killing it consistency-wise for so long (way longer than most people would commit to). IMO, you definitely have the tools to increase your explosiveness and the other factors that might be lacking right now because you've shown you can improve your strength to a exceptional level (2x BW squat is no joke, I think JackW or KellyB said it shows you're within the 95th percentile of athletes). It's just a matter of working out the specific adaptations your body needs to turn that strength into height! Now go get it!!!!!!!   :raging: :ibsquatting: :ibjumping: :ibsquatting: :ibjumping: :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 05, 2013, 03:46:34 am
And believe in yourself, like scooby.

Oh... did I... well, nevermind...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2013, 11:40:50 am
vacation was awesome, went for some great hikes out in big sur, played some basketball, went bowling, ate some amazing food, hung out. i'm absolutely wiped out today because of fucking supershuttle, but otherwise ready to get back to work. will do an ordinary workout tonight because i can't think of anything else.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2013, 09:29:51 pm
SORENESS: right lat
ACHES/INJURIES: some lower back tightness, but only on twisting movements, e.g., loading and unloading plates
MENTAL STATE: tired, unmotivated

- warm up
extra long

- jump squat 30 x 3,3

- SVJ x 5
submax on first three, tried a couple higher-effort (i'm not close to capable of ME today) and it was just brutal. same height as the submax, ~24.

- high bar squat 275 x 3,3
heaviest sets ever done HB. weight was not challenging but i'm out of it.

- OHP warm up

- pull up x 7,7,6

will stretch after making dinner.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 12, 2013, 04:54:39 am
Very nice on the 275x3... see where a 5RM is if the form is good enough to allow it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2013, 09:45:23 am
Very nice on the 275x3... see where a 5RM is if the form is good enough to allow it.

thanks. but again, i was exhausted yesterday. had i been fully awake i could have gotten...i dunno, 8 reps maybe with 275. form is not an issue, these were very deep and solid. did at least a few of the reps paused. bar comfort across the traps/shoulders still problematic but less so.

also i did a few very light sets of front squats during the normal squat warm up, up to 95 i think. shoulder and wrist mobility were fine until i tried with 135. something else to work on in the background.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on April 12, 2013, 10:01:47 am
I would love to see your highbar squats.. your squats were already very pretty, would be interesting to see how they look with hb mechanics. Also, i think I remember reading you had problems with shoulders from low bar squats. The initial discomfort of the hb/fs quickly goes away once wolf's law kicks in, so hang in there, it wont take long before you have a pain free comfortably squat rack, esp compared to low bar.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2013, 10:08:35 am
I would love to see your highbar squats.. your squats were already very pretty, would be interesting to see how they look with hb mechanics. Also, i think I remember reading you had problems with shoulders from low bar squats. The initial discomfort of the hb/fs quickly goes away once wolf's law kicks in, so hang in there, it wont take long before you have a pain free comfortably squat rack, esp compared to low bar.

the elbow pain you're thinking of was from doing dips with wack form, not from squatting. it did manifest during squatting, though. LB squat is very comfortable top to bottom.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2013, 03:31:59 pm
welp, i cut the ever-loving shit out of my thumb last night. two hours in the ER and a few stitches later i'm not going to work out today. was planning on track work so lifting would not have been an obstacle but i'm not even supposed to get the stitches wet for the first 24 hours. will hit the track tomorrow for some semblance of sprinting/bounding. my work capacity on that shit is bound to be quite low, so intensity and volume will be correspondingly easy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 13, 2013, 04:11:25 pm
Sprinting and bounding?

We have ourselves a winner! Finally doing elastic work!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on April 13, 2013, 04:11:44 pm
suck man. Thumbs have some serious blood pressure.

I did something similar, 8 stitches across the "meatie" part of my thumb.

It has never felt the same since that incident. always just a little numb feeling.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2013, 08:01:23 pm
yikes loopie! mine wasn't that bad, or at least i hope not. anyway, followed through on my elastic work today. good for me.

ACHES/INJURIES: stitches in left thumb, can't fully open and or extend thumb; right shoulder from the tetanus shot
MENTAL STATE: high motivation, uncertain

- warm up
did some 60m repeats. right knee a little tight/weird below kneecap but it went away.

- DL bound 15y x 4
i bet this was actually less than 15y. got each set after the first in fewer than six reps (sixth rep passed the marker). that'd be just over 9' per bound, which seems unlikely.

- SL bound for height 15y x 4

- standing sprint 15y x 4

- interval sprint 120+120+120+120

- stretch

everything submax, done barefoot until the standing sprints and then in racing flats. grass was pretty bumpy/uneven. could not have done ME even on a good day for fear of ankle twist.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2013, 11:59:49 am
tonight gonna go check out a park i found out about that's about a 20-minute walk from my gym. no track but it does have a brand-new turf field so hopefully will be good for some bounding. we'll see how busy it is. plus the proximity to the gym means combo workouts (i.e. bounding and sprinting and the like plus lifting) are actually feasible.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2013, 08:46:23 pm
SORENESS: upper calves
ACHES/INJURIES: stitches in left thumb, can't fully open and or extend thumb; right shoulder from the tetanus shot; right armpit lymph node is swollen and painful (??)
MENTAL STATE: weirded out by the boston thing, pissed at my injured thumb, motivated to get SOME kind of work done

- fartlek x 3 miles
~35 minutes, mostly very slow jogging and walking with several sprints of 15-30m and a tiny bit of fast jogging. felt good although it's not an ideal way to work out by any means. did manage to check out the fields i was looking at online. the new turf one is supposed to be lit at night but is not. that sucks. guess i'll have to wait until the sun stays out longer to take advantage there. ran a little ways longer to see if the high school over there (dunbar) has a functioning field but i didn't see one. maybe they play somewhere else? they're a powerhouse, vernon davis went there among others, so they must have a nice field. but not along the sides i ran on. there's also a rec center on the route i ran that has an indoor bball court. will need to check that out at some point soon, as well. don't know why i didn't think of public rec facilities earlier. dumb.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2013, 11:59:54 am
modeled on T0ddday's recommendation from a while back. thoughts? will not be able to start the gym workouts until after i get my stitches out (hopefully saturday). if i do manage to find court access, i'll do something similar to workout A but with DLRVJ after broad jumps, and shorter sprints for obvious reasons.


- dynamic warmup, leg swings, fast leg, skips, strides, submax SL jumps/bounds for practice
- measured overhead backward shot tosses x 10

- 4 standing broad jumps (consecutive, with reset)
- 2-3 x 4 DL bounds
- ME SLRVJ (3 step, 6 step) x 10-12

- ME sprint 3 x 60m
- (OPTIONAL) tempo work, start at ~800m


- warmup
- snatch 2-3 x 2-3
- HB squat x 3; 2 x 5 @ 80%
- OHP 2 x 8
- pull ups x 30 (broken up however, add reps once i get it in 4 sets)

- circuit x 3
-- hyper x 8
-- calf raise x 10
-- abs x 10-20

- SVJ x 10
- DLRVJ x 10 (if space in the gym)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 17, 2013, 01:06:20 pm
Both workouts look pretty good.  The track workout might be a little light in the number of jumps, but best to start with less bounding volume than too much.  As you adjust and adapt and get more coordinated you can add in things like standing triple jump, single leg bounding, for now it seems great.   The weight work seems like exactly the workout for an athlete I would prescribe: full body, simple, one squat and one dynamic move.  Low volume means it can even be done in season.   

Only concern I would have is are these workouts consecutive on the same day?  I am a huge proponent of tempo work (by 800m I assume you mean 4x200 or something [ not an 800m run] ) and circuit type training for GPP and body-composition... But make sure that if you do either you don't follow it with much immediately after.    As you get into better shape and have hard tempo days (say 3x4x150m ) you won't want to do much but lay day and go to sleep after ward... so best not to even plan to get lifting in immediately after.

modeled on T0ddday's recommendation from a while back. thoughts? will not be able to start the gym workouts until after i get my stitches out (hopefully saturday). if i do manage to find court access, i'll do something similar to workout A but with DLRVJ after broad jumps, and shorter sprints for obvious reasons. 


- dynamic warmup, leg swings, fast leg, skips, strides, submax SL jumps/bounds for practice
- measured overhead backward shot tosses x 10

- 4 standing broad jumps (consecutive, with reset)
- 2-3 x 4 DL bounds
- ME SLRVJ (3 step, 6 step) x 10-12

- ME sprint 3 x 60m
- (OPTIONAL) tempo work, start at ~800m


- warmup
- snatch 2-3 x 2-3
- HB squat x 3; 2 x 5 @ 80%
- OHP 2 x 8
- pull ups x 30 (broken up however, add reps once i get it in 4 sets)

- circuit x 3
-- hyper x 8
-- calf raise x 10
-- abs x 10-20

- SVJ x 10
- DLRVJ x 10 (if space in the gym)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2013, 02:05:21 pm
i should think you'd like them, you basically made them up! not planning to do these on the same day, goal would be on/on/off. one thing i might consider is two-a-days (track morning, gym evening, two days' rest or very light tempo-ish stuff), interested to hear your thoughts on that idea.

tempo will be 100s and 200s for repeats. low intensity (17-18s/100m, rest the remainder of the minute). volume is intentionally very low because all this stuff will be relatively new. even the few bounds and sprints i did on sunday were enough to give me decent soreness in my calves. volume and intensity will build as i get more proficient and work capacity improves.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 17, 2013, 02:22:50 pm
I like hearing "soreness in my calves" coming from LBSS. That also probably means Achilles tendon work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2013, 02:52:05 pm
I like hearing "soreness in my calves" coming from LBSS. That also probably means Achilles tendon work.

maybe, although the soreness is at the other end of my calves, just below the knee. make of that what you will.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 17, 2013, 03:12:47 pm
Sounds like the calf to hamstring attachement. Still good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 18, 2013, 12:48:42 am
WEIGHT: 176.5
ACHES/INJURIES: stitches in left thumb, can't fully open and or extend thumb
MENTAL STATE: good, solid

- warm up

- SVJ x 10
all over 25, one well over 26. arm swing on that one was different, bigger amplitude, more fluid. tried to replicate it afterward but couldn't quite.

- leg press 415 x 5,5,5,5,5
whatever, rests were 2 mins or less, tried to explode the plates away from myself but it's a 45-degree inverted press and i didn't want to end up catching the platform on locked knees, so i shorted the reps.

- leg press calf raise 415 x 10,10
asymmetrical and i don't get the right firing patterns because of my toes. felt a lot in peroneals, not so much in gastroc.

- DB OHP 45s x 6,6

- pull up x 7,7,7,4,5
not enough rest before fourth set, lame.

- circuit x 3
-- ab pull down x 20
-- hyper x 10

- stretch

whatever, was just glad to be back in the gym. nothing with the bar until i get my stitches out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 18, 2013, 09:10:49 am
i should think you'd like them, you basically made them up! not planning to do these on the same day, goal would be on/on/off. one thing i might consider is two-a-days (track morning, gym evening, two days' rest or very light tempo-ish stuff), interested to hear your thoughts on that idea.

tempo will be 100s and 200s for repeats. low intensity (17-18s/100m, rest the remainder of the minute). volume is intentionally very low because all this stuff will be relatively new. even the few bounds and sprints i did on sunday were enough to give me decent soreness in my calves. volume and intensity will build as i get more proficient and work capacity improves.

Two a days are great.  As written you can do the A and B workouts back to back provided the tempo isn't too rough in the A workout.   If your schedule allows morning and evening would be great as well.  Two-a-days are probably the best thing possible for body composition.  I have self dieted and trained to 5.8% bf but I never "felt" as lean and light as after fall training where we would be do drills, bound, sprint, hard tempot, stretch at 5AM-7AM, speed endurance/easy tempo at 3-4pm and then weight training at 430-6pm.   The lasted for three weeks at the start of fall quarter so it was a total of 21 days but still the most rapid transformation I have seen. 

17-18s might be a bit slow for 100m but it really just depends on you.  The intervals need to be sprints... time doesn't matter that much.  But if 18s means your are heel-rolling with a low-arm carriage like a miler... then the benefit of tempo is lost and you might as well mile.  For me that means my straights are always under 15sec but my 200m will stretch out to 30-32 seconds.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 18, 2013, 09:29:41 am
i definitely understood that the tempo needs to be genuine sprints. 17-18s was my memory of the last time i did them, which was a while ago, but it might have been more like 16s. could just be faulty memory. EDIT: went back and looked and should have written 16-17s, which is what i was doing before. i've never really been timed at a full sprint over any distance, even hand timed, but you will be unsurprised to hear that i'm pretty slow. trying to get some hand times soon so i have something to work off of.

on the two-a-days, what was the rest schedule? e.g., on/on/off, on/off/on/off, etc.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 18, 2013, 09:38:27 am
i should think you'd like them, you basically made them up! not planning to do these on the same day, goal would be on/on/off. one thing i might consider is two-a-days (track morning, gym evening, two days' rest or very light tempo-ish stuff), interested to hear your thoughts on that idea.

tempo will be 100s and 200s for repeats. low intensity (17-18s/100m, rest the remainder of the minute). volume is intentionally very low because all this stuff will be relatively new. even the few bounds and sprints i did on sunday were enough to give me decent soreness in my calves. volume and intensity will build as i get more proficient and work capacity improves.

I might be doing this same layout pretty soon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 18, 2013, 09:41:52 am
By the way - by "two a days" you mean morning workout + evening workout in the same day, and then two days of rest?

Because reading through it was pretty ambiguous (for example you say on/on/off, that would mean 2 consecutive days doing morning and evening workouts, so basically 4 workouts in 2 days and then one day off)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 18, 2013, 12:24:39 pm
17-18s might be a bit slow for 100m but it really just depends on you.  The intervals need to be sprints... time doesn't matter that much.  But if 18s means your are heel-rolling with a low-arm carriage like a miler... then the benefit of tempo is lost and you might as well mile.  For me that means my straights are always under 15sec but my 200m will stretch out to 30-32 seconds.

Oops, that's very interesting. So buffered ( or too much buffered ) tempo runs have no benefit over steady pace longer distance running?
Let me make this more detailed:
I alternate workouts between 3sets*5*80m tempo runs and 3km steady pace jogging ( pace around 9km/h ). My tempo runs , i prefer not to go max because of the too much stress they cause on me, so i do them buffered. What i feel and consider like 50% is about 20 seconds for 80m , while what feels like in between 50% and max would be about 15 seconds. Those are rough approximations, self-hand-timed measurements. Also runs are not done on track, but outdoors, on a dust/gravel football field actually.
So my tempo runs pace is around there, 20 to 15 seconds for 80m which i consider 50% to 70% intensity correspondingly.
Am i going too slow? Is there a magic number for the buffer to get the benefits out of your tempo runs ( e.g. 70% )? Should i test my max effor times and set my buffered times based on that?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2013, 03:55:36 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left wrist but only during pushups
MENTAL STATE: well rested, excited, vaguely self-loathing

- warm up
included two sets each of A skips, B skips, and fast feet

- consecutive DL broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4,4
never got closer than ~18" to my 4 broad jump distance

- SLRVJ x 6
hideous, especially off of left foot. nothing to reach for on the track, might turn these into 1-2-jump-1-2-jump type sets.

- ME sprint 60m x 3
i'm slow. no idea what my times were.

- tempo sprint x 100+100+100+100++100+100
i'm also out of shape. times were 15-16s although one direction was into a steady headwind so the last couple sets of that one were more like 17s.

- circuit x 2
-- push up x 15,7 (left wrist hurts)
-- inverted row x 10
-- prone toe touch x 20

- stretch

i'm very slow and all this business is new. but it feels like the right thing to be doing, in the absence of at-will bball court access, and i'm sure my newbie gains will sustain me for a while. gonna try to get some times and some video soon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 20, 2013, 04:18:13 pm
It sounds to me more and more like your worst leg muscle is the hamstring.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on April 20, 2013, 11:07:08 pm
It sounds to me more and more like your worst leg muscle is the hamstring.

^^ Sprinting will be a great way to get your hamstring strength up. In fact, I was kind of glad to hear that you're not so good at sprints currently, gives you a lot of room to improve. I'm going to predict that by improving your 60m/100m times over the next few months will help both your SVJ and RVJ considerably. Interesting to see how it goes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 22, 2013, 09:05:06 am
17-18s might be a bit slow for 100m but it really just depends on you.  The intervals need to be sprints... time doesn't matter that much.  But if 18s means your are heel-rolling with a low-arm carriage like a miler... then the benefit of tempo is lost and you might as well mile.  For me that means my straights are always under 15sec but my 200m will stretch out to 30-32 seconds.

Oops, that's very interesting. So buffered ( or too much buffered ) tempo runs have no benefit over steady pace longer distance running?
Let me make this more detailed:
I alternate workouts between 3sets*5*80m tempo runs and 3km steady pace jogging ( pace around 9km/h ). My tempo runs , i prefer not to go max because of the too much stress they cause on me, so i do them buffered. What i feel and consider like 50% is about 20 seconds for 80m , while what feels like in between 50% and max would be about 15 seconds. Those are rough approximations, self-hand-timed measurements. Also runs are not done on track, but outdoors, on a dust/gravel football field actually.
So my tempo runs pace is around there, 20 to 15 seconds for 80m which i consider 50% to 70% intensity correspondingly.
Am i going too slow? Is there a magic number for the buffer to get the benefits out of your tempo runs ( e.g. 70% )? Should i test my max effor times and set my buffered times based on that?

I would say for most people 20 seconds for 80m is REALLY slow.   I also wouldn't do 80m tempo runs though.   There isn't a magic number but rather just different benefits of submaximal sprinting and depending on the pace you choose you will get/lose benefits.  People usually refer intensive tempo as runs closer to 90% (benefit is to build special endurance) and extensive tempo as closer to 75%.     Extensive tempo is what I usually mean when I say tempo-running.  Basically here are the benefits of tempo. 

1) System work   - satisfied probably no matter what intensity
2) Sprint mechanics -  You essentially are not really "sprinting" if you run too slow so pace needs to be decent to get meaningful mechanical work in.
3) Recovery -  Again too slow and you are not hitting the range of motion you do when sprinting, but too fast and you are not recovering.  Too slow is like using calf raises to deload from squatting... too fast is like using 90% of your 1RM to deload. 
4) Special Endurance  - Gotta move pretty fast to get this benefit.  However, it's usually gotten as a sacrifice to recovery... Can't have it all.

One additional thing I would like to say for those using tempo runs is do more than 100m.  I talked to Charlie Francis about this once and he had most people always do something with more than 100m unless recovery was REALLY short.  Reason being is that we use time as a proxy for intensity.   If you watch the olympics you see that Usain Bolt can make 10.1 look like he is jogging.   While nobody is as fast as bolt you can do surprisingly similar with over 90% of your 100m speed.  I can run high 11 with a complete shutdown.   The trick is to drive out really hard and then completely relax.  If I take a bit off of it I can expend very little energy and still run around 14 seconds which is technically 75% of my best 100m.    However, this is cheating.  It's not really a  75% intensity run, it's more like a 95% 50m run coupled with a 40% intensity deceleration.  NOT the point of tempo running.  The point is the entire run should be very submaximal but not shut down.   That's why I recommend you have a curve in your runs.  200m are good because even a beginner will usually have enough fitness for this distance.  In the 200m you have to work the curve so going 75% of your max 200m speed will usually be 75% intensity.   Good luck. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2013, 09:29:35 am
good advices, T0ddday. i know you were talking to vag, but a couple of things: i did the tempo runs barefoot on the grass field in the middle of the track and will probably continue to do so when possible. i like doing them that way for the foot/ankle benefits, for the help it gives with proper alignment and mechanics, and because it simply feels good. precludes using a curve, though, so unless i do an out-and-back or like a figure 8 or something i'm sticking to the straights for now. i'm also quite out of shape, as i mentioned, so 100m is a good distance to start with. using 12s as my 100m time (having never actually been timed in one, i hope and pray i could at least run that fast), 15-16s is 75-80% intensity.

as my conditioning improves i'll up the volume for a while first and then consider upping intensity. for the time being i'm just trying to hit the first three bullet points.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 22, 2013, 09:54:47 am
Thanks for the info TOddday and sorry for the hijack LBSS, luckily the info is general and benefitial for everyone doing tempo stuff.
Another question, how are the intensity percentages calculated? I report them by feel, what percentage of my max i felt i was applying. Is it like that, or is it pure mathematics?
e.g. I measured my 100% effort 80m and got around 13.5 so 80% is 13.5 / 0.8 = 16.875 ?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2013, 10:09:37 am
t0ddday can confirm but my understanding was always that target tempo times are mathematical: take your top time and then divide by 0.8 or 0.75 or whatever.

i refuse to believe you're that slow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 22, 2013, 10:26:10 am
LOL , i was actually happy to be in the 13s realm, i expected worse. Speed was never my thing.
In my defence:
-The surface is terrible, dust and gravel mixture, traction is very limited.
-I did 5 max 80m sprints with 2 minute breaks only, so probably not that max after the 1st (however i got my ~13.2 on the 3d one ).
-Was my first max anything after 1 year or so.

But yeah, heal me , gimme track and spikes and i will still be very slow!  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 22, 2013, 06:25:43 pm
Man this stuff looks extremely complicated... I don't get anything...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 22, 2013, 06:44:29 pm
It's not that complicated. 

I also refuse to believe that vag is that slow.  Although I guess if the surface is that bad maybe it's not comparable. 

As far as calculating percentages... Like I said before, you can just use your time PROVIDED you are running a decent distance (150+ meters) or using short recovery.   For a curve then 75% avg velocity usually comes from  75% intensity.  Just don't hit the time by blasting out and shutting down because that isn't really the point of tempo runs.   Remember the first should be really easy sprinting, the last should be the same time but feel hard.  LBSS, I love barefoot turf running, a great way to get in condition and work on mechanics, plus doesn't wear on your body hardly at all.   

Last week we finished our speed day with the following (barefoot on fieldturf):  100 yards up and back on a football field (slow down, hit the line and re-accelerate back); with a rest of 90 seconds minus the time it took for the interval.  We did 5 reps of this (1000 yards total) and then got five minutes recovery and did another 5 reps.  A really cool workout; I definitely got a lot of quality system work without the booty-lock that you get when you do 300m and more.   I don't know all my times but I ran the very last one in 30 seconds; I was tired but trying pretty hard because I knew it was over after this.   I recommend this workout really strongly if you have issues with curves or tracks. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2013, 09:24:39 pm
yeah i'm going to work my way up to something like that.


SORENESS: hamstrings but not terrible
ACHES/INJURIES: left wrist when extended
MENTAL STATE: hurried, mad at myself, was distracted and unproductive at work and can't afford to be that way right now

- warm up

- snatch drills with empty bar + OH squats x a bunch

- HB squat 225 x 5,5
done full-on KF style, ass to ankles and a full-beat pause at the bottom. will force myself to do these as part of my quest to de-emphasize squatting for a while. this was not challenging but i don't think i'll have to add much more before it becomes so.

- circuit x 2
-- GHR x 8
-- pull up x 7
-- BB roll out 95 x 5

ran out of time, interviewing people tonight and tomorrow to replace my roommate, who's going to grad school, so i had to get home.

EDIT later:

- foam roller/mobility stuff x 30 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 23, 2013, 03:04:51 am
I will end my hijacking saying i will try to:
Access a track to improve traction, video my sprints to phase out some handtiming error and do longer distances that also make the timing error relatively smaller.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2013, 10:06:26 am
time to review my goals. more or less in order of importance:

1. dunk a basketball (i.e., 37" RVJ)
2. 30" SVJ
3. SMR and mobility work every day
4. DL bound x 4 = DL broad jump with reset x 4
5. 60m sprint in X.Xx (will update when i have a baseline)
6. proficient in snatching
6a. BW snatch
7. tempo x 2000m in 15-16s/100m
8. KF-style squat @ 80% of regular squat 1RM (325)
9. fix OHP form (incl. fix left wrist pain)
9a. BW push press
10. proficient in SL bounding
11. pull ups x 20

the number one thing i notice is the most obvious. my main goal is to dunk. in order to do that, i should be practicing dunks or at the very least jumps at a hoop. i need to redouble my efforts to make that happen; the avenues i've pursued so far haven't panned out but if i want to put my money where my mouth is that has got to be a priority. no excuses.

some other goals that are not important, just things i'd like to do at some point (sort of in order):

1. muscle up with ease for reps
2. free handstand hold x 5s
3. human flag
4. standing backflip
5. normal squat 405
6. snatch 220 (100kg)
7. jump rope SL double unders for reps
8. jump rope criss-cross double unders for reps
9. 100m in 11.x
10. mile under 5:15
11. complete oly-distance triathlon
12. get back into ultimate, make a nationals-caliber team
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on April 24, 2013, 02:25:54 am
time to review my goals. more or less in order of importance:

1. dunk a basketball (i.e., 37" RVJ)
2. 30" SVJ
3. SMR and mobility work every day
4. DL bound x 4 = DL broad jump with reset x 4
5. 60m sprint in X.Xx (will update when i have a baseline)
6. proficient in snatching
6a. BW snatch
7. tempo x 2000m in 15-16s/100m
8. KF-style squat @ 80% of regular squat 1RM (325)
9. fix OHP form (incl. fix left wrist pain)
9a. BW push press
10. proficient in SL bounding
11. pull ups x 20

the number one thing i notice is the most obvious. my main goal is to dunk. in order to do that, i should be practicing dunks or at the very least jumps at a hoop. i need to redouble my efforts to make that happen; the avenues i've pursued so far haven't panned out but if i want to put my money where my mouth is that has got to be a priority. no excuses.

some other goals that are not important, just things i'd like to do at some point (sort of in order):

1. muscle up with ease for reps
2. free handstand hold x 5s
3. human flag
4. standing backflip
5. normal squat 405
6. snatch 220 (100kg)
7. jump rope SL double unders for reps
8. jump rope criss-cross double unders for reps
9. 100m in 11.x
10. mile under 5:15
11. complete oly-distance triathlon
12. get back into ultimate, make a nationals-caliber team

Loving it man. You'll knock off most of those primary goals in no time I reckon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2013, 10:08:20 pm
spent a good amount of time today working on my left wrist and forearm. also rolled my legs out with tiger tail at work. gotta keep that up.

SORENESS: mid back but only after i started bounding (?)
MENTAL STATE: good, content, no stress until late in the workout

- warm up
incl. A-skips, B-skips, SL bounds x a bunch. some bounds stiff leg and some not. i am atrocious at SL bounds. oof.

- broad jump w/reset x 4
a bit more than 36' total on turf.

- DL bound x 4,4,4
~18" short each time, last effort worst.

- two-step SLRVJ x 8,8
submax to work on coordination. still, ugh.

- 60m sprint x 3
in sneakers on turf into headwind so very much unideal conditions. self-hand-timed and i think i cheated myself a bit. timer started before movement and stopped after i was across the 65 yard mark. still, just for the record, it was awful: 8.5, 8.6, 8.3  :-[  will try to get more accurate numbers next time, or have a partner.

gf called me at this point and had a super duper extra irritating logistical question that had to be answered right then but that i wanted to deal with last night and she just couldn't. it took forever, i got pissed, almost bailed on my tempo, then didn't.

- tempo 100+100+100+100++100+100+100+100
first set slower than second in part because wind died down. 15-18s.

- stretch

god i'm slow. :( :( :( :( :( :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 25, 2013, 01:22:59 am
time to review my goals. more or less in order of importance:

1. dunk a basketball (i.e., 37" RVJ)
2. 30" SVJ
3. SMR and mobility work every day
4. DL bound x 4 = DL broad jump with reset x 4
5. 60m sprint in X.Xx (will update when i have a baseline)
6. proficient in snatching
6a. BW snatch
7. tempo x 2000m in 15-16s/100m
8. KF-style squat @ 80% of regular squat 1RM (325)
9. fix OHP form (incl. fix left wrist pain)
9a. BW push press
10. proficient in SL bounding
11. pull ups x 20

the number one thing i notice is the most obvious. my main goal is to dunk. in order to do that, i should be practicing dunks or at the very least jumps at a hoop. i need to redouble my efforts to make that happen; the avenues i've pursued so far haven't panned out but if i want to put my money where my mouth is that has got to be a priority. no excuses.

some other goals that are not important, just things i'd like to do at some point (sort of in order):

1. muscle up with ease for reps
2. free handstand hold x 5s
3. human flag
4. standing backflip
5. normal squat 405
6. snatch 220 (100kg)
7. jump rope SL double unders for reps
8. jump rope criss-cross double unders for reps
9. 100m in 11.x
10. mile under 5:15
11. complete oly-distance triathlon
12. get back into ultimate, make a nationals-caliber team

Thats a lot of goals.  Some easy, some hard and some counter-productive to others.  Why do you want to get your mile under 5:15?  That might be easy for you or it might require you to get really bad at a lot of your primary goals to achieve...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2013, 09:03:12 am
the mile time falls into, as it says on the list, "other goals that are not important, just things i'd like to do at some point." the first set are all things that i think will help me with my primary goal, or at least not counteract it.

here's a good question for you, t0ddday: if i ran the 60m in 8.3x yesterday, what's a reasonable newbie goal for the summer? i'm going to try to get a more accurate time soon, at the very least measured on a track and not grass. but pretend it's 8.3x. realistic to shoot for 7.8x? too ambitious?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 25, 2013, 09:22:57 am
The same for 13.2x 80m please?

Also , any typical sets/reps/rest suggestions for tempo workouts?
What i currently do is:
submax tempo runs : 3 sets of 5 sprints , ~15 seconds run , 45 seconds walk back , 3 minutes between sets.
max tempo runs : 2 sets of 5 sprints , 2 minutes between sprints , 5 minutes between sets.

I will end my hijacking saying i will try to:
Access a track to improve traction, video my sprints to phase out some handtiming error and do longer distances that also make the timing error relatively smaller.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 25, 2013, 10:07:48 am

here's a good question for you, t0ddday: if i ran the 60m in 8.3x yesterday, what's a reasonable newbie goal for the summer? i'm going to try to get a more accurate time soon, at the very least measured on a track and not grass. but pretend it's 8.3x. realistic to shoot for 7.8x? too ambitious?

Really hard to say.  Like you already know an 8.3 self-timed 60m on grass could really be anywhere from a 7.8 to 9.0 seconds in reality.   For example where did you even find markers for 60m, did you just use 70 yards?  Even, if we suppose it's 8.3 it's still doesn't make such sense to throw out a conjecture without seeing video.  Video your next one, doesn't necessarily have to be on track if you have cones and a level field.   Really depends on how "good" you are at running.  If you are slow because you are really bad at running then you can get your time down a lot; unfortunately I think you have an athletic background so you might be a decent runner... Video would tell the answer.   Independent of the time I think high sevens (7.8) is an achievable goal for you, not because you ran 8.3 but because you are young, lean and have good relative strength.  I think that's achievable for someone with those characteristics if they put the work in. 

The same for 13.2x 80m please?

Also , any typical sets/reps/rest suggestions for tempo workouts?

@ Vag:

I simply don't believe your 13.2 80m time.  It's on the opposite end of the Avishek Self Timing craziness.  If I suspend my disbelief then the only way for someone to run that slow despite your ability to dunk is if you are absolutely the worst runner imaginable.  If that's the case you will get much faster very soon. 80m is a weird distance.  Really general rule of thumb says subtract 2 seconds for the first 10m.  Then divide the remaining time to get your high speed velocity.  So for you that would be 70m in 11.2 seconds or around 6.25 meters per second.  So, without fatigue your 60m and 100m time can be estimated using this velocity + 1 second for acceleration;  this gives you 10.6 seconds and 17.0 seconds.  I would be shocked if you can't run sub 9 and sub 15 in the 60m and 100m with just basic running, so I would correspondingly expect your 80m time to drop about 2 seconds.

Also , any typical sets/reps/rest suggestions for tempo workouts?
What i currently do is:
submax tempo runs : 3 sets of 5 sprints , ~15 seconds run , 45 seconds walk back , 3 minutes between sets.
max tempo runs : 2 sets of 5 sprints , 2 minutes between sprints , 5 minutes between sets.

What are max-tempo runs?  Tempo and maximum effort do not go together.  If you are running with max velocity you don't want to have less than optimal recovery.    The submax looks fine, I would extend the time of the runs though.  Tempo runs are really good for mechanics, body composition and recovery.  They are a bit boring though so most important thing is to mix it up.  I shared one workout I really like with LBSS, run up and back on turf field (100yd and back 100yards).  Rest for about 1 min (we start a rep every 90 seconds giving about 1 minute rest) and repeat  5-10 times for 1-3 sets.   This one is a great finisher.  Also, like 4x3 x 150 where the last rep of each set of three is a bit faster than the previous two.  8x200 w/3 mins recovery is good.  Really get creative, on monday we did 300m,200m,150m,200m,300m, 500m.  Every less than 15 sec per hundred (this one hurt).   In general I find that college coaches put sprinters though TOO MUCH endurance work (thinking if it's hard it's necessarily good, or because Tommy Smith ran 500's so should today's 100m sprinters) but people who train for sprints on their own don't do nearly enough system work and stick to meaningless workouts like 3x20m.  Find a balance between the two and you will make the most gains. 

*** One thing I strongly recommend to you and everyone training to get faster in sprints is a) Enter a meet.  It's great fun.  But if you don't want to then b) video tape yourself or get a friend to do it.  If you have an Iphone or Andriod phone you can so easily tape it and use one of many apps ( V1-Golf is good - Made for golf analysis ) and figure out your time from video analysis.  Simply load the video into V1-golf and you can scroll through the video frame by frame.  Notice the frame at first movement and the first frame where your body crosses some line (you can just use your foot touching down past the line or put a traffic cone in the frame and notice when your torso passes the plane).   Since the reaction to the gun is not included with this analysis it will give you better times than you will usually achieve in a meet.  But it's highly repeatable and doesn't force you to try and run pressing a stop watch.   It's a fantastic training tool and for me my times using this method in flats are really similar to my times in a meet using blocks/spikes/adrenaline.   As LBSS is noticing if you try and self time a 60m you either cheat yourself into a slow time or cheat and get a ridiculously fast time, both of which you don't want to do. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2013, 10:50:29 am
thanks t0ddday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2013, 09:37:35 am
last night:

MENTAL STATE: a little tired, happy

- warm up

- snatch drills
worked up to 40kg power snatch but i've still got plenty of hitches in my giddyup. will continue to work this until i've got it down. back to pendlay's videos later today.

- HB squat deep with pause 245 x 5,5
second set ended a bit challenging. lightheaded.

- circuit
-- reverse hyper 40 x 8,8,8,8
-- pull up x 7,7,7,8(+1)
-- DB push press 50s x 5,5,5,5
-- ab pull down x 15,15,15,15


- stretch

went to try out my gym's new location, in a fancy hotel in west end. not sure it's worth going over there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 27, 2013, 06:50:51 pm
MENTAL STATE: good, normal, even

- warm up
incl SL bound practice

- broad jump w/reset x 4

- DL bound x 4,4,4
normal, ~18" short

- sprint 60m x 3
on video looks like 7.7-7.8, not quite as catastrophic as i thought.

- tempo 200++200++200
34-36s. my speed endurance is baaad.

- stretch

got video of some of the stuff, will post later for fun and profit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 27, 2013, 07:50:30 pm
Hm... I always did 50m sprints... never 60m... the lowest I got on 50m was 5.9s
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Ryno2892 on April 28, 2013, 03:56:56 am
Good goals, it will only be a matter of time for those primary ones.

Maybe incorporate 5-10min gymnastics at the start of sessions or off days (practice handstands, muscle up progressions ect) to help with the secondary goals. Will be good active recovery and won't leave you bored.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2013, 11:52:34 pm
that's a thought, but i'm afraid of being any more distracted than i already am. happy to keep working my jump rope skills during warm ups for now.


- SMR/stretching x 40 mins
focused on ankles/calves and wrists. and t-spine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 29, 2013, 09:54:51 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: wrists upon extension
MENTAL STATE: confident, rested

- warm up

- snatch practice
many doubles and triples, worked up to power snatch of 35kg. need help figuring out how to get under the power snatch better. full depth is not a problem from a mobility standpoint but is from a technique perspective. bar is coming out too far in front or something.

- HB squat full depth w/pause 250 x 5,5

- circuit x 4
-- pull up x 8,7,7,8
-- back extension x 5 + GHR x 5 (straight from one to the other)
-- DB push press 55 x 5

- stretch

please to hit the 30 pull ups in four sets. time to add some weight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 30, 2013, 03:57:33 am
You need to look at a progression of the snatch... probably the best bet is to watch the Glenn Pendlay ones.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Ryno2892 on April 30, 2013, 08:23:32 am
Bar is coming too far forward on the catch or during the turnover? 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 30, 2013, 12:36:29 pm
@raptor: yes i'm already doing that, and the fact that you posted the video annoys me for some reason. sorry for the downvote but i'm standing by it. of course i'm fucking following a progression from somewhere. and it happens to be pendlays, his is the most straightforward that i've seen. maybe i posted about it before or maybe i'm just hungry and ill-tempered.

@ryno: on the turnover.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 30, 2013, 05:07:39 pm
Can I edit the message and post Lance's powersnatch video?

Haha just kidding
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Ryno2892 on May 01, 2013, 05:48:56 am
As always any advice would be redundant without video footage.

But some cues/tips which work for me to keep the bar travelling as close to the body during the turnover:

- Slide bar up thighs smoothly, don't bang/push the bar off the thighs or hip crease 
- Pull hard and high before the turnover. I even try to pull backwards during hip extension. Imagine someones nailed your toes to the floor and your trying to jump up. I pull until the bar reaches around navel level before the turnover.
- Stay in external rotation and the shoulder blades pinched together

Break it down and work on high hang snatch, high pulls.

The bar path should resemble an 'S' shape


You probably already know all this technical crap on paper, but the practical application is a different story. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2013, 09:41:36 am

You probably already know all this technical crap on paper, but the practical application is a different story.

i appreciate the input and attempts to help but, well, no shit. you're right, no advice on technique is useful without video unless a person has literally never heard of an exercise before. i've read/watched plenty about snatching.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2013, 09:50:24 am
also i'm leaving for pakistan today. back night of may 10. workouts while gone will focus on jump rope skills and conditioning, explosiveness via DB jump squats and depth jumps, and BB-style work for everything else.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2013, 01:39:00 am
wednesday 5/1

- warm up

- submax SL bounds

- DL broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4,4

- sprint 40y x 3
timed two, ~5.4x  :-[

- stretch

all i could get in with the time i had. pleased i made myself go anyway, despite stress around leaving.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2013, 09:55:12 am

MENTAL STATE: tired but otherwise good, had a pleasant and productive day given the jet lag and four hours of sleep last night

- warm up
got up to 12 criss-crosses in a row. will try to hit 20 before i leave here.

- jump squat 16 x 3,3

- SS: stiff-leg hops x 25,25
- SS: SVJ x 3,3

- BSS 52 x 10+3+3+3

- OHP 16 x 10+3+3+3

- DB RDL 52 x 10,10

- lat pull down 80 x 5; 50 x 10,10

- dip x 10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2013, 01:39:23 pm
SORENESS: glutes
MENTAL STATE: not bad, background stress is pretty high but i got out of a shitty meeting today to do some work and it gave me time to go to the gym, so happy

- warm up

- A skips, B skips, fast feet, rudimentary hops

- superset x 2
-- jump squat 16kg x 3
-- SVJ x 3
second set higher than first

- leg press stack x 10,10
30s rest. stack is 190 i think.

- DB OHP 22 x 10,10

- leg curl ?? x 10

- DB row 26 x 10,10

- leg extension ?? x 10

- calf raise 110 x 20

- superset x 2
-- tricep pressdown 30 x 10
-- CURLZZZZZZZ 12 x 10

- stretch

?? means i can't remember how much weight i used. whatever, was just glad to get a bit of work in. twice reached 10 criss-crosses during warm up but was pretty uncoordinated. whipped myself with the rope in several new ways (usually it's across the left forearm or right leg).

also, the gym manager struck up a conversation with me. he's a pretty big, strong-looking dude. turns out he has his master's in kinesiology from wayne state and competed in powerlifting and strong man back in the states. he's trying to get a pakistan's strongest man competition going later this year, at the serena (the hotel where i stay in islamabad), and they're going to expand the gym and add a squat rack and some free weights and possibly even bumper plates (!). will probably have a trip out here in the fall, so maybe i could volunteer for the event or something. that'd be a hoot. it's going to be for some charity or other.

funny how much more i like islamabad now that i have friends here (a woman i used to work with and her husband).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 07, 2013, 10:19:18 am
MENTAL STATE: motivation very low, do not feel like exerting any effort

- warm up

- superset
-- jump squat 16 x 3,3
-- SVJ x 3,3
on first and second reps of second set got oddly hyped for SVJ and went really high. no way to measure here but significantly higher than all other jumps in pakistan so far.

- BSS 52 x 8,8
rear foot up on plyo box and no sneakers = very uncomfortable. gym was crowded so couldn't use a bench. this was not challenging.

- superset
-- pull up x 7,7
-- dip x 7,7

- leg press 190 x 15,15

- ab roll outs 28 x 10,10

- stretch

good to force myself to go but other than the one or two jumps this was a crap workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2013, 12:26:02 pm
today, i flew in a helicopter for the first time. longtime dream realized, and it couldn't have happened in a more beautiful place.  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

literally no time to myself until right now, i am wiped the fuck out, and i have to wake up at 5:45 tomorrow morning. no exercise.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on May 09, 2013, 03:50:21 pm
today, i flew in a helicopter for the first time. longtime dream realized, and it couldn't have happened in a more beautiful place.  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

literally no time to myself until right now, i am wiped the fuck out, and i have to wake up at 5:45 tomorrow morning. no exercise.


Keep crossing em off the bucket list.

no rest for the wicked.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Ryno2892 on May 10, 2013, 05:48:06 am
today, i flew in a helicopter for the first time. longtime dream realized, and it couldn't have happened in a more beautiful place.  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

literally no time to myself until right now, i am wiped the fuck out, and i have to wake up at 5:45 tomorrow morning. no exercise.

I don't know what relevance this has to becoming a fast and explosive donkey, but fuck yeah! haha
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2013, 05:32:12 pm
lol, no relevance at all. just an awesome experience. might post some pics later in raptor's landscape thread. holy shit the hunza valley is gorgeous.

anyway, last four days of trip:

- some calisthenics and bw exercises and stretching
not much, just gejufla. wrists are fucked, pushups painful because of extension+pressure.


WEIGHT: 175.5
MENTAL STATE: happy, excited

- warm up

- snatch warm up, power snatch 40kg x 3; 44.5kg x 3; 50kg x 3
power snatches were easy but i can't seem to catch them lower. will keep working with lighter weights at full depth and trying to improve depth with heavier weights, while progressing power snatch. or something. coaching needed. anyway.

- paused squat LB 255 x 5; HB 255 x 5
had a dude take photos of me in bottom position, to compare mechanics. he kind of fucked it up but i'll take a closer look later. if the difference isn't that huge in terms of uprightness and knee fold, i'm switching back to my hybrid squats. they're so much more comfortable. will continue with full pauses either way.

- circuit x 3; 0-30s rest between exercises
-- back extension x 10
-- GHR x 8
-- ab pull down x 20
-- dip x 10

- stretch

great workout. wanted to sprint but it was pouring so no go. CNS very high right now, very twitchy feeling.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 11, 2013, 05:35:55 pm
50x3 in the powersnatch is better than me... although I do have to worry about missing the lift so... that's a big limiting factor.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2013, 05:38:46 pm
50x3 in the powersnatch is better than me... although I do have to worry about missing the lift so... that's a big limiting factor.

weird. it is not challenging for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2013, 05:39:44 pm
also who the fuck downvoted me 200 times?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on May 12, 2013, 04:31:40 am
also who the fuck downvoted me 200 times?

Probably the same person who did it to me a few weeks ago. Hmm, who do we know on the forum that is known for this sort of BS?  ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 12, 2013, 08:40:27 am
also who the fuck downvoted me 200 times?

Probably the same person who did it to me a few weeks ago. Hmm, who do we know on the forum that is known for this sort of BS?  ;D

i'd make a comment about all the time you'd need to waste to do that much but i probably spend more time on here than all but a few members, so  :-X
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 12, 2013, 06:25:48 pm
If you take a frequent look in here ( ) like i do, you can track extraordinary statistic changes.
I believe that raptor's -350 happened not from one but from a bunch of people being pissed off from the guns thread rants. Also raptor, last week you got like +200 in one day. I noticed LBSS's -200 about the same time. My guess is that someone who has negged raptor and upped LBSS about 200 times each unsubscribed from the forum so his ratings got cancelled.
Just guesstimates from a maths/stats freak/weirdo.  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 12, 2013, 06:27:41 pm
Man it took me a ton of tim... nevermind
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 13, 2013, 10:13:52 am
this is where i was last week:

Rakaposhi Mountain. It's about 7800 meters high.

The Hunza River viewed from a 1000-year-old Buddhist fort. Can you tell which side of the river is irrigated?

Me standing awkwardly on top of that fort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 13, 2013, 10:34:07 am
You look like my work colleague that left in 2008 to go in the Czech Republic...

He was pretty smart and used to be fascinated with history.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2013, 03:01:28 pm
MENTAL STATE: a little tired, normal

- warm up
fast feet, a-skips, b-skips

- broad jump w/reset x 4

- DL bound x 4,4,4
all sets were PR's, but second set was the first time i actually went farther than the broad jump total. it's a technique change though so it doesn't really count. i think i was just doing it wrong before by focusing on landing on my midfoot/toes.

- various DSVJ, SLRVJ, DLRVJ at different distances and intensities x a bunch

- sprint 40y x 3
first i messed up the timing, second and third were 5.3

- sprint the straights, walk the curves x 4

- jog home

- stretch

there was, oddly, a hoop on the field behind one of the end zones next to a big patch of track surface. i think it was about 9'6, based on where i touched on an SVJ i did. all jumps were pretty awkward and slow. not sure about heights because i'm not sure how tall the hoop is but all bad. just reinforces that nothing can replace actually practicing the thing you want to be good at. no shit. i hope it's still there next time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 14, 2013, 04:40:47 pm
Yeah when I'm bad at 2-leg bounds I usually not emphasize the dorsiflexion enough... give that a try.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2013, 10:36:00 am
last night:

SORENESS: quads, back (the whole thing)
MENTAL STATE: rushed, stressed, was a long day at work

- warm up
inadequate mobility stuff. rushed it and shouldn't have.

- snatch drills x a bunch
got a buddy who's an oly lifter to watch and offer some tips. all focus now on high elbows during the second pull.

- power snatch worked up to 48kg x 3
some better than others, focusing on high elbows.

- paused HB squat 265 x 5,5
solid, but i need to figure out what i'm doing wrong with the bar placement. it ends up touching the acromion process on both sides and i don't think it's supposed to do that.

- circuit x 2
-- SLRDL 80 x 10
-- dip x 10
-- pull up x 8

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Ryno2892 on May 16, 2013, 05:44:28 am
Having seen that photo of you, everytime you post you will remind me of Bradley Coopers character from the hangover
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2013, 09:36:44 am
Having seen that photo of you, everytime you post you will remind me of Bradley Coopers character from the hangover

lol, i'll take that as a compliment, i think.

last night:

- deep stretching and SMR x 40 mins
hooooo boy. got wild with the lacrosse ball in my pecs, delts, and lats. had my gf leaning up against me as i leaned into the wall. the shoulder IR improvement was both immediate and shockingly significant. some serious hip ER work, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2013, 08:55:29 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, right peroneal, back
MENTAL STATE: out of it, low motivation

- warm up
a-skips, b-skips, fast feet

- SL bound submax 10y x 2
right foot can get it in seven bounds, left foot in 7.5 or 8. targets for now will be 6R, 7L

- broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4,4
worse than the other day, none within a foot of the broad jumps. closer than previous, though.

- sprint 40y x 4
5.6, 5.2, 5.4, 5.4

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 18, 2013, 12:42:27 pm

- stretching/SMR/mobility x 50 mins
focus on pecs/shoulder IR and hip ER.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 18, 2013, 06:10:24 pm
MENTAL STATE: really good, high motivation, well rested

- warm up

- snatch drills

- power snatch worked up to 44.5kg x 3
bar is coming too far out in front still for me to get under it, need more technique work with light weights. getting a little better. i'm torn about whether to keep progressing power snatch or holding off until i can actually do proper snatches and progressing those.

- paused squat 275 x 5,5
second set luke-style. sticking with HB.

- superset x 2
-- SL hyper x 10
-- DB OHP 70 x 12

- superset x 3
-- pull up x 8
-- ab pull down x 20

- DB row 65 x 10
- DB shrug 65 x 10

- paused calf raise 315 x 12+8

- stretch

good workout, need more help with snatching. doing better on keeping the bar close and elbows high with light weights but it goes out the window above like 30 kg. SL hypers were challenging, kind of tough on the knees but the discomfort went away quickly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 20, 2013, 10:22:38 pm
MENTAL STATE: legs felt heavy on jog over to field but CNS warmed right up. focused.

- warm up

- SL bound practice 10y x 3e

- broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4,4
first set clear PR, went WAY past my marker for the broad jumps. second set also well past, third set right at marker.

- jumps mixed together
-- 2-step SLRVJ x 5-6e
-- DSVJ x 4
-- DLRVJ x 6-7
-- SVJ x 4
all jumps felt WAY WAY better than last time.

- sprint 40y x 4
5.6 (yeah right), 5.4, 5.3 (yeah right), ??

- tempo x 100+100+100+100
soccer games started back up so i had to stop. thought about continuing on track but quads were feeling it, i got all confused, and i'm a wuss.

- stretch

oh baby. good workout. sprints felt slow, i think 5.4 is right around where i am. god that's embarrassing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 21, 2013, 04:40:13 am
Your hamstrings and calves need to catch up. Apparently your feet&calves already are acting better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on May 21, 2013, 05:25:06 am
Looking great man. Just the type of stuff I reckon will help you a lot. 5.4 secs isn't that slow considering you haven't sprinted much. My bet is that you'll be sub-5 sec by the end of the year at least if you keep it up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 21, 2013, 09:54:51 am
Your hamstrings and calves need to catch up. Apparently your feet&calves already are acting better.

yeah i think that's true. also on b-skips i get a serious stretch at the top of the movement -- my hamstrings are pretty flexible for a dude but maybe that's something else to work on. also i think i should get back to warming up barefoot or in sock feet.

Looking great man. Just the type of stuff I reckon will help you a lot. 5.4 secs isn't that slow considering you haven't sprinted much. My bet is that you'll be sub-5 sec by the end of the year at least if you keep it up.

thanks man. 5.4 is glacial but if i could get down to 4.9 i'd be over the moon. almost fast enough to play DE in the NFL. you know, if i picked up 4 inches of height and 70 pounds of bodyweight.  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 21, 2013, 10:02:57 am
also, i forgot to mention, last thurs when i was doing my sprints this group of HS kids walked past and one of 'em started walking over to me. dialogue follows:

high-ass kid: ey mang, i bet you ten dollars i can beat you in a race
lbss: yeah man, i bet you can beat me, too
h-ak: nah mang i'm, i can beat you
lbss: yeah, that's right, i'll bet against myself. i don't have any cash right now but otherwise i'd bet you ten dollars you could beat me in a race
h-ak: aight i bet you ten dollars you can beat ME
lbss: got no money, can't bet. next time, though.
**h-ak walks back toward his friends, who are still ambling down the track. h-ak continues talking over his shoulder.**
h-ak: iss nice to meet you mang
lbss: nice to meet you, too
h-ak: i luh you mang
**everyone laughs**
h-ak's friend: man shut the fuck up and get over here

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 21, 2013, 11:14:37 pm
MENTAL STATE: annoyed, frustrated

- warm up

- snatch drills
doing better on keeping the bar and getting under with light weights (up to 26kg

- power snatch
up to 40, was trying to get under but not so good with heavier weights.

- paused HB squat 280 x 3; aw;oeinva;svna;ijha;
bar pressing onto spine, felt weak. got lightheaded. did a couple more squats but they don't fucking count. ugh.

ran out of time, was at work way longer than i should have been thanks to a very frustrating conversation with my boss that went on FOREVER. fuck it, just chalk it up as a throwaway workout. sometimes the bear eats you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Ryno2892 on May 22, 2013, 07:18:06 am
also, i forgot to mention, last thurs when i was doing my sprints this group of HS kids walked past and one of 'em started walking over to me. dialogue follows:

high-ass kid: ey mang, i bet you ten dollars i can beat you in a race
lbss: yeah man, i bet you can beat me, too
h-ak: nah mang i'm, i can beat you
lbss: yeah, that's right, i'll bet against myself. i don't have any cash right now but otherwise i'd bet you ten dollars you could beat me in a race
h-ak: aight i bet you ten dollars you can beat ME
lbss: got no money, can't bet. next time, though.
**h-ak walks back toward his friends, who are still ambling down the track. h-ak continues talking over his shoulder.**
h-ak: iss nice to meet you mang
lbss: nice to meet you, too
h-ak: i luh you mang
**everyone laughs**
h-ak's friend: man shut the fuck up and get over here


Its the stories like these that make you realize what training is really all about .......wait, what? lol 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 23, 2013, 10:32:49 pm
worked out with avishek tonight.

MENTAL STATE: a bit jazzed, underslept, but good day at work. plus working out with someone else always adds a bit of stimulus

- warm up

- SL bound practice
took some cues from avishek, will be modifying these a bit.

- broad jump w/reset x 4
i think this was a PR, ~37

- DL bound x 4,4,4
~37'6, 37, 36'6

- various DSVJ, SLRVJ, DLRVJ, broad jump-to-SVJ
got some video, best jumps were 2-step DLRVJ's later in the session once i started thinking about getting low.

- sprint 40y x 2
avishek timed them. first start got fucked up ran 5.6. second start was good and ran 5.1  :o  also timed him at a 4.7

- race avishek 40y x 2
he beat me by about 4 yards in the first one so on the second gave me a 3y head start and beat me by a yard.

***go to gym***

- light warm up

- LB pause squat 275 x 5,5
fuck high bar.

- circuit x 2
-- SL hyper x 10
-- pull up x 8,8(+6)
-- DB OHP 40s x 10
-- ab pull down x 20

- stretch

great workout. i have not gotten enough sleep the last two nights but it was good to work out with avishek. he's faster and jumps higher and has more practice with bounds and shit so that's helpful.

will post some vids later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on May 23, 2013, 10:37:51 pm
Ha that's awesome. Must be strange/cool to meet someone from the forum IRL.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 23, 2013, 10:43:13 pm
Ha that's awesome. Must be strange/cool to meet someone from the forum IRL.

well, it is weird to be talking out loud about people named "raptor" and "t0ddday."

btw, t0ddday, is it "tahday" or "today"?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 24, 2013, 03:30:45 am
At least you didn't have that problem with my nickname :D

Saw me switch back to low bar and switched back too? :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on May 24, 2013, 09:35:42 pm
That's cool that you trained with Avishek. Good for motivation and everything.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 25, 2013, 01:15:21 pm
You know I was eating my soup and I was thinking about what LBSS was saying that even though he has good strength his jumping is not up to par.

And it occured to me that maybe he has some antagonistic inhibition of some sort. It would ring somewhat true considering his sprinting numbers (bad sprinting speed etc).

If he has been doing so much low bar squatting and he's decent in high bar squatting as well, then it must mean his quads and glutes are decently strong. His feet/calves apparently have been improving lately.

Then it must be that the hip flexors, hamstrings and possibly tibialis anterior (to a lesser degree) could be culprits in this equation. If that's the case, if I were LBSS (I might implement this regardless in my training) I would do 1 set of supine psoas leg raises (with cables), leg curls and toe raises at the end of each and every workout.

I'd use a 20 rep set for each exercise and a weight I would confortably lift for 25 reps (so these 20 reps aren't to failure or anything so bad that it interferes with your main strength exercises). So I would do one set of 20 psoas raises and then stretch the hip flexors for 2 minutes, 1 set of 20 leg curls then stretch the hamstrings for 2 minutes and one set of toe raises (or walks on heels) for about 30-40 reps then stretch them for 2 minutes.

This would increase both the hypertrophy of these muscles & ALSO increase the awareness of the CNS that they are there and they can be used as breaks/they can be depended upon when the agonist muscles fire. And if they are dependable AND they are flexible (which you're doing both of doing what I wrote here) then the CNS can fire the agonists, which are the glutes, quads and calves in your actual jumping mechanics at their strongest ability.

If the CNS is NOT aware of these muscles being strong and flexible then it will automatically limit the power output of the agonists and this will occur, in my experience, at the end of the movement (which is paramount for jumping) - at the end of the movement because doing so it will prevent the hyperextension of that joint (a thing the antagonists should do as their job).

By the way, here's the psoas exercise:

Good luck!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2013, 07:55:50 pm
MENTAL STATE: kind of out of it, pissed that the field i wanted to use was closed

- warm up

- avishek SL bounds 10y x 4
avishek SL bounds: small bound alternating with a bound for height

- broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4,4

- alternating 1-2 SL jump 40y x 4

- easy-fast-easy x 10 strides each segment x 4
the field is bumpy and terrible for sprinting, and no reliable distance markers.

- stretch

workout sucked but better than nothing.

thanks for the thoughts, raptor. inhibition is definitely a problem for me on max DLRVJ; my best jumps have come when for whatever reason i'm able to go fast and smoothly into and through the plant. not sure that's true for sprinting or SLRVJ -- SLRVJ it's still more a hamstrings/calves weakness issue. but it probably can't hurt to throw some light potentiation-style stuff, as you suggest, into the ends of my workouts. might do those weight-free right now.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2013, 12:19:19 am
MENTAL STATE: wanted to sprint, was very primed, but rain prevented that so settled on gym

- warm up

- snatch drills

- paused squat 285 x 5,5

- superset x 3
-- SL hyper +20 x 10; DBSLRDL 90 x 10; 50 x 10
-- pull up x 6,6,6
was not getting the right leg positioning with 90 lbs for SLRDL, so dropped weight. will continue with these as SL hypers are messing with my knees and SLRDL is also good for balance.

- SL psoas pull 35kg x 15
- heel walk x 50
- assisted GHR x 15
- stretch hip flexor/psoas x 60s
- stretch hamstrings x 60s

- paused calf raise 365 x 15

- pull up x 10

- hanging leg raise x 10

- stretch

meh. really wish i could have sprinted but made the most of it. snatches were okay for a while but then everything went to hell. i think sans coach i just have to cop to an attention limit with these. they're not physically challenging while i'm learning the technique and i don't want to spend an hour on them per workout if i can't actually move weight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 29, 2013, 03:59:19 am
Very nice

How were these:

- SL psoas pull 35kg x 15
- heel walk x 50
- assisted GHR x 15
- stretch hip flexor/psoas x 60s
- stretch hamstrings x 60s

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2013, 10:08:31 am
good, not terribly challenging. except the psoas pull was probably a little too heavy. will go lighter next time and do it with pauses to make sure the flexion really goes above my hip. i was just messing around, trying to figure out where to do what. in the future i'd probably cycle the exercises and the complementary stretches as kind of a cool-down. so:

- rest of workout

- SL hip flexor/psoas pull x 15-20
- hip flexor/psoas stretch x 60s
- heel walk x 50
- tib anterior/peroneal stretch x 60s
- assisted GHR x 15-20
- hamstring stretch x 60s
- calf raise x 10-20
- calf stretch x 60s

- stretch

seems a little silly but it ain't gonna hurt so why not.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on May 29, 2013, 10:56:53 am
Then it must be that the hip flexors, hamstrings and possibly tibialis anterior (to a lesser degree) could be culprits in this equation. If that's the case, if I were LBSS (I might implement this regardless in my training) I would do 1 set of supine psoas leg raises (with cables), leg curls and toe raises at the end of each and every workout.

??? Muscles have nothing to do with this bullshit.

Jk. But on a serious note, how much would you expect his sprint times to decrease? 5.1s 40yd dash to ___ following a release of this inhibition?

I would expect less than a 0.1s difference in a 40. LBBS strength doesn't translate to good 40yd dash times without practice, or a good DLRVJ without practice, thus there should be focus on reactive strength imo. Of course, LBSS has a LOT of practice, so this is why some of us think it doesn't make sense. But...

Last week with LBBS we did some broad jumps into vertical jumps. I like this exercise because the athlete needs to produce forces vertically, after absorbing impact coming horizontally, quickly. It's also called a horizontal depth jump and is much more specific to a running vertical imo. The exercise looked novel for LBSS and he had some initial difficulty with it. Perhaps hip flexor inhibition played some role, but I think rather a lack of coordination and speed were the biggest weaknesses. Being able to transfer forces horizontally to vertically can be improved here.

Furthermore, his 2xbw LBBS is glute dominant. His SVJ is hip dominant. There are many more excellent knee dominant SVJs than hip SVJs - thus although he is strong, I don't think it's specific enough to a knee driven vertical jump, and I have to disagree with Lance that 2 inches on the back doesn't make much of a difference, I think it makes a giant difference. Even neck angle during a high bar squat or sprinting can make a giant difference in pattern of muscle activation. Just switching from vibrams to 100% barefeet makes a giant difference (extremely VMO dominant and no glute sensation at all to major glute sensation and more in the vastus lateralis), at least for me but I suspect for many people it would.

I don't think Raptor's suggestion could go wrong by any means, and if anything they would help strengthen the muscles, but I don't see how inhibition is the answer?

However if there is an inhibition I would suggest sprinting longer distances at a fast pace (like 60meters at least). I've noticed that the only times my hip flexors ever feel like they're inhibiting my stride is when I haven't sprinted in a while. After I sprint a little more my strides feel very loose and there is no burning sensation in my hip flexors, however without the addition of ankle weights or other stimuli, I cannot apply progressive overload. But... I don't think I have noticed differences in how the DLRVJ feels so I cannot confirm if hip flexor inhibition really hurts my own DLRVJ.

Apart from that, front squat are up next. High bar sucks for his traps, but front squats won't. Dno if he's had experience with those. And Bulgarian split squats Mike Boyle style instead of lunges because he can't do lunges b/c of toes.

Conclusion: I think it's worthy of consideration but I wonder how much of a difference it will make. How can releasing hip flexor inhibition improve his DLRVJ, by how much? Are we talking 1 inch, or 4 inches? Will it simply allow the hip and knee extensors to apply more strength or will it improve his form?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2013, 11:35:15 am
good points but these exercises and stretches aren't replacing anything. if i get a 0.1s drop out of them they will definitely have been worth it, although there will obviously be no way to prove causation. my primary focus is still on getting faster and improving coordination by sprinting, bounding and jumping, while maintaining strength.

front squat is a thought, as HB is untenable past 275 pounds or so, probably because i'm doing it wrong. can't figure out why the bar is pressing through my traps onto my spine. we've had this debate already. lance or adarq, if you're in here, any thoughts? more curious than anything else.

LB squat bottom position for reference:


this is the bottom of my SVJ, for reference:


will try to get a decent reference pic for HB squat bottom position soon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 29, 2013, 05:08:54 pm
Well depth jumping is a quad+calf exercise, getting the hips pretty much OUT of the movement. See what your depth jump numbers are LBSS...

If you have strong hips and you use them well (and you seem to automatically garner them when you do SVJs) then improving on the power output and strength of the quads could be good. Depth jumping does that, especially high box depth jumps (18-24 inch).

So I would continue to squat low bar if that is confortable, maybe do some front squats for more volume at the end. Also depth jumps from high boxes. Obviously you need to see what your priorities at this point in time are.

I'd go with:

High box depth jumps 5x3
Low bar squat: 3x5+Front squat 2x12 with a weight you can confortably do 15 reps
Barbell calf raises: 3x15-20
Hip flexor, Hamstring and Tibialis anterior work 1x20 + 2min stretch for each

The end.

Obviously you can manage the volume of each exercise according to whatever your focus is. You could increase the volume of depth jumping during plyo-oriented periods of peaking your strength, something like 8x3 instead of 5x3, and go with 3x3 with your 5RM on the squat and 2x8 in the front squat with your 12RM. Keep everything else the same.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LanceSTS on May 29, 2013, 05:50:32 pm

^ that squat looks excellent, you seriously have to stop putting it in a different category simply due to the bar placed a couple inches lower.  Knee break, hip break, driving chest and shoulders UP, thats a perfect leg driven squat.  If anything fucking around with it will waste valuable time and possibly get you hurt.  The bar hurting your lower spine is most likely due to where you have your pelvis at the time.

 This is the thing man, some people need to squat 225 to vert 40, and some need 450, it varies so much its so silly to put an exact number on it and correlate to what you SHOULD vert.... You ever heard of a deadlift to 40yd dash correlator?

 what would help you the most is practicing your run ups from a very short run in, one that allows you to still get fairly low in the counter movement and use the areas youre strong in.  You can progress the steps out as you get better, but I would guess youll always go the highest from 3 steps or so.  Keep pushing that squat up and fucking believe in what youre doing.  Go for PR's on your running and standing verts frequently, dont make it busy work.

 The heel walks raptor talked about for tib anterior are great and will help get more spring out of the calves, you can add toe walks as well prior to sprints,verts, and they will potentiate the calves and lower leg.  Try it, get as high as you can on toes and walk 30 yds or so, then pull toes up as high as you can and walk the same distance on heels, then go for PRs. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2013, 06:25:24 pm
thanks lance. appreciate in particular the return of confidence in squatting the way that's most comfortable for me. it was probably not a bad thing for me to try to switch but i'm happy to be going back. one thing: with HB the pain isn't in the lower spine, it's that the bar presses through my traps onto the upper spine. at any rate, i'll continue with paused LB squats* and keep working on short run ups off one and two whenever i can, be it at the track or gym.

*for reference, the initials LBSS have nothing to do with squatting, or exercises of any kind.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LanceSTS on May 29, 2013, 06:40:16 pm
  You could technically call that an "olympic squat with the bar on shoulders".   Some great weightlifters squat with the bar very low on traps/upper shoulders, some put the bar higher. 



Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2013, 07:08:38 pm
only way i'm getting that many plates on the bar is if their made of foam. anyway dead lift to 40y dash calculator sounds awesome. this is how i'm going to make my millions.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 29, 2013, 07:19:41 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2013, 10:23:50 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings quite a bit, traps a little
MENTAL STATE: dragging a little, hamstring soreness meant i knew i wasn't going to be at my best and that makes it hard to get up

- warm up

- avishek SL bounds x 4

- broad jump x 4
not bad at all, which surprised me. not PR-level but not far off.

- DL bound x 4,2,4
meh, these were worse. second set got interrupted by a soccer ball coming straight at me. fucking soccer. in my dream world i have a full olympic oval and football field all to myself, with an enclosed, wood-floor basketball court with an adjustable rim right next to it and a full weight lifting set on the side (barbell, bumper plates, squat rack, bench). time to get travolta money and see what i can do.

- various SVJ, DSVJ, SLRVJ, SLRVJ, and avishek hop VJ
as ever on shitty jumping days, these all made my knees ache. 4-6 reps of each per leg.

- 40y dash
skipped, knees unhappy and didn't want to push hamstrings with ME sprinting.

- tempo run 80+ x 8
the straight on the track is not a full 100m. my guess is it's about 80m.

- stretch

- heel walks x 50

- stretch

pretty pleased with this workout considering how crappy my legs felt going in. forcing myself to do tempo rather than ME 40s was smart. there's a reason you're supposed to do speed stuff before gym stuff but jesus would not allow it, in His infinite wisdom he caused a thunderstorm to rain down yesterday. so it goes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on May 31, 2013, 12:18:44 pm
good photos.

again, doesn't matter how good it looks, what matters is what muscles you are using. Depending on one's structure, a side angle view of squats won't tell you if someone is feeling it in their glutes a lot, or quads more. If front squats work for you, you should see a decent increase in your SVJ within a few workouts or up to a month's worth due to better quad activation, not necessarily greater strength, if that is what you needed to improve your squat to vert ratio, which is exactly what I think you need for your standing vert, and that should translate into better running vert.

On another note, don't always believe in what you're doing, or you become attached and cannot see other possibilities. But while you're doing it yes do it with passion but be able to change. That's my life advice at my young age, but especially with training/health/diet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 01, 2013, 07:34:20 am
SORENESS: quads, hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: quads, anterior lower leg
MENTAL STATE: okay, not great or bad

- warm up

- SVJ x 10

- one-step SLRVJ x 6

- paused squat 285 x 1; 255 x 5,5
legs felt terrible on the single so i dropped weight. will go back to 285 next workout.

- circuit x 4
-- pull up x 8,8,7,6
-- assisted GHR x 8
-- dip x 8,8,7,6

- circuit x 2
-- calf raise 415 x 10
-- heel walk x 30
-- stretch calves

- stretch

not enough sleep and too much stress this week at work. a bunch of friends are leaving town and had "last nights" this week so i was up too late several nights. and it's just been 100 mph at work so getting up early, getting up before my alarm, that kind of shit. couldn't even sleep in today because i have to go to the eastern shore for a funeral. better luck next week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: mdevin93 on June 01, 2013, 08:50:12 pm
sorry to hear about the funeral.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2013, 09:35:11 pm
^^^ thanks man. it ended up being really nice, actually. beautiful service -- my great-uncle was an awesome and well-loved dude -- and it was great to have such a huge gathering of all my cousins and second cousins on that side of the family. sad occasion, of course, but still.

ACHES/INJURIES: posterior knees
MENTAL STATE: angry, grateful for the beautiful evening on which to work out

- warm up

- avishek SL bounds 10y x 3

- broad jump x 4
near-PR, at least 37'

- DL bound x 4,4,4
not quite as far as the broad jumps, maybe 10-12" off.

- sprint 40y x 4
self-hand timing, but for the record: 5.2, 5.4, 5.3, 5.1

- 1-2 jump 40y x 3

- tempo run straight-curve x 3
tough, liked these. could have shortened the rest periods but otherwise these were great. not sure of the track's dimensions so don't know distance, but the sprints were 26-28s. challenging.

- stretch

had a rather shitty day at work. now i feel better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 03, 2013, 09:41:01 pm
Keep doing these double leg bounds, they will help eventually.

I also plan to do myself some 2-leg bounds but for speed. Like 2-leg sprints basically. We'll see how these go.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 04, 2013, 12:34:28 am
please take vid, i bet they will be hilarious-looking.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 04, 2013, 08:33:18 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: tops of feet from new work shoes
MENTAL STATE: good, much better day today, very ready to work out

- warm up

- mobility/core stuff x 30 mins

my roommate moves out tomorrow after four years of living together. so no full workout. back on the horse tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 05, 2013, 09:37:49 pm
SORENESS: triceps
ACHES/INJURIES: lot of quad tightness
MENTAL STATE: calm, focused

- warm up

- superset x 2
-- jump squat 20 x 3
-- SVJ x 4
SVJs were pretty bad, 24.5-25, except one solidly at 26 when i got the arm swing right

- paused squat 285 x 5,4
could have gotten five on second set but would have been grindy. lame. felt the quad tightness on these.

- GHR x 5,5,5
focusing on form per alex v video. will post vid in a bit

- circuit x 3
-- pull up x 8
-- paused calf raise 415 x 10
-- DB OHP 100 x 6

- windshield wipers x 4,4,3
i tried these the other day and they were fun. not sure why but i was swinging forward and back today and that made it harder.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 06, 2013, 04:59:13 am
Do you have a GHR machine?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 06, 2013, 09:27:34 am
Ha that's awesome. Must be strange/cool to meet someone from the forum IRL.

well, it is weird to be talking out loud about people named "raptor" and "t0ddday."

btw, t0ddday, is it "tahday" or "today"?

Lol.  Yeah awesome that you guys got to work out.  Avishek at 4.7 and you close to 5.0 is not bad at all.  Great to see your bounding improving, the "measurability" of the workout is one of things that makes it so great...

My name is Tade.  Pronounced like this "Tah-Day".  When I first started running I was pretty quiet and didn't speak up much so for like two months some of the guys thought my full name was Todd Day.  It became a running joke that people just thought I always rolled with first and last name so I adopted it as my nickname.  Since youtube switched over to real names this forum is probably the only place it still exists.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 06, 2013, 09:38:08 am
HA! suck it, avishek.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 06, 2013, 09:42:15 am
Do you have a GHR machine?

yep. vid coming.

ETA vid of GHR and paused squats. notes:

i do not fire my glutes properly on GHRs. on the set after this one (it was the second of three) i focused on squeezing my glutes and extending my hips at the top and trying to maintain that all the way through. made the movement harder and i still lost some glute contraction at the bottom; transferred to hamstrings.

paused squats were just bad yesterday, this should not have been as ugly as it was. will stick with 285 next time but i'll be mad if it's not better than this. interesting to note that these are really full depth sans back rounding -- they don't look as deep as they feel. guess that's where the dorsiflexion comes in. you can see from old vids and the screen cap i posted that i don't usually lean this far forward. i came way up on my toes on the third rep. will do better next time.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 06, 2013, 09:45:48 am
^ To add to the interesting debate yall are sharing...  I agree for the most part with Avishek regarding inhibition except for I don't see the horribleness of the low-bar squat.  One thing extremely confusing though.... LBBS and LBSS... I can't tell if people are talking the damn squat or working out with you...

Agree that inhibition regarding the 40yd is not likely to make a huge difference.  I bet if we had video of you and Avishek racing over 40yds and him running 4.7 and you 5.1 the main advantage I would see him having is simply being a much more coordinated more dynamic athlete.  I haven't seen his sprints but his triple jumps and hitch kicks show he knows how to "be more explosive".  Now some of this might be due to a relative or specific strength advantage and his more mobile hip flexors might get him an inch longer stride, but over 40yds the main thing is his ability to make power from power.   If you raced to 60 this contrast would probably be more stark.  As you keep doing single leg and double leg bounding you will get better. 

As far as the low bar squat.  I prefer high bar squat 100X for athletes... but it's because the low bar squat is much more often done in a really shitty way, not because the spot on the back matters!  That's a big distinction.  Squatting just isn't that specific.  If your getting stronger and bigger legs, glutes etc... That's what matters.  Your squat  looks like it makes your legs stronger....  If your squat has leaves you with a weakness this can be tested and addressed.   You jumping angle on your squat and VJ are really similar but I'm not even sure if that matters.   I got my high-bar squat to 405 with form similar to KF but a more rounded back at the bottom because of my shitty ankle dorsiflexion.  I got my vertical to 37 shortly after that with a dip which was only about an 1/4 to 1/8 of a squat and looked nothing like that angles I take in the squat.   Squatting helped get my basic strength up but really the vertical was about one explosive dynamic movement which mostly got better from a few months of practice, some weighted and banded jumps, and a background of sprinting.  They don't need to look the same.   
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 06, 2013, 10:45:25 am
haha sorry about the confusion with my screen name. didn't think about that acronym when i came up with it however many years ago. maybe i should just change it a la hyperdunk.

and yeah, avishek is just better at producing power than i am. his movements look lighter than mine, on hops and jumps he doesn't muscle through stuff the way i do. hopefully with bounding and sprints that will improve. on friday if it's not raining i'm going to hit up the track and measure out 40y and 60m. sprinting on turf in sneakers is not ideal. one thing avishek mentioned during our session was that he's gotten his best power development from working not on acceleration but on top-end speed. i should do more 60's, in other words, and fewer 40's.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 06, 2013, 12:05:10 pm
I have two comments:

1) Your GHRs didn't look bad at all. I think you should focus more on starting from a posterior pelvic tilt and try to maintain those glutes firing, even if you don't do a good job at it initially


2) Focus on improving the bar speed on the paused squats rather than upping the weight and continuing to do them slowly. Think of the bar speed as your barometer of improvement. If you squat the same amount of weight but you do so in a faster manner then that is IMPROVEMENT, and it could be a MUCH better improvement in your particular situation that you're in now than if you were to just increase the bar weight and "get stronger" in that way.

In that regard, I would up the weight if all your say 5 reps were fast on the concentric (fast for the standards that you set) and also you felt like if you were to go all out you would've done 7 reps with that weight. If these two conditions are met then you up the weight.

At least this is my opinion.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2013, 08:28:29 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: quads tight but not as bad as the other day, left hip tweaked while i was stretching right hamstring at the end. weird.

- warm up

- SVJ x 8
better than the other day, 25-26

- depth jump x 8
the space is wrong and it was crowded, hard to get a good full jump. mostly around 26 or a little higher, but these would have been better if i'd had more space

- SVJ x 3

- MR half tuck x 30,30,30

- various leg raises, windshield wipers, etc.

- some DB upper body shit

- 15 double unders on the minute x 10
easy once i got the rhythm, too easy. hadn't done double unders in a while.

- stretch

should have been a track day today but it was pouring so i improvised. back tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: BMully on June 07, 2013, 11:03:28 pm
Could you tell me the meaning of your avatar? Is it a foot injury or something?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 08, 2013, 01:08:19 am
^ GHRS look great.  Awesome that you have those in your gym.  What kinda gym you train in?

Just to reiterate?  You primary goal is dunking and you are a two-footed jumper right?  If that's the case... Then I think for you and those like you that way to much emphasis is put on the similarity between squat angles and standing jumping angles.  Who cares about your standing vertical... your going to jump highest with a running start, so squatting isn't that specific to you.  Your pause squat look great although I disagree with Raptor that you need to focus on bar speed to go up in weight.   Don't let reps become all out grinders but push the weight up consistently, lift weights to get strong, jump, bound and sprint to get fast.   

I posted a video of some jumping practice I just did in my journal ( ) and realized my two footed jump truly looks nothing like my squat.  Not only is the depth way higher but on the best jumps I am almost twisted, my left foot plants slightly first and my right swings around with a bit of torque... Now this could be just a bad habit... but it still makes me think that while squatting helps it's really helpful because of the general strength and muscle building rather than the speed though a certain movement....
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 08, 2013, 08:51:10 am
It's normal to plant and rotate around the stronger leg in a 2-leg jump in basketball. I would argue you plant first the leg that has the best hip control and strength, and that first leg will actively participate more than 50% in the actual jump, the second leg coming to stop horizontal momentum and help in the braking more (all this while the first leg continues to load up to generate power).

If you look at the best dunkers, as soon as they touch the ground with their 2nd leg they IMMEDIATELY start going up. So the 2nd leg doesn't really have time, nor position, to generate a lot of power. It's the 1st leg that is doing the vast majority of power generation.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2013, 09:04:30 am
Could you tell me the meaning of your avatar? Is it a foot injury or something?

i have osteoarthritis in my big toes. both feet. that's an x-ray of the left one, which is the one that started hurting first. now the right one is worse.

@t0ddday and raptor:

thanks to both, good advices. t0ddday your plant sounds right, as raptor says. my plant is too much of a jump stop, something you can see easily in my vids or in person, as avishek can attest. not sure how to fix that other than practicing. SVJ is simply a measure of power, so i figure improving SVJ can't be a bad thing. if i'm unable to do any kind of running jump (like yesterday when it was pouring rain) then i'll do SVJ and depth jumps.

part of my problem with RVJ is that i'm overwhelmingly a LR planter, but my right leg is historically bigger and stronger than my left. whether that's from years of fencing, or what, i don't know.

ETA: if lance or alex v comes in here, would love to hear some thoughts on the GHR vid.

also, my gym is a pretty ordinary gym except their roots are in fitness boot camps and "functional training." so there's the normal machines and treadmills and stuff, but also i think 8 squat racks, an oly platform (getting another one soon), at least two GHRs, med balls, kbs, etc.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2013, 11:11:43 pm
thwarted again by the fucking rain. got soaked on the way to the gym, to boot.  :pissed:

WEIGHT: 177.5
ACHES/INJURIES: neck and traps, lower back very stiff all day. loosened up somewhat at gym, warmed up more than usual
MENTAL STATE: stressed

- warm up

- a lot of SVJ and DSVJ at 90-95% effort, and DLRVJ and SLRVJ (off two- and three-step lead-ins) at ~80-85% effort
pretty garbage. mixed everything in.

- MR half tuck x 30,30,30

- OHP 115 x 5; 120 x 5; 125 x 3

- underhand BB row 135 x 8,8

- strict hanging leg raise x 6,6,6
less than 30s between sets

- stretch

waste. hopefully it won't rain tomorrow. also i'm leaving for afghanistan and tajikistan on wednesday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LanceSTS on June 10, 2013, 11:34:33 pm
Ghr looks pretty good, youre already doing them better than most.  Drive your toes into the pad HARD as you come up, drive your hips through the pad more.  Youre letting your hips come back a little on the way up taking some of the glute drive away.  A good cue to get the calves and glutes working correctly is to "pinch" the foot plate with the first toes, then drive holes in the plate with them.

Guys like yourself will get more out of squatting explosively than naturally fast and explosive types.  There is a lot going on, but to put it simply you have to teach your nervous system to be fast and powerful under high stress/high loads and not shut down, its not as reactive or "natural" as some of the springy type athletes who have different genetic set ups. 

You can tell pretty easy who is which type of athlete by the speed of the run up they come in with.  Guys that get more out of squatting more explosively will be the ones that tend to "ease"  into the counter movement.  This stands for the standing vert as well.  You can find different opinions on why this is,  a solid theory is that one type of athlete is relying more on muscular contribution, while the other is more tendon/springy in nature.  The guy getting more out of his tendons is not going to get the same turn over from squatting explosively as the guy not as gifted in that area will.  It is extremely valuable to the second type of athlete.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AlexV on June 10, 2013, 11:38:18 pm
Do you have a GHR machine?

yep. vid coming.

ETA vid of GHR and paused squats. notes:

i do not fire my glutes properly on GHRs. on the set after this one (it was the second of three) i focused on squeezing my glutes and extending my hips at the top and trying to maintain that all the way through. made the movement harder and i still lost some glute contraction at the bottom; transferred to hamstrings.

paused squats were just bad yesterday, this should not have been as ugly as it was. will stick with 285 next time but i'll be mad if it's not better than this. interesting to note that these are really full depth sans back rounding -- they don't look as deep as they feel. guess that's where the dorsiflexion comes in. you can see from old vids and the screen cap i posted that i don't usually lean this far forward. i came way up on my toes on the third rep. will do better next time.

They look pretty good.  I personally think that the glute "inhibition" in the GHR comes from a lack of lower ab strength.  Get the abs to anchor the pelvis and the glutes will fall into place.  I love iso holds on the ghr starting at the top.  lower yourself into the lowest position you can get into without losing the abs and hold for 30-45 sec.  Build to 1 min per set, doing multiple sets of course.  Slowly work on getting lower and lower during your holds. 

Like raptor said, kinda, you should almost feel like the abs are trying to pull you into posterior tilt.  once or twice a week test the full rom ghr and see where you are at.

Also the starting from the top is very important in the holds.working from bottom up is no where near as effective.  You'll find 45 degrees is going to be a bitch but once you are money there you got em!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2013, 11:54:39 pm
Ghr looks pretty good, youre already doing them better than most.  Drive your toes into the pad HARD as you come up, drive your hips through the pad more.  Youre letting your hips come back a little on the way up taking some of the glute drive away.  A good cue to get the calves and glutes working correctly is to "pinch" the foot plate with the first toes, then drive holes in the plate with them.

Guys like yourself will get more out of squatting explosively than naturally fast and explosive types.  There is a lot going on, but to put it simply you have to teach your nervous system to be fast and powerful under high stress/high loads and not shut down, its not as reactive or "natural" as some of the springy type athletes who have different genetic set ups. 

You can tell pretty easy who is which type of athlete by the speed of the run up they come in with.  Guys that get more out of squatting more explosively will be the ones that tend to "ease"  into the counter movement.  This stands for the standing vert as well.  You can find different opinions on why this is,  a solid theory is that one type of athlete is relying more on muscular contribution, while the other is more tendon/springy in nature.  The guy getting more out of his tendons is not going to get the same turn over from squatting explosively as the guy not as gifted in that area will.  It is extremely valuable to the second type of athlete.

word, thanks for the cues on GHR.

i'm not sure what you're saying about what i'm doing, in that vid or more broadly; what would you recommend? i'm already trying to increase my emphasis on speed stuff through the bounding and sprinting. t0ddday's point about squatting to get strong and sprinting and jumping to get fast and...good at jumping makes sense to me but i'm wary of it because that sounds like a quick way back to focusing too much on the squat.

@alexv thanks for the feedback. i figured out the iso hold from the top + slow descent thing but i haven't tried those intermediate holds. sounds like a good plan. i'd like to think that my lower abs are reasonably strong and that the problem is more with my hip flexors restricting full extension throughout the movement. regardless, i can obviously improve in both areas.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LanceSTS on June 11, 2013, 12:19:39 am

i'm not sure what you're saying about what i'm doing, in that vid or more broadly; what would you recommend? i'm already trying to increase my emphasis on speed stuff through the bounding and sprinting. t0ddday's point about squatting to get strong and sprinting and jumping to get fast and...good at jumping makes sense to me but i'm wary of it because that sounds like a quick way back to focusing too much on the squat.

 Im talking about your focus on squatting explosively that I think Raptor mentioned was a good idea, it is.  For some athletes it really doesnt seem to matter much, the ones that are naturally more "reactive" and "springy".   For others, it helps a lot, this was explained in the contribution of muscles and tendons in my earlier quote.  Of course not at the expense of sprinting, plyos, etc., its simply a matter of when you squat, focus on being as explosive as humanly possible.  This will help YOU a lot more than it would help someone like todday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 11, 2013, 12:53:10 am
Guys like yourself will get more out of squatting explosively than naturally fast and explosive types.  There is a lot going on, but to put it simply you have to teach your nervous system to be fast and powerful under high stress/high loads and not shut down, its not as reactive or "natural" as some of the springy type athletes who have different genetic set ups. 

You can tell pretty easy who is which type of athlete by the speed of the run up they come in with.  Guys that get more out of squatting more explosively will be the ones that tend to "ease"  into the counter movement.  This stands for the standing vert as well.  You can find different opinions on why this is,  a solid theory is that one type of athlete is relying more on muscular contribution, while the other is more tendon/springy in nature.  The guy getting more out of his tendons is not going to get the same turn over from squatting explosively as the guy not as gifted in that area will.  It is extremely valuable to the second type of athlete.

This is really interesting. 

Does this mean that if you come into the counter movement fast that there is no benefit to squatting?   I haven't always measured my vertical but I could always jump at least 36 inches while squatting 205 or 405...  If anything I've found only that squatting directly helps my vertical jump from a low pause... something which isn't very good anyway.   Because I have never seen a direct correlation with myself or any of the sprinters I have worked with...  I've always figured the carryover was indirect general strength.  The only guys I have seen jump much higher after squatting are usually somewhat poor athletes to begin with; and there are so many variables (fat loss,etc) for beginners.   Personally I feel squatting helps the sprints moreso just because the ability to handle fatigue during multiple rep squat sets carries over well to sprinting.

How much evidence is there that there are guys who use less tendon by nature?  I've just always assumed that guys who "ease" into the counter movement that you describe are just guys who are not yet coordinated at jumping correctly.  Give them practice and everyone will jump with similar optimal mechanics.   I mean you don't have sprinters who muscle up the track or long jumpers who approach the board slowly!  There is some difference in jumpers as far as how much slowing is done during the penultimate step.... but they are all storing a lot of energy.   I can't imagine someone really training the jumps and sticking with mechanics that don't look springy.  Even poor jumping decathletes don't appear to be jumping without building up a lot of energy.   

Perhaps being involved in basketball gives you a unique ability to study these kind of athletes in the two footed jumps.  I guess basketball has so much more to it than jumping that you will have high level players who aren't capable of jumping in an explosive manner?  And these athletes can make more gains by getting stronger than they can changing their mechanics to store more energy?  Never thought about it like that.

Also, if  LBSS can get more out of squatting because he is a more "deliberate" jumper, then would you argue that he will also be a better vertical jumper and dunker (where you need to be deliberate and controlled to coordinate the movement) then someone who jumps with more speed?   
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LanceSTS on June 11, 2013, 01:39:43 am
Guys like yourself will get more out of squatting explosively than naturally fast and explosive types.  There is a lot going on, but to put it simply you have to teach your nervous system to be fast and powerful under high stress/high loads and not shut down, its not as reactive or "natural" as some of the springy type athletes who have different genetic set ups. 

You can tell pretty easy who is which type of athlete by the speed of the run up they come in with.  Guys that get more out of squatting more explosively will be the ones that tend to "ease"  into the counter movement.  This stands for the standing vert as well.  You can find different opinions on why this is,  a solid theory is that one type of athlete is relying more on muscular contribution, while the other is more tendon/springy in nature.  The guy getting more out of his tendons is not going to get the same turn over from squatting explosively as the guy not as gifted in that area will.  It is extremely valuable to the second type of athlete.

This is really interesting. 

Does this mean that if you come into the counter movement fast that there is no benefit to squatting?   I haven't always measured my vertical but I could always jump at least 36 inches while squatting 205 or 405...  If anything I've found only that squatting directly helps my vertical jump from a low pause... something which isn't very good anyway.   Because I have never seen a direct correlation with myself or any of the sprinters I have worked with...  I've always figured the carryover was indirect general strength.  The only guys I have seen jump much higher after squatting are usually somewhat poor athletes to begin with; and there are so many variables (fat loss,etc) for beginners.   Personally I feel squatting helps the sprints moreso just because the ability to handle fatigue during multiple rep squat sets carries over well to sprinting.

Yea thats exactly what I was talking about, for you, squatting is so general that it could even be trap bar deadlifts, etc. and it wouldnt really matter all that much.  There is still a benefit, only not as pronounced and its so much more general than specific.  This wouldnt be the case for a guy like kingfish, if he used deadlifts, etc as his primary lower strength focus he almost certainly wouldnt be getting nearly as high as he is now.  These type of athletes tend to need a much more specific exercise to the movement pattern they are trying to improve, that works the same musculature in a similar manner to the athletic task they are focusing on.   If you watch his vert, it looks VERY similar to his squat.

How much evidence is there that there are guys who use less tendon by nature?  I've just always assumed that guys who "ease" into the counter movement that you describe are just guys who are not yet coordinated at jumping correctly.  Give them practice and everyone will jump with similar optimal mechanics.   I mean you don't have sprinters who muscle up the track or long jumpers who approach the board slowly!  There is some difference in jumpers as far as how much slowing is done during the penultimate step.... but they are all storing a lot of energy.   I can't imagine someone really training the jumps and sticking with mechanics that don't look springy.  Even poor jumping decathletes don't appear to be jumping without building up a lot of energy.

First, it depends greatly on the level of track athletes youre referring to.  If youre talking post high school/collegiate and up, and they are competitive at that level in the power/speed events, then they almost certainly are the former type of athlete we are talking about. The other guys have dropped out by that point.   

You can for sure see an improvement in the counter movement and run up of anyone, the problem is it doesnt help after a while and can even hurt some guys to try and go faster than they "need" to go.   Not picking on kingfish at all here, but have you ever seen him from an approach?  Thats VERY common as well with those type guys, lbss will be the same.  The longest run up they will benefit from will be a couple of steps at MAX, and even then some will lose height that way.

There are very little studies or anything other than theories, experiences, and anecdotal evidence done on this type of thing at all, its simply not that common an interest.  Some claim that the more muscular dominated movement pattern requires more time for the actin and myosin cross bridges to develop force.  This is why you tend to see a very close standing vert to running, or even higher standing in these athletes.  Tendons dont work the same way.  More velocity, better output.  This may not be 100 percent accurate, but it tends to hold true if you study which type of athlete youre dealing with.     

Perhaps being involved in basketball gives you a unique ability to study these kind of athletes in the two footed jumps.  I guess basketball has so much more to it than jumping that you will have high level players who aren't capable of jumping in an explosive manner?  And these athletes can make more gains by getting stronger than they can changing their mechanics to store more energy?  Never thought about it like that.

Well, with the springy, weaker type guys its easy to simply get them stronger in general and everything improves.  CNS output, fibre recruitment, strength and stability, the latter which will allow even more powerful output from an already "springy" and powerful tendon/muscle complex due to less golgi tendon inhibition.   The harder guys to improve speed/power in are the guys who are strong, already sprint/practice vert/plyos, and still dont test exceptionally well.  This is where things like half squats, etc. come into play.  You take a very similar movement pattern to what you want to improve, and strengthen the living fuck out of it.  The vert is a fairly slow movement, and strength is at least somewhat SPEED specific.  The stronger you make them at xxx mph, the more power they can express at xxxmph.  The very bottom of the vert is the one area that STRENGTH is actually expressed highly.  After that, acceleration has taken over and its not as dominant of a factor.  Thats why I like squatting explosively, with a specific focus on the reversal point for athletes.  You have a few inches range of motion there that are crucial to success for them.

Also, if  LBSS can get more out of squatting because he is a more "deliberate" jumper, then would you argue that he will also be a better vertical jumper and dunker (where you need to be deliberate and controlled to coordinate the movement) then someone who jumps with more speed?

No, with someone like you, practicing that movement over and over and going all out when you do it will coordinate the movement on its own.  You can see this with the improvements on already massive verts of elite dunkers all the time.  Some guys cant create that type of overload on their own (without manual overload), and wont handle it if they do.  Whether or not its due to the deformation capability of tendons, which would produce much more force vs the need for time in a more "muscular" type effort or not, I dont know for sure.  It tends to hold true though, the second guy needs to TRAIN explosively with weights to improve. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LanceSTS on June 11, 2013, 02:02:54 am
also, check these out. each one is approx. 40 inches standing vert.  One is a much more "reactive" (tendon type dominant) athlete than the other. The first pic is a guy I would definitely suggest squat as explosively as humanly possible.  Not that it wouldnt help the second athlete as well, simply not to the same degree.


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 11, 2013, 02:08:33 am
^ Hard to tell with still images... are they both at the bottom of their jump?  The top guy though... I simply don't understand how people can jump while squatting so low.... I mean you lose pretty much all your snap going down there and have to unfold sooooo much.  Just seems like it can't be optimal.

So you are telling me the only excuse for my uncoordinated looking dunks is a lack of practice?  I wanted a better excuse.

I have one question about your prescription for less reactive athletes to train explosively with weight.   They are supposed to train explosively despite the fact that there ground contacts and movement time is going to be much slower than the reactive athlete?  I had an old strength coach (who was kind of a fool) who used to frown on things like speed squats for the reasoning that:  "The best way to squat 225 faster is to squat 405".   Basically he was convinced increasing limit strength will increase bar speed at a lighter weight much faster than trying to squat the lighter weight faster and faster....   Obviously this is true for all true beginners.  But do you think this is somehow more or less true for less/more reactive athletes?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LanceSTS on June 11, 2013, 02:25:41 am
^ Hard to tell with still images... are they both at the bottom of their jump?  The top guy though... I simply don't understand how people can jump while squatting so low.... I mean you lose pretty much all your snap going down there and have to unfold sooooo much.  Just seems like it can't be optimal.

So you are telling me the only excuse for my uncoordinated looking dunks is a lack of practice?  I wanted a better excuse.

I have one question about your prescription for less reactive athletes to train explosively with weight.   They are supposed to train explosively despite the fact that there ground contacts and movement time is going to be much slower than the reactive athlete?  I had an old strength coach (who was kind of a fool) who used to frown on things like speed squats for the reasoning that:  "The best way to squat 225 faster is to squat 405".   Basically he was convinced increasing limit strength will increase bar speed at a lighter weight much faster than trying to squat the lighter weight faster and faster....   Obviously this is true for all true beginners.  But do you think this is somehow more or less true for less/more reactive athletes?

Yes, that is the reversal point in each vert.  Pause Kingfishs vert vid at the same point.  Those guys would never get anywhere close to the height they are now if they cut the depth.  They take more time to develop force, but it gets there.  I used to be against that style of vert simply due to the carryover to the court/field.  Its too deep a counter movement, and you will likely never get to use that in a game situation.  What I found though, especially with my football guys that are combine tested in the vert is, some guys simply go higher that way, and thats the way they will always be. 

ah the old squat 225 faster by squatting 400.  Here is the thing, that sounds good in theory, but in practice it doesnt pan out.  We have a tendo unit at my gym that measures bar speed in m/s, and we test this shit all the time.  The guys who have been training explosively destroy the others in bar velocity across the board, up to around 70 percent of their maximum. 

also, the goal is of course for everyone to squat the 405, and more, its simply getting there in a manner that will give you the most gains towards your goals in the process.  Nice snappy reps can get heavy, youll find that guys who train this way will either make or miss it FAST.  That kind of rep should be the mass of the TRAINING reps.  Its fine to go grind a few and see where you are, that shouldnt make up the bulk of your workload though, especially for an athlete. 

many of the higher level countries in weightlifting dont allow squats past a certain percentage of the clean.  They found they simply lose carryover as the speed dies down after that and the lift is less useful.  A snatch and clean are slower movements than a vertical is, so if those guys are losing carryover at SLOWER movements from grinding reps, speed and power athletes should take note.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 11, 2013, 03:06:22 am

also, the goal is of course for everyone to squat the 405, and more, its simply getting there in a manner that will give you the most gains towards your goals in the process.  Nice snappy reps can get heavy, youll find that guys who train this way will either make or miss it FAST.  That kind of rep should be the mass of the TRAINING reps.  Its fine to go grind a few and see where you are, that shouldnt make up the bulk of your workload though, especially for an athlete. 

many of the higher level countries in weightlifting dont allow squats past a certain percentage of the clean.  They found they simply lose carryover as the speed dies down after that and the lift is less useful.  A snatch and clean are slower movements than a vertical is, so if those guys are losing carryover at SLOWER movements from grinding reps, speed and power athletes should take note.

Totally agree that grinding reps are essentially useless for their training effect.  The question then what is the best way for the athlete to train?  The original post by Raptor suggested to use bar speed to gauge improvement.   You have provided some really salient evidence into why some athletes really need to train explosively throughout the squat (because that's literally how they jump) but how do you favor doing it?

My issues with Raptors strategy was that it's really hard to gauge improvements in bar speed.  Clearly if you have a tendo unit you can do a better job at this.... But given both possibilities which do you think would be the better training style:

1) For some weight (285 for LBSS in Raptors example) stay at the weight and try to improve bar speed each training session.  Attempt to go from 285 in X m/s to X-k m/s which is surely an improvement.

2) Decide that bar speed is binary.  Either it's snappy and fast or it's not acceptable, if possible measure it and decide.  Choose a weight where you can squat with acceptable bar speed.  Use progressive overload to gradually increase the weight WITH the condition that a non-snappy rep is a failure.   

Obviously I favor #2 because I find that speed varies more day to day and improvement in bar speed is really hard to judge with the set-up most people have.  I also think that progressive overload is sort of the one advantage weight training has that jump-training doesn't have and cutting it out means that if the athlete practices jumping (essentially trying to move faster each session "bar speed") then the athlete is just working on bar speed with 0lbs and bar speed with X pounds and the advantage of weight training is kind of lost.  However, it could be that the difference in 0lbs and 285lbs is such that the stimulus is different enough so that 285lb bar speed can improve despite a "maxed out" speed in jumping which will then provide carryover to the jump...  Which would you favor with and without the tools to accurately measure bar speed?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on June 11, 2013, 05:05:35 am
Please check pm Lbss.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 11, 2013, 07:12:22 am
Yes but one thing you guys don't look at is that in a explosive squat your eccentric phase is also slower than in a jump.

Say you do explosive squats with 285 lbs and you compare these with standing vertical jumps with your bodyweight. The eccentric phase in the squats is so much slower than in a SVJ done at the same depth of the dip, and that slower eccentric in the squat allows the build-up of tension and the recruitment of more motor neurons than in a SVJ.

And since that is happening, you can actually target all these motor neurons and overload them in the concentric phase (since they are already activated) and make them act more explosively than in a SVJ where you can't get all these motor neurons to fire.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2013, 10:48:05 am
really good conversation, thanks lance in particular. problem is, now i don't know what to do. the next couple of weeks i'll be overseas, started a separate thread about that. but when i get back, what's my focus in the weight room? what about balance between sprint/bound/jump and weights?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LanceSTS on June 11, 2013, 11:01:18 am

also, the goal is of course for everyone to squat the 405, and more, its simply getting there in a manner that will give you the most gains towards your goals in the process.  Nice snappy reps can get heavy, youll find that guys who train this way will either make or miss it FAST.  That kind of rep should be the mass of the TRAINING reps.  Its fine to go grind a few and see where you are, that shouldnt make up the bulk of your workload though, especially for an athlete. 

many of the higher level countries in weightlifting dont allow squats past a certain percentage of the clean.  They found they simply lose carryover as the speed dies down after that and the lift is less useful.  A snatch and clean are slower movements than a vertical is, so if those guys are losing carryover at SLOWER movements from grinding reps, speed and power athletes should take note.

Totally agree that grinding reps are essentially useless for their training effect.  The question then what is the best way for the athlete to train?  The original post by Raptor suggested to use bar speed to gauge improvement.   You have provided some really salient evidence into why some athletes really need to train explosively throughout the squat (because that's literally how they jump) but how do you favor doing it?

My issues with Raptors strategy was that it's really hard to gauge improvements in bar speed.  Clearly if you have a tendo unit you can do a better job at this.... But given both possibilities which do you think would be the better training style:

1) For some weight (285 for LBSS in Raptors example) stay at the weight and try to improve bar speed each training session.  Attempt to go from 285 in X m/s to X-k m/s which is surely an improvement.

2) Decide that bar speed is binary.  Either it's snappy and fast or it's not acceptable, if possible measure it and decide.  Choose a weight where you can squat with acceptable bar speed.  Use progressive overload to gradually increase the weight WITH the condition that a non-snappy rep is a failure.   

Obviously I favor #2 because I find that speed varies more day to day and improvement in bar speed is really hard to judge with the set-up most people have.  I also think that progressive overload is sort of the one advantage weight training has that jump-training doesn't have and cutting it out means that if the athlete practices jumping (essentially trying to move faster each session "bar speed") then the athlete is just working on bar speed with 0lbs and bar speed with X pounds and the advantage of weight training is kind of lost.  However, it could be that the difference in 0lbs and 285lbs is such that the stimulus is different enough so that 285lb bar speed can improve despite a "maxed out" speed in jumping which will then provide carryover to the jump...  Which would you favor with and without the tools to accurately measure bar speed?

ah, I probably should have been more clear, you are thinking of "speed squats", with a lighter percentage of 1rm used for the purpose of training speed in the squat.  I am not referring to this when I say squatting explosively, I am simply saying EVERY weight he squats, he needs to TRY and move it as explosively as possible.  Once reps slow to a grind, this is no longer a very effective training weight, but we are still speaking of weights at a higher percentage than the 60 ish percent used in speed squatting.

And yes, I wouldnt use m/s as the gauge, its as simple as not letting the lift have a definitive sticking point.  It really is that easy, if the lift constantly accelerates up and doesnt "stick", it was fast "enough".   I think that may explain my stance a little more clearly, I dont like speed squats in the traditional sense for athletes, I would use some type of plyo/explosive instead.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LanceSTS on June 11, 2013, 11:02:34 am
really good conversation, thanks lance in particular. problem is, now i don't know what to do. the next couple of weeks i'll be overseas, started a separate thread about that. but when i get back, what's my focus in the weight room? what about balance between sprint/bound/jump and weights?

 Ill get to this when I get back for lunch.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 11, 2013, 11:03:59 am
I don't like speed squats either. Better options with jump squats and plyos from all kinds of perspectives.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ahotzo on June 11, 2013, 01:04:25 pm
There is a lot of great information in this thread.  Someone should compile it into one post and sticky it or something so it doesn't get buried.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on June 11, 2013, 02:01:29 pm
I by no means am an expert but I do know what seems to have helped me. Last fall I was grinding out reps and lifting 'heavy' and I noticed some improvement in my SVJ but my RVJ (in particular my plant speed) really suffered. Since I lowered the weight a little and have focused on lifting faster (in both lift phases) my RVJ and plant speed have vastly improved and I've seen small improvement in my SVJ. The resistance bands I use currently help I'm sure as they force me down into the squat much quicker and make me finish reps instead of letting momentum take over.

Just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 11, 2013, 02:05:52 pm
Speaking of bands... I wonder what something like a powerjumper would do to LBSS if he were to train with it for a while.

That reminds me - I have to start using that thing again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2013, 09:54:51 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: wrists in flexion, a little. neck/traps and lower back but not as bad as yesterday.
MENTAL STATE: good, ready

- warm up

- paused squat 290 x 5,5
extra focus on exploding up, bar popping off shoulders. very strong.

- OHP 125 x 5,5

- BB row 155 x 8,8

- GHR x 3,3,2,3,2
very slow, pauses on descent, drive toes into plate and glutes through. hard, good pump.

- circuit x 2
-- curls 35 x 10,8
-- tricep pressdown x 10,10
-- close stance BSS 80 x 10,10

- stretch

close stance BSS biases toward quads.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AlexV on June 11, 2013, 10:40:43 pm
@alexv thanks for the feedback. i figured out the iso hold from the top + slow descent thing but i haven't tried those intermediate holds. sounds like a good plan. i'd like to think that my lower abs are reasonably strong and that the problem is more with my hip flexors restricting full extension throughout the movement. regardless, i can obviously improve in both areas.

It is great to think that but....  In my experience it is not properly engaging the core (IE to weak).  You can plank/crunch/etc.. all day but you need to be able to hold the pelvis in neutral under high forces.  The GHR is a dynamic plank on steroids!  Your COG is so far from the fulcrum.  Doing the holds will help a ton.  Once you get there you will see tremendous carryover in the exercise.  Problem is it is easier for people (not you but athletes I have seen, consulted, trained) to keep progressing with crappy form than it is to focus on getting the core straight. 

Ugh... I have turned into the core guy :(  I always hated that guy.  Although once you get it, like really get it and not become NASM certified or fall in love with boyle or vestergen, you will be a core guy too.  Good news is once you can do proper GHR's your core will probably be strong enough for the rest of your life. :)  Just keep doing GHR's and you never have to train the abs again.

I really do like banging iron and lifting heavy.   

It is worth the effort.  EVERY athlete I have personally trained has been able to do a proper GHR after a few months (usually 1)  The holds are the key!  Hell most of them could do Schroeder EDI's on the GHR with perfect form
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on June 12, 2013, 04:11:40 am
^That GHR effect on the core sounds like how Good Mornings seem to me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 12, 2013, 06:16:26 am
I have a feeling you're on a good path lately LBSS... I really like the transformation of your training and I think if you keep doing GHRs and keep focusing on jumps etc you will see some effects soon enough. Keep up with the calves as well as your explosive squat gets heavier and heavier.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 14, 2013, 06:52:34 am
^^^ maybe but if i can't find a way to get regular jumps at a rim then i'm neglecting the #1 most important thing i should be working on.

ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist, everything stiff/achy
MENTAL STATE: tired but pleased to be working out

- warm up
took some extra time for stretching out hips, ankles and shoulders. hips and shoulders were rough.

- swiss ball glute/ham
i have a hard time fully contracting my glutes in extension without turning my feet out. something to work on.

- SL pogo x 5,5,5
improvement on these is going to be rapid. terrible.

- BSS 50s x 10,10

- OHP 35s x 10,10

- paused bench 60kg x 5
stopped because of right wrist

- DB row 50 x 10

- low cable row ? x 10

- bw paused SL calf raise x 10

- stretch

very tired and stiff from the trip. feel much better post workout. successfully avoided coffee at breakfast after we checked in (i'm here with a consultant who's helping us with part of my project) so was able to sleep about 2 hours, which will help in getting me to bed at a normal-ish time. target is 10 PM sleep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on June 14, 2013, 08:45:22 am
Jumps at the rim really help IMO. The last few weeks I've made a conscious effort to go try and dunk more and I feel like its helping. It certainly is helping with my timing but I feel like the max/near max jumps have really helped my movement efficiency.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 16, 2013, 12:32:22 am
last night:

SORENESS: glutes
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist

- stretch/mobility x 20-30 mins

this morning:

SORENESS: glutes a little bit
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist

- superset x 5
-- bw squat x 25
-- various stretching and mobility stuff. and some feldenkrais stuff.

ETA: just now (~9 PM):

SORENESS: glutes a little bit
ACHES/INJURIES: bad headache, something weird and sticky in one of the adductors
MENTAL STATE: out of it, hit a wall this afternoon during my meetings and never quite got over it. headache lasted about four hours.

- some calisthenics and bw exercises
- tried a few pogos but head throbbed like a motherfucker

- exercise bike x 20 mins
low intensity, just wanted to get HR up and break a sweat without having to change head altitude

- stretch x 15 mins

glad i forced myself to go down and get on the bike. headache seems to have dissipated somewhat. i had meetings from 9:30-7:30 today and i had to lead or play a large role in all of them, which makes them both more interesting and more exhausting. tomorrow will hopefully be somewhat easier as we'll spend most of the day in small groups. after meetings ended today i came back up to my room and vegged out for a bit before forcing myself to start moving around. weak effort but i couldn't muster much more today. also i had mad diarrhea today. i assume from some fruit or veggie i ate yesterday. drank tons of water.

better luck tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2013, 11:18:43 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist but less
MENTAL STATE: fucking awesome, so twitchy. could have had a great sprint/jumps session but oh well.

- warm up
recent PR for jump rope dexterity. was doing running criss-crosses with ease. once i really master those it's on to criss-cross double-unders.

- SL pogo x 5,3,3,3,3
better than the other day, still kind of rough.

- during rest periods:
-- neutral paused chin x 5,5
-- dip x 5,5
-- TTB x 5,5

no time to stretch, gotta shower right quick and then head to a work dinner. glad i got this in, would have been a shame to waste the good frame of mind.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: mdevin93 on June 19, 2013, 11:55:26 am
Speaking of bands... I wonder what something like a powerjumper would do to LBSS if he were to train with it for a while.

That reminds me - I have to start using that thing again.

I saw a video on the Overtime Athletes channel (The channel is ran by Chris Bernard...Elliott Hulse's Strength Camp Gym partner) of him doing jumps with a stretching band around his neck. With the oversped eccentric portion it reminded me exactly of a cheap alternative to a Power Jumper (I just checked they run for 70), and I have one as well as my dad that we got for like 15 bucks from the chiropractor we go to. Obviously the band probably isn't as good as power jumper, and the elasticity would probably wear out somewhat quick, but I was just wondering what you guys' thought on it would be, as I think it is a pretty good cheap alternative. Here's a video of me doing some:

(Sorry for posting this on your journal. I just remember Raptor saying the quote I used above and thought it would be relevant to post it here. Besides the majority of users are linked to and read your journal haha.)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on June 19, 2013, 12:31:17 pm
I by no means am an expert but I do know what seems to have helped me. Last fall I was grinding out reps and lifting 'heavy' and I noticed some improvement in my SVJ but my RVJ (in particular my plant speed) really suffered. Since I lowered the weight a little and have focused on lifting faster (in both lift phases) my RVJ and plant speed have vastly improved and I've seen small improvement in my SVJ. The resistance bands I use currently help I'm sure as they force me down into the squat much quicker and make me finish reps instead of letting momentum take over.

Just my 2 cents.

true. this worked for me too in the PAST. But this imo helps with linear gains in everything, in contrast to periodized training where you get strong, then explosive. Linear training confuses my muscles too much unless I stick just to bilateral plyos which definitely aren't nearly as effective for me as single legged plyos for improving the vert, but the single leg plyos decrease my lifts and confuse muscles the fastest, next to long sprints.

(Sorry for posting this on your journal. I just remember Raptor saying the quote I used above and thought it would be relevant to post it here. Besides the majority of users are linked to and read your journal haha.)

your video is set to private so no one can view it at the moment.

I would like to experiment with a powerjumper sometime in the future so I do want to see this video.

And LBSS we gotta train soon again bro. I understand you're out of town though so hmu when you're back!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 19, 2013, 12:40:03 pm
^^^ yes. i'm gonna post some of that footage on youtube when i get a minute to edit it together. i'll be back june 30, prob need a couple of days to recover, then most definitely.

MENTAL STATE: kind of loose, relaxed, not a good frame of mind for exercise

- warm up

- SL pogo x 3,3,3,3,3
woof. noticeably worse on the third rep each time. especially left leg.

- BSS 50s x 10,10

- superset x 2
-- DB bench 50s x 10
-- low cable row stack x 10

- SL paused calf raise 50 x 10

- swiss ball elbow roll outs x 10,10

- SL hops ME x 8; LE x 30
need more of these low effort reps.

- stretch

the workshop i've been running the past few days ended this evening, so i think the relief of it being over just led to a bit of a rush of relief and relaxation. lots more work to do but at least it's more or less on my own from here on out and i don't have to worry about lots of other people. all things considered this was an okay workout. time to order some room service.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: mdevin93 on June 19, 2013, 01:45:28 pm
Speaking of bands... I wonder what something like a powerjumper would do to LBSS if he were to train with it for a while.

That reminds me - I have to start using that thing again.

I saw a video on the Overtime Athletes channel (The channel is ran by Chris Bernard...Elliott Hulse's Strength Camp Gym partner) of him doing jumps with a stretching band around his neck. With the oversped eccentric portion it reminded me exactly of a cheap alternative to a Power Jumper (I just checked they run for 70), and I have one as well as my dad that we got for like 15 bucks from the chiropractor we go to. Obviously the band probably isn't as good as power jumper, and the elasticity would probably wear out somewhat quick, but I was just wondering what you guys' thought on it would be, as I think it is a pretty good cheap alternative. Here's a video of me doing some:

(Sorry for posting this on your journal. I just remember Raptor saying the quote I used above and thought it would be relevant to post it here. Besides the majority of users are linked to and read your journal haha.)
I by no means am an expert but I do know what seems to have helped me. Last fall I was grinding out reps and lifting 'heavy' and I noticed some improvement in my SVJ but my RVJ (in particular my plant speed) really suffered. Since I lowered the weight a little and have focused on lifting faster (in both lift phases) my RVJ and plant speed have vastly improved and I've seen small improvement in my SVJ. The resistance bands I use currently help I'm sure as they force me down into the squat much quicker and make me finish reps instead of letting momentum take over.

Just my 2 cents.

true. this worked for me too in the PAST. But this imo helps with linear gains in everything, in contrast to periodized training where you get strong, then explosive. Linear training confuses my muscles too much unless I stick just to bilateral plyos which definitely aren't nearly as effective for me as single legged plyos for improving the vert, but the single leg plyos decrease my lifts and confuse muscles the fastest, next to long sprints.

(Sorry for posting this on your journal. I just remember Raptor saying the quote I used above and thought it would be relevant to post it here. Besides the majority of users are linked to and read your journal haha.)

your video is set to private so no one can view it at the moment.

I would like to experiment with a powerjumper sometime in the future so I do want to see this video.

And LBSS we gotta train soon again bro. I understand you're out of town though so hmu when you're back!

My bad, meant for it to be unlisted. Fixed
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 19, 2013, 04:24:00 pm
Speaking of bands... I wonder what something like a powerjumper would do to LBSS if he were to train with it for a while.

That reminds me - I have to start using that thing again.

I saw a video on the Overtime Athletes channel (The channel is ran by Chris Bernard...Elliott Hulse's Strength Camp Gym partner) of him doing jumps with a stretching band around his neck. With the oversped eccentric portion it reminded me exactly of a cheap alternative to a Power Jumper (I just checked they run for 70), and I have one as well as my dad that we got for like 15 bucks from the chiropractor we go to. Obviously the band probably isn't as good as power jumper, and the elasticity would probably wear out somewhat quick, but I was just wondering what you guys' thought on it would be, as I think it is a pretty good cheap alternative. Here's a video of me doing some:

(Sorry for posting this on your journal. I just remember Raptor saying the quote I used above and thought it would be relevant to post it here. Besides the majority of users are linked to and read your journal haha.)

Not bad, I think the thing is you need to secure that thing... it could slip out of your foot and hit you in the face :))
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 20, 2013, 01:01:54 pm
this morning:

- stretch hips and quads x 15 mins


SORENESS: glutes, pecs
MENTAL STATE: tired, okay but not especially hyped

- lots of jump rope singles in sets of 100, mixed with calisthenics

- criss-cross practice x 10 mins

- ME SL hops x 30,30

- avishek horiztontal-hop-to-SVJ x 3,3

- 1-step SLRVJ x ~8

- superset x 2
-- paused pull up x 5
-- paused dip x 5

- strict TTB x 5,5,5

haven't stretched yet, waiting for food to come. will stretch after i eat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on June 21, 2013, 01:23:10 am
Speaking of bands... I wonder what something like a powerjumper would do to LBSS if he were to train with it for a while.

That reminds me - I have to start using that thing again.

I saw a video on the Overtime Athletes channel (The channel is ran by Chris Bernard...Elliott Hulse's Strength Camp Gym partner) of him doing jumps with a stretching band around his neck. With the oversped eccentric portion it reminded me exactly of a cheap alternative to a Power Jumper (I just checked they run for 70), and I have one as well as my dad that we got for like 15 bucks from the chiropractor we go to. Obviously the band probably isn't as good as power jumper, and the elasticity would probably wear out somewhat quick, but I was just wondering what you guys' thought on it would be, as I think it is a pretty good cheap alternative. Here's a video of me doing some:

(Sorry for posting this on your journal. I just remember Raptor saying the quote I used above and thought it would be relevant to post it here. Besides the majority of users are linked to and read your journal haha.)

Hmm, it's hard to tell based on the short range of motion of your jumps and not having a normal set to compare to. It looks similar but I don't know if it's actually accelerating the eccentric phase of your jump. If you don't care about the band, I'd just cut it in half and make some ties for your legs. That way you wouldn't be restricted and could jump more naturally. You could also add another band if the overspeed effect isn't strong enough with one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2013, 12:58:44 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: a little tight in my right calf and hamstring
MENTAL STATE: okay, pretty good i guess

- warm up
jump rope is clicking. running criss-crosses with ease.

- SL pogo max effort x 3,3,3

- superset x 3
-- avishek hop depth jumps x 3
-- paused pull up x 6
-- paused bench 60kg x 6

- hanging leg raise x 10

gym was closing. friday was a full day of traveling and then yesterday and today i worked until late. glad i got in the gym at all.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2013, 01:01:40 pm
WEIGHT: 172.5
ACHES/INJURIES: none but generally stiff from 2.5 days of travel
MENTAL STATE: pretty good, very happy to be exercising

- warm up

- max effort SL pogo x 5,5,5

- superset x 2
-- paused bench 60kg x 10
-- low cable row 25(?) x 10
dunno what "25" setting is on the weight stack, but it wasn't kg. i started with 40 thinking that would be an appropriate amount of kg but i could barely move it. maybe i've just gotten a LOT weaker instead of a little weaker.

- superset x 2
-- avishek hop depth jump (AHDJ) x 3
-- slow suspended crunch x 15

gonna stretch some more in a bit. i've lost ~5 lbs on this trip but i think it's not all bad: abs are as or maybe even a little more cut than they've been. i haven't been sick at all and my diet's been good: lots of veggies and protein and not too many sweets. my flight home is at 5 AM tomorrow (in 7.5 hours); i have a 17-hour layover in dubai and then the 13-hour monster back to DC. i was thinking about going to see some souks or go dune buggying or something but i might just sleep, go to the mall/movies, and work out. we'll see.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2013, 01:41:12 pm
MENTAL STATE: irritated, have not slept enough in days, the gym was so fucking small i literally couldn't jump rope except for single unders.

- jump rope x 5 mins
got fed up

- exercise bike x 15 mins

- stretch

just wanted to get the juices flowing a bit before the last 15-hour leg (13 on the plane plus immigration and customs and the cab ride home). time to pack up and head to DXB. it's been an absolutely incredible trip but i'm glad to be heading home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2013, 02:49:11 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: everything, especially ITB
MENTAL STATE: sicker than i've been in a good while, 100.2 fever and vomiting and diarrhea since about halfway through my flight back from dubai

- no workout today, just trying to rehydrate and eat something eventually. so much for my modest weight loss, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 01, 2013, 11:54:51 pm
MENTAL STATE: very tired but otherwise okay

- SMR/mobilization for t-spine x 25 mins

still recovering a bit from the travel and sickness, and i did not get any kind of unpacking or cleaning done yesterday because i was asleep or out of it all day. so no gym tonight, but lots of chores and shit that very much needed doing.

back on the horse tomorrow for my first squats in three weeks!  :-X
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2013, 10:02:11 am
slept fitfully last night and woke up early this morning with some absolutely heinous gas. seems to have died down somewhat but god damn, i'm glad i was the only one in the apartment. took advantage of the early wake-up to do about 35 minutes of SMR.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2013, 09:31:40 pm
WEIGHT: 170.5 diarrhea is a bitch
ACHES/INJURIES: some tweaking going on in right plantar flexor/plantar fascia
MENTAL STATE: tired, extremely low motivation, had to rely on my old method of just forcing myself to walk to the gym and then deciding, well, i'm here, might as well work out

- warm up
there is no fucking space in the gym anymore.

- SVJ x 6
oh sweet baby jesus, these were unbelievably bad. i doubt they were 24. wow.

- jump squat bar x 3,3; 95 x 3
uncoordinated as fuck

- paused squat 225 x 5,5
not as atrocious, weight obviously very light even for my detrained/post-ill state

- superset x 3
-- chest-to-bar pull ups x 6
-- DB OHP 45s x 6

- GHR ISO holds x a bunch

- hanging windshield wipers x 5,5,5
feet left, feet right is one rep

- stretch

just a terrible workout, but good that i got it in. gonna take a while to get back in the groove. will resist the temptation to eat my face off to regain the lost weight. if it comes back gradually, it will come back well.

gonna start alternating upper vertical with upper horizontal. more tomorrow, including squats, because not gonna work out on the fourth.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2013, 11:28:17 am
GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY. my GI tract is back to normal today. insh'allah proper appetite will return with it. excellent breakfast this morning: four-egg omelette with sliced fingerling heirloom potatoes, a bit of cheddar, and salmon. roasting potatoes is something i should do more often.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on July 03, 2013, 12:03:23 pm
GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY. my GI tract is back to normal today. insh'allah proper appetite will return with it. excellent breakfast this morning: four-egg omelette with sliced fingerling heirloom potatoes, a bit of cheddar, and salmon. roasting potatoes is something i should do more often.

Where the greens at, yo?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2013, 01:33:42 pm
GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY. my GI tract is back to normal today. insh'allah proper appetite will return with it. excellent breakfast this morning: four-egg omelette with sliced fingerling heirloom potatoes, a bit of cheddar, and salmon. roasting potatoes is something i should do more often.

Where the greens at, yo?

in my lunch and dinner.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2013, 08:50:37 pm
SORENESS: quads, glutes, hams, right plantar flexor by ball of foot
MENTAL STATE: motivation was high earlier in the day but soreness killed it

- warm up

- 1-2 jump x 6,6,6,6

- submax DL bound x 8,8,8

- submax sprint ~40y x 4
in my new very cheap sprinting shoes

- stretch

wasn't much but my body was not going to do anything at max effort today. fucking gross out, too, so humid. at least it was a little cooler by 7:30.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 05, 2013, 12:07:38 pm
next month will be given over to rebuilding and then building work capacity, which was never great to begin with and took a dive on my trip. i worked out regularly, at least relative to previous trips, but was unable to keep intensity or volume high enough.

starting today, will alternate between:


- low box depth jump 3-5 x 3-5
- jump squat 2-3 x 2-3
- squat 4 x 8
- GHR x ISO holds
- upper push 3 x 8
- upper pull 3 x 8
- calf raise x 20-30 total
- core


- SL bound practice x 4-5 sets
- broad jump x 4
- DL bound 4 x 4
- DSVJ/RVJ x fatigue AND/OR
- sprint 40-60 x 4-8
- tempo x 800-1000
- core


- SMR/stretch
- core

on days when i can get up and go to the basketball court i will do that. just wrote again to the church to see about using their court, let's see what happens with that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 05, 2013, 11:23:51 pm
WEIGHT: 170 damn it
SORENESS: slight in glutes
MENTAL STATE: tired but good, motivation higher than previous couple of workouts

- warm up

- depth jump @10-12" x 3,3,3

- jump squat 45 x 3; 65 x 3,3

- squat 245 x 8,8,8,8

- superset x 2
-- bench 155 x 6
-- DB row 85 x 6
oh my god so incredibly weak, probably the weakest i've ever felt on bench since i first started working out. yikes.

- GHR ISO holds

- calf raise 315 x 20

- windshield wiper x 6,6,6

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on July 07, 2013, 07:41:32 am
Hey man, loving the Google docs progress tracker. Probably something I should have as well (I'm horrible at keeping track of the non-squat/jump stuff like calf raises, UB etc).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2013, 11:54:40 am
^^^yeah so far so good. only worthwhile as long as i'm updating it.

SORENESS: quads heavily, glutes a little
MENTAL STATE: motivation high but not twitchy

- warm up

- submax avishek SL bounds x 4,4,4,4,4

- broad jump x 4
field marked for lacrosse so unsure of distance. probably meh.

- DL bound x 4,4,4
second set passed marker, third set at marker. nice.

- sprint 40y x 1
4.63 HT by avishek. lol.

- sprint 30m x 3
4.06, 4.16, 4.12 (HT)

- sprint 60m x 1

- tempo 100+100+100++100+100+100
sucking wind hard by the end.

it was hot as fuck on the track, i was less than two hours out from breakfast so was sloshing around during warm ups, and my legs were sore from the squats, but this was a fantastic workout. ETA: legs totally dead after drive home. also face definitely got a little sunburn.

avishek got vid of one of the sprints, i'll upload it when he sends it.

ETA 2: the brianmac calculator, when i put in a 30m of 4.12, gives me a predicted 60m of 6.95 (HT) and a 100m of 11.13. putting in a 60m of 7.5 gives me a predicted 30m of 4.56 (HT) and 100m of 12.00 (FAT). these calculators are to be taken with a huge grain of salt, but taking this one at face value, it just confirms that i'm a little bit strong and not at all reactive. just a little bit of wanking before i stretch a bit and crack the kelly starrett book.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2013, 11:27:02 pm
a 30m sprint from today. i think avishek timed this one at 4.12. no idea what that noise is. note the wack hop-step to cross the finish line.  :uhhhfacepalm:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on July 08, 2013, 10:33:20 am
a 30m sprint from today. i think avishek timed this one at 4.12. no idea what that noise is. note the wack hop-step to cross the finish line.  :uhhhfacepalm:

First five steps actually look really good.   You don't seem to transition too well and your knee lift/stride length falls apart at the end.  But that will come.  Really impressed by the start, looks really athletic.   Best cue for now to think of is:

1) Start at a start line, 100m or 110 hurdle line.
2) Keep driving just as your doing and keep your head down and note your 7th foot strike.  It should be about 10 meters from start.   On a standard track from the 100m start line that is the end of the passing zone (the big diamond).  If you start at 110m, it's obviously at the 100m start.  If it's way behind the line your understriding, way over and your overstriding.  Once those seven steps are nailed down and solid focusing on slowly allowing yourself to transition into a gallop.   That's where you will blow past avishek!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2013, 12:15:30 pm
thanks t0ddday. i wish i had vid of the 60m, the transition was so bad that i could actually feel it sucking as i did it. from pure feel, i think my knee lift was better during the last 3-4 strides of the 60, but everything between the fifth stride or so and right before the finish was rough. something to work on.

it's definitely a huge help to have proper shoes and to be running on a proper track. now if only that start would lead to me jumping higher. there was no target to speak of at the UMd track so I didn't do any jumping yesterday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2013, 10:25:39 pm
SORENESS: hams, mid-back, calves
ACHES/INJURIES: left foot and calf cramping
MENTAL STATE: okay, ready, a bit worried about the cramping

- warm up
forgot jump rope so did KB swings instead

- depth jump x 4
at least 2" lower than the other day, realized that i don't need to be doing these the day after sprinting if my legs feel beat up

- squat 250 x 8,8,8,4
had the last set if i'd sacked up but lost concentration thinking about my calf

- OHP 115 x 3,3,3

- pull up x 8,8

- GHR ISO holds 10-12s x 3

- ab pull downs x 20

- stretch
double-long stretching session. also stretched left calf and hamstring throughout workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 09, 2013, 05:43:45 am
Damn I haven't been around lately with my illness... high rep squatting eh?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2013, 08:50:58 am
yeah it's not a long-term thing. just trying to get my work capacity back to somewhere moderately respectable. i'll switch back to some form of waveloaded gym work soon, probably along the lines of what adarq prescribed 18 months ago. stay tuned.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2013, 10:24:03 pm
SORENESS: hams, mid-back
ACHES/INJURIES: left foot and calf cramping but not as badly as yesterday. walking makes it worse.

- spinal alignment work per kelly starrett

- stretching legs and hips

EDIT: later:

- heel cord/plantar flexor SMR and air squat motor control work
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on July 10, 2013, 08:55:27 am
Have you read Kelly Starrett's book?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 10, 2013, 09:18:32 am
Have you read Kelly Starrett's book?

in progress. really enjoying it so far. i wish he were a better writer but at least he's clear.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 10, 2013, 10:13:00 pm
WEIGHT: 171.5
ACHES/INJURIES: outside lower right leg

was on my way to the track and it started lightning and thundering. and then it started to rain. so i went to the gym instead.  :pissed:

- warm up

- depth jump @12" x 3,3,3,3,3
got a couple of 'em on video, will combine with some other stuff from the workout later and post. knees coming way too far forward on most sets, i think.

- SL pogo x 5,5,5

- air squat motor learning x some

- sprint form drills x a few

- standing ab wheel roll outs x 3,3
same problem as with GHRs, really interestingly. i lose tension in my abs and butt and overextend my lumbar spine. the roll outs highlight because of the load.

- walk home


- extensive stretching and SMR for t-spine, ITB, adductors, and feet

i have indulged on sweets more than i should but have only gained a pound in the eight days since i started my tracker. i am getting enough protein and veggies but still, i need to limit myself more on the processed sugar front.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 11, 2013, 11:50:36 pm
WEIGHT: 171.5
ACHES/INJURIES: none really
MENTAL STATE: fine, good

- warm up

- jump squat 45 x 3; 65 x 3,3

- squat 255 x 8,8,8,8
last set hard but solid. third set flew, very strong.

- OHP 115 x 5,4
still weak but not as horrifying as the other day

- pull up +25 x 5,5

- GHR ISO holds 10s x 4

- superset x 2
-- paused calf raise 415 x 10
-- tuck windshield wiper x 10

- stretch

posture/spinal alignment work continues throughout the day. two people at work today told me independently that i seemed taller. i don't think the posture thing gives me more than half an inch in actual height but hey, maybe it makes me look taller. who knows. one side benefit i think will be improved glute activation: if glutes are turned on at a low level whenever i'm standing up or walking around, it will be easier to engage them and maintain a neutral spine during exercise.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 13, 2013, 05:35:59 pm

- some stretching and SMR throughout the day (couch stretch and adductor/VMO rollering in particular) but not enough


- mobility (SMR+stretching) x 35-40 mins
hit t-spine, adductors, and glutes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2013, 06:29:45 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none, right toe tweaked during a sprint start but not badly
MENTAL STATE: okay, happy

- warm up

- avishek SL bounds x 4

- sprint 30m x 6
worse than last week, which is annoying because i was much fresher today and it wasn't as hot. 4.06 to 4.30, although those were probably too generous/ungenerous. probably like 4.16-18 for most except the fastest one. hip flexors feeling it.

- 20m fly x 2
tough, my top speed sprinting is a mess as t0ddday pointed out the other day.

cut short because...

*30 mins later*

- SVJ, DSVJ, SLRVJ, DLRVJ x ~50 jumps
dropped avishek off and then went to the outdoor court at the middle school near my parents' house. the court is asphalt and slanted -- long-time readers may recall a vid taken there a while ago -- but the rims are ~9' and ~9'8", so i was able to get a lot of grabs and stuff. this was good.


- anterior hip, adductors, modified pigeon x 15-20 mins

- painting my parents' house x 2 hours


- tennis x 30 mins


- more mobility shit
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on July 14, 2013, 10:11:38 pm

dropped avishek off and then went to the outdoor court at the middle school near my parents' house.

I nominate this for most adorable post.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2013, 10:34:39 pm
just added a new column to the progress tracker: mobility (y/n). i've set my first three activities to focus on (forgive the california-inflected names):

1. lacrosse/tennis ball forearm smash
2. t-spine extension smash
3. hip capsule mobilization

i will spend at least 15 minutes working on these things every day (~5 minutes each). if i have extra time, i'll go deeper on one or more of them or work on something else that's a consistent problem. this is over and above what i do during workouts anyway. when i feel like i've made some progress on a given exercise, i'll swap it out for something else that i need to work on.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 15, 2013, 09:58:58 pm

- warm up

- squat 260 x 8,5,3(exp),3(exp)
(exp)=explosive, popping the bar off my shoulders.

- bench 175 x 5,5

- DB row 80 x 8,8

- GHR ISO hold x 3; strict reps x 2,2
strict reps are haaaard.

- tuck windshield wiper x 10,10,10

- calf raise 415 x 10,10
more weight next time

- stretch

now gonna eat and then do my mobility workout. i refuse to call it a WOD, as useful a term as that may be.

the downside of the starrett book is that i'm thinking too hard now during squats. i need to relax and trust my form, which is still solid, and not overthink mid-set. also i think my legs were tired from yesterday. might be time to move away from straight sets of 4x8 and switch back to 3x3 + 3x8 once a week and MSEM once or twice a week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2013, 11:26:35 pm
spent a big chunk of the afternoon and evening in the waiting room outside the ICU at georgetown hospital. my little brother took a turn for the worse today. did not get in all my mobility stuff but i'm not going to beat myself up about it. shitty day.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ahotzo on July 16, 2013, 11:41:51 pm
Dude theres nothing to beat yourself up about.  Family is way more important than training; not even in the same universe of importance.  I hope ur brother is ok and gets better man. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on July 17, 2013, 12:59:36 am
Truth! Family should always come first!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2013, 12:44:44 am
MENTAL STATE: better, a bit stressed

- warm up

- broad jump x 2
not great

- DL bound x 2,2,2,2,2,2
okay, especially the first four sets were all well past the broad jump marker

- avishek SL bound x 3,3,3,3

- depth drop x 6
from about hip height, whatever that is

did my mobility just now, before bed. had limited time and space today but still managed to get in a little bit of work. not ideal but that's okay. brother is stable today but still unconscious, i went to see him this afternoon which was good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2013, 09:45:19 pm
WEIGHT: 172.5
MENTAL STATE: good, excited to train

- warm up

- jump squat 45 x 2; 65 x 3,3

- squat 260 x 8,8,8,8
there we go.

- OHP 120 x 5,4+1(PP)
damn it.

- GHR x 1,1,1,1,1,1
strict all the way top to bottom. so fucking hard, got lightheaded after each rep because of the bracing on the concentric.

- pull up +25 x 5; +15 x 5
weak, also noticed that my shoulders are rounding forward at the top of the +25s. need to kill ego and ensure strict form with no weight before adding.

- TTB x 5,5,5

- stretch

solid workout. it's so hot in my room that my computer is hot despite me just waking it up five minutes ago. a/c on full blast but it'll take a while before it's tolerable in here. time to go make some food.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 19, 2013, 05:16:13 am
Looking great ^^^
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2013, 06:54:37 pm
MENTAL STATE: good, happy

- warm up

- broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4,4
first set tied PR, second set broke PR, third set meh

- sprint 30m x 3; 40y x 2
4.16, 4.26, 4.24; 4.92, 4.94 -- meh

- DSVJ, 2- and 3-step RVJ; DLRVJ x a bunch

- stretch

super hot today but there was a bit of a breeze. i had the track to myself. the sprints were ugly, starts super duper slow-feeling. jumps felt okay to good but it's hard to tell because i have no idea how high the rim is that i was jumping at. also i dropped off pretty quickly, which i guess i attribute to the heat. not a bad workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AlexV on July 23, 2013, 08:56:41 pm
the downside of the starrett book is that i'm thinking too hard now during squats. i need to relax and trust my form, which is still solid, and not overthink mid-set. also i think my legs were tired from yesterday. might be time to move away from straight sets of 4x8 and switch back to 3x3 + 3x8 once a week and MSEM once or twice a week.

Happens to me all the time.  I will spend time reworking the squat and then my back will get sore.  My wife will watch my squat and say stop overthinking it.  Then, as any smart husband does, I listen to her and everything gets better.  I just need to remember that I have mastered the squat for my body type.  Don;t fix it if it aint broken.

Liked Kellys book BUT he needs a more clear application. 

For example he could do one of the following ideas:

In the exercise section when he shows the fails he could include all the correctives from later in the book in order that he would have worked through them with appropriate page numbers. 

Or a list of common injury areas and then list in rehab order the page numbers.

For example Plantar Fascitis: roll out bottom of foot P#,  massage between toes P#, Foam roll peroneals P#, heel cord smash P#, heel cord saw P#

I know all of these are not in the book but I don;t remember all of the correctives.

With out this when I have an ache pop up I end up having to read the whole section on that joint all over to figure out which drills help it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2013, 11:57:29 am
yeah the cross-referencing does leave something to be desired. he thought of it, it's there, but a bit more guidance with respect to prescription would be more than welcome. same knock i have on his website, honestly. even an index at the end would be super useful, although of course intra-text cross-referencing would be great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2013, 10:19:54 pm
MENTAL STATE: low motivation

- warm up

- depth jump x 3,3,3,3

- jump squat 35 x 3,3,3

- SVJ x 6

- DL 330 x 1; 360 x F
squat shoes stranded in baltimore. did these for fun and curiosity. 330 was easy, 360 i just didn't want to struggle with it. not worth it.

- bench 185 x 5,5

- superset x 2
-- GHR x 2(+2)
-- low cable row 120 x 16

- windshield wipers 'n' stuff x 10 plus stuff

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 26, 2013, 05:52:32 am
So if you don't have squat shoes you don't squat?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2013, 09:47:13 am
no. my mechanics change too much,* and the last time i transitioned to or from wearing shoes i hurt my hip. probably stupid but i'd rather be safe than sorry in this case. shoes coming to me today anyway.

*this could be read, "my brain freaks out too much about the way everything feels."
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2013, 08:55:07 pm
yesterday (7/27)

SORENESS: hamstrings
MENTAL STATE: sharp as fuck, CNS firing

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
PR, got well over 11m

- DL bound x 4,4,4
first set clear PR, close to 12m. second and third sets not as far but still good

- sprint 30m x 1
no time but felt so quick, such a huge contrast to the last time i sprinted.

started pouring rain out of nowhere, had to stop, so very pissed. it rained for hours.

today (7/28)

WEIGHT: 173.5
MENTAL STATE: super sharp in the morning, ready, but by the time i could get to the gym headache and lower CNS

- warm up

- submax SLRVJ and max DLRVJ x a bunch
DLRVJs were bad. i think the rim was a little high (seemed busted in the upward direction) but assuming it was 10' the jumps were all 30-31. if it was off by a bit they could have been a little higher.

- jump squat 45 x 3,3,3

- squat 275 x 3,3,3
head was killing at this point and this felt very heavy. will be lighter next time.

- superset x 2
-- OHP 120 x 5,5
-- pull up x 8,8
second set of OHP strongest i've ever felt with 120. weird.

- windmills x 10,10

will do mobility and stretching tonight. this was a very good workout despite the headache and relatively poor performance. not sure i could say why.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2013, 10:20:03 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: spinal erectors after broad jumps
MENTAL STATE: okay, not great but not sluggish

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
back to earth but still better than when i started doing these. about 12y/11m.

- DL bound x 4,4,4
same, back to earth but all still at or just past the broad jump mark.

- sprint 30m x 4
no times. avishek you gotta show me how you use your iphone to time sprints. i couldn't get it to stop right. not sure where my stopwatch is.

- fly 30m x 3
focused on good leg lift, consequently really felt the drive into the ground. these were fatiguing, especially the last one. high impact.

- SLRVJ and DLRVJ x a bunch
got some on film. pretty bad, especially the SLRVJ. had a couple of okay DLRVJ but i know these are just slow and uncoordinated. and the knee collapse on SLRVJ is fugly.

- stair sprint x a few
was going to keep doing these but the area around the hoop cleared out and jumping is more important.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 31, 2013, 06:44:24 am
You can time your sprints yourself using a video camera at the finish in front of you... you can then multiply the number of frames in your sprint with the associated time per frame and get your result.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2013, 09:43:24 am
You can time your sprints yourself using a video camera at the finish in front of you... you can then multiply the number of frames in your sprint with the associated time per frame and get your result.

true but there was no space to put a camera. the field and benches were full of soccer players and the track was crowded. i had to wave people out of my lane a bunch of times so i could sprint.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2013, 09:44:28 am
right knee feels wonky this morning, going to postpone weights until tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2013, 11:08:56 am
btw fuck all you hos with your "only in-game dunks are worthwhile" shit. if i ever dunk, it will be in perfect conditions with myself or someone else lobbing the ball and no one else on the court. that will be good enough for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 31, 2013, 12:19:35 pm
good enough for me.

Cool, that's what's important. To me, that kind of dunk has no meaning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2013, 03:40:56 pm
good enough for me.

Cool, that's what's important. To me, that kind of dunk has no meaning.

then why do you post video after video after video of dunk contests?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 31, 2013, 03:52:57 pm
Because they're nice to look at etc. But from a personal perspective (me doing them) ... I just don't care.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on July 31, 2013, 03:59:25 pm
I agree with LBSS but I also get where raptor and t0dday are coming from, only because there isn't anything sweeter than pulling off a game time dunk. It's pure joy when you get an opportunity and space to dunk and then when you're in the air you just feel amazing. I just like hanging on the rim to make the moment last longer lol. So it's not so much that practice dunking isn't cool, it's that game time dunking is so awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on July 31, 2013, 05:12:51 pm
btw fuck all you hos with your "only in-game dunks are worthwhile" shit. if i ever dunk, it will be in perfect conditions with myself or someone else lobbing the ball and no one else on the court. that will be good enough for me.

LOL.  And once you do that.... You will salivate at the idea of doing it in different conditions and start playing pickup basketball and following every single missed shot with a run-up and rim hang, hoping to get the right moment.  Then once you get one of those you will start cherrypicking hoping to get a breakaway dunk...  You will keep improving and wanting more cause thats the mindset of an athlete and that's what got you here in the first place. 

Don't you already have a 36 inch vertical jump?  If so can't you already throw down the perfect lob?  IMO it would be more impressive to see you touch 10'5 or 10'9 or whatever is sorta equivalent to that feat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on July 31, 2013, 08:18:56 pm
LBSS, I think you've got it all wrong...

it's not IF you ever dunk, it's WHEN. ;)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2013, 09:12:18 am
btw fuck all you hos with your "only in-game dunks are worthwhile" shit. if i ever dunk, it will be in perfect conditions with myself or someone else lobbing the ball and no one else on the court. that will be good enough for me.

LOL.  And once you do that.... You will salivate at the idea of doing it in different conditions and start playing pickup basketball and following every single missed shot with a run-up and rim hang, hoping to get the right moment.  Then once you get one of those you will start cherrypicking hoping to get a breakaway dunk...  You will keep improving and wanting more cause thats the mindset of an athlete and that's what got you here in the first place. 

Don't you already have a 36 inch vertical jump?  If so can't you already throw down the perfect lob?  IMO it would be more impressive to see you touch 10'5 or 10'9 or whatever is sorta equivalent to that feat.

oh for sure, but i'm saying that for now, i'll be happy to just dunk a ball off a lob. that will equal mission accomplished, and that's my point. my mission, with all the deviations and false starts and whatnot i've had over the past few years, has been to dunk. dunking means pushing a ball down through the hoop from above the hoop. anything beyond that is gravy.

my DLRVJ right now is garbage because of months of insufficient practice because of lack of court access. i'm starting to fix that, belatedly. all-time PR was about 35", enough to dunk a dodgeball but not enough to put a basketball in off a lob.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2013, 09:12:58 am
LBSS, I think you've got it all wrong...

it's not IF you ever dunk, it's WHEN. ;)

insh'allah, brother. been feeling kind of discouraged about it recently, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on August 01, 2013, 09:30:53 am
It's alright you'll get back to where you were and beyond. You've been up to 35" before so you know what your body is capable of. Plus you're still only in your 20s so you've got plenty of time!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 01, 2013, 10:05:20 am
Agree to disagree with all.
You can't expect LBSS who is currently like 5-6 inches shy of dunking (just a guesstimate, sorry if i deflate your current vert ) to have the same perspective with someone that can anytime touch 11' ( entropy ) or hit his head on the backboard ( toddday ).
But it usualy goes like this, the dunk mission order:
1) just dunk
2) power dunk
3) trick dunk
4) in-game dunk
3 and 4 may switch depending on personal preference, but imho that's the difficulty order too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 01, 2013, 01:31:28 pm
Wow... that's so out of order in my books.

For me it was dunk a volleyball, then dunk a basketball (all off the dribble) then dunk in game which became kinda easy (in a half court game) at ten feet. It's all about how good of a grip the ball (and my skin) has. That's it.

But I'm a one-leg jumper.

If I try to do any "trick" dunk other than my usual one-leg one-hand dunk I jump 8 inches lower or so. I load TOTALLY different in my jumping leg than in my often-practiced dunk.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2013, 09:03:28 pm
WEIGHT: 174.5
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist
MENTAL STATE: good but not firing

- warm up

- jump squat 45 x 3; 65 x 3,3

- squat 315 x 1,1,1; 275 x 5,5
fast, easy, strong, okay. second 315 single was very powerful, popped way off my shoulders.

- OHP 125 x 2
wrist was like, no. fuck.

- dip x 8,8,8
- pull up x 8,7,8
- GHR x 2,2,1,1,2

will stretch/mob a bit later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2013, 11:13:05 am
this past weekend went to my buddy's bachelor party in new orleans. lost weekend fitness-wise but it was an absolute blast. fed some crocs, saw some awesome strippers and some horrible strippers, drank a huge amount (well, for my 26-year-old self would not have been impressed), met some cool dudes who are friends of the groom-to-be from other walks of life, drank some more, and got some great stories. had trouble sleeping last night after i got home for some reason but i'll be back on the track tonight come hell or high water.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2013, 10:30:10 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a wee bit
MENTAL STATE: fucking tired

- warm up

- avishek SL bound x 10m,10m,10m
just awful, lots of knee collapse esp on L

- broad jump x 4
almost exactly 12y

- DL bound x 4,4,4
each almost exactly 12y

- sprint 30m x 3
no times because i still can't find my stopwatch  :uhhhfacepalm: but felt actually quite twitchy and quick

- 20m fly x 3
these were easier on my knees than the 30m flies i ran last week. the first one was great, much better than any previous. second and third meh.

- 1-2-jump x 8,8,8
meh, mostly crap with a few okay jumps off R

- tempo sprint the straights, walk/jog the curves x 6
gassed at the end of this

- stretch

- frisbee catch x 30 mins
holy shit, the rust. 1:1:1 ratio of good throw to okay throw to crap throw. started better and got worse because my arm and hand got fatigued.  :uhhhfacepalm: still this was really fun. i forget how much i enjoy ultimate.

now gotta eat and do mobility.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 06, 2013, 03:53:04 am
You should film the bounds and 2-leg bounds/broad jumps. Heck, film everything.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2013, 08:54:57 am
You should film the bounds and 2-leg bounds/broad jumps. Heck, film everything.

you're right. i need to just suck it up and buy a little tripod that i can use with my phone.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2013, 08:55:05 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings

- warm up

- lance 1-jump jump squat 45 x 2,2

- squat 320 x 1,1,1; 280 x 5,5
harder than it should have been, right leg more so until i focused extra on torque and then good.

- bench 135 x 10+3+3+3
easy, good baseline

- GHR x 2,2,2

- bent-over row 135 x 10+3+3+3

- TTB and windshield wipers x a bunch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 08, 2013, 11:13:25 am
so there is a moderate likelihood that i'll move to afghanistan later this year. if that happens, i will continue to train but it's unclear how. at the very least i'd hope to get a bar, some weights, a rack with a pull up bar, and a solid floor. that would allow me to at least power lift and maybe focus on getting reasonably strong for a while. and get really good at jumping rope and depth jumps/SVJ. would be good to have the old 1-2-3-4-5* numbers at a reasonable bodyweight, say, 190. i wouldn't be over there more than a year, i don't think, and if i came back and refocused on jumping and sprinting but with legitimately greater strength, that'd be cool.

no guarantee that it happens but my colleagues over there are trying to recruit me and the siren song is pretty strong. this is something i've wanted to do for a long time. plus no one could touch my swag if i made "faizabad barbell club" t-shirts. for, you know, myself.

also, i've been fantasizing about buying a house. that would be significantly easier after a year of higher salary+no taxes overseas.

*this means:
+100 pull up
200 overhead press
300 bench
400 squat
500 dead lift
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on August 08, 2013, 06:35:58 pm
Woah. Cool. What do you even do, again?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 08, 2013, 09:52:54 pm
Woah. Cool. What do you even do, again?

http:// www. akd . org/

add an "n" after the "d" and remove spaces. not tryna let this place ever show up when someone searches that url. my organization is the US face of the whole rest of what's on that website and a lot of other stuff, because the site is not very good. i do mostly environment stuff -- disaster risk reduction, disaster response, renewable energy, (human) habitat improvement -- and integrated (i.e., multi-sectoral) programs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 08, 2013, 10:47:00 pm
my brother is being discharged from the hospital tomorrow after three weeks and he's moving to vermont to be in a long-term place up there, so i went to hang out with him tonight instead of working out. gonna do mobility stuff now. appetite is low. will do a two-fer tomorrow: sprint/jump and then weights later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2013, 08:46:45 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little
MENTAL STATE: sluggish, pissed because i was twitchy as hell in late afternoon and would have killed any and all workouts

about 5 PM:

- warm up

- avishek SL bounds x 3,3,3
higher effort than usual, liked it

- broad jump x 4
maybe 2" shy of 12yds

- DL bound x 4,4,4

- sprint 30m x 3
no times but these were sloooww and plodding


about 7 PM

- depth jump @ very low box x 4,4,4
excellent (???), might have PR'd for my current set up in the second set.

- squat 325 x 1,1,1; 225 x 5,5
legs and back and brain unwilling

- bench 145 x 10+3+3+3

- BOR 145 x 10+3+3+3

- GHR x 1,1,1,1,1

- windshield wiper x 10,10,10

- stretch

weird workout. i wish i'd been able to leave work around 10 AM because i was flying at 11 and had peaked and dipped by 5, but oh well. now for two days at the beach7 with the gf and her family. not sure what workouts will be available but i'll see what i can do. i haven't been to rehoboth since i was about 7 or 8 years old.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2013, 11:37:06 am
great weekend at the beach although not enough sleep and diet was kind of crappy. i wasn't trying to be high-maintenance with my gf's parents paying for everything. yesterday ran about two miles in the morning and then did some calisthenics and stretching. felt good to get the juices flowing a bit. did mobility work, as well.

also i'm dropping the hip socket work i've been doing. i feel like it's exacerbating the tightness/impingement in my left hip -- it's still not really a problem but when it's there i feel like it's there harder, if that makes sense. either i'm doing the exercise wrong or i misdiagnosed my problem. either way, it's gone. gonna switch to hip ER/IR stretching+SMR combo and calf work. OH work with the peanut will continue apace.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2013, 09:02:14 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left quad tweaky during warm ups but it went away fast
MENTAL STATE: tired but amped for the workout, especially once i could see the lightning in the distance

- warm up

- avishek SL bounds x 2

- SLRVJ and DLRVJ x 40-50

- run home in the pouring rain

fuck the weather. in particular, fuck thunderstorms that decide to hit right smack dab in the middle of when i'm having a good workout. jumps were better than my last track workout (friday). i went straight to them because i saw the storm coming and jumping is more important than sprinting. now i'm going to do some sprint drill type stuff in my house and maybe some core stuff and then stretch/mobility.


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 14, 2013, 10:41:39 pm
MENTAL STATE: good, ready

- warm up

- low box depth jump x 3,3

- jump squat 45 x 3,3,

- squat 325 x 1,1,1; 280 x 5,5
strong, second single best.

- GHR x 1,2,2,2

- bench 150 x 10+3+3+3

- BOR 150 x 10+3+3+3

- rear delt flye 12.5s x 10

- windshield wiper x 10,10,10

- double unders x 100 (took 3:10); x F(39)

- stretch

great workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 16, 2013, 08:32:47 pm

- warm up

- low box depth jump x 3,3

- jump squat 45 x 3,3

- squat 330 x 1,1,1; 285 x 5,5

- bench 155 x 10+3+3+3

- paused DB row 55 x 10+3+3+3

- GHR x 2,2,2
really good glute activation the whole way through each rep but these were still hard. getting better at 'em.

- (pull up x 1 + leg raise x 2) x 5

- stretch

going to the beach tomorrow for a week. so excited. gonna play tennis and mini golf, swim in the ocean, read some books, hang out, and love life. i'll do some jumps and/or sprints and conditioning but i'm not going to hold myself to a plan or schedule.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2013, 11:59:08 am
beach was amazing, a vintage year. played a lot of tennis, swam every day, rode bikes, took long walks, got a serious massage, shot a handgun for the first time, won all three times we played mini golf, played beach volleyball, read two books. no jumping or lifting. today i'll be back on the track with a god-damn stopwatch again.

avishek, bro, you wanna come down to cardozo tonight? i found where the lanes are marked for distance. i'm planning to be there around 7 but i'm flexible any time after that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on August 26, 2013, 12:00:21 pm
what did you read?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2013, 12:10:30 pm
what did you read?

Smiley's People, by John LeCarre, and The Sound of Things Falling, by Juan Gabriel Vasquez.

LeCarre writes the best dialogue of any novelist I've ever read, and it's not even close. It is indescribably awesome; even The Russia House, which isn't great, has some riveting scenes of characters just talking to each other for several pages. I've read three of his four towering cold war books now: Smiley's People; Tinker, Tailor; and The Spy Who Came in From the Cold. Only The Honourable Schoolboy remains.

The Vasquez book was also wonderful, if very sad. A total page-turner for such a serious book whose main theme (to me) is humans' profound and ultimately insurmountable isolation from each other, despite all our efforts to connect.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on August 26, 2013, 12:19:57 pm
Being English I've read some LeCarre, though I think in a very different context from you. I'll revisit some soon.

You ever read DeLillo? He's got a weird approach to dialogue that a lot of people hate, but a lot of people (me included) love.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2013, 09:11:35 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: low back after DL bounds; shins from very beginning of tempo (???)
MENTAL STATE: good, so ready to be back to work

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
12y on the nose

- DL bound x 4,4,4
awful, okay, good (12y+1')

- avishek SL bound x 3,3

- sprint 30m x 3
4.24, 4.25, 4.28, back achy from bounds

- sprint 40y x 2
5.35, 5.29 uhhh what? apparently my 30m markers have been wrong? or something? or i can't count? i need to take the measuring tape to the track next time and just make sure i'm using the right hash marks. 5.29 is exceptionally slow, even for me and even with a sore back.

- SLRVJ, DSVJ, DLRVJ x a whole lot
jumped for a bit more than 20 mins, lots of submax stuff at a very short rim. feeling the back and the first-workout rust.

- tempo sprint the straights jog the curves x F
shins screaming at me as soon as i started sprinting the first straight. tried to finish the lap and couldn't. legs dead anyway, called it a workout. this is a bit weird, hasn't happened to me in a long time. not shin splints, but the feeling that your shin bones themselves are pulling away from the muscle, or something like that.

- stretch

was planning to launch right back into heavy (for me) squats tomorrow but i think i'm going to play it cautious based on how wrecked i got from tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 28, 2013, 12:08:16 am
WEIGHT: 175.5
SORENESS: hamstrings, quads, glutes, lower abs, lower back, traps
MENTAL STATE: good, a bit rueful about the soreness

- warm up

- a few SVJ
quite bad, soreness interfering with max effort

- jump squat 45 x 3,3

- squat 315 x 1,1,1

- bench 155 x 10+3+3+3

- paused DB row 60 x 10+3+3+3

- BSS x 10,10,10,10,10

- leg press calf raise 415 x 10+3+3+3

- GHR sit up x 20,20
- body saw thing on rings with feet elevated x 16

- stretch

soreness got in the way today. i measured the vent i've been reaching to in the gym's new configuration and it looks like it's 18" past my reach (i really reached, no NFL combine shit). that puts a jump at my wrist at 25.5, based on my just re-measured reach of 7'6.5 (damn it). my best jumps have been an inch or more past that. good to have numbers to go off of again. on empty-gym days i'm going to try to get some DSVJ and short-approach RVJ going, although there isn't much space even with no people around. and more depth jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 28, 2013, 06:15:11 pm
some jump vids from tuesday. unedited and full of crap, but here's where i'm at right now. all movement efficiency shot, surprise surprise. this hoop used to be something like 9'6 but it's just under 9' now because little kids come and fuck with it. my guess is that the better jumps were around 30", which is awful. gonna try to keep getting video like this, it's very helpful to have.

and a bonus video of me doing some light drills and avishek SL bounds a couple of weeks ago:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 28, 2013, 06:28:04 pm
Looking fine.

The more and more I look at your videos the more I think you have hamstring issues, probably both in terms of flexibility and strength. There's something about your movement, the way you favor knee bend/body position etc that makes me think that. You tell me how accurate I am.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 28, 2013, 11:49:52 pm
probably not flexibility. i can put my palms flat on the ground with my feet narrower than shoulder width. strength, you very well might be right.

my knee definitely buckles sometimes on SLRVJ, on both sides. not as bad as it used to, though. i wonder sometimes whether that has to do with hamstring strength, especially when i compare myself to you or some of the other SL jumpers whose legs stay nearly straight (at least compared to mine) on SL jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on August 29, 2013, 12:35:40 am
What are you doing for hamstring strength? Just GHRs? Maybe throw some RDLs into the mix (I prefer RDLs over conventional DLs but that's just me). Having said that I like how your training is going atm. Seeing improvements will just be a matter of keeping it up for awhile and not getting hurt from all the ground contacts.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 29, 2013, 04:34:51 am
What about straight leg deadlifts? I do them and I love them. But I've heard so many anecdotes about "how dangerous they are"... wtf...

You know, I used to think the same about my hamstring flexibility. I was like "man, I can put my palms on the ground, I have BEAST hamstring flexibility" when in fact all I was doing was bending my back.

If you keep your back neutral (head, upperback and lowerback all in line) without - obviously - allowing the chest to collapse forward - you'll see THEN what your hamstring flexibility actually is.

I can get a bit under the knees with that. And you can REALLY feel the hamstrings stretch, not like before. From that position you can collapse the chest and see how it felt back when you were doing the way you were doing it before (which is wrong).

So basically - for me - due to hamstring INflexibility I have compensated in time by becoming very flexible in the trunk, which is NOT necessarily the thing you want. That explains a lot of my movement impairments as well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on August 29, 2013, 05:18:43 am
Maybe we should all be doing deadlifts. Lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 29, 2013, 05:39:51 am
RDLs 'lance-style' are my preference. But straight leg deadlifts are really challenging my hamstring flexibility too. Or, LBSS,  that 'straight-leg-and-romanian-deadlift-hybrid' that you posted on the beast thread some time ago, that should work too. I would prefer those variations over the 'regular' deadlift, which by nature is much heavier, low-rep and form is not easy to track. With the other versions, the fixed legs position  ( locked knees for SL, steady bend for RDL ) aid you to : keep it safe, always be sure your form is correct, and do higher rep schemes too.

PS: The jumps look mid-to-low-forearm-at-rim so 15'' above rim, give or take . And you need ~19'' to barely touch 9'. That is 34'' mister! Ok , maybe rim is a couple inches lower than 9', so I would go for ~32'' as a rough estimation ( heels height confirm it too ).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on August 29, 2013, 08:35:07 am

The good:

1) You have a really high ratio of "how high he looks" : "how high he says he is".   Maybe your just the only honest one on the forum, maybe your undersell yourself.   But you "look" 33-36'' on the best of the jumps. 

2) You look somewhat leaner and stronger than your original videos.

The bad.

1)  Your 1-legged jump is really bad.   For me one legged jump is ALL practice.  Originally I could mess around long jump but that was it.  I spent a few days practicing one footed dunks on Raptors advice and about 6 inches to my 1 footed dunk jumps (went from ugly dunk misses to powerful dunks).   However, I recently tried to jump for the backboard stanchion post ( the thing that holds the backboard behind it - it's slightly less than 11' and I can touch it off two feet ).   I was a good 6-7 inches short, despite the fact that my vertical displacement on my 1 footed vs 2 footed dunks is about the same now.    It really seems that EACH one footed jump has to be practiced and practiced a lot.  I watched Jesse Williams (American High Jumper) in a dunk contest once.  He is obviously a one footed jumper but all his dunks were pretty unimpressive considering that he can clear 7'9''.   That was until he did a dunk where he approached the rim with a lead-up with his back to the rim and a stutter step just like a high jump and received the ball from a teammate.  It was as if he could get an extra foot of leap by replicating the movement pattern he obviously had spent a lot of time working on.  Moral of the story; get one particular one legged jump, be it 5 step or 7 step lead or whatever and drill the hell out of it.

2) On the same vein... You don't get much out of your two footed lead in either.   Your two footed jump is essentially the same as a 2 step approach.  Now the drop-step/2 step approach DOES provide a huge improvement in leap over the standing vertical for a lot of people, myself included.  But THERE is another level when you add in actual speed in the approach.   In my case I get like 3 inches out of the drop step and then another 3 from a perfectly timed speed approach.  Really force yourself to practice actual building up some decent running speed and then "popping up" at that speed.  It's a drill long and high-jumpers use off one foot but you can bring the idea to a two footed leap.  For awhile don't think about height but about maintaining as much speed as possible, then force your left leg to initially provide vertical impulse and bring your right leg in to further stop you from going forward and "pop up".   IMO that's your easiest path to getting more inches.

3) Lastly, your B skip looks really funny!  Not that it matters because it's a drill that has limited utility even for hurdlers....  but the goal is drive the knee THEN extend the foot.  Dunno if you see the difference but here is correct:

** Now post an actual sprint video.  Like 60-100 meters!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 29, 2013, 09:43:14 am
That was until he did a dunk where he approached the rim with a lead-up with his back to the rim and a stutter step just like a high jump and received the ball from a teammate.  It was as if he could get an extra foot of leap by replicating the movement pattern he obviously had spent a lot of time working on.  Moral of the story; get one particular one legged jump, be it 5 step or 7 step lead or whatever and drill the hell out of it.

This is so true... I think I can jump about 8 inches higher in my 3892239585 times practiced one-leg jump approach (with the ball in hand) than with any other one-leg jump approach.

When I jump without the ball my armswing gets completely shutdown and my movement becomes very weird. Same thing happens if I try to jump with both arms up. I'm so used of pushing with my left hand down and to the side (extending my chest forward and up) so when I can't do that I SUCK hard off one leg...

It's a lot of practice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2013, 10:59:46 am

lol, i knew i was doing b-skips wrong. i see the diff, will correct. i like doing them as part of the warm up. :uhhhfacepalm:

i doubt i'm higher than 30.5 or so on those jumps but as i've said before, i prefer to be uncharitable to myself. it's hard to tell because i haven't taken a tape measure to the rim yet; obviously practicing on a taller ring would be ideal. i wish i had raptor's set-up of 9'8 and 10' rims. there's no way in hell i'm getting 36, i think my all-time PR is 35.5 and i'm well below that now. in my videos from the old gym you can see that i was much more efficient in the run-up and was able to get a lot more out of a longer approach. on 100% of my best jumps i started a foot or so beyond the three-point line.

yes, drilling is important and my lack of it is the biggest reason why the first six months of this year were a complete fucking waste of time.

@raptor and acole:

on the hammies, i was being a little facetious with the comment about being able to put my palms flat. i know that has more to do with trunk and actually with my SI joint, where i'm a bit hypermobile in straight flexion, according to a PT i saw a while back. with neutral back i can put my hands about halfway down my shins. anyway, can't hurt to work on flexibility and strength there. GHRs are good but i'm limited most by my core when i do them super-strict. will start doing some light RDLs after GHR.


nice of you to say 32; by my eyeball estimate the rim is 8'10.5. reach 7'6.5, need 16.5 to touch + 15 = oh, wait, i guess that'd be 31.5. well, that's nicer than 30.5. still would have counted as a crap day last november.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on August 29, 2013, 01:08:55 pm
Are you planning on racing any 60s or 100s in the future?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2013, 02:17:27 pm
well there's an open meet this sunday in northern virgina that i could race 100m in. but it's been years since the one time i did an all-out 100m so that might be pushing it a little. wish i'd known about it earlier. that seems to be the last outdoor all-comers meet in the area this year but there are winter ones in northern virginia and maryland that i could do (if i'm still living in this country then).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on August 29, 2013, 06:04:09 pm
You should go, to feel the competition atmosphere.

it gets your adrenaline running
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2013, 10:43:05 pm
SORENESS: peroneals, quads
ACHES/INJURIES: toes bugging me a bit

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
kinda bad, just under 12y

- DL bound x 4,4,4
also meh, second set probably best right at 12y

- avishek SL bound x 3

- sprint 30m x 2; 40y x 2
4.59, 4.60; 5.35, 5.38  :-[  worrisome because these didn't feel that slow, relatively speaking. either i'm measuring wrong still or i'm much slower than i thought. used the yard markers on the football field to estimate proper distance (30m = 32.8y)

- DSVJ and DLRVJ x a bunch
just bad, legs shot, could get no pop. i think the rim was higher today but still, bad.

- tempo @ 17-18s 100+100+100+100+100+100

- stretch

god this sucked. i hope it's still rust and residual out-of-shapeness from vacation.

EDIT: the brianmac calculator puts a 4.59 30m at 12.06 for 100m. all caveats for internet calculators apply, but that sounds about right, actually.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on August 30, 2013, 03:46:42 am
well there's an open meet this sunday in northern virgina that i could race 100m in. but it's been years since the one time i did an all-out 100m so that might be pushing it a little. wish i'd known about it earlier. that seems to be the last outdoor all-comers meet in the area this year but there are winter ones in northern virginia and maryland that i could do (if i'm still living in this country then).

Yeah if you haven't prepared for it than it's probably not worth doing it since won't get the best out of yourself but you should definitely do a 60m in the winter. It's a good experience to compete and you'll enjoy it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 30, 2013, 06:29:42 am
LBSS - do you have the flexibility needed to do front squats or overhead squats? If so, with how much?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2013, 10:03:47 am
front squats i'm limited by wrist and shoulder mobility. overhead squats yes but not with a lot. i'll film some tonight, just for you.  :-*
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 30, 2013, 03:19:03 pm
What if you try the X grip on the front squat?

Where I'm getting at is that we underrate too much the importance of the vertical back that occurs in the high bar, front and overhead squat (where the overhead squat is the most restrictive of them all in terms of perfect form).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2013, 04:44:49 pm
i can x grip front squats for days. but i'm not going to stop doing my particular style of low-bar back squatting, and i'm not going to reopen myself to the debate about the relative merits of different bar positions for squatting.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 31, 2013, 02:46:29 am
i can x grip front squats for days. but i'm not going to stop doing my particular style of low-bar back squatting, and i'm not going to reopen myself to the debate about the relative merits of different bar positions for squatting.


or better, +10000000
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 31, 2013, 05:55:33 am

It's not like you're jumping to the Moon right now. What do you have to lose?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2013, 08:42:07 am

It's not like you're jumping to the Moon right now. What do you have to lose?

are you seriously? i'm just not. going. back. over. this. territory.

anyway, yesterday:

ACHES/INJURIES: toes bugging me a bit

- warm up

- low depth jump x ~12
most in the 27-27.5 range

- lancests 1-2 jump squat 45 x 2,2

- squat 325 x 1,1,1; 285 x 5,5

- bench 160 x 10+3+3+3

- BOR 160 x 10+3+3+3

- GHR x 2,1,1

- DB RDL 50s x 10,10

- rear flyes 10s x 10; 12.5s x 10

- curlzzzzz 30s x 10

- windshield wipers on fat bar x 10

- stretch

good workout. next post will have raptor's presents in it.  ;)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2013, 08:44:43 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on August 31, 2013, 11:33:42 am
Have you thought about doing the depth jumps from a higher box?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on August 31, 2013, 12:52:18 pm
Have you thought about doing the depth jumps from a higher box?

GCT looks pretty long there already for that box, a higher box will not help imho until he gets his GCT down.

/ I'm not an expert I just started reading 'shanksy & yessis.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on August 31, 2013, 12:58:43 pm
True but if he can add another 3-6" on box height and have close to the same GCT/not crumple then his RFD should go up. Just an observation.  I always try to find a middle ground between GCT and a box thats too high and I crumple, invariably after a while my GCT get better and I go up a few inches on the box.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on August 31, 2013, 01:13:02 pm
I pulled the video and ran it thru avidemux to step thru it frame by frame (cause i'm movement retarded and can't tell these things at full speed). So this is what I see. A really exaggerated drop with L leg away from the box (maybe too long for this box height?). His left foot is fully extended of the drop and seems to land that way (hard to tell cause it's obscured by R leg). But R leg is bent from the drop to the landing. He lands on his heels into a quarter squat, then rocks onto the balls of his feet and then jumps (not directly up but up and forward). R leg is way higher (is this true LBBS or does it just look that way?). I'd guess he could cut GCT down by landing on the balls of his foot so he wouldnt have to first rotate onto the balls before taking off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 31, 2013, 01:40:28 pm
He just plants way too much in front off that low box. The length of the drop "should" be the same as the box height... that ensures a 45 degree plant and will prevent overreaching (too long) or underreaching (too short).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on August 31, 2013, 01:49:31 pm
Nice going Entropy! Your analysis would explain the GCT, heel to toe is bound to add significant GCT!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2013, 02:19:43 am
wide awake and sober at 2 AM so here i am. thanks for the responses y'all. the low box and long step are deliberate; this is more like a horizontal-hop-plus and i get about 1.5-2" of extra jump height out of the drop. i guess these aren't really depth jumps at all, now that i think about it. because i'm so bad at box jumps (or getting anything out of added speed or stimulus anyway, just look at my RVJ), my plan is to slowly add height. once i get above a certain height the step will be more proportionate and i'll start landing on my toes.

i don't see the R/L difference that entropy pointed out but spot-on about the GCT. that'll go down as the box height goes up. next time i'll go for 12" or something and see how i do.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2013, 03:32:29 pm
MENTAL STATE: blah, terrible sleep last night and it's hot and humid as shit outside

- warm up

- avishek SL bounds x 3,3,3

- 1-2 jumps x 4,4,4,4,4

- various SL bounds x some

- two-step DLRVJ x some

- sprint ~40m x 1; 55m x 2
?, 7.59, 7.72

unbelievably slow, just awful. the jumps and bounds were bad, too. normal track was unavailable so i had to go to shitty banneker. plus it's a million degrees outside and i got like 3-4 total hours of sleep last night. bad workout, oh well. going to play tennis with my dad later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2013, 10:30:00 pm
WEIGHT: 175.5
MENTAL STATE: good, a bit springy

- warm up

- depth jump @~18-20" x 3,3,3
mostly same or ~0.5" higher than SVJ, last one at least 1" higher. got vid, will upload later.

- 1-2 jump squat 45 x 2,2

- squat 330 x 1,1,1; 290 x 5,5

- bench 165 x 10+3+3+3

- BOR 165 x 10+3+3+3

- GHR x 2,2,2

- rear delt flye 12.5s x 10,10

- DB RDL 60s x 10,10

- windshield wiper x 12,12,12

- double unders x 100
3:05, shitty

- stretch

good workout. 335 next time for squat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 04, 2013, 07:16:26 am
Just two reps on GHR? You need a much higher volume.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2013, 10:31:44 am
Just two reps on GHR? You need a much higher volume.

you must have missed or forgotten about the discussion with alexv about form on GHRs. i can pump out GHRs if i allow myself to break at the hips, but i'm trying to do them with perfect alignment.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 04, 2013, 04:54:59 pm
Then do leg curls after them to get that volume up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2013, 07:39:08 pm
Then do leg curls after them to get that volume up.

- DB RDL 60s x 10,10

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 04, 2013, 08:07:50 pm
That load for DB RDLs seems really low. Why would they be that much harder than barbell equivalent? ROM?

Is there significant carryover between hip extension and knee flexion?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2013, 11:20:28 pm
120 pounds is low. i just started doing them so i'm trying to avoid the major hamstring DOMS. no harder than barbell, i'm using DBs because i don't feel like loading a barbell again at that point in my workout. my gym goes up to 120s, which is double what i'm doing now. once i pass that i'll start with the BB.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 05, 2013, 06:28:58 am
Yeah but here's the thing - GHR = knee flexing exercise. Leg curl = knee flexing exercise. RDL = hip extensor exercise.

That's what I meant.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2013, 08:55:53 am
Yeah but here's the thing - GHR = knee flexing exercise. Leg curl = knee flexing exercise. RDL = hip extensor exercise.

That's what I meant.

ah, touche, touche. that is a good point. i guess that was joe's point, too.  :uhhhfacepalm:

hadn't thought about adding leg curls of any kind. i could throw in some non-strict GHRs to get the volume work in but i'd rather focus on quality on those. once i can rep out more than a few i'll be a beast.

EDIT: someone downvote that post i made with DB RDLs in huge type.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 05, 2013, 09:02:56 am
What about doing just the negative part of the GHR in higher volumes just to the point where you can perfectly maintain form, not necessarily all the way out in ROM?

Basically the same thing as doing negative chinups.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2013, 09:32:22 am
that's actually a good idea. i can perfectly maintain form all the way down, it's on the concentric where it gets HARD. mmkay gonna do that. thanks raptor.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2013, 10:03:04 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a very little bit
ACHES/INJURIES: hips tight
MENTAL STATE: CNS firing a bit slow

- warm up

- SL bounds x 5,5

- broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4,4
first two sets above average, probably 12.5 yards

- sprint 40y x 3; 60m x 1
shit, just awful. need to run with avishek again because there's a chance i'm really screwing myself on timing. or maybe i'm just slower than i hope. not even posting the times i got.

- DSVJ, DLRVJ, SLRVJ x a bunch
went for 15 minutes or so. not good. did some of T0ddday's suggestion of running faster than i can manage and planting without worrying about how high i get.

- T0ddday test
4:41 and this wasn't even that hard. so either T0ddday's people are in horrible shape or i'm in better shape than i think.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on September 06, 2013, 03:25:27 am

- T0ddday test
4:41 and this wasn't even that hard. so either T0ddday's people are in horrible shape or i'm in better shape than i think.

That's the 150's test?   Should be pretty hard as long don't jog the recovery.   If the walk recovery is avg 30 seconds + about 15 seconds to get to pushup position and knock out 10 pushups and get back up and run....  That means your getting your 150's in an average of 20.0 seconds give or take depending on how much your recovery goes long/short.   20 second 150's isn't blazing, it's about 13 seconds per hundred.... But the fatigue from the low rest and the pushups make it feel super hard; it's 52 second pace for the quarter but done over 750 meters with short short rests.... Not easy for me...    BTW in case your interested, I am training an aspiring walk-on triple jumper for USC.   The standards that they test every athlete on and that they think best predict athletic potential are:

1) Standing Broad Jump
2) 30 meter fly
3) Single Leg Cycle Bounding for Distance
4) 45 second run (how far can you go in 45 seconds)

(in that order)

5) Event specific tests.

----- So, your workout seems pretty well tailored for a school with a pretty decent track history (more olympic medals than any other university in the states). 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 06, 2013, 11:56:13 am
yeah it's the 150s test. i ran the 150s in about 25s -- remember how slow i am -- but my recoveries were shortish, maybe 15-20s each. i did walk them.

in re: the other tests:

1. best broad jump = ~9'3-9'6, somewhere in there
2. 30m fly = ???
3. SL bound = ??? because i don't know how many bounds, also, is this with a lead-in or from a SL standing start?
4. how far i can run in 45s = ??? but might be fun to find out. maybe next week.
5. event-specific tests = i still can't jump that good
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on September 06, 2013, 04:14:50 pm
did you do the GHR on the GHR machine and is it normal for it to be painful on the quads because of the pads pressing against them? or is it bearable for you?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on September 06, 2013, 11:33:04 pm
yeah it's the 150s test. i ran the 150s in about 25s -- remember how slow i am -- but my recoveries were shortish, maybe 15-20s each. i did walk them.

in re: the other tests:

1. best broad jump = ~9'3-9'6, somewhere in there
2. 30m fly = ???
3. SL bound = ??? because i don't know how many bounds, also, is this with a lead-in or from a SL standing start?
4. how far i can run in 45s = ??? but might be fun to find out. maybe next week.
5. event-specific tests = i still can't jump that good

That's a pretty nice standing broad jump.  I check the tables again but I remember that over 9 feet was good. 

The SL bounding looks like it consists of a standing triple jump on turf, and then single leg bounding on each foot for 50 yards.  Eg. Stand at 0 yards, jump on your left foot repeatedly with an entire stride cycle.  Ground contacts between start and finish are the score.

The 45 second test is a REALLY good test for getting athletes right up until the aerobic range.  45 seconds is about the maximum when it comes to lactate threshold. 

The event specific tests for jumper would be long/triple/high jump or the 100/200/400 for sprinters.  God, the standards are pretty high at USC.   The required time in the 100m for a walk on is 10.8 and a 10.5 only gets your a promise of a partial.  10.3 is required for full scholarship.  I think they might be exaggerating a bit though because some of their athletes are not that fast.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2013, 12:32:41 am
yeah i'd imagine the cutoffs are just to intimidate pretenders and make sure that whoever shows up is actually somewhat fast. it'd be hard to field a varsity team if your cutoffs were that ridiculous. 10.3 would have blown away the field at the pac-10 championships last season and been the fourth or fifth-fastest time anyone in the conference had run all year.

btw. oregon had a girl run 10.96 last year!  :-X

MENTAL STATE: pretty good (which is, somehow, better than "good")

- warm up
shot around, lots of layups

- DLRVJ x ~15-20
i think the rim was a bit high, but jumped higher on it than i have before (one or two other times at this court). touched every time, got a knuckle over a couple times. feeling okay.

- SLRVJ x ~12-15
felt better off left than right although heights roughly the same, ~2-3" short of the rim. something odd has happened to my left-footed SLRVJ vs. my right. right has always been dominant and often still is, but i think my technique is better off my left now. not sure why but i seem to gather myself better, if that makes sense. may not for the nonnative english speakers. sorry bros.

- squat 330 x 1,1,1,1

- bench 170 x 10+3+3+3
hard, wrists feeling it. got all the reps solidly, though

- BOR 170 x 10+3+3+3
ugly, body english involved, ego check time.

- DB RDL 70s x 10,10

- various pull ups and chin ups and clapping pull ups

- rear delt flyes 15s x 10

- hanging leg raise x 10,10

- double-unders for time
lost count, god damn it. bad, though, my forearms were tired and that fucks everything up.


- stretch

got a little vid. i love this gym and wish i could go to it all the time but it's in baltimore. oh well. costs me $25 a session to drop in, too. unless the girl at the front desk lets me in free, but some other lady was there this time. oh well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2013, 12:42:19 am
not good but not completely humiliating.

the first SLRVJ is especially bad and if my computer didn't suck so much i'd cut it out of this vid, but i think you can see what i mean about the bad technique on the right leg. left leg approach is much more confident.

ETA: i welcome the video jump height sleuths to estimate how high i am here. from my own analysis it seems like the DLRVJ were in the 30-31 range and the rim is actually 10' after all, not higher as i imagined at the time. c'est la vie. now it's (past) time for bed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on September 09, 2013, 02:31:11 am
You're definitely a lot better off 2 legs. If you've got a 7'6 reach than your 2 leg jump is at least 30 inches coz I can see you touching the rim.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on September 09, 2013, 02:40:54 am
Any reason for the single leg jumps of both left and right? For mine you look much more coordinated off your left foot so I'm wondering why you'd even bother doing both legs. As a natural one foot jumper I can't imagine ever jumping off my right leg. I used to have to do it for training when we did left handed lay-ups but would never do it outside that situation.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 09, 2013, 06:20:03 am
It's the hamstring off one leg... that's what I see. You're actually using your glute pretty well of one IMO, and you also have the correct armswing (I can't armswing like you are, I can't get both arms back like you do).

Off two maybe the most glaring thing is that you're VERY little lowering the center of gravity during your warmup. If you'd be able to improve on that, and start lowering better in preparation of the jump, you'd right now jump higher. It's like even in your penultimate step you're still pretty high, and then you're suddenly getting lower in your plant, which is very hard to control.

At least this is what I see.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2013, 09:55:09 am
Any reason for the single leg jumps of both left and right? For mine you look much more coordinated off your left foot so I'm wondering why you'd even bother doing both legs. As a natural one foot jumper I can't imagine ever jumping off my right leg. I used to have to do it for training when we did left handed lay-ups but would never do it outside that situation.

i alluded to it in the description of the videos: i'm historically much stronger planting with my right leg. it's less noticeable now but for many years my right leg was visibly bigger than my left. a vestige of my idiosyncratic -- read: wrong, but whatever, it worked for me -- stance when i fenced. even had a massage therapist comment on the difference in muscle tonus between the two legs a couple years ago, completely unprompted, probably 6-7 years after i stopped fencing. i kick left-footed, too (when i kick at all, my 80-year-old-man toes mean i don't often play soccer or practice my field goal technique), for what that's worth. i think the potential in my right leg is still probably greater, if i can figure out why i'm so tentative off it and fix that.

@raptor: good point about getting lower in the approach. i was trying to do that at the track the other day when i had my horrible 95-degree workout. something to practice. and yeah, gonna keep trying to boost the ol' hammies. more GHR, more RDL.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 09, 2013, 10:03:52 am
Why don't you try some RL plants off two? If you're right handed you're going to need less thoracic extension and shoulder flexibility to "dunk" since you can get your arm behind you (unlike in a LR plant with the right hand up).

If you have a stronger right leg and you kick with your left, then a RL plant should actually be a more stable plant for you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on September 09, 2013, 10:11:26 am
It looks to me like you have a lot going right there, good speed into the jump and a smooth transition into an explosive jump. I'd think more (leg) strength is all you need since your reactivity is very good. But you guys have forgotten way more about jumping than I have ever known.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2013, 10:14:37 am
Why don't you try some RL plants off two? If you're right handed you're going to need less thoracic extension and shoulder flexibility to "dunk" since you can get your arm behind you (unlike in a LR plant with the right hand up).

If you have a stronger right leg and you kick with your left, then a RL plant should actually be a more stable plant for you.

my reach is higher with my left arm, i think in part because the shoulder is higher on that side. because i'm just trying to dunk off a lob, i'm happy to go with my non-dominant hand if it means i can reach higher.

and as subpar as my coordination is LR+left hand up, it's the most natural-feeling way to jump off two and i've practiced it many more times than any other configuration. RL plant is awkward as fuck, next time i jump i'll post some so you see what i mean. twill be ugly. LR+right hand up is also ugly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2013, 10:33:33 am
It looks to me like you have a lot going right there, good speed into the jump and a smooth transition into an explosive jump. I'd think more (leg) strength is all you need since your reactivity is very good. But you guys have forgotten way more about jumping than I have ever known.

i have a LOT of technique issues to fix, which were all getting better up until my gym closed last fall and i lost access to a basketball court. not least of which is, as raptor pointed out, that my approach is way too flat. need to do a better job getting low and gathering for the jump. also i'm still pretty close to a straight-up jump stop on these. but witness the fact that these jumps were 4-5" lower than my all-time best jumps and 2-3" lower than i was getting last fall even on bad days. strength hasn't changed a whole lot since then.

that said, yes, i would certainly be well-served by being stronger. i think i could hit a 2x bw squat still with adequate rest and preparation, but could not do it any given day. my 90+% repeated singles multiple times a week have been generally pretty easy. repeatable >2x bw squats would be terrific. i'm going to keep going with my current setup for a while longer but at some point i'll change things up and probably go back into a strength-focused block. and maybe put on some weight for once and finally get around to squatting 405. would be cool to do that at ~185. but i'd have to get new pants.  ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 09, 2013, 11:10:08 am
If I try a RL (non-natural) jump with many steps in the run-up it gets really ugly, but off 1 or 2 steps as a run-up I get as high as off a LR plant.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2013, 09:10:18 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left hip and quad a bit during warm up but went away
MENTAL STATE: okay, motivation a little low but picked up.

- warm up
brought new bands along and did some resisted jumps for activation. need to figure out a different configuration because they kept hitting my balls. lol.

- SL bound x 6,6,6

- broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4
rugby bros took over the field after second set. these were meh.

- sprint 30m x 3; 30m fly x 2; 60m x 1
4.41, 4.53, 4.66; 3.75, 3.8; 8.16. nice illustration of my athletic profile: okay but not great power/acceleration, bad reactivity/top speed. the frank-dick-predicted 100m times rise for each one of those, from 11.86 for the 4.41 all the way down to 13.3 at the outside for the 8.16. sadly, that probably means i'm closer to 13s over 100m than anything else. don't care too much as i'm not trying to be an adequate 100m runner, but kind of depressing nonetheless. next time i'll run the 60m first and see if that makes a difference. bet it will, actually, and then i won't be so sad.

- SLRVJ and DLRVJ x a few
legs torched

- tempo runs x ?&#@!
did a couple but my legs were done, the flies and 60 take a lot out of them.

- stretch
hurray for bands
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on September 10, 2013, 10:24:52 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left hip and quad a bit during warm up but went away
MENTAL STATE: okay, motivation a little low but picked up.

- warm up
brought new bands along and did some resisted jumps for activation. need to figure out a different configuration because they kept hitting my balls. lol.

- SL bound x 6,6,6

- broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4
rugby bros took over the field after second set. these were meh.

- sprint 30m x 3; 30m fly x 2; 60m x 1
4.41, 4.53, 4.66; 3.75, 3.8; 8.16. nice illustration of my athletic profile: okay but not great power/acceleration, bad reactivity/top speed. the frank-dick-predicted 100m times rise for each one of those, from 11.86 for the 4.41 all the way down to 13.3 at the outside for the 8.16. sadly, that probably means i'm closer to 13s over 100m than anything else. don't care too much as i'm not trying to be an adequate 100m runner, but kind of depressing nonetheless. next time i'll run the 60m first and see if that makes a difference. bet it will, actually, and then i won't be so sad.

- SLRVJ and DLRVJ x a few
legs torched

- tempo runs x ?&#@!
did a couple but my legs were done, the flies and 60 take a lot out of them.

- stretch
hurray for bands

11.8 for someone who doesn't run is pretty fast IMO. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on September 10, 2013, 10:29:26 pm
yeah i'd imagine the cutoffs are just to intimidate pretenders and make sure that whoever shows up is actually somewhat fast. it'd be hard to field a varsity team if your cutoffs were that ridiculous. 10.3 would have blown away the field at the pac-10 championships last season and been the fourth or fifth-fastest time anyone in the conference had run all year.

btw. oregon had a girl run 10.96 last year!  :-X

Wheres the gym?  I need to make a note for next time I'm in Baltimore. 

Oregon?  English Gardner?   She's a nice one.  She is pro now.  Got 4th in Moscow. 

Yeah, just found out they handtime at the tryout so 10.3 makes more sense.  Will be fun to go on Thursday.  To be fair at the championships last year (it's pac-12 now btw) their were only two guys under 10.2 and they were both 10.0X sprinters.... and both were from USC.   So.... if anyone deserves a ridiculous standard it's the school with like twice as many olympians as any other school.... 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2013, 11:40:27 pm
five things:

1. 11.8 would be great but given my 60m time i doubt i'm actually that fast over 100m. let's see how i do when i put that first this weekend.
2. the gym is in canton, although they have locations elsewhere: merritt athletic clubs. best track in the area is at goucher in towson, as far as i can tell. but i haven't been up there in months. next time you're in baltimore let me know for sure. track, gym, both, whatever. working out is always more fun with a partner.
3. yes, it was english gardner, which is a spectacular name.
4. 10.3 handtimed is also fast as balls, for sure.
5. i will NOT be lectured on which conference is called what. HOW DARE YOU. the numbers attached to conference names are now devoid of meaning. the big ten has 12 teams. the big 12 has ten. the pac 12 has 12 now but who knows what will happen as the athletic directors continue their last desperate grab at cable-tv millions? I WILL BURY YOU FOR THIS INSOLENCE T0DDDAY.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2013, 09:25:46 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little, peroneals a little

- warm up

- band resisted SVJ x 3; SVJ x 3

- depth jump @18" x 4,4
about 1-1.5" higher than SVJ

- jump squat 45 x 3,3

- squat 335 x 1,1,1

- bench 175 x 9+3+3+3

- BOR 135 x 10+3+3+3

- GHR negatives x 5; bad form x a few; x 1,1,1,1

- windshield wipers x 12,10

- stretch

kind of a blah workout, although the depth jumps were better than last time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 12, 2013, 06:44:10 pm
what happened to the progress tracker?

what happened to sets of 5 for squats? is three triples enough volume?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on September 13, 2013, 08:55:43 am
of course slow is relative, but even by the standard of "relatively lean, athletic-looking men in their 20s" i feel like i'm pretty slow. don't really have much to compare to; in ultimate i was never the slowest nor the fastest guy on the field but sport speed is a whole different animal anyway. the only time in ultimate you're ever really near top speed is on a deep throw. and then you're probably running in a slight curve, tracking the disc, and thinking about how you're going to high-point it with another dude right next to you doing the same thing.

i digress. the point is, how to become a faster 60m runner? obviously technique is an issue for me*, but i can't help but feel that improving the deficits limiting my top speed (tendon stiffness? "reactivity?") would also improve my jumping. so what's the Rx? more focus on long sprints? flies? if adarq were still reading this i'd ask him if, looking back, he thinks his high-rep MR half tucks really helped his tendon stiffness.

btw my buddy tahar is moving to tunisia next week. gonna find out more this weekend, apparently it all came together fast.

*as is genetics, obviously, but i can't do anything about that now.

You asked some questions about yourself in Avisheks thread and we were already giving him enough shit about his 30m times so I felt like not hijacking it more and bringing it back to your thread.   A few points.

1) The first problem is it's hard to compare speed.  As illustrated brilliantly by the Nesta Carter video... most relatively lean athletic looking men are really about the same speed till about 20-30m.  Sure, he is a step faster than the other guys but the difference is minor compared to what happens by 50-60m.   The difference in how long in takes for humans to get up to 8 m/s is relatively small compared to the difference in top speed.   To make a decent car analogy; you can think that we all have between 150-160 pound-feet of torque at 2000 rpm but some of us are about to hit ridiculously high peak power at 8000 rpm and some of us essentially crap out at 4000 rpm....  Unfortunately most sports don't involve spend much time at such high RPMs where the huge horsepower resides, so this difference isn't seen.  But they ARE extremely related and you have noticed that it want to get better at...     

2) Unfortunately unlike the vertical jump, most people don't really know how fast they are.  Most of the population you talk about are between 5'8 and 6'3 and know if they can dunk/touch the rim, etc... Which already gives a decent assessment of their jumping ability...  But 100m speed.  Nobody really knows.  If I had to guess I would say if you can run sub 12....   You are fast by the standard you gave.  I really wish more people would find out their speed but I think the mean for that population would have to be around 12.5 with a standard deviation of about 0.5 seconds.  So over 13... slow.  Under 12... fast.   But, of course I wish I had more data.  I've gathered this from going to large high school track meets in the Los Angeles area which is about the only place where most everyone is made to run.  At a standard large meet only the fast kids (ie. the starting wide receivers, etc.) break 12.  Only the slower kids (eg. the distance runners, basketball players) go much over 13.  12.x is standard for an athletic fast kid. 

3) Your question ' i digress. the point is, how to become a faster 60m runner? obviously technique is an issue for me*, but i can't help but feel that improving the deficits limiting my top speed (tendon stiffness? "reactivity?") would also improve my jumping. so what's the Rx? more focus on long sprints?'.   

I completely agree it's helpful and also agree that the RX is all of the above.  The main thing you need is just more time on the track.  If you told me your entire goal was an increased 1rm max in the squat my advice would be to slowly ramp up to squatting 2x daily.  That's the tried and true way to optimize your potential in ALMOST anything.... so it a lot.   Running is one of the semi-exceptions (marathoners for example can run 2x daily marathons)....  but I would still massively increase your time on the track.  The basic gyst would be something like this:

1) Work up to getting to the track/hills/running surface 6-8 times per week.   You want to get better at the 60m.... So run a lot of all out sprints from 30 - 90 meters.   Work on strength training specific to sprinting.   If you want an analogy think of Squat (and others) :: Standing Vertical Jump  is to Single Legged Bounding, Sled Drags, Direct Hamstring and Glute Work :: Sprinting.    If you don't have a sled you can tow someone who is holding you back with band resistance.  You can buy such a device for like 20 dollars.    Stride pattern your way to 10 and maybe even 20 meters.  So put a tape down on step 7 and step 12/13.   DRILL this.   Get even leaner.    For now really alternate intensity.   If today you do 50m single leg bounds, resisted runs and 5 60m sprints....  Tomorrow you can do 40 meter flys (easier on the body), single leg strength training and 5-10 150s.    This is the formula but the main RX is more more more running.    Run with Avishek or someone faster than you.  Get in a 3pt stance, you say go (and get a bit of a head start from this advantage) and try to stay with them to 60m.  Find out where they leave you and work on holding them off.   Don't worry about your 30 m time but every so often run an all out 200 and figure out if your getting faster.   That will work.


I assume your buddy Tahar is Tunisian.  Man I haven't been back since 2007.  Don't know if I ever will.... why is he going? 

BTW, I'm leaving the country for a week.   Then my track pre-season starts up.  I aim to copy you guys and have a progress tracker... If I do a good job you are free to get the speed training from it.  Most of pre-season is short to long so it will be right up your alley. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2013, 09:56:27 am
what happened to the progress tracker?

what happened to sets of 5 for squats? is three triples enough volume?

check it again, blu.

left hip is feeling wonky during squats and i need to do a better job autoregulating the singles. ego check, recommitment to mobility.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2013, 07:14:57 pm
MENTAL STATE: good, well caffeinated

- warm up

- broad jump x 4

- DL bound x 4,4
above average, ~12.25-12.5 yards

- sprint 60m x 3
8.10, 8.00, 8.25

- sprint 30m fly x 2
3.8x, 3.69

- tempo w/walk back recovery (25y+50y+75y+100y) x 2
6:15 total

haven't stretched or done mob yet but will shortly. disappointed in these times. glutes felt it strongly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2013, 10:58:11 pm

- warm up

- depth jump @18-20" x 3,3

- jump squat 45 x 3,3

- squat 330 x 1,1,1,1; 295 x 5,5

- bench 175 x 10+3+2+3

- BOR 145 x 10+3+3+3

- superset x a bunch
-- GHR variations x 1-5
-- pull up variations x 3
for GHRs did non-strict, strict, and holds; for pull ups did wide and close

- DB RDL 80s x 10,10

- TTB x 5,5,5,5

- stretch

pretty good workout
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 17, 2013, 05:56:19 am
Looks really good... it's kind of a conjugate periodization model
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 18, 2013, 10:22:50 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes
ACHES/INJURIES: head, mid-back a little after broad jumps

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
bad, just under 12y

- DL bound x 4,4,4
really bad, not enough lift at all, too horizontal

- SL bound x 6,6

- sprint 60m x 3
8.1, 8.2, 8.3; first one felt relatively fast, others slow

- sprint fly 30m x 2
3.8, 3.9; slow as balls, no explosiveness

- tempo 150m x 5

- stretch

fuck it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2013, 09:48:10 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right hamstring right below glute

- warm up

- SVJ x 6
pretty good

- depth jump @12" x 3,3
pretty good

- squat 335 x 1,1,1; 225 x 10,10
felt too dang heavy. no sticking point in the concentric on the heavy sets but the bar was moving slowly.

- bench 175 x 8+3+3+3
had the bench backward so couldn't get my feet set properly.  :uhhhfacepalm:

- BOR 150 x 10+3+3+3

- superset x 2
-- ring pull up x 3
-- GHR (strict x 2 + non-strict x 5)
-- ring pull up x 3

- hanging leg raise x 10,10

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on September 20, 2013, 01:37:34 pm

I'm curious, you seemed to not like my routine. My goal for the rest of 2013 is to bulk, I'm 5'7.5" and 142lb, would want to hit 155lb possibly. Activity-wise, I'm in college, heavy workload, gonna be playing on an intramural flag football league (heavily competitive) and pickup basketball (for fun, decent competition). Ultimately, I want to just gain just pounds on pounds of muscle, and gain strength like never before lol - my upper body is not where it should be. Legs should be mostly all fast twitch focused, more on the reactive end... but I don't have time for plyometrics at all. How would you suggest building a routine for that goal (general splits/exercises to focus on/etc).

Thanks haha
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2013, 01:45:53 pm

I'm curious, you seemed to not like my routine. My goal for the rest of 2013 is to bulk, I'm 5'7.5" and 142lb, would want to hit 155lb possibly. Activity-wise, I'm in college, heavy workload, gonna be playing on an intramural flag football league (heavily competitive) and pickup basketball (for fun, decent competition). Ultimately, I want to just gain just pounds on pounds of muscle, and gain strength like never before lol - my upper body is not where it should be. Legs should be mostly all fast twitch focused, more on the reactive end... but I don't have time for plyometrics at all. How would you suggest building a routine for that goal (general splits/exercises to focus on/etc).

Thanks haha

what makes you think i didn't like your routine? it looks fine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on September 20, 2013, 05:33:07 pm

I'm curious, you seemed to not like my routine. My goal for the rest of 2013 is to bulk, I'm 5'7.5" and 142lb, would want to hit 155lb possibly. Activity-wise, I'm in college, heavy workload, gonna be playing on an intramural flag football league (heavily competitive) and pickup basketball (for fun, decent competition). Ultimately, I want to just gain just pounds on pounds of muscle, and gain strength like never before lol - my upper body is not where it should be. Legs should be mostly all fast twitch focused, more on the reactive end... but I don't have time for plyometrics at all. How would you suggest building a routine for that goal (general splits/exercises to focus on/etc).

Thanks haha

what makes you think i didn't like your routine? it looks fine.

Well that works
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2013, 11:47:38 am
realized the tracker was a mess of stuff i don't actually care about and not a good way to track. spreadsheets work best when you use numbers. tracking whether i've done a 60m sprint or not is dumb, what's important is the time and whether that improves over time. so now i'll be tracking the following, using actual numbers whenever possible and a (?) to indicate that i did something but don't know exactly how well or poorly i did it. also, i'm considering leaving my gym -- there's nothing really keeping me at the old gym anymore except nostalgia for the Way Things Used to Be and the lack of a decent alternative. no guarantees yet, but i'm going to check out a new place today or tomorrow.

camping this past weekend was fun but devoid of any physical activity more strenuous than bocce. tonight i will sprint.

also, i've been bad about mobility for no good reason. laziness and ennui based on feeling stalled and kind of adrift in my training. acole's new competition post helped. will fix it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 23, 2013, 11:57:15 am
don't you train at Blenderate's gym? Or was it Tigerak's gym? If you go to latter you'll probably see Frank Yang at some point.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2013, 12:14:56 pm
don't you train at Blenderate's gym? Or was it Tigerak's gym? If you go to latter you'll probably see Frank Yang at some point.

no, and i don't know who those people are. i think frank yang trains up in montgomery county (where he and i are both from), which is not far but not as close as any of the half-dozen or more gyms that i could walk to from work and home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 23, 2013, 12:53:25 pm

That's Blenderate. Tigerak is some tiny asian powerlifter who is pretty strong and friends with Yang.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2013, 09:02:02 pm
MENTAL STATE: tired, a little stressed

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
under 12y. not good.

- DL bound x 4,4,4
under 12y, 12y, under 12y. not good.

- sprint 60m x 3
8.5, 8.3, 8.3. not good. done in flats.

- sprint 30m x 3
5.1, 5.1, 5.1. not good. in flats.

- submax SL bound x 10,10,10

- cool down

- stretch

finding a new roommate this week. stressing me out. checked out the new gym, i'm leaning toward making the switch. there's only one squat rack but it was pretty uncrowded at peak hours (i went around 6:15 PM, after work) and no one was using the rack. they have a small basketball court plus two racquetball courts and a squash court, so it seems like there would often be space to jump even if there's a game going on. there's open gym really early in the morning, too. plus it's even more convenient than my current gym. tempting.

not sure how much using flats instead of spikes slowed me down, i.e., how valid the comparison is between these times and normal times. but at any rate this was slow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2013, 09:36:41 pm
MENTAL STATE: still kind of tired

- warm up

- SVJ x 5
1-1.5" below normal

- depth jump x 8
1-1.5" below normal, except on really great jump that was at least 2.5" higher than all the others

- squat 315 x 1; 335 x 1,1; 295 x 5
felt off

- bar walk out 405 x 10s,10s
just to see what it felt like. clearest stress was upper back. interesting.

- bench 175 x 10+3+3+3

- BOR 155 x 10+3+3+3
above this form gets wonky

- GHR x 3,3,3
strict-ish, hard

- DB RDL 85s x 10,10

- superset x a few
-- kneeling ab roll out x 10
-- wide grip pull up x 5

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on September 26, 2013, 08:41:28 am
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes
ACHES/INJURIES: head, mid-back a little after broad jumps

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
bad, just under 12y

- DL bound x 4,4,4
really bad, not enough lift at all, too horizontal

- SL bound x 6,6

- sprint 60m x 3
8.1, 8.2, 8.3; first one felt relatively fast, others slow

- sprint fly 30m x 2
3.8, 3.9; slow as balls, no explosiveness

- tempo 150m x 5

- stretch

fuck it.

How much correlation are you seeing to how you jump on a certain day and your sprint times?   Your squat has consistently improved; your also seemingly getting better at bounding but having more variable performance.   Good to see the focus on sprints, I think the improvement to your vertical is long term but will help.   By the way, no more correcting your to you're for me:

Lol.  Look forward to training with you, we will have to get a session semi filmed so others can get sense of the workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 26, 2013, 08:52:02 am
Don't kill the apostrophe. Bring back the diaeresis in places other than the New Yorker.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2013, 09:30:36 am
Don't kill the apostrophe. Bring back the diaeresis in places other than the New Yorker.

can't we all just coöperate?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2013, 09:38:11 am
How much correlation are you seeing to how you jump on a certain day and your sprint times?   Your squat has consistently improved; your also seemingly getting better at bounding but having more variable performance.   Good to see the focus on sprints, I think the improvement to your vertical is long term but will help.   By the way, no more correcting your to you're for me:

Lol.  Look forward to training with you, we will have to get a session semi filmed so others can get sense of the workout.

my squat hasn't really improved, or if it has, not by much. i hit 315 for three sets of five a year and a half ago and have spun my wheels for the most part since then. this is also part of why i always have the nagging desire at the back of my brain to just really focus on squatting+gaining weight for a while.

but to answer your question, the correlation is near-perfect. if i sprint well, i jump well. if i don't sprint well, i jump poorly. if i feel springy, i feel springy. on rare occasions i can warm up past feeling sluggish but usually i know right away whether i'm going to be fast/jump high on a given day. i'll be sure to bring my camera and tripod when we work out so everyone can see just how slow i am over 60m (it's impossible to film by myself the whole thing at the track where i run).

long live proper orthography.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on September 26, 2013, 11:07:23 am
Maybe you could do smolov or something for squatting. It'd be great to get a higher squat but if you put on weight you're going to negate the advantages of having a higher squat- as far as for sprinting.

Edit- It'll be sweet seeing a vid of you guys training together. I wish I could train with people from here.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2013, 11:37:33 am
Maybe you could do smolov or something for squatting. It'd be great to get a higher squat but if you put on weight you're going to negate the advantages of having a higher squat- as far as for sprinting.

Edit- It'll be sweet seeing a vid of you guys training together. I wish I could train with people from here.

i'm not talking about racing up to see how fast i can catch KF at 210. i'm talking about a conscientious bulk where i actually focus on diet and muscle/strength gain as a goal. i feel like if i gained 10 pounds while doing something like smolov, i'd be squatting four plates in no time. 405/185 is a better ratio than 360/175. this is not an immediate plan, just something i've been ruminating on. it's actually holding me back from switching gyms, because as unused as the squat rack seems to be at the JCC, smolov or some other squat-centric routine is a dick move when there's only one rack. 10x3 takes a long time. OTOH, basketball court.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 26, 2013, 03:24:51 pm
You have been saying indeed for a long time, do it. You haven't tried it anyway, except that small period that steven-miller got everyone in here into SS-bulk mentality.
But really, 175/11% is a great starting point for a slow clean bulk, i am sure you would benefit athletically too, slowly going to an athletic mid-high 180s frame.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2013, 08:21:54 pm
don't sass me, vag.

ACHES/INJURIES: right hamstring and hip, but went away with warm up
MENTAL STATE: good but a little stressed

- warm up

- SL bound x 10,10,10

- sprint 55? x 5
7.2, 7.2, 7.5 (stupid bitch walked RIGHT across the lane as i was sprinting, momentarily slowed and yelled, this time doesn't count), 7.3, 7.3

- tempo 200m x 3

normal track had a game going on so it was closed. secondary track is marked "55" on the side but i don't know if that's 55m or 55 yards. i kind of hope it's meters because these sprints felt fast-ish, i was getting a little float, and extrapolating the times using USTFCCCA conversion tables that's 7.7-7.9 range, which would be better than usual. if it's yards, FML. the 200s for tempo were ~35s. ran out of time because i had to come home and interview yet another person to move into my place.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on September 27, 2013, 01:34:36 am
Maybe you could do smolov or something for squatting. It'd be great to get a higher squat but if you put on weight you're going to negate the advantages of having a higher squat- as far as for sprinting.

Edit- It'll be sweet seeing a vid of you guys training together. I wish I could train with people from here.

i'm not talking about racing up to see how fast i can catch KF at 210. i'm talking about a conscientious bulk where i actually focus on diet and muscle/strength gain as a goal. i feel like if i gained 10 pounds while doing something like smolov, i'd be squatting four plates in no time. 405/185 is a better ratio than 360/175. this is not an immediate plan, just something i've been ruminating on. it's actually holding me back from switching gyms, because as unused as the squat rack seems to be at the JCC, smolov or some other squat-centric routine is a dick move when there's only one rack. 10x3 takes a long time. OTOH, basketball court.

Yeah in that case there's no harm in just going for it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 27, 2013, 02:30:50 pm

That's Blenderate. Tigerak is some tiny asian powerlifter who is pretty strong and friends with Yang.

btw i just watched that vid. had seen it before, the gym is in rockville, near where my gf's parents live. too far to work out at regularly. the woman who co-owns it is a BEAST, world record holder in the squat for her weight class.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2013, 10:48:11 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left mid back

- warm up

- SVJ x 5

- depth jump @12" x 3,3

- squat 350 x 1; 360 x F

- superset x 3
-- dip x 10
-- ab wheel roll out standing x 10,10; kneeling x 10
-- pull up x 7

- stretch

wack, abbreviated. some vids coming. this was to try out the new place and it's different. the bball court was in use so i could not use it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2013, 11:45:50 pm
from yesterday:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 30, 2013, 04:06:33 am
Have you tried in the SVJ to get your arms back, not just "under" you? And if you get your arms back, try turning the thumbs towards the sky (internally rotate). Then try the SVJ again and see how it feels.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on September 30, 2013, 09:07:02 am
Have you tried in the SVJ to get your arms back, not just "under" you? And if you get your arms back, try turning the thumbs towards the sky (internally rotate). Then try the SVJ again and see how it feels.

Agree with this.... Especially when you consider you are a low-bar squatter... You have a strong back and don't seem to be using it as much as you can on your jump.  You bend super low and roll onto your toes.... Not to get into low-bar/high-bar squatting.... But your SVJ is pretty similar to KF style... which will benefit more from HB squat, get those hamstrings, low back and glutes active rather than just jumping with your quads.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2013, 09:43:16 am
Have you tried in the SVJ to get your arms back, not just "under" you? And if you get your arms back, try turning the thumbs towards the sky (internally rotate). Then try the SVJ again and see how it feels.

hm, interesting, will try and see how that goes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2013, 09:44:56 am
Have you tried in the SVJ to get your arms back, not just "under" you? And if you get your arms back, try turning the thumbs towards the sky (internally rotate). Then try the SVJ again and see how it feels.

Agree with this.... Especially when you consider you are a low-bar squatter... You have a strong back and don't seem to be using it as much as you can on your jump.  You bend super low and roll onto your toes.... Not to get into low-bar/high-bar squatting.... But your SVJ is pretty similar to KF style... which will benefit more from HB squat, get those hamstrings, low back and glutes active rather than just jumping with your quads.

old SVJ is much more hip/back dominated, much higher descent. not sure what brought about the change but i generally seem to get higher with the lower descent/more quad involvement. not gonna change my squatting style. i'm just not.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2013, 09:46:55 am
man, on re-watching that 350 looked pretty solid. cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 30, 2013, 10:36:33 am
man, on re-watching that 350 looked pretty solid. cool.

I think you could have got 360 if you were more used to grinding out heavy weights

Your squat looks more quad focussed than most low-bar squats. Your knees travel more forward than out and you don't squat morning that much.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on September 30, 2013, 10:38:23 am
yea, his squat is athletic, i've siad much the same to LBBS. I look down on LBBS but LBSS squat is nice as, probably my favorite on this site. If I were him, i'd keep it as it is and build my FS up as an assistance, no need to mess with a good thing. highbar is cool and all, but if your BS is athletic, just adding FS will get you whatever you're missing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 30, 2013, 10:40:34 am
The eccentric on the 360 was very slow... I think that took a lot out of him... that was the first thing that made me think "he's not going to make it". Granted, I already saw the video title but still.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2013, 10:51:35 am
good point raptor. had not noticed that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on September 30, 2013, 11:20:49 am
350 looked solid as fuck!!! Nice rep! In agreement with the slow eccentric on 360lbs. I don't know about you but looking at the 350 lift you probably would have gotten 360 with similar speed. When that happens to me its usually mental along the line of, 'this is heavy, go slow so you can 'catch' it at the bottom'. Kick that 360s ass next time!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 30, 2013, 11:22:49 am
Yeah definitely... I remember when I squatted 352 and during the rep I was thinking "why the hell am I squatting so slowly on the descent?".

It's just that you feel if you descend any faster you won't be able to control the form on the rep (in my case at least). It's a surefire sign that the weight is pretty much @ 1RM.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2013, 08:09:00 pm
for the first time in five years, i'm gonna try out a new gym.  :-X

i'm feeling weird/sad about it, but it's ridiculous for me not to have regular access to an indoor basketball court. i'll also try something new: short, frequent early-morning workouts just for jumping. low intensity, low volume, separate from my normal work out schedule. but i need those reps and i think i'll have free reign at the new gym from 7-7:30 AM or so.

gonna stick with the current track day/weights day split for a little while longer, but add in a bit more volume to squats in preparation for starting a strength/mass block soon. leaning toward a 5/3/1 variant with tentative goals of 10 lb weight gain, 385 squat, 405 DL, 275 bench and 185 OHP. all while working on movement efficiency in the movement i ostensibly care most about (i.e., jumping at a basketball hoop) at least 3-4 times per week.

and now, to the track.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2013, 09:46:22 pm

- warm up

- broad jump x 4

- DL broad jump x 4,4
well over 12y each time, felt good

- sprint 60m x 3
8.2, 8.2, 8.2

- sprint 30m fly x 3
3.8, 3.8, 3.9

- SL bound submax x 15,15,15
awkward-ish. i feel like getting better at these can't hurt.

- T0ddday test
5:06, tried to pace myself without looking at the clock. could have gone faster but did the last 150 extra fast so i was still gassed at the end.

- stretch

okay workout. the 60m times make me think the other track is marked for 55y, because these felt fast-ish. can't wait to run with t0ddday and see what i'm doing wrong.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on September 30, 2013, 09:46:26 pm
for the first time in five years, i'm gonna try out a new gym.  :-X

i'm feeling weird/sad about it, but it's ridiculous for me not to have regular access to an indoor basketball court. i'll also try something new: short, frequent early-morning workouts just for jumping. low intensity, low volume, separate from my normal work out schedule. but i need those reps and i think i'll have free reign at the new gym from 7-7:30 AM or so.

gonna stick with the current track day/weights day split for a little while longer, but add in a bit more volume to squats in preparation for starting a strength/mass block soon. leaning toward a 5/3/1 variant with tentative goals of 10 lb weight gain, 385 squat, 405 DL, 275 bench and 185 OHP. all while working on movement efficiency in the movement i ostensibly care most about (i.e., jumping at a basketball hoop) at least 3-4 times per week.

and now, to the track.

Whats your previous max bench?  Dunno but it seems 275 on the bench is a bigger strength increase than your asking for in the squat.

Do you have a track near bathesda?  At the least I'll show you where the correct lines are...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2013, 09:47:52 pm
i benched 245 a couple years ago. with a conscious effort to gain muscle i feel like 275 is a reasonable goal. it'd be 1.5xbw at 185 lbs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on September 30, 2013, 11:49:06 pm
Those jumps look pretty good. Your SVJ looks about just under 30'' according to hang time calc with vag's 5'' correction. I reckon really throwing your arms back like Raptor suggested and head down a bit more during the loading will give you a couple more inches. Still, I'm a little surprised you're not busting through the 30'' mark comfortably yet. Maybe it's just a matter of ironing out the form and getting very comfortable with it. Have you tried KB swings as a warmup before jumping?

Depth jumps are pretty good as well, you'll probably want to reduce your GCT a bit (.5 sec) but I know it's not as simple as that of course. It just comes with practice and getting better at it rather than just consciously spending less time on the ground. Improving on that should help a lot. Keep it up!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2013, 09:45:57 am
funny you should say that, i think your gct on your depth jumps looks too short!  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 01, 2013, 10:58:14 am
A low GCT is better for one leg jumping... a GCT that is medium to long (basically you don't care about it, just jump as high as possible) is best for two-leg jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on October 01, 2013, 11:02:47 am
What? I have to disagree. A quick transition is still very important. Maybe not AS important but losing momentum by being stationary even for xx ms is STILL robbing the transition of horizontal speed into vertical speed. Force+speed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 01, 2013, 12:21:19 pm
Nah... even if you have a slow amortization phase it's going to get better doing "slow" depth jumps, eventually. You'll become better at amortizating and get a bit faster automatically. Obviously you should still strive for quickness, but it should come second after max height.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on October 01, 2013, 12:54:15 pm
Ok that I can agree with.  Second to height and it should become quicker just through repetition yes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 01, 2013, 02:44:53 pm
When doing depth jumps for benefits in the one leg jump it's better to focus on quickness... because it allows you to train for a very quick amortization phase. That's why it's a good idea to still do them bilaterally... doing them unilaterally would be way too much load on one leg, with the hips out of the equation (vertical drop), and the GCT would be too long.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2013, 03:41:45 pm
looks like i might be traveling the first two weeks of november. that puts a big ol' hiccup in the middle of any training plans. BUT, that said, because the hotel in tajikistan is really only set up for BB-type stuff anyway, i figure now is a good time to start boring but big. if i kick it off today i can get through two microcycles on two days a week, with two days a week still on the track, through the end of october. i will eat at or even a teensy bit above maintenance until i leave. on my trip i will continue with high volume shit but obviously not on this schedule, and then when i get back through christmas will be full on BBB, four days a week. time to shut the fuck up about getting bigger/stronger and actually go for it. i know i've said that before, but i'm getting annoying even to myself. post-trip will be same split as below but minus the track days. it'll be too cold to sprint most of the time anyway. in the new year, re-evaluate and either continue BBB for another cycle or two, or switch to a speed/power block where i do a lot more sprinting and bounding and a lot less lifting. i'll switch to the latter at some point in the new year either way.

morning jumping will continue throughout. day one of that is tomorrow, unless i have to be on a call with pakistan at 7 AM, in which case it'll be thursday.

also, i'm going to cut out alcohol during the week and make an extra effort to keep it moderate on weekends. started that last week/weekend but i figured i'd make it official.

beginning split is as follows, aiming for four workouts per week. technically i started yesterday:

sprints and bounds

Press 5/3/1
Bench 5x10
Chins 5x10
*Curls 3x10
*Tricep Pushdowns 3x10
*Face Pulls 3x10

sprints and bounds

Deadlift 5/3/1
Squat 5x10
Hanging leg raise 5x10

sprints and bounds

Bench 5/3/1
Press 5x10
Barbell Row 5x10
*Curls 3x10
*Tricep Extension 3x10
*Bent Lateral Raise 3x10

sprints and bounds

Squat 5/3/1
Deadlift 5x10
Ab wheel roll out 5x10


massive caveat: if i get a job overseas, full-on re-evaluation will obviously need to take place. but for the time being, this is the plan.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2013, 09:51:01 pm
WEIGHT: 176.5
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little underslept

- warm up

- OHP 75 x 5; 85 x 5; 100 x 11

- bench 115 x 10,10,10,10,10

- chin up x 10

- lat pull down 150 x 10; 110 x 10; 90 x 10,10

- superset x 3
-- curl 15s x 10
-- tricep push down 60 x 10
-- rear flye 12.5s x 10

- stretch

fun workout!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 02, 2013, 02:20:54 pm

100x11. more back arch than i perceived during the set. my abs and glutes were engaged the whole time, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 02, 2013, 08:33:02 pm
somebody has a 100.6* degree fever and feels achy all over. that someone is me. gonna see how i feel early tomorrow (no gym this morning because i checked the schedule and there's boot camp wednesday mornings...glad i checked before i went to sleep) but probably no workout.


*38.1 for you NON-americans.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 03, 2013, 05:14:39 am
Sounds like tonsilitis to me. It will probably soon happen to me too due to the low water temperatures in my room.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on October 03, 2013, 05:42:15 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 03, 2013, 10:36:30 pm
fever was over 100 again for most of the day. :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 04, 2013, 05:30:41 am
zomg, it is a forced deload / higher volume preparation phase, perfect!


Feel better man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2013, 08:04:34 am
zomg, it is a forced deload / higher volume preparation phase, perfect!


Feel better man!

thanks vag, that made me lol. still feverish this morning, ~99.2/37.3. plus i woke up with mad chills/shivers and my neck is killing me. damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on October 04, 2013, 08:34:45 am
That sucks man! Hopefully the worst is over, you'll be back in no time!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 07, 2013, 09:47:23 am
summary of the last five days plus this morning:

wednesday: started feeling sick around lunchtime. went home, had fever, did not work out.
thursday: had fever in the morning, which rose throughout the day despite acetaminophen. felt like absolute garbage, no exercise. felt well enough by evening to do some mobility/stretching.
friday: worse than thursday, fever peaked at 102.3. chills followed by sweats, serious aches. difficulty swallowing. zero appetite, only managed some smoothie and a nature valley bar.
saturday: finally no fever, but serious headache and continued weakness. felt okay-ish by afternoon so went for a walk. better as afternoon progressed (well enough to fuck the bo-jesus out of my gf, yeehaw) until evening, when i started to get a headache and my neck got extremely stiff/achy. still little to no appetite -- could only eat half a cheeseburger for dinner, and some salad. took more ibuprofen. had a hard time getting to sleep but slept soundly for the first time since tuesday night once i did.
sunday: much better during the day, near normal. neck stiffness returned in the afternoon along with headache, difficulty swallowing, and, a bit later, lightheadedness. as i was going to bed i felt very cold for about 20 minutes and then very hot. woke up in the night to pee and when i came back to bed it was sweaty as hell (gross) and also i was comfortable with the temperature (yay).
monday: no fever or headache but still stiff neck and mild trouble swallowing.

well that fucking sucked. i'm gonna go to the track today unless it's raining. if it is, i'll go to the gym.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 07, 2013, 10:28:29 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: neck very stiff

- warm up
neck stiffness attenuated significantly. took longer than usual.

- SL bounds x a bunch

- sprint 60m x 8 @90-95%
did not want to push too hard considering the prolonged layoff from any kind of physical activity. the first couple i really felt in my hamstrings. after that was better.

- 1-2-jumps x a whole bunch

and that's it. it felt fantastic just to be out on the track, wet though it was. did everything in flats. and my neck now feels better than it has in days. gym tomorrow. i'm back, baby.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2013, 11:00:35 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: head, kind of badly at points, neck a little, low back a little
MENTAL STATE: annoyed at my headache, otherwise fine

- warm up
ow ow ow ow ow

- paused squat 275 x 2,2,2
easy, very deep.

- DL 185 x 10,10
easy but new, may feel this tomorrow

- OHP 95 x 5,5

- pull ups x 5,5,5

- hanging leg raise x 10,10,10

very easy workout just to try to avoid major DOMs and CNS drain, and to avoid making my headache even worse. this was not fun but it was good to get through it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2013, 10:18:46 am
woke up early this morning to go jump but realized as i was walking out the door that today is wednesday. boot camp day. fuck it. try again tomorrow. on the plus side i'll be able to go to bed earlier tonight. wedding in michigan this weekend so no workout from friday evening through monday. plan for next two days:

thurs AM: jumps x ~30 mins
thurs PM: sprint with t0ddday
friday AM: jumps x ~30 mins

depending on when i get back to town on monday (flight lands at 7:20 PM) i may be able to get to the gym or track for a short session.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2013, 09:36:32 am
so the AM jumps didn't happen. thursday morning i woke to pouring rain and a headache. this morning i woke having not yet packed for the wedding i'm going to this weekend. but the sprints with t0ddday did happen last night.

WEIGHT: 175 in shoes and t-shirt
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe after the workout

- warm up

- sprint ~20m x 3; sprint ~50m x 5
racing t0ddday. on the longer sprints i got a handicap. he beat me until we moved the handicap out to 11-12m. that puts him about 1s faster, which makes sense.

- intensive tempo 200m x 4 (100m recovery)
30s each. failed on the last rep. these were hard.

- some random natural GHRs, pull ups and ab stuff, including a fun new ab exercise that i will be doing from now on.

- shoot around, some SLRVJ and DLRVJ and SVJ.
soooooo bad, best DLRVJ was 30. time to get a-practicin'. i know, i know.

great workout, so much more fun to do it with a partner. i'm sure i was faster than normal, too. the 200m intervals were humbling.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 15, 2013, 09:37:11 pm
the wedding and all the attendant hanging out and seeing friends this weekend was absolutely awesome. perfect weather, great food, not enough sleep and probably a touch too much booze but who cares, it was so fun. got back a little too late last night to do anything although i did do mobility work. back on the track tonight, was slow.

ACHES/INJURIES: right lateral knee tweaking at most flexed point of my normal sprint set-up (?); interior right glute

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
~12.25y, pretty okay

- DL bound x 4,4
a bit less than the broad jumps, not good

- SL bound x 20y x 2e
R:10,10; L:11,12. focus on full cycle with active leg, a la t0ddday

- sprint 30m x 3; 60m x 3
?,4.6,4.6; 8.4,8.3,8.4 -- slooooow

- intensive tempo 150 x 4 @ 20-21s, walk back recovery

- stretch

not sure what was up with my knee. it didn't bother me during running or any kind of moving around, just as i was crouching during the set-up for sprints. cut that bit out of the set-up; i don't think it's necessary anyway and i'm not sure why i do it. will spend some extra time on right upper leg tonight on the foam roller. hopefully it's a passing thing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on October 15, 2013, 10:31:04 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right lateral knee tweaking at most flexed point of my normal sprint set-up (?); interior right glute

not sure what was up with my knee. it didn't bother me during running or any kind of moving around, just as i was crouching during the set-up for sprints. cut that bit out of the set-up; i don't think it's necessary anyway and i'm not sure why i do it. will spend some extra time on right upper leg tonight on the foam roller. hopefully it's a passing thing.

That sounds exactly like my recent lateral R knee pain. Sort of a pinching feeling when holding knee in flexed position (especially during crouch start). Is it localised around the tib-fib joint area?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on October 16, 2013, 05:33:56 am
It's heaps cool that lots of members are running now. Me, Todday, Acole, LBSS, Avishek and even Bmully when he randomly posts. If I ever come to America I'll train with you guys even if we're all masters by that time haha.
Hopefully the knee is nothing serious!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2013, 09:35:44 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right lateral knee tweaking at most flexed point of my normal sprint set-up (?); interior right glute

not sure what was up with my knee. it didn't bother me during running or any kind of moving around, just as i was crouching during the set-up for sprints. cut that bit out of the set-up; i don't think it's necessary anyway and i'm not sure why i do it. will spend some extra time on right upper leg tonight on the foam roller. hopefully it's a passing thing.

That sounds exactly like my recent lateral R knee pain. Sort of a pinching feeling when holding knee in flexed position (especially during crouch start). Is it localised around the tib-fib joint area?

yep, sounds about right, actually. did a couple of bw squat holds and it didn't bother me then. no idea what could have precipitated it, all i did this weekend was walk around every day and dance a lot on sunday night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2013, 09:48:51 am
It's heaps cool that lots of members are running now. Me, Todday, Acole, LBSS, Avishek and even Bmully when he randomly posts. If I ever come to America I'll train with you guys even if we're all masters by that time haha.
Hopefully the knee is nothing serious!

yeah and because i'm suggestible as hell t0ddday got me convinced to run and bound and shit even more.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2013, 04:03:13 pm
just signed up to run in an indoor all-comers meet in january or february. there are three and it's cheap to sign up so i went ahead and booked myself into all three because i don't know what my schedule will be like then. i didn't realize until after i signed up that it's not FAT, which is annoying, but it'll still be fun to race.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on October 16, 2013, 09:45:38 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right lateral knee tweaking at most flexed point of my normal sprint set-up (?); interior right glute

not sure what was up with my knee. it didn't bother me during running or any kind of moving around, just as i was crouching during the set-up for sprints. cut that bit out of the set-up; i don't think it's necessary anyway and i'm not sure why i do it. will spend some extra time on right upper leg tonight on the foam roller. hopefully it's a passing thing.

That sounds exactly like my recent lateral R knee pain. Sort of a pinching feeling when holding knee in flexed position (especially during crouch start). Is it localised around the tib-fib joint area?

yep, sounds about right, actually. did a couple of bw squat holds and it didn't bother me then. no idea what could have precipitated it, all i did this weekend was walk around every day and dance a lot on sunday night.

Yeah mine doesn't really hurt squatting either, except maybe a little twinge when going back up. It's a unilateral loading issue apparently. My physio said the joint itself just gets stiff due to uneven loading during things like sprints, squats, jumps (i.e. all the things we do all year round) and it just builds up over time. He's been treating me by directly working on the joint similar to the knee fix in Supple Leopard where you work the back of the knee with a ball with the knee in a flexed position, pull your foot towards you and rotate your feet. Seems to be helping. Taping, ice, heat, voltaren doesn't really do anything, just have to loosen and free the joint. There's nothing structurally broken, so you can probably just keep training normally but I've been holding off on heavy loading stuff (squats and depth jumps) the last week to see if it improves.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2013, 11:30:47 pm
right on. i'm gonna try the ball thing again, thanks for the tip.

WEIGHT: 173.5
ACHES/INJURIES: right lateral knee doesn't hurt but i noticed it a little during squats

- warm up

- submax SLRVJ and a couple of DSVJ
just some dudes shooting around on the court so i joined and did some layups and a few short-approach rim jumps. the rim is lower than 10' for sure, i could make it touch it off two feet without a huge effort.

- squat 315 x 1; 295 x 1,1
holy shit this felt heavy. 315 was near max tonight. fuck.

- OHP 75 x 5; 85 x 5; 95 x 9
lol. weak.

- pull up x 5,5,9

- decline sit up @18lb bar x 10
t0ddday showed me this exercise. get on the decline bench, get someone to hand you the bar, put it behind your neck (HBBS position) and do full-ROM sit ups.

- jump approach progression
another t0ddday-based thing. start with SVJ, then do a (true) DSVJ, then a one-step DLRVJ, etc. until the added step doesn't help anymore. stopped myself at one-step and kept intensity low. tomorrow morning will be first pre-work jumping session.

- stretch

sucking on the squats i'm sure is just a function of not having squatted in more than a week and only three times in the past three weeks (!!!!!). being sick blows. otherwise, good workout. should measure the rims.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2013, 04:45:57 pm
this morning:

- jog to gym

- warm up
dribbling practice

- SVJ-to-RVJ progression x 20 mins
went out to 2-step, very low. legs felt a bit heavy and was awkward.

- stretch

- jog home

very pleased with myself for actually sucking it up and getting myself to the gym before 7. this was 45 minutes door-to-door. i'm going to be tired tonight but this will be sustainable if i do better about bedtime. more practice, more practice, more practice. will do some kind of track work tonight unless it rains.


WEIGHT: 173.5
ACHES/INJURIES: right lateral knee doesn't hurt but i noticed it a little; left pinky, top knuckle (???)

- warm up

lights cut out  :pissed:

no idea why they did that, lights are usually on until 10:30 on weekdays. anyway in the dark i attempted some bounds and strides and my legs were like, uh-uh, no no no, go home. so i went home. recovery fail. extra stretching tonight. no earthly idea what happened to my pinky finger.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 19, 2013, 01:29:54 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left calf, left glute; no knee pain, though!  :)
MENTAL STATE: okay, early afternoon is sub-optimal training time. legs felt heavy

- warm up

- 1-2 jumps x some

- sprint 55m x 5
7.8, 7.8, 7.7, 7.7, 7.8 -- this was awful, very slow and felt it. i'm straining too hard somehow. on the plus side, no knee pain whatsoever during set up. there was a bit of a headwind but still.

- SL bound x 20m/12, whichever comes first
L better than R because i can keep the cycle going the whole time, R i lean forward too much toward the end and lose the cycle. but fewer steps/greater distance for R.

- tempo 150m x 1
calf and glute were like, uh, no, that's enough. no point in inviting cramps.

- stretch

for the 55m in january i think i can shoot for 7.2. t0ddday definitely motivated me to focus on speed and jumping rather than gym stuff, he's right that i'm probably strong enough to dunk right now and my deficiencies are in speed, power and movement efficiency. especially movement efficiency.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on October 19, 2013, 10:18:19 pm
Good news about the knee. Did that exercise I suggested seem to help?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2013, 10:16:39 pm

the forum is back

Good news about the knee. Did that exercise I suggested seem to help?

i guess, hard to say.



- warm up

- SVJ x 3

- DLRVJ (approach out to 2- and 3-step) x a bunch
best 1.5-2 knuckles over. better than last time.

- stretch


- warm up
so tired.

- broad jump x 4
~12 yards

- DL bound x 4,4,4
same or worse as broad jumps, bad

- SL bound x 12,12,12

- sprint 30m x 4
4.4, 4.6, 4.5, 4.4 -- not terrible for me actually. felt fast.

- stretch

slept very badly last night as i think i was anxious about getting up on time to jump. sucks to be tired during the day but that’s a good sign in the long run.


WEIGHT: 173.5

- warm up

- squat 315 x 1,1,2,1
later reps easier, squat weakness is clearly (mostly) neural.

- superset x 2
-- OHP 115 x 5,5
-- pull up x 8,8

- superset x 2
-- assisted natural GHR x 5
-- cable tricep pressdown 120 x 10
-- DB curl 30 x 5; 22.5 x 10
-- DB shrug 95 x 8; 80 x 8
i am weak at shrugs.

- stretch

- decline sit up 15 x 10; 25 x 10

10/24 (today)

wussed out on morning workout. work has been bad the past few days, 11-13 hours with some early morning shit. tonight it was cold enough that i could see my breath.

ACHES/INJURIES: right hip flexor has been doing some wonky shit off and on

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
bad, more than a foot shorter than low-normal day.

- DL bound x 4,4,4
bad but better than the broad jumps

- SL bound 20y x 2
L:12.5,12.5; R:11.5,12.5

- sprint 30m x 2; 60m x 3
4.5,4.5; 8.4,8.2,8.4 - right calf twingey at end of last 60m

- stretch

mediocre workout, not least i think because it's cold out.

praise the lord.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2013, 07:46:52 am
ACHES/INJURIES: neck normal morning stiffness, left hip in certain ROM
MENTAL STATE: okay, i definitely have a cold

- warm up

- SVJ x 3

- one-step RVJ x ~8

- two-step RVJ x ~10

- cool down

garbage. just garbage. did not go out to three-step because two-step was maybe 0.5" higher than one-step. barely a full knuckle over.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 25, 2013, 01:10:04 pm
The more I look at this log the more I think that LBSS would be the best served doing longer distance sprints (200-400m). It's maybe the one thing he has never done consistently.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on October 25, 2013, 08:05:59 pm
The more I look at this log the more I think that LBSS would be the best served doing longer distance sprints (200-400m). It's maybe the one thing he has never done consistently.

I agree that everyone should... but I don't know why you think that would help his vertical that much.  If he did a proper training in that range he would get in better shape and be a little leaner and thus jump a little higher... but aside from that I wouldn't expect that much carryover from something that is really prep work for most everyone but a 400m runner.  A base is good though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 26, 2013, 09:18:09 am
Because it teaches what he's not accustomed to: being explosively isometric. Everything that depicts this ability is bad for him: sprinting, one leg jumping, bounding etc.

He's good at generating strength, mediocre at expressing power and bad at managing isometric explosiveness (where you just lock out your muscles very quickly and create a stiff lever).

I couldn't agree more with Joel here:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on October 26, 2013, 09:21:59 am
I'm fairly certain someone linked to a study on this forum a while back that showed that 400m runners had stiffer ankles than sprinters.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 26, 2013, 10:02:42 am
I'm telling you - the way that I feel after playing 5 on 5 basketball, the feeling in my legs, I've never came across any training as of yet that gives me the same feeling.

But I RARELY play 5 on 5.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2013, 01:34:21 pm

- warm up

- SVJ x 3

- DLRVJ out to 2-step x a bunch
horrifyingly bad. barely touching rim.  :huh:

- explosive box squat 225 x 2,2,2,2,2,2

- cable hip thrust 9(?) x 20,20

- assisted natural GHR x 8,8
tried to use a plate to hold my legs down on the second set. kind of worked although i was not able to activate my hamstrings as much as the first set, when i got a dude to hold my ankles down. it wasn't uncomfortable with the plate, though. will try with more weight next time.

- DB OHP 50 x 8,8(6L)

- neutral chin up x 8,8

- decline situp +30 x 10,10

- stretch

jumping was atrocious. did not help that there was a guy at the other end shooting around and dunking effortlessly every once in a while. he was significantly taller than me and obviously a basketball player. mental weakness.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: TKXII on October 27, 2013, 11:06:10 am
continuing the train of thought from T0dday's journal, here are my ideas, even though I think a consensus has been reached:

If you can squat down and up fast you SHOULD be able to jump high.

This may be true for an SVJ, but not as true for an RVJ. Jumping high for LBSS as discussed in T0dday's journal will involve a greater RFD and much greater movement efficiency. Greater movement efficiency will require greater speed in the approach, which requires greater ability to absorb that speed. Squats have a minimal effect on rate of force absorption. Even fast squats, primarily because the squat require force absorption at a below parallel position, which almost no one does an RVJ from, and squats aren't ever fast, unless we're talking about jump squats, which still can be slow, and require less force absorption than actual jumping.

From personal experience I have this one test of force absorption: the drop landing, to show why squats won't help much with RVJ, based on when I used to do the following
185lbs jump 1/2 squats - dropped in a 1/2 squat position comfortably (my max squat was below 275lbs)
335lbs back squat (full squat) - have to drop into a deep squat position from same height drop. Strength from back squatting did not improve force absorption ability.

I think this makes sense and isn't a unique finding to my body type.

I think both of these comments put an over-emphasis on the weight room for the athlete.


Then maybe he should spend more time in the strength-speed rather than speed-strength spectrum. Maybe he's not as good at high speeds yet, so maybe it's a good idea to train at just SLIGHTLY faster speeds than the usual squat (think power cleans, speed box squats etc) and after he gets better at these THEN transition into more intense plyometric stuff.

agreed-ish, start with a slightly faster exercises, for 4 weeks as Raptor suggested, then move on to even faster stuff, for another 4 weeks, check results, repeat, while reducing squat volume.

Yeah well I don't remember him doing anything specifically targeting the posterior chain (granted I'm too lazy to look in his log to search for it) - but I haven't seen RDLs, hip thrusts etc for HIGH volumes. I'd even do unilateral stuff (dumbbell BSSs, one-leg deadlifts, one-leg explosive box squats like Lance said).

disagreed. I think the emphasis should be on the speed of the exercise rather than what muscles are involved. Heavy deadlifts will have a negligible effect on his vertical jump - my hypothesis. However, reverse depth jumps (landing backwards requires more from the hip), top speed sprinting or longer sprints, single legged jumping, will help more.

Maybe a split that has him squatting 2 times per week, one day full squats and one halves , some form of DL in the one day and some sort of lunge in the other one. Best jumping day would be between the halves and the fulls, closer to the fulls to take full advantage of the halves potentiation effect.
Just a couple of extra thoughts.

and that brings my to my exrx.
Reduce squatting to 2 days a week, one day being a regular squat day, the second being a jump/explosive squat day from anything above a 1/2 squat position.

I have seen LBSS in person, and when I trained with him he paused squatted 275 in the back squat easily for 5 reps for sets, and he has a 2xbw squat. That's not bad at all. The question that makes us hesitant to reduce the back squat is... how high could he jump if he squatted 405 paused...? And we have evidence that this works from Kingfish and Rutgers dunker and many more that this could work for LBSS. But he can already backsquat 2xbw, and hasn't seen much improvement, so that evidence isn't that compelling anymore.

This is why I recommend first learning to jump correctly, then emphasizing weighted jumping exercises, and let go of numbers in the weight room. Perhaps creating a new thread on DLRVJ form will help, because the coordination required in a RVJ is not easy to master. I still struggle with it but have seen my jump height improve from learning the correct form.

Jumping more, with incorrect form, will not help.

LBSS needs to lower his COM/hips during the penultimate step of the DLRVJ much more than he is now to reduce braking forces in the knee, and well, to jump higher. Learning to DLRVJ properly is the most important thing for him right now, more important than depth jumps, pogos, or any other plyo.

Favoring explosive exercises in the weight room such as jump squats may help a little with improving DLRVJ form, or even just 1/2 squats. They will help with "expressing" strength and improving RFD.  I wouldn't recommend box squats however, the amortization needs to be trained with weights.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 27, 2013, 01:29:53 pm
disagreed. I think the emphasis should be on the speed of the exercise rather than what muscles are involved. Heavy deadlifts will have a negligible effect on his vertical jump - my hypothesis. However, reverse depth jumps (landing backwards requires more from the hip), top speed sprinting or longer sprints, single legged jumping, will help more.

I actually think that's a good idea.

He might even eliminate all the full squats from his workout and focus on the half squat and that coupling phase. Maybe do some complex training - explosive half squat + jump squat, depth jump + SVJ.

And the backwards depth drops/jumps are also a good idea. To me, when I did stepups I had the craziest calf soreness ever. Why? Because I had to put my leg back backwards on the ground to do my next rep in the stepups. And just that alone gave me huge calf soreness that I never ever get from the calf raises. So imagine what the backwards depth jumps can do for the calves.

Another thing that we omit is the fact that the running 2-leg jump is a different event than a depth jump. It has a lower center of gravity, the plant is more forward/at a different angle etc. There's a different type of loading that occurs, at least from a specificity standpoint.

So this is especially (maybe the MOST) important for him (and possibly for myself as well):

LBSS needs to lower his COM/hips during the penultimate step of the DLRVJ much more than he is now to reduce braking forces in the knee, and well, to jump higher. Learning to DLRVJ properly is the most important thing for him right now, more important than depth jumps, pogos, or any other plyo.

Favoring explosive exercises in the weight room such as jump squats may help a little with improving DLRVJ form, or even just 1/2 squats. They will help with "expressing" strength and improving RFD.  I wouldn't recommend box squats however, the amortization needs to be trained with weights.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: mdevin93 on October 27, 2013, 10:24:35 pm
Don't know how much credibility, if any at all, I have...but this is just my opinion from reading your log.

1) I would say your squat is high enough based on where your vert is at. Instead of trying to bump up and go for PRs in your squat, keep the high intensity (80+ percent), but with submaximal reps with a fast concentric (So singles with 90 vs 3-5, triples with 85 versus 5-8, 5s with 80 versus 8-10, etc kind of like an MSEM sort of thing and what you have been doing recently). You could cycle them in a 5/3/1 sort of format or just do whatever percentages and reps you'd like. Bump the weights up 5-10 pounds when the weights start to feel like cake. Use Prilepins table for sets and reps. Do some unilaterals and glutehams after to keep your size.
That is one squat workout. Call it monday for example purposes.

2) The other would be your basic dynamic type workout...(speed squats as well as drop and catch jump squats and/or depth jumps)  Call this Thursday for example purposes

3) Start jumping more, and like Avishek (I think) said stop doing other plyos. Go in with a plan...about 30 total jumps 3-4 times per week. 3 standing verts isn't going to help anybody, nor is 8 running verts. Over the summer I was squatting consistently 2-3 days a week, but because I didn't have a plan and I was hopping around from scheme to scheme, it didn't improve one bit. This probably works the same way with jumping? I don't know.
Have a high volume session the day before your squat days, and a medium session the day of.

So it could look something like this

Sunday: 4x5 standing verts, 4x5 running/1-to-3 step verts
Monday: "Heavy" lower body from above. 2x5 standing and 2x5 running/1-to-3 step verts before
Tuesday: Upper body, shorter sprints (<50 meters)
Wed: Same as Sunday
Thurs: Dynamic Lower body from above. 2x5 standing and 2x5 running/1-to-3 step verts before
Friday: Upper body, longer sprints (200-400), get shitfaced
Saturday: Recover from hangover

3-4weeks:1week    work:deload

The jumps shouldn't take more than 20 minutes, the lifting shouldn't take more than 45. You could even split it AM/PM if youd like (EDIT: and if that were the case do 40 jumps instead of 20 on the squat days). If Jordan Kilagnon can dunk for 3 hours a day, this should be reasonable. If technique is an issue, I know Adam is selling freak technique 3.0 at 90% off for a limited time only ;D.

Keep it simple. You bust your ass probably more than anybody in this forum, so I'm sure I speak for the rest of the forum when I say it would be great to see you throw down a dunk.

Again, I probably have zero credibility, but that is just my 2 cents so feel free to bash me, call me stupid, naive, whatever. I also realize in have no right to comment on what you are doing since you never really asked for help, but other people were and have been for a while so i figured why not.

Thanks for reading.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2013, 10:41:28 am
thanks mdevin and avishek. i'm already moving toward an AM/PM split, with jumping in the morning and sprinting/weights in the evening.  to wit:

today AM:

ACHES/INJURIES: right posterior hip while i was jogging to the gym (?)

- warm up
gonna just start lumping in SVJ and submax SLRVJ into this. assume i did them as part of AM warm ups.

- one-step RVJ x 5

- two-step RVJ x 10
muuuuuuch better than the other day. 1.5 knuckles over for most, got 2 knuckles over on a couple.

- three-step RVJ x 5
inconsistent but a couple were 2.5 knuckles over.

- stretch

today PM:

MENTAL STATE: tired, a little bummed cause my friend is moving to chile (hey guga!) tomorrow and i saw him off right before hitting the track

- warm up

- broad jump x 4
12y on the nose

- DL bound x 4,4,4
meh, all right about 12y. did not feel explosive.

- SL bound 20y x 2
L:13.5,12; R:13.5,11.5

- sprint ~30m x 4

- sprint ~60m x 2
did not have stopwatch and had to run on the far side of the track (no markers), so these were approximate. 95+% effort, though.

- stretch


getting back to what everyone is saying: yes, RFD/reactivity and movement efficiency are my biggest deficits. i'm leaving for 2.5 weeks in tajikistan (and a day in istanbul woot!) this coming weekend. work trips are exhausting, but what i will plan to do for this upcoming one is a lot of short approach jumps, some depth jumps, and some BSS and p-chain-focused lifting. and jumping rope. if i can do AM/PM, i will, but most days i will probably be too tired to do both.

when i get back, i'll go back to AM jumping, PM sprinting/lifting. AM jumping is not ideal but it's infinity percent better than nothing. lower-body lifting will continue to feature low-volume squats or squat variations -- box squats, maybe even some supramax partials -- and higher-volume p-chain stuff like hip thrusts, GHRs, and RDLs. main ab exercise will be the t0ddday decline-sit-up-with-barbell thing, working my way up to ten full reps with a 45 lb BB. upper body will be ad hoc because i just shouldn't focus on it enough to have a plan. pushing and pulling, that's it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 28, 2013, 12:04:31 pm
Is it this exercise:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2013, 12:52:55 pm
neither. bar is behind the neck as in a HBBS. much harder that way. if it's too hard, you can do eccentric with HB position and then move the bar around to the front for the concentric. that's what i ended up doing for the later reps when i worked out with t0ddday. for now i'm sticking to lighter bars.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2013, 11:33:31 am
today AM:


- warm up

- one-step x 5

- two-step x 12

- three-step x 5

not as good as yesterday but still okay. about one in every five jumps "clicks" and feels noticeably better than the others. i get about 0.5" higher on those than the rest of the jumps.


