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Topics - avianchaos

Pages: [1]
ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Vertical Jumping
« on: August 15, 2011, 04:55:18 pm »
I just need some help guys!
I want to increase my vertical jump. The thing is i bought these two programs: Jump Manual and Vert Freak. I have this forum on all cell em outs and stuff. But the thing is i want to ask you guys, because i dont know how to increase my vj on my own, which program is better. I know you guys dont approve of any of the two trainers but if you absolutely had to advise someone and these were the only two ways to gain inches which program would be more effective and would give me better and sustained inches?
Vert Freak or Jump Manual?
Which trainer do u trust more?
And when boing terd coming out? If it comes out before August ends i can use that because i want to start trainign before September starts. Also, will it have videos and be the most effective jump training program?
Does vertical training increase your 40 yard time too?

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