Author Topic: Michael Vick's dogfighting. And the practices of that.  (Read 41686 times)

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D-Rose Jr

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Re: Michael Vick's dogfighting. And the practices of that.
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2011, 01:56:21 pm »
i never said either was black culture...your trying to put words in my mouth. Who said innercity culture = black culture. I even said that was just a specific example. seriously dude.


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Re: Michael Vick's dogfighting. And the practices of that.
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2011, 02:09:24 pm »
Two, he was not really around the culture too much not only black but just the American culture till he was 14.

I want to know what black culture is. I never said you were the one who said inner city culture is black culture, but you know people do (bernard hopkins, etc).
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Re: Michael Vick's dogfighting. And the practices of that.
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2011, 02:52:46 pm »

i don't really know how to explain it.....


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Re: Michael Vick's dogfighting. And the practices of that.
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2011, 03:12:14 pm »
I for one could never understand responses like "yeah but how about people suffering and all that stuff". Why does people or anybody else suffering make this, or any other atrocity, any "less important". It's still fucking disgusting. It's not a matter of priorities here. It's a matter of FACT. And the fact is that this stuff is disgusting like any other abuse or atrocity, but weirdly enough - I take greater offense on atrocities against animals than against people. I just am that way. I actually hate people so I'm a mizantropist (or whatever the term in English).

People have their own heads and can react, live in a society etc. Animals can just be thoroughly manipulated and abused. Not saying people can't but I just hate people and their gratuities and their "spiritual ugliness" in lack of a better term.

I'm just pissed that peta is demanding Michael Vick's head when they themselves kill more dogs than he did.

What do they do to them?
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Re: Michael Vick's dogfighting. And the practices of that.
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2011, 03:46:32 pm »
what ticks me off about this is that the same white bitch ass mothafuckers had great grandparents that treated their black slaves like this. Apparently this is a bigger concern than all the child abuse, rape, sexual harassment, daily abuse, and strife HUMANS in america.

 First off, watch your ignorant little mouth with the racial shit.  Because someone had ancestors 100 years ago that did something awful doesnt mean they agree or condone that behavior.  Those same people youre referring to pay taxes that pay for welfare so others can live without jobs.  The reason its a big deal is because of who Vick is and animal rights orgs going nuts about it, has nothing to do with race.

Lets see, Vick - fought and killed animals, not people. Donte Stallworth - chose to drink and drive and ultimately took the life of another human being and served, get this, 24 days in jail while vick served 18. This is a huge ass thing in the south. I dont condone but what is so different about this compared to watching mma/boxing/etc. Nigguhs in the hood die fighting, etc as entertainment. Many are forced to fight by gangs,etc.

You cant be this fucking ignorant.  Mma and boxing are sports, where the athletes make the choice to fight THEMSELVES.  "nigguhs in the hood" ------ lmfao  "forced to fight by gangs"- being a worthless piece of trash gang memeber is a CHOICE, and a fucking dumb one, they arent FORCED into gangs.  Gangs victimize all races and types of people, but gang members killing each other is their own CHOICE.

I recall a few years back an NFL player drove through a sidewalk of people killing someone and got off scott free compared to Vicks eightenmonths.

ITs rather hypocritical of many of these peta organizations actually if they actually put them to sleep anyway. smh

peta is a bunch of over zealous retards similar to the retards you mentioned earlier, ready to "ride or die for their gang/cause".

Lets not forget that this oh so wonderful country was built on the mass murder of so many native americans, the abuse of many africans. Lets the aftermath of that.... there is many 1% of the native americans here today and they are on small ass reservations.

 If you dont like this country, that people of all races have fought and died for many years to give us the rights and freedom we have today, GET THE FUCK OUT OF IT.  You have every right to do so, dont be a little whiny baby bitch that spews bullshit about things you know absolutely nothing about and has nothing to do with YOU.

Those africans are now minorities and have fought for hundreds of years to get equal rights with whites, and no matter what people say OBAMA isn't black. He wasn't raised in that culture. He was not raised by a black family. He is pretty much a white man whose white mother got jungle fever.

cool story bro.

i am not condoning this kind of treatment at all, but HONESTLY the whole peta shit is annoying. i saw this on gilbert arenas;s twitter."Sum lady just told me she was a VEGAN.. whaaaa I was confused becuz she had on a gucci belt and matchn purse"u don't eat cow but u wear IT"

peta organizations and overzealous activists are retards too, just like ignorant little dumb fucks who spew a bunch a bunch of racist shit on forums.

ok look im not THAT ignorant...i was trying to make a point and it really did not workout too well. WHat i m trying to say is that how peta just goes over top. If you saw i said i dont support this behaviour at all. I probably could have went without the racist comments and I do apologize for that. This really wasn't a thought out response on my part. My major beef was about Vick really and the treatment he got. I was a big fan of his when he played for the falcons. Around here, he was treated worse than stallworth, and spoken down upon a lot worse than MURDERERS. idk i just associated that with him being black and successful from all the racial slurs i would here.

its all good dude, and ya im a vick fan still.. was back then.. but im a fan of his football ability not his personal character, i know how to separate them.. unfortunately most "fans" can't separate the two.. as for him personally, he seems like a slimeball, well at least he did pre-prison.

as for peta, i agree, fanatical groups of any kind are idiotic.. peta is definitely fanatical.


