Members Area => Progress Journals & Experimental Routines => Topic started by: Joe on February 24, 2017, 12:53:10 pm

Title: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 24, 2017, 12:53:10 pm
Daily template:

Morning stats
RHR (bmp):
Waist (cm):

Carbs (g):
Protein (g):
Fat (g):


Jogged to gym - ~1 mile

Pullups -
BW x 5,5

70kg x 4,4
62.5kg x 5

Front Squat
50kg x 5
40kg x 6

DB Bench
16kg x 5,5,6
14kg x 5

DB Row
20kg x 12, 10

Preacher curls
EZ bar + 5kg x 10, 8

Lat pulldown
something x 12
something heavier x 10 (i forgot to write this down)

hey. i'm back and after a long, long layoff kind of fat and weak. time to fix that! going to be doing something broadly on the lines of greyskull (the above was only day two and was kind of a random assortment of things)


Various bodyweight/mobility things through the day. Plenty of pushups, planks and such, since i know i won't be able to get to the gym tomorrow.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2017, 07:54:59 am
oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2017, 07:55:10 am
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 26, 2017, 02:47:02 pm

Jogged to gym ~1 mile (lol my cardio is horrendous)

Overhead Press
Bar x 5
30kg x 5,5,8

Chinups BW x 5,4,3,3 [interspersed between OHP and Squats]

30kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5,5,7 [blarg, form still needs re-sharpening. i need to get my squat shoes from home! will do this on wednesday or so]

DB Row
20kg x 10, 11 [second set cheatier, but still controlled the eccentric and made sure to squeeze/pause a bit at the top]

Lat pulldown
32kg x 10, 10 [increase pump and get more volume]


I got through this in under 30 minutes, so perhaps I should rest more to get more volume on the money lifts (i.e. the amrap final sets). I felt a bit anxious because the gym was so full and didn't want to hog the squat rack (though there are three, so I oughtn't feel this way). I like doing back exercises.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 28, 2017, 07:06:24 am

Jogged to gym ~1mile

Bench press (thumb's length from inside knurling)
40kg x 5
60kg x 1 [heh]
50kg x 5
45kg x 5,6,4
^^^ worked in with someone, and since I haven't benched since restarting I kind of guessed at things. Will be more sensible next time [i.e. probably do work sets at 45 or 47.5]

60kg x 3
70kg x 3 [paused these reps 2 inches of the floor to cue good form and quad drive]
80kg x 7
90kg x 2 [just to see how this would go. my grip strength isn't great and i refuse to go over-under, so i will need to look for my straps too when i visit home]

Chinup BW x 2 [i guess deadlifts are hard on one's back? who knew]

High incline DB press [like 60 degrees]
10kg x 10
14kg x 7 [switched to neutral grip]
12kg x 6,5
10kg x 8

Lat pulldown
32kg x 14
39kg x 10
45kg x 7

Prone leg curl [spent a while trying to work out how to get this machine properly set up for me, did these to get extra volume since not much leg stuff done with only a couple DL sets]
36kg x 8
32kg x 7 [actually remember to cue glutes and keep pelvis tucked, like in strict for natural GHRs and this became much harder]
23kg x 7

Seated rows [neutral grip]
32kg x 10, 8
25kg x 9, 8

Back hyperextension - BW x 10,10,10
Facepull - something light x 10,10,10 [I think I wasn't doing this quite with classic form]

Nice workout. Actually eating breakfast beforehand is helpful. This is also quite a lot of volume, I suppose, but I'm feeling up for it, so we shall see.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 28, 2017, 07:33:51 am
Programme outline

OHP 3x5+
Squat 3x5+

Bench 3x5+
DL 1x5+

Bench 3x5+
Squat 3x5+

OHP 3x5+
DL 1x5+

So it's 1A/1B/1A//2A/2B/2A// repeat (each / == 1 day off)

Will do 1 vertical and 1 horizontal pulling exercise at every workout, may do extra stuff as and when.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 01, 2017, 01:12:32 am
for DL grip, try hook grip. super uncomfortable at first, hands adapt. makes a big difference.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: vag on March 01, 2017, 04:42:43 am
Why hate over-under ( sincere question ) ?
Hook grip made a world of difference for me in power cleans but i never got to get used to it for DL/RDL, i still use over-under. There is a very strong mental link that i am stronger that way and i can't break that link, or if you will, i don't care enough to.
:welcome: back!!!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: AGC on March 01, 2017, 07:51:54 am
Shoulder/wrist imbalances if you use over-under a lot apparently: (
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 01, 2017, 10:17:33 am
Yeah, I just don't like the idea of deliberately doing a heavy loaded exercise in an asymmetric way, even if I can counteract it by switching up the grip.

Getting used to hook grip while the weights are still low would be sensible -- good shout.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 01, 2017, 10:21:16 am

Delts are very sore today, unsurprisingly. Chest more moderate soreness, but I bench pretty narrow so that makes sense. Hamstrings sore, but otherwise I'm clear. Looking forward to tomorrow. Want to get back to nice high reps for Chins and dips.

Remembered to pick up my squat shoes, which is a relief since I am enormously scatterbrained when it comes to things like that, so squats tomorrow should feel nice.

Edit: Might try tracking macros/diet, something I've never done before.

Today --
Kcal: 2872
Carbs: 318g
Protein: 134g
Fat: 117g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 02, 2017, 07:20:47 am

Soreness: minor in delts and hams

Jogged to gym ~1 mile

Bar x 4
32.5kg x 5,5,6
25kg x 5 [just to check shoulder mobility. the age old Joe-lack of external rotation in left shoulder has returned apace. need to hit this hard to sort it. buying lacrosse ball today and attacking my shoulder. left arm always has to lock out after my right when doing barbell OHP, and this seems like a problem that needs to be fixed. suggestions?]

Chins BW x 3,3,3,2 [after each OHP set]

Bar x 5
50kg x 3 [paused at at bottom to take one full breath in and out]
62.5kg x 5,5,8 [yay squat shoes, so much more comfortable]
40kg x 10 [pussied out here]

DB Row
20kg x 12,11,10 [lats screaming by end of this]

40kg x 20 [felt like an arse for giving up on this set earlier so went back and crushed it]

something x 10,8,10 [better form this time, really focussing on getting that external rotation, went up a weight on middle set but didn't feel worthwhile]

DB Curls
6kg x 15
8kg x 9
7kg x 10


Must Fix Shoulder. Band dislocated, band pullaparts, lacrosse ball rolling, warming up more slowly, more facepulls, more back work, more attentive form when pushing. Otherwise this was a pretty decent workout, given the volume in the workout two days ago. Food is good.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 02, 2017, 07:24:20 am
Plan is to do some mobility/conditioning/burpees tomorrow, take Saturday totally off because I'm out of town and then back in the gym Sunday evening.

Do these:


Kcal - 3020
Carbs - 378g
Fat - 157g
Protein - 146g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 03, 2017, 02:01:58 pm

Soreness: moderate in glutes, high in delts, not much else

Have done lots of lacrosse ball massage and stretching through the day. Grease the groove chinups, too.

Diet -

Kcal: 2853
Carbs: 275g
Fat: 124g
Protein: 153g

(these numbers are always kind of fudged via myfitnesspal + me probably forgetting somethings, etc., but seem helpful to track for a bit anyway, just to have a sense of how much i need to eat toget to a certain cal count)
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 04, 2017, 08:46:10 am
it surprises me that you can actually get a lacrosse ball over there. are people starting to play or are they sold as PT aids?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 04, 2017, 05:44:33 pm
There has been an annual Oxford-Cambridge lacrosse game for 101 years.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 05, 2017, 01:28:55 am
There has been an annual Oxford-Cambridge lacrosse game for 101 years.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 05, 2017, 05:57:49 pm

Jogged to gym ~1mile

Chins (varied grips, did first 2 sets before going to bench, then supertsetted)
BW x 3, 3, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2

Bar x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 3
47.5kg x 5, 5, 7 [left shoulder a bit dodgy on first set, but once blood got flowing it was fine]

Squat [focussed on a few new cues, which I think helped]
40kg x 3
55kg x 3 [paused at bottom for span of one full breath out and in]
65kg x 5, 5, 10 [!!!]

DB Row
22kg x 14, 12, 11

Narrow-grip EZ Bar preacher curl [done myo-rep style, + indicates 4-5 deep breaths]
Bar x 10
+7.5kg x 16+2+2+2+1
+5kg x 15+3+3+3+3+3

SS: [minimal rest between sets]
Facepulls [for some reason this machine has the lbs in round numbers and kgs in weird ones?]
5.7kg x 12, 12, 12, 12
Kneeling ab wheel [not quite able to go full ROM]
BW x 8, 8, 7 [couldn't manage even short ROM on fourth set, so called it quits at 3]


Was very excited for the gym after a day stuck on trains. Exercising in the evening after a full day of food rather than in the morning shortly after breakfast seems to make a dramatic difference in performance. Or two days rest made a big difference. Stupid confounding variables. In any case, despite feeling a bit weak numbers were good.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 05, 2017, 06:12:59 pm

Kcal - 3020
Carbs - 333g
Protein - 136g
Fat - 131g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 06, 2017, 08:38:35 am

Soreness: high in abs and upper back; moderate in lats, arms and quads

Feel quite feeble today. Ab and upperback soreness has always, iirc, left me feeling a bit useless since I notice that pretty much no matter what movement I'm doing.

Appearing on a quiz show viewed by about 10% of the UK population this evening, and have a friend's b-day party right after, so will likely not be 100% for tomorrow's session, but we'll see.

Kcal - 3192
Carbs - 392g
Protein - 143g
Fat - 118g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 07, 2017, 08:54:18 am

Soreness: Upper back and abs still sore going into the gym.

Foam rolled and stretched at home before heading to the gym.

Jogged to gym ~1 mile

BW x 4,3,3,3,1,1 [slow eccentrics on the 1s]

Bar x 10
30kg x 5 [this was too heavy for a warmup, oops]
32.5kg x 5, 5, 5 [still had to lock out right arm then left, but no pain or anything. more volume at a high weight than last week, even if i messed up warmups, so i'm calling this progress of a sort!]

60kg x 3 [paused a couple inches of floor]
70kg x 3 [ditto]
85kg x 7 [woopwoop]

60kg x 8, 7, 7, 5 [lats and forearms on fire, the latter the real bottleneck here, but these are for volume rather than to explicitly progress this movement, so whatever]

Neutral grip lat pulldowns
39kg x 12
32kg x 16+3+3+3+3 [Myo style, + indicates ~4 dep breaths]

Neutral grip DB incline [~60 degrees]
12kg x 14+4+4+4+3 [ditto]

5.7kg x 12, 12 [down weight one tick] 14, 14
Kneeling ab wheel
BW x 8, 8, 8, 8


Didn't end up drinking much last night despite much celebration. Good workout.

Cals - 3212
Carbs - 290g
Protein - 178g
Fat - 118g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 07, 2017, 09:18:15 am
how'd you do other than making a funny face at one point?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 07, 2017, 09:21:12 am
how'd you do other than making a funny face at one point?

see for yourself  ;)
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 08, 2017, 01:31:40 am

seriously, though, i'm impressed. total annihilation. magin would be proud.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 08, 2017, 01:54:36 pm
Hah, thanks dude! We'll be back on for another quarter final in two weeks, so *fingers crossed* we can keep up the momentum!

Hope everyone's having a good IWD  :)

Kcals: 2422
Carbs: 217g
Fat: 87g
Protein: 149g

Feel like being a bit lower kcal today. Bought tape measure so will get baseline measurements in the morning.

Thinking of adding some cardio (probs mostly in the form of rowing machine and stationary bike) on off days.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 09, 2017, 05:27:46 am
Morning stats
RHR (bmp): 62
Waist (cm): 88

Baseline established. Let's get to work!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 09, 2017, 05:30:00 am
once a moderator, always a moderator.. apparently. lmao!!

sup!  :ninja:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 09, 2017, 08:19:51 am

Soreness: hamstrings

Sleep not been optimal last couple of days

Jogged to gym ~1mile

BW x 5,3,3,2,1,1,1 [slow eccentric on the 1s]

Bar x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 4
50kg x 5, 5 [last rep a huge grind], 4 [this is fine, i might drop back next workout, might not, doesn't matter hugely]
40kg x 6 [wanted volume]

Bar x 5
40kg x 3
60kg x 2 [paused]
70kg x 5, 5, 8 [another couple of reps in the tank, but left shoulder particularly tight after bench, so keeping bar position a bit funky]

Front Squat
50kg x 5, 4

DB Row
22kg x 16, 12, 11, 8

EZ bar preacher curl [myo, + indicates ~4 deep breaths]
+7.5kg x 15+3+3+1 [lol]

BB Curl
20kg x 10, 8, 8


Felt pretty dead after the back squats, so the accessory stuff wasn't the greatest it has been. Still a good workout, though. Need to improve my cardio, which should hopefully (a) help body composition and (b) help me workout harder. Might go to spin class with my girlfriend  :o


Kcal - 2925
Carbs - 277g
Protein - 169g
Fat - 123g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 09, 2017, 08:20:31 am
once a moderator, always a moderator.. apparently. lmao!!

sup!  :ninja:

lol i noticed this too, hahaha! how you been? i should hope on the irc sometime soon  :highfive:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 10, 2017, 06:12:27 am
Added up sets done for each body-part/major movement this week, just out of curiosity. Myo-rep sets count as a full set, for these purposes, even if that is perhaps over-crediting them.

36 (+ 8 facepulls)






Maybe too much back work, haha? Will see if there's chinup progress after couple days rest, otherwise might be prudent to prune it back a little.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 10, 2017, 06:34:36 am
once a moderator, always a moderator.. apparently. lmao!!

sup!  :ninja:

lol i noticed this too, hahaha! how you been? i should hope on the irc sometime soon  :highfive:


good. sick lately though. haven't been sick in a long time, caught something going around.

ya #jumping EFNet .. warning: it's not as much fun anymore tho :ninja: bunch of nutbags in there.

glad to see you back.. you're a TV star now. :ninja: lolol.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 10, 2017, 09:25:14 am
moar triceps.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 10, 2017, 09:40:48 am
moar triceps.

tr00. time to hit the pjr pullovers.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: John Stamos on March 10, 2017, 03:24:48 pm
Why hate over-under ( sincere question ) ?
Hook grip made a world of difference for me in power cleans but i never got to get used to it for DL/RDL, i still use over-under. There is a very strong mental link that i am stronger that way and i can't break that link, or if you will, i don't care enough to.
:welcome: back!!!

I'm a bit late on this but even though over under works wonders for grip, it's an easy way to tear a bicep.

I would like to see more volume, especially on the bench.  Since it looks like you're getting back into it, you can try to do 4x10 for working sets.  Not super light working sets, you'll want to feel worked for the first 2 sets and last 2 sets will be a bit of grinders.  I've just seen better results with myself and other people I've worked out with and trained with much higher volume and I'd throw in cool down sets with close grip.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 10, 2017, 04:29:32 pm
Yeah, I've been considering upping the volume. Always been a programme-hopper, though, and want to be sensible instead of falling into old traps.

Did spin class today. 45 mins of pretty tough interval stuff. Enjoyed it! Diet stuff to come.

Kcals - 3365
Carbs - 368g
Protein - 140g
Fat - 147g

Felt starving and needed a snack and ate a lot of crisps. Nbd, been working hard recently.  :ibsquatting:

Won't have a chance to eat properly tomorrow due to a lack of planning and being at an event in an awkward location, so I'll probably be eating mostly nuts and protein shakes, so numbers may be odd!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Mikey on March 10, 2017, 07:24:00 pm
Morning stats
RHR (bmp): 62
Waist (cm): 88

Baseline established. Let's get to work!

What's your height and bodyweight?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 11, 2017, 03:41:09 am
Morning stats
RHR (bmp): 62
Waist (cm): 88

Baseline established. Let's get to work!

What's your height and bodyweight?

76kg and 175cm. Probs like 18-20% bodyfat, I think,  but want to do a hypertrophy phase first despite this.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Mikey on March 11, 2017, 09:10:50 am
Morning stats
RHR (bmp): 62
Waist (cm): 88

Baseline established. Let's get to work!

What's your height and bodyweight?

76kg and 175cm. Probs like 18-20% bodyfat, I think,  but want to do a hypertrophy phase first despite this.

Yeah 18-20% bodyfat seems pretty accurate. You're18.9% according to the Willougby calculator.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 11, 2017, 07:32:02 pm
Kcal - 3022
Carbs - 310g
Protein - 102g
Fat - 147g

Bit of an odd food day so not much protein, still should be plenty and it's just one day. Am exhausted. My left clavicle feels a bit funky  :(
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 12, 2017, 07:42:03 pm

Jogged to gym ~1 mile

BW x 3, 3
+12kg x 1
+5kg x 2
BW x 3, 3, 2, 2

Overhead Press [moved grip out wider and it felt a lot better on my shoulder, huzzah]
Bar x many
25kg x 5
32.5kg x 5, 5, 9 [fuck yes!]
32.5kg [done as push press] x 8
25kg [back to strict] x 6

Squat [high bar this time, I can keep good form better this way, and it's easier on my left shoulder]
Bar x 5
40kg x 3 [paused]
60kg x 2 [paused]
72.5kg x 5, 5, 6 [tough, but happy that I don't have to go back weight-wise after the switch!]
60kg x 7, 7

Neutral grip pulldowns [myo, + indicates 4-5 deep breaths]
45kg x 14+3+3+3+3+2

DB high incline press [~80 degrees, myo-style]
10kg x 18+5+5+5+4

BB curl
20kg x 11, 6, 6 [didn't rest much between these sets]

DB curl
8kg x 8

something x 16, 14
Bentover rear-delt DB fly
6kg x 14
4kg x 14
Ab wheel
BW x 10, 10, 10, 10

(i.e. i did facepull->ab->facepull->ab->fly->ab->fly->ab]


Evening workout because I was out of town most of the weekend. Felt strong, I guess due to a mix of that factor and because of two days rest. Pleased with the jump on OHPs. Did some extra sets after the main on both OHP and squats + added an extra pressing exercise since I was feeling in the flow. Chinups felt strong so I added weight. 12kg was not a 1RM effort, but I don't think I could have got a second. 3 on the first set was not near max, either. Happy with this workout  :headbang:


Kcal - 2929
Carbs - 352g
Protein - 114g
Fat - 122g

Another odd eating day b/c of travel and whatnot, but still within a decent range, so w/e.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2017, 12:50:54 am
+1 for tinkering with form and having it work.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 13, 2017, 12:02:09 pm
Thanks, man! Really glad to be settling in a bit on form with things, makes it feel like everything's going in a good direction.


Went for a nice long walk through some gardens nearby since the weather is absolutely gorgeous today. Then to gym.

Cycled for 21:10 @ average 125 bpm

Very easy cardio session, gonna make sure to do this on at least 2 non-lifting days per week. Actually want to aim for ~130-135bpm in future. Will slowly build up time.


Kcal - 3097
Carbs - 250g
Protein - 190g
Fat - 152g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 14, 2017, 09:23:32 am

Soreness: abs, hamstrings, quads, chest

Jogged to gym ~1 mile

Superset [chins and bench]:

BW x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1

Bench [my grip, fwiw, is pinkies 1 inch inside of the rings, so quite narrow]
Bar x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 3
50kg x 5, 5, 8
40kg x 8, 6

70kg x 3 [paused 2" off floor]
80kg x 2 [ditto]
87.5kg x 9 :strong:
70kg x 8, 7

Snatch grip RDL
60kg x 8, 8

Seated neutral+narrow grip row [I don't like this grip b/c it shortens ROM, but I gave it a go anyway]
39kg x 10, 9
32kg x 12

BW x 5, 4, 4, 3 [tricep work! happy to have actually been able to do dips for reps! ROM probs imperfect, but that'll come with strength now]

Superset [fly and ab wheel]

Ben over rear delt DB fly
4kg x 12, 12

Kneeling ab wheel
BW x 8, 8


An abbreviated but quite fantastic workout. Felt very sluggish before setting off and was worried when the run felt shitty, but I killed it in the gym.


Kcal - 2996
Carbs - 271g
Protein - 159g
Fat - 131g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 15, 2017, 06:51:15 pm
Upper back enormously sore today, unsurprisingly, but lower back and hamstrings in the clear. Curious!

Diet --
Kcal: 3631
Carbs: 387g
Protein: 136g
Fat: 172g

Wow, did not have the impression that I ate that much. No bother.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 16, 2017, 09:16:24 am

Still major upper back soreness. Abs sore too.

Jogged to gym ~1mile

Superset [Chins+OHP]

BW x 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2

Bar x 8
27.5kg x 4
35kg x 5, 5, 7 [Awesome!]
Push press @ 35kg x 6
Strict @ 25kg x 6

40kg x 3 [paused]
60kg x 2 [paused]
75kg x 5, 5, 8 [probably should have warmed up more since last set felt strong, but, woopwoop, weight and reps up from last time]

Leg Press
50kg x 8
80kg x 8, 8, 8, 8

DB Row
24kg x 14, 10, 9

DB Incline Press @ ~50* [Myo, + indicates 4-5 breaths]
14kg x 13+3+3+3+3+3+2

BB Curl
20kg x 12, 8, 6
15kg x 6
10kg x 10 [the last 20kg set and the two lighter sets were done with no rest, i.e. as drop sets]

then usual ab and upper back stuff.


Awesome workout on the main lifts, a bit lame elsewhere, but I would obviously rather it be this way round. Had intended to do some more back off/volume sets of squats in addition to the leg press, but I forgot. Leg press was killer on the quads even at this light weight. Perhaps it was good to get that extra volume without major core exertion since the ab wheel stuff later on was very hard.

Training with this sort of volume is pretty rough, so I'm looking forward to two days off for recovery. I will make sure to cycle on one of them (likely tomorrow).


Kcal - 3600
Carbs - 277g
Protein - 207g
Fat - 179g

Been hungry the last couple of days, but that's hardly surprising, I suppose.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Mikey on March 16, 2017, 07:54:56 pm
How can you be hungry when you're eating 3600 calories :o
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 17, 2017, 06:04:30 am
How can you be hungry when you're eating 3600 calories :o

Dunno, heh. Took a bit of time to get used to 3000 calories of daily eating, but now that feels like a standard day of eating.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 17, 2017, 09:36:24 am

Cycled 25:33 @ 131bpm (100 rpm at level 5)

I like cardio  :o

Kcal - 3420
Carbs - 298g
Protein - 201g
Fat - 148g

Today I am not hungry, just cooked too much of something that wouldn't keep. Will try to have an under day tomorrow, I guess.


Kcal - 3150
Carb - 328g
Protein - 138g
Fat - 142g

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 19, 2017, 04:12:11 pm

Didn't jog to the gym today :O

Superset chins and bench:

BW x 6, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2

40kg x 5 [paused]
50kg x 2 [paused]
55kg x 5, 5, 5 [was meant to be 52.5kg! ha, went pretty well]
40kg x 11, 9

40kg x 3 [paused]
50kg x 3 [paused]
65kg x 2 [paused]
77.5kg x 5, 5, 7 [last rep felt hard but went pretty quick on the video]

Front squat
50kg x 5, 5, 5

BW x 6
+20kg x 8, 7, 6 [these suck so I should do them]

Seated neutral grip rows
45kg x 8
39kg x 11
32kg x 15+3+3+3+3+2 [myo]

DB incline press (~30 degrees?)
12kg x 16+5+5+5+4 [myo]

17.5kg x 14+4+4+4+3 [myo]


Solid but unspectacular workout. Happy with squats and to hit 6 reps on chins. Sleep has been shoddy last couple of nights, which is a factor here.

Kcal - 2686
Carbs - 212g
Protein - 179g
Fat - 94g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 20, 2017, 07:54:11 pm
An odd day. Lots of nice parts but ultimate rather up and down and I feel kind of shitty. Looking forward to sleep and getting some rest and decompressing. A bit of stress eating because of this.

Kcal - 3499
Carbs - 317g
Protien - 160g
Fat - 135g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 21, 2017, 11:44:46 am

Walked to gym and did some KB swings at 20kg to warm up.

Superset chins & OHP

BW x 3
+5kg x 3
+10kg x 1
BW x 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Bar x 8
25kg x 5
30kg x 3
37.5kg x 5, 5, 8 [fuck yes! this felt tough and the workout started feeling super sluggish, but I channeled some stress into this and really pushed it through]
Push press @ 40kg x 7
Strict @ 27.5kg x 10, 7

60kg x 3 [paused]
70kg x 2 ["]
80kg x 2 ["]
90kg x 9 [could feel a nose bleed forming after this, haha, woof. grip struggling on last couple of reps]
75kg x 10, 9 [high rep deadlifts are awesome but a little harrowing]

Snatch-grip RDL
65kg x 6, 9, 9, 8 [no straps on the first set]

Superset Dips and Rows

BW x 6, 6, 5, 5

Seated neutral grip row
39kg x 11
switched to chest-supported row since it was much closer to the dip station
27kg x 11
32kg x 7
27kg x 9

DB incline bench press [~30*?]
14kg x 8, 8, 8, 6

Leg Press
50kg x 8
100kg x 12, 12, 12


Felt very sluggish but ultimately was quite a strong workout. Tried to pack a bit of extra volume in since I am away for 10 days without gym access. I'll try and do pushups/chins/pistol squats from time to time, but who knows.

Kcal - 3019
Carbs - 304g
Prot - 130g
Fat - 129g

I'm not always very judicious about getting enough protein, but it's kinda tricky without planning as a vegetarian. Gonna need to be more judicious about this on return from hols.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 24, 2017, 02:53:32 am
Had a surprise workout with my dad. We did chest and biceps, so like Db Incline and stuff. Nothing too serious, but handy to keep things going.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 26, 2017, 01:47:03 am
Another flight today, but will be able to do some training since I'll be somewhere with KBs and TRX, which should be nice.

Been thinking about whether to switch up programme to something more structured (I think being consistent in accessory work is likely good for a number of reasons) and I very much like the look of the 2_suns 531LP, so don't be surprised if my training looks a bit different on return.

Sleep has been limited on this leg of my holiday, but should be much more restful for the next 5 days, then back to uni and work!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 28, 2017, 06:12:19 am
Been fiddling around with calisthenics and TRX stuff. Tuck front lever is hard nowadays. Gotta bring that relative back strength back up. In six months, or whatever, after I've cut it'll hopefully be there.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 31, 2017, 05:50:24 pm

Bench [AMRAP bolded]
20kg x 20
30kg x 6
40kg x 8
45kg x 6
50kg x 4, 4, 4
47.5kg x 5
45kg x 6
42.5kg x 7
40kg x 17

Supertset OHP+Chins:

22.5kg x 6
27.5kg x 5
32.5kg x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [wow that last set was a grinder, though I think I might have done 9 reps, haha]

BW x 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Pendlay Row
40kg x 8, 8, 8, 8 [these are brilliant fun, got a really good contraction too]

DB Incline Bench
12kg x 8
16kg x 8, 8, 8

Superset BB Curl and PJR Pullover
BB Curl
20kg x 10, 10, 10
PJR Pullover
14kg x 10, 10, 10


A lovely holiday, feeling very refreshed and chilled out. I really liked the first day of 2suns. The undulating/changing load on volume work keeps things fun! And, woof, is that a lot of volume, though I got through the whole thing in ~50 mins. The bench was very easy and the OHP was super hard.  Am doing the 5 day routine, so it's squats/leg day tomorrow.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 01, 2017, 10:06:47 am

Soreness: everywhere upper body

Squat [AMRAP sets bolded]
Bar x 8
50kg x 4
67.5kg x 5
77.5kg x 3
85kg x 5
80kg x 3
77.5kg x 3
72.5kg x 3
67.5kg x 5
62.5kg x 5
60kg x 10

Deficit Deadlift [first two sets standing on 20kg, rest on 15kg (couldn't quite get back flat on the larger plate)]
52.5kg x 5
62.5kg x 5
72.5kg x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [last set was tough]

Leg Press
60kg x 6
100kg x 8, 8
80kg x 15, 15 [good pump here]

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 12, 10, 9, 9

Kneeling cable crunch
19.3kg x 10
26.1kg x 10, 10, 10 [not sure I have quite got the hang of this, but I kind of liked it anyway]


Decent workout. Back soreness meant deadlifts were tricky, but that's part of the programme I suppose. Might be more prudent to do Pendlay rows before a rest day, though, and something a little less total body before squat/DL day.

Walking up stairs is currently very difficult, woof.

Also, forgot to note that I moved my bench grip out a bit yesterday.

Kcal - 2783
Carbs - 250g
Protein - 178g
Fat - 94g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 02, 2017, 08:12:58 am

Soreness: QUADS, Upper back/erectors, abs

OHP [AMRAP sets bolded]
Bar x 8
27.5kg x 3
35kg x 5
37.5kg x 3
42.5kg x 5
40kg x 3
37.5kg x 3
35kg x 5, 5
32.5kg x 5
30kg x 11

Incline Bench [on the 3rd setting]
22.5kg x 5
30kg x 5
35kg x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

BW x 7, 6, 5, 5, 5 [missed out an extra rep near lock out on the bolded sets]

Superset Lateral Raise w/ Rear delt flyes and, then, facepulls
Lateral raise
6kg x 12, 12, 10
5kg x 11, 10, 10

Rear delt flye
6kg x 10, 8
5kg x 10

5.7kg x 12
3.4kg x 14, 10

Hammer Curls
6kg x 12
8kg x 12
10kg x 8
9kg x 9, 8


Pretty happy with this! Having a 10kg rather than 5kg be the largest plate, even if only for two of my pressing sets, was nice. Incline was a bit easy if awkward at first, but I suppose I'm still working out where assistance numbers need to be change from the prescribed ones. Good workout.

Also, yeah, I know there's no direct pulling work on this day, but the programme has me deadlifting 2xWeek, and I do a lot of pulling on the other two upper days. Made sure to do rear delt stuff and facepulls today, though, to be sure.

Kcal - 2944
Carbs - 243g
Protein - 153g
Fat - 133g

Have a scale now, so will start tracking morning BW.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2017, 10:52:37 pm



Also, yeah, I know there's no direct pulling work on this day

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 03, 2017, 05:47:19 am



Also, yeah, I know there's no direct pulling work on this day


Meh, you know what I meant, no heavy/Lat/mid-back involving stuff.

Morning weight: 76.9kg
Waist at narrowest: 33.5" (85cm)

Waist measurement reduction is, I reckon, due to using the tape measure that came with the scale. It's one of those that links back up with itself to make measuring waists/arms etc easier. So this is new baseline benchmark.

Edit: instead of assuming that I went and used my previous tape measure which said 34"/86.5cm. Neat
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 03, 2017, 08:38:59 am

Soreness: QUADS, minor in pecs/delts/tris/lats

60kg x 5 [last 3 paused]
70kg x 3 [paused]
80kg x 5
90kg x 3
100kg x 6
95kg x 3
90kg x 3
85kg x 3
80kg x 3
75kg x 3
70kg x 12

Front Squat
32.5kg x 5
40kg x 3
50kg x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [last set was probably easier than the 5 or the 6 set, but, oof, this was hard]

Neutral grip chins
+5kg x 4, 4, 4
BW x 4, 3

DB Row [strict]
24kg x 8, 8, 8, 8

Hollow Body Hold [first two sets arms at side, last set stretched out behind, woof that's tough]
BW x 20s, 20s, 10s

BW x 30s, 30s

Very happy to get 6 reps at two plates on the deadlift. All that was done double overhand. Also quite pleased with the chins, since my upper back is fairly fatigued in general + specifically from deadlifts and front squats which both really put it to work. Going to keep going at +5kg to try to push strength up now.

The ab wheel was nowhere to be seen :'( Core needs work, though I suppose it's also in a rough spot fatigue wise. Sleep has been pretty crappy recently, as I've been waking up around 5am and having trouble getting back to sleep, so hopefully recovery will improve as that returns to normal.


Kcal - 2777
Carbs - 277g
Protein - 178g
Fat - 128g

those 2s and 7s are tripping me out, man
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 03, 2017, 11:14:47 am
i've also found hollow body holds to be surprisingly hard. great exercise.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 04, 2017, 08:09:52 am

Morning bodyweight: 76.9kg

Soreness: Quads, glutes, abs, upper back/traps/neck

Superset bench w/ DB Row

30kg x 8
40kg x 3
45kg x 5
50kg x 3
57.5kg x 8
55kg x 3
50kg x 5
47.5kg x 3
45kg x 5
42.5kg x 3
40kg x 16

DB Row [strict, and a bit higher angle than usual]
18kg x 5, 6, 7, 8
22kg x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 [all easy, just to get some blood flowing and keep shoulders nice, and extra funsy volume]

CGBP [hands like 1.5-2" from inside knurling, but I fiddled around with it a bit]
25kg x 6
30kg x 5
35kg x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [very easy, but I don't really like the lift. Might move grip out, so that it's "closer grip" rather than "close grip" as such]

Superset chins w/ Lateral raise

BW x 4, 4
+6kg x 3
+4kg x 3

Lateral Raise
6kg x 10, 10, 10, 10

Superset cable pushdown w/ DB curl

Cable pushdown
14.7kg x 12, 12, 12, 11

DB Curl
10kg x 10, 10, 8, 8

Good workout. Happy to have smashed the bench top set, though I'm not surprised given that I hit 55x3x5 last time. Very much looking forward to two days fully off to recover, as I am feeling very much in need of it.


Kcal - 3234
Carbs - 265g
Protein - 181g
Fat - 124g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 04, 2017, 11:26:52 am
Accessory sets volume analysis

Vertical pulling

Horizontal pulling

Horizontal pushing





Lateral delts

Rear delts

This is on top of 17 sets of: deadlifts, squats, OHP and 34 sets of bench (16 of which incline or close-grip).


There's a lot of heavy pushing in this (i.e. 51 heavy sets of it). But if you count all the deadlifts as back work then there's 52 sets of pulling+the rear delt work, so the balance seems pretty reasonable. A higher % of the pulling is near failure than of the pushing, too, since much of the non-AMRAP stuff is programmed fairly light, esp the sets before the first AMRAP set, so 51 is the generous count. I think I should do facepulls/rear delt flyes more often, though.

My legs have felt the hardest hit by this, so I'm not that bothered by only doing 4 accessory sets, tbh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 05, 2017, 06:15:06 am

Morning BW - 77.3kg

Soreness: moderate pretty much everywhere

Slept better than k have been recently last night, which is A+


Kcal - 3267
Carbs - 233g
Protein - 216g
Fat - 155g


Morning BW - 77.6kg

Had a big ol' sleep. Have a bit of a throat tickle/cough, but I reckon it'll clear up.


Kcal - 2933
Carbs - 214g
Protein - 167g
Fat - 149g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 07, 2017, 08:49:23 am

Morning BW - 77.3kg

Bar x 15
30kg x 5
42.5kg x 8
50kg x 6
55kg x 4, 4, 4
52.5kg x 5
50kg x 6
45kg x 7
42.5kg x 17

OHP superset w/ Neutral grip chins

25 x 6
27.5 x 5
32.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

BW x 3
+5 x 3
+10 x 2
+5 x 3, 3
+2.5 x 3, 3, 3

Pendlay Row
42.5 x 10, 10, 10, 8, 8

DB Incline Bench
16 x 10, 10, 10, 8, 8

DB Curl superset w/ PJR Pullover
10 x 11, 11, 9, 8
PJR Pullover
16 x 12, 12, 12, 12


Shitty sleep again so was a bit more sluggish than I'd've liked. Bench felt kinda heavy, which I suppose does make sense, but there were reps in the tank. OHP at same weight as last week since training max only up by 2.5kg, but it was much easier. Pushing the same weights harder is progress in my books.


Kcal - 3437
Carbs - 344g
Protein - 186g
Fat - 134g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 08, 2017, 03:07:48 am
thoughts about why your sleep's been bad? makes such an enormous difference, if you can figure that out then you can reap gainzzzz.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 08, 2017, 10:14:33 am

Soreness: lats, upper back, bis/tris, chest

Bar x 8
50 x 5
60 x 2
72.5 x 5
80 x 3
90 x 7 [fuck yes! +5kg and +2 reps. Filmed it and depth is good]
85 x 3
80 x 3
75 x 3
72.5 x 5
67.5 x 5
62.5 x 10 [quite a few in the tank, tbh]

Deficit DL [standing on 10kg plate]
60 x 5
70 x 5
77.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [hard part was kind of more cardio than anything, in a way]

Machine Hack Squat [took some getting used to]
50 x 6
40 x 6, 8, 8, 8

Prone Leg Curl
36 x 8
32 x 10, 10, 8

Kneeling Cable Crunch
32 x 10
36 x 10, 10, 10

Hollow Body Hold
BW x 10s, 10s, 10s [form a lot better, i.e. just shoulders off the ground rather than more of my back. Abs pretty wrecked from crunches so kinda weak]

Calf Press machine
39 x 10
52 x 10
73 x 12, 12, 12 [no reason to neglect calves. Got deep stretch at bottom]


Slept wonderfully last night. To answer LBSS, I just kind of have 1 week every 6 or so that is like this. Perhaps this case was because of change of brand of same medication that I'm not, but I'm not sure.

Awesome workout! Thrilled with that squat top set.


Kcal - 4505
Carbs - 444g
Protein - 217g
Fat - 203g

Food is pretty awesome. I am extremely, extremely full.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: FP on April 08, 2017, 08:40:06 pm
Accessory sets volume analysis

Vertical pulling

Horizontal pulling

Horizontal pushing





Lateral delts

Rear delts

This is on top of 17 sets of: deadlifts, squats, OHP and 34 sets of bench (16 of which incline or close-grip).


There's a lot of heavy pushing in this (i.e. 51 heavy sets of it). But if you count all the deadlifts as back work then there's 52 sets of pulling+the rear delt work, so the balance seems pretty reasonable. A higher % of the pulling is near failure than of the pushing, too, since much of the non-AMRAP stuff is programmed fairly light, esp the sets before the first AMRAP set, so 51 is the generous count. I think I should do facepulls/rear delt flyes more often, though.

My legs have felt the hardest hit by this, so I'm not that bothered by only doing 4 accessory sets, tbh.

This is pretty cool. The fact that your legs are hit the hardest is probably because DL's and Squats are so CNS intensive and use a lot of muscles. I really like this sort of analysis, definitely gotta log better and do one for my lifts as well.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 09, 2017, 08:25:06 am

Morning BW - 77.8kg (makes sense. Despite eating well above my target yesterday, I reckon my activity was also well above average)

Soreness: lats, glutes, hamstrings, minor in arms and chest

Bar x 8
30 x 6
35 x 5
40 x 3
45 x 4 [+2.5kg -1 rep]
42.5 x 3
40 x 3
37.5 x 5
35 x 5
32.5 x 5
30 x 12 [+1 rep]

Incline Bench
25 x 6
32.5 x 5
40 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [bit of a grind on last rep of the 8 set]

BW x 8, 6, 5, 5, 5

Lateral raise superset with rear delt flyes and then facepulls

Lateral raise
7 x 10, 10, 10
6 x 11, 10
5 x 10, 10

Superset w/

Rear delt fly
5 x 12, 12, 12

Then facepulls
5.7 x 14
7.9 x 12, 12, 12


Decent sleep, but woken up a bit early by outside noise. Solid workout. Big leap on Incline, though last time it was very easy. OHP felt heavy, but that's a notoriously fickle lift, so I'm still pleased with 4 reps and solid volume work. My delt are dead.

D'oh, forgot to do mah curls.


Kcal - 3053
Carbs - 288g
Protein - 185g
Fat - 124g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 10, 2017, 09:19:08 am

Morning BW - 77.1kg

Soreness: Calves, glutes, delts, tris

70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 3
105 x 10 [+5kg, +4 reps! Switched to mixed grip after 4 reps and that are life easier. Will bring straps for top sets now]
100 x 3
Was sharing the DL platform with four other dudes and I got impatient so I moved on before doing the rest of my back off sets.

Front Squat
40 x 5
52.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [easier than last time, perhaps because I skipped some DLs]

BW x 8, 6, 3, 3 [about 90s rest. Top set PR and then a mega crash in endurance after that, woof]

Neutral grip lat pulldowns
45 x 6
39 x 10, 9, 8
32 x 12
Did these with a pause at full contraction and stretch and got an outrageous lat pump.

DB Row
26 x 8, 7, 7

DB Holds
36/hand x 10s, 10s, 10s

Suitcase Hold
28 x 15s, 15s, 15s

Calf Press
52 x 8
73 x 12
79 x 10
86 x 9
79 x 10, 9

Kneeling Cable Crunch (different cable set with different numbers)
32.9 x 10
28.4 x 14, 14, 14

Hollow Body Hold
BW x 10s, 10s, 10s, 10s

Deadlift [went back to get some more volume in]
92.5 x 3
80 x 4, 4
Grip, unsurprisingly, completely dead at this point.


Ridiculously pleased with the deadlift top set! Need to be conscientious about straps and doing extra grip training, now, though. Decent workout overall. Yay for good sleep.

Got a haircut after the workout and I had A Lot of hair off, which will probs have a non-negligible impact on scale numbers.


Kcal - 3392
Carbs - 308g
Protein - 205g
Fat - 169g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2017, 09:28:43 am
kroc rows are another really good supplemental exercise for grip and upper back strength. plus they feel bad ass.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 10, 2017, 10:26:14 am
I'll definitely think about including them, though for now I'm happy to keep back and grip training relatively separate.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2017, 05:53:45 am
congrats on the victory. would have liked to see a little less decorum, though. perhaps a table flip. some incoherent yelling. an exultant fist pump.

damn understated british people.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 11, 2017, 08:03:02 am
Dude watch carefully there is an exultant as fuck fist pump after the gong goes.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 11, 2017, 08:10:12 am

Morning BW - 77.5

Soreness - Calves, upper back a bit

Bar x 15
30 x 8
40 x 5
50 x 5
55 x 3
62.5 x 6
57.5 x 3
55 x 5
52.5 x 3
50 x 5
45 x 3
42.5 x 15

Close grip bench press
30 x 5
40 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Supersetted last few sets of Bench and all of CGBP with Db Rows

DB Row
22 x 8, 8, 8, 6, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6

Seated DB OHP
14 x 10, 10, 9

Lateral raise 1.5 reps (I.e. All the way to the top, down halfway, back up, all the way down, repeat)
4 x 10, 10, 10, 10 [omg the delt burn]

DB Curl
10 x 12, 11, 11, 10

Cable pushdown (different cable set with different numbers)
18 x 11, 11, 10, 8 + a burnout repout on all the lower weights after the 8

Hammer curl superset w/ DB overhead extensions

Hammer Curls
10 x 12, 10, 10

DB Overhead extensions
12 x 12, 12, 12


Went to bed very late, so only about 5 hours sleep, but I felt pretty good. Got a lot of accessory volume in today! Just a fun session, really, with very little to note.


Kcal - 3856
Carbs - 408g
Protein - 212g
Fat - 149g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 11, 2017, 09:10:25 am
Dude watch carefully there is an exultant as fuck fist pump after the gong goes.

lol, i stand corrected. double fist pump.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 12, 2017, 07:06:21 pm

Morning BW: 76.8kg (randomly low)

Soreness: Mid back

Pain: Mild pain in lower right back. I am certain this is because I deadlifted *after* having done ab work the other day, which was very stupid on reflection.


Kcal - 3011
Carbs - 249g
Protein - 166g
Fat - 121g

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 12, 2017, 07:29:12 pm
Vertical pulling
TT: 17
LT: 18

Horizontal pulling
TT: 17
LT: 17

Horizontal pushing
TT: 10
LT: 8

TT: 11
LT: 7

TT: 11
LT: 12

TT: 9
LT: 4

TT: 15
LT: 13

TT: 14 (this includes the DB OHPs)
LT: 10

Rear delts
TT: 7
LT: 6

TT: 8
LT: 0


Should be aiming to add a few sets to each muscle group each week and then cycle back once it's too much, so shall be more attentive about adding, esp pulling, next week.

Have also been tracking weight and calories, as has likely been noticed, and plugging that data into this spreadsheet ( which suggests I should revise my target kcal intake to 3500.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 13, 2017, 01:32:29 pm

Morning BW: 76.4kg (this, uh, is the wrong direction)

Soreness: pretty much none

Pain: that lower back thing is still mildly present

Mentality: good! got antsy so did tomorrow's workout today. Should still take tomorrow off to let this lower back thing sort itself.

Jogged to gym ~1 mile [felt good! i susperset a lot and usually rest only about 1 min, very rarely 2 mins, so I'm hitting conditioning at a reasonable clip just with lifting I think (just checked, I did 52 sets in 70 minutes today)]

Bar x 15
35 x 5
45 x 8
52.5 x 6
60 x 4, 4, 4
55 x 5
52.5 x 6
50 x 7
45 x 11 [This whole section was all pretty tough, not too far from failure the whole way through. Previously these volume workouts were pretty trivial except for the rep out sets, obviously. This is good, here is were progress is made!]

Chins supersetted w/ OHP

BW x 4
+10 x 3, 3, 3
+5 x 3, 4, 3, 4, 4 [very happy with this!]

superset w/

25 x 8
30 x 5
35 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [expected this to be much tougher after the bench, but it was actually rather smooth]

Pendlay Row
45 x 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8

DB Incline Bench
18 x 10, 10, 8, 8

Superset of DB curl w/ PJR Pullover

DB Curl
12 x 10, 8
10 x 10, 9, 9 [man, I kind of hate bicep pumps, what's wrong with me]


PJR Pullover
18 x 12, 12, 12, 12, 10

DB Suitcase Hold [figured I could get some grip and core work in today since I'm resting tomorrow]
28 x 15s
32 x 15s, 15s, 13s


After being slightly rattled by the toughness of the bench workout, which on reflection is unsurprising since the weights are getting relatively high for me. I also couldn't be bothered to track eating today.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 14, 2017, 08:53:40 am

Morning BW: 77.1kg

Soreness: Lats and erectors very sore, triceps, moderate in pecs.

6 sets of Pendlay rows after 9 sets of heavy chins is, unsurprisingly, pretty brutal. Happy to have today off before doing squats and deficit DLs tomorrow...


Kcal - 3369
Carbs - 439g
Protein - 194g
Fat - 88g

Grains for the gains?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 15, 2017, 08:54:34 am

Morning BW - 77.9kg

Soreness - Lats and triceps still

Bar x a bunch
40 x 5
60 x 5
75 x 5
85 x 3
95 x 4
90 x 3
85 x 3
80 x 3
75 x 5
70 x 5
65 x 10
Top set was rough. Not used to weights feeling that heavy on my back on squats yet, so it's good to get some practice there. Form felt delightful on all the back off sets, though, which is good!

Deficit DL
70 x 5
82.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8
Grip and upper back more taxed than anything else here, perhaps unsurprisingly. Managed it all DOH, though.

Reverse Lunge
BW x 8
+20 x 8
+32 x 8, 8, 8

Leg Press
50 x 15
80 x 12
100 x 12, 12, 12

Leg Curl
32 x 12, 12, 12
27 x 14

Calf Press
79 x 10
86 x 6
93 x 7
100 x 6, 6

Decline Bench Halo [a la Alsruhe:]
BW x 8 [left->right->back is a rep]
+7 x 5
+5 x 6, 5
Found these a touch awkward

Decline Bench Russian Twists
+5 x 8, 8, 8

Hollow Body Holds
BW x 13s, 13s, 13s, 11s


Lower back feeling better. Only noticed it after that 65x10 squat set and when I was lax about bracing on leg press. Good workout. Will cycle back the volume and drop leg presses next week, I reckon.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 16, 2017, 09:21:05 am

Soreness: Intense glutes and abs/obliques, mild lats/mid back/erectors.

Bar x 8
30 x 5
37.5 x 5
42.5 x 5
47.5 x 3 [Felt pretty heavy, but +2.5kg and -1 rep is still solid]
45 x 3
42.5 x 3
40 x 5
37.5 x 5
35 x 5
32.5 x 10
Back off sets were pretty tough.

Incline Bench
27.5 x 6
35 x 5
42.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8
Decent chest pump, and then 7 and 8 sets were tough.

Reverse Grip DB Inline [thought I'd give this a go since I'd read it is a good way to focus on upper chest]
12 x 8
14 x 6
10 x 10, 10
Not sure I quite have the shoulder flexibility, esp on my left side, to do this full justice, so I'm not sure I'll return to it. Definitely hits the upper chest distinctly, though. Could see it working on a slightly flatter incline.

BW x 10, 8, 7, 6, 5
Nice! Double digit reps. It's really bothersome that the only dip station is a captains chair, because people spend eleven million years doing lazy abs exercises.

DB Lateral Raise superset w/ Machine rear delt flyes

DB Lateral Raise
5kg x 16, 15, 14, 13
Woof that pump
Machine Rear Delt Flye
32 x 12, 12, 10
25 x 14
I really liked this, much easier to focus on the rear delts than with the dumbbells, and easier to load the stretched portion of the rep.

1.5 rep style laterals superset w/ cable facepulls

1.5xLateral Raises
4 x 7, 7, 6, 6
Lower rep count fine with me since the TUT is way higher
7.9 x 16
10.2 x 12, 12, 12
Form on these is really clicking

Single Arm DB Hammer Curl [i.e. do all the reps on the left, then match reps with the right]
12 x 8, 7
9 x 11, 10

Alternating DB Hammer Curl
8 x 20


Another good workout. Would have loved 4 on the OHP, but it was not to be. Got all the work in. Moving my arms around is odd when whole of shoulder is fatigued.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 17, 2017, 08:56:14 am

70 x 4
80 x 3
87.5 x 5
100 x 3
112.5 x 6 [Strapped up for this. +7.5kg, -4 reps]
105 x 3 [one rep DOH, two reps mixed, swapping which hand was under]
100 x 3 [DOH from here on]
95 x 3
87.5 x 3
82.5 x 3
77.5 x 16 [Strapped up and did these touch 'n' go, since everything else is from a deadstop and I get work off the floor on the deficit day. Used this for back work and holy fuck the upper back pump]

Front Squat
35 x 6
45 x 3
55 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [tough but managable, last rep of the 8 set was close, more due to erector fatigue than anything, though]

BW x 6, 6, 4, 4 [not bothered by meh rep count, my back's level of general fatigue, and fatigue from this workout, was already v high]

Wide grip pronated lat-pulldowns [most of my chins are already neutral so makes sense to me to mix this up]
39 x 10, 10, 10, 10 [forearms dead, those hammer curls yesterday, but the back pump here was real, especially mid back/traps/rhomboids]

DB Row
26 x 10, 10, 8, 8

Bent Knee Calf Press [have to do this manually since there isn't one, so the quad pump from staying in position is pretty intense]
66 x 10
79 x 10
86 x 10, 10, 10, 10

Calf Press
93 x 8
86 x 8

Cable Crunch [changed up form/positioning from last time so numbers not really comparable, but I found this more comfortable]
36 x 10
45 x 16
54 x 14
64 x 10, 10, 10


Straps are good. Also, I seem to intuitively love finishing sets on the 10th rep, this is probably costing me marginal gains, haha.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 19, 2017, 08:17:18 am

Morning BW: 78.5

Not been bothered with tracking eating since I've gained a rough sense of how much I need to eat. If things start to go off track I'll start that up again.

Busy day yesterday so the workout was moved to today.

SS1A: Bench
30 x 10
40 x 6
52.5 x 5
60 x 3
67.5 x 4 [+5kg, -2 reps]
62.5 x 3
60 x 3 [was meant to be five but I misread, nbd]
55 x 5
52.5 x 5
50 x 3
45 x 15

SS1B: Neutral grip seated cable rows
32 x 8
39 x 8
32 x 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8

CGBP [move grip in a little bit, starting to find the sweet spot]
30 x 6
35 x 5
42.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [7 and 8 sets getting tough]

Seated DB OHP
16 x 8, 8, 8
14 x 10

SS2A: Machine rear delt flye
32 x 12
39 x 8
32 x 12, 10

SS2B: 1.5 Style lateral raise
5 x 8, 8, 5+3, 5+6 [after the + is just normal reps instead of 1.5 style. Went all to failure on the last set which is why it is higher, obvs]

SS3A: Machine Preacher Curl
27 x 10
23 x 11, 8
18 x 10
Fucking loved this exercise

SS3B: Overhead DB Extension
14 x 12, 12, 12, 12
For some reason I find it easier to go to failure on bicep things than triceps thing, or perhaps my triceps recover better. I think I get a little anxious about elbows with tricep exercises, perhaps.

SS4A: V-Bar cable pushdown
18 x 11, 11, 11, 11

SS4B: Alternating DB Curl
10 x 14, 12
then changed to Single Arm DB Curl
10 x 8, 7


Main work felt strong. Finally found a bicep exercise I really like in the machine preacher, so shall be keeping that in the mix. Am travelling for a quizbowl thing over the next few days, but I will be training with a buddy on Friday, so won't be totally out of whack.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 19, 2017, 08:37:35 am
Accessory Volume

Vertical Pulling
TT: 17
LT: 17

Horizontal Pulling
TT: 19
LT: 17

Horizontal Pushing
TT: 13
LT: 10

TT: 13
LT: 11

TT: 18
LT: 11

TT: 12
LT: 9

TT: 15
LT: 15

TT: 16
LT: 14

Rear delts
TT: 12
LT: 7

TT: 11
LT: 8


Think I've hit about the max volume I can recover from on back work for now. Everything else feeling good, though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 21, 2017, 03:22:06 pm

SS1A: DB Flat Bench
20lbs x 10
40lbs x 10
50lbs x 10, 10, 8, 8

SS1B: Lat pulldowns
6 x 10
10 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

30 x 10, 10, 10, 10

SS2B: DB Row
50 x 10, 10, 10, 10


Just a quick session to get volume in. I'll do the squat/deficit DL session on first day back in the UK on Monday and continue from there.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 25, 2017, 08:01:33 am

Bar x lots, lots
40kg x 5
60 x 4
77.5 x 5
87.5 x 3
97.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, -1 rep, decent given the time off/time needed to get used to form and whatnot again for me]
92.5 x 3
87.5 x 3
82.5 x 3
77.5 x 5
72.5 x 5
70 x 8
As with last time the form really felt like it was coming together on the back off sets. Maybe I should do some light back squats on the other leg day just to keep form practice to more than 1/week?

Deficit Deadlift
70 x 5
80 x 4
87.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8
quads dead on that last set

Reverse Lunge
+36kg x 8, 8

Leg Curl
36 x 10, 10

Calf Press
93 x 8, 8, 8


Good to be back in the gym after a bunch of traveling, though the travels were nice. Cut volume back a bit so that I'm not completely wrecked for the next few days. OHP tomorrow.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 25, 2017, 09:28:11 am
Maybe I should do some light back squats on the other leg day just to keep form practice to more than 1/week?

depends. if improving squat is high-ish on the list of goals, or if you feel like form is inadequate on the ramp-up and heavy sets, then yes. if you're just concerned about size or general strength and if you feel ramp-up form is adequate if less than perfect, then don't sweat it.

also do them twice a week if you, you know, enjoy them. EDIT don't listen to me on that point because i love squatting and have been known to let it get in the way of other goals. eyes on the prize.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 25, 2017, 10:21:44 am
Maybe I should do some light back squats on the other leg day just to keep form practice to more than 1/week?

depends. if improving squat is high-ish on the list of goals, or if you feel like form is inadequate on the ramp-up and heavy sets, then yes. if you're just concerned about size or general strength and if you feel ramp-up form is adequate if less than perfect, then don't sweat it.

also do them twice a week if you, you know, enjoy them. EDIT don't listen to me on that point because i love squatting and have been known to let it get in the way of other goals. eyes on the prize.

Yeah, this is all sensible. I really like the programme as it is, I just also really enjoy the feeling of locked in squats. I think I'll maybe add some light paused squats after my front squats on that day, if I feel like I have the energy.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 26, 2017, 07:03:56 am

Soreness: Quads, Glutes, Hams

BW x 4, 4, 4 [just to warm up a bit and get flowing. Did these sternum to bar and felt very light]

Bar x 8
30 x 5
40 x 5
45 x 5
50 x 2 [Woof that second rep was a grinder, was shaking like hell]
47.5 x 3
45 x 3
42.5 x 5
40 x 5
37.5 x 5
35 x 9

Incline Bench Press
30 x 6
37.5 x 5
42.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [good pump and quite tough on the 7 and 8 sets]

BW x 8, 8, 6, 6

SS1A: Facepulls
12.5 x 16
14.7 x 10, 10, 10
12.5 x 13, 12

SS1B: DB Lateral Raise
6 x 10, 10, 10, 10
1.5 style @ 4 x 8, 6+5

Single Arm DB Hammer Curl
12 x 8, 8, 8

Alternating DB Hammer Curl
10 x 12, 12


OHP unsurprisingly tough. Good workout.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 27, 2017, 06:37:22 am

Soreness: Quads, glutes, hams, pecs

70 x 5
90 x 3
95 x 5
107.5 x 3
120 x 5
112.5 x 3
107.5 x 3
100 x 3
95 x 3
87.5 x 3
82.5 x 15

Front Squat
Bar x 5
40 x 5
60 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8
Was meant to be at 57.5 but went for 60 b/c it's easier to load. The last set was rough but made it all.

BW x 6, 6, 5

Wide-grip pronated lat pulldown
45 x 10, 10, 9

Neutral grip pulldown [slower and more focused on contraction]
39 x 10, 10

Neutral Grip Seated Row
45 x 10
32 x 15, 13, 13


Not much to say. Good workout.

Edit: changed the loading % on front squats in general since the programme is written on the assumption of low-bar squats and I've been doing high-bar.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 28, 2017, 08:11:51 am
Ill :(

Quite sore upper back, which is one of my favourite sorenesses. Will hopefully be recovered from this sniffle tomorrow to lift. I'd lift ill at home, but feel uncouth doing that at a public gym.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 29, 2017, 12:01:24 pm

Still sniffly/phlegmy but not feeling low energy/kicked in the head, so decided to hit the gym.

Cycle ~10 mins @ 135bpm

Bar x 10
37.5 x 6
55 x 5
62.5 x 3
70 x 4 Very close on the 5th, alas
65 x 3
62.5 x 5
57.5 x 3
55 x 5
50 x 3
47.5 x 15

30 x 6
37.5 x 5
42.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

T-Bar Landmine Row
30 x 8
45 x 8, 8, 7, 7
Not the hugest fan of this, but fiddled around with it anyway

Seated DB OHP
16 x 10, 10, 9

SS1A: 1.5 Style Lateral Raise
5 x 8, 8, 7, 6+2

SS1B: Machine Rear Delt Flye
39 x 14
45 x 8
39 x 12, 10

SS2A: Machine Preacher Curl
23 x 10, 10, 10, 9
19 x 16
Love this. Much prefer it to freeweight preachers because there's still loading in the final portion of the movement

SS2B: Overhead DB Extension
16 x 14, 13, 12, 12

Strength pretty good despite being vaguely under the weather. Sweating makes the sniffle feel a lot better.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 01, 2017, 01:13:28 pm

Soreness: Pecs, general upper body

50 x 8
60 x 6
65 x 4, 4, 4
60 x 5
Skipped last couple of sets :/

SS1A: Chins
BW x 4
+10 x 3, 3, 3, 2.5
BW x 5, 4, 4, 4
A little stagnant here, unsurprisingly, since I missed out the heavy chins last week

27.5 x 6
32.5 x 5
37.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [had to take some fairly long pauses before the last few reps of the 8 set]

Pendlay Row
50 x 8, 8, 8, 8
I love this exercise

DB Incline Press
18 x 12, 11, 9, 8

SS2A: V-Bar Pushdown
18 x 12, 12, 12, 12

SS2B: Alternating DB Curl
12 x 11, 10, 10, 9


Still from lots of benching two days ago so the benching was tough, otherwise fine. Went at an unusual time for me and the gym was awfully busy, back to the morning tomorrow, I hope.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 02, 2017, 06:37:30 am

Bar x lots, lots
40 x 6
60 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 3
100 x 4 [Woop]
95 x 3
90 x 3
85 x 3
80 x 5
75 x 5
70 x 10

Deficit Deadlift
70 x 5
80 x 3
90 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Reverse Lunge
+36 x 10, 10, 10

Leg Curl
32 x 12
36 x 10, 10, 10
32 x 10 + random burnout at 23

Calf Press
93 x 12, 12, 10, 10, 10

Decline Russian Twist
+10 x 8, 8
+15 x 7


Yup, good workout, +weight and reps on squat is nice. Slight tightness/twinge but not pain in lower back on the right hand side.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 03, 2017, 06:39:23 am

Soreness: hamstrings, glutes, calves, all quite mild

Bar x 7
30 x 5
42.5 x 5
47.5 x 3
52.5 x 1
50 x 2 [failed the 3rd prescribed rep]
47.5 x 3
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
37.5 x 5
35 x 9

Incline Bench
30 x 6
37.5 x 5
45 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [hardest this has been yet]

BW x 9, 8, 7, 6, 5

SS1A: Facepulls
14.7 x 12, 12, 12, 12
12.5 x 15, 14

SS1B: Lateral Raises
7 x 10, 10, 10
5 x 14, 14, 14

Hammer Curls
14 x 9, 8
12 x 11, 10
10 x 16


Peeved but unsurprised at stalling on OHP. I'll reset back such that the top set is at a weight I reckon I can hit for 6-8 reps so that I can get a bit more volume in.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2017, 09:29:33 am
why not try again with same weight next equivalent workout? if you fail again, then reset. but if you were close, you might just get it next time.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 03, 2017, 11:21:51 am
Yeah, I was thinking about that but am not sure. I guess since at the moment I'm more concerned with size/muscle gain than focussing on pure strength I'm not that fussed about repeating a week to try and hit a 2/3RM PR, but like more the idea of resetting a bit so I can spend a few extra weeks in the 4-8 rep range?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 03, 2017, 12:08:28 pm
eh, you're in the newbie stage. either way works.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 03, 2017, 01:40:58 pm
You're quite right. I think I'll decide based on what I think I'd have more fun doing, which is probalby higher reps, but we'll see next week.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 04, 2017, 07:00:40 am

Soreness: hamstrings still sore, nothing else in particular

50 x 5
70 x 5
85 x 3
97.5 x 5
110 x 3
122.5 x 5 [+2.5kg = reps]
117.5 x 3
110 x 3
105 x 3
97.5 x 3
90 x 3
85 x 14

Front Squat
40 x 5
50 x 3
62.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [this was brutal]

BW x 6, 6, 6, 4

Narrow+neutral grip lat pulldows
45 x 8
39 x 10, 10, 10, 10
Really liked these, lots of extra ROM pulling to lower down chest than is possible with other bars, also felt a bit more bicep, though that's perhaps just them being a bit sore from yesterday

Neutral+medium grip seated cable rows
45 x 8
39 x 10
32 x 14, 14, 14
Tried to focus on pulling with traps as well as lats

Bentover DB Shrugs [like this:]
16s x 10, 10, 10, 10
Done to just focus on feeling traps and for a bit of fun, quite liked it as a way to feel them working.


degree-determining exams are in 3 weeks and stress is building
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 04, 2017, 07:03:04 am
and which degree might that be?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 04, 2017, 07:31:28 am
philosophy ba, took an extra year due to health stuff, unfortunately.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 05, 2017, 12:57:15 am
oh yikes. well, godspeed.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 05, 2017, 07:32:45 am

Soreness: nothing in particular
Pain: minor occasional twinge in lower right back, gonna stretch/foam roll and see how two days off treats me

Bar x 10
40 x 6
57.5 x 6
65 x 3
72.5 x 3
67.5 x 3
65 x 5
60 x 3
57.5 x 5
52.5 x 3
50 x 11

45 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Seated DB OHP
18s x 9, 8, 8
16s x 10

SS1A: 1.5 Style Lateral Raise
5s x 12, 9, 9, 8

SS1B: Machine Rear Delt Flye
45 x 13, 12, 10
39 x 14

SS2A: Machine Preacher Curls
23 x 14
27 x 10, 9, 9
23 x 12

SS2B: Overhead DB Extension
18 x 12, 12, 12, 12, 12

Solid workout. Peeved about this lower back thing :/ Annoyed if it's form induced as I've been pretty careful about checking/filming heavy sets of DL and squats. Maybe just cumulative fatigue.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 05, 2017, 07:38:13 am
Accessory Volume

Vertical Pulling

Horizontal Pulling

Horizontal Pushing





Rear Delts



Should be more attentive to ab work and probably also row more.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 08, 2017, 06:17:28 am

Bar x 10
40 x 6
50 x 8
57.5 x 6
65 x 4, 4, 4
62.5 x 5
60 x 6
55 x 7
50 x 13

SS1A: Chins
BW x 5
+5 x 4
+10 x 4
+15 x 2, 2, 2
+10 x 3
+5 x 4, 4
Nice, nice

Bar x 8
25 x 6
27.5 x 5
32.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8
Despite being fairly easy I actually was able to feel it a lot more as a delt movement than previously, so I'm liking this reset already.

DB Incline Bench
20s x 10, 10, 9, 9

Pendlay Row
52.5 x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

SS2A: Alternating DB Curl
14 x 9, 8, 8, 8
12 x 12

SS2B: V-Bar Cable Pushdown
23 x 11, 11, 11, 11


Two days off is wonderful, though they were busy and stressful days without a huge amount of sleep. Lower back feeling totally fine, which is great. If it were still a bit borked I would definitely have felt it doing pendlay rows, but we shall see how squats and DLs go tomorrow.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 09, 2017, 06:48:09 am

Bar x Lots
60 x 5
80 x 5
92.5 x 3
102.5 x 5 [+2.5kg +1 rep, fuck yes]
97.5 x 3
92.5 x 3
85 x 3
80 x 5
75 x 5
70 x 8 [called this a bit short b/c lower back tightness, but not pain, was developing]

Deficit Deadlifts
70 x 5
80 x 5
95 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [this was very tough]

Reverse Lunge
20s x 8, 8, 8

Calf Press
86 x 10
93 x 10
100 x 8, 8
107 x 7, 7

Leg Curl
36 x 10
41 x 9, 8
36 x 10

Cable Crunch
41 x 10
50 x 10
59 x 10, 10, 10, 10

Hollow Body Hold
BW x 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s


Very happy with that squat top set, and with the lack of lower back pain. Was a good boy and did my ab work.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 10, 2017, 07:10:40 am

Soreness: Hamstrings and glutes

BW x 5, 4 [just to warm up a bit before OHP]

Bar x 8
30 x 5
35 x 5
40 x 3
45 x 7 [+3 reps from the last time I did this weight a month ago]
42.5 x 3
40 x 3
37.5 x 5
35 x 5
32.5 x 5
30 x 12

Incline Bench
30 x 6
40 x 5
47.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

BW x 10, 9, 8, 7, 7

SS1A: Facepulls [different cable set so weights are different]
23 x 12, 12
18 x 16, 16, 14, 14

SS1B: Lateral Raise
8 x 10, 10
7 x 10, 9, 9, 9

Hammer Curls
12 x 12, 11, 10
10 x 14, 13

Machine Preacher Curl
18 x 14, 12, 11

Slight painful shoulder click if I did the facepulls in a certain way, but everything else was good.

Edit: despite the programme calling for going up by 5kg when you hit >6 reps on the top set I'm gonna keep at 2.5kg on OHP since it is so stall prone.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 11, 2017, 06:41:42 am

70 x 5
90 x 3
102.5 x 5
115 x 3
127.5 x 4 [+5kg, -1 rep]
122.5 x 3
115 x 3
107.5 x 3
102.5 x 3
95 x 3
87.5 x 14

Front Squat
40 x 5
50 x 3
65 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

BW x 7, 7, 5, 5

Neutral+Medium Grip Cable Row
50 x 10, 10, 8
37 x 14, 14, 12
traps feeling the burn

Neutral+Narrow Grip Lat Pulldowns
47 x 10, 10
45 x 10
32 x 16, 16
woof the armpit/lat pump

Bentover DB Shrug
18s x 10, 10, 10, 10

Calf Press
93 x 13
100 x 10, 10, 10, 10
86 x 16

Cable Crunch
50 x 12
59 x 12
68 x 10
77 x 8, 8, 8

Hollow Body Hold
BW x 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s


anyone got any favoured ab movements? not sure i love the cable crunch, though it is probably quite useful anyway
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 11, 2017, 01:46:48 pm
-hanging leg lifts/toes to bar (use straps)
-ab wheel roll-outs
-hollow body holds
-pallof press
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 12, 2017, 07:07:26 am

Bar x 10
40 x 6
50 x 5
60 x 5
65 x 3
72.5 x 5 [=weight, +2 reps (I increased the training max but the way the %s work out means top set stayed the same]
70 x 3
65 x 5
62.5 x 3
60 x 5
55 x 3
50 x 13

40 x 5
47.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [pretty close on the 7 and 8 sets]

16 x 10
20 x 6, 5
18 x 7
16 x 8

SS1A: Machine Rear Delt Flye
45 x 15, 14, 11, 10
39 x 12

SS1B: 1.5 Style Lateral Raise
6 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

SS2A: Machine Preacher Curl
27 x 10, 10, 10, 10 [really focused on the eccentric]

SS2B: Overhead DB Extension
20 x 12, 12, 12, 12, 12

Machine Flye
39 x 12
52 x 10
45 x 10
32 x 12
All of these sets were pretty similar in difficulty, just sort of getting a feel for the machine/isolating chest/funsies.

Incline DB Curl
7 x 14, 10
6 x 10
oh my the pump

Pallof Press
10.2 x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
done with a pause, then holding til failure on the last set of the last rep. thanks for reminding me of these, lbss!


Very much ready for two days off, though this was another strong week of workouts.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 12, 2017, 07:13:48 am
Vertical Pulling
TT: 19
LT: 18

Horizontal Pulling
LT: 13

Horizontal Pushing
TT: 13
LT: 9

TT: 9
LT: 9

TT: 20
LT: 14

TT: 7
LT: 8

TT: 16
LT: 14

Rear Delts
TT: 11
LT: 10

TT: 13
LT: 5

TT: 24
LT: 3


Did my core work this week like a sensible person. All going in the right direction. Not bothered by relatively low tricep accessory volume -- the dips aren't counted there and there's obvs a lot of pressing in the programme (esp CGBP is gonna be triceps heavy work, too).
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 14, 2017, 05:58:39 pm
Progress tracker since starting nSuns. Formula for calculating max (est) is weight*(1+(reps/30)) which is basically the Wendler formula.


Squat and deadlift flying up.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 15, 2017, 06:17:12 am

Bar x 10
40 x 6
52.5 x 8
60 x 6
67.5 x 4, 4, 4 [first and last set was pretty tough]
65 x 5 [very close]
60 x 6
55 x 7
52.5 x 12

SS1A: Chins
BW x 4 [this was weirdly tough]
+10 x 3
+20 x 1
+15 x 2, 2, 2, 2
+10 x 4, 4
+5 x 4

25 x 6
30 x 5
35 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Pendaly Row
55 x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

DB Incline Bench
20 x 12, 12, 10, 9

SS2A: DB Curl
14 x 8, 8, 8, 8 [form better/stricter than last week]

SS2B: Cable Pushdown
23 x 10, 10, 10, 10


Quite a breathless workout/kind of close to chucking up at times.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 16, 2017, 06:50:25 am

Bar x 10
60 x 5
82.5 x 5
92.5 x 5
105 x 4
100 x 3
92.5 x 3
87.5 x 3
82.5 x 5
77.5 x 5
72.5 x 10

Deficit Deadlift
80 x 4
100 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Reverse Lunge
22s x 8, 8, 8

Leg Curl
41 x 10, 10, 10
32 x 18

Cable Crunch [rejigged form yet again and am back to being fond of it]
23.8 x 10
30.6 x 11, 10, 8

a bit later

Hollow Body Hold
BW x 25s, 22s, 21s, 21s
About 60-90 seconds rest, feeling much stabler. Gonna be golden once I can hold for a minute pretty easily, I reckon.


Slightly abbreviated workout, but good. Squat is progressing pretty nicely.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 16, 2017, 08:19:46 am

Video of the top set of squats. Depth is decent, and I am happy with what my knees are doing -- I'm keeping them forward and using my quads out of the hole well. Decently upright back-angle as far as I can see from this crappy angle.

Probably had another rep or two, but still playing is safe and I'm progressing well so I'm not bothered about going balls to the wall unnecessarily.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 16, 2017, 08:38:44 am
angle crappy but yeah, from what's visible, looks good.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 17, 2017, 06:28:33 am

BW x 4, 4, 4

Bar x 8
30 x 5
37.5 x 5
42.5 x 3
47.5 x 7 [fuck yes +2.5kg, = reps, and +4 reps from last time I did this weight a month ago]
45 x 3
42.5 x 3
40 x 5
37.5 x 5
35 x 5
32.5 x 14

Incline Bench
32.5 x 6
40 x 5
50 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [this was very tough, esp after really going for it on OHP]

BW x 11, 9, 8, 8

SS1A: Facepulls
12.5 x 14
17 x 12
14.7 x 14, 14
12.5 x 14

SS1B: Lateral Raise
8 x 10, 10, 10, 10

Hammer Curls
10 x 10
14 x 10, 9, 9
12 x 13

Machine Preacher Curl [really slow eccentric]
18 x 14, 12, 12

Low to High Cable Flye
9 x 12, 12, 10
Just wanted to give this a go as I wasn't a huge fan of the machine flyes last week. I really like this and will try to make it a regular accessory movement.


Really very happy with today's OHP work. Nice to get over 10 reps on dips, too, especially when quite fatigued. I wonder what I could hit for max reps if fresh.

Thanks for comments on squat form, lbss. I'll try to film from a better angle next time I back-squat, though that may not be for a while as training is taking a reduced priority after this week until early June. Will try to get in the gym 2-3 times a week to do maintenance work.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 18, 2017, 06:22:13 am

70 x 4
90 x 3
102.5 x 5
117.5 x 3
130 x 4 [+2.5kg = reps, failed just below knees on fifth]
125 x 3
117.5 x 3
110 x 3
102.5 x 3
97.5 x 3
90 x 12

Front Squat
40 x 5
50 x 3
67.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

BW x 8, 7, 6, 5

Neutral Grip Cable Row
52 x 8, 8, 8
39 x 14, 14

Narrow Lat Pulldown
45 x 8, 8
39 x 14, 14

Bentover DB Shrug
20 x 14, 14, 14, 14

Cable Crunch
45 x 10
59 x 10
68 x 8, 8, 8, 8

a bit later

Hollow Body Hold
4 x near failure, but I didn't bother timing


Accidentally deleted from my phone exact numbers on accessory work but I'm pretty sure what I have written is correct.

Video of deadlift:

Pretty happy with form, input is welcome.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 19, 2017, 06:28:36 am

Cable Row
32 x 10, 10, 10 [supersetted with first few warmup bench sets to get shoulders warm]

Bar x 8
40 x 5
50 x5
60 x 5
67.5 x 3
75 x 4 [4th rep was a real grinder, but my spotter was prudent enough not to touch the barbell, which was a pleasure]
72.5 x 3
67.5 x 5
65 x 3
60 x 5
55 x 5
52.5 x 11 [slower eccentric here than on previous rep outs may contribute to meh number]
Had some trouble maintaining depression of right shoulder, probably mostly due to back fatigue from yesterday. I found this felt better when I slowed down the eccentric another tick, though, so shall keep that in mind.

50 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Seated DB OHP
16 x 12
20 x 8, 7, 7 [woop woop, much better than last week!]
16 x 12 [this set done without locking out to maintain tension]

SS1A: Machine Rear Delt Flye
52 x 12, 11, 10, 10

SS1B: 1.5 Style Lateral Raises
5 x 10, 10, 9, 8 [man the pump on this is good]

SS2A: Machine Preacher Curl
32 x 10
36 x 6, 6
32 x 10

SS2B: Overhead DB Extension
22 x 12, 12, 12, 12 [I don't like this exercise a whole lot, might return to PJRs or something, though they're awkward to superset with machine stuff due to gym layout]

Incline DB Curl
6 x 14, 12, 11

Low to High Cable Flye
5.7 x 12, 12, 12
3.4 x 20
Lowest setting on the cable blocks  :strong: the pump/upper chest MMC on the last set was rad, so shall stick to 20ish rep pump work on this, which makes sense.

Pallof Press
27 x 8, 8
23 x 10, 10


There was a real dickhead in the gym today. As I was getting to like the 3rd or 4th bench set he came up and asked how long I was going to be using the bench for. I said I'd be on it for a while but that he was welcome to work in. He goes off in a huff and return when Im going into my CGBP and asks how much more I've got. I reply "6 sets" and he angrily says "what the heck? you've been on this for 20 minutes already?!" to which I'm just like "yeah, so? you can work in if you want?" and he does one set and fucks off in a huff again to do DB bench. If you're such an antisocial schmuck that you can't even share a bench with someone why the fuck do you go to a public gym/what do you expect to happen?

Also, the fact that the different cable blocks have two different loading schemes is frustrating, though they seem to be in about a 2:1 ratio.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 19, 2017, 06:39:53 am
Vertical Pulling
TT: 22
LT: 19

Horizontal Pulling
TT: 17

Horizontal Pushing
TT: 15 [counting flyes in here]
LT: 13

TT: 8
LT: 9

TT: 18
LT: 20

TT: 7
LT: 7

TT: 13
LT: 16

Rear Delts
TT: 9
LT: 11

TT: 0
LT: 13

TT: 20
LT: 24


Lazy with calves. I also won't do the flyes 2xWeek in future, doing it on Wednesday was relatively anomalous/just an attempt at the exercise to see how it is.

Anyone got a favoured quad accessory that's easy on the lower back? Most single leg stuff ends up hitting my glutes more than my quads, and the leg extension machine at this gym is proportioned awfully for me. I guess I should give machine hack squats or leg presses another go soon.

Anyway, I'm going to go to the gym on the 22nd, and a couple of times in the span 24-29 May. Then a couple of times in the span 5-8 June. Then I finish exams on the 9th and am free, free, free!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 19, 2017, 06:48:19 am
are you not breaking a bit at the low back on your DLs? looks a bit like you set well and then when you start to pull you soften a little bit right at the top of the hips. could just be a trick of the light, still something to pay close attention to.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 19, 2017, 07:08:15 am
Looking carefully I think you're right. I'll be careful with that, for sure.

Edit: I think getting set well is actually part of the issue, because the cues I run through in my head pertain much more to lat tightness. If I make sure to cue lower back tightness more deliberately, now that upper back tightness is fairly set in, this might help. Shall report back.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: FP on May 19, 2017, 05:37:10 pm

Anyone got a favoured quad accessory that's easy on the lower back? Most single leg stuff ends up hitting my glutes more than my quads, and the leg extension machine at this gym is proportioned awfully for me. I guess I should give machine hack squats or leg presses another go soon.

I could write out a list of exercises but pretty much everything besides knee extensions is gonna have some movement at the hips and if you're hip dominant your glutes are just gonna take over. My advice: whatever exercise you decide to do, focus more on the knee extension aspect of it and try to minimize the hip extension.

I'm the opposite of you (my quads take over most knee+hip extension movements) so even when I'm doing BSS, If I'm not actively involved in making the movement glute dominant, my default mechanics automatically favor the knee extension and I hardly get a glute pump. So lately when I do BSS I drop the weight and focus sitting back into it and getting glutes super involved. I get much better glute activation/development this way despite the lower weight.

For me the go-to quad supplementary exercise is leg press and SL leg press but since you're glute dominant, quad-dominant lunges are an easy way to have better control over mechanics. This article has good pictures demonstrating this under the heading "split squat variants" (
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 20, 2017, 05:30:05 am
Thanks FP! Some good thoughts in that article. I may try that in place of the reverse lunges next time around. Leg presses were definitely a quad dominant movement for me when I was doing them, so I will tyr them out again, too.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 22, 2017, 10:31:55 am

BW x 11, 10, 9, 8

5 x Failure [didn't count]


Not going to gym until wed or thur
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 24, 2017, 11:59:19 am

50 x 6
62.5 x 6
70 x 4, 4, 4
65 x 5
62.5 x 6
57.5 x 7
52.5 x 12

30 x 6
40 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7
Had to go at a much busier time than usual and all the racks were in use so used a fixed bar. A bit awkward to clean it since the ends don't rotate, and wasn't quite able to get my usual grip.

BW x 5
+10 x 5, 5, 4, 4, 3
BW x 8

Chest Supported Row [instead of Pendlay to give lower back some more rest]
36 x 10, 10, 10, 10
Quite liked this, good rear delt and traps feeling

Narrow+Neutral Lat Pulldowns
38 x 14, 12, 12

DB Incline Press
22 x 10, 10, 9, 8

SS1A: PJR Pullovers
22 x 8, 8, 8
These are *soooo* much better than overhead extensions

SS1B: DB Curl
14 x 8, 8, 8


Weak feeling exercise. Unsurprising due to stress of exams (had two of my eight so far) and concomitant lack of sleep. All is going pretty well so far, though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 25, 2017, 06:49:59 am

Bar x 2 x Lots
60 x 3
72.5 x 3
85 x 5
95 x 3
107.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, -1 rep]
102.5 x 3
95 x 3
90 x 3
85 x 5
80 x 5
72.5 x 8

60 x 8
80 x 8, 8, 6, 6

Hack Squat
30 x 6
70 x 6, 6
50 x 10

Leg Curl
41 x 12, 10
32 x 14


Looowwww energy.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 26, 2017, 05:35:05 am

BW x 4, 4

Bar x 5
30 x 5
40 x 5
45 x 5
50 x 5 [+2.5kg, -2 reps, though +3 reps from last time I did this weight]
47.5 x 3
45 x 3
42.5 x 5
40 x 5
37.5 x 5
35 x 11

Incline Bench
35 x 6
45 x 5
52.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [this was pretty rough so may stick to this weight next time round, however far away that may be]

BW x 12, 9, 9, 8

SS1A: Facepulls
14.7 x 14, 14
17 x 10
14.7 x 14, 12

SS1B: Lateral Raise
7 x 14, 13, 12, 11

Low to High Cable Flye
3.4 x 17
5.7 x 12
3.4 x 16

Hammer Curls
10 x 10
16 x 6 [lol too heavy really]
14 x 9, 8


Good workout. Catching up on sleep is great. Will probably finish this week out [i.e. the deadlift and bench workouts] and then not train again until 5th or 6th June.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 27, 2017, 12:27:05 pm

60 x 6
80 x 5
95 x 3
105 x 5
120 x 3
132.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, -1 rep]
125 x 3
120 x 3
112.5 x 3
105 x 3
97.5 x 3
90 x 8 [stopped a fair bit short of max here just to be careful with back]
Did 5 shrugs while holding the last rep of most sets here

Front Squat
60 x 3
70 x 3, 5
Didn't feel up for this and decided I'd just have a nice fun back/bodybuilding session.

BW x 10, 7, 5, 4

Neutral Grip Cable Row
52 x 10, 10, 8
39 x 16, 14

Neutral+Narrow Grip Lat Pulldowns
52 x 8
45 x 10, 10
Then a big drop set
45 x 9 -> 39 x 8 -> 32 x 12 -> 25 x 12

Bentover DB Shrugs
22 x 14, 14, 14, 14

Single Arm Cable Curl [like this:]
9 x 14
14 x 10, 9
9 x 12
Lovely pump. Biceps exercises that start from a stretched position are fun to do.

Cable Crunch
50 x 10
64 x 12
73 x 10
82 x 6
73 x 8

Rope Straight-Arm Pulldown
18 x 14
27 x 12, 12

Single-Arm Cable Lat Pullin
18 x 12
27 x 12, 12
This I really liked.


Pretty stressed and didn't really have the energy to a bunch of brutal front squats, to be honest, and my quads are bit sore [yay hack squats?, so I decided to give myself a break and just fuck about doing fun things, that in the end didn't deviate all that much from the main plan.

Sunday or Monday will be the last workout until I've got a few days off before my last exam.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 28, 2017, 06:59:09 am

Rowing machine for ~5 mins to warm up

40 x 6
50 x 5
62.5 x 5
70 x 3
77.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, -1 rep, could potentially have grinded out a fourth]
75 x 3 [probably harder than the previous set]
70 x 5
65 x 3
62.5 x 5
57.5 x 3
52.5 x 12

52.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Seated DB OHP
16 x 12, 11, 9
14 x 12, 10
Done with fuller ROM than previously, bringing the DBs down to touching my shoulders

SS1A Machine Rear Delt Flye
52 x 14, 14
59 x 10, 10

SS1B 1.5 Style Lateral Raises
5 x 8, 8, 8, 8
Trie to bring the DBs up a little bit higher than usual

Machine Preacher Curl
32 x 10
36 x 7, 6
32 x 7

SS2A Incline DB Curl
5 x 13, 12, 12, 12, 10

SS2B L Extention []
5 x 12
7 x 12
8 x 10, 9, 7
Right definitely a lot weaker than left on these

Incline DB Flye -> Incline Press [i.e. flye until near failure then switch straight to pressing the same weight without rest]
10 x 10+10, 10+10, 10+10

Low to High Cable Flye
9 x 14, 12, 12, 12


Had a bunch of fun with this workout. Added a lot of extra volume since I won't be back in the gym for over a week, so might as well hit it hard now.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 28, 2017, 10:41:33 am
Vertical Pulling
TT: 31 [counting the straight arm pulldowns and the pullins here]
LT: 22

Horizontal Pulling
TT: 13
LT: 17

Horizontal Pushing
TT: 23
LT: 15 [counting flyes in here]

TT: 8
LT: 8

TT: 20
LT: 18

TT: 6
LT: 7

TT: 13
LT: 13

Rear Delts
TT: 9
LT: 9

TT: 0 [heh]
LT: 0

TT: 5
LT: 20

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 31, 2017, 11:29:54 am
Exams have been going okay. Attempted a max set of neutral grip chinups at home today and hit 12, which I'm pretty happy with.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 05, 2017, 11:31:27 am

Stationary bike ~10 mins

Bar x 10
40 x 6
55 x 6 [meant to be 8 but i misread, whatever]
65 x 6
72.5 x 4, 4, 4 [pretty tough, probably no reps in the tank on the last two sets]
67.5 x 5
65 x 5
60 x 7
55 x 8 [woof]

SS1A Chins
BW x 4
+10 x 3
+15 x 3, 3, 3, 2, 2 [gosh, apparently first time I've hit +15 for 3! I thought these felt week. Nice]
+10 x 4, 3

27.5 x 6
32.5 x 5
37.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7 [argh]

Barbell Row [not Pendlay, done with upper back rather than lat focus]
50 x 10, 10, 10, 8

22 x 8, 8, 8 [done with lat focus]

SS2B DB Incline Press
22 x 10, 10, 8 [might go down to like 16-18 to really get form/ROM sorted for future, I'm just still a bit clumsy with these]

SS3A DB Curl [both arms same time]
14 x 9, 8, 8 [form a bit dodgy, couldn't find the 12s]

SS3B PJR Pullover
22 x 10, 10, 10

Cable Straight Bar Curl
14 x 18 [just to get a bit more pump with solid form, I liked these]


Have done 7 of my 8 exams now. That's 21 hours of fucking writing in exam halls. The one I thought would crush me today actually went really well. Last one is Friday and should be my best paper so I'm feeling pretty chilled. Back to the gym this week. This workout was brutal, tried to keep the pace up but my conditioning has dropped from a week of just sitting around like a fatass swotting up. Glad to be back, though.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 06, 2017, 05:02:52 am

Bar x Lots, lots, lots
60 x 5
75 x 3
87.5 x 5
97.5 x 3
110 x 4 [+2.5kg +1 rep, depth perhaps a little suspect, but still strong, made sure to sink the back off sets to be sure]
102.5 x 3
97.5 x 3
92.5 x 3
87.5 x 5
80 x 5
75 x 8

60 x 6
85 x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

Leg Press [moved feet a lot lower on the pad and this helped me keep focus on the quads and alleviate any lower back strain I got when doing this previously, huzzah]
30 x 12
50 x 12
80 x 15
100 x 14, 14, 14

Reverse Lunge
+24 x 6, 6, 6
I think I want to do walking lunges instead in future, idk

Leg Curl
41 x 12, 12, 9 + back off 32 x 5

Calf Press
100 x 14
113 x 9, 9, 9

SS1A Cable Crunch
73 x 10
77 x 8, 8, 8

SS1B Cable Rope Curl
18 x 16
23 x 14, 13, 12


Nice to be sore again. This was a good workout! I anticipate quite intense leg soreness. Hyped for tomorrow's overhead press rep out as I'll be back to 52.5 which I only hit for 1 rep last time around! Also, I'm totally keen on this 4-5xweekly bicep jazz.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 06, 2017, 03:10:54 pm
Thanks dawg.

I have 3 upper body and 2 lower body days a week (check out yesterday's workout on the previous page of the log). I mostly just want to be jacked and strong, heh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 07, 2017, 05:09:24 am

BW x 5, 5

Bar x 6
30 x 5
42.5 x 5
47.5 x 3
52.5 x 5 [Fuck yes! +2.5kg =reps, and +4 reps from last time I hit this weight! Estimated max >60kg! Woopwoop]
50 x 3
47.5 x 3
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
37.5 x 5
35 x 10

Incline Bench
35 x 6
45 x 5
55 x 3, 5
52.5 x 7, 4, 6, 7 [blarg]

SS1A Chest Supported Row
36 x 10, 10, 10, 10

SS1B Dips
BW x 10, 9, 8, 7

SS2A Facepulls
17 x 14, 14, 13, 12

SS2B Lateral Raise
7 x 12, 12, 10, 10

Hammer Curls [both arms at once rather than alternating]
12 x 12, 11, 10

BB Wrist Curl
15 x 16
20 x 18, 17, 15

DB Reverse Wrist Curl
4 x 12, 12, 12


Extremely happy with OHP progress. I'm still very sore from Monday and feeling a bit under recovered (not surprising given I jumped straight back in at high volume after over a week of doing nothing. This is why I think everything after the OHP was pretty weak. Recovery will improve after I get done with exams and get used to training again.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 07, 2017, 02:03:00 pm
Reminder to self to do cardio, lazy bastard. Also, I think I will aim to cut around when I can rep 2 plates on bench easily enough. At that point I should have enough mass to make me not look like a skeleton when lean.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 08, 2017, 07:11:16 am

Everything is sore. Legs are totally fucked, really impacted this session.

Elliptical machine ~10 mins

70 x 5
90 x 3
110 x 5
120 x 3
135 x 1 [+2.5kg, -2 reps, blarg, just not recovered, will stick at this weight next week and will hopefully fly up]
127.5 x 3
120 x 3
115 x 3
107.5 x 3
100 x 8

Front Squat
50 x 3
65 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 6 [legs still wrecked]

BW x 9, 7, 6 [this felt strong, at least]

Neutral+Medium Grip Cable Row
52 x 12, 10, 10
39 x 39

Narrow+Neutral Grip Pulldowns
52 x 8
45 x 10, 10, 10

Bentover DB Shrugs
22 x 12, 12, 12

Bayesian Cable Curl
7.9 x 8
5.7 x 12, 10

SS1A 45* Back Extension
BW x 20, 20, 20

SS1B Cable Crunch
30.6 x 16, 16, 16


Decent workout. Am pushing tomorrow's bench day until Saturday because I don't want to be tired fro ma workout before an exam (my last fucking exam!!!!!!). Also stressed about the UK election, ugh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 09, 2017, 07:28:04 pm
i am a very drunk boy but at least i am a very drunk boy who won't have to do any exams for a long long time
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Leonel on June 10, 2017, 01:21:32 am
Congrats man. Finished up your masters degree? I have my finals next week and I'm not really looking forward to it. :uhcomeon:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 10, 2017, 01:26:15 pm
Congrats man. Finished up your masters degree? I have my finals next week and I'm not really looking forward to it. :uhcomeon:

Thanks dude, though it was just undergrad! Good luck with your finals too!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 10, 2017, 01:29:26 pm

Pretty hungover this morning.