- warm up

- intensive tempo 200m x 4, 100m recovery
this whipped me, as it did with t0ddday the other week. i did the 200s in 33-35s rather than 30 so i did manage to finish all the sets strong. thought about starting up another set but jogged home very slowly instead. baby steps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2013, 12:38:50 pm
yesterday AM (10/31/2013):

SORENESS: hamstrings a bit

- warm up

- DLRVJ one- and two-step x 15
really bad, could not get any speed or bounce. left heel bothering me since last night.

- stretch

yesterday PM (10/31/2013):

SORENESS: hamstrings a bit

- warm up

- depth jump @20" x 3,3
have vid, will post. not great.

- squat 315 x 1,1,1,1
good pop

- box squat 225 x 2,2,2,2
good pop

- superset x 2
-- assisted natural GHR x 8,6
the bro holding down my ankles was not doing it hard enough the first set, so i asked him to put more pressure the second set and he seemed to be struggling so much that i felt bad and stopped early.
-- DB OHP 50 x 8
-- DB row 80 x 8

- superset x 2
-- cable hip thrust 100 x 10
-- decline sit up 18 x 15,10

- stretch

good workout. slept 10 hours last night.  :o
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2013, 12:50:23 pm

quick-and-dirty freeze frame analysis suggests...29"? these did not feel very good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on November 01, 2013, 03:28:06 pm
Have you tried experimenting with different height boxes? I wouldn't worry too much about height, you just want to find a height that you have a good GCT with and increase your jump height from there.

Other than that it looked ok, maybe take a little more time between reps?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 01, 2013, 04:00:54 pm
There are two obvious issues for me:

1) The lack of dorsiflexion. You plant in a plantar flexed foot position. That leads us to number 2
2) The lack of dorsiflexion translates itself in the collapse of the knee. If you play it frame by frame you can see that you plant, go down further and then jump. It's basically a standing vertical jump with "momentum". You don't want that. You want only concentric movement after the plant.

This has been a culprit of mine for years. I have the tendency when I jump off two to go further down as I plant, but in reality you need to plant as low as you need from the get-go. You must not plant, bend down and then go up. You must plant and go up.

What that does is two things:

1) Keeps the GCT low (since you eliminate the eccentric phase);
2) Forces a rapid and powerful stretch control in the plant. Preventing the eccentric collapse recruits a ton of muscle and generates a ton of power in a CONCENTRIC manner.

If you're unable to do this from that box then maybe you should try a box that allows you to do this.

Viewing all this I have a feeling you'd be terrible if you'd try consecutive jumps to the backboard or consecutive hurdle jumps. If you have access to hurdles then that should be a priority for you. Why? Because if you try to plantar flex when you do consecutive hurdle jumps you won't be able to do them. They teach you to maintain foot dorsiflexion.

If you take all these things into account... to me it sounds like you're biomechanically missing in on a lot of potential VJ inches you have in you already. You just need to correct these things (me too, I have the same issues).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2013, 04:11:37 pm
^^^good post, raptor. this was too high for me, i think. you're right, i'm terrible at consecutive backboard jumps. terrible. never really tried hurdle jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 01, 2013, 04:21:27 pm
Yes you are, and that was predictable. I am as well. Basically horrible.

The question to ask is - why? Structure? Quad strength? Calf strength?

For me the obvious answer is the lack of quad strength. Hence my big difference between my low bar and high bar squat, my sucky "anything that has to do with the quads" thing (think front squats), I kind of struggle doing leg extensions with weights that other people that don't care about legs can do in my gym.

I have pretty good calf strength since I'm a one-leg jumper... you take the hips out in a depth jump so it's calf+quad.

You might say "yeah but I have a 2x low bar squat". My question is - what about high bar? What about a quad-driven squat? Because  if you're good in putting out hip power in the low bar squat that will mask the lack of quad strength.

I don't know about you, but I will start doing high volumes of high bar squatting with light to moderate weights (think something like 4x10 with ~50% of my low bar 1RM).

Other than that you need to put yourself in situations that call for you maintaining that foot dorsiflexion, which is what consecutive hurdle jumps do.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 01, 2013, 04:23:22 pm
To make you feel a bit better - check out my landings after each hurdle jump - they all are in a foot plantarflexed position:

Hence I was doing russian stops back then - jump land, jump foward a bit then over the hurdle, repeat. Look at how horrible they look.

It's basically an ankle collapse occuring, then a knee load&collapse, and a horrible position to land and take off after from.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 01, 2013, 06:56:56 pm
You should film some depth drops from the same box height as in the video, focusing on not collapsing at all at the knee. Basically landing in a foot dorsiflexed position (weight over the whole foot) and not allowing collapse.

I know a lot of people recommend landing on the toes on the depth drops but I don't agree at all with that. That promotes the very problem you and I have right now. It's MUCH better to land on the whole foot while having them dorsiflexed and not allowing knee collapse/having the arms as if you're preparing to jump up immediately.

So try that - film some depth drops from the same height focusing on these things. If you're able to do them right then you can focus next on actually taking off from that position.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2013, 07:22:59 pm
last night:

- warm up

- circuit x 2
-- DB BSS 16s x 10
-- DB RDL 16s x 10
-- DB OHP 12s x 10
-- neutral chin x 5
-- decline sit up x 10
minimal rest between exercises

- band pull aparts x 15,15,15,15

- stretch

it's 5:21 AM and i've been awake for more than two hours. this means my longtime jet lag solution has stopped working and i am fucked.   :'(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 04, 2013, 08:22:13 pm
In order to deal with jet lag you must manipulate light intake. If you adjust that by 2 hours per day to accomodate the difference then you're going to be good.

You must pretend you're still in the city you left off from by taking advantage of the sunlight/getting the blankets on the windows on etc, depeding on the case.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2013, 10:51:10 pm
In order to deal with jet lag you must manipulate light intake. If you adjust that by 2 hours per day to accomodate the difference then you're going to be good.

You must pretend you're still in the city you left off from by taking advantage of the sunlight/getting the blankets on the windows on etc, depeding on the case.

try to sound a little less bossy and sure of yourself the next time you offer context-free, useless unsolicited advice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 05, 2013, 05:47:00 am

That's an ORDER!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 05, 2013, 11:23:39 am
i've been awake since 3 AM, as i noted earlier.

today AM:

- jumping jacks x a bunch

- SVJ and DSVJ x a bunch

- some SL pogos, submax, i am atrocious at these. something to work on.

- stretching x a bunch

- band pull aparts x 15,15,15,15

today PM:

- warm up

- DB jump squat 8s x 3,3

- SVJ x 3,3

- DB BSS 24s x 5,5

- pull up x 8,8

- DB bench 26s x 8,8

- decline sit up x 10,10 (too easy, need to add weight to make these worthwhile)

- stretch

now it's 9:21 PM and i'm tired again. here's hoping i sleep until at least 4:30 tonight.  :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on November 05, 2013, 11:54:53 am
In order to deal with jet lag you must manipulate light intake. If you adjust that by 2 hours per day to accomodate the difference then you're going to be good.

You must pretend you're still in the city you left off from by taking advantage of the sunlight/getting the blankets on the windows on etc, depeding on the case.

try to sound a little less bossy and sure of yourself the next time you offer context-free, useless unsolicited advice.

Lol.  It's also much easier said then done when you travel for work.  If you have work on Friday in LA and then travel to Paris for a conference where you are speaking at 9am local time....  You can't so much as say "sorry I'm going to sleep in and deliver my talk at some odd hour of the night because I'm adjusting myself by two hours per day.    You just do drugs to sleep/wake up and hope for the best.   Road warrior lifestyle is fun but horrible for training.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2013, 06:59:29 am
i worked out on 11/4 but i forget what i did. some SVJ, some jump squats, and a circuit similar to what i'd done before. 11/5 until today i've been sick (:raging:) and also traveling. i'm finally feeling more or less myself although i still have a cough. going to do some bw stuff this evening and tomorrow and if it's not too cold i might even work out in the garden. being sick blows, i'm sure it was a combination of long plane ride and not enough sleep. my immune system has been getting weaker as i've gotten older, i think.

i'm in khorog, tajikistan. it's fucking gorgeous here, poplar trees everywhere with yellow leaves and snowy mountains.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 10, 2013, 01:39:35 pm
this morning i did 20 or 30 minutes of calisthenics and stretching. kept it light so as not to kick off the coughing. air squats, some isometric stuff, band-resisted RDLs, pull-aparts, etc.

this evening i did the 7DVJC.

tomorrow i'm hoping to skip across the border into afghanistan for the afternoon.  :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 13, 2013, 08:38:24 am
yesterday spent 12 hours in the car driving back through the mountains to dushanbe. stretched and went to bed immediately after. cough was back this morning.

just now (wednesday evening):

- warm up

- 1-2 jumps x 6
ME jump followed immediately by another ME jump. coordination spotty on these, will continue to practice as i think they're probably good.

- SL pogo x 5/e,5/e

- DSVJ x a few
got up pretty good on one or two of them

- circuit x 3
-- DB bench 20s x 10 (had to pause in the middle of the last set to cough a lot)
-- DB row 20s x 10
-- DB BSS 8s x 10
-- DB RDL 16s x 10

- circuit x 2
-- DB curl 8s x 10
-- tricep press down 12.5(?) x 10
-- paused decline sit up x 10

- stretch

feels so good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 15, 2013, 11:34:43 am
- warm up

- 1-2 jumps x 6

- DSVJ x some

- DB bench 16s x 25

- pull ups x 9+6+5+4

- decline situps x bar held in front of/above head x 10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2013, 10:54:51 am
low motivation today.


- walk x 1.5 hours

just now:

- warm up

- SVJ and double jumps x a bunch
- pull ups and clapping pull ups in between jumps

- circuit x 2
-- BSS 26s x 5
-- DB RDL 26s x 10

- some cable rows and DB OHP

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2013, 09:09:16 am
this afternoon was walking back to the hotel after a funny experience in a series of taxis. beautiful day, slightly irritated at my complete lack of functional tajik or russian, slightly sore in the hamstrings and glutes, and i was bouncing down the sidewalk. strong urge to run.

just now:

- jump rope and stretch/mob x 30 mins
bunch of criss-cross, did 30 double unders at one point and practiced going in and out of double unders.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 17, 2013, 11:08:16 am
Funny experience?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 18, 2013, 02:27:02 pm

- walk x nine hours
lots of stopping and starting, very leisurely pace for the most part. but that's a lot of walking. istanbul is awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2013, 09:49:07 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, right hip/glute
MENTAL STATE: tired, low motivation

- warm up

- SVJ x 3,3,3

- DSVJ x 6

- one-step SLRVJ x a few

- squat 225 x 8,8

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 40s x 8
-- pull up x 8

- SVJ x a few

- DB RDL 65s x 8,8

- curls 20s x 10

- tricep pressdown 70 x 10

- stretch

- SVJ x a few

- shoot around + layups x ~10-15 mins

kept it gentle, first workout back after a trip always sucks. absolutely no, as in zero, explosiveness. right hip and knee were bugging at various points. gonna hit the court early tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 22, 2013, 09:24:40 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little when i woke up, but went away on jog to gym
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- SVJ, DSVJ, one-step DLRVJ x ~12 total

- two-step DLRVJ x ~12

- three-step DLRVJ x ~5
first one three full knuckles over, that's a recent PR by a good inch.

- cool down

- stretch

a bunch of layups during warm up and cool down and a few SLRVJ without the ball, as well. probably 40-50 total jumps. the first jump at each successively farther distance was the highest at that distance...weird. surprised at how good this felt.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 25, 2013, 07:48:27 pm
SORENESS: outside of glutes
MENTAL STATE: oddly okay

- warm up

- SLRVJ, 1-2 jumps, DSVJ x ~35-40 total

- squat 275 x 1,1,1,1,1,1; 185 x 10+5+5
reps as explosive as possible. did the set of 20 rest-paused with about 20s for each "+".

- superset x 2
-- dip x 10
-- pull up x 5+5

- DB RDL 70s x 10,10

- rear delt flyes and rotator cuff stuff

- decline sit ups 30 x 10; 18 x 10

- stretch

got up at 4:30 and worked 5:30-5, somehow was still pretty awake for this. no pop on the jumps really but that's unsurprising. will try to get good sleep tonight, gym again tomorrow for some low-intensity stuff or track if it's warm enough, then jumps wednesday morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2013, 04:21:54 pm
just picked up 16 lbs of WPC from and got half off shipping and 500g of creatine for free. $131 shipped for several months worth of supplementary protein and kind of a lot of creatine. fitna give creatine a try, why not?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ian459 on November 26, 2013, 05:04:33 pm
You should've gotten on creatine a while ago! It's quite cheap and beneficial.
Title: 23"
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2013, 09:39:41 pm
SORENESS: lower traps, hamstrings, quads, pecs a little, glutes a little

- warm up

- SVJ x 3+3

- depth jump @~28" x 3; @~23" x 3
poor. 28" is too high for me to really jump

- SVJ x 3+3
better than first set, worked on loose/high-amplitude arm swing

- DSVJ x 6
alternating lead foot, okay

- some other jumps x a few

- some random light shoulder stuff

- run home

wanted to go to the track today but avishek will attest to how gross it is outside. will do extended stretch/mob tonight and try to jump very early tomorrow (6 AM), plus maybe back in the gym later in the morning to kill myself before the long weekend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 27, 2013, 05:20:10 am
Jumping at 6 AM? I can't be bothered to fart at that moment.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 27, 2013, 07:32:15 am
lol yeah it didn't happen. i woke up at 5:45 and was like, nope. didn't get to bed early enough last night. i will do some when i go later this morning but it probably won't be on the court.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2013, 08:37:02 pm
was in connecticut/nyc wed-sat, got back late last night.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little

- shoot around

- bunch o'jumps

had a few three-step jumps at 3 knuckles, a few two-step jumps at 2 knuckles. not too bad, probably recent PR. strained wrist/forearm on a few of them cause hanging on rather than wrapping-and-releasing. dumb. there was a shortish (5'8?) dude in there shooting around. he did a few self-lobs, most of which he missed but not by much. hit a few pretty well. he covered a lot of ground with his ultimate step, really wide plant. got up well off one, too. when i try to cover that much ground on my plant step it is...not pretty.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on December 01, 2013, 09:52:49 pm
was in connecticut/nyc wed-sat, got back late last night.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little

- shoot around

- bunch o'jumps

had a few three-step jumps at 3 knuckles, a few two-step jumps at 2 knuckles. not too bad, probably recent PR. strained wrist/forearm on a few of them cause hanging on rather than wrapping-and-releasing. dumb. there was a shortish (5'8?) dude in there shooting around. he did a few self-lobs, most of which he missed but not by much. hit a few pretty well. he covered a lot of ground with his ultimate step, really wide plant. got up well off one, too. when i try to cover that much ground on my plant step it is...not pretty.

I guess you have to be really strong around the knee to withstand the braking forces from a really long step. I can't do it well either. Sounds like you're jumping pretty high at the moment! Nice work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 02, 2013, 10:37:10 am
yeah i guess just more practicing and more p-chain work and it'll come on its own. i've jumped pretty well the last two times, within 2" or so of all-time best, which is great and kind of surprising. i keep thinking the rim at this court is an inch or two low, but honestly i don't want to know.  :-X if and when i do dunk on it i'll measure it. not until then.

no jumps this morning because i slept terribly last night. not sure why but i was up and tossing and turning a couple of times during the night. not for very long each time but still, decided to sleep an extra hour and be awake for work. gym after work.

errybody doin' high-rep squats, luke doin' 'em, too. they're fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 02, 2013, 11:51:08 pm

- warm up

- SVJ x 6

- squat 295 x 1,1,1,1,1,1

- superset x 3
-- DB RDL 60s x 10
-- DB OHP 40s x 10; 35s x 10,10
-- pull down 100 x 10; 110 x 10; 120 x 10

- decline sit up 30 x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 03, 2013, 10:17:40 am
this morning:

MENTAL STATE: tired, lethargic, unfocused

- warm up

- a few jumps

this was awful. i slept badly the last two nights but forced myself to get up and go jump this morning because i won't be able to work out tonight or tomorrow. could not even get one full knuckle over off one step, so i bagged it. did some layups but even those were rough, and i couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with the fucking ball while i was shooting around. moved around, did some dribbling practice, focusing on my right hand, which i'm worse dribbling with even though i'm right-handed. poor. need to get good sleep the next two nights.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2013, 10:22:55 pm
WEIGHT: 172.5
SORENESS: hamstrings a little
MENTAL STATE: pretty good, stressed about work but the gym chills me out

- warm up

- SVJ x 3,3; DSVJ x 3; one-step RVJ x 11; two-step RVJ x 10; SLRVJ x 10

- squat 245 x 5,5,5,5

- superset x 3
-- RDL 225 x 10
-- dip x 10

- pull up ladder x 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3
15-30s rest between sets

- decline sit up 30 x 10,10

- band pull apart x 20,10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2013, 04:32:56 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, above patella
MENTAL STATE: great, a little tired

- warm up

- one-step, two-step, three-step RVJ
up around recent PR levels on a few of the three-step. easily grabbing and hanging on rim. got a few on vid, although they weren't the best ones.

- squat 295 x 2,2
best-feeling squats in weeks. easy, smooth.

- superset x 2
-- inverted row x 15
-- DB OHP 35 x 10
-- cable pull through 110 x 10; 160 x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2013, 04:41:21 pm
not pretty.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on December 07, 2013, 05:05:09 pm
Nice!! I think you look a little 'smoother' now in your jumps. I have a few observations/suggestions:

I've noticed you and Ian both come to a jump stop a la Justin Darlington. It looks like it kills some of your momentum. Have you tried coming to a 1-2 plant? (I can post a vid of mine for reference if you'd like).  Not sure if that's the correct terminology lol but you may get a few inches from keeping plant speed up.

Also, I think you're thinking too much before your run up. Whenever I do that I don't jump as well, maybe its a psyche out thing?

Just what's helped me, maybe it'll help you too although changing your plant may take some time to feel natural.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2013, 05:13:00 pm
thanks for the feedback. i've tried to 1-2 it but it just makes me think too hard and everything goes to hell. something to work on on short approaches at low intensity while continuing to just jump from three steps on out. because yeah it probably does kill some momentum.

didn't occur to me that i was thinking too hard but in retrospect you might be right. i was not in the zone today, nor have i been in a while.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on December 07, 2013, 05:24:27 pm
No problem man, the plant thing will definitely take some effort to switch but if it gets you 2-3" then its worth it.

Additionally you were real close to cleanly.dunking the little ball! When that happens it just means you're one step closer!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ian459 on December 07, 2013, 05:29:07 pm
Yeah, I have that problem too and I can do the 1-2 much better on outdoor courts.

LBSS, what's your vert at right now compared to your all time PR? And how's your strength now compared to then? Just curious.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 07, 2013, 06:14:13 pm
It actually looks good... I have two observations as well:

1) Do you always have this tendency to walk/stand around in a bent knee position? It looks to me from the way you walk around, stand etc that you prefer to take away some tension from your hamstrings/your hamstrings are tight/you prefer to walk around with some tension in your quads? Is any of this true?

2) If you pause at the moment of hip extension, especially with the ball in your hand, you don't go "all the way through" with it. You're better without the ball but looking at it it feels like there isn't a lot of hip HYPERextension ROM going on. I have the same problem.

So what does that mean? It means either the glutes don't fire properly in that particular movement and/or the hip flexors are tight. Have you ever been consistent doing hip thrusts and then stretching the hip flexors?

I think for both you and me, if we solve this hip hyperextension problem, because it's so glaring and obvious, it could make a ton of difference even at our current levels of strength. It messes MORE up than just the power output - it messes positioning, coordination, what the arms do when the legs do something etc etc etc. It's more than just power leakage.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on December 08, 2013, 06:51:49 pm
not pretty.

Very nice! You should feel really encouraged from this. I thought your reach was around 7'6''? Grabbing and hanging from rim at 7'6'' should be about 34'' I would have thought. Either way, given you're not planting optimally yet you still got plenty of inches to squeeze out of your current level of performance. If you can start improving all the things people are discussing you should be dunking off a lob within months. Look what scoobychau did recently.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on December 08, 2013, 10:43:24 pm
These look a lot smoother than jumps I've seen in the past. Keep it up man, you're definitely on the right track!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 09, 2013, 06:40:35 am
Absolutely... I think at this point is just little things that he can do that could make a big difference, even at his current level of strength. He's basically right there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2013, 08:10:22 am
@chris: yeah, i will work on the 1-2 thing.
@acole: it's not 34 when i'm hanging from the rim, more like 32.5 judging by where my finger felt bruised all weekend.  :uhhhfacepalm:
@undoubtable: thanks man, bit frustrating to feel like i'm just below where i was a year ago after spinning my wheels for 12 months but at least i'm back on a court with some consistency.

Yeah, I have that problem too and I can do the 1-2 much better on outdoor courts.

LBSS, what's your vert at right now compared to your all time PR? And how's your strength now compared to then? Just curious.

about 1.5" lower than all-time PR. i could dunk a ball the size of the one in that video a year ago. strength...don't know how to answer that. i squatted within 10 pounds of my PR (350, PR is 360) on a random saturday in september, after not really working at it, so that's good. couldn't squat that much now but only because i haven't been squatting as much since i got back from my trip a few weeks ago. if i got back into it i'd be back at 350 soon. but i don't want to, it's a distraction. one of these days i'll squat 405, though. just not right now.

It actually looks good... I have two observations as well:

1) Do you always have this tendency to walk/stand around in a bent knee position? It looks to me from the way you walk around, stand etc that you prefer to take away some tension from your hamstrings/your hamstrings are tight/you prefer to walk around with some tension in your quads? Is any of this true?

2) If you pause at the moment of hip extension, especially with the ball in your hand, you don't go "all the way through" with it. You're better without the ball but looking at it it feels like there isn't a lot of hip HYPERextension ROM going on. I have the same problem.

So what does that mean? It means either the glutes don't fire properly in that particular movement and/or the hip flexors are tight. Have you ever been consistent doing hip thrusts and then stretching the hip flexors?

I think for both you and me, if we solve this hip hyperextension problem, because it's so glaring and obvious, it could make a ton of difference even at our current levels of strength. It messes MORE up than just the power output - it messes positioning, coordination, what the arms do when the legs do something etc etc etc. It's more than just power leakage.

1) good point, i don't know. i don't think so, but maybe. never thought about it before. will try to pay attention today.
2) i've gone through periods where i was very consistent stretching hip flexors. i don't tend to stretch or do much activation during morning workouts because time is so compressed, but i should get back into doing stretching and activation stuff when i'm not in the gym. i've fallen off the wagon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2013, 08:12:26 am
raptor, just watched the video again and i definitely don't always bend my knees that much. i do it when i'm jumping because it helps me get lower in the approach. if my legs are stiff when i start i stay too high. still probably have tight hamstrings and hip flexors, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 09, 2013, 08:26:47 am
I disagree about trying to force a plant change from jump stop to 1-2. Here is kellyb explaining why:

What type of approach do you use?

Some people like to get really into analyzing their final footwork on their approach. Basically there are 2 styles of 2 foot approach jumps. A step close method and a hop method. On a step close method you'll come in and your final steps will consist of the planting of one foot, than placing the other foot next to the first foot, followed by a jump. On a bounce method you'll come in and both feet will plant simultaneously, then you'll jump.

A few studies have been done comparing the 2 styles and one hasn't been found to be superior to the other, although there are slight differences. (1-3) My opinion is relatively untrained athletes and people with extremely powerful lower legs may get better results from the hop method, as it allows them shorter ground contact times and inherently tends to lessen the degree of knee and hip bend they use, which improves reactive force contribution in beginners, whose coordination usually isn't optimal. Beginners have trouble getting much reactive force contribution from their runups. The hop method does require more force to decelerate and most of the best dunkers use the step close method, or the 1,2 plant. The step close method is advantageous because it's smoother, requires less deceleration, and seems to favor faster approaches, but it also keeps your initial plant leg on the ground a bit longer. It also requires more coordination to fully optimize.

You might experiment a bit with each style to see which one you favor, just don't get in the habit of overanalyzing your steps to the point you turn into a robot. As you become more advanced and work on your approach you will likely naturally gravitate toward a step-close style of approach, but plenty of people have succeeded with either style and when put to the test neither style has proven superior. If you make a point to come in faster and smoother your body will inherently use the style most favorable for your unique physiological characteristics.

Btw, the whole article has more about improving runup/plant, definitely a great and very relevant read:

Edit : agree with raptor and undoubtable. I don't believe that form could bring big improvements now. Yes, keep trying to improve it ( it has improveld a LOT imho ), no, don't overfocus/overanalyze. Feels like you are on the right track to me too, keep doing what you are doing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2013, 08:48:15 am
thanks vag, i remember that piece by kellyb. what i meant with chris (and i think i said it higher up, or maybe in another thread) is that i'm going to try to work on the 1-2 plant at low intensities and short approaches, but continue to jump ME doing as little thinking as possible in the event. if i end up getting any carryover into my full run-up, that'll be great. but yeah, trying to change course consciously at high speed is a recipe for clumsy movement.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2013, 09:58:47 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left right toe
MENTAL STATE: good, aggressive

- warm up

- superset x 2
-- DB swing 40 x 10
-- SVJ x 5
first couple reps of each SVJ set felt very high.

- squat 295 x 2,2
second set super easy. more weight next time.

- superset x 2
-- inverted row x 15 (+15)
-- dip x 15

- DB shrugs 60s x 10,10

- decline situp 30 x 10; bw x 10

- shoot around plus some layups and drop step shots x ~10 mins

gonna stretch now. kept LB stuff very light because i'm going to work from home tomorrow, which means i can go and jump at a reasonable hour (early afternoon before lunch) and i'd like to take full advantage. of course, knowing myself, i will get there and jump like shit. but let's see.

EDIT: my right toe still hurts like hell. annoying, hasn't bothered me for an extended period in a while. hopefully it'll be back to normal by tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2013, 04:33:23 pm
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- SVJ x 2
recent if not all-time PR, probably 28"

- bunch of jumps out to a few at four-step
probably 30 minutes' worth. all-time PR on drop step (just under 30, touching rim), recent PR off one-step (32.5), recent PR off three-step (34), possible all-time PR, period off four-step (35.5-36), cleanly dunked that little yellow ball twice and put it in ugly a bunch more times, PR off SLRVJ off both legs (30" for both, touching rim for the first time off one leg).


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on December 10, 2013, 04:54:49 pm
Hell yea!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 10, 2013, 07:54:53 pm
Haha told ya you were there!

And you still have a ways to go until you can say "I'm very good at movement efficiency now" - meaning, you can still jump higher by continuing with practicing jumps and whatever else that you currently do now that got you here.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 10, 2013, 08:00:51 pm
By the way - it's interesting that you mention you jumped well off one and touched the rim for the first time ever off one... maybe these hamstrings start to show up some added power, strength and stability in the plant? And maybe they also carried over in the 2-leg jump? Who knows? It could be the glutes, it could be the hams, it could just be you practicing jumping a lot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2013, 09:44:45 pm
Haha told ya you were there!

And you still have a ways to go until you can say "I'm very good at movement efficiency now" - meaning, you can still jump higher by continuing with practicing jumps and whatever else that you currently do now that got you here.

surely. for one thing, i noticed today that i had to take off from a bit farther away than normal, maybe 0.5m, in order to be taking off from the right spot. that means i was covering more ground with each step, which means i was putting more power into the floor with each step. good stuff.

on the SLRVJ, i think it's mostly a matter of having been practicing a lot. just doing a lot of layups. but still pleeeeeenty of room to improve.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 11, 2013, 04:54:31 am
Well it's interesting because the longer the plant, the "straighter" the first leg you plant is going to be. Straighter = higher hamstring contribution. At least in theory.

But usually it means you're just recruiting the whole posterior chain better and/or your shock absorption has improved.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 11, 2013, 06:18:55 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 11, 2013, 06:55:16 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 11, 2013, 11:19:36 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe but it went away

- warm up

- squat 315 x 2,2; 185 x 20
first 20-repper. felt it a bit in the low back once i got up there in reps but this was not super challenging. fun way to get some squats in without taxing myself too much. might do these once a week or every two.

- superset x 2
-- assisted natural GHR x 5
-- pull up x 8
-- DB OHP 45s x 8

- superset x 5
-- DB swing 45 x 10
-- band pull apart x 10
-- push up x 10

- BB decline sit up 35 x 10

- curlzzzzzzzzz 20s x 10

- stretch

i'm liking higher-volume stuff. it's a way to push myself for upper body and get a little conditioning in - rest on the first superset was 45-60s and on the second more like 15-30s - without challenging my CNS with heavy weights or with any kind of preoccupation on getting stronger. i'll continue to add weight slowly and mix things up to get in a good amount of pushes and pulls, but i'm not going to stress about it. it's fun. also i found a machine in the gym that i can use to do natural GHRs so i'm going to start doing those again, alternating with RDL variations.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 12, 2013, 06:54:11 am
Looks good ^^^
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 13, 2013, 07:54:35 am
SORENESS: VMOs, adductors, lats/intercostals

- shoot around and layups x 30 mins

- jumps
tried a few but i was barely hitting 30 off one step. too sore. better to get in and move around with a bunch of submax jumps than not.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2013, 12:33:31 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a tiny bit

- warm up

- jumps x 25-30, out to four-step
very good, consistent 33-33.5 off three steps, couple of clean "dunks" of the mini soccer ball and a couple near misses. ~34-35 off four steps.

- superset x 2
-- assisted natural GHR x 5,8
-- dips x 10
-- pull ups x 10,6+2+2

- superset x 3
-- cable hip thrust 160 x 10
-- low cable row 80 x 10/each
-- DB OHP 30s x 10

minimal rest on both supersets. dislike cable rows, gonna stick to inverted rows. no time to stretch. busy social schedule this afternoon/evening.  ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 14, 2013, 01:13:45 pm
I love that you keep doing the GHRs
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2013, 06:22:25 pm
yeah i'm gonna stick with 'em for a while. would be so sweet to have a full ROM unassisted.

also, i meant to mention: touched rim off right leg SLRVJ, very close off left today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 14, 2013, 09:01:59 pm
Off right? That's so random.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2013, 02:56:26 pm
Off right? That's so random.

nah it makes sense, my right leg is a stronger plant leg (i kick left-footed).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 15, 2013, 03:03:32 pm
Oh... lol... hm... shouldn't you plant pretty well RL then?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2013, 09:45:27 pm
Oh... lol... hm... shouldn't you plant pretty well RL then?

raptor we've had this conversation at least three times before.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2013, 09:17:15 pm
WEIGHT: 174.5 hm, guess i ate a lot this weekend. or maybe it's the creatine?

- warm up

- SVJ x a few
no pop, pretty bad

- squat 315 x 2,2

- SVJ x a bunch
no pop, pretty bad. a few not so bad.

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 50s x 8
-- pull up x 8

- superset x 3
-- inverted row x 15
-- DB swing 45 x 10
-- dip x 6

gonna make it an early night and jump in the morning, then hopefully again wednesday evening on the late side, quick leg workout after wednesday evening jumping, upper body on thursday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2013, 12:26:17 pm
could not fall asleep last night and slept fitfully once i did. made the call to go back to sleep when my jumping alarm went off and ended up being a little late to work, even. need to figure this sleep thing out, it's been a problem the last few weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2013, 10:11:25 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left big toe
MENTAL STATE: tired as fuck

- shoot around

- jumps x a bunch
shot was pretty on, jumps good despite not sleeping well in days. 33-34+  :)

- squat 275 x 2,2

- giant set x 2
-- assisted natural GHR x 8
-- dips x 12
-- pull up x 8
-- RDL 185 x 10
-- DB OHP 45s x 5
-- DB row 70 x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 19, 2013, 04:43:40 am
Consistency on what used to be short random peaks is a big achievement!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 19, 2013, 05:08:37 am
Consistent on what used to be short random peaks is a big achievement!!!

Yeah. I think that's what actual progress means. I'm not sure if setting a PR is "real" progress. You might've gotten lucky. But if you're able to reproduce that PR and do so consistently, then that is a proof of actual progress happening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 20, 2013, 09:31:50 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee kind of bad

- shoot around

- a few submax jumps

terrible. knee hurt, shot was way off probably because bending me knees was so uncomfortable, no pop at all, handles even more embarrassingly bad than usual. at least i had the place to myself. glad i went and moved around but otherwise this was shitty.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2013, 03:48:32 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: knees a little bit

- warm up

- squat 275 x 2,2,2
last set super explosive, finally starting to figure form out again. threw a few jumps in between warm up sets

- superset x 3
-- inverted row x 15
-- dip x 15
-- SVJ x 3 (last set did some SL SVJ, too)

- decline sit up 35 x 10

- pronated grip inverted row x 15

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 23, 2013, 02:56:10 pm
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- jumps x a bunch, out to four-step
huge milestone, about three strong dunks with size 3 soccer ball. the ball i'd been using is really deflated but this one isn't, much harder to cheat to get the ball down hard.

- squat 315 x 2,2; 190 x 20

- superset x 4,5,6,5,4
-- assisted natural GHR
-- pull up
-- DB OHP x 50s (45s on last set)

- decline sit up 30 x 10

- stretch

 :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 29, 2013, 04:06:43 pm

- warm up

- some SLRVJ and DLRVJ out to four-step, incl. a few dodgeball dunks

- paused squat 245 x 3,3
very explosive, bar popping way off shoulders at the top

- pull up/dip ladder x 1,2,3,4,5

- some pull aparts and shrugs

- stretch

wanted to keep things relatively light given that this is the first workout in almost a week and i want to work out again tomorrow. will go harder then. stretching felt gooood.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 30, 2013, 11:40:24 am
spent a couple minutes earlier looking for my beep test score when i took it a few years ago at my old gym. couldn't find it, but did read through a few pages of my journal from 2010. i have progressed a lot since then, when i was coming off an ankle injury and hadn't even really trained in the gym before. i've been at this goal for more than three years now and while i'm finally getting close, i feel like if i'd had more time at my old gym before it closed, i'd have hit the mark months ago. or maybe not, my approaches feel qualitatively different now than they did last november-december when i was setting my previous PRs. but any way you slice it, i've spent a lot of time spinning my wheels or going off on tangents.

as a refresher for those who have been around, and as new reading for those who have not, but mostly for myself, here are some thoughts on the close of my third full year of training to dunk:

i had the sense after i graduated from college that i'd never really put my all into anything. in fencing i was held back by not being able to afford higher-level training and my inability to get to the salle at will because i couldn't drive yet. qualified for junior olympics anyway but i could have been better. in ultimate (and other sports) i was okay but kind of a wuss, i've been injured so much in my life, since i was a little kid, that i always kind of held back and failed to play or practice with the kind of abandon that would make me a legitimately good player.

and all that's kind of secondary to the feeling i had coming out of college that i'd pretty much coasted in life up to that point. i'm white, a dude, upper middle class (not rich by US standards but very rich compared to the rest of the world), good-looking, straight, reasonably intelligent and curious and personable, i handle stressful situations like deadlines very well. life is easy for me, people very much like me found themselves in control in europe hundreds of years ago and have set up european societies to favor ourselves over many centuries. so graduating from college didn't really feel like an achievement, it felt inevitable, just something that i did because good god why wouldn't i? i got honors in college but didn't feel like i'd worked for them. i rarely (not never, but rarely) put myself out there, risked failure by working as hard as i could on something. if i could get A- or B+ results without trying, why go balls out? this is a bullshit mentality, it comes from a place of insecurity and fear: if i dig deep and put everything into something and fail to ace it, then i'm really not good enough. if i don't try that hard and get merely average or above average results, well then i could always tell myself, "i could do better if i wanted to." bullshit. my gf recently studied extremely hard for weeks for a test that mattered a lot to her, and she didn't do as well as she needed to to get the grade she deserved for the course overall. partly she got fucked over by whoever wrote the test, but bottom line is she didn't reach the mark she wanted to reach. but she was brave in her studying, she put herself in a position where her ego could really suffer if she didn't do as well as she wanted.

that's where wanting to dunk comes from. for all my gifts, i am not a "natural athlete." my body looks athletic and i'm coordinated but i'm in the fat part of the bell curve in most measures of "athleticism." i'm not terribly slow but i'm not fast, i'm sort of quick but not gonna juke anyone out of their shoes, and when i first started trying to jump higher nearly four years ago, i could just barely touch the rim off a run up. people generally laugh when i tell them that i want to dunk: what, this sub-6' white guy? lololololol. for all my throat clearing with entropy and others about what "athleticism" really means, dunking seemed to me a pretty neat and wonderful expression of power, grace, and speed. so i decided to go for it. and even though i'm not there yet, even though i've only gained 6" in that time on my best days, even though i spent the first 9-10 months of this year running in place like a moron and progressing on nothing, it feels good to be on this pursuit, trying hard to reach a difficult goal, however silly or pointless. 

so let me sum up by saying, here's to me finally dunking in 2014, or 2015, or however long it takes. and here's to the rest of you in all your goals, as long as you're picking goals that are worth reaching and putting your ego on the line to reach them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on December 30, 2013, 12:24:47 pm
Very cool post man. I feel like out of all of us here, your training journey is the epitome of what adarq envisaged when he set up the site. I've often had that same feeling of hesitation about going balls-out in various other life endeavours, and it's prob the reason I have maybe told one or two other people that I'm trying to dunk on 10'. I'm a wuss  :huh:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 30, 2013, 01:45:40 pm
Good stuff... you keep doing what you're doing because you're on the right path, especially recently.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ian459 on December 30, 2013, 02:01:16 pm
Good stuff... you keep doing what you're doing because you're on the right path, especially recently.

Agreed. What's your vert now LBSS? 36-37''?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 30, 2013, 10:54:28 pm
yeah acole, i think you're right. it's similar to adarq's own journey to dunk: sick of other sports, just doing it for its own sake from a baseline that's way short. my peak RVJ right now is probably 36". i need at least 37 or 37.5 to dunk off a lob.

forgot that i'd promised my dad that i'd help him split up the hickory tree that our neighbors had cut down because it was getting old and if it'd fallen on their house would have caused six-figure damage. instead of gym today i moved, split, and threw into a pile something like 1000kg of wood. so fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 31, 2013, 05:55:36 am

and all that's kind of secondary to the feeling i had coming out of college that i'd pretty much coasted in life up to that point. i'm white, a dude, upper middle class (not rich by US standards but very rich compared to the rest of the world), good-looking, straight, reasonably intelligent and curious and personable, i handle stressful situations like deadlines very well. life is easy for me, people very much like me found themselves in control in europe hundreds of years ago and have set up european societies to favor ourselves over many centuries. so graduating from college didn't really feel like an achievement, it felt inevitable, just something that i did because good god why wouldn't i? i got honors in college but didn't feel like i'd worked for them. i rarely (not never, but rarely) put myself out there, risked failure by working as hard as i could on something. if i could get A- or B+ results without trying, why go balls out? this is a bullshit mentality, it comes from a place of insecurity and fear: if i dig deep and put everything into something and fail to ace it, then i'm really not good enough. if i don't try that hard and get merely average or above average results, well then i could always tell myself, "i could do better if i wanted to." bullshit. my gf recently studied extremely hard for weeks for a test that mattered a lot to her, and she didn't do as well as she needed to to get the grade she deserved for the course overall. partly she got fucked over by whoever wrote the test, but bottom line is she didn't reach the mark she wanted to reach. but she was brave in her studying, she put herself in a position where her ego could really suffer if she didn't do as well as she wanted.

that's where wanting to dunk comes from. for all my gifts, i am not a "natural athlete." my body looks athletic and i'm coordinated but i'm in the fat part of the bell curve in most measures of "athleticism." i'm not terribly slow but i'm not fast, i'm sort of quick but not gonna juke anyone out of their shoes, and when i first started trying to jump higher nearly four years ago, i could just barely touch the rim off a run up. people generally laugh when i tell them that i want to dunk: what, this sub-6' white guy? lololololol. for all my throat clearing with entropy and others about what "athleticism" really means, dunking seemed to me a pretty neat and wonderful expression of power, grace, and speed. so i decided to go for it. and even though i'm not there yet, even though i've only gained 6" in that time on my best days, even though i spent the first 9-10 months of this year running in place like a moron and progressing on nothing, it feels good to be on this pursuit, trying hard to reach a difficult goal, however silly or pointless. 

Great post.  Don't forget that even the journey has kept you from become the fat slob we are supposed to become after college athletics.  Challenge yourself in some way so that failure is not inevitable (that makes you delusional) but definitely possible.... really one of the hardest things for people to do.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 31, 2013, 08:49:15 am
Great post, LBSS! I can very much relate to it, not that it matters, just saying.

Challenge yourself in some way so that failure is not inevitable (that makes you delusional) but definitely possible.... really one of the hardest things for people to do.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2013, 06:16:55 pm
thanks vag!

here's a vid of what i spent all yesterday afternoon doing with my dad (in yellow) and our neighbor (controlling the splitter). this is a smaller log, some of them were ~40kg.


SORENESS: right bicep, left hand
MENTAL STATE: meh, headache

- warm up

- RVJ out to two-step x a couple
shite, bagged it. head hurt.

- circuit of DB swings and upper pushing and pulling x four rounds

- stretch

felt like crap today, headache is still there although not as bad as earlier. so i dialed it back and just got the juices flowing a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2014, 10:20:11 pm
WEIGHT: 178   :o
MENTAL STATE: pretty good

- warm up

- 2-on-2 half court x 15-20 mins
we won. i had a couple nice layups off cuts to the hoop and a couple of brutal jump shots. also i was playing D on a 6'5 guy. that shit is hard.

- DLRVJ x a bunch
was tired from the 2-on-2 because i'm out of shape, but still managed to dunk the miniball once and have a bunch of near misses. some easy 33+ toward the end. encouraging.

- assisted natural GHR x 8,8,8

- circuit x 4
-- cable hip thrust 130 x 10
-- pull down 90 x 10
-- dip x 10
minimal rest between exercises, ~60s between sets

- circuit x 2
-- DB shrug 65s x 10
-- DB curl 25s x 10,8
-- rear delt flyes 12.5s x 10

- decline sit up 35 x 8+2 (last 2 reps concentric with bar in front of neck)

- stretch

man i've gained 5 pounds in the past month. well, probably the past week and a half, what with vacation and all the ad lib eating. never used to happen to me, that i know of. it all goes to the low back. will cut down on sweets and booze for the next week and see where i'm at. part of it could be water retention from creatine, come to think of it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ian459 on January 02, 2014, 10:39:15 pm
Have you noticed the effect of creatine on your jumping? For me, I think I jump slightly higher when I'm loaded on creatine. But the bigger effect for me is that I have more consistent jumps throughout the workout (my jumping height doesn't drop significantly after a few jumps).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2014, 10:55:21 pm
can't say i can attribute any change in workouts to creatine. i don't preload, i take it after i've worked out. it might be helping, certainly, but i'm just not sure. my jumping stamina has seemed better but that could just as easily be conditioning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 03, 2014, 04:25:34 pm
also meant to mention that last night i got a couple of rim touches of SL, including half a knuckle over off my left foot. this is also extremely encouraging because i was tired at that point and was not putting forth 100% effort on any jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on January 03, 2014, 05:53:13 pm
here's to the rest of you in all your goals, as long as you're picking goals that are worth reaching and putting your ego on the line to reach them.

Beautiful. Gonna remember this one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2014, 07:45:02 am
neglected to log this on saturday 1/4:

WEIGHT: 176.5

- warm up

- bunch of SVJ

- paused squat 255 x 3,3

- circuit x 3
-- DB RDL 70s x 10
-- inverted row x 12
-- DB OHP 40s x 10,8(+35 x 3)

- some other shit that i forget.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2014, 10:20:01 pm
MENTAL STATE: tired but great

- warm up

- SVJ x a few
PR, first-ever rim touch off SVJ.  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

- DLRVJ x a bunch
PR tie off four, ~36, near base of palm. holding the ball was fucking me up, though, could not get a dunk with miniball. damn it.

- SLRVJ x a few
meh, a few rim touches and a few screwy jumps.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 07, 2014, 12:56:42 am
Damn, PR tie off four? Never tried jumping off all four :D

Anyway, it seems your strength is carrying over to your jumping more and more. Sounds like improvements in movement efficiency to me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2014, 09:21:32 am
Damn, PR tie off four? Never tried jumping off all four :D

Anyway, it seems your strength is carrying over to your jumping more and more. Sounds like improvements in movement efficiency to me.

you mean you've never seen a picture of me before?



also, yes, definitely major improvements in movement efficiency.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 07, 2014, 09:26:16 am
You should film your approach again because I think you still have a ways to go until you can say you're good at the run-up plant thing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2014, 10:13:57 am
yeah i need to get some of these PR-level jumps on camera. and some miniball dunks. will try to do by the end of the week.

also, on saturday i'm going back to tajikistan for ~2 weeks. not looking forward to it, not least because training is going really well right now and the interruption will suck. i'm going to use the time there to work on drop steps, SVJ and short approaches, for some conditioning and to brush up on jump rope skills, and bodybuilding-style stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on January 07, 2014, 09:58:00 pm
yeah i need to get some of these PR-level jumps on camera. and some miniball dunks. will try to do by the end of the week.

also, on saturday i'm going back to tajikistan for ~2 weeks. not looking forward to it, not least because training is going really well right now and the interruption will suck. i'm going to use the time there to work on drop steps, SVJ and short approaches, for some conditioning and to brush up on jump rope skills, and bodybuilding-style stuff.

Weren't you in Pakistan a while back too? Hope you don't mind me asking, but what exactly do you do?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2014, 08:07:13 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2014, 09:03:45 pm
WEIGHT: 179 - huh, guess i need to actually start watching what i eat, instead of saying i will and then not really doing it
SORENESS: hamstrings (?)
MENTAL STATE: meh, headache

- warm up

- SVJ x a few
PR tie, touched rim twice

- DLRVJ x a few
out to three-step but these were awful. headache, very slow.

- explosive paused squat 255 x 3,3

- bench 135 x 8,8

- BOR 135 x 8,8

- random other upper body shit

- the end

- fuck it

- my head hurts
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ian459 on January 08, 2014, 10:41:01 pm
What are you trying to do with squats right now? Not going heavy and just working on explosive squats?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2014, 08:56:01 am
What are you trying to do with squats right now? Not going heavy and just working on explosive squats?

in a nutshell, yeah. i spent too long being distracted by trying to squat heavy. i got a 2x bw squat, whoop-de-do, but now i'm relegating myself to explosive squats (if the bar isn't popping off my shoulders at the top of the concentric, it's not fast enough) and focusing more on supplementary work for my p-chain. hence all the assisted GHRs, RDLs, and cable pull-throughs/hip thrusts.

i love squatting too much to abandon it altogether.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 09, 2014, 10:13:46 am
That's great, and exactly what you need (other than the obvious focus on jumping).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2014, 12:48:47 pm
slipped and fell on my ass on the way to work. fucking hail, fucking brick sidewalk. at least i didn't actually hurt anything, but still:  :raging:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2014, 06:46:15 pm
god damn gym closes at 6 on fridays. i didn't get there in time to work out. fml.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 11, 2014, 08:02:50 pm
SORENESS: right triceps (?)
MENTAL STATE: kinda stressed but otherwise okay

- warm up

- SVJ x a few
felt high but no measurement

- squat 295 x 1; 190 x 20

- superset x 2
-- pull up x 5
-- dip x 5
-- DB RDL 60s x 5

really rushed because leaving today for tajikistan but glad to get this in before the trip. here goes nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on January 11, 2014, 09:26:59 pm
Imagine when that 20 rep squat hits 225.  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2014, 09:16:16 am
greetings from the one, the only, dushanbe. 225 x 20 would be a fun quaternary goal. or, once i dunk, a secondary goal. gonna go move around and stretch a bit now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2014, 10:05:04 am
SORENESS: quads (esp VMO), glutes a little
MENTAL STATE: tiiiiiiiired

- slow jog x 15 mins

- stretching and mobility x 15 mins

- some light DB/resistance band shit, but not worth recording

jet lag is a motherfucker. i slept in the car this afternoon for about an hour and a half, which felt amazing at the time but we'll see how it does me in an hour or so when i'm trying to crash. benadryl, don't fail me now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 15, 2014, 08:01:11 am
last night (1/14):

MENTAL STATE: tiiiiiiiired

- warm up

- superset x 2
-- bench 60kg x 10
-- neutral chin up x 10

- some band shit

- stretch

yesterday sucked, worked from 7:30-9 without a break and jet lag was hitting me hard in the evening. made it up to the gym before bed but this was all i could manage. on the plus side, it looks like i'm coming home earlier than i thought. i've got some work to do right now but i'm going to get in a bit more of a workout tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 15, 2014, 12:29:24 pm

- warm up

- SVJ and SL SVJ x a few

- superset x 3
-- DB BSS 22s x 10
-- DB RDL 22s x 10

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 14s x 10
-- DB row 22s x 10

- curlzzzz 12s x 10

- tricep pressdown ?? x 10
forget the weight i used

- band pull aparts

- random core stuff

- stretch

sprinkled in SL SVJ and SVJ throughout during rest periods. couple drop steps, too. a tajik coworker, who's a doctor and probably in her late 30s or early 40s, showed up at the hotel gym in unbelievably tight pants and a tank top. a bit awkward.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 17, 2014, 10:52:51 am
SORENESS: glutes and hams like whoa
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, above patella; left shoulder when overhead

- warm up

- SVJ x ~10
after i did a few submax ones to test the soreness these weren't all that bad.

- superset x 2
-- bench 70 x 10
-- pull up x 10
surprisingly strong on the pull ups

- upright rows ? x 10

- pistol squat w/4kg DB for balance x 7

- band pull aparts

- TTB x 5
shoulder buggin, stopped

- stretch

definitely going home early now. pretty happy about it. two weeks away from the real gym is bad news. my diet has been decent on this trip, too. fruits and veggies, minimal sweets, plenty of protein, relatively low carbs most days (although tajik food is exceptionally carb-heavy so when i've been at traditional lunch places it's been rice and bread, rice and bread). i'll be curious to see how much i weigh on tuesday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 18, 2014, 01:46:38 am
there was a major attack last night on a restaurant i've been to a bunch of times in kabul. no one i know was there but something like 14-16EDIT: 21 people were killed, including a friend of a friend who was the country head for the IMF. people die violently every day in afghanistan and pakistan and all the deaths are sad, but it hits a bit closer to home when it's a place i know well and could easily have been at. feeling a bit more messed up about it than i'd have expected.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 18, 2014, 06:48:27 am
At least it wasn't a signature strike by an american drone, followed by a second strike to kill the first responders - the people that are trying to help.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 18, 2014, 07:37:14 am
At least it wasn't a signature strike by an american drone, followed by a second strike to kill the first responders - the people that are trying to help.

like i said, it's always sad when people are killed violently. but don't pretend that people being killed in a place you know, or worse, people you know being killed, doesn't touch you more strongly than hearing about strangers getting killed in a strange place.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 18, 2014, 04:43:48 pm
I know I know... of course... it's just that for some reason (and hate me as much as you want) - when I see an american complaining about killing I just... I just am not impressed.

Why? Because you guys stand as the pinnacle of freedom in the world and yet you resort in the same terrorist tactics (albeit it with less risk - radio guided drones so that the pilot is not in any danger - he just presses a button).

Is that the fault of the american people? Of course it isn't. But for me, I just... you know what I mean. It's like blaming germans for what Hitler did.

The reality is that Hitler got in that position and the leadership of the USA is doing all these things PARTLY because they have been allowed to do it by their country as a whole.

Not to mention the USA is the only country in the world to actually use a nuclear weapon, and then pretend that nobody else should have it. There's a lot of stuff going on with hypocrisy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 18, 2014, 11:11:10 pm
I know I know... of course... it's just that for some reason (and hate me as much as you want) - when I see an american complaining about killing I just... I just am not impressed.

Why? Because you guys stand as the pinnacle of freedom in the world and yet you resort in the same terrorist tactics (albeit it with less risk - radio guided drones so that the pilot is not in any danger - he just presses a button).

Is that the fault of the american people? Of course it isn't. But for me, I just... you know what I mean. It's like blaming germans for what Hitler did.

The reality is that Hitler got in that position and the leadership of the USA is doing all these things PARTLY because they have been allowed to do it by their country as a whole.

Not to mention the USA is the only country in the world to actually use a nuclear weapon, and then pretend that nobody else should have it. There's a lot of stuff going on with hypocrisy.

if you can't see the gap between individual emotion and governmental action then i can't help you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on January 18, 2014, 11:53:24 pm
there was a major attack last night on a restaurant i've been to a bunch of times in kabul. no one i know was there but something like 14-16EDIT: 21 people were killed, including a friend of a friend who was the country head for the IMF. people die violently every day in afghanistan and pakistan and all the deaths are sad, but it hits a bit closer to home when it's a place i know well and could easily have been at. feeling a bit more messed up about it than i'd have expected.

Hearing about this kind of thing always makes me feel for the families and friends of the victims first as they are the ones that feel the impact the deepest. Things will most likely never be the same for them.
Secondary to that It kinda puts into perspective what a crap shoot life is for all of us.
Got to live life to the fullest, and tell your friends and family what they mean to you because you never know what tomorrow may bring.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 18, 2014, 11:59:43 pm
also, raptor, your country was complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands (at least) of jews during world war ii. so if you're going to go digging up hiroshima and nagasaki as a reason not to feel sympathetic when an american is upset, then at least acknowledge that romanians are deserving of no more sympathy, as an entire fucking country, than anyone else.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 19, 2014, 08:36:17 am
Well yeah, but you must look at the overall stuff that happened throughout history. And throughout history, we've always defended our country from attackers.

If you look at the USA, besides killing almost all the population of native americans while you established the USA, you're now actively searching for wars in order for the defense and weapons industry to make money off these wars (not to mention getting oil).

So... there's really no comparison.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2014, 08:51:02 am
raptor, you fucking asstard, you will find no defense from me of the us military-industrial complex or our 200-year-old aggressive empire-building. you won't. american behaves abominably in foreign policy as often as not and we're our own worst enemy in a lot of ways. i spend a lot of time thinking about that. but how does that have anything at-fucking-all to do with the fact that a bunch of people -- only three of whom were american, let me remind you -- just got blown up or shot to death in a place i've spent many hours at at dinners just like the ones they were enjoying until about 90 seconds before their lives ended? and that that upset me a bit more than i'd have expected it to?

fuck you, get the fuck out of here with that shit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2014, 12:28:45 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder in overhead extension
MENTAL STATE: okay, kind of tired

- warm up

- goblet squat 22 x 10,10,10,10,10
sets on the minute

- bench 80 x 10,10

- paused upright row ? x 10,10

- SVJ x a few
yeesh, no pop at all

- DB RDL 26s x 10,10

- curls and tricep pressdowns

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2014, 07:33:24 pm

- warm up

- jumps x ~30 mins

- stretch

- sledding x 2 hours

jumps were a bit low and uncoordinated, as expected, but not catastrophic. probably 28" on the SVJ, 32.5-33.5 on three- and four-step jumps that i didn't fuck up on the approach. sled-worthy snow happens too rarely around here to pass up. it was awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2014, 02:31:15 pm
my back is mildly sore from the sledding. i'm getting old.  :derp:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2014, 09:15:16 pm
SORENESS: glutes a little
ACHES/INJURIES: back a tiny bit

- warm up

- jumps out to a couple at four-step
33.5-34, not terrible. there were a bunch of other dudes in the gym and that always messes me up.

- paused squat 225 x 5,5,5
super conservative, very easy. went to full-on kingfish depth, though. i always break parallel but paused ATG with explosive concentrics might be another fun way to limit myself on squatting for a while.

- DB OHP 40s x 8,8

- assisted natural GHR x 5,5

- paused low cable row 90 x 10,10

- tricep pressdown 90 x 10,10

- DB curl 25s x 10

- decline sit up x 10

- stretch

kept volume and intensity down for first workout back from the trip. i did pretty well while i was over there about working out but i've overreached too many times on the way back. also i lost 4-5 pounds on the trip but i think they were mostly good pounds to lose. i looked lean in the mirror. plus i have a crucial beard now, gonna get to mountain man status. i have to dunk soon so i can move on to my secondary goal of getting actually strong and competing in PL at a ripped 181. if i gained 10-12 pounds and dropped a few pounds of fat while focusing on the lifts i bet i could squat 425, DL 445 and bench 295. man that'd be fun.

this was my 18th visit to a foreign country for work since i started at my current job. passport's starting to fill up, i've already had extra pages added a while back and now i'm into the back half of them. got a little over two years left before it expires to pack the rest with visas.  ;D

afghanistan x 7
pakistan x 4
tajikistan x 3
UAE x 2
mozambique x 1
turkey x 1
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2014, 10:49:30 am
god i wanna do 5/3/1 so, so bad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2014, 05:29:30 pm
WEIGHT: 173.5

- warm up

- RVJ out to four-step
34.5-35, very good. touched rim off SVJ during warm up and was even maybe a half knuckle over, so ~30.5. not at PR-tie levels on RVJ but i got cut off early when a flood of children rushed into the damn court and started running around everywhere.

- paused ATG squat 245 x 3,3

- squat 185 x 20

- bench 185 x 5,5
something tweaked in my left hand (?) during the second set, stopped

- pull up x 8+3+3+3

- assisted natural GHR x 8,8,8

- superset x 3
-- DB shrug 45s x 15
-- curl 25s x 10
-- press down 100 x 10; 80 x 10

- superset x 2
-- hanging leg raise x 10
-- cable hip thrust 100 x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on January 26, 2014, 10:42:22 am
35''.....  Your reach is about 1 inch below mine right?   At 35'' I think you might need to start practicing boune dunks or catching alley-oops no?  That's gotta be a decent distance above the rim... With a deload and a small cut I imagine you can't be that far off...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2014, 04:38:38 pm
i feel like to catch a lob i need to be at least hitting the base of my palm on the rim. that's ~37, or about an inch higher than my all-time PR, which was a few weeks ago. 35 is enough to dunk something i can easily palm but not quite enough for a basketball.

that said, yes, on a peak jump on a peak day i think i have enough height now to (weakly) dunk a lob. time to start practicing self-lobs if only to get good at them so when i do have the height i can commence to putting the ball down through the rim.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2014, 07:16:33 pm
WEIGHT: 174.5
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder

- warm up

- jumps x 30 minutes or so
got a couple of solid clean dunks with the mini soccer ball and a few more with the dodgeball. easily in the 34-35 range, so not at PR-tie levels. pretty good. touched rim several times off right SLRVJ, missed each try (of four) off left. SVJ during warm up was barely 30 or just below.

- superset x 5
-- DB swing 45 x 10
-- inverted row x 10 (alternated pronated/supinated grip)
-- dip x 8
minimal rest between exercises/sets

- decline sit up 18 x 10,10,10

- stretch

great workout, was just expecting to do the DB swing circuit and some core stuff to get the juices flowing but the court was empty when i got there. score one for luke. did a lot of jumps, clear drop off toward the end but could still consistently get 33. peak not there, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 27, 2014, 08:17:34 am
It seems like you have managed to establish this level as "normal" for you which is great news. That means PR level will be at above this one and that you'll get these kinds of performances as stable events for you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 27, 2014, 09:43:19 am
^^^so i hope. on that note, i took a pic of my hand so you can see the progression of my "normal" jump, i.e., the height i can get on an average day. the callouses, from where i grab the rim, tell the story. mid-palm is not a callous yet, just a little scrape in the middle there.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 27, 2014, 09:55:51 am
You only really need to get your thumb over the rim to "dunk" it, and obviously synchronize the jump with the lob perfectly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 27, 2014, 11:18:48 am
You only really need to get your thumb over the rim to "dunk" it, and obviously synchronize the jump with the lob perfectly.

But you need to get the whole palm above rim to dunk it instead of "dunking" it. You can get some "dunks" in being at a 10'5'' 10'6'' touch. It would be either a perfect lob that you slapped in, or being able to palm the ball really good and at the edge of your fingers and sync everything perfectly to break the wrist at the tiny time window that the ball is above the rim. But to dunk-dunk, you must be able to get at least 8'' above the rim. I used to lose most of the dunks when i was jumping 8'' above rim actually,  i would land like 1 out of 10. I needed to be at 9''-10'' above to make almost every attempt.
Just 2c from my n=1.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 27, 2014, 11:50:44 am
i need to start bringing my own ball to the gym, the balls they have there suck mightily and don't bounce high enough. need a super-inflated ball like adarq used to use. or someone to throw me lobs, but that's unlikely.

a "dunk" would basically be the most exciting thing i've ever done, let alone a dunk. perfect lob, perfect timing, rattle it in off the back iron? mission accomplished. i guess i've got the height now according to y'all. but a dunk would obviously be better and i'm still 1.5-2 inches shy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 27, 2014, 12:57:14 pm
Some related stuff about those last couple inches and how much above you need to be :

I am sure i have posted it again and you have read it too back then but oh, well!  ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on January 27, 2014, 01:36:42 pm
You say that LBSS....then you dunk and its....

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 27, 2014, 01:52:31 pm
Some related stuff about those last couple inches and how much above you need to be :

I am sure i have posted it again and you have read it too back then but oh, well!  ;D

thanks vag, i'd read that before but not in a long time. i've been breaking down my approach, as you know, and it's helped a lot. this gives another way to do that, which i'll try next time i'm jumping. i'm obviously a hop jumper.

@chris, i'm sure you're right! at the moment, though, "dunking" at all will feel like the apex of my life.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 27, 2014, 11:07:36 pm
WEIGHT: 174.5
SORENESS: neck, hip flexors, hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little out of it

- warm up

- SVJ x 6 and a few more jumps of various kinds

- paused squat 245 x 3,3

- superset x 5
-- bench 95 x 10
-- lat pull down 100 x 10

- band pull aparts x 10,10
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 28, 2014, 01:39:29 am
Maybe continuing to practice will make you a 1-2 plant jumper over time and that will give you the extra 1-2 inches.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 28, 2014, 04:54:42 am
Or, maybe you don't need to be a 1-2 jumper just because VC ( or 9 out of 10 awesome dunkers ) is, but become the best jumper you can be, even if that is a hop-jumper.

You might experiment a bit with each style to see which one you favor, just don't get in the habit of overanalyzing your steps to the point you turn into a robot. As you become more advanced and work on your approach you will likely naturally gravitate toward a step-close style of approach, but plenty of people have succeeded with either style and when put to the test neither style has proven superior. If you make a point to come in faster and smoother your body will inherently use the style most favorable for your unique physiological characteristics.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 28, 2014, 05:04:25 am
What I meant is that maybe over time he'll start becoming a 1-2 planter...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 28, 2014, 05:43:47 am
Yup, no objection to that. I had that happen to me actually, more than 1 time: I always was hop jumper, but i tend to become more 1-2 in periods that i emphasize more on jumping. It never happens deliberately, my body starts favouring that plant automatically. I don't even know what plant i am using, i can only observe it on vid later. Anyway, fuck my n=1. My previous post was not aggresive, what i wanted to emphasize was what i quoted from that kellyb article, which is what i believe about jumping form in general. Of course yes to improving speed/smoothness/efficiency, big no to getting stuck to stereotypes and becoming a form robot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 28, 2014, 06:05:52 am
I have seen that transformation with pretty much everybody not named Justin Darlington. Some exceptions might be adarqui or AC Barch.

But like 90%+ of people jump the most with a 1-2 plant, where they load up the first plant leg a lot more than the 2nd. I guess it allows more time for power to be built up and for less overload to occur in that position (I think the amortization forces load the hips better than in a drop plant).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2014, 09:38:43 am
it's all academic, as far as i'm concerned. i'm not going to consciously try to change my plant now, i'm too close to my goal to be fiddling with fundamental stuff like that. if it happens on its own, it happens.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 28, 2014, 09:58:20 am
Yeah, that's what I meant - it will probably happen on its own.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2014, 09:01:55 am
an old gym buddy is moving to london, so i worked out with her and an other friend last night.


- paused ATG squat 250 x 3,3

- squat 205 x 20

- bench 185 x 5,5,10

- superset x 2
-- assisted natural GHR x 8
-- DB row 70 x 10

- decline sit up 35 x 10

- stretch

no soreness today from the 20-repper or the GHRs.  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2014, 07:58:04 pm
MENTAL STATE: okay to good

- warm up

- jumps x some
PR tie on one of the 4-step jumps, surprisingly. drop-off was really fast, didn't get more than 12-15 jumps total.

- paused squat 250 x 3,3

- bench 190 x 5,5,5

- kroc row 50 x 20,20

- superset x 2
-- cable hip thrust 130 x 15
-- hanging leg raise x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2014, 04:54:47 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: both shoulders (left before, right after i got whacked)

- touch football x 1.5 hours
so fun. got an elbow or something to the right shoulderblade but it's nbd. i'm gonna be sore as hell tomorrow. worth it.

now time to watch the pros do it.  :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2014, 04:55:58 pm
the timinvermont 1RM calculator gets wonky at higher reps. 205 x 20 gives me a 1RM of 435.  :derp:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2014, 11:46:38 am
sure enough, i'm sore in most of the expected areas: the little muscles in my hips (adductors, hip flexors), lower back, obliques, and to a lesser extend quads and hamstrings. all the stabilizing muscles that are taxed for quick cutting and starting and stopping. tib anterior and peroneals are, unexpectedly, totally fine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2014, 05:10:05 pm
the potomac valley track club just announced their spring/summer meet schedule. there are FAT 100m and 200m races on may 19, june 9 and 30, july 20 and august 10. pretty soon it'll be warm enough to start training outside again and i'm going to head back out to the track. gonna sign up for one or more of these and finally learn just how slow i really am.

EDIT: avishek's gonna do one of them with me. more motivation.

spring workouts plan is to jump 3-4 days a week, train on the track 2-3 days a week, and lift 2 days a week. something like:

D1: ME jumping + lifting
D2: rest OR low-intensity track
D3: jumping + high-intensity track
D4: jumping + lifting
D5: rest OR low-intensity track
D6: jumping + high-intensity track
D7: rest

that may be overly ambitious. given that i'm making progress on my current set up and my overall goal remains dunking,high-intensity track will be the first thing to go if it's too much. i do think i reaped some benefits from the sprinting last summer/fall, and it'll be interesting to see if i can continue to do that after a winter that's seen me get closer to my goal than ever before.

high-intensity track would be various bounds and max-effort sprints. low-intensity track would be basically extensive tempo. i'll start conservatively, as always.

might get back to jumping before work, as well, as that'll allow me to get back on the track without having overly complicated evenings or being unpleasantly surprised by the court being filled with 8-year-olds.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2014, 10:00:47 pm
SORENESS: hip flexors, adductors, obliques, intercostals, quads, feet (yes)

- warm up

- hip thrust 85 x 15,15,15,15

- paused squat 225 x 3,3,3

- superset x 2
-- dips x 15
-- pull ups x 6

- kroc row 65 x 18

- stretch

a garbage workout but that's to be expected when so sore. will work out again tomorrow and possibly thursday and am taking friday off. hopefully i'll be shipshape enough by then to get a good long workout in in the afternoon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on February 05, 2014, 05:13:18 am
the potomac valley track club just announced their spring/summer meet schedule. there are FAT 100m and 200m races on may 19, june 9 and 30, july 20 and august 10. pretty soon it'll be warm enough to start training outside again and i'm going to head back out to the track. gonna sign up for one or more of these and finally learn just how slow i really am.

EDIT: avishek's gonna do one of them with me. more motivation.

spring workouts plan is to jump 3-4 days a week, train on the track 2-3 days a week, and lift 2 days a week. something like:

D1: ME jumping + lifting
D2: rest OR low-intensity track
D3: jumping + high-intensity track
D4: jumping + lifting
D5: rest OR low-intensity track
D6: jumping + high-intensity track
D7: rest

that may be overly ambitious. given that i'm making progress on my current set up and my overall goal remains dunking,high-intensity track will be the first thing to go if it's too much. i do think i reaped some benefits from the sprinting last summer/fall, and it'll be interesting to see if i can continue to do that after a winter that's seen me get closer to my goal than ever before.

high-intensity track would be various bounds and max-effort sprints. low-intensity track would be basically extensive tempo. i'll start conservatively, as always.

might get back to jumping before work, as well, as that'll allow me to get back on the track without having overly complicated evenings or being unpleasantly surprised by the court being filled with 8-year-olds.

Wow very cool man. Will be interested to see how you go.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2014, 10:05:02 am
meant to mention, i've been playing around with my kettlebell, mostly doing TGUs and cleans/snatches and OHP for a rep or two at a time. just getting a feel for the thing, i've never worked with KBs before. also, did some work with the captains of crush yesterday, playing around with hand positioning. i found a good hold for my left hand but not yet my right, although right is (obviously, i'm right-handed) much stronger.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2014, 09:18:14 pm
MENTAL STATE: stressed

- warm up

- SVJ x 3

- superset x 2
-- DB jump squat 16 x 3
-- SVJ x 3

- superset ladder (2,4,6)x2
-- dips
-- pull ups

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 07, 2014, 04:05:26 pm

- warm up

- jumps x a bunch
pretty mediocre, mostly in the 33 range, a couple 34+ that i got on camera. will link to vids later.

- paused squat 245 x 3,3
fine but the pop wasn't that great.

- bench 195 x 5,5,5
technique still coming along, once i've grooved this a bit better i think i'll make some decent progress

- kroc row 55 x 25

- DB RDL 70s x 10,10,10

- superset x 2
-- hanging leg raise x 10
-- tricep pressdown 120 x 10
-- DB curl 20 x 10

- stretch

pretty disappointed with this workout. better luck next week.

(ETA the DB RDL, which i forgot but of which my hamstrings reminded me this morning.)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on February 07, 2014, 09:13:04 pm
GL on the track stuff! I'm betting you will surprise yourself.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2014, 08:53:21 am
thanks man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2014, 09:01:36 am
SVJ from yesterday. first jump nicked the rim, second jump just shy.  >:(

one-step, two-step, three-step. all pretty bad except the one-step. ultimate step and jump stop look even worse on video than it felt IRL.

couple of four-step. first one was ~33, second and third ~34. legs felt heavy the whole day. jumps are at 0:17, 0:55 and 1:36 if you don't want to watch me pace around. at the end i'm showing where my palm hit the rim.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on February 08, 2014, 10:23:12 am
Man, if those felt meh, you can jam a well timed/thrown lob.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 08, 2014, 11:34:33 am
To me, the most obvious thing I see for the SVJs is the total lack of armswing... you swing your arms but you get 0 out of it. There's really no synchronization between the armswing and the actual jump... you should work on that more.

The running jumps look ok... although some of them don't look too "certain" in terms of where and when to start the plant etc
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 09, 2014, 11:08:34 pm
- foam roll t-spine, ITB, quads, glutes

- wrist/hand mob

- captains of crush T Lx5,5,7; Rx5,5,17
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2014, 10:52:34 am
this morning:

- warm up

- jumps x ~12
horrible. got disgusted and decided to just do...

- continuous layups x a bunch
starting from the 3pt line, alternating L and R, constant movement. probably 5-6 minutes of these.

- jumps x a few more
muuuuuuuuuuuch better, smoother, more pop, still not great but better. takes longer to warm up at 7 AM.

lesson: do enough layups to work up a sweat before jumping.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2014, 05:09:04 pm
two things:

1) jumping this morning was such a good idea.
2) i started keeping a booze log. i'm not a big drinker by any means, but i often have a drink or three friday and saturday night. much less than i used to even a couple of years ago, certainly. alcohol affects me very unpredictably: i occasionally get bad-to-really-bad hangovers, but i can't find any pattern as to why. it seems to have nothing to do with volume, or duration of drinking, or type of alcohol drunk. so i'm going to keep track and see if i can find any patterns.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 11, 2014, 05:01:31 am
Drink tons of water the next day after you drink too much alcohol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on February 11, 2014, 07:29:35 am
Slam a pedialyte and two ibuprofen before bed the night you drink. You shall be cured. :)

This was my cocktail of choice in college and I was a borderline alcoholic lmao
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 11, 2014, 07:34:17 am
I never gotten drunk in my life. Don't see the point of it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2014, 12:04:07 pm
Drink tons of water the next day after you drink too much alcohol.

I never gotten drunk in my life. Don't see the point of it.

thanks for the advice, bro. :derp:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2014, 12:13:31 pm
Slam a pedialyte and two ibuprofen before bed the night you drink. You shall be cured. :)

This was my cocktail of choice in college and I was a borderline alcoholic lmao

that's the thing, though. i'm as inveterate a drinker as any non-abstaining american 20-something. i have my methods, like everyone else: if i've actually had a lot to drink (say, 6+ drinks in one "session"; rare now but it happens), sometimes i get a gatorade (adult pedialyte) and take some prophylactic aspirin or ibuprofen and sometimes i don't. and sometimes when i do i get a hangover and sometimes when i don't, i don't. no pattern.

on thinking about this more i realize that this lack of pattern goes back to college. when i binge drank in college i would sometimes get brutal hangovers that lasted until the following evening, lots of puking, etc. i missed one of the most amazing football games of my tenure at UM because of a nasty hangover* and have never forgiven myself. but sometimes i'd wake up the next day and be fine, despite the 10 or however many drinks i'd had.

so, i will track.

*to be fair to myself, i was already considering not going because i had just started dating a girl who wanted to fuck four times a day, and that is hard to say no to as an 18-year-old. still, made up my mind to go and then could not get out of bed except to throw up. no sex, no fantastic OT win. idiot. plus that girl ended up being nuts, which in retrospect i should have seen coming. but hey, 18.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 11, 2014, 12:46:04 pm
Drink tons of water the next day after you drink too much alcohol.

I never gotten drunk in my life. Don't see the point of it.

thanks for the advice, bro. :derp:

I know that point from a anathomy/physiology course that I've taken... for example the head pain you get after getting drunk is not the neurons, it's the glial cells/the blood vessels that generate it. And that is from the dehydration that that much alcohol did.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on February 11, 2014, 02:07:31 pm
Hmmm. That is weird. Maybe a pattern will emerge.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2014, 10:06:07 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left hip a little

- warm up

- SVJ x 3,3
worked on using arms more. remembered a thing raptor posted a while back about internally rotating the arms on the downswing, seemed to help.

- DSVJ x 6 (3 each side)

- one-step jumps x a few

- paused squat 255 x 3,3

- bench 200 x 5,5,5
stupid bro touched the bar on the last rep of the last set but i'm counting it anyway. might have had a rep or two more but i stopped after he touched.

- kroc row 55 x 25
more weight next time

- hanging leg raise x 10
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2014, 10:09:20 pm
Man, if those felt meh, you can jam a well timed/thrown lob.

thanks man! i hope that's true. on a good day, i think i could do it with perfect timing. no training partner, though, and all the balls at the gym are too deflated to self-lob. i need an overinflated ball to use, my own ball sucks.

To me, the most obvious thing I see for the SVJs is the total lack of armswing... you swing your arms but you get 0 out of it. There's really no synchronization between the armswing and the actual jump... you should work on that more.

The running jumps look ok... although some of them don't look too "certain" in terms of where and when to start the plant etc

thanks raptor, good point about the SVJ. i tried to work on that today and will keep it in mind.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 12, 2014, 06:09:22 am
I confirm raptor's story about water. It is not an urban legend, it is a medical fact. But in my ( and many other fellow drinkers ) experience, it works much better if you do it before sleeping, the next morning is probably too late. The problem is that when you really need to do it you are in a state that it is hard to remember it. Anyway, best combo so far for hangovers : tons of water before sleep, 1000mg paracetamol ( preferably effervescent tablet ) first thing in the morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2014, 06:49:15 pm
you people are ridiculous. did you perhaps think that knowledge of what to do to reduce the likelihood of a hangover was not, um, common? yeah, of course drinking water helps. of course NSAIDs help. but sometimes they help a lot and sometimes not. prescribing something like "drink 1000mL of water and take a couple of whatevers" is completely beside the point.

here, go read joan acocella's history of hangover cures from a few years ago:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 12, 2014, 06:53:14 pm
How about not having hangovers? It helps!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2014, 08:41:52 pm
How about not having hangovers? It helps!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 13, 2014, 04:43:17 am
you people are ridiculous. did you perhaps think that knowledge of what to do to reduce the likelihood of a hangover was not, um, common? yeah, of course drinking water helps. of course NSAIDs help. but sometimes they help a lot and sometimes not. prescribing something like "drink 1000mL of water and take a couple of whatevers" is completely beside the point.

Are you on PMS or sth?  :P
Paracetamol is not NSAID and that is why i mentioned it, maybe it is not popular there. Also i never doubted you and everyone else know this stuff, just wanted to give yet another variation you might have not tried. And just a testimonial that water helps me more before sleeping. Didn't expect a nobel but neither an ironic rant.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2014, 08:54:09 am
oh yeah, sorry, paracetamol we call acetaminophen in the US, for some reason. it's not an NSAID but it's actually TERRIBLE to take with booze because it's hard on your liver.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 13, 2014, 09:09:28 am

I don't care about what alcohol does to my liver, just what some medicine does to it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2014, 10:22:39 am

I don't care about what alcohol does to my liver, just what some medicine does to it.

no. alcohol in moderation can be handled by the liver. that's the liver's job. acetaminophen/paracetamol is the LEADING CAUSE OF ACUTE LIVER FAILURE in the united states. when you mix it with alcohol, things can go badly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2014, 10:23:50 am
also, the god damn gym is closed today. i'm so blown. so, so very blown. backup gyms are also closed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 14, 2014, 02:58:21 pm
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- jumps x ~15
got a few dunks with the big dodgeball (volleyball-sized), some very good jumps without it, as well. plenty of video, will post later. not quite all-time PR height but close.

- paused squat 255 x 3,3
vid of first set. second set was better.

- bench 205 x 5,5,5
tough but clean. wobbled a little on the last rep of the first set and everything else was clean.

- assisted natural GHR x 8,8,9
did a few clapping pull ups in between sets

- kroc row 60 x 25

- stretch

great workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on February 14, 2014, 04:49:07 pm
Hell yea!! Volleyball tomorrow!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 14, 2014, 07:03:54 pm
that's the hope! here are some vids from today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 14, 2014, 07:42:16 pm
You jump much better with the ball in-hand... the dodgeball video is awesome, you really get up there. I would just do that over and over and over... and then use a size 5 or size 6 ball to dunk it.

The only thing I feel like you could improve on pretty dramatically is your hip hyperextension, because really... it's VERY limited (just like in my case). But I have no idea how... possibly with TONS (tens of minutes) of hip flexor stretching and mobility stuff.

But if you (we) really do that I expect for both me and you additional inches for sure.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on February 14, 2014, 10:48:06 pm
Getting up there! Rocking a sweet beard as well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 15, 2014, 01:00:15 pm
Awesome!!! Besides the obvious ( dunk ) , I love the power of the squat and the huge SLRVJ progress too! Keep it up man!!!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on February 15, 2014, 09:01:38 pm
I know you have been rocking the beard for a bit, but it looks good.

The dodge ball dunk looked easy. Your jumping great with the ball!

Major motivation for unathletic-ish short white guys worldwide! :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2014, 09:19:03 am
thanks y'all. unathletic shortish guys of the world unite! interesting point about hip hyperextension, raptor. i'm trying to do a better job of pre-activating my glutes and hopefully that'll help, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 16, 2014, 10:13:22 am
Well, I don't think that's the issue... I think the mobility/flexibility is the issue (in the sense that no matter how hard you'd try, that would still be your maximal extension at this point).

And I think maybe this is the greatest reason why people with big quads often times seem "unathletic" - that much muscle mass in the quads, unless diligently managed, will start become overactive and produce a high "stiffness" force on the hip joint, preventing maximal hip hyperextension (in other words - hip flexor tightness).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2014, 04:12:11 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: posterior left shoulder tweaking a wee bit
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- jumps x ~20
got a few good dunks with the dodgeball but inconsistent, missed more than i made. still felt good.

- paused squat 255 x 2; 225 x 3
legs weak/enervated weirdly. the 225 x 3 was explosive but 255 felt awful. huh.

- bench 185 x 8+3+3+3+3
nice pump

- cable pull through 140 x 20; 150 x 20,20

- kroc row 80 x 17(L),18(R)

- superset x 2
-- decline sit up 35 x 10
-- DB shrug 60s x 10
-- band pull apart x 10

some random other shit in there like a 2x25 DB plate pinch, some clapping pull ups, etc. good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 17, 2014, 04:46:58 pm
You shouldn't really care about your squat performance at this point - as long as the jumps become:

1) Higher
2) Smoother
3) Faster
4) Easier (less effort is needed)

Then you're good to go.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2014, 06:32:37 pm
You shouldn't really care about your squat performance at this point - as long as the jumps become:

1) Higher
2) Smoother
3) Faster
4) Easier (less effort is needed)

Then you're good to go.

oh, trust me, i don't care about squat performance right now. but it was notable to struggle with 255 after overpowering it easily the past few workouts.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2014, 09:38:46 pm
SORENESS: abs, hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: posterior left shoulder

- warm up

- SVJ x 3,3
first cluster better

- paused squat 255 x 3,3
much better, second set very good

- superset x 3
-- assisted natural GHR x 10
-- dip x 10
-- pull up x 5

- unsupported kroc row 65 x 15

shit workout, felt weird. left shoulder still irking me so i decided not to bench. tried DB OHP and that wasn't happening either. good old trusty dips.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 22, 2014, 12:17:13 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: lower back a little tight

- warm up

- SVJ x 5
- DSVJ x 10 (alternating LR and RL)
- SVJ x 5

- paused squat 260 x 3,3
super explosive

- bench 210 x 5,5,4
fucking god damn it, should have had 'em all.

- pull through 150 x 20
- kroc row 80 x 19(R),20(L)
- pull through 150 x 20

- stretch

little fuckers were throwing a party on the basketball court so i only had time for a warm up, a few layups and 1-2 SVJ and one-step jumps before they kicked me out to set up. it wasn't on the schedule. the lady who was in charge of setting up was a bitch about it, too: why don't people assume, as a baseline, that others are intelligent and generous? fuck it. rest of the workout was really good, jumps very springy, CNS firing. would have been a good day for jumping. jaio;wen;aoibha;osidgjhas;doicjas;idn  :pissed:

a bit later on, did grip work with the COC.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 22, 2014, 01:53:46 pm
why don't people assume, as a baseline, that others are intelligent and generous?

One of the biggest mysteries ever! Look with who you are dealing with, let him have one phrase to show his intentions damn it!

fuck it.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2014, 11:06:58 am
lower back is super tight again today, worse than yesterday. i'm trying to figure out what that's from because it's not normal, first time i've had this kind of discomfort since i can remember. i stretched my hips out a bunch before bed last night and i still feel like an old person getting up off the couch. the only thing i can think of is the kroc rows, which do put some torque stress on the lower back. but i've been doing them for a few weeks and no problems. maybe it's because i decided to sack up and jump to 80lb DBs?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on February 24, 2014, 12:31:58 am
Back pain is awful it's 1 of the most stubborn injuries.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 24, 2014, 06:50:11 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: lower back a little tight

- jumps x a bunch
horrible, super inconsistent, one decent jump ~34-35, everything else ~32 and below. i blame the glasses*.

- paused squat 260 x 3,3
first set amazing, so fast. second set okay.

- superset x 4
-- dip x 10
-- pull up x 5

- inverted row x 20

gonna stretch in a minute, jump tomorrow morning and work out again tomorrow night. this blew.

*contact fell out last night so i'm wearing glasses today. totally fucks with me, i couldn't shoot worth shit today, either. will put a new pair of contacts in before bed and tomorrow hopefully back to normal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2014, 09:20:05 am
this morning:

- dribble and shoot around x 25-30 mins
back tightness seriously hampering me this morning. it was good to get up and move around but i could barely do a layup, let alone real jumps. did some kellyb style glute activation walking and will continue throughout the day.

this evening:

WEIGHT: 176.5
ACHES/INJURIES: lower back a little tight

- warm up

- jumps x a few
very off, did some SLRVJ, as well

- bench 210 x 5,5,5
there we go.

- superset x 2
-- low cable row 90 x 15
-- hip thrust x 25

- superset x 2
-- DB shrug 65s x 20
-- curl 25s x 10; 30s x 10
-- tricep kickbacks 15s x 10; 17.5s x 10

- hip thrusts x 25

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2014, 09:58:12 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: lower back tightness still there but barely, posterior lateral right knee tweaking during squat warm ups, left toe freaked out at the end
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- paused squat 260 x 3,3
overpowered the shit out of that shit. bar was flying on all reps. 265 next time. like i said posterior lateral right knee was bothering me during warm ups but i focused on keeping good glute engagement and spreading the floor and it was fine. sweatpants might have been causing the problem.

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 35 x 10
-- pull up x 8,8,5+3

- cable row 70 x ? a bunch

- decline sit up 45 x 5

- band pull down x 25,25,25

- DB RDL 80s x 10,10+15s hold

- stretch

- shoot around and a few jumps
on fire, hitting over 80%, touched rim off SVJ, DLRVJ approaches were meh and on my first four-step my left big toe started screaming at it me like it hasn't in literally years. pain went away pretty quickly but i did an SLRVJ off right, touched rim, and called it a night.

pretty freaking pleased with how i jumped considering it was at the end of the workout. will see about getting up early and jumping tomorrow, then again possibly on saturday, but up in baltimore. also promised the gf i'd do yoga with her on saturday, so i'll try to work out first.  8)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2014, 08:20:36 am
this morning:

- warm up

- jumps x some
awful, ~31-32 tops. did not allow myself any four-step run-ups, kept it to mostly one- and two-step with a few three-. extremely frustrating, it felt like i was re-learning how to jump from scratch. no coordination, no speed, just a jumbled mess. i think the lingering SI joint tightness/ache might have something to do with that - it's definitely worse in the mornings. reconsidering a gym session tomorrow, i may just do the yoga and give my back and hips a couple of days off from serious loading.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: UMThrower on February 28, 2014, 10:15:08 am
this morning:

- warm up

- jumps x some
awful, ~31-32 tops. did not allow myself any four-step run-ups, kept it to mostly one- and two-step with a few three-. extremely frustrating, it felt like i was re-learning how to jump from scratch. no coordination, no speed, just a jumbled mess. i think the lingering SI joint tightness/ache might have something to do with that - it's definitely worse in the mornings. reconsidering a gym session tomorrow, i may just do the yoga and give my back and hips a couple of days off from serious loading.

Lacrosse ball the shit out your glute medius and upper IT band/TFL. Also lacrosse ball the erector spinae near the QL and down close to the ilia of the hips. Always seems to help with any SI joint pain/tightness I have.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2014, 02:36:34 pm
thanks man, good tips.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2014, 01:59:17 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: lower back tightness lingering but mild
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- jumps x a bunch
sooo much better, still not where i was the week before last or the week before that but none of the clumsy slow bullshit from the past week. dunked the large dodgeball once or twice, got owned once or twice ( :-[), back-ironed it the rest of the times. a few SLRVJ as well.

- bench 215 x 5,5,5

- BOR 135 x 10,10,10

still giving my back an easy time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2014, 09:57:19 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: lower back tightness was nasty yesterday, a bit better today but still laying off the heavy loading

- warm up

- superset x 3
-- continuous jump squat 15kg x 5
-- SVJ x 3
felt like i was flying on a few of the SVJ. worked on tightening core on the eccentric, seemed to give me a boost. less power leakage?

- seated DB OHP 50s x 4+1; 45s x 5+5+5

- kroc row 70 x 24(L),19+6(R)
the way i pull with each side is clearly different. have noticed this for a while, not sure what to do about it. sometimes it's much more pronounced than other times. i was efficient with the left and obviously not with the right, as i'm right handed and should easily be getting more reps on that side.

- assisted natural GHR x 10,10,10

- superset x 3
-- curl 20s x 10
-- tricep kickback 20 x 10
-- paused band pull apart x 10

- crunch/bicycle crunch/leg lower sequence x 2

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2014, 10:10:29 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none, hurray

- 4-on-4 basketball x 2 games
i suck and am out of shape but this was really fun. got some rebounds, some steals, blocked a dude shooting a three (he complemented me on my hops later and told me he was glad i didn't try to dunk on him ;D), hit a couple of shots, bricked a couple of shots, what are you gonna do. before and in between the games i hit a couple of jumps easily at 34.

- superset x 3
-- dips x 10
-- inverted row x 10

- stretch

one last real workout tomorrow, for which i decided to save myself tonight, and then i'm going on vacation through the following sunday. first-ever trip to vienna, holler all y'all euros on here. might try to sneak over to bratislava, too, and budapest if i can convince my gf that it's worth the time. not gonna pretend i'll get real workouts in but i'm going to try to do 7DVJC as many days as i can, and stretch/SMR.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2014, 12:33:20 am
to remind myself, 7DVJC is:

leg lowering progression 3x15-20
plank 2x30s
side plank x30s/side
glute march 2x20
seated hip flexor raise 2x5-10@3s hold
standing hip flexor raise 2x5-10@3s hold
glute bridge 2x10-15@3s hold
BSS hold x 60s/side
couch stretch x 30s/side
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2014, 02:38:24 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: outside left ankle tweaking a bit on eversion, low back tightness

- warm up

- jump x a bunch
got a couple of solid dunks with the dodgeball, bunch of near misses. not a great day but not bad.

- bench 220 x 5,5,5
i think this is a PR for 3x5, haha

- kroc row 75 x 24(R),21(L)

- superset x 3
-- leg press 405 x 10
-- DB RDL 80s x 10

- superset x 2
-- curl 30s x 10
-- tricep kickback 30 x 10
-- shrug 55 x 20

- some ab shit

- stretch

wanted to do 20 rep squats today but the back was not permitting. c'est la vie.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: lamp on March 07, 2014, 05:18:32 pm
Have a good trip. Yea see if you can check out bratislava. I've heard nothing but good things.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 16, 2014, 12:30:01 pm
Ah, we were at the same country for 1 week,  :personal-record:
Still at plane distance though, i was at the far west end, at the borders with Switzerland.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 17, 2014, 10:31:36 am
Ah, we were at the same country for 1 week,  :personal-record:
Still at plane distance though, i was at the far west end, at the borders with Switzerland.


plane distance for a european, maybe. it's like 5-6 hours. europe is so tiny, it's cute. i always forget that.

just got back late last night, woke up to a snow day. hundreds of work emails to get through, hurray, but i'm going to go to the gym this afternoon for sure.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 17, 2014, 08:35:32 pm

- walking x many hours

- 7DVJC x two days

- enjoyment x a lot


WEIGHT: 174 (lol, lost 2-3 pounds on vacation, suck it t0ddday)
ACHES/INJURIES: right calf, low back during squats but not before, general stiffness

- warm up

- jumps x some
a few strong dunks with the big dodgeball, a couple that back rimmed. thought about asking the other dude in the gym to throw me a couple of lobs but i'm not there yet. surprised by how well i jumped today, though, given that i just got back from more than a week of almost no exercise outside of walking. tweaked my right lower ab on a jump but the pain didn't persist or come back after i walked it off for a couple of minutes.

- squat 225 x 5,5,5
nice and easy, low back feeling tight

- bench 185 x 5,5,5
nice and easy. did some clapping pull ups between sets.

- DB RDL 60s x 10,10

- low cable row 110 x 10,10

- stretch

great workout all things considered.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2014, 09:36:03 pm
WEIGHT: 177.5 (lol, there it is right back. think it's water weight, though, ate a ton of carbs yesterday)
SORENESS: upper hamstrings and glutes
ACHES/INJURIES: low back as soon as i started squatting
MENTAL STATE: okay, a bit stressed

- warm up

- paused squat jumps x 3

- SVJ x 6

- squats
started to warm up but back was bothering me. super pissed about this, not sure what the proximate cause is and i've never had lower back pain from squatting before. something is off but not sure what.

- seated DB OHP 40s x 10,10,10

- lat pull down 120 x 10,10,10

- DB shrugs 65s x 20

- inverted row x 15

started to do some ab shit but it was bothering my lower back. guh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 21, 2014, 12:00:12 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: head, like a mother
MENTAL STATE: headache

- warm up

- SVJ x a bunch

- superset x 3
-- pull throughs 120 x 20
-- dips x 12
-- inverted row x 12

- stretch

shite workout, but good to get something in before i go to NC this weekend. RVJ was not in the cards. mornings are bad for jumping or anything ME, it's hard for me to replace the all-day loosening and warm up that comes from just walking around and being awake. plus i felt terrible this morning. oh well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 24, 2014, 09:26:01 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: low back/SI joint area
MENTAL STATE: good, kind of angry

- warm up

- SVJ x 6

- DSVJ x 4,4,4
alternating LR and RL turns

- pogos x 6,6; SL pogos x 6

- bench 205 x 5,5,5

- DB row 60s x 15,15

- superset x 3
-- assisted natural GHR x 8
-- hip thrust w/3s hold x 10

- superset x 2
-- tricep punch down x 20
-- DB curl 25s x 10

the weekend was awesome but i'm not as young as i used to be. definitely was feeling the abuse yesterday. felt okay today except my back. going to make some food and work the glute meds pretty hard and stretch now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2014, 12:47:12 pm
my right knee is killing me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 26, 2014, 09:47:31 pm
SORENESS: pecs, biceps a little

- warm up

- SVJ x 8

- jump squat 60 x 3,3

- bench 210 x 5,5,5

- superset x 2
-- low cable row 110 x 12
-- cable ab pull down 100 x 10

- stretch

gonna jump tomorrow, hopefully with avishek. more lacrosse ball SMR tonight for the glute meds. no knee pain at all today. leaving for two motherfucking weeks in tajikistan on saturday night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2014, 09:24:40 pm
worked out with avishek tonight.

ACHES/INJURIES: low back a little tight but not painful

- warm up

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 50s x 6
-- pull up x 6

- decline situps +18 x 10; +35 x 10 (last 3 bar in front of neck on the concentric)

- various jumps x 25-30

grabbed some food and now gonna stretch and SMR while watching ncaas. it was nice to work out with avishek but i'd been hoping to do rim jumps. legs and CNS felt primed for it. but the court was in full use so it wasn't to be. we did a bunch of short-approach jumps off one and two instead on a squash court. gonna try to jump on the basketball court tomorrow around noon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 28, 2014, 06:43:44 am
leaving for two motherfucking weeks in tajikistan on saturday night.


Can you overreach like crazy now and taper while you are gone?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2014, 09:37:30 am
leaving for two motherfucking weeks in tajikistan on saturday night.


Can you overreach like crazy now and taper while you are gone?

i'm gonna try to do ME jumps at lunch today. but otherwise it's gonna be DB shit, SVJ, drop steps, and secondary plyos for two weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 28, 2014, 12:22:31 pm
^I meant overreach before you go, but i didn't realize it is this Sunday that you are leaving, my bad. Forgot you have your back too. DBs are cool, pistols and BSS and SL RDLs can certainly keep you up to par for 2 weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2014, 03:13:24 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: low back a little tight but not painful

- warm up

- jumps x ~30
started off really strong, finally got to practice a few lobs with avishek but i just didn't have the height, plus it was the first time every doing them so timing and rhythm were messy. wasn't at my all-time best height either. he gave me some helpful feedback on my SLRVJ, too. he definitely had the height on a couple jumps but the timing/placement wasn't there. oh well, was good to finally try some lobs, even if i don't feel like i was all that close to getting one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on March 28, 2014, 05:52:44 pm
I forsee lob city 2 soon. ;)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2014, 02:55:18 am
the trip to dushanbe was fine. my dumb ass left my benadryl in my checked bag so i had a harder time than i should have sleeping on the IAD-IST leg. getting a comfortable position was basically impossible. i slept some, for sure, but fitfully. better on the IST-DYU leg, despite there being possibly the most insistently loud baby i've ever been near on a flight one row in front of me. god bless ear plugs.

gonna head to the office in a little bit, will try to get at least some light exercise tonight to get loose and have a good stretch before i pass out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2014, 02:58:39 am
just noticed i now have four-digit respect points. of course because i've pointed this out someone will probably neg me back down into the triple digits.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 31, 2014, 05:47:47 am
Holy shit, they actually did neg you! Forum-power level : simon-says !
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2014, 09:56:32 am
well, i was asking for it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2014, 10:55:14 am

- slow jog x 1 mile

- warm up mobility stuff

- some DB cleans and presses, some neutral chins, some push ups, nothing notable

- stretch

'twas good to gejufla.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 01, 2014, 01:17:08 pm
Looks like actually emphasizing jumping has worked... Glad to see it.  Not that I want you to stop on your journey but if you can dunk a volleyball.... Then you can probably tip dunk a basketball...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 01, 2014, 02:06:10 pm
i've said it before and i'll say it again: tip dunking IS dunking for me. if i can put a basketball in off a lob or rebound or whatever, then in my mind it's mission accomplished and i can go about trying to run a sub-12s 100m or squatting 425 or whatever. while still trying to improve my dunking, of course. but once i can put a basketball in BAMN then i can move on from this blasted* obsession.

no workout or exercise of any kind today except walking up and down stairs. i was in meetings from 8:45 until 5:30, came back to the hotel, worked from 6 to 10:30, and now am going to bed. tomorrow also unlikely as i have a working dinner. fuck.

*by which i mean awesome, of course.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 01, 2014, 10:20:03 pm
i've said it before and i'll say it again: tip dunking IS dunking for me. if i can put a basketball in off a lob or rebound or whatever, then in my mind it's mission accomplished and i can go about trying to run a sub-12s 100m or squatting 425 or whatever. while still trying to improve my dunking, of course. but once i can put a basketball in BAMN then i can move on from this blasted* obsession.

That's my point!  If you are dunking  volleyballs consistently.... Then get out the camcorder and tip dunk the basketball!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2014, 11:09:35 am
last night got a thorough stretch in before bed but no other exercise.

MENTAL STATE: pretty good

- warm up

- SVJ x 3,3,3
really tight and rigid on the first few reps, loosened up my arms some and focused on using the swing and was much better for the last 4-5 reps.

- superset x 2
-- DB BSS 20s x 10
-- DB RDL 26s x 10

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 16s x 10
-- neutral chin x 10

- ab wheel roll outs x 10,10

gonna stretch now. kind of a wimpy workout but better than nothing. gonna ask around about the national stadium tomorrow - whether it's open to the public on weekends or something - and if not i'm going to kill myself in the gym on saturday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2014, 08:25:09 am
SORENESS: glutes and hams

- warm up

- SVJ x 9

- SL pogo x 6,6,6

- superset x 5
-- goblet squat 26 x 10,10,10,10,10
-- DB OHP 18s x 10,10,10,7,7
-- DB RDL 26s x 10,10,10,10,10
-- chin up x 10,10,7,5,4
20-60s between exercises

- cool down

- stretch

good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2014, 04:34:59 am
i'm planning to run a 100 on may 19 and/or june 9 and/or june 30. might try a 200, too, just to beat myself up. i get back to the states and normal training on april 14, which means the may 19 race would be just about a month off, and then ~six and nine weeks to the following two dates.

so, questions, for t0ddday primarily but also anyone else who wants to chime in:

1. is it worth trying to run a 100 race after a month of training, or if i can only do one of the three am i better off giving myself a bit more time to train?
2. what's my best approach, considering that jumping/dunking remains the overwhelming goal and i'm not going to give that up to run 4+ times a week? if i'm jumping indoors 2-3 times per week and the track is a mile away from the gym, should i bother trying to sprint after jumping? just stick to tempo and try to get in some semblance of shape? i'm happy to reduce time in the weight room but not time on the court.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2014, 07:59:43 am
for future reference:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 06, 2014, 04:23:41 pm
i'm planning to run a 100 on may 19 and/or june 9 and/or june 30. might try a 200, too, just to beat myself up. i get back to the states and normal training on april 14, which means the may 19 race would be just about a month off, and then ~six and nine weeks to the following two dates.

so, questions, for t0ddday primarily but also anyone else who wants to chime in:

1. is it worth trying to run a 100 race after a month of training, or if i can only do one of the three am i better off giving myself a bit more time to train?

Totally worth it.  If your schedule allows do all three.   In your first meet (and often in your second and sometimes in your third) if you don't false start you will probably stand up out of the blocks, feel dizzy and a bit overwhelmed, forget all your training and cues and feel like the event was quite a blur. :) An awesome experience everyone should have.   You will feel like "If I would done A,B and C I would have run 1 second faster" which of course is not true but you will feel like that anyway.   Get that race out of the way. 

2. what's my best approach, considering that jumping/dunking remains the overwhelming goal and i'm not going to give that up to run 4+ times a week? if i'm jumping indoors 2-3 times per week and the track is a mile away from the gym, should i bother trying to sprint after jumping? just stick to tempo and try to get in some semblance of shape? i'm happy to reduce time in the weight room but not time on the court.

Well, how can you be sure that dunking will still be the overwhelming goal at the time?  From your journal progress it seems conceivable that you could achieve your tip/lob dunk in May?  If you are solo-dunking volleyballs already it seems you are just a great day and some well timed lob catching practice away from your goal....

Even if you don't achieve the dunk in May you are certainly close enough that weight training is hardly necessary for you to get to where you need to be.   For sure you don't want to sacrifice jumping but maybe you can be creative and jump outdoors.   I have some athletes doing some "creative" outdoor jumping ( ).  That's hood vertical training and it certainly could be substituted for a day of jumps at the gym.

As far as jumping before or after sprinting it doesn't matter much but just avoid jumping after serious speed endurance.  If you recall that workout we did at Georgetown where you ran about 4-6 50m sprints with full recovery....  You should be fine to jump before or after a workout like that.   For sprinting just get to the track 3 days a week and get one SE day and the rest speed and you should be fine.  If you are not going to jump post-sprinting finishing with a timed 300m will help give you the confidence to not do horrible in the 200...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2014, 11:50:32 pm
so like,

4-5 x 60m @95+%
300m @ 95+%

rest/weights (upper only)

4-5 x 60m @95+%

jumps submax/basketball
weights (lower and upper)


DAY 6/7
4-5 x 250-150m @75-80%
300m @100%

that gives three days of jumping and three days of sprinting per week, with a couple of days of obviously de-emphasized weights, to focus on upper stuff just for funzies and lower stuff to focus on p-chain.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 07, 2014, 05:57:29 pm
so like,

4-5 x 60m @95+%
300m @ 95+%

rest/weights (upper only)

4-5 x 60m @95+%

jumps submax/basketball
weights (lower and upper)


DAY 6/7
4-5 x 250-150m @75-80%
300m @100%

that gives three days of jumping and three days of sprinting per week, with a couple of days of obviously de-emphasized weights, to focus on upper stuff just for funzies and lower stuff to focus on p-chain.

Looks pretty sensible.  Not sure if jumps are all indoor basketball jumps, but you might want to add some bounding outdoor as part of your track warmup.  If the indoor jumps are already substantial then you could just add some submax bounds to your warmup to include with your skips and drills. As far as the distances and effort... You don't really get to use percentages.  They don't have much meaning because you will get better so fast initially that it's better to just set reasonable goals for times or do 100%.  Your tempo day will be an SE day until you are fit enough to do tempo, but thats fine.  I'd make a few minor changes (mostly to avoid boredom but also to get you a bit race prepped - dunno if any of your training days will have blocks or a training partner but if you have a pair you would use them for day 3, if you don't them use a four point stance instead of blocks ):

4-5 x 60m @100+%
300m @ 100+%

rest/weights (upper only)

5x30 in blocks, walk back
3x50 in blocks - start on curve, jog out the last 50 meters to straight
* timed if possible - full recovery between reps, about 7 min, 7 min, 10-15m

jumps submax/basketball
weights (lower and upper)


DAY 6/7
1) 300m @ 100% ***If you are up to doing this twice a week do it first on this day or else it won't be a good test.

2) Some challenging lactate run
- could be 2x3x200 - 2 mins between the reps (200, 2min, 200, 2min, 200) & 10 mins between sets - start off trying to hit 30,30,30 & 30,30,28 and get better each week
- could be 3 x (300m, rest 45 seconds 100m)  - Timed based on your 300m trial - if you run 42 all out then aim for 45 seconds @ 300m and then run as fast a 100m as possible.

^If training alone the 2x3x200 is probably easiest for you to self time and push yourself at, but you could make some other fun lactate test up just keep it the same until you compete and you will get better each week.   

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2014, 11:30:29 pm
in re: percentages: fair enough! thanks. also, i don't have blocks.

will do submax bounds as part of warm up. as you've seen my SL bounding is pretty terrible. i will probably just to try to get to a point where i'm doing them with unembarrassing form. i feel like getting those down can't fail to have a positive impact. aspiring toward something like this (but i'll stick to grass if i can):

but for starters, something more like this as the warm-up:

C-skips are gonna be a bit of a mindfuck, i think.

secondary question: best alternative on days when it's pouring rain? we don't have the southern california luxury of nonstop nice weather.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 08, 2014, 04:47:15 am
By the way Today, do you have any suggestion for a good bounding progression to LEARN bounding? I can only do them on the same leg, on my left leg. I can't do them alternating, I totally mess them up... after 1-2 jumps I'm completely out of rhythm. I assume LBSS would have the same issues.

Is there any bounding progression to actually learn how to do them, from easy stuff to more complicated until you end up doing good form alternating bounds?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2014, 12:32:25 pm
SORENESS: hams a bit

- warm up

- depth jump @~12" x 4,4
pretty springy, surprisingly good

- SVJ x 5

- circuit x 3
-- pistol @6kg DB x 5/e
-- DB RDL 26s x 10
-- DB OHP 18s x 10,10,8
-- pull up x 8,8,8

- continuous circuit x 2
-- toe touch x 15,20
-- bicycle crunch x 10
-- leg lower x 10
-- prone reverse hyper x 10
-- band pull apart x 10

- stretch

right on right on right on.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 09, 2014, 10:14:29 am

C-skips are gonna be a bit of a mindfuck, i think.

secondary question: best alternative on days when it's pouring rain? we don't have the southern california luxury of nonstop nice weather.

The girl in the bounding video has pretty terrible form tbh.  It's a bunch of nonsensical drills... why sprinters need jumping jacks in beyond me.  Keep it simple... Strides, strides, strides till warm.  Sub max pogos, dynamic stretch (walking lunge, etc), then get your straight leg bounds, your stride cycle and your single and alternate bounds in. 

Obviously I have never had to deal with rain :).   Seriously, it depends on what you mean by pouring rain... If it's thunder and lightning and you obviously can't train outdoors you can try and do tempo on a treadmill or ideally indoors at a track.  If it's just wet or rainy you can still train and it's a great day to do speed endurance actually... Just don't let yourself get too cold and you can still get on the track.  Remember track meets are rain or shine; no reason why you can't recover under the bleachers and then get out to the track to get some reps in. 

By the way Today, do you have any suggestion for a good bounding progression to LEARN bounding? I can only do them on the same leg, on my left leg. I can't do them alternating, I totally mess them up... after 1-2 jumps I'm completely out of rhythm. I assume LBSS would have the same issues.

Is there any bounding progression to actually learn how to do them, from easy stuff to more complicated until you end up doing good form alternating bounds?

Well I would suggest you learn them on the right leg first... you should be able to teach yourself if you already have left leg bounding down.  It depends on a few things such as what arm swing you use.   Single leg bounding should be about reinforcing a full stride cycle; foot hits butt with thigh parallel to ground (like it always does on all your skips).  Alternating leg bounding is about driving the forward leg down WHILE the back leg swings through....

I'm no alternate leg bounding expert; i'm not a gifted single leg jumper by any means but they are a drill you should be able to figure out:

That's about as bad as your form should be.  Consider that video progression 1.  Just let yourself cover 12 yards in 5 jumps when you are learning.  If that's too hard break it down even more.  Take a single step and jump off the left foot.  Drive your right knee high into the air and your left foot back to your butt and your arms load behind you.  Hold that pose.  Land on right foot and walk out of it.   Repeat over and over.  Then do it on other side.  Eventually you can land on right foot and as your trail leg comes through you repeat the motion on the other side and eventually start chaining them together.  Keep the jumps really high and slow for now and limit yourself to some short total distance (if you have really short legs it might even be less than 12 yards).  The driving of the knee up and back foot to your butt should happen together and when you pull down it should happen together.  That's the coordination you are building.  It's a "folding" "unfolding" sensation.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 09, 2014, 11:27:44 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 09, 2014, 12:24:19 pm

The cycle your leg goes through when you sprint.  What happens immediately after toe off and before the next ground contact.  How much force you put into the ground is going to depend on how powerful you are; but having optimal mechanics between ground contacts can help you get your leg better prepared for the task. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 09, 2014, 01:47:30 pm
well yeah i know what the words mean, i just don't know what that refers to as an exercise.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 09, 2014, 02:01:23 pm
I could never understand the double arm swing. The amount of overload I get in the jumping leg is too much to cope with, I would have my leg collapse every time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2014, 02:32:04 pm

- warm up

- depth jump x 4,4

- SL pogo x 5,5,5

- crunch x 100

- stretch

all i had time for between calls with DC.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2014, 12:13:11 pm
MENTAL STATE: tired, low energy/motivation

- warm up

- depth jump x 4

- some random bullshit

- stretch x a good long while

felt off, said whatever, stretched a lot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2014, 11:11:46 am
ACHES/INJURIES: getting that tightness in my lower back again...

- warm up

- SVJ x 3,3

- pogo x 10,10

- circuit x 2
-- pistol @4kg DB x 5
-- neutral chin x 8
-- DB RDL 26s x 15
-- DB OHP 20s x 8
-- decline sit up @20kg plate x 10

- superset x 2
-- MR half tuck x 25
-- explosive pull up x 3

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2014, 09:16:22 am
ACHES/INJURIES: low back a tiny bit

- jog/incline walk x 22 mins

- tons of mob/stretching

just getting in a bit of work before the long haul home. i leave for the airport at 3:45 AM.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 16, 2014, 07:46:41 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: low back after i tweaked it on a jump, now it's kind of bad

- warm up

- jumps x 10-12
very inconsistent and slow, as expected, but i managed to get a couple around 34. so not a catastrophic fail considering how long i was gone. good job, me. toward the end tried a couple of one-step RL plants and on the second one i got all twisted and my back was like, fuck.

- squat 135 x 5,5,5
back tight but these were doable. i'm slightly regretting it now, though.

- bench 185 x 5,5

- DB RDL 80s x 10,10

- kroc row 70 x 22(R),20(L)

- stretch

considering i slept like shit last night and am for sure jet lagged, this could have been way worse.

EDIT: two hours later, lower back is really stiff and achey. right knee also bugging. damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 17, 2014, 06:52:49 am
Damn, you tried to see if I was right about you being a "natural" RL planter? That takes quite some time :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2014, 03:38:35 pm
no, i was just doing a couple of one-step jumps. not the first time, i do them periodically. but i was thinking about it last night so i tried 'em. it's still "natural" to reach with my left hand on those so on one of them i reached with my right and things got all twisted.

also, my right knee hurts still, right behind the patella. not when i'm still but when i'm extending against resistance. not the first time i've had pain like this. i assume it was triggered by the squats but no idea why. my ability to squat at all just evaporated spontaneously a few weeks ago and it is still a mystery why.

also, i think i have a small labrum tear from grabbing the rim.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 17, 2014, 05:28:18 pm
You Dwight Howard!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2014, 06:28:20 pm
perfect day to run, was patient and good boyfriend, hanging out with gf and her sister and sister's bf, not drinking, waiting to get to the track. drove to the track. it's fucking closed on weekends. no indication that it would be closed on the website. this beautiful 400m oval. i asked the guard if he'd look the other way while i jumped the fence but he laughed and said no. not mad at him, it's his job. but seriously WHY THE FUCK ARE TRACKS SO FUCKING HARD TO FIND. i should have just gone up to towson.

seriously pissed. going to work out tomorrow and monday but WJ:OEIFNMDLS:KVN:SDLIGHJFSDL:KVNX:CLVKJNSD:FL  :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 19, 2014, 08:24:19 pm
Imagine how hard they are to find in Romania. For example, the track where I usually go is now open to the public in between 19:30 and 20:30. That's it.

And there's only 2 in Bucuresti which is the capital of Romania. Go figure.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2014, 10:41:38 am
ended up getting baited and switched by gf last night and then feeling sick in the evening, so no gym. this morning headed back to that beautiful track and it was beautifully open.

ACHES/INJURIES: low back a bit tight but not horrible
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up
included some power skips and a couple of short-approach DLRVJ.

- bounding practice
awkward as fork. got a little better toward the end but basically i'm still super uncoordinated on these. come on, newbie gains.

- sprint 60m x 4
about as slow as you'd expect

- sprint 300m x 1
more like a fast jog, but was still spent by the end

- stretch

t0ddday is right, i'm gonna have to earn the right to do tempo. legs finished after the 300. come on, newbie gains.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2014, 10:14:08 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, bottoms of feet, traps a bit, jaw (?); all leg soreness more pronounced on the right side (?)
ACHES/INJURIES: foot soreness enough to qualify as an ache

- warm up

- SVJ x 3,3
rull bad

- a few one-step jumps
testing out my new kicks. they stayed in place, good sign.

- bench 205 x 5,5,5
very easy

- kroc row 80 x 20,18

- superset x 3
-- pull up x 5
-- dip x 5
-- incline sit up +18 x 10

- walk home

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on April 22, 2014, 11:10:41 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, bottoms of feet, traps a bit, jaw (?); all leg soreness more pronounced on the right side (?)

I think sprinting around the bend gives you that weird unilateral soreness.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2014, 12:37:31 am
yeah but i did that ONCE.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2014, 09:36:10 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, calves, bottoms of feet; less severe than yesterday

- warm up

- bounding practice
yeeeeesh. bad. i'm not getting my foot out in front enough or something so i'm planting on my forefoot with my COG ahead of the foot. inevitable knee collapse. did some power skips and SLRVJ that weren't so bad.

- 30m x 5

- 50m x 3

- 110m x 1; 130m x 1; 150m x 1
tried to start 150 but i was fried.

- walk home

- stretch

soreness didn't help and i felt REALLY slow, especially off the start. times bore it out. sloooooooooow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2014, 09:31:00 pm
SORENESS: right calf, right foot
ACHES/INJURIES: right calf and foot started cramping

- 4-on-4 x one game

- DLRVJ x a few
33-34, couldn't put down the mini soccer ball but conditions not ideal. right calf started cramping.

- squat x fffffffffuuu
did hip opening mob and stretched calves. back felt a bit tight under the bar and 135 but better than it's been. then did a paused explosive rep at 225 and the pain just shot through. it's not severe pain but clearly not something to push through. wtf.

- dicked around with a few other things but you can't do shit with a wonky lower back.


will try leave work early tomorrow and get into the gym. going to a wedding down in southern maryland this weekend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 25, 2014, 04:00:15 pm

Back injuries suck, they cut you in half, you can't do anything! Wishes for good recovery, heal it patiently and carefully!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 25, 2014, 05:35:06 pm
I wouldn't be shocked if the back injury has something to do with your feet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2014, 06:46:44 pm
thanks vag. i'll be taking things easy on low back loading of any kind for a little while.

I wouldn't be shocked if the back injury has something to do with your feet.

please elaborate. certainly plausible, but what would have triggered a change in my feet? until this past week post-first-sprinting session my feet have felt fine in recent months, toes and all. i hadn't gotten new shoes until last week, either. the boots i got feel great after a few wears and the sneakers do, as well.

this afternoon:

SORENESS: none, although right calf is cramping a little bit now, 30 mins post-workout
ACHES/INJURIES: low back a bit tight but not too bad, just dull; right knee especially after SLRVJ

- warm up

- jumps x ~15
pretty mediocre, could not get the size 3 ball down cleanly although i rattled in most of the attempts. in the 33+ range. i have to remind myself how much of an improvement that is over a year or even six months ago.

- bench 215 x 5,3,5
lost focus on second set, first and third strong.

- inverted row x 12,12
feet elevated, much more challenging.

gym closed so i had to roll out. will stretch and SMR in a minute. t-minus-21.5 hours until my oldest friend ties the knot. pretty crazy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 25, 2014, 08:09:42 pm
Well, if you do have a tendency of arch loss or just issues with your feet that add up over time, it certainly can make the back adjust and have it take over some pressure that adds up over time. Who knows.

My point is to look somewhere else than the back itself and see if you can find anything.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on April 26, 2014, 06:08:35 am
also in the video raptor posted by mike robertson i think about single leg exercise where it discussed about hip mobility and strength that weakness in the hip mobility can affect lower back pain during sprinting or can affect feet like shin splints, knee pain. something about a joint by joint analysis i don't remember that part.
just my 2 cents
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 26, 2014, 07:00:41 am
Yes ^^^

They go hand in hand. Bad feet generate anterior pelvic tilt and back problems, and tight hip flexors and spinal erectors can alter the function of the feet as well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 27, 2014, 10:56:27 pm
you're right that the problem probably originates somewhere other than the lower back itself, but i think it's likelier to be in my glute medius or somewhere like that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 27, 2014, 10:57:52 pm
wedding was very fun. managed not to get drunk and today it was beautiful out so i played tennis for about 45 minutes. much less rust than i anticipated. now gonna work the lacrosse ball and foam roller a bit and stretch before bed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2014, 10:28:26 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left posterior shoulder; low back a bit tight
MENTAL STATE: tired, low motivation, feeling sluggish

- warm up

- depth jump @12" x 5,5,5

- some two-step SLRVJ and DLRVJ
no target, just in the aerobics room. alternated left and right-foot plants. a few of the RL DLRVJ felt pretty good, interestingly.

- donkey ankle bounces x 10,10,10

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 55s x 5
-- pull up x 5
chest to bar on the pull ups

- DB shrug 80s x 10,10

- pull up x 5

- stretch

kind of a mediocre workout. i'd have headed to the track but it was pouring rain and cold.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 29, 2014, 12:27:51 am
a few of the RL DLRVJ felt pretty good, interestingly.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2014, 11:27:34 am
yesterday afternoon:

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, back a little tight
MENTAL STATE: stressed out, sluggish

- warm up

- jumps x a bunch
just awful, 32-33 with maybe one or two 33-34. uncoordinated, no speed or bounce. ;ajwoeinf;asciv;alxighasoirjta;o inj:OSIDJF:OIQJ#R:P(#@J$

- donkey ankle bounces x 15,15,15

- superset x 3
-- step up bar x 10
-- natural GHR x 6

that's all i had time for. meant to go back in the evening but i was working until 9 and then my head was splitting open by the time i knocked off. i think tonight i'll play a game of pickup and then do some earnest jumping and lifting, even if it's not at the rim.

later i worked over my quads, ITB and t-spine with the foam roller and stretched.

NOTE TO VAG, RAPTOR, ACOLE, CHRIS, WHOEVER ELSE READS THIS: if i do not log SMR and/or stretching apart from my workout on a particular day, please call me out on it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2014, 10:30:36 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: low back tight, left hip a little, left shoulder a little

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~8
excellent, some good clean dunks with the dodgeball. 35+ on a few, all over 34

- basketball x 2 games
i suck but wind is better

- bench 215 x 5,5,5

- kroc row 80 x 22(R),20(L)

- inverted row x 10,10,10

- dip x 15

walk home, change shoes, jog 0.5 mile to track

- strides

- LRLR bounds x 3

- sprint 30m x 1; 40y x 2; 50m x 2; 100m x 1
hand timing is bad. got 4.5 on the 30, ~5.3 on the 40s, ~6.8 on the 50, and 13.5 (:-[ although to be fair it was at the end of a long workout and i am NOT fit) on the 100

- walk home

- stretch

the 6.8 on the 50 gives me a 12.5 estimate for the 100. the 4.5 30 gives me an 11.88. the 13.5 on the 100 gives me a...13.5. pretty clear what my problem is, i think.


- foam roller hips, t-spine; some more quad and hip stretching.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on May 01, 2014, 10:56:59 pm
Nice looking workout! I think if you can get yourself to a sub-13 FAT 100m that'll be great for your jumps, even though you're a DL jumper.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 04, 2014, 10:10:56 pm

- jog x 12 mins

- bit o'stretching

- KB swing x 10,10,10,10,10

- KB clean x some

- KB snatch x a couple
left shoulder displeased

- more stretching and SMR

wanted to sprint but the track was closed by the time i got home from baltimore. thought it was open later. so got the blood flowing a bit instead. early bedtime tonight and jumping tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2014, 09:57:03 pm
when i was in college, i was talking with my dad about which one of me and my brothers got hurt the most as kids. i assumed he would say my brother jack, who was always falling out of trees and getting a concussion, or running into a bench while sledding and needing to go to the ER because they were worried he'd broken his back. but dad pointed at me and said something to the effect of, "you always had something nagging, a little bit wrong." i think that's just my row to hoe in life.

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder worse; low back fuck (see below)
MENTAL STATE: a bit sluggish

- warm up

- jumps x a bunch submax
could not even touch rim on SVJ, not even close. did a bunch of SLRVJ instead from one and two steps and a few farther away

- bound practice x not really
hardwood not good, gonna leave these for the track/turf

- RDL 225 x 1ffffffuuuu
the low back ache turned into a nasty strain on the second rep. still seems to be muscular, no radiating or shooting pain or anything like that and it's kind of symmetrical on either side of my SI joint/lower lumbar spine.

did a few dips but i was done after that. ibuprofen and rest, here i come. god damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on May 06, 2014, 01:44:02 am
Shit man hope it's nothing serious. Go get a good massage once it's calmed down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 06, 2014, 04:13:01 am
That makes us two with a blown back. In my case, it was the power clean (which I will ditch from my workouts until I can at least do front squats properly (with the bar on the shoulders)).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2014, 09:46:02 am
yeah i've been procrastinating on getting worked over for too long. gonna make an appointment today with the PT place that i went to for the leg pain that developed after my arthritis first started really showing up. back is not as bad today as i expected but still pretty stiff. i may try to do some very, very low-intensity stuff on the track tonight -- skips, drills -- but will play it by ear.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 06, 2014, 11:37:29 am
Yeah I'm planning the same thing - track work, VERY low intensity. No jumps for me. Easy running at best and stretching.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2014, 09:51:07 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: lower back

- warm up

- a ton of skips and bounds x 20-25 mins

- easy sprint 130m x 4

- some more skips

- superset x 3
-- push up x 20
-- crunch x 50

- stretch and a bit of mob for shoulders

well, that could have gone a lot worse. back felt okay despite a few twinges, even somewhat looser by the end of the workout. smart to keep everything easy, though. left stopwatch at home to force myself to slow down. i am still horrific at bounding, unable to put any kind of power into the ground or get my lead foot out in front where it should be in order to sweep back up and under.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 07, 2014, 04:25:28 am
It doesn't  matter, keep at it. When you will get better you should see some carryover into the jumps themselves.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2014, 09:41:59 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: lower back

- warm up

- bounds x a bunch
still bad but started to feel it on one or two reps. mostly bad.

- sprint 30m x 3; 60m x 3; 110m x 3

- cool down

- stretch

the dropoff after the second 60 is obviously very dramatic. smoked after the third 110. did the first 110 submax and it was only 0.7 slower than the second rep -- second and third felt all-out although i do wonder if i'd run faster if i had someone to race. either way, yikes.

also, tony reali -- stat boy from PTI for my fellow american espn-watchers -- was doing some kind of intervals around the track. dude's in solid shape.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 09, 2014, 04:02:47 am
It was only 0.7 s slower because running submax made you relax more, and on a longer distance race that is important. And it's also important as a training effect.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2014, 06:08:20 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, abs a tiny bit
ACHES/INJURIES: lower back still sensitive but not bothering me most of the time, left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: good, then pissed

- jumps
gym schedule said open gym, showed up and turns out it was pre-k soccer lesson time. this wouldn't have pissed me off except that i planned my fucking afternoon around when the court would be free. jumps would have sucked anyway but still. so instead...

- bound practice x a whole bunch of LRLR and RLRL
got a couple on film, will post shortly. still ugly and inconsistent. in my mind i should be planting heel-toe but that just is not happening in real life. to the point where i think that maybe you're just supposed to plant on these as if you were sprinting? t0ddday? calves were wrecked by the end of these.

- donkey ankle bounces x 15,15,15,15

- bench 220 x 3; 215 x 5; 220 x 5
spotter gave a wonky lift on the first set and it threw me off. second and third sets were really strong. 225 next time.

- feet elevated inverted row x 15,15,15

- ab cable pull down 60 x 10; 90 x 10; 110 x 10
110 is closer to the appropriate weight. these i felt a wee bit in the back. i wish my left shoulder would let me do hanging leg raises.

- stretch


- lacrosse ball smashing glutes
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 09, 2014, 07:35:06 pm
How quick are the donkey ankle bounces? It's really amazing how quick they are for me... a TON of Achilles contribution (I also get up VERY high on them). Imagine how much I'd jump if I were weighing 40 kg haha
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 13, 2014, 09:31:28 pm
sunday played tennis with my dad until it got dark.

yesterday worked until 11 PM so no workout. foam rollered and stretched and went to bed.


ACHES/INJURIES: toes esp. left toe, left shoulder, front and back of neck, jaws -- i think i'm getting sick? feel fine other than this weird neck pain
MENTAL STATE: good but tired

- warm up

- LRLRLR bound x 4
getting smoother

- sprint 30m x 3; 60m x 2; 100m x 2
4.4 for the 30s, 13.2 for the 100s

then came lightning.  :pissed:

- walk home

- stretch

i wonder if my focus should be on the longer stuff, 60s and up. i'm okay to 30m, 4.4 gives me a predicted 100 of 11.7, which would thrill me obviously. that's mutumb0000 speed, avishek speed. so clearly top speed and speed maintenance are bigger problems. and considering that sprinting is really GPP for me and jumping is the more important goal, shouldn't i be spending more time getting those max-effort ground contacts in? does that even make sense?

later in the evening:

- lacrosse ball work in shoulders
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 14, 2014, 03:45:43 am
I don't think you're getting sick... I think you're sore from that tennis that you played
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2014, 11:51:24 am
I don't think you're getting sick... I think you're sore from that tennis that you played

doubtful. this wasn't soreness, more like sharp pain on certain movements. and i've never had neck pain from tennis before, and the intensity on sunday was very low.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2014, 08:45:34 pm
MENTAL STATE: very, very tired

- warm up

- SLRVJ and short-approach DLRVJ x ~30 total jumps

- bench 180 x 14 :uhhhfacepalm:
should have had the last rep but overthought it and failed halway up. god damn it. well, i'll try again some other time and i'm sure i'll get it.

- high kroc row 80 x 15R,15L

- RDL 135 x 10,10,10
no lower back pain. success. will build this up very slowly.

- superset x 6,5,4,3,2,1
-- dip
-- pull up

- decline sit up +18 x 5 +0 x 5
back not happy with these

- pallof press 50 x 10,10

- stretch

not a horrible workout considering how fatigued i am. this week has been tough at work and i've had trouble sleeping.


- hip opening

- wrist stretches
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 15, 2014, 04:42:43 am
Meh,at least you benched my max 14 times.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on May 15, 2014, 06:34:49 am
Meh,at least you benched my max 14 times.

The only that says is you're really weak at bench press, nothing more, nothing else. Look at the NBA draft combine scores for the 180lb bp test, and these are basketball players who are not build for benching, long wiry arms, small joints, etc.  This place has some really weak bench presssers (i'm one of them). We should really raise our game. And no i dont want to hear 'i dont care about bench' stfu, that's just an excuse weak people use, not like we're beasting C&J or jumping 50" that we have an excuse for neglecting the squat of the upper body..
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 15, 2014, 06:42:18 am
Good luck with that. I've benched pretty consistently in the last 6 years, and my 8RM never exceeded 65 kg. Genetics, baby!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on May 15, 2014, 07:03:15 am
Good luck with that. I've benched pretty consistently in the last 6 years, and my 8RM never exceeded 65 kg. Genetics, baby!

Hard to sympathise with that raptor. I've got a 6'7" wingspan and i'm obv not build for bp, my arms are 13-14" on a good day. Still, i can do your 8RM for sets of close grip bp any time even if i haven't bp for ages. And that's still pathetic to me because no one who has lifted for as long as you or i should be talking about benching 1 plate as if it's not a complete embarrassment. I've used smolov jnr to work up to 10x3x90kg in the past, and as recently as this year, i worked up to 96x3 cg while only benching once or twice a fortnight. The only reason i've settled for such mediocrity is because i haven't applied myself to doing better, but im going re-address that this year. Will work up to 100x3 in the next few months and then do a smolov jnr to get a half decent 1rm of 115kg/250lb, esp for close grip, that's a good goal for me. I'd like to be in that 120-140kg range long term though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 15, 2014, 07:30:59 am
Why is it that hard? That's just how I've always been. Why aren't you bench pressing 4x? Why aren't powerlifters bench pressing 10x? Why not 10423842958 x?

You're just saying stuff like we're all the same and have the same built, CNS, and another 2578934534753847 parameters. The fact that I've been training SPECIFICALLY for the squat in the last 6-7 years CONSISTENTLY and I still haven't reached 2x should tell you a thing or two about my body.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2014, 09:05:27 am
Why is it that hard? That's just how I've always been. Why aren't you bench pressing 4x? Why aren't powerlifters bench pressing 10x? Why not 10423842958 x?

You're just saying stuff like we're all the same and have the same built, CNS, and another 2578934534753847 parameters. The fact that I've been training SPECIFICALLY for the squat in the last 6-7 years CONSISTENTLY and I still haven't reached 2x should tell you a thing or two about my body.

...your body has been doing it wrong?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 15, 2014, 10:07:07 am
Why is it that hard? That's just how I've always been. Why aren't you bench pressing 4x? Why aren't powerlifters bench pressing 10x? Why not 10423842958 x?

You're just saying stuff like we're all the same and have the same built, CNS, and another 2578934534753847 parameters. The fact that I've been training SPECIFICALLY for the squat in the last 6-7 years CONSISTENTLY and I still haven't reached 2x should tell you a thing or two about my body.

...your body has been doing it wrong?

How wrong can you do a fucking bench press? Even more, how wrong can you do it when you are pressing only 65kg? He is NOT doing it wrong, he just ain't progressing. I am the same. Have been consistent with bench for years and i am stuck at the same numbers , 1RM around 85kg. Would i be pressing more if i did it more than once a week? Of course yes. Would i be pressing 15x85kg like LBSS? No, i will never be there. But i have been pulling with the exact same frequency and for some weird reason pulls keep improving, being able to chin 10@100kg and lat-pull-down 8x200lbs now. I didn't do anything special in either pressing or pulling, the pulls just respond better on their own. Different strokes for different folks!

The only that says is you're really weak at bench press, nothing more, nothing else.

Agree. That is what he was trying to say too though.

Look at the NBA draft combine scores for the 180lb bp test, and these are basketball players who are not build for benching, long wiry arms, small joints, etc.

I call bullshit!!!
Not only making the performance of NBA pro athletes and raptor comparable just because 'they have long arms' is ridiculous, but the results are not what you think either.
Only 20 got more reps than LBSS , 16 of them are over 200lbs too. Look at the bottom of the list, so many 200+lbs guys ( at SINGLE digits bodyfats , so pro athletes with over 180lbs of LBM ) getting less than 5 reps!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2014, 10:36:08 am
jesus, i was kidding.

my body is built very well for squatting and benching: i have short arms and legs and a long torso, with broad shoulders relative to my waist and naturally* a fairly big chest, butt, and quads. i have a friend who did starting strength and GOMAD a few years ago and got his squat and DL to respectable if not impressive levels (given how consistently he worked), but never got his bench over like 225-230 even when he weighed 215. meanwhile i'm about to try to hit 225x5,5,5 at 175, without focusing on it or trying especially hard. i've squatted 2x bw on a few occasions.

meanwhile, i seriously doubt i could chin my bw+20kg (100kg) ten times and raptor's DL dwarfs anything i've ever done. plus i'd trade being naturally okay at benching for being naturally okay at jumping in a fucking heartbeat.

in other news, my low back/SI joint is bothering me today. i blame the RDL.

*for the most part: i don't weigh much more than i did five years ago, have never really committed to a bulk, and my proportions are roughly the same, so i'm going to say that most of the mass i do have would be there even without lifting.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 15, 2014, 12:36:27 pm
Yeah I'm MUCH better at pulling. It was always easy for me. Pulling of any kind. Deadlift, pullups, chinups, rows (though I never do barbell rows) of all kinds. I can do narrow grip cable rows with 120 kg (the heaviest the machine can go) for like 8 reps. I have seen only one guy in my gym doing that, and he's ~40 kg heavier than me (~90 lbs heavier).

Same with jumping - "pulling" myself in the air as in a one-leg jump where I don't bend my knees to jump is easy, whereas "pushing" myself up is very difficult.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 15, 2014, 01:05:58 pm
Fair, thought you were serious. Now that i re-read my post it looks aggressive which was not my intention at all.
Also, no matter what you are 'built for' , i am totally with entropy in still trying to improve it. Bench press is a basic upper compound movement and we should all keep trying to get better at it, even if those improved numbers will still be girlie-weak for me and raptor.
pc  :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on May 15, 2014, 03:59:01 pm
:/ I love basketball and the NBA has elite athletes but their combine is a joke. Basketball isnt a game that can be determined in the weight room. Its soooo skill dominated.  That said bet some of those guys could benefit from a hard off season in the weight room but only if it doesn't diminish their skill set. Nit so easily done. I like looking at the skill position numbers from the NFL combine. Those guys are explosive. Train like them and you will see gains. Its just hard to do that and have the gas/recovery for a skills workout as well. :(

That ones going to progress very far doing anything 1x a week. Also, it may not be that your body is doing it wrong but rather you're training it wrong? Just my .02
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 15, 2014, 05:31:46 pm
I wonder how much Marco Rubio can bench.

I mean... I mean Ricky Rubio.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 16, 2014, 10:14:14 pm
By the way - up until this year, I've shot from the shoulder/chest area, and I still kinda do it out from the three point range. I used to shoot like that even from inside, because I didn't have enough upperbody pushing strength to shoot from above my head with any kind of precision whatsoever, neither the flexibility to do so. It was like a shot put.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 17, 2014, 06:30:14 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left toe, low back freaked out (see below)
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 15-20
jumps were good, finally back up around 30+ on SVJ, hit 33+ on two-step (excellent for me) and then on three-step i hyperextended somehow and my low back/SI joint freaked out. ffffffffffffuuuUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKK. i kept jumping but i couldn't get the volleyball or number 3 soccer ball down cleanly. so frustrating, it should have been a great jumping day.

- bench 225 x 3,3,2
no spotter so i played it very safe.

- superset x 3
-- assisted natural GHR x 10,10,10
-- inverted row x 12,12,12
-- machine leg extension +100 x 0,10,10
i'm not doing anything for my quads right now and i think they're atrophying. or i'm just neurotic. but i think my legs have gotten smaller since i stopped being able to squat.  :(

- donkey ankle bounce x 15,15,20

- stretch

so frustrated with my back!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 17, 2014, 06:35:39 pm
Well... maybe it tells you something... maybe you're in anterior tilt? Maybe you're not using your glutes as you should? Or is it just a regular injury?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 19, 2014, 09:05:40 pm
^^^something, sure, but i don't know what. again, no major precipitating events or posture changes that i'm aware of. i've always had a bit of anterior tilt/hips forward posture but nothing crazy.

brittlebro workout tonight.

ACHES/INJURIES: low back stiff and sensitive, right side worse than left

- warm up

- strides x 4

- 1-2 jumps 4x6

- cool down

- stretch

started to try to bound but back announced itself immediately. it's not worth it. better something than nothing and i'll stretch more later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 20, 2014, 04:04:15 am
What about doing calf work and glute-hams? Does your back do anything when doing GHRs?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 20, 2014, 09:33:00 pm
MENTAL STATE: tired and stressed, bad day at work

- warm up

- bounds 4 x 6
i think these are getting better, although in one of those videos there's a cue to be attacking the ground to pull through with your plant leg and i don't think i'm doing that. will try to tape soon.

- sprint 30m x 3; 60m x 3
4.5 on the 30s; 8.3-8.5 on the 60s. felt awful, so sluggish. no acceleration even for me, hips aching a bit. oof. plus back had previously felt better over the course of workouts but today it got worse. decided against all-out 100s-130s and went with...

- submax sprint 120y x 6
endline to endline on the field. 18-19s with 40-50s between reps.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2014, 07:50:23 am
last night didn't get home from work until 10, so i just SMR'd my glutes with most of the focus on upper glutes. i've been avoiding them and working on other things but let's be honest: that's because i'm a pansy. need to refocus on that shit.

also i'm going to make a PT appointment today. i wrote to the place i've been before a couple days ago and they got back to me but i haven't had a chance to call them back to set an actual time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 28, 2014, 10:21:52 am

did some jumps, which were kind of bad but not terrible. couldn't get a clean dunk with the smaller balls (#3 soccer ball, volleyball). bah. also did some upper body weights, which i forget.


lots of walking around in NYC, some stretching. much relaxation. the past few weeks have been really bad at work, which i think accounts for some of the bad training. not enough sleep and poor-quality sleep, high stress=drained CNS. feel somewhat rejuvenated after the weekend.



- warm up
shooting stroke was on point, at least for me. probably hitting 80% from mid range and 60% from three.

- SLRVJ and DSVJ x 50+
didn't have real training shoes with me in baltimore so i just used the nice-looking but not very practical ones i had with me (onitsuka tigers). ME jumps weren't happening so i just did a lot of layups and drop-steps. you know, working on my 5'11 terrible-player-who-can't-jump post game. lol. still good to get volume in even if it wasn't the highest-quality work, i think. also, the rims seem higher at this baltimore gym than at the JCC or my old gym, balance. whether that's because my normal ones are below 10' or these are above 10' i'd rather not find out. balance was a regulation (high school) court, so i hope at least there the rims were accurate.

- bench 205 x 5,5,5
form a bit off but this wasn't hard. back to the normal gym/bar/bench tomorrow.

-superset x 2
-- DB step up 70s x 10L
-- 45-degree hyper +10 behind head x 10
-- DB step up 70s x 10R
-- 45-degree hyper +10 behind head x 10

- kroc row 90 x 12R,11L
seemed like DB was weighted weird, couldn't get it even in my hands. wish my gym had DBs over 80.

- pull up x 5
just to get a little extra volume in for the back, match push/pull. stupid i know, whatever.

- a bit more shooting around to cool down

- stretch

this evening will bound, jump and sprint. finally made a PT appointment, for monday at 2 PM. let's see what's up with the shoulder and the back/SI joint.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 28, 2014, 09:00:52 pm
SORENESS: pecs, glutes a tiny bit

- warm up

- SL bounds x 4,6,6,6

- sprint 60m x 4
8.2, 8.3, 8.0, 8.1

- sprint 100m x 3
13.1, 12.5, 13.5 -- second rep really did feel much faster, "floating"

- walk home

- stretch

legs dead after the last 100. fitness continues to be shite, but just gotta keep grinding. a bit dehydrated, it's hot and humid enough now that i can't get away without bringing water to the track.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2014, 07:34:48 pm
me and my back have beef. warmed up tonight and was going to do a few sets DB jump squats and then some volume upper stuff. but on the second set of jump squats my back get all strained again. things felt fine beforehand, no serious discomfort yesterday or today until one rep it was just like, nope. it's much more distinctly on the right side now, and it's spread into the top part of my glute. i'm so frustrated. at least i'm finally going to the PT on monday, hopefully he can give me some answers.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: entropy on May 30, 2014, 10:16:30 am
That sucks. Might have to take some time off and rest? I'd try ibuprofen/icing/heat rub/mo protein/caloric surplus/etc and give it 5-10 days. Back injuries either heal quickly or take ages, in my experience, but rest is a good way to find out which one it is..
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2014, 11:09:05 am
yeah i'm wondering the same thing. not ready to rest-rest until after i see the PT on monday. if he tells me to take a real break, i will.

i am going to try to jump and maybe sprint this weekend if things feel whole -- back is less stiff/sore today than after previous tweaks, which is good. otherwise i think i'll stick to mostly BW stuff for the foreseeable future. tweaks usually happen during some kind of weighted exercise, with the exception of that one DLRVJ a couple weeks ago.

might keep benching, though. it's fun and doesn't stress either my back (unless i've already done something else to it) or my shoulder. tryna get that 3x5x225. also jumping rope and lots and lots of mobility/stretching, much more than i do now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 30, 2014, 03:32:32 pm
Sounds like my self-diagnosed piriformis thing I had a while back
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2014, 01:17:00 pm
ended up not doing any real exercise this weekend. spent about half an hour on sunday chasing a two-year-old around, throwing him up in the air and all that stuff. very fun but does not count as exercise. i did do some good SMR and mobility stuff. PT in a bit over an hour.

also, i wanted to re-post a couple vids here from february. i have not had more than a couple of days of equivalently good jumping since then. everything has sucked with travel and my back and shoulder getting messed up.  :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on June 02, 2014, 02:33:14 pm
Rewateched your Feb videos and I'm still a bit jelly. You were flying IMHO.

A little more healing, and a more favorable work/life balance you will get there again and then some.

Time sir is all it takes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2014, 02:57:40 pm
thanks loopie. that second DLRVJ looks really good in retrospect.

PT today was helpful re: shoulder. he doesn't think it's torn or otherwise seriously injured, just irritated/inflamed. my ROM is still pretty good, the restriction is very specific (although unfortunately very specific to jumping). basically he said try to avoid aggravating it and in the meantime do more shoulder stabilization work. so i'm going to start doing more closed-chain and band stuff both in and out of the gym. benching remains on the table as long as no irritation. :-)

the guy is new, though (got his DPT last year) and so he basically punted on my lower back. i'm going back to see the owner of the practice next tuesday. hopefully he'll be able to shed some light.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 02, 2014, 03:51:58 pm
This makes me remember - I bought a handball for two footed dunking :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2014, 07:46:52 am
last night:


- warm up

- LRLR bound x a few
got on film and my god these are ugly. i'm doin' 'em wrong. watched first set vid and then overthought so the rest were even worse. will post later today.

- sprint 30m x 3; 60m x 30*; x 100m, 110m, 120m
4.5, 4.5, 4.5; 8.4, 8.3, 8.1; 13.5, 14.6, 16.4 -- 7+ minutes rest on the last three but you can still tell i was tired. really would be helpful to have someone to chase.

- shoulder stability complex: push ups, planks and hands-to-elbows

- stretch

*good catch, raptor. lol. i think 60m x 30 would be a good way to kill myself for about a week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2014, 07:53:27 am
comparing these to maria's and t0ddday's videos is very depressing. no power, striking the ground with my leg bent and forefoot-first instead of heel first, getting what i thought was a decent leg lift on the front of the cycle by flexing my upper body forward...awful.

first set, fun starts at 0:18

third set, fun starts at 0:20

i think i'm a little better on grass, for what it's worth, but not THAT much better. adistar and t0ddday in particular, little help?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 03, 2014, 08:02:01 am
Oh , so your bounds  are awful compared to a 10:xx 100m sprinter and a 20 year old pro long jump athlete? Soooo depressing!  :P

Jokes aside, they are not that bad. I am sure they would improve fast if you kept at them, no? That is what maria suggested too in her journal IIRC, practice makes perfect ( no shit ! ).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2014, 08:05:49 am
yeah but it's not like they're different in degree, they're different in kind: it looks like i'm doing a different exercise, to me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on June 03, 2014, 10:18:39 am
i'm still a beginner in sprinting, but looking at your bounding video, I can give some suggestions, which i hope you may find helpful.

I remember there was this website, which taught bounding, but can't remember the link, but they provided a step by step progression approach, which was skipping, skipping for height and then from there to bounding as bounding is like skipping for height.

secondly, the second video is better than the first video, but the description you gave about your heel hitting the ground first rather than forefoot (balls of your foot) looking at your video, is a result from when you are bounding, you seem to drive the feet down hard and emphasize on bringing knee's; the quick high knee to quick driving your feet down is slowing you down and making you less elastic, so something you can try, is from running start, when you bound on the first step skip high and your knees should go up, don't bring it any higher, than instead of driving down hard, think of letting your feet ahead but without emphasizing on reaching too far ahead, just extend your legs when in the air and coming close to the ground you should land on your fore foot and think of pushing of the forefoot and repeat with the other leg.

That's the only thing i could spot from the video, just my 2 cents.

some videos on bounding, you can see he doesn't bring knees high but parallel and the feet doesn't drive down but the lower leg extends before driving down. but don't recommend on concrete, which they were doing on in the last part of the video.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2014, 11:42:32 am
thanks seifullaah, and thanks for reposting that video, although you used the wrong tags for it. that does seem like a good progression to try.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on June 03, 2014, 12:21:12 pm
About your shoulder issues: I don't know what exactly is bothering you but what worked wonders for me was doing lots of rowing type movements (cable rows, db rows whatever) and stuff like YTW's, band pullaparts, face pulls, dumbell protractions/retractions etc. for the upperback.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 03, 2014, 01:47:36 pm
Wow, 60m x 30!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 03, 2014, 01:50:01 pm
Anyway, your bounds don't look bad at all... at least you have some power in them etc... you haven't seen mine yet. LRLR is IMPOSSIBLE to do for me... especially since I'm a guy that doesn't like to bend the knee in the first place.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2014, 02:20:20 pm
here's the vid that seifullaah was trying to embed:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on June 03, 2014, 04:26:11 pm
thanks seifullaah, and thanks for reposting that video, although you used the wrong tags for it. that does seem like a good progression to try.

Lol mistakenly pressed image rather youtube
Fixed now.

I'm glad it was of some help.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on June 03, 2014, 10:22:21 pm
Here's some interesting insights from talking to one of the assistant coaches in my track squad on the bounding/form issue. When the form on an exercise is not technically 'perfect', the coach has to assess two things:

1) Is the exercise still giving a training benefit with the form used and;

2) Is the form being used likely to predispose the athlete to injury?

If the answer is no in both cases, then it's fine to continue to keep performing the exercise with the intent to improve the form slowly over time with practice. If however, the athlete is either not doing them with enough speed/force so that they're essentially just skipping with no hang time, or they have an obvious fault which may cause injury (i.e. obvious left/right imbalances, knee valgus/varus etc.) they need to back off and work on different drills to teach the movement. I think in your (LBSS's) case, while it doesn't look as smooth as say, the triple jumper in the vid, you're still doing it fast enough and with enough force to get a training benefit. Additionally, the form doesn't look dangerous or out of control - dorsiflexion looks OK as well (which is the bit I have trouble with). So I'd say keep it up (and keep filming). It's only an assistance exercise after all, unless you're planning on transitioning in triple jump.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2014, 11:17:05 pm
right on, that makes sense. guess i'll keep plugging away...


SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: quads tight but not painful, left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: very tired

- warm up

- jumps x some
extremely bad. slow, low, most failed. shoulder bothering me but it does seem to warm up and bother me less after a few jumps.

- shoulder stabilization stuff
-- rear delt flyes 12.5s x 10,10
-- swiss ball walk outs x 5,5
-- bent elbow band rotations x a bunch

so tired. will try to sleep better tonight and do more tomorrow. i was surprised to see the court empty today, wasn't expecting to get to jump at all. maybe basketball leagues are on hiatus and it'll be open again tomorrow.

- stretch

- SMR quads, hamstrings, glutes, t-spine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 04, 2014, 04:44:43 am
Maybe you should give yourself a few days off, or do low volume stuff at submaximal intensities.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 04, 2014, 09:23:12 am
Maybe you should give yourself a few days off, or do low volume stuff at submaximal intensities.

i just had a few days off. think i just slept badly the night before last and had a long day at work. feeling better today, although my legs do feel kind of heavy... i'll go to the gym later and see what i can do.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 04, 2014, 09:47:27 am
Yeah but maybe you need more. It sounds to me like you're describing lack of recovery, and doing MORE stuff over this will dig you into a deeper hole. If anything, cut down the volume and intensity and treat the next workout as an active recovery workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 04, 2014, 11:47:15 pm
took raptor's advice for the most part.

SORENESS: none but legs still felt a little dead
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, low back a little throughout the day

- warm up
extended stretching, primarily for hips but also a bunch of gentle hanging from the pull up bar with my feet on the ground, moving my shoulders around and easing in and out. turns out i can make my shoulder more limber and less painful by warming it up a lot and stretching. WHO KNEW?!??!

- leg lowers x 10,10

- SL glute thrust x 20,20

- SL hip flexor lift @3s pause x 20,20

- SL RDL bw x 10,10

- bench 225 x 5,5,4
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK i was sooooo close on the last rep. second set was really good, thought i had it in the bag. still a PR.  :trolldance:

- bunch of rows, mostly inverted with feet elevated

- hands-to-elbows plank x 10,10

- bent elbow band rotation sequence x 10/e

- shoot around x 10-15 mins

active recovery, i guess. so extremely blown about not hitting 225 x 5,5,5. laughed out loud after i racked the bar on the third set. the spotter was dumb, i'd failed plain and simple but he made me work for it to re-rack and was like "i barely touched it" afterward. he was trying to be nice but it's like, dude, that's not how you spot. i was all ready to take a break from benching, just stick to closed-chain BW stuff for a while. now i gotta try again. still not bad for not having benched in more than a week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on June 05, 2014, 12:17:00 am
 :personal-record:  :headbang: Always a good day when you PR. Good motivation for other lifts!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 05, 2014, 04:06:25 am
Well, at least we now know you had some reserve CNS available to try for a PR.

By the way - in the SL glute thrust, did you feel the hamstrings or lumbars or it was all glutes?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 05, 2014, 07:29:14 am
thanks chris!

raptor, the SL hip thrust was primarily glute with a little bit of hamstring thrown in. like 90/10.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 05, 2014, 07:29:59 am
Nice. By the way - I'm reading through some overtraining stuff right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 05, 2014, 07:22:00 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, low back tightened up during jumping

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~15
got a couple of clean dunks with the mini soccer ball and volleyball, and a bunch more that i back ironed or rattled in. low back started to tighten up so i shut it down. given how shitty i've been feeling this was very encouraging. definitely the highest i've ever jumped in glasses (contacts were bothering me), lol.


- hands-to-elbows plank x 10,10,10

- band pull aparts x 20,20,20

- captains of crush work (i haven't been logging this but i've been doing it a little bit, not enough)

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 05, 2014, 07:29:02 pm
Gentlemen, this is an historic moment in the history, with the positive votes that the above post will recieve, LBSS's reputation will exceed adarqui's.


PS : awesome about the jumps, +1 from me!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 06, 2014, 04:02:50 am
Quickly, NEG HIM UP!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 06, 2014, 11:06:40 am
thanks vag.

raptor, go to hell.  :trollface:

left shoulder bothering me today a bit more than normal. no pain at rest but less pain-free ROM in external rotation. good to know.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2014, 10:47:43 am
left shoulder still buggin'...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2014, 07:05:26 pm
i upvoted a bunch of adarq's posts to restore the natural balance of things. otherwise this weekend was a loss training wise but a huge gain fun/relaxation wise. one of my really good friends got married so there were tons of great friends in from out of town and we just had a blast. now i have a headache and a bit of nausea and am very tired. worth it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 09, 2014, 07:25:25 am
i upvoted a bunch of adarq's posts to restore the natural balance of things.

A noble act but in vain, you aquiring the reputation throne is inevitable...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 09, 2014, 07:36:33 am
i upvoted a bunch of adarq's posts to restore the natural balance of things.

A noble act but in vain, you aquiring the reputation throne is inevitable...

It will be tedious to start negging 3 year old posts, but hey, anything for a good cause, right?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2014, 11:38:45 am
last night headache stayed bad but i did some shoulder stability stuff (planks, paused pushups with exaggerated scap retraction, band pull aparts/pushes) and some stretching.

today my headache...stayed bad. so i took the day off work. just now getting out of bed and it's 11:30. headache is somewhat better than 7:30, when i took some aspirin and drank some more water, but still unpleasant. hopefully it'll be better in a couple of hours and i can get in a mid-afternoon workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2014, 03:47:15 pm
tried to work out but head prevented anything resembling effort. shot around for 20 minutes and came home. water and rest.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2014, 02:30:03 pm
PT visit part 2: much more satisfying. the guy did an actual evaluation of my hips, legs and lower back. then he had me do some bw squats and some with about 60-70 lbs on the bar. those aren't a good evaluation, i don't think, but back is feeling the weighted squats now.


- i'm hypermobile in my lower back, knees and hips (and elbows, for that matter). not dramatically but enough that i can get into compromising positions, such as too much posterior tilt at the bottom of a squat. the fact that i'm long-torsoed and slim-waisted just adds to the instability.
- i'm getting older and the low-back/SI pain is probably just a result of accumulated stress from years of sub-optimal form. it boiled over and that's that. my tissues just aren't as limber as they were two years ago.
- as i fatigue, i bias toward my right leg. whole COM shifts right. i guess i knew this but it was interesting to have a trained observer point it out.
- doing fast squats my hips are also kind of all over the place, although this was partly from having just regular sneakers on and not being warmed up. in normal work out conditions i don't think this would be as pronounced, although if i'm honest it's probably true to some extent even then.

- no full squatting for a while, limited ROM on things like DLs and RDLs is okay.
- lots of SL stuff and low-back strength work like glute bridges, hypers, etc.
- smith squats are okay because they bias vertical torso position
- improve calf flexibility/dorsiflexion
- start adding squats back in with limited ROM and very light weight. no fatigue permitted. take a looooong time to add depth.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 10, 2014, 02:54:03 pm
- improve calf flexibility/dorsiflexion

That's exactly what I thought of when I read "hypermobile" in lowerback, knees and hips (although hypermobile knees is something I have never heard of). Hypermobility sounds like a compensatory thing for a hypomobile other joint, and the only joint left would be the ankle.

But guess what? Doing these bounds will also build dorsiflexion, if you use the proper landing/planting mechanics (and you seem like you do in your videos). So...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 10, 2014, 08:55:51 pm
Oh , so your bounds  are awful compared to a 10:xx 100m sprinter and a 20 year old pro long jump athlete? Soooo depressing!  :P

Jokes aside, they are not that bad. I am sure they would improve fast if you kept at them, no? That is what maria suggested too in her journal IIRC, practice makes perfect ( no shit ! ).

Well I've had some time off and won't be full bore for another month when I move to my new place.  To test my performance without training I jumped in a meet and I'm not a 10.xx sprinter anymore!  I ran 11.7 and 23.5 without training.  The 100m was ran into a 7.6 m/s headwind however which was REALLY crazy.  The officiating tent and wind guage blew over by the time we ran the 200m so I don't know what the wind was then but I'm sure it was still very strong....  Anyway, to end the journal hijack...

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I agree with you and disagree with vag, raptor, etc.... Your bounds are not acceptable because you are not getting the benefit from them.  You would be better served just doing single leg jumps then bounding like that.  It's a simple fix though:

1) Stay on the grass/turf.  As you get powerful and efficient you will get hurt on that surface. 

2) The most important point:  You MUST LEAD WITH THE HIP.  You are leading at the knee.  I commend you for trying to emulate an elite triple jumper with the butt-kick hip hinge but what you end up doing is butt-kick without your hip swing...

It's hard since you don't have stills but look at your video "Uglier bounds 2 jun 2014".  Try to pause at the top of your height at about 22 seconds or again at 23 when you are right to the left of yellow pole...  What you notice is that your back knee is almost in contact with your front foot.   

While I'm certainly not a jumper watch my video ( and watch my peak height at 3 seconds or so and notice that before my foot comes down my knees are not close to each other.  The goal is to swing from the hip here so the foot unfolds from the butt and then swings all the way through.   Your knee is bent but your knee is not back; does that make sense?    What you really need to see is how to properly swing that hip and that's it.   That really is the recipe to all dynamic sprinting, bounding, jumping, etc.   Our fastest guy in our training group runs 10.05, our next fastest runs 10.2.  The faster one actually is worse at bounding but when still leads with the hip...  Even if you just hang your leg behind you and swing through at the hip that would be an improvement.  This is why I don't love knee bend dominant exercises like squats for athleticism because I feel it can take away the most important and powerful hinge.

--- Besides this I would take the advice of the others.  Start with single reps.  Then double reps.  Then LLRR over and over.  Also make sure that you can nail a standing transition bound.   Baby steps and you will get it.   Although form is important one thing you can do is measure your ability.  Try to see how far you can land in 5 bounds.  Get better for a few weeks.  Then make form tweaks that will make you go even farther. 

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2014, 09:54:34 pm
god bless you t0ddday. reading what you wrote and looking back at that vid from june 2, is another way of saying it that i'm not getting enough hip extension? basically, that i'm cheating the movement by bringing my back leg forward too soon? your trail leg is REALLY trailing while mine tracks the forward foot. or something else? at any rate here's to starting from scratch and learning to do the movement a little bit properly.

at PT this afternoon:

- air squat x 50 + a bunch more in small sets

- BB squat 60 x ??? a lot, pretty fast

- SL glute bridge x 50
PT also noted that right hip flexor is tighter than left. probably that's why it's bothering me now, too much stubbornness/desire to have equal ROM.


ACHES/INJURIES: low back a little tight, right hip flexor, right wrist
MENTAL STATE: meh, a bit sluggish

- warm up

- bounds x 5,5,5,5
fuck that noise, time for the t0ddday progression. will try to get more (and better quality) vid. would help to have a training partner, as usual...

- sprint 110m x 3
14.6, 14.7, 14.8 -- right hip flexor bothering me a bit, canned it. felt very slow, no burst even by my standards.

gonna do some shoulder stuff and stretch/SMR now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 11, 2014, 01:50:26 am
Hey LBSS, do you actually do a progression (different exercises than the bounds themselves) or you go directly into bounds?

Because I suck much more than you at them, I can't even visualize in my head what to do (for the LRLR version).

I also partially disagree with Today - yeah, you might not get the hip action yet, but you get plenty of calf and foot "stimulation". So let's not ignore that part, especially for you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on June 11, 2014, 03:59:32 am
Maybe this can be of some use
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 11, 2014, 04:50:38 am
This is very interesting as well:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on June 11, 2014, 10:22:32 am
This is very interesting as well:

Very interesting article like the charts
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2014, 02:17:58 pm
i think i can get calf and foot stimulation without doing an exercise wrong. sprinting gives plenty of calf and foot stimulation, for example.

thanks for the articles, i don't know that i'd ever heard of inno-sport but i recognize myself in a lot of those problems.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 11, 2014, 04:23:00 pm
Yeah, what I meant is that you're still getting some benefit. Of course you should work to get the maximum amount of benefit with the minimum injury risk from the bounds, but it takes time to perfect them. It's good that now you're aware of what to do.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2014, 09:30:50 pm
SORENESS: quads, hams a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist a little, right foot (midway down the lateral side) after jogging warm-up*

- warm up

- explosive lateral step-up x 5,5,5
foot on low step (~6"), heel in front of knee, explode up focusing on full triple extension.

- depth jump @ ~12" x 3,3; @ ~18" x 3

- shoulder stability circuit x 3
-- paused push up x 10
-- three-way band rotation x 10

- reverse hyper +10 x 10,10
on bench, DB between ankles. more lower back than glutes, need conscious focus to get full glute involvement.

- layups/dribbling x 20 minutes
i am laughably bad at handling the ball, so in between sets of layups i did a bastardized and horrible version of taylorhorton's old dribbling circuit. also some free throws.

will stretch after eating, very hungry now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 12, 2014, 03:43:46 am
Step-ups... very interesting...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2014, 11:11:29 am
Step-ups... very interesting...

i dunno, seems like a good way to focus on SL triple extension: low technical requirement, can do pretty much anywhere, low impact, low likelihood of irritating my lower back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2014, 11:52:44 am
also, looking around at inno-sport and some other korfist stuff i'm getting all depressed again about the state of my big toes. i really do think they cripple me in terms of jumping and sprinting even when they're not actively in pain.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2014, 11:47:01 pm
tonight did some SMR and stretching, focus on calves, quads and ITB.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2014, 03:14:29 pm
this afternoon shot around and did some layups for about 30 mins. very lazy, left shoulder really bugging, bad bad. better than nothing. going out of town this weekend (ANOTHER wedding) but i will do some BW stuff for hip extension and shoulder stability, if the shoulder calms down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 15, 2014, 09:57:04 pm
can't remember the last time i had a hangover like the one i woke up with today. horrible. didn't get any food until like 7:45 PM, couldn't even keep water or gatorade down until noon. the wedding was fun, though. i got hit on mercilessly by an 85-year-old lady who called herself the queen of the potomac and told me i had a lot of ASSets and then smacked me on the ass. 


yesterday afternoon:

- circuit x 3
-- assisted natural GHR x 10
-- BSS x 10
-- pogo x 10
-- paused push up x 10

- stretch


- lie in car with eyes closed
- sit by pool with eyes open
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 16, 2014, 01:01:18 am
This is very interesting as well:

That chart has no basis in reality.  I trained a rugby club where I got almost every member to broad jump 8.5 feet or more.  Not one of them could break 11.70 electric.  Charts like this are stupid. 

Broad jumps and vertical jumps are tests.   Running the 100m is a sport.  Predictors for the 100m are silly... EVEN 60m predictors for the 100m are a waste of time. 

I know the 100m might not be as involved as something like playing basketball but strength gurus need to respect it a little more and realize that this is not simply a test but an event that track athletes pour their lives into it.  Claiming that you can predict it from some other athletic movement is like claiming that you can predict someones basketball skill by how high they jump.... 

Anyway, as far as LBSS is concerned...   I don't know if it's so much hip extension as much as it's hip separation.  The hips have to rotate opposite around the pelvis and they just are not doing it... When you drive your arms you are driving them both up at the same time your hips are splitting... Then you have to drive the leg down as fast the the back leg drives forward again...  Here is an example of someone far better at bounding but what I will do is tape some guys I train with who are sprinters and not good at bounding (I'll try and get our 10.0 guy on tape... he jumps 40 inches and is athletic but not necessarily a bounding expert --- seeing him would be a glimpse into bounding for athleticism)...

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 16, 2014, 09:54:37 am
thanks for the continued help, t0ddday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on June 16, 2014, 10:21:31 am
So it is a matter of hip separation.(flexing one hip while extending the other).

Here is a test to test hip separation, not a bad evaluation.

Active Straight Leg Raise: Lie on your back and keep one leg straight on the floor as you lift the other leg (keeping it straight with the toes pointing toward the ceiling). If you cannot get the knee of the moving leg past your down knee (**without the body/hips rotating) then you need to correct this.

Here's the website where I got this to show how to correct it.

Probably it can help, also try doing skips for height from standing for several steps see how that goes and tape it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 16, 2014, 09:36:19 pm
SORENESS: upper hams, i presume from the BSS on saturday

- warm up

- various SL jumps and bound drills x 20 mins
doing heel-toe runs and gradually building speed seems to be a good one. doesn't get the two-arm pump but i feel like i could build from those.

- easy sprint 120y x 6
just to get the heart rate up. was completely dark by the time they finished, i guess soccer was off tonight because of the game, so there was no one there to turn on the lights?

- stretch

- cool down

will stretch again in a bit.

ETA: DL bounds are out. they come too close to irritating my back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 16, 2014, 11:44:09 pm
the guy actually wrote back this time. their sprint workouts are generally:

- warm up
- drills
- 2 x (50,100,200,400) @85% (explicitly described as "lactate threshold" training)
- cool down

the main coach is a "marathoner who loves sprinting." so a bit dubious/disappointing with respect to speed work of the type acole's been doing and t0ddday does, and what i'm really interested in. worth checking out, though. maybe i'd meet someone there who's actually interested in sprinting and has a better idea what they're doing than i do.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 17, 2014, 03:49:47 am
Yeah, go for it. He probably also knows someone in sprinting, so explain to him what you're interested in.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2014, 10:25:20 pm
SORENESS: upper hams, low back a little
ACHES/INJURIES: none, just feel a little dead

- warm up

- prime times x 30y,30y,30y

- heel-toe runs x 30y,30y,30y

- SL bound x a bunch, did not keep track of distance reps or sets
wayyyy better than before, i think. instead of focusing on bringing the front leg up i focused on getting the legs split through the cycle and getting the front foot down heel-toe and driving through. still pretty ugly i think but closer to the guy in the last video t0ddday posted. will continue with heel-toe runs as a lead-in to these. helped that half the field was open so i had some space to work with

- sprint 30m x 3; 60m x 2
4.6, 4.6, 4.6; 8.3, 8.3 -- so slow, just bad news all the way around. started third 60m but stumbled a bit on the start and was like fuck it.

- stretch

gym tomorrow for upper lifting, SL leg stuff and GHRs. probably play a couple games of pick up on thursday, rest friday, and then try to have a good day of jumps on saturday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on June 17, 2014, 11:47:27 pm
The 60m will get faster once you do them more. It seems like you've got decent acceleration you've just got to build up your top speed/speed endurance. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2014, 07:35:12 am
The 60m will get faster once you do them more. It seems like you've got decent acceleration you've just got to build up your top speed/speed endurance.

this is my hope. i've been doing them for a few months now, though, with no real improvement. then again it's not like i've been training the smartest or most consistently with the sprints, so there's that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on June 18, 2014, 07:29:07 pm
The 60m will get faster once you do them more. It seems like you've got decent acceleration you've just got to build up your top speed/speed endurance.

this is my hope. i've been doing them for a few months now, though, with no real improvement. then again it's not like i've been training the smartest or most consistently with the sprints, so there's that.

Yeah true plus sprinting doesn't come in linear gains like lifting. For a while you might be around the same time or even a tenth or two slower and then suddenly you'll have a race where you smash your previous best by tenths or just milliseconds. Once you can consistently run around that PB time usually your due for another PB just like jumping.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2014, 09:55:03 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, calves
ACHES/INJURIES: none but calves a bit tight, right one started cramping during last set of GHRs
MENTAL STATE: okay but a little tired

- warm up

- jumps x a few
basketball court was unexpectedly free. shot around a bunch and did some layups. tried to warm up my shoulder but it was still bothering me. got one good and a couple of bad four-step DLRVJ in, probably ~33.

- bench warm up
shoulder buggin, quit

- superset x 3
-- chest support rear flyes 15s x 10
-- paused push up x 10

- explosive step up 20s x 8,8

- superset x 2
-- step up 50s x 10
-- GHR x 6
calf started cramping as noted above.

- stretch

kind of a weak workout but not surprising for third day in a row even if none of the workouts individually has been that hard. i haven't slept enough this week. the step was too low but otherwise i like these, low chance of back injury and i can see making them hard enough to be worthwhile.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 19, 2014, 10:16:54 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~12-15
pretty crap, couple okay. felt better than yesterday but still not good.

- band rotation circuit x 2

- bench 225 x 1
nope nope nope, AELS AELS AELS

- superset x 2
-- low cable row 120 x 10
-- push up x 20

- SL hip thrust x 20,20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2014, 01:08:20 am

- watch US come within 15 seconds of beating portugal. feel empty inside. FIFTEEN SECONDS! this must be how iran felt when messi slew them at the last moment. just the best player pulling a rabbit out of his hat. fuck.

yesterday (in baltimore):

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little

- warm up

- a few jumps
the baltimore gym rims are higher than normal, as previously noted. these didn't feel terrible but my shoulder was bugging so i didn't do too many of them. plus the positive reinforcement of getting most of my palm over the rim was not there. feels like regression to 2011 to just be nicking the rim on full run ups.

- bench 195 x 5,5,5
shoulder felt a little unstable so didn't push these. will get 3x5x225 one of these days if it kills me, but in no rush. AELS, AELS, AELS.

- superset x 3
-- cable row 10(?) x 10
-- ISO 45-degree hyper +35 x 30s

- superset x 2
-- dip x 12
-- curl 25 x 12; DB shrug 80s x 20

- superset x 2
-- hands-to-elbows plank x 12
-- leg lowers x 15

- stretch

seriously. ronaldo. fuck that guy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2014, 10:53:13 am

- some improved bounding, a ~PR in the 60 (8.0 fml) and a crap 110 (15.1)

last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up
following chris's experience, kept warm up to just layups and drop steps, minimal shooting around. jump focused. in the progression i got a clean 30, possibly 30.5 on the SVJ, which is better than in the last few sessions for sure.

- DLRVJ x ~20
very frustrating, could not break through ~34. no clean dunks with the mini soccer ball. felt slow and muscular, no bounce, no smoothness. bah.

- monster pseudo circuit
-- band shoulder rotations x 10,10,10
-- cable hip thrust 120 x 15,15
-- curls 20s x 12,12
-- cable tricep pressdowns 80 x 12,12
-- leg press 400 x 10,10,10
-- leg press calf raise 240 x 10,10,10
-- smith machine shrug 185 x 12,12
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 26, 2014, 02:22:32 pm
Can you remind me why you aren't doing any 2-leg bounds? (neither for length nor hurdle jumps)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2014, 02:29:17 pm
low back does not approve of bounds hurdle jumps i could do. (well, no hurdles but i could pretend.)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 26, 2014, 03:19:25 pm

Hm... are you in anterior pelvic tilt by any chance?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2014, 03:33:31 pm
you betcha.

ETA: this is my 6500th post.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2014, 09:28:45 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, right knee (from first set of leg presses yesterday i think)

- warm up

- SL bound 15y x 3

- sprint 30m x 4; 60m x 2
4.6, 4.6, 4.5, 4.5; 8.2, 8.2 -- i know t0ddday puts no faith in these things but my "predicted" 60m for a 4.5 30 is 7.4. oof.

- four-point sprint starts x a bunch
i'm terrible at these, way too much on back leg, no idea what i'm doing really. t0ddday told me that your back leg is supposed to contribute little or nothing to the first stride -- he drags his back foot even at the beginning of strides -- and that is DEFINITELY not true for me.

- hurdle hops x 8,8,8

- stretch

got some video, will post in a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on June 26, 2014, 10:30:00 pm
I like to use that Frank Dick calculator as well. It gives you an indication of your potential and what the general benchmark is. That time doesn't surprise me because you've got a good squat (2x your bw) and fairly low bodyfat so I'd expect your acceleration to be good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2014, 08:33:22 am

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on June 27, 2014, 11:13:32 am
 8)  :goodjobbro:
The bounds are looking good, good job and the sprints also

Good old fashion way for up voting

Post upvoted
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2014, 11:55:23 am
thanks seifullaah, haha.

I like to use that Frank Dick calculator as well. It gives you an indication of your potential and what the general benchmark is. That time doesn't surprise me because you've got a good squat (2x your bw) and fairly low bodyfat so I'd expect your acceleration to be good.

yeah although 4.5 is still pretty slow, ~5.1 in the 40 which is offensive-lineman speed. but those dudes are almost twice my size.  :'(

i guess i'd be happy with 7.4/11.8. where i'm at just means my top speed and fitness are crap. nothing new about that knowledge, of course.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 27, 2014, 12:37:38 pm
I would stumble in a double arm swing like no tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 28, 2014, 01:34:37 am
I would stumble in a double arm swing like no tomorrow.

I see double arm swing, or am I blind? Could be the latter  :'(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on June 28, 2014, 03:42:01 am
I would stumble in a double arm swing like no tomorrow.

I see double arm swing, or am I blind? Could be the latter  :'(

Nope, he definitely uses double arm swings
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 28, 2014, 06:28:03 am
I said I WOULD stumble, not him.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2014, 08:01:33 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder but less than previously (???...not that i'm complaining), knees a bit achey

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a bunch
felt really good walking out but the four-step jumps were just okay. still better than last time, probably ~34-35 range for most.

- SLRVJ x a few
got vid, so incredibly slow, much slower than they feel. right around 29.5-30 for both legs.

- stretch

- grip work with COC
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on June 29, 2014, 01:58:06 am


They don't look too bad to me. The next step is to actually start covering more ground with each bound. If you can start hitting the ground with more force and extend the hang time you'll be closer to getting what you want out of the exercise I guess. Right now you're jumping, what, maybe 2m per bound? Hard to tell but you could maybe do a 10 bound test from a standing start. Apparently 25m+/27.5y is quite good. Again, this is all just regurgitated from the coaches in my squad so take it however you want.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2014, 12:31:18 am
was going to bound and sprint today but right as i was getting ready to leave the house it started to thunder. f that. so i did some KB swings and hand-to-elbow planks in a big ol' 10-set circuit and stretched. weak effort but better than nothing.

here's some vid of yesterday's jumps. sorry for the shit editing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 30, 2014, 12:43:49 am
vball dunk was nice mijo.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 30, 2014, 04:32:11 am
I think you could dunk right now if you were to improve that clumsy looking plant and approach... it looks REALLY weird. It used to look better... wtf...

Look at how you "depth drop" over a very short drop and a weird angle
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 30, 2014, 05:34:48 am
Nice jumps! We are almost exactly at the same heights. From SVJ to full run-up to SLRVJs, we are getting the same rim touches.
If i had your vert or if you had my reach we would be at 10'10'' - 10'11'' lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2014, 09:33:12 am
vball dunk was nice mijo.

thanks b. kind of weak but better than nothing, i guess.  :pokerface:

I think you could dunk right now if you were to improve that clumsy looking plant and approach... it looks REALLY weird. It used to look better... wtf...

Look at how you "depth drop" over a very short drop and a weird angle

i think part of that is foreshortening because of the camera angle. but you're right, when i was jumping at all-time-high levels earlier this year i wasn't jump-stopping quite as markedly.

here are those february big dodgeball dunks again, gotta get back to this level:

btw, mr. SLRVJ expert: got any tips for my hideous one-leg jumps? i took some footage of myself doing layups, too but didn't post because they're so much uglier than they feel. i look like a goofball, like a guy from a how-to-play-basketball PE video from the 50s.

Nice jumps! We are almost exactly at the same heights. From SVJ to full run-up to SLRVJs, we are getting the same rim touches.
If i had your vert or if you had my reach we would be at 10'10'' - 10'11'' lol

thanks vag! by our powers combined, we can dunk with two hands! given that i'm not getting arm extensions anytime soon and am if anything getting an arm retraction because of my shoulder problems, i'll have to settle for jumping higher.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2014, 09:35:26 am
god those feb dunks were so sexy by comparison. could have hit a lob that day, i'm sure of it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 30, 2014, 01:03:22 pm
I don't.

I suck at one leg jumping without the ball. The basic idea is not to push with your knee/quad, but to "pull yourself" with your hamstring/glute. Easier said than done.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2014, 01:33:27 pm
oh well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on June 30, 2014, 06:22:11 pm
For example, if I try to jump off my right leg, I will be EXTREMELY quad dominant and jump ~20 inches at best.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2014, 06:41:35 pm
For example, if I try to jump off my right leg, I will be EXTREMELY quad dominant and jump ~20 inches at best.

20"?!?! hard to believe. i'm getting almost 30 on those awful jumps in the vid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 30, 2014, 08:40:25 pm
Mate I'm certainly no SL jumping expert but here's what I picked up in the video:

- you look too proper in that video. Too upright at the start I think. 
- With your final step before your two steps I personally have a longer step (is it called the penultimate step? idk) and my last two steps are closer together.
- Your approach is slower off one than off two feet
- Hard to tell from the video but when you jump off your right you look to be jumping from too far out
- When you jump off your left foot you look more fluid even though the jump looks lower. 

If I were you I'd focus on trying to get the jump to be more fluid with a longer third last step (lets just call it that). Maybe even a little dip on those last steps.

I hope that's been somewhat helpful.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2014, 09:56:49 pm
thanks coges. you're right about left being smoother even though it's usually lower or the same height: my right leg is much stronger. "too proper" haha, i like that. i'll try to be less proper in the future. raptor has written about the penultimate step needing to be longer before, i think (or maybe he just linked to an article about that) but when i try to do that things get all kind of fucked up. something to practice at submax intensity, perhaps.


SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder but not too severe, right knee but only during warm up
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little tired

- warm up

- SL bound x 10,10,10,10
alternating left and right starts with a false step. acole, does that mean i'm doing it right? with the false step? the sets where i didn't mess up the count were just shy of 25y, maybe about a foot. will try to measure these the same way in the future, always better to be able to see progress/regression.

- sprint 30m x 3; 60m x 2; 100m; 100m
walk back recovery between reps, ~5 mins between sets. 4.5, 4.5, 4.6; 8.3, 8.3; 13.3; 13.8. wind was swirling and some of the slowness can be attributed to headwind for sure, that 13.8 was like running uphill. not that i'd have been fast otherwise, obviously. hamstrings were feeling it, especially on the starts. was reading through old posts on CF forums and i'm simply not fit. t0ddday told me that weeks (months?) ago but it's only now getting through my thick head what that actually means. i was done after the second 100, headache and lightheaded.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 30, 2014, 11:14:37 pm
thanks coges. you're right about left being smoother even though it's usually lower or the same height: my right leg is much stronger. "too proper" haha, i like that. i'll try to be less proper in the future. raptor has written about the penultimate step needing to be longer before, i think (or maybe he just linked to an article about that) but when i try to do that things get all kind of fucked up. something to practice at submax intensity, perhaps.

Haha yes be less proper. All the good jumpers have a little bit of dirty about them. Derrick Rose's dunks always come to mind and when I think about his jump it's always a little dirty (genetic freak maybe though). For single leg I don't know.

The best way to practice sub max imo is to just to layups. For me that also helps with distancing from the rim as you will quite quickly find out of you're too close or too far away.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 01, 2014, 12:03:21 am
i actually have been been doing lots of layups. if you can believe it, my SLRVJ used to be much, much worse.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on July 01, 2014, 12:08:00 am
Haha good to hear. Keep at it mate.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 01, 2014, 04:34:20 am
The penultimate step should indeed be longer than the last step. You also want to be the "lowest" in the penultimate so that you can kinda start rising up on your last step and have the proper angle for takeoff and glute drive.

When you're low in the last step as well, then your tendency will be to have a longer last step (almost as long, if not, as the penultimate) and that will have a breaking effect on you, and also stretch the hamstrings a ton and elongate the amortization phase.

So instead of a quick glute hip snap, you're going to have a long, hamstring-initiated hip extension.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 01, 2014, 08:55:02 pm
went to the gym and warmed up, planning just to do some upper body stuff (bench, rows, beach work) but shoulder felt super unstable. like even just unracking the bar for benching was not okay. so i bagged it. thought about doing some tempo but i feel dead.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2014, 03:07:15 pm
my left pec/anterior delt was, um, burning this morning. low-grade, not really painful, but definite burning sensation.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2014, 10:09:14 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: low motivation, had to force myself out the door

- warm up

- SL bound shit
t0ddday sent some comments on that vid and i tried to incorporate them but no real success. my LLL and RRR bounds are very bad. messed around with some different things trying to get at least one bound at a time "correct." just gotta keep working at these.

- sprint 30m x 3; 50m x 4
4.4, 4.6, 4.6; 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0 -- third rep was actually 6.96 on the stopwatch but i think i cheated a bit on the click.

- 50m acceleration 50m float x 2
these are stupid, just wanted to get some 100m stuff in but these fall in the dreaded "medium intensity" category. will not do them again.

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2014, 08:17:25 pm

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: really good

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~15
not the best but consistently 34-35, mid-palm. approach still a bit inconsistent, not getting as much out of it as i can sometimes.

- SLRVJ x a few
tried a bunch of stuff, including walking out from one step out to two and three, and taking a longer run-up to build a little more speed. all awkward, lots of room for improvement. will keep doing some of this technique guesswork after DLRVJ, it's a good way to get in some more jumps without stressing myself out too much.

- superset x 4
-- bench 135 x 8,8,8,10
-- BOR 135 x 8,8,8,10

- superset x 3
-- assisted natural GHR x 8
-- leg press 400 x 10
-- paused leg press calf raise 240 x 8
-- pallof press 80 x 10

- superset x 2
-- smith machine shrug 225 x 12
-- DB curl 25s x 12
-- tricep kickback 30 x 12; 20 x 12

- stretch

great workout, rep work for upper body feels awesome. still working out a lower body routine -- 400 maxes out that leg press machine so i need to switch to the other one -- but i think i'll alternate GHR and RDLs supersetted with leg press and calf raises.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 07, 2014, 03:45:47 am
- DLRVJ x ~15
not the best but consistently 34-35, mid-palm. approach still a bit inconsistent, not getting as much out of it as i can sometimes.

This sentence shows how much you have progressed!
Gets even better when you consider you are unable to squat for quite some time now. Or was that a good thing to an extent, a forced break from too much squat focus?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2014, 09:16:54 am
yeah that's true, although a 5" improvement in consistent jumps over four years is a pretty terrible rate of progress. here's hoping that last inch or two of PR jumps comes more quickly. i think i'm already almost there.

anyway, losing squats was a mixed bag for sure but i think a net positive. it'd be nice if i'd cut them out by choice rather than because of a lower back issue that also blocks me from doing other stuff (ME DL bounds, jump squats, heavy RDLs). but making me get out of the rack and focus on other stuff was a good thing overall.

on that note, i definitely tweaked my lower back during the workout yesterday and forgot to note it. everything feels copacetic today, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2014, 10:13:42 am
Looks pretty sensible.  Not sure if jumps are all indoor basketball jumps, but you might want to add some bounding outdoor as part of your track warmup.  If the indoor jumps are already substantial then you could just add some submax bounds to your warmup to include with your skips and drills. As far as the distances and effort... You don't really get to use percentages.  They don't have much meaning because you will get better so fast initially that it's better to just set reasonable goals for times or do 100%.  Your tempo day will be an SE day until you are fit enough to do tempo, but thats fine.  I'd make a few minor changes (mostly to avoid boredom but also to get you a bit race prepped - dunno if any of your training days will have blocks or a training partner but if you have a pair you would use them for day 3, if you don't them use a four point stance instead of blocks ):

4-5 x 60m @100+%
300m @ 100+%

rest/weights (upper only)

5x30 in blocks, walk back
3x50 in blocks - start on curve, jog out the last 50 meters to straight
* timed if possible - full recovery between reps, about 7 min, 7 min, 10-15m

jumps submax/basketball
weights (lower and upper)


DAY 6/7
1) 300m @ 100% ***If you are up to doing this twice a week do it first on this day or else it won't be a good test.

2) Some challenging lactate run
- could be 2x3x200 - 2 mins between the reps (200, 2min, 200, 2min, 200) & 10 mins between sets - start off trying to hit 30,30,30 & 30,30,28 and get better each week
- could be 3 x (300m, rest 45 seconds 100m)  - Timed based on your 300m trial - if you run 42 all out then aim for 45 seconds @ 300m and then run as fast a 100m as possible.

^If training alone the 2x3x200 is probably easiest for you to self time and push yourself at, but you could make some other fun lactate test up just keep it the same until you compete and you will get better each week.

t0ddday also thought i should spend more time getting in shape. i've wussed out about the longer sprints and lactate work. but as i was just saying in acole's journal, jumps are still paramount and have to remain so, and i can't jump as often as i'd like because the gym is full of people a lot of the time and on a somewhat unpredictable schedule. maybe i should give morning jumps another shot. hm.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 07, 2014, 10:38:42 am
DAY 6/7
1) 300m @ 100% ***If you are up to doing this twice a week do it first on this day or else it won't be a good test.

2) Some challenging lactate run
- could be 2x3x200 - 2 mins between the reps (200, 2min, 200, 2min, 200) & 10 mins between sets - start off trying to hit 30,30,30 & 30,30,28 and get better each week

Niceeeee! Gonna start doing this.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2014, 10:35:46 pm
gonna actually give the t0ddday plan a go. dumbass.

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder (it's "migrating")
MENTAL STATE: tired, low motivation

- warm up

- LLL/RRR bounds x 3e x 10m
just working on getting a full footstrike. baby steps. just about exactly five bounds from a false step start to get 10m but i was not putting max effort in. baby steps.

- DSVJ x 6

- avishek hop-jumps x 5

- sprint 60m x 5
??, 8.3, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4 -- swirling winds messed with these a bit. ran 5y too far on the first rep, oops. ~5 min between reps, that extra minute makes a big difference. will continue using it.

- sprint 300m x 1
48.x -- could have run a few seconds faster, for sure, but pacing was way off, no idea how fast to go out. managed to keep it so that i finished at something like a sprint rather than a trot. also, first ~130m into a nice headwind. on the plus side, this ought to come down real fast.

- core circuit 30/30 x 1
-- crunch
-- side crunch L
-- side crunch R
-- toe touch
-- leg lower
-- ground reverse hyper
-- mountain climber
-- bird dog
-- push up
there was one other exercise in there but i forget what it was. EDIT: it was bird dogs. idea taken from -- 9-exercise core circuits with 30s on/30s rest. adistarhj was making me ashamed of not doing core work.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 08, 2014, 02:15:10 am
But is that "core work" going to be beneficial, or just a waste of time because "you bought into the hype" - is the question?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2014, 08:09:09 am
But is that "core work" going to be beneficial, or just a waste of time because "you bought into the hype" - is the question?

good question. is "everybody says doing core work is important" a good enough answer? dunno. it wasn't draining or anything, don't see how it could hurt.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 08, 2014, 08:31:51 am
Maybe as wasted time in which you could've done better things: foam roll, stretch the problematic areas more, watch horse porn, or whatever.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2014, 09:21:56 am
Maybe as wasted time in which you could've done better things: foam roll, stretch the problematic areas more, watch horse porn, or whatever.

meh, it took less than 10 minutes. i'll take my chances.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2014, 08:05:27 pm
pouring rain and thundering all around right now, got soaked walking home from work until i could find a taxi that didn't already have some other poor wet bastard in it. shit's only gotten more intense since i walked in the door. i'll give it a few more minutes to chill out and then just suck it up and take my chances in the driving rain.

left my rain coat in baltimore this past weekend. :uhhhfacepalm:

EDIT: went to the gym. saw a double rainbow on the way over, which was cool. still got wet.

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: tired, high motivation

- warm up

- superset x 4, 30/60 (30s between exercises, 60s between sets)
-- bench 155 x 8
-- BOR 155 x 8,8,8; 135 x 8
155 is the weight at which i start to get into a bit of body english toward the end of sets. will back off to 140 next time and work up, nice and strict.

- superset x 2
-- neutral grip pull down 120 x 10
-- smith machine shrug 240 x 10

- stretch

short and sweet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on July 08, 2014, 09:03:09 pm
pouring rain and thundering all around right now, got soaked walking home from work until i could find a taxi that didn't already have some other poor wet bastard in it. shit's only gotten more intense since i walked in the door. i'll give it a few more minutes to chill out and then just suck it up and take my chances in the driving rain.

left my rain coat in baltimore this past weekend. :uhhhfacepalm:

There's nothing worse than when it's pouring with rain and thunderstorms when you want to go out running or play basketball.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2014, 11:10:18 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, right knee a bit tight but nothing serious

- warm up
included skips for height and bounds. from now on only going to include bounds as a separate line when i do higher-effort stuff. i'll continue with technique stuff during warm ups.

- sprint 30m x 5; 50m x 3
walk back recovery. 4.5-4.6 for the 30s; 50s untimed from four-point stance.

- sprint 110m x 2; 150m; 200m
stupid woman got in my way on the second 110 so had to pull up. i yelled "track" several times but instead of moving off the track toward where all the people were, she juked back and forth and ended up going across the open part of the track. as i went past she said, "sorry i didn't know where to go." TOWARD WHERE THE TRACK IS FULL OF PEOPLE AND NOT OPEN TO RUN, GENIUS. times were 14.6; 21.x; 29.1. shut it down a little on the curve because the track was very wet/slippery and i didn't fancy eating shit.

as with monday, the plus side is there's nowhere to go but up.

skipped core because i needed to get to the grocery store before it closed.


- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 10, 2014, 06:00:39 am
Just be thankful you don't practice at my track:

1) People throw American footballs around on the track;
2) There are people with baby cribs walking on the track;
3) There's a guy with his doberman going to the long jump sandpit to let his dog take a shit there. It's cleaner.
4) Full of mosquitos;
5) The hurdles are on the track, but have a bike "lock cable" around them.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on July 10, 2014, 06:55:38 am
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, right knee a bit tight but nothing serious

- warm up
included skips for height and bounds. from now on only going to include bounds as a separate line when i do higher-effort stuff. i'll continue with technique stuff during warm ups.

- sprint 30m x 5; 50m x 3
walk back recovery. 4.5-4.6 for the 30s; 50s untimed from four-point stance.

- sprint 110m x 2; 150m; 200m
stupid woman got in my way on the second 110 so had to pull up. i yelled "track" several times but instead of moving off the track toward where all the people were, she juked back and forth and ended up going across the open part of the track. as i went past she said, "sorry i didn't know where to go." TOWARD WHERE THE TRACK IS FULL OF PEOPLE AND NOT OPEN TO RUN, GENIUS. times were 14.6; 21.x; 29.1. shut it down a little on the curve because the track was very wet/slippery and i didn't fancy eating shit.

as with monday, the plus side is there's nowhere to go but up.

skipped core because i needed to get to the grocery store before it closed.


- stretch

Lol is it an international rule to shout track as they do that here. Lol at the woman, she was pressured to make a decision and made the wrong one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 10, 2014, 07:54:26 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder

- warm up

- depth jump x 7",14",21"; 21" x 3,3,3
heights approximate, did these off a flight of stairs onto a carpeted floor.

- superset x 3
-- lat pull down 100 x 12
-- dip x 12

- superset x 2
-- DB RDL 70s x 10,15
-- leg press 365 x 10,15
-- leg press calf raise 365 x 10,15

- stretch

cut this off because i thought i was going to have a work-related call at 8. lady cancelled on me halfway through the workout, postponed to monday. c'est la vie.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2014, 11:39:25 am
this morning:

SORENESS: hamstrings (/facepalm)
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: good, a bit nervous, a bit tired

- warm up

- warm up

- sprint x 100m
13.30 FAT, last in my heat but not by too much. disappointed not to break 13 but i had no realistic reason to think i could. never run out of blocks before, never run against other people before. bit of a headwind, according to one of the dudes i talked with afterward (he ran 11.4 at 40 years old today!), although i was too nervous to notice, really. i just didn't want to stumble or something. i'll be out of town for the next all-comers meet but i will definitely do more of these. i have plenty more in me than 13.30. i'll post official results when they're online. fastest time i saw (not in my heat) was 11.22.

one interesting note: i felt the anterior tilt mid-sprint in a way that i don't usually when i'm running alone. i felt the run in my lower back.

now gonna go to the gym and jump and get some weights in. woo ha woo ha.

later, MYO REP CITY:

- warm up

- one-on-one to 11

- DLRVJ x a few
clean dodgeball dunk on the first jump and then a few messy ones. mid-palm-ish.

- bench 185 x 10+3

- BOR 140 x 10+3+3+3+3+3

- DB curl 30s x 10+3+3

- tricep press down 100 x 10+3+3+3+3

- core circuit 30/30
-- crunch
-- side crunch L
-- side crunch R
-- SL reverse hyper
-- toe touch
-- side plank L
-- side plank R
-- plank

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on July 12, 2014, 12:09:11 pm
Hey now you have a true ides of where you are and you got that first meet out of the way! Only improvements from here! Congrats!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 12, 2014, 01:44:29 pm
one interesting note: i felt the anterior tilt mid-sprint in a way that i don't usually when i'm running alone. i felt the run in my lower back.

Hm... maybe you started to have heel strike mid-run
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2014, 01:44:46 pm
definitely not.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on July 12, 2014, 03:42:03 pm
Congrats on first meet.  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 12, 2014, 04:31:31 pm
Awesome that you went to a meet!
What was your reaction time and what are your best ( all time and recent ) hand-timed 100m?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2014, 06:00:24 pm
Awesome that you went to a meet!
What was your reaction time and what are your best ( all time and recent ) hand-timed 100m?

reaction idea. best HT was 12.5 or something but i either cheated on the click or there was a really strong tailwind or something.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on July 12, 2014, 10:04:57 pm
Nice work!
I'm sure you'll go sub 13 next time. The results should show the headwind as well.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2014, 09:57:08 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder but not too bad, low back spasmed a wee bit at the very end of stretching post workout
MENTAL STATE: low motivation, felt a little dead until i got halfway to the track. then good.

- warm up

- one-two jumps for height x 6,6

- hurdle jumps x 10,10

- two-step DLRVJ x a few

- sprint 60m x 4
slow walk back recovery

- sprint 300m x 1

- stretch

left timer at home today, just went all-out from a four-point stance on all reps. i think i'm going to use the timer less from now on; i don't have that much WO-to-WO improvement so it's kind of stupid. better to practice starting with both hands on the ground. will still time at least once/week, especially the longer runs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 15, 2014, 04:45:49 am
How well do you do on the 300m sprint... meaning, does it tire you a lot/give you soreness?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on July 15, 2014, 07:36:24 am
left timer at home today, just went all-out from a four-point stance on all reps. i think i'm going to use the timer less from now on; i don't have that much WO-to-WO improvement so it's kind of stupid. better to practice starting with both hands on the ground. will still time at least once/week, especially the longer runs.

Other than for tempos I don't use a stopwatch.
When I'm running >90% I prefer just thinking about relaxation and having both my hands open instead of having my concentration ruined by holding a stopwatch in one hand, and than having to think about stopping to press the button as I hit the line.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on July 15, 2014, 03:20:06 pm
Currently I've got a 27" CMJ (25" consistently, 27" is my most recent test max) and ~30" running jump.

Oh yes, I'm 5-11, 169#, about 9-10% bodyfat. My best dead lift is 335#, front squat 245#, OHP 125#, bench 185#.

I'm curious, haven't been following your log - but what injuries/major off-time have you had since that post (from 9/10/09)? And how are your #'s now?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 15, 2014, 04:06:42 pm
god that was a long time ago. no idea what my numbers are now on those lifts, except bench. i weigh about 173-176 now and have for a few years. my squat got as high as 360, dropped DL altogether and haven't honestly tested it in a very long time, OHP don't remember although maybe like 125x5? i can't do it at all now because of my shoulder. the most i've ever benched is maybe 245 but i've never really made much of a consistent effort to improve it. i think i could bench more now.

point is, lifting numbers have tanked for me in terms of importance over the years, and certainly after i finally got the 2x bw squat. they're just not crucial. maybe i'll take up powerlifting one day, but not anytime soon.

in terms of injuries? i've had niggling things that came and went, for the most part.

developed arthritis in my big toes but i mostly work around it just fine and it usually isn't actively painful. does fuck with my toe-off when running and jumping, though. and i can't really do lunges or burpees. this will be with me forever and is depicted in my avatar.

messed up my hip squatting after switching to olympic lifting shoes like four years ago and not allowing myself to build back up with the new movement pattern. this went away after a few weeks.

messed up my left elbow a couple years ago, i think from doing dips really stupidly in an attempt to do as many as possible -- got some dry needling and the pain went away immediately.

right wrist has always hurt on OHP above a certain weight. i could do 115 pounds forever but as soon as i tried 135 my wrist was like, bro, don't do that.

my lower back suddenly started getting really stiff and then painful during squatting earlier this year and i've been forced to stop squatting and other movements that heavily load those spinal joints in flexion, like max effort DL bounds. PT says it's because i'm getting older and my butt wink is too pronounced and my hips move side to side when i'm squatting in a fatigued state. i only buy the last explanation, but for the time being it's actually good because i have to focus on other shit.

left shoulder is jacked up now, i think because of hanging on the rim after grabbing it too many times. i'm not letting it heal all the way because reaching as high as i can on a jump is THE ENTIRE POINT OF TRAINING for me. the pain is in overhead movement and it's worse the more externally rotated my shoulder is. i can sort of do neutral-grip DB OHP but it tweaks a little, so not worth it. regular OHP is out of the question. bench, pushups and dips are fine unless i've done something that day to make it flare up.

most of those haven't led to major off-time from training (like, on the order of months). i have off-time on an unpredictable basis due to work travel, which can be anywhere from 1 to 2.5 weeks at a time and during which i don't have access to a track, court, field, whatever. a lot of the time i can't even go outside, like in afghanistan. i do maintain some training during trips but it's not very high quality for the most part.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 15, 2014, 09:23:49 pm
btw, raptor, the 300 is very tiring, i run it hard enough that i'm crossing the finish line with little to nothing left in the tank w/r/t continuing to sprint, while still finishing all the way through rather than slowing way down before the line. that said i'm still pretty bad at pacing.

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder but not too bad
MENTAL STATE: okay, been a weird week at work so far and that's going to continue through friday.

- warm up

- bench 185 x 10+3+2

- BOR 145 x 10+3+3+3

- DB curl 30s x 10+3+3+2

- tricep press down 120 x 10+3+3+3

- smith machine shrug 275 x 10+3+3+3

myo reps are so efficient. i'm still finding the right ranges to push myself appropriately on these.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2014, 10:14:44 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none at beginning (even left shoulder not noticeable without extending OH!), but during the workout right knee felt tight and then fuxored my left big toe
MENTAL STATE: good, contemplative

- warm up
starting to try to get farther with each bound/set

- sprint 30m x 5; 50m x 3; 110m
outside of right knee feels tight, even now a bit. shook it out, rubbed and stretched a little between sets. not too concerning but notable. left toe pissed the fuck off after the 110, decided to scrap the 150 and 200. i think i jinxed myself by talking about how the toes mostly don't hurt now. had to be ginger on the walk home.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 17, 2014, 04:31:10 am
Maybe you should do a deload week of some kind in the very near future... don't let these injuries accumulate.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2014, 09:11:04 am
Maybe you should do a deload week of some kind in the very near future... don't let these injuries accumulate.

i'm going to new york and vermont for a few days at the end of next week and won't do any training then. you're right that i need to be careful with my knee.

the toes are a lost cause, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2014, 09:31:41 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, crick in my neck

- warm up

- depth jump 20" x 4

- SVJ/DSVJ x 12-14
quads were locking up a bit on these. weird.

- depth jump 20" x 4
all this felt slow and unexplosive/uncoordinated

- superset x 3
-- dip x 12
-- lat pull down 110 x 12
left shoulder tweaked during setup for second set.

- superset x 3
-- assisted natural GHR x 8,10,10
-- leg press 315 x 8,10,10
-- paused calf raise 315 x 8,10,10

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2014, 09:51:37 pm
results of my race last weekend are up and i'm not posting that shit because it's straight-up embarrassing. 13.30. the more i think about it, the more i realize how terrible that is. i finished behind five women and three men 50 years old or older. the wind was -0.2 for my heat, so, negligible. my only consolation is that i beat one other young guy.

will post link to results when i've beaten all the 50-year-olds.  :-[

sub-12 would have gotten me into the top 20 out of the 97 people who entered. fastest time was 11.07; fastest 200 was 22.20. fastest woman ran 12.08/24.37.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on July 17, 2014, 10:03:39 pm
Don't worry man the first time I entered a race was about 18 months ago and I ran 11.84. Within a month I got that down to 11.55 and after 6 months it was 11.37w before I tore my hamstring.
Same with the 200 I went from 23.95 to 23.18 within a month and after 6 months I got to 23.15 but that was my first 200m for the season so I was out of shape and everybody else that I ran against that week ended up runing 0.4-0.5 seconds quicker in the next race a couple of weeks later so I'm pretty fkn sure that I would've gone sub 23 if my fkn hamstring didn't tear.

Anyway the point is it's pretty quick to improve from your first race and if you've done sub 13 in training than it's only a matter of time before you hit sub 13 at a meet. Same for the 200.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on July 17, 2014, 10:15:18 pm
results of my race last weekend are up and i'm not posting that shit because it's straight-up embarrassing. 13.30. the more i think about it, the more i realize how terrible that is. i finished behind five women and three men 50 years old or older. the wind was -0.2 for my heat, so, negligible. my only consolation is that i beat one other young guy.

will post link to results when i've beaten all the 50-year-olds.  :-[

sub-12 would have gotten me into the top 20 out of the 97 people who entered. fastest time was 11.07; fastest 200 was 22.20. fastest woman ran 12.08/24.37.

Oh come on. It's not that bad really. So what if I ran faster than that at 12 years old?  :D

But seriously, low 13s is pretty much spot on based on your background and recent training. It takes a long time to build up the fitness to run fast for the full distance, as I found out when returning to the sport.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2014, 11:39:09 pm
Don't worry man the first time I entered a race was about 18 months ago and I ran 11.84. Within a month I got that down to 11.55 and after 6 months it was 11.37w before I tore my hamstring.
Same with the 200 I went from 23.95 to 23.18 within a month and after 6 months I got to 23.15 but that was my first 200m for the season so I was out of shape and everybody else that I ran against that week ended up runing 0.4-0.5 seconds quicker in the next race a couple of weeks later so I'm pretty fkn sure that I would've gone sub 23 if my fkn hamstring didn't tear.

Anyway the point is it's pretty quick to improve from your first race and if you've done sub 13 in training than it's only a matter of time before you hit sub 13 at a meet. Same for the 200.

right, the first time you entered a race you ran 1.5 seconds faster than i did. that is an eon.

Oh come on. It's not that bad really. So what if I ran faster than that at 12 years old?  :D


But seriously, low 13s is pretty much spot on based on your background and recent training. It takes a long time to build up the fitness to run fast for the full distance, as I found out when returning to the sport.

yeah i know it's spot on given my training, such as it is. it just sucks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2014, 11:43:38 pm
seriously, i feel like entropy right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on July 18, 2014, 02:19:31 am
seriously, i feel like entropy right now.

Haha, well I'm going to ignore that neg then. In all seriousness, very cool that you competed, it's pretty hard to step into a new sport mid-twenties and not be completely humiliated first time up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 18, 2014, 04:59:46 am
seriously, i feel like entropy right now.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics says that entropy increases.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 18, 2014, 06:22:34 am
I thought you were ( i know you are ) much more square-logic than that.
So a lot of 50 year olds beat you, So what? Who are they? Do you know what they did to get to that race? Do you know if it was a couch potato that closed his PS3 to come and beat your slow ass, or maybe it was Carl Lewis (53) taking a meet for fun? Do you think you can beat MJ in a 1-on-1 today? Dr.J. can still dunk at 65 btw.
Where am i going with this: Do other peoples performances matter? Well in general yes, but a track meet, your very first track meet, they don't.
You are at a given body and conditioning state. You sprint and time yourself daily. You are injured currently and unable to strength train for a long time now.
So according to your general state and latest splits, should you expect something better than 13.3s? And does 13.3 change its own substance and significance when it is in a results page between some 50yo guys and 12.xx girls?
Didn't think so  :-*
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 18, 2014, 06:47:07 am
Damn, vag brought relativity on LBSS's ass
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2014, 08:27:03 am
seriously, i feel like entropy right now.

Haha, well I'm going to ignore that neg then.

yeah i feel a bit sheepish about that. undone.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on July 18, 2014, 01:31:04 pm
seriously, i feel like entropy right now.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics says that entropy increases.


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on July 18, 2014, 11:29:01 pm
Vag hit it dead on in my opinion. To add to it I train to test/best myself.  I am my greatest competition. I guarantee you best yourself next meet with any type of continual training and thats what we should all strive for imo. I know a ton of sprinters preach the mantra 'run your race'; its very cliche but true, you need to trust yourself and your training and just keep progressing. Who cares if a 50 year old beat you, he might have been running a 14.xx at age 25 and just been training for longer than you!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2014, 02:34:46 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder

- warm up
SL bounds x 5: 11.5, 12.5 R; 11, 12 L (yards)

- sprint 300m x 1; 200m x 3 w/200m walk recovery; 5 min rest, 200m
45; 32, 31, 32; 29. didn't have stopwatch so times are approx using an analog watch. had one false start with the 300 where i got to about 150 and my right knee was just too tight. pulled up, walked back, stretched and shook it out and massaged quad and TB a bit and then started over. hamstrings tightened up a bit after the third 200.

- stretch

didn't complete the full t0ddday Rx. legs were tightening up and felt pre-crampy so i cut it off. this was still a reasonably challenging workout. next time i'll do the full 2x3x200.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on July 20, 2014, 11:34:19 pm
Running repeat 200s definitely brings out the lactic acid!

Sorry if this has been answered before but what kind of spikes do you have?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2014, 09:27:11 am
Running repeat 200s definitely brings out the lactic acid!

Sorry if this has been answered before but what kind of spikes do you have?

asics that i bought on super-duper sale for like $25. i've still never screwed in the actual spikes. but i typically don't train in them, just in my racing flats. no real reason for that other than "t0ddday said so."
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on July 21, 2014, 11:30:56 am
Running repeat 200s definitely brings out the lactic acid!

Sorry if this has been answered before but what kind of spikes do you have?

asics that i bought on super-duper sale for like $25. i've still never screwed in the actual spikes. but i typically don't train in them, just in my racing flats. no real reason for that other than "t0ddday said so."

That's cool. I remember Todday saying spikes make minimal difference when sprinting but for me it's the placebo effect so they make a huge difference.
I don't use spikes for tempos but I like to wear them when I do speed endurance or sprinting because as soon as I put them on my legs feel lighter and I feel faster.
Next time you race wear the spikes and I guarantee you'll be much faster!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2014, 11:58:06 am
oh, i wore them in the race. just not for training. hopefully i'll be faster next time but it won't be footwear-related.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2014, 10:30:59 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, esp. right
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, right knee but in a different spot than yesterday
MENTAL STATE: low motivation, otherwise okay

- warm up

- sprint 60m x 4, walk back recovery

- sprint 300m x 1
48.5 but i did not run 100%. wussed out on the back stretch instead of kicking as hard as i could. stupid.

- brianmac-style core circuit 30/30
-- plank
-- side plank L
-- side plank R
-- reverse hyper
-- bicycle crunch
-- plank
-- side plank L
-- side plank R
-- alternating leg reverse hyper

- stretch

meh workout. right knee was bothering me on the first three 60s.

struck up a conversation with a couple of howard soccer players who've been doing 800s and 1200s and such the past month or so at more or less the same time as i work out. turns out the taller one is a goalie and is down to do some sprint work once or twice a week while the field players do their six-mile runs. i'll get in touch with him next week. should be fun to have someone to race.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2014, 10:21:14 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings but mild
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, right knee but not as bad as last two days, left toe on the way home

- warm up

- sprint 20m x 5; 55m x 3; 200m x 2
28.3, 29.3 on the 200s, ~7 mins rest between the two.

- stretch

was supposed to be upper body weights day but the dude texted me to see if i wanted to run and i thought, what the hell. might as well go hard because it's going to be a rest weekend. it's all about fitness at this point, anyway. hamstrings were sore. the dude is significantly faster than me (makes sense, he's a ~6'4, 21-year-old D1 soccer player considering whether to play professionally after he graduates next year) after about 25m, which is great. he's about 5m faster at 55m. i caught up to him on the first 200 and was less than 5m behind at the finish but he pushed hard on the second and beat me by ~15-20m.

legs = toast.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 23, 2014, 03:36:02 am
On your way of becoming reactive, eh?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2014, 08:26:09 am
that is the idea.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2014, 09:09:47 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings but mild
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, toes

- warm up

- some layups and DSVJ but all submax. legs dead

- bench 185 x 7+3+3+3+3
annoyed not to get the opening 10. wasn't close, though. huh.

- BOR 155 x 10+3+3+3

- shrug 275 x 10+3+3+3

- tricep kickback 17.5 x 10+3+3

- DB curl 30s x 10+3+3

- pallof press 70 x 10,10,10

- stretch

going to NYC then vermont for the weekend. back monday. if it's early enough, i'll jump and/or run. if not, back in business on tuesday. i'll probably do a couple hikes this weekend, as well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 29, 2014, 12:15:45 pm
vacation was awesome, had a blast in vermont with my brothers. super relaxing, great time. lots of driving and very little concentrated physical activity. we took a ~3-4 mile hike one day, played mini golf, went bowling, walked around a bunch. i did do some grip training with the COC on sunday. closed the level 1 gripper with my left hand a couple of times, which is good. can consistently do 2-3 reps with it in the right hand. the trainer is now easy with both hands.

got home too late last night to do anything, including grocery shop. tonight i'm resetting to the day 1 workout: bounds and jumps followed by 60m x 5 and 300m x 1, shooting for 45s. i'll see if the howard dude (eric) wants to join.

also, i need to do some jumps in the gym. i will go to bed early enough tonight to get up early tomorrow and jump before work, and do the same on thursday and/or friday. work this week is going to blow, though, so it's a "do my best" kind of week w/r/t workouts. tons of stuff due and tons of stuff came in while i was gone.

ETA: i'm itching to squat in a way that i haven't in months. also, my left shoulder is still fucked up despite the week of basically total rest.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2014, 09:46:32 am
the best laid schemes o'mice an' men
gang aft a-gley.

was at work until 9:30 last night, so no proper workout. did significant foam rollering of inner quads/adductors, glutes, and t-spine. my shoulder is, if anything, worse than it's been. very irritated and tight in certain positions.

this morning, i woke up to go jump -- very excited, as the gym is not open on wednesdays most of the year, but the calendar now says "open gym." the fucking thing was fucking covered in fucking children in fucking sleeping bags. how fucking hard is it to update a fucking website so that fucking paying fucking members like me don't fucking jog all the fucking way there at the crack of fucking dawn only to have to turn around and fucking run fucking home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 30, 2014, 10:37:24 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2014, 10:23:58 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder kind of a lot, head
MENTAL STATE: headache, tired

- warm up
added a-marches and a-skips, as well as side-to-side hops and high-knee carioca. best SL bound sets were 12y(R) and 11.5y(L)

- sprint 60m x 4; 300m x 1
right knee bugging on the first couple of 60s but it loosened up. played around with starting position, having feet farther back. i think it's better. also tried to run with better backside mechanics, snapping feet up and stepping over rather than letting my hips tilt forward and my feet drift back. my self-diagnosis, helped along by the vid and korfist article i posted in the sprinting section earlier, is that i'm a push runner to the hilt and that i'm super inefficient. form felt a bit forced but not slower. hopefully with a bit of practice i'll gain speed just from fixing that one problem. the 300m was 47.3; the first ~130m was into a brisk headwind. still sad that i'm not below 45 but i'll get there sooner or later.

- cool down walk

- stretch

pretty happy with this workout considering how stressful the past two days have been, and that i had a headache basically from lunch until i started warming up this evening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on July 31, 2014, 01:27:12 am
Bad luck with the gym but at least you got to go to the track.
Do you have a strategy when you run your 300s?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2014, 09:22:23 am
Do you have a strategy when you run your 300s?

i vaguely try to start out relatively easy and then run harder at the end. not sure how well that works out in practice; i don't have split times or anything. so, in short, no. any ideas?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on July 31, 2014, 08:12:48 pm
Do you have a strategy when you run your 300s?

i vaguely try to start out relatively easy and then run harder at the end. not sure how well that works out in practice; i don't have split times or anything. so, in short, no. any ideas?

When I run 300s my strategy is to go out hard until I get to the bend (this will be 80-100m depending upon lanes). Once I get to the bend I 'float' around it for 100m until I get to the home straight where I try to accelerate again.
I find that if I try and go easy at the start it's a lot harder to try and push myself at the end. By going out hard at the start I've already got the momentum and I can maintain a pretty good pace around the bend. The last 100m sucks but it's only 100m so it's easier mentally.
Toddday probably has a completely different method but for me it seems to work ok.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2014, 10:20:53 pm
word, i'll give that a try this weekend. thanks.

did something real stupid tonight and had a beer even though i needed to work out. it was two coworkers' last day and they're both leaving the country so i wanted to go but i should have had a glass of water. also meant i got to the gym late, pretty soon before closing. not a bad decision i make often.

SORENESS: hamstrings, calves a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: one beer deep, so fine but not 100% ready to work out

- warm up

- jumps x a few
just terrible, did a bunch of four-step approaches just as practice. not a complete waste, actually.

- superset x 3
-- bench 135 x 10
-- DB row 70 x 10
30-60s rest between exercises

- decline sit up ISO 10/10 x 5
10s holding myself parallel to the floor, 10s rest

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on July 31, 2014, 11:22:48 pm
When I ran track in highschool my coach always told us to 'attack the 400'. His reasoning was if you go out slow thinking you'll save some for the kick you end up behind on the back stretch and have to kick earlier, meaning your dead for the last 100m and its all mental. If you attack the curve and backstretch you're just as tired but should be in a better position on the track for the last 100m. In my experience anything between 3-400m was mostly mental; you cant physically sprint it like a 100 or 200 all out but if you pace yourself like an 800 you're fucked. :/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 01, 2014, 04:24:46 am
I would just pass out @ ~200m.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 01, 2014, 05:58:59 am
I loved that 300+2x3x200 workout when i did it*. Can't wait to do it again. Gotta get my ass to a track next season.

*When i almost did it is more accurate as i gave up mid-way of the third 200m.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 02, 2014, 06:49:21 pm
SORENESS: none but a little stiff
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little

- warm up

- sprint 30m x 5; 50m x 3; 110m x 1; 200m x 2
wasted after the second 200, really pushed hard on it.

- stretch

tough workout, pleased with the level of effort, especially on the last 200. everything prior felt pretty slow, though. no times yet but i convinced my gf to come to the track with me and she taped all the sprints and a bit of my warm up as well. will edit the vids together this week for your viewing pleasure, and for all of you with sprinting experience to tell me what i'm doing wrong. i'll see if imovie has a function that places a stopwatch in the corner of the vid so i can get some approximate times for each rep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2014, 10:56:40 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little, left wrist during bench
MENTAL STATE: low motivation

- warm up

- jumps x 4 @ SVJ, DSVJ, 2-step, 3-step; x 8 4-step
on squash court so no idea how high. didn't allow full recovery between reps, trying to build work capacity a little. meant to do SLRVJ at the end but forgot

- leg press 410 x 10+3+3+3

- assisted natural GHR x 8,8,8

- bench 185 x 5+2,5
i'm with dreyth. lifts are very neural. i almost hit 225 x 5,5,5 a few weeks ago and was struggling with 185 today. frequency matters.

- BOR 155 x 10+3+3+3

- stretch

my best friend is in town so i rushed through this a bit more than i would have otherwise.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2014, 12:09:08 pm
quads are sore today for the first time in a long time. means i finally found a decent load for leg press.

also, i haven't had lower back pain in weeks. not this week but maybe next i will try to do some squats. lyle put up an article today about correcting a specific error in the squat, namely, the hips deviating to one side on the concentric portion of the lift. he gave some ideas for how to diagnose and fix the problem. so i'm going to try some light squats and get them on film and see if i can't fix the problem on my own. the PT i saw a little while back noted that my hips deviate in just that way, although it was a bad test because the conditions didn't actually replicate how i squat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2014, 09:53:43 pm
SORENESS: quads severely, hamstrings a little

- warm up

- sprint 300m x 1; 200m x 1, stupid fucking rugby players, 1; x 2
46.0 on the 300. getting there, will be sub-45 soon. rugby assholes got in the way on my second and third 200s, so those were incomplete at about 150 and 100m. fuckers, i don't go sit down in the middle of your fucking practice. stay off the track. times for completed 200s were 32.3, 31.5, 32.3, 32.3. headwind but still, slow. rest periods about 2 mins.

- stretch

shite workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on August 05, 2014, 11:49:04 pm
I feel you with the rugby players!
Last year my training group always had the same shit happen to us with ultimate frisbee players. My friend Wallace (6'2 195lbs mid 21s 200m sprinter) used to cut sick at them. There was barely a training session that went by without us being able to hear Wallace screaing at them 'keep off the track you fukwits!'. He also refused to move off his line. We almost saw some massive collisions with Wallace sprinting through at 20+ miles per hour but luckily they were always wise enough to move out of his way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 06, 2014, 02:19:56 am

I've had people come to my track with a doberman to take a shit in the long jump sand pit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 07, 2014, 07:48:21 pm
felt sick last night so ditched workout and just rested instead.


SORENESS: hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee kind of bad, interior

- warm up

- sprint 30m x 4; 30m fly x 4
right knee was very bothersome, especially on starts. pain is on the lateral side, both behind the patella and somewhat on the outside of the joint. fucking annoyed, had had several pain-free workouts in a row. did not finish as a result and switched flies in for 50s because i can start them standing up. tried to work on stepping over.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on August 07, 2014, 08:43:52 pm
You've had that before right? Sounds like the tib-fib joint pain I get sometimes, especially when starting. Do you start with your right leg forward? A good way to treat it is in Supple Leopard in the knee section (putting the ball behind the knee and flexing the leg). Helps for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 08, 2014, 08:16:39 am
You've had that before right? Sounds like the tib-fib joint pain I get sometimes, especially when starting. Do you start with your right leg forward? A good way to treat it is in Supple Leopard in the knee section (putting the ball behind the knee and flexing the leg). Helps for me.

yeah, right leg forward. i'll check that section out, thanks for the reference.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2014, 12:26:43 pm
bailed on the race yesterday because i have two sets of close friends in town from very far away. i don't get to see any of them more than once or twice a year, and in the long arc of my life i'm much more likely to be happy because of relationships i have and nurture than because i ran a race that isn't even central to my main training goal.

i feel a twinge of guilt and shame about skipping the race and any other kind of training from friday through today (sunday). but then i get mad at myself for feeling ashamed. will train extra hard this week to make up for it, especially as next week is beach week with the fam, and all exercise will consist of tennis, swimming, biking, maybe kayaking, and maybe running with my mom (i.e., slowly).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2014, 08:29:40 pm
today: tons of banded stretching and SMR. back on the grind tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 11, 2014, 09:32:11 pm
raining and windy tonight. sucked it up.

ACHES/INJURIES: none, right knee felt present during workout but not painful

- warm up

- sprint 60m x 4; 300m x 1
started the the 300 but track was soaked, felt like i was going to eat shit on the curve so i pulled up. instead went back and did:

- sprint 110m x 3
submax, focus on neutral hips and stepping over. glutes very awake.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2014, 10:46:29 pm
WEIGHT: 173.5
SORENESS: hamstrings a wee bit
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a whole bunch
today was supposed to be just upper lifting but the gym was open and i haven't jumped in too long. mostly sucked, topped out at 33, so i just did a lot of jumps, including many more than usual from short approaches and on short rest. if i can get a good night's sleep tonight i'll try to jump in the morning and then maybe again tomorrow evening.

- bench 165 x 10,10,10

- bent over row 95 x 10,10,10
super strict form. AELS.

- superset x 2
-- shrug 295 x 10
-- DB curl 25s,20s x 10
-- single-arm tricep pressdown 40,50 x 10

- stretch

good workout. anti-ego lifting skwad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2014, 08:41:51 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: low back, left shoulder, right knee. stomach felt a little funny, too.
MENTAL STATE: everything sucks

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a bunch
horrible, nearly as bad as yesterday. quads sore, no surprise.

about an hour later...

- warm up

- sprints

- strides

tweaked lower back during the first set of BOR last night. i know the exact moment. stiff this morning, had loosened up by the evening but still not 100%. everything felt dead, my DLRVJ feels slow and uncoordinated and i topped out at around 33. some two-step were barely 31, which is bad.

i feel like shit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 14, 2014, 01:24:34 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 15, 2014, 07:22:37 pm
^^^yep, it's happening this week. beach. will be pretty active -- swimming, tennis, biking around -- but nothing high-intensity. i might do a fartlek or two just for some real fitness work but not gonna hold myself to it. just if i'm feeling spry.

the deload started tonight because my body is weak:

ACHES/INJURIES: low back, left shoulder, right knee
MENTAL STATE: very low motivation, had to force myself out the door

- warm up

- sprint 30m x 5
on the last sprint, right knee was like, oh, hey, i'm here, feeling okay but, like, don't push it bro.

- sprint x longer distances

- core circuit
lower back was like, oh, hey, no.

- stretch

bringing all my SMR and stretching toys to the beach, gonna at least work on some soft tissue stuff while i'm there. see y'all in a week and change.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 25, 2014, 09:57:16 am
i'm back. vacation was awesome, although i topped it off with a migraine headache yesterday afternoon. almost a year (51 weeks) after my last migraine.

more later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 25, 2014, 02:52:52 pm
^Up-voted this, not for the migraine of course, for having an awesome time and for  :welcome: back! :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 25, 2014, 05:51:45 pm
I haven't been in a vacation in the last 5 years or so.

Went to the sea only one time when I was 5, and the sea is only 200 km away.

No money to waste on that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 25, 2014, 10:08:09 pm
vacation ain't a waste, cuz. vacation is essential. you don't have to go to the beach, but it's important to take time off. even subsistence farmers take time off.

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a tiny bit, right hamstring alerting me but not worrisome

- warm up
easy 12.5 yards on the first RL bound x 5. easy 12y on the first LL bound x 5. nice.

- sprint 30m x 5
alternating forward foot on start

- accel 30m + sprint 30m x 3
started on the curve, focusing on stepping over, then carrying that into an all-out second 30. right knee bothersome on the first and second sets but not the third.

- superset x 3
-- hand-to-elbow walk x 10
-- glute kickback x 10

- stretch

first day back, kept it pretty light. felt good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on August 26, 2014, 05:07:00 am
I was wondering what your weight was, but it's "???" hehe
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2014, 09:44:43 am
I was wondering what your weight was, but it's "???" hehe

between 173 and 176. i don't fluctuate much outside of that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2014, 10:14:32 pm
WEIGHT: 172.5
SORENESS: quads a little, hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, toes
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little stressed

- warm up

- jumps x 45-50 minutes
only okay but best in a while. rattled the mini ball in once and dunked the small dodgeball, but mostly rimmed out. 34" range.

- stretch

got to the gym late because of work. bball court unexpectedly open, so i just jumped.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 28, 2014, 09:58:25 pm

- warm up
RL bound x 5 best set was 13y, which is a PR. LL bound x 5 best set was just over 12y, also a PR.

- sprint 60m x 4; 100m x 2
60s were all PR-level, ~8.0-8.1 (one at 7.97! which counts as 8.0 but seeing the seconds digit at 7 is good). 100s were...not so much, 13.2 and 13.4. wanted to do more but lightheaded and heavy legs after second 100 and 7 mins rest. lame. bagged it.

- stretch

the 60s may even have been a little long, like ~61. they felt fast, core locked in and stepping over rather than letting my legs kick out behind. the 100s were much looser and messier feeling, not to mention slower.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on August 29, 2014, 02:49:01 am
Nice work on getting into the 7s territory :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2014, 11:04:56 am

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, left toe

- warm up

- jumps x 25-30 mins

- superset x 2
- bench 135 x (5 paused + 5 normal)
- cable row 100 x 10 paused top and bottom

- pull ups x some, didn't keep track just did a bunch of little sets. shoulder was okay, which is good.

- stretch


ACHES/INJURIES: left toe pretty bad

- warm up

- sprint 100m x 1
FAT, will post my time when the results are up. felt slow as fuck, worse than the other race. we'll see. but better than not doing it. this was the last opportunity to do a FAT 100m this year.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on August 31, 2014, 06:57:44 pm
Here is a calculation challenge.

Lets say you run on an incline of 20 degrees at 100m 100% and get a time of 15.00s
also a few days prior you ran on a track straight no incline 100m and ran it in 13.35s and after one years training on the incline you get 13.20 seconds. How would you calculate the straight equivalent time (convert incline time to straight time)?

I have an idea, but would like to hear how you would do this.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2014, 12:22:47 am
Here is a calculation challenge.

Lets say you run on an incline of 20 degrees at 100m 100% and get a time of 15.00s
also a few days prior you ran on a track straight no incline 100m and ran it in 13.35s and after one years training on the incline you get 13.20 seconds. How would you calculate the straight equivalent time (convert incline time to straight time)?

I have an idea, but would like to hear how you would do this.

i wouldn't. i'd go to a flat track and run 100m and actually find out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on September 01, 2014, 02:24:26 am
Here is a calculation challenge.

Lets say you run on an incline of 20 degrees at 100m 100% and get a time of 15.00s
also a few days prior you ran on a track straight no incline 100m and ran it in 13.35s and after one years training on the incline you get 13.20 seconds. How would you calculate the straight equivalent time (convert incline time to straight time)?

I have an idea, but would like to hear how you would do this.

Probably 11.75sec. But as LBSS said, absolutely no point in extrapolating times when it's so easy to just go and run a time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on September 01, 2014, 05:07:03 am
It was just a calculation challenge of course run on the track to verify see how close it is and can be useful.

I also got 11.75 (11.748)

I calculated it by working out the time ratio of incline/straight 15.00/13.35 = 1.12359550562
then new incline time divided by 1.1236 = 11.748

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2014, 11:45:25 am
felt slower, in fact was the same. ran 13.27. fml.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on September 02, 2014, 12:24:07 am
Well if you're running ~8.0 60m then you're coming home in ~5.2-5.3 sec for the last 40m (~7.5m/s). So it's probably fitness being the limiting factor atm. You could do a flat out 400m or 800m and see what you get just for fun, although it probably wouldn't tell you anything you don't know. The good news is you can get fit fairly quickly. If you focused on it you'd be sub-13sec in a few weeks I'd bet.

It was just a calculation challenge of course run on the track to verify see how close it is and can be useful.

I also got 11.75 (11.748)

I calculated it by working out the time ratio of incline/straight 15.00/13.35 = 1.12359550562
then new incline time divided by 1.1236 = 11.748


Well, I don't know how useful it'd be. You're assuming that the two are directly proportional, whereas in reality it will give different people different results depending on how hill training targets their weaknesses.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2014, 09:37:34 am
lol @ seifullaah's calculation question.

and yeah, fitness is a major culprit. also, t0ddday gave me a couple observations a few days ago about the video i posted recently. the two main things were:
1. i have too much terminal joint movement. my elbows snap open and closed but my shoulders remain still. arm angle should be more or less consistent and movement should come from the shoulders.
2. my stride length is too short, which comes from being too quad dominant and not letting my hips do the work. extrapolating from the 50m sprints i'd be at ~60 strides over 100m, which is way too many.

by way of cure, he suggested that i add stiff leg bounds, alternating bounds with running shoulder action (i.e., not both arms together but rather treating the bound like an exaggerated run), and doing some stride count stuff like sprinting out to 30m and then making sure i get four touches per 10y after that, even if that means overstriding. so i'll be adding all that jazz to my warm up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2014, 09:23:37 pm
last night:

- tennis x 45 mins


ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, left hip

- warm up

- jumps x 12-15
best in a while, hit 32.5-33 off one step and consistent around 35 from four steps. still got pwned with the dodgeball, could not get it to go down.

- bench 185 x 5,5,5

- pull up x 5,5,5,5,5

- cable row 120 x 10,10

- cable crunch 90 x 10; 20 lb MB slam x 10,10

- stretch

felt looser than i have in a while in the gym. i think it was the tennis yesterday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2014, 10:53:03 pm
SORENESS: pecs and lats a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, left hip, right knee kind of bad once i started sprinting
- warm up

- sprint 30m x fuck my knee
started bothering me on the first rep and did not respond to rest, shaking out, massage, stretching, anything. tried to do a bunch of submax sprints focusing on stepping over and keeping my elbows at 90 degrees but even that was not feeling right.


- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on September 03, 2014, 11:32:35 pm
Damn man, I would say deload for a week and get healthy but you just got off vacation! What happened with the knee?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2014, 08:16:57 am
dunno, sometimes it doesn't bother me at all and other times it feels really wrong. the pain isn't ever sharp, it's just like, yep, some ligament(s) or tendon(s) in there is just off. it just feels like stuff is twisted up and the wrong tissues are tight and the wrong ones are loose. that's pure feeling, though, i have no idea what's actually wrong with it. acole suggested maybe something to do with my tib/fib but the pain is more on the front and outside of the knee, next to my kneecap.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2014, 10:22:56 am
knee feels fine, it only bothers me during and immediately after sprinting anyway. sometimes the dull ache is there the next day but sprinting is the only activity that seems to make it flare up. and even then, sometimes it's totally fine and sometimes it's crippling.

my right mid back feels a little spazzy this morning, and i've had a headache since yesterday afternoon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on September 05, 2014, 01:25:39 pm
Is it possible it is sprinting form based then?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2014, 01:58:03 pm
Is it possible it is sprinting form based then?

yes but i don't know why my form would vary so much from day to day. i've thought about improper glute activation leading to knee collapse but doing activation exercises doesn't seem to make a difference.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on September 05, 2014, 03:21:32 pm
Interesting. Maybe you're over extending your stride some days? I know when I ran track my knees always were sore after any drill involving lengthening stride length.  :/ just a guess tho
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2014, 04:29:47 pm
no, it's not overextension. doesn't feel like that. feels like stuff is tangled or out of alignment.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on September 05, 2014, 06:23:03 pm
Ewww. Yeah ive got nothing for that. :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on September 06, 2014, 04:34:02 am
no, it's not overextension. doesn't feel like that. feels like stuff is tangled or out of alignment.

Have you posted a video for analysis, front, side and back?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2014, 09:20:04 am
yeah i posted it earlier, here's a link:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on September 08, 2014, 10:57:07 am
I will try and help if it means anything.

Your a skip and run, which is also called high knee drill so emphasis should be placed on high knee and leg cycling, which seems good the way you are doing it.

As for the runs, I looked at the 30m runs slow motion, frame by frame, but it seems you don't extend your knees after the knee drive comes up to parallel they seem a little bent when coming coming down to strike ground. Also the knee seems to be bent when it strikes the ground, while the other leg is cycling under your hips, but it straightens when pushing it from behind in triple extension position, knee drive up is good but a bit shaky when going down striking floor and pawing behind. just my 2 cents or maybe i am wrong.

knees should be locked when you are at standing on one leg while other legs foot is under your hips, which could be causing the stress on the knees as for when the knees are locked, the stress is placed on the quads, i think.

maybe something to look into

below is a video of slow motion sprinting (part to focus is the knees, once the leg starts coming down.

just my 2 cents
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on September 08, 2014, 11:54:09 am
The form isn't that bad. Knees could come up a little higher, could get a little more extension but he's also only doing 30m sprints. Its possible he could stride out better over the next 30m.

That said try doing some b skips LBSS, should help you get the knee up and leg extended
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 08, 2014, 04:23:46 pm
I could never understand the knees high in sprinting, or overstriding on purpose. I simply run the fastest that I can as the body naturally decides to place my legs. I don't think about it. If I were, I would be a mess.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on September 08, 2014, 04:26:45 pm
Thats the point of drills/trianing Raptor. Focus on form during training and it should come naturally in events/etc.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2014, 04:34:14 pm
I could never understand the knees high in sprinting, or overstriding on purpose. I simply run the fastest that I can as the body naturally decides to place my legs. I don't think about it. If I were, I would be a mess.

lolwut. you know what drills are for.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 08, 2014, 05:06:44 pm
Not really... it's still about where your strengths are. The actual max sprint is a totally different thing than just submax drills. The body will default to its natural mechanics that is dependent on strength more than "voluntary form" IMO. However, SOME improvement might arise from some neural patterning that occurs during the drill.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on September 08, 2014, 05:18:03 pm
I could never understand the knees high in sprinting, or overstriding on purpose. I simply run the fastest that I can as the body naturally decides to place my legs. I don't think about it. If I were, I would be a mess.

I don't think any sprinter purposely runs with the knees high and overstrides on purpose, as chrism said you do drills with high knees and large strides purposely so when you do actually run you just run as fast as you can, while your body takes care of the mechanics.

I also would suggest B skips for knee extension, I really like that drill.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2014, 05:42:57 pm
ratpor i'm not sure if you're being serious, or if so what your point is. drill work can and does change form over time. otherwise no one would ever be able to learn how to do any physical activity that requires any kind of learned skill. of course people's form will differ, but the idea that doing drills is pointless because your body will always revert to some preexisting default form is not true.

i can throw a frisbee well, even now after not having played in years, because i practiced my form deliberately thousands of times. when i started playing i had a really goofy backhand that would always air-bounce (doesn't matter what that means, just accept that it's bad) but i taught myself to go against my "natural" motion and now my throws do what i want them to do even in the run of a game and at max effort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2014, 09:29:56 pm
yesterday (in baltimore, strange gyms are harder to jump in):

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, toes, left shoulder

- warm up

- jumps x ~25 mins
mostly pretty bad, shoulder was bothering me so i wasn't really reaching. mixed in some depth jumps from a bench on the court.

- superset x 2
-- leg press 320,410 x 10
-- DB RDL 75s,90s x 10

- DP OHP 40s x 10,10

- pull up x 5,5,5,5

- some MB throws

- stretch

pretty bad workout.


SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: left hip, left toe

- walk x 40 minutes
exaggerated glute contraction on each step.

- lots of stretching and SMR

there is no point in sprinting when my hamstrings are this sore.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2014, 10:12:39 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, upper quads

- warm up

- DL bound x 5,5
crappy distance, didn't get out to 12y, but first time i've done these in months because of low back fears. no pain. yeehaw.

- strides x 15
sprinting out to 30y and then trying to hit 10-30y in 4-12 strides. submax intensity, nothing max was happening on these hamstrings and with this knee. but i got to like 12.5 strides for 30y.

- stretch

worked late tonight so didn't get to the track until 9ish. the rugby team ended early so the lights went out earlier than usual. hamstrings still sore from the RDLs but they were okay after warm up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2014, 10:05:05 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, upper quads
ACHES/INJURIES: toes, left shoulder

- warm up

- jumps x 40 mins
mostly a lot of submax stuff, DSVJ, lots of one- and two-step. a few ME three- and four-step but they were not great and my shoulder was displeased. stuck to head-height jumps, trying to get as much of my face over the bottom of the net as possible.

- stretch

still sore from the RDLs on sunday (!). good to get blood flowing and lots of reps in.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2014, 10:11:03 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings and upper quads a tiny bit
ACHES/INJURIES: toes pretty bad, left shoulder, right knee but only once i started trying to sprint
MENTAL STATE: crap, low motivation

- warm up

- bounds and drills

- strides x 2
knee was like, uh-uh. no.

- tons more bounds and drills

- core circuit x 10 mins

- stretch

need to assess and re-evaluate for the fall.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on September 12, 2014, 02:16:41 am
Thinking about stopping sprinting for a bit? If it's giving you weird knee pain then maybe not worth the risk atm.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 12, 2014, 09:09:30 am
Thinking about stopping sprinting for a bit? If it's giving you weird knee pain then maybe not worth the risk atm.

yep that's what i'm thinking.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2014, 08:48:16 pm
went to charlotte this weekend to visit my grandparents. worked out on the airdyne and treadmill this morning with my mom, who's training for a triathlon. also showed my dad how to use the C2. my mom is athletic -- in particular, she's a very good swimmer -- and exercises a lot. my dad is lean (20 pounds lighter than i am and an inch taller) but his exercise is pretty much limited to hiking and/or tennis with me once a week. he and my mom are both interested in getting more into lifting weights, especially as they get older (dad's 64, mom's 60) so i'm going to go to the gym with both of them in the near future to show them the ropes.

maintaining strength and vigor into old age is so important. my grandpa turned 88 today, still walks faster than most people i know and has no trouble standing up from his seat or pulling something at an awkward angle. if i'm lucky enough to make it to 88 i want to be at least as fit as he is. my step-grandmother, who's 84, is a bit stooped but otherwise super fit, as well. she lifts weights! and walks around and does aerobics with ankle weights! so many old people are stuck with walkers or canes, or can't stand up without a huge effort. not for me, please.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 15, 2014, 08:34:39 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left toe, left shoulder

- warm up

- squat 135 x 8,8,8
very careful and controlled, first two sets paused.

- DB RDL 80s x 10,10,10

- rudiment hops

- stretch

first time squatting in months, first time pain- and discomfort-free since february. i was borderline euphoric in the gym. if i had been by myself there would have been skipping and clapping involved. so pleased.

 :goodjobbro: :goodjobbro: :goodjobbro: :goodjobbro: :goodjobbro: :goodjobbro: :goodjobbro:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 16, 2014, 04:44:13 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2014, 04:27:06 pm
alright, so.

1. knee pain has gotten me down with respect to sprinting. sometimes it doesn't bother me at all, sometimes it bothers me for a few reps and then kind of settles down, sometimes the discomfort prevents me from running at top speed. it's never "painful" except when, after i've sprinted on it and it feels wrong, i sit with my knees bent and feet flat, and pull my right foot against resistance (i.e., not allowing it to move); internally rotating my lower leg makes the pain worse and externally rotating it makes it better. the pain is never severe, but it is noticeable.
1a. interestingly, i was having right knee pain as far back as december 2013. i wish i'd taken more detailed notes because i don't remember the specifics of the pain. but it limited me significantly on at least one workout. pain flared up again in march.
2. sprinting has been fun but i have not improved significantly over the course of the summer. 13.3s in july, 13.27s at the end of august. some of that is probably lack of commitment on my part. vacation certainly got in the way in august. also, volume may just not have been high enough, or maybe i was doing things ass-backwards and should have done a lot fewer 30s and a lot more 110s. when i sacrificed something during a workout due to time constraints, it was almost always the longer stuff. LTS may be the name of the game for me if/when i return to sprinting.
2a. if/when i return to sprinting, i want it to be for real, not (still) as part of my (still ongoing) quest to dunk.
2b. focusing on sprinting has meant sacrificing jumping time. it's unclear how, if at all, sprinting has helped my jumping. jumping volume has been too low this summer.
3. i can apparently squat again now. muscle memory is amazing.
4. dunking is still the goal, and it is still unattained. i jumped very well once last december, or twice in february, then jumped very well a couple of times the months since but mostly sucked for one reason or another. "very well" = 35+, able to dunk anything i can palm.
5. my left shoulder is injured, presumably from the reaching/grabbing portion of jumping at a rim. that is the movement that most aggravates it now. the first time i noted left shoulder pain was february 17. low back discomfort started around the same time.
6. i am still also planning to move overseas at some point. i would prefer to dunk before i do that. in fact, not being able to dunk is (insanely) one of the things keeping me in the US. there is no real timetable for the move, but it feels closer than it has before. my boss has been asking me about whether i'd be willing to move to afghanistan, etc.
7. the best stretch of training for me in recent times was that bit from december to february last year. i was traveling a lot in march and april, and since then i have been dealing alternately or concurrently with right knee, left shoulder, and lower back pain. on top of my toes, of course.
8. i will probably be on the road for a significant chunk of october and possibly early november. 2-3 week trip, depending on whether i'm able to tack afghanistan on to the end.


1. i need to be jumping a lot. time to reintroduce early morning jumping when i can, which means better discipline about bed time.
2. less time on the track means more time in the gym. that means squatting and p-chain-specific work, as well as depth jumps, rudiment hops, and jump squats. MUCH CARE with anything loaded.
3. my left shoulder is still fucked up. on days when it feels bad, i will not do reach jumps, instead doing head-height jumps. when it feels okay and/or warms up well, i will do full reach jumps.
4. next post will be a tentative training plan for the coming weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2014, 05:03:13 pm
REALIZED that wednesdays are probably my best chance at PRs, because the court is usually empty or close to it. so, ch-ch-ch-changes.

- warm up
- ME jumps
- squat 3x5
- RDL 3x8
- bench 3x5
- BB row 3x8
- rudiment hops


tuesday AM
- ME jumps

tuesday PM
- warm up
- jump squat 2x5
- bench 3x5
- BB row 3x8
- curls
- tricep pressdowns

- warm up
- ME jumps, try to PR
- squat 3x5
- GHR 3x8
- rudiment hops

thursday AM
- ME jumps

thursday PM
- jump squat 2x5
- RDL 3x8
- DB OHP 2x10
- pull ups x20

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2014, 09:46:24 pm
WEIGHT: 174? the scale at the gym is broken
SORENESS: hamstrings a little, glutes a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder

- warm up

- depth jump x 4,4

- bench 155 x 5,5,5

- BB row 115 x 8,8,8

- superset x 2
-- DB curl 25s x 11,12
-- tricep pressdown 80 x 12,12

- decline sit up x 10,10,10

- rudiment hops

- stretch

obviously, this does not follow the plan i wrote up. that schedule will go into effect from this weekend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 17, 2014, 09:53:34 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little, glutes a little; less than yesterday but still present
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder

- warm up

- jumps x 30 mins
best since june, i think. no clean dunks with the big dodgeball but rattled it in or out a bunch of times. well over 34, a few probably ~35. did some SLRVJ at the end for good measure.

- stretch

pretty happy with this, all things considered.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on September 17, 2014, 11:04:51 pm
It looks good man. The only possible worry is how your body will cope with four ME jump workouts/week with the various issues (knee, back, shoulder). Maybe build up to four rather than four straight up?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 17, 2014, 11:37:15 pm
It looks good man. The only possible worry is how your body will cope with four ME jump workouts/week with the various issues (knee, back, shoulder). Maybe build up to four rather than four straight up?

yeah this is probably wise. the morning workouts are aspirational, anyway, i am guaranteed to miss some of them due to work or not sleeping well or something. and if i get there and don't feel right to jump, then i'll just stick to layups and general moving around. need more time doing "athletic" stuff at submax intensity. like i was saying to stuckintheaiir recently on PM: movement efficiency is really important. mine is only okay right now, could be a lot better. tennis helps, too, i really believe. i'll keep playing periodically with my dad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on September 21, 2014, 02:30:57 pm
It looks good man. The only possible worry is how your body will cope with four ME jump workouts/week with the various issues (knee, back, shoulder). Maybe build up to four rather than four straight up?

yeah this is probably wise. the morning workouts are aspirational, anyway, i am guaranteed to miss some of them due to work or not sleeping well or something. and if i get there and don't feel right to jump, then i'll just stick to layups and general moving around. need more time doing "athletic" stuff at submax intensity. like i was saying to stuckintheaiir recently on PM: movement efficiency is really important. mine is only okay right now, could be a lot better. tennis helps, too, i really believe. i'll keep playing periodically with my dad.

yup, btw I'm curious... why not add Hang Cleans or Jump Snatches? although now that I think about it, your injury stuff probbly has something to do with that

good luck with that template man, looks pretty intense on the lower body!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2014, 07:47:22 pm
thanks man. i think it looks more intense than it is because of the volume for squats, but i'm going to be going REALLY light with those, taking my sweet time. once i get comfortable with them again i'll cut way back on volume. not trying to return to my oversquatting ways.


- tennis x one hour
pretty good workout, my dad was striking the ball well and that always means more run for me.


no gym because GF troubles. annoyed. and my friends played football this afternoon, could have had a great day of working out and running around. fuck it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 22, 2014, 10:05:34 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee during squats, fml
MENTAL STATE: tired, very low motivation, had to drag myself to the gym

- warm up
getting back into jumping rope.

- DB jump squat 15s x 5,5

- squat x 0
right knee tweaked when i had 95 on the bar. worsens when i actively push knees out/externally rotate, and the tweak is only at the very bottom of the ROM. could not do an assisted pistol without tweaking. no sense pushing this AT ALL.

- BB RDL 205 x 8,8,8

- stretch

very frustrating workout. did not sleep well/enough last night, stressful and exasperating day at work, got home and dicked around online and had to tear myself away from the computer. better luck tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2014, 11:20:50 pm
was all pumped to work out tonight but it's rosh hashanah and my gym is closed. jewish community center, go figure. getting up early to jump tomorrow. not my week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2014, 10:32:40 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a tiny bit

- warm up

- superset x 2
-- DB jump squat 15s x 3
-- SVJ x 3

- squat 185 x 5,5,5
no pain, great success. could have done 20. still not even close to pushing it yet.

- RDL 215 x 8,8,8
successful hook grip, thumbs hurt afterward lol

- superset x 2
-- bench 185 x 5
-- BB row 155 x right elbow wigged out and low back was feeling the pressure so bagged it and subbed
-- DB row 85 x 8

- stretch

meant to rudimentary hops but forgot. damn it. gym was closed again (still jewish holiday, glad i didn't get out of bed this morning to jump cause i would have been piiiiiiissed to show up at 6:50 AM and have it be closed). worked out at the local Y instead. it's okay, typical idiotic layout with tons of cardio equipment, some random-ass shit (they literally have a machine that simulates climbing a rope, probably cost $5k or something obscene), a little rock climbing wall that i'm sure no one uses. and no basketball court. the place is brand new. i'd switch allegiances in a heartbeat, the hours are better. but no court. womp womp.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2014, 11:31:52 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: low back tweaking a little

- warm up

- depth jump x 5,5

- squat 205 x 5,5,5
low back feeling a little tight, little wonky but i was able to work around it. less on last set than first. skipped RDLs as a result.

- superset x 3
-- bench 185 x 5
-- pull up x 5

- superset x 2
-- 45-degree hyper 60 x 10
-- hanging leg raise x 10

- kroc row 90 x 14 (R), 10 (L)

- stretch

felt good after, glad i pushed through on the squats.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2014, 12:09:11 am

- warm up

- DB jump squat 15s x 5,5

- bench 195 x 5,5,5
third set easier than first.

- BB row 145 x 8,8,8
should drop weight and do these more horizontal, focus on the squeeze. no body english at 145 but form should be better.

- stretch

short and sweet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2014, 10:03:28 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, low back tight at the end

- warm up

- depth jumps, SVJ, DLRVJ walk-out
about 35 total jumps. court was taken, seems like my careful plan re-write was based on a short-lived scheduling premise. oh well.