Again I apologize.

Lance I am not anti-US at all. I love my country. Its just that I JUST learned about all the horrible things that we have done in detail. It is not like not every other country in the world doesn't do things like this. Its just that growing up i always believed that The US was perfect and did no wrong. SOrry if theat came off as hatred.

you can love usa and hate some of the things it's done or does, but, at the end of the day, it does far (or has done) than bad.. if the outcome of WWI or WWII was different, this world would be a very scary place.. usa needs to get it's hands out of the middle east and fix it's internal problems, that's it's main issue right now.

JC, the thing about Obama is I don't say he is not black because he wasn't raised in the hood. I honestly see him as an  outsider in general. He was raised outside of the country till 14. I don't think he is black because one he is half white half black who was not raised by his father. He was raised by his mother and her parents. Two, he was not really around the culture too much not only black but just the American culture till he was 14.

well the hood doesn't imply black.. their are white hoods, which could arguably be even more trashy/"ghetto" than black hoods.. the hood is a failure of the state to educate and guide it's citizens in the right direction.. the hood is a testament to the failure of the education system, war on drugs, foodstamps/childsupport system, and many other things.

My feelings toward Obama really stems from all the blacks that I know that would act as if Obama would come in and be the messiah. saving them from welfare...making them upper class even though they don't want to do shit.

ya that's dumb..

bottom line, the people need to save themselves.. but the system needs to be in place to allow them to do so.. our current system is in shambles and education is horrid in this country, especially in the low income/high crime areas.

i actually side with conservatives on ending entitlement programs like welfare/foodstamps etc.. it's an enabling device and keeps people n poverty.. keeps people lazy..

Again guys im sorry if i came off as ignorant. im a pretty chill dude...i just get really fired up about the Vick case and the extremist actions of peta, and I just did a bad job of making an arguement. I used all opinion based points and it came off as antiAmerica and racist views.

lolol its all good



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Re: Michael Vick's dogfighting. And the practices of that.
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2011, 11:35:01 pm »
I for one could never understand responses like "yeah but how about people suffering and all that stuff". Why does people or anybody else suffering make this, or any other atrocity, any "less important". It's still fucking disgusting. It's not a matter of priorities here. It's a matter of FACT. And the fact is that this stuff is disgusting like any other abuse or atrocity, but weirdly enough - I take greater offense on atrocities against animals than against people. I just am that way. I actually hate people so I'm a mizantropist (or whatever the term in English).

People have their own heads and can react, live in a society etc. Animals can just be thoroughly manipulated and abused. Not saying people can't but I just hate people and their gratuities and their "spiritual ugliness" in lack of a better term.

I'm just pissed that peta is demanding Michael Vick's head when they themselves kill more dogs than he did.

What do they do to them?

Kill them
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[7:31pm] adarq: he's just
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Re: Michael Vick's dogfighting. And the practices of that.
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2011, 04:54:58 am »
I for one could never understand responses like "yeah but how about people suffering and all that stuff". Why does people or anybody else suffering make this, or any other atrocity, any "less important". It's still fucking disgusting. It's not a matter of priorities here. It's a matter of FACT. And the fact is that this stuff is disgusting like any other abuse or atrocity, but weirdly enough - I take greater offense on atrocities against animals than against people. I just am that way. I actually hate people so I'm a mizantropist (or whatever the term in English).

People have their own heads and can react, live in a society etc. Animals can just be thoroughly manipulated and abused. Not saying people can't but I just hate people and their gratuities and their "spiritual ugliness" in lack of a better term.

I'm just pissed that peta is demanding Michael Vick's head when they themselves kill more dogs than he did.

What do they do to them?

Kill them

Why and how?
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Re: Michael Vick's dogfighting. And the practices of that.
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2011, 05:07:57 am »
Because nobody will adopt them because they are vicious animals, so the pounds put them down using various methods. The dogs used for dog fighting are not meant to be pets.
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[7:31pm] adarq: ripp, being honest, it's hard for u to beat jcsbck, he's on fire lately
[7:31pm] adarq: he's just
[7:31pm] adarq: wrecking people
[7:31pm] adarq: daily

Say NO to Maroko

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