Jogged to gym ~1 miles

50 x 6
65 x 5
72.5 x 3
80 x 2 [Spotter touched on 2nd rep but I think I would have had it anyway. Will repeat the weight next week despite this]
77.5 x 3
72.5 x 5
67.5 x 3
65 x 5
60 x 3
55 x 9

52.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6
50 x 7 [ugh]

Seated DB OHP
14 x 14, 13, 10

SS1A 1.5 Style Lateral Raise
5 x 8, 8, 8

SS2B Machine Rear Delt Flye
52 x 16
59 x 11, 10

SS2A DB Incline Curl
7 x 14
8 x 9, 9, 7

SS2B L-Extension
8 x 11, 10, 8, 8

Low to High Cable Flye
5.7 x 13, 12, 12

Jogged home ~1 mile


Decent workout given the amount of drinking yesterday. Good to sweat all that shit out. Intra-workout endurance pretty shitty this week, which is hardly surprising!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on June 11, 2017, 02:00:05 pm
congrats on finishing, and congrats on dragging your hung over ass to the gym and getting through a workout.  :lololol:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 12, 2017, 05:32:12 am

Jogged to gym ~1 mile

Bar x 10
40 x 6
55 x 8 [felt heavy]
65 x 6
72.5 x 4, 4, 3 [fuck]
67.5 x 5
65 x 5
60 x 6
55 x 8

SS1A Chins
BW x 5
+10 x 3
+20 x 2, 2, 2
+10 x 4, 3

40 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [pretty unexpectedly easy after how shit bench was]

DB Row
24 x 10, 10, 10

DB Incline Bench
20 x 13, 10, 9 [much better than last week, able to get the chest working properly here]

SS2A Cable Rope Curl
10.2 x 18
14.7 x 11, 11 [i love this]

SS2B Overhead Rope Extension
10.2 x 14, 12, 12 [though this is less wonderful than PJRs]


Bench really shitty. I guess I'm just not recovered since last session was just a couple of days ago. Toned down volume through the rest of the session. I think stress levels are probably still residually very high from exams and my sleep is still a bit fucked because of it.

Gonna stick to 20kg on incline bench until I'm hitting something like 3x20
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 13, 2017, 06:03:56 am

Bar x Lots
70 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 3
112.5 x 3 [definitely better depth than last week]
105 x 3
100 x 3
95 x 3
87.5 x 5

Called squats here and skipped RDLs because lower back feeling fucky in that same old spot on the lower right. More on this in the notes section.

Reverse Lunge
24 x 8, 8, 8 [slightly shorter steps resulted in a nice balance between quads and glutes]

Leg Press
100 x 12
130 x 10, 10, 10

Leg Curl
36 x 14, 12, 11 [much stricter than previously]

Calf Press
113 x 10
127 x 8, 8, 8
I have almost maxed out this machine, which is exciting

Cable Crunch
32.9 x 14
37.4 x 10
32.9 x 12, 12, 11

Bayesian Cable Curls
10.2 x 7, 7, 7


Have been getting occasional lower back twinge/pain from squats and deadlifts, but it was more consistent/a bit worse today. I am going to take a couple of weeks off of back squats and deadlifts. Front squats and RDLs have actually not caused issues/pain, so I will stick with them and see how that goes. I'm not a powerlifter and I'm not training for sports, so while squats+deadlifts are fun and great exercises they're not essential for my goals (get jacked/generally stronger) at the moment.

Going to be more judicious about ab/core work, maybe doing it nearly daily. Going to be more regular about warming up to squads/DLs, which certainly helps. I just get anxious doing that in a public gym because often it means I might end up having to wait around for a rack, but that's a small sacrifice to make to reduce injury chance.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 14, 2017, 06:35:54 am

Jogged to gym ~1 mile

BW x 5, 5, 5

Bar x 6
30 x 5
42.5 x 5
50 x 3
55 x 3 [+2.5kg, -2 reps]
52.5 x 3
50 x 3
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
40 x 5
37.5 x 9

BB Incline Bench
50 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

SS1A Chest Supported Row
41 x 8, 8, 8, 8

SS1B Dips
BW x 11, 9, 8, 7

SS2A Cable Lateral Raises [experimented with cable in front, behind and between legs, not much preference]
3.4 x 12, 11, 10, 9, 8

SS2B Facepulls
17 x 12, 12, 12, 11
12.5 x 16

Hammer Curls
12 x 13, 11, 10

BB Wrist Curl
25 x 18, 16, 14

DB Reverse Curl
7 x 7, 7, 7 [was either this or 3kg, couldn't find anything in between]
3 x 20 [the burn]

Pallof Press
12.5 x 8, 8, 8, 8+max hold on last set


Continue to be pleased with OHP progress. Horizontal pressing has felt weak. Might reset back a bit unless if I don't hit 4+ reps on Friday.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 15, 2017, 06:41:52 am

Stationary bike ~10 mins

Front Squat
Bar x 8
40 x 5
60 x 3
67.5 x 5
75 x 3
82.5 x 4
77.5 x 3
70 x 3
60 x 6, 6
Pretty much free of back pain here, so shall stick w/ front squats for a while now

Back Extension
BW x 10
+12 x 7, 7, 7
BW x 20

BW x 10, 8, 7

Neutral+Medium Grip Cable Row
52 x 12, 12, 11
39 x 16
I get such a good trap pump from these

Neutral+Narrow Grip Lat Pulldowns
59 x 6
52 x 9, 8, 8
39 x 13

DB Seal Rows
12 x 12, 12, 12
Tried instead of shrugs, I like these more

Calf Press
100 x 8
127 x 12
134 x 8, 8, 8
100 x 15

Cable Crunch
32.9 x 18, 18, 16, 14


So I shall use front squats in place of back squats. Not sure what to do for hip dominant movement. I think RDLs were actually fine lower-back wise, so perhaps shall try them out as a main movement again next week.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 16, 2017, 06:10:04 am

Jogged to gym ~1 mile

Did some random light back stuff (rope pulldowns, cable rows) while waiting for the bench to be free.

40 x 6
55 x 4
65 x 5
72.5 x 3
80 x 3 [=kg +1 rep, no spotter touch at all, so potentially really +2 reps]
77.5 x 3
72.5 x 5
67.5  3
65 x 5
60 x 3
55 x 10

50 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Lo-Hi Cable Flye
5.7 x 14
7.9 x 8
5.7 x 13, 13
3.4 x 18

Seated DB OHP
14 x 16, 14, 12

SS1A 1.5 Lateral Raise
6 x 7, 7, 7
4 x 12

SS1B Machine Rear Delt Flye
59 x 14
66 x 10, 10
59 x 12

SS2A DB Incline Curl
8 x 14, 13, 12, 9

SS2B L-Extension
8 x 13, 13, 12, 9

BB Wrist Curl
30 x 15, 14, 12

DB Reverse Wrist Curl
5 x 15, 14, 14

Pallof Press
14.7 x 8, 8, 8, 8+max hold

Incline DB Flye->Press->Iso hold at bottom position
12 x something, something, something
Didn't bother counting b/c complicated and I was lazy and this is just chest pump work for fun


Really good workout, energy high. Finally got 8+ hours of sleep, though I've been having 1 hr naps most days, so I've not been deprived overall, just in the mornings. I've been waking up earlier than I want to and I'm still having exam dreams, so sleep quality hasn't been great.

Will increase bench training max despite saying I'd only do that if I got 4 reps.  8)

Two rest days in a row now. Will be much appreciated.

Will experiment with sumo deadlifts as my main p-chain movement, as the more vertical back angle may keep lower back clear.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 19, 2017, 07:30:49 am

It's so hot, was pretty sweaty just walking to the gym.

Cycle ~5 mins

Bar x 8
40 x 6
57.5 x 8
65 x 6
75 x 4, 4, 4
70 x 5
65 x 6
62.5 x 6 [missed 7th, I only rest about 90 seconds, so with a bit more could certainly have hit it i reckon]
57.5 x 8

SS1A Chins
BW x 4
+10 x 3
+20 x 2.5
+10 x 5, 5, 4, 4, 4

30 x 6
42.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [was really not expecting to hit this. OHP is growing so well]

DB Row
26 x 10, 10, 10

DB Incline
20 x 15, 13, 10 [form better yet!]

PJR Pullover
22 x 12, 12, 10

Cable Rope Curl
27 x 15
32 x 12, 12

Cable Upright Row
14 x 16
18 x 16
27 x 12
Really liked this. Didn't feel any shoulder issues, since I think the rope gives a good amount of freedom, and it was a nice + slightly different side-delt feeling to just raises.

Pallof Press
27 x 6, 6, 6+max hold
Probably a bit heavy


Happy with how bench and OHP went. Did not expect to only miss one rep between them.

Bought creatine and l-citrulline to try out. Creatine I expect to have a decent impact since I get basically none in my diet since I'm vegetarian. L-citrulline I'm a bit more dubious about but it's fairly cheap and well supported, and in the worst case the better pumps could be fun.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 20, 2017, 05:58:13 am

It's too hot, somebody fix this.

Elliptical ~5 mins

Front Squat
Bar x 8
40 x 5
60 x 2
67.5 x 5
77.5 x 3
85 x 4
80 x 3
77.5 x 3
72.5  3
67.5 x 5
62.5 x 5
60 x 7

Sumo Deadlift
60 x 5
75 x 5
90 x 3, 3, 3
Just fiddling about with form + trying it out. Will take some getting used too (particularly the thigh-arm interaction near lockout) but it was pain free and hit my adductors which is a pretty new feeling.

Reverse Lunge
24s x 10, 10, 8
Between front squats, deadlifts and holding a 24kg dumbbell in each hand for 20 reps of lunges my upper back was pretty sore

Leg Press
100 x 10
150 x 12, 12, 12

Leg Curl
41 x 12, 12, 11
32 x 8

Calf Press
134 x 10, 10, 8
107 x 16

Machine Preacher Curl
32 x 12
41 x 10, 9, 7
27 x 10

Cable Crunch
68 x 10
77 x 10
86 x 4
77 x 8, 8

Hanging Leg Raise
BW x 10
I will throw this in as the main ab movement on a future day.


First workout with l-citrulline. No idea if it had any effect but it was a good workout nevertheless. That stuff tastes vile, though, so will need to get used to it.

Leg workout with squats and deadlifts and no back pain  :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 21, 2017, 06:32:34 am

BW x 6, 6, 6

Bar x 6
35 x 4
45 x 5
50 x 3
57.5 x 1 [this was one hell of a grinder]
55 x 1 [meant to be three, heh]
50 x 3
47.5 x 5
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
40 x 9

Incline Bench
45 x 5
52.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

SS1A Chest Supported Row
41 x 10, 10, 10, 10

SS1B Machine Dips
45 x 16
64 x 14
77 x 10, 10

SS2A Cable Lateral Raise
3.4 x 14, 14, 11, 10, 10

SS2B Facepulls
17 x 14, 14, 14, 14, 14 [changed the cable to be above my head and quite like this. A lot more trap involvement]

Hammer Curls
12 x 14, 12, 10


Fairly short and sweet. I liked the machine dips a lot, so shall be doing them in place of bodyweight dips for a while, since those can be rough on me.

Abs quite sore so I skipped today's ab stuff, which seems fine, no need to do it 5-days a week, especially the day before deadlifting.

Will probably reset OHP back 10% since that worked brilliantly last time and I much prefer being in the 3+ range to the horrible grinding 1-2 rep out on OHP.

Have been getting comments in the last 6 weeks or so about looking buff/hench/muscular, which is quite rewarding. Gonna keep pushing this bulk until I'm relatively content with strength (i.e. repping 60+kg on~OHP, ~100kg on bench, unsure on lower numbers due to change in movements recently).
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 22, 2017, 05:41:24 am

Sumo Deadlift
60 x 5, 5, 5
80 x 3
100 x 3, 3, 3, 3
80 x 3

Front Squat
50 x 4
65 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

BW x 11, 9, 6

Neutral+Medium Cable Row
59 x 8, 8, 8
45 x 14

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
52 x 9, 9
45 x 12, 10+32x10
The narrow+neutral handle was in use elsewhere so I figured I'd just change up the grip. I like this a lot, very different feeling.

DB Seal Row [done on ~30* incline]
14 x 12, 12, 12
This exercise is so great.

Calf Press
107 x 12, 12, 12, 10
93 x 14
Very slow with pauses in stretched position.

SS1A 45* Back Extension
BW x 15, 15, 15, 15

SS1B Cable Crunch
35.2 x 10
37.4 x 10, 10
39.7 x 8


Still keeping deadlifts light. The triples were pretty easy. Still getting used to form. Nice to get through this without any back pain, again. Extensions gave a great lower back pump, so will keep them around as they're probably useful for specifically strengthening the muscles around the vulnerable area.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on June 22, 2017, 06:12:05 am
i feel like i've said this before, but i chuckle every time i see your signature. it's the best signature on here, and i say that as the guy with the second-best signature.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 23, 2017, 06:11:33 am

Bar x 10
40 x 6
55 x 4
65 x 5
75 x 3
82.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, = reps...nice]
80 x 3
75 x 5
70 x 3
65 x 5
62.5 x 3
57.5 x 9

52.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Lo->Hi Cable Flye
14 x 10
9 x 15, 15, 14, 14

Seated DB OHP
16 x 16, 15, 13

SS1A 1.5 Style Lateral Raise
6 x 10, 9, 8, 7+4

SS1B Machine Rear Delt Flye
66 x 12, 12
73 x 9
66 x 12

EZ Bar Curl (for weights I assumed bar = 10kg)
Bar x 8
20 x 8
30 x 6, 6, 6
I really focussed on a slow eccentric here

SS2A DB Incline Curl
8 x 9
6 x 12, 12

SS2B L-Extension
9 x 12, 11, 10

Incline DB Flye->Press->Hold
12 x 10, 9, 8 [just counting the flyes]

BB Wrist Curl
12.5 x 30, 25, 20
Really slow eccentric

DB Reverse Wrist Curl
2 x 25, 25, 20

SS2A Cable Rotations [done from various angles]
12.5 x 6
7.5 x 12
10.2 x 12, 12
7.5 x 12

SS2B Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 10, 8, 7, 6


Getting occasional pain in my left elbow, though never during a workout/never acutely from an exercise, so I'm following Steven Low's recommendations for tedinopathy:

Thinking about it, more, though it may be the tricep tendon rather than the epicondylitis I used to deal with, so I ought to include some very high rep/slow eccentric tricep pushdowns in the future.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 23, 2017, 06:54:03 am
i feel like i've said this before, but i chuckle every time i see your signature. it's the best signature on here, and i say that as the guy with the second-best signature.

lol, yeah, bjpenn was a hilarious character

Edit: my favourite part is definitely the "parnets" misspelling
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 25, 2017, 08:11:36 am

Front Squat
Bar x 8
40 x 5
67.5 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 [if I haven't counted right that's meant to be 8 sets, easy]

SS1A Back Extension
BW x 15, 15, 15, 15

SS1B Cable Pushdown (controlled concentric and very slow eccentric, ala Steven Low's tedinopathy treatment)
5.7 x 30, 30, 30

Calf Press
107 x 16, 16, 14 [this machine is beginning to piss me off. It really needs lubricating. Will try to move to leg press or smith machien for this in future]

28 x 10, 10 [didn't want to do a back loaded hip hingey thing but there was a gaggle of annoying youths on the leg curl and I was impatient]


Just extra leg/prehab volume here. Fun and easy.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 26, 2017, 06:41:47 am

Bar x 10
40 x 6
57.5 x 8
67.5 x 6
77.5 x 4, 4, 3
72.5 x 5
67.5 x 6
62.5 x 7
60 x 8

SS1A Chins
BW x 5
+10 x 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4
BW x 8

27.5 x 6
32.5 x 5
42.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7

DB Row
28 x 10, 10, 8

DB Incline Bench
22 x 12, 11, 10

Cable Rope Curl [different cable rack]
17 x 10
21.6 x 8
26.1 x 5
21.6 x 8

Cable Upright Row
17 x 14, 14, 14

Cable Rotation
10.2 x 10, 10, 10

Cable Pushdowns
5.7 x 40
7.3 x 30


Very standard workout.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 27, 2017, 05:51:50 am

Front Squat
Bar x 10, 10
40 x 5
60 x 3
72.5 x 5
80 x 3
90 x 4 [+5kg, = reps]
85 x 3
80 x 3
75 x 3
72.5 x 5
67.5 x 5
62.5 x 8

Reverse Lunge
26 x 8, 8, 8

Leg Curl
41 x 15, 14, 12

Leg Press
150 x 15, 14, 14

SS1A Smith Machine Calf Raise
Bar x 8
70 x 10
100 x 7, 7, 7, 7
70 x 15
For numbers I assumed bar = 20 when it almost certainly is only like 5kg, but this is easier/makes no difference

SS1B EZ Bar Curl
30 x 9, 9, 9, 7 [really slow eccentric as usual]


Slight lower back botherment towards the end of the front squats, so no DLs today. Otherwise all good. Front squats feeling strong.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 28, 2017, 06:14:32 am

BW x 6, 6

Bar x 8
30 x 5
42.5 x 5
47.5 x 3
52.5 x 5 [blargh, same as when I did this a few weeks ago]
50 x 3
47.5 x 3
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
37.5 x 5
35 x 12

Incline Bench
35 x 6
45 x 5
55 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [not so difficult]

SS1A Chest Supported Row
45 x 10, 10, 10, 9 [grip was giving out a bit]

SS1B Machine Dips
82 x 9, 9, 9, 9

Cable Lateral Raises
5.7 x 8
3.4 x 14, 14, 14, 12

SS2A Facepulls
19.3 x 14, 13, 13, 13, 12

SS2B Pallof Press
10.2 x 12, 12, 12, 12

Cable Pushdowns
3.4 x 40, 40, 30

Hammer Curls
12 x 16, 13, 12 [one more session at 12 then I'll move up to the 14s]


Just felt quite weak today. Grip being shitty fits with it just being a down day. Nice, then, to match a previous weight hit on a good day on the OHP. I'll move up to 55 for the top set next week and see what's what. My baseline strength is definitely going up (hitting 42.5x3,5,7,4,6,8, back off sets easier, hitting 35x12, etc), so it's just a matter of time and a good day until some nice PRs come.

The nice thing about this programme is that the accessory work is fun even after shitty main movements.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 29, 2017, 05:34:13 am

Sumo Deadlift
60 x 5, 5
80 x 3
90 x 3
110 x 3, 3, 3, 3

Front Squat
60 x 3
70 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

BW x 11, 9, 8

Cable Row
61 x 9, 8 [someone left a 2kg attachment on the plates that I didn't notice]
59 x 9
45 x 14

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
52 x 10, 9, 9
45 x 10

One arm lat pulldown
18 x 8
Actually quite liked this, really good stretch, not sure I'll actually do it that often, but still

DB Seal Row
16 x 9, 9, 9

SS1A Back Extension
BW x 16, 16, 16

SS1B Cable Crunch
39.7 x 11, 10, 10


Not much of interest here. Chins and front squats feeling strong. Sumo deadlifts are fine, not bothering my back, so will continue to up the weight there slowly.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 30, 2017, 07:01:16 am

Bar x 10
40 x 7
55 x 4
67.5 x 5
77.5 x 3
85 x 3 [+2.5kg, = reps, spotter may have touched, they claim not but I'm unsure, though I think i'd've got it anyway]
80 x 3
77.5 x 4
72.5 x 3
67.5 x 5
62.5 x 5
57.5 x 10

55 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Lo->Hi Cable Flye
14 x 13, 13, 13, 11 [mmc on point here, and the peak contraction was so good]

Seated DB OHP
18 x 12, 11, 10

1.5 Style Lateral Raise
7 x 7, 7, 7, 7 [a bit too much trap involvement, may go back to 6s next week]

Lateral Raise
5 x 16, 15, 14 [this, however, destroyed my side delts]

Machine Rear Delt Flye
73 x 10
66 x 13, 12
59 x 10 [lol, big drop off here. rear delts crushed from yesterday + probably acutely from the lat raises since they're involved there]

EZ Bar Curl
32.5 x 8, 8, 8 [slow eccentric, i love this movement, best bicep feeling of anything i do]

Vic Costa V-Bar Pushdown []
14 x 18, 18, 18 [absolutely loved this movement]

Incline Bench Spider Curl
6 x 14, 14, 14 [great feeling at the peak contraction here]

Incline DB Flye->Press->Hold
14 x 8, 8, 8 [no 12s available, so opted to go for 14s rather than 10s]

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 8, 7, 7 [hard when quads are dead]

Pallof Press
7.9 x 15, 15, 15, 15 [I think this is probably better done in this sort of rep range]


Brilliant workout. Felt strong, had fun, and the mind-muscle connection was on point for basically every accessory movement. Getting 9 hours of sleep is handy. Looking forward to two days of rest, now, though.

Getting pretty close to the coveted 100kg bench, I think.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 03, 2017, 11:42:06 am

Bar x 10
50 x 5
60 x 8
70 x 6
77.5 x 4, 4, 4
75 x 5
70 x 6
65 x 7
60 x 8

SS1A Chins
BW x 5
+10 x 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3
BW x 8

30 x 6
40 x 3
45 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 4 [felt strong but then just nothing left on that last set]

DB Row
30 x 8, 8, 8
22 x 14

DB Incline Bench
22 x 14, 12, 10

SS2A Hammer Curl
12 x 17, 13, 11

SS2B PJR Pullover
22 x 12, 12, 12 [taking it easy so as not to irritate elbow]

Lateral Raise
8 x 14, 13, 12, 11 [have really got the form down for these]

Pallof Press (differently weighted cable rack from usual]
23 x 15
18 x 15, 15, 15, 15


Great workout. I am ambivalent about putting the volume/no PR attempt day at the start of the week on this programme. I dislike it because it means you "waste" your fully rested day without going for any juicy PRs/top sets. However, I think it's not really wasted. PR attempts aren't where you build strength -- that happens by getting quality volume, which this rest structure enforces nicely.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 04, 2017, 06:24:19 am

Front Squat
Bar x 10, 10
40 x 5
60 x 4
75 x 5
85 x 3
95 x 3 [+5kg, -1 rep]
85 x 3
80 x 3
75 x 5
80 x 5
65 x 8

Sumo Deadlift
60 x 5
80 x 3
90 x 6, 6, 6
These are just really not clicking, so may just try out conventional deads again and see how much back deals with it. Frustrating

Bulgarian Split Squat
BW x 8
12 x 10, 10, 10

Leg Press
150 x 18, 18, 18

Leg Curl
45 x 13, 12
41 x 14

SS1A Smith Machine Calf Raise
60 x 14
90 x 10
100 x 9
110 x 7
130 x 5
90 x 13

SS1B EZ Bar Curl
35 x 7, 7, 7, 6 [will stick to this weight next time, got a bit cheaty at points, though eccentric was always slow and controlled]

Then random hanging leg raises, cable crunches and hollow body holds.


Woke up strangely early but feel well rested. Quads dead from this, oof.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 05, 2017, 07:04:55 am

BW x 5, 5

Bar x 5
30 x 4
42.5 x 5
50 x 3
55 x 4 [+2.5kg, -1 rep...though +1 rep from last time at this weight]
52.5 x 3
50 x 3
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
40 x 5
37.5 x 10

Incline Bench
37.5 x 6
47.5 x 5
57.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 6

SS1A Cable Lateral Raise
5.7 x 10, 10
3.4 x 16, 14, 14

SS1B Facepulls
17 x 14, 14, 14, 14, 14
12.5 x 20

Chest Supported Row
45 x 12, 12, 12

Cable Rope Pushdown
14 x 10, 10
9 x 14

Hammer Curls
14 x 12, 10

Machine Preacher
32 x 8
23 x 14, 11


Upper body still rather sore from Monday. Happy to have hit 4 on OHP.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 06, 2017, 07:34:21 am

60 x 8
80 x 6
100 x 6
110 x 6
120 x 5
130 x 4, 3
110 x 7

Front Squat
60 x 3
70 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [quads just dead, still]

BW x 10, 8, 7, 6

Narrow+Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns
59 x 9, 8
45 x 14, 13

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
39 x 15, 15, 15

Neutral Grip Cable Row
52 x 8
45 x 10, 10

DB Seal Row
16 x 10, 10, 10

Back Extensions
BW x some, some, some


Went into this workout still sore everywhere, upper and lower. Back fine except on the set of 3 at 130 on deadlifts, so shall just stick to higher reps + being very careful about form. Otherwise a decent if kinda low energy/weak workout.

Edit: didn't realise at the time how close 130 was to the heaviest weights I had previously attempted on deadlift, lol. It felt rather light. I guess it's good I got stronger generally even without practicing the movement, but also shows that I should have been more cognizant about what I was doing strength-back safety-wise with today's workout.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 07, 2017, 06:48:32 am

Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 3
70 x 5
77.5 x 3
87.5 x 2 [+2.5kg -1 rep]
82.5 x 3
77.5 x 5
75 x 3
70 x 5
65 x 5
60 x 9

57.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [pretty easy, really]

Lo->Hi Cable Flye
18 x 8, 8
14 x 13, 13, 13

Seated DB OHP
18 x 13, 9 [done standing], 11, 9

SS1A 1.5 Style Lateral Raise
6 x 11, 10, 9, 9

SS1B Machine Rear Delt Flye
66 x 14, 14, 14, 12

Lateral Raise
5 x 18, 16, 14

EZ Bar Curl
35 x 8, 8, 7, 7

Vic Costa V-Bar Pushdowns
23 x 14, 14, 14, 11
14 x Burnout, idk who counts

Incline Bench Spider Curl
7 x 14, 14, 14

Incline Flye->Press->Hold
10 x 14, 13, 10 [raised the incline of the bench one tick and quite liked it for this]

Rear Delt Burnout Stuff
just fiddled around with light DBs doing various kinds of rear delt flyes until i couldn't any more

Pallof Press
7.9 x 15, 15, 15
10.2 x 12, 12

Hollow Body Hold
4 x Failure


Solid workout. CGBP felt easy, so will probably push those up to 60kg next week, though I will probably keep bench the same.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 10, 2017, 07:20:53 am

Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 8
70 x 6
77.5 x 4, 4, 4
75 x 5
70x 5
65 x 6
60 x 12

SS1A Chins
BW x 5
+15 x 4, 4, 4
+10 x 5, 4, 4
BW x 8, 6

30 x 6
40 x 3
45 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6
40 x 6

DB Row
30 x 10, 10, 10
22 x 14

DB Incline Bench
22 x 16, 13, 10

SS2A Hammer Curls
14 x 13, 11, 10

SS2B PJR Pullover
22 x 15, 15, 15

DB Lateral Raise
9 x 14, 12, 12, 11

Pallof Press
12.5 x 10, 10, 10, 10


Solid workout. All the bench stuff was fairly easy, unsurprisingly. Had a heavy drinking night on Saturday, but otherwise ate well and plenty on the weekend, which isn't always the case.

Felt very, very breathless during this workout for some reason. Needed longer than usual to catch my breath between sets. Usually I'm ready to go on accessory stuff after like 45 seconds, but just not the case today. Probably just random off day in that regard rather than something to be concerned about.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 11, 2017, 06:47:11 am

Front Squat
Bar x lots, lots
40 x 5
60 x 3
77.5 x 5
87.5 x 3
97.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, =reps]
92.5 x 3
87.5 x 3
82.5 x 3
77.5 x 5
72.5 x 5
70 x 6

70 x 5
90 x 3
100 x 8, 8, 7 [no back issues]

14s x 10, 10, 10

Leg Press
170 x 11, 11, 11

Leg Curl
47 x 15, 12, 11

SS1A Smith Machine Calf Raise
90 x 8
110 x 9, 9, 9, 8
90 x 13, 12

SS1B EZ Bar Curl
35 x 9, 9, 8, 8

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 10, 10, 8, 8 [first time i recall really feeling my abs working on this]


Solid workout despite interrupted sleep. Got my degree results: finished with a 2.i, which I'm fairly happy with.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 12, 2017, 06:15:59 am

BW x 5, 5

Bar x 6
35 x 3
45 x 5
50 x 3
57.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, -1 rep...FUCK YES!]
55 x 3
50 x 3
47.5 x 5
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
40 x 8

Incline Bench
40 x 6
50 x 5
57.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

BW x 13, 11, 10, 9

Cable Lateral Raise
5.7 x 11
3.4 x 18, 15, 12

12.5 x 17, 16, 16, 16, 15

Hammer Curls
14 x 11, 10, 8

Machine Preacher Curls
27 x 10, 10
23 x 12


Fucking thrilled with OHP. Brought dips back since elbow has felt ace, and they're fun.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: AGC on July 12, 2017, 10:28:07 pm
Devil's advocate: (

I also prefer heavy seated rows tbh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 13, 2017, 09:48:42 am

70 x 5
100 x 3
110 x 2
120 x 6, 6, 6
100 x 8

Front Squat
Bar x 5
60 x 3
75 x 5, 5, 5

Back Squat
75 x 8

BW x 11, 9, 8

Narrow+Neutral Lat Pulldowns
61 x 9, 9, 8
52 x 10

Wide Grip Pulldowns
41 x 13, 13, 13

Narrow+Neutral Cable Row
52 x 10, 10, 10

DB Seal Row
16 x 12, 12, 12

Smith Machine Calf Raise
60 x 6
90 x 10, 10, 10, 10

Back Extension
BW x 20, 17, 15


Average workout.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 13, 2017, 09:54:58 am
Devil's advocate: (

I also prefer heavy seated rows tbh.

This article seems like bunkum to me, to be honest.

"A standard cue for the face pull is to keep the elbows higher than the wrists" -- I have literally never heard this cue for a facepull, that seems to be literally the opposite idea? Also the premiss that all overhead movement is dangerous seems kinda whacko.

The nonsense claims about avoiding the movement since it doesn't use your lats is also way out there? What are they even trying to say? "Imagine that you had to pull something as hard as possible to save the life of a loved one. You would not perform a face pull." This logic rules out like 95% of what people do [safely...] in the gym (and, contrary to their earlier logic, probably brings back in the overhead press..).

There is perhaps more legitimacy to the claim about avoiding loading a muscle near it's end range, but I think in general PTs only are concerned about this when the load only begins when you're in the end rage, rather than moving through a full movement and ending there.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 13, 2017, 12:21:26 pm
I don't foam roll anymore, so I can't help, soz.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: AGC on July 14, 2017, 04:32:40 am
Devil's advocate: (

I also prefer heavy seated rows tbh.

This article seems like bunkum to me, to be honest.

"A standard cue for the face pull is to keep the elbows higher than the wrists" -- I have literally never heard this cue for a facepull, that seems to be literally the opposite idea? Also the premiss that all overhead movement is dangerous seems kinda whacko.

The nonsense claims about avoiding the movement since it doesn't use your lats is also way out there? What are they even trying to say? "Imagine that you had to pull something as hard as possible to save the life of a loved one. You would not perform a face pull." This logic rules out like 95% of what people do [safely...] in the gym (and, contrary to their earlier logic, probably brings back in the overhead press..).

There is perhaps more legitimacy to the claim about avoiding loading a muscle near it's end range, but I think in general PTs only are concerned about this when the load only begins when you're in the end rage, rather than moving through a full movement and ending there.

Yeah some of the points are a bit confusing. The 'life depending on it' is irrelevant for sure. But i don't think that negates the other arguments about shoulder impingement. I've had my PT say to avoid that exercise and to do seated row or TRX floor pullups, but my left shoulder gets impinged easily from sprints. I just seemed to recall you also having shoulder issues as well, that's why I mentioned it.

Unrelated, but were you doing the N-Suns 5/3/1 program at some point? I kind of like the look of 5/3/1.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 14, 2017, 06:48:30 am
Devil's advocate: (

I also prefer heavy seated rows tbh.

This article seems like bunkum to me, to be honest.

"A standard cue for the face pull is to keep the elbows higher than the wrists" -- I have literally never heard this cue for a facepull, that seems to be literally the opposite idea? Also the premiss that all overhead movement is dangerous seems kinda whacko.

The nonsense claims about avoiding the movement since it doesn't use your lats is also way out there? What are they even trying to say? "Imagine that you had to pull something as hard as possible to save the life of a loved one. You would not perform a face pull." This logic rules out like 95% of what people do [safely...] in the gym (and, contrary to their earlier logic, probably brings back in the overhead press..).

There is perhaps more legitimacy to the claim about avoiding loading a muscle near it's end range, but I think in general PTs only are concerned about this when the load only begins when you're in the end rage, rather than moving through a full movement and ending there.

Yeah some of the points are a bit confusing. The 'life depending on it' is irrelevant for sure. But i don't think that negates the other arguments about shoulder impingement. I've had my PT say to avoid that exercise and to do seated row or TRX floor pullups, but my left shoulder gets impinged easily from sprints. I just seemed to recall you also having shoulder issues as well, that's why I mentioned it.

Unrelated, but were you doing the N-Suns 5/3/1 program at some point? I kind of like the look of 5/3/1.

Yeah, my left shoulder sometimes gets a bit funky, but it has actually been totally fine for a long while now.

I've been running N-Suns 5/3/1 since the 31st of March and love it, no intention of stopping any time soon. It's a lot of pressing volume and the workouts can be very tough, but the scope for doing what you like with accessories and the AMRAPs make it loads of fun.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 14, 2017, 07:06:27 am

Elliptical for a while, then some light cable rows.

Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 3
70 x 5
77.5 x 3
87.5 x 4 [=kg, +2 reps]
85 x 3
80 x 5
77.5 x 3
72.5 x 5
65 x 3
60 x 12

60 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [the 7 and 8 sets were pretty tough]

Lo->Hi Cable Flye [different rack, much narrower than the one I usually use, which was occupied, so inferior pec contraction here because of that]
5.7 x 18
10.2 x 8
7.9 x 12, 12
5.7 x 15

Seated DB OHP
18 x 15, 12, 10, 9

1.5 Style Lateral Raise
6 x 12, 11, 10, 9

SS1A Machine Rear Delt Flye
73 x 12, 11
66 x 15, 13, 11

SS1B Lateral Raise
5 x 20, 18, 16

Vic Costa V-Bar Pushdown
25 x 15, 15, 14, 12

EZ Bar Curl
37.5 x 7, 7, 6, 6

Incline Bench Spider Curl
9 x 11, 11
7 x 16, 14

Incline Flye->Press->Hold
10 x 16, 14, 13

Incline Bench Rear Delt Flyes
Drop set from 10->6->4, all done basically to failure/pain toleration limit, two sets...I love this

Pallof Press
10.2 x 12, 12, 12, 12

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 12, 11, 10, 10


Chuffed with that bench top set. 87.5x4 puts me at 99kg estimated max according to Wendler's formula, so I reckon that if rested I could hit it if rested (unsurprisingly usually quite fatigued generally + specifically pressing wise going into these Friday workouts, given how much pressing gets done on Monday and Wednesday.)
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 16, 2017, 02:54:04 pm
So I've been working consistently for just under 5 months now, so perhaps it's time to take stock of progress.

Starting Stats
BW - 76kg
Squat - 70kg x 4
Front Squat - 50kg x 5
Deadlift - 90kg x 2
Bench - 60kg x 1
OHP - 30kg x 8
Chins - BW x 5

Current Stats
BW - 84kg
Squat - 112.5kg x 3 [done 13-06-17]
Front Squat - 97.5kg x 3
Deadlift - 130kg x 4 [done at RPE~8 most recently]
Bench - 87.5kg x 4
OHP - 57.5kg x 3
Chins - +15kg x 4

So that's 8kg gained in 5 months. Some amount of that is likely due to creatine. I'll measure my waist in the morning, too, to see if that's changed much. suggests 3kg of lean mass in one's first three months as an average: "a “normal” range [for beginners] from .5kg/1lb per month to 2kg/4lbs per month." So I've probably hit the middle of that pretty well, which is pleasing.

Lifts are all near the best they've ever been. I checked back through old logs and my OHP PR is 60kgx1, which I should definitely be able to match or beat. I never repped 100kg on bench, so I reckon I'm at my peak there too. Squats less good, but lower body stuff has been impaired by occasional lower back pain. However, I'm happy with how I'm managing that and expect I will be at lifetime PR levels for that in the near future. I think my FS best was around 110x3, which I'll be at pretty soon.

According to I'm at intermediate ("the lifter has been consistently training, likely for at least a year") on everything and all my lifts are fairly well in line with each other. (

I would love to get to "proficient" by the end of the year.

Went through a lot of stress in this period with a horrendously intense final term of university where I had to take 24 hours of exams + job searching and whatnot, so all things considered I think this progress is pretty good going. Mental state-wise I'm having a really great time training and looking forward to sticking with it.

I'm going on a 10ish day holiday soon, retuning early August. I'll be training with a good buddy a few times during that span, maybe trying out maxes on some of the upper body lifts. After I return I think I'll commit to a cut. I'm not substantially fluffier than when I started working out again, but I'm now at a decent level muscularity and strength and think I could feel a lot better getting down to 75-78kg. I've never successfully got particularly lean in the past, but I've grown up rather a lot since previous training periods and the fact that I am a decent cook nowadays will make life a lot easier. I'm actually quite excited to try this out. If I cut at about .75kg/week then it should be about a 10 week cut. I think doing it now makes sense, because I'm probably still at the point where I can cut moderately aggressively and still make decent progress on gym lifts.

Anyway, glad to be back here and back in the gym.  :strong: :strong: :headbang: :headbang: :highfive: :highfive:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Leonel on July 16, 2017, 04:54:05 pm
interesting site... I got "proficient" on pretty much all lifts besides an "intermediate" on benchpress and an "advanced" on rows/pullups haha... good job on your progress. You will crush those old PR's of yours in no time!  :headbang:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on July 17, 2017, 04:03:13 am
oooh fun, getting to proficient/advanced in say five lifts seems like a very good goal indeed.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 17, 2017, 06:58:31 am

Bar x 12
40 x 6
62.5 x 8
72.5 x 6
80 x 4, 4, 4
75 x 5
72.5 x 6
67.5 x 7
62.5 x 11

SS1A Chins
BW x 6
+15 x 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 [nice!]
BW x 10, 8

32.5 x 6
37.5 x 5
45 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [at last I hit the 8 set here!]

DB Row
32 x 10, 10, 10
24 x 14

DB Incline Bench
24 x 13, 11, 9

SS2A Hammer Curl
14 x 15, 12, 10
10 x 17

SS2B PJR Pullover
24 x 13, 12, 12

Lateral Raise
10 x 12, 12, 10, 10

Pallof Press
12.5 x 14, 14, 14


Energy/mental drive-wise this felt like a pretty average workout, but everything moved very well and nice progress was had, so that's pretty fantastic.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 17, 2017, 07:22:10 am
interesting site... I got "proficient" on pretty much all lifts besides an "intermediate" on benchpress and an "advanced" on rows/pullups haha... good job on your progress. You will crush those old PR's of yours in no time!  :headbang:

Nice pull:push ratio. I bet your shoulders are loving it!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Leonel on July 17, 2017, 07:27:59 am
Haha yup... they feel great. I think it's not the worst idea to keep my posterior shoulder and back strong with all the overhead work I'm doing. Still... I might add in some horizontal pressing again. Actually I would love to be able to profgressively overload pushups as I think they are an overall great exercise.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 18, 2017, 07:18:05 am

Did a little barbell complex with the bar to warmup: RDLs, Rows, Front Squats, OHP, Good Mornings, Back Squats

Front Squat
Bar x Lots
40 x 3
60 x 3
80 x 5
90 x 3
100 x 4 [+2.5kg, +1 rep]
95 x 3
90 x 3
85 x 3
80 x 5
75 x 5
70 x 10

70 x 3, 3
100 x 3
110 x 6, 6, 6, 6 [all fairly easy, focussed attention on bracing hard]

+16s x 10, 10, 10 [god this is my most hated exercise, nothing turns me into a pained puddle of sweat with as ruthless efficiency as these]

Leg Press
170 x 14, 14, 14+100 x 30

Leg Curl
50 x 14, 13, 10+32x14

EZ Bar Curl
20 x 8
40 x 6, 6, 6, 6


Not surprised by front squat progress. I've been putting in the volume on leg days and it was just a matter of time before it came together for a nice jump
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 18, 2017, 08:20:28 am
Note to self: apparently when cutting a good benchmark for deficit target to maximise fat loss while avoiding muscle loss is: Kcal deficit should not exceed lbs of body fat * 30. In this case assuming I'm ~20% at 85kg I could go as high as an 1100kcal daily deficit at first. That works out to about 2lbs of weight loss/week at first.

This is pretty much in line with the formula Greg Nuckols advocates: "Body fat percentage ÷ 20 = percentage of your current bodyweight you should aim to lose per week." So at 85kg and 20% that's ~1.85lbs/week.

Edit: The mixed units here are hilarious. That so much fitness content is produced by Americans has majorly fucked with my head.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 19, 2017, 07:41:26 am

Barbell Complex

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 8, 8

Bar x 6
30 x 3
40 x 2
47.5 x 5
52.5 x 3
60 x 3 [, = reps... FUCK YES! Huge/lifetime PR]  :personal-record:
57.5 x 3
52.5 x 3
50 x 5
47.5 x 5
45 x 5
40 x 10

Incline Bench
40 x 6
50 x 6
60 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7

Chest Supported Row
45 x 10 [i actually quite dislike this tbh]

SS1A Dips
BW x 14, 12, 11, 10

SS1B Narrow+Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns
59 x 10, 9
52 x 11, 10

1.5 Style Lateral Raise
7 x 8, 8, 8, 7

Lateral Raise Drop Set
8->6->4 x 13-12-11, 12-10-10 [my word this was painful]

12.5 x 18, 17, 16
10.2 x 16, 16, 16

Hammer Curls
14 x 15, 13, 11

Machine Preacher Curl
27 x 11, 10, 9

Bayesian Cable Curl
5.7 x 10
3.4 x 15, 15, 13

12 x 10, 9
8 x 15

Rear Delt Flyes Burnout
8->4->2 x lots-lots-lots, lots-lots-lots


Didn't sleep well last night so I went against my usual principles and took ~200mg of caffeine since this is my last workout for about a week. Fucking overjoyed with that OHP top set. I was really not expecting to get more than 2 reps.

Also pleased that my chin "baseline" not too hard but not too easy set is at 8 reps now. Progressing well there.

Chucked in a ton of random volume. I will probably be rather sore tomorrow (my legs are dead today from yesterday).
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on July 19, 2017, 03:37:43 pm

Barbell Complex

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 8, 8

Bar x 6
30 x 3
40 x 2
47.5 x 5
52.5 x 3
60 x 3 [, = reps... FUCK YES! Huge/lifetime PR]  :personal-record:
57.5 x 3
52.5 x 3
50 x 5
47.5 x 5
45 x 5
40 x 10

Incline Bench
40 x 6
50 x 6
60 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7

Chest Supported Row
45 x 10 [i actually quite dislike this tbh]

SS1A Dips
BW x 14, 12, 11, 10

SS1B Narrow+Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns
59 x 10, 9
52 x 11, 10

1.5 Style Lateral Raise
7 x 8, 8, 8, 7

Lateral Raise Drop Set
8->6->4 x 13-12-11, 12-10-10 [my word this was painful]

12.5 x 18, 17, 16
10.2 x 16, 16, 16

Hammer Curls
14 x 15, 13, 11

Machine Preacher Curl
27 x 11, 10, 9

Bayesian Cable Curl
5.7 x 10
3.4 x 15, 15, 13

12 x 10, 9
8 x 15

Rear Delt Flyes Burnout
8->4->2 x lots-lots-lots, lots-lots-lots


Didn't sleep well last night so I went against my usual principles and took ~200mg of caffeine since this is my last workout for about a week. Fucking overjoyed with that OHP top set. I was really not expecting to get more than 2 reps.

Also pleased that my chin "baseline" not too hard but not too easy set is at 8 reps now. Progressing well there.

Chucked in a ton of random volume. I will probably be rather sore tomorrow (my legs are dead today from yesterday).

oo  :headbang:

So I've been working consistently for just under 5 months now, so perhaps it's time to take stock of progress.

Starting Stats
BW - 76kg
Squat - 70kg x 4
Front Squat - 50kg x 5
Deadlift - 90kg x 2
Bench - 60kg x 1
OHP - 30kg x 8
Chins - BW x 5

Current Stats
BW - 84kg
Squat - 112.5kg x 3 [done 13-06-17]
Front Squat - 97.5kg x 3
Deadlift - 130kg x 4 [done at RPE~8 most recently]
Bench - 87.5kg x 4
OHP - 57.5kg x 3
Chins - +15kg x 4

So that's 8kg gained in 5 months. Some amount of that is likely due to creatine. I'll measure my waist in the morning, too, to see if that's changed much. suggests 3kg of lean mass in one's first three months as an average: "a “normal” range [for beginners] from .5kg/1lb per month to 2kg/4lbs per month." So I've probably hit the middle of that pretty well, which is pleasing.

Lifts are all near the best they've ever been. I checked back through old logs and my OHP PR is 60kgx1, which I should definitely be able to match or beat. I never repped 100kg on bench, so I reckon I'm at my peak there too. Squats less good, but lower body stuff has been impaired by occasional lower back pain. However, I'm happy with how I'm managing that and expect I will be at lifetime PR levels for that in the near future. I think my FS best was around 110x3, which I'll be at pretty soon.

According to I'm at intermediate ("the lifter has been consistently training, likely for at least a year") on everything and all my lifts are fairly well in line with each other. (

I would love to get to "proficient" by the end of the year.

Went through a lot of stress in this period with a horrendously intense final term of university where I had to take 24 hours of exams + job searching and whatnot, so all things considered I think this progress is pretty good going. Mental state-wise I'm having a really great time training and looking forward to sticking with it.

I'm going on a 10ish day holiday soon, retuning early August. I'll be training with a good buddy a few times during that span, maybe trying out maxes on some of the upper body lifts. After I return I think I'll commit to a cut. I'm not substantially fluffier than when I started working out again, but I'm now at a decent level muscularity and strength and think I could feel a lot better getting down to 75-78kg. I've never successfully got particularly lean in the past, but I've grown up rather a lot since previous training periods and the fact that I am a decent cook nowadays will make life a lot easier. I'm actually quite excited to try this out. If I cut at about .75kg/week then it should be about a 10 week cut. I think doing it now makes sense, because I'm probably still at the point where I can cut moderately aggressively and still make decent progress on gym lifts.

Anyway, glad to be back here and back in the gym.  :strong: :strong: :headbang: :headbang: :highfive: :highfive:

yup that's some good progress. you basically know what to do now.. you just seem much more confident with your training this go-round.

What made you stop training before? start uni & those responsibilities for the most part correct? Seems like you're really enjoying training & also realized how much you missed it. Just need to be careful when you start a new/big job, it's easy for training to slip when you're confronted with a whole new set of stressors + that "ego to perform" (work addiction).

As for cutting, that's always a debate. You've found a good rhythm.. One of the hardest things in training, is finding a good rhythm and then riding it out for as long as possible. Either we never find a good rhythm, or we find it and get bored or convince ourselves we need to switch it up. It's almost as if our subconscious is trying to short-circuit our progress in order sabotage our gains & make us quit training so we can go back to lying on the couch. Some of my biggest mistakes in training were finally finding a rhythm but then changing things up way too soon.

That's more related to switching things up drastically though, not cleaning up your diet slightly, eating a little lighter, and staying on basically the same routine. Seems like most people start cutting, their brain starts scrambling, and their routine eventually switches up dramatically.. just becomes a mess.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 20, 2017, 04:58:02 am
What made you stop training before? start uni & those responsibilities for the most part correct? Seems like you're really enjoying training & also realized how much you missed it. Just need to be careful when you start a new/big job, it's easy for training to slip when you're confronted with a whole new set of stressors + that "ego to perform" (work addiction).

As for cutting, that's always a debate. You've found a good rhythm.. One of the hardest things in training, is finding a good rhythm and then riding it out for as long as possible. Either we never find a good rhythm, or we find it and get bored or convince ourselves we need to switch it up. It's almost as if our subconscious is trying to short-circuit our progress in order sabotage our gains & make us quit training so we can go back to lying on the couch. Some of my biggest mistakes in training were finally finding a rhythm but then changing things up way too soon.

That's more related to switching things up drastically though, not cleaning up your diet slightly, eating a little lighter, and staying on basically the same routine. Seems like most people start cutting, their brain starts scrambling, and their routine eventually switches up dramatically.. just becomes a mess.


A whole host of reasons meant I stopped training. What you say is definitely chief among them. Also being so used to training at home and having now to drag myself to a fairly distant and yet kind of worse gym. Having to spend a lot more energy on schoolwork than I did at HS, too. Mental health wasn't great either, to be honest, though that's in check nowadays.

I think you're totally right about the rhythm thing. However, 85kg at my height and degree of leanness just leaves me feeling quite heavy (physically, not in terms of mental perception, I'm quite happy with my body at the mo), and I would love to get to a good degree of leanness and just feel light. I reckon that 6-8 weeks of lighter eating and regular cardio will do it. To sustain this weight gain I've been eating past fullness regularly, so I think that getting started on a leaning phase would actually be quite easy/pleasant.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on July 20, 2017, 06:27:45 am
you know this already but: keep protein high. set protein first and build around.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 20, 2017, 02:37:10 pm
you know this already but: keep protein high. set protein first and build around.

Yup, target will be ~1g/lb. Will be a bit of a puzzle managing that on a lower Kcal diet as a vegetarian, but I see lots of seitan and beans in my near future.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 25, 2017, 03:29:23 pm
Vacation has been nice but exhausting so far. I miss the gym, heh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 29, 2017, 03:27:44 pm
Worked out with a pal.

Up to 365 x 1
And 305 x 3, 3, 2

205 x 5, 5

Pendlay Row
135 x 7, 7

Chest Supported T-Bar Row
45 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Lat Pulldowns
Idk x some, some, some


Accidental deadlift PRs there, lol. Good workout. Double BW deadlift checked off the list.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 30, 2017, 02:22:36 pm
Up to 205 x 1
185 x 3
155 x 10, 8, 7

Chins x a few, a few, a few
Hammer Strength OHP
45+25 x 8
45 x 13, 11

Lateral Raise
20 x 16, 13, 13
10 x lots

BW x 15, 13, 10

Then did some squats, but kind of a no-go after deadlifts. Dis some curls. Fun workout. Back home Wednesday and looking forward to getting back into swing of things.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on July 31, 2017, 01:29:19 am
progress seems to be accelerating. two thoughts:
1. this is good.
2. be careful that you don't get caught up in PRing and hurt yourself.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 31, 2017, 07:44:00 am
progress seems to be accelerating. two thoughts:
1. this is good.
2. be careful that you don't get caught up in PRing and hurt yourself.

oh, yeah, i have no intention of continuing the 1rm attempts when back in the UK -- i'll be getting right back on my usual nsuns programming. just a quirk of training with a friend who is based here so in their flow + is stronger than me, so this was a nice chance to get things.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 02, 2017, 12:06:35 pm

Barbell complex

BW x 6, 6

Bar x 6, 6
30 x 5
40 x 3
50 x 5
55 x 3
62.5 x 0 [got it just past my head and no further]
57.5 x 3
55 x 5
52.5 x 5
50 x 4
45 x 5
40 x 6

Incline Bench
40 x 6
50 x 5
57.5 x 3, 5, 7
55 x 5, 4
50 x 5

Lateral Raises
10 x 14, 12, 12, 10

SS1A Facepulls
12.5 x 16, 16, 14, 14
10.2 x 16

SS1B Cable Rope Curls
17 x 12, 12, 12, 12

Machine Preacher
23 x 14, 12

Machine Chest Press [seems to be set up at a slight decline, quite liked it]
39 x 12
52 x 10
45 x 12


Still very sore from Sunday's push workout. Also exhausted from the holiday. Touring big cities and walking in the heat not stop all day for 2 weeks is not restful. On top of that I'm on only like 5 hours of sleep having flown overnight. All things considered a decent workout, if not at all fun. I'll see how Friday and Monday shape up before deciding whether to reset back a bit, or what.

Went to the gym in the afternoon instead of in the morning. No busier but a rather different crowd. Hope to get back on that morning schedule asap. Looking forward to deadlifts/back stuff tomorrow.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 03, 2017, 11:34:06 am

Barbell complex, plus some plate swings

70 x 5, 5
90 x 3
110 x 5
122.5 x 3
140 x 5
130 x 3
122.5 x 3
110 x 8

Front Squat
Bar x 6
50 x 5
60 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 5
70 x 6
60 x 8
[changed up foot and bar positioning a bit and was able to stay much more upright, woopwoop]

BW x 11, 9, 7

Lat Pulldown
64 x 6 [didn't notice the extra 5kg on the plates]
59 x 8
52 x 10, 9

Cable Row
45 x 12, 11, 10

DB Seal Row
16 x 11, 11, 11

Diverging Lat Pulldown [inspired to try this by Kingfish's post]
41 x 8
32 x 18
[liked this a fair bit, the wide position at the bottom helped get a nice and quite different lat contraction from what i feel with other things]

45* Back Extensions
BW x 16, 15, 15
[focussed on really folding at the bottom to get a stretch+contraction with the lower erectors instead of just a static movement.


Got 9 hours of sleep but still woke up exhausted. Going to take a couple days of good rest to catch up, I reckon. Good workout, though. It feels like the main thing that went away was not peak strength, but intra-workout recovery. That is, feels like the drop-off between sets and as the workout goes on are larger than previously.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 03, 2017, 02:55:58 pm
Okay, going to weigh myself tomorrow and take baseline measurements to begin the cut. Will also start tracking food intake again, since intuitive eating seems less workable when trying to lose weight, for me at least. Initial target around 2300-2400. Most calculators have been putting me at 3000 TDEE, but I don't want to go straight to a 1k deficit. I figure the last two weeks of travel were solid enough of a maintenance phase.

Will also begin to include cardio. 3-5 sessions a week, most of which will be 30-45 minutes in length at between 120-150BPM, i.e. pretty easy. One of which will be shorter and more intense, 20-30 mins, at ~160BPM. This is based on Joel Jameison's suggestions in this article: ( (I factored this in when doing the TDEE calculation above).

Unrelated to this, but I remembered a funny thing I witnessed in the gym yesterday: Mixed-grip barbell shrugs with 40kg while wearing straps. There was a group of 4 guys working out together who were all doing these. Quite amazing.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 04, 2017, 04:01:54 am

BW: 81.8kg (drop, I think, due to stopping taking creatine rather than "actual" weight loss, given I was eating a lot while travelling)
Waist: 34.5" (same as when I started at 76kg!)

Walked briskly to gym today, 10mins for .9 miles.

Barbell Complex

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 5

Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 5
72.5 x 5
80 x 3
90 x 2 [+2.5kg, -2 reps]
85 x 3
80 x 5
75 x 3
72.5 x 5
67.5 x 3
62.5 x 8

60 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 5 [strength just not there for this, form a bit sloppy too]

Lo->Hi Cable Flye
9 x 16, 15, 15

Seated DB OHP
18 x 13, 10, 8

1.5 Style Lateral Raise
7 x 8, 8, 7

SS1A Low Incline Bench Rear Delt Flye
9 x 12, 12, 12, 11

SS1B High Incline Bench Lateral Raise [facing the bench, idea taken from here: -- Meno Henselmans suggests a lower incline, so I will perhaps try that next time]
4 x 11, 11, 11, 10

PJR Pullover
24 x 12, 12, 10

EZ Bar Curl
40 x 6, 6, 6

Time: 30:02
BPM: 132
Level: 6
Distance: 7.73 [I should probably note average RPM instead of distance, since I'm not sure how "level" affects distance moved (i.e. whether upping level works like upping gear on an actual bike), but whatevs for day one]


Jet lag is a bitch. Slept ~4.5 hours, from 11pm to 3.30am. Went to the gym at 6.30. Quite nice, basically totally empty. Unlikely to (want to) keep up this sort of timing though. Took 200mg of caffeine in the form of pills to make up for this lack of sleep and got a solid workout in.

I shan't reset bench back, since 2 reps on a crappy day is decent, but will probably keep the same weight next week.

Curious to see if what I yesterday referred to as "intra-workout recovery" improves over the next week or two, or whether it was at an elevated level due to creatine.


Kcal - 2373
Protein - 177g
Carbs - 263g
Fat - 63g

Eating schedule a bit messed up by the weird sleep. To make my life easier I think I can cut the size of my usual breakfast and lunch a little to make room for either an evening snack or a nicer dinner.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 05, 2017, 06:32:47 am

BW: 80.6kg [i guess the cut is going well, lol. was just rather dehydrated since i don't think i'd had any water to drink for 12 hours before weighing in, oops]

Shall go do a harder cycling session (~25mins @ ~160BPM) at some point in the afternoon.

Slept 9.45pm to 2:15am and then 5:15am to 9.45am. Hopefully more or less on track to get normal sleep at normal times now?


Stationary bike
Time: 20:05
BPM: 159
Level: 10
Distance: 6.24mi
RPM: 80

This suggests to me that the level does indeed work sort of like a bike gear, since, iirc, I was peddling at around the same rate yesterday and, as is clear, going a fair bit slower in terms of MPH than today


Kcal - 2501 (probably closer to 2600 due to some small sugary snacks a friend brought me)
Protein - 150g
Carbs - 235g
Fat - 100g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 06, 2017, 04:57:22 am

Slept 11pm to 9am. Fucking amazing. I really hope I can keep up a normal schedule now.

BW: 80.9kg [expected to be in the 81s since I am much better hydrated and ate a lot of carbs, but weight loss is always a bit of a mystery in its fluctuations]

Quads still fried. They're gonna have to adapt quickly to the cardio. I guess I will mix it up with the elliptical and other low-impact options every now and then. Just gotta make sure to use the stationary bike at least 2xWeek (once for low intensity and once for moderate intensity) so that tracking cardio progress is possible.

Total rest day today.

Kcal - 2139
Protein - 151g
Carbs - 176g
Fat - 93g

Surprised the count is this low, tbh. Feel quite full.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 07, 2017, 07:11:03 am

BW: 81kg

Bar x 10
40 x 6
62.5 x 8
72.5 x 6
80 x 4, 4, 4
75 x 5
72.5 x 6
67.5 x 7
62.5 x 8

SS1A Chins
BW x 5
+20 x 4, 3, 3, 3
+15 x 4, 4, 4
BW x 10

30 x 6
40 x 5
45 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7 [surprised to only drop one rep tbh]

DB Row
34 x 8, 8, 8
24 x 13

DB Incline Bench
24 x 11
22 x 11, 8
Big drop here!

SS2A PJR Pullover
26 x 8, 8, 8

SS2B Hammer curl
14 x 14, 12, 10

Lateral Raise
10 x 15, 13, 13


By the numbers workout.


Kcal - 2831
Prot - 153g
Carbs - 316g
Fat - 95g

Drinking + poor planning at lunch given I knew I'd be out for dinner. Lesson to be learned.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 08, 2017, 06:59:01 am

BW: 81.3kg [hardly a surprise. gonna aim for ~1800kcal today to balance out yesterday]

Front Squat
Bar x Lots
40 x 5
60 x 3
80 x 5
92.5 x 3
102.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, -1 rep...gonna smash 105 next week]
97.5 x 3
92.5 x 3
85 x 3
80 x 5
75 x 5
70 x 7

26s x 12
30s x 10, 10, 9 [quite liked this actually! able to really get the hamstrings working]

20s x 8, 8, 6

Leg Curl
50 x 13, 11, 10

Leg Press
180 x 12
150 x 16+100x22

EZ Bar Curl
40 x 7, 7, 6

Time: 30:16
Level: 6
RPM: 72
BPM: 136
Distance: 7.87


Solid enough. Still fairly sleepy. When I got on the bike to start cycling my heart rate was already at around 140, so I reckon I may well be getting some decent cardio adaptations from my lifting, since I rest relatively little.


Kcal - 2042
Protein - 168g
Carbs - 206g
Fat - 52g

Made some fantastic seitan. Seitain + black beans in a salad will be a fantastic staple.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 09, 2017, 07:30:41 am

BW: 81.4kg [a bit, err, clogged up]


Barbell Complex

Wide-grip Pullups
BW x 6, 6, 6

30 x 5
40 x 3
50 x 5
55 x 3
62.5 x 0 [Got it to about the same point as last week. Shall reset to 55]
57.5 x 3
55 x 3
52.5 x 5
50 x 5
45 x 5
42.5 x 5

Incline Bench
42.5 x 6
57.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

Diverging Lat Pulldown
37 x 20
41 x 15, 15
[this is so great]

BW x 15, 12, 10

Henselmans' Lateral Raise
5 x 18
7 x 13
[left shoulder clicking a bit, meh]

Lateral Raise
7 x 18

10.2 x 14, 14, 14, 14, 14

Bayesian Cable Curl
5.7 x 15, 13, 10
3.4 x 15
[I forgot how great the pump was from this]

Machine Incline Press
15/s x 10
25/s x 12
20/s x 12
15/s x 11
[can really feel it in the upper pecs quite nicely]


A little frustrating not to hit 62.5 this week either, but such is the way of the OHP. I would have ought to have reset even if I had hit 1 or 2 reps. Shall probably keep the 3,5,7,4,6,8 day at 45kg rather than reset it back as well.

I feel like with OHP if I can get the first rep I can almost always get the second because the first is from a dead-start but one gets a bit of a stretch reflex rebound on the following reps. Maybe with the reset it would be worthwhile do do the back-off sets from a dead-stop/pause to train this bottom position?

I want to find a lateral raise variation I like. I've not quite been abel to find my groove with cable laterals -- I always end up feeling them too much in my traps. And the Henselman's variation puts me in a kind of impinged position. Doing the same accessory three times a week just feels a bit silly, but I guess there's not really anything wrong with it as such.


Kcal - 2192
Prot - 164g
Carbs - 221g
Fat - 74g

Might invest in some microolates for OHP
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 10, 2017, 09:17:59 am

BW: N/A (no access to a scale this morning)


70 x 5, 5
90 x 3
110 x 5
125 x 3
145 x 4 [+5kg, -1 rep]
135 x 3
125 x 3
115 x 3
110 x 10 [lats crushed by this]

Machine Hack Squat
20 x 10
40 x 10
[just fiddling around with this while waiting for a rack to open up]

High Bar Back Squat
Bar x 6
60 x 6
80 x 6, 6, 6, 6
[oof, this killed my quads. was keen to try this out again! able to keep much more upright and had no lower-back issues whatsover. will make this the main volume thing on deadlift days from now on! exciting]

BW x 12, 10, 7, 6

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
45 x 10, 10, 10, 10

DB Seal Row
18 x 10, 10, 10

45* Back Extensions
BW x 15, 15, 12
[the lower back pump, oh my]

Time: 31:00
Level: 6
RPM: 79
BPM: 135
Distance: 8.34


I think 12 reps on (neutral grip) chins is a PR, or at least fatigued/post-DL PR, so that's pretty nice. I'm also pretty sure that it's the first time I've hit 10 reps on the second set.

Deadlifts felt really solid.

I love back day and deadlifts and squats. What a great day to have in a programme.


Kcal - 2130
Prot - 139g
Carbs - 251g
Fat - 57g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 11, 2017, 05:41:09 am

Morning BW: N/A [just forgot to weigh myself before breakfasting and heading to the gym, oops]


Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 3
72.5 x 5
80 x 3
90 x 2 [=weight, =reps]
85 x 3
80 x 5
75 x 3
72.5 x 5
67.5 x 3
62.5 x 9

Spoto Press
60 x 3, 5, 7

60 x 4, 6, 8

Seated DB OHP
18 x 13, 11, 10

1.5 Style Lateral Raise
8 x 7, 7, 7

Lateral Raise
8 x 14

Low Incline Rear Delt Flye
9 x 14, 13, 12

EZ Bar Curl
40 x 8, 7, 6

EZ Bar Skullcrusher
30 x 10, 10, 10


Firm meh. Shall reset bench to an 82.5kg top set next week and build back up. Gonna smash those max rep sets. On back-off sets may do 4s and 6s instead of 3s and 5s to make sure I'm not spinning wheels.

Mildly annoyed at self about missing my weigh-ins, but it's a new habit and I'll get better at remembering it. Visiting the 'rents this weekend so it'll be a different scale if I do weigh-in.


Kcal - 2352
Carbs - 329g
Prot - 118g
Fat - 67g

Not great protein intake. Easy to have lower days like this sometimes without meat options, but it's not such a big deal if it happens occasionally. Not sure that I will track this weekend closely since I'll be out and about, but I'll keep a mental note to eat fairly light.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 14, 2017, 07:13:48 am

BW: 80.8kg

Jog to gym ~1 mile

Bar x 8
40 x 6
60 x 8
65 x 6
75 x 4, 4, 4
70 x 5
65 x 6
62.5 x 7
60 x 10

SS1A Chins
BW x 5
+20 x 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3
BW x 11, 8

30 x 6
35 x 5
40 x 4, 6, 8, 5, 7, 8 [first 3 sets done paused]

DB Row
34 x 10, 10, 9

DB Incline Bench
24 x 13, 10, 8

PJR Pullover
26 x 10, 10, 8

Hammer Curls
16 x 9, 8
14 x 11

Lateral Raise
12 x 9, 9, 8+8x8

Time: 20:03
BPM: 142

Jog back from gym ~1 mile


Had a good time with this workout. Weight moving in the right direction despite a lazy weekend.


Kcal - 2158
Prot - 141g
Carbs - 193g
Fat - 89g

Evening walk

Time: 27:00
Pace: 8:44/km
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on August 14, 2017, 12:35:50 pm
how'd that jog to/from go? relaxed + felt good?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 14, 2017, 01:53:01 pm
jog to gym was decent, nice to be moving that way. return jog was less good -- legs a bit heavy from the bike + just not much energy given i'd just trained hard and am not eating huge. i need to learn to run slowly -- breathing was too heavy on the return jog.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 15, 2017, 06:46:22 am

Morning BW: 80.1kg


Fast walk to gym

Front Squat
Bar x 6
40 x 5
60 x 3
82.5 x 5
92.5 x 3
105 x 2 [+2.5kg, -1 rep]
100 x 3
92.5 x 3
87.5 x 3
82.5 x 5
77.5 x 5
72.5 x 7

32s x 12, 12, 10

20s x 10, 9, 8

Leg Press
200 x 12
200 x 11 + 150 x 14

Leg Curl
54 x 11
54 x 9 + 34 x 6

EZ Bar Curl
40 x 8, 7, 6

Time: 21:50
BPM: 137

Fast walk back


This was hard to get through, woof.

Left index finger has been sore since I went to the gym yesterday. :/


Kcal - 2286
Protein - 152g
Carbs - 209g
Fat - 77g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 16, 2017, 07:44:31 am

Morning BW: N/A [no access this morning]


BW x 7, 7, 7

Bar x 6
30 x 5
42.5 x 5
50 x 3
55 x 5 [+1 rep from last time I did this weight]
52.5 x 4
50 x 4
45 x 6
42.5 x 6
40 x 6
37.5 x 8

Incline Bench
57.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 6 [not shocked not to finish this -- more volume on OHP than usual]

BW x 16, 12, 10

Lateral Raise
10 x 13, 11, 10

Bayesian Cable Curl
5.7 x 16, 13, 10

Diverging Lat Pulldown
45 x 12, 12, 12


A bit tired/low energy. Cutting is lame. Gonna stick with it longer, though, no worries!

Didn't track dinner carefully because I Was eating out at a friend's, I'm guessing 27-2850kcal for the day.

Feeling a bit worn out. Hoping a long sleep tonight can be restorative.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 17, 2017, 07:34:49 am

Morning BW: 80.9kg [not surprised, on reflection yesterday was probs closer to 3kcal -- still under 81 on a heavy day is progress]


70 x 6, 6
100 x 3
117.5 x 5
132.5 x 3
147.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, -1 rep]
140 x 3
132.5 x 3
125 x 3
117.5 x 3
110 x 8

Back Squat
60 x 5
80 x 10, 8, 8, 8

BW x 11, 10, 8, 7

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
52 x 9, 9
45 x 10, 10

DB Seal Row
20 x 10, 9, 9


Felt shit going into this workout but once it got going everything was much smoother.


Kcal - 2214
Prot - 173g
Carbs - 206g
Fat - 71g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 18, 2017, 11:27:06 am

Morning BW: 80.6kg

No workout today. Packing and moving and whatnot getting in the way. Gonna go for a nice long walk now, but I'm pretty happy with the idea of moving my bench session to tomorrow.


Kcal - 2086
Prot - 140g
Carb - 99g
Fat - 114g

lol high fat life, stir fry + peanuts to blame there.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 19, 2017, 08:13:48 am

Morning BW: N/A [no scale access this morn]


Bar x 10
40 x 6
65 x 5
75 x 3
82.5 x 5
80 x 3
75 x 5
70 x 3
65 x 5
62.5 x 3
60 x 11

60 x 3
62.5 x 5, 7, 4, 6, 7

Lo-Hi Cable Flye
9 x 15, 13, 13

Seated DB OHP
18 x 15, 13, 10

1.5 Style Lateral Raises
8 x 7, 7, 6+8

EZ Bar Curl
35 x 10, 9, 6

EZ Bar Preacher Curl (myo reps)
22.5 x 11+4+3+3+3+3

BW x 15  :personal-record:
[Did a max set of chinups (I usually do neutral grip) on my bar at home on a whim when got back from the gym]


Enjoyable workout, yeah! Nice to be in a slightly higher rep range on bench. Right wrist a bit dodgy, must be diligent with the stretching/strengthening routine.


Kcal - 2023
Prot - 131g
Carbs - 182g
Fat - 71g

Gonna try to keep kcal between 1950-2200 now and see what happens.

Did another hour long evening walk. Haven't been judicious about doing cardio-qua-cardio at the gym, but been keeping NEPA up this week with packing and walks.


Morning BW: 80.1

No exercise today. Have finished moving so have to join a new gym. Their site isn't working so I'll have to go in and do that tomorrow.


Kcal - 1950
Prot - 110g
Carb - 179g
Fat - 92g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 21, 2017, 06:11:34 am

Morning BW: 79.3kg [woah! same scale in same spot as yesterday. under 80kg pr]


Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 8
67.5 x 6
77.5 x 4, 4, 4
72.5 x 5
67.5 x 6
62.5 x 7
60 x 9

SS1A Chins [the rack's neutrals holds were very narrow, so i used different handles. If neutral grip = 90* and supinated/chinup grip = 0*, the grip I was at was 45*, so some amount of improvement this week over last can be attributed to that being a stronger position]
BW x 6
+20 x 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4
BW x 11

40 x 6 [loaded this thinking the 10kg plates were 5kg plates and thought, fuck 30kg is heavy today. need to get used to the different size/shape of plates at the new gym!]
42.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7

BB Row
60 x 8, 8, 8
[a bit too much lower back load for the day before squats, otherwise I do really like these -- maybe on Thursdays/after DLs]

DB Incline
24 x 8
20 x 12, 8

Lateral Raise
12 x 10, 9
10 x 14


Was in a right hurry this morning so was off to the gym before I noticed that I hadn't eaten any breakfast. I think this is why the DB Incline was so shite, light eating yesterday+no carbs this morning = glycogen gone from pressing muscles after bench+OHP.

New gym is better than the one I used to be at, I think. I haven't explored all the machines yet, but I did spot a few hammer strength things which I didn't have at the old one. This one has only two squat racks compared to the previous one, but it has dedicated incline and flat bb bench stations, so I think the average wait time to squat will be lower. It was also super empty when I went.

Only thing I dislike is that the barbells are a bit aged so the collars don't spin that nicely. Fairly minor gripe, but it does make quite a difference for OHP/bench comfort from what I've noticed.

This gym has a trap bar! So hyped to try that. Will probably do it after front squatting tomorrow.

Diet note: I suspect I may have to aim lower than 76kg to end up aesthetically where I want on this cut. We shall see, though. It's been pretty easy so far, other than the mild bother of slowing down in the gym.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on August 21, 2017, 09:08:29 am
where did you move to?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 21, 2017, 07:11:49 pm
where did you move to?

back to lndn! gonna be here working part time at a few things while i sort shit out / apply to grad school for the 2018-19 cycle.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on August 22, 2017, 02:07:54 am
where did you move to?

back to lndn! gonna be here working part time at a few things while i sort shit out / apply to grad school for the 2018-19 cycle.

word. my gf is trying intermittently to persuade me to move there after my contract here finishes. maybe for grad school (for her, probably for grad school). was looking at LSE the other day. london's never been at the top of my list for places to live (even more expensive than DC, with worse weather and crap salaries, plus the pound is still pricier than the dollar) but who knows? she might wear me down. it is a cool city.

what are you planning to study?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 22, 2017, 06:03:14 am
where did you move to?

back to lndn! gonna be here working part time at a few things while i sort shit out / apply to grad school for the 2018-19 cycle.

word. my gf is trying intermittently to persuade me to move there after my contract here finishes. maybe for grad school (for her, probably for grad school). was looking at LSE the other day. london's never been at the top of my list for places to live (even more expensive than DC, with worse weather and crap salaries, plus the pound is still pricier than the dollar) but who knows? she might wear me down. it is a cool city.

what are you planning to study?

If your money is in dollars then now is a great time to move to London, heh. It's like 1.3:1 when it has previously been like 1.5 or 1.7

Planning to do some interdisciplinary philosophy/art+cultural criticism stuff! Probably focusing on sort of 1880-onwards

London is a pretty great city to live in, so much food and great public transport and culture. Easy access to the continent (for now, at least)

Edit: I way prefer London weather to DC's swampy nonsense. But I guess DC would be a breeze for you after Pakistan.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 22, 2017, 06:28:55 am

Morning BW: 79.3kg [still down here, nice!]

Quite sore from yesterday, esp in biceps. I guess heavy semi-supinated chins do some work there.

Have to do a shit ton of admin stuff so may not be able to get a workout in, we shall see.


Front Squat
70 x 4
85 x 5
95 x 3
107.5 x 1
100 x 2
95 x 3
90 x 3
80 x 5
70 x 7

Trap Bar Deadlift
60 x 6
90 x 7, 7, 7, 7, 7

Lying Leg Curl
42.5 x 16
50 x 10 + 35 x 8


Squeezed this in during a free half hour. Had only eaten one quite small meal much earlier on in the day and done a load of running around so was already pretty zonked. In light of that quite surprised to have hit 107.5kg for 1 rep.

Trap bar DL is fun. I did them every-minute-on-the-minute style. Looking forward to getting a proper go at them.

Lying leg curl is a much better shape for me than the one at the previous gym -- able to get a stretch at the bottom.

Dead from this. Hecticness should die down by the end of the week.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on August 22, 2017, 08:13:12 am
more like DC prepared me well for islamabad. i grew up in that swamp, after all. different strokes.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 23, 2017, 12:29:08 pm

Morning BW: 79.9kg

Gonna take today and tomorrow off of gym work. Back at it Friday.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 25, 2017, 11:43:48 am

Morning BW: 80.1kg


Ate a lot on Wednesday, unsurprisingly heavy on Thursday. Ate lighter, but still more than my usual aim, on Wednesday.


Morning BW: 79.6kg [back roughly where we'd expect]


Wide grip pullups
BW x 10 [pretty easy, only mild grind on reps 9 and 10]

Bar x 8
35 x 5
45 x 5
50 x 3
57.5 x 3
55 x 5
50 x 4
47.5 x 5
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
40 x 6

Incline Bench Press [only place to do this at the gym has a fixed bench, and it's set to ~45*, when I'm usually used to ~30*, so I did this differently to figure out where I stand]
50 x 8, 8, 6, 5, 5 [done EMOM, so ~30s rest between each set]

BW x 13, 12, 10, 9 [kinda of wrecked from EMOM inclines, unsurprisingly]

Lateral Raise
10 x 15, 13, 10

Bayesian Cable Curl
6.25 x 15, 13, 10

Diverging Pulldown
50 x 12, 12, 10

Treadmill - 1mi @ 4pm, 5% incline, 148 bpm [page out of KF's book here]


Nice to be back in the gym. Gtting a little frustrated at stagnation, but just got to take the long term view here. Cutting will be down in 4-8 weeks depending on focus. Once I'm look I'll look better, feel better and gains will come more readily, both aesthetics and strength-wise. Patience, patience, patience.

Really liked the cardio walk. I like that you just set it and forget and just let your legs do the work. Don't have an HR monitor, so I just used the treadmill's hand holds for it every now and then, maybe 5 readings through the 15 minutes. My walking gait on the ground after finishing the treadmill walk felt amazing.

Been doing a lot of walking (with and without my dogs), so NEPA has been good despite relative lack of cardio recently.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on August 25, 2017, 06:12:14 pm

Morning BW: 80.1kg


Ate a lot on Wednesday, unsurprisingly heavy on Thursday. Ate lighter, but still more than my usual aim, on Wednesday.


Morning BW: 79.6kg [back roughly where we'd expect]


Wide grip pullups
BW x 10 [pretty easy, only mild grind on reps 9 and 10]

Bar x 8
35 x 5
45 x 5
50 x 3
57.5 x 3
55 x 5
50 x 4
47.5 x 5
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
40 x 6

Incline Bench Press [only place to do this at the gym has a fixed bench, and it's set to ~45*, when I'm usually used to ~30*, so I did this differently to figure out where I stand]
50 x 8, 8, 6, 5, 5 [done EMOM, so ~30s rest between each set]

BW x 13, 12, 10, 9 [kinda of wrecked from EMOM inclines, unsurprisingly]

Lateral Raise
10 x 15, 13, 10

Bayesian Cable Curl
6.25 x 15, 13, 10

Diverging Pulldown
50 x 12, 12, 10

Treadmill - 1mi @ 4pm, 5% incline, 148 bpm [page out of KF's book here]


Nice to be back in the gym. Gtting a little frustrated at stagnation, but just got to take the long term view here. Cutting will be down in 4-8 weeks depending on focus. Once I'm look I'll look better, feel better and gains will come more readily, both aesthetics and strength-wise. Patience, patience, patience.

yup. patience^patience.

Really liked the cardio walk. I like that you just set it and forget and just let your legs do the work. Don't have an HR monitor, so I just used the treadmill's hand holds for it every now and then, maybe 5 readings through the 15 minutes.

hah nice!

My walking gait on the ground after finishing the treadmill walk felt amazing.

ya man, i've had a few of those after PR-attempt walks where it feels alien-like, every step you're just flying & feel so light. that kind of feeling made me more intrigued with it.

Been doing a lot of walking (with and without my dogs), so NEPA has been good despite relative lack of cardio recently.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 26, 2017, 05:56:46 am

Morning BW: 79.9


70 x 6, 6
100 x 3
117.5 x 5
135 x 3
150 x 2 [+2.5kg, -1 rep]
142.5 x 3
135 x 3
125 x 3
117.5 x 3
110 x 3
102.5 x 8

Back Squat
60 x 6
80 x 6
90 x 6, 6, 6

BW x 13, 9, 7, 6

BB Row
50 x 10, 10, 10 [love this]

Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns [machine a bit weird? feels like it has accommodating resistance, so it's harder near the bottom of the rep]
40 x 12, 12, 10

Treadmill - 1mi @ 4pm, 5% incline, 153 bpm


Average weight per week of cut
0 - 81.6kg
1 - 81.3kg
2 - 80.6kg
3 - 79.9kg

So that's 0.7kg lost in the 2nd and 3rd week, which is almost exactly on target. Keep this up and we'll be done in 6-8 weeks.

BPM probably higher on treadmill walk today because of doing it after tiring leg stuff + doing is basically fasted (had only had a banana) as opposed to doing it in the afternoon decently well fed yesterday.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 27, 2017, 06:03:17 am

Morning BW: 78.7kg [woah, haha, i think a bit dehydrated, was outside for ages yesterday, though i put in a lot of effort to keeping up water wise]


SS1A Bench
Bar x 10
40 x 6
55 x 4
67.5 x 5
77.5 x 3
85 x 3 [blarg, wanted at least 4]
80 x 3
77.5 x 5
72.5 x 3
67.5 x 5
65 x 3
60 x 10

SS1B Chins [3 sets pullups, 2 sets NG, 2 sets semi-supinated]
BW x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

60 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 6

Seated DB OHP
18 x 12, 10, 9

1.5 Style Lateral Raises
8 x 7, 7, 6+5

EZ Bar Curl [myo reps]
30 x 13+4+3+3+2

Treadmill - 1mi @ 4pm, 5% incline, 158 bpm [max 166]


Decent workout. I think HR was high on the walk because I'd had a coffee shortly before the workout. I caffeinate pretty rarely, so it probably had a big effect on that.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 28, 2017, 08:22:09 am

Morning BW: 78.5kg

Rest day today. [lol nvm]


Breathing ladder (i.e. only breath through nose, break between sets is time it takes to make equal number of nose breaths to the reps done]

Kettlebell swing @ 16kg for 1-20-1 - 39:30

Benchmark set. Will get better control of breathing + also need kinda stronger p-chain, or p-chain endurance, for this. 400 total reps.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on August 28, 2017, 11:16:02 pm

Morning BW: 78.5kg

Rest day today. [lol nvm]


Breathing ladder (i.e. only breath through nose, break between sets is time it takes to make equal number of nose breaths to the reps done]

Kettlebell swing @ 16kg for 1-20-1 - 39:30

Benchmark set. Will get better control of breathing + also need kinda stronger p-chain, or p-chain endurance, for this. 400 total reps.

so if you did one rep, you do one "big" breathe through your nose & exhale through nose, then go on to two reps, .. until 20, and back down?

sounds intense.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2017, 02:20:50 am

Morning BW: 78.5kg

Rest day today. [lol nvm]


Breathing ladder (i.e. only breath through nose, break between sets is time it takes to make equal number of nose breaths to the reps done]

Kettlebell swing @ 16kg for 1-20-1 - 39:30

Benchmark set. Will get better control of breathing + also need kinda stronger p-chain, or p-chain endurance, for this. 400 total reps.

oooh i love this. was thinking about getting a KB the other day. there's one shop here that sells 'em for $5 a kilo.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 29, 2017, 02:59:58 am

Morning BW: 78.5kg

Rest day today. [lol nvm]


Breathing ladder (i.e. only breath through nose, break between sets is time it takes to make equal number of nose breaths to the reps done]

Kettlebell swing @ 16kg for 1-20-1 - 39:30

Benchmark set. Will get better control of breathing + also need kinda stronger p-chain, or p-chain endurance, for this. 400 total reps.

so if you did one rep, you do one "big" breathe through your nose & exhale through nose, then go on to two reps, .. until 20, and back down?

sounds intense.


1 rep
1 nose breaths
2 reps
2 nose breaths

I also only breathed through my nose during the swings themselves, so I aimed to not open my mouth for the whole duration of the workout. Was not so bad actually. I guess 16kg is pretty light for swings. Doing it w/ 24kg or trying it with snatches would be brutal as fuck.

I have no idea what this sort of training is really meant to do beyond practicing breath control, but it's a fun way to get some easy volume in.

No, or very mild, p-chain soreness today.

oooh i love this. was thinking about getting a KB the other day. there's one shop here that sells 'em for $5 a kilo.

do it! i think you'd fine kettlebells a lot of fun!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 29, 2017, 05:22:05 am

Morning BW: 78.2kg

Not gonna lift today. May go do a longer treadmill walk if I'm feeling it, or some other light training.

Haven't been tracking recently -- just been eating intuitively. Seems to be working in terms of weight moving in the right direction, but it's perhaps going a bit too fast.


Waist (at narrowest): 32.5" [-2" in 25 days!]
Waist (at naval): 33.5"
Neck at narrowest: 14.75"
BF% (navy estimate): 16-17%

Those are fairly encouraging numbers. Keep on keeping on.

This puts me at ~65kg LBM, so 10-12% bf I want to aim 71-73, I guess.


Cardiowalk -
1mi @ 4.5% incline @ 4mph, max HR = 142
1mi @ 5% incline @ 4mph, max HR = 155
.67mi @ 5.5% incline @ 4mph, max HR = 163
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 30, 2017, 07:23:34 am

Morning BW: 77.8kg [errrrrr, wut]


Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 8
70 x 6
77.5 x 4, 4, 4
75 x 5
70 x 6
65 x 7
60 x 9

BW x 5 [this felt weirdly hard]
+20 x 5, 5, 4, 4, 4
BW x 8

40 x 8, 8, 7, 6

EZ Bar Reverse Curl (myo reps)
20 x 17+6+5+5+3+3

Reverse Pec Dec
40 x 25
54 x 15, 12

Neutral+Narrow Cable Row
47 x 12, 12, 10


Well there's a lot going on here.

I ended up walking an extra 5ish miles yesterday in the evening. Was aware that weight have been dropping a bit fast so tried to eat a lot, but, err, guess I still undershot it. Was over 2000kcal and 130g protein.

Legs hella sore/weak feeling today. Gonna take it easy cardio/walking-wise (hence no post-lifting cardiowalk).

Back felt under-recovered, too. I guess those 7 extra sets of chins on the last bench day, done the day after DLing, hit recovery hard when food is already light.

Got a weekend trip coming up, so no training Fri-Sun. Should still be decently active, what with touring and the like. That should be an opportunity to reset from this rapid drop, I reckon.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 31, 2017, 07:53:35 am

Morning BW: 78.3kg


High Bar Back Squat
Bar x lots
60 x 5
80 x 3
95 x 3
105 x 3
115 x 3
122.5 x 2 [over 1.5xBW for a pretty easy double while cutting, not bad]  :personal-record:
100 x 6, 6, 6

Trap Bar Deadlift [in squat shoes + with handles down, so way deeper/harder than last week]
70 x 5
100 x 5, 5, 5, 5

Leg Extension
27.5 x 14
35 x 14, 14

Lying Leg Curl
50 x 14, 12
50 x 10 + 35 x 13 [many of the 35 reps were partials. I am convinced this is basically the most painful thing one can do in the gym]

Treadmill - 1mi @ 4pm, 5% incline, 148 bpm [max 153]


Made the decision to just eat big yesterday. Feel much better today for it and not that much heavier -- more in line with where I ought to be, really. Ramen and ice cream are so wonderful. This workout was done without breakfast, but because I ate so well yesterday it felt like a fed workout.

Wanted to just go for it on back squats today to see what's what. They felt brilliant. I'll put up the footage of the 122.5 double later today. Puts me at ~130kg estimated max, which @ 78kg is 1.67xBW. Not bad for pretty much not training back squats at all!

Feeling good going into this break.

[edit: fixed the video orientation. youtube has some useful features]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 01, 2017, 03:48:13 pm

Morning BW: 78.3kg


High Bar Back Squat
Bar x lots
60 x 5
80 x 3
95 x 3
105 x 3
115 x 3
122.5 x 2 [over 1.5xBW for a pretty easy double while cutting, not bad]  :personal-record:
100 x 6, 6, 6

Trap Bar Deadlift [in squat shoes + with handles down, so way deeper/harder than last week]
70 x 5
100 x 5, 5, 5, 5

Leg Extension
27.5 x 14
35 x 14, 14

Lying Leg Curl
50 x 14, 12
50 x 10 + 35 x 13 [many of the 35 reps were partials. I am convinced this is basically the most painful thing one can do in the gym]

Treadmill - 1mi @ 4pm, 5% incline, 148 bpm [max 153]


Made the decision to just eat big yesterday. Feel much better today for it and not that much heavier -- more in line with where I ought to be, really. Ramen and ice cream are so wonderful. This workout was done without breakfast, but because I ate so well yesterday it felt like a fed workout.

Wanted to just go for it on back squats today to see what's what. They felt brilliant. I'll put up the footage of the 122.5 double later today. Puts me at ~130kg estimated max, which @ 78kg is 1.67xBW. Not bad for pretty much not training back squats at all!

Feeling good going into this break.

[edit: fixed the video orientation. youtube has some useful features]

very nice!!  :ibsquatting:

what happened to the vid? says unavailable.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 02, 2017, 11:56:03 am
Want to add some sprinting/jumping to my routine. Want to start feeling lighter on my feet. Obviously leanness is a big part of that, but, like, so is being good at movement.

Any suggestions on this front? I've retained way less of my sprinting/jump training knowledge than lifting knowledge. I guess just going to the track and making sure to do a bit of each on a 1-2xWeekly basis is all there is to it.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 02, 2017, 01:40:23 pm
Want to add some sprinting/jumping to my routine. Want to start feeling lighter on my feet. Obviously leanness is a big part of that, but, like, so is being good at movement.

Any suggestions on this front? I've retained way less of my sprinting/jump training knowledge than lifting knowledge. I guess just going to the track and making sure to do a bit of each on a 1-2xWeekly basis is all there is to it.


"just get it in when you can", preferably as part of the warmup/pre-lift routine. If you can get in some dedication sessions, even better.

you don't have to go crazy with anything for now, just getting in some submax work will be effective, frequency is important. So if you lift 3-4x/wk, that should allow you to get in some sprint/jump work 3-4x/wk as well - even if it's just a few jumps, a few sprints, or whatever. Just mix it up and do what you find most fun, for now.

Not sure if you want to come up with some rigid/strict stuff to do but IMHO just getting the movements in, submax, allows you to do all kinds of things without having to worry too much about programming, ie: warmup, some warmup sprints (10-20 yd) to get the cns firing, svj's x 10 (relaxed/walk around recovery, jump when ready), submax broad jumps x 10 (relaxed/walk around recovery, jump when ready), 5 x 60m submax (light walk back recovery), lift .. etc.. can substitute all kinds of things in there, RVJ's, SLRVJ's, controlled long jump, MR tuck jumps, DL bounds, pogo hops, 100's, 200's, etc. I'd keep it shorter/simpler to start, then after a few weeks you'll have a better idea of what you want to add/remove/mess around with.

dno just some thoughts.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 04, 2017, 04:17:20 pm

Morning BW: N/A


Jog to track ~.85mi

Warmup sprints
1 x ~10m
1 x ~15m
1 x ~20m

~10 SVJs and ~5 RVJs [LR plant] at hoop. Able to get about full wrist to the backboard with an RJV and to bottom of fingers on SJV

4 x ~60m with walk back recovery [don't know my track markings well enough to measure this, but it was like 80 normal steps]

Jog home ~.85mi


Over-ate on this trip, but ate nice stuff so i feel fine about it. Rather, I ate more like I ate pre-cutting, which feels like so much food now, crumbs. Ate more moderately today, but had a heavy meal about 2 hours pre-track, so I could really feel that sitting my stomach while moving.

This felt really nice. Jumping and sprinting is fun. Will be fun to have progress here as I just get better at the movements and get lighter/leaner.

Should probably keep sprints maybe to 40m, not sure I've the endurance or max speed to make 60m necessary, the last bit already feels like it is being spent slowing down.

I think my hip adductors and flexors may be sore tomorrow.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 05, 2017, 12:26:57 am

Morning BW: N/A


Jog to track ~.85mi

Warmup sprints
1 x ~10m
1 x ~15m
1 x ~20m

~10 SVJs and ~5 RVJs [LR plant] at hoop. Able to get about full wrist to the backboard with an RJV and to bottom of fingers on SJV

4 x ~60m with walk back recovery [don't know my track markings well enough to measure this, but it was like 80 normal steps]

Jog home ~.85mi


Over-ate on this trip, but ate nice stuff so i feel fine about it. Rather, I ate more like I ate pre-cutting, which feels like so much food now, crumbs. Ate more moderately today, but had a heavy meal about 2 hours pre-track, so I could really feel that sitting my stomach while moving.

This felt really nice. Jumping and sprinting is fun. Will be fun to have progress here as I just get better at the movements and get lighter/leaner.

Should probably keep sprints maybe to 40m, not sure I've the endurance or max speed to make 60m necessary, the last bit already feels like it is being spent slowing down.

I think my hip adductors and flexors may be sore tomorrow.


IMHO, just in case: don't go 100% max V on short sprints .. maybe toy with that once in a while after a few months of training, but for now just keep it in the <= 90% range. As you already mentioned to me, you're probably sore af already. Ease into it nice and slow. my 2 cents!

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 05, 2017, 04:48:02 am

Morning BW: N/A


Jog to track ~.85mi

Warmup sprints
1 x ~10m
1 x ~15m
1 x ~20m

~10 SVJs and ~5 RVJs [LR plant] at hoop. Able to get about full wrist to the backboard with an RJV and to bottom of fingers on SJV

4 x ~60m with walk back recovery [don't know my track markings well enough to measure this, but it was like 80 normal steps]

Jog home ~.85mi


Over-ate on this trip, but ate nice stuff so i feel fine about it. Rather, I ate more like I ate pre-cutting, which feels like so much food now, crumbs. Ate more moderately today, but had a heavy meal about 2 hours pre-track, so I could really feel that sitting my stomach while moving.

This felt really nice. Jumping and sprinting is fun. Will be fun to have progress here as I just get better at the movements and get lighter/leaner.

Should probably keep sprints maybe to 40m, not sure I've the endurance or max speed to make 60m necessary, the last bit already feels like it is being spent slowing down.

I think my hip adductors and flexors may be sore tomorrow.


IMHO, just in case: don't go 100% max V on short sprints .. maybe toy with that once in a while after a few months of training, but for now just keep it in the <= 90% range. As you already mentioned to me, you're probably sore af already. Ease into it nice and slow. my 2 cents!


Makes sense! I was probably running 90-95%. I don't think I've got the technical capacity for a true full out sprint yet. I'll pull that perceived intensity on sprints back to 85-90, though!

Soreness not yet so bad. Gonna go lift soon.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 05, 2017, 07:22:22 am

Morning BW: 79.0kg [this will come down fast in the next couple of days b/c of water/carb weight, I reckon...maybe finish week sub 78?]


BW x 8

Bar x 8
40 x 4
47.5 x 5
52.5 x 3
60 x 0 [blarg]
50 x 5, 5, 5
40 x 7, 6

Incline Bench
50 x 8, 8, 8, 6

BW x 13, 11, 9

Lateral Raise
12 x 10
10 x 12, 12

Preacher Curl
25 x 8
20 x 18+6+5+4+4 [myo reps]

Bayesian Cable Curl
6.25 x 8
3.75 x 12

Treadmill -
.67mi @ 4mph, 5% incline [machine wasn't given me HR readings so I switched to another treadmill to do a full mile]
1mi @ 4mph, 5% - 139BPM [max 147]


Not that sore from the sprinting in the end, except for the adductors which have been hit pretty hard.

Gonna change up rep scheme on bench/OHP for a while I think. Just stick to straight sets and try to progress those. Not having much fun w/ wheel spinning top sets. Either that or swap to a more traditional 5/3/1 scheme for now.

Either I made some sick cardio gains or the various treadmills have inconsistent measurements. I'm guessing it's mostly the latter. Found a good deal on a Garmin Forerunner 35. The optical wrist HR monitor is supposed to be fairly good when not doing intervals, so should be ace for walking and steady state, which is good. Will be fun to have an activity tracker of sorts. Expect a baseline post in the resting HR thread soon.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 05, 2017, 09:59:35 am
So getting a bit frustrated w/ the lifting programme at the moment, so am going to make a shift. Had a skim through one of Wendler's 5/3/1 books and liked the look of one with the typically dumb name of "Full Body (1000% Awesome)". It's 3 days/week. All %s based of 85% of estimated 1RM.

Squat 5s Progression (week 1 - 5 reps @ 65,75,85%; week 2 - 5 reps @ 70,80,90%; week 3 - 5 reps @ 75,85,95%)
Bench 5x5 @ 80-85%
Assistance (1 exercise pushing, 1-2 exercises pulling [double volume to assistance pushing], 1 exercise each for legs and core work)

Deadlift 5s Progression (same as above)
OHP 5x5 @ 80-85%
Assistance (1 exercise pushing, 1-2 exercises pulling [double volume to assistance pushing], 1 exercise each for legs and core work)

Squat 5x5 @ 80-85%
Bench 5s Progression
Assistance (1 exercise pushing, 1-2 exercises pulling [double volume to assistance pushing], 1 exercise each for legs and core work)

This leaves space for 2-4/weekly track sessions, mixing up jumping, sprinting and tempo work.

Being me, I will probably work in a heavy chinup session somewhere. Will probably add bicep stuff to assistance.

I'll do tomorrow's back+deadlift session as planned, then probably shift over on Friday depending what recovery feels like.

Est maxes (85% TM):
Squat - 130kg (110kg)
Deadlift - 165kg (140kg)
Bench - 95kg (80kg)
OHP - 60kg (50kg)

So it should start pretty light, which is nice. Drop back the intensity to give me space to recover to the new stimulus from jumping/sprinting, but keep enough volume to not be losing muscle. Run this for two cycles, switch to a heavier programme (he's got a more intense 3xWeek full body programme he advises, so probably that) for a cycle. That's 9 weeks. By that time cut should be done and I'll have a good solid base in various modalities.

Edit: I stuck to the same programme since the 31st of March! That's over 5 full months. Lifetime  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

My first nSuns workout did 50kg x 3 x 4 on bench and could barely manage sets of 5 on bodyweight chins. Progress is legit.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 06, 2017, 06:18:40 am

Morning BW: 78.3kg [that's more like it]


Deadlift [reps after + means number of shrugs done after last deadlift rep]
70 x 5, 5
100 x 3
120 x 5
135 x 3
152.5 x 1 [+2.5kg, -1 rep]
145 x 3 + 3
135 x 3 + 3
127.5 x 3 + 5
120 x 3 + 6
112.5 x 3 + 9
105 x 10 + 10

BW x 10, 10, 7, 6, 6
[Biceps totally dead from yesterday made this tough]

Barbell Row
50 x 10, 10, 10
[Same as last time, but I think those shrugs made a huge difference]

Diverging Pulldown
50 x 11
35 x 16, 15

45* Back Extension
BW x 20
+20 x 10, 10
[Loaded with a barbell on the floor. I like this load angle a lot, felt great]

Decline Situps
BW x 8
[Just to check how they feel. This was already pretty tough, but my hip flexors are pretty blitzed from Monday's sprints still. Will include these regularly in future]

Treadmill - 4mph
8 mins @ 5%, 10 mins @ 4%, 7 mins @ 3%
Avg HR - 149 BPM
Max HR - 158 BPM


Fun workout. Fucking love back training, as I often say. I want the thickest back, including nice traps [sorry KF, haha].

The watch is nice. Also handy not having to use the treadmill to check HR, though I did that a couple of times to see if the one I used and the watch agreed -- they did. What I noticed, though, is that my HR drops ~2-4 when measuring it with hand holds vs when just walking with arms at my side. This makes sense, since not matter how hard you try not to load your arms to save your legs, you will be doing that a little bit. Noticing this meant realising my Avg HR for the treadmill stuff is probs ~3 BPM higher than what I've actually recorded. As such I lowered the incline, these walks should be pretty easy and done <155 I reckon, maybe even in the 130s? Thoughts? I guess I usually only treadmill walk for 20-30 mins so being in "zone 3" rather than "zone 2" is probably fine. Idk.

Avg HR during the lifting portion of workout was 119 BPM, with Max HR of 165.

Some jumping then tempo sprints tomorrow, maybe 4x3x150m (50m walk b/w reps, 100m walk between sets) at an easy pace.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 07, 2017, 11:28:54 am

Morning BW: N/A


Jog to track - .96mi in 11:30 - Avg HR - 147 [lol, so high for such a lazy pace]

Sprint repeats - 2 x 10 x 100m @ 22 seconds for 100m
Rest until end of minute between reps (so ~38s) and until xx:30 between the sets. So basically an EMOM workout.

Max HR - 186 [this was hit after the final repeat, which I ran in 20.5, oops]
Avg HR - ~166 [not sure how to get average HR between two points in time that aren't the beginning and end of the workout, the Garmin connect thing is confusing. Does Strava do this?] Edit: calculated this using excel and it was 167, close enough

Walk home


Easy fun workout. Looking forward to getting into actual sprinting shape.

Traps extremely sore.

Looking forward to starting 5/3/1 tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 08, 2017, 05:17:22 am

Morning BW: 77.8kg

Took measurements this morning:

Waist (narrowest) - 32.25"
Waist (navel) - 33.5"
Chest (at nipples) - 40.5"
Biceps - 14.25"
Thigh (just below glute-ham tie-in) - 23"


Bar x Lots
40 x 5
60 x 5
75 x 5
85 x 5
97.5 x 5 [pretty easy, could have probably pushed for 10, but the programmes prescribes just hitting the reps, and that's why I chose it]

Bar x 10
50 x 5
67.5 x 5 x 5 [pretty easy too]

+10 x 6 x 6 [RPE 9 and 9.5 on the final sets, but this is nice]

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 7, 7 [these are so hard]

Standing DB OHP
14 x 16, 14, 11 [I think I prefer this to seated, actually]

Preacher Curl
30 x 6 [shitty form/ROM]
20 x 15, 13

Decline Situps
BW x 9, 8, 7 [I suck at these + my hip flexors are already blitzed. Getting good at these will be good]


Measurements are encouraging (all taken cold/without a pump...I thought my bis looked pretty dope when pumped from the preachers at the gym, haha).

Workout was lots of fun, though obviously pretty similar to what I had been doing previously.

Pressed for time so no treadmill walk, but yesterday was very active so I don't mind being a bit mellowed today.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 08, 2017, 04:05:50 pm

Fun workout. Fucking love back training, as I often say. I want the thickest back, including nice traps [sorry KF, haha].

hah. eagerly awaiting you to take the title of back-king from KF .. trap king maybe, since he's got this weird trap phobia. His mid traps are huge IIRC.

The watch is nice. Also handy not having to use the treadmill to check HR, though I did that a couple of times to see if the one I used and the watch agreed -- they did. What I noticed, though, is that my HR drops ~2-4 when measuring it with hand holds vs when just walking with arms at my side. This makes sense, since not matter how hard you try not to load your arms to save your legs, you will be doing that a little bit. Noticing this meant realising my Avg HR for the treadmill stuff is probs ~3 BPM higher than what I've actually recorded. As such I lowered the incline, these walks should be pretty easy and done <155 I reckon, maybe even in the 130s? Thoughts? I guess I usually only treadmill walk for 20-30 mins so being in "zone 3" rather than "zone 2" is probably fine. Idk.

Avg HR during the lifting portion of workout was 119 BPM, with Max HR of 165.

that's some great info about the watch HR vs treadmill, awesome. Makes me even more eager to upgrade my watch eventually.

and ya makes sense about the arms-free being slightly higher.


Morning BW: N/A


Jog to track - .96mi in 11:30 - Avg HR - 147 [lol, so high for such a lazy pace]

Sprint repeats - 2 x 10 x 100m @ 22 seconds for 100m
Rest until end of minute between reps (so ~38s) and until xx:30 between the sets. So basically an EMOM workout.

Max HR - 186 [this was hit after the final repeat, which I ran in 20.5, oops]
Avg HR - ~166 [not sure how to get average HR between two points in time that aren't the beginning and end of the workout, the Garmin connect thing is confusing. Does Strava do this?] Edit: calculated this using excel and it was 167, close enough

Walk home


Easy fun workout. Looking forward to getting into actual sprinting shape.

Traps extremely sore.

Looking forward to starting 5/3/1 tmrw.

IMHO, sprinting/jumping is solid trap work. I never hear anyone talk about it, but my traps get wrecked when i start jumping. I've had more trap soreness/fatigue from high volume jumping, and/or high rep MR tuck jumps etc, than i've ever had from shrugs/deadlift etc. My traps looked fairly developed (IMHO) when I was dunking, and I didn't deadlift/shrug/etc, just did tons of jumping & reactive exercises .. so in combination with compounds lifts & some direct work, you can become trap-king of


and ya you can't do that with garmin connect or strava ... :/ the HR stats within a range of activity, unless it's a "lap". So I imagine you just took your HR stats per lap and put them in excel?

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 09, 2017, 07:10:23 am

Morning BW: 77.6kg


Jog to track


~12 SJVs and 5 DLRVJs, some of the RVJs felt really good. SVJs a bit meh.

Broad Jumps x 4

Double Leg Bounds x 3 x 4 [need to learn how to do this properly, haha, felt so weird]

Alternate Leg Bounding x 3 [ditto above, but a bit better]


300m @ ~85% in 51.1s [hit 188 HR during this]

rest 3 mins

200m @ ~75% in 37.1

rest 90s

6 x 100m @ 18s -- rest = 100m walk [an pretty easy pace, tho HR got up to 175-181 after these]

Walk home


Abs and hip flexors sore. I played a lot with an ab wheel I just bought last night, which obviously contributes. Need hip flexors and abs of iron. 60s L-Sit, standing ab wheel, etc.

Gonna keep the repeats to 100-150m for a while until some more cardio/running endurance is built up. 300m was just out of curiousity, heh. Maybe I will test that again in a few weeks.

Might hold off on including bounds until I'm a bit leaner + have more of a reactive base.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 09, 2017, 09:59:05 am

Fun workout. Fucking love back training, as I often say. I want the thickest back, including nice traps [sorry KF, haha].

hah. eagerly awaiting you to take the title of back-king from KF .. trap king maybe, since he's got this weird trap phobia. His mid traps are huge IIRC.

well a big goal for me is still to hit the one-arm chinup, so if I'm gonna make that happen I'll have to have a gnarly back!

and ya you can't do that with garmin connect or strava ... :/ the HR stats within a range of activity, unless it's a "lap". So I imagine you just took your HR stats per lap and put them in excel?

yup, did that and weighted the avg HR by the length of the split it was from. tedious to have to do that, seems bizarre that they don't have that feature when it has such fine grained recordings?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 10, 2017, 08:08:53 am

Morning BW: 77.4kg


Deadlift [shrug after every rep]
60 x 6, 6
70 x 5
95 x 5
107.5 x 5
122.5 x 5 + some number of shrugs to failure, I wasn't up to counting

Bar x 5
30 x 5
42.5 x 5 x 5
[OHP with dead traps is a little bit interesting]

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 10, 10, 9, 8

BW x 18, 15, 13  :personal-record:
[I guess this is how many I can do when not super fatigued already]

Reverse Pec Dec
54 x 16, 12, 10
[changed set up from first to second set, hence the drop off]

Reverse Curl
20 x 14
22.5 x 10
20 x 10
[Left wrist kept folding about halfway through the sets regardless of how much I focussed on it. As such I shall stick to hammer curls for forearm/brachioradialis work + do some direct wrist stuff]

45* Back Extension
+25 x 12, 12, 12
[Charlie Francis talks a lot about erector size/strength for sprinting, so this seems an ideal exercise since it's also bomb for hamstrings]

DB Reverse Wrist Curl
4 x 10, 10
4 x 9 + 2 x 12

Treadmill - 30 mins @ between 4-5% incline and 4-4.2mph, mixing it up
Avg HR - 145

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 18, 16, 15
[did this at home b/c too lazy to take it to the gym. god this is killer. will use this for higher rep work and decline situps for heavier work for now, I guess, until I can hit standing ones reasonably well]


Weight is dropping pretty fast. I am definitely getting enough protein and gym stuff is going well. I don't feel injured or under recovered or anything, so I will trust that it is good weight that is coming off. I'm still not that lean (15-16% probably) so going fast is still fine.

Full body training is fun.

Probably not going to hit the track tomorrow, but will make sure to do a long outdoor walk in order to get some cardio/recovery work in.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2017, 03:27:44 am
destroying it right now. fun to watch.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 11, 2017, 08:44:46 am
destroying it right now. fun to watch.

Thanks dude! I've been talking about this w/ Adarqui a bit, but I feel like I've matured a hell of a lot since previous forays into training, and that that has been hugely beneficial. I still want to, and do, train hard, but I'm much more willing to take it slow/be patient and let things come as they do. Also actually successful taking control of diet/understanding what I like to eat/what fuels me well.

Being able to find all parts of training (lifting, cardio, jumping, sprinting, walking) fun and rewarding has been a boon. Hoping I can ride this wave for a long while.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 11, 2017, 08:49:19 am

Morning BW: 77.6kg


Rotator cuff/rear delt area quite sore, esp on right side. Hopefully just a normal muscular soreness resulting from higher volume OHP + reintroducing direct rear delt stuff. Shall see what it is like tomorrow.

Was anticipating a higher weight than 77.6, since ate very big + high carb/sodium yesterday. Made vegan nachos w/ blue corn chips last night. See this not particularly appealing picture:


Will try to keep activity levels moderately today, at least ~13k watch-steps. Might do some light KB swings or something, idk, doing nothing is hard.

Recovery Workout

20 mins of EMOM doing 10 reps of 1 upper body movement from {band pullaparts, band dislocations, scapular pushups} and then 10 reps of 1 lower body movement from {air squats, split squats, 16kg KB swings}

Nice and easy just to get the blood flowing and do some stretchy/prehab type stuff. Avg HR - 120 BPM.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: maxent on September 11, 2017, 09:55:06 am
Ever since i found out about the existence of blue corn chips around the NBA finals when adarqui and LBBS were talking about enjoying the finals while eating them ive wanted to try them. So yesterday finally my bro and sis in law wanted to do a GoT catch up session and eat nachos, the time had come.  Unfortunately I went 0/6 looking for a place that sells them here :( So funny. Good to see you had better luck than me.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 11, 2017, 11:02:03 am
Ever since i found out about the existence of blue corn chips around the NBA finals when adarqui and LBBS were talking about enjoying the finals while eating them ive wanted to try them. So yesterday finally my bro and sis in law wanted to do a GoT catch up session and eat nachos, the time had come.  Unfortunately I went 0/6 looking for a place that sells them here :( So funny. Good to see you had better luck than me.

Oh man, thans sucks  :( We did get pretty lucky, though. Picked them up by chance at some uber-bougie 'organic health' store that we checked out in the hopes of getting some seitan.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2017, 02:27:44 pm
fuck blue corn chips are so good.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 11, 2017, 02:47:07 pm
Ever since i found out about the existence of blue corn chips around the NBA finals when adarqui and LBBS were talking about enjoying the finals while eating them ive wanted to try them. So yesterday finally my bro and sis in law wanted to do a GoT catch up session and eat nachos, the time had come.  Unfortunately I went 0/6 looking for a place that sells them here :( So funny. Good to see you had better luck than me.


blue corn chips are amazing but if I eat a few, i'm eating the entire bag & then i'm obsessing about getting more bags. be careful.

fuck blue corn chips are so good.

hell yes

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 12, 2017, 07:53:34 am

Morning BW: 77.3


Bar x Lots
50 x 5
70 x 5
90 x 5 x 5

Barbell Row
55 x 10, 10, 10

Barbell Bench
Bar x 10
40 x 5
55 x 5
62.5 x 5
72.5 x 5

DB Low Incline Bench
20 x 16, 14, 12

NG Chins
BW x 10, 10, 8

Lying Leg Curl
55 x 13, 12
60 x 7 + some partials

Bayesian Cable Curl
8.75 x 9
6.25 x 12, 9
[think i will dump these for BB curls or some such for a while, they're bette as a pump exercise in a programme where I'm doing multiple arm things on a given day, I reckon -- at least I enjoy doing them that way more]

Leg Raises [using one of those captains chairs w/ a half bosu ball, feel like I can get a bit more rom/stretch that way?]
BW x 10, 10, 10
[Idk if I will bother with these, though, haha, there are better/more consistent ab things available]

SS1A Reverse DB Wrist Curl
4 x 14, 14, 14

SS1B DB Wrist Curl
10 x 20
12 x 13, 13
[basically no rest between any of these sets, it's not like wrist stuff is taxing]

10 mins @ 5%/4mph
7 mins @ 5.5%/4mph
5 mins @ 6%/4mph
Avg HR - 145 BPM
Max HR - 156 BPM [though that was one random big spike v. soon after switching to 6% incline, it settled around 149+-2 for the rest of the 6% time, from what I can tell (I need to enable the lap funciton in the "cardio" profile on my watch still)]


Solid workout. Slight discomfort in my right adductor beginning w/ first 'heavy' squat set. Didn't seem to really impact anything. Felt it a little on the treadmill walk too.

Wondering if I should rather focus my gym accessory leg work on quads rather than p-chain since I build up a fair amount of p-chain fatigue from the jumping/sprinting? It's a minor decision, though, so not over bothered.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 13, 2017, 07:20:05 am

Morning BW: 76.7kg [errr wut]


Jog to track - .88mi in 8:58
Avg HR - 147

Sprints x 3 x 15m


~12 SVJs, some felt decent

~10 RVJs, a few good'n's


3 x (4 x 100m) @ 18.5s -- ~40s b/w reps, ~100s b/w reps [HR got up to between 165-177 on these reps]

Walk home.


Quite a weight drop-off. Ate >120g protein and >2000kcal yesterday, but I had 17.5k units of activity/walking, so I perhaps needed to adjust up further.

Legs feel a bit weak today, hence no bounds and just 12 repeats.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: maxent on September 13, 2017, 07:34:18 am
Great job on the cut. What are you working towards, 75kg?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 13, 2017, 08:18:34 am
Great job on the cut. What are you working towards, 75kg?

Thanks! Yeah, 75kg is where I think I will assess where I've reached, at least. I'm aiming for like ~12% BF, or to just stop being so soft around the belly. If I need to keep going down past 75kg I'll do that, I guess.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 13, 2017, 01:17:21 pm

Solid workout. Slight discomfort in my right adductor beginning w/ first 'heavy' squat set. Didn't seem to really impact anything. Felt it a little on the treadmill walk too.

ya be careful with that, especially now that you are starting to incorporate sprints & such. Don't want that to become chronic.. easy to overwork the hip flexors/adductors, and then they tighten up and can become a bitch. For the walk, if you're feeling it, i'd drop the pace/effort down a bit until you don't feel it. Hopefully it doesn't come back and bug you anymore, just a "one time deal" for now, but walking/sprinting/running will stress the adductors quite a bit so, if you start feeling it, drop the pace a little and see if it disappears, then just try and not aggravate it by squatting too heavy when they are fatigued.

Wondering if I should rather focus my gym accessory leg work on quads rather than p-chain since I build up a fair amount of p-chain fatigue from the jumping/sprinting? It's a minor decision, though, so not over bothered.

well, if you're doing direct assistance, then i'd still do it 1:1 ratio, ie, leg extensions + leg curls as a weak example. If one muscle group is more fatigued (just fatigue, not strained), you can always just lighten it up and rep it out - so for example with hamstrings, just lighten up the RDL's and bang out some more reps, becomes a bit more of recovery too so that's good.

my 2cents!

good stuff man. peace!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 14, 2017, 07:49:19 am

Morning BW: 76.9kg [good, don't want to drop too fast]


Warmed up more thoroughly today with some time on the bike

Bar x Lots
60 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 5
102.5 x 5 [will post video of this later, not sure depth was quite there]

Bar x 10
40 x 5
60 x 3
70 x 5 x 5

+15 x 7 x 5 [that's 7 sets of 5]

Narrow NG Cable Row
40 x 20
47 x 16
[my traps loved this]

Standing DB OHP
16 x 14, 11, 9

Preacher Curls
22.5 x 14, 11, 11

~22mins @ 5%/3.8mph - 133 BPM
Lowered speed to 3.8mph and felt a lot better. Don't need to push myself on this, it's just an easy way to get extra activity/cardio in while I'm already at the gym. Thanks for the sanity check, adarq!


Felt like I was falling ill a bit last night, but got 9.5 hours of sleep and woke up golden.

Shall stick to +15kg on chinups until I'm doing straight sets of 7? 7x5->6x6->5x7->+5kg
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 14, 2017, 07:57:45 am

Squats. Maybe just hitting parallel until 4th rep which seems good and 5th rep which is a bit below. Angle could perhaps be a factor, idk, in any case they look very easy well within range, so just being more conscientious of depth in future shouldn't be an issue.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on September 14, 2017, 08:26:40 am
unless you're planning to compete at some point, if that's a comfortable depth then don't sweat it. hips were shooting juuust a touch on the last couple of reps. be careful as weights get heavier, if that gets worse can lead to low-back strain as you pitch forward and try to correct.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 14, 2017, 10:55:40 am
unless you're planning to compete at some point, if that's a comfortable depth then don't sweat it. hips were shooting juuust a touch on the last couple of reps. be careful as weights get heavier, if that gets worse can lead to low-back strain as you pitch forward and try to correct.

makes sense to me. I think quads fatiguing ahead of other things is the cause there, shall be mindful of it. ty!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 14, 2017, 11:30:10 am
first rep is my fav.  :ibsquatting:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 15, 2017, 07:39:15 am

Morning BW: 76.9kg [a little surprised! out for dinner at a pub and was just eating+snacking for ages -- it's good I keep my activity level so high]


Run to park - .87mi in 7:25 [i.e. 8:30 pace]
Avg HR - 154
Max HR - 176
I was down to 7:20 pace for last section of this. I just felt quite light on my feet and like running rather than just jogging to the park. Probably hurt the rest of my workout, but whatever, haha.

Jumping --

Mix of SVJ/RVJ/Drop step jumps for ~15 mins, about 20-25 jumps probably. SVJs felt shit, but 1-3 step RVJs where all good. Did the t0dday method. Get like 2-3" from a drop set, another 1-2" from 2 steps and if I absolutely nail 3 steps I get another 1".

Did 1x10 each on MR Tuck Jumps [is there a definitive/adarqui video of these? couldn't find one that looked legit] and pogo jumps. Ankles not feeling strong/bouncy at this point so just moved on.

Tempo sprinting --

2 x (6 x 150m) @ 30.5s -- times a little variable here, but this was the average
Avg HR - 155
Max - 178 [usually peaking in the high 160s/low 170s after each sprint, though]

Felt fine. This is the most volume of tempo sprinting I've done so far (1800m) and it felt solid.


Tomorrow is probably a total rest day, maybe a kettlebell recovery circuit a-la the other day. Quads are tired.

The 5/3/1 protocol I'm running advises a deload after 2 cycles (I'm in week 2 of 6 so far). I think I will deload all my lifts except for squat then, because I'll be way to tempted to try a 1-3RM by then. That's like 5/6 weeks away, though, haha.

hips were shooting juuust a touch on the last couple of reps. be careful as weights get heavier, if that gets worse can lead to low-back strain as you pitch forward and try to correct.

first rep is my fav.  :ibsquatting:

Thanks for squat feedback, pals! I noticed the major difference between rep 1 and the rest is that I don't dip my head forward with the beginning of the concentric on the first rep. Keeping head back like that will probably also help prevent me tipping forward, thus pleasing both LBSS and adarqui at once. Will keep that in mind  :D

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 16, 2017, 05:39:12 am

Morning BW: 77.2kg


Total rest day today. Would like to weigh in sub-77kg/170lbs tomorrow, as that feels like a good checkmark to have hit. Have just been eating a little too much, but I know what I need to do. Aim is to weight in the 74s for the 8th of October. Easily done.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 17, 2017, 01:22:55 pm

Morning BW: 76.7kg [good]


60 x 6, 6
80 x 5
100 x 5
120 x 5
130 x 5

Bar x 5
35 x 5
45 x 5 x 5

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 10, 10, 10, 8

BW x 20, 15, 11  :personal-record: [woah, 20! that crushed my triceps so I had nothing for those next two sets, but still, 20!]

Split Squat
24s x 8, 8, 8 [ow. finally properly tried this as FP suggested a while ago, feel it well in my quads and the glute-ham tie-in area]

Alternating DB Hammer Curls
16 x 10, 9, 8 [just straight up prefer reverse ez bar curls, let's get that wrist strength going]

SS1A DB Reverse Wrist Curl
4 x 16, 16
6 x 7 [forgot there were 5s in a diff part of the gym, so will bridge to those next time]

SS1B DB Wrist Curl
14 x 13, 13, 10

21 mins @ 5%/3.8mph
Avg HR - 134 BPM
Max HR - 143 BPM


Didn't wear watch this weekend until the gym today so I don't have a v. clear idea of activity. A few miles of walking yesterday, and a lot today (before the gym), on feet more of less constantly for 3+ hours.

Rare evening work out, hadn't eaten that much so went into it feeling very hungry. Have only rarely been hungry on this cut so far, so that was odd.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 18, 2017, 06:45:27 am

Morning BW: 75.9kg [err, lol]


Run to park -- .91mi in 6:58 [i.e. 7.40 pace] -- Avg HR -- 155

3 x 15m sprints

Jumping --

SVJ x 10 -- felt shitty

RVJs with various length run ups. Mostly felt pretty good.

Tempo sprinting --

3 x (5 x 100m) @ ~18.5-19

Decent enough.


Slept quite poorly so felt a bit bleh on the jumps.

Thinking I should be including SVJs before my lifting. Feels quite strength dependent so doing it when fresher should be sensible. Also more frequency == faster/better efficiency/neurological gains.

I definitely woke up dehydrated and didn't have my usual full glass of water (had finished it in the night) before weighing in, so I'd take that weight with a grain of salt.

Glutes pretty sore from split squats.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 18, 2017, 01:18:01 pm
damn 20 dips, beast PR. you were wrecked the next two sets, understandably. <3 dips. I remember when I couldn't even do one, tried one at like age 24 or so and felt my chest break in half.

also ya, SVJ's before lifting, especially lower, are also just a great warmup for the lifts themselves.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 19, 2017, 10:16:03 am

Morning BW: 76.1kg [good, better hydration, etc.]


Bar x Lots
40 x 5
60 x 5
92.5 x 5 x 5

Barbell Row
60 x 10, 10, 9

50 x 5
60 x 5
67.5 x 5
75 x 5 [quite tough]

DB Low Incline
22 x 12, 10

EZ Bar Curl
35 x 9, 8, 7

10 mins @ 5%/3.8mph [avg HR - 118; max 137] -- that 118 avg seems wrong?? maybe the watch got fucky b/c of sweat or something
10 mins @ 5.5%/3.8mph [avg HR - 132; max 139]
5 mins @ 6%/3.8mph [avg HR - 134; max 140]


Still quite sore from those split squats I think. New stimulus wrecked me. Just felt like a bit of a weak day, so I cut short the volume, but still got a decent amount of work in, I think. Not really a surprise that those will start hitting me at this stage of the cut. Just a few weeks to go.

Shall see how tomorrow is and maybe take a rest from anything intense.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 20, 2017, 05:00:28 am

Morning BW: 76.0kg

Waist at navel was 32.5/32.75" depending on how exactly I measured it. So that's .75-1" off in the last two weeks. Upper back and legs are looking lean, torso lagging behind, which is, I suppose, what is usual.

Not sure if I'm going to do any training today. Might take a rest and let my legs catch up, then they'll be fresh enough that I can get some proper SVJs in before lifting tomorrow. Then it's running Friday, rest again Saturday because I've got an all day thing.

Succumbed to the  desire to never do nothing and went to do a treadmill walk. I kind of like them. I don't feel fit enough to enjoy a slow run yet and walking outside in my neighbourhood can be a chore (crossing streets endlessly, lots of people, cars, etc.) so w/e.


Treadmill -- all 3.8mph
10 mins @ 5.5% - Avg 109 / Max 122
10 mins @ 6% - Avg 119 / Max 126
10 mins @ 7% - Avg 129 / Max 138
5 mins @ 7.5% - Avg 133 / Max 141
5 mins @ 8% - Avg 139 / Max 145
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 21, 2017, 11:57:15 am

Morning BW: 76.2kg [I ate overall not that much yesterday but a lot at dinner for New Year celebration, so I think this means my morning weight is above the usual "true" weight, but w/e still in range of what I want]


SJVs x 5 -- felt good, would have done more but was anxious about losing the squat rack, haha. will look for something to jump at in future.

Bar x Lots
40 x 5
65 x 5
85 x 5
97.5 x 5
107.5 x 5 [definitely filmed this set and sunk the last couple of reps + felt solid + set up was rly good, but my phone is being fucky and losing picture/videos so I don't have one, blarg]

50 x 5
60 x 3
72.5 x 5, 5, 5 [bar speed slowing down a bit on last one, though I could probably have hit 5x5, no need to push it]
70 x 5, 5

+15 x 6 x 6 [RPE 9 and 9.5 on last two sets]

Narrow+NG Cable Row
54 x 14, 13

Standing DB OHP
16 x 14, 11

Preacher Curls
25 x 11, 9
20 x 15

Treadmill -- 3.8mph
15 mins @ 5.5%
9 mins @ 6%
6 mins @ 6.5%


Elbow a bit clicky after a couple of bench sets. Even though I am warm from squats I should still start from the bar when I move on to bench, basic obvious stuff I shouldn't forget. Continued to feel a bit clicky during the chinups -- I should move back to NG, but I don't like any of the NG bars at this gym, the grip is all way too narrow, blarg. We'll see.

Watch was being weird, too. Would only say that my HR was ~95 the whole time until I turned it off and on again and it was fine, so I don't have proper measurements except for the last 10 mins of treadmill, which were in the low-mid 130s.

Gonna see if I can weigh in sub 76 tmrw.

dunno what happened but the video appeared on my phone at long last, so here it is.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on September 22, 2017, 01:20:39 am
shana tova.

squats look better, angle caveats aside.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 22, 2017, 10:24:36 am

Morning BW: 75.5kg [using navy calc+mirror I think I will probably have to aim to get down to ~72-73 for my appearance goals, that's fine. Should still be done end of October before the true bulking weather sets in]


Run to park - .83mi in 8:00 [i.e. 9:42 pace] -- AVG Hr - 139 BPM [got stuck at a light for like 30 seconds at the start so this is just the split after the light]

Sprint 3 x 15m

Jumping for 20mins, mostly SJVs then some 1-3 step RVJs. Was odd, the SVJs felt good, but I don't think I was touching that high on the board compared to average. IDK.

Tempo Sprints

5 x 200m @ 39s [50m walk b/w reps]
100m walk
6 x 100m @ 19s [50m walk b/w reps]


Somehow able to enjoy the slow run pace into the park today, but still want to be able to run much faster with <150 HR.

The 200 meter repeats were hard -- I mean the pace was not hard, but it's just a lot more distance in one go than I'm used to. And the rest in time terms is ~1:1, whereas I'm used to ~2:1 for the 100s. Still, if the watch is to be trusted, HR averaged around 150 through that part of the workout, with jumps up to the low 160s.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 23, 2017, 03:33:51 pm

Morning BW: 75.3kg


Total rest. Pretty low-moderate amount of activity today. Looking forward to lifting tomorrow. Will get SVJs in beforehand.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 24, 2017, 07:42:46 am

Morning BW: 75.1kg [happy with this after a rest day, could easily have mismanaged that]
Waist @ navel : 32.25"


6-8 max SVJs, a few after warming up then a couple between each rest period of the lightest DL sets. Felt okay

70 x 5, 5
90 x 3
110 x 5
122.5 x 5
137.5 x 5 [kind of hard, could have had 6 or 7 total I think, though]

Bar x 5
35 x 5
47.5 x 5, 5, 5
45 x 5, 5

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 10, 10, 10, 10, 7  :personal-record: [5 x 10 might be on that table next week! The first two sets were very easy]

BW x 21, 17, 11  :personal-record: [I think I gave myself an exertion headache locking out the 11th rep of that last set, oof]

Reverse Curls
20 x 12, 12, 10 [only had the wrist folding on the last couple of reps of the last set]

Treadmill - 3.8mph
20 mins @ 5.5% -- Avg HR 135
10 mins @ 6% -- Avg HR 135


Solid workout. Dropping leg accessories for now since my legs have been feeling perpetually pretty tired. Lots of walking + they rarely get a full rest day, so it seems the sensible thing.

Was really breathing quite hard during the pullups and dips.

I realised that when I first used the Navy BF% calculator I used waist at 1" above navel instead of waist at navel. Estimating that my waist was ~.75" wider at the navel (that's about the difference now), I recalculated the BF% I began the cut at (~21-22%). Oof, I was a fatty, haha. The same calculator puts me at 16% now with only ~.5kg lean mass loss, which seems like good going. Obviously there are some confounding factors here: (a) the calculator is not going to be totally accurate, but a ~3.25" loss of waist at navel so far is grand and (b) not all lean mass is muscle, so it going down a little with weight loss doesn't imply muscle loss.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 25, 2017, 08:40:41 am

Morning BW: 74.7kg [I am apparently the world's greatest dieter, wtf]


Jog to park -- 0.87mi in 7:43 [i.e. 8:54 pace] -- Avg HR 141 [nice!]

3 x 15-20m sprints [has been mildly rainy, so track was a bit damp]

Jumping -- 7 max SVJs, then 7 one or two step RVJs, then 1 shitty SVJ
-- These were fucking great. Got like 2+ inches higher on everything than previously. Consistent good SVJs. Felt awesome.

Tempo Intervals
3 x (100+200+300) @ 19s, 39s, 63s


Jog felt good. Jumps felt great.

Weight is dropping fast. Waist is dropping correspondingly, and strength + fitness + mood is holding. I'm almost never hungry. As such, I'm not really worried, but it's still something to note.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 26, 2017, 08:18:35 am

Morning BW: 74.5kg


A couple of SVJs

Bar x Lots
60 x 5
80 x 3
95 x 5 x 5 [pretty easy]

Barbell Row
65 x 8, 8, 8 [going to keep pushing up weight until I'm doing 6s, then stick with it until it's 10s, I think]

Bench Press
Bar x 8
40 x 5
62.5 x 5
72.5 x 5
80 x 4 [this was meant to be 5, but the 4th was enough of a grind that I didn't anticipate getting the 5th. Bench is one lift to really suffer on the cut, and, from what I've read, that's very much normal]

DB Incline
22 x 14, 11, 8 [good progress here, though]

EZ Bar Curl
35 x 10, 9, 8

Tricep Pressdown [used two of those loose handles rather than a rope or bar and quite liked it]
11.25 x 15
21.25 x 7
13.75 x 13
[just fiddling around to get a pump, with both bis and tris pumped arms looked kinda dope]

Treadmill - 3.8mph [forgot to wear watch so just basing the numbers on the treadmill readings]
10 mins @ 6% - Avg HR ~131bpm
10 mins @ 6.5% - Avg HR ~133bpm
10 mins @ 7% - Avg HR ~134bpm


Another good workout, not really much to say. Quads quite sore, I think probably due to the 300m intervals. Lats/upper back still sore from Sunday, so I didn't throw in a second back movement today.

That's the first cycle of full body 5s pro 5/3/1 done now. I'll run a second with lower body TMs upped by 5kg and uppers by 2.5kg and reassess at the end of that.

Had some cookies/crisps as a snack + mini refeed this afternoon. Not out of hunger, but a conscious decision b/c I don't want to lose more than like 2% of my bodyweight/week [i.e. want to end this week no lower than like 73.8]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 27, 2017, 05:34:41 am

Morning BW: 75.2kg [good!]


Treadmill -- 3.8mph
10 mins @ 6% - Avg 105/Max 114
12.5 mins @ 7% - 119/127
7.5 mins @ 7.5% - 127/134
7.5 mins @ 8% - 133/140
7.5 mins @ 8.5% - 142/149
Overall Avg HR - 123


Feeling quite sore, so I don't think I'm going to hit up the track today. Will probably go to the gym and do a 45ish min cardio session.

Weight is up .7kg today. Ate lots of carbs and salty things yesterday so that makes sense. I don't feel any particular inclination to snack on those things any more today, but it was kind of nice to refeed. Now back to the grind. Finish this week in the low-mid 74s, next week low-mid 73s.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: maxent on September 27, 2017, 05:56:59 am
It's okay to eat the occasional dirty carb up .. the saturated fat fills out (the intramuscular triglyceride fat of) muscles better and you look better the next morning. That's what the bodybuilders claim anyway lol.  Great job on the cut. I think you should take a maintenance break and make a new bodyfat% setpoint. You can always cut more later down the line but making this stable is important for keeping the fat off later down the line. Always the part i struggled with tho.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 27, 2017, 07:00:48 am
Yeah, the carb up/cheat day was deliberate. IDK if I look that much better today, haha. I was looking very vascular last night, but that was kind of offset by my stomach bloat, so it was six of one half a dozen of the other, there.

IDK that I need to make a maintenance break yet. The cut is going really smoothly so I don't think I'll have any issues carrying it on for another few weeks to a month, and I didn't really enjoy pigging out on snacks yesterday, so I don't anticipate having a major bounceback. I'd rather hit my goal without breaking the good rhythm. Am still at like ~15%, which isn't a number I want my body to be super adapted to. I'd be happy to let it get used to 12%, though.

Edit: Reason for the refeed was a combination of things I was skimming recommending them. Greg Nuckols, who I generally trust on about anything training/nutrition related, is an advocate, as is Lyle McDonald. I'm about to transition from "category 2" (i.e. >15% BF) to "category 1" (<15%) in his system, and he doesn't allow refeeds or cheat meals for the latter group, so I figured I go for it while I was still allowed. I'm dieting quite as hard as Lyle advocates, but I'm still losing weight pretty fast, so I figure what he says is pretty apt to my situation.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 27, 2017, 07:16:35 am
I quite liked this article by Nuckols:

It's a few years old so perhaps he has changed his mind on some of the content, but the basic idea seems to me very sensible.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 27, 2017, 05:15:21 pm
It's okay to eat the occasional dirty carb up ..

says the guy who is fiending for ice cream lmfao! :trollface:

the saturated fat fills out (the intramuscular triglyceride fat of) muscles better and you look better the next morning. That's what the bodybuilders claim anyway lol.  Great job on the cut. I think you should take a maintenance break and make a new bodyfat% setpoint. You can always cut more later down the line but making this stable is important for keeping the fat off later down the line. Always the part i struggled with tho.

i can't wait until fri .. complete rest day and some big eatin`.

i don't like to stress myself out with it much. as long as i'm "vast majority" eating clean, i'll go off and kill a bunch of food on some day when i really want it. not necessarily ice cream because i'm not at all craving it anymore, but i'm crazing a roast beef sandwich on friday & a huge salad with gorgonzola.. :D

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 27, 2017, 05:44:14 pm
]the saturated fat fills out (the intramuscular triglyceride fat of) muscles better and you look better the next morning. That's what the bodybuilders claim anyway lol.  Great job on the cut. I think you should take a maintenance break and make a new bodyfat% setpoint. You can always cut more later down the line but making this stable is important for keeping the fat off later down the line. Always the part i struggled with tho.

i can't wait until fri .. complete rest day and some big eatin`.

i don't like to stress myself out with it much. as long as i'm "vast majority" eating clean, i'll go off and kill a bunch of food on some day when i really want it. not necessarily ice cream because i'm not at all craving it anymore, but i'm crazing a roast beef sandwich on friday & a huge salad with gorgonzola.. :D


That seems like the healthy way to be! If I've got a craving, I'll either save a day for it, or just make space on the day. E.g. the other day my gf and I both wanted to try out this nice macaron place, so I just cut out a bunch of carbs from the rest of my day's eating and crushed some delicious baked goods. I think it's probably a bit part of why my adherence has been solid overall.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 28, 2017, 10:49:12 am

Morning BW: 74.6g


A couple of SVJs after the warmup.

Bar x Lots
60 x 5
77.5 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 8 [a few left in tank, basically went until I thought bar speed would slow on the following rep]

Bar x 8
40 x 5
60 x 3
72.5 x 5, 5, 5, 5
70 x 5

BW x 5
+25 x 5 x 3 [i.e. 5 sets of 3, felt pretty easy]

Narrow+Neutral Grip Cable Rows
61 x 12, 12

Lateral Raise
8 x 16, 16, 16 [less taxing than DB OHPs for now, and I probs don't really have to worry about front delts, so doing some lateral delt stuff seems sensible]

Preacher Curl
25 x 12, 12, 11

Straight Bar Pushdown
16.25 x 25
21.25 x 16
26.25 x 10

Treadmill -- 3.8mph
15 mins @ 6% - 129/144
10 mins @ 6.5% - 133/139
5 mins @ 7% - 135/140


Really solid workout. I think it is sensible to rep out a bit more on the top sets on the non 5x5 days, not to failure, or even that close, but just to get a bit more hard work in without overly taxing anything.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 28, 2017, 11:30:22 am
]the saturated fat fills out (the intramuscular triglyceride fat of) muscles better and you look better the next morning. That's what the bodybuilders claim anyway lol.  Great job on the cut. I think you should take a maintenance break and make a new bodyfat% setpoint. You can always cut more later down the line but making this stable is important for keeping the fat off later down the line. Always the part i struggled with tho.

i can't wait until fri .. complete rest day and some big eatin`.

i don't like to stress myself out with it much. as long as i'm "vast majority" eating clean, i'll go off and kill a bunch of food on some day when i really want it. not necessarily ice cream because i'm not at all craving it anymore, but i'm crazing a roast beef sandwich on friday & a huge salad with gorgonzola.. :D


That seems like the healthy way to be! If I've got a craving, I'll either save a day for it, or just make space on the day. E.g. the other day my gf and I both wanted to try out this nice macaron place, so I just cut out a bunch of carbs from the rest of my day's eating and crushed some delicious baked goods. I think it's probably a bit part of why my adherence has been solid overall.

yup, nice! The "equation life".

It's interesting how we can try and make the proper substitutions, but also if we're "wrong", our bodies can pretty much demand that we fill the void ASAP - for us, this is more of a loss of performance, power, strength, endurance, and increased hunger obviously.

I think that's where most novices go wrong too, they don't understand substitution so, they try and "force" their diet, but the body then demands nutrients & they eventually "give in" & over-eat, which is another technique our bodies use to try and protect us from lack of nutrition in the future.

I personally try to avoid being hungry, even as i'm becoming much lighter. I wonder if people think i'm hungry and/or starving myself etc - that's why i'm glad i'm logging my diet again, at least illustrates that i'm eating pretty frequently, though not large amounts of food. Usually when i'm hungry, i'm weak. But hunger changes as my diet changes: if I eat alot, i'm hungry more often. If I eat light & clean, I can do fasted runs in the morning no problem. When i'm eating alot, a fasted run in the morning is much more torturous & I seem to be more susceptible to stomach cramps etc, stomach/digestive organs just freaking out.

and ya, your workouts continue to be on point, 21 dips was big. I need to utilize pulllups/wide grip pullups more like you're doing, i'm getting way too much contribution from my biceps on my ng's/chinups, they just feel so much more comfortable to me though, more comfortable for my hands too.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 28, 2017, 11:55:03 am
Yeah, it's interesting how appetite changes! I was, as you say, hungry more often when bulking than I've been on this cut. I've only been hungry when I've missed meals/eaten at irregular times, otherwise plain sailing beyond some sugar cravings.

I'm pretty hyped to see how my strength looks when I start eating at maintenance and then a surplus again, though. Looks like I'll be able to hit a 1.5xBW chinup pretty easily, heck I could probably do that now, but I'll take it slow. Get used to +25kg for a while then move up again.

And yeah, NG is definitely the most comfortable grip, and chinups for me the least. I would definitely drop chinups for NG if there was a nice place in the gym to do them! The grips are all surely narrow, though. Getting good at wide grip pullups has been v satisfying, as even when I used to be good at chins in general I never mastered them.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 29, 2017, 07:07:24 am

Morning BW: 74.0kg


Lolwut, 74kg? I tracked what I ate yesterday and it was >2000kcal. I guess it was a fairly active day. I think it's more water loss than anything, though, since I had a couple of beers. Anyway, sore + sleepy, so today is a rest day. Only one track session this week, but I've been practicing SVJs w/ lifting sessions and getting cardio in less intense ways, so I'm not too worried about that.

Edit: it's not very tasty, but it's just occurred to me to pick up some cottage cheese. So easy to eat and such a good protein:kcal ratio, esp if i get the fat free.

Double edit: Because I like making plans and then not following them, here's roughly what I'm thinking going forward.

First: my priorities are roughly, in order: 1) physique; 2) strength; 3) jumping; 4) cardio/fitness. I don't wan't want to neglect any of them, but that's the basic weight. It's easy to include SVJs before lifting as part of a workout, and extensive tempo/incline walking makes it easy to keep up cardio.

I'm gonna finish out the next 8 workouts of 5/3/1 then transition to a high frequency/moderate-high intensity programme for squat+bench, just to get the efficiency of those movements up. It's also the sort of training that is manageable when cutting since no particular day is too hard and it's all about really pushing the weights hard, so if I still need to drop a few lbs after 3 weeks are up it shouldn't be an issue. The main idea, though, is to transition to maintenance calories around this stage and so stay within +-1kg of where I finish the cut (after glycogen+water weight, is regained, I guess) while building up skill at squat and bench, while getting some volume in on back+side delts+arms.

The plan for that is this, taken from here (


I trust myself to wing back training since I love it, haha, and don't imagine I could ever neglect it. Might have some life-circumstance changes might been I do this with less frequency than 5 days/week, but we'll see. SVJs would of course be part of the warmups here.

Then after setting new 1rms on those lifts I'd move to a proper hypertrophy programme again and gain weight, but at a more measured pace -- I currently quite like the look of Jacked 'n' Tan 2.0, but I'm flighty so who knows where I am then.

Anyway, that's out in the open now so that I can look back and go "lol that panned out" when I inevitably barely stick to this place.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 29, 2017, 09:23:53 pm
lol @ "lol that panned out".

that'll probably be a great transition from what you're doing now .. why not also add chinups to frequency? so squat, bench, chinups? though, pullups might be safer, lats can handle alot, biceps will get beat up more during chins.

edit: oh btw, cottage cheese is interesting.. I absolutely hated it early on, had to force myself to down it. Now, just the mention of it makes me fiend for it. How many times have you eaten it? The thing with me was, I ate it, forced it down for a while .. then stopped. Then came back to it years later and destroyed a tub in one sitting, absolutely loving it.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 30, 2017, 06:04:03 am
Mainly because I'm a bit more wary of overuse injuries that come from chinning than I am w/ bench and squat. I will probably keep training roughly as it is, a heavy chinup day or two,  then volume with rows and pullups on the other days. Varying the exact movement just feels safest to my elbows.

Taking today off training too. Feel like I could use some proper rest. :derp:

Edit: Plus I'm training to be good at squats and bench themselves, whereas I'm using Chins to build up to OACs, so muscle development is as/more important than straight up chin strength, I think
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 01, 2017, 12:18:51 pm

Morning BW: N/A [no access to scale last couple of days, back home now]


A few SVJs before starting DLs + after the light sets, some felt really good.

60 x 5, 5
80 x 4
100 x 5
112.5 x 5
127.5 x 8 [went until I thought I might have to lose the straight back position on the following rep]

Bar x 5
32.5 x 5
47.5 x 5 x 5 [first set felt really heavy and I thought there'd be no way I could hit 5x5, but I sorted out my breathing/bracing and sets 2-4 were no problem, just 5 became tough again]

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 10, 10, 10, 10, 8 [getting there]

BW x 18, 18, 14 [aiming for 3x18 then max out again I guess]

Hammer Curl [both arms at the same time]
14 x 14, 12
10 x 16
[arms looking juicy]


Couple of days of total rest. Came back and felt okay, but still kinda tired. I think I may have been pushing the training a little hard given the deficit I'm in. Gonna pull back on the pedal just a little bit and let everything catch up.

Tracked eating vaguely on last couple of days b/c no scale access, and was around 1800-2100 depending on how accurate I managed to be w/ meals out and the like. Well within range. I think I probably maintain around 2300-2400 on non-workout days. We shall see how I managed tomorrow, though!

Vascularity, even when not pumped, is really coming in on my arms, though, so I think progress is coming along, really moving into that last phase. Just want to get rid of this lower-ab fat that gives me a little paunch. I think I've moved much of the way through the 20-15% phase were you sort of look the same but smaller as you get leaner, and am maybe now getting into the stage where getting leaner actually results in definition.  :wowthatwasnutswtf: exciting if true.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on October 01, 2017, 12:28:23 pm
hah nice.

jelly of the "vascularity", kinda. I've literally never been vascular in my life. Even when I was recorded at 7% body fat during my boxing days, no vascularity. Maybe like a vein in my forearm or something, but definitely not upper arms/chest/abs/back/legs, no way - always a layer of fat covering.

interesting how that works. I imagine if I get into the 6's though ...

Even at the pro level, I don't see lots of "vascular" runners, it's interesting. I do see TONS of vascular cyclists. Also, I literally saw one yesterday drive past and veins popping out everywhere on arms and legs. wtf is up with that?

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 01, 2017, 12:47:47 pm
I'm not like super vascular, haha, just got a few veins, mostly in the right arm, that I can poke and feel which I find exciting. Got some friends who don't workout at all who just have these gnarly vascular forearms and they make me jealous, haha.

I have quite a network of veins I can see in my right shoulder, so I'm hoping that if one day I get super lean I can have a vascular delt, which seems like it'd be quite badass, to me at least.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on October 02, 2017, 01:42:42 am
according to that calculator i'm at 10-11% bodyfat and could stand to lose a bit over 2kg of fat and gain about 11kg of lean mass to reach my maximum muscular potential. seems legit but i'll never be that heavy inshallah.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 02, 2017, 08:04:12 am

Morning BW: 73.9kg


Happy to have ended up sub-74 without daily weigh-ins and only loose tracking. Have really got the hang of this.

Not gonna do a proper workout today, but will do lots of walking this evening.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 03, 2017, 08:12:34 am

Morning BW: 74.6kg [blarg, more below]


Bar x Lots
60 x 5
80 x 3
97.5 x 5 x 5 [again pretty easy]

Barbell Row
70 x 6, 6, 6 [kept the form pretty strict, quite pleased by this!]

Bench [warmed up w/ DBs while waiting to work in w/ a dude]
60 x 5
65 x 5
72.5 x 8 [nice, lost tightness on a couple of reps, so I think fresh+with better focus this could easily be 10+]

DB Incline
24 x 11, 8

Straight Bar Curl
40 x 4
35 x 5, 5
30 x 6
[So this wasn't w/ an oly bar, just a short straight bar, which I think may be heavier than the EZ bar, but IDK for sure]

Straight Bar Cable Pushdown
26.25 x 14, 14

Treadmill -- 3.8mph
15mins @ 6.5% -- 133 Avg BPM
15mins @ 7% -- 134 Avg BPM


Overate yesterday (hit about 2600kcal, which I think is probably around maintenance, though maybe a bit over on a day w/o a proper workout). Annoyed at self for doing that, but I just didn't plan well + ate some snacks that were in front of me. Refocussing today, that's one of only a few slipups I've had on this cut, and I bounced back well from the last carb-up. Today will be a light food day, aiming for ~1800kcal.

Happily waist @ navel measure was ~32" today so progress has been made recently regardless.

Gonna go to the track tomorrow for sure!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: vag on October 04, 2017, 03:42:11 am
How is that treadmill-at-the-end thing working for you? Do you find it counter-acting with the weights or is it just an added benefit?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 04, 2017, 04:44:15 am
How is that treadmill-at-the-end thing working for you? Do you find it counter-acting with the weights or is it just an added benefit?

It's super low impact since it's just walking and I'm doing it at a pretty easy HR when I do it point workout, so I think it's just an extra calorie burn + moderate cardio benefits. Stuff I've read suggests that cardi oafter a workout has negligible affect on gains, too.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 04, 2017, 09:39:04 am

Morning BW: 73.9kg [woopwoop]


Has been and will be a busy day so I shall probably not get a workout in. Have been offered a full time job doing stuff I would actually want to do, which is kinda hype. I think when it starts up I will try to do workouts in the morning before I head to the gym so I can have my evenings free. We shall see. Exciting...

Biceps are quite sore today. They're never sore. I guess I haven't done fully supinated curls for ages, and haven't done the super heavy/low reps scheme either for a while, so it makes sense. Aiming to finish this week <83.2kg.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 05, 2017, 06:43:03 am

Morning BW: 73.5kg


Bar x Lots
40 x 5
60 x 5
82.5 x 5
95 x 5
107.5 x 8 [nice! depth a bit suspect on first few reps, but I get into it and sank the last 4. I think it's just a matter of getting used to having heavier weights on my back. That'll come with the next phase of training. Anyway, 8 reps @ almost 1.5xBW is nice]

Bar x 10
40 x 5
60 x 3
72.5 x 5 x 5 [at last! last rep on sets 4 and 5 were real grinders, should probably keep load as is for next week]

BW x 5
+25 x 4 x 4 [ooof, hard, really felt my lats going here]

Lateral Raise
10 x 13, 13, 13

V-Grip Cable Row [much pithier name for neutral+narrow grip, haha]
68 x 8
61 x 12

Preacher Curls
27.5 x 10, 8
20 x 18

Straight Bar Pushdown
28.75 x 12, 12
18.75 x 22


Still sore in lats and legs from last workout, so with that in mind I am pretty pleased with this workout. Got to be mentally stronger under the bar. I think barbell rows are doing very good things for me.

Tomorrow should be chill so I really want to make it to the track.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 06, 2017, 10:21:34 am

Morning BW: 73.4kg


Jog to park - 1mi in 9:57

Sprint 3 x 15-20m

Jumps - 5 max effort SVJs and 5 max effort RVJs
SVJs felt weak, not surprising given I pushed a heavy squat set yesterday. RVJs felt fucking excellent, though, getting to wrist on backboard. This stumpy unreactive goof should be touching the rim (~31") by the end of the cut+with more jump practice.

Fartleks? Tempo? Idk what you want to call the cardio part of this workout, but here's what I did:

Jog 400m / Run 100m
Jog 300m / Run 100m
Jog 200m / Run 100m
Jog 100m / Run 100m
Jog 100m / Run 100m
Jog 200m / Run 100m
Jog 300m / Run 100m
Jog 400m / Run 100m

Jogs were ~9:30 mile pace, 100s were in 19-21s (so ~5:20-30 mile pace). Slower for the first few reps, faster for the last few.

Jog .75mi home in 8:21, walk the rest.


I really enjoyed that interval workout. Jogging for the rests is way more fun than walking. I kind of wanted to do a longer run for the workout today, but decided to get to the park and jump first. Came up with the interval thing on the fly and had a lot of fun with it. Adarqui, what do you think of it?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on October 06, 2017, 10:56:05 am

Morning BW: 73.4kg


Jog to park - 1mi in 9:57

Sprint 3 x 15-20m

Jumps - 5 max effort SVJs and 5 max effort RVJs
SVJs felt weak, not surprising given I pushed a heavy squat set yesterday. RVJs felt fucking excellent, though, getting to wrist on backboard. This stumpy unreactive goof should be touching the rim (~31") by the end of the cut+with more jump practice.

Fartleks? Tempo? Idk what you want to call the cardio part of this workout, but here's what I did:

Jog 400m / Run 100m
Jog 300m / Run 100m
Jog 200m / Run 100m
Jog 100m / Run 100m
Jog 100m / Run 100m
Jog 200m / Run 100m
Jog 300m / Run 100m
Jog 400m / Run 100m

Jogs were ~9:30 mile pace, 100s were in 19-21s (so ~5:20-30 mile pace). Slower for the first few reps, faster for the last few.

Jog .75mi home in 8:21, walk the rest.


I really enjoyed that interval workout. Jogging for the rests is way more fun than walking. I kind of wanted to do a longer run for the workout today, but decided to get to the park and jump first. Came up with the interval thing on the fly and had a lot of fun with it. Adarqui, what do you think of it?

even before you asked what i think, i was going to comment, "good sh*t!!". solid session. I really like it, you hit some good paces on the 100's then backed off and just got in some light running, that's a good formula for where you are at right now.. you could definitely go harder right now, but there's more risk of just getting crazy sore/overdoing it.. so I like that workout alot.

how were you by the end of the interval workout?

as for long runs, you can do something similar to what I did today, maybe once a week for now just to see how you like it.. relaxed pace until drop off. So, you AREG it. For you that looks like you'd be hitting those 9:30-9:45's very light, just relaxing, and keeping the same pace until your body says "no mas" -> you get slower at the same effort level. It's interesting to see how you become slower without any noticeable change in form, effort, etc. This is probably a "safer" technique for getting in some distance work, since you're not "overcoming the fatigue" to maintain your pace, instead you're just maintaining effort and letting the pace become whatever, stopping once a mile/km split becomes outlier slow. IMHO it's really enjoyable too.

also, speed play/fartlek's etc are very solid because to me, it's approaching running more as a skill than some scientific endeavor. To run good, one has to be efficient across a wide variety of paces/distances/rest intervals/etc.. so speed play workouts and such are really effective. As you get better, they just naturally get a bit longer/more intense. These elites do like 20-25km of fartlek's etc hah. Kenyan training is huge on fartlek's, they do them alot, 30s on/30s off, 2 minutes on/30s off etc, in huge groups with people trying to take the lead.. but they dial it back on the rest periods afaik. Same with what I read of Mo Farah's training @ Oregon project, alot of times you see they do like 25 x 200m with 100m jog rest, but that 100m is like the slowest jog you've ever seen. So many different techniques, the key in the end becomes being good at lots of different protocols & really focusing on staying loose & relaxed, even for the speed segments. That's the most impressive thing to me with these elite middle/long distance runners, how relaxed they are while hitting insane paces.


Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on October 06, 2017, 11:13:04 am
btw, "relax" is basically the only cue I use anymore.. rarely i'll use "get off the ground faster" and occasionally i'll use this new one I learned from some Kenyan coaching instagram "rear wheel drive" (if I find myself forcing my knees up, prior to that i'd just say "stop forcing your knees up!!") .. but "relax" has been the best cue for me, no matter what i'm doing, if it's slow light runs, fast intervals, fast runs, "relax relax relax.." is always the thing that loosens me up in the midst of it.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 06, 2017, 11:28:27 am
Ah, awesome! Thanks for the feedback  :highfive:

I felt really good at the end of the intervals! Jogging home wasn't much fun, but I could have kept going forever, had to force myself to walk for cooldown. Was actually a pretty easy workout.

I like the long run formula you did today, haha, was going to comment to say as much in your thread.

Re cues -- the only thing I ever use for myself, other than relax as you say, is to just pay attention to my glutes. Feel like I go a fair bit faster at the same effort when I'm actively using them.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on October 06, 2017, 12:13:11 pm
Ah, awesome! Thanks for the feedback  :highfive:

I felt really good at the end of the intervals! Jogging home wasn't much fun, but I could have kept going forever, had to force myself to walk for cooldown. Was actually a pretty easy workout.

I like the long run formula you did today, haha, was going to comment to say as much in your thread.

hah cool!

Re cues -- the only thing I ever use for myself, other than relax as you say, is to just pay attention to my glutes. Feel like I go a fair bit faster at the same effort when I'm actively using them.

is it sustainable though? or do you want to sustain it - manually active for longer distances? that's the only thing that has me questioning it. i've messed with stuff like that and, I end up discarding it, because it's not something *I* have found to be sustainable for many miles, or at peak performance / competition setting. So, instead of cueing that, i'd probably go the activation route pre-running, or utilize different drills where I focus on that - ie stiff leg shuffling/stiff leg bounds. But then, i'd just let my body do what it does when running.

btw do you know if you go faster or not? in my experience, I actually go slower. I've experimented with it, and when I force extension, my stride frequency ends up dropping slightly and I don't get as much of a stride length increase to compensate/over compensate for it, so my pace ends up actually getting slower, especially as the run goes on.

i'd just verify it with your watch etc, maybe experimenting with some longer intervals of using it vs not using it (~400m), but maybe in separate sessions, not sure.

one of the things you don't want to end up doing is getting a bit more "artificial float" which slows you down, more time in the air without it being beneficial .. ie picture someone next to you who doesn't float, who gets their foot down as you're coming down. So that's just the caution with "forcing something" vs natural mechanics.

i find that "manually activating" pretty much anything messes *me* up.. even manually pumping arms harder, literally. I've gone through manually activating glutes, arms, calves, dorsiflexion, upper back, arch in back, hamstrings, leg swing, recovery leg, knee drive etc.. and i've thrown it all away.. lmfao!

but ya regardless, if it's working that's good.. just make sure it's really working AND it's sustainable for longer distances etc.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 07, 2017, 03:49:58 am

Morning BW: 72.9kg

Waist: 31.75"


No training today, feeling a bit rough after a heavy night out. I'm fairly dehydrated, but I was definitely in a deficit regardless (tracked carefully), so I'll call that a success. Am out and about the net couple days, but hopefully will have time to hit the gym tomorrow evening, though I think the gym closes quite early on Sunday. If I don't get to lift I'll just get in another track session and lift Monday, not ideal but it is what it is.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 09, 2017, 03:18:24 am

Morning BW: 72.9kg


60 x 5
80 x 5
105 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 3 [blarg]

Bar x 5
40 x 3
50 x 5
47.5 x 5, 5, 5

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 15, 12, 10  :personal-record:

BW x 18, 16, 13

Hammer Curls
14 x 14, 11
12 x 14


7am fasted workout without caffeine. Start work full time today so gonna have to get used to this sort of workout. Unsurprisingly somewhat weaker than usual.  15 pullups is a nice PR, not deadhang though. I'll work on that.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on October 09, 2017, 09:11:44 am
big ups on the job you actually wanted.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 13, 2017, 06:31:07 pm
Work is tiring, sedentary and stressful. Haven't trained since Monday. Diet has sucked/stress overeating. Sleep schedule all messed up. Will get this under control and get back in a rhythm soon, don't want to have wasted my effort.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 16, 2017, 03:17:29 am

Bar x 6
40 x 5
60 x 4
80 x 3
102.5 x 3, 3, 3, 3

Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 4
72.5 x 3, 3, 3, 3

+20 x 4, 4, 4

V-Grip Cable Row
61 x 10, 10


Jettisoning the end of 5/3/1 to shift to the high freq plan. I just need to get mroe reps in at waking up early and working out, so am gonna force the issue. Probably set myself back a week or two with not training and eating like shit this last week, but that's okay, lesson learnt.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on October 16, 2017, 03:45:50 am
work stressful already? no honeymoon period? uh oh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on October 16, 2017, 10:18:05 am
In this period, since it's not going as smoothly as anticipated, might just want to freestyle things a bit for a few weeks, with the sole focus of getting in brief sessions consistently, and making sure those sessions don't compound your fatigue etc. So the higher frequency stuff but, not as strict/dedicated *yet*, just more of an emphasis on getting in some consistent work while breaking in to this new work schedule. Once those worlds are combined, boom.

Also, as far as sedentary goes.. is a standing desk a possible solution? If so, it can really help.. especially for people like us.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on October 25, 2017, 10:25:09 pm
yo! how's it going? :/
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 10, 2017, 05:13:09 pm
yo! how's it going? :/

not great! worked out like two or three times since last post, a bit of running, nothing really last few weeks though. feel crappy. travelling w/ gf for a couple of weeks soon, though, so will hopefully restore rhythm there. adjusting to full time has been rough. i've got a bit pudgy again. probably not gonna log until back from trip. missed this place but felt unable to get back in the gym and, as such, embarrassed to pop back here :/
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 02, 2018, 05:49:51 am

Happy new year

Morning BW: 73.2kg


Run -- 6.1km in 31:02

Fairly easy run in fairly heavy rain. This run included a 24:59 5k, so I guess that's the benchmark for the year.

Legs quite sore today, actually, though not due to any deliberate training. Got back from travels on the 30th, and on the 31st I took the train to visit friends for NYE. I was a bit late so I had to pull out a basically 100% effort 300m sprint to catch my train. Glutes were cramping when I boarded, lol, so I spent first 10 mins of the journey pacing the carriage to alleviate this.


Present goals -- get back into a workout rhythm and enjoy stuff. Maybe resume weight loss aiming at sub-70kg. Hopefully body comp will improve quite a lot as muscle will come back quickly w/ lifting, I guess?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 02, 2018, 09:16:19 am
yo! how's it going? :/

not great! worked out like two or three times since last post, a bit of running, nothing really last few weeks though. feel crappy. travelling w/ gf for a couple of weeks soon, though, so will hopefully restore rhythm there. adjusting to full time has been rough. i've got a bit pudgy again. probably not gonna log until back from trip. missed this place but felt unable to get back in the gym and, as such, embarrassed to pop back here :/

didn't see this until now.


Happy new year

Morning BW: 73.2kg


Run -- 6.1km in 31:02

Fairly easy run in fairly heavy rain. This run included a 24:59 5k, so I guess that's the benchmark for the year.

Legs quite sore today, actually, though not due to any deliberate training. Got back from travels on the 30th, and on the 31st I took the train to visit friends for NYE. I was a bit late so I had to pull out a basically 100% effort 300m sprint to catch my train. Glutes were cramping when I boarded, lol, so I spent first 10 mins of the journey pacing the carriage to alleviate this.


Present goals -- get back into a workout rhythm and enjoy stuff. Maybe resume weight loss aiming at sub-70kg. Hopefully body comp will improve quite a lot as muscle will come back quickly w/ lifting, I guess?

wb! stick to it. that work/life/training balance can be rough. you know you don't want to "feel crappy" tho so, must solve this puzzle somewhat.

lmao @ 300m ME sprint to catch the train .. rough. should have had your garmin recording :D

wb wb wb!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 04, 2018, 11:57:41 am


Run -- 6.01km in 42:28

Avg HR - 147


A truly easy run. Whenever I restart running my right ankle gets a bit sore from the first couple of sessions but then is fine. Probably should have started off truly easy rather than running at the pace I did the other day given this.

Will try to get in an upper body lifting session tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 05, 2018, 06:34:09 am


BW x 4
+10 x 4, 4, 4

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 7, 7

Barbell Rows
50 x 8, 8, 8

Low Incline DB Press
14 x 16
18 x 10, 9

Standing DB OHP
12 x 9, 9, 7

SS1A Lateral Raise
6 x 14, 13, 13

SS1B1 Preacher Curl
20 x 14
22.5 x 3 [lol!!!]

SS1B2 EZ Bar Curl
22.5 x 7, 7

Straight Bar Pushdown
18.75 x 15, 14, 14


Fuck that felt good.

I'll get back to tracking BW from tmrw.

I think want to keep running as a relative priority since it makes me feel real good, so I'm going to have to think about how to handle lower body lifting with it? Any suggestions adarqui? By running I mean slower distance-y type running rather than the intervals I was working w/ before. I guess I could just use the same protocol, since this form of running is probably even less taxing muscle-wise once adapted.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 05, 2018, 07:00:42 am


BW x 4
+10 x 4, 4, 4

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 7, 7

Barbell Rows
50 x 8, 8, 8

Low Incline DB Press
14 x 16
18 x 10, 9

Standing DB OHP
12 x 9, 9, 7

SS1A Lateral Raise
6 x 14, 13, 13

SS1B1 Preacher Curl
20 x 14
22.5 x 3 [lol!!!]

SS1B2 EZ Bar Curl
22.5 x 7, 7

Straight Bar Pushdown
18.75 x 15, 14, 14


Fuck that felt good.

I'll get back to tracking BW from tmrw.

I think want to keep running as a relative priority since it makes me feel real good, so I'm going to have to think about how to handle lower body lifting with it? Any suggestions adarqui? By running I mean slower distance-y type running rather than the intervals I was working w/ before. I guess I could just use the same protocol, since this form of running is probably even less taxing muscle-wise once adapted.

nice! yea from experience, it's less of a programming problem if the running intensity is slow. but just need to make sure the "break in period" is a bit gradual. Don't want to just go hard into running + hard into lower lifting, run with "sore legs", and then get all kinds of aches/problems. So after your first few lower sessions, just light walk/rest until the soreness is basically gone, then get a few runs in, repeat. For at least 1 week, probably 2. After that, should feel alot better I imagine. I'd definitely try to mix the two though, ie, legs Day 1, run Day 4, legs Day 5, run Day 8, legs Day 9, run Day 11 .. etc. stuff like that.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 06, 2018, 06:24:11 am

Morning BW: 73.2kg [scale died so switched to a different one that typically gives a higher reading that the other one did]
Waist: 32.5"


Run - 4.28mi in 49:01
Avg HR - 152


Furthest run yet. Ankles feel basically fine after, nicenice. Tomorrow will try to lift, probably will do squats + upper body, to ease in to lower lifting slowly, as you suggest adarq.

I am very sore.

(switched to miles b/c that's how running distances have been conceived in my brain for a long time)
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 07, 2018, 06:17:19 am

Morning BW: 73.1kg


Bar x Lots
40 x 5
60 x 5
80 x 5, 5, 5

SS1A Chins
BW x 8, 8, 7

SS1B Dips
BW x 10, 10, 8


Still fairly sore from last lifting session so kept the upper stuff light. Similarly legs a bit fatigued so just a few fairly easy squats. I anticipate a decent amount of leg soreness tomorrow so probably no run.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 08, 2018, 08:06:38 am

Morning BW: 72.8kg


Run - 3.98mi in 48:28

Avg HR - 153


Super slow! Legs pretty sore from squatting yesterday so I'm not surprised. Right ankle/calf not super happy with me. I have two pairs of shoes -- one quite lightweight and one more supportive, and I wore the lighter ones today. I should probably stick to the more supportive ones until more adapted to steady state running. Also, I think I should probably keep runs most of my runs abit shorter, closer to 35 mins, for now.

Delt soreness remains very intense.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 10, 2018, 04:06:39 pm

Forgot to weigh last two days


Run - 3.15mi in 34:08

Avg HR - 150


Ran first 3mi at easy pace then went at a _running_ rather than _jogging_ pace for last segment. Landed awkward on a curb at some point which bothered right achilles. Hopefully that goes away overnight...

Did this w/o a couple hours after dinner. Probably needed a little longer b/c stomach was not super happy.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 11, 2018, 07:29:20 am

Morning BW: 72.4kg


Neutral-Grip Chins
BW x 4
+10 x 5, 5, 5

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 8, 7

Barbell Row
50 x 10, 9, 9

Low Incline DB Press
12 x 6
20 x 10, 10, 6

12 x 11, 9, 7

Lateral Raise
8 x 11, 11, 11

EZ Bar Curl
25 x 8, 7+1, 6+2 [+x means I cheated the weight up and controlled the eccentric for x reps]

Rope Pushdown
16.25 x 12, 12, 12


I need to make sure I eat at least something, a banana, before morning workouts. Really flagging after the rows.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 11, 2018, 12:45:41 pm

Forgot to weigh last two days


Run - 3.15mi in 34:08

Avg HR - 150


Ran first 3mi at easy pace then went at a _running_ rather than _jogging_ pace for last segment. Landed awkward on a curb at some point which bothered right achilles. Hopefully that goes away overnight...

Did this w/o a couple hours after dinner. Probably needed a little longer b/c stomach was not super happy.

damn how'd that curb thing happen? stuff like that sucks. i had some "full rolls" (ankle) on rocks etc at night, on sidewalks. good thing i've always had strong ankles, some of those were very scary. Just another reason I love track workout so much more, much less to worry about. but getting out onto the roads/sidewalks can be fun too, just need to be way more careful/alert.

didn't see you mention it today, so assuming it was just a temporary tweak.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 12, 2018, 06:30:18 am

Forgot to weigh last two days


Run - 3.15mi in 34:08

Avg HR - 150


Ran first 3mi at easy pace then went at a _running_ rather than _jogging_ pace for last segment. Landed awkward on a curb at some point which bothered right achilles. Hopefully that goes away overnight...

Did this w/o a couple hours after dinner. Probably needed a little longer b/c stomach was not super happy.

damn how'd that curb thing happen? stuff like that sucks. i had some "full rolls" (ankle) on rocks etc at night, on sidewalks. good thing i've always had strong ankles, some of those were very scary. Just another reason I love track workout so much more, much less to worry about. but getting out onto the roads/sidewalks can be fun too, just need to be way more careful/alert.

didn't see you mention it today, so assuming it was just a temporary tweak.

I would have had to make a really big stride to reach the curb fully so I pull it a bit short, but I guess the street curved downwards a lot just before the pavement began, so my foot landed awkwardly in the semi-pit area? I felt not-great rest of that, but, yeah, was basically fine the next day, and very little ankle bothers today! Progress!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 12, 2018, 06:33:18 am

Morning BW: 72.8kg


Run - 3.66mi in 39:22

Avg HR - 148


Faster and longer than last run, though I guess this was fasted/morning rather than too soon after a meal. Feeling pretty good. Little bother from right ankle, so I think it is strengthening up nicely. May try to squat/lift in the morning and then run in the evening tomorrow. Should at least squat, though.

Looking forward to running consistent <10min/miles at <150 hr.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 13, 2018, 10:44:24 am

Forgot to weight self again. I'll get into this habit again soon!


Run - 5.21mi in 54:38


Basic idea was 2 easy miles, 1 hard mile, 2 easy miles. The hard mile was 6:31, which is time I am happy with! It's not quite full out, but it was not at all easy.

Avg HR - 160, though HR during the mile was in the 190s and I apparently got up to 201. I kind of wonder if the wrist-based HR monitor is really that accurate. I'm getting a sense of what easy running feels like so I'm not too bothered, but I'm nevertheless suspicious.

I know I said I was going to lift but right now running is more fun so I decided to run. The gym sucks at the weekend too, so I may keep lifting to like 2xWeek and on weekdays for now. this calculator says my 6:31 mile suggests a 22:12 5k. That'd be nice. That's like 7:10 pace. Sounds possible if hard. I reckon for now that I'm probably better over shorter distances than long because of time spent lifting and not doing cardio. Gotta get that base built up.

Further, that calculator also suggests I should be running my training at around 9:30 pace. If my max HR is above 200, as this suggests, then my running so far may have been too slow. I can usually recite some random lines of whatever while running 155ish, haven't tested much at 160, but perhaps easy/conversational could be faster at the moment than I'm giving myself credit for. Overanalysis of this is pointless since the data is potentially cruddy, but still.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 13, 2018, 04:03:48 pm

Forgot to weight self again. I'll get into this habit again soon!


Run - 5.21mi in 54:38


Basic idea was 2 easy miles, 1 hard mile, 2 easy miles. The hard mile was 6:31, which is time I am happy with! It's not quite full out, but it was not at all easy.

Avg HR - 160, though HR during the mile was in the 190s and I apparently got up to 201. I kind of wonder if the wrist-based HR monitor is really that accurate. I'm getting a sense of what easy running feels like so I'm not too bothered, but I'm nevertheless suspicious.

I know I said I was going to lift but right now running is more fun so I decided to run. The gym sucks at the weekend too, so I may keep lifting to like 2xWeek and on weekdays for now. this calculator says my 6:31 mile suggests a 22:12 5k. That'd be nice. That's like 7:10 pace. Sounds possible if hard. I reckon for now that I'm probably better over shorter distances than long because of time spent lifting and not doing cardio. Gotta get that base built up.

Further, that calculator also suggests I should be running my training at around 9:30 pace. If my max HR is above 200, as this suggests, then my running so far may have been too slow. I can usually recite some random lines of whatever while running 155ish, haven't tested much at 160, but perhaps easy/conversational could be faster at the moment than I'm giving myself credit for. Overanalysis of this is pointless since the data is potentially cruddy, but still.

good stuff all around!

I never wore my HR monitor for a mile race, definitely wonder how high mine would get in that setting: but I don't think it would get anywhere near max. I've only been able to hit true max HR during 400m repeats, everything else stays below. After hitting true max for a bit, i'm definitely more hunched over following the effort. That's kind of how I know that i'm getting close.

i say do easy running at: easy pace. ;d just like anything else, it fluctuates -> so don't be too strict on it. Sometimes my easy pace is 8 min/mi, sometimes it's 9:30 min/mi etc.. big fluctuations due to all of the variables involved. I personally know when it's easy pace, if I don't actually have to "keep the pace up". ie: I just start running, and it becomes that pace where I don't have to try and "chase the pace" at all - probably gets easier with experience.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 15, 2018, 08:21:54 am

Morning BW: 72.9kg [aim to weigh in next Monday <72.5kg]


Bar x Lots
50 x 5
65 x 5
85 x 5, 5, 5

Bar x 5
30 x 5
40 x 3
35 x 6, 6, 6

BW x 4
+15 x 3, 3, 3

Diverging Pulldown
57.5 x 10
50 x 12

BW x 13, 9, 6

Alternating Hammer Curls
12 x 13, 12, 11


Run - 3.88mi in 40:48
Avg HR - 158
First two miles easy (10:23, 10:38) third mile still easy, could say sentences, but a bit faster (9:30), then back to v. easy for rest of run.


Decent. Gonna try to get an easy run in later too.

Calves a bit sore during the run.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 16, 2018, 08:01:26 am

Morning BW: 72.4kg [I guess there's that <72.5 weigh-in I was planning for Monday, haha]


Run - 4.42mi in 45:08 [10:33, 10:01, 9:35, 10:02, then slow jog remainder @ ~11:45 pace]

Avg HR - 158


I realise now this is 4 runs in 5 days! Calves feeling it and right foot definitely asking for some rest. No run tomorrow, then. Maybe some upper lifting, though.

Resting HR sitting in low 50s.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 16, 2018, 01:44:30 pm
great stuff man.. yup, sounds like you need a rest day or two. runningJoe metamorphosis, lmao!

you'll probably get crazy-hooked when you eventually do that park run.

keep it up! :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 17, 2018, 06:06:48 am

Morning BW: 71.7kg [ :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: wut]


No workout. Calves quite sore. Upper body still pretty sore. Seems like as good a day as any to take a total rest. Surprised by this low weigh in. I ate at least 2400kcal. I did have to do quite a lot of walking, and I guess running is more energy intensive than lifting. Still, probably a bit of an anomaly?

Signed up for a 5k next Friday, the 26th...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 18, 2018, 11:26:24 am

Morning BW: 72.2kg


Run - 2.89mi in 34:55, including some strides in last .4 mi or so

Avg HR - 151bpm


No workout today. Shall try to lift+run tomorrow. Maybe just upper body lifting, heh. Lots of walking yesterday and today. Calves still a bit sore.

Went for a run in the end. Bit of a wash. Legs dead from long walk and not much feeding. Hopefully feeling rejuvenated tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 18, 2018, 11:33:36 am

Morning BW: 71.7kg [ :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: wut]


No workout. Calves quite sore. Upper body still pretty sore. Seems like as good a day as any to take a total rest. Surprised by this low weigh in. I ate at least 2400kcal. I did have to do quite a lot of walking, and I guess running is more energy intensive than lifting. Still, probably a bit of an anomaly?

Signed up for a 5k next Friday, the 26th...

^^ :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 19, 2018, 09:15:45 am

Morning BW: 71.8kg [realised my preferred scale had just run out out battery, lol. Was 72.0 on the one I'd been using in the interim]


BW x 4
+10 x 2
+20 x 3, 3, 3
+10 x 5, 5

DB Incline Bench
12 x 7
22 x 9, 8, 7
16 x 10

BB Row
52.5 x 10, 10, 10

14 x 10, 8, 6

1.5 Style Lateral Raises
6 x 8, 6+3, 5+4


Run - 5.17mi in 48:48 [9:44, 9:08, 9:24, 9:44, 8:56, then jog last bit]
Avg HR - 159


Solid workout. Chins moving well, mostly just care about them tbh. I am just trying to keep muscle mass while dropping weight/fat to benefit the OAC chase and improve running. Kind of crazy to me that I will probably be under 70kg soon. Must be like well over 5 years since I've been that small, haha. Should be able to hit BW+40kg at under 70kg within a couple of months, I think. That'd be exciting.

Will put a run in later. Going to just keep everything easy over the next week until the race happens. Still building up mileage.

Run felt great. I dug around my drawers and found another pair of running shoes and wore them. My usual for running has been an old pair of Saucony Omni 13s. Today I ran in some Adidas Ultra Boost STs. I much preferred the feel of these, I think, they feel less clunky even though they're probably a touch heavier. I also have some Nike Flyknit Racers that I used for the track stuff last year and which are my go to gym shoes because they're much thinner sole so they feel great for stuff where I'm pushing through my feet (OHP, etc.) when I don't have my squat shoes on. They might be touch lightweight for me to run in right now, esp since on slow days I plod along a bit. I will wear them for the race and see from there. Sticking w/ the Ultra Boost STs for now.

Should note that the pace variation on the run was deliberate but not planned.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 19, 2018, 04:41:14 pm
just searched those Adidas Ultra Boost ST's, seem crazy expensive (everywhere).

I've always heard good things about the Flyknit racers. These look slick:




I like the "knitting", looks dope.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 20, 2018, 04:46:33 am

Morning BW: 72.0kg


Should take a full rest today. Chest, lats and calves pretty sore. Abs totally wrecked. Will run tomorrow to make this week a 20+ mile week, though!

Will eat lightly today, I think. Surprised to wake up at 72.0 today given I had a run and a lift session yesterday, but I guess I ate pretty well through the day.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 20, 2018, 04:49:49 am
just searched those Adidas Ultra Boost ST's, seem crazy expensive (everywhere).

I've always heard good things about the Flyknit racers. These look slick:


I like the "knitting", looks dope.

Haha, yeah. I have been trying to work out where I got the Ultra Boost STs, because I definitely didn't pay that for a shoe!!! I think my mum got them for me to encourage me to run instead of lift at some point in the past. Well that eventually worked out...

I will admit I originally just bought the flyknits because I thought they looked cool and I could wear them as casual shoes when the weather was good, in addition to wearing them to the gym. I have this colourway:

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 20, 2018, 02:04:58 pm
just searched those Adidas Ultra Boost ST's, seem crazy expensive (everywhere).

I've always heard good things about the Flyknit racers. These look slick:


I like the "knitting", looks dope.

Haha, yeah. I have been trying to work out where I got the Ultra Boost STs, because I definitely didn't pay that for a shoe!!! I think my mum got them for me to encourage me to run instead of lift at some point in the past. Well that eventually worked out...

lmao that's funny, didn't know that.

smart mum.

I will admit I originally just bought the flyknits because I thought they looked cool and I could wear them as casual shoes when the weather was good, in addition to wearing them to the gym. I have this colourway:


sick!!! so far i've liked pretty much every pair I see, pretty slick shoes.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 21, 2018, 06:05:02 am

Morning BW: 71.3kg [!!!]


Run - 2 mi moderate [9:06, 9:11], drills + strides [5x100 w/ jog recovery, about 5min/mi pace], 3 mi easy [10:50, 10:07, 9:41]

Just over 6 miles in total...sick


Slept from 5am to 9am, fuuuuck that. Was sleepy from like 9.30pm but could not get to sleep. Hopefully sleep resets a bit this week. Went for this run immediately on waking without eating. Was almost freezing temperature and a mix of rain/slush/snow the whole time. I need better gloves, because typing this right now is very hard.

Wore my Flyknits for this run. Like them a lot. Feel light on my feet, esp compared to the clunky things I'd been wearing otherwise.

Wearing more minimal shoes and running in the rain gave me a chance to work on stride rate. Only cue I used here was to just think about having quick ground contacts. Seemed to work! Watch says I had Avg SPM of 178 in the first two miles, then hitting ~225 during the strides, then 174, 176 and 186 for last three miles.

I think my wrist HR monitor was stride locked for this run b/c the efforts were not in line w/ the BPM readouts. I could recite a whole sonnet without much issue and it was telling me 175, lol. I think this happens when I just put on the watch right before running rather than wearing it around for a while and letting it get used to me again.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 22, 2018, 06:12:44 am

Morning BW: 71.2kg [really surprised by this one, spent a lot of yesterday sitting around eating crisps]


BW x 4
+10 x 2
+20 x 1
+25 x 1
+30 x 1  [this was not quite maximal, so I am pretty close already to a 1.5xBW chin]
+15 x 4, 4, 4

Bar x Lots
40 x 5
60 x 3
80 x 2
90 x 5, 5, 5

Bar x 7
30 x 3
40 x 4, 4, 4

V-Bar Cable Row
47 x 16, 16

BW x 15, 12, 7

Hammer Curls
14 x 10, 8
12 x 9

Workout 2

Run - 4.90mi in 45:24 [pace: 9:08, 9:18, 9:43, 9:05, 9:05]


Flagged quite hard after the second set of dips. Curls were pretty crumby, but I guess elbow flexors were pretty zonked from chins and rows at that point, so no big deal.

I think that, given the race on Friday, I will try to get in a double [i.e. lift + run] today and Wednesday, but have rest days on Tues/Thurs.

Edit: Decent run. Cadence experiment continues to pay dividends -- average SPM of 180 today. Felt fairly natural though required occasional mental effort. Hopefully will become subconscious soon.

Went to scout the course I'll be racing on Friday. First mile ends in somewhat of an uphill, but then there's a fair amount of downhill from ~1-2.5mi into the race. Shall consider my splits with this in mind. It's a really pretty course, too, through a gorgeous park and circling a lovely lake.

Also, I got into my first choice law school!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 22, 2018, 03:42:27 pm

Morning BW: 71.2kg [really surprised by this one, spent a lot of yesterday sitting around eating crisps]


BW x 4
+10 x 2
+20 x 1
+25 x 1
+30 x 1  [this was not quite maximal, so I am pretty close already to a 1.5xBW chin]
+15 x 4, 4, 4

Bar x Lots
40 x 5
60 x 3
80 x 2
90 x 5, 5, 5

Bar x 7
30 x 3
40 x 4, 4, 4

V-Bar Cable Row
47 x 16, 16

BW x 15, 12, 7

Hammer Curls
14 x 10, 8
12 x 9

Workout 2

Run - 4.90mi in 45:24 [pace: 9:08, 9:18, 9:43, 9:05, 9:05]


Flagged quite hard after the second set of dips. Curls were pretty crumby, but I guess elbow flexors were pretty zonked from chins and rows at that point, so no big deal.

I think that, given the race on Friday, I will try to get in a double [i.e. lift + run] today and Wednesday, but have rest days on Tues/Thurs.

Edit: Decent run. Cadence experiment continues to pay dividends -- average SPM of 180 today. Felt fairly natural though required occasional mental effort. Hopefully will become subconscious soon.

nice! ya, < 175 SPM seems to be way less efficient. I think the lowest one could go while being efficiently fast is 175. 180+ is usually where most people end up. Elites and such most often end up in the ~190's from what i've seen. Fast turnover with decent strength = movin`.

