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sfl local running scene
« on: March 11, 2018, 09:10:44 am »
going to create a small thread to list out some of the local runners. for the ridiculously fast ones, i'd like to beat them eventually: have so much work to do..  :ninja:


to help me search. will edit this with more links:

"fantasy of lights":

benji durden:

chris novack:

tamarac turkey trot:

Bobby Wilhoit:


Larry Greene:

miami herald:

Good articles from Orlando:

Mary Level-Menton:

Bill Rodgers:

sun-sentinel authors:

sharon robb:



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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2018, 09:13:58 am »
J. Volpi

saw this guy yesterday for the first time .. dude can fly:


he did the 5k yesterday (it was a 5k/10k combined race), just took off @ 5:05 min/mi pace.


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2018, 05:38:12 pm »
that guy who won the 10k last week, he's weird.. on FB, he posts that he wins etc, but lies about his times. I don't get it.. it's very odd. I think he's age-grading his times or something? very weird. (he's done it like 3 times since i've friended him on FB)

or maybe i'm missing something?

original post:

E mais uma vez conseguir cruzar a linha de chegada em primeiro lugar geral nos 5 km. Aqui no Sul da Florida. É a terceira prova do Desafio das 8 previstas. Tempo: 16:55
Agradeço a Deus e a todos que torcem por mim.
Agora descansar porque amanhã tem mais

FB translation:

And once again you can cross the finish line first overall in 5 km. Here in South Florida. It is the third proof of the 8 planned challenge. Time: 16:55
I thank god and all who cheer for me.
Now rest because tomorrow has more

all i know is both posts say 16:55..

the reason why I think he deliberately lies about his times? He doesn't post the screenshot of the times:

he cuts it off..

17:34 official 5k according to the results, which is still flying.

people are weird man. :/

Also for what it's worth, I looked up the results because I wanted to see Bryan Gonzalez's time. Young dude, going to be pretty fast I think. I've raced him a few times and wanted to see if he dropped a serious time:


another one:

the most recent one, also says he's 75 HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAH

 :trollface: :trolldance: :derp: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo:


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2018, 06:01:47 pm »
in legit local runner news, the guy that organizes the Loco Rio track workouts/long runs got 2nd OA at this big 10 miler today:

59:45 @ 49 years old...... he beat some LEGIT people. pretty interesting. He's been on an absolute steam roll since November 2017.

Also what's funny is, he's the guy that kind of dislikes my race strategy etc but seems to be coming around to it a bit more... so, he said he wanted to go out at ~6:15 pace for this race, but there were so many good people there that it forced him to go out at 5:5X LMFAO. So uh......... they forced you to go hard huh? and you did? and you dropped an insane performance?? ... gj. lol.

dude is legit tho, from 5k upwards.. apparently his 15k today would have got him top3 in the florida 15k championships for 45-49 or something. He's going to be a monster at 50+, could end up being one of the top dudes in the state or who knows, maybe bigger.

He hit a 17:32 5k recently but he started out at like 6:00 pace & ended with like a 5:26 mile.. he does the most insane negative splits. I def think he's a sub17 5k, sub36 10k, sub1:20 half guy. Probably could drop a sub5 mile too if he stopped thinking he was "slow". People are so weird. lmao.

but ya, we don't see eye to eye for the most part but, mad respect. dude is on a tear.


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2018, 03:25:17 pm »
This guy used to tear it up around here .. one of the rare sub5 split guys for 5k's.

Evan DeHart

15:32 at the Tamarac Turkey Trot (4:59 min/mi pace)

(I think he came down from Ohio or something)


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2018, 08:05:28 pm »
A local runner friend's Boston jersey (Michael Hollander). He's made incredible progress over the years. He's 53, just ran 1:23:XX half a few weeks ago.


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2018, 03:57:35 pm »
The Cobra (guy who gave me size 12 endorphin's, help me PR my 1k, and who I beat recently in 10k :D :D ) got 3rd today at the Disney 10k!

Also, Miguel Tellez (local running/triathlon legend) had a heck of an experience.. dude is tough as nails. And when he says in this, that he was hit by a car, he was: he got smashed by an SUV during a triathlon when he was full speed sprinting on bike. Cracked his helmet, tore ligaments, broke bones, people thought he was dead.

