Author Topic: Foods that bloat you, or wreck you  (Read 12361 times)

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Re: Foods that bloat you, or wreck you
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2017, 10:07:47 pm »
I'm starting to think bananas are wrecking me.. A few times lately, before or after a run, shortly after eating bananas, I can feel/see my stomach bloating up.

Last night & today are what "sealed the deal" .. after my race yesterday, no bananas. Just lots of other sugar etc. Anyway, by the time I did my evening run, I was crazy explosive. I felt very good. The crazy thing is, my stomach felt very empty, flat, and almost hunger pain-ish early on (then it disappeared), yet I was so reactive/loose/relaxed, it was a great feeling. Got home, had a banana + milk + coconut water, started getting a little bloat. Today I wakeup, very light bloat, but definitely some there.

Anyway, I do my recovery walk with light runs mixed in, feel great by the end. Get home, feel really good. I have 2% milk + 2 x bananas and immediately, stomach started bloating up.

Shortly after, I had a sweet potato, avocado, and eggs .. and my stomach started to become more comfortable.

Not sure but, it seems like lately, bananas are causing something.. It could be the milk, bananas, combo of bananas + milk, etc .. but for some reason I think it's the bananas. One other reason I think it's bananas, when I ate 6 one night, I could barely sleep. Mind/body was "racing". Stomach was uncomfortable. Obviously 6 bananas is alot, but it's just a "gut feeling" right now that bananas are wrecking me.

Going to cut out bananas for a few days & see what happens.

Banana boycott experiment started today @ ~7 PM. Curious to see how I feel.


My gut could also be getting wrecked from all of the miles i'm putting in .. but there's just something else going on, something(s) i'm eating that are causing it to freak out more lately. It got really bad around the 6th and has been freaking out alot since then. Lots of banana intake this last week.

ok ok.


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Re: Foods that bloat you, or wreck you
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2017, 09:42:53 pm »
Belongs here too:

Also just like to point out, first day on banana ban, felt overall MUCH better. I even had alot of 2% milk, which didn't cause anything. Felt really good in my morning session & my evening session.


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Re: Foods that bloat you, or wreck you
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2017, 09:46:07 pm »
Posting here as well .. this is more like, training that wrecks your gut, and then your gut wrecks you.