Blog Section > ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A

*** RULES & STUFF ***


If you want feedback, start a thread with a question. If you have a question on a topic that is similar to one covered in a thread, post it.

Only coaches on the forum can reply with guidance/feedback to the questions, this is so that it does not get cluttered and taken off track So for now, the only people who can respond are:
- adarqui
- LanceSTS

Feedback/guidance/opinions from everyone else is encouraged in all of the other subforums. If you REALLY want to reply with feedback/guidance/opinion etc, start a thread in the proper subforum & goto town, this q&a section is more of a short & sweet request/response format.


  Bumping this for the new members that havent read the rules and stickies yet.


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