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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1260 on: June 12, 2022, 05:39:04 am »
Sunday 12th June 2020

Fat loss cycle 3 - Week 6
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 89.7kg (-0.3 ), 197.8lbs

waist - 36 5/8  inches (-1/8)
hip = 42.25
upper thigh = 27 (-1/8)
Right calf = 15 7/8
Neck = 15 7/8 (+1/8) 
Chest = 43
Right Arm (flexed) = 15.75
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 26.3% (+0.3)

Total loss so far - weight 1kg Waist 1 inch BF% Tanita +0.1%

Phone app TDEE Calculator is at 3100
Fitbit said I averaged 3281 for the week

Averaged 3245 calories over the week, 220g protein, 168g carbs, 179g fat.

Ate a lot, still lost weight and dropped waist size
Upper body is looking noticeable bigger from change in programming


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1261 on: June 12, 2022, 05:51:16 am »
Sunday 11th June 2022

Lower body and upper back still achey, erectors pretty sore from lat/thoracic active stretches I have been doing
Poor sleep last night
Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
soft tissue work on feet, calves, legs and back

BBall practise session at WLC outdoor courts - 40 mins

Bodyweight without shoes  - 90.7kg

Dribbling drills - 15 mins

Low intensity jump shots, layups, post moves, around the rim, and slow jogs after ball here and there, on balls of feet

Rotating sets - 30 secs to 1 min between each

A) Hops- low effort 3x10

B) Jumps in place. Continuous: - Jumping 12 inches 2x5, 12+ inches x5
Pain free and feeling good

C) Jumps/standing dunks on 8 feet rim x3 warmup
x3 - standing, single arm, 1 hand to mid 9 feet backboard
x3 - 3 step LR plant jump to 9'7" touch
x3 - 3 step jumps
x3 - 3 step, and 1 running jump


Jumps about the same as last week. Felt tired so kept volume lower today
No issues with patella tendon and achilles on any of the 2 foot jumps and hops I did.

Tried 1 single leg jump at medium speed/effort and left patella tendon hurt at a 3/10
So it's better than before, but not fully healthy yet.
Single leg jump is probably the highest loading rate for the patella tendon

« Last Edit: June 12, 2022, 05:54:39 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1262 on: June 13, 2022, 08:26:02 am »
Monday 13th June 2022

Pretty decent for a day after BBall/Jumps, less volume of jumps helped.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Hammer curl, 90 degree ISO @70% effort against hand- 3x 30secs
External rotation, stretched range ISO @70% effort against hand - 3 x30secs
While lying in bed upon waking :)

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 90 degree angle - 2x35 secs
Single leg Calf raise ISO: above neutral - 2x 35 secs

Single leg, kneeling quad push into floor ISO: 70% effort - 2x 35 secs
A bit like a combo of a leg extension and reverse nordic for one leg

release sartorius, TFL and rectus femoris

Walk - 22 mins


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1263 on: June 14, 2022, 12:42:15 pm »
Tuesday 14th June 2022

Feeling decent, but still low down achey all over, especially lower back

Flipped things around, doing Upper Push today, giving Squats an extra day of rest
And moving Calf and Tib raise into today , so I can shorten Lower body session.

Tendon health+rehab -  Upper Push - Week 3, Wave 1

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 92.9kg

general mobility drills
Band pull aparts - Light rogue band x20, 3 axis x 30

Bar hangs: - Feet supported 2x30 secs, wide grip x 30secs
full hang 2x30secs

Larsen Bench press - 14 inch grip - Thumbs on smooth - 20kg x6, x10, 40kg x10, 50kg x6, x3, 60kg x3
60kg 4x12 @ RPE 6/7/7/8 (+1 set)

Upper left bicep tendon not too bad this week, but I did do a lot of prep work
Last week of wave 1, dropping back to 65kg 2x10 next week for Wave 2

Military Press: -  Hold at top, bulldog grip - 20kg x10, 30kg x6
belt -
35kg 2x12 @ RPE 7/8
32.5kg x12 @ RPE 7
no belt 32.5kg x12 @8   (+1 set)

Brutal, after bench!

Rotating sets 1 mins rest

A) Incline flies: - 30 degrees - 15lbs x12, 25lbs 3x12 @6/7/7  (+1 set)

B1) SSB tibialis raise - in oly shoes, Romaleos 2 - BW x12, 30kg x 6, 50kg 3x12 @ RPE 7/8/8.5
B2) Single leg split stance tibialis raise, in oly shoes - BW x9, x8, x7 @ RPE 8

C) SSB Calf Raise - single leg -  explode up and 3 secs down to just below neutral  - BW x6, 30kg x 6
50kg 3x8 @RPE 7

2/10 right achilles insertion pain on first rep of each set

D)Dip shrugs: BW 3x20 @8 (+1 set)  tough and shakey!

Single arm overhead dumbbell tricep extension - out to side - 15lbs x10, 20lbs x10 @8
Nonlock 17.5lbs x10 @8, 15lbs x12 @8

« Last Edit: June 14, 2022, 12:44:21 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1264 on: June 15, 2022, 02:13:14 pm »
Wednesday 15th June 2022

Upper body achey, but not as sore as I expected.
Lower back feels great after all those bar hangs yesterday, decompression!

So what I thought was a bicep tendon issue/pain in my left shoulder, is probably referral pain from my infraspinatus.
I get the same pain at the front of my shoulder in the bicep tendon area, when I wedge a massage ball against the back of shoulder and a wall,
putting pressure on my infraspinatus

see article here by Dr Andrew Lock

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
soft tissue work for lower body and whole back

Shoulder health blitz

Lying face down, straight arm raises: 1kg 2x20
Lying face down, Palms down, arms by sides raises: 1kg x20
Lying face down, Palms up, arms by sides raises: 1kg x20
Lying side external rotation, scapular retracted and depressed: - up to parallel only - 1.9kg x20, 1.3kg x20 
Flag press, 2 handed: 1.9kg 2x20, 5kg x10

I got these exercises from Dr Andrew Lock.
Part blood flow, strengthening and motor patterning, so need to be done at high frequency for a few weeks until problems are fixed.
Supposed to use a club bell for the flag press, which I don't have, so used short cyclinder and then a plate.

I can already notice a difference already in my bum left shoulder!

Tendon health+rehab - Day 2 Lower 1 - Base Building Week32 - Wave 1

Bodyweight in shoes, winter clothing = 92.9kg
general mobility drills

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30 secs
Side plank- x30 secs each side

Half kneeling weight shift: - 10kg in plates 5x5 secs x 2 sets

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 6 sec Concentric, 10 sec hold at top, 30 and 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 20kg
3 sec Concentric to 60 degrees, 30 sec hold -  30kg x2 sets

left patella tendon hurt a little, from that single leg jump on Sunday....

B) olys with 20kg bar - powercleans, hang snatch hi pulls and power snatches
C) Overhead squat - slow tempo - Broom 2x10 in Nano X
D) Low bar good morning: 20kg x10

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Clean/Snatch high pulls - 3 snatch high pull + 3x clean high pull - 40kg, 60kg

High bar squat: - Oly shoes - slow eccentrics - 20kg x10, 40kg x8, 60kg x8, 75kg x5, 90kg x2, x1, belt 100kg x1
belt -
100kg x12 @ RPE 7.5
95kg x12 @ RPE 7.5
90kg x12 @8
85kg x12 @8

Left patella tendon hurt a little earlier but ok for most.
Something in my right upper Peroneus/hamstring area also hurt, can't locate the pain exactly as it only shows up in certain squat foot positions, and in no other exercises

The extra rest day between BBall/Jumps on Sunday and today has helped. Squats didn't as heavy on my back unlike past weeks.
But still not that easy for my legs....
Today was torture with 4 sets of 12!
Would not have been as bad had I stayed at 90kg for all sets of 12.
Going to 100kg 2x10 next week for a semi deload to start wave 2

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A1)Sumo Deadlift - belt, hook-gripped - 60kg x5
A2) Stiff legged deadlift - Nano X, lowered down to soft touch on floor, dead stop - belt -60kg x5, 80kg x6, 80kg x12, 100kg x12 @ RPE 8

made a mistake repping out 80kg x12, was wondering why it was so easy... definitely made the 100kg x12 set harder than it should have been...
Still easier than the 95kg x12 set last week, even after 4x12 on squats. Extra rest day helping here as well.

B) SSB Good Morning: - belt, oly shoes - 30kg x10, 50kg x6
belt - 55kg 2x12 @ RPE 7/8
52.5kg x12 @8

A) SSB Bulgarian Split Squat -  hand supported - rear foot on 6 inch step, toes down. front foot heel off edge of 1 inch step.
2 mins rest beween sides - Non lock - BW x6, 30kg x6
50kg 3x6 @RPE 8

Dang, foot muscles were working hard, with heel off edge of step on front foot.

B) Leg Curls - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 20kg x10
explosive concentric
27.5kg 3x12 @RPE 7/8/8

Jefferson curl, single dumbbell, 3 position - alternating to front, left and right - 15lbs x6, 25lbs x12, 27.5lbs x12 (+2.5lbs)

« Last Edit: June 15, 2022, 02:18:44 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1265 on: June 16, 2022, 07:52:45 am »
Thursday 16th June 2022

Moderately sore all over, but not tired feeling.
9 hours of sleep helps

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
soft tissue work for Sartorius, cuffs and front delts
sartorius stretches
glute bridge with knees pushed in x 30secs

BBall dribbling drills - 6mins

Shoulder health blitz

Bar hangs: 30 Seconds - feet supported
30 Seconds Grip Hooks
30 Seconds Wide grip. Feet supported
30 Seconds Hooks
30 Seconds Wide grip. Feet supported
30 Seconds Hooks

Lying face down, straight arm raises: 1kg 2x20
Lying face down, Palms down, arms by sides raises: 1kg 2x20
Lying face down, Palms up, arms by sides raises: 1kg 2x20
Lying side external rotation, scapular retracted and depressed: - up to parallel only - 1kg x20, 2.5kg x20 
Flag press, 2 handed: - scapular retracted and depressed: 2kg x20, 5kg x20

Walk - 22 mins

Single leg, kneeling quad push into floor ISO: 70% effort - 4x 35 secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1266 on: June 17, 2022, 12:00:38 pm »
Friday 17th June 2022

Felt like my soreness was quite down compared to previous weeks last night.
But felt more sore this morning upon waking, especially my upper rectus femoris, probably from those kneeling quad ISOs
Left patella tendon aches if I flex my quad with a straight leg, but less than yesterday

Felt stronger today vs last week... all from that extra rest day between BBall/jumps and the rest of the workouts it seems
So might roll with an 8 day training week. See how I feel on Sunday

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work for whole body just about

Tendon health+rehab -  Upper Pull - Week 3, Wave 1

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 91.5kg

general mobility drills
side leg raises - x 20
Band pull aparts - Light rogue band x20

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 90 degree knee angle - 30 secs

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB Calf Raise - single leg - BW warmups - hold at neutral, with 1 inch ROM slow Raises (x12) -
30secs x 30kg, 50kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg @ RPE 8  (+5kg)

ISO only - 30secs x 75kg @ RPE 8 (+5kg)

heaviest weights used in a while
1/10 right achilles insertion pain on 60kg set, 2/10 on 65kg and 70kg sets
fine on ISO set

B) Pull up/Chin up - Hang and 20 scap shrugs, 10 wide grip
alternating between 1 pull up, wide pull up and chin set each rotation

Pull up - leg assisted x10
BW x1, x1, x4, x3, x3 @ RPE 7  (+1 rep on first set, +1 set)

Pull up - Wide, snatch grip -  BW x3, x3, x2 @ RPE 8/9/9

Chin up, shoulder width -
BW x4, x4, x4 @RPE 6/7/7 (+1 rep per set)

C) Hip push against strap ISO: - seated, leaning forward @ 70% effort - 3x 30secs
Right hip/IT band no longer hurts on these

Rotating sets - 2 mins rest

A) High angle rows - 20kg x12, belt 40kg x12, 50kg x6
60kg 4x12 @ RPE 6/7/7.5/8  (+1 set)

Woah, much stronger than last week, 60kg for all sets across without having to drop loads, and an extra set and despite more volume on pullups/chins before.

B) Leg extension, single leg - 1 sec up, 3 sec down between 10 and 60 degrees for 35secs - 15kg, 20kg,
35secs x 25kg (2/10 left patella tendon pain)
35secs x 27.5kg (1/10 left patella tendon pain)
35 secs x 30kg (1/10 left patella tendon pain)

ISO only 35secs - 35kg (2/10 left patella tendon pain)

Pull up. Wide grip, leg assisted: BW 3x12 @8
Chin up, leg assisted: 2x12 @8/9

Lying face down, straight arm raises: 1kg 2x25
pretty easy now, need a 1.5kg weight next

Lying side external rotation, scapular retracted and depressed: - up to parallel only - 2.5kg 2x20
left shoulder hurts a bit at top/parallel

Elbow supported external rotation, scapular retracted and depressed: 5lbs x20
no pain on this one

Incline Dumbbell curl - 45 degrees, arms angled out, 1 sec up, 3 secs down - 15lbs x8 @8
Incline Dumbbell hammer curl - 45 degrees, arms angled out, 1 sec up, 3 secs down -  15lbs x8 @ RPE 9
Biceps tired, called it a day after one set....