Miguel Angel Tellez
37 mins · Melilla, Spain ·
There are races that define you as an athlete, and others that define you as a person. Today was definitely the latter.
LA CARRERA AFRICANA DE LA LEGION, a race held in my hometown in Spain, but physically located in Africa (Google Melilla and you will understand). After several editions, I was finally able to find a way to do it. This race is certainly outside of my comfort zone: 50k with 70% off-road trails and a lot of hills. So, pretty much the opposite I use to train for, and something impossible to replicate in Miami.
Anyway, the race is AWESOME. Perfectly organized and very special thanks to the Legionaries.
I have all my family watching the race (something almost never happens in Miami) and many friends from many years racing or watching it.
Then, AT MILE 5, in an asphalt area with no danger at all, I don’t see a curb while saying hi to my family and I severely twist my left ankle to the point I was very close to falling down. I immediately realize that was a bad one and I loudly profess some profanities. My race was over. And in the most stupid way possible. I had ahead of me 26 miles of hills and off-road terrain. No way I can finish this one...
Or can I...?
In any other race, I would have retired. Period. I have never abandoned a race except once for a mechanical problem on the bike and another one when a car run over me. Still, I always say and believe, that you should abandon a race if it is jeopardizing your health. We are not professionals and we are not kids anymore! Most important thing is to stay healthy for many more years.
BUT this wasn’t a normal race. It was the Legionaries race. In my hometown. With all my family watching. So... what do I do? Just keep going. I am determined to finish that race even if I have to do it crawling!!!
The rest of the race was, as expected, a grueling, painful experience, with my ankle hurting pretty bad, particularly going downhill, and in off-road areas. I was literally limping most of the way down and couldn’t help but cringe and moan almost constantly.
I stopped at mile 15 and got an improvised bandage fix. It helped a little, but not too much. Also had to stop several times to put back the bandages that were falling apart from time to time.
The last 5 miles, though, were flat and on asphalt and, since I was limited by my twisted ankle for a good portion of he race, at least I had some energy left in the tank, so I pushed hard and was able to pass 4 runners.
Ended up sprinting and screaming of pure joy & rage at the same time.
Just after I crossed the finish line, I sat down... and from that moment on, I simply couldn’t walk. They had to take me to the medical tent, where they confirmed I had a “pretty decent” sprained ankle. ”So, when did you twist your ankle? at mile 5” 😵 (exact doctor’s face).
From there, my family took me home and we celebrated my odyssey. They couldn’t believe I had been able to finish.
This is a race I will never forget.
It is a race that forged me as a person. Problems at work or in daily life? Piece of cake: If I had the guts to finish that race, anything else is a walk in the park! 🙂
A lot of people wonder why we do what we do. Why suffer over training, racing. Why so much sacrifice. Well, this is why. This makes you stronger, it makes you feel alive. Only athletes will understand this though.
By the way: finished 7th overall.

^^ he said that's the curb he tripped over. sucks.

Still got 7th OA. beast af.


he definitely was top 3 level for this race. i think he did 2:49 (marathon) a few months ago, in like 80F + humidity.


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2018, 10:47:54 am »

serious shit..


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2018, 07:43:42 am »
insane results but, heard from reputable sources the 5k was 0.25 mi (400m) short damn!!!

#1 ran 14:13, so apparently more like 15:2X. (

"everyone PR'd" so.. heh. sucks.

quote from reputable guy:

When over 27,000 runners signed up for the Miami Corporate Run (the second largest 5K in the nation, mind you!) most did so to go out and have a good time with their coworkers and some did it purely for the competition. Both, however, deserved an accurate course that was actually 5 kilometers and not one that was a full quarter mile short. Runners deserve better. Miami can do better.

I found a clip of them moving the finish line into place .. seems like they dropped this thing off at the completely wrong location:



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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2018, 07:12:41 pm »
not sure if I ever posted this .. but, Sonja Friend-Uhl has the AR for oldest female sub5 miler.


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2018, 06:23:26 pm »
Garden of Life 5k

wow.. this mostly slow race, had major prize money. no one down here knew about it.

1st $3,000
2nd $2,000
3rd $1,000

If I had known about it, i'd have gone down for it and luckily won $2k or $1k .. insane.

I imagine it'll be batshit crazy fast next year.

Guy who won it:

1:04 half.. crazy.

talks about the prize money, insane:

2017 results: FAST


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2018, 02:45:20 pm »
Found a 2017 article on the Duval Street Mile FB page, love this race!!



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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2018, 08:59:46 pm »
hear this name "Cobi Morales" alot around here, didn't know he started iRun (which is big in SFL).

if you ever see a Kenyan with an iRun shirt, that's his company .. I hadn't seen any until now.



^^ good quote:

4/1/2017 Liuzhou 70.3 China 🇨🇳 No watch so I don't build castles in the skies or get trap in projected finishing times . I just go as hard as I can. Powered by: #riceiruntriathlon #iruncompany


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2018, 05:05:46 pm »
found this, Taravella H.S. records:

The first place kid (Normil) is really fast, raced with him twice at the Tamarac Turkey Trot. Last year he hit 16:40ish or something IIRC. His 400/800/1600 on here are beast:


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Re: sfl local running scene
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2018, 02:29:44 pm »
kinda SFL .. Tampa and such.

think i've posted about Mott before. His gf just won the pittsburg marathon (2:32:38, elite).

one of the fastest guys in all of FL.

Days before his high school graduation, Jon Mott sneaked off to a dugout in the baseball stadium. There, he stripped down to a pair of track flats, pulled a ski mask over his face, and dashed to the nearby football stadium, where a Vikings intrasquad game was being held before the entire student body.

"I can't believe how well it worked," Jon recalled. "I literally hopped the fence, (ran) clear straight through the middle of a play, and the fans were going crazy."

With football players in pursuit, Jon scaled a fence — naked, mind you — and made it to his buddy's getaway car in an adjacent neighborhood. They got about two blocks before four cop cars surrounded them. Jon was banned from the prom and Northeast's graduation ceremony. His twin brother picked up his diploma.

"After I graduated with my undergrad and I was done running for college, that's when I decided I was healthy," he said. "And I started running as much as my body could handle."

Sydney Devore (Mott's gf):

looking up the tampa turkey trot, found this guy, used to kill it back in the day: