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Planning for peak athleticism
« on: March 02, 2016, 06:27:11 am »
I'd like to peak my athleticism by 25th March for a basketball comp easter weekend.

I also hope to be an ok basketball player but i haven't played a competitive game since October so i'm out of practice.

Now just as a headsup, im fairly conservative when it comes to changing my program. So please don't write up an elaborate program which i wont be able to use.  I am however happy to hear suggestions that i can work into my existing program.

Here is a rough idea of what i was thinking i need to do. Keep cutting until i'm reliably under 75kg/165lb .. which shudnt be more than 7-10 days away.

Today i hit a 1.75xBW squat for the first time in my life .. rawdog no belt wraps etc. Hoping to bump this ratio up into the 1.80x range before the comp.

Thinking of employing higher depth jumps closer to the comp.  I have been using 20" and will consider progressing up to 30", especially as I get lighter and closer to my goal bodyweight.
Use weighed dunks and progress them up as I adapt to each workout at the rate of +2.5kg/workout.

ANy other ideas? I'll edit or add more info and changes to the plan as i get closer to comp.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 03:57:13 am by maxent »
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Re: Help me plan my 3 week peaking phase
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2016, 11:49:51 pm »
Mate I don't have any suggestions on your training and I think if you can go into the tournament healthy and confident in your body you should get a huge boost just from the adrenaline alone.

I would just suggest you make sure your recovery is spot on and also get a ball in your hands as much as possible over the next 3 weeks. No good being the best athlete on the court if you have no touch.
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Re: Help me plan my 3 week peaking phase
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2016, 11:57:24 pm »
Mate I don't have any suggestions on your training and I think if you can go into the tournament healthy and confident in your body you should get a huge boost just from the adrenaline alone.

In previous years i get so wired up prior that i cant even sleep a wink.. which kills my performance .. lol. If i can go into a big game relaxed and peaceful it would do me a lot of good. Always trying to figure out how to solve that piece of the puzzle. Any suggestions on that welcome!

I would just suggest you make sure your recovery is spot on and also get a ball in your hands as much as possible over the next 3 weeks. No good being the best athlete on the court if you have no touch.

Good advice. Will try to spend some quality time with the basketball! I would like to have my jumpshot going and also decent ball handling in case i end up playing PG a bit (my dream). And simulating game conditions as best as i can when i practice (alone). That reminds me, another thing i noticed yesterday, after taking off the weight vest i did some game intensity type moves . .eg driving .. oh man, i was sooo quick. That's probaly what it feels like to be a good guard.. i felt i could accelerate effortlessly and just speed my way to the rim. This weighted vest is a game changer ... i only wish i had got one sooner!
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Re: Help me plan my 3 week peaking phase
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2016, 07:14:45 pm »
Mate I don't have any suggestions on your training and I think if you can go into the tournament healthy and confident in your body you should get a huge boost just from the adrenaline alone.

In previous years i get so wired up prior that i cant even sleep a wink.. which kills my performance .. lol. If i can go into a big game relaxed and peaceful it would do me a lot of good. Always trying to figure out how to solve that piece of the puzzle. Any suggestions on that welcome!

I would just suggest you make sure your recovery is spot on and also get a ball in your hands as much as possible over the next 3 weeks. No good being the best athlete on the court if you have no touch.

Good advice. Will try to spend some quality time with the basketball! I would like to have my jumpshot going and also decent ball handling in case i end up playing PG a bit (my dream). And simulating game conditions as best as i can when i practice (alone). That reminds me, another thing i noticed yesterday, after taking off the weight vest i did some game intensity type moves . .eg driving .. oh man, i was sooo quick. That's probaly what it feels like to be a good guard.. i felt i could accelerate effortlessly and just speed my way to the rim. This weighted vest is a game changer ... i only wish i had got one sooner!

I tend to get wired too and spend too much time researching opponents and stuff when I play so idk on that front. Meditation maybe?

I would just focus on doing the basics well. I know we play slightly different styles but all my best games come when I attack the boards relentlessly on both ends and defend well. It's usually the stuff that other people don't want to do or just aren't that good at.
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Re: Help me plan my 3 week peaking phase
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2016, 07:47:42 pm »
In previous years i get so wired up prior that i cant even sleep a wink.. which kills my performance .. lol. If i can go into a big game relaxed and peaceful it would do me a lot of good. Always trying to figure out how to solve that piece of the puzzle. Any suggestions on that welcome!
I tend to get wired too and spend too much time researching opponents and stuff when I play so idk on that front. Meditation maybe?
+1 for meditation

I think everyone has this problem.. You could try to sleep deprive yourself a little the previous few days so your fatigue will overpower your jitters. I'm not sure how well that would work though, I haven't tested it.

