Anybody into it?
no, but I wish I was.. nothing like that in Florida. I'll have to move in order to experience it.
when I was a kid, I used to climb these 25-50+ ft "mountains" (excavated rock/dirt) that were created when developing sections of land for apartments etc. We had makeshift rock climbing equipment. We'd also search for all kinds of natural crystals that were scattered throughout the rock/sand manmade-mountains... was so much fun. Other than that, everything in south florida is a few feet above sea level. ;/
I just bought my first ice axe + crampons, pretty excited to go use them...just small UK mountains for now though, but some great winter weather for them at the moment. I would love to progress and get into more alpine type stuff though.
I really want do the classic haute route sometime - multiday trek, basically mont blanc - matterhorn up high on the glaciers.

amazing. looks like a dream to me ;f