Flag press, 2 handed: - scapular retracted and depressed: 2.2kg x20, 5kg x20

Larsen Bench press - 14 inch grip - Thumbs on smooth - 20kg x10, x6, 40kg 2x6, 50kg 2x6
Just testing things out



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1267 on: June 18, 2022, 08:49:23 am »
Saturday 18th June 2022

A little tired feeling
Moderately sore back, biceps quads and calves

Left patella tendon back to pain free when flexing quad with legs straight.
Leg extension ISO and slow tempo work just works

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Shoulder health blitz
rotating sets - 1 mins rest

Bar hangs: 30 Seconds - feet supported  x 2 sets
30 Seconds Wide grip. Feet supported
45 Seconds Grip Hooks
35 Seconds Wide grip. Feet supported
45 Seconds Grip Hooks
35 Seconds Wide grip. Feet supported
45 Seconds Grip Hooks
Lying face down, straight arm raises: 1kg 2x25
Lying face down, Palms down, arms by sides raises: 1kg 2x25
Lying face down, Palms up, arms by sides raises: 1kg 2x25
Elbow supported external rotation, scapular retracted and depressed:- 5lbs 2x20 
Flag press, 2 handed: - scapular retracted and depressed: 5lbs 2x20

soft tissue work for Sartorius, outer quads, cuffs, mid traps, and calves
sartorius stretches
glute bridge with knees pushed in  2x30secs (stretches the sartorius)

Single leg, kneeling quad push into floor ISO: 70% effort - 3x 35 secs
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 06:26:13 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1268 on: June 19, 2022, 06:40:38 am »
Sunday 19th June 2020

Fat loss cycle 3 - Week 6
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 90.8kg (+1.1 ), 200.2lbs

waist - 36.5   inches (-1/8)
hip = 42.25
upper thigh = 27 1/8 (+1/8)
Right calf = 16 (+1/8)
Neck = 15 7/8
Chest = 43
Right Arm (flexed) = 15.75
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 25.1% (-1.2)

Total loss so far - weight +0.1kg Waist 1 1/8 inches BF% Tanita -1.1%

Phone app TDEE Calculator is at 2882
Averaged 2900 calories over the week, 180g protein, 215g carbs, 121g fat.

More carbs this week, and water weight bloated up.
Still getting leaner and gaining size
Tanita scale Bodyfat% always drops when your holding more water, and vice versa

Legs still feeling sore, and upper back.
More rest today

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

soft tissue work for whole body
sartorius stretches
glute bridge with knees pushed in  x30secs
combo couch/TFL stretch x 2mins


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1269 on: June 20, 2022, 07:33:06 am »
Monday 20th June 2022

legs/hips still achey

Cold and damp, decided to rest up another day


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1270 on: June 21, 2022, 01:11:05 pm »
Tuesday 21st June 2022

Felt better today, but still not great despite the extra days rest.
A little less achey.
Deloading a bit this week which should help

left upper bicep tendon still getting compressed in certain positions, mostly when arm externally rotated
So will drop overhead press for the time being

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
soft tissue work on feet, calves, legs and back

BBall practise session at WLC outdoor courts - 35 mins

Bodyweight without shoes  - ?

Dribbling drills - 15 mins

Low intensity jump shots, layups, post moves, around the rim, and slow jogs after ball here and there, on balls of feet

Rotating sets - 30 secs to 1 min between each

A) Hops- low effort 2x10
both achilles felt achey during these so stopped

B) Jumps in place. Continuous: - Jumping 12 inches 3x5

C) Jumps/standing dunks on 8 feet rim x3 warmup - standing 2 handed
x4 - two standing, two 1 step with 1 hand
x4 - same

mid hand to 9 feet

Horizontal jumps, continuous: - low effort 2x4

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: at 90 degrees
35 secs x 2

Wall sit, heels off the floor:
- 60 degrees
40 Seconds x2


Jumps about the same as last week... maybe slightly lower
Felt tired so didn't do much.

1/10 left patella tendon pain upon some jump landings... that single leg jump i did a week ago has set me back - sigh
Achilles felt more achey again as well


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1271 on: June 22, 2022, 07:34:56 am »
Wednesday 22nd June 2022

Tired feeling, Aches all over, my right upper trap seems strained

Both achilles insertion were achey last night, but ok this morning go figure

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Shoulder health and hip shift fix

Hammer curl, tricep extension manual resistance ISO : at 70% effort - 30secs x 3

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

End range hip lift, kneeling : BW x5, x5, x6
Single leg hip rotations: BW x5, 2x8
Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: BW x3, 2x6

Lying face down, straight arm raises: BW x10, 1.25kg 2x25
Elbow supported external rotation, scapular retracted and depressed:- 1.25kg x10, 2.2kg 2x20 
Lying face down, Palms up, arms by sides raises: 1.25kg 2x25
Flag press, 2 handed: - scapular retracted and depressed: 2.2kg x10, 4.7kg 2x20

Squeeze legs together ISO : at 70% effort - 2x 30secs
Knees bent 2x30secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1272 on: June 23, 2022, 02:54:57 pm »
Thursday 23rd June 2022

Feeling decent

Started releasing my abs/psoas twice already, by lying ontop a 4inch Supernova 2 massage ball.
Hurts quite a bit, but the right side of lower back feels back to normal, no more constant dull ache!

Decided to do upper push and lower body session together, but also dropped a few exercises.
Dropped presses as my upper bicep tendons still get compressed doing it.

Quite a low fatigue session, by my recent standards :)
Wave 2 - week 1, so volume drops back down

Tendon health+rehab -  Upper Push/Legs - Week 4, Wave 2

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 92.2kg

general mobility drills

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: 3x6

Bar hangs: - Feet supported 2x30 secs, wide grip x 30secs, full hang, grip hooks x30secs
Neutral grip, Feet supported x 30secs
Chin grip, Feet supported x 40secs

Band pull aparts - Light rogue band x20
Flag press. 2 handed, scapular retracted and depressed: 2.5kg x10, 5kg 2x15
Lying face down on floor, straight arm out to side raises: 1kg 2x20
External rotation ISO, scapular retracted and depressed : at 70% effort, stretch range 2x 30secs

Larsen Bench press - 14 inch grip - Thumbs on smooth - 20kg 2x10, 40kg x10, 50kg x7, 60kg x6
65kg x10 @ RPE 6
65kg x10 6 - 2 inch less ROM with towel under top

Upper left bicep tendon still randomly compressing on worksets, and hurting, but felt better on the reduced ROM set.
Might switch to floor press if I don't completely drop benching....

Close grip triangle push up: (Warm up) On bench BW x10
BW x10 @ RPE 5
BW x12 @6

No pain on these, thanks to elbows not going too far past body

Incline flies: - 20 degrees, arms going above my head - 15lbs x16, 17.5lbs x12, 27.5lbs x10 @6

Single arm overhead dumbbell tricep extension - 17.5lbs x10, 20lbs x10 @6

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
End range hip lift, kneeling : BW x5, x5, x6
Half kneeling weight shift: - 2.5kg in plates 5x10 secs

Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 6 sec Concentric, 10 sec hold at top, 30 and 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 20kg
3 sec Concentric to 60 degrees, 30 sec hold - 25kg,  30kg

High bar squat: - Oly shoes - slow eccentrics - 20kg x10, 40kg 2x6, 60kg x8, 75kg x6, 90kg x6, belt 5 sec eccentric 90kg x1, 100kg x1
belt -
100kg x11 @ RPE 7  (miscounted, did an extra rep....)
100kg x10 @ RPE 7
100kg x2 paused

2/10 Left patella tendon hurt in warm up sets, but fine in main sets
I turned out my right foot a bit more on the second set, and that seemed to have fixed my hip shift to the left foot, pushing the left heel up.
The right leg always felt off just standing there at the top. So difference in hip structure and ankle

Squat still not feeling any easier... don't know if I've gained any strength...