- squat 225 x 5,5,5

- RDL 225 x 8,8,8
straps! did a 10s hold with 225 strap-free at the end for funsies.

- dip-position leg raises x 12,12

- rudiment hops

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on October 02, 2014, 02:33:55 am
nice work on slowly getting the squats back up to your working weights again man, I hope the injury stays out of your way
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 02, 2014, 08:14:33 am
thanks b. on that note, lower back is feeling it today, especially on the right side, right around my SI joint.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 02, 2014, 09:33:56 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little, traps a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, low back

- warm up
did max double unders at the end, got 31. shoulders and hands fatigue before anything else.

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 45s x 8,8,4
-- pull up x 6,6,4,4

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 05, 2014, 03:15:32 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, low back but very minor on both

- warm up

- jumps x ~15
near-PR levels, easy double hand rim grab on first four-step jump of the day, which is unheard of. easy dunks with the dodgeball. comfortably 36 on a couple. drop-off pretty steep as more volleyball players started showing up and taking over the court. not mad.

- squat 225 x 5; 235 x 5,5
low back/SI joint tightness there during warm up but it went away or at least stayed very quiet. no stiffness or discomfort now.

- bench 200 x 5,5,5

- kroc row 80 x 23L, 23R

- assisted natural GHR x 8,8,8

- inverted row x 10,10,10

- rudiment hops

- MR half tuck x 15,15

- stretch

awesome workout, best in a long time.  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on October 05, 2014, 03:53:32 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 06, 2014, 05:11:57 am
Comfortably 36!!!
You have gone a long way, well deserved and absolutely gained too...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2014, 09:32:09 am
Comfortably 36!!!
You have gone a long way, well deserved and absolutely gained too...

thanks vag and chris (and the other people who upvoted that post)! and yeah, hit near base of palm on one jump without the ball and had a couple of very good dodgeball dunks. base of palm is 37.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on October 06, 2014, 12:35:33 pm
Comfortably 36!!!
You have gone a long way, well deserved and absolutely gained too...

thanks vag and chris (and the other people who upvoted that post)! and yeah, hit near base of palm on one jump without the ball and had a couple of very good dodgeball dunks. base of palm is 37.

Congrats man, Almost there till ...  :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on October 06, 2014, 02:30:36 pm
Keep doing what you're doing!  36" is no joke!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 06, 2014, 02:34:25 pm
It's really weird how gains sometimes choose to display themselves out of a sudden... like with no notifications at all beforehand haha.

What if the injury you're having isn't limiting you all that much but did enough stuff to make you change your mechanics in a good way instead... that would be pretty weird and cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2014, 02:43:29 pm
yeah i dunno. i always seem to jump better after an extra day of rest, for one thing.

i keep revisiting the double-hand rim grab, it was so unexpected. i almost never go up with two hands but i did unconsciously on that jump and grabbed easily with both hands. such a great feeling.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on October 06, 2014, 02:49:09 pm
^ I think the key word in ALL of that is "unconsciously". Everything is done quicker/faster/better when its from reaction/instinct vs a thought out process. And you always look very thought out whrn you jump ;)

Fwiw whenever I feel like Im thinking too much I do something else for a minute then jump again, like a short brain reset.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2014, 03:54:07 pm
yeah that's a good point. felt very unconscious. i wonder if part of it was having spectators that i was interacting with, too. i usually jump better alone, but that's not true if i've been talking with the other people who are there. hm.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 07, 2014, 08:14:27 am
^Agree, we have talked about it a couple of times with adarqui, best jumps come when you stop thinking and lose yourself in the jump. Unfortunately you can't deliberately do it.
What i found that worked for me was off-the-backboard dunk attempts. And with your jump heights it is not that crazy, you are comfortably 6'' above so 7'' at your PRs. This might not be enough to actually land such a dunk but you can get pretty close and also possibly record a PR jump. I always tried some of those whenever i could get 7-8 inches above a rim, ( although i knew i needed 9 to 10 inches above to actually land it ). Still, even when not even close to dunking, they always felt great, losing yourself on the jump, catching the ball above the rim etc. Now that i think about it, my avatar is a pic from such an attempt, and one of the best dunk pics i ever got. And IIRC, it is a miss too  :P
Lobs are another way ( the adarq way ) but it requires much more skill, it is very easy with the backboard.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 07, 2014, 09:35:12 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none, whoa

- warm up
got 32 on double under "test" set, just to beat 31. might start doing sets of 20 of these. also, worked back up to running criss-crosses.

- DB jump squat 25s x 5,5
first set flying, second set slow and much more muscly

- bench 205 x 5,5,3
something weird about my set up today, was distracted or something and somehow everything ended up feeling unstable and leaky. should have the last set easily next time.

- BB row 135 x 8,8,8
strict form, no english

- superset x 2
-- DB curl 25s x 10
-- tricep press down 90 x 10; 110 x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on October 07, 2014, 10:44:16 pm
really good shit dude!!!  :almostascoolasnyancat:

im definitely below 36 now hahaha, got some chasing to do!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Kingfish on October 08, 2014, 10:09:00 am
Comfortably 36!!!
You have gone a long way, well deserved and absolutely gained too...

thanks vag and chris (and the other people who upvoted that post)! and yeah, hit near base of palm on one jump without the ball and had a couple of very good dodgeball dunks. base of palm is 37.

good stuff. keep at it. :headbang:

do rim pullups while you're at it. don't fall.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2014, 11:59:01 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little
MENTAL STATE: kind of weird feeling

- warm up

- jumps x some
gym unexpectedly open, but anything past one step was rough. see below.

- fuck it

felt really weird, weak. not sick exactly, just weak. decided it was better to just try again tomorrow, combine shit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2014, 07:17:15 pm
okay so maybe i'm sick. feel like crap again, no gym. will probably take day off/work from home tomorrow, so will gym in afternoon unless i feel even worse than right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2014, 04:59:51 pm

sick. did 7DVJC at full Rx'd sets/reps but it was about all i could muster.


WEIGHT: 174.5
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little
MENTAL STATE: wiped the fuck out

- warm up

- jumps x some
got one dunk with the dodgeball and a bunch of misses of various kinds. once i got owned by the front of the rim i shut it down.

- squat 225 x 5; 245 x 5,5
no discomfort, not difficult, but third set was wack: hips and knees all over the place. not solid.

- MR half tucks x ~18,18,18

- rudiment hops

slept very badly last night and had to wake up early this morning so didn't have a lot of juice for this workout. on the plus side i don't feel sick today for the first time since last week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 15, 2014, 09:50:53 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little, left calf was cramping yesterday but okay today
MENTAL STATE: still really tired, stressed

- warm up

- jumps x 15 minutes or so
pretty crap, although i got 32 off one step and 33+ off two it was all downhill from there. legs felt a little dead and work has been really stressful this week, so not surprised that i'm off at the gym.

- bench 185 x 3+1
weak. very weak. abandoned normal plan.

- superset x 4
-- bench 135 x 10
-- BB row 135 x 10

- stretch

pretty terrible but again, not surprising. this should have been last night but i didn't get home until 30 minutes before the gym closes. leaving on a 2.5-week trip next tuesday: tajikistan for a week and a half and then afghanistan for a week. bringing the old jump rope and will basically do a lot of low-intensity plyos and bodybuilding stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2014, 10:07:59 pm
SORENESS: pecs a tiny bit

- warm up

- squat 255 x 5,5,5

- RDL 255 x 8,8,8
straps. loving these.

- DB OHP 40s x 8

- pull up x 8

weak. was up at 5:15 for work this morning and worked until 7:30.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on October 16, 2014, 11:10:08 pm
leaving on a 2.5-week trip next tuesday: tajikistan for a week and a half and then afghanistan for a week. bringing the old jump rope and will basically do a lot of low-intensity plyos and bodybuilding stuff.

Boo. I know career>>>jumping and all that, but still. Boo.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2014, 12:10:28 am
leaving on a 2.5-week trip next tuesday: tajikistan for a week and a half and then afghanistan for a week. bringing the old jump rope and will basically do a lot of low-intensity plyos and bodybuilding stuff.

Boo. I know career>>>jumping and all that, but still. Boo.

i know, it sucks. it's not even like career>jumping, it's just that in my career, which is how i pay my bills, there's no choice whether to travel or not. if tajikistan had ANY basketball courts (believe me, i've searched*), i'd try to get some jumping in. kabul does but they're not in places i can go: maybe army bases, which i never go near, a couple of afghan places that are off-limits to me for security reasons, and maybe the embassy compound, which i can pretty much only get into for meetings with an escort and shit and it's a giant hassle.

*actually there is one, hilariously situated next to a churning rapid on a river about halfway between the capital and the main city in the east. hilariously because the rapid is so powerful that it's constantly spraying water all over the court, and therefore the court is perpetually wet. it's on this bizarro resort owned by the national aluminum company where i stayed once last year. strange, strange place. i'll be lucky to get out of the capital at all on this trip, let alone have any free time anywhere. dushanbe doesn't even have a real track.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on October 17, 2014, 11:02:04 pm
leaving on a 2.5-week trip next tuesday: tajikistan for a week and a half and then afghanistan for a week. bringing the old jump rope and will basically do a lot of low-intensity plyos and bodybuilding stuff.

Boo. I know career>>>jumping and all that, but still. Boo.

i know, it sucks. it's not even like career>jumping, it's just that in my career, which is how i pay my bills, there's no choice whether to travel or not. if tajikistan had ANY basketball courts (believe me, i've searched*), i'd try to get some jumping in. kabul does but they're not in places i can go: maybe army bases, which i never go near, a couple of afghan places that are off-limits to me for security reasons, and maybe the embassy compound, which i can pretty much only get into for meetings with an escort and shit and it's a giant hassle.

*actually there is one, hilariously situated next to a churning rapid on a river about halfway between the capital and the main city in the east. hilariously because the rapid is so powerful that it's constantly spraying water all over the court, and therefore the court is perpetually wet. it's on this bizarro resort owned by the national aluminum company where i stayed once last year. strange, strange place. i'll be lucky to get out of the capital at all on this trip, let alone have any free time anywhere. dushanbe doesn't even have a real track.

Yeah it's too bad. I'm impressed that you make any progress given you're frequently interrupted with travel. I find it hard just to get a free indoor court in Melbourne, can't image what it would be like in the middle east.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 19, 2014, 12:11:16 pm
technically i'm going to central asia, but yeah it's not easy. probably would be easier in israel or jordan or egypt than in tajikistan, actually.

also, my gf pointed out last night that my headache frequency has gone WAY up the past 3 months or so. it's funny because as soon as she said it i knew it was true, but i hadn't thought about it until that moment. anyway she said i should go see a doctor and she's probably right. something to add to the list for when i'm home from my trip.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 19, 2014, 05:27:10 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: low back a little bit
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- jumps x ~20 mins
good but not great, back-ironed a bunch of attempts with the dodgeball and squeezed one down weakly.

- squat
low back felt weird with the bar on, no need to push it

- superset x 3
-- DB BSS 40s x 5,8,8
-- assisted natural GHR x 8
right knee felt weird on first set, which is why i only did 5 there. adjusted for subsequent sets and was fine.

- superset x 2
-- bench 205 x 5
-- seated cable row 110 x 12; 140 x 12
left wrist hurt after first bench set

- some dips and pull ups
- 4-way cable hip extension a la korfist

- rudiment hops

- stretch

edited to add the dips, pull ups, and hip extensions.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 19, 2014, 06:28:29 pm
You should film your Natural GHRs... I want to see how different they're from mine's.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2014, 09:58:05 am
i got video somewhere, will try to remember to post before i go on my trip.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2014, 03:15:07 am
in dushanbe. didn't have time to work out on tuesday, too much to do to get ready. flights were uneventful except a screaming fucking baby on the dulles-to-ataturk leg that i just kind of had to tip my hat to eventually for his/her incredible stamina in the depths of infant misery. fuck those parents though, for real, for bringing such an unholy child on a long-haul flight. i'm sure i'll feel more sympathetic when i have kids but for now: just stay home, damn it.

anyway, like i said i think these next couple of weeks i'm going to focus on work capacity via jumping rope, low-level plyos, maybe some biking or jogging or other cardio, and high-volume lifting. and maybe some circuit stuff. i've been neglecting any kind of system work since i stopped sprinting, and honestly i shirked that stuff more than i should have over the summer. might be good to spend a couple of weeks trying to get a bit more "in shape." nine days in dushanbe, a day of transit to kabul, six days in kabul, a day of transit to home. let's see if i can get 15 workouts in on those 15 non-transit days.

FYI, for those interested, this is where i am:


funnily enough, that map puts tajikistan in the "middle east," but nobody over here and nobody i work with back in the states would agree with that. it's central asia, people here have more in common with russia and western china than they do with iraq or egypt. and there's no way pakistan is part of the middle east. apparently thinks the middle east means predominantly muslim countries from the levant to india. that's dumb. anyway, geography/world cultures lesson over. carry on.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2014, 11:08:07 am
MENTAL STATE: very tired

- jog x 2 km
incredibly slow, 9km/hour. lungs not challenged but legs felt heavy. maybe spend some time over the next couple weeks building up to a 30-minute 5k. my work capacity is shite, as discussed. not gonna hurt to do a little LISS. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

- stretch

- work traps with lacrosse ball.

so jet lagged, mind not working very well, did this mainly to keep awake a bit longer and to not fuck myself immediately in my quest to work out 15 of the next 17 days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2014, 11:22:02 am
day 2 of jet lag is the worst. the. worst.

MENTAL STATE: out of it

- warm up

- giant set x 2
-- SVJ x 5
-- 4-way hip extension x 10
-- DB OHP 12s x 10
-- DB SLRDL 14s x 10
-- neutral chin x 10
-- kneeling ab roll-out x 10

- stretch

not much but better than nothing. hopefully i'll be in a bit more myself tomorrow. crashed around 4 PM today and still had three horus of work left before i could even get back to the hotel.

weights in kg as usual on trips.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2014, 01:01:16 pm
SORENESS: traps a little, hamstrings a little
MENTAL STATE: still pretty tired

- walk x 3 hours

...3.5 hours later...

- warm up
did 30/30 alternating jump rope and a bunch of different bw stuff for about 12 minutes. different from the usual, kind of liked it.

- superset x 3
-- SVJ x 3
-- DB jump squat 6s x 3
+ SVJ x 3

- double under intervals 10/20 x 8
tough, could not finish the last couple sets of double unders because the bounce was no longer there. not good, i think about that video of nightfly doing 1000 ankle hops and smh.

- stretch

this forum is so damn valuable to me as a motivator. i said i'd try to work out 15/17 days, and so tonight even though i REALLY didn't feel like doing it, i made myself get up to the gym and do SOMETHING because saying, "i'm super tired and so i figured the three-hour walk would cover my workout today," sounded pathetic coming out of my fingers. even if that something was wonky and haphazard, it was better than nothing. accountability: it's what's for dinner.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2014, 11:23:17 am
SORENESS: traps a little, hamstrings a little
MENTAL STATE: still pretty tired

- warm up

- superset x 5
-- bench 60 x 10
-- seated cable row x 10

- superset x 2
-- DB curl 10s x 12
-- cable tricep pressdown x 12


- COC T x 5R; 5L
- COC 1 x 1,1,1,1R; 0L
- COC T x 23R; 11L
lol my right hand is sooooo much stronger. forgot to add these before.

- stretch

get swole. leg workout tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2014, 12:58:21 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little

- warm up

- depth jump @10" x 3,3; @18" x 3,3

- DB step up 26s x 10
stupid, not challenging enough for legs relative to grip

- BB complex x 4
-- half squat 40 x 10
-- good morning 40 x 10
no reset between half squat and good morning, 60-90s rest between sets.

- cable glute thrust x 10,10

- stretch

the gym sucks, i'm still trying to figure out what i can do effectively in it. especially for legs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on October 27, 2014, 01:12:00 pm
RFD stuff man, pogos, depth drops/jumps, tuck jumps. If there isn't much strength equipment/junk around maybe its a sign to work on the one thing that's always held you back slightly?

Also, iirc, I read an article stating that you dont lose any strength when doing a plyo block correctly. So...thats another positive.

How were the depth jumps off the higher box?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 27, 2014, 01:56:27 pm
What is the problem with the gym, not much weights? If so go for BSS , SL (R)DL, (box) pistols.

On a totally different approach, this could be interesting too :
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2014, 02:22:00 pm
yes you are both right. i'm being an idiot.

the depth jumps sucked, except for one or two where i put it together.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on October 27, 2014, 02:28:27 pm
Get some reps in and they'll clean up. When I first go back to RFD mine suck too and I do a handful before every workout! 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2014, 01:40:10 pm
streak broke tonight. went out for dinner with colleagues and got home too late to go to the gym. could not fail to do either thing, out of politeness to people i need to have a good relationship with.

did some feldenkrais (shoulders and neck) and SMR (quads, adductors, calves, soleus) and long stretching session but that does not a workout make.

i will half-forgive myself if i manage to work out twice on any day between now and when i head home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2014, 04:45:15 am
note to self: reintroduce a bit of feldenkrais (or pseudo-feldenkrais), especially on non-workout days. my lower back went from tight and aching to smooth and awesome-feeling last night with a bit of making-it-up-as-i-went pelvic stuff. low back, neck, shoulders, and arms all feel nice today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2014, 01:36:02 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little

- warm up
jog 2km in 10:10. heart rate up a bit but this was not challenging.

- depth jump ~18-20 x 3,3,3
first and third sets were better. second set clunky landings, was overthinking.

- SVJ x 4,4

- pogo x 5,5,5

- stretch

finished work very late and then couldn't find my shorts, which i'd sent down with my laundry this morning. i should have just forgotten about it til tomorrow and just done some shit in my room, but i called the front desk to find them and an incredibly stupid saga ensued. so i ended up getting to the gym 10 minutes before it closed, doing that jog you see there, and working out in my room anyway. and it's late as hell now and the most important/insane day of my trip is tomorrow.

 :highfive: :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 30, 2014, 01:20:54 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little

- warm up

- DB OHP 16s x 10+3+3+3+3+3

- neutral chin up x 10+3+3+3+3+3

- stretch

today was the biggest day of the whole trip, so i didn't finish working until about 9:30. got back to my room, threw on some shorts, and the above was what i had time for (minus the stretching, which i did in my room) before the gym closed at 10. better than nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on October 31, 2014, 09:03:26 am
respect to the consistency/work ethic with the hours you're working!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2014, 10:10:56 am
thanks man. gotta keep just doing something.


ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little

- warm up

- depth jump 16" x 4,4,4

- superset x 3
-- DB jump squat 8s x 2
-- SVJ x 2
flying on the SVJs. felt high.

- pogo x 8,8,8

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2014, 01:12:57 pm
back in kabul.

ACHES/INJURIES: center-front of right foot

- warm up

- depth jump 18" x 5,5,4
third set best.

- superset x 2
-- DB jump squat 15s x 3; 20s x 3
-- one-step RVJ x 4

- pogo x 5,8,8

- stretch

wanted to work out last night to make up for the day i missed but i was too tired/headachey from traveling. waking up at 2:20 AM and spending the next 13 hours in transit will do that. my feet often get a bit fucked up after extended time in planes, today's ache was NBD and will be gone by tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 03, 2014, 09:19:33 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right hip during beginning of jog but it went away

- easy-to-moderate hill workout on treadmill x 20 mins
HR 155-165

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 50s x 5
-- neutral chin x 5

- dip x 5

- neutral chin x 5

- dip position leg raise x 10,10

- stretch

ETA: someone reminded me tonight that kabul is 6000 feet (1800m) above sea level. does make a difference.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 04, 2014, 06:39:49 am
ETA: someone reminded me tonight that kabul is 6000 feet (1800m) above sea level. does make a difference.

Sure does!
Once at a ski travel, we had lunch at this chalet that is a little higher than 3800m ( 12500ft ).
Man, it felt like being on a ship, thing is built on a rock and yet we felt moving, feeling dizziness and nausea. Crazy!

Heh, found it :
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2014, 11:34:36 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right hip, right calf

- warm up
right calf started acting up immediately after i started jumping rope although it hadn't bothered me before today. right hip was wonky off and on throughout the day, especially going up stairs. rode the stationary bike for a bit instead.

- dead lift singles up to 165
that pretty much ties my all-time PR (365 lbs) although i haven't DL'd in literally years. it was not a terribly stressful rep, double overhand grip with no problem. decided discretion was the better part of valor and the gym was closing anyway.

was working until too late to get much of a longer workout in, and the calf thing put a cramp in the planned jumping workout. oh well, this was fun :)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 05, 2014, 01:02:35 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right calf still a little wonky

- warm up
did the bike again after bouncing around a little and deciding to take 'er easy.

- DB OHP 50s x 6
L shoulder protest

- neutral chin x 6

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 30s x 12
-- neutral chin x 9+3; 6+6

- DB shrug 50s x 20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 06, 2014, 09:15:46 am
SORENESS: hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: none, right calf was there when i first started jumping rope but went away

- warm up

- depth jump @12" x 5,5

- superset x 2
-- DB jump squat 15s x 3
-- one-step RVJ x 4

- one-step RVJ x 4

- superset x 3
-- BB hip thrust 40 x 12; 80 x 10,10
-- L-sit x 10s

thursday night is friday night in afghanistan.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2014, 12:32:46 pm

- warm up

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 35s x 10
-- neutral chin x 6+4; 5+5; 5+5

alright. tomorrow begins the 33-hour trip back to DC. made it to the end having worked out 14/18 days, or 14/15 non-travel days. pretty close to my goal of working out in at least some respect every day that i wasn't in the air. no progress on anything, really, but at least i got my heart rate up and challenged myself a little bit every day.

ETA: also i think 30 chin ups is the most i've ever done in one session. even if neutral is the easiest grip.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on November 10, 2014, 09:36:59 am
hey mate

I was wondering how long before I can start doing maximal effort sprints and then move on to heavy weight lifting, as after the dentist removed the tooth, one of the assistants who gives advice, said no heavy lifting or running, but did not say for how long, I can see the hole, but how long do you think it will take for the hole to cover up completely and how long before I can start running again, there is still little pain.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 10, 2014, 10:13:45 am
dunno man, i'm not a doctor or a dentist and i can't see your mouth so any advice i give you is pretty uninformed.

i had all four wisdom teeth out at once and didn't do any heavy or intense activity for at least a couple of weeks. i think there was a follow-up visit where the took the bandage packs out and after that i was pretty much okay. but your dentist may have used a different technique.

the hole is always gonna be there, it'll feel weird at first but eventually you'll get used it. i wouldn't do anything intense while it still hurts.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 10, 2014, 10:17:30 am
ETA: someone reminded me tonight that kabul is 6000 feet (1800m) above sea level. does make a difference.

Sure does!
Once at a ski travel, we had lunch at this chalet that is a little higher than 3800m ( 12500ft ).
Man, it felt like being on a ship, thing is built on a rock and yet we felt moving, feeling dizziness and nausea. Crazy!

Heh, found it :

i don't generally get altitude sickness, although to be fair it's years since i was quite that high up. looks like a pretty sweet place for a meal, although maybe not if you're nauseated!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on November 10, 2014, 10:32:11 am
dunno man, i'm not a doctor or a dentist and i can't see your mouth so any advice i give you is pretty uninformed.

i had all four wisdom teeth out at once and didn't do any heavy or intense activity for at least a couple of weeks. i think there was a follow-up visit where the took the bandage packs out and after that i was pretty much okay. but your dentist may have used a different technique.

the hole is always gonna be there, it'll feel weird at first but eventually you'll get used it. i wouldn't do anything intense while it still hurts.

ok, thanks.
I will see after two weeks and see the dentist and ask about the state of mouth and if I can do any intense workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 12, 2014, 07:55:18 am
last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder but went away during jumps

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~15
surprisingly good considering the long layoff. didn't get any clean dunks with the #3 ball or with the dodgeball but they were going in. just bouncing up off the back iron or rattling in. ~34 and maybe 35 at the top end.

- paused squat 135 x 6,6
alternating below parallel and ATG. no back discomfort whatsoever.

- superset x 2
-- paused (i.e. powerlifting-style) bench 135 x 6
-- BB row 115 x 6

- RDL 135 x 6,6

- decline sit-up +18 x 6,6

- stretch

went easy for first day back in the gym. felt very good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2014, 08:52:23 am
last night:


- warm up

- superset x 2
-- DB jump squat 25s x3
-- SVJ x 3

- squat 185 x 6,6

- DB RDL 80s x 10,10

pressed for time because i had to work late. squats felt okay, no pain but definitely need to re-groove them a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2014, 05:47:22 pm

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder

- warm up

- superset x 3
-- depth jump @18-20" x 3
-- SVJ x 3

- bench 185 x 6,6,6

- BB row 135 x 10,10,10

- pogo x 10,8,10

- decline sit up +20 x 6,6,6

- stretch

okay workout. let's see if i can jump well tomorrow or tuesday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2014, 10:08:11 pm
SORENESS: pecs a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: low motivation

- warm up

- jump squat +10kg x 3,3,3

- one-step and two-step RVJ x a bunch
bball court was taken so this was in the yoga room. felt bad, unexplosive.

- squat 205 x 6,6
right low back was there during the first set but stayed away during the second set.

- RDL 205 x 6,6,6

- decline sit up +18 x 10,10

- stretch

low back thing was worrisome, no squatting again until at least thursday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on November 17, 2014, 10:33:51 pm
Whats your SVJ and RVJ right about now? 1 leg or 2?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 18, 2014, 12:16:03 am
Whats your SVJ and RVJ right about now? 1 leg or 2?

i'm still two-leg all the way. SVJ probably tops out around 31 or maybe 31.5 on my best days, 30 consistently. full-approach RVJ is like 32-36 depending on the day.

one-leg RVJ tops out at 30, i might have had one or two jumps off my right leg that were 31.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2014, 09:50:39 pm
WEIGHT: 171.5
SORENESS: lower traps, hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder

- warm up

- bench 195 x 6,6

- BB row 135 x 10,10

- paused DB jump squat 20s x 3

- paused hip thrust x 25

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2014, 11:29:07 am
Today, I am 28. PR!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on November 20, 2014, 11:53:29 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on November 20, 2014, 12:05:13 pm
Woooooo!!!!! Happy bday man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 20, 2014, 02:02:39 pm
Happy bday,  :wowthatwasnutswtf:  :highfive:  :-*
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on November 20, 2014, 06:45:58 pm
Happy birthday old chap
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on November 20, 2014, 07:36:54 pm
Happy birthday man
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 20, 2014, 09:17:33 pm
Happy birthday, didn't realize you're so "little"
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on November 21, 2014, 10:58:02 am
Happy B'Day mate  :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2014, 06:09:39 pm
thanks fellas!

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, head
MENTAL STATE: good, relaxed

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a bunch
so good, best in a while. one was 36, banged the bottom of my palm on the rim. easy, easy dodgeball dunks.

- stretch

notably, jogging to and from the gym felt GREAT. my body just wanted to propel itself forward, legs felt springy, low effort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 22, 2014, 07:18:56 am
Isn't base of palm 37? Or at least 36+?
Unless your hand is small too, like 7''. Mine is 8'' from middle finger tip to wrist and it is rather normal to small.
For me base of thumb = 6'' from tip, base of palm = 7'' , wrist = 8''.
I always 'tranform' your rim touches to mine using our 5'' reach difference, so my base of palm is 32'', for you it should be 37.
Bro,  :personal-record:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 22, 2014, 11:14:07 am
well it wasn't quite at my wrist, or like at the seam between wrist and palm. it was a PR-tying jump, i think. but i've still never been able to fold my hand over the rim if that makes sense.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 22, 2014, 01:03:26 pm
Well yes, wrist at rim would be 10'8'' , 33'' for me 38'' for you. Base of palm is 1'' higher so 37'' for you.
Also the hand folding thing makes perfect sense, but i think it takes 1 inch below wrist to do that. When you can reach exactly wrist at rim you can 'semi-fold', like 45 degrees.
Anyway, bullshit details,  keep it up!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 22, 2014, 03:42:03 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, head but milder than yesterday

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a few
one size 3 ball dunk, which may be the first time i've been able to do that two days in a row. or at least the first time i've done it two days in a row. that's a PR. first couple of jumps felt good but the dropoff was precipitous.

- squat 225 x 6,6
easy-peasy, no back discomfort at all.

- superset x 2
-- RDL 275 x 10
used straps. this was challenging. good.
-- toes to bar x 6
that's as long as i can go while still protecting the left shoulder. still pleased that i could do them at all.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2014, 08:16:41 pm
SORENESS: glutes, hams
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little, left felt weird but not painful. just a little tight maybe. went away after i got warm

- warm up
did a bunch of full-court lay ups. fun times, these are good for conditioning. if i ever do a conditioning block i think it'd be fun to throw these in, work up to sets of 20 or something.

- bench 200 x 6,6

- pull up x 6; +10 x 5,5
first time doing weighted pull ups in a long time.

- circuit x 4
-- push up x 12
-- inverted row x 12
-- decline sit up +15 x 10

- stretch

i like that high-volume stuff. feels good, challenging without pushing my shoulder or low back in unsafe ways.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on November 23, 2014, 08:19:59 pm
your vertical vs age score is a +10!

hahaha, congrats on that, and happy bday!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 24, 2014, 04:59:06 am
Age vs Vertical???


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 25, 2014, 09:55:08 pm
lol vag.

ACHES/INJURIES: right pinky finger (?)
MENTAL STATE: CNS pretty dang slow

- warm up
shot around and did a few layups and stuff and everything was off, nothing clicking, felt out of it. not a good day for jumping.

- squat 245 x 6,6

- assisted natural GHR x 10,10,10

- band pull apart x 10,10,10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2014, 06:17:47 pm
thanksgiving was great, lots of family time. bout to go watch the washington john walls take on the new orleans anthony davises. got caught up with gf's family today and didn't have time for a full workout but did make it to the gym for:

- shooting around, dribbling practice, and full-court layups x 40 minutes

shoulder was hurting and bounce was not great so didn't do more than a couple of ME DL jumps, none from four steps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 30, 2014, 09:06:49 pm
today just did more shooting around, layups a few ME DLRVJ and then a bunch of pull-aparts, push ups, and cable hip thrusts. about and hour and fifteen minutes total. back in the normal swing of things this week. it was a good holiday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2014, 05:27:54 pm
have been working out pretty much randomly since i got back from my trip 3+ weeks ago. i've had a few good jumping days in that time but i'm not doing anything structured and that worries me. also i don't feel like i'm overloading at all, which as we all know is necessary for actual progress. the holidays are coming up in a few weeks. i have it in mind to do as much of flying in four (EDIT: plus upper body shit that will continue to be de-emphasized) as i can between now and when i leave for christmas family time, use those ~4 days as the adaptation period, and do the final workout or two as basically priming days for testing just before new year's. time for a big push.

starting tonight. gonna do the intermediate version because i can't claim a 2x bw squat right now. but i'll keep adding weight pretty aggressively (10-20 lbs/workout) on squats until i can't anymore.

also, just an observation: my best jumping comes after a leg workout (jumps or depth jumps, squats, and RDLs) plus an extra day of rest (~72 hours instead of ~48). occasionally, those rest days include something like moderate-intensity tennis.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2014, 09:42:20 pm
FIF Day 1


- warm up

- low box depth jump x 20,20

- reverse hyper w/2s hold x 10,10

- squat 265 x 5,5,5
helloooo overconfidence. strike that 10-20 lbs/workout, this was shaky. it's neural in part, third set was best, but still i'm not going over 270 next time and might even stick with 265.

- BSS ISO x 60s/leg
pain. in quads. glutes will be sore tomorrow.

- advanced glute bridge ISO x 60s
lot of shaking and twitching in the middle.

- calf raise 225 x 20,20

- bench 175 x 10+3+1

- BB row 115 x 10+5+5+3

- stretch

good workout, challenging. that's what i need at the moment. alrighty then.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 03, 2014, 07:54:24 am
last night:

FIF Day 2

SORENESS: glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves pretty bad, pecs a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, left jaw (?)

- warm up

- SVJ x 4; two-step RVJ x 4 @90%

- plank x 30s,30s

- leg raise x 15,15

- prone SL glute raise x 50/leg (15,15,10,10)

- seated hip flexor raise w/3s pause x 8,8

- stretch

not as sore as i expected, except calves.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2014, 12:20:06 am
FIF Day 3

SORENESS: same but all less, calves still most
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little

- warm up
court was empty so shot around a bunch. touch was a lot better than it's been in recent weeks, felt smooth. did some submax drop-steps and layups in there, worked up a light sweat. best warm up.

- side-to-side low box depth jumps x 20,20

- BB hip thrust 145 x 10,10

- DB BSS 40s x 8,8,8/leg

- BSS ISO x 60s/leg

- leg press calf raise 275 x 20,20,20

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 40s x 5
-- pull up x 5; +10 x 5,5

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2014, 08:49:19 pm
FIF Day 4

SORENESS: glutes
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little, right big toe a little

- warm up

- SVJ x 4; two-step RVJ x 4 @90%
better pop than i'd have expected on the RVJ.

- plank x 30s,30s

- leg raise x 11,11
straighter legs this time though.

- prone SL glute raise x 50/leg (15,20,15)

- seated hip flexor raise w/3s pause x 8,8

- superset x 3
-- push up x 15,15; clapping push up x 10
-- band pull apart x 15,15,15

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2014, 08:56:46 pm
FIF Day 5-6
combined the two because i had to skip yesterday.

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little tired


- warm up

- low depth jump forward and back x 20,20

- reverse hyper x 12,12

- squat 270 x 5,5,5
third set strongest, neural improvements continue. 275 next time.

- BSS ISO x 60s/leg

- advanced glute bridge x 60s

***walk home, gym closed***

- SL calf raise x 20,20,20/leg


- SVJ @90% x 5
can't do RVJ in my house and it's pouring rain outside.

- plank x 30s,30s

- leg raise x 15,15

- prone one leg glute raise x 50/leg (25,15,10)

- seated hip flexor w/3s pause x 8,8/leg

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2014, 05:11:13 pm

putting this gif here for later use because it is awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2014, 12:31:58 am
yesterday: FIF Day 7
- rest

tonight: FIF Day 8


- warm up

- low front-to-back depth jump x 20,20

- reverse hyper x 12; +10 x 12
used ankle weights that they had in the gym after trying and failing to use a DB.

- squat 275 x 5,5,5

- BSS ISO x 60s/leg

- advanced glute bridge ISO x 60s

- calf raise 355 x 20,20
remembered that the sled weighs 50lbs.

- some OHPs and pull ups

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2014, 09:31:36 pm
FIF Day 9


- warm up

- SVJ x 4; two-step RVJ x 6 @90%

- plank x 30s,30s

- leg raise x 13,13

- SL glute raise x 50/leg (25,15,10)

- seated hip flexor raise w/3s pause x 8,8/leg

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 12, 2014, 09:20:07 am
skipped wednesday because of office holiday party.

last night:

FIF Day 10


- warm up

- side-to-side depth jump x 20,20

- BB hip thrust 155 x 12,12

- DB BSS 50s x 10,10,10

- BSS ISO x 60s/leg

- calf raise 365 x 20,20,20

- bench 135 x 10+3+3+3

- pull ups x 19/total

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 13, 2014, 02:40:26 pm
last night:

FIF Day 11

SORENESS: glutes

- warm up

- SVJ and RVJ

- plank x 30s,30s

- leg raise x 15,15

- SL glute thrust x 50/leg (20,20,10)

- seated hip flexor w/3s pause x 8,8/leg

- stretch

rushed and gym closed on saturday night so no warm up or jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2014, 03:59:25 pm
yesterday: FIF Day 12

SORENESS: glutes
ACHES/INJURIES: feet, lower back

- warm up

- SVJ x 4 @90-100%; RVJ x 5 @90-100%
because i couldn't yesterday and the court was open. considering how sore my glutes were these were not terrible.

- reverse hyper x 15,15

- squat
low back not feeling it, no sense at all in pushing.

- BSS ISO x 60s/leg
getting easier

- advanced glute bridge ISO x 60s
also getting easier

- calf raise 385 x 20,20,20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2014, 09:28:27 am
yesterday: FIF Day 13

MENTAL STATE: okay, tired

- warm up

- SVJ x 4; RVJ x 5 @90%

- plank x 30s,30s

- leg raise x 15,15
legs basically straight now

- SL glute thrust x 50/leg (25,25)

- seated hip flexor w/3s pause x 8,8/leg

- stretch

well, i'm a day behind now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2014, 10:02:45 pm
FIF Day 14

- rest

skipped because i did it yesterday

FIF Day 15

MENTAL STATE: a little stressed at the beginning but calmed down while warming up

- warm up

- depth jump @15" x 5,5,5,5
pretty much always twist to the right on these, about 20 degrees. interesting.

- jump squat 70 x 8,8,8,8
no reset except on third set. 70lbs=40% of system weight, as rx'd.

- RVJ or SVJ x 2 (optional)
skipped because i did a couple during warm up

- reverse hyper x 15,15,15
pointed toes, more challenging, more engagement from hamstrings. made it easier to keep feet together, as well.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2014, 11:18:58 am
last night: FIF Day 16


- plank x 30s,30s

- leg raises x 16,16

- SL glute bridge w/3s pause x 10,10/leg
was supposed to do advanced glute bridge but circumstances meant could only do SL. too complicated to explain why. got 'em done, that's what counts.

- hip flexor raise w/3s pause x 8,8/leg
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2014, 10:17:29 pm
FIF Day 17


- warm up
i can consistently get 30 on a SVJ without max effort. that is good.

- depth jump @ 15" x 5,5,5,5
first set awesome, got progressively worse until the last couple reps.

- half squat 275 x 3,3,3,3

- reverse hyper x 12,12,12

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 40s x 10
-- pull up x 6+4

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2014, 05:30:26 pm
friday: FIF Day 18

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little

- warm up

- plank x 30s,30s

- leg raise x 16,16

- advanced glute bridge w/3s hold x 10,10

- standing hip flexor raise w/3s hold x 8,8

combined yesterday and today, today: FIF Day 19+20

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee (full squats good, half squats BAD!)

- warmup
dunked small dodgeball, fucked hand up on rim with big dodgeball. a bit swollen now but nothing serious.

- depth jump @15" x 5,5,5,5

- DB jump squat 35s x 8,8,8,8

- reverse hyper x 13,13,13

- circuit x 2
-- dip x 10
-- plank x 30s
-- pull up x 6+4
-- leg lower x 17

- circuit x 2
-- DB OHP 45s x 10,8
-- advanced glute bridge w/3s hold x 12
-- DB row 80 x 10
-- standing hip flexor w/3s hold x 8

- stretch

right knee is NOT happy about the half squats. never again without a box or pins.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 28, 2014, 07:09:39 pm
vacation was good, worked out a couple of times in the hotel to nearly complete FIF. i missed a couple of workouts over the course of the four weeks and did not do the priming/pre-test day today that i wanted to, as i spent most of the day (and most of last night) with a nasty headache.

plan for the rest of the week is:

- jumps
- depth jumps
- jump squats
- squats
- upper shit

- bw shit, with holds and isos

- rest

- test
- (if testing doesn't go super well) squats

- rest

- test part 2

weights throughout for low reps, relatively high intensity.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 29, 2014, 05:08:51 pm
seifullaah's journal got me thinking: who's around or below my level of explosiveness among active posters? him obviously, vag, loopy, scooby...maybe eric but he doesn't count because he's twice my size...probably adarq at this point...raptor...anybody else? chris, acole, mutombo, gukl, kf, dreyth, coges are all more explosive than i am. meh, it's neither here nor there, just idle thinking.

ACHES/INJURIES: chest cold

- warm up

- depth jump x 4

- DLRVJ x ~8
meh, peaked around 34

- DB jump squat 35s x 2,2

- squat 275 x 3,3

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 50s x 5
-- pull up x 8

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 30, 2014, 11:43:23 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: chest cold

- warm up
extra-long, lots of low-intensity layups and dribbling.

- advanced glute bridge w/3s hold x 10,10

- SL reverse hyper x 10,10/leg

- stretch

could not hit the broad side of a barn with my shot tonight. also felt pretty slow. probably didn't help that i smoked weed for the first time in a long time last night -- friends in town, felt great at the time, not the best for training even before a light day.  ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on December 31, 2014, 09:23:41 pm
That explosiveness thing reminded me of the ancient rankings thread...wish we could resurrect it, nothings a better motivator then competition.

Lovin' the extracurricular activities haha
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 03, 2015, 04:36:43 pm
had done nothing since tuesday. was supposed to ball/get lobs on new year's day but my friend bailed on me and the gym closed early.

first workout of the new year.

ACHES/INJURIES: chest cold

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~10
fucking awesome out to three steps. PR-ish jumps at one step (33), two steps (34) and three steps (35+, definite all-time PR off three). the three-step PR was awesome, got the fat pad below my thumb halfway over the rim. never got higher than 35 off of full approach. back started feeling a little tight. nevertheless, awesome.

- jump squat 30 x 3,3

- squat MSEM 285 x 3; normal 225 x 8

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 50s x 6,5
-- pull ups +15 x 6,5
-- incline sit-up +30 x 10; asst natural GHR x 10

- stretch

fantastic workout, feel great. happy new year
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2015, 10:23:29 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: chest cold

- warm up

- avishek depth jumps x 5

- one-step RVJ x 8

- squat
basically the only dude in my current gym who seems halfway qualified to give people advice on training commented on my warm up set with 225 that my right shoulder was dipping in the hole. i asked him to tape me, and while i'm not as uneven with the bar because i was thinking about it, you can clearly see me rotating in the hole to get deeper. left hip is def more tight and i'm paying for that. not good, must fix. nothing feels out of whack, but that's bad because it means some lower back shit could sneak up on me. need to get right with squatting again.

phone is being annoying but i'll put the vid up when i can get it on yt.

- deep paused squats 225 x 3,3,3

- deep long-pause squats (~5s pause) 135 x 3,3,3

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 50s x 7,5
-- pull up +15 x 7,5

- superset x 2
-- inverted row x 10
-- hands-to-elbows x 10

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on January 06, 2015, 08:50:28 pm
I saw your post about explosiveness, I have no clue how explosive I am these days.  The only "explosive" or reactive stuff i do is speed work for deads n squats.  As far as jumping idk probably not too explosive anymore haha, I used to be able to dunk at 250lbs.  I'm interested to see how I compare now though, summer time i weighed probably around what i do now and i could dunk 9'6'' and olympic lifts im really not explosive when I do those which is why my olympic lifts were so low compared to my strength levels and what not.  That is an area I am going to explore though when i get down in weight since if i tried to jump now i feel like id shatter my cankles lol so when i get to a good bw to start ill hit you up for some advice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2015, 09:41:05 pm
^^^getting down in weight is not to be underestimated. witness the success, for a time, of adarq's athletic anorexia quest. i'm pretty lean but i wonder if a dedicated cut wouldn't have me jumping higher, or if the cost isn't worth it.

it is cold as buhjeezus outside. reminds me of college.

SORENESS: hamstrings a little
MENTAL STATE: a little distracted

- warm up

- SLRVJ x ~8

- one-step DLRVJ x ~10

- SVJ x 5

- squat MSEM 275 x 6

- squat 225 x 10
yeah man i'm all over the place. thinking too hard, feeling too hard. need to take my own advice from two days ago.

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 50s x 8,5
-- pull up +15 x 8,5

- DB single leg RDL 35s x 10,10/leg

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2015, 08:47:22 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none. left shoulder actually feels better than it has in...a year? like maybe 85%.

- warm up

- SVJ x 3

- DB jump squat @10s x 3


- MSEM squat 295 x 5
dude came over to tell me i was making it look too easy. warm ups felt very smooth and solid, minimal twisting and very even. felt very solid, later reps stronger than earlier reps. AELS was all that was between me and three plates.

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 50s x 8,6
-- pull up +15 x 8,6

- inverted row x 5
- push ups x 35
- kroc row 80 x 15,10/each
- inverted row x 5

- stretch

tomorrow will jump and play touch football in some order. gonna take it easy on the football, last time i played i was sore for a week. maybe cap myself at an hour. at least it'll be above freezing tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 11, 2015, 01:19:02 pm
SORENESS: low back a little

- warm up
extended hip opening sequence, felt good. peroneals are really tight on my right leg.

- shoot around and jumps x 30 mins
had to leave because gay* dodgeball is renting out the gym on sunday afternoons now until march. good to know. nothing really ME but lots of drop-steps and SLRVJ. felt okay, shot was all over the place.

guess football isn't happening, i haven't seen anything about it since a couple days ago. oh well, probably for the best.

*literally, it's a league sponsored by a gay sports bar and made up almost completely, if not truly completely, of gay men.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on January 11, 2015, 05:39:40 pm
oh well, probably for the best.

Yeah, who knows, you could've sprained your ankle and been out for 2 months. lol  :-\
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2015, 09:31:08 pm
MENTAL STATE: motivation extremely low

- warm up

- SVJ x 4
- depth jump x 4
- SVJ x 4
- drop-step RVJ x 6

- DB jump squat 25s x 3,3

- stretch

did not have it in me tonight. something off. feel crappy, frustrated, no idea how to get where i'm going. not sure why it hit today, i even had a really good day at work so it's not like that stress was getting me down. should be back tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on January 13, 2015, 09:37:50 pm
Well I could see why they'd sponsor a dodgeball league since they like balls to the face! haha Im not a gay hater it was just too easy. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2015, 11:24:19 pm
lol. sometimes you gotta take the low-hanging fruit. so to speak.


- warm up

- SVJ, SLRVJ, DLRVJ x a bunch

- MSEM squat 300 x 3,3

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 50s x 8,8
-- pull up +15 x 8,8
a couple of the reps a bit ugly but all full. going up 5 lbs next workout and will work back up to 8s.

- superset x 2
-- plank x 30s
-- advanced glute bridge 3s holds x 10

- stretch

better than yesterday. going to NYC on saturday, just for a night. my cousin wrote a play that's getting produced at the atlantic theater, so i'm going to see it. looking forward to it. plus my brother is about to move to new haven from brooklyn so it's a chance for a last hurrah at his place in bed-stuy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 15, 2015, 09:53:13 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: something wonky/tight in left glute medius

- warm up

- bunch of extra stretching, some rollering on the left hip

- shoot around, drop-step and layups x 30 minutes

legs dead, hip felt weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2015, 03:32:39 pm

- warm up

- rest of workout

didn't plan to work out today but i had a persistent bad headache so left work early. thought i could warm my way up out of it at the gym. i was wrong.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2015, 06:37:16 pm
got some training advice/input from adarq that i will talk about later. new york was great, my cousin's play is pretty freaking intense and dark but i liked it a lot.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 5-6; short approach DLRVJ x 6-7
not great but not awful.

- MSEM squat 275 x 6

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 55s x 6,6
-- ME pogo x 8
-- pull up +20 x 6,5+bw x 1

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2015, 11:21:42 pm
alright so adarq had some advice for me, as i mentioned. a few things:

- more DLRVJ
- more squatting
-- consider LTMP*, maybe in conjunction with MSEM
-- consider MEBM once per week
- some reactivity/power accessory work for shoulder power and power in triple extension
- keep post-jumping weight room work brief because of sneaky CNS fatigue

basically, i responded okay to the FIF workout frequency, but it didn't necessarily give me the best bang for the buck in terms of exercise prescription. i need to be stronger, and i need to be better AT JUMPING.

i'm still trying to figure out how to turn that into a weekly schedule. one thing i should definitely do is get back to early bed/early wakeup. jumping before work is much easier than after because the gym is generally free before 7:30 AM. i tried it before and my problem was bedtime discipline. but if i'm in bed by 11 i can make it work. on that note, i'm going to bed.

*good excuse to go read this vintage post:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on January 20, 2015, 06:25:12 pm
I was outta the game for too long that I forgot 90% of the abbreviations and shit lol

dafuq is ltmp, msem, mebm, fif lol 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 20, 2015, 07:43:49 pm
I was outta the game for too long that I forgot 90% of the abbreviations and shit lol

dafuq is ltmp, msem, mebm, fif lol

haha @ "dafuq is ltmp, msem, mebm, fif lol"

epic quote :f

length tension motor pool maximal strength effort method max effort beast mode flying in four laugh out loud.

lbss i'll post that stuff probably tomorrow.. I should have learned by now not to give timelines given my worklife.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 20, 2015, 09:36:44 pm
no worries, b. i got a little jump start on it tonight, see below.  :highfive:

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little, left shoulder bugged at one point and then was okay

- warm up

- DLRVJ submax: one-step x 2; two-step x 2; three-step x 2; four-step x 6
reached with both hands on most reps, but hit a very relaxed 33 on one of the four-step jumps. that's good.

-- gentle stretch: hip flexors inside and out, hamstrings, glutes (pigeon), quads, calves, lats x 30s,15s
-- squat 195 x 20
meant to go to failure, per the LTMP volume blog post, but 20 was a lot more than i thought i'd get (true failure might have been ten more reps! who knew i had that in me?) and i'm still a bit concerned about my form, so i cut it off there.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 20, 2015, 09:44:28 pm
here are today's squats. you can see the lean pretty clearly. need to correct it. some of it may just be the fact that my right shoulder is lower than my left. some is clearly more serious than that, though.

EDIT: may not look it with the angle but these are all below parallel.

EDIT 2: for an imperfect comparison, here is 350x1 from fall 2013.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on January 20, 2015, 09:49:16 pm
Lol thanks adarq and saying skwaat instead of squat is more anabolic
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 20, 2015, 09:51:18 pm
no worries, b. i got a little jump start on it tonight, see below.  :highfive:

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little, left shoulder bugged at one point and then was okay

- warm up

- DLRVJ submax: one-step x 2; two-step x 2; three-step x 2; four-step x 6
reached with both hands on most reps, but hit a very relaxed 33 on one of the four-step jumps. that's good.

-- gentle stretch: hip flexors inside and out, hamstrings, glutes (pigeon), quads, calves, lats x 30s,15s
-- squat 195 x 20
meant to go to failure, per the LTMP volume blog post, but 20 was a lot more than i thought i'd get (true failure might have been ten more reps! who knew i had that in me?) and i'm still a bit concerned about my form, so i cut it off there.

- stretch


ya, health first. stop if you have crappy reps. As you increase intensities on those higher rep squats, you can take several breathes in between each rep.. It's best to start taking several breathes after rep 10. So you definitely don't have to keep knocking them out nonstop. For lower intensities, you can challenge yourself more by not actually pausing/resting between reps etc.

nice tho, 20 rep on squat can be hard with nearly any weight on the bar.. 195 x 20 first try with more reps in the chamber is good!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 21, 2015, 11:12:34 am
I remember when I was in 10th grade when I was doing bodyweight squats x 50 reps and they didn't feel that hard.

I don't know how they'd feel now. Gave me such a pump and a feeling of "isometry" if you will... very similar to one leg jumping. Is hard to explain.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2015, 01:28:59 pm
i mean i can't quite figure out if those reps are crappy or not. they felt fine as i was doing them, very stable and easy, not even a lower back pump, let alone pain or discomfort. and i don't think i'm waggling my hips. but the tilt...looks weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on January 21, 2015, 06:53:44 pm
Maybe its the angle and its playing tricks on my eyes but it kind of looks like on your way up your left side takes over and your hips slightly move that way but I'm not sure its so quick and small that I cant 100% say for sure if you're doing it or not.  From what i can tell the skwaats look good though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2015, 09:03:27 pm
^^^yeah that's what i'm afraid of. would be weird because my right leg has always been stronger than my left, at least since i started fencing like 16-17 years ago.


- warm up

- superset x 3
-- plate swing 45 x 10
-- pogo x 12

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2015, 10:08:23 pm
MENTAL STATE: low motivation

- warm up

- DLRVJ one-step x 4; two-step x 3; three-step x 3; four-step x 2
submax, no target

- MSEM squat 300 x 3;3

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 55 x 6
-- pull up +20 x 6

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2015, 02:01:53 pm
going to work out in a sec but here's what i've been mulling over. thoughts welcome:

GOAL: dunk
WHAT’S LIMITING ME: 1) inadequate strength/power, 2) inadequate reactivity/bounciness, 3) inadequate efficiency, 4) inadequate work capacity
WORKOUT PRIORITIES: 1) improve squat, 2) improve triple extension power, 3) improve jumping technique, 4) add volume by week and by workout
LIFE PRIORITIES: 1) wake up by 6:30 AM during the week, 2) in bed by 11 PM, 3) reduce refined sugar (only PWO shakes and once/week dessert, 4) ensure 1g protein/lb LBM every day, 4) at least seven handfuls of vegetables every day

- i'm trying to get on a better sleep schedule. being able to work out before and after work would help a lot with getting more volume in on jumps, because the court is usually occupied in the evening, and there is no way to work around whoever is using it. cramped quarters. that may mean less jumping at night, which is fine.
- this is a ton of squatting, but i love squatting and haven't focused on it at all in a year. MSEM has been really fun. need to monitor form.
- jump assistance would be complexes like stiff leg hops + plate swings
- upper is basically what i’ve been doing: low volume, slow progression. i like doing it, it helps me enjoy the gym.
- DLRVJ would be completely AREG, but the idea is to have sunday be a PR-ish day. volume is loaded toward the beginning of the week and then friday and saturday are mostly rest. any weekday evening session of DLRVJ is likely to be submax because i have to do it on a racquetball or squash court, so no target to reach for.
- squats would also be AREG in terms of load.
- this plan would be for four cycles, followed by a week of cutting squat volume to a minimum and resting a couple of extra days throughout the week, then attempting to PR on a weekend day.

AM: rest
PM: DLRVJ + MSEM squat (x6) w/LTMP mixed in + MEBM squat + upper

AM: rest
PM: DLRVJ + jump assistance + LTMP volume squat (@60% xF)

AM: DLRVJ or jump assistance
PM: upper

AM: DLRVJ or jump assistance
PM: DLRVJ + jump assistance + MSEM squat (2x3) w/LTMP mixed in

AM: DLRVJ or jump assistance
PM: DLRVJ +/or jump assistance + LTMP volume squat + upper

PM: rest

AM: rest
PM: rest

one problem is figuring out how to load MEBM squats.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2015, 04:11:10 pm
Note: adding "STOPWATCH" to tracker, per a suggestion from adarq that seeing how fast you can double-click a stopwatch is a good way to monitor CNS.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee

- warm up

- DLRVJ one-step x 3,3/side; two-step x 3; three-step x 3; four-step x 3

- superset x 2
-- DB swing 45 x 10
-- pogo x 10
right knee felt pogos

- squat MSEM 275 x 6
light/LTMP stretching, 15s/side, between reps (alternating quads, glutes, calves)

- squat MEBM
easy on the knee. felt fine during MSEM set but did not want to push it. AELS, AELS, AELS.

- push up x F (27)
weak, posterior delts gave out first.

- kroc-style DB row x 15,12/side

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 25, 2015, 11:35:44 pm
one problem is figuring out how to load MEBM squats.

Generally you would hit 20 with your 10-12RM. So, start a bit lighter than your 12RM. Twenty with your 10RM is the golden nugget, but 12RM is fine too. You want to adapt completely to this type of squatting, ie, minimal to no soreness the next day. May take a few sessions.

I need to check that routine you posted, might be some areas that can be shifted around to give a bit more rest. Perhaps cutting out Tuesday's AM jump workout so you're a bit more rested for Wednesday's AM jump training. That Sun/Mon sequence is going to be intense.

pc man!

edit: Very important, forgot to mention this. Before each of your most intense squat efforts (MEBM, MSEM), try and create some kind of bridge between jumping and preparation for squatting. No need to do this on submax effort sets/reps etc. Save this for when you are about to perform a set/rep of significant effort which requires deeper breathing, focus, etc. I used to always think about jumping before these efforts and change my breathing, usually 3 deep breathes (into chest), saying "let's go", dropping a few F bombs. I just remembered I blogged about this long ago:

Basically it just comes down to trying to tie the CNS arousal of heavy lifting to your DLRVJ sessions. You use the same thought process, breathing, pacing, or even a clap to initiate the trigger.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2015, 07:00:34 pm
^^^word, thanks for the reminder to psych myself up before MSEM and MEBM. i've been focusing on lifting as fast as possible with good form but not on getting my CNS fired up and that's obviously an important component.

let me know about any suggested changes, thanks!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2015, 09:15:57 pm
lost my gosh dang gym bag for several hours, searched high and low, went TO the gym and looked in all three lost-and-founds they've got there, came home, found gym bag under a heinously ugly wall hanging thing that my roommate has and keeps throwing on one of the couches in our living room instead of, you know, hanging it up in his room or putting it in the closet or burning it.

stupid, stupid, stupid. by the time i found it it was too late and my motivation was shot anyway. moron.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2015, 09:16:29 am
last night:

WEIGHT: 175, somebody fixed the scale so it's not giving an 8-pound range anymore. good job, gym.
ACHES/INJURIES: jammed left wrist; left knee and hip, lateral side, in end-range flexion*
STOPWATCH: ??? forgot

- warm up

- 3-on-3 ball
dudes needed a sixth for their last game and i figured why not. low level of competition so not too embarrassing for me, lol. 1's and 2's to 13, i had 4-5 points, bunch of rebounds, played okay D, no airballs haha. and my team won after my teammates had lost two in a row to the other three guys.

- DLRVJ x 10
rested a little bit, then went right to full approaches. dunked dodgeball cleanly once and back ironed a few more, jumps without ball were 35+. so not PR levels but very good for me. this goes without saying, but getting CNS fired up during competition makes a huge difference. jammed my left wrist at some point but it was okay. no pain today.

- squat MSEM 300 x 3,3
remembered to fire myself up a bit. weight flew, will go to 305 next time.

- stretch

this morning:

was supposed to wake up early this morning for jumps but i slept badly last night so i turned off my alarm and got the extra hour. sleep quality has been bad the last three nights. will try to do better tonight and get up early tomorrow but until i get on the new rhythm of earlier bedtime i think sleep is going to have to take precedence. chronic undersleeping -> illness.

tonight will jump more, will try ME jumps if the court is open and otherwise submax build-ups. and then upper lifting only.

*i.e., when doing a side lunge all the way down, like this:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2015, 09:18:01 pm
WEIGHT: ??? scale not working again
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder during OHP (?)
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little sluggish

- warm up

- DLRVJ build-ups @80-90% x 18 + SLRVJ x 2/leg

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 55s x 5,7
-- pull up +20 x 6,6
weak. left shoulder bugged during first set of OHP but not second. concentrated better on that one. pull ups felt very weak.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 29, 2015, 08:04:22 am
this morning:

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little bit
MENTAL STATE: sluggish

- shoot around, layups, DSVJ
very slow, legs dead. did not even attempt DLRVJ, would have been ugly. left shoulder bothering me a little bit, need to take it easy. it's so close to being healed. good that i forced myself up and to the gym even if this wasn't much of a workout. rhythm's gotta start somewhere.

- stretch

this evening:

ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder

- warm up

pretty bad, jumping with glasses instead of contacts always throws me a little.

- stretch legs/lats x 10 mins

- squat 195 x 20
very solid

- stretch quads
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2015, 08:13:32 pm
had more than usual but not a ton of alcohol last night, 6-7 drinks total, all beer. was absolutely crippled today. vomiting, weakness, headache well into the afternoon. took a nap this afternoon, which i basically never do. no booze tonight, lots of sleep, hope for hard workout tomorrow.

watched a track meet on TV after my nap. made me want to go run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2015, 04:15:48 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: ITB a bit tight on both sides

- warm up

- depth jump @16" x 4,4

- DLRVJ build ups x 3 (one, two, three, four-step)

- squat MSEM 285 x 6

- squat MEBM 230 x 16+4
had to rack the bar after 16 reps, rested about 30s and then did four more to get to 20. safety first.

- push ups x F (40)

- kroc row 80 x F (23/side)

- pull up x 7,5,5
to make up the different between kroc reps and push ups

- stretch

good workout, pushed myself a bit harder than usual which is something i should be doing more of. 40 pushups is almost definitely a PR.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2015, 06:21:58 pm
the tim in vermont one rep max calculator gives me an estimated max of 395 thanks to my 230x16 performance yesterday. this shows how useless those calculators are, at least at higher reps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: taco on February 02, 2015, 07:22:18 pm
the tim in vermont one rep max calculator gives me an estimated max of 395 thanks to my 230x16 performance yesterday. this shows how useless those calculators are, at least at higher reps.

squat MSEM 285 x 6


kroc row 80 x F (23/side)

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2015, 09:51:28 pm
SORENESS: hams, glutes, quads, lats, lower traps

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~12
trainer dude who pointed out that i was tilted on my squats asked if i wanted some advice after my first four-step jump, which was a horror show. soreness+tiredness+lack of focus=31". i said, no, and he kept smiling and kind of said, "really?" and i said, "really, but thanks for the offer." and then i jumped 33.5-34.5 the rest of the time with maybe one at 35. prick. i was mad at his smugness so i hung on the rim each jump. dumb. my shoulder is still not fully healed it's not that bad anymore.

- stretch

- DB swing 45 x 12; 50 x 10,10

- more stretching quads, hams and glutes

- squat 195 x 21
not good, lower back pump serious, endurance bad. harder than 230 yesterday in a way. i might drop the weight next week and do 185 or something.

- stretch

fuck that asshole. my squats aren't even that bad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on February 02, 2015, 10:08:13 pm
Yeah fuck him, the majority of people out there are trainers and the worst ones tend to be the "actual trainers"
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 02, 2015, 10:56:30 pm
SORENESS: hams, glutes, quads, lats, lower traps

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~12
trainer dude who pointed out that i was tilted on my squats asked if i wanted some advice after my first four-step jump, which was a horror show. soreness+tiredness+lack of focus=31". i said, no, and he kept smiling and kind of said, "really?" and i said, "really, but thanks for the offer." and then i jumped 33.5-34.5 the rest of the time with maybe one at 35. prick. i was mad at his smugness so i hung on the rim each jump. dumb. my shoulder is still not fully healed it's not that bad anymore.

- stretch

- DB swing 45 x 12; 50 x 10,10

- more stretching quads, hams and glutes

- squat 195 x 21
not good, lower back pump serious, endurance bad. harder than 230 yesterday in a way. i might drop the weight next week and do 185 or something.

- stretch

fuck that asshole. my squats aren't even that bad.

anger jumping ftw.


your squats are fine. smug smiles are for epic douchebags.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2015, 11:33:53 pm
the tim in vermont one rep max calculator gives me an estimated max of 395 thanks to my 230x16 performance yesterday. this shows how useless those calculators are, at least at higher reps.

squat MSEM 285 x 6


not sure what you're getting at there. 395 may be silly high for me but this set was a bunch of intentionally submax singles that i squatted as quickly and explosively as possible. i'm pretty sure i could squat 285 for at least 8 right now, maybe 10. which, incidentally, would give a still-too-high one rep max estimate of 380. i don't think i'd be good for much more than 330 at the moment.

kroc row 80 x F (23/side)


thanks. i wish my gym had heavier DBs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2015, 11:36:38 pm
Yeah fuck him, the majority of people out there are trainers and the worst ones tend to be the "actual trainers"

yep. this is also why i've stopped offering advice to people. more often than not, even if you have good advice and good intentions, if you offer it unsolicited they think you're an asshole. because giving unsolicited advice, free of any context, is for assholes.

anger jumping ftw.


your squats are fine. smug smiles are for epic douchebags.

lol i wish i hadn't been so sore. might have PR'd.  ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2015, 09:29:17 am
left shoulder is sore this morning. not painful in the way it was most of last year, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2015, 07:39:09 pm
was supposed to do jumping assistance stuff and upper lifting yesterday but was wiped out so i bagged it and cooked instead.

SORENESS: hams a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder achey
MENTAL STATE: good, frustrated

- warm up

- DRLVJ x 5,5,5 + 5 RL
submax, just practicing. court was supposed to be open but the gd website was wrong again. that hasn't happened too too much recently but very frustrating when it does.

- pogo x 10,10,10
focus on extending through the toes

- squat MSEM 305 x 3,3

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 55s x 6,6
-- pull up +20 x 7,6

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2015, 10:51:39 am
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder, left calf cramping like crazy since yesterday

- warm up

couldn't even touch rim off SVJ. shoulder was buggin, too. careful. did a few reps from one, two and three but it was ugly. unsteady, dead legs.

- stretch x 15 mins

- squat 185 x 20
harder than it should have been.

- stretch

was supposed to work out last night but ended up working until too late. on the plus side, i was wiped out when i got home so i went to bed really early and consequently got up really early. will continue to push my sleep schedule up in the coming weeks but i'm over any delusions that i can do top-end work in the morning. my body is just not ready, even if i'm well-rested and awake.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on February 07, 2015, 04:49:31 pm
- squat MEBM 230 x 16+4
had to rack the bar after 16 reps, rested about 30s and then did four more to get to 20. safety first.


20 reps with 2 plates, after already doing MESM...nice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 09, 2015, 10:00:45 pm
motivation very low today, had to drag myself to the gym. abandoning the stopwatch thing already, given that half the clicks i got today were 12-13 and half were 09.

ACHES/INJURIES: mid back a little

- warm up
on the stationary bike, felt harder than it should. i usually cruise around 15.8 "mph" at level 4 but what felt like my normal level of effort was only getting me to 15.2 or so tonight.

- DLRVJ build up x 1; four-step x 5,5,5
submax, walk-back rest between reps and about a minute between sets.

- superset x 3
-- DB swing 50 x 10
-- pogo x 10
pogos actually felt pretty good

- squat 275 x 2,2

- stretch

brain dead, did not feel like pushing squats but at least i got under the bar.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on February 10, 2015, 05:20:33 pm
I read "given that half the dicks i got today were 12-13 and half were 09"
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2015, 06:21:08 pm
I read "given that half the dicks i got today were 12-13 and half were 09"

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2015, 09:34:44 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little achy, more after end of workout

- warm up

- DB jump squat 25s x 5,5

- squat MSEM 285 x 6

- squat 205 x 20
too easy, not sure why i put this little weight on the bar. felt good though.

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 55s x 6
-- pull up +20 x 7,6

- stretch

there was literally no space in the whole facility for ME jumping, other than like the lobby which has tile floors and is full of people. the ceilings in the gym are too low, the aerobics studio had a yoga class, the racquetball and squash courts were all full. so did jump squats instead.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: taco on February 11, 2015, 03:34:06 pm
abandoning the stopwatch thing already, given that half the clicks i got today were 12-13 and half were 09.

why are you going to abandon the stopwatch cns test? i agree that it is a bit tedious, however it can give one some very valuable insight when looking through their progress. so with that said, perhaps you should reserve the test for special events in your training, ie: max/submax jumps, max/submax lifts, etc.

im sure you are doing this, but if not, another suggestion would be to average your click times.

nonetheless, keep up the good work! i hope to see some nice results soon now that you are following the advice from adarq.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2015, 09:45:04 pm
^^^ i don't think it was actually telling me anything that i didn't already know. when i feel good, i feel good, and when i feel slow i feel slow.

in other news, turns out being sick blows. low-grade fever and the lymph nodes in my neck are like golf balls. was going to get my heart rate up and do some stretching at the gym today but instead i went home early from work, lay in bed for two hours without going to sleep, and watched tv. hope i'm clear-ish by tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2015, 09:40:42 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: sick, all joints achey to some extent, knees especially; throat also swollen; head okay though
MENTAL STATE: see above, otherwise good

- shoot around, layups, drop steps x 40 mins
did a build-up, not putting full effort in, and on the four-step my knees were both like DID YOU FORGET THAT YOU ARE SICK, so i bagged that and just stuck to nothing more intense than layups and drop-steps and a few SLRVJ that were extremely uncoordinated

- stretch

debated whether to go to the gym, given that i am definitely still sick. ended up being a good call, i feel better for having gotten my HR up a bit and stretched.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 15, 2015, 02:45:18 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: sick but mostly over it; left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: see above, otherwise good

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a bunch
near-PR off one step (33+), dunked mini soccer ball with first four-step jump, all downhill after that.

about 45 minutes total, still not quite right health-wise but i think i'll feel normal tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 15, 2015, 11:58:36 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: sick but mostly over it; left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: see above, otherwise good

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a bunch
near-PR off one step (33+), dunked mini soccer ball with first four-step jump,


all downhill after that.

not nice!

about 45 minutes total, still not quite right health-wise but i think i'll feel normal tomorrow.

how'd it go down hill? is it related to being sick/health? curious

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2015, 12:06:03 pm
not sure what happened. CNS just seemed to pack it up and call it a day after those first 3-4 jumps. did not get above 32" the rest of the time and had a few jumps where i didn't even follow through because i was out of position or knew i wasn't gonna get up. sickness could surely have played a part. can't think of anything else, really, because i've been sleeping and eating fine and it wasn't early in the morning, when i usually struggle.

better luck today, i hope.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2015, 03:03:10 pm
FUCK FUCK FUCK  :raging:

SORENESS: abs (?)
ACHES/INJURIES: tweaked right ankle; head but not too bad; congested but mostly not sick anymore

- warm up
dude challenged me to one-on-one and i said okay. first possession, i went up for a short jumper and he got under me and i came down on his foot. rolled my right ankle, felt immediate stab. so mad, nobody's fault, just a dumb dumb dumb injury that i did not need to invite.

- DLRVJ x some
tried a few jumps, back ironed a bunch with the mini soccer ball. was not gonna get any higher and the right ankle was starting to announce itself a little although these were mostly pain-free. done out of frustration more than anything.

- circuit x 2
-- pull up x 10,8
-- leg extension x 10
-- leg curl x 10
-- dip x 10,8

- ISO hip thrust x 60s,60s

- BSS x 10R,10L
right ankle will not extend without pain, so couldn't do left-leg BSS. called it a day.

so fucking mad. this isn't serious, i walked home without pain and while my ankle feels tight and painful in plantar and dorsiflexion, i can balance on it with no problem. RICE time, and maybe a little while focusing on hip-hinge stuff rather than squats.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2015, 10:27:30 am
this morning: ankle stiff and sore, pain at outside of ROM in all directions. minor swelling. balance is a little off, wobbly with closed eyes and intra-foot autocorrections are mildly painful.

still, this could be worse.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2015, 08:54:36 pm
working around the ankle, day 1

ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle

- circuit x 4, exercises start every 30s; second exercise alternates
-- KB swing x 10
-- KB OHP x 5R; 5L; KB row x 5R; 5L

- circuit x 3
-- x-band walk x my hallway
-- band shoulder dislocate x 10
-- hip thrust @3s pause x 10
-- band pull-apart x 10

- KB swing x 100
broke into groups of 15-25 with short breaks

- stretch

my KB weighs 35 lbs.

also, being injured is not the time but once i'm healthy again i might actually try to manipulate my diet to [gasp!] add a bit of pure strength and [gasp!!!!!] actually try to lean out. i'm still below 12% bf per the mirror test but i'm not as lean as i could be. and i've been lazy about my diet. time to get deliberate for the first time in ages. soon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2015, 08:47:01 pm
working around the ankle, day 2

SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle

- KB swing x 200

- core circuit (mix of KB and ISO stuff) x 10 mins

- band shit

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2015, 04:37:18 pm
hamstrings sore but have gotten better over the course of the day.

have nearly full ROM back in dorsiflexion, plantar flexion still lacking especially +inversion.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2015, 03:16:07 pm
no significant exercise since last wednesday. laziness + low motivation + snowstorm on saturday that made it impossible to go anywhere. ankle is mostly better, probably 85%. still some swelling, although the difference between my ankles may partly be semi-permanent from the damage my six or so right ankle sprains have done. some discomfort in end-ROM at dorsiflexion+eversion and plantar flexion+inversion.

back on the horse tonight. i will do some light jumping assistance but nothing intense, light squatting to test the ankle, some p-chain stuff, and upper push/pull. and maybe KB or DB swings.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2015, 10:21:44 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle, left shoulder surprisingly bad during OHP

- warm up

- jump assistance x a bunch: MR half tucks, ankle hops, rudiment hops
ankle okay for the most part, some weird tightness in left (?) soleus, the sideways rudiment hops didn't feel great, and glutes felt a bit turned off, especially on the outside. felt like my knees were collapsing a little during first set of MR half tucks. did some ISO activation stuff and later sets were better. all very submax.

- squat 185 x 8,8
felt fine, yay. left side of low back announcing itself. not yay.

- superset x 3
-- DB RDL 80s x 10
-- DB OHP 40s x 10
-- pull up x 10,10(5+3+2)
left side of low back announcing itself again. must be cautious. pull ups very weak.

- stretch

could have been worse.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on February 23, 2015, 11:01:19 pm
I'm curious, do you wear a brace while hooping/jumping?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2015, 11:59:48 pm
I'm curious, do you wear a brace while hooping/jumping?

nope. there's not much strong evidence that braces have any injury prevention benefit.

EDIT: just started wading through pubmed there's some new literature (like within the last year or two) on this. will give it a look. but i'm pretty sure i'll stick to neuromuscular training for the foreseeable future.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 24, 2015, 09:18:04 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle a little

- warm up

- jump assistance, sprint drills x a bunch

- DLRVJ, SLRVJ x a bit
very submax, no power

- superset x 2
-- X-band walk x 20/each
-- SL hip thrust x 20
x-band walks were challenging, used a fair amount of tension and took big steps

- DB step up 25s x 10,10

- DB SLRDL 35s x 10,10/each

- band ab pull down x 20,20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2015, 10:33:38 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle a little, left shoulder a little but not bad, lower back and lower abs felt tight

- warm up

- DLRVJ build-ups x a bunch
very poor, no power, 32.5 tops off of two and three and could not get it together off four. did a few one-step RL that were around 30.

- SLRVJ x a bunch/each
surprised myself by getting over 30 on my first jump off left. spent the next 20 minutes trying to replicate that with intermittent success. went down from three steps to two and had more success, bunch of jumps in the 30-30.5 range. something must have clicked, which is weird because coordination on the DLRVJ was so bad.

- superset x 2
-- pause squat 205 x 5
-- SVJ no armswing x 5

then the gym closed. spent a long time jumping, which is good even though my jumping was garbage.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2015, 09:56:14 am
skiing on sunday was fun, although i was pretty rusty. definitely wiped out a couple times, definitely less comfortable at high speeds than i thought i'd be. guess my expectations were too high, given the gap since the last time i snapped on a pair of skis. still had a blast -- conditions were perfect and the mountain we were on, killington, is so big and such a well-oiled machine that even though there were a bajillion people there, we never waited more than 5-6 minutes for a lift and usually just a minute or two, and the slopes were not crowded.

soreness also less than i expected, which is great. my calves and soleuses (solei?) are a bit sore but not terribly. i fucked up my thumb a bit at some point, as well, but that's minor. and my ankle gave me no difficulty at all.

back in the saddle today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 03, 2015, 11:38:16 am
You should see the place i was ( Val d'Isère ). 340km of slopes served by 87 lifts ( including 2 trains ). Base lift was at 1850m, while the highest lift leaves you at 3450m ( a little over 11000ft ). The mountain was amazing, the lifts and slopes are spread very widely all over it. At some chair-lifts you had the impression you were crossing a snow desert, magnificent. I've been in the top European ski resorts, which were all amazing, but this one was something else.
Here is a nice interactive panorama from their site, you can understand the vastness of the area by switching between POVs and then trying to locate the previous one:

Anyway, adarq-org-skiers-skwad , assemble!!!!   :highfive:  :wowthatwasnutswtf:  :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2015, 12:28:58 pm
^^^jesus christ! there's nothing like that on the east coast. some of the western mountains might be in range but i've only ever skied in vermont and massachusetts. killington has something like 130km of trails and 22 lifts, about 1000m drop between summit and base.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2015, 09:37:07 pm
SORENESS: right tricep (?)
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle but only at extreme end ROM, inverted and plantar flexed; right thumb

- warm up

- SVJ x 5,5

- one-step RVJ x 5,5

- pogo x 10,10
focus on extending through toes

- squat 225 x 8,8
low back felt a little wonky before i started warm up sets and then was fine. AELS 4lyfe.

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 40s x 10
-- inverted row x 20

- DB SLRDL 50s x 10,10/each

- stretch

okay workout. very limited space-wise as all the courts were being used except the one that's mostly covered in gym mats. didn't have space for anything longer than a step.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 05, 2015, 11:11:32 am
federal government closed today so the gym is also closed.  :raging:

i will go for a run later and then do KB swings and band/bw stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 05, 2015, 04:53:43 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle but only at extreme end ROM, inverted and plantar flexed; right thumb

- jog x 21 mins
through snow, very slow going and i am NOT in running shape. still glad to fight through it, though.

- stretch

more later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on March 05, 2015, 08:23:12 pm
Did it look like this???


I'm going home to watch Rocky 4 now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on March 06, 2015, 04:53:43 pm
^^^jesus christ! there's nothing like that on the east coast. some of the western mountains might be in range but i've only ever skied in vermont and massachusetts. killington has something like 130km of trails and 22 lifts, about 1000m drop between summit and base.

Hey now I think thats about 4hrs or so from me, small world!  If I ever went skiing though I'd end up in a body cast

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2015, 05:41:19 pm
^^^jesus christ! there's nothing like that on the east coast. some of the western mountains might be in range but i've only ever skied in vermont and massachusetts. killington has something like 130km of trails and 22 lifts, about 1000m drop between summit and base.

Hey now I think thats about 4hrs or so from me, small world!  If I ever went skiing though I'd end up in a body cast

lol you definitely would have been the biggest guy on the mountain.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on March 06, 2015, 05:47:31 pm
I wouldnt doubt it lol, hopefully in 90 days I will be the size of a normalish person lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on March 07, 2015, 03:51:03 am
I'm curious, do you wear a brace while hooping/jumping?

nope. there's not much strong evidence that braces have any injury prevention benefit.

EDIT: just started wading through pubmed there's some new literature (like within the last year or two) on this. will give it a look. but i'm pretty sure i'll stick to neuromuscular training for the foreseeable future.

despite what the studies say, i've worn a brace for over 4 years now when playing competitive basketball and never sprained an ankle. i'm 99% sure i would have sprained one of them at least once without the braces. However, i do think it partly led to my messed up knees and it also takes away a degree of athleticism so they still kinda suck.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2015, 04:42:17 pm
SORENESS: quads (?)
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle but only at extreme end ROM, inverted and plantar flexed; right thumb; left shoulder
MENTAL STATE: good, a bit slow

- warm up

- DRLVJ & SLRVJ x some
back-ironed little dodgeball a couple times. not great.

- pogo x 8,15,15
focus on extension through feet

- squat MSEM 295 x 6
all very strong except fifth rep

- superset x 3
-- DB row 65 x 15/each
-- push up x 15

- decline sit up +18 x 10,10

- stretch

decent workout. so beginneth my beating myself into the ground for the next two weeks before i go camping in the southwest for 4-5 days at the end of march/beginning of april.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2015, 04:42:43 pm
Did it look like this???


I'm going home to watch Rocky 4 now.

lol yeah, that except blind because i couldn't see through the snow sticking to my glasses.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2015, 09:05:21 am
last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle but only at extreme end ROM, inverted and plantar flexed; right thumb; left shoulder

- KB swing 30/30 x 5

- X-band walks 30/30 x 3

- hip thrust x 20,20

- band pull-apart x 20,20

- some other stuff that i forget

- stretch

just to get the blood flowing and the glutes activated. bout 20 minutes start to finish.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2015, 10:02:49 pm
WEIGHT: 175.5
SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle but only at extreme end ROM, inverted and plantar flexed; right thumb

- warm up

- DLRVJ walk out @3/step; four-step x 3; couple of SLRDL/side
all submax by definition because no reach, but the four-step jumps felt bouncy. glute activation ftw.

- rudiment hops

- squat MSEM 315 x 3; paused 225 x 8
315 very solid and smooth

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 50s x 8
-- pull up x 8
-- assisted natural GHR x 8

- stretch

not a bad workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 10, 2015, 12:08:23 am
filing here for reference tomorrow:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 10, 2015, 12:54:25 am
WEIGHT: 175.5
SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle but only at extreme end ROM, inverted and plantar flexed; right thumb

- warm up

- DLRVJ walk out @3/step; four-step x 3; couple of SLRDL/side
all submax by definition because no reach, but the four-step jumps felt bouncy. glute activation ftw.

- rudiment hops

- squat MSEM 315 x 3; paused 225 x 8
315 very solid and smooth

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 50s x 8
-- pull up x 8
-- assisted natural GHR x 8

- stretch

not a bad workout.

ya looks like a nice w/o. good stuff with the MSEM.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 10, 2015, 09:14:47 pm
^^^ thanks

ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle but only at extreme end ROM, inverted and plantar flexed; right thumb

- jog x 1.5 miles
took it very easy, ~8 min/mile pace, not breathing hard by the end.

- stretch

- KB swing x 25

- hip thrust x 25

- X-band walk x 25
one rep is left then right. more like a shuffle, my room isn't that big.

new commitment: 50 KB swings per day, every day. i also did 25 this morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2015, 08:46:17 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle but only at extreme end ROM, inverted and plantar flexed; right thumb, left big toe

- warm up

- DLRVJ two- and three-step x a bunch

- MR half tuck x 20,20
bad at these, need to refocus on jump assistance for bionic lower legs, as adarq would have said back in the day

- squat MSEM 315 x 3
stretching during warm up sets

left it at that. will do some light conditioning and upper tomorrow. didn't make sense to do this today except that i've got a free weekend and so can try to go for max jumps on saturday in the late morning. i've found that three days after heavy squatting tends to be good jumping, so i went heavier and lower-volume today than i would have otherwise.

got my 50 KB swings in this morning before work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2015, 08:11:25 am
last night:

SORENESS: calves a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle but only at extreme end ROM, inverted and plantar flexed; right thumb, left big toe

- circuit x 22 mins
-- KB swing x 10
-- push up x 5
-- band pull apart x 5
lost track of how many rounds i did but it was a lot. still, this wasn't challenging enough. should have done 20 swings per round or something.

this morning:

KB swing x 50
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2015, 01:42:46 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle is >90%; right thumb also >90%

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a bunch
terrible, so disappointing. one or two acceptable jumps, dunked a mini ball one time. everything else was uncoordinated and slow. changed the rest of the workout, will try again tomorrow.

- band pull apart complex x 2

- stretch

- superset x 2
-- DB swing 50 x 10
-- x-band walk x 12/side
-- hip thrust @3s pause x 10

will go a bit later in the day tomorrow and try to get more pumped up than i could today.  >:(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 16, 2015, 12:25:05 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle is >90%; right thumb also >90%

- warm up
shot around, was hot, hitting everything.

- DLRVJ x a few
way better than yesterday, two in the 35-36 range. cut short because i was squeezing some time in between dodgeball and the 3-on-3 league.

- stretch + LTMP squat 175 x 25
nice, was winded at the end but i had that loose, light feeling afterward that adarq talks about in the LTMP article. felt good. 25 reps with bodyweight.

- pogo x 12,12

- DB OHP 55s x 8

- kroc row 80 x 21(R),19(L)

- superset x 2
-- DB curl 25s x 10
-- tricep kickback 25 x 10/each
-- DB shrug 60s x 20

- superset x 2
-- decline sit up +18 x 10
-- DB swing 35 x 25

- stretch

great workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 16, 2015, 10:29:07 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle is >90%; right thumb also >90%

- run x ~2.5 miles
kept it nice and easy. roommate came with. we were running hard enough that talking wasn't quite normal but not so hard that we couldn't talk. beautiful night.

- KB swing x 25,25

- stretch + shoulder dislocates

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 17, 2015, 09:47:51 pm
SORENESS: biceps
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle is near 100%; right thumb >90%
MENTAL STATE: very tired

- warm up

- SVJ x 3,3
no glute involvement in first set, did some bridges before second set.

- ME pogo x 15,15,15

- rudiment hops

- squat 275 x 3,3

wack, feel badly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on March 17, 2015, 10:09:17 pm
Man reading everyones journals about jumping, I miss it.  I cant wait to get back to a weight where i can jump without feeling like i have rosie o'donnell on my back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 24, 2015, 08:20:08 am
last wednesday and thursday:

ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle is near 100%; right thumb >90%

- worked out but forget what i did. first time that's ever happened except when i've been traveling.  :-[

weekend was a waste, did nothing friday-sunday except some running around on saturday. it was match day last weekend for all the people trying to get to residency, so i went to baltimore for celebrations and shit with my gf and her family on friday (hello, four more years at johns hopkins) and then we went "camping" with a bunch of her classmates up north of baltimore to celebrate. i hate not working out for three days, i feel fat (ridiculous, i know, but there it is) and slow and bad about myself and lack of discipline and commitment. emo talk.

last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle is near 100%; right thumb >90%
MENTAL STATE: tired and extremely low motivation, down on myself

- warm up

- paused SVJ w/ no arm swing x 3,3,3
surprisingly felt pretty explosive

- donkey ankle bounces x 15,15,15

- paused squat 225 x 5

- asst natural GHR x 10,10

whatever. going to do a ton of KB swings the next couple of days to make up for the ones i've missed. tonight will do MSEM squats and upper, tomorrow active rest (lots of KB swings and band stuff) and then thursday max jumping.

i go through phases with this and right now i'm in a phase of beating myself up and feeling weak and shitty. i'll get through it, just have to keep showing up. and get good sleep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 24, 2015, 09:34:44 pm
this morning:

- KB swing x 20,20,20

this evening:

ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle is near 100%; right thumb 80%

- warm up

- DB jump squat 30s x 4,4,4

- squat MSEM 315 x 3,3
first set good, second set bad. stupid trainer guy was right next to me with a client jabbering away and i could not freaking concentrate.

- superset x 4
-- push up x 15
-- pull up x 5
thumb does not support heavy DBs/BB, so OHP has been uncomfortable the last few times i've done it. annoying but i should switch to push ups for a while. this was not challenging.

- DB swing 35 x 20,20,20,20

- stretch

my youngest brother called after i was wrapping up the push/pull superset and so i forgot to do rudiment hops. the gym and all the normal side rooms i use for jumping and stuff when the court is full were in use, so jump squats it was. not as bad a workout as yesterday but not great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on March 25, 2015, 06:14:45 pm
Have you thought about thumbless grip for OHP or have you already been there?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2015, 07:28:29 pm
i use DBs because neutral grip is friendlier to my left shoulder, which i irritated with all the rim grabbing, so, no. not a bad thought otherwise, something to consider for dips and even light benching. hm.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on March 25, 2015, 07:31:10 pm
Ok makes sense. I use thumbless for OHP and tried to switch back a couple of weeks ago and found it really uncomfortable. I'm using a bar though and haven't tried with DBs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2015, 11:44:04 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle is near 100%; right thumb 80%

- KB swing x ~300
lost count after a while but somewhere around 300 total reps.

- some KB goblet squats

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 26, 2015, 09:29:11 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee (WTF GOD DAMN IT) right ankle is near 100%
MENTAL STATE: so fucking pissed

- warm up
right knee not okay

- DLRVJ walk out + a bunch at 2, 3 and 4 steps
horrible. right knee out of it, CNS so dead and slow. what. the hell. only explanation i can think of for the right knee is KB swings but that would be weird, it has so little knee action, but nothing else has changed in my habits. current mesocycle not working, need to revert to the one i laid out and be more disciplined.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: taco on March 26, 2015, 09:48:36 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee (WTF GOD DAMN IT) right ankle is near 100%
MENTAL STATE: so fucking pissed

- warm up
right knee not okay

- DLRVJ walk out + a bunch at 2, 3 and 4 steps
horrible. right knee out of it, CNS so dead and slow. what. the hell. only explanation i can think of for the right knee is KB swings but that would be weird, it has so little knee action, but nothing else has changed in my habits. current mesocycle not working, need to revert to the one i laid out and be more disciplined.

how long have you been on this current cycle? what's going on with the knee?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2015, 08:12:03 am
not that long, but i've been on the "directionless macrocycle" for a long time. need some direction.

no idea what's up with the knee, there's often some tiny discomfort in there but never anything like last night. it wasn't terrible, like i wasn't limping or anything, but it was definitely not allowing me to plant or project any power. fml.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2015, 08:32:49 am

omitted BSS


ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle and right thumb

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a bunch
clean dunk of mini ball on first jump, pretty inconsistent after that. one other jump 35+ maybe 36.

- squat 335 x 1; 350 x F; 225 x 10+3+3+3
just for funsies because i'm about to go on vacation and not squat for a while. i think i could have made 350 if i'd felt like struggling.

- paused dip x 10+3+3+3

- pull up x 5,5,5,4
so interesting how dependent these are on frequency

- stretch

- KB SL RDL x 5,5/leg

- stretch

off to vegas, grand canyon, escalante, and bryce for the rest of the week. back sunday night. so pumped.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2015, 12:22:37 pm
some nice DOMS from the 225 rest-pause set.

also, 335/175=1.91. so that's a near-2xbw squat that went up smoothly without having focused on improving squat for more than a year. good to know, will probably use that as training max if/when i ever do a strength block again.

also, it's getting warm out. time to start sprinting and bounding again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 31, 2015, 01:50:04 am

omitted BSS


ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle and right thumb

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a bunch
clean dunk of mini ball on first jump, pretty inconsistent after that. one other jump 35+ maybe 36.

- squat 335 x 1; 350 x F; 225 x 10+3+3+3
just for funsies because i'm about to go on vacation and not squat for a while. i think i could have made 350 if i'd felt like struggling.

- paused dip x 10+3+3+3

- pull up x 5,5,5,4
so interesting how dependent these are on frequency

- stretch

- KB SL RDL x 5,5/leg

- stretch

off to vegas, grand canyon, escalante, and bryce for the rest of the week. back sunday night. so pumped.


damn.. very nice session before your vacation.. your training has been up and down with lots of little weird injuries lately (ankle, knee, etc). Was worried when I saw the post about your knee.. glad to see you get in a session like this; good jumps and squat.

pc man, enjoy that vacation!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on March 31, 2015, 09:31:54 pm
Yeah, so...more info on the knee? Is it inflammation or structural? I guess it can't be too bad if you could jump and squat. Good training lately! I have been reading and following everyone's training even though haven't been posting much.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2015, 10:31:53 am
thanks guys. dunno what's up with the knee. it felt totally fine on my trip despite some moderately intense hiking, but this morning it's feeling a bit weird. not painful just...weird. i'll post a few pics later, the trip was amazing. the american southwest is pretty unreal. for the euro friends: if you're ever visiting the US for a decent-length trip, you get a LOT of bang for your buck flying to vegas and driving to the grand canyon, bryce, and zion national parks. i'd recommend escalante national monument and valley of fire state park really highly, as well. but GC, bryce and zion are just awe-inspiring.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2015, 12:37:35 am
no workout tonight because


did foam roll and stretch and do glute activation stuff during the game, though.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 07, 2015, 12:51:26 am
great game. excellent guard play for duke. that one kid (allen?) really stepped up and brought the intensity.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2015, 08:09:54 am
great game. excellent guard play for duke. that one kid (allen?) really stepped up and brought the intensity.

for real. apparently he's the best leaper on the team, too, 37.5" vert.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on April 07, 2015, 09:28:09 am

- pull up x 5,5,5,4
so interesting how dependent these are on frequency

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2015, 11:07:17 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle and right thumb - neither is really healed
MENTAL STATE: okay, a bit tired

- warm up

- attempted a few build-up DLRVJ but was horrible. to be expected after a week-plus off.

- DB jump squat 25s x 3,3,3

- squat 275 x 2,2,2,2,2

- superset x 3
-- pull up x 6
-- DB pistol +10 x 3

- superset x 2
-- push up x 12
-- donkey ankle bounce x 20

- stretch

took it easy, first workout back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2015, 08:55:35 am
last night:

worst workout in recent memory. thought i'd try the old priming method of doing some heavy squat singles (i did 315x1,1,1,1) before jumping. could not even touch rim off SVJ. horrible. jumped around for a while after and tried to salvage something from the session but my god.

 :huh: :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2015, 01:12:24 am
yesterday (saturday):

ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle and right thumb - neither is really healed

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a bunch, SLRVJ x a bunch
really good, 34-35 off DLRVJ which is not awesome, but felt powerful. couple of two-hand-ish grabs. SLRVJ was inconsistent but also pretty good, i hit 30.5 off L and 30 off R a few times each.

- DB jump squat 45s x 4; 25s x 4,4,4

- superset x 3
-- assisted natural GHR x 10
-- pull up x 7

- stretch

gonna drop squatting to once or maaayyybe twice per week for a while, see what happens. weight work for legs will be jump squats, unilateral shit, and p-chain shit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on April 13, 2015, 01:51:59 am
If you don't mind me asking, what are your vertical jump numbers? Starting numbers and now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2015, 09:04:08 am
numbers are in the first post of my log, like everyone else's are (or should be). anyway, here they are

starting --> now

SVJ (CMJ, same thing): 27 --> 31.5 or maybe 32
DLRVJ: 30 --> 36
SLRVJ ??? (low) --> 31
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2015, 11:17:30 pm
SORENESS: tib anterior
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle and right thumb - neither is really healed
MENTAL STATE: very tired

- warm up

- more warm up

- lots of warm up

- really i was just trying to get my heart rate up a bit and get mobile

- a-skips and b-skips

- superset x 4
-- dip x 10
-- pogo x 10,10,10,0

- something else that i forget

- shoot around x 15 minutes
stroke was on, i am so inconsistent day-to-day but when i put it together i can shoot pretty well.

- stretch

legs dead, body dead. worked until 1:30 last night and then started working again at 7:30. lame but it's okay, sleep now and then better luck tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2015, 08:40:42 am
last night:

WEIGHT: 173.5
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle and right thumb - neither is really healed
MENTAL STATE: a little tired

- warm up

- SVJ x 3,3,3,3; SL SVJ x 3/leg
no pop, very sluggish. tried a couple DSVJ but they were rough.

- DB jump squat 25s x 4,4,4

- squat 295 x 2; 305 x 2,2
harder than it should have been

- kroc row 80 x 10+8+6

- stretch

slow and weak, weak and slow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on April 16, 2015, 09:11:09 pm
Did you end up testing your standing verts on both legs btw?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2015, 11:22:39 am
not testing because i didn't have anything to reach for but i did a few on tuesday. pretty sure neither was as high as 19" though. R much higher than L.

last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, wtf, second thursday in a row
MENTAL STATE: a little tired

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 25 minutes
horrible. just horrible. legs felt filled with cement, right knee hurt.

- made a pass at some upper body shit but i was just dead. wtf. on the plus side i did a TTB with no protest from my shoulder.

- stretch




Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on April 17, 2015, 03:47:38 pm
I have this device called Vert that accurately measures vertical jump. It is as accurate as my Nike+ shoes and normally overestimates my vertical by an inch. I also have the Myotest Pro device, but it isn't very accurate. This is how I measure my single leg standing jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on April 17, 2015, 11:08:05 pm
What do you usually do to warm-up for a jumping session?
I've been finding a lot of mixed opinions on what a good warm-up is. The only thing I'm really sure of is that pre-workout static stretches are bad unless they are immediately followed by dynamic stretches.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2015, 10:41:41 pm
@Final Phenom Couple of minutes of jump shots and dribbling and then once I'm a bit warm I switch to layups. Continuous effort (i.e. make a shot, immediately either dribble out for a layup from the other side, repeat), get my heart rate up, breathing a bit heavily, light sweat. Then I do light forward and backward skipping with arm swings, torso rotations, and leg swings. That's it.


ACHES/INJURIES: right knee but only after about 30 mins

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~30 mins
not great but not bad. got one easy dunk with the little dodgeball and then switched to the big dodgeball and couldn't get anything to go down. lots of back iron, a fair bit of awkward stuff where the jump didn't get together.

then my mom called and i had to go. brother has been very sick and she just got back into town from visiting him so it seemed more important to go check in with her. gonna do some KB swings, band shit, and stretching and foam rollering now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2015, 09:05:42 pm

- warm up

- SVJ x 4

- depth jump x 3
stopped, right knee pain clearly exacerbated by the jumps. not productive. need to figure out what's going on there. at least i know it's not psychosomatic with me subconsciously sabotaging myself on days when i'm geared up to jump max.

- superset x 3
-- pull up x 7
-- dip x 10

- DB SLRDL 50s x 10,10
was planning to squat but knee not interested.

- stretch

wack workout, better than nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on April 22, 2015, 07:29:16 pm
What's the deal with the knee pain?

Have any ideas what it is?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2015, 10:27:35 pm
i think it's chrondomalacia patella, but really all that means is "the cartillage behind the patella hurts because something is wrong." anyway gonna focus on quad activation and just hope it passes like most of the aches and pains i've had over the years. meantime i will soldier on.

SORENESS: hamstrings and glutes a little
ACHES/INJURIES: intestines (something i ate for lunch i think); ankle and thumb not fully healed; right knee fine today

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a few
very unexplosive, clearly affected by soreness and gut business

- squat 295 x 3,3,3

- superset x 3
-- assisted natural GHR x 10
-- inverted row x 10,10,21(F)
-- pistol +10 x 5; +7.5 x 5,5
-- dip x 10
reducing weight on pistols makes them harder

- stretch

not a horrible workout given the intestinal distress. no diarrhea or nausea, just feel wack.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on April 23, 2015, 08:56:55 am
Looks like it hurts from overuse, the mayo clinic website says that cartilage acts as a shock absorber.  I wouldnt be surprised if thats what i had back in HS and with time of not doing all of my jumping and what not it passed, also strengthening my legs helped out a ton as well
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2015, 10:26:32 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: ankle and thumb not fully healed; right knee a little irksome today but only PWO

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a bunch
good not great, couple of dunks with the small dodgeball, couple rimmed out with the big dodgeball, got owned a couple of times with the big dodgeball.

- depth jump @22" x 4,4
second set better than first, focus on height not GCT

- superset x 3
-- dip x 10,10,12
-- pull up x 7

- superset x 2
-- pallof press 90 x 10
-- DB curl 25s x 10
-- tricep pressdown 110 x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2015, 12:04:53 pm
last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: ankle and thumb not fully healed

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 2
couldn't do more because game was about to start but i got up pretty good on the second jump. one of the dudes warming up said, "oh, so you're just trying to make us feel bad, huh?"  ;D

- squat 300 x 3,3
super strong first set. felt awesome.

- SVJ x 3,3

- rudiment hops

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 30, 2015, 07:58:09 am
last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: ankle and thumb not fully healed
MENTAL STATE: enervated

- warm up

- DLRVJ x some
very bad, did a bunch of submax for technique, tried adding extra steps to see how that felt.

- superset x 2
-- DB jump squat 25s x 4
-- SVJ x 4

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2015, 09:39:48 am
last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: ankle and thumb not fully healed

- warm up
did some more jumping rope than usual, felt good. i need a new rope, the one i have is way too heavy. used one of the lighter ones in the gym and it was so much better.

- DB jump squat 45s x 2,2

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 35s x 10
-- inverted row x 10

- stretch arms

- DLRVJ x a bunch
not good, but kept at it, jumped for around 30 mins all told.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on May 01, 2015, 05:26:39 pm
During my crossfit days I bought one off of amazon that they use for the games, the super thin ones and I liked it a lot.  Mine was like 8 bucks i think, adjustable and held up pretty well
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2015, 10:38:26 pm
yeah i just need to go back to cheapo ones. i bought one with ball bearings and shit and it's so dumb, doesn't turn faster and it's heavy.

anyway, yesterday:

ACHES/INJURIES: ankle and thumb not fully healed

- warm up

- DRLVJ x a bunch
first full jump was excellent, close to 36. rest uneven, overthinking. some other good jumps, and some where my takeoff was all wrong and i ended up under the hoop. i need to relax especially on days when i'm jumping well. a big first jump gets me psyched and thinking "PR!!!" and then i tighten up and shit gets weird.

- DB jump squat 25s x 4,4,4

- superset x 2
-- pull up x 5
-- assisted natural GHR x 10
-- dip x 10
-- pull up x 5
let my hamstrings do more of the talking on the GHRs. felt strong.

- stretch

ended up drinking a lot of wine and scotch last night and have been hung over most of the day today. in my defense, it was really good wine and really good scotch. and good company. my friend just bought a place that has a balcony and he grilled up steaks and veggies and we feasted. also drank. no booze for a little while, gotta clean out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 04, 2015, 08:46:28 pm
meant to go to the gym tonight but worked until late (just getting home now at 8:45 PM) and have felt crappy most of the day. coordination is also off, like i'm dropping hangers and my shoe brush and stuff. will do SMR/stretching/band stuff but no workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2015, 09:38:20 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: ankle and thumb not fully healed
MENTAL STATE: started okay and went downhill

- warm up

- DRLVJ x some
hit 33" off one step, which is a really good jump for me. thought it was going to be a great day; that's usually a good sign. nope. never got over 34 off full run-up. fucking pissed. not sure what's wrong.

- squat 275 x 2
- SVJ x 2

- inverted row x 10

- DB OHP 45s x 5

feeling very down and discouraged. i haven't been disciplined enough about going to the gym it feels like in a long time. i haven't jumped well in what feels like a long time. i am patently spinning my wheels again.

also, in what may be related, my dad went to the hospital this morning because his heart was beating very fast and irregularly in the middle of the night. they admitted him right away and he's spending the night there so they can do tests and whatnot. i went up to see him in the afternoon and he seems totally fine -- he is pretty much fine, what he's got isn't life-threatening -- but it's scary nevertheless. disorienting to see my dad in a hospital gown.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on May 06, 2015, 11:38:37 am
Sorry to hear about your dad LBSS

Maybe its time to experiment with another training regime to get your motivation back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2015, 09:52:55 pm
yeah i do need to figure out what i can be progressing on, because progress on jumps is too slow and fitful to really track week to week. or i'm too dumb to figure out how to make a program that gets me progressively overloading and peaking for jumps.

dad home from hospital, all's fine. he's got some new medicine but otherwise seems to just have been a freak thing.

ACHES/INJURIES: left hip a little sticky

- warm up

- DRLVJ x a few
pretty terrible, not worth doing ME jumps if height is so bad.

- MR half tuck x 19,18; SL MR half tuck x 20/leg

- squat 265 x 5,5,5
yeesh, all over the place and harder than it should have been. last four reps were good though.

- pull up x 10+3+3+3+1

- DB OHP 40s x 10+3+3+3

- stretch

feel better than yesterday.

thoughts about what i should be focusing on for the next little while? i'm not going to give up jumping whenever i can but like i said, it's hard for me to progress on predictably and that gets discouraging.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 07, 2015, 05:51:47 am
What about broad jumps? You can measure them and put a cone and try to beat it. They're single response so you can focus on them maximally. Same with SVJ.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on May 07, 2015, 08:49:47 am
Maybe put your focus on getting your skwaats up with a ME/DE type of split, cut back on the jumping volume a bit and slowly add more and more in as your squats go up.  Also Olympic lifts could be a nice change
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on May 09, 2015, 07:04:58 am
yeah i do need to figure out what i can be progressing on, because progress on jumps is too slow and fitful to really track week to week. or i'm too dumb to figure out how to make a program that gets me progressively overloading and peaking for jumps.

It doesn't have to be complicated. You could do something like this:

4 sessions/week --> can be two court/two gym split if no track

3 week blocks --> 12 sessions/block

1 rest week with max testing of DLRVJ, squats, broad jump, 60m, SVJs etc.


Session #1: max jumps practice and technique work/~1hr

5 mins row - aim for ~8-900m // 5-6 slow laps of court

active warmup drills - 1 rep is one length of court

"tippling" - very slow trot, shake arms and legs out and get loose

alternating butt kick

continuous butt-kick

alternating leg extension (swing the alternating leg through and extend in front, feel the glutes and hips engage as you do so)

continuous leg extension (powerful leg drive)

run backwards

straight-leg bounds

cross-overs/karaoke/zorba/grapevine whatever, do it twice facing the same direction up and back to hit both sides

stretch out

specific warm-up before jumps:

dynamic leg swings:


3x10-12 pogos

the 'DLRVJ eccentric drill' (i made it up just then): simulate the eccentric phase of the DLRVJ, not actually jumping but just taking a few steps then exploding into the eccentric phase, deep squat position with arms back and rotated ready to jump, then reset, repeat 9-10 times up the court

Work sets: 6 SVJs // 10/8/6 DLRVJs (week 1/2/3 respectively)


Session#2: power session in the gym/~1.5hrs

5 mins hard row, aim for 1000m

stretch out/roll/whatever

gym warmup: just do some light BW stuff (chins, dips, unweighted BSS, light KB swings)

First main exercise: either 6/5/4 sets of 5 hard KB swings @heavy, with a max effort squat jump (not CMJ) in-between each rep after 30s-1min rest OR 6/5/4 power cleans @ heavy with the jump in-between as above

Second main exercise: squats

Week 1: broad rep scheme - 7/5/3/5/7@ appropriate weight

Week 2: narrow rep scheme - 5/3/2/3/5 @ " "
Week 3: MSEM or just 3/2/1/2/1 @ " "

In-between: five assistance exercises, choose from these or whichever ones you think are better:

- hamstring layouts aka SL glute bridge raises with leg elevated on bench x 25/leg

- SL or straight-leg DLs with 20kgs

- hyperextensions/GHR

- BSS - light weight but really step out and work the glutes, take away the quad involvement

- crunches x 50

- incline situps x 30

- window washers x 20-30

- med ball twists @5-8kgs, 15/side for 30 total

UB: 3x10 bench@ whatever, inbetween sets: chins x F, pulls x F, lat pulldown

finish with some shoulder work - banded scapula pulls are good to prevent shoulder pain. Do it with a big smile on your face like this chick:


Session#3: on-court plyometrics OR track

Warmup: same as S1

Track: 3-4 broad jumps // 3x5 consecutive DL bounds // 3x10 SL bounds// 6/5/4 30m explosive sprints

Court: 6/5/4x1min hard skipping // 3x5 consecutive DL bounds // 6-8 submax rim touches focusing on technique

Cool-down: you can do unweighted BW stuff/core etc. depending where you are. You can really improvise here but the aim is relatively low-intensity repetition of the power-based movements for technique and to 'grease the RFD groove' (I think I'm stealing that phrase from someone but can't remember who).

Session#4: exactly the same as S3, if you can move the weight up, do it

Splits could be Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri with weekends rest/recover/light activity or whatever...I'd have a day of rest between the gym and jump session.

So you basically drop the reps and increase the weight over the three weeks on the big exercises, with assistance work focusing on RFD and p-chain stuff. Of course, adjust the reps if needed, I'm just guessing based on your recent stuff. I'd suggest 3 ham and 2 core on the gym days. Then after the three weeks is up, you can decide how and when to test your measurables. Then repeat with heavier weight/higher jumps hopefully! Until you really crash, then you might want to ease off for a few months and build some base again.

Also, what's your weight atm? Lately it's always "???" lol. BW might be something to look at when you're getting close, nothing crazy, just trim down 1-2kgs could make a big difference. You really are close though, getting a 36'' most days is great. Let's do it man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on May 09, 2015, 04:15:26 pm
Session 1 warmups looks amazingly like my mine for leg days and hoops. :) very quick and effective!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2015, 10:26:23 pm
thanks chris. i think i'm okay at warming up by now but otherwise that actually looks pretty interesting. i think i'll do something along those lines, with secondary goals of lowering sprint times and increasing squatting weight. may add some tempo to the track day, as well. one problem is that i'm never quite sure when the court will be free. the last couple of weeks it's been free almost every night but i don't know how long that'll last. a bit hard to plan for.

Day 1 - max effort jumps; jumping assistance; upper
Day 2 - heavy swing + squat jump; squat ladders; squat assistance
Day 3 - bounds; sprints; tempo
Day 4 - submax jumps; jumping assistance

monday - tuesday/wednesday - thursday - saturday/sunday

also i haven't weighed myself in a while but if i've changed more than 1 pound from the last time i weighed myself i'll eat a lemon.



- warm up
had the stroke at the baltimore gym, could not miss. impressed the ten-year-old who was shooting around on the other rim, haha

- depth jumps @18" x 4,4,4

- ????
i forget, something else for legs

- DB row 95 x 10+3+3+3+3

- DB OHP 40 x 10+3+3+3+3

- stretch


ACHES/INJURIES: none to speak of; right ankle was bothering me on saturday but is okay today
MENTAL STATE: low motivation but otherwise okay, kind of weird

- warm up
took extra time getting warm, the gym was freezing at first

- DLRVJ x a bunch
hit 33 off of one step and then tanked again. never got higher than that. almost all approaches were off two steps because i just couldn't get up. something off again. switched to submax approaches and just worked

- MR half tuck x 27,24,27

- DLRVJ x a couple more submax
off two steps and then off four without the jump, just stopping in the jump position

- squat MSEM 315 x 5
fourth rep was weird, glutes felt turned off. all others solid.

gym closed so i had to dip.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on May 12, 2015, 09:51:59 pm
thanks chris. i think i'm okay at warming up by now but otherwise that actually looks pretty interesting. i think i'll do something along those lines, with secondary goals of lowering sprint times and increasing squatting weight. may add some tempo to the track day, as well. one problem is that i'm never quite sure when the court will be free. the last couple of weeks it's been free almost every night but i don't know how long that'll last. a bit hard to plan for.

Day 1 - max effort jumps; jumping assistance; upper
Day 2 - heavy swing + squat jump; squat ladders; squat assistance
Day 3 - bounds; sprints; tempo
Day 4 - submax jumps; jumping assistance

monday - tuesday/wednesday - thursday - saturday/sunday

also i haven't weighed myself in a while but if i've changed more than 1 pound from the last time i weighed myself i'll eat a lemon.

Not sure if @me or @Chris...anyway, that sounds good, just a bit of a change in stimuli at the very least. I think it's a good setup to experiment with. And yes, my kingdom for a indoor court that's more free than not. The gym down the road from me has a basketball court but it's booked 95% of the time for every form of non-basketball exercise you could imagine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 13, 2015, 10:01:03 am
adarq if you're still in here, thoughts about that set-up? my only worry now is that it's kind of neither fish nor fowl, i.e. i'm still trying to do a little of everything.

considering LTMP squats on Day 4, for potentiation purposes. airborn's recent comment about them reminded me that they can feel great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 13, 2015, 10:16:34 am
Coges's journal reminded me that I'm slacking on my Feldenkrais practice. Gotta get that in a couple times a week. Feet, ankles, hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and neck could all benefit.

written lessons:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 13, 2015, 09:43:15 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: lower traps a little spazzy but not too bad

- warm up

- DRLVJ x ~10 (ME); x ~10 submax
good, dunked dodgeball on first attempt and rimmed out a bunch of others. 34-35+ on all jumps.

- superset x 3
-- DB swing 80 x 5
-- paused squat jump

- DB OHP 45s x 10+3+3+1

- pull up x 10+3+3+1

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2015, 09:09:37 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee pulling weirdly during tempo, see below

- warm up
jog to track, bit more than half-mile

- broad jump x 3
best <9'  :-[

- DL bound x 4,4,4
first and third right at 36', second well short  :-X

- tempo sprint x 200,200
walk 200 rest. something in my right knee started pulling at itself right away so i stopped prematurely. meant to do 4-5 reps but it felt wrong. similar feeling to what i had every few workouts last year. the discomfort comes on the recovery of my right leg, i.e. as my knee coming from behind up in front of me. vexing. need to investigate.

- stretch

my engine is weak. doing some track work and easy jogging can only be good if i can get the knee thing figured out.

not so worried about the broad jump and DL bounds, those will improve quickly as i haven't done them in eight months. at least i was getting farther per jump on the bounds than on the single jump.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 17, 2015, 10:29:20 pm
very annoyed that i did not get to the gym today. was gf's fault, was too pissed to actually talk to her about it today because it would have just been a pointless fight. will deal later in the week. anyway did 7dvjc and stretched tonight so as not to end the weekend with nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 17, 2015, 11:03:22 pm
doing something >>>>>>>>>>>> doing nothing
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 18, 2015, 10:21:06 am
doing something >>>>>>>>>>>> doing nothing

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 18, 2015, 10:09:16 pm
MENTAL STATE: okay to good

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~20
about 13-14 of these were ME. mixed in a few submax jumps focusing on relaxation. overall not great, best maybe 35 and most under that.

- ME pogo x 10,10,10

- MR half tuck x 30,30

- DB OHP 45s x 10+3+3+3
go to 50s next time. hurts wrists a little but thumb is okay.

- pull up x 10+3+3+2+1
weak, this was hard.

- stretch

okay work out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 19, 2015, 10:03:12 pm

- warm up

- superset x 3
-- DB swing 60 x 8
-- paused squat jump x 2

- squat 250 x 7,5,3,5,7

- ab pull down x 10,10
- TTB x a couple
- windshield wipers x 10
so psyched that my shoulder is healthy enough for windshield wipers

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on May 20, 2015, 01:00:41 am
Coges's journal reminded me that I'm slacking on my Feldenkrais practice. Gotta get that in a couple times a week. Feet, ankles, hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and neck could all benefit.

written lessons:

nice link
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2015, 03:10:39 pm
yesterday morning

SORENESS: hamstrings

- jog x 20 mins

- stretch

just to get the juices flowing a little. no time for a real workout as my GF graduated from med school yesterday and it was just one event after another.

this morning hamstrings cramped up while i was having sex with my GF. lol  :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on May 22, 2015, 04:55:21 pm
Gotta push through that shit man!!!! I usually switch up positions when I feel a cramp coming lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2015, 09:28:39 pm
Gotta push through that shit man!!!! I usually switch up positions when I feel a cramp coming lol

oh don't worry, i pushed through. i just thought it was funny.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 23, 2015, 08:09:49 pm
SORENESS: left hamstring a little

- warm up

- DLRVJ submax x ~20
did in groups of 2-3. kept submax by (mostly) not reaching, just trying to get my nose above the bottom of the net.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2015, 04:03:21 pm

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~8
not great, not terrible for first 5-6 jumps. then set up camera and everything went to shit. had two bad/awkward approaches and CNS shut down. tried to get it back up with drop steps but i might as well have been drunk. fuck.

- pogo x 12,12,12

- SL pogo x 8,8/leg

- DB OHP 50s x 7+3+1

- pull up x 10+3+3+1

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 25, 2015, 03:20:53 pm

- warm up

- superset x 15-20 mins
-- layup alternating sides x 4-8
-- free throw x 3 makes

- DLRVJ x ~12
not bad considering this is the third day in a row i've jumped and i'd just done the above. 34ish

- superset x 3
-- DB swing 70 x 8
-- paused squat jump x 3

- superset x 3
-- push up x 15
-- ab pull down 100 x 12
-- inverted row x 15,15,10+5
-- windshield wiper x 3

- stretch

great, great workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2015, 11:33:40 pm
gf and i broke up just now, i think. taking one-month break until checking in. pretty fucked up about it.

ETA: can't say i didn't sort of see it coming, i think we were headed this way for a while. and it's probably for the best in the medium term. but it still sucks a whoooole lot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 27, 2015, 01:05:47 am
Sorry to hear that mate. Shit news.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on May 27, 2015, 08:44:20 am
Sucks man...not a fan of 'breaks' :/ You're either down or not in my book.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2015, 10:55:52 am
Sucks man...not a fan of 'breaks' :/ You're either down or not in my book.

yeah it's not a break in our relationship, just a break in communication to give ourselves time to adjust to being away from each other. i don't think either of us wants to never speak to the other again, we still love each other, it's just that we want/need different things right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 27, 2015, 02:34:24 pm
This... depresses me even more. Like that was possible!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2015, 04:31:33 pm
Sorry bud.  :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2015, 07:54:43 pm
i'm grieving, man. not depressed, but sad. i feel loss in a way that i did not anticipate and that i can't remember feeling before, although this isn't the first time i've ended a long-term relationship it's definitely the end of my longest and most intimate one. this sucks. i'm sure it will fade, i hope it fades, but right now it just sucks so much.

off to the gym, let's see how it goes.


MENTAL STATE: unprecedentedly shitty, CNS dead

- warm up
tons of layups and drop steps as usual but i couldn't even do full-speed layups. so slow.

- squat 285 x 5,3,1,3,5

- stretch

pretty much all i could muster tonight. no motivation at all.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 28, 2015, 06:09:48 am
To me... when I think about my situation and I read about yours here... I can't stop thinking "how amazingly powerful the human brain is, and the CNS per total".

Just a few miligrams of neurotransmitters X and Y and hormone Z alters your entire perception and behavior and grasp on things in such a substantial way...

Also, how powerful this personal bonding thing is... but I tell you what: if you were dumb or really careless, you would suffer no such things as these.

The ability to suffer in this way just proves to you and everybody else what kind of person you really are in your kernel, in my opinion. Maybe it will make a positive difference at the right moment.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on May 28, 2015, 06:27:17 am
That sucks LBSS. Sorry.

You prob know this already but it's normal to have bad training when something like this happens. There was that study not too long ago that showed ppl suffering serious emotional setbacks show the same sort of symptoms as those who've suffered physical trauma eg in an accident. I dont remember the details or even pretend to understand them though.

Raptor why are you comparing your situations bro, he was in an actual relationship not some made up infatuation thing. His situation is different from yours, mainly because yours is completely self created and sustained.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: MattA on May 28, 2015, 09:19:49 am
Exactly, totally different :uhhhfacepalm:. Sorry for your situation man. My suggestion: Tinder
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 28, 2015, 12:08:10 pm
today in unexpected consequences of grief: my appetite has gone down. i've made myself the same breakfast 5-7 days a week* for probably 4 years: a smoothie made from frozen strawberries and blueberries, two scoops of WPC, a spoonful of peanut butter (used to use yogurt but i like PB better), water, and a banana. it's a great breakfast. this morning, for the first time that i can remember, i couldn't finish it. i tried, it tasted good, but i was just plain full and i poured about 1/3 of it down the drain.

MattA, i admit to having had the thought, "well, i guess i can finally find out what online dating and tinder and stuff is like." but honestly (1) my libido is nonexistent right now, i'm not sure i could get it up even if i found myself in an insane porno scenario where a hot woman was basically forcing herself on me,** and (2) it's way too soon, the very thought makes me feel sick. i'm still stuck on the fact that i won't see her or do the things i was hoping to do with her this weekend. in time, i guess.

*except when i'm on the road, obviously
**it's funny because while we were together i would fantasize about other women all the time -- an old colleague who is literally my physical archetype for hotness, that one hot bartender at that bar, whoever -- and all of that is gone right now. i literally can barely think about sex.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 28, 2015, 12:19:55 pm
also, in fairness to raptor, my guess from over here on the other side of the internet is that he's clinically depressed. that shit sucks and is real. so while it's hard to read about this woman-idea that he fantasizes about and pines for, i also can't judge him for the way he's feeling.

in comparison, i am merely grieving and very sad. there is a gigantic, gaping chasm between that and true depression.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 28, 2015, 01:31:19 pm
Well I deactivated my facebook account and just stayed in bed in the last few days. I can't do anything. I can't even watch an NBA game. I pause in the 2nd quarter or so and just sit there doing nothing.

The last thing you should expect from me is logical thinking. I was supposed to learn Java in a course and that is light years away from where I'm at now mentally. 8 months of every day burning and crying is Hell on Earth to put it mildly.

Anyway, topic hijack /off
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 28, 2015, 02:21:41 pm
Raptor why are you comparing your situations bro, he was in an actual relationship not some made up infatuation thing. His situation is different from yours, mainly because yours is completely self created and sustained.

Who the fuck said anything about "comparing my situation to his"?

And why are you commenting on my situation like you know everything about it? You don't know jack shit, nobody here does except a few things I've said about it. Trust me, you don't. And even if you did, I don't care what your opinion is. Even if I have 0.1% chances of being with her, I will take them.

But no, I wasn't comparing his situation to mine's and no, you don't know my situation.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 28, 2015, 02:59:51 pm
raptor, the way you describe yourself makes you sound depressed. if you're not, that's great! i obviously don't know.

and yeah it was clear that you weren't comparing your situation to mine. i think it's just an accident of timing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 28, 2015, 03:17:12 pm
I obviously am VERY depressed. Depressed as in borderline crazy.

Stayed away from computers and any kind of "social activity" (including talking to her) this week. I'm just completely exhausted.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2015, 04:45:39 pm

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~15
a couple of early ones very good, >35 and one maybe 36. then okay. stopped once i had two below 34 in a row.

- jump rope 30/30 x 20; double unders 10 on the half-minute x 8

- superset x 2
-- X-band walk x 10/each way
-- SL hip thrust x 20

- DB OHP 50s x 8+3+2+1

- pull up x 8+3+3+3+3

- ab pull down 100 x 20,20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2015, 08:14:27 pm
Finally got my shit together and just submitted my first application for an overseas job. This one happens to be in Jakarta. I'm not super well-qualified on paper (although I do think I'd do well if I got it, and it's a cool-sounding job) so I don't have my hopes too high but it's good to just get the ball rolling on something that I've been dreaming about and talking about since I was a teenager. That wanderlust and need to work abroad before I settle down is what drove a wedge between my now-ex and I. She is firmly planted and I just can't be yet. Anyway, we'll see what happens.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 01, 2015, 08:49:05 pm
ETA: forgot i played tennis on sunday. don't think it had anything to do with why i was so dead last night, though.

anyway, sunday:


- tennis x ~75 mins
rusty but not catastrophically so. got up a good sweat, was huffing a bit on some long rallies. my dad may not be too quick anymore (makes sense at 64) but he can yank me around the court if he gets into a rhythm.

- stretch

then 6/1:

SORENESS: right forearm

- warm up

lol no. this was not happening today. could barely touch the rim off SVJ, legs felt like lead, so tired.

- depth jumps @18" x 4,4

- rudiment hops

fuck it. terrible workout. i slept badly last night but that's not enough to explain the shittiness. oh well. better luck tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on June 02, 2015, 05:21:14 am

yeah it's not a break in our relationship, just a break in communication to give ourselves time to adjust to being away from each other. i don't think either of us wants to never speak to the other again, we still love each other, it's just that we want/need different things right now.

i know this feel. like totally.
Especially when one is at the age when peers start getting hitched and stuff, so it will take a strong girl to not be affected by whatever she sees.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2015, 09:49:59 pm
SORENESS: right forearm

- warm up

- superset x 3
-- DB swing 70 x 8
-- paused SVJ x 3

- squat 295 x 3,2,1,2,3
surprisingly strong and fast.

- stretch

CNS still feeling dead, motivation kind of low but not as bad as last night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 05, 2015, 12:27:36 am
last night did a 30-minute feldenkrais session. something about linking pelvis and neck. not the greatest. gonna keep trying 'em out though.


ACHES/INJURIES: left hamstring a little, near my butt

- warm up

- MB OH throw 20 x 5,5,5

- bunch of crap, legs dead, missing layups all over the place, hamstring felt weird, decided it wasn't worth trying ME jumps. today was supposed to be conditioning and i got a little of that but weak.

- superset x 5
-- dips x 10
-- inverted row x 10

- stretch

another crappy workout. yay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 06, 2015, 08:33:55 pm
SORENESS: lower traps a little
MENTAL STATE: frustrated

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a couple
crap SVJ, barely 30, then good off one step (33), meh off two (~33.5), crap off three (33-34) and i stuck at three for most of the time. did a couple of full run-ups but they suuuuucked. my head hurt.

- DB jump squat 35s x 3,3,3

- ME pogo x 8,8,8

- stretch

just so bad. my problem is this: i have no progressive overloading in my program right now. i'm literally not progressing on anything. i'm just doing a bunch of stuff and trying to do it "explosively" every time. that is a recipe for wheel-spinning, and sure enough i'm back spinning my wheels or even regressing. i need a damn coach, someone to just force me to into a path with a clear progression. where is lance.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2015, 11:31:42 pm
went skydiving today. A++++ so fun, worth every cent. my third jump. got home too late to do a real workout so i ran for 20 minutes, did some KB swings and x-band walks, and stretched. also spent about 30 minutes doing SMR and stretching this morning while i waited for my friend to pick me up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2015, 02:56:32 pm
just applied for second job. this one in nepal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2015, 11:07:14 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist (?)

- warm up

- squat 260 x 7,5,3,5,7

- assisted natural GHR x 8,5
focusing on slowest, most controlled descent possible, using hands at last second. challenging.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2015, 03:42:55 pm
so. progressive overload. i've been spinning my wheels on microcycles for too long. need to think better about mesocycles and macrocycles. this ain't power lifting, where you can pretty much follow a system someone else developed because 8 bajillion people are also trying to be better at squat/bench/dead.

my current DLRVJ PR, repeated on 3-4 widely-spaced occasions over the past 18 months or so, is about 36 inches. that is, i've gotten all but an inch of my palm up over the rim. to dunk, even off a lob, it's generally understood that you need to have your whole palm over. for me, that means 37 inches. so i need a one-inch improvement on my PR in order to dunk. i'll leave aside for a second the need to also have someone throwing me lobs because my hands are too small to hold onto the ball during a full arm swing.

on an average day, i can hit between 34 and 35 inches. bad days more like 33. good days are 35+.

jumping is a combination of strength, power, elasticity (or bounce or reactivity or springiness or whatever you want to call it -- i'm talking about tendons and ligaments and how well they store and release energy), and skill. here is my self-assessment of each of these abilities on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is a fat alcoholic smoker who's never worked out, 5 is an average, reasonably in-shape 28-year-old, and 10 is a world-record holder:
elasticity is my weakest point. i'm just not that "bouncy," i'm average in terms of sprint speed and my single-leg jumping lags way behind double-leg. it's also pretty hard to improve: you're stuck with ligaments and tendons you're born with. strength is the most natural component for me. with a bit of dedicated time and some culking i'm pretty sure i could total >1000. power is somewhere in the middle. i can't do oly lifts at my gym (no plates or platform) so i need to find another way to work on this in a progressive and measurable way. skill i've rated more highly than i should, maybe, because i really only care about dunking at all. i've found an approach that enables me to jump consistently and relatively smoothly from an LR approach. being able to dunk from the other side, or do any kind of tricks, or even approach from a different part of the court: not important.

one other thing that's not listed here is conditioning, which isn't needed for a single ME jump but which contributes to ability to train well. i'd rate my conditioning as a 6. probably a shade above average for a 28-year-old, but not good. with proper conditioning (and other factors like sleep, diet, and alcohol consumption under better management) i should be able to increase the share of average-to-good jumping days.

next post will consider what my goals should be and how i should try to get there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on June 10, 2015, 04:58:15 pm
If you really wanna hit PR's you should definitely have peaking+potentiation periods where your main goal is to touch as high as possible. ( (*$-up-exercises-that-can-have-you-firing-optimally/ (*$-up-exercises-that-can-have-you-firing-optimally/)

I'm pretty sure you know all this stuff already, but I don't really see you doing this type of stuff in your log, so it can't hurt to mention it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2015, 05:00:16 pm
first: constraints.
1. the golden age i've been in where the basketball court is free almost every night is coming to a close. the league has started up again. that leaves saturday and sunday mornings as the only near-certain times to have access, in addition to very early on weekday mornings.
2. doing ME work in the morning is not an option, because my body simply doesn't wake up fast enough to make that feasible before work. i have in the past and could conceivably in the future do submax or conditioning work in the mornings. that could include jumping skill work.
3. i work 9-6 (or, often, later) five days a week.
4. i am a social person and unwilling to commit to an ironman-style training schedule. hanging out with friends is important to me and i can turn down booze as needed (did it two nights ago in fact) but if a good friend is in town for one night only and i don't get to see him or her that often, i have to work around that for my own sanity.
5. i'm going to move overseas at some point this year. would be great to end up in a city with basketball courts and gyms but there's no guarantee. might be forced to switch tacks for a while and, i dunno, turn into a poor man's ross enamait.
6. gym closes at 6 on fridays.
7. i really shouldn't sprint, given the weird knee tracking thing. i want to get that figured out at some point because training for a 400 would be a fun next goal. but for the time being it's not worth the effort because the knee doesn't bother me doing anything else.

second: goals.
1. increase DLRVJ by enough to dunk a basketball.
2. dunk a basketball.
6. DB OHP 60s x 10
7. pull ups +15 x 10
8. push ups x 30
9. inverted row x 30

third: deadline.
i think it's time to set myself one. that will help give shape to my training and give it a sense of urgency that's been missing for a long time. so, how about this: i will add 1 inch to my running vertical jump by august 15, 2015. that gives me nine weeks and change. plan starts tonight, although for the upper stuff i'll test tonight because i don't have good baselines. will use squat 1RM of 330, which i hit fairly recently.

fourth: priorities.
1. improve power
2. improve elasticity
3. improve strength
4. improve skill
5. improve conditioning

fifth: plan.
nine weeks, conjugate periodization. i went back and looked at some old KB articles and i think i'm just gonna lift something he put out there as a sample conjugate plan, with a couple of tweaks for my own purposes.



workouts within each block are on a weekly cycle. inclusion of morning workouts means i need to get better about going to bed earlier. that is doable. warm up and cool down/stretching go without saying. also, i'm going to start counting calories and macros again. i'm pretty lean but it wouldn't hurt me to be a little leaner. i've never tried to cut before but i'm thinking about it for the explosiveness and elasticity phases. the morning sessions will be very submax, mostly just to make sure i maintain some time on the court, practice jumps in a very chill and relaxed way, and get my blood flowing more often.

block 1: strength focus, 4 weeks
workout A (evening)
- depth jump @low x 10,10
- jump squat 45 x 8,8 (add 5 lbs/week)
- squat 5x6; add weight for first three sets then maintain (top sets add 5 lbs/week)
- pull ups

workout B (evening)
- depth jump @low x 10,10
- jump squat 45 x 8,8 (add 5 lbs/week)
- squat 8x1; add weight first 4-5 sets up to a heavy but solid single, then reduce by 10% and do 3-4 more
- push up
- inverted row

workout C (morning 2x/week)
- layups and submax DLRVJ, conditioning-style x 30 mins

workout D (saturday OR sunday morning)
- layups and DLRVJ, AREG effort, i.e. if i feel good go for ME and if not keep it submax
- maybe some beach work
- feldenkrais

block 2: explosiveness, 2 weeks
workout A (evening)
- depth jump @medium x 10,10
- rhythmic jump squat 6x5 @15,20,25,30,20,15% of max squat
- squat 6x1 @90%
- pull ups

workout B (evening)
- depth jump @medium x 10,10
- rhythmic jump squat 6x5 @15,20,25,30,20,15% of max squat
- squat 6x2 @60%
- push up
- inverted row

workout C (morning 2x/week)
- layups and submax DLRVJ, conditioning-style x 30 mins

workout D (saturday OR sunday morning)
- layups and DLRVJ, AREG effort, i.e. if i feel good go hard and if not keep it submax
- maybe some beach work

block 3: elasticity, 2 weeks
workout A (evening)
- depth jump @high x 5,5,5,5
- jump squat x 5,5 @ 15% of max squat
- squat 6 x 1-3 @85%
- pull ups

workout B (evening)
- depth jump @medium x 5,5,5,5
- feldenkrais

workout C (evening)
- depth jump @high x 5,5,5,5
- jump squat x 5,5 @ 15% of max squat
- squat 3x3 @5RM
- push ups
- inverted rows

workout D (morning 2x/week)
- feldenkrais

workout E (saturday OR sunday morning)
- layups and DLRVJ, AREG effort, i.e. if i feel good go hard and if not keep it submax
- maybe some beach work

block 4: peak, 1 week
workout A (evening)
- depth jump @low x 10,10
- superset x 2
-- jump squat x 5 @15%
-- squat x 5 @50%

workout B (morning and/or evening 2x/week)
- DLRVJ @submax

workout C (saturday OR sunday)
- pray for a motherfucking PR

thoughts? anyone? bueller?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2015, 05:00:47 pm
@final phenom, yeah, you're right. PAP is the shit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 10, 2015, 10:12:23 pm
Overall the plan looks good. I like your thoughts on the conditioning aspect. Something I struggle with myself and I think it will give you more above average jumping days and more above average training days too.

Also one thing which may be rubbish or too simple but it used to be a golden rule to stretch the shit out of your hip flexors prior to actually jumping. I've not used this myself and don't know if it applies to a running jump but if you're searching for cm's then it might be worth a try.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2015, 11:20:11 pm
^^^i always stretch hip flexors prior to jumping.

ACHES/INJURIES: left hamstring cramped a little during warm up, right achilles felt weird until it got warmed up, right knee during depth jumps

- warm up

- depth jump @8" x 10,10
focus on quick ground contact and full triple extension. right knee bothered me a bit.

- jump squat 45 x 5,5
oops, supposed to 8,8. right knee a little irksome again.

- squat 285 x 1; 295 x 1; 305 x 1; 315 x 1; 280 x 1,1,1,1
all strong.

- DB OHP 45s x 10
might have had another rep but will use this as the starting point

- pull up x 12
could not have done 13.

- stretch

well, now i have a baseline for DB OHP and pull ups. gonna do 35s until 3x10 is easy, then add and repeat. for pull ups will do sets of 7 until i can't finish a set and then will rest-pause the last set. first full week starts on monday. here goes nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 11, 2015, 02:31:13 am
^^^i always stretch hip flexors prior to jumping.


Good luck mate. 1" in 9 weeks sounds doable with a concentrated effort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2015, 11:33:42 am
last night:

- feldenkrais "rolling to sit part 1" x 30 mins
meh, again didn't feel much difference. doing it with an instructor is better, someone to correct me from trying to hard. mostly i just need to figure out which lessons are really going to help. i wish i could figure out a way to turn this set: into recordings. maybe i should just record them myself, but that would take hours and hours. tried text-to-audio but the things i tried were no good. either didn't work at all or couldn't process the amount of text in those lessons.

anyone know a good text-to-audio program?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2015, 12:49:35 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee once i started full run-up jumps

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a few
PR-tie off of one step (33) and two (34+) but three and four-step approaches sucked and then my knee started acting up. did some submax jumps but not too many. fuck.

- superset x 2
-- DB shrug 80s x 20
-- DB curl 25s x 10
-- DB kickback 20s x 10

- superset x 2
-- ab pull down 120 x 15
-- cook hip thrust x 15

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 15, 2015, 10:57:58 pm
WEIGHT: 172 (whoa! light)
ACHES/INJURIES: lateral right ankle/foot, esp on squats; posterior right shoulder was wigging out earlier in the day but not during workout

- warm up

- DRLVJ x a few
PR tie or more off one step, 33.5. hit a few good jumps off four steps but didn't push it. stick to the plan.

- depth jump @8" x 10,10

- jump squat 45 x 8,8
ankle started bothering a little here

- squat 245 x 6; 255 x 6; 260 x 6,6,6
ankle/foot very bothersome on some sets, especially on the first couple reps. other sets okay. this was tiring.

- push up x 31 (TF)
future push up workouts will be 60% of this until i can do no more sets

- inverted row x 20 (TF)
awkward set up, might be able to get a few more with normal bench for feet. anyway, same deal: 60% sets

- stretch

totally gassed, light headache during squats and at the end. dehydration and insufficient kcal, i think. it was beastly hot and humid today. no proximate cause that i can think of for the ankle. guess is it'll just go away on its own. constant nagging injury of something or other is my lot in life. so it goes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2015, 11:09:33 am
last night:

- glute raises x 12,12,12

- glute march x 10,10,10

- four-way hip extension x 12,12/side

- shoulder dislocates

- joint circles

- calf stretching
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2015, 05:32:31 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: posterior right shoulder twinging

~12 PM:

- layups and shoot around x 30 mins

~4:30 PM:

- warm up

- depth jump x 10,10
no space, too many people using all the rooms. life would be easier if the gym had a higher ceiling all around

- jump squat 45 x 8,8

- squat 275; 285; 295; 305; 315; 280 x 1,1,1

- stretch

pressed for time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 20, 2015, 11:52:31 am

- warm up

- layups and drop-steps x 15 mins

- DLRVJ x a couple
kept it submax, mostly not reaching just going for head height

- cool down

- stretch

this wasn't much, i'll go again tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2015, 03:44:19 pm

- warm up
did a bunch of coast-to-coast layups at as near full speed as i could.

- DLRVJ x ~8
PR on one-step, ~33.5. PR tie on full run-up, 36. downhill from there although i dunked the dodgeball a couple of times. i need to figure out how to keep sessions that start at or near PR levels at that level, as opposed to what often happens, which is a great first jump and then a bunch of mess.

- foam roll quads x 10 rolls/head

- superset x 3
-- x-band walk x 10/each way
-- cook hip lift x 10/each
the cooks really highlight asymmetries. harder time keeping the tennis ball in place on the left, i.e. when lifting my right glute. good stuff.

- superset x 2
-- shoulder dislocates x 10
-- band pull-apart x 10
-- scap push up x 10

- stretch

hurray, a PR tie and possible all-time PR off of one step. stay the course, a thousand points of light, stay the course.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 22, 2015, 03:34:42 am
Tennis ball?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 22, 2015, 10:25:22 am
youtube told me. second half of this vid:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 22, 2015, 03:33:23 pm
i am really excited to work out tonight. first time i've had that feeling in the afternoon in a long time. feels good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 22, 2015, 09:46:45 pm
MENTAL STATE: okay, would have been better at 3:30!

- warm up

- depth jump @8" x 10,10

- jump squat 45 x 8,8

- squat 250 x 6; 260 x 6; 265 x 6,6,6
very solid

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 45s x 6
-- pull up x 7

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 23, 2015, 12:20:20 am
youtube told me. second half of this vid:

Nice. Hadn't seen that one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 24, 2015, 09:35:28 am
last night:

- foam roll quads x 40-50 rolls/leg

- cook hip lift x 10,10/leg
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 24, 2015, 08:05:37 pm
EIGHT: ???

- tennis x 45 mins
pretty rough.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2015, 10:08:00 pm
MENTAL STATE: zoned out, this was a day to go through the motions

- warm up

- depth jump @8" x 10,10

- jump squat 45 x 8,8

- squat 285; 295; 305; 315; 320; 285 x 1,1,1
a little wonky and unfocused until the top set, which was solid. back off sets also very solid.

- superset x 3
-- push up x 20
-- inverted row x 12

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2015, 04:36:47 pm
reminding myself why i'm still doing this, and why i'm still on
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2015, 04:14:07 pm
MENTAL STATE: okay, a bit sluggish

- warm up

- shoot around x 40 mins

- cook hip lift x 15,15/side

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2015, 01:02:05 pm

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 12-15
pretty good, mostly in the 34-35 range. one jump was very fluid and relaxed and probably my highest of the day, easily 35. nothing else particularly great but better consistency/height maintenance than i have had at a couple of recent PR-ish-level sessions.

- superset x 3
-- cook hip lift x 15/leg
-- x-band walk x 12/side

- stretch

did a couple windshield wipers for funzies, too. the pain in my left shoulder is almost completely gone.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2015, 11:15:37 pm

- warm up

- depth jump @8" x 10,10

- jump squat 50 x 8,8

- squat 265 x 6,6; 270 x 6,6,6
was supposed to do 255 for the first set. oh well. later sets were best technique-wise.

had to cut out early because i ran out of time. will do upper tomorrow. no stretching.  :o
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 29, 2015, 11:47:11 pm
reminding myself why i'm still doing this, and why i'm still on

ya man fucking kill it. murder the ground.


that miss at 19s.. fml :(


- warm up

- DLRVJ x 12-15
pretty good, mostly in the 34-35 range. one jump was very fluid and relaxed and probably my highest of the day, easily 35. nothing else particularly great but better consistency/height maintenance than i have had at a couple of recent PR-ish-level sessions.

- superset x 3
-- cook hip lift x 15/leg
-- x-band walk x 12/side

- stretch

did a couple windshield wipers for funzies, too. the pain in my left shoulder is almost completely gone.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2015, 09:36:07 am
murder the ground is the new go get it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2015, 08:28:40 pm
SORENESS: hams glutes and quads a tiny bit

- warm up

- stretch/mob legs

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 50s x 6
-- pull up x 8,7,7

- DB shrug 60s x 20,20

- stretch upper
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2015, 07:49:09 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: big toes, right ankle, right knee sharply but briefly during warm up
MENTAL STATE: kind of sluggish

- warm up

- depth jump
skipped, no space with a high enough ceiling

- jump squat 50 x 8,8

- squat 290; 300; 310; 320; 325; 285 x 1,1,1

- superset x 3
-- inverted row x 13
-- push up x 21

- kroc row 80 x 20/side

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2015, 05:53:13 pm
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little hung over

- shoot around x 30-40 mins
had the stroke by my standards, hitting prob 60% of jump shots and 90% FTs.

- foam roll quads x 10-15/head

- stretch quads

- mess around with knee tracking in right leg

- superset x 3
-- cook hip lift x 15
-- x-band walk x 20

- more stretching
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2015, 09:08:07 pm
yesterday morning (7/5):

- foam roll quads

- cook hip lifts
- KB swings
bunch of sets of each

yesterday afternoon (7/5):

- touch football x an hour
nothing too intense, just goofing around. made a sick diving fingertip grab for a TD at one point.

tonight (7/6):

SORENESS: quads a little

- warm up

- depth jump @8" x 10,10

- jump squat 55 x 8,8

- squat 260 x 6; 270 x 6; 275 x 6,6,6
again, later sets stronger

- stretch

ran out of time to do upper
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on July 07, 2015, 04:03:00 pm
I saw some research showing that balance training oddly improves vert.
Why not add that in?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2015, 04:50:23 pm
funny you ask that, i've been thinking about balance stuff. color me unconvinced by a single study with a sample size of 23 15-year-olds, but interesting. do you have the full paper by chance? never mind free full text is linked there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on July 07, 2015, 05:19:17 pm
Hmm why did I get negged for that post?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on July 07, 2015, 05:21:35 pm
This is another study on balance training and vert:
It seemed to have improved vert and rate of force development.

EDIT: rate of force development increased in this study as well
         and vertical jump increased by 9% in women
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2015, 06:04:06 pm
wild.  :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on July 07, 2015, 08:33:53 pm
Haven't read these studies, but why do I have a feeling all of them used untrained people for which ANY training would be beneficial?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2015, 08:53:25 pm
SORENESS: quads a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe, left knee tweaking a tiny bit
MENTAL STATE: kind of dead

- warm up

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 50s x 6
-- pull up x 8,8,7

- stretch

picking up where i left off last night.

@raptor, the first one he posted was high-school basketball players. haven't looked at the other closely enough to judge. but sample sizes are all small.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2015, 09:11:22 pm
MENTAL STATE: dead, slept little last night

- warm up

- depth jump @8" x 10,10
mostly horrible

- jump squat 55 x 8,8

- squat 295; 305; 315; 325; 330; 290 x 1,1,1

- superset x 3
-- inverted row x 14,12,13
-- push up x 24,20,21

- stretch

block one complete.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2015, 08:13:31 pm

- tennis x 1:15
pretty good, much better than the last time out.

- stretch

skipped jumping this morning because of the wimbledon final. could not tear myself away. and then i had to go have lunch with my grandma and meet my friend's baby! my oldest friend -- our backyards abutted when we were kids and our moms are very close friends -- just had a daughter on wednesday. so i got to go hold her and hang out with my friend and her husband for a while. it was great.

ETA: my right arm and right erector spinae are gonna be sore tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2015, 10:45:03 pm
bumping for ease of reference.

block 2: explosiveness, 2 weeks
workout A (evening)
- depth jump @medium x 10,10
- rhythmic jump squat 6x5 @15,20,25,30,20,15% of max squat
- squat 6x1 @90%
- pull ups

workout B (evening)
- depth jump @medium x 10,10
- rhythmic jump squat 6x5 @15,20,25,30,20,15% of max squat
- squat 6x2 @60%
- push up
- inverted row

workout C (morning 2x/week)
- layups and submax DLRVJ, conditioning-style x 30 mins

workout D (saturday OR sunday morning)
- layups and DLRVJ, AREG effort, i.e. if i feel good go hard and if not keep it submax
- maybe some beach work

block 3: elasticity, 2 weeks
workout A (evening)
- depth jump @high x 5,5,5,5
- jump squat x 5,5 @ 15% of max squat
- squat 6 x 1-3 @85%
- pull ups

workout B (evening)
- depth jump @medium x 5,5,5,5
- feldenkrais

workout C (evening)
- depth jump @high x 5,5,5,5
- jump squat x 5,5 @ 15% of max squat
- squat 3x3 @5RM
- push ups
- inverted rows

workout D (morning 2x/week)
- feldenkrais

workout E (saturday OR sunday morning)
- layups and DLRVJ, AREG effort, i.e. if i feel good go hard and if not keep it submax
- maybe some beach work

block 4: peak, 1 week
workout A (evening)
- depth jump @low x 10,10
- superset x 2
-- jump squat x 5 @15%
-- squat x 5 @50%

workout B (morning and/or evening 2x/week)
- DLRVJ @submax

workout C (saturday OR sunday)
- pray for a motherfucking PR
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 13, 2015, 09:49:17 pm
SORENESS: right bicep a little, right forearm a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe pretty bad
MENTAL STATE: tired, work was really frustrating today

- warm up

- depth jump @18" x 10,10
big adjustment. not as tough as i was expecting. okay.

- jump squat 50;65;85;90;65;50 x 5

- squat 300 x 1,1,1,1,1,1

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 55s x 6,6,3
-- pull up x 8
wrists feeling it a bit during OHPs. might top out at 55 x 6 and drop down to 45s for higher reps

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2015, 09:50:31 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe a bit

- warm up
did a few DLRVJ in the squash court. no bball court jumps in too long.

- depth jump @16" x 10,10
second set better.

- rhythmic jump squat 50;60;70;80;90;70;60 x 5

- squat 205 x 2,2,2,2,2,2

- superset x 3
-- inverted row x 14,14,13
-- push up x 23,23,17
weak on the third set of push ups. yeesh.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on July 17, 2015, 03:35:19 am
Where those knee exploding squats?  :trollface:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2015, 11:32:24 am


- hard run x 10 mins
was thinking about what acole said about 8 minute 95RPE runs. i structured my morning (and my friday night) around being able to go to the gym at 11 and it was occupied by gay dodgeball, which was frustrating. so i took it out on myself by running very hard for ten minutes. RPE was not 95, maybe like 85, in part because of red lights. 95RPE you really need a track.

- stretch

this morning:

ACHES/INJURIES: right toe a lot, enough to impede movement sometimes
MENTAL STATE: mildly hung over

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~15
not great but pretty solid considering how late i was out last night. a couple ~35+. and how much my toe was bothering me.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on July 19, 2015, 10:03:48 pm
gay dodgeball
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on July 20, 2015, 01:13:41 am
- hard run x 10 mins
was thinking about what acole said about 8 minute 95RPE runs. i structured my morning (and my friday night) around being able to go to the gym at 11 and it was occupied by gay dodgeball, which was frustrating. so i took it out on myself by running very hard for ten minutes. RPE was not 95, maybe like 85, in part because of red lights. 95RPE you really need a track.

Agreed, you need a closed circuit to do them properly. If you can do them though they really work, my cardio fitness noticeably improves within a few weeks. They just really suck!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2015, 08:02:46 am
gay dodgeball

literally, a dodgeball league made up entirely, or almost entirely, of gay men:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2015, 08:22:12 pm
brain hurts badly. took some vitamin I and lay down for 40 minutes with the lights off but i feel no better. no gym tonight. damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2015, 11:02:00 pm
WEIGHT: 172.5
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe not as bad as sunday

- warm up

- depth jump @18" x 10,10
inconsistent but second set better than first and all better than last week.

- rhythmic jump squat 55;65;75;85;95;75;65 x 5

- squat 305 x 1,1,1,1,1,1
45-60s rests. not hard or unstable but felt not-quite-right

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 45s x 10,8,6
-- pull up x 10,8,6

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2015, 07:53:28 am
this morning:

WEIGHT: 172.5
ACHES/INJURIES: stiff all over, right toe pretty bad,  :(

- shoot around + layups x 20 mins
wearing glasses makes everything harder. i sort of couldn't believe how stiff and slow i felt, but i guess that's what happens at 7 AM. toe was bothering me a lot, even while walking. still glad i got up if only to get the juices flowing a little and refind the discipline to do it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2015, 09:28:53 pm
- shoot around x 45 mins

had a job interview (!) tonight for a gig in the philippines. i think it went pretty well. but it went late enough that i didn't have time for a full workout. so i'll just do it on saturday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2015, 12:21:30 pm
right toe is really bad, not sure what's wrong with it (i mean acutely, obviously the arthritis is the background problem). no consistent discomfort at rest but if i try to raise my heel with my toes on the ground pain starts right away rather than waiting until i get to end ROM. boo.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2015, 05:49:55 pm

- warm up
did the t0ddday method out to three but jumps were not great. no point pushing it.

- depth jump @18" x 10,10

- rhythmic jump squat 55;65;75;85;95;75;65 x 5

- squat 200 x 2,2,2,2,2,2

- superset x 3
-- dip x 10
-- inverted row x 14
strongest inverted rows ever. the last few reps were hard but first two sets very solid.

- stretch

good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2015, 09:48:13 pm
MENTAL STATE: a bit sluggish

- tennis x 45-60 mins
not as sharp as the last time i played. still got up a decent sweat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2015, 12:33:10 am
bagged gym tonight because my dad got sweet orioles tickets at the last minute. spent the evening right behind home plate, watching a pitchers' duel that ended in a walk-off HR in the bottom of the 11th! first time i've ever seen a walk-off in person!

sometimes, life>gym. that and genetics are why i'm not an elite athlete. but i can live with that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2015, 09:49:25 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee; chest/throat cold

- warm up

- depth jump @26" x 5; 23" x 5,5,5
26" too high, knee started bothering me immediately and i wasn't even recovering above the height of the box. 23" more manageable.

- jump squat 50 x 5,5

- squat 285 x 1,2,1,2,1,2

- kroc row 80 x 16L,16R
weak. done in honor of janae marie kroc.

- stretch

being sick is lame.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 29, 2015, 02:36:12 am
bagged gym tonight because my dad got sweet orioles tickets at the last minute. spent the evening right behind home plate, watching a pitchers' duel that ended in a walk-off HR in the bottom of the 11th! first time i've ever seen a walk-off in person!


sometimes, life>gym. that and genetics are why i'm not an elite athlete. but i can live with that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2015, 09:43:38 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee; neck achey and still; cold

- warm up

- depth jump @18" x 5,5,5,5

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2015, 04:43:03 pm
WEIGHT: 171 (?)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee and right toe a little bit but not too bad; runny nose but cold mostly gone
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a few
PR off one, PR tie off three and four, several in a row at 36. fuck yes. dunked soccer ball easily and cleanly. sexy.

- depth jump @24" x 5,5,5,5
trying to be better about intentionality with each rep. mixed bag. this is a challenging height, but at least no knee pain.

- jump squat 50 x 5,5

- squat 285 x 3,3,3
second set extremely strong, others a little messy. weird.

- superset x 3
-- dip x 11
-- inverted row x 15,15,14

- stretch

great. mother. fucking. workout. had intended to wake up early (~8:30) to eat and get to the gym by 10, but i had so much trouble sleeping this week that i turned my alarm off and slept until noon. ended up being a great tactic.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 02, 2015, 09:40:01 am
Getting PR jumps / clean dunks with a soccer ball in hands is awesome! Can you palm it so well that you can do a full arm swing with it in your hand? I lose a couple of inches when i have to hold the ball because of the limited armswing.
Do you have any hopes of palming a basketball? Soccer ball ain't that far off bball. If you pick one with very good traction and only use it indoors you might have a good chance of dunking it already. Or just try, even when you lay it in or back rim it or even get stuffed, my experience is that it is a huge motivation boost, makes you push with all you got to get that last inch when you realize how close you are.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on August 02, 2015, 10:45:28 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 02, 2015, 11:02:07 am
Getting PR jumps / clean dunks with a soccer ball in hands is awesome! Can you palm it so well that you can do a full arm swing with it in your hand? I lose a couple of inches when i have to hold the ball because of the limited armswing.
Do you have any hopes of palming a basketball? Soccer ball ain't that far off bball. If you pick one with very good traction and only use it indoors you might have a good chance of dunking it already. Or just try, even when you lay it in or back rim it or even get stuffed, my experience is that it is a huge motivation boost, makes you push with all you got to get that last inch when you realize how close you are.

the soccer ball is a little bit deflated and nice tacky surface, so i can use a full arm swing. i will never be able to palm a basketball enough to get the full arm swing. tried palming a slightly deflated one with good grip yesterday and while i can hold it steady and move it around a little, a full-force arm swing would send it flying.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 03, 2015, 05:54:50 am
Ok, makes perfect sense now. Our bball palming ability seems similar, so is our max height currently, so in my experience we are 2'' away, 1,5'' for a perfect timing attempt. If you get to 10'8''-9'' without the ball you can get to 10'7'' with the bball, ( no arm swing ), which is enough.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 03, 2015, 09:21:58 am
using the standard of "whole palm over rim" to be able to put down a well-timed lob, i am 1" away. and given that rattled-home weak sauce still counts for me as goal achieved, i think i could have done that on saturday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on August 03, 2015, 11:42:12 am
Then get after it! You've got this!  You'll be surprised how motivated a close miss can make you ;)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 03, 2015, 12:16:04 pm
Then get after it! You've got this!  You'll be surprised how motivated a close miss can make you ;)

see my signature. my buddy who's in from out of town is gonna come work out with me this weekend. he is flaky and always late, but if the gym is open on saturday the way it was today i'll try to get him down there when the court is open. and he can throw me lobs. i've tried the adarq self-lob method, it's really freaking hard and messes up my timing. much easier to get a tosser.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 03, 2015, 09:45:47 pm
MENTAL STATE: good then weirdly weak

- warm up

- depth jump @24" x 5,5,5,5
all over the place. a few good reps but mostly meh. not as good as saturday.

- jump squat 50 x 5,5

- squat 280 x 1,2,1,2,1,2

- upper shit
did one rep of DB OHP with 45s and felt so, so weak. very strange feeling. bagged rest of workout and came home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 04, 2015, 06:23:38 am
my buddy who's in from out of town is gonna come work out with me this weekend. he is flaky and always late, but if the gym is open on saturday the way it was today i'll try to get him down there when the court is open. and he can throw me lobs.

I'm hyped about this already! It may happen! Make sure you amp your CNS, a couple extra coffees and a redbull do the trick for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on August 04, 2015, 12:43:28 pm
And vid for added inspiration!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2015, 08:04:37 pm
^^^trying not to let the pressure build too much. i tend to overthink it when that happens and everything goes to shit.

ACHES/INJURIES: right toe a little
MENTAL STATE: a little tired

- warm up

- depth jump @18" x 5,5,5,5

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 45 x 10,8,8
-- pull up x 10,8,8

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 06, 2015, 05:55:28 am
^^^trying not to let the pressure build too much. i tend to overthink it when that happens and everything goes to shit.

Happens to me too.
Wanted to note that after Chris suggested the cam but i didn't, just in case it wasn't something you have realised so far but it would be triggered by my note, lololol. But yeah, PR cam is an overkill for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on August 06, 2015, 09:39:27 am
Sorry, hadnt thought of it like that. Just positive you'll get it. ;)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 06, 2015, 08:58:21 pm

great job on those PR jumps@#$!

^^^trying not to let the pressure build too much. i tend to overthink it when that happens and everything goes to shit.

definitely know where you're coming from. I used to put ALOT of pressure on myself. One thing that would always help me is just to remind myself that the physiological/neurological adaptations that we bust our ass for don't just disappear overnight. All that time under the bar, dropping off boxes, jumps, rebounds/plyos, eating good etc, is slowly making real measurable changes. If you're aggressive, excited, and attack, you really can't go wrong. Also, it's fun to think about getting more power, not less; that happens when you put a bit more pressure on yourself. So it can be a "blessing in disguise" if you think about it like that.

go get it.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 08, 2015, 02:19:53 pm
thanks adarq.

gymmed today but my buddy couldn't come, so i did a kind of potentiation workout in anticipation of max effort tomorrow. then found out that some fucking krav maga group rented the gym from 10-5 and there's basketball league after that. fml. i'll try to go in the morning but there's a less than 1% chance that my buddy will come down that early, and PRing in the morning is basically impossible for me anyway. damn it damn it damn it.

was hoping to PR before leaving for the beach next saturday but that's looking unlikely. may just bust my ass this week instead, then take the beach week off/light, then try to PR the last week of august.

ACHES/INJURIES: right toe a little, right posterior shoulder a little (?)

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 3
was getting up pretty good but didn't want to tire myself out.

- depth jump @14" x 4,4
very explosive.

- fuck around with some dead-stop chest-to-bar pull ups and some paused dips

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2015, 09:40:53 pm

ACHES/INJURIES: right toe a little

- squash x an hour
basketball court was in use by the fucking krav maga children. so my best friend and i played squash for the first time since college. we're evenly matched in most things but back in the day he beat me more often than not in squash. but i had my revenge yesterday: 16-14, 15-13, 17-15, 13-15. winning is good.  :D

made me want to play more, such a fun game.


SORENESS: right shin, left lat, glutes
MENTAL STATE: tired, zero motivation, had to drag myself to the gym

- jump rope and joint circles x 20 mins

- stretch

better than nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2015, 09:32:43 pm
SORENESS: right shin a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe a little
MENTAL STATE: still low motivation

- warm up

- SVJ x 3,3

- depth jump @14" x 4,4

- jump squat 45 x 5

- squat warm up

- stretch

turns out coming to the end of a program that seemed pretty sensible and seemed to be working pretty without a real PR is a downer. will work out at least once more this week before i head to the beach. beach will be tennis, maybe some easy jogging with my mom, maybe some kayaking, and maybe some bounds and sprints and crap. back on the horse for real when i get back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on August 12, 2015, 10:49:58 pm
One thing I like about your program to increase DLRVJ is the simplicity..  I may be wrong, but you seem to basically be focusing on squats, jumps squats, and depth jumps.  Basically hitting the DLRVJ from all angles on the force-velocity curve..

If you're consistently training, my guess would be that your going to the gym to train in a low state of CNS excitement too often?

From a very quick look, I seem to see a LOT of low mental states, low energy, and forcing workouts.

From my experience, mastering the ability to know if my body AND more importantly CNS is not primed, it's better to not go to the gym and waste a workout. 

For example:


SORENESS: right shin, left lat, glutes
MENTAL STATE: tired, zero motivation, had to drag myself to the gym

- jump rope and joint circles x 20 mins

- stretch

better than nothing.

I used to do this a lot too and learned that NOTHING can actually be better..  You're no beginner, so sessions that don't allow you to go 100% really are worthless imo.  What I did was figure out what light exercise primes my CNS the next day without causing any fatigue.

For example:

Day 1 - CNS and body is firing

ME jump sessions / plyo's/ weight room <-- kill it in everything

Day 2  - rest/stretch

Day 3 - SL Box squats @ 4 x 3 with challenging weight OR 3 x 10 KB Swings

Doing either of these causes hardly any fatigue, and the explosive nature of each ALWAYS primes my CNS the next day

Day 4 - repeat the cycle

I would sometimes skip day 3 and just go to the gym and train if I know my CNS is firing.  Similar to adarqs stop watch double click, I downloaded this CNS tap test app on my phone and use that under the same conditions every morning.  If my scores are high and i'm "feeling" wired up and strong, I say fuck it and go to the gym.  After a warm up, if I'm not firing and ready to go fast, I don't waste time trying to "let the drive come" and make the trip to the gym not be a waste by doing Box squats. 

If all signs are not well, I just stay home and do KB swings instead since I have one at home.  These 'priming' exercises are needed for me as just resting from day to day may allow recovery, but losing that CNS "primed" state gives you sluggish workouts.  These exercises in themselves are great because they keep you primed without any fatigue

Some other sure signs for me are having coffee right after breakfast.  If the coffee affects me at all, I know I will be fired up..  When my CNS is fatigued, caffeine doesn't do anything.  This last caffeine example I would guess is very individualized though...

Anyways, I used to be so frustrated being so consistent with training and yet always having shitty workouts that left me with no progress.  After I figured this out, I basically had 100% high quality sessions all the time.  Maybe 1 bad workout every 10 sessions.  With that consistency in training where all cylinders are firing, you can't help but make progress.

You probably read this before but forgot about it since its old but read it again

from KellyB
Performance Improvement Strategies for Intermediate and Advanced Athletes
Key #4

Don't bother training unless you're ready to improve

Unless you're intentionally challenging yourself with a high volume of work, as you might be during the "volume" phase of a training block, then don't show up to train unless you're ready to improve. Keep a log of 2 things and make note of them FIRST thing in the morning when you wake up. These things are physical energy and mental motivation. Rank both on a scale of 1-100 and write them down in your journal. The reason you want to do this first thing in the morning is because your body and mind are both honest with you at this time. When you first wake up you can't tell your body and subconscious mind whether they feel like crap or not but if you do this after you've been up for even a few minutes your "mind" can make your evaluation false . This is why the Russians used to wake their athletes up and do all sorts of tests on them to assess trainability.

So rank both energy and motivation on a scale of 100. A score of 75 or more meaning that you were dreaming of training before you even woke up and couldn't wait to get to the gym. A score below 25 meaning that you felt absolutely miserable when you woke up, and even more miserable when you realized that you were scheduled to train today. Males can use their sex drive upon wakening to assess state of energy (seriously).

DO NOT train unless you can honestly give yourself a rating of 50 for both energy and motivation! This is important. In short don't show up at the gym unless you feel that you're going to improve in something! Better to take an extra day off and get in some active rest (walking, low intensity cardio, stretching etc.) and put the training session on hold until the next day then it is to show up and waste your time going nowhere.

Now you might ask, "well what if taking an extra day off isn't an option?" In that case you should cut the volume of the session by 50% while maintaining the intensity (load). Also in this case you'd definitely want to pay extra attention to sleep and nutrition.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2015, 10:10:11 am
you're probably right about not getting CNS ramped up enough. the workout you quoted is a bad example, though, it's probably the worst i've felt going into a workout in at least the last three months.

two things that i did a good job of at the beginning of the year and then fell off in late spring and summer are getting enough sleep and limiting alcohol intake, especially during the week. after my gf and i broke up at the end of may i've felt driven to be a lot more social. fill the void, i guess. and friends visiting from far away compounds that. the drinking has gone down -- didn't have a drop between sunday and today -- but this fall i need to recommit to sleeping enough, consistently. no screens after 11 PM and lights out by midnight, sunday-thursday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2015, 08:51:11 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe a little

- warm up

- DLRVJ submax x 15-20

- squat 295 x 1,1,1,1,1,1; 185 x 20
the 20-rep set was easier than i hoped it'd be.

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 45s x 10,8,6
-- inverted row x 15,15,14
weak pressing.

- stretch

and now, la playa. i might journal at some point mid-week because i have to take my work comp -- concurrent emergency situations in pakistan and tajikistan will do that -- but not holding myself to it. vacay, brah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on August 13, 2015, 10:52:01 pm
Enjoy the vaca man! Some bounds and sprints on the beach would def be a fun and good way to not completely detrain.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 24, 2015, 10:25:45 am
got back late last night. awesome vacation, so relaxing. beautiful weather for the most part, warm water, lots of sleep.

in terms of exercise, i played tennis every day at the beach except one, when it rained all morning. did some random jumps here and there. swam every day. back on the horse tonight, gonna take it easy. need to set up a program for the next 6 weeks or so, try to peak again in late sep/early oct.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on August 24, 2015, 08:12:39 pm
Welcome back! Jealous of your vacation. It's winter here and I desperately want to be somewhere warm.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 24, 2015, 08:25:46 pm
is it ever ACTUALLY winter down there, though?

ACHES/INJURIES: left calf a little crampy (?)

- warm up

- SL and DL hip thrusts with and without holds x a bunch of reps x a bunch of sets

- dips and pull ups

- stretch

a bit easier than i meant to take it but ennui was high. harder work tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 25, 2015, 09:39:17 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none (woohoo!)

- warm up

- depth jump @8" x 6,6

- ME SVJ x 6

- squat 245 x 5,5,5
right low back tweaked a little during warm up and first work set but i reset and it went away for the second and third sets. gotta be careful though.

- DB OHP 45s x 6,6,6,6

- pull up x 6,6,6,6

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on August 26, 2015, 07:50:39 pm
is it ever ACTUALLY winter down there, though?

Haha this year is the first in a long time we've had a proper winter. And by proper winter it's hovering between 12-16 deg Celsius so I know that's not cold by US standards but it's still pretty average.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on August 27, 2015, 05:15:56 am
is it ever ACTUALLY winter down there, though?

Haha this year is the first in a long time we've had a proper winter. And by proper winter it's hovering between 12-16 deg Celsius so I know that's not cold by US standards but it's still pretty average.

Haha, no it isn't , it is pretty warm for cold. And that comes from someone in Greece, that everyone thinks we are a summer tropic paradise, right? Wrong, it gets below zero pretty often in the winter, and that is at the seaside places, on the mountains it goes to -20 or so.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 27, 2015, 03:56:15 pm
lol coges that is NOT winter. i live in what's technically "the south" in the US* and i'd call 12-14 just about ideal for picking apples on a pleasantly crisp fall day, or a fast marathon. no wonder australia doesn't produce long-distance runners, it's way too hot!

i think eric lives in upstate new york -- he gets probably the realest winter of anyone on here. two meters of snow kind of winter.

*i.e. below the mason-dixon line.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on August 27, 2015, 07:59:14 pm
is it ever ACTUALLY winter down there, though?

Haha this year is the first in a long time we've had a proper winter. And by proper winter it's hovering between 12-16 deg Celsius so I know that's not cold by US standards but it's still pretty average.

Haha, no it isn't , it is pretty warm for cold. And that comes from someone in Greece, that everyone thinks we are a summer tropic paradise, right? Wrong, it gets below zero pretty often in the winter, and that is at the seaside places, on the mountains it goes to -20 or so.

Well we did have a day at 9 degrees last week  :o

Yeah we're lucky but I still want shorts and singlet weather back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on August 27, 2015, 08:04:27 pm
lol coges that is NOT winter. i live in what's technically "the south" in the US* and i'd call 12-14 just about ideal for picking apples on a pleasantly crisp fall day, or a fast marathon. no wonder australia doesn't produce long-distance runners, it's way too hot!

i think eric lives in upstate new york -- he gets probably the realest winter of anyone on here. two meters of snow kind of winter.

*i.e. below the mason-dixon line.

Haha.  Yeah I know. We rarely even have winter down there though. Normally we just have revolving seasons within the day with the occasional cold or hot day thrown in for good measure.  If the sun is out then I'm all good. When it's overcast and raining non stop that's when I'm hanging for warmer weather.

My sister actually just moved from Thailand to Michigan so I'm sure she'll be telling me about a real winter soon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 27, 2015, 08:23:05 pm
no doubt, what'd she move to michigan for? and whereabout? i went to college up there (university of michigan, in ann arbor).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 27, 2015, 11:13:28 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: none but sick as shit for most of the day

- shoot around and layups x 30 mins

- stretch

bout all i could muster after puking up my guts all morning and then sleeping until the middle of the afternoon.  :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on August 27, 2015, 11:26:40 pm
no doubt, what'd she move to michigan for? and whereabout? i went to college up there (university of michigan, in ann arbor).

Her husband works with GM. They're over there for the next couple of years. Around the Rochester area I believe.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 28, 2015, 09:09:13 am
no doubt, what'd she move to michigan for? and whereabout? i went to college up there (university of michigan, in ann arbor).

Her husband works with GM. They're over there for the next couple of years. Around the Rochester area I believe.

word. well, she'll be able to tell you what real winter is soon enough.  :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2015, 12:12:30 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none :headbang:

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~15
inconsistent but good, one really hard dunk with the dodgeball, couple weak dunks, couple back irons. hit 33+ off one step.

- double unders x 100
broke up with joint circles and the like. easy but got HR going a little.

- DB swing 50 x 10,10

- SL glute bridges x 10,10/side

- stretch

moar work tomorrow morning. encouraging jumps considering it was my first ME session in more than two weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2015, 02:03:35 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings (hello, DB swings)

- warm up

- DB jump squat 35s x 4,4,4

- squat 315 x 2; 135 paused x 10
easy does it

- dip x 15+5+5+5

- inverted row x 15+5+5+5

- stretch

very good workout. in the next block, i need to spend some more time working directly on p-chain activation. moar glutes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Airmatt83 on August 30, 2015, 04:54:05 pm
When you say dips and inverted rows x15+5 etc, is the +5 after a pause? I've seen this on other peoples journals, just want a quick explanation.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2015, 09:49:27 pm
yeah, it means rest-pause. so do the 15 reps, take 4-5 breaths, do 5 more, repeat. each mini-set should be challenging for the scheme to be effective, borge fagerli recommends going to within one rep of failure on the first set and then doing mini-sets until you can't hit the target number of reps anymore. that's how i usually do it, just decided to shoot for 30 total reps today instead. not sure why. it's a way to get a decent amount of moderately heavy reps in, quickly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Airmatt83 on August 31, 2015, 06:23:21 pm
Got it, thanks for the break down
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on August 31, 2015, 06:33:10 pm
lol coges that is NOT winter. i live in what's technically "the south" in the US* and i'd call 12-14 just about ideal for picking apples on a pleasantly crisp fall day, or a fast marathon. no wonder australia doesn't produce long-distance runners, it's way too hot!

i think eric lives in upstate new york -- he gets probably the realest winter of anyone on here. two meters of snow kind of winter.

*i.e. below the mason-dixon line.

Haha.  Yeah I know. We rarely even have winter down there though. Normally we just have revolving seasons within the day with the occasional cold or hot day thrown in for good measure.  If the sun is out then I'm all good. When it's overcast and raining non stop that's when I'm hanging for warmer weather.

My sister actually just moved from Thailand to Michigan so I'm sure she'll be telling me about a real winter soon.

yep, it gets so bad in Oswego ny they line rope along the sidewalks around the college so when it snows people can find their way around and not walk into the road.  Looking at the numbers from this/last year, from december to february we already had anywhere from 109-150" of snow which is on the low side.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on August 31, 2015, 06:39:58 pm
lol coges that is NOT winter. i live in what's technically "the south" in the US* and i'd call 12-14 just about ideal for picking apples on a pleasantly crisp fall day, or a fast marathon. no wonder australia doesn't produce long-distance runners, it's way too hot!

i think eric lives in upstate new york -- he gets probably the realest winter of anyone on here. two meters of snow kind of winter.

*i.e. below the mason-dixon line.

Haha.  Yeah I know. We rarely even have winter down there though. Normally we just have revolving seasons within the day with the occasional cold or hot day thrown in for good measure.  If the sun is out then I'm all good. When it's overcast and raining non stop that's when I'm hanging for warmer weather.

My sister actually just moved from Thailand to Michigan so I'm sure she'll be telling me about a real winter soon.

yep, it gets so bad in Oswego ny they line rope along the sidewalks around the college so when it snows people can find their way around and not walk into the road.  Looking at the numbers from this/last year, from december to february we already had anywhere from 109-150" of snow which is on the low side.

Haha. Nice. We don't really get snow here unless you specifically go looking for it (2-4 hour drive) so I'm sure they'll love that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2015, 09:38:38 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee (?), left toe

- shoot around + layups x 35 mins

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2015, 11:27:33 pm

- warm up

- superset x 2
-- depth jump @14" x 4
-- ME SVJ x 4
depth jumps felt high

- squat 275 x 5,5,5

- superset x 4
-- DB OHP 45s x 6
-- pull up +5 x 6

- DB shrug 70s x 12,12

- DB swing 50 x 10,10,10

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 06, 2015, 07:39:36 pm
went to charlotte for my grandpa's 89th birthday.

saturday AM:

- run x a bit, SL pogos, stretch

saturday PM:

- frisbee with my brothers and a couple of randos, lots of easy running around and jumping.



- warm up

- DRLVJ x a few
dunked little dodgeball and normal dodgeball, but felt off. socks bad. cut it off, more tomorrow.

- full-court layups x a lot

- random upper body shit

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 07, 2015, 03:07:19 pm
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a few
PR, hit 36.5 (0.5 from base of palm). was very hyped after, bounced around and yelled. did not even approach that height the rest of the time, lol, and in fact started to be a bit erratic and stuff, so i didn't do as many jumps as i might have. still got some dodgeball dunks down. yay.

- DB jump squat 25s x 4,4

- squat 305 x 2,2,2

- superset x 4
-- DB OHP 45s x 7,6,6,6
-- pull up +7.5 x 6,6,6,6

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on September 07, 2015, 08:02:11 pm

Nice work. I dream of a 36.5" RVJ.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 08, 2015, 04:10:44 am
:wowthatwasnutswtf:  :highfive:  :headbang:
:ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on September 08, 2015, 06:43:51 am
did not even approach that height the rest of the time

Translation: I can still gain movement efficiency and get even higher.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2015, 10:04:11 pm
^^^yeah i hope so

ACHES/INJURIES: quads a little, low back a little, balls (?)
MENTAL STATE: tired, enervated

- shoot around, layups, drop steps, mobility stuff x 40 mins

- stretch

rough day at work, didn't get home until 9. by the time i got to the gym i was worn out. meant to shoot around etc for 20 mins and then squat but time got away from me. guess i was unfocused. tomorrow may be another shitty day but i'm hoping to be out at a reasonable time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on September 10, 2015, 08:42:35 am
How did I miss this! Freaking awesome!!

Also....definitely agree with Raptor, go get it!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on September 10, 2015, 02:35:10 pm
Sorry for the late reply, but wow what a fantastic achievement man.

keep up the good work man.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 10, 2015, 04:45:42 pm

:wowthatwasnutswtf:  :highfive:  :headbang:
:ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2015, 08:49:38 pm

- warm up

- depth jump @12" x 4,4,4

- squat 285 x 4,4,4
very solid

- superset x 4
-- DB OHP 45 x 7,7,7,7
-- pull up +10 x 6,6,6,6

- kroc row 80 x 21L;21R

- ISO glute bridge x 30s,30s

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 12, 2015, 05:32:17 pm
SORENESS: traps (helloooo kroc rows)
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle
MENTAL STATE: blissed out

- warm up
right ankle bothering on even light layups

- DLRVJ x a few
not getting up that well, ankle ginger, cut it off

- jump rope skill work x 15 mins
working on skipping with arms crossed, criss-crosses, going in and out of double-unders

- superset x 5
-- ISO glute bridge x 30s
-- SLRDL x 10L;10R

- ladder x 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1
-- pull up/chin up
-- dip

- stretch

was going to squat but ankle advised against. that's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2015, 05:20:53 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a tiny bit
ACHES/INJURIES: none, then, well, see below
MENTAL STATE: good, then all over the damn place

- warm up

- DB jump squat 30s x 4,3
threw the everloving shit out of SI joint on the fourth rep of the second set. took me at least five minutes to be able to stand up. new experience for me; i had that prolonged back pain last year in the same place but it was dull and persistent, not breathtakingly sharp like this. i just put down 800mg of ibuprofen and will ice. the gym is closed the next two days anyway, so i guess it's rest time. fuck, i must be getting old.

 :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on September 13, 2015, 08:03:57 pm
Damn! No good mate.
Hope the next few days settle it down for you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 14, 2015, 06:21:39 am
 :ffffffuuuuuu: FFFFFFUUUUUUU, hope it proves to be nothing serious in the end!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on September 14, 2015, 06:40:49 am
Auch. Hope you heal quickly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2015, 08:25:28 am
thanks y'all. was reeeeeally stiff when i woke up this morning. trying to loosen it up gently by walking around, moving legs around, flexing glutes, etc. also ice and ibuprofen. prognosis for a low back strain is good, hopefully i'll be back to full strength in a few weeks. that seems like an impossibly long time right now but if i can at least be doing some conditioning, some BW stuff, some unilateral stuff before then then i'll be okay. for now, rest and ice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 15, 2015, 08:58:11 am
back has gotten progressively better over the course of each of the last two days, and it was easier to get out of bed this morning than yesterday. definitely worst in the morning, and it's pretty stiff and sore right now. if this rate of recovery continues i'll go to the gym on thursday just to get the juices flowing and stretch.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 17, 2015, 10:10:40 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: low back/SI joint

- jump rope + lunges + joint circles x 25 mins

- some light upper pushing and pulling

- stretch

mostly just testing it out and breaking a sweat. back still stiff, bending over and twisting at the hips still not close to 100%, but feeling better. gotta remember to be cautious as it starts to feel good, reinjury is the absolute worst.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2015, 03:26:59 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: low back/SI joint but mild

- warm up

- full-court layups + free throws x a bunch
did as a superset of 4-6 layups and 5 FTs as rest, idk how many circuits

- superset x 5
-- DB lunge 15s x 16-18
-- push up x 15

- superset x 5
-- DB RDL 45s x 10
-- inverted row x 10

- stretch

good workout, good sweat, challenging but safe for back.


- walk x 5 miles
such a beautiful day, couldn't let it go to waste. pretty chill walk, only logging because of the distance.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 22, 2015, 09:02:15 pm
gym closed because of yom kippur ffffuuuuu i forgot. #jccproblems

hamstring DOMS are serious from the DB RDLs.

motivation is in the shitter.

damn it.

tomorrow gym will also be closed but i will devise an alternative workout and do it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2015, 09:12:55 pm
saw the pope today. real talk. he was 50 feet from me, waving out the window of his little black fiat.

SORENESS: hamstrings

- run x 2.1 miles
just about 8min/mile pace with stops now and then for red lights, easy, but man i am out of shape for running

- KB reverse suitcase lunge 35 x 10,10/leg

- extended stretch/mob

meh, better than nothing. gym's open again tomorrow.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 24, 2015, 08:07:03 pm
saw the pope today. real talk. he was 50 feet from me, waving out the window of his little black fiat.

ha, cool!

SORENESS: hamstrings

- run x 2.1 miles
just about 8min/mile pace with stops now and then for red lights, easy, but man i am out of shape for running

- KB reverse suitcase lunge 35 x 10,10/leg

- extended stretch/mob

meh, better than nothing. gym's open again tomorrow.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2015, 08:39:15 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings but not as bad. MAN that was some long-term DOMS.
ACHES/INJURIES: none but low back still sensitive

- warm up

- SLRVJ and DLRVJ and SVJ x a whole bunch
submax, mostly from one and two steps. just wanted to get a volume of jumping in and test the back. was especially cautious on SVJ, did a bunch paused before doing some full swing ones.

- superset x 8
-- goblet squat 35 x 10
-- pull up x 4

- superset x 2
-- dip x 16,12+4
-- DB RDL 45s x 16

- stretch

will try ME jumping this weekend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2015, 07:37:11 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little and quads
ACHES/INJURIES: left knee tweaking minorly and weirdly, low back still sensitive

- shoot around and layups x 35 mins
quads very sore, limited any kind of ME stuff

- mob/stretch x 20 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 27, 2015, 07:15:10 pm
SORENESS: quads a little, lats a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle, right knee, wth

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a few
terrible, could not exceed 32.5 off two steps, stopped. legs dead.

- squat 135 x 10,10,10
just testing, back felt good but right knee was protesting. weird.

- superset x 3
-- DB RDL 50s x 12
-- dip x 12
felt oddly unstable on the dips

- superset x 3
-- BSS x 10/leg
-- inverted row x 12

- stretch

weak, shitty workout. feel off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2015, 09:35:40 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee

- warm up

- depth jump @10" x 8,8
legs completely dead, right knee fine on the first set but started bugging about halfway through the second

- lunges
knee not having it. fuck.

- DB RDL 80s x 12,12

- 4-way hip extension x 10/position/leg

- some other garbage

- stretch

don't know what's wrong, my legs are just dead. been sleeping fine, eating fine. in positive news i'd say my back is 100% again. just gotta keep grinding, it'll come back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on September 29, 2015, 09:40:25 pm
Maybe throw some knee sleeves on, it wont be a cure but it might help.  When I do thrusters I have knee, elbow sleeves and wrist wraps on...protect yourself before you wreck yourself!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2015, 08:18:59 pm
took my dad to the gym today because him falling and breaking his wrist at the beach finally threw the light switch that getting stronger is gonna be pretty important as he gets older. was great, i took him through a warm up, some basic lower bodyweight stuff and a couple of machines and then we stretched. his wrist is still much too fucked up to do much upper stuff but that's okay. wouldn't call it a workout but i got an hour of moving around and doing some mobility and stretching in.

my right knee felt fine all day until, after he left, i went back to do shoot around and do some jumping. it started hurting as i was walking back into the gym.

i'm starting to wonder if these intermittent pains are psychosomatic somehow. the damn thing still hurts as i type this. wtf.

EDIT 10/1:

RE: psychosomatic. thought about it more last night and this morning. my knee still hurts today, although not as badly. but i wonder if a lot of the lifetime of odd, apparently idiopathic aches and pains that i've had since i was a little kid is somehow related to fear of athletic inadequacy or underachievement. this is related to the realization i had toward the end of college that i'd really coasted through most of my life to that point: school was easy, tests were easy, i'm naturally "smart," without trying, in ways that society rewards, i'm good-looking, and to some degree i'm funny and personable. also white, straight, middle class, and a dude. everything is easy.

athletically, getting good enough to compete (but not win very much) at a high level of fencing was easy in middle school and high school. same for ultimate frisbee, at which i got competent but never great, despite having the basic tools to do so.



all that shit made me feel like a wuss. i got good enough grades, but my friends who got straight A's in college because they worked hard absolutely awed me. there is something special and amazing about putting your ego on the line to get really good at something, to try really hard and accept the possibility that your best effort might fail. that is why i started trying to dunk in the first place: it seemed hard and i was very far away from being able to do it. sticking with it all this time, even through all the wheel-spinning and dumb injuries and whatever, feels good even though i haven't gotten there yet.

some of y'all who've been around have heard this story before, but i'm coming back to it because i wonder if all the aches and pains i've had since i was a little kid have been a way for my body and brain to make an excuse for themselves. my shoulder's messed up. back's killing me. i'm getting a sharp pain in my knee on the swing phase. to be fair to myself, i have had my share of certifiable injuries -- separated shoulder, 5-6 ankle sprains, etc., plus arthritis for the past 5+ years -- and so i know what that level of pain feels like and i know that i don't just have a super low pain tolerance or something. but the random aches and pains, the idiopathic injuries like the one i've had the last few days in my right knee, are still beyond my ability to explain. so i wonder if at some subconscious level they're just from a place of fear, of excuse-making for not trying harder.

i doubt that that's the explanation. but it's a thought that's been with me for a long time and one that won't go away.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 02, 2015, 06:22:43 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee but not as bad

- warm up
full-court layups x a lot, right knee started bugging a bit

- DLRVJ x some
knee not so bothersome on these but legs were a bit dead. failed to touch rim on first SJV although got it comfortably on the second. still that's the first time i've SVJ'd under 30 in a while. 33 off one step, which is okay. could not get the dodgeball down off a full run up after several tries and knee was meh so i bagged it and went back to layups and shooting around.

- stretch

bout 50 minutes soup to nuts, left because gym was closing. keep grinding.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2015, 06:21:24 pm
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~10-12
not great but that's to be expected after such a long layoff (>2 weeks) from ME jumping. reinforced the need to practice multiple times per week, i was floating the first couple steps until i took a break and watched vid (will post later). corrected the float and attacked a bit better after that.

- squat 275 x 3,3,3
short rests. solid but not explosive.

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 50s x 6
-- pull up +10 x 6

- DB shrug 65s x 12,12

- stretch

i need to squat and jump multiple times per week to feel good and jump consistently. unfortunately, i'm heading to tajikistan and afghanistan later this week for a couple of weeks. i'll be in dushanbe for part of that time with access to the meh gym in the hotel, but for a lot of the trip i'll be out in the mountains and will have to resort to bw stuff and SL pogos and the like. guess i'll use it as a conditioning block.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2015, 08:21:01 pm
today's crappy jumps

jumps are at 0:13, 0:32, 0:59, 1:37, 2:20, and 3:07 in this one:

jumps are at 0:26, 1:18, 2:04, and 2:22 here:

as i noted above, after watching these i corrected the little floaty whatever i was doing on the first couple of steps and things got a little better. still not a good day. the short-approach jumps (one and two steps) were not bad, ~33. i just don't think i got over 34 or 34.5 tops the rest of the time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: CsSsRuleLife on October 04, 2015, 09:42:51 pm
your technique looks wierd, its like you want to jump RL but then in the last moment you switch it up to LR.. and its like you kinda collapse forward sometimes.. i think technique is the main thing thats holding you back..
you reminded me on ori biala, his jumps looked like yours, just the opposite plant and hand..
i have a friend whose 2 foot jumps also reminded me on yours- its like he doesnt know which plant to choose and looks like he collapses forward in knees on his jumps.. hes pretty good of one foot tho, how good is your 1 foot?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on October 04, 2015, 10:00:56 pm
I disagree Maminho.  He said he didn't jump in 2 weeks so it's probably a little off but regardless, for the most part you jump the way your body's strengths allow you to.  People like to think there is some optimal technique but focusing on 'technique' on a high speed movement like vertical jumps is a road to nowhere IMO.  It's the scooby route.  All elite jumpers have different "techniques" from each other too.

LBSS is already aware of the need to accelerate into the jump (which IMO is the only tip you should give people on how to jump)  so there's nothing you can really tell him to jump higher other than that he should jump more often (which he already stated himself). 

Also LBSS, I've noticed you added more hamstring work in lately?  Do your jumps feel any different from them?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on October 04, 2015, 10:27:05 pm
I agree with Merrick that you jump the way your body's strengths allow you to. I would also add to that that it seems your eccentric strength isn't up to par with your concentric strength. I think that's the case because of the way you naturally pause before the jump and maybe even the way you land (if that's not you deliberately not trying).

I'd suggest one day of eccentric strength work a week to balance out with how strong you are with the concentric portion. Maybe something like:

Depth drops
Eccentric squats focusing on purposely dropping with speed and catching yourself at the bottom
Eccentric bench press (same idea)

I think even if I'm wrong in what I'm seeing that would help your nervous system and body adapt to the absorbing force portion of the jump better and help you no matter what. But I think concentrically you're strong enough to jump higher.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: CsSsRuleLife on October 04, 2015, 11:07:21 pm
when i think about it, yall are right, cant tell someone to fix their technique.. i have 2 friends that cant dunk, they are close tho, and they sometimes ask me like "what do you think where can i improve my technique, where can i find those extra few inches"
and when ever i gave some tips like "make that penultimate step longer" it would just mess up their jumps completely..

so yea cant go against this statament "I agree with Merrick that you jump the way your body's strengths allow you to"

there is this one thing i noticed tho, those friends a mine, their 2 foot jumps are so messed up, their knees go over their toes so much its just insane, and they played soccer their whole lifes-and not just them, every soccer player i know of has just a terrible 2 foot jumps, just collapse forward in knees.. so i wanted to say, soccer players for example, run on their toes most of the time, quickly changing directions and trying to catch up or run away/ around their opponents, with the tension beeing on their knees- so with them beeing used to all the tension on the knees, when they try to jump off 2 feet they collapse forward.. so i belive that it makes a big role what your athletic history was in how will your jumping tecnique look like..

excuse my english btw, hope you will understand what i was trying to say haha
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on October 04, 2015, 11:30:35 pm
Maminho, yeah I would imagine soccer players use their quads a lot with all the "breaking/changing directions" they go through.

Yeah undoubtable, I kinda noticed that slight pause before the jump too.  A slight deceleration.  It can just be from not having jumped in 2 weeks / CNS body not that primed / etc...  If not, then yeah reactive work probably would be the best fix.  I love me some eccentric squats too (real name is REA squats but whatever lol)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on October 05, 2015, 03:01:52 am

video (
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 05, 2015, 10:23:28 am
thanks for the feedback y'all. i posted these mainly as a record of what it looks like when my approach is off or bad. the problem is that i wasn't adding speed with each step -- you guys notice the pause on the last step but what sticks out to me is how high i was on the first couple of steps. instead of leaning in i was bouncing too much, or "floating" as i put it yesterday. then when i got to the last step i had to kind of hesitate to get low enough to actually jump up.

i don't know whether the hamstring stuff has had any effect, i haven't really done enough yet to tell. will continue with it for a while. i'm off weighted reactive/explosive stuff for a bit still given what i did to my back a few weeks ago. but it's worth thinking about depth drops in addition to depth jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 05, 2015, 04:08:13 pm
1:01 looked so weird lel

You should try some more "hip dominant jumps" with the legs thrown in front of you in an "X" - I sometimes try that and get good and bad results.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 05, 2015, 08:15:19 pm
SORENESS: hams and glutes a little, more pronounced on left side
ACHES/INJURIES: none; right low back (higher up than SI joint) started saying hi a little, see below

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a few
not great, soreness getting in way. 34ish.

- depth drop @28" x 4,4

- squat 175 x 20
solid, breathing hard but had at least 2 reps in the tank at the end

- dip x 19(TF)

- pull up x 10+3+3+3
harder than it should have been

- BB RDL x
started warming up and right low back was like no, be careful. bagged it.

- stretch

couple of things causing anxiety right now:
1. i think my boss is getting fired at this very moment. this is a good thing and something that i (along with others) have been agitating for for some time. however, it also means that i'm about to have a bunch of responsibility that i didn't today. i can do it but that's a little intimidating.
2. i have been missing my ex like crazy the last week. not sure how much that's affected by the nerves of planning for (1) and knowing that it was coming but not knowing when and having to act normal around the office all the while, but at any rate i had three dreams about her last week and have been much sadder thinking about her absence than i had in a while. one of the dreams literally woke me up, like a nightmare.
3. my brother is in really bad shape. he's not in the hospital right now but i'm (more) worried about him (than usual).
4. i'm leaving for two weeks in tajikistan and afghanistan on thursday and have an epic fuck ton of things to do while i'm there and will be underprepared for most of them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on October 06, 2015, 12:52:42 am
Yeah, I would be nervous too if I had to go to any of the 'stans right now and I wish my boss would get fired too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2015, 08:45:28 am
did the dad hour against last night. got up a sweat, good easy movement, and a good stretch.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2015, 07:48:09 pm
ended up not having time to go to the gym today, too much to do at work and then packing and shit. taxi comes in 45 mins and i should eat before i go because all the dining options shut down stupidly early in the international terminal at dulles. instead did the following:

- KB swings x 20,20,20


- stretch

while i'm in tajikistan i will do some conditioning stuff and, if there's space, some jumps and reactive stuff, e.g. SL pogos.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2015, 04:27:29 am
meant to work out yesterday but did not because of work + jet lag + talking to my ex for the first time since june. some emotional shit.

today morning:

- warm up

- hip thrust x 10,10,10

- goblet squat 22kg x 10,10,10

- SL pogo x 8,8,8/leg

- superset x 10
-- DB swing 16kg x 10
-- chin/pull up x 3
-- push up x 3

- stretch

for warm up ran 1.61km in 8:24. glory be i'm out of shape, this wasn't hard but it wasn't super easy. we'll see how much exercise i can get on the road this week. it's easy in dushanbe but out in the sticks i'm not sure what the conditions will be (e.g. even whether i'll have my own room). if i can get workouts in they'll be combos of light plyos and bw conditioning. i know i already said that, just reinforcing it for myself.

today evening:

- run 1.61km in 10:00

- stretch

just to take up time, get HR up a little, and get warm enough to stretch. and stretch.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2015, 12:43:15 pm
so basically got in a little stretching on the road trip and that's it. it was all work, all the time. got back late last night because the flight was cancelled due to bad weather and we had to drive. 13.5 hours through the mountains and i felt sick (headache and nausea) the last 5 or so. all in all an excellent trip, though. now i'm back in the capital.

today evening: (60s rest between all sets except depth jumps)

ACHES/INJURIES: got a side stitch warming up (?)

- warm up
jog x 0.8km

- depth jump @18" x 3; 10" x 5,5,5

- goblet squat 22kg x 15,15,15

- DB OHP ??s x 10,10,7
forget how much weight i used, 18 or 20

- BSS x 15,15/leg

- DB row 22s x 10,10,10

- DB RDL 26s x 15,15

- ab wheel roll out x 10,10

- stretch

two hours later:

- stretch
anterior hip, hamstring, calf, glute, chest, shoulders
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2015, 02:14:44 pm
meant to mention that my diet on the road trip was absolute garbage. that's for three reasons:
1. can't eat raw veggies or fruit or i will get the shits. got 'em the first day anyway, i think from a peeled apple.
2. people just eat a ton of carbs here and often with a lot of oil. a standard dish is rice and shredded carrots in a fuckton of cottonseed oil.
3. protein is spare, if there is meat it's often gross.

back in dushanbe it's easier to eat okay. at least i can get salads in the hotel and meat that i know has been butchered properly.

also, feeling out of shape after a week of no exercise and bad food and reading adarq's slow move back toward jumping has made me think i should do a work capacity/reactivity-type block where i build up a lot more volume of basketball-ish conditioning (continuous layups, basically), some running, and high-rep supplemental jumping in addition to jumping sessions. that and get my sleep and diet back on point. if i can start to get to bed at a reasonable time then i can use the mornings for conditioning; i am no good at ME stuff until at least mid-day but i that doesn't mean i can't work early.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2015, 11:39:57 pm
michigan lost while i was sleeping last night. i had a dream that they would lose, i think on a crazy interception. instead they lost on a fumbled punt. now i can't even read about sports for the next 24 hours. i feel sick.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2015, 01:52:09 am
today morning (fasted, had not eaten since lunch yesterday):

SORENESS: hamstrings a little
MENTAL STATE: very sad about michigan, otherwise good

- warm up
jog x 0.8km @ 11.5kph, joint circles, leg swings, SL standing reverse hyper ISOs

- run 90/60 @ 16.5kph x 2
too hard, meant to do more intervals but need to be less ambitious with the speed.

today afternoon (to be completed):
- warm up
jog x 0.8km

- depth jumps @12" x 5,5

- SL pogo x 8,8/leg

- MR half tuck x 20,20

- SL hip thrust x 15/leg

- hip thrust ISO x 60s

- stretch

today evening:
- stretch

breakfast: veggie omelet with cheese, glass of fresh-squeezed OJ, two cups coffee, small bowl of granola with dried fruit and strawberry yogurt
lunch: cheeseburger, water, a couple of french fries
dinner: three different kinds of salad, rice with beets, some ground beef kebab, sweet lassi
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2015, 11:24:35 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings a little

- warm up

- DB OHP 22s x 5,5,5

- neutral chin x 10,10,5

- DB shrug 26s x 12,12

- tricep pressdown x 12,12

- DB curlzzz 10s x 12,12

- reverse hyper x 12,12,12

- leg lower x 12,12

- stretch

felt thick after this, had been feeling a little scrawny. a little beach work from time to time never hurt anybody.  :highfive:

breakfast: veggie omelet with cheese, glass of fresh-squeezed OJ, two cups coffee, small bowl of granola with dried fruit and strawberry yogurt
lunch: spinach-and-feta-stuffed chicken, fries, water, cup of coffee
dinner: roast beef and figs, couple different kinds of salad, penne arrabiata (sp?), sweet lassi
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2015, 10:04:55 am
SORENESS: hamstrings a little, biceps
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee (?)

- warm up

- ME SVJ x 5,5

- SL pogo x 10,10,10/leg

- DL front-to-back line hop x 20,20

- DL side-to-side line hop x 20,20


- extended stretching quads/hamstrings/external hip

breakfast: breakfast: veggie omelet no cheese, glass of fresh-squeezed OJ, two cups coffee, small bowl of granola with dried fruit and strawberry yogurt
lunch: lagman (beef noodle soup with veggies), ground beef kebab, mashed potatoes and some other kind of grain/bean thing that i could not identify, beef samosa with toasted sesame seeds (delicious), tea
dinner: spaghetti alfredo with chicken, baba ghanoush, tabbouleh with pomegranate seeds, orange fanta
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on October 20, 2015, 10:33:44 am
Do you have a set amount of times you squat per month or is it just when you feel like it?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2015, 11:37:53 am
i've never done it by the month. i've gone through periods where i'll squat every time i'm in the gym as long as my body feels right. right now, being on a trip with no squatting possible, i'm kind of evaluating how much to do when i get back. it does seem to help my jumping, even semi-acutely. when i go a while without squatting jumping tends to suffer. not sure there's a causal link there, or if so what it is, but that's a pretty consistent observation i've made over the years.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on October 20, 2015, 05:14:59 pm
Ooh ok, just curious cuz Idt I've seen you do much squatting in awhile.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on October 20, 2015, 06:08:33 pm
i've never done it by the month. i've gone through periods where i'll squat every time i'm in the gym as long as my body feels right. right now, being on a trip with no squatting possible, i'm kind of evaluating how much to do when i get back. it does seem to help my jumping, even semi-acutely. when i go a while without squatting jumping tends to suffer. not sure there's a causal link there, or if so what it is, but that's a pretty consistent observation i've made over the years.

What do you think it is?  Losing strength when not squatting?  Or you think it's from the STIM/PAP effect of heavy squatting? 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2015, 11:53:27 pm
i think it's a combination of things:

1. losing limit strength, although this is probably not so important as i don't think my limit strength drops all that much without squatting. i can get back up near 2xbw pretty quickly after a layoff and that seems to be mostly about neural adaptations/re-learning the movement. for example, i did a pretty easy 330x1 at ~170-172 a few months ago.
2. PAP/STIM is definitely the biggest part, but i'd break it into two categories:
2a. traditional PAP/STIM, in the adarq sense that you get your CNS excited, muscle fibers recruited, etc.
2b. i love squatting, doing it well and doing challenging reps is very motivational for me and helps me enjoy being in the gym. i jump better if i'm in a good mood overall.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 21, 2015, 04:38:33 am
2b is the most important for me, when regularly squatting I jump with much more confidence/aggression. Must be what kellyb calls the psycho factor (
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 21, 2015, 12:37:51 pm
no exercise today, worked 7:30 AM - 6:30 PM and then had a work dinner.

breakfast: breakfast: veggie omelet no cheese, glass of fresh-squeezed OJ, two cups coffee, small bowl of granola with dried fruit and strawberry yogurt
lunch: steak, grilled veggies, fries, water
dinner: salmon panini, tomato soup, fries, two beers
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 22, 2015, 04:15:05 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little on the depth jumps

- run 3.2km @ 11kph
nice and easy, could have kept going but treadmill running is deathly boring.

- joint circles, some reverse lunges

more later. EDIT: later:

- warm up

- superset x 2
-- depth jump @10" x 5
-- ME SVJ x 5

- SL line hop x 20,20,20/leg
whoops, put SL pogos because that was the plan but my right knee was bothering me a little

- circuit x 3
-- goblet squat 26kg x 15
-- pull up x 9,9,8
-- paused SL calf raise x 10/leg
30-40s between exercises

- circuit x 3
-- DB RDL 26s x 12
-- DB OHP 16s x 10
-- ab wheel roll-out x 10
30-40s between exercises

- stretch

breakfast: small bowl of granola with dried fruit and strawberry yogurt, one cup of coffee
lunch: borscht, lamb kebab with rice and onions (delicious), coke, cup of coffee
dinner: spaghetti alfredo with extra chicken, tabbouleh, baba ghanoush, water
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on October 22, 2015, 02:23:29 pm
Lamb is amazing, first time I had it was in a gyro at the fair and yeah I spent a lot of money on gyros that year.  And yeah, running on a treadmill is worse than the plague.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2015, 12:27:12 am
yeah man plus the restaurant i ate at last night actually uses spices, unlike most of the places in this country. seriously people eat here for sustenance and that's it, there's next to no culture of eating or cooking for pleasure. salt, oil, carbs, a little protein, plain vegetables, dried fruit. and traditional places can't butcher for shit, it's wack. anyway the lamb yesterday was tasty.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee not painful but feeling a little wonky

- run x 2km
in the middle did 30/60 intervals at 16kph on/9.5kph off. forget how many, maybe 4. i think fartleks are the way to go in terms of conditioning when i get home, if continuous full-court layups are not an option. those are always the first option.

- stretch


- warm up

- circuit x 3
-- reverse hyper x 12
-- BSS x 10/leg
-- cable row x 10

- circuit x 3
-- cable chest press x 10
-- shrug x 12

- calf raise x 10/leg

- stretch

another work dinner tonight and then i leave at 4 AM for the airport. 5 hours to ataturk, 10 hours to dulles. layover is 4.5 hours, which isn't awful.

breakfast: veggie omelet no cheese, glass of fresh-squeezed OJ, two cups coffee, small bowl of granola with dried fruit and strawberry yogurt
lunch: three small mulberry bars, cup of tea
dinner: potato pancakes with tongue, chicken kiev with mashed potatoes, a beer
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on October 23, 2015, 11:06:53 am

- run x 2km
 i think fartleks are the way to go in terms of conditioning when i get home

Whats fartleks? I laughed when I saw it lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2015, 01:15:40 pm

- run x 2km
 i think fartleks are the way to go in terms of conditioning when i get home

Whats fartleks? I laughed when I saw it lol

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on October 23, 2015, 06:00:10 pm

- run x 2km
 i think fartleks are the way to go in terms of conditioning when i get home

Whats fartleks? I laughed when I saw it lol


Thats cold......
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 23, 2015, 11:41:29 pm
+100 lmgtfy.

ya fartlek is beast.. I basically do a variation of fartlek with higher intensity sprints (on some occasions). I love it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2015, 09:00:45 am
got home last night. parents picked me up from the airport and took me to dinner, which was great because (1) free dinner and (2) stayed out of my house until 10, which helps hugely with jet lag. slept 10:15-8, now feeling pretty good and need to figure out if there's any food and/or coffee in my house. gym today at some point.

nice to be back.

EDIT: there is no food. i don't know what my roommate eats. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2015, 01:12:06 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none, left mid-back feels a little weird but not painful

- warm up

- SVJ/one-step x a few
rough. did get 30" on one SVJ. very slow. expected.

- DB rhythmic jump squat 20s x 8,8,8

- squat 225 x 5,5,5

- superset x 2
-- push up x 15
-- inverted row x 12

- DB RDL 65s x 12,12

- paused SL calf raise x 10,10/leg

- stretch

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: mush, cup of milk
dinner: pulled chicken, bean salad, cup of milk
other: cappuccino, cup of milk
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2015, 05:14:45 pm
whoever is systematically downvoting me, go fuck yourself.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2015, 07:40:36 pm

- run x 2km
 i think fartleks are the way to go in terms of conditioning when i get home

Whats fartleks? I laughed when I saw it lol


Thats cold......

haha sorry man, couldn't resist.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2015, 07:45:31 am
EDIT: i'm gonna start tracking food and sleep.

SORENESS: hamstrings a little, glutes a little

- layups, drop-steps, free throws, shoot around x 30 mins

- stretch

light intensity, got breathing and HR up a bit and worked up a sweat. could not hit the broad side of a barn, though. shot all over the place, wrist very stiff, uncoordinated. it'll come back but man that's a lot of rust for just a couple of weeks off.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: chipotle burrito
dinner: brussels sprouts with bacon and apples, scallops with beets
other: a fair amount of booze

6.5 hours, went to sleep around 11 and woke up around 5:30 due to jet lag. annoyed as i usually sleep through the second night coming west. will pop benadryl tonight.

went on a date, drank a lot, should have offered to walk her home, decided not to, no regrets.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on October 26, 2015, 08:05:53 am
Have you tried the fasting trick for overcoming jetlag? Works pretty good for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on October 26, 2015, 05:47:20 pm

- run x 2km
 i think fartleks are the way to go in terms of conditioning when i get home

Whats fartleks? I laughed when I saw it lol


Thats cold......

haha sorry man, couldn't resist.

Im just pumped that I know that exists now so I can do it to other people, so I should thank you haha
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2015, 11:19:14 pm
seriously neg person, kill yourself.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on October 27, 2015, 02:57:51 am
seriously neg person, kill yourself.

lol. i think it was all borne from a misunderstanding. They thought you were saying "one mans trash" to ChrisM's relationship misfortune but you were referring to his post-injury deflated jumps which he was unhappy with but you'd be happy with. It wasn't me btw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2015, 09:12:50 am
nah it started before that post.

also, i measured today and my waist is actually 31" now (-0.5" from the last time i measured). 42" chest (+0.5"), and 23.5" thighs (-1"). interesting.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on October 27, 2015, 03:47:42 pm
Yea its been happening for awhile now but i understood what LBSS meant :)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 27, 2015, 06:33:15 pm
Late congratulations for being the owner of the first journal ( besides adarqui's ) to reach 100K views!

:goodjobbro:  :personal-record:  :wowthatwasnutswtf:  :highfive:  :almostascoolasnyancat:

Deserves one of my saved-for-special-cases gifs:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2015, 09:24:37 pm
haha thanks vag. i wonder what my peak day has been in terms of views. average is about 45/day.

all this really says to me, though, is "six freaking years and i still can't freaking dunk."
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on October 27, 2015, 10:10:14 pm
On the positive side it shows a lot of consistency and discipline to stick with your goal. You’re also getting leaner, which is great from a health and aesthetic point of view.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 28, 2015, 07:21:40 am
haha thanks vag. i wonder what my peak day has been in terms of views. average is about 45/day.

Actually, i have been logging the views statistics for 2 years now, started doing it when i was afraid the forum would die to see the trend but still keep it, for fun. Unfortunately, i am not OCD enough to do it daily, i log them weekly.
So, long story short, our views are fake. They were normal till June 2014 ( 100-300 views per week each ) but then they suddenly doubled-tribled and they stayed like this till today. It didn't happen linearly but literally overnight. Probably bots. For example, entropy's previous journal still gets an average of 500 views per week. Flander's journal ( before he came back ) was 0-5 views , then ( while he still had not came back ) shot up to 200. An active journal's average now is 500-800 views per week. You get the picture.
For the record, in the first week of March 2015 you had a crazy spike of 1780 views which is your highest. Not just you, those spikes apply to everyone ( me and raptor had ~1600 that week ). Next week all back to normal. Happens every 2-3 months, no idea what it is. The biggest spike recorded was mine ( 2200, dafuq? ) , entropy and you also spiked at ~1400 that week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2015, 07:42:14 am
yesterday was too tired to do anything in the evening. seriously, felt like i was falling asleep for like four hours. then i did fall asleep.

10/27 DIET
breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: mac and cheese with chicken meatballs
dinner: pulled chicken, three-bean salad, lettuce
other: two cups coffee
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2015, 07:44:13 am


- shoot around, full-court layups x 30 mins

- mobilizations

as i mentioned, i'm obsessed with the painscience website now. gonna start doing mostly what he calls mobilizations, rather than static stretching. it's a little feldenkraisish, tbh.


ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle
MENTAL STATE: very tired

- warm up

- depth jump @16" x 4

- DL and SL submax pogos x 12-15, a few sets

- squat
right ankle protesting, decided not to push through

- DB lunge 30s x 14,14,14,14

horrible, just felt so tired and slow.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: pizza with pork sausage and arugula
dinner: pulled chicken, curried cauliflower and potatos
other: tiny cupcake, couple cups of coffee

7+ hours (10:45-6ish, then lay in bed until alarm at 6:40)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 28, 2015, 10:51:52 am
haha thanks vag. i wonder what my peak day has been in terms of views. average is about 45/day.

Actually, i have been logging the views statistics for 2 years now, started doing it when i was afraid the forum would die to see the trend but still keep it, for fun. Unfortunately, i am not OCD enough to do it daily, i log them weekly.
So, long story short, our views are fake. They were normal till June 2014 ( 100-300 views per week each ) but then they suddenly doubled-tribled and they stayed like this till today. It didn't happen linearly but literally overnight. Probably bots. For example, entropy's previous journal still gets an average of 500 views per week. Flander's journal ( before he came back ) was 0-5 views , then ( while he still had not came back ) shot up to 200. An active journal's average now is 500-800 views per week. You get the picture.
For the record, in the first week of March 2015 you had a crazy spike of 1780 views which is your highest. Not just you, those spikes apply to everyone ( me and raptor had ~1600 that week ). Next week all back to normal. Happens every 2-3 months, no idea what it is. The biggest spike recorded was mine ( 2200, dafuq? ) , entropy and you also spiked at ~1400 that week.

hah nice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2015, 12:09:16 pm
vag don't burst my fucking bubble!  :raging:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2015, 09:17:22 am
breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee

6 hours, stayed up too late finishing a book that i couldn't put down (room, by emma donoghue). on the plus side i finally slept to my alarm at 7:30. jet lag has been way worse this week than any previous time i can remember coming east-to-west.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2015, 09:19:56 am
my upvotes are back! suck it, random downvoter guy!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on October 29, 2015, 11:33:57 am
You used to be like 1600 some respect....idk what to think anymore....idk who I can listen too for advice :ffffffuuuuuu:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 29, 2015, 12:29:14 pm
You used to be like 1600 some respect....idk what to think anymore....idk who I can listen too for advice :ffffffuuuuuu:


edit: love your avatar eric, lulz.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2015, 05:17:31 pm
internet died a couple of days ago, hence the journaling gap. was out too late last night at a halloween party but i didn't drink much (4 beers over the course of 5 hours) so on balance not too much harm done. will go out again tonight but probably not stay out so late and continue to keep the booze moderate.

in non-fitness news: i read a lot -- at least 20 books a year since college and usually more than 25 -- but i counted up last august and realized that only 25% or so of the books i'd read over the previous 4+ years were by women. no good excuse for that, so i decided to read nothing but women for the rest of the year and afterward try to keep the balance 50/50. i've read 47 books since then (35 in 2015 so far) and 28.5 of them are by women. just picked up 48 and 49, both by women. good job, me.

SORENESS: glutes a little

- warm up

- DRLVJ x ~10-12
30.5 SVJ, 33 off one, 34 off two. but apart from one 34+ jump off four everything off four was wack. just off.

- superset x 2
-- line hops forward and back x 60 contacts
-- line hops side to side x 60

- squat hold 315 x 10s

- squat 265 x 5,5,5

- pull up x 10+3+3+2

- DB RDL 70s x 12,12

- stretch

breakfast: smoothie, two cups of coffee
lunch: n/a
dinner: mush, lettuce, two cups of milk
other: whey shake

6-6.5 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on October 31, 2015, 05:25:38 pm
I enjoy reading too but not as many books like u do. Have you noticed different trends between books by men and books by women now that youve read a lot from each?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2015, 07:42:35 pm
good question, and you know, not really. i've read lots of different kinds of books and haven't really been looking for differences. some of the best books i've read in the past year have been by women, though, in different genres:

- ghettoside, by jill leovy (reportage about the neglect by police and the courts of violent crime in black communities in LA)
- gilead, by marilynne robinson (Serious Novel)
- the talented mr. ripley, by patricia highsmith (fun thriller)
- the warmth of other suns, by isabel wilkerson (history of the great migration)
- wolf hall, by hilary mantel (read for the second time, one of the best novels i've ever read)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2015, 11:35:41 am
jesus how is it already november?

- walk x 4 miles


SORENESS: tib anterior

- KB TGU x 2,2,2,2/side

- other random KB messing about: snatches, cleans, OHP, suitcase DLs

my KB is 35lbs. should be using it more. would be nice to get proficient at TGUs and cleans and snatches. swings i can obviously already do. but good cardio, good core/coordination/tension-relaxation work.

- mobilizations

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: chipotle
dinner: pulled chicken, bean salad, cup of milk
other: a few dark chocolate-covered almonds

7.5 hours, woke up once to pee but went right back to sleep
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 01, 2015, 10:39:40 pm
in non-fitness news: i read a lot -- at least 20 books a year since college and usually more than 25 -- but i counted up last august and realized that only 25% or so of the books i'd read over the previous 4+ years were by women. no good excuse for that, so i decided to read nothing but women for the rest of the year and afterward try to keep the balance 50/50. i've read 47 books since then (35 in 2015 so far) and 28.5 of them are by women. just picked up 48 and 49, both by women. good job, me.

never even thought of that (men vs women authors). I mostly read computer programming, operating system internals books, or papers; hardly any women authors in computer science.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2015, 10:02:41 pm
there are some obvious differences. women are more likely to write about women, or have women as protagonists. and it's just interesting to experience the way women write about the world, even if a concrete sense of what that means eludes me for the most part.

SORENESS: tib anterior
MENTAL STATE: a little tired, otherwise good

- warm up
adarq has inspired me to up my jump rope game. did sets of 100 to warm up, last set was alternating five double unders and 20 singles.

- jump squat +10kg x 4

- SVJ x 4

- LTMP squat 185 x 15
wack, weight was not hard but felt off, perhaps something in low back subliminally telling me to stop. careful.

- paused dip x 10+3+3+3+3+3

- pull up x 8
just to balance out push/pull reps with last workout

- stretch

- jump rope x 200,200,200
one-minute rests. many mistakes first set (boo), no mistakes second set, one mistake third set. the thing that gets tired is posterior delts, and to a lesser extent wrist extensors.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: pizza with spinach and pork sausage
dinner: pulled chicken, pasta, swiss chard, milk
other: 1-2 cups of coffee
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 02, 2015, 10:53:58 pm
^^ niiice!

seems like there's a jump rope squad forming.

curious to see how you feel from it tomorrow.. first few sessions got me pretty sore.

sucks about the squat, but good move. we've got to keep it safe in the weight room; we aren't PL'rs on tons of pain killers.. tehe!


edit: also love (hate) reading your diet entries, they usually make me hungry.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 03, 2015, 02:48:18 pm
i feel fine, but then my volume was way lower than yours. posterior delts are always the first things to fatigue when i get back into regular jumping rope but i think they will adjust pretty quickly.

wish i had someplace to jump at home, would do it every day.

also, yeah i've been hungrier than usual since i came back from tajikistan. been better about refined sugar, although i'm obviously not avoiding it at all costs, just reducing.

but i am tempted to focus on strenf for a little while and add 5-7 pounds of bw. like if i could get my squat to 360+ at ~178, combined with the movement efficiency i have now, i think that'd be tight. obviously i need to continue to be careful with squatting, but something like jumps 2x/week, jump rope/layup conditioning, and texas method for squats seems really appealing. plus i kind of want to start benching again, it's so fun.

in any case, i need a program. directionless gym-going is better than nothing, but it's not great.

so here's a thought. reactions/input/comments welcome, unless you're just gonna be a dick, in which case fuck off.

day 1
- rest

- jumps and/or depth jumps 2x10 @10-12"
- squat 3x5
- bench 3x5
- BB row 3x8
- jump rope finisher

day 2
- layups OR rest/easy KB work

- rest

day 3
- layups OR rest/easy KB work

- jumps and/or depth jumps 3x5 @ 16-18"
- squat 2x5 @80% of day 1 weight
- DB OHP 3x8
- pull up 3x8
- leg raise/windshield wipers
- jump rope light/skill work

day 4
- layups OR rest/easy KB work

- rest

day 5
- layups OR rest

- rest

day 6
- ME jumps
- squat MSEM x6
- bench 3x5
- RDL 3x8
- BB row 3x8

day 7
- random conditioning

part of the plan is also to get back to earlier bedtime/earlier wake-up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2015, 08:50:48 am

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: chicken sandwich, roasted squash
dinner: pasta, swiss chard, pulled chicken
other: cup of milk, two cups of coffee

7 hours


- shoot around and layups x 15 mins
unbelievably sluggish, could not make anything, missing layups. hand very dry. got mad and left early.

SORENESS: lower traps, anterior and posterior delts
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle and right knee a little, not too bothersome

- warm up
felt tired much of the day but felt good by the time i started shooting around. (rule #1 of working out at the JCC: always use the court if it's available.) was night and day, literally, with this morning. smooth jumpers, made 90%+ FTs, dribbling decent (by my low standards).

- DLRVJ x a few submax
was wearing slippery socks because all my good gym socks are dirty or vanished. ME jumps out of the question.

- depth jump @16" x 5,5,5

- squat 210 x 5,5
felt great

- superset x 3
-- DB OHP 35s x 8
-- chin up x 8,8; kroc row 80 x 10/side
right bicep feels chin ups the most.

- DB suitcase carry 50 x 40 steps/side

- jump rope x 200,250,20+(5)x4,(30)
the third thing in there is 100 jumps alternating 20 single unders with five double unders. couldn't think of a better notation than to put DUs in parentheses. so last set was 30 DUs.

- stretch

good workout.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: cheeseburger, some of the best fries i've ever eaten
dinner: pad thai with pork, protein shake, bunch of lettuce, cup of milk

6.5-7 hours. went to bed at a reasonable time (10:45) but then did the dumb thing where i can't not finish a book.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on November 04, 2015, 08:07:08 pm
Looks good to me, you'd be hitting everything directly and indirectly multiple times per week(I feel better hitting everything twice a week rather than once) and you threw in RDLs to smash your hammys which is the best thing next to squats.  Is day 1 going to be like 90 or 95% of your 5 rep max?

Also, might be good to do blocks of OH BB press or use one day to do regular BB bench and the other day to do OH BB press and alternate the days each week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2015, 09:47:52 pm
thanks eric. BB OHP tends to mess with my wrists once i get to a certain (modest) weight, so i've avoided it for years. will stick with DBs.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 05, 2015, 08:25:34 am
breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: pork sandwich with broccoli rabe, cola, donut
dinner: pulled chicken, swiss chard
other: two beers
a bit indulgent today, coworker bought me a donut (she owed me) so i ate it and the soda they have at this sandwich place is so freaking good. plus the two beers. no carbs at dinner, i figure the balance was still okay.

7.5+ hours, much better. must do that more consistently.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 05, 2015, 11:43:17 pm
i feel fine, but then my volume was way lower than yours. posterior delts are always the first things to fatigue when i get back into regular jumping rope but i think they will adjust pretty quickly.

wish i had someplace to jump at home, would do it every day.

also, yeah i've been hungrier than usual since i came back from tajikistan. been better about refined sugar, although i'm obviously not avoiding it at all costs, just reducing.

but i am tempted to focus on strenf for a little while and add 5-7 pounds of bw. like if i could get my squat to 360+ at ~178, combined with the movement efficiency i have now, i think that'd be tight. obviously i need to continue to be careful with squatting, but something like jumps 2x/week, jump rope/layup conditioning, and texas method for squats seems really appealing. plus i kind of want to start benching again, it's so fun.

in any case, i need a program. directionless gym-going is better than nothing, but it's not great.

so here's a thought. reactions/input/comments welcome, unless you're just gonna be a dick, in which case fuck off.

day 1
- rest

- jumps and/or depth jumps 2x10 @10-12"
- squat 3x5
- bench 3x5
- BB row 3x8
- jump rope finisher

day 2
- layups OR rest/easy KB work

- rest

day 3
- layups OR rest/easy KB work

- jumps and/or depth jumps 3x5 @ 16-18"
- squat 2x5 @80% of day 1 weight
- DB OHP 3x8
- pull up 3x8
- leg raise/windshield wipers
- jump rope light/skill work

day 4
- layups OR rest/easy KB work

- rest

day 5
- layups OR rest

- rest

day 6
- ME jumps
- squat MSEM x6
- bench 3x5
- RDL 3x8
- BB row 3x8

day 7
- random conditioning

part of the plan is also to get back to earlier bedtime/earlier wake-up.

yo LBSS.. my initial thoughts:

- add some calf raises into the mix for pretty much every lifting session (3 x ~20 reps), perhaps barbell calf raises with toes SLIGHTLY elevated (or not at all) or calf machine. Don't go for any crazy ROM on calf raises if you decide to add them in. You can add some variation in by keeping feet neutral or internally rotating so that the toes are pointed inward. Single leg variations work pretty good too but you barely need resistance, can basically just use your bodyweight and focus on keeping that leg locked/hip extended.

- your MSEM squats look like they might be better on day 3? you could still do your 2x5 since it's 80% of what you use on day 1, it'll still give you some time under tension but should be alot easier as long as you're feeling good, and then do MSEM after. I mean those MSEM squats should attempt to help your ME jumps on day 6, that's a good objective for them. Also, depending on how many max jumps you perform until fatigue, you may want to experiment with adding some more reps to your MSEM session.. ie, instead of 6, maybe go for 10. One of the ideas is that, each MSEM single is a "jump" with rest in between.

- if you move MSEM out of day 6, maybe just add in some more glute work (single leg glute bridge / glute machine / BSS / reverse lunge) and add in some TKE's on a leg extension (high rep, very controlled, making sure to get a great VMO contraction).

- i was going to mention double arm plate swings but you already have KB swings and such.

my 2 cents.

pc man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 06, 2015, 08:40:22 am
^^^thanks adarq! so would you not squat at all on day 6 and just do glute work and TKEs, or some other squat scheme that day?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 06, 2015, 08:41:08 am
breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: four small slices of pizza with meat and veggies, salad
dinner: pulled chicken, chard, cup of milk
other: cup of coffee, cappuccino, two glasses of wine, finger of scotch

7 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 06, 2015, 05:01:36 pm
revised per adarq:

day 1
- rest/easy KB work

- jumps and/or depth jumps 2x10 @10-12"
- squat 3x5
- bench 3x5
- BB row 3x8
- calf raise 3x20
- jump rope finisher

day 2
- layups OR rest/easy KB work

- rest/easy KB work

day 3
- layups OR rest/easy KB work

- jumps and/or depth jumps 3x5 @ 16-18"
- squat 2x5 @80% of day 1 weight
- squat MSEM @ 105% of day 1 weight x10
- DB OHP 3x8
- pull up 3x8
- calf raise 3x20
- jump rope light/skill work

day 4
- layups OR rest/easy KB work

- rest/easy KB work

day 5
- layups OR rest

- rest/easy KB work

day 6
- ME jumps
- squat 3x5
- bench 3x5
- RDL 3x8
- BB row 3x8
- lunge 3x12-16
- calf raise 3x20
- jump rope finisher

day 7
- random conditioning

easy KB work = TGUs, swings, clean and snatch practice. very low intensity, just working on technique and breathing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2015, 02:20:55 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knees at very end of workout

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~12
good to very good but not quite PR-level.

- squat 270 x 5,5,5

- bench 155 x 5,5,5
rusty. need to take this slow so as to re-figure out grip.

- BB row 115 x 8,8,8
strict, no english

- superset x 2
-- DB lunge 25s x 14
-- SL calf raise x 20/leg

- stretch

as written the plan has too many exercises on day 6, post-jumping. what i did today is manageable duration. will edit again.

breakfast: smoothie, two cups of coffee
lunch: N/A
dinner: pulled chicken, chard, mac and cheese,
other: protein shake, two cocktails and two beers

7+ hours

was out very late last night chilling with a couple of friends, but able to sleep until after 10. also, saw the new bond flick last night. fun time, not great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 08, 2015, 05:38:37 pm
SORENESS: glutes, hams, quads a little

- throws and drills with final phenom x an hour-plus
met up, threw around, did a marking drill. i am rusty, especially with respect to throwing fakes, which i was never that great at to begin with. still had a good time, much more fun than jumping rope!

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: meat loaf, roasted squash and roasted potatoes, cup of milk
dinner: pork tacos, bean salad
other: two glasses wine

6 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2015, 12:12:18 pm
- easy KB work (swings, snatches) x 20 mins
skipped actual workout because i had a buddy in town just for the day that i only get to see 1-2 times per year.

breakfast: smoothie, two cups of coffee
lunch: ham and artichoke pizza, salad, chocolate milk

7 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 10, 2015, 12:26:34 am
SORENESS: glutes, hams, quads a little

- throws and drills with final phenom x an hour-plus
met up, threw around
, did a marking drill. i am rusty, especially with respect to throwing fakes, which i was never that great at to begin with. still had a good time, much more fun than jumping rope!

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: meat loaf, roasted squash and roasted potatoes, cup of milk
dinner: pork tacos, bean salad
other: two glasses wine

6 hours

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 10, 2015, 12:35:28 am
^^^thanks adarq! so would you not squat at all on day 6 and just do glute work and TKEs, or some other squat scheme that day?

sorry been meaning to reply. ya I would squat. glad to see you filled it in with the 3x5. After that session you have one day rest, then you squat again.. so on that day 6, you may want to keep it light, maybe focus a little more on speed out of the hole but obviously still very controlled. The frequency alone is a big benefit, no need to hit some 5-6RM's on day 6. I like how you adjusted day 6 in the actual session. Seems more reasonable.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 11, 2015, 07:50:44 am
missed logging yesterday. drank three beers on a date. no exercise.

today morning:

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee

- shoot around + a few layups x 10 mins
fuck that, uncoordinated and right knee hurting. this is only viable if i really get enough sleep.

- easy KB work (swings, TGUs) x 10 mins

- mobilizations/activation


ACHES/INJURIES: right hip wigged out during squat warm up but just once; wrists during first bench work set

- warm up

- depth jump @8" x 10,10

- squat 215 x 5,5

- bench 165 x 5,5,5

- BB row 125 x 8,8,8

- leg press calf raise +90 x 20,20,20

- stretch

mediocre workout. no explosiveness. will go to the gym tomorrow and if i'm feeling good i'll do the MSEM squats.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: chipotle
dinner: mush (did not finish, used chard), protein shake
other: cup of coffee, cup of milk

<7 hours. NOT OKAY.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 12, 2015, 08:18:29 am

- warm up

- squat MSEM 275 x 1; 295 x 1; 305 x 1,1,1,1,1
very solid. kept sweatpants and sweatshirt on. forgot how much i like squatting in sweatpants. also stayed very warm.

- jump rope x 250,350,(15),(15),(15),(15)
1-2 mins rest, only made one mistake on the first set, everything else clean. will go for at least one 500 next time. it's just mental to get there.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: turkey sandwich, milkshake (roll tide)
dinner: rest of mush, protein shake
other: cup of coffee, milk, baby carrots

7.5 hours, much better
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2015, 10:33:53 am
yesterday (11/13):

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: steak, mashed potatoes
dinner: korean bbq sandwich
other: cappuccino, five beers over the course of 12 hours

7.5 hours



- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~10-12
good not great. couple of dodgeball dunks, also front rimmed an attempt smh.

- squat 280 x 5,5,5
still getting there but this was solid.

- bench 165 x 5,5,5

- BB row 130 x 8,8,8

- leg praise calf raise 275 x 20,20,20

- stretch

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: pad thai with chicken, cup of milk
dinner: small amount of pulled pork and bean salad
other: chocolate milk, three beers, small glass of whiskey

7.5 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 15, 2015, 11:36:34 am
- light KB work (swings, snatches) x 20 mins
the left-right disparity on snatches is stark. easy, natural movement on the right side. not at all on left, where i have a hard time relaxing my hand in the right order to get the KB around without banging my forearm.

breakfast: smoothie, two cups of coffee
lunch: pulled pork, bean salad, cup of milk
dinner: indian snacks, a little pasta with tomatoes and sausage
other: glass of wine

9 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on November 16, 2015, 08:51:19 am
yesterday (11/13):

- DLRVJ x ~10-12
good not great. couple of dodgeball dunks, also front rimmed an attempt smh

Can you palm a women's size basketball?
If so I reckon you could dunk with it since I'm assuming a dodgeball would be a similar size.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2015, 09:05:26 am
yes but not well enough to swing it. the dodgeballs are smaller/softer.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on November 16, 2015, 09:17:24 am
True. Probably just need another inch or two (on your vertical) max and you'd have it. The cheap synthetic balls are also easier to grip than leather ones imo.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2015, 10:40:55 am
ACHES/INJURIES: left elbow at the end, wrists a little -- careful

- warm up

- depth jump @10" x 10,10
these are dumb. should be doing fewer reps, more intensity.

- squat 280 x 5,5,5
weaker than saturday but will still go to 285.

- bench 170 x 5,5,5

- BB row 135 x 8,8,8

- SL calf raise x 20,20,20/leg

- stretch

breakfast: smoothie, two cups of coffee
lunch: chipotle
dinner: pulled pork, bean salad, chard, protein shake
other: cup of coffee, cup of milk

6.5 hours, did the couldn't-put-a-book-down thing. womp.

office closed because there's a woman with a gun barricaded in a building nearby. cops have blocked off several city blocks. crazy. working from home this morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2015, 08:46:09 am
breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: pizza with chicken sausage and spinach
dinner: pork roast, pasta with parmesan, salad, cup of milk
other: two cups of coffee, two small chocolate chip cookies

7 hours, woke up before alarm which is usually a good sign
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 18, 2015, 08:58:17 am
MENTAL STATE: dead. sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes...

- warm up

- depth drop @26" x 4,4,4

- squat 225 x 5,5; MSEM
just felt dead

- messed around trying to do the t0ddday leg cycling thing and could not get it coordinated. or was doing it wrong. did a bunch of other submax reactive stuff (SL pogos, prime times, etc.)

- SL hip thrust x 10,10,10/side
glutes not firing all that well

- upper

- jump rope

weak and dead. dunno what it is, haven't had anything to drink for days and i've been sleeping okay. chalk it up to a lemon of a workout and move on.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: pizza with pork sausage and spinach

7+ hours, not sure exactly when i fell asleep but was in bed a little after 11. that's a good target.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 18, 2015, 11:14:50 am
- depth jump @10" x 10,10
these are dumb. should be doing fewer reps, more intensity.

You can still do 2 x 10 @ 18" though if you've progressed your volume / box height (which you've done). I personally like the volume. Verkhoshansky usually prescribed shock phases with 3-4 x 10, but from even higher heights (above SVJ).

I think I remember you not liking 10 reps at 18"+ box height though.. Definitely don't want to increase box height & hit 10 reps if you're feeling aches/pains in your knee/back etc.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 18, 2015, 01:02:43 pm
yeah i don't think i could handle that. to keep volume at higher drops i prefer to spread the reps over more sets, so like 3x6.

think i'll switch to medium (18-20") DJs at 3x6 on Day 1 and high (~30") depth drops at 3x4 on Day 2. as kf said, my force absorption ain't great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2015, 10:18:27 pm
breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: chipotle
dinner: cheeseburger, fries, milkshake
other: two cups of coffee, several (?) beer tasters

6.5 hours. idiot. will make up for it tonight.

it's my birthday tomorrow so i went to a thing that involved beer tasting with some friends. then convinced myself to indulge and get a milkshake. fuck it, you only turn 29 once.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2015, 07:34:42 am
so begins my 30th trip around the sun.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: mac and cheese
dinner: mucha comida. did friendsgiving, had turkey, stuffing, other stuffing, green beans, salad, 2-3 kinds of pie, birthday cake, a roll, sweet potato casserole, etc.
other: whiskey, wine, and beer. but not too much.

7 hours.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 20, 2015, 09:26:44 am
so begins my 30th trip around the sun.

n00b !!!  :P

Happy bday, happy 30s decade, may it include a 10' dunk ( among with other  less important issues, such as health and happiness ).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2015, 10:02:26 am
well i'm not quite in my 30s decade yet, just turned 29. but thanks, hope i dunk soon.  :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 20, 2015, 10:49:18 am
I would have never guessed you're 2 years younger. You always seemed older than me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 20, 2015, 11:42:09 am
Damnit, of course, the 30th year is still in the 2nd decade.
That means my wish has just been transformed to a curse, no matter what you do you have to be in your 30s to dunk.  :o
I'll make an exception and accept that you are legally 30 from January 1st 2016, 2016 -1986 = 30, that's how the law is here. ;)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 20, 2015, 01:25:26 pm
Happy birthday by the way. Wait 'til you hit 30, you'll see how old you'll be then!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on November 20, 2015, 03:11:34 pm

Happy bday man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2015, 03:23:15 pm

Happy bday man!

thanks cowed! although, literally four posts above this, i said i'm 29.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 20, 2015, 03:25:23 pm
He's 30 in dog years.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on November 20, 2015, 07:31:10 pm
Happy Bday ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on November 20, 2015, 10:26:32 pm
Happy birthday man !
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 20, 2015, 11:12:48 pm
>>> map negate [sad, deathnight, woman]

[happy, birthday, man]

;/  :wowthatwasnutswtf:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on November 21, 2015, 02:14:29 am
29 is literally the best year .. it's when you're wise enough to be smarter and more experienced than during most of your 20s but still young enough to be in your 20s. Or something like that. I dont know, i thought it was the best. It's all downhill after 31 though. Lol. So enjoy this window of peak LBSS!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on November 21, 2015, 06:17:19 am
Haha, that was in response to raptor,

"Happy birthday by the way. Wait 'til you hit 30, you'll see how old you'll be then!"

20s are the best indeed..
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 21, 2015, 07:48:54 am
Stop saying that! You'll make me cry.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2015, 12:46:41 pm
thanks y'all! hoping for a big year.


- warm up

was off, could not get over 32 off one step. changed tacks, will do day 6 workout tomorrow.

- superset x a bunch
-- light KB work
-- glute activation
-- shoulder prehab

- mobilizations/stretch

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: N/A
dinner: steak with pearl onions and truffles, brussels sprouts (parents took me out for dinner)
other: protein shake, two beers

8 hours. sweet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 22, 2015, 11:07:42 am

- warm up
had the stroke, head hurting.

- DLRVJ x a few
floor very slippery, could not get up very well. head hurt in between reps.

- SL proto-bounds and DL pogos
trying to do the t0ddday SL bound practice thing for a bit. uncoordinated for the most part, got some vid and may post if it's not too embarrassing (it's very embarrassing).

- squat 285 x 5,5,5
very strong

- bench 180 x 5,5,5
very strong

- RDL 225 x 8,8,8

- leg press calf raise +270 x 20,20,20

- pull up x 6,6,6

- DB row 75 x 10/side

- stretch

meh workout. the court was covered in tables and chairs, had to move some stuff out of the way to even be able to warm up. and floor was filthy from whatever activity they'd been doing. plus trying the t0ddday thing was hard. then again, squat and bench were excellent.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: N/A
dinner: lots of pulled pork, swiss chard, bean salad, cup of chocolate milk
other: cup of chocolate milk, small cup of warm milk with vanilla and a little sugar

9+ hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2015, 08:09:18 am
uh-oh, t0ddday is back and calling everyone out on not training hard enough.  :ninja:

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee

? went to bed early but slept fitfully, woke up several times in the night and not sure how long i was awake. lame. headache back a little.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 23, 2015, 10:02:42 am
uh-oh, t0ddday is back and calling everyone out on not training hard enough.  :ninja:

nice  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 23, 2015, 11:55:58 am
uh-oh, t0ddday is back and calling everyone out on not training hard enough.  :ninja:

nice  :ibsquatting:

No, not really. People should speak after they actually know how you train and know your life, or shut up. You can neg this post all you want, but this is my opinion and in my particular case that shit doesn't apply.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 23, 2015, 12:27:28 pm
uh-oh, t0ddday is back and calling everyone out on not training hard enough.  :ninja:

nice  :ibsquatting:

No, not really. People should speak after they actually know how you train and know your life, or shut up. You can neg this post all you want, but this is my opinion and in my particular case that shit doesn't apply.

I was just speaking generally.. It reminds me of when I coached at MSC. Everyone was busting ass, training really hard, and in comes Jamie McOwen who would sometimes get under peoples skin by saying we aren't training hard enough, people aren't giving 100% effort etc. He made everyone elevate their game.

Same thing for Bruce Aven (the former MLB player who ran the facility). You could be on the verge of death from training so hard, he'd come in, and make you give so much more. For example, I was training this "minor league" football player who was ~250 lb & Aven was ~220 and barely lifted anymore, and he was trap bar deadlifting around ~505 or something.. So Bruce walks up, no warmup, asks if it was "heavy". No one really knew how to responsd. So he just picks it up like nothing, does a few reps.. drops it.. and goes "nah.. not heavy". Then walks off. Several egos were hurt, but.... People who thought they might be giving 100%, thought to themselves maybe they have been giving 95%.

So i'm saying "nice" from that angle. More of a "group training mindset" where people you train with can make you train harder.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 23, 2015, 12:53:34 pm
Or you could be genetically gifted, come in and "make fun" of people who actually train and you train just as hard or even less (or not at all) - and just because it works for you as a genetically gifted individual, you think (genetically gifted people don't usually think,  but let's have a positive approach here) that everybody must mess around when you are "training so hard" since they don't make progress and you do.

Well no shit Sherlock, you just got lucky by having the genetics that respond to more stress and also allow you a faster recovery. In fact, for hardgainers, LESS training should be the norm since their (our) recovery sucks to begin with. Train more and you'll run yourself into the ground and complain about not making any progress. If training more was all that was needed, we could all just train 10 hours per day and be the best in the world.

So genetically gifted people should just shut up about not training "hard enough" - they haven't been in a hardgainer's body, not to mention all the other parameters at work. What should be analysed is if the guy is giving his best shot, with the body/genetics that he's been dealt with, and if not, trying to find ways to improve on that (sometimes these ways are to train LESS hard, by the way).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on November 23, 2015, 06:56:26 pm
uh-oh, t0ddday is back and calling everyone out on not training hard enough.  :ninja:

nice  :ibsquatting:

No, not really. People should speak after they actually know how you train and know your life, or shut up. You can neg this post all you want, but this is my opinion and in my particular case that shit doesn't apply.

I was just speaking generally.. It reminds me of when I coached at MSC. Everyone was busting ass, training really hard, and in comes Jamie McOwen who would sometimes get under peoples skin by saying we aren't training hard enough, people aren't giving 100% effort etc. He made everyone elevate their game.

Same thing for Bruce Aven (the former MLB player who ran the facility). You could be on the verge of death from training so hard, he'd come in, and make you give so much more. For example, I was training this "minor league" football player who was ~250 lb & Aven was ~220 and barely lifted anymore, and he was trap bar deadlifting around ~505 or something.. So Bruce walks up, no warmup, asks if it was "heavy". No one really knew how to responsd. So he just picks it up like nothing, does a few reps.. drops it.. and goes "nah.. not heavy". Then walks off. Several egos were hurt, but.... People who thought they might be giving 100%, thought to themselves maybe they have been giving 95%.

So i'm saying "nice" from that angle. More of a "group training mindset" where people you train with can make you train harder.


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on November 24, 2015, 08:33:10 pm
Or you could be genetically gifted, come in and "make fun" of people who actually train and you train just as hard or even less (or not at all) - and just because it works for you as a genetically gifted individual, you think (genetically gifted people don't usually think,  but let's have a positive approach here) that everybody must mess around when you are "training so hard" since they don't make progress and you do.

Well no shit Sherlock, you just got lucky by having the genetics that respond to more stress and also allow you a faster recovery. In fact, for hardgainers, LESS training should be the norm since their (our) recovery sucks to begin with. Train more and you'll run yourself into the ground and complain about not making any progress. If training more was all that was needed, we could all just train 10 hours per day and be the best in the world.

So genetically gifted people should just shut up about not training "hard enough" - they haven't been in a hardgainer's body, not to mention all the other parameters at work. What should be analysed is if the guy is giving his best shot, with the body/genetics that he's been dealt with, and if not, trying to find ways to improve on that (sometimes these ways are to train LESS hard, by the way).

Wow, I could write a book on this post...  I love it because I hate it!   I think there are a few points here that are useful but the rest is basically the heart at what is holding back the progress of many members of the board (Raptor included but all of us to an extent).

First what I agree with.  Nobody should make fun of anyone else.  I'm no advocate of fat-shaming, slut-shaming, smoking-shaming, or any other type of behavior that's intent is to hurt someone else.  It's mean and it's counterproductive to actually helping people.  Doesn't mean we can't engage in good natured teasing; people are different and might be positively motivated by this - but if the intent is to make fun of someone at their expense and hurt them we shouldn't engage in it no matter what.   It's just as bad as what your doing when you suggest genetically gifted people don't usually think - how does lobbing passive aggressive insults at one part of the population help?

Now what I don't agree with.

1) Who appointed you the arbitrator of who is a hardgainer and who isn't?    And in your fantasy world are their only two types of people?  The reviled genetically gifted and the poor hardgainers?  Do you know what everyone on the board is?   It sounds like you conveniently draw the line of genetically gifted vs hardgainer as anyone who outperforms you is genetically gifted and therefore didn't work as hard (or as you suggest - maybe didn't work at all!).  You sound like one of my old coaches who used to jokingly say that the fastest humans can run without steroids is 19.89 over 200m (which just happened to be his PR).   Only you are not joking.   The question I have for you is how confident are you that you are really doing everything perfect?  It's hard for me to be overly critical of people's training over the internet - like you said I don't know your injury history, how recovered you were, etc.  However, some things (diet) are easy.  So when Mutumbo gets dejected about not making gains but also mentions throwing down 10 beers on Friday it's pretty clear his only obstacle isn't being a hardgainer.  When you try and lean out but insist on eating chocolates daily it's pretty clear that you are not taking our diet as seriously as you should be.   Given that most of us don't diet perfectly, what's the chance your actually training perfectly?   I actually agree with out that the variation of gaining muscle and gaining inches on our vert is pretty large - there may be people who can train as hard as they can and can't jump over 30 inches.   But that same variation doesn't exist for body composition...  So if you are trying to maximize your jump but getting lean (single digit BF) and just can't seem to do it...  then seriously just stop whining about being a hardgainer.  You have a clearly attainable goal that you can't accomplish because of a lack of discipline and effort.   Focus on that rather than making excuses. 

2) Where do you get this idea that hardgainers must train less?   You realize that recovery is an adaptable trait as well right?   There really isn't convincing evidence that hardgainers won't adapt to stress and thus need to provide less stress to make more gains.   What this sounds like is really convenient broscience made up by the lazy.   I imagine a conversation with a self diagnosed hardgainer going something like this:

Person:         Hey, man haven't seen you for awhile you still working on bench?
Hardgainer: Yeah man you know it, I've raised my bench press from 135 to 155 in just a little less than two years!
Person:         Oh yeah, that's cool I have raised mine from 185 to 315 in two years using this routine where I do a lot of volume mixed in with heavy triples... you should give it a shot!
Hardgainer:  No, man I can't.   See I am a hardgainer and a routine like that would actually cause my bench to go down.   Instead I just bench every two weeks and only 8 reps at 60% of my max.  For me less is more and this routine allowed me to make the massive gains i did.
Person:        Oh yeah, that's cool.  (In his head - seems like an excuse not to work very hard).

You know what else this sounds like?  Every obese person that believes things like "not eating actually makes you fatter" or I actually eat less than all the skinny people who just have fast metabolisms...  Then we get those people in a clinical setting on a calorie deficit and they lose weight...   There is no clinical setting for hardgainers who don't train hard but we do have training camp for sports and if you saw the body-composition changes you see after just a 2-3 training camp for all the athletes involved (including "hardgainers") you would be shocked...

3)  Seriously, this is the only point that matters.  You are not a hardgainer.  Seriously.  Stop saying it and more important... stop thinking it.  If you or Luke told me you were going to quit your day job and challenge Bolt next year in the Olympics I would advise you not to.  But that's it.  I'm not going to say your never gonna run under 12 seconds or 11 seconds or set any barriers to you.   Humans are amazing and the brain is amazing.  That you think your a hardgainer is probably the worst thing you can do.  You have set up a dichotomy in your head where you are on the hardgainer side....  Now you can't even draw motivation from an amazing performance because when you see that you don't think "wow, that inspires me to do more" you think "stupid genetically gifted person, god genetics are soooooo UNFAIR".    Stop now.    There is data that shows that mice perform better on tests if researchers are simply told that some mice are smart and some are dumb - just the way they handle the mice influences performance!    Seriously.  Listen to this:

The worst thing you can do for your progress is believe that you are somehow at a disadvantage.   We can balance realism with hope, we don't have to be delusional.  You probably won't ever be the worlds fastest man.... But I don't know that you can't be damn fast and I hope you start getting motivated so we can see just how fast you can be.   This type of defeatist attitude would never get us to the moon and won't get you the results you want.    It's going to be hard but you are going to have to start looking at what you are doing wrong, how you can do more, and how you can work harder and get more gains now... 

I'll just close with a reminder how rare you are.  If I recall you are about 6' and you can dunk a basketball and do so in games.  I train a lot of athletes who dream of doing exactly what you are doing...  Very few 6' guys actually throw down dunks in games.   How would you like to know that all these people see you and think "lucky genetic freak" rather than attribute what you have done to hard work...   You are already in the top couple percent just by dunking at your height.  Appreciate it, reach for the stars and start getting more. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on November 24, 2015, 08:40:22 pm
Or you could be genetically gifted, come in and "make fun" of people who actually train and you train just as hard or even less (or not at all) - and just because it works for you as a genetically gifted individual, you think (genetically gifted people don't usually think,  but let's have a positive approach here) that everybody must mess around when you are "training so hard" since they don't make progress and you do.

Well no shit Sherlock, you just got lucky by having the genetics that respond to more stress and also allow you a faster recovery. In fact, for hardgainers, LESS training should be the norm since their (our) recovery sucks to begin with. Train more and you'll run yourself into the ground and complain about not making any progress. If training more was all that was needed, we could all just train 10 hours per day and be the best in the world.

So genetically gifted people should just shut up about not training "hard enough" - they haven't been in a hardgainer's body, not to mention all the other parameters at work. What should be analysed is if the guy is giving his best shot, with the body/genetics that he's been dealt with, and if not, trying to find ways to improve on that (sometimes these ways are to train LESS hard, by the way).

Wow, I could write a book on this post...  I love it because I hate it!   I think there are a few points here that are useful but the rest is basically the heart at what is holding back the progress of many members of the board (Raptor included but all of us to an extent).

First what I agree with.  Nobody should make fun of anyone else.  I'm no advocate of fat-shaming, slut-shaming, smoking-shaming, or any other type of behavior that's intent is to hurt someone else.  It's mean and it's counterproductive to actually helping people.  Doesn't mean we can't engage in good natured teasing; people are different and might be positively motivated by this - but if the intent is to make fun of someone at their expense and hurt them we shouldn't engage in it no matter what.   It's just as bad as what your doing when you suggest genetically gifted people don't usually think - how does lobbing passive aggressive insults at one part of the population help?

Now what I don't agree with.

1) Who appointed you the arbitrator of who is a hardgainer and who isn't?    And in your fantasy world are their only two types of people?  The reviled genetically gifted and the poor hardgainers?  Do you know what everyone on the board is?   It sounds like you conveniently draw the line of genetically gifted vs hardgainer as anyone who outperforms you is genetically gifted and therefore didn't work as hard (or as you suggest - maybe didn't work at all!).  You sound like one of my old coaches who used to jokingly say that the fastest humans can run without steroids is 19.89 over 200m (which just happened to be his PR).   Only you are not joking.   The question I have for you is how confident are you that you are really doing everything perfect?  It's hard for me to be overly critical of people's training over the internet - like you said I don't know your injury history, how recovered you were, etc.  However, some things (diet) are easy.  So when Mutumbo gets dejected about not making gains but also mentions throwing down 10 beers on Friday it's pretty clear his only obstacle isn't being a hardgainer.  When you try and lean out but insist on eating chocolates daily it's pretty clear that you are not taking our diet as seriously as you should be.   Given that most of us don't diet perfectly, what's the chance your actually training perfectly?   I actually agree with out that the variation of gaining muscle and gaining inches on our vert is pretty large - there may be people who can train as hard as they can and can't jump over 30 inches.   But that same variation doesn't exist for body composition...  So if you are trying to maximize your jump but getting lean (single digit BF) and just can't seem to do it...  then seriously just stop whining about being a hardgainer.  You have a clearly attainable goal that you can't accomplish because of a lack of discipline and effort.   Focus on that rather than making excuses. 

2) Where do you get this idea that hardgainers must train less?   You realize that recovery is an adaptable trait as well right?   There really isn't convincing evidence that hardgainers won't adapt to stress and thus need to provide less stress to make more gains.   What this sounds like is really convenient broscience made up by the lazy.   I imagine a conversation with a self diagnosed hardgainer going something like this:

Person:         Hey, man haven't seen you for awhile you still working on bench?
Hardgainer: Yeah man you know it, I've raised my bench press from 135 to 155 in just a little less than two years!
Person:         Oh yeah, that's cool I have raised mine from 185 to 315 in two years using this routine where I do a lot of volume mixed in with heavy triples... you should give it a shot!
Hardgainer:  No, man I can't.   See I am a hardgainer and a routine like that would actually cause my bench to go down.   Instead I just bench every two weeks and only 8 reps at 60% of my max.  For me less is more and this routine allowed me to make the massive gains i did.
Person:        Oh yeah, that's cool.  (In his head - seems like an excuse not to work very hard).

You know what else this sounds like?  Every obese person that believes things like "not eating actually makes you fatter" or I actually eat less than all the skinny people who just have fast metabolisms...  Then we get those people in a clinical setting on a calorie deficit and they lose weight...   There is no clinical setting for hardgainers who don't train hard but we do have training camp for sports and if you saw the body-composition changes you see after just a 2-3 training camp for all the athletes involved (including "hardgainers") you would be shocked...

3)  Seriously, this is the only point that matters.  You are not a hardgainer.  Seriously.  Stop saying it and more important... stop thinking it.  If you or Luke told me you were going to quit your day job and challenge Bolt next year in the Olympics I would advise you not to.  But that's it.  I'm not going to say your never gonna run under 12 seconds or 11 seconds or set any barriers to you.   Humans are amazing and the brain is amazing.  That you think your a hardgainer is probably the worst thing you can do.  You have set up a dichotomy in your head where you are on the hardgainer side....  Now you can't even draw motivation from an amazing performance because when you see that you don't think "wow, that inspires me to do more" you think "stupid genetically gifted person, god genetics are soooooo UNFAIR".    Stop now.    There is data that shows that mice perform better on tests if researchers are simply told that some mice are smart and some are dumb - just the way they handle the mice influences performance!    Seriously.  Listen to this:

The worst thing you can do for your progress is believe that you are somehow at a disadvantage.   We can balance realism with hope, we don't have to be delusional.  You probably won't ever be the worlds fastest man.... But I don't know that you can't be damn fast and I hope you start getting motivated so we can see just how fast you can be.   This type of defeatist attitude would never get us to the moon and won't get you the results you want.    It's going to be hard but you are going to have to start looking at what you are doing wrong, how you can do more, and how you can work harder and get more gains now... 

I'll just close with a reminder how rare you are.  If I recall you are about 6' and you can dunk a basketball and do so in games.  I train a lot of athletes who dream of doing exactly what you are doing...  Very few 6' guys actually throw down dunks in games.   How would you like to know that all these people see you and think "lucky genetic freak"  rather than attribute what you have done to hard work...   You are already in the top couple percent just by dunking at your height.  Appreciate it, reach for the stars and start getting more.

I'm sure raptor won't agree but awesome post! Can you tell me I can make the Olympic weightlifting 2024 or something?   ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 24, 2015, 09:54:01 pm

SORENESS: hamstrings, posterior delts, lower traps

- warm up

- depth jump @18" x 5,5,5
last set best, felt looser, better pop

- squat 230 x 5,5; MSEM 300 x 10 (45-60s rest)

- stretch

got a late start because work is piling up before the holiday. squats felt very strong and fast, good stuff.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: pizza with pork sausage and spinach
dinner: half a mush, cup of milk
other: two cups of coffee, protein shake

7.5 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 25, 2015, 03:28:03 am


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on November 25, 2015, 05:50:43 am
Waiting for Raptor to post be like:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 25, 2015, 02:41:21 pm
Not at all.

I largely agree with everything T0ddday said. In fact, I should apologize to him - yes I was passive aggressive. Sometimes I just get tired of the criticism from people who don't know me, and I generalize everybody that criticizes everything with something towards me, I'm at that level that anybody that is successful is bothering me.

Listen, I don't feel mentally sane right or rational in any way right now. Expecting a rationally sound reply is just a wrong expectation, even if I try as much as I can - my mind doesn't work anymore, not nearly close. Sometimes when I'm doing stuff my mind just blanks out and I literally don't remember whole ideas or what I was about to say. And during the day I still think about suicide and all kinds of stuff, they just come into my mind non-stop, I can't shut them down no matter what, and I'm not sure I want to shut them down anyway.

If anything T0ddday is a pretty smart guy (obvious to anybody who reads what he has to say) and to my knowledge, he's never been condescending to anybody. It's just that his way of being blunt sometimes annoys me. And I'm saying this because I guess you want an actual honest answer, like to know what I really think. And this is it - this whole post will be no "hidden" thoughts or anything like that, I am/will actually tell my opinion as it is.

First what I agree with.  Nobody should make fun of anyone else.  I'm no advocate of fat-shaming, slut-shaming, smoking-shaming, or any other type of behavior that's intent is to hurt someone else.  It's mean and it's counterproductive to actually helping people.  Doesn't mean we can't engage in good natured teasing; people are different and might be positively motivated by this - but if the intent is to make fun of someone at their expense and hurt them we shouldn't engage in it no matter what.   It's just as bad as what your doing when you suggest genetically gifted people don't usually think - how does lobbing passive aggressive insults at one part of the population help?


The only thing that bothers me is when they come in with this superior attitude to tell you how good they are because "they train right" and how bad you are "because you don't". They take (yes, I'm generalizing, get over it) their success as 100% their merit and think people that don't make progress don't do so because this and that and the other thing. I tired of these arrogant pricks.

It's like having your parents' money to start businesses and then telling poor people that "they don't work hard enough" and that's why they're poor. Well how about the initial money (genetics) that mommy and daddy gave you for you to be successful? How about those money? Nevermind when they bankrupt one business and then still have to money to start another one and maybe another one after that and so on.

Yes, I'm digressing here into economics but genetically gifted people that tell all the others "shit" piss me off too much. That's all.

The question I have for you is how confident are you that you are really doing everything perfect?  It's hard for me to be overly critical of people's training over the internet - like you said I don't know your injury history, how recovered you were, etc.  However, some things (diet) are easy.

No, diet isn't easy. Not easy at all. I viscerally HATE anything that has to do with food: talking about food, preparing food, counting calories, shopping for food, anything. I've grown up with my dad hating this too, denying anything I wanted, I always ate what my mom cooked and that's it. I've formed myself in decades of this to absolutely hate anything that has to do with it. I also think a ton of it is marketing and plain out bullshit - I don't believe the labels are true (who the fuck knows how they did that analysis of the content of the food, why should I believe that is actually authentic) and even if I did, I can't be bothered to do all that stuff. It would take a tremendous amount of time to sort out food (something that I viscerally hate) and it costs a lot, and this and that and 100 things more.

Yes, call me crazy, a child, not serious enough, anything. I just don't want to do it.

So yeah, I'm by no means doing everything perfect. But it so happens that I have the rest of my life too. I've grown up barely affording to eat chocolate and stuff like that, no money for them, so now I want to eat what I couldn't as a kid. Again, blame me, throw the first stone, whatever. Tell me that I shouldn't complain since I don't do "what's needed". I think I compensate by not doing anything else that is "bad" in terms of nutrition - I don't eat fast foods, I'm not a guy that eats a lot anyway (since I hate food anyway), I don't drink alcohol (except from the occasional beer or wine (singular) 1 time per month or so) and overall I'm pretty clean anyway.

So when Mutumbo gets dejected about not making gains but also mentions throwing down 10 beers on Friday it's pretty clear his only obstacle isn't being a hardgainer.


When you try and lean out but insist on eating chocolates daily it's pretty clear that you are not taking our diet as seriously as you should be.

Yes. Because I honestly think it wouldn't make a difference and for me to try to get rid of that and still see no results - I couldn't accept that.

But that same variation doesn't exist for body composition...  So if you are trying to maximize your jump but getting lean (single digit BF) and just can't seem to do it...  then seriously just stop whining about being a hardgainer.

Single digit BF would mean me being OCD about any calorie that enters my mouth (assuming I actually believe the labels to begin with). Otherwise I don't see it happening during my lifetime.

Then it means a lot of other things - money to buy quality foods, eating foods I don't enjoy/like (yes, throw the book at me for caring about this), actually doing the buying, convince my mom to cook them/cook them myself (no, I hate that shit) and so on and so forth. So unless I magically get over my hate of food-related "things", there's a very small chance of anything happening on this front.

At least I'm trying "some" efforts on this front, in these last few days, in order to get lighter.

You have a clearly attainable goal that you can't accomplish because of a lack of discipline and effort.


Focus on that rather than making excuses.

You have the excuses above. Are they excuses? Yes. But considering I'm not exactly mentally sane and I really really really really really hate stuff regarding food, well, that's the situation. It's hard for me to explain how much I hate it. And it's more than what I can write here. In fact, since I'm on a honesty rampage, here you go: my dad used to beat me up if I didn't want to eat an apricot. Literally. I didn't like them at all, he would close me in the kitchen with him and beat me up if I didn't want to eat it. And ever since then, I haven't ate EVER an apricot (this was ~20-25 years ago).

There are similar things that have happened in the past, this is just one example. Now maybe you understand better the reasons behind my "food craziness". You can call me a kid, an idiot, whatever you wanna call me, for having this as a reason, but unless you lived my life you won't be able to understand fully what I mean.

2) Where do you get this idea that hardgainers must train less?   You realize that recovery is an adaptable trait as well right?   There really isn't convincing evidence that hardgainers won't adapt to stress and thus need to provide less stress to make more gains.   What this sounds like is really convenient broscience made up by the lazy.

I understand where you're coming from with this, but sometimes that's simply not the case. Sometimes a hardgainer can hardly recover from life itself, nevermind tons of gym-related strenuous volume. Yes, some people use the "hardgainer" genetics as excuses not to work hard. But reading through the logs in here, that's not really the case here on this forum. Otherwise, yeah, completely agree with you.

There is no clinical setting for hardgainers who don't train hard but we do have training camp for sports and if you saw the body-composition changes you see after just a 2-3 training camp for all the athletes involved (including "hardgainers") you would be shocked...

I think you're largely right. To add what I honestly believe, training camps are made (at least here in Romania) so that the coaches can mock their athletes and also as a way to make a ton of money - they force their athletes to go to places where the coach already talked with a "friend" to ask a ton of money (more than usual) for the "housing" of the athletes and stuff like that.

I know a case here where the coach would get a new car after every training camp after scamming his athletes of a ton of money. "It's needed for the training camp, it costs a lot!".

Obviously this has nothing to do with what you said, and I understand what you mean, but I wanted to say this nevertheless.

What are your experiences with training camps and the body compositions of everybody involved?

Seriously, this is the only point that matters.  You are not a hardgainer.  Seriously.  Stop saying it and more important... stop thinking it.  If you or Luke told me you were going to quit your day job and challenge Bolt next year in the Olympics I would advise you not to.  But that's it.  I'm not going to say your never gonna run under 12 seconds or 11 seconds or set any barriers to you.   Humans are amazing and the brain is amazing.  That you think your a hardgainer is probably the worst thing you can do.  You have set up a dichotomy in your head where you are on the hardgainer side....  Now you can't even draw motivation from an amazing performance because when you see that you don't think "wow, that inspires me to do more" you think "stupid genetically gifted person, god genetics are soooooo UNFAIR".

Well I don't "actively" think that. When I go to the gym or track I really push it hard, I'm concentrated, I'm doing my best. It never occured to me during training that "OMG I'm a hardgainer this is useless" - I always trained confidently.

But training confidently and consistently for 8 years only to see you never improve, you tell me how that's called. Yes, I know, you're going to bring the "yeah but you didn't eat the right things you were off by 1.28 calories on each night which over years totaled 32424.11575 calories added that made the difference". No, man, there are so, so many factors at work. I did my best with this fucked up mind and living conditions that I have, and with a body that was able to produce a 12 inch vert when I got started, and being a guy that nobody wanted in their sports team, being the last guy chosen in a team and so on. That's the genetics I started with.

At one point I lived with my mom off 4 euros PER DAY. That's 2 euros per person, PER DAY. You worry about "perfect nutrition" in these conditions. You don't know how that is. Maybe you come in with your personal story saying "don't think you're the only one living in harsh conditions" but I'm telling you, I used to eat one egg and bread and margarine per day, for a few months.

I understand things are different now, I can make decisions about what I eat, what I do, this, that, and that I shouldn't look back and use what happened in the past as an excuse forever. But sometimes stuff gets into your head and obsesses you, and destroys you, and messes you up long term.

In a weird way, it's remarkable I progressed "so much" considering all these facts.

The worst thing you can do for your progress is believe that you are somehow at a disadvantage.   We can balance realism with hope, we don't have to be delusional.  You probably won't ever be the worlds fastest man.... But I don't know that you can't be damn fast and I hope you start getting motivated so we can see just how fast you can be.   This type of defeatist attitude would never get us to the moon and won't get you the results you want.    It's going to be hard but you are going to have to start looking at what you are doing wrong, how you can do more, and how you can work harder and get more gains now... 

Well, I'm trying. I might not be doing the best job in the world, maybe I'm ultimately an idiot/a crazy guy/whatever, but I'm doing as much as "I can" (yes, where "I can" =/= "what I really can").

If I were having a defeatist attitude I wouldn't have trained for so long. It just bothers me when people seem to get results so easy and everybody is comparing X to Y to Z and putting them in the same category like there is no genetic variations in between persons, not to mention vs people who use performance enhancing drugs.

There is a big difference in between people and that needs to be recognized. We should appreciate where someone started at and where they are now, in relative terms to each individual, not in absolute terms, IMO.

I'll just close with a reminder how rare you are.  If I recall you are about 6' and you can dunk a basketball and do so in games.  I train a lot of athletes who dream of doing exactly what you are doing...  Very few 6' guys actually throw down dunks in games.   How would you like to know that all these people see you and think "lucky genetic freak"  rather than attribute what you have done to hard work...   You are already in the top couple percent just by dunking at your height.  Appreciate it, reach for the stars and start getting more.

Then I am a genetic freak. I could dunk at ~17-18 just practicing dunking. I was doing bodyweight calf raises then, for sets of ~50 or so. That's the only thing I was doing. And was weighing 67 kg.

Ever since then, with all the training in the world, I haven't increased my vert too much. Maybe ~10 cm or so. And made it more "stable" vs then. Then I could jump 60 cm, 75, 65, 90, 70, stuff like that. Now it's more stable. These are pretty much the only differences. I bet if I would've just dunked non stop (like I was doing back then) I would've gotten a better dunker/jumper than with all the strength work that I did.

So I don't really attribute my dunking ability to my work, really. Also, again - I'm 81 kg? Squat 1RM ~150. 86 kg? Squat 1RM ~150. 97 kg? Squat 1RM ~150. You tell me how does that makes sense in any imaginable way?!

And I would "start getting more" but as you can see, after 8 years of training, no real results have been happening.

Anyway, yeah, this is my opinion. I apologize once again, you don't really deserve any criticism. You're a smart guy with a very logical/rational mind and experience to top that off. I think your bluntness, if you will, in terms of how you write your replies (at least for me) gives an impression of arrogance, of "I'm better than you, listen up!", but that's probably in my tired mind.

I think sometimes I just want to be ignorant, it's really hard to be rational and realistic and "true" all the time (at least it is for me right now) - the world, as it is, is a pretty dark and unforgiving place. To stay true all the time depresses the shit out of me, so sometimes I just want to be ignorant and hide in that ignorance so I have a optimistic "hope" (not based on actual reality) that I can cling on.

Peace man, this forum and its members have a lot to benefit from your presence here! Upvoted your message by the way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 26, 2015, 04:15:24 am
I may have serious objections in a few things there ( much fewer than i would expect though ) , but i can do nothing but applaud the 'truthiness' of this spot.
Real talk, all out confession, takes some guts to do that, bravo!
Now we should return this journal to its owner.  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2015, 12:08:57 pm
- KB work x 20 mins
snatches improving a lot, especially on the left.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
dinner: thanksgiving

7 hours

Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Americans! The rest of you, carry on.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on November 28, 2015, 10:45:39 am
I may have serious objections in a few things there ( much fewer than i would expect though ) , but i can do nothing but applaud the 'truthiness' of this spot.
Real talk, all out confession, takes some guts to do that, bravo!
Now we should return this journal to its owner.  :P

Agreed we should stop the hijack... If Raptor or anyone wants to expand or ask questions regarding our discussion they can PM me...  Just wanted to put out two last points that we might be helpful to the forum readers...

1) Raptor is pointing out what is a well studied topic - the fundamental attribution error.  It's something we all do and reinforce through confirmation bias over and over...  In the worst case we emphasis internal flaws for others failures and external luckiness for their success while explaining our failures with external problems and giving ourselves and ourselves alone the credit for our success...  As Raptor points out - this is annoying.   My point is not to suggest that this doesn't exist - but that making this mistake will lead to less success in every element of life!   We never know for sure the factors in ones success or failure but if we can err on the side of believing we can succeed as others have done we will find motivation rather than discouragement in others successes - in fact if we want to make it we MUST do this.   

2) Second an apology to Raptor and anyone else who comes from somewhere vastly different the LA.  I train a few athletes in Los Angeles (one of the most expensive cities in the richest country) and one refrain I constantly remind athletes and layman is essentially "You live in America, you cannot claim that you don't have the time or money to eat right or train, you can work hard in this country and make money and have time to train - it's a choice that you make!".   That said...  My dad is from the 3rd world.  I've visited family in Africa and the depressing reality that is post-colonial corruption riddled life in these economies is something that would extinguish the fire from some of even the most motivated people I know.    When there are literally no jobs, little food, and no way out I can't blame people for saying "fuck it, I'm gonna just spend my 3 dollars a day on some cigarettes and chill by the river..."    I get it and know how lucky I am.   However, sometimes on the Internet we forget that the whole world is watching.  Raptor writes so clearly in english it's hard to remember he's not living down the street!  I don't know much about second-world eastern europe (I have only been as far as Bulgaria) but I respect that it might be worlds apart from mine...  I lot of my advice and motivation and expectations implicitly assume the person I am talking to also lives in the US (or western world) and has some level of access to what I have...  I realize this isn't always the case and so I apologize to any non-western readers who have it hard - I realize some places on this globe are incredibly hard to live - it's not that I'm not conscious and respectful of the struggle - it's just when everyone writes perfect english I sometimes forget where they come from!     
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 28, 2015, 11:39:24 am
- layups and shoot around x 30 mins

- stretch

planned to do DLRVJ but felt like lead. more stretching later and hopefully will feel bouncier tomorrow.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: small turkey sandwich, veggies and nuts, a coke
dinner: pad thai with chicken and extra veggies, cup of milk
other: two cups of coffee, three beers

~7 hours, woke up three times in the night. weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2015, 10:43:48 am
feel a little sick today and very sluggish. planned to wake up on the early side so i could go to the gym but decided to go back to sleep instead. gotta hang out with my brother this afternoon before he leaves town so no gym until tomorrow. this weekend turned out to be more of a break than i meant it to be.  :-[
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 30, 2015, 10:09:55 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none (headache earlier in the day but it went away)

- warm up

- depth drop @32" x 4,4,4

- SVJ x 3,3
first set felt really explosive

- squat 290 x 5,5,5

- bench 185 x 5,5,5

- leg press calf raise +315 x 20,20

- BB row 135 x 8,8,8

- jump rope x 100,100,500
only one mistake on the 500 set (at ~440)

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: cheeseburger and fries
dinner: mush
other: two cups of coffee, protein shake

7+ hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 02, 2015, 12:18:55 pm
no log for yesterday, diet was normal, sleep was fine.

so many active journals and so many people doing well has me fired up to go train tonight. mantra is "AELS, AELS, AELS" -- i'm tempted to kick MSEM squats all the way up to 315.  :-X :highfive:

SORENESS: hamstrings and glutes a little

- warm up
layups and shooting around, tried a few one- and two-step DLRVJ but was not good, too sore.

- depth jump @19" x 5; @26" x 4,4

- squat MSEM 305 x 10
~45-60s rests. bar was popping. sixth rep was a little wobbly so i took a bit of extra rest and refocused. rest good.

- 5-minute pull ups on the 30s x 3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,5
beat whoever it was that did that recently :P

- DB OHP 35s x 10+3+3+3+3+3

- stretch

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: chipotle
other: two cups of coffee

7.5 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 04, 2015, 10:17:00 pm
so many active journals and so many people doing well has me fired up to go train tonight.



alot of us train alone, so lots of people busting ass in journals definitely has a "training partner" feel to me.

mantra is "AELS, AELS, AELS" -- i'm tempted to kick MSEM squats all the way up to 315.  :-X :highfive:

what's AELS?

- squat MSEM 305 x 10
~45-60s rests. bar was popping. sixth rep was a little wobbly so i took a bit of extra rest and refocused. rest good.

nice! when are you bumping up to 315?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 05, 2015, 06:53:56 am
I wonder what would happen if we could teleport ourselves and train together, everybody in here. What would be the difference in the progress each of us makes alone vs. in that kind of competitive environment?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on December 05, 2015, 09:52:58 am
Probably be laps and bounds better considering the average intellect on here. Competition breeds excellence and add in constructive criticism and encouragement from individuals with similar goals can only help.

Adarq said it best...this forum IS my training partner. All of you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on December 05, 2015, 01:59:57 pm
Yeah I think even we kind of underrate its importance.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2015, 03:03:41 pm
AELS is vag's term, i think: anti-ego lifting squad. don't go for sudden milestones just because they make you feel like a baller, especially if going for them might get you hurt.

will go for 315 next week (not this coming wednesday but the following one).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2015, 03:08:51 pm
drank too much last night. buddy i hadn't seen in a long time hit me up. also had a date, which will not lead to a second date (woman was not attractive enough). between the two things, too much beer. was a bit hung over earlier but not too badly. heading to the gym now (3 PM), hope it doesn't affect training too much. poor sleep quality last night (obviously alcohol-linked in part, see below).

ACHES/INJURIES: none (even the little hitch that's been in my hip for so long that i don't log it was not there)
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up
included 3x3 DL bounds

- DLRVJ x ~10
near-PR levels, a bunch of strong dunks with the dodgeball. excellent. one jump in particular something just clicked and felt different/better than the others. easily 36".

- squat 295 x 5

- bench 190 x 5

- RDL 235 x 8,8,8

- kroc row 80 x 21L,21R

- paused leg press calf raise +295 x 20,20

- stretch

wow, great workout. decided to switch squat and bench going forward to a kind of wave approach, so day 1 is 3x5, day 3 is MSEM x 8-10, and day 6 is 1x5 with more weight than day 1, and then the next week's day 1 uses that day 6 weight.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
other: cup of coffee

6 hours, plus 3 hours dozing but not sleeping because my fucking neighbors are having some construction done on their house that involves a power saw and a nail gun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 05, 2015, 04:52:58 pm
AELS is vag's term, i think: anti-ego lifting squad. don't go for sudden milestones just because they make you feel like a baller, especially if going for them might get you hurt.

will go for 315 next week (not this coming wednesday but the following one).

Nah, not mine, adarqui it was you that invented the term:

Ffffuuuu, can't paste it from mobile, search aels, it has its own thread.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 05, 2015, 05:18:59 pm
AELS is vag's term, i think: anti-ego lifting squad. don't go for sudden milestones just because they make you feel like a baller, especially if going for them might get you hurt.

will go for 315 next week (not this coming wednesday but the following one).

Nah, not mine, adarqui it was you that invented the term:

Ffffuuuu, can't paste it from mobile, search aels, it has its own thread.

damn.. i forgot

i now realize that I am a genius! thx
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 05, 2015, 10:20:41 pm
drank too much last night. buddy i hadn't seen in a long time hit me up. also had a date, which will not lead to a second date (woman was not attractive enough). between the two things, too much beer. was a bit hung over earlier but not too badly. heading to the gym now (3 PM), hope it doesn't affect training too much. poor sleep quality last night (obviously alcohol-linked in part, see below).

ACHES/INJURIES: none (even the little hitch that's been in my hip for so long that i don't log it was not there)
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up
included 3x3 DL bounds

- DLRVJ x ~10
near-PR levels, a bunch of strong dunks with the dodgeball. excellent. one jump in particular something just clicked and felt different/better than the others. easily 36".

- squat 295 x 5

- bench 190 x 5

- RDL 235 x 8,8,8

- kroc row 80 x 21L,21R

- paused leg press calf raise +295 x 20,20

- stretch

wow, great workout. decided to switch squat and bench going forward to a kind of wave approach, so day 1 is 3x5, day 3 is MSEM x 8-10, and day 6 is 1x5 with more weight than day 1, and then the next week's day 1 uses that day 6 weight.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
other: cup of coffee

6 hours, plus 3 hours dozing but not sleeping because my fucking neighbors are having some construction done on their house that involves a power saw and a nail gun.

just bumping this post since it was edited later and "fell behind".

good stuff man!$!@# seemed like a great session.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on December 05, 2015, 11:56:22 pm
drank too much last night. buddy i hadn't seen in a long time hit me up. also had a date, which will not lead to a second date (woman was not attractive enough)

sounds pretty shallow to be honest.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2015, 01:12:56 am
drank too much last night. buddy i hadn't seen in a long time hit me up. also had a date, which will not lead to a second date (woman was not attractive enough)

sounds pretty shallow to be honest.

what an odd thing to say. part of dating is trying to find someone you would like to have sex with. after this date, i thought the woman was cool but realized i was not sexually attracted to her. that doesn't mean i think she's a bad person or uninteresting or something -- if we'd met under other circumstances she's someone i could be friends with -- but it does mean that going on a second date is a waste of her time and mine, even leaving aside whether or not she was attracted to me! in what universe is that shallow?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on December 06, 2015, 01:20:37 am
This conversation made me lol. I read it as she wasn't attractive in my eyes so I didn't get the impression of it being shallow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on December 06, 2015, 01:46:08 am
it's just that the way you said it: "woman was not attractive enough" sounded like looks are the main thing you consider and that women have to meet your high standards for you to even think about going on a second date with them... I agree that sexual attraction is very important... but for me looks are definitely not everything. I prefer dating a cute girl wihich is fun, intelligent and has a nice personality over a stunning girl which is uninteresting and boring any time. So yeah to some point it is about whether or not you are physically attracted to someone. But at least for me past that there are just way more important things to make a decision about if I would like to go on a second date or be in a relationship with her. After all it's not only about choosing someone you want to have sex with but also someone you want to be with. Being in a relationship with a very hot but uninteresting, dumb girl gets boring and unsatisfying very fast... been there done that. It's a whole different story for one night stands though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 06, 2015, 05:01:34 am
Lol.  Comment didnt bother me but I didnt read it in a negative way...  I read it as "I wasnt attracted to her".  But I see how it could be read as "she wasnt attractive enough for me.  I only talk to 9s and above.  She is an 8. No dice." Lol.  Phrasing is important. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 06, 2015, 05:02:35 am
How big is a dodgeball?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2015, 10:53:09 am
Mmmm, internet judgment based on a context-free misreading of a poorly-phrased sentence. The best kind.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2015, 10:54:36 am
a dodgeball is a bit smaller than a volleyball. they used to have bigger ones but i don't know what happened to them. at any rate i could have dunked a bigger ball yesterday, judging by how easily i was dunking the dodgeball. they just didn't have anything in between that and a basketball.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on December 06, 2015, 12:54:05 pm
Haha... I just love how you're always so tolerant and openminded.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on December 06, 2015, 02:01:16 pm
A wise man once said....

No one looks across the bar and goes "Damn, I bet she'd be a great conversationalist!"

Physical attraction isnt everything but it IS a necessity. The spark is needed. All the other intricacies of their personality are what keeps you together.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on December 06, 2015, 03:11:17 pm
Agree 100% with you. But I usually don't go on dates with women that I'm not physically attracted to in the first place... but whatever I just found the statement a bit strange. I definitely did not want to turn this into a big argument.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2015, 03:27:17 pm
Agree 100% with you. But I usually don't go on dates with women that I'm not physically attracted to in the first place... but whatever I just found the statement a bit strange. I definitely did not want to turn this into a big argument.

date came from an app, pics made her seem cuter than she was in real life. so it goes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on December 06, 2015, 03:52:12 pm
I dont get app dating or online dating...its overly convenient. Its not any challenge really. swipe left or right or up or down. dont actually fsce the person to learn about them...shrug.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on December 06, 2015, 07:31:59 pm
Wow. Downvoted for having standards. Harsh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2015, 11:51:47 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, traps
ACHES/INJURIES: none (hip hitch was back a little)

- jump rope x 500; double unders on the 30s x 10 + 2x20; double unders x 50
horrible notation, whatever. about 3 mins rest between blocks. the x50 double unders were hard toward the end.

- stretch

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
dinner: chipotle
other: cup of coffee, some chips and artichoke dip, three beers

9 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2015, 11:52:29 pm
I dont get app dating or online dating...its overly convenient. Its not any challenge really. swipe left or right or up or down. dont actually fsce the person to learn about them...shrug.

yeah tbh i've been kind of disappointed/frustrated by it. tried it mostly because i was in a relationship for the whole time the apps got big and so i just wanted to see what they were like.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2015, 12:13:13 pm
have a mild cough and sore throat today, stayed home from work since i lectured everyone at the last staff meeting about not coming in sick and spreading germs, lol.

later: still feel run down, went to the gym and warmed up but just feel like crap. hopefully will sleep well tonight and be back in business tomorrow.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: pulled chicken, bean salad

7.5 hours, plus 2 more hours after breakfast.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2015, 09:34:13 pm
SORENESS: none really
ACHES/INJURIES: head after second set of squats; still dealing with throat/chest cold

- warm up
did some of those bounds T0ddday is trying to get raptor to do

- depth jump @18" x 5,5,5
first two sets felt explosive, first one in particular. smooth and i was getting up.

- squat 295 x 5,5,4
second set was a struggle, head started hurting. got my shit together and the first three reps of the fifth set were very good. fourth set lost concentration and then re-racked the bar. no need to fail.

- rest of workout
headache, no good, still feeling it. benching/rowing not worth killing myself for. should have done calf raises but just felt out of it.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: chipotle
dinner: pulled chicken, bean salad, chocolate milk

7.5 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2015, 09:05:37 pm
had it in mind to go to the gym tonight to do the rest of the workout but it's 9 PM and i just got home after starting work at 7:30 AM. and i have a call in 5-10 minutes. no gym tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on December 09, 2015, 09:27:42 pm
had it in mind to go to the gym tonight to do the rest of the workout but it's 9 PM and i just got home after starting work at 7:30 AM. and i have a call in 5-10 minutes. no gym tonight.

That sucks :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2015, 09:46:03 pm
15 minutes before the gym closes and I'm still at work. Quite a week.  :uhcomeon:

EDIT: worked until 11, got home ~11:30, was supposed to have a call at 7:30 this morning (Friday) but I woke up to find the dude had cancelled it overnight, went back to sleep, woke up at 10.

Throat/chest cold continues apace.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 12, 2015, 05:25:18 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: still dealing with throat/chest cold

- warm up
included some skater hops, some repeated backboard touches

- DLRVJ x 10
missed a bunch of dunks with the size three soccer ball, made two

- SVJ x 5,5
did not touch rim after second jump of first set

- SL SVJ x 5/leg
could not even touch backboard

- repeated backboard touches x 10,10,10
ugly, turns out this is a learned skill. third set better than first two.

- SVJ x 2

T0ddday suggested that i spend more time jumping and de-emphasize or even remove lifting. still working out what to do but tried this today. legs beat, i'm not conditioned to jump this many times and maybe that's a problem.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on December 12, 2015, 05:46:23 pm
Maybe just utilize only MSEM squats emphasizing bar speed (so minimal fatigue + CNS STIM) and everything else on jumps? 

From my experience, 1 jump session with CNS potentiated from low volume high intensity lifting does me much more good than 3-4 jump sessions with an average CNS
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on December 12, 2015, 06:45:48 pm
^^ x2 ^^

I wouldn't want to lose the benefits of at least one heavy lifting session a week (CNS, hormonal, muscular). I don't see any positive outcome coming from that. I'm all for trying new forms of jump sessions/ explosive lifting but I think you max strength work has always been a positive for you..
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 12, 2015, 07:31:08 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: still dealing with throat/chest cold

- warm up
included some skater hops, some repeated backboard touches

- DLRVJ x 10
missed a bunch of dunks with the size three soccer ball, made two

- SVJ x 5,5
did not touch rim after second jump of first set

- SL SVJ x 5/leg
could not even touch backboard

- repeated backboard touches x 10,10,10
ugly, turns out this is a learned skill. third set better than first two.

- SVJ x 2


T0ddday suggested that i spend more time jumping and de-emphasize or even remove lifting. still working out what to do but tried this today. legs beat, i'm not conditioned to jump this many times and maybe that's a problem.

de-emphasize sure, but I don't think removing it completely would be a good idea. You still need to be able to express more power in the squat, especially those MSEM singles you are doing. If you could get those singles close to ~2xBW, that would be ideal. Then you attempt to express that power in your jump sessions. If you plan on de-emphasizing it, you could condense it into something like:

- kb swings
- squat (normal or singles)
- dips/pullups superset

Personally though, I think you've been doing pretty good. You've had some great jump sessions lately but you've also had several things get in your way; sickness, not being able to jump, traveling, etc. Being more consistent with the jump sessions would definitely help - and when you're not feeling fresh & ready to jump max, you could do higher volume (shorter rest periods) submax jumps from different angles etc - working on speed of runup, arm swing, really short ground contact etc.

Would you be able to consistently do jump sessions ~3x/week? Seems like you're always getting bumped out of there, which would be a problem if you dropped lifting completely.

Not recommending this but it's one option.. It has a ton of pre-requisites due to the (supramaximal) intensity of the method.

An advanced jump only phase one could employ after strength blocks would be The Shock Method. In order to safely perform it though one needs to be around 2+xBW squat (or preferably 5-10 MSEM singles @ 2xBW), no injuries, very minimal aches, comfortable performing depth jumps from ~30" (for eventually 10 reps), have a target when depth jumping (vertec, markings, jump mat). In a block like this, one could completely stop lifting and still see gains in explosive strength, max strength, reactive strength, etc.

Example Shock Block:
- everything is ~30s rest between reps, 6-10 minutes rest between sets
- 3x/week
- 4 weeks
- following strength block with plenty of jump/shock preparation

Week 1:
- ridiculously comprehensive warmup
- Depth Jumps from 30": 2 x 10
- cool down

Week 2:
- ridiculously comprehensive warmup
- Depth Jumps from 30": 3 x 10
- cool down

Week 3:
- ridiculously comprehensive warmup
- Depth Jumps from 30": 4 x 10
- cool down

Week 4:
- ridiculously comprehensive warmup
- Depth Jumps from 30": 4 x 10
- cool down

There's probably some safer (2d/week shock) variations out there that would benefit us even more.. ie, Mon=Shock, Wed=Jumps, Fri=Shock ..

Here's some old data from when I performed shock when I shouldn't have, the numbers are pretty sick (I didn't finish it, I wasn't ready for it - verk told me that on his forum & I basically already knew that but wanted to do it anyway):

Here's two shock articles:
- The actual method, straight from the source:
- KellyB article:
I recall Kingfish doing a shock block.


^^ x2 ^^

I wouldn't want to lose the benefits of at least one heavy lifting session a week (CNS, hormonal, muscular). I don't see any positive outcome coming from that. I'm all for trying new forms of jump sessions/ explosive lifting but I think you max strength work has always been a positive for you..

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on December 12, 2015, 10:49:50 pm

Not recommending this but it's one option.. It has a ton of pre-requisites due to the (supramaximal) intensity of the method.

An advanced jump only phase one could employ after strength blocks would be The Shock Method. In order to safely perform it though one needs to be around 2+xBW squat (or preferably 5-10 MSEM singles @ 2xBW), no injuries, very minimal aches, comfortable performing depth jumps from ~30" (for eventually 10 reps), have a target when depth jumping (vertec, markings, jump mat). In a block like this, one could completely stop lifting and still see gains in explosive strength, max strength, reactive strength, etc.


I have heard of intense shock method blocks like the one you just talked about and realize that if you are adequately prepared and are able to do shocks at a high enough intensity, you can actually increase maximal strength without doing any weights.  Obviously, these would come in the form of high box (30"+) depth drops+jumps and proficient high speed single leg bounding (are there any other plyo's that have crazy 'shock'?).

1) How long can one go on such a block without weights?  Theoretically from a newbs standpoint (me), it sounds like once you can safely and proficiently do intense shock plyos (high depth drops/jumps or single leg bounding) you "can" stop weight training forever for legs.  Although maximal strength gains may be slower than working with weights, you can still just progressively overload the shock and still get gains in max strength (albeit at a slower rate) without ever having things like explosive strength deficits or lack of high frequency/quality  jumps/sprints, etc...

2) During a "shock method block", would you still use weights purely for a CNS STIM strategy?  Does intense shocks provide STIM as well?  I've read your high frequency depth jump blog and found it interesting.  Maybe you can elaborate a little more on using delayed STIM (exercise now for STIM'ed jump session in ~48 hours) from depth jumps vs MSEM squats?

If shock STIM is as good as low volume high intensity weight room STIM, you can theoretically never go back to the weight room after you can do proficient high intensity shock methods

3) What kind of volume and frequency is needed to produce maximal strength gains in a shock block if using single leg bounding rather than depth jumps?  Looking at your depth jump example, I'm guessing 3x a week of ME single leg bounding at high speed until performance drop off would be sufficient?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 13, 2015, 12:10:45 am

Not recommending this but it's one option.. It has a ton of pre-requisites due to the (supramaximal) intensity of the method.

An advanced jump only phase one could employ after strength blocks would be The Shock Method. In order to safely perform it though one needs to be around 2+xBW squat (or preferably 5-10 MSEM singles @ 2xBW), no injuries, very minimal aches, comfortable performing depth jumps from ~30" (for eventually 10 reps), have a target when depth jumping (vertec, markings, jump mat). In a block like this, one could completely stop lifting and still see gains in explosive strength, max strength, reactive strength, etc.


I have heard of intense shock method blocks like the one you just talked about and realize that if you are adequately prepared and are able to do shocks at a high enough intensity, you can actually increase maximal strength without doing any weights.  Obviously, these would come in the form of high box (30"+) depth drops+jumps and proficient high speed single leg bounding (are there any other plyo's that have crazy 'shock'?).

Ya there's plyo pushups (depth jump style but for pushups), that's the most popular. Then you have specially crafted devices like these "leg press sleds" and "bench press sleds". Here's the "Plyo Swing" that Westside Barbell sells: .. So there's stuff like that for lower & upper body.

There's also drop-catch bench press which seems very dangerous HEH. There's drop-catch variations of several lifts, like curls and such. Jay Schroeder seemed to really popularize this, but, you don't see many people utilizing it, probably for good reason.

Even REA squats.. but fuck REA squats. I think LBSS would agree.

1) How long can one go on such a block without weights?

Well, the end goal is to improve the competition exercise, which in our case is jumping, sprinting, etc.. So, we pretty much just forget about weights at this point. They served their purpose leading up to the shock block in building that "bigger engine" & other qualities.

I've read about shock blocks being effective from 4-6 weeks. I don't think anyone would use them much longer. After this block, you're getting the benefits of the Shock Method AND the benefits of the delayed/supercompensation (peaking) effect. That's pretty nuclear.

Theoretically from a newbs standpoint (me), it sounds like once you can safely and proficiently do intense shock plyos (high depth drops/jumps or single leg bounding) you "can" stop weight training forever for legs.

Well, bounds aren't really considered shock. They are actually prescribed as preparatory exercises before depth jumps and such. They are very intense and satisfy some requirements of shock though so.. I think people have done shock-like variations of bounds by actually bounding off of a block, to get more height.. like a 12-18" concrete slab. I've seen it before. So they bound, then bound off that block, then bound once more @ normal level. Seems crazy.

By "forever", if you mean for a short training block/cycle, then ya.. :) but, you can't train shock forever. Every training method loses it's effectiveness as time goes on.

Weight training provides a much safer & simpler means of improving the various strength qualities. You can easily identify what strength qualities you want to improve & attack them.  You can basically do it year round. It's not going to beat up your body (joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, cns) like prolonged intense plyometrics (shock) will.

Although maximal strength gains may be slower than working with weights, you can still just progressively overload the shock and still get gains in max strength (albeit at a slower rate) without ever having things like explosive strength deficits or lack of high frequency/quality  jumps/sprints, etc...

well, absolute strength gains could arguably be better under plyometrics.. it's just that expressing it in something like back squat is more complex. So usually they measure with leg press, leg extension etc. The loads experienced via plyometrics far outweigh those of traditional weight training so... much stronger stimulus for improving max strength. It's just not nearly as safe. But ya you will have a smaller explosive strength deficit because you're not allowed to "take as long as you want" when performing a depth jump. You hit the ground and try to get as high as possible. So you're always working within that explosive strength time frame.

2) During a "shock method block", would you still use weights purely for a CNS STIM strategy?

Verkhoshansky (the guy who created it) says literally nothing else is allowed, no weights etc.. just some core exercises, prehab and such... due to the intensity and the competition for recovery/adaptation etc.

Does intense shocks provide STIM as well?

Ya high volume plyometrics is insane stim. In the data I posted in that blog, you can see the numbers shoot up like crazy on my second day (with one day rest after the first). I started to accumulate fatigue as I kept up with the 3x/week ideology. I imagine "1 shock day" could be some pretty powerful STIM. I experienced this again a year or more later. I did one day of 4x10 depth jumps then a few days later I felt like a rocket:

I even put "shock" in that video.. because those dunks were way better than anything I had done at the time (I think). I remember just feeling unbelievably springy that day. That was also maybe my first good two hander too.

So ya if you approached shock from more of a STIM perspective, then 1 session once a week (throughout 4-6 weeks or so) could potentially be very powerful. Would be an easier way to break into it too than dedicating an entire block to it. That's why we perform DJ's in these sessions though, to get some of that effect without performing an entire block associated with it.

I've read your high frequency depth jump blog and found it interesting.  Maybe you can elaborate a little more on using delayed STIM (exercise now for STIM'ed jump session in ~48 hours) from depth jumps vs MSEM squats?

tbh, not sure at the moment.. i'd have to think about it for a bit longer. Regardless of what's actually going on, if one day of 1x10 drops fatigues your nervous system similar to an MSEM squat session, then you should expect a similar rebound.. MSEM won't create significant muscular fatigue so, they are pretty similar.

I've personally never felt such great potentiation/stim from drops though.. and 1x10 drops wouldn't make me nearly as fatigued as say 5-10 singles @ 95% 1RM. Unless perhaps you start going higher and higher from those drops, but then it gets risky. You can't just keep going higher, even if you think you can land correctly.. Because it takes a toll on the articular surface of your joints, little fissures etc.. Say from 50+ inch box heights etc.

From personal experience, i'd think you would need 2-4x10 depth jumps to match MSEM at 5-10 singles at 90-95%. One set just isn't enough.

If shock STIM is as good as low volume high intensity weight room STIM, you can theoretically never go back to the weight room after you can do proficient high intensity shock methods

nah, for reasons I stated earlier. to restate briefly, shock will lose it's effectiveness over time.

3) What kind of volume and frequency is needed to produce maximal strength gains in a shock block if using single leg bounding rather than depth jumps?  Looking at your depth jump example, I'm guessing 3x a week of ME single leg bounding at high speed until performance drop off would be sufficient?

not sure with bounds. as stated earlier, they aren't really considered to be apart of the "shock" realm. I havn't read anything on it that I could draw some kind of comparison from. So not sure how single leg bounds would improve MaxS compared to depth jumps.

let me post this for now, not sure what I typed... HEH!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 13, 2015, 12:52:43 am

T0ddday suggested that i spend more time jumping and de-emphasize or even remove lifting. still working out what to do but tried this today. legs beat, i'm not conditioned to jump this many times and maybe that's a problem.

de-emphasize sure, but I don't think removing it completely would be a good idea. You still need to be able to express more power in the squat, especially those MSEM singles you are doing. If you could get those singles close to ~2xBW, that would be ideal. Then you attempt to express that power in your jump sessions. If you plan on de-emphasizing it, you could condense it into something like:

^^ x2 ^^

I wouldn't want to lose the benefits of at least one heavy lifting session a week (CNS, hormonal, muscular). I don't see any positive outcome coming from that. I'm all for trying new forms of jump sessions/ explosive lifting but I think you max strength work has always been a positive for you..


Before everyone espouses the benefits of not dropping squats - I think we should explain the context my advice was given in.  Admittedly I am probably the least fan iron of everyone on the board and it's probably for personal reasons (I could dunk easily and was getting up around 37'' DLRVJ and SLRVJ and run 10.7 in college with a max-squat of 225x5, power-clean at 185, and deadlift of 405 [ dunno why by my deadlift was strong the first time I tried it...] ). 

However, my advice to LBSS was given in terms of his situation, desperate to dunk - has a 36'' jump and a 10'6 dunk and only wants to do a tip-in or alley-oop...  IMO he is probably jumping high enough to make it happen already with the perfect lob but essentially he is after that final inch so the day he is jumping well he doesn't need the perfect lob, just the almost perfect lob...

Given that I just outlined some strategies for peaking.  They are not what I would call good long term strategies but they work if you just want to see results now and don't care about what happens after.   Among them I listed hyper-hydration weight loss, crash dieting, hypergravity weight vests, and peaking by dropping weights from the program.  It's unfortunate that Ben Johnson's training methods got so famous because I guarantee he is the exception not the rule. 

Everyone else in track and field does some level of peaking around the world-championships or when they go for records.  I would bet a lot of money that when Bolt ran his 9.58, when Jonathan Edwards triple jumped 60 feet, when Mike Powell long jumped 30 feet, when Ashton Eaton destroyed the decathalon...  That all of those guys hadn't touched a weight in at least a month.   If the benefit of the heavy squats to the CNS was so great and irreplaceable then you wouldn't have worlds records falling to the guys who left weights alone. 

I think this might be a semi-semantic argument because while Adarq recommends a specific peaking protocol - in athletics the events themselves are the peaking.  The athletes who are peaking basically just compete a lot, maybe a trials of their event, do plyos, get tons and tons of therapy, and some easy tempo work.   I can tell you at this time of the season even though I was clearly not supposed to be playing basketball I always felt especially light (probably because most guys lose a bit of weight when peaking) and dunking and jumping were insanely easy...

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 13, 2015, 01:03:27 am

3) What kind of volume and frequency is needed to produce maximal strength gains in a shock block if using single leg bounding rather than depth jumps?  Looking at your depth jump example, I'm guessing 3x a week of ME single leg bounding at high speed until performance drop off would be sufficient?
not sure with bounds. as stated earlier, they aren't really considered to be apart of the "shock" realm. I havn't read anything on it that I could draw some kind of comparison from. So not sure how single leg bounds would improve MaxS compared to depth jumps.
I'll admit I'm not an expert on what is shock and what is not but I don't really understand why depth jumps and drops are basically the only example.

If someone is doing repeated jumps bounds in place - a 36'' inch jump and then land and do another one, I don't see how this isn't shock.  Additionally, while low intensity single leg bounding may not be shock the triple jump SURELY is.  There is a reason most triple jumpers don't actually do full run-in triple jumps throughout the year.   The amount of force the athlete has to deal with landing on one foot coming from that much height and speed...

So IMO you could make SL bounding into a shock exercise.  But it's also a good recipe for a fractured tibia...  IMO shock can be useful for sprinters who don't jump train or for jumpers who are not at a high level... but for high-level jumpers their training is essentially shock training...  For them good programming is not adding shock training but reducing their training in the event to not overdue shock!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on December 13, 2015, 01:12:21 am
A lot of interesting information.

Basically what I was trying to get at was, I was wondering if later in my training when my weight room numbers are pretty high and the return of investment gets much smaller, if I can just essentially stop doing lower body weight room work and still continue getting stronger (maximal strength), even if at small increments, by just doing plenty of single leg bounding at high intensities (using faster run ins , etc...)

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 13, 2015, 01:55:51 am
A lot of interesting information.

Basically what I was trying to get at was, I was wondering if later in my training when my weight room numbers are pretty high and the return of investment gets much smaller, if I can just essentially stop doing lower body weight room work and still continue getting stronger (maximal strength), even if at small increments, by just doing plenty of single leg bounding at high intensities (using faster run ins , etc...)

Well... understand that if you stop squatting... your squat WILL go down.  Andrew made the point that maximal strength isn't lost but it's tested on something that has less skill than a squat like a leg-press.   Also, single leg bounding if intense enough will help you keep strength in something analogous - like a single leg legpress (although remember bounding is hip-dominant so you will lose strength in knee-extension single leg strength).  Double leg squats are very different... I was able to squat 500lbs on a surgerically repaired knee where I couldn't even go down into a 1/16 pistol squat.  Never have been able to come close to a pistol and I hate them, but still should hit better than 1/16 depth.  The point is double-leg squats are whole body compensation - if you don't have double leg shock or some type of very high intensity double leg bounding you will lose strength there. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on December 13, 2015, 02:08:43 am
A lot of interesting information.

Basically what I was trying to get at was, I was wondering if later in my training when my weight room numbers are pretty high and the return of investment gets much smaller, if I can just essentially stop doing lower body weight room work and still continue getting stronger (maximal strength), even if at small increments, by just doing plenty of single leg bounding at high intensities (using faster run ins , etc...)

Well... understand that if you stop squatting... your squat WILL go down.  Andrew made the point that maximal strength isn't lost but it's tested on something that has less skill than a squat like a leg-press.   Also, single leg bounding if intense enough will help you keep strength in something analogous - like a single leg legpress (although remember bounding is hip-dominant so you will lose strength in knee-extension single leg strength).  Double leg squats are very different... I was able to squat 500lbs on a surgerically repaired knee where I couldn't even go down into a 1/16 pistol squat.  Never have been able to come close to a pistol and I hate them, but still should hit better than 1/16 depth.  The point is double-leg squats are whole body compensation - if you don't have double leg shock or some type of very high intensity double leg bounding you will lose strength there.

I don't care if I lose strength in any weight room exercise.  I was wondering in a situation where if I'm training the SL jump or sprint, and after getting strong in the weight room, tossed all my weight room exercises aside and just focused on single leg bounds only (being enough of an overload) would there be some negative effect from this?

I'm assuming there would be no negative effects from the points you made
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 13, 2015, 02:43:05 am
Personally I wouldnt advise it.  Not that Im against tossing away weight room exercises, but because I dont know if single leg bounding is sufficient.  You can overload the hips so explosively when you load on two legs... i think some of this will be hard to train w only single leg bounds...

Also very high intensity single leg stuff is just too dangerous to use all year...  for example while your shins heal between sessions what you gonna do?

That said i think you could devise a workout that takes place entirely on the field/track and stop weights when u are strong enough...  but that workout is gonna have some ball tosses, double leg bounds, verticle jumps, etc
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on December 13, 2015, 11:03:28 am

T0ddday suggested that i spend more time jumping and de-emphasize or even remove lifting. still working out what to do but tried this today. legs beat, i'm not conditioned to jump this many times and maybe that's a problem.

de-emphasize sure, but I don't think removing it completely would be a good idea. You still need to be able to express more power in the squat, especially those MSEM singles you are doing. If you could get those singles close to ~2xBW, that would be ideal. Then you attempt to express that power in your jump sessions. If you plan on de-emphasizing it, you could condense it into something like:

^^ x2 ^^

I wouldn't want to lose the benefits of at least one heavy lifting session a week (CNS, hormonal, muscular). I don't see any positive outcome coming from that. I'm all for trying new forms of jump sessions/ explosive lifting but I think you max strength work has always been a positive for you..


Before everyone espouses the benefits of not dropping squats - I think we should explain the context my advice was given in.  Admittedly I am probably the least fan iron of everyone on the board and it's probably for personal reasons (I could dunk easily and was getting up around 37'' DLRVJ and SLRVJ and run 10.7 in college with a max-squat of 225x5, power-clean at 185, and deadlift of 405 [ dunno why by my deadlift was strong the first time I tried it...] ). 

However, my advice to LBSS was given in terms of his situation, desperate to dunk - has a 36'' jump and a 10'6 dunk and only wants to do a tip-in or alley-oop...  IMO he is probably jumping high enough to make it happen already with the perfect lob but essentially he is after that final inch so the day he is jumping well he doesn't need the perfect lob, just the almost perfect lob...

Given that I just outlined some strategies for peaking.  They are not what I would call good long term strategies but they work if you just want to see results now and don't care about what happens after.   Among them I listed hyper-hydration weight loss, crash dieting, hypergravity weight vests, and peaking by dropping weights from the program.  It's unfortunate that Ben Johnson's training methods got so famous because I guarantee he is the exception not the rule. 

Everyone else in track and field does some level of peaking around the world-championships or when they go for records.  I would bet a lot of money that when Bolt ran his 9.58, when Jonathan Edwards triple jumped 60 feet, when Mike Powell long jumped 30 feet, when Ashton Eaton destroyed the decathalon...  That all of those guys hadn't touched a weight in at least a month.   If the benefit of the heavy squats to the CNS was so great and irreplaceable then you wouldn't have worlds records falling to the guys who left weights alone. 

I think this might be a semi-semantic argument because while Adarq recommends a specific peaking protocol - in athletics the events themselves are the peaking.  The athletes who are peaking basically just compete a lot, maybe a trials of their event, do plyos, get tons and tons of therapy, and some easy tempo work.   I can tell you at this time of the season even though I was clearly not supposed to be playing basketball I always felt especially light (probably because most guys lose a bit of weight when peaking) and dunking and jumping were insanely easy...

I definitely agree with LBSS creating some sort of peaking phase to push for that extra height and to continue to motivate him but I don't believe dropping squats in some form of another is the way to go about it.

Here's an elitetrack article I came across a while back where several elite/ near-elite athletes discuss the same issue at hand. I only see one athlete who prefers to drop weights completely while most prefer some form of maintenance work (Jonathan Edwards actually had a session where he's going to failure on his Olympic lifts only days out from his record setting jump). (

What's more, those athletes compete in events with many more variables than the vertical jump so that weight room numbers don't have the same correlation to their success. With regard to the vertical jump, we all know the direct positive correlation that squatting has. Not to mention that LBSS is a strength dominant jumper so considering the athletes' specific traits, it doesn't seem prudent to take away his strength. A different case might be made for a jumper whose highly reactive.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 14, 2015, 01:40:55 am
I definitely agree with LBSS creating some sort of peaking phase to push for that extra height and to continue to motivate him but I don't believe dropping squats in some form of another is the way to go about it.

Why not?  What do you think happens when you drop squats?  What are you afraid of?  He stops squatting for three weeks and suddenly he is weak?  To you really think the body is that responsive?  I know pro-level powerlifters (who only job is to squat) who take a month off from squats every year.  They come back fresh and it actually helps them.   When you are pretty strong (as LBSS is) there is very very little to risk from taking a month off from squats.  At high levels strength is very well maintained. 

Here's an elitetrack article I came across a while back where several elite/ near-elite athletes discuss the same issue at hand. I only see one athlete who prefers to drop weights completely while most prefer some form of maintenance work (Jonathan Edwards actually had a session where he's going to failure on his Olympic lifts only days out from his record setting jump). (

I wouldn't call that an article... but the point is we have learned something since 2010.  Pickering showed some promise and IMO one of his failings was an overemphasis on weight training.  The Jamaicans strictly drop weights during championship season and now people are following suit  As far as Edwards his log that was released is something of lore today and it hasn't been released by him - even if it is accurate it documents that he doesn't squat at all - his lower body work is cleans almost exclusively...  There is also a lot of talk about how squats dampen the elasticity of the spine - I don't know how well supported that is but I can say that the compressive load of squats during championship season is something almost all athletes avoid.  Squats are base training - especially in track.   Track athletes don't have knee angles that break 130 let alone get close to 90.   Dropping base training during championship season is common sense.  Base training (squats) is work whose benefits are long term, come slowly, and are lost slowly.     I don't think I can overemphasize this enough - almost all athletes either disregard squats ( you should watch how seriously some sprinters take it -> not very) or start to make it too big a priority and end up being good lifters and bad athletes.  IMO some of us are falling into the second camp.  Remember - Kim Collins ran sub 10 without ever lifting weights.  That doesn't mean you shouldn't lift.  It does mean that lifting is base work rather than necessary work... nobody ever ran sub 10 without doing speed work, acceleration work, resistance of some kind (hills, stairs, lunges, bounds), speed endurance, mobility, etc.   These things are not base work - they are necessary to master to perform. 

With regard to the vertical jump, we all know the direct positive correlation that squatting has.

Do we?  Some correlation to the standing vertical, but I would not call the relationship that squatting has on the running vertical jump direct by any means.  You would be shocked at how low the squats of NBA guys are... even those who jump out the building.   If you lack basic strength then doing base strength work in the form of squats will help.   However, there are tons of powerlifters who can outsquat in terms of strength to bw tons of jumpers and dunkers but can't jump even close to as high... 

Not to mention that LBSS is a strength dominant jumper so considering the athletes' specific traits, it doesn't seem prudent to take away his strength. A different case might be made for a jumper whose highly reactive.

He is a strength dominant jumper?  How so?  He looks pretty reactive to me from his running vertical jumps.   Additionally he doesn't attribute his gains to 36'' from squatting - he attributes it practicing jumping (ie reactive work!)!    Finally, the recommendation was to drop squats for 3-4 weeks... do not conflate that "with taking away his strength".   Dropping squats is simply a tool to allow more work for more specific exercises for a short period of time...  It's not even that I feel squats MUST be dropped... but the paranoia about dropping squats on this board is a bit much...  It reminds me of the paranoia that sprint coaches have about letting there athletes go jogging for fear of complete conversion to slow twitch...  Remember, this stuff takes a long time!  Becoming an elite athlete doesn't happen overnight...  That sucks.  But the good thing about it is you don't lose it overnight or convert over night.  If you have been sprinting your whole life then going on a hike isn't gonna kill you.  If you put in 5 years in the squat rack building up your base strength.... It's not gonna get sapped if you leave the squat rack alone for a month...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: tooslow on December 14, 2015, 01:53:48 am
I definitely agree with LBSS creating some sort of peaking phase to push for that extra height and to continue to motivate him but I don't believe dropping squats in some form of another is the way to go about it.

Why not?  What do you think happens when you drop squats?  What are you afraid of?  He stops squatting for three weeks and suddenly he is weak?  To you really think the body is that responsive?  I know pro-level powerlifters (who only job is to squat) who take a month off from squats every year.  They come back fresh and it actually helps them.   When you are pretty strong (as LBSS is) there is very very little to risk from taking a month off from squats.  At high levels strength is very well maintained. 

Here's an elitetrack article I came across a while back where several elite/ near-elite athletes discuss the same issue at hand. I only see one athlete who prefers to drop weights completely while most prefer some form of maintenance work (Jonathan Edwards actually had a session where he's going to failure on his Olympic lifts only days out from his record setting jump). (

I wouldn't call that an article... but the point is we have learned something since 2010.  Pickering showed some promise and IMO one of his failings was an overemphasis on weight training.  The Jamaicans strictly drop weights during championship season and now people are following suit  As far as Edwards his log that was released is something of lore today and it hasn't been released by him - even if it is accurate it documents that he doesn't squat at all - his lower body work is cleans almost exclusively...  There is also a lot of talk about how squats dampen the elasticity of the spine - I don't know how well supported that is but I can say that the compressive load of squats during championship season is something almost all athletes avoid.  Squats are base training - especially in track.   Track athletes don't have knee angles that break 130 let alone get close to 90.   Dropping base training during championship season is common sense.  Base training (squats) is work whose benefits are long term, come slowly, and are lost slowly.     I don't think I can overemphasize this enough - almost all athletes either disregard squats ( you should watch how seriously some sprinters take it -> not very) or start to make it too big a priority and end up being good lifters and bad athletes.  IMO some of us are falling into the second camp.  Remember - Kim Collins ran sub 10 without ever lifting weights.  That doesn't mean you shouldn't lift.  It does mean that lifting is base work rather than necessary work... nobody ever ran sub 10 without doing speed work, acceleration work, resistance of some kind (hills, stairs, lunges, bounds), speed endurance, mobility, etc.   These things are not base work - they are necessary to master to perform. 

With regard to the vertical jump, we all know the direct positive correlation that squatting has.

Do we?  Some correlation to the standing vertical, but I would not call the relationship that squatting has on the running vertical jump direct by any means.  You would be shocked at how low the squats of NBA guys are... even those who jump out the building.   If you lack basic strength then doing base strength work in the form of squats will help.   However, there are tons of powerlifters who can outsquat in terms of strength to bw tons of jumpers and dunkers but can't jump even close to as high... 

Not to mention that LBSS is a strength dominant jumper so considering the athletes' specific traits, it doesn't seem prudent to take away his strength. A different case might be made for a jumper whose highly reactive.

He is a strength dominant jumper?  How so?  He looks pretty reactive to me from his running vertical jumps.   Additionally he doesn't attribute his gains to 36'' from squatting - he attributes it practicing jumping (ie reactive work!)!    Finally, the recommendation was to drop squats for 3-4 weeks... do not conflate that "with taking away his strength".   Dropping squats is simply a tool to allow more work for more specific exercises for a short period of time...  It's not even that I feel squats MUST be dropped... but the paranoia about dropping squats on this board is a bit much...  It reminds me of the paranoia that sprint coaches have about letting there athletes go jogging for fear of complete conversion to slow twitch...  Remember, this stuff takes a long time!  Becoming an elite athlete doesn't happen overnight...  That sucks.  But the good thing about it is you don't lose it overnight or convert over night.  If you have been sprinting your whole life then going on a hike isn't gonna kill you.  If you put in 5 years in the squat rack building up your base strength.... It's not gonna get sapped if you leave the squat rack alone for a month...

i read an article about the "overshoot phenomenon", is that what you're talking about? the writer of the article said that his athlete did serious strength work for a number of months and saw gains but when he plateaued from gaining vert alongside strength, he stopped strength training (only did explosive work) and in those corresponding months gained 7 inches.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Kingfish on December 14, 2015, 05:50:44 am
to my squat bro.. stop it with the over thinking and come back to the drawing table after you get to 2.2-2.4BW.. thats where all the good things happens.  goodluck

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2015, 05:20:18 pm
to my squat bro.. stop it with the over thinking and come back to the drawing table after you get to 2.2-2.4BW.. thats where all the good things happens.  goodluck

lol kf you're like the devil on my shoulder. some part of me wants to drink milkshakes all day and squat 500 at 195.  8)

glad this has sparked some interesting discussion, and i under-contextualized T0ddday's advice. it was, like he said, reflective of the fact that i'm close as hell to being able to jump high enough (and have been for some time) and trying to peak above and beyond what i do week-to-week is worth considering. he's right that limit strength is gained and lost slowly, and i'm not afraid of my squat going down -- it's done that before when i've been injured and getting back up near 2x bw is not especially difficult for me. i've got short, big legs, i'm pretty well set up to be a decent squatter.

also, adarq, i am not ready for verkhoshansky-style shock. a 30" depth jump is too much for my body, even 24" is pushing it. doing 2x10 is not happening, let alone multiple times per week.

saturday was an attempt to see how i would handle doing a lot more jumping volume than i'm used to. the answer is: meh. but that's not surprising, given how comparatively little emphasis i've given to that stuff.

incidentally, i can do pistols all day if i'm wearing oly shoes or have my heel elevated a little. or if i'm holding a light DB in front of myself. they are not hard for me. biomechanics: we are all different!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on December 14, 2015, 07:06:59 pm
I definitely agree on setting up a peaking phase LBSS. My main argument, and I don't think I expressed this well, was that you'd be taking away your strength as in ability to train effectively through strength training. It's not the fear that you'd lose your actual absolute/ relative strength.

Or to better express it, you squat and gain strength better than you jump and do plyos, so why spend all your sessions jumping and doing plyos when it's not your most effective mode of training. It seems inefficient to spend most of your time training what you don't do as well. I think Adarq and Lance also had that philosophy, focus on your strengths while limiting your weaknesses if I'm not mistaken.

^ But all of that is based on concluding that squatting in whatever form (full, half, 1/4, fast, slow, etc) has a very high positive correlation with the vertical jump when programmed correctly.

And also that you are better at strength training than jump training. I personally believe those to be givens but Toddday made a different a case. Either way I'm excited to see you get that dunk man. Just keep up the effort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2015, 09:36:04 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: cold almost gone, something a little funky in lower left back but nbd, left calf cramping pretty badly earlier in the day and again before bed but didn't bother me at the gym -- think i am dehydrated

- warm up

- SVJ x 5,5

- SL SVJ x 5/leg

- pogo x 10,10

- submax two-step DLRVJ x 5,5

- squat 300 x 4
kinda weak, meant to do 5 but AELS

- dip x 16
- pull up x 6,6,4

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2015, 09:36:44 pm
much to chew on. i didn't eat or drink enough today. time to go remedy that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2015, 10:53:44 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left toe, right ankle

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 5
one dunk with size 3 ball, four rim-outs. felt pretty good actually despite the misses.

- squat MSEM 305 x 8

that was it tonight, had office holiday party. better than nothing, glad i forced myself to the gym instead of doing the pre-party happy hour with coworkers.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 19, 2015, 12:01:14 pm
have gotten away from journaling diet and sleep. diet was kind of shit this week, but only by my standards.

MENTAL STATE: a little sluggish

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 5

- SVJ x 5

- DL straight-leg bound x 6,6,6

- backboard touch x 10,10,10

- SL SVJ x 4,4/leg

- superset x 20
-- dip x 1
-- pull up x 1

crap day, will go again tomorrow.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: carbonara
dinner: turkey, brussels sprouts, root veggies, some other stuff
other: slice of pie, some tiramisu, too much wine, sweetest single-malt scotch i've ever drunk

9.5 hours like a freaking stone. it's been a long couple of weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 20, 2015, 05:42:02 pm
MENTAL STATE: hung over, mad at self

- shoot around + layups x 40 mins

drank too much at a xmas party last night. smdh. also have been overthinking training and therefore undertraining.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee -- did not finish until 2 PM because hangover
lunch: N/A
dinner: carbonara, two pork chops, bunch of lettuce, chocolate milk
other: blueberries and greek yogurt with honey

8 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2015, 09:03:03 am
ACHES/INJURIES: head during warm ups but it went away

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 5
meh, rimmed out a bunch of dunks with the number 3 ball before rattling one in.

- backboard touch x 10

- SL SVJ x 5/leg

- DL bound x 4

- squat 345 x 1; 185 x 12
that is two time body weight, gents. first time in a long time passing that mark. fuck yes. felt HYPED after.

- bench 185 x 5,5,5

- BB row 145 x 8,8,8

- stretch

got a bunch of vid, will post later. work tomorrow and then i'm out of town until late sunday night. will do some walking and maybe some bw stuff, especially if i can get my cousin charlotte or my mom or dad interested in a work out. back next monday.

breakfast: smoothie, cup of coffee
lunch: pizza with double chicken sausage
other: cup of coffee

7 hours, fitful, woke up with headache
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on December 21, 2015, 06:46:56 pm
I was going to respond to your programming but everyone was writing essay length replies lol  Instead, don't get bent out of shape over getting hammered for a night as long as you had fun.  I think more people would benefit from going out, getting shit faced and doing stupid things when we are focused on some sort of fitness goal that we take seriously.  The gym and even just doing a lot of plyo work can get frustrating and boring from time to time, so letting loose isn't so bad.

Also, Tod you are probably correct with saying tons of powerlifters cant jump, but the ones that I've seen from westside(I cant remember names this was like back when I was in HS) were doing box jumps like 30 something inches or more while holding 100lb dumbbells.  It would be interesting to see though top level powerlifters testing their verticals.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 21, 2015, 09:13:03 pm
  I think more people would benefit from going out, getting shit faced and doing stupid things when we are focused on some sort of fitness goal that we take seriously. 

Lol.  This must be a joke?  Is your reasoning that doing stupid things will get you to end up in jail where you will have more time to train?

The fact is alcohol is metabolically terrible.  Goal oriented athletes should use it sparingly.  There is a reason why michael jordan didnt drink alcohol until he was 30. 

At the very least athletes should avoid all beer and other mixed drinks and consume only limited amounts of wine and spirits.  If you do insist on drinking till the point of intoxication the absolute worst time to do it is when focused on a fitness goal.  Take a 5 day vacation to mexico.  Drink up on two of the first 3 days.  Cut back by 4 and dont drink at all the last day. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on December 21, 2015, 09:34:02 pm
People in prison are ripped brah
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2015, 10:14:12 pm
i don't get bent out of shape from drinking at all, but i'm mad at myself when i drink so much that it ruins the next day. no reason for that, i would have had just as good a time with three fewer drinks. doesn't happen as often as it used to. still, after new year's i'm going to go booze-free for a couple of weeks. will not drink heavily over xmas because that's not a thing my family does -- we're half sober at this point, actually, lot of alcoholism/addiction, which i'm glad i was spared -- but i'm not going to beat myself up over a glass of wine at dinner. once i'm back, time to focus.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 21, 2015, 10:47:03 pm
- squat 345 x 1; 185 x 12
that is two time body weight, gents. first time in a long time passing that mark. fuck yes. felt HYPED after.

sick!  :ibsquatting:

got a bunch of vid, will post later

cool! squats AND dunks?

edit: just saw the squats in the PR thread.

pc man
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on December 21, 2015, 10:52:37 pm
  I think more people would benefit from going out, getting shit faced and doing stupid things when we are focused on some sort of fitness goal that we take seriously. 

Lol.  This must be a joke?  Is your reasoning that doing stupid things will get you to end up in jail where you will have more time to train?

The fact is alcohol is metabolically terrible.  Goal oriented athletes should use it sparingly.  There is a reason why michael jordan didnt drink alcohol until he was 30. 

At the very least athletes should avoid all beer and other mixed drinks and consume only limited amounts of wine and spirits.  If you do insist on drinking till the point of intoxication the absolute worst time to do it is when focused on a fitness goal.  Take a 5 day vacation to mexico.  Drink up on two of the first 3 days.  Cut back by 4 and dont drink at all the last day.

Not sure we can compare LBSS to Jordan here (no offense mate  :P) but isn't there something mentally refreshing about going out and blowing off some steam. Not saying to do it every day but every once in a while surely. 

Btw LBSS did this 2xBW squat come a day after having some drinks?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 21, 2015, 11:20:41 pm
lbss seems to have had several good sessions after being "trashed", weirdly enough.. IIRC. HEH!

some day some scam artist will view this thread and create BuzzVert (similar to BoingVert), but using Alcohol sold by JumpUSA.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2015, 11:28:03 pm
haven't had anything to drink since saturday. but yeah one of my recent really good jumping days was after drinking a fair amount the night before. a month ago or so.

there does not appear to be much rhyme or reason to when i get hung over, with the caveat that obviously i have to have SOMETHING to drink. but there are nights when i have four drinks and am wrecked the next day, and nights when i have seven drinks (very rare now) and am totally fine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 22, 2015, 12:01:33 am
moar videos from today. man, i'm really thinning up top. oh well.  :lololol:

bad DLRVJ from today, jumps at 0:28, 1:23, 2:18. floating too much.

backboard touches x 10

DL bound x 4

SL jumps LOLOLOLOLOL i suck at these

squat 185 x 12, not hard
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: tooslow on December 22, 2015, 12:47:20 am
moar videos from today. man, i'm really thinning up top. oh well.  :lololol:

bad DLRVJ from today, jumps at 0:28, 1:23, 2:18. floating too much.

backboard touches x 10

DL bound x 4
#Invalid YouTube Link#

SL jumps LOLOLOLOLOL i suck at these
#Invalid YouTube Link#

squat 185 x 12, not hard

that squat PR is beast! one question: do you feel exploding up on the concentric (like you do) helps with carryover from max strength to explosive strength? usually i do that but was starting to change my technique a bit, but seeing you do it makes me think it's actually a good thing?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 22, 2015, 02:51:37 am
Not sure we can compare LBSS to Jordan here (no offense mate  :P) but isn't there something mentally refreshing about going out and blowing off some steam. Not saying to do it every day but every once in a while surely. 

Why can't we compare LBSS to Jordan?  Doesn't mean LBSS play basketball like Michael Jordan - the similarity is MJ really wanted to be as good as he possibly good.  LBSS has wanted to dunk for close to a decade and hasn't given up on the goal, I'd say he wants it pretty bad or he is crazy.  Given that he wants it so much and has worked this hard....  why consume a poison which will only sabotage his ability to reach his goal?

As far as blowing off some steam...  I do believe that we need to relax.  We need to mentally refresh and sometimes even (gasp) take a day or a week or more off...  It's a great idea to devote a day to just meditation or massage...  We can't keep it 100 every day - we need recharge mentally and physically...  But, the thing is alcohol sabotages all these things...   

That said I don't want to come off as preachy...  Shoot, I PRed this year in trips to Vegas (embarrassed to admit I went there 3 times when once a year is more than enough).   I'm a sucker for pool parties and a there were not a lot of completely sober moments on those trips...  It can be a lot of fun and it can be great for your friendships and social life (not necessarily great for your relationship but thats another story)...  However, I think we should take responsibility for our decisions and not lie to ourselves (I think this helps us make better ones overall).   I realize that choosing to consume alcohol can negatively impact my training especially if I am at a high level.   Sometimes this tradeoff is tolerable or worth it for me because I value other things than just training...  However, I'm not gonna make that claim that Eric did - that going out and getting drunk and doing stupid things when we have a focused fitness goal is somehow helpful in that endeavor...  It's not.  Neither is spending three days in the hospital getting no sleep while your wife has complications when giving birth to your child (training would be better) and almost everyone not named Kobe Bryant (jk) would probably choose to stay at the hospital...

Point is if you decide to drink.. fine.  Realize it has a large impact on your athletic goals and is metabolic poison.  Sometimes it's worth it. But don't claim that you "should" do this because letting loose actually is good for training...  Telling ourselves those kind of lies is how we get into trouble.  Own it. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on December 22, 2015, 06:31:57 pm
Not sure we can compare LBSS to Jordan here (no offense mate  :P) but isn't there something mentally refreshing about going out and blowing off some steam. Not saying to do it every day but every once in a while surely. 

Why can't we compare LBSS to Jordan?  Doesn't mean LBSS play basketball like Michael Jordan - the similarity is MJ really wanted to be as good as he possibly good.  LBSS has wanted to dunk for close to a decade and hasn't given up on the goal, I'd say he wants it pretty bad or he is crazy.  Given that he wants it so much and has worked this hard....  why consume a poison which will only sabotage his ability to reach his goal?

As far as blowing off some steam...  I do believe that we need to relax.  We need to mentally refresh and sometimes even (gasp) take a day or a week or more off...  It's a great idea to devote a day to just meditation or massage...  We can't keep it 100 every day - we need recharge mentally and physically...  But, the thing is alcohol sabotages all these things...   

That said I don't want to come off as preachy...  Shoot, I PRed this year in trips to Vegas (embarrassed to admit I went there 3 times when once a year is more than enough).   I'm a sucker for pool parties and a there were not a lot of completely sober moments on those trips...  It can be a lot of fun and it can be great for your friendships and social life (not necessarily great for your relationship but thats another story)...  However, I think we should take responsibility for our decisions and not lie to ourselves (I think this helps us make better ones overall).   I realize that choosing to consume alcohol can negatively impact my training especially if I am at a high level.   Sometimes this tradeoff is tolerable or worth it for me because I value other things than just training...  However, I'm not gonna make that claim that Eric did - that going out and getting drunk and doing stupid things when we have a focused fitness goal is somehow helpful in that endeavor...  It's not.  Neither is spending three days in the hospital getting no sleep while your wife has complications when giving birth to your child (training would be better) and almost everyone not named Kobe Bryant (jk) would probably choose to stay at the hospital...

Point is if you decide to drink.. fine.  Realize it has a large impact on your athletic goals and is metabolic poison.  Sometimes it's worth it. But don't claim that you "should" do this because letting loose actually is good for training...  Telling ourselves those kind of lies is how we get into trouble.  Own it.

I partly agree with you and should probably start off by saying that my kind of night out is not so much like The Hangover and more like a few beers and 6 at best.

You can't compare LBSS to MJ purely because you're comparing to the 0.01% in the history of athletic endeavours. Jordan also seemed to do pretty well after the return and was a well known post game drinker and cigar smoker then too :o If a normal human (i.e. not Michael Jordan) didn't drink for 10+ years for fear that it would hold them back from gaining inches on their vert then I would call them completely crazy and probably a bit sad at that. If they choose not to drink for whatever other reason well that's their choice isn't it and good on them. 

You are coming off as kind of preachy and admitting that you PR'd on trips to Vegas which included "not a lot of completely sober moments" is kind of shooting your own argument in the foot. Actually it's more like placing your argument 6 feet in front of a tank and just rolling straight over it. Again, referring to alcohol as poison is all relative but I suggest you're slightly overdoing it here. 

My overall point is that learning to relax or being able to relax is massive in these times and if that involves heading out for a few drinks then so be it. Get over it and get on with your life.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on December 22, 2015, 08:50:08 pm
  I think more people would benefit from going out, getting shit faced and doing stupid things when we are focused on some sort of fitness goal that we take seriously. 

Lol.  This must be a joke?  Is your reasoning that doing stupid things will get you to end up in jail where you will have more time to train?

The fact is alcohol is metabolically terrible.  Goal oriented athletes should use it sparingly.  There is a reason why michael jordan didnt drink alcohol until he was 30. 

At the very least athletes should avoid all beer and other mixed drinks and consume only limited amounts of wine and spirits.  If you do insist on drinking till the point of intoxication the absolute worst time to do it is when focused on a fitness goal.  Take a 5 day vacation to mexico.  Drink up on two of the first 3 days.  Cut back by 4 and dont drink at all the last day.

Where did the jail thing come from?  Are you drunk?  I've gone out drinking plenty of times and I've never been arrested, just go out, have fun, hit on a big chick by accident, deal with the hangover and move on.  This isn't anyones job from what I can see, it's a hobby and yes he wants to take it serious but preaching the dangers of alcohol when someone drinks once in a long while is just stupid to me.  MJ didn't drink til he was 30, thats great, anybody in this forum in the NBA? NFL? MLB? or do we do this shit to have an extra activity in our lives to better ourselves and get away from bs?  That is all, I am going to go back to watching Creed.


Nice skwaats, form looks good and I'm jealous of your grip, you have kind of a Jesse Norris set up, only difference is he low bars but I couldnt tell if you were high bar or not.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 23, 2015, 12:37:24 am

You are coming off as kind of preachy and admitting that you PR'd on trips to Vegas which included "not a lot of completely sober moments" is kind of shooting your own argument in the foot. Actually it's more like placing your argument 6 feet in front of a tank and just rolling straight over it. Again, referring to alcohol as poison is all relative but I suggest you're slightly overdoing it here. 

Why does admitting that I'm imperfect destroy my argument?  Haven't you ever the saying do as I say not as I do?  If a meth addict who had ruined his life told you not to use meth would his argument hold no water because he didnt follow his own advice?  Those that have made mistakes are often those best equipped to give advice about avoiding them!  Its not hypocritical to tell someone they shouldnt make mistakes that you have made! 

The argument that I was making is that its patently false that people training for a very difficult fitness goal (dunking w a 7'6 reach when you have little athletic background for LBSS) are somehow aiding their chances of accomplishing it by "going out and getting shitfaced and doing stupid stuff".   Alcohol negatively impacts your ability to achieve your goals.  Thats a fact.  There are other ways to blow off steam that dont involve it.  Im not telling you not to drink.  Im not telling you not to eat ad libitum for a month long vacation and carry 10 lbs of extra bodyfat. Im just making the point that when we do things that reduce our chances of achieving a goal we should own it if the personal choice is worth it --- but we shouldnt justify it with the claim that its a necessary or position addition to our training! 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 23, 2015, 12:42:38 am
  I think more people would benefit from going out, getting shit faced and doing stupid things when we are focused on some sort of fitness goal that we take seriously. 

Lol.  This must be a joke?  Is your reasoning that doing stupid things will get you to end up in jail where you will have more time to train?

The fact is alcohol is metabolically terrible.  Goal oriented athletes should use it sparingly.  There is a reason why michael jordan didnt drink alcohol until he was 30. 

At the very least athletes should avoid all beer and other mixed drinks and consume only limited amounts of wine and spirits.  If you do insist on drinking till the point of intoxication the absolute worst time to do it is when focused on a fitness goal.  Take a 5 day vacation to mexico.  Drink up on two of the first 3 days.  Cut back by 4 and dont drink at all the last day.

Where did the jail thing come from?  Are you drunk?  I've gone out drinking plenty of times and I've never been arrested, just go out, have fun, hit on a big chick by accident, deal with the hangover and move on.  This isn't anyones job from what I can see, it's a hobby and yes he wants to take it serious but preaching the dangers of alcohol when someone drinks once in a long while is just stupid to me.  MJ didn't drink til he was 30, thats great, anybody in this forum in the NBA? NFL? MLB? or do we do this shit to have an extra activity in our lives to better ourselves and get away from bs?  That is all, I am going to go back to watching Creed.

The jail thing was a joke!  It was in reference to your quote that "getting shitfaced and doing stupid things" is beneficial to trying to achieve a fitness goal! 

Im glad you are able to go out and get shitfaced and do stupid things without getting arrested.  Being white in america has its privileges.  But we cant all count on this, so maybe you shouldnt give advice to the forum that doesnt apply to everyone...  Some of us get arrested fo going out and not doing stupid things around others that are...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 23, 2015, 12:47:35 am
DL bounds are not bad at all...  if anything your trying to be too quick off the ground!

SL jumps needs some work.  They are good for you.  While your jumping off one quad you can still load hips and glutes, learning this will help a lot!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on December 23, 2015, 01:23:55 am

You are coming off as kind of preachy and admitting that you PR'd on trips to Vegas which included "not a lot of completely sober moments" is kind of shooting your own argument in the foot. Actually it's more like placing your argument 6 feet in front of a tank and just rolling straight over it. Again, referring to alcohol as poison is all relative but I suggest you're slightly overdoing it here. 

Why does admitting that I'm imperfect destroy my argument?  Haven't you ever the saying do as I say not as I do?  If a meth addict who had ruined his life told you not to use meth would his argument hold no water because he didnt follow his own advice?  Those that have made mistakes are often those best equipped to give advice about avoiding them!  Its not hypocritical to tell someone they shouldnt make mistakes that you have made! 

The argument that I was making is that its patently false that people training for a very difficult fitness goal (dunking w a 7'6 reach when you have little athletic background for LBSS) are somehow aiding their chances of accomplishing it by "going out and getting shitfaced and doing stupid stuff".   Alcohol negatively impacts your ability to achieve your goals.  Thats a fact.  There are other ways to blow off steam that dont involve it.  Im not telling you not to drink.  Im not telling you not to eat ad libitum for a month long vacation and carry 10 lbs of extra bodyfat. Im just making the point that when we do things that reduce our chances of achieving a goal we should own it if the personal choice is worth it --- but we shouldnt justify it with the claim that its a necessary or position addition to our training!

It wasn't the admitting you are imperfect. You admitted you PRd around days of alcohol use. LBSS PRd or equal PRd the day after drinking. Hmmmm interesting.

This is a stupid conversation anyway. I don't endorse alcohol when you're chasing large goals. I just thought you came off a bit over the top
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 23, 2015, 01:52:02 am

It wasn't the admitting you are imperfect. You admitted you PRd around days of alcohol use. LBSS PRd or equal PRd the day after drinking. Hmmmm interesting.

This is a stupid conversation anyway. I don't endorse alcohol when you're chasing large goals. I just thought you came off a bit over the top

LOL.  Funny miscommunication.  I PRed in trips to vegas meaning I have never been to vegas as many times as this year.  I went to Vegas and partied far too much this year, probably because coming off of surgery and not being able to train with any intensity caused me to lose my motivation to keep myself healthy...   I realize it was especially stupid to give up on diet and such when I wasnt able to train because I was especially susceptible to gaining weight... to be sure I didnt hit any athletic PRs from alcohol use!  I hit only negative unproductive ones! 

Anyway sorry if I came off as over the top, I can get frustrated when I train high level clients and try to work on theit body composition and they obey my modifications but absolutely refuse to stop consuming large amounts of beer on the weekend... they act like its a sacred right and it annoys me to have a client who goes hard all week but then when I check in with them on Monday they have drunk all weekend and their progress stalls...

Bottom line I think we both agree.  Alcohol is a training negative.  Adding it to your training will not help and may hurt.  Lots of things are training negatives (like having children or taking care of your parents) but it doesnt mean we shouldnt do them because there is more to life than training!  So by all means if your friend is getting married - toast with him!  Drink when you feel its worth it but realize that to reach difficult goals there are going to be some nights you abstain, hard goals require some (not all) sacrifices!  Ill have a drink when I throw down a legit reverse double pump, 360 or windmill.  Promise. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on December 23, 2015, 06:08:15 am
haven't had anything to drink since saturday. but yeah one of my recent really good jumping days was after drinking a fair amount the night before. a month ago or so.

there does not appear to be much rhyme or reason to when i get hung over, with the caveat that obviously i have to have SOMETHING to drink. but there are nights when i have four drinks and am wrecked the next day, and nights when i have seven drinks (very rare now) and am totally fine.

I'm impressed that you can limit yourself to four drinks. As soon as I start drinking I end up drinking til I'm out cold. If I start drinking early in the day I'll usually end up having a dozen+ beers. Lately I've been drinking later and instead of buying a carton just buying a 6 pack. By the time I've finished the 6 pack I still want to drink more, but by that stage the bottle shops are closed.

Drinking does have negative effects, but I've read a lot of biographies of athletes from various sports and many (especially in Australia) will never give up drinking. Nathan Buckley (one of the best Australian Football players in modern times) said quitting drinking actually affected his performance negatively. The one season he gave up for 6 months it was his worst season ever, and as soon as he resumed drinking on the weekends his performances improved. Same as Peter Norman the fastest ever Australian over 200m. He became an alcoholic after retirement, but in his biography he mentioned getting pissed regularly in the weeks before his 20.06 200m at the 1968 Mexico Olympics. Him and John Carlos got pissed together 2 days before their meet a couple of years later in the US and Peter Norman ran a 100m PR in that race.

Obviously drinking is not beneficial, but I agree with Eric and Coges in the fact that none of us are professional athletes so there's nothing wrong with the weekly/occasional drinking session to unwind.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on December 23, 2015, 06:21:43 am
Massive fan of Bucks and never knew that about him. I do know he used to cover around 15kms per game which isn't a bad effort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on December 23, 2015, 06:23:10 am
All good Todday. I agree we're of a similar opinion but just coming from slightly different angles.
It must be super frustrating to have clients lke that though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on December 23, 2015, 09:19:30 pm

more geared towards body comp than performance but i try and go by this kind of strategy. 'alcobolic' lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 24, 2015, 01:32:15 pm

more geared towards body comp than performance but i try and go by this kind of strategy. 'alcobolic' lol.

I'll stop hijacking this journal with alcohol posts but this post made me think of one interesting point (I guess it's a counterpoint to my own as well). 
My original point (which is agreed with my the article) is that alcohol in and of itself is not a positive thing for an athlete...   However, there are a few cases where it's negativity can far greater or far less. 

1) First there is a huge genetic variation for how bad alcohol is on the body...  I think it's important to consider ones background when making the choice to drink or not...  If you have had your genome sequenced or are knowledgeable about your ancestry you can make a much more informed decision about alcohol.  I have african and european admixture in my background and for this reason probably don't tolerate alcohol as well as a Eastern European whose ancestors have been using alcohol for 5-10k years.   I would probably be especially bad at the beer mile when compared to someone whose ancestry (and practice) allows them to be less negatively affected by alcohol.     

2) The other big variable for alcohol is your body composition and goals.  If your trying to cut or stay maximally lean (and most sprinters or jumpers are) then alcohol is far worse than for someone moving up a weightclass as a lifter for example.   This is true about alcohol just as it is about all junk food.   Basically, if you are already trying to stay in negative calorie balance and restrict calories to some level (say 1500 kcal) then adding 3 beers and 600 calories to your daily diet means you now have only 900 calories to get adequate protein and fat - something that's going to be a lot more difficult now...

However, if your naturally really skinny and don't add fat mass easily and want to move up a weight-class...   This is far less a problem.  In fact I have had ONE experience where an athlete got worse when they gave up alcohol (that is ONE out of many) but it's still one example...   I was training a 6'6 185 pound eastern-european thrower/lifter who was trying to add strength and mass.  With the initial dietary advice of "eat a bit more" I got his powerclean to 235 and squat to 300 and bodyweight to 195 (I tend to not get overcomplicated with athletes and first get their initial neural strength gains up).   What's interesting is when logging diet I noticed that this guy would repeatedly drink 6+ beers (usually dark IPAs) at night time after work (finishing around 11pm and he would train at 8am).   They usually went along with some type of meal.   He stopped drinking (I advised it but he already thought it would be helpful) and his numbers in the gym plummeted...   It was really confusing but when I looked over his diet logs and sleep logs it started to make sense....  The change was as follows:

Basic Lifestyle with alcohol:

0) 7am: wake, caffeine.
1) 8am:  Train Weightlifting (post workout alcohol-free meal)
2) 10am-7pm: Work a stressful job (lunch break meal without alcohol, coffee break as well)
3) 8pm: Get home and medicate anxiety with 6+ beers and a large meal.
4) 11pm: sleep

After step 2 the athlete was probably at around 1500 calories.  His morning cafffiene use reduced his appetite.  Taking out the alcohol was a reduction of close to 1000 calories AND as he was someone who was pretty adrenergic without alcohol and used a lot of caffeine his evening appetite was smaller.  He also couldn't get to sleep as well.   So with alcohol we are talking about 3500+ calories and a non-ideal sleep and without we are talking about 2500 calories and even less sleep...  The difference was clear.   The fact that he used alcohol as a sedative anxiolytic probably doesn't bode well for his future ability to stay out of alcoholism but removing it in the short term had disastrous affects on his training...   

So, there you go! An athlete who got worse when alcohol was removed from his diet!  However, the exception rather than the rule!  For most of us less alcohol is probably a good thing!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 28, 2015, 10:58:50 am
back from holidays in connecticut. lovely times, tons of great food (and a bit of great drink, too -- my aunt and uncle who we were staying with are serious gourmets, both the best cooks i know and the only people i know with a purpose-built wine cellar in their house). worked out with my cousin last thursday and took a couple of medium-length but pretty hilly walks. otherwise it was mostly just good family time. will weigh myself post-workout later but i'd guess i gained 3-4 pounds.

starting today, i'm going to work out based off a template t0ddday sent me. not gonna copy-paste the whole thing here, but in essence it's a three-week block including jump training 3-4x/week, heavy weights 2-3x/week, and light weights up to every day, followed by a one-to-two-week block where the heavy weights are dropped and PRs are attempted. will also be at a modest weekly caloric deficit but keeping protein high, aiming to be very lean and in the low-to-mid 160s during the second block.

also, i bought a weight vest and am going to wear it most waking moments for the next three weeks, including during workouts.

ETA: just read t0ddday's last journal post. suffice it to say i will never be attempting 300 ME jumps in a five-day period. also i'll keep close tabs on my knees.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on December 28, 2015, 01:17:59 pm
Will be interesting to see another hypergravity experiment.  GOod luck!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 28, 2015, 01:32:46 pm
yeah i'm as interested as anyone else. i bought a nice vest so i can wear it under clothes, so it better be worth it lol.


[starting or recent PR/goal]

weight: 175/167
SVJ: 31/33
DLRVJ: 36/38
SLRVJ: 30/32
squat: 345/345

may add a couple of extra measurables tomorrow, depending on how practical it is to measure them inside.


WEIGHT: 188 (175+10 vest+3 clothes and shoes)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little, uh oh

- warm up

- SVJ x 2
prob 28-29, have vid will post later

**remove vest**

- SVJ x 1
30.5, meh

- DLRVJ x 3-4
blah, not great, 34

**replace vest**

- superset x 2
-- pistol x 10/leg
-- SLRDL x 10/leg

- hip thrust x 10,10

- paused BSS x 10,10/leg

- hanging leg raise x 10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 29, 2015, 04:20:12 pm
weight is taken PWO. first listed is clothes, shoes, vest. second (in parens) is naked.

WEIGHT: 189.5  :huh: (174.4)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little, coming and going

- warm up


- MB toss @12lbs x 10
did on bball court. farthest was ~12 yards, i think. need to get an accurate measure of the court markings.

- submax DL bound x 4,4,4

- submax SL bound x 5,6/leg

- sprint starts x 4

- squat 315 x 1

- hanging leg raise x 10,10

- dip x 13

- pull up x 4+3+3+(3)
()=chin up


- SVJ x 5

- SL SVJ x 5/leg

- pogo x 10

- one-step RVJ x 5/plant

kept volume very chill, still adapting to vest. right knee is okay but i'm noticing it on some things. will be careful.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 29, 2015, 08:24:24 pm
some vids from today:

(EDIT: all should work now but the timed start isn't working for the first two)

MB throw w/vest (about 10.5-11 yards here, not my longest throw of the day (

DL bounds w/vest (about 11 yards) (

SL bound w/vest (
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on December 29, 2015, 08:30:41 pm
Only the SL bound video worked for me.

Placing the video in the comedy section is being a little rough on yourself.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 29, 2015, 08:56:17 pm
Only the SL bound video worked for me.

Placing the video in the comedy section is being a little rough on yourself.

hahaha i was wondering if anyone would ever notice that. it's the default on my phone and i never bother to change it. plus i get a kick out of it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on December 29, 2015, 10:04:56 pm
Only the SL bound video worked for me.

Placing the video in the comedy section is being a little rough on yourself.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on December 29, 2015, 10:12:40 pm
back from holidays in connecticut. lovely times, tons of great food (and a bit of great drink, too -- my aunt and uncle who we were staying with are serious gourmets, both the best cooks i know and the only people i know with a purpose-built wine cellar in their house). worked out with my cousin last thursday and took a couple of medium-length but pretty hilly walks. otherwise it was mostly just good family time. will weigh myself post-workout later but i'd guess i gained 3-4 pounds.

starting today, i'm going to work out based off a template t0ddday sent me. not gonna copy-paste the whole thing here, but in essence it's a three-week block including jump training 3-4x/week, heavy weights 2-3x/week, and light weights up to every day, followed by a one-to-two-week block where the heavy weights are dropped and PRs are attempted. will also be at a modest weekly caloric deficit but keeping protein high, aiming to be very lean and in the low-to-mid 160s during the second block.

also, i bought a weight vest and am going to wear it most waking moments for the next three weeks, including during workouts.

ETA: just read t0ddday's last journal post. suffice it to say i will never be attempting 300 ME jumps in a five-day period. also i'll keep close tabs on my knees.

hope u get a good dunk outta this!

fwiw tho, when i lifted heavy twice a week, i found tt it kept me sore for like pretty much the entire week.
of course im abit older than you, so your recovery rates might be better...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on December 29, 2015, 10:33:14 pm
back from holidays in connecticut. lovely times, tons of great food (and a bit of great drink, too -- my aunt and uncle who we were staying with are serious gourmets, both the best cooks i know and the only people i know with a purpose-built wine cellar in their house). worked out with my cousin last thursday and took a couple of medium-length but pretty hilly walks. otherwise it was mostly just good family time. will weigh myself post-workout later but i'd guess i gained 3-4 pounds.

starting today, i'm going to work out based off a template t0ddday sent me. not gonna copy-paste the whole thing here, but in essence it's a three-week block including jump training 3-4x/week, heavy weights 2-3x/week, and light weights up to every day, followed by a one-to-two-week block where the heavy weights are dropped and PRs are attempted. will also be at a modest weekly caloric deficit but keeping protein high, aiming to be very lean and in the low-to-mid 160s during the second block.

also, i bought a weight vest and am going to wear it most waking moments for the next three weeks, including during workouts.

ETA: just read t0ddday's last journal post. suffice it to say i will never be attempting 300 ME jumps in a five-day period. also i'll keep close tabs on my knees.

hope u get a good dunk outta this!

fwiw tho, when i lifted heavy twice a week, i found tt it kept me sore for like pretty much the entire week.
of course im abit older than you, so your recovery rates might be better...

Soreness is strongly correlated with volume and I'm sure he'll be doing low volume
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 30, 2015, 04:33:52 pm
some vids from today:

(EDIT: all should work now but the timed start isn't working for the first two)

MB throw w/vest (about 10.5-11 yards here, not my longest throw of the day (

It's hard to analyze from that angle but it looks your jumping the ball into the air which is killing your hip pop.   This is similar to when people learn the powerclean and they learn to literally jump the weight into the air...  While your feet may (will) leave the ground you have to remember that it's not an active jump in either case - it's a hip pop and extension where you transfer the power into the bar/ball and after release (on the catch) your feet may leave the ground/travel back...   I prefer ball tosses to powerclean because it's about 100x easier to teach BUT it's still not a super simple move and there is some technical things to be aware of.   Three tips to help you learn are:  (1) Do some kneeling tosses where all you can use are your hips.  (2) Actively throw the ball down so your hip hinge is elastic - the ball is forced down between your legs and as momentum brings it up we fire our hips (3) Distance is a great measure of power but as we get too competitive for distance we sometimes end up throwing it backwards with arms - so do a few tosses where you focus on maximal height...  usually to get a great backward toss I will first do 2-3 tosses as high as possible and about 3 yards less far than my best backwards toss - then I do my best.   

Here is an example of the frames that show me going into hip extension on the release of the ball... You should see the ball come out with a pop.  Also a few videos.  I have more practice than you at this...  But I am throwing the ball 20 yards standing and 10-12 yards kneeling - I'm in no way that much stronger than you, getting the technique right will have you "feel" your hips in a way that you are unfamiliar with but it will help...

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on December 30, 2015, 04:54:52 pm
some vids from today:
DL bounds w/vest (about 11 yards) (

SL bound w/vest (

As far as the bounds...  I realize doing them with the weight vest may challenge you more... but you are doing semi inbetween bounds.   For both bounds I would rather see either a full cycle through (use a 1 arm drive for SL for now) with legs brought up and actively down OR see something like rudiment hops or kangaroo hops but nothing in between...  I think you can do full bounds cause I have seen you do them before - but if you can't do active standing in place single leg bounds with full cycle and active landing - don't do them for distance - that falling over stuff doesn't work...

I have now had another friend do hypergravity with decent results so it's not n = 3 for my experience.   Basically, i would describe hypergravity as simple as this.  Everyone knows things get harder.  That's life.  We get better, it gets harder.   Going from 25-30 inch jump not so hard.  Going from 30-35 hard.  Going from 35-40 is REALLY hard.   But what if after we go from 30-35 we could just go from 30-35 again instead?  Much easier...  So basically, we know exactly what we are gonna get out of the weightvest and its basically how close we get to pre-weight vest numbers..  We make do this easier by losing weight at the same time of course.   But basically, imagine you have a 35'' jump.  (a simple calculation says that at 15lbs heavier you should have a 32.5 inch jump.  You put the vest on and go down to 31''.   This is why the vest is bad in the short term.  The weight messes you up and you actually produce less power than before.... But... assuming you adapt and get back to 32.5'' you are even...  Now if you can get to 33 or 34'' you will see gains...  Basically that simple - that's also why I recommend you take it off as little as possible.  Don't take it off when your training or for tests until you have achieved your marks...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 30, 2015, 05:49:02 pm
thanks t0ddday really helpful on both counts. i was being extra tentative on the bounds because of the vest, but i let loose a bit more today on the DLs and went farther. also my knee was not bothering me at all today. interesting point about "jumping" the MB toss. will try the kneeling variant next time (i.e. tomorrow).

WEIGHT: 189.8 (174.4)
ACHES/INJURIES: right peroneal near ankle but went away after warm up

- warm up

- MB toss x 10
inconsistent, was throwing them a little to one side. best throw was better than yesterday. will modify tomorrow based on t0ddday's feedback above.

- DL bound x 4,4,4,4,4
felt good, all-out next time.

- squat 315 x 1,1,1,1,1

- cable hip thrust 110 x 15; 130 x 15,15
was supposed to to BB hip thrusts but all the benches were being used, which is bizarre, not sure that's ever happened before.

ran out of time, called it. jumps tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2015, 04:26:19 pm
WEIGHT: 187.8 (173.6)

- warm up

- kneeling MB toss x 10

- MB toss x 5

- DL bound x 4,4,4

- SVJ x 5,5

- backboard touch x 10,10,10
ugly, only first set was unbroken.

- SL SVJ x 5/leg

- drop step x 3/plant

- T0ddday method DLRVJ x 12
5 at two steps, 5 at four steps. nothing over 32. still getting used to it.

- SLRVJ x 5/leg

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2016, 06:31:43 pm
WEIGHT: 187 (173.8)
SORENESS: abs a tiny bit
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe, ankle, knee

- warm up
hit 29.5 and 30 with the vest on

**remove vest**

- DLRVJ x 7
PR, 36.5, back-ironed a couple very hard with the dodgeball and got a couple of good dunks down. vids coming.

**replace vest**

- DLRVJ x 3
bad, did a couple from one step, not good

- superset x 2
-- pistol x 10/leg
-- SL RDL x 10/leg

- pull up ladder x 1,2,3,2,1

- dip x 9

- stretch

PR'ing the first week is a good sign, i think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2016, 07:29:41 pm
jump PR vids here:'spb's-videos-pictures-and-daily-achievements-thread/msg113878/#msg113878

pistols side view: (

pistols front view (second set): (
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 04, 2016, 09:01:13 pm
yesterday was supposed to be weights + jumping but i got stuck at my parents' with my grandmother and then a neighbor. by the time i got home the gym was closed.

WEIGHT: 187.8 (175.4 -- oops, apparently i am not doing as well on the kcal restriction as i thought)
ACHES/INJURIES: knees, lower neck

- KB swing x 10,10,10,10,10,10

- KB goblet squat x 10,10,10,10,10

- KB snatches x some

- stretch

knees felt wack when i tried to do pistols so i switched it up. some of the unexpected weight may just be that i usually weigh myself after a real workout and the business today barely registers as that. in any event, time to get serious with that. targeting 167 in three weeks means a real diet. vacation's over.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2016, 10:06:07 pm
WEIGHT: 187.2 (174)
ACHES/INJURIES: low back a little, knees a little, right peroneal a little
MENTAL STATE: good, a little lethargic/low motivation

- warm up

- MB toss x 10
inconsistent but best throws were ~11 yards. i throw to the right, not sure if it's a hip twisting or torso or shoulder issue. putting left foot 1-2" in front of right makes for straight throws.

- DL bound x 4,3(F),4,4,4
inconsistent, fucked up the second set by kind of falling forward. but best two sets were 11+ yards, which is an improvement.

- squat 315 x 1,1
low back felt the first a little but second very strong

- SVJ x 5,5
second set much lower than first

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg
inconsistent, which is good because it means on some of the jumps i'm getting a bit more coordinated

- backboard touch x 10,10
legs smoked, not jumping high enough for backboard so i just did these as reaching pogos

- one-step DLRVJ x 5,5/plant
maybe 29.5 on a couple LR plants, much less on all the others.

vest is hard.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2016, 08:53:54 pm
WEIGHT: 187.6 (172.8)
ACHES/INJURIES: left ankle a little (?)

- warm up

- KB swing 60 x 10,10

- squat 325 x 1,1,1,1; paused 205 x 3,3
strong as fork, weight was flying, especially on reps 1 and 3.

- BB hip thrust 205 x 15,15

- hanging leg raise x 10; +5 x 6+4

- stretch

all available potential spaces for throws and bounds were occupied. so it goes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 07, 2016, 03:21:42 am
Is that 325 wearing the vest? So you actually did 4 (flying up) singles with ~340???  :strong: :strong: :strong: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting:
( still worthy of icons and props even without the vest! )
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on January 07, 2016, 05:54:30 am
damn that's strong!  :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2016, 09:32:35 am
yeah it was with the vest. vest is still only 10 lbs, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 07, 2016, 06:19:05 pm
Yes, my bad, saw the 187-172 difference and thought it was just vest but you stated at the beginning of the hypergravity phase that clothes and shoes are included.
4x1@335 is still awesome though!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2016, 07:50:03 pm
last night:

WEIGHT: 189 (174)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee

- warm up

- SVJ x 5,5

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- pogo x 10,10,10 + SL x 6/leg

- rest of workout

just felt very dead. also i think i either am undercounting calories or overestimated how much i burn in a typical day. never really tried to diet before, i kind of thought it'd be a cinch but it looks like if i really do want to lose weight i'll have to make some actual changes other than cutting out sweets. this should come as a surprise to no one, myself included. new target is 1700kcal/day, including 180g of protein. that leaves roughly 1000kcal from fats and carbs. okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on January 09, 2016, 02:18:05 am
just felt very dead. also i think i either am undercounting calories or overestimated how much i burn in a typical day. never really tried to diet before, i kind of thought it'd be a cinch but it looks like if i really do want to lose weight i'll have to make some actual changes other than cutting out sweets. this should come as a surprise to no one, myself included. new target is 1700kcal/day, including 180g of protein. that leaves roughly 1000kcal from fats and carbs. okay.

Wow this is cool, you started dieting just after I did. It's a first for me too. I counted my calories for a while and found the average ratio of carb:fat:protein ratio I got was like 3:1:1, and I generally got around 3k calories on days when I trained a moderate amount  before I started dieting. Haven't counted since I started dieting, that might be helpful..

You might have a really different metabolism but 1.7k seems like a really small amount. I dunno if you ever counted the calories of your days before dieting, but if it's anything close to mine, then it would probably be better to have a gradual lowering to 1.7k to give your body more time to adapt.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2016, 09:58:28 am
yeah but i'm trying to lose a decent amount of fat in just two weeks and then go back to normal. i tried to eat way under maintenance yesterday and failed. new respect for dieters, especially long-term dieters. it's funny, i've been interested by and reading about this stuff for years now but trying it for myself is a different story. no shit, i guess.

if i can ask, why are you going on a diet? you're pretty lean.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on January 09, 2016, 10:09:25 am
Sorry bro just saw your PM. My app is not completed enough for ppl to use. It's like 99% done but the last 1% is the part where you have enough polish to hand over to a user and they can run it without any issues. It's mostly the getting to start part, expecting files to exist, or creating them, etc. I'm just lazy. I will suggest though, instead use myfitnesspal which has a smartphone app and can tie in with a fitbit to add in calorie tracking as well as activity monitoring. Was using that myself over dec and highly recommend it.

Also, dieting sucks.. but it helps to use the right supplements.. if you're in the states you can get bronkaid+caffeine and if you throw in green tea capsules, calcium supplement and some decent amount of fasting  + fasted walking in, you can get very good bodycomp changes very quickly. But yeah that might not be your cup of tea which is fine, just do it will sheer willpower.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2016, 02:34:01 pm
^^^no doubt, thanks for the tips. i'm gonna try sheer willpower first, if that doesn't work then we'll see what's up with supps.

WEIGHT: ??? (???)
ACHES/INJURIES: right mid back, SI joint a bit -- both went away with warm up, but then i got a headache

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~12
got a dude to try throwing me a few lobs, maybe did 7-8 attempts. no idea how close i was on the couple of tosses that seemed pretty good, although given that i got a violent dunk with the size 3 soccer ball on my first jump i know i was getting pretty high, PR-tie levels. first time ever asking someone to throw lobs so i feel good about it. head started killing me after the third or fourth jump.

the headache was triggered, i'm pretty sure, by having three cups of coffee without food before working out. the timing of the day got screwed up because of some damn event in the gym, didn't end up eating until after i worked out, so around 2 PM. not ideal. i feel out of it now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on January 09, 2016, 03:25:18 pm
Maybe too many variables to try and adapt to at once? You're already training with the weght vest and such. I don't know if it wouldn't be better to eat clean but well enough to train then just lean out sub 36 hrs hours of intended peak jump day or so.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on January 09, 2016, 05:28:16 pm
yeah but i'm trying to lose a decent amount of fat in just two weeks and then go back to normal. i tried to eat way under maintenance yesterday and failed. new respect for dieters, especially long-term dieters. it's funny, i've been interested by and reading about this stuff for years now but trying it for myself is a different story. no shit, i guess.

if i can ask, why are you going on a diet? you're pretty lean.

I think for the time and effort that I use it has a really good carryover to a lot of skills in Ultimate, since it's a non-contact game (as long as there's not too much atrophy). I wish you luck with your diet, it will be a brutal 2 weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on January 09, 2016, 06:11:04 pm
Are you just cutting using calories?  I know some camps say doesn't matter where calories come from, while others say it does.  But from my experience, high protein/low carb (~100g or even less if for short term) while training hard leans me out so much faster than if I just count calories.   Fats are just adjusted depending on energy.  I also like to drink gatorades during workouts to help with the low sugar intake.  I pretty much just down a bottle (30g sugar) during my warm ups.

Just my experience on what works for me really well and I'm fairly lean so it's not like it worked cause I'm fat
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on January 10, 2016, 12:30:49 am
^^^no doubt, thanks for the tips. i'm gonna try sheer willpower first, if that doesn't work then we'll see what's up with supps.

Our man Lyle makes the point that it's a good idea to go on the EC from day 0 because it gives a 10% metabolic boost immediately, so you burn more calories in that first week or two .. then your body realises whatsup and adjusts your MR and drops it say 10% to compensate for being in a caloric deficit. But now metabolically you're at the same place you would have been on day 0 instead of being at 90% without EC. So you get a bit more fat loss in by starting EC asap. Also EC metabolic effect improves with time too. The longer you're on it, the better fat loss you get out of it. If it's legal and convenient then there is no harm in using it straight away.

With the green tea capsules, it's just an icing to the cake, so to speak. Taking it fasted will help with getting into the stubborn fat which your body would otherwise not mobilise. Theres other stuff, yohimbine when you're getting into stubborn fat helps to mobilise fat off your moobs/hips/lowerback etc.

Also important to supplement calcium and fish oil (helps positive body recomposition) and when dieting severely since the vitamins and minerals you'd get from a normal diet are missing. This will help avoid performance losses. I use gatorade/berocca preworkout and it helps a lot. Outside training, if you're short on zinc and magnesium it can affect mental state.. feel sluggish etc. Hydration is important too. I supplement with (healthy higher potassium than sodium) salt in my shakes to keep hydration up, important esp when low carbing. Oh and going low carb (~100g a day) is a good idea to get into stubborn bodyfat as well. Theres loads of tricks to it all.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on January 10, 2016, 04:45:38 am
Lol, for what it's worth, in my n=1, the EC stack was one hell of an experience.

Basically, I just wanted to try it to see how it feels.  I took it pre-workout.  I got so amped up I PR'ed my vertical by like ~2", PR'd my squat by 10 lbs, did a whole jump session + plyo + lifting routine that ended up being 3 hours long and left the gym feeling perfectly fine and ready to kill it some more.  I rested 72 hours and repeated the workout but didn't work as well the 2nd time, but managed the same PR jump. 

After that workout, my CNS was so trashed, I couldn't have a productive workout in like 10 days. I swear I came back 72 hours after that 2nd workout and I couldn't squat even ~65% of my 1RM.  It took me a week to get back to baseline, where the long time off did more harm than good.  I threw away my bronkaid after that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on January 10, 2016, 05:07:26 am
^yup, you have to respect stimulants. Start at half doses, if you handle it, go up to a full dose. If you take a full dose straight up with no experience with it and force some crazy PRs, you're going to be messed up for a while. Lifters experience that post-meets when they are physically and mentally destroyed after the gruelling 1RMs. My experience with stimulants is that a few weeks into a diet you can take some and go to have a nap. But yeah initially you get pretty jacked, like with any new stimulant, its stimulant effect is strongest initially and subsides with use. But the fat loss effects of EC continue to improve over time. The appetite control it provides can also dissipate but you can bring it back by adding L-tyrosine. You're lucky in the states that you can buy pharmaceutical grade bronkaid though. It's all illegal here. Nanny state reprezent.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2016, 11:25:17 am
haha merrick that's nuts. and you know, i had the same thought about doing too many things at once, but i have been writing it off in my head as excuse-making. maybe you're right, though.

i think i'll probably just stick with my normal daily caffeine for now but maybe it's worth looking into stims for when i try to PR.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2016, 04:42:54 pm
WEIGHT: 190 (174.2)
MENTAL STATE: really good

- warm up

- depth jump @22" x 4,4

- squat 325 x 1,1,1,1,1; 225 x 12

- superset x 2
-- dip x 10
-- pull up x 5+5; 3+1+(2)

- cable ab pull down 140 x 10,10

- SVJ x 5

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg
getting better at these.

- pogo x 10,10

legs dead by the end. not sure how i felt so good, i was out at a super fun party really late last night and did not get enough sleep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on January 10, 2016, 06:58:11 pm
Do you have any way to track your depth jump progress? Like are you jumping to/at something so you have a basis for progression or just going by feel?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2016, 08:40:01 pm
feel, which is not ideal, i know. also today was the first time i've done them with the vest on. felt pretty good, fwiw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 12, 2016, 09:30:54 am
my family's older dog, izzie, died this morning after getting progressively sicker and weaker over the last few weeks. she'd had tumor for a while and was mostly blind and deaf but up until a couple of weeks ago she was still spry, running to greet the door and wagging her butt as hard as she could to say hello. but then she pretty much stopped eating and that was that. my parents took her to the animal hospital this morning to have her put down peacefully.

she was 17.

rest in peace, izzie.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 12, 2016, 11:00:37 am
my family's older dog, izzie, died this morning after getting progressively sicker and weaker over the last few weeks. she'd had tumor for a while and was mostly blind and deaf but up until a couple of weeks ago she was still spry, running to greet the door and wagging her butt as hard as she could to say hello. but then she pretty much stopped eating and that was that. my parents took her to the animal hospital this morning to have her put down peacefully.

she was 17.

rest in peace, izzie.

really sorry to hear LBSS :/

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 12, 2016, 07:11:29 pm
thanks man.

WEIGHT: ??? (172.8)
MENTAL STATE: dead, combination of tired and drained/sad

- warm up

- MB toss x 12
really bad, only got a few past the white line.

- rest of workout

i think this is the second time recently i've bagged a workout because of feeling dead. gonna give myself a pass today because of izzie but that's not a good habit.

also, added 3 more lbs to the weight vest last night, which i think is all it can take. not sure where the other 2 lbs are supposed to go, there are no more slots.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on January 12, 2016, 07:44:26 pm
That sucks man, our lab passed away this summer at age 15. :( I use the gym as a retreat, music up and refuse to think anything negative.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2016, 10:09:07 am
That sucks man, our lab passed away this summer at age 15. :( I use the gym as a retreat, music up and refuse to think anything negative.

thanks chris. i use the gym that way, too, but from time to time whatever is affecting me just has the effect of deadening me or killing motivation. it's always temporary, i'll be back on the horse tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on January 13, 2016, 10:12:56 am
Sorry LBSS. 17 years is a long time, so I'm glad you got to love that dog for a while.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on January 13, 2016, 10:48:25 am
That's why I don't think I'll ever have a dog. A guy "like me" wouldn't be able to take what you're describing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on January 13, 2016, 07:39:22 pm

i think this is the second time recently i've bagged a workout because of feeling dead. gonna give myself a pass today because of izzie but that's not a good habit.

also, added 3 more lbs to the weight vest last night, which i think is all it can take. not sure where the other 2 lbs are supposed to go, there are no more slots.

Eh, it's a terrible habit to bag a workout cause of feeling dead but nothing wrong with bagging a workout cause of sadness...  Sorry for you loss...   Positively happy to see you PR!  You are getting close - some small tweaks and you will be there.   A few tips...  What kind of shoes do you wear?  For your jumping style I think this is important.   Also, fine to occasionally take off the vest but IMO the best thing I did vested was the type of training I think I am "good" at...  Vested basketball and I always knew I was wearing it...  However, vested football and I forgot I had it on...  I really was able to adjust to move dynamically at a higher weight from doing football drills with it on, maybe for you vested ultimate or something else you feel really comfortable with? 

Here is a video of vested football... I'm slower... But I feel like I look like a big-torsoed fat guy playing football rather than a athlete slowed down with a vest.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2016, 10:14:51 pm
WEIGHT: 189 (171 -- heading the right way)
ACHES/INJURIES: right hip, ankles a little (?)
MENTAL STATE: good, a little tired

- warm up

- MB toss x 12
not great but better than the other day. will post vid soon of first four throws.

- DL bound x 4,4,4
each set progressively better

- squat 325 x 1; paused 275 x 1,1,1,1,1
325 was too slow for my liking so i backed off. bar popped far off shoulders on every rep.

- hip thrust 275 x 12,12
uncomfortable in the groinal region.

gym closed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on January 14, 2016, 03:07:47 am

- hip thrust 275 x 12,12
uncomfortable in the groinal region.

Most gyms have squat pads (those things people use to squat that adding padding on the back/neck).  While useless and dangerous for actual squats if you put in on the bar during hip thrusts it makes it 100x more comfortable.   In fact if you gym doesn't have a squat pad I highly recommend you invest in a high quality thick foam squat pad.  Makes glute thrusts more comfortable and is an absolute gamechanger for rear-leg elevated split squats.  Instead of propping your the laces of your shoes on a bench to elevate the rear leg you can set a bar low in a squat rack with the pad over it and place your rear leg on that.  Allowing your rear foot to rotate on the bar shifts the lift to your front leg and gives you range on motion from all the way down (knee almost touching floor) to close to hip hyperextension (additionally you can usually set squat racks for the optimal height for you rather than be forced to use a single height bench...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2016, 09:37:46 am
my gym has one of those things but it's lost. i use two pairs of hand towels, folded up. what i should do (will do next time) is stack them longwise across my lap.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2016, 07:22:09 pm
WEIGHT: 187.6 (171.6)
ACHES/INJURIES: knees a little achey

- warm up

- SVJ x 5,5
~29, i think

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- pogo x 10,10,10

- one-step DLRVJ x 5/plant + 2 LR

- three-step SLRVJ x a few

not great, not terrible.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2016, 10:08:47 am
some vids from wednesday:

fun starts at 0:21:

fun starts at 0:31:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2016, 10:15:43 am
and from thursday:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 16, 2016, 11:23:22 am

is it just me or does the first set of pogos look alot better than the second set? nice, love pogos. DL bounds looked better too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2016, 12:35:30 pm
haha do you mean they're hard in general or that mine suck, or both?  ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2016, 12:37:50 pm
WEIGHT: 187 (172.2 -- note that i have not yet taken a shit today)
ACHES/INJURIES: mild cough, mild congestion
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- DLRVJ x ~12
PR tie or perhaps even all-time PR by a hair. definitely the most jumps in one session over 35.5-36. got a couple good jumps on vid, will post in a minute.

- superset ladder x 2
-- pull up x 1,2,3,2,1
-- dip x 1,2,3,2,1

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2016, 12:44:11 pm
sorry about the wack framing, the taller box that i normally use as a tripod was not available so i had to use a little box.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 16, 2016, 01:18:57 pm
haha do you mean they're hard in general or that mine suck, or both?  ;D

hard in general!

WEIGHT: 187 (172.2 -- note that i have not yet taken a shit today)

the worst feeling in life.

- DLRVJ x ~12
PR tie or perhaps even all-time PR by a hair. definitely the most jumps in one session over 35.5-36. got a couple good jumps on vid, will post in a minute.


 :ibjumping: :strong: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

jumps looked gr8 from the vid. svj was strong too with that vest.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on January 16, 2016, 06:25:23 pm

- DLRVJ x ~12
PR tie or perhaps even all-time PR by a hair. definitely the most jumps in one session over 35.5-36. got a couple good jumps on vid, will post in a minute.

My long winded response:

ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘. Wow.  Two prs in a couple weeks.  Maybe you just measure your reach REALLY honestly cause your floaty jumps look about as high the claimed 40 inch jumps I see...

Criticism:  Yeah the framing sucks. 

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on January 16, 2016, 09:01:36 pm

Yeah I hate doing them because I feel so unathletic lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 17, 2016, 09:39:16 am

- DLRVJ x ~12
PR tie or perhaps even all-time PR by a hair. definitely the most jumps in one session over 35.5-36. got a couple good jumps on vid, will post in a minute.

My long winded response:

ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘. Wow.  Two prs in a couple weeks.  Maybe you just measure your reach REALLY honestly cause your floaty jumps look about as high the claimed 40 inch jumps I see...

Criticism:  Yeah the framing sucks.

thanks, and i think it's more likely that the claimed 40" leaps are lower than that, than that my jumps are 40". maybe it's just that you had the right idea with the set-up. also the weight vest.

also, dunno if you were trying to add emojis there or something but it just shows up as boxes for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 17, 2016, 04:43:12 pm
man i hope this is the worst this cold gets. went to the gym earlier, warmed up, did a few DLRVJ, but felt like my head was overstuffed or something. still feel wack, gonna take it easy tonight and try to get a lot of sleep.

ETA: can't remember the last time i had two serious colds in one year. must be getting old.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2016, 10:02:26 pm
WEIGHT: 189 (170.6)

- warm up

- depth jump @22" x 4,4

- DL bound x 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3

- paused squat 225 x 3,3
bar was flying on first set, second set still pretty explosive but not as much

- SVJ x 5,5

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- drop-step SVJ x 3,3/leg

man i can sniff sub-170. need to make sure i keep protein plenty high. found a place near my office that makes quinoa, spinach, and chicken pesto "burritos" that has 75g of protein and like 3-400 fewer calories than chipotle. that's helping.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 19, 2016, 11:01:25 pm
man i can sniff sub-170.


need to make sure i keep protein plenty high. found a place near my office that makes quinoa, spinach, and chicken pesto "burritos" that has 75g of protein and like 3-400 fewer calories than chipotle. that's helping.

damn that sounds solid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 20, 2016, 10:17:44 pm
WEIGHT: 185.8! (168!!!!)  :o :o :o :o
MENTAL STATE: a little dead, stressful day

- warm up
felt quite sluggish

- MB toss x 10
couple of very good throws, mostly okay

- DL bound x 4,4,4,4
second and third sets markedly farther than normal, good

- squat 315 x 1,1

- stretch

gym closed. snowpocalypse 2016 preparations, commence. i hope the gym doesn't close this weekend but i'm not getting my hopes up for that. hopes much higher for sledding.

in addition to stress, the sluggishness may be linked to the big ol' weight drop. first time i've been under 170 since, uh, i don't know it's been many years. since college maybe? waist is legit 30.5 which is the smallest also in at least 5 years if not longer. i've been at 31-31.5 for a long time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on January 21, 2016, 12:48:16 pm
Hey LBSS saw your post in maxents journal but will just ask you here.

So you say wearing the vest 12-14 hours a day is having an undeniable effect in your training.  How long did it take for you to have this potentiation?  Are you wearing them during training too (maybe just during lifting and not jumps/plyos)?  Or just the entire day except for shower + sleep + training?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2016, 02:16:59 pm
i wear it all day except shower and sleep. have taken breaks for, for example, dates, when i'd rather not have to explain to a woman i'm meeting for the first time why i'm wearing a weight vest. i wear it during all training except ME DLRVJ, as well.

actually i'm not wearing it today, not sure why.

it took a week to work, i PR'd at the end of the first week i wore it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on January 21, 2016, 03:17:21 pm
Why not explain to the woman the potentiation effects of a hyper-gravity weight vest protocol to create changes in the central nervous system so it can override inhibitions and allow you to produce greater peak force as well as absorb more peak force during the switch from an eccentric contraction immediately to a concentric power output during the plant of a DLRVJ?  Should be an interesting conversation with a woman on a first date......

But, do you know or has T0ddday mentioned if this can still work if you take it off during training?  I'm assuming it'll still work (just not as effectively), if taking it off during ME jump sessions for you is still allowing it to work. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2016, 07:26:41 pm
haha i'll take that under advisement. problem with getting older is women expect you to be classier, though. i wish i'd gotten the weight vest in college, would have been a good ice breaker.

not sure i understand your question. the vest "works" because it fools your brain into thinking your body is heavier than it is. i don't think there's much acute potentiation, i've just been wearing it all the time until it's time to try to PR and then i've been flying. i do wear it on some DLRVJ and all my other jumping and bounding (and lifting, for that matter).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2016, 07:27:36 pm
gym is gonna be closed this weekend, fml. will get some exercise in the form of sledding and walking through the snow. with any luck we'll have work off on monday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on January 21, 2016, 09:00:01 pm

not sure i understand your question. the vest "works" because it fools your brain into thinking your body is heavier than it is. i don't think there's much acute potentiation, i've just been wearing it all the time until it's time to try to PR and then i've been flying. i do wear it on some DLRVJ and all my other jumping and bounding (and lifting, for that matter).

What I mean is I understand the idea is to make your brain think you're heavier by wearing it all the time and only at understandable times should you take it off such as sleeping and showering (as well as ME jumps for you).  Those ME jump sessions probably don't last too long though so it probably works fine for you. 

I was wondering if taking the vest off for the entire training session 1.5~2 hours of jumps, plyos, weights is "too long" of a time to have the vest off to the point that the same beneficial effects won't take place.

Also I wonder if having the vest off during training where you are actually moving and having to deal with the weight even more has a greater negative effect on trying to fool your body into thinking your heavy than compared to if you had the vest off the same duration of time but while just chilling at home?

edit: last question lol (if you can't tell by now, I'm strongly considering trying this), is it advisable to gradually add weight to the vest or can you just stay with the same weight the whole time.  I ask because I notice in your journal you added weight over time
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 21, 2016, 10:55:17 pm
Why not explain to the woman the potentiation effects of a hyper-gravity weight vest protocol to create changes in the central nervous system so it can override inhibitions and allow you to produce greater peak force as well as absorb more peak force during the switch from an eccentric contraction immediately to a concentric power output during the plant of a DLRVJ?  Should be an interesting conversation with a woman on a first date......

lool.  :goodjobbro:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on January 22, 2016, 12:12:24 am
WEIGHT: 185.8! (168!!!!)  :o :o :o :o

first time i've been under 170 since, uh, i don't know it's been many years. since college maybe? waist is legit 30.5 which is the smallest also in at least 5 years if not longer. i've been at 31-31.5 for a long time.

Congrats man. As someone going through the same dieting shit as you I wanted to commend you on this cause it seems so damn hard. Do you have any particular foods you enjoy that you think have good value in a diet? I've been eating lots of berries myself.

Also, I noticed in your hip thrust video that you were doing the standard variation. You should try out the 'American' version if you haven't already ( I personally have had much better glute activation using this variation (probably cause I don't have an exceptional hip hinge). Another good exercise that I have been having good glute activation on is the dynamic pull-through, which requires practically no set-up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2016, 09:13:16 am
^^^thanks brother. i am a devotee of 0 fat greek yogurt mixed with defrosted blueberries and a little honey. and slow-cooked meat. there's a recipe thread somewhere that has a couple of my go-to crockpot recipes in it and last week i made 5 pounds of beef and chicken chili on the stove. all i'm really doing on this diet is to reduce the amount i eat at some meals, and basically not eat sweets at all. i'm typically eating a lot fewer carbs at dinner than usual, for example. i dunno, i've been hungrier than i like to be a few days but it hasn't been that bad overall. just picking high-protein, low-carb tasty foods works for me.

interesting about the american hip thrust, will give that a try the next time i do them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2016, 12:27:20 pm
MENTAL STATE: legs dead, otherwise good

- warm up

- MB toss x 11

- squat 315 x 1,1,1,1,1,1

- superset x 2
-- pull through 150 x 12
-- pull up/dip ladder x 2,3,4,3,2;1,2,3,2,1

- hanging leg raise x 10; windshield wiper x i forget how many

gym closed for the storm but i snuck this much in before. glad i (1) decided to work from home today and (2) went to the gym.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2016, 10:04:48 am
sledded for four hours yesterday. was exhausted by the end. gym has been closed since friday morning, will not open today, fml. on the other hand i may never have to go to work again. we got a LOT of snow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2016, 03:46:07 pm
snowy weekend = gym was closed until today and was only open for a few hours today. as per usual after even a short layoff, i felt weak and slow.

WEIGHT: 191 (172.8 -- more alcohol than normal over the last few days prob accounts for some of this)
SORENESS: right arm from snowball fights, lol

- warm up

- SVJ x 6

- DL bound x 4,4,4

- squat x warm up

felt out of sorts, cut it off. back to normal tomorrow i think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 26, 2016, 05:05:03 pm
snowball fight soreness, ahah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 27, 2016, 09:47:03 pm
WEIGHT: 172.8 (170.8 -- no weight vest)
ACHES/INJURIES: right low back tweaked on squats a little, uh-oh
MENTAL STATE: good, a little slow

- warm up

- DLRVJ x a few
not great but my baseline has clearly moved up. hit 33 easily off one step, couple dunks with the small dodgeball.

- squat 315 x 1,1,1,1
meant to keep going but right low back was off. form was off, even in warm ups i was rocking forward too much. weird.

- hip thrust 295 x 12,12

- ladder x 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1
-- pull up
-- dip

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2016, 01:11:01 pm
WEIGHT: 187 (171.8)
ACHES/INJURIES: back feeling a little wonky in a couple places

- warm up
hit 30 SVJ with the vest on, that's good

- DLRVJ x 10
crap, there was a little kid running around and throwing a ball and her fucking mom wouldn't keep her away from the area where i was jumping. distracted, did not want to KO or trip over a two year old. missed a bunch with the dodgeball, frustrated.

- SLRVJ and SVJ x some


not quite sure what to do now. i made PRs on the block that t0ddday laid out and that i followed fairly faithfully, then had a week off-ish because of the snowstorm. so should i just try the t0ddday block again, but with a slightly lower starting weight? see if i can get to 165-166 by the end of february? i will have a forced layoff from feb 12-15 when i got to california for my friend's bachelor party, but otherwise i don't think i'm traveling.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on January 30, 2016, 05:03:46 pm
Saw your email, ill try and get back to you - but a little unsure of your goals...  the block was a modified peaking block... are you satisified w the results and want to return to the long term goal of becoming a better athlete or are you not quite satisfied and want to basically try and draw this out and peak harder so you can dunk a basketball?  The goals are pretty different...

Additionally if your asking me to write you another peaking  program for free you are gonna have to meet me halfway but actually putting in a lot of practice practicing catching alley oops instead of dodgeball dunks! I dont care if you have to beg a friend or pay a guy off the street to lob the ball up near the rim...  your gonna need practice.  Imo you have the jumping ability to do it already but if your goal is to have a training block to squeeze out another inch or two to make it even more likely... i can help you - but your gonna need some reps trying to dunk to acheive your goal...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on January 30, 2016, 06:35:02 pm
Saw your email, ill try and get back to you - but a little unsure of your goals...  the block was a modified peaking block... are you satisified w the results and want to return to the long term goal of becoming a better athlete or are you not quite satisfied and want to basically try and draw this out and peak harder so you can dunk a basketball?  The goals are pretty different...

Additionally if your asking me to write you another peaking  program for free you are gonna have to meet me halfway but actually putting in a lot of practice practicing catching alley oops instead of dodgeball dunks! I dont care if you have to beg a friend or pay a guy off the street to lob the ball up near the rim...  your gonna need practice.  Imo you have the jumping ability to do it already but if your goal is to have a training block to squeeze out another inch or two to make it even more likely... i can help you - but your gonna need some reps trying to dunk to acheive your goal...

why not have emailed him back all this lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on January 30, 2016, 07:03:26 pm
Saw your email, ill try and get back to you - but a little unsure of your goals...  the block was a modified peaking block... are you satisified w the results and want to return to the long term goal of becoming a better athlete or are you not quite satisfied and want to basically try and draw this out and peak harder so you can dunk a basketball?  The goals are pretty different...

Additionally if your asking me to write you another peaking  program for free you are gonna have to meet me halfway but actually putting in a lot of practice practicing catching alley oops instead of dodgeball dunks! I dont care if you have to beg a friend or pay a guy off the street to lob the ball up near the rim...  your gonna need practice.  Imo you have the jumping ability to do it already but if your goal is to have a training block to squeeze out another inch or two to make it even more likely... i can help you - but your gonna need some reps trying to dunk to acheive your goal...

why not have emailed him back all this lol

Good point.  Didnt need to be shared w forum.  I apologize.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2016, 02:28:35 pm
too close to give up on goal now. being a generally better athlete can wait.

and yes, you're right, no more dodgeball dunks. need lobs.

so with that in mind, what do you think? run another peaking block? it worked really freaking well the first time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2016, 10:08:15 pm
WEIGHT: 187.6 (171.6)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee

- warm up

- SVJ x 6

- depth jump @ 16-17" x 4,4

- squat 315 x 1,1,1,1,1; 275 x 4; 225 x 7

- ladder x 1,2,3,4,5,4,2
-- pull up
-- dip
failed at 3 on the way down. surprised i got that far with the vest on.

- slant bench leg raise x 10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on January 31, 2016, 10:48:48 pm
too close to give up on goal now. being a generally better athlete can wait.

and yes, you're right, no more dodgeball dunks. need lobs.

so with that in mind, what do you think? run another peaking block? it worked really freaking well the first time.

It wont work as well the second time.  But it will work.  We can squeeze out another inch. Ill email ya.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2016, 10:02:57 pm
WEIGHT: 173.8 (hm)
SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: toes a little

- warm up

- depth jump @~21" x 4,4
got vid, will post.

- squat 315 x 1; 325 x 1

- DB OHP 40s x 8,8

- kroc row 80 x 16L,16R

- SVJ x 4

- SL SVJ x 4/leg

- pogo x 10

going through the motions a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2016, 09:17:28 am
went to wizards-warriors last night, now i can tell my grandkids i watched steph curry drop 51 in a game. would have been fun for the wiz to win -- and they kept it competitive! -- but hey, steph curry is a freak. he had a couple awesome only-dude-who-has-ever-been-able-to-do-that plays, like getting a steal running toward the sideline, stopping on a dime, turning, and firing a basically blind three with a dude in his face from about 28-29 feet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on February 04, 2016, 09:35:53 am
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2016, 09:41:37 am
that's the play i was talking about!!!

well, maybe i exaggerated it a little in my description, haha. that's how it was in my memory. whatever, pretty exciting.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on February 04, 2016, 12:41:52 pm
That would have been awesome to see live! Best I get down this way is College Gameday usually (UT-UK was electric Tuesday) but thats a whole different level.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 04, 2016, 01:19:38 pm
went to wizards-warriors last night, now i can tell my grandkids i watched steph curry drop 51 in a game. would have been fun for the wiz to win -- and they kept it competitive! -- but hey, steph curry is a freak. he had a couple awesome only-dude-who-has-ever-been-able-to-do-that plays, like getting a steal running toward the sideline, stopping on a dime, turning, and firing a basically blind three with a dude in his face from about 28-29 feet.


do rival fans cheer for him? the stuff he's doing is mind blowing.. i don't hear rival fans booing him much.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2016, 03:10:52 pm
yeah man the place went nuts when he made the play that maxent posted. it's hard not to cheer, the way he plays just induces a kind of disbelieving glee where you can't help but go "OHHHHH!" a few times a game.

we got pretty loud when the wizards made a couple of great runs in the second half, too, so it wasn't like the crowd lost sight of which team it wanted to win. but curry is so amazing. and it's hard to overemphasize how easy he makes everything look, how much it looks like he's not trying very hard. even more true in person than on TV, if that's possible.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2016, 07:50:41 pm
WEIGHT: 172.8

- warm up

- work out with my mom x an hour
lunges, SL RDL, leg press, push ups, pull ups, some shoulder mobility stuff (mom has terrible shoulder mobility)

- squat 315 x 1

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2016, 12:40:13 pm
WEIGHT: 187 (172.8)

- warm up

- DLRVJ lob attempts x 12
my boy came and threw lobs. all misses, mostly not even close. timing was off until the last couple and by that point i wasn't getting high enough. was a little shy of PR height, prob around 36 for the best jumps. but he said he'd be down to help out again so that's a win.

- shoot around x 40 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Merrick on February 06, 2016, 03:17:16 pm
WEIGHT: 187 (172.8)

- warm up

- DLRVJ lob attempts x 12
my boy came and threw lobs. all misses, mostly not even close. timing was off until the last couple and by that point i wasn't getting high enough. was a little shy of PR height, prob around 36 for the best jumps. but he said he'd be down to help out again so that's a win.

- shoot around x 40 mins

Man lobs are something you really start getting in the groove of and get in sync with one another after a good number of tries.  12 is too little.  If you had better work capacity and can get in ~30 legit ME jumps, you can probably get a good number of near-perfect lobs.

Do you at least go into these jump sessions caffeinated?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2016, 04:57:13 pm
yeah i know. and yeah well caffeinated.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 07, 2016, 12:00:10 am
could you explain the superbowl to me, I thought it was like the world cup but it isn't, it is just one team vs another, it should be tournament style all the nfl teams in one tournament until you reach the superbowl final, as for the current one vs one you only get one day to have one match unless they do more than one match.

the super bowl is the culmination of a tournament. seriously, spend like 14 seconds googling before asking a question like that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 07, 2016, 05:08:37 pm
WEIGHT: 176.6 (171.8)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little

- warm up

- SVJ x 6,6

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- pogo x 10,10

- drop step x 5,5/leg

- DB OHP 45s x 8+4

- pull up x 8+4

go panthers.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 07, 2016, 07:59:12 pm
go panthers.

go panthers.

good game so far! this Denver defense is playing ridiculous, even with the fouls.

also.. excited about that Bourne trailer.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2016, 09:37:14 pm
WEIGHT: 175 (172.6 -- not sure what happened with the clothes-on reading)
ACHES/INJURIES: none (headache most of the day but it went away)
MENTAL STATE: low motivation, picked up once i got to the gym

- warm up

- rhythmic jump squat +18 x 8,8

- squat 315 x 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

- superset x 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
-- pull up
-- dip

- superset x 3
-- slant bench leg raise x 10
-- band pull apart x 10

- ME SVJ x 5

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 08, 2016, 09:56:57 pm
- squat 315 x 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2016, 09:46:56 pm
didn't get home until really late last night, no chance of working out. stressful day at work. today was better.

WEIGHT: 178.8 (173.2)
MENTAL STATE: low motivation

- warm up

- MB OH toss @20 x 10

- out-out-up bound x 9

- squat 325 x 1,1,1; 225 x 10
expected to do 20 with 225 but wussed out. back was feeling a little weird but i could have kept going.

- pull ups/dips x some, lost count

leaving for california tomorrow for my buddy's bachelor party. back monday night. psyched.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2016, 04:41:28 pm
took redeye back from california this morning. great weekend, extremely relaxing. super fucking tired now, though. will work out later but not gonna be too ambitious.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on February 16, 2016, 06:09:45 pm
I've always read about rythmic jump squats (from the Defranco days) and I've always wondered why a high rep routine like that would be beneficial to jumpers like ourselves. Any ideas LBBS?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2016, 08:47:49 pm
kf swears by them for SVJ. you're getting a double overload -- from the weight itself and from the height you're adding to jumps 2-n -- while still being able to produce force quickly. i wouldn't do them for high reps, moderate reps seems like the way to go.

if you do them be careful to use a weight you can REALLY handle and make sure you're keeping good form. i strained my low back/SI joint a while back doing DB jump squats, not even rhythmic ones.


got home from work really late and i feel like garbage, bailing on the gym tonight. can't go tomorrow night either, guess i'll call it a one-week layoff.  :-[

ETA: did some kb work (swings and snatches), foam rolled, and did band work for shoulders. not much but better than sitting on my ass.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on February 16, 2016, 09:48:24 pm
Thanks, I appreciate it. What is your current SVJ/RVJ btw? Also, I use this device that clips on to my waist to measure my vertical--it's really cool and I would highly recommend it for any vertical jump enthusiast due to its accuracy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2016, 09:55:43 am
current SVJ/RVJ PRs are ~31/36.5.

what is this magical device?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on February 17, 2016, 07:13:05 pm
current SVJ/RVJ PRs are ~31/36.5.

what is this magical device?

Lol. It's called "vert" by mayfonk. This:

It is VERY accurate and I've had it for over 2 years (got it from kickstarter before it was officially released). It is as accurate as the Nike+ shoes, which I also have.

What were your starting SVJ/RVJ numbers btw?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on February 17, 2016, 07:35:16 pm
Is it Android compatible?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on February 17, 2016, 07:39:37 pm
Is it Android compatible?
I don't use the app, so I'm not sure. It displays your vertical jump in real time. Right when you land you'll see the number.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on February 17, 2016, 09:12:56 pm
Is it Android compatible?

You can use this app if your phone has an accelerometer (which most phones would now):

It's decently accurate I think. Haven't really tested it extensively. It is kind of annoying unless you have one of those arm bands or waist bands to hold your phone while jogging.

If I had $125 to burn I'd get one of those devices, maybe. With these sort of things I always come back to the same conclusion though: as cool as it sounds it's a lot simpler, easier and more accurate to just use the good old [highest rim/wall touch - standing reach].
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2016, 09:24:54 pm


- warm up

- work out with dad x 45 mins: BSS + DB OHP + DB SL RDL + Palloff press + pull ups


- paused speed squat 225 x 5,5

- 2x10 push press
had already done DB OHP

- glute thrust 225 x 15,15
most comfortable glute thrusts ever, good

- deficit DL 225 x 5,5
low back felt it but no pain

- decline sit up x 10,8,8,


- MB OH toss for height x 10

- skater jumps x 20,20

- other jumps
ran out of time at the gym
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on February 18, 2016, 03:47:58 am
Looks interesting... do you mind expanding a bit about how this trainings block is gonna look like. Are you still using the weightvest?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2016, 10:53:11 pm
^^^will answer soon

WEIGHT: 176.8 (175.2 -- fatty fatty bo batty)
SORENESS: glutes a little

Warm up:

- KB swings and snatches

- scorpions

- foam roll hips, quads, ITB, calves

- leg swings

- dorsiflexion work


- pistol x 10,10/leg

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg

- glute bridge x 20


- SL SVJ x 10,10

- suitcase KB jump squat @35 x 8,8,8

- one-step RVJ x 3,3,3


- prone leg raise x 10,10

- prone glute kickback x 10,10/leg

- leg lower (7DVJC style) x 20,20,20,20

- stretch

- high foot split squat x 20/leg
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on February 19, 2016, 03:31:21 am

- MB OH toss for height x 10

- skater jumps x 20,20

- other jumps
ran out of time at the gym

ahh sounds so much better, I call them side to side jumps lol.. good luck with the new block!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2016, 02:34:12 pm
thanks undoubtable. you need a nickname btw. doubty, maybe. billy. shut up, it's friday,

not gonna put up the whole schedule but basically it's a training-camp-style approach, with workouts nearly every day and some two-a-days. priorities are improving trunk strength and doing lots and lots and lots of jumps.

- every day: prehab/activation, jumps, trunk/hip strength, stretching
- 3-4x/week: lifting focus on speed squats and p-chain, lots of jumping
- 2x/week (but lowest priority): various sprint variations

i'm also going to cut a bit of weight/fat, targeting 169 and 30" waist again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on February 20, 2016, 12:27:40 am
thanks undoubtable. you need a nickname btw. doubty, maybe. billy. shut up, it's friday,

not gonna put up the whole schedule but basically it's a training-camp-style approach, with workouts nearly every day and some two-a-days. priorities are improving trunk strength and doing lots and lots and lots of jumps.

- every day: prehab/activation, jumps, trunk/hip strength, stretching
- 3-4x/week: lifting focus on speed squats and p-chain, lots of jumping
- 2x/week (but lowest priority): various sprint variations

i'm also going to cut a bit of weight/fat, targeting 169 and 30" waist again.

Damn I like your block a lot, if you get that going consistently for some weeks, I bet you'll have 37" in the bag. Are you gonna have a main strength lift for your p-chain development? Also when you say "trunk strength", is that like core stability? If so, what do you think is a good core exercise that has specificity/carries over well to RVJ? I've been trying to figure that out forever.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on February 20, 2016, 12:47:40 am
Thanks for laying your cycle out. Looks nice and well... like a lot of fun. Hope it's a successfull one, gotta get that basketball dunk. It can be any minute now, cameras should be directed at you!  :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2016, 12:47:25 pm
trunk strength means core strength, yeah. as far as exercises, i'm basically going to do a lot of leg raises and decline sit ups.

main p-chain exercises are BB hip thrusts and deficit DLs on lifting days, and prone leg raises and kickbacks almost every day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2016, 06:16:14 pm
WEIGHT: 186.2 (172.0 -- guess i was carrying a lot of water the other day)
ACHES/INJURIES: a little congested

- warm up


- paused speed squat 235 x 5,5

- glute thrust 235 x 15,15

- DB push press 50s x 10,8+2

- deficit DL 235 x 5,5

- kroc row 65 x 20/side

- decline sit up +30 x 8,8,(8 )
last set concentrics were bar-in-front


- plant leg MB throws for height @12 x 5
have vid, will post

- skater jumps x 20,20

- multiple jumps x 10,10
first set messy, second better

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3,3,3

- depth jump @14" x 3,3,3,3,3

- one-step RVJ x 10,10
legs toast, could barely get rim on these even after taking the vest off

- DLRVJ x 5,5,5,5,5
vest back on but legs absolutely toast, called it a workout.


Warm up:

- KB swings

- scorpions

- foam roll hips, quads, hams

- leg swings

- dorsiflexion work


- pistols with slow eccentric x 10,10

- shrimp squats x 10,10/leg

- glute bridge x 20


- SL jumps x 10,10/leg

- suitcase KB jumps x 8,8,8
submax on these

- one-step RVJ x 3,3,3
these, too


- prone leg raises x 10,10

- prone kickbacks x 10,10

- hollow leg raises x 20,20,20,20

Cool down:

- stretch hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, calves

- high-foot BSS x 20/leg
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 22, 2016, 08:46:32 am

SORENESS: traps a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee pulling a little on scorpions

Warm up:

- KB swings

- scorpions

- foam roll glutes, TFL, ITB, hams, quads, gastrocs, solei

- leg swings

- dorsiflexion work


- pistol x 10,10

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg

- glute bridge x 20


- SL SVJ x 10,10/leg


- prone leg raise x 10,10

- glute kickback x 10,10/leg

- leg raise x 20,20,20,20

Cool down:

- stretch quads, hamstrings, hip flexors

- high foot BSS x 20/leg


WEIGHT: 186.6 (170.8 -- okay then)
ACHES/INJURIES: left hip a little, right knee, right toe

- warm up


- paused speed squat 245 x 5,5

- DB push press 50s x 10,10

- glute thrust
it was late, decided to skip these so i could get through more of the workout. trunk strength plus jumps are the priority.

- deficit DL 245 x 5,5

- decline crunch +18 x 8,8,8
whoops, should have used 30. was wondering why these felt easier.


- one-step RVJ x 10,10

- DLRVJ x 5,5,5,5,5
tough, right toe and knee bugging a little and after the first couple sets none of these was very high

- skater jump x 20,20
right knee bugging a little

- multi jump x 10,10

- bound-bound-jump

- depth jump
gym closed
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on February 22, 2016, 06:28:36 pm
I had to look up the shrimp squat because I know you'd just rick roll me again and do the let me google that for you thing haha.  They look nice and I'll give them a try.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 22, 2016, 06:54:32 pm
I had to look up the shrimp squat because I know you'd just rick roll me again and do the let me google that for you thing haha.  They look nice and I'll give them a try.

lol. i've been doing them as partials, to a box. gonna decrease the box height over time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 23, 2016, 05:39:54 am
I had to look up the shrimp squat because I know you'd just rick roll me again and do the let me google that for you thing haha.  They look nice and I'll give them a try.

lol. i've been doing them as partials, to a box. gonna decrease the box height over time.

The shrimp has given the forum some fun times in the past :

Many all-stars in there : steven miller , JC , sickenin vendetta , RJ
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on February 23, 2016, 06:23:36 am
I had to look up the shrimp squat because I know you'd just rick roll me again and do the let me google that for you thing haha.  They look nice and I'll give them a try.

lol. i've been doing them as partials, to a box. gonna decrease the box height over time.

The shrimp has given the forum some fun times in the past :

Many all-stars in there : steven miller , JC , sickenin vendetta , RJ

Even though the forum is probably better for it, I really miss those classic threads. This place just flat-out purged all the didactic idiots who brought the lol's  :(.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on February 23, 2016, 10:08:12 am
I had to look up the shrimp squat because I know you'd just rick roll me again and do the let me google that for you thing haha.  They look nice and I'll give them a try.

lol. i've been doing them as partials, to a box. gonna decrease the box height over time.

The shrimp has given the forum some fun times in the past :

Many all-stars in there : steven miller , JC , sickenin vendetta , RJ

Even though the forum is probably better for it, I really miss those classic threads. This place just flat-out purged all the didactic idiots who brought the lol's  :(.

Must have been before my time.  I do remember RJ from elitetrack though..  he didnt last there either because he had the unfortunate combination of being really cocky and slow...

Its funny about these movements.  You can add Haneef to the long list of elite athletes who cannot come close to doing a pistol.  This is anecdotal of course, but I keep testing everyone I come across and I swear that if you give me an athlete w elite speed or jumping ability - 9/10 the athlete wont be able to perform anywhere near a full depth pistol without a lot lot lot of work.   And on the flipside those that bang out massive weight pistols and shrimps are usually really good at the "sport" of crossfit which means good at training and bad at performance (no pad all american) IMO.

Might just be that long femurs and a short torso happens to be a good build for sprints and terrible for pistols, maybe its more than that?   I dont know...  what I do know is that pistols and shrimps are some of the best prehab work that exists.  Haneef has rehabbed quad tendonitis with half depth pistols and a modified version of shrimp squats (leg on ground).  Myself, i get a lpt of utility out of them as they are the one exercise where I cannot use posterior chain amd actually build quad stability...  Studies show if you throw in a slant board pistols are as effective as surgery for front knee pain (provided no full tear).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 23, 2016, 10:37:32 am
I had to look up the shrimp squat because I know you'd just rick roll me again and do the let me google that for you thing haha.  They look nice and I'll give them a try.

lol. i've been doing them as partials, to a box. gonna decrease the box height over time.

The shrimp has given the forum some fun times in the past :

Many all-stars in there : steven miller , JC , sickenin vendetta , RJ

just re-read that thread.. man.. brutal. It was like a prison yard here.  :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2016, 11:03:46 am
i can do a (lot of) full pistol(s) and i am good at crossfit and bad at performance.  :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2016, 11:11:17 am
also i've been having some SI joint discomfort over the past few days, which i've forgotten to log. nothing serious right now but certainly something to monitor with the new low-back-centric exercises (deficit DLs, decline sit ups).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on February 23, 2016, 12:33:15 pm
How did I miss that shrimp thread? Just read it all now. Lmfao.

I miss a lot of those members.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2016, 10:03:28 pm
WEIGHT: 186.6 (172.2)
SORENESS: traps a little, tib anterior (both legs)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little, SI joint less than this morning

Warm up:

- KB swings

- scorpions

- foam roll glutes, TFL, ITB, hams, quads, gastrocs, solei

- leg swings

- dorsiflexion work


- pistol x 10,10

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg

- glute bridge x 20


- SL SVJ x 10,10

- suitcase KB jump squats x 8,8

- one-step RVJ x 3,3,3


- prone leg raise x 10,10

- glute kickback x 10,10/leg

- leg raise x 20,20,20,20

Cool down:

- stretch quads, hamstrings, hip flexors

- high foot BSS x 20/leg
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on February 23, 2016, 11:33:58 pm
i can do a (lot of) full pistol(s) and i am good at crossfit and bad at performance.  :lololol:

I could die happy tomorrow with your current no-pads performance, Always been in awe of your ability to grind through everything. Keep it up!

I can also knock out pistols and shrimps with ease, but 1.5bw+ on a barbell and I fall apart.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2016, 07:50:38 am
thanks loopie. doesn't feel that way most of the time but i appreciate it.


WEIGHT: 186.6 (173)
SORENESS: tib anterior a little (both legs)
MENTAL STATE: very tired

Warm up:

- KB swings

- scorpions

- foam roll glutes, TFL, ITB, hams, quads, gastrocs, solei

- leg swings

- dorsiflexion work


- pistol x 10,10

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg

- glute bridge x 20


- SL SVJ x 10,10

- suitcase KB jump squats x 8,8

- one-step RVJ x 3,3,3


- prone leg raise x 10,10

- glute kickback x 10,10/leg

- leg raise x 20,20,20,20

Cool down:

- stretch quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves

- high foot BSS x 20/leg

work has been hellacious this week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2016, 07:41:19 pm
WEIGHT: 185.2 (170.8 )
MENTAL STATE: tired but good

- warm up
court was open so did a couple DLRVJ with the vest on and a few without at the rim. pretty terrible, legs fatigued, surprise surprise.


- paused speed squat 255 x 5,5

- DB push press 55s x 7,7

- glute thrust 255 x 15,15

- deficit DL 275 x 5,5

- decline crunch +30 x 8,8,8


- plant leg MB throws for height @12 x 5

- one-step RVJ x 10,10

- DLRVJ x 5,5,5,1
legs gassed, form was breaking down at the end of each set

- skater jumps x 20,20
- continuous jumps x 10,10
- depth jump x 3,3,3,3,3
- bound-bound jump x 3,3,3,3,3

legs gassed, could not even muster full-effort skater jumps.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2016, 01:58:28 pm
WEIGHT: 187.8 (171.6 )
SORENESS: lats, triceps a little, hamstrings a little

- warm up


- paused speed squat 265 x 5,5

- DB push press 55s x 10,7

- glute thrust 280 x 15,15

- deficit DL 280 x 5,5

- decline sit up +35 x 8,8,8
cheated on second set; last four reps of third set did concentrics with bar in front.

- inverted row x 10+3+3

- stretch

did this fasted. gonna make some lunch now. getting my first tattoo (!) at 4 and then depending on how i feel i'll go back and do the jumps portion of the workout.

tattooing ended too late to make it to the gym. did the daily workout instead.

Warm up:

- foam roll glutes, TFL, ITB, hams, quads, gastrocs, solei

- scorpions

- leg swings

- dorsiflexion work


- pistol x 10,10

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg

- glute bridge x 20


- SL SVJ x 10,10

- suitcase KB jump squats x 8,8

- one-step RVJ x 3,3


- prone leg raise x 10,10

- glute kickback x 10,10/leg

- leg raise x 20,20

Cool down:

- high foot BSS x 20/leg

- stretch quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 27, 2016, 02:01:01 pm
WEIGHT: 187.8 (171.6 )
SORENESS: lats, triceps a little, hamstrings a little

- warm up


- paused speed squat 265 x 5,5

- DB push press 55s x 10,7

- glute thrust 280 x 15,15

- deficit DL 280 x 5,5

- decline sit up +35 x 8,8,8
cheated on second set; last four reps of third set did concentrics with bar in front.

- inverted row x 10+3+3

- stretch

did this fasted. gonna make some lunch now. getting my first tattoo (!) at 4 and then depending on how i feel i'll go back and do the jumps portion of the workout.

whoa. tatted up. what are you getting?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2016, 08:06:23 pm
a geometric pattern that has some deep personal meaning for me, and i'll leave it at that.  :ninja:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2016, 02:19:01 pm
WEIGHT: ??? (???)
SORENESS: hamstrings a little

- warm up
with vest on, then removed it for most of the workout.

- DLRVJ x 5,5,5,5,5
not very good, 33+/- 1 for almost ever jump. intra-set drop-offs were marked but the first 1-2 jumps of each set were okay.

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3,3,3
first time doing these at a target (the rim). mostly 30-30.5, a couple 31+

- one-step RVJ x 5,5
drop-off too severe after 5 reps to finish a 10-rep set at a target. mostly in the 31-31.5 range.

- skater jumps x 20,20

- continuous jumps x 10,10
first set probably my best ever of these, stayed put and didn't twist around too much.

- foam roll

- stretch


SORENESS: hamstrings a little

Warm up:


- pistols x 5/leg
knees bothering me

- short-ROM shrimp squat x 5,5/leg

- SL SVJ x 3,3,3

- other jumps


- prone leg raise x 10,10

- prone glute kickback x 10,10/leg

- leg raises

Cool down:

- high-foot BSS x 20/leg
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 29, 2016, 10:02:28 pm
WEIGHT: 187.8 (172.0)
SORENESS: quads, tib anterior, biceps, traps
ACHES/INJURIES: knees a bit; neck was extra stiff this morning but not a problem by gym time


- warm up

- paused speed squat 270 x 5,5

- deficit DL 295 x 5,5

- DB push press 55s x 8,6

- glute thrust
literally every bench in the gym was being used

- decline sit up +35 x 8,8,8
first two sets challenging but got all reps. last set did normal eccentrics; concentrics with bar in front.


- scorpions x 10

- foam roll

- glute thrust x 20

- pistols
sparing knees

- shrimp squat x 5,5/leg


- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- DB jump squat 20s x 8,8

- one-step RVJ x 3,3,3


- prone leg raise x 10,10

- glute kickback x 10,10/leg

- leg raises

Cool down:

- high-box BSS x 20/leg

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 29, 2016, 10:03:47 pm
also, PR: got 25% raise today. retroactive to october. next paycheck is gonna be more money than i've ever gotten at once in my whole life.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 01, 2016, 02:01:01 am
also, PR: got 25% raise today. retroactive to october. next paycheck is gonna be more money than i've ever gotten at once in my whole life.

sick  :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on March 01, 2016, 03:20:06 pm
a geometric pattern that has some deep personal meaning for me, and i'll leave it at that.  :ninja:

How did the tattoo turn out and how'd you feel afterwards?  On my big piece she did about 2hrs straight at a time and i didnt feel much of anything on any of my tattoos but afterwards, it would have sucked to have to do an arm day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on March 01, 2016, 03:56:07 pm
also, PR: got 25% raise today. retroactive to october. next paycheck is gonna be more money than i've ever gotten at once in my whole life.

that is awesome. never heard of a retroactive raise before! Also that's a large % raise  :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2016, 06:08:59 pm
a geometric pattern that has some deep personal meaning for me, and i'll leave it at that.  :ninja:

How did the tattoo turn out and how'd you feel afterwards?  On my big piece she did about 2hrs straight at a time and i didnt feel much of anything on any of my tattoos but afterwards, it would have sucked to have to do an arm day.

turned out great, pretty much exactly how i pictured it which is about all i could ask for. hurt like a bitch at first and then off and on while the guy was doing it -- some parts of the arm are more sensitive than others. but i felt fine afterwards. a few days later it's basically healed. still a little tender after i rub the ointment in but otherwise no problem.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2016, 06:11:37 pm
also, PR: got 25% raise today. retroactive to october. next paycheck is gonna be more money than i've ever gotten at once in my whole life.

sick  :headbang:

also, PR: got 25% raise today. retroactive to october. next paycheck is gonna be more money than i've ever gotten at once in my whole life.

that is awesome. never heard of a retroactive raise before! Also that's a large % raise  :headbang:

thanks bros! dreyth, i've been doing the job i'm getting the raise for since october, but the new CEO wanted to wait until he'd gotten through this whole organizational restructuring process he's doing before he made adjustments. so the salary bump acknowledges that i really got promoted back then and have been underpaid since. my friend got a 20% bump for the same reason.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 02, 2016, 09:45:26 pm

Daily routine. Not gonna log, same thing every time. Did the whole thing.


WEIGHT: 187.8 (171.8)
ACHES/INJURIES: knees as soon as i started jumping

Daily routine.


- MB OH throws x 5

- skater jumps x 20,20

- DLRVJ x 5,5,(5,5)
knees really bothering me after the second set, especially right. took vest off and toughed out two more sets but  form was deteriorating and height with it. bagged rest of workout. fuck.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on March 02, 2016, 11:04:12 pm

Daily routine. Not gonna log, same thing every time. Did the whole thing.


WEIGHT: 187.8 (171.8)
ACHES/INJURIES: knees as soon as i started jumping

Daily routine.


- MB OH throws x 5

- skater jumps x 20,20

- DLRVJ x 5,5,(5,5)
knees really bothering me after the second set, especially right. took vest off and toughed out two more sets but  form was deteriorating and height with it. bagged rest of workout. fuck.


Patellar tendon(s)?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2016, 10:25:07 am
nah it's not below my kneecap. more above and behind, so maybe quad tendon? going vestless today to give knees a rest.

also, a post in coges's journal made me think of something. i've started training my mom and dad once a week. it's been really fascinating working with both of them, and it's rekindled my interest in training and PT in a way that hasn't been true for a few years. everyone on here is a young man with at least a little bit of training under his belt. some are stronger or faster than others, of course, but in general we're a fairly homogeneous group. i love following the journals, chipping in with my $0.02 when i feel like i have something to contribute, etc. but i haven't had the fire to go out and read a bunch of new stuff and try to learn in a while.

my mom is weak and immobile by comparison. that is not a surprise, of course. she's a 61-year-old woman. but the degree to which i'm stronger, more mobile, and better balanced than she is is eye-opening. apart from just not being very muscular, her muscles don't fire right. she is, for lack of a better word, disorganized when it comes to movements in the gym. she is a good athlete -- three-sport varsity in high school, swam across the chesapeake bay to celebrate her 50th birthday, does sprint triathlons -- so she learns pretty quickly. but she has a hard time making her glutes fire, for example, or hinging at her hips for an RDL. her thoracic spine and shoulders are very stiff and her posture is poor.

initially i wanted her to be doing a lot of unilateral leg stuff because balance is a priority. but given her difficulty with SL RDLs, i've decided that she needs to spend some dedicated time just working on activation. prone leg raises and glute kickbacks, and x-band walks. lunges, which she can do well enough now. bent-knee hollow position leg raises. and a lot of very gentle shoulder and t-spine mobility work, and band pull-aparts.

so coges, what i'm saying is you have the same problem as my mother and should do more activation stuff for your ass.  :-*
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on March 03, 2016, 07:09:08 pm
so coges, what i'm saying is you have the same problem as my mother and should do more activation stuff for your ass.  :-*

It's not everyday I get compared to a 61 year old woman so your mum must be awesome!!! haha

Having said that I rarely/never get glute soreness from any activation stuff. All the high rep stuff gives me glute pump but no soreness. That's why it was so strange to get from either the SL DLs or the weighted jumps. Also have never done SL DLs with a barbell before so that could be the game changer. 

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on March 03, 2016, 07:48:10 pm
so coges, what i'm saying is you have the same problem as my mother and should do more activation stuff for your ass.  :-*

It's not everyday I get compared to a 61 year old woman so your mum must be awesome!!! haha

Having said that I rarely/never get glute soreness from any activation stuff. All the high rep stuff gives me glute pump but no soreness. That's why it was so strange to get from either the SL DLs or the weighted jumps. Also have never done SL DLs with a barbell before so that could be the game changer.

I usually have to poke my biceps to get my biceps fired up but that might be weird for glutes.  The hip circle on deadlifts and squats helped to get my p-chain going.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2016, 08:05:05 pm

Right knee bugging too much to do pistols, shrimp squats, or jumps. Did the open-chain and ab stuff and doubled the volume.


Daily routine. Right knee not 100% by any means but was able to do all the exercises. First set of pistols with right I did concentric-only, second set felt better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2016, 04:28:12 pm
had to go to richmond yesterday at the last minute -- family business -- so could not make it to the gym. got back this afternoon.

WEIGHT: 189.2 (173.0)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little, on a couple of jumps
MENTAL STATE: low motivation, otherwise fine

- warm up


- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 10

- DLRVJ x 5,5,5,5,5
knee bugging a little when form go away from me. if i lead with the left and don't collapse over my right foot i'm okay. as soon as my right knee starts traveling forward on the plant i'm screwed.

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3,3,3


- paused speed squat 275 x 5,5
challenging but solid, getting close to the heaviest weights i ever did paused so that's good

- deficit DL 315 x 5
low back announcing itself, decided against second set. used straps.

- hip thrust 315 x 15,15

- DB push press 55s x 10,7

- pull up x 1,2,3,4,3,2,1

- decline sit up x 10,10,10
no BB, low back was feeling it a bit so played it cautious

- stretch

ended up being a good workout.


Daily routine. Knees started bothering me a little but not too bad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2016, 09:23:03 am
right knee bugging this morning. forgot to put on vest before i left the house.

Daily routine.

Dorsiflexion on my right foot is more inhibited by my tib anterior than on my left. Hard feeling to explain, like I can't stop the right one from flexing and stiffening when I lean over that foot, but I can do with the left.

Also, my colleague and I fired a guy today. My first time doing that. It's the right thing to do but it felt awful.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 08, 2016, 11:37:10 am
The most I ever made in my life is 400 euros per month #success #moneyTaker #democracy #capitalism #itGenius #richBastard #takeTheOil #ImFantastic #killTheirFamilies
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 08, 2016, 09:10:43 pm
Daily routine but kind of half-assed it. Motivation very low, tired. Worked late, went to gym to do Jumps but literally every available space was in use. Will just do both tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2016, 08:35:47 pm
WEIGHT: 186.0 (170.6)
SORENESS: triceps (?)
ACHES/INJURIES: knees achey but not painful
MENTAL STATE: very good

Daily routine. Omitted jump squats and one-step jumps because was working out with Dad. Added dragon flags, will post vid in a sec. Also added push ups and pull ups.


- MB OH toss x 5

- one-step RVJ x 10

- DLRVJ x 5,5,5,5,3
fourth rep of last set was a joke

- skater jumps x 20,20

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3
knees aching a little, decided not to push them

- depth jumps
nope, legs done

rest 15 minutes

- paused speed squat 280 x 5
unracked for second set but did not have paused reps in me.

- DL
- hip thrust

legs toast

- DB push press 55s x 10
triceps feeling the burn, weird. maybe it was the push ups?

- decline sit up +35 x 8, bw x 8,8

did not have max effort in me for DL or hip thrusts so skipped 'em. otherwise pretty good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2016, 10:26:13 am

Daily routine. My triceps are really sore. Weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 12, 2016, 12:32:43 pm
Wanted to work out, planned morning to a T to get to the court while it was still open and have an hour to do all the Jumps. Fucking gay dodgeball was an hour early. Did:

Daily routine. Added MB OH toss x 10, definite PRs for height on several throws. I'm almost hitting the ceiling now in the squash court. So close.

Will try to sneak in an hour before closing to see if I can get some ME jumps in but I'm not getting my hopes up. Will do the full workout tomorrow in any case.


WEIGHT: 188.2 (173.6 -- guessing this is just water as i haven't been pigging out)
SORENESS: triceps (still?)
MENTAL STATE: weirdly fluctuating, started out good and aggressive, cratered out, then ended good

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 5,5,5,5,5; +5 w/o vest
frustrating, many of the jumps with the vest were barely 31, apart from a few in the 32-32.5 range early on. form felt all over the place. picked it up a bit for the last set, then took the vest off for five more jumps. these were not great, but got better over the first four (32, 33, 33, 34) and then the last one was bad.

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3
knees not feeling good

gym closed so could not do the remaining exercises. as frustrating as this was it was a good reminder that i really need to be jumping at a real target. i'm going to switch to a morning-evening split with jumps and weights so i can do the jumps on the basketball court.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2016, 04:01:10 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: left foot, calf, and hamstring cramping
MENTAL STATE: really fucking frustrated

- warm up

- DRLVJ x 5
cramping interfering (see above)

- squat
warmed up but the cramping just made my whole leg feel enervated. could barely walk out 280. fuck.


gonna stretch a bunch and try to do daily routine and a bunch of jumps later this evening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on March 14, 2016, 12:08:58 am
^when cramping ruins a perfectly good workout :( I had bad cramps during my hip thrusts on friday. Not good when you're trying to make every workout count.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2016, 10:57:26 am
nope. leg felt okay when i woke up this morning but calf started cramping about 10:15-10:30. can't think what the proximate cause would be, it's weird. i'm not dehydrated, i've been sleeping better and more than usual the last week (except saturday night, when i had company), diet has been pretty good, exercise has not changed except the last couple workouts have been ruined either by bad timing and frustration/wussing out (saturday) or cramping (sunday).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on March 14, 2016, 04:19:38 pm
nope. leg felt okay when i woke up this morning but calf started cramping about 10:15-10:30. can't think what the proximate cause would be, it's weird. i'm not dehydrated, i've been sleeping better and more than usual the last week (except saturday night, when i had company), diet has been pretty good, exercise has not changed except the last couple workouts have been ruined either by bad timing and frustration/wussing out (saturday) or cramping (sunday).

Could you have low potassium levels?  After using my S6 Health app I didn't realize how many bananas or pills it took to get to 4700mg which I guess is the normal level(I think 1 banana is 422mgs)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 15, 2016, 06:36:32 am
that's an interesting point. i usually eat at least one banana per day as part of a smoothie, but i've been switching it up a little and even skipped a few breakfasts. dunno enough about potassium metabolism to know whether it's enough to make a difference.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 15, 2016, 07:37:31 am

had beginning of severe headache, took migraine medication and did not attempt to exercise. once i was sure i was in the clear i foam rolled and stretched.

today is day 1 of trying morning/evening split for jumps/strength. not the best day to start maybe because i have a call at 7:30 that i hope is a job offer and have a commitment tonight that i can't get out of. will try to get out of work early.


WEIGHT: 189.6 (???)
ACHES/INJURIES: none, hurray

- warm up
took extra time because of the hour.

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5; two-step, three-step x 1

- DLRVJ x 5
higher than i expected, three around 32, two around 31.5. okay.

had to cut it off there, will continue this afternoon if i can. skipped out of work an hour early. go me.


forgot to wear vest.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- one-step RVJ x 2; two-step, three-step x 1

- DLRVJ x 15
pretty good if inconsistent. hit 35 a few times at least, dunked the little soccer ball. had a random guy who was shooting around on the other basket throw me a few lobs but the timing wasn't quite right and i probably wasn't getting quite high enough anyway. one of those attempts went through the hoop but it went up first, very much not a dunk.

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3
31-32 on all

- paused speed squat 285 x 5,5
no vest, upped weight. "speed" is a relative term. these were solid but not very fast.

- deficit DL 315 x 5,1
worried about lower back, cut off second set. form was off, grip too close or something.

- hip thrust 315 x 15,15

- DB push press 55s x 10,8
i will get that second 10 if it kills me.

- DB row 70 x 20/each

- decline sit up +35 x 8,8
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 16, 2016, 10:59:32 pm
- tennis x one hour
played against my cousin, who is 19 and a girl but was regionally ranked as a junior before she got to college and stopped playing seriously. i am bigger, stronger, and faster than she is, but i'm a hacker. she beat me 6-4. much rust on both our parts. very fun. will play her again.

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 17, 2016, 07:46:03 am

SORENESS: right posterior delt, right wrist extensors
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, right toe

- warm up

- skater jumps x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5

- DLRVJ x 10
awful, topped out at maybe 31.5, several abortions in there. the vest really fucks with my form, knees want to travel forward. would have kept going but the preschoolers arrived. as i adapt to mornings i can get there a bit earlier and do more, but i'm still a bit slow to warm up.


SORENESS: right posterior delt, right wrist extensors
ACHES/INJURIES: both knees
MENTAL STATE: shaky, weird

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 6
PR, hit ceiling on fifth throw

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3,3,3

- paused speed squat 285
brain shut down, could not even start a working rep. dropped to 225 and brain still would not start the rep. mental weakness, i think if i'd had a partner there i would have at least tried a rep. very strange feeling, i love squatting, but a couple of times in the last couple of weeks it's just felt awful. knee discomfort had something to do with it, i think.

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 17, 2016, 07:51:45 am
fwiw, my self-assessment is that i'm a level 3.0 tennis player.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 18, 2016, 02:42:02 am
fwiw, my self-assessment is that i'm a level 3.0 tennis player.

nice. was wondering when u initially posted, but didn't ask.. since it's so cliche to ask that. ha.

i'd say i'm 3.0-3.5 also. def not 4.0

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on March 18, 2016, 08:30:34 pm
Do you get psoas DOMS from decline sit-ups/leg raises? How effective would you say those exercises are? I've been doing knee drives with bands (starting at 90 degrees, with a hold at the top) for a while but I'm not sure if I'm hitting the Iliopsoas with enough intensity or volume for hypertrophy or any kind of development other than activation.

I'm interested in training psoas for hypertrophy, but ideally I want to train it for power too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2016, 02:46:27 pm
i don't get psoas DOMS, no. as far as how effective they are...dunno. i'm doing them because t0ddday told me to.

not sure how you'd know psoas hypertrophy was working because they're entirely buried.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2016, 02:49:54 pm
last night:

- daily routine
no knee pain, yay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2016, 07:36:32 pm
WEIGHT: 172.2
ACHES/INJURIES: none, alhamdulillah
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 5
hit ceiling on every rep.

- one-step RVJ x 5,5

- depth jump @18" x 3,3,3,3

- paused speed squat 285 x 5,5
muuuuuch better than the other day. wow.

- DB push press 55s x 10,10
got it

- deficit DL 315 x 2,5
no straps first set, could not complete safely

- hip thrust 315 x 15
feeling the low back pump, this weight is too light, will use 335 next time

- decline sit up +45 x 8,8
last five reps of second set were concentric w/bar in front

- kroc row 75 x 20/arm

great workout, legs felt terrific, whole body felt light and strong. strikes me that i have not hewed that well to T0ddday's schedule for me on some weeks, including this one: skipping out early on workouts or dropping whole sets of exercises. that leads to workouts like this one where i feel really good, but i worry that it defeats the purpose of the way he set it up. mental weakness has been a factor.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2016, 07:57:19 pm
bunch of vids from today:

first set of paused speed squats

second set

DL no straps - note low back rounding. grip matters.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on March 19, 2016, 09:42:00 pm
Nice work man. I have never noticed the deadlifts from the plate before, have you been doing that long? and how are they working out?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 20, 2016, 02:55:45 am
barrage of strong videos. nice work on those paused speed squats! the last 3 reps of each set looked good, can really see you continuing to drive through.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2016, 10:02:01 am
Nice work man. I have never noticed the deadlifts from the plate before, have you been doing that long? and how are they working out?

the deficit increases the difficulty on the first part of the full and the stretch on the way down. i've been doing them for 3-4 weeks now. dunno whether they're working out, as with the decline sit ups i'm just doing them because t0ddday told me to.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2016, 10:03:03 am
barrage of strong videos. nice work on those paused speed squats! the last 3 reps of each set looked good, can really see you continuing to drive through.


thanks! i think the first two reps i tend to be more cautious, just to make sure i can get through the whole set, and then from rep 3 onward i let loose a little.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2016, 12:41:31 pm
- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 22, 2016, 08:02:58 am

worked really late, no exercise. some mild hamstring soreness



MENTAL STATE: good, a little sluggish

- warm up

- skater hop x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 16
a bit all over the place but technique started to come around reps 8-9. hit 36 right around there, couple 35s, rest 33-34.

MID-MORNING EDIT: my lower left shin is killing me. no idea why. hurts when i dorsiflex my foot. weird.


ACHES/INJURIES: hips, knees, right shin, right ankle

- warm up

- skater hop x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3

- paused speed squat 275 x 5,3

- decline sit up +30 x 8,8

- SMR, stretching, and activation parts of daily routine

no idea what's going on with my right shin. feels like i bruised it badly but there's no bruise and i have no recollection of banging it on anything. work has been really tough the last few days and tomorrow is gonna be nuts, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2016, 08:12:14 pm

- daily routine minus leg raises (see below)

- DB push press 60s x 10,7

- kroc row 80 x 20R,16L

- decline sit up +45 x 8,8
last 5 reps were concentric-bar-in-front
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on March 23, 2016, 09:12:50 pm

worked really late, no exercise. some mild hamstring soreness



MENTAL STATE: good, a little sluggish

- warm up

- skater hop x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 16
a bit all over the place but technique started to come around reps 8-9. hit 36 right around there, couple 35s, rest 33-34.

MID-MORNING EDIT: my lower left shin is killing me. no idea why. hurts when i dorsiflex my foot. weird.


ACHES/INJURIES: hips, knees, right shin, right ankle

- warm up

- skater hop x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3

- paused speed squat 275 x 5,3

- decline sit up +30 x 8,8

- SMR, stretching, and activation parts of daily routine

no idea what's going on with my right shin. feels like i bruised it badly but there's no bruise and i have no recollection of banging it on anything. work has been really tough the last few days and tomorrow is gonna be nuts, too.

So is it your left or right shin, or both? Is it along the attachment of the tibialis posterior to the tibia (i.e. inner shin area)? Could be shin splints maybe, they kind of feel like a bruised shin.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2016, 10:40:19 pm
nah it was a really localized pain point a bit above the front of my ankle. i've had shin splints before, this wasn't that. completely gone today, fwiw.

i read about a condition called ehlers-danos recently. i don't have it, thank god, but it kind of made me wonder again whether there is something congenitally wrong with my joints.* i am pretty much always in discomfort somewhere or other, and in fact i think i always have been. the pain comes and goes without apparent cause, at least most of the time.

*other than my big toes, which i know there is something congenitally wrong with them. namely, arthritis.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on March 24, 2016, 04:15:15 am
nah it was a really localized pain point a bit above the front of my ankle. i've had shin splints before, this wasn't that. completely gone today, fwiw.

i read about a condition called ehlers-danos recently. i don't have it, thank god, but it kind of made me wonder again whether there is something congenitally wrong with my joints.* i am pretty much always in discomfort somewhere or other, and in fact i think i always have been. the pain comes and goes without apparent cause, at least most of the time.

*other than my big toes, which i know there is something congenitally wrong with them. namely, arthritis.

Yeah sounds OK then, maybe your ankle joint is just getting a bit jammed from all these new plyo exercises. Obviously I can't feel your pain but just sounds like the athletic lifestyle to me, not necessarily a bad thing. I can't remember the last time I was 100% completely fresh, no issues at all. I've avoided any major acute injuries but there's always some little annoyance or two.

Consistent 35'' though! You should craigslist yourself a lobber with all that new $$$, get this done!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 24, 2016, 04:50:08 am
nah it was a really localized pain point a bit above the front of my ankle. i've had shin splints before, this wasn't that. completely gone today, fwiw.

i read about a condition called ehlers-danos recently. i don't have it, thank god, but it kind of made me wonder again whether there is something congenitally wrong with my joints.* i am pretty much always in discomfort somewhere or other, and in fact i think i always have been. the pain comes and goes without apparent cause, at least most of the time.

*other than my big toes, which i know there is something congenitally wrong with them. namely, arthritis.

Yeah sounds OK then, maybe your ankle joint is just getting a bit jammed from all these new plyo exercises. Obviously I can't feel your pain but just sounds like the athletic lifestyle to me, not necessarily a bad thing. I can't remember the last time I was 100% completely fresh, no issues at all. I've avoided any major acute injuries but there's always some little annoyance or two.

Consistent 35'' though! You should craigslist yourself a lobber with all that new $$$, get this done!

craigslist yourself a lobber.......  :wowthatwasnutswtf:  :goodjobbro:

an epic quote if i must say so.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 24, 2016, 07:30:59 am
it wasn't ankle pain, though. the pain was in my shin. my ankle was bothering me, too, but separately. but yeah maybe it is just the active lifestyle thing.

this morning went to do jumps but could not get warmed up. knees hurting, tried to do some one-step RVJ and it was similar to the other day when i could barely unrack 285: my brain was just like, nope nope nope.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 24, 2016, 10:17:29 pm
- daily routine
knees killing me, very low motivation. this week has been extra stressful at work, early mornings to late nights, too many meetings, dealing with the fallout from the guy we fired a couple of weeks ago, and just found out that someone else on our team took a job in ukraine. can't blame her, it's a great opportunity and she'd be stupid not to take it, but the timing is rough.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2016, 07:15:32 pm
- daily routine
knees better, got really good sleep last night for the first time since last weekend. maybe sleep correlates super acutely to knee and/or other joint pain? something to track.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 26, 2016, 02:11:43 am
- daily routine
knees better, got really good sleep last night for the first time since last weekend. maybe sleep correlates super acutely to knee and/or other joint pain? something to track.

was going to post a DAMMIT to your previous post.. really good to hear that your knees are feeling better (so far).

sub-optimal sleep definitely makes me more achy. there's probably a bunch of studies out there to support or debunk it.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 26, 2016, 11:57:49 am
god what a lost week.

ACHES/INJURIES: knees-ish: see below
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up
right knee bothering me from waking until about halfway through this warm up. then no discomfort until later.

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5

- DLRVJ x 20-25
first 10 or so with vest, rest without vest. hit 33+ on a couple of vested jumps, 36 on the first unvested and then a bunch more in the 34-35 range. inconsistent but some really good. have some vids, will post.

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3
knee discomfort back immediately

- squat
on 185 warm up set my left knee started feeling crazy. two things: it's usually my right knee that hurts so this is extra annoying; and i've never quite had this feeling before, like shit was criss-crossing inside my knee. scrapped it. will lift tomorrow.

now i have to go help my dad cut down a tree. that should be fun, at least.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2016, 01:30:13 pm
WEIGHT: 176.6 (173.6)

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 20+
asked random dude shooting around on the other end to throw me a couple lobs. was really close on the first, on the second i pushed that motherfucking ball through the motherfucking hoop. missed a couple of others, including one that i front-ironed and ended up on my ass but was sooo close. hit clean 37s on at least 3-4 other jumps.

 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

- squat 345 x 1; 355 x 1; 365 x 1
the last was an all-time PR, as well. 2.1xbw

was planning to just do a normal weight workout but the court was open, i was feeling awesome, and so i adjusted my plans. i'm grinning like an idiot and kind of feel like i want to cry. skipped rest of weight workout because i have to go to easter lunch with my grandma. who cares.

thank you andrew. thank you. thank you t0ddday for the recent help, i haven't followed it exactly but god damn if the half-assed way i have followed it didn't work. thanks vag, raptor, flander, acole, kelly and lance in absentia, avishek in absentia, and everyone else on here for being an awesome community and helping me stay on the grind.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on March 27, 2016, 01:54:24 pm
 :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

amazing, after all these years, just shows what persistence can do. massive congratulations! 

 :ibjumping: :ibjumping:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 27, 2016, 02:47:52 pm
Hahahaha, that is incredible, this hahaha is laughing from joy!!!!
So happy for you LBSS!!! So well deserved!!!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 27, 2016, 04:33:40 pm
This doesn't come as a surprise at all, it was just a matter of time before it happened. I mean it was obvious from some of the videos of you from months ago that you're very close. Now that it did, you just gotta stay healthy and keep going at it, make it happen consistently.

And considering how you're the kind of guy that's not exactly the most reactive in the world, I think maybe you have some reserves of getting a bit more reactive and have a bit better movement efficiency, which means you can get even higher just getting better at these things, just maintaining your current strength.

So... the sky's the limit? :D

PS. And... remember... Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit. #avishekBlessings #demTendons
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 27, 2016, 05:14:38 pm
well this is amazing.

WEIGHT: 176.6 (173.6)


- warm up

- DLRVJ x 20+
asked random dude shooting around on the other end to throw me a couple lobs. was really close on the first, on the second i pushed that motherfucking ball through the motherfucking hoop. missed a couple of others, including one that i front-ironed and ended up on my ass but was sooo close. hit clean 37s on at least 3-4 other jumps.

 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

 :ibjumping: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

really happy for you man. I wish I could have seen this session live. If Elon Musk ever invents a time machine, I would use it to watch this entire session. From jumps/dunks to squats, sounds like you were in straight up beast mode today. This is the kind of session that creates a new baseline.. keep that in mind. This is a huge mental & physical hurdle that you've overcome. So in the next few weeks, if you get someone to throw you lobs, don't be surprised if you crush a few even harder than you did today..

- squat 345 x 1; 355 x 1; 365 x 1
the last was an all-time PR, as well. 2.1xbw

damn@!# sick

sounds like you had so much pop today.. nuclear pop. These are the days that make everything so very much worth it.

was planning to just do a normal weight workout but the court was open, i was feeling awesome, and so i adjusted my plans. i'm grinning like an idiot and kind of feel like i want to cry. skipped rest of weight workout because i have to go to easter lunch with my grandma. who cares.

thank you andrew. thank you. thank you t0ddday for the recent help, i haven't followed it exactly but god damn if the half-assed way i have followed it didn't work. thanks vag, raptor, flander, acole, kelly and lance in absentia, avishek in absentia, and everyone else on here for being an awesome community and helping me keep the grind.

thank YOU LBSS.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 27, 2016, 06:43:12 pm
Maybe we should analyse how he ended up with this PR day... what preceded this? What happened in the last week or so, how did everything unfold?

My mind can't analyse jack shit right now as I'm headed towards even deeper depression, so can anybody summarize?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on March 28, 2016, 05:31:21 am
:goodjobbro:  :lololol: Well done mate, enjoy the feeling! Your next mission: get a good one on video to show the grand kids on youtube one day!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 28, 2016, 05:37:19 am
Before you wreck your back, get fat and fall into a huge depression, like me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on March 28, 2016, 01:12:30 pm
A little art to comemorate this achievement.


 :goodjobbro:     :ibjumping:     :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2016, 01:26:37 pm
Maybe we should analyse how he ended up with this PR day... what preceded this? What happened in the last week or so, how did everything unfold?

My mind can't analyse jack shit right now as I'm headed towards even deeper depression, so can anybody summarize?

it's a good question. the only correlation i can suggest is that there seems to be a positive relationship between squatting heavy and then having 3-4 days of no weights and minimal intense work. most of the times i've PR'd jumps it's been on weekends after i missed a squat workout later in the week for some reason or other, usually not on purpose. i've also jumped best around late morning or midday. yesterday's milestone was achieved after breakfast but some of the other best jumping days have been fasted.

here are some vids from saturday. can't wait to get one up of an actual dunk.
i was frustrated.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on March 28, 2016, 02:18:50 pm
in your videos and i have seen other dunkers either wipe the bottom of their shoes or apply something to the bottom of the shoes, is it dust so to make it grip more to the floor type used on courts.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2016, 02:40:54 pm
in your videos and i have seen other dunkers either wipe the bottom of their shoes or apply something to the bottom of the shoes, is it dust so to make it grip more to the floor type used on courts.

the opposite of dust. i wipe sweat on the bottoms of my shoes to make them stick. can't tell you how dusty that floor is.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 28, 2016, 03:10:35 pm
I was actually thinking about that as I was watching your skater jumps... I was like "how can he trust that the foot won't slip when he jumps from side to side, I would be terrified" and secondly "how doesn't he slip?!"
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on March 28, 2016, 04:31:32 pm
LBSS 2017

Good job on the dunk, making me want to get back into it again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2016, 10:08:00 pm
lol not likely. but never say never.

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2016, 07:41:02 am

MENTAL STATE: kind of slow but good

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5

- two-step RVJ x a bunch
just working on getting low and getting my feet out in front in the plant so that my knees don't travel forward. not very good height.


foam roll but otherwise fuck-all. was so exhausted. long day at work although it was partly my fault because i forgot about a deadline until like 5 PM and then i had to scramble to get this report out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 29, 2016, 10:05:16 am
just working on getting low and getting my feet out in front in the plant so that my knees don't travel forward. not very good height.

Maybe this is why I always have the knee "collapse" - I'm so used to planting underneath me (that's what comes naturally) that when I try to do that "off a run up" I subject my legs to too much tension on the incorrect position for a running jump - I try to do a running jump with a standing jump mechanics - and I get the knee collapse.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2016, 09:11:13 am

SORENESS: glutes a little (?)
ACHES/INJURIES: low back a little tight, as it has been off and on for a couple of weeks -- even during pistols, which is new
MENTAL STATE: a little sleepy but good

- warm up

- skater jumps x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5
startlingly good, hit 33 on first jump

- DLRVJ x ~15
also good but not great. hit one really hard with the dodgeball, felt like i actually cocked back a little. missed a bunch of others. dropoff was swift and severe, though.

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3
barely 30

- depth jump @14" x 3
not even 30


ACHES/INJURIES: right toe, low back a little tight

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 8
good not great, didn't get one as high as my peak this morning. form felt weird, not getting low enough.

- paused speed squat 290 x 5,5
first set was exceptionally smooth and powerful

- DL 325 x 1,1
low back was not having it, form off

ran out of time. going to awesome concert.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 30, 2016, 09:29:38 am
I wonder what would happen if you were to potentiate yourself a bit with some med ball throws/KB swings before your jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on March 31, 2016, 09:09:35 am
Congratulations on getting your first dunk :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on March 31, 2016, 01:16:08 pm

thank you andrew. thank you. thank you t0ddday for the recent help, i haven't followed it exactly but god damn if the half-assed way i have followed it didn't work. thanks vag, raptor, flander, acole, kelly and lance in absentia, avishek in absentia, and everyone else on here for being an awesome community and helping me stay on the grind.

I'll expect a good testimonial now for my services.   

The reason it worked is because of the half-assed way you followed it!  Online training is hard, I have been breaking into it and have a few clients now (including my unpaid clients - you and vag lol) and while it should be a dream (cheaper for the trainee, less time for the trainer) it requires smart clients to make it work...  I have some clients who literally email me every day if they miss a rep or ask what compression shorts to wear...  The thing about online training is the coach (me) isn't there so there will always be something missing that the client (you) has to make up for.  Basically I can evaluate you and write you the best program ever but the success comes from a client that understands the "spirit of the program" instead of just than the "letter of the program".   In your case the spirit involved focuses abdominal and core work, speed squats, daily mobility and re-activity, fatigue accumulation, etc.   You had some issues with knee pain and modified the template when you had to for your body but you NAILED the spirit of the program and that's why you finally dunked.  In vags case it appears that glute thrusts are not a socially acceptable exercise in greece and he has modified it to work for him without losing the spirit of the program (GPP, increased work capacity, recovery from short rest intervals, etc) and so he too is succeeding from my work far more because he has this ability.  Both of you have the understanding few online clients have and that's what makes it so fun to train you.   You not only put in the work, you understand the work and made it effective for you which is why you deserve all the credit for it.  Congrats.  Still owe me a testimonial.  What's next?  11.x 100m?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2016, 02:45:05 pm
thanks t0ddday. i do have the constant nagging sense at the back of my mind, when i'm in pain or really tired, that i'm just a pansy and if i could push through more i'd do better (while recognizing that pain is there for a reason and i should not abuse myself), so i appreciate your saying that.

i'll email you a testimonial in a minute.

also, next is definitely getting a dunk on video. after that...? i'm open to suggestions. sprinting may be out because pakistan is happening, probably in late may.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on March 31, 2016, 03:15:40 pm
This is like when you play Counter Strike, make a ton of damage to an enemy, then some guy kills it and gets all the credit. #notFair :D

Just kidding, calm down :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on March 31, 2016, 09:22:53 pm
thanks t0ddday. i do have the constant nagging sense at the back of my mind, when i'm in pain or really tired, that i'm just a pansy and if i could push through more i'd do better (while recognizing that pain is there for a reason and i should not abuse myself), so i appreciate your saying that.

Learning the difference between hurt and injured is one of the most important things you can do as an athlete.  Im surprised you can push through some nagging pain given that you train alone...

For me, if I train alone I err way way too much on the side of caution...  ill literally stop a training session cause of a broken nail or cause im just "not feeling it."  When I train with others I can make the opposite mistake and train through injury...  one less is always better than one more unless its always one less!

My advice now is to get the video rolling ALL the time.  Dunking legs are fickle, in honor of your dunk I planned to try a few myself and played some pickup today with a very tall dunk client...  After two games my legs felt so great and I had a guy who coukd throw me lobs that I could windmill soooo easily.  I even height checked near the rim and touched white square which is a 46" jump at least...  lifetime PR!  Then played a few more and drank some powerade and stretched and when the gym died down we got the camera rolling for a dunk session....  and legs were dead...  I feel like a lying teenager about what I just did only a few hours ago before tape was rolling...  but if its not on video it dont count I guess.  One big problem is that you dunk off lobs but cant throw them to yourself... neither can I, I am just retarded at self lobs and had some terrible fails on off backboard attempts when I had camera...  I wish I could help teach you the self lob but I cant figure ot out myself so I settled for power dunks and 180s instead... heres what I taped, you get yours on video and ill do a better job getting something cool on tape for for you, race to it!
#Invalid YouTube Link#
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2016, 04:29:48 pm
went to a wedding this weekend. had a blast, ate like shit, actually kept drinking pretty controlled which was good. will go to the gym in a bit.

trying to figure out if i should just keep doing what i've been doing or switch back to the peaking routine that i was doing in january and PRing every week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2016, 09:22:14 pm
- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2016, 09:14:37 pm
- daily routine

glutes sore. tired.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2016, 07:39:48 pm
WEIGHT: 186.6 (170.6)
SORENESS: glutes a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, right toe kind of bad

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5
hit 33 multiple times with the vest on, PR

- DLRVJ x 12
vest off. had a dude try a few lobs but his throws sucked. probably wasn't getting high enough anyway. did get two very hard dunks with the dodgeball.

- bound-bound-jump x 3
vest back on. knee displeased.

- MB throws x 10
got a few on vid, new phone has slow-mo...yeah baby.

- paused speed squat 285 x 5,5

- DB OHP 60s x 5; 50s x 5
wrists hurt, need to back off on these and then build back up.

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 05, 2016, 07:46:36 pm
Avoid going vest on, vest off, vest on.

1)  Either start training with zero added load or moderate added load and increase the weight during the session.
2) Start training with adequate load for hypergravity (what you wear around) or even increased load and warm up and then remove weight during the session until you have no added load. 

Either is ok for different reasons but going on, off, on is pretty dangerous... 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2016, 07:52:16 pm
duly noted. why, out of curiosity?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 05, 2016, 08:09:14 pm
WEIGHT: 186.6 (170.6)
SORENESS: glutes a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, right toe kind of bad

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5
hit 33 multiple times with the vest on, PR

damn nice!

- DLRVJ x 12
vest off. had a dude try a few lobs but his throws sucked. probably wasn't getting high enough anyway. did get two very hard dunks with the dodgeball.

- bound-bound-jump x 3
vest back on. knee displeased.

- MB throws x 10
got a few on vid, new phone has slow-mo...yeah baby.

- paused speed squat 285 x 5,5

- DB OHP 60s x 5; 50s x 5
wrists hurt, need to back off on these and then build back up.

- daily routine

that super sick HD quality too?  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2016, 08:54:04 pm

how'd i do on the MB OH tosses?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 06, 2016, 05:23:36 am
In the standing med ball toss I would try to push my hips back further, like trying to touch a wall with my butt backwards. So basically, more of a hip hinge/hip action. In your case it seems like the chest just drops down forward and the hips don't get too much displacement/ROM.

By the way - what happens when you wear the weight vest and jump around with it? In my case, the last time I used it, my tendency was to become more quad dominant. I think it's interesting because it tends to show you what your dominance is, if you will, once you get loaded with additional weight. Hard to determine what this means, considering the distribution of the added mass, but still, interesting to note.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2016, 04:13:37 pm
interesting point about the hip displacement. i *feel* like i'm trying to take my hips back, so not sure how i could load the hips more without dropping them, i.e. bending knees. but maybe i should do that. something to try.

vest makes it harder to jump without overloading my knees. that's the only major difference i notice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2016, 07:39:51 pm
- daily routine

right knee bothered me today but feels better in the evening. made it through the pistols and shrimp squats with no issues.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 07, 2016, 03:52:27 am
interesting point about the hip displacement. i *feel* like i'm trying to take my hips back, so not sure how i could load the hips more without dropping them, i.e. bending knees. but maybe i should do that. something to try.

Well, hip hinge, just like in a RDL or a KB swing. Should be easier to do, since you have the weight of the med ball in front of you for additional balance.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2016, 09:25:41 am

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 12
not great, rushed warm up because i was trying to get these jumps in before pickup started and i had to go work out with my dad

- various and sundry shit x 60 mins
started teaching my dad to jump rope and do DB swings. i really like training my parents. it's just super interesting to see how they organize movement and how different they are.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 10, 2016, 05:13:02 am
duly noted. why, out of curiosity?

Well consider some of the reasons why the weight vest works and the positives and negatives to jumping with added load.  The obvious positive is that more load means more motor units will need to be turned on to jump.  The negative is the speed of the jump will be reduced under added load.  To make it real simple think of something like a squat or deadlift/clean.  If you go to the gym to do squats you might start with light load and move the bar very quickly.  After moving 135 and 225 very quickly you will have the movement pattern and speed down and be able to attempt a bigger weight like 315.  Similarly, you might do a bigger weight like 315 before you do your speed squats with 225 because the quick neural adaption to the bigger weight will make 225 "feel light".  Some oly lifters do this with deadlift - they deadlift a big weight like 500 or 600 and then go do cleans or clean pulls with a lighter weight because the new weight feels light.  However, they don't squat heavy, then squat light, then squat heavy again.  Reason being that re-adapting to the light weight and to the heavy weight again after fatigue and use of the heavy weight to poteniate the light weight will make them struggle with the heavier weight...

I hope that makes sense.  The bottom line is we see athletes hit weighted PRs in the jumps by working their way up to a heavy weight trying to maintain the speed with lighter loads.  We also see athletes hit PRs with light weight or no load by first doing heavy weighted jumps.  But we don't see good performance when an athlete goes from BW to weighted to unweighted.  In general the best affect of the weight vest comes from wearing it outside of training and during warmup.  It's debatable whether weight should be left on all or some or no workouts.  Nothing wrong with taking it off during the workout to maximize ME jumps - but putting it back on will make things unnecessarily difficult...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on April 10, 2016, 05:51:00 am
To be honest the rationale behind your suggestion doesn't really make sense. Ever heard of wave loading on something like a squat going like 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 75% x 3, 85% x 3 etc. or even the method of french contrast which relys completely on going from weighted to unweighted to weighted again. I think you can achieve good progress with applying methods like that imho.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 10, 2016, 09:08:09 am
To be honest the rationale behind your suggestion doesn't really make sense. Ever heard of wave loading on something like a squat going like 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 75% x 3, 85% x 3 etc. or even the method of french contrast which relys completely on going from weighted to unweighted to weighted again. I think you can achieve good progress with applying methods like that imho.

The squat examply was an analogy and maybe a poor one like that.  Do realize that there is literally zero evidence for eave loading or contrast methods or the million other sets and rep schemes in comparison to good old linear progression...  Anyhow jumping max vertical with increased weight on your body is a different beast all together... be my guest if you want to play with loaded jumps followed by unloaded jumps at max effort and back to loaded jumps...  ive seen over 30 athletes now use weighted jumping as its become popular here... ive also seen quite a few back injuries and poor progress from loading schemes like the ones you describe...  weighted jumping works, if you think you can make it work better for you give it a try and hit the 50s
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on April 10, 2016, 11:57:06 am
I don't know if there is evidence or not and I don't really care. Is there empirical evidence against it? ;)
I just don't think there is only one right way to go about training and you oftentimes make it seem like your way of programing is the only right way to do so. I'm not saying french contrast or wave loading are important and beneficial training methods to do but I'm not in the position to say it's bad either because I simply haven't tried it myself over a long enough period. That's it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2016, 12:56:28 pm
hm. explanation has the ring of satisfying logic but i don't see why warming up with the vest, taking it off for ME jumps, and then putting it on for other exercises that are not running jumps -- and just to move around -- would necessarily be dangerous. i do see why wearing it for some running jumps, then not, then back on again could be dangerous.

at any rate, t0ddday, any feedback on the MB throws?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2016, 12:59:18 pm
head hurting this morning, my first hangover in a while. i didn't even drink that much yesterday, and i drank plenty of water and stopped drinking fairly early, 10PM. i stayed up late finishing re-reading harry potter and the methods of rationality (cool guy right here) so maybe that had something to do with it? vexing.


ACHES/INJURIES: right toe a little

- warm up

- DLRVJ x 12-15
tried a few lobs but the dudes who were tossing them were wayyy off. got up pretty good, not quite as high as two weeks ago but probably second-highest session ever

- bound-bound jump x 3,3

- squat 345 x 1,1; 315 x 1,1,1
meant to do 335, was surprised how heavy it felt then realized i'm dumb. 315 flew up.

- superset x 2
-- DB push press 50s x 10
-- pull up x 10;5+3+2

- MB OH toss x 8
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2016, 09:20:54 pm
some vids today. apologies for the wonky flashing on the dimmer slow-mo vids. it's dim in that court. also for the dude in yellow shorts who stood in precisely the worst place for him to stand. thanks bro.
being able to grab with two hands pretty regularly is new within the past couple of weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 10, 2016, 09:53:32 pm
some really nice jumps in there, absolutely loved that two hand rim grab.. that's a dunk-jump for sure. Also that one where yellow-shorts blocked most of it looked really high.. are you getting more amp'd up when people are around?

do you know if you can record in 720p? i'm getting 280p on youtube.

sick man. pC!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 10, 2016, 10:49:35 pm
Your last few steps look hella smooth compared to the last lot of vids I saw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on April 11, 2016, 01:09:57 am
I paused it right here:


 :o :o :o
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 11, 2016, 02:39:50 am
The BBJs look great
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 11, 2016, 02:40:22 am
I paused it right here:


 :o :o :o

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on April 11, 2016, 03:23:59 am
Damn, son. getting up there! Dunks to come soon .. those are great jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2016, 08:22:07 am
thanks y'all  :D  also, lol acole/raptor. squatDR status.

some really nice jumps in there, absolutely loved that two hand rim grab.. that's a dunk-jump for sure. Also that one where yellow-shorts blocked most of it looked really high.. are you getting more amp'd up when people are around?

do you know if you can record in 720p? i'm getting 280p on youtube.

sick man. pC!

yeah the yellow shorts jump was around 36.5: base of palm but not quite wrist. very high for me but not quite PR-level. not sure it's the other people, i've just been getting up higher in general. but my highest jumps have all come with other people around so dunno. small sample size.

will see if i can up the resolution on the vids. not sure how to do that but i think the phone can even shoot 4k. should be able to shoot 720.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 11, 2016, 08:47:00 am
I haven't jumped in a gym in... ...... 2 years I think. And before that I haven't jumped in a gym for 5 years.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 11, 2016, 03:06:16 pm
thanks y'all  :D  also, lol acole/raptor. squatDR status.

some really nice jumps in there, absolutely loved that two hand rim grab.. that's a dunk-jump for sure. Also that one where yellow-shorts blocked most of it looked really high.. are you getting more amp'd up when people are around?

do you know if you can record in 720p? i'm getting 280p on youtube.

sick man. pC!

yeah the yellow shorts jump was around 36.5: base of palm but not quite wrist. very high for me but not quite PR-level. not sure it's the other people, i've just been getting up higher in general. but my highest jumps have all come with other people around so dunno. small sample size.

will see if i can up the resolution on the vids. not sure how to do that but i think the phone can even shoot 4k. should be able to shoot 720.

4k wtf? that would be fun to see.

one reason why I keep asking about it.. on your next PR jumps (38+) AND on your first dunk caught on vid, don't you want to see it in 4k or 720p? in all its glory?


if you are recording in 720p/4k currently, and it's hitting youtube at 280p, then it's the software you're using to render the videos. You could always test by uploading the raw footage (which it seems like what you do already) to youtube. I suspect it's how you're actually recording and not how the video software (if you're using any) is downgrading quality.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 11, 2016, 03:07:02 pm
I haven't jumped in a gym in... ...... 2 years I think. And before that I haven't jumped in a gym for 5 years.

i miss jumping in that nba-level gym nearby.. best gym i've ever jumped in. floor is so beautiful ;d
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2016, 04:14:24 pm
figured it out, it's the upload size i've been choosing. here's that front-angle bound-bound-jump video again in HD. i'll know better next time.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 11, 2016, 04:38:41 pm
figured it out, it's the upload size i've been choosing. here's that front-angle bound-bound-jump video again in HD. i'll know better next time.




Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2016, 09:40:09 pm
- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on April 11, 2016, 10:03:08 pm
figured it out, it's the upload size i've been choosing. here's that front-angle bound-bound-jump video again in HD. i'll know better next time.


Nice! Both on the form and the quality. Phone tech is really gonna make documenting training easier.  Also, you can also use VidTrim or some other video trimming app on your phone to cut out walking to/from etc., and then upload, saves time on uploading if the files are bigger. It's pretty quick to use once you get used to it.

Big year coming up for you I reckon. Hard work pays off!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 12, 2016, 02:46:25 am
Listen, will you try something for me? The next time you do the bounds or jump, try to point your thumbs upwards when the arms are behind you. So basically, internally rotate your arms so much that the thumbs are pointing to the sky. Right now they are pointing to the floor.

See if you feel any difference.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2016, 07:23:19 pm
yes i'll try that.

ACHES/INJURIES: neck felt stiff/weird

- warm up

- skater jump x 10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 15+
tried 7-8 lobs but the throws were mostly way off. got a couple solid dunks with the dodgeball (vid below, i'm in love with the slow-mo), easy double-hand grabs.

- MB OH toss x 3,3,3
second and third sets was hitting ceiling hard

- depth jump @20" x 3,3,3


- daily routine

will lift tomorrow. moar dunk attempts saturday morning if i can get someone to toss.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on April 12, 2016, 09:10:31 pm

That's whats up, vert gainz are weird, seems like you're stuck at a certain point for a long time and then out of nowhere you wake up with springs for legs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 13, 2016, 02:44:55 am
Have you tried planting a little more sideways and see what happens? Your plant reminds me of SquatDR's, no wonder we talked about him a few posts ago :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2016, 08:48:03 am
Have you tried planting a little more sideways and see what happens? Your plant reminds me of SquatDR's, no wonder we talked about him a few posts ago :D

people's plants vary wildly depending on who knows what factors. my inelegant jump stop is working pretty well, i'm not going to fuss with it now.

i tried a few years ago to switch to a more 1-2 plant, you may recall, and that may have changed my ultimate form a little bit. what really made a difference was eliminating wasted steps, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2016, 08:50:03 am

That's whats up, vert gainz are weird, seems like you're stuck at a certain point for a long time and then out of nowhere you wake up with springs for legs.

lol yup. the biggest surprise for me recently has been the consistency of being able to hit 35-36+. i first jumped 36 like two years ago, but then didn't do it again for another year. now all of a sudden i can hit that level multiple times per week, and multiple times per workout. good change.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2016, 08:41:03 pm

- work out with mom x 45 mins

- paused speed squat 315 x 1+1+1; 1+1+1

- DL 315 x 1; 365 x 1
i think that's at least a PR tie, although obviously i should be able to lift much more. no point pushing it.

- DB push press 55s x 10,8

- bunch of different pull ups and cable rows
just goofed around with different grips

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 14, 2016, 04:22:45 am
Didn't your mom freak out seeing you get under 6 plates?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 14, 2016, 05:11:45 am

That's whats up, vert gainz are weird, seems like you're stuck at a certain point for a long time and then out of nowhere you wake up with springs for legs.

lol yup. the biggest surprise for me recently has been the consistency of being able to hit 35-36+. i first jumped 36 like two years ago, but then didn't do it again for another year. now all of a sudden i can hit that level multiple times per week, and multiple times per workout. good change.

Daily routine?

The bounds look good.  The throws are snappy and super hip driven.  For distance maximizing I'd like to see your feet stay on the ground a bit longer but the hip activation your getting as a training tool is great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 14, 2016, 05:15:25 am
I noticed you dunk left handed. Wow. I just learned this and it's like a cheat code for my left right plant.  I get all my dunks in my league games curling around a driving player so I can approach the rim with ahold circle and plant and rise up strong over people.  Can't do it consistently baseline or on the break if there is a defender in sight unless I use one footed takeoff...

Sorry I mean this used to be a problem until I learned to dunk left handed.  I swear I can jump 4 inches lower and still dunk now... I can also take off from tons more places on the court... Left handed is so much easier is crazy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 14, 2016, 05:29:52 am
I don't know if there is evidence or not and I don't really care. Is there empirical evidence against it? ;)
I just don't think there is only one right way to go about training and you oftentimes make it seem like your way of programing is the only right way to do so. I'm not saying french contrast or wave loading are important and beneficial training methods to do but I'm not in the position to say it's bad either because I simply haven't tried it myself over a long enough period. That's it.

There are a million ways to be successful and my way of programming is not the only way.  All weight success comes from some degree of progressive overload, there isn't any evidence that any special programming technique is better than another.  The only time my programming can even make a meaningful difference compared to another is when designing programming for peaking or designing something new for an athlete like work capacity or band work.  If it's weight training I "like" certain protocols but realize totally that it's largely arbitrary.

However, I make an exception when it comes to dangerous training.  I've seen enough athletes take off the vest and hit a PR at 40" and then decide they are feeling especially fast off the floor and should now hit a vested PR.... Vest back on awkward approach to fast for the load they are carrying and back injury.  It's happened to two of our athletes...  So my advice is don't do it.  Could be coincidence but since I don't see any benefit to trying A few more ME jumps after unloaded jumps... I'll keep advising against it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 14, 2016, 05:32:56 am
hm. explanation has the ring of satisfying logic but i don't see why warming up with the vest, taking it off for ME jumps, and then putting it on for other exercises that are not running jumps -- and just to move around -- would necessarily be dangerous. i do see why wearing it for some running jumps, then not, then back on again could be dangerous.

at any rate, t0ddday, any feedback on the MB throws?

I don't think what you describe is dangerous.  But face it ME jumps are dangerous.  That's why kingfish refuses to even do ME running jumps!  Why complicate them by adding load to a body that just got used to being unweighted?

Bounds are spectacular and for training the throws are excellent...  Your slow mo is great.  I would change your form on throws if your goal was max distance but if your using them to train you are fine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2016, 08:50:02 am
thanks t0ddday. and yeah i'm strictly LR-L. at first (5 years ago) i thought it was because my left shoulder is a little higher and i can reach higher with my left arm, but having grooved that movement for so long trying to lead with my right arm just feels weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2016, 08:57:08 pm
- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2016, 04:46:22 pm
Didn't your mom freak out seeing you get under 6 plates?

lol she had already left. she watched me warm up a few weeks ago and her main comment was that my face gets really red.  ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 16, 2016, 10:50:21 am
ACHES/INJURIES: low back tweaking a little, left elbow
MENTAL STATE: good but hurried

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 5
probably PR or PR tie on one of the jumps, 34+

- DLRVJ x 5-6
no one there to throw lobs but i was getting up pretty good. hurt elbow jamming the dodgeball down too hard on third jump and kind of shut my CNS down. wasn't planning for this to be a PR session anyway. tomorrow.

also, my friend at work told our boss (the CEO) that i had dunked and he didn't believe her, so i showed him the slow-mo video with the dodgeball. his jaw literally dropped.  :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on April 16, 2016, 04:01:55 pm
I'm gonna give you some advice that I haven't been able to follow myself... By a grippy super inflated ball and learn the self lob!  I can't push this too hard on you because I've practiced it for probably about 50 tries and cannot figure it out for the life of me....  But it's gotta be something learnable! 

From talking to dunkers that can do it they tell me that it's actually much much easier to catch a self lob off the bounce near the rim than to catch an alley oop because if you do it perfectly you actually catching a floating object rather than one that is traveling in the air...

Also I know you told me your goal was dunking in any way shape or form including alley oops but I think it would be more impressive if someone asks if you can dunk and you pull up proof of yourself throwing a self lob and throwing it down than catching an oop... To the layman a self lob is truly dunking by yourself!

Maybe you could begin my just finishing your sessions with 30-50 self lobs where you just do the toss but don't even jump... Just practicing the toss to get to where you can consistently get the ball to bounce up near the rim at the perfect height won't tire out your legs at all and will get you to at least the first step towards dunking from a self toss...

It's great that your more consistent with jumping ability but we all know how fickle the brain and the legs can be... Who knows when the day is when you just happen to be jumping 38" inches will be... It would such a shame that on that day you happen to not have anyone around who can toss you lobs!  A decent self lob in your back pocket might just allow you to document your dunk on that very best day rather than the best day when you happen to have a patient and good lob thrower around...

Either do this OR pay someone to come to the gym every time you jump and throw you lobs!  You have reached a once in a lifetime goal (seriously bask in this, I train all kinds of athletes and you don't know how many "better" athletes than you that are also taller that tell me it's a bucket list goal to dunk but haven't achieved what you have), before you move to the Near East let's get the best of the best of this on tape.   Also before jumping days cut moderately the volume and intensity of your daily routine but do not drop it!

34 inches on the one step is beast!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on April 17, 2016, 01:43:34 am
I think that's great advice to LBSS, he wont find a more dedicated training partner to throw lobs than himself. Just speculating -- but is there is a chance he will be able to improve his vertical by adopting regular self lob based training, because he has to go chase the lobs so demanding more from his movement efficiency?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 17, 2016, 04:24:17 am
ACHES/INJURIES: low back tweaking a little, left elbow
MENTAL STATE: good but hurried

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 5
probably PR or PR tie on one of the jumps, 34+


- DLRVJ x 5-6
no one there to throw lobs but i was getting up pretty good. hurt elbow jamming the dodgeball down too hard on third jump and kind of shut my CNS down. wasn't planning for this to be a PR session anyway. tomorrow.

also, my friend at work told our boss (the CEO) that i had dunked and he didn't believe her, so i showed him the slow-mo video with the dodgeball. his jaw literally dropped.  :ibjumping:

hah nice. is he athletic? Most athletic people seem to be impressed by dunking, because I imagine 99% of them have wanted to dunk, but haven't (and also haven't trained for it). It's jaw dropping for most athletic people because i've imagined they've tried at least once to simply hit the rim.

I'm gonna give you some advice that I haven't been able to follow myself... By a grippy super inflated ball and learn the self lob!  I can't push this too hard on you because I've practiced it for probably about 50 tries and cannot figure it out for the life of me....  But it's gotta be something learnable! 

From talking to dunkers that can do it they tell me that it's actually much much easier to catch a self lob off the bounce near the rim than to catch an alley oop because if you do it perfectly you actually catching a floating object rather than one that is traveling in the air...

Also I know you told me your goal was dunking in any way shape or form including alley oops but I think it would be more impressive if someone asks if you can dunk and you pull up proof of yourself throwing a self lob and throwing it down than catching an oop... To the layman a self lob is truly dunking by yourself!

Maybe you could begin my just finishing your sessions with 30-50 self lobs where you just do the toss but don't even jump... Just practicing the toss to get to where you can consistently get the ball to bounce up near the rim at the perfect height won't tire out your legs at all and will get you to at least the first step towards dunking from a self toss...

It's great that your more consistent with jumping ability but we all know how fickle the brain and the legs can be... Who knows when the day is when you just happen to be jumping 38" inches will be... It would such a shame that on that day you happen to not have anyone around who can toss you lobs!  A decent self lob in your back pocket might just allow you to document your dunk on that very best day rather than the best day when you happen to have a patient and good lob thrower around...

Either do this OR pay someone to come to the gym every time you jump and throw you lobs!  You have reached a once in a lifetime goal (seriously bask in this, I train all kinds of athletes and you don't know how many "better" athletes than you that are also taller that tell me it's a bucket list goal to dunk but haven't achieved what you have), before you move to the Near East let's get the best of the best of this on tape.   Also before jumping days cut moderately the volume and intensity of your daily routine but do not drop it!

34 inches on the one step is beast!

definitely. the first step is a hyper inflated ball. I bought a ball a few months ago, and even though i've inflated it 'to the max', it sucks. For some reason that Reebok basketball I had, was my favorite lob ball because man it had serious bounce.

Another tip, you can leave the ball in your car (in florida at least) earlier that morning. By the time you go dunk, it'll be a rocket.

If you were to attempt the self lob route, which ya I also recommend.. I'd get a ball, hyper inflate it, do all of your jumps like you normally do in your session. Then when you're basically done jumping max, just throw several lobs and get it to bounce up near the rim. If you find you're able to do it pretty consistently, start doing some light runup/jumps and just try to touch the ball (or fuck it, smack it like you're blocking someone, sounds fun) when it's up near the rim.

If you did that at least once in a while, it should slowly sink in.. and who knows, you might actually be really good at throwing lobs once you get a crazy bouncy ball.

A very bouncy ball just makes it so much easier.. in order to emulate that with a less bouncy ball, you have to throw it so much higher.. which really throws everything off IMHO.

I can't seem to find that ball anywhere.. so I tried looking in a few vids, can't find the exact model.

It looked something like this:


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 17, 2016, 07:15:37 am
(or fuck it, smack it like you're blocking someone, sounds fun) when it's up near the rim.

Great advice, something I haven't considered. I suck at throwing self lobs (although my court is terrible, it has these squares that at their junction have raises corners and when the ball hits the ground it moves in unpredictable directions making throwing accurate lobs impossible).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2016, 01:36:21 pm
i tried with the bounciest ball in the gym today and could not get the rebound even 3/4 of the way to the rim. i have a ball but it sucks and when i tried to overinflate it (years ago) it just stayed dead. will investigate better options.


ACHES/INJURIES: right knee

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,10

- one-step RVJ x 6

- DLRVJ x 15
got a dude to throw lobs on 8-9. pretty close with the right hand on one, most of the lobs were badly timed. vid of that miss below. you can hear the guy saying "that's the perfect throw," but it wasn't. needs to be a little farther to the left so i can catch it with my left hand, which reaches at least a couple inches higher. also that wasn't my best jump of the day by any means, just the closest a decent jump and decent lob came together. oh well.

- squat MSEM 330 x 3,3

- DB push press 55s x 10,10
got it. wrists a little achey after each set.

- BB hip thrust 385 x 15,12

- inverted row x 15,12

- decline sit ups x 14
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 17, 2016, 03:05:04 pm
Damn, nice plant if you pause it after the penultimate.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2016, 03:32:22 pm
thanks raptor.

also, adarq, meta comment: youtube vids have been acting up on the forum for the last few days. either not loading, or only loading once and freezing when i try to replay them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 17, 2016, 04:38:59 pm
thanks raptor.

also, adarq, meta comment: youtube vids have been acting up on the forum for the last few days. either not loading, or only loading once and freezing when i try to replay them.

Yeah, here too.

Btw, at work when I try to reply, the youtube button on this server is gone. It's not a part of the reply interface, lol. Only at home it appears.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 17, 2016, 08:35:49 pm
The lob needs to go up later imo. You almost need the ball sitting on the rim to make it easier on yourself.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 18, 2016, 05:24:39 am
thanks raptor.

also, adarq, meta comment: youtube vids have been acting up on the forum for the last few days. either not loading, or only loading once and freezing when i try to replay them.

thnx. i'll keep a lookout on it. not happening for me. will mess with it more tomorrow.

thanks raptor.

also, adarq, meta comment: youtube vids have been acting up on the forum for the last few days. either not loading, or only loading once and freezing when i try to replay them.

Yeah, here too.

Btw, at work when I try to reply, the youtube button on this server is gone. It's not a part of the reply interface, lol. Only at home it appears.

maybe that icon is being dropped by your work firewall, thinking it's pr0n. lul.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 18, 2016, 06:07:14 am
Haha, maybe, wtf
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on April 18, 2016, 04:50:40 pm
i tried with the bounciest ball in the gym today and could not get the rebound even 3/4 of the way to the rim. i have a ball but it sucks and when i tried to overinflate it (years ago) it just stayed dead. will investigate better options.


ACHES/INJURIES: right knee

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,10

- one-step RVJ x 6

- DLRVJ x 15
got a dude to throw lobs on 8-9. pretty close with the right hand on one, most of the lobs were badly timed. vid of that miss below. you can hear the guy saying "that's the perfect throw," but it wasn't. needs to be a little farther to the left so i can catch it with my left hand, which reaches at least a couple inches higher. also that wasn't my best jump of the day by any means, just the closest a decent jump and decent lob came together. oh well.

- squat MSEM 330 x 3,3

- DB push press 55s x 10,10
got it. wrists a little achey after each set.

- BB hip thrust 385 x 15,12

- inverted row x 15,12

- decline sit ups x 14

You should look into the glossy ball I used to use, the one where it was so grippy I could swing it around like an animal and it wouldnt fall out of my hand....Nvm I think people think they are like steroids and are cheating.  I can't find any of them in stock....
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2016, 04:27:26 pm
so i'm officially moving to pakistan, probably at the end of may/beginning of june. signed the contract yesterday. today i agreed with my boss that my last day in my current job will be may 4. so i'll have most of may off to relax, visit people, pack up my seven years' worth of stuff, and put in storage everything i don't throw out or ship to islamabad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on April 19, 2016, 04:28:53 pm
so i'm officially moving to pakistan, probably at the end of may/beginning of june. signed the contract yesterday. today i agreed with my boss that my last day in my current job will be may 4. so i'll have most of may off to relax, visit people, pack up my seven years' worth of stuff, and put in storage everything i don't throw out or ship to islamabad.

So what are you going to be doing that is having you move to pakistan?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2016, 04:44:43 pm
so i'm officially moving to pakistan, probably at the end of may/beginning of june. signed the contract yesterday. today i agreed with my boss that my last day in my current job will be may 4. so i'll have most of may off to relax, visit people, pack up my seven years' worth of stuff, and put in storage everything i don't throw out or ship to islamabad.

So what are you going to be doing that is having you move to pakistan?

same shit i'm doing now, more or less. but more responsibility, more money, and in pakistan instead of in DC.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 19, 2016, 05:08:46 pm
For how long are you moving there? And what's up with you moving to these arab countries all the time? What job do you have?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on April 19, 2016, 05:09:22 pm
Ooh ok, dolla dolla bills ya'll

Are your paychecks taxed?  If our guards work over there at embassies they make like 80k half a year tax free.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2016, 05:24:26 pm
For how long are you moving there? And what's up with you moving to these arab countries all the time? What job do you have?

I've actually only ever flown through Arab countries on the way somewhere else. Well, that's not true, I've spent a bit of time in the UAE (Dubai). Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan are not Arab.

I go because I work for a company that has a big presence there (it started in Pakistan, in fact).

Ooh ok, dolla dolla bills ya'll

Are your paychecks taxed?  If our guards work over there at embassies they make like 80k half a year tax free.

Paycheck will not be taxed. We don't get danger pay. But still, getting a decent raise. And when you factor in the housing subsidy it could be up to triple my current take-home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 19, 2016, 05:28:05 pm
so i'm officially moving to pakistan, probably at the end of may/beginning of june. signed the contract yesterday. today i agreed with my boss that my last day in my current job will be may 4. so i'll have most of may off to relax, visit people, pack up my seven years' worth of stuff, and put in storage everything i don't throw out or ship to islamabad.

whoa congrats. sounds like a huge change, actually moving there. what's the longest you've spent outside the U.S.? several months iirc.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2016, 07:52:27 pm
i lived in chile for a year. longest trips for work have been three weeks. this will be a two-year contract.

motivation to workout very low tonight. gonna drag myself to the gym anyway.

EDIT: dragged self to the gym. continued to drag. shot around, tried to warm up, could not get warmed up. weird. gonna foam roll and stretch now but geez. it's not lack of sleep. hope i'm not getting sick or something.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on April 20, 2016, 01:05:17 am
300%  :o


congrats man! thats absolutely super!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 20, 2016, 03:05:29 am
Chile? Chile women = the shit.

But what is your job? Unless is secret or something.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on April 20, 2016, 03:19:58 am
Chile? Chile women = the shit.

But what is your job? Unless is secret or something.

Take a hint! It's clear he doesn't wanna divulge details.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 20, 2016, 03:24:33 am
So he works for the NSA? Thanks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2016, 03:50:37 pm
not the NSA, no. chilean women, though: yes. i dated a chilean for a couple of years. hot and freaky. she went full evangelical christian after we broke up. weird.

recommendation: do not get arthritis in your toes. it sucks. right foot has been killing me off and on this week.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2016, 07:13:14 pm
right big toe wrecked. i've been limping all day. fuck. did daily routine as best i could.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: alestor91 on April 20, 2016, 07:15:11 pm
Damn. What happened to the toe?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2016, 06:41:57 am
arthritis. usually it's just at low-grade background discomfort and it limits my ROM pretty severely, and i've adapted my gait and movement so that i avoid stressing my toes too much. but for whatever reason the last few days it was absolutely killing me, radiating pain up into the rest of my foot. happens once in a while. feels okay this morning, knock wood.

ETA: my avatar is an x-ray showing the arthritis.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2016, 07:50:13 am

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, right toe

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5
first three reps of second set were pretty good

- DLRVJ x 5 w/vest
got out to three steps and could not get organized. took vest off.

- DLRVJ x 10
mediocre, best was probably 34.5. but the fact that my mediocre days are the same as last year's good days is great.

right knee bugging.

- foam roll and stretch


ACHES/INJURIES: right knee pretty bad

- warm up

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 1
CNS shut second jump down, knee bugging too hard

- MB OH toss x 5

totally wacked out. what a wasted week from a training standpoint. toe is bothering me again now after the workout, to boot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 21, 2016, 07:57:16 am
I wonder if you can dunk using that dodgeball off one leg right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2016, 08:05:16 am
not even close.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 21, 2016, 08:15:40 am
Have you tried, recently?

I can hear the answer without you saying anything: "No, and I don't plan to".
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2016, 08:19:46 am
i try SLRVJ once a week or so, just a few jumps to see where i'm at. still barely touching rim.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 21, 2016, 08:24:10 am
How much do you bend in the plant off one leg? In your standing vert you go so deep, yet you're bouncy off a running VJ off two legs. Hard to imagine how a one leg jump would look like.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2016, 08:41:12 am
this is from two years ago, don't get any higher than this now:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 21, 2016, 09:46:15 am
It looks like you use a single arm swing coming up your right leg and a "somewhat double arm swing" coming off your left leg... I guess your body is just too much "forward" when you take off, that's the only thing I can see. Like you don't load the posterior chain too much because you stay too forward instead of letting yourself a bit on the back and "hip-popping". Oh well... I think my one leg jump of right now looks much uglier.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: cowed77 on April 21, 2016, 02:54:00 pm
How does arthritis show up on xrays?
Not trolling haha, real qn, zoomed in on mobile and I can't see anything. :pokerface:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2016, 03:32:39 pm
joint is malformed, no cartilage, bone spur growing on top of my foot. here's a bigger version of the image (NB this is from 5+ years ago, it's probably worse now):

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 21, 2016, 03:35:01 pm
this is from two years ago, don't get any higher than this now:

from my comment on youtube.. runup was slow as hell, jump was slow, didn't expect to see you get up so good on that first R-SLRVJ jump. was surprising but awesome.

I wasn't around much in 2014, so I missed that.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2016, 04:04:26 pm
yeah the discussion in the other thread where dreyth and raptor and t0ddday are arguing about squatting and bodyweight made me think that i probably have pretty weak calves, all things considered.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 21, 2016, 04:20:14 pm
What about hamstrings? Combine weak hams and calves and you get a weak SL-RVJ and bad sprinting.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 22, 2016, 03:22:24 am
So interesting to look at the first pages of each "long" log.

Check out LBSS squats from 2012:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2016, 07:53:33 am
those are actually from 2009, i went back and edited my first entry a few times over the first few years. as did adarq, iirc. haven't in a long time though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on April 22, 2016, 07:59:03 am
Damn you used to dive-bomb hah
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2016, 02:34:17 pm
yeah those are ugly. above parallel and dive bombed.

- warm up

- work out with dad x 60 mins
really pushed him today for the first time, proud of him. we decided to set a baseline for him of lunges in 10 minutes. he got 133. was gassed at the end, but recovered enough that we could do some pressing and inverted rows. got in a few RVJ from various distances, as well.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2016, 02:09:11 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little distracted

- warm up

- skater jump x 10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 15+
had a dude throw me some lobs but they were all pretty off. one was sort of close.

- bound-bound jump x 3,3

- SLRVJ x a few/leg
bad. better off left than right.

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2016, 09:29:58 am

- daily routine

meant to lift but didn't home from work until really late.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2016, 08:24:07 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a tiny bit but only when i tried to jump, felt great on everything else

- warm up

- one-step RVJ x 3

- paused speed squat 265 x 5,5
hadn't really squatted in a while so kept it super light. weight absolutely flew.

- deficit DL 315 x 5
felt light, i think with a couple of dedicated months i could get 405 pretty easily.

- DB push press 60s x 8,5

- pull up x 8,5

- decline sit up x 20,20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 27, 2016, 10:16:47 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes, low back
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a tiny bit

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 5,5

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3

- broad jump x 4

- one-step RVJ x 3,3,3

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2016, 09:11:23 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes, low back

- warm up

- work out with mom x 60 mins

- warm up part 2

- squat MSEM 315 x 1,1,1,1,1,1
reps 3-5 really powerful, bar popping way off traps

- pull up x 5+3+3+3+3+3+3+3

- DB push press 65s x 3

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 30, 2016, 05:20:03 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little

- warm up

- skater jump x 10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 8
a bit inconsistent but hit 36+ a couple times. best jump was the third or fourth after i reminded myself to relax and stay loose.

- half daily routine

gym should be open around noon tomorrow, got my buddy lined up to come throw some lobs. felt okay today, hoping for big jumps tomorrow. will try not to get too amped in the morning, that leads to overthinking which leads to tightness which leads to shit jumping.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 01, 2016, 03:50:55 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little

- warm up

- skater jump x 10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 8
a bit inconsistent but hit 36+ a couple times. best jump was the third or fourth after i reminded myself to relax and stay loose.

- half daily routine

gym should be open around noon tomorrow, got my buddy lined up to come throw some lobs. felt okay today, hoping for big jumps tomorrow. will try not to get too amped in the morning, that leads to overthinking which leads to tightness which leads to shit jumping.

ooo nice!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2016, 06:16:56 pm
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 4

- DLRVJ x 20+
buddy was throwing good lobs but i didn't get any down. pretty close on 5-6, one rattled around and went in but it doesn't count, a few back ironed. ball control is key, maybe i should take t0ddday up on his idea to use stickum.

- work out with buddy x an hour
goofed around, did some DB push presses, some benching, some leg press, and then did two rounds of barbara. he is not in great shape so we didn't finish the workout.

so frustrating not to hit when i was jumping so well and there were some good throws! it's a matter of time, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2016, 06:21:08 pm
here's a RL plant, btw:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2016, 08:58:40 am
had dates that ended in hooking up the last two nights. so i haven't gotten enough sleep since saturday.

noticed something. until sunday the women i've gone on dates with or hooked up with since my ex and i broke up mostly fit my lifelong type: pretty, small waist, nice bubble butt. with the three that i'd had sex with, the sex was mediocre to pretty good. then on sunday and last night, the women were really cute but they weren't as shapely as i'm used to, and my vain ass may have learned a lesson that i'd heard but never really believed: chunkier chicks are better in bed. the sex was awesome. the woman on sunday gave possibly the best head i've ever gotten. i'm getting a boner just thinking about it. last night, well, i've got bite and scratch marks all over this morning.

also, i'm sore from the truncated barbara. chesticles and anterior delts, tib anterior (oddly), and traps and lats a little. and abs.

two more days of work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 04, 2016, 01:52:09 pm
today is my last day at the place i've worked for 6.5 years. pakistan's next (after vacation), but i'm not exactly sure when because it depends on visa.

what a trip.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on May 04, 2016, 03:13:44 pm
had dates that ended in hooking up the last two nights. so i haven't gotten enough sleep since saturday.

noticed something. until sunday the women i've gone on dates with or hooked up with since my ex and i broke up mostly fit my lifelong type: pretty, small waist, nice bubble butt. with the three that i'd had sex with, the sex was mediocre to pretty good. then on sunday and last night, the women were really cute but they weren't as shapely as i'm used to, and my vain ass may have learned a lesson that i'd heard but never really believed: chunkier chicks are better in bed. the sex was awesome. the woman on sunday gave possibly the best head i've ever gotten. i'm getting a boner just thinking about it. last night, well, i've got bite and scratch marks all over this morning.

also, i'm sore from the truncated barbara. chesticles and anterior delts, tib anterior (oddly), and traps and lats a little. and abs.

two more days of work.

LOL. Serena Williams is a goddess.  When you appreciate her you win.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2016, 08:59:46 am
she is, yeah.

today, for the first time in my adult life, i am unemployed. it feels weird. gonna go to the gym this morning and then work out with my dad and my brother in the evening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2016, 12:45:45 pm
MENTAL STATE: good, a little out of it

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5
second set RL

- squat MSEM 315 x 3
didn't feel right

- goof around with dips and pull ups

well, not the best workout ever. vest complicates squats, i should just take it off for them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on May 05, 2016, 06:56:00 pm
had dates that ended in hooking up the last two nights. so i haven't gotten enough sleep since saturday.

noticed something. until sunday the women i've gone on dates with or hooked up with since my ex and i broke up mostly fit my lifelong type: pretty, small waist, nice bubble butt. with the three that i'd had sex with, the sex was mediocre to pretty good. then on sunday and last night, the women were really cute but they weren't as shapely as i'm used to, and my vain ass may have learned a lesson that i'd heard but never really believed: chunkier chicks are better in bed. the sex was awesome. the woman on sunday gave possibly the best head i've ever gotten. i'm getting a boner just thinking about it. last night, well, i've got bite and scratch marks all over this morning.

also, i'm sore from the truncated barbara. chesticles and anterior delts, tib anterior (oddly), and traps and lats a little. and abs.

two more days of work.

Ahhhh the BBW effect.  The old chinese proverb applies here which is, chunkier chicks are like scooters, fun to ride but you don't want your friends to see.  As bad as it sounds bigger chicks tend to be practice girls so they probably get more action then skinny chicks.  The Brazilian threesome that I had, one was thickish, not in a bad way though and the other, her friend or sister or whatever idk, was skinnier with a brazilian booty and i had more fun with the thicker sister or friend. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on May 06, 2016, 12:15:12 am
I think a larger percentage of bigger girls have butterfaces
That said I am more attracted to curvier girls
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 07, 2016, 11:32:05 am
^^^not sure i agree with that. butterface by definition means the rest of the girl is hot. the word itself is just a mashup of "but her face" as in "everything's hot but her face." for me that generally means more petite. to each his own. but man i fucked the sunday girl again on thursday night (she issued the best booty call i've ever gotten: a picture of fresh-baked chocolate cupcakes and an invitation to come lick the bowl) and it was, again, very good. mind expansion.


- daily routine


SORENESS: glutes, lats
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little distracted by thoughts of ex

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5
focus on relaxation. height good not great, ~32-33

- DLRVJ x 10
crappy. hit 35+ a few times but also had a couple busted approaches. then the gay dodgeball players came and started setting up.

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3
right knee started bugging a little on the last set

- low depth jump x 3,3,3
focus on minimal GCT

- DB jump squat 25s x 8,8

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2016, 02:59:18 pm
WEIGHT: 174.5

- warm up

- skater jump x 10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 5

- SLRVJ x 8

- paused speed squat 275 x 5,5

- DL 335 x 3

- DB push press 60s x 4,3

- dead stop pull up x 7,7

- decline sit up +30 x 10,10

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2016, 11:36:00 pm
- half-assed daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on May 09, 2016, 11:44:31 pm
^^^not sure i agree with that. butterface by definition means the rest of the girl is hot. the word itself is just a mashup of "but her face" as in "everything's hot but her face." for me that generally means more petite. to each his own. but man i fucked the sunday girl again on thursday night (she issued the best booty call i've ever gotten: a picture of fresh-baked chocolate cupcakes and an invitation to come lick the bowl) and it was, again, very good. mind expansion.


- daily routine


SORENESS: glutes, lats
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little distracted by thoughts of ex

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5
focus on relaxation. height good not great, ~32-33

- DLRVJ x 10
crappy. hit 35+ a few times but also had a couple busted approaches. then the gay dodgeball players came and started setting up.

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3
right knee started bugging a little on the last set

- low depth jump x 3,3,3
focus on minimal GCT

- DB jump squat 25s x 8,8

- stretch

how close to ME are the DB jump squats? How much do you squat down? Do you focus on rebound or descend slowly? Which combination do you think has the best carryover to DLRVJ?

Did you do bounds for both legs? 3x3 doesn't seem like a whole lot of reps if your goal is movement efficiency. No reason to cut out left leg reps when your right leg is bothering you. Or was 3x3 your intention from the beginning?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 10, 2016, 10:01:41 am
they're DL bounds. 3x3 is actually 27 "jumps", because one rep is bound-bound-VJ. they're fairly intense, doing more than that seems to bother my knee so i don't. hard to say what of the newer stuff i've been doing (i.e. since end of december) has made the difference but i'm trying to be the anti-maxent here and just do what i'm told. everything together has pushed me to levels i'd never reached before so...[shrug emoji].

the DB jump squats are submax, continuous, and maybe about quarter depth. i used to do bigger amplitude and fucked up my back, so i am cautious. i focus on triple extension on each jump.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2016, 10:57:28 am

- daily routine


ACHES/INJURIES: low back, neck, everything just felt a little tight

- warm up

- skater jump x 10

- one-step RVJ x 5,3

- DLRVJ x a few
awful. everything felt bad. scrapped it.

better luck today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 12, 2016, 06:25:32 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: everything off still

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 6-8
one or two okay, mostly terrible. knees felt bad.

- bound-bound-jump x 3,3
hit 32 on first rep of each set. but still felt shitty

- one-step RVJ x 3
hit 34 once and then couldn't get it together.

went upstairs and stood in front of the bar for a while trying to will myself to squat. could not. everything feels bad right now. i wonder if it's just the sudden change in schedule throwing everything off. that would make sense. anyway i'm about to go on vacation for a week and a half so i'll rest -- will try to do plenty of stretching and some daily routine stuff but i'm not gonna kill myself over it -- and then attack again when i get back. still unsure when i'll be leaving for good, or whether i'll go to geneva at the end of the month.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on May 13, 2016, 02:33:12 am
Geneva = awesomeness.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2016, 06:24:01 pm
i'm back. great trip. did daily routine twice, walked a lot, but generally apart from the traveling and one night of exceptionally heavy drinking i took it easy. gonna go to the gym now.


ACHES/INJURIES: none (not even right knee! good)

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2016, 09:32:01 am

WEIGHT: 174.6 (gained 0.5" on my waist on vacation but no weight...)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little (damn)

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x a few way submax
hit a PR-level one-step (34) and then everything else was off. no surprise after 1.5 weeks away from the gym. knee was displeased and i didn't push it.

- multi-touch hops x 8,8

- paused squat 275 x 3,3

- DB push press 45s x 10

- pull up x 5+5

- decline sit up x 10; +30 x 10


- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 24, 2016, 12:18:29 pm
damn nice @ the 1-step PR!

always sucks though to PR something "that fundamental" and not get anything else in the session.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2016, 06:50:25 pm
WEIGHT: 172.4
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes

- run x 0.5mi

- shoot around and layups x 20 mins

- run x 0.5mi

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 25, 2016, 08:16:18 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes, quads a little

- warm up

- continuous jump squat x 5,5

- SVJ x 3,3

- paused speed squat 275 x 5,3

- DB push press 45s x 10; 50s x 10

- glute thrust 225 x 15,15
light weight, just trying to isolate

- pull up x 8,6,6

- decline sit up +30 x 10,10

- stretch

beat. annoyed about the squats.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2016, 03:50:01 pm
SORENESS: glutes a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a tiny bit, enough to notice but not to hurt

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 12-15
mostly submax after the first 5-6. not very good.

- bound-bound jump x 3,3,2
right knee protesting slightly on the last set

- multi-touch jumps x 8,8

blah. not so disappointing given that i lifted yesterday but not great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2016, 04:39:51 pm
SORENESS: abs (from sex last night :lololol:)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a tiny bit, enough to notice but not to hurt
MENTAL STATE: good but body felt like lead

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x lol
noooope. legs dead.

- daily routine

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: jumperer on May 28, 2016, 05:32:37 am
Lol. Just wondering btw, is your knee pain above or below the patella? Also, what have you been doing in your situation? It seems like theres no fix, cause if you get more hip dominant, you aggravate your left hip, and if you get more knee dominant, you aggravate your right knee. You think if you planted RL it would help too?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on May 28, 2016, 05:36:25 am
Welcome to the very exclusive club of right knee and left hip problems.  :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 28, 2016, 09:47:48 am
lol thanks leonel.

the knee pain is above the patella. left hip pain is lateral and it's more like background discomfort, i usually don't notice it. the thing that irks it most is hip circles, oddly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on May 28, 2016, 11:07:39 am
Yeah my hip has also become manageable and it's now more of a nuisance because it often gets tight but pain is not really present anymore
haha... weird. hip circles are also something that my hip doesn't like. we might be on to something here. other exercises I tried to do and had to ditch because they felt uncomfortable were weighted leg raises and bulgarian splitsquats.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on May 28, 2016, 06:10:04 pm
Yeah my hip has also become manageable and it's now more of a nuisance because it often gets tight but pain is not really present anymore
haha... weird. hip circles are also something that my hip doesn't like. we might be on to something here. other exercises I tried to do and had to ditch because they felt uncomfortable were weighted leg raises and bulgarian splitsquats.

I  notice that my left leg has restricted flexion+internal rotation ROM. I think it has something to do with the hip socket not being loose enough in that direction. Some other telling symptoms of hip issues for me are sleeping is most comfortable at kind of a 45 degree angle (facing down and to the side) as well as sometimes sitting asymmetrically and sometimes standing with my weight on 1 leg. My persisting issue with my left groin likely has to have something to do with this too. BSS and sprints aggravate my injury. Didn't you have impingement Leonel. Someone posted in my journal about it a while ago.

I have right knee pain too, MCL: mostly I notice it after heavy squats, esp when I do them with a more knee dominant technique.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on May 28, 2016, 07:28:57 pm
I was diagnosed with cam impingement and a slight labrum tear yes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: jumperer on May 28, 2016, 09:46:04 pm
lol thanks leonel.

the knee pain is above the patella. left hip pain is lateral and it's more like background discomfort, i usually don't notice it. the thing that irks it most is hip circles, oddly.

Ah, I see. Doesn't seem to be much of a problem then. Yea, I suspect there is more quad recruitment in the right knee during the LR plant. Opposite for RL, which is why I think I got injured so easily when i tried to switch to one foot jumping from RL. I was already quad dominant in both legs, and the left leg was like completely quad dominant.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2016, 12:26:23 am

earlier today

SORENESS: abs a little, still, lol
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a bit

- warm up

- 2-on-2 to 11
got creamed, one of the opponents was a 6'4 dude who played in college. first time playing any kind of ball in a while, felt good.

- DLRVJ x ~18-20
6'4 bro complemented my hops and we took turns jumping. he threw me a few lobs and i was SO CLOSE on a couple of them. didn't get any down, damn.

- partial daily routine

feel oddly stiff now, hours later.

leaving for switzerland tomorrow evening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on May 29, 2016, 01:43:19 pm
You're going to visit Switzerland, where are you going?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2016, 09:14:06 am
in geneva until friday midday for meetings, although i kind of irritatingly have been excluded from the two this afternoon, both of which i'm quite interested in and probably should be in. oh well, big boss wanted a smaller group and i'm literally brand-new in this role so i don't have much to contribute. we're staying in france because there are apparently several conferences going on right now and they couldn't get enough hotel rooms on this side.

i did not sleep well on the flight, the jet lag is coming in waves.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 30, 2016, 10:26:32 am
Visit Annecy, if not there already. Just 30km from the borders, definitely worth it.
Edit: if you do go to Annecy, make sure you pay a visit to this place ( and make sure that every next cocktail you order is different from the previous ):

If you have some more time to spend, go to Chamonix. Still reachable for a daily trip. Drinking a coffee at this cafe is a lifetime experience:,80,en.html

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 31, 2016, 03:48:38 am
i don't think i'll have time for either of those. but this will not be my last trip to gva, i think being in pakistan will mean at least 1-2x/year here. chamonix looks awesome.

passed the f out last night after dinner, was so tired. this morning didn't have time to do full daily routine so did:

- circuit x 3
-- squat x 50
-- YTW x 10
-- push up x 10

- SL jumps x 5,5

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on May 31, 2016, 06:17:57 pm
i don't think i'll have time for either of those. but this will not be my last trip to gva, i think being in pakistan will mean at least 1-2x/year here. chamonix looks awesome.

passed the f out last night after dinner, was so tired. this morning didn't have time to do full daily routine so did:

- circuit x 3
-- squat x 50
-- YTW x 10
-- push up x 10

- SL jumps x 5,5

- stretch

I'm amazed by the dedication of the people on the board that you can do anything at all... I'd be eating chocolates and thinking about how I should work out...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 01, 2016, 12:43:31 am
i don't think i'll have time for either of those. but this will not be my last trip to gva, i think being in pakistan will mean at least 1-2x/year here. chamonix looks awesome.

passed the f out last night after dinner, was so tired. this morning didn't have time to do full daily routine so did:

- circuit x 3
-- squat x 50
-- YTW x 10
-- push up x 10

- SL jumps x 5,5

- stretch

I'm amazed by the dedication of the people on the board that you can do anything at all... I'd be eating chocolates and thinking about how I should work out...


i'd workout then eat a fuckton of chocolates.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2016, 04:15:49 pm
have only eaten one small chocolate: they don't have dark chocolate in the office and other than going out to dinner and drinking i haven't had any time outside the hotel or office. people here don't make a big deal out of it. i should probably pick some up tomorrow morning, though, since i don't have any obligations before i have to head to the airport.


- daily routine

three of my colleagues were killed in northern afghanistan yesterday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on June 02, 2016, 04:45:32 pm
And I mean I wouldn't consider Geneva to be a very "Swiss" city to begin with. it's part of the "suisse romandie" the french talking part of switzerland which, regarding the mentality and culture is quite a bit different than the rest of switzerland (actually in a positive way). geneva is even more so a special case as there is the united nations office there and the head office of the red cross and thus is very international. If I'm not mistaken it's one of the or even the most expensive city of the world...

Edit: I'm also very sorry to hear about your loss, didn't read that part.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on June 02, 2016, 04:49:28 pm
sorry about your loss LBSS

i had a layover in geneva this summer and went out into the city. yep, felt like i was in france. in fact i think france is visible across the lake from some vantage points even.

definitely very expensive, its unreal! moreso than NYC in some places. i wonder what the average salaries for various jobs are in that city
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 03, 2016, 10:40:36 am
three of my colleagues were killed in northern afghanistan yesterday.

man that is horrible. :/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 04, 2016, 07:44:27 am
last night

- foam roll, stretch, and glute activation parts of the daily routine

- pass out
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 04, 2016, 01:50:40 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist, started hurting while i was in gva, no idea why

- warm up

- one-step MB toss x 5

- skater jump x 20

- one-step MB toss x 5

- bound-bound jump x 3,3,3
right knee felt good, yay

- paused speed squat 275 x 5,2

- DL 315 x 2

- dip x 10

- pull up x 10

going back to the T0ddday peaking block and gonna try to lose a few pounds again. let's see if i can get to 38.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 05, 2016, 10:20:15 pm
- daily routine

meant to mention, i hit a milestone in geneva: full-ROM pistol on each leg with feet flat in sneakers. have always had to at least have my heel elevated a little; my shoes have a 4mm drop. the ankle mobility work is paying off at least in that small way. next stop, barefoot pistols for reps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 06, 2016, 12:28:30 am
- daily routine

meant to mention, i hit a milestone in geneva: full-ROM pistol on each leg with feet flat in sneakers. have always had to at least have my heel elevated a little; my shoes have a 4mm drop. the ankle mobility work is paying off at least in that small way. next stop, barefoot pistols for reps.

ooo nice.

with the new forum stuff i'm coding, we have groups that can be automatically joined, or invite only etc. we'll create some groups like barefoot-pistol-squad etc, and make them invite only. so they will become badge-like. I had only been thinking so far just using them for "teams" (that's what they are called in the code/ui), like; sprinters, jumpers, dunkers, oly weightlifters, powerlifters, runners, cyclers etc.. but after reading this post I remembered also with the calisthenics stuff that you mentioned which exercises you could do, ... nice.. we'll use teams like "badges" also.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 06, 2016, 02:23:01 am
- daily routine

meant to mention, i hit a milestone in geneva: full-ROM pistol on each leg with feet flat in sneakers. have always had to at least have my heel elevated a little; my shoes have a 4mm drop. the ankle mobility work is paying off at least in that small way. next stop, barefoot pistols for reps.

Wow.  I am soooo far away from this it's not even funny.  I use a slant board that allows me to get pretty close to 90 but even this improvement has done wonders for my knees.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 06, 2016, 01:41:27 pm
WEIGHT: ??? (vest on)
SORENESS: hamstrings a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5

- DLRVJ (vest off) x 10

- bound-bound-jump x 3,1
right knee said no

will do daily routine later.

- daily routine

lift tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 06, 2016, 01:57:59 pm
Flander and this woman I've been hooking up with together are making me want to do @fit again. So tempted. Might go this week after normal workout.

EDIT: signed up for a class tomorrow evening  :-X  gotta see if i can do push presses with 135 today. don't wanna embarrass myself.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2016, 07:30:55 pm
MENTAL STATE: good, a little tired, legs felt tired/enervated

- warm up

- couple DLRVJ, just to see, ~35
calves dead

- paused speed squat 275 x 5,5
second set better but still this was too hard. 275 should be easy.

- push press 135 x 3,3
no pain but i'm def more comfortable with DBs. we'll see how i do tomorrow, at least i can do them at all lol.

- decline sit up +30 x 10,10
too easy

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 07, 2016, 08:25:32 pm
MENTAL STATE: good, a little tired, legs felt tired/enervated

- warm up

- couple DLRVJ, just to see, ~35
calves dead

- paused speed squat 275 x 5,5
second set better but still this was too hard. 275 should be easy.

- push press 135 x 3,3
no pain but i'm def more comfortable with DBs. we'll see how i do tomorrow, at least i can do them at all lol.

- decline sit up +30 x 10,10
too easy

I love that 35" is your calves dead, not so good vertical now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on June 07, 2016, 09:44:30 pm
Flander and this woman I've been hooking up with together

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2016, 07:07:38 am
Flander and this woman I've been hooking up with together


lolololol   :goodjobbro: :highfive: :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2016, 07:08:08 am

I love that 35" is your calves dead, not so good vertical now.

tell me about it. huge improvement.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on June 08, 2016, 03:07:08 pm
Once you reach 40" are you going to change the name of the animal in your journal name or is it an inside type of joke?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2016, 04:00:21 pm
nah, i'll still just be that. it's from a quote that says, paraphrasing, if you're a donkey you're never going to become a cheetah, but with hard work you can become a fast and explosive donkey.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2016, 09:04:15 pm
crossfit didn't happen but it was so goddamn nice out that i went to the track instead.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee making itself known but didn't hurt; still i wasn't about to do a 200m sprint

- warm up

- pogo x 10,10

- DL bound x 4,4,4,4

- sprint 30m x 3,3

- bear crawl 50y x 2

- backwards sprint 30y x 2

- side shuffle 30 y x 2/side

- daily routine minus jumps

good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on June 08, 2016, 10:12:33 pm
Flander and this woman I've been hooking up with together


lolololol   :goodjobbro: :highfive: :almostascoolasnyancat:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 08, 2016, 10:25:27 pm
LBSS knows how to phrase things...  :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2016, 10:32:50 pm
commas are important.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2016, 07:33:07 pm
SORENESS: lats, hams a little, quads a little

- warm up

- squat MSEM 315 x 1,1,1,1,1,1

- DB push press 60s x 6; 55s x 10

- pull up x 10,6

- decline sit up +35 x 10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 10, 2016, 03:33:00 am
calves dead 35's, msem 315 singles.. dno, seems like you have some good jumps in you in the near future.

flander + lbss dunk session?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2016, 06:56:02 pm
- daily routine

quads, forearms (from the bear crawls, i assume), hamstrings a little sore
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 11, 2016, 02:36:54 pm
nah, i'll still just be that. it's from a quote that says, paraphrasing, if you're a donkey you're never going to become a cheetah, but with hard work you can become a fast and explosive donkey.

Dang, I never new the origin of the journal title but that is a really good quote...  It's both realistic and inspirational.  I'll be using it when training people!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2016, 03:44:22 pm
SORENESS: quads a little (?)
MENTAL STATE: hungry. like, needing food. libido has been really high the last couple days, not sure why.

- warm up

- skater jump x 13

- one-step RVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 6-7
okay but dropped off really fast

- daily routine x 0.5

meal schedule thrown off so energy was very low for this. plan is to caffeinate and ME jump fasted late tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2016, 04:16:30 pm
well, day got thrown off by orlando. pretty much full of rage right now. went to the gym anyway but did not jump very well. called it. not even gonna log it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 14, 2016, 02:47:34 pm
WEIGHT: 172.2
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, right ankle
MENTAL STATE: good but blah, kind of enervated again  :(

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 7
just awful, awful. 33-34. video below.

- bound-bound-jump
did one rep but it sucked, stopped

- squat 325 x 2,2,1
low back feeling it a little, caution

- hip thrust 385 x 12

- superset 1,2,3,4 x 2
-- pull up
-- dip

- MB OH toss x 3,3



and just for fun, from a couple weeks ago:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 15, 2016, 12:17:16 am
the ball hitting the floor on that slow-mo is dope.

sucks about the jumps. if you're feeling enervated but still want to jump good (besides caffeine), you ever try a cold-as-fuck shower that morning? and/or jumping with music blasting in your ear?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 19, 2016, 11:07:56 am
back. did no work on my trip but a fair amount of walking. right knee is bothering me. cousin's play was so freaking good, i would use the word thrilling. acole i forget if you're gonna be in NYC early on your trip but if you're looking for a real new york theater experience i highly, highly recommend it. it's hilarious and super dark. it closes july 3 though so if NYC is later then oh well.

dreyth you don't strike me as a theater guy but in case you're looking to impress a hot girl with your sophistication (or if i'm wrong and you do like plays) then check it out. there's an insane sex scene, fwiw.

motivation to train is extremely low right now. i'm gonna go play tennis with my dad this afternoon and i'll maybe do the daily routine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 20, 2016, 06:49:48 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, left ring finger (sliced open yesterday)
MENTAL STATE: motivation very low

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ
right knee not having it. plant wasn't the problem, approach step the problem. something goofy. pain is above kneecap and slightly lateral.

- continuous backboard touches x 8,8

- MR half tuck x 10,10

- daily routine minus jumps

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on June 20, 2016, 10:56:51 pm
back. did no work on my trip but a fair amount of walking. right knee is bothering me. cousin's play was so freaking good, i would use the word thrilling. acole i forget if you're gonna be in NYC early on your trip but if you're looking for a real new york theater experience i highly, highly recommend it. it's hilarious and super dark. it closes july 3 though so if NYC is later then oh well.

dreyth you don't strike me as a theater guy but in case you're looking to impress a hot girl with your sophistication (or if i'm wrong and you do like plays) then check it out. there's an insane sex scene, fwiw.

motivation to train is extremely low right now. i'm gonna go play tennis with my dad this afternoon and i'll maybe do the daily routine.

Yeah I get there a bit too late, it's a shame as we're looking for something to go and see.

On the knee...could be tight IT band attachment on that side?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2016, 04:30:06 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee but not as bad as yesterday, left ring finger mostly healed but still sensitive
MENTAL STATE: okay <-- big improvement on yesterday/last week

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20
was having a hard time balancing at first, weird

- one-step RVJ x 3,3
pretty good, ~33 except the last one which was bad

- two-step RVJ x 10
pretty bad until the end. need to relax more.

- DLRVJ x 3
bad. slipped on the third rep and that's all she wrote. slip = CNS shutdown.

- continuous backboard touches x 8,8

- squat 135 x 20
just to get a little pump. very easy.

- superset x 2
-- MB OH toss x 5
-- SVJ x 3

- low cable row 100 x 14L;15R

- dip x 14

- strict toes to bar x 6,6

decent workout considering knee is still bugging me a lot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2016, 10:17:02 am

- SMR, mobility, stretching components of daily routine


WEIGHT: 171.2
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee but improving, elbows a bit
MENTAL STATE: good, yes, hurray

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 5
first one was super strong, pounded the shit out of the ceiling. all throws hit ceiling.

- paused speed squat 275 x 5,3
first set sucked, hips not open enough so upper hamstrings (esp. right) were overinvolved. decided to do only three for second set, but they were much better reps.

- DB push press 50s x 10

- DB row 80 x 10

- TTB x 7,7

only had time for a short workout this morning. mornings not ideal for me in general, especially for squatting, but ~9 is better than ~7:30.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 24, 2016, 05:05:57 pm
- daily routine

right knee still painful but pain is migrating, now kind of behind my kneecap.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 25, 2016, 02:57:32 am
- daily routine

right knee still painful but pain is migrating, now kind of behind my kneecap.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2016, 03:50:40 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x ~10; submax x ~10
hit 36 a couple of times early but rest were not as good. knee started bugging so i dropped to submax efforts, started hurting again so i stopped altogether

- daily routine x 0.5
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2016, 07:40:47 pm
barely slept last night because, well, when you're naked and lying next to a hot naked girl and you've just had sex a short while ago and she says, "i want to have sex with you so bad right now," you're best served not to fall asleep. and i was dog-sitting so i had to get up at like 7 and go over to my friends' place to walk their dog.

- daily routine

- some beach work for funsies

so tired.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 26, 2016, 08:17:38 pm
barely slept last night because, well, when you're naked and lying next to a hot naked girl and you've just had sex a short while ago and she says, "i want to have sex with you so bad right now," you're best served not to fall asleep. and i was dog-sitting so i had to get up at like 7 and go over to my friends' place to walk their dog.

- daily routine

- some beach work for funsies

so tired.

#humblebrag  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2016, 09:00:09 pm
#nothumblebrag  :trollface:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 27, 2016, 04:58:32 am
barely slept last night because, well, when you're naked and lying next to a hot naked girl and you've just had sex a short while ago and she says, "i want to have sex with you so bad right now," you're best served not to fall asleep. and i was dog-sitting so i had to get up at like 7 and go over to my friends' place to walk their dog.

- daily routine

- some beach work for funsies

so tired.

#humblebrag  :highfive:

obviously i had a "lbss is a beast" thought go through my head while reading that paragraph.. but by the end, i almost forgot about it and wondered what kind of dog LBSS's neighbor has.

fwiw, i was up until 6:30 AM last night.. absolutely nothing like what LBSS talked about though. lmao.  :derp:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on June 27, 2016, 12:19:10 pm
barely slept last night because, well, when you're naked and lying next to a hot naked girl and you've just had sex a short while ago and she says, "i want to have sex with you so bad right now," you're best served not to fall asleep. and i was dog-sitting so i had to get up at like 7 and go over to my friends' place to walk their dog.

- daily routine

- some beach work for funsies

so tired.

#humblebrag  :highfive:

#thirsty ?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2016, 01:08:02 pm
barely slept last night because, well, when you're naked and lying next to a hot naked girl and you've just had sex a short while ago and she says, "i want to have sex with you so bad right now," you're best served not to fall asleep. and i was dog-sitting so i had to get up at like 7 and go over to my friends' place to walk their dog.

- daily routine

- some beach work for funsies

so tired.

#humblebrag  :highfive:

#thirsty ?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2016, 07:00:01 pm
so, my brother disappeared again this afternoon. it is, as our other brother said to me on the phone just now, only a matter of time before he dies. which i guess, technically speaking, is true for all of us. but it feels a lot more immediate for him than it does for most 25 year olds i know.

this is, as you might imagine, motivation-sapping. i'm going to get some noodles and drink some beer and watch something distracting until i fall asleep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on June 27, 2016, 07:59:07 pm
That's sad to hear about your little brother. As a brother you're doing everything you can by continuing to be supportive and being there for him as he fights his demons.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 28, 2016, 12:15:14 am
so, my brother disappeared again this afternoon. it is, as our other brother said to me on the phone just now, only a matter of time before he dies. which i guess, technically speaking, is true for all of us. but it feels a lot more immediate for him than it does for most 25 year olds i know.

this is, as you might imagine, motivation-sapping. i'm going to get some noodles and drink some beer and watch something distracting until i fall asleep.

damn :/ :/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 28, 2016, 12:45:21 am
so, my brother disappeared again this afternoon. it is, as our other brother said to me on the phone just now, only a matter of time before he dies. which i guess, technically speaking, is true for all of us. but it feels a lot more immediate for him than it does for most 25 year olds i know.

this is, as you might imagine, motivation-sapping. i'm going to get some noodles and drink some beer and watch something distracting until i fall asleep.

Shit. Cannot imagine how hard that would be.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on June 28, 2016, 06:44:45 am
so, my brother disappeared again this afternoon. it is, as our other brother said to me on the phone just now, only a matter of time before he dies. which i guess, technically speaking, is true for all of us. but it feels a lot more immediate for him than it does for most 25 year olds i know.

this is, as you might imagine, motivation-sapping. i'm going to get some noodles and drink some beer and watch something distracting until i fall asleep.

Damn that must be hard for you as a brother as well. I hope everything turns out all right.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2016, 11:38:44 am
thanks y'all. no word yet today. odds are he'll turn up, just hoping it's not in the hospital or jail.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on June 28, 2016, 02:06:30 pm
I'm sorry to hear that your brother is going through this. My brother also had a very hard time with me when I was battling depression in the past. But even though I pushed him away and hurt him so many times he stuck with me and kept believing in me and it's probably thanks to him that I'm still here and alive today. I can't describe how much this means to me. I really hope that you hear from your brother soon and that things work themselves out somehow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2016, 04:03:42 pm
I'm sorry to hear that your brother is going through this. My brother also had a very hard time with me when I was battling depression in the past. But even though I pushed him away and hurt him so many times he stuck with me and kept believing in me and it's probably thanks to him that I'm still here and alive today. I can't describe how much this means to me. I really hope that you hear from your brother soon and that things work themselves out somehow.

hey man thanks for these words, i really appreciate hearing them. i went through a period some years back where i was really angry with my brother and just suppressed my relationship with him. i'd still see him and stuff but i didn't really reach out. as time has gone by i've come to a greater understanding and while i still get angry with him when he fucks with our parents, i try very hard to communicate nothing but love to him. he showed up earlier today, i'm not sure where, but my mom called me and they were together. talked to him briefly, he was probably still high. he doesn't need me to tell him he fucked up, he knows it. he just needs to hear me say i love him anyway and that's it.

anyway, got back to work today and actually had a great workout. some of that "brother fucked with mom and dad again" anger maybe.

WEIGHT: 170.0 #athleticanorexia #probablyjustalittledehydrated
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee but got better as workout went on
MENTAL STATE: good, then angry, then good

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 3
PR tie on first and second jumps, roll tide

- DLRVJ x ~15
started out bad but i stuck with it, got angrier and angrier, ended up getting a bunch of clean dunks with the dodgeball (no one around to throw lobs) and then hit 36.5 without the ball. best jumps in a long time. lot of cursing involved.

- continuous backboard touches x 8,8

- squat 315 x 1; paused speed squat 275 x 5
manhandled  the paused set, very strong

- DB push press 55s x 10,8
damn it

- kroc row 80 x 20R;18L

- TTB x 8,8

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 29, 2016, 03:40:02 am
Sorry for your brother man. Hope it turns out as good as it can. Leonel, very strong post!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2016, 09:43:33 am
^^^me, too. thanks.

took this vid a couple of days ago, didn't realize i was doing that weird kickback with the off leg until i watched.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2016, 09:11:37 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: knees a little bit

- run x 2.3 miles
so nice out, woman i've been hooking up with just started running so i had it on the brain. knees hurt a little at the outset but then were fine. harder than i thought it'd be, although in fairness to myself i chose a route with steep hills.

- daily routine

going up to new england until sunday, will do some hiking and maybe daily routine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 01, 2016, 05:31:11 am
- one-step RVJ x 3
PR tie on first and second jumps, roll tide

- DLRVJ x ~15
started out bad but i stuck with it, got angrier and angrier, ended up getting a bunch of clean dunks with the dodgeball (no one around to throw lobs) and then hit 36.5 without the ball. best jumps in a long time. lot of cursing involved.

- continuous backboard touches x 8,8

- squat 315 x 1; paused speed squat 275 x 5
manhandled  the paused set, very strong


damn.. definitely seems like a rage session :/

good work though, seems like you killed it.

we need an Uber service for Lobbers.. if you're jumping like that, just call up the uber lobber.

^^^me, too. thanks.

took this vid a couple of days ago, didn't realize i was doing that weird kickback with the off leg until i watched.

looks odd but, also kind of makes sense. it's almost as if you're trying to DLVJ, while actually doing an SLVJ.. the off leg is firing just as if you were doing a double leg vj (DLVJ). I imagine if you did a 'walk into it' you'd probably flex the off leg at the hip, more like a layup/slrvj.

regardless, looks strong.. that's a tough exercise.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on July 01, 2016, 04:03:00 pm
^^^me, too. thanks.

took this vid a couple of days ago, didn't realize i was doing that weird kickback with the off leg until i watched.

How high do you get on each leg?  What's your current SVJ?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on July 01, 2016, 04:29:49 pm
SL SVJs... pretty cool. might try these
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2016, 05:45:34 pm
GP adarq, i think that's what it is. i'm going to start trying to do them with a leg lift, as in a SLRVJ.

T0ddday, i dunno how high i get. should check. certainly higher than when i started doing them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: jumperer on July 03, 2016, 07:00:27 pm
how high are you touching now btw?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2016, 09:20:50 pm
^^^10'5-6 regularly, 10'7 when i'm really flying

just got back from the trip. went okay, brother was able to join and we held it together for the most part, despite recent events. still, glad to be back. sitting for too long in the car (or plane) makes my right knee hurt, i think. it's gotten stiff from that forever, at least since i was a teenager, but the pain correlation (causation?) is more recent. it's really bugging me now.

just did

- daily routine

with my mom. right knee is in pain. looks like acole and i are going to work out tomorrow, should be fun!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: jumperer on July 03, 2016, 11:04:21 pm
i see, nice. thats where i'm around too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on July 03, 2016, 11:13:58 pm
GP adarq, i think that's what it is. i'm going to start trying to do them with a leg lift, as in a SLRVJ.

T0ddday, i dunno how high i get. should check. certainly higher than when i started doing them.

I really like this exercise as a teaching tool to help athletes understand jumping and the different types of jumps...  At the far ends of the spectrum we think of the standing vertical jump and the running single leg jump...

What's interesting is that for a good athlete the standing single leg jump is more similar to a standing vertical than the approach plant two legged jump which is more similar to a running single leg jump...

This exercise helps us learn it's not simply jumping off one or two feet that makes the jump different...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: jumperer on July 03, 2016, 11:20:59 pm
just read that, sounds interesting. could you go more in depth into it?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 04, 2016, 12:48:31 pm
my SL SVJ is not at all similar to my normal SVJ. you know this, T0ddday, i dip like kingfish on my SVJ.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 04, 2016, 12:50:14 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,10

- one-step RVJ x 4
P motherfucking R. hit 36+. holy shit. have vid, will post later. acole can attest anyway.

- DLRVJ x ~15
dunk attempts. didn't get one, got very close on maybe 5-6. fuck. felt great though.

- continuous backboard touches x 8,8

- paused speed squat 285 x 5,5

- DB OHP 55s x 10,10

- pull up x 8,6,4,2

- MB OH toss x 5

legs toast, so dead.

what up acole.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on July 04, 2016, 04:03:38 pm
my SL SVJ is not at all similar to my normal SVJ. you know this, T0ddday, i dip like kingfish on my SVJ.

LOL.  You used to dip like kingfish on your SVJ.  I don't think it's worth the work but IMO you look completely different now.  Watching your ball throws and jumps you look about 10X more hip dominant and your pop is light years better than it was...

I mean you jumped 36'' off one step...  I bet if your goal was to maximize your SVJ you would move away from that massive dip and find you actually can just just as high or higher without it now... No point in doing it because your goal is dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk.... But I would still bet on it...

What I mean isn't that it "looks" like it so much but that the muscles used and body positions are more similar. 

A good running single leg jump has the center of mass lower before the penultimate step - when you do a running SL vertical jump on the last step you are dealing with a body that is accelerating upward and forward - the last step is a change of momentum moreso than a vertical impulse. 

When you do a running DLVJ with a lot of speed you will often notice that the back leg (in a RL plant this is the right leg) is actually coming off the ground before the left leg - this is similar to a running single leg vertical jump... 

The point is that in a single leg vertical jump you have to generate the vertical impulse on one leg - perhaps if we made kingfish do this he would go full out pistol on these...   People with great running SL verticals do not necessarily have great single leg standing verticals - the correlation isn't there.   This is what I mean by a teaching tool...  If we train SL vertical and then allow you to do pentultimate sl legs it does help the athlete learn what SL running jumping is... 

I'm not sure if that is well written - maybe it makes no sense... Would probably take some time to write up and explain well...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 04, 2016, 11:03:59 pm
the one-step PR is at 0:21. dunk attempts start at 2:00. huge thanks to acole for the patience -- great training with you today man!

edited it wrong, cut out a couple of decent attempts and included a couple of bad ones. oh well, can't be bothered to re-edit it. the dodgeball one i did just out of frustration.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on July 05, 2016, 08:34:08 am
the one-step PR is at 0:21. dunk attempts start at 2:00. huge thanks to acole for the patience -- great training with you today man!

edited it wrong, cut out a couple of decent attempts and included a couple of bad ones. oh well, can't be bothered to re-edit it. the dodgeball one i did just out of frustration.

Looks like you guys had fun.

If the timing was better on a couple of those lobs you would've got dunks. Just unlucky since you were getting enough height. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 06, 2016, 03:59:17 am
the one-step PR is at 0:21. dunk attempts start at 2:00. huge thanks to acole for the patience -- great training with you today man!

edited it wrong, cut out a couple of decent attempts and included a couple of bad ones. oh well, can't be bothered to re-edit it. the dodgeball one i did just out of frustration.

:wowthatwasnutswtf: @ the 1-step PR at 0:21, that was a very nasty jump.

edit: man you could have landed a damn dunk off that 1-step heh. nasty.

also, 2:44 would have been a really nasty make.. had you been there 0.1s earlier or acole thrown it 0.1s later, that would have gone down very hard. I really wanted to see that one go down.

Looks like you guys had fun.

ya for sure.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2016, 08:05:08 pm
yeah it was fun times. nice drink later, too.

SORENESS: glutes a little, adductors a little
ACHES/INJURIES: none (oooowhaaaaat?)

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 3,3,1
hit ceiling on all throws. yes.

- squat 315 x 2,2,2
felt like doing doubles for some reason.

- DB push press 60s x 10,8
fuck i should have had all 10 on the second set. mad at myself for bailing.

- pull up x 8,6,4,3

- high-rear-foot BSS x 20,20/leg
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2016, 11:12:41 am
last night

- daily routine SMR/mob only
so tired.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 10, 2016, 01:05:05 pm

ACHES/INJURIES: knees a bit stiff, then back (see below)

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 3,3,3

- DLRVJ x 5,5
felt pretty bad, topped out at 34 and once i realized i was not going to jump very high i switched to submax jumps with less rest. then i tweaked my right lower back. yay.

- continuous backboard touch x 8,8,8

back feels okay today. need to break it off with this woman i've been seeing and meant to last night, but wussed out and ended up sleeping over.  :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on July 10, 2016, 05:40:46 pm
What are submax jumps good for again? Won't that fuck with your movement efficiency?
I can understand if you were training to get dunks in game or something where you might need to jump higher with a faster runup or more steps than you are used to, but if your goal is just to dunk I'm kind of missing the point of them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 10, 2016, 06:22:13 pm
confused why you think submax repetitions of an exercise impair movement efficiency. how do you learn a new skill, except by doing it with less than full effort until you're comfortable enough with it to push yourself?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on July 10, 2016, 07:36:01 pm
confused why you think submax repetitions of an exercise impair movement efficiency. how do you learn a new skill, except by doing it with less than full effort until you're comfortable enough with it to push yourself?

But you're not learning a new skill. You're already pretty far along in your jumping movement efficiency and have done tons of max effort jumps (already comfortable doing max effort jumps). I think a submax jump might have subtly different mechanics from a max effort jump, which is why I think they might be ineffective as movement efficiency work. Once you've progressed past the point of beginner movement efficiency gains, what's the point?

I have seen people on the forum encourage submax jumps and they seem good on the one hand cause you can spare your cns/joints but I don't know how much they actually help improve
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 10, 2016, 09:07:31 pm
t0ddday, help me out here. can't articulate a response to that well enough to try.

ACHES/INJURIES: left soleus (?)

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 5,5; no step x 3,3

- LTMP squat 155 x 20
weird combination of easy and hard. made it to 20 without much difficult but don't know how many more i could have done. racked it the interest of protecting my back, which felt okay today but which was out of sorts yesterday.

- superset x 3
-- pull up x 5
-- dip x 5
-- TTB x 5

pretty weak workout all around. fuck it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 11, 2016, 04:37:57 am
t0ddday, help me out here. can't articulate a response to that well enough to try.

ACHES/INJURIES: left soleus (?)

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 5,5; no step x 3,3

- LTMP squat 155 x 20
weird combination of easy and hard. made it to 20 without much difficult but don't know how many more i could have done. racked it the interest of protecting my back, which felt okay today but which was out of sorts yesterday.

- superset x 3
-- pull up x 5
-- dip x 5
-- TTB x 5

pretty weak workout all around. fuck it.

LTMP or MEBM? seems like beast mode.

confused why you think submax repetitions of an exercise impair movement efficiency. how do you learn a new skill, except by doing it with less than full effort until you're comfortable enough with it to push yourself?

But you're not learning a new skill. You're already pretty far along in your jumping movement efficiency and have done tons of max effort jumps (already comfortable doing max effort jumps). I think a submax jump might have subtly different mechanics from a max effort jump, which is why I think they might be ineffective as movement efficiency work. Once you've progressed past the point of beginner movement efficiency gains, what's the point?

I have seen people on the forum encourage submax jumps and they seem good on the one hand cause you can spare your cns/joints but I don't know how much they actually help improve

one answer could just be 'fun'.. get some jumps in, staying nice and relaxed, just enjoying it. If you jumped submax most sessions, and max effort for only some, then yes I think your point would be more valid; detrimental. Part of the skill of jumping is to learn to focus on producing force 'fast' in the first place, don't want to teach yourself to produce force slowly. But one session, or infrequent sessions, aren't going to be enough to be detrimental imho. I mean just look at it from the point of view of tempo sprints, submax running etc. They can still be used as tools to build work capacity, fitness, movement efficiency, and even qualities specific to max performance (cardiovascular development in running for example). So IMHO, the same applies for jumping.

I've personally been doing lots of submax jumping the last few months for a few reasons:
- i just love jumping, feels good to jump even if it isn't maximal
- want to focus more on 'relaxed max jumping sessions', ie, how high can i get if i don't amp myself up mentally (amping myself up mentally takes a toll on me)? similar to a TRAINING MAX in lifting -> max lifting without psyche ups/amp ups.
- need to improve SLRVJ as a skill in each leg

one thing I try to do when jumping submax, is still get off the ground fast.. For where i'm at right now, It's the difference between a 10'3-10'4 or 10'8.. so I lose ~4-5" when jumping submaximally: relaxed runup, relaxed jump but get off the ground fast/fast but smooth arm swing, no amp up. I can probably perform hundreds of those jumps, compared to only ~10 or so max effort jumps.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 11, 2016, 08:24:19 pm
there you go, adarq. a little specific conditioning. something like that.

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2016, 09:37:58 am
my right hip has been killing me since i woke up this morning. trying to stretch/work it out. weird.

EDIT: went to gym but right hip still bugging me. decided not to push it. gonna stretch and foam roll now but otherwise rest and hope it goes away tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2016, 01:38:14 pm

- daily routine x 0.5

felt great to do that in the middle of the day, why am i not doing that more often? will do full workout later.



- warm up

- paused speed squat 285 x 5,5

- DB push press 60s x 8,6

- pull up x 8,6

- leg lower x 20,20

eh. literally no space to do any jumps/throws. damn children.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2016, 07:18:45 pm
MENTAL STATE: blah, motivation zero, kind of out of it

- warm up

- MB OH toss (no step) x 5,5

- daily routine

feel enervated. dead. not good feeling. was supposed to do full workout but could barely force myself to do this much.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2016, 10:07:13 pm

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 5,5

- paused squat 290 x 5,5

- DB push press 60s x 10,6
god damn it i'll get that second 10 soon

- DB row 80 x 10,10/each

- TTB x 10,10

only good workout since july 4 i think. kind of a lost two weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2016, 11:11:55 pm
- daily routine

felt good. there is a RAD thunderstorm happening right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2016, 08:23:59 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: lower back tight
MENTAL STATE: not great, bob

- warm up

- one-step RVJ x 3,3,3
very stiff

- MB OH toss (no step) x 6

- squat MSEM 300 x 6
got angry, bar was flying

- decline leg raise x 10; +7.5 x 10,10

- stretch

my brother OD'd again last night so instead of a long combo jumps+lifts workout i got this in after visiting him in the hospital. he's okay, all things considered. the gym felt great even though this wasn't much of a workout, rarely does it feel like as much of a self-care thing as it did tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on July 20, 2016, 10:50:34 pm
Sorry bro can't imagine how hard this must for you and your family.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 21, 2016, 04:13:02 am
 :( :( :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on July 21, 2016, 05:57:28 pm
I feel for you man. My younger brother od'd this summer at a festival. Would have died if he had been alone at the time. So fucked up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2016, 06:31:35 pm
I feel for you man. My younger brother od'd this summer at a festival. Would have died if he had been alone at the time. So fucked up.

no doubt, glad he got some emergency help! my brother might have died the other night too but he went to an AA meeting (ironically enough) before the OD really kicked in and so when he started having seizures someone was there to call 911.


SORENESS: triceps a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, right toe

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5,5
knee ow

- DLRVJ x 13
very bad, no explosiveness at all. knee hurt, toe started hurting after the 10th jump or so.

- continuous backboard touch x 8,8

gonna work out with my mom later, will do daily routine-ish with her.

EDIT: later

- daily routine plus some low-intensity sprint drills with mom

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Flander on July 22, 2016, 03:46:07 am
Are you gonna hit the concept II rower?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2016, 08:06:44 am
all in good time, all in good time. after whenever this weekend i do my ME jumps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2016, 03:00:17 pm
knees hurt a bit yesterday, left hip a bit tight/painful this morning. and left toe hurt sharply for the first time in a long time. bit worrisome, that, although it seems to have died down a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2016, 03:40:04 pm
bad headache. probably dehydrated. it's hot as fuck.

- shoot around and layups x 30 mins

- daily routine x 0.5 plus extra stretching
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2016, 02:28:18 pm
wore vest today for the first time in weeks.

WEIGHT: 189.6 (174.0)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a bit
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5
remove vest

- DLRVJ x ~25
much higher volume than normal but i was getting up pretty good. felt light on my feet for the first time in a while. no PR-level jumps but many around 36. unfortunately the only people around were a couple of very unathletic dudes playing on the other half of the court with their little kids, didn't want to ask them for lobs. got several good dunks with the dodgeball, banged out a bunch more.

- bound-bound-jump x 3,2
right knee started bothering me on last rep.

- continuous backboard touch x 10,10
need to be more consistent about these.

should do daily routine later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2016, 10:23:53 pm
- daily routine
was at the gym instead of house so did MB OH toss instead of jump squats.

traps and shins a little sore.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on July 25, 2016, 11:08:39 pm
unfortunately the only people around were a couple of very unathletic dudes playing on the other half of the court with their little kids, didn't want to ask them for lobs.

I'm assuming you've been through this somewhere in your log but you need to get acquainted with self lobs. I used to do a heap of these in high school and with practice you can get them to almost sit on the rim making dunks no more than a tip in. Note to self- I need to get onto these again too.   
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2016, 12:45:55 am
i've tried a few times but it messes so completely with my barely-over-the-rim jump height that it's very discouraging.

and i need a bouncier ball.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 26, 2016, 04:14:18 pm
i should find some bball's online, make sure they are lob-dunk-certified, and send them out.

my current bball is definitely not lob-dunk-certified, it has no bounce.. it's a "good outdoor spalding basketball", but it just sucks for lobs; I can throw it crazy high and it still won't bounce at rim level or higher. I might get one of those reebok bball's (from online) that I had way back, and see if it's lob-dunk-certified.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on July 26, 2016, 07:30:23 pm
I think the best bounce for bounce balls are the cheap rubber ones. You can get them super inflated and they bounce like crazy. Not ideal to play with but as a lob only ball.

Speaking of balls  :o what is the best ball for general play and palming in your guys opinion? I have had good experiences with the molten G7 and certain Wilson balls but need to find the grippiest ball out there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2016, 10:16:18 pm
no idea about balls for playing but cheap rubber is an interesting thought.

WEIGHT: 174.0 -- helloooo, set point
ACHES/INJURIES: low back a little tight but okay

- warm up

- paused squat 290 x 5,5

- pull up x 5,5,5,5

- decline leg raise x 20,10,10

late workout because had to go to a happy hour for a coworker who's leaving (didn't drink obviously) so i was a little rushed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on July 27, 2016, 03:31:16 am
I think the best bounce for bounce balls are the cheap rubber ones. You can get them super inflated and they bounce like crazy. Not ideal to play with but as a lob only ball.

Speaking of balls  :o what is the best ball for general play and palming in your guys opinion? I have had good experiences with the molten G7 and certain Wilson balls but need to find the grippiest ball out there.

Everyone here uses Wilson evolution.  When it's just slightly deflated it's great and about the only ball I can palm for lefty dunks.  Also Wilson wave is easy to palm but I not great for dribbling...

If I invent a lobbing machine will LBSS buy it? Man I saw a 5'3 (legit) guy dunk off a beautiful self lob and taped it... Amazing.

If that isn't the perfect self lob I don't know what is...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: jumperer on July 27, 2016, 03:59:07 am
I think the best bounce for bounce balls are the cheap rubber ones. You can get them super inflated and they bounce like crazy. Not ideal to play with but as a lob only ball.

Speaking of balls  :o what is the best ball for general play and palming in your guys opinion? I have had good experiences with the molten G7 and certain Wilson balls but need to find the grippiest ball out there.

Everyone here uses Wilson evolution.  When it's just slightly deflated it's great and about the only ball I can palm for lefty dunks.  Also Wilson wave is easy to palm but I not great for dribbling...

If I invent a lobbing machine will LBSS buy it? Man I saw a 5'3 (legit) guy dunk off a beautiful self lob and taped it... Amazing.

If that isn't the perfect self lob I don't know what is...

i use the wilson CIS, which is supposed to be the wilson evolution, but it feels a bit different. i just pump it up to the max and its fine for lobbing though. i also have the wilson solution, but i never use it now because it doesnt bounce as well as the CIS.

and isnt that guy 5'2? wish there were more footage of him, hes putting it in pretty easily too.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 27, 2016, 04:48:24 am
dude looks microscopic. crazy.

I had a good ball for palming way back, but didn't use it much since I preferred lobs. Looked similar to that Wilson ball.. it was some indoor ball with a ton of grip.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on July 27, 2016, 01:11:31 pm
I think the best bounce for bounce balls are the cheap rubber ones. You can get them super inflated and they bounce like crazy. Not ideal to play with but as a lob only ball.

Speaking of balls  :o what is the best ball for general play and palming in your guys opinion? I have had good experiences with the molten G7 and certain Wilson balls but need to find the grippiest ball out there.

Everyone here uses Wilson evolution.  When it's just slightly deflated it's great and about the only ball I can palm for lefty dunks.  Also Wilson wave is easy to palm but I not great for dribbling...

If I invent a lobbing machine will LBSS buy it? Man I saw a 5'3 (legit) guy dunk off a beautiful self lob and taped it... Amazing.

If that isn't the perfect self lob I don't know what is...

i use the wilson CIS, which is supposed to be the wilson evolution, but it feels a bit different. i just pump it up to the max and its fine for lobbing though. i also have the wilson solution, but i never use it now because it doesnt bounce as well as the CIS.

and isnt that guy 5'2? wish there were more footage of him, hes putting it in pretty easily too.


I saw him at a summer league here... I dunno 5'2, 5'3.  He is legit tiny.  I mean he is so short that exaggerating down makes some sense - I guess all the matters is his reach - does have long arms but still has less than a 7 foot reach... I mean he can jump for sure. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2016, 09:22:47 am
have not gotten enough sleep the last two nights. got up for an early call yesterday and didn't adjust properly the night before, and last night i had some very frisky company. :highfive:

good sleep is important.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on July 28, 2016, 09:46:34 am
seems to me like you're doing pretty well with the girls lately.. cheers to that!  :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 29, 2016, 09:19:25 am
yeah i hadn't really been single as an adult until the last year. and i wasn't that self-confident as a younger dude. still a wuss in some ways, my buddy was making fun of me the other weekend for not wanting to go up to women at the bar we were at. i believe the quote was, "you're the best-looking dude in this bar but you have the self-confidence of a fourth grader." in my defense, that chick was a smoke show and i did end up going over to talk to her. nevertheless, i'm way more confident than i used to be and that has resulted in sex with a lot of different women. and lots of dates.

anyway, was rushed again last night. and tired, as i said.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee during squatting, in a weird new way
MENTAL STATE: out of it

- warm up
did some one-step jumps but height was so bad that i didn't press

- squat MSEM 305 x 4
felt like shit, knee hurt. got some power but felt unsteady. blah.

- fuck it

on the plus side, i got a full 8 hours of sleep last night. let the repairs begin.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on July 29, 2016, 12:48:39 pm
Any tips to work on self confidence in that regard... how where you able to change it? I'm also a wuss when it comes to talking to girls eventhough I look pretty decent.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on July 29, 2016, 01:07:55 pm
yeah i hadn't really been single as an adult until the last year. and i wasn't that self-confident as a younger dude. still a wuss in some ways, my buddy was making fun of me the other weekend for not wanting to go up to women at the bar we were at. i believe the quote was, "you're the best-looking dude in this bar but you have the self-confidence of a fourth grader." in my defense, that chick was a smoke show and i did end up going over to talk to her. nevertheless, i'm way more confident than i used to be and that has resulted in sex with a lot of different women. and lots of dates.

anyway, was rushed again last night. and tired, as i said.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee during squatting, in a weird new way
MENTAL STATE: out of it

- warm up
did some one-step jumps but height was so bad that i didn't press

- squat MSEM 305 x 4
felt like shit, knee hurt. got some power but felt unsteady. blah.

- fuck it

on the plus side, i got a full 8 hours of sleep last night. let the repairs begin.

Do you use knee sleeves?  Also, did you feel your knees caving in towards each other at all?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 29, 2016, 04:37:30 pm
Any tips to work on self confidence in that regard... how where you able to change it? I'm also a wuss when it comes to talking to girls eventhough I look pretty decent.

Two main things, although I can't tell you what flipped the switch finally on either of them:
1. I stopped caring whether a woman I'm interested in is interested in me. If she is, wonderful. If not, okay.
2. I started actually believing that I'm attractive. People have told since I was in my early teens that I'm handsome. For the longest time, there was something blocking me from internalizing that. A little cockiness/vanity helps when it comes time to make a move.

Don't want to overemphasize the shift -- one the one hand, it's not like I'm Brad Pitt or anything, and on the other hand, I hooked up with and dated some attractive women over the years. Just never with the volume that I've had this year.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 29, 2016, 04:38:00 pm

Do you use knee sleeves?  Also, did you feel your knees caving in towards each other at all?

nope, never have. no caving. i don't even really cave on max attempts.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on July 30, 2016, 08:03:46 am
thanks will try that... I mean there are several girls that told me that I'm handsome or the ones I've been with have been pretty satisfied with my "performance" and told me that but I've never really been able to internalize it as you said. I hope I can get to that point where I don't care if a girl likes me or not.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2016, 11:39:45 am
i think a lot of it is fake it 'til you make it. chick says no, you're crestfallen but out loud say, "cool," and inside say, "whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, her loss, her loss, her loss, her loss."

ACHES/INJURIES: low back a little (this is a bad trend)

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 3,3
33-34, pretty good

- DLRVJ x 3,3,3,3
not great at first so switched to submax sets of three. gonna go for PRs tomorrow, will see if i can get a buddy to throw lobs.

- daily routine x 0.5
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 30, 2016, 04:07:41 pm
- one-step RVJ x 3,3
33-34, pretty good

- DLRVJ x 3,3,3,3
not great at first so switched to submax sets of three. gonna go for PRs tomorrow, will see if i can get a buddy to throw lobs.

nice! getting up pretty good on those 1-steps. should be able to kill it tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2016, 04:16:29 pm
yeah but after hitting 36 off one with acole everything shorter feels blah.  :derp:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 30, 2016, 04:52:32 pm
yeah but after hitting 36 off one with acole everything shorter feels blah.  :derp:

ya for sure. but, i also imagine you weren't as amp'd up on those jumps today.

sounds like tomorrow you should be amp'd up.. that's when it really kicks in.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2016, 01:16:28 pm

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5

*remove vest*

- DLRVJ dunk attempts x ~15
got a buddy to throw lobs. put one through the net but kind of bobbled the ball in, doesn't quite count. close on a few others. timing is hard. kind of messed up my shoulder on the 12th or 13th jump and couldn't get up quite as high after that so called it.

- one-on-one x 20 mins
i lost, lol. blame it on the tired legs.

gonna play tennis with my dad in a couple hours.

- tennis x 60 mins
whipped my dad, 6-1 (and the 1 was mostly unforced errors). this is as it should be, i'm 35 years younger than he is. it was hot as shit, i have a headache now. similar to one i got a few weeks back after sweating like crazy in the gym earlier in the day. i was vigilant about hydration today, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on August 01, 2016, 01:34:11 pm

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5

*remove vest*

- DLRVJ dunk attempts x ~15
got a buddy to throw lobs. put one through the net but kind of bobbled the ball in, doesn't quite count. close on a few others. timing is hard. kind of messed up my shoulder on the 12th or 13th jump and couldn't get up quite as high after that so called it.

- one-on-one x 20 mins
i lost, lol. blame it on the tired legs.

gonna play tennis with my dad in a couple hours.

- tennis x 60 mins
whipped my dad, 6-1 (and the 1 was mostly unforced errors). this is as it should be, i'm 35 years younger than he is. it was hot as shit, i have a headache now. similar to one i got a few weeks back after sweating like crazy in the gym earlier in the day. i was vigilant about hydration today, too.

Have you ever had or gotten close to having some sort of heat stroke/exhaustion?  I was extremely close to having it at the academy just from standing in line nut to butt with everyone in a 95 degree building(Prisons aren't air conditioned).  After almost passing out, if I'm in the heat doing anything for a bit I start to get a sick feeling and this is a year or so after and I still get it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2016, 01:59:54 pm
interesting question, never thought about it before. after looking at mayo clinic i'm pretty sure i haven't had anything that severe.

still, will switch to gatorade or equivalent during intense outdoor exercise and see if that makes a difference.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2016, 02:50:46 pm
legs felt very tired last night and still pretty tired today. was gonna lift tonight but will rest instead.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on August 01, 2016, 04:01:09 pm

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5

*remove vest*

- DLRVJ dunk attempts x ~15
got a buddy to throw lobs. put one through the net but kind of bobbled the ball in, doesn't quite count. close on a few others. timing is hard. kind of messed up my shoulder on the 12th or 13th jump and couldn't get up quite as high after that so called it.

- one-on-one x 20 mins
i lost, lol. blame it on the tired legs.

gonna play tennis with my dad in a couple hours.

- tennis x 60 mins
whipped my dad, 6-1 (and the 1 was mostly unforced errors). this is as it should be, i'm 35 years younger than he is. it was hot as shit, i have a headache now. similar to one i got a few weeks back after sweating like crazy in the gym earlier in the day. i was vigilant about hydration today, too.

Have you ever had or gotten close to having some sort of heat stroke/exhaustion?  I was extremely close to having it at the academy just from standing in line nut to butt with everyone in a 95 degree building(Prisons aren't air conditioned).  After almost passing out, if I'm in the heat doing anything for a bit I start to get a sick feeling and this is a year or so after and I still get it.

I'm the same way.  I get sunstroke or heatstroke very easily.  I think some people are more susceptible than others.  I mixed so I'm not super fair skinned but I have never gotten a sunburn in my life... I think part of the reason why is I get heatstroke before I burn so I can't really get enough exposure.  When I was in Puerto Rico we were on the beach for hours and it was really hot and sunny -I figured this was gonna be my first sunburn experience but instead I got really dizzy and disoriented after a few hours and had to go lie down in the shade and pour cold water on my face...

It's pretty scary but now I know the signs and can avoid getting to that level but I don't think sunburns are in the cards either way...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 01, 2016, 04:56:17 pm

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5

*remove vest*

- DLRVJ dunk attempts x ~15
got a buddy to throw lobs. put one through the net but kind of bobbled the ball in, doesn't quite count. close on a few others. timing is hard. kind of messed up my shoulder on the 12th or 13th jump and couldn't get up quite as high after that so called it.

- one-on-one x 20 mins
i lost, lol. blame it on the tired legs.

gonna play tennis with my dad in a couple hours.

- tennis x 60 mins
whipped my dad, 6-1 (and the 1 was mostly unforced errors). this is as it should be, i'm 35 years younger than he is. it was hot as shit, i have a headache now. similar to one i got a few weeks back after sweating like crazy in the gym earlier in the day. i was vigilant about hydration today, too.

Have you ever had or gotten close to having some sort of heat stroke/exhaustion?  I was extremely close to having it at the academy just from standing in line nut to butt with everyone in a 95 degree building(Prisons aren't air conditioned).  After almost passing out, if I'm in the heat doing anything for a bit I start to get a sick feeling and this is a year or so after and I still get it.

I got some form of heatstroke once (no idea what it really was).. I remember it pretty clear. It was in ~2003 or so, was playing basketball outside during a hot summer day (sunday). After a few games I sat down against the fence and then something hit me, started getting really dizzy & weak.. could barely get up. I was so thirsty but the water fountain was broken. A few dudes went to a vending machine and got me a few sprites. Just sat there drinking them and eventually recovered. Then went home and just slept all day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 02, 2016, 07:17:15 pm
i marvel at kf's durability on days like today.

SORENESS: right forearm (tennis)
MENTAL STATE: kind of tired, which is odd because i've gotten plenty of sleep the last few nights

- warm up

- paused speed squat
275 felt unstable and very heavy. low back worrisome. caution.

- partial daily routine

more rest, no interest in letting this nagging back tightness become an injury.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2016, 09:12:20 am
one thing and another and this week has just been exercise-free since tuesday's aborted workout. for the first time in a long time, i don't feel bad about missing a few days. back doesn't hurt, knees don't hurt. will rest today, too -- going to a baseball game straight from work -- but back on the horse tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2016, 02:47:11 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: none, not even left hip
MENTAL STATE: a little weird, too hungry

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 10
hit 7/10 dodgeball dunks, very relaxed

- paused squat 265 x 5
harder than it should have been but no pain

- DB push press 45s x 10

- pull up x 10

- hanging leg raise x 5

went easy on myself today, first workout after a few days off. strong focus on form and relaxation. i think i'm gonna play tennis again in a bit. feeling glad to have taken those days off, intentional or not.

EDIT: later

- tennis x 45 mins
hot, called it at 5-0 because i was getting a headache. need to remember a hat. put a bag of frozen peas on the back of my neck, let's see if it helps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 07, 2016, 01:41:51 pm
am again treading water. need new plan. not having a clear move date is a pain in the ass because it's hard to plan backward from something. i have been doing a kind of t0ddday-peaking-block-lite for months now and while i'm still jumping pretty well from time to time i don't really feel like i'm progressing on anything.

any ideas?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 07, 2016, 06:11:12 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a tiny bit, tweaked anterior right ankle but it's okay now

- warm up

- pogo x 10,10

- DL bound x 4,4,4
improved each set

- DL bound up stairs x 8,8,8

- submax SL bounds x a few sets
just awful, this is where i tweaked right ankle a little

- some other stuff that i forget

went to the track with my mom, had her do a modified version of this including running some stairs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2016, 04:13:26 pm
feel really stale, motivation very low.

EDIT: stretched a little and did some pistols today. could not drag myself to the gym, which is very unusual. just feel tired.

also, my best friend getting married this weekend, which i am extremely excited about.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on August 09, 2016, 09:27:47 pm
am again treading water. need new plan. not having a clear move date is a pain in the ass because it's hard to plan backward from something. i have been doing a kind of t0ddday-peaking-block-lite for months now and while i'm still jumping pretty well from time to time i don't really feel like i'm progressing on anything.

any ideas?

If were to put myself in your shoes, I'd say not having that bit of external motivation to spur you on is maybe keeping you from those extra couple of inches and that dunk. Even if its something silly like a facebook status, "I John Cena, swear on all the Gods known to man that I will dunk come that date of 12-31-2016 or I will change my name on facebook to Bootyeater Forlyfe for all of next year." It could really put help put some sense of urgency into every session.

I know that personally, I'd need that deadline feeling (each workout being now or never just to finish off the deed). You might be different and this idea might be completely wrong for you but maybe it can raise that question of what sort of inspiration do you need to get you that last 5% when you've done 95% of the work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on August 09, 2016, 11:44:09 pm
I mean if your goal is to dunk I think you should do it right. You can't just do peaking type sessions forever. Put 40lbs on the squat and 50lbs on the deadlift and then come back and do more peaking sessions and just have a bigger strength pool to draw from.

I looked through your log a bit and it's been about a month since you did P-chain strength work (unless your squat is hip dominant). I dunno what your numbers are like but I remember seeing you log 335 DL for reps and 360 1RM squat. IMHO that is not the best ratio to be at. Maybe do some MSEM type stuff with DL or RDL and really get your P-chain firing maximally if you wanna keep doing this peaking thing.

You could also mix it up and try something like banded half squat which has tremendous carryover to DLRVJ. Reading adarq's half squat post has me questioning doing full squats if your goal is DLRVJ.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on August 10, 2016, 12:59:31 am
I mean if your goal is to dunk I think you should do it right. You can't just do peaking type sessions forever. Put 40lbs on the squat and 50lbs on the deadlift and then come back and do more peaking sessions and just have a bigger strength pool to draw from.

I looked through your log a bit and it's been about a month since you did P-chain strength work (unless your squat is hip dominant). I dunno what your numbers are like but I remember seeing you log 335 DL for reps and 360 1RM squat. IMHO that is not the best ratio to be at. Maybe do some MSEM type stuff with DL or RDL and really get your P-chain firing maximally if you wanna keep doing this peaking thing.

You could also mix it up and try something like banded half squat which has tremendous carryover to DLRVJ. Reading adarq's half squat post has me questioning doing full squats if your goal is DLRVJ.

Your realize he leaving the country?  Why do people act like adding 50 pounds to a well trained athlete is a piece of cake or that it will have much carryover to a bouncy dlrvj athlete like LBSS...

First part of a the advice reminds me of entropy and is basically advice in spinning your wheels. 

Take the block a wrote for you and modify it.  Add in one two somewhat unfamiliar but still functional exercises just for no other reason than its fun to improve - and u can write this off as hippy mumbo jumbo but when we are improving in one aspect we tend to be able to find improvement in others... This is why IMO athletes who are ridiculously obsessed with thinking they are fat (entropy) make so much gains when they lose weight.  They see a dropping number on the scale and feel more athletic... Skinny guys are often the opposite and feel powerful when the scale moves up...

If the weather is nice pick some short sprints or bounds.  If not do banded jumps or seriously heavy weighted jumps.  Ok with Fp idea of band squats... Just pick a couple of exercises that relate to jumping but are not super familiar.   And change you jump routine - again no other reason than to keep things fresh... Switch to a new protocol - I like this on with a 20 vest plus 5 lb shorts...

2*5 single leg vertical jump (rebound attempt)
1*5 broad jump
1*3 double broad jump
2*5 vertical jump
1*5 step plant jump both sides
1*10 approach jump

Simple. Doing that daily got me from 37-45".
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2016, 10:26:21 am
undoubtable, the deadline thing isn't gonna work for me right now because, like t0ddday said, i'm moving to another country at some indeterminate point in the near future. plus i'll be at the beach for a week soon, friend getting married this weekend, etc. focus is hard at the moment. but it's a good idea in general, certainly helped me earlier this year.

FP i appreciate the point about needing to shift focus to another goal for a little while. you're right about that. but i think t0ddday's idea makes more sense, to pick an athletic movement or two and work on improving them while still jumping.

it is nice out and i've been enjoying going to the track with my mom so to start i think i will work on DL bounds (for max distance) and SL bounds (for proficiency, i'm terrible at them). t0ddday does that make sense to you? or maybe DL bounds and 60m sprints? part of me wants to do longer sprints (e.g. 300) but they take a lot out of me.

something like this:

- bounds and sprints

- various jumps

- bounds and sprints

- squats and RDLs
- upper weights

- various jumps

- rest

- easy DLRVJ
- easy various jumps
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2016, 02:02:34 pm
rushed today because i gotta help my buddy do pre-wedding errands.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a tiny bit

- warm up

- T0ddday various jumps
-- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg
-- broad jump x 5
-- DL bound x 2,2,2
-- SVJ x 5,5
-- one-step RVJ x 5,5/side
-- DLRVJ x 10
did DLRVJ way submax. broad jump and bounds improved from beginning to end, good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2016, 09:12:42 pm
just found out i have HSV. turns out promiscuity comes with risk, who knew! no symptoms, i went and got an STD test on monday and that's how i found out. last time i got tested, in late march, they didn't test for HSV so i got my clean sheet back and was like, great. could have gotten it before then, no way to know. but pretty sure it was in the past few months.

been reading a lot about it over the past couple hours, after my initial heart-falling-through-the-floor feeling. it turns out that the stigma around it is ridiculous. 1/5 of the people in the world have the type i have. 2/3 (!) have the other type. that's fucking common! also, it's really easy to get, like chickenpox and shingles, which it's related to. and even though it's incurable, it's actually not that bad for most people. the main bad thing that can happen is a woman getting an outbreak when she's late in pregnancy. but like i said, i'm asymptomatic; outbreaks are apparently unpleasant at worst for almost everyone who gets them and they get milder over time.

so i've gone from "FUCK" to "fuck" to "what does this mean?" to "oh, okay" in a few hours.

still, it does mean making some awkward phone calls, and a lifetime of having to talk about it with anyone i think i might be having sex with soon. i've only had unprotected sex with one person this year, but she's the one i'm most dreading talking to because she did NOT take it well when i broke things off with her a couple of weeks ago. on the other hand, she works in reproductive health so she's likeliest to understand what it actually means to have it. and anyway condoms don't reduce risk by that much.

on the plus side, i for sure don't have any other STDs. also knowing is better than not knowing. and it's good to learn about something that's so stigmatized for basically no reason.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2016, 09:39:28 pm
- daily routine
felt good, actually kind of energized post all that reading about herpes. lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 11, 2016, 07:03:26 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: anterior left hip but went away during warm up

- warm up

- SL jump x 5,5/leg

- MB OH toss x 5

- one-step RVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 6
relaxed, submax because i was not getting up

- broad jump x 3

- double bound x 3

- squat 275 x 3

- RDL 135 x 10,10

- DB push press 60s x 5

- pull up x 10

- TTB x 8

going through the motions a bit but this was better than the last couple workouts.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on August 11, 2016, 09:57:35 pm
just found out i have HSV. turns out promiscuity comes with risk, who knew! no symptoms, i went and got an STD test on monday and that's how i found out. last time i got tested, in late march, they didn't test for HSV so i got my clean sheet back and was like, great. could have gotten it before then, no way to know. but pretty sure it was in the past few months.

been reading a lot about it over the past couple hours, after my initial heart-falling-through-the-floor feeling. it turns out that the stigma around it is ridiculous. 1/5 of the people in the world have the type i have. 2/3 (!) have the other type. that's fucking common! also, it's really easy to get, like chickenpox and shingles, which it's related to. and even though it's incurable, it's actually not that bad for most people. the main bad thing that can happen is a woman getting an outbreak when she's late in pregnancy. but like i said, i'm asymptomatic; outbreaks are apparently unpleasant at worst for almost everyone who gets them and they get milder over time.

so i've gone from "FUCK" to "fuck" to "what does this mean?" to "oh, okay" in a few hours.

still, it does mean making some awkward phone calls, and a lifetime of having to talk about it with anyone i think i might be having sex with soon. i've only had unprotected sex with one person this year, but she's the one i'm most dreading talking to because she did NOT take it well when i broke things off with her a couple of weeks ago. on the other hand, she works in reproductive health so she's likeliest to understand what it actually means to have it. and anyway condoms don't reduce risk by that much.

on the plus side, i for sure don't have any other STDs. also knowing is better than not knowing. and it's good to learn about something that's so stigmatized for basically no reason.

Shit. Sorry to hear that mate.

Good to see you're dealing with it positively though and like you said, it largely will have no impact on you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 12, 2016, 12:41:43 am
- daily routine
felt good, actually kind of energized post all that reading about herpes. lol.

damn just read the HSV post.. fuck that sucks.

those numbers you mentioned are scary as fuck. and now zika is an std? can get bit by a mosquito than transmit it to your partner - wtf? unsafe sex is basically unsafe. crazy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on August 12, 2016, 01:43:04 pm
just found out i have HSV. turns out promiscuity comes with risk, who knew! no symptoms, i went and got an STD test on monday and that's how i found out. last time i got tested, in late march, they didn't test for HSV so i got my clean sheet back and was like, great. could have gotten it before then, no way to know. but pretty sure it was in the past few months.

been reading a lot about it over the past couple hours, after my initial heart-falling-through-the-floor feeling. it turns out that the stigma around it is ridiculous. 1/5 of the people in the world have the type i have. 2/3 (!) have the other type. that's fucking common! also, it's really easy to get, like chickenpox and shingles, which it's related to. and even though it's incurable, it's actually not that bad for most people. the main bad thing that can happen is a woman getting an outbreak when she's late in pregnancy. but like i said, i'm asymptomatic; outbreaks are apparently unpleasant at worst for almost everyone who gets them and they get milder over time.

so i've gone from "FUCK" to "fuck" to "what does this mean?" to "oh, okay" in a few hours.

still, it does mean making some awkward phone calls, and a lifetime of having to talk about it with anyone i think i might be having sex with soon. i've only had unprotected sex with one person this year, but she's the one i'm most dreading talking to because she did NOT take it well when i broke things off with her a couple of weeks ago. on the other hand, she works in reproductive health so she's likeliest to understand what it actually means to have it. and anyway condoms don't reduce risk by that much.

on the plus side, i for sure don't have any other STDs. also knowing is better than not knowing. and it's good to learn about something that's so stigmatized for basically no reason.

Wait.... So 1/5 and 2/3...  So 87% of people in the world have HSV??  I mean... Is that among adults?  Cause if it's among everyone... Far more than 13% of people are children, so basically everyone has it? 

I honestly didn't even know they could test for it in an asymptotic male... It's in nerve ganglion right?  I mean that sucks because I've been tested and cleared somewhat recently but I'm not sure they tested for every possible strain of HSV, HPV and whatever other viruses that one could contract..

Truth be told, I feel maybe a bit guilty about this but a long time ago I met a girl and things were going really well until she told me she had HSV... She was real cool and she educated me on it - claiming that for all I know I could have it and past tests and be symptom free and that you could only pass it to someone else if the virus is shedding (is this true? - your post sounds like it's not but I have always believed it).  She made a good case for why it's not some scary thing but in my head I was just thinking "herpes herpes herpes no no no - dodged a bullet".... I'm pretty sure I didn't kick it with her again after that...  Hopefully you don't have to deal with that... But then again I was about 19 with the maturity level of a 15 year old girl - so hopefully that mindset is not in your pool...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2016, 03:43:50 pm
@t0ddday, there's a blood serology test that is apparently very unlikely to give false positives.

on prevalence:

The estimated number of people aged 15–49 years who were living with HSV-2 worldwide in 2003 is 536 million, or roughly 16% of the world’s population in this age range. The prevalence is assumed to increase with age since infection is lifelong, and this is observed in the data.

so more like 1/6. apparently rates are higher in cities, which makes sense. i read somewhere else that DC has the second-highest rate of HSV in the US.

a chick i'd slept with before came over last night and we cooked dinner and chilled and watched the olympics, and then i told her. she was super cool about it although she didn't want to fuck until she'd had a check herself, because it got her thinking about STDs and the fact that she hadn't been checked since last year and by god she could have something and be putting me at risk without knowing it. i was a bit nervous to have the convo but it went way better than i thought. and she slept over and we hooked up anyway, just no sex. i think she'll be back for more once she goes to the doctor.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2016, 05:37:03 pm
- T0ddday various jumps, home variant

- daily routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 16, 2016, 04:33:16 pm
alright, alright, i bought the damn under armour ball.

didn't get much exercise this weekend apart from hauling lots of booze and dancing. last night was just spent. i did play tennis with my dad on sunday night, which was nice. i can consistently whip him now. back in the gym tonight and for a few more days before beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeach.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 16, 2016, 06:10:28 pm
alright, alright, i bought the damn under armour ball.

 :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping:

didn't get much exercise this weekend apart from hauling lots of booze and dancing. last night was just spent. i did play tennis with my dad on sunday night, which was nice. i can consistently whip him now. back in the gym tonight and for a few more days before beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeach.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 16, 2016, 06:13:59 pm
pump that ball up to the max. then leave it in your car (hopefully in the heat) for a few hours or so, before you go to the gym. we'll make a new phrase for that: "bake it". it should fly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 16, 2016, 07:43:40 pm
don't have a car, in fact have never owned my own car. #citylife

WEIGHT: 185.4 (169.4 -- whoa)
ACHES/INJURIES: neck/shoulders a bit, was worse yesterday
MENTAL STATE: kind of out of it

- warm up

- T0ddday various jumps w/vest
DLRVJ w/o vest, stopped at 6 because my right knee barked

ran out of time
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 16, 2016, 08:57:43 pm
don't have a car, in fact have never owned my own car. #citylife

ahhh right.

then put it in the oven @ 100 degrees, on tinfoil for ~30 minutes.  :trollface:

WEIGHT: 185.4 (169.4 -- whoa)
ACHES/INJURIES: neck/shoulders a bit, was worse yesterday
MENTAL STATE: kind of out of it

- warm up

- T0ddday various jumps w/vest
DLRVJ w/o vest, stopped at 6 because my right knee barked

ran out of time
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 17, 2016, 06:48:37 pm
WEIGHT: 185.4 (169.4)
ACHES/INJURIES: right toe, right knee a little, mid-back a little

- warm up

- T0ddday various jumps
skipped DL bounds because back bothering me a little, as it was yesterday (forgot to note it). getting up okay off one step and shit off a full approach so i did a bunch of two-step approaches. bah.

- squat 275 x 5

- push up x 10

-- pull up x 5,5
-- hanging leg raise x 5,5

- daily routine x 0.5

still not really able to push myself. mid back was wigging out a little yesterday after the workout and was again today during. something to be wary of.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 18, 2016, 02:05:27 am
still not really able to push myself. mid back was wigging out a little yesterday after the workout and was again today during. something to be wary of.

maybe hit up some high rep 45 deg hypers, prone alternating superman, prone cobras etc?

that mid back thing has been nagging for a while .. i mean it's definitely a good thing that it isn't the lower back, but still, sucks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 28, 2016, 08:41:19 pm
just got home from week at beach. came back via charlotte for my grandpa's 90th birthday, which was awesome, and visiting my brother, which was great to do but less awesome. something like 17 hours in the car over two days.


i played tennis at least once every day but one and did variants of the daily routine four of the days. parents and brother and brother's gf joined, which was really fun.

gotta stretch and roll before bed so i don't wake up feeling all janky.

also, football is here.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 28, 2016, 11:07:43 pm
just got home from week at beach. came back via charlotte for my grandpa's 90th birthday, which was awesome, and visiting my brother, which was great to do but less awesome. something like 17 hours in the car over two days.


i played tennis at least once every day but one and did variants of the daily routine four of the days. parents and brother and brother's gf joined, which was really fun.

gotta stretch and roll before bed so i don't wake up feeling all janky.

Really nice man. Family++. Did you feel recovered a bit? Hope some of those nagging injuries have subsided.

also, football is here.

ya, excited. love football season.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2016, 04:29:47 pm
yeah we'll see about the nagging injuries. sitting for so long hurts my right knee and i also banged my ankle in the surf at one point. oh well.

in other news, i got my visa no-objection from the ministry of interior! now i've just got to submit the visa application and set a moving date. holy shit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2016, 07:30:02 pm
WEIGHT: 170.8 (one of my blessings: can go on a week vacation and, without trying, not gain any weight)
SORENESS: right bicep (DOMS from bowling!)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee, right ankle

- warm up

- SVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 10
very bad (~33) until i started sprinkling in some SLRVJ from each side. then still bad but not as bad (34.5). messed with SLRVJ approach and adding a little curve seemed to help. was thinking about that dude ross whatever who overpronates on his SL plant.

- multi-touch x 8,8,8

- MB OH toss x 5,3
turrible, could only graze ceiling at best and missed on a few throws.

- squat 255 x 1,1
ankle and knee not pleased

- RDL 135 x 10,10
at this point had just decided to go through the motions and get out

- pull up x 8

- DB OHP 40s x 8

- decline sit up x 20

wack. but okay, don't feel bad about it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2016, 10:38:52 pm
rested today. knee still feels blah but my ankle feels better.

also i made some dooooooope lasagna. took forever but man it tastes so fucking good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on August 30, 2016, 10:54:11 pm
rested today. knee still feels blah but my ankle feels better.

also i made some dooooooope lasagna. took forever but man it tastes so fucking good.

Lasagna has to be one of the most fulfilling meals ever.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2016, 07:23:41 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee but only once i started squatting, right calf a little

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step/two-step/three-step RVJ x 3 each

- DLRVJ x ~12
not great but better than yesterday. got one dunk with the little dodgeball. eh. at least my knee didn't hurt.

- paused squat 275 x 4,2
would be generous to call these "speed" squats.

- TTB x 8,8; windshield wiper x 8

limited time this evening. not unhappy with this workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 31, 2016, 09:10:18 pm
rested today. knee still feels blah but my ankle feels better.

also i made some dooooooope lasagna. took forever but man it tastes so fucking good.

daaamn nice.

y no food pics?!?

Lasagna has to be one of the most fulfilling meals ever.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2016, 07:28:45 pm
it's not really photogenic, lol. but it tastes great.

today messed around with some KB clean technique and some swings. i think the daily max flexion is not good for my knee right now so i'm going to stop with the pistols and stick to glute activation and stretching.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2016, 11:55:09 am
WEIGHT: 173.0

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,10

- one-step RVJ x 10
very nearly dunked the little dodgeball off one. got vid, will post in a bit.

- DLRVJ x 10
uneven but peaks were very good, 36

- MB OH toss x 5,5
very good, hitting ceiling hard

- squat MEBM 175 x 27
was shooting for bw x age, came up two reps short. stopped because hands starting to fall asleep.

- pull ups + dips x a few

- push up x 45
the chick i'm hooking up with right now can do 45 push ups, so wanted to see if i could match. got there with a few in the tank. her body is awesome.

- pull apart x 25+20

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2016, 12:01:49 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2016, 12:09:33 pm

below parallel even if it doesn't look like it from this angle:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 03, 2016, 01:20:10 pm
damn @ that 1 step vball dunk attempt.. looked really powerful.

also that 175 x 27 was beast mode.  :ibsquatting:

how did you feel after? sets like that are such hell when we do them.. but afterwards, usually feel amazing.

- push up x 45
the chick i'm hooking up with right now can do 45 push ups, so wanted to see if i could match. got there with a few in the tank. her body is awesome.



make sure to always train on saturday .. you seem extra amp'd up. good sh*T!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on September 03, 2016, 03:44:57 pm
I could be wrong but it looks to me like your 1 step jump is actually 3 steps. I guess you could count both of the plant steps as one step cause of your hop approach. But what about the step you take before the hop plant step? Great height though.

It seems like you get a lot of horizontal distance on your SL jumps. Maybe cause you're used to bounding. Also your GCT is a lot shorter than mine for SL jumps. How high are you getting on these?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2016, 05:47:18 pm
damn @ that 1 step vball dunk attempt.. looked really powerful.

also that 175 x 27 was beast mode.  :ibsquatting:

how did you feel after? sets like that are such hell when we do them.. but afterwards, usually feel amazing.

- push up x 45
the chick i'm hooking up with right now can do 45 push ups, so wanted to see if i could match. got there with a few in the tank. her body is awesome.



make sure to always train on saturday .. you seem extra amp'd up. good sh*T!

thanks adarq. and yeah no doubt about training saturday mornings. usually get my best jumps then. partly that's because of how i organize the training week, heavy squats followed by two days of relative rest feels like the best way to get primed.

ETA: also, legs were pumped up afterward but feel good now.

I could be wrong but it looks to me like your 1 step jump is actually 3 steps. I guess you could count both of the plant steps as one step cause of your hop approach. But what about the step you take before the hop plant step? Great height though.

It seems like you get a lot of horizontal distance on your SL jumps. Maybe cause you're used to bounding. Also your GCT is a lot shorter than mine for SL jumps. How high are you getting on these?

haha i can see why you'd call that three steps. to me it's false step-step-plant.

i'm getting about 30" on the SLRVJ, just touching the rim.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2016, 06:40:47 pm
this morning played tennis with my dad for about 40 mins. very chill, spent most of the time helping him work on his backhand. still nice to gejuflo, legs a little sore from the squats.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2016, 03:41:12 pm

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 10-12
both better and worse than saturday. wasn't getting as high -- residual fatigue from the squats and all the time in the car yesterday i think -- but approaches were much more aggressive. that is what it's supposed to feel like.

- SLRVJ x 5/leg
got up really good on a couple (for me), ~31 range. inconsistent, but as with the DLRVJ at least a couple of these were reasonably aggressive and fast. improvement.

- MB OH toss x 5,5

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- RDL 185 x 10,10

- DB press 40s x 8,8
very strict, dead stop

- DB row 80 x 10,8/arm
DB touches ribs on each rep but i should drop the weight a little and get even fuller ROM like kf

- leg lowers x 20,20

- stretch

okay workout. it's beautiful outside, will probably take a longish walk after lunch.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on September 05, 2016, 04:15:34 pm

- DLRVJ x 10-12
both better and worse than saturday. wasn't getting as high -- residual fatigue from the squats and all the time in the car yesterday i think...

I truly believe one of your biggest advantages against a lot of people is that your an "urban dunker" - you spend very little time in cars.  Driving long distances really does wreck us and it's something most people are not aware of...  I put this together after performing horribly multiple track meets in San Diego where the morning would begin with a two hour drive to the meet...

Now coaching kids I think this is probably the bulk of home court "advantage" in track - the away team often sits in cars for hours before running...

Cars suck.  If you can afford it it really does help to get a hotel near the location the night before you have a track meet or dunk contest or anything of the sort.  I realize sitting isn't optimal but I can't figure out exactly why performances seem to suffer so much - it really makes a difference.  Cars suck. Especially if your the driver.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 05, 2016, 08:44:27 pm


- DLRVJ x 10-12
both better and worse than saturday. wasn't getting as high -- residual fatigue from the squats and all the time in the car yesterday i think...

I truly believe one of your biggest advantages against a lot of people is that your an "urban dunker" - you spend very little time in cars.  Driving long distances really does wreck us and it's something most people are not aware of...  I put this together after performing horribly multiple track meets in San Diego where the morning would begin with a two hour drive to the meet...

Now coaching kids I think this is probably the bulk of home court "advantage" in track - the away team often sits in cars for hours before running...

Cars suck.  If you can afford it it really does help to get a hotel near the location the night before you have a track meet or dunk contest or anything of the sort.  I realize sitting isn't optimal but I can't figure out exactly why performances seem to suffer so much - it really makes a difference.  Cars suck. Especially if your the driver.

maybe the trick is falling asleep in the car  :trollface: .. we sleep for ~8 hours then get up and feel great.. albeit, our legs aren't bent like in a car .. but still, it's interesting in comparison.

fwiw, walking to a court for 30+ min also wrecks me. For example, I walked for ~1.5 hours the other night, then tried to do a quick jog across the street .. my legs/ankles didn't work at all. Limped across the street like an old person. Just the repetitive motion of walking (light) for so long wrecked all ability to exert any power. In order to get it back I probably would have to do some major extended warmup.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on September 06, 2016, 02:08:54 am


- DLRVJ x 10-12
both better and worse than saturday. wasn't getting as high -- residual fatigue from the squats and all the time in the car yesterday i think...

I truly believe one of your biggest advantages against a lot of people is that your an "urban dunker" - you spend very little time in cars.  Driving long distances really does wreck us and it's something most people are not aware of...  I put this together after performing horribly multiple track meets in San Diego where the morning would begin with a two hour drive to the meet...

Now coaching kids I think this is probably the bulk of home court "advantage" in track - the away team often sits in cars for hours before running...

Cars suck.  If you can afford it it really does help to get a hotel near the location the night before you have a track meet or dunk contest or anything of the sort.  I realize sitting isn't optimal but I can't figure out exactly why performances seem to suffer so much - it really makes a difference.  Cars suck. Especially if your the driver.

maybe the trick is falling asleep in the car  :trollface: .. we sleep for ~8 hours then get up and feel great.. albeit, our legs aren't bent like in a car .. but still, it's interesting in comparison.

fwiw, walking to a court for 30+ min also wrecks me. For example, I walked for ~1.5 hours the other night, then tried to do a quick jog across the street .. my legs/ankles didn't work at all. Limped across the street like an old person. Just the repetitive motion of walking (light) for so long wrecked all ability to exert any power. In order to get it back I probably would have to do some major extended warmup.

Yeah.  Walking can be problematic too.  Especially for power athletes.  For any high level athlete I'm not a fan of marathon lifestyle cardio.  Like long walks, or bike ride commuting, etc.  I remember Dreyth used to do marathon walking sessions for body composition which I'm not that in favor of.  Good for most people - not good for power athletes.  In theory it sounds great - it's so submax that it can't hurt and it burns a few more calories that help w body comp.  In practice it's better to just diet if you want to lose weight and keep the training specific.  Walking is submax - but walking distances sufficient to make a dent in energy balance does have negative effects...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 06, 2016, 09:50:58 am
long trips in cars, planes, buses -- anything that forces me into a fixed, seated position -- are problematic. specifically, if i can't move my right knee around it gets uncomfortable (although not stiff) and stays that way for hours or even days if the trip is particularly long. that's why even being sedentary at a desk job or on my couch isn't as bad: i can get up and walk around/extend the leg at will.

i can see how a really long walk could hurt. still, i took a leisurely and medium distance (~3.5 miles) walk yesterday and don't think that is problematic. but a really long walk is sneaky fatiguing. and extended standing/slow walking, like a trip to a museum, can also induce knee discomfort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on September 07, 2016, 01:41:04 am
Conversely the opposite of too much walking, no walking at all (in bed all day) is terrible for recovery or lifting the following day. it shortens my hamstrings or osmething and makes everything tighter and makes my back problems flare up. theres obviously an optimal amount of activity that maximises performance the following day. it's just not total rest .. as i found out again after this weekend
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on September 07, 2016, 02:40:20 am
long trips in cars, planes, buses -- anything that forces me into a fixed, seated position -- are problematic. specifically, if i can't move my right knee around it gets uncomfortable (although not stiff) and stays that way for hours or even days if the trip is particularly long. that's why even being sedentary at a desk job or on my couch isn't as bad: i can get up and walk around/extend the leg at will.

i can see how a really long walk could hurt. still, i took a leisurely and medium distance (~3.5 miles) walk yesterday and don't think that is problematic. but a really long walk is sneaky fatiguing. and extended standing/slow walking, like a trip to a museum, can also induce knee discomfort.

x2 on this, did about 6 museum/gallery days on my trip and I was dying by the end of them, especially if I'd trained the day before.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on September 07, 2016, 09:20:23 am
there are some jobs, which require you to be on your feet, like labourer, warehouse operative, which you do for 9-10hrs, with lunch break between, which can be painful on your feet and didn't know long distance walking has a negative impact on your performance if you are a power athlete like a sprinter, basketball player, etc. I always thought it was good for the calves.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 07, 2016, 06:46:03 pm
SORENESS: hamstrings
ACHES/INJURIES: left ankle and knee a little during warm up but NBD

- warm up

- SL SVJ x 5,5

- MB OH toss x 5,5
surprisingly powerful

- squat MSEM 315 x 5

- TTB x 10,10

- high-rear-foot BSS x 20/leg

fantasy football draft tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2016, 07:53:59 pm
- daily routine
no pistols.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2016, 05:48:04 pm
MENTAL STATE: headache

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 10 (submax)

- SL SVJ x 5,5

- glute activation stuff

- stretch

super pissed to have a headache because otherwise body felt good. no way to do max jumps (or squats or really much of anything) with that much pain though so i just did the above and bagged it. try again tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 10, 2016, 07:34:11 pm
MENTAL STATE: headache

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 10 (submax)

- SL SVJ x 5,5

- glute activation stuff

- stretch

super pissed to have a headache because otherwise body felt good. no way to do max jumps (or squats or really much of anything) with that much pain though so i just did the above and bagged it. try again tomorrow.

:ffffffuuuuuu:  :ffffffuuuuuu:  :ffffffuuuuuu:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2016, 06:06:43 pm
WEIGHT: 172.0
SORENESS: glutes
MENTAL STATE: okay to good

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,20

- one-step RVJ x 3

- DLRVJ x 10-12
inconsistent but peaks were good, several ~36.

- SLRVJ x 5/leg

- squat MEBM 175 x 24
bah, hands started falling asleep.

- superset x 6,5,4,3,2,1
-- pull up
-- DB OHP 45s

- decline sit up +30 x 10,10
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 12, 2016, 06:32:01 pm
- daily routine + KB swings and TGUs
still no pistols
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 14, 2016, 07:20:20 pm
several 36's is damn good.. saturday coming up.

seems like you might have a really good session if you can get one in sat.. if so, kill that sh*t.  :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2016, 09:36:03 pm
^^^ that is the plan.


- walk/jog with mom x 25 mins
she's doing a couch-to-5K thing, is 62. this was not challenging.

- skater jump x 20

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- MB OH toss x 5,5
inconsistent, couple good throws and a couple wack ones. forearms felt weak for some reason.

- squat MSEM 315 x 1,1,1,1,1
might have done 6, i forget.

- high-foot BSS x 20/leg

- superset x 3
-- pull up x 1,2,3
-- dip x 1,2,3

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 17, 2016, 11:54:35 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right trap feels a little sticky for some reason, nbd just weird

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 3+1
vest on + removed

- DLRVJ x 20
a little inconsistent but hit >36 several times, felt fluid and springy. pretty good.

decided to call it a workout and see if i can jump high tomorrow, too. in any event i'll do the rest of the workout tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 17, 2016, 12:07:48 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right trap feels a little sticky for some reason, nbd just weird

- warm up

- skater jump x 20

- one-step RVJ x 3+1
vest on + removed

- DLRVJ x 20
a little inconsistent but hit >36 several times, felt fluid and springy. pretty good.

damn nice.

decided to call it a workout and see if i can jump high tomorrow, too. in any event i'll do the rest of the workout tomorrow.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Kingfish on September 18, 2016, 10:56:50 am

- DB row 80 x 10,8/arm
DB touches ribs on each rep but i should drop the weight a little and get even fuller ROM like kf

there are so many ways to do the bent over db row but i prefer the straight line pull of the db with elbows going straight up.

this IMO is the best leverage we can be at on a horizontal row.  pulling the elbow to the side (instead of up) creates a moment arm which limits the weight you use, and at the same time puts you in a disadvantaged position - in other words.. pulling to the side for lat work will feel awkward specially when you start to use heavier weights. yes, pulling elbows up builds more anterior delt + rhomboids and has little effect on lower lats.

if it's the lat growth you are after, there is a better exercise for this. a movement that puts you in a very strong leverage in pulling the elbows to the side - vertical pulling using neutral grip weighted chins.


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 18, 2016, 11:51:00 am
interesting point. it's not really lat growth i'm after with these -- i'm not really after growth at all but if it's for anything i'm concerned with upper back, i.e. traps and posterior delts. so the slightly elevated torso seems to get the stimulus i want, at least by feel. like this:

any further thoughts on doing 'em that way more than welcome.

WEIGHT: 187.8 (172.0)
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee tweaking a little
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 5 + 3
with vest + without

- DLRVJ x ~15
got a dude to throw a few lobs but he was terrible at it. back ironed one with the left hand and one with the right and that was as close as it got. hit 37 without the ball, though. glad i cut yesterday off!

- squat 330 x 1; MEBM 185 x 20

- superset x 3
-- pull up x 1,2,3
-- dip x 1,2,3
vest on

great workout!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on September 18, 2016, 02:57:09 pm
Nice man getting up now, keep pushing!

Weightlifting perspective on rows, saw this a while back. Description of what he explains in the captions. (
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 18, 2016, 11:11:18 pm
yeah that's how i do 'em.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2016, 08:37:05 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: some kind of strain appeared out of nowhere in my neck, i think around c5
MENTAL STATE: irritated, deflated

- warm up
everything felt fine, then all of a sudden my neck was in serious pain. tried to continue but pain wasn't going anywhere. cut workout off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 19, 2016, 10:06:22 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: some kind of strain appeared out of nowhere in my neck, i think around c5
MENTAL STATE: irritated, deflated

- warm up
everything felt fine, then all of a sudden my neck was in serious pain. tried to continue but pain wasn't going anywhere. cut workout off.

damn wtf? :/ :ffffffuuuuuu

was going to comment on the near-PR level jumps yesterday .. this really sucks. hope it literally just vanishes tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2016, 11:30:05 am
yeah very annoying. neck is still stiff and painful in that spot today but not as badly. rest and ibuprofen.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2016, 11:30:45 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: neck still stiff but not as bad, not too painful
MENTAL STATE: fantastic for some reason

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 3,3
much power, hit ceiling very hard. prob hardest throws i've done.

- SL jumps x 5,5/leg

- squat 315 x 3,3,3
felt so strong, these were easy. could probably have done 3x5, which would tie all-time PR, but that's not the point. last reps explosive on each set.

- TTB x 8,8

- stretch

whoa. not sure i would have jumped high today but i felt strong as fuck. haven't gotten enough sleep the last two nights, either. weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on September 22, 2016, 12:08:58 am
ACHES/INJURIES: neck still stiff but not as bad, not too painful
MENTAL STATE: fantastic for some reason

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 3,3
much power, hit ceiling very hard. prob hardest throws i've done.

- SL jumps x 5,5/leg

- squat 315 x 3,3,3
felt so strong, these were easy. could probably have done 3x5, which would tie all-time PR
, but that's not the point. last reps explosive on each set.

- TTB x 8,8

- stretch

whoa. not sure i would have jumped high today but i felt strong as fuck. haven't gotten enough sleep the last two nights, either. weird.

Based on your strength and mental state I think you would've jumped very well today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 22, 2016, 02:51:31 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: neck still stiff but not as bad, not too painful
MENTAL STATE: fantastic for some reason

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 3,3
much power, hit ceiling very hard. prob hardest throws i've done.

- SL jumps x 5,5/leg

- squat 315 x 3,3,3
felt so strong, these were easy. could probably have done 3x5, which would tie all-time PR
, but that's not the point. last reps explosive on each set.

- TTB x 8,8

- stretch

whoa. not sure i would have jumped high today but i felt strong as fuck. haven't gotten enough sleep the last two nights, either. weird.

Based on your strength and mental state I think you would've jumped very well today.


sounds like you were firing on all cylinders yesterday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 22, 2016, 09:28:45 pm
had my physical this morning. verdict: i have really low vitamin D, slightly elevated protein, slightly elevated blood pressure, and herpes, and otherwise am in perfect health. got a script for the vitamin D -- apparently the OTC stuff is not activated so you still need sun exposure to make it work. duly noted. the Rx stuff is already activated and you just take one pill (50,000 IU) a week. also got a script for the HSV that i'm to take only if i ever start to develop symptoms.

also i had to speak on a panel tonight about northern pakistan. got my visa this week. leaving the country soon now. matter of weeks. wow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 23, 2016, 09:45:16 pm
had my physical this morning. verdict: i have really low vitamin D, slightly elevated protein, slightly elevated blood pressure, and herpes, and otherwise am in perfect health. got a script for the vitamin D -- apparently the OTC stuff is not activated so you still need sun exposure to make it work. duly noted. the Rx stuff is already activated and you just take one pill (50,000 IU) a week. also got a script for the HSV that i'm to take only if i ever start to develop symptoms.

nice about the vitamin D.

One study, published in February 2009 in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, concludes that adolescents with higher levels of vitamin D can jump higher, quicker, and with greater power than those with lower vitamin D levels.

lool.  :ibjumping:

also i had to speak on a panel tonight about northern pakistan. got my visa this week. leaving the country soon now. matter of weeks. wow.

crazy man.. a new 104 week life-macrocycle is about to begin.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2016, 07:34:20 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: neck still stiff but not painful
MENTAL STATE: blah, under the weather

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x ~8
again super inconsistent. one or two really good jumps and one or two abortive attempts. head out of it, called it a day. better luck tomorrow inshallah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2016, 11:23:11 am
MENTAL STATE: really good

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x ~15
really good, bunch of easy dunks with the dodgeball. didn't quite hit 37 but was close a couple times. noticed that on my best jumps with the ball i was taking off from a little farther away from the rim. not intentionally. not sure if that's because of shorter plant step or because starting farther away. interesting.

- SLRVJ x a couple

- SL SVJ x 5/leg

cut it short because i have to go visit my grandma. still, reasonably happy with this. i felt shitty/thick when i woke up, had my coffee and a banana and debated going at all for a while. but eventually i started to feel better and by the time i got to the gym i felt light and happy to be there.

some days, you just have to make yourself show up and see what happens.

ETA: later

- tennis x 30 mins
something tweaking a little in my back. okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 25, 2016, 11:35:24 am
MENTAL STATE: really good

- warm up

- skater jump x 10,10

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x ~15
really good, bunch of easy dunks with the dodgeball. didn't quite hit 37 but was close a couple times. noticed that on my best jumps with the ball i was taking off from a little farther away from the rim. not intentionally. not sure if that's because of shorter plant step or because starting farther away. interesting.

- SLRVJ x a couple

- SL SVJ x 5/leg

cut it short because i have to go visit my grandma. still, reasonably happy with this. i felt shitty/thick when i woke up, had my coffee and a banana and debated going at all for a while. but eventually i started to feel better and by the time i got to the gym i felt light and happy to be there.


some days, you just have to make yourself show up and see what happens.

ya.. it's almost better to get a warmup in and THEN evaluate.. it's surprising sometimes how crap we feel before starting a session and then boom, tons of power/everything clicking.. but going into it we think there's no way we'll perform good. Was talking about that in vag's journal the other day. That happened to me bigtime several nights ago; felt like such crap going into my evening session and then my very first warmup run I was flying ... brain immediately shifted from negative to positive.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2016, 08:42:00 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: mid back, right anterior ankle, right toe
MENTAL STATE: distracted

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 5,5

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- squat MEBM 185 x 25

- superset
-- pull up x 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1
-- dip x 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1

- shrug 70s x 15

- stretch

decent workout. feel kind of beat up, though.

also, the chick wanted to watch the debate so we rescheduled for tomorrow, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 26, 2016, 10:02:34 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: mid back, right anterior ankle, right toe
MENTAL STATE: distracted

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 5,5

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- squat MEBM 185 x 25

- superset
-- pull up x 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1
-- dip x 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1

- shrug 70s x 15

- stretch

decent workout. feel kind of beat up, though.

also, the chick wanted to watch the debate so we rescheduled for tomorrow, lol.

LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO. :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2016, 11:04:39 am
last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: stuff, nothing bad

- warm up
felt wack so i went off script a bit. did C2 500m in 1:41 at resistance setting 3. that would be in the top 90 times recorded on the C2 website for the USA in 2016. lol.

- some random crap, easy jumps, glute activation

have felt under the weather off and on and body has been achier than usual this week. going to NYC on saturday so i might just take it easy the rest of the week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2016, 11:04:51 pm
to clarify, i wasn't trying especially hard on the C2 last night.

did nothing but a bit of stretching and mobility stuff today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on September 30, 2016, 04:08:20 am
I hate rowing on such a low resistance setting. Feels really awkward. Haha
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2016, 08:22:25 am
I hate rowing on such a low resistance setting. Feels really awkward. Haha

i watched a video earlier this year -- on deadspin, maybe? -- of a couple of US olympic rowers showing a normal person how to do it, and IIRC they said they use the lower settings, 3-4, most of the time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 01, 2016, 02:11:23 pm
felt wack so i went off script a bit. did C2 500m in 1:41 at resistance setting 3. that would be in the top 90 times recorded on the C2 website for the USA in 2016. lol.

that's dope wtf.. maybe you are this freak-rower and had no idea until now. :goodjobbro:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 02, 2016, 03:41:53 pm

- warm up

- MB OH toss x 5,5
powerful, hitting ceiling hard on all throws

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- squat 315 x 2,2

dragged self to gym. headache was gone by the time i finished warming up for squats. now gonna go play tennis.

EDIT: later

- tennis x 45 mins
really fun, played my buddy. he was a little rusty so i beat him easily in the end, but he ran me around a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 05, 2016, 09:24:17 am
no training the last couple days because gym has been closed for jewish holidays (happy new year, everyone) and i've been super busy. turns out there is a LOT to do when you're preparing to move 7,000 miles away. not least starting to say goodbye to people.

did have a booty call last night with a really hot woman. fun times, she turned out to be a biter. ended up with a gnarly bruise on my neck, haha.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2016, 08:38:00 pm
SORENESS: abs a little (from the fucking, bow chicka bow wow)
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle, everything

- warm up

- SL SVJ x 5/leg

- drop-step jump x 5,5

- MB OH toss x 5,5
surprisingly powerful

- paused squat 275 x 3,3

- DB row 70 x 12+3+3+3/arm

- dip x 12+3+3+3

everything a bit stiff an achey, that's what i get for taking so many days off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2016, 03:45:15 pm
last night:

- mangled daily routine


SORENESS: upper hamstrings
MENTAL STATE: blah, woke up with pre-migraine and took the last of my medication for it. it worked but i'm still not 100%.

- warm up

- skater jump x 20,10

- full-court SLRVJ x 2/leg
just awful, haha

- one-step RVJ x 5

- DLRVJ x 5,5,5
quite bad, so did these more or less consecutively in sets instead of as singles.

- high-rear-foot BSS x 20/leg

- stretch

ran out of time because i'm having a going-away party tonight and needed to pick up some stuff before getting ready and heading over to my buddy's place. if i'm not too devastatingly hung over tomorrow i'll jump again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 10, 2016, 11:42:17 am

- tennis x 1 hour
was windy as hell. ball doing funny things on the toss-level windy. so it was a sloppy session, but still fun and worked up a little sweat.

combination of post-party sluggishness and wanting to maximize time with my family before i leave in one week (!) meant no gym.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 10, 2016, 12:58:43 pm

- tennis x 1 hour
was windy as hell. ball doing funny things on the toss-level windy. so it was a sloppy session, but still fun and worked up a little sweat.

tennis in the wind, is the devil.

combination of post-party sluggishness and wanting to maximize time with my family before i leave in one week (!) meant no gym.

damn!! one week.  :o
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 10, 2016, 10:19:19 pm
- daily routine-ish

worked out with my mom today, last time i'll have a chance to do that before moving. she cried partway through, so we took a break and talked about shit. life has been really, really stressful for her recently -- my brother moving back to our town and still just being the double-handful he always is, plus now my grandmother has gotten really sick, is in the hospital, and probably can't move back into her apartment for a while because she clearly can't take care of herself right now. and of course, me moving away is hard for her; she'll miss me a lot and i've been physically close for a long time.

i have more reflections about this but they'll have to wait. gotta get some dinner together.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 14, 2016, 06:03:40 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: sick; right hand by first knuckle of pinky and ring fingers, shins

- daily routine-ish
came down with a cold over the last two days. did not sleep well in NYC (very uncomfortable beds at the two places i crashed). haven't been sleeping well at all recently, in general. baseline anxiety is up, i guess, which makes sense given that i'm moving 7,000 miles away on monday. mentally i feel fine but my body is telling me otherwise.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 14, 2016, 07:56:51 pm
- daily routine-ish

worked out with my mom today, last time i'll have a chance to do that before moving. she cried partway through, so we took a break and talked about shit. life has been really, really stressful for her recently -- my brother moving back to our town and still just being the double-handful he always is, plus now my grandmother has gotten really sick, is in the hospital, and probably can't move back into her apartment for a while because she clearly can't take care of herself right now. and of course, me moving away is hard for her; she'll miss me a lot and i've been physically close for a long time.

i have more reflections about this but they'll have to wait. gotta get some dinner together.

damn that is rough :/

as long as my mom is alive, i'm definitely too weak to do what you're doing (moving out of the country).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2016, 11:36:02 am
not gonna work out today. too much to do. planning to catch a workout with my friend in london. she's an oly lifter i know from my old gym, moved to london to write for nature magazine a couple years ago. and i'll stretch and prob do some calisthenics in canada. but otherwise i'm in the air 5 out of the next 6 days and working nonstop when i'm on the ground, so not sure how much energy or motivation i'll have.

monday: fly to ottawa
tuesday: fly to london
wednesday: arrive in london
friday: fly to islamabad
saturday: arrive in islamabad
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2016, 11:37:47 am
- daily routine-ish

worked out with my mom today, last time i'll have a chance to do that before moving. she cried partway through, so we took a break and talked about shit. life has been really, really stressful for her recently -- my brother moving back to our town and still just being the double-handful he always is, plus now my grandmother has gotten really sick, is in the hospital, and probably can't move back into her apartment for a while because she clearly can't take care of herself right now. and of course, me moving away is hard for her; she'll miss me a lot and i've been physically close for a long time.

i have more reflections about this but they'll have to wait. gotta get some dinner together.

damn that is rough :/

as long as my mom is alive, i'm definitely too weak to do what you're doing (moving out of the country).

don't know why that would be weakness. just different priorities. tbh i sometimes wish i didn't have such a powerful drive to move abroad. i'd probably be married to a woman i love and happily working and doing community activism in a city i really like. that said, i'm pumped to finally be fulfilling this dream that i've had for so many years. it's going to be a crazy ride.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2016, 09:04:28 am
last night:

- stretch
tired, only slept 2.5 hours on sunday night, then flew to canada and had 8 straight hours of meetings, no break. managed to force myself to stretch a bit, which was wise.

this morning:

- row x 5:00

- TGU x 2,2/side

- mobility stuff

- stretch

just to get the juices flowing a little. felt good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 19, 2016, 04:44:06 am
Good luck to this! Much admire you ( and slightly envy you ) for respecting and fulfilling that inner drive request.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 19, 2016, 07:48:31 am
Good luck to this! Much admire you ( and slightly envy you ) for respecting and fulfilling that inner drive request.

well said. x2!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 22, 2016, 05:04:58 am
no exercise in london apart from a walking around a fair amount.

arrived in islamabad this morning. smooth sailing from london. got to my room about 5 and passed out almost immediately. set my alarm for 10 to prevent myself from sleeping until 2 or something stupid; jet lag is a bitch but IME the harder i deal with it the faster i get over it. took my a while to get going but around 11:30 i dragged myself to the gym.

WEIGHT: ??? (scale in bathroom said 76kg but that seems improbably low)
ACHES/INJURIES: generally stiff but nothing painful; traveling for a week straight will do that

- stationary bike x 10 mins

- one-leg jump x 5,5/leg

- jump squat +24kg x 8,8

- high-rear-foot BSS x 20,20/leg

- superset x 2
-- pull up x 4
-- dip x 4
-- leg lower x 10

- stretch

this amounted to an extended warm up, but that's about all i could muster today. will start to go harder as i adjust, and once i find a decent gym. the gym at the hotel is fancy but not great: it does have DBs up to 44kg and a dip/chin station but no squat rack or much space to do even burpees without being in someone's way. there are better options here, just need some time to investigate in the coming weeks.

ETA: also, just realized it's my ex's birthday today. amazing coincidence that it would fall on the same day i arrive in pakistan, given that my need to move abroad is what broke us up. wrote her a happy birthday email -- we haven't talked since april or may. anyway i still think about her every day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2016, 11:26:53 am
SORENESS: glutes a little

- warm up
row x 1 min; joint circles; row x 1 min; walking sprint mobility stuff

- row x 2000m in 8:25.6
humbling. got this only in the second attempt; went out WAY too hard in the first attempt, ~1:45 pace, knew by 500m that i would not be able to finish. stopped, rested a bit, regrouped, and tried again a bit more modestly. had a negative split (4:20/4:05), which is good. but man i have a lot to learn about the rower.

- card circuit x 9
-- push ups
-- leg lowers
gassed, meant to do a full rummy hand (13 cards) but just ran out of steam on the push ups.

- stretch

thinking about new goals for pakistan. dunking, jumping, and sprinting are going to have to take a back seat for the next while because i won't have easy access to a court or track. i don't really want to switch to full-on strength training, although that's tempting, because i think i'm still going to be on the road a lot and want to be able to feel like i'm working toward something even then. and i've neglected aerobic training for many years. so instead, i think it makes more sense to pick some more aerobic or "fitness"-type goals.

here are some possibilities:

- C2 tests: 500m in 1:29 (baseline 1:41) and 2000m in 6:59 (baseline 8:25.6)
interestingly, i'm much closer to a respectable time on the 500m than 2000m.

- deck of cards workout for time: clubs=air squats; diamonds=push ups; hearts=leg lowers; spades=band pull-aparts (would need a baseline for this, no idea how long it would take, push ups would be the limiting factor)

- double unders x 200 for time; single unders x 30 mins for turns; criss-cross double unders x 10

- burpees x 5 mins for reps

- turkish get ups (or sandbag get ups if/when i can fix myself up a sandbag) x 10 mins for reps

- pull ups for reps

- army physical fitness test for score (perfect 300 is 77 push ups, 82 sit ups, two-mile run in 13:18)

any other thoughts? it really helps to have goals or targets, if i'm aimless then training tends to slacken. none of the above does much for power, limit strength, explosiveness, or speed. thoughts about what i could do in limited space on those fronts? adarq in particular, i'm curious what you found helpful back in your vert days that didn't involve ME RVJ. box jumps and depth jumps come to mind, but those are hard to progress, really. if there's some way to measure vert i could add SVJ to the mix? at least try to let it not regress too far?

when i'm in islamabad i should be able to continue doing barbell/dumbbell work, but as i said i think i'll be on the road a fair amount. met with boss today and he's already planning for me to go to karachi and lahore in the next month or so.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 23, 2016, 02:45:37 pm
SORENESS: glutes a little

- warm up
row x 1 min; joint circles; row x 1 min; walking sprint mobility stuff

- row x 2000m in 8:25.6
humbling. got this only in the second attempt; went out WAY too hard in the first attempt, ~1:45 pace, knew by 500m that i would not be able to finish. stopped, rested a bit, regrouped, and tried again a bit more modestly. had a negative split (4:20/4:05), which is good. but man i have a lot to learn about the rower.

i have to try one of these again - one day.. i remember using one way back but can't remember at all how it felt. seems fun / brutal.

- card circuit x 9
-- push ups
-- leg lowers
gassed, meant to do a full rummy hand (13 cards) but just ran out of steam on the push ups.

- stretch

thinking about new goals for pakistan. dunking, jumping, and sprinting are going to have to take a back seat for the next while because i won't have easy access to a court or track. i don't really want to switch to full-on strength training, although that's tempting, because i think i'm still going to be on the road a lot and want to be able to feel like i'm working toward something even then. and i've neglected aerobic training for many years. so instead, i think it makes more sense to pick some more aerobic or "fitness"-type goals.

here are some possibilities:

- C2 tests: 500m in 1:29 (baseline 1:41) and 2000m in 6:59 (baseline 8:25.6)
interestingly, i'm much closer to a respectable time on the 500m than 2000m.

- deck of cards workout for time: clubs=air squats; diamonds=push ups; hearts=leg lowers; spades=band pull-aparts (would need a baseline for this, no idea how long it would take, push ups would be the limiting factor)

- double unders x 200 for time; single unders x 30 mins for turns; criss-cross double unders x 10

- burpees x 5 mins for reps

- turkish get ups (or sandbag get ups if/when i can fix myself up a sandbag) x 10 mins for reps

- pull ups for reps

- army physical fitness test for score (perfect 300 is 77 push ups, 82 sit ups, two-mile run in 13:18)

any other thoughts? it really helps to have goals or targets, if i'm aimless then training tends to slacken. none of the above does much for power, limit strength, explosiveness, or speed. thoughts about what i could do in limited space on those fronts? adarq in particular, i'm curious what you found helpful back in your vert days that didn't involve ME RVJ. box jumps and depth jumps come to mind, but those are hard to progress, really. if there's some way to measure vert i could add SVJ to the mix? at least try to let it not regress too far?

when i'm in islamabad i should be able to continue doing barbell/dumbbell work, but as i said i think i'll be on the road a fair amount. met with boss today and he's already planning for me to go to karachi and lahore in the next month or so.

You listed lots of solid stuff to do in small spaces.

As for aerobic/anaerobic fitness, Jump rope would be my goto. Then treadmill if possible, then finally the rower. Just because of the "impacts" of the first two. I still like the idea of the rower though, sounds dope.

Everything else you listed (high rep bodyweight calisthenics, other than high rep pullups) is cool but also sounds like it could be quite draining. I *personally* like low tempo calisthenics with proper recovery. I know you would also be using it for conditioning BUT, from my experience, it seems more effective to utilize traditional cardio (jump rope, running, rowing) for improving aerobic/anaerobic fitness, and then using calisthenics to focus on strength / improving weaknesses.

A good example of that would be:
- controlled {walking lunges or bodyweight squats} for volume VS a circuit of all kinds of squat/lunge variations of ~10 reps each @ high tempo
- the latter almost seems to become sensory overload .. as for myself, it definitely makes me feel alot weaker/slower that's for sure.

Anyway it's not a problem to do high tempo crazy circuits various exercises once in a while, I just think it would be counter productive (to strength/power) if done too often.

If you don't have access to heavy weightlifting equip:
So I personally would focus on calisthenics for strength - controlled (to failure or not) with proper recovery.

As for explosiveness .. like you said, DJ's are solid.. BUT, you can also replace that with MR Tuck Jumps, MR Double Leg Pogo Hops, MR Single Leg Pogo Hops, MR Squat Jumps.. 3-5 sets of 10-20 contacts done at near-max-effort (closer to the 10-20 rep spectrum) to max-effort (closer to the 5-10 rep spectrum). In addition you could definitely just get in some Broad Jumps, SVJ's or 1-2 step RVJ's just to get the movement in - if you have space.

So you could do something like:
- solid warmup
- reactive work
- finish with a ton of cardio or strength


- solid warmup
- cardio
- reactive work


- solid warmup
- strength
- cardio

So, some thoughts on just general programming. For strength, I like the controlled calisthenics exercises (progressively making some of them more intense over time) with proper recovery. For explosiveness/reactivity, I like the MR reactive work & variations of normal movements (broad jumps, svj's, squat jumps, drop step jumps etc). For aerobic/anaerobic endurance, jump rope/treadmill/rower will get it done etc. And if you can get in some sprint sessions out on the streets (if it's safe? or if it it's not crowded?), getting in some freestyle sprints/runs outside would be very beneficial.

As for measuring the MR exercises .. that's tough. People with jump mats could measure GCT's and such.. It almost seems like we have to go by feel for those exercises, unless we purchase some kind of vert device + app.. that could give us valuable data.

my 2 cents for now.. hope some of that helps!!!! lmk.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2016, 09:56:30 am
that is all super helpful, yes. thank you. when you say "controlled tempo" do you mean like on a count? for example 2:1:2 eccentric:bottom:concentric? or do you just mean under control and for volume. i remember you doing hundreds of lunges in a row back in the day, do you think that built strength?

one thing i love about the rower is that it's so easily measurable. still kind of not sure what kind of goals i could set for calisthenics. although i just remembered that gymnastics are a thing, so i could have goals be around doing a handstand, doing a planche, doing flat-footed pistols, etc. jump rope goals are easy: build up to 10 minutes continuous, then 20, then 30. build up to 50 double unders, then 100, then 200. learn criss-cross double unders, then create a jump rope kata and improve time (e.g. 100 skips, 20 double unders, 100 skips, 20 criss-cross single-unders, 100 skips, 20 double unders, 100 skips, 10 criss-cross double-unders, 100 skips).

gonna go do warm up + reactive + strength now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2016, 10:56:33 am
new notation because i'm going to break workouts into sections and it'll help me keep track of what i do when. would be great to have a script that would transfer these from a spreadsheet to posting format. would make it easier to sort and count what i've been doing. for example, after a month, how many cardio chunks have i done and what total volume of different types of cardio have i done? nbd, but in case one of the coders on here is feeling bored...

also i'm going to stop tracking weight. it doesn't matter, i'm not trying to gain or lose, and unless i see major mirror changes i don't care.

SORENESS: glutes a little
ACHES/INJURIES: head a little but it went away during warm up
MENTAL STATE: good, tired

warm up

- row x 1000m, joint circles, walking sprint-style crap


- SL pogo x 10,10,10/leg

- near-ME SVJ x 5,5,5
felt strongly in the VMOs, especially on landing, weird


- circuit x 2
-- DB OHP 20s x 5
-- BSS @ 2:1:2 x 10L
-- pull up x 5
-- BSS @ 2:1:2 x 10R
easing into things still


- jump rope x 5 mins
4-5 mistakes, one of which turned into an extended (~30s) break. the gym's jump rope is really heavy so this gassed my hands and shoulders. next time will do 10 sets of 60/60 or something and try to make no mistakes.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2016, 11:37:25 am
jet lag was awful today. not sure i slept more than 2-3 hours last night and i was just AWAKE, in that terrible jet lag way. i went out to look at places to live and by the end my head hurt so much i was nauseous and had to go back to my room and take a nap. so, needless to say, resting tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 25, 2016, 02:47:14 pm
that is all super helpful, yes. thank you.

cool np!

when you say "controlled tempo" do you mean like on a count? for example 2:1:2 eccentric:bottom:concentric? or do you just mean under control and for volume. i remember you doing hundreds of lunges in a row back in the day, do you think that built strength?

ya just under control for volume. I definitely think those lunges were capable of putting some mass on & improving strength, my legs were ridiculously swole after every session. I remember them being particularly snappy after I recovered from those sessions. AND I remember just out of nowhere, wanting to jump off one leg. I remember attributing that sensation of wanting to SLRVJ at the time, to those high volume walking lunges.

I started to get into them again a few months ago but they made me sore for 7+ days... hehe. My body just hates sustained tension right now and I don't even feel like doing it. I do think about incorporating them eventually but, i'll wait a little longer before I re-consider experimenting with that.

so ya I definitely found them very effective at giving my legs alot of "pop" and making them feel crazy strong.

one thing i love about the rower is that it's so easily measurable. still kind of not sure what kind of goals i could set for calisthenics. although i just remembered that gymnastics are a thing, so i could have goals be around doing a handstand, doing a planche, doing flat-footed pistols, etc. jump rope goals are easy: build up to 10 minutes continuous, then 20, then 30. build up to 50 double unders, then 100, then 200. learn criss-cross double unders, then create a jump rope kata and improve time (e.g. 100 skips, 20 double unders, 100 skips, 20 criss-cross single-unders, 100 skips, 20 double unders, 100 skips, 10 criss-cross double-unders, 100 skips).

ya the jump rope stuff is easy and very fun.. for calisthenics I think the measureables are like you said -> mastering new/more difficult positions and sets/reps. I personally don't like turning that stuff into a "cardio style workout" like I mentioned above.. If we are able to focus more on each movement and recover properly, calisthenics can be a great strength training tool.

gonna go do warm up + reactive + strength now.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2016, 11:55:35 am

warm up

- circuit of jump rope x 60s + joint circles + sprinty stuff


- MR half tuck x 15,15,15

- broad jump x 5,5
found the empty room (i.e. "aerobic studio"), alhamdulillah. no measurement for these, felt in calves/soleus pretty strongly on the landings.

- one-step RVJ x 3,3


- handstand practice x 5 mins
mostly just kicking up against the wall and holding for 10-20s, periodically trying to kick off. got one free hold of 5s.

- pull up ladder x 2+4+6+4+2 (+4 chin ups)

- TTB x 6,6

- walking lunge x 50,50
first set steps too short, all quad. second set longer steps, better.


now THIS is a workout i can get behind. was fun to do, i feel great now. will not be mad if the only thing i get better at while i'm here is gymnastic stuff, if i can also stay in reasonable shape and get a few jumps and jumpy-type things in. it's okay to hit the hamster wheel on a lot of stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 26, 2016, 01:50:12 pm
now THIS is a workout i can get behind. was fun to do, i feel great now. will not be mad if the only thing i get better at while i'm here is gymnastic stuff, if i can also stay in reasonable shape and get a few jumps and jumpy-type things in. it's okay to hit the hamster wheel on a lot of stuff.

hah awesome. :headbang: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

ya, lots of fun sessions coming.

also on the broad jumps, just never sacrifice "distance" for "landing deep/nasty".. ie, land more safely, just mentioning in case. Combine-style max effort broad jumps, squeezing out every last inch, can have some excessively intense stress on the knees etc... safer landings preferred.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2016, 03:01:23 pm
islamabad social life began tonight with a party at the australian high commission. to the aussies on the board: cheers y'all. your countrypeople throw a solid party.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on October 27, 2016, 06:51:52 pm
islamabad social life began tonight with a party at the australian high commission. to the aussies on the board: cheers y'all. your countrypeople throw a solid party.

Nice! Was there any VB on board?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2016, 05:30:46 am
not that i spotted. the only aussie beer i saw was hahn low-carb, i think. someone bought me one -- one benefit of being the new guy is everyone buys you drinks, i didn't pay for anything last night -- and it was gross, so i switched to asahi and moretti.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on October 28, 2016, 05:45:52 pm
not that i spotted. the only aussie beer i saw was hahn low-carb, i think. someone bought me one -- one benefit of being the new guy is everyone buys you drinks, i didn't pay for anything last night -- and it was gross, so i switched to asahi and moretti.

Ha yeah hahn is not something many aussies drink. Same with Fosters. Even VB (which used to be a national icon) is struggling these days. Just so many good craft beers on the market. Asahi is one of my favourites but definitely prefer Kirin if it's available.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2016, 08:44:58 am
new notation a pain to write up, forget it. old notation is fine.

SORENESS: glutes and upper hams, a little
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist during handstands

- warm up
superset x 5 of jump rope 60s + joint circles

- SL pogo x 10,10,10/leg

- one-step RVJ x 4LR,4RL

- handstand practice x
did a few reps but right wrist was bugging. bummer.

- pull up x 10+3+3; chin up x 3+3

- DB OHP 16s x 10+3+3+3

- ab wheel roll out x 10,10,10

- lunge x 60,60

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 30, 2016, 08:24:46 am
was planning to play ultimate tonight at the british high commission but have some GI issues. decided the wiser course of action would be to stay close to a bathroom. so it goes, the pitch will be there and apparently there are multiple games per week.

if i feel better in a bit i may go up and do some light work, maybe rowing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2016, 11:54:47 am
SORENESS: glutes a little, abs, traps
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist during handstands, damn it

- warm up
superset x 5 of jump rope 60s + joint circles

- handstand practice x a couple
my wrist is going to prevent me from really working on these. shit.

- jump rope 120/60 x 3
tough on grip, left hand was cramping on the last set. might make this the focus for a while: building up to 12 rounds of 180/60. should be easier once i get my own ropes, which are stuck with the rest of my stuff in lahore.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on October 31, 2016, 09:45:59 pm
SORENESS: glutes a little, abs, traps
ACHES/INJURIES: right wrist during handstands, damn it

- warm up
superset x 5 of jump rope 60s + joint circles

- handstand practice x a couple
my wrist is going to prevent me from really working on these. shit.

- jump rope 120/60 x 3
tough on grip, left hand was cramping on the last set. might make this the focus for a while: building up to 12 rounds of 180/60. should be easier once i get my own ropes, which are stuck with the rest of my stuff in lahore.

- stretch

Are you doing any wrist prep? When I was doing handstands it took me a while to get used to it but there are heaps of wrist prep articles out there that I took from. GMB have heaps of free stuff. This is just one of them:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2016, 11:19:55 pm
thanks for the link. gotta start humble, per usual.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on October 31, 2016, 11:33:48 pm
thanks for the link. gotta start humble, per usual.

no problems. My wrists are way worse now than when I was doing handstands regularly. That and back bridges are on my to-do list.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2016, 11:32:34 am
just got "home" from work (still living in the hotel) and am both starving and having a little indigestion. no workout tonight, gonna just order some straightforward room service, do a little more work, and pray there's something watchable on HBO Pakistan.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on November 01, 2016, 11:47:49 am
How's the move feel so far? Have you been able to settle down or is it still very new to you?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2016, 10:09:40 am
super blown, thought i was going to get to play ultimate tonight but getting into the diplomatic enclave is stupid. i'm fucking american, but i can't even get to my own embassy without some kind of extra stupid fucking little access card thing that i don't have yet. i don't even need an american card! could be british, or french! bah.

gonna go do something less fun in the gym now.


MENTAL STATE: hungry but otherwise fine

- warm up
jump rope + joint circles + walking mobilizations

- skater jump x 20,20

- split-hurdle jumps x 4 sets
from that video adarq posted of the woman high jumper in the park. looked like fun. kind of uncoordinated but i'll keep doing these from time to time.

- one-step RVJ x 5,5

- GMB wrist mobilizations

- superset x 3,5,7,5,3
-- pull up
-- dip

- lunge x 72,72
did much shorter steps on the second set. great glute pump, kind of felt it in posterior knee. will stick to longer steps.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2016, 09:52:20 am
didn't have wifi all weekend, hence no posting.

- nada, or, i forget

- moved house, nada

- ultimate frisbee x 1.5 hours
super fun. wore tennis shoes but it didn't matter, this is a really low-key game. i was the best player on the field by a fair margin and i haven't played in 4+ years. throws were off, field sense was off (although that had a lot to do with the game being completely chaotic -- only a few of the players knew what a force is), but wind was surprisingly good. and i'm not all that sore.

- GMB wrist routine

- hiking/rock scramling in the mountains x a while
flew up to the far north, about 15km from the afghan border. did a lot of walking around plus a trek up and down an incredibly steep pitch to see some check dams. my shins and calves are going to be sore tomorrow.

- GMB wrist routine
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2016, 08:26:24 am
y'all it is going to be hard to work out here. might need to shift to AM workouts because i'm going to have some late nights as a matter of course. tonight i'm just going to drink.

set my alarm for 6:30 AM, let's see if i can get myself out of bed and do something meaningful.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 09, 2016, 11:11:42 pm
y'all it is going to be hard to work out here. might need to shift to AM workouts because i'm going to have some late nights as a matter of course. tonight i'm just going to drink.

set my alarm for 6:30 AM, let's see if i can get myself out of bed and do something meaningful.

i can only imagine why you drank.. last night sucked. :(

might take a while to get into morning workout mode again, maybe just go warmup and do a few sprints and call it a session (something like that).. better than nothing, until you potentially get on rhythm for morning training.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 13, 2016, 11:21:47 pm
wow this is the longest non-vacation journaling gap i can remember. did get some exercise the rest of last week but nothing to write home about. i think the deck-of-cards workout plus some jumps and stretching is going to be my go-to, especially until my jump ropes arrive. it works as a warm up (the combo i did on saturday -- diamonds=bed dips, hearts=band pull aparts, clubs=lunges x2, spades=toe touch crunches --  took about 15 minutes and i broke a light sweat) or as a more challenging workout (could come up with a harder set of exercises, e.g. with burpees, or go through the cards multiple times).

fight on.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2016, 10:35:22 pm

- deck of cards
clubs=squats x 2, spades=toe-touch crunches, hearts=chair push ups, diamonds=band pull-aparts

- SVJ x 8,8

just trying to adjust my internal clock so i can be getting up earlier. once my running shoes get here i think i'll start running some mornings.


- pistol x 5,5/leg

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- drop-step jump x 4,4/leg
way submax, floor is marble and very slipper

- circuit x 2
-- SL reverse hyper x 20/leg
-- SL bent leg reverse hyper x 20/leg
-- leg lower x 20

- stretch

hidden benefit of not being able to really train: the constant, low-grade pain that i've been living with in my left hip and right knee -- for so long that i don't even journal them -- seem to have reduced dramatically. didn't even notice until i went to do pistols today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2016, 12:58:43 am

ACHES/INJURIES: low back a bit tight, prob from doing the leg lowers on a really soft surface (bed). stupid.

- joint circles x 2

- lunges with twist

- GMB wrist routine x 2/3

- some other mobility stuff
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 16, 2016, 10:39:06 am


just trying to adjust my internal clock so i can be getting up earlier. once my running shoes get here i think i'll start running some mornings.

nice!!! what shoes are you getting?? dem kilkenny's?

hidden benefit of not being able to really train: the constant, low-grade pain that i've been living with in my left hip and right knee -- for so long that i don't even journal them -- seem to have reduced dramatically. didn't even notice until i went to do pistols today.

That's awesome.. rest ftw.

Lately I feel like I need a week off or so.. I might do that some time in December, would probably be a smart idea.

ACHES/INJURIES: low back a bit tight, prob from doing the leg lowers on a really soft surface (bed). stupid.

yea, that wrecks me also.  :raging:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2016, 12:09:51 am
nah just my old mizuno wave mushas, which are stuck in lahore along with almost everything else i own.

unrelated: did not get enough sleep last night due to bed company. hoping to play doubles tennis tonight with a few guys from the british embassy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on November 17, 2016, 07:22:56 am
unrelated: did not get enough sleep last night due to bed company.

How's Pakistani tinder?  :trollface:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2016, 07:36:50 am
unrelated: did not get enough sleep last night due to bed company.

How's Pakistani tinder?  :trollface:


will stick to face-to-face meetings here thank you very much. there's no real dating here, everything is people meeting in groups and then pairing off from there. feels a bit like high school in that way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2016, 10:53:37 am

- tennis x 90 mins
an hour of singles with a new friend from the british council and then half an hour of doubles with him plus a guy from the high commission and a pakistani guy whose dad is the club coach. he was very good. i was the weakest player on the court at all times and rusty as hell but that's great, means i can get better. felt a little bit in my right knee and my toes and i'm going to be sore tomorrow. happy, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2016, 05:52:10 am
SORENESS: right forearm (hello tennis)

- hike x a bit more than an hour
very steep up, very steep down in the margalla hills. one of my friends was feeling sick so we cut it off early. now finally going to check out the gym near my place that i've been meaning to go to since i moved in.

EDIT: the gym is a 7-8 minute walk from my house, no major roads involved, and has multiple squat racks. insane. there was no one there to sign me up but i'm gonna call tomorrow to find out when i can join.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2016, 06:31:39 pm
happy birthday to me, i'm fucking thirty. PR FOURTH DECADE PR PR PR PR PR PR PR
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on November 19, 2016, 06:44:45 pm
Happy birthday mate!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on November 20, 2016, 06:41:41 am
Happy birthday!!!

Bring on the dirty thirties.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2016, 10:20:36 am
thanks y'all! partied fairly hard last night and woke up none the worse for wear today. good times.


ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle tweaked ever so slightly
SORENESS: right forearm a little

- ultimate frisbee x a bit more than an hour
felt a little twinge in my right ankle when i slipped on the very first point. kept playing with no more trouble but still. worrisome and annoying.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 20, 2016, 10:33:39 am

EDIT: the gym is a 7-8 minute walk from my house, no major roads involved, and has multiple squat racks. insane. there was no one there to sign me up but i'm gonna call tomorrow to find out when i can join.


damn sick!!! have you seen any basketball hoops nearby?

also happy birthday man!!! I still remember when I turned 30, it somehow sucked. Don't let it suck.. beast out.

:ibsquatting: :ibjumping: :ibrunning: :strong:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on November 20, 2016, 04:29:51 pm
Happy birthday man! 30 is no big deal nowadays. Still plenty of good athletic years in the tank.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on November 20, 2016, 09:50:44 pm
Happy birthday!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on November 21, 2016, 12:15:30 am
Happy Birthday man!

Isn't 30 the new 20 anyway?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on November 22, 2016, 04:36:56 pm
Happy B'day man, 30 technically but 25 physically.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 22, 2016, 11:07:47 pm
thanks again fellas.  :highfive:

nothing intense monday or yesterday.


- dynamic stretches x a little
enough just to feel like i did something


- warm up
the fucking jump ropes i brought are too short. facepalm.

- pistol x 5,5/leg

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- SVJ x 8,8

- leg lower x 20

- kickbacks x 20/leg

- stretch

not much but better than nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2016, 09:23:54 am

- warm up

- pistol x 5,5/leg

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- SVJ x 8,8

- superset x 2
-- leg lower x 20
-- SL hyper x 20/leg
-- BSS x 20/leg

- push ups x 10,10

- stretch

worked up a little sweat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 26, 2016, 04:12:30 pm
i feel for u.. MICH vs OSU :/

what an amazing game though. :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 27, 2016, 02:50:18 am
i feel empty and crushed after that shit. fuck.


MENTAL STATE: blissful

- warm up

- squat 100kg x 5,5

- bench 60kg x 5,5

- superset x 2
-- hyperextension x 10
-- pull up x 8
-- unsupported sit up x 10

- some more unsupported sit ups with EZ curl bar
- some TTB

- DB shrugs 32s x 10,10

- stretch

pretty sure that is the longest i'd gone without squatting since 2009. kept it reeeeally conservative, but that's okay. felt so good.

gonna go for a hike now i think.

EDIT: afternoon

- hike x 2 hours
no idea how far we went. pretty gentle pace. gorgeous day. culminated in finding two litters of tiny puppies (one of labs and one of german shepherds) in the park and blissing out for another hour.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 27, 2016, 11:40:33 am
i feel empty and crushed after that shit. fuck.


MENTAL STATE: blissful

- warm up

- squat 100kg x 5,5

- bench 60kg x 5,5

- superset x 2
-- hyperextension x 10
-- pull up x 8
-- unsupported sit up x 10

- some more unsupported sit ups with EZ curl bar
- some TTB

- DB shrugs 32s x 10,10

- stretch

pretty sure that is the longest i'd gone without squatting since 2009. kept it reeeeally conservative, but that's okay. felt so good.


gonna go for a hike now i think.

EDIT: afternoon

- hike x 2 hours
no idea how far we went. pretty gentle pace. gorgeous day. culminated in finding two litters of tiny puppies (one of labs and one of german shepherds) in the park and blissing out for another hour.

hiking on a gorgeous day, then stumbling upon puppies & rolling around with them .... sounds like heaven.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2016, 11:18:04 am
MENTAL STATE: a bit tired but okay

- warm up
jump rope + joint circles x 2

- pistol x 5,5/leg

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- SVJ x 8,8

- superset x 3
-- hip thrust x 20
-- leg lower x 20

- SL reverse hyper x 20/leg

- jump rope x 500; double unders x ?

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2016, 10:56:39 am

- warm up

- DB jump squat +10s x 5,5

- ME SVJ x 3,3
felt really explosive, no idea how high i was getting

- squat 120 x 5,5
feels a bit rusty but this is not a challenging weight. slowly but surely.

- bench 80 x 5
the bench setup is so dumb, only two pins and they're both the wrong height for me, and the lower one gets blocked by the upper when unracking/racking the bar. right thumb felt weird so didn't do second set.

- kroc row 32 x 18L/18R

- hyper x 15,15

- some TTB and KTE

- stretch

this felt sooo good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 02, 2016, 07:16:31 am
now i am sick. bummer.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 03, 2016, 11:01:05 am
- some feldenkrais

- wrist mobility
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2016, 06:15:14 am
ACHES/INJURIES: throat raw af

- run x 3.9km in 20:43 (5:19/km; 8:32/mile pace)
went with the snowflake (adarq and whoever has found me on fb: the blond from the puppy pics) and followed her pace. very easy. knees felt surprisingly awesome, no discomfort anywhere except my throat feels like someone sandpapered it.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 04, 2016, 12:45:43 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: throat raw af

- run x 3.9km
went with the snowflake (adarq and whoever has found me on fb: the blond from the puppy pics) and followed her pace. very easy. knees felt surprisingly awesome, no discomfort anywhere except my throat feels like someone sandpapered it.

- stretch

lol @ snowflake.

nice @ run (except for the throat part)!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2016, 11:55:05 pm
yeah the haze was extra burly yesterday. i'm still sick today, slept very badly last night in part because i was so uncomfortable. hard time swallowing, congested.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2016, 11:55:44 am
ACHES/INJURIES: last vestiges of cold

- warm up

- pistols

- shrimp squats

- SL SVJ x 5,5,5,5/leg

- SVJ x 8,8

- glute stuff

- some more jump rope

- stretch

blah, better to break a light sweat than do nothing at all.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2016, 10:30:08 am
getting a tux made and went today to do a second fitting of the shirt and jacket and to try on the pants. they were so tight they looked painted on, i couldn't even fold my legs enough to tie my shoes. turns out the guy who makes the pants didn't believe the thigh and hip measurements he'd been given because they were so out of proportion to the waist measurement.  :highfive:  8) :ibsquatting:

no worries, they'll just remake them and i'll get fitted again next week. i'm gonna look sharp as fuck.

ACHES/INJURIES: last vestiges of cold
MENTAL STATE: tired but good, then really good

- warm up
got 50 double unders at one point. a bonus of having a short rope is double unders are way easier. criss-crosses much harder.

- DB SVJ 10s x 3,3,3

- SVJ x 3,3,3

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- squat 140 x 1,1; 80 x 20
140 was easy but a complete twisting mess. might be time to revisit paused squatting and really focus on form. same story for the 20-rep set: hips a little all over the place in the bottom ROM. still, no pain anywhere and felt great. didn't even get a back pump, which means core was solid throughout. bw x 20 after not squatting heavy for two months is alright.

- bench 80 x 5,5
right thumb hurt a bit after the first set, okay after second. still readjusting grip.

- superset x 2
-- TTB x 10; windshield wiper x 10
-- hyper x 10

- kroc row 36 x 13L; 14R
bah. something to work from

- stretch

feel super awesome now. going to lahore this weekend, will do a bunch of walking but that's it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 08, 2016, 01:40:11 pm
getting a tux made and went today to do a second fitting of the shirt and jacket and to try on the pants. they were so tight they looked painted on, i couldn't even fold my legs enough to tie my shoes. turns out the guy who makes the pants didn't believe the thigh and hip measurements he'd been given because they were so out of proportion to the waist measurement.  :highfive:  8) :ibsquatting:

HAHAH!!! that's beast.

dem squats mayne.

no worries, they'll just remake them and i'll get fitted again next week. i'm gonna look sharp as fuck.

ACHES/INJURIES: last vestiges of cold
MENTAL STATE: tired but good, then really good

- warm up
got 50 double unders at one point. a bonus of having a short rope is double unders are way easier. criss-crosses much harder.

- DB SVJ 10s x 3,3,3

- SVJ x 3,3,3

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- squat 140 x 1,1; 80 x 20
140 was easy but a complete twisting mess. might be time to revisit paused squatting and really focus on form. same story for the 20-rep set: hips a little all over the place in the bottom ROM. still, no pain anywhere and felt great. didn't even get a back pump, which means core was solid throughout. bw x 20 after not squatting heavy for two months is alright.

- bench 80 x 5,5
right thumb hurt a bit after the first set, okay after second. still readjusting grip.

- superset x 2
-- TTB x 10; windshield wiper x 10
-- hyper x 10

- kroc row 36 x 13L; 14R
bah. something to work from

- stretch

feel super awesome now. going to lahore this weekend, will do a bunch of walking but that's it.

nice! big sesh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on December 08, 2016, 02:15:23 pm
Quad nation! lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 12, 2016, 09:56:48 am
lahore was really fun but exhausting. was out until 7 am on friday night/saturday morning, then did a four-hour walking tour of some amazing historical sites on saturday, slept like a rock saturday night, drove out to the indian border on sunday and then was out until 2:30 am sunday night/monday morning. probably doubled my lifetime blow consumption on friday night. i don't know how people do that all the time. insane.

anyway just jumped a bit of rope and stretched a bit to get the car legs out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 12, 2016, 10:00:05 am
also just found out there's a 5k race here at the end of feb. getting fit for that might be a good way to spend jan and feb after i get back from my trip to SE asia.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 12, 2016, 01:06:22 pm
also just found out there's a 5k race here at the end of feb. getting fit for that might be a good way to spend jan and feb after i get back from my trip to SE asia.

nice!! do it! it should be fun.

:ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2016, 11:01:28 am
last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: still coughing a little, chest congested a little
MENTAL STATE: okay, rushed

- warm up
lot of mistakes with the jump rope. weird.

- paused squat 100 x 5,5
okay. road to rebuilding a smooth squat starts here. these were solid but the weight was so light that that's to be expected.

- pull up x 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4

that was all i had time for last night. this week is stupid busy. i'm actually avoiding work right now (it's 9PM), although i'll probably do it before i go to bed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on December 15, 2016, 03:06:31 am
So there is a lot to read and I have the time to read it since work is even slower on this shift than my previous shift.  I just wanted to recommend to you that it might be better to switch to a Casein protein after your whey is all gone.  A slow trickle of protein is better considering how often protein synthesis happens.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2016, 07:25:10 am
no doubt. haven't used any supplements since i left the states. also i haven't checked the research on whey in years but from what i recall the difference between WPC and casein is pretty marginal and doesn't justify the extra cost of casein. to paraphrase alan aragon, in terms of protein consumption, the priorities are:

1. getting enough high-quality protein throughout the day
7. timing of that protein
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on December 15, 2016, 08:39:58 am
^ Add to that, the fact that your stomach likely isn't empty when you ingest whey. So absorption of whey isn't going to be fast anyway with all that other food getting in the way. Oh and if you drank 3 cups of milk, that 6g of casein right there getting in the way too!

On an empty stomach after fasting for a bit, sure, you'll hit that "1hr peak absorption rate for whey" or however long its purported to take these days. But yeah screw the timing pretty much.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on December 15, 2016, 06:39:13 pm
OK guys just shit all over my post lol jk
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2016, 06:54:55 am
^^^ lol

ACHES/INJURIES: right calf kind of tight/mild charlie horse

- run x ~1.9km

- drills and stretching x 15 mins

- run x ~1.8km

stomach cramped a little during each run but i sucked it up. pace was harder than the run the other weekend because i was alone, but still not pushing myself much. easy does it, no injuries, anti-ego running skwaad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 17, 2016, 12:32:38 pm
^^^ lol

ACHES/INJURIES: right calf kind of tight/mild charlie horse

- run x ~1.9km

- drills and stretching x 15 mins

- run x ~1.8km

stomach cramped a little during each run but i sucked it up. pace was harder than the run the other weekend because i was alone, but still not pushing myself much. easy does it, no injuries, anti-ego running skwaad.

fuqn cramps. they are the devil.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2016, 07:42:54 am
ACHES/INJURIES: none until i whacked in the head and now i may have a very mild concussion but probably not
SORENESS: none but by golly i'm gonna be sore tomorrow

- ultimate frisbee x 2 hours
super fun, messy ultimate. we were suicide (7-on-7 with no subs) for most of the time so lots of running. i played sloppy as hell but who cares. late-ish in the game my buddy and i were both going up for a disc in the endzone and he hit me across the back of the head with his forearm. incidental foul, no malice, but it hurt. had a headache for about five minutes. feel alright now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 19, 2016, 11:39:48 am
ACHES/INJURIES: none, blessedly no headache
SORENESS: tib anteriors, peroneals, mid-back, right shoulder and bicep (hellooo ultimate)

- warm up
so many mistakes with the jump rope. wtf. very frustrated.

- SL jump x 5/leg

- plate jump squat +15s x 5,5

- ME SVJ x 3,3
knees started bugging a little on the second set. felt like first set was pretty high though.

- paused squat 100 x 3,1
ehhhh didn't feel great, bagged it.

- pull up x 10+3+3+1

- bench 60 x 10+3+3+1
had plenty more in the tank, just matching reps. more weight next time i do myo-reps.

- superset x 2
-- hyper x 12
-- hyper machine crunch x 12

- kroc row 36 x 20R;17L

- stretch

halfway decent workout. squats were off but i think it's just from ankles and shoulder being sore.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 20, 2016, 05:08:44 am
right posterior superior hip was fuxored earlier today, i literally limped for a couple of steps after getting up from breakfast. loosened up by late morning and i think it's okay now.

haven't logged it because it hasn't been a problem during workouts until i ran a couple days ago (when i think it was linked with the right calf cramp). but the same spot has tweaked a few times this year, during sex. most recently a couple weeks ago. pain always goes away quickly but there's clearly something nagging there. think i exacerbated it yesterday by holding squats too deep. 100 is so light that it feels okay to go all the way down but clearly i should be more cautious, especially if my entire damn purpose at the moment is to focus on form. smh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 25, 2016, 02:10:44 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle

- warm up
getting groove back with jump rope

- plate jump squat 15s x 5,5

- SVJ x 4,4

- paused squat 110 x 5,5
eh, still don't feel that great

- bent over row 50 x 10+3+3+3

- bench 70 x 10+3+3+3

- some other crap that i forget

- hyper machine sit ups + mini BB x 10+3+3+3

- stretch

final workout before vacayyyyyyyyyyy.

thailand-singapore-malaysia-vietnam here i come.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 26, 2016, 01:48:25 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle

- warm up
getting groove back with jump rope

- plate jump squat 15s x 5,5

- SVJ x 4,4

- paused squat 110 x 5,5
eh, still don't feel that great

- bent over row 50 x 10+3+3+3

- bench 70 x 10+3+3+3

- some other crap that i forget

- hyper machine sit ups + mini BB x 10+3+3+3

- stretch

final workout before vacayyyyyyyyyyy.

thailand-singapore-malaysia-vietnam here i come.

dope! enjoy it man. get some sprints/runs in :D :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on December 26, 2016, 04:03:18 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right ankle

- warm up
getting groove back with jump rope

- plate jump squat 15s x 5,5

- SVJ x 4,4

- paused squat 110 x 5,5
eh, still don't feel that great

- bent over row 50 x 10+3+3+3

- bench 70 x 10+3+3+3

- some other crap that i forget

- hyper machine sit ups + mini BB x 10+3+3+3

- stretch

final workout before vacayyyyyyyyyyy.

thailand-singapore-malaysia-vietnam here i come.

Nok Su Kow is all you need to know to get around.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 30, 2016, 07:13:32 pm
Last night:

- AMRAP x 30 mins
-- 200 rope turns
-- 25 BSS/leg
-- 20 push ups
Finished 11 push ups shy of 8 rounds

- stretch

Push ups def the limiting factor. Also Phuket blows, don't come here.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2017, 09:04:16 am
got back from my trip last night. ended up being great. only did the one proper workout but not fussed about it. i was looking forward to trying BJJ with my buddy who lives in saigon but ended up mangling my right ring finger my first morning there. gripping is still a bit of a challenge (actually even typing is a bit uncomfortable) so needless to say i did not get to grapple.

today i worked out with my friend, following her plan. next time, my plan.

WEIGHT: 74.8kg (!!!!!!! if that scale is accurate i've lost like 8 pounds since arriving here)
ACHES/INJURIES: knees a little

- warm up

- HIIT circuits x 5, each A/B pair 40/20 x 2
can't remember all the exercises. a couple of them were real gassers, though. one where you squat then jump up and do a 180 and squat again, then back, etc.

- yoga x 10 mins as cool down

knees were slightly displeased by the end. also, shit i'm light. maybe i should just do a round of starting strength and eat more once my finger heals enough to hold onto stuff. i don't like feeling skinny. athletic anorexia is not lbss's style. if i could get up to 80kg or so and still as lean as i am then i would feel so good. yes.

also, i really got into the idea of doing BJJ/MMA when i was hanging out with my boy in vietnam. seems like so much fun and such a good workout. maybe i'll start in with SS once my finger is okay and then after i'm a bit back in that groove i'll go try a BJJ class. it's a bit too cold to play tennis at night now; during the day would be fine but i have a job.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on January 08, 2017, 08:24:27 pm
Did you end up trying BJJ or not yet? It's an addictive martial art/sport. I am starting up once normal life resumes at the end of Jan.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2017, 11:15:43 pm
Did you end up trying BJJ or not yet? It's an addictive martial art/sport. I am starting up once normal life resumes at the end of Jan.

haha no i posted that update last night and the only things i've done since are watch "tinker, tailor, soldier, spy," have sex, sleep, eat breakfast, and come into the office. i'm on the forum as a way to avoid looking at my email, which is predictably terrifying after two weeks away.

BJJ will have to wait until my finger is well enough to grab with.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on January 08, 2017, 11:42:58 pm
Did you end up trying BJJ or not yet? It's an addictive martial art/sport. I am starting up once normal life resumes at the end of Jan.

haha no i posted that update last night and the only things i've done since are watch "tinker, tailor, soldier, spy," have sex, sleep, eat breakfast, and come into the office. i'm on the forum as a way to avoid looking at my email, which is predictably terrifying after two weeks away.

BJJ will have to wait until my finger is well enough to grab with.

Nice. 3/5 ain't bad.

Cool. Not sure if you've already seen it but if not check out the Gracie Breakdown YouTube channel. Some very cool content.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 09, 2017, 01:16:19 am
74 kg !! :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

give athletic anorexia a chance!! :( :(

fwiw I absolutely hate bjj.. when I was boxing at ATT, I tried a few bjj classes (no-gi and gi). In the gi class I had several 250-300 lb. men eventually just lie on top of me while trying to choke me out. In the no-gi class I dislocated my pinky toe completely while doing drills on the mat, oh that was after doing like 10 minutes of chokes. hahaha. At that point I realized, I will do everything to stay on my feet if I have to defend myself. i'll stick2boxing. lol.

If you end up training with some dedicated wrestling/bjj/mma folks, you'll find some great training partners.. Those people are nuts and usually train pretty hard. It's a cool group of people.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2017, 01:59:57 am
74 kg !! :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

give athletic anorexia a chance!! :( :(

no.  :P

fwiw I absolutely hate bjj.. when I was boxing at ATT, I tried a few bjj classes (no-gi and gi). In the gi class I had several 250-300 lb. men eventually just lie on top of me while trying to choke me out. In the no-gi class I dislocated my pinky toe completely while doing drills on the mat, oh that was after doing like 10 minutes of chokes. hahaha. At that point I realized, I will do everything to stay on my feet if I have to defend myself. i'll stick2boxing. lol.

If you end up training with some dedicated wrestling/bjj/mma folks, you'll find some great training partners.. Those people are nuts and usually train pretty hard. It's a cool group of people.


yeah it looks like a recipe for lots of injuries. OTOH, i want to fight someone. the size difference thing could be kind of cool even, at least in sparring, because you have to play to each other: the class i watched in saigon had big dudes grappling with little women and they just made it work. obviously the guy could just crush the woman if he wanted to in a lot of cases, but that's not what the training is about, and people were working together on it. seemed like fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 09, 2017, 02:20:44 am
74 kg !! :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

give athletic anorexia a chance!! :( :(

no.  :P

fwiw I absolutely hate bjj.. when I was boxing at ATT, I tried a few bjj classes (no-gi and gi). In the gi class I had several 250-300 lb. men eventually just lie on top of me while trying to choke me out. In the no-gi class I dislocated my pinky toe completely while doing drills on the mat, oh that was after doing like 10 minutes of chokes. hahaha. At that point I realized, I will do everything to stay on my feet if I have to defend myself. i'll stick2boxing. lol.

If you end up training with some dedicated wrestling/bjj/mma folks, you'll find some great training partners.. Those people are nuts and usually train pretty hard. It's a cool group of people.


yeah it looks like a recipe for lots of injuries. OTOH, i want to fight someone. the size difference thing could be kind of cool even, at least in sparring, because you have to play to each other: the class i watched in saigon had big dudes grappling with little women and they just made it work. obviously the guy could just crush the woman if he wanted to in a lot of cases, but that's not what the training is about, and people were working together on it. seemed like fun.


btw, "i want to fight someone" -> meaning, you want to actually fight in a sanctioned match?

if so, you're smart.. that is a somewhat of a problem. Eventually you'll worry about your brain and such, it happens to pretty much every "smart person" who wants to fight. Progressively harder sparring will leave you with headaches and such .. smart people eventually worry.

fight training itself is fun/beneficial though.. it's the hard sparring component of preparing for a real fight that starts to make you think..

I've never had real migraines in my life, other than when I was hard sparring (hours after matches) ~2-3x/wk for several months.. And I barely got hit, had great defense. But even blocking punches (covered up) can rattle your brain etc, and especially if you get caught with clean shots... even with head gear etc. Head gear can even make it worse, apparently (some studies find) - mostly due to absorbing more shots and increasing the surface area for shots to land IIRC.

as for sparring bigger people, that's how I got hurt. I was < 150 sparring lots of people 170-185. Weight difference and bone structure are huge factors. I ended up getting hurt by punching someone hard on top of their head (when they ducked down), wrecked my index knuckle. Had that person been ~150 instead of ~180, I might have been ok, not sure.. But you have to be careful of trainers who aren't actually looking out for you, it happens alot in these fight gyms.

but ya there's a difference between light sparring and hard sparring .. light sparring with bigger people is fine as long as they aren't psychopaths (who try to hurt you out of nowhere). But hard sparring with much bigger people?? not a fan..

anyway not trying to scare you away from it, just figured i'd mention some stuff based on my experiences.

also i'm talking about striking, not BJJ.. when I see "fight" I just immediately think striking. So sorry if i'm off.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on January 09, 2017, 03:05:42 am
You definitely need a good gym. Somewhere where they preach technique over strength otherwise it's just a shit fight and injuries happen all the time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2017, 03:57:00 am
thanks both, good advice. adarq i'm not talking about actually fighting, i meant more grappling/sparring. if i get into the training and it seems like an actual bout would be fun, i'll cross that bridge when i get to it. no interest in getting hit in the head or hitting someone else in the head. although, from a brain preservation perspective, i also really want a motorcycle.  ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on January 10, 2017, 12:45:27 am
thanks both, good advice. adarq i'm not talking about actually fighting, i meant more grappling/sparring. if i get into the training and it seems like an actual bout would be fun, i'll cross that bridge when i get to it. no interest in getting hit in the head or hitting someone else in the head. although, from a brain preservation perspective, i also really want a motorcycle.  ::)

Arent you from Connecticut?  If so and you're going back there after you're done wherever you're at now, they have an American Top Team in Danbury.  If you're close to it I'd recommend going there.  Once you're in a class you'll grapple with a ton of different body types and levels.  I had to grapple during drills with a few black belts, one was significantly smaller than myself and another one was an ex NFL player(I think he was like a 3rd stringer or some shit) but nonetheless he was a jacked 250.  Then the time where I almost sparred with Bones Jones before he debuted in the UFC lol  I would have gotten fuuucked up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 10, 2017, 01:08:22 am
thanks both, good advice. adarq i'm not talking about actually fighting, i meant more grappling/sparring. if i get into the training and it seems like an actual bout would be fun, i'll cross that bridge when i get to it. no interest in getting hit in the head or hitting someone else in the head. although, from a brain preservation perspective, i also really want a motorcycle.  ::)

Arent you from Connecticut?  If so and you're going back there after you're done wherever you're at now, they have an American Top Team in Danbury.  If you're close to it I'd recommend going there.  Once you're in a class you'll grapple with a ton of different body types and levels.  I had to grapple during drills with a few black belts, one was significantly smaller than myself and another one was an ex NFL player(I think he was like a 3rd stringer or some shit) but nonetheless he was a jacked 250.  Then the time where I almost sparred with Bones Jones before he debuted in the UFC lol  I would have gotten fuuucked up.

you almost sparred Jon Jones? RIP. lmao.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2017, 02:32:21 am
nah i'm from maryland, lived in DC the past 8 years until moving to pakistan. sparring with jon jones sounds like a recipe for a dislocated shoulder at best.

this is the gym here:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on January 10, 2017, 03:23:35 am
nah i'm from maryland, lived in DC the past 8 years until moving to pakistan. sparring with jon jones sounds like a recipe for a dislocated shoulder at best.

this is the gym here:

Oh ok for some reason I thought you were from Connecticut.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2017, 07:43:44 am
got a bunch of family there. but nah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 11, 2017, 01:12:53 am
last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: right ring finger is busted af
SORENESS: quads, hamstrings
MENTAL STATE: very tired

- warm up

- squat 110 x 10

- pull up x 13

- DB OHP 20s x 6 (:()

- hyper x 15

didn't have time or energy for much and was quite sore from sunday. but anyway good to get these (embarrassingly low, except for the pull ups, which surprised me, all done strict and full ROM) baselines. i have a bench baseline and a kroc row baseline more or less already.

this is my plan for the next two months. it's going to be interrupted by at least a couple of multiday trips.

starting training maxes:
(bw 75)
squat 110x10
bench 70x12
pull ups x13
kroc row 36x20R/17L
feel kind of small

(bw 80)
squat 140x10
bench 100x10
pull ups x20
kroc row 44x20R/20L
feel kind of swole

WEIGHTS 2x/week
- warm up
- (SL/DL SVJ, pogos, DSVJ)
- squat 3x6-8
- bench 3x6-8
-- hyper OR RDL 3x10-15
-- hyper sit ups OR hanging leg raises 2x10
- pull up 3x6-8
- kroc row
- curls 2x10-12
- triceps 2x10-12

GPP 2x/week
- run x ~30 mins
- HIIT-style workout x ~30 mins
- ultimate OR tennis OR something else like that

it's cold in the morning but not too cold to run before work. if i can get my sleep sorted i may start trying to do the GPP stuff then rather than after work. that said i'll do one or the other of these after work today. plus i'm finally getting a car this evening. helloooo quality of life improvement.

on an unrelated note, shit has gotten a little bit more emotional with the aforementioned bed company than i meant for it to. complicated situation. hate giving power over myself to other people. not going to get into it more than that at the moment but it's on my mind and definitely affected my sleep last night. oh well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 11, 2017, 01:44:06 am
surprised/confused about that db ohp, 20's x 6 wtf?

cool @ the schedule. swole up.

running before work (programming) has the opposite effect for me compared to most people, i'm more tired/mine wanders. maybe just takes longer to get used to, especially for 'night owls'. dno.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on January 11, 2017, 04:16:33 am
I like the plan... very simple but it will definitely get the job done. You could add in some 15-20 rep finishers after your main working sets on squats/bench... did it again on ohp today and the pump was real... arnie would have been proud :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on January 11, 2017, 04:32:34 am
I like the plan... very simple but it will definitely get the job done. You could add in some 15-20 rep finishers after your main working sets on squats/bench... did it again on ohp today and the pump was real... arnie would have been proud :lololol:

"The best activities for your health are pumping and humping"
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 12, 2017, 03:42:19 am
surprised/confused about that db ohp, 20's x 6 wtf?

cool @ the schedule. swole up.

running before work (programming) has the opposite effect for me compared to most people, i'm more tired/mine wanders. maybe just takes longer to get used to, especially for 'night owls'. dno.

to clarify: all weights in kg. still 44lbs x 6 ain't great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 12, 2017, 10:19:11 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right ring finger
MENTAL STATE: kind of tired

- warm up

- pistol x 5,5/leg

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg
focus on sitting back

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- AMRAP double unders x 20 mins
got to 474. lots of mistakes at the beginning but settled down eventually. this was a nice little workout, not too challenging cardiovascularly but got HR up a little and easy to measure.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 12, 2017, 03:23:45 pm
surprised/confused about that db ohp, 20's x 6 wtf?

cool @ the schedule. swole up.

running before work (programming) has the opposite effect for me compared to most people, i'm more tired/mine wanders. maybe just takes longer to get used to, especially for 'night owls'. dno.

to clarify: all weights in kg. still 44lbs x 6 ain't great.

funny how i always read your weights in kg .. but for that I read it in lb.


20 kg obviously makes more sense.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 12, 2017, 03:24:18 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right ring finger
MENTAL STATE: kind of tired

- warm up

- pistol x 5,5/leg

- shrimp squat x 10,10/leg
focus on sitting back

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- AMRAP double unders x 20 mins
got to 474
. lots of mistakes at the beginning but settled down eventually. this was a nice little workout, not too challenging cardiovascularly but got HR up a little and easy to measure.

damn sick.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2017, 01:29:56 am
^^^didn't feel sick, felt like a minimum. once i can consistently do sets of 20 that number will go up quick. at the moment sets of 10 are very easy, and i can usually get to 20 but sometimes crap out after 17-18. would be cool to get 1000 in 20 mins, that'll probably require sets of 40.

also i need a longer rope, i can do criss-crosses with the one i have but only barely. the short one is good for double-unders, though. shoulders down and relaxed, jaw relaxed, bounce. i love jumping rope.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2017, 02:08:10 am
last night:

ACHES/INJURIES: right ring finger fucked
SORENESS: soleus a little

- warm up

- pistol x 5,5/leg

- shrimp squat x 10/leg

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- ME SVJ x 6,6

- DSVJ x a few
there's a doorway at my friend's place that i can slap, she's moving out soon but reminds me that finding something to measure progress against is good, even if i'm not focused on jumping right now.

- AMRAP double unders x 10 mins
~270, lost count briefly at the beginning so don't know exact number. pace obviously higher than thursday. my soleus/calves are sore today.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2017, 06:34:35 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right ring finger fucked, right knee (shit), mild headache
SORENESS: soleus, calves a bit

- warm up

- SL SVJ x 5,5/leg

- squat 115 x 8,8,8

- bench 70 x 8,8,6

- superset x 2
-- hyper x 15
-- hyper crunch x 15

- pull up x 8,6,6

- kroc row 36 x10L,10R
too heavy

- stretch

skipped direct arm work, regret it now. next time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 15, 2017, 05:58:11 am
following a comment in leonel's journal, here's that greek proportions thing that joe posted in the OG era:

here's what i've got now (diff from "ideal" measurements in parentheses):

wrist: 6.8"
chest: 42.4" (-1.8")
forearm: 12.0" (-0.8")
waist: 31.5" (+0.6")
thigh: 23.7" (+0.3")
hip: 37.7" (+0.1")
calf: 15.5" (+0.5")
biceps: 13.8" (-2.2")
neck: 15.0" (-1.4")

fwiw i think a little bloated from huge breakfast, waist was 31" even the last time i measured. so, same as ever: legs close to greek ideal according to some random website. chest, neck and especially arms skinny.
i feel good about my current project to get slightly more swole.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on January 15, 2017, 08:10:24 am
Nice! You seem to be pretty close overall... I'm way off haha. Waist (big obliques/erectors but also fat) and especially legs way too big. Arms too small.  :uhcomeon:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2017, 06:57:11 am
Nice! You seem to be pretty close overall... I'm way off haha. Waist (big obliques/erectors but also fat) and especially legs way too big. Arms too small.  :uhcomeon:

lol yeah except for my little guns.

slept for something like 9.5-10 hours last night, way past my alarm. guess i needed it. knee still feels a little angry but i'm gonna try squatting tonight anyway. if it feels off i'll just do leg press instead and then the rest of my workout. beach work is definitely happening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2017, 10:41:36 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right ring finger fucked in a new way today, right knee mildly

- warm up

- bench

decided to take the AELS route and not test my knee. then went to bench and the new way in which my right finger seems to be injured prevented me from even gripping the empty bar properly. same went for pull up bar. bagged it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 17, 2017, 09:12:43 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right ring finger fucked in a new way, no can grip
MENTAL STATE: motivation kind of low, had to drag myself through this

- warm up

- superset x 3
-- high-rear-foot BSS x 20/leg
-- push up x 20
-- band pull-apart x10,10,30

- AMRAP double unders x 20 mins
487. paced myself too much early, had to work hard at the end to get there. love this.

the inside of my right fingernail is now extremely tender. totally fine unless i apply any lateral pressure to it. since gripping involves fingers being together, no can grip. fuck.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2017, 11:31:06 am
ACHES/INJURIES: right ring finger fucked but less so
SORENESS: hamstrings a tiny bit

- warm up

- plate jump squat @10s x 6,6

- ME SVJ x 3

- squat 117 x 8,8,8

- bench 70 x 8,8,8

- superset x 2
-- hyper +5kg x 15
-- hyper crunch +5kg behind head x 15

- pull up +5 x 8,7,4
oh so THAT'S what humble pie tastes like. grip still off on these but man that's weak.

- cable tricep pressdown 28 x 20

- DB curl 8s x 15

- DB shrug 22s x 20

- stretch

great workout, feel awesome. skipped kroc rows because finger.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 23, 2017, 08:57:13 am
ACHES/INJURIES: just waiting for right fingernail to fall off now

- warm up

- AMRAP double unders x 20 mins
502, incremental progress

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2017, 10:09:32 am
ACHES/INJURIES: waiting for right fingernail to fall off; right knee a tiny bit; whole body felt weak
SORENESS: soleus

- warm up

- squat 110 x 8
wondered why it felt so light, facepalmed, put 120 on, couldn't even do one rep

- bench 72.5 x 2
nnnnope. weak.

chalking this up to not enough calories today. diet today was bad, diet in general has been bad on workout days. partly this is attributable to work being crazy but that's a weak excuse. need to get diet and sleep back on track.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2017, 10:07:58 pm
this is turning into kind of a lost week workout-wise. tuesday was a washout, then felt sick last night and had a work dinner that bumped a different work dinner to tonight, and friday evening i'll probably have my visiting colleagues over for drinks. earliest i can get to the gym is saturday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 27, 2017, 05:22:15 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: waiting for right fingernail to fall off; right knee a tiny bit; whole body felt weak
SORENESS: soleus

- warm up

- squat 110 x 8
wondered why it felt so light, facepalmed, put 120 on, couldn't even do one rep

lol sucks.

- bench 72.5 x 2
nnnnope. weak.

chalking this up to not enough calories today. diet today was bad, diet in general has been bad on workout days. partly this is attributable to work being crazy but that's a weak excuse. need to get diet and sleep back on track.

dno, valid excuse. wrecked sleep is a real killer.

just need to get it back on track for a while then you'll be back on rhythm. At some point soon, you'll just get pissed and focus more on it. ;d
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2017, 09:04:03 am
ACHES/INJURIES: waiting for right fingernail to fall off

- warm up

- squat 120 x 8,8,5
could have gotten to 8 on the last set but not without grinding a bit. not worth it.

- bench 72.5 x 8,8,5
had more but the pins are at such awkward heights that i didn't want to push it without a spotter for fear of not being able to rack the bar properly.

- pull up +4 x 8,6,4

- superset x 2
-- hyper +10 x 10
-- hyper crunch +10 x 10
i need to bring straps and go back to TTB

- kroc row 32 x 16L; 20R
the gym doesn't seem to have 34s, which is lame.

- cable tricep pressdown 80 x 12+3+3+3

- DB curl 10s x 10+3+3

- stretch

fantastic workout, feel awesome, no pain, not even mad that i missed badly on the third sets of squats and bench and that my pull ups are weak af. squat sets of 8 are a lot, once i get to maybe 125 or 130 i'll probably drop to sets of 5 and keep pushing the weight that way. not like i need/want my legs to be bigger anyway.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 28, 2017, 02:11:59 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: waiting for right fingernail to fall off

eeek! i've never had a fingernail fall off, toenails yes. I imagine fingernail is more painful? fingernails seem more sensitive.

big toe ingrown toenail was some serious pain though.



- warm up

- squat 120 x 8,8,5
could have gotten to 8 on the last set but not without grinding a bit. not worth it.

- bench 72.5 x 8,8,5
had more but the pins are at such awkward heights that i didn't want to push it without a spotter for fear of not being able to rack the bar properly.

- pull up +4 x 8,6,4

- superset x 2
-- hyper +10 x 10
-- hyper crunch +10 x 10
i need to bring straps and go back to TTB

- kroc row 32 x 16L; 20R
the gym doesn't seem to have 34s, which is lame.

- cable tricep pressdown 80 x 12+3+3+3

- DB curl 10s x 10+3+3

- stretch

fantastic workout, feel awesome, no pain, not even mad that i missed badly on the third sets of squats and bench and that my pull ups are weak af. squat sets of 8 are a lot, once i get to maybe 125 or 130 i'll probably drop to sets of 5 and keep pushing the weight that way. not like i need/want my legs to be bigger anyway.

nice, good session.

this reminded me, I wanted to do a few sets of pullups/pushups today in session #1.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 29, 2017, 03:24:47 am
the injury hurt so much when it happened that i felt nauseated and lightheaded. there are a LOT of nerves in the tips of your fingers. it hurt for a couple of weeks and then stopped. the nail is about 4/5 off now. not going to hurry it along, just keep it under a bandaid most of the time so it doesn't get caught on anything and be patient.

when i lost my big toenail when i was in high school it grew back through the skin and got badly infected, had to have surgery. but that didn't hurt as much as this one did.

unrelated: i got food poisoning last night. food poisoning suuuuucks. and it sucks to wake up and feel hungover despite having not drunk anything.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on January 29, 2017, 03:41:21 am
when i lost my big toenail when i was in high school it grew back through the skin and got badly infected, had to have surgery. but that didn't hurt as much as this one did.

Did the nail grow into the skin on the tip of the toe? I've lost both my big toenails in the last 4 months and both of them are growing like that. I figured it would be the sort of problem that just kind of resolves itself but maybe I need to see a specialist
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2017, 08:06:58 am
it grew through the skin on either side of the nail bed and then through the skin at the tip. my toe was gnarly, if yours seem like they're healing fine then i wouldn't worry about it.

also, three days on i'm still feeling the effects from the bad chicken i ate (assuming that's what it was, seems the likeliest candidate). feel better now than this morning -- at least i'm not nauseated and heartburny -- but still minimal appetite and kind of weak. no workout tonight, here's hoping i feel better tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 31, 2017, 11:16:18 pm
the injury hurt so much when it happened that i felt nauseated and lightheaded. there are a LOT of nerves in the tips of your fingers. it hurt for a couple of weeks and then stopped. the nail is about 4/5 off now. not going to hurry it along, just keep it under a bandaid most of the time so it doesn't get caught on anything and be patient.

when i lost my big toenail when i was in high school it grew back through the skin and got badly infected, had to have surgery. but that didn't hurt as much as this one did.

unrelated: i got food poisoning last night. food poisoning suuuuucks. and it sucks to wake up and feel hungover despite having not drunk anything.

Ya i remember you had to get surgery for that toe issue, that's nuts.

Sometimes I think about how many times I would have died, if I were alive thousands of years ago. Arm breaks would have gotten me each time, same with strep throat probably. Big toe issue might have been your undoing. crazy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2017, 10:01:22 am
ACHES/INJURIES: waiting for right fingernail to fall off, last remnants of food poisoning

- warm up

- ME SVJ x 3

- SL SVJ x 3/leg

- squat 140 x 1; 145 x 1
145 was a wee bit grindy but ultimately not hard. no psych up.

- superset
-- pull up x 8,5
-- hyper +10 x 15
-- TTB x 5

- stretch

took it super easy on myself given first day back from frustratingly prolonged food poisoning episode. 145 is eh, was harder than it should have been. OTOH weighed myself after and was ~75 (scale not super precise). so pretty near twice bodyweight after being sick and without squatting heavy in at least four months. on the third hand, man one of these days i'm actually going to go all in on my squat and get to four plates like a big boy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 02, 2017, 05:00:51 am
on the third hand, man one of these days i'm actually going to go all in on my squat and get to four plates like a big boy.

Make sure you do that when you are back home, so you also break the 400lbs milestone, 4 20kg plates is a tiny bit under 400.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2017, 06:48:58 am
on the third hand, man one of these days i'm actually going to go all in on my squat and get to four plates like a big boy.

Make sure you do that when you are back home, so you also break the 400lbs milestone, 4 20kg plates is a tiny bit under 400.

my gym actually has 25kg plates so i could make it a REALLY strong four-plate squat if i did it here.  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on February 02, 2017, 09:20:35 am
25kg plates are the bomb. I have a pair. I wish i had another pair then i could go from empty bar to 70kg to 120kg. I think making 110kg my baseline has been beneficial, i can pretty much squat htat any day time cos it's become a warmup. I think if i had another pair id be able to do that for 120kg.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2017, 12:37:43 am
Hard to call it a breakup because we weren't really dating but the chick I've been seeing broke things off last night because, long story short, she's not over her ex. That's probably good in the long run, but at the moment it sucks.

1. being rejected is shitty
2. being rejected in favor of another dude she also rejected but still has feelings for is shittier
3. being rejected after making it clear that the only red line was that she be working on getting over the other dude, her agreeing to that, then getting all weird a few days ago and lying about why even when i asked point-blank about it, sleeping with her a couple of times but not having sex because of said weirdness -- is even shittier

Texted with my friend about it this morning (her night, she's in DC), and she pointed out that it's not personal, for her (the girl here) it's about herself and her feelings for this other guy and the fact that she likes me -- which she does -- is in the background. Also that if the girl is dealing with internal shit then it's way better to have a clean break than be ambiguous about shit. That's true, but still feeling hurt/pissed.

I'll get over it, just feeling a little bit emo today.

ETA: After cooling down a bit, and FB messaging with the chick, I had an epiphany. Namely, that I have been taking our relationship way too seriously. She's leaving the country for good in May, it's not like we have a future together. And she's cool and hot and fun in bed and she likes me and wants to have sex with me, too. Would be dumb to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Sure, it would be weird if she invites her ex to Pakistan for a week or goes back to Bahrain to sleep with him for a week. But if I'm also not monogamous with her then it'd be less weird. Letting my internal expectations/status-meter get way ahead of where we decided to be at -- and we'd talked about it several times -- was not good. Didn't quite realize how far ahead I'd gotten until she hit me with the "I'm not ready to be done romantically with ex" yesterday.

Still need a bit of time to get over the shock of having my quasi-unacknowledged feelings scrambled. Not gonna rush back into bed with her, even though she expressly told me her door's open. But I think getting over it can, if I want it to, mean that we're FWB. I think that'd be cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2017, 05:57:28 am
ACHES/INJURIES: waiting for right fingernail to fall off

- warm up

- squat 130 x 3,3
over moderate volume squatting. heavier and low volume for a while. still pretty effing weak. neither set was challenging but 276 x 3 shouldn't be.

- bench 72.5 x 8,8,8
one ME SVJ in the middle, palm flat on ceiling with elbow bent.

- superset x 2
-- pull up x 8
-- hyper +10 x 15

- TTB x 10,10

- kroc row 32 x 20L; 20R
up to 36 next time

- tricep press down 41 x 10+3+3

- stretch

feeling a little shaky now. gonna eat and drink a bunch of water. decent workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on February 04, 2017, 10:17:29 am
Hard to call it a breakup because we weren't really dating but the chick I've been seeing broke things off last night because, long story short, she's not over her ex. That's probably good in the long run, but at the moment it sucks.

1. being rejected is shitty
2. being rejected in favor of another dude she also rejected but still has feelings for is shittier
3. being rejected after making it clear that the only red line was that she be working on getting over the other dude, her agreeing to that, then getting all weird a few days ago and lying about why even when i asked point-blank about it, sleeping with her a couple of times but not having sex because of said weirdness -- is even shittier

Texted with my friend about it this morning (her night, she's in DC), and she pointed out that it's not personal, for her (the girl here) it's about herself and her feelings for this other guy and the fact that she likes me -- which she does -- is in the background. Also that if the girl is dealing with internal shit then it's way better to have a clean break than be ambiguous about shit. That's true, but still feeling hurt/pissed.

I'll get over it, just feeling a little bit emo today.

ETA: After cooling down a bit, and FB messaging with the chick, I had an epiphany. Namely, that I have been taking our relationship way too seriously. She's leaving the country for good in May, it's not like we have a future together. And she's cool and hot and fun in bed and she likes me and wants to have sex with me, too. Would be dumb to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Sure, it would be weird if she invites her ex to Pakistan for a week or goes back to Bahrain to sleep with him for a week. But if I'm also not monogamous with her then it'd be less weird. Letting my internal expectations/status-meter get way ahead of where we decided to be at -- and we'd talked about it several times -- was not good. Didn't quite realize how far ahead I'd gotten until she hit me with the "I'm not ready to be done romantically with ex" yesterday.

Still need a bit of time to get over the shock of having my quasi-unacknowledged feelings scrambled. Not gonna rush back into bed with her, even though she expressly told me her door's open. But I think getting over it can, if I want it to, mean that we're FWB. I think that'd be cool.

Id go for it, its rare to find a girl that is fine with hooking up without hidden motives.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 07, 2017, 09:35:20 am
^^^ yeah i prob will. taking a little break from being in touch with her at the moment, just to sort myself out. but i'll probably say hi tomorrow. i talked with my best friend about this last night and he made a super interesting point about patriarchy and misplaced need to control that helped me take a step back from myself. just need to give myself a bit more time to chill the f out and then i think i'll be cool.

just now:

- warm up

- ladder x 50,40,30,20,10
-- double under
-- lunge
-- push up /2
finished in 9:30. not the strictest push ups. all i had time for under the circumstances. it's been an intense week here.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on February 07, 2017, 02:12:56 pm
Damn man situations like this are tough, maybe it's that being caught somewhere in between yellow light feeling that makes it so. If she's open and honest with you it would definitely makes things easier and could help give you a different perspective on relationships that will help you in the long run.

On the other hand, if you don't like how it feels there's only so much you can rationalize to yourself. If those feelings are strong and it gets to be unhealthy it doesn't make sense to keep pushing yourself through it. I've definitely felt that way before and just said fuck this its not worth it. I guess it depends on how much of the shittiness you feel now you're willing to keep feeling for that person. Dunno if that's the right advice for you but its just what I've experienced personally.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 09, 2017, 09:57:44 am
ACHES/INJURIES: waiting for right fingernail to fall off
SORENESS: glutes, upper hams

- warm up

- superset x 2
-- plate jump squat +15s x 4
-- ME SVJ x 3

- squat 140 x 2,2
weighed ~74-74.5 after workout so this is about 1.9 times bw for doubles. neat.

- bench 75 x 8,8,6

- superset x 2
-- hyper +15 x 15
-- TTB (straps) x 10

- pull up breathing ladder x (1,2,3) x 3

- kroc row 36 x 10L; 10R

- tricep pressdown 90 x 10+3+3+3

- DB curl 12s x 8+3

- stretch

awesome workout
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2017, 11:42:17 am

- hike x ~1 hour
just up into the hills and back down with a friend


ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a bit, right ankle a bit, lower gut
MENTAL STATE: a bit out of sorts

- warm up

- superset x 2
-- plate jump squat +15s x 5
-- ME SVJ x 3
not so good

- squat 140 x 1
felt off, ankle and knee bugging

- pull up x 8,8,6+1+1

- DB OHP 16s x 8,8

- stretch

glad i dragged myself through that but i just feel off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 14, 2017, 09:22:26 am
ACHES/INJURIES: knees after finishing

- tennis x 1 hour
played with a buddy from ultimate, who's at about my level of fitness/athleticism but a bit more skilled. good partner. we rallied for most of the time and then played a set, which he won 6-3.

in consolation, i am more skilled than he is at ultimate.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on February 14, 2017, 11:12:30 am
Ultimate as in ultimate frisbee?  If so that shit was fun in gym, minus the girls that just stood around and got in everyones way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 15, 2017, 10:26:49 am
yep, ultimate frisbee. fun sport, used to play competitively, sprained my ankle six times, got fed up, retired. just started playing again after moving to islamabad just as a way to meet people. quality is similar to gym class but it's fun.


- yoga x 75 mins
went to my friend's class, was nice. she adjusted it for my toes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on February 15, 2017, 04:21:32 pm
yoga FTW.

I need a lady to go with me so as to not be the creeper.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on February 15, 2017, 06:57:14 pm
yep, ultimate frisbee. fun sport, used to play competitively, sprained my ankle six times, got fed up, retired. just started playing again after moving to islamabad just as a way to meet people. quality is similar to gym class but it's fun.

Hows the Ultimate scene in Pakistan? Do you go to different pickups or just the one? Is there a more competitive level of play there like a worlds team or is Ultimate something people do entirely for fun? Do you teach people a ton of stuff about frisbee to get it past "gym class" quality, or are you content to just play around and chat people up?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2017, 04:00:47 am
yep, ultimate frisbee. fun sport, used to play competitively, sprained my ankle six times, got fed up, retired. just started playing again after moving to islamabad just as a way to meet people. quality is similar to gym class but it's fun.

Hows the Ultimate scene in Pakistan? Do you go to different pickups or just the one? Is there a more competitive level of play there like a worlds team or is Ultimate something people do entirely for fun? Do you teach people a ton of stuff about frisbee to get it past "gym class" quality, or are you content to just play around and chat people up?

there's only one pickup game in islamabad that i know of, would be shocked if there were another. there is no competitive play here at all. there may be in other cities but i don't think so, it's really just an expat (white) sport. the skill level apparently waxes and wanes over time -- one of the guys who founded the pickup game here is a former sockeye player, but he's long gone. i've tried a bit to get people to do the basics better, e.g. form a stack and run something approximating the stanford offense, but like half the people don't even know what a force is. and i'm content to just run around amongst the chaos.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2017, 06:38:10 am
last night

- rest

EDIT: redacted because christ i can't believe i even put that up there. whoever downvoted, thank you.  :-[
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: undoubtable on February 18, 2017, 02:03:26 am
last night

- rest

EDIT: redacted because christ i can't believe i even put that up there. whoever downvoted, thank you.  :-[

lol don't sweat it man everyone gets excited and says/does some ish time to time. +1 to balance you out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on February 18, 2017, 04:38:18 am
last night

- rest

EDIT: redacted because christ i can't believe i even put that up there. whoever downvoted, thank you.  :-[

You're welcome.. :P seriously though I'm happy for you that things are going so good with that girl. I only downvoted because I found it a bit too much to put a youtube link up there just to show us how hot the girl is you are having sex with. :)

Edit: upvoted again :)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2017, 05:38:03 am
it was a bit much. fml.  :uhhhfacepalm:

back to your regularly scheduled programming.

ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little

- warm up

- pull up x 8,8,8
fuck i still suck at these

- bench 77.5 x 8,8,6
prob had 8 on the last set with a spotter but no spotter

- RDL 100 x 10,10

- superset x 2
-- DB flye 4s x 10
-- DB curl 10s x 10
-- tricep pressdown 41 x 12,10

- hyper crunch +10 x 12,10

- stretch

feeling mildly swole.  :strong:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on February 20, 2017, 12:06:20 am
Thought on Pelicans acquiring DMC via trade??
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2017, 01:15:21 am
Thought on Pelicans acquiring DMC via trade??

curious how they'll make the twin towers thing work, boogie and davis could complement or clog each other. interesting challenge for the coaches in NO.

sacramento isn't getting much but maybe it's as good as they could have gotten for an unhappy star who'd wanted to move for a long time. tbh i haven't followed closely enough this year to know how stacked the draft is, so not sure how much value the kings are likely to get out of that pick.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2017, 02:38:47 am
just booked my tickets for first trip back to the states since i left in october. three weeks in late june-mid july.

 :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2017, 12:52:39 pm
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee a little
SORENESS: hamstrings

- warm up

- pull up x 8,8,8
frustrated that i'm not getting better at these faster. oh well, keep at it. i think, not for the first time, that i'm just built for pushing rather than pulling.

- bench 77.5 x 8,8,8
wrecked these. there was a kind of jacked bro working in with me doing set of 5 partial reps @80 with ugly/twisted form and i got competitive. he was mirin.

- kroc row 36 x 16L, 18R
back was tweaking a little from the rotation. careful.

- TTB x 10,10

- trap bar DL 150 x 1; 180 x 0
there was a dude repping out 180s and i miscounted the weight, was curious whether i could pull it. 150 went up pretty strong but 180 didn't even break the floor. obviously. that would have been a massive lifetime PR. counting is hard  ::)

- superset x 2
-- DB curl 10s x 10
-- DB shrug 36s x 10
-- tricep pressdown 45 x 10

- stretch

knee still a little sensitive so resting. could have squatted today and been fine.

also i lost my jump rope. damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on February 20, 2017, 08:18:16 pm
I reckon you can definitely pull pretty well with those kroc row/trap DL numbers! It just take you time to develop muscular endurance. When I was training with the sprint squad we'd do a fitness circuit 2x/week doing 3xF pullups along with other stuff. I went from your level (7-8/set) to doing 14-16 per set in a couple of month and a max of 23 after a full season; you'll do the same if not better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2017, 10:56:03 pm
I reckon you can definitely pull pretty well with those kroc row/trap DL numbers! It just take you time to develop muscular endurance. When I was training with the sprint squad we'd do a fitness circuit 2x/week doing 3xF pullups along with other stuff. I went from your level (7-8/set) to doing 14-16 per set in a couple of month and a max of 23 after a full season; you'll do the same if not better.

eh, maybe, but it's relative. bench and squat just go up faster/easier than DL or pull ups. maybe i just like them more. anyway i kind of like trap bar DL, if my knee is going to keep being annoying i might work it in 1-2x/week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 22, 2017, 11:48:06 pm
this morning

ACHES/INJURIES: normal morning upper back/neck tightness

- yoga x 50 mins
friend slept over and we'd agreed the night before to get up a bit early and do some yoga before work. felt awesome. i'm not going to be able to do 50 minutes every morning but if i can cobble together a 15-minute yoga/calisthenics routine out of the work we did this morning i'll be a happy camper. opening the neck and upper back alone was worth it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2017, 08:00:15 am
MENTAL STATE: good, a little too relaxed

- warm up

- pull up x 8,8,9

- bench 80 x 8,6
see above re: too relaxed

- superset x 2
-- tricep pressdown 50 x 10
-- DB curl 12s x 10
something in my left hand always feels off when doing curls. it's weird and uncomfortable. doesn't bother me during any other movement.

- shrug 40s x 10

- stretch

**drive home**

- squat friend ~60kg x 15
had a lot more in the tank obviously but stopped early because we were on her concrete patio and the ground rushing up at her on the eccentrics freaked her out a little. gonna try again another time, maybe with a bed or couch close by that she could bail onto, would be interesting to see if i could get to 40 with her on my shoulders. on the plus side, knee feels great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 25, 2017, 02:59:09 pm
MENTAL STATE: good, a little too relaxed

- warm up

- pull up x 8,8,9

- bench 80 x 8,6
see above re: too relaxed

- superset x 2
-- tricep pressdown 50 x 10
-- DB curl 12s x 10
something in my left hand always feels off when doing curls. it's weird and uncomfortable. doesn't bother me during any other movement.

- shrug 40s x 10

- stretch

**drive home**

- squat friend ~60kg x 15
had a lot more in the tank obviously but stopped early because we were on her concrete patio and the ground rushing up at her on the eccentrics freaked her out a little. gonna try again another time, maybe with a bed or couch close by that she could bail onto, would be interesting to see if i could get to 40 with her on my shoulders. on the plus side, knee feels great.

hahah sick
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2017, 10:28:09 am

- hike x ~4 miles
had to stop because friend's groin, which she strained running months ago now, started acting up when the going got steep. she wanted to keep going but i initialized anti-ego hiking squad.


- food poisoning-induced trips to the porcelain throne x 6 and counting
fuuuuuck being sick. left work early, thought i could take a nap and wake up and get some work done, but i feel worse now than i did before. hard to stay hydrated.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on February 27, 2017, 03:17:44 pm
Hope you feel better soon. I hate throwing up and I'm so bad at it too... haha I literally sound like I'm dying.  :ninja:

Seems like you and your gorgeous lady friend are spending some quality time together... happy for you man. ;)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on February 27, 2017, 07:07:33 pm
she wanted to keep going but i initialized anti-ego hiking squad.

Good Job  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2017, 12:15:37 am
Hope you feel better soon. I hate throwing up and I'm so bad at it too... haha I literally sound like I'm dying.  :ninja:

Seems like you and your gorgeous lady friend are spending some quality time together... happy for you man. ;)

TMI, but this was a purely ass-based bout of food poisoning. last time i had it i puked an astonishing amount and had diarrhea, so this time wasn't as bad. still, need to get my hands on some gatorade or similar on my way to work later (working from home this morning).

and yeah, QT is good. fuck me, i'm still embarrassed by that post.  :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 28, 2017, 02:10:41 am
Hope you feel better soon. I hate throwing up and I'm so bad at it too... haha I literally sound like I'm dying.  :ninja:

Seems like you and your gorgeous lady friend are spending some quality time together... happy for you man. ;)

TMI, but this was a purely ass-based bout of food poisoning. last time i had it i puked an astonishing amount and had diarrhea, so this time wasn't as bad. still, need to get my hands on some gatorade or similar on my way to work later (working from home this morning).

and yeah, QT is good. fuck me, i'm still embarrassed by that post.  :uhhhfacepalm:

damn  :o

i've never had food poisoning, and i hope to never get it.

ass based sounds scary.. i'd be worried about the health of my anus "innards". (innards has to be on of the top 5 worst words - re those off topic threads).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2017, 02:16:25 am
yeah it's best avoided. i've had it in the states, too, years ago after eating some pesto at a chain italian restaurant near my old office. shat my pants at work that day. good times.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2017, 08:26:11 am
fucked up my knee this afternoon casually trying to touch the roof over the carport at my friend's place. submax drop-step, felt it immediately, thing is really sore now. damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 02, 2017, 12:37:34 am
still sick, probably giardia, sucking it up and going to the doctor in an hour. and taking a day off work. except i'll still work some today because shit's gotta get done.

not soldiering through feels weak and lame, but after hearing a story about giardia laying a friend of a friend up for weeks, i shall swallow my pride.

EDIT: confirmed, giardia. rx is two separate courses of antibiotics, five days each with a two-day break. nausea is a side effect of the first drug, which should be a blast. no booze until i'm through the treatment. if i feel okay i'll exercise but it'll be of the yoga/lightweight variety, nothing heavy. on the plus side my knee feels okay today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2017, 02:22:44 am
antibiotics so far worse than disease. head dying, not migraine-bad but pretty bad. slept until 11:30. fml.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on March 03, 2017, 12:03:53 pm
That sucks... I wish you a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2017, 09:54:20 am
thanks. today was better than yesterday, so that's a start. plus i managed to both get to the gym and avoid pushing myself in my excitement to be working out again.  :highfive:

OTOH, saw a new gym buddy and after i said i was sick he said, "you look weaker." lol, thanks bro.  ::)


- warm up
incline walk @6kph x 10 mins

- pull up x 5,5,5,5,5,5
this is better than sets of 8, can do more reps. takes about the same amount of time, too, because i don't need as much rest between sets. will try working up to 6x6.

- DB OHP 12s x 20

- hyper x 20

- TTB x 10

- CoC @T x 5,5,5/hand

- shoulder dislocates x 10,10

- stretch

baby steps. still need to be resting.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2017, 10:46:47 am
ACHES/INJURIES: none (still on antibiotics but feel fine)

- yoga x 75 mins
went to friend's class. was great, hips wrecked. all the little stabilizer muscles got a taxing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 08, 2017, 06:53:10 am
almost forgot to log last night

ACHES/INJURIES: none (on antibiotic break)

- pull up x 6,5,5,5,5,5

- bench 80 x 3,3,3

- kroc row 32 x 20L;20R

- DB OHP 22s x 8,7

- hyper +15 x 10

- TTB x 5
right shoulder protested a little, not worth pushing

failed to bring jump rope and the treadmills and shit weren't working so i didn't warm up at all. felt fine but that's not an experiment i will repeat.

will do friend's yoga class again in a bit. i like her style, she mixes in some bw stuff that's meant to get the heart rate up and be challenging, like 40 seconds of kickbacks-to-spidermans while maintaining a plank on the planted foot.

am beginning to adjust to the fact that at the moment, i'm exercising just to exercise, and that's okay. listening to my body and not pushing through injuries, just putting my system through its paces. could stand to do more cardio. once my finger heals i'll start playing ultimate again, which will help.

EDIT: as planned, tonight

- yoga x 75 mins
knees hurt toward the end and for a little while afterwards.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2017, 05:05:54 am
forgot to log trap bar DLs the other day but now i forget the weight so they will remain unlogged.

ACHES/INJURIES: right anterior shoulder a little

- warm up
first time jumping rope in a while, felt good

- pull up x 6,6,5,5,5,5

- trap bar DL 135 x 5

- bench 80 x 5
shoulder bugging, bagged it

- tricep pressdown 110 x 10+3+3+3+3

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2017, 01:52:27 am
got in a car crash on the way to work. the drivers in this country are truly terrible, as a rule: i ran into the guy's right tail light because he stopped suddenly, for no apparent reason, after swerving partway into my lane. luckily i slammed on the brakes and was only going a few mph when i hit him. the car will need a new headlight and maybe a new bumper but otherwise it's fine.

on the bright side, it's another confirmation of how much it takes to stress me out: my heart rate never went up, even when i was pulling away from the crash and wondering if the guy would follow me (needless to say, you don't exchange insurance information in this country). this is a trait i appreciate in myself so yay for me.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: aiir on March 13, 2017, 02:36:28 am
got in a car crash on the way to work. the drivers in this country are truly terrible, as a rule: i ran into the guy's right tail light because he stopped suddenly, for no apparent reason, after swerving partway into my lane. luckily i slammed on the brakes and was only going a few mph when i hit him. the car will need a new headlight and maybe a new bumper but otherwise it's fine.

on the bright side, it's another confirmation of how much it takes to stress me out: my heart rate never went up, even when i was pulling away from the crash and wondering if the guy would follow me (needless to say, you don't exchange insurance information in this country). this is a trait i appreciate in myself so yay for me.


yikes, glad you came out okay man. I was gonna say you should've hit the gym with all that adrenaline but I guess your heart rate never even went up so.. ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2017, 11:16:30 am

- yoga x 75 mins
knees a bit achey at the end but less so than previous sessions. focused on keeping soft knees throughout, even when the posture called for straight legs. did a bunch of SL balances, was fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on March 13, 2017, 12:04:42 pm
Cripes, car crashes are scary, and I can tend to get pretty angry ant people needlessly endangering others in cars (esp. not using indicators ["blinkers"] and the like), so props to you for staying chilly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on March 13, 2017, 04:32:43 pm
Forgot which country you're in but it seems like a lot of foreign countries(after watching Top Gear) when you get into a car accident there's just an awkward wave and smile and people just drive off...except for Russia, shit goes down in Russia.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 13, 2017, 08:31:57 pm
got in a car crash on the way to work. the drivers in this country are truly terrible, as a rule: i ran into the guy's right tail light because he stopped suddenly, for no apparent reason, after swerving partway into my lane. luckily i slammed on the brakes and was only going a few mph when i hit him. the car will need a new headlight and maybe a new bumper but otherwise it's fine.


on the bright side, it's another confirmation of how much it takes to stress me out: my heart rate never went up, even when i was pulling away from the crash and wondering if the guy would follow me (needless to say, you don't exchange insurance information in this country). this is a trait i appreciate in myself so yay for me.


nice about the HR.

ya i'd be worried about that too (paranoid/defensive). A cop that lived near me was actually almost carjacked that way; he was off duty, someone rear ended him going slow, he pulls over, gets out, and dudes in another car in front got out and attempted to take his truck, but he was armed etc etc.

life is nuts. even a small fender bender could be something more serious.

my HR jumps pretty fast, I think.. I mean I can stay calm but I get "focused/on guard/aggressive" very fast. For example, when i'm wakling it can literally jump just from how a car passes me at night - or how they use their break lights etc.. When it jumps, I never ignore it. Also that's one piece of advice I have for anyone; if your HR jumps and you get "chills", don't ignore it.. some shit could be about to go down.

Forgot which country you're in but it seems like a lot of foreign countries(after watching Top Gear) when you get into a car accident there's just an awkward wave and smile and people just drive off...except for Russia, shit goes down in Russia.

you mean like russian mafia pulling out rocket launchers?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on March 13, 2017, 08:46:46 pm
got in a car crash on the way to work. the drivers in this country are truly terrible, as a rule: i ran into the guy's right tail light because he stopped suddenly, for no apparent reason, after swerving partway into my lane. luckily i slammed on the brakes and was only going a few mph when i hit him. the car will need a new headlight and maybe a new bumper but otherwise it's fine.


on the bright side, it's another confirmation of how much it takes to stress me out: my heart rate never went up, even when i was pulling away from the crash and wondering if the guy would follow me (needless to say, you don't exchange insurance information in this country). this is a trait i appreciate in myself so yay for me.


nice about the HR.

ya i'd be worried about that too (paranoid/defensive). A cop that lived near me was actually almost carjacked that way; he was off duty, someone rear ended him going slow, he pulls over, gets out, and dudes in another car in front got out and attempted to take his truck, but he was armed etc etc.

life is nuts. even a small fender bender could be something more serious.

my HR jumps pretty fast, I think.. I mean I can stay calm but I get "focused/on guard/aggressive" very fast. For example, when i'm wakling it can literally jump just from how a car passes me at night - or how they use their break lights etc.. When it jumps, I never ignore it. Also that's one piece of advice I have for anyone; if your HR jumps and you get "chills", don't ignore it.. some shit could be about to go down.

Forgot which country you're in but it seems like a lot of foreign countries(after watching Top Gear) when you get into a car accident there's just an awkward wave and smile and people just drive off...except for Russia, shit goes down in Russia.

you mean like russian mafia pulling out rocket launchers?

I watch car accident and fight videos sometimes and its mostly in Russia where road rage is taken to the next level lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2017, 12:33:52 am
i think so many of those videos are from russia because dash cams are so widespread there. take this with a grain of salt because i just read it somewhere on the internet, but i think that's because insurance fraud became rampant: pedestrians diving onto the hoods of cars and then claiming they got hit, and the driver is assumed to be at fault unless there's evidence to the contrary.

i live in pakistan, fwiw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 15, 2017, 11:17:01 am
ACHES/INJURIES: something a little wonky in right hamstring

- yoga x 75 mins
felt extra good today, ended feeling both like i worked and a bit blissed-out. beginning to get back into the yoga groove.

also went down a little GMB rabbit hole today and it reawakened my desire to work on some bodyweight holds and stuff. that and i'm frankly bored at the gym, going through the motions is fine but it's not exciting. first thing is to fix my wrists, especially the right one. i'm going on vacation from friday to the following sunday (hungary and croatia with the parental units), and i'll do a lot of walking and whatnot and, if i can convince them, perhaps some HIIT-style stuff with mom and dad. but i'm also resolving to do the GMB wrist warm up every day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on March 15, 2017, 10:41:42 pm
parental units

Glad someone else uses this phrase.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2017, 12:12:01 pm
back from my 10 days in europe with the parentals (what up coges). it was awesome, so much good food, so much to see. walked about 8-11 miles per day, with a couple of exceptions when we had long drives. did some wrist and hip stretching with my dad. that was it for exercise.


- yoga/HIIT x 75 mins
badly needed stretch, hips are a bit locked up after the trip back over here. wiped out, barely slept last night due to migraine/luggage fiasco.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2017, 11:06:35 am
MENTAL STATE: so tired

- GMB wrist, hip, shoulder warm up

- hollow body hold x 30s,30s

- wall-in handstand hold x 5s,5s
nope, wrists not ready
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on March 28, 2017, 08:50:36 pm
MENTAL STATE: so tired

- GMB wrist, hip, shoulder warm up

- hollow body hold x 30s,30s

- wall-in handstand hold x 5s,5s
nope, wrists not ready

On board the handstand train?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2017, 11:27:24 pm
trying to be. gonna take a long time, though. right wrist in particular just isn't having it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on March 29, 2017, 12:28:36 am
I'm experiencing the same thing. Left wrist is a bit buggy and right elbow has just given me the finger. Funny that it's not taking me as long as expected to get some results so I think you might surprise yourself.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2017, 12:11:57 am
last night

- GMB wrists

this morning

- GMB wrists, hips, shoulders

ETA: i woke up before my alarm this morning, fully awake. used the time to do some mobility stuff. felt awesome. lady friend and i have agreed to start going to bed earlier during the week. being up and active for a while before work is amazing, much better than hitting snooze.


- warm up
jump rope + GMB wrists, hips, shoulders

- DB OHP 20s x 5,5

- pull up sternum-to-bar x 5,5

- trap bar DL 105 x 5,5

- cable curl 32 x 10

- tricep pressdown 45 x 10

- hollow body hold x 20s,20s,20s

first time back in the gym in a good while. gonna keep doing normal lifting stuff while stepping up wrist and shoulder prep and getting my hollow body hold up to a full minute. once i can get onto my hands with straight arms, hello handstand, tuck planche, etc. can do crow pretty easily. also it'd be awesome to learn how to do a backflip.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on March 31, 2017, 10:46:11 am
also it'd be awesome to learn how to do a backflip.

Preach it.

That is on my bucket list for sure. It is mostly mental/ technique, one of my co-workers was at least 75 pounds over weight/no longer athletic and could still pull one off due to his gymnastic training as a kid. It was incredible to see.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 01, 2017, 10:43:34 am

- GMB wrists, shoulders, hips

- crow and crane practice x 20 mins

- wall handstand walk ups x 10s,10s

friend wanted to work on a couple of yoga hand balances so i did some more simple ones alongside. got pretty close to a decent crane, which surprised me because of how demanding it is on the wrists. good warm up really matters.


- goof off in pool x 45 mins
super fun. god bless the canadians for both having and barely using a nice pool.


- GMB wrists, shoulders, hips + jump rope
jump rope was on point, very relaxed double unders and smooth transitions

- trap bar DL 125 x 5,5

- superset
-- pull up x 12,7
-- DB OHP 18s x 8,7

- hollow body hold x 30s,30s
second one got tough toward the end
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2017, 10:48:17 pm

- GMB wrists, hips, shoulders

went to bed around 11:15. wasn't immediately tired but lady friend was wiped out so i thought i'd try going to sleep without reading or anything. great idea, woke 25 minutes before my alarm and feel rested. did bad about the early-bedtime resolution last week but damn it i'm gonna follow through this week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 02, 2017, 11:02:45 pm
For me early bedtime seems to be the hardest thing to do consistently and it has the widest effect on the rest of the stuff I want to do.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2017, 12:19:15 am
For me early bedtime seems to be the hardest thing to do consistently and it has the widest effect on the rest of the stuff I want to do.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2017, 12:59:59 am
edging toward buying GMB Floor 1, or possibly Floor 1 + Floor 2 + Focused Flexibility, and really sinking my teeth into gymnastics/bw. Can do a lot of work in relatively small spaces (other than tumbling, obviously) and with little or no equipment, is different, seems fun, and the GMB programs look pretty legit in terms of fundamentals, progressions, instruction, etc.

could do friend yoga 1x/week, Focused Flexibility in the mornings before breakfast if i keep going to bed early enough, F1 three days per week (monday-thursday-weekend day), and still be able to play tennis once a week if i want to, or even get lessons going.

actually on paper that looks super ambitious, but hell even if F1 is only two days a week i'll still progress -- newbie gainzzzz -- and i'm not in a rush to do anything. if i get super into it i can always up the focus on it.


bought F1, F2, and FF bundle. will begin with FF assessment after yoga tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2017, 01:12:26 pm
- yoga + HIIT x 75 mins
knees bugging a tiny bit at the end but only for a few minutes during shivasana.

- GMB Focused Flexibility Basic Assessment Positions
squat                            6
crosslegged sitting            3
longsitting                            5
supine hip/knee flexion        7
crossleg hip rotation            6
shoulder combined motions    1
prone backbending            8
neck motions                    7

sorry about the formatting. looks like i'll be working on crosslegged sitting and shoulder combined motions. the latter are brutal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 03, 2017, 08:19:34 pm
Loving the new direction and super interested to see how you get on with it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2017, 11:45:03 am
not gonna log full workouts because no fair giving away a sold program for free.

- GMB F1 W1 D1
per the recommendation, did not push myself too hard. still broke a sweat. learning new movements is tough! and fun. never been able to do a cartwheel and after today there is no doubt in my mind that i'll be able to do a decent one in either direction pretty quickly (barring injury touch wood).

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2017, 12:39:48 am

- GMB wrists


- GMB W1 D2
took a couple vids. anyone want to see some ugly first-progression cartwheels? :P need to make a bigger space in my house.

- GMB FF cross-legged sitting and shoulder combined motions

EDIT: behold:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2017, 05:49:43 am

- GMB wrists


- tennis x 45 mins
GMB called for an active recovery day. shook off a great deal of a rust, great deal more to shake off. but got up a bit of a sweat and it's a beautiful evening. was down 3-4 to my buddy before he had to scoot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2017, 02:12:50 am

- GMB wrists

surprisingly not sore from tennis last night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2017, 08:20:48 am
- GMB F1 W1 D4
cartwheels instead of handstand bailing because i'm still just getting used to the movement. will switch to bailing next time.

- sun salutation x 20 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 09, 2017, 05:33:23 am

- GMB F1 W1 D5
on the jumps, need to focus on smoothness and not on max height. that is an adjustment. got some video:

part 1
part 2
part 3 (back view)

EDIT: did some more cartwheel practice later, on the grass in front of my landlord's house. ideal surface.

part 4


- 4-on-4 ultimate x 45 mins
stopped because of daylight. first time playing this year, since i fucked up my fingernail. a buddy is moving to copenhagen on wednesday and this was his last opportunity to play, so i'm glad i went. was fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 09, 2017, 11:45:22 pm
Massive improvement in your cartwheel! Or is it just being less restricted and having more space to move in.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2017, 12:06:10 am
mostly newbie gains i think, but the extra space doesn't hurt.

hip flexors sore, low back and left hip a little tight this morning.


- GMB wrists
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2017, 11:09:10 am
- GMB F1 W1 D6

active recovery day. did some extra shoulder stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2017, 11:12:57 am
- GMB F1 W2 D1
cartwheels/handstand bailing now too big to practice inside. moved furniture around but still just scared i'll kick something. power was out so couldn't do them on the lawn.

right wrist bugging a little on the facing-out handstand holds.

ETA: what i should do is get my landlord to move the beds out of my second bedroom, or maybe stack them or something so i can still use them for guests when need be, and put mats down in there. that plus a pull-up/muscle-up station and i'd be 100% set to work out at home. and a kettlebell. shit i need to do some measuring and some research.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2017, 11:24:31 am
- GMB F1 W2 D2
pushed myself a little bit more on the volume today. challenge is still 90% from technique. left hip is mildly jacked up. left over from years of LR plants. oh well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2017, 11:02:49 am
active rest day.

- cartwheels x 5/side
need to film again. it was too dark tonight. some of these felt good and straight. as i get more confident, i can plant my hands a little farther away from my body and that seems to help keep things aligned.

- handstand bailing
awkward. something not clicking.

- shoulder stretching
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 13, 2017, 07:45:22 pm
- handstand bailing
awkward. something not clicking.

Assuming it's cartwheel bailing? What do you feel is the problem?

Also, what do you thing of the program so far? Worthwhile?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2017, 10:41:28 pm
yep, cartwheel bailing. part of the issue is it just seems to hurt my wrists to twist. after workout this morning, found an older tutorial from them that explains it a little differently, i.e. more explicitly as a funky-hand-position cartwheel. maybe that'll help.

hard to judge the program so far, hasn't even been two weeks. but i'm glad to have something to just give myself over to and stop thinking or planning. one odd things is there appears to be a lot of hip flexor work.

woke up early this morning so did this before work:

- GMB F1 W2 D4

ETA: here are a couple vids from today:

crow front view:
crow side view:
front scales (plant leg is not locked out because that fucks with my knees):
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2017, 11:20:43 am
- GMB F1 W2 D5
cartwheels still inconsistent but starting to get a couple that feel clean. need to film again, was too dark again tonight. feel great otherwise though. was at a barbecue all afternoon and successfully avoided booze the whole time in anticipation of workout. yes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on April 15, 2017, 12:21:12 pm
was at a barbecue all afternoon and successfully avoided booze the whole time in anticipation of workout. yes.

the greatest of all fitness challenges. good work
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 16, 2017, 11:33:20 am
active rest day, hiked/climbed around some 2000-year-old buddhist ruins for a couple of hours. mild sunburn on back of neck.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2017, 11:41:02 am
active rest day. week 3 begins tomorrow. should have done focused mobility work one of the last two days, but fuck it, yoga counts. sort of.

- yoga + HIIT x 75 mins
friend made it tough today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 18, 2017, 02:14:20 am
- GMB wrists

week 3 starts tonight. things pick up a bit in intensity. excited.

- GMB F1 W3 D1
handstand bailing still just clumsy and disorganized. progress on handstand facing out though, floated into a free handstand nicely a couple of times. wall walks also better, getting closer to wall. excited to learn kip-ups.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 18, 2017, 08:55:58 pm
excited to learn kip-ups.

As in from floor to feet or into an exercise?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2017, 01:15:05 am
excited to learn kip-ups.

As in from floor to feet or into an exercise?

floor to feet for now. the way things are designed eventually i'll learn to incorporate them into "flows," i.e. series of connected moves. like a kata, kind of. and then in future phases add more difficult moves.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 19, 2017, 01:30:48 am
excited to learn kip-ups.

As in from floor to feet or into an exercise?

floor to feet for now. the way things are designed eventually i'll learn to incorporate them into "flows," i.e. series of connected moves. like a kata, kind of. and then in future phases add more difficult moves.

Nice! Kip ups are wicked fun. Especially when you get to no hands as well. They're also a movement that seems impossible at first but once you "get it" it's like riding a bike.

Edit- Remembered I had a vid of me doing them somewhere- (
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2017, 11:47:15 am
- GMB F1 W3 D2
skipped cartwheels because power out so it's pitch dark outside.

EDIT: about 30-40 minutes after workout ended, started feeling a strain in the left side of my chest that migrated to posterior shoulder and left side of neck. was pretty much gone by the time i went to bed and no effects this morning. still, something to be mindful of.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2017, 11:54:59 am
- rock climbing x a bit
new friend invited me to go to an outdoor artificial facility here. only did a few attempts. it was fun. will probably keep going occasionally. must maintain focus, though: climbing is also hella draining.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2017, 07:56:07 am
ate something funny last night and now i have diarrhea and feel tired.

EDIT: warmed up but could not even get into crow properly. definitely too lightheaded (prob because dehydrated) for inversions. taking day off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2017, 05:35:21 am
- GMB F1 W3 D4
felt slightly nauseated toward the end, fucked up kip-up set up so jarred tailbone a little and called it. still recovering from 24 hours of diarrhea. will work more on them tomorrow or during next active rest day. handstand bailing remains a source of frustration. video follows, is a mess:

on the plus side, cartwheels getting better:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2017, 10:14:39 am
still recovering from food poisoning, that shit is so annoying. diarrhea gone but i'm still under the weather. resting today instead of continuing to try to push through. blah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on April 23, 2017, 12:56:26 pm
cartwheels with food poisoning...I too like to live dangerously haha
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2017, 12:20:48 pm
cartwheels with food poisoning...I too like to live dangerously haha


- GMB F1 W3 D5
lost my place like a moron. should have done D4 here instead because i cut it off on saturday. will do in reverse order. on the plus side i'm feeling better tonight. will be on the road from early thursday morning to sunday evening but i should have a bit of time for working out in my room. and lots of time for insane pictures, because i'm going here:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2017, 10:20:56 am
- GMB F1 W3 D4
struggled with crow, balance off. odd as i got to 60s easily the last couple of times. skipped scales because i did them the other day. some headway on handstand bailing, i think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 25, 2017, 06:19:46 pm
- GMB F1 W3 D4
struggled with crow, balance off. odd as i got to 60s easily the last couple of times. skipped scales because i did them the other day. some headway on handstand bailing, i think.

Holy shit! 60s on crow. That's the same as frog stand yeah? I'm struggling to get 5s on that one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2017, 11:44:37 pm
yeah, same as frog stand. dunno, for whatever reason i find it very easy most of the time. tried it for the first time about two months back in my friend's yoga class and could immediately hold for 20s or so. the main limiting factor is wrist discomfort/fatigue.

i suck at so many other things, don't mind being a crow savant, lol.  ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2017, 05:21:16 am
trip amazing but packed and exhausting. apart from doing the GMB warm up a couple of times much walking around at high elevations, did:

- GMB F1 W4 D1

on saturday, but that was all i managed to get in.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2017, 10:26:51 am
- GMB F1 W4 D2
rushed pirouettes, need to concentrate better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2017, 12:02:49 pm
- GMB F1 W4 D4
great workout. strong crow. widened grip on second set and it was straight-up easy, i could read the newspaper out loud in that position. progress on handstand bailing because i sacked up and just started kicking harder, closer to what i'll need for a freestanding handstand. still not good but better. got first freestanding handstand as well, during wall-facing out on the fourth rep i didn't make contact with the wall on the kick. held for a few seconds. got a little sloppy after that because i was chasing the dragon, lol. figured out a workable set-up for kip-ups-to-sit, as well. still a little tough on the tailbone at times but not so much so that i can't do them. they are still very much a work in progress.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 04, 2017, 11:55:31 am
- GMB F1 W4 D5
slight progress on cartwheels at the end after messing around with and placement distance from front foot. farther=better. did not wuss out on conditioning circuit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2017, 09:51:38 am
- some cartwheel and handstand bailing practice
latter remains ugly. have video now of what my default looks like.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 05, 2017, 05:18:02 pm
Cartwheels looking pretty sweet.

Have you tried bailing from a wall based handstand? Much easier and might give you the feedback that you need. Also, I dare say that if you can't hold a freestanding handstand then any bailing is going to look kind of ugly.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2017, 04:07:05 am
Cartwheels looking pretty sweet.

Have you tried bailing from a wall based handstand? Much easier and might give you the feedback that you need. Also, I dare say that if you can't hold a freestanding handstand then any bailing is going to look kind of ugly.

good point about not being able to hold a freestanding one. i can, a little bit, but can't really kick into it consistently. think i need to just treat handstand bailing as kicking into a freestanding handstand and then coming out of it under control rather than the weird quasi-cartwheel thing i've been treating it as.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2017, 04:42:31 am
- warm up, FF shoulder opener, cool down
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on May 06, 2017, 06:01:24 pm
Cartwheels looking pretty sweet.

Have you tried bailing from a wall based handstand? Much easier and might give you the feedback that you need. Also, I dare say that if you can't hold a freestanding handstand then any bailing is going to look kind of ugly.

good point about not being able to hold a freestanding one. i can, a little bit, but can't really kick into it consistently. think i need to just treat handstand bailing as kicking into a freestanding handstand and then coming out of it under control rather than the weird quasi-cartwheel thing i've been treating it as.

What are you training for? 

Some kind of gymnastics?  It's super fun to integrate into training, as athletic as you are handstands, front tucks and back tucks and gainers are super easy to get in a few months.  I used to mess around with a bunch of tumbling, I still do backtucks and front tucks but gainers and twists are scary and I need to refresh them on forgiving surfaces before attempting them on concrete.  Def good skills to get...

As far as the handstand bails, the problem is that you are not actually doing handstand before you bail...

This can be fixed w two things. 

More time on the wall to figure out the hands.  The balance is in the hands - push harder to go back and release pressure to fall forward... you have to get the feelin in the fingers for this.

For the bail you have to bail AFTER you lose the handstand rather than before.  To do this you need to learn to forward roll out of your handstand.  Start slow w basic hopping forward rolls but you quickly will be able to hold your handstand and fall forward and then as you are losing it tuck your chin to your head and roll out of it. 

To do this right you want to also release your elbows so they bend as you forward roll... this will be hard at first but it's ok.  Initially you won't lower yourself into the forward roll gracefully so it will be more like handstand - fall onto upper back - roll out.  Not pretty but on grass it won't be painful or dangerous as long as you keep your chin tucked...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2017, 12:15:58 am
hey T0ddday, welcome back! thanks for the tips. had gathered the bit about handstand bailing not really being a thing unless you can do an actual handstand from my own trial and error. am following a prescribed program at the moment and fairly happy to give myself over to it so i'm not gonna do front tuck bails for now. the program doesn't call for freestanding handstands yet, so i haven't been practicing them too much, although recently i have started to because of the aforementioned realization.

to answer your first question: training to be able to do basic gymnastics moves: handstand (i know, i know), cartwheels, kip-ups, and eventually more advanced stuff like backflips, flags, aerials, etc.

how you? how is the transition/move going? been training at all?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2017, 12:59:42 am
workout fail over the weekend, too many social obligations and i was lazy in not making enough time before having to leave for stuff. that said, it was a great weekend. went to a water fight party at some rich folks' farm house on saturday and it was the most fun i've had in ages. and i warmed up, stretched, and did some stuff. just not full prescribed workout.

back on the horse this evening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on May 08, 2017, 09:14:05 am
hey T0ddday, welcome back! thanks for the tips. had gathered the bit about handstand bailing not really being a thing unless you can do an actual handstand from my own trial and error. am following a prescribed program at the moment and fairly happy to give myself over to it so i'm not gonna do front tuck bails for now. the program doesn't call for freestanding handstands yet, so i haven't been practicing them too much, although recently i have started to because of the aforementioned realization.

to answer your first question: training to be able to do basic gymnastics moves: handstand (i know, i know), cartwheels, kip-ups, and eventually more advanced stuff like backflips, flags, aerials, etc.

how you? how is the transition/move going? been training at all?

Awesome!  I don't know what program your following but hopefully it's not one that's too gymnastics centered... the great thing about gymnastics is that if you have accepted that your are not going to make the olympics (pretty reasonable) then save for a few bad habits almost everything works.  For handstand especially anything you can do that will force to you spend more time inverted - handstand push-ups, kick ups, cartwheels, handsprings, etc will be helpful. 

It's my absolute favorite thing to train people in - I've never trained someone t dunk in a day but I have taught front tucks and back tucks in a day!  Here is a video I made for a client who wanted to learn gymnastics - if you make it out to LA before august I can do the same for you:

As far as me... I'm still moving.  Starting beginning of august.  Finding a place to live and I am actually finding a place close to a court and an indoor track that I can use for free if I put in 10 hrs a week as a trainer... so yeah I'm gonna be a professor moonlighting as a trainer... stranger things have happened. 

My training has been poor.  I had some injuries and personal problems but I have turned the corner.  I have been traveling a ton.  I found out that while I hate long distance running I actually love long distance walking...  I was worse out of shape around New Years - my current jump was just measured at 36" so it's a loss of close to 10" but enough to do some ugly dunks.  It's up from 31" though!  Crazy thing is that I took so much time off and got up to 230lbs and then ran a 10.94 100m...  guess I am a natural sprinter and not a jumper!   Anyway,  during the transition I will have two months with very little work (June/July) so I fully intend to train as hard as possible and I need y'all for motivation!  It starts now!   Down to a svelte 218 as I write this!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2017, 10:53:49 am
that video is hilarious. and yeah the training has different kinds of inversions -- cartwheels, wall walks, and wall kick-ups for starters, and the aforementioned bailing. not sure what you mean by too gymnastics centered. the goal is to master basic bodyweight moves. so far it's as much fun as i've had training since i was at my absolute peak of jumping.

- GMB F1 W5 D1
treating handstand bailing as kick-up practice makes a huge difference. got first legit freestanding kick-up today. frustrated with kip-ups, tried full movement and it just was not happening. got some video at the end, which will never be seen by another pair of human eyes. basically it looks like i'm just not kicking hard up enough, i think because of fear. on the plus side i did more reps than i'd done in any previous workout. right wrist bugging a little.

ETA: watched some more tutorial videos for the kip-up and the biggest mistake i'm making seems to be that i'm kicking forward instead of up. common mistake. will incorporate next time, along with taking the bridge stretch more seriously.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 09, 2017, 01:25:50 am
long distance walking is amazing & underrated. :headbang: Only issue is how much time it takes.. but sometimes that's the purpose, great for the brain.

LBSS, were you ever able to do flips, handstands or cartwheels as a kid?

I've never done cartwheels, but I could actually do handstands & front flips, and i'd back flip into a pool. But I lost all of that around ~12 or so.. and now I definitely don't have the balls to try flips, unless maybe I was in a facility to prevent me from snapping my neck. Funny how that works.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2017, 08:11:33 am
nope nope nope. went down a flip tutorial rabbit hole on youtube last night and i'm pretty sure i could do at least a back flip pretty easily if i had a safe place to practice or could muster the stones to do it on my lawn. must not rush, though. am enjoying the gradual, prescribed road.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2017, 12:29:08 pm
- GMB F1 W5 D2
pirouettes all over the place, trouble balancing. better toward the end, still annoying. otherwise fine. cartwheels are pretty much there, practice is just to get closer to mastery, i've got the basics down.

here's the conditioning circuit at the end of the B days (i.e. cartwheels and piroettes).

NB: my jump height has suffered but these are WAY submax.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 09, 2017, 08:26:25 pm
ETA: watched some more tutorial videos for the kip-up and the biggest mistake i'm making seems to be that i'm kicking forward instead of up. common mistake. will incorporate next time, along with taking the bridge stretch more seriously.

I'm glad you came to this realisation this early. I first tried kip ups when I was 17 and got my first one when I was about 19 when if finally clicked. Also make sure to use your stretch reflex when you load up the legs. And, if you have a good pike then you can do it with straight legs which is a bit prettier than the bent leg version.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 10, 2017, 01:07:48 am
well, let's see how well my intellectual awareness of it clicks with my body when i try them tomorrow! tonight's a rest day so i'll try to get out of work in time to go to friend yoga.

my brain has been scheming about setting up my spare bedroom as a training room. there are two twin beds in there, which i could probably put on their ends against the wall. then lay down some rubber matting, get a ton of cheap pillows for extra padding on top of one of the mattresses (for flips!) and build or commission* a chin-up station. this may be insane given that i may only be here for a year and a half more. still, i miss doing pull ups and i want to be able to consistently do muscle-ups. and the yard is soft but it's not soft enough to be unscary for flips.

*could probably find a shop in rawalpindi that would build one to spec for next to nothing. labor here is incredibly cheap.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 10, 2017, 01:25:47 am
well, let's see how well my intellectual awareness of it clicks with my body when i try them tomorrow! tonight's a rest day so i'll try to get out of work in time to go to friend yoga.

my brain has been scheming about setting up my spare bedroom as a training room. there are two twin beds in there, which i could probably put on their ends against the wall. then lay down some rubber matting, get a ton of cheap pillows for extra padding on top of one of the mattresses (for flips!) and build or commission* a chin-up station. this may be insane given that i may only be here for a year and a half more. still, i miss doing pull ups and i want to be able to consistently do muscle-ups. and the yard is soft but it's not soft enough to be unscary for flips.

*could probably find a shop in rawalpindi that would build one to spec for next to nothing. labor here is incredibly cheap.

That setup would be dope...especially when done on the cheap.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2017, 12:28:19 am
last night

- yoga x 75 mins
got into the deepest bridge i've yet done. back feels fine today. cool.


- GMB F1 W5 D4
skipped crow because i did a bunch at yoga last night. could not get side crow during class because of some kind of mobility issue and didn't want to push it. friend pushes things a little too hard for her clientele sometimes, i think. most of them can't even really do crow. also, put handstand bailing and kip-ups together because i do both outside on the grass. felt a little bit of progress on kip-ups but i'm still not close to landing one. it'd really help to have some live coaching and a mattress. banged my back after a bunch of reps and it gave me a headache. stopped and moved on. just keep grinding, i'll get it eventually.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 11, 2017, 08:43:12 pm
felt a little bit of progress on kip-ups but i'm still not close to landing one. it'd really help to have some live coaching and a mattress. banged my back after a bunch of reps and it gave me a headache. stopped and moved on. just keep grinding, i'll get it eventually.

Where do you think you're going wrong with these? You should post a video (even though you probably don't want to).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 12, 2017, 01:15:35 am
i'm probably still kicking too much forward most of the time, and i'm not throwing my upper body forward enough. there's some kind of block, i barely come up from parallel with the ground, hence banging my back. i can't figure out how/when to throw my arms forward.

will post video once i get it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 12, 2017, 01:36:52 am
i'm probably still kicking too much forward most of the time, and i'm not throwing my upper body forward enough. there's some kind of block, i barely come up from parallel with the ground, hence banging my back. i can't figure out how/when to throw my arms forward.

will post video once i get it.

Mate you inspired me to get back into them ( ( and you may be overthinking it. Btw, arms really don't come forward as you use them for every ounce of help. I realised I use my head too for extra push off. I'll try a no hands one in a few days and see if I can get it.

*edit- I kinda feel like I'm hassling you with the kip up stuff. Let me know if I am and I'll back off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 12, 2017, 05:29:32 am
nice! your technique is different than the one GMB describes. they have the arm throw as a key to getting the body upright, and the target is to land in a deep squat. i'll try anything, though. just want to get on my feet.

and not hassling at all, i really appreciate the tips and encouragement.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: T0ddday on May 12, 2017, 07:18:43 pm
nope nope nope. went down a flip tutorial rabbit hole on youtube last night and i'm pretty sure i could do at least a back flip pretty easily if i had a safe place to practice or could muster the stones to do it on my lawn. must not rush, though. am enjoying the gradual, prescribed road.

What I meant about a training protocol that is too gymnastics centered is that a lot of coaches with gymnastics background are waaaaay to rigid about how you must learn technique.   Sure, I know they love their sport and pointed toes, stuck landings, no cowboy grabs, etc are the standard rules in gymnastics...

That said if you are a athletic guy who wants to learn some cool gymnastics skills (a lot of actors here in LA want to obviously) you can waste a lot of time with a coach like this.   

There are a few bad habits that you want to avoid but for the most part if you set your training up correctly you can just bang at it and learn skills that will be more than satisfying for anyone but an elite gymnast.

The only bad habits I have seen that people seem to  do are:

1) Handstand walking.  Avoid this too early.  Handstand walking can be learned by arching the back and letting the legs fall over to counterbalance...   This will allow you to walk on  your hands but won't provide a base for handsprings or any actual moves that involve touching the ground.   Use the wall or forward roll out of a missed handstand rather than getting ahead of yourself too early unless you can stay disciplined.

2) Don't (backflip) flip onto soft surfaces.  Some people are natural flippers.  I was a daredevil second child with an older brother than made me try everything first - it made me fearless but also stupid and with a fair amount of injuries.  I have people try to build there way up to doing a backflip by flipping into a pool because they are scared.   This is really counter productive.   Flipping backwards from a high surface or off a pool edge is dangerous.  You have to avoid the edge.    But you don't have to set.   This is the opposite of an actual flip.   Everyone on this board can jump more than  high enough to do a backflip.   The higher you can jump and the stronger you abs/back are (eg the more you can deadlift) the more you can get away with.  You can do a backflip with a 16 inch vertical.  But you have to go straight up, wait, tuck.  This isn't a natural move for most people. 

So use a spotter.  A spotter will make you backflip a million times faster.  The spotter basically forces you to have correct timing - up, set, throw.   Someone decently strong can start with a spot where you are held the entire time, then progress to a lighter and lighter spot.  It takes the fear and the guess work out of the move completely.   

For front flips you can flip up onto a high jump mat to safely eliminate fear without ruining technique.

*** My point is that aside from a few bad habits you are strong and limber enough to take to this sport very quickly.  And unlike in sprinting you actually have a far more optimal build relative to me.  My legs are way to long to be a good gymnast relative to my body height - I think your build will be perfect for it.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 13, 2017, 04:19:44 am
yeah i totally feel you about the form purism. i'll get to backflips and front flips when the program does, as i mentioned earlier i don't want to rush ahead now that i've bought (literally) into GMB. when i do, i'll see if i can find a spotter.

- GMB F1 W5 D5
phase one complete. made some good progress on pirouettes today. also filmed some kip-ups so y'all can see what i'm doing wrong. the ones that are slightly closer to success are where i pushed harder with my arms. unfortunately that's uncomfortable for my shoulders, especially the left.

reflections on phase 1: overall i'm happy. it's the most fun i've had training in a very long time, feels good to give myself over to a prescribed program and just trust to incremental progress. made huge strides on wrist mobility, cartwheels (done properly for the first time in my life!), crow, and handstands (also done for the first time in my life!). on the other hand, could not nail kip-ups and was discouraged by repeated banging on the ground, which gives me a headache and saps motivation to continue practicing and trying different things. they're just not explosive enough.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 13, 2017, 08:48:41 am
Mate props for posting the video. I can potentially see two issues. I went and tried to implement these fixes myself to get a better understanding and failed 5 in a row before I gave up and came back to the keyboard. are shooting your legs out instead of under you. You have no chance if your legs are going parallel to the floor instead of folding under you as soon as possible. You'll find once they hit the ground it's a matter of just getting the under enough to sit up and you're there. The other thing I remember doing when I was learning the movement was to get a slight drop before exploding (stretch reflex) which helped get some extra explosiveness. Like a paused squat vs a normal squat. Other than that you seem to be doing everything pretty well. Also, as well as pushing with your arms you may need to push with your head as well once your arms have left the ground. Sounds minor but definitely helps
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 13, 2017, 04:43:25 pm
nice. you seem pretty close to nailing one.

i have no tips, as i've never done one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2017, 06:13:13 am
thanks coges. looking at it, yeah, seems clear that i'm not getting my feet under me enough. i feel that while i'm doing it, too. not sure how to get better at it. will just keep trying shit, i guess. i should also suck it up and go back to middle phase of the GMB tutorial, which has you pop up onto your butt in order to practice the timing. need to bring a couch cushion outside and put it on the grass.

- warm up + handstand practice
yeah, turns out GMB mislabels "handstand bailing." what they really want is for you to do freestanding handstand kick-up practice with safe dismounts. confusing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 14, 2017, 08:23:27 pm
That last handstand  :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on May 15, 2017, 12:32:43 am
yeah i totally feel you about the form purism. i'll get to backflips and front flips when the program does, as i mentioned earlier i don't want to rush ahead now that i've bought (literally) into GMB. when i do, i'll see if i can find a spotter.

- GMB F1 W5 D5
phase one complete. made some good progress on pirouettes today. also filmed some kip-ups so y'all can see what i'm doing wrong. the ones that are slightly closer to success are where i pushed harder with my arms. unfortunately that's uncomfortable for my shoulders, especially the left.

reflections on phase 1: overall i'm happy. it's the most fun i've had training in a very long time, feels good to give myself over to a prescribed program and just trust to incremental progress. made huge strides on wrist mobility, cartwheels (done properly for the first time in my life!), crow, and handstands (also done for the first time in my life!). on the other hand, could not nail kip-ups and was discouraged by repeated banging on the ground, which gives me a headache and saps motivation to continue practicing and trying different things. they're just not explosive enough.

Weird about kip ups. I can't do them either but I have a few buddies that are unathletic asf but can do them pretty easily. Definitely something just has to "click" technique-wise

GMB has 3 programs, right? Which one is this? One of the claims they make is that their programs should improve 1. all motor skill learning through better body awareness and 2. make you move better in general. I'm interested in both of these things and feel that my current training does not improve either one of these skills. Do you feel you've improved in either of those areas? Do you know any alternatives for improving these things? Maybe yoga would help with better movement and a little with body awareness but aside from that I dunno any sort of training like that
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2017, 12:41:27 am
yeah, i would say that it does improve body awareness, or at least it has for me. learning completely new skills from a baseline of zero means learning totally new body organization, and that means you're clumsy and have to pay close attention to what you're doing. i've always had decent kinesthetic awareness: i'm an okay athlete, can pick up the basics of new sports pretty easily. but for example i knew my handstands were sagging even before i saw those videos the other day, and that's because i was paying close attention to my whole body.

once the basic skills are ingrained -- pirouettes, kip-ups, handstands -- i have no doubt that will translate to improved balance. one thing i like about the GMB program (they have something like 10, actually, and i'm doing Floor 1) is that it's cumulative. you start easy and add complication in a clear way.

as far as moving better in general, too early to say. one thing i will say is that my wrist mobility has definitely improved, and i think shoulder mobility a bit as well. wrists don't play much role in overall movement but i'm a believer now in their commitment to stretching and mobility, which i'd kind of drifted away from for the last few years.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2017, 10:05:53 am
- GMB F1 W6 D1
did less than the prescribed work because rushed. this week is going to be insane at work, most evenings full including tonight. will get in as much as possible and if i have to restart week 6 next week, that's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 21, 2017, 12:48:21 pm
week was expected. no workouts. did go zorbing on friday night, which was fun as hell and exhausting. back on the horse today, as self-promised.

- GMB F1 W6 D1
take two. did the whole workout this time. made progress on pirouettes by (shocker) focusing harder on them. balance is still worse on my right foot, 3+ years after the last time i even tweaked that ankle. six sprains will do that, i guess.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2017, 11:52:38 am
- GMB F1 W6 D2
inner ear messed-with by front and back rolls. feel mildly nauseated. also, had never done either type of roll before so instead of linking them i did them consecutively. will link next time. kip-ups continue to be a source of frustration, despite having gone back to the to-sitting variant. arm drive still not there most of the time. had one or two okay attempts, the rest awful. that'll be satisfying when i get it.

EDIT: didn't finish stretching, feel dead. the rolls are mainly to blame i think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 23, 2017, 12:19:00 pm
- GMB F1 W6 D3
because rolls made me ill yesterday, cut way back on reps today. crow-to-forward roll is easy for me and also boring, so don't feel like i'm missing much. front lever tough but i think it'll be fun. as these get harder, AREG becomes more important.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2017, 01:11:24 am

- yoga x 75 mins
a pakistani magazine was doing a photoshoot of gf (we have graduated from friend to gf/bf) and her class for their annual fitness issue. she was nervous, had to show up to support!


gf birthday, no workout. W6 D4 and a lot of fucking pirouettes still await, tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 26, 2017, 04:44:08 am
(we have graduated from friend to gf/bf)

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Leonel on May 26, 2017, 05:35:43 am
Congrats man :lololol:
She the one you talked about before and showed us a musicvideo of?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2017, 08:55:49 am

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2017, 10:56:28 am
- GMB F1 W6 D4
did on grass, uneven ground made landings tough. good practice though. need to focus on kicking high and getting good height on the jump. good height = good rotation = controlled landing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2017, 03:00:24 am
lost weekend. saturday hosted a bday party for gf in my back yard. was very fun. we bought a few inflatable pools from a dude on the side of the road and rented a huge rug and cushions for people to sit on. many hours, kept drinking to a reasonable level but things went late, ended up feeling sick anyway. last week has been very gf-focused, which is good because there were some big events for her. need to refocus on self a bit this week.

also, life milestone today: one of the finance assistants came into my office with like 30 pieces of paper for me to sign, because i'm becoming an official signatory on my company's bank accounts.  :-X
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2017, 12:27:39 pm
- GMB F1 W6 D5
little behind schedule. cut way back on the front-to-back roll for inner ear purposes, still feel like i'm mastering it pretty quickly (to a basic level anyway). did first set of kip ups as simple rolls to standing, second set focused on pushing harder with my arms but not committing the whole way. felt like progress, managed to land under control each time if still on my back. no banging of feet, pelvis, or back. okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2017, 11:38:28 am
- GMB F1 W6 D6
made a little progress on double-arm lever and then regressed. it's all about the elbows and the angles. but got a couple weak holds of ~5s so that's okay. right wrist bugging a little on wall handstand holds. focused hard on pushing into the floor.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 01, 2017, 10:46:43 am
- GMB F1 W7 D1
got my best-ever handstand on a rest break during pirouettes. solid form, three seconds of very stable hold at the top. yes. progress on everything else, too. pirouettes still a bit ugly but the first two sets were solid. here is the third set, with less-stuck landings.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2017, 11:30:27 am
- GMB F1 W7 D2
floor kips still vexing.  :raging:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 03, 2017, 07:44:18 pm
- GMB F1 W7 D2
floor kips still vexing.  :raging:

Keep at it mate. Just imagine how sweet it'll be when you land one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 05, 2017, 04:16:37 am
didn't work out yesterday because (1) it was 115 degrees outside, 46 to you non-americans, and (2) gf left for three weeks in the UK last night and frankly working out seemed like not the best use of time. we hung out by the pool at the australian embassy instead, and what exercise i got was of this variety (that's me and gf in the foreground):

pools are fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 05, 2017, 10:36:34 am
feel sick, bad headache, no workout.  :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 05, 2017, 11:00:30 pm

- warm up
- some light stretching and activation stuff


- GMB F1 W7 D3
some progress on front lever, got two full 5s holds and one 4s. still a bit wobbly. glad i made myself do this, motivation is low atm.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2017, 01:58:11 pm
it's 11 PM and still working on this proposal. on the plus side, it'll be done tonight and tomorrow back to normal life.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2017, 09:41:30 am
- GMB F1 W7 D4
fine. pirouettes are easier on hard floor than squishy grass.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2017, 09:47:30 am
- GMB F1 W7 D5
skipped floor kips. too discouraging, need a new set up/plan of attack. got a suggestion on the GMB forums to get some mats and kip from there to the floor, reducing height as i get more comfortable. seems like a good suggestion. need to get some mats.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 10, 2017, 12:11:43 am
- GMB F1 W7 D5
skipped floor kips. too discouraging, need a new set up/plan of attack. got a suggestion on the GMB forums to get some mats and kip from there to the floor, reducing height as i get more comfortable. seems like a good suggestion. need to get some mats.

Have you seen this tutorial before? Makes some good points that I haven't seen in any others. The main one being the importance of the neck. Anyway check it out. And good luck.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2017, 09:36:09 am
thanks coges. will give the vid a look and try it out that way. the gmb tutorial isn't working. for me.

- GMB F1 W7 D6
crow-to-forward roll is boring and easy so i did crow holds instead. good progress on front lever, see vid below (not even my best set). did some free handstand kick ups for the practice, then against the wall. slowly but surely.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2017, 10:21:28 am
- warm up

- handstand practice x 20 mins
best so far, got several full 3s holds and a couple 4-5s holds. still very inconsistent. mixed in some pirouettes and cartwheels.

- jump rope x a little
first time doing this in quite a while. came right back. might start mixing a bit of jump-rope-based HIIT in before work. gf being out of town makes early nights/early mornings easier.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on June 11, 2017, 11:33:39 am
- warm up

- handstand practice x 20 mins
best so far, got several full 3s holds and a couple 4-5s holds. still very inconsistent. mixed in some pirouettes and cartwheels.

- jump rope x a little
first time doing this in quite a while. came right back. might start mixing a bit of jump-rope-based HIIT in before work. gf being out of town makes early nights/early mornings easier.

Nice, gotta work your way up to handstand pushups without using a wall.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2017, 11:39:41 am

- warm up

- jump rope x not much


- GMB F1 W8 D1
abort, abort. feel sick, out of it. could not concentrate, balance off. slight intestinal thing been bugging me since yesterday but didn't think it'd be that big a deal. damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2017, 10:38:23 am
- GMB F1 W8 D1 + D2
combined day 1 and 2 to catch up a little. the workouts aren't terribly fatiguing from a fitness standpoint so this was okay. mentally a little tougher. need to be careful with wrists as well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 14, 2017, 11:16:47 am
- GMB F1 W8 D3
got 5s holds on all front levers, starting to be able to extend legs better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 16, 2017, 11:30:34 am
- GMB F1 W8 D4
halfhearted stretching. jumped rope instead of the continuous 180-degree jumps. is more fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2017, 06:37:25 am
- GMB F1 W8 D5
amazing workout, i just feel great. slept like 10 hours last night, which probably helped, and it's over 100 outside so i got and stayed very warm. practiced handstands during rest periods, tried different stuff for floor kips including finally dragging the mattress off one of the beds in the guest room so i can properly follow the GMB progression. it's thick enough to work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2017, 12:01:50 pm
- GMB F1 W8 D6
started to try to get into some crane instead of crow. playing around with wrist position. struggled with front lever.

fireworks and yelling in the neighborhood right now because pakistan just SMOKED india in the champions trophy finals. bit of a cinderella story this year (although not really because pakistan is a traditional power, they're just a bit down now). i was here in islamabad six years ago when india beat pakistan in the semis of the cricket world cup. this is more fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 20, 2017, 12:16:22 pm
- GMB F1 W9 D1
turns out the biggest issue for me on pirouettes is doing them on non-flat surfaces. they are much easier on flat and smooth ground. lol. motivation has been super low the last couple of days. counting down until i head back to the states for three weeks in the wee hours of friday. i'm so goddamn excited.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2017, 09:49:55 am
- GMB F1 W9 D2
right wrist started bothering me during cartwheels. floor kips were shit again today after feeling last time like i'd figured out a way to progress. mental block is strong, very frustrated.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 21, 2017, 07:21:16 pm
- GMB F1 W9 D2
right wrist started bothering me during cartwheels. floor kips were shit again today after feeling last time like i'd figured out a way to progress. mental block is strong, very frustrated.

Man that sucks about the kips. I know "just keep at it" is not necessarily what you want to hear but I recall chasing this for years and only getting it consistently after a lot of practice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2017, 11:23:19 pm
cheers man, i know that's the way. it's just annoying because i've made progress on everything else. but you're talking to a guy who ground away at trying to dunk, inefficiently but more or less relentlessly, for six years before finally doing it. i'll get there eventually.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 22, 2017, 10:46:18 am
- GMB F1 W9 D3
struggled a bit again with levers. i think i'm flexing my abs too much or something and the elbows are slipping out. hm. got some good float holds (8-10s) on wall handstands.

now, vacation. will be moving around and practicing here and there but probably not logging, or at least not much. eid mubarak y'all.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2017, 11:08:26 am
halfway through vacation. went for a run/calisthenics workout in the park with gf in san francisco one day and have been walking a lot but otherwise basically no exercise. it's been kind of exhausting, we're moving around a lot. looking forward to heading to the beach on friday and just sitting still for a while. made a pact with gf to exercise every day -- yoga or calisthenics or tennis or a run or whatever.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 10, 2017, 02:57:44 am
halfway through vacation. went for a run/calisthenics workout in the park with gf in san francisco one day and have been walking a lot but otherwise basically no exercise. it's been kind of exhausting, we're moving around a lot. looking forward to heading to the beach on friday and just sitting still for a while. made a pact with gf to exercise every day -- yoga or calisthenics or tennis or a run or whatever.

nice! she teaches yoga right? must be overall athletic.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2017, 03:09:00 am
^^^yup, teaching yoga is how she's been supporting herself this year. unsurprisingly, she turned out to be a pretty quick learner at tennis. her hand-eye coordination isn't great -- which makes sense since she never played any kind of ball sport growing up -- but she can move and swing the racket. we're gonna keep playing over here, might even finally get a few lessons once she's making decent money again.

i worked out every day at the beach except one. mainly tennis but also went surfing one day! managed to stand and ride three waves (briefly, but still). life achievement unlocked. an old friend's little sister's boyfriend is a surfer and they live near where we were staying, and he was cool enough to hook me up with a board and a low key lesson. gf was not as disciplined but that's on her. ::)

i'm gonna be a zombie today, arrived home at 4:45 AM (although got bumped to business on the last leg! first time that's happened to me, business class rules). need to go grocery shopping tonight and get back to GMB. i think i'll just restart week 9 and go from there.

ETA: weighed myself on my old scale in DC (crashed there with a friend who's living in my old apartment and so inherited some of my stuff), and i was 180.3. slightly surprising as the scales here were telling me i was in the mid-160s. i'm still lean enough to have visible abs so it doesn't really matter. just a notable data point.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2017, 11:47:17 am
- GMB F1 W9 D1
back in the saddle
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2017, 11:47:29 am
- GMB F1 W9 D2
mild soreness in hams and upper back, from the scales. a bit stiff in wrists, neck, and hips so kept volume light. must redouble commitment to stretching.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on July 19, 2017, 07:29:32 pm
must redouble commitment to stretching.

Potentially the most repeated comment in my log that fails to be adhered to. It's a goal that just gets renewed like my car insurance policy without ever really using it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 20, 2017, 12:12:09 am
must redouble commitment to stretching.

Potentially the most repeated comment in my log that fails to be adhered to. It's a goal that just gets renewed like my car insurance policy without ever really using it.

i just finally quit stretching. forever. i finally gave up on the idea of stretching. I feel pretty good though, but I haven't been training hard consistently the last few months. i've had so many stretching related tweaks that I just decided, no mas.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2017, 01:40:55 am
must redouble commitment to stretching.

Potentially the most repeated comment in my log that fails to be adhered to. It's a goal that just gets renewed like my car insurance policy without ever really using it.

yeah, it's funny: i went through a few years where i just decided that stretching and SMR were dumb and so i mobilized before workouts but never really stretched after. didn't seem to hurt me none. but after noticing the big change in my right wrist after just a couple of months of not-even-that-intensive stretching and movement, i'm back on the bandwagon. let's see how well i do.

must redouble commitment to stretching.

Potentially the most repeated comment in my log that fails to be adhered to. It's a goal that just gets renewed like my car insurance policy without ever really using it.

i just finally quit stretching. forever. i finally gave up on the idea of stretching. I feel pretty good though, but I haven't been training hard consistently the last few months. i've had so many stretching related tweaks that I just decided, no mas.


i don't believe you about "forever." you've certainly hurt yourself more stretching than anyone else i know -- a weird amount -- but i wonder if that's just because you need to find a better/healthier way for yourself to do it. your injuries often seem to come while you're trying to press and hold deeper/longer into a static stretch. the GMB approach i've found very healthy and helpful. it's gently dynamic and it's a lot to do with organization, e.g. using your quads and glutes to pull yourself into position for a deeper pancake, or using your bodyweight and back to pull yourself into a deeper posterior-shoulder stretch. ymmv.

have you read "stretch to win"?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 20, 2017, 02:28:00 am
must redouble commitment to stretching.

Potentially the most repeated comment in my log that fails to be adhered to. It's a goal that just gets renewed like my car insurance policy without ever really using it.

yeah, it's funny: i went through a few years where i just decided that stretching and SMR were dumb and so i mobilized before workouts but never really stretched after. didn't seem to hurt me none. but after noticing the big change in my right wrist after just a couple of months of not-even-that-intensive stretching and movement, i'm back on the bandwagon. let's see how well i do.

must redouble commitment to stretching.

Potentially the most repeated comment in my log that fails to be adhered to. It's a goal that just gets renewed like my car insurance policy without ever really using it.

i just finally quit stretching. forever. i finally gave up on the idea of stretching. I feel pretty good though, but I haven't been training hard consistently the last few months. i've had so many stretching related tweaks that I just decided, no mas.


i don't believe you about "forever." you've certainly hurt yourself more stretching than anyone else i know -- a weird amount -- but i wonder if that's just because you need to find a better/healthier way for yourself to do it. your injuries often seem to come while you're trying to press and hold deeper/longer into a static stretch. the GMB approach i've found very healthy and helpful. it's gently dynamic and it's a lot to do with organization, e.g. using your quads and glutes to pull yourself into position for a deeper pancake, or using your bodyweight and back to pull yourself into a deeper posterior-shoulder stretch. ymmv.

have you read "stretch to win"?

nope never read it. you've recommended it several times, never checked it out tho.

i've experimented with a few protocols, AIS, PNF, static, simple dynamic/movement based .. I'd agree that my overzealous static holds are probably the biggest culprit. One of my worst stretching injuries was when i worked at Memorial Sportscenter, just went down and did some light hamstring stretches with really short holds (~2-3 s), and boom hamstring tendon/muscle got a razorblade-like tear. that injury haunted me for a long time.

as far as forever .. ya who knows, but i did one stretch the other day and i stopped immediately. in my mind now, the risk to reward ratio has tipped heavily in favor of risk.

for the most part i actually enjoy how i feel right now.. resting more than training feels pretty good - i just need to step up my training sessions again.. lots of aches have disappeared (hips/ankle). That stupid knee injury is still there though, seems like I did some serious (though probably a very small section) of damage in my left patella. Going to try and get back on track athletically (running/sprinting), but implementing more rest than training. Rest as a training session.. ;f

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2017, 10:56:16 am
yeah fair enough, i know you've experimented. guess i'm just feeling a little high on stretching right now given my own recent/ongoing n=1.

- GMB F1 W9 D3
did 60s crow hold instead of crow-to-forward-roll. more fun. struggled a little with front levers but that's not surprising after such a long layoff. should find a flatter section of floor to do them on. rushed stretching cause i had somewhere to be.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2017, 10:39:20 am
- GMB F1 W9 D4
boring, i ran out of steam and didn't finish. haven't eaten enough today. gonna go remedy that now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2017, 11:54:05 am
- ultimate frisbee x 90 minutes
gassed. gonna be sore tomorrow. it's freaking humid. much sweat. super fun except the one pakistani dude who comes out is extremely lazy and bad and was on my team, which is always a little vexing. nbd, it's pickup ultimate where i'm the best player by a wide margin and that means everyone else is relatively bad to never-played-before bad. but still. dude. move your feet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2017, 01:29:46 pm
calves took the brunt, otherwise not as sore as i thought i'd be. right toe bugging a little. had a work event tonight so no workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on July 24, 2017, 04:07:52 pm
- ultimate frisbee x 90 minutes
gassed. gonna be sore tomorrow. it's freaking humid. much sweat. super fun except the one pakistani dude who comes out is extremely lazy and bad and was on my team, which is always a little vexing. nbd, it's pickup ultimate where i'm the best player by a wide margin and that means everyone else is relatively bad to never-played-before bad. but still. dude. move your feet.

Good to see you still in it w/ the frisbee. We are having a hucking competition next time you are over here so get ready for that
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2017, 02:56:52 am
- ultimate frisbee x 90 minutes
gassed. gonna be sore tomorrow. it's freaking humid. much sweat. super fun except the one pakistani dude who comes out is extremely lazy and bad and was on my team, which is always a little vexing. nbd, it's pickup ultimate where i'm the best player by a wide margin and that means everyone else is relatively bad to never-played-before bad. but still. dude. move your feet.

Good to see you still in it w/ the frisbee. We are having a hucking competition next time you are over here so get ready for that

done. i propose combined total of pull, stationary backhand, flick, and inverted or unconventional throw of your choice. something else to train for.  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2017, 12:38:32 pm
- GMB F1 W9 D4
repeated because i half-assed it so badly last time. a little DOMS today, esp quads, shins, and right shoulder. good stretch at the end as well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2017, 11:22:27 am
- yoga x 90 mins
great sweat. this week has been rough especially sleep-wise.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on July 26, 2017, 11:28:09 am
- yoga x 90 mins
great sweat. this week has been rough especially sleep-wise.

Have you tried Bikram yoga yet?  I've been interested in trying it out but it's gotta be miserable at first.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 26, 2017, 03:12:25 pm
- yoga x 90 mins
great sweat. this week has been rough especially sleep-wise.

Have you tried Bikram yoga yet?  I've been interested in trying it out but it's gotta be miserable at first.

I was going to ask about the sweat too.. looks effective. I think ghettoracer swore by Bikram Yoga on here?

hot room?

I feel as if i'd sleep like a baby after 90 minutes of *hot-room* yoga.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 27, 2017, 12:39:19 am
nah and gf doesn't adhere to a specific yoga philosophy. mixes in some pilates and other stuff into her classes often. sweat because class is outside right now and it's like 85 degrees and 90% humidity.

would be curious to try bikram, though. it was cute, gf did a couple of things in class that targeted stuff i've been struggling with, without saying anything to me beforehand or acknowledging that's why she did it. one of them was a movement that targets the vagus nerve, which is supposed to help with sleep. and i did sleep well last night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 27, 2017, 11:38:08 am
motivation zero. couldn't force myself even to warm up and stretch. odd.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 27, 2017, 02:24:33 pm
motivation zero. couldn't force myself even to warm up and stretch. odd.

vagus nerve exercise wrecked you.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2017, 02:36:08 am
motivation zero. couldn't force myself even to warm up and stretch. odd.

vagus nerve exercise wrecked you.

interesting theory. why do you say that? it hasn't messed with me in the past, that i'm aware of. but it did feel different from normal on wednesday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2017, 09:02:29 am
- GMB F1 W9 D5
motivation back. slight pain in lower right back, bit weird, meant i was cautious with bridge and floor kips, which i still suck at. skipped front and back rolls because they are boring and i am good enough at them. looked ahead to the next phase, which starts with week 10 (i.e. next week), and was feeling eh about it yesterday but am back to being okay with it today. not sure how interested i am in the flows, which are like katas. gonna keep with it for a while and see.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 28, 2017, 06:57:28 pm
motivation zero. couldn't force myself even to warm up and stretch. odd.

vagus nerve exercise wrecked you.

interesting theory. why do you say that? it hasn't messed with me in the past, that i'm aware of. but it did feel different from normal on wednesday.

hah, was just a hunch, not based on much.

just reminds me of toying with something like high box depth drops out of nowhere and you just feel haywire for a few days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2017, 11:17:58 pm
last night

- ultimate x 90 mins
so hot. had to get a bag of ice and put it on head and neck for 10 mins afterward. fun though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 02, 2017, 12:19:09 am
in karachi for work. busy busy busy.

last night

- jump rope and GMB warm up
barely anything but juuuust better than absolutely nothing.

superior anterior shoulder has been tweaking since monday. not sure what's up. never had a problem like that from ultimate before so i doubt it's that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 03, 2017, 11:11:55 pm
barely got any exercise on my trip  :uhhhfacepalm:

also, right shoulder issue is not going away and my right knee was killing me at one point yesterday. wth.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2017, 11:22:37 am
apart from times when i was sick or temporarily very sad about something, i can't remember a time when i've been less motivated to work out. it's weird. gonna take a break from strict adherence to GMB F1 and just work on hand stands, pirouettes (which i have come to see the value of, oddly enough), lever, and crow/crane. and some conditioning and stretching. i think i need to mix things up for a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2017, 09:51:20 am
- tennis x 75 mins
super fun, played with a couple guys i know here who are roughly my skill level. one noticeably better but he's more out of shape than the other two of us. it is very humid. shoulder was fine, no discomfort, although we didn't serve, just rallied. serving would have been more stressful.

the internet is being slow and weird as hell here. is loading fine, although images and videos are slow. youtube works fine. instagram doesn't work at all, twitter barely, NYT a bit, ny book review barely, google image search works but slowly. i think it's down for the whole city, though.

gonna try to get on a flight to the north tomorrow morning and i'll be up there for a few days. will go for some hikes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 05, 2017, 11:19:11 am
apart from times when i was sick or temporarily very sad about something, i can't remember a time when i've been less motivated to work out. it's weird. gonna take a break from strict adherence to GMB F1 and just work on hand stands, pirouettes (which i have come to see the value of, oddly enough), lever, and crow/crane. and some conditioning and stretching. i think i need to mix things up for a bit.

ya man, sometimes one needs to just get back to freestyle. also if there's something you really enjoy more than anything, load up on that. for me (bw exercises), that would be ng pullups & bar dips, pmghr also but I just can't keep hitting that otherwise I can wreck my hamstring tendons. That's one movement i'd love to be able to handle better, feels so good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on August 08, 2017, 12:43:33 pm
Yo, you posted recently about getting great results with dedicated wrist mobility work. Mine is terrible and it makes front squats (even more) uncomfortable, and will also be am impediment when I eventually try out planche stuff again. Any recommended movements/stretches/routines?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2017, 12:30:46 pm
Yo, you posted recently about getting great results with dedicated wrist mobility work. Mine is terrible and it makes front squats (even more) uncomfortable, and will also be am impediment when I eventually try out planche stuff again. Any recommended movements/stretches/routines?


ask and ye shall receive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2017, 12:36:17 pm
the mountains were rad. didn't go for any proper hikes but we walked a bunch, including one day at 15,000+ feet, which is exhausting and slightly disorienting. made it all the way to the khunjerab pass, which is where the karakoram highway crosses into china.

still stuck up here today because there were no seats on the flight this morning. did a brief workout anyway:

- warm up

- wall handstands x ~10s x 9
got good holds off the wall on most of these.

- front lever 5s x 5

- stretch

body feels good. family (and world) having a rough couple of weeks, though, so heart is a bit heavier than usual.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2017, 09:58:17 am
- jump rope interval work out
20/40 of double unders or running in place and rest for 10 intervals. three minutes of continuous skipping on either end.

- stretch

pouring rain, motivation low, and my shoulder is still hurt, so this feels okay. it was like a warm up for a real workout. actually i kind of like it as a warm up for a real workout
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on August 13, 2017, 10:47:29 am
If you did some arm swings like hugging yourself and arm circles with the skipping it'd be a damn good warm up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 14, 2017, 11:49:37 am
right shoulder still bugging. toes okay after hurting significantly more than usual on saturday.

- GMB warm up

- pirouettes x 3,3,3,3,3/leg

- front lever x 9 reps
bit shaky on the first few, then had several good holds. EDIT: vid of two (~8-9s and then 18s!! -- PR followed by huger PR) below. felt like i made a technique breakthrough. cut self off after 18s PR for AELS purposes. trying to be gentle at the moment.

- stretch

shirtless is more fun unless i'm really sweaty.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 14, 2017, 12:28:29 pm
looks strong man.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 15, 2017, 12:25:42 pm
- run 4km
first 3.5 @ ~5:00/km, last 500m appreciably faster, maybe 4:00/km. pretty easy but i am not in any kind of running shape. contemplated the amount of work it'd take to get into 19:xx 5k shape (i.e. as fast as i was the one year i ran JV cross country in high school).

- walk 500m

- stretch

quads shakin' a bit after. felt fucking great though. let's see how my knees and toes do tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 15, 2017, 10:54:21 pm
- run 4km
first 3.5 @ ~5:00/km, last 500m appreciably faster, maybe 4:00/km. pretty easy but i am not in any kind of running shape. contemplated the amount of work it'd take to get into 19:xx 5k shape (i.e. as fast as i was the one year i ran JV cross country in high school).

nice. you talk about those JV years on occasion .. you know you want to get that fitness back :D  :ninja:  :ibrunning:

- walk 500m

- stretch

quads shakin' a bit after. felt fucking great though. let's see how my knees and toes do tomorrow.

 :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 16, 2017, 02:04:20 am
yeah it was funny to realize how little i'd been using them. but also kind of weird, because they don't shake like that after i've played a long point of ultimate or tennis and you'd think that all the COD and stopping and starting would be harder on them than a bit of steady jogging. go figure.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 16, 2017, 12:50:28 pm
- half-field 5-on-5 ultimate
soooo fun, much less running, quick points, my team actually started to learn how to force. also we won all our games.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 17, 2017, 12:33:11 am
shoulder worse today. right big toe was also fuxored last night. rest today.

ETA: also, moderate-to-serious quad DOMS.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 19, 2017, 08:29:14 am
meant to get a workout in this afternoon after my board meeting but i ended up having to stay through the end, 4 hours longer than i thought i'd have to be there. now gotta go to some friends' housewarming and christ do i need a beer. better luck tomorrow.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 20, 2017, 02:32:41 pm
- jump rope 60/60 x 7-8, with GMB warm up in the rest periods

- pull up x (3,2,1) x 3
so unbelievably weak.

- DB shrug 20s x 20

- KB swing 16 x 20

- tricep pressdown 30 x 15

- handstands
got a couple decent free kick-up holds. somehow these don't bother my shoulder.

shoulder still bugging so no pressing and taking it easy on the ultimate and tennis for a couple more days at least. first time at the gym in ages and ages.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 21, 2017, 11:52:39 pm
life PR: my net worth is now over $100,000 for the first time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 22, 2017, 12:11:51 am
life PR: my net worth is now over $100,000 for the first time.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :almostascoolasnyancat:

awesome man.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on August 22, 2017, 12:33:17 am
life PR: my net worth is now over $100,000 for the first time.

 :highfive: I like the way you roll.

Its ok if it was a cumulation of quality life choices, effective savings and prudent investing.

But I do hope a little it is your bank roll from a string of late night high $ gambling sessions with a guy named Teddy KGB.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 22, 2017, 12:36:22 am
life PR: my net worth is now over $100,000 for the first time.

 :highfive: I like the way you roll.

Its ok if it was a cumulation of quality life choices, effective savings and prudent investing.

But I do hope a little it is your bank roll from a string of late night high $ gambling sessions with a guy named Teddy KGB.

^^ very solid post.

:wowthatwasnutswtf: :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 22, 2017, 12:42:54 am
life PR: my net worth is now over $100,000 for the first time.

 :highfive: I like the way you roll.

Its ok if it was a cumulation of quality life choices, effective savings and prudent investing.

But I do hope a little it is your bank roll from a string of late night high $ gambling sessions with a guy named Teddy KGB.

true story: a little (very little, like a couple hundred bucks) is from a gambling session with a guy named bail breaker G.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on August 22, 2017, 06:51:41 am
life PR: my net worth is now over $100,000 for the first time.

On your way to becoming a millionaire 8)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 22, 2017, 08:10:42 am
life PR: my net worth is now over $100,000 for the first time.

On your way to becoming a millionaire 8)

at this rate i'll get there by age 102!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on August 22, 2017, 07:51:56 pm
life PR: my net worth is now over $100,000 for the first time.

On your way to becoming a millionaire 8)

at this rate i'll get there by age 102!

Compounding interest will get you there much quicker than that!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 23, 2017, 01:34:17 am
life PR: my net worth is now over $100,000 for the first time.

On your way to becoming a millionaire 8)

at this rate i'll get there by age 102!

Compounding interest will get you there much quicker than that!

how do you know i haven't been saving $12,500 a year for the last eight years in stacks of bills underneath my bed? what's this compounding interest you speak of?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 23, 2017, 11:24:46 am
- warm up

- handstand work x 10 mins
not bad. shoulder still bugging but tolerate these with no issue.

- circuit x 4
-- running in place jump rope x 60s
-- front to back scale x 60s
-- hollow body x 60s
no rest between exercises, 60s between rounds. hollow body holds tough, had to modify for third and fourth sets.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 23, 2017, 11:40:07 pm
Did you lose some motivation to be "a fast and explosive donkey"? Your training has been more geared towards general health/fitness ever since i came back to site.

yeah. couple reasons: first, i moved to pakistan, where facilities for training to be fast and explosive are nonexistent or very difficult to access. also, body was kind of beat up after years of trying, not always intelligently or carefully, to dunk. and tbh i was sick of it. spent a few months this summer starting to learn calisthenic basics and now i'm just kind of letting myself do what feels nice as long as it breaks a sweat and/or challenges me to learn and get better at some skill. it feels nice. i'll settle back into working toward something at some point. not fussed about it for now. well, a little fussed about it but not too much.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 24, 2017, 11:22:34 am
signed up for mapmyrun. first run today:

- 4.01km in 21:06 (road)
good baseline! didn't go too hard, but any harder and i would have been hurting a little. easy does it.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 24, 2017, 12:06:01 pm
signed up for mapmyrun. first run today:

- 4.01km in 21:06 (road)
good baseline! didn't go too hard, but any harder and i would have been hurting a little. easy does it.

- stretch

yo!! awesome to see. running-lbss been dying to get out for a while  :ninja: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 25, 2017, 12:55:00 am

You moved to Pakistan for good? how come?

fair enough, when i stopped training for explosiveness, i stopped exercising altogether.... at least you are very active.

adventure, promotion, in that order. i'd been wanting to live overseas basically ever since i got out of college. delayed for a long time mainly because of a relationship i was in, and when that ended i was like, okay time to go. stuff fell into place so that i got sent out here to jump up a big level in responsibility and create my own team, which is a really cool opportunity.

i feel you on the lack of motivation after you stop chasing a big goal. definitely had that last year, felt like i was drifting and was kind of beating myself up about it. stopped having fun or looking forward to the gym. so i'm trying to be a little more zen about exercising. i love sweating and breathing hard and straining, and it's okay just to make myself do that somehow or other 3-5 times a week. and have mini-goals, like getting rid of my right wrist pain, or being able to consistently kick up into a handstand for a few seconds.

it's cool that you're back on the wagon now. anything is better than nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2017, 10:19:36 am
- warm up

- front lever practice x a bit

- Annie lite: 50-40-30-20-10 of double unders and crunches (instead of sit ups)

- stretch

my head has been hurting all day. good to get this in, as little as it is.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 28, 2017, 11:22:55 pm

- warm up

- jump rope continuously x 10 mins

went to bed early last night and got up early this morning. meant to do more but (1) i'm not coordinated enough in the morning to do double unders, apparently; (2) got a work call while i was warming up that cut into the time i had.

i like morning work outs, even if it's just a warm up like this. moar.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on August 28, 2017, 11:28:13 pm
Yeah morning workouts are weird. I remember waking up, showering and immediately going for a 30 min jog and just feeling like I was dying despite pretty easy pace.

I think it takes a little bit of time for your body to get into efficient fuel burning. Glycogen converted into fat overnight or somehow unavailable for immediate use the next morning? One of my buddies who's a bodybuilding trainer told me not to hit the protein in the morning because the body can't process it very well but to focus on carbs and then protein load later on. It would make sense if cells need to be carbed up to process protein or something..

Anyway morning workouts are cool. Start the day off strong and it frequently becomes productive all the way through.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 28, 2017, 11:58:37 pm

- warm up

- jump rope continuously x 10 mins

went to bed early last night and got up early this morning. meant to do more but (1) i'm not coordinated enough in the morning to do double unders, apparently; (2) got a work call while i was warming up that cut into the time i had.

i like morning work outs, even if it's just a warm up like this. moar.


i was actually planning on doing some jump rope tomorrow evening, motivation.

Yeah morning workouts are weird. I remember waking up, showering and immediately going for a 30 min jog and just feeling like I was dying despite pretty easy pace.

I've experienced the same thing. Even if i'm actually running good, it feels horrible compared to at night.

I think it takes a little bit of time for your body to get into efficient fuel burning. Glycogen converted into fat overnight or somehow unavailable for immediate use the next morning? One of my buddies who's a bodybuilding trainer told me not to hit the protein in the morning because the body can't process it very well but to focus on carbs and then protein load later on. It would make sense if cells need to be carbed up to process protein or something..

Anyway morning workouts are cool. Start the day off strong and it frequently becomes productive all the way through.

dno not sure about that, but watermelon (sugar+water) an hour or so before an important session seems to really help me in the morning. Last year when I was doing all of those races, I was waking up consistently early, 99% of the time I felt like crap. Races would get me amp'd up more and i'd feel better for those, generally. Morning w/o's are definitely rough for me.

i've been trying to wakeup at 7 AM for like 3 weeks now.............. complete failure.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2017, 03:26:46 am
re: getting up earlier, last night at 10:30 my gf was just like, let's go to bed. we're usually up much later. we didn't even go right to sleep, but turning the lights out that early just shifted everything. i woke up before 7, almost an hour before my alarm. lollygagged in bed for a while, but that is a good sign.

also motivation to train is starting to come back. been excited about trying some things today for the first time in a while. need to do a little something, at least, every day. every day. every day.

learning a pistol squat might be next. i can bang them out in squatting shoes but have never been able to do one barefoot on the flat ground. that's a good skill.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on August 29, 2017, 08:04:10 am
Pistol squats barefoot is actually easier than you think, you will see quick progress. feet and the fingers help stabilize a lot more than shoes.
A good skill indeed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2017, 08:21:34 am
learning a pistol squat might be next. i can bang them out in squatting shoes but have never been able to do one barefoot on the flat ground. that's a good skill.

I've always struggled with these 3 exercises: Pistols, SL deadlift, and bulgarian split squat feet elevated.

Not sure how i so easily was able to full squat but never was able to do those 3

yeah i've been coming around to the idea that balance is a completely neglected and underrated skill, worth developing. i'm moving back toward the GMB bandwagon, check this article out:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2017, 11:57:16 am
- warm up

- pirouettes x ~10/leg

- GMB pistol progression x a lot
left ahead of right, no surprise. this was really fun.

- front lever x a bit
had it, lost it, confused how that works.

- beginner partner acroyoga progression x a bit
made it into this pose:


yay working out. also i finally started to push the furniture around in the spare bedroom, which is the only room in the house with an actually flat floor AND floor space.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2017, 04:02:47 am

- massage and acupuncture for shoulder and neck x 1 hour
saw a TCM doctor here about my shoulder. he worked on it and told me to take calcium and magnesium and not exercise with it for two weeks. he also said my cervical spine is bad and really worked my neck. sore now. he asked me to get it x-rayed. been meaning to get an MRI of the ol' kidneys for months now anyway so maybe i'll do that soon.

shoulder feels no better now, fwiw.


- warm up

- pirouettes x 10 mins

- scales x 10 mins

- stretch

listened to the doc for at least one day and did no shoulder work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 01, 2017, 10:40:57 am
excited about the new workout motivation but this shoulder thing sux.

listened to the doc for at least one day and did no shoulder work.


it's been going on for about a month now, no improvement correct?

does it bug you when you run or jump rope? maybe a much bigger warmup/loosening up prior to BW stuff would help more? like get crazy loose/break a big sweat then try some BW exercises and see if it doesn't get stressed as much?

dno.. not sure if you recall but I had some shoulder issue going on for a while during 2016, i think it was after calisthenics but before i really committed to running.. every morning it felt absolutely horrible. It just magically disappeared after a few months or so, maybe the running helped it. Not sure, i'll have to go back and check in the journal.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2017, 12:03:40 pm
about a month, yeah. since i went back to ultimate for the first time, more or less. no permanent improvement since. it gets better or worse -- today is a better day fwiw.


- hike x ~8km
4km straight up, 4km straight down (in the rain). climbed a big hill (peak 2830m/9300 feet) near a cabin where i was staying with some friends 2-3 hours north of islamabad. beautiful. got caught in a thundercloud for a bit, which was a little stressful but cool. no lightning but loud thunder and very low visibility.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2017, 09:13:45 am
- jump rope continuous x 10 mins
zero mistakes, woo.

- GMB warm up

- pirouette work x 7:30
planned to do 10 mins but ball of right foot started bugging

- front lever work x 10 mins

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 03, 2017, 02:34:31 pm
- jump rope continuous x 10 mins
zero mistakes, woo.

solid :o

- GMB warm up

- pirouette work x 7:30
planned to do 10 mins but ball of right foot started bugging

- front lever work x 10 mins

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2017, 10:52:27 pm
last night

- warm up

- HIIT workout w/gf x 15 mins

- partner acroyoga practice x 10 mins
progress, got to where she's "flying"
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2017, 11:22:43 pm
last night

- jump rope x ~7 mins
ball of foot...come on now.

- pistol work x ~7 mins
some kind of bruise on my hip from the first time i did these. really need to invest in the floor matting. only on the right side.

- stretch

better than nothing

this morning

- walk 500m

- run 3km
4:45, 4:51, 7:40 per mapmyrun. lol at that last kilometer. morning is hard. will adjust.

- walk 500m

- stretch

morning is hard, as noted above. felt like i was creaking and running through molasses. very happy to have gotten this done, though. one step at a time. may play ultimate tonight if shoulder feels loose in late afternoon. not bad right now.

last night

- ultimate x 2 hours
too hard on body. my right knee started hurting and while shoulder feels not that bad this wasn't the best idea. sigh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 08, 2017, 04:09:07 pm
last night

- jump rope x ~7 mins
ball of foot...come on now.

- pistol work x ~7 mins
some kind of bruise on my hip from the first time i did these. really need to invest in the floor matting. only on the right side.

- stretch

better than nothing

this morning

- walk 500m

- run 3km
4:45, 4:51, 7:40 per mapmyrun. lol at that last kilometer. morning is hard. will adjust.

- walk 500m

- stretch

morning is hard, as noted above. felt like i was creaking and running through molasses. very happy to have gotten this done, though. one step at a time. may play ultimate tonight if shoulder feels loose in late afternoon. not bad right now.

ya man I FEEL like i'm in slow motion in the morning .. even when i'm "adjusted", I feel slow. I could actually be going fast, in a race, interval, run, etc, and I still FEEL slow. It's weird.

eventually you'll adapt, put up consistently better times, but probably still feel like molasses. lmfao.

last night

- ultimate x 2 hours
too hard on body. my right knee started hurting and while shoulder feels not that bad this wasn't the best idea. sigh.

damn ultimate keeps wrecking u. :/

good stuff though, got in lots of work!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2017, 03:55:43 pm
rested thurs and fri because felt beat up. still feel beat up but not as bad. however, ultimate and tennis have got to be out until my knee and shoulder stop hurting altogether. frustrating.

- load and unload gf's stuff into car
she's moving, has lots of stuff

- jump rope x 15 mins
5-6 mistakes, right knee bugging a little, right foot bugging a little.

- GMB mobility

- stretch

right knee is fuxored. getting better day to day since wednesday but decelerating is just bad for it. must do some research. shoulder is still hurt but not as bad as before.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2017, 11:51:47 am
- run 4km in 20:49
ran with gf for first 3km, then picked up pace a bit on last km. knee felt it but not in a painful way and once i was a couple of km in was fine. just need to be gentle, which is easy since i'm so out of shape.

- walk 0.4km

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2017, 02:28:16 pm
- rest

tired. work is gonna suck until mid-october i think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2017, 02:59:34 am

- GMB warm up
christ i'm stiff

nothing else since sunday. didn't get home from work until 10:30 last night. hoping for a run tonight. shoulder is in a bad way despite rest.


- run 4km in 21:02
road. knee still noticeable but lessening.

- stretch

shoulder always feels better when i'm sweating.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 14, 2017, 01:14:49 pm

- GMB warm up
christ i'm stiff

nothing else since sunday. didn't get home from work until 10:30 last night. hoping for a run tonight. shoulder is in a bad way despite rest.


- run 4km in 21:02
road. knee still noticeable but lessening.

- stretch

shoulder always feels better when i'm sweating.

good news on the knee, and shoulder tbh .. if the knee keeps improving and allows you to get some more runs in (if your work schedule allows it), i'd be curious to see how you'd feel if you bumped up the run frequency a little. Could really loosen that shoulder up. These light runs & eventually some light intervals (relaxed/very submax 100's with walk back recovery) could be just the thing to promote more healing/adaptation.

jump rope can be pretty intense on the shoulders from my experience, and you'll get more ROM during running .. so i'd personally try and get more light runs in (if possible) & see what happens - as long as the knee isn't made worse by the runs of course.

personally i'd try to avoid ultimate for a bit, just to help try and not aggravate it alot. :/

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 15, 2017, 10:36:22 am
- jump rope x 10 mins
5 mistakes, fml

- mobilization/stretch

just getting warm and limber.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 15, 2017, 10:41:31 am
good news on the knee, and shoulder tbh .. if the knee keeps improving and allows you to get some more runs in (if your work schedule allows it), i'd be curious to see how you'd feel if you bumped up the run frequency a little. Could really loosen that shoulder up. These light runs & eventually some light intervals (relaxed/very submax 100's with walk back recovery) could be just the thing to promote more healing/adaptation.

jump rope can be pretty intense on the shoulders from my experience, and you'll get more ROM during running .. so i'd personally try and get more light runs in (if possible) & see what happens - as long as the knee isn't made worse by the runs of course.

personally i'd try to avoid ultimate for a bit, just to help try and not aggravate it alot. :/


i'm gonna add distance gradually before i add frequency, in part because it's easier with work and stuff and in part because i think not letting myself rest enough is part of the problem. that said, the knee started hurting almost immediately when i went back to tennis a month or so ago -- as soon as i had to decelerate to the forehand (right) side it was in pain. and it's been problematic off and on for years.

tbh what i really need to do is get back into PT mode like i did when i was spraining my ankle over and over in my early 20s.

jump rope doesn't bother the shoulder seemingly at all, so i'm gonna keep doing it here and there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2017, 10:24:06 am
- run 3.62km in 18:15
road. hot and humid and i think i was a little dehydrated to begin with. mild headache for most of this. overshot my turn and just called it. 5:02 pace felt very manageable otherwise.

- walk 0.8km in 7:00
end of run to home.

- GMB mobility

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 18, 2017, 12:45:17 pm

- fuck all


- warm up

- scales x 5,5/leg
tension headache/neckache started almost immediately on the upper right side of my neck/base of skull. would have done more of these but that was too weird. still there mildly, an hour later.

- front lever holds @3-5s x a bunch
pretty solid

- handstand wall kick ups x a bunch
pretty solid

- stretch

shoulder felt fine throughout. static holds don't seem to bother it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2017, 12:57:04 pm
- warm up

- run 4.36km in 22:04
yep, right at that 5:03/km pace. seems to be the sweet spot for now. gonna start adding a little distance at a time for a while before i begin to add speed or frequency. picked a different route this time, to the cricket ground instead of the other direction, and it's almost exactly 1.9km from my house. pretty perfect: can just add laps for distance. the route is better lit and sidewalk in better condition that way, too. picked up pace to 4:07/km right at the end and that is not sustainable right now. eeeeasy does it.

- stretch

- GMB wrist mob

knee, shoulder, and now neck are all there in the background.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2017, 12:33:15 pm
- run 1 km

- interval run 500m x 2, ~3:00/km pace
let's just say i don't think a 15:00 5k is in my future.

- walk 250m, run 250m

- pull ups x 10,4
lolllllll first set was alright though

- some other random crap, handstands and pirouettes and TTB

- stretch

not much of a plan going in except to see what it was like to run fast. didn't even have a target pace in mind. but it's good to know what 3:00/km feels like.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 22, 2017, 10:09:48 am
- GMB warm up

- KB swing ladder up to 24
just went through the end of penn and teller fool us. also i bought a kettlebell.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2017, 03:21:00 am
hamstrings, traps, and glutes are all a wee bit sore today. that is good. KB fun and good. yes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 23, 2017, 06:13:54 am
hamstrings, traps, and glutes are all a wee bit sore today. that is good. KB fun and good. yes.

KBs are lots of fun, indeed. How heavy is yours?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2017, 06:38:27 am
hamstrings, traps, and glutes are all a wee bit sore today. that is good. KB fun and good. yes.

KBs are lots of fun, indeed. How heavy is yours?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2017, 12:41:16 am

- GMB warm up

- stretch


- nada

i drank too much this weekend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2017, 11:48:45 am
- GMB warm up
hamstrings still sore

- KB swing
right hamstring tweaked on first swing. motherfucker. gonna stretch it gently but otherwise this night is over. shoulder and knee and enough to be recovering from inadequately.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 25, 2017, 02:21:29 pm
- GMB warm up
hamstrings still sore

- KB swing
right hamstring tweaked on first swing. motherfucker. gonna stretch it gently but otherwise this night is over. shoulder and knee and enough to be recovering from inadequately.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2017, 10:30:44 am
hamstring doesn't feel injured today, but def still sore. man those kb swings really fucked 'em up.

- GMB warm up

- scales x 5,5,5/leg

- a ton of mobility stuff and stretching

EDIT: thought about running gently today, then thought better of it given yesterday's alarm.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on September 26, 2017, 07:32:21 pm
EDIT: thought about running gently today, then thought better of it given yesterday's alarm.

Wise choice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2017, 10:50:21 am
- GMB warm up

- jump rope interval 3 x 3'/1'
no mistakes

- stretch

gentle. no pain. yippee.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2017, 07:46:54 am

- treadmill run 4.2km in 25:11
walked first 2:30 and last 2:30

- GMB warm up

- stretch

so much sweat. good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2017, 11:00:29 pm
last night

- warm up

- short-field 5-on-5 ultimate x 90 mins
super fun. right knee bugging a bit toward the end and this morning but not as bad as last time. right shoulder took a while to get  warm and also isn't that bad this morning.


- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 03, 2017, 11:09:29 am
no real workout tonight, did do an hour-long swing dance class with gf, though. was fun, broke a light sweat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 07, 2017, 04:15:47 am
- run 4km in 20:35
walked the first ~150m, then pace was right at 5:00/km despite trying deliberately to take it easy.

- walk 400m

- stretch

was in the mountains for the last few days, warmed up and stretched a bit in the mornings but otherwise work was flat-out: visiting local community groups all day and catching up on normal stuff all night. really stressed out. also my gf is pissed at me for reasons which she will not elaborate, which ordinarily i would be much better able to deal with but which right now is just making me frustrated. trying to figure out what to do with the frustration, where to channel it. i am, generally speaking, a very emotionally stable and self-contained person. i have deep reserves of patience for myself and for other people. it's weird for them to have been whittled so far down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on October 07, 2017, 04:34:44 am
That's a solid effort! Great natural endurance by the sounds of it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2017, 09:01:18 am
- jump rope x 10 mins
1-2 mistakes, i forget. not more.

- GMB warm up

- pistol work x 10 mins

- front and back scales x 10 mins

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 08, 2017, 03:40:15 pm
- run 4km in 20:35
walked the first ~150m, then pace was right at 5:00/km despite trying deliberately to take it easy.

- walk 400m

- stretch

nice!! :ibrunning:

was in the mountains for the last few days, warmed up and stretched a bit in the mornings but otherwise work was flat-out: visiting local community groups all day and catching up on normal stuff all night. really stressed out. also my gf is pissed at me for reasons which she will not elaborate, which ordinarily i would be much better able to deal with but which right now is just making me frustrated. trying to figure out what to do with the frustration, where to channel it. i am, generally speaking, a very emotionally stable and self-contained person. i have deep reserves of patience for myself and for other people. it's weird for them to have been whittled so far down.

damn that's weird as hell about the gf.. :/

kinda related, when I was doing my "recovery" walk yesterday, my mind was thinking about crap I didn't want it to think about, just random political b.s.. probably was walking too slow, when I walk faster it clears more. Anyway, I had on a long sleeve but for some reason after a while I rolled down my sleeve so I could see my forearms, clenched my fist lightly until I could see some veins, and just imagined my thoughts exiting my body. Actually seemed to help.. But I also thought, this is kind of weird, almost feels like a "cutter" thing, but without the cutting.

I guess i've really come to hate stress & all of the ridiculous shit in the world.. Figuring out what helps to tune it out on demand, is becoming more important to me. With running and intense walking etc, I think it helps me tune out, by tuning in to those efforts. I mean initially I could think about garbage, but as time goes on it just all seems to go blank.. That's actually a side effect that I really enjoy. Really helps when you have the time too though I guess, i'm lucky right now with that.

peace dude!@$!@
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2017, 12:11:25 pm
hashed things out with the gf on saturday afternoon. made sense why she was upset, and i'm glad we talked it out. one difference between her and my ex, who i was with for 5+ years, is that my ex was a lot more like me: super emotionally self-contained and protective. current gf wears a lot more on her sleeve, has a lot more anxieties and less of the kind of deep self-confidence that my ex and i both have. and that's good for me, because it forces me to be more sensitive and to give more. ex and i never, ever fought, and so i was always holding back a little. she challenged me in some ways but not emotionally. like i can remember two serious arguments we had between the first time we hooked up and the day we broke up.

one of the things i love about current gf is that she lets me know if something i'm doing makes her feel bad. sometimes i think she's not being fair, but then she listens if i want to justify myself.


- run 5km in 24:38
nice. let myself pace naturally until the last lap when i picked it up just a little.

- walk 500m

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 09, 2017, 12:31:37 pm
hashed things out with the gf on saturday afternoon. made sense why she was upset, and i'm glad we talked it out.


one difference between her and my ex, who i was with for 5+ years, is that my ex was a lot more like me: super emotionally self-contained and protective. current gf wears a lot more on her sleeve, has a lot more anxieties and less of the kind of deep self-confidence that my ex and i both have. and that's good for me, because it forces me to be more sensitive and to give more. ex and i never, ever fought, and so i was always holding back a little. she challenged me in some ways but not emotionally. like i can remember two serious arguments we had between the first time we hooked up and the day we broke up.

interesting.. and ya i presumed just by some of the photos and her "snowflake" name that she's more emotional/emotions on sleeve.

one of the things i love about current gf is that she lets me know if something i'm doing makes her feel bad. sometimes i think she's not being fair, but then she listens if i want to justify myself.



- run 5km in 24:38
nice. let myself pace naturally until the last lap when i picked it up just a little.

- walk 500m

- stretch

:ibrunning: nice man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2017, 10:11:44 am
- run 5.05km in 26:40
road to track, two laps, road back. legs heavy. it's noticeably warmer at 6:30 than 8. right back around 5:15 pace, which seems to be standard on the road. some of that is caused by having to slow down to cross roads; also the first half of the course is slowly but steadily uphill.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 12, 2017, 11:22:36 am
- KB swing x 10,10,10,10,10

- GMB warm up

- stretch

just to get the juices flowing a little and stretch. right toe's bugging a bit. shoulder in a downswing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2017, 01:30:13 am

- warm up

- HIIT x 20 mins

- stretch

feels so good to work out in morning, especially as it gets cooler.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 13, 2017, 06:20:41 am

- warm up

- HIIT x 20 mins

- stretch

feels so good to work out in morning, especially as it gets cooler.

can't wait until it gets cooler here too.. still no sign yet :( lmao.

love the morning workouts as well .. bout to hit up a track before the sun is out, never did that before.. hopefully it's open.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2017, 07:03:24 am
get them sunrise pics
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 13, 2017, 12:02:18 pm
get them sunrise pics

never even saw the sun unfortunately.. really wanted to get a nice one. ended up just getting a storm photo, which is still cool. lol.

been raining so much around here lately.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2017, 12:42:40 am
last night

- run 5.01km in 25:39
hamstrings quite sore, very slow first km and then right around 5:00 the rest of the way. gonna go to 5.5km this week.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2017, 11:30:09 pm

- run 5.00km in 24:41
splits were 4:44, 4:56, 4:57, 4:43, 5:15. so ran first 4km in 19:22, then died a little and ran last km in 5:15. much less consistent pace than usual. chalk it up to body being out of whack in the morning.

- stretch

didn't get quite as early a start as i'd hoped, in part because my gf found a cockroach in her running pants and freaked the f out. delayed us by about 10 minutes. no hate, though: she saved me from a gigantic fucking spider earlier this year. to each their own irrational freak-outs. still, feels so good to have run already today. hopefully gf will continue to be a good morning workout buddy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2017, 11:44:49 pm
- run 0.5km in 2:22

- running warm ups/drills x 4 mins
ugly, but that's okay, just wanted to limber up a bit.

- interval run 0.5km x 3 (0.2km walking rest)
1:26, 1:29, 1:59. last one seems like i slowed down before i meant to, which is annoying. still, too hard. need to find the sweet spot at 4:00/km for tempo. try again next week.

- stretch

tomorrow morning will do yoga instead of run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 18, 2017, 07:01:21 am
- run 0.5km in 2:22

- running warm ups/drills x 4 mins
ugly, but that's okay, just wanted to limber up a bit.

- interval run 0.5km x 3 (0.2km walking rest)
1:26, 1:29, 1:59. last one seems like i slowed down before i meant to, which is annoying. still, too hard. need to find the sweet spot at 4:00/km for tempo. try again next week.

yea you were way under 4:00/km with the first two.. those first two were like 3:00/km or less!

so you want to hit those at 2:00 per 500m, to get to 4:00/km pace? seems easily doable given the 3 you just hit, so ya it's mostly about feel. Just hold back way more initially.

when I want to relax more, I get this song in my head and may hum it, not sure why, but it pops into my head alot at the beginning of hard workouts.. it's weird lmfao.. Mercy Me - Marvin Gaye:

sometimes before I do harder sprints, I say "jamaica jamaaaicaa", or "blaka!!" lmfao.

again not sure why, I mean I get the association between jamaica and sprinting.. but these "totems" seem to just exist for me, it's kinda odd. lmao.

- stretch

tomorrow morning will do yoga instead of run.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 19, 2017, 08:41:42 am
gf bailed on yoga this morning so i did GMB warm up and some scales instead. less than i meant to do. still, something.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 19, 2017, 11:32:09 pm
- run 5.5km in 26:55
4:53km pace, but i went out a bit hard in 4:39 for the first km and then settled into 4:50-4:59. still, no single km over 5:00. last 0.5km was mentally pushing it a bit, brain wanted to quit after 5. told brain to fuck off, pleased about it.

- stretch

what a beautiful morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 21, 2017, 08:24:51 am
- jump rope x 8 mins
lots of mistakes, ???

- GMB warm up

- pistol work x 10 mins

- KB SLDL x some
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2017, 02:25:43 am
meant to go running this morning but woke up with the weirdest diarrhea. decided running probably likely to end with shit down the back of my leg, so slept in instead.



still feel off, but mainly because i didn't eat lunch. managed:

- jump rope x 5 mins
just to get a bit warm

- GMB warm up

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2017, 11:29:15 pm
- run 4km in 19:59

- walk 0.5km in 4:32

- stretch

was riding the struggle bus this morning, i suspect partly due to the holdover from being dehydrated and having a messed up diet yesterday. knees ached every so slightly after the run, only for about a minute or two but it's the first time that happened since i started running again (the right knee injury thing is different). chalking that up to dehydration as well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 24, 2017, 05:53:30 am
- run 4km in 19:59

- walk 0.5km in 4:32

- stretch

was riding the struggle bus this morning, i suspect partly due to the holdover from being dehydrated and having a messed up diet yesterday. knees ached every so slightly after the run, only for about a minute or two but it's the first time that happened since i started running again (the right knee injury thing is different). chalking that up to dehydration as well.

dehydration could definitely have alot to do with it. I definitely experience (even when doing nothing) more aches/pains when I realize I haven't been drinking enough water, especially with running. We can maybe get away with it more easily with shorter sprinting workouts & jumping, but the repeated submax pounding of running non-stop seems to really let you know. Yesterday I was telling myself to "oversaturate", just trying to consciously focus on making sure i'm getting more than enough fluids.

that h2o lube.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2017, 06:00:46 am
alright, i'm enjoying running and want to do more. time for a goal. there are no races in islamabad, so i'm gonna have to do time trials on my own. c'est la vie.


GOAL 1: sub-23:00 5k by 21 december
GOAL 2: sub-21:00 5k by 21 february
GOAL 3: sub-20:00 5k by 21 april
GOAL 4: run in the khunjerab pass 10k next summer (

currently i'm running 10-15km/week and can comfortably run under 25:00 on the track. first order of business is to continue building an aerobic base.

plan to meet GOAL 1 will be as follows:

- build up weekly distance to 25km/week, 4-5 days running/week
- one day/week of 500m tempo practice at 4:30/km pace (e.g. 500m x 6 in 2:15 with 90s rest)
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week (continue rehabbing shoulder)
- test right before vacation

if my brother gets his visa a few days of that will be replaced by some high-ish altitude hiking. will probably not train much while home for the holidays, apart from long walks.

then, plan to meet GOAL 2 will be as follows:

- build up weekly distance to 40km/week, 5 days running/week
- one day/week of 1km tempo at 4:10/km pace
- one day/week of 500m tempo at 4:00/km pace
- two easy days
- one long easy day
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week
- test

plan to meet GOAL 3 will be as follows:

- build weekly distance to 50km/week
- one day/week of 1km tempo at 3:58/km pace
- one day/week of 500m tempo at 3:48/km pace
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week
- test

plan to meet GOAL 4 will be as follows:

- suffer. the khunjerab pass is at 4,700 meters/15,400 feet. i was there in august and even just walking around made me a little lightheaded. the marathon, which i won't attempt, gains 2300m. not sure how much gain on the 10k. in any case the point will be to finish.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 24, 2017, 06:15:50 am
alright, i'm enjoying running and want to do more. time for a goal. there are no races in islamabad, so i'm gonna have to do time trials on my own. c'est la vie.


GOAL 1: sub-23:00 5k by 21 december
GOAL 2: sub-21:00 5k by 21 february
GOAL 3: sub-20:00 5k by 21 april
GOAL 4: run in the khunjerab pass 10k next summer (

currently i'm running 10-15km/week and can comfortably run under 25:00 on the track. first order of business is to continue building an aerobic base.

plan to meet GOAL 1 will be as follows:

- build up weekly distance to 25km/week, 4-5 days running/week
- one day/week of 500m tempo practice at 4:30/km pace (e.g. 500m x 6 in 2:15 with 90s rest)
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week (continue rehabbing shoulder)
- test right before vacation

if my brother gets his visa a few days of that will be replaced by some high-ish altitude hiking. will probably not train much while home for the holidays, apart from long walks.

then, plan to meet GOAL 2 will be as follows:

- build up weekly distance to 40km/week, 5 days running/week
- one day/week of 1km tempo at 4:10/km pace
- one day/week of 500m tempo at 4:00/km pace
- two easy days
- one long easy day
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week
- test

plan to meet GOAL 3 will be as follows:

- build weekly distance to 50km/week
- one day/week of 1km tempo at 3:58/km pace
- one day/week of 500m tempo at 3:48/km pace
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week
- test

plan to meet GOAL 4 will be as follows:

- suffer. the khunjerab pass is at 4,700 meters/15,400 feet. i was there in august and even just walking around made me a little lightheaded. the marathon, which i won't attempt, gains 2300m. not sure how much gain on the 10k. in any case the point will be to finish.

broken down very nicely, great stuff@!!@$  :ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning: :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2017, 11:45:03 pm
- run 6.0km in 29:42
pacing was still not great, went out in 4:41 for the first km and the slowed about 6-7s/km (except for km 4 and 5 which were both 5:01). really died on the last lap, until the last 100.

- stretch

no running tomorrow, easy does it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2017, 01:50:58 am
further reflections on the plan:

to hit 30km/week, i would need something like

DAY 1 (total 4km)
- warm up 500m
- tempo 6 x 500m
- cool down 500m

DAY 2 (total 8km)
- easy run 8km

DAY 3 (total 0km)
- yoga/gymnastics/HIIT

DAY 4 (total 8km)
- easy run 8km

DAY 5 (total 0km)
- rest

DAY 6 (total 10km)
- very easy run x 10km

- yoga/gymnastics/HIIT or rest

okay! that looks doable by the end of the year.

to hit 50km/week, would need something like:

DAY 1 (total 7km)
- warm up 1km + drills
- tempo 5 x 1km
- cool down 1km

DAY 2 (total 10km)
- easy run 10km

DAY 3 (total 7km)
- warm up 1km + drills
- tempo 10 x 500m
- cool down 1km

DAY 4 (total 10km)
- easy run 10km

- rest

DAY 6 (total 16km)
- very easy run 16km

- yoga/gymnastics/HIIT or rest

gonna take me a good long while to build up to 50km/week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on October 25, 2017, 03:48:23 am
It's a great program. I like the fact you have some speed work with the 500m tempos working on increasing the pace each phase. Speed reserve is important for 100m right up to the marathon. I think you're going to shatter 20min pretty quick based on your natural fitness.

:ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2017, 11:52:34 pm
- yoga x ~60 mins
gf took us through some basics and then into a more challenging pose that she's working on. try to do this right now. you cannot.


i'm not even sure i could get as high as this guy:


anyway feel great, challenged legs, core, shoulders, and breath in a way i haven't been doing enough.

cheers acole. i don't know if i'd count 2:00 500s as "speed" but i would definitely consider adding shorter sprints in somewhere down the line. for the time being i'm happy to build the base of aerobic and running strength at paces that don't take too much out of me or feel like i'm taking an injury risk.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2017, 12:39:42 am
meant to run this morning but awoke with gnarly neck/headache. stayed in bed. headache dissipating now. most irritating.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2017, 01:32:41 pm
- run 6.53km in 34:36
niiice and easy. ~5:15-5:20 is a good long-run pace. feel great now. 

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2017, 12:40:10 pm
- run 3.15km in 14:50

- stretch

just to gejuflo and keep educating myself about what different paces feel like. 4:42/km pace on the road feels faster than normal but not unsustainable.

tomorrow morning intervals with gf unless something weird happens.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 29, 2017, 01:04:53 pm
- run 3.15km in 14:50

- stretch

just to gejuflo and keep educating myself about what different paces feel like. 4:42/km pace on the road feels faster than normal but not unsustainable.

tomorrow morning intervals with gf unless something weird happens.

nice!! what's on the menu for the intervals, more 500's?

also, i've been struggling to figure out what gejuflo means lmao. brain isn't filling in the blank, and the term isn't on google. help!


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2017, 11:47:54 pm
- run 1km

- run intervals 0.5km x 4, 60s rest
2:00, 1:54, 1:57, 1:57 -- all still faster than i meant, was targeting 2:15/lap. but felt manageable, so i think i'll probably keep 500s at this pace and build up to 6 and then 8. it's at my eventual target pace in any case: 1:57/km extrapolates to a 19:30 5k.

- cool down run/walk x 0.9km

also, i've been struggling to figure out what gejuflo means lmao. brain isn't filling in the blank, and the term isn't on google. help!



lol, +1 correct. comes from a guy i knew in HS who played baseball and was famously intense (he once broke another friend of ours's nose over a game of four square at lunch) and socially awkward. he named his bat gejuflo and the word has stuck with me ever since.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2017, 12:45:41 am
intended to run this morning but woke up with the same headache i had basically all day yesterday. it's still with me. if i feel better this evening i'll do 6+km.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2017, 11:44:23 pm
still felt like shit yesterday evening so bagged the run. gf's neighbor's goddamn rooster woke me up in the middle of the night, first time that's happened in a while.

- run 6.51km in 33:50
lost ~1.5-2 minutes to road crossings. need to try to keep pushing start time a bit earlier so i can avoid the school rush; having to stop dead sucks. still, 5:11 pace is an improvement for a mostly road run where i was deliberately not pushing.

- stretch

ETA: hit 5k today in 25:54, which if you take away the road crossings is definitely sub-25. something else to track on longer runs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2017, 11:31:32 pm
- run 5.00km in 23:12
didn't mean for this to be a goal attempt but got close anyway. died a little on last two laps but if i'd pushed harder i could have gotten under 23:00 a month ahead of schedule.

- walk 0.5km

- stretch

some very mild tightness in right hamstring. something to monitor, no hard runs for at least a few days. and i'm gonna see if my gf can pick up a foam roller while she's out doing errands today.

will either do a long easy run this weekend or a longer hike.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 02, 2017, 05:11:16 pm
- run 5.00km in 23:12
didn't mean for this to be a goal attempt but got close anyway. died a little on last two laps but if i'd pushed harder i could have gotten under 23:00 a month ahead of schedule.

ooh nice! a month ahead of goal schedule is always good news :highfive:

so like, were you consciously pushing it much harder or, it just felt pretty normal & it was just faster? i love when things are just faster, but effort level feels the same .. but sometimes you do end up feeling it later like you mentioned, which reminds you that the intensity was higher. I experience that kind of stuff more now that I use my watch less, sometimes the splits/times when I get home are surprising hah.. and sometimes they are disappointing too but whatever.

- walk 0.5km

- stretch

some very mild tightness in right hamstring. something to monitor, no hard runs for at least a few days. and i'm gonna see if my gf can pick up a foam roller while she's out doing errands today.

will either do a long easy run this weekend or a longer hike.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 03, 2017, 06:23:31 am
i didn't set out to push myself -- actually, i hadn't even decided on a distance until a couple of laps in. i looked at my phone for the first time around the 2.5km mark and noticed that i'd just passed 11:30, i.e. running just over 22:00 pace. at that point i figured i might as well keep up the pace as best i could through 5km and see how it went.

could have pushed harder but it would have been draining and i don't want to drain myself yet. still building up strength. patience.

no run yesterday because of worries about tightness in hamstring. leg feels great today though so may run later this afternoon before going to my first (FINALLY) pakistani wedding.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2017, 09:33:00 am

- walk/clamber around 500-year-old fort x 2 hours


- run 5.05km in 26:05
verrry easy. air quality is very bad at the moment. right hamstring fine, left hamstring oddly a little tight for a kilometer or so in the middle but nbd, went away.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 04, 2017, 12:30:20 pm

- walk/clamber around 500-year-old fort x 2 hours


- run 5.05km in 26:05
verrry easy. air quality is very bad at the moment. right hamstring fine, left hamstring oddly a little tight for a kilometer or so in the middle but nbd, went away.

- stretch

those photos you posted on IG are nuts, incredible.. also is that Stephanie close to the edge? I don't think I could do that :strong:... lmfao.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2017, 11:44:02 am
that's her, yep. there was a lot of creeping up to some dicey edges. fun times.

i'm in the mountains right now and didn't get a chance to work out until coming back to the regional capital tonight. there's a treadmill in the hotel sooo...

- run 7.35km in 40:36
nice and easy, but longest run i've done in memory.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 08, 2017, 10:17:57 am
- run 5.37km in 27:29
lost at least 60-90s at road crossings, so running pace was more like 4:50-4:55 and relaxed, not pushing at all. improvement.

- stretch

knees feeling it a wee bit right now post-run. intention was to do intervals tomorrow morning, but may rest and do them friday instead.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 10, 2017, 01:56:00 am
- warm up x 1km

- intervals 500m x 5, 60s walking rest
1:48, 1:53, 1:57, (400m in 1:33, whoops), 1:56

- cool down x 500m

- stretch

stopped early on fourth interval by accident. less smoggy in morning, still pretty smoggy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2017, 07:56:29 am
brother here! spent the last several days in the mountains.

november 13

- hike x 6 hours
not sure of distance. elevation gain was at least 1100m/3600' and topped out above 3300m/11,000'. it was steep.

november 14

- hike x 6 hours
partway across a glacier and back and then back down. distance about 2km longer than day one but the glacier part was sloooow going. combo of dicey weather and difficult visibility on the glacier meant we cut the trek off a night early.

november 15
- walking up and down hills and stairs x a lot
soleus quite sore. calves and quads also.

what a rad trip. i walked on a glacier at 11,000 feet above sea level. that's a lifetime first.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 16, 2017, 03:28:36 pm
brother here! spent the last several days in the mountains.

ah nice!!! how's he doing?

november 13

- hike x 6 hours
not sure of distance. elevation gain was at least 1100m/3600' and topped out above 3300m/11,000'. it was steep.

november 14

- hike x 6 hours
partway across a glacier and back and then back down. distance about 2km longer than day one but the glacier part was sloooow going. combo of dicey weather and difficult visibility on the glacier meant we cut the trek off a night early.

november 15
- walking up and down hills and stairs x a lot
soleus quite sore. calves and quads also.

what a rad trip. i walked on a glacier at 11,000 feet above sea level. that's a lifetime first.

whoa..... sounds ridiculous.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 20, 2017, 11:18:52 am
happy birthday dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm sure you are enjoying it!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on November 20, 2017, 04:04:24 pm
Happy Birthday LBSS!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on November 20, 2017, 06:35:37 pm
Happy B'day man.  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: ChrisM on November 20, 2017, 06:44:02 pm
Happy bday my man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on November 20, 2017, 09:18:19 pm
HBD mate!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2017, 11:56:06 pm
thanks y'all! had a pretty great bday weekend. big party on saturday night, chill recovery/clean-up day on sunday, then a small dinner last night with a few friends and my brother on his last night before heading back to the states. plus opened a bottle of a wine that i've been lusting after for more than 10 years, found in the doha duty free earlier this year and bought on a whim. it did not disappoint.

what a week and a half it's been.

back to running tonight. it's nice and chilly now in the mornings and evenings.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2017, 10:09:48 am
- run 6.15km in 32:03
after nearly two weeks of no running, right back to 5:12 pace. was down at about 5:00 relaxed before my brother arrived. meant to run less but forgot that it's MY house that's 2km from the track and my gf's place is farther. whoops. weird thing happened at the end where my right foot started to feel like it was juuust a little bit asleep. something to monitor.

- stretch

EDIT: also, several people have asked me in the last couple of weeks if i've lost weight. i believe them, i feel skinny. and i think i've been suppressing my appetite, or rather finishing meals before i'm done when the option to go for seconds is there. not sure why. a propos of the convo in adarq's journal, i do not want to lose weight. the shoulder thing is a huge pain because it prevents pretty much all compound upper work, which would at least make me feel like i'm not getting weaker. it's been three goddamn months now, time for some more serious action on the shoulder. maybe go to the doctor here. my colleague's been having shoulder issues and seeing a PT and ortho. will ask her.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 22, 2017, 10:07:43 pm
- run 5.35km in 27:03
aaand right back to 5:03/km. this felt hard, though that might be in part because it was so cold this morning (below 50). i need gloves. no repeat of the weird right foot thing but knees are a little achey now ~20 mins after run finished. careful.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 24, 2017, 10:49:11 am
- migraine x 6 hours

feel better now but decided probably best to just let myself rest. first migraine in something like two years.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on November 24, 2017, 10:58:51 am
dehydration? caffeine withdrawals? that's the two things which gets me everytime i go cold turkey haha.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 24, 2017, 11:20:38 am
idiopathic. alcohol can be a trigger but wasn't in this case: it started at about noon and i was at work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 24, 2017, 07:56:46 pm
idiopathic. alcohol can be a trigger but wasn't in this case: it started at about noon and i was at work.

fuuuuu that sucks. :/

we're all wrecked lately.

6 hour migraine is no joke.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 25, 2017, 08:48:38 am
yeah often they're longer. anyway.

- run 6.62km in 32:44
went out pretty fast for me and kept feeling good, at some point decided to see how close i could get to the december goal of 23:00 5k. hit 4.77km at 23:00 and slowed down. good to know. not terrible considering first ~2.3km are uphill and i didn't go into it thinking to push hard. kicked a brick or rock or something around 2km and it hurt like shit. still hurts in fact.

- stretch

- some push ups and pull ups and assorted calisthenics with gf. shoulder never feels as good as post-run, and i'm sick of not doing any upper anything.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2017, 11:01:15 pm
- run 4km in 18:36

- stretch

late start because gf decided at the last minute she wanted to come to the track as well. wasn't feeling great this morning in any case. but ~4:40 is a very sustainable track pace now, which is good.

ETA: also, shoulder feels none the worse for wear after saturday's experiment. it's not healed but it's not worse. will continue adding upper stuff back in cautiously.

EDIT: evening

- GMB warm up

- tiger tail calves and soleus

- pistol work x a little bit
got two clean on left leg, right leg and rest of left were top-to-bottom with a rock back.

- front levers x a couple

- KB rows x 14/arm

- band pull aparts x 10

just to do something. easing back in.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 27, 2017, 01:46:11 am
saw my friend naveed last weekend. he's in town for a week or so to rest on his hike from the afghan border to the wagah border crossing near lahore, with this guy: he's also previously hiked from the khunjerab pass to gwadar, the whole length of pakistan. former marine and then BBC reporter who was one of the first people on the scene after the peshawar army school attack a few years ago where more than 100 kids were killed. intense guy.

and apparently, he's working with a few people here to organize a triathlon in upper hunza next fall. he said ironman but they won't get a single entrant if they try to do the full distance. that shit is hard enough at sea level, let alone 8,000+ feet up.

but y'all. a triathlon in hunza would be out of fucking control.

there's no way i can do it next year. first of all i'd have to get a lot better at swimming, and buy a bike. and then get better at swimming and biking. but if it goes well this year and they do another one then by god add it to the bucket list.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 27, 2017, 12:08:36 pm
saw my friend naveed last weekend. he's in town for a week or so to rest on his hike from the afghan border to the wagah border crossing near lahore, with this guy: he's also previously hiked from the khunjerab pass to gwadar, the whole length of pakistan. former marine and then BBC reporter who was one of the first people on the scene after the peshawar army school attack a few years ago where more than 100 kids were killed. intense guy.


and apparently, he's working with a few people here to organize a triathlon in upper hunza next fall. he said ironman but they won't get a single entrant if they try to do the full distance. that shit is hard enough at sea level, let alone 8,000+ feet up.

but y'all. a triathlon in hunza would be out of fucking control.

there's no way i can do it next year. first of all i'd have to get a lot better at swimming, and buy a bike. and then get better at swimming and biking. but if it goes well this year and they do another one then by god add it to the bucket list.

triathlon at 8000+ feet up? that's intense..

i def can't mess with the swimming. I think cycling would def be fun though, used to love riding my bike far & fast. I'm sure you'd probably find that easy to transition too. But swimming, rough hah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 28, 2017, 09:57:13 am
- warm up x 1 km

- sprint drills

- interval run 500m x 5 in 1:47, 1:53, 1:54, 1:57, 1:54
fifth was tough. could have done a sixth but injury avoidance is paramount. patience.

- cool down x 500m

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 28, 2017, 11:37:15 pm

- run 6.14 km in 31:48
5:10 pace the result of deliberately keeping it slow and relaxed given that this was less than 12 hours after last night's intervals.

- stretch

need to start bumping up daily mileage now. body feels good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2017, 10:55:08 pm
- run 7.54 km in 36:51

- stretch

distance PR. first 5+ km on track and then from track to home is downhill so pace was 4:54 despite again deliberately not pushing. both knees a little achey, especially right. no run tomorrow but may go for a hike in the hills because it's a holiday. mawlid al-nabi mubarak, seifullaah and any other muslims on here. speaking of which, where's dreyth?

EDIT: also, total for the seven-day stretch from saturday-friday is now 28.9 km, which means i've met the process goal of building up to 25 km per week before christmas.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 02, 2017, 08:56:33 am
- run 8km in 39:00

- walk x 500m

- stretch

distance PR for the second workout in a row. will drop back down to 6 km for the next run. these longer runs are starting to bug my knees a bit. distance seems to be the main factor. def gotta get new shoes when i'm home for the holidays, i'm running in my ancient mizuno wave mushas. still very comfortable and light and stuff but i think for longer runs it's time to invest in a new pair.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2017, 10:54:35 pm
welp, lost a couple days. slept like shit on sunday night so allowed myself to sleep in a little yesterday -- no run. thought i'd just go after work. ended up working on a proposal until 12:30 AM. was too tired to get to sleep quickly last night -- hate that feeling -- so slept in this morning as well.

run or bust tonight. may do a longer one to partly make up for lost time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 05, 2017, 01:20:08 am
hope you get that run in! some solid progress/sessions lately.

it's been hard for me to get to sleep early lately too .. cutting out those 2x/day sessions seems to be the culprit. Had lots of incentive to wakeup early and get some light running in.. now without it, just staying up late computering. Need to fix it somewhat, asap. :uhhhfacepalm:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2017, 11:18:16 am
- run 4.01 km in 19:17
janky run. normal route cut off because they'd shut down all access on the main road to the cricket ground. odd. someone important must have been planning to go that way in the next few minutes. self-important, i mean. the most popular politician in the country barely has guards. i ran into him the other week while getting groceries. anyway. work went late again tonight and i'm tired so i didn't want to go super long. i'm also frustrated so i turned around and just picked up the pace. ended up going reasonably hard for the first 2.75 km and then shut it down. splits were 4:49, 4:27, 4:37 (with 0.25km slow), 5:17. first three are quick for the road.

humbling to realize what 4:00 feels like to me right now. i touched sub-4:00 a couple of times when i was going down hill and consciously running. 19:59 5k is a long way off. patience.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2017, 10:53:06 pm
- run 4.5 km in 21:16

- walk/jog 0.7 km

- stretch

another janky-ass run. did the first 2 km in 9:00 on the nose, which is just under the pace i'll need to hit for the december goal of sub-23 5k. slowed down a bit and did the next 2 km in 9:48, which is closer to my natural track pace. then did a slow lap and change with gf at the end to cool down.

sleep schedule matters.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 05, 2017, 11:05:53 pm
- run 4.01 km in 19:17
janky run. normal route cut off because they'd shut down all access on the main road to the cricket ground. odd. someone important must have been planning to go that way in the next few minutes. self-important, i mean. the most popular politician in the country barely has guards. i ran into him the other week while getting groceries.

hah. i'd never have suspected that (barely has guards), just getting groceries like it's nothing.

anyway. work went late again tonight and i'm tired so i didn't want to go super long. i'm also frustrated so i turned around and just picked up the pace. ended up going reasonably hard for the first 2.75 km and then shut it down. splits were 4:49, 4:27, 4:37 (with 0.25km slow), 5:17. first three are quick for the road.

humbling to realize what 4:00 feels like to me right now. i touched sub-4:00 a couple of times when i was going down hill and consciously running. 19:59 5k is a long way off. patience.

- stretch

good stuff with the 4:XX's.

- run 4.5 km in 21:16

- walk/jog 0.7 km

- stretch

another janky-ass run. did the first 2 km in 9:00 on the nose, which is just under the pace i'll need to hit for the december goal of sub-23 5k. slowed down a bit and did the next 2 km in 9:48, which is closer to my natural track pace. then did a slow lap and change with gf at the end to cool down.

sleep schedule matters.

ya it does. same with dunking/vert etc. being properly rested, can be a huge difference maker.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2017, 02:38:54 am
coming down with a cold, no doubt related to lack of sleep and stress. decided to sleep in today as a result. but feeling better than i was last night and this morning so if i continue to be on the mend will run tonight.

EDIT: felt better in the evening so...

- run 6.34 km in 30:48

- stretch

started out feeling very shitty, just grinding, but ended up being okay. wore tights and long sleeves, which is smart now that it's getting a little colder. need to get some more tights and some more long sleeve shirts, currently only have two pairs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2017, 09:56:02 am
- run 5.0 km in 22:05
 :personal-record: earned the gif because i met my december goal two weeks early.

- walk x 500m

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 08, 2017, 12:04:45 pm
- run 5.0 km in 22:05
 :personal-record: earned the gif because i met my december goal two weeks early.

- walk x 500m

- stretch


great stuff! almost made it sub22 as well, sounds like you could have for sure based on what you mentioned in the PR thread :highfive: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: maxent on December 08, 2017, 12:19:18 pm
Great stuff! Really tempted to join you guys and buy a garmin and a headband and start training for 5k. Im prob a few years away from that if i keep trying to get the 180kg/2xbw squat/40" vertical goal first but i would love to start running after that. Maybe next year. lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2017, 09:06:00 am
- slow run 4.1 km in 24:55
gf wanted to run in the park and isn't comfortable to do it alone, so we went together. too slow to be anything other than gentle recovery. it was super nice though, good pathways. may start going there in the morning for longer runs if she isn't gonna join.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2017, 10:46:36 pm
- run 6.0 km in 29:43
struggle bus

- stretch

whacked the hell out of my knee on the corner of the bed last night. hurt a bit starting out this morning. shoulder is also on a downswing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 10, 2017, 11:40:58 pm
- run 6.0 km in 29:43
struggle bus

- stretch

whacked the hell out of my knee on the corner of the bed last night. hurt a bit starting out this morning. shoulder is also on a downswing.

lmao stuff like that is the worst.. sometimes (rarely) I whack my knee getting into my car, knee hits something below the dash and just wrecks it. have actually had it swell up before (way back).

things i do on occasion: stub my toe, bang my head, bang my shoulder, bang my elbow, bang my knee, step on a rock outside barefoot and experience neural shutdown (the worst) lmao, bite my lip really bad (actually this is the worst - because once you do it, it'll happen several more times in the near future).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on December 11, 2017, 08:04:53 am
- run 6.0 km in 29:43
struggle bus

- stretch

whacked the hell out of my knee on the corner of the bed last night. hurt a bit starting out this morning. shoulder is also on a downswing.

lmao stuff like that is the worst.. sometimes (rarely) I whack my knee getting into my car, knee hits something below the dash and just wrecks it. have actually had it swell up before (way back).

things i do on occasion: stub my toe, bang my head, bang my shoulder, bang my elbow, bang my knee, step on a rock outside barefoot and experience neural shutdown (the worst) lmao, bite my lip really bad (actually this is the worst - because once you do it, it'll happen several more times in the near future).

lol. Hitting the little toe till it turns out fat. Biting the lip omg is so bad you actually hear/feel the crunch. especially when you bite it with your canines.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 13, 2017, 10:11:02 am
- run 7.01 km in 33:12
felt fast, full of energy. evenings still easier than mornings. hit 5.00 km in 23:12, which is just 0:12 behind my december goal for a the middle of a longer run. good.

- stretch
calves a little tight
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 13, 2017, 10:23:40 am
- run 7.01 km in 33:12
felt fast, full of energy. evenings still easier than mornings. hit 5.00 km in 23:12, which is just 0:12 behind my december goal for a the middle of a longer run. good.

- stretch
calves a little tight


that's how i see most experienced do their tempo too.. 1 run, with 2-3+ mile warmup, tempo in the middle, 2-3+ mile cool down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2017, 10:20:54 pm
- run 4.34 km in 22:16
struggle bus. didn't really eat dinner last night (salad and 1.5 cinnamon rolls, which i made and which took so long i forgot about dinner, lol) and drank more than i should have (but won $50 playing poker so...worth it!). these were junk miles, but not enough that i'm worried about it. still happy to have done more than nothing.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2017, 11:43:23 am
- run 5.01 km in 22:56
road adult PR, second time meeting december goal. slower than first time because road.

- stretch

went to lahore this weekend with gf. was fun but also stressful for a couple of reasons. the old city is batshit, doubt many or any of you have experienced driving like that. street barely wide enough for a small car, motorcycles and pedestrians passing on both sides in both directions. hiring a driver next time, it's worth it. anyway i needed to move when we got back. slightly lightheaded now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2017, 02:48:48 am
- run 7.01 km in 33:12
felt fast, full of energy. evenings still easier than mornings. hit 5.00 km in 23:12, which is just 0:12 behind my december goal for a the middle of a longer run. good.

- stretch
calves a little tight


that's how i see most experienced do their tempo too.. 1 run, with 2-3+ mile warmup, tempo in the middle, 2-3+ mile cool down.

i am still running 3-5 miles, so pretty far from 2-3 mile warm up and cool down! once i get fitter i guess i can do my current workouts with a more serious workout in the middle.  :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 18, 2017, 09:08:21 am
- run 5.01 km in 22:56
road adult PR, second time meeting december goal. slower than first time because road.

- stretch

:highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:

went to lahore this weekend with gf. was fun but also stressful for a couple of reasons. the old city is batshit, doubt many or any of you have experienced driving like that. street barely wide enough for a small car, motorcycles and pedestrians passing on both sides in both directions. hiring a driver next time, it's worth it. anyway i needed to move when we got back. slightly lightheaded now.

damn!! i've seen some videos *maybe*, always looks so chaotic/nuts.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2017, 01:11:41 pm
it's gnarly.

- run 6.51 km in 31:27
not great, i think last night took a little more out of me than i thought. went out a little too fast as well and then slowed down, 4:50 average pace.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 20, 2017, 10:22:22 am
meant to run last night but ended up having to work until 11. had a headache this morning so ran this evening instead. didn't think about it beforehand so tonight's distance gives me only 24.1 km in the last week, short of the 25 km december quota.  :uhhhfacepalm:

- run 8.32 km in 41:36
kept it easy, had let myself run a little too fast the last couple of times out.

- stretch

knees a bit achey now. ordered saucony kinvara 8s to my parents' house, hopefully they'll feel right (i'm usually a 10.5 or 11 so i ordered both and will return the pair that doesn't fit) and that'll help with the longer run knee ache.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 20, 2017, 04:09:12 pm
meant to run last night but ended up having to work until 11. had a headache this morning so ran this evening instead. didn't think about it beforehand so tonight's distance gives me only 24.1 km in the last week, short of the 25 km december quota.  :uhhhfacepalm:

- run 8.32 km in 41:36
kept it easy, had let myself run a little too fast the last couple of times out.

- stretch

knees a bit achey now.

Good run though, one of your longer ones.

Just don't be one of those guys who goes out and runs 0.x miles to hit your mileage goal hah.

ordered saucony kinvara 8s to my parents' house,

sick! going to be hard holding back when you start running in those initially.. hah.

hopefully they'll feel right (i'm usually a 10.5 or 11 so i ordered both and will return the pair that doesn't fit) and that'll help with the longer run knee ache.

Damn that sounds like a great technique, i've never done that. Will try that in the future. Already takes the stress off of getting a good fit, just thinking about it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2017, 02:51:54 am
yep, 8.32 is second longest run certainly since high school. i'm planning to build up to 10 km as the weekly long run pretty early in the new year. plan will be to get to about 40km per week with a couple of faster days:

Sunday4-5 very easy
Monday10 easy
Tuesday6-7 easy
Wednesday6-8 x 500 interval @<20:00 pace
Thursday6-7 easy
Saturday3-4 x 1000 interval @21:00 pace

but yeah don't want to be doing junk miles just to meet an arbitrary goal!

and yeah i'm gonna have a hard time not wanting to run right away, unless it's raining and miserable, or snowy/icy.

LEAVING TONIGHT! will try to get one last run in before the long trip home.

 :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2017, 10:36:25 am
- run 1 km

- intervals 1000m x 2, 90s rest
3:57, 4:07 -- a little faster than i meant to and pacing is still uneven. i'm learning.

- run 1.7 km

- stretch

time to shower and pack. not bringing running shoes in the fervent hope that i'll like the kinvaras. and if i don't then damn it i need a new pair anyway. there's always brick and mortar shopping.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 21, 2017, 05:01:21 pm
yep, 8.32 is second longest run certainly since high school. i'm planning to build up to 10 km as the weekly long run pretty early in the new year. plan will be to get to about 40km per week with a couple of faster days:

Sunday4-5 very easy
Monday10 easy
Tuesday6-7 easy
Wednesday6-8 x 500 interval @<20:00 pace
Thursday6-7 easy
Saturday3-4 x 1000 interval @21:00 pace

but yeah don't want to be doing junk miles just to meet an arbitrary goal!

and yeah i'm gonna have a hard time not wanting to run right away, unless it's raining and miserable, or snowy/icy.

LEAVING TONIGHT! will try to get one last run in before the long trip home.

 :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat:

nice!!! looks solid. I'd consider allowing Tuesday to be an optional rest day too: if it helps you get more out of the speed session, it's worth it. Could always do a light walk on Tuesday too, if you feel a bit beat up. Also Monday could be a good day to throw 1-2 mile tempo in the middle, if you rest Tuesday.

just some ideas.

- run 1 km

- intervals 1000m x 2, 90s rest
3:57, 4:07 -- a little faster than i meant to and pacing is still uneven. i'm learning.

- run 1.7 km

- stretch

time to shower and pack. not bringing running shoes in the fervent hope that i'll like the kinvaras. and if i don't then damn it i need a new pair anyway. there's always brick and mortar shopping.

good session & ya i'm sure you will love the kinvaras. I mean they get lots of "praise".

saucony is solid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 23, 2017, 08:02:14 am
sent garmin and a few other things to my old house  :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm:  :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging:

dumbass. got amazon to refund the $ but still so annoyed at myself.

kinvaras came though, and they are a dream  :D

- run 6.40 km in 30:38
there are a lot more hills at home than in islamabad.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 23, 2017, 09:46:49 am
sent garmin and a few other things to my old house  :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm:  :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging:

dumbass. got amazon to refund the $ but still so annoyed at myself.


kinvaras came though, and they are a dream  :D


- run 6.40 km in 30:38
there are a lot more hills at home than in islamabad.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2018, 11:16:05 pm
24 december

- run x 2 km

- interval run 2 x 1km @4:00, 90s rest

- cool down run x 1.5km

- stretch

total 6.5, done on treadmill. something went screwy in my lower right leg almost immediately but i ran through it. mistake, it bugged me for the next 5-6 days. a spot of pain about four inches up my shin, right where the muscle meets the bone. had absolutely no issues with the street run so i'm hoping it isn't the shoes (!).

lots of walking around the rest of break but no running. it was cold as all mf get out. back in islamabad now, will try to run tonight if jet lag is not too cruel.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 03, 2018, 09:55:45 am
- run 5.96km in 27:59
jet lagged and not enough sleep, legs feel a bit heavy. 4:50 pace is alright under the circumstances. first run with garmin. will continue to fiddle with settings and such to make sure it's optimized but as a first run this was good. 

- foam roll adductors and hip flexors

- stretch

- shoulder mobilizations
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 03, 2018, 12:29:24 pm
- run 5.96km in 27:59
jet lagged and not enough sleep, legs feel a bit heavy. 4:50 pace is alright under the circumstances. first run with garmin. will continue to fiddle with settings and such to make sure it's optimized but as a first run this was good. 

- foam roll adductors and hip flexors

- stretch

- shoulder mobilizations

nice. what garmin model is it?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 03, 2018, 11:49:25 pm
forerunner 235.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 04, 2018, 10:52:49 am
- run 7.0 km in 32:53
struggle bus. originally planned to do 8 but by 3 km in that was seeming like too much. pushed through to 7, and 4:41 pace is pretty good. will rest or do calisthenics/yoga tomorrow, then intervals saturday.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2018, 09:43:20 am
- run 6.86 km in 30:57

- stretch

jet lag caught up to me today. wiped out. no intervals. meant for this to be relaxed but still hit 5 km in 22:04. 4:30 pace. a little hard but sustainable.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2018, 09:26:19 am
- hike 24.16 km in 5:46
drove out to the hills with a group of friends and hiked back into town. elevation gain 2,643 feet, although overall we descended. calves very tired, especially right which was cramping a bit. feet and right shin also sore.

super worth it though. very fun.

ETA: time includes semi-frequent breaks, especially from km 5-10 when there was a lot of steep climbing and even a little rock scrambling. it was a pretty fit group so not too bad but my preference is definitely to haul ass with minimal breaks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2018, 01:33:24 am
- jog 3.86 km in 20:27
still quite sore from sunday, treated this as a recovery run just to get the juices flowing.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2018, 08:40:24 am
- walk 3.5 km

didn't have a run in me after all. but gf encouraged me to get outside and so we went for a walk around a nice neighborhood near ours. it was a beautiful afternoon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 11, 2018, 10:25:05 am
- run 5 km in 22:58
legs dead, especially calves just felt heavy. meant to run farther but this was a struggle. funny that i still beat december goal despite feeling like crap. did not check pace once during run.

- walk 1 km

- stretch

getting on a plane in a few hours. tired and sad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 11, 2018, 12:43:22 pm
- run 5 km in 22:58
legs dead, especially calves just felt heavy. meant to run farther but this was a struggle. funny that i still beat december goal despite feeling like crap. did not check pace once during run.

- walk 1 km

- stretch

getting on a plane in a few hours. tired and sad.

damn.. that's a solid 5k effort considering the circumstances, especially without looking at the pace.

great to know you will be with your fam soon!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2018, 11:35:14 am
been back in the states almost four days now. the first 2.5 days were unbelievably intense and draining. we got back to my parents' house late sunday night. no exercise except moving a bunch of furniture out of his apartment and a few leisurely walks. i'm gonna go to the gym in a little bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 16, 2018, 12:23:54 pm
been back in the states almost four days now. the first 2.5 days were unbelievably intense and draining. we got back to my parents' house late sunday night. no exercise except moving a bunch of furniture out of his apartment and a few leisurely walks. i'm gonna go to the gym in a little bit.

thanks for the update man. i've been wondering, as well as probably everyone else on here. that statement about the first 2.5 days .. can't even imagine.

also good about going to the gym today. if you haven't gone already, maybe rep the fu*k out of some safe lifts, but don't go too heavy.

peace man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 17, 2018, 09:10:02 am

- treadmill run 6.15 km in 32:00
couple of stretches of 3:55 pace, one 5:00 the other 2:xx, forget how long. the rest variable between 4:40 and 5:15 pace and a little walking at the beginning and end.

- GMB warm up

- pistols x a few

- pull up ladder x 1,2,3,1,2,3

- dip ladder x 3,6,9

- some ab stuff

- handstands x a few

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2018, 12:29:09 pm
- run 5 km in 22:36

- walk 100m

- run x 0.9 km

- walk x 200m

steep downhill out, steep uphill back. very tough. could/should have pushed through and just jogged very slowly to recover when i first walked but w/e. fitness dissipated. need to find a hill to do back in islamabad. heading home tonight.

they should have gyms in airports. at least in the business lounges. i'd hit the treadmill in doha if there was one.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on January 19, 2018, 04:50:30 pm
they should have gyms in airports. at least in the business lounges. i'd hit the treadmill in doha if there was one.

I kid you not that is a million dollar idea right there. It needs investigating.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2018, 06:55:21 am
they should have gyms in airports. at least in the business lounges. i'd hit the treadmill in doha if there was one.

I kid you not that is a million dollar idea right there. It needs investigating.

turns out they do, in the airport hotel, but it costs $50. mmmm no.

i'd pay $25, though...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2018, 10:56:02 am
- run 2.5 km in 11:00
4:24 pace

- stretch

landed early this morning, slept little, got through this in pretty quick pace (for me). just did it to get the juices flowing and help stay awake.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2018, 09:40:42 am
- run 6.7 km in 32:18
kept pace deliberately slow, ended up at 4:49

- stretch

felt much better than yesterday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2018, 11:10:27 am
- run 6.66 km in 32:22
pace really all over the place, felt fast at the beginning but was only going at 4:37-4:40 for the first 2 km. either there's something goofy with my watch (please god no) or RPE was just way higher today than normal. this felt hard but was actually slower than monday. and apparently i hit 5 km in 24:07? weird.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 24, 2018, 11:20:48 am
- run 6.66 km in 32:22
pace really all over the place, felt fast at the beginning but was only going at 4:37-4:40 for the first 2 km. either there's something goofy with my watch (please god no) or RPE was just way higher today than normal. this felt hard but was actually slower than monday. and apparently i hit 5 km in 24:07? weird.

- stretch

weird. i bet your watch is good though. just a down day that felt faster, stale life.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2018, 12:19:16 am
- run 6.66 km in 32:22
pace really all over the place, felt fast at the beginning but was only going at 4:37-4:40 for the first 2 km. either there's something goofy with my watch (please god no) or RPE was just way higher today than normal. this felt hard but was actually slower than monday. and apparently i hit 5 km in 24:07? weird.

- stretch

weird. i bet your watch is good though. just a down day that felt faster, stale life.

yeah on reflection i'm sure that's true. just died after the second km.

i need to build up mileage by a lot, more aggressively than i have been. reposting my original plan from october, with the part i'm currently supposed to be on in bold:


GOAL 1: sub-23:00 5k by 21 december
GOAL 2: sub-21:00 5k by 21 february
GOAL 3: sub-20:00 5k by 21 april
GOAL 4: run in the khunjerab pass 10k next summer (

currently i'm running 10-15km/week and can comfortably run under 25:00 on the track. first order of business is to continue building an aerobic base.

plan to meet GOAL 1 will be as follows:

- build up weekly distance to 25km/week, 4-5 days running/week
- one day/week of 500m tempo practice at 4:30/km pace (e.g. 500m x 6 in 2:15 with 90s rest)
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week (continue rehabbing shoulder)
- test right before vacation

if my brother gets his visa a few days of that will be replaced by some high-ish altitude hiking. will probably not train much while home for the holidays, apart from long walks.

then, plan to meet GOAL 2 will be as follows:

- build up weekly distance to 40km/week, 5 days running/week
- one day/week of 1km tempo at 4:10/km pace
- one day/week of 500m tempo at 4:00/km pace
- two easy days
- one long easy day
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week
- test

plan to meet GOAL 3 will be as follows:

- build weekly distance to 50km/week
- one day/week of 1km tempo at 3:58/km pace
- one day/week of 500m tempo at 3:48/km pace
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week
- test

plan to meet GOAL 4 will be as follows:

- suffer. the khunjerab pass is at 4,700 meters/15,400 feet. i was there in august and even just walking around made me a little lightheaded. the marathon, which i won't attempt, gains 2300m. not sure how much gain on the 10k. in any case the point will be to finish.

that still seems pretty good. i'm not sure i'll get to sub-21 by next month but it's still a worthwhile goal. so: building up mileage and building up tempo practice are both important, in that order. i don't have any big trips coming up that i know of, so here's a schedule that i should be able to stick to:

- 10+ km easy run, ~5:00

- gymnastics/yoga/cross training

tuesday (7 km total)
- 2 km warm up
- 3 x 1 km tempo in <4:12, 500m slow jog recovery
- 1 km cool down

- 7+ km run

- 7+ km run

- rest

saturday (6.5 km total)
- 2 km warm up
- 5 x 500m tempo in <4:12, 250m slow jog recovery
- 1 km cool down

that gives a total weekly distance of 37.5 km. will add distance to the runs and intervals to the tempo workouts as body feels ready, to get to 40+.

still not going to fuss too much about pace on the non-tempo days. the runs should feel like runs, and the long run should feel easy. otherwise will allow pace to set itself based on how i'm feeling that day.

EDIT: torn now between wanting to work in some power/speed endurance one day per week and wanting to continue just patiently building the aerobic base and teaching body the correct target pace. thoughts welcome about how to strike that balance.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2018, 08:35:46 am
^^^all of the above is contingent on having time and not feeling sick. worked until almost 10 last night and started to get a headache around 9:30. headache and general malaise persisted today. i just took a nap and took migraine meds and a big hit of ibuprofen and i feel better, but still wobbly. a run would be pure junk miles, not worth it. better luck tomorrow.

tonight will just stretch and mobilize shoulders and wrists.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2018, 08:16:55 am

- run 6.27 km in 31:31
first 5 km in 22:57 but pace was all over the place again. need to take a page out of joe's (and adarq's) book and start running for longer but with less effort. slowed way down for final 1.25 km.

- stretch

EDIT: also, i need to be more patient waiting for the GPS to kick in on the watch. didn't kick in until 3:34 into the run, which is annoying because i'm not sure how accurate it's being before then. it starts counting distance and pace and stuff but not sure how.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 29, 2018, 10:12:14 am
- run 9.11 km in 47:46
took my own advice, followed joe and adarq and ran this very deliberately slow, 5:14 pace. distance PR. knees aching just a little now but i think that's partly from locking them out during stretches.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2018, 10:02:29 am
- interval workout
-- warm up run x 2 km @ 4:52 pace
-- 500m x 6 @ [1:56, 1:57, 1:56, 1:57, 1:58, 1:59], 1:00 walking rest
-- cool down run x 2 km @ 5:08 pace
felt manageable but challenging. mind was definitely devising ways to cut out early during the first couple of intervals but i overcame that without too much effort. pace was not as steady as it seems up there but god damn the watch is amazing with that: pre-program a range and it beeps and vibrates in different ways when you're going too fast, too slow, or just right [chef kiss]. 7.69 km total distance, 37:43 total time.

- stretch

need to figure out better notation.

ETA: also, this gets me to 29.7 km for the past seven days, including three days of no running. that is a good start. and fwiw, garmin measured my average HR as 162 for this workout, basically never going over 180 and recovering down to a little below 150 on the walking breaks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2018, 09:55:14 am
- GMB warm up

- pirouettes x 3,3,3/leg

- handstand wall kick-ups x 5
got some good free holds. surprised at how little my skill in these, such as it is, has degraded. right wrist not super happy but should be okay if i don't go back to doing these all the time.

- planche front lever x 3
bit more of a struggle at first, oddly. when i've randomly done these over the last few months they've been easy to get into but first two today were awkward. kept holds very short, 5-10s. meant to do five but wrist safety first. EDIT: oops. planche in my dreams. right wrist not permissive of planche, no sirree.

- superset x 2
-- KB swing x 10
-- KB legs-extended russian twist x 10
-- KB rows x 10/arm

- stretch

felt like i haven't been getting enough power or core or upper body work in. this wasn't much but it was something. felt good. kept volume and intensity very low in the interest of not being incredibly sore for the next several days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on January 31, 2018, 12:23:25 pm
What planche variation are you working on? That's another super long-term goal I have, but I found that I've always had trouble even with like the tuck planche regardless of my press:weight ratio. I might try it out again at some point, I suppose.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2018, 10:15:17 pm
misspoke, meant front lever. even tuck planche is beyond me right now because of the wrist mobility/strain required.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2018, 10:28:52 am
- run 3.0 km in 14:20
treadmill. super pressed for time, squeezed this in between end of work and big work dinner. better than nothing

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2018, 09:59:50 am
- run 7.01 km in 32:04
4:34 pace. hit 5k in 22:34 and then slowed down slightly before kicking pretty hard for the last ~200m.

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 02, 2018, 10:17:52 am
- run 7.01 km in 32:04
4:34 pace. hit 5k in 22:34 and then slowed down slightly before kicking pretty hard for the last ~200m.

- stretch



Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2018, 04:15:17 am
- weird, wasted interval workout x 4.88 km
still figuring out watch's programming, this did NOT go how i thought it would. ended as soon as it started so i just messed around a little. whoops. did one 250m sprint that my right knee did not like: something pulling on the outside and above the kneecap. lesson learned, that knee is still fuxored.

- stretch

damn it.

on the plus side i think i fixed the programming issue. next time will be better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on February 03, 2018, 01:11:40 pm
I'm also hesitant to play with my watch's programming. Would surely be useful for when I get to interval work eventually, but I feel like it could end up with me being too locked into what it is saying/telling me to do (even though it is me telling it to tell me to what to do...).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2018, 01:17:34 pm
I'm also hesitant to play with my watch's programming. Would surely be useful for when I get to interval work eventually, but I feel like it could end up with me being too locked into what it is saying/telling me to do (even though it is me telling it to tell me to what to do...).

100% exactly what happened to me today. but when it works it's awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 05, 2018, 11:19:40 am
- run 10.01 km in 48:51
nice and relaxed, three breaths in three breaths out the whole way. 4:53 pace. legs felt light at the end, no knee ache. yes.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2018, 03:45:00 am
it's amazing how good my legs felt when i finished running last night. much better than after most ~6-7 km runs. not sure why that is, but as i said they felt light, and like they wanted to keep moving. and no knee ache at all. it's not like i was going super slow, either, and my knees were aching a little after the ~9 km run i did last week at much slower pace.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2018, 09:45:50 am
because it is not in god's plan for me to ever have something nice without also being denied something nice, my body followed up yesterday's excellent run with a day-long driving headache. took some panadol a little while ago to seemingly no effect. fml.

no exercise tonight, just frustration and trying not to lose my temper for no reason.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 06, 2018, 02:04:39 pm
it's amazing how good my legs felt when i finished running last night. much better than after most ~6-7 km runs. not sure why that is, but as i said they felt light, and like they wanted to keep moving. and no knee ache at all. it's not like i was going super slow, either, and my knees were aching a little after the ~9 km run i did last week at much slower pace.


that's one of the best feelings, especially when it continues into the next day.

I get it "randomly": i've had it after short sessions, long ones etc. I had it after my really long run a few weekends ago, love it.

 :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

edit: another amazing post-run experience is: after VERY LONG runs, lungs can just feel amazing (air feels more "pure" and breathing feels more relaxed).. that day and for another day or so. That's a really cool feeling, not sure if others experience it.

because it is not in god's plan for me to ever have something nice without also being denied something nice, my body followed up yesterday's excellent run with a day-long driving headache. took some panadol a little while ago to seemingly no effect. fml.

no exercise tonight, just frustration and trying not to lose my temper for no reason.

damn :/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 07, 2018, 10:29:28 am
interesting. will be a phenomenon to look forward to but not try to predict i guess. legs felt a lot heavier today, especially soleus toward the end.

- interval workout
-- warm up run x 2 km @ 4:50 pace
-- 1 km x 3 @ [4:13, 4:10, 4:07], 1:30 walking rest
-- cool down run x 2 km @ 5:24 pace (dead)
more challenging than i expected. didn't feel great. 7.51 km total distance, 37:33 total time. almost exactly the same as last interval workout.

dreamt about my late brother last night for the first time since he died.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2018, 10:23:05 am
- run 7.15 km in 33:28
4:41 pace. legs a little dead from last night but no weird soleus exhaustion or anything.

- stretch

rest or bw/yoga tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2018, 05:28:09 am
friday ended up being rest.


- run 7.43 km in 34:24
stiff breeze, which is unusual here. 4:38 pace, a bit quicker than relaxed but still three breaths in three breaths out.

- stretch

- pull ups x 5
shoulder okay, not 100% but okay.

moving in with gf in a new place in a couple of weeks. pretty excited about it. considering getting a set of monkey bars
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2018, 12:11:37 pm
- run 11.01 km in 55:57
did not check pace at any point, nice and relaxed. 5:05 pace on average, so slower than last week's longe run but quicker than the week before. felt very sad and enervated all of a sudden this evening and had a strong urge to be alone, which is really unusual for me. took me a while to get out the door but once i did was very glad.

also this puts me at 43.1 km for the week, so this marks a single-run distance PR and gives me a seven-day PR.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 12, 2018, 10:49:23 am
moving in with gf in a new place in a couple of weeks. pretty excited about it. considering getting a set of monkey bars

whoa that's pretty big. awesome man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on February 12, 2018, 10:58:13 am
also this puts me at 43.1 km for the week, so this marks a single-run distance PR and gives me a seven-day PR.

gz on the marathon PR of ~160 hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2018, 11:49:18 pm
also this puts me at 43.1 km for the week, so this marks a single-run distance PR and gives me a seven-day PR.

gz on the marathon PR of ~160 hours

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2018, 11:51:37 pm
last night

- GMB warm up

- pirouettes x some

- front levers x some

- handstands x some

- pull ups x some

- hollow body holds x some

- stretch

25-30 mins in total, just wanted to get upper body involved a little. resting legs after the 11 km on sunday, plus it was absolutely pouring rain. don't mind a little cold or a little rain, but pouring rain in 45-degree weather: hard pass. if it's raining again tonight i'll go to the gym, otherwise it's interval time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2018, 09:36:43 am
- interval workout
-- warm up run 2.00 km @ 4:53 pace
-- 500m x 7 @ [1:58, 1:56, 1:58, 1:58, 1:56, 1:58, 1:57], 1:00 walking rest
-- cool down run 1.76 km @ 5:40 pace (dead, calves especially right not into it, took a couple short walking breaks)
mental game. brain still bargaining with me to cut the number of intervals short but i did one more than last time. fuck you brain. total distance 8.09 km, total time 40:28.

- stretch

also this keeps me over 40 km for the last seven-day period.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 13, 2018, 12:54:19 pm
- interval workout
-- warm up run 2.00 km @ 4:53 pace
-- 500m x 7 @ [1:58, 1:56, 1:58, 1:58, 1:56, 1:58, 1:57], 1:00 walking rest
-- cool down run 1.76 km @ 5:40 pace (dead, calves especially right not into it, took a couple short walking breaks)
mental game. brain still bargaining with me to cut the number of intervals short but i did one more than last time. fuck you brain. total distance 8.09 km, total time 40:28.

- stretch

also this keeps me over 40 km for the last seven-day period.

brains are bitches.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 15, 2018, 12:29:54 am

- run ~4 km in ??
struggled, mornings are hard. gotta reorient bedtime if i'm gonna start running in the morning before it gets hot out. forgot watch so not sure about time or exact distance but i did 4 km worth of laps at the track.

- stretch

will run again later.

EDIT: evening

- run 7.67 km in 36:53
4:48 pace. did not look at watch until the end. mostly kept it a shade above easy, picked it up to 4:05 or so for the last couple hundred meters just for funsies. slightly disappointed in the overall pace but that's okay.

- stretch

another note: the garmin forerunner 235 hr monitor is supposed to be unreliable, but it's interesting to look at the trendline on the run today: steadily up from 135 to 152 over the course of the run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on February 15, 2018, 11:18:23 am
Nice double! Been kind of hyped to run twice in one day at some point, haha.

Do you have it in mind to race a 5k at some point? I'm sure you could drop a sick time given the paces you train at casually.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 15, 2018, 01:01:05 pm
yeah i don't know, 500s at sub-20 pace feel easy but 1000s at sub-21 feel hard. although i've only done the latter a couple of times and neither time in great physical conditions. i will go for a 5k time trial at some point in the near future, after doing a little mini-taper. original plan was to go for sub-21:00 by 21 february but i'll push it back a bit.

there are no races here, it's just not a thing. i wish.

i'm next in the states in may, might try to find a race for while i'm home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2018, 09:45:00 am
- run 6.20 km in 29:07
4:41 pace. kicked a little at the end but not too hard. meant to do 7+ or 8 but got fucked up because they were blocking a road i run down because of VVIP travel. assholes.

- stretch

44.4 km in the last seven days. rest or maybe yoga/calisthenics tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 17, 2018, 07:35:53 am
- yoga x 1 hour
gf led. good.

EDIT: actually i'm getting little spasms in my left mid-back now. sigh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2018, 08:25:24 am
- frisbee x 2 hours
soooo fun. a little sore in the shoulders back and hamstrings from yoga but warmed up nice. shoulder prob 85-90%. we'll see how it does tomorrow. also fun discovery: i'm in good shape now. that is, recovery much quicker between points than i'm used to.

i'm gonna be sore tomorrow. will do a long and slow run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2018, 11:36:56 pm
not as sore as i expected, mainly tib anteriors and peroneals. doing some foot-ankle-lower leg specific work would probably not hurt my running. more pirouettes, maybe some SL calf raises, some heel walking, and more mobility. shoulder feels good, which is (1) a surprise and (2) awesome.

also, my pulling last night was fucking awesome. helped that there was a light cross breeze but i coffin-cornered a couple of floaters and put everything high and more or less where i wanted. it's not like i was holding back too much for the shoulder's sake after i got warmed up. good sign. otherwise skills are rusty -- and as FP will tell you i was never a great player to begin with -- but my baseline is still much higher than anyone else who plays here. i love frisbee.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2018, 09:51:33 am
- run 10.06 km in 52:44
brutal. 5:15 pace is easy-peasy for my lungs but my legs just didn't have a whole lot in them tonight. very sore. took ~5 km for tib anteriors to feel close to normal. wish i'd worn my watch during frisbee yesterday so i could know how much ground i covered. will do next time, although that might not be for a little while.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on February 19, 2018, 06:38:09 pm
not as sore as i expected, mainly tib anteriors and peroneals. doing some foot-ankle-lower leg specific work would probably not hurt my running. more pirouettes, maybe some SL calf raises, some heel walking, and more mobility. shoulder feels good, which is (1) a surprise and (2) awesome.

also, my pulling last night was fucking awesome. helped that there was a light cross breeze but i coffin-cornered a couple of floaters and put everything high and more or less where i wanted. it's not like i was holding back too much for the shoulder's sake after i got warmed up. good sign. otherwise skills are rusty -- and as FP will tell you i was never a great player to begin with -- but my baseline is still much higher than anyone else who plays here. i love frisbee.

how would i tell anyone that lol, we havent ever played together. good to hear about the pulls, as the designated team puller i get streaks of 3-6 excellent ones followed by some bad ones. i pull exclusively IO tho which is known to less consistent
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 19, 2018, 08:43:19 pm
- run 10.06 km in 52:44
brutal. 5:15 pace is easy-peasy for my lungs but my legs just didn't have a whole lot in them tonight. very sore. took ~5 km for tib anteriors to feel close to normal. wish i'd worn my watch during frisbee yesterday so i could know how much ground i covered. will do next time, although that might not be for a little while.

- stretch

ya i'd be curious to know as well.

always watchlife, for runlike activities. :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2018, 11:58:35 pm
not as sore as i expected, mainly tib anteriors and peroneals. doing some foot-ankle-lower leg specific work would probably not hurt my running. more pirouettes, maybe some SL calf raises, some heel walking, and more mobility. shoulder feels good, which is (1) a surprise and (2) awesome.

also, my pulling last night was fucking awesome. helped that there was a light cross breeze but i coffin-cornered a couple of floaters and put everything high and more or less where i wanted. it's not like i was holding back too much for the shoulder's sake after i got warmed up. good sign. otherwise skills are rusty -- and as FP will tell you i was never a great player to begin with -- but my baseline is still much higher than anyone else who plays here. i love frisbee.

how would i tell anyone that lol, we havent ever played together. good to hear about the pulls, as the designated team puller i get streaks of 3-6 excellent ones followed by some bad ones. i pull exclusively IO tho which is known to less consistent

eh, i figure i can get a pretty good sense of how good someone is after drilling and throwing around with them for a while, which we have done. there are exceptions, of course -- i used to play rec with a longtime truck stop veteran who had competent but not spectacular throws and didn't look very fast, but was an animal as a d-line cutter and possession handler. never made mistakes, mental game was exceptional. but most of the time elite players are either notably fast and bouncy and/or have notably superior throws even warming up. there's a smoothness, consistency, whatever.

same with any sport. i once watched david nalbandian warm up from about 12 feet away and it was like, oh yeah he's doing a different thing than i'm doing when i hit a tennis ball around. the gap between me and an elite ultimate player is much narrower than the gap between me and david nalbandian, but it's still there and i feel like it was obvious when we threw around especially given how rusty i was. maybe i'm wrong.

anyway my point is i'm a decent but sub-elite ultimate player.

also my lower legs still hurt like the dickens today. DOMS blows.

ETA: yeah i was pulling flat, from the downwind side of the field. for whatever reason i was just nailing it. on reflection i think it might have helped that i was packing my shoulder more than usual and the compact motion gave me more control without sacrificing power. for years i modeled my pulling motion on will neff, who was the greatest puller i've ever seen -- once watched him get a callahan on a pull that he threw. but he's a tall, lanky, loose dude, and his shoulder came all the way out and around on the backswing. that might be what got me into trouble last august.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on February 20, 2018, 11:33:23 am
not as sore as i expected, mainly tib anteriors and peroneals. doing some foot-ankle-lower leg specific work would probably not hurt my running. more pirouettes, maybe some SL calf raises, some heel walking, and more mobility. shoulder feels good, which is (1) a surprise and (2) awesome.

also, my pulling last night was fucking awesome. helped that there was a light cross breeze but i coffin-cornered a couple of floaters and put everything high and more or less where i wanted. it's not like i was holding back too much for the shoulder's sake after i got warmed up. good sign. otherwise skills are rusty -- and as FP will tell you i was never a great player to begin with -- but my baseline is still much higher than anyone else who plays here. i love frisbee.

how would i tell anyone that lol, we havent ever played together. good to hear about the pulls, as the designated team puller i get streaks of 3-6 excellent ones followed by some bad ones. i pull exclusively IO tho which is known to less consistent

eh, i figure i can get a pretty good sense of how good someone is after drilling and throwing around with them for a while, which we have done. there are exceptions, of course -- i used to play rec with a longtime truck stop veteran who had competent but not spectacular throws and didn't look very fast, but was an animal as a d-line cutter and possession handler. never made mistakes, mental game was exceptional. but most of the time elite players are either notably fast and bouncy and/or have notably superior throws even warming up. there's a smoothness, consistency, whatever.

same with any sport. i once watched david nalbandian warm up from about 12 feet away and it was like, oh yeah he's doing a different thing than i'm doing when i hit a tennis ball around. the gap between me and an elite ultimate player is much narrower than the gap between me and david nalbandian, but it's still there and i feel like it was obvious when we threw around especially given how rusty i was. maybe i'm wrong.

anyway my point is i'm a decent but sub-elite ultimate player.

also my lower legs still hurt like the dickens today. DOMS blows.

ETA: yeah i was pulling flat, from the downwind side of the field. for whatever reason i was just nailing it. on reflection i think it might have helped that i was packing my shoulder more than usual and the compact motion gave me more control without sacrificing power. for years i modeled my pulling motion on will neff, who was the greatest puller i've ever seen -- once watched him get a callahan on a pull that he threw. but he's a tall, lanky, loose dude, and his shoulder came all the way out and around on the backswing. that might be what got me into trouble last august.

Fair enough. It would still be very hard for me personally to evaluate your Ultimate ability based on the throwing, marking and the little bit of disc chasing we did. I think mental vigilance, field sense and footwork/balance are 3 of the most important things (or maybe I overvalue them because that's what I struggle with the most) and I have no way to measure any of them. Also, you are probably decently explosive but I don't actually remember. It would probably be different watching a top level player though... Still I believe you can't judge a player until you actually see them play. speaking of which im going to breeze tryouts to watch some of my buddies try out as well as take notes on top players. should be fun

My pulls are really loose, full ROM, go very high, work well RL-crosswind and upwind. biggest strength is tons of hang time. I wholly believe in changing your pulling technique as well as the side you pull from based on the wind. Should definitely work on my flats more, that's the way to go in LR-cross and downwind.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2018, 11:39:22 pm
agreed on all points.

legs still killing me last night, took it as a sign that i should rest. so i did. slept well, too: first time waking before alarm in a while. good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 21, 2018, 09:29:46 am
- run x
abort! abort! left hamstring tightness. read the exchange between joe and adarq about joe's tightness issue and decided to bail after less than half a kilometer. will stretch gently but otherwise time to invoke AERS.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 22, 2018, 03:27:49 pm
- run x
abort! abort! left hamstring tightness. read the exchange between joe and adarq about joe's tightness issue and decided to bail after less than half a kilometer. will stretch gently but otherwise time to invoke AERS.



but :highfive: @ AERS.

and ya, if tightness is getting worse during a run, never a good sign from my experience. The biggest problem that poses is: changes up your form, causes other muscles to compensate/do more work, ends up resulting in more issues. The best example I have for that is, if calves are injured, hamstrings will do more work -> causing hamstrings & other crap to get wrecked. If hamstrings are wrecked, calves will do more work, causing calves to get wrecked. I've experienced both of those. Makes sense too from a knee flexor perspective: one set of knee flexors becomes hurt, another set does more work, this new pattern isn't used to that and all kinds of problems can end up surfacing from this chain reaction.

If stuff feels weird, I personally say go for a light walk instead (<= 60min), hit up some non-exacerbating strength work, or just rest.

It seems that avoiding running through "impaired gait" is extremely important.. that's just what i've come to realize through trial & error.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 22, 2018, 10:40:05 pm
^^^ sage words.

- run 7.36 km in 36:26
felt glacial but actually pace was 4:56, so at least i was under 5:00. knees a little achey for the first km but i think that's just because it's morning. soleus a little tight at the end.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2018, 10:26:08 am
- run 7.20 km in 34:22
relaxed, easy 4:46 pace. breath three steps in, three steps out. didn't want to push too hard after my weird lost post-frisbee week. will go longer tomorrow.

- stretch

went to lahore on friday, had a great time. caught the bus back today -- business class-style, big seats, fake wood floors and touch-screen tvs with movies and music and stuff in the seat backs -- and ran after it got dark.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 26, 2018, 11:17:23 am
- run 8.72 9.5 km in 48:24
weirdly, google maps calculates the distance as more like 9.5 km. i actually do think the watch is goofy sometimes, my pace was pretty consistent throughout but it booked me at 6:51 and 7:08 pace for the third and fourth kilometer, which is slower than i ever ran even when i was first starting out. rest ranged from 4:48-5:14, and a distance of 9.5 would put average pace at around 5:04, which makes much more sense.

- stretch



oh. gosh forkin' darn it.

EDIT 2: put estimated actual distance in. gonna start verifying runs against google maps when they feel off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2018, 02:38:31 am

originally the phase 2 plan was as follows:

- build up weekly distance to 40km/week, 5 days running/week
- one day/week of 1km tempo at 4:10/km pace
- one day/week of 500m tempo at 4:00/km pace
- two easy days
- one long easy day
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week
- test

i got up to 40 km/week before the frisbee adventure/misadventure, and am going to work my way back up there this week. couple of tweaks, however: i need to keep focusing on building the base by extending easy-to-medium runs, i don't need to be fussed about mixing different tempos, and i want to do a little more yoga/calisthenics. hopefully that'll be easier in the new spot because of space and constant presence of gf-the-yogi-and-bodyweight-exercise-enthusiast. so, new plan:

- 5-6 days running per week, with preference for 6 but not killing myself to reach it
- 3-4 runs of at least 40 minutes, option to go up to an hour if i feel good
- one day of hills or tempo, with focus on speed/power rather than trying to maintain a set pace. the neighborhood i'm moving to this weekend is close to a couple of straight hills that i can hit in the mornings when traffic is light
- switch to morning runs in anticipation of weather getting hot
- at least 1 day of yoga or calisthenics per week, including lower body strength/power/balance work (e.g. calf raises, lunges, glute/ham stuff, jumps)
- flexibility to add one hike per week if i feel like it; there's a crew that i like who sometimes go really early before work and that sounds like fun. they're fit so the pace could be vigorous, might even be able to turn it into something like a trail/fell run.

might test 5k soon just to see where i'm at. i've hit sub-22 already, weeks ago. hopefully i can get under 21 without making any accommodation other than a day of rest.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2018, 10:16:11 am
- run 6.16 km in 28:51
the garmin maps seem to be getting jankier. maybe it knows i'm upset with it and it's messing with me out of spite. or maybe i'm just looking more closely now.

- stretch

might get a stryd because sure, i've got $200 burning a hole in my pocket and damn it i want to know how far and fast i'm going.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 27, 2018, 08:35:20 pm

originally the phase 2 plan was as follows:

- build up weekly distance to 40km/week, 5 days running/week
- one day/week of 1km tempo at 4:10/km pace
- one day/week of 500m tempo at 4:00/km pace
- two easy days
- one long easy day
- yoga/HIIT/gymnastics 1-2 days/week
- test

i got up to 40 km/week before the frisbee adventure/misadventure, and am going to work my way back up there this week. couple of tweaks, however: i need to keep focusing on building the base by extending easy-to-medium runs, i don't need to be fussed about mixing different tempos, and i want to do a little more yoga/calisthenics. hopefully that'll be easier in the new spot because of space and constant presence of gf-the-yogi-and-bodyweight-exercise-enthusiast. so, new plan:

- 5-6 days running per week, with preference for 6 but not killing myself to reach it
- 3-4 runs of at least 40 minutes, option to go up to an hour if i feel good
- one day of hills or tempo, with focus on speed/power rather than trying to maintain a set pace. the neighborhood i'm moving to this weekend is close to a couple of straight hills that i can hit in the mornings when traffic is light
- switch to morning runs in anticipation of weather getting hot
- at least 1 day of yoga or calisthenics per week, including lower body strength/power/balance work (e.g. calf raises, lunges, glute/ham stuff, jumps)
- flexibility to add one hike per week if i feel like it; there's a crew that i like who sometimes go really early before work and that sounds like fun. they're fit so the pace could be vigorous, might even be able to turn it into something like a trail/fell run.

might test 5k soon just to see where i'm at. i've hit sub-22 already, weeks ago. hopefully i can get under 21 without making any accommodation other than a day of rest.

sounds like a big jump in training overall, but, easy runs are fun/awesome & not much of a problem.

also cool @ 5k testing. any races you can do in the near future? having an upcoming race is a great way to sharpen up training & drop a better time than expected, adrenaline squad.

- run 6.16 km in 28:51
the garmin maps seem to be getting jankier. maybe it knows i'm upset with it and it's messing with me out of spite. or maybe i'm just looking more closely now.

- stretch

might get a stryd because sure, i've got $200 burning a hole in my pocket and damn it i want to know how far and fast i'm going.

never heard of stryd before. looks pretty cool. get one and share the dataporns :D :ninja: also, pretty awesome that it's rechargeable.

- run 8.72 9.5 km in 48:24
weirdly, google maps calculates the distance as more like 9.5 km. i actually do think the watch is goofy sometimes, my pace was pretty consistent throughout but it booked me at 6:51 and 7:08 pace for the third and fourth kilometer, which is slower than i ever ran even when i was first starting out. rest ranged from 4:48-5:14, and a distance of 9.5 would put average pace at around 5:04, which makes much more sense.

- stretch



oh. gosh forkin' darn it.

EDIT 2: put estimated actual distance in. gonna start verifying runs against google maps when they feel off.

this must have something to do with location in general .. i mean, my watch is most often insanely accurate. If i'm doing laps in lane 1, it's always 0.25. If i'm doing intervals at the quarter mile section of a park, it's always 0.25. At mile markers in races, it beeps very close to the markers, ALWAYS, and some of that variation is due to not running "tangents" and such based on the optimal course path, which is what the race certifiers use etc.

i've only had mine mess up a few times IIRC one on a 1km attempt on a sidewalk like 1.5 years ago, and another in the 2016 merril lynch bull run 5k -> buildings seemed to have jacked it up potentially? but, it was fine the next year. so maybe not.

but ya as far as distances go, for me at least and the areas I run, luckily mine is spot on.

that absolutely sucks that yours is off.. damn! I mean i'd trust my GPS more than google maps that's for sure.. lmao!

but 8.7 to 9.5 km is an enormous difference.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2018, 02:53:09 am
yeah it's weird. gonna charge it today and see how it does tomorrow. tree cover apparently messes with it, which is a shame because islamabad is pretty leafy.

yoga planned for this afternoon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2018, 02:06:28 pm
- yoga x 75 mins
big toes were bugging a little, especially ligaments underneath my left big toe.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2018, 09:14:54 am

- run 4.2 km in 19:54
felt drained, legs no pop. the garmin map of this is hilarious, apparently i can fly.

- stretch

friday and saturday

- move house, give self break from exercise because man moving sucks


- run 7.52 km (7.19 km on Garmin but i'm going with google maps on this one) in 35:17
slow start but got into the groove a bit and this ended up feeling nice. two circuits around the neighborhood. garmin took 10-15 minutes to pick up the signal and i'm gonna go ahead and trust google maps on this one. very disappointed in garmin and myself for not doing more research. it's weird, it felt like it was being pretty accurate at first but now i don't know. 330m is a pretty major difference. 4:41 pace for an easy run is okay.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 04, 2018, 08:02:34 pm

- run 4.2 km in 19:54
felt drained, legs no pop. the garmin map of this is hilarious, apparently i can fly.

- stretch

friday and saturday

- move house, give self break from exercise because man moving sucks


- run 7.52 km (7.19 km on Garmin but i'm going with google maps on this one) in 35:17
slow start but got into the groove a bit and this ended up feeling nice. two circuits around the neighborhood. garmin took 10-15 minutes to pick up the signal and i'm gonna go ahead and trust google maps on this one. very disappointed in garmin and myself for not doing more research. it's weird, it felt like it was being pretty accurate at first but now i don't know. 330m is a pretty major difference. 4:41 pace for an easy run is okay.

- stretch

damn 10-15 minutes to pick up the GPS signal.. brutal. That happened to me a few times with my other watch, but this new one picks it up instantly. Also, it seemed to happen more at night for some reason.

The worst was when I did that tropical 5k in miami on jan 27, garmin couldn't pick the signal for 15 minutes or so like you, and I wanted to get my warmup (3 miles to the race) tracked for fun .. got like 1 mile of it. Critical malfunction lol.

but ya this garmin fail logging is rough, especially considering my experience has been very different.

you know anyone else in the area with a garmin? curious if they have problems there as well.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2018, 12:16:12 am
- run 8.9 km in 41:39
garmin short by ~450m. took 10 minutes again for the GPS to start. ~4:40 pace.

- stretch

this route is not good at night, the sidewalk is too busted up for running in the dark and people park in the shoulder so there's sometimes not enough clearance from traffic to be safe. it is hillier than my old route.

got invited for an early morning hill run/hike (when it gets really steep) tomorrow up and down the trail behind the faisal mosque. it's about 8.4 km round trip with about 750m/2500' elevation gain. must hydrate well today although it'll be nice and cool in the morning.

ETA: another complaint about garmin is that the garmin app and garmin connect online interface are both atrocious.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2018, 11:34:13 pm
- run/hike 8.6 km in 1:11:40
according to watch and my friend's phone this was about 400m of elevation gain, not 750m as the website said. nearly 300 of it was packed into 1.5 km, though. it also got super rocky, so we walked most of that distance. then very steep descent before it leveled off again. glutes felt the ascent, quads feeling the descent now, 90 minutes later.

- stretch

edit: here's the mapmyrun depiction of the run. how's this for hill work?  :P

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 08, 2018, 11:41:41 pm
- run 6.11 km in 31:28
first 3 km with gf, pace ~5:30, then last 3.1 in ~4:38. quads sore.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2018, 01:48:37 am
last night

- run 9.21 km in 45:41
warm weather = slow. kept this easy (three in three out) but felt like a slog most of the way and was in fact slow: 4:57 pace. GPS started working right away and the map seems accurate so i'm going with the garmin measurement.

- stretch

also spent some time moving heavy potted plants around. chest and biceps a little sore today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2018, 09:11:54 am
- run 5.01 km in 23:24 (4:37, 4:32, 3:55, 5:09, 5:07)
set out to do 2 km warm up and then multiple sub-4:00 intervals but was super gassed after the first one. was kind of hot again, plus the interval worked out to be mostly uphill.

- superset x 3
-- KB swing x 10
-- KB suitcase carry 80'/arm

- handstand wall kick-ups + floats

- stretch

slightly disappointed in myself for bailing on the second interval but this is a good baseline. must work on adding horsepower a bit while continuing to work on mileage.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 11, 2018, 11:08:57 am
- run/hike 8.6 km in 1:11:40
according to watch and my friend's phone this was about 400m of elevation gain, not 750m as the website said. nearly 300 of it was packed into 1.5 km, though. it also got super rocky, so we walked most of that distance. then very steep descent before it leveled off again. glutes felt the ascent, quads feeling the descent now, 90 minutes later.

- stretch

edit: here's the mapmyrun depiction of the run. how's this for hill work?  :P


hah nice!! this reminds me, need to get in some "hills" soon!!

last night

- run 9.21 km in 45:41
warm weather = slow. kept this easy (three in three out) but felt like a slog most of the way and was in fact slow: 4:57 pace. GPS started working right away and the map seems accurate so i'm going with the garmin measurement.

- stretch

also spent some time moving heavy potted plants around. chest and biceps a little sore today.

hah. my dad does yard work for the fun of it, credits it for his strength & stamina. moves plants around for the fun of it, it seems. always doing something "pointless" out there. lmao.

if i help him i get sore too  :ninja: :-\

- run 5.01 km in 23:24 (4:37, 4:32, 3:55, 5:09, 5:07)
set out to do 2 km warm up and then multiple sub-4:00 intervals but was super gassed after the first one. was kind of hot again, plus the interval worked out to be mostly uphill.

- superset x 3
-- KB swing x 10
-- KB suitcase carry 80'/arm

- handstand wall kick-ups + floats

- stretch

slightly disappointed in myself for bailing on the second interval but this is a good baseline. must work on adding horsepower a bit while continuing to work on mileage.

ya, some extra horsepower training (shorter intervals) could really help. if it helps improve strength, will make all of those other paces you're hitting -> easier.

also, you can always add in some "relaxed speed" at the end of any session, just throw in some strides (~100m or so). a good way to just get that stimulus in without dedicating an entire session to it etc.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 12, 2018, 12:34:58 am
there's a 350-400m uphill on the back side on my neighborhood. thinking about running around to it as an extended warm up (~3 km), doing some hill repeats, then cooling down with the final ~1 km to my house. maybe tomorrow, partly just to rest and partly to begin to shift my schedule earlier so i'm running the morning. got an early night and good night's sleep last night. today might do a little bit of yoga/calisthenics or might do nothing, we'll see.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2018, 12:56:14 am
turns out the hill is 280m. not sure how i got 350m before, maybe i was measuring past the point where it levels off.

- run 2.5 km

- hill runs 280m x 4, slow jog down recovery
can't call these sprints, really, but they were hard. pace peaked a little below 3:00/km in each. didn't have a clear sense going in of how many i wanted to do so cut it off once i was really gasping by the end. i liked this, though. will do hills once a week, adding volume and trying to run harder gradually over time. there's a longer hill on the front side of the neighborhood, but for the time being i'm gonna go with this one.

- run 1.7 km
total distance 6.31 km, total time 31:59

- stretch

also, this gives me so much goddamn respect for elite runners. the girl who just broke the US high school record in the 5k ran my hill pace for 5k. it was on an indoor track, sure, but still. the elitest of the elite marathoners run that pace FOR 42 KILOMETERS.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 13, 2018, 08:07:40 pm
turns out the hill is 280m. not sure how i got 350m before, maybe i was measuring past the point where it levels off.

- run 2.5 km

- hill runs 280m x 4, slow jog down recovery
can't call these sprints, really, but they were hard. pace peaked a little below 3:00/km in each. didn't have a clear sense going in of how many i wanted to do so cut it off once i was really gasping by the end. i liked this, though. will do hills once a week, adding volume and trying to run harder gradually over time. there's a longer hill on the front side of the neighborhood, but for the time being i'm gonna go with this one.

- run 1.7 km
total distance 6.31 km, total time 31:59

- stretch

also, this gives me so much goddamn respect for elite runners. the girl who just broke the US high school record in the 5k ran my hill pace for 5k. it was on an indoor track, sure, but still. the elitest of the elite marathoners run that pace FOR 42 KILOMETERS.


^^ yea it's just insane..

the elitest of elite marathoners run 42.2 km @ ~2:56 per km btw, my 1km PR (**all out**).. jajajaja.

but ya, 3:00 per km and below for the marathon elites, for 42.2 km. just unreal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2018, 04:19:18 am
i peaked at 2:54 per garmin, which is unreliable as we know but even taking it at face value it's just bananas that i was gasping after 1/150th of the distance they cover at that pace.

thunderstorm this morning but my gf dragged me out of bed to run in the rain. thanks to her for that.

- run 7.4 km in 37:04
glutes not sore but tired. took a while to warm up, then ran okay for 5 km or so, then died over the last 2 km, especially last 1 km. overall pace evened out to 5:00, which sucks.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2018, 11:35:36 pm
- run 6.34 km in 30:48
either hills are harder than i think or my fitness is backsliding. hoping it's the former and that once i learn to pace myself on them better it'll just help my fitness that i now (1) live higher up than i used to and (2) live in a hillier spot than i used to. once again died in the last 1 km.

- stretch

EDIT: i went back and looked and my old standard route had ~26m of elevation gain while today was ~38m. that's not a big absolute difference but the one today had ~2.3 km of descent followed by ~2.3 km of solid climbing in the back half. old route was 2 km of climb to start out, level, then 2 km of descent. would be good to find a route where i'm climbing to start and then descending to return. but also just to suck it up and get better at climbing when i'm tired.

in fairness to myself, 4:51 is not a horrible pace for a relaxed run, and it includes a couple of stops for traffic because this route crosses several major roads. but still i died after 5+ km. not great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on March 15, 2018, 07:43:29 am
I still think you're running too fast on your easy runs. You're probably running nearer your, like, half-marathon-marathon pace, and I get the impression that doing that for all your runs can definitely wear you out. I'm not an expert here at all, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 15, 2018, 08:56:26 am
I still think you're running too fast on your easy runs. You're probably running nearer your, like, half-marathon-marathon pace, and I get the impression that doing that for all your runs can definitely wear you out. I'm not an expert here at all, though.

you might be right. but just last week i ran 8.9 km at 4:41 and felt great -- it was an easy, relaxed run. today i died after 5 km at 4:51 average. then again splits were 4:41, 4:35, 4:34, 4:59, 5:01, 5:23, and then the last fraction even slower. you can tell what was downhill and what was uphill. perhaps what i need to do is just be even more patient with myself climbing steep hills. or stick to flatter routes.

also might just be continued recovery from the hill workout two days ago.

in any case, you're right that i should be careful to keep the easy runs easy and focus on mileage rather than speed, and then "run with power" (as adarq's training partner said) on the hard days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 15, 2018, 08:34:44 pm
also to what Joe said, I doubt fitness is back sliding, though performance may be .. but that would simply be related to fatigue & adapting to more frequent runs & overall higher intensity etc. that "accumulated fatigue" effect works for running too -> you can run yourself into the ground a bit then rebound out hard by cutting intensity/volume and/or resting more etc.. so in that case, fitness is improving in the face of that decreased performance, just takes some tapering/sharpening/deloading sometimes to express it.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, adapting can be taxing.

and to what you said at the end: I love hardly looking at my watch when i'm running easy. Looking at the watch will almost always make you run faster.. for easy runs, it's great to just look at the duration and/or mileage and just relax. "harder" easy runs may need the watch, but true easy runs, can just go coast and relax.

and ya, hard on hard days! can only do that ~2-3x/wk, leaning more towards 2x .. even 1x is necessary occasionally when you just get run down.

finally, every day is different. I can run great on tuesday of this week, and crap on tuesday of next week. ride teh fluctuation waves!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 16, 2018, 12:31:57 am
^^^for sure re: looking at watch. one of the reasons i like wearing long-sleeved shirts while running is that they cover the watch so i can't look without moving my cuff back. on my easy runs i try to just let myself run at a pace that feels very sustainable and only see how fast that was when i get home. but it might be worth backing off a little bit even from that and going longer.

no run today, tomorrow plan is to do >10km relaxed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 18, 2018, 09:54:20 am
- run 11.17 km in 1:03:50
first 5.3 with gf, so very slow (~6:15-6:20 pace), then peeled off and kept going at ~5:10 pace. distance PR, i think. definitely duration PR, first time running for longer than one hour.

- stretch

meant to run yesterday but had evening plans and lots of work to do, ended up working until it was too late.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 18, 2018, 08:46:36 pm
- run 11.17 km in 1:03:50
first 5.3 with gf, so very slow (~6:15-6:20 pace), then peeled off and kept going at ~5:10 pace. distance PR, i think. definitely duration PR, first time running for longer than one hour.

- stretch

meant to run yesterday but had evening plans and lots of work to do, ended up working until it was too late.

duration PR's are def good! nice work!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2018, 02:23:24 am
now all i want to do is miles and miles and more miles. didn't run this morning because gf correctly told me that i should give myself a little longer to recover than 14 hours after distance/duration PR. will not run tonight but tomorrow morning gonna get up early and do at 9+ km. 8 km needs to be the new minimum, including days with hill/speed work. got fired up by adarq's 5k PR and now i really want the damn 19:xx. mileage is the key and i'm not getting enough.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 19, 2018, 10:56:29 am
now all i want to do is miles and miles and more miles. didn't run this morning because gf correctly told me that i should give myself a little longer to recover than 14 hours after distance/duration PR.

your gf is smart, but eventually you'll be able to handle easy runs after something like that, without any added risk.

will not run tonight but tomorrow morning gonna get up early and do at 9+ km. 8 km needs to be the new minimum, including days with hill/speed work. got fired up by adarq's 5k PR and now i really want the damn 19:xx. mileage is the key and i'm not getting enough.

hah nice! :highfive: :ibrunning:

getting "fired up" is important too. just seems like lately you've been transitioning into more aggressive training, which is good. you took your time, were patient, and now you're getting the itch to push it more. sounds perfect.

and ya, increasing the mileage can definitely help. Low mileage routines can be extremely effective, but the intensity is much higher from what i've learned/experienced. So, someone can make some great progress on only 30 miles a week, but the intensity would need to be higher relatively to the total mileage than someone who is getting in 50-60 miles a week with lots of easy running. That easy running is "safer" and still builds the aerobic system & overall fitness/work capacity. sooo.. the time tested variation is to def get that mileage up a bit.

sub20 5k club is going to fill up soon!!!!

 :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2018, 11:39:03 pm
- run 9.2 km in 45:20
pretty hilly and overall downhill then up: 44m of elevation gain. but i took it really easy on the steep hills and otherwise tried to just run relaxed. ended up at 4:55 pace, which is better than the other day for a longer run. i'll take it.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2018, 10:46:33 pm
- warm up run x 1.5 km

- hill sprints ~280m x 5, jog down recovery

- cool down 3.7 km
total distance 8.01 km*, total time 43:05. hills were hard but not as hard as last time. two friends came, which made it more fun, easier to push.

- stretch

*actually 8.4 km, but garmin decided to restart itself just as i hit the button to start running. nice. also its altimeter is hilarious, apparently the first hill sprint was actually a descent.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 21, 2018, 03:06:37 am
going to the mountains this weekend (the close-by ones, not the big ones). will do at least one hike with the group, and if i can convince anyone to go with me i'll also run. the place is safe but less so than here and i don't know it well, so bad looks to head out alone. the two main peaks near where we're staying are both around 3000m. i hiked up one last fall so will agitate for the other.

related: i'm sitting at my desk at work and all i want to do is go out and run some more. good feeling. tomorrow morning long and easy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2018, 10:00:15 am

- walk 4 km in 58:29
stretching legs after car ride. narrowly avoided getting pulled into an old guy's house for tea.


- walk 9.5 km in ~2:45:00
up miranjani top, 2992m/9816'. 605m/1985' elevation gain from the start of the hike. walked with my friends most of the way; they moved slower than me; most people do on hikes. toward the end of the ascent i got impatient and just barreled ahead, was huffing and puffing pretty good. the air is noticeably thinner above 2000m.


- run 8.25 km in 40:54
very easy, kept strictly to four breaths in, four breaths out. knees a wee bit achey now but i except that'll go away shortly.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2018, 03:16:55 am
- run 8.59 km in 44:07
dead legs. running in the morning is hard, always takes me a couple km to warm up, but i just never got warm today. four breaths in, four breaths out is my new cue for relaxed pace, forces me to take it easier than three in, three out.


i've signed up for two races on my whirlwind US-europe tour in may. this obviously gives me some hard targets to work toward, which is a blessing because if gives the calendar shape for the next couple months, and me an excuse to kick my training up a notch. hello, overload. i'm going to follow a version of the "six weeks to a faster 5k plan," ( modified slightly to accommodate some travel i have upcoming (dushanbe, for the first time in 2.5 years, which should be nice but is annoying because tajikistan is a ridiculous country that you can't fly to from the gulf anymore, smh) and my desire to have a time trial before i race for the first time in 16 years.

easy pace is 5:08 according to their calculator. joe was right, gotta slow down.

25-31 march
sunday: 8.25km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 8.59km easy
wednesday: ~2km warm up, hill repeats 45s x 8 @3:30, ~2km cool down
thursday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest
saturday: 12km easy

1-7 april
sunday: 6.5km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, intervals 500m x 8 @3:55 w/90s rest, 3km cool down
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest
saturday: 13km easy

8-14 april
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, hill repeats x 10 @3:30 w/2:00 recovery, 3km cool down
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: 9.5km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest
saturday: 8km easy, 6km @4:25

15-21 april
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 2km warm up, 5km time trial, 2km cool down
wednesday: 6.5km easy
thursday: 5km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest [DEPART FOR DUSHANBE]
saturday: 15km easy, 30s x 10 @3:30 sprinkled in

22-28 april
sunday: 6.5km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, 5km @4:10, 3km cool down (treadmill)
wednesday: 6.5km easy
thursday: 8km easy (treadmill, replace strides with alternating lunge jumps)
friday: rest
saturday: 6km easy, 6km @4:25 (treadmill) [RETURN TO ISLAMABAD]

29 april - 5 may
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, intervals 1km x 5 @ 3:55 w/ 60-90s recovery, 3km cool down
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest
saturday: 15km easy, 60s x 10 @3:30 sprinkled in

6-12 may
sunday: 8km easy
monday: 3km warm up, intervals 500m x 8 @3:55 w/60s recovery, 3km cool down
tuesday: 10km easy
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: rest [DEPART FOR US]
friday: 4km easy
saturday: rest

13-19 may
monday: rest
tuesday: 8km easy
wednesday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
thursday: [DEPART FOR LA]
friday: rest
saturday: rest

20-26 may
sunday: 10km easy [DEPART FOR LISBON]
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, intervals 1km x 5 @3:55, 3km cool down
wednesday: 10km easy
thursday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: 8km easy [DEPART FOR LONDON]
saturday: rest

27 may - 2 june
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 4km easy
thursday: rest
friday: rest/hike
saturday: rest/hike
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2018, 10:53:51 pm
new workout plan off to an awesome start: felt sick from late morning until bed yesterday, slept badly, still feel sick/weak. cool! rest and lots of hydration today, better luck tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 28, 2018, 11:28:10 am
- run 8.59 km in 44:07
dead legs. running in the morning is hard, always takes me a couple km to warm up, but i just never got warm today. four breaths in, four breaths out is my new cue for relaxed pace, forces me to take it easier than three in, three out.

that's how I was for many months, trying to get used to morning running. now i'm good! hah. if I can become a morning runner, anyone can :D I think it helps too: cooler weather, lower HR, and just a beautiful time to run .. Also most groups/etc have early morning sessions so, that eventually becomes something you can tag along with more easily. Finally, races! Since they are early, you will be more prepared. So training in the morning like this has more specificity! :ibrunning:


i've signed up for two races on my whirlwind US-europe tour in may. this obviously gives me some hard targets to work toward, which is a blessing because if gives the calendar shape for the next couple months, and me an excuse to kick my training up a notch. hello, overload. i'm going to follow a version of the "six weeks to a faster 5k plan," ( modified slightly to accommodate some travel i have upcoming (dushanbe, for the first time in 2.5 years, which should be nice but is annoying because tajikistan is a ridiculous country that you can't fly to from the gulf anymore, smh) and my desire to have a time trial before i race for the first time in 16 years.

easy pace is 5:08 according to their calculator. joe was right, gotta slow down.

25-31 march
sunday: 8.25km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 8.59km easy
wednesday: ~2km warm up, hill repeats 45s x 8 @3:30, ~2km cool down
thursday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest
saturday: 12km easy

1-7 april
sunday: 6.5km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, intervals 500m x 8 @3:55 w/90s rest, 3km cool down
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest
saturday: 13km easy

8-14 april
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, hill repeats x 10 @3:30 w/2:00 recovery, 3km cool down
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: 9.5km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest
saturday: 8km easy, 6km @4:25

15-21 april
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 2km warm up, 5km time trial, 2km cool down
wednesday: 6.5km easy
thursday: 5km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest [DEPART FOR DUSHANBE]
saturday: 15km easy, 30s x 10 @3:30 sprinkled in

22-28 april
sunday: 6.5km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, 5km @4:10, 3km cool down (treadmill)
wednesday: 6.5km easy
thursday: 8km easy (treadmill, replace strides with alternating lunge jumps)
friday: rest
saturday: 6km easy, 6km @4:25 (treadmill) [RETURN TO ISLAMABAD]

29 april - 5 may
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, intervals 1km x 5 @ 3:55 w/ 60-90s recovery, 3km cool down
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest
saturday: 15km easy, 60s x 10 @3:30 sprinkled in

6-12 may
sunday: 8km easy
monday: 3km warm up, intervals 500m x 8 @3:55 w/60s recovery, 3km cool down
tuesday: 10km easy
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: rest [DEPART FOR US]
friday: 4km easy
saturday: rest

13-19 may
monday: rest
tuesday: 8km easy
wednesday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
thursday: [DEPART FOR LA]
friday: rest
saturday: rest

20-26 may
sunday: 10km easy [DEPART FOR LISBON]
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, intervals 1km x 5 @3:55, 3km cool down
wednesday: 10km easy
thursday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: 8km easy [DEPART FOR LONDON]
saturday: rest

27 may - 2 june
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 4km easy
thursday: rest
friday: rest/hike
saturday: rest/hike

^^ awesome!!!@$@$ Love when it's all laid out like that. Great to see you committing to some races. Your training will easily turn up a notch, just from that.

can't wait for Joe vs LBSS too!! :ninja:

new workout plan off to an awesome start: felt sick from late morning until bed yesterday, slept badly, still feel sick/weak. cool! rest and lots of hydration today, better luck tomorrow.

that sucks tho.. haha!!!! :(

but ya, rest & lots of hydration!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2018, 12:02:13 am
- run 7.5 km easy, strides 20s x 6 w/ 60s walk recovery
slightly worried that the weird pulling sensation i've been getting for years now on my right knee whenever i try to sprint would flare up during the strides but it didn't. cautious fist pump.

- stretch

total distance 8.89 km, total time 47:35
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2018, 12:23:55 pm
- run 12.01 km in 1:05:49
first 5.7km with gf, so very slow (~5:45). last 6.3km right around goal pace (5:08).

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 31, 2018, 05:15:02 pm
- run 7.5 km easy, strides 20s x 6 w/ 60s walk recovery
slightly worried that the weird pulling sensation i've been getting for years now on my right knee whenever i try to sprint would flare up during the strides but it didn't. cautious fist pump.

nice!!! :headbang: hopefully you've been "working that issue out of existence". running did that for me initially with some knee issues.

- stretch

total distance 8.89 km, total time 47:35
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 01, 2018, 11:07:40 am
- run 6.67 km in 36:00
first ~4 km with gf again. a little quicker than yesterday but not much. picked up the pace a bit for the last ~700m, below 4:05, just for funsies.

- a little core and push/pull stuff
just to start doing it again

- stretch

feel nice. hungry now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2018, 11:27:52 pm
- run 3 km warm up

- intervals 500m x [1:51, 1:55, 1:59, 1:59, 1:58] w/90s rest
supposed to be 8 but i was dying on the last one. shut it down, build fitness patiently, do not injure self.

- run 2.3 km cool down

- stretch

total distance 8.74 km, total time 43:34

hills make it harder. i tried to keep pace even on the ups and downs but beginning to think i should sell out a little more on downhills and be a little more patient on uphills. it's easy to sail downhill in <3:30 but even a moderately steep uphill at <4:00 is taxing. probably better as a race strategy anyway.

adarq, thoughts on that? you live in the flatlands but i'm curious. joe, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on April 03, 2018, 08:11:55 am
Matching effort rather than pace for the different graded sections seems like a reasonable thing to do.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2018, 10:09:11 am
Matching effort rather than pace for the different graded sections seems like a reasonable thing to do.

well now that you put it that way it seems obvious. good point.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 03, 2018, 12:52:15 pm
- run 3 km warm up

- intervals 500m x [1:51, 1:55, 1:59, 1:59, 1:58] w/90s rest
supposed to be 8 but i was dying on the last one. shut it down, build fitness patiently, do not injure self.

- run 2.3 km cool down

- stretch

total distance 8.74 km, total time 43:34

hills make it harder. i tried to keep pace even on the ups and downs but beginning to think i should sell out a little more on downhills and be a little more patient on uphills. it's easy to sail downhill in <3:30 but even a moderately steep uphill at <4:00 is taxing. probably better as a race strategy anyway.

adarq, thoughts on that? you live in the flatlands but i'm curious. joe, too.

I sell out on the uphill and i'm more patient on the downhill. Apparently i'm a good climber: i've been told this by a few very experienced runners, which is funny considering i've trained mostly on flat terrain. So maybe that's a good mentality: go hard up, relax (but still go fast because it's downhill) down. I don't like forcing pace on downhills in training, i'd rather go hard uphill, then relax/be safe on the downhill, since downhill is much more intense to me. It's probably the harder (perception-wise) of the two options but I feel it's the safest/most beneficial. When I relax on the downhill, once it evens back out, i'm pretty much still on pace.

For racing i'm not sure tbh .. I seem to do good when I attack the uphill. I did that in that ultra relay and the MPS superhero 5k, with great results. I slowed down considerably up the bridge in the Tropical 5k and that turned out to be awful. I think for me though, i'm just too cautious going downhill. So if I go slow uphill, i'll go slow downhill as well. The only time I gunned it downhill was the very last 1.25 mile rep of that ultra relay, in which I went all out on the downhill. Was scary but awesome. lool.

That's my experience with it. :highfive:

:D :ibrunning:

Matching effort rather than pace for the different graded sections seems like a reasonable thing to do.

^^ nice way of putting it.

Tho like I mentioned above, I personally prefer going harder up, and less hard down. But ya agree completely on just switching to "effort based" control at that point.

I really feel like i'm "attacking" inclines. It's an interesting mental shift. Maybe that mental shift also helps on the way back out of it (downhill & flat). dno.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2018, 11:28:07 pm
right, opposite of what joe said. lol. but then i wonder how you'd run if you lived in an actually hilly area. or what your pace actually looks like when you attack hills relative to flat pace. like it may be that attacking the hills still means slowing down below the overall target pace. especially when i'm dealing with hills that are particularly long or steep. well, i'll play around with both and see what feels right.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2018, 11:18:06 am
- run 8.35 km in 42:30
5:05 pace. takes concentration to run that slow, natural desire is to go faster. calves cramping a little bit now post-run. gonna slow down as it gets hotter.

- stretch
also foam rolled calves a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 04, 2018, 12:05:00 pm
- run 8.35 km in 42:30
5:05 pace. takes concentration to run that slow, natural desire is to go faster. calves cramping a little bit now post-run. gonna slow down as it gets hotter.

- stretch
also foam rolled calves a bit.

Nice! Slow running ftw.

Mastering slow running is one of the secrets to this running stuff, i've learned. Everyone is always concerned with the effects on the cardiovascular system etc, so going too slow seems useless to most people .. However, when running very slow, learning how to really relax and keep the legs/arms snappy/loose/completely relaxed seems to be incredibly effective at making one faster. It took me a long time to figure that out. It's also hard to explain. But I noticed it one day when I was at the track, running 6:0x pace. I could feel myself trying to run "slower" in order to hit the pace - which was making me tired. Trying to run slower feels like i'm "applying the brakes". Then I started focusing on trying to remove that "braking tension" and my hips opened up, legs became snappier, and I still hit that pace but it felt effortless. So that's what I try to do when i'm running slower (even snail snow). I try to remove as much "braking force tension" as possible. When I "figured this out", it immediately struck me as an "ah ha" moment, with what I see from how these elites (and especially Kenyans) run etc. Kenyans run with no brakes. :ibrunning: I think learning how to remove the brakes while running slow, has substantial transfer to then running faster (with less tension/tightness/brakes) in races.

I think learning how to turn off the brakes is perhaps one of the most critical components to this art. A good analogy would perhaps be, driving a car with the foot on the gas and some degree of applying the brakes as well. How to just ingrain motor patterns of simply hitting the gas, no matter the pace? ;d

Not sure if that makes sense to anyone or if it makes more sense now that I brought it up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2018, 02:01:21 pm
yeah that resonates. i've been trying a bit to run with center of gravity forward, letting feet cycle with quiet steps, those kinds of cues. trying to run without brakes is a good cue.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2018, 10:51:38 am
- run 7.62 km, strides 6 x 20s w/60s walking rest
first 4 km with gf, faster than the last couple times out and negative splits [5:21, 5:19, 5:17, 5:11]. proud of her, she complained a bit early on that her legs were dead but she stuck it out. picked it up a little for the last 3.6 [4:59, 4:57, 5:00] before starting the strides.

- stretch

total distance 8.91 km, total time 47:04.

focused on relaxing and keeping my hips/COG forward of my feet and relaxing into each stride. calves a little sore but didn't bother me once i started running. no cramps now. yay.

total distance for the last seven days is 44.6, which is a PR.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 05, 2018, 09:25:01 pm
- run 7.62 km, strides 6 x 20s w/60s walking rest
first 4 km with gf, faster than the last couple times out and negative splits [5:21, 5:19, 5:17, 5:11]. proud of her, she complained a bit early on that her legs were dead but she stuck it out. picked it up a little for the last 3.6 [4:59, 4:57, 5:00] before starting the strides.

- stretch

total distance 8.91 km, total time 47:04.

focused on relaxing and keeping my hips/COG forward of my feet and relaxing into each stride. calves a little sore but didn't bother me once i started running. no cramps now. yay.

total distance for the last seven days is 44.6, which is a PR.

great stuff man!!

also props to the gf. she's getting faster along with you too, pretty cool. she's going to do some races eventually I imagine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2018, 09:24:46 am
- run 13.0 km in 1:07:56
overall pace 5:13, which is a bit slower than i'd like. on the other hand it's 31/87 degrees and humid. as soon as i got home i had to run my neck and face under cold water, lick up a palmfull of salt, drink a liter-plus of water and eat an orange.

- stretch

i think adarq is fitter than he thinks because he's used to running in ugly conditions. it's much harder to run when it's this hot out. not sure what i'm going to do this summer. maybe i'll have to take a break from running as a primary goal after my trip, switch to weights or something else indoors for a while until it cools down again.

obviously the extra km today means i have another new weekly distance PR: 45.7 km.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 07, 2018, 09:55:32 am
- run 13.0 km in 1:07:56
overall pace 5:13, which is a bit slower than i'd like. on the other hand it's 31/87 degrees and humid. as soon as i got home i had to run my neck and face under cold water, lick up a palmfull of salt, drink a liter-plus of water and eat an orange.

try my go-to pre-run meal eventually: oatmeal + TONS of pink salt + lots of honey, and a tall glass of water.

I make it crazy salty. That "prison creatine" tho. It seems that i've had considerable success when I have that before races or important runs etc.

- stretch

i think adarq is fitter than he thinks because he's used to running in ugly conditions. it's much harder to run when it's this hot out. not sure what i'm going to do this summer. maybe i'll have to take a break from running as a primary goal after my trip, switch to weights or something else indoors for a while until it cools down again.

obviously the extra km today means i have another new weekly distance PR: 45.7 km.

Shifting it from primary to secondary is fine, I just wouldn't cut it out completely. Also, pre-dawn running is amazing, gives you more incentive to get those runs in instead of being in the sun etc. Anyway, you will adapt .. but even if you don't do hard runs in the heat, can still do really light/relaxed runs. It will lead to adaptations and you will be able to handle more intense work.

hah thanks!!! Yea when i've trained with people in the serious heat/humidity, they seem afraid of it. I don't really mind it. I also love sweating profusely. Weather being equal, I don't sweat as much as I used to. I mean today I ran for 90 minutes in the heat/humidity with high socks and a hoody on, and I didn't sweat much. Felt comfortable/fine/relaxed. I think being light/lean helps but ya like you said, i'm probably in better shape than I think. I mean my "race predictor" is definitely over-estimating my predicted stats but, apparently those are predictions based on optimal running conditions (like 45F no wind/no humidity etc), so who knows :D I'm actually trying to believe those whacky numbers.. :ninja:

Also, unlike you, I can't wait for the summer :D People around here are already talking about how bad it'll be and how they'll do more runs indoors/treadmill, won't do proper long runs anymore ("no marathon training in the summer" lol) etc. I on the other hand, consider it my altitude training. Heat acclimation gains are real. I always receive a massive boost once Fall/Winter comes around (when it's randomly cold on a race day). So if I go out there running in the sweltering heat/humidity, I know it's prepping me for our "race season" around here. Plus, relaxed runs (without pace goals) in the heat feel amazing.

I've never been as good as my dad tho, in the heat. He's next level. He can be out there all day, never seems effected. He wins tennis matches like that. He'll get destroyed in the first set, then destroy his opponents in the 2nd/3rd. Some of his opponents literally retire from the match, in the summer. LMAO. Tennis is absolutely brutal around here, in the summer. To me it's harder than running because of serving: having to look up into the sun during the toss or avoid it etc when trying to hit that damn ball. Not a fan of that.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2018, 10:19:59 am
it has been thunderstorming and raining literally all day. rain i wouldn't mind but i'd prefer not to get hit by lightning. monday is supposed to be a rest day but i'll just flip it with today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2018, 11:54:02 pm
- run 8.17 km in 40:52
wee bit quicker than rx, 5:00. legs dead to start out but ended up feeling okay. must continue to adjust to mornings.

- stretch

hills tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 09, 2018, 11:59:56 pm
- run warm up 3.2 km

-- hills 280m x 3 w/2:00 rest [attacked by monkeys*]
-- run ~1 km
-- hills 45s x 7 w/2:00 rest
2:00 is too long to rest after 45s hills at that pace.

- run cool down 1 km

- stretch

total distance 10.02 km, total time 52:04. live feedback on pace from garmin said i was consistenly ~3:20-3:30, which was the target. mapmyrun says peak pace was just under 4:00.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

total seven-day distance 48.4, PR. EDIT: that's just over 30 miles! woohoo! i'm a big kid now!

*not a joke.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2018, 11:38:40 pm
- run 8.14 km in 40:52

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2018, 12:10:04 am
- run 8.6 km, strides 20s x 6 w/60s walking rest
no individual km under 5:00, pacing win.

- stretch

total distance 9.9 km, total time 51:23. new seven-day total PR of 49.2 km. inching closer to 50.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on April 12, 2018, 08:18:03 am
- run 8.6 km, strides 20s x 6 w/60s walking rest
no individual km under 5:00, pacing win.

- stretch

total distance 9.9 km, total time 51:23. new seven-day total PR of 49.2 km. inching closer to 50.

Nice work lately, been crushing it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2018, 02:43:38 am
^^^ thanks, you too. gotta stay sharp if i'm not going to embarrass myself on 30 may.

a few updates to the plan.

8-14 april
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, hill repeats x 10 @3:30 w/2:00 recovery, 3km cool down
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: 9.5km easy, strides 20s x 6

friday: rest
saturday: 8km easy, 6km @4:25 (may do as 4-6-4)

15-21 april
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 2km warm up, 5km time trial, 2km cool down
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: 10km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest
saturday: 15km easy, 30s x 10 @3:30 sprinkled in

22-28 april
sunday: [DEPART FOR DUSHANBE] rest -- travel will take all day
monday: 10km easy
tuesday: 3km warm up, 5km @4:10, 3km cool down (treadmill)
wednesday: 8km easy (treadmill)
thursday: monaghetti fartlek if running outside is possible, otherwise 10km easy (treadmill), some kind of SL jumps instead of strides
friday: 10 km easy
saturday: [RETURN TO ISLAMABAD] rest -- travel will take all day

29 april - 5 may
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, intervals 1km x 5 @ 3:55 w/ 60-90s recovery, 3km cool down
wednesday: 8km easy
thursday: 10km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: rest
saturday: 15km easy, 60s x 10 @3:30 sprinkled in

6-12 may
sunday: 8km easy
monday: 3km warm up, intervals 500m x 8 @3:55 w/60s recovery, 3km cool down
tuesday: 10km easy
wednesday: 8km easy, 5:00 x 2 @3:55 sprinkled in
thursday: rest [DEPART FOR US]
friday: 4km easy, strides 20s x 8 w/60s walking recovery
saturday: rest

13-19 may
monday: rest
tuesday: 8km easy
wednesday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
thursday: [DEPART FOR LA]
friday: rest
saturday: rest

20-26 may
sunday: 10km easy [DEPART FOR LISBON]
monday: rest
tuesday: 3km warm up, intervals 1km x 5 @3:55, 3km cool down
wednesday: 10km easy
thursday: 8km easy, strides 20s x 6
friday: 8km easy [DEPART FOR LONDON]
saturday: rest

27 may - 2 june
sunday: 8km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: 4km easy
thursday: rest
friday: rest/hike
saturday: rest/hike
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2018, 04:00:53 am
- run 4 km

- run tempo @<4:30 x 2 km
pain and suffering, it's too fucking hot

- run 1 km
felt cramps coming on

- alternate walk/run 1 km

- walk 2.6 km

- stretch

total distance 9.56 km, total time 55:41

scary to feel cramps starting. it's too hot to run hard. also i need more extensive tempo work, that 2 km sucked and it wasn't even that fast.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2018, 11:40:18 am
- run warm up 2 km

- tempo 1 km x 2 w/1 km rest [3:56, 5:01, 3:54]

- run cool down x 1 km

- stretch

total distance 6.01 km, total time 28:24

low back a little tight, oddly. run well after dark so it wasn't so hot out. mostly was trying to get a sense of how it feels to run <4:00, how fast that is. the tempo intervals had me breathing harder than usual but seemed bearable, like i could string at least a couple of them together.

we shall see soon enough: rest tomorrow, time trial tuesday.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2018, 07:52:02 am
joe posted something about auden in another thread. here is a poem of his i know by heart, and which has been on my mind even more than usual the last few months:

About suffering they were never wrong,
The old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position: how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;
How, when the aged are waiting passionately, reverently
For the miraculous birth, there always must be
Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating
On the pond at the edge of the wood:
They never forgot
That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course
Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer's horse
Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.

In Breughel's "Icarus," for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster: the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water, and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on April 17, 2018, 09:05:48 am
I have to say that I generally don't really like Auden, except for his light verse. My preferred poem inspired by Breughel's Icarus is definitely the William Carlos Williams one:

According to Brueghel
when Icarus fell
it was spring

a farmer was ploughing
his field
the whole pageantry

of the year was
awake tingling

the edge of the sea
with itself

sweating in the sun
that melted
the wings’ wax

off the coast
there was

a splash quite unnoticed
this was
Icarus drowning
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2018, 09:28:29 am
yeah i like that one, too. WCW sure did know how to pare things down. but i love "musee des beaux artes." i actually don't know much of auden's work otherwise but for whatever reason i come to that poem back over and over.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2018, 12:34:13 pm
- run warm up 2 km

- tempo 3 km @ [4:10, 4:15, 4:10]

- tempo 500m x 2 w/250m walking rest @ [1:58, 1:49]

- run cool down ~3.5 km

- stretch

total distance 10.07 km, total time 51:14

time trial fail due to mental weakness: bailed when discomfort really started to set in. also i went out too slowly. was afraid i'd do that and sure enough did. disappointed but not beating myself up. salvaged some extensive tempo work out of it. learning my body and mind. tomorrow is another day. back to my regularly scheduled programming.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 18, 2018, 11:14:27 am
- run 6.23 km in 31:44

- stretch

had programmed as a kind of recovery day after the planned time trial. stuck with it despite bailing early yesterday. weekly mileage took a major dive but i'll build it back up. maybe not a bad thing to have a bit of a dip.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2018, 11:30:32 pm
last night got home super late and stressed from work, ended up not running. haven't slept well this week so gave myself last night to try to catch up, and did. also it's absolutely pouring rain this morning with forecast for that to continue until the evening, and i need to work from home this afternoon anyway so plan is to leave the office around noon and run at the gym.

motivation also flagging this week for some reason.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2018, 10:43:28 am
- run 9 km, strides 20s x 5 w/60s walking rest

- stretch

total distance 10.0 km, total time 51:50

there we go. back on the horse. helped that the weather was nice and cool after the torrential rain.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 20, 2018, 10:17:22 pm
- run 9 km, strides 20s x 5 w/60s walking rest

- stretch

total distance 10.0 km, total time 51:50

there we go. back on the horse. helped that the weather was nice and cool after the torrential rain.

nice work after the previous post!

my 2 cents, I like teh super slow trot rest between strides.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2018, 05:52:23 am
my 2 cents, I like teh super slow trot rest between strides.

no doubt. template calls for walking but you're probably right than even slowest trot is better. noticed the posts you made a little while ago about that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2018, 11:46:08 am
- run 14.53 km, 60s @3:30 x 9 sprinkled throughout
was supposed to do 10 intervals, ran out of space.

- stretch

distance PR, total time 1:12:36
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 21, 2018, 04:40:30 pm
- run 14.53 km, 60s @3:30 x 9 sprinkled throughout
was supposed to do 10 intervals, ran out of space.

- stretch

distance PR, total time 1:12:36

that's a solid session, nice!! :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2018, 02:06:04 am
god what a trip. 27 hours door-to-door for what used to be a <2-hour direct flight. bah. two nights of busted sleep.

- run (treadmill) 5.25 km in 28:00

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2018, 05:46:28 am
- run 3 km @5:08 pace

- run ?? km @4:10 pace, with a ?? km break in the middle at 5:08 pace

- stretch

total distance (treadmill) 6 km. felt terrible, i hate the treadmill but not comfortable running outside here. argh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 26, 2018, 08:22:05 am
yesterday worked from 8 until midnight, including a dinner thing at the german ambassador's house and then bonding time with colleagues. drank a lot but somehow managed to avoid (1) getting very drunk and (2) having a hangover. so high-five for that. it was worth it, it's important to take opportunities to connect with people outside of work. plus the club was hilarious, tajikistan is a strange country.

today i've been working since 8:30 and have another dinner tonight. so no run until tomorrow morning, when i think i will scrap any thought of doing a "workout" on the treadmill and just do some good old jogging for an hour or something. can't wait to get back to islamabad.

also, a propos of poetry, at the hotel here they always leave a little piece of paper with a bit of persian poetry on it on your pillow after they make up the room. usually it's something by rumi or ferdowsi in standard translation, i.e. professionally translated by an english-language poet. today it was not that. to wit:

Making amends With all of my
Great Friends,
I swear I was possessed
When I turned into such a mess.
Don't want to fall into your trap again,
So sick and tired of playing pretend!

- Rashid-al-Din Hamadani (ca. 13th century)

i'm sure the persian is lovely
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 27, 2018, 05:45:55 am
- run 6.5 km (treadmill) @5:08
right hamstring a little tweaky since this morning, unsure what that's about. no issue during run.

- pull ups


- SL pogos

- stretch

leaving pre-dawn tomorrow, arriving early-early sunday morning. inshallah i'll get a good long run in on sunday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2018, 11:38:42 am
sunday felt slightly off all day, turns out it was a migraine halo. took some sumatriptan in time to head off the worst of it but still, running was nnnnnot happening. felt crappy again yesterday and just decided to rest.

- run 10.09 km in 50:55
pacing all over the place but averaging 5:03 is okay.

- push ups x 16

- KB upright row x 16

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2018, 11:29:41 am
- run 3.55 km in 17:42
rain is fine, once again i draw the line at "rapidly approaching lightning." damn it.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 02, 2018, 09:37:04 pm
- run 3.55 km in 17:42
rain is fine, once again i draw the line at "rapidly approaching lightning." damn it.

- stretch

sucks. seems like you get lots of lightning over there? we get rain here but less lightning/thunder.

also, i was just thinking back about how much I hated rain when I was into jumping/dunking, ruining the court when I was amp'd up for a session. Barely get derailed now because of the weather hah. With lightning tho i'd def abort/seek shelter. I did it a few weeks ago, sucked.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2018, 11:26:45 pm
yeah it's thunderstorm season. i'm extra annoyed because i meant to start 45 minutes earlier but i was waiting for a guy to drop something off at my house and he just never showed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2018, 11:24:06 pm
- run 8.05 km, strides 20s x 5

- stretch

total distance 9.15 km, total time 47:12. peak pace 2:10, which is i guess 17+ mph?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2018, 10:40:34 am
- run 14.43 km in 1:12:58 [60s @3:20-3:50 x 10 w/2 min jogging rest]

- stretch

overheated and dehydrated by the end but pretty pleased with this. last hard workout before race next saturday sunday (!). anyone got any tapering tips?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 05, 2018, 11:18:24 am
yeah it's thunderstorm season. i'm extra annoyed because i meant to start 45 minutes earlier but i was waiting for a guy to drop something off at my house and he just never showed.

damn that sucks! fu*k that guy!! hah.

i'm starting to think i could run around in a small circle for several hours, since i love super slow running. like, literally in my living room. lmao.

- run 14.43 km in 1:12:58 [60s @3:20-3:50 x 10 w/2 min jogging rest]


- stretch

overheated and dehydrated by the end but pretty pleased with this. last hard workout before race next saturday (!). anyone got any tapering tips?

not really tbh. last hard workout a week out is basically the taper, hah. hitting some strides at goal race pace during your lighter workouts this week, would probably be good.

i'd just make sure to get some light running in, on mon/wed at least. Just relax and visualize you achieving your goal/executing race strategy etc. I mean i'd personally get in some light running in "whenever" with the exception of Friday: so all of or some of M/T/W/Th. Friday I would just rest completely and hydrate well + eat good very early & good but lighter mid-day. It's good not to deviate much from normal diet or try anything new though, especially morning of the race. I like to eat the same thing before every race now: oatmeal + tons of salt + tons of honey, water. Not sure what your pre-race meal is.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2018, 01:22:48 am
thanks, that is good advice. at a party last night i talked for a while with a swedish diplomat here who's a 16:xx 5k runner. i've mentioned him before as the only guy who passes me at the cricket ground track. he also just went to hawaii to be a guide for a blind guy running a marathon, which is rad. anyway he offered to run with me this week and pace me at 3:50. definitely gonna do that at least once. tentative plan for the week:

sunday: run 8 km easy
monday: rest
tuesday: run 8-10 km easy with some tempo intervals (with christian the swede)
wednesday: run 6 km easy
thursday: fly home
friday: run 6 km easy with some tempo intervals
saturday: rest
sunday: race

when i run in the morning i don't usually eat first, so i'm considering just doing that for the race. or may just have a banana or a granola bar or something, and coffee.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on May 06, 2018, 05:51:27 am
when i run in the morning i don't usually eat first, so i'm considering just doing that for the race. or may just have a banana or a granola bar or something, and coffee.

I also usually run fasted and have had good results with either oatmeal+coffee or banana+coffee a few hours before racing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2018, 07:53:59 am
when i run in the morning i don't usually eat first, so i'm considering just doing that for the race. or may just have a banana or a granola bar or something, and coffee.

I also usually run fasted and have had good results with either oatmeal+coffee or banana+coffee a few hours before racing.

noted, thanks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2018, 10:53:03 am
well, it's thunderstorming again today. guess i'll run tomorrow instead. jesus. it wasn't this stormy last year.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 06, 2018, 05:16:39 pm
i've tried fasted racing, turned out to be a nightmare. I don't recommend it. :D

iif you plan on eating before the race, ie the oatmeal strategy, try it before one of your runs this week. i'd eat about 45-60 minutes before the run, just a bowl of oatmeal w/ honey (& salt if u want an extra kick!), and water to wash it down/settle it. I usually drink a tall glass of water or a bit more (tall glass with meal, random sips as i'm getting ready to run).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2018, 11:34:16 pm
- run 3.4 km in 19:48
with gf. she had to take a short walking break after about 2.5 km. legs tired and left posterior knee bugging a little so didn't want to do much this morning anyway, just get warm and stretch.

- stretch

tomorrow will run with fast christian inshallah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 07, 2018, 11:38:19 pm
- tempo workout
-- run warm up x 2 km
-- run 1 km @3:46, 1 km @ 5:01, 1 km @4:08
-- run cool down x 2.4 km

- stretch

total distance 7.4 km, total time 35:46. ran with fast christian, who is fast. i held on at ~3:48 for 0.8 on the second fast km and then died. he finished his km and then looped back around to me, did not break a serious sweat. #goals. we will run together again after i'm back from the trip. especially if there are more mornings like this: sunny and 18/65 degrees. he also gave me a couple tips for the race, the main new one of which is not to panic if the first km is a little slower than target pace. contradictory to adarq's approach but on the other hand it's my first race and if i go out in 3:46 i will blow up really early. only need to average 3:59 to reach my goal and the gap between that and 3:46 is big.

quads cramping very mildly for a second after i got home.

incidentally, turns out the guy he ran the (half, not full) marathon with in hawaii was a gold medal paralympian in the 90s in...downhill skiing. blind. downhill skiing.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on May 08, 2018, 11:00:15 am
- tempo workout
-- run warm up x 2 km
-- run 1 km @3:46, 1 km @ 5:01, 1 km @4:08
-- run cool down x 2.4 km

- stretch

total distance 7.4 km, total time 35:46. ran with fast christian, who is fast. i held on at ~3:48 for 0.8 on the second fast km and then died. he finished his km and then looped back around to me, did not break a serious sweat. #goals. we will run together again after i'm back from the trip. especially if there are more mornings like this: sunny and 18/65 degrees. he also gave me a couple tips for the race, the main new one of which is not to panic if the first km is a little slower than target pace. contradictory to adarq's approach but on the other hand it's my first race and if i go out in 3:46 i will blow up really early. only need to average 3:59 to reach my goal and the gap between that and 3:46 is big.

quads cramping very mildly for a second after i got home.

incidentally, turns out the guy he ran the (half, not full) marathon with in hawaii was a gold medal paralympian in the 90s in...downhill skiing. blind. downhill skiing.


owie wowie i need that level of getting completely destroyed in my life. so awesome to have people way better than you to train with.

anyone ever do blind training? i feel like it would be great for coordination and balance. and proprioception probably not blind skiing though  :o
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2018, 11:25:37 am
owie wowie i need that level of getting completely destroyed in my life. so awesome to have people way better than you to train with.

anyone ever do blind training? i feel like it would be great for coordination and balance. and proprioception probably not blind skiing though  :o


i've done blind training as part of rehab from ankle sprains.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 08, 2018, 06:07:07 pm
Just for clarification: I wouldn't recommend you go out HARD in your first race (in a very long time) hah. That strategy works when you are in "race shape" (lots of racing).

With experience, for tune-ups to racing new distances, going out hard @ goal pace for a while and then shutting it down can be a decent strategy. Turning it into an experiment run. ie, like I did with my half. And like i'll do with a full at some point this year. Then, you go hard as hell the next time you do it, with lessons learned in that experiment run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2018, 11:21:28 pm
- run 4.62 km in 23.29
legs heavy from yesterday, no surprise. nice and relaxed, just to gejuflo.

- stretch

leaving tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2018, 03:23:11 am
considering buying a training pack from mcmillan running ( to follow when i get back from the trip. been reading a few articles on his site and he seems to have his head screwed on straight, and i've really enjoyed following the program i've been on. it's nice to be unthinking in training, especially when green.

specifically, i'd be looking at some combination of the following:

the whole thing would take me to 22 weeks, and the way he structures the training weeks there is more programmed cross (i.e. strength) training than i've been doing, which would be good. that would take me to november, when i'll head to south africa and namibia for a couple of weeks to meet my gf's mom and sister. there don't seem to be any 5k's in pretoria or windhoek.

an alternate option is finding a 5k closer to home and closer in time. i'd have to build it into a short vacation trip, say to oman or something, but that might be doable. it'd be hot as shit though.

or maybe i'll just step back from running and spend the hot months focusing more on strength and power for a little while.

who knows, right now gotta focus on the trip and the races upcoming.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 10, 2018, 10:59:16 pm
considering buying a training pack from mcmillan running ( to follow when i get back from the trip. been reading a few articles on his site and he seems to have his head screwed on straight, and i've really enjoyed following the program i've been on. it's nice to be unthinking in training, especially when green.

specifically, i'd be looking at some combination of the following:

  • base (8 weeks):
  • hills (6 weeks):
  • stamina (6 weeks):
  • 5k race (12 weeks):

the whole thing would take me to 22 weeks, and the way he structures the training weeks there is more programmed cross (i.e. strength) training than i've been doing, which would be good. that would take me to november, when i'll head to south africa and namibia for a couple of weeks to meet my gf's mom and sister. there don't seem to be any 5k's in pretoria or windhoek.

an alternate option is finding a 5k closer to home and closer in time. i'd have to build it into a short vacation trip, say to oman or something, but that might be doable. it'd be hot as shit though.

or maybe i'll just step back from running and spend the hot months focusing more on strength and power for a little while.

who knows, right now gotta focus on the trip and the races upcoming.

i dont like the step back from running option! :D i mean, if you want to shift focus, cool, but keep running! it'll keep slowly preparing you and you'll probably love racing. See how you feel about running after this month with those two races. IMHO, you'll probably be even more excited about improving running after you do those races. Who knows though.. but racing is addicting. Even without a race on the schedule, if you've got racing on your mind, makes training so much easier to adhere to, and gives it more purpose (IMHO).

For each and every run, I'll provide the exact pace range for each run/workout (integrated from the McMillan Running Calculator) and will advance the paces as you progress through the training plan so you are always optimally challenged. I'm also making your plan really flexible so it can flow with your life. You can easily move runs around based on your life schedule.

damn he's actually adjusting all of the paces? didn't realize that. or maybe I misread.

pretty cool though. Always loved the calculators on that site :D plans look pretty nice.

love his calc, just put in my current numbers (approx 17:30 5k well rested) and goal 16:30 5k:


looks pretty dead on. good stuff hah. the 200/400 goal times show I have to keep hitting my speed harder, nowhere near 27/58 right now. Hit 30.3 after like 1.5 hours the other day, fatigued af, but still nowhere near 27 fresh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2018, 11:08:56 am
- run 5.17 km in 27:17
super relaxed. it's beautiful outside.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 12, 2018, 10:37:09 am
tomorrow it goes down!! :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 12, 2018, 09:13:32 pm
tomorrow it goes down!! :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

good luck tmw man! if shit gets bad, just smile & laugh, then push harder. :D

have fun & have a great race!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 13, 2018, 10:06:27 am
thanks adarq! didn't go quite as well as i'd hoped but i'm so happy right now. just proud of myself for following through under the circumstances.

- warm up slow jog 2.3 km, strides

- race 5k in 20:49 (watch), 20:55 (official)

- cool down slow jog 1 km

- stretch

weather was good: overcast and mid-60s although very humid. it rained all night and stopped just in time for the sign-in period to start. smallish race, i'd guess around 100 or maybe 150 people, and i started right at the front. i went out much too fast, 3:39 for the first kilometer, although the leaders shot out in front and i did not try to keep up. faster race than last year. course was hilly the entire time, very few flat stretches. second km was 4:07, then 4:11, then 4:22 and 4:22. managed a wee little kick for the last 50-75m but i had a headache for the final 1+ km. that was a bit of a drag. the winner finished in 18:24, i think i was fifth or sixth.

disappointed that i didn't go faster but i didn't hold back much. need to figure out what to do to avoid headache because in retrospect my legs had more to give, especially in the last km. what a great learning experience, felt very happy as soon as i'd cooled down and was hurting less.

EDIT: forgot to mention i had diarrhea all day on saturday, and also spent the whole day setting for, being at, and then visiting with people after my brother's memorial service. so that might have been a factor as well.

EDIT 2: added official time. i was sixth of 297 (guess i'm bad at estimating crowd size, lol). also i scrolled right on the split data on garmin connect for the first time. couple points (by km):
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 13, 2018, 02:53:30 pm
thanks adarq! didn't go quite as well as i'd hoped but i'm so happy right now. just proud of myself for following through under the circumstances.

- warm up slow jog 1.5 km, strides

- race 5k in 20:49 (watch)

- cool down slow jog 1 km

- stretch

weather was good: overcast and mid-60s although very humid. it rained all night and stopped just in time for the sign-in period to start. smallish race, i'd guess around 100 or maybe 150 people, and i started right at the front. i went out much too fast, 3:39 for the first kilometer, although the leaders shot out in front and i did not try to keep up. faster race than last year. course was hilly the entire time, very few flat stretches. second km was 4:07, then 4:11, then 4:22 and 4:22. managed a wee little kick for the last 50-75m but i had a headache for the final 1+ km. that was a bit of a drag. the winner finished in 18:24, i think i was fifth or sixth.

disappointed that i didn't go faster but i didn't hold back much. need to figure out what to do to avoid headache because in retrospect my legs had more to give, especially in the last km. what a great learning experience, felt very happy as soon as i'd cooled down and was hurting less.

awesome. seems like it went pretty well though, especially given the humidity and course, that's a solid time. 5th or 6th, dope!!! congrats!! great that you feel so happy about it afterwards.

really sucks about the headache though.. i feel similar when I cramp, just really bums me out.

I got owned by the humidity today too. it's rough.

how'd your mom do? she ran it too right?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2018, 12:44:01 pm
rested yesterday.

- run/walk 2.6 km with mom

- run 8.6 km

- stretch

total distance 11.2 km, total time 1:10:06. relaxed, with 104m of pretty steep elevation gain in km 6 and km 10.

- tennis with brother x 40 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 18, 2018, 02:08:07 pm
palm springs baby!

- run 7.11 km in 34:33
a little too fast. something funky behind my right knee. pretty windy.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 20, 2018, 12:27:20 pm
woke up to a gnarly charley horse in my left calf on friday. made my leg sore all day, decided not to run. then yesterday was the wedding, which i was in, so, full day of groomsman responsibilities. today flying to portugal. no complaints about any of it but i'll be glad to be back in islamabad with a predictable schedule.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 23, 2018, 03:33:40 am

- run ~9.5 km in 51:38
straight downhill, then straight uphill. also i got lost several times. lisbon city planning department is unfamiliar with the concept of a street sign. probably a little longer than 9.5 km but i forgot to sync my watch so the gps took 40 minutes to be ready.  :uhhhfacepalm:

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2018, 05:17:46 am


- run 7.65 km in 40:19
with gf except for about 2.7 km in the middle where she took a break to do some bw strength stuff. pace ~5:30 with her, 4:30 without her.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2018, 09:59:48 am
- run 4.82 km in 30:22
all with gf. race tomorrow, for which i have basically done no prep. we'll see how it goes.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 29, 2018, 03:27:05 pm
- run 4.82 km in 30:22
all with gf. race tomorrow, for which i have basically done no prep. we'll see how it goes.

- stretch

was wondering about the race.. cool. as long as you stay in some kind of shape, sometimes that works out well. never know. just have fun tmw!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2018, 05:59:41 pm
- warm up x ???

- wimbledon common chase the sun 5k in 20:43 (watch), 21:14 (official)
the course was a little long, per the announcer at the finish line, and also it was muddy as hell. many places where we had to run around puddles and off the path. also training has been very inconsistent over the last couple weeks and i have the beginnings of a cold. with that in mind, watch improvement is nice but i'm still disappointed. first splits were 3:55 and 3:58, which is good, but then i obviously fell off. need to work on just pushing myself harder, i conserved a little too much. wasn't as gassed at the end of this one as the last one. got tenth overall out of 205.

- stretch

ETA: my gf also ran, with a bad cold (the one i'm just starting to get, hurray).  :D
ETA2: the guy who won the 10k (there were two races with the same start; 10k two laps) clocked 34:12. that's fast! he was more than 3 mins clear of the second place finisher. fourth place in the 10k was a woman in 40:00, which is also super legit for a crappy condition overlong course race in a random park on a wednesday evening. 5k winner ran 18:36.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 30, 2018, 10:23:11 pm
you'll do a flat, fast 5k and won't be disappointed.

solid work, sounds like it was a bit rough.

sux about the cold tho :ffffffuuuuuu:

that was a great photo of you both. good work!!

ETA2: the guy who won the 10k (there were two races with the same start; 10k two laps) clocked 34:12. that's fast! he was more than 3 mins clear of the second place finisher. fourth place in the 10k was a woman in 40:00, which is also super legit for a crappy condition overlong course race in a random park on a wednesday evening. 5k winner ran 18:36.

hah cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 05, 2018, 07:50:24 am
last saturday

- run 4.32 km in 26:36
super slow, in brighton, with a friend of my gf's.

- stretch

back in islamabad now, where the lows are 32 and the highs are 42. fml. fast christian messaged me yesterday about running together in the morning and the trail running group has sprung into action. my cold is hopefully on the way out now. some thoughts about the coming weeks and months:

1. i need to find another race, probably in the fall at the earliest
2. i need to run more miles
3. i need to do more tempo, i lose power and am too conservative in races and that starts with being too conservative in training
4. i need to get back in the gym a couple times per week
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 05, 2018, 10:54:16 pm
- run 5.27 km in 26:57
it's 32/90 outside. i have a cold. with jet lag my body thinks i started running at 3 AM; i got under 6 hours of sleep last night. so i shouldn't be too hard on myself. but feels like i've lost a lot of fitness. this was stiff and a drag and my pacing was crappy: 5:01, 4:31, 4:53, 5:05, 5:13, plus that little bit at the end.

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2018, 05:16:12 am
sicker than i thought. haven't slept well at all this week, although that's due at least partly to jet lag and to my a/c crapping out for a couple days. but i've had a low-grade headache since yesterday morning. woke up this morning to watch game 4 (booooring) and then went back to sleep until 2 PM. headache worse than before. need to be more deliberate about rest/sleep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2018, 09:56:16 am
- run 7 km in 35:45; run/walk 1 km; walk 0.55 km

- superset x 2 w/30s rest
-- hollow body hold x 30s
-- superman x 30s

- stretch

knees a bit achey. fitness shot. it is muggy af here but at least it cooled down a bit from this morning's thunderstorm. it's only 30/86 now.

total distance 8.55 km, total time 47:22.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2018, 11:08:18 am
- ultimate frisbee x ~75 mins

- stretch

not as beastly hot as it's been but still humid. i'm rusty, played like dogshit. and, once again, have lost some fitness. last time i played it was amazing how much more quickly i recovered between points than usual.

running tomorrow early morning with fast christian. still not 100% over my cold. but tomorrow beginneth the build back to 50+ km per week. will go at least once to the gym this week as well. probably later given that i played ultimate today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 10, 2018, 02:22:36 pm
- ultimate frisbee x ~75 mins

- stretch

not as beastly hot as it's been but still humid. i'm rusty, played like dogshit. and, once again, have lost some fitness. last time i played it was amazing how much more quickly i recovered between points than usual.

running tomorrow early morning with fast christian. still not 100% over my cold. but tomorrow beginneth the build back to 50+ km per week. will go at least once to the gym this week as well. probably later given that i played ultimate today.

One thing i've found interesting is how alot of the "older folks" train, compared to the young ones. These old veterans just go out for consistent runs, often very easy, turning it up when they feel good etc, or just turning it up in races. Young folks hit the track 1-2x/wk and do all kinds of crazy stuff. Meanwhile, some of these old dudes are dropping crazy times when you consider the "age grade" etc.. even beating most young folks. The frequency of their running is what stands out to me. They just get a run in every day no matter what, it seems -> even if it's just a few easy miles.

Niice get back on that 50+km/wk.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2018, 10:39:51 pm
yeah i think, at the (way) sub-elite level i'm at, my engine just isn't big enough to really take advantage of more intense training. not that i wouldn't or don't benefit from hills or tempo, just that at the moment the biggest hurdle is my aerobic base. those old runners have decades of base built up. i've barely started building. not saying i shouldn't mix it up from time to time, but i think for a while the best thing will be to uncomplicate training. 50+ km per week, 1-2 days per week of strength and/or power work that isn't running. joe rode that to some success earlier this year, even.

ran this morning with fast christian. good that i did, pride dragged me along when i was flagging around the 5.5 km mark. he told me that he only runs 30-40 km/week in the mornings when it's so hot out, never longer than 45 minutes. that actually seems wise to me. it was 29/85 this morning. he does two speed workouts per week on the treadmill as well. a sample: 15 mins warm up, 30 mins of descending from 3:45/km to 3:30/km, 5 minutes cool down. that is...aspirational for me. but then as he said while we were running, and apropos of the previous paragraph, it can take 5-7 years to build up to top fitness. once you're there you can tune up in a matter of weeks or a couple of months at a time.

- run 7.64 km in 39:11

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2018, 02:04:38 am
settled. plan is to build back to 50+ km per week over the next couple weeks, with one workout involving some kind of tempo or speed. something like:

sun: run ~15km
mon: rest
tue: run ~8km + strenf/power
wed: run ~10km
thu: run ~10km with tempo/speed
fri: run ~8km + strenf/power
sat: rest

strenf/power will be bw/KB based because i'm more likely to do it if it's at home:
- SL box jumps
- supersets of BSS + SL RDL
- upper push/pull and/or gymnastic holds
- core circuits

this week and next i won't aim for 50, just get progressively longer relaxed runs and do a strenf/power workout at least once each week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2018, 12:08:19 am
- run 6.05 km in 30:20

- SL box jump x 5/leg
- BSS x 5/leg
- SL RDL x 5/leg
- core superset x 2
-- hollow body hold x 30s
-- superman x 30s

again with fast christian. a little sore from frisbee on sunday (shins, quads) but felt better than i did on monday. threw in a little extra at the end just to get started.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 13, 2018, 12:19:50 am
settled. plan is to build back to 50+ km per week over the next couple weeks, with one workout involving some kind of tempo or speed. something like:

sun: run ~15km
mon: rest
tue: run ~8km + strenf/power
wed: run ~10km
thu: run ~10km with tempo/speed
fri: run ~8km + strenf/power
sat: rest

strenf/power will be bw/KB based because i'm more likely to do it if it's at home:
- SL box jumps
- supersets of BSS + SL RDL
- upper push/pull and/or gymnastic holds
- core circuits

this week and next i won't aim for 50, just get progressively longer relaxed runs and do a strenf/power workout at least once each week.

looks pretty good. might be pretty toast come sat, but it's a rest day so.. then keep improving that long run.

if you go too hard on that BSS/SL RDL, first 2 weeks could be rough.. lool.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 14, 2018, 10:33:26 pm
still with the cough. it's mild just persistent.

- run 5.56 km in 28:09

- stretch

had to drag myself out of bed but glad i did, as usual, even if this was a short run. it's 33/90 at 7 AM. fifth kilometer was unpleasant.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 16, 2018, 10:09:16 am
- run 6.4 km in 32:30 (treadmill)

- SL box jump @ 20" x 5,5/leg

- superset x 2
-- pull up x 6
-- dip x 6
shoulder buggin' a little

- superset x 2
-- BSS +12kg x 10
-- KB swing 12kg x 10

- pallof press x 10/side

- stretch

done inside, still soaked by the end.

ETA: also, weighed myself before workout on the scale in the locker room. turns out i actually have lost weight: i'm a hair over 75 kg/165 pounds. the heaviest i've ever been was i think 183, when i was doing starting strength like eight years ago. 165 is okay, but eventually i'd like to get back to being a little stronger and a little more muscular. would be cool to be running sub-20 and squatting 2x bw at the same time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 16, 2018, 03:22:16 pm
- run 6.4 km in 32:30 (treadmill)

- SL box jump @ 20" x 5,5/leg

- superset x 2
-- pull up x 6
-- dip x 6
shoulder buggin' a little

- superset x 2
-- BSS +12kg x 10
-- KB swing 12kg x 10

- pallof press x 10/side

- stretch

done inside, still soaked by the end.

ETA: also, weighed myself before workout on the scale in the locker room. turns out i actually have lost weight: i'm a hair over 75 kg/165 pounds. the heaviest i've ever been was i think 183, when i was doing starting strength like eight years ago. 165 is okay, but eventually i'd like to get back to being a little stronger and a little more muscular. would be cool to be running sub-20 and squatting 2x bw at the same time.

sub20 + 2xBW SQ would be solid af. :ibrunning: :ibsquatting:

damn @ 165, lightened up alot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2018, 02:12:27 am
well, when i was training to dunk my set point seemed to be about 173, so it's not like i've lost 18 pounds over the last eight months. but still, eight pounds (~3.5 kg) is apparently noticeable when you're already pretty lean.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 17, 2018, 10:03:38 pm
well, when i was training to dunk my set point seemed to be about 173, so it's not like i've lost 18 pounds over the last eight months. but still, eight pounds (~3.5 kg) is apparently noticeable when you're already pretty lean.

right but even 173 vs 165 is still a decent difference.

When body weight magically falls like this, I like to take advantage of the adarqui cheat code: very light for running economy/movement efficiency, relative strength for power. :ninja:

Low 160's, run alot, squat 2x/wk, and be at consistent sub19 5k level w/ 2xBW SQ <- that being the entry level. :D

 :ninja: :ibrunning: :ibsquatting: :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2018, 04:13:23 am
yeah that's not a bad plan.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 18, 2018, 06:42:53 am
Yeah, im on the same wagon here, but with different (aka MUCH worse ) numbers, for me it would be perfect to be at 25m 5K and 1.5BW squat.
So I need/want to toss some needless weight, but i don't want to waste away, i like the strength and muscle mass levels that i am now. So i was thinking some diet modifications together with increasing running mileage would help me do a nice decomposition. Enough spamming, will take it to my journal. Good to see you lift LBSS!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 18, 2018, 09:10:29 am
Yeah, im on the same wagon here, but with different (aka MUCH worse ) numbers, for me it would be perfect to be at 25m 5K and 1.5BW squat.
So I need/want to toss some needless weight, but i don't want to waste away, i like the strength and muscle mass levels that i am now. So i was thinking some diet modifications together with increasing running mileage would help me do a nice decomposition. Enough spamming, will take it to my journal. Good to see you lift LBSS!

If you keep lifting, you won't waste away. your fat will waste away though :D

Tons of muscular runners around here. A few of them are very fast. Most aren't, but still drop some decent numbers - so they have really good fitness, but aren't specializing in running.

If you want to "waste" away however, like me - Kenyan style, don't lift :ninja: You will only maintain the mass you need to perform, so you will get very light. People who continue to lift, while putting in significant mileage per week, look way different. Here's an example:

This is a photo (from our race Saturday) of my 800m friend (50 y/o, 2:07 800m). He lifts, sprints, and runs:


Not the best photo, but he is huge (compared to me) in person. Very muscular, huge legs etc. That's an example of someone with solid physique development and near-elite age-graded 800m ability, and solid mile/5k ability.

He mentioned several times, "I (him) need to squat more", so he's big on leg development for 800m. He's asked me several times why i'm not lifting etc.. I say I don't lift because the Kenyans don't. That's it. If the Kenyans lifted, i'd lift. So since executing their blueprint, it means no lifting. For running, the Kenyans are my Verkhoshansky. They've got it figured out, all I need to do really, is just emulate.

Here's an elite woman runner in the area too, she lifts 5x/wk and has insane running stats, American Records etc:


(obviously a fake weight lul)

Look at her next to other masters women:



I talked to her a few weeks ago. She said specifically, she has to lift 5x/wk now just to maintain her LBM, because of her age. She said she used to get away with 3x/wk, but now she needs 5x/wk. So, very relevant to this discussion.

She's huge for a female runner, in person. I mean she probably has more LBM than me........ lmao.

EDIT: both of these runners I posted are members of "The Atlanta Track Club", they usually represent them at races/meets. He has their red jersey on. Sonja is a pro/pro-masters.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2018, 12:11:41 pm
damn, now that is what i want to look like at 50. def need to get a bit of lifting back in the program.

- run 8 km in 41:00, cool down jog/walk 500m (treadmill)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 18, 2018, 12:53:41 pm
damn, now that is what i want to look like at 50. def need to get a bit of lifting back in the program.

ikr.. dude is a monster. lmao.

- run 8 km in 41:00, cool down jog/walk 500m (treadmill)

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 18, 2018, 01:25:05 pm
adarqui that post is soooo useful and targeted and motivational, thanks so much!!! LBSS sorry for hijack again!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 18, 2018, 01:39:13 pm
adarqui that post is soooo useful and targeted and motivational, thanks so much!!! LBSS sorry for hijack again!

hah awesome! np!

sorry for the hijack as well :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 19, 2018, 12:43:38 am
cold seems to have turned into an ear infection. cool cool cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 20, 2018, 11:29:54 am
- run 7 km @11.9kph, 1 km @10kph, walk 0.4 km
total distance 8.4 km, total time 45 mins

- SL pogo x 5,5/leg

- goblet squat 24kg x 6

- DB row 24k x 10/arm

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2018, 12:14:27 pm
- run 6 km in 30:30, walk/jog 0.4km in 3:30

- squat 80 x 5

- stretch

played it reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally conservative with the squats. first time under the bar in over a year. my shoulder is jacked up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 23, 2018, 01:57:45 pm
- run 6 km in 30:30, walk/jog 0.4km in 3:30

- squat 80 x 5

- stretch

played it reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally conservative with the squats. first time under the bar in over a year. my shoulder is jacked up.

damn sucks. just supporting the bar in that position, makes it feel wrecked? Pretty sure mine would feel wrecked as well (for a while at least), getting back into that position: hurts just thinking about it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: redacated on June 23, 2018, 04:56:15 pm
my back is wrecked it gets sore really easy and even in plank position lower back gets fatigued really easy. years ago i strained it while squatting for a couple weeks i could barely walk when trying to spar or do any workouts now even today its really tender im not sure if i need to just get it stronger if its weak or if i messed something up =[  i been wanting to get back stronger and get better posture but scared to squat from what happened years ago
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 24, 2018, 01:30:54 am
my back is wrecked it gets sore really easy and even in plank position lower back gets fatigued really easy. years ago i strained it while squatting for a couple weeks i could barely walk when trying to spar or do any workouts now even today its really tender im not sure if i need to just get it stronger if its weak or if i messed something up =[  i been wanting to get back stronger and get better posture but scared to squat from what happened years ago

damn that sounds like something is messed up. ever been to a PT about it?

@adarq, yep, just getting the bar into position. only the right shoulder, so i think it's just a perpetuation/new manifestation of the injury from last summer, which keeps almost healing and then flaring up again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 24, 2018, 09:57:38 pm
last night

- run 8.73 km in 49:24
first ~3 km with gf in ~5:40 and didn't come down too much from that after she peeled off to go home. trying to take a page from adarq's book and build up very light mileage (5:30-5:45/km) in the heat. 8.7 obviously isn't that far but easy does it.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2018, 10:22:53 am
- run 5.92 km in 30:01
it's the kind of hot where you shower, towel off, and then are immediately drenched in sweat. i've now sweated through my clean shirt despite doing nothing more than walking from the bedroom to the living room. yeesh.

- stretch

plan is to do another short run like this tomorrow morning with fast christian.

seven-day total distance 34.8 km. gradually working back toward 50, in no rush to push hard in these conditions.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 25, 2018, 11:16:12 am
last night

- run 8.73 km in 49:24
first ~3 km with gf in ~5:40 and didn't come down too much from that after she peeled off to go home. trying to take a page from adarq's book and build up very light mileage (5:30-5:45/km) in the heat. 8.7 obviously isn't that far but easy does it.

- stretch

nice :D

ya man, i just "figure out how to survive". do what i need to in order to hit my time goal, ie 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 hours etc. whatever it is, just focus on "survival", and that gets me into the right pace/mindset. I don't focus on mileage, even though I list it. all of these sessions are "time based". It helps alot because, pace doesn't even matter anymore. If I hit 2 hours going 9:XX vs 8:XX vs 10:XX, it's still 2 hours etc. Really helps mentally.

occasionally you have to drop the hammer speed wise in the heat, but that can be done interval style w/ big rest etc, biggest thing there is just hitting some hard paces for a decent amount of time. So it's alot easier when it's say, 1 mile hard, 1 mile super ez, 1 mile hard, 1 mile super ez, 1 mile hard, cool down etc.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 25, 2018, 11:38:51 am
my back is wrecked it gets sore really easy and even in plank position lower back gets fatigued really easy. years ago i strained it while squatting for a couple weeks i could barely walk when trying to spar or do any workouts now even today its really tender im not sure if i need to just get it stronger if its weak or if i messed something up =[  i been wanting to get back stronger and get better posture but scared to squat from what happened years ago

IMHO, don't get obsessed with a support exercise. If it causes pain/discomfort, don't do it. There's other exercises that can take it's place, strengthen you up, and maybe you can revisit it with a better base.

People become obsessed with exercises, even when it causes issues. Back when I was getting into jumping, I was dead-set on being able to go deep. My hip & knee ended up hurting, kept pushing through it, made it worse. Felt like an old man. Said fuck it, switched to half squatting, felt great, made my gains, never looked back. So I dropped the idea of deep squatting. Then years later with running, wanted to incorporate squatting again. I did, started getting achy, knee/hip started hurting, felt like an old man. Dropped squatting completely, felt great, never looked back (and that's why I don't lift with running - feel healthier without it).

Long story short: don't put a support exercise on a "pedestal" :ninja:

As for LBSS, he has much more experience squatting, so it's easier for him to get back into it. However, with his shoulder injury, might also make sense for him to ditch squatting for now, do other stuff which creates similar tension but more safe (lunges, db overhead press, barbell overhead press, stepups etc), stuff like that, until his body is more prepared to handle that kind of positioning. Then at that point, slowly bring back squatting etc.

Squats are great, but not when they cause problems. X exercise can be great, but not if it causes pain/discomfort/problems.

Ditch it quick, do similar but safer assistance instead, perhaps re-visit it later.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2018, 11:03:13 pm
yeah i'm going to play around with squatting a bit for a while to see if i can get back into it in full comfort. if not i'll do something else.

- run 6.09 km in 30:42

- stretch

nice run, struggled a little for the first ten minutes or so because it's early but settled in nicely. christian has a friend in sweden who's planning to organize a phased race next year: 90km cross country ski in the winter, then 3km swim, 300km bike ride, and 30km run over the course of the summer and fall. just thinking about the fitness you'd need to compete in that, even spread out, makes me want to lie down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2018, 12:07:35 pm
- run ~20 mins on treadmill @5:03 pace with three interruptions for power outages

drive home

- wrist and shoulder mobility work

- handstand wall kick ups and free holds x a few

- front levers x a few

- hollow body hold 20s x 3

got my money back from the gym. most vexing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on June 27, 2018, 07:18:11 pm
- run ~20 mins on treadmill @5:03 pace with three interruptions for power outages

drive home

- wrist and shoulder mobility work

- handstand wall kick ups and free holds x a few

- front levers x a few

- hollow body hold 20s x 3

got my money back from the gym. most vexing.

Nice. Btw not sure if you've seen these guys but they have some great drills for gym stuff (
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2018, 10:51:27 pm
thanks. i use the stuff i learned from this place last year:

- run 6.14 km in 30:24

- stretch

last run with fast christian before he goes on vacation. little bit quick, 4:57 pace, but felt good. woke up two minutes before alarm  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 28, 2018, 02:39:33 pm
woke up two minutes before alarm  :highfive:

jelly. :(  :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2018, 12:37:23 pm
- run 8.08 km in 40:56

- stretch

awesome, best-feeling run since i've been back in islamabad. helped that it was at night rather than early morning and a little cooler than it's been.

also this gets me over 50 km for the week, which i did not intend. them two-a-days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 29, 2018, 01:01:35 pm
- run 8.08 km in 40:56

- stretch

awesome, best-feeling run since i've been back in islamabad. helped that it was at night rather than early morning and a little cooler than it's been.


also this gets me over 50 km for the week, which i did not intend. them two-a-days.

doubles make it ez. hah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2018, 04:22:11 pm
- run 6.5 km, strides @ 20s w/60s rest, jog rest of the way home

- stretch

it was hot. first speed work since being back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 30, 2018, 04:37:28 pm
- run 6.5 km, strides @ 20s w/60s rest, jog rest of the way home

- stretch

it was hot. first speed work since being back.

nice!! strides ftw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 01, 2018, 11:28:33 am
- run 6.1 km in 33:17
left calf a little tight. not bothersome, just noticeable.

- band dislocates and pull aparts

- push ups x 20
shoulder felt good, yay

- KB paused row x 10/arm
left lat weird

- BSS x 10/leg

- stretch

meant to do 9+ but it was 39/102 and humid. slow 6 is enough. seven-day total 43.7 km. gotta do at least two two-a-days this week. maybe tomorrow, then a longer runs on tuesday and wednesday when it's supposed to be a little cooler and raining, then again on thursday. if i get lucky i'll get to go to the mountains next weekend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2018, 01:55:56 am
welp, week not off to a great start. slept horribly last night, was awake in the wee hours for no apparent reason.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 02, 2018, 01:24:14 pm
welp, week not off to a great start. slept horribly last night, was awake in the wee hours for no apparent reason.

same. dog has massive allergies, wrecked my sleep so bad. his insanity making me insane. took him in to the vet today, got allergy/antibiotic shots.

he's been wrecked for a week, so i'm losing my mind. fwiw, he was getting better, then got way worse last night.

but ya, lack of sleep = death.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2018, 12:47:10 am
same shit last night. went to bed at a reasonable time, couldn't fall asleep, woke up around 3:30 or 4, was awake until at least around 5:30. no idea why, no obvious changes or stressors in the last couple of days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2018, 10:56:08 am
- run 5.28 km in 27:00

- stretch

struggle bus. not so hot this evening but jesus it's humid. i'm tired and grouchy. not a common mood for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2018, 10:41:41 pm
- run 4.72 km in 24:30

- stretch

struggle bus part the second. i slept through the night last night (woot) but i think my body is just tired. legs did not want to work. also forgot to mention last night that i left my running shoes at work so i had to use my old, very beat-up ones. makes a difference. i don't know how adarq runs so much in crushed shoes. well, i guess the grass switch probably helps but he was proudly running shoes to the soles before that iirc.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on July 04, 2018, 12:08:30 am
shitty week

still training

 :raging: :raging: :raging: leeeeeessssss goooooo

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: redacated on July 04, 2018, 02:33:08 am
- run 4.72 km in 24:30

- stretch

struggle bus part the second. i slept through the night last night (woot) but i think my body is just tired. legs did not want to work. also forgot to mention last night that i left my running shoes at work so i had to use my old, very beat-up ones. makes a difference. i don't know how adarq runs so much in crushed shoes. well, i guess the grass switch probably helps but he was proudly running shoes to the soles before that iirc.

The majority of my runs are barefoot.  I recommend reading this if you have time
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 04, 2018, 05:01:55 am
i got on the barefoot running train ten years ago. i remember when macdougal's book and POSE blew up and then crossfit incorporated POSE-like prescriptions because they had the ring of truth with no evidence (like the paleo diet or kelly starrett's postural purism) and it took off. then i developed osteoarthritis in my toes and stumbled off the train.

the research consensus is swinging back away from barefoot>*. there just isn't any evidence that running barefoot improves running economy or reduces injuries at a population level; in fact when i was last following the research, 4-5 years ago, seemed like barefoot running may just transfer injury risk from the knees down to the feet and ankles. for most people who grew up in shod cultures it's fine to wear shoes. there's huge variability from person to person, of course, so if running barefoot feels great for you then rock on. i'll stick with lightweight running shoes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 04, 2018, 08:28:44 am
^^ ya

lightweight running shoes, mostly running on grass/dirt, ftw. best of both worlds.

not a fan of barefoot myself, too risky. and thin soled vibram shoes don't help much, easy to get injured clipping a rock or nail/thorn etc.

i love my XC flats. such rugged, yet light/minimalist shoes. My last 2 pair of Saucony Shay xc4's have ~800 miles on them each... going to be a sad day when I have to retire them. :/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 04, 2018, 10:50:25 am
as ever, i draw the training-conditions line at "active thunderstorm." it's been going on for 90 minutes, i'm wiped out, calling it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 04, 2018, 10:54:23 am
shitty week

still training

 :raging: :raging: :raging: leeeeeessssss goooooo

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 04, 2018, 04:44:49 pm
as ever, i draw the training-conditions line at "active thunderstorm." it's been going on for 90 minutes, i'm wiped out, calling it.

fawk. :(

this book im reading says Zatopek (olympian) once ran in his tub for 2 hours, because he couldn't get a workout in (due to weather). not saying you should do that at all, just figured i'd mention it because some people are absolute psychos. I wouldn't do that... lol.

found somewhat of the story online:

Encouraged, he redoubled his efforts over the following winter. He would run at night, carrying a torch. He would strap weights to his feet and then go cycling. He would make a cut-price treadmill by putting a layer of wet clothes at the bottom of his bath and running on them, one part athlete, one part washing machine. He ran in heavy army boots and embraced rain, ice and snow. “There is a great advantage in training under unfavourable conditions,†he said. “It is better to train under bad conditions, for the difference is then a tremendous relief in a race.â€

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2018, 11:24:27 am
last night was tired to the point of feeling vaguely sick. no run. this has been a rough week.

- run 8.06 km in 41:20

- stretch

at least it's not quite as hot as it's been (low 30s/high 80s instead of high 30s/~100).

today marks six months since my brother died.

rest in peace, jack.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 06, 2018, 01:33:42 pm
last night was tired to the point of feeling vaguely sick. no run. this has been a rough week.

- run 8.06 km in 41:20

- stretch

at least it's not quite as hot as it's been (low 30s/high 80s instead of high 30s/~100).

today marks six months since my brother died.

damn :/ even just through the "internet", it's rough thinking about when it happened, how we found out about it here, seeing the FB posts etc.

rest in peace, jack.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2018, 01:34:20 pm
i've known some of y'all longer than i've known people i'm good friends with in "real" life. internet or not, the words you wrote meant a lot. thanks again.

- treadmill tempo
-- run 10 mins @ 5:08
-- run 5 mins each @ 4:30, 4:20, 4:20
-- run 5 mins @ 6:00
-- walk 5 mins

- poor man's GHR x 2
cramp! abort! had to stretch and rest after trying two of these. whoa. wake up call. used to do sets of 10.

- superset x 2
-- push up x 20
-- DB row x 20/arm @ 22,28
-- DB RDL x 10 @ 22,28
-- BSS x 10/leg

- pallof press x 10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2018, 11:29:16 pm
last night

- run 6.01 km in 30:58

- stretch

it was 100 degrees out
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: redacated on July 08, 2018, 11:49:28 pm
last night

- run 6.01 km in 30:58

- stretch

it was 100 degrees out

just a curious question what makes you post your distances in metric kilometers but you posted the temp in Fahrenheit?(pretty sure it was not 100 degrees Celsius)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2018, 12:49:27 am
last night

- run 6.01 km in 30:58

- stretch

it was 100 degrees out

just a curious question what makes you post your distances in metric kilometers but you posted the temp in Fahrenheit?(pretty sure it was not 100 degrees Celsius)

lol yes the air was steamy but not full of literal steam. i usually post in both when i post temps, just lazy this morning. i live outside the US now and so i have to use metric most of the time, but i'm american and fahrenheit will always be easier. plus "it's 100" sounds hotter than "it's 37.8."

for distance km>miles because that's what races and tracks are measured in, and base ten is easy to use
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: redacated on July 09, 2018, 01:06:41 am
oh ok got it i had  assumed you were outside of US when I saw your posts in km then it threw me off when I saw the temp post.  I have been running really late at night or in the morning to avoid heat. here in southeast texas its usually in the 90's or sometimes 100s this time of year and the humidity is really hot.  I've always enjoyed running really late anyways though when nobody is out and about something is just really cool about it to me. Feels like the whole world is sleeping when you're runnng

last night

- run 6.01 km in 30:58

- stretch

it was 100 degrees out

just a curious question what makes you post your distances in metric kilometers but you posted the temp in Fahrenheit?(pretty sure it was not 100 degrees Celsius)

lol yes the air was steamy but not full of literal steam. i usually post in both when i post temps, just lazy this morning. i live outside the US now and so i have to use metric most of the time, but i'm american and fahrenheit will always be easier. plus "it's 100" sounds hotter than "it's 37.8."

for distance km>miles because that's what races and tracks are measured in, and base ten is easy to use
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2018, 12:43:58 pm
- run 6.03 km in 31:06

- stretch

something screwy from the first step in the sole of my left foot. spot of discomfort toward the front of the arch, more medial than lateral but not exactly behind the big toe. i haven't had plantar issues in years, since i really adapted to the arthritis. will be a bummer if this turns into something. not painful or uncomfortable enough to affect gait during the run but it's bugging me still now, half an hour later. plan is to run another easy 6-7 km tomorrow morning and then tempo in the evening but i'll see how the foot feels.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2018, 10:54:59 pm
- run 1.74 km in 9:41

- stretch

plus side: foot feels okay. down side: legs feel super beat up, especially soleus and quads. not sure what that's about. mileage has been really down so this makes no sense. my last hard workout was saturday, maybe it's residual from that? bah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 10, 2018, 10:01:51 pm
hope it's nothing! ironically my right soleus has been hurting more today as well, and i barely did anything yesterday or today. sometimes not doing as much also brings out more aches, it's odd.. :uhhhfacepalm: :derp:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2018, 02:30:37 am
motivation has taken a nosedive. not sure why. the heat is part of it, maybe. i'm taking a few days off to regroup and figure out what to mix up, if anything, to get the drive back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2018, 10:24:13 am
- run 7.4 km in 40:00, walk 0.7km

- stretch

have decided that 30 mins at a stretch and going for two a days doesn't work. it's too hard with work to plan for that. gonna switch to duration based running with less focus on pace. 40 mins per day for the first week, then adding minutes slowly over the next few weeks. consistency > *.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 14, 2018, 11:30:01 am
- run 7.4 km in 40:00, walk 0.7km

- stretch

have decided that 30 mins at a stretch and going for two a days doesn't work. it's too hard with work to plan for that. gonna switch to duration based running with less focus on pace. 40 mins per day for the first week, then adding minutes slowly over the next few weeks. consistency > *.

good change.

that's what i was kinda suggesting a few weeks ago. consistency/frequency > *, easier to do with lots of lighter running, not worrying about pace etc. but then on days where you feel good, you just crank it up hard, then go back to relaxing until your body gives you the signals again etc. It seems to be alot less "stressful" mentally, to train that way as well. Having your mind on "pace" all the time, even if it's slow paces etc, just seems to be annoying in my experience. I also love how some days I go out and run at 10:XX, vs 12:XX, vs 8:XX, all same effort, just different levels of recovery/performance.

doubles make it easier to get in much longer total duration, but you don't really need that right now (like you said). your plan of ~40 minutes and slowly building on it etc is good. You might need to cut some sessions at 30 minutes if you are feeling too drained, so personally i'd say "shoot for 40 minutes on your non-drained sessions", and allow yourself to get in like 20-30 minutes on a drained day ... ie instead of not getting in a run that day, try to just get in a really light one, shuffle style. IMHO there needs to be a little wiggle room to not hit 40 minutes *every* day, at least in my mind, otherwise it kind of becomes a replacement for "pace" obsession etc.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2018, 12:05:52 pm
- run 6.94 km in 37:17

- stretch

so begins the journey of (mostly) letting go of workout to workout pace targets. i'll still probably throw in a few progression runs or fartleks 1-2 times per week but for the most part, it's ~40 minutes per run, working up to 60.

FUCK it's humid. 74%.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 16, 2018, 04:42:10 pm
- run 6.94 km in 37:17

- stretch

so begins the journey of (mostly) letting go of workout to workout pace targets. i'll still probably throw in a few progression runs or fartleks 1-2 times per week but for the most part, it's ~40 minutes per run, working up to 60.

FUCK it's humid. 74%.

nice!! fu*k workout-to-workout pace targets!!

for me, makes it way too machine-like. "Listening to your body" with running is a serious art, the more we learn to push/back off based on our current state, the better. It's very similar to jumping etc, but the "heart muscle" component adds a different dynamic. I guess jumping's version of heart/muscle-fatigue is CNS-fatigue, except in running you can experience both (heart & cns fatigue). How the heart is responding on any given day, is not at all bound by our instruction, depends on so many variables.

word that's some nice humidity. :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2018, 11:39:46 am
- run 7.10 km in 39:49

- stretch

first 4 km with gf, it's hard to speed up much once i get into a groove at a particular pace.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 17, 2018, 01:27:39 pm
- run 7.10 km in 39:49

- stretch

first 4 km with gf, it's hard to speed up much once i get into a groove at a particular pace.

it definitely is. it's nice to practice it though on occasion. just *slowly* start building the pace, get the idea of a progression into your head, then it's easier. I did a session the other day where the goal was to progression the last mile, after ~1.5+ hours of steady/slow pace, but I had alot of time to think about increasing pace on that last mile, just helps alot when you think about "progression run" cue, i've found.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2018, 02:14:35 am
- run 7.10 km in 39:49

- stretch

first 4 km with gf, it's hard to speed up much once i get into a groove at a particular pace.

it definitely is. it's nice to practice it though on occasion. just *slowly* start building the pace, get the idea of a progression into your head, then it's easier. I did a session the other day where the goal was to progression the last mile, after ~1.5+ hours of steady/slow pace, but I had alot of time to think about increasing pace on that last mile, just helps alot when you think about "progression run" cue, i've found.


that's a good idea. something to work on. i shared the "summer of malmo" in the runners to learn from thread, which also refers something along those lines.

ETA: suddenly i've got the itch to run. first time i've felt that in a while. good sign.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 18, 2018, 10:49:29 am
- run 7.10 km in 39:49

- stretch

first 4 km with gf, it's hard to speed up much once i get into a groove at a particular pace.

it definitely is. it's nice to practice it though on occasion. just *slowly* start building the pace, get the idea of a progression into your head, then it's easier. I did a session the other day where the goal was to progression the last mile, after ~1.5+ hours of steady/slow pace, but I had alot of time to think about increasing pace on that last mile, just helps alot when you think about "progression run" cue, i've found.


that's a good idea. something to work on. i shared the "summer of malmo" in the runners to learn from thread, which also refers something along those lines.

ETA: suddenly i've got the itch to run. first time i've felt that in a while. good sign.

nice!!! :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2018, 11:35:42 pm
last night

- run 7.54 km in 39:33
little mini-progression for the last 0.3 km from ~5:15 to ~4:50.

- stretch

left heel bugging a little during the day and again this morning but didn't feel it during the run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2018, 10:41:38 am
- run 5.73 km in 30:15

- stretch

eh. at least i ran 5/7 days this week and accumulated 35+ km and 03:13 total time. it's a start, or something.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2018, 12:56:08 pm
sick, lame.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2018, 10:57:36 am
- run 10.5 km in 1:00:00

- stretch

- BSS x 10/leg

- SLRDL x 10/leg

straight tropical today, humidity >80%. first 2.5 km with gf and then she bailed to do yoga in the a/c, lol.

ETA: bit o' bw strength stuff, forgot i'd done it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2018, 01:21:57 am
it's only 27/80 degrees, but humidity is 89%. during the run yesterday the air was so wet you could see the moisture. i wrote humidity >80% because i didn't check until later in the evening but i bet it was >90%. makes it harder to breathe and to regulate heat because sweat doesn't evaporate well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2018, 11:51:45 am
- run 6.8 km in 36:06

- stretch

splits started at 5:04 and got progressively slower. 5:18-5:22 is a good target pace in the heat/humidity.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2018, 11:41:54 am
got home super late from work, starving. may run twice or extra long tomorrow because it's a holiday for the general election so i ain't gotta go to the office.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2018, 11:53:38 am
- run 7.57 km in 41:08

- band dislocates and pull-aparts

- push up x 20+12+8

- KB row 18kg x 10+10/arm

- stretch

legs super dead to start out but got into it. lost a solid minute at one point waiting to cross the road. still so damn humid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 27, 2018, 11:35:22 am
- run 8.10 km in 42:20

- BSS x 10

- SLRDL x 10/ea

- superset x 2
-- hollow body hold x 30s
-- hyper x 10,15

- stretch

felt good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2018, 11:00:22 am
- run 2 km; tempo 2 km [4:03,4:09]; run 4 km

- stretch

total distance 8.07 km, total time 40:38

first time doing anything faster than 5:00 since the races in may, i'm pretty sure. helps that it was sunny all day so things dried up a bit. didn't want to push too hard.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 28, 2018, 03:50:00 pm
4:03 is not faster than 5:00 , its almost faster than 4:00. I know what you're saying, im just saying :D
8km including km tempos in 40 minutes is pretty badass!!!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 28, 2018, 04:45:20 pm
4:03 is not faster than 5:00 , its almost faster than 4:00. I know what you're saying, im just saying :D

haha. agreed. :goodjobbro: :almostascoolasnyancat: 8) :ninja:

8km including km tempos in 40 minutes is pretty badass!!!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 29, 2018, 01:16:53 pm
- run 11.05 km in 1:00:40

niiiice and easy, 5:29 average pace. felt good. getting occasional shooting pains in my calves and feet now, though, which is not great. did some SMR and stretching, hope it just goes away.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2018, 05:52:57 am
a propos of what i just wrote in seifullaah's journal: i'm most likely moving to london next year. once there i will be joining an athletics club ASAP.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2018, 11:45:39 am
- run 3.91 km in 20:55
calves tight, started feeling left IT band as well. called it early.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 31, 2018, 08:14:34 am
a propos of what i just wrote in seifullaah's journal: i'm most likely moving to london next year. once there i will be joining an athletics club ASAP.

well that's really awesome.

you'll be overwhelmed by how much athletics you want & can do there.. hah.

so many great people to run with, races, etc.. probably also have ultimate leagues and other stuff. you'll have you some fun!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2018, 10:47:31 pm
^^^true. prob join a power and/or oly lifting gym as well..  :P

was sick again yesterday. no run. not sure what's up, i've been sleeping well and eating fine. ran with fast christian this morning.

- run 6.12 km in 31:03

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 02, 2018, 12:36:58 pm
- run 3.87 km in 19:28

- push up x 21,10

- KB row 18kg x 21,10/arg

- hollow body holds x 2

- stretch

motivation zero, had to drag myself into my sneakers and out the door. better than nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 03, 2018, 11:07:26 am

- run 1.31 km in 7:39

- stretch

legs felt full of lead. tried to push through until i was warmed up but they weren't having it. still pleased at having woken up and gotten out the door. shift to morning runs may be possible as long as it the heat and humidity stay a bit down.


- run 8.26 km in 44:07

- stretch

humid but not unbearable. weekly total distance 42.5, moving in the right direction despite a couple of abortive runs. good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2018, 09:39:00 am
- run 4 km in 20:47, strides 20s x 3 w/60s slow jog rest, run ~0.5km
strides in ~2:55/km per garmin. they weren't that fast because it is so hot and humid but still, that's a little slower than the women's 5000m record pace.

- leg lowers x 10,10,10

- stretch

36/97 degrees and sticky.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2018, 12:22:44 pm
- ultimate: 4.2 km in 49:48 (stopped watch during breaks but not between points)
finally wore watch during ultimate. only takes readings every 10s so the margin of error is pretty big, but still glad to have a ballpark. interesting.

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on August 05, 2018, 01:36:14 pm
Interesting how the field rectangle seems to narrow in the center. Running in vert?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2018, 11:05:02 pm
Interesting how the field rectangle seems to narrow in the center. Running in vert?

haha not really "vert". we try sometimes to organize a bit but it's pickup where i'm by far the most skilled and experienced player. you've played with me, that should give you a sense of how high the quality is.  ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 06, 2018, 10:53:49 am
- ultimate: 4.2 km in 49:48 (stopped watch during breaks but not between points)
finally wore watch during ultimate. only takes readings every 10s so the margin of error is pretty big, but still glad to have a ballpark. interesting.

- stretch


hah cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2018, 11:32:37 am
- run 7.84 km in 41:39

- stretch

slightly cooler this evening, only high 80s/low 30s, but 75-80% humidity. right forearm, shins, quads and abs all a little sore but nothing serious. right shoulder unhurt, which is the first time i've been able to say that after ultimate in just about a year.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2018, 11:51:53 pm
theeeres' the soreness. feet, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 08, 2018, 12:58:49 pm
- run 10.43 km in 57:46

- stretch

meant to run for an hour but got home just short. oh well. felt great, nice and slow. keep the hard days hard and the easy days easy. starting to learn what that means, i think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 08, 2018, 01:45:20 pm
- run 10.43 km in 57:46

- stretch

nice!!! :ibrunning:

meant to run for an hour but got home just short. oh well. felt great, nice and slow. keep the hard days hard and the easy days easy. starting to learn what that means, i think.

hah. yup!

It's interesting how, you just have to learn it yourself. All kinds of people can tell you about it, but eventually it just starts to make sense from within.

For me, that finally "clicked" this year. It definitely helped take me to another level.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2018, 11:16:39 am
- run 5.8 km in 32:07

- stretch

left hamstring a bit stiff so took it easy again pace-wise. meant to do 40 mins but it started lightning in the distance and then a family of boars crossed the road in front of me and it was dark. woods on one side of the road, high grass on the other. not tryna get in the middle of a family of wild boars at night when i can't see any of them. so i turned around and called it an evening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2018, 01:24:11 pm
went to karachi for the weekend, just for a mini getaway while gf is down there for work. she'd left her running shoes behind so i brought them down to her and we went to the hotel gym yesterday for a good sweat.


- run 7.2 km in 40:00
nice and easy

- some random upper push/pull and BSS

- stretch

back too late tonight to run, there was a huge traffic jam on the highway getting home. back to normal tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2018, 12:11:58 pm
- run 8.57 km in 46:08

- stretch

right knee and right toe bugging a bit. the knee started after the treadmill run on sunday. left hamstring also started feeling, not tight, just kind of present in a way, about 5 km in. might be time for new shoes. i've put about 1000 km on these.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 14, 2018, 12:15:12 pm
- run 7.79 km in 40:34

- stretch

right knee still bugging a bit. did this all on the track and it's been raining a lot so ground pretty soft, very soft in places. still ~12s/km quicker than i've been running without additional effort because it's a bit cooler right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 15, 2018, 01:26:18 pm
- frisbee x 1.5 hours

forgot watch but probably ran a little more than last time because no subs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 17, 2018, 01:25:34 am
last night

felt sick. dressed to run and made it out the door but ultimately decided i felt too shitty to force it.  >:(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 17, 2018, 11:29:24 am
- run 7.63 km in 40:12

- stretch

quads a little sore/tired. left ham a little tight to start but loosened up fine after a couple kilometers.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 18, 2018, 12:32:19 pm
- run 7.63 km in 38:32 (light strides x 200m at the beginning of km 4,5,6,7)

- stretch

the strides were submax, just threw them in to get something a little more high-intensity in. felt the right knee sprinting pull/tightness a little on the first rep and held back a bit after that.

heading to southeast asia tonight for a week on the beach!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 18, 2018, 11:09:24 pm
- run 7.63 km in 38:32 (light strides x 200m at the beginning of km 4,5,6,7)

- stretch

the strides were submax, just threw them in to get something a little more high-intensity in. felt the right knee sprinting pull/tightness a little on the first rep and held back a bit after that.

heading to southeast asia tonight for a week on the beach!

ahhh nice!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 20, 2018, 11:09:37 am
- run (treadmill) x 30 mins

- BSS, RDL, OHP, rows

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2018, 03:26:30 am
did a 3-hour hike one day, very hilly, to a waterfall and back from the place we were staying. also snorkeled for around an hour total another day. otherwise, motherfuckin' chiiiiiilled out. my phone broke the first day so i don't have pics yet but i'll post a couple when i can. the place was beautiful.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2018, 11:00:44 am
- run 7.45 km in 38:25

- circuit x 1
-- KB swing x 10
-- push up x 20
-- BSS x 10
-- KB row x 20/arm

- stretch

just getting loose again after the trip. felt good. it's humid but only 28/83 degrees, cooler than it was before we left for SE asia (32/90+). automatic 10-12s/km increase in pace.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 27, 2018, 12:54:35 pm
- run 8.09 km in 42:54

- stretch

died a little in the last two km, legs tired.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2018, 11:25:43 pm
last night

- ultimate x 80 mins, ~5km covered
forgot watch again but i feel like 5km is a reasonable ballpark based on the one time i did bring the watch. we were down 5-6 in a game to 7, win by one, and i threw two perfect hucks on back to back points for the win.  :highfive:

this morning

- run 5.86 km in 31:39
buddy was supposed to join me but overslept so he only caught the last 10 mins of my run, lol.

- stretch

if i feel good tonight may do a shortish tempo or speed-oriented run to complement this morning's relaxed run. same buddy from this morning is planning a 75-minute run on saturday, which i'll join him for. he's slower than me, which is fine for a run like that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2018, 12:44:23 pm
evening run cancelled because my gf had her first-ever radio appearance and wanted moral support. some things are more important than training.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2018, 11:52:10 am
- run 6.88 km in 40:00; sprint x 180m, 150m, 180m at 1 km intervals in the middle

- walk 1.21 km in 10:37

- stretch

summer is BACK baby. jesus. face started burning so i pushed through to 40 minutes and then walked it out. hit peak speed of 32.6 kph/20.25 mph per watch, which translates to an 11.04 100. :shrugemoji:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 31, 2018, 10:17:25 pm
- run 6.88 km in 40:00; sprint x 180m, 150m, 180m at 1 km intervals in the middle

- walk 1.21 km in 10:37

- stretch

summer is BACK baby. jesus. face started burning so i pushed through to 40 minutes and then walked it out. hit peak speed of 32.6 kph/20.25 mph per watch, which translates to an 11.04 100. :shrugemoji:

why shrug emoji? because of the translation to 100m? or that it's still over 11? lol.

that's a great to speed. I think the women's top speed during the WR (flojo) was like 23 mph.

>= 20 mph is really moving.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2018, 01:17:24 am
oh just because it's the watch so grains of salt always apply.

- run 10 km in ~57:00

- stretch

ran with the same buddy as earlier this week and another friend of his. they are slower than me but that's okay, especially in this heat and humidity. forgot watch so went on what the other guy said when we finished. if he sends more precise numbers i'll update.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2018, 11:09:41 am
- run 9.50 km in 51:13

- push up x 20,20

- KB row 18 x 20/arm

- band dislocates and pull aparts x 10,10

- stretch

longer and slower, slower and longer.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2018, 11:52:01 pm
- run 5.72 km in 30:01

- stretch

legs v tired and morning runs are harder than evening runs. weather starting to get cooler though. intended to run 40 mins but then thought better to run 30 and run again tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2018, 10:14:51 am
too tired to drag self out of bed this morning. to put it another way: wussed out. just looked at the standings for the new haven 20k. what a weird distance, especially in the same event as a half marathon (only 1 km longer).

edit: also checked the 5k standings. my times from may would put me in the top 5% of more than 2600 entrants (huge race!). sub-20:00 is comfortably in the top 100. interesting.

- run 9.10 km in 46:34 [km 5 in 3:48]

- stretch

been reading adarq's journal so decided to push for a kilometer in the middle. felt good although some pulling in my right knee (lateral side, behind patella, same thing as before when sprinting) which then continued to feel a little off the rest of the run. feels totally fine now. no dropoff in pace for the rest of the run which is good.

NEW GOAL: 19:00. sub-20 is a recipe for hitting 20:04 and wanting to bang my head into a wall. 3:48/km pace = 19:00 5k. i'm not there now but judging on today i can definitely get there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 05, 2018, 02:14:22 pm
too tired to drag self out of bed this morning. to put it another way: wussed out. just looked at the standings for the new haven 20k. what a weird distance, especially in the same event as a half marathon (only 1 km longer).

ya it's weird from the perspective of a half marathon, but makes sense from a km perspective: 5k, 10k, 20k.

edit: also checked the 5k standings. my times from may would put me in the top 5% of more than 2600 entrants (huge race!). sub-20:00 is comfortably in the top 100. interesting.

it was hot/humid af for most people, like 75F + 90%+ humidity. all of that humidity training you do would pay off :D

ya sub20 is not easy, especially in hot and/or humid conditions. most "active/fit" males around here aren't dropping sub20 5k's in races. It seems to be beyond the reach of general fitness for sure, from what i've seen. I've seen some really "in shape" looking folks, who aren't going sub20.

I could go back to my race results page and click each event, and it's only a small group of sub20's in each race.

IMHO sub20 is attainable by pretty much any male, but it's definitely not easy to get there. I like that category, definitely attainable, but definitely not easy to attain. lool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 06, 2018, 10:55:57 am
- run 7.4 km in 38:58

- stretch

very humid tonight although not too hot. hit 49.7 km in the last seven days, lol. moving in the right direction. i think i need to be heading toward 4x8-10, 1x12-15, 1x6-8, something like that. on the low end that'd be 50, on the high end 63. the long run and the short run and two of the medium runs done at easy pace (>5:10 or even 5:30), two medium runs done with some form of fartlek or tempo or speed work incorporated. my next major trip is in november, although i'll be in the mountains a couple of times in between now and then.

ETA: days when i play ultimate would count as speed/tempo days because of the nature of the game. would just need to tack on a short run before or after to hit the distance target.

tests coming on 29 september (3km time trial) and 27 october (5km time trial, shooting for 19:00). let's go.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2018, 11:21:00 am
- run 9.54 km in 49:33 [5 x 60s @~4:00, 60s @~5:15]

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2018, 10:53:39 pm
last night

- frisbee x 55:49, 4.42 km

fun. didn't make time for the run before/after, but that may be kind of a stupid idea anyway. i like frisbee and cross-training is good. not gonna beat myself up about not hitting mileage target one day per week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2018, 12:40:03 pm
- run 10.04 km in 53:59

- stretch

so humid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2018, 11:47:03 am
- run 8.75 km in 46:02
nice and steady, picked it up a wee bit (to <5:00) in the last 750m.

- stretch

49.2 km in last seven days, which is just over 30 miles. woot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2018, 12:23:50 am
- frisbee x an hour, covered ~6 km

jogged 1 km as a warm up and then covered 4.65 km per watch, but i missed a point's worth of distance when i forgot to restart after two guys collided and one of them ended up with a bloody nose.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 13, 2018, 08:26:49 am
- frisbee x an hour, covered ~6 km

jogged 1 km as a warm up and then covered 4.65 km per watch, but i missed a point's worth of distance when i forgot to restart after two guys collided and one of them ended up with a bloody nose.

damn that sucks, to both.

once you get used to the watch, forgetting to restart it is very annoying, hah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2018, 11:28:11 am
yeah no fun when that happens. the dude for sure had a concussion (dizziness persisted this morning although diminished from last night) and i bet his nose is broken.

- run 9.06 km in 48:36
legs tired

- stretch

rest tomorrow. seven-day distance total 47.4. that's okay. saturday planning to do ~10 km with at least two km at ~3:48, then sunday ~12 km.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 15, 2018, 11:01:42 am
- run 10.45 km in 53:51 [tempo 1 km x 2 @ 3:47,3:41]
rest between intervals was 1 km @ 5:16. second interval starting to get tough. first was pretty easy.

- stretch

right knee sprinting pull was there a little at the beginning of the second interval but that was it. knees a little achey now. looking forward to new kicks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2018, 11:50:11 am
- run 8.09 km in 41:12
expected to be more tired today given how hard yesterday was. felt great, picked up pace on last km to bring it home under 5:00 pace, nice and easy. meanwhile eliud kipchoge ran 42km today at like 2:55 pace. HALOL.

- stretch

starting to get nice in the evenings, fingers crossed that the season is turning. 5:05 overall tonight with less effort than 5:20 is in the gnarly heat and humidity.

also, set a seven-day distance PR: 51.7 km. gently moving in the right direction.

also, i had a minor blood sugar crash after the run last night. was getting visual hallucinations on the way to dinner. insufficient lunch. speaking of which, time to eat.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 18, 2018, 06:40:02 am
worked until 7 last night and then had to go straight to a work dinner so no run. slept badly as well, second night in a row. bah. tonight may go for the long run, especially if i can get my gf to come with for the first 4-6 km and set the pace nice and slow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 18, 2018, 12:27:32 pm
- run 12.0 km in 1:06:38
very easy pace, 5:33 average but fairly big range over the course of the run.

- stretch

felt awesome around 8 km mark but the feeling faded. left knee started bugging around 10 km, for a few minutes, then right knee around 11 km, also for a few minutes. both feel fine now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2018, 11:37:25 am
- run 8.58 km in 43:08
fast christian pace, not sure why i picked it up that little bit tonight. thought about doing some extensive tempo in the middle but thought better given the distance yesterday and how my knees felt at the end.

- push ups
- scales
- KB rows

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on September 19, 2018, 12:36:06 pm
What are your goals these days?  I've been way too focused on myself to keep up with anyone else.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2018, 01:29:20 am
What are your goals these days?  I've been way too focused on myself to keep up with anyone else.

19:00 5k. will have to do it as a time trial since there are no races here. i'd also like to do it without getting any skinnier.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2018, 04:41:53 am
picked up my new kinvara 9s today. excited to take them for a spin tonight. the kinvara 8s have just about 1200km/750 miles on them, which is good service.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 20, 2018, 10:29:46 am
picked up my new kinvara 9s today. excited to take them for a spin tonight. the kinvara 8s have just about 1200km/750 miles on them, which is good service.


those 8's looked pretty beat up. got some good miles out of them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: John Stamos on September 20, 2018, 02:42:00 pm
What are your goals these days?  I've been way too focused on myself to keep up with anyone else.

19:00 5k. will have to do it as a time trial since there are no races here. i'd also like to do it without getting any skinnier.

Ooh nice, I wish I could do 1 mile at a 6 minute pace lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2018, 11:22:41 am
no doubt. in all seriousness i bet you could get there with patience, if you set it as a goal and really focused on it.

- run 9.06 km in 46:22
5:07 pace, right on target for a relaxed run with 19:30 5k pace as the goal, based on that one training calculator i used months ago.

- stretch

57.3 km seven-day volume, which is a huge (>10%) PR and probably also means i should take a day off tomorrow just in the interest of not pushing myself too fast, AERS, etc. if gf wants to do yoga maybe i'll do that. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2018, 11:05:55 am
- run 9.68 km in 51:33 [strides x 30s, 20s, 30s]
right knee pulling a bit on the first stride rep, which i did starting at 3 km. second rep okay, third rep pulling a little again.

- stretch

not so hot but the humidity is back in a big way. woof.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2018, 11:42:53 am
- run 9.2 km in 45:48 [tempo 1 km x 3:45; 500m @3:42, dead]
struggle bus. very humid, felt pre-crampy. shut it down, finished chill. ugh.

- stretch

not every workout can be a good workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 25, 2018, 05:19:17 am
Humidity destroys me too. 9+km in 45' with a sub-4 km in is not a bad workout anyway, even granted how much you have progressed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2018, 09:10:27 am
Humidity destroys me too. 9+km in 45' with a sub-4 km in is not a bad workout anyway, even granted how much you have progressed.

humidity, from the perspective of exercise, is the great satan.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 25, 2018, 09:15:42 am
Humidity destroys me too. 9+km in 45' with a sub-4 km in is not a bad workout anyway, even granted how much you have progressed.

humidity, from the perspective of exercise, is the great satan.


fu*k it's brutal.

also, i was talking to this "old guy" (67 y/o, 25:XX 5k) after my last race and we were talking about the humidity. he says he loves it because it makes his joints feel better. LOL. maybe we'll enjoy it 30+ years from now........ :derp: :ninja: :trollface:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2018, 11:01:20 am
lol maybe we will. for the time being, give me desert summer over subtropical autumn any day.

- run 8.60 km in 44:28
had been getting too cute with last few runs, need to remind myself that the bread and butter remains LISS.

- stretch

seven-day total is 54.6 km and i'm on track for my first ever calendar week over 50 km. somehow despite several seven-day stretches over 50km i haven't hit that number from a sunday to a saturday yet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2018, 10:53:20 pm
last night

worked until 8 PM, was wiped out by the time i got home. thought for two seconds about running then said, fuck it, and had dinner and a beer. back on the horse tonight inshallah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 27, 2018, 12:30:08 pm
- run 8.55 km in 42:39
unplanned day of rest + slightly cooler weather = sub-5:00 relaxed pace. noice.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2018, 11:20:35 am
- run 6.63 km in 36:12 [light strides x ~100m, 170m, 150m at the end]
forced slow pace and kept it short because plan is 3km time trial (or maybe two-mile test, i.e. 3.21 km) tomorrow.

- stretch

i have had a very shitty week at work. in an unusually bad mood, letting it affect me to an unusual degree. not sure why.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2018, 11:02:56 am
- run x 7.21 km [warm up x 2 km; time trial x 3km in 11:48 :personal-record:; cool down x 2 km]

- stretch

woot! read once that a 3 km time trial is a decent benchmark of fitness for a 5k race (i.e. competing with other people). meant to do this on the track but ended up having to do it on the road for logistical reasons, which meant a couple of steep-ish climbs but also that it i ended up a few meters lower than i started. calling it a wash. i set it up on my watch as a 2-mile test but hit 3km right as i got to a major road and had to stop to not, you know, get hit by a car. once i could start again i was dead so i finished slow. so i'll just let myself be happy that i hit the 3km target. next time i do a 2-mile test i'll either do it on the track or turn right onto the street right before the big road.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 29, 2018, 01:01:10 pm
- run x 7.21 km [warm up x 2 km; time trial x 3km in 11:48 :personal-record:; cool down x 2 km]

- stretch

woot! read once that a 3 km time trial is a decent benchmark of fitness for a 5k race (i.e. competing with other people). meant to do this on the track but ended up having to do it on the road for logistical reasons, which meant a couple of steep-ish climbs but also that it i ended up a few meters lower than i started. calling it a wash. i set it up on my watch as a 2-mile test but hit 3km right as i got to a major road and had to stop to not, you know, get hit by a car. once i could start again i was dead so i finished slow. so i'll just let myself be happy that i hit the 3km target. next time i do a 2-mile test i'll either do it on the track or turn right onto the street right before the big road.

yup. a hard 2-mile effort carries over to 5k race pace.

i'd rather run a hard 1-2 mile in training and race 5k, than do 3 mile tempo (or intervals) and race 5k. i've done the former alot, works well in my experience.

that "cooper's test" number is good as well: how far you can go in 2 miles. I've often raced 5k's like that, seeing how far I can go in 12 minutes, then I blow up, but when I do that it always ends up being a good 5k time (for me).

you're "more explosive than aerobic", i'd imagine, so improving that 1-2 mile will eventually be very effective.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2018, 01:15:42 am
^^^no doubt. the mental aspect of it is really key, easy to see that in retrospect as it was with the races. how does my brain handle discomfort? how can i help it handle discomfort better?

had a persistent headache yesterday starting in early afternoon that is still with me this morning. didn't run as a consequence. hoping it'll dissipate over the course of the day today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on October 01, 2018, 04:53:40 am
Great 3km time. Where does that put you for a predicted 5km?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2018, 09:28:16 am
Great 3km time. Where does that put you for a predicted 5km?

it's 19:40 pace. running calculators predict 20:16-20:20 but i was alone and not actually racing, meaning no competitors. i think i could hang on to <4:10 pace for another 2 km with enough motivation to do so, which would put me under 20:00.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2018, 12:20:58 pm
- run 10.05 km in 53:41

- stretch

nice and easy, nice and easy. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 02, 2018, 11:58:20 am
- run 8.22 km in 40:01

- stretch

tried to keep it relaxed and chill but couldn't slow down past 5:00 pace, ended up at 4:52 average. also there's a guy i've seen once before who runs super hard in a shalwar kameez, kind of interval style. he showed up about 6 km in and would pass me and then slow down and then speed up again when i passed him. i just kept running along steadily until the last lap, when he went to pass me and i took off just to keep pace with him. he smiled and sped up, and i sped up, and we sprinted for a bit, and then i went too fast for too long and he got tired. i gave him a thumbs-up over the shoulder as he slowed to a walk and i kept going. it was fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 03, 2018, 12:33:00 am
- run 8.22 km in 40:01

- stretch

tried to keep it relaxed and chill but couldn't slow down past 5:00 pace, ended up at 4:52 average. also there's a guy i've seen once before who runs super hard in a shalwar kameez, kind of interval style. he showed up about 6 km in and would pass me and then slow down and then speed up again when i passed him. i just kept running along steadily until the last lap, when he went to pass me and i took off just to keep pace with him. he smiled and sped up, and i sped up, and we sprinted for a bit, and then i went too fast for too long and he got tired. i gave him a thumbs-up over the shoulder as he slowed to a walk and i kept going. it was fun.

hah that's cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 03, 2018, 12:48:38 am
^^^no doubt. the mental aspect of it is really key, easy to see that in retrospect as it was with the races. how does my brain handle discomfort? how can i help it handle discomfort better?

had a persistent headache yesterday starting in early afternoon that is still with me this morning. didn't run as a consequence. hoping it'll dissipate over the course of the day today.

right that's the thing. you can be in the "same exact physical shape" and run/race considerably faster/slower due to the mental aspect of it. sometimes you have the "fight" in you, to grind it out and go right at the pain, sometimes you don't. it's good to test the fight somewhat often (once every 2 weeks at minimum?). So just like what you did, hitting a hard ~2 mile at 5k pace or a little faster, hitting a mile at much faster than 5k pace, pre-fatiguing a bit then hitting a hard mile etc. So, avoiding the actual race distance but, testing yourself at subsets of that distance. It's not something one has to do all the time but, sometimes when you feel good (or bad and just want to push it while feeling bad), it's good to dial in on something that's going to "really hurt" towards the end and just get after it.

There's lots of "callusing" analogies with running. That's definitely what it feels like to me. Sometimes you just want to avoid stuff that builds up the callus, then you realize you've wasted lots of time (definitely applies to me), because the stuff that "causes" the callus can be pretty scary. I'm scared before all of my hard 800m-1 mile efforts etc. I have to really get my mind right before I can even take the first stride, like tonight etc - my warmup was crazy slow, but that's because I was just trying to clear my mind and focus on 1 task, knowing it would be painful at some point. Every speed session I do, is like that. lmao. No matter what it is, kicking it off feels like "fear". Then you just "go" and boom. I'll actually comment in my journal about something that's been helping me the last few weeks.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 03, 2018, 01:02:58 am
mental callusing, i like that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 03, 2018, 01:35:50 am
mental callusing, i like that.

from the Little Black Book by Coach Hudson:


 :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 05, 2018, 05:44:09 am
sick the last two days, no running. i felt good this morning but my head starting hurting again at lunch. fml.

EDIT: taking tonight off as well. headache has gone down but i can feel it lurking. would be dumb to push it.

on the plus side i signed up for a 5k fun run next weekend. not chip timed but there will be other people in it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2018, 09:20:52 am
- run 8.13 km in 41:44

- stretch

just stretching out the legs after the forced layoff. knees killing me after the run. very weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2018, 05:31:42 am
somehow managed to strain my back, right at the base of the spine/SI joint. was stiff all day yesterday. gf massaged a bit with some warming balm last night and i took an ibuprofen. it feels better today but still stiff. wack.

i will run tonight, gently, and then i've got to head up to the mountains tomorrow for work. may be able to run on thursday night when i'm back in gilgit and will do something very light on friday, maybe with low-volume speed mixed in. not an ideal taper for the fun run on saturday, to have training drop off a cliff for two weeks. but what can i do.

EDIT: biblical thunderstorm, no leaving house.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 09, 2018, 08:47:34 am
somehow managed to strain my back, right at the base of the spine/SI joint. was stiff all day yesterday. gf massaged a bit with some warming balm last night and i took an ibuprofen. it feels better today but still stiff. wack.

i will run tonight, gently, and then i've got to head up to the mountains tomorrow for work. may be able to run on thursday night when i'm back in gilgit and will do something very light on friday, maybe with low-volume speed mixed in. not an ideal taper for the fun run on saturday, to have training drop off a cliff for two weeks. but what can i do.

EDIT: biblical thunderstorm, no leaving house.

that small clip you posted was intense.

damn @ back, hope it's nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2018, 01:06:17 pm
back was feeling better for a couple days but started to hurt again this morning and appears to be fuxored for now. i went for a walk tonight and tried to jog lightly, without success. fml.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 11, 2018, 05:06:45 pm
back was feeling better for a couple days but started to hurt again this morning and appears to be fuxored for now. i went for a walk tonight and tried to jog lightly, without success. fml.

damn.. :<
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2018, 06:31:37 am
back still stiff but not crippling this morning, could stand up straight right out of bed. went and got a 90-minute massage from a woman i heard about through word of mouth. she's a pro, felt amazing/painful/amazing, signed up for ten sessions. back not healed but feels better. drinking plenty water.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 15, 2018, 01:39:35 pm
rested yesterday. this evening did some mobility and a few BSS and scales. back still a little sensitive but i'm going to do a light and short run tomorrow to test it out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Zetz on October 16, 2018, 01:35:40 am
back still stiff but not crippling this morning, could stand up straight right out of bed. went and got a 90-minute massage from a woman i heard about through word of mouth. she's a pro, felt amazing/painful/amazing, signed up for ten sessions. back not healed but feels better. drinking plenty water.

Respect for bothering to do something about back issues. I finally went to a chiropracter for the first time ever this spring and I've never felt better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2018, 10:31:15 am
back still stiff but not crippling this morning, could stand up straight right out of bed. went and got a 90-minute massage from a woman i heard about through word of mouth. she's a pro, felt amazing/painful/amazing, signed up for ten sessions. back not healed but feels better. drinking plenty water.

Respect for bothering to do something about back issues. I finally went to a chiropracter for the first time ever this spring and I've never felt better.

no doubt. i also needed a push from my gf, fwiw.  ::)

- run 8.12 km in 41:50
nice and easy and short, don't seem to have regressed too much. stiff and achey to start but felt fine after a couple of kilometers.

- SMR quads and back

- stretch

the masseuse encouraged me to start SMR'ing again so i'm gonna do that for a while.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2018, 06:49:21 am
two realizations from my recent injury:
1. SMR and other mobility work are worthwhile and i've been neglecting them (except static stretching after runs) out of laziness
2. strength work is worthwhile and i've been neglecting it out of a single-minded focus on getting my mileage up

the former is easier to address than the latter. but i do not want to get much skinnier than i am and the benefits of strength training for endurance performance are indisputable. i also don't want to dip much below 50 km a week in any week where i'm healthy and not traveling. what to do?

sunday: ultimate frisbee ~4.5 km
monday: strenf, run 6-8 km
tuesday: run 10-12 km
wednesday: run 12-16 km
thursday: run 10-12 km with tempo
friday: rest
saturday: strenf, run 6-8 km

strenf would be:
- hops 2x10
- box jumps or ME SVJ 2x5
- squats 3x6-8 or weighted BSS/lunges 3x10/leg
- RDL/hypers 2x10-12 or SLRDL 2x10-12/leg
- upper push myo-reps or sets to technical failure
- upper pull myo-reps or sets to technical failure
- leg raises, holds, pallof presses

the "or" options are for working out at home where i basically have a kettlebell and some bands. this is probably overly ambitious. but even one strenf day a week would be better than what i'm doing now. i know adarq says kenyans don't lift but even if true i'm not ready to go full kenyan.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2018, 11:15:17 am
- run 8.11 km in 40:20

- stretch

didn't worry about pace, ended up averaging 4:58. quads a little bit sore.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 18, 2018, 12:56:23 am
two realizations from my recent injury:
1. SMR and other mobility work are worthwhile and i've been neglecting them (except static stretching after runs) out of laziness
2. strength work is worthwhile and i've been neglecting it out of a single-minded focus on getting my mileage up

the former is easier to address than the latter. but i do not want to get much skinnier than i am and the benefits of strength training for endurance performance are indisputable. i also don't want to dip much below 50 km a week in any week where i'm healthy and not traveling. what to do?

sunday: ultimate frisbee ~4.5 km
monday: strenf, run 6-8 km
tuesday: run 10-12 km
wednesday: run 12-16 km
thursday: run 10-12 km with tempo
friday: rest
saturday: strenf, run 6-8 km

strenf would be:
- hops 2x10
- box jumps or ME SVJ 2x5
- squats 3x6-8 or weighted BSS/lunges 3x10/leg
- RDL/hypers 2x10-12 or SLRDL 2x10-12/leg
- upper push myo-reps or sets to technical failure
- upper pull myo-reps or sets to technical failure
- leg raises, holds, pallof presses

the "or" options are for working out at home where i basically have a kettlebell and some bands. this is probably overly ambitious. but even one strenf day a week would be better than what i'm doing now. i know adarq says kenyans don't lift but even if true i'm not ready to go full kenyan.

kenyans do alot of speed though... :D that's their lifting. tons of hills at hard paces (fartleks/long runs/tempo), hard track workouts etc. So, while they don't lift, they beast out hard af throughout the week. Their running economy is what stands out to most everyone who watches them run, that's because they are insanely strong at running.

but ya, keep the strength. you're not a "runner only" (yet? - though, I think you'd be more of a short to shorter-mid distance guy eventually, than a long distance runner, just from your mindset/mentality). I've become a runner only, so I don't really need it. You also like your physique, play ultimate, and just like moving weight around in general - so don't starve yourself of that!

as for your routine, it's hard to say.. really hard to comprehend "static" routines and such, especially now. Though, I do somewhat still think in terms of that "ratio" article I wrote way back. As a general example, if you want to be 75% runner, 25% lifter, do 3:1, repeat. The only "static" day you have is ultimate, it seems (when the blokez ball out). Can't mess with that much.

just have to be a bit careful with strength + run, especially given the tweaks you've had recently.

for me personally, i'd want to get my runs in the AM, with some lifts afterwards, or with lifts in the evening.

so like, just imagine I was obsessed with both lifting and running, it'd be:

sunday: ultimate frisbee ~4.5 km
monday: run (AM), strenf (PM)
tuesday: run (AM), strenf (PM)
wednesday: rest or run (AM or PM, recovery)
thursday: run (AM), strenf (PM)
friday: run (AM), strenf (PM)
saturday: rest or run (AM or PM, recovery)

if I could only do one session:

sunday: ultimate frisbee ~4.5 km
monday: run + strenf
tuesday: run + strenf
wednesday: rest or run (AM or PM, recovery)
thursday: run + strenf
friday: run + strenf
saturday: rest or run (AM or PM, recovery)

so, given that, (100% obsession for both running and strenf), i'd then modify it if I cared more about running than strenf, to something like:

sunday: ultimate frisbee ~4.5 km
monday: run (AM), run (PM)
tuesday: run (AM), strenf (PM)
wednesday: rest or run (AM or PM, recovery)
thursday: run (AM), run (PM)
friday: run (AM), strenf (PM)
saturday: rest or run (AM or PM, recovery)

if I could only do one session:

sunday: ultimate frisbee ~4.5 km
monday: run
tuesday: run + strenf
wednesday: rest or run (AM or PM, recovery)
thursday: run
friday: run + strenf
saturday: rest or run (AM or PM, recovery)

dno if that helps at all.. hah. hope it does! :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2018, 08:36:19 am
that is super helpful! must consider.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2018, 10:41:34 am
- run 8.09 km in 40:53

- stretch

IT bands felt tight for the first km. very weird, haven't had ITB issues in many years. huh. probably nothing. mild headache to begin with as well but that also went away. kind of day where i had to drag myself out the door but after 6-7 minutes i was cruising.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on October 19, 2018, 11:07:50 pm
two realizations from my recent injury:
1. SMR and other mobility work are worthwhile and i've been neglecting them (except static stretching after runs) out of laziness
2. strength work is worthwhile and i've been neglecting it out of a single-minded focus on getting my mileage up

the former is easier to address than the latter. but i do not want to get much skinnier than i am and the benefits of strength training for endurance performance are indisputable. i also don't want to dip much below 50 km a week in any week where i'm healthy and not traveling. what to do?

sunday: ultimate frisbee ~4.5 km
monday: strenf, run 6-8 km
tuesday: run 10-12 km
wednesday: run 12-16 km
thursday: run 10-12 km with tempo
friday: rest
saturday: strenf, run 6-8 km

strenf would be:
- hops 2x10
- box jumps or ME SVJ 2x5
- squats 3x6-8 or weighted BSS/lunges 3x10/leg
- RDL/hypers 2x10-12 or SLRDL 2x10-12/leg
- upper push myo-reps or sets to technical failure
- upper pull myo-reps or sets to technical failure
- leg raises, holds, pallof presses

the "or" options are for working out at home where i basically have a kettlebell and some bands. this is probably overly ambitious. but even one strenf day a week would be better than what i'm doing now. i know adarq says kenyans don't lift but even if true i'm not ready to go full kenyan.

You gotta go super saiyan and superset everything. Will help you get the workout done fast while also providing cardio benefit.
some suggestions for lack of equipment: toes to bar, natural ham curls, maybe some band knee drives and kickbacks. For cardio benefit I think focusing on leg raises and training them for endurance might help a bit with anaerobic parts of a race. I also personally have some neck collapse when running cardio so I would personally do some stuff for posture maintenance.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2018, 12:52:04 am
^^^all good points, thanks. right now my SMR/mobility is rolling quads and then chest/shoulder opening so i'm there with you on the posture correction. need to get a chin-up bar, it's harder than it should be to find one here.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2018, 08:55:24 am
massage 2 this afternoon. my head was killing me before, headache went away during the massage but it's back now. gonna rest.

on the plus side, i bought a pull-up bar today, finally. it's easily adjustable within the doorway so should be able to use it for poor man's GHR and inverted rows.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 21, 2018, 10:59:03 am
- ultimate, ~4.5 km

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 22, 2018, 11:46:19 am
- run 9.54 km in 48:40


- stretch

nice outside, 20/68. ETA: shins sore, as always when i play frisbee after a layoff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2018, 03:40:42 am
last night

filled with the spirit of henri, the otter of ennui. no exercise.


feel better today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2018, 11:33:40 am
- run 10.05 km in 50:33


- stretch

that's better. also started doing 1-3 pull ups every time i walk by the new bar. trying out the old greasing the groove approach. :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 24, 2018, 12:18:26 pm
last night

filled with the spirit of henri, the otter of ennui. no exercise.


feel better today.


- run 10.05 km in 50:33


- stretch

that's better. also started doing 1-3 pull ups every time i walk by the new bar. trying out the old greasing the groove approach. :highfive:

nice!! that will work good. swoleclimber status.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2018, 11:11:40 am
- run 9.10 km in 45:23 [tempo 1 km @ 3:27 PR]


- stretch

after i started running decided to drop the hammer at the 4 km mark. hit 3:27 per mapmyrun. never tested 1000m before but i was shooting for 3:30 and hit it so go me. en route hit 800 in ~2:47. walked 100m and then gradully picked it back up to normal pace.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 26, 2018, 08:34:26 pm
- run 9.10 km in 45:23 [tempo 1 km @ 3:27 PR]


- stretch

after i started running decided to drop the hammer at the 4 km mark. hit 3:27 per mapmyrun. never tested 1000m before but i was shooting for 3:30 and hit it so go me. en route hit 800 in ~2:47. walked 100m and then gradully picked it back up to normal pace.


there we go. hammer dropped. that's a solid K. moar hammer drops (when you are feeling good) :D

K's are a great distance to build aerobic strength with speed. same with the mile. K's definitely let you crank harder tho.

 :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2018, 02:10:19 am

- hike with gf


- run 4.1 km in 20:xx


- stretch

so obviously with a couple of exceptions training hasn't been great in october. it's going to stay in the back seat in november as well. i've got an insane work week ahead, then back to pretty normal next week, then traveling for two weeks (south africa, botswana, namibia - stoked; adarq i'll try to get a pic of a cheetah for you). then i'll have four weeks of relative normalcy before heading home for the holidays.

focus will shift to losing as little fitness as possible. if i can get to 50km in any given week, bully. if not i won't beat myself up. one other thought, because i won't be able to work out 5-6 times per week, is to crank the intensity on the days i can run. so shorter, harder, more rest.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on October 29, 2018, 06:52:12 am
The Africa trip sounds sick! X2 on the Cheetah photos.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 31, 2018, 03:23:14 pm
 :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2018, 11:50:23 am
yeah this week has been a total loss so far. had time and energy to run tonight but boss advised me not to leave the house. shit is hitting the fan because of the aasia bibi verdict. ( the area in which i live and work is pretty secure and i'm almost never given any kind of security restriction or advisory. so on the rare occasions when he asks me not to go out, i don't go out.

- jump rope 3'/1' x 5

- superset x 2
-- KB swing x 10
-- ME SVJ x 3

- pull up x 8

- push up x 21

- stretch


lolololololol very weak push ups and pull ups. thinking about starting 20 pull up/100 push up challenges on alternating days. maybe before work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2018, 11:03:20 am
our head of security just called me to tell me not to leave the house tonight at all. apparently the founder of one of the biggest hard-right (deobandi) madrassas in pakistan was just shot dead in rawalpindi. some shit is getting set on fire tonight.

also a buddy just texted to remind me that the main protesters so far have been barelvi, another very conservative sect. no love lost between the two. yikes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on November 02, 2018, 01:14:24 pm
Damn that crazy. Yep enmity between  barelvi and deobandis is quite big. Barelvi followers can be quite patriotic (immense love for their leaders can make them do some crazy shit).
Look after yourself.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 02, 2018, 06:00:15 pm
our head of security just called me to tell me not to leave the house tonight at all. apparently the founder of one of the biggest hard-right (deobandi) madrassas in pakistan was just shot dead in rawalpindi. some shit is getting set on fire tonight.

also a buddy just texted to remind me that the main protesters so far have been barelvi, another very conservative sect. no love lost between the two. yikes.

damn dude stay safe. i've been hearing alot about it over here (on NPR and online). crazy stuff, really unfortunate.

hope Bibi is out of the country by now, that sh*t is ridiculous.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 04, 2018, 11:07:39 am
shit settled down quicker than expected because when push came to shove the government stumbled over backward. smh.

- run 10.57 km in 53:36


- stretch

knees a bit achey. it's getting cool: i wore a long sleeved shirt tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 05, 2018, 11:37:29 am
- run 10.04 km in 50:55


- stretch

quads a bit sore but exactly the same average pace as yesterday. wearing long sleeves is great because it means i can't glance at my watch without taking the extra step of pulling my cuff back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2018, 10:04:43 am
- run 11.0 km in 56:17 [tempo 1 km x 2 @ 4:04, 4:08 w/1 km jogging rest in between]

- stretch

meant to do 10k total, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 25, 2018, 10:13:31 am
back. what an amazing trip. only worked out a few times but whatever, it was worth it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2018, 11:21:37 pm
meant to run last night but started to get a headache on the drive home and it became crippling. went to bed at 9:30 and slept for 10 hours instead. head still hurts a bit this morning. but not a migraine. weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 27, 2018, 11:01:15 am
- run 4.39 km in 21:12

- stretch

motivation very low, had to drag myself to the track. had a headache most of the day but it's gone now. glad to just sweat a little.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 27, 2018, 12:47:27 pm
meant to run last night but started to get a headache on the drive home and it became crippling. went to bed at 9:30 and slept for 10 hours instead. head still hurts a bit this morning. but not a migraine. weird.

sucks :/ seems to happen quite often lately.

i've had a headache/jaw ache since getting bit by a mosquito (or something) 2 days ago. it's kind of crazy. bit my on my cheekbone and there's all kinds of pain in there. hoping i don't have zika. :<
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 28, 2018, 11:43:48 am
- run 7.57 km in 38:56

- stretch

right at good relaxed pace (5:08) but felt rusty. on the bright side, as i was getting home the guard from two houses down flagged me to stop and said that someone inside wanted to talk to me. curious, i waited. out came the brazilian deputy ambassador, who said he'd seen me running and wanted to tell me about a new track that's near our neighborhood. and that he'd be happy to run with me because it looks like i'm up for training. "really nice training," he said. and he gave me his card. funny.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 28, 2018, 11:15:35 pm
- run 7.57 km in 38:56

- stretch

right at good relaxed pace (5:08) but felt rusty. on the bright side, as i was getting home the guard from two houses down flagged me to stop and said that someone inside wanted to talk to me. curious, i waited. out came the brazilian deputy ambassador, who said he'd seen me running and wanted to tell me about a new track that's near our neighborhood. and that he'd be happy to run with me because it looks like i'm up for training. "really nice training," he said. and he gave me his card. funny.

that's cool hah.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2018, 10:28:35 am
- run 8.58 km in 43:34

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 02, 2018, 10:41:45 am

- run 7.39 in 37:06

- pull up x 5,4,3,4,5

- stretch

got a full-body massage in the morning. felt great.


day got away from me. at least managed not to quit on my plan to start alternative 20 pull ups and 100 push ups workouts six days a week. smh.

- push up x 15,15,11,11,20

- stretch

no idea where i got that sequence from, lol. checked the site after i'd done four sets already and it should have been 12,17,13,13,17+. oh well i'll be on it tuesday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 03, 2018, 11:09:29 am
- run 11.41 km in 1:02:34

- SMR upper back/shoulders and soleus/calves

- pull up x 4,3,3,4,5

- stretch

goal was to run more than one hour at slower than default pace. achieved. knees achey now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2018, 10:17:15 am
running motivation super low at the moment. got home from work and just quit on myself.   :-[

- push ups x 14,19,14,14,20

- SMR calves/soleus

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on December 04, 2018, 08:11:14 pm
running motivation super low at the moment. got home from work and just quit on myself.   :-[

- push ups x 14,19,14,14,20

- SMR calves/soleus

- stretch

Don't stress too much mate. I'm in the same boat at the moment. Not much motivation, busy with other things too. Take some of the pressure off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 04, 2018, 09:06:37 pm
running motivation super low at the moment. got home from work and just quit on myself.   :-[

- push ups x 14,19,14,14,20

- SMR calves/soleus

- stretch

Don't stress too much mate. I'm in the same boat at the moment. Not much motivation, busy with other things too. Take some of the pressure off.

this but also, if I were lbss, i'd do more free-form sprint/stride work.. light trot, hard stride/sprint, no set distances/paces etc. just having fun recruiting more MU's occasionally. some people need that.. like I believe LBSS does, and I definitely do.

that kind of training is not very taxing at all and very enjoyable.. slow/moderate/or hard running, strict intervals/repeats etc, are all rough.

could even be walk/sprint instead of trot/sprint etc.

some people need that MU recruitment.. it's kind of like needing to do max jumps etc. if u need it, feed it. :ninja:

i personally don't know anyone in the local scene who was ever into dunking/jumping/max sprinting, and now runs distance.

we are a bit different on here. that jump/dunk background adds a different element.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2018, 11:34:14 am
running motivation super low at the moment. got home from work and just quit on myself.   :-[

- push ups x 14,19,14,14,20

- SMR calves/soleus

- stretch

Don't stress too much mate. I'm in the same boat at the moment. Not much motivation, busy with other things too. Take some of the pressure off.

true, this is probably good advice. thanks coges.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2018, 11:34:36 am
running motivation super low at the moment. got home from work and just quit on myself.   :-[

- push ups x 14,19,14,14,20

- SMR calves/soleus

- stretch

Don't stress too much mate. I'm in the same boat at the moment. Not much motivation, busy with other things too. Take some of the pressure off.

this but also, if I were lbss, i'd do more free-form sprint/stride work.. light trot, hard stride/sprint, no set distances/paces etc. just having fun recruiting more MU's occasionally. some people need that.. like I believe LBSS does, and I definitely do.

that kind of training is not very taxing at all and very enjoyable.. slow/moderate/or hard running, strict intervals/repeats etc, are all rough.

could even be walk/sprint instead of trot/sprint etc.

some people need that MU recruitment.. it's kind of like needing to do max jumps etc. if u need it, feed it. :ninja:

i personally don't know anyone in the local scene who was ever into dunking/jumping/max sprinting, and now runs distance.

we are a bit different on here. that jump/dunk background adds a different element.


this is also good advice, as usual. will try.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2018, 11:37:53 am
- pull up x 4,4,4,3,5 (lol weak)

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2018, 10:18:58 pm
last night

had to go straight to an event from work but had some time between to go to the gym in the office building's basement.

- progression run (treadmill) x 10 min @ 11.5 kph, 5 min @ 12.5 kph, 5 min @13.5 kph, ~7 min @ 11.5-->10 kph

- push up x 15,14,13,12
forgot to look up the proper sets beforehand and there was no signal in the gym at work. will redo this scheduled day.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2018, 10:55:15 am
- pull up x 4,4,4,3,6

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2018, 11:33:09 am
- frisbee x 75 mins

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2018, 10:47:05 am
tweaked right knee and SI joint and left ankle at frisbee. shins sore as well but that's not enough of a reason not to run. janky hip/lower back is. motivation is at least back today.

- push up x 16,21,15,15,18

- SMR calves/soleus and upper back/shoulders

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 11, 2018, 10:32:44 am
- run x 6.5 km in 34:26, strides 3 x 150m w/walk back recovery
right knee pulled on the strides but stuck with it. third rep less pulling than first fwiw. knee a little achey after but it's already going away. max speed was 33kph according to garmin, which is not bad since strides were all uphill: the track is on a slight slant. translates to a 10.9 100.  :P

- pull up x 5,4,3,4,5

- stretch

great conditions: 50s, light mist, soft track because it rained yesterday but not so hard that it was really muddy, no wind.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 13, 2018, 09:17:01 am
last night

- push up x 18,21,16,16,x
bailed on last set. this is too much volume too fast. will start week over until it's possible to meet the F sets


- run 8.11 km in 41:09
long sleeves, did not check watch once, hit 5:05 pace. perfect. calves cramping up after run, which is very unusual.

- pull up x 4,4,3,4,6

- stretch

not sure what's up with calves. normal hydration and diet today, it's cool outside. maybe just a flukey thing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 14, 2018, 09:44:18 am
- run 8.01 km in 41:24
didn't feel great, although calves were fine so that's good. died a little in last km (5:23), bringing average to 5:10, which is a touch slow but nbd. i've definitely lost a bit of fitness but that's no surprise.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2018, 09:24:25 am
- run 6.02 km in 30:26

- push up x 12,17,13

- stretch

keeping the embers lit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 20, 2018, 10:13:24 am
- run 8.60 km in 44:16

- stretch

did not check pace. was all over the place but ended at 5:08 pace so w/e.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2018, 12:18:44 pm
- pull ups x 12
had 13 or maybe 14 if i pushed.

goofing off, amped because gf and i are heading out tonight! i'll work out while i'm in the states but not holding myself to any plan. i may post while i'm away but if not: merry christmas and happy new year, my people. best wishes for the rest of 2018 and the beginning of 2019.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 21, 2018, 06:21:18 pm
- pull ups x 12
had 13 or maybe 14 if i pushed.

aaaah nice!

goofing off, amped because gf and i are heading out tonight! i'll work out while i'm in the states but not holding myself to any plan. i may post while i'm away but if not: merry christmas and happy new year, my people. best wishes for the rest of 2018 and the beginning of 2019.

same to you LBSS!

have a great time back in the states.

update is if you do a race on a whim :D :highfive: :ibrunning:

let's turn it up a bit in 2019.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2019, 02:48:40 am
happy new year, y'all. ran a few times over the break, couple of progression runs on the treadmill and a couple of street runs in my parents' neighborhood. some long walks as well. and some random push ups and pull ups here and there. nothing too serious. i like progression runs, they're a good way to use the treadmill when running outside isn't possible.

arrived home at around 4 AM, slept until 9:30 and came into work. jet lag/tiredness hasn't hit yet but i'm bracing for it. will try to get a run in tonight, even if it's like 3-4k, just to get warm and stretch. 24-hour transit=stiff body.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2019, 11:11:40 am
- run 8.12 km in 43:21

- superset x 3
-- push up x 15,15,15
-- hanging tuck leg raise x 10,10,10

- stretch

kept run deliberately slow without checking pace, averaged 5:20 (5:13-5:28). focused on form, running with the glutes and leaning forward. stiff. vag and acole's exchange on vag's journal inspired me to start doing core work again. the hundred push ups challenge has too much volume too quickly and i don't care that much. so i'm gonna do three sets, adding a rep per set until i can do sets across, then adding another. will do same for pull ups on alternating days. started with a number i knew i could get today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2019, 10:52:43 am
it's raining and cold, no run.

- multidirectional lunges x 10/leg

- superset x 3
-- reverse hyper x 10
-- v-sit x 10/russian twist x 10 @ 10kg
-- pull up x 6

- stretch

left ITB has been tight from knee upward for a few days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 10, 2019, 02:06:06 pm
welcome back! :welcome: :ibrunning: :D

just throwing my 2 cents in (like i usually do with form), regarding the glute/lean stuff: just be careful with it. i mean i personally don't do any of that stuff anymore. i literally only think about relaxing and just keeping a pace, or just random thoughts. have to be careful altering mechanics. related to that, a good way to get more glute involvement is just picking up the speed w/ some strides, then going back to light trot - which can then have better mechanics given the recent extra muscle recruitment .. and an amazing thing for "lean" is hills, if you have one you can run.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2019, 08:11:44 am
- run 10.06 km in 53:13

- superset x 3
-- push up x 16,15,15
-- tuck hanging leg raise x 10,10,10

- stretch

went out with the intention to run very light a la adarq, averaged 5:17 with a huge range: a few at 4:50-53 and a couple at 5:30-5:40, the rest in between. got some work to do at keeping steady at relaxed paces.

there's a chance i'll go to europe in late may, in which case i will seek out at least one and hopefully more than one race. my plan from now on is to run at least 5 days per week, at least 40 minutes per run, with one long and very easy run and one in which i do some kind of speed or race-pace work. could be a time trial, could be intervals, could be a fartlek, i won't fuss too much over the plan. but heightened effort. strides at the end of an ordinary easy run don't count.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 13, 2019, 02:15:00 pm
- run 10.06 km in 53:13

- superset x 3
-- push up x 16,15,15
-- tuck hanging leg raise x 10,10,10

- stretch

went out with the intention to run very light a la adarq, averaged 5:17 with a huge range: a few at 4:50-53 and a couple at 5:30-5:40, the rest in between. got some work to do at keeping steady at relaxed paces.


during an easy run, my splits usually get progressively faster (at the same level of effort) up to a point, then they steady out. body just gives you more as it warms up.

there's a chance i'll go to europe in late may, in which case i will seek out at least one and hopefully more than one race. my plan from now on is to run at least 5 days per week, at least 40 minutes per run, with one long and very easy run and one in which i do some kind of speed or race-pace work. could be a time trial, could be intervals, could be a fartlek, i won't fuss too much over the plan. but heightened effort. strides at the end of an ordinary easy run don't count.

sounds like a great plan right there!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2019, 10:32:12 am
- run 8.12 km in 41:20

- superset x 3
-- pull up x 7,6,6
-- prone toe touch x 20; hollow body hold x 20s,20s
the toe touches felt bad in mid back, abandoned

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 15, 2019, 10:11:21 am
- run 8.01 km in 40:03

- stretch

guy ran with me for a few km in the middle. on the inside of me so probably 6-10% slower. took me a little while to be sure he was trying to keep pace but eventually it was obvious. after about 6 laps he ran over to me and said, "thanks for the motivation!" and i gave him a high five and kept running.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 15, 2019, 11:03:19 am
- run 8.01 km in 40:03

- stretch

guy ran with me for a few km in the middle. on the inside of me so probably 6-10% slower. took me a little while to be sure he was trying to keep pace but eventually it was obvious. after about 6 laps he ran over to me and said, "thanks for the motivation!" and i gave him a high five and kept running.

hah awesome. :highfive:

runner friendliness is great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 17, 2019, 10:29:52 am
- run 8.11 km in 41:37

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2019, 09:38:17 am
- run x 2 km; 500m on/off x 4 (~3:30 pace on); 1.5km
nice, not too hard for first speed workout of 2019. total 7.0 km, 34:26.

- push up x 16,16

- tuck hanging leg raise/hanging L-sit hold x 10,10/10s

- stretch

total this week 41.3 km spread over five runs. tomorrow long and slow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 19, 2019, 01:56:11 pm
- run x 2 km; 500m on/off x 4 (~3:30 pace on); 1.5km
nice, not too hard for first speed workout of 2019. total 7.0 km, 34:26.

- push up x 16,16

- tuck hanging leg raise/hanging L-sit hold x 10,10/10s

- stretch

total this week 41.3 km spread over five runs. tomorrow long and slow.

niiiice! relax & keep it going. :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 20, 2019, 09:18:58 am
- run 10.27 km in 59:25

- stretch

nice and slow! nailed relaxed pace. not as long as i meant to go (11-12km) because i had a skype date with my parents and left the run too late. whoops.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2019, 11:13:31 am
raining to the point of flooding tonight. drive home was getting a little dicey. soooo rest day. don't need to get hit by a car that can't see me or can't stop in time, or step in a puddle up to my calf.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2019, 12:08:17 pm
- run 8.59 km in 43:38

- stretch

- pull up x 7,7

raining and 9/49 degrees, felt amazing. no one out, only one other dude at the track, walking laps with an umbrella.

left quad tight just above knee. rolled it out a bit with the tiger tail, much tightness/enervation. will monitor, do some more rolling.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2019, 10:12:00 pm
last night

- progression run (treadmill) 5 min @ 10kph; 10 min @ 10.5kph, 12kph, 13.5kph; 5 min @ 10kph
solid. had a back spasm or strained mid-back somehow about halfway through. still stiff and painful this morning, especially twisting to the right. bah.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2019, 09:31:24 am
- run 8.06 km in 41:27
a few meters shorter than usual because there was a goat on the track and i had to run around it ::)

- stretch

back still a wee bit stiff but not too bad. it'll be 100% tomorrow. knees a bit achey.

second consecutive week just over 41 km total distance. gonna add a lap to my normal route next week and do a longer long/easy run. don't need to jump right to 50km but need to be heading that way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 25, 2019, 12:06:06 pm
- run 8.06 km in 41:27
a few meters shorter than usual because there was a goat on the track and i had to run around it ::)

lmao!!! that's cool.

- stretch

back still a wee bit stiff but not too bad. it'll be 100% tomorrow. knees a bit achey.

second consecutive week just over 41 km total distance. gonna add a lap to my normal route next week and do a longer long/easy run. don't need to jump right to 50km but need to be heading that way.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2019, 08:14:08 am
- interval run: warm up x 4 laps; 3 x two laps hard/one lap easy; cool down x 3 laps
great workout. average pace was 3:42, 3:47, 4:01 on the hard laps. a lap is just under 500m. didn't look at pace at all, went by feel. first two sets too hard but that's okay, i'll figure it out as time goes on. happy that i didn't bail on the third set, even though it was a little slower. at the end of the second set my brain was saying, "aw, it's okay, that was enough of a workout, just jog it out." and as i came back around to the beginning of the last hard set my body said, "go." that is good. total distance 7.42, total time 35:03, average pace 4:43.

- stretch

knees a little achey on the drive home but okay now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 27, 2019, 09:17:36 am
gf proposed a hike today and it was a good substitute for the planned long/easy run. well over 400m elevation gain, and straight-up rock scrambling for the last stretch. good thing to do on such a spectacular day as we had here.

- hike 8.2 km in 2:17

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2019, 10:07:28 am
- easy run 10.91km in 1:03:25
there we go. over one hour, nice and slow (5:49 average).

- stretch

hand stiff with cold now, lol
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2019, 11:17:42 am
i just bought 3 pairs of kinvara 8s, including the last two pairs saucony has of the red and blue ones in my size (10.5)  :-X

but shit, the 8s are better than the 9s, best running shoes i've ever owned. and apparently the 10 is worse than the 9. lesson learned: if you find something that works, but you know it'll wear out, buy backups and stash 'em.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 28, 2019, 02:21:41 pm
i just bought 3 pairs of kinvara 8s, including the last two pairs saucony has of the red and blue ones in my size (10.5)  :-X

but shit, the 8s are better than the 9s, best running shoes i've ever owned. and apparently the 10 is worse than the 9. lesson learned: if you find something that works, but you know it'll wear out, buy backups and stash 'em.

damn good pick up on the 8's.

ya man. it sucks. :/

that happened to me with:
- nike zoom waffle racers (oldschool)
- saucony shay xc4
- saucony endorphin racer v2
- new balance rc5000v2

i've been meaning to look again for shay's and endorphin's. shay's are what i'd run a trail/off road race in. endorphin's are what i'd run anything from 1 mile to potentially marathon, on road. both are very hard to find now (shay's more so).

really sucks when companies discontinue a shoe completely, or make consecutive versions worse. i've heard that a few times about the kinvara's. i tried on a pair of 10's when i was at rundepot getting my free shoes lol, really hated how they felt.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2019, 09:56:47 am
- run 8.59km in 43:56

- push up x 16,16,16

- stretch

drizzling and cool. nice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2019, 04:05:45 am
had a dunking dream last night. i walked into my elementary school gym, with my 4th-5th grade gym teacher already there setting up for class. i was going to participate in class. we greeted each other warmly -- he was a good teacher -- and then he kept placing cones or whatever. i was the first person to arrive other than him. there was a basketball hoop, and i decided to see how much height i'd lost on my vertical since i stopped training. to my surprise i got a couple knuckles cleanly over the rim on my first jump. he looked up and said, something like, "wow, nice jump." i said, "i used to be able to get higher, but now i'm only running so my vert's gone down." but i tried again and got even higher, mid-palm. by this point the gym was filling up with classmates, all also adults. we huddled in the corner (oddly, in retrospect, but it felt normal in the dream) waiting for class to start but i decided to try one more jump. i got at least an inch past my wrist, as high as i ever jumped in real life. i was shocked and amazed and really happy that i could still jump so high.

then i woke up.  :(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 31, 2019, 03:39:59 pm
had a dunking dream last night. i walked into my elementary school gym, with my 4th-5th grade gym teacher already there setting up for class. i was going to participate in class. we greeted each other warmly -- he was a good teacher -- and then he kept placing cones or whatever. i was the first person to arrive other than him. there was a basketball hoop, and i decided to see how much height i'd lost on my vertical since i stopped training. to my surprise i got a couple knuckles cleanly over the rim on my first jump. he looked up and said, something like, "wow, nice jump." i said, "i used to be able to get higher, but now i'm only running so my vert's gone down." but i tried again and got even higher, mid-palm. by this point the gym was filling up with classmates, all also adults. we huddled in the corner (oddly, in retrospect, but it felt normal in the dream) waiting for class to start but i decided to try one more jump. i got at least an inch past my wrist, as high as i ever jumped in real life. i was shocked and amazed and really happy that i could still jump so high.

then i woke up.  :(

nice dream. still being able to jump high would be fun. being able to jump crazy high "naturally" would be awesome.

interesting saying this in the dream: "i used to be able to get higher, but now i'm only running so my vert's gone down".

you know what's odd, i didn't journal it but wanted too (forgot), i had a vert dream on monday or so.. simply, i was trying to film some jumps, which were incredible: elbow over rim. but, my phone kept falling over and i couldn't get a clip. finally i got a clip, played it back, and was very happy. then i woke up :(

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2019, 10:21:21 pm
that is an amazing coincidence. :ibjumping:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2019, 11:00:22 am
- run 8.5 km in 42:26

track is just a wee bit quicker than the road/sidewalk. 5:00 very comfortable average pace (range 4:57-5:05). my neck has been really stiff the last two days and while running today my right shin started bothering me, about 4" above the front of my ankle. still sore right on the edge of the bone. and my right hip and IT band feel a little janky. our bed broke so we've been sleeping on the guest bed, which has a much harder mattress. my gf loves it but i prefer the soft spring mattress. will go get a replacement beam tomorrow and hopefully the stiffness will resolve.

tomorrow will be the weekly hard workout. i've been thinking about the two-mile test and going for 12:XX, which would be sub-20 5k pace. but i don't think i'm fit enough yet. may do a repeat of last week's workout but trying to stay under 4:00 pace for the last hard rep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2019, 07:53:30 am
- run/walk 1.95km
shin thing flared up immediately after i started running and did not go away as i warmed up, decided to go easy on it. balls. it's swollen, icing it now. no idea what happened.

- superset x 2
- pull up x 7
- BSS x 12

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 02, 2019, 10:49:14 am
- run/walk 1.95km
shin thing flared up immediately after i started running and did not go away as i warmed up, decided to go easy on it. balls. it's swollen, icing it now. no idea what happened.

- superset x 2
- pull up x 7
- BSS x 12

- stretch


damn that sucks man. fu*k. hoping it recovers quick. keep icing it i guess. :/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2019, 05:22:10 am
aaaand today i'm really sick. woke up in the middle of the night with terrible neck pain and bad headache, was awake for a while, woke up again at a normal time and still with the headache. i took an ibuprofen and a sumatriptan (although it didn't feel like a migraine) and went back to bed until 1:30 PM. i'm functional now but head still hurts. maybe this is my body's way of saying, okay bud 40+ km for a few weeks is great and now it's time to dial it back before raising volume again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on February 03, 2019, 09:15:41 pm
- run/walk 1.95km
shin thing flared up immediately after i started running and did not go away as i warmed up, decided to go easy on it. balls. it's swollen, icing it now. no idea what happened.

- superset x 2
- pull up x 7
- BSS x 12

- stretch


Is it in the right area for shin splints? Lots of toe raises clears up shin splints like nothing else. I've never seen one single exercise fix an issue so completely as toe raises for shin pain.

I noticed you had a stiff neck a few days ago, and then got hit with the headache yesterday. That's how mine often presented themselves. Since I've been forcing myself to do more neck mobility stuff, they haven't been nearly as frequent. They are absolutely brutal when they strike, so I can sympathise.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 03, 2019, 11:10:48 pm
it wasn't a shin splint. i had those in high school. this was too localized.

good call on the neck mobility. i carry a lot of tension in my scalenes especially. couldn't hurt to work on them a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2019, 10:26:06 am
- run 8.56 km in 45:02
right knee hurt for the first km or so. wut. still recovering a bit, quite stiff and slow (5:15 pace).

- stretch
stiff, woof.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 05, 2019, 09:04:57 am
- run 8.6 km in 44:35
lot of traffic, more waiting at road crossings than usual. take that away and pace was normal. minimal to no aches and pains, yay.

- suitcase carry @18kg KB x two hallway laps

- pull up x 7,7,6

- stretch

- kit laughlin jaw-neck sequence
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2019, 10:33:56 am
- run 8.56 km in 42:38 [last km in 4:24]
smoothly accelerated over the last km, felt nice. overall pace 4:58, with only first and third km splits over 5:00. it poured rain all day but stopped right as i got home. still had to pick my way around some mud and puddles and the track was slippery. i had it almost completely to myself. props to my 2-3 rainy-day track homies.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2019, 12:14:08 pm
- treadmill extensive tempo: 10 mins @ 11.5kph, 10 mins @ 15.1 kph, 10 mins @~10.5 kph
total distance 6.15 km. 15.1 kph is 19:52 pace, although treadmill caveat applies. challenging without being too draining. good.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 09, 2019, 09:19:24 am
- run 8.56 km in 43:30

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2019, 12:01:31 pm
- run 12 km in 1:05:58

- stretch

did not look at watch. 5:30 pace is quicker than i meant to go (was shooting for ~5:40), but that's okay. shin (and corresponding spot in soleus) started bugging a bit in the second half of the run. not as bad as the other week but i'm icing it now just in case. rest tomorrow.

total for the last seven days is 52.4 km, most weekly mileage in a long while.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2019, 10:41:17 am
shin is not okay. fuck.

- ran 5.01 km in 24:25
shin started bugging after 1 km, wasn't too bad until after 4 km, should have stopped then. wanted it to go away but it didn't and ultimately overcame ego.

- stretch

damn it. did a little research earlier. confirmed that it's not a shin splint, which are definitionally >5cm in length. this is too localized for that. one other possible diagnosis is a stress fracture, but that seems unlikely because the pain isn't that bad. still may go get an x-ray. if anyone has other ideas let me know. ice and rest for now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 12, 2019, 01:51:55 pm
shin is not okay. fuck.

damn.. fuck :/

- ran 5.01 km in 24:25
shin started bugging after 1 km, wasn't too bad until after 4 km, should have stopped then. wanted it to go away but it didn't and ultimately overcame ego.

- stretch

damn it. did a little research earlier. confirmed that it's not a shin splint, which are definitionally >5cm in length. this is too localized for that. one other possible diagnosis is a stress fracture, but that seems unlikely because the pain isn't that bad. still may go get an x-ray. if anyone has other ideas let me know. ice and rest for now.

dno :/ that sux tho. whenever i got weird stuff in there (when verting), i'd wrap ice (wrapped in paper towels) around my shins tight, with an ace bandage. would leave it on there for ~15-20 minutes. seemed to help.

i get weird stuff in my shins occasionally, but then it disappears after a few hours, or by the next day. luckily.

as for running with it (eventually), soft (but not too soft) grass would be my approach. i'd avoid hard surfaces (track/roads). grass/dirt does wonders in my experience. i hate having to run on the road, to get to the grass.

but ya, sounds like you need some rest unfortunately. i'd still get some walks in etc.. to strengthen it up without freaking it out.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on February 12, 2019, 03:56:35 pm
I've had shin splints before too. One good thing you can do is reverse calf raises to strengthen muscles that run down the front of your shins as well as the heel walks before and after your runs.

Heal up well man.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2019, 08:55:54 am
- superset x 3
-- pull up x 7,7,7
-- SLRDL x 10,10,10/leg

- GMB shoulder mobility circuit

- some random ankle proprioception thing i found while looking for how to cure shin splints

- leg raises x 10

very, very annoyed about shin. need to develop some kind of routine to do while i'm letting it rest (i.e. not running).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2019, 10:09:46 pm
alright the last week has been absolute rest. gonna run again today, gently and on the track and not very far. wish me luck.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2019, 10:15:18 am
- run 4 km in 19:16, walk 0.5 km
the phrase "shot out of a cannon" came to mind. i was trying to relax, 1 km split was 4:45, tried to relax more, 2 km split was 4:43. lol. body was ready. no shin pain (yay) but lower lateral right ankle started to feel tight around 3.5 km so shut it down at the end of that lap.

- stretch

i am, perversely, tempted to see if my body has really supercompensated after its week off by going for a PR tomorrow. the wiser choice would be to rest and do some other exercise. might just adapt acole's routine. AERS AERS AERS.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 19, 2019, 12:57:55 pm
- run 4 km in 19:16, walk 0.5 km
the phrase "shot out of a cannon" came to mind. i was trying to relax, 1 km split was 4:45, tried to relax more, 2 km split was 4:43. lol. body was ready. no shin pain (yay) but lower lateral right ankle started to feel tight around 3.5 km so shut it down at the end of that lap.


- stretch

i am, perversely, tempted to see if my body has really supercompensated after its week off by going for a PR tomorrow. the wiser choice would be to rest and do some other exercise. might just adapt acole's routine. AERS AERS AERS.

 :derp: :ninja:

nah don't do it lol. plenty of time for that. if shin wasn't so bad prior, i'd say go for it.. but shin sounded like it was getting pretty bad. don't want chronic shin issues.

AERS. :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2019, 06:56:49 am

btw has anyone ever used this effect before? has it always been on here?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 20, 2019, 09:32:05 am

btw has anyone ever used this effect before? has it always been on here?

yea hah. people have used it before. seifullaah has used it a few times i think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2019, 09:53:31 am
it's great, like straight out of geocities.

did some foot/ankle/calf mobility work and foam rolling tonight and started to work out, but gf is having a really terrible week and needed tlc much more than i needed to exercise. felt sick after lunch, came home early and took a nap and some acetaminophen. felt better afterward but not 100%. also have been peeing a bit more than usual, very clear. don't think i've been drinking more water than usual so that's odd.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 20, 2019, 12:10:07 pm
it's great, like straight out of geocities.

yup. geocities ftw.

did some foot/ankle/calf mobility work and foam rolling tonight and started to work out, but gf is having a really terrible week and needed tlc much more than i needed to exercise.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 21, 2019, 11:46:02 am
didn't get home from work until 9. felt sick again in the afternoon. not as bad, but still, weird. a friend who works in the same building as me mentioned that he sometimes gets headaches in the afternoon and he thinks it's the stale air; we can't open the windows.

the street cats are howling like you wouldn't believe tonight. it's both hilarious and very annoying.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 21, 2019, 06:57:43 pm
didn't get home from work until 9. felt sick again in the afternoon. not as bad, but still, weird. a friend who works in the same building as me mentioned that he sometimes gets headaches in the afternoon and he thinks it's the stale air; we can't open the windows.

the street cats are howling like you wouldn't believe tonight. it's both hilarious and very annoying.

because of the moon or? or no idea?

moon was awesome last night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2019, 02:35:45 am
no idea.


- run 7.7 km in 37:58
quick, no pain

- stretch


- treadmill run x 7 mins
shin started maybe acting up (?). couldn't quite tell what was going on but cut it off for safety's sake

- superset x 3
-- BSS x 10/leg
-- pull up x 7

- superset x 3
-- SLRDL x 10/leg
-- dip x 7

- russian twist 5kg x 20,20,20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2019, 12:10:26 pm
- run 6.38 km in 32:09

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2019, 11:54:35 pm
okay so after 2+ weeks of mostly rest, time to get back on the horse. but i don't want to hurt myself again. so i'm thinking about starting really conservatively: 6-7 km per run, 4-5 days per week, with push ups, pull ups, and core work to round out a good hour's worth of activity. not more than two days in a row at first, eventually getting back to three on one off. i'm inspired at the moment by loopie, who's just cooking along at maintenance. i lose motivation fast without a specific goal and structure, would be good to settle on a kind of maintenance structure that i can fall back on if i'm hurt or in between goals.

- run 6-7 km, sometimes finishing with strides or walking lunges
- push ups x 60+ total
- pull ups x 20+ total
- band work & rows to even out push/pull reps
- core circuit of leg lowers, supermans, russian twists
- stretch

on off days i should be doing some mobility work, as well. foam rollering and movement sequences for hips, ankles, neck, shoulders, and wrists.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2019, 11:56:18 pm
also, my brother would have turned 28 today. rest in peace, jack. gonna play word games with my gf (brother loved and was a prodigy at scrabble) and skype with fam tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2019, 09:53:29 am
- run 6.58 km in 34:21
lots of traffic, pace artificially deflated because of road crossings. still, came home quicker than i started and the last section is uphill, so fine. knees a bit achey at the outset.

- push ups x 15,15,15,15
- pull ups x 5,5,5,5
90s rest between sets

- superset x 2
-- leg lower x 10
-- superman x 10

- band pull apart x 20,20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2019, 05:55:50 am
- progression run x 7.93 km: 5:49, 5:47, 6:07, 5:47, 5:00, 4:40, 4:22, 5:05
first 4km with gf, very relaxed (for me). the third km has two steep hills in it, hence the slower time. felt great.

- push up x 15,15,15,15

- pull up x 5,5,5,5

- superset x 2
- leg lower x 12
- russian twist 5kg x 12

- KB row 18kg x 20
- band pull apart x 20

- stretch

bout to go throw the frisbee around with a few people. no game, just catch.

EDIT: played catch for ~40 mins. my fingers are gonna be sore tomorrow, lol. wore my watch just for fun: covered 2.1 km, just moving around and once in a while sprinting a bit. never really sprinted far enough for the watch to pick it up accurately, though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2019, 10:42:18 am
- run 6.34 km in 31:40
all on track, hence the slightly quick pace (4:59). it was very muddy and puddly, been raining a lot. makes the air so damn nice, though.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2019, 10:16:14 pm
last night

- run 6.36 km in 32:58

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2019, 10:25:26 pm
last night

- treadmill run x 7 km [6 km @ 12kph; 1 km @ 15.1kph; 1 km @ 11kph]

- superset x 4
-- inverted row x 10
-- push up x 15

- pronated grip pull down x 13+7

- leg lower x 20,20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 10, 2019, 11:51:06 am
- run 8.12 km in 42:06

- stretch

legs weirdly tired. right toe started bugging about halfway through.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 11, 2019, 11:35:36 am
- run 7.13 km in 36:09

- superset x 4
-- push up x 15
-- pull up x 5

- KB russian twist @18kg x 10,10

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2019, 12:26:07 pm
- run 7.4 km in 36:49

- stretch

perfect conditions, a little quick as a result (4:59). my test of whether i'm running relaxed enough, at the track, is if i can easily switch to five steps per in breath and five per out breath before reverting to unconscious breath cadence. on the road it's four in four out because of the hills. easily hit five in five out in the last lap so the quick pace was fine in context.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2019, 10:14:28 am
- run 7.59 km in 38:33

- superset x 2.5
-- pull up x 5,5,5
-- push up x 15,15,x
right wrist bugging

- hollow body hold x 30s, 20s

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 16, 2019, 05:21:13 am
- warm up x 2 km, tempo 500m on/off x 3 [1:46,1:48,1:48], cool down x 1.5 km

- stretch

it's starting to get warm out. warm up laps were way too fast (~4:45) but i couldn't seem to slow down. legs felt a bit stiff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2019, 12:55:28 pm
came to karachi last-minute, will be here until thursday night. the hotel is nice and i'm sure there's a gym somewhere but i didn't leave myself time to run today before dinner and now it's late and i'm wiped out. gonna get an early night, if i wake up in time will run in the morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 22, 2019, 10:00:06 am

- treadmill run 7 km in 35:10

- pull up x 7,5,5

- TTB x 5

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 22, 2019, 11:45:24 am
- run 7.57 km in 39:55

- stretch

quads felt a bit stiff at the beginning, slow overall but last km was quickest so at least pacing was okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2019, 12:16:13 pm
- run 9.89 km in 54:43

- stretch

AERS. thought about doing an extra lap and pushing closer to 10.5 but no need. i'll get close to 11 next week. plan is tempo tomorrow but i'll see how my legs feel.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 24, 2019, 11:03:12 am
- ultimate frisbee x 90 mins
had subs, total distance covered 5.91 km. it was a couple of friends' last game before they move back to australia so had to go. meant to do a speed day anyway so good timing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 26, 2019, 11:17:22 am
- run 8.07 km in 41:49

- stretch

a bit sore, especially quads and also shins and back, but not too bad. up over 40km for the last seven days. good progress.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2019, 11:33:27 am
- run 7.11 km in 35:49

- stretch

situation with gf very shitty, stressing me out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 27, 2019, 09:43:40 pm
- run 7.11 km in 35:49

- stretch

situation with gf very shitty, stressing me out.

damn :/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2019, 10:20:31 am
yeah man it has not been a fun ride. some accumulated grievances on her side that i thought we were working through okay but which have instead metastasized over the past few weeks.

- run 8.06 km in 42:17
unusually windy day, mostly a headwind on the way out and then swirling on the way back. felt a bit dead as well but not sure how much that was the wind and how much my lack of a single good night's sleep since gf came back from her trip last sunday. slow pace as a result, 5:14, and felt like a struggle to too great a degree.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2019, 06:46:40 pm
spent the last several hours writing a letter to my gf in response to one she wrote me a couple of days ago. i have never wanted a milkshake more in my life. but it's 3:45 AM, everything is closed, and i don't have any ice cream. damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 30, 2019, 12:52:06 am
spent the last several hours writing a letter to my gf in response to one she wrote me a couple of days ago. i have never wanted a milkshake more in my life. but it's 3:45 AM, everything is closed, and i don't have any ice cream. damn it.

ice cream is good in such situations. get a shake soon.

and sucks man :/ hoping you're doing ok.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on March 30, 2019, 01:12:06 am
spent the last several hours writing a letter to my gf in response to one she wrote me a couple of days ago. i have never wanted a milkshake more in my life. but it's 3:45 AM, everything is closed, and i don't have any ice cream. damn it.

Damn, sorry to hear that mate (on both fronts!). Hope you can get through this rough patch soon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2019, 11:21:04 am
thanks guys. she'd spent a few nights staying a friend's place and we met up for breakfast this morning. it was a bit awkward at first but ultimately really good. wise of her to get away for a bit and give us both some space. hopefully this'll just be a painful bump that we look back on as a time when we learned something important about each other.


- warm up x 3.2 km, 550m on/off x 3 [2:06,2:00,2:00], cool down x 550m

- stretch

total distance 6.53km, total time 32:35. did this on the road so the fast sets were slightly downhill and recovery slightly uphill. was sucking wind by the end of the last tempo lap. will add another lap the next time i do this workout. plan is for tempo runs to eventually reach 3000m worth of working sets.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 30, 2019, 11:21:27 pm
thanks guys. she'd spent a few nights staying a friend's place and we met up for breakfast this morning. it was a bit awkward at first but ultimately really good. wise of her to get away for a bit and give us both some space. hopefully this'll just be a painful bump that we look back on as a time when we learned something important about each other.

good to hear man.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2019, 11:12:03 am
- run 10.93 km in 58:42
a buddy texted today to see if i wanted to run, ended up going with him and another friend. a bit quicker than i meant as a result, although still slower than "natural" pace so it's all good. kicked last 0.93km in 4:13 pace. really fun. it's nice to run with a partner or two. i like running with my gf but she is much slower than i am so it's a different kind of thing.

- stretch

rest tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 01, 2019, 11:25:21 am
got into grad school today. not the program i'll likely end up in, but still, it feels good to get an acceptance letter. moving to belgium in the fall.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 01, 2019, 06:30:53 pm
got into grad school today. not the program i'll likely end up in, but still, it feels good to get an acceptance letter. moving to belgium in the fall.

Congrats!!! Also, Belgium sounds great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on April 01, 2019, 07:29:22 pm
got into grad school today. not the program i'll likely end up in, but still, it feels good to get an acceptance letter. moving to belgium in the fall.

Education  :personal-record:. Congratulations.  Masters/Ph.D?

Where in Belgium? I loved the time I spent there, probably my favourite European country.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2019, 02:25:21 am
thanks fellas. belgium does sound great, and brussels in particular. everyone i've mentioned it to who's spent time there really likes it.

@acole: it'll probably be a master's in cultural anthropology and development studies at ku leuven. still waiting to hear back from that program, but because i got into the two-year social and cultural anthropology master's i imagine i'll get into the one-year program as well. hoping to hear later this week. depending on how much i get into the research, phd may follow. but let's see. phds are a long road and i'm already 32.

my gf is going to be doing something similar, but probably at universite libre de bruxelles or uc louvain, in french.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2019, 11:38:43 am
- run 8.07 km in 41:31

- stretch

legs felt heavy, dead. picked up a bit once i got warm but that took half the run. ended up at 5:09 pace.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 03, 2019, 11:53:26 am
got into grad school today. not the program i'll likely end up in, but still, it feels good to get an acceptance letter. moving to belgium in the fall.

daaaaaamn. congrats! :headbang: :goodjobbro:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2019, 12:09:27 pm
- run 8.04 km in 40:42
legs dead again at the beginning and i had to drag myself through the first 2 km but then felt pretty good.

- stretch

- a few pull ups
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2019, 11:52:20 am
- run 10.49 km in 58:09
wack run. meant to do 12 km but lightning started while i was doing laps at the track and the wind was moving in the wrong direction, i.e. it started on the other side of my neighborhood and was moving quickly toward me. so i cut the track a few laps short and headed home, trying to stay under tree cover and zipping across open areas. by the time i got to the main street in my neighborhood, about 1-1.5 km from home, i could see the lightning making ground contact, no delay between strikes and thunder. a friend lives right around there so i ducked into her guard's booth. he tried to call her so i could go up and wait it out in her place but he didn't get through. so i waited with him until it seemed like the lightning had moved on a bit. nice dude. did the last km pretty quick.

- pull up myo-reps x 10+3+2
loooooool i am weak

- push up x 16
just to match reps

- hollow body hold x 20s
barely worth journaling

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2019, 11:57:51 am
mileage was down substantially last week because i took a couple of nights off. one for work, and one because of the dead legs. i'm just going to write it off as a recovery week and bump up over 42km for the coming week. legs felt great tonight, fwiw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2019, 11:43:32 am
- run 8.56 km in 43:19

- stretch

nice and normal
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2019, 11:28:19 am
- run 8.78 km in 44:50

- stretch

the skin right next to the inside of my left big toe nail has been giving me trouble, rubbing against my sneakers and, i noticed today, my desert boots. irritation may have started with the latter, actually. when running it's only annoying for the first km or so, after that it's fine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2019, 10:12:37 am
- run 8.29 km in 41:54
went out a bit too quick (first km 4:56) and apart from the third km didn't go above 5:04. some weird tightness in posterior left knee. out of nowhere, not painful. rest tomorrow and then plan for saturday is speed, but i'll be careful with the knee

- stretch

- pull up myo reps x 10+3+3+3
still weak, sheesh
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2019, 09:14:29 am
- warm up 2 km, 500m on/off [1:59,1:50,1:34,1:52], cool down 1.4 km
all on road so the first intervals was entirely uphill, third entirely downhill. ran with gf so warm up and cool down were slower than usual, but that's okay. felt good, no issue with posterior left knee.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2019, 12:06:13 pm
- run 12.38 km in 1:08:36
nice and easy, 5:32 average pace

- stretch

looking ahead i've got a bunch of travel next month, which will disrupt training. might try to take one more heavy week, a taper/rest week, and then do a 5k time trial in two weeks. i'm not as fit as i'd like to be, training has been inconsistent and not as high-volume as it should over the last few months. but i'm likely to lose fitness in may anyway, so might as well see where i'm at.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 14, 2019, 04:35:54 pm
- run 12.38 km in 1:08:36
nice and easy, 5:32 average pace

- stretch

looking ahead i've got a bunch of travel next month, which will disrupt training. might try to take one more heavy week, a taper/rest week, and then do a 5k time trial in two weeks. i'm not as fit as i'd like to be, training has been inconsistent and not as high-volume as it should over the last few months. but i'm likely to lose fitness in may anyway, so might as well see where i'm at.

sounds like a good idea. go4it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 16, 2019, 10:38:56 am
- run 8.25 km in 41:07
4:59 pace, slightly too fast, but first 5 km were on the track and it's just easier there.

- push up x 20

- hollow body hold x 20s

- pull up x 8

- stretch

calves tight, especially right. must do some SMR and extra gentle stretching.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2019, 01:34:39 am
24-hour headache from wednesday evening to thursday evening. never severe enough to be a migraine but included some nausea yesterday late morning to late afternoon. took two separate naps yesterday and slept for nine hours overnight. plan is to make up for the lost days today with a very long (for me), very slow run. we're talking 16km. then tempo tomorrow will be practicing 3:55 pace for 1k's.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2019, 10:56:54 am
- run 11.04 km in 1:02:09

- stretch

well, did the slow part but not the long part. decided that it was foolish to randomly jack up distance that much. so this was better than nothing but not great. left ITB bugging a little now. and left shin was announcing itself during the run, not even to the level of mild discomfort but just there. to be monitored. can't wait for my parents to come with my new shoes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2019, 10:40:31 am
- warm up x 2 km; tempo 1km x 3 w/3:00 rest [3:55,3:54,3:58]; cool down x 2 km

- stretch

total distance 8.46 km, total time 42:06

okay pretty good. programmed the rest a little too long but that's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2019, 11:50:43 am
- run 7.13 km in 36:19

- stretch

bit of left calf tightness.

gf on the misery wagon today. sucks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2019, 11:59:24 pm
stubbed my toe so badly last night that it bled. no run. still hurts this morning but not as badly, will do a light run tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 24, 2019, 01:22:07 am
stubbed my toe so badly last night that it bled. no run. still hurts this morning but not as badly, will do a light run tonight.

 :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2019, 03:50:45 am
stubbed my toe so badly last night that it bled. no run. still hurts this morning but not as badly, will do a light run tonight.

 :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu:

yeah and i slipped and stubbed it because a friend who was over spilled water on the kitchen floor and then just left it there. tbh i'm glad i didn't eat it and bang my head on the counter or something.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2019, 11:56:01 am
- run 6 km in 29:09
meant to do strides after but my toe started to hurt. the nail feels a little loose, i hope it doesn't fall off. super quick because track.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 29, 2019, 11:15:35 am
failed. meant to run yesterday but diarrhea. diarrhea continued today, tried to time trial anyway, bailed after 2k despite being on pace. sigh. must just get fitter.

- warm up x 1.5km; 5k time trial 2 km in 7:56; cool down x 500m

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 30, 2019, 09:29:22 am
turns out i have giardia, again. so don't feel so as bad about bailing on myself last night. totally wrecked today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 30, 2019, 09:54:24 am
turns out i have giardia, again. so don't feel so as bad about bailing on myself last night. totally wrecked today.

daaaamn fuck.

hope you recover quick.

:ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu:

Cysts are resistant forms and are responsible for transmission of giardiasis. Both cysts and trophozoites can be found in the feces (diagnostic stages) (1). The cysts are hardy and can survive several months in cold water. Infection occurs by the ingestion of cysts in contaminated water, food, or by the fecal-oral route (hands or fomites) (2). In the small intestine, excystation releases trophozoites (each cyst produces two trophozoites) (3). Trophozoites multiply by longitudinal binary fission, remaining in the lumen of the proximal small bowel where they can be free or attached to the mucosa by a ventral sucking disk (4). Encystation occurs as the parasites transit toward the colon. The cyst is the stage found most commonly in nondiarrheal feces (5). Because the cysts are infectious when passed in the stool or shortly afterward, person-to-person transmission is possible. While animals are infected with Giardia, their importance as a reservoir is unclear.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 04, 2019, 11:28:40 pm
last night

- run 4.11 km in 21:24
weak, stiff, and slow. but finished antibiotics last night and appetite is back to normal so that's good. one foot in front of the other.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2019, 09:40:54 am
- run 8.0 km in 41:31 ; walk ~300m
it's hot now: 30/86 degrees. went out too hard, first 2 km under 5:00, but slowed it down to reasonable after that. died in last km (5:29), still averaged 5:11 pace. gonna need to be careful to keep hydrating even though it's ramadan and i can't drink publicly (including in the office) for the two weeks between now and when i head to europe. might start trying to run mornings again.

- push up x 25

- pull up x 8

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 13, 2019, 12:26:57 pm
- run 12.56 km in 1:10:50
nice and slow, tried to limp noodle it but i'm not advanced enough yet, lol. 5:38 pace still qualifies as very light for me. will keep working on it.

- superset
-- pull up x 5,5,5
-- push up x 15,15

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 13, 2019, 05:05:19 pm
- run 12.56 km in 1:10:50
nice and slow, tried to limp noodle it but i'm not advanced enough yet, lol. 5:38 pace still qualifies as very light for me. will keep working on it.

- superset
-- pull up x 5,5,5
-- push up x 15,15

- stretch

limp noodle loool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2019, 11:33:07 am
- warm up x 2 km; progressive tempo x 3 km [4:39, 4:33, 4:16]; cool down x 2 km

- stretch

inspired by the vid of the wisconsin kid adarq posted. first time doing progressive tempo not on the treadmill. finally realizing what it means for me to keep the hard days hard(er) and the easy days easy(ier). need more ~12 km runs at 5:45+ and more challenging tempo. this was not too hard but it was the first time trying something like this.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 15, 2019, 01:02:16 am
inspired by the vid of the wisconsin kid adarq posted.

"nice and smooth" :ninja:

from that small set of clips, their coach seems solid.

watching kids run this fast in trainers blows my mind actually. i really can't comprehend it. i can't even jog fast in shoes like that. then i put on spikes and i feel normal (especially on grass).

finally realizing what it means for me to keep the hard days hard(er) and the easy days easy(ier). need more ~12 km runs at 5:45+ and more challenging tempo. this was not too hard but it was the first time trying something like this.

ya man.. i don't think it can even be taught. you can have the best coaches, friends, training partners etc, and it just doesn't sink in until out of nowhere.



super slow mostly + fast occasionally works good for me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2019, 01:27:27 am
i meant the cross country national champ, running in austin. the vid you posted has him doing extensive tempo of 3 mi warm up, 3 mi tempo, 3 mi cool down.

but yeah that boling kid is nuts. relaxed 24s 200s in flats as a high schooler. lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 15, 2019, 01:35:39 am
i meant the cross country national champ, running in austin. the vid you posted has him doing extensive tempo of 3 mi warm up, 3 mi tempo, 3 mi cool down.

im tired. i don't know which vid you're referring too. lool :uhcomeon: :derp:

but yeah that boling kid is nuts. relaxed 24s 200s in flats as a high schooler. lol.

ya. so ridic.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2019, 04:57:18 am
update to previous plan, which i never really followed anyway. takes into account recent revelation about needing to run slower and longer. is work in progress.

sunday: long very easy run 80+ mins @ 5:40+ (14+ km)
monday: strength/cross training
tuesday: easy run 60+ mins @ 5:20-5:30 (11+ km)
wednesday: fartlek (mostly easy pace with mix of strides, hills, long tempo) 45 mins (8+ km)
thursday: easy run 60+ mins @ 5:20-5:30 (11+ km), strength/cross-training
friday: rest
saturday: short tempo 6-8x500 @ sub-4:00 (7 km)

strength would be:
- hops 2x10
- box jumps or ME SVJ 2x5
- squats 3x6-8 or weighted BSS/lunges 3x10/leg
- RDL/hypers 2x10-12 or SLRDL 2x10-12/leg
- upper push myo-reps or sets to technical failure
- upper pull myo-reps or sets to technical failure
- leg raises, holds, pallof presses
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2019, 10:14:11 am
- run 11.38 km in 1:00:55
averaged 5:21 pace, which is right in the window i'd planned. requires deliberate slowing, which is what i want. left shin said hi a couple of times around the middle kilometers. no discomfort, just something to monitor and be very careful of. opposite leg from the one that got a shin splint a few months ago.

- push up x 20,20

- pull up x 8,5 (lol)

- band pull apart x 24

- stretch

- SMR tib anterior and gastroc

- stretch feet

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 18, 2019, 10:22:30 am
- warm up x 2 km; tempo 500m x 6 [2:00, 1:57, 1:54, 1:52; 1:53, 1:52] w/75s rest; cool down x 1 km + 1 km walk

- stretch

good shit, bit too quick but that just means the workout is too easy as planned. learning.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 19, 2019, 01:45:16 pm
rested today, the left shin thing came up again a couple of times yesterday. it's still super light but the last time i had something like this i tried to run through it and ended up derailed. must be more careful. long slow run tomorrow, if everything feels okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 20, 2019, 11:30:24 am
realized that the rx for today is strength. so i did strength. the mileage will come.

- warm up (jump rope + GMB mobility)

- SL pogo x 8,8/leg

- ME SVJ x 8
felt terrible but got one on vid and it looked around 27, which is better than i'd have expected given the two-plus year layoff from any kind of explosive training.

- superset x 2
-- BSS x 10,10/leg
-- SLRDL +10kg x 10,10/leg
rest ad hoc but minimal

- superset x 2
-- push up x 33,20
-- pull up x 10,6
rest 75-90s

- russian twist +10kg x 20,20

- band pull apart x 23,14

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 21, 2019, 12:54:15 pm
- run 11.56 km in 1:01:59
5:22 pace. and the rest was a good call: no shin issue at all. nice.

- stretch

glutes and upper hams a bit sore (and pecs). but nothing too bad.

EDIT (next day): day 2 DOMS always worse. glutes, hams and, oddly, right VMO but not left VMO. that's probably not a great sign. still nothing serious. it's just funny to groan like an old man when mounting and dismounting the porcelain throne.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2019, 10:52:09 am
- frisbee x 1:10
gonna say i covered about a normal amount, so ~4.5 km total. today should have been fartlek today but it's the last chance to play ultimate for a while and i'm hitting the road friday anyway. thought about tacking on a short run after getting home then thought better of it.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2019, 04:16:38 am
i'm in belgium! new country for me. number 38, by century club rules (if you've been on the ground, it counts, even if just in transit -- by that standard i've been to qatar, senegal, and turkmenistan); number 35 by ordinary people rules (you've got to have driven or walked around outside a transit center).

spent the last several days in france, mostly in the small village where my gf's dad lives, a few hours east of paris, in champagne-ardenne. did two runs along the canal towpath next to the place we were staying:

- run 8.52 km in 42:39

- fartlek 8.8 km in 42:54
felt amazing, ran through the woods on an old track for a while, did a couple 500m stretches at 3:20-3:30 pace, some strides, some very light trotting. towpaths are the best.

plan is to catch up on a bit of work now while we digest breakfast and then go for a light run around the suburb where gf's aunt and uncle live outside brussels.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 31, 2019, 01:29:57 pm
i'm in belgium! new country for me. number 38, by century club rules (if you've been on the ground, it counts, even if just in transit -- by that standard i've been to qatar, senegal, and turkmenistan); number 35 by ordinary people rules (you've got to have driven or walked around outside a transit center).

spent the last several days in france, mostly in the small village where my gf's dad lives, a few hours east of paris, in champagne-ardenne. did two runs along the canal towpath next to the place we were staying:

- run 8.52 km in 42:39

- fartlek 8.8 km in 42:54
felt amazing, ran through the woods on an old track for a while, did a couple 500m stretches at 3:20-3:30 pace, some strides, some very light trotting. towpaths are the best.

plan is to catch up on a bit of work now while we digest breakfast and then go for a light run around the suburb where gf's aunt and uncle live outside brussels.

awesome  :headbang: :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 01, 2019, 04:55:50 am

- run 7.64 km in 45:21
with gf, so slow. did a couple of longish (~600m) hills for funsies.

- stretch

have had a cold since france that's now migrated into a deep cough. planned to run 8-10 km today but will take it easy instead. gf has it worse, she went back to bed this morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2019, 10:16:23 am
- run 10.25 km in 56:04
nice and relaxed, through the beautiful park near gf's aunt and uncle's. mostly in the shade but it was still a bit warm (29-30, mid-80's) and i'm getting over this cold.

- push up x 15,15,15

- stretch

looking forward, strangely, to running in the islamabad heat again. it builds character, could set me up for a fit autumn in europe.

also, meant to mention that although we didn't run for a couple days we've been walking quite a lot, exploring neighborhoods in which we might live.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 02, 2019, 05:16:43 pm
looking forward, strangely, to running in the islamabad heat again. it builds character, could set me up for a fit autumn in europe.

that's the spirit :headbang: :highfive:

it def builds character, and fitness. awesome to see you embracing it.

i can run in the heat for hours & lose 10+ lb of water weight. my dogs can play in that same heat for 10-20 minutes with rest breaks, before they are ready to pass out. In the cold they can play forever. When we're out there pushing through the scorching heat, it unlocks some great fitness & mental strength that's been locked away by the comforts of life (for most of us).

I ran in a thick long sleeve today in 103 F (heat index), lost 5 lb water in ~45 minutes going 11:XX min/mi (crazy slow). haha.

also, meant to mention that although we didn't run for a couple days we've been walking quite a lot, exploring neighborhoods in which we might live.

damn.. awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2019, 02:02:18 pm
back in pakistan. cold stuck around, didn't end up running at all in london.

- run 10.12 in 54:18
smoggy/hazy and pretty hot, although i waited until after dark to run. coughing a bit after. felt okay though.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2019, 11:36:21 am
joined a gym.

- treadmill tempo/progression: 1 km @ 10.5, 12, 14, 15, 10.5, 15/10.5, 9
total 7 km in ~36:30. the late 500m split at 15kph was a bit tough, legs felt tired. still not too hard overall. the last segment at 9kph (6:40/10:44 pace) was good practice for future superslow runs.

- pull up myo-rep x 8+3+3

- dip x 8+3+3
took it easy since it's the first time in a long time doing these

- straight leg raise x 10,10,10

- BSS x 10/leg

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2019, 12:27:25 pm
- treadmill run 8.0 km in 41:30
treadmill okay for tempo, extremely boring for steady-state. will need to bring headphones if i'm going to do this more.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 14, 2019, 04:01:34 am
Steady state treadmill is a torture. Stationary bike is better, at least you get to let your mind go , in the treadmill you have to stay focused to not fall. Hate treadmill with passion!!!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 15, 2019, 09:46:45 am
tried with headphones today, listened to a podcast. it was better. still not great, but tolerable.

- treadmill run 10.0 km in 52:08

- stretch

total distance for first week back: 35.1 km. good start, will bump it up next week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 15, 2019, 02:52:25 pm
also, i weighed myself at the gym today. first time on a scale since i don't remember when. seems i've lost ~4 kg since moving to pakistan: came in just over 74kg/163 pounds. i guess i knew i'd lost a little but that's quite a lot. wonder when it happened, i.e. right away (people who haven't seen me in a while have been telling me i look like i've lost weight for the last two years or more) or after i started running.

in any event, do not want to be any lighter than this.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2019, 12:29:46 pm
- run 11.4 km in 59:36
kinda cool, almost exactly the same pace as on the treadmill, without any cue except "run relaxed."

- stretch

outside >>>>>>> treadmill
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 17, 2019, 01:28:33 pm
- run 11.4 km in 59:36
kinda cool, almost exactly the same pace as on the treadmill, without any cue except "run relaxed."

- stretch

outside >>>>>>> treadmill

nice @ 1 hour sessions! :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2019, 01:44:30 pm
- treadmill tempo 1 km @ 11,11,13,14,10.5,9.9
fatigue is a hell of a thing. plan was to build up to 15kph again but that was not happening, felt dangerous to be going that fast. struggle bus.

- pull up myo reps x 8+3+3+2
need a bit longer rest on these until i get a bit stronger

- dips x 10+3+3+3
add weight next time

- hanging leg raise x 10,10

- lunge x 30

- SL RDL x 10/leg

- stretch

legs so tired! surprised at how much so, last night wasn't very intense. also it's quite hot, even in the gym.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 20, 2019, 11:41:47 am
- run 10.57 km in 56:58
not too hot but very humid, went out right after a thunderstorm. also, had to poop really bad for about 15 minutes. tried to hold it in but i was at the track so at the ~35' mark i went into the little clubhouse and took a shit. first time i've ever done paused a run to do that, i think. i don't usually have to poop at this time of day. weird.

- band dislocates x 10

woof, small shoulder muscles are out of shape. will keep doing these, very healthy.

- pull up myo-reps x 8+3+3+3
there we go. still need a bit of rest between sets to get there. will try to do 10 on the first set next time, then reduce rest to five breaths before adding any weight.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 21, 2019, 12:19:42 am
- run 10.57 km in 56:58
not too hot but very humid, went out right after a thunderstorm. also, had to poop really bad for about 15 minutes. tried to hold it in but i was at the track so at the ~35' mark i went into the little clubhouse and took a shit. first time i've ever done paused a run to do that, i think. i don't usually have to poop at this time of day. weird.

lol damn you're lucky, this being the first time.

i've had to pause like 100+ runs. :ninja: :<
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2019, 01:56:25 am
- run 10.57 km in 56:58
not too hot but very humid, went out right after a thunderstorm. also, had to poop really bad for about 15 minutes. tried to hold it in but i was at the track so at the ~35' mark i went into the little clubhouse and took a shit. first time i've ever done paused a run to do that, i think. i don't usually have to poop at this time of day. weird.

lol damn you're lucky, this being the first time.

i've had to pause like 100+ runs. :ninja: :<

whoa, seriously? the one year i did cross country in high school i remember one race where i was turtling for like half the time. it sucked so much. i'm pretty religious about going to the bathroom right before i head out the door, so generally don't even have to pee on runs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 22, 2019, 07:31:55 am
- food poisoning


- walk 4.6 km
felt up to a walk but definitely not a run by early evening. one lap around the neighborhood, navigating around the madrasa boys who were out in absolute droves for some reason. ate some rice for dinner and now feel crampy again. joy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 23, 2019, 11:13:21 am
- run 10.57 km in 56:58
not too hot but very humid, went out right after a thunderstorm. also, had to poop really bad for about 15 minutes. tried to hold it in but i was at the track so at the ~35' mark i went into the little clubhouse and took a shit. first time i've ever done paused a run to do that, i think. i don't usually have to poop at this time of day. weird.

lol damn you're lucky, this being the first time.

i've had to pause like 100+ runs. :ninja: :<

whoa, seriously?

yup. with nerves, sometimes it shuts me down until i start running. so for races, i'll go before & also have to go after i jog around a few miles. happens on training runs occasionally. has happened alot when i'm doing fast training runs. have to run around for a bit, go, and then i can get on with it.

i had to poop during my 5k PR (in a race) .. my last mile (fastest ever third mile in a 5k, like 5:28) happened because I was literally running to the bathroom. i still remember it well. i had to go so bad that i just turned it up and tried to get there as fast as possible. lmfao.

for that ultra i did, i held a pee for about 4 hours. by the end, i didn't have to pee anymore. either it "evaporated" or i pee'd myself. i've always felt like my body somehow 'reused those fluids' lmao. i didn't drink in that race until 4.5 hours.. so maybe my body somehow recycled it. was kinda odd. but ya it sucked. i went before, but literally a few minutes after starting the race, had to go again.. and i just held it, didn't want to stop running at all.

i remember "blogging" about both of those, and this one: one of the craziest was, i had to poop so bad (had to for 30 min driving up, thought i was toast) and this naples half marathon was about to start, so i just said fu*k it and started the race. within minutes it disappeared. it was magic.

the one year i did cross country in high school i remember one race where i was turtling for like half the time. it sucked so much. i'm pretty religious about going to the bathroom right before i head out the door, so generally don't even have to pee on runs.

ya turtling is torture lol.

- food poisoning


FAWK.. :<  :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2019, 12:48:14 pm
- run 13.01 km in 1:15:23

- stretch

fuck i'm tired. legs dead for last 4-5 km. made it to 13k about 150m from home and just called it. walked the last little bit. it's 31/87 degrees out and 44% humidity, which doesn't help. knees started feeling a bit achey 10-15 minutes after finishing. but man.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2019, 11:24:55 pm
also my whole nutritional schedule was thrown off by the food poisoning on saturday. i don't think i was overly dehydrated last night -- i'd been drinking plenty of water, pee was normal -- but i hadn't eaten a proper lunch.

couldn't get to sleep last night, tossed and turned for 3-4 hours, wide awake. when i have caffeine too late in the day i can't go to sleep but i feel sleepy, yawning and whatnot. this was different. very unpleasant. and i have a headache this morning. i think i overexerted myself on the run, under the circumstances. need to be careful.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2019, 12:01:18 pm
- treadmill tempo 1 km @ 10.5,10.5,12.5,13.5,14.5,10,(15.1/10)

- pull up extended myo-reps x 10+3+3+2

- dip myo-reps +3kg x 10+3+3+3

- kroc rows 28kg x 15R,14L
forgot about these when i logged last night. weeeeeak. weak.

- stretch

i was 72.5kg after the workout.  :uhcomeon:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2019, 10:27:02 am
- treadmill run 6 km in 34:xx
just awful. i feel like i sweat more and get hotter on the treadmill than outside even though there's a/c in the gym. meant to do 10km but i just couldn't do it. bah.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2019, 12:04:41 pm
- run 10.38 km in 56:42
hot and humid but felt great. i sweated less doing this outside in 34/94 degree heat than i did struggling through 6 km on the treadmill a couple days ago. my gf also really struggled on the treadmill when she tried to run this afternoon. it's odd because last week i did 10 km with a podcast, no problem.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2019, 03:29:19 am
last night

- run 8.3 km in 44:04
went out after a rainstorm, it wasn't quite as hot as it's been. still humid though.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2019, 11:20:22 pm
last night

- GMB warm up

- SL pogos x 8,8,10/leg

- barefoot pistol practice x ~10/leg

- pull up x 10+3+3+3

- KB OHP 18kg x 5,5

- KB TGU 10kg x 2/side
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 01, 2019, 12:27:00 pm
- run 14.08 km in 1:19:25

- stretch

distance PR, or close to it. nice and slow, 5:38 pace. hot and humid again: 34/94 degrees.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 02, 2019, 01:25:55 am
- run 14.08 km in 1:19:25

- stretch

distance PR, or close to it. nice and slow, 5:38 pace. hot and humid again: 34/94 degrees.


good work!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2019, 12:16:53 pm
thanks  :)

- tempo progression 1 km @ 5:25,5:10,[4:35,4:23,4:12],5:27 plus a little bit
total distance 6.41 km, total time 31:24

35/95 degrees post run. these have got to get easier when i'm somewhere cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 05, 2019, 11:05:35 am
i'm in the mountains for a few days traveling around with a colleague. kind of a valedictory trip for me since i'm leaving my job at the end of the month. we went for a walk today that wasn't quite vigorous or long enough to count as exercise. back in islamabad on monday (i hope against hope, they're trying to get me a seat on the flight) or tuesday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2019, 12:11:37 pm
- treadmill tempo 1 km x 10.5,10.5,12.5,13.5,15,10
cricket highlights are an excellent time-passer.

- pull up x 8+3+3+3
~45s rest. boy these degrade fast.

- dip x 10+3+3+3
proper myo reps

- kroc row 26 x 18R,16L

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 11, 2019, 02:44:20 pm
- run 10.40 km in 55:46
not the hottest -- 31/87 -- but jesus it's humid

- stretch

EDIT: also, had another mid-run emergency number two. weird, do not like, hope this doesn't become a thing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 13, 2019, 11:08:44 am
- run 4 km @~6:04; 60s fast/slow x 5; 2.8 km @~5:30
first 4k with gf, hence the slow pace. total running distance 9 km, total time 50:45. walked an untimed km at the end because i was just done. 31/87 but 70% humidity. fuck me.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2019, 12:15:21 pm
- run 13.11 km in 1:15:27
70% humidity again. much sweaty. drank 750mL water without noticing it while stretching.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2019, 11:16:51 pm
last night

- progression run 1km @ 5:22,5:13,4:36,4:33,4:20,5:35 + a bit
did outside rather than treadmill. hot, humid, and hills = more challenging that way. total distance 6.05 km, total time 30:14.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2019, 01:30:26 pm
- run 9.66 km in 52:53
first 4 km with gf. she did good today, each split under 6:00. picked up the pace a little after she stopped and then came home in <5:10 for the last 2 km, with a little kick over the last 100m or so.

- circuit x 3
-- push up x 10
-- pull up x 5
-- crunch x 25/leg lower x 10,10
-- SL bridge x 10
going through the motions a bit but better than nothing. i need to hold onto something for the leg lowers.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2019, 11:22:51 am
- run 10.05 km in 52:52
5:15 pace is the quickest medium-length run in a while. humidity 74%. my poor yoga mat is getting soaked and re-soaked in sweat. also my gf dropped her kettlebell on it the other day and punched a little hole in. thing's going through a rough time.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2019, 07:43:38 am
man when was the last time any of y'all had an ear infection? i've got one right now and it SUCKS. right ear will feel fine for a few minutes and then BAM, wave of pain. hope it goes away on its own.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 19, 2019, 09:40:10 am
man when was the last time any of y'all had an ear infection? i've got one right now and it SUCKS. right ear will feel fine for a few minutes and then BAM, wave of pain. hope it goes away on its own.

damn that sucks. :< i remember them being very painful.

was just talking to my co-worker a few days ago about that. he gets migraines occasionally, and an ear infection is the only thing i can somehow relate to a migraine, used to get them a ton as a kid.

haven't had one since i was a kid 8|
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2019, 12:46:45 am
it's weird, i never got them as a kid. only started as an adult, not exactly sure how long ago. it really only just occurred to me that that's what's happening when my right ear hurts every 3-6 months. i should probably get it checked out tbh.

fwiw it's not even close to a migraine, at least the ones i get. migraines are crippling, i sometimes vomit from the pain and i can't function at all.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 21, 2019, 02:10:25 am
it's weird, i never got them as a kid. only started as an adult, not exactly sure how long ago. it really only just occurred to me that that's what's happening when my right ear hurts every 3-6 months. i should probably get it checked out tbh.

damn, weird.

i remember them being crazy painful.

fwiw it's not even close to a migraine, at least the ones i get. migraines are crippling, i sometimes vomit from the pain and i can't function at all.

my co-workers vision gets wrecked when he gets his migraines.

i can't recall ever having one, luckily. i got bad headaches at some point towards the tail end of when i was boxing.. just way too much sparring. freaked me out when i started getting them. probably did some damage. dumb.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2019, 01:54:49 pm
- run 15.01 km in 1:23:07
distance PR for sure this time. a little faster than i meant to go (5:32 average, although with a lot of variation). had to poop around 7 km in.


- SMR glutes, hamstrings, calves

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2019, 01:59:25 pm
rest day today but gf wanted to go to the gym so i figured i'd do some cross-training.

- warm up

- handstand practice x a bit

- barefoot pistol practice x a bit

- pull up x 9+3+3+2

- dip +5kg x 10+3+3+3

- kroc row 26kg x 21L,21R
too horizontal

- circuit x 2
-- leg lowers x 10
-- SL glute hold x 20s/side

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2019, 12:17:55 pm
- run 9 km in 48:17, walk ~0.6km

- stretch

struggled tonight although pace ended up being okay and i came in faster than i went out. 34-35 degrees and very humid. bargained myself down to 9k around the 6k mark. not a good habit to get into but i felt shitty.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2019, 11:06:32 am
got home and started helping my gf with something. now it's pouring, pouring rain. too scary to run on the street with visibility this bad and the track will be a pond. hilariously, the weather report is that it's currently clear. i'm annoyed, i should have looked at the forecast before i started working on this thing. could have run first. got an early morning meeting tomorrow as well so can't make it up then. bah.

on the plus side, today i finally got into grad school (17th grade! scholastic level PR!) (also what up, joe, i'm moving to london) and my organization signed a multimillion-dollar grant that will enable us to do some great work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on July 24, 2019, 12:57:49 pm
on the plus side, today i finally got into grad school (17th grade! scholastic level PR!) (also what up, joe, i'm moving to london) and my organization signed a multimillion-dollar grant that will enable us to do some great work.

Sweet. We'll have to go running together when you get here! Where are you going to be studying? I'm guessing SOAS?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2019, 01:24:30 pm
on the plus side, today i finally got into grad school (17th grade! scholastic level PR!) (also what up, joe, i'm moving to london) and my organization signed a multimillion-dollar grant that will enable us to do some great work.

Sweet. We'll have to go running together when you get here! Where are you going to be studying? I'm guessing SOAS?

for sure. and climbing, although i'm shit at it.

master's will be at UCL, actually. my political tendencies are lefty like SOAS but that's part of why i went for UCL: wariness of the echo chamber.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 24, 2019, 05:53:08 pm
17th grade, funny way to look at it.

awesome, congrats man!

you & joe going to get some training in? hah. :highfive: :ibjumping: :ibsquatting: :ibrunning:

master's will be at UCL, actually. my political tendencies are lefty like SOAS but that's part of why i went for UCL: wariness of the echo chamber.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2019, 11:03:36 am

last night

- GMB warm up

- pirouettes x ~10/leg
better than i expected given how long it'd been since i did these. nailed at least a couple.

- scales x 5,5/leg

- pull up breathing ladder x 1,2,3,2,1,2,3,2,1

- stretch

so at least my run-less night wasn't a complete waste


- run 9.41 km in 49:58

- stretch

the storm broke the heat but not the humidity, which is up to 90%.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2019, 08:50:10 am
friday night

- light yoga/meditation x 60 mins

saturday morning

- intense yoga x 90 mins, focus on single leg balance

saturday night

- light yoga/meditation x 60 mins

sunday morning

- intense yoga x 90 mins, focus on core

gf ran a yoga retreat this weekend in an absolutely stunning house about an hour away from islamabad. it was fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2019, 12:06:09 pm
- 3km 2km test: warm up x 3km plus a bit of walking; begin 3 km sub-12 test, cut off at 2 km because of headache; cool down x 4.32km
did 2 km in 7:46, one mile in ~6:12. felt sick earlier in the day but seemed okay by the time i started. realized partway through tonight that this is the third time i've tested myself this year and 2/3 times i've felt sick on the day. dumb. total distance ~9.8 km including some walking while watch was paused.

- stretch

32/90 degrees and 60% humidity (latter feels worse actually).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 02, 2019, 01:13:06 am
how's the move going?? :o :o :o
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 02, 2019, 10:17:25 am
how's the move going?? :o :o :o

exhausting, lol. i'll do a full write-up once i've got a minute. for now suffice it to say: no exercise since tuesday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2019, 12:35:05 pm
- run 9.45 km in 58:15
first 3.5 km with gf, who was really struggling. we took a couple walking breaks. last km included an ~800m steep continuous climb, which sucked.

- stretch

might play tennis with my brother later as well.


- tennis x an hour

- stretch

super fun, plenty of rust after two years (!) of not playing, but less than i feared. bro is more skilled than i am now (he's been playing a fair amount over the last couple years) but i'm much better shape and once he ran out of steam it was all over.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 23, 2019, 12:32:21 pm
checking in from the beach. did a bit of running -- one decently long run (11-12 km) and some shorter ones -- in california last week, along with some hiking in big sur. at the beach been playing tennis every day and swimming. good stuff. it's beautiful here. watched a turtle nest hatch last night, 102 little loggerheads bursting out of the sand all at once and making a beeline for the ocean. absolutely incredible sight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 24, 2019, 08:46:17 am
checking in from the beach. did a bit of running -- one decently long run (11-12 km) and some shorter ones -- in california last week, along with some hiking in big sur. at the beach been playing tennis every day and swimming. good stuff. it's beautiful here.


from those photos on your ig, that spot on the beach looks solid.

watched a turtle nest hatch last night, 102 little loggerheads bursting out of the sand all at once and making a beeline for the ocean. absolutely incredible sight.

damn that's awesome.

i saw some when i was a kid but i barely remember them, but i love turtles so i imagine it has something to do with it
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2019, 06:07:21 pm
that beach is beyond solid for me. it's got 30+ years of memories tied up in it. on friday morning we had a little ceremony to scatter some of my brother's ashes there. it was one of two places he requested that we do that, about a year before he actually died (the other being our parents' house).

back in maryland now.

- run 10.01 km in 53:01
first 4.5 km with gf, picked it up in the back half to get under 5:30 overall pace. she had the brilliant idea to drive down to the park nearby and then run along the creek, rather than just around the neighborhood. it's flat and so much less draining for her that she did an extra kilometer.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 26, 2019, 11:59:11 pm
that beach is beyond solid for me. it's got 30+ years of memories tied up in it. on friday morning we had a little ceremony to scatter some of my brother's ashes there. it was one of two places he requested that we do that, about a year before he actually died (the other being our parents' house).

good that you all could do that together. <3

back in maryland now.

- run 10.01 km in 53:01
first 4.5 km with gf, picked it up in the back half to get under 5:30 overall pace. she had the brilliant idea to drive down to the park nearby and then run along the creek, rather than just around the neighborhood. it's flat and so much less draining for her that she did an extra kilometer.

- stretch

nice  :headbang: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2019, 09:28:55 am

- run 8.03 km in 40:22
gave myself a 1.1km continuous uphill with 62m of elevation gain, by accident. pace dipped a little during that stretch, as you might expect.

- stretch


- tennis x 45 mins
gf came and played with me and my dad. she's a novice but a pretty quick learner and had fun. now wants to get a racquet and play when we're in the UK. dad has really struggled the last few times we've played. he used to be consistent if not very fast or powerful, but now he's a mess. xmas present idea: lesson package.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2019, 09:29:43 am
also i'm stuck in 'merica for another week because the UK government, in its wisdom, decided to make the visa application process a gigantic and unpredictable pain in the ass. in its defense, all countries do that. on the other hand, fuck borders.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on August 30, 2019, 11:47:59 am
also i'm stuck in 'merica for another week because the UK government, in its wisdom, decided to make the visa application process a gigantic and unpredictable pain in the ass. in its defense, all countries do that. on the other hand, fuck borders.

 :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

the uk is especially talented in this regard  :raging:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2019, 04:50:56 pm
yeah, what can you do. props for being relatively uncorrupt, though. my gf's mom works in visa processing for the home department and knows the guy who runs the visa section for the US and canada, and she couldn't call in a favor or anything. oh well.


- tennis w/gf x 40 mins
very low-key, she's a total beginner. but it was fun, she's a good athlete, picks things up quickly, and actually tries, which is cool.


- run 10.47 km in 57:04
took a 400m walking break after 9km because i felt like i was overheating. that brought the overall pace way down. hot and quite humid today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2019, 10:48:25 am
ended up with a moderate-to-bad headache most of yesterday afternoon and evening, post-run. legs felt wrecked for a while, too. pushed a bit too hard for what was supposed to be a light run, i think. and need to be drinking more water if i'm going to run in these conditions.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2019, 03:26:26 pm
- mow lawn x 45 mins

- run 9.0 km in 46:49
capped it a little short today because of the struggles on saturday.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 02, 2019, 11:44:11 pm
lawn mow ftw :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2019, 10:34:27 am
yeah it was fun. hadn't done that in literally years.

- tennis w/ dad x 45 mins
we were both starting to get the groove back a bit, had some really strong rallies. dad put some good zip on a few forehands and also mishit a bunch; overall big improvement over the past few times we've played.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 05, 2019, 09:26:56 am
yeah it was fun. hadn't done that in literally years.

ya i'm enjoying it as well. doing it every weekend now. gives me a nice distraction for a few hours (with yard work etc).

- tennis w/ dad x 45 mins
we were both starting to get the groove back a bit, had some really strong rallies. dad put some good zip on a few forehands and also mishit a bunch; overall big improvement over the past few times we've played.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2019, 04:46:30 pm
got visa, leaving for london in ~15 minutes. our expected place to stay tonight fell through and i can't reach my gf now to confirm booking an airbnb so might have to leave for the airport without knowing my actual destination tomorrow, lol. heeeere we go.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on September 05, 2019, 04:51:34 pm
got visa, leaving for london in ~15 minutes. our expected place to stay tonight fell through and i can't reach my gf now to confirm booking an airbnb so might have to leave for the airport without knowing my actual destination tomorrow, lol. heeeere we go.

i missed this, you're moving to London? when did this happen - belgium was the plan last i read (or is london just en-route?)

i'll be down there quite a bit over the next few months as my gf is currently living there, lets park run!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 06, 2019, 12:52:10 am
got visa, leaving for london in ~15 minutes. our expected place to stay tonight fell through and i can't reach my gf now to confirm booking an airbnb so might have to leave for the airport without knowing my actual destination tomorrow, lol. heeeere we go.


got visa, leaving for london in ~15 minutes. our expected place to stay tonight fell through and i can't reach my gf now to confirm booking an airbnb so might have to leave for the airport without knowing my actual destination tomorrow, lol. heeeere we go.

i missed this, you're moving to London? when did this happen - belgium was the plan last i read (or is london just en-route?)

i'll be down there quite a bit over the next few months as my gf is currently living there, lets park run!

nice!!! jealous of this park run meetup if it happens. there's some other potential members too. could be a decent sized squad hah. 8|
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 06, 2019, 04:34:13 am
got visa, leaving for london in ~15 minutes. our expected place to stay tonight fell through and i can't reach my gf now to confirm booking an airbnb so might have to leave for the airport without knowing my actual destination tomorrow, lol. heeeere we go.

oh shit! i hope that works out all right tonight! am afraid i'm not able to offer you a place to stay as i'm not in town tonight, but if you need a hand getting settled in the coming weeks hmu
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2019, 03:22:52 pm
got visa, leaving for london in ~15 minutes. our expected place to stay tonight fell through and i can't reach my gf now to confirm booking an airbnb so might have to leave for the airport without knowing my actual destination tomorrow, lol. heeeere we go.

i missed this, you're moving to London? when did this happen - belgium was the plan last i read (or is london just en-route?)

i'll be down there quite a bit over the next few months as my gf is currently living there, lets park run!

happened over the summer, gf decided that she wasn't ready for grad school and that removed the main reason we'd do belgium: master's costs $2000 there rather than $25-30,000 here. (she's british but doesn't qualify for home tuition because she hasn't been living here in the past three years.) so i'm starting a master's at UCL in a couple weeks.

anyway, park run for sure. or chase the sun? i've done one of the latter, they have chip timing. now that i'm in a place where there are lots of races, i like the idea of doing what adarq doing a while back, running a bunch and using races mainly as a "hard" training day. maybe park runs to train and chase the sun runs to attempt PR, because they're expensive but chip timed and therefore more legit? will consider. lots up in the air at the moment, but i'm gonna start training again ASAP. it's so nice and cool here, can't wait to run.

want to do one next weekend? i'm out near leyton, so hackney marshes, walthamstow, and wansted flats all look pretty close. latter the most so.

got visa, leaving for london in ~15 minutes. our expected place to stay tonight fell through and i can't reach my gf now to confirm booking an airbnb so might have to leave for the airport without knowing my actual destination tomorrow, lol. heeeere we go.

oh shit! i hope that works out all right tonight! am afraid i'm not able to offer you a place to stay as i'm not in town tonight, but if you need a hand getting settled in the coming weeks hmu

thanks man. we found a great airbnb, thank god. gonna be here the next few weeks while we look for places to live. we'll probably end up in the east, mile end/bow or out here. where's your gf live?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2019, 03:23:19 pm
got visa, leaving for london in ~15 minutes. our expected place to stay tonight fell through and i can't reach my gf now to confirm booking an airbnb so might have to leave for the airport without knowing my actual destination tomorrow, lol. heeeere we go.

i missed this, you're moving to London? when did this happen - belgium was the plan last i read (or is london just en-route?)

i'll be down there quite a bit over the next few months as my gf is currently living there, lets park run!

yes! london park run meetup!

who else is here and wants to run?

ETA: it's funny, that's three members whose gfs are drawing them to london.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 08, 2019, 04:48:52 pm
got visa, leaving for london in ~15 minutes. our expected place to stay tonight fell through and i can't reach my gf now to confirm booking an airbnb so might have to leave for the airport without knowing my actual destination tomorrow, lol. heeeere we go.

oh shit! i hope that works out all right tonight! am afraid i'm not able to offer you a place to stay as i'm not in town tonight, but if you need a hand getting settled in the coming weeks hmu

thanks man. we found a great airbnb, thank god. gonna be here the next few weeks while we look for places to live. we'll probably end up in the east, mile end/bow or out here. where's your gf live?

We're also in east london, and Mile End is my nearest parkrun, so if you end up out there we could do some regular training runs together.

Am sadly not free for parkrun next week (14/9), but would be keen to get involved in future squad parkruns, though!

Btw, I've heard Singburi on Leytonstone High Road is one of the best thai places in london, so maybe check that out
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on September 08, 2019, 06:36:09 pm
Oh wow, that's a lot of change in a short period! Hope the transition goes smoothly, I've never lived in London but would be keen to spend some time there one day. I'm only 2 hours on the train away though so visiting is pretty easy.

My girlfriend lives in Leyton and Wanstead flats is her local park run! How coincidental. Definitely gotta do this!

Not sure about next weekend - I am off but not sure what my plans are at the moment, think I have some friends coming to visit me and the weekend after I have tickets for aphex twin in Manchester and working the next two weekends after that doh. I could be around mid week though so will keep you updated - could just do a training run.

(BTW if you ever wanna do any hiking in the North of the UK during your time here hit me up!)

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 08, 2019, 10:33:13 pm
got visa, leaving for london in ~15 minutes. our expected place to stay tonight fell through and i can't reach my gf now to confirm booking an airbnb so might have to leave for the airport without knowing my actual destination tomorrow, lol. heeeere we go.

i missed this, you're moving to London? when did this happen - belgium was the plan last i read (or is london just en-route?)

i'll be down there quite a bit over the next few months as my gf is currently living there, lets park run!

yes! london park run meetup!

who else is here and wants to run?

can't wait for this park run/race meetup. that's going to be fun. :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

one day i'll run with you folks.. somehow. :ninja:

ETA: it's funny, that's three members whose gfs are drawing them to london.

hah. that's cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2019, 01:52:05 pm
adarq come over for the london marathon next year. 26 april 2020.

- run 4.6 km in 28:30
with gf, hence slow and short, just exploring and loosening up. jet lag pretty bad last two nights. better something than nothing. wansted flats has some dirt paths, which are nice at least in the woods (by the council flats there's a lot of trash) but it's not lit and there was almost no one there -- okay for me to run alone but gf wouldn't be comfortable. gukl, what's your gf think of living here?

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2019, 08:44:14 am
- run 9.43 km in 52:59
first 4km with gf, extra slow because she was struggling on the back-to-back. explored olympic park, it's nice. about 1.5km in the other direction from where we're staying from the park we ran to yesterday, and more pleasant to get to (less time on busy roads).

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 10, 2019, 09:48:43 am
- run 9.43 km in 52:59
first 4km with gf, extra slow because she was struggling on the back-to-back. explored olympic park, it's nice. about 1.5km in the other direction from where we're staying from the park we ran to yesterday, and more pleasant to get to (less time on busy roads).

- stretch

Canal path in the Olympic Park is where I fucked up my ankle in a pothole, so watch out for that
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on September 10, 2019, 05:13:27 pm
adarq come over for the london marathon next year. 26 april 2020.

- run 4.6 km in 28:30
with gf, hence slow and short, just exploring and loosening up. jet lag pretty bad last two nights. better something than nothing. wansted flats has some dirt paths, which are nice at least in the woods (by the council flats there's a lot of trash) but it's not lit and there was almost no one there -- okay for me to run alone but gf wouldn't be comfortable. gukl, what's your gf think of living here?

- stretch

So she's kinda of grown up there, she's just gone back to live with her family - it is not the nicest area in London but it's kind of home for her I think. She feels fairly safe walking around at night and stuff I think. The area is a lot better than it was prior to the Olympics from what she tells me though and all in all a reasonable place to live.

London marathon I'm DOWN!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2019, 04:49:55 am
- run 9.43 km in 52:59
first 4km with gf, extra slow because she was struggling on the back-to-back. explored olympic park, it's nice. about 1.5km in the other direction from where we're staying from the park we ran to yesterday, and more pleasant to get to (less time on busy roads).

- stretch

Canal path in the Olympic Park is where I fucked up my ankle in a pothole, so watch out for that

duly noted.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2019, 05:11:35 am
So she's kinda of grown up there, she's just gone back to live with her family - it is not the nicest area in London but it's kind of home for her I think. She feels fairly safe walking around at night and stuff I think. The area is a lot better than it was prior to the Olympics from what she tells me though and all in all a reasonable place to live.

London marathon I'm DOWN!

Cool, thanks. Yeah it seems like it's kind of gentrifying at the moment. We can't afford/wouldn't necessarily want to live anyway in the fancy neighborhoods. Leyton is bustling and super diverse feels very livable, at least so far. I really only get creeped out in places that feel empty or hollowed out and Leyton feels lived-in. Lots of families, lots of different languages and cuisines and styles. We put in an offer on a place last night, so now we pray that that owner accepts and that our references all clear. We'll find out about the former today, we hope. If he's cool with the offer -- and he should be, we offered what he was asking and were the first to do so -- then we'll find out about the latter early next week. Deep breaths.

BTW meant to say this before but I'm super down for some northern hikes (or fell running?). I have a buddy from Islamabad who's moving back here soon with his wife and is really into trekking and mountaineering; he attempted Aconcagua last January. He's also talked about putting together some long weekends in the hills. Let's do it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 12, 2019, 11:45:09 am
I might be in for the Marathon too, date is pretty suitable, i was ( faintly ) planning a London visit somewhere around then ( was thinking 1-2 months later but close ).
Just saying  8)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2019, 05:39:53 am

- run 11.47km in 59:02
ran to and then around in victoria park. beautiful, got turned around a few times, went a bit farther than i intended.

- stretch


- walk a lot
spent most of the day wandering around london while gf studied. wouldn't ordinarily log but i walked at least 12-13 km over the course of the day, which is much above normal. the last time i walked that much and then tried to run a normal amount afterward i hurt my shin. hence no run yesterday on top of the walking.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 13, 2019, 10:11:01 am

- run 11.47km in 59:02
ran to and then around in victoria park. beautiful, got turned around a few times, went a bit farther than i intended.

- stretch


- walk a lot
spent most of the day wandering around london while gf studied. wouldn't ordinarily log but i walked at least 12-13 km over the course of the day, which is much above normal. the last time i walked that much and then tried to run a normal amount afterward i hurt my shin. hence no run yesterday on top of the walking.

awesome  :headbang: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on September 13, 2019, 12:23:56 pm

- run 11.47km in 59:02
ran to and then around in victoria park. beautiful, got turned around a few times, went a bit farther than i intended.

This is where I do 90% of my running. It's gorgeous. Nice little food/produce market on Sundays too.

I actually ran there Wednesday too, maybe we went passed each other that day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 13, 2019, 08:44:11 pm

- run 11.47km in 59:02
ran to and then around in victoria park. beautiful, got turned around a few times, went a bit farther than i intended.

This is where I do 90% of my running. It's gorgeous. Nice little food/produce market on Sundays too.

I actually ran there Wednesday too,
maybe we went passed each other that day.

 :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2019, 01:18:53 pm
- run 9.3 km in 47:02
just spectacularly beautiful again today. ran along river lea and some side canals, got a wee bit lost again but not as bad as the other day. picked up pace a bit again for the final 1.5 km or so.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2019, 01:12:35 pm
- run 10.01 km in 50:23

- stretch

40.2 km over past seven days. working back up to 50 km/week. visited some gyms today, found the one i'll join (anytime fitness stratford east). once i've settled into an apartment and figured out my school routine, plan is to re-introduce gym work in anticipation of a winter focused a bit more on strenf/power and a bit less on cardio, before shifting back in the spring when the weather and light suck less. hopefully with a bit more muscle and a bit more speed. also probably will get a bike and go to/from school that way at least some days. the commute is about 80-90 minutes round trip. not sure how that'll affect training. i've been running to the exclusion of nearly anything else for a long time now. might not hurt to mix things up for a few months. not abandon running altogether, of course, just redirect a bit of energy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 17, 2019, 02:55:03 pm
- run 2.4 km; 30s sprint w/4 min walking rest x 4; run 2.1 km
peak speed 34.6 kph, pretty okay with that.

- stretch

right knee tweaked a little on the last interval.  whatever's been messed up in there for years still is. i should really find a good PT to talk with about that. also, my elbows (?!) are tired.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 18, 2019, 02:03:04 pm
- run 12.66 km in 1:08:06
middle ~5.5 km with joe, who i can now officially verify is a real person. what's up joe! let's do it again.

- stretch

gukl, when you coming down?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 20, 2019, 12:36:05 am
- run 12.66 km in 1:08:06
middle ~5.5 km with joe, who i can now officially verify is a real person. what's up joe! let's do it again.


joe is real i saw him on bbc tv.

- stretch

gukl, when you coming down?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2019, 10:31:49 am
- run 10.01 km in 50:29

- stretch

gorgeous day. was a bit tougher than it ought to have been toward the end, stiff headwind.

ETA: mild quad soreness going into the run but it went away after a km or so. right calf a bit tight after but have done a bit of extra stretching and it seems fine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2019, 07:05:42 am
- run 7.01 km in 36:45
first 3km w/gf, hence the slightly slow overall pace (5:15). final three km were run in 4:30, 4:55, and 4:45 to make up for it a bit. kept it short to keep overall weekly increase modest: total for last seven days is 45.9 km, which i'm pleased with. to 50 next week.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 22, 2019, 03:25:59 pm
- run 14.1 km in 1:17:52
long and slow. puts me right at 50km for the last seven days.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2019, 02:50:20 pm
- extensive tempo: warm up x 2 km; [4:20, 4:21, 4:40 (d'oh!), 4:10]; cool down x 1.77km

- stretch

first two tempo km downhill and second two uphill (out and back). lost the pace a bit there on the first uphill km but almost made up for it on the last one. 4:23 average, which is about what i was going for.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 26, 2019, 06:16:47 am
What is the recovery between them fast kms? Stand in place, walk around, jog? Is it defined by duration ( e.g. rest 5 ' ) or by distance ( e.g. walk around 500m )?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2019, 02:08:32 pm
What is the recovery between them fast kms? Stand in place, walk around, jog? Is it defined by duration ( e.g. rest 5 ' ) or by distance ( e.g. walk around 500m )?

they were continuous, no rest. basically 80% of a 5k at ~90% effort.

when i do faster intervals rest can be either time or distance, depending on the workout, but i guess i usually use time. for example the 4x30s all-out workout i did last week was with 4 minutes (walking) rest, more akin to a sprint workout. ETA: i'm planning to do that again on saturday, but with an extra interval and a bit more warm up and cool down to keep the distance up.

forgot to log yesterday:

- run 10.11 km in 51:31
pace dipped a little in the second half before i picked it up again at the end to make sure i was coming home as fast (or faster) than i went out. legs a little tired.

- stretch

plan was to run tue-wed-thu but i'm going to rest today and run tomorrow (friday) instead. will try using the gym at school for the first time. if it's raining that'll be on the treadmill. if it's not raining then just the locker room.

yesterday evening i went to check out the branch of the gym i was considering joining out here. it sucks and is not very convenient. so i think i'm just going to join the school gym for now. once gf and i have moved into our new place and get our routine down a bit i'll consider adding another gym closer to home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2019, 04:58:35 am

- run 10.35km in 51:56

- stretch

sunshower in the first km, got rained on while watching the sun start to set. english weather is weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2019, 10:21:27 am
- run 2 km; 30s sprint w/4 min walking rest x 5; run 1.8 km
peak speed 36.0 kph, distance on each interval was farther* than last week and did one extra as planned (per garmin: 280, 240, 220, 210, 200).

- stretch

*i'm skeptical of the accuracy of the garmin on these, especially the first one. the first interval definitely felt fastest but 280m in 30s translates to a world-record 400. unlikely. still, for week-to-week comparisons it's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on September 29, 2019, 03:33:46 am
- run 12.66 km in 1:08:06
middle ~5.5 km with joe, who i can now officially verify is a real person. what's up joe! let's do it again.

- stretch

gukl, when you coming down?

Good to see you're enjoying the routes in London! I was actually there last week but was a bit hectic and not much time for running! Weekend 18th October will almost certainly be heading down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2019, 02:13:55 pm
right on, let's do a run that week for sure. what's your schedule like when you're down here?

- run 14.08 km in 1:16:53
rained in the middle. pretty windy.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on September 30, 2019, 09:56:59 pm
right on, let's do a run that week for sure. what's your schedule like when you're down here?

- run 14.08 km in 1:16:53
rained in the middle. pretty windy.

- stretch

I am not quite sure yet - need to find out what gf is doing work wise and stuff - will keep you updated!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2019, 02:51:49 pm
cool, yeah, just keep me posted. we'll make it work at some point!

- extensive tempo (treadmill): run 2km @ 11kph; 2km @ 15.1 kph; walk x 5 mins; 1.5km @ 15.1kph; 1.5km @ 10kph

- stretch
got a bit deeper into hip opening than i have in a while. some work to do there if i'm going to start lifting again. stiff.

race pace training on the treadmill between classes today. was a bit too close to lunch so i had to run through a minor side stitch. no big deal, good to know.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 02, 2019, 12:31:57 pm
- run 11.16 km in 55:21

- stretch

absolutely flawless running conditions: mid-50s/~13 degrees, zero to light breeze, blue sky. the weather makes a big difference in set pace: on a normal 10-11 km run i'm happy with 5:03-08 and four breaths in-four breaths out. today i was at 4:58 and five in-five out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 05, 2019, 02:26:18 pm
- run 11.16 km in 55:21

- stretch

absolutely flawless running conditions: mid-50s/~13 degrees, zero to light breeze, blue sky. the weather makes a big difference in set pace: on a normal 10-11 km run i'm happy with 5:03-08 and four breaths in-four breaths out. today i was at 4:58 and five in-five out.

daamn. we have that weather here maybe 1 week total per year. :ninja:

jealous ;f
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2019, 04:29:00 pm
it rules. come to london in the spring and experience the briskness.

no workouts since wednesday because i was moving and doing school stuff and that took up all time and energy from thursday morning until about 6 PM today.

- run 15.28 km in 1:22:56
on the plus side, forced rest meant running far and light felt very easy. on the minus side, had to poop for roughly the last 90% of this run, which sucked. also felt a little something in my left shin in the first km or so but it went away quickly and didn't recur.

- stretch
low back a little tired.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2019, 01:46:26 pm
last night

- extensive tempo/progression: warm up x 2 km; 3 km in [4:21, 4:12, 4:04]; cool down x 1.5 km
this felt tougher than it ought to have, not sure why.

- stretch


- run 11.16 km in 55:34
did not check watch except once, ended up at easy <5:00 pace. nice. very windy around my place, which is up kind of high (for london). once i got into the canals, much less wind.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2019, 11:59:53 am
Flaked yesterday on intensive tempo: errands took longer than expected, my brother called and needed help with something, could have gone out lateish but was hungry and allowed myself to just make dinner and eat. Annoyed at self.


- run 14.05 km with fartlek of [60s on/60s off x 10]

- stretch

Door to door with two laps of Victoria Park is almost exactly 14k. Nice..
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 15, 2019, 06:01:11 pm
- extensive tempo/race pace practice: run 3 km, 2km @ [3:57, 3:55], run 3 km
first race pace km downhill, second one started with a 180-degree turnaround (i.e. a full stop) and was then uphill but still managed a negative split. breathing a bit hard by the end but no lactic buildup, which is good: didn't want to tax legs too much today. plan is to do that on saturday.

- stretch

total time 39:16, total distance 7.99 km (lol).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 15, 2019, 09:27:50 pm
damn nice. lots of quality sessions ever since the move.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2019, 03:04:53 pm
damn nice. lots of quality sessions ever since the move.

yeah, i've been feeling pretty good the last few weeks (knock wood). the shin thing from last week seems to have been nothing. just signed up for a race on 23 november on what's apparently a super flat course. that's the target now. i might do one or two before then as well but without tapering, just to practice racing and push myself in competition a bit. for example was thinking to do one of the local parkruns this saturday (see previous post about taxing the old legs a little extra this weekend).


- run 10.09 km in 50:24
turned right out the front door rather than left tonight just to try something different. it was really crowded and lots of road crossings so pace was all over the place, but averaged 5:00 and felt absolutely breezy. this route was uphill first then downhill, which is the opposite of when i run down past the olympic park and to the canals, so final 2km were extra quick with no added effort.

EDIT: gukl and joe, y'all wanna do the hackney marshes parkrun on saturday morning?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 17, 2019, 09:50:44 am
damn nice. lots of quality sessions ever since the move.

yeah, i've been feeling pretty good the last few weeks (knock wood). the shin thing from last week seems to have been nothing. just signed up for a race on 23 november on what's apparently a super flat course. that's the target now. i might do one or two before then as well but without tapering, just to practice racing and push myself in competition a bit. for example was thinking to do one of the local parkruns this saturday (see previous post about taxing the old legs a little extra this weekend).

damn nice!

and ya, training races are great.


- run 10.09 km in 50:24
turned right out the front door rather than left tonight just to try something different. it was really crowded and lots of road crossings so pace was all over the place, but averaged 5:00 and felt absolutely breezy. this route was uphill first then downhill, which is the opposite of when i run down past the olympic park and to the canals, so final 2km were extra quick with no added effort.

EDIT: gukl and joe, y'all wanna do the hackney marshes parkrun on saturday morning?

one day we'll have the ability to @ :<
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on October 17, 2019, 10:59:11 am
Hey man - so I'm going out with some friends on Friday night and am coming off a run of night shifts so the chances of me getting up in time for park run are slim to none - also staying all the way out in edgeware this weekend which is a bit of a journey to Hackney.

Would perhaps be keen for a longer steady run on the Sunday morning however?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2019, 12:47:01 pm
fair enough, that does not sound like a recipe for saturday morning success. sunday morning's probably out for me since my partner gets back from india at like 7 AM. next time, inshallah.

- run 13.04 km in 1:06:38
middle ~5.5km with joe. really beautiful weather for a run.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 19, 2019, 12:49:13 pm
ended up going out with some classmates last night and decided not to drag myself to a 9 AM race. wasn't out that late and didn't get drunk. but body was like, don't set an alarm. afternoon solo effort instead. 

- run 2 km; 3km test in 11:37 (3:40, 3:58, 3:59); run 2 km
splits were downhill-downhill/uphill-uphill. second km included a 180 turnaround i.e. full stop. only other time i've done a 3km test was straight-line and net downhill so this is definitely an improvement. sub-20 5k pace on each split. the last km was starting to suck, power going out of legs. had to dig a bit to get under 4:00.

- stretch

1. don't go out too fast
2. my hard work needs to be harder. the base is getting there but i doubt i could have held onto sub-4 even for one more km, let alone two. more time in discomfort zone, or more discomfort within the same amount of time. or maybe a mix.
3. new bright orange adios 4's look sharp but are not as comfy out of the box as kinvaras. oh well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on October 19, 2019, 01:50:36 pm
ended up going out with some classmates last night and decided not to drag myself to a 9 AM race. wasn't out that late and didn't get drunk. but body was like, don't set an alarm. afternoon solo effort instead. 

- run 2 km; 3km test in 11:37 (3:40, 3:58, 3:59); run 2 km
splits were downhill-downhill/uphill-uphill. second km included a 180 turnaround i.e. full stop. only other time i've done a 3km test was straight-line and net downhill so this is definitely an improvement. sub-20 5k pace on each split. the last km was starting to suck, power going out of legs. had to dig a bit to get under 4:00.

- stretch

1. don't go out too fast
2. my hard work needs to be harder. the base is getting there but i doubt i could have held onto sub-4 even for one more km, let alone two. more time in discomfort zone, or more discomfort within the same amount of time. or maybe a mix.
3. new bright orange adios 4's look sharp but are not as comfy out of the box as kinvaras. oh well.

Imho, I think if you're hitting that in a solo workout you'd be fine for sub-20 in a race.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2019, 07:21:47 am
I hope you’re right. But given that I’ve got more than a month until my target race, gonna push for a few weeks anyway just in case. And then who knows? Maybe clear 20:00 but more than five seconds. That’s be nice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 22, 2019, 03:20:39 pm
absolutely on cue, got sick. headache and nausea coming in waves since sunday afternoon. had cleared up enough by this evening to drag myself out the door but not enough for normal tuesday hard workout. if i feel shipshape tomorrow will do the tempo then.

- run 10.37 km in 54:09

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2019, 03:59:52 pm
- extensive tempo: run 2km, 2 x 2km @ [(4:00,3:54)(3:46,3:53)] w/600m walking rest, run 2 km
second set got into mantra territory: "come on now, come on now, come on now." good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2019, 03:21:55 pm
- run 10.56 km in 52:53
legs tired from yesterday. didn't check watch at all, hit easy 5:00 pace. finally managed to run a loop route from home without planning it (rather than an out and back). means i'm starting to get oriented here.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2019, 12:34:02 pm
- intensive tempo: run 2 km; 4 x 300m in [0:45, 0:49, 0:53, 0:53], run 2 km

- stretch

edit: re-aggravated the right knee thing that only flares up when i sprint. the main work today was on grass but it still tweaked on the third 300 and now it’s irritated. i should not sprint.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2019, 08:56:25 am
- run 16.14 km in 1:25:48
distance PR, first time running double-digit mileage (10.02 miles). the bbc weatherperson this morning said it would be a sparkling day and she was right. spectacular: 11/52 degrees and bright sunshine. did a new route, up to tottenham through hackney marshes and walthamstow marshes.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2019, 04:13:53 pm
- extensive tempo: run 2 km; 2 x 2 km in [(4:28, 4:13)(4:05, 4:07)] w/3:00 walking rest; run 2 km
i don't know why i did this easier than last week. dumb.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 29, 2019, 09:57:43 pm
- run 16.14 km in 1:25:48
distance PR, first time running double-digit mileage (10.02 miles). the bbc weatherperson this morning said it would be a sparkling day and she was right. spectacular: 11/52 degrees and bright sunshine. did a new route, up to tottenham through hackney marshes and walthamstow marshes.

- stretch

damn nice. :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 30, 2019, 01:34:28 pm

on another note, vag's last post reminded me that my garmin volunteered to me after the sprint workout last weekend that i have a new VO2max of 56. no idea how it calculated that - i never wear it at rest so not sure how it's guessing my resting heart rate - or even that estimating my VO2max was a service that my garmin offered. but lol, i'll take it! that puts me in the 95.8th percentile of 32-year-olds, which honestly seems about right. most people are not fit at all. also i went to the local NHS clinic yesterday to get registered and my pulse was 49. middle of the afternoon, no special rest or breathing to get it down. happy about that. should measure it first thing in the morning sometime soon.

EDIT: after snooping around a bit i think it's probably safe to assume that my VO2max is somewhere between 54 and 58. former uses my max measured HR from the race-pace intervals last week, latter uses mayo clinic estimator of 220-age; both use 49 as RHR. not sure that information is much use but there you go.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 30, 2019, 03:34:56 pm
- run 10.31 km in 50:24
accidental 10k "PR" of 49:38. did not check watch once during the run, just let pace take care of itself with occasional breath check-ins. averaged 4:53, nice.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2019, 03:21:41 pm
- run 10.1 km in 49:31
again with the no-watch-checking sub-5:00 pace. helps that it's getting chilly i think.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 03, 2019, 02:00:48 pm
had people over on friday, drank a bit too much. wasn't badly hung over yesterday but badly enough to bail on the planned hard workout.


- run 13.09 km in 1:13:33
successfully kept it relaxed, 5:37 pace.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 05, 2019, 03:29:26 pm
- extensive tempo: run 2 km; 2 km, 1.5km in [(3:44, 3:49);(3:45, 1:55)]; walk 500m; run 1.3 km
meant to do 2 x 2km but bailed halfway through last km. have to remember that the point of these workouts isn't to kill myself as if it were a race. related: race is in less than three weeks and i should start thinking about some kind of taper.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2019, 10:44:22 am
last night

- run 10.09 km in 48:30
another accidental 10k PR

- stretch


- treadmill run 10 km in 52:30

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 10, 2019, 03:11:34 pm
went to rugby this weekend to visit friends of gf. did a bit of a ramble yesterday around kenilworth castle but not enough to count as exercise. felt extremely british: wellington boots, walking coat, passing through livestock gates every few hundred meters, umbrella-free in the steady rain and chill. followed by a late pub lunch with mulled cider. good shit.


- run 14.5 km in 1:18:20
getting a little chilly. hands were cold enough to take some time to unstiffen after i got back. felt fine.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 12, 2019, 05:48:51 pm
- extensive tempo/pace practice: run x 2 km; 1 km in [4:00, 3:57, 3:59] w/3:00 light jog rest; run x 1.9 km
didn't feel too great going in but this was okay.

taper is going to happen a bit by accident, which is fine. will run tomorrow and thursday and then going to the netherlands for the weekend. may run may not, it's for gf's mom's bday so she's driving and not sure how much flexibility we'll have. back next week and will run a couple of days but very light with maybe a few short race pace intervals thrown in for practice, then 2+ days full rest.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 13, 2019, 01:07:07 pm
bad headache that got worse as day went on, despite ibuprofen and a nap. accompanied by mild nausea. no run. damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2019, 05:30:29 pm
- run 10 km in 49:30

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 18, 2019, 04:18:45 pm
got a cold on friday. seems to be progressing quickly, hopefully it'll be resolved before the race this weekend.


- 3k test: run x 2 km; test in 11:52; run x 2.15 km
eh, felt kind of bad tbh. congestion didn't help. still, sub-20 pace and a negative split despite running an out-and-back that finished on a gentle but continuous uphill.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2019, 03:49:13 pm
- run 8.36 km in 40:58
new set pace seems to be in the 4:54 range. not gaining any fitness now, this was just to stay loose.

- stretch

started to get nervous/excited for the race on saturday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 20, 2019, 11:10:20 pm
happy birthday man!! cool about the race sat, have fun & crush it!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2019, 02:31:42 am
happy birthday man!! cool about the race sat, have fun & crush it!

thanks andrew! that is the hope...

last night

- run 8.0 km in 39:25

- stretch

rest today and tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 22, 2019, 10:26:02 am
happy bday and gl at the race, that pre-race-anxiety is awesome!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on November 22, 2019, 05:20:09 pm
Happy birthday dude! Backing you to crush it tomorrow  :ibrunning: :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2019, 06:28:26 am
thanks vag and joe. unfortunately i've had a headache for the last four days. it's faded at times and never quite reached migraine strength, but it gets pretty bad. i had to lie down and take a nap on thursday evening, which is very unusual for me. also, it's moved around (right temple for the first three days, then left temple last night and this morning when i woke up, and now both temples). woke up this morning with it switched very on. standing up and walking around is a slow process, no question of being able to run. so no race.

:-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

gf convinced me to go to the A&E/ER about it, so i'll head up there in a bit. i've been headache-prone my whole life, i'm used to getting them, but this is weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 23, 2019, 11:13:49 am
Damn it sucks. Feel better man. Its ok about the race, i feel your frustration but you'll find plenty of races. As we say in Greece "fist goes health" (meaning everything else is less important ).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 23, 2019, 11:35:00 am
thanks vag and joe. unfortunately i've had a headache for the last four days. it's faded at times and never quite reached migraine strength, but it gets pretty bad. i had to lie down and take a nap on thursday evening, which is very unusual for me. also, it's moved around (right temple for the first three days, then left temple last night and this morning when i woke up, and now both temples). woke up this morning with it switched very on. standing up and walking around is a slow process, no question of being able to run. so no race.

:-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

gf convinced me to go to the A&E/ER about it, so i'll head up there in a bit. i've been headache-prone my whole life, i'm used to getting them, but this is weird.

came on to see the good news then learn of that. rough :/ really hope you are ok man.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 25, 2019, 10:36:53 am
doctor diagnosed trapezius-related headache. in other words, my shoulders are jacked up and i'm getting referred pain. prescribed heat patches and an infrared self-massager. i'm super blown because that means it's just a failure of self-care. on the other hand better to know than not know, means treatment is possible.

- run 14.21 km in 1:15:06
headache present in the morning but not as severe as previous several days. went away by noon. heat + self massage + changed my pillow.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 26, 2019, 12:51:06 am
doctor diagnosed trapezius-related headache. in other words, my shoulders are jacked up and i'm getting referred pain. prescribed heat patches and an infrared self-massager. i'm super blown because that means it's just a failure of self-care. on the other hand better to know than not know, means treatment is possible.

- run 14.21 km in 1:15:06
headache present in the morning but not as severe as previous several days. went away by noon. heat + self massage + changed my pillow.

- stretch

that's good news. :headbang: and then a solid run. good work!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2019, 12:10:38 pm
signed up -- and actually made sure it went through this time -- for a race in victoria park on 15 december. joe/gukl, y'all gonna be around/interested? VP isn't as flat as battersea but i know it super well by now so that will hopefully help. 1.5 laps of the upper portion, no street crossing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2019, 03:09:21 pm
- pace practice: warm up x 2.6 km; 3 x 1 km in [3:52, 3:53, 4:05] w/3:00 walk/jog rest; cool down
annoyed about the last interval, i felt fine to go harder than that but watch kept telling me i was going too fast. or i misheard/misread it. total distance 9.89 km.

- stretch

headache back a little but not too bad. stretched shoulders, chest, and neck and will do some SMR and more stretching after i shower.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 28, 2019, 12:11:08 pm
- run 10.06 km in 47:45
another 10k "PR", 47:30. kicked a bit in the last 500-600m or so, pace was down around 4:15 for that stretch. nice run.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on November 29, 2019, 12:11:25 pm
signed up -- and actually made sure it went through this time -- for a race in victoria park on 15 december. joe/gukl, y'all gonna be around/interested? VP isn't as flat as battersea but i know it super well by now so that will hopefully help. 1.5 laps of the upper portion, no street crossing.

I should be able ti do this!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2019, 02:59:02 pm
signed up -- and actually made sure it went through this time -- for a race in victoria park on 15 december. joe/gukl, y'all gonna be around/interested? VP isn't as flat as battersea but i know it super well by now so that will hopefully help. 1.5 laps of the upper portion, no street crossing.

I should be able ti do this!

 :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:

- run 10.1 km in 47:35
back to back 10k "PR"s, lol. 47:13.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2019, 08:32:18 am
- run 11.84 km in 1:08:11
very slow/relaxed, 5:46 pace. the "slow slow slow, keep it slow, slow it down, keep it slow, slow slow slow..." mantra helped. good ego discipline to allow myself to be passed by people i'd ordinarily pass without a second thought. adarq i have no idea how you jog any slower than that. got more work to do, i guess, lol.

- stretch

something bugging in right hip. came out of nowhere, hope it's nothing. 56.1 km covered over the last week, which may be a weekly distance PR. will cut way back down this week in anticipation of saturday race. tuesday and wednesday will be ~8 km, with maybe some very short pace work on tuesday (like a few reps of 500m at 3:53-58).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 01, 2019, 10:00:51 pm
- run 11.84 km in 1:08:11
very slow/relaxed, 5:46 pace. the "slow slow slow, keep it slow, slow it down, keep it slow, slow slow slow..." mantra helped. good ego discipline to allow myself to be passed by people i'd ordinarily pass without a second thought. adarq i have no idea how you jog any slower than that. got more work to do, i guess, lol.

- stretch

something bugging in right hip. came out of nowhere, hope it's nothing. 56.1 km covered over the last week, which may be a weekly distance PR. will cut way back down this week in anticipation of saturday race. tuesday and wednesday will be ~8 km, with maybe some very short pace work on tuesday (like a few reps of 500m at 3:53-58).

damn that sux. def be careful w/ it. hip stuff can take forever to heal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 03, 2019, 03:51:28 pm
- run 8.54 km in 42:32

- stretch

nice and easy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2019, 01:52:04 pm
- run 5.32 km [w/strides ~30s x 6] in 24:56

- stretch

final tune-up. strides done just below sprint, i.e. about as fast as i can go without going up on my toes. sprinting still bugs my right knee and no reason to push something like that today. now it's rest, rest, race.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2019, 05:33:26 pm
crippling headache again today, starting around lunchtime. took anti-migraine meds, much self-massage, a heat patch, and a nap and have been feeling fine the last hour or so. suspicious timing coincidence, leading up to a race. i wonder if i'm subconsciously so worked up about tomorrow that it's giving me a headache. consciously, i'm nervous and i will be sad and disappointed if i don't hit my goal tomorrow. so there is -- unusually for me -- some anticipatory anxiety on the surface. but it doesn't feel that bad. or maybe i'm fooling myself and have put myself under more pressure than i want to admit?

anyway, headache's gone and unless i'm fucking catatonic tomorrow i'm going to run. deep breaths.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 06, 2019, 07:42:11 pm
crippling headache again today, starting around lunchtime. took anti-migraine meds, much self-massage, a heat patch, and a nap and have been feeling fine the last hour or so. suspicious timing coincidence, leading up to a race. i wonder if i'm subconsciously so worked up about tomorrow that it's giving me a headache. consciously, i'm nervous and i will be sad and disappointed if i don't hit my goal tomorrow. so there is -- unusually for me -- some anticipatory anxiety on the surface. but it doesn't feel that bad. or maybe i'm fooling myself and have put myself under more pressure than i want to admit?

anyway, headache's gone and unless i'm fucking catatonic tomorrow i'm going to run. deep breaths.

best way to reduce the pressure is to race more frequently. but ya putting too much pressure on yourself isn't the best thing. the who cares attitude is great for running. just have fun and you'll most likely hit your goal! if not whatever, there are races every weekend. you'll get it.

good luck tmw man.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2019, 02:56:16 am
i'm sure that's true, about racing more frequently.

also, turns out i'm an idiot who can't do anything right and the race is next sunday. there was a different race today that i considered signing up for and ultimately decided not to because it's far away and victoria park is local. but today is the date that stuck in my head. the one i signed up for is in my calendar correctly and everything, i just didn't bother to check. lololololol, damn it. well, maybe i'll go to the hackney marshes parkrun today and try to PR anyway, given that i've tapered this week and, as adarq said, racing makes you better at racing. but then maybe it's too close to the actual target race to put forth 100% effort? maybe i'll use hackney marshes to two-mile test or 3k test as that guy recommended? idk, i'm so keyed up at this point that i think i should just get it over with and run hard. i'm overthinking it. there will be other races, if i fuck it up this week i can just try again.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2019, 05:30:18 am
well, i fucking did it.

:personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

- 5k race in 19:55
splits: 3:55, 4:00, 3:58, 3:58, 4:03

 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

ETA: didn't print out a barcode so i won't get an official time, but that's okay. watch time actually took me past the course finish, so official time would have been a few seconds faster. incidentally, mapmyrun has a weirdly big gap between km pace and km elapsed time splits. the latter gives a time of 19:37. dunno why that would be, usually elapsed time is longer, if anything, because it accounts for stopping for road crossings. garmin site says 19:55 as well so let's go with that.

felt the pain especially between 3.5-4.5 km. pace was slowest around 3.6-3.7 but managed to surge enough that when i died in the last few hundred meters i had enough buffer to make it under the 20:00 mark. a little disappointed that i faded so badly and was slowing down at the finish but, under the circumstances -- first race in more than a year, run at all-time PR pace, at 9 AM after <7 hours of sleep -- not THAT disappointed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 07, 2019, 01:09:00 pm
i'm sure that's true, about racing more frequently.

also, turns out i'm an idiot who can't do anything right and the race is next sunday. there was a different race today that i considered signing up for and ultimately decided not to because it's far away and victoria park is local. but today is the date that stuck in my head. the one i signed up for is in my calendar correctly and everything, i just didn't bother to check. lololololol, damn it. well, maybe i'll go to the hackney marshes parkrun today and try to PR anyway, given that i've tapered this week and, as adarq said, racing makes you better at racing. but then maybe it's too close to the actual target race to put forth 100% effort? maybe i'll use hackney marshes to two-mile test or 3k test as that guy recommended? idk, i'm so keyed up at this point that i think i should just get it over with and run hard. i'm overthinking it. there will be other races, if i fuck it up this week i can just try again.


damn lmao.

probably worked out for the better tho.. probably cared a bit less about today's race.

well, i fucking did it.

:personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

- 5k race in 19:55
splits: 3:55, 4:00, 3:58, 3:58, 4:03

 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

ETA: didn't print out a barcode so i won't get an official time, but that's okay. watch time actually took me past the course finish, so official time would have been a few seconds faster. incidentally, mapmyrun has a weirdly big gap between km pace and km elapsed time splits. the latter gives a time of 19:37. dunno why that would be, usually elapsed time is longer, if anything, because it accounts for stopping for road crossings. garmin site says 19:55 as well so let's go with that.

felt the pain especially between 3.5-4.5 km. pace was slowest around 3.6-3.7 but managed to surge enough that when i died in the last few hundred meters i had enough buffer to make it under the 20:00 mark. a little disappointed that i faded so badly and was slowing down at the finish but, under the circumstances -- first race in more than a year, run at all-time PR pace, at 9 AM after <7 hours of sleep -- not THAT disappointed.

really awesome man. glad you went for it and got it done. :goodjobbro: :highfive: :headbang: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:

9 AM start is kinda nice too (would be less stressful for me, sleep-wise). it's harder here koz it's alot hotter by 9. most races start at 7/7:30. really hated racing on severe lack of sleep.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on December 08, 2019, 07:37:04 am
well, i fucking did it.

:personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

- 5k race in 19:55
splits: 3:55, 4:00, 3:58, 3:58, 4:03

 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

ETA: didn't print out a barcode so i won't get an official time, but that's okay. watch time actually took me past the course finish, so official time would have been a few seconds faster. incidentally, mapmyrun has a weirdly big gap between km pace and km elapsed time splits. the latter gives a time of 19:37. dunno why that would be, usually elapsed time is longer, if anything, because it accounts for stopping for road crossings. garmin site says 19:55 as well so let's go with that.

felt the pain especially between 3.5-4.5 km. pace was slowest around 3.6-3.7 but managed to surge enough that when i died in the last few hundred meters i had enough buffer to make it under the 20:00 mark. a little disappointed that i faded so badly and was slowing down at the finish but, under the circumstances -- first race in more than a year, run at all-time PR pace, at 9 AM after <7 hours of sleep -- not THAT disappointed.

woop woop woop! i sense bigger things coming now that the pressure is off a bit!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on December 08, 2019, 06:35:21 pm
Great Job. Sub 20min 5k is elite performance.
You are on another level man.
Can't wait to see what you can achieve.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 08, 2019, 11:20:43 pm
soo... you going to race again this weekend? :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 09, 2019, 05:08:31 am
Late congrats to this awesome feature!!!  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :headbang: :highfive: :personal-record: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 12, 2019, 03:04:19 am

- treadmill run 7.25 km in 36:07

- stretch

last night

- run x ABORT
immediately felt something wrong in right knee, medial posterior. no idea where it came from, hadn't been bothering me before. did not seem like the kind of thing that i could warm up through. got about 100m, stopped, and walked home.

i do still plan to race on saturday, having paid the entry fee and all. but i'll test the knee out again on friday just to see. if it's still wonky then no-go.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Dreyth on December 12, 2019, 01:47:33 pm
- run x ABORT
this made me laugh lol

wish you the best on your knee!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 12, 2019, 07:08:16 pm

- treadmill run 7.25 km in 36:07

- stretch

last night

- run x ABORT
immediately felt something wrong in right knee, medial posterior. no idea where it came from, hadn't been bothering me before. did not seem like the kind of thing that i could warm up through. got about 100m, stopped, and walked home.

i do still plan to race on saturday, having paid the entry fee and all. but i'll test the knee out again on friday just to see. if it's still wonky then no-go.

:ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu:

hope it's nothing and just some phantom stuff that's gone tmw.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2019, 08:24:03 am
turned out to be nothing.

:personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

- 5k race in 19:41 (watch), 19:56 (official) 
course was a little long, i guess. still got under 20:00 chip time, goal well and truly met.

lost a little time on each split (3:47, 3:55, 3:58, 4:00, 4:01), but final km was faster than last weekend's so that's good. lungs felt a bit congested after the race. it was pretty chilly. still, super pleased.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 15, 2019, 11:45:31 pm
turned out to be nothing.

:personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

- 5k race in 19:41 (watch), 19:56 (official) 
course was a little long, i guess. still got under 20:00 chip time, goal well and truly met.

lost a little time on each split (3:47, 3:55, 3:58, 4:00, 4:01), but final km was faster than last weekend's so that's good. lungs felt a bit congested after the race. it was pretty chilly. still, super pleased.

fawk yeah!

you get bit by the race bug yet?

ie.. thinking about making this a somewhat frequent occurrence? :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ibrunning: :ibjumping: :ibsquatting: :wowthatwasnutswtf:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2019, 03:31:58 am
yesterday definitely won't be my last race. it was easier than the first one, in a way. i still think it's probably a good idea to take a bit of time this winter to back off from running and work more on strength for a couple of months. not to stop running, just change the stimulus up a bit. but i'm also thinking about joining the local running club.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2019, 08:38:14 am
- run 10.05 km in 49:34
legs started to feel heavy after ~5.5-6km and really dead around 8km. still came in at 5:08, which is my supposed target pace for medium-length runs, and hit 4:56 average. knees aching slightly immediately post run but not too bad, it'll go away. first time that's happened in a while though.

- stretch

ETA: also, seem to have strained something in my ribs during or after the race. right side, underneath the lower part of my lat. been bugging a little since yesterday. nothing to worry about but it's there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 17, 2019, 11:20:51 am
Back to back sub 20 5Ks , being somewhat injured too, amazing!!!  :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :personal-record:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2019, 04:58:26 pm
Back to back sub 20 5Ks , being somewhat injured too, amazing!!!  :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :personal-record:

not really injured. i feel like i've always got some ache or pain. but yes progress is good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 22, 2019, 04:16:01 am
quick update: family is here now from the US so i'm mostly resting for the holiday period. will reset and get back on the horse in the new year.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 24, 2019, 04:50:51 pm
- run 8.58 km in 41:51

- stretch

been averaging ~10-12km walking each day with the fam. they went off and did their own thing today so i went for a quick run in the afternoon. good to just keep things lubricated.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2020, 02:41:59 pm
side note: i will destroy microsoft. piece of shit company making piece of shit products that rob me of hard work. death to microsoft.

okay then.

happy new year everyone! 2019 was a good year goal-wise, in that i met my main athletic goal of running a sub-20 minute 5k. did it two weeks in a row, in fact. go me. in 2020, my athletic goals will be the following:

1. increase maximum strength. i haven't lifted for more than two years and i'm down about 10 pounds from my average weight while training to dunk (and all the other tangents i went on). the heaviest i ever saw on the scale was 183, iirc, but that was a long time ago. ~175 was my weightlifting set weight. i'm now ~165. always been lean, so the weight loss is substantially muscular and i'm definitely weaker than i was a few years ago. so goal number one will involve a few months reversing that process. not sure about exact targets yet, but it'll probably be something simple like a squat target, a bench target, and an upper pulling target. a trip to the gym will let me know what my baseline is and what i should be shooting for.

2. run 5k under 19:00. this might be a bit of a reach, given that my newbie gains only got me from 20:53 to 19:42. but i hit that goal while almost never touching the 30 mile-per-week volume that's generally cited as a minimum for a sub-20 time. so if i can push the volume a bit this year, just by adding a couple of km per run and staying consistent -- plus getting some more practice racing now that i live near a literal weekly race -- perhaps the gains will continue to come fast.

3. do a clean handstand and a barefoot pistol on both legs. these are a lower priority, i'm adding them mainly to give myself an excuse to work more on mobility and joint health (lifting will also help with that in the form of warming up, which i do not do for running). handstands i've done before but had to stop when my right wrist started acting up too much. the ultimate bw strength goal for me is still a flag. OAC would also be cool but it's distant: my shoulders can barely tolerate single-arm holds. it'd be rad to get a kip-up as well. and a backflip. would need a gymnastics gym to learn that, i think.

there's a time sequence to these, because working on strength for a couple of months will mean cutting back on running volume and probably intensity. i can consistently work out five days per week, so a three days lifting/two days running schedule seems feasible. once i've hit whatever strength goal i come up with, i'll dial back the lifting and focus again on running. the bw stuff can be thrown in around the edges, i'm not too fussed about it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 04, 2020, 05:14:51 am

- food poisoning x vomiting and diarrhea
threw up so hard i got a lump in my throat. only got 4.5-5 hours of sleep. joint aches and muscle weakness. blah. feel better this morning, at least.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on January 04, 2020, 01:29:32 pm
Been off adarq for a while, just saw your 5k is 19.42 also - big congrats!

Race to sub 19?

(ps not been in London for a while but will be at somepoint in the near future if you're still up for some runs)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 05, 2020, 01:23:29 am
side note: i will destroy microsoft. piece of shit company making piece of shit products that rob me of hard work. death to microsoft.

they've improved alot since the 90s tho.. iirc. :ninja:

okay then.

happy new year everyone! 2019 was a good year goal-wise, in that i met my main athletic goal of running a sub-20 minute 5k. did it two weeks in a row, in fact. go me.

yup, two solid times. i def think you could go under 19 in 2020 if you wantd.

in 2020, my athletic goals will be the following:

1. increase maximum strength. i haven't lifted for more than two years and i'm down about 10 pounds from my average weight while training to dunk (and all the other tangents i went on). the heaviest i ever saw on the scale was 183, iirc, but that was a long time ago. ~175 was my weightlifting set weight. i'm now ~165. always been lean, so the weight loss is substantially muscular and i'm definitely weaker than i was a few years ago. so goal number one will involve a few months reversing that process. not sure about exact targets yet, but it'll probably be something simple like a squat target, a bench target, and an upper pulling target. a trip to the gym will let me know what my baseline is and what i should be shooting for.


2. run 5k under 19:00. this might be a bit of a reach, given that my newbie gains only got me from 20:53 to 19:42. but i hit that goal while almost never touching the 30 mile-per-week volume that's generally cited as a minimum for a sub-20 time. so if i can push the volume a bit this year, just by adding a couple of km per run and staying consistent -- plus getting some more practice racing now that i live near a literal weekly race -- perhaps the gains will continue to come fast.

def think you could knock that out.

if you get hooked on max strength life then it'll be a little harder. all good tho.

3. do a clean handstand and a barefoot pistol on both legs. these are a lower priority, i'm adding them mainly to give myself an excuse to work more on mobility and joint health (lifting will also help with that in the form of warming up, which i do not do for running). handstands i've done before but had to stop when my right wrist started acting up too much. the ultimate bw strength goal for me is still a flag. OAC would also be cool but it's distant: my shoulders can barely tolerate single-arm holds. it'd be rad to get a kip-up as well. and a backflip. would need a gymnastics gym to learn that, i think.

there's a time sequence to these, because working on strength for a couple of months will mean cutting back on running volume and probably intensity. i can consistently work out five days per week, so a three days lifting/two days running schedule seems feasible. once i've hit whatever strength goal i come up with, i'll dial back the lifting and focus again on running. the bw stuff can be thrown in around the edges, i'm not too fussed about it.


- food poisoning x vomiting and diarrhea
threw up so hard i got a lump in my throat. only got 4.5-5 hours of sleep. joint aches and muscle weakness. blah. feel better this morning, at least.


hope u r ok now. damn.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2020, 02:03:17 pm
Been off adarq for a while, just saw your 5k is 19.42 also - big congrats!

Race to sub 19?

(ps not been in London for a while but will be at somepoint in the near future if you're still up for some runs)

no doubt! just lmk when you're next in town. maybe we can coordinate with joe, as well, if he's healed up enough.

@adarq: i don't want to get hooked on max strength life. i mean to give it like two months -- the two coldest months of the year, more or less -- and see where i get to before shifting back to run focus. and i'm not planning to give up running altogether. i'll treat it more like a strength block for running than a full-on shift to powerlifting.

sub-19 would have been good for third in my last race, rather than the seventh place i got. winner ran 16:50, runner-up 17:32, both probably out of reach for the foreseeable future but that's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2020, 02:11:43 pm
- run 10.22 km in 47:45
another 10k "PR", lol. ran without checking watch on the walthamstow loop. felt stiff.

- stretch
did shoulder dislocated and GMB wrist mobilization as well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2020, 09:51:15 am
today is two years since my brother killed himself. hard to believe it's been that long already. gonna spend some time this evening skyping with my parents and other brother. no workout.

on a lighter note, i'm taking the occasion to back through some old things i wrote, in the months after he died, and came across some found poetry i pulled from this forum. i'm pretty sure it's from scooby's journal. it's verbatim, no edits of any kind, i only added line breaks. enjoy:

I wish, I mean, I hope
those word is not strong enough.

I must regroup myself now, now
that half of 2018 is gone. I must
pick up the pace and finish
2018 in a strong way.

This is a message to myself
on 180608, a Friday afternoon
where I slacking/recovering from
my exam 2 days after finishing it.

It will be raining for the next 7 days or so.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on January 07, 2020, 01:20:02 am
today is two years since my brother killed himself. hard to believe it's been that long already. gonna spend some time this evening skyping with my parents and other brother. no workout.

damn. yea time flies. wishing you & your family the best. <3

on a lighter note, i'm taking the occasion to back through some old things i wrote, in the months after he died, and came across some found poetry i pulled from this forum. i'm pretty sure it's from scooby's journal. it's verbatim, no edits of any kind, i only added line breaks. enjoy:

I wish, I mean, I hope
those word is not strong enough.

I must regroup myself now, now
that half of 2018 is gone. I must
pick up the pace and finish
2018 in a strong way.

This is a message to myself
on 180608, a Friday afternoon
where I slacking/recovering from
my exam 2 days after finishing it.

It will be raining for the next 7 days or so.

that's interesting.. reading it in a different context like that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 11, 2020, 12:46:23 pm
lost the week to work -- especially having to recreate a bunch of work, fucking microsoft -- and then had a gnarly headache yesterday. am somewhat detrained, but that's to be expected.

- run 11.8 km in 1:01:03
deliberately slowed down but not too much, 5:10 pace. meant to run farther but felt iffy so cut it a little early. quads felt a bit stiff throughout, especially right. calves pretty tight after. did some extra stretching.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2020, 01:43:48 pm
first gym session since 2017 was a humbling experience, although a bro congratulated me for putting "big weight" on the bar. it was 100kg. smh.

- warm up treadmill run x 2km

- warm up mobilizations: hips, shoulders, wrists

- squat: worked up to 100 x 4
 :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
deliberately not max effort but this was challenging. wow. right shoulder a little tight.

- DL: worked up to 120 x 1
legs felt a little toasty after the squatting so i didn't push this at all. did one warm up rep at 70 and then a reasonably challenging but not ME one at 120.

- bench: worked up to 70 x 5

- pull up x 8

- hanging leg raise x 10

- stretch

i'm gonna be sore tomorrow. i knew i'd gotten weaker but this was a serious reality check. i squatted 225 x 5 the very first time i ever learned how to squat. back to square zero. OTOH, pretty sure i can still squat 1.5x bw (which would be ~112kg right now) after three years of detraining on it. so not totally hopeless.

the gym is always rammed, including lots of people very seriously using the bars, racks, and platforms. had to work in for everything, but that's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2020, 02:05:18 pm
alright, draft new goals for end of february (six weeks):

1. squat 112.5 x 5
2. DL 130 x 5
3. bench 80 x 5
4. pull up x 15

gonna do basically starting strength with pull ups rather than rows as the main pulling exercise. i'll do kroc rows as a supplement on DL days.

M: squat 5,5,5; bench 5,5,5; pull ups x5,5,F; core circuit (plank variations, prone windshield wipers, pallof presses, suitcase carries)
W: squat 5,5,5; DL 5; pull ups x 5,5,F; kroc rows; core circuit
F: squat 5,5,5; bench 5,5,5; pull ups x5,5,F; core circuit

two runs per week totaling 25km+ to make it easier to transition back to cardio gainz once i shift focus back away from lifting.

i'm on the fence about whether to try to gain a little weight back. this would require deliberate effort on my part. two slices of toast with peanut butter and honey and a glass of milk worked okay when i was 25. i'd like to be running under 19 at, like, 78kg rather than 74. and, more to the point, running under 19 while squatting 2x bw. for now, i won't do anything special about diet. but i'll play it by ear as i go.

let's see how far i get in six weeks. hopefully i can hit those numbers and then transition to running 50-55 km per week with one weight lifting and maybe light plyo/power day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 15, 2020, 12:11:33 pm
DOMS, bro. DOMS.

- warm up treadmill run x 2 km

- warm up mobilizations: hips, shoulders, wrists

- squat x ABORT
soreness such that this started to feel like a bad idea at 60kg and downright dangerous at 80kg. hamstrings in particular just did not feel stable or strong. quads also pretty sore. not mad about warming up and trying, though. the soreness will dissipate with time and persistence.

see above.

- pull up x 5,5,5
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. last set to TF. a little sore but nothing like my legs.

- core circuit x 2
-- plank x 30s
-- russian twist +10kg x 10

- stretch

christ. baby steps, i guess.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on January 15, 2020, 12:15:05 pm
Hah, I was opening this post expecting it to be about huge DOMS from your first workout, and it did not disappoint.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 17, 2020, 10:15:17 am
haha, well, i'm glad someone enjoyed it. my gf had done a brutal core workout the day befor so she was not sympathetic.  :derp:

- warm up treadmill run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 80 x 5,5,5
better. still a wee bit sore in the upper hamstrings. this was not hard, thank fucking god. also noticed a little niggle in my left hamstring that appears on the eccentric portion sometimes. something to be careful with. on the plus side, shoulders are loosening up and readjusting to supporting the bar.

- bench 60 x 5,5,5
still relearning the movements. first two sets easy-breezy, did my setup wrong on the third set. light weight so it was not hard, but noticed the difference in stability.

- pull up x 5,5,6

- pallof press x 10,10

- leg lower x 10,10

- stretch

okay then. onward and upward.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2020, 02:53:12 pm
- run 14.33 km in 1:19:31
felt absolutely awful. had a stitch the whole time, had to pee the last 45 minutes at least, body feels stiff now and knees achey. pace slow, 5:33. yikes.

should not forget that i'm also adding 6km per week with warm ups.

EDIT: lol, i had a low-grade fever.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 20, 2020, 01:59:27 pm
fever was gone by the morning but i still felt like shit. aches and weird temperature fluctuations and heartburn meant i didn't get to sleep until at least 4 AM. so no weights today, i napped and did school work around the house. feeling better now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2020, 04:26:30 am
fever back in a big way last night, got up to 102.6/39.2. felt fine earlier in the day, went to class, no problem. but as i was on my way home from campus i started to feel shitty again. pretty sure it’s the flu. which is annoying because my gp clinic offers free shots, which i blew off. last time i make that mistake. temp down to 101/38.3 but i feel awful. rest and hydration, and trying to eat. could not even contemplate dinner last night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 23, 2020, 06:39:24 am
fever broke but i woke this morning with a brutal headache. giving one more day (i hope) over to rest. i hate missing class. god, if my school-aged self could hear me say that...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 25, 2020, 08:13:11 am
went to the gym yesterday but as soon as i started to run, i felt some weird twinges in my lats (???) and upper abs/lower chest (???). decided that my body was just not recovered yet, did some mobilizations and stretched and foam rollered, and packed it in.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 27, 2020, 08:07:27 am
- run 8.21 km in 42:05
struggle bus. legs weak. and i do seem to have strained muscles on the front and back of my ribs. not sure how. maybe i was overzealous with the cat-camels? but then the pain started before i did them the other day. anyway it wasn't severe today, but definitely there.

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2020, 01:14:32 pm
- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 85 x 5,5,5
felt much better

- bench
the gym was slammed, both benches had three-dude rotations on them. need to find a better time to go.

- pull up x 5,5,5

- dip x 5+5

- core circuit x 2
-- prone leg circles x 5/direction
-- hollow body hold with crossing toe touches x 5/side

- stretch

alright, alright.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2020, 03:37:52 am
- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 90 x 5,5,5

- DL 100 x 5

- bench 60 x 5,5,5

- pull up x 5,5,6

- kroc row 30 x 14R, 13L

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2020, 06:26:32 am

- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 100 x 5,5,5
oh yeah, them sweet newbie gainzzzz. although this is prob the last time i'll jump 10kg from one session to the next.

- bench 65 x 5,5,5

- pull up x 6,6,5
decided to start adding reps to the first set, then second, then third, then back to first. let's see how that goes.

- core circuit x 2
-- plank with alternating arm/leg raises x 10
-- toe touches x 20

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on February 02, 2020, 12:29:11 pm
- pull up x 6,6,5
decided to start adding reps to the first set, then second, then third, then back to first. let's see how that goes.

That's definitely how I would progress it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 02, 2020, 02:12:50 pm
- run 10.01 km in 49:29
legs a bit tired (makes sense) but felt okay. the intercostal thing is still there a little bit, but barely. weirdly it bothers me more on the treadmill than the road, and not at all with lifts or really any other movement.

- stretch

- pull up x 6,6,5
decided to start adding reps to the first set, then second, then third, then back to first. let's see how that goes.

That's definitely how I would progress it.

yeah. in retrospect, no idea why i was trying it the other way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2020, 01:55:42 pm
- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 102.5 x 5,3,3
bit of low back tightness meant i took this very carefully. also on the second set i could probably have finished it out but some dipshit started moving weights around on the rack while i was in the middle of the set and i lost focus and reracked at least a rep early. whatever.

- pull up x 6,6,6
wheeee progress

- bench 70 x 5,5,5
not all legal reps, butt was coming off the bench here and there.

- core

- stretch

there was literally no floor space available in the gym to do either of these things. so crowded in there, it's crazy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on February 05, 2020, 04:34:53 pm
Do you go to a chain gym (puregym/gym group etc?). Mines always rammed full at the moment too, super annoying. Hopefully it gets better once days get longer and the weather a bit nicer
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 05, 2020, 06:45:20 pm
Do you go to a chain gym (puregym/gym group etc?). Mines always rammed full at the moment too, super annoying. Hopefully it gets better once days get longer and the weather a bit nicer

university gym. i hope it clears out a bit as the year goes on but there's a strong contingent of apparently committed powerlifting/oly lifting types who are likely to keep the platforms and racks busy. only reason i'm sticking with it is because it's super convenient (on campus, such as it is) and very cheap. once i'm not a student anymore, i'm out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2020, 12:31:10 pm
had a weird experience today. as i was walking to the gym my body was just...resisting. like it didn't even want to go in the building, let alone put on shorts and sneakers and work out. i tried to talk myself into going anyway -- i was walking toward and away from the door, i must have looked like a crazy person to anyone who happened to notice me -- but eventually decided to bail. the last time i pushed through despite feeling weird i ended up with the flu (very different feeling then, and correlation does not equal causation, but still).

the shift to lifting has not been smooth.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on February 07, 2020, 03:56:15 am
had a weird experience today. as i was walking to the gym my body was just...resisting. like it didn't even want to go in the building, let alone put on shorts and sneakers and work out. i tried to talk myself into going anyway -- i was walking toward and away from the door, i must have looked like a crazy person to anyone who happened to notice me -- but eventually decided to bail. the last time i pushed through despite feeling weird i ended up with the flu (very different feeling then, and correlation does not equal causation, but still).

the shift to lifting has not been smooth.

It's probably just getting back into the routine but there's nothing wrong with listening to your body, particularly if you sense that your immune system is susceptible.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2020, 01:08:56 pm
- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 102.5 x 5,5,4
prob had the last rep but it would have been a fight.

- DL 115 x 4
last rep sucked, did not try a fifth.

- bench 75 x 1; 70 x 1

- pull up x 6,2
weird, upper body strength just disappeared.

- hollow body hold 30s x 2

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2020, 01:07:05 pm
today should include a run but i got some kind of (mild but nevertheless very irritating) eye infection, so no contacts, and it's raining, so running in glasses is frankly dangerous.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2020, 05:29:26 pm
- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations
i freaking love the kelly starrett pre-squat hip opening sequence. why did i ever stop doing it. feels so good.

- squat 105 x 5,5,5
there we go.

- pull up x 7,6,5

- bench 75 x 4; 70 x 5
was running late, skipped third set and stretching

better than last time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2020, 06:48:07 pm
- treadmill run 10 km in 48:00

- stretch

EDIT: something a little tight in the arch of my right foot. to monitor.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2020, 05:06:13 pm
adarq is there any way to get a word count for a journal? i'm curious how long this thing really is.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 15, 2020, 03:08:14 pm
- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 107.5 x 5,5,4

- DL 115 x 5

- pull up x 7,7,3

- bench 72.5 x 5,5,3

- hollow body hold with alternating toe touches + bicycle crunches

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 15, 2020, 03:59:52 pm
adarq is there any way to get a word count for a journal? i'm curious how long this thing really is.

yea can probably just run a query & then do some simple sanitization on it. it'd probably be a bit skewed because of quoting etc. if it was my own code that wouldn't be a problem, but it's still this open source stuff :<

will try to get that for u today or tmw.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2020, 06:24:04 am
i'm starting to see the same people at the gym when i go, which makes sense given that i go roughly around the same time for each workout. a bunch of the people who hang out around and work out on the platforms are members of the UCL barbell club, who are clearly friends or at least friendly with each other. lots of banter, lots of filming each other and talking about lifting technique and that sort of thing. and they're not all men! it's nice. i mention it because there's a short little guy, broad-shouldered but not super thick or ripped, who's there every time i am, and who is the number one banterer. in fact in the weeks i've been going to the gym i'd never seen him touch a weight, just walk around and greet people in his tights and dead lifting shoes and A7 barbell grip shirt. i started to think it was a bit odd. like he was just performing being a gym rat without actually working out. do you even lift bro?

then yesterday i watched him DL 200 kg for a set of five and was like, oh, okay. right. do not judge a book by a tiny snapshot of its behavior.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2020, 06:24:59 am
adarq is there any way to get a word count for a journal? i'm curious how long this thing really is.

yea can probably just run a query & then do some simple sanitization on it. it'd probably be a bit skewed because of quoting etc. if it was my own code that wouldn't be a problem, but it's still this open source stuff :<

will try to get that for u today or tmw.


Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2020, 12:59:20 pm
- run 9.54 km in 48:50
very windy. amazing sunset, post-storm skies rule.

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2020, 05:27:07 pm
started a new volunteering gig and it has messed up my time management. no LT worry but i did not leave myself time to work out yesterday or today. back on track tomorrow. whoops.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2020, 02:07:14 pm
- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 110 x 5,3,2

- pull up x 7,7,5

- push up x 20,20

- 45-degree hyper ISO x 30s

- stretch

intercostal thing tweaking a bit, annoying. glad i persevered with the squats although obviously i will be repeating 110.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 22, 2020, 05:12:01 am

- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 110 x 5,4,4
will repeat once more. missing one rep is okay but not two.

- DL 120 x 4
mix of touch and go and dead stop. right pec felt a little strained after the fourth rep so i stopped.

- bench 75 x 5,4,3
pec totally fine. kind of odd, wonder what that feeling was if not a strain.

- pull up x 7,2
hands hurt. i think pull ups after DL just doesn't work somehow.

- cable row x 10,10
dunno what the weight settings mean on that machine so i just picked one that felt challenging but didn't pull me forward.

too crowded again to do core work or stretch. i'm gonna run today and will do core after that.

also, a lot of these barbell club kids are just not that strong. a couple of them are a lot bigger than me but they're throwing around weights way below what i was capable of back in the dunking days. like i'm 74 kg right now and squatting 110 for reps and it's baby weights, i feel bad about it. meanwhile, this big spanish dude who has all the cocky oly weightlifter mannerisms down pat was squatting 115 for sets of 4-5. another guy, a ripped crossfit bro with a shaved head, was DLing 140 for sets of 5 with veins popping out all over his head. that's not weak, but it's so much less than he looks like he should be able to lift, or than i could lift if i were even a little bit heavier and more muscular than i am now, much less as muscular as he is. i used to be able to squat that for sets of 5! then again, there's also that guy i mentioned the other day and a shredded japanese dude who reps 180+ squats, so they're not all hopeless.

it almost makes me want to commit more fully to lifting again. if would be fun to be able to squat 160+ again, bench 110+, and get my DL up to a quasi-respectable level (i was never good at DL). i won't, because i don't want to lose sight of the real goal of 18:xx. but it'd be fun.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 22, 2020, 01:29:40 pm
- run 12.68 km in 1:02:58
super windy. kept it relaxed and still averaged under 5:00, which is good.

- superset x 2
-- hollow body hold x 30s
-- superman x 30s

- stretch

watched a bunch of running videos today, got excited about picking up training as it starts to get lighter and a little warmer.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 24, 2020, 02:21:13 pm
- warm up run x 2 km
a little faster than i've been doing it, 13kph. felt fine and saved me 40 seconds of treadmill boredom, lol.

- mobilizations

- squat 110 x 5,5,5
nailed it

- bench 75 x 5,5,4

- pull up x 7,7,5

- low cable row x 10,10/side

- bicycle crunch x 20,20

- stretch

didn't feel super strong, nevertheless made progress.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 26, 2020, 01:58:34 pm
- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 112.5 x 4,1
felt off, cut losses.

~90 minutes later

- run 10.11 in 48:23
4:47 pace is a little too fast to be really relaxed. not breathing hard or anything but legs got tired after about 7 km. managed to come in quicker than i went out so it's all good. knees a bit achey post-run.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 29, 2020, 03:03:27 pm
it's the end of february, so time to test. my goals were: squat 112.5x5, DL 130x5, bench 80x5, pull ups x15.

weighed in today at 74.5 kg.

- warm up run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 112.5 x 5
no problem, could have hit at least 2 more.

- DL 130 x 2
grip fail. thought about bringing straps, forgot. i might try this again with straps. weak hands are weak.

- pull up x 10
a bit disappointing. i do seem to suck extra at these after DL, so i'll re-test.

- bench
too goddamn crowded.

- stretch

so, hit squat easily, missed DL but i think i could get at least 4 with straps, missed pull ups badly, and ??? on bench. mixed bag, which is to be expected given my relatively low level of adherence to the plan. i did get a bit stronger and the break from running focus was good, i'm kind of itching to start running more now. it's so much simpler. i'll keep lifting once or at most twice a week, probably adding some p-chain volume stuff like RDLs (which also build grip strength) in lieu of DL, which i've always sucked at anyway. as running volume builds i'll also add in some strength/power stuff like hills and stairs.

fwiw my all-time PRs are squat 161, bench 111, DL 145 (but i stopped doing it a long time ago so never got as good at it as i was at squatting), all while 78-79 kg.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on February 29, 2020, 07:53:21 pm
weak hands are weak.

come climb
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2020, 04:50:28 am
weak hands are weak.

come climb

yeah alright.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2020, 09:08:33 am
changed signature to reflect the new mileage i'll work toward over the next few weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2020, 01:38:35 pm
- run 14.14 in 1:17:14
nice and relaxed, 5:28 average pace

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2020, 05:13:18 pm
- run 10.18 km in 49:43
4:53 pace is a little below target for an easy run (4:58) but it felt fine, i wasn't pushing at all unlike the other day. right arch bugging a little at the beginning but it went away after ~2-3 km. mildly sore now when i flex my foot. weird, it never seems to get worse and it goes away for days at a time (didn't feel it at all on sunday, for example), but it won't entirely go away.

- stretch

right calf cramping mildly after but gave it a nice long stretch and it's fine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2020, 07:53:08 am
- run 11.01 km in 54:27

- stretch

week 1 of 2020 running training distance: 35.3 km. that is a little more than half of my eventual target of 55-60 km per week. time for the gradual build-up. body feels good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 08, 2020, 09:14:40 am
- run 15.08 km in 1:20:13
absolutely gorgeous day, until literally the minute i got back and it started raining. nice and easy and kicked progressively at the end: last km in 4:38.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 10, 2020, 05:42:02 pm
- run 10.1 km in 48:26
hard kick at the end with some strides mixed in.

- stretch

arch of foot hurt post-run. time to rest a bit, not good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 16, 2020, 09:36:53 am
did some walking around dover this weekend. started to develop what seems like a mild cold and this morning i woke up with a mild cough. self-isolating for the next week, per government advice. i'll still go out for walks and try to build back to runs (being very conservative w/r/t foot), but no interacting in person with anyone other than my gf until next week.

wapo again with the great interactive graphics:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 16, 2020, 10:05:56 am
did some walking around dover this weekend. started to develop what seems like a mild cold and this morning i woke up with a mild cough. self-isolating for the next week, per government advice. i'll still go out for walks and try to build back to runs (being very conservative w/r/t foot), but no interacting in person with anyone other than my gf until next week.

damn that sucks. bad timing for sure.

my body has been fighting something for nearly a week, seems cold-ish. most likely got it from co-workers who came in sick - annoying. now doing WFH fu*k that shit.

wapo again with the great interactive graphics:

we were at "free for all" for way too long. not good. :/
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 16, 2020, 11:09:55 am
good on you for staying at home.

- walk 7.48 km in 1:13

gorgeous day. didn't see too many people out on the trail or road. foot perfect.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 17, 2020, 11:41:54 am
- walk 5.21 km in 51:19
a bit overcast but bright. breezy. walked through the olympic park, was nice to see people out and about even if not interacting with them. joggers, bikers, parents pushing strollers, a pair of older men pruning branches along a path, a pair of teenagers making out on a park bench.

- GMB warm up (partial)

- scales x 5,5,5/leg

- stretch
whatever's wrong with my foot is definitely still there, i can feel it dully during deep calf stretches or when i pull the skin up around my arch.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2020, 09:02:47 am

- walk 6 km in 55:00

- stretch

gonna walk again today and do something a bit more intense. not sure what yet. still waking up with a little arch pain/discomfort so not ready to run again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 21, 2020, 01:10:47 pm
blister on left heel, what the hell? been running in these shoes for two months but apparently walking in them is so different it gave me a blister. didn't go for a long walk today. instead

- yoga x 35 mins
did a lesson from alo moves, which my gf subscribes to, focused on leg activation. pretty tough. yoga is really not the best route for me because of my toes. i'm gonna start back in with GMB instead, from tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 24, 2020, 03:03:49 pm

- GMB floor 1.1
eh, i don't think i want to start this all over again, either.


- run 6.1 km in 28:48
tried to keep it relaxed, still ended up at 4:43 pace. that is a few hairs fast but i hadn't run in two weeks (!!!) so it makes sense that my legs were ready to go. right foot felt a little weird at the beginning but not the arch really so that's a good sign. still, no run tomorrow and i'll keep the distances very modest for a while.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2020, 03:05:03 pm
- walk 5.44 km in 53:19

- GMB warm up

- GMB foot routine

- push ups x 10,12,7,7,21
trying 100 pushup challenge on for size. let's see if i actually stick with it this time. meant to start 20 pull up challenge too but my pull up bar turns out to be broken. i think i fixed it but i'll wait for the glue to set before i put it up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2020, 05:14:33 am
had a headache all day yesterday that became severe in the mid-afternoon. spent a while lying down, took some ibuprofen, just kept getting worse. finally i got up and shaved and it went away just like that. note to self: next time you get a bad headache, try hot water on your face.

i feel great today, will run and do push ups (and maybe pull-ups, depending on if i can get the bar set up).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2020, 10:20:05 am
- run 7.07 km in 34:54
perfect pace average, although i was all over the place given the stiff wind.

- GMB warm up + foot mobilization

- push up x 10,12,8,8,22

- pull up x 4,3,2,4,5

- GMB shoulder stretches
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2020, 01:48:48 pm
- walk 6.48 km in 1:04:06
windy but not unpleasant.

compounding covid-19 isolation and stress, my relationship appears to be in the process of ending.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 28, 2020, 03:29:23 pm
- walk 6.48 km in 1:04:06
windy but not unpleasant.

compounding covid-19 isolation and stress, my relationship appears to be in the process of ending.

wtf? damn man sorry to hear that :/

didn't see that coming, given some of the stuff you share on ig (recently).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2020, 04:21:44 am
i may be catastrophizing because of the stress caused by isolation. but we are on the ropes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2020, 02:42:48 pm
- run 4.29 km in 19:55
too fast (4:38 average including a sub-race-pace kick over the last 3-400m), almost like extensive tempo except it didn't feel hard. arch of right foot present at beginning of run but just that, and it went away.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2020, 01:44:03 pm
- GMB warm up

- push up x 15,11,9,9,22

- pull up x 4,3,3,4,5

- scales front and back x 6,6,6
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2020, 02:10:40 pm
- run 7.46 km in 35:52
4:48 including little not-quite extensive tempo stretches in km 5 (4:36) and 7+ (4:32). foot felt 100%, hurray. still resting tomorrow. knees a little achey post-run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2020, 03:02:18 pm
- run 7.07 km in 35:54
forced myself to run slower, averaged 5:05 pace. good discipline. foot fine.

- stretch

- GMB torso/shoulder/wrist warm up

- pull up x 4,4,4,3,8

- push up x 14,14,10,10,16
each week the rx is for 60s rests on day 1, 90s on day 2, and 120s on day 3. i didn't follow that last week but will from now on. this was a 60s rest day, hence the lower number for the last set.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2020, 01:29:32 pm
some more found poetry for y'all. i'm reading the mirror and the light and once in a while the author, hilary mantel, just lets it rip.

here's a bit i came across just now, with breaks added every 10 (sometimes 11) syllables and the verses separated when it shifts from third to second/first person. just to see how it looks in verse form. she rules extremely hard at writing so it's a bit of a cheat to call this found poetry, but i saw someone do it with a passage from the prequel to this book, bring up the bodies, and i got a kick out of it then. so figured i'd do the same once in a while.

Don't look back, he had told the king, yet he
too is guilty of retrospection as
the light fades, in that hour in winter or summer
before they bring in the candles, when earth
and sky melt, when the fluttering heart of
the bird on the bough calms and slows, and the
night-walking animals stir and stretch and
rouse, and the eyes of cats shine in the dark,
when color bleeds from sleeve and gown into
the darkening air; when the page grows dim
and letter forms elide and slip into other
conformations, so that as the page is
turned the old story slides from sight and a
strange and slippery confluence of ink
begins to flow.

........................ You look back into your
past and say, is this story mine; this land? Is
that flitting figure mine, that shape easing
itself through alleys, evader of the
curfew, fugitive from the day? Is this
my life, or my neighbor's conflated with
mine, or a life I have dreamed and prayed for;
is this my essence, twisting into a
taper's flame, or have I slipped the limits
of myself -- slipped into eternity, like
honey from a spoon? Have I dreamt myself,
undone myself, have I forgotten too
well[? M]y sins seek me out; even as I
slide into sleep, my past pads after me, paws
on the flagstones, pit-pat: water in a
basin of alabaster, cool in the
heat of the Florentine afternoon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 03, 2020, 11:20:14 pm
some more found poetry for y'all. i'm reading the mirror and the light and once in a while the author, hilary mantel, just lets it rip.

here's a bit i came across just now, with breaks added every 10 (sometimes 11) syllables and the verses separated when it shifts from third to second/first person. just to see how it looks in verse form. she rules extremely hard at writing so it's a bit of a cheat to call this found poetry, but i saw someone do it with a passage from the prequel to this book, bring up the bodies, and i got a kick out of it then. so figured i'd do the same once in a while.

Don't look back, he had told the king, yet he
too is guilty of retrospection as
the light fades, in that hour in winter or summer
before they bring in the candles, when earth
and sky melt, when the fluttering heart of
the bird on the bough calms and slows, and the
night-walking animals stir and stretch and
rouse, and the eyes of cats shine in the dark,
when color bleeds from sleeve and gown into
the darkening air; when the page grows dim
and letter forms elide and slip into other
conformations, so that as the page is
turned the old story slides from sight and a
strange and slippery confluence of ink
begins to flow.

........................ You look back into your
past and say, is this story mine; this land? Is
that flitting figure mine, that shape easing
itself through alleys, evader of the
curfew, fugitive from the day? Is this
my life, or my neighbor's conflated with
mine, or a life I have dreamed and prayed for;
is this my essence, twisting into a
taper's flame, or have I slipped the limits
of myself -- slipped into eternity, like
honey from a spoon? Have I dreamt myself,
undone myself, have I forgotten too
well[? M]y sins seek me out; even as I
slide into sleep, my past pads after me, paws
on the flagstones, pit-pat: water in a
basin of alabaster, cool in the
heat of the Florentine afternoon.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2020, 04:41:33 am
here's the passage from the previous book:

These days are perfect.
The clear untroubled light
picks out each berry
shimmering in a hedge.
Each leaf of a tree,
the sun behind it, hangs
like a golden pear.

Riding westward in high summer,
we have dipped into sylvan chases
and crested the downs, emerging
into that high country where,
even across two counties, you can
sense the shifting presence of the sea.
In this part of England our forefathers
the giants left their earthworks,
their barrows and standing stones.

We still have, every Englishman and woman,
some drops of giant blood in our veins.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2020, 08:35:16 am
- run 7.04 km in 33:58
struggled. went out too fast, home stretch uphill and steady headwind. pace control will come back but it's still all over the place.

- stretch

- GMB neck/shoulder/wrist

- pull up x 5,4,3,4,5

push ups were a day ahead of pull ups so i skipped them.

- scales x 6/leg forward and back
hamstrings sore
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2020, 03:16:06 pm
- run 8.25 km in 40:20
checked watch each km for pacing, did better, although still not great. ran km 5 in 5:05 and then overreacted, running km 6 in 4:4x. also ran km 8 in 4:4x but i'm not as mad about finishing a little quick. 4:53 average overall felt a little too quick today. soleuses oddly sore/tired.

- stretch

- GMB shoulder and wrist warm up

- push up x 14,16,12,12,23
took about 30s extra rest before the last set. right shoulder bugging a little, need to be careful.

- pull up x 4,4,3,4,6

from tomorrow gonna start scheduling more mini stretching/mobility sessions during the day. neck, torso, shoulders, hips.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2020, 04:02:02 pm
- run 8.01 km in 39:21
4:55 average although pace is good although pace was again pretty variable. slowed in the middle, legs just felt kind of weak, but went out a little quick and came back a little quicker so it evened out. and at least no negative first km/last km split.

- stretch

skipped pull ups and push ups, will do them tomorrow. undecided whether to keep them on running days or offset. once i'm running multiple days in a row again i guess it won't matter.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 09, 2020, 02:27:23 pm
- perfunctory mobility

- pull up x 4,4,4,4,10

- push up x 16,17,14,14,22
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2020, 08:17:13 am
- run ~10.2 km

- bike ~3.4 km

- stretch

went out for a combo run/bike with gf. gorgeous day, was really fun. pace on the quick side, hard to tell average from watch data because we kept stopping after about 6 km so i could navigate and we could discuss route options. but if i had to guess i'd say ~4:50 moving average, not accounting for breaks. which is fine, i felt good, and with the breaks it wasn't challenging. first time riding a bike other than a beach cruiser in like 10 years, lol. i can still do it -- it is, after all, actually riding a bike -- but not terribly gracefully. gotta get one once this craziness settles down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2020, 01:39:15 pm
run 11.1 km in 1:01
another run/bike combo thing except i ran the whole time. middle 3.3 km gf locked up her bike and ran with me, so much slower. also ran into some snags on the way back because of one way streets that i never have to think about when running but obviously matter on the bike.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2020, 03:38:36 pm
- GMB upper body warm up

- push up x 12,17,13,13,18
60s rests

- pull up x 6,5,4,5,6
60-75s rests
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2020, 02:14:33 pm
- run 10.10 km in 47:01
gf accompanied on bike. body felt great and it was cooler today so i let myself go fast, 4:39 pace including a 4:03 over the last km. i was conversational, four breaths in-four out, until the last few hundred m when i got under 4:00 pace. 10k "PR" of 46:38.

- stretch

gf said afterward that she understood i run a lot (comparatively) but that she was impressed going along with me today by what that means in practice. felt nice to hear that. having her ride along is nice actually. might open up some fartlek possibilities down the line, always struggled doing fartleks alone.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 16, 2020, 07:49:04 am
i've been alternating nights of bad and good sleep the last 4-5 days. night before last i took hours to pass out and then was awake for several long stretches in the early morning. last night i slept for 9 solid hours. not sure what that's about, just noting it down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 16, 2020, 12:09:41 pm
- run 11.01 km in 57:41
gf accompanied, ran 3.25 km with her in the middle. pace all over the place as a result, average 5:14. okay with it.

- stretch

- GMB upper body warm up

- push up x 14,19,14,14,21

- pull up x 6,5,6,5,6
last set hard to finish but got it

- band dislocates and pull-aparts
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 18, 2020, 11:22:48 am
bought a jump rope online and it came with a glitchy handle, the steel rope uncoiling and poking through the plastic coating, and dirt under a different part of the coating. garbage.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 18, 2020, 01:03:31 pm
- run 2.1 km in 10:14
developed bad stitch in my lower left abdomen. last time i ignored a signal like that and pushed through i ended up with a 103 degree fever.

walked home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2020, 01:16:17 pm
- run 11.05 km in 52:57
gf bike accompaniment. first time wearing new running sunglasses, felt nice not to have to squint, lol. i feel like i look like a bit of a doofus but whatever.

couldn't be bothered to stretch right after run. may do later.

have done a muuuuuch better job than previously of gradually adding distance over the last three weeks -- 26, 30, 34 -- and foot feels good still. easy does it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2020, 03:44:13 pm
- run 9 km in 44:12
4:54 pace, perfect. felt a little stiff at the beginning but ultimately fine.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2020, 02:22:28 pm
- GMB warm up (full body)

- pull up x 7,6,5,4,7

- push up x 16,21,15,15
struggled on last set. no way i could hit 21+ on last set so i called it. will repeat when i do my pull up test in a couple of days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 22, 2020, 04:02:27 pm
- run 11.05 km in 52:57
gf bike accompaniment. first time wearing new running sunglasses, felt nice not to have to squint, lol. i feel like i look like a bit of a doofus but whatever.

cool. u look like mo farah now.

always wanted to get some of those but, something that would barely tint & somehow still work. suglass tint wrecks me when running. tried it once and had to take em` off mid run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2020, 01:38:53 pm
haha, i think you basically have to be mo farah to pull off running sunglasses.

- run 10.18 km in 48:38
glorious day, straight-up san diego weather.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2020, 09:56:47 am
- warm up x 1 km

- running drills and mobilizations

- interval 400m in [88,89,88,88,89,89,90,90] w/200m jogging rest
laps around a local field, much harder running into the prevailing wind than with it! pretty pleased that i managed to keep pace so consistent on the work intervals, though.

- cool down x 2.6 km

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 27, 2020, 01:18:02 pm
- run 14.17 km in 1:14:51
first ~2.5 km with gf, very slow. after that just regular slow. picked it up a little in the last 3 km.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2020, 11:53:01 am
- pull up x 13
i think that might be a PR, sad as it is. was hoping for 12+ so it's okay.

- run 10.06 km in 49:06
felt good, good pace (4:53 average and pretty steady after the first 2 km)

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 30, 2020, 12:45:28 pm
it's been absolutely dumping rain all afternoon. i'm not british enough to run in this shit. better luck tomorrow. will mean three days in a row of running (fri-sat-sun) but that's okay, i'm moving that direction anyway.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 01, 2020, 11:59:35 am
- run 10.06 km in 48:13
very nice, perfectly timed to hit the sunshine between showers.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2020, 07:57:44 am
- warm up x 2 km; tempo x 3 km [4:12, 4:17, 4:06]; cool down x 2.91 km
tempo pace target 4:12 based on my last 5k time. middle km is basically steep downhill for 500m and then steep uphill on the reverse, so i'm not terribly mad about it being a little slow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2020, 08:39:50 am
- run 13.71 km in 1:13:03

- stretch

a little shorter than i meant to go but legs were tired. also quite slow (~5:20), due to tiredness and frequently getting lost and having to reorient. new route, with gf on bike, up into a park that we hadn't been to before that's criss-crossed by lots of paths of varying post-rain navigability. was lovely to be in the woods, though.

ETA: 7-day mileage total 55.9 km, which if not a PR for that span is at least top two or three.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 04, 2020, 07:49:15 am
- warm up x 2 km; tempo x 3 km [4:12, 4:17, 4:06]; cool down x 2.91 km
tempo pace target 4:12 based on my last 5k time. middle km is basically steep downhill for 500m and then steep uphill on the reverse, so i'm not terribly mad about it being a little slow.

I dig the 3K tempo with slower warmup and cooldown. What target pace do you use? Something like current time trial 5K pace? Or a bit slower/faster?

Edit : ok found it! The answer is something like 90%, 15-20 seconds  below 5K race pace and an ideal scheme is the one you do , 2 easy 3 tempo 2 easy.
Surprised i never bumped on such an essential training method. Not removing the comment, this is pretty useful!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 04, 2020, 11:21:38 am
FWIW this is the pace calculator i use:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2020, 01:04:20 pm
- run 10.13 km in 49:01
somehow wind was in my face for the first 4 km and the last 4 km, despite them being in almost opposite directions. lol.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 07, 2020, 03:52:37 am

- run 9.15 km in 49:12
first 3 km and last 1 km with gf (last 1 km partly walked). middle 5 km pace was 4:45, but obviously overall very slow.

- stretch


- run 8.76 km in 43:04
legs a bit tired (which makes sense) but lungs felt good. seven-day total 59.7 km because of two three-day stretches as i get back on schedule. on track for ~48 km this calendar week and then from next week i'll settle right around 50+.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2020, 08:26:15 am
- warm up x 1 km

- running drills and mobilizations

- interval 400m in [89,90,88,91,85,89,91,89] w/200m jogging rest
a second or two slower than a couple weeks ago. perhaps just because mileage over the last week or so was higher?

- cool down x 1.7 km

- stretch

weekly mileage 49.2 km. i've been increasing week by week for a solid month now, might let it drop back down a bit in the coming week before getting up over the goal benchmark of 50 km/week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2020, 03:41:02 pm
gf and i broke up. not sure what i'm gonna do about staying in london. obviously we'll have to move out of our place -- her first, since she has family to stay with -- but there's so much interesting work here, i was kind of looking forward to figuring out what to do next. on the other hand, the prospect of being totally alone in this apartment is pretty terrible. and paying london rent, trying to make london work for myself as a single person, with this goddamn pandemic on...i don't know. fucking covid. my impulse is to head back to my parents' place ASAP, but i don't have to decide anything right this second.

for the immediate term, we're stuck together. very uncomfortable situation.

deep breaths.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 09, 2020, 07:23:33 pm
gf and i broke up. not sure what i'm gonna do about staying in london. obviously we'll have to move out of our place -- her first, since she has family to stay with -- but there's so much interesting work here, i was kind of looking forward to figuring out what to do next. on the other hand, the prospect of being totally alone in this apartment is pretty terrible. and paying london rent, trying to make london work for myself as a single person, with this goddamn pandemic on...i don't know. fucking covid. my impulse is to head back to my parents' place ASAP, but i don't have to decide anything right this second.

for the immediate term, we're stuck together. very uncomfortable situation.

deep breaths.

damn man sorry to hear that :/

and uhh damn fuck that is nuts.

parents place idea sounds kind of nice. maybe need some time to take it easy for a bit. dno.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 10, 2020, 04:09:46 am
i mean definitely it would be nice to be there and i definitely will need some time to take it easy for a bit. but they're 3000 miles away and it'll cost me nearly a grand to get there. so don't want to rush into buying a ticket.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 10, 2020, 05:23:22 am
Sorry to hear. One of the big 'jokes' here is that post-covid we will have a divorce pandemic.
Give yourself a few days to relax, for thoughts to settle, for intense emotions to weaken, for blood to cool. Then re-think everything. The more time passes, the more logic takes over.
I understand it is highly awkward doing all that while living together, if you can somehow detach yourself from being in there, travel elsewhere with your mind, maybe it would help.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 10, 2020, 02:18:44 pm
Sorry to hear. One of the big 'jokes' here is that post-covid we will have a divorce pandemic.
Give yourself a few days to relax, for thoughts to settle, for intense emotions to weaken, for blood to cool. Then re-think everything. The more time passes, the more logic takes over.
I understand it is highly awkward doing all that while living together, if you can somehow detach yourself from being in there, travel elsewhere with your mind, maybe it would help.

this is extremely sage advice. thanks vag.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 11, 2020, 11:06:02 am
Really? I'm glad, hope it works too!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2020, 12:15:36 pm
truly, man. i a stable and patient person, it takes a lot to make me genuinely upset or to throw me out of my usual ability to take the long view and think about things clearly. but i'm not a robot, and the woman i thought, until very recently, i would marry is leaving me. i'm disoriented and caught up in minute-to-minute emotions. not that there is anything wrong with feeling feelings. but it's hard to remember to breathe and to wait, so reminders can help.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on May 11, 2020, 10:23:24 pm
Oh damn. Sorry to hear that bud  :(. Great advice for dealing with the situation vag.

I have been out of the loop for awhile but how far along are you with your study now? I'm guessing it might have been disrupted a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 12, 2020, 02:52:01 am
thanks acole, i appreciate it.

studies disrupted in that i was supposed to be in indonesia this month to do some action research about housing rights, and that's obviously been cancelled and replaced by a jerry-rigged substitute activity. but otherwise class was pretty much over before the lockdown started, i only had to do a little over a week of classes remotely. all that's left are a couple of short assignments due in early june and then my dissertation due in september, which is obviously a solo effort. would have been nice to be able to get around for changes of scenery while i work on it but functionally it doesn't matter much to be doing it from home.

tbh the main thing this changes for me work-wise is that i'll be looking for jobs in DC rather than london, and won't have to worry about getting my work approval status changed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 12, 2020, 02:03:59 pm
- run 10.05 km in 47:18
legs unsurprisingly springy after not running sunday.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 13, 2020, 01:59:56 pm
- run 10.02 km in 48:42
a little chilly, nice for running.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 14, 2020, 06:16:08 am
Just as a aid for my ongoing mission to evaluate garmin readings, what is your average heart rate on an 'easy' day, those routine comfy-to-slow 10Ks?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2020, 06:49:25 am
ranges from ~140-155 average.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2020, 03:28:15 pm
- run
felt charley horse starting to develop in right calf almost immediately, paused to stretch and mobilize but it reappeared right away. bailed.

- walk x ~8 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on May 15, 2020, 02:05:30 am
Damn, just catching up with some journals and saw what happened. Don't have much to offer on top of what the other guys have said (vag is spot on!) if you haven't already - give meditation a go (headspace usually recco as a good place to start) to help get to that place where you're mind is quiet from all the spiralling emotions, helped me massively.

Thoughts are with you and hope the situation improves ASAP whichever way you decide to move forward.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2020, 01:16:39 pm
- warm up x 2 km; tempo x 3 km [4:13, 4:10, 4:09]; cool down x 2.21 km
right at average pace target and negative splits. found a great route for tempo, doing laps around the olympic/west ham stadium.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 17, 2020, 03:54:50 pm
- run 15.03 km in 1:14:36
easy pace, checked in periodically to make sure i could do five steps per in and out breath. averaged 4:58. it was crowded as hell on the canal tow paths today.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 19, 2020, 12:05:36 pm
- run 9.62 km in 46:47
very warm outside, not quite hot. went out a little too fast (4:45, 4:40) but the first 2 km are all downhill and with the wind. came in at about the same pace for the last 1.62 km, but had to work for it just a little. never let breath get harder than four steps in, four steps out.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 20, 2020, 02:10:27 pm
- run 10.11 km in 48:27
today was the hottest of the year so far. 26 degrees during the run, which isn't all that hot, but after months of never being over 20 it sure felt that way. pace averaged 4:48, which is fine, but was all over the place.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 21, 2020, 04:20:31 am
So true! The other day that i PRed i wanted to state that it was the hotest day of the year so far, actually the hottest May day in decades. Then i checked and it was 25 which i log as 'cool' in my summer runs so i didn't even log it. But it makes a ton of a difference initially, needs acclimation. Garmin measures that acclimation actually, but i wont get there haha.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on May 21, 2020, 12:04:36 pm
- run 10.11 km in 48:27
today was the hottest of the year so far. 26 degrees during the run, which isn't all that hot, but after months of never being over 20 it sure felt that way. pace averaged 4:48, which is fine, but was all over the place.

- stretch

Hot weather in the UK is unbearable, it just feels so wrong. I've experienced 45-46c in Morocco and cycling home yesterday in 26c was worse than that. Strange haha
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 21, 2020, 12:22:35 pm
true, it's so much to do with what you're adapted to.

- run 10.01 km in 49:14
4:55 average, not surprisingly a little slower with two days' accumulated fatigue. and it was still "hot" today.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 23, 2020, 01:59:29 pm
- warm up x 1 km

- interval 400m in [88,90,88,88,87,85,90] w/200m jogging rest
super windy, enough to blow the upwind leg into the downwind leg while running across and to really feel the pressure running into it. still managed to get everything under 90 (numbers above are rounded). the 85 on the penultimate lap is a good sign, although it was mostly with or at least across the wind rather than into it.

- cool down x 1.39 km

- stretch

might lower the target pace the next time i do intervals, reduce the reps to six, then build back up to eight.

i leave for the states, for good, in just over two weeks. so on the other hand all the pacing is gonna have to be revised because of the heat and humidity. well, one thing at a time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 23, 2020, 05:20:27 pm
- warm up x 1 km

- interval 400m in [88,90,88,88,87,85,90] w/200m jogging rest
super windy, enough to blow the upwind leg into the downwind leg while running across and to really feel the pressure running into it. still managed to get everything under 90 (numbers above are rounded). the 85 on the penultimate lap is a good sign, although it was mostly with or at least across the wind rather than into it.

damn, sounds intense.

- cool down x 1.39 km

- stretch

might lower the target pace the next time i do intervals, reduce the reps to six, then build back up to eight.

i leave for the states, for good, in just over two weeks. so on the other hand all the pacing is gonna have to be revised because of the heat and humidity. well, one thing at a time.

ah nice. the states will be happy to have you back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2020, 03:05:17 pm
- run 16.07 km in 1:23:58
successfully slowed down, averaged 5:13 pace. splits mostly consistent through the middle, a little too quick up top and a little slower at the end. breath easy but legs were a little tired by the end of this.

- stretch

EDIT: just realized i ran 9.99 miles. lololol damn it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2020, 12:48:14 pm
- run 10.24 km in 49:58
4:53 pace is the exact target for weekday runs. noice.

- stretch

gorgeous day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2020, 02:17:55 pm
- run 10.43 km in 55:08
first 3 km w/ex-gf (weird to type that) in ~6:15 pace, then pretty steady ~4:54 average the rest of the way.

- stretch

i have tinnitus like crazy in my left ear all of a sudden. started yesterday. no idea what might have brought it on. no loud noises i can think of, and i don't feel unwell. strange.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on May 27, 2020, 03:11:09 pm
- run 10.43 km in 55:08
first 3 km w/ex-gf (weird to type that) in ~6:15 pace, then pretty steady ~4:54 average the rest of the way.

- stretch

i have tinnitus like crazy in my left ear all of a sudden. started yesterday. no idea what might have brought it on. no loud noises i can think of, and i don't feel unwell. strange.

Tinnitus as in a ringing or a different sound? Stress related perhaps with all that has been going on?

I've had a pulsatile tinnitus in my right ear for a while, think I need to get it checked out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on May 28, 2020, 01:46:46 am
- run 10.43 km in 55:08
first 3 km w/ex-gf (weird to type that) in ~6:15 pace, then pretty steady ~4:54 average the rest of the way.

- stretch

i have tinnitus like crazy in my left ear all of a sudden. started yesterday. no idea what might have brought it on. no loud noises i can think of, and i don't feel unwell. strange.

Tinnitus as in a ringing or a different sound? Stress related perhaps with all that has been going on?

I've had a pulsatile tinnitus in my right ear for a while, think I need to get it checked out.

I can second this. Get tinnitus every now and then. Used to get it as a kid when the tv got turned on and I was in a different room. Now it's related to stress/lack of sleep/caffeine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 28, 2020, 04:09:10 am
that's interesting, that it'd be stress-related for both of you. that could be it. like with my headaches last fall, i don't feel consciously stressed but this situation is undoubtedly stressful so it's possible that my body is manifesting the stress that way. i've been sleeping okay: it's been a little bit hard to get to sleep the last couple of nights, i think mostly because it's getting warmer, but i've been getting at least 7 and usually more like 8 hours, which is normal. and no more or less caffeine than usual.

@gukl, it's a ringing or more accurately a steady high-pitched buzz, like the sound an old tv makes when it's on but muted.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 28, 2020, 01:09:53 pm
- run 9.12 km in 43:46
4:48 average pace. kept it a little short today so as not to go too far over my weekly target yet. will be around 53-54 km for the week after saturday's hard workout.

- stretch

i think i need to start adding distance on these weekday runs, to get back up closer to an hour on my feet. <50 minutes is too easy now, gotta progress. might not be a bad idea to add time to the long runs as well, as long as i can keep my pace down. getting to three 60-min runs, one 90-min run, and a speed workout every week would push me up a bit, i think.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on May 29, 2020, 06:12:05 am
i think i need to start adding distance on these weekday runs, to get back up closer to an hour on my feet. <50 minutes is too easy now, gotta progress. might not be a bad idea to add time to the long runs as well, as long as i can keep my pace down. getting to three 60-min runs, one 90-min run, and a speed workout every week would push me up a bit, i think.

That is exactly how i'm trying to structure it too.
2 easy runs of about 1 hour and 1 long slow about 1:30 in the weekdays, one fast&hard at weekend. If i cant get 3 runs at the weekdays i sacrifice the long slow one, that should change.
Have at least 1 easy - 1 long slow - 1 fast in the week cycle, then if u do more , use 'easy'.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2020, 12:00:02 pm
that seems like a great place to start vag.

- warm up x 2 km
right calf felt a little tight for the first km or so but loosened up to 100% status. something to monitor.

- tempo x 3 km in [4:09, 4:06, 4:03]

- cool down x 2.22 km

lowered target pace on watch to 4:00-4:10, not only hit it but got negative splits. it's a loop, too, so not like i was cheating on the incline or wind.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2020, 12:02:36 pm
BTW adarq, the internet is being glacially slow now for most websites. except not this one, which is loading normally. any idea why that might be? gmail won't load at all, washington post is hit or miss. the guardian and al jazeera load but slowly. lots of other websites load but without images/media.

EDIT: embeds here like instagram posts don't load.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 31, 2020, 05:03:11 am
BTW adarq, the internet is being glacially slow now for most websites. except not this one, which is loading normally. any idea why that might be? gmail won't load at all, washington post is hit or miss. the guardian and al jazeera load but slowly. lots of other websites load but without images/media.

EDIT: embeds here like instagram posts don't load.

ah damn weird. glad this site wasn't affected \o/

can always check things like when that happens. first page can give some hints. lots of sites use either aws/azure/gcloud so, if there's something going on with a cloud provider, you'll see the ones which use that provider have similar graphs.

just checking downdetector for instagram, lots of issues reported:

we host on Linode .. which is a simple/less used provider. so if something was going on w/ the big providers, we probably wouldn't feel it.

can also run a quick "ping" in a terminal/dos prompt when inet is acting weird .. can just let it run and see if you get any packet loss, which would indicate your connection being messed up.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 31, 2020, 05:25:15 am
thanks for the suggestions. seems like my provider has been having problems in multiple places.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 31, 2020, 12:47:45 pm
- run 16.30 km in 1:25:34
distance PR. hit a couple of serious bottlenecks where i had to slow to a walk, which brought overall average pace down a little. still, 5:15 is fine for a long run. right calf tight at the beginning again, stopped after ~0.5 km and massaged and stretched. it was fine after that. will pay some attention to it tonight and tomorrow.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2020, 03:26:32 pm
- run 10.01 km in 46:10
10k "PR" of 46:08. checked watch a little after 8 km and realized i could get close to 46 minutes if i picked it up. so did last 2 km in 4:30, 4:03. pretty pleased to have hit tempo pace for the last km of a 10k. legs felt a little heavy at the beginning but it didn't seem to affect pace. no calf discomfort or tightness.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 04, 2020, 05:42:22 am
got overwhelmed by shit going on back home yesterday, did not feel up to running and so gave myself the day off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 04, 2020, 02:15:10 pm
- run 10.16 km in 52:01
first 3 km w/ex, last 7.x in 4:51 average

- stretch

much cooler today, and overcast for the first time in what feels like weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2020, 09:05:46 am
final few days in UK, have not been prioritizing running. between dealing with logistics and seeing a few people one last time before i skip town, not a hard call.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 08, 2020, 10:33:00 pm
have a safe trip back LBSS!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2020, 03:32:21 pm
thanks adarq. trip was a breeze, there were only 28 people on my flight -- had an entire row to myself, window to window -- and the airports were empty on both ends. watched "ready or not" on the plane, which was fun.

back home now and it's 90/32 degrees out. smh. i feel a little woozy from the travel but i think i'll try to run this afternoon anyway. prob take it easy because, on top of the heat, home is hillier than london.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2020, 10:50:28 am
didn't end up running last night. body felt woozy-hungry, hormones all off w/r/t meal timing and i generally like to force myself through that discomfort in order to get over jet lag more quickly. but meant i didn't feel up to running. whatever.

this morning

- run 9.02 km in 48:50; walk/run 1.29 km in 10:07
holy shit. it's not even that hot: 82/28, but 71% humidity. humbling. gonna have to completely recalibrate my sense of my own fitness. pace started off normal, although i told myself i should take it easy, but last two km averaged 6:01 and i was struggling. doesn't help that it was downhill out and uphill back, with 99m of elevation gain, which is triple what i'm used to.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2020, 05:50:19 pm
- run 9.71 km in 49:48
same temp as yesterday but less humid and light breeze. also this route only had 65m of elevation gain, more than i'm used to but a damn sight less than yesterday. as a result, lower average pace (5:08) and more even splits.

- stretch

i'm gonna lean into the heat training this summer, with the expectation of adapting and then reaping the rewards this fall as and when races begin. or solo time trials if that's what it comes down to.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2020, 10:06:43 am
got tested this morning, results in 3-5 days. i doubt i've been infected but it'll be interesting to find out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on June 13, 2020, 04:53:31 am
got tested this morning, results in 3-5 days. i doubt i've been infected but it'll be interesting to find out.

did you get tested based on symptoms or can anybody be tested over there? hope its negative.

wouldn't worry so much about the seeming drop in fitness otherwise... change in conditions/long flights etc are all going to impact. it's like going to a new gym for the first time I always find myself to be significantly weaker until i get used to the place, weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2020, 11:19:05 am
yeah that makes sense. i'm not worried about it, per se, just struck by how strong the effect was. heat adaptation might even be better for cardio fitness than altitude, so with any luck running slower this summer will help me get faster come fall.

the tests are available to everyone in my state, although there are only two locations each open twice a week for four hours. if you're asymptomatic and have no doctor or insurance (my case), it's the only option for testing. there are lots of places to get tested if you have a doctor's note.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 14, 2020, 01:05:03 pm
- run 16.13 km (10.0 miles) in 1:23:34
great route, long uphill toward the end but not so catastrophically steep as some of the other options around, and most very shady. 5:11 pace very good for a deliberately relaxed run. beautiful day.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 15, 2020, 06:29:36 pm

- tennis with dad x 40 mins
hilariously rusty. we had a few good rallies but it was mostly a mess on both sides.


- pull up x 5,7; chin up x 5

- push up x 17

- stretch

just to get the ball rolling again on strenf work. my mom ordered a pull up bar online and i installed it this afternoon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 15, 2020, 11:48:45 pm
- tennis with dad x 40 mins

awesome! haven't seen that in a while. :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 16, 2020, 09:13:27 am
- tennis with dad x 40 mins

awesome! haven't seen that in a while. :almostascoolasnyancat:

it's been a while! since last summer. hoping to make it a regular thing, maybe a few times a week. a little cross-training never hurts and we play at such a chill pace that i doubt it'd interfere with running at all.

on a related note, my dad has inexplicably lost ten pounds in recent months. he only weighs 145 now. he's otherwise apparently quite healthy, but he doesn't like being even skinnier than he's used to. gonna start doing some more workouts with him and my mom, they're both concerned about strength and muscle mass. i've been meaning to get going on the same, maybe we can keep each other accountable.

also i won $20 off my mom yesterday because i bet her she couldn't do a single pull up or chin up and she was very confident that she could. easiest $20 i ever made. :P

(btw adarq we need the crying-laughing emoji on here...)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 16, 2020, 11:54:55 am
- run 11.0 km in 54:01
ran downstream away from my house rather than upstream so splits were positive, especially km 8-9 and 11, all of which included steep uphills. still averaged 4:55, which i'm happy with. much nicer temp today and it was overcast as well.

- stretch

testing out courses here to find what works. i think i'll probably bias more in the direction i ran on sunday, which has a climb toward the end but is uphill-downhill in the middle, and the run i did last thursday that avoided both of the major nearby creeks and therefore the valley descents and climbs. but it can't hurt to do ones like today's once a week or so, to build that strenf. next time i do it i'll try to run a little harder on the steep climbs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 16, 2020, 10:19:27 pm
- tennis with dad x 40 mins

awesome! haven't seen that in a while. :almostascoolasnyancat:

it's been a while! since last summer. hoping to make it a regular thing, maybe a few times a week. a little cross-training never hurts and we play at such a chill pace that i doubt it'd interfere with running at all.

on a related note, my dad has inexplicably lost ten pounds in recent months. he only weighs 145 now. he's otherwise apparently quite healthy, but he doesn't like being even skinnier than he's used to. gonna start doing some more workouts with him and my mom, they're both concerned about strength and muscle mass. i've been meaning to get going on the same, maybe we can keep each other accountable.

he lost 10 lb but looks strong though? any idea why he lost it? is he eating less during this pandemic we're in?

but ya.. that muscle mass falls off then at some point it's hard supporting your own bodyweight. i like the idea of being very light tho, when we get very old.

my grandpa stayed the same weight for years but lost muscle and gained fat. after a few years of that, he couldn't support his bodyweight at all.. was sad stuff.. but you could see a dramatic drop in muscle mass which eventually left him immobile. he was way too heavy.. people actually thought he was thin -> but he wasn't. he was skinny fat with no muscle. most folks just don't get it. good that you know about this stuff though.. really hard to convince parents/grandparents etc about this stuff but hopefully (and from the sounds of it, likely) that your parents are receptive.

also i won $20 off my mom yesterday because i bet her she couldn't do a single pull up or chin up and she was very confident that she could. easiest $20 i ever made. :P

(btw adarq we need the crying-laughing emoji on here...)

wuuut. impressive that she'd even take that bet.. your mom is a beast. lmao.

ez money though that's for sure.. what was she thinking? :D :D :crying-laughing-emoji (need to remember how to add them).

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2020, 01:22:27 pm
she was thinking, "how hard can it be?" lol. and yeah i'm not really worried about my dad getting skinny-fat -- although with my mom that's a little more of a worry. just getting so skinny that he can't recover if he stumbles, you know? lot of single-leg work coming. clock lunges, that kind of thing.

- run 10.01 km in 47:04
ended up flying down some of the long downhills in the middle and keeping my promise to put a little more effort into the uphills. so this was comparable to a london 10k but with twice as much elevation gain. good.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2020, 06:41:02 pm
- run 10.01 km in 48:46
legs tired, bit of tightness in left soleus. last ~2 km were a bit tough; km 8 is all uphill and km 9 has a pretty steep (~7% grade) 400m section. still managed to come in at the same pace i went out and averaged 4:52.

- stretch
calves quite tight

i think i've been a little dehydrated. need to make sure i'm drinking enough to make up for the big jump in heat and humidity.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 19, 2020, 11:18:11 am
starting anderson pull-up program. push up sets in the morning (doing technical failure rather than actual failure, at least to start with), and pull ups in the afternoon. today is the last day of quarantine, hurray.

- push up x 26,23,20

- pull up x 10,7,2,1,1
lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol. i rushed the last few sets a bit but...yikes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 20, 2020, 05:28:54 pm
- warm up x 2.4 km; 100m hill sprint x 5+3 w/jog down rest (one min extra rest at the "+"); cool down 1.x km
18-20s per 100. not ME, because i could feel my old right knee thing starting to pull, but ran each rep hard enough to be up on my toes. i really can't sprint, would be great to figure out what the hell the problem is. oh well.

- stretch

weekly mileage 53.4 km. solid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2020, 08:10:16 pm
- run 16.11 km in 1:26:19
absolutely hit the wall on the back half. very humid. overall average 5:21, which is slow but not terrible, but there were a couple splits around 5:50. woof.

legs shot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 22, 2020, 11:41:49 am

- push up x 25,23,23


exercise with the parentals. (they did different upper body stuff, i guided. kept it light for day 1.)

- GMB standing warm up
- SL squat x 5/leg
- back scale x 5/leg
- pull up x 11,7,3,3,5
extra rest after fourth set to help my dad do push ups.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2020, 08:03:37 am

- push up x 22,15,19
less rest than yesterday between sets. i think i prefer more rest, more reps, but i'll keep messing with it.


- run 10.0 km in 49:12
dew point 68F/20C. per the chart i posted in the heat/humidity thread, that should lead to a 3-5% drop-off in performance. averaged 4:55, although allowing myself to breathe a little harder than i typically do for ~10 km runs (three-in-three-out some of the time, instead of steady four-), which translates to an expected ideal-conditions pace of 4:39-4:45, which seems about right.

- stretch

this course (i've started calling it the "missouri avenue loop" to myself) has ~70m of elevation gain but it's rolling the whole way rather than a couple of long steep stretches.

also, ran without a shirt for the first time in ages. a good call. i think i'll start doing that whenever the temp is over 85 or so.


- pull up pyramid x 1+2+3+4+5+3+3
+ is 10s per rep of the previous set

- stretch chest, shoulders, arms
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 23, 2020, 03:31:14 pm
oh yeah, one more update: i don't have covid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on June 23, 2020, 09:04:10 pm
i've been thinking of shirtless runs but, kinda can't do it in this forest. mosquitos/horse flies. shirtless feels so much better tho in the heat. that wind/air flow really cools you down. shirtless racing would be good.

oh yeah, one more update: i don't have covid.

nice!! :wowthatwasnutswtf:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 24, 2020, 08:37:40 pm

- push up x 27,25,15
longish rest between first and second sets


- run 10.01 km in 49:08
dew point 59F/15C today, much lower than yesterday, although temp is similar (mid-80s/~30). but the route i ran today has two burly hills, so average pace was the same. i don't really trust my watch's elevation gauge, but fwiw it tells me the second hill is 72m of continuous gain over 1.2 km, including 32m over the last 280m. an 11% grade is pretty dang steep.

- stretch

- circuit x 2
-- SL squat x 10/leg
-- back scale x 10/leg

- pull up x 2,2,2; close grip chin up x 2,2,2; wide grip pull up x 2,2,2
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2020, 08:14:11 am

- push up x 25,22,22


- pull up 20 x 2, 60s rests
supposed to find out how many "training sets" you can do. the PDF suggests training sets for someone who can do 11-12 pull ups might be between 1-3. so i went with 2, got to 20 sets, and got bored. will do sets of 3 next week and, as the PDF suggests, if i get more than 9 sets will add again the following week.

- run 10.05 km in 49:36
legs tired

- walk x ~1:20
met up with a buddy and walked through the park. as we got back to our cars it had started to drizzle and literally within seconds of getting behind the wheel -- i hadn't even put the car in gear yet -- the heavens opened and it rained like absolute gangbusters. flawless timing. 

i've been doing a lot of extra calf stretching throughout the day. seems to be helping.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2020, 10:15:01 pm
i've been thinking of shirtless runs but, kinda can't do it in this forest. mosquitos/horse flies. shirtless feels so much better tho in the heat. that wind/air flow really cools you down. shirtless racing would be good.

it's surprisingly un-buggy here. i might have gotten one mosquito bite in the 2+ weeks i've been back. and that's including eating lunch and/or dinner outside most days.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2020, 10:37:35 am

- push up x 30,27,26


- pull up x 9+5+4+3+3

i've been having trouble getting to sleep the last few nights. not sure why.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2020, 09:26:53 am
was feeling run down on saturday after all the poor sleep so i decided to give myself the weekend off from running. back to normal schedule this week. it's gonna be hot.


- push up x 27,28,25


- pull up x 10,7,5,4,3
90s rests
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2020, 10:42:56 am

- push up x 28,27,28


- run 10.07 km in 48:22
dew point 61/16, air temp 87/31. felt hotter.

- stretch

- pull up ladder x 1+2+3+4+5+6+3+3
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 01, 2020, 10:37:37 am
been feeling inspired by gukl's long runs, planning to run all the way to the park we used to bike to as kids (~18-19 km round trip) on sunday. writing it down here to make it less likely that i'll bail.


- push up x 31,20,26
less rest than usual between first and second sets.


- pull up x 3,3,3; close grip chin up x 3,3,3; wide grip pull up x 3,3,3

- run 11.05 km in 54:36
dew point 69/20.5, forced myself to stay at four-in-four-out pace until the long hill in the penultimate km.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on July 02, 2020, 03:36:28 pm
been feeling inspired by gukl's long runs, planning to run all the way to the park we used to bike to as kids (~18-19 km round trip) on sunday. writing it down here to make it less likely that i'll bail.


- push up x 31,20,26
less rest than usual between first and second sets.


- pull up x 3,3,3; close grip chin up x 3,3,3; wide grip pull up x 3,3,3

- run 11.05 km in 54:36
dew point 69/20.5, forced myself to stay at four-in-four-out pace until the long hill in the penultimate km.

- stretch

Enjoy!! Long steady runs are the best feeling.

Are you on strava?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2020, 04:33:11 pm
i'm not on strava, figured i didn't need ANOTHER social media platform to sink time into. i use mapmyrun because the social aspect is so shitty that i don't use it for that, it's just a nicer platform than garmin's to keep track of stuff.


- push up x 29,26,25


- pull up 20 x 3
surprised to make it back to 20 sets but it wasn't even particularly hard. 60 total reps is by far the most i've done in one workout. on to 4 reps next week.

- run 10.64 km in 54:15
hot. dew point 67/19.5 but air temp 90/32. and i did a downhill-uphill route. tried to pace myself on the way out so i'd could be steady on the way back but failed. kept it to four-in-four out, though, except during the last big climb, which is good. overall average pace 5:06.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2020, 11:59:40 am

- push up x 36,28,26
whoa, no idea where that jump came from


- pull up x 10,6,5,4,4
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on July 03, 2020, 01:01:40 pm

- push up x 36,28,26
whoa, no idea where that jump came from

I saw big jumps randomly in the first few weeks, strange. A lot of it just came down to motivation on particular days.

Fair enough on the strava, I try and not get sucked in to that side of it that much but its definitely there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 04, 2020, 12:30:55 pm
interesting. i'm sure motivation is part of it.

- warm up x 1 km; tempo x 2 km [3:53, 4:14]; cool down x .94 km
downhill-uphill out and back for the tempo. way too fast on the downhill bit, meant to dial it back because dew point is 72/22 here today. uphill bit was even a little faster than i meant to go, was shooting for ~4:20. i guess that means i'm fitter than i think? or just bad at speed regulation. idk. at any rate kept it short because of the heat.

- stretch

so, so very humid. cooling off and gonna grab lunch now and then head down to a protest march. bringing lots of water.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 04, 2020, 11:54:57 pm
interesting. i'm sure motivation is part of it.

- warm up x 1 km; tempo x 2 km [3:53, 4:14]; cool down x .94 km
downhill-uphill out and back for the tempo. way too fast on the downhill bit, meant to dial it back because dew point is 72/22 here today. uphill bit was even a little faster than i meant to go, was shooting for ~4:20. i guess that means i'm fitter than i think? or just bad at speed regulation. idk. at any rate kept it short because of the heat.

- stretch

so, so very humid. cooling off and gonna grab lunch now and then head down to a protest march. bringing lots of water.

ah nice. how'd that go? saw a few of the photos.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 05, 2020, 07:06:01 pm
it was good, i'm glad i went. shut down a couple of intersections along the way, rallied outside the police precinct and chanted at the cops. it was pretty well organized: lots of water and snacks, medics on hand walking around with sunscreen and hand sanitizer, bikers riding ahead to block traffic, no question about who was leading (except for the chanting/singing, which got a little discombobulated). the leaders all looked like kids to me (early 20s at oldest), which is cool.

left the run too late today. conditions were brutal in the afternoon: 97/36 air temp and 75/24 dew point, so i decided to wait until after painting. then that took longer than i expected, and now there's a thunderstorm coming that i'd rather not get caught out in. might could violate my normal principle of not making up missed workouts and just do the long run tomorrow. it's not gonna kill me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 05, 2020, 11:23:45 pm
it was good, i'm glad i went. shut down a couple of intersections along the way, rallied outside the police precinct and chanted at the cops. it was pretty well organized: lots of water and snacks, medics on hand walking around with sunscreen and hand sanitizer, bikers riding ahead to block traffic, no question about who was leading (except for the chanting/singing, which got a little discombobulated). the leaders all looked like kids to me (early 20s at oldest), which is cool.

ah nice. good stuff.

left the run too late today. conditions were brutal in the afternoon: 97/36 air temp and 75/24 dew point, so i decided to wait until after painting. then that took longer than i expected, and now there's a thunderstorm coming that i'd rather not get caught out in. might could violate my normal principle of not making up missed workouts and just do the long run tomorrow. it's not gonna kill me.

hot af. love it. :ibrunning:

ya don't make it up who cares. all good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2020, 10:34:56 am
yeah and it ended up not storming last night, pissed that i didn't go. you're prob right that it's smarter not to make it up. what i think i'll do instead is long run today, skip tomorrow, then back on schedule from wednesday. the long runs are important, i think i get more out of them than the 10-11k's. this way i'll still get that in but not sacrifice a recovery day.

speaking of which, it's time to lengthen those as well. sub-50 minutes just doesn't seem like enough stimulus anymore, especially if i'm able to maintain that in the heat and humidity. will shift to 11k minimum from this week.

something else i've been musing on: i'd like to find a training partner. in normal times i'd be thinking about joining a club (as i would have done this spring in london). maybe still worth doing that just to get plugged into a little network here.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2020, 01:15:04 pm
- run 18.01 km in 1:40:00
distance PR. gonna start using temp+dew point index to reference pace. today was 81+74=155 when i set out and 89+75=164 when i got back. at that index i ought to be 6-8% slower than my long-run pace in london's lovely conditions, which was about 5:08, so...nailed it at 5:33 average, although that does include a little pick-up in the final km (4:40).

- stretch


edit: one hour after workout, body very tired.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 06, 2020, 10:34:46 pm
yeah and it ended up not storming last night, pissed that i didn't go. you're prob right that it's smarter not to make it up. what i think i'll do instead is long run today, skip tomorrow, then back on schedule from wednesday. the long runs are important, i think i get more out of them than the 10-11k's. this way i'll still get that in but not sacrifice a recovery day.

speaking of which, it's time to lengthen those as well. sub-50 minutes just doesn't seem like enough stimulus anymore, especially if i'm able to maintain that in the heat and humidity. will shift to 11k minimum from this week.


and yup. one good long run once per week works so good. love the way i feel after a long run -> light af, lungs "cleared out", loose/relaxed/dead tired etc.

i think 1.5 hours is probably the sweet spot for most people. i mean that'll get you some great gains. 1 hour is good but can be too little. 2 hours is great but can be too much etc. 1.5 hours is a good compromise.

something else i've been musing on: i'd like to find a training partner. in normal times i'd be thinking about joining a club (as i would have done this spring in london). maybe still worth doing that just to get plugged into a little network here.

nice. weird time to do it but im sure you can find some folks. strava can be good for that (even though you mentioned not wanting to get on there, can't blame you). ya if you search some local running clubs, they usually have facebook groups and such which help people find training partners for runs etc.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2020, 12:49:17 pm
yeah i hear that re: 1:30.


- push ups x 29,27,27


- pull up x 1,2,3,4,5,6,5,3
woof, struggled
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2020, 10:50:17 am

- push ups x 28,30,28


- run 10.71 km in 54:10
T+DI index=162. average pace 5:04, which is within the 6-8% expected decrement. very positive split though, which isn't as good. legs a bit tired at the outset, took a km or so to loosen up all the way.

- stretch

later afternoon

- pull up x 4,4,4; close grip chin up x 4,4,4; wide grip pull up x 4,4,4
a little more challenging today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2020, 10:28:37 am

- push ups x 29,32,30
there's something with hand placement, too, that i haven't quite figured out yet.


- run 11.03 km in 56:14
T+DI index 160+. was right at 5:00 pace until i cratered in the penultimate km. these runs should feel pretty easy, so i was happy to let the pace fall off and just focus on not walking. so uphill, so sunny, so hot, so humid.

- stretch

- SMR hamstrings, calves, back

- pull up 10 x 4; x2
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2020, 10:35:20 pm
two things to note: close grip chin ups bother my right bicep a little, as they have for many years. i figure there's something screwy in my shoulder. also, i'm starting to get a little soreness on the inside of my left elbow. fairly sure it's pull up related, as well. neither that bothersome but i just need to be conscious of them and prob to work on shoulder and elbow mobility before i do the workouts. annoying because i've been loving how efficient they are, but better that than get hurt and have to stop altogether.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 10, 2020, 12:34:09 pm
elbow still sore in the morning so i'm taking a break today. the pain is on the inside, an inch or so away from the bone. wonder if it's from trying to get my F barre chord down on the guitar. but then i never practice that for very long at a stretch, my hand gets too tired. hm.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on July 10, 2020, 01:10:59 pm
elbow still sore in the morning so i'm taking a break today. the pain is on the inside, an inch or so away from the bone. wonder if it's from trying to get my F barre chord down on the guitar. but then i never practice that for very long at a stretch, my hand gets too tired. hm.

Towards the hand or the shoulder? I also have a little medial  elbow pain from this program. I think mine is from gripping the bar so forearm musculature related/minor tendinitis from overuse.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 10, 2020, 01:16:42 pm
good question: towards the hand. have you done anything to make it better or just pushed through it? and has it gotten worse over time?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 11, 2020, 04:17:43 pm
track workout!

- warm up x 1 km; tempo 10 x 400m @10k pace (96-99s/rep), 100m walking rest; cool down x 1 km
surprisingly easy

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2020, 02:24:31 pm
- run 19.6 km in 1:42:16
accidental distance PR, first time over 12 miles. ran a mile longer than intended because my mom (who biked along with me) and i got separated just before the halfway/turnaround point and i looped around to look for her. waited for ten minutes at the fork where we must have gotten split up and then came back. we just missed each other and ended up arriving home within ten minutes of each other. so also a lot faster cumulatively than last week (5:13 average pace), thanks in no small part to my being worried/irritated that i'd lost my mom, lol.

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 12, 2020, 10:26:58 pm
- run 19.6 km in 1:42:16
accidental distance PR, first time over 12 miles. ran a mile longer than intended because my mom (who biked along with me) and i got separated just before the halfway/turnaround point and i looped around to look for her. waited for ten minutes at the fork where we must have gotten split up and then came back. we just missed each other and ended up arriving home within ten minutes of each other. so also a lot faster cumulatively than last week (5:13 average pace), thanks in no small part to my being worried/irritated that i'd lost my mom, lol.

- stretch



and damn lol. stuff like that can be nerve-racking. brings back nightmares of losing my mom in the mall as a kid growing up hah. 8|

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on July 13, 2020, 03:49:40 pm
- run 19.6 km in 1:42:16
accidental distance PR, first time over 12 miles. ran a mile longer than intended because my mom (who biked along with me) and i got separated just before the halfway/turnaround point and i looped around to look for her. waited for ten minutes at the fork where we must have gotten split up and then came back. we just missed each other and ended up arriving home within ten minutes of each other. so also a lot faster cumulatively than last week (5:13 average pace), thanks in no small part to my being worried/irritated that i'd lost my mom, lol.

- stretch



and damn lol. stuff like that can be nerve-racking. brings back nightmares of losing my mom in the mall as a kid growing up hah. 8|


lol, reminds me of the old level 7 training ideas thread.

and yes - my elbow pain is also towards the hand. I think it is because of the grip work involved, all of the wrist/finger flexors attach at that medial aspect of the elbow and i think it's just gotten pissed off at being asked to hold my bodyweight every day for weeks on end. it's much improved with a week off. - for reference

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 13, 2020, 04:11:18 pm
hahahah level 7: WHERE'S MY MOMMY?!?!?!?!

and yeah that 100% checks out. elbow feels much better today. gonna give it one more day of rest and then try again, with a little more warm up than i've been giving myself.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 13, 2020, 10:25:34 pm
- run 19.6 km in 1:42:16
accidental distance PR, first time over 12 miles. ran a mile longer than intended because my mom (who biked along with me) and i got separated just before the halfway/turnaround point and i looped around to look for her. waited for ten minutes at the fork where we must have gotten split up and then came back. we just missed each other and ended up arriving home within ten minutes of each other. so also a lot faster cumulatively than last week (5:13 average pace), thanks in no small part to my being worried/irritated that i'd lost my mom, lol.

- stretch



and damn lol. stuff like that can be nerve-racking. brings back nightmares of losing my mom in the mall as a kid growing up hah. 8|


lol, reminds me of the old level 7 training ideas thread.


hahahah level 7: WHERE'S MY MOMMY?!?!?!?!

yea exactly, lmao.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2020, 01:37:39 pm
- run 10.56 km in 52:23
T+DI 148, plus light breeze, equals 4:57 pace and feeling great rather than tired at the end of the run. breath four-in-four-out the whole way, and only km 2 and 6 were a bit over 5:00 (big hills in each). otherwise very steady, good run.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2020, 10:20:50 am

- push up x 34
elbow not quiiite 100% but decided to try to start easing back in today. not sure whether 34 is an all-time PR but it's up there.


- pull up
actually, no. elbow still bugging on these, stopped after one rep. can't tell whether it's worse than last week or whether i'm just attuned to it now. either way, more rest.

- run 10.23 km in 51:12
T+DI in the 150s.

- stretch

found out yesterday that a friend of mine from HS had killed himself. we hadn't been in touch in years but still, makes me sad. he and his twin brother were the life of the party when we were kids, always pranking people and goofing off. my heart goes out to his family.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2020, 05:01:36 pm
non-training-related update: kind of by accident, it seems like i'm starting to work as an independent consultant. a gig fell into my lap through one of my professors at school, who recommended me the head of this disability-rights organization for a bit of research they want done. proper research is a bit of a stretch for me but i've started working on it and it is FUN so far. gonna work on my interviewing and analytical skills and hopefully make something interesting and useful. that'll take me through mid-september. and i've got an interview sunday night with a small UN agency to develop their fundraising strategy (they're in tokyo so it's their monday morning). who knows whether i'll get it but it's nice to get a call-back. and that work is much more in my wheelhouse, at the very least i will know how to sound smart during the interview.

pretty surprised by both: the first i didn't go looking for at all and the second (UN) was totally cold. gives me some hope that i'll be able to make a living while i look for a job and figure out what the hell i'm gonna do with my life.

it also addresses one of the big things that was driving my ex and me apart: her desire to be ultra-mobile for a while and my worry about making ends meet once school is over. we'd have other shit to work out if we decided to get back together but if i can really string a meaningful amount of consultancies together then why not hit the road for a little while?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2020, 11:21:47 am
gonna follow the DC road runners track workouts for the next couple of weeks. the one i did last weekend is from them, today will be the next one in line. their coach wrote that he's deliberately designed them to be short and with extra recovery because of the heat and humidity, which seems smart. the workout last week felt pretty easy, but i think that's okay for now. i'm setting pace targets relative to an 18:59 5k, adjusted for T+DI.

- warm up x 1 km; intervals 6 x 500m @5k pace (1:54-1:58), 300m jogging rest; cool down x 1 km
T+DI 158, very hot and sunny. this was a little bit tougher than last week but very doable.

- stretch

total distance this week 57.78 km, 35.9 miles. that's around PR territory.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 18, 2020, 11:11:39 pm
non-training-related update: kind of by accident, it seems like i'm starting to work as an independent consultant. a gig fell into my lap through one of my professors at school, who recommended me the head of this disability-rights organization for a bit of research they want done. proper research is a bit of a stretch for me but i've started working on it and it is FUN so far. gonna work on my interviewing and analytical skills and hopefully make something interesting and useful. that'll take me through mid-september. and i've got an interview sunday night with a small UN agency to develop their fundraising strategy (they're in tokyo so it's their monday morning). who knows whether i'll get it but it's nice to get a call-back. and that work is much more in my wheelhouse, at the very least i will know how to sound smart during the interview.

pretty surprised by both: the first i didn't go looking for at all and the second (UN) was totally cold. gives me some hope that i'll be able to make a living while i look for a job and figure out what the hell i'm gonna do with my life.

pretty cool. i've only had something "fall into my lap" once and it ended up being the best job i've ever had.

good luck with the UN interview on sunday!

it also addresses one of the big things that was driving my ex and me apart: her desire to be ultra-mobile for a while and my worry about making ends meet once school is over. we'd have other shit to work out if we decided to get back together but if i can really string a meaningful amount of consultancies together then why not hit the road for a little while?

ah damn. would be cool to be ultra-mobile capable, but also seems like a completely different lifestyle. would you want to do that? i mean, what happens if you want to stop doing that, and she wants to keep doing it etc? some people are just so nomadic, can't ever get comfortable staying in one spot.

sounds cool to be able to travel & work remote though. so many beautiful places to experience. would be nice to spend 3-4 months in various spots. for me (in the US) that'd be like, colorado, vermont, california, somewhere near yellowstone.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2020, 12:03:31 am
i do like the idea of being on the move for a while, seeing different places, living unconventionally. of course covid has put the kibosh on that for the immediate future but it'd be cool to be able to travel around, working for a month at a stretch and then exploring, volunteering, learning new stuff just for the hell of it. i wouldn't be working in the field i'm in without some sense of wanderlust. but not forever, and i genuinely don't know if she'd ever be happy really making a home somewhere, which is something i know i want.

tbh the last time she and i talked, it felt like we're pulling apart, that the physical separation is confirming that breaking up was really inevitable. i don't want to feel that way, or to feel like she feels that way, but there it is. idk, maybe i'm just feeling morose and lonely up here in my childhood bedroom.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2020, 06:44:41 pm
- run 18.02 km in 1:41:42
brutally hot, hardest run i've done in a long time despite also being the slowest (5:39 average pace). T+DI 170 (98F/36.7C temp, dew point 72/22.2). by the time i got home i'd overheated to the point where i was breathing hard and had to ice my neck and chug cold water, and i feel slightly out of it. i pushed too hard today. should have dialed the target distance back given the conditions. not dizzy or faint and i wasn't getting chills or anything, but very fatigued and slightly out of it. lesson learned.

- stretch

ETA: 5:39, adjusted for T+DI, equates to 5:14 pace. perfectly alright for a long run. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 21, 2020, 11:11:54 pm
i do like the idea of being on the move for a while, seeing different places, living unconventionally. of course covid has put the kibosh on that for the immediate future but it'd be cool to be able to travel around, working for a month at a stretch and then exploring, volunteering, learning new stuff just for the hell of it. i wouldn't be working in the field i'm in without some sense of wanderlust.

ah nice. yea i can see how it would be exciting/fun. even though i usually run the same paths, i love running in new places.. but then i love coming back home to the same spot. hah. i'm nomad by foot, but not by car/plane etc. if i didn't have dogs, i'd run up the east coast or something. thought about it several times. stuff like that gets my mind wandering.

absolutely sucks that it's not really feasible right now, or for the next year or so.

but not forever, and i genuinely don't know if she'd ever be happy really making a home somewhere, which is something i know i want.

tbh the last time she and i talked, it felt like we're pulling apart, that the physical separation is confirming that breaking up was really inevitable. i don't want to feel that way, or to feel like she feels that way, but there it is. idk, maybe i'm just feeling morose and lonely up here in my childhood bedroom.


- run 18.02 km in 1:41:42
brutally hot, hardest run i've done in a long time despite also being the slowest (5:39 average pace). T+DI 170 (98F/36.7C temp, dew point 72/22.2). by the time i got home i'd overheated to the point where i was breathing hard and had to ice my neck and chug cold water, and i feel slightly out of it. i pushed too hard today. should have dialed the target distance back given the conditions. not dizzy or faint and i wasn't getting chills or anything, but very fatigued and slightly out of it. lesson learned.

- stretch

ETA: 5:39, adjusted for T+DI, equates to 5:14 pace. perfectly alright for a long run. 

regarding the heavy breathing thing, sounds like you pushed just a bit too far beyond the extreme fatigue sweet spot, into the danger zone.

without the heavy breathing symptom, that fatigue + chugging a gallon of cold water can make you feel so good the next day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2020, 04:27:29 pm
getting some forced rest thanks to heavy rain the last two days. big windy thunderstorm going on right now and project to continue into the night, flash flood warning in effect. i should do some activation and SMR/stretching.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2020, 01:41:44 pm
last night

- SMR t-spine, feet

- mobilization t-spine, shoulders, hips

- stretch hips, calves

this morning

- run 10.04 km in 50:41
T+DI 161 (88+73). legs stiff to start out with and this felt like a struggle, to the point where i noticed myself slowing down toward the end and cut it off a km early; had meant to do 11 and ended up adjusting my route and walking the last 500m or so.

- stretch

also, elbow is still messed up for gripping. i've been testing it out a bit with sets of 2-3 pull ups, trying different grips. but it was bugging even while i was wringing the sweat out of my shorts earlier, smh.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on July 25, 2020, 11:44:18 am
 Is your pull up bar thin or thick? Thick would be more grip work I guess?

Do you use chalk?

You could also consider hook grip or lifting straps to allow those forearm muscles to rest whilst still getting the reps in for the rest of your body?

Just a few ideas not sure if any would actually work. I have ridiculous calluses on my hands from all the pull ups in this program, I do use chalk and a narrow bar.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2020, 03:57:04 pm
it's not thick, pretty normal diameter and it's padded. hook grip is a good idea. my lifting straps are in a shipping container somewhere in the north atlantic, lol.

- warm up x 1 km; intervals 200m @5k pace x 8 [46, 45, 44, 44, 45, 45, 44, 44] @mile pace x 5 [39, 39, 39, 40, 40]; cool down x 1 km
200m jogging rest between reps. T+DI 161. decided to be cautious and cut it off with 3 reps to go on the mile pace. will finish all 8 next time i do this, then do 10 and 10 the time after that.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2020, 02:21:48 pm
the mile-pace intervals were pushing my right knee, which is a little out of sorts today. haven't been able to really sprint for many years now and i guess that's also true for a fast (for me) run. never been able to tell what exactly is wrong. i remember asking for suggestions on lyle mcdonald's mean forum* back in maybe 2014 and his response was, "OP should not sprint." couldn't see a good argument against that, there was no reason i HAD to be sprinting.

the discomfort comes and goes and never bothers me while jogging - it's something to do with the amplitude of the leg swing on sprints, or maybe the amount of knee flexion on the front end (peak knee lift is when it's most noticeable; second-most is peak flexion on the back end). anyway, i'd love to sort that out at some point, it sucks to think i wouldn't be able to test a mile or 800 because my knee wouldn't like it.

*RIP monkey island, i hadn't been on there in years but went to check on it a couple of months ago and it'd disappeared. there were some hilarious people on there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2020, 06:51:04 pm
- run 16.51 km in 1:31:21
T+DI 162, but there was a little bit of a breeze in the park and that made a difference. also didn't push as far as last week, obviously. 5:32 average and i didn't overheat, go me. tib anterior and achilles a little sore, weirdly, that's not a usual thing. :shrugemoji:

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 26, 2020, 10:43:37 pm
the mile-pace intervals were pushing my right knee, which is a little out of sorts today. haven't been able to really sprint for many years now and i guess that's also true for a fast (for me) run. never been able to tell what exactly is wrong. i remember asking for suggestions on lyle mcdonald's mean forum* back in maybe 2014 and his response was, "OP should not sprint." couldn't see a good argument against that, there was no reason i HAD to be sprinting.

the discomfort comes and goes and never bothers me while jogging - it's something to do with the amplitude of the leg swing on sprints, or maybe the amount of knee flexion on the front end (peak knee lift is when it's most noticeable; second-most is peak flexion on the back end). anyway, i'd love to sort that out at some point, it sucks to think i wouldn't be able to test a mile or 800 because my knee wouldn't like it.

*RIP monkey island, i hadn't been on there in years but went to check on it a couple of months ago and it'd disappeared. there were some hilarious people on there.

you sprint/fast strides in your running shoes? and on what surface?

i'd be curious how you feel if you did some sprints/hard strides in very light shoes, on a futbol-like surface (low/thin grass/hard packed dirt) - soft, not asphalt/track etc. even though you mentioned more of the mechanics, i'd be curious how very light shoes (xc flats or spikes) feel (potentially making the mechanics easier/less stressful), and on a really comfortable surface (less stress per stride).

think it'd be the same?

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 27, 2020, 11:00:09 am
this morning woke up wondering whether the achilles discomfort is linked to the knee thing. would make sense.

@adarq, i don't think it's surface- or shoe-dependent. does the same thing on grass, track, or asphalt, and whether i'm wearing running shoes or no shoes. for whatever reason it's tended to bother me less while playing ultimate, even when sprinting flat-out, but it would act up sometimes then, too. it just seems like something is out of alignment, or not activating properly in my hip or something to keep the knee tracking properly when my leg swing gets past a certain amplitude. might be worth taking my spikes to the track just to see, though. hadn't occurred to me before to experiment like that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2020, 04:45:40 pm
got a physical today for the first time in four years and i feel wiped out. blood drawn, shots given, and for some reason my left hand really hurts. i passed out for like 45 minutes almost as soon as i got home. gonna skip today's run.

kinda weird, don't remember being this tired after a physical before.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 29, 2020, 01:40:21 pm
- run 10.58 km in 55:00
T+DI 154, 5:12 pace is pretty okay for an average but splits were really bad: 4:59-5:07 on the first half and 5:19-5:26 on the back half. the takoma park-missouri avenue loop is slightly down-up but that still means i went out a little too quick given the conditions. also, IT band was super tight for the first two km, kinda weird. might be because i spent 20-30 minutes this morning draining my parents' washing machine through the tiny emergency valve next to the floor. uncomfortable.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2020, 01:44:18 pm
- run 10.0 km in 53:01
T+DI 162. pace average 5:18, which is a bit slow, but it was actually fine/normal until i ran 6:00 for the last km. straight uphill, no shade, struggled. ended up walking the last couple hundred meters home.

- stretch

at the doctor on tuesday i weighed in at 167.5, clothed. was 158 naked just now post-run. my elbow is still fucked but i need to start doing strength work again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2020, 12:07:58 pm
- warm up x 2 km; extensive tempo x 3 km [4:22, 4:33, 4:15]; cool down x 2.1 km
T+DI 156, not as hot but extremely humid. average pace on the tempo was 4:23, which translates to about 4:10, which is about right for long tempo. was breathing a bit hard by the end but not too hard. happy with the negative split, especially as it was a downhill-uphill course.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2020, 09:08:41 am
tropical storm isaias is in town, no running today.

not sure why i skipped sunday :-/

UPDATE: rain cleared up around 11 AM so i threw my shoes on and took off before the rain comes back this afternoon.

- run 10.58 km in 51:38
T+DI 141, still extremely humid but temp down 20 degrees F after the heavy rain. consequently, my first sub-50 min 10k since...june? felt so amazing, i actually started laughing to myself at one point. 4:53 average pace and came home under 5:00 so it was pretty well balanced as well.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 04, 2020, 09:11:52 am
tropical storm isaias is in town, no running today.

not sure why i skipped sunday :-/

ah damn that sux.

we didn't get much at all down here. seems like they go up the east coast so frequently now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2020, 12:52:10 pm
yeah and the weather guy was saying on the news last night that because the water up the coast is so much warmer than historically, they're not losing as much power as they go. bad news.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2020, 05:52:52 pm
- run 12.03 km in 1:00:29
T+DI 156, 5:02 pace without dying too much on the climbs in the final 2 km. very steady, good stuff.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2020, 05:07:46 pm
- run 11.03 km in 54:55
noice. T+DI 156, snuck in under 5:00 pace with a little kick over the last 500m, accelerating to a peak of 3:41.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2020, 08:00:13 pm

- warm up x 1 km; intervals 400m/100m jogging rest in [1:34, 1:40, 1:39, 1:39, 1:40, 1:37, 1:39, 1:41, 1:40, 1:30]; cool down x 1 km
intervals were at fast tempo pace (i.e. 90-95% of race pace), adjusted a bit for the T+DI. not too challenging. makes a big difference for it to be overcast and under 90/32 degrees, even when it's still so humid.

- stretch


- run 18.18 in 1:41:36
T+DI 158, so humid. good light long run, though, tired but not wiped at the end. feet soaked with sweat, was squelching a bit the last 4-5 km.

- stretch

mapmyrun weeks are monday-sunday; i ran 58.8 km in that span. near weekly PR territory, can never remember if i've ever actually hit 60 km in a week before.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 11, 2020, 06:55:59 pm
- run 10.58 km in 54:19
T+DI 165, just horrendously humid.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2020, 05:41:39 pm
- run 10.13 in 50:19
T+DI 168, but turns out clouds and a light breeze make a huge difference. 4:58 average pace, pretty even throughout, and had enough energy to run 4:51 for the last complete km and run the last couple hundred meters at race pace. good stuff

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2020, 05:51:58 pm
run schedule today. body is like, no don't do it. so i'll go tomorrow. next week is beach anyway so it doesn't matter if schedule gets a little messed up this week.

beach exercise will be tennis, maybe a little running but not going to hold myself to anything, and whatever my family feels like doing w/r/t strength stuff. and maybe kayaking.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 13, 2020, 10:24:53 pm
run schedule today. body is like, no don't do it. so i'll go tomorrow. next week is beach anyway so it doesn't matter if schedule gets a little messed up this week.

beach exercise will be tennis, maybe a little running but not going to hold myself to anything, and whatever my family feels like doing w/r/t strength stuff. and maybe kayaking.

nice! kayaking sounds fun. i've never done it - only canoed.. plan on kayaking in the near future.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 14, 2020, 12:56:20 pm
- run 11.02 km in 56:05
deceptively cool when i left the house, temp went up over the course of the run. T+DI 157, you could cut the air with a knife.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 17, 2020, 04:43:05 pm
- kayaking x ~3.5 hours
so nice. the last 45 mins or so were against the tide and into the wind, pretty heavy going. beautiful day, didn't get sunburned. shoulders gonna be a touch sore tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 18, 2020, 08:39:12 pm
- beach volleyball x ~45 mins

- tennis x ~45 mins

absolutely flawless beach day. mid-80s, not too humid light breeze, sunny but with enough high clouds to keep it from beating down.

kayaking soreness not in shoulders but rather wrist extensors and hip flexors. also i cut my hand on the rigging at one point, kind of a gnarly looking scrape actually but it only bled a tiny bit. didn't affect me during tennis, thankfully.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 19, 2020, 07:23:22 pm
where do you kayak?

i plan to kayak here occasionally, looks amazing: Riverbend Park

can do an 8.5 mile route to the ocean as well.. looks so nice.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 20, 2020, 12:22:18 pm
mostly in the sound between the coast and the barrier islands where we stay. i've done a little in maine as well but a long time ago. and we did a fair bit of whitewater canoeing when i was a kid. never done any open-ocean kayaking.

8.5 miles is a good amount, especially if you're fighting against the tide or current. we did probably 6-6.5 the other day and most people were wiped out by the end.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 20, 2020, 05:06:55 pm
- beach volleyball x ~30 mins

- tennis x ~45 mins
hotter today. mostly canadian doubles with dad and bro, so not as much running around.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 21, 2020, 01:38:36 am
mostly in the sound between the coast and the barrier islands where we stay. i've done a little in maine as well but a long time ago. and we did a fair bit of whitewater canoeing when i was a kid. never done any open-ocean kayaking.


8.5 miles is a good amount, especially if you're fighting against the tide or current. we did probably 6-6.5 the other day and most people were wiped out by the end.

yea 8.5 mi one way i think.. might be alot. dno yet.

i plan to join this kayak forum club soon hopefully. looks very fun. :highfive:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 21, 2020, 12:00:10 pm
- bike ride x ~10 miles
rode down the oceanfront road with my mom. nice and easy, very pleasant.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 23, 2020, 07:42:56 pm
- run 18.01 in 1:38:04
T+DI 161. decided in the last 3-400m to try to finish just under 1:38, failed by three seconds. 5:27 average, brought down a little by the first and last km (5:06, 5:03). that's a wee bit too fast for a long run in such conditions but didn't feel bad. achilles a little stiff and weirdly may have gotten a little blister on my left heel.

- stretch

no run tomorrow and will take it a little easy tues-thurs because of not wanting to shoot mileage up too fast after the week off.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 25, 2020, 06:41:27 pm
rest today as well. did a bunch of stretching: legs, lats, wrists.

when i was in high school, you'd get marked more harshly the second time you made an error on a paper than the first time. and you'd get credit for not repeating an error. "hope to COPE, dope a ROPE" (correction of previous errors...repetition of previous errors). never forgot that little mnemonic. i have had too many goddamn re-entry overuse injuries. to get one now would be ROPE of the first order.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2020, 04:51:54 pm
- run 8.68 km in 42:25
T+DI 151 plus a decent breeze, so averaged a relaxed 4:53 despite the hilly course (alaska-16th). nice to have such a short run. feel great. can't wait for it to get cooler, i'm gonna be flying*.

- stretch

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 27, 2020, 07:09:34 pm
- run 8.06 km in 40:00; walk x ~300m; run 1.87 km in 10:42
T+DI 158 per accuweather but that's bullshit, it's gnarly outside. went out way too fast, first 5 km in <24:00. slowed down a lot but still hit 8 km averaging <5:00. the course i planned out was too long anyway so i didn't mind walking for a little to recover because i was struggling and worried about overheating again.

- stretch

left IT band felt very tight to start, as it did for much of the run yesterday. loosened up quicker today. should do some SMR but it doesn't bother me in the slightest except when i start running so i forgot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2020, 01:33:57 pm
- warm up x 2 km; extensive tempo x 3 km in [4:10, 4:04, 4:03]; cool down x 4.05 km
T+DI 152; not that hot but dew point as high as i've ever seen it. so humid. the tempo section was an out-and-back but mostly uphill since i turned around beyond the halfway point.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2020, 07:29:38 pm
- run 18.64 km in 1:36:14
T+DI 140 and holy shit does that make a difference. just gorgeous outside, dew point a good ten degrees lower than it's been. averaged 5:10 with plenty in the tank to kick a little in the last 500m just for fun. dad biked alongside.

- stretch

the more i think about it, the more i think trying to break 1:40 in a half marathon time trial would be a fun thing to do once it gets properly cool in the fall.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2020, 01:29:36 pm
- run 10.43 km in 51:35
T+DI 142 but all on the humidity side. very sweaty. still, low temp and i came in at 4:57 with a nice tight pace range.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2020, 06:29:12 pm
- warm up x 2 km; tempo 1 km x 3 in [4:08, 4:01, 4:00] w/1 km jogging rest; cool down x 3.1 km (w/ one ~350m walking break)
T+DI 164, dew point highest i've ever seen it at 78. pretty happy with the intervals, though. total distance 10.1 km

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2020, 05:34:06 pm
tornado warning and flash flood warning in effect until 8:30 PM, guess i won't be running today. flash flooding isn't so uncommon here but tornados are rare. the thunderstorm happening right now is pretty biblical.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2020, 06:21:14 pm
- run 10.01 km in 50:56
T+DI 162, again very humid. took it relatively easy and kept pace consistent, which is good.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2020, 07:21:05 pm
- warm up x 1 km; 400 intervals x 10 in [1:37, 1:39, 1:34, 1:38, 1:39, 1:38, 1:39, 1:38, 1:38, 1:23] w/100 jogging rest; cool down x 1 km
T+DI 130, felt amazing. kicked a wee bit on the last interval just for fun and because i could: the Rx'd pace (4:03-4:08) was set for a hotter, humider day.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 06, 2020, 12:28:46 pm
- run 18.11 km in 1:39:36
T+DI 141 but i'm sure it was lower at the start of the run. drove my parents and two friends of theirs out to a botanical garden near the end point of my normal sunday runs. they walked home from there and i did an out-and-back and then drove the car home. such a glorious day. left heel started getting a blister in the last km or so, pretty annoying. the new kinvaras are harder to lace tight for some reason.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2020, 06:02:20 pm
- run 10.52 km in 53:38
T+DI 149. kept this deliberately smooth and easy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2020, 05:20:01 pm
- run

got about a hundred feet down the street and stopped. legs didn't feel quite right, somehow. try again tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2020, 06:47:43 pm
well, yesterday there was massive flooding in my area. so i did not, in the event, "try again tomorrow." this was the next town over:


other places nearby had it worse.

anyway, today was cooler than it's been but still very humid.

- run 8.03 km in 49:01
T+DI 144. cruised at 4:51 average pace, including 5:01 for the first km and 5:10 on the long climb that makes up the penultimate km. felt great.

- stretch

so damn humid that even though it's not even 80 degrees i'm sweating 5 minutes after getting out of the shower.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 12, 2020, 07:45:35 pm
- warm up; 400m intervals in (78, 81, 85, 84, 86, 84, 85, 79) w/3:00 rest; cool down
T+DI 130. felt great. a little humid still but so much cooler. once it gets into the 50s and dries up a little...oh baby. did these much faster than last week. felt each interval a little more still no struggle to complete. next weekend i'll switch to 500s with the same rest interval, unless for some reason it goes back to being really hot and humid.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 12, 2020, 10:37:05 pm
well, yesterday there was massive flooding in my area. so i did not, in the event, "try again tomorrow." this was the next town over:


other places nearby had it worse.

 :o damn.

rained here like crazy the last few days, surprised to not see any flooding. driving home today for about an hour, 0 visibility. was nuts.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2020, 06:53:46 pm
- run 21.11 km in 1:54:58
distance PR by almost a mile. it was so nice out yesterday that i thought i'd go for a half marathon today. take it nice and easy, just get the distance. but it was hotter than i thought it'd be. stubbornly persisted but i was dragging at the end: last two km were 6:17 and 5:39. overall average 5:27 is pretty slow.

- stretch

wrecked. i had to take a nap and now have a slight headache, which i'm sure is from not being able to rehydrate fast enough. if and when i ever do a half marathon time trial, i'm gonna drive to the C&O canal and just do an out and back on the flatness. same plan for 5k time trial. on that note: i'm thinking about doing a road trip next month to visit some people in massachusetts and new york. tentative idea is to start around the 10th. so might be cool to target the 9th as a day to test my 5k. then again i bet i'll have plenty of time to run on the road trip. maybe it'd be better to treat the road trip as a taper week and then test when i get back. tbd.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 13, 2020, 07:35:16 pm
- run 21.11 km in 1:54:58
distance PR by almost a mile. it was so nice out yesterday that i thought i'd go for a half marathon today. take it nice and easy, just get the distance. but it was hotter than i thought it'd be. stubbornly persisted but i was dragging at the end: last two km were 6:17 and 5:39. overall average 5:27 is pretty slow.

- stretch

wrecked. i had to take a nap and now have a slight headache, which i'm sure is from not being able to rehydrate fast enough. if and when i ever do a half marathon time trial, i'm gonna drive to the C&O canal and just do an out and back on the flatness. same plan for 5k time trial. on that note: i'm thinking about doing a road trip next month to visit some people in massachusetts and new york. tentative idea is to start around the 10th. so might be cool to target the 9th as a day to test my 5k. then again i bet i'll have plenty of time to run on the road trip. maybe it'd be better to treat the road trip as a taper week and then test when i get back. tbd.

nice @ road trip.

i kinda like the idea of doing the half time trial prior to the road trip. this way, when you get some runs in on your road trip, just enjoyable with no thoughts of the taper - less "pressure" and who knows could be a bit out of whack after you get back from the road trip (different foods, driving more, etc etc).

+1 on the flat out and back idea. out and back is great for time trials too. feels better mentally imho.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2020, 07:54:19 am
yeah that's sensible. i think i'll prioritize the 5k time trial, though, it's the one i actually care about. that's soon, though, so i'll have to lay out a little plan for the next few weeks.

also: turned in my master's thesis. pending my final grades, i'm done with grad school. :almostascoolasnyancat:

edit: and also, now that i think about it, they froze our grades when the lockdown started. so i'm pretty sure i will be graduating with distinction regardless of how i do on my thesis. 

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 14, 2020, 01:47:50 pm
yeah that's sensible. i think i'll prioritize the 5k time trial, though, it's the one i actually care about. that's soon, though, so i'll have to lay out a little plan for the next few weeks.

also: turned in my master's thesis. pending my final grades, i'm done with grad school. :almostascoolasnyancat:

edit: and also, now that i think about it, they froze our grades when the lockdown started. so i'm pretty sure i will be graduating with distinction regardless of how i do on my thesis. 


daaaaamn nice!!!!!! congrats!

:goodjobbro: :almostascoolasnyancat: :goodjobbro: :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 15, 2020, 11:01:03 am

also, just like that, it's in the 50s here this morning (<15 for you celsius users). just spectacular. dew point is 48. autumn!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 15, 2020, 05:28:58 pm
- run 10.53 km in 50:55
omg felt amazing. T+DI 116. it's not even 70 degrees outside, i'm in heaven.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2020, 06:43:03 pm
- warm up x 1 km; 1.5 km race pace tempo in [5:41, 5:33, 5:40] w/ 3 mins walking rest; cool down x 1 km
T+DI 130. was a little apprehensive about this going in. it was a bit challenging but didn't wreck me or push me that hard, which is a good sign i think. it's good to get a feel for what 18:59 feels like step by step. the second interval was a little fast, more like ~18:32 pace. first and last were on the money.

- stretch

i don't think i'm in sub-19 shape. but gonna lower volume and up intensity a bit for the next two weeks to get more practice at race pace. then taper for a few days so i can time trial right before i leave on my trip. worse comes to worst i blow the time trial and have a little break before getting back on the horse.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2020, 01:15:11 pm
rained hard on thursday and decided not to make it up yesterday.


- tennis with dad x ~45 mins
started out loose and good and then he tightened up a bit as we went along.

- warm up x 1 km; 500m intervals in [1:59, 1:57, 1:55, 1:55, 1:53, 1:53] w/300m running rest; cool down x 1 km
too easy, which is a good sign i think. had to pee super bad the whole time.

T+DI 100 (!!!!!!!!!). perfect fall day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2020, 06:45:24 pm
- run 15.02 km in 1:16:37
nice and easy, strong negative split for a 5:06 average pace. didn't note T+DI but it was similar to yesterday, maybe a few degrees warmer.

also walked about 7 km with my parents this morning, through a park by the capitol, by the supreme court to see the impromptu memorial to ruth bader ginsburg (many people down there), and then to see the new eisenhower memorial.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 22, 2020, 06:49:44 pm
splitting headache all day. no run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2020, 07:46:05 pm
day 2 of headache. not as bad today. i think it's like the ones i was getting a year ago, related to something in my traps, so i've been massaging and doing mobility stuff (my self-massager is packed in a box somewhere in the basement).

also i tweaked my back picking something up. no run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2020, 04:14:33 pm
i just transcribed my first song. this version of "everywhere" by fleetwood mac:

a super easy song (almost 100% power chords and you can see her hands basically the whole time), but still, that's not something i could do at the beginning of the year.

now to go learn it...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on September 24, 2020, 07:39:51 pm
i just transcribed my first song. this version of "everywhere" by fleetwood mac:

a super easy song (almost 100% power chords and you can see her hands basically the whole time), but still, that's not something i could do at the beginning of the year.

now to go learn it...

Nice! Cool song too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2020, 10:45:35 pm
yeah the original is great, too. i'm an absolute sucker for sappy love songs. give me some whitney houston "how will i know," talking heads "naive melody," mariah carey "always be my baby," jackie wilson "higher and higher," bill withers "lovely day," etc. etc. etc. etc.

- run 10.5 km in ?
watch was out of batteries so i ran free. headache gone. it was a bit warm and humid today but nothing too bad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2020, 06:12:56 pm
- yard work x ? (a lot)
cutting down a dead apple tree, chopping wood, pulling ivy, hauling stuff around. hands and forearms are gonna be wrecked tomorrow. very gratifying, i <3 chainsaw and axe. no run today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 27, 2020, 12:28:28 am
- yard work x ? (a lot)
cutting down a dead apple tree, chopping wood, pulling ivy, hauling stuff around. hands and forearms are gonna be wrecked tomorrow. very gratifying, i <3 chainsaw and axe. no run today.

niiice!!!! hands down the best workout.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2020, 08:45:38 am
you definitely have more to show for it than at the end of a run. might do some more this afternoon if it's not raining.


- run 7.5 km in ~39 mins
my best friend is unexpectedly in town from san francisco, so i met up with him and went for a run. i'm in better shape than he is so this was shorter and slower than i'd normally do on a sunday, but who cares. we'll probably do some more runs together in the next few weeks while he's in town.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2020, 01:20:07 pm
- run 10.02 km in 50:33
T+DI 147, god i hope this is the last summerish day of the year. improvised a new and very hilly course. watch says 95m elevation gain but honestly that seems implausibly low. maybe it's just that the steepest and longest uphills were all on the way back. legs felt dead to start out with and stayed that way.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2020, 10:49:15 am
- run 10.0 km in 54:40
met up with friend, ran in park. extremely conversational pace for me, this is longer than he usually runs. i might do some speed/tempo work in the afternoon. glorious morning.

edit: no second run today. spent the afternoon painting furniture and then got really hungry before dinner. unusual for me but anyway no running right after eating.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 01, 2020, 06:14:48 pm
run 10.0 km in 45:50; cool down x 1 km walking/jogging
"PR". legs felt heavy and i had a mild headache, but cooler weather is like having a superpower. i had to push a little toward the end but i only went for it because i got halfway through and realized i was cruising at ~4:35 pace.

- stretch

i think i need to run more hills.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2020, 11:53:13 pm
- run 12.03 km in 1:02:57
nice and relaxed, 5:11 average. lovely day, not super cool but not hot.

- stretch

calf a little crampy now as i'm going to bed. probably a bit dehydrated, will take care to drink extra water tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2020, 05:55:50 pm
- run 10.01 km in 46:49
apart from the last hill, pretty relaxed with easy negative split. 4:41 average pace. T+DI ~120, a little warmer than the last few days but still very nice. also there were approximately eight zillion bugs, it's like every gnat egg in the area hatched at once. arms, shirt, face, hair: all looked like a windshield circa 25 years ago.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 07, 2020, 07:16:14 pm
- warm up; 1 km race pace x 3 in [3:49, 3:47, 3:54] w/3 mins walking rest; cool down
total distance 8.15 km. this was a fail. could tell it was gonna be from the moment i took off for the first interval. legs heavy, breathing hard. struggle bus. proud of myself for not bailing altogether, i guess, and at least i got one in at target. humidity back up, maybe that had something to do with it.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 08, 2020, 07:50:24 am
Humidity is soooo much infuencial on my performance.
But why was this a fail? Your 5K PR is around 19:5x so race-pace is baraly under 4:00 no? Those were 3:50 average , 19:20 5K, so faster or just even to goal?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2020, 10:00:23 am
goal is sub-19 now, so pace target is ~3:47. but also a fail just because the intervals all felt like shit. if a single 3:47 km is a struggle then sub-19 is not yet in the cards. then again maybe this shouldn't be surprising considering i'd run the previous day. and, as you said, the humidity.

also PR is 19:42 TYVM.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 08, 2020, 11:31:25 am
Right , just what i said, 19:5X . where x = -8  :trollface:
Awesome that you are actively chasing sub 19 , go get it!!! :highfive: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 08, 2020, 08:36:16 pm

- run 10.02 km in 44:26
nearly 90-second "PR" over what i did a week ago, haha. beautiful day. i kicked in the last 2 km, could have gone under 45 even without running as hard as i did (4:14, 4:07). but getting 10k in 44:21 is good. first time running 10k under 4:30 pace. breathing was even and easy until the final mile.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2020, 03:36:16 pm
- warm up; run @~3:43 pace x 2000m; 400m; 800m w/100m walking rest; cool down
set out to try to run two miles under 12:00. tropical storm delta is upon us and so T+DI was back over 150 (dew point 84!). won't completely blame the humidity for my bailing after 2k but it did NOT help. managed to accumulate two miles' worth of distance in under 12:00 total but as uneven intervals.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2020, 05:14:37 pm
- run 7.07 km in 33:35
a bit drier today but still warm. kept this short but ended up improvising a hillier-than-usual course including a quite steep hill toward the end.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 15, 2020, 05:48:24 pm
- run 6.08 km in 32:02
very short, very relaxed. good. i think i've been running too hard on the non-"workout" days, in general. like easy enough to not be tired at the end but not truly relaxed, except on the extra-long ones on sundays. need to redouble efforts to make hard days hard and easy days easy.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2020, 01:16:10 pm
- warm up; run 5k in 19:13 PR! 20:13

- stretch

a little blown that i missed it by so little much. came out to the C&O canal figuring that it’d be a nice flat place to do an out-and-back. turned out the section i went to was a downhill-uphill situation (not that steep but 23m of gain, all in the second half) and i just ran out of gas in the final km. back to training and better luck next time. and that'll teach me not to scout a route before i try to PR on it.

