Performance Area > Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion

Planning my training ahead

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@Raptor: I had the same thing for a while with the low-bar squats, I even logged it way back in my journal. Although I had decent technique my elbows did hurt doing heavy weights. The same happened to some people on Mark Rippetoe's board. Adjusting the grip width has helped in all those cases as far as I know - including myself. I have had problems for weeks with this and taking a slightly wider grip made a small but noticeable difference until the pain subsided completely after a few work-outs. I have never had any elbow problems with squats again after that, even when going max. So you might want to give that a try!

Yes but I can smash my palms in the supports if I somehow forgot where they are or if I cramp and need to get the bar on the supports immediately. I will try, in the meantime I need to work with shoulder dislocations and stretches, and use a lower weight. Eventually, I could put my palms higher and not really keep them on the bar but a bit over it.

I'm going to the gym this Sunday to start the "thing"... hopefully I can do well.

I'll start with a 80 kg bar this first workout.

As I felt so bad the last time I went to the gym, and spent a lot of time in the gym, I'm thinking of going more often and keeping the sessions shorter.

I might also try this:

I think I can organize stuff so that I do like 3 workouts of hypertrophy oriented squats (say, 3x8), then go with 3x5 and then go with MSEM and reset the cycle.

I want to write here my program in this fashion, since I really want to go this way with more frequency, better intensity, go home. After I'm done eating I'll start writing.

OK, so I want to go with this now:

Sunday: Squat + One-leg RDL++Leg curls (++ = superset)
Monday: Bench press + Triceps pulldowns + Chinups
Tuesday: Power clean/Jump squat (low volumes) + BSS + Cable pulls
Wednesday: Overhead press + Lateral++Front shoulder raises + Pullups
Thursday: Squat + Lunge++Leg curls

Friday and Saturday rest. I'll do ab work and calf work everyday.

I'll also go with adarqui's because it sounds very very nice. I'll use it for the squat and for the bench press.

So basically my first squat cycle will be:

80x3x8/82.5x3x8/85x3x8/95x3x5/105x2x3 MSEM and then continue from 85 kg

For the bench press it will be:

40x3x8/42.5x3x8/45x3x8/50x3x5/55x2x3 MSEM and then continue from 45 kg

If you have and further ideas I thank you in advance and await your input.


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