Rotating sets 1 mins rest

A) SSB Good Morning: - belt, oly shoes - 30kg x10, 40kg x10, belt 50kg x10
belt - 60kg x10 @ RPE 6

B1) SSB tibialis raise - in oly shoes, Romaleos 2 - BW x12, 30kg x 10, 40kg x10 @6, 50kg x10 @8, 40kg x9 @9
B2) Single leg split stance tibialis raise, in oly shoes - BW x7 @ RPE 6

C) SSB Calf Raise - single leg -  2 secs up and 3 secs down to just below neutral  - BW x6, 30kg x 6, 40kg x6
50kg 2x6 @RPE 7/8

2/10 right achilles insertion pain on first rep of each set

A) Leg extension - end of unit elevated 5 inches 3 sec up and down - 30kg x10, 35kg x10 @RPE 8
B) Leg Curls - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 20kg x10
explosive concentric - 30kg x10 @RPE 6

Jefferson curl, single dumbbell, 3 position - alternating to front, left and right - 25lbs x6, 30lbs x10

« Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 02:58:09 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1273 on: June 24, 2022, 08:26:52 am »
Friday 24th June 2022

Sore all over - quads crazy sore, followed by calves, glutes, and surprisingly my biceps and upper back...

Lower back feels great, thanks to me starting to release my abs/psoas, but I didn't do any deadlifts yesterday.
Well Jefferson curls didn't make it feel any worse, so I know these are not the problem

So both my long head bicep tendons have issues, left side compresses and is a bit inflamed, pops out of the groove creating a series of clicks when moving it certain ways.
While the right side does not hurt it does pop out of the groove and the click is quite a bit louder, when doing horizontal bench/row movement.
Reading around it seems to be due to injuries to the subscaplaris or tears to it's tendon, which I do not have as I can put my arms behind my back without pain and doing BBall wrap arounds etc.

My thoracic spine and overhead mobility is decent now.
It's likely my cuffs, scaps and posterior shoulder muscles are too weak and not working right, compared to my pecs, front delts, and upper traps etc
Benching, presses can't be done without aches, so will drop them. Close grip triangle pushups seem fine, which also strengthen the serratus.
Replace all pullups with chins

That will simplify things and improve my recovery :)
Total rest day
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 08:29:47 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1274 on: June 25, 2022, 05:04:41 pm »
Saturday 25th June 2022

Still a bit achey all over

Both achilles insertions felt tweaky after last session, too much stretch/ROM on the calf raises

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work for Cuffs, lats and sartorius

Tendon health+rehab -  Upper Pull - Wave 2, Week 1

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 92.9kg

general mobility drills
side leg raises - x 20

BBall dribbling drills - 5 mins - kinda bad

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - 3x6 -  2/10 left patella and sartorius pain to start on first set
Band pull aparts - Light rogue band x20

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 90 degree knee angle - 30 secs

Pull-up Scapular shrugs: - BW x20, Wide grip BW x10

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB Calf Raise - single leg - BW warmups - hold at neutral, with 1 inch ROM slow Raises (x12) -
30secs x 30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 55kg

ISO only - 30secs x 60kg @ RPE 8

heaviest weights used in a while
2/10 right achilles insertion pain on first 5secs of 30, 40kg set, 1/10 for the rest
fine on ISO set

B) Chin up - leg assisted x8
controlled eccentric -
BW x (2, 3, 5) x2 @RPE 6.5 on last set of 5

Dan John ladders - sub-maximal low fatigue. I Will add another rung each week of the wave, then reset.

C) Hip push against strap ISO: - seated, leaning forward @ 70% effort - 3x 30secs

Rotating sets - 2 mins rest

A) High angle rows - 20kg x12, 40kg x10, belt 60kg x5
belt, straps-
65kg 2x10 @ RPE 6/6.5

B) Leg extension, single leg - 1 sec up, 3 sec down between 10 and 60 degrees for 35secs - 15kg, 20kg,
35secs x 25kg, 27.5kg
35 secs x 30kg at 60 degrees with 1 inch ROM raises

No left patella tendon pain on any set

Lying face down on floor, side butterfly raise: BW 2x10
damn hard even with no weight.... crazy pump on whole trap

Incline Dumbbell curl - 45 degrees, arms angled out, 1 sec up, 3 secs down - 15lbs x6,
20lbs x6 @8
17.5lbs x6 @7.5

Lying face down on floor, straight arm raises: 1kg 2x25

Incline Dumbbell hammer curl - 45 degrees, arms angled out, 1 sec up, 3 secs down -  15lbs x6
20x6 @8
17.5x6 @8.5

Lying face down, Palms up, arms by sides raises: 1kg 2x25
External rotation ISO, scapular retracted and depressed: - at 70% effort - 3x30secs