EDIT: i blame myself for posting this right after i finished the run and being fried. not at all a PR: in fact, not even sub-20. fml. guess the hill killed me harder than i thought.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 18, 2020, 03:09:06 pm
- warm up; run 5k in 19:13 PR!

- stretch

a little blown that i missed it by so little. came out to the C&O canal figuring that it’d be a nice flat place to do an out-and-back. turned out the section i went to was a downhill-uphill situation (not that steep but 23m of gain, all in the second half) and i just ran out of gas in the final km. back to training and better luck next time. and that'll teach me not to scout a route before i try to PR on it.


solid though. great work! that unexpected elev is kinda cool though.. turned it into a legit race-like effort hah.

you're definitely right there. pretty cool. :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

i might do a race in nov .. just going to jog it tho. but will be fun getting back out there. miss it.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 18, 2020, 03:48:27 pm
^^^ yeah see my edit. go back and take away that upvote!  :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 20, 2020, 07:13:01 am
FWIW , uphill-downhill situations are definitely deteriorating performance, unless downhill percentage is much bigger.
The course i do 95% of my runs is like that, down 30m then up 30m.
It is a closed loop and exactly 2.5km long, so i am mostly always finishing at the exact point i started, the total uphill equals total downhill.
One would expect the gains and losses to be equal too so the times to be the same with a flat course, right? Wrong. I have repeatedly measured in different distances and fitness conditions and it seems that at all times and conditions 5K at this course is 3 minutes slower than on a flat course! A loss of about half a minute per km for a 5:00 pace.
Still upvoted.  ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2020, 10:01:25 am
okay after sunday's disappointment i need to do a little check-in with myself. first, i had fallen off the wagon consistency-wise in the weeks leading up to that attempt. my best friend was in town, i'd been drinking more frequently, never drinking too much at once but just not taking any days off. and the letdown after finishing my master's and wrapping up this consultancy caught up with me. my mom asked me the other day if i felt a little depressed and the answer is yes. low motivation (for me, anyway; it's not like i've been sitting on the couch nonstop for a month). the days just feel shapeless and it's easy to kind of blob out and lose hours to youtube videos and twitter. feels bad.

on the plus side, i'm healthy and the 20:13 was a good little slap on the ass to get me moving. i've been doing a little reading this morning and i think i need to do a couple of things. first is recommit to a schedule, not just for running but for life in general. i have a LOT of free time at the moment, and also a lot of things that i need to/would like to be doing. so, here's what i'm thinking:

1. build weekly volume and day-to-day consistency back up with renewed commitment to hard-days-hard, easy-days-easy approach.
2. complete "beginner" level of justin guitar course, practicing at least 1.5 hours per day at least six days per week. reach a couple of song mastery goals (norwegian wood, wish you were here, brown eyed girl, the passenger, bad moon rising); start to work more on finger-picking with an eye toward little martha, percy's song, and don't think twice it's alright; finish composing 2 songs.
3. spend at least an hour a day helping out around the house (cooking, cleaning, doing errands, new remodeling projects, etc.).
4. do job outreach every day. i've got an interview on thursday for something i applied for recently, which is positive although i probably won't take it. need to follow up with one guy and start to reach out to my network here about consultancies.

running-wise, this is what i'm thinking (will change signature to match):

sunday: long run, very easy, work on slowing down close to 6:00 pace and up to 2 hours
monday: rest + stretch/strength
tuesday: 60-minute easy run
wednesday: intensive tempo (e.g. 12 x 400m @5k pace -5s w/3 mins rest) OR hill repeats
thursday: 60-minute easy run
friday: 30-40-minute easy run + stretch/strength
saturday: extensive tempo (e.g. 5 x [1 km easy, 1 km @5k pace +30s])

overall i think i need to be less focused on distance and more on time and intensity. i've shied away from hilly courses because they force me to run slower and i don't like how that looks on the clock. vain. now more weekly mileage target, easy day pace needs to back off. i won't hold myself absolutely to the friday runs, that's just if i feel good and want to get out. strength will be push ups and pull ups, core work, and low-intensity lower body stuff like glute bridges and scales. need to try to get my dad involved in those sessions.

finally, every 3-4 weeks i'll change the wednesday run to an easy one, skip thursday and friday, and do a 5k time trial on saturday. need to be pushing myself more at the thing i'm actually trying to improve, learning how to run that distance hard.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2020, 05:13:55 pm
FWIW , uphill-downhill situations are definitely deteriorating performance, unless downhill percentage is much bigger.
The course i do 95% of my runs is like that, down 30m then up 30m.
It is a closed loop and exactly 2.5km long, so i am mostly always finishing at the exact point i started, the total uphill equals total downhill.
One would expect the gains and losses to be equal too so the times to be the same with a flat course, right? Wrong. I have repeatedly measured in different distances and fitness conditions and it seems that at all times and conditions 5K at this course is 3 minutes slower than on a flat course! A loss of about half a minute per km for a 5:00 pace.
Still upvoted.  ;D

kind of you, lol.

got a hair cut today. barely recognize myself, it's like my head is a different size.

- run 59:08 (11.23 km)
avoided checking pace, ended up averaging 5.15 km. 126m elevation gain is good, more than usual.

- stretch

gotta throw away the kinvara 11s. they give me blisters some of the time, which is below the acceptable bar of "never." i tried to make 'em work, oh well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 21, 2020, 07:27:29 pm
- warm up; hill sprints 100m x 6 w/walk down recovery; cool down
total distance just 5.15 km but this was hard. total elevation gain 95m over the course of the run. the hill is 20 degrees which is really steep. did proper sprints and was slowing down a little at the end of each rep. felt good, though. i think i'll do this at least once a week or every other week, alternating with a track day, and add reps over time. lower legs oddly sore, especially shins.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 22, 2020, 05:53:05 pm
- run 11.39 km in 1:00:02

- stretch

lower legs pretty sore. i think it's from the last run in kinvara 11s, when i started really jacking up my footfall to minimize the blister pain. lame. oh well, it'll pass. need to figure out what shoes i'm gonna get now because my older kinvaras are wearing out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 23, 2020, 05:01:18 pm
- circuit x 4
-- jump rope x 100
-- push up x 15
-- suitcase carry +50 lbs. x ~60 feet/side
-- pull up x 5

- circuit x 2
-- scales front and back x 5/leg
-- hollow body hold x 30s

- stretch

did barefoot on our new deck, which because my parents are cool is made from wood and not some kind of plastic composite like most of the neighbors' decks. barefoot means i can't do lunges and need to be careful with the jumping rope. felt great though.

my dad made four ~25-pound sandbags with handles, that's what i used for the suitcase carries.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2020, 09:47:17 am
tweaked something in my right ankle on thursday, forgot to log it. it's not serious, i don't think. didn't run yesterday as a result.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2020, 04:49:39 pm
- run 19.15 km in 1:52:52
40s and drizzling, 5:54 average pace, felt incredible. like i could have kept going forever. focused on slowing way down, pretty much succeeded. meant to do a full two hours but took a route on the way back that was more of a shortcut than i expected. not beating myself up about it. DC's so small, i ran almost all the way to the white house. if i took the shortest route it would not be out of the question to run there and back in 2 hours at a relaxed pace. good to know.

- stretch

while i was out, my dad made pumpkin bread. god-tier smell, incredible. gonna go stuff half the loaf in my face now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2020, 06:04:30 pm
- run 11.4 km in 59:46 [a few strides in the final km]
tried a new route today, straight down eastern ave. not to be repeated. too many big road crossings and too much fumes.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2020, 06:53:22 pm
- warm up; intervals 400m in [85, 88, 87, 85, 87, 87, 86, 83] w/3:00 jogging rest; cool down
total distance just over 9 km. this workout is better with jogging rest (walking is too easy).

there was a group running at the track that actually looked pretty fit, one guy was really flying. i talked to them afterwards and turns out this is a regular thing, they belong to a local running club and have been working out together on wednesday evenings. got the fast dude's email (he did an 11:38 2-mile and then what must have been a similarly quick mile with a few minutes of rest in between) and will try to hook up with them in the future. would be cool to have a group to train with, especially if someone in the group is fitter than i am.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2020, 01:16:18 pm
hurricane zeta is coming through today, may not run depending on how much the rain lets up in the afternoon. it is coming down pretty hard right now. should be clear by tomorrow. i'm down to one pair of shoes so i don't want to get them soaked.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 30, 2020, 06:18:40 pm
- circuit x 4
-- jump rope x 100
-- push up x 16,15,15,15
-- lunge +50lb sandbags x 8
-- pull up x 6,5,5,5

rushed through because stuff is starting to get hectic in the runup to the election and i managed time badly today. training gonna take a back seat for the next week, i'm afraid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 30, 2020, 11:23:34 pm
- warm up; intervals 400m in [85, 88, 87, 85, 87, 87, 86, 83] w/3:00 jogging rest; cool down
total distance just over 9 km. this workout is better with jogging rest (walking is too easy).

there was a group running at the track that actually looked pretty fit, one guy was really flying. i talked to them afterwards and turns out this is a regular thing, they belong to a local running club and have been working out together on wednesday evenings. got the fast dude's email (he did an 11:38 2-mile and then what must have been a similarly quick mile with a few minutes of rest in between) and will try to hook up with them in the future. would be cool to have a group to train with, especially if someone in the group is fitter than i am.

awesome man! training with a good group can be pretty fun, and really elevate your running crazy fast. it's awesome how the "pack" just boosts your ability so quick.

sounds like a good group to run with occasionally, nice !

sux about the kinvaras. any shoe that causes blisters/toenail pain etc, have to ditch em immediately - never gets better. i wrecked so many toenails like that, being stubborn about a particular shoe or wanting them snug (but too snug).

hope all is good w/ zeta.

pc man!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 31, 2020, 06:09:58 pm
just realized i didn't order my new shoes the other day because the adidas website is busted.  >:(  had to order just now, confirmed it went through. old shoes are stinky, time for another wash. wonder how many miles i've put on them.

- run 50:56
just over 10 km, nice and relaxed. glutes sore from the lunges! good stuff, should keep those lunges in.

as i alluded to above, this week is going to be hectic. won't hold myself to any plan, just run if it looks like i have a window to do so.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 02, 2020, 06:44:18 am
Adidas? What did you get?
I read the new Sauconys are the shit, everyone is going nuts about them, fast, cushioned, light, everything is great. Except the price lol
I got the Nike Pegasus Turbo 2 , pretty happy with them. Sexy AF , lightweight, fast, yet well cushioned. A really great everyday trainer, equally good for fast and long-slow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2020, 07:58:18 am
yeah i heard that too about the new sauconys but i gotta take a break from them for now, too pissed at the kinvaras giving me blisters. got the adios 5s, hope they're good.

i want to be able to make nikes work but they always squeeze my arthritic big toes in a weird way.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 03, 2020, 01:56:34 pm
turned off the news today. about to head down to BLM plaza to help set things up for tonight. one last run before the shit hits the fan (or, maybe, just maybe, doesn't).

- run 12.36 km in 1:00:24
just let myself go, only checked watch once, at 5 km, to see whether i'd hit 30 mins or 6 km first. beautiful day.

- stretch

god help us.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 05, 2020, 05:20:33 pm
shit slowly hitting fan. the thing i helped organize this morning was a bit chaotic but ultimately a success i think. not massively, but we did what we set out to do. woke up at 4:45 and couldn't get back to sleep, was pretty wired.

- run 9.94 km in 50:35
shorter than i meant to go but man i am tired. it's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 06, 2020, 05:57:28 pm
- circuit x 4
-- jump rope x 100 (did 10 double-unders at the ends of rounds 2 and 3)
-- lunge +40 x 8
-- push up x 16,16,15,15
-- pull up x 6,6,5,5

- Russian twist +20 x 10

- SL RDL +20 x 10/leg

weighed the sand bags today. they're ~20 pounds each, not 25.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 06, 2020, 09:19:15 pm
shit slowly hitting fan. the thing i helped organize this morning was a bit chaotic but ultimately a success i think. not massively, but we did what we set out to do. woke up at 4:45 and couldn't get back to sleep, was pretty wired.

damn good work.

hoping somehow biden can open up these leads. worried about what 45 and his minions have in store - they've been plotting for a while now, probably anticipating this exact scenario.

bleh. nervous.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2020, 01:54:21 pm
- run 1:00:33, 11.91 km
nice and easy pace, although pretty variable because of the hills.

- stretch

- circuit x 2
-- push up x 20
-- pull up x 7
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 10, 2020, 07:02:17 pm
- run 59:12, 11.56 km
so warm. nice and easy, ran very relaxed until the big hill in the penultimate km.

- stretch

early assessment of adios 5's: they're fine. nothing special, i will look for a different pair next. maybe suck it up and try the endorphins.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 11, 2020, 05:40:20 pm
- warm up, hill sprints 120m x 7 w/walk down recovery; cool down
total distance 5.45 km. glutes definitely felt this. meant to do 8 but there was such a drop-off on the seventh rep that i stopped. breathing very hard.

- stretch

not that warm but heinously humid today. weather guy on the radio said it's like being inside a dog's mouth and that sounds about right. also raining lightly the whole day. T+DI 135, humidity 95% per accuweather.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 12, 2020, 11:05:30 pm
- demolish bathroom floor x 2.5 hours
guy's coming tomorrow to put new tiles down and i had to rip up the old tile before he gets here. hammer, putty knife, chisel, and a lot of elbow grease. it's funny, i went to practice guitar just now and it was like i'd regressed three months. hands are just wiped out. carpenters are strong as shit, man.

no run, just ran out of time. i need to get a head lamp.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 13, 2020, 05:23:49 pm
- run 35:14, 7.03 km
beautiful evening. just wanted to get the juices flowing a bit rather than taking a nap. i was tired this afternoon, for some reason. slept well last night (although i had a very vivid dream involving a friendly acquaintance from pakistan and a woman i had a crush on from grad school and some confusion about who would be staying where in a city we were all visiting together).

- stretch

went down to BLM plaza today to gather before marching over to king and spalding, one of the big law firms that's representing the trump campaign lawsuits. MAGA assholes were out, none of them wearing masks. all breaking current DC law by refusing to mask in public, although obviously the cops did nothing about it. a lot of infowars shit (one guy was even wearing an infowars t-shirt). among the anti-trump protesters who have been holding it down there for weeks now, there was an older lady holding up a "false idol" sign with a picture of trump on it. the chuds surrounded her, yelling at her from all sides, and she just stood there with the sign overhead like a fucking champion. brave woman.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 14, 2020, 08:20:05 am
- demolish bathroom floor x 2.5 hours
guy's coming tomorrow to put new tiles down and i had to rip up the old tile before he gets here. hammer, putty knife, chisel, and a lot of elbow grease. it's funny, i went to practice guitar just now and it was like i'd regressed three months. hands are just wiped out. carpenters are strong as shit, man.

ya they are. those "manual" jobs build some serious strength. my fingers/hands/forearms been wrecked lately from this farm life. pulling roots/weeds, digging holes, cutting down trees/branches.

years down the road might have some serious hand/forearm development .. jaja.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2020, 03:00:08 pm
killing me that i can't be downtown today but my parents were too worried about covid exposure because there's thousands of dipshits proudly not wearing masks, who traveled all over the place. ;aowiejf;oian;lxckvna;lkfga;oierht;aowiejfas;kxncvla;xkcn;alihg;aowie
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2020, 10:36:23 pm
- warm up; 800m @5k pace x 6 [3:01, 3:01, 3:01, 3:02, 3:01, 2:55] w/2 mins walking rest; cool down
still feeling my way through workouts like this and not really pushing myself. should do either more reps or faster reps. that said, it was good pace practice. just not hard enough.

- stretch

ended up doing a supply run for some folks i know who had been kettled by the cops down near the WH. still wish i could have been in the thick of it, although stuff is getting pretty wild down there tonight. fascists out in the streets, stabbed some people, and obviously being protected by the cops while cops threatened nurses with arrest earlier today, in another part of the city, for protesting about school reopening plans. cop who was guarding the intersection i met people at was not wearing a mask, not even around his neck. fuck the police.

anyway mom was firm, though: too risky to be among all that w/r/t covid. and she's right. anyway, helping a little bit is better than nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 15, 2020, 06:20:37 pm
- run 1:58:02, 21.03 km
ran all the way to BLM plaza. turned left just before getting into the last block because as a protester i've found people jogging through an obvious protest to be oddly disrespectful or at least off-putting. relaxed pace (5:37 average) but still probably should be running slower on sundays.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2020, 12:04:35 pm
did some cursory pull ups and push ups and hollow body holds yesterday. better than nothing but strength workout motivation remains low. it's very windy today, should be interesting to run later.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2020, 05:33:16 pm
- run 1:00:07, 12.05 km
a little too quick (4:59 average pace) but i meant to do an hour out and back and got within seven seconds without looking at my watch. nailed it.  :highfive:  penultimate km was 5:27 but it was 100% uphill and straight into a pretty stiff breeze, so not too mad about that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 18, 2020, 04:42:36 pm
feel off today, body just very sluggish and tired. no run. will plan to run friday instead.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2020, 03:10:42 pm
- warm up; 400m x 10 [1:19, 1:21, 1:22, 1:21, 1:20, 1:19, 1:18, 1:22, 1:16, 1:11] w/2 mins walking rest; cool down
took a while to settle into the target pace (3:18-3:22, roughly 25-30s faster than 5k pace) because it's new for me. but negative splits from beginning to end is good. also this was a bit more challenging than the 800s last weekend, especially because i pushed a little more on the last couple. almost got under 70s for the last one. and as i was starting that lap, an old track dude who'd just arrived called out, "nice pace!" haha.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2020, 01:13:25 pm
- run 58:27, 11.66 km
normal route was blocked so had to take a slightly shorter route on the way back, hence not quite reaching an hour. close enough.

- stretch

absolutely flawless fall day. 60 degrees, low humidity, clear blue sky. happy 34th birthday to me, age  :personal-record:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on November 20, 2020, 02:07:57 pm
Happy Birthday  ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2020, 05:18:11 pm

- warm up; 800m @5k pace x 6 [3:01, 3:01, 3:01, 3:02, 3:01, 2:57] w/90s walking rest; cool down
forgot last week that the plan with these 800s is to do them once a week for four weeks, decreasing the rest interval by 30 seconds each week. so did the second one today. it was harder but still not a struggle. but makes sense to stick with it.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on November 21, 2020, 06:26:38 pm
Happy birthday mate. Ah be young again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 22, 2020, 04:24:22 pm
- run 1:59:01, 21.7 km
caravanned with mom, bro, and bro's gf on bikes. consequently went a bit too fast. whoops. got a bit of chafing on inner thighs in the second hour. guess those shorts are only good for shorter runs.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 24, 2020, 03:21:43 pm
- run 1:04:09, 12.83 km
glorious if slightly cold day (upper 40s). went a little long because i ended up in a neighborhood i've never explored on foot and could not find a convenient place to turn around without just doubling back, which seemed too boring.

- stretch

got offered a job today. ambivalent about it, had been leaning against taking it if offered but now that it's on the table i'm really tempted. have until tomorrow to let them know.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 24, 2020, 07:00:00 pm
got offered a job today. ambivalent about it, had been leaning against taking it if offered but now that it's on the table i'm really tempted. have until tomorrow to let them know.

damn nice!

leaned against it but they made the offer more appealing? or just feels diff to have it on the table?

nice mang go with ur gut.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 24, 2020, 10:57:00 pm
got offered a job today. ambivalent about it, had been leaning against taking it if offered but now that it's on the table i'm really tempted. have until tomorrow to let them know.

damn nice!

leaned against it but they made the offer more appealing? or just feels diff to have it on the table?

nice mang go with ur gut.

more the latter. been kind of preemptively talking myself into turning it down if offered, even thought about pulling myself out of contention a few weeks ago. but i stayed in and now that it's here... i dunno, maybe part of that talk was defensive, like prepping myself to be relieved rather than disappointed if i didn't get it. i was really confident that i'm a good fit for it (still am). gonna sleep on it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 26, 2020, 10:02:07 am
got offered a job today. ambivalent about it, had been leaning against taking it if offered but now that it's on the table i'm really tempted. have until tomorrow to let them know.

damn nice!

leaned against it but they made the offer more appealing? or just feels diff to have it on the table?

nice mang go with ur gut.

more the latter. been kind of preemptively talking myself into turning it down if offered, even thought about pulling myself out of contention a few weeks ago. but i stayed in and now that it's here... i dunno, maybe part of that talk was defensive, like prepping myself to be relieved rather than disappointed if i didn't get it. i was really confident that i'm a good fit for it (still am). gonna sleep on it.

ah nice.

for 6 months or so, i tried not getting involved w/ my current job (4+ years ago), and here i am. lol. friend begged me to help his friend, just didn't want to. finally did it to kind of get him to stop bugging me about it. now it's easily the best job/company/boss i've ever worked for. funny how it can work out. never know. :ninja:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 26, 2020, 11:49:46 am
yeah that's true. i dunno, this morning i'm leaning against. there's a reason i've been telling myself (and others) for weeks that i'd turn it down if offered. i think i'd be happier if i said no, and i don't need the money right now. jobs like this will come along again and i'd rather use the time right now to see what happens if i network and try to find paid work that gets me excited, like the consultancy i did this summer/fall. and in the meantime stay active locally, maybe take some online classes to expand my skills. i have this kind of weird unpaid sabbatical time, it just seems like a shame to jump right back into the rat race at the first opportunity.

still, staring all that money and stability -- and the opportunities that come with them -- in the face and telling them to take a hike is not easy.

- run 52:23, 10.56 km
super humid today -- rained last night and the sun is out, much evaporation -- but mild. kept this short because i have to get to the turkey.

to all my US americans: happy thanksgiving/solidarity with the national day of mourning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 27, 2020, 11:19:14 am
and, just like that, this morning i'm leaning towards taking it. i've been looking around to see what else is out there and this really is a good offer: the job is senior enough that it doesn't feel like backsliding (although it's a bit lateral). it would be a big raise over any salary i've made before. it would introduce me to new geographies and new ways of doing things. on the career path i've been on so far, it's about as good an offer as i'd be likely to get. i've got a call with the recruiter in an hour to talk about whether they'd let me do four tens instead of a normal work week, which would free up an extra day per week to pursue other things.

on the other hand, the objection about it cutting off my ability to pursue a whole other trajectory full-time, to explore in a really open-ended way, is still there. i do not need the money right now. same for the objection that i know, now, that i don't want to be a proposal writer for the rest of my life, and this represents more time doing that full-time. this job doesn't have to determine the rest of my career, obviously -- i've probably got another 30 years of working life ahead of me -- but it's a step in that direction.

at the same time, given that i'm still so hazy on what else i'd rather be doing professionally, it makes sense to take it and then to get more focused in my spare time about exploring this and that, having conversations, coming up with research questions, and organizing locally. having all my time to myself has been really nice but it also makes it very easy to procrastinate and stay shapeless. i'm pretty self-disciplined but i've found it hard over the past couple of months to get the ball rolling on these questions and explorations. in fairness to myself, i have done some of that, had a couple of informational interviews. but when i talked with my professor back in the summer, he suggested i come up with some two-page concept notes for research projects and try to shop them around to different NGOs. i haven't even begun to do that.

like, what if i take the job but have as a medium-term goal -- within the next 12-18 months, say -- a collaborative research project that i could leave this organization to do full-time for a while? and in the meantime, forge some connections and maybe try to tack myself onto other folks's research projects by basically volunteering to help with technical editing, coding, whatever. get some experience and grow my network in a new direction that way.

i dunno, maybe i should take the job. worse comes to worst i really do hate it and leave after three months. best case scenario, the people are great and i'm learning new stuff and i have time and motivation on the side to start looking around.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 27, 2020, 02:56:24 pm
Take the job.

A) This:
i dunno, maybe i should take the job. worse comes to worst i really do hate it and leave after three months. best case scenario, the people are great and i'm learning new stuff and i have time and motivation on the side to start looking around.
You will never know how it is unless you get it. It is always totally different outside the job than inside the job. You can still find out if the urge to go the other path is so strong while being in that job. The opposite is not valid, you'll never know what opportunities and experiences and abilities and lessons could be earned in there, unless you take it.

B) You don't NEED the money, i get it. But what if tomorrow you do need them? Things happen and and everything changes in a split second. Not just for bad things (knock wood).

I would not take it only if i felt that most probably id hate it very soon , so id have to leave them and all the time and hope they invested would be wasted. Not sure if that is the case with that job, how much training someone needs to get full productive etc. If anyone qualified can do it, ok. But if it needs a lot of training, making them spend time to teach you the job and build hope that they found a key team member while you feel you will most probably leave it, idk , it  would seem a bit unethical to me.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 27, 2020, 05:13:40 pm
thanks vag. i wouldn't need a lot of training -- i'm well-qualified and have lots of relevant experience -- but i'd be heading a small team, so the investment is not just in me but in the people who'd be reporting to me as well. so it's not something that i could ethically take if i felt pretty sure i'd hate it, as you say. but i don't think i'd hate it, i just think it's not that exciting. it's a great point about never knowing what's coming, and a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

- tennis x one hour
played with my brother, mostly just rallying but i beat him 6-2 in a set at the end. lower back very stiff for some reason. odd.

EDIT: accepted job just now, starting in january. feels like the right thing, i feel good about it.

EDIT 2: also, just to say thanks again vag and also adarq for your input. it's still wild to me that i have entirely virtual friendships built through this site but there it is. i don't even know what vag looks like. but i definitely trust his advice and that's just cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 27, 2020, 11:35:58 pm
thanks vag. i wouldn't need a lot of training -- i'm well-qualified and have lots of relevant experience -- but i'd be heading a small team, so the investment is not just in me but in the people who'd be reporting to me as well. so it's not something that i could ethically take if i felt pretty sure i'd hate it, as you say. but i don't think i'd hate it, i just think it's not that exciting. it's a great point about never knowing what's coming, and a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

- tennis x one hour
played with my brother, mostly just rallying but i beat him 6-2 in a set at the end. lower back very stiff for some reason. odd.

EDIT: accepted job just now, starting in january. feels like the right thing, i feel good about it.

awesome !!!

EDIT 2: also, just to say thanks again vag and also adarq for your input. it's still wild to me that i have entirely virtual friendships built through this site but there it is. i don't even know what vag looks like. but i definitely trust his advice and that's just cool.

you just forget what he looks like, hasn't posted vids in a long time. :ninja:

and sure np! before reading that you accepted, I was going to say i'd lean towards taking it as well. To me it sounded like some of the freedom of not working (in addition to personal projects/ideas/being patient) was keeping you away from it (i can related to that 1000%). But once you start back up, you'll probably be pretty happy. From what you told us about it, sounds like a solid opportunity.

sick man congrats!

and regarding virtual friendships, you're always welcome to come hang @ the farm (haha). you know I don't travel much (at all), so if you're ever in the area (SFL) lmk and we'll plant some trees :ibjumping: :ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :highfive:

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 29, 2020, 07:55:01 am
Well said, it is like that indeed, we've been in here so long, you know characters, background, way of thinking. It is real human relationship not just reading training logs!
I just hope we didn't push you into a bad decision haha  :uhhhfacepalm:
Nah j/k , awesome that you took it, wish it proves to be better than any expectation!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 29, 2020, 05:28:13 pm
- run 1:36, 16.47 km
mom biked alongside, mainly kept to rock creek park. we had to walk right after the turnaround point because she couldn't make it up the very steep hill right there. very lovely, nice and relaxed (5:50 average pace), shorter than sundays should be but it's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on November 30, 2020, 05:42:58 am
I'm late but well done on the job!

EDIT 2: also, just to say thanks again vag and also adarq for your input. it's still wild to me that i have entirely virtual friendships built through this site but there it is. i don't even know what vag looks like. but i definitely trust his advice and that's just cool.

you just forget what he looks like, hasn't posted vids in a long time. :ninja:

and sure np! before reading that you accepted, I was going to say i'd lean towards taking it as well. To me it sounded like some of the freedom of not working (in addition to personal projects/ideas/being patient) was keeping you away from it (i can related to that 1000%). But once you start back up, you'll probably be pretty happy. From what you told us about it, sounds like a solid opportunity.

sick man congrats!

and regarding virtual friendships, you're always welcome to come hang @ the farm (haha). you know I don't travel much (at all), so if you're ever in the area (SFL) lmk and we'll plant some trees :ibjumping: :ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :highfive:


I also value the virtual friendships here a lot, not just for training but for different perspectives and interesting debates etc. The site seems to have retained a lot of sensible members: credit to adarq. Plus, all the member meetups I've had IRL have been great fun too. I will never forget T0ddday flogging me for 4+ hours on the track, gym, and bball courts while jetlagged, haha. There's always an open invite to anyone travelling through or to Melbourne in the Covid-free future to hmu!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 01, 2020, 10:18:28 pm
I'm late but well done on the job!

EDIT 2: also, just to say thanks again vag and also adarq for your input. it's still wild to me that i have entirely virtual friendships built through this site but there it is. i don't even know what vag looks like. but i definitely trust his advice and that's just cool.

you just forget what he looks like, hasn't posted vids in a long time. :ninja:

and sure np! before reading that you accepted, I was going to say i'd lean towards taking it as well. To me it sounded like some of the freedom of not working (in addition to personal projects/ideas/being patient) was keeping you away from it (i can related to that 1000%). But once you start back up, you'll probably be pretty happy. From what you told us about it, sounds like a solid opportunity.

sick man congrats!

and regarding virtual friendships, you're always welcome to come hang @ the farm (haha). you know I don't travel much (at all), so if you're ever in the area (SFL) lmk and we'll plant some trees :ibjumping: :ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :highfive:


I also value the virtual friendships here a lot, not just for training but for different perspectives and interesting debates etc. The site seems to have retained a lot of sensible members: credit to adarq.

yea. very happy that we're all still staying in touch, training, working on new things etc. it's great to see folks on here still just supporting each other and focusing on a variety of things.

Plus, all the member meetups I've had IRL have been great fun too. I will never forget T0ddday flogging me for 4+ hours on the track, gym, and bball courts while jetlagged, haha. There's always an open invite to anyone travelling through or to Melbourne in the Covid-free future to hmu!

yea lmao. t0ddday had the most meetups. hope he's doing well. looks like he's really focusing on teaching now etc. pretty cool.

if i'm ever in .au i'll def hit you up. My cousin has lived there for over a decade (met her husband here in the US, he's from AU), so one day I might head over there :|

i've still NEVER been on a plane though....... :derp:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 02, 2020, 01:08:01 pm
i dunno, i think i'd give t0ddday a run for his money on meetups. pretty sure i'm on five.

no workout yesterday, i had a headache all day that only went away around 11:30 this morning. gonna fall below my mileage/time target for the second week in a row. this will be a year of falling short, i'm afraid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 03, 2020, 12:52:38 pm
- run 47:58, 9.76 km
kept it short. more later on why.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2020, 11:09:53 am
i've been feeling discouraged about training. i set ambitious goals but life gets in the way (or rather, i let life get in the way) and then get down on myself for not meeting them. the week before thanksgiving was a great training week: did every workout, total mileage >60km, felt amazing. then my brother and his gf came to town, and there was the holiday, and i went to baltimore for the day on saturday to spend time with them rather than training, and i only ran ~40-45 km. this past week i had a two-day headache and so missed two days of training, and my weekly mileage isn't going to cross 35 km. and so yesterday it was hard to get out the door for what, per my plan, should have been an hour-long run. i warmed up after a while and it was fine, but for the first 3 km or so my body wanted to turn around and go home. not a good sign.

at the same time, i've started to get more and more into guitar. and i have some ambitions about outside-of-work professional growth that will take time to follow through on. given that there are limited hours in the day, maybe it's time to just back off on training with an ambitious goal like 18:xx 5k, at least for a little while. it might be better to switch to a kind of GPP holding pattern for a while, join the Y and go lift weights with my dad in the mornings 2-3 days per week and run 3 days per week but holding myself to a more limited target. it'd help to switch working out to the mornings, especially in anticipation of starting to work again.

something like this but without getting stressed if i miss a day or have to switch things around because you have to book slots at the Y because they only let in a couple of people at a time:

monday AM: work out at Y
tuesday AM: run 10+ km at "natural" pace (i.e. not trying to run slow)
wednesday AM: run 10+ km
thursday AM: work out at Y
friday AM: rest
saturday: run or work out or some other physical activity (tennis?)
sunday: long run

or maybe i should just suck it up and keep gunning for 18:xx, recommit myself to my plan and really try to switch to the mornings. there's nothing stopping me from doing that except my own sloppiness around going to bed.

i dunno, just musing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on December 04, 2020, 03:52:22 pm
Mate I feel your pain. In the past I have always filled my plate too full and as a consequence I don't get the best out of anything. I also often found that I would detour from something just when I needed to double down and get a breakthrough. My 2c is to suck it up, recommit and go for the 18:xx. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Mikey on December 04, 2020, 04:21:02 pm
I've noticed you seem to have headaches quite frequently. Have you always had these or have they just started occurring recently?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2020, 05:47:59 pm
Mate I feel your pain. In the past I have always filled my plate too full and as a consequence I don't get the best out of anything. I also often found that I would detour from something just when I needed to double down and get a breakthrough. My 2c is to suck it up, recommit and go for the 18:xx.

yeah it happened when i was working on dunking, too. i'd be like, i know what i need to do! sprint more! and then waste a year on that shit. i'm slow as dirt and sprinting is hard on your body, what was i thinking?

alright that's one vote for 18:xx.

I've noticed you seem to have headaches quite frequently. Have you always had these or have they just started occurring recently?

it's a lifelong thing. they tend to come in waves, like i'll go months without a bad one and then get a bunch in a short period of time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 05, 2020, 12:04:49 am
i'm kind of in the hybrid boat.

i think you should go for 18:xx but, in maybe a less focused way. ie, run frequently to stay healthy but don't get down on yourself for missing a day. turn it up when you feel good. When races start back up again, do more of those and try to hit some good times when you feel good.

i've always been into more of a free form training style though.. but that works better in my brain. with all you have going on, might be good to not hold yourself strict to a program at the moment.

the idea there is to just commit to "frequent free form workouts", .. ie running 3d/wk, or 4-5d/wk if you just feel like doing it/feel good etc.. doing some harder runs when you feel like it, otherwise getting in some enjoyable longer runs (really build that aerobic base nice and gentle).

then just crush weights whenever you want.

i think you will hit your 18:xx eventually if: you are hyper focused, or even if you are less focused .. as long as you just stick to running for fun+health, ie 3d/wk minimum, 5d/wk optimal.

you'll hit it in some races eventually and that'll make you want to hit it again.

out of all that, biggest key is just not getting injured. so if you're feeling run down/tired from work/life etc, be completely ok with missing a day or doing something light instead of what you had planned.

so ya i say stick to the 18:XX but, just relax into it. even if you just get your runs in for fun/health/de-stressing, you'll keep making those micro-gains towards permanently improving that foundation, which seems to last alot longer than you think, even after taking time off.

hope that makes some sense, i'm about to collapse/pass out. :derp:

that schedule looks good tho.

pc !
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2020, 12:22:40 pm
^^^ A+ advice thanks adarq.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2020, 01:46:13 pm
- warm up; 800s x 2.5 (3:03, 3:02, xxx); cool down
very windy, lungs felt filled up and i was slowing down substantially on the third rep. just felt off. bailed.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 05, 2020, 11:22:18 pm
^^^ A+ advice thanks adarq.

nice, glad it made sense. np!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 06, 2020, 04:30:07 am
I a also agree with Andrew's approach.  And i mean i agree 100% , i couldn't have written it better, or even that good, trying to express my own POV on this.
Just 2 quick notes : 1) it is a matter of personality too. This approach suits me perfectly but im a big time procrastinator. 2) In that approach, there will always be a lot of "what if?"s. Even when you achieve targets, you always wonder what u could reach if fully committed. You gotta be able to live with that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2020, 01:31:08 pm
^^^ no doubt.

- run 1:36:02, 17.37 km
cold (low 40s) but sunny and beautiful. went with dad on bike, had nice conversation.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2020, 07:13:54 pm
I a also agree with Andrew's approach.  And i mean i agree 100% , i couldn't have written it better, or even that good, trying to express my own POV on this.
Just 2 quick notes : 1) it is a matter of personality too. This approach suits me perfectly but im a big time procrastinator. 2) In that approach, there will always be a lot of "what if?"s. Even when you achieve targets, you always wonder what u could reach if fully committed. You gotta be able to live with that.

i think i've written about this before on here but if so it was years ago, so: this is the reason i started down the dunking path in the first place 10+ years ago. got to the end of college realizing that i'd never really gone balls-out at a really difficult goal. i got a BA and went to the junior olympics and got a job, had friends, had had girlfriends, but basically by coasting on my privileges and whatever natural gifts i have. i'd never really committed to ultimate, so i wasn't that great at it. my family couldn't afford for me to really commit to fencing, so i topped out by going 1-4 and finishing ~160th out of ~200 at the JOs. i was a B or B+ student in high school because my work ethic was, shall we say, average. but i did some neat extracurriculars and crushed the SAT (a garbage test designed to reward people like me) so got into a good university.

one of my good friends in college was a straight-A student who worked relentlessly hard. she applied herself diligently to school and also got involved in some organizing stuff. at some point in college, comparing myself to her, i self-diagnosed as a coward. i started to understand not working hard is a defense mechanism: if i can do well enough at X or Y without pouring myself into it, well, i'm sure i could have aced it like those other people if i'd just worked harder. or if i do badly at it, then i could have done well enough if i'd tried. dunking was a goal that i knew i would have to work very hard and very doggedly at if i had any hope of reaching it. in other words, i'd have to fully commit. i suppose it helped that it had no extrinsic value.

in retrospect, i think "cowardice" is probably too harsh or too judgmental a word. and the fact of the matter is, if my parents could have paid for more coaching, i doubt i'd have reached the elite tier anyway. i'm just not that athletic. if i'd studied harder in high school or college, what benefit would have accrued to me that i didn't get from my B+ GPA? i might have become a marginal elite ultimate player, actually, because the pool is still relatively small and if you've got great skills you can overcome a lack of speed. but i'd never have been a star.

the thing is, i'm a basically happy person. part of me wishes i was more crazily committed to a particular goal, there's something romantic and amazing about people who just go for it 100%. but i'm just not. and i'm not sure i'd trade my general contentment for the drive to be exceptionally great at something.

point being, i'm learning to live with the "what ifs." playing guitar is a case in point: i'm a true beginner in my mid-30s, and wouldn't it be nice if i'd started 20 years ago? but i didn't, and it's okay. similar with running. wouldn't it be nice if i didn't have so many other interests, or if i were naturally faster, or if i weren't so injury prone, or if i were willing to sacrifice more to keep to a strict schedule? well, no (except the injury part), and in any case it's a moot point. i am who i am. the dunk journey did teach me to be more disciplined and more dogged, and it inspired in me the desire to be really fit. but it didn't fundamentally change my personality.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on December 07, 2020, 12:12:54 am
I a also agree with Andrew's approach.  And i mean i agree 100% , i couldn't have written it better, or even that good, trying to express my own POV on this.
Just 2 quick notes : 1) it is a matter of personality too. This approach suits me perfectly but im a big time procrastinator. 2) In that approach, there will always be a lot of "what if?"s. Even when you achieve targets, you always wonder what u could reach if fully committed. You gotta be able to live with that.

i think i've written about this before on here but if so it was years ago, so: this is the reason i started down the dunking path in the first place 10+ years ago. got to the end of college realizing that i'd never really gone balls-out at a really difficult goal. i got a BA and went to the junior olympics and got a job, had friends, had had girlfriends, but basically by coasting on my privileges and whatever natural gifts i have. i'd never really committed to ultimate, so i wasn't that great at it. my family couldn't afford for me to really commit to fencing, so i topped out by going 1-4 and finishing ~160th out of ~200 at the JOs. i was a B or B+ student in high school because my work ethic was, shall we say, average. but i did some neat extracurriculars and crushed the SAT (a garbage test designed to reward people like me) so got into a good university.

one of my good friends in college was a straight-A student who worked relentlessly hard. she applied herself diligently to school and also got involved in some organizing stuff. at some point in college, comparing myself to her, i self-diagnosed as a coward. i started to understand not working hard is a defense mechanism: if i can do well enough at X or Y without pouring myself into it, well, i'm sure i could have aced it like those other people if i'd just worked harder. or if i do badly at it, then i could have done well enough if i'd tried. dunking was a goal that i knew i would have to work very hard and very doggedly at if i had any hope of reaching it. in other words, i'd have to fully commit. i suppose it helped that it had no extrinsic value.

in retrospect, i think "cowardice" is probably too harsh or too judgmental a word. and the fact of the matter is, if my parents could have paid for more coaching, i doubt i'd have reached the elite tier anyway. i'm just not that athletic. if i'd studied harder in high school or college, what benefit would have accrued to me that i didn't get from my B+ GPA? i might have become a marginal elite ultimate player, actually, because the pool is still relatively small and if you've got great skills you can overcome a lack of speed. but i'd never have been a star.

the thing is, i'm a basically happy person. part of me wishes i was more crazily committed to a particular goal, there's something romantic and amazing about people who just go for it 100%. but i'm just not. and i'm not sure i'd trade my general contentment for the drive to be exceptionally great at something.

point being, i'm learning to live with the "what ifs." playing guitar is a case in point: i'm a true beginner in my mid-30s, and wouldn't it be nice if i'd started 20 years ago? but i didn't, and it's okay. similar with running. wouldn't it be nice if i didn't have so many other interests, or if i were naturally faster, or if i weren't so injury prone, or if i were willing to sacrifice more to keep to a strict schedule? well, no (except the injury part), and in any case it's a moot point. i am who i am. the dunk journey did teach me to be more disciplined and more dogged, and it inspired in me the desire to be really fit. but it didn't fundamentally change my personality.

I think there's some really salient points in here.

Cowardice is a big one for most people I think. More simply it's fear of failure which is actually the fear of what other people will think of us if we do/don't do a particular thing. If we fail will they laugh at us, leave us, no longer be friends, etc. All of these are often untrue as often no one cares if you fail at these things. (See Robert Glover's - No More Mr Nice Guy).

I have nothing to back this up but I believe the ability to commit 100% is a genetic thing. When I think of anyone who has that singular focus it's been with them from day 1.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 07, 2020, 04:21:57 am
That was an awesome read.  I am surprised to how many points in there i totally relate to!
FWIW i think it is not cowardice for sure. And i am not being coward to accept i am coward ( ta daaaaa! ).
If I had to pick a words that bashes what you (we) do , i would chose selfish, self-indulgent, maybe some generic mild form of hedonism.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2020, 08:38:43 am
i dunno about that, vag, i feel like self-indulgence or hedonism are separate, for me anyway. for me it really is about ego defense, closer to what coges talked about, although again there i don't feel like it's linked to fear that other people will laugh at me or think less of me or whatever. it's more like i've got an idea in my head of what i could do if i really tried hard and i don't want to find out if it's true or if i'm not as talented as i thought it was. that's why dunking was a perfect test case: the motivation was completely internal, no one else gave a shit whether i got there or not.

in any case that fear has lessened as i've gotten older, it's something i've come to terms with.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2020, 05:28:40 pm
- run 52:30, 10.35 km
pretty chilly (low 40s) and breezy but weirdly my hands and wrists didn't get as cold as on the previous few runs.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2020, 05:30:13 pm
- run 53:39, 10.79 km
colder but not windy. my old kinvara 10s are starting to tear, need a new pair of shoes. guess i'm gonna bite the bullet and try the new endorphin speeds. will be interesting to see how i feel with an 8mm drop.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2020, 03:42:07 pm
found out today that i got an A+ on my dissertation. according to the rubric they gave us at the beginning of the year, my score is just shy of proper journal publication quality. so when we get the official results i'm going to ask my adviser what i'd have to do to upgrade it into publishable shape. that put a smile on my face.

also have spent the last couple of days repainting the front hall and staircase in my parents' house. got a bit more to do tomorrow, but god what a great task. requires full focus but very little mental processing power and it's obviously screen-free. good stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 10, 2020, 05:10:57 pm
- run 56:10, 11.24 km
a little milder today
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 10, 2020, 11:58:13 pm
found out today that i got an A+ on my dissertation. according to the rubric they gave us at the beginning of the year, my score is just shy of proper journal publication quality. so when we get the official results i'm going to ask my adviser what i'd have to do to upgrade it into publishable shape. that put a smile on my face.

also have spent the last couple of days repainting the front hall and staircase in my parents' house. got a bit more to do tomorrow, but god what a great task. requires full focus but very little mental processing power and it's obviously screen-free. good stuff.

damn dude that's solid. great work :almostascoolasnyancat: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :goodjobbro:

and these light ~hour runs are so beneficial.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on December 12, 2020, 12:02:50 pm
I a also agree with Andrew's approach.  And i mean i agree 100% , i couldn't have written it better, or even that good, trying to express my own POV on this.
Just 2 quick notes : 1) it is a matter of personality too. This approach suits me perfectly but im a big time procrastinator. 2) In that approach, there will always be a lot of "what if?"s. Even when you achieve targets, you always wonder what u could reach if fully committed. You gotta be able to live with that.

i think i've written about this before on here but if so it was years ago, so: this is the reason i started down the dunking path in the first place 10+ years ago. got to the end of college realizing that i'd never really gone balls-out at a really difficult goal. i got a BA and went to the junior olympics and got a job, had friends, had had girlfriends, but basically by coasting on my privileges and whatever natural gifts i have. i'd never really committed to ultimate, so i wasn't that great at it. my family couldn't afford for me to really commit to fencing, so i topped out by going 1-4 and finishing ~160th out of ~200 at the JOs. i was a B or B+ student in high school because my work ethic was, shall we say, average. but i did some neat extracurriculars and crushed the SAT (a garbage test designed to reward people like me) so got into a good university.

one of my good friends in college was a straight-A student who worked relentlessly hard. she applied herself diligently to school and also got involved in some organizing stuff. at some point in college, comparing myself to her, i self-diagnosed as a coward. i started to understand not working hard is a defense mechanism: if i can do well enough at X or Y without pouring myself into it, well, i'm sure i could have aced it like those other people if i'd just worked harder. or if i do badly at it, then i could have done well enough if i'd tried. dunking was a goal that i knew i would have to work very hard and very doggedly at if i had any hope of reaching it. in other words, i'd have to fully commit. i suppose it helped that it had no extrinsic value.

in retrospect, i think "cowardice" is probably too harsh or too judgmental a word. and the fact of the matter is, if my parents could have paid for more coaching, i doubt i'd have reached the elite tier anyway. i'm just not that athletic. if i'd studied harder in high school or college, what benefit would have accrued to me that i didn't get from my B+ GPA? i might have become a marginal elite ultimate player, actually, because the pool is still relatively small and if you've got great skills you can overcome a lack of speed. but i'd never have been a star.

the thing is, i'm a basically happy person. part of me wishes i was more crazily committed to a particular goal, there's something romantic and amazing about people who just go for it 100%. but i'm just not. and i'm not sure i'd trade my general contentment for the drive to be exceptionally great at something.

point being, i'm learning to live with the "what ifs." playing guitar is a case in point: i'm a true beginner in my mid-30s, and wouldn't it be nice if i'd started 20 years ago? but i didn't, and it's okay. similar with running. wouldn't it be nice if i didn't have so many other interests, or if i were naturally faster, or if i weren't so injury prone, or if i were willing to sacrifice more to keep to a strict schedule? well, no (except the injury part), and in any case it's a moot point. i am who i am. the dunk journey did teach me to be more disciplined and more dogged, and it inspired in me the desire to be really fit. but it didn't fundamentally change my personality.

Really interesting to read your introspections on this, personally wouldn't call it cowardice at all although I see lot's of similarities in myself here so maybe I'm kidding myself.

Committed most of my teen years to basketball with the idea for some time I could go somewhere with it (even it just a college scholarship in the states which is a massive deal being from the UK) but never made it. Luckily I knuckled down on my academics thanks to this and achieved relative academic success here, whilst basketball quite quickly became something I barely thought about. Dedicated a couple of years to lifting weights with the idea of competing at a reasonable level then just kinda gave up as life got in the way. Also had a phase of being obsessed with guitar but gave it up which I really regret because I'd love to be able to play an instrument, keep telling myself one day I'll give it a go again.

In running I've found something that brings me satisfaction purely from just doing it, outside of competition which is nice and I'm not sure I'll ever give it up. From the start I kind of accepted I'll never be an elite runner and it's nice to not kick myself for periods of slow progress/regression.

Ultimately I think overall life contentment comes from finding balance in your life and acceptance of the person you've become and I'm sure people who have thrown everything at a single goal and sacrificed other aspects of their life have regrets too, hell I kinda wish I'd enjoyed the freedom of my teen years more than I did.

All we can really do is live in the moment, find satisfaction in the little things. Dwelling on what could have been isn't going to bring happiness and there will always be 'coulda shoulda's' if you do.

Uh I'm rambling and funnily as I was typing this let it bleed by the rolling stones came on... 'you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes... You'll get what you need'.

Sorry for rambling/hijacking your log!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 13, 2020, 07:59:53 pm
no need to apologize! i think this is spot on, as well: "I'm sure people who have thrown everything at a single goal and sacrificed other aspects of their life have regrets too." life is full of trade-offs.

- run 1:39:53, 17.01 km
yeah that's the stuff, 5:52 average pace. did this in the dark and used my new headlamp for the first time. on the plus side, it's comfortable, didn't budge or bounce around at all, and lights up the ground enough that i can see where i'm going even in proper darkness. on the minus side, places where it's properly dark have lots of wildlife and frankly it freaks me out to look to the side and see deer like six feet away. they're probably harmless but still i don't trust the fuckers.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2020, 06:10:25 pm
- run 58:29, 11.65 km
chilly, in the 30s (~5 celsius). legs a little heavy going out the door but once i settled in this felt great. i like the route i did, too, combining two other ones into a nicer loop.

- stretch

we're supposed to get 2+ inches of snow and ice tomorrow so let's see what conditions are like in the morning. snow could be fun, to a point, but i ain't running on ice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2020, 10:56:37 am
SNOW IS STARTING TO ACCUMULATE. i am surprised by how excited this makes me. i've been living in places that don't get snow for the last four years, guess i missed it more than i knew.

edit: yeah it is absolutely nasty outside. no run.

edit 2: got full comments on my dissertation today from my adviser. won't even have to ask him about publishing it, he suggested it himself and gave some thoughts about how to change it to be publishable. sweet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 17, 2020, 11:30:00 am
edit 2: got full comments on my dissertation today from my adviser. won't even have to ask him about publishing it, he suggested it himself and gave some thoughts about how to change it to be publishable. sweet.

 :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2020, 04:25:29 pm
- run

got to the end of the block and my body was just yelling "NOOOO," so i turned around and came home. had a headache all day and thought it had gone down enough to run but apparently not.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2020, 03:53:30 pm
still feel out of sorts, multi-day headache which is mild now but still there. woke up in the wee hours and couldn't go back to sleep because of severe pain in my right ear (second time in the last week or so). made a doctor's appointment to get that checked out.

did manage to do some pull ups, at least. 8,8,7 wide grip, dead hang.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 19, 2020, 04:36:22 pm
- run 1:06:20, 13.52 km
felt amazing. cold (35/2 celsius) but no wind to speak of, so long sleeve shirt plus my running shell was plenty of warmth. new route, liked it, will repeat. 

- stretch

i missed two runs this week and still totaled 42.2 km, and i feel super ready for a long and slow run tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 20, 2020, 05:10:24 pm
- run 1:56:52, 20.17 km
not quite as cold, maybe low 40s. niiiice and slow, slight negative split pace-wise which is not the worst thing in the world.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 22, 2020, 06:20:27 pm
- run 58:24, 12.03 km
bit quick but that's okay.

- stretch

went to doc today about my ear pain. she said it's not infected, but that i should use a different kind of ear drops than the ones i've been using to deal with wax buildup. apparently that stuff can irritate. anyway not all that satisfying. i mention it only because they took my blood pressure and it was 110/77, which is the lowest it's ever been since i was at least 19.  :personal-record:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 23, 2020, 04:43:42 pm
- run 52:30, 10.84 km
again a little quick (4:51 average) but i wasn't breathing hard and every split on the way home (i.e., uphill) was under 5:00 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on December 23, 2020, 09:58:20 pm
- run 58:24, 12.03 km
bit quick but that's okay.

- stretch

went to doc today about my ear pain. she said it's not infected, but that i should use a different kind of ear drops than the ones i've been using to deal with wax buildup. apparently that stuff can irritate. anyway not all that satisfying. i mention it only because they took my blood pressure and it was 110/77, which is the lowest it's ever been since i was at least 19.  :personal-record:

nice and..

that run life BP ?? lool. nice!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 24, 2020, 01:41:08 pm
it's weird, i've had my BP taken a few times this year, in the UK and here, and it's always been around my normal baseline of 135/85. so i don't think running spontaneously lowered it into the normal range like in the last month. but who knows? maybe it was a fluke and the next time i get it taken it'll be right back to normal.

my mom said she thinks it's from living with her and my dad  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 26, 2020, 09:21:35 am
merry christmas, y'all. took the last two days off to help my mom with some stuff and do many family zooms. did go for a shortish hike (1 hour or so) with my parents yesterday, which was nice.

it's 24/-5 here right now and high today is 36/2. we'll see about running later, might just be too cold.

EDIT: T+DI is 36 so at least i can't complain about humidity  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 27, 2020, 05:24:56 pm
- run 1:49:47, 20.36 km
average pace 5:24 is a bit high but there were several stops and one section of walking that didn't register because i paused the watch. with those accounted for it was closer to 5:50 i'd guess.

- stretch

knees a little sore post-run. new shoes felt good though. not great. RIP good-era kinvaras.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 28, 2020, 10:13:06 am
suddenly i want to subscribe to kneesovertoesguy and get to dunking again. bad timing because covid means difficult to get to the gym consistently even if i had a membership. really what it means is i should resolve to double down on running in 2021 and get to sub-19 while running is the main thing i can do.

ATG does have some no-equipment programs it looks like. folks on here who are devoted to ATG: thoughts on those? or signing up in general if i'm not gonna immediately go back into training for strength/jumping?

EDIT: also, especially because i'm shifting away from programmed workouts and keeping most runs easy to very easy, i'm gonna stop programming rest days. burnout is not a worry right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 28, 2020, 08:59:49 pm
- circuit x 2
-- push up x 20
-- wide grip pull up x 9
wide grip feels better in my elbow

- jump rope x 3 mins

- run 52:48, 10.77 km
perfect day for running, low 50s and sunny with no wind. felt great.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 30, 2020, 05:01:26 pm
- run 59:48, 12.35 km
bit colder, mid-40s. wore t-shirt and gloves, worked fine. my right hand, for some reason, gets colder than my left. slight negative split, as i turned around exactly at 30:00. allowed breathing to shorten to three steps each per in breath and out breath on the hill that's right before the final km home, just for a few hundreds meters, so as not to slow down. good to get practice maintaining pace uphill.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2020, 11:22:54 am
- circuit x 2
-- push up x 25,25
-- pull up x 10,10
makes a huge difference for elbow not to go for the last couple inches at the top of the pull up, so i didn't and won't.

EDIT: later

- run 57:48, 12.09 km
last run of 2020 was a great one. dad came along on the bike so i went a little quick, but split was exactly even so no worries.

- stretch

time to put the kirkland* champagne on ice and bake an apple pie. happy new year, y'all.

*aka $19.99 veuve clicquot, little protip for those of you who live near a costco.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 03, 2021, 05:09:10 pm
- run 51:32, 10.50 km
fairly miserable out, 39 degrees and raining. got started too late to do the normal sunday long run so i'll just do it another day this week. last week of freedom before work starts on the 11th!

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2021, 01:06:05 pm
- run 1:00:59, 12.24 km
struggle bus today, was breathing harder than normal for this pace. it's chilly but extremely humid out, maybe that's why.

- stretch

- push up x 25
- pull up x 9
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2021, 04:26:43 pm
distracted by the coup attempt, did not make it out for a run. we've got a zoom with my brother and his gf soon to commemorate the third anniversary of our little brother's death so i'm out of time.

fuck fascists, fuck the police, fuck trump, fuck the GOP, and fuck any democrat who sincerely uses the phrase "reach across the aisle" or "move forward together".
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 06, 2021, 06:03:17 pm
fuck fascists, fuck the police, fuck trump, fuck the GOP, and fuck any democrat who sincerely uses the phrase "reach across the aisle" or "move forward together".

 :raging: :raging: :raging: :raging:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2021, 06:55:34 pm
this is, on top of everything else, the third anniversary of my little brother's death. RIP jack, 1991-2018.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2021, 05:11:04 pm
- run 1:51:35, 19.89 km
beautiful afternoon, mom came along on the bike.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2021, 04:55:40 pm

- push up x 25,25
- pull up x 10,9


- run x 4km; tempo x 3 km (4:13, 4:21, 4:12); run 2.8 km
~4:15 average for 3k is a little slower than target lactate threshold pace but (1) this was impromptu and i had no real sense of target, just thought "hey why don't i run hard for 3k today?" (2) the middle km was all uphill and (3) i ran 12 miles yesterday. oh yes and (4) target pace is based on my goal time, not any recent fitness test. was tired and breathing hard at the end but not spent, didn't have to rest before transitioning back to normal-ish running pace. will be more deliberate next time.

EDIT: also that's two straight weeks over 50 km despite only running four days each week. this is good. 2021 off to positive start.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2021, 05:02:09 pm
- run 1:55:32, 20.46 km
glorious day, dad came along on the bike.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 12, 2021, 01:34:34 pm
managed to wake up at 7 this morning, which is good, but it was sub-freezing out so i didn't go for a run before work. that is eventually the idea, but running when it's that cold just sucks. did some push ups and pull ups but elbow was bugging so cut it off.

EDIT: evening

- run 1:03, 13.01 km
nice, did a new loop not knowing exactly how long it is and it's 13k on the nose. perfect.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2021, 06:52:02 pm
- run 52:55, 10.58 km
excellent pacing, lost a little time on the big hill in the middle of this route but otherwise very steady around the 5:00 average. breathing five-in-five-out except at the end of long or steep hills, when i let it go to four-in-four-out.

- stretch

EDIT: calves were weirdly tight for a while post-run. still a bit tight now ~4 hours later. i did some extra stretching.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2021, 05:06:43 pm
- warm up x 2 km; race pace intervals 1 km x [3:49, 3:42, 3:47, 3:41] w/1 km easy run rest; cool down x 2 km
good stuff, the first interval was a second slow but all others under my target of 3:48. final one ended with 200m twisting and turning uphill but finished strong. pure out-and-back so no cheating with extra downhill on the intervals.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 19, 2021, 06:04:38 pm
felt weird yesterday, no run. still felt off through the early afternoon but well enough by the end of work to drag myself out the door. this week is going to end up turning into a little deload, which is fine after three straight >50 weeks. plan will be to shoot closer to 60 km/5 hours of total running starting next week.

- run 47:48, 10.08 km
extra day of rest plus perfect conditions (upper 40s and minimal wind) meant cruising speed was a little quick.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 21, 2021, 06:32:33 pm
- run 54:28, 10.58 km
had to drag myself out the door. prioritized easy breathing and consequently was quite slow.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2021, 12:43:42 pm
- run 1:58, 20.6 km
below freezing when i left the house but did okay. no bike-along today so i was able to keep it pretty slow. very happy that i made myself go instead of using the temperature as an excuse.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2021, 06:59:42 pm
run 1:04:50, 12.99 km
lol, 0.01 shy of a nice round 13. 34 degrees but i was overdressed in a hoodie and my high-vis running jacket plus gloves. calves a little tight. also my left knee started pulling in the way it does when i sprint, right in the final km. not sure what that was about. to monitor.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2021, 07:32:18 pm
- run 1:01:19, 13.04 km
same route as tuesday but in reverse and much faster (4:42/km. guess i was extra motivated because it was 29/-2 degrees with 20mph/32kph winds, lol.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 05, 2021, 07:42:36 am
u ok?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 05, 2021, 06:54:20 pm
u ok?

yo thanks for checking vag! i'm ok, we had a snowstorm last weekend and then it was alternately icy and slushy for a few days, and then i had a multi-day headache. that plus new job = no running = no journaling. feb not off to as great a start as jan was, to say the least.

felt better today, although i still needed a short nap in the afternoon. was thinking about dry needling today for the first time in a while. wonder if that'd help with these headaches. i do think there's an element of sublimated stress to them, and there's also the fact that i'm suddenly spending a lot more time sitting in front of a screen.

- run 1:48:41, 20.00 km
hadn't run since last week so had a hard time slowing down. averaged 5:26, a little too fast for a run of this length. whatever. felt amazing. mid-50s when i left the house and mid-40s and windy when i got back so my hands were cold as shit by the time i got home.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 07, 2021, 05:25:31 pm
- run 59:23, 12.38 km
ITBs verrrry stiff for the first couple km, never quite loosened up all the way.

- stretch

weird day weather-wise: it snowed hard this morning and by 1 PM all the snow had melted. gonna be catch-as-catch-can with running weather the next week or two. at least one day of straight ice in the forecast, lots of wintry mix.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 09, 2021, 10:45:04 pm
- run 1:09:38, 13.53 km
ITBs still quite stiff. weird. pretty slow (5:09 average pace), especially on the uphills on the way back. focused on easy breathing.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2021, 07:09:13 pm
yesterday: the dreaded wintry mix. snow, sleet, and freezing rain. worst of all precipitation types. no run.

- run 57:37, 11.88 km
ITBs back to normal. 32/0 degrees but it was fine, except my face was pretty cold by the end.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 15, 2021, 02:34:38 pm
parents got a new dog on friday. her name is happy (for my mom's great aunt, and also short for happy trails). she is a good girl. serious ice storm on friday/saturday = no runs since thursday. like i said the other day, gonna be catch as catch can for a while.

- run 1:1x, 15.x km
not sure exact duration or distance because my watch ran out of batteries about a mile from home. whoops. pace was right at 5:01 the last time i checked (at 14 km).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 21, 2021, 11:48:32 am
jesus, i haven't run since monday. we had another ice storm and it's been below freezing. frankly, motivation is low at the moment.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 24, 2021, 11:18:30 am

- run 9.60 km in 45:36
didn't want to overdo it after the week-plus layoff. soleuses are apparently the first things to decondition. breathing a little harder than i should have. just ran without thinking. felt good to stretch my legs though. and no ITB tightness this time, that was weird before.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on February 24, 2021, 10:18:02 pm
parents got a new dog on friday. her name is happy (for my mom's great aunt, and also short for happy trails). she is a good girl.

nice @ new dog. what breed did they get?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2021, 11:08:09 am
miniature goldendoodle. but "miniature" is relative, i think she's gonna be 40 pounds.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 28, 2021, 05:22:21 pm

- run 38:36, 8.01 km
nice and easy, nice and short. absolutely glorious day.


- run 1:32:18, 16.22 km
niiiice and easy, a full minute per km slower than yesterday. mid-40s and raining steadily. felt great.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 02, 2021, 09:01:47 am
no run last night. thought about going this morning after an early (6:15) call with a colleague in indonesia but it is cold and windy and i wussed out. will knock off work early and at least get out in the sun this afternoon.

did write two songs last night, which was kind of a surprise. neither is finished or very good, but they both just kind of came right out. one about the plane crash in afghanistan in 2010 that i was almost on (i'd flown on the same plane, with the same crew, through similar conditions less than a day before it went down: and one about the bessemer unionization effort.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 02, 2021, 06:04:53 pm
- run 57:46, 11.90 km
felt like shit. also shirt started rubbing on my right nipple (but not left, somehow) and now it's sore  :ffffffuuuuuu:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2021, 06:29:18 pm
- run 58:14, 11.71 km
slight variation of a normal route, which added some steep hills. very windy. slowed down on the back stretch to keep breathing at five-in-five-out. hamstrings a little tight.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2021, 06:54:59 pm
- helping my friend move x 5 hours

- footgolf x 2 hours
pretty fun. my left foot is gonna hurt like shit tomorrow, i predict. EDIT: just found out i shot a 69, three under par  :lololol:

general soreness forecasted.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2021, 09:09:43 am
foot fine, somehow. biceps/forearms sore, and low back not sore but was stiff when i woke up.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2021, 06:02:40 pm
- run 2:02:35, 21.61 km
possibly a slight distance PR? i'm not sure. 162m elevation gain is a bit more than normal because i did a bunch of the first half on trails in rock creek park. beautiful, beautiful day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2021, 06:00:49 pm
- run 48:22, 10.01 km
cut it off about five houses up from home because my dad was walking up the street with the puppy.

- stretch

69/21 degrees and low humidity. beautiful.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 09, 2021, 08:57:13 pm
- run 2:02:35, 21.61 km
possibly a slight distance PR? i'm not sure. 162m elevation gain is a bit more than normal because i did a bunch of the first half on trails in rock creek park. beautiful, beautiful day.

damn nice.

it was epic this weekend here too.. absolutely incredible weather.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 10, 2021, 05:30:10 pm
- run 0.7 km
legs felt weird/dead. stopped. quads also felt weird yesterday, which i forgot to log.

- push up x 25
- wide grip pull up x 8,7

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 12, 2021, 09:06:58 am
went on date last night instead of training. worth it. woman is cool and cute.

also i haven't been logging this consistently but i've started doing push ups and pull ups again. not on any set plan, just trying to build up the ability again without hurting myself like i did last summer.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 13, 2021, 06:58:05 pm
went on date last night instead of training. worth it. woman is cool and cute.

nice!!!!!! :headbang:

also i haven't been logging this consistently but i've started doing push ups and pull ups again. not on any set plan, just trying to build up the ability again without hurting myself like i did last summer.

nice x 2!

i've been happy just doing pushups/dips/pullups, loving it. in the context of hurting yourself: def less risky than getting gung-ho with weights, and results are decent so, can't complain.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2021, 10:54:41 pm
yeah but i gave myself tendinitis in my elbow last year from pull ups. gotta be careful.

- run 47:03, 10.04 km
pretty quick, kicked a little at the end.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 14, 2021, 01:44:51 am
yeah but i gave myself tendinitis in my elbow last year from pull ups. gotta be careful.

ya for sure. and i tweaked my bicep tendon recently "climbing my rack" .. but that was dumb.. and fun ;<
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2021, 07:32:29 pm
whoa the text box gets an orange rim now when it's active.

- run 1:33:20, 16.09 km
such a gorgeous evening. golden light in the trees and on the houses, fluffy clouds blowing across the sky. god bless the extra hour of light. death to daylight savings time, may be it be cast into the pits of hell never to return.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 15, 2021, 08:46:53 pm
whoa the text box gets an orange rim now when it's active.

has to be the browser doing it, hah.

- run 1:33:20, 16.09 km
such a gorgeous evening. golden light in the trees and on the houses, fluffy clouds blowing across the sky. god bless the extra hour of light. death to daylight savings time, may be it be cast into the pits of hell never to return.

- stretch


100% agree. and since i got my house, i've only seen ~2 sunsets or so when getting off work, been dreaming of this day. got home, rays gold everywhere. <3
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 16, 2021, 08:49:31 am
adarq man, i'm telling you, come up and visit. i was thinking about you on sunday's run, going through rock creek park. so many beautiful places to run around here. so many races (when covid returns). i know you're kind of semi-retired from running, but if and when you get healthy, come on up. especially if i end up able to rent my friend's place, where i'd have a spare bedroom.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 16, 2021, 10:11:19 am
adarq man, i'm telling you, come up and visit. i was thinking about you on sunday's run, going through rock creek park. so many beautiful places to run around here. so many races (when covid returns). i know you're kind of semi-retired from running, but if and when you get healthy, come on up. especially if i end up able to rent my friend's place, where i'd have a spare bedroom.

man i need to take you up on that. and i really appreciate it. sounds great.

i've always been so comfortable uhh, not going anywhere. the last 6 months or so has been very different for me, opening up to lots of new things (ie house, wine, not-gf (complicated lol), fires, etc lol). need to add traveling to the list, especially to see friends. so i'll probably take you up on that this year!!! would be dope to visit and hang out.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 18, 2021, 07:08:45 am
this week suddenly got hellacious with work. haven't been able to run. have done push ups and pull ups.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 20, 2021, 05:51:17 pm
- run 58:28, 12.04 km
as my mom put, a dazzler of a day. upper 50s, sunny, no wind.

- pull ups and push ups
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on March 21, 2021, 10:59:24 am
- run 58:28, 12.04 km

as my mom put, a dazzler of a day. upper 50s, sunny, no wind.

- pull ups and push ups

nice! was a dazzler (amazing) here too. funny how you've mentioned it a few times recently, and was the exact same thing here.

today is partly cloudy, but once the sun pops thru.. <3
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 23, 2021, 07:27:54 pm
nice two day headache sunday and monday. gonna see a new doc next month who's into holistic medicine, this is on the agenda.

- run 39:51, 8.24 km
the epitome of something is better than nothing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2021, 07:28:38 pm
- run 47:52, 10.1 km
eh. humid. once i get back in a rhythm i need to excise these 4:40-4:50 runs. they're easy but not quite slow enough to be really relaxing, and too slow to be quality work.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2021, 06:54:22 pm
exercise taking a back seat this week. doing some push ups and BSS and a few pull ups on my aunt's old swing set but that's about it. did go for a nice ~30 minute walk with my mom this evening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2021, 08:15:18 pm
- run 9.3 km in 46:30
rough. ten days off = fitness decline. also it's suddenly warm.

- push up x 20,20

- stretch

got a vaccine appointment for tomorrow. fuck yes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 06, 2021, 07:31:52 pm
got the shot. what a relief. feel tired now but otherwise no ill effects, shoulder feels fine.

no run tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 07, 2021, 06:27:25 pm
went to new doc today. aside from being incredibly slow, it was fine. he had a couple suggestions about my headaches. the first was that they could be related to my elevated blood pressure. he told me that in the last 15 years or so the recommended ceiling for health bp has gone down steadily, to the point where i'm over it now. so i need to reconsider getting a stent put in (the issue is in one of my kidneys) or going on medication. strong preference for the former, i think.

the other thing was just to say that the headaches are probably muscular and so i need to be doing more stretching and movement throughout the day. that's not new but it gave me a little kick in the pants. i think i'll start doing some meditating as well. it's been 20 years since i meditated regularly but never too late to start again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2021, 11:37:35 am
immediately after waking

- GMB standing warm up
- face/neck stretches
- meditate x 10 mins


- run 1:02, 12.39 km
slightly sore. kept it nice and relaxed.

- stretch

left shoulder still quite sore and tender. there's a big bruise, as well, about the size of a deck of cards but oval shaped. and upper traps are stiff and sore now. did much more mobilization and self-massage throughout the day than normal.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 08, 2021, 08:53:16 pm
went to new doc today. aside from being incredibly slow, it was fine. he had a couple suggestions about my headaches. the first was that they could be related to my elevated blood pressure. he told me that in the last 15 years or so the recommended ceiling for health bp has gone down steadily, to the point where i'm over it now. so i need to reconsider getting a stent put in (the issue is in one of my kidneys) or going on medication. strong preference for the former, i think.

the other thing was just to say that the headaches are probably muscular and so i need to be doing more stretching and movement throughout the day. that's not new but it gave me a little kick in the pants. i think i'll start doing some meditating as well. it's been 20 years since i meditated regularly but never too late to start again.

damn man that's rough (i think?) about the stent etc .. def hope some of the alternative stuff can somehow manage it instead.

i guess if a (safe) op would help and resolve the problem though, that's at least comforting to know.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2021, 05:11:08 pm
yeah my mom is also trying to get me to try alternative stuff first. acupuncture, for example. i dunno. more research to do.

upon waking

- GMB standing warm up
- kit laughlin neck and face stretching
- meditate x 10 mins


- run 42:00, 8.35 km
T+DI 129, creeping back up toward summer values. not so bad yet that i'm drenched in sweat right after a shower.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2021, 10:52:45 am
slept like garbage last night. had one continuous dream about my two most meaningful exes, which i may or may not have awoken in the middle of. in the first part, i was lying on the floor with the most recent ex and nicole aniston, the porn star. we were all naked. ex had invited nicole aniston to have sex with me after ex used clippers to trim my pubes. this was all a big surprise. i knew that she'd have liked me to trim my pubes, although she never specifically asked about it, and in the dream she seemed really excited by the whole thing, so i went along with it. i find nicole aniston very unattractive, so i was worried i wouldn't be able to get it up. and in fact, when she started to straddle me i was still limp. then, suddenly, time had passed. i was standing in the same room but with my previous ex sitting on the floor. both of us clothed. she was looking at me mournfully, pouting, but not saying anything. then i looked around and noticed that she'd taken all of her things out of the room. she was moving out and breaking up with me and it was a fait accompli. i was taken aback by the suddenness and finality of it, which was true of my actual breakup with that ex. then she was not there anymore and i was alone, looking around at the stuff that was left.

you don't exactly have to be freud to note that i am craving both physical and emotional intimacy and that i miss both of my exes.

anyway, on the upside i was awake super early this morning so i went for a run after missing last night because of work.

- run 8.05 km in 40:48
felt absolutely wonderful, need to commit to morning exercise because it makes the rest of the day so much better.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 13, 2021, 01:21:13 pm
Awesome read, extremely vivid description, making perfect sense while total incoherent. Like when watching Mulholland Drive or Vanilla Sky was like watching a dream on TV, this one was like reading it in a book  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2021, 05:09:12 pm
started to get a tension headache today, did a bunch of massage and mobilization, it continued to get worse, took ibuprofen and lay down for 20-30 mins, then started to practice guitar. it is receding. deep breaths.

of all that the guitar seems most helpful. trying to learn the intro to this song (en route to learning the whole thing, obviously, but the intro uses a technique, finger rolling, i hadn't learned before, so it's taking a while.)

that's a duet, i found an arrangement for solo guitar that combines the parts.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2021, 07:18:07 pm
upon waking

- GMB standing warm up
- meditate x 10 mins
very restless mind this morning


- run 48:10, 9.70 km
had to take a shit for the last ~15 minutes, then explosive diarrhea and big fart the second i sat on the toilet. not sure where that came from, otherwise i feel fine. fun!

- stretch

i feel like i've been treading water with running this winter and it's lapsed into a kind of sad dog paddle.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2021, 06:44:07 pm
spent the day cleaning out my new place and picking up some stuff for it. gotta pack some more tonight and then tomorrow load the truck. moving in for real monday afternoon!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2021, 07:52:02 pm

- load moving truck


- unload moving truck

low back and biceps feeling it a bit. still don't have internet in the new place because the modem won't connect. the pin the coax cable that comes out of the wall is bent. back at parents' for the night and will try again in the morning with a pair of pliers.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on April 19, 2021, 10:54:48 pm
congrats on the new place man!! sux about the inet, hope you get it resolved quick, sux not to have it.

i'm still struggling to get good inet lol, it's a debacle.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2021, 04:05:09 pm
super useful link, putting it here for future reference:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2021, 11:07:02 am
last night

- run 42:28, 8.85 km
first run starting at my new place. there's a steep downhill scramble onto the rock creek park path literally across the street from the building. sick. ran along potomac, around behind lincoln memorial, around washington monument, past white house/BLM plaza, and back. not bad for winging it. will try running up the river in the other direction next time.

- stretch
god that felt good. so stiff.

comcast guy came this morning so i finally have internet. thought i'd be able to set it up on my own but nah, landlady literally had never used the internet in here so the guy had to connect to the exterior cable.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2021, 04:22:56 pm
- run 46:52, 9.20 km
went to roosevelt island for the first time in my life. ended up on some trails that were overgrown, jumping over and ducking under logs, having to navigate a little. pretty surprising given that georgetown or arlington are in sight practically the whole way around! it was fun.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 27, 2021, 08:11:49 am
- run 48:54, 9.41 km
finally managed to get myself up to run before work again and didn't have any early calls to compete. did the middle ~3 km on a park trail almost completely out of sight of any road. god i love DC. much more climbing than i'm used to: typical runs around my parents' were 55 feet/mile. this route was over 90 feet/mile. but very much uphill-downhill so coming home was easier.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 29, 2021, 02:48:48 pm
stubbed my right big toe so badly last night that the nail bed filled with blood and started leaking. went to the podiatrist today, she removed the nail to make sure there wasn't a serious cut under there that could have gotten infected. turns out no cut, the blood was coming from the base of the nail. still, pretty freaking gross. so yeah, no running yesterday or today. she did say i could go back to it tomorrow but let's see how the toe feels.

right now it just feels like it isn't there, because of the novocaine.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Coges on April 29, 2021, 05:39:15 pm
stubbed my right big toe so badly last night that the nail bed filled with blood and started leaking. went to the podiatrist today, she removed the nail to make sure there wasn't a serious cut under there that could have gotten infected. turns out no cut, the blood was coming from the base of the nail. still, pretty freaking gross. so yeah, no running yesterday or today. she did say i could go back to it tomorrow but let's see how the toe feels.

right now it just feels like it isn't there, because of the novocaine.

Fuck! That's seriously the stuff nightmares are made of.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 30, 2021, 07:21:16 am
it was gnarly. hurts this morning, taking the dressing off and soaking in warm salty water was not enjoyable. i can stand on it now but rolling through that toe isn't happening yet.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 30, 2021, 03:45:40 pm
toe still pretty sensitive, limp mostly gone but still there a little. no run today either.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2021, 05:54:51 pm

- catch with FP x ~90 mins
also played HORSE and shot around for a bit. he can still dunk easily. my hops have regressed completely, couldn't even touch rim. that may have had a little to do with my toe situation but regardless, ouch.


- run 42:13, 7.83 km
short and slow. toe still felt a little weird but was able to run without limping so ok. right pec and arm, and also glute, a bit sore from all the throwing yesterday.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2021, 02:07:37 pm
work sucks again. did not factor in the frequency and irregularity of early calls when i was resolving to move runs to the morning. thunderstorm last night so no run.  motivation running low.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2021, 06:11:50 pm
- run 41:02, 8.14 km
beautiful evening. just my second run this week.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 07, 2021, 02:35:06 am
stubbed my right big toe so badly last night that the nail bed filled with blood and started leaking. went to the podiatrist today, she removed the nail to make sure there wasn't a serious cut under there that could have gotten infected. turns out no cut, the blood was coming from the base of the nail. still, pretty freaking gross. so yeah, no running yesterday or today. she did say i could go back to it tomorrow but let's see how the toe feels.

right now it just feels like it isn't there, because of the novocaine.

damn that fu*king sucks!!!!!!! hope it grows back ok dang.

surprised that she said u could run so soon. nuts.

- run 41:02, 8.14 km
beautiful evening. just my second run this week.

- stretch


ive lost toenails before but not the big toe. had one of those ingrown toenails b4 in my big toe, man that sucked so bad.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on May 07, 2021, 06:13:40 am
stubbed my right big toe so badly last night that the nail bed filled with blood and started leaking. went to the podiatrist today, she removed the nail to make sure there wasn't a serious cut under there that could have gotten infected. turns out no cut, the blood was coming from the base of the nail. still, pretty freaking gross. so yeah, no running yesterday or today. she did say i could go back to it tomorrow but let's see how the toe feels.

right now it just feels like it isn't there, because of the novocaine.

damn that fu*king sucks!!!!!!! hope it grows back ok dang.

surprised that she said u could run so soon. nuts.

- run 41:02, 8.14 km
beautiful evening. just my second run this week.

- stretch


ive lost toenails before but not the big toe. had one of those ingrown toenails b4 in my big toe, man that sucked so bad.

i once got my big toe stamped on with a football boot stud and lost the nail, but because the nail bed was traumatised it grew back a complete mess and will for the rest of my life now. basically super thick and strange looking, kinda like a snail on my toe and impossible to manage by myself so have to see the podiatrist to get it trimmed. only other option is to get it permanently removed! super annoying. damn toenails
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on May 07, 2021, 07:10:13 am
stubbed my right big toe so badly last night that the nail bed filled with blood and started leaking. went to the podiatrist today, she removed the nail to make sure there wasn't a serious cut under there that could have gotten infected. turns out no cut, the blood was coming from the base of the nail. still, pretty freaking gross. so yeah, no running yesterday or today. she did say i could go back to it tomorrow but let's see how the toe feels.

right now it just feels like it isn't there, because of the novocaine.

damn that fu*king sucks!!!!!!! hope it grows back ok dang.

surprised that she said u could run so soon. nuts.

- run 41:02, 8.14 km
beautiful evening. just my second run this week.

- stretch


ive lost toenails before but not the big toe. had one of those ingrown toenails b4 in my big toe, man that sucked so bad.

i once got my big toe stamped on with a football boot stud and lost the nail, but because the nail bed was traumatised it grew back a complete mess and will for the rest of my life now. basically super thick and strange looking, kinda like a snail on my toe and impossible to manage by myself so have to see the podiatrist to get it trimmed. only other option is to get it permanently removed! super annoying. damn toenails

What if you remove the current nail, wouldn't a more straighter normal grow in its place.

I cut my little finger on the door and the nail has grown around the stump so I have a curved nail going over my finger.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on May 07, 2021, 04:07:01 pm
stubbed my right big toe so badly last night that the nail bed filled with blood and started leaking. went to the podiatrist today, she removed the nail to make sure there wasn't a serious cut under there that could have gotten infected. turns out no cut, the blood was coming from the base of the nail. still, pretty freaking gross. so yeah, no running yesterday or today. she did say i could go back to it tomorrow but let's see how the toe feels.

right now it just feels like it isn't there, because of the novocaine.

damn that fu*king sucks!!!!!!! hope it grows back ok dang.

surprised that she said u could run so soon. nuts.

- run 41:02, 8.14 km
beautiful evening. just my second run this week.

- stretch


ive lost toenails before but not the big toe. had one of those ingrown toenails b4 in my big toe, man that sucked so bad.

i once got my big toe stamped on with a football boot stud and lost the nail, but because the nail bed was traumatised it grew back a complete mess and will for the rest of my life now. basically super thick and strange looking, kinda like a snail on my toe and impossible to manage by myself so have to see the podiatrist to get it trimmed. only other option is to get it permanently removed! super annoying. damn toenails

What if you remove the current nail, wouldn't a more straighter normal grow in its place.

I cut my little finger on the door and the nail has grown around the stump so I have a curved nail going over my finger.

apparently not because they'd actually have to remove the nail bed itself where the nail originates from. so it's either snail toenail or no toenail. resigned to socks in bed with ladies for the rest or my life.

Sorry to hijack your log with this LBSS haha. toenail woes unite.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2021, 04:43:30 pm
lol, glad i'm not the only one with toenail woes. on a related note, i learned recently that up to a certain age, human children can regrow severed fingertips.

got second moderna shot yesterday. woke up this morning feeling like i'd been, not by a bus, but by like a civic. no fever or vomiting but aches in every joint, even my jaw. i've taken some tylenol (they recommended that over ibuprofen) and two naps and will continue to chill today. much stronger reaction than i had last time but could be worse: my friend who i carpooled with to the vaccination site got a fever and was up all night vomiting. she had covid in december and also reacted strongly to the first shot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on May 10, 2021, 09:06:41 am
lol, glad i'm not the only one with toenail woes. on a related note, i learned recently that up to a certain age, human children can regrow severed fingertips.

That would explain it, as my little finger got cut on the door when I was 1 and it was the nail length of the finger and it grew but over the stump.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2021, 08:03:35 pm
- run 53:13, 10.50 km
literally ran a headache away. had a low-grade tension headache most of the afternoon. had a sneaking suspicion that dragging myself into a run would help it go away and i was right. high five!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on May 12, 2021, 12:57:43 am
- run 53:13, 10.50 km
literally ran a headache away. had a low-grade tension headache most of the afternoon. had a sneaking suspicion that dragging myself into a run would help it go away and i was right. high five!

damn nice. wish it worked like that all the time?? maybe try it more often? dno
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 12, 2021, 03:53:43 pm
i will definitely try it again. it makes intuitive sense. running is both passively relaxing, in that it is a time when i am free from distractions and able to be fully present, and actively relaxing in that it forces me to pay attention to my body in a purposeful way.

on a completely unrelated note, i'm noting more and more how learning guitar has changed the way i listen to music. i've always loved listening to music -- i pity people who don't; famously nabokov hated music -- but now i find myself trying to figure out how it's put together in a way that was never previously accessible to me. it's more interactive, in a way. and especially as i'm starting to get into jazz a little bit, it's really fun to put on like 15 different versions of the same song and just hear how different artists have interpreted it on different instruments. and to think about why a certain approach works for me more than another. never would have done that before.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 12, 2021, 06:57:54 pm
- run 50:50, 10.16 km
christ this felt good. got a little lost running up into foxhall, one of the fanciest neighborhoods in DC. no surprise, it's up high. averaged 74 feet per mile of climbing vs. my usual 50-55 feet per mile. noticeable difference.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2021, 11:29:31 pm
- run 43:18, 8.35 km
time a little skewed because i got lost on a trail on the way back.

i had a long dip, feels like i'm coming out of it a bit (touch wood). 39.1 km total this week, gonna take it slow getting back up over 50.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 18, 2021, 07:17:06 am
last night

- run 49:10, 9.60 km
relaxed. did a variant of the monument/mall run that i liked better than the other one, turned around at the natural history museum. next time i run that way i'll keep going toward hains point.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 21, 2021, 12:12:46 pm
last night

- run 52:48, 10.41 km
humid and very warm, not quite hot.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 23, 2021, 06:26:11 pm
- run 1:29:18, 15.33 km
first day running when it was over 90. ended up doing a lot of climbing as well, around 70 feet/mile. combination: struggle bus. or to look at it differently, forced slow pace (5:50), which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 31, 2021, 09:24:16 pm
went to NC and GA this weekend with my parents and brother. first time the four of us have been together, with no partners present, since my other brother died in 2018. it was great.


- hike 13-14 miles
did the very first stretch of the appalachian trail, starting from springer mountain.


- hike ~11 miles
neels gap to cooper gap. absolutely stunning. lower legs a little sore.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 01, 2021, 07:54:43 am
- push up x 25
- pull up x 5,5,5,5,5

lower legs still pretty sore. did wake up early this morning, which is good, but decided to rest an extra day. hiking is a different kind of stimulus.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2021, 08:15:54 am
- run 31:37, 6.29 km
short but the point was to get up early and i did. one day at a time.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 04, 2021, 06:20:30 pm
- run 43:27, 8.16 km
took two 200m walking breaks at the top of big climbs. T+DI 141, which is no joke. my body is NOT ready. woof.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2021, 12:15:38 pm
nothing for more than a week. am kind of sick of running, the transition back to summer heat + humidity sucks so much. i think i'm due for a period of just training as the mood strikes. not that i was training particularly hard or consistently before, or progressing, but that's part of the problem: when i've got a goal and am not being consistent about going for it, i end up in a negative motivation feedback loop. so it's not a physical break i need but a mental one. also i've just been more motivated to play guitar than anything else recently, and that's joyful and great. training for a sub-19 5k will return, i predict.

my apartment building has a little gym in it so i figured i'd check it out today. went on a date the other night with a woman i'll see again, made me want to do some beach work, lol.

- jump rope x ~5 mins
ceiling very low. also the rope i have is quite short, complicates crossovers. also i'm quite out of practice, obviously.

- GMB full body warm up

- superset x 2
-- 45 degree hyper x 12
-- DB row 50 x 8/arm

- superset x 2
-- pallof press 30 x 10; 25 x 10
-- DB bench 40s x 10
-- BSS x 10

- DB curl 20s x 10
- cable tricep pressdown ? x 10
- DB shrug 50s x 10

- jump rope x 100
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 14, 2021, 08:25:00 pm
- jump rope x 500
one mistake. hands got tired first.

- superset x 2
-- 45-degree hyper x 15
-- DB row 50 x 12/arm

- superset x 2
-- lunge +30s x 10,20
-- push up x 20
good glute pump started on the second (longer) lunge set

- neutral grip chin x 5
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 16, 2021, 07:04:52 pm
- run 49:44, 9.45 km
glutes and quads sore! not beastly hot today but pretty humid and 91 feet/mile of climbing. that plus this being my first run in like two weeks means nice and slow, 5:16 average pace.

- stretch
perfunctory because i was running late for something else. may do some more later.

can't remember the last time i was properly sore. definitely a good call to start doing a bit of strength work again. mixed stimulus good. thought about adarq and his lunge-based bionic (TM) legs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2021, 08:01:15 pm
- run 8.5 km, walk 0.5 km, run 1.5 km; 58:06 total time
T+DI 145, quite humid. body still adapting. also i went out a little too fast. quads a little sore.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 24, 2021, 06:13:23 pm
- run 30:00, 6.04 km
lovely evening. better than nothing. legs weirdly fried, especially quads. this is what detraining looks like!

- stretch

continuing to be distracted by work and dating and friends and guitar.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2021, 06:55:31 pm
- run 1:01:42, 10.45 km
took a couple of walking breaks in kms 9 and 10. absolutely gnarly outside, T+DI 164 (91/33 degrees and dew point 73). and i was a little dehydrated to start, i think.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2021, 11:42:30 am
the woman i went out with on friday night is a runner. texting with her this morning and i found out she is roughly as fast as i am, which is to say, pretty fast for an amateur woman. may be a running date in my future, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 28, 2021, 08:17:22 pm
- run 46:32, 8.68 km
less climbing than yesterday and did a better job keeping pace even. still a negative split but didn't have to walk, despite the conditions being almost the same as yesterday, and even managed a very wee little kick at the end. meant to go a little farther but the mall is blocked off for the fireworks until next week and i couldn't be bothered trying to find my way around all the fencing. it's okay. just glad i got out there.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2021, 11:00:01 am
got extremely hot and humid this week and we had a couple of strong thunderstorms. no running in those conditions.


- jump rope x 500 turns
no mistakes

- GMB warm up

- superset x 2
-- 45-degree hyper +50 x 10
-- DB OHP 35s x 10
-- pallof press +25 x 10

- superset x 2
-- neutral grip chin up x 10,8
-- lunge x 25

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2021, 03:53:45 pm
- run 39:39, 8.01 km
very even pace except km 6, when i went to pass an old head and he started trying to keep up with me and i couldn't help myself, had to drop him ::)

- stretch

T+DI 145, quite humid but not nearly as hot as it's been.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on July 04, 2021, 02:38:34 pm
when i went to pass an old head and he started trying to keep up with me and i couldn't help myself, had to drop him ::)

lool. props to him tho hah

it's always weird dropping old head's on bikes tho. that's a rough one for me. lmao
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 05, 2021, 06:09:24 pm
- run 56:07, 10.00 km
hot and humid. also quite a bit of climbing on this route, around 83-84 feet per mile and the first 15 minutes or so is basically straight uphill. stopped at exactly 10k and walked the final few hundred meters home to cool down a bit.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 11, 2021, 08:58:14 pm
- run 1:15:44, 13.56 km
T+DI 167*, about as high as it's ever been during a run since i started keeping tabs on it. but managed to go out easy and keep pace relaxed (5:35 average) and consequently this was not a struggle.

- stretch

*88/31 air temp, dew point 79/26; humidity 83% (!).

EDIT: put mile distance in by mistake. replaced with km.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2021, 06:26:07 pm
- run 41:17, 8.01 km
T+DI 173, highest ever since i started recording it. just checked and i think the previous high was 170, last summer when i ran 18 km at 5:39 pace and got heat exhaustion. much easier run today despite being 30s/km faster.

- stretch

ETA: the humidity pace adjuster chart i found last year suggests this should have been equivalent to ~4:45 pace in perfect conditions. that seems impossibly quick, my easy runs in the winter were at best 8-10s slower than that. shouldn't put too much stock in such charts, i suppose.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 13, 2021, 11:14:51 am
Back to back 167 and 173 T+DI sessions, legendary!
According to a few articles , when DI > 25C/80F you shouldn't even bother. Others though indicate that if done right ( with performance regulation and proper safety, hydration etc ) , it can be an overall awesome tool for busting PRs in the fall.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 13, 2021, 12:11:28 pm
i'm finding that if i concentrate on keeping pace and breathing relaxed, i can make it work. high heat and humidity make my heart rate rise much more rapidly and come down more slowly, so keeping it from spiking is the priority.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2021, 06:18:05 pm
- run 45:50, 8.59 km
T+DI 163 but felt worse than sunday and monday. possibly because i did a much more urban route, toward downtown instead of away and through the parks. also i ran like 20s/km faster, by accident.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2021, 02:36:30 pm
heat advisory out today, although it's the same T+DI as monday and actually feels okay in the shade, especially if there's a breeze. but walking back from the grocery store i got a sudden cramp in a weird spot right the top of my left calf, like maybe in the plantaris? popliteus? made my left shin feel weird right away as well. didn't last, but that plus severe thunderstorm watch the rest of this afternoon means no run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 19, 2021, 07:23:53 pm
- run 10.42 km in 53:47
T+DI 154, pretty high but not crazy like the last few runs. felt much easier as well, kicked the last few hundred meters at sub-4:00 pace just because.

- stretch

still so damn humid that i'm drenched in sweat immediately after showering, even with the a/c on.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2021, 09:09:26 am
air quality is really bad right now because of the west coast wildfires. we're supposed to get some storms this afternoon, which should clear things up. but not gonna run through this and risk developing a cough or hurting my lungs or whatever.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2021, 07:27:58 pm
- run 52:59, 10.44 km
same route as the other day, but elevation gain given as 99m vs 88m. mmkay. also HR average given as 171, which just doesn't seem possible despite the much quicker pace, because my breathing was normal. so perhaps the watch was having a fit today, who knows. much nicer day today, T+DI 140. still a ways away from ideal but it was easy to cruise along at 5:05.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2021, 04:34:12 pm
- tempo: 3 km easy, 3 km in 12:44 [4:08, 4:22, 4:14], 3 km easy
first time pushing above easy pace in months. pretty hot and humid but not crazy, T+DI 155. didn't go too hard, felt good.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2021, 07:03:31 pm
did no running at all last week. friends in town, nasty weather, wanted to play guitar instead. will recover discipline at some point, probably when the weather sucks less, but have decided not to beat myself up about it for now.

a propos of the weather, it was nice out today, still humid but not as hot as it's been. T+DI 154.

- run 1:30:46, 16.15 km
felt wonderful, very relaxed.

- stretch

EDIT: also, got my third tattoo yesterday, a cross-section of the bedrock underneath my parents' house, on the inside of my left bicep. looks great, i'm very happy with it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 02, 2021, 07:50:21 pm
- run 45:41, 8.88 km
very lucky distance in china. T+DI 138, ran in a shirt comfortably for the first time in months. accidentally did a very steep and long hill in the middle.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2021, 07:16:54 pm
- run 42:07, 8.05 km
nice outside. T+DI 140. this is the route around me with the most climbing, just about 100 feet per mile, mainly because the second mile is one long steady uphill. did an out-and-back past the cathedral for the first time. 

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2021, 08:47:18 am

- tennis w/dad x 45 mins
shaking off the rust. my hand is tired!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 07, 2021, 06:16:19 pm
- run 1:03:45, 11.38 km
T+DI 146 but it's all humidity, the temperature was actually pretty nice, mid-70s/~24 degrees.

- stretch

44.5 total km in the last week, most in quite some time. felt good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2021, 07:04:50 pm
- run 31:59, 6.05 km
just to do it. it's been thunderstormy and extremely hot this week so i've been inactive. today no storm but T+DI 170 with temp in the mid-90s/35 degrees. definitely the most sauna-like day of the year so far, at least on days i've gone for a run. sweated so much that my fingertips were wrinkled at the end. the trail was much emptier than usual.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 22, 2021, 07:43:08 am
got back last night from a week at the beach. played tennis for an hour every day but one (when i slept for 9.5 hours -- unheard of for me -- and missed the court time), lots of swimming, and one ~7 km run that felt incredibly hot.

it was a great week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 22, 2021, 09:07:11 pm
- run 47:00, 8.92 km

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2021, 08:30:25 pm
- run 33:41, 6.6 km

- stretch

emotional roller coaster of a week. my ex wrote to me completely out of the blue to see if i have any interest in starting a conversation that might lead to us getting back together. my brother came across the body of a young man who'd hung himself on the playground next to my brother's house. my friend sent a shit-ton of pictures from the kabul airport, where he spent the last week helping evacuate 1,000 people and leaving many more behind. i spent some time trying to help former colleagues find a us government employee to sponsor their P2 visas, and failing.

going to NYC this weekend to meet some friends who are visiting from pakistan. will bring my running stuff, it'd be nice to run in central park and the weather looks cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 30, 2021, 07:30:17 pm
- run 6.35 km in 32:38
pretty humid but not too hot

- stretch

- push up x 15
- pull up x 5,5,5
yyyyyyyyikes. time to start doing these again.

also, apropos of seifullaah's skinnyfat thread, i feel like i've got a little more adipose in the love handle area than i used to. not sure, it's the only place i've ever had enough to pinch and there's always been a little there. so i might just be hyperaware. or i might suddenly be in my mid-30s and working out less than i used to. gonna operate on the assumption that the latter is the case and watch my diet and drinking a bit in the next few weeks. see how i feel.

and apropos of the push ups and pull ups, i'm starting to miss lifting weights. again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on August 30, 2021, 09:10:24 pm
- run 33:41, 6.6 km

- stretch

emotional roller coaster of a week. my ex wrote to me completely out of the blue to see if i have any interest in starting a conversation that might lead to us getting back together. my brother came across the body of a young man who'd hung himself on the playground next to my brother's house. my friend sent a shit-ton of pictures from the kabul airport, where he spent the last week helping evacuate 1,000 people and leaving many more behind. i spent some time trying to help former colleagues find a us government employee to sponsor their P2 visas, and failing.

damn man.. each of those things by themselves are major.. all of that in 1 week :/

going to NYC this weekend to meet some friends who are visiting from pakistan. will bring my running stuff, it'd be nice to run in central park and the weather looks cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2021, 02:57:35 pm

- push up x 20

- pull up x 7,6,7

gonna see if i can make myself stick to this for a while. every other day, do a set of push ups and then pull ups to match the reps. try to add a bit each time but not be mad if i can't.


- run 58:55, 11.00 km
gorgeous evening post-ida. lots of climbing on the route today because i figured it'd be better to go up than down after all the rain.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2021, 07:36:54 pm
- push up x 22

- pull up x 6,6,6,4

- run 57:30, 11.00 km
freelanced a new route today and once again it was exactly 11 km. about half as much climbing as the other day, consequently about 12s/km faster and lower HR.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 06, 2021, 02:35:07 pm
- push up x 23
- pull up x 7,7,6,3

- run 56:09, 10.67 km

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 09, 2021, 10:04:23 am

- push up x 25
- pull up x 7,7,6,5


- run 43:20, 8.40 km

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 10, 2021, 08:11:00 am
- tennis x 40 mins
sloppy as hell.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2021, 06:44:18 pm
- run 1:27:34, 16.22 km
turned around at 40 mins, loop a little longer on the back half than the first but i also relaxed/slowed down a little after hte turnaround. kept pace nice and easy. longest run in a while. beautiful afternoon.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2021, 08:21:32 pm
- run 59:39, 11.00 km
i love this exactly 11k loop with a big climb.

- stretch

it's hot and humid again, wtf.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 18, 2021, 05:16:22 pm
- run 1:30:00 plus walk/run 11:07, 16.78 km
T+DI 160, highest in a long time. felt it. kept pace very relaxed but probably shouldn't have gone so far today, had to stop and walk at the 90-min mark.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 20, 2021, 10:04:29 pm
- run 58:27, 11.00 km
words cannot describe how satisfying it is to hit 11.00 km exactly on the final step of the run. i didn't have to go a few houses up the block or run around in circles for a few seconds to get it to turn over this time. without looking, the watch buzzed the very instant my foot hit the driveway. i crossed the street once at a slightly different point this time, maybe that's what added the extra 30m.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on September 20, 2021, 10:47:38 pm
- run 58:27, 11.00 km
words cannot describe how satisfying it is to hit 11.00 km exactly on the final step of the run. i didn't have to go a few houses up the block or run around in circles for a few seconds to get it to turn over this time. without looking, the watch buzzed the very instant my foot hit the driveway. i crossed the street once at a slightly different point this time, maybe that's what added the extra 30m.

- stretch

lmao. bliss.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2021, 05:40:37 pm
- run 55:38, 10.53 km
did the 11.00 km loop but from the front door of my building rather than the back door. just about a half-km shorter, interesting.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 27, 2021, 04:42:57 pm

- tennis x 40 mins
much sharper than last time
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2021, 08:40:19 am
- run 29:32, 5.87 km
woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. after tossing and turning for a while, decided to get up and do a quick run before work.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 29, 2021, 07:29:04 pm
- run 55:20, 10.92 km
80m short today, hm. gorgeous day, cruised to 5:04 average pace on the hilly loop.

- stretch

right calf hinted at cramping a couple of times on the main climb but didn't come to anything.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 04, 2021, 10:15:54 pm
in the bay area for the week. took a long walk on saturday, went to the beach yesterday and swam in the pacific for the first time ever, at least in the US. it is bracing. i'm used to that gulf stream water.


- run 1:00:47, 11.74 km
my buddy accompanied on a bike. nice run, 5:11 average pace is right in the sweet spot. kicked a little bit in the last ~3/4 km, at sub-20 pace (3:50-3:55).

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 12, 2021, 08:13:34 pm
went to the gym for the first time in at least 18 months. i'm losing the big mo for running, wanted to switch it up a little. maybe try to get a bit stronger again before diving back into an actual running goal. kept it simple and light. if i decide to stick with this i think i'll just do starting strength minus the power cleans.

- warm up

- squat 185 x 5,5
legs cramping a little in the rest period and on the second set (!!!)

- bench 135 x 3,5
position wrong on the first set

- DL 205 x 5

- pull up x 5,5

- kroc row 55 x 20R, 20L

- stretch

gonna be sore tomorrow. i did not push at all but that's prettttty weak.

weighed myself after the workout: 165 pounds. measured waist (31) and thigh (23) when i got home. thigh is 2" smaller than peak in my mid-20s. wow. i'm nearly 20 pounds lighter now than i was then, so that makes sense.

waist measurement confirms that my paranoia/budding dysmorphia about love handles is mostly in my head. that's only 0.5" more than the lowest i've ever measured and i didn't go out of my way to get the absolute minimum measurement. OTOH, i think i'm about 10 pounds lighter than i was the last time i took measurements. maybe 8.

ETA: out of curiosity, i went and looked up the old greek proportions calculator. it's not there anymore, but i found a different one on that says my waist and thighs are exactly right and my hips are 2" too big. fuck that, i like having big thighs and a big butt. my calves are exactly right and my neck is only about 0.5" too skinny. but also my chest is 3" too skinny and so are my biceps. perhaps it's time to finally go full beach. hell, even adarq is doing physique work now.

would be cool to put on a few lean pounds, get back up close to 2x bw squat, finally hit 1.5x bw bench, and DL 400.

starting strength-ish but with jumps instead of power cleans and some dedicated beach work (arms and shoulders). could be fun. could be pretty fun...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2021, 07:41:21 am
- run 32:13, 6.15 km
mild but really humid. got up early this morning and today actually managed to drag myself out the door. went to the nearest track for the first time, as well, and it was open in the dark. good to know.

upper legs sore, especially hamstrings, but not too badly. tomorrow will be worse if history is any guide.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2021, 02:19:28 pm
- run 11.02 km in 58:45
T+DI 147 even though it's only in the 70s because we've got july levels of humidity back. slow as a result, plus legs were still a little bit dead from tuesday.

- stretch

i beat a storm home by less than ten minutes. it's supposed to cool things off to fall conditions tomorrow. thank god.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2021, 06:57:39 pm
- run 53:41, 10.56 km
hilly route, glorious day. wore long sleeves and did not regret it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 22, 2021, 06:42:22 pm
i'm dog-sitting for my parents this weekend. back in the old hood.


- run 23:48, 4.63 km
just to do it, something > nothing. cut this off a little early even for such a short run because i ran into the mom of one of my childhood best friends and ended up catching up with her for a while.


- run 52:49, 10.00 km
legs a little dead for whatever reason
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2021, 06:16:13 pm
went for a couple of longish walks today, one to get my haircut and one with the dog. slightly headachey, not sure why. no run.

did make what i think is my first-ever recording of myself playing and singing a song all the way through. gonna share it here because it's more of a progress update than any of my wheel-spinning runs have been. still don't quite have the precision or the timing down (although it didn't help that my hands are cold right now, this isn't the best i've played by any stretch) and obviously i am not much of a singer. but it feels good to make music.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on October 25, 2021, 12:01:34 am
went for a couple of longish walks today, one to get my haircut and one with the dog. slightly headachey, not sure why. no run.

did make what i think is my first-ever recording of myself playing and singing a song all the way through. gonna share it here because it's more of a progress update than any of my wheel-spinning runs have been. still don't quite have the precision or the timing down (although it didn't help that my hands are cold right now, this isn't the best i've played by any stretch) and obviously i am not much of a singer. but it feels good to make music.

sick!! that was fun to listen to. really cool man. sure looks like it feels good to make music ;f

audio sounded good too. my phone cant record audio like that when i was playing, would get all messed up.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2021, 07:05:05 pm
- run 59:32, 11.01 km
legs dead, not sure why

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2021, 09:20:15 am
early morning schedule shift, attempt infinity.

- run 34:12, 6.14 km
about as hilly as routes get around here, 108 feet/mile. that plus the early start = slow pace. feel fine about it.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 03, 2021, 08:49:03 am
early morning schedule shift, attempt infinity, day 3. didn't run yesterday, by design, because i had a date on monday night.

- run 42:16, 7.85 km
morning = slow. it was 39/4 degrees when i left the house!

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 05, 2021, 12:57:29 pm
partial victory this morning. got out of bed at 6:30 but not out the door. didn't help that it was 36/2 degrees. let's see if daylight savings helps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 06, 2021, 02:05:19 pm
a day of disappearing motivation. i got dressed to run, got out the door, it's a glorious day, and i just did not want to start. i paced around for a while trying to psych myself up and failed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 07, 2021, 09:21:53 am
a day of disappearing motivation. i got dressed to run, got out the door, it's a glorious day, and i just did not want to start. i paced around for a while trying to psych myself up and failed.

dang :|

those early morning schedule shifts are almost impossible. meh! i've had a few last several months but never gotten one to stick.

maybe do some walk/stride stuff .. just so you can get out the door by walking, enjoying the beautiful weather, then throw some strides in. might help, dno !
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 08, 2021, 08:20:02 am
^^^that's honestly a really good idea. something better than nothing. was more successful this morning.

- run 41:56, 8.09 km

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 11, 2021, 08:15:59 am
yesterday morning

- run 30:27, 6.24 km
had to get it in after an early morning call. surprisingly quick (4:53 pace) despite this being the route with the biggest elevation gain/distance ratio, i guess the early start times really do slow me down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 12, 2021, 08:23:54 am
- run 55:38, 10.55 km
raining but not cold

- stretch

early morning run week complete. actually did a normal distance this morning, as well. nice. managed to get up at 6:30 every day, although i only went for three runs instead of 4-5. that's okay, my mileage has been so low over the last couple months that it's probably for the best to take it slow. especially when combined with the schedule change. gonna try to wake up 10 minutes earlier next week.


did a bit of extra walking at the encampment outreach i've been doing so decided to ballpark measure it on google maps. walked at least 5.5 miles. on an average friday it's probably more like 3.5.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2021, 07:20:35 am
it's below freezing this morning. woke up as scheduled but decided that's too cold for me to run in (yet). went to the building's gym and there was already a guy on the one dreadmill. shit. think i'm going to have to come up with an alternate plan for the winter.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 17, 2021, 08:53:20 am
ended up feeling sick yesterday, had to work the full day anyway (downside of the remote work adjustment). forced myself to stay awake until like 9:45 just to make sure i didn't give myself pseudo jet lag. woke up at like 4:30 with a headache, took some ibuprofen, fell back asleep, woke up at 6:20 feeling like a million bucks.  :highfive:

- run 41 mins, 8 km
forgot to restart watch for a few minutes at one point so this is an estimate. close enough. improvised a new route that ended up around the tidal basin, which is so pretty. especially in the early morning. great light.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2021, 04:22:42 pm
day 5 of this headache. it shifted from the left side to the right either overnight or early this morning, i can't tell. pretty much bagged work again today. dragged myself into a run in the afternoon and it was a good call, as usual: headache still there but much diminished.

- run 54:03, 10.77 km

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2021, 10:33:53 pm
two weeks with no exercise. i was traveling over the holiday and then this past week just had no motivation. got back into it today, felt good. but i'm still kind of feeling like i need to mix it up.

- run 37:37, 7.45 km

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 07, 2021, 09:46:31 pm
- run 53:33, 10.33 km
lot of threes. pretty cold, about 39/4 degrees.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2021, 05:17:27 pm
just got covid booster, now moderna squad cubed. fingers crossed that it doesn't knock me on my ass the way the last one did, i've got a date tomorrow night.  ::)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 11, 2021, 11:37:05 am
now have a cold. was sneezing yesterday and today sore throat. and my bloody neck hurts. tested negative for covid this morning, which is good news. still quite lame.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2021, 05:15:01 pm
went skiing for a couple of days in vermont this past week, first time doing that in 5-6 years and it was a blast. calves quite sore, don't usually use 'em like that.

- run 34:25, 6.59 km
hilliest route but this still felt like more of a struggle than it should. pretty out of shape after what feels like the longest layoff of my adult life. but good to end the year with a run, however short.

- stretch

happy new year, y'all!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 04, 2022, 03:57:05 am
Damn, i miss those skiing weeks soooo much!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2022, 12:03:02 pm
i am now fantasizing about moving to like jasper or val thorens or some shit next winter. like, i know why i like being in DC -- community building, involvement in politics, have lots of friends here, etc. -- but man if i wasn't single...tempting. i have been thinking a lot again about my ex. i shut things down with her in the fall, after she made her pitch to get back together. but can't get her out of my head. and she's the kind of person who'd be down to go post up in a crappy one-bedroom apartment next to a mountain for like three months. then go somewhere else. seems like it'd be fun for a while.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2022, 07:19:13 pm
it's slushy/icy outside after the snow we got the other day so i have not been running. perhaps i am simply a wimp.

- warm up run x 1 mile (dreadmill)

- GMB mobility

- SVJ +40 x 5

- superset x 2
-- DB OHP 20s x 5
-- neutral chin x 10,5 (lololol weeeeak)

- superset x 2
-- BSS +40 x 10
-- DB RDL 20s x 10

- low pulley row +18.1 x 10/side

- hollow body hold 30s x 2
second one quite hard

fml i am weak. well, got to start somewhere.

ETA: also, weighed myself today for the first time in many moons. 169, which is about 4 pounds more than the last time i did this. given how inconsistent i've been over the last few months, that is most likely all fat. i'm still quite lean (abs visible if blurry, as has been the case since i can remember), but it's notable. i don't think i've ever passively put on weight before, as an adult. welcome to the back half of your 30s, luke.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on January 07, 2022, 05:37:10 am
Ah , Val Thorens, what a pick, that place is like no other. A lovely shithole full of pubs and alternative dudes, standing at 2300m, so always packed with snow, ski in ski out to the majestic 3-valee ski area. And whenever you feel the lifestyle overwhelms you you can ski yourself to a Michelin star restaurant in Courchevel.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2022, 08:04:27 pm
haha thanks for the report!

- run 41:44, 8.01 km
the embassy row-cathedral hill route. pretty cold, windchill allegedly in the teens but i don't believe it. warmed up fine after about a km or two.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 11, 2022, 07:56:05 pm
decided to gym instead of run.

- run 1 mile (treadmill)

- GMB full body mobility

- ME SLVJ x 5,5/leg

- superset x 2
-- BSS +25s x 10
-- cable pull through +50 x 10

- superset x 2
-- neutral chin x 10,7
-- DB OHP 25s x 10

- hollow body hold x 30s,30s
little less horizontal than last time, made it less marginal. baby steps. i'm weak now.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 24, 2022, 07:19:45 pm
- run 52:58, 10.13 km
felt fine if a little slow. post run feel fat and out of shape. HR clocked at 160 average, which is terrible for this pace. nothing to do but start climbing the mountain again, slowly and patiently.

- stretch

work has been very heavy the last two weeks, i've ramped up my mutual aid participation, i've been going on some dates...just haven't been prioritizing exercise. that's got to change at least a little, i've slid into inactivity and that sucks. wheel spinning is better than backsliding.

ETA: also, oh god, my knees are killing me like ten minutes after the run ended! this is a layoff thing, i think. i hope.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2022, 07:08:02 pm
- run 31:07, 6.03 km
up and down. a little below freezing, felt great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2022, 04:09:59 pm
- run 1:02:59, 11.61 km
intentionally slow, probably should run slower. it's okay. an hour of moving is good. pretty cold but no wind so felt nice.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2022, 07:43:23 pm
- run 40:54, 8.05 km
nice, up a road i don't usually run on and the change of scenery was good. also a big out-and-back climb, elevation gain was 126 feet per mile which is more than even my usual hilly routes. good to know.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 05, 2022, 05:26:32 pm
- run 35:43, 7.00 km
just below freezing and brilliantly sunny. nice day. also walked about the same distance earlier in the day and am about to go on another 5+ km walk.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 08, 2022, 06:26:49 pm
- run 44:48, 8.94 km
flatter route with a lot more intersections. annoying.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 11, 2022, 07:49:49 am
last night

- run 35:51, 7.01 km
in the 50s, felt like spring. ran in shorts for the first time this year.

going skiing this weekend, can't wait.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 14, 2022, 05:04:57 pm
skiing weekend was a big success. it was a little warm on saturday (35/2 degrees) but still fun and then it snowed all saturday night and sunday morning and the temp dropped to like 20/-7, which meant fresh powder. and it was super bowl sunday, so the mountain emptied out. we were able to just ski right back onto the main lift after each run.

and no soreness! i did lose a bunch of hair on the front of my shins, though, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on February 15, 2022, 09:14:57 am
Fresh snow + no queues = absolute bliss !
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 26, 2022, 02:44:37 pm
overcommitted at the moment. two volunteering things, work has been very busy, trying to find time to keep improving at guitar, see friends, go on dates, etc. etc. etc. etc. need to rebalance.

- run 53:14, 10.08 km
beautiful day, probably 40 degrees and sunny. wore a hoodie but didn't need it. i'm out of shape.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 08, 2022, 07:19:12 pm
27 february

- run 1:05:17, 11.52 km
bit slow cause i went with a woman i've been dating. she's pretty fit: this was a hilly route and we averaged 5:47/km (i kicked a little after she dropped off at her building). i'd wager that's faster and farther than the vast majority of women runners.

- stretch

last night

- run 32:16, 6.2 km
trying not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. i'm very goal-oriented so it's hard to keep motivation once i feel like i'm falling away from the level i should be training at to reach my goal. but that's a trap that leads to "well, fuck it then." it's better to do a little bit than none at all, and when i'm in a place again where i can push toward the goal i won't be as out of shape. plus exercise makes me feel good.

- stretch


- run 39:57, 8.01 km
the best run in months. felt incredible. perfect conditions. this route is an out and back that's basically up and then down. biggest elevation gain of any route i do around here. just under 5:00 pace and i was cruising.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 09, 2022, 04:40:15 am
trying not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. i'm very goal-oriented so it's hard to keep motivation once i feel like i'm falling away from the level i should be training at to reach my goal. but that's a trap that leads to "well, fuck it then." it's better to do a little bit than none at all, and when i'm in a place again where i can push toward the goal i won't be as out of shape. plus exercise makes me feel good.

This is GOLD!
I've tried to work around the same problem and i keep failing. So many times i skip workouts because i don't have 45' to do 400 reps of lifting or 1h to do at least 10K of easy run or 90m for a long slow run.
Well fuck it, 15-20m of small-rest-break lifting or 30' of a 5-6K easy run or 45' of slow run are so much better than skipping ( not to even mention the added frustration of skipping ).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 14, 2022, 08:08:26 pm
- run 42:55, 8.35 km
shorts and a t-shirt!

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 15, 2022, 08:52:34 pm
- run 43:50, 8.35 km
slower than yesterday despite much flatter course. work is kicking my ass right now, i'm tired.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 21, 2022, 07:21:29 pm
progress update of a different kind:

still kind of suck at that song but damned if i can't play it all the way through now. i've done it better than that plenty of times but turning the camera on makes me nervous! my heart was beating hard toward the end, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2022, 07:10:05 pm
- jump rope x a few mins

- bit of mobility stuff

- superset x 2
-- neutral chin up x 5,5 (+5)
-- DB BSS +25s x 10,10

- superset x 2
-- 45-degree hyper x 10,10
-- TTB x 5,5 (+5)

- DB OHP 25s x 5,5,5

very short and light, i'm gonna be sore tomorrow. shins were feeling the jump rope. i wish the ceiling in the building's gym were a little higher, it's hard to do double unders.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2022, 06:45:33 pm
yep, glutes and hams are sore.

- run 54:26, 9.52 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2022, 10:47:37 am

- jump rope x more than last time
shoulders and hands still reconditioning. did a bunch of double unders as well.

- GMB warm up
mixed in with jump rope

- superset x 3
-- neutral chin up x 5
-- DB BSS 25s x 10/leg

- superset x 2
-- spider man push up x 5/side
-- crab walk forwards and back

- superset x 3
-- TTB x 5
-- 45-degree hyper x 10

- jump rope x some more

- stretch

also yesterday

- walk x ~8 miles
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 04, 2022, 05:56:57 pm
- run 52:22, 10.14 km
nice and easy, over to the boathouse and back along the canal.

- stretch

nice running weather: 50s and overcast, light breeze. it was really windy this past weekend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2022, 07:18:00 pm
- run 43:52, 8.07 km

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2022, 08:20:07 pm
- run 31:01, 6.06 km
gorgeous night, work is insane right now but pleased to have just gotten this little bit in.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 13, 2022, 06:36:25 pm
- run 33:35, 6.65 km
holy crap it's hot all of a sudden! T+DI 136, not peak but first time it's been worth noting this year. i'm also a bit sleep-deprived at the moment. that combo = struggle bus. need to recalibrate set pace.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 14, 2022, 01:36:19 pm
Uh oh here comes the hatred TDI-based pace normalization season   >:(
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 16, 2022, 07:16:37 pm
- run 59:21, 10.18 km
weird weather, sunshowers and even a little sunthunder. humid but not too hot and a nice breeze. not quite TDI normalization season yet! running-partner-pace-normalization, though: yes.

- stretch

also, for the first time in my life i fell while running. we were going over a little wooden bridge and i just tripped. not badly hurt, just some scrapes, but it was startling. first time for everything, i guess.

also, went skydiving today for the fourth time.  ;D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 19, 2022, 08:18:04 pm
- run 1:09, 13.31 km
windy and cold, ran with lady friend again and she was feeling good so pace was quicker with her. picked it up a bit as well after she stopped at her place, ~4:30 for the final 1.3km.

- stretch

i am getting sick (tested negative for covid this morning but feeling coldy), this might have been a bad idea.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2022, 11:07:12 pm
i'm in bangkok! the cold was not really covid, apparently. two negative PCR tests in the last few days (required for entry into thailand).


- treadmill run x a couple km

- stretch

plane rides that long are a pain in the ass.


- treadmill run ladder: 1 km @ 11kph, 1 km @ 12kph, 1 km @15.2kph, 1 km @ 12kph, 500m @ 15.2kph, 500m @12kph, 1 km @ 11kph

- pull ups x 5,5

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2022, 07:41:07 am

- run ladder 1 km @ 11,13,16,13,11

- stretch


- walk x ~9 km in the gnarly bangkok heat and humidity

this morning

- run 1:00:20, 11.68 km

- stretch

did not sleep one wink last night. first time i think that's ever happened to me because of jet lag. must be getting old. i feel great right now but man early afternoon is gonna suuuuuuck.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2022, 01:16:40 pm
last week was long. my cocky ass decided that the best way to start the new week would be to accompany my gf (we have moved past "woman-i've-been-dating") on a 15-mile run, her longest before she starts to taper for her half marathon in a couple weeks.

- run 19.31 km in 1:52:45, walk 5.5 km
felt great for the first 15 km. last 4+ were hitting-the-wall shit like i have not felt in two years. did not have enough calories in me, have not done enough long runs to believe -- which i know now -- that you should take some gel or a fruit roll-up or something. gf was also struggling (not from lack of fitness, unlike yours truly) so we called it at 12 miles and walked the rest of the way.

got a milkshake to deal with my crashing blood sugar, drank too much too fast, and puked much of it up an hour later. all in all, a humbling experience.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on May 11, 2022, 07:57:29 pm
Oh dude maybe your muscles ran out of glycogen, that was happening to me (im pretty sure) on lots of my runs when i started keto. Now I basically have to take some simple sugars before every workout that reaches into anaerobic without long rests and also on slower runs more than maybe 90 mins. Its such a shit feeling i remember that happened to me during a frisbee pickup game and it was so embarassing I just started getting wrecked by high schoolers and stuff

Glad youve got a running companion willing to run 12 miles with you though

Oh and it could also be dehydration or electrolytes. Been getting hit with that every now and again as well
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2022, 11:01:42 am
probably a combination of both. lesson learned, though.

last thursday

- run 50:59, 9.70 km

- stretch

this morning

- treadmill run ~21 mins, 4 km
jet-lagged and also i'm in kathmandu, around 1400m/4600' elevation. this was not enjoyable. will try to run every day this week and then maybe go for a hike somewhere outside the city this weekend. here until the middle of next week and then flying to CA to visit my cousin and go to a wedding.

- stretch/mobilizations
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2022, 12:33:22 pm
need to start signing up for some races. starting to feel motivation coming back, although i've had little mini false starts here and the over the past year-plus. but man i don't know, i'm getting itchy. need a goal. need to get that discipline back. sub-19 can fall if i want it to. sub-12 two-miler. 5:00 mile. do an ultra.

right now, though, i need to go to bed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 18, 2022, 12:00:49 pm

- treadmill ladder 1 km @ 10.2kph, 12kph, 15.1 kph, 12kph, 10.2kph


slept like three hours last night, ended up sick today. i feel better now but man i've now thrown up three times in the past month after going nearly three years without doing it. body telling me something is wrong.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 19, 2022, 11:38:17 am
- treadmill run 4 km @ 5:07
struggle. better than nothing.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2022, 01:17:53 am
last friday

- treadmill ladder 1 km @ 12kph, 12kph, 15.4 kph, 11kph
felt so much better

- pull up x 5
- DB OHP 15s x 5
- KB swing 15? x 10
- TTB x 5


no training but spent several hours walking around an astounding old city a short ways away from kathmandu called bhaktapur. so cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 22, 2022, 02:34:38 am
- treadmill ladder 1 km @ 12, 15.4, 11, 15.4, 10.1
challenging but not too bad

- neutral chin x 6

- DB OHP 17.5s x 5
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: gukl on May 22, 2022, 06:38:13 pm
last friday

- treadmill ladder 1 km @ 12kph, 12kph, 15.4 kph, 11kph
felt so much better

- pull up x 5
- DB OHP 15s x 5
- KB swing 15? x 10
- TTB x 5


no training but spent several hours walking around an astounding old city a short ways away from kathmandu called bhaktapur. so cool.

Did you get the bhaktapur yoghurt (JuJu dhau?) - it's Incredible
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 24, 2022, 02:35:32 am
no! missed it. a couple of my colleagues had yogurt with their lunches but i didn't try it. next time.

just signed up for a 5k on june 26. goal will be <21 as i am not in very good shape. but gf just finished her first half (top 10% overall, men and women!) and is jazzed about racing so she talked me into signing up. can treat it as a gnarly tempo run. i won't get a workout in today, as i'm leaving and don't want to get on the plane with sweat-soaked clothes stinking up my bag. but will keep up the intervals and tempo over the next few weeks (and slow runs, of course) in hopes of being in some semblance of shape for the race.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2022, 08:08:03 pm
did no exercise while in california. back on the horse tonight and it is SUMMER. it wasn't even that hot out but the humidity was way up there and i struggled.

- run 40:13, 7.22 km
5:34 pace! well, i guess it's time to re-adapt to T+DI running. on that note: T+DI 146 because the dew point is SEVENTY-TWO. jesus.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2022, 08:04:27 pm
no run today but walked almost six miles for outreach plus some errands. definitely got my steps in, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 13, 2022, 03:35:16 pm
was in a play last weekend so with that plus work it was a week straight of 15-hour days. no running.

it's fuckin' hot out.

- run 41:28, 7.47 km
with gf. HR high because TD+I is 163.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 16, 2022, 08:27:07 am
- tennis w/dad x ~30 mins
shaking off the rust and working up a light sweat. not as rusty as i thought we'd be, had some nice rallies.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2022, 12:48:44 pm
- run 38:54, 7.11 km
did km 4 in 3:43 on the track. wayyy too fast, i meant to do it in like 4:15 just to push a little bit because i'm so out of shape. made it the full km no problem but hoo boy i have some pacing practice to do.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 19, 2022, 02:14:22 pm
- run 1:27, 15.3 km
glorious day, warm but not hot or humid. sunny. and running in the park in DC in the summer means lots of shady trees.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2022, 10:03:42 am

- run 5.5 km, run 3.3 km
gf and i ran to the wrong boathouse to meet up with her friend to go kayaking. had to double back. lol, whoops.

- kayaking x 1 hour
shoulders felt so good digging into the water.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2022, 08:59:19 am

- run ~4.5 km

- bouldering x 1 hour
gf's friend invited us to come to her gym. it was fun, but two days later my hands are still a little raw and forearms sore!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2022, 09:53:01 am
- run 2km (warm up)

- 5k race in 21:41 (chip timed)
went out way too fast and so watch splits were silly: 4:01, 4:13, 4:13, 4:33, 4:42. hot and humid. definitely was just hanging on for dear life for the last 2 km. still it was really fun and i'm not too mad about the time because i didn't go into this with any illusions, just wanted to treat it like a hard tempo run and that's what it ended up being.

got second in my age group (30-39) and sixth overall. gf finished second overall for women, in something like 23:11.

first race since i was living in london. very motivating. want to run under 20 again.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2022, 07:25:30 pm

- run 32:53, 6.17 km
steepest loop. nice evening, took it easy. a little sore from the race, especially quads.


- run 51:33, 10.0 km
negative split out and back. pretty hot, T+DI 150. calves cramping just a little bit in the last 3km or so, definitely a little dehydrated.

- stretch
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2022, 05:45:37 pm
- run 36:43, 6.39 km
first ~5 km with gf, who was really struggling with the heat/early days of her period. picked it up a little after we parted ways. T+DI highest of the year so far, 162. it's really humid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 04, 2022, 02:03:38 pm
- run 1:36:33, 16.28 km
warm but not overly hot. ran with gf, kept the pace niiice and slow. we stopped about 9km in to get a gatorade because she was dehydrated and running out of energy. great run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2022, 10:47:37 pm
- run 2.x km; fast intervals 320m x 6 w/60s rest for the first four and then 120s rest; run 2.x km -- total distance 7.01 km
bit of track work. kind of silly. felt good to do before work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2022, 06:51:45 pm
- run 39:19, 6.8 km
watch was fritzing out so extrapolated this from gf's watch. first run in more than two weeks, since i was in italy (ruled so hard) and then at a family event last weekend. i got covid in italy but it barely mattered.

- joint circles
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2022, 01:21:56 pm
- run 25:35, 4.52 km
went out at lunch with gf. easing back in. she's coming back from a serious illness so we kept it pretty light, which is good for me anyway after such a long layoff. T+DI 148, it's humid but not very hot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 27, 2022, 07:07:57 pm
- run 39:13, 6.69 km
T+DI 162 and gf was feeling weak so this was pretty slow. last ~1.2 km were around 4:45 pace and still overall about 5:50
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 07, 2022, 06:45:51 pm
last week

- one really short run, like 3 miles

- moved and repainted house


- run 32:20, 6.03 km
waited until early evening but T+DI still over 160. gf and i moved uphill -- everything in northern DC slopes southward toward the rivers and we moved north -- so i'm gonna have to explore around a bit to see if i can find routes that don't end with steep uphills, especially in the summer. it's hot!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2022, 09:09:59 pm
- run 42:57, 8.01 km
fuck i'm out of shape. really have not been consistent enough this summer to adapt to the heat. T+DI over 160 again, but still. anyway it's fun to explore the new neighborhood, i ran on some streets i've never been on before despite living within a four-mile radius of my new house for something like 28 of my nearly 36 years. running north is good, although somehow managed to run uphill the last mile home. maybe i'm just on a little hillock or something.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 11, 2022, 06:52:28 pm
- run 44:47, 7.26 km
gf back from her trip so we ran together. hot today but sooo much less humid. still she wasn't feeling well so we went slow and called early. walked the last ~2.5-3 km home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2022, 07:51:36 pm
- run 54:14, 9.26 km
again w/gf. she has had a really tough month, is even more out of shape than i am. really nice evening.

i've run four days this week, which is my first time doing that since the end of june/beginning of july. at least i don't gain weight easily, otherwise god knows how out of shape i'd be. just hanging in there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 15, 2022, 05:40:05 pm

- run 53:52, 9.20 km
light rain for most of the run, was really nice.


- run 39:44, 6.95 km
humid but not at all hot, and overcast. watch says my max HR on the run was 68 which is...improbable. maybe i was wearing it too loose.

all runs now with gf unless otherwise noted. she keeps me relaxed and slow and most of all consistent and accountable. good stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 19, 2022, 07:40:34 am
- run 51:43, 9.88 km
super nice morning, gf took the day off because of period pain so i ran a bit faster (5:14 pace) and in a tighter window (5:03-5:26, depending mainly on prevailing slope)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 21, 2022, 01:25:44 pm
- run 1:09:51, 12.10 km
cooler today but pretty humid. left achilles bothering me just a little, won't run tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 25, 2022, 09:44:28 am
tried to run a couple mornings ago but achilles said hello from the jump so i stopped after a half-block. resting and mobility the last few days (foam roller, active stretching, eccentrics) but no running. will try again this afternoon and keep it short even if i feel 100%.

also gf said she's supportive of getting a squat rack and weights for the garage so gonna start looking into that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 25, 2022, 07:32:41 pm
- run 32:21, 5.99 km
verrrry humid. took this nice and easy and obviously short. no achilles discomfort,  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 27, 2022, 08:28:35 pm
- run 42:18, 7.26 km
not too bad out. gf was lagging a bit so not quick.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2022, 09:12:44 am

- run 24:59, 4.3 km
very slow, very short, trying to take it easy on achilles. felt good.

also, have started biking around using DC's bike sharing infrastructure. i hadn't really ridden a bike apart from beach cruisers in 20 years, so i'm not a very confident rider, but it's coming and it's been fun so far. and good exercise, a new way to use my legs. rode about 7-8 miles yesterday, including one climb that was pretty gnarly on the super heavy shared bike.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2022, 06:40:43 am

- run 33:13, 6.28 km
started slow, 5:54 for the first km, and then kicked it up to good target easy run pace (~5:10). achilles felt okay.

- RDL 115 x 10,10
felt a little pump in forearms. not much but lmao grip weak.

- OHP 45 x 10,10

first time using the weights etc. that i bought from my neighbor last weekend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 01, 2022, 07:10:55 pm
- run 30:48, 6.05 km
bit quicker, achilles felt great.

- bench 115 x 5,5

- BB row 115 x 5
whooooa buddy my lats felt that one. did not do a second set.

- deep squat hold 45 x ?
shoulder very tight, also i have nothing weighing down the supports so i decided to just let getting under the bar be enough.

- curls 25s x 5/arm
plates, not DBs

- hollow body hold x 30s

just keeping it loose and improvising for now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2022, 03:34:59 pm
- run 26:40, 5.01 km
very satisfying to improvise a route that is that close to a perfectly round distance. achilles was a bit stiff in the morning but felt 100% by lunchtime and throughout this run.

have covered 32.8 km in six runs over the past seven days, per watch. registered for a 5k on 12 november, so i have something to work toward. that's 10 weeks out. plan will be:

1. add mileage conservatively both per-run and weekly, running frequently but not long. i think the long run with gf the other weekend was what irritated my achilles. goal weekly mileage is 55 km.
2. continue goofing off a little with the new weights just to re-accustom myself to using them and add some cross-training.
3. in a couple of weeks, if my achilles is still okay, start doing one day a week of speed, tempo, or hills. if i can make myself get up early enough on wednesdays to run with the group that trains at the high school in my neighborhood, i'll do that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2022, 10:36:27 am
- run 41:22, 7.52 km
achilles feeling it just a little. no run tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 05, 2022, 09:40:51 pm
- run 33:19, 6.50 km
stung by a bee a bit less than 1 km from home. i am allergic, although i didn't know quite how badly i'd react since it'd been a long time. ended up needing to jab myself with an epipen and then spend four hours in the ER. anaphylaxis is not a pleasant experience, all around. would not recommend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 06, 2022, 04:56:14 am
Damn it, glad it was near home so you had time to react. Allergic shocks are nasty!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 12, 2022, 12:11:43 pm

- run ~5 km
gf whacked the everloving shit out of her elbow partway through. ended up taking her to urgent care. x-rays negative but they said there might be a hairline fracture they missed. not our week! sheesh.

spent the weekend on martha's vineyard at my cousin's wedding (and, mostly, driving to and from there. it's a long haul).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 13, 2022, 06:12:05 pm
- run 19:10, 3.8 km
just to stretch the legs, pleased with myself for making it out the door at all. work is a bit nuts this week because i'm going on vacation next week. plus i'm re-starting guitar lessons tonight.

my leg *still* has a rash on it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2022, 07:09:38 am
tried to run this morning but achilles felt "thick" (no better word comes to mind) after a few hundred meters. last night felt absolutely normal. i think morning running is just not a thing for me. this is irritating.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 15, 2022, 09:31:10 pm
- run 31:39, 5.86 km
right quad and left hamstring a little sore from playing kickball at the work picnic yesterday, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 21, 2022, 04:00:32 pm
18 sept

- run 28:20, 5.0 km


- kayak x 4.5-5 miles

- run 27:29, 5.0 km

every day this week

- swimming/bodysurfing

- tennis

i'm at the beach in north carolina with my parents, my brother, his fiance, my gf, and my parents' respective best friends. it's great. super active, weather is perfect, surf has been excellent. it's really nice to be here in september, when it's still hot but not brutal and everything is even less crowded than usual (the beach we go to is a little out of the way so never THAT crowded).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 23, 2022, 06:45:06 pm
- run 19:06, 3.49 km

- tennis x 30-40 mins

- run 16:14, 3.05 km

heading back home tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2022, 09:20:04 am

- run 33:11, 6.0 km

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 26, 2022, 06:52:31 pm
- run 40:34, 7.28 km
so nice out. getting cooler.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2022, 09:53:04 pm
got my second covid booster yesterday and the flu shot. felt like warmed-over dogshit all day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2022, 02:10:32 pm

- 28:37, 5.24 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 03, 2022, 07:36:55 am

- run 53:19, 9.67 km
cool and drizzly, felt amazing


- run 28:28, 5.03 km
cool and drizzly again


- run 38:21, 6.35 km
chilly! 46/8 degrees. gf and i succeeded in keeping each other accountable for a morning run so we finished this right after sunrise.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2022, 08:26:18 am

- run 36:55, 7.28 km
lunchtime-ish, went without gf so this was much faster than it's been, 5:04/km is right back to my old set pace.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 06, 2022, 06:02:31 pm
- run 36:39, 7.01 km
much warmer today but still nice. i think this is too fast and i'm better off running with gf for pure aerobic runs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2022, 12:54:32 pm

- run 26:36, 5.0 km


- run 28.25, 4.84 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 10, 2022, 06:08:20 pm
- run 55:15, 10.0 km
legs a bit tired. drank more than usual this weekend because a bunch of friends were in town for a wedding. also, i'm just still a bit out of shape.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 12, 2022, 12:50:50 pm
- run 37:01, 6.46 km
lunchtime run. absolutely gorgeous fall day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2022, 04:20:10 pm

- run 43:44, 8.36 km


- run 1:08:32, 11.29 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 20, 2022, 08:02:56 pm
work and family stuff prevented running the past three days.

- run 1:00:13, 9.85 km
gf is feeling down in the dumps so i coaxed her into a run. we took it slow. very nice. i love autumn in DC.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 21, 2022, 05:29:10 pm
- run 51:25, 9.83 km
almost exactly the same route as yesterday, just by myself, so like 45s faster per km.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 24, 2022, 06:37:51 pm
yesterday i went to a memorial service for a guy i grew up with, who died over the summer from colon cancer. he was 33, same age as my surviving brother. we weren't close -- my mom and his mom are good friends, which is most of why i went -- but it was surprisingly emotional for me, i cried pretty much throughout and felt kind of drained afterward. they had a bluegrass band playing as people sat down and before the service got underway, they led the whole crowd (~200-250 people) in "will the circle be unbroken," and i was done. i'm sure part of it is that i'm still grieving my own brother, but also i don't think there is anything more moving than people being kind to each other. and noah, the guy who died, was an exceptionally kind and generous person, so the whole spirit of the thing just got to me. really glad i could be there. but i did not have a run in me afterward.

did it today instead.

- run 1:14:50, 12.90 km
gf wanted to head downtown so this was very stop-and-start (fully eight minutes of waiting at lights, per my watch). not my favorite way to go but it's all good, especially for a run where the point is mostly to be on your feet for a long time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2022, 06:04:53 pm
- run 7.67 km, 38:06
absolutely cruising, back to 2020-ish pace (4:58) and felt great. best run i've had in a while. it's not even all that cool today, and pretty humid. nice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2022, 05:58:49 pm
- run 38:25, 8.01 km
whoa, even faster than yesterday, 4:48. slight cheat, though, as i had a few minutes' break in the middle to buy my gf a birthday present (a pair of running gloves/mittens, which she has been talking about wanting). not my favorite route but not as bad as running downtown, and killed two birds with one stone so that's always good.

still, feeling so good rn. flying to amsterdam tomorrow for the week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 01, 2022, 12:35:32 pm

- run 1:01:09, 10.79 km


arrived in holland much later than expected thanks to KLM being a clown show.


no run but did walk 6-7 miles in the morning


- run 25:38, 5.01 km
stiff and noticed achilles for the first time in some weeks. just stretching the legs a bit, better than nothing. it is very, very flat here, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 07, 2022, 09:00:51 am

- run 25:38, 5.01 km


- run 44:46, 8.00 km


- run 45:22, 7.92 km

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 08, 2022, 12:49:03 pm

- run 57.35, 9.59 km
nice and slow w/gf, just getting the blood flowing after the travel on sunday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 09, 2022, 06:39:48 am
Amazing that you fit 4 runs in an abroad holiday week!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 09, 2022, 08:23:47 am
well, it wasn't really holiday, we both worked every day. but yeah for a traveling week 4 runs is pretty good!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2022, 01:42:17 pm

- run 51:31, 9.8 km
bit slow, it was strangely warm.

leaning toward signing up for the rock 'n' roll half marathon next march. i need a target and something for me to build a training plan around that isn't just "run when you feel like it and sometimes when you don't." found one that's 12 weeks long and includes tempo and speed work, as well as one day a week of strength. seems like building off of that would be a good place to start, obviously extending it some weeks as march is farther out.

goal would be 1:30 which is about 4:16 pace. i'm obviously not near that level of fitness now, but i guess that's the point!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 14, 2022, 05:20:49 pm
- run 37:15, 7.48 km
chilly, upper 40s. first time wearing tights this season.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on November 14, 2022, 11:40:30 pm

- run 51:31, 9.8 km
bit slow, it was strangely warm.

leaning toward signing up for the rock 'n' roll half marathon next march. i need a target and something for me to build a training plan around that isn't just "run when you feel like it and sometimes when you don't." found one that's 12 weeks long and includes tempo and speed work, as well as one day a week of strength. seems like building off of that would be a good place to start, obviously extending it some weeks as march is farther out.

goal would be 1:30 which is about 4:16 pace. i'm obviously not near that level of fitness now, but i guess that's the point!

6:38 mile pace for a half?? That's pretty intense! Interestingly I just attempted a fast mile a little while ago and that was within a few seconds of that time.

How do you like the long duration running training? I'm doing a pretty general mix of stuff, some lifting and some intervals of various kinds. Focusing a lot on learning about mechanics and stuff. Thinking about doing an aerobic block with maybe some movements more specific to stuff like fris/soccer/bball. I don't think I've had a dedicated aerobic block for probably like 5 years. And even when I did it was more like 2*20 min high intensity aerobic runs rather than a more LISS approach. Based on Lyle's articles on aerobic training I think it was more specific to fris at the time

I feel like LISS style running can be somewhat relaxing some of the workout because of the lower intensity and endorphins and also after the workout which makes it different from anaerobic stuff that can have you feeling real crappy during a portion of the workout.  It might be better for mental health than the stuff I'm doing, or worse
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 15, 2022, 08:00:10 am
i mean i just started so let's see how realistic it is to get there in four months. but the running time predictors give 1:30 as roughly equivalent to 19:30 5k, which is another reachable target (i ran 19:42 a couple years ago, after all) and like a 6:17/mile pace.

i love LISS, there's a reason that it's basically taken over my training for the last three years or more. it's relaxing and centering and recently it's become a nice activity to do with my girlfriend. i don't bring my phone or wear headphones and so it's basically the only part of my day where i can't be interrupted by a device. i should spend more of my day like that, but that's a side point. but running gives me time to either ruminate and think over a problem i'm dealing with or to just settle into comfortable mindfulness. it's great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 16, 2022, 03:46:11 am
There is no better training plan setter and motivation source for me, than a race date with a barely reachable target for it. Go get that 90' half! :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2022, 05:05:32 pm
welp, missed yesterday because i procrastinated until it was 40 degrees and raining so hard that the power was flickering in my house. off to a great start!

today better.

- tempo/race pace
-- warm up x 2 km
-- run x 5 km @ 4:40 (4:38, 4:38, 4:36, 4:40, 4:38)
-- cool down

because i have 4+ months and have done essentially no work above easy pace in many moons, plan is to start conservatively. this translates to about a 1:38-1:39 half marathon; i'll need to run at 4:16 pace to get under 1:30. so i'll drop 0:05/km every few weeks, and also build from 5 km to 7 km for the meat of these runs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2022, 03:11:23 pm
- speed work
-- warm up
-- 800m x [3:03, 3:01], 1:30 walking rest
-- cool down

again starting off conservatively. these are meant to be RPE 8-9 on the plan i'm following but i'll work up to that. still, was huffing and puffing a bit at the end of the second one. long way to go, long way to go.

also, meant to run these on the track at the high school that's about a kilometer from my place but there was a JV football game in full swing, with a big crowd. duly noted: no track work on saturday mid-afternoons until the winter.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 20, 2022, 02:44:21 pm
as of today, i am 36. age  :personal-record:

- run 1:17:39, 12.89 km
fuckin' cold, 38/4 degrees or so, and gusty. wore gloves and was glad to have them.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 21, 2022, 06:08:15 pm
- run 46:02, 7.58 km
very relaxed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: adarqui on November 22, 2022, 12:53:45 am
happy birthday man!!! meant to wish you it yesterday dangit.

Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2022, 08:01:15 am
thanks adarq!

actually followed through on signing up for the half marathon in march. it was expensive, too, so i'm really committed now!  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 23, 2022, 04:20:58 pm
- tempo
-- warm up x 2 km
-- run x 5 km @ 4:37 [4:39, 4:51, 4:35, 4:33, 4:27]
-- cool down x 1.86 km

EDIT: signed up to do a 5k race on 17 december, with my mom. she did her first 5k last weekend (run/walking with a friend of hers who is not in great shape) but she's gotten it in her head to do another triathlon so she's starting to run again and wants to race to give herself little motivators. very cool. i think i'll just be aiming for 20:xx, given how my last 5k went. will not taper or anything, treat it as a training run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 27, 2022, 02:08:30 pm
- speed
-- warm up
-- 800m x [3:02, 2:56]
-- cool down
late morning. track was open so i did it there. was dragging a little but not unhappy with the times or split.

- run 1:14, 12.96 km
rainy but not too cold. pretty nice.

forgot to log saturday before, added now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 28, 2022, 06:28:54 pm
- run 33:34, 6.47 km
legs felt a little heavy, not surprising.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2022, 10:18:40 am
spectacular life PR: i'm engaged!  :lololol: :goodjobbro: :almostascoolasnyancat: :personal-record: :ibrunning: :ibjumping: :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LoopieMclooperson on December 01, 2022, 10:27:49 am
Congrats on the engagement!  :highfive:

I saw some pictures of you guys having fun on instagram! Nicely done sir
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2022, 10:32:44 pm
thanks loopie!

- run 38:42, 7.54 km
adjusting to cold. long sleeve shirt plus sweatshirt is too warm at 42/6 degrees but gloves were great. would have been nice to have ear muffs, too.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 02, 2022, 10:46:29 am
I use a buff for winter runs, preferably the 'light' ones ( not half fleece ), wrapped around neck, whenever ears freeze i pull it up to cover mouth, nose, ears. Then i get too hot, i lower it again.
Congrats!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2022, 08:29:07 am

- run 57:27, 11.01 km
route planning fail, this wasn't supposed to be quite so long. oops.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2022, 11:28:30 am
I use a buff for winter runs, preferably the 'light' ones ( not half fleece ), wrapped around neck, whenever ears freeze i pull it up to cover mouth, nose, ears. Then i get too hot, i lower it again.
Congrats!  :highfive:

it's really only my ears that get uncomfortably cold on a run, unless it's well below freezing, so i feel like i'd cycle through the too hot phase too much to make a buff work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2022, 04:16:29 pm
- run 1:32:27, 15.80 km
short sleeve plus long sleeve is better than a sweatshirt temperature-wise when it's mid-40s, but irritated my nipples :'(

longer than i meant to run but i got lost in rich people land, so many fucking cul-de-sacs and no signage.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 05, 2022, 07:55:03 pm
- run 24:39, 4.67 km
left it a little short today because i overshot both of the last two days. just good to get out the door and stay on schedule.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2022, 09:09:55 pm
- run 35:38, 7.01 km
left achilles a little stiff now a couple of hours later. going to take tomorrow off.

46 km over the last seven days is a big jump, need to be careful.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2022, 08:17:21 pm
- tempo
-- warm up x 2 km
-- 5 km @ 4:31 [4:33, 4:30, 4:30, 4:31, 4:30]
-- cool down

hell yeah. this is 1:35 half marathon pace. i couldn't do that for 21.1 km, at least on a route with climbs like this one has. but if i stay healthy and consistent, i'll definitely be able to by march.

EDIT: i just looked at the results from last year's rock and roll half marathon. noticed that a friend finished in 1:24, just outside the top 100 overall, 19th in our age group (out of about 7,500). that's pretty impressive. 1:35 would put me around 350th overall, or around 65th in the age group. 1:30 would put me closer to 40th in the age group and top-200 overall.

even 1:35 is 95th percentile, that's cool.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 17, 2022, 10:40:48 am
did not run the rest of the week, work and life blew up. but i did get up and run the 5k that i'd signed up for this morning.

- 5k race, 20:46 (watch), 20:44 (chip)
pretty happy with that, goal was to run under 21 and i did. chip time pending but it'll also be under, i saw the clock ticking as i crossed the finish line. even better, my final km was the fastest (4:06), so i managed not to go out too hard. good stuff.

EDIT: added chip time. kind of unusual for it to be shorter than the watch time but i guess the course measurement was really accurate.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 18, 2022, 05:15:41 pm
- run 24:36, 4.80 km
just to get the blood flowing a little. pretty cold and a bit windy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on December 19, 2022, 03:09:20 am
Good job on that race, great time considering the overall weather and preparation conditions! :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 21, 2022, 06:06:02 pm
- run 54:47, 9.45 km
w/gf, quite slow as she was low on energy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 31, 2022, 02:26:40 pm
- run 37:10, 7.40 km
time to get busy, been a couple of weeks of low to no activity with the holidays and work going through the roof.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 01, 2023, 05:21:57 pm
well, so much for getting busy. woke up this morning with the worst hangover in recent memory. was feeling okay enough by late afternoon to drag myself out the door but didn't achieve much, except the in the sense that something>>>nothing.

- run 20:43, 3.92 km
felt like shit
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 02, 2023, 02:52:22 pm
- run 7.52 km, 43:14
w/gf, relaxed pace. left ankle started doing something funny in the final km.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 03, 2023, 08:06:29 pm
- run 39:22, 7.58 km
legs still a little stiff/sluggish. left ankle was there right at the beginning but milder than yesterday and it went away.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 04, 2023, 07:50:08 pm
- tempo
-- warm up x 2 km
-- 4 km @ 4:25 [4:26, 4:25, 4:22, 4:26]
-- cool down x 1.3 km

meant to do 5k but still sluggish, was breathing hard at the end of 4k (hit it right at the top of a hill) and worried about tipping over the lactate threshold. so i stopped. will repeat this pace next week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 06, 2023, 11:18:01 am
today is the fifth anniversary of my brother's death, by suicide. he was homeless off and on for a few years, so my parents are going to join the encampment outreach i've been doing every friday for the past 1.5 years or so, as part of commemorating him. i miss him, a feeling that's gotten more acute in recent months. i'm not sure why. but i'm feeling it today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2023, 06:24:08 pm
- speed work
-- warm up
-- 800m x [3:00, 3:00], 1:30 walking rest
-- cool down

struggle bus, man. i'm out of shape. will try to do an extra rep next week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2023, 08:43:03 am

- run 1:18:34, 13.14 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 10, 2023, 07:19:18 pm
- run 1:01:21, 10.03 km
glacial. gf wanted to take it very slow, not sure why. wasn't able to run yesterday so went a little farther today than rx'd.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2023, 07:43:06 pm

- tempo
-- warm up x 2 km
-- 5km @ 4:31 [4:36, 4:36, 4:30, 4:30, 4:27]
-- cool down

forgot to start the run with the programmed workout, so i didn't have the pace guidance. by the time i noticed it was too late to start over so i just decided to do it by feel. a bit slower than i planned, but negative splits even with the uphill finish. not mad.


- run 16:32, 3.34 km
just to stretch legs and do *something*. 
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2023, 08:58:47 am

- run 1:31, 14.4 km
super slow, felt nice. slowly building that long run distance.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 16, 2023, 07:52:53 pm
- run 40:07, 8.02 km
added a little bulb to the end of my favorite loop and it was exactly the right length to get to 8km. nice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 18, 2023, 06:34:52 pm
- tempo
-- warm up x 2 km
-- 5 km @ 4:23 [4:23, 4:26, 4:20, 4:23, 4:24]
-- cool down

heck yeah, was breathing a bit hard by the end because the final bit of this route is uphill but this felt great. under target pace (4:25) overall and only one individual km over it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 22, 2023, 05:29:01 pm
thursday was crazy with work and friday i was in transit.


- treadmill intervals x 3
-- 0.5 mile @ 6 mph
-- 0.5 mile @ 9.5 mph
in charlotte for grandpa's funeral. woke up and got this in, which i'm glad about for two reasons: (1) it's always good to follow through on a commitment to train, and (2) my achilles didn't hurt despite this being at 7 AM.


- run 54:01, 9.83 km
cold-ish and raining, felt great.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 26, 2023, 01:51:21 pm

- run 6.5 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on January 26, 2023, 05:16:10 pm
thursday was crazy with work and friday i was in transit.


- treadmill intervals x 3
-- 0.5 mile @ 6 mph
-- 0.5 mile @ 9.5 mph
in charlotte for grandpa's funeral. woke up and got this in, which i'm glad about for two reasons: (1) it's always good to follow through on a commitment to train, and (2) my achilles didn't hurt despite this being at 7 AM.


- run 54:01, 9.83 km
cold-ish and raining, felt great.

Yo you have morning achilles pains? I have been having them too. I thought that with changing up mechanics its put more stress on the calves so thought they were growing pains. I dunno why the morning though, i guess less blood flow there, then? Dont really have em most of the rest of the time so thats kinda odd.

Felt curious enough to double check the textbook, and there are some mixed result studies with animals about effect of higher vol aerobics, with some having decrease in cartilage mass, and some having increase. You do run kinda high vol, so might be something to consider
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: CoolColJ on January 27, 2023, 07:45:03 am
Re achilles, sounds like tendinopathy to me.

I would try and heal it now while it's not too serious, if you wait too long it will get much harder to do so.
Probably some imbalance between elastic loading and collagen recovery.
Yes it will mean cutting back on the running, and doing lots of heavy ISOs and calf raises.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2023, 10:39:48 am
it's right in the pad of my heel, and it doesn't affect me when i run later in the day. just was starting to the last time i tried to make a push to run in the mornings, so i was glad when running on the treadmill last weekend didn't bother it. racing today didn't, either!

- race
-- 5 km in 20:11 (chip) and ~20:20 (watch)
course measured a little short per watch. i would have finished right under 20 mins chip time but my fucking shoelace came untied about a mile in. lost about 13-15 seconds. it's never come untied before so that was extra annoying. lesson learned: double knots. anyway came 10th overall. goal was to run under 20:30 so feel pretty good about it.

gf ran the 10k and finished as the third-place woman. the winning 10k time was 34:10! winning 5k time was low-17s.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 30, 2023, 08:26:39 pm
- run 57:13, 9.36 km
w/gf, so pretty slow and relaxed. felt nice, we ran in the park in the moonlight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 31, 2023, 08:34:35 pm
- speed work
-- warm up x 2 km
-- 800m x [3:00, 2:55, 3:00]
-- cool down
added a rep, will add another next time. these are probably too fast for half marathon prep - i'd be better off doing more, slower - but i like keeping them in as a way to measure progress against the eventual goal of a sub-19 5k.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2023, 06:43:44 pm
- run 47:33, 9.37 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 04, 2023, 04:44:12 pm
run 30:52, 6.41 km
it's cold (just below freezing) so i did this fast.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 05, 2023, 03:12:53 pm
- run 1:17:14, 13.42 km
about a km less than i meant to run, miscalculated the return distance. whoops. warmer than yesterday, really nice out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2023, 06:48:28 pm
- run 47:52, 9.09 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 07, 2023, 07:43:42 pm
- run 54:02, 8.62 km
glacial pace. ran w/gf and she had done a sprint workout yesterday so was very sore. have long since realized that it's more important to me to treat running as shared time with her than to maximize every workout from a fitness standpoint.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2023, 07:30:12 pm
- tempo
-- warm up x 2 km
-- 6 km @ 4:17 [4:20, 4:18, 4:14, 4:21, 4:14, 4:16]
-- cool down
pleased with that. i lowered the pace substantially and added a km, and i managed to not quit on myself when, somewhere around halfway through, i started trying to tell myself that it'd be fine to stop at 5 km.

4:17/km average is just over 1:30 half marathon pace. five weeks out, there is no way on god's green earth that i'm running 3.5 times the distance at this pace on 18 march. but it's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 12, 2023, 03:54:47 pm
- run 1:16:05, 12.98 km
a spectacularly miserable day: about 39/4 degrees and raining/hailing, and on the ascent home the wind picked up. always feels good not to quit on myself but ngl this was not an enjoyable run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 18, 2023, 11:01:29 am
lost week, i went out to run on monday evening and my heel hurt so i stopped right away. then the rest of the week was just nuts with work and life stuff. layoffs like that are always demotivating for me. got back out today w/gf just to do something.

- run 30:10, 5.00 km
blah. at least it's nice out.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2023, 04:39:06 pm
- run 1:39, 16.10 km
lovely, lovely day
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2023, 07:37:53 pm
- speed work
-- warm up
-- 800m x [3:09, 3:07, 3:09, 3:10]
-- cool down
legs unsurprisingly a little tired after the ten-miler yesterday. slowed these down to target 5k race pace (i.e., by about 10s/km) and they felt like the faster ones.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 24, 2023, 10:40:31 am
last night

- run 33:25, 6.23 km
nice and light, got a race sunday morning.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2023, 03:27:43 pm
- run 31:23, 5.11 km
just keeping it loose. it snowed this morning! nothing stuck, it's been too warm and it's a little too warm today even. but it was pretty to watch.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 26, 2023, 10:38:56 am
- 5k race in 19:46 (chip), 19:48 (watch)
same course as last time, which i think confirms that it's a little short. but hey, chip time is chip time and maybe my watch is off. the field was faster than usual, i finished tenth overall but way behind the leaders. three people finished in 16:xx, three in 17:xx (including a woman!), and two in 18:xx, and one woman finished about thirty seconds ahead of me. fiancee PR'd in 22:36, 24th overall. and my mom also PR'd, in 35:33. good stuff.

the 10k winner finished in 33:20!!! his 5k split was faster than the winning 5k time. damn.

EDIT: this is actually a chip-timed PR, which gets the gif:  :personal-record:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2023, 06:03:40 pm
- run 40:37, 6.45 km
w/fiancee. pretty miserable out, 40s and spitting rain with a breeze.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 02, 2023, 06:39:05 pm
- tempo
-- warm up
-- 6 km @ 4:20 [4:20, 4:20, 4:17, 4:19, 4:25, 4:23]
-- cool down
legs a little tired still from sunday, i guess. calves pretty tight when i got home but stretched a bit and they feel fine now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 03, 2023, 11:35:06 am
Do you use a small rest between those tempo kms or are they consecutive?
I used to do 3*1000m consecutively, then i bumped it to 3-4*1.5K but i do use 2 minutes rest in between.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2023, 11:55:08 am
that's a steady run, no breaks. i log the splits to track how i lose energy over time, which would not happen if i were better at pacing (or in better shape, lol). i did walk for about 200m after finishing the 6 km tempo and then jogged very slowly the rest of the way home.

for faster work i include a rest period. the 800s i've been doing include 90s rest between reps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 05, 2023, 05:42:33 pm
- run 1:50:14, 19.42 km
longest i'll run before the half marathon in two weeks. felt pretty good. also, brought some dates and kosher salt and started eating them 1-2 at a time every couple of km, starting halfway through. tired now but okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 12, 2023, 05:20:54 pm
march 6

- run 57:37, 9.24 km


- ski x 5 hours
spur of the moment thing. great conditions (for mid-atlantic, anyway): mid-20s/~-5 degrees and there was about 3 inches of fresh snow. took a little while to shake the rust off but had such a good time, just with gf. she's such a good athlete, this was her third or fourth time skiing, ever, and she only fell once, right at the beginning. she can't go very fast but didn't want to anyway, just kept control. totally worth the five hours of driving each way.


- run 5-5.5 km, slowish
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 15, 2023, 07:30:47 am

- run 45:15, 7.15 km
very slow, fiancee was sore and tired.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 17, 2023, 06:27:25 pm

- run ~6.5 km
watch was drained so no time.

half marathon tomorrow morning!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 18, 2023, 06:54:56 pm
- half marathon race in 1:34:20 (watch), 1:35:28 (chip)
watch buzzed about 200m before the finish line, i figure just because of weaving and stuff during the race. i'm okay with the time: it was my first time racing anywhere close to this distance so i didn't really know what to expect, and also my training hasn't been all that consistent. it was more fun than i expected it to be. 5k suuuuucks to run, the back half and especially the final mile just hurt. apart from one wicked hill, this was never uncomfortable. i guess running for this long necessarily means running in the aerobic zone and so i got tired but that was all. it was fun to pick people out to try to keep pace with or pass as the race went on.

official results aren't posted yet but unofficially i placed 476th out of 10,655. top-500 was a secondary goal so that's good.

official finish is 528th, damn it. 72nd out of 936 in my age bracket (male 35-39).

fiancee finished just ahead of me relative to her age bracket (female 35-39). so that's another new goal, beat her against our cohorts!

we both signed up for another half in september. let's see if i can train more consistently over the summer. i think if i can really get up to 30 miles a week and be solid with my tempo runs i could push down close to 1:30. it's on a flatter course, although likely will be pretty hot. certainly warmer than last weekend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on March 21, 2023, 06:03:26 am
Congratulations, great time.
I also agree, 5 and 10K are far more exhausting, half is more tiring overall but the... tire load is isodistributed, peak tire feeling is always lower.
Also gotta love how good this follow someone a bit faster works at races. Ive done it in 5K and 10Ks but it lasts too little, in my half i was following a dude for about an hour lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 25, 2023, 06:17:50 pm
- run 32:02, 6.33 km
quads weirdly sore, otherwise felt okay after a week of couch potatoing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2023, 05:57:23 pm

- run 29:10, 4.74 km
w/gf, who is now doing keto and so slower than before.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2023, 01:57:50 pm

- run 36:23, 7.34 km
a little on the quick side actually, under 5:00/km.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 01, 2023, 12:59:28 pm

- run 30:44, 5.1 km
just getting out on the street
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2023, 08:17:21 pm
- run 38:34, 7.52 km
legs felt a little heavy. first time breaking an actual sweat this year, i think. it was about 70 when i left the house. gonna be a long summer, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 05, 2023, 08:29:47 pm
- run 54:32, 10.01 km
T+DI is back, baby. 143. slowed way down as a result.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 09, 2023, 05:18:18 pm
- run 54:22, 9.25 km
stunningly beautiful spring day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2023, 08:13:13 pm
- run 53:46, 9.05 km
these easy runs, just trying to build the habit of being out the door.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 12, 2023, 05:55:37 pm
- run 30:06, 4.90 km
it's hot and gf had not eaten enough today so this was very slow and we had to stop early.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2023, 06:00:40 pm

- run 32:13, 6.49 km
a little quick, <5min/km pace, but i wasn't working hard so that's ok.


- run 1:00:57, 10.01 km
badly hung over for some reason, puked in the wee hours of the morning and then again a few hours later. i've stopped drinking during the week but had what should still be a normal amount of wine last night (~1/2 bottle) with dinner. maybe it was food poisoning, but partner felt great today and we ate the same thing, so if that then it was just one unlucky bite or something. anyway, managed to get out the door in the afternoon for a nice easy 10k.

total mileage this week was 39.7 km, which i am happy with for now. more importantly, got five runs in.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2023, 10:03:09 am
- run 27:05, 5.69 (nice) km
in new orleans for brother's wedding this week. it's warm down here but not hot, pretty beautiful actually. this was a little too quick (4:46 pace) and a little too short. strictly "something is better than nothing."
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2023, 10:05:39 pm

april 24

- run 27:36, 4.34 km


april 25

- run 43:03, 7.42 km

april 27

- run 40:57, 7.23 km

april 29

- run 41:23, 7.39 km


may 1

- hike x ~6 miles


- run 31:47, 5.53 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2023, 10:09:36 am
may 3

- run 42:04, 7.40 km


may 5

- run 58:21, 10.00 km

may 9

- run 30:51, 5.03 km

finally home now after 3.5 weeks on the road. that is too damn long to be on the road. much respect to musicians, comedians, etc. i couldn't do that lifestyle.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2023, 07:38:59 pm
- run 44:58, 7.62 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2023, 07:53:40 pm
may 15

- run 56:58, 9.50 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 20, 2023, 07:44:12 pm
may 19

- run 26:50, 5.45 km


- run 31:54, 6.34 km
a bit sluggish out the gate. started raining about halfway through, very pleasant to run in warm rain.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 21, 2023, 08:45:44 pm
- long run w/HM tempo finisher (total 1:07:29, 11.60 km)
-- run 9 km @
-- HM tempo 1.68 km in 7:13 (4:15, 4:26 pace)
-- run 0.32 km
-- walk 0.6 km

dang! that was way too hard for what waas basically a 6:48 mile plus a little bit more distance (i got to 1.62 in sight of a red light so just kept going until i got to the intersection). if i'm going to hit sub-1:30 in september, i'll have to be averaging 6:51 splits. well, nothing to do but keep getting out there.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2023, 06:49:52 am
may 23

- run 37:04, 7.18 km

may 26

- run 36:39, 6.95 km

may 28

- run 58:37, 9.75 km
fiancee back from her trip to south africa, ran together

may 29

- run 39:50, 6.34 km
fiancee dragging badly, turned out she had mild food poisoning
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2023, 05:22:15 pm

- run 57:50, 9.66 km


- run 33:20, 6.75 km
hot! T+DI 152. may was beautiful here in DC but june has started out aggressively. still pretty quick (4:56 average pace) for a "normal" run.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 03, 2023, 11:17:10 pm
- run 16.0 km, 1:34:59
nice, started a little warm but ended up being a beautiful evening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 06, 2023, 06:49:35 pm

- run 47:43, 7.79 km


- run 35:47, 5.16 km (~1 mile walking rest in middle)
buddy visiting from out town, wanted to run together. he is not in great shape. meant to go four miles easy but ended up with a little over three VERY easy.


- tempo intervals
-- warm up
-- 7 mins @ 4:30, 4:31, 4:29 w/3 mins active rest
-- cool down

pace too easy, need to dial it up a bit next time. that's okay, first time doing anything other than steady-state in a while and this was my half marathon pace, so seemed like a good place to start. total distance 8.5 km.

that also brings my last-seven-days mileage to 53 km! good stuff.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2023, 11:30:51 am
air quality warnings are in effect for today and tomorrow, i will probably heed them and not run. mileage jumped from ~25 to 50 km last week and i've now run six days in a row so it's not a bad idea to rest anyway, even though my legs feel good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2023, 03:49:25 pm
air quality index was in the 280s this morning, worst measurement ever taken here. it's down to like 180-190 now but that's still way into the "unhealthy for everyone" range and my eyes are feeling a little irritated even inside. so yeah, no running today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2023, 06:24:34 pm

- run 37:29, 7.44 km
air quality still a little bad


- run 1:37:18, 16.05 km
legs surprisingly tired by the end of this

7-day total 44.9 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2023, 07:25:56 pm
headache yesterday, didn't run.

- run 51:15, 8.07 km
very slow, fiancée was feeling sluggish. all good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 14, 2023, 07:53:37 am
- hills
-- warm up
-- 3x (hill run @5k pace x 2 mins, jog down rest)
-- cool down
that's probably too hard a pace for this hill. workout called for six reps but i forgot the number and was sucking wind very hard after the third rep, and also running late for work. it's a great hill, though: longer than it needs to be and very straight. i can feel how getting better at this workout would make me faster. will do again but moving up in reps.

successfully got up and ran in the morning  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 15, 2023, 08:52:23 am
got up early again and tried to run but started to feel a hint of something in my left heel. similar to the problem i was having last year when trying to run in the morning. cut if off after a half block.

UPDATE: felt fine in the evening so off i went.

- km repeats
-- warm up
-- 1 km @HM pace x (4:20, 4:20, 4:19, 4:19, 4:21, 4:21), 90s jogging rest between reps
-- cool down
cut it off right at 10 km and walked the rest of the way home. this was pretty hard but not killer. 4:20 is like a 1:31:30 half marathon, so not even quite as quick as i'd like to go in september. long way to go. does make me doubtful that i'll be able to run sub-20 in a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2023, 04:05:42 pm
- run 1:55:34, 19.20 km
gassed by the end, did not have enough calories in me. tried out some gummies about 1/3 and 2/3 of the way through and they were fine but insufficient. still finished the last few km with splits below the overall average pace. also need to find a way to deal with nip chafing. learning experience.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 18, 2023, 07:37:49 pm
- run 41:57, 8.01 km
freelanced a little extension on the usual 7.7-7.8 km route and in the end only had to run 40m past my back door. not bad for on the fly. pretty warm today but not super hot or anything. T+DI 130. legs felt okay, only a little tired from yesterday.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 20, 2023, 07:47:44 am

- rest, partly because legs were tired and partly to convince fiancée that it's okay to rest. she's getting very into training. we did go for a short, steep hike.


- tempo
-- warm up
-- 2 x 10 mins @ HM pace, 5 min jogging recovery (2.30 km, 2.29 km)
-- cool down
successfully woke up and ran before work. heel felt good, took it slow to warm up. splits for the second tempo segment weren't great for the first two km but i had plenty in the tank to kick and get the overall distance up to almost equal the first segment. there were steeper climbs on the second segment, as well.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 21, 2023, 06:54:51 pm
- run 58:45, 9.57 km
raining. nips got a little chafed!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2023, 05:03:29 pm

- run 40:17, 7.60 km


- run 59:14, 9.69 km
pretty hot, stopped about a mile and a half early and walked the rest of the way home because gf was overheating. we were signed up to do a 5k this morning but we skipped it since we both had insomnia last night.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 27, 2023, 02:32:21 pm
last night

- run 40:01, 7.76 km
so humid, jesus. T+DI was like 150.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2023, 02:32:57 pm

- run 1:10:16, 11.22 km
leisurely pace, air already starting to get bad again.


no run due to wildfires in canada. i'm reluctant to run when the AQI gets up past like 170. just doesn't seem worth it, it's like running while smoking cigarettes.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 01, 2023, 05:06:58 pm
- hills
-- warm up
-- 6 x (hill run @HM pace; jog down rest)
-- cool down
T+DI 160, very humid. did not manage to finish the last hill rep, stopped a couple hundred meters early. total distance ~8.8 km.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2023, 04:10:26 pm
- run 2:04, 19.59 km
had to take a couple walking breaks after about 17.5 km and eventually had to stop about 3/4 km from home, just overheated to the point where i was starting to get lightheaded. T+DI 166. total distance covered ~21 km but came up short on the running. better safe than sorry.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2023, 07:47:50 am

- tempo
-- warm up
-- 2x 10 min @ HM pace (2.3 km, 0.9 km)
-- cool down
so hot, only made it a bit over 4 mins into the second rep and just did not feel like a good idea to push through. when it's this hot and humid out i need to either dial back intensity or duration.


- run 1:09, 11.23 km
T+DI 160 but felt fine. i think the crash on the weekend long run had as much to do with calories and, to a lesser extent, fluids as the heat. got to just start bringing more food and water with me on those.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2023, 06:18:38 pm
- tempo
-- warm up
-- 3 x 1 km @ HM pace (4:16, 4:18, 4:13)
-- cool down
T+DI 163. following my own advice, i cut the tempo part of this workout in half (was supposed to be 6 km). warm up was a little longer than usual because i had to run past my friend's place to water her plants. could have done more reps or done these harder. should lower the pace to 4:10-4:15 next time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2023, 05:36:43 pm
- run 2:19, 22.08 km
T+DI 160+ but it's partly cloudy so at least we didn't have much direct sunlight to deal with. ate two cereal bars and drank a small gatorade (and some water) and was thirsty by the end but never crashed like last week. legs tired now but not too bad. we hit 14 miles short of home and walked the rest of the way.

definitely a PR for weekly volume, 69 km (nice).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2023, 08:21:05 pm
- run 47:18, 8.03 km
cooled down quite a bit, T+DI 146
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 11, 2023, 07:59:08 pm
- tempo
-- warm up
-- 15 min, 10 min @ HM pace (3.51 km, 2.34 km)
-- cool down
T+DI 147, pretty hot but less humid. kicked up the intensity on the intervals, average pace was around 4:16 for the first one and 4:18 for the second. that's down closer to sub-1:30 HM pace (4:15). bit by bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 14, 2023, 02:15:03 pm
- run 53:21, 9.73 km
T+DI 160. took it easy because tomorrow is 15 miles.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 15, 2023, 01:21:39 pm
- run 2:34, 23.95 km
T+DI 157 but that is all in the humidity. felt fine until the last mile and a half or so and then it was a struggle. but i did finish, so there's that. ate 2.75 cereal bars and drank 500mL of lemonade with a half teaspoon of salt mixed in. should be about 550 calories, which i guess is not enough. stomach was a little something also right in the final couple km, not sure what that was about. i hadn't eaten any of the bars recently by that point, i think i tolerate them well.

i am tired!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 16, 2023, 02:23:33 pm
- run 50:18, 8.02 km
so humid. T+DI 152, but temp (79) and dew point (73) almost the same. right away, something started to hurt just a little in my left foot. looks like metatarsalgia, which just means a bit o' inflation down there. tomorrow is a rest day anyway.

also, i think it's time to invest in some more cushioned shoes for the long runs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2023, 08:01:19 pm
- run 41:14, 8.08 km
T+DI 152, less humid. ran alone, so, much quicker than w/ fiancée: 5:06, right back in my normal steady pace range. she's adjusted her schedule a bit since she has work travel coming up, so she did tempo tonight.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2023, 09:37:42 am

- run 58:21, 11.07 km
more humid, a little less quick. it's amazing how the longer runs totally changed my frame of reference. a couple of months ago ~7 miles would have felt like a pretty long run. having gone on even just a few 2+ hour runs, anything under an hour now feels like a breeze.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2023, 12:52:50 pm
- gardening x 2.5 hours
dug up two small trees and pulled a LOT of weeds. still planning to run later since i ended up with a lighter week than i was supposed to have.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 23, 2023, 02:39:20 pm
did not end up running yesterday, stayed on schedule and ran today instead.

- tempo
-- warm up
-- HM pace x 5.05 km (4:19, 4:20, 4:23, 4:33, 4:34, and change)
-- cool down
T+DI 147 but felt hotter, especially in the sun. this was supposed to be a 6-mile time trial but i accidentally plugged it in as 6 km. set target pace too fast anyway, as evidenced by the cratering pace and early finish. woof.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 24, 2023, 09:47:48 pm
- run 59:10, 11.25 km
waited until later. still humid but not so hot, felt good. ran alone so quicker.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2023, 08:23:33 pm
- tempo
-- warm up
-- 10, 10, 5 min @ HM pace (4:21 avg pace, 4:22, 4:22)
-- cool down
T+DI 154, humidity high. dialed back the intensity a bit from the other day and that was a good call.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 26, 2023, 07:48:07 pm
- run 54:07, 10.01 km
had to finish at grocery store and my flipbelt is nasty so ran with the backpack. makes me much hotter! also it's hot and humid today, T+DI 162.

tomorrow and friday are going to be exceptionally hot. will monitor wetbulb temperature and make a game-time decision whether or not to skip for safety reasons.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2023, 10:54:14 am
- hills
-- warm up
-- 4 x 2 mins hill repeats w/jog down recovery (average pace 4:20, 4:15, 4:16, 4:19)
-- cool down
christ it's hot. did this at 9 AM (wanted to go earlier but had a work call starting at 7:30). T+DI 165. the plan called for 8 repeats but i'm not trying to get heat stroke.

ETA: found this paper on wet-bulb temperature that suggests 25-28 degrees celsius is the upper limit for young, healthy adults to thermoregulate adequately. i'm sure there's lots of variability there and it's possible to adapt to some degree. but just noting that the WBT right now is just under 26/79 degrees.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 30, 2023, 04:18:20 pm
- run 2:37, 25.99 km (lol)
felt great until the last mile and a half or so. there's a very steep downhill there on the route i did - which overall was awesome, mostly paved trails and lots of shade - that just took a little out of my legs. but some good positive self talk and a cereal bar every thirty minutes starting thirty minutes in helped me finish strong. that and the humidity being literally 30 percentage points lower than it's been the past couple weeks!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2023, 07:15:26 pm
- run 46:52, 8.15 km
nice and easy
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 01, 2023, 08:56:50 pm
- tempo
-- warm up
-- 20, 15, 10 @ HM pace (average pace 4:19, 4:21, 4:18)
-- cool down
felt really good. quads still a little sore from sunday but T+DI was like 132 and holy cow does that make a difference. i've been discouraged a bit by the hard workouts, my inability to finish or keep a target pace that isn't even where i want to be for a HM race (i.e., 4:16). but, surprise surprise, it seems like a lot of that has to do with how hot and humid it's been. can't wait for it to get another 10 degrees colder.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 04, 2023, 03:38:58 pm
- hills
-- warm up
-- 6 x 2 mins hill repeats w/jog down recovery (average pace 4:14, 4:16, 4:15, 4:17, 4:12, 4:10)
-- cool down
overcast and not too hot but the humidity is back. T+DI 147.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2023, 03:28:24 pm
- run 43:06, 7.92 km
similar to yesterday but sunny. nice and easy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 06, 2023, 01:15:24 pm
- run 1:35, 16.41 km; walk 26:57, 2.55 km
had big ambitions of doing a 6+8+6 workout with the middle 8 being HM pace or a little slower. did not reckon with it being properly august again. T+DI 158. made it 3 km at 4:27, 4:32, 4:27 and then my legs were just finished. had to take a few one-minute walking breaks on the way back and just called it after passing 10 miles. even the walk home, which is all uphill from where i stopped, sucked.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 08, 2023, 10:12:25 pm
- run 19:47, 3.47 km
started feeling like shit yesterday afternoon. i would have had to bail on running anyway since there was a tornado watch and severe thunderstorm where i live and going outside in the evening would have been foolish. but i've just felt very fatigued, foggy, and headachey for the past day and change. i'm not feverish, not congested or nauseated. just weirdly tired. thought about bailing today but decided to drag myself out for at least a couple of miles just to see. felt sluggish and the run didn't help my headache go away, as sometimes happens. oh well. getting in bed early now for the second night in a row.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2023, 06:47:59 pm
- run 51:00, 9.67 km
felt okay, not fast or anything but definitely normal-ish. i slept 9+ hours last night, very unusual for me. guess i really was just run down or something. T+DI 145 but that's almost half dew point. super humid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2023, 03:35:08 pm
in argentina now! flew down for the week to meet fiancée's dad's whole family. it's a pretty long flight and overnight so i didn't get a whole lot of sleep en route. she's already in the country, she's been at a conference in a provincial town this past week for work. gonna speak more spanish this week than i have in 15 years lol.

- run 30:30, 6.00 km
dreadmill. feel much better although something started nagging behind my left knee almost immediately. i think that's just from the treadmill though. i didn't feel very adventurous and really just wanted to get the juices flowing a bit, and the building we're staying at has a gym, so i just took advantage.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 13, 2023, 01:53:14 pm
- run 59:27, 9.91 km
left knee felt off still, a little "thick" on the back toward the inside of my leg. but it faded as we ran. gorgeous day, upper 50s and sunny. i may just rest tomorrow and see if that's enough for the knee to settle down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 14, 2023, 12:51:53 pm
lower left shin started hurting later in the day yesterday. that and the area behind my left knee are both still uncomfortable today, although not as bad. but needless to say, i'm not going to run today and probably not tomorrow either. frustrating since it's so nice here and the half is in just over a month, so i should be pushing right now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 18, 2023, 05:15:18 pm
- run 54:29, 9.67 km
left knee still not quite right, but not as bad as the other day. felt normal for stretches and then a little "thick" for stretches. rest again tomorrow and then i'll run on sunday after we get home but probably take it very easy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 20, 2023, 07:34:19 pm
- run 52:22, 9.71 km
left knee allllllmost better.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 22, 2023, 07:31:21 pm
- tempo
-- warm up
-- 10, 10, 10 mins @ HM pace w/4 mins rest (4:16, 4:16, 4:15)
-- cool down
left knee clicking just a little during the warm up but it went away when i started running fast and didn't come back. it's a bit hot but MUCH dryer today so these felt pretty good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 24, 2023, 08:20:06 pm
- hills
-- warm up
-- 4 x 2 mins hills w/jog down rest (4:12, 4:18, 4:10, 4:15)
-- cool down
awful, humidity smacked me (T+DI "only" 145 but it's all dew point) and the air quality is really bad today for whatever reason. meant to do six but was starting to feel a little sick to my stomach so i just stopped.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 25, 2023, 03:29:00 pm
- run 1:02:21, 9.64 km
T+DI 163 and ran w/fiancée, so this very slow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2023, 12:02:13 pm
- run 43:16, 8.00 km
did a couple of strides right at the end. hilariously, the garmin clocked my max pace at 2:59/km, which is slower than an elite male marathoner's marathon pace. i know my peak speed was a little higher than that and the garmin is just taking an average but still, lol  :motherofgod:

T+DI 158.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 27, 2023, 06:07:36 pm
- run 2:40:38, 25.77 km
felt okay until the last 5-6 km, when i just got too hot. T+DI 152. had to lie on the ground with a bag of frozen fruit over my face and neck for a few minutes after i got home, then took a cold shower and lay down for an hour-plus. it's one thing to do 10k in heat like this. but 16 miles is something else. sore now, too.

ran the same route as the last time i did this distance but in reverse, and i prefer it the other way. the way i did it today loads the climbing in the first and last thirds, with the middle third basically a long, continuous but relatively shallow descent. it's easier to do the steep bits going downhill.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2023, 08:05:20 pm
- tempo
-- warm up
-- 20, 15 @ just over HM pace (4:23 avg, 4:22 avg + 500m kick)
-- cool down
T+DI 150 but even more humid than it's been. this is supposed to be 20, 15, 10 mins but i cut it off early rather than overheat again. did manage to kick a bit at the end, so finished strong.

incidentally, after getting home i noticed that i now have some kind of rash on my leg. can't figure out what it would be from. i don't have any allergies that i know of, other than bee stings, and i don't remember scraping the inside of my thigh on anything. weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2023, 07:42:31 am

- run ~1 hour, 9.65 km
with fiancée, who was not feeling well. also the left knee thing started bugging me again almost right away and it's back this morning walking around my house and up and down the stairs. very mild, just kind of there. will rest again today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 03, 2023, 06:40:14 pm

- run 2:01:18, 19.19 km
pretty hot, this wasn't fun but also not particularly hard.


- hike up robertson mountain, ~12 km with about 650m of elevation gain, most of it in a ~2.4 km stretch where you gain 518m. pretty steep! lovely views at the top. we meant to hike up a different mountain but that one has gotten so popular that you need passes now. ended up being a blessing in disguise because it was like 96/36 degrees and the other mountain is a lot more exposed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 07, 2023, 07:26:24 am

- run 1:05, 9.7 km
T+DI 162 at 7 PM. ran with fiancée, who has not been feeling well, so took it extra slow. could feel my body struggling to sweat for the first 20 minutes or so, before the sun went all the way down. breaking temperature records in DC this week.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2023, 07:58:23 am
last night

- run 1:43:44, 16.02 km
pretty hot when we started out but actually kind of nice by the time we finished. not even a little bit tired by the end.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2023, 05:42:58 pm
spent the past week at the beach with fam. got in a couple of light runs and one short race-pace workout, which is about as good a taper as i've ever done, lol.


- run 59:15, 9.65 km


- run 41:16, 6.59 km


- tempo
-- warm up
-- race pace x 15 mins (averaged just under 4:20/km, and it was hot and humid)
-- cool down

feeling pretty good about the race tomorrow, it's supposed to be decent conditions so hopefully i can get down close to that 1:30 mark! don't think i'm quite fit enough to get under it, but that's okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 17, 2023, 11:28:32 am
- half marathon race in 1:34:38 (official), 1:33:53 (watch)
pretty disappointed. i set my pace to go out around 4:24 for the first 5 km and then drop down to 4:19 for the rest of the race until trying to go all-out the final km. that would have put me right at 1:31. i am just not even close to as fit as i thought, and in retrospect should have been less ambitious. in the event, only ran one split under 4:20 and never ran under 4:22 after km 10. was holding on for dear life for the last 8 km. less than a minute faster than the HM i did in march. bummer.

focus now turns to the ultra in december, which is a different sort of race. this was a wakeup call that if i want to run under 1:30, i need to switch up my training pretty substantially.

on the plus side, i felt like shit for basically the last 2/3 of the race and didn't quit, although there was a voice in my head telling me to do it. that's good. and i guess it's good to keep some perspective: i finished in the 94th percentile overall and 88th percentile for my demographic (men aged 30-39), with not very consistent training and not nearly enough speed and tempo work.

but damn, hard not to feel bad when i wanted <1:32, thought i had a real shot, and didn't even come close.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 18, 2023, 07:49:08 am
I feel your frustration for failing a target but still, 1:33:xx is a damn good time! Those 4 minutes that you are missing are just 11 seconds per km. Could be just the "bad day" effect.
1 minute PR is huge and like you said, with some more focused training you'll be there. Go get it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on September 22, 2023, 08:35:04 pm
Hey so I keep meaning to make an encouraging post but getting stuck between telling you not to be hard on yourself, that you've clearly put the work in, could be situational if you think this run didn't meet expectations
giving constructive feedback, (maybe review Lyle articles? I don't know that much about aerobic training, his stuff is more in depth than my ex sci textbook), maybe also bang for buck/what specifically needs work in your training organization (the thing you mentioned about not enough speed work for a marathon I wasn't sure about, but you honestly probably know aerobic training/your particular situation better than I do and of course alternating training focus is beneficial in some ways) and if you want to be hard on/critical of yourself I probably shouldn't be trying to convince you otherwise although hope you're still enjoying the running to some degree.

Just also glad that the rest of your life stuff is going, with a serious job, a serious relationship, just hope that your expectations for training take that stuff into account too
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 24, 2023, 06:55:29 pm
yo thanks FP, the constructive criticism is definitely helpful. it hadn't occurred to me to go back to lyle but that's a good idea. i also just found this guy on youtube: ( he's a big advocate of zone/HR-based training, which i think is worth trying after being so preoccupied with pace as a way to structure training. has good videos about everything up to ultras. one of the big takeaways is actually something i remember reading from lyle ages ago: keep the hard days hard and the easy days easy. i don't think i'm doing any "easy" runs too hard, especially since i'm so often running them with my fiancée, but i do think i'm probably not doing the hard ones hard enough.

one other post-HM thought: i need to reintroduce some cross training that's focused on strength and joint range of motion. this has been true for a while but it's time to start, even if it's only 15 minutes a day. i should still have access to the GMB elements workouts and will start with that or an adaptation of it.

rested all this past week, no runs or training of any kind.

- run 1:43:01, 16.02 km
HR averaged 129, although that includes big swings because the route i ran today was a bit hilly. that's right at the low end of where the guy i linked to above recommends for an "easy" run. i was intentionally keeping it low, aiming not to hit 140 even on uphills. consequently, slow: 6:32/km average.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on September 25, 2023, 03:38:28 am
FWIW i leveled up when i changed my easy days to HR-zone based. HR has to stay below arerobic zone (currently 152bpm for me) at all times. When i exceed it i switch to walking until i am about 10bpm below threshold, then start running again.
In general, I follow a mixed approach now, "normal" runs are pace-based, "hard" runs are effort-based and "slow" runs are HR zone based. Each of those choices seems to work best for the specific workout purpose.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 25, 2023, 07:52:40 pm
- run 1:00:24, 9.69 km
watch clocked HR at 82bpm, which seems implausibly low, given that this was a little quicker than yesterday (but still slow) and on a partly overlapping route. the chart shows a couple of random spikes, which makes me think it was just not measuring at all most of the time and every once in a while got a little glimpse. sigh, maybe i should get a chest strap monitor.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 27, 2023, 07:51:13 pm
- run 47:43, 7.58 km
watch did not record HR at all this time. hm.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 28, 2023, 07:18:24 pm
- intervals
-- warm up
-- 2 x (8 x 1 min 4:05-4:10 pace, 1 min slow jog) w/ 5 min jog between sets
-- cool down
workout comes from my new youtube dude will johnson. set the pace a little conservatively based on the zone calculator he uses: this workout is supposed to have the fast reps in zone 5, which based on the fastest 30 mins of my recent half marathon (a proxy he suggests for a 10k or 30 minute time trial), gives a range of 4:05-4:20. of course, this was on a track rather than up and downhill, but anyway it felt too easy. will do it a bit faster next time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 30, 2023, 05:52:24 pm
- run 3:09:43, 29.07 km
distance PR, first time ever running over three hours. average pace dragged down a little because we took a 5-6 minute walking break around mile 13-14 and another minute long one around mile 16. pretty tired but feel okay, i didn’t drink enough water over the first couple hours.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 02, 2023, 03:52:33 am
Don't you get extremely bored when running for so long, especially when its an easy run?
I get bored to death, even when the scenery around is beautiful. I prefer it being a challenging run, it distracts me from the boredom torture lol.
I have to run 2.5 hours low-pace later this week and i already hate the idea.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 03, 2023, 09:17:42 pm
nope, not at all. it's meditative when i'm by myself, and most of the time on long runs i'm with my fiancée anyway. she's good company.  ;D

- run ~7 km, ~38 mins
watch died about a half km from home.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2023, 02:58:45 am
hello from denmark. week ended in an unexpected way: my fiancée called me on friday morning from copenhagen, in tears, asking me to call a doctor to her hotel room. she'd had a recurrence of the gastritis that knocked her out for two weeks in july 2022 and was freaking out. she ended up in the hospital, and i ended up on a plane over here to take care of her until she's well enough to travel. we're flying back today, so that's good. but anyway running plans (all plans) got disrupted. i did manage to get a treadmill workout in yesterday, which felt great.

- mixed tempo
-- warm up
-- 5 x (2 min @15kph, 2 min @9kph)
-- 10 min @ 14 kph
-- cool down

- GMB warm-up sequence
basic calisthenics to loosen up joints. got to commit to doing at least this every day.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on October 09, 2023, 04:28:23 am
Damn man, that sucks. Glad that it looks better already though. Wishesfor fast and easy heal!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 10, 2023, 10:23:03 am
back in DC as of yesterday evening. what a weekend.

- run 8:00, 1.27 km
started to get a hint of that weird posterior left knee thing i developed in BA back in august. maybe it has something to do with trying to run so soon after getting off a long flight. cut myself off this time instead of trying to push through and see if it would go away.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 10, 2023, 02:26:58 pm
How much do you weigh these days?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 10, 2023, 03:43:16 pm
~170 pounds/77 kg, i think. maybe a little less.

also, to answer the question you asked vag in his journal: for now i'm completely on the running train. but i'll get tired of it eventually and need to change things up, and at that point i think the likeliest thing will be to shift back toward a focus on strength and explosiveness. i don't think i'll ever dunk again -- i'm 36 and only ever managed to do it, like, twice, at the peak of my original dunk journey seven (!) years ago -- but it'd be nice to get back to being able to grab rim at will, at least. and squat 2x bw again.

incidentally, this journal turned 14 years old last month.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 12, 2023, 09:14:36 am

- run 47:26, 9.24 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 12, 2023, 08:11:42 pm
- intervals
-- warm up
-- 2 x (8 x 1 min 4:00-4:10 pace, 1 min slow jog) w/ 5 min jog between sets
-- cool down
a little faster than last time, still not hard to finish. was covering about 240-250m per interval but sped up just a bit for the last one and covered 280m. will keep ratcheting down the target pace a little at a time.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 13, 2023, 06:36:07 am
~170 pounds/77 kg, i think. maybe a little less.

also, to answer the question you asked vag in his journal: for now i'm completely on the running train. but i'll get tired of it eventually and need to change things up, and at that point i think the likeliest thing will be to shift back toward a focus on strength and explosiveness. i don't think i'll ever dunk again -- i'm 36 and only ever managed to do it, like, twice, at the peak of my original dunk journey seven (!) years ago -- but it'd be nice to get back to being able to grab rim at will, at least. and squat 2x bw again.

incidentally, this journal turned 14 years old last month.

Wow, 77 kg. I think I would fly at that weight. Do you know what's your daily kcal intake and consumption?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2023, 01:09:10 pm
i'm sure you would, you were always a much better leaper than i am. no idea about kcal intake, i haven't tracked it in a long time. i have no trouble maintaining a constant bodyweight and bf%. i have had to put some effort into planning for and bringing enough calories with me on long runs, which is a work in progress. i am a little lighter and less muscular than my internal idea of an "ideal" body for myself - although my soon-to-be-wife disagrees  :highfive: - so someday i'll get back on the lifting train and probably have to put some thought into diet again. for now, cruising.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 13, 2023, 03:38:45 pm
Good luck, it would be interesting to see you train for vert again. Us old guys going wild :D
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 13, 2023, 04:59:16 pm
just need adarq to get back on youtube with his bowie knife, keep everyone hyped up  :P
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 15, 2023, 07:07:12 pm
- run 1:32:54, 16.36 km
not long enough to be a real training run. on the bright side, it's nice that i'm in good enough shape that a ten mile run is flat-out easy for me now. it should be, i kept pace down and watch HR reading averaged 130. but it felt short and i have no fatigue.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 17, 2023, 08:36:33 pm
- run 42:03, 7.56 km
felt weirdly sluggish, pace reflects that. not sure why, maybe didn't eat enough yesterday?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 25, 2023, 11:09:26 am
went to charlotte last weekend to visit my grandmother, didn't end up running at all. motivation has cratered since we decided that my fiancée was set back too far by her illness to make the 50 miler possible. i'm not interested in training for it by myself, part of the point was to spend all those training hours running together and she's only barely able to do slow 5ks right now, which is barely more than a brisk walk for me. i need a new race, or maybe to switch focus for a while. wish there were a gym in my neighborhood that didn't cost $200/month.


- run 37:38, 5.83 km
glacial until the final half km or so, when i kicked it up to around half marathon pace (~4:19).
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on October 25, 2023, 12:33:42 pm
200$ a month? I pay about 25$ per month, full, unlimited access.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 26, 2023, 10:21:02 am
i mean, overall cost of living is probably much higher where i live than where you live, so i'd expect some gap in cost. but still, $200 is highway robbery.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 27, 2023, 10:48:29 am

- run 51:43, 9.76 km
ran the three km of continuous uphill in the park around 4:55 pace, just for fun. obviously rest of run was more relaxed. watch says HR averaged 180 for the whole run, which seems improbable.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 28, 2023, 06:43:16 pm
- run 35:28, 6.51 km
legs felt like wet concrete.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on October 29, 2023, 01:12:28 pm
- run 31:07, 4.67 km
w/fiancée, who is clearly still recovering. meant to note this yesterday but i'm having that weird posterior left knee discomfort again that popped up in argentina a couple months ago. troubling.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 02, 2023, 06:14:29 pm
- run 48:51, 9.22 km
left knee fine but now right foot hurts, wtf. not badly or anything, just, where did that come from.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 03, 2023, 06:19:11 pm
- run 38:53, 7.60 km
everything felt good, yay. gorgeous afternoon/evening for a run, mid-50s and sunny with no wind.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 06, 2023, 06:19:04 pm
- run 37:37, 7.24 km
another beautiful evening, although post daylight savings it's now dark by 5:30. on the plus side, the sunset tonight was awesome.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 08, 2023, 08:13:34 am
- run 31:27, 4.90 km
w/fiancée, whom i only have to call that for two more days.  :)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 11, 2023, 09:48:51 am
last night

- got married  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 12, 2023, 06:17:43 pm
- run 50:56, 8.18 km
nice and easy, wife (!) over 3 miles for the first time since she got sick.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on November 13, 2023, 05:40:57 am
Congratulations!!!  :highfive: :almostascoolasnyancat:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 16, 2023, 04:37:16 pm
thanks vag!


- run 27:40, 5.30 km
felt a little run-down after the wedding, thought i was feeling better by tuesday afternoon but clearly still not great. ended up cutting this short.


- run 53:22, 8.08 km
very slow but wife is getting stronger, so that's good!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 19, 2023, 03:23:43 pm
- run 1:00:53, 9.70 km
glorious afternoon
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: seifullaah73 on November 19, 2023, 04:02:16 pm
Congrats mate on being hitched!  :lololol:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 25, 2023, 08:59:25 am


- run 32:02, 5.01 km


- run 5k, not sure of time


- run 43:43, 7.01 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Raptor on November 25, 2023, 02:21:25 pm
Congratulations 👏🎇🔥
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on November 27, 2023, 06:45:11 pm
- run 38:06, 7.54 km
wife is in brazil, so pace averaged 5:03. if watch HR is accurate today, that's probably a little too quick. overall average HR was 146 but i spent most of the run hovering over 150. but it was cold (39/4 degrees) so i wanted to get it over with, lol.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 01, 2023, 10:06:47 pm
last night

- run 33:38, 6.57 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2023, 01:57:55 pm

- run 29:13, 4.67 km


- run 1:00:21, 11.21 km
that's more like it. first 2 km with wife and then the rest around 5:15.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 04, 2023, 06:50:39 pm
- run 35:45, 6.82 km
threw in a few short strides at the end.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 06, 2023, 05:10:06 pm
- run 46:35, 7.20 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 08, 2023, 03:40:28 pm
- run 30:43, 4.85 km
super beautiful day
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 09, 2023, 05:53:52 pm
- run 1:29:18, 14.36 km
perfect running weather, overcast and mid-50s. stopped about an hour in to pee and have a cereal bar.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 11, 2023, 05:12:45 pm
- run 1:01:39, 9.66 km
chilly and a little windy. wife was not feeling well so a bit slower than usual.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 15, 2023, 09:19:51 am

- tempo
-- warm up
-- 10 min @ HM pace x 2, 4 mins jogging rest [2.31 km, 2.30 km]
-- cool down
this workout calls for three repeats but it's the first higher intensity anything i've done in more than two months so i dialed it back. pace worked out to ~4:19 average or ~1:31 HM time. felt okay, no lactic acid buildup. makes sub-1:10 seem like a reasonable target for a 10 miler in april, although i'm going to be on the road a lot over the next couple months.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 16, 2023, 06:45:27 pm
- run 1:41:45, 16.11 km
nice and easy
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on December 30, 2023, 05:38:23 pm
last week

- skiing x 3 full days
super nice. it was a little warm: just above freezing at base and around freezing or just below at the summit of the mountain (mont tremblant, in quebec). but it didn't rain or sleet or anything so the snow was still pretty nice. great times.

- run x 5k one day


- run 1:39:55, 16.12 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 03, 2024, 08:14:31 pm
went to california for a couple of days to go to the rose bowl. absolutely insane experience, worth every penny. michigan 27, alabama 20. now we just have to beat washington next week and i can die happy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 05, 2024, 03:49:32 pm

- run 1:02:17, 9.61 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 07, 2024, 01:05:30 pm
- run 1:37:34, 16.03 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 08, 2024, 07:17:39 pm
- run 25:59, 5.27 km
did km 3 @ 4:21 (i.e., ~HM) pace, just to kick things up a little, and did a couple of strides at the end.

go blue.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 09, 2024, 01:09:56 pm
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 14, 2024, 05:24:05 pm
- run 1:19:50, 12.95 km
pretty chilly and intermittently windy.

leaving for ecuador tomorrow!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 27, 2024, 04:50:35 pm
got back last night from 12 days in ecuador. set altitude PRs on three separate days, also crossed 16,000 and 17,000 feet for the first time. we had to turn back from our major summit attempt, chimborazo, because wife started to develop altitude sickness. but it was still an amazing trip and we both got bit by the alpine bug. gonna see if we can get in another climbing trip this winter closer to home.


- run 27:36, 4.73 km
taking it very easy since the last two times i've tried to run right after a long flying day, my knee started hurting. felt fine today.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on January 29, 2024, 07:23:54 pm
- run 37:38, 7.01 km
front hips and upper quads felt a little weird. no pain or discomfort, just, weird.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 01, 2024, 06:50:06 pm
- run 28:38, 5.57 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 06, 2024, 06:04:42 pm
2 feb

- run 38:39, 6.37 km

3 feb

- run 1:33:26, 14.44 km

5 feb

- run 36:42, 6.85 km


- tempo
-- warm up
-- 800m x 3 w/400m rest (3:14, 3:11, 3:10)
-- cool down
first speed work in a while. this wasn't very hard but i felt out of shape.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 10, 2024, 10:29:32 pm
i'm in cambodia for the next week and a half.

- treadmill incline walk x 20 mins
no more running right after long flights. dulles to seoul was 15+ hours and seoul to phnom penh 5+, and we only had an hour layover. honestly, though, i've had worse flights that weren't quite as long. not sure why, it's not like korean was particularly comfortable. anyway, will probably stick to walking tomorrow and then switch to running. one benefit of jet lag/work travel is that i'm usually up early so it's easy to exercise before work.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2024, 08:30:16 am

- treadmill incline walk x 30 mins

- GMB warm up + hip mobility

- a few pull ups


- treadmill tempo
-- warm up
-- (2 mins @ 4:10, 2 min @ 4:40) x 4
-- cool down

- GMB warm up

- static stretching for legs
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2024, 07:03:08 am
sick and then swamped with work the last couple days.

- treadmill tempo
-- warm up
-- 3 x (4 min @ 4:20, 1 min @ 6:00); replaced last cool down interval with a bit more than a minute at 3:55 just to get to 5 km
-- cool down

- pull ups x a few

4:20 is target 10-mile pace, ish. obviously these tempo workouts aren't really pushing it, but they're better than a half hour of steady-state.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 19, 2024, 08:43:28 pm
was in siem reap from saturday-monday, working and maxing out the time i had for tourism. no running. also got the shits yesterday, after a week-plus in the country with no issues. go figure. got back last night and tried to run but felt bad so stopped after five minutes.

trips like this were more fun when i was in my 20s. it's cool to be out here, i'm learning a lot and that's great. but i'm tired and i miss my wife and i want to be able to train consistently for something for once in my life. last year was an anomaly with the lack of work travel. this year is looking more typical: strong likelihood that i'll have to come back out to cambodia in a couple of months. kyrgyzstan and bangladesh are possibilities for later in the year, maybe sri lanka, maybe vietnam. starting to think again what it'd look like to change careers.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 20, 2024, 09:26:58 am
- treadmill whatever
-- warm up
-- run x 5 mins @ 4:00, 5 mins @ 3:52
-- cool down
work meant this had to be really short. better than nothing. guts still a little off but pretty much okay.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 23, 2024, 07:19:38 pm

- treadmill tempo
-- warm up
-- 5 x (2 mins @ 3:52, 1 min @ 6:00)
-- cool down


- run ~4.5 miles
got home yesterday afternoon after 28 hours in transit. woof. watch didn't charge overnight so it was dead, so just an estimate based on knowing the route. was probably a little more than 4.5.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2024, 05:19:18 pm
- run 1:40:34, 16.02 km
with wife, nice and easy pace.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 26, 2024, 04:48:53 pm
- run 39:42, 6.39 km
freaking beautiful outside today. weird for late february.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 27, 2024, 07:17:40 pm
- 10k pace repeats
-- warm up
-- 5 x 1 km (4:11, 4:09, 4:11, 4:11, 4:06)
-- cool down
legs felt heavy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on February 29, 2024, 08:22:30 pm
- "easy" run 39:14, 7.67 km; km 3 and 5 @ ~10 mile pace (4:22, 4:21)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2024, 10:36:41 am
signed up for a 5k race on 23 march and a 10k on 14 april. i think one of the problems with my training last summer was a lack of races to practice really pushing myself. the latter is two weeks out from the 10-miler that's my main target race at the moment, so i will not absolutely kill myself in it, but it'll be good to at least shoot for a pace that's under my target 10-mile pace.

the 5k will be a good gauge of how fit i actually am, as well. based on that, i'll see how realistic my imagined target time of <1:10 is for the 10-miler. we'll see if i'm still in sub-20:00 shape.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2024, 07:14:06 pm
- run 45:22, 7.32 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 02, 2024, 07:20:54 pm
- hike/scramble x 4 hours, 14.8 km, ~710m/2300 feet of elevation gain over the first 5.5 km.
climbed old rag mountain for the first time since i was a teenager. there's some class 3 scrambling at the top, which was fun. we went with our packs and trekking poles as a kind of warm up climb for the mount washington attempt next weekend.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2024, 01:38:25 pm
- long run 1:34:13, 17.00 km; 5 individual kms at 4:23, 4:16, 4:16, 4:28, 4:15
gonna start using the weekly long run to surge to race pace throughout. started out sore and legs were cooked by the fourth surge, as you can see from the time. rested a little longer before the last one and pushed a bit harder. also it was all downhill.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 06, 2024, 04:27:24 pm

- run ~5.5 km
very easy pace


- tempo
-- warm up
-- 5 x 800m @ 5k pace
-- cool down
did not have watch so used wife's, which doesn't have any workouts pre-loaded. so i was just guessing on pace and checking the watch as i went. eventually i'll get some lap estimates from her.


- run 34:15, 4.96 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 12, 2024, 08:10:13 am

- climb mt. washington, ~8.5 miles round-trip with 4000+ feet of gain. we got "good conditions," once we were above the treeline winds were 40-50 mph (65-80 kph) and gusting to 70 mph (112 kph), air temp in the low-to-mid 20s (~-4 c) and windchill low single digits fahrenheit (~-16 c). very fun, but sprained my toe on the upper part of the descent, when we were still in crampons. it didn't start hurting badly until the next morning but it's still bothering me a little now on tuesday morning. obviously haven't run since, hopefully will be back in shape to do so by tomorrow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 15, 2024, 07:11:39 pm

- run 41:47, 6.41 km
wife feeling sick, this was extra slow. toe felt normal.


- run 52:55, 8.46 km
wife still under the weather, ran the last km without her at more like my normal solo easy pace.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 17, 2024, 06:16:43 pm
- run 56:19, 11.33 km; 4 indiv km @ 4:24, 4:11, 4:14, 4:22
first interval was entirely uphill, middle two were mostly downhill, last one was mixed.

a few hours later

- run/hike/scramble x 1:29, 6.00 km
went out to billy goat trail with wife, ran the out on the towpath and then hiked/scrambled back.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 18, 2024, 06:03:58 pm
- run 49:28, 8.02 km
was unseasonably warm the last few days, today back to cool and brisk. lovely running weather.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 22, 2024, 03:41:55 pm

- run 30:22, 5.00 km


- tempo
-- warm up
-- 2 x 1km @5k pace (3:46, 3:50)
-- cool down
a little too fast on the reps, doing them by feel (i.e., without a pace range programmed into my watch).


- run 50:49, 8.01 km
decided to bail on the 5k tomorrow because there's a flood watch through tomorrow morning and i don't feel like driving an hour to run a race i don't care about in 40 degree driving rain.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 26, 2024, 01:31:55 pm

- run 1:01:51, 9.74 km
with wife

*bathroom break*

- race pace practice
-- run 1 km
-- 3 km @ (4:21, 4:19, 4:17)
-- run 1.5 km
relatively pleased although this was short. the high-effort bit was mostly uphill and i managed to keep it right at or just under 10-mile target pace, without watch cues. it wasn't hard but also wasn't as easy as i'd like it to be given that the race is in a bit over a month.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 26, 2024, 06:49:09 pm
- tempo
-- warm up
-- 6 x 800m @ 5k pace (3:59, 3:55, 3:52, 3:55, 3:54, 3:58)
-- cool down
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on March 30, 2024, 01:55:35 pm

- run 50:30, 8.08 km


- run 30:15, 5.00 km

heading to california for the week, gonna try to get at least one track workout in and also do a bit of trail running.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 01, 2024, 07:07:20 pm

- run 1.1 km through thick underbrush and flooded out trail, abort, lol
thought we were going to a park to run up a mountain on a nice trail. oops.

- run 58:36, 9.67 km
drove to pacific beach and ran along the boardwalk instead


- run 49:56, 8.03 km
around the in-laws' neighborhood. beautiful day!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2024, 07:00:35 pm
- run 40:02, 6.47 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2024, 08:32:15 am

- run ~5.5 km
watch died partway through. this was just to stretch legs after the flight back from san diego.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2024, 08:33:41 pm

- run ~5 miles
watch dead, left my charger in SD. oops!


- tempo
-- warm up
-- 4 x 1 km @ ? pace, 200m walking rest
-- cool down
ordered a new watch charger but it's not here yet. did this by feel. no idea how fast i was moving but was breathing a bit hard on the last rep. probably should/could have done another rep but legs felt pretty dead from the jump and didn't loosen up at all so stopped.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2024, 03:51:16 pm
- 10k race
-- warm up
-- chip time 42:40, watch time N/A because watch measured the course at 9.73 km but pace averaged 4:23, which is about a full minute slower than the pace if the course was accurately measured and my watch is off (4:23 vs. 4:16).

pleased with this. plan was to run around target pace for the 10 miler and, most importantly, to run without blowing up. bad track record so far with going out too fast. my first km was too fast (4:14) but i settled down after that. didn't quite run a negative split (something like 21:13, 21:27 for the two halves, according to the chip) but i did have enough in the tank to kick at sub-20 5k pace for the last km or maybe a little less. also the course had two big climbs, which obviously slowed things down. also this was my first ever 10k so didn't really know how i'd do. gives me hope that 1:10:xx is possible for 10 miles, especially if the course is a little flatter.

finished second overall but only because it was a tiny race. won a foot locker gift card, lol. the guy who won finished in 37:40 or so. he told me afterward that he'd been shooting for low 36es but after the first big decline he knew he wasn't gonna make it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: AGC on April 15, 2024, 01:05:19 am
- 10k race
-- warm up
-- chip time 42:40, watch time N/A because watch measured the course at 9.73 km but pace averaged 4:23, which is about a full minute slower than the pace if the course was accurately measured and my watch is off (4:23 vs. 4:16).

pleased with this. plan was to run around target pace for the 10 miler and, most importantly, to run without blowing up. bad track record so far with going out too fast. my first km was too fast (4:14) but i settled down after that. didn't quite run a negative split (something like 21:13, 21:27 for the two halves, according to the chip) but i did have enough in the tank to kick at sub-20 5k pace for the last km or maybe a little less. also the course had two big climbs, which obviously slowed things down. also this was my first ever 10k so didn't really know how i'd do. gives me hope that 1:10:xx is possible for 10 miles, especially if the course is a little flatter.

finished second overall but only because it was a tiny race. won a foot locker gift card, lol. the guy who won finished in 37:40 or so. he told me afterward that he'd been shooting for low 36es but after the first big decline he knew he wasn't gonna make it.

Congrats on the race. A 42min 10K is seriously good. Have you been competing much?
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on April 15, 2024, 03:43:54 am
 :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat:

Getting a podium and an award, whatever that is, is also amazing. Like a check in the list.
"I won a fkn award in a fkn race because i fkn aced it. fck yeah!"  :headbang:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2024, 02:23:19 pm
Congrats on the race. A 42min 10K is seriously good. Have you been competing much?

thanks! i haven't been competing much, no. i did a couple of half marathons last year, one in the spring and one in late summer, and didn't improve as much from the first to the second as i hoped. i think part of that was down to conditions (cool vs. hot and humid) but also part to not doing enough races to just practice pacing and also going hard for an extended distance, chasing and being chased. i could absolutely have run faster yesterday but it would have meant red-lining and possibly blowing up. that's what's happened in both my halfs and in most of the 5ks i've done over the past couple years. trying to get more skilled in addition to getting in better shape. this 10k and hopefully the ten-miler i do in a couple of weeks are good learning opportunities.

:almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat: :almostascoolasnyancat:

Getting a podium and an award, whatever that is, is also amazing. Like a check in the list.
"I won a fkn award in a fkn race because i fkn aced it. fck yeah!"  :headbang:

thanks vag!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 17, 2024, 12:24:01 pm

- run 5k, very easy
- bouldering x 90 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 21, 2024, 05:24:13 pm

- run 54:14, 8.83 km


- run 58:33, 9.67 km

- bouldering x ~90 mins


- 10-mile race pace practice
-- warm up
-- 3 x 10 mins w/4 min jogging rest (2.28km, 2.29 km, 2.30 km)
-- cool down
hillier circuit (i hope) than the race next weekend, because this was a little hard and average pace during the intervals was ~4:22. that is very near target 10-mile pace, but obviously a fraction of the total distance and not continuous. now a bit more pessimistic than i was last weekend.

- couch stretch
- groin stretch
- glute stretch
one thing bouldering has sparked is a desire to work on mobility and strength again. that's good.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 22, 2024, 06:21:35 pm
- run 21:18, 3.52 km
just to stretch legs.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2024, 08:27:32 pm
- run 37:39, 6.75 km
legs felt a little heavy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 24, 2024, 08:17:33 pm
- tempo
-- warm up
-- 1 km @ (4:11, 4:08), 90s jogging rest
-- cool down
last workout before race where i'll speed up. did not push at all, just getting the legs turning over.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 28, 2024, 06:48:57 pm

- run 38;15, 6.40 km
last little leg stretch before sunday's race


- bouldering x ~90 mins
fun, my hands are gonna hurt for a while until they adapt to this new activity. looking forward to that, though. i've always found working on grip strength very boring but i know how important it is.


- 10 mile race
-- warm up
-- 10 miles in 1:10:39 (watch), 1:11:02 (chip), 1:11:16 (gun)
very pleased. hit goal on watch although just missed it on the official time. more importantly, i ran a negative split (36:03, 34:59 official) and never red-lined. even had enough juice at the end to speed up for the last 100m or so and pass a guy i'd been trailing for the previous two miles. that means i'm learning and getting better at managing a race.

finished 172nd out of 3431 total finishers, which is also a slight improvement from my half marathons in terms of percentile placement. now if i could only get my training more consistent, i could really improve!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 29, 2024, 07:17:46 pm
- run 30:47, 4.82
pad of left foot is a little tender. wore my extra cushioned shoes.

- bouldering x 90 mins
getting a little better. tweaked my right elbow a little
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on April 30, 2024, 07:26:29 am
Hyped to see you on the bouldering train! I think it pairs really well with running. Hopefully in the future you can do some cool combined trail running/climbing trips!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on April 30, 2024, 10:33:12 am
yeah that's the idea! well really, to translate it into more technical mountaineering and other outdoor exploring. we started going because my wife realized lack of upper body strength was hindering her on a couple of our recent climbs. if there were a full-scale climbing gym closer to us we'd have joined one but the big ones, with lead climbing, are out in the burbs. so bouldering it is, plus at some point we'll go take a couple classes on belaying and general rope use at the big gyms.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2024, 07:56:21 pm
- run 36:55, 6.50 km
rear right leg is tight, especially hamstring. humid and warm verging on hot. a little preview of summer.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 06, 2024, 08:53:48 pm
went to NC over the weekend for a family reunion.


- run 30:44, 4.81 km


- run 30:56, 4.82 km

- bouldering x two hours
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 09, 2024, 06:56:07 pm
- run 54:04, 9.77 km
little discomfort in left knee and right big toe. the toe pain makes sense, although it's the first time in a while i've tweaked that one. not sure what the knee is about. seems fine now. warm but not hot today, took it easy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 12, 2024, 09:13:00 am

- run 29:51, 4.79 km

- bouldering x 2 hours
- grip board/campus board holds x a few x 5-10s
- pull ups x 7
- push ups x 14,14

- run 31:00, 4.76 km

sore this morning, definitely going to benefit from the additional upper body/grip work
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 13, 2024, 07:11:43 pm
- run 54:03, 8.15 km
wife exhausted from stress and lack of sleep, this was extra slow.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2024, 09:07:42 am
- run 25:38, 4.79 km

- bouldering x 30 mins
left elbow lightly strained. i felt it a little toward the end of the last session but it was okay in the meantime. but this morning i started feeling it a little more and so i cut myself off early. will do some research about elbow rehab and prehab and then start a little self-administered PT, and also take a break from climbing for a bit. bummer but better to stop now than after it gets really hurt.

- run 26:27, 4.75 km

ran to and from gym, before work. wife biked and met me there. let's see if we can start going semi-regularly in the morning, it's much less crowded. plus i've always liked getting workouts done in the beginning of the day, and it's about to start getting hot.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 15, 2024, 05:10:35 pm
- intensive tempo
-- warm up
-- 400m x 3 @ 5k pace (1:33, 1:35, 1:33) + 400m hard (1:14); 100m walking rest
-- 300m walking rest
-- 400m x1 @ 5k pace (1:35) + 400m hard (1:16); 100m walking rest
-- cool down
abbreviated version of the workout the running club i'm on the listserv did early this morning. didn't have a lot of time, but i liked this. also, used the lap button on watch and ran the intervals mostly by feel. worked pretty well.

left elbow feels completely fine, so i think i'll try to climb again tomorrow morning. will do a LOT of warming up and take it easy.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2024, 10:45:45 am
- run 24:56, 4.73 km

- warm up
- bouldering x 30 mins

work call

- bouldering x 15 mins
wife wanted some help with a couple routes so we figured them out together. elbow feels okay, but overall my wrists are so tight. we both need to invest some time in dynamic mobility.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 19, 2024, 07:51:19 pm

- run 52:40, 8.08 km
planned to do longer but wife was having a rough day so i ended up finishing with her instead of continuing on to do a longer run as planned. rainy.


- run 30:46, 4.82 km
had to pee so bad.

- bouldering x 2 hours

- strength (loose) circuit
- fingerboard hangs 5-7s x 6-7 sets
- pull ups x 7
- push ups x 20
gotta start somewhere

- hike x ~90 mins
met up with a friend for a walk along trails in rock creek park. gorgeous day, 70 and sunny.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 20, 2024, 07:53:51 pm
- run 43:15, 8.00 km
warm and humid, makes it so much harder.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 26, 2024, 04:00:24 pm

- run 29:10, 4.71 km

- bouldering x 2 hours

- pull ups x 7,7
- push ups x 20
- fingerboard hangs 10s x 5

- run 13:07, 2.06 km


- run 29:28, 5.40 km

- run 32:22, 5.41 km
to and from parents' house for lunch. hot, deliberately slowed down to keep HR down.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2024, 04:09:12 pm
- warm up
jumped rope for the first time in forever. it is a bit like riding a bike, and like riding a bike there's some specific fitness to it.

- bouldering x 2 hours
elbow felt fine, wrist even loosened up a bit. i got a bit gassed trying to get one longish route and then switched to working on a slabby thing for a while that i couldn't even start last time, since grip doesn't matter at all. neeeearly got it, if i were an inch taller i'd have had it. ran out of patience but i will get it next time if it kills me.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 29, 2024, 07:45:46 am

- run 37:40, 6.50 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on May 30, 2024, 09:09:54 pm
- run 26:50, 4.78 km

- bouldering x 90 mins
crowded, it's really better to go in the morning. made it hard to concentrate.

- run 28:25, 4.71 km

- stretch x a bit
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 01, 2024, 03:18:46 pm
- run 30:57, 5.54 km

- bouldering x 90 mins
the gym uses a color-coded grading system, where each color overlaps with the ones above and below it. idea is that yellow is vb (beginner, very easy), red is v0-v2, green is v1-v3, etc. i've gotten to the point where i can do greens and most purples (v2-v4) on the first try, and have been getting some oranges (v3-v5) but it takes a bit and isn't always pretty. made progress today on two black routes (v4-v6) but didn't manage to complete either. will pick them up again next time. in both cases it's because there's a kind of move and body position that i just have never done before and am pushing the edge of my range of motion to do.

my approach now is to do some mobilizations and then repeatedly climb a bunch of yellows an reds before starting in on something harder, skipping over greens because they're easy enough to do first time but still can be a little tiring.

- circuit x 2
-- push up x 20
-- TTB x 5
push ups are good for post-climb because they stretch my wrists out

- shrimp squat x 5/side
- front scales x 5/side
- back scales x 5/side

- run 26:44, 4.51 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 02, 2024, 06:36:57 pm
- run 1:16:16, 13.00 km
humid but not too hot. still, T+DI is 141, which is enough to have an impact. took 500mL of water with me for the first time this year. good idea, ended up drinking it all. watch registered average HR of 159 but that makes no sense, even with the heat index. i was never above conversational pace. i either need to get a HR monitor or totally give up on the watch as a guide for that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 04, 2024, 09:05:47 am
- run 26:22, 4.72 km
got a 20L running backpack, large enough to carry my laptop, a change of clothes and shoes, and climbing shoes/chalk. idea being: run commute. this was the first go at it and there are substantial problems with the pack: (1) it sits too low and there is no apparent way to pull the straps so that it rides higher on my back. fairly fundamental flaw, although i'm going to contact customer service to see if there's something i'm missing in the design, or a way to pack it differently to shift weight up. hope i can fix this problem without having to just try another backpack, this thing wasn't terribly cheap. (2) the laptop sank to the bottom of the pack and started rubbing against my lower back. that is more fixable, i just need a sleeve. should get one anyway. (3) the straps are elastic and i can't figure out how to cinch them down very much. this is less of a problem if the pack is full, but when it's not full, stuff can bounce around.

- bouldering x 45 mins

- circuit x 3
-- 20mm <bw hang 3 x 5s w/5s rest
-- push up x 15
wrist so tight
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on June 05, 2024, 07:46:31 am
- run 26:22, 4.72 km
got a 20L running backpack, large enough to carry my laptop, a change of clothes and shoes, and climbing shoes/chalk. idea being: run commute. this was the first go at it and there are substantial problems with the pack: (1) it sits too low and there is no apparent way to pull the straps so that it rides higher on my back. fairly fundamental flaw, although i'm going to contact customer service to see if there's something i'm missing in the design, or a way to pack it differently to shift weight up. hope i can fix this problem without having to just try another backpack, this thing wasn't terribly cheap. (2) the laptop sank to the bottom of the pack and started rubbing against my lower back. that is more fixable, i just need a sleeve. should get one anyway. (3) the straps are elastic and i can't figure out how to cinch them down very much. this is less of a problem if the pack is full, but when it's not full, stuff can bounce around.

I have also never had success running with a bag, so if you find one that works for you, please share!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 07, 2024, 08:47:21 am
yesterday was a little better with the bag, running to and from the gym without my laptop. i figured out how to cinch the side cords down and that helped. will give this a few more goes and then recommend or not. the bag design otherwise is good: lots of pockets, very comfortable materials. if i were buying it again i'd size down to a small from the medium i bought, just to be able to close the lower chest strap tighter, but it works as a medium. anyway i'll keep a running commentary (no pun intended).


- run 33:40, 5.38km
so humid

- bouldering x 2 hours

- run 10:57, 1.78 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 08, 2024, 04:08:34 pm

- run 42:52, 6.53 km


- run 28:59, 4.65 km

- bouldering x 2 hours
mostly focusing on climbing and reclimbing easy stuff, trying to work on technique. didn't feel great. also strained my neck like an imbecile doing a completely unnecessary backwards somersault on the pad. it's not that bad, just hurts a bit when i turn my head or look up, but what a dumb injury.

- run 21:38, 3.28 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 10, 2024, 07:38:47 pm
- run 1:02:26, 9.62 km
not hot but humid. still have a crick in my neck but it'll go away soon.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 12, 2024, 01:11:13 pm
- tennis w/dad x 45 mins
early morning, was beautiful outside. (but don't worry vag, we'll catch up to you soon.)
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on June 13, 2024, 06:14:44 am
early morning, was beautiful outside. (but don't worry vag, we'll catch up to you soon.)

haha, i hope you won't
but i see it will approach 100F next week there.
Today is the hottest day of the year in Greece, there is prediction for 45C / 113F in a couple of places wtf!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 17, 2024, 09:02:37 pm
that is too damn hot.

last thursday

- treadmill run x 3 miles

- jump rope x some
like riding a bike

- mobility

- bouldering x 30 mins
meant to do much longer and was feeling great but wife sprained her knee really badly falling off the wall so we had to leave early.

took a few days off because (1) spent the weekend packing and otherwise getting ready to move, and (2) solidarity with my injured and very frustrated wife.


- run 37:45, 6.50 km
humid but not super not
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 19, 2024, 05:01:01 pm
wife's ACL is torn. i took her to get an MRI yesterday and the doc followed up today to confirm it. looks like she will be able to have surgery next week. she is understandably devastated: exercise in general and running in particular are very important to her and she suffers when she has to sit still. she sobbed when she got the news, and tbh i cried, too, right then and also later, by myself. it absolutely sucks, and the timing could almost not be worse. we're moving on saturday, we're trying to have a baby, we're supposed to go visit her family in south dakota for july 4th... fuck.

part of what sucks - a small part, relative to her being badly hurt and grieving - is losing, even if temporarily, my training buddy! getting excited about running, climbing, mountaineering, all of that stuff is out the window for now because even though i can still do them, i don't want to do them as much without her. it's a source of joy and intimacy for us. and i can't be sharing progress or making plans or anything because it'll make her feel bad. got to figure out what to do about that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 19, 2024, 06:53:07 pm
- run 29:59, 5.31 km
just to get the juices flowing a little and be in the heat. T+DI 147.

there's been a weird tightness between my shoulder blades, up pretty high, for the past few days. not sure what that's about; doesn't feel like the knots i get headaches from. it does seem to be lessening.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: FP on June 20, 2024, 03:08:45 pm
wife's ACL is torn. i took her to get an MRI yesterday and the doc followed up today to confirm it. looks like she will be able to have surgery next week. she is understandably devastated: exercise in general and running in particular are very important to her and she suffers when she has to sit still. she sobbed when she got the news, and tbh i cried, too, right then and also later, by myself. it absolutely sucks, and the timing could almost not be worse. we're moving on saturday, we're trying to have a baby, we're supposed to go visit her family in south dakota for july 4th... fuck.

part of what sucks - a small part, relative to her being badly hurt and grieving - is losing, even if temporarily, my training buddy! getting excited about running, climbing, mountaineering, all of that stuff is out the window for now because even though i can still do them, i don't want to do them as much without her. it's a source of joy and intimacy for us. and i can't be sharing progress or making plans or anything because it'll make her feel bad. got to figure out what to do about that.

Hey you should look into cross bracing about this. It only came about in the last few years but its a way of healing the ACL naturally without need for surgery. The only thing about it is you have to implement its procedure within a short time span of the injury, so you would have to look into it soon. It also might avoid some of the risks of surgery. Sounds like a really unpleasant problem, I hope it works out!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2024, 07:24:33 am
thanks FP. we thought briefly about nonsurgical options but in the long run a replacement seems like it gives her the best chance of a full return to sport. operation's at 7:30 tomorrow morning. at least we found a great surgeon, the head of orthopedics for the wizards and all of georgetown's D1 teams. fingers crossed that everything goes as smoothly as possible!


- move a four-bedroom house into a three-bedroom house x 13 hours
hottest day in DC in eight years. this was a bit stressful.


- finish up with getting rid of stuff that we aren't taking x 1.5 hours

- treadmill workout
-- warm up
-- 3 x (2:00 @ 6:00 mile pace, 2:00 @ 10:00 mile pace)
-- cool down

- bouldering x an hour


- treadmill workout
-- warm up
-- 3 x (3:00 @ 6:27 mile pace, 1:00 @ 10:00 mile pace)
-- cool down

- bouldering x 30 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 26, 2024, 08:24:58 pm
operation went "perfectly" according to the surgeon. crucially (no pun intended), she didn't have any meniscus damage to speak of, so she can start putting weight on the leg right away. means recovery will be much faster. i have to say, the whole experience this morning was really impressive: everything was smooth, everyone was professional and friendly, from the tech who put in the IV to the anesthesiologist to the people working at the information desk. surgery was scheduled for 7:30 and they got her in the OR at 7:28. with recovery time and post-op instructions and stuff, we were home by noon. she has been in pain since but not an unbearable level. the US health care "system" is insane and unjust on so many levels, but if you're lucky enough - as we are - to live in a big city and have good insurance, it's hard to imagine getting better care of this kind. i'm tired (got up at 4:00 this morning so we could get to the hospital two hours early) but happy things went well and that she's feeling okay now.

was able to get out for a short run this evening.

- run x ~5k, time ??
watch still not unpacked, lol. T+DI 154 but on the way home there was a little breeze and that helped.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on June 27, 2024, 04:02:56 am
operation went "perfectly" according to the surgeon. crucially (no pun intended), she didn't have any meniscus damage to speak of, so she can start putting weight on the leg right away. means recovery will be much faster. i have to say, the whole experience this morning was really impressive: everything was smooth, everyone was professional and friendly, from the tech who put in the IV to the anesthesiologist to the people working at the information desk. surgery was scheduled for 7:30 and they got her in the OR at 7:28. with recovery time and post-op instructions and stuff, we were home by noon. she has been in pain since but not an unbearable level. the US health care "system" is insane and unjust on so many levels, but if you're lucky enough - as we are - to live in a big city and have good insurance, it's hard to imagine getting better care of this kind. i'm tired (got up at 4:00 this morning so we could get to the hospital two hours early) but happy things went well and that she's feeling okay now.

Awesome to hear! Hope the recovery goes as smoothly as the procedure
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2024, 12:10:32 pm
so far, so good!


- warm up
-- jump rope
-- mobility

- bouldering x 90 mins
not great, not terrible. it was crowded and i ran into a friend of my wife's who is a more advanced climber than i (up to v7 or so). consequently didn't spend as much time as i should working on technique on easy climbs. it's okay to have some harder stuff to work on but i'll get better, faster, if i focus on technique. in my defense, it has been a long-ass week.

- strength circuits x 2 each
-- A push up x 20
-- A TTB x 5
-- B pull up x 5
-- B fingerboard hang 3 x 5s

shoulders, back, and neck a little sore today, but it's hard to tell whether that's from climbing or all the general twisting and lifting and so on. and the stress, which i do a good job of minimizing but is definitely there in the background.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on June 30, 2024, 02:11:11 pm
- run 55:49, 8.51 km
route-finding from the new place, this will be a workable replacement for the old five-mile route. bit hillier since it goes into and out of the park. T+DI 168 (!), successfully kept pace slow. i think 6:34 is the slowest i've ever averaged on my own (i.e., not with wife). pleased with that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2024, 12:10:01 pm

- run 48:54, 8.06 km
much, much nicer day out


- warm up

- bouldering x 2 hours
one of the people who reports to me is an avid climber and belongs to the same gym, so we had our weekly check-in at the gym and then climbed together afterward. he is better than me at climbing and was able to help me figure out a couple of moves i was blocked on.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2024, 12:50:55 pm
- warm up

- bouldering x 75 mins
better than the last time. saturday mornings are a nice time to be at the gym.

- circuit x 2
-- TTB x 8
-- push up x 22

- chest to bar pull up x 5
- 20mm hang x 20s
forearms gassed after climbing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 07, 2024, 08:54:32 pm
- run 5.65 km, walk ~4.5 km
a friend came over to help us move some furniture around now that wife is able to go up and down stairs, and he's a runner so we decided to head out after. T+DI was near 170. he was gassed from a yoga/fitness class earlier in the day and also is not as fit as me i guess, so meant to do ~6 miles and ended up cutting it off at ~3.5 and buying a couple of gatorades.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 08, 2024, 08:05:19 pm
- run 20:00, 3.49 km
to gym

- bouldering x 60 mins
mixed bag. there's an orange one (V3-V5) that i can't even do the first damn move of. rather, i've done it like 1.5 times in three separate sessions. i kind of know what i'm doing wrong but obviously not really or i'd have figured it out by now. at this rate they'll change it out before i get it. on the plus side, there's a long overhanging black one (V4-V6) that i got much farther on today than previously. still not finished but i think i can do it if i stay efficient and just keep moving.

-- pull up x 10,6
-- push up x 20,10
focused on form with push ups to a greater degree than previously, and it stretched my wrists more. submax on both pull ups and push ups but i'm really trying to avoid giving myself elbow and/or shoulder issues

- 20mm hang board x (3 x 5s on/5s off) x 2

- run 21:58, 3.46 km
to home

it's so hot and humid. T+DI at 8 PM is >160, must have been closer to 170 when i was leaving the house. run home is mostly uphill and i was tired from the climbing, pace reflects that.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2024, 10:10:42 am
wife is progressing, the PT unlocked her brace to 70 degrees of flexion yesterday and hopefully after her appointment tomorrow will be cleared to use only one crutch and use the exercise bike. that means she can start going back to the gym. in her reading - she, even more than i, gets obsessive about fitness hobbies - she's been learning about the potential for ACL tears to lead to earlier-onset arthritis in the affected joint, and how weight lifting can mitigate that. dynamic movements are out for her for the next several months at least, but in the meantime she is planning to start working more seriously on strength. because i love having her as a training buddy, and because i've been mentally gesturing toward a return to weightlifting for what feels like four years, i'll start reintroducing weights.

i'm also planning to sign up for a couple of races this fall. the philly half marathon is right after my birthday, and the friend i ran with the other day is doing the baltimore marathon a few weeks before that, so i might sign up for the concurrent 10k as a tune-up race.

running + climbing + lifting = my own personal crossfit! means i'll probably progress more slowly on each than i would if i focused, but i don't really care.

once she's working out again, it'll be easier to motivate myself to train 5-6 days per week. something like:

day 1: long run
day 2: run to and from gym or short easy treadmill, + climb + squat/lower pull/upper push
day 3: easy run
day 4: speed/tempo
day 5: run to and from gym or short easy treadmill, + climb + squat/lower pull/upper push
day 6: rest
day 7: maybe climb, maybe go for a hike, stand up paddleboarding, any other kind of movement
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: vag on July 12, 2024, 12:15:48 pm
That's a shitload of weekly running!
Great news about wife!  :highfive:
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 12, 2024, 01:06:19 pm
that would be the idea!

last night

- run 18:42, 3.52 km
to gym. what a difference 5-7 degrees (F) of heat and 10 degrees of dew point make.

- bouldering x 60 mins
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2024, 09:47:45 am
it is offensively hot, we've tied or broken all-time heat temps twice in the last three days. thunderstorms coming today, per forecast. may it be correct and may they cool us the fuck off. also wife has been on a downswing emotionally and so i haven't felt as much like running.


- warm up

- bouldering x 60 mins
much less frustrating than the previous session, kept it less ambitious and more focused on technique and repeating climbs and paying attention to how they felt.

- superset x 4
-- pull up x 5
-- push up x 15
more sets, fewer reps, more volume

- hangboard x 10s x 3
left elbow, which is always kind of there in the background, started to announce itself a little. stopped there.

going to an intermediate climbing class tonight, looking forward to it!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 18, 2024, 01:34:19 pm
last night

- warm up

- climbing class x 90+ mins
focus was on dynamic movement. learned some things but mainly it was good to get a little practice with a coach watching (even if i was in middle school when said coach was born, god it's funny to get old). after the lesson was over, the coach asked if anyone wanted help with anything else - nice guy - and one other student and i had chatted on the side earlier about the orange route i've been struggling with. he helped a lot with that one, to the point where i think i might actually be able to work it out. looking forward to trying again.

elbows hurting a little, especially left, but not in the same way that my left has been nagging gently. they feel okay today though.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 21, 2024, 05:58:01 pm

- run ~3.5 miles
watch not syncing for some reason so just approximating here.


- run x 10 mins

- climb x 45 mins

wife's first time back in the gym since her injury. this was as long as she had energy for. climbing was okay.


- warm up

- climb x 30 mins
extremely hyped to finish the orange route that i had been struggling with for the past few weeks. also did a purple (one level easier) that i'd tried previously and just gotten intimidated by. very, very happy.

- squat 185 x 5,3
lmao but first time putting on the do-wins since...2017? i feel like i must have tried to squat in ~2021 - i have a memory of getting under a bar and my shoulders being too tight - but can't really remember. anyway first time in literally years under a bar. felt surprisingly good, considering. i'm gonna be sore tomorrow. will be very careful with these.

- DB OHP 40s x 5,5

- kroc row 70 x 17,15
lol weeeak
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: Joe on July 22, 2024, 07:43:01 am
- climb x 30 mins
extremely hyped to finish the orange route that i had been struggling with for the past few weeks. also did a purple (one level easier) that i'd tried previously and just gotten intimidated by. very, very happy.

- squat 185 x 5,3
lmao but first time putting on the do-wins since...2017? i feel like i must have tried to squat in ~2021 - i have a memory of getting under a bar and my shoulders being too tight - but can't really remember. anyway first time in literally years under a bar. felt surprisingly good, considering. i'm gonna be sore tomorrow. will be very careful with these.

Yo nice one. Always feels so good to solve a route after a good few sessions working on it. What was intimidating about the purple route?

Re old squat shoes, I find it so funny that people seem to regularly buy new ones? Mine are literally 16 years old and I still use them without any issue whatsover. The sole is a fucking solid chunk of wood, what's gonna happen to them...
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 22, 2024, 08:49:12 pm
for sure. it felt, on a smaller scale, like the first time i dunked. like a whole-body fist pump. the purple one was intimidating because the final move is to get your body from down and to the left of your right leg, to up and over and slightly to the right of your right leg, with nothing to hold onto between roughly your left hip and the final hold. your right foot is ~2m off the ground to start the move, and the wall is vertical, not a slab. or to put it more simply: you're pretty high up, balanced on one foot with a good bit of your bodyweight below it, and there's nothing to hold onto.

and yeah i see absolutely no reason to get new squat shoes. i've never worn them outdoors, even, the soles have no wear at all.

- warm up

- climb x 45 mins
mostly worked on easier stuff, repeating to make things more fluid, working on twisting to reach rather than keeping my hips square. then went to the overhanging section and did a purple and an orange, got both on first try. overhang is easiest for me since i'm relatively strong, but it's good to work on doing it with as little effort as possible. that'll open up longer routes and routes with harder moves. lastly ended up trying to figure out how to start an orange with some bros who were standing around puzzling on it. we could not figure it out.

- treadmill intervals
-- warm up x 1 mile
-- 3 x 0.5 mile @ 6:27 pace, 0.25 mile @ 9:22 pace
-- cool down
partway through this i had a brainwave about the orange one that i was trying at the end and almost stopped and ran back over to it, lol. it's a new route, so i've got time to come back to it.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 25, 2024, 10:05:19 pm

- run 57:43, 9.21 km


- run to gym

- climb x 75 mins
was trying a new orange route and got a cramp in my shoulder (!) from trying the second move. that's never happened before. i'm sure i can do that one, but i decided to move on for the day. did not make much progress on the other orange one i was trying the other day, but that's okay. tried a looong overhanging black one (next level up from orange) a couple of times as well. limiting factor for me there is endurance, influenced by my poor technique. so many different things to work on!

- run to grocery store
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 27, 2024, 12:24:05 pm

- warm up
treadmill run, jump rope, joint mobilizations

- squat 185 x 5,5
allllrighty then. will go to 195 next time.

- hyper x 10,10

- DB OHP 40s x 5,5

- inverted row x 10

- curls 20s x 10

- cable tricep press-down x 10

- a bunch of random core stuff
-- TTB
-- windshield wipers (not full ROM)
-- hollow body hold 15-20s x 3
-- superman hold 15s x 3

- stretch

just playing around really. apart from the squats, i haven't settled on a routine and that's fine for now. mid/upper-back were bothering me a little during the squats.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 28, 2024, 06:33:54 pm
- climb x 90 mins
we went to a concert last night with a friend who's a more advanced climber and she said that to warm up she likes to just do all the yellows, reds, and greens in a row without resting. tried that today, liked it. good session overall. i watched a guy complete the weird orange one and it really is just a big contorting jump with a swing on the end. my left mid-back (lower trap) is a little sensitive today so i didn't want to do anything too trying like that. but did complete a couple of other oranges, including the one i got a cramp on the other day, so that's cool! also cool that there were a few people all trying to figure it out at once and we worked it out together. fun.

shoulder and now left elbow are not hurt but something is going on in there. gonna take a few days off from climbing.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2024, 12:03:08 pm
last night

- run 30:39, 5.23 km
just to get the juices flowing. work has gone nuts this week. but did a new route, along a protected bike lane that goes all the way to a trail that leads to my office. i haven't been going in this summer but once we have to start going in again in september that'll be a great running route. four miles door-to-door.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 05, 2024, 02:54:55 pm
sick all weekend. sucked. still not feeling quite right.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 07, 2024, 04:02:05 pm

- run 5.6 km


- climb x 75 mins
right mid-back felt fine but left was saying hello. got pumped out weirdly quickly, i think i was just tired and maybe underfed.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 08, 2024, 07:19:39 am

- run 49:28, 8.10 km
nice and easy. it was very humid. but i like the route i found more than the last ~5 mile route.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2024, 08:37:51 am

- climbing x 75 mins
pretty good session. i got the dynamic orange one that i'd been trying for a few sessions. just about committing to the jump and trusting that you're strong enough to catch and hold. also made more progress on the looong black one. i need to work on crimps.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 09, 2024, 08:16:22 pm
- treadmill 1 mile

- climb x 45 mins
okay session, i was tired. but mid-back felt good.

- squat 205 x 5,5

- GHR x 5,3
wife took video, looks better than i expected tbh. big exertion from calves.

- pull ups
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 11, 2024, 06:33:47 pm
- run 53:51, 8.96 km
nice and easy, then just over a mile from home kicked up to progressively faster pace, from 4:25 down to ~4:00, for a mile. cooled down for the last couple hundred meters. warm day, not too hot or humid. but running hard still heated me up quite a bit.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 12, 2024, 08:54:34 pm
- climb x 90 mins
did two black ones! that's the next level up from orange. one i got after working on it with a nice guy who walked over as i was first trying it and said, "wow this looks hard." we worked on it together and both got it after about 20-25 minutes. then i did the new long black one in the overhanging section, which they just reset. first time completing a black on there. very satisfying!

- pull ups x 5,5,5
strict chest to bar
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 16, 2024, 08:24:19 pm

- run but not very far


- warm up treadmill run

- climb x 90 mins
pretty good session!

off to the beach tomorrow for the annual family trip. will be going to the gym a bunch because wife can't drive and needs to go to keep up her knee rehab and maintain sanity. gonna bring the old do-wins.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 26, 2024, 10:15:35 am
went to the gym twice, i think. not going to log the workouts except to note that i squatted 205 x 5,5 again and also DL'd for the first time in eight (?) years. 225 x 5. felt good. also kayaked some, which is always a good time! back home now.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 27, 2024, 08:41:54 pm
- bouldering x 90 mins
weak and out of sorts. i have slept badly two of the last three nights, last night only got about 4 hours. that never helps. also the week and change off left my hands softer than i'd have thought after such a short time. the callouses are still there but the skin in between is rubbed raw. ribs and back a little achey.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 28, 2024, 07:30:36 pm
- run 30:29, 4.84 km
super hot and humid. hopefully this is the last peak summer day here.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2024, 06:28:55 pm

- bouldering x one hour
again pretty weak and out of sorts.


- run 56:58, 8.95 km
exactly 10 min/mile pace, nice. not too hot but humidity is super high, T+DI 183.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 02, 2024, 01:55:48 pm
- run 1:24:46, 12.87 km
kept HR below 130 on average.

ETA: hamstrings are sore!
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 04, 2024, 08:32:09 pm
- run 31:46, 5.00 km
up and down the trail near the gym. so nice out.

- climb x one hour
mentally tired from work, kept it easy. the callouses on my left middle and ring fingers are starting to hurt, i think they're going to peel off soon, hopefully to be replaced by tougher skin at those points.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 07, 2024, 01:07:05 pm
- interval workout
-- warm up
-- 4 x 1 km in (4:12, 4:07, 4:07, 4:32), 90s rest
-- cool down
as you can see, went out way too hard on the intervals. i meant to do five reps but cratered on the fourth and decided to call it there. oops.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 08, 2024, 01:46:42 pm
- run 39:03, 6.34 km
so, so nice outside.


- climb x 2.5 hours
with a buddy who is not as good as me so stayed on the yellows, reds, and greens (up to V2-V3). meant i could climb forever and work on technique, nice.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2024, 08:45:38 am
- run 38:05, 6.27 km
before work, hurray. flying to miami today for a long weekend, wife's best friend from childhood is getting married.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 16, 2024, 08:26:57 pm

- treadmill intervals
-- warm up x 10 mins
-- 4 x (4 mins @ 6:58/mile, 1 min @ 10:30/mile)
-- cool down x 10 mins
good workout for the treadmill

- DL 255 x 5
bounced it because i was losing my grip (weak!), strained SI joint (dumb!). DLs need to be lighter, or i need to start bringing my straps to the gym.

- pull up x 5,5,5,5
amazing how much easier these are when i haven't climbed first.

- DB OHP 45s x 5,4

- windshield wipers x 8, TTB x 10

- shoot hoops x 10-15 mins
wife was finishing up her stuff and there was a court at the gym we went to so i goofed around a bit. absolutely no pop whatsoever on layups, i would be starting from near scratch if i decided to try to focus on jumping again. handle was decidedly rusty. but funnily enough i haven't lost my shot at all. i think that was the the first time in eight (?!) years i've picked up a basketball.


- run 55:03, 8.83 km
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 17, 2024, 08:21:33 pm
- run 45:41, 7.12 km
so humid.
Title: Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
Post by: LBSS on September 19, 2024, 07:56:06 pm
- run to gym

- climb x 30-40 mins
tired, everything felt hard and uncoordinated. stopped early and did not attempt anything challenging - the easy shit was challenging enough. better luck next time.

- run home