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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Raptor's log
« Last post by Raptor on October 03, 2024, 11:36:33 am »
Gym work 3:

Cable pulls:

Wide grip, pronated: 48x10, 64x10
Closer grip, pronated: 64x8
Very close grip, supinated: 64x8
Narrow grip, neutral: 64x5

1-leg landmine deadlift:


Leg curls:


Some kynetotherapy exercises

Bodyweight: 91.4 kg (-0.4 kg)
Sleep length&rating: 8h20m, 3/5
Exhaustion level: 9/10
Time of day/spent at gym: 13:39-14:13/34 min


Forgot how tiring gym work is. Had bad sleep due to neck pain, but I played on my PS5 and stayed in that weird position, so I'm not surprised.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« Last post by maxent on October 02, 2024, 10:02:19 am »
We had a bye this week, i found a game to fill in at the last minute - felt so good to have the chance to ball. The team was really cool, they were willing passers to me which I really enjoyed, but the usual problem of someone jacking up a shot seconds into the offence still applies. I dont know why people force shots, isn't it better to just move the ball around a bit even if you do end up jacking up a shot, at least you explored other possibilities first. Speaking of offense, i took zero shots - not one. I got a few nice assists, a few blocks, a few rebounds. It was my kind of scoresheet, i just haven't got the juice to play well on both ends - my conditioning only allows one of the two. But thats a cop out, I still had a few chances to take on the defence and I just passed out to the open man. Lol its' the right decision but the guy i was passing to was open for a reason.

Made some progress in rehab, i started doing some knee prehab stuff, it felt quite good, promising stuff.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by LBSS on October 02, 2024, 07:37:51 am »
last night

- climb x 90 mins
hands rubbed raw, they really revert so fast if i go more than a few days without climbing
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on October 02, 2024, 06:57:10 am »

+40 x 8, 7

+40 x 9, 7

Rev Nord
+20x8 + BWx10
+20x6 + BWx7

32.5 x 11

Inc Flye
17.5 x 9

20 x 18, 16, 15

EZ Curl
42.5 x 8, 7

EZ Lying Extension
42.5 x 7, 6

Side Bend
50 x 10, 8

Finger Curl
30 x 7+5
27.5 x 9+6

Neck Curl
12.5 x 13 + 10x14

Lateral Side
10 x 13

Wrist Extension
15x13 + 10x6

Ab Wheel x 2 sets


Despite my jeans-related complaints in the past, I kind of feel like my quads might be lacking slightly compared to rest of legs, so may add a little more volume for them here on Wednesdays, recovery permitting.

Surprising lack of soreness from yesterday's run.

Bringing back chins. Surprised how strong I am on them still given I've not trained them for ages, near PR territory. Guess building muscle works. Rows were just getting too exhausting and felt a little unproductive given how much effort went into just holding the position (doing them with like 70% of my RDL load, cost of strong lats)
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Raptor's log
« Last post by Raptor on October 01, 2024, 08:27:43 am »
Gym work 2:

Some kettlebell exercises

Bench press:


Glute cable pullbacks (each leg):


Leg extensions:


Leg curls:


Some kynetotherapy exercises

Bodyweight: 91.8 kg (+0.0 kg)
Sleep length&rating: 8h10m, 5/5
Exhaustion level: 9/10
Time of day/spent at gym: 13:34-14:03/29 min


Tried some strength work, let's see how my body reacts.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on October 01, 2024, 06:22:21 am »

Run -- 4 x 4' On / 3' Off [4:52, 4:39, 4:28, 4:18 pace]


DOMS everywhere from yesterday, lol.

First running session, so chose a classic. Didn't check paces or anything while running, just going to effort. Tried to keep things moderate to start and then moved towards a 5k-ish effort as the workout progressed. Felt v nice to be so in control rather than jsut trying to hammer things. Maturity, eh?