Some good things for relaxation is an Epsom Salt session or maybe Yoga. If you can keep the pre-game day open and plan out something relaxing like a mellow hike or fishing or something and try to keep your mind off the game that might help..

Do you even want to get adequate sleep before a game day? Personally I somehow always feel like I think with increased clarity after a brutal all-nighter. If you are really being engaged during bball, the fatigue shouldn't set in until you are bored


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Re: Planning for peak athleticism
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2016, 11:07:55 pm »
It's interesting trading tips on this topic. I've never had the problem of a lack of adrenalin going into a game, if anything have too much and I crash from adrenalin overload within minutes/seconds of tipoff! Over the years what I learned was if I have enough carbs before the game AND I go for a slow steady jog right before, it soothes my nerves a bit and I can play better without crashing. 

About playing with an attacking mindset .. that's interesting.  I think I've found myself avoiding intentionally amping myself up to play hard, it would make me perform worse because i'd crash harder? Though I do agree with you that you must play with that killer mindset because your opponent will be trying to destroy you and there is no points for mercy in competition.

This time I was thinking I should just treat is as a fun game .. and try to enjoy the experience since it is my last one. But the double edge sword is that you think "play each game as your last" and it takes you away from fun and towards attacking, which i'm not sure really helps me play better because it paralyses me from an overload of adrenalin. I do think the more games I play in a season, the better I get at handling this though. My best games have def come when i've wanted to and tried to win from tipoff to the final buzzer. 

 Not sure i wanna try sleep deprivation in the leadup .. haha. i usually find that being tired doesn't really help when you hit the bed, you're wide away. Sleepness doesn't really respect tiredness when it's from being too wired up. But otherwise it def helps. Ive never tried the Epson salt thing .. but i can try. Thanks for the suggestion. Also might use my TENS machine prior .. not sure if it helps me relax but i enjoy the experience. And good idea will try to have a nice relaxing day in the leadup. I fly in Monday evening and will have Mon-Thu on holiday mood .. will try to relax and plan some things in advance.

And i do want to get enough sleep the night before.. i will perform better in subsequent games. It's no fun playing 6 games on no sleep over the space of 2-3 days!
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Re: Planning for peak athleticism
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2016, 12:50:57 pm »
1. Noticed a few things today from a bball workout. A) On layups im releasing the ball very low .. as in close to the bottom of the backboard. Maybe it's because i subconsciously internalised that dumb rule about aiming for the top of the square and for me that means i'm setting a target that's too low? It's prob a rule for children anyway who are a lot smaller not for grown men who can are both tall and can jump relatively high? I wanna work on that next time and video tape to see if it looks better.

2. Have been doing too many junk miles in lieu of fat loss. This was understandable but now it's starting to eat into both recovery and ability for squatting. This is unacceptable .. I won't abide bad squat workouts again, so from here on, no more fasted treadmill walking or running. IT was just a stupid thing anyway .. not appropriate for someone as fat as me. It's more useful for someone who wants to burn off stubborn fat etc -- NOT MY situation so that's jettisoned as of today.

3. Fasting in general is a performance killer. It's time to prioritise performance so im going to shorten my fasting intervals from 24-16hrs to ... i dont know, whatever feels right. I'll experiment. Even consider eating breakfast .. it will probably make me stronger and more athletic.

4. However there is a caveat to all of this .. i should get sub 75kg/165lb first before en-acting these changes. Just because I don't like to leave things unfinished and i'm very close now anyway, what's 0.25kg .. a 2000kcal deficit? I can do that in a coupla days and get it over and done with.

5. Sort out the problem with rest days where i have to do a lot of walking to make a decent deficit otherwise i have to eat bare morsels which sucks. Eating 250g of chicken breast gets old real quick .. but if you stick it in 2 bagels it suddenly transforms into a delicious and decent meal -- only too many calories lol. Maybe if i cut down on fasting i'll be able to do the walking without fatigueing my squat muscles? Need to experiment there.
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