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50 cent loses 54 lb



true? wtf?

So how did he lose all the weight?

By going on an all liquid diet and taking daily three-hour-a-day walks on a treadmill for nine weeks. "I was starving," he tells Us Weekly. Now he's back on tour and says, "I've been eating. I'll be back in shape in no time!"

here's a b4 pic for yall unfamiliar:

wtf why did he do that


--- Quote from: zginphil on May 27, 2010, 02:37:34 pm ---wtf why did he do that

--- End quote ---

for a movie.. respect.

no respect


--- Quote from: zginphil on May 27, 2010, 03:11:11 pm ---no respect

--- End quote ---

how is that no respect? he's playing an athlete who gets cancer, in a movie.. so he's gone from normal/jacked to frail as fuck, christian bale did it in the machinist.. as an actor, that's hardcore.


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