Hip flexors dead after the last rep/during the cooldown jog. Not too surprised as they get hit pretty hard with nordics
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by LBSS on September 30, 2024, 08:00:49 pm »
- run 47:08, 7.22 km
did a couple strides at the end, left achilles did not like it.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on September 30, 2024, 07:01:25 am »

170 x 6

Reverse Nordic
+20 x 11 + BWx13

170 x 17+7+5

+40 x 8

45ยบ DB Inc
32.5 x 15

Hammer Preacher
17.5 x 11

Lying Lateral
12.5 x 15

40 x 15

Neck Curl
12.5x10 + 10x11

Side Neck
10 x 14

Finger Curl
30 x 6+6

Wrist Extension
15 x 10 + 10x13

Abs drop set


Decent session. Week off was nice. Went for a few runs, did two very light lifting workouts, was a lot looser with diet etc. Good to be back, rested, and locked in.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Kingfush
« Last post by Kingfish on September 29, 2024, 09:46:58 pm »
Sept 29 - Oct 5, 2024

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

Oct Week 1 of 5 BW 202-206

Sun Sept 29
6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 60-80-100x5

4:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-495
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 60-80-100x5

* was planning on skipping the 495 for 1 more day. skipped the morning 455 to see how explosive the 405 is in the afternoon. i'm already recovered for 495 and did it again after 2 days of rest.
* replaced the hammerstrength rowing with seated machine rows for better core support. both setup is chest supported but i feel more comfortable with the seated machine row.

Mon Sept 30

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 60-80-100x5

4:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 60-80-100x5

* for the past few days, i tried doing the one-leg press using the assisted pullup/dip machine counterweight and the movement feels so much better than any leg press or hack squat machine. i'm limited by the max stack at 200-250 depending on the machine. i was able to max out within 3 workouts without feeling any kind of soreness or tenderness in my lowerback.
* i prefer doing single leg quad work standing on the assisted pullup machine. the seated leg extensions are ok on my lowerback if i do single leg but i have some setup problems on some machine because i have nowhere the other leg. i avoid doing any exercise that add core/axial fatigue so i can recover back to 495 quicker.
Tue Oct 1

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Assisted Pullup Machine Leg Press - Single Leg 180-200-220 x5 (250 max)
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 50-60-70x5

* felt that i could do 475 already this morning. had very good sleep and dinner.

7:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Assisted Pullup Machine Leg Press - Single Leg 180-200-220 x5 (250 max)
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 50-60-70x5

Wed Oct 2

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315
Assisted Pullup Machine Leg Press - Single Leg 180-200-220 x5 (250 max)
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 50-60-70x5

7:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-495
Assisted Pullup Machine Leg Press - Single Leg 180-200-220 x5 (250 max)
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 50-60-70x5

Thur Oct 3

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Assisted Pullup Machine Leg Press - Single Leg 180-200-220 x5 (250 max)
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 50-60-70x5

3:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Assisted Pullup Machine Leg Press - Single Leg 180-200 x5 (250 max)
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 50-60x5

Fri Oct 4

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Assisted Pullup Machine Leg Press - Single Leg 180-200-220 x5 (250 max)
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 50-60-70x5

3:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Assisted Pullup Machine Leg Press - Single Leg 180-200 x5 (250 max)
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 50-60x5

Oct Oct 5

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Assisted Pullup Machine Leg Press - Single Leg 180-200-220 x5 (250 max)
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60-70x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 50-60-70x5

3:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-495
Assisted Pullup Machine Leg Press - Single Leg 180-200 x5 (250 max)
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-80 x5
Seated Machine Rows - Two Arm 70-80 x5
Seated Bicel Curl Machine - One Arm 50-60x5
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown - One Arm 50-60x5
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Kingfush
« Last post by Kingfish on September 26, 2024, 11:52:25 pm »
I still remember after you finally fixed the thread title, andrew had to restore an earlier version of the forum and so we are still on kingfoosh for years

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