Sport Specific Training Discussion > Tennis

hitting a tennis ball

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I read some study a while ago that said the guys on the tour who hit the ball the hardest had the best timing and weren't the strongest. I will try to find it again.


--- Quote from: ARowe on March 15, 2010, 02:45:32 am ---I read some study a while ago that said the guys on the tour who hit the ball the hardest had the best timing and weren't the strongest. I will try to find it again.

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ya well leverages/technique/timing come into play for sure, and make up the majority of how hard you will hit a tennis ball. But, general strength can't be overlooked though, making improvements in strength will either transfer into the shots, allow you to sustain "peak performance" longer, allow you to recover faster, improve injury prevention, or any combination of these factors.

so if you get any of those improvements, it should allow you to improve velocity/ability somewhat.

peace, would like to see the study though, I'm going to drop a tennis peer review thing so I'd stick it in there.


--- Quote from: zginphil on March 12, 2010, 11:31:13 am ---what muscles/
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All of them.

--- Quote ---exercises are best for hitting a tennis ball harder on a serve and forehands and backhands.
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Serves and forehands and backhands.

--- Quote ---what would the set/rep ranges be?

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Thousands and thousands and thousands.

nice vids

roger feder forehand without the racquet, niice!

best part is the difference between racquet path and hand path..


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