Went to scout the course I'll be racing on Friday. First mile ends in somewhat of an uphill, but then there's a fair amount of downhill from ~1-2.5mi into the race. Shall consider my splits with this in mind. It's a really pretty course, too, through a gorgeous park and circling a lovely lake.

yea I checked some of the photos for that park, beautiful. that's going to be a fun day.


looks top notch.

Also, I got into my first choice law school!


congrats dude! :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on January 23, 2018, 02:31:21 am
what school?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 23, 2018, 03:34:28 am
what school?

Law school is weird in the uk compared to the us -- usually the bulk of it is undergrad rather than grad, so i'm doing a 1 year thing that basically covers most of what you'd normally do in three at UG. Given the intensity involved in that sort of programme most of the unis that offer it spoonfeed the course w/ like guidebooks and manuals, but the uni i'm going to still teaches through case studies/textbooks, etc., and just expects you to work hard. It's the top school for people who want to go on to be barristers, so that's what it was first choice.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 23, 2018, 08:59:31 am

Morning BW: 71.6kg


Stationary bike -- 45 mins -- kept BPM low 130s and RPM low 90s [which I realise is same pace as a 180s SPM when running, nice]


Moderately sore all over. Might go to gym for an easy stationary bike session to get some blood flowing. Sleep is improving again.

Nice easy "ride", quads felt it for first 10-15 mins, but once the juices were flowing it all felt better.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 24, 2018, 04:58:01 am

Morning BW: 71.7kg


Run - 6.69mi in 1:02:33 [paces: 8:41*, 9:58, 9:23, 9:15, 9:42, 9:57, 8:05]

*Looking at the Strava map it looks like it fucked up and added a squiggle where the wasn't one to this first split, probably adding like ~150m or so to the run, meaning that first split was likely somewhere in the 9:3X and the run as a whole closer to 6.60mi.


Upper body still sore so shan't lift today. Probably means I won't have a proper lift until Monday as I don't think hitting the gym tomorrow would be overly sensible, and I'm pretty busy through the weekend. Will think about getting some chins and pushups, etc., done at home.

Run was solid. SPM was at 178 without much effort to maintain. Not going to try to push it up again, at least for a while, as the new cadence is requiring some adaptation, esp from my hamstrings.

It was hella windy today, too, like 20mph.

Pushed that last split for the experience of running hard on tired legs.

Tomorrow and Saturday will be basically total rest days, except for possible calisthenics. Sunday I'm going on a like 10 mile walk with friends, so probably won't need to run, but might have the urge in the morning anyway.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 25, 2018, 05:33:50 am

Morning BW: 71.7kg [I ate a lot yesterday, so this is good]

Waist at navel: 31.5-31.75"


I will actually rest today. Legs feeling less tired today than they were yesterday, which is great.

Estimated body fat is under 15%, which I think looks reasonable by the eye test. Got to keep that moving down. Dropping weight should be pretty easy given how much I can eat on running days. Just gotta stay focused. Waist under 30" seems to be where I need to end up for ~10%.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 26, 2018, 10:12:33 am

Morning BW: 71.7kg [that consistency...]


Jog around, strides, some drills, and more jogging before race, about 1.5mi total

Race - 5k in 20:46.6 [unofficial, according to watch, shall see what the official record says this evening!]  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
Splits - 4:15.0, 4:09.2, 4:20.0, 4:12.8, 3:49.6 [watch says the last split was .97km, but the course is licensed as/officially is 5k so I'll take the registry board's word here over my dumb watch]

Jog ~1.5 mi cooldown


Fuck yes. I was in the B group for people who estimated their finishing time at >22:00. I'd never raced before and my 6:31 mile from a couple of weeks ago led to my 5k time as being an estimated 22:07, so I went with that. Strategy was to just go out at something comfortable between 4:12-24/km [i.e. 21:xx pace]. About 15 people of >200 in the B group went out faster than me, but I'd overtaken about half of them by 1km.

After 2km there were just 5 ahead of me, as far as I could tell [i.e. unless someone was going like <19:30 pace or so]. At 2.5km the guy who had like a 50m lead after 1.5km really dropped off the pace and I snuck past him easily, so there were just two chaps ahead of me. They looked like they were having a hard time. After 2.5km my breathing started to get tougher but I was still fairly comfortable.

My strategy from 2.5km on was just to keep within 10m of the two guys running together who were leading the B group. This was not so tough and at about 3.95km I was within a couple of meters. I had started to breath pretty hard but I thought that with just 1km to go I could push a lot harder, so I blitzed past them. One of them was clearly struggling a lot more than the other. The chap who was doing better of the pair said "fuck, damn" as I passed -- I guess he thought he had the B group in the bag, haha. I pushed pace a little bit here. 4-4.5km pace began around 4:10 and I gradually pushed it to 4:00 flat. Then last minute, when I could see the finish line, I really pushed it. SPM climbed up to 210 and I hit a max pace of 2:44/km, but I probably averaged like 3:15/km or so for the last 45 seconds or so of the race. I wasn't sure where the race actually ended, to be honest. There was a narrow passage made w/ tape that you were funnelled through, and the beginning of it was marked with the 5km sign, so I assume that's where the race finished, but I didn't want to risk it so I kept pushing through to the end of that tunnel, and only hit my watch a couple of strides after it because I was too wiped to attend to that. Will be interesting to see what the official time is.

I was pretty pleased with the strategy. I'm pretty sure I won the B group because there was no one who was clearly in it ahead of me, though I'm not sure. If someone did beat me from the B group then they were seriously sandbagging hard, haha, but I guess I did too in the end, oops. But yeah, I had no concrete idea of what I could hit here beyond "probably 22:00 or so" so I was pretty pleased. I guess that I am probably already in shape to run a bit faster than this, given how much I evidently had left to push with on that last split. I mean if the last km is like 25 seconds faster than the average of the previous 4km then optimal pacing probably saves me some time, but w/e that was the first race. Sick.

Edit: apparently I maintained a sub 4:5x mile pace for the last 25 seconds or so of the race. Decent going after ~4.85k of racing.

Official result has me at 20:40, awesome.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Coges on January 26, 2018, 07:21:32 pm

Morning BW: 71.7kg [that consistency...]


Jog around, strides, some drills, and more jogging before race, about 1.5mi total

Race - 5k in 20:46.6 [unofficial, according to watch, shall see what the official record says this evening!]  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
Splits - 4:15.0, 4:09.2, 4:20.0, 4:12.8, 3:49.6 [watch says the last split was .97km, but the course is licensed as/officially is 5k so I'll take the registry board's word here over my dumb watch]

Jog ~1.5 mi cooldown


Fuck yes. I was in the B group for people who estimated their finishing time at >22:00. I'd never raced before and my 6:31 mile from a couple of weeks ago led to my 5k time as being an estimated 22:07, so I went with that. Strategy was to just go out at something comfortable between 4:12-24/km [i.e. 21:xx pace]. About 15 people of >200 in the B group went out faster than me, but I'd overtaken about half of them by 1km.

After 2km there were just 5 ahead of me, as far as I could tell [i.e. unless someone was going like <19:30 pace or so]. At 2.5km the guy who had like a 50m lead after 1.5km really dropped off the pace and I snuck past him easily, so there were just two chaps ahead of me. They looked like they were having a hard time. After 2.5km my breathing started to get tougher but I was still fairly comfortable.

My strategy from 2.5km on was just to keep within 10m of the two guys running together who were leading the B group. This was not so tough and at about 3.95km I was within a couple of meters. I had started to breath pretty hard but I thought that with just 1km to go I could push a lot harder, so I blitzed past them. One of them was clearly struggling a lot more than the other. The chap who was doing better of the pair said "fuck, damn" as I passed -- I guess he thought he had the B group in the bag, haha. I pushed pace a little bit here. 4-4.5km pace began around 4:10 and I gradually pushed it to 4:00 flat. Then last minute, when I could see the finish line, I really pushed it. SPM climbed up to 210 and I hit a max pace of 2:44/km, but I probably averaged like 3:15/km or so for the last 45 seconds or so of the race. I wasn't sure where the race actually ended, to be honest. There was a narrow passage made w/ tape that you were funnelled through, and the beginning of it was marked with the 5km sign, so I assume that's where the race finished, but I didn't want to risk it so I kept pushing through to the end of that tunnel, and only hit my watch a couple of strides after it because I was too wiped to attend to that. Will be interesting to see what the official time is.

I was pretty pleased with the strategy. I'm pretty sure I won the B group because there was no one who was clearly in it ahead of me, though I'm not sure. If someone did beat me from the B group then they were seriously sandbagging hard, haha, but I guess I did too in the end, oops. But yeah, I had no concrete idea of what I could hit here beyond "probably 22:00 or so" so I was pretty pleased. I guess that I am probably already in shape to run a bit faster than this, given how much I evidently had left to push with on that last split. I mean if the last km is like 25 seconds faster than the average of the previous 4km then optimal pacing probably saves me some time, but w/e that was the first race. Sick.

Edit: apparently I maintained a sub 4:5x mile pace for the last 25 seconds or so of the race. Decent going after ~4.85k of racing.

Official result has me at 20:40, awesome.


Nice work mate. How did you recover from the run after pushing yourself like that?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 26, 2018, 07:41:31 pm

Morning BW: 71.7kg [that consistency...]


Jog around, strides, some drills, and more jogging before race, about 1.5mi total

Race - 5k in 20:46.6 [unofficial, according to watch, shall see what the official record says this evening!]  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
Splits - 4:15.0, 4:09.2, 4:20.0, 4:12.8, 3:49.6 [watch says the last split was .97km, but the course is licensed as/officially is 5k so I'll take the registry board's word here over my dumb watch]

Jog ~1.5 mi cooldown


Fuck yes. I was in the B group for people who estimated their finishing time at >22:00. I'd never raced before and my 6:31 mile from a couple of weeks ago led to my 5k time as being an estimated 22:07, so I went with that. Strategy was to just go out at something comfortable between 4:12-24/km [i.e. 21:xx pace]. About 15 people of >200 in the B group went out faster than me, but I'd overtaken about half of them by 1km.

After 2km there were just 5 ahead of me, as far as I could tell [i.e. unless someone was going like <19:30 pace or so]. At 2.5km the guy who had like a 50m lead after 1.5km really dropped off the pace and I snuck past him easily, so there were just two chaps ahead of me. They looked like they were having a hard time. After 2.5km my breathing started to get tougher but I was still fairly comfortable.

My strategy from 2.5km on was just to keep within 10m of the two guys running together who were leading the B group. This was not so tough and at about 3.95km I was within a couple of meters. I had started to breath pretty hard but I thought that with just 1km to go I could push a lot harder, so I blitzed past them. One of them was clearly struggling a lot more than the other. The chap who was doing better of the pair said "fuck, damn" as I passed -- I guess he thought he had the B group in the bag, haha. I pushed pace a little bit here. 4-4.5km pace began around 4:10 and I gradually pushed it to 4:00 flat. Then last minute, when I could see the finish line, I really pushed it. SPM climbed up to 210 and I hit a max pace of 2:44/km, but I probably averaged like 3:15/km or so for the last 45 seconds or so of the race. I wasn't sure where the race actually ended, to be honest. There was a narrow passage made w/ tape that you were funnelled through, and the beginning of it was marked with the 5km sign, so I assume that's where the race finished, but I didn't want to risk it so I kept pushing through to the end of that tunnel, and only hit my watch a couple of strides after it because I was too wiped to attend to that. Will be interesting to see what the official time is.

I was pretty pleased with the strategy. I'm pretty sure I won the B group because there was no one who was clearly in it ahead of me, though I'm not sure. If someone did beat me from the B group then they were seriously sandbagging hard, haha, but I guess I did too in the end, oops. But yeah, I had no concrete idea of what I could hit here beyond "probably 22:00 or so" so I was pretty pleased. I guess that I am probably already in shape to run a bit faster than this, given how much I evidently had left to push with on that last split. I mean if the last km is like 25 seconds faster than the average of the previous 4km then optimal pacing probably saves me some time, but w/e that was the first race. Sick.

Edit: apparently I maintained a sub 4:5x mile pace for the last 25 seconds or so of the race. Decent going after ~4.85k of racing.

Official result has me at 20:40, awesome.


Nice work mate. How did you recover from the run after pushing yourself like that?

Lay on the floor for like a 20 seconds panting, got up and started walking home and after 5 minutes started jogging, haha, nothing too special.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Coges on January 26, 2018, 11:19:25 pm

Morning BW: 71.7kg [that consistency...]


Jog around, strides, some drills, and more jogging before race, about 1.5mi total

Race - 5k in 20:46.6 [unofficial, according to watch, shall see what the official record says this evening!]  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
Splits - 4:15.0, 4:09.2, 4:20.0, 4:12.8, 3:49.6 [watch says the last split was .97km, but the course is licensed as/officially is 5k so I'll take the registry board's word here over my dumb watch]

Jog ~1.5 mi cooldown


Fuck yes. I was in the B group for people who estimated their finishing time at >22:00. I'd never raced before and my 6:31 mile from a couple of weeks ago led to my 5k time as being an estimated 22:07, so I went with that. Strategy was to just go out at something comfortable between 4:12-24/km [i.e. 21:xx pace]. About 15 people of >200 in the B group went out faster than me, but I'd overtaken about half of them by 1km.

After 2km there were just 5 ahead of me, as far as I could tell [i.e. unless someone was going like <19:30 pace or so]. At 2.5km the guy who had like a 50m lead after 1.5km really dropped off the pace and I snuck past him easily, so there were just two chaps ahead of me. They looked like they were having a hard time. After 2.5km my breathing started to get tougher but I was still fairly comfortable.

My strategy from 2.5km on was just to keep within 10m of the two guys running together who were leading the B group. This was not so tough and at about 3.95km I was within a couple of meters. I had started to breath pretty hard but I thought that with just 1km to go I could push a lot harder, so I blitzed past them. One of them was clearly struggling a lot more than the other. The chap who was doing better of the pair said "fuck, damn" as I passed -- I guess he thought he had the B group in the bag, haha. I pushed pace a little bit here. 4-4.5km pace began around 4:10 and I gradually pushed it to 4:00 flat. Then last minute, when I could see the finish line, I really pushed it. SPM climbed up to 210 and I hit a max pace of 2:44/km, but I probably averaged like 3:15/km or so for the last 45 seconds or so of the race. I wasn't sure where the race actually ended, to be honest. There was a narrow passage made w/ tape that you were funnelled through, and the beginning of it was marked with the 5km sign, so I assume that's where the race finished, but I didn't want to risk it so I kept pushing through to the end of that tunnel, and only hit my watch a couple of strides after it because I was too wiped to attend to that. Will be interesting to see what the official time is.

I was pretty pleased with the strategy. I'm pretty sure I won the B group because there was no one who was clearly in it ahead of me, though I'm not sure. If someone did beat me from the B group then they were seriously sandbagging hard, haha, but I guess I did too in the end, oops. But yeah, I had no concrete idea of what I could hit here beyond "probably 22:00 or so" so I was pretty pleased. I guess that I am probably already in shape to run a bit faster than this, given how much I evidently had left to push with on that last split. I mean if the last km is like 25 seconds faster than the average of the previous 4km then optimal pacing probably saves me some time, but w/e that was the first race. Sick.

Edit: apparently I maintained a sub 4:5x mile pace for the last 25 seconds or so of the race. Decent going after ~4.85k of racing.

Official result has me at 20:40, awesome.


Nice work mate. How did you recover from the run after pushing yourself like that?

Lay on the floor for like a 20 seconds panting, got up and started walking home and after 5 minutes started jogging, haha, nothing too special.

Lol. Nice.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 28, 2018, 04:33:38 am

Morning BW: 70.9kg [well, okay... not expecting this, thought i'd be heavier than last weigh in!]


Run 5.4mi in 52mins


I forgot to turn on my watch until about .2mi into the run, hence the time/distance discrepancy between here and Strava. When I turned it on it was still in km mode from the race. Plan, then, was to run out 4km at a very easy pace then negative split the return 4km with each one successively faster on the back half. Worked out great.

KM splits: 6:13, 6:13, 6:15, 6:39, 5:59, 5:43, 5:24, 5:02. First and last ~.35km not recorded, but they'd've been mid 6/km I'm sure.

Knee felt fine during the run, but afterwards hurts a bit when I walk up stairs. Hopefully that'll go away. Knee felt a bit raw yesterday after the race. Should probably take two days off running in light of this. Going for a long walk soon with pals which should hopefully give my knee some nice light movement to recover.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on January 28, 2018, 08:13:55 am
it's super interesting, pretty much all your running has been pretty gentle but you were able to turn on the jets pretty significantly for the race. pretty impressed with 20:40!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 28, 2018, 01:08:06 pm
it's super interesting, pretty much all your running has been pretty gentle but you were able to turn on the jets pretty significantly for the race. pretty impressed with 20:40!

Hah, yeah, this has been something I've been reflecting about since the race. The two pace calculators I've looked at (one based on Jack Daniel's vDot thing: and the other made by "tinman" of the letsrun forums) both say that given my 5k race time I should have an easy/recovery pace in the high 8mins/mile. But, yeah, as you point out, most of my running has been a lot slower than that. 30-90 seconds slower per mile, in fact.

I think there are a few things at play here. First is that I am trying to be quite cautious to avoid injury as much as possible while building up (a) the skill of running and (b) the specific joint/tendon/stability fitness needed to sustain faster running/more frequent running/more intense "workouts". The second thing that I think is at play in this discrepancy is the subset of running faculties that I have developed well and which I have underdeveloped. I'm pretty strong compared to most runners, since I can definitely still hit a 1.5xBW squat with ease whenever I need to. That strength probably means I can finish well/push proportionately harder when needed. Two more related benefits that I think spending a fair bit of time squatting has reaped me for running are: (1) good resistance to lactate/ability to clear lactate from my legs, since that's more relevant in rep based squatting; and (2) good ability to deal with muscular pain caused by lactic acid buildup, which served me well in the last 500m sprint in the race.

My shitty primary faculties are (a) running economy, which will come with just spending lots of time on my feet over an extended period of months and and (b) aerobic development (ditto). I've never done consistent low-level aerobic work. I think these factors combine to explain why at a shorter distance like the 5k I have the capacity to outperform the times predicted by my "easy running" paces. This also gives me a clear route to improve -- spend an extended time building up that base while not letting my good traits degrade and I should be able to improve pretty rapidly.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 28, 2018, 02:02:46 pm

Morning BW: 71.7kg [that consistency...]


Jog around, strides, some drills, and more jogging before race, about 1.5mi total

Race - 5k in 20:46.6 [unofficial, according to watch, shall see what the official record says this evening!]  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
Splits - 4:15.0, 4:09.2, 4:20.0, 4:12.8, 3:49.6 [watch says the last split was .97km, but the course is licensed as/officially is 5k so I'll take the registry board's word here over my dumb watch]

Jog ~1.5 mi cooldown


Fuck yes. I was in the B group for people who estimated their finishing time at >22:00. I'd never raced before and my 6:31 mile from a couple of weeks ago led to my 5k time as being an estimated 22:07, so I went with that. Strategy was to just go out at something comfortable between 4:12-24/km [i.e. 21:xx pace]. About 15 people of >200 in the B group went out faster than me, but I'd overtaken about half of them by 1km.

After 2km there were just 5 ahead of me, as far as I could tell [i.e. unless someone was going like <19:30 pace or so]. At 2.5km the guy who had like a 50m lead after 1.5km really dropped off the pace and I snuck past him easily, so there were just two chaps ahead of me. They looked like they were having a hard time. After 2.5km my breathing started to get tougher but I was still fairly comfortable.

My strategy from 2.5km on was just to keep within 10m of the two guys running together who were leading the B group. This was not so tough and at about 3.95km I was within a couple of meters. I had started to breath pretty hard but I thought that with just 1km to go I could push a lot harder, so I blitzed past them. One of them was clearly struggling a lot more than the other. The chap who was doing better of the pair said "fuck, damn" as I passed -- I guess he thought he had the B group in the bag, haha. I pushed pace a little bit here. 4-4.5km pace began around 4:10 and I gradually pushed it to 4:00 flat. Then last minute, when I could see the finish line, I really pushed it. SPM climbed up to 210 and I hit a max pace of 2:44/km, but I probably averaged like 3:15/km or so for the last 45 seconds or so of the race. I wasn't sure where the race actually ended, to be honest. There was a narrow passage made w/ tape that you were funnelled through, and the beginning of it was marked with the 5km sign, so I assume that's where the race finished, but I didn't want to risk it so I kept pushing through to the end of that tunnel, and only hit my watch a couple of strides after it because I was too wiped to attend to that. Will be interesting to see what the official time is.

I was pretty pleased with the strategy. I'm pretty sure I won the B group because there was no one who was clearly in it ahead of me, though I'm not sure. If someone did beat me from the B group then they were seriously sandbagging hard, haha, but I guess I did too in the end, oops. But yeah, I had no concrete idea of what I could hit here beyond "probably 22:00 or so" so I was pretty pleased. I guess that I am probably already in shape to run a bit faster than this, given how much I evidently had left to push with on that last split. I mean if the last km is like 25 seconds faster than the average of the previous 4km then optimal pacing probably saves me some time, but w/e that was the first race. Sick.

Edit: apparently I maintained a sub 4:5x mile pace for the last 25 seconds or so of the race. Decent going after ~4.85k of racing.

Official result has me at 20:40, awesome.

great read and recap. seems like you executed this very well. solid pacing & kick! awesome work man.

when's your next race? :D
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 28, 2018, 03:51:39 pm

Morning BW: 71.7kg [that consistency...]


Jog around, strides, some drills, and more jogging before race, about 1.5mi total

Race - 5k in 20:46.6 [unofficial, according to watch, shall see what the official record says this evening!]  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
Splits - 4:15.0, 4:09.2, 4:20.0, 4:12.8, 3:49.6 [watch says the last split was .97km, but the course is licensed as/officially is 5k so I'll take the registry board's word here over my dumb watch]

Jog ~1.5 mi cooldown


Fuck yes. I was in the B group for people who estimated their finishing time at >22:00. I'd never raced before and my 6:31 mile from a couple of weeks ago led to my 5k time as being an estimated 22:07, so I went with that. Strategy was to just go out at something comfortable between 4:12-24/km [i.e. 21:xx pace]. About 15 people of >200 in the B group went out faster than me, but I'd overtaken about half of them by 1km.

After 2km there were just 5 ahead of me, as far as I could tell [i.e. unless someone was going like <19:30 pace or so]. At 2.5km the guy who had like a 50m lead after 1.5km really dropped off the pace and I snuck past him easily, so there were just two chaps ahead of me. They looked like they were having a hard time. After 2.5km my breathing started to get tougher but I was still fairly comfortable.

My strategy from 2.5km on was just to keep within 10m of the two guys running together who were leading the B group. This was not so tough and at about 3.95km I was within a couple of meters. I had started to breath pretty hard but I thought that with just 1km to go I could push a lot harder, so I blitzed past them. One of them was clearly struggling a lot more than the other. The chap who was doing better of the pair said "fuck, damn" as I passed -- I guess he thought he had the B group in the bag, haha. I pushed pace a little bit here. 4-4.5km pace began around 4:10 and I gradually pushed it to 4:00 flat. Then last minute, when I could see the finish line, I really pushed it. SPM climbed up to 210 and I hit a max pace of 2:44/km, but I probably averaged like 3:15/km or so for the last 45 seconds or so of the race. I wasn't sure where the race actually ended, to be honest. There was a narrow passage made w/ tape that you were funnelled through, and the beginning of it was marked with the 5km sign, so I assume that's where the race finished, but I didn't want to risk it so I kept pushing through to the end of that tunnel, and only hit my watch a couple of strides after it because I was too wiped to attend to that. Will be interesting to see what the official time is.

I was pretty pleased with the strategy. I'm pretty sure I won the B group because there was no one who was clearly in it ahead of me, though I'm not sure. If someone did beat me from the B group then they were seriously sandbagging hard, haha, but I guess I did too in the end, oops. But yeah, I had no concrete idea of what I could hit here beyond "probably 22:00 or so" so I was pretty pleased. I guess that I am probably already in shape to run a bit faster than this, given how much I evidently had left to push with on that last split. I mean if the last km is like 25 seconds faster than the average of the previous 4km then optimal pacing probably saves me some time, but w/e that was the first race. Sick.

Edit: apparently I maintained a sub 4:5x mile pace for the last 25 seconds or so of the race. Decent going after ~4.85k of racing.

Official result has me at 20:40, awesome.

great read and recap. seems like you executed this very well. solid pacing & kick! awesome work man.

when's your next race? :D

Glad you enjoyed it! Was pretty pleased.

The next one of these events isn't on a date I can do, so I might try the March one, which is like the 23rd since the 30th is Good Friday. So I'll get some more time to build aerobic strength and maybe gun it as a time trial aiming for sub-20:00. I'd be in amongst the main mass in the A race there, so there should always be someone for me to tail and push myself to keep up with, and I'd be used to the course properly, so I could probably hit a nice PR.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 28, 2018, 08:46:14 pm

Morning BW: 71.7kg [that consistency...]


Jog around, strides, some drills, and more jogging before race, about 1.5mi total

Race - 5k in 20:46.6 [unofficial, according to watch, shall see what the official record says this evening!]  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
Splits - 4:15.0, 4:09.2, 4:20.0, 4:12.8, 3:49.6 [watch says the last split was .97km, but the course is licensed as/officially is 5k so I'll take the registry board's word here over my dumb watch]

Jog ~1.5 mi cooldown


Fuck yes. I was in the B group for people who estimated their finishing time at >22:00. I'd never raced before and my 6:31 mile from a couple of weeks ago led to my 5k time as being an estimated 22:07, so I went with that. Strategy was to just go out at something comfortable between 4:12-24/km [i.e. 21:xx pace]. About 15 people of >200 in the B group went out faster than me, but I'd overtaken about half of them by 1km.

After 2km there were just 5 ahead of me, as far as I could tell [i.e. unless someone was going like <19:30 pace or so]. At 2.5km the guy who had like a 50m lead after 1.5km really dropped off the pace and I snuck past him easily, so there were just two chaps ahead of me. They looked like they were having a hard time. After 2.5km my breathing started to get tougher but I was still fairly comfortable.

My strategy from 2.5km on was just to keep within 10m of the two guys running together who were leading the B group. This was not so tough and at about 3.95km I was within a couple of meters. I had started to breath pretty hard but I thought that with just 1km to go I could push a lot harder, so I blitzed past them. One of them was clearly struggling a lot more than the other. The chap who was doing better of the pair said "fuck, damn" as I passed -- I guess he thought he had the B group in the bag, haha. I pushed pace a little bit here. 4-4.5km pace began around 4:10 and I gradually pushed it to 4:00 flat. Then last minute, when I could see the finish line, I really pushed it. SPM climbed up to 210 and I hit a max pace of 2:44/km, but I probably averaged like 3:15/km or so for the last 45 seconds or so of the race. I wasn't sure where the race actually ended, to be honest. There was a narrow passage made w/ tape that you were funnelled through, and the beginning of it was marked with the 5km sign, so I assume that's where the race finished, but I didn't want to risk it so I kept pushing through to the end of that tunnel, and only hit my watch a couple of strides after it because I was too wiped to attend to that. Will be interesting to see what the official time is.

I was pretty pleased with the strategy. I'm pretty sure I won the B group because there was no one who was clearly in it ahead of me, though I'm not sure. If someone did beat me from the B group then they were seriously sandbagging hard, haha, but I guess I did too in the end, oops. But yeah, I had no concrete idea of what I could hit here beyond "probably 22:00 or so" so I was pretty pleased. I guess that I am probably already in shape to run a bit faster than this, given how much I evidently had left to push with on that last split. I mean if the last km is like 25 seconds faster than the average of the previous 4km then optimal pacing probably saves me some time, but w/e that was the first race. Sick.

Edit: apparently I maintained a sub 4:5x mile pace for the last 25 seconds or so of the race. Decent going after ~4.85k of racing.

Official result has me at 20:40, awesome.

great read and recap. seems like you executed this very well. solid pacing & kick! awesome work man.

when's your next race? :D

Glad you enjoyed it! Was pretty pleased.

The next one of these events isn't on a date I can do, so I might try the March one, which is like the 23rd since the 30th is Good Friday. So I'll get some more time to build aerobic strength and maybe gun it as a time trial aiming for sub-20:00. I'd be in amongst the main mass in the A race there, so there should always be someone for me to tail and push myself to keep up with, and I'd be used to the course properly, so I could probably hit a nice PR.

Sounds like a great idea. No more B team. :ninja: Given that much time to prepare, and how well your execution was for your last race, expecting a huge PR come end of March. Should be great. :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:

RUNJOE, little did we know! :derp: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 29, 2018, 06:07:12 am

Morning BW: 71.0kg [not surprised, ate a whole pack of chocolate biscuits...just kinda needed it]


BW x 5
+10 x 3
+20 x 3, 3, 3, 3
+10 x 5, 5

Walking Lunge
+32 x 10, 10, 10

DB Incline Bench
14 x 6
22 x 10, 10, 7

BB Row
55 x 10, 10, 10

14 x 11, 9, 7


Decent workout. Chins continuing strongly. If I stick to it this could well be the year I hit the OAC, I think.

Tried out walking lunges instead of squats for a couple of reasons. First is that my knee is kind of still bugging, primarily when I take stairs two at a time, so I didn't want to load them in squats. Figure I also ought to be doing more single leg stuff for stability and running specific strength. The feeling of these lunges was quite reminiscent of the wobbly legged dropped hips feel of the last few hundred meters of kick in the 5k race, so hopefully they'll help me to be stronger there.

Knee felt better after the workout than it did before, which is good. I booked a deep tissue/sports massage for today, too. Never had a proper massage before, so I'm curious. Seems like now is as good a time as any, and the masseuse has solid reviews and seems to know what they're about, so I'm hopeful.

Must. Rest. Fully. Tomorrow.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 29, 2018, 06:41:07 am

Morning BW: 71.0kg [not surprised, ate a whole pack of chocolate biscuits...just kinda needed it]


BW x 5
+10 x 3
+20 x 3, 3, 3, 3
+10 x 5, 5

Walking Lunge
+32 x 10, 10, 10

DB Incline Bench
14 x 6
22 x 10, 10, 7

BB Row
55 x 10, 10, 10

14 x 11, 9, 7


Decent workout. Chins continuing strongly. If I stick to it this could well be the year I hit the OAC, I think.

Tried out walking lunges instead of squats for a couple of reasons. First is that my knee is kind of still bugging, primarily when I take stairs two at a time, so I didn't want to load them in squats. Figure I also ought to be doing more single leg stuff for stability and running specific strength. The feeling of these lunges was quite reminiscent of the wobbly legged dropped hips feel of the last few hundred meters of kick in the 5k race, so hopefully they'll help me to be stronger there.

Knee felt better after the workout than it did before, which is good. I booked a deep tissue/sports massage for today, too. Never had a proper massage before, so I'm curious. Seems like now is as good a time as any, and the masseuse has solid reviews and seems to know what they're about, so I'm hopeful.

Must. Rest. Fully. Tomorrow.

nice session. I need to try and win this OAC challenge tho. :trollface:

nice move on the lunges. i've been thinking of bringing them back too starting this week, been feeling like my legs are "weak" for a while now. Not doing my really focused speed sessions had made them feel more week, so i'm bringing those back (probably on Thursday), but i'd also like to add some high volume lunges back in. But, not going to go nuts on lunges right out of the gate & give myself 7-day soreness, going to work into them slowly .. i'll try and be smart for once.

curious to see how you like that deep tissue massage. I've personally never liked them, but I did have some back issues long ago (~2005 or so?) that some specialist dug deep into, seemed to help a bit iirc.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 29, 2018, 12:51:49 pm
nice session. I need to try and win this OAC challenge tho. :trollface:

nice move on the lunges. i've been thinking of bringing them back too starting this week, been feeling like my legs are "weak" for a while now. Not doing my really focused speed sessions had made them feel more week, so i'm bringing those back (probably on Thursday), but i'd also like to add some high volume lunges back in. But, not going to go nuts on lunges right out of the gate & give myself 7-day soreness, going to work into them slowly .. i'll try and be smart for once.

curious to see how you like that deep tissue massage. I've personally never liked them, but I did have some back issues long ago (~2005 or so?) that some specialist dug deep into, seemed to help a bit iirc.


oh shit, it's on! I saw your big bodyweight session in you're log, looks like you're gonna be taking this seriously. Lucky for me I'm still a fair bit fatter than you, haha, so if I can sort that I'll have a good lead on ya.

Lunges were really fun! I think as I adapt I will just have one day with squats and one day with lunges. Doing leg strength only once a week seems not quite frequently enough, so having two sessions seems sensible. I remember your epic rooftop walking lunges, those were awesome. Probably, yeah, a good idea to wait a bit on going in on those again.

Massage was good! Knee felt a bit better and just getting worked on pretty hard all over was great. Might keep it in the back pocket in case I feel the need for it again since it wasn't too expensive.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 29, 2018, 01:04:32 pm
Just going to throw in some general principles I'm thinking about and which I will use to structure my training.

Aim still to lift 2xWeek, focus on chinning strength and maintaining mass everywhere upper body. Using squats and lunges to support running. May have to add in another chinning session at some point.

Continue working to drop weight. Target is probably ~68 for 10% bf.

Running: I hit consecutive 22+ mile weeks now. This week will probably be lighter, maybe just 15-20 total, since Mon+Tues will be off and I will be working the rest quite easily so as not to make this knee thing into a real injury. The plan is to steadily increase mileage/time on feet with time, though.

Running things to do once/week each: strides (in the middle of an easy run, ~4-10x60-100m at relaxed but fast pace); hill sprints (in the middle of an easy run, ~4-10x6-10 seconds, progressing volume over time); a tempo run (starting a 2x10mins, progressing with time to 1x30 min). Everything else is just easy mileage. As I said in my reply to LBSS, focus is on aerobic development without sabotaging strength/speed. I'll try to ride this wave and really get the fundamentals down before doing any fancy intervals or whatever. See what sort of 5k time I can get with just "basic" training.

My 5k pace was ~6:39/mi which makes my tempo pace 7:02-7:10 [the lower end comes from the Jack Daniels calculator, higher end from "tinman" of letsrun's 93% principle]. Other than the 5k race itself and the one mile I did as a test I don't think I have run a single mile faster than 8:05 in training. Getting a bit of work in this low 7:0x range should be a nice additional stimulus without being too intense. Looking forward to experiencing that.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 29, 2018, 02:35:55 pm
nice session. I need to try and win this OAC challenge tho. :trollface:

nice move on the lunges. i've been thinking of bringing them back too starting this week, been feeling like my legs are "weak" for a while now. Not doing my really focused speed sessions had made them feel more week, so i'm bringing those back (probably on Thursday), but i'd also like to add some high volume lunges back in. But, not going to go nuts on lunges right out of the gate & give myself 7-day soreness, going to work into them slowly .. i'll try and be smart for once.

curious to see how you like that deep tissue massage. I've personally never liked them, but I did have some back issues long ago (~2005 or so?) that some specialist dug deep into, seemed to help a bit iirc.


oh shit, it's on! I saw your big bodyweight session in you're log, looks like you're gonna be taking this seriously. Lucky for me I'm still a fair bit fatter than you, haha, so if I can sort that I'll have a good lead on ya.

i will equalize that by getting to 5% body fat....... lulz. :ninja: :trollface: :trolldance:

Lunges were really fun! I think as I adapt I will just have one day with squats and one day with lunges. Doing leg strength only once a week seems not quite frequently enough, so having two sessions seems sensible. I remember your epic rooftop walking lunges, those were awesome. Probably, yeah, a good idea to wait a bit on going in on those again.

Massage was good! Knee felt a bit better and just getting worked on pretty hard all over was great. Might keep it in the back pocket in case I feel the need for it again since it wasn't too expensive.

awesome! @ *

Just going to throw in some general principles I'm thinking about and which I will use to structure my training.

Aim still to lift 2xWeek, focus on chinning strength and maintaining mass everywhere upper body. Using squats and lunges to support running. May have to add in another chinning session at some point.

Continue working to drop weight. Target is probably ~68 for 10% bf.

Running: I hit consecutive 22+ mile weeks now. This week will probably be lighter, maybe just 15-20 total, since Mon+Tues will be off and I will be working the rest quite easily so as not to make this knee thing into a real injury. The plan is to steadily increase mileage/time on feet with time, though.

Running things to do once/week each: strides (in the middle of an easy run, ~4-10x60-100m at relaxed but fast pace); hill sprints (in the middle of an easy run, ~4-10x6-10 seconds, progressing volume over time); a tempo run (starting a 2x10mins, progressing with time to 1x30 min). Everything else is just easy mileage. As I said in my reply to LBSS, focus is on aerobic development without sabotaging strength/speed. I'll try to ride this wave and really get the fundamentals down before doing any fancy intervals or whatever. See what sort of 5k time I can get with just "basic" training.

My 5k pace was ~6:39/mi which makes my tempo pace 7:02-7:10 [the lower end comes from the Jack Daniels calculator, higher end from "tinman" of letsrun's 93% principle]. Other than the 5k race itself and the one mile I did as a test I don't think I have run a single mile faster than 8:05 in training. Getting a bit of work in this low 7:0x range should be a nice additional stimulus without being too intense. Looking forward to experiencing that.

yup. i like the idea of figuring out what you can do with "simple training" first .. even if it's literally 6 months to a year. That's basically what I did, a few different ways: simple stuff first, advanced stuff later without hills/long runs (2017), advanced stuff with hills/long runs (2018) As long as progress is being made, it won't make you "dream" of changing things up.

also, if you have an easy day schedule because the previous day was hard, i'd personally avoid doing strides/sprints and such during the easy day. For me, easy days (when I do them) are crazy light.. 9+ min/mi relaxing, never getting out of "neutral". Most experienced runners do it that way as well. So, just be careful not to hit the gas when it could keep you stale for the next day. If you go: (1) hard, (2) easy, (3) easy, (4) hard, then doing strides etc during easy #3 should be fine.. but if it's (1) hard, (2) easy, (3) hard, i wouldnt do that on easy-2.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 30, 2018, 08:29:10 am

Morning BW: 70.7kg


Sore upper back and glutes. Area around knee a bit tender from massage, as I was warned. Feels better overall, though. Should be easy to rest today, haha.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 31, 2018, 01:30:28 pm

Morning BW: N/A


Run w/ GF -- 2.93mi in 34:06 [11:38 pace]


Taking it super easy for the knee. Avg HR in low 130s. Knee feels fine. Still shall take tmrw off. No need to be pushy about anything here. GF is in good shape, she was at a conversational pace for this too and doesn't run regularly, though she does exercise. Gonna try to convince her to run more.  :derp:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on February 01, 2018, 12:23:12 pm

Morning BW: N/A


Run w/ GF -- 2.93mi in 34:06 [11:38 pace]


Taking it super easy for the knee. Avg HR in low 130s. Knee feels fine. Still shall take tmrw off. No need to be pushy about anything here. GF is in good shape, she was at a conversational pace for this too and doesn't run regularly, though she does exercise. Gonna try to convince her to run more.  :derp:

that's awesome.

if she gets consistent with it, eventually bring her to the track. track workouts with your gf will be athletically-romantic af. :ninja:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 02, 2018, 06:29:26 am

Morning BW: 71.8kg [lol! didn't adjust eating to the fact that I did barely any training Tues-Thur, alas]


BW x 5
+10 x 3
+20 x 1
+30 x 1, 1
+20 x 2, 2

BW x 10, 9

Reverse Lunge
+40 x 8 [left knee not liking this, was fine when it was the "working leg" but when it was the leg going back, i.e. on reps w/ right leg, it was unhappy with the shear, blarg]

Bar x 5
30 x 5
40 x 5, 5, 5

V-Bar Cable Row
54 x 14, 13

BW x 16, 12, 8

Hammer Curls
14 x 10, 8, 6
8 x 16


Upper back actually not feeling fully recovered from Monday, surprisingly. Bit peeved about this knee thing. I think I will, perhaps foolishly, go for a run this evening and see how it fares. It was fine running on Wednesday. Perhaps the issue was not building into the reverse lunge at that load, but idk. Maybe it's fine with running for now but I ought to avoid loaded stuff for a bit. We'll see...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on February 02, 2018, 08:03:55 am

Morning BW: 71.8kg [lol! didn't adjust eating to the fact that I did barely any training Tues-Thur, alas]


BW x 5
+10 x 3
+20 x 1
+30 x 1, 1
+20 x 2, 2

BW x 10, 9

Reverse Lunge
+40 x 8 [left knee not liking this, was fine when it was the "working leg" but when it was the leg going back, i.e. on reps w/ right leg, it was unhappy with the shear, blarg]

Bar x 5
30 x 5
40 x 5, 5, 5

V-Bar Cable Row
54 x 14, 13

BW x 16, 12, 8

Hammer Curls
14 x 10, 8, 6
8 x 16


Upper back actually not feeling fully recovered from Monday, surprisingly. Bit peeved about this knee thing. I think I will, perhaps foolishly, go for a run this evening and see how it fares. It was fine running on Wednesday. Perhaps the issue was not building into the reverse lunge at that load, but idk. Maybe it's fine with running for now but I ought to avoid loaded stuff for a bit. We'll see...

with the knee thing, i'd have run before the lifting personally. ie, if it feels fine during that run: good. Then being extra warmed up etc for the lift, could help. But, the other way around, could be much more intense -> fatiguing it/exacerbating it with the lunges, the running later, could be too much inflam.

so imho, i wouldn't run tonight.. maybe walk instead, dno. and next time run before your lifts? immediately before or a few hours before etc?

also, cut out any lifts/depth that aggravate it. So, no rev lunges, maybe only forward lunges or stepups (low box (12") first, higher box (18") if that's ok) etc.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 02, 2018, 09:03:54 am

Morning BW: 71.8kg [lol! didn't adjust eating to the fact that I did barely any training Tues-Thur, alas]


BW x 5
+10 x 3
+20 x 1
+30 x 1, 1
+20 x 2, 2

BW x 10, 9

Reverse Lunge
+40 x 8 [left knee not liking this, was fine when it was the "working leg" but when it was the leg going back, i.e. on reps w/ right leg, it was unhappy with the shear, blarg]

Bar x 5
30 x 5
40 x 5, 5, 5

V-Bar Cable Row
54 x 14, 13

BW x 16, 12, 8

Hammer Curls
14 x 10, 8, 6
8 x 16


Upper back actually not feeling fully recovered from Monday, surprisingly. Bit peeved about this knee thing. I think I will, perhaps foolishly, go for a run this evening and see how it fares. It was fine running on Wednesday. Perhaps the issue was not building into the reverse lunge at that load, but idk. Maybe it's fine with running for now but I ought to avoid loaded stuff for a bit. We'll see...

with the knee thing, i'd have run before the lifting personally. ie, if it feels fine during that run: good. Then being extra warmed up etc for the lift, could help. But, the other way around, could be much more intense -> fatiguing it/exacerbating it with the lunges, the running later, could be too much inflam.

so imho, i wouldn't run tonight.. maybe walk instead, dno. and next time run before your lifts? immediately before or a few hours before etc?

also, cut out any lifts/depth that aggravate it. So, no rev lunges, maybe only forward lunges or stepups (low box (12") first, higher box (18") if that's ok) etc.


I agree w/ you pretty much, haha. I would generally prefer to run in morning and lift in the evening (I feel faster in morn and stronger in the eve, anyway!) but the gym gets worse as the day goes on, so on lifting days I've opted for this order. So I run like 8 hours after the lifting sesh (days are unfortunately not structured to allow me to do them both in one big sesh).

And yeah, I think you're probably right about not running later, but I just really want to run, haha.

Edit: but yeah, I will just take more time off here. Frustrating but sensible.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 03, 2018, 05:34:11 am

Morning BW: 72.2kg [wuuut!  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: gotta get this in order...]


Run - 6.25mi in 53:00 [splits for miles 1-6: 8:49, 8:39, 8:50, 8:52, 8:01, 7:29]


This was great! ~8:4X miles feeling the way that 9:4X miles felt a bit over a week ago. Feels like I got a huge fitness boost from that 5k race.

Average HR for the first 4 miles [i.e. the easy miles] was 152, which is real low for that pace for me. Pretty excited by how this run went, haha.

Knee not sore after this, but does feel a little inflamed.

Edit: took dog on long walk, knee a little sore on return, but feeling better now. Rest tomorrow.

Upper body sore all over, esp triceps and upper back.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 04, 2018, 05:13:47 am

Morning BW: 71.5kg [more like it]


Run - 3.53mi in 32:31 [ovr. 9:13 pace]


Real easy run just to get some more miles in and not build fatigue. Knee feels decent.

Tomorrow I'll lift but not run, though I may have an urge to do some cross-training, idk. Undecided about whether to try out other leg exercises. I guess I'll start w/ BW lunges and move from there if everything feels in order.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 05, 2018, 05:38:26 am

Morning BW: 70.9kg [goodgood]


Feel a little under recovered, so didn't lift this morning. May try to get it, or some bike/elliptical cardio, in this evening.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 06, 2018, 06:49:32 am

Morning BW: 70.8kg [always a good sign when I'm stable or slightly down after a rest day]


NG Chins
BW x 4
+10 x 2
+20 x 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3
+10 x 6

DB Incline
14 x 6
22 x 11, 11, 8

BB Row
60 x 7, 7, 7

14 x 13, 10, 8

EZ Bar Curl
30 x 8, 8, 6

Workout 2

Run - 5.09mi in 45:04 [8:55, 8:43, 8:49, 8:47, 9:00]


Solid session.

Twenty total reps with 1 plate on chins is nice. There're only two straight bars in the gym to do chinups/pullups at, the rest are all odd disconnected parts, and those were being cleaned today, so I had to do NG chins. I don't really like the width of the NG station, but yeah. Last time was 4x3@+20, this time I added 2x4 to the front of that, so nice progress. Don't think I'm strong NG than underhand, but maybe that's involved? Who knows. I think I'll stick to +20 until I'm hitting sets of 5 or 6 with it, and keep the other day heavier. Seems reasonable.

Rest of session felt strong, too. Looking forward to run later.

I've added a new snack meal that I really enjoy: blueberries w/ coconut yoghurt and a bit of cinnamon. Nice for a kick of sweetness but still v. lo-cal and pretty healthy.

Run was decent. A little tired going into it. Cadence was way down from where it's been for the last two weeks, avg 170 and, so, lots of time in the high 160s. Will keep attending to that in future runs.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 07, 2018, 06:47:34 am

Morning BW: 70.7kg [nicenice, 69.X soon...]


Tempo-ish Run -

w/u ~1.6mi [~8:50 pace]

2xMi@tempo w/ 400m jog between [boths miles were 7:13, jog was ~9:30 pace]

c/d ~1.6mi [~9:50 pace]


First "workout" other than just easy running. Felt good. Tempo traditionally involves at least 20 minutes of work from what I understand, but I figured it'd be okay to built into it. Shall do 2x1.5mi next week.

Did the tempo part of the workout on a nearby poorly maintained cinder track. Running on it kinda sucks b/c force is kind of eaten up by moving gravel on top of the track. Track is also a weird distance (iirc the sign said "423y/387m" around) so I trusted my watch for the miles. Seemed accurate since I would start first lap at the start of the straightaway and finish the mile well over halfway through it.

Next few days looking busy, so won't be able to get in a double on Friday. Probably gonna run tmrw, try to lift Friday and then won't be able to get another workout in until Sunday or maybe Monday.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 08, 2018, 01:37:30 pm

Morning BW: 71.1kg


Run - 5.19mi in 45:42 [8:51, 8:49, 8:40, 8:48, 8:53]


A nice enjoyable easy run. First three days in a row of running and everything feels fine.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 09, 2018, 05:38:00 pm
Didn't get to the gym today, ah well. Think I'm going to try for a 10 mile run on Sunday.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 12, 2018, 07:05:41 am

Morning BW: 70.7 [nice, expected this to be a lot higher]


Run 9.78mi in 1:29.46 [8:33, 9:23, 9:20, 9:49, 9:14, 9:34, 9:12, 9:22, 9:00, then 8:06 pace for the last .78 miles]


Some extra stuff came up I had to handle on the week so didn't end up having that Sunday evening slot I'd hoped to use for a long run.

This run was great, didn't want to ever stop running, pretty much. Kept pace very easy, not pushing at all until the last mile, just rolling along.

Going to aim for 30 miles this week, I think. Good start for that goal.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on February 12, 2018, 11:05:19 am

Morning BW: 70.7 [nice, expected this to be a lot higher]


Run 9.78mi in 1:29.46 [8:33, 9:23, 9:20, 9:49, 9:14, 9:34, 9:12, 9:22, 9:00, then 8:06 pace for the last .78 miles]


Some extra stuff came up I had to handle on the week so didn't end up having that Sunday evening slot I'd hoped to use for a long run.

This run was great, didn't want to ever stop running, pretty much. Kept pace very easy, not pushing at all until the last mile, just rolling along.

Going to aim for 30 miles this week, I think. Good start for that goal.

great stuff man!

long runs are fun af.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 13, 2018, 12:28:45 pm


Run - 5.86mi in 56:16 [9:09, 9:35, 9:35, 9:42, 9:48, 9:49 pace]


Legs pretty effing tired from yesterday, but I just really wanted to run. As such I kept it super easy. Avg HR was 141BPM, which is pretty low for me (usually run in the mid 150s).

Also tried to just not look at my watch at all. In light of that I'm pretty chuffed with the level pacing through the middle of the run.

Another easy run tomorrow, then 3mi tempo on Thursday is the plan.

Just haven't had the urge to lift, since running is much more fun than going to the gym. Similarly not sure I'm gonna bother with measuring BW for a while, just gonna let intuitive eating and gradual build up of running volume handle body composition. Should still make myself lift at least 1x/week so avoid too much muscle loss.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on February 13, 2018, 12:51:31 pm


Run - 5.86mi in 56:16 [9:09, 9:35, 9:35, 9:42, 9:48, 9:49 pace]


Legs pretty effing tired from yesterday, but I just really wanted to run. As such I kept it super easy. Avg HR was 141BPM, which is pretty low for me (usually run in the mid 150s).

Also tried to just not look at my watch at all. In light of that I'm pretty chuffed with the level pacing through the middle of the run.

Another easy run tomorrow, then 3mi tempo on Thursday is the plan.

Just haven't had the urge to lift, since running is much more fun than going to the gym.

haha that's dope.. and you're just in the beginning stages. It gets way more fun (track workouts, advanced workouts, long run variations, fartleks, training partners/groups), the better/more experienced you get.. so that's something to look forward too -> fun to a much higher power.

Similarly not sure I'm gonna bother with measuring BW for a while, just gonna let intuitive eating and gradual build up of running volume handle body composition. Should still make myself lift at least 1x/week so avoid too much muscle loss.

ya for sure .. that's what I normally do with calisthenics: just to prevent muscle loss and maybe to put on just a little bit more mass. Without lifting or calisthenics, you can really drop alot of muscle mass. It can be beneficial up to a point, but we're also physique-ish driven so, eventually it becomes annoying not to keep some on or "stay sharp".

as far as gym goes, probably can spare all of your upper body mass just doing what I do: dip/pushup variations, pullup/chinup variations. For legs, might need to hit the actual gym once a week, and maybe on another day just hit some lunges, calf raises, single leg rdl's, stepups, etc.

BW exercises are much more fun/fulfilling if you're into running etc, from my experience.. It just makes way more sense IMHO.

I've cut out calisthenics/BW exercises before, but I ALWAYS come back to them .. so probably best to not detrain, because you'll end up incorporating it back in eventually.

good work! thursday sounds fun!

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on February 13, 2018, 11:27:49 pm
re: physique and muscle mass, i noticed yesterday morning that i looked bigger in the mirror than usual, after my monday night calisthenics. very low volume. that was probably purely psychological -- my weight hasn't changed significantly and i'm certainly no less lean than usual so i doubt i've lost much muscle after the switch to running -- but still nice to see/feel.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 15, 2018, 11:28:32 am


Run --

Warm up 1.5mi

3mi @ tempo [7:12, 7:18, 7:14] Avg HR for these was 169, 177, 178.

Cool down for the remaining miles.

Workout total = 6.3 mi


Kind of zoned out for like a minute in near the start of the second tempo mile and ran at like an 8:30 pace, which was dumb as fuck!! Had to work pretty hard to bring that mile down to a 7:18 average. Lol. Not gonna make that mistake again.

Feel like I have roughly got the hang of the pace/effort you want to hit for tempo. Working hard feels good. Next week is 2x2mi, then week after 1x4mi, etc.

Cadence during the tempo miles was high 190s. Nice.

Just noticed that in three runs this week I have pretty much tied my PR for weekly run volume (~22mi).
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on February 16, 2018, 04:04:42 am
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 16, 2018, 05:12:01 am

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 16, 2018, 05:12:40 am

legs are sore, no run today. will run tomorrow. just need ~8 more miles to get 30 for the week.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 17, 2018, 06:05:45 am


Run -- 4.49mi in 40:35 [9:02 pace]

Avg HR - 146


Had a nice bday yesterday. Seem to have come down with a cold, though at present it is quite minor. Shall see how I feel later in the afternoon and maybe go for a run. Blargh hate being ill.

Decent run all things considered. Kept it very easy and just plodded along for easy miles. Weekly mileage PR ~26.5mi. Might well get another 4-6 in tomorrow, I think. Then an ~11 miler on Monday.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on February 17, 2018, 10:54:13 am


Had a nice bday yesterday.

happy belated birthday man@!)$(!@$)

Seem to have come down with a cold, though at present it is quite minor. Shall see how I feel later in the afternoon and maybe go for a run. Blargh hate being ill.

blah that sucks!

hopefully you kick it fast. I kicked mine fairly quick, a few other people I know kicked there's even faster.. dat runner immunity maybe dno.



Kind of zoned out for like a minute in near the start of the second tempo mile and ran at like an 8:30 pace, which was dumb as fuck!! Had to work pretty hard to bring that mile down to a 7:18 average. Lol. Not gonna make that mistake again.

for sure. battling back can get pretty rough, especially after a minute goes by.

those little "mistakes" can really derail you in races etc, they are so easy to make.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 17, 2018, 11:49:52 am


Had a nice bday yesterday.

happy belated birthday man@!)$(!@$)

Seem to have come down with a cold, though at present it is quite minor. Shall see how I feel later in the afternoon and maybe go for a run. Blargh hate being ill.

blah that sucks!

hopefully you kick it fast. I kicked mine fairly quick, a few other people I know kicked there's even faster.. dat runner immunity maybe dno.



Kind of zoned out for like a minute in near the start of the second tempo mile and ran at like an 8:30 pace, which was dumb as fuck!! Had to work pretty hard to bring that mile down to a 7:18 average. Lol. Not gonna make that mistake again.

for sure. battling back can get pretty rough, especially after a minute goes by.

those little "mistakes" can really derail you in races etc, they are so easy to make.

ty man!

yeah I'm hoping this cold stays minor and goes away! we'll see, just gonna make sure I eat well and get good sleep, not anything else I can do for it.

I think in a race I'd stay a lot more sharp, wouldn't let such a drop happen. Good to have noticed it in training and can make it something to think about.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 18, 2018, 04:47:10 am


Cold is worse today. Lots of pressure behind my eyes, it feels like.  :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: just wanna be healthy and run around.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 19, 2018, 07:15:43 am


Run ~9.35mi in 1:24:06 [most splits ~9:10 pace, miles 7 & 8 were ~8:35 and mile 9 was ~7:55]


GPS data looks all kind of messed up for this run, so I've subtracted a little from what Strava/Garmin say to get my estimate of the distance. The map of my run doesn't show the entirety of my movement from about 1.5 miles until 4.5 miles!? Maybe rain was fucking with stuff. I hope it's that rather than my watch being dumb.

Cold feels basically better. Didn't want to push out too far since it's not yet 100%.

Left calf wicked tight this arvo.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on February 19, 2018, 01:32:42 pm


Run ~9.35mi in 1:24:06 [most splits ~9:10 pace, miles 7 & 8 were ~8:35 and mile 9 was ~7:55]


GPS data looks all kind of messed up for this run, so I've subtracted a little from what Strava/Garmin say to get my estimate of the distance. The map of my run doesn't show the entirety of my movement from about 1.5 miles until 4.5 miles!? Maybe rain was fucking with stuff. I hope it's that rather than my watch being dumb.

Cold feels basically better. Didn't want to push out too far since it's not yet 100%.

Left calf wicked tight this arvo.

aaah wicked tight, fuck. let it recover, trust me. don't run through "wicked tight" calves, it can turn out ugly. hopefully it's back to normal tomorrow or the day after.

nice about the cold & that run, but sh*t @ wicked tight calf.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 20, 2018, 05:01:14 am


This calf thing is odd. It's not straightforward tightness, I guess. Like I have similar ROM to usual. However, some movements cause a weird semi-painful sensation where I guess the gastroc ends behind the knee. This happens primarily when my knee bends while my foot is dorsiflexed. Definitely not running today. Will do chins+pushups and such later.

Edit: googling suggests might be related to the popliteus muscle, which in turns can be related to IT band stuff. Hmmm, hopefully just something that passes quickly.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on February 20, 2018, 11:53:45 am


This calf thing is odd. It's not straightforward tightness, I guess. Like I have similar ROM to usual. However, some movements cause a weird semi-painful sensation where I guess the gastroc ends behind the knee. This happens primarily when my knee bends while my foot is dorsiflexed. Definitely not running today. Will do chins+pushups and such later.

Edit: googling suggests might be related to the popliteus muscle, which in turns can be related to IT band stuff. Hmmm, hopefully just something that passes quickly.

yea I think i've had that popliteus crap several times, it's no joke. Don't F with it. You're not going to lose anything by playing it safe, even for a week. I think most times when I talk about that tightness behind my knee, it's popliteus related.

sounds like you are experiencing something very similar to what i've experienced. I know for a fact that I hurt it way back when doing hill sprints out of nowhere, way too much volume. That wrecked it. But, i've also hurt it several times afterwards, on both knees, by overstretching or stretching "weird" (locking leg out too much while doing standing hamstring stretches) etc.

hoping it passes quickly but, that weird "thickness" behind the knee definitely improves after a few days rest, unless it's at chronic levels. So should be alot better in a few days. Whatever you do, don't overstretch it! IMHO, don't stretch it at all.. lmao. Seems to just make it worse.

also, i've had it quite a few times, so i'm proof that it goes away .. but I tried to train through it once and really jacked myself up, took months to recover.

my 2cents based on similar experiences with that.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 21, 2018, 09:25:31 am


This calf thing is odd. It's not straightforward tightness, I guess. Like I have similar ROM to usual. However, some movements cause a weird semi-painful sensation where I guess the gastroc ends behind the knee. This happens primarily when my knee bends while my foot is dorsiflexed. Definitely not running today. Will do chins+pushups and such later.

Edit: googling suggests might be related to the popliteus muscle, which in turns can be related to IT band stuff. Hmmm, hopefully just something that passes quickly.

yea I think i've had that popliteus crap several times, it's no joke. Don't F with it. You're not going to lose anything by playing it safe, even for a week. I think most times when I talk about that tightness behind my knee, it's popliteus related.

sounds like you are experiencing something very similar to what i've experienced. I know for a fact that I hurt it way back when doing hill sprints out of nowhere, way too much volume. That wrecked it. But, i've also hurt it several times afterwards, on both knees, by overstretching or stretching "weird" (locking leg out too much while doing standing hamstring stretches) etc.

hoping it passes quickly but, that weird "thickness" behind the knee definitely improves after a few days rest, unless it's at chronic levels. So should be alot better in a few days. Whatever you do, don't overstretch it! IMHO, don't stretch it at all.. lmao. Seems to just make it worse.

also, i've had it quite a few times, so i'm proof that it goes away .. but I tried to train through it once and really jacked myself up, took months to recover.

my 2cents based on similar experiences with that.


That ll makes a lot of sense to me. It's feeling a lot better today, and I haven't really noticed it. Will still take today off and then go for an easy ~5mi tomorrow. I think this is just a lesson that adding long runs and tempo work at the same time just a bit much. I'll keep max run lengths down for a while, I think, for now. Still building strength.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 22, 2018, 06:02:44 am


Run -- 4.6mi in 38:54 [8:34, 8:12, 8:21, 8:31, 8:42 pace]


Tailwind out, headwind back on this one. Knee/calf thing seems fine. Noticed it very mildly towards end of run, but no clicking, pain or sensation when walking up stairs/bending knee, so I'm hopeful. Shall see what's what tmrw.

Average pace sub 8:30 and avg HR sub 150, that's a nice and new combo.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on February 22, 2018, 03:21:53 pm


Run -- 4.6mi in 38:54 [8:34, 8:12, 8:21, 8:31, 8:42 pace]


Tailwind out, headwind back on this one. Knee/calf thing seems fine. Noticed it very mildly towards end of run, but no clicking, pain or sensation when walking up stairs/bending knee, so I'm hopeful. Shall see what's what tmrw.

Average pace sub 8:30 and avg HR sub 150, that's a nice and new combo.

good news all around!! nice.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 23, 2018, 06:54:24 am


Run - 5.19mi in 44:48 [8:27, 8:47, 8:38, 8:29, 8:43]


Another solid easy run. Legs a little tired from yesterday so it felt a bit tougher despite HR being same/slightly lower overall.

Rest tomorrow. Got a busy weekend including long run w/ friends. Want to be in a good way going into that run since I don't want to get hurt.

I think I still have a lot of gains to be made from 45-60 min runs so probably won't actually be including weekly ~90 min runs on my own for a while. Fastest way to progress is avoiding injuries!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 25, 2018, 04:15:31 pm


Big run with fast friends -- 10.08mi in 1:18:24 [7:41, 7:14, 7:28, 7:22, 8:01, 7:54, 7:50, 8:20, 8:09, 7:50]

Avg HR - 175bpm [oof!]


Well that was exhausting. Weekend as a whole was crazy tiring as I had 1.5 full days of quiz competition, then this afternoon I ran this w/ some fast friends. One is in the midst of his marathon training and his easy runs are usually around 6:40 pace, so he graciously kept it very easy to let me keep up. I was able to talk basically the way through this run except during a very large and steep hill in mile 4 despite the high heart rate. I am already hella sore, haha, so taking some days off now will probably be necessary. Amazing to me that these guys do this as a very easy run, haha, but I'll get there soon! Was pretty enlivening and fun even if I'm wrecked now, haha.

Also featured a 10k PR -- 47:40. Best one prior to this was 52:32, and that run was pretty much 10k flat, didn't tack on another 6k after. A lot of this was through grass and, on occasion, quite rough mud too. Gonna get a huge boost from this I reckon!

Weekly volume PR, too, with 29.4 miles. So close to the big 30. Next week probably gonna be a bit chiller, probs mid 20s, but we'll see.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on February 25, 2018, 10:39:53 pm
damn! that is a big run.  :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 26, 2018, 11:19:13 am
damn! that is a big run.  :ibrunning:

Yeah, was intense. I'm really feeling it today. Lacking sleep both Friday and Saturday night plus those fulls days of competition and that big run has left me totally sapped today. Legs are pretty sore too, oof.

Mega rest day, haha.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 27, 2018, 05:37:09 am

Run -- 5.35mi in 48:26 [8:12, 8:45, 9:11, 9:36, 9:14, 9:50 pace]


Legs still absolutely fried after Sunday's run. When I'm fully recovered from it / when all the training effects from that run have been integrated it's gonna be huge. Until then I am a broken man hobbling around, haha.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on February 27, 2018, 08:38:16 pm
lmao you forgot to mention the vegan burger .. worthy of an edit :D

we talked on FB but ya worth mentioning on here, absolutely awesome long run, especially considering the pre-run debacle :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :headbang: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 28, 2018, 06:14:28 am


Run -- 5.25mi in 47:46 [8:59, 9:13, 8:53, 9:08, 9:19, 9:08 pace]


Running in sub-zero celcius in and on snow. Was pretty fun once I got the hang of it. Did loops in a park since I figured the snow would be a bit safaer there than running on road or whatever.

Legs still very sore, though started to feel better towards the end of today's run.

And lol @ adarq, i'll type that up here later today. dunno how it slipped my mind when I first wrote up the workout -- was probably just to wiped to remember much of anything
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 02, 2018, 12:51:49 pm


Run -- 6.01mi in 58:21 [9:00, 9:45, 10:00, 9:36, 10:16, 9:34]


Has not stopped snowing since my last run, so this was in much thicker snow sitting on top of a layer of compacted snow and ice. Fucking hard to run on! Legs and calves feeling it pretty hard even though it was a very easy effort cardio wise [only 147 average HR].

Hoping the weather clears up soon! Looks like the thaw will begin tomorrow. Want to put in a workout on Sunday. If the weather is permitting I'm gonna try for like 4xMile w/ 1-2 min rest, aiming for sub 7:00. But we'll see, that might be a bit ambitious for now.

The track in the park I ran at was closed, but it looked so tempting. The snow was so pristine on it, I wish I had my phone to take some snaps. Eventually I couldn't resist and climbed the fence and did like 2 miles on the track, which was fun. Being the only person in a pristine white snow landscape running on a track was a sick feeling.

Need to do some BW stuff. Will make sure to do it from next week, another busy weekend and I'll be tired so want to direct spare energy to a good hard run if possible.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 02, 2018, 12:56:38 pm
lmao you forgot to mention the vegan burger .. worthy of an edit :D

we talked on FB but ya worth mentioning on here, absolutely awesome long run, especially considering the pre-run debacle :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :headbang: :ibrunning:

Lol, okay finally getting round to typing this up. One of my friends I was running with was responsible for putting together the questions used for the tournament this weekend, on top of his usual heavy PhD workload, so he basically hadn't had time to eat more than a small snack between Friday lunch and Sunday 3pm. He was like "guys, I need to fucking eat a big meal or I'm not gonna run" and me and the other chap I was running with were quite wary because a long run soon after a big meal is rough as fuck.

Me and the other guy had to get a train at like 7, so that left minimal digestion time given the length of run planned and distance from places to the station. We went for burgers b/c that's what our friend wanted (we caved because he had given us a place to stay overnight, etc. and was being very generous generally, and we figured we'd be able to get something light). Unfortunately, because it was Sunday they weren't doing anything other than burgers (i.e. the exciting looking bbq pulled jackfruit sandwich wasn't available  :'(). So we all had burgers/veggie burgers then walked back to his to prep for the run, setting off for the workout like maybe 40 mins after finishing eating.

It was brutal. I spent basically the first 2/3 of the run with a crazy stomach ache and being pretty near to vomiting. The last third was spent needing to shit.

Still, was good fun and good bonding time. Don't recommend it though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 03, 2018, 01:48:14 am
when i was in college we had ultimate practice late at night in the winter because that's when we could get the indoor football field. one day i was hungry before practice so i scarfed down a grilled cheese sandwich and fries right before i left. only time i've ever puked from exercise. it was not pleasant.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Mikey on March 03, 2018, 01:51:59 am
when i was in college we had ultimate practice late at night in the winter because that's when we could get the indoor football field. one day i was hungry before practice so i scarfed down a grilled cheese sandwich and fries right before i left. only time i've ever puked from exercise. it was not pleasant.

Lesson learnt!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 04, 2018, 05:23:28 am


Run --

warm up ~1.7mi, including 4x~100m strides

did some dynamic stretching, etc.

4 x 1 mile @ tempo [6:42, 7:00, 6:59, 6:48] with 90 seconds walking rest between each rep.

cool down ~1.7 mi

Total distance -- 7.66 in 1:05:12


First and last rep were on net downhills, third rep flat and the second rep on a net uphill [I made a mistake in my mental map of the park and included a fairly steep (~15% grade) hill around the .6 mile mark], so I'm pretty pleased.

Avg HR for each rep was 170, 176, 176, 179 which seems about right for 'threshold' effort [i.e. joel frie's heart rate reserve calculator puts my threshold at around 175, and whlie my legs were tired they didn't have that lactate burn other than on that hill I mentioned].

So that's 4 miles at sub 7:00 effort, basically. Hitting a mile in 6:42 w/ an HR of 170 when the first mile of my 5k was run in 6:47 with an average HR of ~180 is pretty promising on the progress front.

Total distance for this week ends up at only 24.2, which is fine. Just gonna need to start making space for a 5th weekly run. Weekends should hopefully be a bit less time constrained going forward which will make that easier. Aiming for 30m this coming week.

Edit: next time I do mile repeats I'll probably aim for the track for consistency's sake
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 04, 2018, 07:55:47 pm


Run --

warm up ~1.7mi, including 4x~100m strides

did some dynamic stretching, etc.

4 x 1 mile @ tempo [6:42, 7:00, 6:59, 6:48] with 90 seconds walking rest between each rep.

cool down ~1.7 mi

Total distance -- 7.66 in 1:05:12


First and last rep were on net downhills, third rep flat and the second rep on a net uphill [I made a mistake in my mental map of the park and included a fairly steep (~15% grade) hill around the .6 mile mark], so I'm pretty pleased.

Avg HR for each rep was 170, 176, 176, 179 which seems about right for 'threshold' effort [i.e. joel frie's heart rate reserve calculator puts my threshold at around 175, and whlie my legs were tired they didn't have that lactate burn other than on that hill I mentioned].

So that's 4 miles at sub 7:00 effort, basically. Hitting a mile in 6:42 w/ an HR of 170 when the first mile of my 5k was run in 6:47 with an average HR of ~180 is pretty promising on the progress front.

Total distance for this week ends up at only 24.2, which is fine. Just gonna need to start making space for a 5th weekly run. Weekends should hopefully be a bit less time constrained going forward which will make that easier. Aiming for 30m this coming week.

Edit: next time I do mile repeats I'll probably aim for the track for consistency's sake

That's a great session. :highfive: :ibrunning:

Curious to see what happens when you do this on the track.

btw, eventually, i'd say do jogging rest, even if it's as slow as walking. It can make a huge difference. I've seen videos of elites like Mo Farah jogging at slower than walking pace after hard repeats etc, seems like most coaches want their athletes to continue to do some kind of run-like-specific movement, even if it's crazy slow. It made a big difference for me for sure, walking rest changes the game mentally.

One example I have of that, is when I was training with that dude Mitchell. He could hit our repeat numbers if he walked between reps, but once he started jogging between reps, even at like 2-3 mph (slow as f jog), he couldn't hit those repeats like he could when he did walking rest. There's no reason that should happen. I mean, I was jogging next to him as he walked, and then the same when he went from walking to ninja jog.

Also, with the people I train with on Tuesday's, all of the faster people use jogging rest. Everyone who is alot slower, walks or stands around. People are training at their respective paces too, so, potentially an interesting key differentiator as someone progresses IMHO.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 05, 2018, 03:16:27 am


Run --

warm up ~1.7mi, including 4x~100m strides

did some dynamic stretching, etc.

4 x 1 mile @ tempo [6:42, 7:00, 6:59, 6:48] with 90 seconds walking rest between each rep.

cool down ~1.7 mi

Total distance -- 7.66 in 1:05:12


First and last rep were on net downhills, third rep flat and the second rep on a net uphill [I made a mistake in my mental map of the park and included a fairly steep (~15% grade) hill around the .6 mile mark], so I'm pretty pleased.

Avg HR for each rep was 170, 176, 176, 179 which seems about right for 'threshold' effort [i.e. joel frie's heart rate reserve calculator puts my threshold at around 175, and whlie my legs were tired they didn't have that lactate burn other than on that hill I mentioned].

So that's 4 miles at sub 7:00 effort, basically. Hitting a mile in 6:42 w/ an HR of 170 when the first mile of my 5k was run in 6:47 with an average HR of ~180 is pretty promising on the progress front.

Total distance for this week ends up at only 24.2, which is fine. Just gonna need to start making space for a 5th weekly run. Weekends should hopefully be a bit less time constrained going forward which will make that easier. Aiming for 30m this coming week.

Edit: next time I do mile repeats I'll probably aim for the track for consistency's sake

That's a great session. :highfive: :ibrunning:

Curious to see what happens when you do this on the track.

btw, eventually, i'd say do jogging rest, even if it's as slow as walking. It can make a huge difference. I've seen videos of elites like Mo Farah jogging at slower than walking pace after hard repeats etc, seems like most coaches want their athletes to continue to do some kind of run-like-specific movement, even if it's crazy slow. It made a big difference for me for sure, walking rest changes the game mentally.

One example I have of that, is when I was training with that dude Mitchell. He could hit our repeat numbers if he walked between reps, but once he started jogging between reps, even at like 2-3 mph (slow as f jog), he couldn't hit those repeats like he could when he did walking rest. There's no reason that should happen. I mean, I was jogging next to him as he walked, and then the same when he went from walking to ninja jog.

Also, with the people I train with on Tuesday's, all of the faster people use jogging rest. Everyone who is alot slower, walks or stands around. People are training at their respective paces too, so, potentially an interesting key differentiator as someone progresses IMHO.


Yeah, I definitely agree in general! Last time I did mile repeats I did jogging rest between them, but that was just 2x1 mile so it was less of a workout. I am still trying to figure out tempo workouts and repeats and all that, and I wanted to go a bit harder with it on this workout, so I gave myself an easier version of rest to make up for it. Next time definitely jogging in between though -- I probably don't need as much volume of hard work as I did in that session, so paring it back to 3x1mile with jog rest, or similar, will be enough to get the benefits without being too taxing, I imagine.

Edit: a lot of the Pfitzinger LT workouts are structured like "16 min @ LT, 4 min jog rest, 12 min @ LT" which seems like an interesting way to set it up. I wanted to keep the rest a lot shorter (90s is pretty short for repeats, I think -- my HR was getting down to ~130 by the end of the rest, jogging it'd probably only drop to 150 in that period) but I could see that with long work periods a longer rest like that would be welcome.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 05, 2018, 04:51:56 am


Run -- 6.17mi in 55:23 8:45, 8:58, 9:05, 8:22, 9:19, 9:20]


Lots of hills in this run.



Check out that big boy in the middle.

Bit of a right achilles niggle, hopefully it'll sort itself out. May take tomorrow off to be safe.

Have been eating very badly recently. It's one thing to not track weight, but relentless snacking isn't ideal! Will sort this out.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 05, 2018, 08:44:22 pm


Run --

warm up ~1.7mi, including 4x~100m strides

did some dynamic stretching, etc.

4 x 1 mile @ tempo [6:42, 7:00, 6:59, 6:48] with 90 seconds walking rest between each rep.

cool down ~1.7 mi

Total distance -- 7.66 in 1:05:12


First and last rep were on net downhills, third rep flat and the second rep on a net uphill [I made a mistake in my mental map of the park and included a fairly steep (~15% grade) hill around the .6 mile mark], so I'm pretty pleased.

Avg HR for each rep was 170, 176, 176, 179 which seems about right for 'threshold' effort [i.e. joel frie's heart rate reserve calculator puts my threshold at around 175, and whlie my legs were tired they didn't have that lactate burn other than on that hill I mentioned].

So that's 4 miles at sub 7:00 effort, basically. Hitting a mile in 6:42 w/ an HR of 170 when the first mile of my 5k was run in 6:47 with an average HR of ~180 is pretty promising on the progress front.

Total distance for this week ends up at only 24.2, which is fine. Just gonna need to start making space for a 5th weekly run. Weekends should hopefully be a bit less time constrained going forward which will make that easier. Aiming for 30m this coming week.

Edit: next time I do mile repeats I'll probably aim for the track for consistency's sake

That's a great session. :highfive: :ibrunning:

Curious to see what happens when you do this on the track.

btw, eventually, i'd say do jogging rest, even if it's as slow as walking. It can make a huge difference. I've seen videos of elites like Mo Farah jogging at slower than walking pace after hard repeats etc, seems like most coaches want their athletes to continue to do some kind of run-like-specific movement, even if it's crazy slow. It made a big difference for me for sure, walking rest changes the game mentally.

One example I have of that, is when I was training with that dude Mitchell. He could hit our repeat numbers if he walked between reps, but once he started jogging between reps, even at like 2-3 mph (slow as f jog), he couldn't hit those repeats like he could when he did walking rest. There's no reason that should happen. I mean, I was jogging next to him as he walked, and then the same when he went from walking to ninja jog.

Also, with the people I train with on Tuesday's, all of the faster people use jogging rest. Everyone who is alot slower, walks or stands around. People are training at their respective paces too, so, potentially an interesting key differentiator as someone progresses IMHO.


Yeah, I definitely agree in general! Last time I did mile repeats I did jogging rest between them, but that was just 2x1 mile so it was less of a workout. I am still trying to figure out tempo workouts and repeats and all that, and I wanted to go a bit harder with it on this workout, so I gave myself an easier version of rest to make up for it. Next time definitely jogging in between though -- I probably don't need as much volume of hard work as I did in that session, so paring it back to 3x1mile with jog rest, or similar, will be enough to get the benefits without being too taxing, I imagine.

Edit: a lot of the Pfitzinger LT workouts are structured like "16 min @ LT, 4 min jog rest, 12 min @ LT" which seems like an interesting way to set it up. I wanted to keep the rest a lot shorter (90s is pretty short for repeats, I think -- my HR was getting down to ~130 by the end of the rest, jogging it'd probably only drop to 150 in that period) but I could see that with long work periods a longer rest like that would be welcome.

ya it also depends on what part of the progression they are on, as they get closer to competition, they will shorten those jog rest sections, AFAIK. So, for lots of runners, it's more of an "ease into it approach" as they slowly build towards a 4-6 week sharpening phase before their race.

so, if you see 4min etc at some point, they may shorten it considerably (60-90s) come 4-6 weeks out from their taper (which is ~2 weeks out).

could be wrong given the context, but that's what i've seen frequently.



Run -- 6.17mi in 55:23 8:45, 8:58, 9:05, 8:22, 9:19, 9:20]


Lots of hills in this run.



Check out that big boy in the middle.

Bit of a right achilles niggle, hopefully it'll sort itself out. May take tomorrow off to be safe.

Have been eating very badly recently. It's one thing to not track weight, but relentless snacking isn't ideal! Will sort this out.

that hill is solid! nice gap times! seems like a good spot for occasional hill repeats .. need to ease into it though with elevation, definitely stresses the ankle more given the joint angles.

i'd def take tmw off if you feel anything in the achilles. always be a bit more careful with that. don't want it to become "chronically achy", then it just sticks in your mind alot, easy to worry when the achilles starts bugging :/

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 07, 2018, 05:26:31 am


Didn't fully track but was something along these lines:

4 x 10 NG chins
4 x 12 pushups [lol i'm so bad at these]
3 x 12 KB rows @ 24kg
3 x 6 KB OHP @ 16kg


Achilles feeling better than it did yesterday or Monday, but still not 100%, so I'm not going to run today either. Do have an exercise urge so will get calisthenics in this eve.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 08, 2018, 04:53:38 am


Run -- 4.18mi in 36:37 [8:32, 8:48, 8:48, 8:56]


Achilles feeling a fair bit better, but I decided to keep this very short and pretty easy so as not to aggravate it. Not sure I'm actually fully recovered from Sunday/Monday double yet, either, as hamstring still a little sore, so it's just as well.

Getting a little warmer here [6-8 degrees / mid-40s] so I decided not to wear my gloves as an experiment. First time since like January that I've run without gloves, probably. It felt really weird, hands felt so naked and light, lol. Should have worn gloves though as they are really cold now, oof. Lesson learned.

Sore from bw stuff not too bad.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 08, 2018, 03:59:52 pm


Run -- 4.18mi in 36:37 [8:32, 8:48, 8:48, 8:56]


Achilles feeling a fair bit better, but I decided to keep this very short and pretty easy so as not to aggravate it. Not sure I'm actually fully recovered from Sunday/Monday double yet, either, as hamstring still a little sore, so it's just as well.

nice, good move keeping it relaxed/easy. sounds like you'll be 100% soon.

Getting a little warmer here [6-8 degrees / mid-40s] so I decided not to wear my gloves as an experiment. First time since like January that I've run without gloves, probably. It felt really weird, hands felt so naked and light, lol. Should have worn gloves though as they are really cold now, oof. Lesson learned.

Sore from bw stuff not too bad.

i didn't know you were always running with gloves hah.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 08, 2018, 04:28:22 pm


Run -- 4.18mi in 36:37 [8:32, 8:48, 8:48, 8:56]


Achilles feeling a fair bit better, but I decided to keep this very short and pretty easy so as not to aggravate it. Not sure I'm actually fully recovered from Sunday/Monday double yet, either, as hamstring still a little sore, so it's just as well.

nice, good move keeping it relaxed/easy. sounds like you'll be 100% soon.

Getting a little warmer here [6-8 degrees / mid-40s] so I decided not to wear my gloves as an experiment. First time since like January that I've run without gloves, probably. It felt really weird, hands felt so naked and light, lol. Should have worn gloves though as they are really cold now, oof. Lesson learned.

Sore from bw stuff not too bad.

i didn't know you were always running with gloves hah.

The gloves were very necessary for me. I had a shitty thin pair that were fine until it got into the 30s. When it was that cold I basically wouldn't be able to type for like 30 mins after a run even with those gloves, so I had to get warmer ones!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 08, 2018, 05:51:05 pm


Run -- 4.18mi in 36:37 [8:32, 8:48, 8:48, 8:56]


Achilles feeling a fair bit better, but I decided to keep this very short and pretty easy so as not to aggravate it. Not sure I'm actually fully recovered from Sunday/Monday double yet, either, as hamstring still a little sore, so it's just as well.

nice, good move keeping it relaxed/easy. sounds like you'll be 100% soon.

Getting a little warmer here [6-8 degrees / mid-40s] so I decided not to wear my gloves as an experiment. First time since like January that I've run without gloves, probably. It felt really weird, hands felt so naked and light, lol. Should have worn gloves though as they are really cold now, oof. Lesson learned.

Sore from bw stuff not too bad.

i didn't know you were always running with gloves hah.

The gloves were very necessary for me. I had a shitty thin pair that were fine until it got into the 30s. When it was that cold I basically wouldn't be able to type for like 30 mins after a run even with those gloves, so I had to get warmer ones!

damn that sounds cold af. I had to wear gloves for that ultra vista 360 relay, was frozen. can't imagine having to do that pretty much every run. when do you get "perfect running weather"?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 08, 2018, 06:15:43 pm


Run -- 4.18mi in 36:37 [8:32, 8:48, 8:48, 8:56]


Achilles feeling a fair bit better, but I decided to keep this very short and pretty easy so as not to aggravate it. Not sure I'm actually fully recovered from Sunday/Monday double yet, either, as hamstring still a little sore, so it's just as well.

nice, good move keeping it relaxed/easy. sounds like you'll be 100% soon.

Getting a little warmer here [6-8 degrees / mid-40s] so I decided not to wear my gloves as an experiment. First time since like January that I've run without gloves, probably. It felt really weird, hands felt so naked and light, lol. Should have worn gloves though as they are really cold now, oof. Lesson learned.

Sore from bw stuff not too bad.

i didn't know you were always running with gloves hah.

The gloves were very necessary for me. I had a shitty thin pair that were fine until it got into the 30s. When it was that cold I basically wouldn't be able to type for like 30 mins after a run even with those gloves, so I had to get warmer ones!

damn that sounds cold af. I had to wear gloves for that ultra vista 360 relay, was frozen. can't imagine having to do that pretty much every run. when do you get "perfect running weather"?


looks like we'll be getting decent temps (those correspond to 50s F), however look at that rain. ugh this country's weather is so shitty
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 09, 2018, 03:56:51 am
move to pakistan, it's fucking gorgeous here right now. mornings are mid-50s/12-13 degrees celsius, afternoons upper 70s/25 celsius. sunny 8-9/10 days and the one day it rains it cleans the air so beautifully.

my gf is angling to move back to the UK for grad school and i will follow her there and the weather is one thing i'm definitely not looking forward to.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 09, 2018, 06:59:51 am


Ankle/achilles feeling better but still think I'm gonna rest/just do bodyweight stuff today to let it get 100%. Not need to rush.

Feel totally wiped today for some reason :/
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 10, 2018, 03:48:16 am


Run -- ~5.5mi in 49:10


As usual on this route the GPS gets mega confused at one particular spot, though it was fine on the way back, which is nice. Average pace was ~8:20 with HR ~152, decent.

It's warm today! ~12C/55F and I'm super sweaty. No gloves and no cold hands. Just seen Adarq complaining that this weather is cold, lol.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 11, 2018, 03:15:29 pm


Run -- 7.55mi in 1:04:53

4 easy, 2@HM, 1.55 easy


[left column is actual pace, right column is "grade adjusted pace"]


Decent but not great run. Evening rather than morning. Just feel sluggish. Ate several hours before running but still could feel some gastric bother towards the end of the run. I guess if it's a heavy meal it takes a properly long time before one is really in condition to run. Also had spent most of the day on my feet, so I guess there was a bit of fatigue.

The HM pace (~7:30/mile) is basically what I need to run sub 1:40 so I thought I'd try out what it feels like. Was harder than I expected -- felt a lot more like those sub 7 paces from last Sunday, I guess because of mediocre conditions. I was also running into what felt like a fairly strong headwind, and the hood of my rain jacket acted like a parachute, lol.

Anyway, enough whining! Got good miles with some good quality work in there too. Achilles feeling fine, too. All is looking good going forward.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 11, 2018, 04:41:22 pm


Run -- ~5.5mi in 49:10


As usual on this route the GPS gets mega confused at one particular spot, though it was fine on the way back, which is nice. Average pace was ~8:20 with HR ~152, decent.

It's warm today! ~12C/55F and I'm super sweaty. No gloves and no cold hands. Just seen Adarq complaining that this weather is cold, lol.

damn. at 55F I wouldn't be sweating at all. interesting.



Run -- 7.55mi in 1:04:53

4 easy, 2@HM, 1.55 easy


[left column is actual pace, right column is "grade adjusted pace"]


Decent but not great run. Evening rather than morning. Just feel sluggish. Ate several hours before running but still could feel some gastric bother towards the end of the run. I guess if it's a heavy meal it takes a properly long time before one is really in condition to run. Also had spent most of the day on my feet, so I guess there was a bit of fatigue.

The HM pace (~7:30/mile) is basically what I need to run sub 1:40 so I thought I'd try out what it feels like. Was harder than I expected -- felt a lot more like those sub 7 paces from last Sunday, I guess because of mediocre conditions. I was also running into what felt like a fairly strong headwind, and the hood of my rain jacket acted like a parachute, lol.

Anyway, enough whining! Got good miles with some good quality work in there too. Achilles feeling fine, too. All is looking good going forward.

nice about achilles!

and yup @ "I guess if it's a heavy meal it takes a properly long time before one is really in condition to run." .. makes sense not to be able to expend energy when you're still digesting alot of food, that's how it's always felt for me. It's also why i love running in the mornings now.. just eat a small oatmeal breakfast and i'm ready to go, pretty much everything digested from the day/night before.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 13, 2018, 01:50:52 pm


Various sets of NG chins, pushups and KB OHP@16kg


Went to physio to talk about ankle/achilles stuff, he said a lot of interesting stuff that made sense to me. Will write it up later -- still good to run 4-5x week, just have to some more prehab stuff more conscientiously.


So basically about 8 years ago I totally fucked up my right ankle and it has had way less flexibility than my left since then and I never really did much to remedy that. Unsurprisingly that's caused issues. Surprisingly my right glute is nowadays basically asleep, as far as the physio could tell. I had kind of experinced this when I was lifting more last year, but figured it was a more subtle diff - left glute would get more sore, etc., but soreness could be pretty asymmetrical in lots of places so I never really thoughts much about it.

He had me do some one footed balancing stuff and pointed out something pretty interesting that I would have never noticed. Balance on left foot is obviously better than right, though I had always figured this was just b/c i'm left footed/handed in general. He pointed out to me, though, that when I balance on my left foot my toes are totally relaxed, but that when I balance on my right foot my toes are gripping the floor like mad. Basically because my right calf and glute are weak everything else in the area has to take over to keep stuff in check, and obviously all those little bits and pieces are not as strong/stable/capable of keeping hip-knee-ankle organisation solid, so injury is possible. Plan is simple: glute activiation daily, especially before running, and work frequently on (right) ankle flexibility and calf strength.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 13, 2018, 08:51:43 pm


Various sets of NG chins, pushups and KB OHP@16kg


Went to physio to talk about ankle/achilles stuff, he said a lot of interesting stuff that made sense to me. Will write it up later -- still good to run 4-5x week, just have to some more prehab stuff more conscientiously.


So basically about 8 years ago I totally fucked up my right ankle and it has had way less flexibility than my left since then and I never really did much to remedy that. Unsurprisingly that's caused issues. Surprisingly my right glute is nowadays basically asleep, as far as the physio could tell. I had kind of experinced this when I was lifting more last year, but figured it was a more subtle diff - left glute would get more sore, etc., but soreness could be pretty asymmetrical in lots of places so I never really thoughts much about it.

He had me do some one footed balancing stuff and pointed out something pretty interesting that I would have never noticed. Balance on left foot is obviously better than right, though I had always figured this was just b/c i'm left footed/handed in general. He pointed out to me, though, that when I balance on my left foot my toes are totally relaxed, but that when I balance on my right foot my toes are gripping the floor like mad. Basically because my right calf and glute are weak everything else in the area has to take over to keep stuff in check, and obviously all those little bits and pieces are not as strong/stable/capable of keeping hip-knee-ankle organisation solid, so injury is possible. Plan is simple: glute activiation daily, especially before running, and work frequently on (right) ankle flexibility and calf strength.

coo. curious to see how that works out. can't really go wrong with glute activation tho.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 14, 2018, 06:13:45 am


Run -- ~6mi in 53:12


Really bothers me how my watch gets all messed up on the run to the park on this route, even though it's then totally fine on the return. Otherwise a chill slow run. All feels good and in place. 8mi tmrw?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 14, 2018, 06:57:15 am


Run -- ~6mi in 53:12


Really bothers me how my watch gets all messed up on the run to the park on this route, even though it's then totally fine on the return. Otherwise a chill slow run. All feels good and in place. 8mi tmrw?

apparently they have GPS spoofing weapons.. one day our runs will fall victim.

and ya that sucks, so weird.

8 mi tmw, nice!!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 15, 2018, 07:41:20 am


Run -- 8.40mi in 1:13:23

5.25 easy, 2@HM (7:34, 7:33 [7:19, 7:25 GAP]), rest easy/cooldown


Runs have been a little crummy recently. Hadn't slept well most of this week until last night, so I'll just chalk it up to that.

I quite like structuring tempo-ish work this way. There's no resting in this workout, it's just run easy for a while, then try to hit that race pace for ~15 mins. Then back to easy running. Feels like a good way to simulate hitting those paces on tired legs (even easy running 5mi is going to tire my legs out a bit).

Ankle feeling decent.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 15, 2018, 08:40:28 pm


Run -- 8.40mi in 1:13:23

5.25 easy, 2@HM (7:34, 7:33 [7:19, 7:25 GAP]), rest easy/cooldown


Runs have been a little crummy recently. Hadn't slept well most of this week until last night, so I'll just chalk it up to that.

that'll do it for sure.

