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Form Check

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--- Quote from: seifullaah73 on September 11, 2011, 06:48:49 am ---Man that is sick form you got there man,  :headbang: for the squat.
how do you keep your torso upright.

--- End quote ---

Thanks man, one thing that really helps me is foam rolling my it bands and hip flexors; those areas are always extremely tight for me. Without foam rolling, I always felt pressure around my hips/upper quad area when I was deep. For keeping the torso upright...really don't know what to say, I guess I got lucky; I watched a ton of form videos and just worked my way up to the form I have now. It should feel much more like a compound movement: hips and shoulders should rise simultaneously.

Just gonna update...been a while hah. So weaaaak now (lower bodywise)

commented in your journal already, but you noticed it: you're not keeping a rigid line from your shoulders to your knees. try keep that line up top by squeezing your glutes hard, then just accept that you won't be able to do a full rep without catching yourself on your hands. so catch yourself on your hands. i could pump out GHR reps all day leading with my butt but if i really focus on form i can barely get two. it's much, much harder.


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