I quite like structuring tempo-ish work this way. There's no resting in this workout, it's just run easy for a while, then try to hit that race pace for ~15 mins. Then back to easy running. Feels like a good way to simulate hitting those paces on tired legs (even easy running 5mi is going to tire my legs out a bit).

definitely, i've come to love that as well. feels great to throw in tempo in the middle or at the end, then just finish with more light relaxed miles.

i didn't really enjoy tempo until this year.. just hated it before. i've come to really enjoy it now. Love just working on various paces @ a continued effort. Also, love progression runs even more. Progressions are probably my favorite tool now. Again, great to hit X pace, then X-10s, X-20s, X-30s, X-40s, etc.. just feels really interesting .. reminds me of progressing into max effort jumps, very gradually.. lmao! I used to love doing that. trying to hit dunks/jumps in gear 1, gear 2, ..., gear max.

Ankle feeling decent.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 16, 2018, 04:41:41 am


Run -- 4.15mi in 36:44


Legs feel fairly fatigued, so this is the sort of day I would usually rest. Filming and travelling all day tmrw for another TV quiz thing so didn't want to stress to fit in a run tmrw so ran today. Felt pretty flat, but turned out to be decent. Cadence was higher than usual and pace was reasonable for the level of effort, so I'm pretty happy with this.

Didn't look at watch until like mile 2.5 or so.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 18, 2018, 09:22:55 am


Run - 9.45mi in 1:13:09



That was great. Maintaining that ~7:45 pace was pretty easy. Same sort of pace as that long run a few weeks ago with fast friends, but way lower effort. HR stayed in the mid 160s, with miles 1 and 3 being in the 150s. Obviously went up for mile 9, when I throw down the hammer a little bit. Very pleased that after 8 fairly fast miles I had enough left in my legs to throw down 1 mile at a pace faster than my average pace from my last 5k race. Going to crush my PR this Friday. Going to have no problems with 1hr40m with the half too.

This run was done before breakfast, too.

Just easy runs between now and Friday, and a couple of rest days. Friday I'm gonna do the adarq thing and go for a moderate run after the race, too.

The first ~6 miles of this run were through muddy, snow covered fields, which was great. Low impact time off of pavements, for once, is great, but felt slowed down at times by mud and slippy ice.

Oh, it was freezing again. When I got home my shoelaces had frozen!!!  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 19, 2018, 05:22:13 am
killing it.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 19, 2018, 07:45:53 am


Run -- 6.04mi in 57:24


Super slow, avg 9:30/mi with one slower than 10:00. Somewhat sore and obvs fatigued from yesterday so no worries. Didn't check my watch during the run and just tried to keep it super chill. HR stayed in the 130s basically the whole time.

It was really cold (1C/33F) and really windy. Didn't realise that it would be windy so didn't have my jacket on. Big mistake, haha!

Ankle/achilles holding up well after yesterday, so this might be the week I go above 30mi.

killing it.

thanks!  :headbang: :highfive:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 19, 2018, 10:58:38 am
killing it.

x2. sums it up nicely.




Run -- 6.04mi in 57:24


Super slow, avg 9:30/mi with one slower than 10:00. Somewhat sore and obvs fatigued from yesterday so no worries. Didn't check my watch during the run and just tried to keep it super chill. HR stayed in the 130s basically the whole time.

It was really cold (1C/33F) and really windy. Didn't realise that it would be windy so didn't have my jacket on. Big mistake, haha!

Ankle/achilles holding up well after yesterday, so this might be the week I go above 30mi.

killing it.

thanks!  :headbang: :highfive:

we did similar paces today, very similar workout. nice! I had one over 10 as well. I didn't check my watch either, though I did look at the time-of-day clock. I tried to keep my HR under 130 .. eventually it just sky rocketed to like 160-170's .. wonder if that's a glitch or my body just saying: go rest. I think the former.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 19, 2018, 11:05:32 am
I just noticed your 9:XX club comment too... similar comments, similar runs! :highfive: :trolldance: :ninja: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 20, 2018, 12:45:40 pm


SS1A: ng chins
SS1B: pushups

SS2A: kb ohp @ 16kg
SS2B: kb row @ 24kg


CBA to track exactly what was done, but 4 sets near to failure on everything. Legs still sore/tired so thought it best to give running a rest. Should be trying to do this workout 2xWeek i think.

Did the rows unsupported "chinese weightlifter" style. That + 1 arm OHPs is probably good core work. Chins make my abs pretty sore too when I'm not doing them regular. Sturdy core probably useful for running.

Probably another 60-70 min run tomorrow at an easy pace, distance will be decided by what pace feels easy. Thursday will play by ear, maybe 30 mins very easy. Want to be fresh for race, of course.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 21, 2018, 06:07:18 am


Run -- 4.75mi in 46:54

Threw in like 5 strides.


Worst run ever! Felt totally dead, called it short because of this. Clearly am not at all recovered from Sunday yet. Focus now is making sure I am by Friday. Blarg.

~50% of this run was done on grass, at least, which was nice.

Don't know why this should be so much worse than Monday's run. Eep.

Edit: as day goes on upper and and more sore. This probably contributed to crappy run, but my legs also felt wrecked so it's not just that
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 21, 2018, 02:15:00 pm


Run -- 4.75mi in 46:54

Threw in like 5 strides.


Worst run ever! Felt totally dead, called it short because of this. Clearly am not at all recovered from Sunday yet. Focus now is making sure I am by Friday. Blarg.

~50% of this run was done on grass, at least, which was nice.

Don't know why this should be so much worse than Monday's run. Eep.

Edit: as day goes on upper and and more sore. This probably contributed to crappy run, but my legs also felt wrecked so it's not just that

sux but, don't worry about it. just a sign you need more recovery. it's probably a good thing that your body shut you down & you ended the run early .. another day of rest, then boom Friday crush it. sometimes sh*t run days really help hah.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 21, 2018, 02:42:57 pm


Run -- 4.75mi in 46:54

Threw in like 5 strides.


Worst run ever! Felt totally dead, called it short because of this. Clearly am not at all recovered from Sunday yet. Focus now is making sure I am by Friday. Blarg.

~50% of this run was done on grass, at least, which was nice.

Don't know why this should be so much worse than Monday's run. Eep.

Edit: as day goes on upper and and more sore. This probably contributed to crappy run, but my legs also felt wrecked so it's not just that

sux but, don't worry about it. just a sign you need more recovery. it's probably a good thing that your body shut you down & you ended the run early .. another day of rest, then boom Friday crush it. sometimes sh*t run days really help hah.

Yup, trying to stay optimistic! Not like any running I could do this week would result in fitness gains by Friday anyway. Best thing is big rest.  :headbang:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 21, 2018, 08:54:28 pm


Run -- 4.75mi in 46:54

Threw in like 5 strides.


Worst run ever! Felt totally dead, called it short because of this. Clearly am not at all recovered from Sunday yet. Focus now is making sure I am by Friday. Blarg.

~50% of this run was done on grass, at least, which was nice.

Don't know why this should be so much worse than Monday's run. Eep.

Edit: as day goes on upper and and more sore. This probably contributed to crappy run, but my legs also felt wrecked so it's not just that

sux but, don't worry about it. just a sign you need more recovery. it's probably a good thing that your body shut you down & you ended the run early .. another day of rest, then boom Friday crush it. sometimes sh*t run days really help hah.

Yup, trying to stay optimistic! Not like any running I could do this week would result in fitness gains by Friday anyway. Best thing is big rest.  :headbang:

yup. you'll crush it on friday. that bad run was still a recovery day, rebounding out hard for Friday!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 22, 2018, 08:58:28 pm
not sure about the time differences & can't even contemplate it atm, brain is mush about to pass out. that said:

have a great race tomorrow (Friday) man!! don't worry about anything, you're in much better shape than the last 5k you did. just crush it & tell us the good news in the PR thread :D

:ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :highfive:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 23, 2018, 10:01:36 am
not sure about the time differences & can't even contemplate it atm, brain is mush about to pass out. that said:

have a great race tomorrow (Friday) man!! don't worry about anything, you're in much better shape than the last 5k you did. just crush it & tell us the good news in the PR thread :D

:ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :highfive:

thanks, was good haha
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 23, 2018, 10:53:54 am


Warmup -- run ~2mi in ~18 mins

Race -- 5k in 19:13 [watch timed]  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

Cooldown -- ~4.5mi in ~45 mins


Warmup and pre-race felt terrible just like last time, just like last time. I get so nervous, haha, but everyone does. Just gotta remember that's normal and channel is, as I eventually did.

Was in the A race this time rather than the B race, so everyone was going for <22:00. It's also the last running of this race prior to the London marathon, so there were a lot of fast folk using it as their tune-up.

After the warmup run my watch was being a little funky, I don't really remember how, so with like 3 mins until the race was due to begin I turned it off, since restarting it often helps it settle down. It wouldn't turn back on, though, so I was like "fuuuuck I'm gonna be racing without a watch! How do I do that? That's way too old school for me, fuck fuck fuck." But eventually it turned on, with like 15 seconds to spare before the race started. Not ideal, panicking a bit like that at the start!

Anyway, the race began and I was in with a big group of people, lots went off way faster -- I'm quite excited to see the results, quite a lot of people <18:00 at this I think. Took a while to settle into pace, aiming to settle at ~3:55 for the first two km. I knew that the 3rd km had a decent bit of uphill, and that I'd need, then, most of the 4th km to resettle after that, so I wanted some cushion. Km 1&2 were 3:48 and 3:50 according to my watch, so that was good. Watch also said ~.97km at the official km markers, though (as with last time), but the course is officially certified and as LBSS is so adamant about telling us, garmin's can be fucky. Anyway, the official times for km 1&2 would be a bit faster.

Km 3 was the uphill one and I hit that at 3:59. I was hurting pretty badly already after like 1.5km, to be honest, so I was getting worried. However, I told myself that a well paced 5k basically is meant to hurt the whole time and that I went out a bit slow in my last one, so there was nothing to be worried about, this was correct. Km 4 the suck was really setting in, but I held it for another 3:59 split.

Don't really remember much about the last 5km, to be honest, just kept repeating to myself "you can suffer anything for 4 minutes, come on" which helped, though I didn't manage quite the same surge as I did last time. Probably mostly because I had less energy left in me, both physically and mentally. I went out a lot harder, so legs had less left in them, and I had struggled a lot more mentally since I suffered a lot harder, so my head had less drive for that finish. The latter is something to work on, I think! More hard intervals will let me train that "drive while suffering" part of my brain more.

I basically didn't really "race" this as such, just used it as a time trial to hit a big ol' PR. There were quite a few people running similar paces and we jostled and ran along each other the whole way, but there wasn't that much movement. Like three or four people came out of nowhere after the 3.5km mark, but they must have been negative splitting hard, like I did in my first race. They came from nowhere, like I had not seen them when looking behind, but then they just surged ahead. Good hustle from them, I guess.

Super duper happy with the time. Peeved that my watch said 3.07mi again, same as last time, so perhaps the route is a little short? 100m is quite a long way to be short, though, and it is officially certified ("certificate of course accuracy 14/320" and these people seem legit: but I guess they could set up the finish line a little wrong on the day, who knows.

A little disappointed in my lack of mental drive for a really strong kick. Despite that the pace for the last 5km was slightly faster than the first km, according to my watch (6:07mi vs 6:06mi) so that's decent.

Anyway, official results out later. Time to get serious for half training. Jack Daniels' calculator says I could be good for sub 1:30, eep.

Edit: forgot to note (1) that i vomited in my mouth at ~4km, which wasn't great, but at least I knew I was probably trying hard enough. (2) tried out my flyknit racers without socks since they're so light and socklike that this made sense to me. feet are blister city now, haha. dumb, but lesson learned. (3) looking at strava for other people from the race, most of them say 3.10/3.11mi, so i guess it's my watch. blarg. strava still thinks by 5k pr is 22:54, what a dick.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 23, 2018, 11:42:34 am


Warmup -- run ~2mi in ~19 mins

Race -- 5k in 19:13 [watch timed]  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

Cooldown -- ~4.5mi in ~45 mins


Warmup and pre-race felt terrible just like last time, just like last time. I get so nervous, haha, but everyone does. Just gotta remember that's normal and channel is, as I eventually did.

Was in the A race this time rather than the B race, so everyone was going for <22:00. It's also the last running of this race prior to the London marathon, so there were a lot of fast folk using it as their tune-up.

After the warmup run my watch was being a little funky, I don't really remember how, so with like 3 mins until the race was due to begin I turned it off, since restarting it often helps it settle down. It wouldn't turn back on, though, so I was like "fuuuuck I'm gonna be racing without a watch! How do I do that? That's way too old school for me, fuck fuck fuck." But eventually it turned on, with like 15 seconds to spare before the race started. Not ideal, panicking a bit like that at the start!

Anyway, the race began and I was in with a big group of people, lots went off way faster -- I'm quite excited to see the results, quite a lot of people <18:00 at this I think. Took a while to settle into pace, aiming to settle at ~3:55 for the first two km. I knew that the 3rd km had a decent bit of uphill, and that I'd need, then, most of the 4th km to resettle after that, so I wanted some cushion. Km 1&2 were 3:48 and 3:50 according to my watch, so that was good. Watch also said ~.97km at the official km markers, though (as with last time), but the course is officially certified and as LBSS is so adamant about telling us, garmin's can be fucky. Anyway, the official times for km 1&2 would be a bit faster.

Km 3 was the uphill one and I hit that at 3:59. I was hurting pretty badly already after like 1.5km, to be honest, so I was getting worried. However, I told myself that a well paced 5k basically is meant to hurt the whole time and that I went out a bit slow in my last one, so there was nothing to be worried about, this was correct. Km 4 the suck was really setting in, but I held it for another 3:59 split.

Don't really remember much about the last 5km, to be honest, just kept repeating to myself "you can suffer anything for 4 minutes, come on" which helped, though I didn't manage quite the same surge as I did last time. Probably mostly because I had less energy left in me, both physically and mentally. I went out a lot harder, so legs had less left in them, and I had struggled a lot more mentally since I suffered a lot harder, so my head had less drive for that finish. The latter is something to work on, I think! More hard intervals will let me train that "drive while suffering" part of my brain more.

I basically didn't really "race" this as such, just used it as a time trial to hit a big ol' PR. There were quite a few people running similar paces and we jostled and ran along each other the whole way, but there wasn't that much movement. Like three or four people came out of nowhere after the 3.5km mark, but they must have been negative splitting hard, like I did in my first race. They came from nowhere, like I had not seen them when looking behind, but then they just surged ahead. Good hustle from them, I guess.

Super duper happy with the time. Peeved that my watch said 3.07mi again, same as last time, so perhaps the route is a little short? 100m is quite a long way to be short, though, and it is officially certified ("certificate of course accuracy 14/320" and these people seem legit: but I guess they could set up the finish line a little wrong on the day, who knows.

A little disappointed in my lack of mental drive for a really strong kick. Despite that the pace for the last 5km was slightly faster than the first km, according to my watch (6:07mi vs 6:06mi) so that's decent.

Anyway, official results out later. Time to get serious for half training. Jack Daniels' calculator says I could be good for sub 1:30, eep.

damn @ recap!

watch not getting signal is a nightmare, happened to me at the tropical 5k in January. becomes so stressful. I think i'd be fine running without it, but you just get angry/pissed beforehand, like fu*king work already, do your job. lol. That's one of the initial reasons you see me stuff everything into one activity, started doing that at races. Because i'd worry about my watch not getting signal fast enough.. LMAO. Now my current watch gets signal FAST.

From your Strava data, kick looked good? seemed to get into low 5's IIRC.

Also ya, it's a wreck when you hit that point where you can't even kick hard the last 10s etc..

Anyway, seems basically perfectly executed. Glad you went out a little faster! Also, it's a good learning experience to feel like such crap before the race, and still run great.

 :highfive: :ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :headbang:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 23, 2018, 03:17:11 pm
checking some of the flyby's from your 5k:

a guy who ran 17:18:

"REVEALED: what not to eat the night before a 5k..... 19 chicken wings and about 8 pints 😵 file that one in the bin 😏"

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 23, 2018, 04:09:47 pm
checking some of the flyby's from your 5k:

a guy who ran 17:18:

"REVEALED: what not to eat the night before a 5k..... 19 chicken wings and about 8 pints 😵 file that one in the bin 😏"


Jeez, that's nuts. I don't think the wings would be much of an issue, but that's almost as much alcohol as I've had this year in one night, haha. Don't think I've ever had that much in a sitting.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: FP on March 24, 2018, 01:42:04 am
nice PR. sub-20 will be my goal when i run my first 5k too. honestly what i need to learn to apply from this board is proper long term program structure and thorough competition planning.

those huge warmup and cooldowns are an interesting choice. do you feel they helped? i cant imagine running an extra 4.5 miles at 10 min mile pace after a brutally exhausting 5k
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 24, 2018, 03:48:22 am
nice PR. sub-20 will be my goal when i run my first 5k too. honestly what i need to learn to apply from this board is proper long term program structure and thorough competition planning.

those huge warmup and cooldowns are an interesting choice. do you feel they helped? i cant imagine running an extra 4.5 miles at 10 min mile pace after a brutally exhausting 5k

Wamup was basically just me running to the startline, so I didn't have many other options other than walking more of it, I guess. ~20 minute warmup jog with strides seems pretty standard for pre-race warmup, though. Threw in some dynamic stretching between arriving at the venue and waiting for the race to start, as well. Then lots of walking around to settle nerves. But yeah, at this point I probably feel better after 2mi than I do before.

The 4.5 mi after the race was meant as much as an extra workout as it was a cooldown; I waited about 5-10 mins after the race to start it. The first 2 miles sucked, actually, but after that my legs started to feel a lot better and the last 2.5 miles of that run felt good, so I guess it did work from a cooldown perspective, though.

The idea, really, though, was to get some extra miles in in a very fatigued state. I figure you can somewhat simulate the effects of a long run, that way. I mean I had ~90 mins total of running, half of which was post-race, so there's got to be some long run style gains there, in addition to the pace/speed work from the race itself.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 24, 2018, 09:33:37 am


SS1A NG Chins [top set = 10]
SS1B Pushups [top set = 15]

SS2A: kb ohp @ 16kg [3 x 6]
SS2B: kb row @ 24kg [3 x 6]

+ some bodyweight BSSs


Abs wrecked. Right ankle/Achilles a little beat up, But feels like it'll be fine tomorrow. Legs feel tired but also like they have enough in them for a decent run, but I'll baby the ankle and give them a rest. Calisthenics later, though!

Gained a lot of confidence from yesterday's time. Going to make a hard push with next period of training, esp toughening up tempo paces. The possibility of having 1:30 half fitness for the race in May is exciting.

Everything felt night in the workout! Feeling stronger, goodgood. I do the rows with a really wide grip, so it's like a great rear-delt exercise, love it
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 25, 2018, 07:47:25 am


Run -- 6.25mi in 53:18


Decent easy run. Legs definitely tired from Friday still, but still able to run a decent pace, nicenice.

Need to have a better plaster strategy for next run, from mile 4 my blisters were not happy, ouch.

Upper body not so sore, am getting adapted to the lifting routine again.

Should start running 5-6 times a week going forward.

Sleep has been highly meh again recently. Even on weekends when i get sn opportunity to lie in i wake up ~8. Today i was really excited because I'd managed to sleep past 9, but it was just daylight savings bamboozling me
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 26, 2018, 01:29:51 am
Today i was really excited because I'd managed to sleep past 9, but it was just daylight savings bamboozling me

lol. stupid daylight savings time.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 26, 2018, 06:06:02 am


Run -- 4.17mi in 35:46


~8.30 miles are getting easy, even on legs that still feel super fatigued. Exciting.

Had to call this one short as my blisters were fucking painful, ow. Guess I should take tmrw off to give them more recovery space, idk. They're fucking sore though.

Just wanna run without dealing with BS  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 26, 2018, 11:00:01 am


Run -- 4.17mi in 35:46


~8.30 miles are getting easy, even on legs that still feel super fatigued. Exciting.


Had to call this one short as my blisters were fucking painful, ow. Guess I should take tmrw off to give them more recovery space, idk. They're fucking sore though.

Just wanna run without dealing with BS  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

damn that sucks.

blisters & such are a real pain in the ass .. I just keep running through them until they are numb/adapt etc. I have several very wrecked toenails, shit sucks. But for the most part they feel fine, rarely painful anymore.

Seems like most people just "sand them down" over time.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 27, 2018, 05:17:17 am


SS1A NG Chins [top set = 11]
SS1B Pushups [top set = 17]

SS2A: kb ohp @ 16kg [3 x 6]
SS2B: kb row @ 24kg [3 x 6]


Blisters seem like they'd still flip out if I ran today, but also like they might be better by tomorrow, so I'm resisting the urge to run and taking today off. Will do my calisthenics routine later, though.

Signed up for that 5k on the 30th to run w/ LBSS. Will be interesting to see how that goes since it's just a few days after my half. I assume I'll basically still be dead, but if I take those two recovery days seriously on the 28th/29th maybe I'll be recovered enough to put in a good effort.

Workouts to include going forward:

Tempo w/ volume from 4-6 miles (~6:35-40 pace)

Fartleks -- building from like 15 x (1min@HM - 1min easy) up to like 30? [target HM pace = 6:50)

Some faster repeats from 400m-1k @ estimated 3k pace I guess.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 27, 2018, 06:19:30 am
or maybe 5k will seem so easy that you'll dust me and get first OA. you never know.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 27, 2018, 12:31:10 pm
or maybe 5k will seem so easy that you'll dust me and get first OA. you never know.

looool, maybe, we'll see. i've looked at the winning times of the some of those races and sometimes they're won by 19:xx times, which with 2 more months of hard running I could probably do when still wrecked, and other days they're won by 16:xx,  sooooo
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 27, 2018, 01:19:41 pm


SS1A NG Chins [top set = 11]
SS1B Pushups [top set = 17]

SS2A: kb ohp @ 16kg [3 x 6]
SS2B: kb row @ 24kg [3 x 6]


Blisters seem like they'd still flip out if I ran today, but also like they might be better by tomorrow, so I'm resisting the urge to run and taking today off. Will do my calisthenics routine later, though.

Signed up for that 5k on the 30th to run w/ LBSS. Will be interesting to see how that goes since it's just a few days after my half. I assume I'll basically still be dead, but if I take those two recovery days seriously on the 28th/29th maybe I'll be recovered enough to put in a good effort.

I was absolutely fine after my first half - did a solid track session 2 days after - but I wasn't capable of pushing it "properly hard". For that reason, I think you'll be fine.

I think it's hard to push it properly if you haven't ever done one. So, simply based on no half marathon experience, I don't think you'll be able to destroy yourself in that race. I learned *alot* during my first half. I tried to address much of what I learned in that race, to my training etc, and towards my mental preparation for my recent half. So I was able to really push the pace considerably harder & more consistent for much longer, based on what I learned & how that helped me prepare.

so ya, if you get in "recovery fuel" very soon after the race, eat good, rest up, hydrate well, maybe some light walking and/or super light + short recovery runs. I think you'll probably be fine for that 5k.

after your second half you'll probably be wrecked. hah.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 28, 2018, 06:37:59 am


Run -- 10.17mi in 1:27:17


Nice, average 8:35 pace for almost 90 mins, and my longest run yet. Will start lengthening the long runs from here, probably want to do at least a couple at or longer than half distance before the race, I guess?

Felt pretty decent. Was raining hard the whole time, though. Think tights might be in order for rainy runs, since my legs did feel a little cold.

Blisters as non-issue, too, which was a fucking relief.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 28, 2018, 06:39:03 am


SS1A NG Chins [top set = 11]
SS1B Pushups [top set = 17]

SS2A: kb ohp @ 16kg [3 x 6]
SS2B: kb row @ 24kg [3 x 6]


Blisters seem like they'd still flip out if I ran today, but also like they might be better by tomorrow, so I'm resisting the urge to run and taking today off. Will do my calisthenics routine later, though.

Signed up for that 5k on the 30th to run w/ LBSS. Will be interesting to see how that goes since it's just a few days after my half. I assume I'll basically still be dead, but if I take those two recovery days seriously on the 28th/29th maybe I'll be recovered enough to put in a good effort.

I was absolutely fine after my first half - did a solid track session 2 days after - but I wasn't capable of pushing it "properly hard". For that reason, I think you'll be fine.

I think it's hard to push it properly if you haven't ever done one. So, simply based on no half marathon experience, I don't think you'll be able to destroy yourself in that race. I learned *alot* during my first half. I tried to address much of what I learned in that race, to my training etc, and towards my mental preparation for my recent half. So I was able to really push the pace considerably harder & more consistent for much longer, based on what I learned & how that helped me prepare.

so ya, if you get in "recovery fuel" very soon after the race, eat good, rest up, hydrate well, maybe some light walking and/or super light + short recovery runs. I think you'll probably be fine for that 5k.

after your second half you'll probably be wrecked. hah.


Sick, this makes sense! I'll probably be doing some Edinburgh tourism around the race so there'll be a decent amount of walking to keep blood flowing. And definitely a lot of good eating.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 28, 2018, 08:24:42 am
tights rule. strongly recommend.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 29, 2018, 04:50:22 am


Run --

1.6mi in ~15 min

7 x ~6s hill sprint w/ ~45s walk back recovery [grade of hill ~10% i think?]

4mi in ~37 min


Legs always feel so dead from long runs, even if they're easy. Legs also feel "muscularly tired" towards the end of long runs, too. For example yesterday my heart rate didn't increase that much in the lat 3 miles, but the mental+muscular effort required to keep my legs moving at that, relatively easy, pace way increased. Nate Jenkins talks about this a bit on his blog and identifies one of the keys elements (in addition, obviously, to just lacking aerobic fitness) as running specific muscular weakness. His presceiption? More frequent hill sprints and strides. Not gonna argue with him given that I'd previously told myself on this log that I needed to do more of those. [Edit: looking back at his blog he says to aim for ~10s sprints, so I'll do them a bit longer enxt time]

Also added Jay Johnson's SAM warmup to today, felt good. Gonna get strong ass hips soon. Lots of overlap between it and what the PT assigned me anywa

Ran in tights. Legs felt sexy as fuck, haha. Was nice not having cold knees in this weather. Feel like they'll make even more of a difference on rainy days, though.

Probably going to rest tomorrow, then hit a workout of sorts on Saturday [thinking this: aiming to average goal HM pace [6:45/mi], so that's 1:36/400 for the fast legs and 1:46 for the 'slow' -- i anticipate being pretty shitty at hitting the paces, at first, but it'll be fun + a learning experience -- if I pass on this I'll just do a tempo run I guess], then easy running on Sunday to get me to 33-35mi for the week.

Second edit: it's funny as heck looking at the data from my watch trying to work out what the heck is happening in a short sprint like that, it's totally lost and confused.

Third edit: I realised I've run 36 miles in the last 7 days. No wonder I feel a little beat up! Rest tomorrow, maybe skipping calisthenics too.

Been intensely stressed this week, too. Running has helped me stay chill but, ugh. Gf time + chill in the next few days.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 29, 2018, 05:40:31 am
thanks for the tip to jay johnson, looks like some good vids. have been thinking about that given how much harder it is to get going in the morning. LMLS looks like probably a good thing to start doing.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 30, 2018, 09:29:50 am


Feel trashed today, oof, despite 9 hours of decent sleep. Hip musculature in particular is sore, given the JJ stuff + sprints for first time in ages, though it's kinda nice, haha. Not surprised but golly it has hit me. Will see how i feel tomorrow -- may pysh the workout to Sunday. Pretty hyped to do it  though, so may just go for it tomorrow.

Think I would be smart to take today as a full rest day (though I'll be on my feet in the kitchen most of the day) so nixing the calisthenics.

Chag sameach/have a good Good Friday y'all.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 30, 2018, 09:17:01 pm


Feel trashed today, oof, despite 9 hours of decent sleep. Hip musculature in particular is sore, given the JJ stuff + sprints for first time in ages, though it's kinda nice, haha. Not surprised but golly it has hit me. Will see how i feel tomorrow -- may pysh the workout to Sunday. Pretty hyped to do it  though, so may just go for it tomorrow.

Think I would be smart to take today as a full rest day (though I'll be on my feet in the kitchen most of the day) so nixing the calisthenics.

Chag sameach/have a good Good Friday y'all.

Pesach! (sorry I googled it, think it's a good response?)

Pesach sameach!

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 31, 2018, 10:05:34 am


Feel trashed today, oof, despite 9 hours of decent sleep. Hip musculature in particular is sore, given the JJ stuff + sprints for first time in ages, though it's kinda nice, haha. Not surprised but golly it has hit me. Will see how i feel tomorrow -- may pysh the workout to Sunday. Pretty hyped to do it  though, so may just go for it tomorrow.

Think I would be smart to take today as a full rest day (though I'll be on my feet in the kitchen most of the day) so nixing the calisthenics.

Chag sameach/have a good Good Friday y'all.

Pesach! (sorry I googled it, think it's a good response?)

Pesach sameach!


Thanks man! Nailed it  :) :ibjumping:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 31, 2018, 10:25:42 am


Run --

Warmup - 1.2mi @ 8:30 + 5 strides of 50m

Workout - 8 x (400 @ ~1:37 + 400 @ ~1:47) [so this was 4mi in 27:03, because I didn't get the paces quite right every time, for an average pace of 6:45/mile]

Cooldown - 2.15mi @ 9:30


So I did a half marathon specific workout I found on that blog I posted about recently: (

The blog post said to aim for 6-8 miles for half marathon, but I guess I will build to that over the coming weeks. I am still pretty new to running these sorts of paces, before this I'd only done 8 miles total a <7:00 pace, and not that many more at <7:20.

The idea is to alternative 400s such that the average pace is your target half marathon pace (so here it was 6:45, for a 1:28:30 half marathon). The fast 400s should be 20s/mile faster than target pace, and the slow "rest" 400s at 20s/mile slower. The "rest" pace isn't exactly slow for me, since that works out to like ~7:00-7:05 pace.

I really liked this workout! That's 4 miles of hard running, half of which was at ~6:20ish pace. I got better at finding the rhythm/pace without having to check my watch at 200m with time, though if you look at Strava you can see I blitzed the first 400 in 1:24, lol. But yeah, hitting 16 laps in basically 27 flat without going totally balls to the wall is pretty great.

Also, I picked up a cheap pair of Kinvara 8s since they're a pretty old shoe by now. Quite liked them! Feel super light, though I guess they're not really that much lighter than my Escalantes. They're a much firmer/more responsive ride, which is nice to have as a contrast. Bit better lateral stability, which makes them better suited for track work. Anyway, glad to have a second pair of shoes in the rotation (excl. my racers).

Actually went into this workout still feeling a little sore. It was also raining and the track was soaking wet, so all things considered I feel good about the result of this workout.

Big thing to improve at with this session pacing wise: I would slow down too hard when transitioning from the fast 400 to the rest 400, and then not pick it up until like 200m into the rep. More even "rest" reps would probably help me actually recover a bit more during then and help me extend the workout.

Easy run tomorrow to get over 30mi!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on March 31, 2018, 05:13:07 pm


Run --

Warmup - 1.2mi @ 8:30 + 5 strides of 50m

Workout - 8 x (400 @ ~1:37 + 400 @ ~1:47) [so this was 4mi in 27:03, because I didn't get the paces quite right every time, for an average pace of 6:45/mile]

Cooldown - 2.15mi @ 9:30


So I did a half marathon specific workout I found on that blog I posted about recently: (

The blog post said to aim for 6-8 miles for half marathon, but I guess I will build to that over the coming weeks. I am still pretty new to running these sorts of paces, before this I'd only done 8 miles total a <7:00 pace, and not that many more at <7:20.

The idea is to alternative 400s such that the average pace is your target half marathon pace (so here it was 6:45, for a 1:28:30 half marathon). The fast 400s should be 20s/mile faster than target pace, and the slow "rest" 400s at 20s/mile slower. The "rest" pace isn't exactly slow for me, since that works out to like ~7:00-7:05 pace.

I really liked this workout! That's 4 miles of hard running, half of which was at ~6:20ish pace. I got better at finding the rhythm/pace without having to check my watch at 200m with time, though if you look at Strava you can see I blitzed the first 400 in 1:24, lol. But yeah, hitting 16 laps in basically 27 flat without going totally balls to the wall is pretty great.

Also, I picked up a cheap pair of Kinvara 8s since they're a pretty old shoe by now. Quite liked them! Feel super light, though I guess they're not really that much lighter than my Escalantes. They're a much firmer/more responsive ride, which is nice to have as a contrast. Bit better lateral stability, which makes them better suited for track work. Anyway, glad to have a second pair of shoes in the rotation (excl. my racers).

Actually went into this workout still feeling a little sore. It was also raining and the track was soaking wet, so all things considered I feel good about the result of this workout.

solid work!!

alternating 400's is rough. just something about it that always scares me. (odd maybe?).

Big thing to improve at with this session pacing wise: I would slow down too hard when transitioning from the fast 400 to the rest 400, and then not pick it up until like 200m into the rep. More even "rest" reps would probably help me actually recover a bit more during then and help me extend the workout.

yup. playing catchup screws things up. might be good to "float into it" after you hit the lap key, instead of hitting the brakes hard etc. that way the transition period is definitely "fast enough", as you gradually slow down.

Easy run tomorrow to get over 30mi!

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 31, 2018, 06:07:00 pm
alternating 400's is rough. just something about it that always scares me. (odd maybe?).

Haha, I will admit being a little scared going into the workout too! Hard as heck. Looking forward a bit to doing it a second time, though. Probably in two-three weeks.

yup. playing catchup screws things up. might be good to "float into it" after you hit the lap key, instead of hitting the brakes hard etc. that way the transition period is definitely "fast enough", as you gradually slow down.

Yup, this makes a lot of sense. I did try this a bit at times, but was often so looking forward to the rest that I took it a bit too casually. Training this state of being alter while being relaxed will be really valuable. Told myself to just relax a lot in the workout, too.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 01, 2018, 12:22:48 pm


Run -- 4.78mi in 39:34 [8:17 pace]

Avg HR - 149


A few strides + ~6 second sprints up steep hill thrown in, but otherwise kept it easy. Legs as sore as they have been from running today, so I'm very happy to have been able to knock out this pace with ease today. Fitness is coming along in leaps and bounds.

May need to frontload my miles this week since I've got a very unpredictable schedule including travel from Thur->Sun and I'm not sure how much running I'll be able to do, though should be able to squeeze some stuff in.

Plan is easy tomorrow and Wednesday with a long run on Tuesday. Gonna try to keep pace on the long run to ~7:35-45 range. Working a wider variety of paces seems like it can only be a good thing, and especially working a little harder on long runs seems like something that would be especially good for the half.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 02, 2018, 11:04:29 am


Run -- 4.07mi in 36:58 [9:04 pace]


Bit of an odd run. Still quite sore and thought about taking a rest day, but figured since I need to get my miles in early this week I should still head out. First mile was quick at an easy effort [8:04, 150bpm] but from there I died and needed to keep is super slow -- kind of odd to me. I think I need to be better about taking first mile super chill anyway.

Still, I need to recovery properly before my moderate pace long run. Might push that to Wednesday and take another easy one tomorrow. Shall play that by ear.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on April 02, 2018, 09:22:07 pm


Run -- 4.07mi in 36:58 [9:04 pace]


Bit of an odd run. Still quite sore and thought about taking a rest day, but figured since I need to get my miles in early this week I should still head out. First mile was quick at an easy effort [8:04, 150bpm] but from there I died and needed to keep is super slow -- kind of odd to me. I think I need to be better about taking first mile super chill anyway.

Still, I need to recovery properly before my moderate pace long run. Might push that to Wednesday and take another easy one tomorrow. Shall play that by ear.

ya that sounds like it might be better. easy/dead, easy, long.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 03, 2018, 06:40:02 am


Run -- 5.84mi in 49:45 [8:31 pace]


Felt decent, still not 100%. Calves in particular are wrecked. In a reverse of usual fortunes I think it's because they're adapting to the runs done with shoes that are not 0 drop, haha.

Little painless twinge behind right knee from like mile 4.5 to 5. Just felt a bit tight, but it went away.

Looked at wear pattern on bottom of shoes since I've got ~200mi in the Altras as of today. Left shoe has a very small amount of wear at the outside of the heel and some wear at the toe off point on the three smallest toes. Right shoe has quite a lot of wear on the outside heel and less wear at the toe off points.

ya that sounds like it might be better. easy/dead, easy, long.

Ja, feeling better today so hopefully feeling pretty solid tomorrow. Beginning to feel the urge to give another solid effort.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 04, 2018, 06:44:44 am


Run -- 10.73mi in 1:19:58 [7:27 pace]


There's that moderate effort long run. Still felt tired and sore and under-recovered going into this. Not that much of a surprise given that this was my fifth consecutive day of running. Had never done more than three before this streak.

Certain that I could hold this pace for a half-marathon in my current condition -- my level of effort wasn't climbing that much towards the end. Very encouraging that I, while super fatigued, could probably hit a sub 1:40 half. 6-7 more weeks of training + a good taper and I think that <1:30 may well be in reach.

Taking some good rest for a couple of days, now.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on April 04, 2018, 11:46:55 am


Run -- 10.73mi in 1:19:58 [7:27 pace]


There's that moderate effort long run. Still felt tired and sore and under-recovered going into this. Not that much of a surprise given that this was my fifth consecutive day of running. Had never done more than three before this streak.

Certain that I could hold this pace for a half-marathon in my current condition -- my level of effort wasn't climbing that much towards the end. Very encouraging that I, while super fatigued, could probably hit a sub 1:40 half. 6-7 more weeks of training + a good taper and I think that <1:30 may well be in reach.

Taking some good rest for a couple of days, now.

great work man. it was a good move, moving this to wednesday. that's basically the "art of it", worked out very well. excited to see where your fitness will be come May 27.

you earned those rest days coming up!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 05, 2018, 07:59:27 am


No workout today, just want to note here that my legs are way less wrecked today than I would have expected. Feel like I could definitely have gone out for a solid run. Gonna be good after this rest.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 06, 2018, 05:52:34 am


Run -- 5.27mi in 44:59 [~8:30 pace]


Calves wrecked. Quick run in the morning here. Tomorrow rest again.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 07, 2018, 01:13:20 pm


Run --

~1mi warm-up
2mi @ tempo (6:36, 6:29)
Stand around for a while waiting for a bridge ti lower so I could across
1mi hard (6:07)
~1mi cooldown


Was in a bit of a hurry and so was annoyed by the bridge so ran hard to get back, haha.

Over 30 miles again this week.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 08, 2018, 06:43:50 pm


Back from travel, was good. Exhausted, gonna sleep great tonight.

Plan this week is "Kenyan standard fartlek" tomorrow, so ~25 x (1 min hard / 1 min medium) and either a longer tempo or another alternation workout later in the week. Probably also a 10+ miler at the weekend, likely easy since I'm planning these two harder workouts. Aiming for 35+ miles this week.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 09, 2018, 06:25:25 am


Run --

Warmup ~1 mi @ 8:10 pace

Fartlek -- 25 x (1 min on + 1 min off) [averaged 6:26/8:25 mile pace for on and off, I believe]

Cooldown ~ 1.3 mi @ 9:30 pace

Total -- 9.08mi


This was fun as heck.

The fartlek portion included a 44:59 10k, which is an amusing PR.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on April 09, 2018, 09:58:40 am


Run --

Warmup ~1 mi @ 8:10 pace

Fartlek -- 25 x (1 min on + 1 min off) [averaged 6:26/8:25 mile pace for on and off, I believe]

Cooldown ~ 1.3 mi @ 9:30 pace

Total -- 9.08mi


This was fun as heck.

The fartlek portion included a 44:59 10k, which is an amusing PR.

that fartlek is not easy ... great work dude. i've never completed one of those properly - I get too greedy and fall apart. also awesome how PR's can sneak in there.

that's a serious session!#!@$

Jake & the Kenyans I follow do variations and that specific one, ALOT. :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 10, 2018, 05:28:02 am
that fartlek is not easy ... great work dude. i've never completed one of those properly - I get too greedy and fall apart. also awesome how PR's can sneak in there.

that's a serious session!#!@$

Jake & the Kenyans I follow do variations and that specific one, ALOT. :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

Yeah, I'm happy I got through it! Was pretty tough from reps 4-10 or so, but then I settled into a rhythm and it became a lot of fun. The blog I read about it on said that the really top guys can get down to ~5k pace or a bit faster for the hard sections, and I'm obviously far from that level of fitness, so I'm pretty happy that I managed to average roughly my estimated 10k pace during the hard parts of the reps(that Jack Daniels' calculator says a 19:13 5k = 39:51 10k, i.e. 6:25 pace). I only had one lap where I apparently really pushed it and averaged 5:45 pace, and that was right near the start. Finding that right pace/effort relatively early on was good.

If I were doing this session in prep for a 5k I think I'd keep the "off" sections a bit slower and then hit the "on" portions harder, but since I'm doing this in the run-up for a half keeping that "on" pace in this range seems fine, as long as it's a fair bit faster than target half pace, and trying to progress the "off" portion to being more like 7:40-8:00 pace seems like it would be the most appropriate way to progress. That requires learning to relax at a decent clip and also the focus to just float down into that pace instead of hitting the breaks too hard -- good mental training for racing I reckon.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 10, 2018, 09:37:25 am


Run -- 4.14mi in 33:46 [8:09 pace]


Will get in a nice relaxed easy run later. Right hip flexor a bit sore -- I think upping the volume/intensity while working on getting glutes firing may have put some new strain here. I'll be careful with it -- nothing hard until Friday. On Friday I'm just going to do a standard tempo workout. 30 mins @ ~6:40/mile.

Avg pace <8:10 with avg HR <150 for the first time  :personal-record:

Run felt great! Calves, esp right calf, wrecked, but overall much less beaten up from yesterday than I expected. Still going to stick with just easy runs until tempo on Friday, though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 12, 2018, 07:04:13 am


Run -- 6.13mi in 49:25


This is that same hilly route that I did in early March. Surprised it's been so long! In any case, that time it took 55:23. Shaved off 6 minutes running at the same effort level.  :personal-record:

As with last time I allowed my HR/effort to creep up during the big hill climb in the middle, but kept it deliberately shy of the effort level I feel in like a "tempo/threshold" run -- i.e. tried to keep it aerobic.

The half marathon course in Edinburgh has a fair bit of downhill, so getting practice running relaxed downhill here is useful.

This hip thing is a bit worrying, feels like it could be hip flexor tendinitis or something? Should probably rest tomorrow. Ughhhhhhhh. -- Attacking it with ice and foam rolling today. Let's see what happens.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 13, 2018, 06:20:17 am


Warmup + strides

3 miles @ tempo [6:39, 6:36, 6:38]


Total -- 6.78mi


Pretty wild that I can whip out a relatively casual 3 miles at faster than what I raced my first 5k at now. Improvement is rad.

Tomorrow is definitely a rest day, and I might also take Sunday off depending on how this hip flexor thing recovers.

Oof, since returining from this run the right hip-flexor thing has become pretty painful, fuuucck.

Okay, weekend off then probably only easy running next week? Too much too soon, ya goof.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on April 13, 2018, 08:42:59 am


Warmup + strides

3 miles @ tempo [6:39, 6:36, 6:38]


Total -- 6.78mi


Pretty wild that I can whip out a relatively casual 3 miles at faster than what I raced my first 5k at now. Improvement is rad.

solid af!!

Tomorrow is definitely a rest day, and I might also take Sunday off depending on how this hip flexor thing recovers.

Oof, since returining from this run the right hip-flexor thing has become pretty painful, fuuucck.

Okay, weekend off then probably only easy running next week? Too much too soon, ya goof.

ah damn that sucks about the hip flexor. fu*k!!!

edit: also, try not to mess with it. stretching it too much etc might only make it worse.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: seifullaah73 on April 13, 2018, 11:36:11 am


Warmup + strides

3 miles @ tempo [6:39, 6:36, 6:38]


Total -- 6.78mi


Pretty wild that I can whip out a relatively casual 3 miles at faster than what I raced my first 5k at now. Improvement is rad.

solid af!!

Tomorrow is definitely a rest day, and I might also take Sunday off depending on how this hip flexor thing recovers.

Oof, since returining from this run the right hip-flexor thing has become pretty painful, fuuucck.

Okay, weekend off then probably only easy running next week? Too much too soon, ya goof.

ah damn that sucks about the hip flexor. fu*k!!!

edit: also, try not to mess with it. stretching it too much etc might only make it worse.

+1 the best thing you can do is leave it alone and let the pain settle.
hip flexor pains suck. an important muscle in running but a muscle vulnerable to injury if trained heavily like any other muscle.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 14, 2018, 09:26:56 am
Strong agree with both of you. I think another factor is that my glutes had actually been more fatigued than I'd thought, ahich probably puts hips in an even more vulnerable position while running. Feeling a little better today, but definitely needs another couple of days of proper rest.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 15, 2018, 05:09:23 am


Hip flexor still pretty bad today. Hadn't realised quite how much general fatigue I'd built up recently. I guess looking back at my log it's not that surprising -- fairly stressful life stuff last couple of weeks + big uptick in volume and intensity. May (need to) take tomorrow too, but I think I'll come back feeling pretty strong and fresh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 16, 2018, 11:13:50 am


Hip flexor feeling a little better again today, might be able to go for a really light jog tomorrow. Might check out a local yoga place in the morning too! Should do more regular core/hip work and this studio is meant to be really great. Will do something tomorrow, in any case.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 18, 2018, 03:49:03 am


Run -- 4.05mi in 35:15


Started out real easy and warmed up very thoroughly beforehand. Hip flexor feels totally fine, which is great.

Legs felt quite tired, I guess really they're just now slightly un-used to running, I'm sure by the end of this week I'll be back in the flow.

Might go check out a yoga class later today. Edit: gonna hold off for a week on this actually, let body get used to running again before adding an extra stimulus

Ran in high 60s weather and am dripping with sweat, haha, gonna get into the 70s this week.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on April 18, 2018, 05:33:43 pm


Run -- 4.05mi in 35:15


Started out real easy and warmed up very thoroughly beforehand. Hip flexor feels totally fine, which is great.

damn that's good news.

Legs felt quite tired, I guess really they're just now slightly un-used to running, I'm sure by the end of this week I'll be back in the flow.

Might go check out a yoga class later today. Edit: gonna hold off for a week on this actually, let body get used to running again before adding an extra stimulus

yogiJoe. nice.

Ran in high 60s weather and am dripping with sweat, haha, gonna get into the 70s this week.

so crazy, i wouldn't sweat at all in 60's. lmao!!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 19, 2018, 05:59:30 am


Run --

4.5mi, overall easy but with 4 fairly hard hill reps in there

4 x ~8 second hill sprints

~1.7 mi cooldown jog

Total 6.54mi in 1hr


Solid workout, fucking melted in the heat though, haha, it's in the 20s/70s now. I'll adapt, but for now it's a little rough.

Doing hill reps and short hill sprints to improve running specific strength, feels good. Going up a 350m long hill with first half ~5% grade and second half ~10-15% grade is nice work.

Hip flexor a little tender, but feeling okay.

Might pick up some sunglasses for running, haha.

Did some single leg deadlifts, single leg bridges and other general hip/glute strengthening stuff after this run. Just trying to be judicious about all that.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 20, 2018, 04:53:28 am


NG Chins
BW x 10, 10, 8

BW x 15, 13, 10

SS1A Unsupported KB Rows
24 x 6, 6

16 x 5, 5


Hip flexor just a little sore today, tried a couple strides of running and figured it was best not to run today. It's not bothering me in day-to-day stuff, at least. Not super surprised that it wouldn't be feeling great when running today, given that glutes + general hip stability stuff is quite sore/fatigued from yesterday. Rest it is! Gotta keep building up that hip strength and stability though, so must keep in hill work + core/hip strength circuits after runs too.

Felt antsy for exercise, though, so did some much neglected upper body stuff. Glad I can still hit 10 chins. Gotta stay consistent with this, get that number to 20 and lean down. I'll be faster and look better, unbeatable combo...

I'm so bad at pushups, lol. Just never had a time in my life when I did them consistently. Probably lots of times when I could do more chins than pushups.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 20, 2018, 10:46:17 am
yeah it's funny how people are built to do different things. mutumbo is also a pulling machine iirc. meanwhile i'm a pushing machine, i haven't done push ups (other than a few here and there) in ages but i'm sure i could do 30-40 right now if i put my mind to it. would be pleased to get more than 10 pull ups, though, and would have a big drop off after the first set even if so. my squat has also always been way ahead of my DL, relatively speaking.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on April 20, 2018, 04:15:21 pm

I def can't knock out 30-40 after detraining. Can barely get 20 after a detraining period.

I'm the same as Joe. bad at pushups, solid at pullups. I absolutely hate pushups for some reason. Used to do a ton of them in martial arts etc, never did any pullup variations until I basically got a gym membership in college. Yet still, my pulls are always better. I can knock out like 12 BW dips right now and I bet only 20 pushups.

I guess it's also harder when you hate it. lmao. Not sure why I hate pushups so much, I think I just hate getting on the ground for *anything*. I hate any ground based exercise/movement.

My DL was also way ahead of my squat, when I was just starting out.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 21, 2018, 05:36:57 am


Run -- 7.1mi in 54:39 [7:42 pace]


Nice run, just arbitrarily targeted half marathon pace + 1 min/mile. I guess it's in the halfway zone between threshold and easy running. Forgot my watch cable so not gonna be on Strava for a couple of days, haha.

Did plenty of SL glute bridges and and SL deadlifts amd various plank variations after workout.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 21, 2018, 07:09:27 am
Re push vs pull -- idk how much of the difference in me is structural versus learned. I never liked pushups, or really pushing work in general, so I never did that much of it. I've had plenty of times where i basically just did pulling stuff, or really just focussed on pulling strength. As such my back musculature is just always more built up
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 22, 2018, 11:44:10 am


Right hip flexor sore again, ugh. Just want to run. Sometimes got a similar feeling pain in my right glute.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on April 22, 2018, 09:23:07 pm


Right hip flexor sore again, ugh. Just want to run. Sometimes got a similar feeling pain in my right glute.

damn just out of nowhere?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 23, 2018, 03:27:59 am
just a thought but maybe it's linked to the glute activation work?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 23, 2018, 06:52:52 am
just a thought but maybe it's linked to the glute activation work?

I think it probably is in some sense -- the glute activation work will lead to a change in running form, which will lead to new stresses on joints/muscles. That all at the same time as me ramping up volume could certainly lead to overuse injuries of a sort.

Anyway, still hurts today. I think I'm going to try to just not run for a week. Will keep up with upperbody stuff and do some walking (though that at times hurts too). Maybe I'll try to get some stationary cycling in to keep up cardio.

agbhrueasdfhuwtirj wnmgeradsfvxhub ihjn
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 23, 2018, 11:56:30 am


BW x 11, 10, 9

BW x 18, 15, 12

16 x 7, 7

24 x 7, 7

+ some ab stuff


This all felt good. Left out glute stuff to give it some rest.

Seeing physio tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on April 23, 2018, 02:39:35 pm
just a thought but maybe it's linked to the glute activation work?

I think it probably is in some sense -- the glute activation work will lead to a change in running form, which will lead to new stresses on joints/muscles. That all at the same time as me ramping up volume could certainly lead to overuse injuries of a sort.

Anyway, still hurts today. I think I'm going to try to just not run for a week. Will keep up with upperbody stuff and do some walking (though that at times hurts too). Maybe I'll try to get some stationary cycling in to keep up cardio.

agbhrueasdfhuwtirj wnmgeradsfvxhub ihjn

few people i know have some hamstring issues and they defer to the stationary bike. their issues don't seem to be healing. IMHO, stationary bike could definitely help prevent something like that from healing. anything quad/ham/hip flexor related should get stressed decently hard on the bike. dno though. just be careful with it!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 23, 2018, 06:10:10 pm
just a thought but maybe it's linked to the glute activation work?

I think it probably is in some sense -- the glute activation work will lead to a change in running form, which will lead to new stresses on joints/muscles. That all at the same time as me ramping up volume could certainly lead to overuse injuries of a sort.

Anyway, still hurts today. I think I'm going to try to just not run for a week. Will keep up with upperbody stuff and do some walking (though that at times hurts too). Maybe I'll try to get some stationary cycling in to keep up cardio.

agbhrueasdfhuwtirj wnmgeradsfvxhub ihjn

few people i know have some hamstring issues and they defer to the stationary bike. their issues don't seem to be healing. IMHO, stationary bike could definitely help prevent something like that from healing. anything quad/ham/hip flexor related should get stressed decently hard on the bike. dno though. just be careful with it!

yeah, fair...just don't want to give up all cardio, maybe i should find a place to swim, idk.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 24, 2018, 10:22:25 am


Went to physio, was moderately useful I suppose. He is convinced there is no joint issue as such, which is a relief. His diagnosis of the cause of the soft tissue issues is basically what I said above -- right glute still in the process of firing properly, but is no working enough that form is changing and this can cause issues. So basically probably worth limiting harder running while this glute work is still going, but at the same time feel free to amp up glute strengthening/activation work. Gonna get a massage later this week as it helped this pain issue last week.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 25, 2018, 01:18:16 pm


BW x 11, 11, 8

BW x 20, 16, 10

16 x 6, 6

24 x 7, 7

Hip thrust [shoulders raised, feet on ground, KB held in lap]
16 x 12, 12, 12

BW x 8, 8

Reverse Lunge [KB held by arm on same side as working leg]
16 x 6, 6

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 10, 10, 10

+ some plank work (front, side and back) and some light abduction stuff.


Fun to do a full lifting routine! Got a sports massage booked for tomorrow. Everything is feeling a lot less tender today. I reckon I'll probably be good to run on Friday. Just got to make sure I keep things pretty easy for a while still...

Always get this dramatic drop off with pushups, though today was particularly cliffy. It's funny, because when I used to do curls and tricep work I'd get the huge dropoff on bicep work but not tricep work, but here it's the opposite.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 27, 2018, 04:57:40 am


Legs/glutes still sore from lifting. Had massage yesterday on the injured areas, though things were already starting to feel a bit better yesterday. Feeling better yet today! I think I could go for a run without pain, but I'm going to give it one more day and have an easy run tomorrow, if think.

Might do some upper stuff later, not sure.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 29, 2018, 12:58:20 pm
Busy weekend and I've been a touch lazy to be honest, so no training. Don't feel too bad as giving this hip thing a couple of extra days may pay off in the long run? In any case, excuses over and am running + doing some upper body stuff tomorrow.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 30, 2018, 06:21:02 am


Run -- 5.70mi in 49:20 [8:39 pace]

Hip Thrust
16 x 14, 14

Reverse Lunge
16 x 7, 7

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 10, 10

+ plank work


Nice, hip feeling okay. Don't think I've lost too much fitness, but legs definitely feel like they've lost the feel for running/lost some muscular endurance. That'll come back. Readjusting half targets in light of this -- I think I'd be very happy  to average 7min/mile pace for the race.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 01, 2018, 01:30:28 pm


Lunge matrix + foam rolling to warmup

BW x 12, 11, 9

BW x 21, 15, 12

16 x 7, 7, 7

24 x 8, 8, 8

some side lying hip abduction stuff


Sluggish but this was decent in the end. Actually a bit sore in calves from yesterday, in addition to glutes. Lost some specific muscle adaptation to running, bleh, it'll come back quickly.

Signed up for a half marathon in October. I think for all intents and purposes that's my "goal" race. This one coming up is in the end to get a feel for what racing like that is like. Will get in some 5 and 10k races in the summer, haven't scoped out what exactly.

Another easy run tmrw. Hip feeling okay! Abductions feel really good, too -- feel like they're working the right area to support where I'm weak.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on May 01, 2018, 01:45:35 pm


Lunge matrix + foam rolling to warmup

BW x 12, 11, 9

BW x 21, 15, 12

16 x 7, 7, 7

24 x 8, 8, 8

some side lying hip abduction stuff


Sluggish but this was decent in the end. Actually a bit sore in calves from yesterday, in addition to glutes. Lost some specific muscle adaptation to running, bleh, it'll come back quickly.

Signed up for a half marathon in October. I think for all intents and purposes that's my "goal" race. This one coming up is in the end to get a feel for what racing like that is like. Will get in some 5 and 10k races in the summer, haven't scoped out what exactly.

Another easy run tmrw. Hip feeling okay! Abductions feel really good, too -- feel like they're working the right area to support where I'm weak.

niiice! bump the upcoming competitions thread :D

and ya, feel out half is a great idea. i really didn't know what to expect in my first one, learned alot from it. allowed me to go HARD in my next one. Since we're talking about "general rules of thumb" (LBSS), I think this is probably one. Test <x> distance before the real thing. Go out at goal pace perhaps, then just shut it down and coast it out once that starts to become rough. Going out at goal pace, even if it's just a few miles for a half, will still give you some good experience before you attempt to hit every mile @ that pace in your important one.

which reminds me, I need to do a jog marathon before 2018 is up. lol.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 02, 2018, 01:04:16 am
yeah my approach for the race on may 13 will be to go out with the leaders and hold on as long as i can. the winning time last year was 19:04, fifth place was 20:34.

winning time last year for the wimbledon race was 18:56, fifth place 20:26.

come on joe, let's see if we can go 1-2.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 02, 2018, 04:17:14 am
yeah my approach for the race on may 13 will be to go out with the leaders and hold on as long as i can. the winning time last year was 19:04, fifth place was 20:34.

winning time last year for the wimbledon race was 18:56, fifth place 20:26.

come on joe, let's see if we can go 1-2.

the fact i'm no longer fully planning to go all out in edinburgh may mean i'll be less wrecked for the 5k!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 02, 2018, 06:32:52 am


Run -- 5.41mi in 51:53 [9:35 pace] -- including 5 x 100m strides w/ jog back recovery

Prehab + plank stuff after run.


Run was 90% on grass which was nice. Still quite sore from hip thrusts + lunges the other day. Forgot what running on legs dead from lifting was like. Weird to feel so little power.

Doing strides "properly", i.e. slow accell up to about 70m then slow decel to the end felt really good.

Got to sub-5 pace on 4 of the strides. Agree with adarq, at that point it feels like flying/floating.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on May 02, 2018, 09:38:13 pm
yeah my approach for the race on may 13 will be to go out with the leaders and hold on as long as i can. the winning time last year was 19:04, fifth place was 20:34.

winning time last year for the wimbledon race was 18:56, fifth place 20:26.

come on joe, let's see if we can go 1-2.

the fact i'm no longer fully planning to go all out in edinburgh may mean i'll be less wrecked for the 5k!

hah good point.

bruh you guys got to represent out there!!@$@ :D :ibrunning: :ibjumping: :ibsquatting: :wowthatwasnutswtf:



Run -- 5.41mi in 51:53 [9:35 pace] -- including 5 x 100m strides w/ jog back recovery

Prehab + plank stuff after run.


Run was 90% on grass which was nice. Still quite sore from hip thrusts + lunges the other day. Forgot what running on legs dead from lifting was like. Weird to feel so little power.

Doing strides "properly", i.e. slow accell up to about 70m then slow decel to the end felt really good.

Got to sub-5 pace on 4 of the strides. Agree with adarq, at that point it feels like flying/floating.

excited about more grass lyfe run squad, it's a game changer imho.

Got to sub-5 pace on 4 of the strides. Agree with adarq, at that point it feels like flying/floating.

yup! it's my addiction. want to run at those speeds continuously for a long time. love the feeling. very vert-ish imho, just lasts longer and brings about more pain. but that float feeling in running feels perfect. I notice myself get annoyed when I start fatiguing and can't maintain my "float/bounce" like it was when I was fresh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 04, 2018, 04:48:34 am


Hip flexor mildly sore/painful, but in a non-running conducive way -- i.e. tried a few strides and it immediately felt a bit worse. Not as bad as it has been in the past. Was sore yesterday, but in a way that just felt like ordinary muscular soreness, and which suggested to me that it would be fine today.

Really tired of this.

I'll do strength work later today, but I'm feeling really discouraged. Maybe I'll be good to run tomorrow? Have something all day, but I suppose I could run if I wake up early enough.

 :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

Edit: too annoyed by this to get strength stuff done in the end, this rut is really wearing me down. not likely to be able to get anything in tomorrow given the combination of busy + feeling like this, will do stuff sunday though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 08, 2018, 08:32:26 am
Been feeling somewhat down for the last couple weeks and not being able to run has been a contributing factor for sure. Feeling a lot better after last couple of days and have managed to change my mindset, for now at least, in a positive way.

Saw physio today, discussed whether a scan would be useful and he thinks not. Took recordings of me running short distances (mild pain gone shortly after from this) and that made fairly clear the issue. Left leg moves great, straight forward, sturdy landing, but right leg is just super floppy and lands terribly. He thinks the way to fix that is strengthening, esp glutes. Seems reasonable to me. Right leg seemed to be moving more "correctly" the faster I ran.

Makes me think that just doing regular strides/hill running without any "easy running" for a while might actually be sensible? These things cause minimal pain because they're either low impact or just involve fewer impacts than a proper run, and they seem like the most specific way to improve strength for running. Thoughts? I guess running drills would also be useful?

As part of the general movement assessment the physio asked me to jump. I thwacked my head hard on the ceiling. He was like "Oh shit, no one's ever done that before! Epic jump!"

 :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 08, 2018, 09:44:44 am

As part of the general movement assessment the physio asked me to jump. I thwacked my head hard on the ceiling. He was like "Oh shit, no one's ever done that before! Epic jump!"

 :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping:

this is the true sign of an member.  :highfive:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on May 08, 2018, 12:34:53 pm
Been feeling somewhat down for the last couple weeks and not being able to run has been a contributing factor for sure. Feeling a lot better after last couple of days and have managed to change my mindset, for now at least, in a positive way.

Saw physio today, discussed whether a scan would be useful and he thinks not. Took recordings of me running short distances (mild pain gone shortly after from this) and that made fairly clear the issue. Left leg moves great, straight forward, sturdy landing, but right leg is just super floppy and lands terribly. He thinks the way to fix that is strengthening, esp glutes. Seems reasonable to me. Right leg seemed to be moving more "correctly" the faster I ran.

Makes me think that just doing regular strides/hill running without any "easy running" for a while might actually be sensible? These things cause minimal pain because they're either low impact or just involve fewer impacts than a proper run, and they seem like the most specific way to improve strength for running. Thoughts? I guess running drills would also be useful?

ya relaxed speed seems to fix lots of issues that we see in slower running. then eventually slower running improves.

like you said the other day too, you can always throw strides into your light runs to get those better movement patterns firing. hit a stride, then try and lock into that "better form" and incorporate into the slower paced running.

as for the floppiness, i think it'll improve. if you just keep focusing on staying healthy and keep getting the miles in (mix of speed & light), it should improve. but ya, speed will teach it better how not to be floppy.

As part of the general movement assessment the physio asked me to jump. I thwacked my head hard on the ceiling. He was like "Oh shit, no one's ever done that before! Epic jump!"

 :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping:

hah epic.

:highfive: :ibjumping:

i didn't mention it in my journal the other day but, i also did a nice jump hah. after the tgi5k, nice little run-up into a single leg jumped onto probably some ~24" concrete structure (to get onto a bridge) and just floated up there mad ez, very bouncy, felt good. :ibrunning: :ibjumping:

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on May 08, 2018, 12:35:05 pm

As part of the general movement assessment the physio asked me to jump. I thwacked my head hard on the ceiling. He was like "Oh shit, no one's ever done that before! Epic jump!"

 :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping:

this is the true sign of an member.  :highfive:

ya it is. lmao!!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 15, 2018, 06:03:16 am


Run --

Easy, mostly on grass, 5x100m strides w/ rest in lane 7 on the bend

Total 4.22mi in 36:33 [8:39 average]


Hip feeling good. Hopefully things can stick from here. Been like a month since I've trained properly, fuck!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 16, 2018, 10:31:09 am


Picked up some looped resistance bands to use for more specific rehab stuff. Have some specific things in mind for ankle work + of course monster walks, etc., for hip/glute strengthening. Felt good + was fun messing around with stuff like that today.

Re ankle -- watching videos of me running + doing some general assessment it's pretty clear that I also supinate pretty heavily on my right side, which is part of the floppy right leg thing. Part of this is the lack of ankle mobility. My right foot has a hard time lying flat even at the best of times, so naturally it'll supinate when running. For an example of what I mean, check out this assessment:

My left leg is totally fine with this, but my right sucks ass, can barely get past vertical. This is a holdover from an ankle injury from ~8 years ago now, I suspect. So I'm gonna use the bands to strengthen the muscles in the ankle/leg/foot that are responsible for that movement, while working on general mobility/flexibility stuff in the area. What's odd is that the the muscles feel fairly flexible from my fairly regular stretching for gastroc/soleus, but they don't feel like what is responsible for this lack of mobility.

Basically I think if I can improve ankle strength/mobility at the same time as continuing to improve glute function my right leg will get in order well.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 18, 2018, 06:04:08 am


Run --

Easy, 2x(3x100m) strides w/ rest in lane 7 on the bend, 300m rest between sets

Total 5.22mi in 45:47 [8:46 average]


Nicenice, let's keep this going.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 19, 2018, 07:29:21 am
hip's sore again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

close to giving up on running tbh, this is too tiresome
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on May 19, 2018, 09:31:41 am
hip's sore again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

close to giving up on running tbh, this is too tiresome

damn :/ this sucks :(
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 20, 2018, 01:19:02 pm
hip's sore again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

close to giving up on running tbh, this is too tiresome

damn :/ this sucks :(

what he said  :(
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 06, 2018, 01:38:00 pm


Run -- 2.15mi in 19:23 [8:59 pace]

+ some rehab exercises and stretching


Felt good. Next run Saturday or Sunday, gonna keep them short for now so that I can maintain solid form the whole time. Want to make this stick, as I miss running a lot.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 07, 2018, 11:27:10 pm


Run -- 2.15mi in 19:23 [8:59 pace]

+ some rehab exercises and stretching


Felt good. Next run Saturday or Sunday, gonna keep them short for now so that I can maintain solid form the whole time. Want to make this stick, as I miss running a lot.

nice!! good to see you posting runs again!! :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :highfive:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 11, 2018, 06:11:34 am


Run -- 2.92mi in 24:55 [8:50, 8:51 and 7:48 pace]

+ some ab wheel and rehab hip stuff


No hip issues in time since last run. Maybe a bit conservative with amount of time between them, but we'll see. Pain always recurred after the second run, so let's see. Form felt good on this one, too. Hopefully all good tomorrow and I can head out for another short on in a couple of days.

nice!! good to see you posting runs again!! :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :highfive:

Here's another one for you!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 13, 2018, 12:20:59 am


Run -- 2.92mi in 24:55 [8:50, 8:51 and 7:48 pace]

+ some ab wheel and rehab hip stuff


No hip issues in time since last run. Maybe a bit conservative with amount of time between them, but we'll see. Pain always recurred after the second run, so let's see. Form felt good on this one, too. Hopefully all good tomorrow and I can head out for another short on in a couple of days.

nice!! good to see you posting runs again!! :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :highfive:

Here's another one for you!

:D :highfive:

eagerly awaiting the next one, which i seem to see first on strava. lool. :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 29, 2018, 06:25:15 am
Catch-up post:


Run -- ~2.5mi in ~22 mins [didn't have watch for this one]


Run -- 3.8mi in 32:54 [8:30 pace, probs too fast]


Run -- 4.0mi in 36:18 [8:56 pace]


Run -- 4.5mi in 39:57 [8:47 pace]


Run -- 5.3mi in 48:28 [9:06 pace]

Ran with a friend, stayed totally conversational pace.


Run -- 5.3mi in 46:55 [8:53 pace]

Ran with same friend.


Holy fuck I can run again. So happy  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :highfive: ;D  :headbang:

Going to keep to every other day for a while, I think. Fitness feels like it's coming back. HR readings from watch do not feel accurate for whatever reason, so I'm ignoring them and going by feel. First few runs logged here was probably a bit faster than conversational pace, but running a bit fast feels safer, in a way, because my form is a bit more solid there.

It's been in the 80s for most of these runs, too, which as been killer. Can't wait to see how the heat adaptations pay off when autumn/winter come.

Still on for the Oxford half in the autumn, so hopefully can keep everything together long term here.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on June 29, 2018, 07:10:41 am
 :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 29, 2018, 01:12:00 pm
awesome man :ibrunning: :headbang: :highfive:

the every other day approach works great. 1:1 work/rest ratio is always solid.

I had weird/similar setbacks as well, with huge gaps of time off. so i'm optimistic for this next phase, things will come together better than before and you'll be healthier.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 01, 2018, 10:18:54 am


Run -- 4.66mi in 41:33 [8:54 pace]

w/ same pal


Took two days off as hip feeling a little bit tight. Not pain, so it's good, just being careful.

The pal my last few runs have been with is staying with me for a couple more days, so I'll be back to solo runs soon. Looking forward to getting back into solo runs again though, haha. I like running with people as a change, but it doesn't suit me as the primary way to train.

Shall also start throwing in strides in the second half of these runs.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on July 03, 2018, 01:37:58 pm


Run -- 4.66mi in 41:33 [8:54 pace]

w/ same pal


Took two days off as hip feeling a little bit tight. Not pain, so it's good, just being careful.

The pal my last few runs have been with is staying with me for a couple more days, so I'll be back to solo runs soon. Looking forward to getting back into solo runs again though, haha. I like running with people as a change, but it doesn't suit me as the primary way to train.

Shall also start throwing in strides in the second half of these runs.

hah.  :highfive:

solo running ftw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on July 03, 2018, 10:49:23 pm
you been reading hanif abdurraqib?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 04, 2018, 11:28:27 am


Run -- 3.46mi in 32:33 [9:23 pace]

Including 6 strides just scattered through the second half of the run.


Felt decent. This pace seems like where I should really be for easy runs at the moment -- feels more like what I'm used too from easy running earlier in the year. Bit disappointing that it is this much slower, but hopefully fitness will come back quicker.

Hip was a bit tight from the last run so I took a couple days off. Hoping that this easier pace will keep things a bit smoother, but we'll see.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 04, 2018, 11:29:05 am
you been reading hanif abdurraqib?

nope? i think i have seen them on twitter a fair bit though. any particular reason you mention/particular recommendations?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on July 06, 2018, 11:51:51 am
you been reading hanif abdurraqib?

nope? i think i have seen them on twitter a fair bit though. any particular reason you mention/particular recommendations?

he refers to friends very often as "pals," which you did in a recent post. it's unusual, most people i know don't use that word. i just read they can't kill us until they kill us, which i liked okay -- at his best he's brilliant and unique, nobody else writes about music like that -- but which got old before i finished. better encountered in bits and pieces i think.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 06, 2018, 01:17:14 pm


Run -- 4.24mi in 39:42 [9:22 pace]

7 strides spread through the second half of the run.


It's so hot
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 06, 2018, 01:18:03 pm
you been reading hanif abdurraqib?

nope? i think i have seen them on twitter a fair bit though. any particular reason you mention/particular recommendations?

he refers to friends very often as "pals," which you did in a recent post. it's unusual, most people i know don't use that word. i just read they can't kill us until they kill us, which i liked okay -- at his best he's brilliant and unique, nobody else writes about music like that -- but which got old before i finished. better encountered in bits and pieces i think.

cool cool! sounds like something to pick up a copy of and keep by the bed for dipping in and out of.

idk where the pals thing comes from, tbh. i often just take a liking to a word like that
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 30, 2018, 06:01:42 am

Didn't manage to sort out hip so got discourage and didn't do much exercise for a month or so, then took up climbing. Didn't really know how to log it, but I've been bouldering 2-3 times a week for a while. This week I injured something in my left hand so can't climb for a couple weeks. Stupid body hates me. Seems like lifting is the only thing that doesn't wreck me.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on August 30, 2018, 11:14:24 am

Didn't manage to sort out hip so got discourage and didn't do much exercise for a month or so, then took up climbing. Didn't really know how to log it, but I've been bouldering 2-3 times a week for a while. This week I injured something in my left hand so can't climb for a couple weeks. Stupid body hates me.

damn that sucks :/

Seems like lifting is the only thing that doesn't wreck me.

better than nothing tho, and it can be pretty fun. maybe make that primary for a while again.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on August 31, 2018, 12:38:19 am
bummer. but yeah, what adarq said.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 26, 2018, 12:56:44 pm
Popping back to say that my finger healed up and I've been climbing regularly and loving it. Hip has been decent enough to let me run to the gym every now and then, so I might start logging some light running again soon, but no promises on that front. Might try to get some climbing videos up here if I can take some good ones.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on October 26, 2018, 06:01:21 pm
Popping back to say that my finger healed up and I've been climbing regularly and loving it. Hip has been decent enough to let me run to the gym every now and then, so I might start logging some light running again soon, but no promises on that front. Might try to get some climbing videos up here if I can take some good ones.

good to hear man!! :headbang:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 23, 2019, 12:53:21 pm
Update and suchlike

Back again!

Kept up climbing a bit, mostly 1xWeek.

Been back running for about a month now, like 15-25km a week all easy. Hip still hurts at times, though. So, back to (new) physio (who has a 2:2x marathon PB!). They're pretty confident I've got femoroacetabular impingement, so I'm waiting to get my hip imaged some time soon. It's just such a weird injury since I have like no tightness/flexibility issues, just this weird internal pain. Was amused when doctor said I should get back to the gym and squat heavy, though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 23, 2019, 02:11:43 pm
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on May 23, 2019, 11:41:56 pm
Update and suchlike

Back again!

Kept up climbing a bit, mostly 1xWeek.

Been back running for about a month now, like 15-25km a week all easy.

nice! :ibrunning:

Hip still hurts at times, though. So, back to (new) physio (who has a 2:2x marathon PB!). They're pretty confident I've got femoroacetabular impingement, so I'm waiting to get my hip imaged some time soon. It's just such a weird injury since I have like no tightness/flexibility issues, just this weird internal pain. Was amused when doctor said I should get back to the gym and squat heavy, though.

doc sounds beast.

sux that the hip is still hurting, damn.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 24, 2019, 06:36:16 am


SS1A - Chinups
BW x 7, 7, 6

SS1B - Dips
BW x 7, 7, 6

SS2A - Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 4, 4

16kg x 5, 5

Deadhangs on fingerboard
Top leg x 12s, 12s, 12s

Then at dr's orders messed around with various glute things I could do at home.

BW x 10, 10 [think this is a no go, alas, get real blockage in the injured hip at the bottom and can feel some sort of grinding, eep]

SL Glute Bridge [shoulders and feet on floor]
+16kg x 10

SL Glute Bridge [shoulders elevated]
BW x 12

+16kg x 6 [little awkward doing this with weight in only one hand, haha]


Set up a chin/dip station in my flat like 10 days ago, which has been nice, so been doing some strength stuff regularly again.

Doc emphasised glute _strength_ rather than just activation, so messed around with some exercises for that. None of these leg exercises really clicked. May well need to get a gym membership again, it seems.

Today (24th) is rest, then light run tomorrow.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: seifullaah73 on May 24, 2019, 11:13:58 am
I have had hip impingement before and what helps is using bands.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 24, 2019, 11:35:05 am
I have had hip impingement before and what helps is using bands.

The physio tried several stretches like this as part of the assessment and none made any difference with internal rotation mobility, which was part of what led him to think it was this particular form of impingement, alas
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 25, 2019, 01:02:53 pm

Run --

Easy, mostly on grass, 5 or so strides near the end

Total 4.03mi in 36:18 [9:00 average]

SL Calf Raises off a ledge
+16kg x 6, 6
BW x 14
DL burnout set [didn't keep count]

SL Glute circuit --
Donkey Kicks


PT was a bit concerned I had weak calves, so shall make sure do this calf work regularly after runs.

It's fucking hot (to me) -- like 24C (75F). Not used to this, lol.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on May 25, 2019, 04:23:07 pm
It's fucking hot (to me) -- like 24C (75F). Not used to this, lol.

funny how that works. 75 F is a dream to me.

it's been 90 F+ heat index here the last month or so. going to be very hot the next 6 months. tbh I enjoy it. it's hard to go fast but I love feeling scorched. :ibrunning: :ninja:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 26, 2019, 11:41:36 am

Run --


Total 4.35mi in 39:24 [9:03 average]


Felt good! Not much to report. Upper body lifting tmrw.

Think this is very marginally the longest distance I've run since starting up again.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 27, 2019, 01:19:08 pm

Workout ---

SS1A Chinups
BW x 2
+16kg x 3, 3, 3

SS1B Dips
BW x 2, 10, 9, 9

SS2A Wide Pullups
BW x 5, 5

16kg x 6, 6

Deadhangs on fingerboard
Top ledge x 14s, 14s, 13s [went a little closer to failure than I ought to on this, I think -- maybe next time I do 4 x 12s instead]

Glute activation circuit

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 8, 8, 8


ROM on the ab wheel not great, but lats and core wiped by that stage of the workout anyway.

Was going to try chins with weights just for a lark not expecting more than a single rep, so nailing 3x3 was pretty exciting!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on May 27, 2019, 02:56:56 pm
can you do those single arm chinups now?

imagining your lats/fingers must be way stronger now after being consistent with the climbing stuff.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 27, 2019, 03:50:27 pm
can you do those single arm chinups now?

imagining your lats/fingers must be way stronger now after being consistent with the climbing stuff.

Nah, haven't been climbing frequently/regularly enough for those sorts of strength gains -- probs lost a bit of strength last couples months tbh. When I was going 3xweek i could do a pretty controlled negative without any pullup specific training, so with lifting + regular climbing I think it'll be really attainable.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 28, 2019, 05:04:09 am

Run --


Total 4.64mi in 45:02 [9:42 average]

Threw in six strides towards the end as part of the run

SL Calf Raise off a step
+16 x 8, 7 7
then BW burnout, then DL burnout

Glute circuit


Another distance 'PR', kept it really easy. Feeling good.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 29, 2019, 09:31:04 am


After yesterday's feel good vibes I couldn't really sleep last night and feel beat up.  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

Rest day. Flat upstairs started leaking into mine, and I've got final exams coming up. Stress abounds. Training may take a slight back foot, but it keeps me feeling good when otherwise stressed so I'm not dropping it.

@adarq -- what do you think of running form drills, like A-skips, B-skips, butt kicks, etc?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on May 29, 2019, 11:41:02 pm
@adarq -- what do you think of running form drills, like A-skips, B-skips, butt kicks, etc?

my advice might be a bit useless considering i don't do drills and i'm slow. :ninja:

i don't really understand a/b skips tbh.

butt kicks/leg swings/hurdle mobility, yea that stuff is effective - from a mobility/flexibility/coordination perspective.

as far as more strict running form/mechanics drills go with considerable time spent on it during a session, not much of a fan. seems like a waste to me. it's fine as part of a warmup though. probably most effective when it's done as part of a warmup, to progressively wake those motor patterns up.


Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 30, 2019, 05:34:02 am

Run --


Total 3.70mi in 35:05 [9:29 average]

Pistol squat

SL Calf Raise
SL+DL burnout


Bad sleep, legs felt totally flat. Still, run is worthwhile and this stuff happens.

@adarq -- what do you think of running form drills, like A-skips, B-skips, butt kicks, etc?

my advice might be a bit useless considering i don't do drills and i'm slow. :ninja:

i don't really understand a/b skips tbh.

butt kicks/leg swings/hurdle mobility, yea that stuff is effective - from a mobility/flexibility/coordination perspective.

as far as more strict running form/mechanics drills go with considerable time spent on it during a session, not much of a fan. seems like a waste to me. it's fine as part of a warmup though. probably most effective when it's done as part of a warmup, to progressively wake those motor patterns up.



Thanks! Might play around with it a bit -- probably mostly, as you say, as part of warmup for a session/workout when I start incorporating those again.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 31, 2019, 12:25:50 pm


SS1A Chinups
BW x 2
+16kg x 4, 4, 4

SS1B Dips
BW x 2
+16kg x 4, 4, 4

SS2A Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 7, 6

16kg x 8, 8

Deadhang Repeaters
Top ledge x BW x 2 x 6x(5on/5off) [i.e. two sets of 6 clusters of 5 seconds hanging/5 secs rest] -- failed right at end of last hang of second set.

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 10, 10

Hanging Knee Raise
BW x 7, 6


Really liked the repeater protocol, even if it is unwieldy to log. Got a real forearm pump going, whereas w/ the 10-15s sets I don't really get that. Figure pump is good -- the repeater thing is more like a bodybuild rep scheme, which I think is good. My fingers are not very "mature" yet, so it's good to just get lots of TUT/practice doing it + build some specific muscle. Can progress them by increasing sets, then changing the timing -- gold standard in climbing community is 7on/3off.

Felt strong overall! I fucking suck at hanging knee raises, lol, must stick with them.

Exams started -- likely no climbing till they're finished (21/6) since it's so time consuming.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 01, 2019, 04:56:25 am

Run --

Total 10.2km ~6k easy then 3k progression [5:41, 5:18, 4:52], then cooldown jog. Total time 1:01:05


Didn't plan on this, and legs felt quite heavy/slow for first while, probably because of pistol squats the other day. Just felt like pushing it lightly after a while, though, so did this.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 02, 2019, 05:32:08 am

Run --

3.86mi in 35:42 [9:41 pace]

SS1A SL Calf Raise
+16 x 10, 9, 8 [+BW burnout + double leg burnout]

SS1B Pistol Squat
BW x 4, 4, 4


Nice easy run [avg HR ~148, which is solid in this heat]. 25c/75f outside today, so I melted. Remembered to wear a hat + sun screen, though.

This makes this week a running volume PR since starting up again -- 18.3mi/30km.

Realised I logged in km yesterday rather than miles, lol. I have my watch in km and strava in miles so that I can finally build an inuitive sense of how to convert them.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 02, 2019, 10:06:59 pm
Realised I logged in km yesterday rather than miles, lol. I have my watch in km and strava in miles so that I can finally build an inuitive sense of how to convert them.

hah. i have a good grasp on pace km to min/mi conversions for <= 3:05 only. distance conversions are decent across the board.


you going to night of the 10k pb's this year?

last year's results are so crazy.

world lead 10k this year, prior to Rhonex dropping 26:50, was like 27:30.. and a dude dropped 27:35 at no10kpbs last year, several 27:XX's.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 03, 2019, 02:36:21 am
Realised I logged in km yesterday rather than miles, lol. I have my watch in km and strava in miles so that I can finally build an inuitive sense of how to convert them.

hah. i have a good grasp on pace km to min/mi conversions for <= 3:05 only. distance conversions are decent across the board.


you going to night of the 10k pb's this year?

last year's results are so crazy.

world lead 10k this year, prior to Rhonex dropping 26:50, was like 27:30.. and a dude dropped 27:35 at no10kpbs last year, several 27:XX's.


Yeah, I was at the race last year! It was a super nice environment, so I hope to go back this year. The friends I went with were pretty involved in running during university, so they know or recognise a lot of the big names who came from that scene, which made watching v exciting.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 03, 2019, 08:37:58 am
Realised I logged in km yesterday rather than miles, lol. I have my watch in km and strava in miles so that I can finally build an inuitive sense of how to convert them.

hah. i have a good grasp on pace km to min/mi conversions for <= 3:05 only. distance conversions are decent across the board.


you going to night of the 10k pb's this year?

last year's results are so crazy.

world lead 10k this year, prior to Rhonex dropping 26:50, was like 27:30.. and a dude dropped 27:35 at no10kpbs last year, several 27:XX's.


Yeah, I was at the race last year! It was a super nice environment, so I hope to go back this year. The friends I went with were pretty involved in running during university, so they know or recognise a lot of the big names who came from that scene, which made watching v exciting.

yea i remember you went. cool stuff.

i've never seen that kind of speed before. 27's for 10k is absolutely flying.

so sick.

i imagine this year will be just as good or better, olympics coming up not so far off.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 03, 2019, 12:16:31 pm

BW = 71.2kg


SS1A Chins
BW x 2
+16 x 5, 4, 3
BW x 9

SS1B Dips
BW x 2
+16 x 5, 5
BW x 12

Top ledge x BW x 5s, 5s
Middle ledge x BW x 9s, 9s, 9s

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 12, 12

Ab Compression holds [like this:] stretch hamstrings during rest
BW x 10s, 10s


2/7 exams done. Hardest one was today and went okay. Abbreviated and kind of weak feeling workout, but still happy. Alternating w/ max hangs and repeaters, happy to get 3x9s on the middle ledge.

Compression stuff feels pretty useful for climbing. Hard core stuff is either holding a solid hollow position (so ab wheel good for that), or bring legs really high. Also, my quads always cramp up if I do L-Sits or the off leg during pistol squat, so good way to work on that particular trait.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 05, 2019, 05:05:37 am

Run --

3.06mi in 29:03 [9:29 pace]


Had a time press this morning so squeezed this in w/o accessory work. Felt meh.

After exams over think I might start a cut, aiming to drop ~6kg down to 65kg. I'm not lean at all at my current weight, and becoming a twig with some lats is probs useful for both climbing and running.


messed around a bit with some core stuff, managed some easy pistol singles w/ the 16kg KB
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 06, 2019, 05:32:59 am

Run --

10 min w/u, 3 x 1k [4:35, 4:34, 4:24]  w/ 90s jog rest, c/d

Total -- 4.43mi


Just a light workout in the style of that Tinman guy adarq posted vids from. Shall add 1 rep each time I do this.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 07, 2019, 11:25:09 am

BW - 71.8kg


BW x 2, 2 [pulling hard as possible, getting really high on these]
+16kg x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Half Crimp Deadhangs
BW x 24mm edge x 7s, 7s, 7s

3 Finger Drag Deadhangs
BW x 24mm edge x 6s, 6s

SS1A Dips
BW x 12, 11, 10

SS1B KB Rows
24kg x 8, 8

Standing Ab Wheel
BW x 3 partial reps [just feeling out where I am on this]

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 10 [this set was immediately after the standing set], 12

Ab compression
Hands by knees x 12s, 12s


3/7 exams done, today's one went great.

Excellent workout! Might see where I am on +24kg next time I chin. Ordered some 1.25kg plates so that I'm not just stuck with +16/24/40kg, lol.

Basically don't care too much about strength in things that aren't grip or chin/pullups at the mo, so I moved hangs ahead of dips in the workout. Volume on other stuff may increase with time as I get a bit more workout fit, I guess.

Also, did some more reading about hanging protocols -- seems, interestingly, that the consensus view is repeaters are a more dangerous protocol than just straight sets of hangs, so shall leave them be for a while. Shall build up to sets of 15s hangs, then maybe at a little weight, before moving down a ledge again.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 08, 2019, 05:44:17 am

Run --

3.72mi in 37:25 [10:03 pace]


Kept it really easy. Think one of my mistakes w/ running last year was pushing the pace on easy days just a little bit more than necessary.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 08, 2019, 09:38:00 am

3/7 exams done, today's one went great.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:


Run --

3.72mi in 37:25 [10:03 pace]


Kept it really easy. Think one of my mistakes w/ running last year was pushing the pace on easy days just a little bit more than necessary.

nice. and yup, usually the case.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on June 09, 2019, 10:51:16 am
seven seems like a cruelly high number of exams.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 09, 2019, 03:23:26 pm
seven seems like a cruelly high number of exams.

tell me about it, exhausting!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 10, 2019, 12:47:20 pm

BW - 71.5kg


Wide Pullups
BW x 2, 7
+5kg x 5, 5, 5
BW x 7

Deadhangs @ 24mm
W/U with a few sets of single BW pullups
HC x 9s, 9s, 9s
3FD x 9s, 9s [chalked up...much easier]

16kg x 10, 10, 8

16kg x 16, 16

Hanging L->V
BW x 4 [lol, not really strong enough for this yet]

Compression "pulses"
Hands by knees x 15s
Hands a little past my knees x 10s, 10s

German Hang
BW x 20s, 20s [just relaxing into the stretch]


4/7 exams one, today's one went well.

Solid workout, a bit tired. Deadhangs progressing nicely, remembering I had chalk lying around made stuff more solid (though I only used it on the open hand sets).

Abs weak, never got good at leg raises or anything of that sort. Hoping the compression stuff, esp pulses, will help, so that I can start doing proper sets of L->Vs.

German hangs feel nice.

Have felt beginnings of a little sniffle for last couple of days, hoping it goes away without me getting ill properly.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 11, 2019, 05:11:50 am

Run --

3.72mi in 36:30 [9:47 pace]


Another easy one on the books. Looking forward to finishing exams and upping volume on runs a bit. Will do another of those 1k interval sessions later this week, probably Thursday.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 13, 2019, 05:34:25 am

Run --

10 min w/u, 4 x 1k [4:33, 4:29, 4:27, 4:33]  w/ 90s jog rest + 4x~150m strides, c/d

Total -- 5.73mi


Felt solid. 2nd and 4th reps into wind. Light runs before breakfast are fine, but a workout feels less good.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 14, 2019, 12:33:52 pm

BW - 71.5kg


BW x 2
+5 x 2
+16 x 2
+21 x 3
+24 x 3
+18.5 x 3, 3

Deadhangs @ 24mm
w/u w/ p/u singles
HC x 12s, 12s, 12s

BW x 14, 12, 10

SS1A German Hang
BW x 25s, 25s

SS1B Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 8, 8 [felt extra hard today, but think I had more ROM]


5/7 exams done -- last two shouldn't be too bad. Exhausted today -- normally have a nap at home after each exam (they're in morning and I always sleep poorly the night before, so...), but didn't manage today.

Workout pretty solid despite that! Happy to get 3 reps at 24kg -- felt like not quite a max, don't think I could have got 4 reps, but could definitely have had 3 with a little more weight. Puts estimated 1RM on chins around 1.45xBW, which is nice, feel like it's progressing pretty quickly.

The deadhangs felt pretty strong. Dropped the open handers for time/energy's sake.

Dips are so exhausting...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 14, 2019, 01:15:39 pm

BW - 71.5kg


BW x 2
+5 x 2
+16 x 2
+21 x 3
+24 x 3
+18.5 x 3, 3

Deadhangs @ 24mm
w/u w/ p/u singles
HC x 12s, 12s, 12s

BW x 14, 12, 10

SS1A German Hang
BW x 25s, 25s

SS1B Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 8, 8 [felt extra hard today, but think I had more ROM]


5/7 exams done -- last two shouldn't be too bad. Exhausted today -- normally have a nap at home after each exam (they're in morning and I always sleep poorly the night before, so...), but didn't manage today.

Workout pretty solid despite that! Happy to get 3 reps at 24kg -- felt like not quite a max, don't think I could have got 4 reps, but could definitely have had 3 with a little more weight. Puts estimated 1RM on chins around 1.45xBW, which is nice, feel like it's progressing pretty quickly.

The deadhangs felt pretty strong. Dropped the open handers for time/energy's sake.

Dips are so exhausting...

i feel the same way about pushups.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 15, 2019, 05:35:02 am

Run -- 3.67mi in 35:48 [9:44 pace]


Slept great last night, much needed.

Decent run, legs a bit tired from Thursday, so felt sluggish in the second half, though HR, etc., was pretty moderate.

Ran in my Escalantes for first time in a while, had kept them out of the rotation b/c my calves were getting v tired, but really liked them today. Think calves just needed time to adjust to running as a stimulus again.

Glutes sore from Thursday's run! This is good news, since my right glute never got sore from running last year, even on hills, so this shows some progress in terms of it actually doing work while running.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 15, 2019, 03:47:48 pm

Glutes sore from Thursday's run! This is good news, since my right glute never got sore from running last year, even on hills, so this shows some progress in terms of it actually doing work while running.

nice! good news.

you're getting lots of good easy runs in, it definitely builds you up.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 16, 2019, 05:17:42 am

Run -- 3.62mi in 36:19 [10:00 pace]


Not much to report on this one. Ran in my usual park, and there was a 10k race going on that I didn't know about. Looked decent.


Glutes sore from Thursday's run! This is good news, since my right glute never got sore from running last year, even on hills, so this shows some progress in terms of it actually doing work while running.

nice! good news.

you're getting lots of good easy runs in, it definitely builds you up.

Yeah, trying to keep volume/intensity pretty moderate for a while. I said this last year and didn't abide by it, but there's a lot of benefits to be had from regular 30-50 min runs that I should probably try to eke out before going to heavy on workouts. Last year I think I did too many workouts too soon/too many moderate/"medium hard" intensity runs. Keeping the higher intensity stuff to once a week should be enough for me for a while. Also leaves me more energy for OAC training/resuming climbing.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 17, 2019, 10:37:26 am

BW - 72.2kg


Wide Pullups
BW x 2
+5 x 6, 6, 6
BW x 7

w/u w/ p/u singles
HC --
@24mm x 13s
@21mm x 7s
@24mm x 13s
3FD --
@24mm x 10s, 10s

16 x 11, 11, 11

SS1B KB Rows
24 x 10, 10

SS1Ai Ab Compression
BW x 10s, 10s

SS1Aii Ab Wheel
BW x 7, 6

SS1B German Hang
BW x 30s, 30s, 20s


6/7 exams done, today went really well, finish on Friday.

Meh workout, progressed on stuff but felt meh. Happy to get that 7s hang on 21mm -- wasn't a max effort either. Should be able to progress down to that ledge soon.

Also occurred to me how hard the jump from OHPs w/ the 16kg KB to doing it with the 24kg one is going to be...

Feel like my abs/core are just weak, defo felt like a weakness when trying more overhangy routes. Hoping what I'm doing 2/week is enough to bring them up.

Going to climbing gym sunday w/ friends, hyped. May not lift Friday so I'm fresh, undecided -- definitely not going to do any more finger stuff between now and sunday, though
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 18, 2019, 05:46:06 am

Run -- 4.05mi in 41:40 [10:17 pace]


Just fell into the pace my legs wanted to go today. Was like 10:45 for first half (during which HR was in 130s! happy to be able to run with it that low) and 9:45 for second half.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 19, 2019, 12:03:43 pm

Unplanned stress relief tempo, lol

Run -- total 4.77mi

KM splits: 5:31, 5:19, 4:37, 4:52, 4:45, 4:38, 2:19 [500m] then cooldown


Feeling stressed about my last exam and major exhaustion/brain fog. Went out for stress relief run and legs felt fast, so just rode it out, guess this is my workout for the week.

Watch claims average HR for this was 140 lol, I wish...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 21, 2019, 12:31:28 pm
Done with exams! Woopwoop, results in a month. Until then mostly chill time. No training today (or yesterday). Tomorrow I'll go for a longer run, 50-70 mins, then Sunday climbing  ;D
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 22, 2019, 04:57:25 am

Friend convinced me to go do the local park run, went badly lol. Not surprising given I'm exhausted fro mexams, hungover and still very sore/tired from the Thursday workout.

21:30 [4:09, 4:13, 4:21, 4:45, 4:02]


That 4th k was awful, I had just sort of mentally given up -- mental drive sapped by exam season and not yet restored. I ran a 21:30 5k at this parkrun a month ago, though under much better conditions (not just personally, it was 12C/55F rather than 22C/72F...maybe i should do a training trip to florida/pakistan). Bit disappointed but don't think this is really reflective of (lack of) change in fitness. Anyway, no quality runs next week, just easy miles -- two hard sessions in three days here is plenty.

Edit: lol per the Parkrun site i ran exactly same time as a month ago (21:32)

the route is a 2.5km loop so you can see the really fast people coming back round on it -- recognised Paul Martelleti (represented GB at 100km world champs) -- he ran a very casual looking 15:23
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 23, 2019, 11:07:37 am
Done with exams! Woopwoop, results in a month. Until then mostly chill time.

nice!! congrats.


Friend convinced me to go do the local park run, went badly lol. Not surprising given I'm exhausted fro mexams, hungover and still very sore/tired from the Thursday workout.

21:30 [4:09, 4:13, 4:21, 4:45, 4:02]


That 4th k was awful, I had just sort of mentally given up -- mental drive sapped by exam season and not yet restored. I ran a 21:30 5k at this parkrun a month ago, though under much better conditions (not just personally, it was 12C/55F rather than 22C/72F...maybe i should do a training trip to florida/pakistan). Bit disappointed but don't think this is really reflective of (lack of) change in fitness. Anyway, no quality runs next week, just easy miles -- two hard sessions in three days here is plenty.

Edit: lol per the Parkrun site i ran exactly same time as a month ago (21:32)

lol nice. so much for completely chilling.

the route is a 2.5km loop so you can see the really fast people coming back round on it -- recognised Paul Martelleti (represented GB at 100km world champs) -- he ran a very casual looking 15:23

casual fast = always blows my mind :o
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 23, 2019, 12:13:48 pm

Bouldering ~2 hours


Going to need to think about how to productively log these. Was just a fun session, hadn't climbed for over a month so felt quite clumsy/feet felt heavy. Didn't feel like I'd lost much ground since last time, though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 23, 2019, 12:15:06 pm
Done with exams! Woopwoop, results in a month. Until then mostly chill time.

nice!! congrats.


Friend convinced me to go do the local park run, went badly lol. Not surprising given I'm exhausted fro mexams, hungover and still very sore/tired from the Thursday workout.

21:30 [4:09, 4:13, 4:21, 4:45, 4:02]


That 4th k was awful, I had just sort of mentally given up -- mental drive sapped by exam season and not yet restored. I ran a 21:30 5k at this parkrun a month ago, though under much better conditions (not just personally, it was 12C/55F rather than 22C/72F...maybe i should do a training trip to florida/pakistan). Bit disappointed but don't think this is really reflective of (lack of) change in fitness. Anyway, no quality runs next week, just easy miles -- two hard sessions in three days here is plenty.

Edit: lol per the Parkrun site i ran exactly same time as a month ago (21:32)

lol nice. so much for completely chilling.

the route is a 2.5km loop so you can see the really fast people coming back round on it -- recognised Paul Martelleti (represented GB at 100km world champs) -- he ran a very casual looking 15:23

casual fast = always blows my mind :o

Was crazy, he just blew everyone away and didn't look like he was working _that_ hard. His PB is like 14:25ish, I think, so it was like a tempo pace for him I guess.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 24, 2019, 04:58:04 am

Run -- 3.67mi in 38:06 [10:23 pace]


Legs dead from Thur/Sat still, unsurprisingly. Just easy runs this week, but going to bump volume up a bit.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 25, 2019, 03:22:20 am

Run -- 3.67mi in 36:00 [9:51 pace]

Workout - evening

BW - 72.9kg

BW x 3, 3
+5 x 2
+16 x 1
+18.5 x 3, 3, 3

w/u w/ p/u singles x 2
HC@24mm x 5s
HC@21mm x 7s, 7s,
3FD@21mm x 8s, 8s

Dips (myo - 5 breath rest)
BW x 5
+5 x 2
+5 (myo) x 9+3+3+3

Wide grip scap pulls
BW x 10
+5 x 8

SS1A German hang
BW x 30s, 30s, 30s

SS1B ab wheel
BW x 10, 10

Hollow Body Hold
BW x 15s, 15s


Nice easy one. Should maybe vary my routes a bit more, lol.

Going to do some lifting this eve, am a bit sore from climbing still so should be interesting. Won't be able to do any training tomorrow -- going to see Pakistan v NZ in the cricket.

Reminded of the myo reps idea from LBSS, will probs use it for accessory sometimes.

Trying out scap pulls -- need to get strong in this way for one arm stuff later,, eventually will graduate to trying them one armed.

Lol so weak on hollow body holds, gotta build up to like easy 90s holds there
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2019, 09:10:26 am

Run -- 3.67mi in 36:00 [9:51 pace]


Nice easy one. Should maybe vary my routes a bit more, lol.

Going to do some lifting this eve, am a bit sore from climbing still so should be interesting. Won't be able to do any training tomorrow -- going to see Pakistan v NZ in the cricket.

you and all 200 million people in this country.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 27, 2019, 12:37:43 am

Run -- 3.67mi in 36:00 [9:51 pace]


Nice easy one. Should maybe vary my routes a bit more, lol.

Going to do some lifting this eve, am a bit sore from climbing still so should be interesting. Won't be able to do any training tomorrow -- going to see Pakistan v NZ in the cricket.

cool. those matches can go on for 8 hours?? sounds nuts.

you and all 200 million people in this country.

one of my co-workers is from India, he couldn't wait for them to "destroy" Pakistan. lol. I was hoping Pakistan would win, just because he was so confident Pakistan had no chance. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: seifullaah73 on June 27, 2019, 02:52:05 am
I watched the cricket here in Gujarat. Pakistan did well but don't think Pakistan will win. Fun to watch the rivalry world cup matches
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 27, 2019, 06:26:36 am
Yeah the match was from like 11.15 until 7.30, was a fun day. Hip a light tight today as I was basically sitting for the whole day, getting up to walk around even less than during revision period lol.


Run -- 3.45k in ~20mins


Landed in a pothole on the canal path and twisted my ankle really badly. Could barely put weight on it and hopped my way towards the street. A nice lady who was running stopped tp help me out and ordered me a cab home.

So fucking annoyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as i was about to be able to pick up running volume and train climbing regularly again I pick up an injury that stops me from being able to do either. Hopefully it heals up okay, still pretty sore at this stage. Any ankle sprain pro-tips?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 27, 2019, 12:04:13 pm
Yeah the match was from like 11.15 until 7.30, was a fun day. Hip a light tight today as I was basically sitting for the whole day, getting up to walk around even less than during revision period lol.


Run -- 3.45k in ~20mins


Landed in a pothole on the canal path and twisted my ankle really badly. Could barely put weight on it and hopped my way towards the street. A nice lady who was running stopped tp help me out and ordered me a cab home.

So fucking annoyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as i was about to be able to pick up running volume and train climbing regularly again I pick up an injury that stops me from being able to do either. Hopefully it heals up okay, still pretty sore at this stage. Any ankle sprain pro-tips?

 :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu: :ffffffuuuuuu:

that really sucks.

ice the fuck out of it. and don't rush it back. just consider it a 1 to 1.5 wk deload. do some walking instead of running, it'll strengthen it up.

if you can walk on it today then it's a good sign. with bad ankle sprains you can barely walk the next day and the ankle/foot gets very swollen.

i've had some bad falls, never a bad ankle twist, but came close a few times. one fall jacked my low back/hip up pretty bad last november.

heal up!

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 28, 2019, 10:19:09 am

Woke up and still couldn't put any weight on it. Went to A&E and was X-rayed, no bone damage just some ligament fuckitude, though they weren't very specific about that.

Anyway, can't walk and am on crutches. Hopefully better in a week or two. Am feeling pretty morose about this. Doing stuff around the flat is really fucking hard at the moment. Hopefully ankle recovers enough that I'm not a burden on my GF + can at least do some of the upper body workouts, otherwise I'll be feeling even worse.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LT3976 on June 28, 2019, 10:28:06 am
sucks about the ankle.  i turned mine pretty bad a few days ago. 
i don't ice anymore though.  i've found constant movement is the best cure....try to move it as often as possible through the fullest ROM you can....toe circles, dorsi and plantar flexion, etc.  mine doesn't sound like it's as bad as yours is, i'm able to walk on it ok, but i still have a lot of bruising and swelling.  if you can work through it now it will heal better without as much ankle stiffness as if you just immobilize it for a few days
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 28, 2019, 10:32:52 am
sucks about the ankle.  i turned mine pretty bad a few days ago. 
i don't ice anymore though.  i've found constant movement is the best cure....try to move it as often as possible through the fullest ROM you can....toe circles, dorsi and plantar flexion, etc.  mine doesn't sound like it's as bad as yours is, i'm able to walk on it ok, but i still have a lot of bruising and swelling.  if you can work through it now it will heal better without as much ankle stiffness as if you just immobilize it for a few days

yeah i totally agree with you -- gonna try to keep it moving as much as possible as you suggest! tyty
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 29, 2019, 04:17:29 pm

Ankle is coming along. Can walk around if I move slowly/carefully, which means I'm less of a burden at home, at least. Been icing 20-30 mins every 2-3 hours, otherwise been trying to do regular ankle circles, etc.

If I try the knee to wall stretch on my right leg (the injured one that already had way worse mobility, glute problems, etc.) I can't get knee past my toes, lol. I'm sure this will improve as things heal, though, but that's the state of play at the mo.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 30, 2019, 09:42:58 am

Ankle is coming along. Can walk around if I move slowly/carefully, which means I'm less of a burden at home, at least. Been icing 20-30 mins every 2-3 hours, otherwise been trying to do regular ankle circles, etc.

If I try the knee to wall stretch on my right leg (the injured one that already had way worse mobility, glute problems, etc.) I can't get knee past my toes, lol. I'm sure this will improve as things heal, though, but that's the state of play at the mo.

damn :/ sounds like a pretty brain sprain. but you're doing the right thing for it.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 02, 2019, 03:04:09 pm

Ankle nearly fully better, recovery been good. Unfortunately have had this horrible tension headache for like 3 days that's made exertion very hard, so had to bail when I tried to lift. Hopefully back on track tmrw for some upper work.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on July 02, 2019, 11:07:05 pm
i was getting multiday headaches in the late winter and early spring. they went away for the most part when i started doing the kit laughlin jaw-neck mobilization sequence every day. ymmv but it might be worth incorporating into your day. only takes a couple minutes.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Coges on July 03, 2019, 12:25:55 am
i was getting multiday headaches in the late winter and early spring. they went away for the most part when i started doing the kit laughlin jaw-neck mobilization sequence every day. ymmv but it might be worth incorporating into your day. only takes a couple minutes.

Second this. You will feel incredible after doing this.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on July 03, 2019, 01:03:24 am

Ankle nearly fully better, recovery been good. Unfortunately have had this horrible tension headache for like 3 days that's made exertion very hard, so had to bail when I tried to lift. Hopefully back on track tmrw for some upper work.

good news!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 03, 2019, 10:31:43 am
i was getting multiday headaches in the late winter and early spring. they went away for the most part when i started doing the kit laughlin jaw-neck mobilization sequence every day. ymmv but it might be worth incorporating into your day. only takes a couple minutes.

Second this. You will feel incredible after doing this.

Just tried this out, love it thanks so much!!!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 03, 2019, 12:15:26 pm

BW - 72.3kg


BW = 72.3

BW x 2, 2
+5 x 3
+16 x 1
+24 x 4  :personal-record: +1 rep
+18.5 x 3, 3, 3, 3

w/u w/ p/u singles @ 24mm x 2
HC@24mm x 5s
HC@21mm x 10s, 10s, 10s
3FD@21mm x 10s, 10s

BW x 5
+5 (myo) x 10 + 3 + 3 + 2

Ab Wheel
BW x 8, 8

Hollow Hold
BW x 17s, 17s


Well, week off helped everything here progress, which is nice!

Hitting 4 reps @ 1.33xBW on chins is nice. Might try out deadhangs @18mm next week, that's the gold standard rung. I'll probs try to get down to 10s hang @ 15mm then start doing weighted hangs at 18mm.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 07, 2019, 01:00:16 pm

BW - 71.9kg

BW x 3, 3
+5 x 2
+16 x 2
+24 x 1
+29 x 1
+40 x F (pulled to halfway)
+40 eccentrics x 12s, 10s, 10s

WG Pullups
+5 x 6

HC@24mm x 5s, 5s
HC@21mm x 5s
HC@18mm x 6s, 6s, 6s [stopping well short of failure]

BW x 5
+5 (myo) x 12+3+3+3

16 x 8, 8

Hollow Body Hold
BW x 22s, 20s, 20s
hands by side x 30s


Played around a bit with chins. Plan was to try out heavy eccentrics, but on a whim I decided to attempt a single at the planned eccentric weight. Didn't think I'd manage the +40kg chinup, but it was actually super close. Pulled out of the bottom very fast but got stuck halfway (i.e. with upper arms parallel to ground). Just 90s rest between the eccentric sets, they weren't particularly near failure, either, and were super under control.

Really happy with how grip stuff felt! 6s on 18mm was also super under control and not that near failure.

Dips strong, +2 reps from last time.

A more traditional lifting session next time, probably.

Ankle still not 100%, but feeling good about running in a couple days, have managed to do like little jogs to cross a street quickly, or whatever, without issue, but am still taking it slow.

Highgate 10k was fun last night, seeing Steph Twell pull it out late against Salpeter was extremely hype.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on July 07, 2019, 01:15:17 pm
damn almost a chin + 40kg, sick. that climber strenf building.

Highgate 10k was fun last night, seeing Steph Twell pull it out late against Salpeter was extremely hype.

so you went to it?


almost under 31 min. 31:08 is a no-joke time. Especially when you consider McColgan (mostly a 5k runner tho) was over a minute slower.


(full results:

men's C is still under 30 min. ridiculous.

that's such a sick event.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on July 09, 2019, 12:32:55 pm
is there a reason you're doing chins rather than pull ups? i'd imagine pull ups have a more direct carryover to climbing because there's little to no pronated gripping on the wall.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 09, 2019, 03:59:09 pm
is there a reason you're doing chins rather than pull ups? i'd imagine pull ups have a more direct carryover to climbing because there's little to no pronated gripping on the wall.

Good question.

I find pullups a bit more tweaky on my elbows than chinups, and tbh my main goal is OAC moreso than getting better at climbing for the meanwhile (esp while ankle is still preventing me from climbing). Also I can move more weight so this feeds the ego, haha.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 11, 2019, 12:51:04 pm

BW - 71.5


BW x 3
+ 8 x 2
+16 x 5
+24 x 4
+16 x 5, 5

HC@24mm x 5s, 5s
HC@21mm x 5s
HC@18mm x 8s, 8s, 8s
3FD@18mm x 7s

BW x 5
+ 8 x 8, 8, 8

SS1A Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 10, 10, 10

SS1B German Hang
BW x 35s, 35s


Strong again today. Haven't hit +16x3x5 on chins yet, and I did it with a +24x4 in the middle, so that's nice. Deadhangs felt good too.

Bought an 8kg KB b/c (a) my GF wants to try out KB stuff and (b) it's the ideal weight to complete all the loading for chins/dips I'd ever need. Nice win-win.

Felt strong on ab wheel, alternating w/ hollow body stuff seems good.

Ankle still occasionally a bit buggy, but might go out for like a 15 min jog tmrw just to see how it holds up.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 11, 2019, 01:20:11 pm
damn almost a chin + 40kg, sick. that climber strenf building.

Highgate 10k was fun last night, seeing Steph Twell pull it out late against Salpeter was extremely hype.

so you went to it?


almost under 31 min. 31:08 is a no-joke time. Especially when you consider McColgan (mostly a 5k runner tho) was over a minute slower.


(full results:

men's C is still under 30 min. ridiculous.

that's such a sick event.

forgot to reply to this, sorry!

yeah it's a cool event, i wasn't feeling 100% that eve so didn't make the most of it, but it's amazing seeing people so fast like right up close. The crowd was also extremely hyped for McColgan. The track had a green light running around the inside lane to indicate the Olympic A standard, so she was getting cheered on to beat that standard, which she destroyed over the last couple of laps.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on July 11, 2019, 09:55:34 pm
damn almost a chin + 40kg, sick. that climber strenf building.

Highgate 10k was fun last night, seeing Steph Twell pull it out late against Salpeter was extremely hype.

so you went to it?


almost under 31 min. 31:08 is a no-joke time. Especially when you consider McColgan (mostly a 5k runner tho) was over a minute slower.


(full results:

men's C is still under 30 min. ridiculous.

that's such a sick event.

forgot to reply to this, sorry!

yeah it's a cool event, i wasn't feeling 100% that eve so didn't make the most of it, but it's amazing seeing people so fast like right up close. The crowd was also extremely hyped for McColgan. The track had a green light running around the inside lane to indicate the Olympic A standard, so she was getting cheered on to beat that standard, which she destroyed over the last couple of laps.

yea that light is awesome & so are the pyrotechnics.

man what a sick event.

hopefully more events pop up like that. big respect to them for showing every1 how it's done.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 12, 2019, 02:58:29 pm

Didn't run today, but did a w/o with GF, teaching her how to do swings, get ups etc. Was fun, she enjoyed it. Also messed around with some front lever rows -- can pull to hips near bar in a full tuck, which is fun feeling.

Going climbing tomorrow, going to have to be careful not to jump off because of the ankle, so should be good way to force self to downclimb.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 13, 2019, 11:50:41 am

2 hour climbing sesh, was nice. Ankle held up well.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 16, 2019, 12:43:43 pm

BW - 71.4kg

BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 3, 3, 3

HC@24mm x 5s
HC@21mm x 5s
HC@18mm x 10s, 10s, 10s
HC@15mm x 5s
3FD@21mm x 13s

BW x 4, 4
+8 (myo) x 10+3+3+3

Hollow Body
BW x 30s, 30s


Still a bit sore from Saturday, quite tired generally, but happy to get a decent session in. The 5s hang on 15mm was nice to hit.

Left elbow a little bit icky feeling, so shall be careful going forward. Am travelling for 10 days from next Thursday, so may just take that as more or less total rest and see if elbow feels good on return.

Ankle still not really 100%, which is annoying, but really should go for a run again soon.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 20, 2019, 12:51:42 pm

BW - 71.9kg

BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+32 x 1
+40 x 1  :personal-record: :personal-record:
+43.75 x F [really fast pull to 90* then stuck, this will go pretty soon too]

OAC negatives
full rom x ~3s, ~4.5s  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
bottom half x 2s

HC@24mm x 5s
HC@21mm x 5s
HC@18mm x 5s
HC@15mm x 8s, 8s, 8s
3FD@15mm x 8s

One arm scap pulls
BW x 3, 3

BW x 5
+10.5 x 7, 7, 7

Hollow Body Hold
BW x 33s, 33s


 :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

Maybe a dumb workout, but I had a feeling I was getting close to being able to do some meaningful one arm negatives. Had sort of internally decided I wouldn't bother with that until I'd hit 40kg on chinups first, though, so had to hit that. It moved really well so I decided to go up a bit more, should maybe have been less amibitious because 41.25/42.5 would almost definitely have gone, I think.

The OAC negatives felt fairly in control except for the very end bit of the ROM, so that's why I included the one arm scap pulls later in the workout. Need to get strong just hanging around on one arm and in the bottom bit of the ROM. My left shoulder impingement makes scap pulls feel a little funky if I do them lazily, though, so that's something I need to be careful of.

Deadhangs solid, didn't think I'd get to 3x8s on 15mm so quickly. When back from holiday I'll start weighted hangs on 18mm.

Likely only one more workout before I head on holiday. I'll do more volume than intensity that day, I think. Might be able to get two workouts in, though. Anyway, hopefully 10ish days of rest during which I do some elbow tendonitis repair focused eccentrics will put me in good stead to tackle the OAC properly.

Think if I stay uninjured and able to train this twice a week I'll have an OAC by the end of the year. Other than injury main impediment to this I foresee is that my chinning setup at home is not very convenient for OAC stuff, since it's one of those dip+chin stations. Means there's a lot of stuff very close to you all around you when chinning, so with having to twist a bit on OACs it's not very convenient.

Need to get out and run!! out all day tomorrow, so maybe monday..

stoked about this workout!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on July 21, 2019, 02:18:35 am
damn nice!

OAC by end of year would be sick.

i def feel like one arm hanging would be very effective. those are pretty tough. i imagine u could make good strength gains on that quick, it seems like one of those untapepd natural movements.

i never do single arm hangs, my handles are metal and thin, even with two hands my hands get wrecked before my lats. i need some rubber covers or something. if my metal handles were thicker, i think it'd be more bearable. like those pullup bars at parks, usually feel petty good. i might look into a dip/pullup station eventually (in case i land in a new spot - don't want to take my rack there).
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 22, 2019, 12:23:26 pm

1'45" climbing session


Decent enough, didn't manage any particularly challenging climbs, but was still quite sore/weak from Saturday's workout. Will try to fit in a lifting sesh on Weds probably.

No issues with left elbow today, surprisingly! Had kind of been feeling it after the one arm negatives session, in the familiar old tendonitis-y way. Nothing major yesterday and then nothing at all today, even when pulling hard on the wall. Mysterious, but I'm not complaining.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 23, 2019, 09:42:44 am
The soreness I get from climbing is really interesting. From my normal chinup training the soreness I get, when I get sore from it (which isn't very often), is localised to quite high up on my lats. From climbing the main soreness is rear delts and really low down on my lats, near where they insert at the hip.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 24, 2019, 08:20:58 am

BW - 71.8


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 3
+27.75 x 3
+16 x 6
+11.75 x 6
+5 x 7
BW x 9

HC@24mm x 5s
HC@21mm x 5s
HC@18mm -
BW x 7s
+2.5 x 7s
+5 x 5s
+3.75 x 7s
+2.5 x 7s
BW x 9s

One arm bar hangs
BW x 5s
+8 x 10s, 10s, 10s
BW x 20s

BW x  4
+8 x 3
+16 x 5
+24 x 4
+16 x 5
+8 x 8
BW x 12

SS1A Hollow Body Holds
BW x 20s [stricter form than usual]
+2.5 x 17s [1.25 in hands + 1.25 b/w feet]
+5 x 10s [2.5 in hands + 2.5 in feet]
+2.5 x 15s

SS1B German Hang
BW x 40s, 40s, 40s


Fun workout. Pulling/gripping stuff all felt pretty weak since I'm not recovered from Friday's OAC negatives yet, let alone from climbing on Monday. Anyway, good to overreach a bit before a holiday.

Managed 10 pullups at the end of climbing session on Monday, but only 9 chinups after today's sesh, tells you about the cumulative fatigue there.

Figured I'd get a benchmark on weighted hangs @ 18mm, even while fatigued. A 7s hang seems to be the gold standard for testing your max, and was mildly disappointed not to get that with +5kg -- didn't quite fail at 5s, but could sense that I wouldn't safely make 7s.

One arm hangs going to be a big addition, I think. Feels really good on lats/shoulder stability -- feels like it will help not just for OAC/chin strength generally, but also for those times when I need my shoulder/arm to be stable while I've reached really far to a hold while climbing. Right hand's grip feels much weaker than left, it wanted to open up a bit towards the end of the hangs which never happened with the left hand.

Dips felt really strong.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on July 29, 2019, 12:59:44 am
The soreness I get from climbing is really interesting. From my normal chinup training the soreness I get, when I get sore from it (which isn't very often), is localised to quite high up on my lats. From climbing the main soreness is rear delts and really low down on my lats, near where they insert at the hip.

reminds me of rings.

you don't do rings too much right? i'm going to get back on my rings soon. they make your abs contract much harder.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 29, 2019, 07:32:33 pm
The soreness I get from climbing is really interesting. From my normal chinup training the soreness I get, when I get sore from it (which isn't very often), is localised to quite high up on my lats. From climbing the main soreness is rear delts and really low down on my lats, near where they insert at the hip.

reminds me of rings.

you don't do rings too much right? i'm going to get back on my rings soon. they make your abs contract much harder.

I don't do rings anymore, nah. Would be nice to have a setup, but there's no way to make them work with the pullup/dip tower that I have. Would be fun to do some front/back lever stuff and RTO dips, all that's good for helping prevent elbow injury.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 29, 2019, 08:38:22 pm

This dude is a very respected S&C coach in the climbing community, and for strength stuff he is obsesses with intense ISOs (and also talks about how 'the literature' suggests those are good for tendon repair/avoiding/rehabbing tendonitis). The OACs in the second video are extremely clean, and he says he doesn't train "moving" OACs ever -- in light of that smashing out as good a set of 5 as I've ever seen is wild. Maybe I should incorporate some of this ISO stuff for OAC/chin training then...not sure. I guess the whole of grip training for climbing is ISO based.

I obvs can't hold an OAC isometric for 5+ seconds yet, but he recommends 2-arm ISOs are good too if you can't do them...

Adarq you're an ISO expert, what do you think?

Edit: main strength protocol he suggests: 1-2 x clusters of 4x5s hangs, near max intensity 30-60s rest inside the cluster
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on July 29, 2019, 10:56:37 pm
ah damn about the rings. ya i need to figure out how to get back into them. going to step up my bodyweight training a little, soon. want to get back on the rings, loved em`.

i have no expertise anymore :ninja:, but i do prefer yielding isos vs overcoming, for most stuff, except maybe grip. i don't like overcoming isos for pretty much anything else, too intense & burn me out too quick. the pulling muscles (lats for example) probably respond better to yielding isos/holds. so i can see weighted holds or negatives being pretty effective.

looks like he probably knows what he's doing, probably good advice. with any of that stuff tho, have to be careful.

that guy's oac's are insanely strong.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 30, 2019, 08:23:18 am
ah damn about the rings. ya i need to figure out how to get back into them. going to step up my bodyweight training a little, soon. want to get back on the rings, loved em`.

With you on that! Rings are great fun. Basically all climbing gyms have a rings set up, usually at a good height, so I might staying messing around with them more during warmup/cooldowns.

i have no expertise anymore :ninja:, but i do prefer yielding isos vs overcoming, for most stuff, except maybe grip. i don't like overcoming isos for pretty much anything else, too intense & burn me out too quick. the pulling muscles (lats for example) probably respond better to yielding isos/holds. so i can see weighted holds or negatives being pretty effective.

looks like he probably knows what he's doing, probably good advice. with any of that stuff tho, have to be careful.

that guy's oac's are insanely strong.

Makes sense. I have never really understood the point of overcoming ISOs either. I saw somewhere in his feed he does recommend them as part of OAC training for people who can't do an ISO hang yet, but I don't think I'll bother with that. Will just incorporate some of this into my training and see where that takes me.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 30, 2019, 09:03:56 pm

Got antsy for lack of 'real' exercise (done lots of walking, obvs) and did some sets of pushups, hollow body holds and some hangs on various doorways. All the ledges too small for me to do more than a single + it's mega hot and sweaty so just sliding off. Should've packed chalk  :P The psyche is high for a return to training in a week, though.

Right ankle still very noticeably swollen and occasionally sore/sore in certain positions. May need to go get it examined further, sigh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on July 31, 2019, 04:08:12 pm
Right ankle still very noticeably swollen and occasionally sore/sore in certain positions. May need to go get it examined further, sigh.

damn that sucks man :/

you stopped icing?

it's feeling stronger though right?

i probably should get my injury checked out too.. slight improvement tho recently, so still trying to hold off & hope it magically disappears.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LT3976 on July 31, 2019, 05:44:24 pm
There's lots of good info out there on the benefits of iso's.  I'm incorporating them right now, but more in the Jay Schroeder model. 

Check out Keith Baar when you have time.  There are a couple of podcasts or videos he's done where he talks about the benefits of iso's on tendon rehab/strength etc... pretty interesting stuff
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 31, 2019, 08:37:35 pm
There's lots of good info out there on the benefits of iso's.  I'm incorporating them right now, but more in the Jay Schroeder model. 

Check out Keith Baar when you have time.  There are a couple of podcasts or videos he's done where he talks about the benefits of iso's on tendon rehab/strength etc... pretty interesting stuff

Thanks, I'll check out Baar! I remember Schroder from the good old ISO EXTREMES days. Not sure I totally buy into it, but there is some overlap between what he recommends and what's recommended by the c4hp dude I posted above (primarily focussing on longer muscle lengths).

Right ankle still very noticeably swollen and occasionally sore/sore in certain positions. May need to go get it examined further, sigh.

damn that sucks man :/

you stopped icing?

it's feeling stronger though right?

i probably should get my injury checked out too.. slight improvement tho recently, so still trying to hold off & hope it magically disappears.

I think it's probably got worse while travelling, since I've been on my feet so much, and yeah had not been icing very much before setting off, either. Should get back on that when home and see what happens.

It is feeling stronger. Need to do more dedicated strengthening stuff, though, like calf raises, etc.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 02, 2019, 12:31:19 am
Quick post from phone; will edit for format another time.

KB workout with a ffiend, rows at 30kg and ohp/push press with 20kg, plus some swings/snatches/misc other messing around.

Serratus pretty sure from last workout. I think this is because I did some pseudo planche pushups. Should maybe add those in in place of dips on some days.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 07, 2019, 12:03:14 pm

BW - 70.5kg


BW x 3, 3
+8kg x 3
+16 x 2
+24 x 1
+32 x 1

ISO Chins @ 120*
+40 x 10s [easy]
+48 x 4x5s cluster [45s rest]

ISO Chins @ 90*
+40 x 5s
+40 x 4x5s cluster [45s rest]

HC Deadhangs
@24mm x 5s
BW x 5s, 5s
+2.5 x 7s, 7s, 7s

3FD Deadhangs
+2.5 x 10s, 10s

SS1A One Arm Hang
+8 x 12s, 12s
+16 x 8s

BW x 5
+8 x 9, 9, 8


Solid enough workout. Got back yesterday, so brain is still mush from jet lag.

Decided to try out the iso stuff I was posting about. Felt good, I guess. Will alternate isos with ordinary chin work, I think. Main downside at the moment is that loading that much on KBs is really awkward, so I might need to get some plates for chinning with. Ah well.

Need to get better at controlling spin in the one arm hangs.

Didn't have the energy for core work.

Also, lmao, felt like I'd been eating like a pig while travelling, but appaz I dropped 1kg. I guess time on feet makes a big difference.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 09, 2019, 10:45:20 am
i never do single arm hangs, my handles are metal and thin, even with two hands my hands get wrecked before my lats. i need some rubber covers or something. if my metal handles were thicker, i think it'd be more bearable. like those pullup bars at parks, usually feel petty good. i might look into a dip/pullup station eventually (in case i land in a new spot - don't want to take my rack there).

Never replied to this but yeah this is very much an issue with my one arm hangs. The bar I chin/hang on is really thin, but does have a weird foamy cover which I think just makes it worse. At least it helps toughen up skin for climbing, I guess? Good to build some mental toughness too, lol. Wish the default for these stations was a little thicker.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 09, 2019, 01:52:38 pm


100 KB swings @ 16kg in 7 sets, 1 min rest

a few TGUs @ 16kg on each side


Not going to be able to workout tomorrow, and also still too sore to do a chin workout again today, so did this. Should probably be doing workouts like this regularly. Can't neglect legs entirely.

Ankle actually hurt during the KB swings, lmao. Might seriously need to go get it MRId.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 11, 2019, 11:40:39 am

BW - 70.3kg


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 3
+16 x 2
+24 x 1
+32 x 1

ISO @ 120*
+48 x 4x5s [30s rest]

ISO @ 90*
+40 x 4x5s [30s rest]

HC@24mm x 5s
HC@18mm ---
BW x 5s
+2.5kg x 10s, 10s, 10s
+3.75g x 9s, 9s

One Arm Hang
+16 x 10s, 10s

BW x 5
+13 x 7, 7, 7

Hollow Body Hold
+2.5 x 20s, 20s, 20s


Decided I'll stick w/ just the isos on chins for like 5/6 sessions then see where I am on full ROM chins/OAC stuff, might as well give it a proper ride. Will move weight up 2.5kg on each position + move rest to 60s for next session and progression back.

Deadhangs progress moving nicely. Things start getting serious when you're at about +40% of bodyweight for 7s, so that's a big goal (i.e. about 30kg).
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 14, 2019, 01:28:26 pm

BW - 71.0


BW x 3, 3
+16 x 2
+24 x 1
+32 x 1

+50.5 x 4x5s [60s rest]

HC@24mm x 5s
BW x 5s
BW pullup x 2
+3.75 x 10s [easy!]
+5 x 7s, 7s
+5 x 12s, 12s

100cm to rack x 6
94cm to rack x 5, 5, 5

Hollow Body Hold
+2.5 x 25s, 25s


Big construction project starting in building next to mine, total refurb. Insanely noisy all day, and looks like it'll be a long term thing. Might drive me mad lmao.

Slightly abbreviated workout today.

Did the PPPUs using the pushup handles on my pullup/dip rack, since that enables more ROM + easier on wrists. The only way to track progress w/ PPPUs is with how far you're leaning, which best metric for is distance from feet to hands, hence the weird metric used for those. Felt good, though. Always wanted to be able to do planche stuff, too, but never really messed around that much with training it. Feels like this is a good way to start in that direction.

Setting up the 50.5kg on my dip belt was awkward AF. The belt I have now kind of sucks, never really sits in a very good spot on my waist. Anyway, hitting that pretty solidly felt rad. I can only max out with 53kg of weights before I have to do like books in a bag or whatever. That probably marks a good time to finish with the ISO cycle, anyway. Might be able to hit that in a couple of weeks.

Grip was super strong, especially given that I'm a little heavier today than the last couple of sessions. Thought I would be doing 3x7s with 3.75kg today, but that 10s second hang was very easy. Will move up to 8kg for the 3FD hangs next time.

Hollow body feeling stronger too. After I'm solid at 30s with +2.5kg on this I'll move back to ab wheels. Maybe I should get ankle weights? Would be useful for hangs/isos and hollow body stuff. Hmm.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on August 14, 2019, 11:14:04 pm

Big construction project starting in building next to mine, total refurb. Insanely noisy all day, and looks like it'll be a long term thing. Might drive me mad lmao.

fuck man that sucks :< stuff like that wrecks me. still dealing with my noise issues. need to transition to phase 2 soon. eeh.

decent workout at least.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 17, 2019, 12:46:12 pm

BW - 71.6


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+32 x 1

ISO @ 120
+50.5 x 4 x 5s [55s rest]

ISO @ 90
+42.5 x 4 x 5s [60s rest]

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+5 x 10s
+8 x 7s, 7s
+8 x 10s, 10s

One Arm Hangs
+16 x 12s
+24 x 5s [the stupid foam cover on the bar kept twisting lmao]
BW x 30s [oof]

BW x 5
+ 8 x 3
+16 x 5, 5, 5

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 7, 7, 7


Decent workout. The 120* hangs were much more solid than last session despite reducing the rest by 5s.

The BW one arm hang was intense. As with all of these I tried really hard to keep shoulder depress, so the lat burn towards the end of the set was intense.

Everything else solid enough. Impressed/surprised by how quickly grip strength is moving on the weighted hangs!

Think I'm seriously going to get diet in check now and aim for like 67kg. To this end I'm going to up my activity, since I've been a little lazy/discouraged due to the ankle. Will aim for 3/week KB sessions, mostly just swings + some lunges I suppose, since that doesn't interfere with the main work at the moment.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 18, 2019, 12:44:41 pm


10 x 10 KB Swings in 7:45


Sets 8 and 9 where done one handed. This was easy, so shall move up to 24kg next session I guess.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 20, 2019, 10:48:05 am

BW - 70.1kg


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+32 x 1

ISO @ 120*
+52.35 x 4 x 4s [60s rest]

HC@24mm x 5s
HC@21mm x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 10s
+9.25 x 10s
+10.5 x 8s

+10.5 x 11s, 11s

BW x 5, 5, 5

16 x 9, 9

Partial ROM standing ab wheel
BW x 4, 3, 3


Tried out putting the 8kg KB + little plates in backpack worn at the front, and just having the 16+24kg bells on the belt. Felt a lot more comfortable, and possibly also slightly easier on the hangs? Dunno why it should be easier, though, so hopefully that's just b/c I did 4s hangs rather than finding some cheat.

Hangs continue to progress super quickly. Stoked on this, tbh. Need to do more actual climbing again soon, though.

Couldn't be bothered to measure stuff for PPPUs, I trust myself to make sure I'm progressing/trying hard.

Messed about with standing ab wheel for fun. Not really near full extension, but still fun.

Plan is this: another session on Friday, which will probably include both 90* and 120* ISOs + a couple sets of one arm scap hangs. Then another similar session Monday, then rest until Friday when I'll retest, either with 1 arm eccentrics/isos or with weighted chinup 1RM (or both). Then depending on how that goes I'll decide whether to continue with weighted isos, one arm isos or just traditional chin training.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 23, 2019, 11:59:54 am

BW - 71.0kg


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+32 x 1

ISO @ 120*
+53.6 x 4 x 4s [60s rest]

ISO @ 90*
+45 x 4 x 4 [60s rest, ez!]

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+5 x 5s
+10.5 x 10s
+13 x 5s, 5s

One Arm Hang
BW x 20s, 20s

BW x 5
+8 x 3
+16 x 6, 6, 6

Ab Wheel (standing + kneeling)
BW x 4+6, 4+6, 4+6


Felt strong at 90*, rest of the workout slightly meh.

Might take a rest from upper lifting for a couple of extra days then test progress, rather than commit to the previously outlined plan.

Need to commit to weight loss + doing KB stuff regularly, too.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 27, 2019, 04:10:48 am

The big OAC/weighted chin test session is tomorrow, but I walked past the pullup bar this morning while totally cold and was tempted to jump up. Easy hold @ 90* on each arm (just held it momentarily since I didn't want to wear self out for tomorrow's session, but it felt _easy_ and like I could pull up from 90* if I wanted too)  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

the hype for tomorrow is big now...

Got impatient, lmao, and did some tests. Able to hold an OAC iso @ 90* with either arm for ~3s. Able to do a solid 9s eccentric on each arm, with a pretty smooth descent. I'm so excited, feels like I'm as close as I've ever been, and my elbows and shoulders are holding up totally fine.

Will do KB swings + some dips tomorrow, then a proper OAC training session on Friday. If I finally commit properly and diet down from ~70.5kg to 66kg over like 4-6 weeks then I think by the time I hit the lower weight I may be able to do an OAC...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 29, 2019, 05:31:01 am
The rear delt soreness I have today from the OAC negatives session the other day might be the most intense soreness I've ever had.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 29, 2019, 12:15:27 pm

BW - 69.9kg


BW x 3, 3
+16 x 1
+32 x 1

OAC Negative
BW x 1, 1

KB Swing
24 x 10 x 10 [EMOM]


Pretty surprised by my weight. I usually weigh right before my workout, so I'm all fed etc., so it's not really a "minimal" BW like you get if you weigh first thing in the morning. Today I weighed at the end of my workout, so probs a few hundreds grams lighter than I'd normally weigh because of water loss. In any case, I'm pretty sure that's the first time I've officially clocked <70kg in my 20s, lmao.

Swings not too bad.

I've got way over excited about having OAC negatives to play with. I need to just not touch the chinup bar until Sunday or Monday.

Tomorrow, pushing + hanging + core. Need to get back on my previous sort of workout schedule, that was really suiting me. Need to rest up and put in quality OAC work rather than messing around. Also need to get back in the climbing gym -- going next Thursday with a friend, so that's locked in.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on August 29, 2019, 08:45:43 pm
The rear delt soreness I have today from the OAC negatives session the other day might be the most intense soreness I've ever had.

great work on the PR but damn wtf. that's major!!@#  :o :o :o
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 30, 2019, 05:02:09 am
The rear delt soreness I have today from the OAC negatives session the other day might be the most intense soreness I've ever had.

great work on the PR but damn wtf. that's major!!@#  :o :o :o

Yeah it's not super pleasant. I'm not really surprised, though. Eccentrics always make me super sore, and OAC stuff is by far the most intense eccentric work + on top of that it's basically a new movement, so doing extreme overload eccentrics with a new movement is the perfect combo for soreness. I think the thing that puts it over the edge, though, is that lat soreness has always felt really different to the soreness I get in other muscles. It's a lot less "sharp" like chest/hamstring soreness, and a lot more dull/thick feeling. Hard to explain.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 30, 2019, 12:40:18 pm

BW - 69.9


BW x 5
+8 x 3
+16 x 7, 7, 7
BW x 17

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+16 x 7s  :personal-record:
+8 x 9s, 9s
+16 x 7s, 7s

16 x 12, 12

(Partial ROM) Standing Ab Wheel
BW x 5, 5, 5+5


Back-to-back sub-70kg days. I'm coming for your adarq.

Well, that's all a lot stronger when not done immediately after a brutal series of chins.

17 dips after the 3x7 PR is pretty nice, the weighted dips feel much more chest heavy, while the BW failure point was triceps. Think I just naturally stay a lot more upright without the dip belt.

Hitting the hangs with +16kg is pretty big, shall keep pushing that up. Need to actually be climbing a lot more, else I'm mostly just training to have stronger fingers and back for their own sake (which, I'll admit, I kind of am).

Possible schedule: rest tomorrow, swings Sunday, OAC/lifting Monday, swings Tuesday, rest Wednesday, climb Thursday?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 31, 2019, 04:56:48 am

Middle knuckle of left ring finger is a bit sore today, so I'm not going to do any finer/grip work between now and Thursday's climb. I am almost certain this happened on the 3 finger drag climb. Normally I go right from whatever half crimp weight I'm using to doing the same load for 3FD work. I had a feeling yesterday, though, that that would be dumb since the 16kg hang was so maximal, but I didn't listen to my gut on that one, and now I'm paying the price. It's not too sore, so hopefully it heals up quickly enough.

Once finger is feeling recovered I might switch up the grip stuff to longer hangs. I've been doing some reading and the suggestion is that hangs in the 20-40s range are good for building up tendon/pulley/ligament conditioning, so hopefully playing around with that for a month or so might help me stay a little more injury resistant in my fingers.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 02, 2019, 08:52:38 am

BW - 70.2kg


BW x 3, 3
+13 x 2
+24 x 1
+32 x 1

OAC Negatives
BW x 8s, 7s, 5s, 4s

BW x 5
+8 x 3 [warmup]
+8 x 15+4+3+2 [myo]


Just a quick one.

Need to figure out how to properly programme eccentrics, since I should probably be aiming for more straight sets/i.e. less inter-set drop off? It's just pretty hard to aim for a certain amount of time on a descent when it's all so near maximal. I figure they'll be pretty all over the place for the first few sessions as I (and my body) just get use to doing them as training. Goal is basically to get to point where I can usefully do isometrics, since that worked super well in progressing my pulling.

Pulling muscles didn't really feel fully recovered yet, which makes sense, eccentrics are hard to recover from. All the more reason to hope I can get to the point of doing isos soon.

Hitting 15 reps with + 8 was nice, thought the post "activation" myo sets dropped off super fast.

Finger feels basically recovered, but still letting grip stuff rest. Need something to feel fresh when I climb Thursday + better to be miss a session than to cause an injury.


above useful for programming eccentrics, etc. Will just try to do some more submaximal negatives next time, about 5s/rep, and use an online metronome to help me pace that. Also going to try to rig a makeshift pulley system for some assisted concentrics.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 05, 2019, 09:35:36 am

Bouldering ~2 hours


First time I've climbed in ages, so my "climbing brain" felt very stupid + clumsy, but this was the best I've ever been, I think. The strength made a huge difference. If I want to start climbing like 2xWeek then i'll improve super fast, but not sure that I want to commit the time to that just yet. Want more strength and OACs first.

Played around a little bit in the strength training section of the gym, friend egging me on to try OACs. This was after about 1 hour of climbing, and I'm still a little sore from the last OAC session, so wasn't expecting much. Couldn't pull up at all, really, but could do a good ISO at like 120* and 90*, so progress feels like it's coming along.

Bought a nylon strap the other that I will sling over my pullup bar at some and tie weights to try out assisted/countweight OACs in the next sess.

Exciting news: was late for something yesterday so decided to run to the meeting, ended up being like a mile through the city streets in ~7.30ish. Ankle not too bothered by it! So, am therefore going to get back to light running, just like ~30 mins easy every other day or so. Hopefully build back ankle strength slowly. Should also contribute to the weight/fat loss plan.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 07, 2019, 10:46:25 am


1.98mi in 18:42 [9:25 pace]


Quick one to test the ankle out. A little stiff for first half mile or so, and a little stiff afterwards, but no pain as such. Time to start building back up!!  :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 07, 2019, 01:29:47 pm


1.98mi in 18:42 [9:25 pace]


Quick one to test the ankle out. A little stiff for first half mile or so, and a little stiff afterwards, but no pain as such. Time to start building back up!!  :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

nice!! good news. :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 08, 2019, 12:03:21 pm


Stationary bike, 30 mins aiming for ~120 HR


Wanted to run but am going to take it slow before going to back-to-back days to protect ankle. Had a desire for some extra activity, though, so did this.

Chinning sesh tmrw. Will probably mess around with assisted OAC stuff.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 09, 2019, 06:59:55 am

BW - 70.1


BW x 3, 3
+ 8 x 2
+ 16 x 1
+ 32 x 1

Assisted OAC
-10.5 x 1
-8 x 1
-16 x 1

OAC ISO @ 120*
-8 x 5s

OAC ISO @90*
-8 x 8s, 8s

Assisted OAC
-24 x 1

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s, 22s, 17s
BW x 22s, 18s

BW x 5
+8 x 3
+16 x 8, 7, 6


Morning rather than evening workout, felt a little flat. Assisted OACs seem pretty good, though TBH i like them more for the statics than for the full movement -- just feels a little distant from the actual exercise. Really hard to get multiple reps too. Anyway, might try out that 4x3-5s w/ short rest protocol I was using for two arm chins with this. Or maybe I should just go back tp trying to push up chins?

Just need to pick something I think is going to work for me and stick with it.

Edit: anyway, only need to get 8kg stronger and I'll have an OAC. Simultaneously sounds like a lot and not a lot.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 11, 2019, 12:26:37 pm


2.92mi in 27:21 [9:20 pace]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 12, 2019, 03:34:51 pm

Plan going forward is something like this:

weighted chins 1x/week
OAC session 1x/week
run 3 or 4 x/week

Tomorrow will be a run, Saturday rest, Sunday weighted chins. OAC stuff for now seems to take too much out of me to be able to do it twice a week, and I feel like having some more rep work (even if it's just 3-5) on weighted chins is probably useful. Then as I get stronger and have adapted more to OAC worked I can drop the weighted chin stuff again.

OAC sessions will be focused on isometrics rather than eccentrics, since again they're a bit less draining. I'll do the 3-4x3-5s hangs w/ 40-60s rest session.

Feel a bit better having a vague structure again.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 13, 2019, 01:14:02 am

Plan going forward is something like this:

weighted chins 1x/week
OAC session 1x/week
run 3 or 4 x/week

Tomorrow will be a run, Saturday rest, Sunday weighted chins. OAC stuff for now seems to take too much out of me to be able to do it twice a week, and I feel like having some more rep work (even if it's just 3-5) on weighted chins is probably useful. Then as I get stronger and have adapted more to OAC worked I can drop the weighted chin stuff again.

OAC sessions will be focused on isometrics rather than eccentrics, since again they're a bit less draining. I'll do the 3-4x3-5s hangs w/ 40-60s rest session.

Feel a bit better having a vague structure again.

nice! it's an interesting combo: "run + climb (oac/pulls)". running keeps my pulls feeling decent, dno why. dips usually weaken but pulls stay strong - if i'm getting decent run volume / occasional speed work etc. the bf% improvements also help obviously.

just keep the running ez. don't go crazy with it and back off if you feel anything nagging - another one or two day's rest won't cause any setbacks. can always walk/run too, if you want to just stick to a schedule & aren't feeling too great.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 13, 2019, 12:32:42 pm


3.30mi in 29:50 [9:02 pace]


Decent.  Am out of running shape, looking forward to it coming back. Ankle a little twinge when I went up a short but still incline near the end of the run -- makes sense, tired calf and limited ROM means hills cause me to get to that sore end range easily.

nice! it's an interesting combo: "run + climb (oac/pulls)". running keeps my pulls feeling decent, dno why. dips usually weaken but pulls stay strong - if i'm getting decent run volume / occasional speed work etc. the bf% improvements also help obviously.

just keep the running ez. don't go crazy with it and back off if you feel anything nagging - another one or two day's rest won't cause any setbacks. can always walk/run too, if you want to just stick to a schedule & aren't feeling too great.


Yeah, plan is just to have a few easy runs a week, not going to be tempted to do anything hard until I've got the OAC or am putting that on the backburner. Just want to improve general fitness, get back into running shape so I'm not useless at adarq squad parkrun meetups
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 13, 2019, 08:43:11 pm


3.30mi in 29:50 [9:02 pace]


Decent.  Am out of running shape, looking forward to it coming back. Ankle a little twinge when I went up a short but still incline near the end of the run -- makes sense, tired calf and limited ROM means hills cause me to get to that sore end range easily.

nice! it's an interesting combo: "run + climb (oac/pulls)". running keeps my pulls feeling decent, dno why. dips usually weaken but pulls stay strong - if i'm getting decent run volume / occasional speed work etc. the bf% improvements also help obviously.

just keep the running ez. don't go crazy with it and back off if you feel anything nagging - another one or two day's rest won't cause any setbacks. can always walk/run too, if you want to just stick to a schedule & aren't feeling too great.


Yeah, plan is just to have a few easy runs a week, not going to be tempted to do anything hard until I've got the OAC or am putting that on the backburner. Just want to improve general fitness, get back into running shape so I'm not useless at adarq squad parkrun meetups

lol yup.

adarq squad parkrun meetups sounds cool af. awesome how 3 of u could be running together soon.

i think you all understand by now that u could go on a chill run and still get benefit, so that's cool. i doubt any1 would be worrying about pacing. people who don't get that stuff, always worry about pacing (ie not hitting their 7:00 !!). it's great to just go trot ez. obviously u can do some harder runs together but, trot sesh's are the best. ;f
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 15, 2019, 12:01:37 pm
BW — 70.3


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 2
+32 x 3
+24 x 4, 4, 4

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s, 23s, 18s
BW x 5s, 18s, 20s

One Arm Hangs
BW x 25s, 25s


Tiring all day event yesterday so felt super flat today, skipped the dips.

Think I might just go back to doing solely weighted chins + one arm hangs, really nail down basics and go back to OAC specific work once I'm at like 3x5 with +32kg. I know I'm _able_ to do useful OAC stuff at the moment, but it's so taxing because it's so maximal, and I think rule of thumb is OAC starts when you can hit a chin + 70% BW (so about 50kg for me).
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 18, 2019, 12:52:32 pm


6.77mi in 56:30 [8:20 pace]


Run w/ LBSS. Middle ~4ish miles of this with him. He's in better shape than me, for now...

Ankle held up nicely, though weirdly the muscles of my right foot feel pretty fatigued after the run -- not something I've experienced before.

Chins tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 19, 2019, 11:31:00 am

BW - 71.2


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 2
+26.5 x 3, 3, 3

BW x 5s
BW x 5s, 24s, 20s
BW x 5s, 23s, 21s

One Arm Hangs
BW x 20s
+8 x 12s, 12s

BW x 5
+8 x 3
+16 x 7, 7, 7


Decent workout. The longer duration hangs are a little annoying w/ my setup, because after about 10s my hangboard starts to spin slowly (it hangs from a rope from my pullup bar). Similarly, the bar is just super thin so one arm hangs are really uncomfortable on my fingers. Ah well, nothing too major there.

Slightly heavy BW today, thought kcal wise yesterday was pretty controlled -- had a bulky dinner though, and overate a bit on Tues. Think now I'm back w/ less injurious work as my primary lifting stuff (weighted chins + longer duration hangs), it's time to commit properly to diet. Main thing for me is just cutting out snacking + after dinner sweet stuff. Doable.

Also, only thing sore from yesterday's run is, weirdly, my hip flexors? they felt pretty fatigued yesterday evening too, bit of an odd one, but it doesn't feel like an injury or anything to be worried about.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 20, 2019, 12:34:34 am


6.77mi in 56:30 [8:20 pace]


Run w/ LBSS. Middle ~4ish miles of this with him. He's in better shape than me, for now...


Ankle held up nicely, though weirdly the muscles of my right foot feel pretty fatigued after the run -- not something I've experienced before.

Chins tmrw.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 20, 2019, 07:49:50 am


3.55mi in 34:20 [9:39 pace]


Legs tired. Tried to keep this within nose breathing territory. Might do a parkrun w/ some friends tmrw, though I won't be fully recovered. Will probs just treat it as a tempo or something less than a full effort 5k.

Wore my kinvaras instead of my nikes for this -- glad ankle felt good with the lower drop, sign of strengthening/recovery.

Back/lats recovery so much better now back to weighted chins stuff, though that's partly because the volume is more moderate. Anyway, definitely going to stick with that for at least like 6 weeks. Likewise another 3 weeks (5-6 sessions) with the long duration hangs.

Running is nice, looking forward to getting back into a rhythm with it + dropping some weight. Chins and especially hangs are going to feel so much easier at 66kg. Thinking about how big of a difference +4kg makes on weighted hangs, my climbing could move to a whole new level with that loss. Just need to commit!

Edit: also keeping mentally joking about the idea of doing smolov jr with more than strong enough now, in that none of the sessions would require me to use <BW....
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 20, 2019, 10:04:31 pm
Edit: also keeping mentally joking about the idea of doing smolov jr with more than strong enough now, in that none of the sessions would require me to use <BW....

cool. do people do that?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 21, 2019, 02:57:48 pm

Rest day, body feeling a little beat up + friend couldn't do parkrun in the end. Diet good today.

Edit: also keeping mentally joking about the idea of doing smolov jr with more than strong enough now, in that none of the sessions would require me to use <BW....

cool. do people do that?

Have seen a few posts about it. Seems pretty doable. I think I'll only do it if I feel like I still need more raw chinning strength after I'm down to 66kg.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 22, 2019, 07:39:39 am

BW - 70.5


BW  x 3, 3
+10.5 x 6, 6, 6, 6

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s, 5s, 5s

8 x 5

Planche leans
BW x 2 light sets just feeling it out

Tuck Planche
BW x 6s, 6s, 6s, 6s  :personal-record:


So plan to structure chin workouts will be rotate +10.5/+24/+26.5 with reps at 6/4/3, and move up weight when I'm at 6x6, 4x4 and 3x3 (so next sesh for the 4s will be with 24 since I did 3x4 last time, but will move to 27.75 for 3x3). ETA: maybe makes more sense for the third limb of this to be 2 reps, but still only add weight when I hit 3x2?

A little bit of finger tenderness so just a few light sets to get some blood flowing there.

Decided on a whim to give planche stuff a go. I can do a legit tuck planche now! Have never really managed it for more than a couple of seconds before, so this is exciting. Will alternate dips and planche for push work now.

Run tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on September 22, 2019, 12:18:15 pm
Decided on a whim to give planche stuff a go. I can do a legit tuck planche now! Have never really managed it for more than a couple of seconds before, so this is exciting. Will alternate dips and planche for push work now.

that's cool hah. you know you're just getting overall stronger when you can do stuff you previously couldn't, out of the blue. that's probably the best form of "gainz".

Run tmrw.

nice! :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on September 22, 2019, 12:52:45 pm
 :highfive: for tuck planche.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 23, 2019, 06:08:36 am


3.51mi in 34:29 [9:49 pace]


Used to be good at pre-breakfast running but this felt terrible. Should re-adapt soon hopefully.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 24, 2019, 12:31:36 pm

BW - 69.7


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+29 x 2, 2, 2

BW x 5s
BW x 5s, 5s, 25s, 19s

BW x 5
+8 x 3
+18.5 x 5, 5, 5


Quick one. I think I'll add weight to the doubles when I get 5x2.

Weight moving in the right direction.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 25, 2019, 01:28:43 pm


3.07mi in 29:44 [9:40 pace]


Running while cutting feels tough. Hoping to finish this cut in about 4-5 weeks.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 26, 2019, 12:01:46 pm

Stationary bike

30mins @ ~105 HR average


Just some light work to keep activity up. Will definitely run in one of the next two days, and may climb rather than lift on the other, undecided.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 27, 2019, 10:51:31 am

BW - 69.3


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+24 x 4, 4, 4, 4

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s, 27s, 23s

Planche Lean
2 sets just fiddling about/warming up

Tuck Planche
BW x 8s, 8s, 8s, 11s


Weight continues to move well. Have got in the rhythm with dieting -- no desire for snacks any more.

Tuck planche balance/focus a bit shoddy -- weakness feels like the serratus/shoulder blade control rather than delts as such. Good to work on that stability, probably helpful to avoid injury with OAC stuff too. Will get better as I practice the movement, but, yeah, exciting that strength feels like it's there. Hopefully can move to pushups or advanced tuck soon.

Up to 25.25 for the next 4 rep sesh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 28, 2019, 11:04:30 am



Fartlek -- 15 x (1 on/1 off), about 7:15/mi on and 8:50/mi off


Total 5.28mi in 44:23
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 01, 2019, 11:54:53 am

BW - 68.6


BW x 3, 3
+10.5 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

BW x 5
+8 x 3
+18.5 x 5, 5, 5


Quick one.

Giving fingers some rest. Might move back to the 5-10s hangs soon.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 03, 2019, 12:38:36 pm


3.68mi in 33:09 [8:59 pace]


Quick pace for me, but still easy effort (and low 150s HR).

Lift tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 04, 2019, 12:28:53 pm

BW - 68.7


BW x 3, 3
+16 x 2
+29 x 2, 2, 2, 2, 3

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+13 x 5s
+10.5 x 5s, 5s

Planche Leans
2 sets warming up

Tuck Planche
BW x 12s, 12s, 12s, 12s


Felt possible to go for a triple on the last set of chins, and wasn't too bad in the end. That's good since I have to jump 3kg up to 32kg for the set doubles session, since I have no convenient way to load something intermediate.

Back to weighted hangs. Felt nice. A bit weaker than I left off, but endurance hangs are v different, so I'm sure it'll come back nicely.

Planche progressing well.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 05, 2019, 12:20:23 pm


3.61mi in 35:33 [9:50 pace]


weighed self just before getting into bed, about 90 mins after eating a big meal.

67.7kg!!! or 149.3lbs, first time under 150lbs for a long long time I'm sure
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 06, 2019, 05:37:21 am

BW - 67.4kg

Waist @ navel - 78.5

Neck just under larynx - 36cm

Per the Navy body fat formula this puts me at 13.6% body fat, which seems about right. So to get to ~10% I need to lose another 3-4kg. That's fine by me -- optimal BMI for climbing (which I'll extent for my purposes to OAC strength) is 21 apparently, which for me is around 63kg.

May run later today.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 07, 2019, 12:12:38 pm

BW - 68.1kg


BW x 3, 3
+16 x 2
+26.5 x 4, 4, 4

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW X 5s
+8 x 5s
+13 x 7s, 7s, 7s

Dips (+18.5)
BW x 5
+8 x 3
+16 x 6, 6, 6, 6


Think those 67.x weigh-ins last couple of days were more to do being a bit "depleted"/dehydrated than anything else, though consistent 67.x weights will be the case this week if I stick to good diet.

4x4 was on the table for the chins, but I don't want to push them too close to failure at the moment.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 08, 2019, 07:43:12 am

BW - 67.7


4.43mi in 39:05 [8:49 pace]

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 11, 2019, 12:07:25 pm
BW - 66.9


BW x 3, 3
+13 x 6, 6, 6, 6

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+16 x 5s, 5s, 5s

Planche Lean
BW x 5s, 5s

Tuck Planche
BW x 13s [much cleaner form than last time], 13s, 13s, 13s


Down 3.5-4kg now from start depending on what start point is defined as, and absolute strength is about the same (fairly easy sets of 6 w/ 80kg total on chinups, for example), which is exciting. Looking a lot leaner. Ab fat remains stubborn, of course, but hopefully the next 3kg will sort that out.

The fact that absolute strength numbers are staying the same (maybe slightly improving? Haven't maxed out, ofc, so can't be sure) makes me feel more comfortable with the fact that my weight is moving down pretty quickly. That and the fact I don't _feel_ too tired or weak or anything.

For planche I'm going to do more sets of shorter hold in future, just to improve rep quality. The first one was great, the others shaky. Serratus strength/shoulder blade positioning still feels like the weak point.

Been super busy and training not been a top priority, glad to get two lifting sessions in though, as that's probably what's required as a minimum to maintaning muscle up top, running an extra, will probably be able to get one in on Sunday, maybe tomorrow morning if I feel energetic, but might benefit more from just sleeping.

Next lifting sesh will be doubles w/ +32kg, and if I'm still ~67kg then that's sets w/ +48% of my bw, which is kind of startling to me.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 14, 2019, 12:11:16 pm
BW - 67.7


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+24 x 1
+32 x 2, 2, 2, 2

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+16 x 5s
+17.25 x 5s, 5s, 5s

BW x 5
+8 x 3
+16 x 7, 7, 7
BW x 15


Stuff came up at the weekend so had to miss a run. Was also just feeling quite underfed on Sunday (Fri/Sat I had to be out a lot so did a bad job of estimating intake compared to normal), so had a fairly unrestricted eating day, hence today's weight. NBD, fine/good to do that now and then.

Pleasantly surprised by how straightforward 4x2 w/ +32 was. Easy doubles @ 100kg on chins, lmao.

Also, that's >25% of my BW for the hangs, happy with that! Will stick at +17.25 for another session or two though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 15, 2019, 08:01:11 am


4.40mi in 38:41 [8:47 pace]


Nice to run.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 17, 2019, 12:35:43 pm


6.66mi in 59:52 [8:59 pace]


w/ LBSS again, good stuff.

Longest run for a long while, felt decent.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on October 17, 2019, 04:49:35 pm
nice runs lately.

u guys have convos the whole time?

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 18, 2019, 11:56:21 am

BW - 66.9


BW x 3, 3
+16 x 6, 6, 6, 6

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+17.25 x 6s, 6s, 6s
+8 x 12s

Planche Lean
BW x 7s, 7s

Tuck Planche
BW x 8s, 8s, 8s

Planche Lean
BW x 20s, 20s


Decent stuff. Did the extra leans after the planche to just work on that shoulder blade position, as I watched video of my tuck planche and I'm really letting my shoulder blades droop.

Chins and hangs strong.

nice runs lately.

u guys have convos the whole time?


Yep! I'm probs running a bit faster than truly comfortable conversation pace, though, tbh.

ETA: forgot to record BW, weighed 66.9 at start of workout. Back under 67kg, good good. Reckon 63.X is the likely end point here
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 19, 2019, 12:08:10 pm


3.32mi in 32:58 [9:54 pace]


super easy
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 21, 2019, 12:40:13 pm


Did a progressiony thing, here's km splits: 5:50, 5:47, 5:19, 5:02, 4:29, 4:14

then ~1.5km cooldown

So, totaly 4.7mi


Yeah, yeah I mix units whatever.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on October 22, 2019, 12:08:00 am
Yeah, yeah I mix units whatever.

lol. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: vag on October 22, 2019, 05:17:10 am

Did a progressiony thing, here's km splits: 5:50, 5:47, 5:19, 5:02, 4:29, 4:14

This is 24:51 5K coming from a 5:50 "warmup".  :highfive: :ibrunning:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 22, 2019, 11:59:48 am
Away for about a week from tomorrow. A little headachey, etc., today so no training. Should be able to fit some lifting in tmrw, though.

Not going to focus on staying calorie controlled while away, and I'm not sure how much training I'll do either. Then another hard push on diet in Nov, hopefully get down to 64.x then Dec is for pushing strength on OAC as hard as I can and see if we can get this done before the New Year.

Did a progressiony thing, here's km splits: 5:50, 5:47, 5:19, 5:02, 4:29, 4:14

This is 24:51 5K coming from a 5:50 "warmup".  :highfive: :ibrunning:

Hah, thanks! Yeah I think I'm probably in about ~21:30-22:00ish shape for a race at the moment, but I'm not certain. After diet's done and OAC is achieved I might aim to get back under 20, even sub 19, for 5k.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 23, 2019, 08:02:00 am
BW - 66.8


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+37 x 1
+45 x 1  :personal-record:
+47.8 x 1  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf:

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+16 x 5s
+18.5 x 5s  :personal-record:
+21 x 5s  :personal-record:
+24 x 3s  :personal-record:
+8 x 5s, 5s, 5s, 5s, 5s

SS1A Chins
+16 x 6, 6
+8 x 8

SS1A Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 7, 6

SS1B Dips
BW x 5
+ 8 x 3
+16 x 8, 7
+8 x 9
BW x 12


Big session before going away. Huge, huge PRs on chinups. That's definitely a lifetime PR for relative weight (1.715xBW total), probably a lifetime PR on load added, and maybe a PR for total load (114.6kg -- the most I've managed in the period covered by this log is 112kg)

Big PRs on hangs too. Think with less tiring buildup I could have done +24 for 5s. Anyway that's about +1/3xBW, which is nice. Need to get back on the wall soon and see how it feels.

Rest just volume to get more and worked in case I don't do much training while abroad.

Fucking hyped on those pullups, though. If I get down to ~64.0 kg and keep same aboslute strength, thend I should be able to do a chinup with about 1.8xBW, which would be sick and put me in good stead for an OAC surge.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 31, 2019, 12:21:06 pm


4.35mi in 38:09 [8:45 pace]


Back and a little jet-lagged. Will weigh tmrw to see how much I gained, lmao. Feels like a lot, fiancee's parents kept feeding me and I did not want to be rude, haha.

This felt easy, though! Even though I didn't run (exercise was plenty of walking and a bit of swimming), etc. Perfect weather for this run.

Strength sesh tmrw, I guess.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on November 01, 2019, 02:08:28 pm

BW - 68.3


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 2
+26.5 x 4, 4, 4

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 7s, 7s, 7s, 7s

BW x 5
+13 x 8, 8, 8


Lol, so +1.5kg weight gain. I guess like half of that is water weight that will disappear pretty fast once I go back to below maintenance calories. Aim, then, is to end this month in the 64.x range. Should be doable, about 1kg a week

Felt weak! Not really a surprise, just hate that feeling, though. Still rejigging from jet lag, etc, too, which won't help.

Onwards and upwards from here, though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on November 02, 2019, 07:42:41 am


4.01mi in 33:38 [8:23 pace]


need to find my gloves
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on November 12, 2019, 05:03:12 am
Am still here, dw.

Last week got a bit stressed out preparing for this competition i was going to (european quiz championships) in bulgaria over the weekend, so training time got consumed by cram revision time for that at, and that was pretty draining so I didn't have much energy for training. Did do a sort of makeshift OAC session last Thursday, just testing out strength in hangs are various points in the motion -- feels stronger than I've ever been before, and the soreness was not debilitating which suggests a comparatively high level of preparedness at this stage. Got back Sunday evening and was exhausted (about 10 hoours sleep from Thurs->Sun which isn't great), so didn't do any proper training, but just king of messed aroudn with OAC negatives/isos and assisted stuff through the day (probably slightly stupid to do OAC stuff withoout a full warmup, so will be a bit more structured going forward).

Will probably run later today.

Quiz went well, got a bronze medal in the team thing and had a few other top 15 finishes.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on November 15, 2019, 12:17:01 pm
blah, had a cold last few days, looks like i'll be back to normal tomorrow, i hope.

have been doing "grease the groove" oac work, i guess you could call it. has been fun, feeling strong. looking forward to getting back on a normal programme for that though -- think i can profitably do oac stuff without it being hellishly taxing now, so will make that the main focus in strength stuff, with weighted chins weekly as supplement.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on November 18, 2019, 11:45:53 am
BW - 67.5


BW x 3, 3
+16 x 2
+32 x 1

OAC Isos @ 90* [R first, rest 30s, match L]
-8kg x 8s
BW x 4s, 4s
-5kg x 8s, 8s

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+10.5 x 7s, 7s, 7s

BW x 5
+ 8 x 10, 10, 10

Planche Lean
BW x 10s, 10


Good to be working out again!

Felt strong. Satisfying AF to do OAC work like that without feeling like I'm wrecking myself.

Think if I can hit a 10s iso @ 90* with BW I'll be very close to an OAC.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on November 22, 2019, 08:21:11 am

BW - 67.2


BW x 3, 3
+16 x 2
+32 x 1

OAC Isos @ 90*
-8 x 5s
BW x 5s, 3s, 3s, 3s
-5 x 9s

Assisted OAC
-8 x 1, F [only managed to pull to halfway]

Deadhangs [up to 10.5/13]
BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+13 x 7s, 7s
+10.5 x 7s


Sort of all I had in the tank for today. Been feeling pretty tired lately, hopefully energy comes back soon.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on November 23, 2019, 11:21:20 am
Quiz went well, got a bronze medal in the team thing and had a few other top 15 finishes.

damn nice!!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on November 29, 2019, 12:10:20 pm
Training still nit been very structured, though OAC progress been good. Managed a successful BW OAC from 90 degrees on left, couldn't quite manage that on my right. Want to get back to running and structured training soon though.

Quiz went well, got a bronze medal in the team thing and had a few other top 15 finishes.

damn nice!!

Thanks dude!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 08, 2019, 07:38:40 am


BW x 3, 3, 3

Assisted OAC
-16 x 1

Negatives w/ ~1s hold near bottom
BW x 1, 1 

Assisted OAC
-16 x 1, 1, 1, 1


Back to logging properly, hopefully also back to training properly. Trying to build volume with those heavily assissted reps, need to get used to breaking out of the bottom in a deadhang, etc.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 11, 2019, 05:35:32 pm


Bouldering for 2 hours


Still sore from Sunday. Forearms will be sore for days from this, I can tell. Was fun. Good to get mind off election stress.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 15, 2019, 12:25:52 pm

BW - 67.7


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+24 x 1

OAC negatives
-16 x 7s
BW x 10s, 10s, 7s

Assisted OACs
-16 x 2, 2  :personal-record:

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 7s, 7s, 7s, 7s, 7s

BW x 5
+8 x 8, 8, 8


Still sore from climbing. Still sad from Thursday, fucking apocalyptic result.


10s negatives feels like a good milestone. Similarly, I had never hit a double on any OAC thing, no matter how assisted, and that feels big to me, since they were done totally deadhang. Being able to break that deadhang bottom position twice, even with assistance, feels like a strong step in the right direction.

Climb wednesday, may (should?) start running again before then.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on December 15, 2019, 11:52:17 pm

BW - 67.7


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+24 x 1

OAC negatives
-16 x 7s
BW x 10s, 10s, 7s

Assisted OACs
-16 x 2, 2  :personal-record:

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 7s, 7s, 7s, 7s, 7s

BW x 5
+8 x 8, 8, 8


Still sore from climbing. Still sad from Thursday, fucking apocalyptic result.


10s negatives feels like a good milestone. Similarly, I had never hit a double on any OAC thing, no matter how assisted, and that feels big to me, since they were done totally deadhang. Being able to break that deadhang bottom position twice, even with assistance, feels like a strong step in the right direction.

Climb wednesday, may (should?) start running again before then.

damn nice. def sounds like progress.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 18, 2019, 11:20:17 am

Climb ~ 90 mins
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on December 18, 2019, 11:06:58 pm

Climb ~ 90 mins

90 min climb that sounds fun. at one of those walls?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 19, 2019, 06:52:47 am

Climb ~ 90 mins

90 min climb that sounds fun. at one of those walls?

yeah man, there's a ton of bouldering gyms around london, it's really a growing sport. My sessions are still a little bit incoherent, I don't quite go frequently enough yet to have a thorough sense of how to implement a more structured sort of training. If I want to make proper improvements I need to be going 2-3/week, which I might make an effort to do once I've got the OAC...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 22, 2019, 01:06:05 pm


~2 hours -- managed a "blue" route at the gym for the first time, and then climbed a second one. They're graded v4-6, fwiw. Very stoked on that. Amusingly my best style of climb isn't really strength based/big move routes, but ones where balance or leg strength are the main thing (the first blue one involved doing almost a pistol squat from an awkward position, so it's good I can still do those).

At the end of the climbing sesh, I did some OAC negatives, for fun. One @ BW on each arm, then two + 4kg on each arm just for larks. Doing weighted negatives is probably not super smart, especially while fatigued, but whatever I wanted to give it a go. Could control pretty well all the way down to the bottom. Have to say it is way nicer doing OAC work on a pullup bar that you have to jump up to, and which has loads of space to its sides, as compared to a cramped chinup tower...

Anyway, super awesome session.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 23, 2019, 04:01:38 pm

On the plus side, have got my fiancee into strength training, on the down side I forgot the pan I took out the oven would have a hot handle and burned my right hand. Hopefully the latter heals up soon, as it doesn't seem _too_ bad...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on December 23, 2019, 10:39:35 pm

On the plus side, have got my fiancee into strength training, on the down side I forgot the pan I took out the oven would have a hot handle and burned my right hand. Hopefully the latter heals up soon, as it doesn't seem _too_ bad...

eek that sux. fuuu*k.

hope you're ok man.

i did something like that once. my aunt has one of the craziest experiences with it. she left a can of beans on the stove. didn't realize it was heating up, wrong burner. goes to pick it up. drops it instantly. it explodes like a grenade, beans everywhere for weeks.. and the lid could have killed her. shot right up and stuck into the ceiling. it's like predator's weapon that he throws. imagine getting killed by a can of beans. fucking nuts. she got lucky.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 26, 2019, 12:26:12 pm

BW - 68.8


BW x 3, 3
+ 8 x 2
+ 24 x 1

Assisted OAC
-16 x 1
-8 x 1, 1, 1, 1

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 7, 7, 7, 7, 7

BW x 5
+8 x 8, 8, 8

Planche Leans
BW x 10s, 10s


Think when I'm hitting strong doubles at -8 on assisted OACs I'll be very close.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 29, 2019, 11:07:37 am


~75 mins

Did some Moonboard climbing. It's a cool thing -- standardised set of holds that lots of gyms have. People can set their own routes for you to climb, and they upload them to an app. You connect your phone with bluetooth and you can make the problems light up on the board. Anyway, even the easiest problems on it are a bit hard for me at the minute, and I really need to work on my footwork with it. Just very different to what I'm used too -- very overhang and has small holds. Good for strength, though, so can't wait to get the hang of it.

Saw Max Milne at the gym, think he came like 4th at the last world youth climbing championships. He's on another level, it's nuts.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on December 31, 2019, 11:52:20 am

BW - 69.1


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+24 x 1

Assisted OAC
-16 x 1
-8 x 1
-5 x 1 [from bottom on left, had to start with slightly bent arm on right]
-16 x 3, 3

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 8s, 8s, 8s

BW x 5
+16 x 6, 6, 6

Planche Leans
BW x 10s, 10s


Solid workout. Right arm feels weaker coming out of the bottom on OAC, even if elsewhere strength feels very similar.

That's 2019 done. Not trained as consistently as I would have liked, but it's one of my better years probably. Getting injured sucked, though if that hadn't happened I probably would not be into climbing/so close on OAC, so I can't be too upset about it.

Lighter workout on chins/grip stuff than usual as I'm climbing Thursday.

Weight creeping up slowly. Been eating out a lot and having lots of big family meals, etc. Will try to arrest that, and maybe drift back towards 67.x, so that the cut to <65 isn't too big a thing when I make that move some time in the new year.

Happy New Year everyone!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on December 31, 2019, 10:38:05 pm
happy new year man!

yea you had a few setbacks but overall a solid year. OAC coming in 2020.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 02, 2020, 06:00:50 pm


~2 hours

Mostly trying hard stuff. Was with three friends -- two about my level (maybe a touch better, but we can all attempt similar routes), one a beginner. Really nice bouncing ideas about to try routes off each other/motivating each other to try hard. Never really trained in a group before, but these guys have a good mindset, so it's nice. Going again w/ them on Sunday.

Quite sore from Tuesday/Sunday. Every other day is pretty tough for climbing stuff. Glad to be getting two full rest days before next session -- hoping to be feeling v strong for it.

Did an partial rom OAC starting with arm @ about ~130 degrees on both arms.  :personal-record: [Was actually not quite full effort either, so I'm getting super close to having the skill on lock. Going to be hyped out of my mind when I get it. Will try to get footage. It's likely to happen in a climbing gym rather than at home, I think, since my bar is not very suitable.]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on January 02, 2020, 11:55:29 pm
damn nice!

ya i imagine you'd lose it, that's been a major goal of yours for a while now.

get it!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 05, 2020, 01:56:26 pm


~2.5 hours

Spent mostly trying lots of hard stuff. Tore some skin on left ring finger, but not too bad. Still sore from the Sun/Tue/Thur burst of training, to be honest, so power wasn't really there. Was close-ish on a black (the tier above blue) route -- if I'm fully rested I think I might be able to manage it. Think I checked off another blue, and a few whites/wasps.

Need to work out how to balance OAC/strength training with climbing. Might alternate between 2 climbs / 1 lift and 1 climb / 2 lift weeks until I have the OAC? Anyway, I'm not sure I'll be able to put in a good effort at anything this week until maybe Wednesday (or possibly even Thursday, unless recovery rate picks up), so might only get 2 sessions in this week.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 08, 2020, 11:52:03 am
have a cold, bleh. still sore from sunday actually, probs exacerbated by the cold, but enforced rest probs not too bad an idea anyway
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 09, 2020, 11:45:31 am
BW - 69.6


BW x 3, 3, 3

Super Wide Grip Arched Back Pullups
BW x 4, 4, 4, 4

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 2 x 6x(5 on/5 off) [last two "on" periods of second set a bit dodgy tbh]
BW x 6x(4 on/6 off) [don't like this grip as much for long/repeated holds, feel a bit more tweaky fwiw]

BW x 5
+8 x 6, 6

16 x 6, 6

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 8, 8


Mostly recovered from cold, but not 100%. Similarly still feeling a little sore/achey, so pulls/hangs wise did a different workout. The super wide grip pullups feel very specific to quite a few climbing movements, so I like those. Did them submaximally, which was a nice change of pace.

Think I will make repeaters the main form of hang training I do rather than more max hangs, just for a cycle or two, work up to being able to manage like 5x(7on/3off) @ 18mm.

Climbing Sunday, hopefully.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 12, 2020, 12:27:37 pm


~2 hours

Did some more technique focussed/drill style warmups for first 45 mins, fun stuff. Climbing one legged to really focus on flags/balance, trying climbs super slow vs super fast to see when each works. Was nice to have some more focus.

Last remnants of cold still there, so felt a bit wretched at points.

Almost managed human flag at end of session, when v fatigued (had done some circuit routes on overhanging walls the really drained endurance + did a good OAC eccentric on each arm). Will try again when fresh at some point, would love to have that skill again.

Mildly tweaked right ring finger between 1st and 2nd knuckle. It's slightly tender to the touch, but doesn't hurt to move it or load it or hang/climb, etc., so hopefully that clears up quickly.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 14, 2020, 11:33:24 am


~2.5 hours

Nice sesh. Tried to stay off crimpy things/things that required a lot of weight on right finger, which I think was prudent. Finger slightly more sore at end of session than before it, but still less sore than it was yesterday or on Sunday, so that seems fine to me.

Obviously still quite fatigued from Sunday, and powered out quite quickly this sesh, but still gave a bunch of things a try.

Might train Friday (may not do any hangs if finger still feels tweaky), and then climb Sunday.

Edit: got a brachioradialis cramp during this sesh, which i've never had before. gnarly!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 15, 2020, 08:01:05 am
Have been feeling a lot less sore after climbing sessions lately, which is great. Especially as the sessions have regularly been pretty long lately, exceeding two hours. Very happy about this, as I was sort of worried that I would just always be mega sore even after moderate sessions and never be able to up volume. Silly, I know, but the soreness just felt like it was going that way. Guess it just took longer to adapt to climbing soreness since the movements are so varied, as compared to running or lifting. Might still aim to keep climbs <2 hours, as they stop being super productive for me after about 90 mins -- power output so much lower that I can't feel go full effort after that point, and the injury rate is defo higher when climbing in a fatigued state. However, climbing is super fun, esp with people, so it's hard to stop!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 17, 2020, 12:32:40 pm
BW - 69.7


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1

Assisted OAC
-16 x 1 [felt super easy]
-8 x 1
-3.75 x to 90* on right, 1 on left

ISO Hangs
120* x 5s, 3s

OAC Negative
Didn't time, but did RLRLRL with minimal rest between each rep

Assisted OAC
-8 x 1 + long hold @120* on the eccentric

BW x 5
+8 x 3
+16 x 7, 7
BW x 11

Kneeling Ab Wheel
BW x 8, 8, 8


Injured ring finger feels basically better, but I managed to get myself not to do any finger/grip training anyway, to really give it time.

Need to work strength in the bottom range of OAC I think, so I liked that last movement with the long hold at the weak point after a rep.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 19, 2020, 01:21:00 pm


~80 mins

Still super sore from Friday actually. Finger still not 100%, but since it doesn't feel like it's getting worse, I'll just keep at things and keep paying attention to it.

Managed some newly set wasps, which is good, not really a strong session. Head not quite in it, for whatever reason. Think probably that I didn't eat enough before going, which I'll try to be better about in future.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 22, 2020, 01:05:33 pm
BW - 69.7


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1

Assisted OAC
-16 x 1
-8 x 1+1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1

BW x 7s, 7s
BW x 7s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+10.5 x 5s

HC Repeaters
BW x 2 x 6x(3on6off)

BW x 5
+8 x 3
+16 x 8
+24 x 3
+8 x 10


Nice to have a strong feeling workout, feel like it's been a while.

Rep scheme for the OAC assisteds (i.e. 1+1)  is htis: 1+1+1 means RLRLRL, only rest being time to get set up for next rep, 1+1 just RLRL. I guess that's just cluster reps.

Finger still not quite 100%, but definitely feels like it's at the point where it would benefit from some proper loading, rather than just climbing. Thing hangboard is actually good for finger recovery once you're able to do it, since the loading is so controlled (you're not throwing or grabbing suddenly, like you can often be while climbing). Structure for this will be to work up to a moderate-hard 5s hang, then do repeaters after for volume.

Climbing w/ friends sunday, might try to fit in a solo climb on friday.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 24, 2020, 11:33:50 am


~75 mins

Short session, felt shit at start but after about 50 mins managed some decent efforts.

Hoping to be feeling nicely recovered for Sunday.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 26, 2020, 01:00:01 pm


~2 hours
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 27, 2020, 04:14:31 pm

Left should is a little sore today. Hopefully feels better tomorrow.

I feel like (and I've definitely said this before) I need to do more work with one armed hangs/scapular strength stuff. Just hate doing this on my bar at home, since it's so thin it really hurts to hang on, so I like minimising the amount of one arm stuff I do on it. Hangs seem worse than OAC stuff, I guess because hte load moves aroudn less and the TUT is longer. Just gotta suck it up, and probably do some of this stuff as part of warmup at the climbing gym. Would go well toward my OAC work.

Anyway, going to take two days off (including today) -- pretty sore. Amazing to me that people climb like 5 days a week. Want to build up that sort of recovery capacity.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 29, 2020, 01:03:54 pm

BW - 69.8kg


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 5, 5, 5

BW x 5s, 7s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+13 x 5s

BW x 3 x 6x(4on6off)

BW x 12, 12, 12


Left shoulder feeling a bit better again, but still not 100%. Feels sore basically if I put my hand directly overhead/really externally rotate. Fine with two-arm pullups at the bottom though, so it's just when in a very stretched position. Similarly a bit sore to hang one armed on just left arm before being warmed up, but mid session that felt fine.

Kept pullups a bit easier (think a semi deload is worthwhile this week), but am definitely weaker at pullups than chins, though maybe also a bit of general fatigue.

Grip stuff felt a lot stronger (4s on rather than 3s + an extra set from last time, and I think it still felt easier, so that's rad).

I am very bad at pushups, can do more dips than pushups, so will work on those. Probably good for shoulders too.

Might just rest totally until Sunday, not sure.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 30, 2020, 09:33:53 am

Shoulder again feeling a little better. Am optimistic that it'll fully recovery on its own, as long as I'm not stupid. Might leave off doing too much OAC stuff until I'm fully confident in that claim though. Perhaps isos or concentrics will be fine, but have to be v careful in lowering to full extension.

Surprisingly my lats are quite sore today! Yesterday's pullups were far from maximal, and not too much volume, so I'm a little confused by that! Would have thought they're adapted enough to not be sore from a light session given they're pretty similar to the movement in climbing, but I guess that palms away form is novel enough to induce some soreness. Wild. Guess I should make them my go-to pullup movement rather than chins going forward.

Serratus also sore. Shall stick with pushups -- seems like they can only be good for shoulder stability. Maybe I can nab a cheap weight vest somewhere -- would also be helpful for progressing ab wheel, if I ever get back to doing that consistently.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 02, 2020, 12:31:52 pm


~2 hours total

After ~45 mins (about when I was fully warmed up and had started trying harder routes) I popped the training room to do the following:

Eccentric OAC

Then finished with climbing for the rest of the session.


OAC eccentrics felt strong. Just need to be doing them more regularly, maybe 2xweek.  Didn't set up a timer for them or anything, but they were fully under control, bottom no quicker than top, etc., so that's good. Will try to progress them to doing like 4xRLRLRL, at which point I should be nice and strong.

Shoulder feels ok.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 03, 2020, 10:02:12 am

Ring finger on right hand a little sore. Think it's either from a route I did that had some two-finger pockets, or some a move I kept trying that involved jumping out to quite a small hold with my right hand. Or a combo. Didn't hurt during the session, only felt it first at about bed time. I think that's hopefully a good sign that it's not too major and just sorts itself out in a few days. Also think it is a sign that I should be doing some open hand/3 fingers stuff in my hangboarding, and not just half crimp, just to get more adapted to that position + condition the ring finger in particular, since both of mine have been injury prone.

Biceps, lats, triceps and brachioradialis are mega sore today. That's what OAC eccentrics will do, I guess. Good sign, though, that I can do them pretty strognly without actually being all that adapted to them. Gains to be made by practicing them for sure.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 05, 2020, 05:09:14 pm

Finger feels like 85% recovered, should be enough for a light climb + OAC training sesh tmrw. Frustrating to keep getting these little niggles, but hopefully they'll just clear up with more time spent climbing/adapting + some specific strength work.

My broad plan is a 6 week cycle 2xweek OAC negative work + maybe one other climbing sesh, then assess. Likely at that point I start a cut and aim to get to 65kg or lower
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 06, 2020, 11:29:59 am


~2 hours

After 45 minutes or so took a break to do the following:

OAC negative

Felt a bit weaker than earlier this week, but fine with that as I think it'll take a bit for recovery to catch up + this was close to a big meal.

Back to climbing, finger feeling good. Could try hard stuff without pain and it felt like it was improving. Then disaster, dry fire off a hold right near planned end session with my right hand, majorly worsening the injury. Feels way worse, but very similar otherwise, to the right ring finger thing I had like a year ago or so. Sigh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 07, 2020, 04:49:23 am
Right hand is fucked up  :raging:

So annoyed about this, didn't really do anything wrong in the session, didn't push my climbing too hard, just had one unlucky slip at the end and made everything way worse.

On the up side, I have no soreness from yesterday's session, despite OAC negatives. However, given the state of my right hand I'm not sure when next I'll be able to hang from a pullup bar, let alone hang one handed on that hand...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on February 07, 2020, 07:42:34 am
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 09, 2020, 06:15:33 am

Seen physio, am feeling a bit more mellow, reckon about 3-4 weeks until it's mostly recovered. Sadly it's basically exactly what I'd been planning to combat -- i.e. was going to train more 3 finger hangs, and what I've injured is basically a weakness caused by not enough 3 fingers hangs. Luckily the pain has subsided in other positions, so I think I'll be able to to OAC work still pretty soon. Still effing painful in lots of positions, though!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 10, 2020, 10:14:15 am

Doing rehab for finger + shoulder prehab (
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 13, 2020, 08:30:45 am

Finger progressing well. Will have a light climb on Saturday, I think, to see how it is.

Working on shoulder stuff as well. Wall slides seem essential. Always know that I ought to be doing them, but never have the consistency for it. Did a short set today and, shit, my lats are so tight. Traps/external rotators burning just from holding arms against the wall in the top position. Got to master this!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 15, 2020, 01:08:14 pm


~2 hours

Phew! If I'm careful with my route selection I can basically avoid pain. Made a silly choice near the end and felt some pain, but it subsided quickly, so I'm feeling positive. Will see how everything is tomorrow -- possibly it was just being warm meant I couldn't feel pain, but I'm optimistic.

Did some OAC negatives/lock off @ 90/120* during the session, can hold those lock off for 5+ seconds now solidly, which is nice.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 16, 2020, 01:25:35 pm

Finger feeling better today than yesterday after session, and feeling like it's recovering in general, so that's good.

Quite sore, but not as bad as I would have thought, given I hadn't cllimbed for a week and did some heavy OAC stuff. No forearm soreness at all -- that's less surprising, since I didn't really do any super grip intensive stuff, owing to finger.

My GF got me a pinch block as a gift, which I have had some fun playing around with today. Just tying my weights to it, since I don't have a loading pin -- may get one of those in future, but this system is working fine for now. Pinch feels like a weakness for me in climbing, so this will be a fun way to work on it. Despite it being open hand, it didn't cause any pain for my injured finger, so that's nice.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 17, 2020, 11:10:50 am

BW - 70.0


Some chins/scap pulls/serratus pushups etc to warm up

BW x 3s, 3s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 1s, 3s
BW x 3s

2 x 5 x (6 on / 3 off) -- Pretty close to failure on second set

Pinch block
5 x 5s
8 x 5s
10.5 x 5s
13 x 5s, 5s, 5s

Foot elevated pushbacks []
BW x 6, 6

BW x 8, 8


This finger injury is so weird to me. I can (half) crimp basically near max with no pain, but open hand is excruciating. Anyway, feels like the open hand part is recovering along too, and it's nice to be still be able to train other things hard (seems the consensus is it is good to keep training other aspects of finger strength while this is recovering, as far as I can tell).

Pinch block fun as heck to train with. Don't really know what the gold standard is, but I guess getting to around 50% BW is a good goal, since that means you could hang off two of them without the benefit of compression, theoretically. (having looked this up, half bw is pretty elite, lmao -- yeah, elite climber Magnus Midbto, who weighs abt my weight, does ~41kg on this on the IronMind one [mine is grip genie -- idk which is easier/harder])

Pushbacks seem to really get my serratus going, and are pretty tough. Need to be doing more scapular strengthening stuff, esp for antagonist things like pushups, since that feels like a weakness and is potentially implicated in the shoulder pain I've been having.

Weight going up slowly -- not really bothered, think it is slow enough + I have been training (hard) enough that it probably means a decent amount of it is muscle. GF says I'm looking thicker so I'll take her word for it. Hoping to reap the benefits when I cut in 4-6 weeks.

Rest tmrw, climb Wednesday probably.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 19, 2020, 12:15:11 pm


~1.5 hours


felt strong, etc, but just couldn't crank on right hand today, alas. kept it pretty light. hopefully has a rehabilitative effect, getting blood flow, etc. a bunch of cool routes at this gym i really wanted to try hard on -- hopefully hand is recovered before they're reset

Did some OAC work, something like this

ISO @ 90/120*
then an eccentric on each arm from 90* to straight

after that I did two sets of doubles of weighted pullups to see where i was with that. 32kg was very easy, and 36kg was also pretty easy. happy to hit that for a double. never really trained pullups, and haven't really done any weighted chins for ages, so that i can hit an easy double @ over 50% bw is nice. Maybe i should be doing weighted pullups just to work more brute strength, dunno. Anyway, that's a solid ~106kg x 2 on pullups, iirc my chinup PB was 114.6 x 1, so i reckon i can probably beat that now. get back down to 65kg and i'll be storming.

shoulder have felt great lately -- attribute that to those pushbacks, i guess?

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 21, 2020, 11:42:14 am

Rehab workout

8kg x 30s, 30s, 30s, 30s

Hang on fingerboard jug
BW x 30s, 30s, 30s

+ rice bucket, etc
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 24, 2020, 08:01:50 am


~90 mins

including rehab hangs (4 x ~30s on easy slopers) + some OAC isos.

finger still maybe like 70%.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 27, 2020, 08:12:59 am


~90 mins

Finger feeling a little better yet again. Getting psyched for when I can give full efforts with it again.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 28, 2020, 09:21:10 am
BW- 69.4


BW x 10, 10

BW x 18, 16, 15

Pinch Block Holds
8 x 5s, 5s
10.5 x 3s
13 x 3s, 3s, 5s, 5s
8 x 40s

lower traps on left side so weak, must sort that out!

SS1B 4 Finger Open Hand Hangs
BW@24mm x 15s, 15s,  15s


Feels kind of bonkers how weak shoulder stability stuff is on left side.

Doing some light grip stuff, a bit weak obvs since I climbed yesterday, but not sure I'll make it to climbing gym this weekend so felt like tacking it on to a shoulder rehab focussed sesh.

Left shoulder a bit sore after yesteday's climb -- think a particular gaston move I ended up trying it was tweaked it -- just no good in wide positions. Shuold recover up.  Need to be doing my IWYs and pushups more regularly.

Felt kind of flabby lately, but BW is stable -- might be psychological (ate a lot of candy last few days, haha), but not sure.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 02, 2020, 09:22:34 am


~90 minutes.

Can pull harder with right hand still, but three finger grip is still excruciating on it, so trying super hard is not quite possible since there's also a chance my pinkey will slip. Might try buddy taping ring and pinkey finger together for future sessions.

Spent lots of time on v steep problems/roof climbing. Fun.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 02, 2020, 12:37:38 pm
A test it never occurred to me to do to see how recovery is coming along, but which I now did.

Core idea: the worst part of the injury is my ability to three finger drag (hang from three fingers) without pain. So I set up my scale underneath my hangboard to see how much weight I could load before pain began. Was about 35kg, so half BW. Got to progress this number.

A common protocol for pulley injuries is to gradually load them to just before the painful load, but since this is a lumbrical/muscle injury rather than a tendon one, I'm less sure of that protocol. Any thoughts about recovering muscle strains?  In any case, if I do pursue that method, I guessed I'd be aiming at like 3-5x10-30s at non-painful load, checking how much I'm weighting with the scale each week. Edit: skimming some stuff suggests progressive loading is used/useful for muscle strain recovery too, so guess i will be doing this.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 02, 2020, 05:13:56 pm
Also, also, since I can't really push training super hard at the mo, might go on a mini cut through March to see where that puts me leanness wise. Think that's probably prudent? Shouldn't interfere with injury recovery too much, I hope.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 03, 2020, 12:27:27 pm
BW - 70.2


BW x 10, 10

BW x 20, 18

BW x 5, 5, 5, 5 [easy, focussing on pulling to chest, controlled lowering and deadhangs + scap pull/scap control]

Pinch block holds
8 x 5s, 5s
13 x 7s

Pinch block reps
13 x 3, 3, 3 [feels way harder to do three reps of a weight than to hold it for 7s, guess the hard part is having the tension to load initially, rather than to hold it -- makes sense, it's a bit like training RFD/contact strength, I guess. Can't even pick up 16kg yet, but probably possible once i can do 13x6 or so, i think]

3FD Rehab Hangs
~43kg assistance x 15s, 15s, 15s [set scale up under hangboard and stood on it -- assistance listed is the weight shown on the scale]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 05, 2020, 08:03:52 am


~90 mins

Finger didn't really bother me once warmed up, which was nice. Also managed to avoid ever accidentally slipping into a 3 finger hold on the right hand, so I didn't do anything to aggravate it either.

Sent some new hard-ish boulders, which was fun.

Also did: Pullups +20 x 4, 4, 4
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 08, 2020, 02:49:08 pm
BW - 69.5


BW x 3, 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 2
+24 x 1
+32 x 2, 2, 2
+24 x 3 [wider grip]

Pinch Block
8 x 3s, 3s
10.5 x 3s
13 x 3s

Pinch Block Reps
13 x 4, 4, 4
10.5 x 12

3FD Rehab Hangs
~37kg assist x 15s, 15s, 15s

BW x 10

Foot Elevated Pushbacks
BW x 8, 8


When I did 4x2 @ +32 (@ 68kg) I was able to do a ~47kg chinup, and I defo had a 4th set of 2 in me at 32 on these today, so wonder what I can hit on a pullup. Much prefer doing pullups on the setup at my gym than at home, skinny bar + being forced to grip either narrower or wider than my preferred spot because of the structure of my bar. I whine about this too much, tbf, but it is annoying.

Lots of progress on the rehab hangs as compared to last time, which is nice! Still a long way to go to being able to just hang without pain at bodyweight this way, but going from 45 to 37 assist in a week makes me feel optimistic!

Left feels a lot more solid on pinches, which i guess is not surprsing.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 09, 2020, 08:35:29 am


~90 mins

Really good session, despite fatigeu from yesterday. Climbed loads of yellow/green routes that I hadn't before + made some good progress on some hard blues. Right hand feels really good when warmed up -- did slip into 3 finger grip a couple of times, but never had any pain as a result! A few more weeks and I'll be at 100% I reckon.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 11, 2020, 09:26:01 am


~90 minutes

Still felt fatigued/not fully recovered from the Sunday-Monday back-to-back, but this was a fucking top session. Sent 3 blues (had only managed 1 at this gym before) and reached the last move on another one. Some black routes feel within range, too, esp once I can three finger on my right hand (some small/narrow holds sort of require that).
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 12, 2020, 06:05:36 am
Trying to work out when it is no longer going to be prudent to go climbing at gyms...

Edit: have decided that is probs now, at least i have equipment at home to train with. not taking any chances here, climbing gyms are gross af
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 13, 2020, 06:32:11 am
smart. this is one advantage of running: it's solitary and outdoors.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 13, 2020, 01:34:08 pm

BW - 68.7


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+32 x 1
+40 x 1 [pretty easy!]
+24 x 5, 5, 5 [fairly hard, not quite maximal, only chalked up for the last set, and that made things a lot easier]

Pinch Block Holds
8 x 5s, 5s
10.5 x 5s
13 x 3s

Pinch Block Reps
13 x 5, 5
10.5 x 12, 12

some open hand hangs @ 24mm to get warmed up

3FD Rehab Hangs @ 24mm
30-33kg of assistance x 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s

SS1A Partial Rom Standing Ab Wheel
BW x 5, 5, 5

SS1B Pushbacks
BW x 15, 15, 15


Do pullups thumbless b/c that's more comfortable, plus I guess marginally more specific to climbing.

5 reps on pinch block was pretty hard, but just about managable. I really love using it, and it feels like it really helps my climbing -- simultaneously help out with pinches and open hand things and slopers, all with one exercise. And it's fun. Further benefit, distinct from the hangboard, is that since I have to generate the force to lift the thing from the ground, it feels like it trains a different aspect of _pulling hard_ or really aggressively flexing hand/finger muscles -- key for those desperate holds you sometimes have to do climbing

ROM on ab wheel actually pretty good, abs really got a boost from climbing steep overhangs at the new gym.

Nice to have some pretty concrete goals I can work on in my home training: pullups keep pushing that weight up, pinch block get to reps at 16kg, ab wheel complete full rollouts, pushbacks start feeling strong on foot elevated, rehab get ability to hang 3fd without pain again, then start loading. if i accomplish all of these then i'll be in a rad spot when i feel comfortable going climbing again.

smart. this is one advantage of running: it's solitary and outdoors.

thanks for sure, might work some running in depending how restless i get, esp as weather improves. the day we go climbing together will hopefully be a cause for celebration, though
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 16, 2020, 01:16:00 pm
BW - 68.6


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+40 x 1
+34.5 x 2, 2, 2, 2  :personal-record:

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s, 5s
+2.5 x 7s
+5 x 7s
+8 x 7s
+5 x 7s

Rehab Hangs
~33kg assist x 15s, 15s, 15s

8 x 6
16 x 10
18.5 x 7
16 x 10

Partial ROM Standing Ab Wheel
BW x 7, 6, 6


Crushing it. 4 x 2 @ >50% bw on pullups there. More than I ever managed on chinups. Strength is building, and it feels good. This wasn't quite a maximal effort, either.

Fun to work on such a small edge (15mm) for the hangs, would like to master that. Not sure form was quite perfect on those hangs, but felt pretty good. Will alternate hangs w/ pinch block each session. Hangs more stressful to elbows/fingers, so good to rotate. +8 x 7s felt near max.

Rehab hangs felt fine, nice that the crimping portion of the workout doesn't bother them.

Never felt this strong on ab wheel before, so that's nice too. Can't wait to be smashing out full rom reps.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 18, 2020, 01:19:58 pm
BW - 68.8


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+40 x 1
+29 x 3, 3, 3

Pinch Block Holds
8 x 5s, 5s
10.5 x 5s
13 x 3s
16 x 3s, 3s

Pinch Block Reps
13 x 12, 12

Pinch Block Holds
8 x 45s

BW x 20, 17, 13


Not fully recovered from last session, which I guess is not surprising as it was just two days ago. 40kg pullup felt a bit tough, though the 3x3 was easy enough.

Pinch felt strong. Not sure whether to attribute being able to hit 16kg pretty confidently to improvements, or to the advantange of using liquid chalk, but either way felt good.

Lmao am so bad at pushups.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 21, 2020, 11:44:13 am
BW  - 68.7


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+32 x 1
+40 x 2
+16 x 7, 7

Tuck Front Lever Pull
BW x 5, 5

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 7s, 5s, 5s
BW x 10s


Felt pretty weak today. Been mildly headachey/lots of tension at back/bottom of neck. Probably due a lot more sitting around at home with poor posture than usual lately.... This was really triggered by the front lever pulls (which were otherwise fun).
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 21, 2020, 01:08:50 pm
i had what i think was a posture-related (certainly shoulder/back/neck-related) headache on wednesday. heat patches and the electric self-massager are great IME.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 22, 2020, 06:59:53 am
i had what i think was a posture-related (certainly shoulder/back/neck-related) headache on wednesday. heat patches and the electric self-massager are great IME.

got my gf to massage my neck/upper back which helped, as has some foam rolling. if it persists i'll check out heat patches, ty! you mean like deep heat, etc., right?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 22, 2020, 10:31:10 am
yes, exactly.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 22, 2020, 06:02:08 pm
Decided that I think now makes sense as a time to try to cut. Low chance of injury, easy to track eating b/c lower variety (more at home, etc.) and good to eat less at mo anyway, it seems. Aim for like .75kg a week? starting tmrw -- will also do an OHP/pushups/core sesh tmrw i think
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 23, 2020, 02:20:09 pm

Morning BW - 69.4kg

Instead of the a push focussed workout, did a fitness blender HIIT thing w/ GF. Was pretty fun, lots of squats and lunges. Should probs do leg work (i always do pistol squats in my general warm up for lifting, etc. so I don't totally neglect them, but still).

Kcal -- 1763
Prot - 90g

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 24, 2020, 12:54:47 pm

Morning BW - 68.5
Workout BW - 68.6


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+40 x 1
+24 x 6, 6

+24 x 5

Pinch Holds
8 x 5s, 5s
10.5 x 5s
13 x 5s
16 x 4s

Pinch Reps
16 x 3, 3, 3

Pinch Holds
13 x 9s, 9s
10.5 x 20s

8 x 5
16 x 3
19.75 x 7
16 x 12

Ab Wheel
BW x 7, 5 [longer rom 2nd set]


Felt solid. Left so much stronger than right on pinches -- not surprising, given left is generally stronger + right is where the injury is.

Put my small plates in a tote bag and hold it in same hand as kettlebell for the 19.75kg ohp -- bit awkward, not sure it's rly worth it as compared to just working in higher reps.

Ab wheel feels like it's progressing nicely.


Kcal - 1727
Protein - 107g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 25, 2020, 04:53:32 pm

Morning BW - 68.4kg
Kcal - 1600
Protein - 80g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 26, 2020, 01:27:30 pm
Morning BW - 68.2
Workout BW - 68.2


Lattice warmup
pushups/jumping pullups/plank toe taps/arm swings
3/7 -> 7/3 repeaters on jug then 18mm

BW x 7s, 7s
BW x 5s
+5 x 7s
+8 x 7s
+10.5 x 6s, 6s, 6s
BW x 10s, 10s, 10s, 10s

BW x 16, 16, 16

+ 20 min fitness blender thing, mostly lunges and squat jumps intervals w/ gf  :derp:


good workout! nice to hangs without pullups/totally fresh. probably going to do pullups + core work tomorrow

nice to do interval/hiit/fitness blender stuff w/ gf + good to get more cardioish activity while mostly sitting about at home


Kcal - 1900
Protein - 105g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 27, 2020, 02:03:52 pm
Morning BW - 68.4
Workout BW - 68.2


BW x 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+32 x 1
+35.75 x 2, 2, 2, 2

8 x 5
16 x 14, 13

Ab Wheel
BW x 5, 5, 5


Solid. Feeling hungry, though.


Kcal - 1800
Protein - 100g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 29, 2020, 06:24:07 am

Morning BW - 68.0
Kcal - 1650
Prot - 100g


Morning BW - 67.7
Kcal - 1500
Prot - 133g

well that's a big drop. wasn't very hungry yesterday so the kcals were low, esp as i was pretty sedentery. same is likely to happen today.

Edit: calculated wrong kcal for yesterday (input cooked rather than dry lentils so underestimated that a bunch).

^^^ the above makes me think I should try to pump up the protein more, hard without just going super shake heavy when on a veggie diet, but might be worth trying
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 30, 2020, 01:56:00 pm

Morning BW - 67.4 (!)
Kcal - 1600
Prot - 120g


Weight continues to go down pretty fast, but I don't feel weak/hungry, etc., so not too concerned. Could probably safely be eating like 1800-2100kcal, but I don't see the reason to as long as I'm feeling okay?

Sleep has been bad, lately, though this predates the calorie restriction. Haven't been able to sleep past like 7am, even when there's no need to be up, for ages. So, skipped workout today to nap, 3 days off is fine. Tmrw a big sesh + feeling a bit more rested, I hope.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 31, 2020, 12:02:08 pm

Morning BW - 67.5
Workout BW - 68.1


BW x 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+40 x 3  :personal-record:
+29 x 4, 4

Pinch Block
8 x 5s, 5s
10.5 x 3s
13 x 3s
16 x 3s, 4s, F (hrm?)
13 x 10s, 12s, 10s, 10s, 10s

Part ROM standing Ab Wheel
BW x 5, 5, 5+7 kneeling


Slightly odd workout. Went for the triple at 40kg on a whim, was v hard but managed it. Don't really know why I failed the pick up the 16kg on that one set of pinched, but felt okay overall on them.

Ab wheel progressing nicely.

Pushups + maybe hangs + some cardio-ish stuff tomorrow.

Interested by morning vs workout weight disparity today, they've been pretty similar to each other in general til now.


Kcal - 1800
Prot - 130g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 31, 2020, 05:06:18 pm
we've been waking up super early too, because our room faces east-ish and daylight savings makes the sun so bright way too early. it got markedly better for me after the clocks changed a couple days ago.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 01, 2020, 12:31:56 pm

Morning BW - 67.4
Workout BW - 67.6


Lattice warmup/hangs

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
+5 x 10s, 10s, 10s, 10s
BW x 15s

BW x 17, 17, 15

Hollow Body Holds
BW x 25s, 20s, 20s


kcal - 1700
prot - 115g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 03, 2020, 12:43:54 pm

Morning BW - 67.4
Workout BW - 67.0


BW x 3
+8 x 2
+16 x
+32 x 1
+37 x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

Lattice repeater warmup

BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+5 x 5s
+8 x 5s
+10.5 x 5s
+13 x 5s, 5s, 5s
BW x 21s

Ab Wheel
BW x 5, 5, 5 + 8


Solid. Was a little frustrated that BW had stalled despite low cals, but that workout weigh-in tells a different story. Wasn't dehydrated or anything, either, afaik. We'll see what next couple days hold on that front.

Tempted to try a pullup 1rm soon.


Kcal (yesterday) - 1575 (1500)
protein (yesterday) - 120g (80g)
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 04, 2020, 06:54:40 am
lmao weighted 67.4kg again this morning, don't rly want to eat less but guess i might have to...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 04, 2020, 12:57:30 pm

Morning BW - 67.4
Workout BW - 67.1


Lattice repeater hang warmup

Pinch Holds
8 x 5s, 5s
10.5 x 3s
13 x 3s
16 x 5s

Pinch Reps
16 x 3, 3, 3, 2

Pinch Hold
13 x 11s, 11s, 11s

BW x 5
+8 x 12
+13 x 10, 10

8 x 5
16 x 9, 9

Hollow Body Holds
BW x 25s, 25s, 25s


Weighted the pushups with weights in a backpack. I get bored doing the higher reps, so that was nice. Also good to do the OHPs after a bit of fatigue from the pushups for same reason, doing unilateral stuff for 14+ reps is tedious, esp with something so core demanding as OHPs, so being tired when I do them makes that more my style.

Pinch stuff coming along v slowly, but, again, last two sessions have been done immediately day after a demanding hang sesh, so that's more or less expected.


Kcal - 1700
Prot - 125g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 05, 2020, 01:15:54 pm

Morning BW - 67.2


took a page out of adarq's book and did 300 walking lunges, more or less non stop. Took 11:42.


Happy to see the needle move on BW. Think it's probably because I had a good bowel movement this morning, haha.


Kcal - 1600
Prot - 115g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 07, 2020, 11:46:48 am

Morning BW - 66.9
Workout BW - 66.9


Lattice warmup

BW x 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+32 x 1
+40 x 1
+45.9 x 1
+52.5 x 1  :personal-record:
+53.6 x F (got to about half way)

Fiddled around with some lockoffs too

Half Crimp Deadhangs
BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
+5 x 5s, 10s, 10s
+10.5 x 10s, 7s
BW x 18s, 15s, 15s

Well, that's a pretty big PR. Failed on the 1.8xBW attempt, but hit 1.785, so am pretty happy with that. Should start to work OAC stuff on alternate pulling days, now, as I guess the strength is there.

The weird numbers for the higher weight pullups are because i got them by measuring total BW on a scale while loaded, so 119.4 was highest successful weight I managed. If I can keep that total aroudn 120kg while dropping closer to 60kg (probs not getting passed like 63-64), then I'll be golden.


Kcal (yesterday) - 1650 (1650)
Prot (yesterday -  105g (115g)
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 08, 2020, 12:24:21 pm

Morning BW - 67.0
Workout BW - 67.2



8 x 5s, 5s
10.5 x 3s
13 x 3s
16 x 6s, 6s
17.25 x 3s, 3s, 3s  :personal-record:
13 x 20 + 13 [i.e 20R20L13R13L no rest)

BW x 8
+8 x 5
+16 x 9, 9, 8

8 x 5
16 x 10, 10

Ab Wheel
BW x 5, 5, 5 + 10


Hard, but good, workout. Nice to move to a new weight on pinches


Kcal - 1350 [ish, mum brought me some food for passover (in a quarantine compliant manner, worry not), not sure calories, but was just chicken soup + stuff for dinner, so kcals pretty light i think]
Prot - 135g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 09, 2020, 10:31:28 am

Morning BW - 66.5


Rest day today.

Have to say, despite low calories, recovery has been really good lately. I think that's probably mostly to do with really focussing on protein intake, can imagine I was usually just getting like 50g a day, maybe 70 on days I had a shake, before this.


Kcal - 1610
Prot - 120g3
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 09, 2020, 02:16:15 pm
yeah as i've transitioned into being mostly vegetarian i'm starting to wonder about my protein intake. should probably journal it out for a while to make sure i'm not shortchanging myself. was never an issue when i was eating meat or fish every day.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on April 09, 2020, 08:49:14 pm
yeah as i've transitioned into being mostly vegetarian i'm starting to wonder about my protein intake. should probably journal it out for a while to make sure i'm not shortchanging myself. was never an issue when i was eating meat or fish every day.

i haven't found myself missing extra protein sources at all, but i'm also not trying to put on/maintain mass. though, without as much physical activity, i had gotten up to 157 just eating veggies/rice/occasional milkshakes. without milkshakes & eating alot less (mostly what i grow + rice or pasta), back down to 145. can't feel any difference with/without protein.

i actually got some protein supplements because of the recent craziness, only used it a few times. feels completely useless.

beyond that, i'd eat a ton more veggies/fruit if i had them. would love to see how i'd feel eating way more fresh veggies/fruit right off the tree. predict it'd be incredible.



Morning BW - 66.5


Rest day today.

Have to say, despite low calories, recovery has been really good lately. I think that's probably mostly to do with really focussing on protein intake, can imagine I was usually just getting like 50g a day, maybe 70 on days I had a shake, before this.


Kcal - 1610
Prot - 120g3


Morning BW - 66.5


Rest day today.

Have to say, despite low calories, recovery has been really good lately. I think that's probably mostly to do with really focussing on protein intake, can imagine I was usually just getting like 50g a day, maybe 70 on days I had a shake, before this.


Kcal - 1610
Prot - 120g3

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 10, 2020, 11:48:20 am

Morning BW - 66.0
Workout BW - 66.5



BW x 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+32 x 1
+40 x 1

120* OAC Lock-off
BW x 4s, 4s

90* OAC Lock-off
BW x 6s, 6s, 6s
+2.5kg x 5s
+3.75 x 4s

One Arm Scap Pulls
BW x 7, 7 [left weaker/less stable than right]
+8 x 5

Half Crimp Hangs
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+13 x 5s
+16 x 5s
+18.5 x 5s [basically maximal]
+13 x 8s, 8s
BW x 15s, 15s

Kneeling Ab Wheel
+8 x 5 [hard, bad rom!]
+5 x 6, 6
BW x 12


Very low BW this morning, wow. Big drop last couple of days after feeling semi-stalled last week

Lock offs felt pretty good at 90*, not so good at 120*, need to get stronger in that bottom portion. Even weighted was pretty relaxed at 90*, which is fun.

Including one arm scap pulls to hopefully help round out the weakness at the bottom. Haven't have shoulder pain since doing pushups/OHP/pushback/ab wheel regularly, since I think they're all really good for shoulder stability, but the scap pulls reminded me that my left shoulder still has a way to go to get left arm fully up to snuff.

Think the ab wheel w/ weight in backpack is really hard for the amount of weight added, because the weight sits at the bottom of the backpack, so is right over my hips/lower back, so loading specifically at the least advantageous point. That's good, lots of time to progress them then!


Kcal - 1550
Prot - 145g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 10, 2020, 12:16:46 pm
reminds me of an old lyle mcdonald piece about the weird non-linearity of weight loss: "of whooshes and squishy fat."
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 11, 2020, 12:32:17 pm

Morning BW - 66.3


Taking a rest day. Sore AF from yesterday, and fingers need a break. Had a nap instead of working out, can recommend. Will workout tmrw.


Kcal - 1675
Prot - 115g

reminds me of an old lyle mcdonald piece about the weird non-linearity of weight loss: "of whooshes and squishy fat."

ah nice one. Read the article, good description of what's going on, I think!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 12, 2020, 12:37:07 pm

Morning BW - 66.4
Workout BW - 66.2


Pinch Holds
8 x 5s, 5s
10.5 x 3s
13 x 3s
16 x 7s
18.5 x 2s
16 x 5s, 7s, 5s, 7s, 5s

Fingertip Pinch
8 x 16s, 16s

BW x 7
+8 x 5
+16 x 9, 9, 9

8 x 5
16 x 11, 11


The pinch is very technique/set up/sweat dependent, hence the up and down on the 16 holds.

Fingertip holds (only using the last section of fingers/thumb rather than getting as much I can on there) felt good, might make them the primary pinch for a while. Less skin stress that way, too.

Sleep hasn't been great lately, as it gets warmer, so felt a bit flat this workout. A little constipated, too, alas.


Kcal - 1450
Prot - 105g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 13, 2020, 03:52:48 pm

Morning BW - 66.1


Kcal - 2500
Prot - 80g


Lmao, not a banner day for eating. Wasn't really a fold/failure of adherence as such, but friend had a 6 pack of doughnuts delivered to us as a gift, and me and my gf felt bad at not eating them, so i did my duty there, haha. Carb fest, basically. Back on course tmrw, when hopefully can use those carbs for a great workout
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2020, 03:32:45 am
were they good doughnuts? because i still haven't had a truly good one outside the US. or even really seen/smelled one that looked promising.

if so, i demand details.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 14, 2020, 03:58:46 am
were they good doughnuts? because i still haven't had a truly good one outside the US. or even really seen/smelled one that looked promising.

if so, i demand details.

Not particularly, no. They were crosstown, which are basically just doughnut shaped cakes. I don't know why doughnuts in the UK are so bad.

Edit: imho the best readily available doughnuts in the uk are the sainsbury's 5 pack of jam doughnuts, which somehow only cost £0.80
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2020, 08:54:07 am
jam doughnuts are misnamed, but that is still a good tip, thanks.

anyway, THESE are doughnuts:


god i miss autumn in the US.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 14, 2020, 12:40:42 pm

Morning BW - 66.5
Workout BW - 66.8


BW x 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+32 x 1
+40 x 1

OAC Lock-off 120*
BW x 5s, 5s

OAC Lock-off 90*
BW x 7s

OAC Negative
BW x 10s

24 x 4
16 x 6

Half Crimp Hangs
BW x 5s,
BW x 5s
+8 x 5s
+13 x 11s, 10s
BW x 24s, 22s

One Arm Scap Pulls
BW x 10, 10, 10


bleh workout. that one eccentric killed me for the rest of it, though felt a little off from the start. Ah well, down weeks happen, esp. while dieting. scap pulls feeling more solid at least

jam doughnuts are misnamed, but that is still a good tip, thanks.

anyway, THESE are doughnuts:


god i miss autumn in the US.

yeah, i think we're basically in accord on doughnut views here. you don't get anything here that has what matches the iconic us doughtnut texture. i wish i could find some apple fritters.


Kcal - 1750
Prot - 130g
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 14, 2020, 02:10:05 pm
oh christ don't even SAY apple fritters  :'(
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 22, 2020, 06:01:01 am
Just needed a little bit of a mental reset -- training resumes tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 27, 2020, 10:21:54 am

Workout BW - 67.8


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 5, 5

Assisted OAC
-8 x 1, 1

Half Crimp Hangs
BW x 5s, 5s, 5s
BW x 6s, 15s, 20s

Fingertip Pinch
8 x 8s, 8s


Well, went through a bit of a rough patch mentality wise and didn't have the zest to train. Did occassional pushups, max chins etc, so should be back up to speed soon.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 27, 2020, 02:15:43 pm
quite understandable, all things considered. good luck getting back on the horse.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 21, 2020, 07:29:55 am

BW - 68.5


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+40 x 1
+16 x 5, 5

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 8, 8

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s, 15s, 15s

Fingertip Pinch
8 x 5s, 5s, 5s

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 22, 2020, 05:38:19 am
Lmao, cut my right ring finger/nail open cooking last night (super blunt knife slid off an onion, need to sharpen). Fairly deep cut, so hanging is pretty painful. Amusingly, this is also what happened the last time I trained? Anyway, that's annoying but hopefully won't be an impediment for too long.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 25, 2020, 12:42:11 pm

BW - 68.8


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+24 x 1
+40 x 1
+16 x 6, 6

Fingertip Pinch
8 x 10s, 10s, 10s

Full grip pinch
8 x 45s


Quick one to test cut finger had healed enough not to reopen and bleed everywhere, as it had been doing with some everyday stuff last couple of days. Push/legs/core tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 27, 2020, 04:51:16 pm
Lmao, cut my right ring finger/nail open cooking last night (super blunt knife slid off an onion, need to sharpen). Fairly deep cut, so hanging is pretty painful. Amusingly, this is also what happened the last time I trained? Anyway, that's annoying but hopefully won't be an impediment for too long.


have to be so careful cutting veggies.. and even then, so ez to slip up.

i sliced mine a few days ago too.. on my "kama" (small sickle for cutting down stuff). lucked out, could have really lacerated it bad.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 28, 2020, 11:37:00 am

BW - 69.4


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 3, 3, 3, 3

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 7s
+5 x 7s
+8 x 7s
+10.5 x 5s


Need to just get back into a nice rhythm, 2 on 1 off as I was doing before.

Lmao, cut my right ring finger/nail open cooking last night (super blunt knife slid off an onion, need to sharpen). Fairly deep cut, so hanging is pretty painful. Amusingly, this is also what happened the last time I trained? Anyway, that's annoying but hopefully won't be an impediment for too long.


have to be so careful cutting veggies.. and even then, so ez to slip up.

i sliced mine a few days ago too.. on my "kama" (small sickle for cutting down stuff). lucked out, could have really lacerated it bad.


Yeah, for sure. This prompted me to finally get round to sharpening that knife, which I think should help out though.

Super impressed by all you gardening/farming/growning, btw! awesome stuff
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: adarqui on June 28, 2020, 09:21:30 pm

BW - 69.4


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 3, 3, 3, 3

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 7s
+5 x 7s
+8 x 7s
+10.5 x 5s


Need to just get back into a nice rhythm, 2 on 1 off as I was doing before.

Lmao, cut my right ring finger/nail open cooking last night (super blunt knife slid off an onion, need to sharpen). Fairly deep cut, so hanging is pretty painful. Amusingly, this is also what happened the last time I trained? Anyway, that's annoying but hopefully won't be an impediment for too long.


have to be so careful cutting veggies.. and even then, so ez to slip up.

i sliced mine a few days ago too.. on my "kama" (small sickle for cutting down stuff). lucked out, could have really lacerated it bad.


Yeah, for sure. This prompted me to finally get round to sharpening that knife, which I think should help out though.

nice! yea with more precision/less effort, should be easier to not make mistakes. tho.. making mistakes w/ a much sharper knife sucks too.

i clipped myself w/ a razor blade a few months ago and was like FU*KCKCKCKCKCKCC. just a small clip, squirt. :<

Super impressed by all you gardening/farming/growning, btw! awesome stuff

thanks alot man!!

trying to step it up a notch soon. plan is to start specializing in a few things: moringa, bougainvilleas. bout to go nuts with those.

need to get my pepper stash back up soon too, working on that atm. plant diseases is depressing, determined to figure it out tho.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 30, 2020, 01:46:54 pm


Did this fitness blender circuit w/ gf. was loads of fun, actually! good to use my legs
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: vag on July 03, 2020, 05:29:20 am
Very nice site!!!  :highfive:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 03, 2020, 01:05:14 pm

BW - 69.3


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+32 x 2, 2, 2

Fingertip Pinch
8 x 3s, 3s
10.5 x 1 (like 1 rep, couldn't hold)
9.25 x 5s, 5s, 3s
5 x 40s, 35s


Neck ache, so bit of a cruddy workout.

Very nice site!!!  :highfive:

Yeah, gf showed me it, it's pretty fun for finding something tiring to do.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 22, 2020, 12:40:40 pm

BW - 69.3


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+32 x 2, 2

BW x 5s, 5s, 5s


Well, managed slightly less than a three week layoff since the last one. Let's keep getting that number down, lol.

Should have warmed up more on bigger ledges for the hangs, left ring finger knuckle was sore for a few mins so I called it there.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 23, 2020, 12:04:27 pm

BW - 69.3kg


BW x 20, 12, 8 [lol]

16 x 5, 5

8 x 5s, 5s

Fingertip pinch
8 x 10s, 10s


Another quick one in the books.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 26, 2020, 11:55:12 am

BW - 69.6


Pullups [sets at 29]
BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+29 x 2, 2, 2

Hangs [up to 15mm]
BW x repeater 2 on 8 off x 6
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 10s, 10s, 10s, 10s

Lattice core routine:

Pistol squats
+8 x 3, 3


Legs plenty strong for climbing if I can do that on pistols I think, but I'll keep them in now and then.

Fingers felt a lot better, should be ready to push hangs soon.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 28, 2020, 01:31:05 pm

BW - 69.9


BW x 23, 11, 8

16 x 5, 5

then a 20 min HIIT workout w/ gf
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 29, 2020, 12:32:56 pm

BW - 70.2


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+32 x 2, 2
+16 x 5, 5

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s

15mm - 4 x 7:3
18mm - 5 x 7:3

Lattice Core x 2
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 01, 2020, 11:34:57 am

BW - 70.2


BW x 3, 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+40 x 1
+26.5 x 3, 3, 3
+8 x 8

BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s
BW x 5s, 5s
BW x 5s

15mm - 2 x  5 x 6:10
18mm - 5 x 6:10


Stomach has been wrecked last few days, not really sure why.

It's hot here.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 03, 2020, 12:04:28 pm

BW - 70.4


8 x 5
16 x 2, 13, 13

Pushups [Myo reps]
BW x 18+3+2+2, 13+2+2+2

Lattice Core Circuit x 2


Lattice core workout is funny, everything is pretty easy, even loaded, except for the hollow body hold which destroys me.

Weight drifting up, don't feel like Im eating more so idk why
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 05, 2020, 08:11:47 am

BW - 70.0


BW x 3
+8 x 6 x 6

24 x 5s, 5s
21 x 5s, 5s
18 x 5s

Repeater (6 on : 10 off x 5)
18@BW x 3


Decided to say fuck it and finally give Smolov Jr with pullups a go. Set max as 110kg, since the BW+40kg felt near max the other day, so we'll see how it goes.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 07, 2020, 12:23:37 pm

BW - 71.0


BW x 3
+11.75 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Pushups [myo]
BW x 20 + 4 + 3 + 3, 12+ 2 + 1


BW maybe high b/c workout nearer lunch than usual, not sure. Maybe I'm just gaining, which is fine.

Only hard rep on the pullups was the last one of the last set.

Want to get good at pushups...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 09, 2020, 11:43:53 am

BW - 70.9


BW x 3, 3
+17.25 x 8 x 4


v sore from last workout

this kind of sucked to do in my non-airconditioned apartment...10x3 tmrw will be funny
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 10, 2020, 12:44:06 pm

BW - 71.2


BW x 3
+8 x 2
+21 x 10 x 3

17+6+3 [no rest left->right->left->right etc.]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on August 10, 2020, 02:54:36 pm
yeah whenever in my mind i mock you (and other brits) for complaining about temperatures that wouldn't even register as hot in a DC summer, i remind myself that we have A/C and y'all don't.

i give it a few years before home A/C is widespread over there. it uses a shitload of electricity but when the alternative is for it to be 30 degrees inside...yeah. thanks climate change!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 11, 2020, 05:04:56 am
yeah whenever in my mind i mock you (and other brits) for complaining about temperatures that wouldn't even register as hot in a DC summer, i remind myself that we have A/C and y'all don't.

i give it a few years before home A/C is widespread over there. it uses a shitload of electricity but when the alternative is for it to be 30 degrees inside...yeah. thanks climate change!

Hah, yeah. I enjoy complaining about the weather, but when outside I really don't mind the heat. I suppose when I talked about in the past re running, it was just because I was so used to 10 C weather.

Inside, though, being this hot is bullshit.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 12, 2020, 11:44:06 am

BW - 70.6


BW x 3
10.5 x 6 x 6

24 x 5s, 5s
21 x 5s, 5s
18 x 5s

Repeater (6 on : 10 off)
18 x 5, 5

Pushup [myo]
BW x 22 + 5 + 3 + 2


Pullups easier than the first 6x6 workout despite feeling overheated and fatigued AF.

Rest of the workout relatively perfunctory, obvs not really the focus at the mo.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 14, 2020, 12:14:49 pm

BW - 70.7


BW x 3
+8 x 1
+16 x 7 x 5

Then did a few rounds of a circuit of weighted pistol squats, kneeling ab wheel and hollow body hold


Occurs to me it looks like I do very minimal warmup, but I do a whole circuits of stuff that I am too lazy to type out each time.

This workout was hard, but still made it. Rest between sets of pullups is getting long. The double gonna be tough, but I'm looking forward to it.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 16, 2020, 12:06:44 pm

BW - 71.2


BW x 3
+8 x 1
+19.75 x 8 x 4


Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 17, 2020, 12:54:15 pm

BW - 71.2


BW x 3
+8 x 1
+24 x 10 x 3

16 x 18+7+4


That was a lot easier than expected. Feel like I am just more suited to super low reps, so even the diff from 3 to 4 makes a difference.

Final week coming up, gonna be intense.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 19, 2020, 01:25:06 pm

BW - 71.6


BW x 3
+11.75 x 5 x 6
+13 x 6

BW x 22+5+3+3


Was pretty manageable with +11.75, so I decided to push it on the last set. Was RPE 9.5 probs.

Three workouts to go.

This morning I was fucking starving. Been eating normal amounts, but maybe that double-header kicked in today and I just needed food galore.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 21, 2020, 12:47:53 pm

BW - 71.0


BW x 3
+8 x 1
+17.25 x 7 x 5

24mm x 5s, 5s
21mm x 5s, 5s
18mm x 5s, 21s, 19s, 16s

Pistol Squat
BW x 2
+2.5 x 5
+8 x 3, 3


Yeah, solid, no fuss.

Just the double header remaining, pumped up for it.

Been sleepy and grouchy lately, think Smolov taking its toll a bit.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 23, 2020, 12:14:05 pm

BW - 72.5 [ :o]


BW x 3
8 x 2
+21 x 8 x 4


IDK why so heavy, lol. Maybe a bit bloated.

Hard. Last day tomorrow, hyped af.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 24, 2020, 11:55:54 am

BW - 71.8


BW x 3
+8 x 1
+16 x 1
+26.5 x 10 x 3


First set was like RPE 9.5 or so, so that was a toughie. Finally done. It's just so many sets, lmao.

Looking forward to some restful days. Haven't really planned how/if I'm going to do a peak, might just take like 4 or 5 days off any pullup training and then do a normal 1RM attempt, instead of anything fancy.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 29, 2020, 12:33:40 pm

BW - 71.9


BW x 3
+8 x 2
+16 x 1
+24 x 1
+32 x 1
+40 x 1
+45 x 1
+32 x 2, 2

24 x 5s, 5s
21 x 5s, 5s
18 x 5s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s


Decent gains from Smolov, I guess. Think I have more in me, but hype was extremely low. Not really recuperated much since I finished the programme, since big rain led to big roof leak into my flat, so been exhausting and psychologically draining dealing with that.

Only like 2 or 3 kg off the total weight PR I set a few months ago, though 52.5 @ 66.9 sounds a lot better than 45 @ 71.9.

Back to normal training now. Think I'll go for strength/not focus on weight loss for a little longer, then maybe try to drop back into the mid-60s, now that workout habit is back.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on August 29, 2020, 01:40:29 pm
still blowing past 1.5x bw pull up, still really impressive.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 30, 2020, 04:16:45 am
still blowing past 1.5x bw pull up, still really impressive.

Yeah, lol, definitely happy with it / not as annoyed as I sounded in yesterday's post. Think my view is weird by the feeling I need to be up at like 1.85x BW for my goals.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 31, 2020, 08:45:36 am
Been training intuitively for a long time, since I was fitting stuff around climbing. Since I'm probs still gonna hold of on climbing regularly for another while, I might as well try to get back on a more regular routine. Haven't made one in a while, so thinking of something like this:

Pullups   Easy single
OAC    a few negatives
Pullups   3 x 2
Hang    4 x Long
Lattice   2+ cycles

Planche Lean   3 x Hard
Pushups   Myo
Pistols   3-5 x 4-8

KB Row   3 x Lots
Lattice Core   2+ cycles

Planche Lean   3 x Hard
KB OHP   3 x Max
Pistols   3-5 x 4-8

Pullups   4 x 6
Hang    4 x Long
Ab Wheel 3 x Maxish

Decent amount of work on secondary things like pushing, legs and core. Then there's a semi-restful mid-week back day, intensity at start of week and volume at the end. Can be flexible with which days happen when, but feels like a reasonable structure for now.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 15, 2023, 04:23:40 pm
Checking in to say that i have been lifting ~5 days a week continuously since since ~Oct 2021, and diet has been on point in that period too. BW up to ~78kg atm, maybe ~18 %bf, from 70kg, in a slow bulk.

Some benchmark lifts atm, in kg:

Squat: 120x10
Bench: 85x7, 102.5x1
Chin: BW+45x5
BW Row: 80x10
OHP: 65x1, 60x3
RDL: 140x8

Going to push weight to ~80kg then cut, might post progress pics here.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 15, 2023, 06:33:20 pm
since 2011?! :lololol:

good to hear from you.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 16, 2023, 05:04:17 am
since 2011?! :lololol:

good to hear from you.

woops lol, 2021
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 13, 2023, 08:01:35 am
Checking in to say that i have been lifting ~5 days a week continuously since since ~Oct 2021, and diet has been on point in that period too. BW up to ~78kg atm, maybe ~18 %bf, from 70kg, in a slow bulk.

Some benchmark lifts atm, in kg:

Squat: 120x10
Bench: 85x7, 102.5x1
Chin: BW+45x5
BW Row: 80x10
OHP: 65x1, 60x3
RDL: 140x8

Going to push weight to ~80kg then cut, might post progress pics here.

So hit 80kg and have been cutting for about 5 weeks now, usually weighing in around 77kg now. Not feeling particularly lean so will keep this going for a while, maybe down to like 70kg. Also started running, though at this weight I got a fair few annoying achilles niggles, so I've slowed that down for now. Might make it a bigger priority when I am light/lean.

Top lifts now:

Squat: 140 x 5
Bench: 97.5 x 4
Chin: BW+55x3
RDL: 160x9

pretty hyped by the gains there, they felt much more moderate from "inside" as it where. Bench more stuck than the other lifts, but that's fine whatever.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 31, 2023, 09:18:48 am
Quick update: Weighing in ~75.5kg most days lately, and down a notch on my lifting belt.

Need a deload this week. Has been 7 weeks of hard training and dieting + some big life stress (mother-in-law has been diagnosed with lung cancer, which looks to be operable, so there's reason to be optimistic, but still very scary of course).

So, did some moderate effort singles just to see where I am. Biceps and back still sore from a workout on Saturday, and legs felt tired from a run yesterday (achilles has been kind to me lately, probably thanks to weight loss + lower running volume). So, pleased with these numbers:

Squat: 150kg x 1 [could have had two, close to ass-to-grass, so that's pretty much a 2xBW squat).
Chin: BW+60kg x 1 [probably not getting two here, but could wasn't an all out effort by any means).

Last week I also hit 100kg x 3 on bench.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 11, 2023, 04:55:24 am
Quick update:

Finished diet early Sept at around 73kg, maybe 12-13% body fat, so stopped short of getting shredded. Was just getting a bit bored with it and some life stressors meant I didn't want any additional reasons to be grumpy. Back to slow gaining now. Didn't manage a one arm chin, but able to pretty consistently hit a single with only ~4kg of assistance from my pulley setup, so I think that will come next time I cut (if not sooner!).

Can consistently hit a triple with + 60kg on chinups. Also benched 105kg x 3. RDL 165x7. Stopped squatting and started doing hack squats at the gym instead.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on October 11, 2023, 10:37:52 am
pretty strong! why'd you stop squatting?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on October 11, 2023, 05:09:21 pm
pretty strong! why'd you stop squatting?

Other than one arm chins, I have no particular strength goals and I just want to get jacked. So, my training is 90% hypertrophy stuff. I do frequent heavy chins stuff, and I'll do a heavy set of bench press or squat (now squat-like movement) before main sets just to get a sense of strength and for potentiation. Most bodybuilders do leg press/hack squat in order to get a bit more volume and more direct quad focus vs squats.

On top of that: I've done a lot of squats in my life and got a lil bored of them, whereas I can count on my fingers my lifetime leg press/hack squat sets.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 02, 2024, 01:17:45 pm
Decided that in 2024 I'll start logging on here again.


Seated Leg Curl
96x8 + 87x7
89x6 + 75x7

Leg Extension
60x12 + 55x7 + 50x7

Sissy Leg Press
120 x 7, 6

Neutral Machine Chest Press
16x4 [not used this machine before, this was fewer reps than I wanted]
14x7 + 12 x 4 + 10 x4

75x7 + 61 x 5 + 54x4 + 40 x 12

Panatta Machine Lateral
9+7+5+4+3+2 [cba to count reps, basically a drop set to failure with no rest at each of those settings]

OH Tricep Machine
35 x 6

Different OH Tricep Machine
25 x 10, 8
20 x 9

BW x 14 + 8 + 5


DB Pullover
25x15 + 20x9 + 15x11 + 12.5x10 + 10x10

BW x 21+5+4+3+2

DB Preacher Curl
15x4 + 12.5x7 +10x10 +7.5x15+12+10

A - BB Finger Curl
60x18, 12, 11, 10, 7, 5

B1 - BB Row
90 x 9, 7, 6

B2 Hammer Curl
15 x 17, 12, 9


Today's workout at home spread throughout the day, yesterday at the gym. Goals at are just muscle gainzz. Just doing a lot of freestyle training atm b/c schedule has been weird, so I've dropped specific one arm chin stuff, which I'll bring back soon. Away for a few days from Thursday so won't be training in that period. BW is ~75.5-76 atm, so I've gained a little over 2kg in 4 months since finishing the cut. I think I might diet again pretty soon with the aim of going sub 70kg, bc I didn't really get all that lean.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 11, 2024, 04:16:00 pm

BW 76.7

30 mins light-moderate effort on stationary bike


Weight will presumably stabilise a bit lower than this, but yeah I ate a lot on holiday so up about 1-1.2kg lol. Anyway, back home and back on my routine, with weight loss phase starting now. Aiming for like ~0.8% of total bodyweight lost per week. Aim is to finish somewhere around 70kg, but will see how I'm looking. Maybe I'll push this to get shredded for the first time in my life if I'm feeling good.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 12, 2024, 07:07:26 am

Assisted One Arm Chin
-10 x 1 @ 9rpe
-25 x 2@6, 2@7

A DB Incline
32.5 x 8, 7

B Chinups
+40 x 7

A DB Pullover
25 x 11, 9

B DB Flye
12.5 x 12, 8

A Lateral Raise
12.5 x 18, 14

B Lying Tri Extension
12.5 x 7
10 x 11

A DB Preacher
12.5 x 12, 10

B Good Morning
80 x 12, 10

A Reverse Nordic
BW x 11, 9 + 6

B Cable Abs
50 x 9, 7+8


First session back, just freestyled a full body thing. Plan is to generally be pretty relaxed about how I train, as long as I get the volume in each week. Only hard and fast rules will be 2 x weekly cardio, and 2 x weekly "strength" style work on assisted one arm chins.

Was on and off ill with colds and such through December, so haven't done any regular chin work for like 6 weeks, so am a bit weak there atm, hopefully that will spring back quickly. My understanding is that the science atm suggest that, while near/to failure is best for hypertrophy, staying <7 rpe is best for strength. So will try to a bunch of solid 1-3 rep sets at low RPEs on assited OACs, plus one harder single now and then to mark progress, and basically everything else done at 8-10 RPE.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on January 13, 2024, 12:03:50 pm
My understanding is that the science atm suggest that, while near/to failure is best for hypertrophy, staying <7 rpe is best for strength. So will try to a bunch of solid 1-3 rep sets at low RPEs on assited OACs, plus one harder single now and then to mark progress, and basically everything else done at 8-10 RPE.

that's interesting. at some point in the past 6-7 years i stopped nerding out on training research the way i did in my 20s. all other things being equal, hypertrophy=strength gains, so this is news to me. you got a reference? i'm curious.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 14, 2024, 05:15:39 am
My understanding is that the science atm suggest that, while near/to failure is best for hypertrophy, staying <7 rpe is best for strength. So will try to a bunch of solid 1-3 rep sets at low RPEs on assited OACs, plus one harder single now and then to mark progress, and basically everything else done at 8-10 RPE.

that's interesting. at some point in the past 6-7 years i stopped nerding out on training research the way i did in my 20s. all other things being equal, hypertrophy=strength gains, so this is news to me. you got a reference? i'm curious.

Yeah was pretty surprising to me too, but has ultimately come to make sense as I've thought about it.

I think the basic gist is that long term, you obviously want to maximise hypertophy b/c bigger muscle = stronger muscle in general and for low-skill movements. But if you want to maximise strength-specific adaptations on a single movement, then you want the practice to be as useful and specific as possible. So you want every training rep to at the sweet spot of fast + heavy, so you keep the RPE/velocity loss pretty moderate. Then, since each set is easier, you can do more total reps that are both (a) use a heavy load and (b) involve moving the bar/yourself fast. So, more, and better, specific practice.

So in running terms, you're conflating the the utility of the general prep of hypertrophy (i.e. base phase) with the specific practice of strength training (i.e. sharpening workouts like 5 x 1km for a 5k). Or like, we know that gaining muscle from moderate rep squats will help your vert, but at some point to maximise that you need to just practice jumping. 1 x 10 squats is more specific to 1rm squat than jumping, but still less so than practicing singles.

This is the latest big meta-analysis on RPE in general:

It's relatively clear in showing that higher RPE = better muscle gainz on a per set basis, and also shows that you don't need to go to balls-to-the-wall RPE to max out strength gains.

This is the latest meta-analysis specifically on RPE/velocity loss for strength:

This is the key chart from the strength meta:


And yeah since I am in a fat loss phase, I'm not expecting to make any meaningful gains in back muscle, so I am happy to reduce my overall volume and do a bunch of "heavy easy" OAC sets in place of that work.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 15, 2024, 07:39:24 am

Morning BW - 75.7

Seated Leg Curl
96 x 8 + 82 x 5
89 x 9 + 75 x 6

Sissy Leg Press
130 x 9, 9
120 x 6

45* Back Ext
+55 x 15, 11

HS Iso Incline Press
80 x 9, 7
60 x 15

DB Flye
12.5 x 13, 10

A Cable OH Extension
26.25 x 14, 12, 9
23.75 x 10

B Cable Lateral Raise
16.25 x 9
13.75 x 11, 9
11.25 x 11

BW x 12+7+5

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 16, 2024, 07:26:26 am

Assisted OAC
-10 x 1
-25 x 1, 1, 1

DB Pullover
25 x 12, 11

BB Row
90 x 10, 7

20mm Grip Lifts
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
40 x 15, 12

DB Preacher
15 x 4
12.5 x 7, 6
10 x 13

BB Finger Curl
60 x 16, 13, 9, 8, 6

Cable Crunch
45 x 12, 9
40 x 11, 8


Surprisingly back still kind of sore from Friday, and I think something from yesterday made my biceps sore, maybe the flyes? Surprising. Anyway, decent sesh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 17, 2024, 09:46:48 am

Cardio -- 25 mins on bike, moderate then last min all out.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 19, 2024, 06:26:16 am

BW - 75.7

Seated Leg Curl
96x7 + 82x7 + 68x13 + 61x10 + 54x10

A Sissy Leg Press
135 x 5
120 x 5

B LP Calves
120 x 33
140 x 20

HS Iso Incline
40 x 10, 8
35 x 9

Incline DB Flye
10 x 19
12.5 x 13

A Cable Lateral
12.5 x 12, 10, 9

B Cable OH Tricep Ext
27.5 x 11, 9, 8

Future Lateral Raise Machine
9x10 + 7x8

OH Tri Machine
25x8 + 20x5

BW x 13+8+6


Even with this lower volume, my legs felt less recovered than upper body. Has been that way for a while. Didn't feel full strength on the leg curls or the leg press. Don't mind not having to do more, just noting the surprise element of it.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 20, 2024, 07:47:03 am

BW - 75.0

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

20mm Grip Lift
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
40 x 25s hold

DB Pullover
27.5 x 10, 9+4

DB Preacher
15 x 5
12.5 x 10, 9, 7
10 x 16

BB Finger Curl
65 x. 11, 9, 9 + 60 x 5

Cable Crunch
50 x 10, 10
40 x 13

15 min stationary bike


Solid sesh. As noted, hamstrings and quads my sorest muscles from yesterday lol.

Everything after the chins done as a giant set where I just did whatever exercise felt ready, cba to record the exact sequencing.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 22, 2024, 07:47:33 am

BW: 75.5

Leg Curl
96x6 + 82x8 + 68x10 + 61x14

Sissy LP
130 x 8

Reverse Nordic
+6kg x 8, 6

HS Iso Incline
40 x 11
40x9 + 35x6

Inc DB Flye
12.5 x 14, 11

Machine OH Extension
30x10 + 25x5 +20x5 +15x10 + 10x5

Panatta Machine Lateral
60x10 + 50x7 + 45x6 + 40x6 +35x6

Machine OHP
42.5 x 7 + 35x5

BW x 13+7+6


Felt sluggish going into this session, so did lots of drop sets to speed things up.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 23, 2024, 07:34:57 am

BW: 75.7

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-10 x 1
-20 x 2, 2, 1, 1

20mm Pickups
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
57.5 x 1
45 x 14

DB Pullover
27.5 x 13

DB Preacher Curl
15 x 5
12.5 x 10, 8

BB Finger Curl
65 x 10, 8, 8

Chest-Supported DB Rear-Delt Row
32.5 x 13

Miscellanious ab stuff


Dietary averages for last week - 2370 kcal, 155g protein
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 26, 2024, 07:11:54 am

BW - 75.1

Leg Curl
96x9 + 82x8 + 68x9 + 61x10

Cybex Hack Squat
80 x 8, 7

Reverse Nordic
+8x7 + BWx5

HS Iso Incline
40 x 13
40x10 + 35x6

Incline DB Flye
15 x 11, 8

Panatta Lateral
65x6 + 55x7 + 45x7 + 40x6 + 35x6

OH Machine Extension
30x10 + 25x7 + 20x5 + 15x6 + 10x6

BW x 15+9+6

Treadmill Incline Walk x 15 mins @~140hr


Gym got a new Cybex Hack so did that instead of leg press, think I prefer it.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 27, 2024, 07:12:53 am

BW - 74.9

Assited OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-25 x 2, 2, 2

20mm Grip Lifts
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
57.5 x 1
45 x 16

DB Pullover
27.5 x 14

Chest-supported DB Row
32.5 x 13

DB Kelso Shrug
32.5 x 15

DB Preacher
15 x 5
12.5 x 9, 8,8

BB Finger Curl
65 x 12, 9, 7



My adjustible DBs only go up to 32.5, but I don't mind doing higher reps for those things.

Making this Sat workout my "light" day re OAC, not allowing any meaningful rep slowdown etc, but rest the same as Tues.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 28, 2024, 04:36:15 pm
30 min station bike today
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 29, 2024, 07:16:08 am

BW: 74.5kg

Seated Leg Curl
96x9 + 82x9 + 68x11 + 61x17

Cybex Hack
80 x 10, 10

HS Iso Inc
40 x 15, 13, 9

Inc Flye
15 x 13, 10

Panatta Lateral
65x8 + 55x8 + 45x8 + 40x6 + 35x5

New extension machine
60 x 10 [did not like this machine]

Cable OH Extension
30x10 + 25x8 + 20x7 +15x6 [prefer this to the machine I used in previous workouts, can get more stretch]

BW x 17+10+7

15 min x Incline Walk


Legs still sore from last workout, so was expecting this to be a bad session, but basically progress everywhere despite a new low weigh in, nice!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 30, 2024, 07:14:10 am
30 min stationary bike

Moving the previous Tuesday workout to Wednesdays so that I get a full rest day before it. It's my "A day" for OAC strength work, so want to be fresher if possible.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on January 31, 2024, 07:16:44 am

BW - 74.9 [been consistently sub 75 most of this week!]

Assited OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-7.5 x 1 [RPE 9ish]
-20 x 2, 2

20mm Grip Lifts
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
57.5 x 1, 1
45 x 17

DB Pullover
30 x 10

DB Row
32.5 x 15

Kelso Shrug
32.5 x 16

BB Finger Curl
65 x 12, 10, 8

DB Preacher
15 x 5
12.5 x 9, 9, 8

Ab stuff


Little lower trap tweak on right hand side during final OAC set, sort of thing that goes away after a day I think.

Once again I tell myself that if I get sub 70kg and gain just a little bit of OAC strength, I should finally have it. May mix in some negatives/eccentrics for a different stimulus as things progress.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 02, 2024, 07:39:46 am

BW - 74.9

Leg Curl
96x11 + 82x10 + 68x12 + 61x17

Cybex Hack
80 x 12, 11

HS Iso Incline
45 x 11, 9
40 x 12

Incline Flye
15 x 15, 12

Future Lateral [the Panatta one, which I prefer, was in use]
10x12 + 8x9 + 7x8 + 6x7 + 5x6

OH Ext
35x9 + 30x5 + 25x6 +20x7 +15x10

15 min incline treadmill walk


Didn't do dips and reverse nordics. No particular reason tbh, will do them next time.

Have been surprised how much lifts are progressing while my weight is trending down.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 03, 2024, 11:41:04 am

BW - 74.7

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-20 x 3, 2, 2

20mm grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1, 1
57.5 x 1, 1

DB Pullover
30 x 11

DB Row
32.5 x 15

Kelso Shrug
32.5 x 17

Flat DB Curl
12.5 x 8, 7 [didn't like this, back to preacher next time]

Incline Hammer Curl
17.5 x 10, 9



Felt super strong on assisted chins.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 04, 2024, 12:29:10 pm

40 min stationary bike
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 05, 2024, 07:11:18 am

BW - 74.4

Leg Curl
96x11 + 82x10 + 68x15 + 61x18

Cybex Hack
85 x 9, 8

HS Iso Incline [a different one, the one I usually use was occupied]
50 x 15, 13, 9

Incline Flye
16 x 12, 10

Panatta Lateral
65x9 + 55x7 + 45x7 + 40x6 +35x8

OH Machine Extension
35x10 + 30x6 + 25x7 + 20x6 + 15x10

BW x 18 + 8 + 5

12 min incline walking [accidentally hit the cooldown button so just stopped early lol]


Once again, progress in most places to my surprise. Could partly be because I'm doing a high proportion of new exercises lately, but I don't think that's it (esp since a lot of them are isolation/machine, where "neural" gains are less).

While bulking, I had been pushing the volume higher and higher, since that's the general recommendation for maximising gainzzz these days. But maybe I'm just someone who does better on lower volume!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 06, 2024, 07:11:56 am

BW - 74.5

40 min stationary bike


On top of wanting to get lean for funsies and for one arm chin goals, I had also started to have some higher BP numbers (in the mid-high 120s cystolic) pretty regularly, but I'm now regularly in the low-mid 110s, so that's nice! Glad it only took a few kg of loss to get there.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 07, 2024, 07:07:03 am

BW - 74.5

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-17.5 x 3, 2, 1

DB Pullover
30 x 12

DB Row
32.5 x 17

Kelso Shrug
32.5 x 16

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
60 x 1 [easiest this has ever been]
50 x 10

DB Preacher
12.5 x 10, 9

DB Incline Hammer
15.7 x 9, 7

BB Finger Curl
70 x 10, 8



Chins felt relatively meh, but everything else felt strong, dunno what to make of that.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 09, 2024, 07:32:41 am

BW - 74.1

Leg Curl
96x12 + 82x11 + 75x9 + 68x11 + 61x13

Cybex Hack
85 x 9, 9 [should maybe push the RPE a bit harder here]

Incline Machine
55 x 11 9
50 x 10

Incline Fly
15 x 13, 11 [think I had been cutting ROM a bit previously, hence drop off here]

Future Lateral
10x10 + 9x7 + 8x7 + 7x7 + 6x7

OH Ext Machine
35x10 + 30x7 +25x8 + 20x8 + 15x10

BW x 20 + 8 + 6

10 mins elliptical [~170bpm] + 10 mins incline walk


"Worst" workout in a while but still solid. Attributing that to poor sleep last few days plus the recent weight drop.

Pretty easy to get heart rate to a tempo-ish level on the elliptical.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 10, 2024, 12:20:25 pm

BW - 73.5 [!!!]

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-20 x 3, 2

20mm grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
60 x 1
50 x 6, 5

DB Row
32.5 x 17

Kelso Shrug
32.5 x 19

15 x 5
12.5 x 10

Incline Hammer
17.5 x 10, 8


Stationary bike - 15 mins, last min all out


Well, that's a low weigh in. Celebrating Chinese New Year with my wife today, so lots of food and not too concerned about diet, so tomorrow will probably not be another sub 74 weigh in.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 12, 2024, 09:23:02 am

BW - 73.9

Leg Curl
96x12 + 82x11 + 75x11 + 68x12 + 61x14

Cybex Hack
85 x 12, 10 + Sissy Squat x 8 immediately after second set

HS Incline [the less recently-used one]
45 x 12, 10 + 35 x 11

Incline Flye
15 x 14, 11

OH Extension
35x10 + 30x8 + 25x6 + 20x8 + 15x8

Panatta Lateral
65x8 + 60x7 + 55x6 + 45x6 + 40x8

BW x 20 + 8 + 6

Elliptical x 16 mins [@average of 9 METs]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 13, 2024, 07:29:16 am

BW - 73.6

Stationary bike 45 mins [bit higher intensity this time, though my bike's screen display is busted so I have no idea what the actual output was]


Well, the higher RPE + sissy squats had the intended effect, and my quads are like 8/10 sore today, love it.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 14, 2024, 07:50:59 am

BW - 73.6

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-7.5 x 1 [better than last week]
-17.5 x 2, 2

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1, 1, 1

Row -> Shrug superet
32.5 x 19 + 9

DB Preacher
15 x 6 [PR]
12.5 x 11

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 11, 9

BB Finger Curl
70 x 11, 7

Abs [sequence, for refrence, is standing ab wheel to ~failure -> kneeling ab wheel to ~failure -> weighted crunch to ~failure]


Felt v tired. Underground was busted last night so had to walk an extra like 10k steps compared to normal. Still sore from Monday.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 16, 2024, 09:49:55 am

BW - 73.3

Seated Leg Curl
96x13 + 82x13 + 75x10 + 68x10 + 61x18

Hack Squat
90 x 10, 8

Super Incline [yet another machine, this one gives the best stretch]
45 x 12, 9, 7

Incline Flye
15 x 13, 10

Panatta Lateral
65x10 + 60x8 + 50x8 + 45x8 + 40x6 + 35x8

Overhead Cable Extension
couldn't be bothered to write down exactly what I did, but it was 4 drop sets to failure, think I prefer just using a cable setup to the machine I'd been on previously

BW x 16+8+7

20 min incline walk

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 17, 2024, 12:02:55 pm

BW - 73.8

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1, 1, 1, 1

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
50 x 7

DB Pullover
30 x 12

Hammer Incline Curl
17.5 x 14, 7


felt meh, got it done in abbreviated fashion
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 19, 2024, 07:49:57 am

BW - 73.4

A - Smith Machine Good Morning
80 x 9
70 x 11
70 x 8 + 60 x 5

B - Sissy Squat
+10 x 10, 9
+10 x 7 + BW Reverse Nordic x 8

HS Iso Incline
45 x 14
45 x 11 + 35 x 9 + 30 x 7

Flat DB Flye
10 x 10, 9 [angle feels like it allows me to get a deeper stretch than incline, also going up higher hence rep dropoff. easier to track if i do the full rom]

OH Cable Extension
23x16 + 18x7 + 13x7 + 8x8 + 6x9 [the drop off here is so stark -- anyway feel a much better connection/pump/etc than the machine, for whatever reason]

65x11 + 55x10 + 45x10 + 40x8 + 35x8 + 30x6

BW x 20 + 9 + 6

20 mins cardio [half moderate incline walking, half fairly intense on elliptical]


Was kind of dreading this workout, but went well. Going to do one day where I do GMs + sissy squat super set, then the other day the leg curl + hack squat. Make sure I hit the rectus femoris with the sissies and glutes with GMs, then the bicep femoris gets some love with the leg curls.

Last week I averaged like ~2450 kcal because of birthday + Chinese New Year, hence sticking in the mid-high 73s. Back to pushing this week. Goal is ~69kg. Abs are starting to come in. It's funny, I get veins in my lower abs before I get a six proper defined six pac. Also my ass always holds fat so long lol. My arms looked gnarly in the gym lighting with the tricep and delt pump today though  :P
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 20, 2024, 07:29:36 am

BW - 73.0

Stationary bike 50 mins

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 21, 2024, 07:26:13 am

BW - 72.5 [lolwut]

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-5 x 1 [easy on left, RPE 10 on right]
-17.5 x 2, 2, 2

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
60 x 1
55 x 3, 2, 2

DB Row + Kelso Shrug
32.5 x 20+7, 12+6

DB Pullover
30 x 11

Incline Hammer Curl
20 x 9
17.5 x 10

DB Preacher
12.5 x 8 + 5

BB Finger Curl
70 x 10, 7



That's ties the least assistance I've ever done an OAC with, but last time I did a -5kg one I was ~69kg and not actively cutting. Optimism grows.

Losing weight faster while eating the same kcal as at the start of the diet, weight loss is so weird and unpredictable. Still, confident it's mostly fat since lifts are staying stable or progressing, and my daily protein intake is generally >150g, so the core boxes are being checked.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 23, 2024, 07:36:17 am

BW - 72.6

Leg Curl
75 x 22
75 x 14+5+5

Hack Squat
95 x 9 + 80 x 6 + Sissy Sq x 9

Super Incline
45 x 14
45 x 9 + 35 x 7

DB Flye
10 x 12, 9

Cable OH Extension
50x10 + 40x6 + 35x5 + 30x5

65x8 + 55x8 + 50x8 + 45x8 + 40x6

BW x 21+8+6

15 mins incline walk


Was 72.4 yesterday. I still think I will be ~73 tomorrow. Tues/Wed/Thur all slightly anomalous. Tue/Wed dinner was more calories dense/lower volume than usual, and last night I had more liquid calories than usual, so think "true" stable weight is a bit higher. Anyway, am definitely getting to the phase where I transition into being actually lean (at least relative to my own set point, etc), and am starting to feel hungry more often. Still got energy and lifting is going well, but just noting it.

Not hungover today (liquid calories), but felt a little less than 100%, so reduced volume slightly. Strength still there.

Thin I will reduce load on the leg curls like I did today -- think to move the 96 weight I don't get into as good of a stretched position, and it becomes like a "seated lying leg curl" which defeats the point.

Very happy to get 95 for 9 reps on hacks.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 24, 2024, 01:08:01 pm

BW - 72.7

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-10 x 1

Eccentric OAC
BW x 11s + 7s
BW x 8s

Incline Hammer Curl
20x12 + 15x9 + 12.5x8

BB Finger Curl
70 x 13
70x9 + 60x10+7+5


Busy weekend, abbreviated workout. Still in the 72s to my surprise, so that's nice.

OAC eccentrics feel brutal lol, but very happy to get over 10s on first attempt. Was LRLR for that first set.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 26, 2024, 07:09:52 am

BW - 72.6

A - Barbell Good Morning
80 x 13, 12
90 x 6

B - Reverse Nordic
+10 x 9, 8

Lengthened Leg Extension
17 x 12 + 15 x 6

HS Incline (white one)
55 x 18
60 x 11 + 55 x 6

DB Flye
10 x 13, 10

OH Cable Ext
25x11 + 20x7 +15x6 + 10x7 +7.5x8

11x10 + 9x8 + 7x9 + 6x8 + 5x9

BW x 22 + 10 + 7 + 5

20 min stationary bike


Smith machien was taken. Preferred the feel of barbell GMs anyway, although the Smith variant seems to be very trendy in bbing online circles these days. Rev Nordics I prefer to sissy squats bbc easier to be consistent with form/more stable.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 27, 2024, 07:38:53 am

BW - 72.9

Stationary bike 50 mins
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on February 28, 2024, 07:33:24 am

BW - 72.3

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-5 x 1 [v hard R, easy L]
-15 x 2, 2

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1, 1, 1
50 x 2, 2, 2

30 x 12+5

DB Row + Shrug
32.5 x 18+8

DB Finger Curl [across a bench so I get a stretch]
20 x 8, 6
15 x 12

Incline Hammer
20 x 12, 8

DB Preacher
12.5 x 9 + 5 + 10x8



Few bad nights of sleep (first time in a long time, don't know what's caused it rn), so didn't feel 100% for this sesh. Still glad to hit the 5kg assisted OAC both sides.

Was a big article on grip/forearm strength on StrongerByScience that resolved my long-standing question about whether there are the same muscles involved in finger and wrist flexion (answer: yes), so subbed out bb finger curls for db ones over a bench, where you can (a) get a stretch and (b) train both functions at once.

Edit: haven't actually had a deload yet this calendar year. Performance wise, I don't feel like I need one -- stuff is either holding still or pgressing, which is v good given the degree of calorie deficit i'm in. however i am just dead tired this week. Fell asleep while watching a film with my wife last night, which hasn't happened for like a year, and today I'm just dragging my feet around. So, might take rest off week light -- will go to gym on Fri and just hit 1 moderately hard set of all my movements, and do some back stuff there as well, then weekend totally off (maybe some light cardio)
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 01, 2024, 07:17:15 am

BW - 72.2 [was 72.0 flat yesterday!]

Leg Curl
82 x 15 + 5

Lengthened Leg Extension
18 x 10 +5 [realised I wrote it down wrong, and last session would have been using 17 and 15, rather than 18 and 16]

DB Flye
12.5x9 + 10x5

OH Cable Extension
31x8 + 23x8

Machine Lateral
11x12 + 9x8

HS Low Row
103x9 + 89x5

Preacher Machine
10/10/0 x 11 + 5 [machine was plate loaded and had three places you could put the plates, so that's what the weird numbering is]

Reverse Pec-Dec
something x something

30 min stationary bike ~100 watts average


Lol doesn't look like much of a deload session written down, but session RPE was chill because didn't do any of the "big" movements (hacks, gms, incline press, dips), backed off RPE by 1 or 2, and did fewer drop sets. Will take the weekend off other than maybe doing some more cardio.

The finger curl variant I did on Wednesday feels much better -- actually got a pump from them, think having that bigger ROM makes a difference, and my forearms remain very sore (they haven't been sore for months and months).

Made a lentil curry yesterday, and sometimes my digestion doesn't handle legumes (esp lentils, tbh) very well. So this morning I had the weird situation of being hungry while also having a bit of a stomach ache from feeling bloated. How fun.

Edit: forgot note, have what feels like a super minor strain in right hamstring. sort of thought it was just soreness at first, but it's lingered beyond the DOMs and the sensation is quite different. hopefully clears up soon.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 04, 2024, 07:09:58 am

BW - 72.4

A - GM
85 x 11, 10, 9

B - Rev Nord
+5 x 12, 10

Lengthened Leg Extension
18x13 + 17x6

HS Incline [white machine]
60 x 13
60x10 + 55x6

10 x 12, 10

OH Cable Extension
31x7 + 23x7 + 16x8 + 11x9 + 8x11

12x8 + 10x8 + 8x9 + 7x8 + 6x8 + 5x10

+Chains x 9 + BWx9 + 6

30 min stationary bike
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 05, 2024, 07:18:13 am

BW - 72.2

Cycle 45 mins


Excited for the next whoosh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 06, 2024, 07:33:34 am

BW - 72.3

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1, 1
-10 x 1
-5 x 1 [still fairly easy L, RPE 10 R, filmed and I think my technique is different on right side, oddly, don't turn my torso in as much. Don't know if that's a cause or artefact of it being weaker though]

20mm Grip Lift
50 x 1, 1
55 x 2
60 x 2  :personal-record:
55 x 4

10mm Grip Lift
30 x 3
35 x 3
40 x 3 [still easy, but this lift feels v precarious so building slowly]

One Arm Cable Lat Row
50 x 7 [swapping pullovers for this]

Two Arm Cable Upper-Back Row + Shrug
65 x 12 + 6

Hammer Incline Curl
20 x 12, 9

DB Wrist+Finger Curl -> Finger Curl [i.e. i do both finger and wrist curl in one movement, then when I can't do the wrist curls anymore I rep out the remaining finger curls]
20 x 8 + 2
17.5 x 8 + 4

DB Preacher
12.5 x 10 + 6 + 10x9



Solid. Changed up back accessory movements b/c I was getting a bit bored with them. Need to find something I like for upper back/rear delts more though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 07, 2024, 09:57:31 am

BW - 72


lats are like 9/10 sore today lol
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 08, 2024, 08:11:43 am

BW - 72.0

Leg Curl [different machine, usual one was taken]
85 x 15
85 x 11+4+4

Hack Squat
95 x 9
95 x 6 + Reverse Nordic x 7

HS Incline (white)
60 x 14
60 x 10 + 50 x 8

DB Flye
10 x 14, 10

12 x 9
11 x 10, 8

OH Cable Ext
26 x 15, 11
23 x 10

+Chains x 9 + BW x 11 + 8

25 mins stationary bike


did some straight sets instead of drop sets for no particular reason
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 09, 2024, 11:11:24 am

BW - 71.9

Assited OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

One Arm Row
50 x 8

Hammer Incline Curl
20 x 13, 8

DB Preacher
12.5 x 11 + 7 + 10x9

DB Finger Curl
20 x 9+4

10 mins cycling


Getting to the level of leanness where I start to feel "dieted" as it were. No fun. Energy meh for this workout, so stepped it back a little bit. Let's see how this next week goes.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 11, 2024, 09:17:19 am

BW - 72.5 [??]

A Good Morning
85 x 12, 10, 8

B Reverse Nordic
+5 x 11, 9, 6 + BW x 7

Incline Bench
75 x 6
70 x 8, 7

A Flye
10 x 15, 12

B EZ Bar OH Ext
27.5 x 19
32.5 x 10, 9

A Lying DB Lateral
5 x 27 [lol]
7.5 x 9, 7

B Deficit Pushup
+20 x 6, 6 + BW x 6

Cyclie - 20 mins


Been v bloated last couple of days, not sure why exactly. This random high weight is probs related. Think maybe it's more retention from stress + getting to the slightly uncomfortable level of leanness (not really that impressively lean, given my genes I guess). Avg kcals still ~2300 for last week, and my activity levels are decent, so _should_ be in a deficit even with a bit more of a NEAT-drop + metabolic adaptation. Might pro-actively drop kcals to 2100 and see what happens.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 12, 2024, 08:32:58 am

BW - 72.5 [???]

Stationary bike 40 mins


Gotta #TrustTheProcess but these random 72.5s after a week of 71.9-72.2 are frustrating.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 12, 2024, 09:35:08 am
my guess is, get ready for a whoosh, especially if the last couple hundred kcal you cut now are from carbs.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 13, 2024, 08:31:17 am

BW - 72.2

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-10 x 1, 1, 1, 1
-15 x 1, 1

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
60 x 2
55 x 4

10mm Grip
40 x 5, 5

One Arm Cable Row
50 x 8

DB Wrist+Finger Curl
20 x 10+5, 7+3

Cable Rear Delt Flye
7.5 x 20

Hammer Incline
20 x 14, 9

DB Preacher
12.5 x 11 + 7 + 10x9



Good workout.

Upstairs neighbour's shower is leaking into our living room. Since we've lived here, we've had a leak from upstairs (from various sources) at least once per year, and it just doesn't feel like the repairs needed to resolve this are ever going to happen, so we're going to work on moving to somewhere new. Stressful, but exciting.

my guess is, get ready for a whoosh, especially if the last couple hundred kcal you cut now are from carbs.

Yeah, I imagine so. Next few cals probs partly from fat (i.e. changing my protein sources from eggs to something leaner + reducing some carb portions), though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 15, 2024, 08:35:34 am

BW - 71.7 [boom! was 71.7 yesterday as well]

Leg Curl
85 x 17
85 x 14 + 5 + 4

Hack Squat
95 x 10
95 x 7 + Rev Nord x 7

HS Iso Incline (the white one)
60 x 15, 10

DB Flye
12.5 x 9
10 x 13

A OH Cable Ext
23 x 19, 14, 11

B Cable Lateral
8 x 11, 9
6 x 19

+5 x 12 + 7 + BWx7

10 min bije + 20 min incline walk


Best feeling workout in a long while, accompanied by the long-awaited whoosh. Nice.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 16, 2024, 09:41:00 am
in the same boat re: having to move, although in our case it's because our landlady is selling our house. sad because we've loved this place but we are starting to get excited, too. good luck! where are y'all looking to live?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 17, 2024, 08:13:41 am

BW - 72.0

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-15 x 1

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
57.5 x 3, 2

10mm Grip
40 x 7, 6

One Arm Cable Row
50 x 9

Cable Rear Delt Flye
8.75 x 10

DB Wrist+Finger Curl
20 x 11+5, 8+4

DB Preacher
15x6 + 12.5x9 + 10x12 + 9 + 7

Reverse Wrist Curl
5 x 23 + 13 + 9


Everything solid enough.

in the same boat re: having to move, although in our case it's because our landlady is selling our house. sad because we've loved this place but we are starting to get excited, too. good luck! where are y'all looking to live?

Ah that's annoying -- landlords suck!

We're going to stay in London, but beyond that we're not too fussed about area tbh. We're both mostly WFH, so our main restriction is proximity to stuff we like to do, and just like being able to find a place that suits us, moreso than location.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 18, 2024, 12:13:12 pm

BW - 71.7 [i have weighed this exact weight so many times]

A - GM
90 x 11, 10, 8

B - Reverse Nordic
+7.5 x 9, 7
+5 x 7 + BW x 6

Incline Bench
75 x 7
70 x 9, 7

A - Flye
12.5 x 11, 8

B - Lying DB Extension
10 x 17, 15, 14

A - Lying Lateral Raise
7.5 x 10, 8
7.5 x 7 + 5 x 9

B - Deficit Decline Pushup
+20 x 5
BW x 10

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on March 18, 2024, 12:50:34 pm
makes sense. same for us regarding priorities, with the addition that (1) we like being kind of in the geographical middle of our friends, (2) being close to the metro is critical because when we do commute, that's how, and (3) we are trying to have a kid, so it'd be nice to be near a good pre-k/elementary school. although, given that we lasted less than two years in this place before getting kicked out, (3) is a relatively low priority.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 19, 2024, 05:07:40 pm

BW - 71.8


Zombie mode today. Didn't do any "proper" cardio, but took a long, brisk walk that probs worked out to a similar energy cost.

Sleep has been not great quality, but still around ~8 hours. So, probably a combo of diet + training fatigue. Will take an easy day of lifting tmrw and see how I feel on Fri. If still rekt, may take a diet break for a week.

makes sense. same for us regarding priorities, with the addition that (1) we like being kind of in the geographical middle of our friends, (2) being close to the metro is critical because when we do commute, that's how, and (3) we are trying to have a kid, so it'd be nice to be near a good pre-k/elementary school. although, given that we lasted less than two years in this place before getting kicked out, (3) is a relatively low priority.

Ah yeah, being near a tube stop is our one big criterion as well. Hopefully having relatively fledixle restraints means we both have an easy time searching!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 20, 2024, 06:53:32 am

BW - 71.6 [woop]


Going to take a few days off training and also goign to eat at maintenance. Only deload I've done in 2024 was that one at the start of this month, which was barely a deload (combing back and push+legs into one session, only did like 30% fewer sets and RPE was still pretty high), and I've been pushing the diet pretty hard, so psychological and physical fatigue are piled up.

Reminding myself that there's no need to push super so hard -- I'm not on a deadline and I'm doing this for fun ultimately.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 24, 2024, 08:22:53 am

BW - 72.2 [been +-1 0.1 from here while eating +600kcal, so it's just extra water weight from carbs + bulk]

Assited OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-15 x 2, 1

+40 x 7

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
60 x 2
55 x 3

10mm Grip
40 x 5
45 x 3

DB Wrist + Fing Curl
20 x 11+5

DB Preacher
15x6 + 12.5x8 + 10x12 + 8


Feels good to lift again. Before planning this little deload, i didn't think about the fact I'm away for 4 nights at the end of this week, so guess I'm getting back-to-back rests.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 25, 2024, 08:30:55 am

A - Good Morning
90 x 13, 11

B - Reverse Nordic
+7.5 x 10
+7.5 x 8 + BW x 7

Incline Bench
75 x 8  :personal-record: [looked back through logs -- some time last year I hit 75x7 while weighing 5kg more than I do atm, so this is pretty significant given I've only had this lift in for 3 sessions]
70 x 9

Everything below was done as a giant set/various mixings of superset that I cba to accurate notate here

DB Flye
12.5 x 13, 11

25 x 13, 11, 10, 9

Lying Lateral
7.5 x 10, 9
7.5 x 8 + 5 x 10

Deficit Decline Push-up
BW x 14 + 6
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Raptor on March 25, 2024, 01:38:23 pm
Nice, one more rep with your old PR while weighing 5 kg less and being older.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 26, 2024, 06:10:54 am
Nice, one more rep with your old PR while weighing 5 kg less and being older.

Thanks, yeah v happy with it. I think lots of PRs are coming on that lift because I haven't included it regularly for a while. Also, I'm only 30, so I hope I'm at least 10 years away from age being a meaningful factor in strength PRs...
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 27, 2024, 11:15:38 am

BW - 72.1

Bouldering for ~90 mins


Fun. Should do this more.

Away from tmrw til Monday, might try to do some BW stuff while away. Diet will continue next week.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on March 30, 2024, 10:00:10 am

Had some down time so hit the gym while traveling. Didn't record numbers but was basicay massive drop sets on all of the following exercises, in order to get stuff done in like 30 mins total:

Machine bench

Lat Pulldown

Cable Row


Preacher Curl

Machine Dips

Will try and do some leg stuff tmrw if I get a chance
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 02, 2024, 07:37:56 am

A - Good Morning
95 x 9, 8

B - Reverse Nordic
+7.5 x 12, 9 + BW x 8

Incline Bench
75 x 7, 5
70 x 7

A - DB Fly
12.5 x 13, 11

B - Pushdown
25 x 14, 12, 11+5

Lying Lateral
7.5 x 12, 9, 8 + 5 x 11


Numbers decent, but felt bleh, especially the bench felt totally off.

Trip was awful (first time I'd been together with my whole nuclear family without my wife for a while -- there's a reason for that. My dad is 9 years sober, but mom and brother are recalcitrant alcoholics and things got unpleasant). Anyway, glad to be home.

My glutes are still sore bc on Sunday I did one set to failure of walking lunges with whatever heavy things I could find.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on April 02, 2024, 01:18:04 pm
Man my heart goes out to you. Props on making it through family time in one piece. And props to your dad for maintaining sobriety.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 03, 2024, 07:40:16 am

BW - 72.0 [expected to be higher, so that's a nice surprise]

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1, 1
-17.5 x 2

OA Cable Row
50 x 7, 5

20mm Holds
50 x 7s, 6s, 5s

10mm Holds
40 x 8s, 7s

Pinch Holds
17.5 x 10s, 10s

DB Finger Curl
20 x 9+3, 6+3

Hammer Incline Curl
20 x 10, 8

DB Preacher Curl
15x5 + 12.5x7 + 10x10


Decent enough. Still feeling a bit tired. Anyway, resumed the calorie deficit yesterday for the last push to ~68-69kg.

Man my heart goes out to you. Props on making it through family time in one piece. And props to your dad for maintaining sobriety.

Thanks, man. And yeah, I'm really proud of him -- our relationship has been so much better thanks to it, and he has been so much happier.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 05, 2024, 08:02:31 am

BW - 71.4 [lol nice]

A - High Bar Squat
120 x 4
110 x 5, 5 + Rev Nord x 8

B - Incline DB Bench [one tick higher than I used for BB incline, felt rly good]
32.5 x 6
30 x 8, 7

A - Good Morning
95 x 7
90 x 8

B - DB Flye
12.5 x 13
15 x 7

A - Lying Lateral Raise
7.5 x 11, 9, 8, 7

B - Pushdown
27.5. x 11, 10, 8, 7


Turns out super-setting squat with db bench is pretty demanding. Got through this workout in 45 mins tho, so that's nice. Feel like my baseline "fitness" is pretty good if it can accommodate that density of training.

Also lol, v surprised by this being my lowest weight yet. Would have bet on being back in the 72s for at least a week after what felt like a binge-eating episode while with my fam. I'm not complaining tho.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Raptor on April 06, 2024, 03:35:41 pm
Yeah, I'm always doing either squat + bench or bench + squat (all barbell exercises). It's pretty demanding but I'm trying to adapt to it.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 08, 2024, 06:57:11 am

BW -  71.5

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-5 x 1
-15 x 2

One Arm Cable Row
50 x 9, 6

20mm Lifts
50 x 1
55 x 1
50 x 7s, 6s, 5s

10mm Lifts
40 x 9s, 8s

17.5 x 11s, 11s

Rear Delt Cable Flye
10 x 8, 7

Finger Curl
22.5 x 6+5 + 20 x 5+4

Hammer Incline Curl
17.5 x 14+6+5

DB Preacher
15x5 + 12.5x7 + 10x11+7
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 09, 2024, 07:20:00 am

BW - 71.9

A - GM
95 x 12, 9, 8

B - DB Incline
30 x 10, 9, 7

C - Reverse Nordic
+7.5 x 12, 10, 9 + BWx8

DB Flye
15 x 9, 7

A - Lying Lateral
7.5 x 11, 10, 8, 8

B - Pushdown
27.5 x 13, 11, 10, 8


Great workout.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 12, 2024, 06:59:22 am

BW - 71.1

Lying Leg Curl
72.5 x 14, 8+4+3

Cybex Hack Squat
100 x 6, 5

Machine Chest Press
13 x 10, 8 , 6
12x6 + 10x5 + 8x5

A - Cable Lateral
8 x 10, 10, 8, 7, 6 [adjusted cable height between first and second, is why there's no drop off I think]

B - Cable Overhead Extension
23 x 12
21 x 10, 8
18 x 8, 7

+15 x 10
+15x7 + BWx7


Lying leg curl subbing in for seated. Really liked the feel -- felt better able to push hard without worrying about losing the groove or moving in the seat etc. I know the studies say seated is better b/c bigger hamstring stretch, but whatever. IIRC lying better for sartorius.

Always get this mega dropoff between sets on (overhead) tricep stuff -- really interesting how different muscles recover at different rates.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 13, 2024, 07:11:17 am

BW - 71.3

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-15 x 2, 1+1

One Arm Row
55 x 6
50 x 8

20mm Grip
50 x 1
55 x 1
50 x 9s, 8s, 7s, 6s

10mm Grip
40 x 8s, 7s

DB Finger Curl
22.5 x 6+3
20 x 9+5

Rear Delt Flye
10 x 11, 8

Hammer Incline Curl
17.5 x 16+6+5

DB Preacher
15x6 + 12.5x8 + 10x12+7
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 15, 2024, 07:11:31 am

BW - 71.2

A - GM
100 x 9, 8, 8

B- Reverse Nordic
+10 x 9, 8, 7+BWx10

C - Incline DB Press
30 x 11, 10, 9

DB Flye
15 x 10, 9

A- Lying Lateral
7.5 x 12, 11, 9, 8

B -Pushdown
27.5 x 14, 12, 11, 9


Great session, progress everywhere, but the "Session RPE" was high -- was reeling after most sets.

Changed lateral style to be more like this:
Felt much better, more of a stretched feeling at the bottom. Had previously been wary of this form bc wondered if it might be a bit rear-delty, but that didn't seem like it was the case.

Abs still sore from Saturday, but interfered less than I anticipated.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 17, 2024, 06:47:49 am

BW - 71.3

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-15 x 1
-22.5 x 3, 3

20mm Grip
50 x 1
55 x 1
57.5 x 1
50 x 10s
45 x 13s, 11s

20 x 1
17.5 x 15s, 15s

OA Row
50 x 10

Rear Delt Cable Flye
10 x 12

DB Finger Curl
22.5 x 6+4
20 x 9+6

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 16+7+5

DB Preacher
15x6 + 12.5x8 + 10x12+8+7

BB Shrug
90 x 18+10


Weight staying stable, but I am seeing new lines in my abs I've never seen before, plus more definition all around, so expecting a whoosh some time soon.

Watching S2 of Phyisical 100 and feel like guys with traps just look bigger, so added shrugs in lol. Mildly embarrassed to say that the show made me want to get into Crossfit a bit. Maybe I'll give that a go some time.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 18, 2024, 12:50:27 pm

BW - 71.0

Cycle 40 mins


Woop, new low weigh in. Hopefully some time in May I'll be solidly sub 70 and ready to call this quits.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 19, 2024, 06:32:58 am

BW - 71.6

A - Lying Leg Curl
80 x 9, 8
72.5 x 10+5

B - Leg Extension
115 x 13
125 x 9
125x8 + 105x7

Machine Press
13 x 11, 9
13x7 + 11x6 + 9x6 + 7x7

A - Cable Lateral
8 x 11, 10, 9, 8, 7

B - Cable Overhead Extension
21 x 12, 9, 8
18 x 12

+20 x 8
+20x6 + BW x 11 + 10


I still v. occasionally get that hip pain that stopped me from running many years ago. Usually goes away if I drop squat patterns for a little bit, hence the leg extensions.

Need, _need_, to regularly work on dorsiflexion esp on right leg (hip pain leg).
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 21, 2024, 07:26:54 am

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-15 x 1
-21.25 x 3

50 x 1
55 x 1
50 x 6s, 6s
45 x 16s

17.5 x 1
20 x 1
21.25 x 1
18.75 x 11s
17.5 x 14s

OA Row
55 x 7, 5

Rear Delt Cable Flye
10 x 12, 10

Finger Curl
22.5 x 7+4, 5+4

100 x 17+8

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 17+7+6

15 x 6 + 12.5 x 7 + 10 x 10+8+6


Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 22, 2024, 07:33:09 am

BW - 71.0

Good Morning
100 x 10, 9, 8

Incline DB Bench
30 x 11, 10, 9

Reverse Nordic
+10 x 11, 9, 7 + BWx10

DB Flye
15 x 11, 9

27.5 x 13, 12, 11, 10 + 20 x 8

Lying Lateral
7.5 x 13, 12, 11, 10 + 5x7



Ties lowest weight, feel like this will be the week I settle sub 71, then we're almost there.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 24, 2024, 07:35:05 am

BW - 70.2

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-20 x 3

20mm Grip
50 x 1
55 x 1, 1
50 x 8s
45 x 15s

17.5 x 1
20 x 1
21.25 x 1
18.75 x 8s
17.5 x 14s

OA Row
55 x 8, 6

Rear Delt Cable Flye
10 x 13+7

Finger Curl
22.5 x 7+5, 5+5

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 17+8+5

15x6 + 12.5x8 + 10x11+8

100 x 20+10+5



New low weight by a huge margin. Slightly anomalous b/c yesterday was very hectic and had weird meal timings and such like, but still, nice to see.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 26, 2024, 07:30:29 am

BW - 70.8

Good Morning
100 x 11

Reverse Nordic
+10 x 12 + BWx8

Incline DB Bench
30 x 12

15 x 14

27.5 x 16+7+5

Lying Lateral
7.5 x 14+6 + BWx10


Have a cold so did a lower volume session at home rather than infecting people at the gym.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 28, 2024, 07:11:21 am

BW - 70.5

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1, 1
-20 x 4  :personal-record:

Finger Curl
25 x 5+3
22.5 x 7+6, 5+6

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 18+8+6+5


Still have some pretty bad cold symptoms, so kept intensity high but volume low for this session.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 29, 2024, 07:35:08 am

BW - 70.6

A - Defecit RDL
120 x 8, 8

B - Incline DB Bench
30 x 12, 11

A - Reverse Nordic
+15 x 8, 7 + BW x 9

B - DB Flye
15 x 13, 11

A - Lying Lateral
7.5 x 15
10 x 6
7.5 x 12+6

B - Pushdown
27.5 x 17, 15, 12+6



Cold still lingering, so this was very tiring. Long rests between sets.

Switching up my hinge movement. RDLs feel more natural -- easier to focus on getting a hamstring stretch, and with the deficit I can go very deep, past where the plates would be hitting the ground if I did the lift from the floor.

Starting to get legit lean. Have a six pack without flexing even in bad lighting now. Cold aside, energy levels, libido etc remaining good! I'm still eating 2000-2200 kcal a day, and have dessert after dinner basically every day, so this cut has been very easy overall diet-wise. Gives me optimism that I'm actually still above, or at worst just approaching, my "lower settling point", and so should be able to gain with a very minor surplus straight away, rather than having to gain fat to get back into a good enviroment for muscle-building.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on April 30, 2024, 07:31:39 am

BW - 70.6

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-15 x 1, 1

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1
50 x 8s, 7s
45 x 12s

17.5 x 1
20 x 1
21.25 x 1 [easy]
18.75 x 13s
17.5 x 13s

45 x 12+7

Rear Delt Cable
10 x 12, 11

Finger Curl
22.25 x 7+5, 6+5

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 16+7+5

120 x 12+7+5

DB Preacher
12.5 x 9, 7



Cold basically completely gone now, thank god. Great work out, despite still being a little fatigued/sore in back/bis from Sunday. Traps surprisingly sore from the RDLs too.

Away Wed-Fri so did this today rather than tomorrow.

Pinch training is so annoying, since for me it is _so_ variable, even within a session. Depends so much on tiny factors of set-up, humidity, amount of chalk etc, so tracking it is really hard. I guess hard work is hard work so it'll add up even if it's nominally a "low" number on the sheet.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 01, 2024, 06:37:47 pm

45 min spin class

fun lol
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 02, 2024, 05:27:59 pm


Squat 1 set
Reverse Nord 2 sets
Good Morning 3 sets
OHP 1 set
Incline Bench 1 set
Bench 1 set
Dips myo
Lying Laterals


30 min spin + 20 min cooldown ride


cba to track weights for things where I am since I'm just doing semi-random stuff to get reps in.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 03, 2024, 07:32:19 am

OAC Negatives 3 x 2 each arm
Chinup 1 max set
T-Bar Row 2 sets
DB Pullover 2 sets
DB Finger Curl 3 sets
BB Curl 3 sets
DB Preacher 2 sets
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 07, 2024, 10:25:03 am
Had a terrible week for various reasons and stress led to a pretty extended binge-eating episode. Back to normal today, though, but frustrating. Onwards.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 08, 2024, 07:23:07 am

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-20 x 2, 2

OA Row
55 x 9, 7

Rear Delt
10 x 14, 11

Finger Curl
22.5 x 8+5, 6+4
20 x 10+5

120 x 15+7+5

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 18+8+5

DB Preacher
12.5 x 10, 8


BW yesterday was 73.3, today 72.5. We'll see where it settles with normal eating, but basically gained 2kg of fat in a week. Was an awful/stressful week for various reasons I won't go into, and which have gladly mostly resolved, but annoying to be left with this after-effect. Was feeling like I was a week or two away from being done, but now it's back on the diet grind for like 2+ months I guess. Pretty upset with myself and feeling gross, even if I get why the binge happened. Was looking forward to being done and back to maintaining/lean gaining, but I'm not going to step away from the goal now.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 10, 2024, 07:14:20 am

BW - 72

A - Deficit RDL
125 x 6, 6, 6

B - DB Incline
30 x 12, 11, 10

A - Reverse Nordic
+15 x 7, 6, 5 + BW x 8

B - DB Flye
15 x 10, 9, 8

A - Lying Lateral
10 x 6, 5
7.5 x 12, 11

B - Pushdown
27.5 x 18, 16, 14, 12

C - Finger Curl
22.5 x  7+4, 6+4
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 12, 2024, 07:10:15 am

BW - 71.3

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-22.5 x 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

A - DB Preacher
12.5 x 10, 8, 7, 6

B - DB Finger Curl
22.5 x 9+6, 6+5
20 x 7+6, 5+5


Going to reduce other back work in favour of more volume on OAC stuff for the next few weeks.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 13, 2024, 06:16:02 am

BW - 71.6

DB Incline Bench
30 x 13

DB Flye
15 x 12, 10, 8

30 x 15, 12, 10, 9

Lying Lateral
10 x 7, 6 + 7.5x9
7.5 x 11, 8


Limited time this morning and legs still sore, so will do leg stuff tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 14, 2024, 07:14:42 am

BW - 71.6

130 x 6, 6, 5, 5

Reverse Nordic
+15 x 9, 8, 7, 6 + BWx9


Decided to call it quits on the cut. Not particularly fun anymore and just a source of stress. Aim is maintenance for a little while then a very slow bulk of like ~5kg in ~12 months.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 14, 2024, 09:03:58 am
i think that makes sense! sounds like you got very lean anyway - not many people have a visible six pack under any lighting - so it was a success even if you didn't quite make your arbitrary weight goal.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 14, 2024, 04:58:10 pm
i think that makes sense! sounds like you got very lean anyway - not many people have a visible six pack under any lighting - so it was a success even if you didn't quite make your arbitrary weight goal.

yeah juice not worth the squeeze to go further. probs like 4 or 5kg off bodybuilding stage condition though, which is wild to me. maybe i'll try that one day and do a show
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 15, 2024, 07:48:12 am

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-6.25 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-22.5 x 3, 3, 3, 2, 1+1+1 [i.e. last was RLRLRL minimal rest]

A - DB Finger Curl
22.5 x 10+5, 7+5
20 x 8+6, 6+5

B - DB Preacher Curl
10 x 10, 9, 8, 7

C - Rear Delt Cable Flye
10 x 14, 12, 11+6

A - Elbow Supported Hammer Curl
10 x 10, 8, 6

B - Lying Lateral Raise
7.5 x 13, 10, 9

C - Standing Ab Wheel [cba to count reps but all to failure, then dropped to kneeling ab wheel after last set]


Well, that feels a lot better than lifting in a deficit; ~30 hard sets in a one hour workout without flagging at the end seems good density and volume wise. Extremely excited to be back to the prospect of gaining muscle/strength.

Added laterals to this workout. Pretty happy with my lats (unsurprisingly), and pecs, and legs remain a strongpoint thanks to prioritising them when I first got into training. So, main target areas for me this bulk are arms, delts, and traps, though I now realised I forgot to do shrugs this workout, woops..

Realised I didn't note this here, but the reason I have just been doing finger curls and not the other grip stuff is that I sliced my right index finger while cooking, so I'm letting that heal 100% before hanging stuff from my fingertips.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 16, 2024, 11:46:01 am
legs remain a strongpoint thanks to prioritising them when I first got into training.

To wit, need new jeans and struggled through several stores today before realising I'll have to either (a) embrace the boot cut life or (b) buy from one of those "jeans for people who squat" brands I see advertised on instagram  :uhhhfacepalm:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 17, 2024, 07:17:05 am

A - Lying Leg Curl
80 x 10, 8, 6
72.5 x 9, 6

B - Leg Extension
115 x 22
125 x 14, 11, 9

Hack Squat
80 x 9, 7

Machine Chest Press
14 x 7, 5
13 x 7
12 x 6
11 x 10

A - Cable Lateral
11 x 10
8 x 12, 10, 8, 8, 7

B - Cable OH Extension
23 x 10
21 x 10, 9, 8
18 x 10

Ab Machine
57.5 x 10
62.5 x 7
52.7 x 7
50 x 9 + 42.5 x 5

+Chains x 14, 10, 6
BW x 8


Great workout. Haven't touched any of these movements in like a month and they all felt great. Love both the supersets, feel super efficient and brutal. Hacks after four hard sets of leg extensions is horrible, but it's kind of a relief to use a lower load.

Insane ab cramps between sets on the machine lol.

I tend to rest 0-30 seconds between supsets (i.e. a couple of breaths plus however long it takes to move between machines/change cable attachments), and 45-120 seconds between straight sets (longer for hack squats, shorter for easier movements), so this ~35 set workout only took like an hour.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 18, 2024, 03:44:12 pm

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-22.5 x 3, 3

One Arm Row
50 x 9, 6

DB Preacher
12.5 x 10, 8, 7, 7, 7

Finger Curl
22.5 x 8+6, 7+6, 6+6, 5+4

Rear Delt Cable Flye
11.25 x 9, 7, 6

Elbow Supported Hammer Curl
10 x 9+5 + 7.5x10+7

120 x 18+11+8+5
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 20, 2024, 11:42:12 am

85 x 8, 6, 5
75 x 7, 5

BW x 20, 16, 14, 11

Lying Laterals
a bunch

OH EZ Bar Extension
a bunch


Work trip. At hotel gym for a few days so cba to track workout super precisely.

Legs still sore from Friday lol, so will do them tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on May 20, 2024, 05:24:35 pm
legs remain a strongpoint thanks to prioritising them when I first got into training.

To wit, need new jeans and struggled through several stores today before realising I'll have to either (a) embrace the boot cut life or (b) buy from one of those "jeans for people who squat" brands I see advertised on instagram  :uhhhfacepalm:

not that you asked, but since this is something i struggled with in my 20s, couple suggestions. (NB: my thighs are not as big around as they were 8-10 years ago but they're still pretty big relative to my waist, and my calves are muscular enough that strangers comment on them when i am out and about and wearing shorts. so still in the "hard to find jeans that fit" club.)
i am resigned to destroying jeans in about three years of 4-5 days/week wear because my thighs rub together and eventually that just wears a hole. but with both gustin and naked and famous, while they last they're comfortable and look good.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 21, 2024, 12:38:13 pm

OAC Negatives
BW x 1
+5kg x 1, 1
BW x 1, 1

Good Morning
95kg x 4 sets

Reverse Nordic
+14 x 5 sets + BW drop set

Barbell Row
85 x 5 sets

EZ Bar Curl
27.5 x 5 sets

Neck Curls
+5kg x 3 sets

Lateral Raise Kas Set
7kg x 1 set

Hammer Curl Kas Set
9kg x 1 set


Kas set is as follows: Do a shortened overload movement until you can't get ~85% full rom, do a lengthened overload movement until failure, do the shortened overload movement again until you can't move the weight any more. So for laterals, it's standing, lying, standing. Curls it's standing, preacher, standing.


Random pic of my current physique my mom sent move. Maybe delts and arms aren't a weak point...though this is with a pump
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 21, 2024, 12:44:56 pm
legs remain a strongpoint thanks to prioritising them when I first got into training.

To wit, need new jeans and struggled through several stores today before realising I'll have to either (a) embrace the boot cut life or (b) buy from one of those "jeans for people who squat" brands I see advertised on instagram  :uhhhfacepalm:

not that you asked, but since this is something i struggled with in my 20s, couple suggestions. (NB: my thighs are not as big around as they were 8-10 years ago but they're still pretty big relative to my waist, and my calves are muscular enough that strangers comment on them when i am out and about and wearing shorts. so still in the "hard to find jeans that fit" club.)
  • size up to get the thigh/calf fit you need and find a tailor who can take in the waist. you're limited with jeans by the fact that the butt pockets are external, so if you take the waist in too much they tilt toward each other and look stupid. but even taking an inch or 1.5" off the waist can help you not feel like you're a cartoon character wearing a barrel.
  • gustin (http://"") straight fit is actually pretty roomy in the thighs, i've found their jeans to be comfy and pretty good quality. and some of their fabrics have a little spandex, which helps even if you're not wearing the jeans very tight. they use a campaign model so sometimes you have to wait a bit for the jeans you want. actually just backed a campaign on there for a pair of light-colored jeans, since i don't have any at the moment.
  • if you want to spend a little more for a bit better quality, naked & famous (canadian brand that sells through a website called tate and yoko (http://""), for some reason. what is up with brands calling themselves "x and y," by the way? especially in europe. there's a italian clothing brand called franklin and marshall, which is the name of a small, unremarkable liberal arts college in pennsylvania. what? anyway.) they're expensive but the "easy guy" fit is better than anything else i've tried on, especially once i get the waist taken in a little.
i am resigned to destroying jeans in about three years of 4-5 days/week wear because my thighs rub together and eventually that just wears a hole. but with both gustin and naked and famous, while they last they're comfortable and look good.

Am aware of all these brands, but hadn't looked at them in this recent search. Tym for recommendations.

Basically I need to put in the effort and find a tailor. As you can imagine I need new suits, and typically when I've bought I've gone to nicer shops and they've done a good job, but it would be handy to have someone to go to for general purposes.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 23, 2024, 04:29:50 pm

20mm Grip
50 x 1
55 x 1
60 x 1 [as easy as it's ever been]
62.5 x F [was super close, maybe would have got it had I not done 60 before hand]
55 x 2, 2
50 x 3, 3

Finger Curl
25 x 5+3
22.5 x 6+4
20 x 7+6
17.5 x 11+7

Reverse Wrist Curl
7.5 x a bunch of sets
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 24, 2024, 07:46:01 am
Taking a few days rest, back Monday probs.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on May 29, 2024, 07:00:51 am

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1, 1
-10 x 1

22mm Grip
40 x a bunch
50 x a few
40 x a bunch

BB Row
90 x 16 [lots were lengthened partials just to the knee]

130 x 6

Reverse Nordic
+15 x 9 + BW x 8

Incline DB Bench
30 x 12

15 x 11

12.5 x 10, 8

27.5 x 18, 14


longer rest than planned, but felt needed. workout felt weak lol!

edit: got a different more comfrotable grip implement, which, despite having a slightly deeper edge, is actually a little harder to lift for various reasons i cba to explain
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 01, 2024, 07:08:14 am

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1

OAC Negative
+8kg x 1
BW x 1, 1

22mm Grip
45 x lots

DB Flye
15 x 12, 9, 7

30 x 16, 14, 13

DB Preacher Curl
15 x 5
12.5 x 11, 8

Lateral Raise Kas Set
7.5 x ~21+7+10

Hammer Curl Kas Set
7.5 x ~18+6+6


Going to freestyle training for a bit. Away for a week for a friends wedding soon. Back to serious programming after that, probably.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 05, 2024, 07:54:05 am

1A Leg Extension
124 x 10, 8, 7

1B Lying Leg Curl
80 x 9, 9, 7

Standing Calf Raise
18 x 24
19 x 14

Glute Kickback Machine
245 x 10, 8 [literally the max weight on the machine lmao]

102.5x6 + 95x5 + 80x5 + 65x6 + 50x8

Chest Supported Row
124 x 7
110x7 + 96x6 + 82x7

2A Cable Lateral Raise
11 x 9, 8, 8 + 8x9

2B Overhead Cable Ext
21 x 16, 13, 10 + 16x6

Lengthened Machine Preacher Curl
20 x 6
17.5 x 6, 4
15 x 7

Machine OHP
50 x 7
35 x 13


33 sets in 43 minutes  :headbang: Despite low rest and basically every set taken to 9/10 RPE, the "session RPE" was low, guess b/c I'm well fed and not been training a lot.

Feel like since I've not been including squats, I've had some glute atrophy, or at least it's grown relatively less. Will add some glute targetted stuff b/c that's sad to me.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 07, 2024, 08:08:01 am

130 x 7, 7, 6

B - Rev Nord
+15 x 11, 9, 7 + BW x 11

130 x 20+10+8+5

A - Weighted Pullup
+35 x 6, 5
+25 x 7 + BWx10

B - DB Bench
32.5 x 10, 8, 7

22mm Grip
45 x a bunch of sets

A - Hammer Preacher
10 x 10, 8, 7, 6

B - OA Cable Pushdown
12.5 x 16, 15, 13, 11

Incline DB Flye
10 x 13

Lying Lateral
10 x 8, 7

Cable Lat Prayer
20 x 7,  5


Ironically finding it much harder to control appetite in this weight gain phase. It's not like I've changed the way I eat -- it's the same basic diet but with more food added on top, rather than like displacing veggies with candy or whatever. In the last year I started a new medication of which a comon side effect is gaining quite a lot of weight. Wasn't an issue in weight loss phase since I knew I was aiming to be hungry or lose weight. In this current phase, it's weird to be aiming for weight gain/stability, but still never feeling full/fully satisfied. Kind of a mind-fuck.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 10, 2024, 07:56:21 am

Seated Leg Curl
84.5 x 11
77.5 x 13, 9 + 70.5 x 10 + 63.5 x 9

Leg Extension
13 x 11
14 x 7
13 x 9 + 12 x 6 + 11 x 6

Glute Kickback
245 x 13+8+6

Chest Supported Lats Row
140 x 6
130 x 7
120 x 8
110 x 8

DB Fly
15 x 13, 10, 6
12 x 10 + a bunch of presses focusing on the stretch after failure

Lat Pulldown
110 x 7
100 x 7

Chest Supported Rear Delt Row
22 x 12 + 9 [after the 9 is just shuolder retractions rather than rows]

Machine Preacher
40 x 7
35 x 7
30 x 7
25 x 12

A Lateral Raise (Cable)
11 x 10, 9, 8, 8
8 x 11

B Overhead Cable Ext
23 x 18, 13, 10, 7
21 x 10

Incline Chest Press (Machine
40 x 10
35 x 13

BW x 15+9+6


Last workout before being away for a week, so I made it a biiiig one. Not sure if I'll train while traveling since I'll be busy, but places I'm staying do look to have gyms so it's a possibility.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 21, 2024, 07:29:59 am

A - Good Morning
90 x 6, 5

B - Rev Nord
+7.5 x 6, 5

Glute-dominant BSS
+20kg x 10

A - DB Fly
15 x 6, 5

B - Chinup
+40 x 5, 4

A - Preacher Hammer Curl
10 x 10, 8

B - Pushdown
30 x 8, 7

DB Finger Curl
27.5 x 3+3 + 22.5 x 4+5


Been back for a couple of days, but only mustered the energy to lift again today. Did hit the gym twice while traveling, but it was like DB+pullups since the hotel gyms were severely lacking.

Extremely fun trip. Good mix of touring, eating, seeing old friends, drinking etc. Averaged like 30k steps and sub 6 hours of sleep a day, so hardly surprising that I was wiped out when I got home.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 22, 2024, 07:25:52 am

30 min stationary bike.


Not been doing enough cardio lately, mostly b/c I still find running can aggravate my old injury, and stationary bike is rly boring. Been thinking of starting dance classes as a fun thing to fill that space. There's a cool street dance studio near me that has loads of beginner classes. I like the idea of street/modern dance styles quite a lot, since (a) that relates more to music I listen to anyway, and (b) always been interested in tricking, and this seems like more of a route in that direction.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 23, 2024, 07:38:54 am

+25s x 10, 9

B - Partial Standing Lateral Raise
25s x 12, 10

A - DB Incline Bench
30 x 13, 11

B - Pullup
+30 x 9, 7, 6 + BW x 7

Incline DB Fly
12.5 x 8

A - Hammer Preacher
10 x 9, 8, 8

B - Lying EZ Bar Extension
32.5 x 12, 8, 6

A - Ab Wheel
a few sets

B - Lying Lateral
10 x 8
7.5 x 10, 8


Get a weird hip clicking thing on the right side on BSSs if I don't _perfectly_ nail the movement path. Feels like the same awkward thing that hurts me when I do too much running. Annoying bc BSS feels so good in its way. Will play around to find some sort of unilateral movement that works for me, b/c I think it is a productive movement for me.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 25, 2024, 07:23:06 am

130 x 8, 7

B - Reverse Nordic
+15 x 11, 9 + BW x 8

130 x 17+8+6+4

A - Wide Grip BB Row
80 x 12, 11

B - Dips
+16 x 10, 8

A - EZ Bar Curl
37.5 x 7, 6

B - 22mm Grip Lifts
40 x lots
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on June 25, 2024, 10:40:22 am
the dance class sounds cool, you should do it. i've been thinking along the same lines for years and honestly the only thing holding me back is embarrassment. same as with voice lessons. not a good reason not to try something new, but there it is.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 26, 2024, 07:29:36 am
the dance class sounds cool, you should do it. i've been thinking along the same lines for years and honestly the only thing holding me back is embarrassment. same as with voice lessons. not a good reason not to try something new, but there it is.

yeah i know what you mean, that (and schedule clash) is defo the main thing delaying me from going. i'm also considering taking up BJJ, so i should probably just do some intro classes for both and see how it goes
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 26, 2024, 11:48:23 am

20 min stationary bike

Side Bends
27.5 x 12 + 10 + 8

Lying Lateral
10x8 + 7.5x10+8 + 5x9

Ab Wheel - a couple sets, dropping from standing to kneeling

Barbell Curl
30 x 12 + 20 x 8


Just a quick one to get some cardio + extra volume on target areas in.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 28, 2024, 08:32:46 am

Seated Leg Curl
82 x 10, 8, 7
75 x 12, 10

Leg Extension
135 x 9, 8, 7

Pendulum Squat
30 x 7, 6

Wide Grip T-Bar Row
75 x 9, 8, 6 + 6 Kelso Shrugs

Narrow Neutral Pulldown
110 x 6
100 x 6
90 x 7
80 x 9

Machine Preacher Curl
15/5/0 x 8, 7, 6
10/5/0 x 10, 8

Cable Lateral
11 x 12, 10
8 x 10, 7
6 x 10, 8, 6
4 x 10

Cable Crunch
38 x 7
36 x 9, 7
33 x 7

Machine Calf Raise
20 x 9, 8, 7, 6

Machine Crunch
67.5x6 + 60x5 + 45x8


DB Finger Curl
22.5 x 6+6, 5+5
20 x 7+6, 6+5
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 28, 2024, 10:07:49 am
Workout plan is roughly like this:

A1 - RDL
B1 - Reverse Nordic
A2 - Chins
B2 - Dips
A3 - EZ Bar Curl
B3 - Lying Lateral

Lunge variation
A1 - Row
B1 - DB Incline
A2 - Hammer Preacher Curl
B2 - EZ Bar Extension
A3 - Lying Lateral
B3 - Abs

Leg Curl
Leg Extension
Pendulum Sq
Machine Row
Preacher Curl
Cable Laterals

A1 - Flye
B1 - Lunge
A2 - Shrug
B2 - EZ Bar Extension
A3 - Side Bend
B3 - Lateral Raise
C3 - Dips

3-5 sets of most exercises. Lowest volume would be hamstrings, probably getting 8 sets (3 RDL, 5 leg extensions), but I feel like that's enough for me since those two movements destroy me. Might drop the Saturday lunges if it feels like too much legs, but it's in there mostly as a glute focus.

The beginner BJJ classes at my local gym are Tues/Thurs, so will try to visit one of those soon, may have to move around lifting according to how sore that makes me/how fresh I want to be going to that. It's a gaining phase, and I want to stay in it for a while to make some real progress, so should have sufficient fuel for plenty of activity.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on June 29, 2024, 07:32:36 am

 Close-Grip No-Arch Bench
80 x 8, 7, 6

Curtsy Lunge []
+30 x 6
+50 x 6

Side Bend
27.5 x 14, 12, 11

Incline DB Flye
12.5 x 9, 7
10 x 12

Lying EZ Bar Extension
30 x 12, 10, 9

140 x 12, 10, 9

Lying Lateral
10 x 8
7.5 x 10, 8 + 5x7

BW x 16 + 9 + 6


Attempted a standing ab wheel set at the end, but between side bends today and abs yesterday, that was a no-go.

Not bothering to record the exactitudes of what is super-setted with what, since this was done at home and I moved pretty freely between exercises as I felt ready/rested etc, but basically everything was supersetted with something, so this workout took like 50 mins or so.

Quads very sore, so just experimenting with the curtsy lunge. Felt good on glutes, nice to get some lateral movement, and didn't bother my hip, so will include this. May not push them super hard in this session, but will keep them here for more lateral practice, and try to progress the more on the Wednesday sesh.

Doing this variation of bench bc it gets a bigger chest stretch than a more powerlifting style, even if I end up using less weight. Will be cool to see where I can push too with this style though. I feel like my ability to get reps on bench is very bad compared to 1rm.

Doing side bends for a few reasons. One, I don't really like any of the ab exercises I find it convenient to perform at home, other than ab wheel. Two, I tried a human flag the other day and it was basically trivial in terms of back/shoulder strength, but my obliques felt like they were going to rip apart. Three, I have a narrow waist but wide hips, so wonder if filling out obliques a little bit will ameloriate the hourglass figure a touch.

Random note: have got into making burritos for lunch, and, while it is wasteful, toasting them a bit in a pan and then wrapping them in foil is a gamechanger.

Edit: mid traps nice and sore today from the T-bar rows + kelso shrugs. mid and upper traps a priority for me so am glad they get properly worked.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 01, 2024, 07:18:40 am

140 x 6, 6

B - Reverse Nordic
+15 x 11, 9, 7 + BW x 7

140 x 15+8+7+5

A - Pullup
+30 x 7, 6 + BW x 7

B - 45* Incline DB Bench
30 x 8, 8

A - EZ Bar Curl
37.5 x 9, 7, 6

B - Lying Lateral
10 x 7
7.5 x 10, 8

C - One Arm Pushdown
15 x 8
12.5 x 10

A - Ab Wheel
Standing x 8, 7, 5 + Kneeling x 5

B -  DB Finger curl
22.5 x 6+5, 5+4
17.5 x 7+6


Okay, pretty high session RPE even with sticking to 2/3 sets on most things. Not yet adapted to combo of heat + training to this level yet, so will wait a while before progressing to 3/4/5 sets per exercise.

Did inc db instead of dips today b/c I didn't think about how swapping the load on the belt would be annoying, so dips Weds. Added the pushdowns to make up for the comparative loss of tricep work.

Ironic fact about my training: legs aren't a priority. This means that if I don't put them first in a session, I'll half-ass them. As such, I put them first, and am a bit more tired than I want to be for the rest of the session. Ah well, keeps my bro tendencies in check at least.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 02, 2024, 01:11:33 pm

Stationary bike 25 mins

One Leg Calf Raise
BW x 34, 26, 20, 18, 16

Neck Flexion
5kg x 3 sets, cba to count reps

Neck Extension
15kg x 3 sets, see above


Long pause at bottom in stretch on the calf. Means each set takes like 60-120 seconds, tedious, didn't think I'd get so many reps. Will load them next time. Got so many reps b/c I did them in the style examined in the study outlined here:

Bringing back neck training b/c been lazy with it and i think a bigger neck looks cool, and I guess it would be helpful for BJJ if i get serious about that. Surprised how little soreness from shrugs interacted with the neck extensions in particular!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 03, 2024, 07:16:47 am

Curtsy Lunge
60 x 7, 6, 5

A - BB Row
90 x 12
100 x 7, 6

B - Dips
+24 x 8, 7
+16 x 9

A - Hammer Preacher
12.5 x 9, 6
10 x 13

B - Lying EZ Extension
30 x 13, 10, 9

A - Lying Lateral
10 x 9, 8
7.5 x 13

B -  DB Side Bend
30 x 12, 11+7

22m Grip
45 x 1, 1
50 x 1, 1

Finger Curl
22.5 x 7+5, 6+4
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 04, 2024, 10:07:01 am

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - 45 min introductory class


Well, that was fun. Will probably be going back next week, since first week of classes is free. Can see how people get addicted to this once you actually have enough skills to spar practically.

Biceps are sore today. Super rare for me. Guess this hack-y preacher set up I've been doing is finally optimised. It's inspired by this: ( But the arm support is just my barbell in the rack with a yoga mat slung over it.

Glutes quite sore too, though sadly also have a bit of that familiar hip pain. We'll see how that goes.

Feel like to live my happiest life, I'd want to be doing some form of exercise/physical activity like 3 hours a day. Sigh, maybe one day.

Hope those who celebrate have a fun 4th of July!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 05, 2024, 08:00:47 am

Seated Leg Curl
82 x 14, 12, 9, 6
75 x 10

Leg Extension
135 x 13, 8, 7

Pendulum Squat
30 x 8, 7

Narrow-Neutral Pulldown
110 x 10

One Arm Pulldown
60 x 19
80 x 8
70 x 9

T-bar Row
75 x 7, 6, 5+6
65 x 8+4

Machine Preacher
15/5/0 x 10, 7, 5
10/5/0 x 12

Cable Lateral
3 x 11, 9, 7, 6
2 x 10

Cable Crunch
11 x 9
10 x 9
9 x 11

Calf Machine
20 x 15, 11, 9, 7

Tibialis Raise
5 x 25

Machine Crunch
57.5 x 12, 6
50 x 10


Awesome workout. Some of the progress was just due to getting used to machines/working out how to lock-in better (mainly the calf machines), I guess.

throwing in tibilias work b/c i noticed the instructor doing a lock of front of foot locking, so can't hurt to work on that muscle in the gym.

Obliques on left side sore from BJJ lol, maybe even mildly strained, otherwise no after-effects. Guess the intro class was pretty short + light.

Don't know if I love one arm pulldowns enough to replace normal ones, esp since they take longer to get through. Also, i'm only like two clicks away from maxing out the lat pulldown machine, which would be pretty fun to do while in the mid 70s compared to the huge guys in the gym who don't. It is amusing, when I take a back machine from a big dude, I almost always increase the load, but when it's a chest machine, I am dropping it by like half. Gotta catch my front up.

Pendulum squat might be my favourite exercise right now, just feels so good/bad and the movement is so smooth and natural.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 06, 2024, 11:36:43 am

A - CG Bench
80 x 9, 8, 7

B - 22mm Grip
45 x 1
50 x 1
51.25 x 1 [pr on this implement]

B - DB Finger Curl
22.5 x 8+4, 6+5
17.5 x 15+6

A - Dips
+16 x 13, 11, 9

B - Shrug
140 x 22, 15, 12+6

A - Incline Fly
12.5 x 9, 8
10 x 10

B - One Arm Pushdown
12.5 x 12, 10, 8

Side Bend
30 x 13 + 9 + 7

Lying Lateral
10 x 8 + 7.5 x 8 + 5 x 10

Neck curl
Drop set from 5 > 3.75 > 2.5 > 1.25

Neck Flexion
Drop set from 15 > 12.5 > 10


well, that was tiring but felt great and productive.

feel like my traps are already visible growing, which is fun. never really trained them before.

oh, another reason to go back to normal rather than one-arm pulldowns: one armers make my pecs sore. had forgotten about this from one-arm pullup training too. there's some fancy setups you can do to avoid that but cba at this stage, would rather just grip it and rip it.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 08, 2024, 07:58:04 am

140 x 7, 7

Reverse Nordic
+15 x 12, 10, 8 + 8

+30 x 8, 7, 7+7

45º Incline Bench
30 x 10, 9, 8

Hammer Preacher
12.5 x 7
10 x 14, 12

Lying Lateral
10 x 10, 9
7.5 x 14, 12

OA Pushdown
15 x 10, 8
12.5 x 14

DB Finger Curl
25 x 4+3
20 x 10+5
17.5 x 11+4

Ab Wheel
Standing x 9, 7, 7+5 kneeling

Slant Board Jefferson Curl
20 x 13
30 x 8

Neck Curl
5 x 19, 15

Neck Extension
15 x 17, 12


Wearing a beanie and putting a plate directly on my forehead is annoying, so I ordered this goofy thing for my neck training:

Just messing around with jefferson curls, neither set was anywhere near failure.

hamstrings still sore from Friday (!) so just two sets RDL, no need to add more volume if progress is coming as is. Rep quality on reverse nordics also felt way better than last session.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 09, 2024, 09:55:21 am

45 min intro BJJ class.


Even more fun than last time. The hooks are sinking in. Easy enough recovery wise to combine 4 x hard lifting with 2 x of these intro classes, since they are not very taxing. My baseline cardio may not be great, but my low-rest lots of superset/circuit style lifting feels very specific fitness wise for bjj, so so far i've not been even vaguely out of breath (esp compared to my partners)

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 10, 2024, 07:36:42 am

Curtsy Lunge
30s x 9, 8

+24 x 15
+32 x 7
+24 x 10

Barbell Row
100 x 11, 10, 8

22mm Grip
40 x 1, 1
45 x 1, 1
50 x 1

DB Fly
15 x 8

Hammer Preacher
12.5 x 10, 8
10 x 11

Lying Tricep Extension
32.5 x 12, 9, 8

Lying Lateral
10 x 11, 8, 7 + 7.5 x 9

Finger Curl
22.5 x 7+6, 5+4
17.5 x 10+7

Side Bend
32.5 x 10, 9+6

Neck Curl
5 x 18, 15

Neck Extension
15 x 18, 14

Decline Reverse Crunch
BW x 10, 8


Uhhh, +7 reps on the first set of dips lmao. Huge progress everywhere, though, so I guess we're properly getting into the flow of things.

Can see how much more pullups take out of bis/brachioradialis compared to rows by looking at the hammer preacher numbers today compared to Monday. Fun.

My bench is the cheapest one from amazon, so using it for decline reverse crunches is quite janky, but that's defo the best direct ab exercise i've worked out how to do at home so far.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 11, 2024, 10:00:34 am

BJJ class -- 45 mins, working on basics of a takedown and some defence


Free trial expired and I'm still going. Got the 2/weekly class membership, but I think there's a strong chance that I'll move to the unlimited if I'm still having this much fun next month. Will try the beginners class instead of the intro class some point soon -- was told by one person that it's good to do ~10 intro classes to get some basics down first, but others have said that that advice is primarily aimed at people with a minimal exercise background.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 12, 2024, 08:08:55 am

A - Lying Leg Curl
80 x 9, 7
75 x 8, 6

B - Leg Extension [also a different one from usual, hence dif numbers]
124 x 11, 10
135 x 6 [on the usual machine]

Pendulum Sq
35 x 6, 6 [oof that final rep on the second set]

T-Bar Row
80 x 10, 9, 7+6
70 x 8+6

20 x 6
18 x 8, 6
16 x 8

A - Cable Lateral
11 x 10, 9, 7
12.5 x 5 + 10x8 + 7.5x9 [meant for the first set here to be 10, but ran with it and made it a drop set instead of fussing]

B - Bayesian Curl
16 x 5
13 x 6
11 x 7

Cable Crunch [facing away]
31.25 x 12
36 x 11 

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl
25 x 7, 5 [assuming 10kg bar weight]

GHD Situp
BW x 10, 8, 7

Machine Crunch
55x7 + 47.5x6 + 37.5x7

Calf Machine
21x12 + 19x10 + 17x8 + 15x8 + 13x6

Tibialis Raise
7.5x13 + 5x16 + 2.5x20


Just don't like crable crunches. Think because I always do them after legs, my quads hurt just from the stabilisation they have to do. Don't love the machine crunch either b/c can't get a stretch, but it's easy to grip and rip a couple sets, as it were. GHD situps defo my favourite -- can actually work spinal flexion and get a nice stretch, and they're easily loadable once you get strong, so guess that'll be my go-to at the gym.

A few substitutions b/c machines I usually use were taken. Didn't love ez-bar preachers, but bayesian curls with the cable set at the same height i use for laterals feel like a winner, will probably keep them in just because I can superset them, and may use the preacher machine for extra volume as and when.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 13, 2024, 07:37:41 am

CG Bench
80 x 10, 9

45º Incline Bench
60 x 7, 6

22mm Grip
45 x 1
50 x 1
51.25 x 1 [pretty easy]

Incline Fly
12.5 x 10, 8
10 x 15

One-Arm Pushdown
15 x 9, 7
10 x 16

Finger Curl
22.5 x 7+6, 6+6
17.5 x 12+6

Barbell Side Bend
40 x 9, 7

Lying Lateral
10 x 11, 9, 8

Reverse Wrist Curl
30x10 + 25x10 + 20x13 + 15x16

Reverse Crunch
BW x 11, 8, 7

Neck Curl
6.25 x 13, 11 + 5x10

Neck Extension
17.5 x 13, 10


Good workout. Going to try to commit to this being the last little exercise selection tweak, just want a bit more incline work, and so many dips can be a lot on the shoulder.

Skipped shrugs because after yesterday's workout, and a bit this morning, i was feeling a tweak in my right mid trap. Felt better during and after the workout, so am not concerned long term, but been pushing trap volume given all the rowing/pulling work + shrugs and neck stuff.

Adding reverse wrist curls b/c apparently they can help finger flexion strength, and I guess it's good to balance both sides. Also have a jacked back of the forearm looks very cool imo.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 13, 2024, 04:19:47 pm
Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 14, 2024, 12:08:33 pm

40 min stationary bike
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 15, 2024, 07:44:52 am

140 x 9, 8

Reverse Nordic
+17.5 x 9, 7, 5 + BW x 9

150 x 16+8, 12+6

+30 x 9, 8, 7 + BW x 8

45º Incline DB
30 x 11, 10, 9

Hammer Preacher
10 x 16, 14, 12

Lying Lateral
10 x 12, 10, 8

One-Arm Pushdown
15 x 11, 9, 7

Reverse Crunch
BW x 12, 9, 8

Finger Curl
25 x 5+4
22.5 x 8+5
17.5 x 17+5

Neck Curl
6.25 x 16, 13 + 5x10 + 1.25x10

Neck Flexion
17.5 x 17, 13

Hanging Leg Raise
two sets to failure or so, drop set by gradually letting legs bend more as set progressed


Objectively a great session that was subjectively a slog.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 16, 2024, 10:18:52 am

BJJ 45 mins + stationary bike 20 mins


Spoke to instructor about whether it was cool if I went to the beginner rather than intro classes (there are more of them per week and at better times for me) and they we very encouraging. So, bought a gi because you need one for those. hype hype, having so much fun with this.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 17, 2024, 07:43:37 am

Curtsy Lunge
30s x 11, 10

BB Row
105 x 11, 10, 8

+30 x 10, 8, 6

Hammer Preacher
12.5 x 11, 9, 8

Lying Lateral
10 x 12, 11, 9

Lying Tricep Extension
32.5 x 14, 10, 8

Side Bend
40 x 11, 9, 8

Neck Curl
6.25 x 18, 15 + 5x11 + 1.25x10

Neck Extension
20 x 15, 13

Hanging Leg Raise
BW x 12, 9+4


Great session. Almost at 1.5x BW for rows. Pretty exhausting, just holding the position with that much weight is tiring, given i typically do RDLs on Monday.

Had some elbow pain yesterday, didn't mention in hopes it would be fleeting. Still here today. I recognise it. It is the reason I don't do pronated pullups. So, those are leaving the routine, and hopefully that fixes it.

Might do something radical (for me), though, and just totally drop pullups/chinups entirely, instead of swapping. Currently not feeling jazzed about aiming for the one-arm pullup as a primary goal, so kind of want to just stick to the most joint-friendly, bodybuilding-style movements. I rigged up a janky one-arm cable pulldown setup at home using some store-bought pullups and cables hooked to my rack (use this for pulldowns etc) that I really liked, so might make that the monday lat movement.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 18, 2024, 09:59:36 am

BJJ 2 hours, intro class and beginner class


Hot today (by my paltry uk standards), and wearing a gi for the first time. about as sweaty as i have ever been. the beginner class is a huge step up from the intro class. sparring at the end one of the most exhausting things i've done, especially when i have 0 techniques or idea what i'm meant to be doing. but super fun.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 19, 2024, 08:30:46 am

A - Seated Leg curl
89 x 10, 9, 7
82 x 10

B - Leg Extension
136 x 10, 8, 7

T-Bar Machine [selectorised instead of the usual plate loaded one]
26 x 12+10, 10+9, 9+8

Chest-Supported Low Row
130 x 5
110 x 7, 6

A - Cable Lateral
12 x 9
13 x 6
12 x 8
9.5 x 12

B - Bayesian Curl
13 x 7
12 x 8, 7

Preacher Machine
9 x 5
7 x 7

23x10 + 21x6 + 19x6 + 17x7 + 15x8

Tibialis Raise
10 x 8, 6
7.5 x 10 + 5 x 16

GHD Situp
BW x 12, 8, 6

Machine Crunch
55 x 8
50 x 8
40 x 14

Pendulum Squat
35 x 8, 7


Moved Pendulum to very end of the session so that I don't hold back/try to preserve energy for what follows. Think it worked out nicely. Additional benefit is that doing it after calf work means I have better dorsiflexion ROM.

Plated-loaded T-Bar was taken and I use a very different load from the guy who was using it, so just tried out the selectorised machine instead. I think I did prefer it. However, I literally had to use the top weight and still got 12 reps + 10 shrugs on my first set. Sad!

Also subbed in the chest-supported low rows for pulldowns. Think overhead stuff can aggravate the elbow [tend to feel the pain running along a tendon or some such from elbow up into my shoulder], so will focus on more rowing movements/things that just feel "gentler". Think this is my fav back exercise in any case -- nothing else crushed the like mid/low part of my lats like this. In contrast to pulldowns/pullups which often feel more like teres major movements. Probably comes out in the wash in terms of actual hypertrophy, but it's fun to feel movements in different places.

No elbow pain during session, some mild pain about an hour after, so hopefully the pullup/pulldown avoidance does the trick. Will see how it holds up with grip work tomorrow.

Surprising lack of soreness today given how exhausted BJJ was yesterday! Good sign my physical preparedness is there, even if my cardio/specific fitness isn't.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 20, 2024, 11:25:46 am

CG Bench
85 x 7, 6

45º Incline Bench
60 x 9, 7

Incline Fly
12.5 x 10, 9

OA Pushdown
15 x 12, 10, 9

Side Bench
42.5 x 11, 8, 7

10 x 10, 9, 8

150 x 16, 13, 12

Neck Curl
7.5 x 12, 10 + 5x13 + 2.5x15

Finger Curl
22.5 x 7+5, 5+5

DB Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 10, 9

Neck Flexion
20 x 18, 15

Hanging Leg Raise
BW x 14+5, 9+4


Elbow 95% recovered
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 20, 2024, 11:27:51 am
Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 22, 2024, 07:47:09 am

150 x 7, 6

Reverse Nordic
+17.5 x 10, 8 + BWx9

One-Arm Lat Row
55 x 6
50 x 8, 7

45º DB Incline
30 x 12, 11, 10

Hammer Preacher
12.5 x 11, 10, 9 + 10 x 11

OA Pushdown
15 x 13, 11, 9

Lying Lateral
10 x 13, 11, 10

Reverse Crunch
BW x 13, 9

Neck Curl
7.5 x 13, 10 + 5x13 + 2.5x15

Finger Curl
22.5 x 8+5, 7+5

Neck Flexion
17.5 x 18, 17

Hanging Leg Raise
BW x 12, 9

DB Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 11, 9 + 7.5x8


Love this lat movement, can get such a good stretch and feel really locked in.

The handles of my adjustible DBs are super thick, so they're very awkward to use for reverse wrist curls, feels like thumb gives out before anything. Maybe should just stick to BB, but that was annoying in its own ways too. Bleh, doesn't really matter just do it.

Very minimal elbow irritation, so that's good.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 23, 2024, 09:36:33 am

BJJ - gi beginner class, 60mins, no-gi mixed class, 80 mins


The gi instructors are better than the no-gi guy. No-gi is very old-school eastern european, lacking warmth and making us do a like 25 mins exhausting warmup. What's the point of making us do duck walks the length of the gym and 40 pushups etc, esp given like 1/3 of the class did the previous class as well and so is already super warm. Oh well lol.

learned some sweeps from closed guard in the gi class and some half-guard passing using head as a tripod in the no-gi class. Sparring is fun even if i get owned in every round because i am new -- working hard to "survive" is a fun challenge.

did feel a weird left elbow sensation towards the end of the final round in the no-gi sparring section, and about an hour later there was some pain. blerg. doesn't feel major, though, so let's see.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 24, 2024, 07:19:28 am

Barbell Row
105 x 11, 10

+30 x 10, 9

Lat Prayer
25 x 9

Incline DB Fly
12.5 x 11

Hammer Preacher
12.5 x 13, 11

Lying Extension
35 x 10, 8

Lying Lateral
10 x 14, 12

Side Bend
45 x 8, 7


Surprisingly not sore or particularly fatigued from yesterday. Ate like 5-600 calories more than normal and was still kind of hungry at bed time, and woke up 0.7kg lighter than normal today. Progress everywhere except dips, which makes sense since shoulders were used a lot in the warmup. Enjoy how well lifting has prepared me physically for BJJ, since I hear lots of reports of being people totally wrecked after rolling.

Elbow pain is bizarre. Didn't hinder me _at all_ this workout, only briefly felt it if I got in a weird groove doing the lying extensions. I did some light wrist curls, rev wrist curls, pronations, supinations, etc., and none of that hurt. The only movement that reliably is painful is lif there is resistance when doing the motion of a cable internal rotation (

Will monitor, but glad and surprisedit didn't interfere with this workout. Sometimes can be like a random 8/10 pain during normal day-to-day activity, though.

Oh, moving curtsy lunges to Fri or Sat. Thursday BJJ with rekt glutes/hips was not so fun.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 25, 2024, 09:00:59 am

BJJ 1 hour


Worked Americana submission from mount and some knee-elbow escapes. A bit of rolling at end of session.

Americana is exactly the position that hurts my left elbow, so that was timely. Told my training partner for the session and they were very considerate.

Getting the hang of the knee-elbow escape, was able to use it successfully a few times in the roll. Sparring partner for much of it was very fast. I'm just nowhere near up to speed on the like info-processing side of things, though I'm just that comes with time. Will try to build up frequency as I adapt a bit more! Doesn't feel like too much at all yet, even with 4xWeek lifting on top. Feel like I could probably do both 4xWeek without recovery lagging, though the issue would be time ofc.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 26, 2024, 08:08:24 am

A - Seated Leg Curl
89 x 14, 12, 10, 8

B - Leg Extension
136 x 12, 10
125 x 12

Lat Low Row
130 x 9, 6
120 x 8

T-Bar Machine
26 x 11+10, 9+8, 7+8

A - Cable Lateral
13.75 x 9, 7
11.25 x 12, 10

B - Bayesian Curl
13.75 x 9, 8, 7

Plate-Loaded Preacher
15/5/0 x 7
10/5/0 x 11

Calf Machine
23x12 + 21x9 + 19x8 + 17x8 + 15x10

Tib Raise
10 x 10, 6 + 7.5x8 + 5x12

35 x 10, 8

GHD Situp
BW x 14, 10
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 27, 2024, 07:54:28 am

CG Bench
85 x 8, 6

45º Incline
60 x 10, 8

A Incline Fly
12.5 x 12, 10

B OA Pushdown
15 x 15, 12, 10+8

A Side Bend
45 x 12, 10, 7

B Lying Lateral
10 x 14, 12, 10

150 x 20+10+6+5+4

Neck Curl
7.5 x 16, 14 + 5x14 + 2.5x17

Neck Flexion
20 x 20, 18

Finger Curl
20 x 12+6, 10+5, 9+5

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 12, 11 + 7.5x13 + 5x16

Reverse Decline Crunch > Hanging Leg Raise > Hanging Knee Raise, each to failure no rest between


Been feeling #LockedIn with training lately. Making the most of this gaining phase.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 27, 2024, 08:03:20 am
Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 29, 2024, 07:57:50 am

150 x 8, 7

B - Rev Nordic
17.5 x 12, 9 + BWx10

160 x 14+7, 12+6

A - One Arm Lat Row
55 x 8, 7, 5

B - 45º DB Incline
30 x 14, 12, 10

A - Hammer Preacher
12.5 x 14, 12, 10

B - OA Pushdown
17.5 x 9, 8, 8+5

C - Lying Lateral
12.5 x 6
10 x 13, 12

Neck Curl
7.5 x 15, 12 + 5x13 + 2.5x16

Finger Curl
22.5 x 10+6, 8+5, 6+5

Neck Flexion
22.5 x 17, 15

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 13, 11 + 7.5x10 + 5x13

Decline Reverse Crunc > Hanging Leg Raise > Hanging Knee Raise x 1 set
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 30, 2024, 08:05:21 am

BJJ - 1 hour


worked various cross-collar attacks from closed guard. didn't fully get to grips with the sweep, but instructor gave me some more details after the class that helped. feel quite weird to choke someone tbh.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on July 31, 2024, 07:36:54 am

A - BB Row
110 x 8, 7

B - Dip
+30 x 11, 9

A - DB Lat Pullover
30 x 8, 6

B - Inc DB Fly
12.5 x 11, 9

A - Hammer Preacher
15 x 7
12.5 x 13, 11

B - Lying Extension
37.5 x 8, 6, 6

C - Lying Lateral
12.5 x 6
10 x 15, 13

Side Bend
45 x 10, 8

Finger Curl
22.5 x 10+5

Reverse Wrist Curl
7.5 x 19+13+8

Neck Curl
7.5 > 5 > 2.5 all to ~failure, didn't bothre counting

Neck Flexion
22.5 x 15


Slightly changed db incline form, elbows a little closer to sides to target upper pecs a bit more.

Didn't use belt on rows, and surprisingly felt like that helped me maintain tightness better.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 01, 2024, 07:52:56 am

BJJ - 1 hour


Worked on triangle chokes. Big thighs seem like a mild impediment since it's harder to get your legs inside the chin gap. This is why many top BJJ guys don't train legs, lmao.

Woke up with a raging headache which is still lingering. Been sleeping poorly in the heat. Feel quite fatigued from training, but still progressing so don't feel super like I need a deload, but may take Fri/Sat off depending how i feel.

Edit: one day I will go to bjj _not_ having done an extensive lifting session the day before, and it's gonna feel like i've unlocked a super power
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 02, 2024, 04:17:35 pm

taking rest until monday. feeling pretty tired. progress has been rolling well despite this, so don't think i'm pushing it too far, but i don't feel like feeling like this, if you get me
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 05, 2024, 07:40:07 am

150 x 9, 7

B - Rev Nord
+17.5 x 12, 10 + BWx12

A - OA Lat Row
55 x 9, 8

B - 45º Incline
30 x 16, 14

A - Hammer Preacher
15 x 9, 7
12.5 x 14

B - OA Pushdown
17.5 x 10, 9, 8+4

C - Lying Lateral
12.5 x 7
10 x 17
12.5 x 5 + 10x8

Finger Curl
25 x 6+3
22.25 x 10+5

Neck Curl
7.5 x 17, 14 + 5xLots + 2.5xLots

BB Rev Wrist
30 x 13, 10 + 20x15 + [DB] 7.5x13

Neck Flexion
22.5 x 21, 19

Ab drop set
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 06, 2024, 07:50:52 am

BJJ - 1 hour


Good workout. Mild elbow flare up at one point, but overall it is still progressing back to full recovery well. Doesn't interfere with anything, but unpredictable nature of scrubs doing BJJ can put it in dodgy spots.

Last month was all closed guard, but now we're moving to half guard. Feel lost again, so time to study! Find bjj very intellectually engaging.

need to watch this video later:
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 07, 2024, 07:48:45 am

A - BB Row
110 x 12, 9

B - Dip
+30 x 12, 10

A - DB Pullover
30 x 9, 7

B - Inc DB Fly
12.5 x 13, 11

A - Hammer Preacher
15 x 10, 9, 9

B - Lying EZ Ext
37.5 x 10, 8, 7

C - Lying Lateral
12.5 x 7, 7, 6 + 10x9

Side Bend
45 x 12, 10

Neck Curl
7.5 x 18, 14 + 5x13 + 2.5x15

Finger Curl
25 x 7+4
22.5 x 10+5, 8+4

Neck Flexion
22.25 x 22, 17

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 14, 11 + 7.5x8

Reverse crunch > HLR > knee raise drop set


Huge row PR. Always hard to judge a bit bc form can make such a difference, but it felt strong, and the second set was good too, as were pullovers. Progress on the isolation movements too -- just took more of an attacking mindset, every rep max velocity rather than pure concentric control
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 08, 2024, 07:51:23 am

BJJ - 1 hour - more deep half guard work


Position starting to make a lot more sense. Gradually feeling like I am more and more in control during sparring. Feels so much better when you can pause in a position and try to make plans and active decisions, instead of just terrible gut reactions.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 09, 2024, 06:30:13 am

A - Seated Leg Curl
16x8 + 14x6 + 11x8 + 9x10 + 7x12

B - Leg Extension
131x12 + 117x9 + 103x10 + 89x6

Low Lat Row
140x6 + 120x6 + 100x7 + 80x8

T-Bar Machine
26x10+10 + 24+21+19+17 [cba to remember reps for sets after the first one]

A - Cable Lateral
13.75 x 10, 8
11.25 x 9, 8

B - Bayesian Curl
13.75 x 9, 7
11.25 x 10, 7

Machine Preacher
15/5/0 x 5 + 15/0/0 x 5 + 0/15/0 x. 5

23x10 + 21+19+17+15

Pendulum Squat
40 x 7

A - GHD Situp
2 sets

B - GHD Lumbar Crunch
2 sets


Time crunched so drop sets on everything. Good session.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 10, 2024, 07:44:00 am

Close-Grip Bench
85 x 9, 8

Incline Bench
60 x 11, 9

160 x 17+9+7+5

A - Incline DB Flye
12.5 x 13, 11

B - Pushdown
35 x 10, 9
30 x 12+5

A - Side Bend
50 x 9, 8

B - Lateral Raise
15 x 14, 12, 11

Finger Curl
25 x 8+6, 6+5
22.25 x 10+5

Neck Curl
7.5 x 18, 15 + 5xLots + 2.5xLots

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 15, 14 + 7.5x10 + 5x10

Neck Flexion
25 x 18, 15

Reverse Crunch -> Hanging Leg Raise -> Hanging Knee Raise x 2 sets
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 10, 2024, 07:46:10 am
Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]

RDL - 150 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum 40 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

One Arm Lat Row 55 x 9 [+3 reps]
BB Row - 110 x 12 [+5kg, +1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 9 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher 15 x 10 [+2.5, -3 reps]
OA Pushdown 17.5 x 10 [+2.5kg, -5 reps]
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 7 [+2.5kg, -7 reps]
Finger Curl 25 x 8+6 [+2.5kg]

Comparing everything to two weeks ago rather than mixing and matching with the deload bc of laziness.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 12, 2024, 08:02:26 am

160 x 6, 5

B - Reverse Nordic
+20 x 8, 6 + 5x10

A - One Arm Lat Row
55 x 10, 9

B - 45º Incline Bench
32.5 x 11, 9

A - Hammer Preacher
15 x 11, 10, 9

B - Pushdown
35 x 13, 11, 10

C - Lying Lateral
12.5 x 8, 7
10 x 13

Finger Curl
25 x 9+5, 8+5, 7+4

Neck Curl
7.5 x 20, 18 + 5x~15 + 2.5x~15

Neck Flexion
25 x 17, 16

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 16, 14 + 7.5x13 + 15x13

Decline Reverse Crunch -> Hanging Leg Raise -> Hanging Knee Raise drop set x 2


Didn't feel particularly well recovered from Fri/Sat, so only one set each on the big pushing/pulling movement. Close to the sweatiest I've ever been from a lifting session today too.

First time I've been this consistent with ab work. The side bends keep me engaged b/c they're easily trackable/progressible compared to ab wheel stuff, and then the drop set feels productive enough that even if I don't really count reps, it's nice to have there. As such, feel like my abs have properly hypertrophied for the first time in my training career. Plan is still to slow gain until 2026, though.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 13, 2024, 08:06:39 am

BJJ 1 hour


Working more deep half guard stuff, staring to feel more comfortable in the position still. Learnt a back take from the position that took a while for me to understand, but which I was happy to get the hang of. My training partner was a blue belt who was super helpful, felt like we worked together well to get a bit deeper into the nuances of the positions, will try to train with her again.

Need to work on controlling top mount better.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 14, 2024, 07:31:20 am

A - BB Row
115 x 8, 7

B - Dips
+30 x 14, 12

A - DB Pullover
30 x 9, 8

B - DB Incline Fly
15 x 8
12.5 x 13

Hammer Preacher
15 x 13, 11, 9

Lying EZ-Bar Extension
37.5 x 11, 9, 7

Lying Lateral
12.5 x 8, 7, 7

Side Bend
50 x 8, 7

Finger Curl
25 x 10+5, 9+5

Neck Curl
8.75x10 + 7.5x11 + 5x13 + +2.5x13
6.5x10 + 2.5x6

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 17+10+7

Neck Flexion
25 x 23, 18

Decline rev crunch > Hanging leg raise > Hanging knee raise x 1 drop set


Measured biceps with a pump. 16.25" on the left. Waist is currnetly 31.5", so bicep > half my waist, which seems cool.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 15, 2024, 07:58:10 am

BJJ 1 hour -- working that same deep half-guard sweep to back control


Felt like crap in the warm up, was out of breath easily and felt slow. Worked with a different guy who I've had productive sessions with before though, ad really got the hang of the movement. Then came sparring. Felt like I was on a totally new level. Able to slow down and control thinkgs better. Executed the back take move we'd been working in the live spar, and heard the coaches shout "yes, perfect technique!". Final roll of the session was with a blue belt (!), and I was able to pass his guard, though ultimately he passed me back and made me tap with a choke. Again, just felt like I was on a new level today. Feel like I'm progressing quickly -- having all this lifting strength as a background is super helpful, but I think the movement jives well too.

Might sub out BB Rows for something less taxing. I do two rowing movements on Friday, so can probs get away with another more vertical movement.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 16, 2024, 05:08:23 am

Had forgotten to post about how my elbow is basically 100% recovered. Never feel if in day-to-day situations or at the gym, and only very rarely at BJJ.

Was reminded because last night I started to get a pretty bad pain on the inside of my right knee. Had to adjust gait to walk, hurts to bend knee at certain angles, etc. Attempted to walk to gym this morning but it felt futile after I got like 50m out my door.

So, think I have a mild strain of my MCL? Or something like that? Didn't hear or feel anything from my knee during BJJ, but the top side of the position we were working definitely puts some strain on that area.

Fucking annoying. This is why bodybuilding is the best sport, so hard to get injured and so easy to work around it when you do. Hopefully this heals up quickly...

Edit: want to further note, had noticed my adductors being sore from working half guard stuff. since i do more BBing style trianing without regular squats, seems quite possible they'd got weaker. i had in fact already written in my intended workout for today to do some work on an adductor machine. wonder if doing that for the preceding months would have avoided this injury!

Edit 2: Knee feeling a lot better this evening. Did 60 mins light peddling on my stationary bike to get some blood flowing etc. Feeling more optimistic/less annoyed.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 17, 2024, 07:51:20 am

A - CG Bench
90 x 6, 5
80 x 8

B - Chinup
+30 x 10, 8, 7

A - DB Pullover
30 x 10, 8

B - DB Incline Fly
15 x 8, 7

A - EZ Bar Curl
37.5 x 10, 8

B - Cable Rear Delt Fly
10 x 15, 13

C - Overhead Cable Extension
15 x 11, 9

D - Lateral Raise
15 x 17, 15

DB Finger Curl
25 x 11+4, 9+5

Neck Curl
8.75x13 + 5x11
7.5x18 + 5x13 + 2.515
Neck Flexion
25 x 19, 15

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 16+10+6
10x10 + 7.5x12 + 5x16

Lunging in various directions, light BB squats, GMs, front squats, good mornings to see if anything hurt the knee. All was okay. Can even do copenhagen planks on it without ill effect.

30 minute moderate intensity cycling


Diifferent set up in relation to the bench for the neck flexions, which was more comfortable but harder.

Knee feeling like 90% today? Most bizarre injury I've had tbh. Might still give BJJ a pass on Tuesday just in case, but seems like I should be back in commission for Thursday?
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 17, 2024, 12:28:04 pm
Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]

RDL - 150 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum 40 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

One Arm Lat Row 55 x 9 [+3 reps]
BB Row - 110 x 12 [+5kg, +1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 9 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher 15 x 10 [+2.5, -3 reps]
OA Pushdown 17.5 x 10 [+2.5kg, -5 reps]
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 7 [+2.5kg, -7 reps]
Finger Curl 25 x 8+6 [+2.5kg]

Comparing everything to two weeks ago rather than mixing and matching with the deload bc of laziness.

RDL - 160 x 6 [+10kg, 3 reps]
Pendulum - N/A

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 10 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 115 x 8 [+5kg, -4 reps]
CG Bench - 90 x 6 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 15 x 13 [+3 reps]
OA Pushdown -- I seem to have subbed this out unthinkingly, lol
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 8 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 25 x 11+4 [+3/-2]

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 18, 2024, 06:35:45 am

30 min stationary bike


Been slacking on cardio a bit. BJJ rolling is some solid zone 4/5 work, but that's only like 10-30 mins a week depending on how long I have at the end of classes. Should be aiming for more lower intensity stuff on top of that.

Resolving to spend at least 90 seconds a day in a deep horse stance to work on adductor flexibility.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 19, 2024, 10:39:33 am

160 x 7, 5

B - Rev Nord
+20 x 9, 8 + +5x9

A - One Arm Lat Row
55 x 12, 9

B - 45º DB Inc
32.5 x 12, 9

A - Hammer Preacher
17.5 x 7  :personal-record:
15 x 13

B - Pushdown
35 x 16, 13

C - Lying Lateral
12.5 x 9, 8

Neck Curl
10x10 + 7.5x13 + 5x18 + 2.5x20

DB Finger Curl
27.5 x 6+5  :personal-record:
25 x 10+6

Neck Flexion
27.5 x 13
25 x 16

Reverse Wrist Curl
12.5 x 9, 7 + 10x12 + 7.5x12  :personal-record:

Tibialis Raise
15 x 20, 20

Reverse Crunch -> Hanging Leg Raise -> Hanging Knee Raise drop set x 1


Knee seems to be 100%, again most bizarre injury I've ever had! Was fully limping for like 18 hours and then poof.

Bought one of those knees over toes guy tibialis bar thingies b/c the machine I use for it at the gym kind of sucks. Not sure there's any real reason to train it, but there is some vague application to BJJ, and having more muscle in random places seems like a good thing.

Touching new weights on hammers and both wrist/finger things. I used to do reverse wrist curls regularly a about 18 months ago, and never got past using 10kg, with which I peaked at like 10ish reps? Dunno why I've rapidly jumped past that already, maybe the finger curls helped the reverse somehow? Anyway, that's cool.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: CoolColJ on August 20, 2024, 09:14:57 am
You can do tib raises on a lying leg curl machine, on the roller pads. Depending on the design of the machine.
At least I did so at my old commercial gym back in the day

But using oly shoes (which lengthens the moment arm) and doing them leaning your butt against a wall works well, or hanging your feet over an edge, adding weight when it gets easier.
That's how I do mine
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 20, 2024, 11:11:03 am
You can do tib raises on a lying leg curl machine, on the roller pads. Depending on the design of the machine.
At least I did so at my old commercial gym back in the day

But using oly shoes (which lengthens the moment arm) and doing them leaning your butt against a wall works well, or hanging your feet over an edge, adding weight when it gets easier.
That's how I do mine

Oh nice ideas! Using the Oly shoes for against the wall one is super smart. Alas I also splashed the cash on this bar thingy, which works pretty well at least.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 20, 2024, 11:14:04 am

A - BB Row
120 x 7, 5

B - Dips
+34 x 10, 8

A - DB Pullover
30 x 11, 9

B - DB Inc Fly
15 x 10, 8

A - EZ Bar Curl
37.5 x 11, 9

B - Lateral Raise
15 x 19, 17

C - EZ Bar Lying Extension
37.5 x 11, 9

Finger Curl
25 x 11+5

Side Bend
50 x 10

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 16 + 7.5 x 16

Rev Crunch -> Hanging Leg Raise -> Hanging Knee Raise drop set x 1

20 min cycling


Work thing meant I couldn't make my usually BJJ class today, so plan is lift today and do BJJ tmrw and Thurs.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 21, 2024, 09:44:49 am

BJJ 1 hour -- more deep half guard sweeps


Think I broke or bruised a rib lmao. Injuries from weight training in last 2.5 years: 0. Injurie from BJJ in last two weeks: 2.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 22, 2024, 07:24:12 am

Stationary bike 45 mins


After a day, thinking it is more likely a pulled muscle or strained ligaments in the rib area, rather than a bone damage. Just a sense based on the type of pain and when it hurts. Hurts like fuck to sneeze/cough/burp. Going to be a bit of an adventure to find out what lifts I can do tomorrow.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 23, 2024, 07:53:02 am

Lying Leg Curl
150 x 7, 5 + 130x5 + 110x6 + 90x7 + 70x7

Leg Extension
135 x 11, 8, 6

Seated Leg Curl
82 x 10, 8

Lat Low Row
140 x 6
120 x 7, 5 + 100x5 + 80x7

Wide Cable Row
80 x 9
70 x 15, 13

Plate-Loated Preacher
15/5/0 x 12, 8
15/0/0 x 10, 8

Panatta Latearl
70 x 7
60 x 10, 8
50 x 15

Rotary Calves
31 x 7
28 x 10, 9, 8


Couldn't do anything with load on my shoulders [pendulum squat, usual calves], so had to sub or skip those. Should have gone back and done more leg extensions at end of work, but i'll try to make it up with some form of lunge tomorrow.

lateral machine bothered ribs a little bit -- felt like from something contracting to stabilise my ribs as i moved, hard to say. no major irritation, tho, so that's nice. let's see how chest goes tmrw.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 26, 2024, 07:45:16 am

90 x 6, 5
80 x 8, 7

Reverse Nordic
+10 x 8, 6 + BWx6

Incline DB Fly
15 x 7
12.5 x 10, 8

Overhead Cable Extension
15 x 12, 10, 9

Lateral Kas Set
17.5x12 + 10x10 + 17.5x8

Finger Curl
27.5 x 6+6, 5+6

Reverse Wrist
12.5 x 13, 10+10x11

Neck Curl
8.75x13 +7.5x11 +5x10 +2.5x18

Neck Flexion
27.5 x 18, 14
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 26, 2024, 07:47:15 am
Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]

RDL - 150 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum 40 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

One Arm Lat Row 55 x 9 [+3 reps]
BB Row - 110 x 12 [+5kg, +1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 9 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher 15 x 10 [+2.5, -3 reps]
OA Pushdown 17.5 x 10 [+2.5kg, -5 reps]
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 7 [+2.5kg, -7 reps]
Finger Curl 25 x 8+6 [+2.5kg]

Comparing everything to two weeks ago rather than mixing and matching with the deload bc of laziness.

RDL - 160 x 6 [+10kg, 3 reps]
Pendulum - N/A

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 10 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 115 x 8 [+5kg, -4 reps]
CG Bench - 90 x 6 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 15 x 13 [+3 reps]
OA Pushdown -- I seem to have subbed this out unthinkingly, lol
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 8 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 25 x 11+4 [+3/-2]

RDL 160 x 7 [+1 rep]
Pendulum N/A

OA Lat Row 55 x 12 [+2 reps]
BB Row 120 x 7 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench 90 x 6 [==]

Hammer Preacher 17.5 x 7 [2.5kg, -6 reps]
Overhead Ext 15 x12
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 9 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl 27.5 x 6+6
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 26, 2024, 07:49:52 am

160 x 7, 6

Rev Nord
+20 x 10, 9 + 5x7

170 x 17 + 11 + 8

OA Lat Row [set cable higher]
60 x 6
55 x 8

45º DB Inc Bench
32.5 x 13, 11

Hammer Preacher
17.5 x 8, 8
15 x 14

35 x 17, 15, 13

Lying Lateral
12.5 x 9, 8
10 x 15

Neck Curl
10x11 + 7.5x13 + 15x15 + 2.5x18
7.5x11 + 5x17

Finger Curl
27.5 x 7+5, 6+5

Reverse wrist
12.5 x 10, 8 + 10x14

Neck Flexion
27.5 x 18, 16

Tibialis Bar
17.5 x 20+11+6+5

Ab drop set x 2


Rib thing efeling largely recovered. May still take a couple more days off of BJJ since I do still feel it from time to time.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 28, 2024, 08:04:34 am

BB Row
120 x 8, 6

+35 x 11, 10

DB Pullover
30 x 13, 11

Inc DB Fly
15 x 11, 9

Lateral Raise
17.5 x 18, 16, 15

Lying EZ Bar Extension
37.5 x 13, 11, 9

EZ Bar Curl
37.5 x 12, 10, 9

Neck Curl
10x14 + 7.5x17 + 5x20 + 2.5x22

Finger Curl
27.5 x 7+5, 6+5

Neck Flexion
30 x 13, 10

Reverse Wrist Curl
12.5 x 13, 10 + 7.5x13

Side Bend
40 x 5, 5

Ab drop set x 2

Cycle x 20 mins


Also did a 50 min cycle instead of BJJ yesterday. Finding the stationary bike less boring than I usually do. Might be because I've adapted to it a little bit more? In the past, I'd feel my quads burning even if I was just at like 110 HR, but now I can get into the 130s without that.

Did side bends to see how rib is feeling. A bit of pain, but I was able to move 80% of previous load without too much issue. Another week until I go back to BJJ I think.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 30, 2024, 08:26:12 am

A - Seated Leg Curl
89 x 12, 10, 10, 8

B - Leg Extension
135 x 13, 10, 9, 7

Adductor Machine
87.5 x 9
80 x 11

Lat Low Row
140 x 8, 6
120 x 11, 7

Hammer Strength One Arm Pulldown
55 x 8
50 x 10, 9

A - Cable Lateral
13.75 x 9, 8, 8
11.25 x 10

B - Bayesian Curl
13.75 x 9, 7, 6
11.25 x 9

Machine Preacher
40 x 7
30 x 10

Rotary Calves
31 x 13, 10, 9 + 26x8 + 21x8

Pendulum Squat
40 x 6, 5

A - GHD Low Back Crunch
BW x 18
+5 x 14, 11

B - Machine Crunch
57.5 x 14
65 x 11
70 x 9


Loved the adductor machine, can get a great stretch. Definitely keeping those in. A little bit of rib pain post pendulums, but nothing too bad and nothing that lingered overlong.

looks like the ab stuff I've been doing has transferred well to the machine at the gym. Like the lower back stuff too, seems sensible to try to target building some muscle there since mostly it just gets hit isometrically.

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on August 31, 2024, 07:16:19 am

Close Grip Bench
90 x 7, 5
80 x 9, 7

Overhead Cable Extension
15 x 12, 10, 9
12.5 x 15, 13

Incline Fly
15 x 11, 9, 8

Short-Long-Short Lateral Kas Set
17.5x20 + 10x11 + 17.5x11

Finger Curl
27.5 x 8+6, 7+6

Neck Curl
10x14 + 7.5x16 + 5x22
10x12 + 7.5x14

Reverse Wrist
12.5 x 14, 10 + 10x11

Nck Extension
30 x 16, 13

Tibialis Bar
20 x 14+8+6+5

Ab drop set x 2


Realised I've been writing neck flexion instead of extension for weeks lol
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 01, 2024, 07:11:13 am
Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]

RDL - 150 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum 40 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

One Arm Lat Row 55 x 9 [+3 reps]
BB Row - 110 x 12 [+5kg, +1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 9 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher 15 x 10 [+2.5, -3 reps]
OA Pushdown 17.5 x 10 [+2.5kg, -5 reps]
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 7 [+2.5kg, -7 reps]
Finger Curl 25 x 8+6 [+2.5kg]

Comparing everything to two weeks ago rather than mixing and matching with the deload bc of laziness.

RDL - 160 x 6 [+10kg, 3 reps]
Pendulum - N/A

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 10 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 115 x 8 [+5kg, -4 reps]
CG Bench - 90 x 6 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 15 x 13 [+3 reps]
OA Pushdown -- I seem to have subbed this out unthinkingly, lol
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 8 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 25 x 11+4 [+3/-2]

RDL 160 x 7 [+1 rep]
Pendulum N/A

OA Lat Row 55 x 12 [+2 reps]
BB Row 120 x 7 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench 90 x 6 [==]

Hammer Preacher 17.5 x 7 [2.5kg, -6 reps]
Overhead Ext 15 x12
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 9 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl 27.5 x 6+6

RDL - 160 x 7 [==, better form/lower RPE]
Pendulum - 40 x 6 [-1 but haven't done it for a while]

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 6 [+5kg, -6 reps, though I changed the angle to be more difficult]
BB Row - 120 x 8 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 7 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5 [+1 rep]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 12 [==]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 9 [==]
Finger Curl - 27.5 x 8+6 [+2 reps]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 01, 2024, 11:46:13 am
To my surprise, I haven't actually missed BJJ. Hadn't realise how much fatigue it added/how much better I'm feeling in the gym without it. Also expecting an uptick in work and life stuff over coming months, so a strong chance it gets cut, lol. May return to it one day in the future when lifting isn't my #1 physical priority, and I'm really glad I tried it out!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 02, 2024, 07:39:52 am

160 x 8, 7

Rev Nord
20 x 11, 10 + 5x10 + BWX6

OA Lat Pulldown
60 x 8, 6

45º DB Incline
32.5 x 14, 12

Hammer Preacher
17.5 x 10, 9, 9

Lying Lateral
12.5 x 10, 9, 8

37.5 x 15, 13, 12

Neck Curl
10x16 + 7.5x19 + 5x23
10x15 + 7.5x17

Finger Curl
27.5 x 8+7, 7+7

Neck Extension
30 x 17, 15

Reverse Wrist Curl
12.5 x 15, 13 + 10x11

Ab drop set x 3
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 04, 2024, 06:44:23 am

120 x 9, 7

+36 x 12, 10

DB Pullover
30 x 14, 11

Incline Fly
15 x 12, 11

Lateral Raise
17.5 x 21, 18, 17

EZ Curl
40 x 12, 10, 9

EZ Lying Extension
40 x 10, 9, 7

Side Bend
40 x 8, 8

Ab drop set x 1

Finger curl
30 x 5+5

Wrist Extension [dunno why i've been writing reverse wrist curl previously??]
12.5 x 16


Felt crap -- went to bed underhydrated and an attempted morning catch-up wasn't enough to get me feeling good for a lift. Objectively a great session though!
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 06, 2024, 08:17:57 am

Seated Leg Curl
89 x 17, 12, 10, 9

Leg Ext
135 x 14, 11, 9, 8

87.5 x 12, 10

Lat Low Row
140 x 9, 7
130 x 9, 7

One Arm Pulldown
7 x 7
6 x 10, 7

Cable Lateral
13.75 x 11, 10, 8, 7

Bayesian Curl
13.75 x 10, 8, 7, 6

Machine Preacher
40 x 8
30 x 15

Future Lateral Machine
11x9 + 10x9

Rotary Calves
33 x 14, 13, 11, 9

40 x 7, 6


Anomalously huge jump on leg curl. Either last week I accidentally have the partial weight setting on, or I just got a better seat position this time.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 07, 2024, 11:07:47 am

Close-Grip Bench
90 x 7, 6
80 x 9, 7

A - Incline DB Fly
15 x 12, 10, 9

B - Overhead Cable Extension
15 x 13, 12, 10
12.5 x 16, 14

Lateral Kas Set
20x16 + 10x11 + 20x10

Finger Curl
30 x 6+5
27.5 x 10+6

Neck Curl
12.5x11 + 10x16 + 7.5x20
12.5x8 + 10x10

Wrist Extension
12.5 x 16, 13 + 10x12

Neck Extension
32.5 x 11, 9

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 07, 2024, 11:14:54 am
Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]

RDL - 150 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum 40 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

One Arm Lat Row 55 x 9 [+3 reps]
BB Row - 110 x 12 [+5kg, +1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 9 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher 15 x 10 [+2.5, -3 reps]
OA Pushdown 17.5 x 10 [+2.5kg, -5 reps]
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 7 [+2.5kg, -7 reps]
Finger Curl 25 x 8+6 [+2.5kg]

Comparing everything to two weeks ago rather than mixing and matching with the deload bc of laziness.

RDL - 160 x 6 [+10kg, 3 reps]
Pendulum - N/A

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 10 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 115 x 8 [+5kg, -4 reps]
CG Bench - 90 x 6 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 15 x 13 [+3 reps]
OA Pushdown -- I seem to have subbed this out unthinkingly, lol
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 8 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 25 x 11+4 [+3/-2]

RDL 160 x 7 [+1 rep]
Pendulum N/A

OA Lat Row 55 x 12 [+2 reps]
BB Row 120 x 7 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench 90 x 6 [==]

Hammer Preacher 17.5 x 7 [2.5kg, -6 reps]
Overhead Ext 15 x12
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 9 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl 27.5 x 6+6

RDL - 160 x 7 [==, better form/lower RPE]
Pendulum - 40 x 6 [-1 but haven't done it for a while]

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 6 [+5kg, -6 reps, though I changed the angle to be more difficult]
BB Row - 120 x 8 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 7 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5 [+1 rep]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 12 [==]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 9 [==]
Finger Curl - 27.5 x 8+6 [+2 reps]

RDL - 160 x 8 [+1 rep]
Pendumlu - 40 x 7 [+1 rep]

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 8 [+2 reps]
BB Row - 120 x 9 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 7 [==, but +1 on the second set]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5x10 [+2 reps]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 13 [+1 rep]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 10 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 30 x 6+5 [+2.5kg, -2 reps]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 09, 2024, 06:44:14 am

170 x 5

Reverse Nordic
+20 x 11

170 x 19+10+7

OA Lat Pulldown
60 x 10

45º Inc DB
32.5 x 15

Hammer Preacher
17.5 x 12

40 x 12

Lying Lateral
12.5 x 13

Finger Curl
30 x 6+5

Neck Curl
12.5x12 + 10x14

Wrist Extension
12.5 x 14 + 10x14

Neck Extension
32.5 x 13

Ab drop set x 1


Feeling a little out of sorts/under-recovered. Hamstrings still like 7/10 sore and quads similar. So, just one set to failure on everything. Pretty decent numbers.

Weight has been staying stable, or even dropping, despite gradually increasing food intake. Might have to get up to like 3200 or to keep up a slow gain. Am at ~75.5-76kg, 31" waist, still have abs (feel like they've really hypertrophied from actually getting focused work!). Feels expensive to eat this much every day lol.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 10, 2024, 07:14:55 am

Run - 35 mins, ~6km


that was more fun that indoor biking. tried to keep to what I recall as like an upper z2/easy run rpe, so around the point where noise brearthing is sustainable but challenging. pace is estimated since gps got out of whack for like 5 mins in the middle
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 11, 2024, 07:36:12 am

BB Row
120 x 10, 8

+40 x 8, 7

32.5 x 11, 9

DB Incline Fly
15 x 13, 12

Lateral Raise
20 x 17, 15, 13

EZ Curl
40 x 14, 12, 10

EZ Lying Extension
40 x 12, 10, 8

Side Bend
45 x 9, 8

Finger Curl
30 x 6+5
27.5 x 12+6

Neck Curl
15x8 + 10x15
15x7 + 10x14

Wrist Extension
12.5 x 16, 12 + 10x13

Neck Extension
32.5x13, 11

Ab drop set x 2

Tibialis Bar
20 x 17 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 5


A+ workout.

To my surprise, 0 soreness today from yesterday's run. Genuinely feeling quite chuffed about the pace/effort of yesterday's run. Will try to keep it around as a cardio option. Forgot how much I enjoy going for an easy run.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: LBSS on September 11, 2024, 08:47:02 am
zone 2 running 4 lyfe
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 12, 2024, 07:26:34 am

Run - 35 min, 6km


GPS went bonkers in the same spot, wonder what that's about

zone 2 running 4 lyfe

Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 13, 2024, 07:48:18 am

Seated Leg Curl
96 x 10, 7
89x12 + 82x10 + 75x8

Leg Extension [different one from usual]
139 x 9, 7, 6 + 124x5 + 110x7

Rotary Calves
33x 16
36 x 10, 8, 7

Adductor Machine
95x11 + 87.5x8 + 80x8 + 72.5x9 + 65x9

Single-Leg Leg Press
50 x 10, 9, 8

Low Row
140 x 10, 8, 5 + 120x7 + 100x7

One-Arm Pulldown
7 x 9, 7
6 x 8

Cable Lateral
13.75 x 13, 11, 10, 9

Bayesian Curl
16.25 x 7, 6
13.75 x 11, 9

Preacher Machine
15/0/0 x 16, 13, 10

Panatta Lateral
60x15 + 50x9 + 40x9

Standing Glute Abductor
50 x 11, 8, 7

3 sets each of GHD low back and machine crunches


Good workout.

Trying out SL leg presses. A few years ago when I went to a physio about hip pain from running/squatting, but in a period when I wasn't going to a gym that machines (i lifted at my climbing gym), they were a strong advocate for SL leg presses as a controlled setting for improving hip function/strength. Seems plausible. Related reason for me to add in the abductor/glute work – getting hips strong in all planes can't be bad if I want to run more.

The knee pad was removed (!?) from the adductor machine, so that was (a) uncomfortable and (b) meant the ROM/stretch was less than usual, so could lift a bit more weight.

BJJ instructor was leaving the gym as I was arriving, lol, but he seemingly did not recognise me, so an awkward interaction was avoided.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 14, 2024, 07:22:02 am

90 x 8, 5
80 x 9, 7

Overhead Extension
15 x 15, 13, 12, 10, 10

Incline Fly
17.5 x 7, 6
15 x 10

Lateral Kas Set
20x15 + 10x12 + 20x7

Finger Curl
30 x 6+6
27.5 x 11+7

Neck Curl
12.5x12 + 10x15
12.5x10 + 10x13

Wrist Extension
15 x 8, 6

Lateral Neck Flexion
5 x 12
7.5 x 12

Side Bend
50 x 9, 8

Tib Bar
20 x 17, 15

Neck Extension
32.5 x 13


Bench progressing so slowly, though it is progressing. Maybe hampered slightly by doing it day after the massive Friday workouts. That said, it has always progressed slowly for me, which I find out since all the other pressing/fly/tri movements I'm doing are going up nicely. The ambitious goal for the gaining phase is 100x10 close-grip bench.

Noticed I feel right side of neck more than left so adding in lateral work to balance that out.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 15, 2024, 07:19:16 am
Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]

RDL - 150 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum 40 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

One Arm Lat Row 55 x 9 [+3 reps]
BB Row - 110 x 12 [+5kg, +1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 9 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher 15 x 10 [+2.5, -3 reps]
OA Pushdown 17.5 x 10 [+2.5kg, -5 reps]
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 7 [+2.5kg, -7 reps]
Finger Curl 25 x 8+6 [+2.5kg]

Comparing everything to two weeks ago rather than mixing and matching with the deload bc of laziness.

RDL - 160 x 6 [+10kg, 3 reps]
Pendulum - N/A

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 10 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 115 x 8 [+5kg, -4 reps]
CG Bench - 90 x 6 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 15 x 13 [+3 reps]
OA Pushdown -- I seem to have subbed this out unthinkingly, lol
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 8 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 25 x 11+4 [+3/-2]

RDL 160 x 7 [+1 rep]
Pendulum N/A

OA Lat Row 55 x 12 [+2 reps]
BB Row 120 x 7 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench 90 x 6 [==]

Hammer Preacher 17.5 x 7 [2.5kg, -6 reps]
Overhead Ext 15 x12
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 9 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl 27.5 x 6+6

RDL - 160 x 7 [==, better form/lower RPE]
Pendulum - 40 x 6 [-1 but haven't done it for a while]

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 6 [+5kg, -6 reps, though I changed the angle to be more difficult]
BB Row - 120 x 8 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 7 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5 [+1 rep]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 12 [==]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 9 [==]
Finger Curl - 27.5 x 8+6 [+2 reps]

RDL - 160 x 8 [+1 rep]
Pendumlu - 40 x 7 [+1 rep]

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 8 [+2 reps]
BB Row - 120 x 9 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 7 [==, but +1 on the second set]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5x10 [+2 reps]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 13 [+1 rep]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 10 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 30 x 6+5 [+2.5kg, -2 reps]

RDL - 170 x 5 [+10kg, +3 reps]
SL Leg Press - 50 x 10

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 10 [+2 reps]
BB Row - 120 x 10 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5x12 [+2 reps]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 15 [+2 rep]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 13 [+3 reps !?]
Finger Curl - 30 x 6+6 [+0+1 reps]
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 15, 2024, 07:19:49 am

Run - 38 mins, ~6.9k
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 16, 2024, 07:27:59 am

170 x 6, 4

Reverse Nordic
+20 x 12, 10 + 5x11 + BWx8

OA Lat Pulldown
60 x 12, 10

45º Incline Bench
32.5 x 16, 13

Lying Lateral
12.5 x 15
15 x 7
12.5 x 11

Hammer Preacher
17.5 x 13, 11, 10

40 x 14, 12, 10

Neck Curl
12.5x13 + 10x18, 12.5x11 + 10x17

Finger Curl
30 x 7+6, 6+5

Lateral Neck
10 x 10, 9

Wrist Extension
15 x 9
12.5x16 + 10x10

Neck Extension
32.5 x 14

Abs x 2 drop sets


Switching from stationary bike to running has me needing like 3300 kcal. Replaed my oat-based meal to a huge bowl of cornflakes (lowest fibre cereal) topped with peanut butter.
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 17, 2024, 07:28:00 am

Run - 40 min, 6.9km
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 18, 2024, 07:12:12 am

120 x 11, 8

+40 x 9, 8

DB Pullover
32.5 x 11, 10

Incline Fly
17.5 x 8, 7

DB Lateral
20 x 19, 18, 16

EZ Bar Curl
42.5 x 10, 8, 7

EZ Tri Extension
42.5 x 9, 7
37.5 x 12

Side Bend
50 x 9, 8, 7

Finger Curl
30 x 7+6, 6+4

Neck Curl
15 x 10, 8

BB Wrist Ext
30 x 11, 8 + 20x12

Lateral Neck
10 x 11, 9
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 19, 2024, 07:19:08 am

Run - 46 min, 7.56km
Title: Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
Post by: Joe on September 20, 2024, 07:29:10 am

Seated Leg Curl
96 x 12, 10, 8 + 89x9 + 75x12

Leg Ext [different one again]
19 x 10, 8, 7 + 17x6 + 15x6

Abductor Machine
13x14 + 11x11 + 9x11 + 7x14 + 6x13

21x + 20x + 19x + 18x + 16x [cba to count reps]

Adductor Machine
102.5x10 + 95x9 + 87.5x6 + 80x7 + 72.5x9

SL Leg Press
60 x 6, 6, 6

Low Row
150 x 6
140 x 9, 7
130 x 8

One Arm Pulldown
8 x 7
7 x 9, 7

Cable Lateral
13.75 x 14, 13
16.25 x 7

BAyesian Curl
16.25 x 8, 7, 6

Preacher Machine
20/0/0 x 11, 8, 7

Panatta Lateral
70x + 60x + 50x + 45x [couldn't bother to keep count of reps]

3 sets machine crunch/ghd lb


That's the top weight this low row machine goes too. Only 6 reps, so plenty of room to grow, but fun to max something out.

Weight randomly spiked last couple of days. Realised I accidentally bought (a) salted peanut butter and (b) a brand of cereal with more salt than usual. Given quantity of those things that I am consuming lately, I guess I have the culprit. [and dw, i get my vegetables, omega 3s etc in abundance too, it's not just trash in my diet]